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06.Nov.2004 Moore. "Wenn die Medien nach einem Trend Ausschau halten, dann sollten sie das berücksichtigen:

Dass so viele USA Amerikaner - zum ersten Mal seit Kennedy - bereit waren, einen waschechten Liberalen zu wählen."

Das Land sei immer schon voller konservativer Evangelisten gewesen; das, so Moore, sei keine Neuigkeit.

"Eine Neuigkeit ist, dass so viele Leute sich einem Liberalen aus Massachusetts zugewandt haben."
06.Nov.2004 -heute- Michael Moore, Polit-Aktivist + Satiriker ("Fahrenheit 9/11"), veröffentlichte auf seiner
Website eine Liste mit

"17 Reasons Not to Slit Your Wrists" - 17 Gründe, sich nach Bush [BGW968] s Sieg nicht die Handgelenke aufzuschlitzen.
Mut machen, nicht verzweifeln, lautet die Devise.

Zur Einleitung zitiert Moore aus dem Monty-Python-Film "Das Leben des Brian": "Always look on the bright side of life!", rät er den Kerry-Anhängern + Bush [BGW968]-Gegnern +:

"Es GIBT einige gute Nachrichten von der Wahl am 02.Nov.2004 Dienstag".
Was dann folgt, ist größtenteils selbstironisch und amüsant, teils haarsträubend komisch + manchmal ein wenig bemüht optimistisch.

These eins: "Es ist gegen das Gesetz, dass Bush [BGW968] noch einmal für die Präsidentschaft kandidiert". Laut USA Recht darf ein USA Präsident nur zwei Amtszeiten absolvieren.
Bush [BGW968]s deutlichen Vorsprung von 3,5 Millionen Wählerstimmen gegenüber Kerry [KFJ966] sieht Moore nicht als überragenden Sieg:

00.000.1916-02.Nov.2004 -seit- Wilson, Woodrow " Bush [BGW968] s Triumph war der knappste Gewinn für einen amtierenden USA Präsidenten.

" Bei 300 Millionen USA Amerikanern, von denen 200 Millionen wahlberechtigt sind, so Moore, seien dreieinhalb Millionen Stimmen Vorsprung "kein Erdrutsch":

"Ich meine: Wir haben es fast geschafft! Stellt Euch vor, wir hätten mit 20 Millionen verloren."
"Wir haben den Großteil der Frischwasser-Vorräte"

Ein paar weitere Beispiele:
These 3: "Die einzige USA Altersgruppe, in der die Mehrheit für Kerry [KFJ966] gestimmt hat,

waren die jungen Erwachsenen (Kerry [KFJ966]: 54 %, Bush [BGW968] : 44 %), was

einmal mehr beweist, dass eure Eltern immer unrecht haben + ihr niemals auf sie hören solltet."
These 6: "Michigan hat für Kerry [KFJ966] gestimmt!

Genauso wie der gesamte Nordosten, die Geburtsstätte unserer Demokratie; genauso wie sechs der acht Great-Lakes-Staaten.

Und die gesamte Westküste! Plus Hawaii. OK, das ist ein Anfang.

Wir haben den Großteil der Frischwasser-Vorräte, den ganzen Broadway + Mount St. Helens.

Wir können sie also dehydrieren oder unter Lava begraben. Und keine Musical-Soundtracks mehr!"
These 12: "Gebt es zu: Wir mögen die Bush [BGW968] -Zwillinge + wollen nicht, dass sie verschwinden."URL:,1518,druck-326539,00.html
06.Nov.2004 Democracy Now! Special Broadcast: Reaction to Kerry[KFJ966]'s Concession and the election of George W Bush [BGW968] :

We speak with Howard Zinn, Phyllis Bennis, Leslie Cagan, Julian Bond, Mahdi Bray, Michael Ratner, Rahul Mahajan, Mustafa Barghouti, Paul Reickoff, Norman Solomon + much more.

03.Nov.2004 Kerry [KFJ966] concedes in nail-biter election where Bush [BGW968] wins popular vote

06.Nov.2004 Republicans Expand Hold on Congress, Oust Daschle: Democrat Tom Daschle became the first Senate leader in a half century to be voted out of office, according to network projections.

06.Nov.2004 Latest Presidential Election Results By State

06.Nov.2004 The US will now be ruled by the imperial party: The Republican Party has become the party not just of big government, but of global government.

If, as seems likely, USA President follows the neo-conservative agenda + takes his war of "liberation" beyond Iraq - Syria + Iran seem to be the next targets - the transformation of USA Republican Party will be complete:

06.Nov.2004 Pepe Escobar : Damn politics, let's dance: Fasten your seat belts: it's going to be a bumpy ride. Control of the presidency, Senate, House. A popular mandate. Four more years. Possibly four more wars.

In a nutshell, chief strategist Karl Rove got the evangelicals out in force.

According to a series of Gallup polls, 42% of Americans declare themselves evangelicals or born-again Christians. Bush [BGW968] always had a head start of 42%.

06.Nov.2004 A Dark Day in America: Bush [BGW968] wins:  We deserve the government we elected, we deserve the corruption, fearmongering + war-waging that will occur in the 2nd term, we deserve every single part.

06.Nov.2004 Post-mortem Let the disobedience begin : seems the shorter of the two rich straight white male Yale-educated war criminals won, huh? The rancher beat the windsurfer.

06.Nov.2004 Divide and rule ... for now : Bush [BGW968] has dismayed half the USA public +, I'm sure, much of the world by apparently winning the election.
06.Nov.2004 Wall Street applauds Bush [BGW968] victory: USA stocks powered ahead 02.N0v.2004 Wednesday as Senator Kerry[KFJ966] called President Bush [BGW968] to concede the presidential election.

06.Nov.2004 Factory Orders Fall for 2nd Straight Month: Orders placed with USA factories fell for the second consecutive month in Sep.2004 , the first back-to-back decline in two years. Demand dropped sharply for manufactured goods other than defense materials, the Commerce Department reported Wednesday.

06.Nov.2004 Defense stocks surge after Bush [BGW968] win: 02.N0v.2004 Wednesday Defense stocks jumped higher in what one analyst called a "relief rally" following President Bush [BGW968] 's re-election.

06.Nov.2004 Oil jumps more than $1 : Oil prices surged more than $1 on Wednesday as the re-election of USA President Bush [BGW968] countered the impact of a big increase in spare oil supplies ahead of winter

06.Nov.2004 Canadian dollar surges more than a cent as US$ beaten up post-election : Canadians looking to exchange their money for USA bucks + a holiday got a bonus from the USA election 02.N0v.2004 Wednesday when currency markets ganged up on the USA currency to drive the dollar up more than one USA cent.

06.Nov.2004 Writer says Bush [BGW968] , Blair war criminals: Sydney Peace Prize winner Arundhati Roy labelled Bush [BGW968] + Blair, Tony war criminals as she lashed Iraqi coalition leaders, including Australian Prime Minister Howard, John.

06.Nov.2004 Bush [BGW968] 's Win Could Boost His Foreign Policy : Armed with a clearer mandate than the disputed 00.000.2000 election, President Bush [BGW968] may well use a second term to advance the robust conservative foreign policy "revolution" he launched four years ago

06.Nov.2004 White House Claims Mandate for Bush [BGW968] Agenda: The White House claimed a second-term mandate Thursday for President Bush [BGW968] 's agenda to keep taxes low and revamp Social Security

06.Nov.2004 Get yer evangelicals out : Clearly, Karl Rove got his four million evangelical Christians.

That is the number reckoned to have stayed away from the polls in 00.000.2000 + by coincidence, almost exactly Bush [BGW968] 's margin in the popular vote in 02.Nov.2004 .

06.Nov.2004 Arafat reported clinically dead: Palestinian President Yasser Arafat has been determined to be clinically dead in a French hospital, Israel's Channel Two television said citing French sources.

06.Nov.2004 Israel Preparing for Death of Arafat : Israel said there is no doubt that when he dies, he will not be buried in Jerusalem.

06.Nov.2004 Profile: President Yasir Arafat: While the ageing leader has long served as a symbol of resistance to many Palestinians, his role in the ongoing conflict has been anything but merely symbolic.

06.Nov.2004 Barak is back ; Ehud Barak announced that he was returning to Israeli politics. “I intend to run for the leadership of Israel Labor Party + lead it back to power,”

Israel Radio quoted Barak as telling Shimon Peres,

06.Nov.2004 Israel's Gaza commander resigns: Brig Gen Shmuel Zakai is believed to have told reporters that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ordered an operation in Gaza that the army thought unnecessary.

06.Nov.2004 Why Sharon's smile?: "I'm not certain that he's right in smiling that smile, but the assumption is

that 'We know Bush [BGW968] + Bush [BGW968] , at least in his basic instinct as religious, as an evangelical, leans in our direction."

06.Nov.2004 Arundhati Roy: What we call peace is little better than capitulation to a corporate coup : The Iraq war is a sign that the world has lost the will to fight for true justice

06.Nov.2004 Politicus: Now it's payback time for Bush [BGW968] 's staunch allies : A Russian expressing "joy" at USAs presidential choice has to find his reward.

Berlusconi, Silvio, subject of so much condescension among Europeans, has held the line in Italy while under heavy fire about Iraq + gets some kind of serious favor down the line. But it is Tony Blair who is owed the moon.

06.Nov.2004 USA voters 'out of step': The re-election of a war-mongering president shows Americans are "out of step" with the rest of the world, says a UK Liberal MP infamous for her blistering attacks on Bush [BGW968]

06.Nov.2004 Some Bush [BGW968] Supporters Say They Anticipate a 'Revolution' : Some of the intellectual proponents of the war known as neoconservatives called the vote something close to a vindication of Mr. Bush [BGW968]'s policy of pre-emptive action against potential sponsors of terrorism

06.Nov.2004 06.Nov.2004 Report: Troops Watched Al-Qaqaa Looting : Explosives were looted from the Al-Qaqaa ammunitions site in Iraq while outnumbered USA soldiers assigned to guard the materials watched helplessly, soldiers told the Los Angeles Times.

06.Nov.2004 Before Arafat's eternal rest : From my standpoint, he had been admirable in doing the best he could with the cards stacked against him in Washington and Tel Aviv, yet was treated like a pariah among the leaders of the Arab world.

06.Nov.2004 Intimidating Columbia University: the latest target in an ongoing witch-hunt launched by pro-Israel groups within USA academia is Joseph Massad, assistant professor at Columbia University + Al-Ahram Weekly contributing writer,

06.Nov.2004 Missing evidence could foil Saddam prosecution, claims report : Crucial evidence for the forthcoming trials of Saddam Hussein + other senior Iraqi officials is likely to have been lost or tainted because USA-led forces have failed to safeguard official documents + the remains of victims in mass graves.

06.Nov.2004 on Thursday for „security reasons“ USA closes Syrian embassy : The USA has closed its embassy in Damascus, the mission said in a website statement.

06.Nov.2004 Chalmers Johnson on the CIA and a blowback world: No longer will Cheney, Dick have to pay visits to Langley, Virginia + lean on CIA analysts to produce the kind of intelligence a Veep might need;

not now that the President has his man, Republican loyalist Goss, Porter J. heading up CIA Agency + a second term in hand.

06.Nov.2004 How to Vote for Peace, Against the Patriot Act + Win Elections -Only one USA Senator had the courage + the commitment to civil liberties to vote against the Patriot Act 11.Sep.2001 -in the weeks after the terror attacks of- Pop quiz, quick, name that Senator!

06.Nov.2004 Guilty, Disgusted, America: Terrorism? Please, if you live in Mississippi or Colorado or Alaska, don't presume to talk about, much less cast your vote based upon, your "views" of Islamist terrorism.

New Yorkers don't lecture you about hunting.

06.Nov.2004 'New Europe' Reacts to Bush [BGW968] Victory: Former Eastern European communist states were weighing what the re-election of Bush [BGW968] as US president means to the “New Europe”, with some countries wearying of being allies on the ground in Iraq.

06.Nov.2004 Dollar back on course: downward : Now that the dust has settled, the currency is back on its long-term path: downward. According to most economists, it is likely to stay there over the next four years.

06.Nov.2004 Dollar falls to nine-year lows: The dollar fell to fresh nine-year lows in trade-weighted terms on Thursday + gold prices reached a 16-year peak amid concerns over tensions in the Middle East + a renewed belief in the dollar's longer-term decline.

06.Nov.2004 USA job cuts top 100,000: USA employers announced 101,840 layoffs.

Although that's down 5.6 6 from 00.Sep.2004 s announced cuts, it marks the second consecutive month in which employers have crossed the 100,000 mark with planned layoffs.

06.Nov.2004 Media Cover-up: Leading Journalists Expose Major Cover-ups by Media Corporations

06.Nov.2004 More strain, more stress for US forces: The typical active-duty US soldier in a deployable unit could literally spend the majority of the next three to four years abroad.

06.Nov.2004 Robin Cook : Bush [BGW968] will now celebrate by putting Falluja to the torch : The world is fated to four more years of brutal confrontation

06.Nov.2004 Democracy Now Repoart: Arafat in Coma "Between Life and Death": We speak with Palestinian Stanford University professor Khalil Barhoum, Israeli professor Neve Gordon and we go to Ramallah to speak with Israeli journalist Amira Hass

06.Nov.2004 Rare Sight of Jewish-Muslim Harmony Outside Arafat Hospital : “We are here to express our solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters,” said Friedmann, the chief rabbi of the Orthodox Jewish community in the Austrian capital. “We feel very ashamed of the barbarity being done against the Palestinian people,” said Friedmann

06.Nov.2004 The sick man of the world’s democracies: Looking at the huge queues outside polling stations on 02.Nov.2004 I had to ask myself some simple questions.

How many Europeans would have left such queues, refusing to wait for up to seven hours (as happened in some places in Ohio) to cast their votes?

06.Nov.2004 Group Finds Voting Irregularities in South : A national voting rights group said Friday it documented hundreds of voting irregularities affecting poor and minority voters in seven Southern states - from long lines and faulty equipment to deliberate voter intimidation.

06.Nov.2004 Computer Glitch Gives Bush [BGW968] 3,893 Extra Votes : Error Will Not Change Election Outcome

06.Nov.2004 Computer Loses More Than 4,000 Early Votes: More than 4,500 Carteret County votes have been lost because officials believed a computer that stored ballots electronically could hold more data than it did.

06.Nov.2004 Electronic Voting: The Stolen Election of 2004: It Is a Rigged Game

06.Nov.2004 Footprints of Electoral Fraud: The 02.N0v.2004 Wednesday Exit Poll Scam

05.Nov.2004 Greg Palast: Kerry [KFJ966] Won. Here are the Facts.: I know you don't want to hear it. You can't face one more hung chad. But I don't have a choice.

As a journalist examining that messy sausage called USA democracy,

it's my job to tell you who got the most votes in the deciding states.

02.Nov.2004 Tuesday in Ohio + New Mexico, it was Kerry [KFJ966].

06.Nov.2004 Sheila Samples : The Last Battle: So that's it, then.

Like Kerry [KFJ966] says, it's time to get over it.

Move on. Get on with our lives + our jobs - let the healing begin. Sounds good, John.

But I don't intend to budge until all the votes are counted, because when I started this journey I committed for the long haul.

06.Nov.2004 Russian Observer Shocked by USA Election Procedures: A Russian parliamentarian taking part in international monitoring of the USA presidential elections has said that the elections were held in violation of USA law + that that he was shocked after seeing how the elections were held.

00.Nov.2008-06.Nov.2004 A four-year nightmare : It is not anti-American to reject this imperial power

06.Nov.2004 A moral dilemma : The evangelical churches became instruments of political organisation.

Ideology was enforced as theology, turning nonconformity into sin + the faithful, following voter guides with biblical literalism, were shepherded to the polls as though to the rapture.

06.Nov.2004 Religious right relishes chance to push agenda : Abortion and gay marriage to be targeted as moral crusaders demand election payback

06.Nov.2004 The depressing reality of this messianic President's new empire: What will he do with his second term? The one thing you can rule out is that he will seek to heal political divisions

06.Nov.2004 Two US Marines die in Iraq combat: Two US Marines

06.Nov.2004 Moral Values Morons -Under the Geneva Conventions, occupying armies have a responsibility (i.e., a moral duty), to count the number of people killed on the other side. USA forces in Iraq have not done so.

06.Nov.2004 The Morality of Fear: How do you attack God's minions without appearing Godless?

06.Nov.2004 The Day the Enlightenment Went Out: 00.000.2000 President Bush [BGW968] promised that he would lead a humble country, be a uniter not a divider, that he would make conservatism compassionate.

He did not need to make such false promises this time.

06.Nov.2004 Cowering in anticipation of what America might do next : Will USA Bush [BGW968] White House, having flattened Falluja, start an aerial bombardment of Iran, as some of its neo-con cheerleaders have been hinting + ferment an even wider backlash across the region?

06.Nov.2004 Fascism Anyone?: Analysis of these seven regimes reveals fourteen common threads that link them in recognizable patterns of national behavior and abuse of power.

06.Nov.2004 Despotism & Democracy : Measures how a society ranks on a spectrum stretching from democracy to despotism.

Where does your community, state + nation stand on these scales?

06.Nov.2004 Video: President Bush [BGW968]'s One Fingered Victory Salute:

06.Nov.2004 Fmr. CPA Adviser on Iraq Invasion : "One of the Most Irresponsible Exhibitions of Poor Planning In Recent History"

06.Nov.2004 A new minority: : Kerry [KFJ966] called for unity, but living with the enemy is not easy for his followers

06.Nov.2004 Arafat Slowly, Fatally Poisoned: Sources: Arafat's personal physician, Dr. Ashraf Kurdi, told Aljazeera on air that “the Arafat’s health condition makes the poisoning a strong possibility”.
06.Nov.2004 You can't Say That! Hello: You Are Now Living In A Fascist Empire What few people in USA understand, despite the astute observations of millions of individuals around the world, is that we are living in an empire + we are no longer living in a democracy. Continued

06.Nov.2004 Election 2004: Americans Endorse War, Religious Fanaticism And State Terrorism

“Speaking the Truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell. Continued


00.000.1934-06.Nov.2004 hatte kein USA-Präsident die Mehrheit in beiden Häusern des Kongresses, im Repräsentantenhaus wie im Senat.

Obwohl die Partei des USA Präsidenten bei den so genannten Midterm-Elections regelmässig Sitze abgibt, 02.Nov.2004 legten dieUSA Republikaner ausnahmsweise zu.
Wall-Street-Schluss: Kurse nach starken Arbeitsmarktdaten im Plus

06.Nov.2004 Irak: Islamistische Gruppe ruft zur Freilassung Hassans auf

06.Nov.2004 USA: Terrorabwehr-Koordinator tritt zurück

06.Nov.2004 Historische Erklärung: Chiles Heer gesteht Menschenrechtsverletzungen ein

06.Nov.2004 US-Wahl: Bush [BGW968] gewinnt auch Iowa

06.Nov.2004 Umfragen: Union und FDP verspielen ihren Vorsprung

06.Nov.2004 US-Kongress: Der kleine Held aus Süd-Dakota

06.Nov.2004 Teure Währung: Bush [BGW968]-Sieg treibt Euro auf Allzeithoch

06.Nov.2004 Dutroux-Opfer Dardenne: "Ich lebte auf Bewährung"

06.Nov.2004 OSZE-Beobachter in USA: "Venezuela hat bessere Wahlcomputer"