Web Ergebnisse 1 - 100 von ungefähr 11.700 Seiten auf Deutsch fürla ola welle 04.Sep.2004 04.Sep.2004 Web Ergebnisse 1 - 100 von ungefähr 3.800.000 für „USA for Peace Now“ FAKE TERROR >>>THE ROAD TO >>DICTATORSHIP >>FAKE TERROR>>>THE ROAD TO>>DICTATORSHIP>>simple 002 Slaves of Our Desires the Guardian of London - Imperium USA Americansum Emergency Preparedness against the "Universal Adversary": A 07.Jun.2005 -recent- Report of USA Homeland Security Council entitled „Planning Scenarios“ describes in minute detail, the Bush [BGW968] administration's preparations in the case of a terrorist attack by an outside enemy named the „Universal Adversary“ (UA). 17.Jan.2005 Searched for „alamos“ : 1. Voting Machine Fiasco: SAIC + VoteHere + Diebold Voting Machine Fiasco 26.Jul.2003 in a article- writes AP correspondent Elliot Spagat, 03.Feb.1969 Beyster, Robert J. founded SAIC - according to the SAIC website -"with a couple of consulting contracts, 1 from Los Alamos + 1 from 00.000.2004 -Today- SAIC- Brookhaven National Labs," has racked up more than $5.9 billion in annual revenues. Bev Harris + her .." 14.Nov.2004 portland imc 2004.10.08 - How to hide a crime in plain sight https://www.wjh.harvard.edu/%7Ecfc/Simons1999.pdf 28, Perception, 1999, pages 1059-74. 08.Oct.2004 portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/10/299182.shtml THAT explains it! "Advantage is a better soldier than rashness." -Montjoy in Wm. Shakespeare's Henry V, 3.6.120 Y'know what's really unnerving? The "errors" always work to Bush [BGW968]'s favor. That pattern tells you that these "errors" didn't happen by mistake 00.000.1871-00.000.1945 Valery, Paul (French poet, essayist + critic) "War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other“ "War is a quarrel between two thieves too cowardly to fight their own battle; therefore they take boys from one village + another village, stick them into uniforms, equip them with guns + let them loose like wild beasts against each other." Thomas Carlyle 00.000.1957 General Douglas MacArthur, "War: "Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear -kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor -with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it ..." 09.Sep.2004 Baluyevsky added that Russia's choice of action "will be determined by the concrete situation where ever it may be in the world.URL: https://sg.news.yahoo.com/040908/1/3mzlv.html 29.Jul.1915 Die sozialdemokratische Landtagsfraktion stimmt dem württembergischen Landesetat zu, weil die Regierung mit der Vorlage über die Einführung einer Vermögenssteuer in Württemberg eine alte sozialdemokratische Forderung erfüllt + dabei nach dem Grundsatz gehandelt habe, die weniger leistungsfähigen Klassen der Bevölkerung zu schonen. https://library.fes.de/fulltext/bibliothek/chronik/band1/e235e917.html 17.Sep.2004 BBC planning to open source its archives 30.Jul.2004 Memo to Kerry [KFJ966] + Bush [BGW968] https://www.counterpunch.org/robespierre07302004.html 00.000.1791 Signed, The Incorruptible Paris, Why They Resist -By ROBESPIERRE, MAXIMILIEN The most extravagant idea that can be born in the head of a political thinker is to believe that it suffices for people to enter, weapons in hand, among a foreign people and expect to have its laws and constitution embraced. It is in the nature of things that the progress of Reason is slow + no one loves armed missionaries; the first lesson of nature and prudence is to repulse them as enemies. One can encourage freedom, never create it by an invading force. 28.Feb.2003 Blogg UN SICHERHEIT SPRÜCHE-SAYINGS– DITADOS 29.Jan.2003Überblick-Overview-Resumo- * - 10.Mär.2003 Imperialismus sans Phrase Theoretische Modelle des Universums MYSUPERTIMELINESTART20030613MYSUPERTIMELINESTART MYSUPERTIMELINESTART20030613MYSUPERTIMELINESTART -> DRUCKVERSION < Printable > Election 9/11: Surreal Political Theater 20.Jul.2004 KRIEG S GRÜNDE IRAK - Mehrheit der UK Briten hält B liar, Tony für einen Lügner - UK Butler-Bericht hat Blair, Tony zwar entlastet, doch deutlich mehr als 50 % aller UK Briten glaubt: Ihr UK Premierminister hat ZUR Begründung SEINES UK Krieges IM Irak gelogen. Etw 50 % UK Briten halten den IRAK + USA +UK+,*,*Krieg zudem für nicht gerecht fertig t 15.Jun.1215 The Magna Carta The Great Charter of English Liberty, Granted by King John at Runnymede 00.000.1953 USA Zapata OIL extraction company founded by George H. W. Bush [BGHW948] 00.000.1963 Zapata + Penn merge + form Pennzoil. 00.000.1966 Bush [BGHW948] sold his Pennzoil shares. 00.000.0000 -Some believe Zapata to have been involved with covert CIA operations, including Bay of Pigs. 00.000.1981 all government intelligence files on Zapata Oil were purged + 00.000.1981 -Shortly after Bush [BGHW948] became Reagan, Ronald's Vice President 00.May 2000 SKULL & BONES SIGNIFICANT REVELATIONS ON KEYNAMES S&B [s&b322] 00.000.0000 Bush[BGW968],G.W.e.a.THE_CROCODILES_QUOTE$&REMEDIE$_$AMPLER !! Warnung : Hier wird versucht, Dir ein „U“ als ein „X“ vorzumachten !! 19.Feb.2001 NEWSWEEK INTER NATIONAL EDITION -> STINgING GUN -> No.1/conteudo_gallery/gallery01 00.000.1981 USA Newsweek+Washington Post Owners ack Knowledge Cop p+Opp + Erration +U SA+CIA 19.Feb.2001 NEWSWEEK EDITION - STINKING GUN #1 SAYS_NO_TO_WHORE 01:Freitas do Amaral <<conteudo1>> INDEX>><<RAW<<<<YOU ARE>>>>>HERE>>> 27.Jan.2003USA nicht=Ermittler+Richter+Henker=zugleich ! 13.Aug.2004 24.Dez.2002 SPRÜCHE ZUR LAGE - ..und morgen die ganze welt.. “Der Irak ist nur das erste Ziel“ 25.Mar.2002 Slaves of Our Desires - The Guardian of London- 25.Mär.2003 Die Krise des USA USA Kapitalismus +der Irak Krieg-> 03.Nov.2002 USA in denial as poverty rises-engl-UK 22.Nov.2002 Das Web wurde durchsucht nach Bush + Dulles + Gehlen + Harriman 07.Feb.2002 The starting point today MASTER 26.JAN.2003 FACTSAMPLERDAYLYXTRKS 06.Oct.2002 Bernays,Edward L.'Father of PR + Propaganda'-e.a. Warum USA Amerikaner fast alles glauben -D- Why USA Americans Will Believe Almost Anything -UK- Corporate Propaganda experts see people as "a herd waiting to be laid" Bernays, Edward L. impact-public relations Propaganda in USA America Bernays, Edward L. Freud's USA American nephew disciple BERNAYS EDWARD L NETWORK of RELATIONS, BERNAYS, MURRAY C- 25.Nov.2002 Expanded Perspectives Cel 04.Dec.2002 Greenpeace continues to campaign - 29.Nov.2002 Stop the Bryzantio NOW! 15.Jan.2003 The USA USA of America Has GoneMad 08.Jan.2003 Ex-Bush speechwriter: I was to provide a justification for war USA NY Americanindustrialist + fiie...lanthropi$$$ed 00.Aug.1915-19150800_Schleich_C_Ludwig_Schaltwerk_Propaganda_01[PROP] 00.000.1923 POLITPROP: Goebbels' Principles of Propaganda [prop] 13.Mai.2003 The Cabal - Selektive Geheimdienstinformationen 11.Sep.2001-01.Mar.2003 „See No Evil“-What Bush [BGW968] Didn't (Want To) Know About 00.000.1940 148_151_Doppelstaat, Fraenkel, Ernst, USA 1940 28.Nov.1999 Rockefeller - Murder by Injection Western Massachusetts IMC: newswire/392 06.Sep.2001 20010906_drugs_impunity_cia 19.Sep.2001 20010912_predicted_911 10.Feb.2003 Lies Father, Lies Son -updte-Remarks to the 2nd edition – Sep. Bush [BGW968] - ANTI -AKTIV Bush [BGW968] George Dubya Bushisms -Need SORTING! 04.Apr.2003 ÚLTIMAS NOTÍCIAS Charles Russell [Lord Killowen] Jesus&family values 25.Apr.2003 [ATTAC-PRESS] Declaration of Attac in Europe for Evian G8-Summit 01.Appell des Vorsitzenden Joao Pedro Stédile gegen den USA-UK_Irak Krieg Morgenstern,Susie geb.1945 Als ich erstmal sechzehn war GREENPEACE-CYBER-ACTION ! HELP STOP A WAR https://www.greenpeace.org/campaigns/intro?campaign_id= The Dissenting Internet - progressive "log-ons" we visit regularly-all_recommended BUSH [BGW968] SAYINGS-Truth-Jeder hat das Recht, sich selbst zu verteidigen Boden für Crash an Wall St. im vierten Quartal bereitet, USA also faktisch pleite Kissinger,H.-illegal right now;unconstitutional-take a little longer Neue Bush [BGW968]-Doktrin im strengen,objektiven Sinn des Wortes imperialistisch Stadtler, Eduard- Weltrevolutionskrieg, Düsseldorf 1937 00.000.1940 BUCK ACT - to CREATE a FEDERAL AEREA 00.Jun.1999 Bush [BGW968] - Militärmacht wiederherstellen07.Dec.2002 The Israelization of America 00.000.0870 URKUNDEN Treaty at Aix Between Louis II & Charles the Bald Concerning the Division of the Kingdom of Lothar II 02.Dec.2002 'Osama's 'Letter to USA America' „View from the left“- The Smirking Chimp 02.Dec.2002 Privacy concerns push USA conservatives to ACLU - The Register-Guard, Eugene, Oregon, USA 02.Dec.2002 Safra,Edmond Nurse,m,jailed for billionaire's death 02.Dec.2002 USA Senators WARN - More terrorism if war starts 07.Dec.2002 PEARL HARBOR DAY LETTERS TO „WHAT REALLY HAPPENED“ 08.Nov.2002 Extinction fears stalk the big wild cats of EUROPE, Esp 17.May 2002 Bush [BGW968] Is Lying A BUZZFLASH NEWS ANALYSIS 21.Dec.2001 Bush [BGW968]“,“G“.“W“.“-Fabulous year for Laura + me 24.May 2002 Bush [BGW968] on S.Hussein, 25.May.2002-Guardian-USA spraying nerve gas on USA-sailors 19.Sep.2002 Transcript from USA"Senate 'Armed Services Committee'"Hearing 07.Dec. 2002-11.Sep.2001 COMMISSION Inquiry Recommends USA Intelligence Changes 28.Jul.2002 the bush nazi coke moonie connection New Compelling Evidence Of Roswell UFO Crash 12.Dez.2002 DOW + BHOPAL Message of Greenpeace web editor Tom Dowdall 29.Nov.2002 STOP BrIZANTIO NOW ! 29.Jan.2002 Bush [BGW968] asked Sen.Maj.Lead.T.DaschleD personally to limit 11.Sep.2001 probes ! ! ! 28.Sep.2002 Heute in den Feuilletons 00.000.0000-20040814->USA+Nazi+CoNNecti-ON#01 19.Sep.2002 Flung under the flags of evil - 7th day adventists role in ruanda genocide ? ? 24.Jan.2003 Die Kriegsszenarien der Investoren 07.Feb.2003 Problem mit den Massen Vernichtung s [W Bush [BGW968]]. Affe n 15.feb.2003 Gemeinsam gestalten wir...->Antik Krieg<->sS<-->FRIEDEN--> WHO NEEDS VOTERS ? my sub : <Rockhit,Fellow !> 15.Februar 2003 Eine andere Welt ist möglich! - 09.Feb.2003 Schweinfurt - U$ -$oldat täU$chte Anschlag auf sich vor - WIE DER HERR_S O S GESCHERR- 08.Feb.2001 Saddam + der Hühnerdieb -Vom Wert des Beweises vor Gericht + im UN- Sicherheitsrat Anders als sonst in Menschenköpfen My Photo Gallery! Anfy preview Forget it ALL :Stop looking for : „SMOKING GUNS“ + „WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION“=„PROPAGANDA“ -- And SEE : THE SMOKE SCREEN --Best way to hide a tree is to plant a FOREST Best way to hide a smoking gun is A SMOKE SCREEN REAGAN could have told You that – Everybody from Hollywood knows it. -PICTURE No.1 : A human Brain - PICTURE No.2 : The Internet 00.000.19-- Orwell, George, Author:"The process has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision,but it also has to be unconscious,or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity & hence of guilt.To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient + then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality + all the while to take account of the reality which one denies- all this is indispensably necessary." "1984“ 06.Aug.2004 -yesterday-finally for the first time- Mr. Bush [BGW968] spoke the truth in his administration. At the signing of the 417.000.000.000 $ „defense“ spending bill, Bush [BGW968] had this to say: They never stop thinking of ways to harm our country "Our enemies are in no VvaY tHiEveS [REVOLUTIONARIES] + resourceful + so are we. They never stop thinking of ways to harm our country + our people + neither do we." |