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11.Nov.2004 Diebold Election Systems report on Disinfopedia , Niagara Buzz article,
"The Not So Good Part of the Cali Recall Delay," used as a source and quoted. URL: 

05.Nov.2004 To All Concerned Americans: Will it be r/evolution or civil war? *First published Memorial Day, 2004 .
My mistake six months ago was underestimating how successful the regime’s propaganda really was + how many more people lead faith-based rather than reason-based lives in this country.

I also didn’t believe the electoral fix was hardened in such concrete...

I think the opportunity for r/evolution has passed + ominous historical forces are plunging us toward civil war...

Osama bin Laden’s aim of bankrupting America seems redundant.

His aim, if he’s not still under the regime’s employ, might be to wake us up...

The giant, dreaming through a long night, is now facing its pre-dawn nightmare. URL: https://p2.hostingprod.com/@bastardpolitics.com/index.html
11.Nov.2004 ''Even if Fallujah has to go the way of Carthage, reduced to shards, the price will be worth it'', wrote one neo-conservative former military officer, Ralph Peters, in the 'New York Post', while the Wall Street Journal's editorial page declared the insurgents ''have to be killed if Iraq is ever going to be able to hold free elections''. URL: https://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/1109-01.htm
11.Nov.2004 ''One part of the country cannot remain under the rule of assassins ... and the remnants of (former Iraqi President) Saddam Hussein'', declared Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld at a press conference Monday.

''You can't have a country if you have a safe haven for people who chop people's heads off. These folks are determined. They're killers. They chop people's heads off. They're getting money from around the world. They're getting recruits''.

Rumsfeld was careful to stress that victory in the battle of Fallujah would not end the insurgency.

But he argued that if successful elections are held in 00.Jan.2005 as a result of defeating the insurgents there, a ''tipping point'' in securing Iraq could be reached,

similar to one he said had been reached in Afghanistan, where unexpectedly smooth polls were carried out last month URL: https://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/1109-01.htm
11.Nov.2004 ''So, in going forward with the campaign, U.S. forces are really shooting themselves in the foot'', Cole added,

noting that while U.S. forces clearly defeated the ragtag Mehdist militia of Muqtada al-Sadr in Najaf in 00.Aug.2004 it also succeeded in boosting the young cleric's political standing within + even beyond the majority Shiite community to unprecedented heights, according to surveys taken the following month.

That, of course, is not the way the Bush administration sees either Operation Phantom Fury (soon to be renamed ''New Dawn'') or last August's Najaf campaign, which it has depicted as both a military + a political victory because of Sadr's tentative decision to take part in January's vote and the militia's partial disarmament in Baghdad's Sadr City. URL: https://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/1109-01.htm
11.Nov.2004 In particular, the operation, especially if bloody and protracted, will almost certainly further alienate the Sunni population, who constitute about 20 percent of Iraq's 25 million people, not to mention the much larger Sunni communities in neighboring countries, including Saudi Arabia, the Gulf emirates, Jordan, Syria and Turkey.

''The entire Arab public opinion, which had hoped for Bush's (electoral) defeat, has been watching developments carefully'', noted As'ad Abukhalil, an Iraq specialist at the University of California at Berkeley. ''But now they will see the scenes of carnage on live TV contrasted with the celebratory ambiance in Washington, DC.''

The campaign also threatens to split the interim Iraqi government whose president, Ghazi al-Yawer, has opposed a major offensive and last April threatened to resign after hundreds of civilians were reported killed when U.S. Marines last tried to take Fallujah. URL: https://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/1109-01.htm

11.Nov.2004 Opel-Krise: Rot-Grün fordert Entlassung von Managern

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-327380,00.html
11.Nov.2004 Tel Aviv - Die israelische Zeitung "Jediot Achronot" berichtet, Vanunu werde verdächtigt, Journalisten geheime Informationen übermittelt zu haben.

Damit habe er gegen Bestimmungen verstoßen, die ihm nach seiner Freilassung im April auferlegt worden waren. Demnach durfte er weder Interviews geben noch sich mit Ausländern treffen.
00.000.1986 hatte die israelische Regierung Vanunu in Rom entführen lassen, nachdem er der britischen "Sunday Times" geheime Informationen über den israelischen Atomreaktor in Dimona übergeben hatte.

Angesichts der strengen Auflagen nach seiner Freilassung hatte Vanunu in mehreren Ländern politisches Asyl beantragt.
11.Nov.2004 "Wir haben das ungute Gefühl, dass wir nur die Spitze des Eisbergs sehen", sagt Cindy Cohn, die Justitiarin der Bürgergruppe Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Auch die Watchdog-Gruppe People for the American Way (PFAW) beklagt eine "irreparable Beschädigung der Bürgerrechte".

Doch je länger die Wahl zurückliegt, desto schwerer fällt es, all diese Meldungen sinnvoll auseinander zu sortieren.
Zumal die meisten etablierten US-Medien offenbar beschlossen haben, die Sache vorerst auf sich beruhen zu lassen.

Selbst das linke Wochenblatt "Nation" beantwortet seine eigene Überschrift "Wurde die Wahl gestohlen?" mit einem zögerlichen "wahrscheinlich nicht".

Greg Palasts These vom Stimmenklau in Ohio, schreibt "Nation"-Politikchef David Corn, sei "höchst unwahrscheinlich" + "vielleicht der Beginn eines Falls, aber kein Fall für sich".
"Die großen Medien leiden an einem Blackout", kritisiert dagegen David Swanson, der Medienkoordinator der Journalistenvereinigung ILCA.

Nur ein paar Lokalzeitungen + TV-Sender blieben dem Thema noch auf den Fersen.

Dabei sei der Skandal doch nicht nur, ob die Unregelmäßigkeiten das Wahlergebnis verändert hätten, sondern

dass es überhaupt zu Unregelmäßigkeiten gekommen sei.
Nicht alle haben aufgegeben. Die drei demokratischen Kongressabgeordneten John Conyers, Jerrold Nadler und Robert Wexler haben den US-Rechnungshof GAO jetzt aufgefordert, den Zweifeln am Ablauf der Wahl "dringend" nachzugehen. "Wir bekommen täglich neue Beschwerden", schrieben sie am Dienstag in einem Brief an GAO-Chef David Walker. "Bisher sind es über 30.000."
Bushs Vorsprung - 3,5 Millionen Stimmen
Doch selbst wenn zehntausende Stimmen falsch gezählt oder unterschlagen worden sein sollten bleibt festzuhalten:

Nach dem bisherigen Ergebnis hat Präsident Bush bei der US-Wahl am 02.Nov.2004 59,7 Millionen Stimmen erhalten - sein Herausforderer John Kerry nur 56,2 Millionen.

Und niemand behauptet bisher, dass bei der Wahl mehr als 3,5 Millionen manipuliert wurden.

Nach absoluten Stimmen hat Bush die Wahl also klar gewonnen.
Zum Sieg in Ohio - und damit zur Mehrheit der Wahlmännerstimmen - hätten Kerry zwar rund 130.000 zusätzliche Stimmen genügt, doch auch dieser Vorsprung Bushs war den Demokraten viel zu groß, um sich erneut auf juristische Scharmützel einzulassen. Bisher. URL: 
11.Nov.2004 Blackout der großen Medien ? URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-327359,00.html
11.Nov.2004 Die Bürgergruppe Count Every Vote 2004 (CEV2004) hat Hunderte "Unregelmäßigkeiten" in rund 700 Wahllokalen in den Südstaaten protokolliert, wo Bush kräftig abräumte: lange Wartezeiten, mechanische Defekte, nicht genügend Stimmzettel, Einschüchterung von Wählern. Besonders davon betroffen gewesen seien Minderheiten und Arme. "Selbst wenn die Vereinigten Staaten eine starke Demokratie sind", sagt CEV-Chefaktivist Keith Jennings, "sind sie auch eine mangelhafte Demokratie."URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-327359,00.html
11.Nov.2004 In Auglaize in Nordohio kursieren Gerüchte, ein Ex-Mitarbeiter des Wahlmaschinen-Herstellers ES&S habe kurz vor der Wahl unerlaubt Zugang zum zentralen Computersystem gehabt. Im Bezirk Warren verbarrikadierten sich die Wahlleiter zum Zählen der Stimmen "zwecks Heimatschutz" hinter verschlossenen Türen - ein noch nie dagewesener und womöglich illegaler Vorgang. Hier gewann Bush mit 41.124 Stimmen Vorsprung.
"Die Beweise verdichten sich, dass die Wahl in Ohio gestohlen wurde", sagt Bob Fitrakis, ein Soziologe am Columbus State Community College und liberaler Kolumnist. Ohios Innenminister Blackwell weist solche Vorwürfe als Spinnereien des Internet-Zeitalters zurück: "Es gibt ja auch Websites, die behaupten, dass die Mondlandung nicht stattgefunden habe", erwidert Blackwells Sprecher James Lee.
Doch nicht nur in Ohio ging es rund. Im Ort Papillion im Bundesstaat Nebraska wurden 3342 Stimmen gezählt - 400 mehr als Wahlberechtigte. Insgesamt schätzt das Wahlamt, dass in dieser Ecke Nebraskas "bis zu 10.000 Stimmen doppelt gezählt" worden seien. Noch bizarrer wird es auf der Website des zuständigen Bezirks Sarpy. Die beziffert die offizielle Wahlbeteiligung auf 139,93 Prozent: 82.607 Wahlberechtigte, 115.593 abgegebene Stimmen, eine mysteriöse Differenz von 32.986 Stimmen - über 10.000 mehr als Bushs Vorsprung im Endergebnis. URL: 
11.Nov.2004 Die meisten dieser Vorwürfe kommen aus Ohio, dem "neuen Florida", wie es die Blogger getauft haben. Hier, unter der Aufsicht des erzkonservativen Innenministers Kenneth Blackwell, gewann Bush mit einer Mehrheit von 136.483 Stimmen - vorbehaltlich von 155.428 "provisorischen Stimmzetteln", deren Sichtung ja erst an diesem Wochenende beginnen soll.
Schon jetzt aber gibt es Ungereimtheiten. So verbuchte eine Wahlmaschine in einem eher republikanischen Vorort der Hauptstadt Columbus 4258 Stimmen auf Bushs Konto - obwohl dort nur 638 Leute gewählt hatten. Wahlleiter Matthew Damschroder, ein vormaliger Bezirkschef der Republikaner, erklärte das "Supersizing der Bush-Stimmen" (so die Lokalzeitung "Columbus Dispatch") schnell mit einem technischen "Schluckauf".
Ähnliche "Schluckaufs" gab es jedoch auch in Cleveland, wo 93.000 fiktive Extra-Stimmen entdeckt wurden + ironischer Weise in dem Ort Miami/Ohio, wo ein Zählautomat 19.000 mysteriöse Phantom-Stimmen addierte. In Youngstown/Ohio behaupten Demokraten, dass die Maschinen ihre Stimmen nicht für Kerry, sondern für Bush registrierten. 10.000 Stimmen doppelt gezählt URL: 
11.Nov.2004 Die beharrlichen Zweifel am Wahlergebnis - die bereits vor Schließung der Wahllokale gärten - schlagen sich nicht nur in den alternativen Medien nieder oder in wütenden Internet-Blogs wie www.stolenelection.com. Auch bei Watchdog-Gruppen, Bürgerinitiativen und den Kommunalbüros der Politiker sind bisher schon Zehntausende von Beschwerden eingegangen. Der Kerry-Clan verfolgt die Berichte mit Interesse: "Wir ignorieren das alles nicht", sagte Kerrys Bruder Cameron am Dienstag.
Vieles davon mag reine Verschwörungstheorie sein, Zufall, Verliererschmerz, Paranoia oder auch nur das übliche Pannenchaos. Anderes aber gibt zumindest Anlass zum Aufhorchen.
Kerry-Stimmen für Bush URL: 
11.Nov.2004 Greg Palast steht mit seiner Behauptung, am 2. November sei nicht alles mit rechten Dingen zugegangen, längst nicht mehr alleine. Während Kerry schon am Tag danach aufgab und sich selbst die Bush-kritischen US-Medien seither bedeckt halten, klammern sich viele waidwunde Demokraten bis heute an den festen Glauben, diese Wahl sei ihnen, wie schon die Wahl 2000, "gestohlen" worden. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-327359,00.html
11.Nov.2004 Glaubt man Greg Palast, dann hat John Kerry die US-Präsidentschaftswahl gewonnen. "Ich weiß, keiner will's mehr hören", seufzt der investigative Reporter, Dokumentarfilmer und Bestseller-Autor, der sich mit seinen Recherchen zum Florida-Wahlfiasko von 2000 einen Namen machte. Jetzt will er einem neuen Wahlbetrug auf die Spur gekommen sein: "Kerry hat in den ausschlaggebenden Staaten Ohio und New Mexico die meisten Stimmen bekommen. Sie sind aber zu Tausenden nicht gezählt worden."
Ein schwerer Vorwurf, doch er kommt nicht von irgendjemandem. Palast, wohnhaft in New York und London, arbeitet für die BBC, den "Guardian" und dessen Schwesterblatt "Observer". Die heimischen Mainstream-Medien dagegen, so berichtet Palast stolz, als sei das eine Ehren-Auszeichnung, boykottierten ihn beharrlich, und Floridas Ex-Innenministerin Katherine Harris hat ihn "pervers und verrückt" genannt.
Palast verdächtigt die Behörden in Ohio (dem Staat, dessen 20 Wahlmänner die Wahl entschieden) und New Mexico (dem Staat, den Kerry mit knapp 8000 Stimmen verlor), durch "alte und neue Tricks" die Ergebnisse zu Gunsten von US-Präsident George W. Bush manipuliert zu haben. Zum Beispiel durch "verdorbene Stimmen", die als "ungültig" unter den Tisch fielen. Im "Swing State" Ohio, wo oft noch die alten, suspekten Stanzmaschinen von 2000 zum Einsatz kamen, waren das nach bisheriger Zählung 92.672 Stimmen. Die meisten dieser "Müllstimmen", so glaubt Palast, wären in den kritischen Bezirken den Demokraten zu Gute gekommen.
11.Nov.2004 Der Bezirk mit 139 Prozent Wahlbeteiligung Von Marc Pitzke, New York Phantom-Wähler, verschwundene Stimmen, Zählcomputer, die subtrahierten statt addierten: Während in der Wahlnacht kaum über Probleme beim Urnengang berichtet wurde, mehren sich inzwischen Informationen über Unregelmäßigkeiten. Erste Kongressabgeordnete fordern eine Untersuchung. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-327359,00.html

11.Nov.2004 Die niederländische Regierung will nun schärfer gegen gewaltbereite Radikale vorgehen. Dies haben drei Regierungsmitglieder in einem heute veröffentlichten Brief an das Parlament angekündigt.
Nach Angaben der Minister für Inneres, Justiz und Ausländerfragen soll der Verfassungsschutz mehr Geld für Personen- und Objektschutz erhalten. Außerdem soll gesetzlich die Möglichkeit geschaffen werden, Bewohnern des Landes mit doppelter Staatsbürgerschaft die niederländische Nationalität zu nehmen. Zudem wolle die Regierung Moscheen schließen, von denen Störungen der öffentlichen Ordnung ausgehen. Imame, die radikale Ideologien predigen, sollen nicht ins Land gelassen oder ausgewiesen werden. URL: 
11.Nov.2004 Brandanschläge auf Schule und Kirche
In den Niederlanden reißt die Serie der Brandanschläge auch gut eine Woche nach der Ermordung des Filmregisseurs van Gogh nicht ab. Vergangene Nacht brannten eine Schule in Eindhoven und eine Kirche in Rotterdam.

Den Haag - In Eindhoven wurde ein Klassenzimmer von einer Brandbombe schwer beschädigt. Die Polizei ging allerdings von dem Werk Jugendlicher aus, das nicht unbedingt mit den Entwicklungen der letzten Tage in Verbindung stehen müsse. In der Stadt war Anfang der Woche ein Anschlag auf eine muslimische Schule verübt worden. In Rotterdam wurden zwei Molotowcocktails auf eine Kirche geworfen, es entstand leichter Sachschaden. Die Zahl der Anschläge seit der Ermordung des islamkritischen Regisseurs Van Gogh am 02.Nov.2004 erhöhte sich damit auf 17. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-327423,00.html

11.Nov.2004 Falludscha: US-Militär geht von 600 getöteten Rebellen aus ,

11.Nov.2004 Niederlande: Brandanschläge auf Schule und Kirche

11.Nov.2004 Flächentarifvertrag: Wirtschaftsforscher fordert die Abschaffung

11.Nov.2004 Verwechslung: Falscher Patient beinahe an der Herzklappe operiert

11.Nov.2004 Schreiber-Affäre: Bundesgerichtshof hebt Urteile gegen Thyssen-Manager teilweise auf

11.Nov.2004 Trauer um Arafat: Verzweiflung, Schüsse, Barrikaden

11.Nov.2004 Alaaf, Helau: Jeckenalarm an Rhein und Ruhr

11.Nov.2004 Interview mit Walter Kempowski: "Schröder hat kein Verhältnis zur Wiedervereinigung"

11.Nov.2004 Zwiebelfisch: Von der deutschlandweiten Not, amerikafreundlich zu sein

11.Nov.2004 Börse am Mittag: Champagnerlaune in Frankfurt

11.Nov.2004 Fotostrecke: Palästinas Flaggen auf Halbmast

11.Nov.2004 Jassir Arafat: Der Traum ist aus

11.Nov.2004 Langfinger: Wie die Fledermäuse fliegen lernten

11.Nov.2004 Israel: Atomspion Vanunu erneut festgenommen

11.Nov.2004 Zweifel am US-Wahlergebnis: Der Bezirk mit 139 Prozent Wahlbeteiligung

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-327309,00.html
11.Nov.2004 Langfristig könnte die globale Erwärmung sogar bewirken, dass es zu wenig Wasser in der Region gibt, fürchten Geoforscher.

70 % des Ganges-Wassers stammt aus nepalesischen Flüssen.

Je mehr Gletschermasse verschwindet, desto weniger Wasser steht zur Verfügung. In den schlimmsten Szenarien sinkt die Wassermenge in manchen Flüssen um bis zu 90 %.
11.Nov.2004 Es ist höchste Zeit für Studien vor Ort, um die Situation abschätzen zu können", sagte Arun Bhakta Shrestha von Nepals Ministerium für Hydrologie und Meteorologie.

"Ansonsten kann uns jederzeit eine große Naturkatastrophe treffen."
Shrestha warnt vor den schmelzenden Gletschern, deren Wasser immer größere Seen bilde.

Seit Anfang der neunziger Jahre habe es keine systematische Erforschung des Phänomens mehr gegeben, sagte der Wissenschaftler dem Online-Nachrichtendienst der BBC.

Das Leben von tausenden Menschen in der Region sei in Gefahr.
2300 der insgesamt 3300 Gletscher im nepalesischen Teil des Himalajas speisen Seen. Deren Wasserstand steigt nach Aussagen von Umweltexperten langsam, aber stetig an.

Als Ursache gilt die globale Erderwärmung. Niemand wisse genau, wie viele Seenränder kurz vor dem Zerbersten stünden, beklagte Shrestha.

Zudem gebe es keinerlei Warnsystem für die talwärts liegenden Dörfer.
In den vergangenen 30 Jahren kam es schon häufiger zu Überflutungen in dem Hochgebirge.

00.000.1985 Lief der Gletschersee Dig Tsho in Nepal über.

Die Fluten rissen damals 14 Brücken mit und beschädigten die Baustelle eines Wasserkraftwerks. Die Flutwelle eines anderen Gletschers tötete 20 Menschen.
11.Nov.2004 Flutwellen bedrohen Dörfer im Himalaja
Die Eismassen im Himalaja gleichen tickenden Zeitbomben, warnen Forscher.

Schmelzendes Eis lasse die Gletscherseen immer weiter anschwellen. Wenn deren Ränder wegbrechen, könnten gigantische Flutwellen die Täler treffen. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-327309,00.html

11.Nov.2004 Schmelzende Gletscher: Flutwellen bedrohen Dörfer im Himalaja

11.Nov.2004 Heute in den Feuilletons: Eine kleine Geschichte des Palästinensertuchs

11.Nov.2004 Pressestimmen: "Radikaler Arafat-Nachfolger wäre für Israel besser"

11.Nov.2004 "Der Manchurian-Kandidat": Washingtons Visionen

11.Nov.2004 Bestätigung der Statistiker: Exportflaute macht der Wirtschaft zu schaffen

11.Nov.2004 Friedensprozess: Scharon spricht von historischer Wende

11.Nov.2004 Arafat: Trauerfeier in Kairo, Beerdigung in Ramallah

11.Nov.2004 Zum Tode Arafats: Der Terrorist mit dem Nobelpreis

11.Nov.2004 Trauerkundgebungen: Erhöhte Alarmbereitschaft in Palästinensergebieten

11.Nov.2004 Falludscha: Koalitionstruppen kontrollieren zwei Drittel der Stadt

11.Nov.2004 Fotostrecke: Die vielen Gesichter des Jassir Arafat

11.Nov.2004 Chronologie: Die Geschichte eines langsamen Sterbens

11.Nov.2004 Reaktionen: "Ich habe Arafat gehasst"

11.Nov.2004 Nahost: Arafat ist tot

11.Nov.2004 https://www.dissidentvoice.org/Nov2004/Richardson1110-2.htm
11.Nov.2004 Most Brits think war is wrong: Public distaste with the Iraq war in UK has hit its worst-ever level, with fewer than a third of people thinking it is the right thing.

11.Nov.2004 Ramsey Clark: "Bush can run, but he cannot hide from the Constitution" Click here to join the over 466.137 who have already voted in the referendum to Impeach Bush

11.Nov.2004 Riverbend: Iraqi Girl Blog: Rule of Iraq Assassins Must End... How do people feel about the Iraqi troops? There's a certain rage.

It's difficult to sympathize with a fellow-countryman while he's killing one of his own. People generally call them "Dogs of Occupation"

11.Nov.2004 Satan hides in a hospital The assault, dubbed Operation Phantom Fury, perversely started on Laylat e-Qadr, the most important + holy night of the year for the Islamic world.

11.Nov.2004 Scott Ritter : Squeezing jello in Iraq: Far from facing off in a decisive battle against the resistance fighters, it seems the more Americans squeeze Falluja, the more the violence explodes elsewhere.

It is exercises in futility, akin to squeezing jello. The more you try to get a grasp on the problem, the more it slips through your fingers.

11.Nov.2004 Who Are The “Barbarians”? Where is the moral “voice of America” that should cry against these atrocities?

While Christian leaders moralise about gay marriage + lobbying for the “right to life” + depriving women of their choice,

mass graves of innocent Iraqi women + children are planned.

11.Nov.2004 Red Cross: Fallujah refugee situation dire: Thousands of Iraqis who fled fighting in Fallujah have been without enough food and water for days, the International Committee of the Red Cross has said.

11.Nov.2004 Mosques bombed as fighting rages in Falluja Almost half of the mosques in the Iraqi town of Falluja have been destroyed, with US warplanes launching air strikes + fierce fighting on the ground continuing.

11.Nov.2004 Shame of Hue and Falluja : We nearly all now see Hue as the beginning of the end of US involvement in Vietnam.

I expect to see Falluja as the beginning of the end of the involvement in Iraq of USA + UK forces.“

10.Nov.2004 URL: https://english.pravda.ru/science/19/94/378/11873_UFO.html
Opinion: Did Bush fix the elections?

11.Nov.2004 Several years ago you were trying to lobby a law that would protect people from unendorsed interventions into one man-s psyche.

Where is this bill now?

-Mr. Lopatin from the Security Committee used to work on the bill concerning informational-psychological security back in 2000.

However, he is no longer a delegate; and the law is nonexistent.

Russians remain unprotected from such concealed message that could be"hiding" in the media.

There is no state control over the works in psychotechnologies whatsoever.

In the meantime, USA approaches this subject much better.

More than 140 universities conduct thorough research in this area. URL: https://english.pravda.ru/printed.html?news_id=14567
11.Nov.2004 Methods of latent impact on the human psyche are no longer secret.

I allow for the possibility that perpetrators can and do use such methods to manipulate one-s conscious for the purpose of creating terrorists-kamikazes,“ stated Dr. Smirnov in his interview to MK.

Professor Igor Smirnov was in fact the world-s first man to get into the human mind by means of a computer.

Back then, society was completely unaware of the so-called Shakhids. Now, the most logical comes to mind: what triggers a person to commit such act of violence?

How come the instinct of self-preservation fails to block one-s inner urge to destroy oneself? This was the main topic of my discussion with Dr. Smirnov.

The explosive oblivion

-How is it possible to erase one's memory?

-There exists an entire array of possible methods.

Majority of them are psychochemical.

Electroshock can also have the same effect on a person.

However, nothing works better than the so-called semantic influence, when a person is given certain orders that he then executes without hesitation.

Personally, I wouldn-t want to go into details on such matters.

As a result of such „outside influence“ a person-s „self“ gets totally blocked.

Instead, another"self" is being created. That second identity in turn can have a number of various programmed urges, such as killing oneself.

-Are there many people in our country capable of carrying out such procedures?

-I can-t say for sure. Obviously, the knowledge acquired at school is not enough to carry out such experiments.

I think the amount of such specialists is rather limited.

-Do you think you could restore people-s memory?

-This is a very hard procedure. Thing is, those people will have difficult time recollecting that lost time fragment that had been torn out of their lives.

We did manage to help several our patients to regain their memory partially.

How to"cure" one-s mind

Many still remain rather doubtful about the fact that it is possible to affect one-s behavior while surpassing his conscious.

In reality however, people have been doing this for a hundred years already.

-As far as I know, we are the first in this field of research.

-Interesting as it may seem, but you are right. Similar methods have been born in Russia and American almost simultaneously;

in Russia however, they emerged 9 months earlier. Our department at the institute was in fact the first in the world. American laboratory in Michigan however is our main rival nowadays.

00.000.1993 Americans established a company especially for me; I am currently its board member. Due to my presumptions however, I refused to stay there for good.

Many of my colleagues have immigrated a long time ago and now lead pretty comfortable lives there. Unfortunately, our inventions are not in high demand in Russia-

-Is it possible to defeat terrorism?

-Only informational war is capable of defeating terrorism completely. And we possess this weapon. Peoples- actions can in fact be controlled by unnoticed acoustic influence.

Look-it-s easy. All I have to do is record my voice, apply special coding, which converts my voice to mere noise and afterwards, all we have to do is record some music on top of that.

The words are indistinguishable to your conscious; however, your unconscious can hear them clearly.

If we were to play this music over + over again on the radio for instance, people will soon start developing paranoia.

This is the simplest weapon.

An image can also be coded.

After 12-14 minutes the information begins to get into one-s conscious.

Our department is the only one in the world that possesses such instrument of informational war.

However, no one seems to be interested in it. URL: https://english.pravda.ru/printed.html?news_id=14567

11.Nov.2004 "Es wird einen Anfang für den Frieden geben, wenn die Führung des palästinensischen Volkes hervortritt und sagt: 'Helft uns, eine demokratische Gesellschaft aufzubauen'", sagte Bush.

"Wenn das passiert - + ich glaube, dass das geschehen wird, weil ich glaube, dass alle Menschen in Freiheit leben wollen - werden die USA mehr als bereit sein, beim Aufbau der für eine freie Gesellschaft notwendigen Institutionen zu helfen, damit die Palästinenser ihren eigenen Staat haben können." Bush [BGW968] URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-327328,00.html

11.Nov.2004 New breakthrough in blood pressure research: the lower the better!

11.Nov.2004 Methods of latent impact on the human psyche are no longer secret. Academician Igor Smirnov of the Russian Academy of Sciences is often referred to as a father of psychotropic weapons. "I allow for the possibility that perpetrators can and do use such methods to manipulate one"s conscious for the purpose of creating terrorists-kamikazes," stated Dr. Smirnov in his interview to MK. Professor Igor Smirnov was in fact the world"s first man to get into the human mind by means of a computer

08.Nov.2004 Americans expose Russian X-ray Girl Natasha Demkina from Russia's Saransk first got popular in London + then disgraced in New York.

The world learned about the unique ability of the 17-year-old...

05.Nov.2004 Experts claim sleep to be the best indicator of longevity Those who tend to sleep longer hours possess lower level of intellect, then those who do not require as much sleep. Director of Russia's Somnological...
Care for a smoke-free cigarette?! Scientists invented a completely new type of smoke-free cigarettes, which supposedly should rid everyone of discomfort. The product manufactured by the...

01.Nov.2004 The memory-teeth connection Swedish scientists discovered a fascinating connection between one's memory and teeth. As it turned out, people who for some reason lost several of their... More...
Global warming to thaw Arctic ice and make polar bears migrate The temperature of temperate latitudes of all continents in the northern hemisphere will rise by four or six degrees in 200 years

A year of hard work...
Dust and 4x4 vehicles threaten global ecology The amount of dust in the air has increased ten times over the recent 50 years Four-wheel drives raise up to three thousand million tons of dust in the...

10.Nov.2004 Lost votes

In a county in North Carolina, 4.500 votes went missing due to software problems v the computer had run out of memory.

Not very impressive, especially for a country that likes to stick its unwanted nose into the electoral affairs of other nations + then to make snide remarks.

On the basis of this evidence, the USA had better not ever again make any statement whatsoever about fair voting procedures, anywhere.

In conclusion, does this surprise anyone?

Not really, since Bush [BGW968] + his regime have spent four long years telling lies + cooking up tall stories.

The question remains, why did Kerry [KJF966] throw in the towel so soon, since all this was taking place.

Didn't he know? Wasn't he informed? Or did something more sinister happen?

Or, could something else be behind both Messrs.

Bush [BGW968] + Kerry [KJF966], such as the neo-conservative clique orchestrated by Cheney, a form of supra-political party eminence grise

which really pulls the strings in the USA + dictates Washington's foreign + domestic policy? URL: https://english.pravda.ru/printed.html?news_id=14556
10.Nov.2004 Did Bush [BGW968] fix the elections?

Why did Kerry [KJF966] throw in the towel so soon?

02.Nov.2004 -now the increasing evidence pointing toward election fraud in the USA, as the appearance of Osama bin Laden bang on cue was suspicious, to say the least .

Exit polls in sensitive districts just don't add up to the official figures. Did Bush [BGW968] fix it?

In Ohio, for instance, the sensitive state which gave Bush [BGW968] the 20 electoral college votes he needed, CNN exit polls among women awarded Kerry [KJF966] the vote by 53 to 47% + among men by 51 to 49%.

The question was "Who did you vote for“ but the point is were the votes counted?

Let us examine the various complaints against the official result on 02.Nov.2004 + let us see in how many ways the Bush [BGW968] regime could have influenced the vote, through ballot tricks.

Absence of Control

Russian observer Aleksei Ostrovsky declared that he was shocked by what he saw. "It is enough to say 'I am Mr. Smith' + (the person) is allowed to vote.

The same person can exit one polling station + vote again using the same procedure“. Spoilage URL: https://english.pravda.ru/printed.html?news_id=14556

10.Nov.2004 Die US-Regierung will die im August erhöhte Terror-Warnstufe für Finanzinstitutionen in New York, New Jersey und Washington wieder herabsetzen.

Washington - Die Alarmstufe "orange" werde wieder auf "gelb", der mittleren Stufe auf der fünfstufigen Skala der Regierung, zurückgesetzt, berichten US-Medien unter Berufung auf Vertreter des Heimatschutzministeriums. Eine offizielle Erklärung des Ministeriums stehe bevor.

Gelb bedeutet eine erhöhte Gefahr, orange gilt als hohe Bedrohung durch einen Anschlag.

Die Terrorstufe war nach Geheimdienstinformationen erhöht worden, wonach das Terrornetzwerk El Quaida Finanz-Gebäude in den USA für Anschläge ins Visier genommen habe.

Später stellte sich heraus, dass ein Großteil dieser Warnungen bereits mehrere Jahre alt waren. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-327327,00.html

10.Nov.2004 -derzeit- Betroffen von der erhöhten Warnstufe sind die Gebäude des IWF Internationalen Währungsfonds + Weltbank + die Zentrale der Citigroup + New York Stock Exchange Börse.

In den USA gilt ansonsten die Warnstufe gelb mit Ausnahme von New York, wo seit dem 11.Sep.2001 vor vielen Gebäuden ein erhöhtes Aufgebot an Sicherheitskräften präsent ist.

Dies werde nach Informationen des Heimatschutzministeriums auch so bleiben.

10.Nov.2004 An end to exit polls. Ed Gillespie has called for an end to exit polls, which will soon be the sole remaining means of double-checking the accuracy of the electronic vote.

(Odd how the right liked exit polls in Venezuela...) This paragraph is rich:
He also said he was personally affected by the early reports, discouraged by what he was seeing. "But I've been through this before," he said.

00.Nov.2000 the exit data was wrong on Election Day.

00.000.2002 the exit returns were wrong on Election Day. +

02.Nov.2004 the exit data were wrong on Election Day - all three times, by the way, in a way that skewed against Republicans + had a dispiriting effect on Republican voters across the country."

Why is it that the RNC head can see the pattern which so many of our Democratic brethren refuse to acknowledge?

Of course, that pattern actually indicates a fraudulent final tally, not fraudulent exit polling.

Since the corporate media heads want to stay in the GOP s good graces, expect Ed to get his evil way on this.URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
10.Nov.2004 Homeland Security. Heretofore, I've tended to ignore the story of Warren County, Ohio, where the officials locked down the administration building on election night, citing potential terrorism as the reason for removing observers. But
this story is odd. An FBI agent supposedly told officials that the place rated a "10" on the terrorism scale.
Apparently, Osama has a bug up his ass about Warren County. And here, I thought his next target would be the Sears Tower...! URL: 
10.Nov.2004 Backdoor. (I wonder what sort of remark dear Ana Marie would insert here...?)
This older article from New Zealand linked to the files providing the backdoor to the GEMS system. Maybe you'd like to rig the next election...? URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
10.Nov.2004 The Globe refuses to address the question of why the "accidents" all favor Bush [BGW968]. I've said it a hundred times + I won't mind saying it another thousand times: What matters is not the inaccuracy, it's the pattern of inaccuracy. URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
The Boston Globe
tells us that "none of the vote-counting problems and anomalies that have emerged are sufficiently widespread to have affected the election's ultimate result." That's like saying no single car can clog up a freeway. What counts is the cumulative impact. URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
Terrorgefahr: USA wollen erhöhte Warnstufe wieder lockern

10.Nov.2004 Van-Goch-Mord: Welle der Gewalt erfasst die Niederlande

10.Nov.2004 Niederlande: Dschihad hinterm Deich

10.Nov.2004 VotersUnite! presents the following compilation of problems reported in the media about the 2004 general election .

Starting with early voting, we are seeing a wide array of problems, some of which appear in multiple states.

This page allows you to see how widespread the problems are as they accumulate. URL: https://www.votersunite.org/electionproblems.asp
Records: 1-40 of 282 << Prev   1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 URL: https://www.votersunite.org/electionproblems.asp
10.Nov.2004 Re: Media Blacks Out Voting Problems by DavidSwanson on Nov 10, 2004 - 12:43 AM (
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Did you know....
80% of all votes in USA are counted by only two companies:
Diebold + ES&S.
There is no USA federal agency with regulatory authority or oversight of the USA voting machine industry.
The vice-president of Diebold + the president of ES&S are brothers.
The chairman + CEO of Diebold is a major Bush [BGW968] campaign organizer + donor who wrote in 00.000.2003 that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."
ES&S 35 % of is owned by Republican Senator Hagel, Chuck who became Senator based on votes counted by ES&S machines.
Diebold's new touch screen voting machines have no paper trail of any votes.

In other words, there is no way to verify that the data coming out of the machine is the same as what was legitimately put in by voters.
Diebold also makes ATM s, checkout scanners + ticket machines, all of which log each transaction + can generate a paper trail.
10.Nov.2004 Part of the Media Blackout series on underreported labor stories
11.Nov.2004 -Recently the two biggest stories in the U.S. news media have been the war in Iraq + the presidential election campaign.

Labor unions have been part of a number of major stories on the presidential campaign, especially stories about Senator Kerry [KJF966]'s selection of John Edwards as a running mate.
But labor has not been part of stories on the war.

up until a few weeks ago There was some reason for that.

The AFL-CIO has not taken a position on the war + most of the international unions have followed suit.

That changed at the conventions last month in California of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the American Federation of State, County + Municipal Employees (AFSCME).

Kerry [KJF966] spoke at both conventions his speeches received significant media coverage.URL: https://www.ilcaonline.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index&catid=30
Part of the Media Blackout series on underreported labor stories
While illegal violations of the right to organize a union - such as the firing of employees who express support for a union - are routinely underreported by the corporate media, the past 60 days have witnessed the underreporting of a serious new threat to the right to organize, a threat raised by the National Labor Relations Board.

Nexis searching finds no mention of this story in broadcast media + only a handful of print articles, most of them misleading. URL: https://www.ilcaonline.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index&catid=30
10.Nov.2004 In the nearly five years since the World Trade Organization protests in Seattle, at which union members + other peaceful protesters were manhandled by police,

the U.S. media have established a pattern of underreporting the militarization of police at protests, of portraying police actions as reactions to threats from violent protesters +

of focusing reporting heavily on any citizen violence, however small. URL: https://www.ilcaonline.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index&catid=30
Part of the Media Blackout series on underreported labor stories
23.Aug.2004 the Bush [BGW968] Administration's Department of Labor eliminated the right to time-and-a-half pay for overtime work

for millions of Americans in what amounted to the biggest pay cut in USA American history.

The facts that should have made that statement a headline in every paper in the country were easily obtainable.

Reporters had had months in which to review the changes. Experts had written helpful analyses.

The specific ways in which various categories of workers were being stripped of their rights

would have been no secret to a sixth grader with internet access writing a report for school. URL: https://www.ilcaonline.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index&catid=30
10.Nov.2004 Part of the Media Blackout series on underreported labor stories
You wouldn't know it from reading, watching, or listening to the "mainstream" media, but many of the largest labor organizations in the United States have passed resolutions demanding that U.S. troops be brought home from Iraq and the war be ended.

19.Jul.2004 the ILCA published an article on the media's failure to cover this turn of events.

URL: https://www.ilcaonline.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index&catid=30
Media Blacks Out Voting Problems
Part of the Media Blackout series on underreported labor stories
02.Nov.2004 -since- The "mainstream" media has fallen down on the job by failing to cover efforts to ensure that all votes in the presidential election are accurately counted.

The conclusion byKerry [KJF966] that an investigation could not possibly reverse the election may quite possibly have been premature.

But the question that both activists + the media should be asking is not whether there was enough fraud + errors to decide the election, nor even whether there was more than is usual,

but whether there was any fraud or errors, where the problems occurred, how they can be prevented in the future +- in particular -

whether new kinds of fraud were permitted by new technologies + by the privatization of our election process.
10.Nov.2004 Ashcroft, der als Vertreter der christlichen Rechten im Kabinett saß und als entschlossener Verfechter der umstrittenen Anti-Terror-Maßnahmen nach dem 11. September 2001 bekannt wurde, erklärte in seinem handschriftlichen Rücktrittsgesuch, eine Gewährleistung der Sicherheit vor Terror und Verbrechen sei erreicht worden. Das Justizministerium würde nun von einer neuen Leitung und frischer Inspiration profitieren, er wolle sich mit seinen "Energien und Talenten" anderen Herausforderungen stellen. URL: 
10.Nov.2004 Washington - Gonzales wäre der erste USA Justizminister aus der wachsenden Bevölkerungsgruppe der "Latinos", den aus Lateinamerika stammenden Amerikanern,
die Bush [BGW968] letztendlich entscheidend zur Wiederwahl verholfen hatte. Der 49-Jährige gilt als moderater als Ashcroft + langjähriger Freund von Bush [BGW968] aus ihrer gemeinsamen Zeit in Texas.

Er stammt aus einer ärmlichen Familie mexikanischen Ursprungs, absolvierte die Harvard-Universität und war Mitglied des Obersten Gerichtshofes in Texas, dem Heimatstaat von Präsident Bush [BGW968]. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-327318,00.html
10.Nov.2004 Sachsen: Milbradt benötigt zwei Wahlgänge
https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,327236,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-327322,00.html

10.Nov.2004 "Neues Deutschland"
Wenn Politiker einer demokratischen Partei aus purer Taktik jede Scham verlieren, helfen sie, eine Partei hoffähig zu machen, die eben jene Demokratie abschaffen will.

Sie stärken die NPD in den Augen von Wählern, die dieser womöglich eher aus Taktik denn aus Überzeugung ihre Stimme gaben.

Wenn sich Politiker so fahrlässig verhalten, führen sie nicht nur alle Bemühungen ad absurdum, rechtsextreme Gedanken einzudämmen.

Sie nehmen auch einen Machtverlust in Kauf, der bösere Folgen haben könnte als ein Koalitionsvertrag. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-327322,00.html
10.Nov.2004 Verlust jeder Scham und ein böses Omen
Georg Milbradts Wiederwahl geriet zu einem Triumph der Rechtsextremen. Darüber sind sich die Kommentatoren der Tageszeitungen einig.

Einige Politiker der neuen Koalition würden darauf brennen, die Prophezeiung der NPD zu erfüllen, dass in Sachsen "die BRD abgewickelt" werde. Ein "rabenschwarzer Tag für die Demokratie".

"Süddeutsche Zeitung"
Der Ablauf der Wahl markiert fürs Erste das Ende der lange gepriesenen Stabilität in der Politik des ostdeutschen Musterlandes Sachsen.

Dies gilt umso mehr, da die doppelte Ohrfeige für Milbradt von einem handfesten Skandal begleitet wurde. Mindestens zwei Abgeordnete anderer Fraktionen - also aus dem demokratischen Lager - haben zweimal für den Kandidaten der NPD gestimmt. Ein Eklat zum Schaden des Landes, denn sie demonstrierten in geheimer Wahl, dass ihnen die nötige Distanz zu den Rechtsextremisten fehlt, das selbstverständliche Wissen, dass man der NPD selbst aus taktischen Gründen nicht die Stimme geben darf. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-327322,00.html

10.Nov.2004 Presseschau: Verlust jeder Scham und ein böses Omen

10.Nov.2004 US-Notenbank: Fed erhöht Leitzins auf zwei Prozent

10.Nov.2004 Kabinettsumbildung: Gonzales wird neuer US-Justizminister

23.Feb.1998 Murder and Drug Running in Montana -Washington Weekly Wesley Phelan

Murder and Drug Running in Montana Local Residents Allege FBI and State Government Complicity URL: https://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a104653.htm

URL: https://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHI411B.html
Webster Tarpley ,author of the Unauthorized Biography of George Bush [BGW968] writes:

00.000.2005-00.000.2006 -in-or- "If Bush [BGW968] retains control of the White House, we can expect a neocon fascist dictatorship or martial law emergency regime possibly as the result of synthetic terrorism. The neocons are in a desperate flight forward mentality which seeks to avoid the penal consequences of what they have already done with Valerie Plame + the Niger yellowcake forgeries + the Israeli mole scandal + the Chalabi betrayal of state secrets.--+++--- The neocon preference is for early war with Iran.

War with Russia + China cannot be excluded somewhat further down the road."

Add to that the relentless horror that will be inflicted when the effects of Peak Oil (also see From The Wilderness and Richard Heinberg ) crash home in earnest, the body bags pile higher with new wars + the lives of Americans (including Bush [BGW968] drones) + people all over the world continue to be destroyed.

Some members of the current Bush [BGW968] crime organization may leave or retire + the possibilities include Donald Rumsfeld + John Ashcroft (possibly replaced with Racicot, Marc a long-time friend of Bush [BGW968] [BGW968] + W’s first choice for attorney general in 2000).

Expect their replacements to be less well known criminals who, if anything, may be more toxic.

Robert Lederman wrote of Racicot, Marc :

"Numerous members of the Bush [BGW968] family, including his father + brothers + at least one of GW's prospective cabinet appointees—potential GW Bush [BGW968] Attorney General Racicot, Marc —have a history of alleged involvement in drug running at the highest levels.

We're not talking about buying drugs for personal use here but massive importations of heroin + cocaine with the full involvement of foreign dictators like George Bush [BGW968] pal Manuel Noriega + the Mafia." (See Murder and Drug Running in Montana )

In Robert Payne’s biography The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler , he writes of Hitler (whose Third Reich was, in fact, financed by the Bush family ): "For all the foreseeable future, he will remain to haunt us, more alive than ever although he is dead. He hides in shadowy places and at the pinnacle of power, always urging men to commit the ultimate crime, the perfect atrocity, the most ferocious massacres.

Into the ears of generals and politicians he whispers:

"Be merciless. It is very easy now because I have lived. I have reduced the value of man to a fraction of what it was before.

You will find, if you continue along the path I have opened for you, the value of man will decline still further.

Remember, mankind is always valueless and its only use is to serve our interests.

We alone are transmitters of civilization + the people are nothing but cattle. Napalm is good for them."

Hitler himself wrote:

 "The victor will not be asked, later on, whether he told the truth or not. In starting and waging a war, it is not right that matters, but victory. Have no pity."

Hitler had nothing on the Bush [BGW968] [BGW968] administration.

What, if any, silver lining can be found in the wake of this new goose-step in the abyss?

Perhaps only that the same bellicose, predictable and clumsy villains remain right where they have been for the last four years:

right in front of us. Better that than a crafty and likeable neoliberalKerry [KJF966] administration that lulls the world to sleep before poison is administered.

We cannot be fooled.

Larry Chin is a freelance journalist and a Global Research Contributing Editor.

URL: https://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHI411B.html
10.Nov.2004 Kerry [KJF966] did not lose the election. The vote was stolen. Get that through your head. "

The Bush [BGW968] syndicate owns and runs the machines that make the votes. They control all branches of the federal government.

There is nothing more painful than witnessing the Kerry [KJF966] voters, liberals + progressives as they agonize over "what went wrong,"

second guessing their Herculean efforts, grasping for solutions in outdated ideas + vowing how "next time, we’ll work harder + we’ll really get out the vote!" + that "we’ll nominate even better candidates!"

Still others are asking reasonable questions.

Why aren’t O’Dell, Walden + Bush, Jeb + Blackwell, J. Kenneth under arrest, or in jail?

Exactly how did Associated Press pull it off on election night?

Will any of the Bush [BGW968] administration criminals ever be punished for their war crimes?

Then one must ask, who is going to prosecute?

Who is going to hear the cases?

The Bush [BGW968] Justice Department?

The Bush [BGW968] FBI?

The Supreme Court?

When you play fair in a rigged game, it doesn’t matter how hard you work, or even what you do.

Insanity is repeating the same mistake, expecting a different result.

Kerry [KJF966] Welcomes Fascism with Open Arms

URL: https://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHI411B.html
Air America Radio’s
Mike Malloy gave the most succinct passionate explanation in his Wednesday, , program [my links included-LC]:

"The American vote count is controlled by three major corporate players, Diebold + ESS + Sequoia + SAIC Science Applications International.

All four are hard-wired into the Bush [BGW968] power structure, the Bush crime family.

They have been given millions of $$ by the Bush [BGW968] regime to complete a sweeping computerization of voting machines that were just used in the 02.Nov.2004 election.

00.000.2002 -during the- mid-term elections : The technology involved had a trial run. Georgia had Diebold machines in every precinct.

As a result, a popular Democratic governor + senator were both unseated in what the media called an "amazing" 16 % swing.

Diebold’s O’Dell, Walden a top Bush fundraiser, publicly committed himself to delivering his home state Ohio’s votes to Bush.

At Diebold, the election division is run by Urosevich, Bob.

Urosevich, Bob ’s brother, Urosevich, Todd, is a top executive at "rival" ES&S.

Originally Urosevich, Bob +Urosevich, Todd were staked by Ahmanson, Howard a member of the

Council For National Policy , a right-wing steering group stacked with Bush true believers.

Ahmanson, Howard is also one of the bagmen behind the extremist Christian Reconstruction Movement ,

which advocates the theocratic takeover of USA democracy.

Diebold + ESS + Sequoia + SAIC -The four companies are interconnected;

Diebold + ESS + Sequoia + SAIC are not four "competitors".

Ahmanson, Howard has large stakes in ES&S,

ES&S former CEO was Republican Senator Hagel, Chuck of Nebraska.

00.000. -When Hagel, Chuck ES&S CEO ran for office, Hagel, Chuck own ES&S company counted the votes + Hagel, Chuck victory was considered "an amazing upset".

11.Nov.2004 -still- Hagel, Chuck has a million $ stake in ES&S.

Sequoia is the corporate parent of a private equity firm, Madison Dearborn ,which is partner in the Carlyle Group . (Also see here .)

Meanwhile, SAIC is referred to a "shadowy defense contractor".

SAIC have gotten into the vote count game directly +

SAIC have gotten into the vote count game through spinoffs by SAIC top brass,

SAIC top brass including Admiral Owens, Bill former military aide to Cheney, Dick +

SAIC top brass including Carlyle Group honcho Carlucci, Frank +

SAIC top brass including ex-CIA chief Gates, Robert.

SAIC s history of fraud charges + security "lapses" haven’t prevented SAIC from becoming one of the largest Pentagon + CIA contractors +

SAIC will doubtless encounter few obstacles in its entrance into USA vote counting business.

The mad rush to install these unverifiable computers is driven by the Help America Vote Act, signed by Bush!

The chief lobbying group pushing for the act (while we dumb asses sat out here + thought, ‘That sounds like a good idea!’) was a consortium of arms dealers including Northrup Grumman + Lockheed Martin .

When you hear people saying, ‘take a deep breath, we will pull through this’, ‘we need to work harder’, ‘we need to organize’—no. We will not. It’s over.

Unless electronic vote tabulation is history + these companies are driven out of business, it’s their country. Not ours.

URL: https://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHI411B.html
It Is a Rigged Game

The US political + economic system, exemplified by Bush-Cheney, is deeply criminalized.

It is designed to profit by killing things.

It thrives on war and oppression.

It is sustained by collusion, fraud, lies + cover-up + the indoctrination + manipulation of minds.

It does not, + never has, represented its people.

Its operatives heed no laws.

They "make" law.

These facts must be burned into the consciousness of every decent human being.

As Mike Ruppert writes in Crossing The Rubicon :

"That profits of crime and war, which are destructive of human life, of labor, of happy, healthy neighborhoods (whether in the US or in Afghanistan, Africa and Iraq) are in effect a keystone of the global economy and a determinant of the success in a ruthless competition, is a compass needle for human civilization. One cannot expect to follow the recipe for roadkill stew and produce a crème brulee."

Criminals do not obey laws. Criminals do not believe in "democracy".

Criminals do not "permit" elections.

It is foolish, then, to expend one’s energies in "clean" election activities + expect good results. To quote one of Bush [BGW968] many recent Freudian non-slips, "we make elections." The 2004 presidential election was just one more "manufacture".

How Kerry [KJF966] Unwon the Presidency

10.Nov.2004 Hamburg - "Die konkrete Tatausführung wurde nach unseren Erkenntnissen von Chalid Scheich Mohammed und Osama Bin Laden geplant", sagte der Präsident des Bundesamtes für Verfassungsschutz, Heinz Fromm, vor dem Hanseatischen Oberlandesgericht in Hamburg.

Die späteren Piloten der entführten Flugzeuge vom 11.Sep.2001 um Mohammed Atta seien zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht eingeweiht gewesen, sondern waren laut Fromm nur allgemein zur Teilnahme am Dschihad entschlossen. Stattdessen hätten die künftigen Terroristen ursprünglich in Tschetschenien für den Islam kämpfen wollen + seien ohne konkrete Tatpläne zur militärischen Ausbildung in Lagern am Hindukusch gereist.
Im ersten Urteil gegen den Marrokaner Motassadeq hatte es dagegen geheißen, die Gruppe muslimischer Studenten um Atta habe sich bereits im Frühsommer 1999 selbstständig zu Anschlägen mit Flugzeugen entschlossen. Das hätte nach damaliger Rechtslage bedeutet, dass sich die Mitglieder der Gruppe in Deutschland der Bildung einer terroristischen Vereinigung schuldig gemacht hätten.

Dass die Anschläge nicht in Deutschland geplant worden seien, habe mittlerweile aber auch der offizielle Untersuchungsbericht zum 11.Sep.2001 festgestellt, betonte Fromm. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-327141,00.html

Another prediction I have is that Powell over at the FCC will begin to pass newer regulations on ISPs + most importantly hosting companies. The internet, as a result, will become prey to the media consolidation and "standards" that are all the rage at the current FCC. Now, not to sound paranoid, but this, along with the expansion of the Patriot act, doesn't make me all confident about the future of the last true marketplace of ideas available to the american people.
I have been meaning to do this, for a while, and now is the best time to do so.
I need to set up a backup to this site, on a worldwide basis, in case any "misfortune" befall Bushflash.com.
Basically, I want to send out copies of this site, on CD, to five people, one on each continent. The people who recieve these disks must have proven their ability to code HTML + have political credentials to back them up. Further, they should have the werewithall to host a site such as this on an unlimited-downloads server, through a hosting plan, in their own country.
The following map should be a guide: URL: https://www.bushflash.com/
10.Nov.2004 Now, if you'll grant me a poetic license, for just a minute:
The world is being pulled at breakneck speed down a whirpool of feces by this corrupt gaggle of corporate cowards that have stolen our government, once again. At risk isn't just the fate of our own country, but the world. It doesn't matter whether you're american, asian, african, or european- we're all equally worthless in the eyes of this administration + equally screwed in fact.
And ya know, if one guy- me- can bring 15,000 people to the same table, in a day- imagine what we all could do, together. Think about it.
Today looks bleak, but the color of the skies of tomorrow, is entirely up to us. URL: 
10.Nov.2004 And for a few hours early yesterday, when the exit polls predicted aKerry [KJF966] victory, it seemed they had.
But then the horrible, inevitable truth hit home. They had somehow managed to re-elect the most devious, blinkered and reckless leader ever put before them. The Yellow Rogue of Texas.
A self-serving, dim-witted, draft-dodging, gung-ho little rich boy, whose idea of courage is to yell: "I feel good," as he unleashes an awesome fury which slaughters 100,000 innocents for no other reason than greed and vanity.
A dangerous chameleon, his charming exterior provides cover for a power-crazed clique of Doctor Strangeloves whose goal is to increase America's grip on the world's economies and natural resources.
And in foolishly backing him, Americans have given the go-ahead for more unilateral pre-emptive strikes, more world instability and most probably another 9/11.
Why else do you think bin Laden was so happy to scare them to the polls, then made no attempt to scupper the outcome?
There's only one headline in town today, folks: "It Was Osama Wot Won It." URL: 
10.Nov.2004 And folks, it's only gonna get worse.


The corporate media isn't reporting the news, but it's there, for anyone to see. On an hourly basis, voting irrgularities and blatant fraud are being reported, in just about every state. Even Ralph Nader has been investingating attempted fraud in New Hampshire.
Following, are just a sampling of news articles relating to what will undoubtedly go down in history as the most corrupt election ever held in the USA: URL: 

Evidence Mounts That The Vote May Have Been Hacked
Should America Trust the Results of the Election?
Vote Count "Glitches" Haunt Bush's Supposed Mandate
Board awaits state followup
George, John + Warren (Keith Olbermann)
Voting Fraud in the 2004 Presidential Election
Some observations of the 2004 election.
Evidence of a Second Bush Coup?
Palm Beach County Logs 88,000 More Votes Than Voters
NC: 11,823 "extra" votes cast for Bush
Hell- I could post well over 250 articles about this- the facts are on the ground + the jury's out: This election was stolen- period.
If you want comprehensive breakdowns of this theft, there are ever-growing archives of the news that Bush doesn't want us to see- the best follow:
Republican Election Theft Roundup
Voter Registration Fraud Clearinghouse
Legal Issues in key states
Ohio Voter Suppression News
There has been a lot of verbiage on the corporate media, berating democrats, liberals + progressives, saying we're "out of Touch" + heaping abuse after abuse on my candidate,Kerry [KJF966]. They keep asking- "What did the democrats + most importantly,Kerry [KJF966], do wrong?
We democrats didn't do ANYTHING wrong- we won this election (see above.) Asking US to figure WE did something wrong, because of illegal activities on the part of republicans, is insane. The only thingKerry [KJF966] did wrong, in this campaign, was to concede. For some strange reason, Kerry [KJF966] figured that if this election were contested in the courts, it would be "divisive". Mr, Kerry [KJF966]- I like you- I voted for you, but please tell me: WHAT'S DIVISIVE, ABOUT MAKING SURE THAT THIS ELECTION ISN'T STOLEN OUT FROM UNDERNEATH US, YET AGAIN?
But- forgive me, I'm going off on a tangent, here...
What do we do, now?
Post this information in every blog, message board + website that you have access to. Send them off to your local media- write a letter to the editor- phone into a talk show- and of course, send these articles to EVERYONE in your e-mail list. Send them to the corporate media, as well.
Now- I have no grand illusions that we can stop the inauguration of Bush to a second stolen term, but we can undermine his legitimacy- hopefully, enough to cripple his "presidency", before he takes the oath of office- we have until January 20th to do so. In that time, tens of millions of e-mails can be sent, and thousands of media outlets can be reached.
If there's one thing that I've learned, in this election cycle, about the internet, is that it's that last (small-"d") democratic form of media available to the American public- let's take advantage of it. How many times has the right-wing 'net-tabloid "Drudge Report" been mentioned and cited, in the mainstream media? If we can't have an equal access to the mainstream media, simply because we can't be bothered to take 15 minutes out of every day to mass-forward articles to neworks, newspapers + radio outlets, it speaks ill of us.
Here's a comprehensive list of major media contact information from Fair.org
I've given you the info + the tools- let's get to it.... Until next time, I ask you to remember:
Kerry [KJF966] WON URL: https://www.bushflash.com/
10.Nov.2004 I challenge these trolls- and their surrogates in the highest levels of power: come to my house- come and sit here + look me in the EYE + justify this- rationalize this. Tell me why our military is JUSTIFIED in killing CHILDREN, in the sake of Bush's misbegotten war. Tell me- please. Come out from your freep-holes, your nicedoggie enclaves- I DARE you- SHOW YOURSELVES.

URL: https://www.bushflash.com/
Folks- I've spent the day monitoring the news from Fallujah- and it isn't good. If there's fodder for my next animation, it's this horrific spectacle that is simultaneously being ingored + glorified, by the corporate media.

While the major networks here in this country air reports issued to them by their "imbedded" reporters, extolling the galliant and glorious efforts by the occupation forces, many stories have been ignored.

10.Nov.2004 More Stats coming out, by Houston (Guest)
OSCE: "use of electronic voting... broadly successful",

10.Nov.2004  Bush Watch Site,

10.Nov.2004 Oscar Open to Fahrenheit 9/11, Snubs the Passion - In a move that may incite the nation&apos;s evangelical core, Mel Gibson&apos;s The Passion of the Christ will not be considered for an Academy Award nomination in the Foreign Language category. According to Variety&apos;s Timothy Gray, the Academy concluded that...

10.Nov.2004 Bush "Bulge" Explained Away by Secret Service - Now that the race for the White House has concluded with a modest victory for Bush [BGW968], the mystery that plagued the president after his debate performances may have reached a conclusion as well. The "Bush Bulge" which was...

10.Nov.2004 Illegal Immigration and the Minute Man Project
Commentary by Frosty Wooldridge
17.Dec.1773 -? What happened ? It was a date that few legal or illegal immigrants know about or understand. How did that notorious moment in America’s history occur? Who caused it? What was the result?
The Cancer of Free Trade is Killing the West Commentary by Martin Kelly
The remedy is the same when a cancer threatens the body politic. Unrestricted international free trade is such a cancer. It is advocated by small corporate and political elites, whose concerns do not lie with the welfare of families and communities but instead with profits and the tax take.

10.Nov.2004 Fascism on the Rise in USA Commentary by Amanda Osborne
If one listened carefully on the cold + dreary autumn days of 02.Nov.2004+03.Nov.2004 the death knell of democracy could be heard.

Ironically enough, the death blow was struck by that most democratic of rights, the right to vote.
Ohio Recount to be Pursued by Citizen's Group - Following many reports of error resulting in thousands of votes being cast in error for Bush [BGW968] in the state of Ohio, a group led by Bev Harris of www.BlackBoxVoting.org will be pursuing a public recount throughout certain counties...

URL: https://www.washingtondispatch.com/article_10500.shtml
10.Nov.2004 Many within the nation are left on the verge of outrage when faced with such evidence of possible fraud.  

Many are gearing up to investigate and determine what actually happened to the votes of millions of Americans or possibly the votes of many non-existent Americans.

One organization that is investigating the matter is BlackBoxVoting.org which is run by Bev Harris.  

Mrs. Harris has turned over evidence to authorities regarding vote fraud + has come to the conclusion that fraud did occur on 02.Nov.2004 .  

However her group is uncertain as to the scope of the possible conspiracy.  

Unfortunately, Mrs. Harris has an uphill battle as, in many cases, no paper trail exists to verify the electronic voting data.

Over the past few years, Republicans have fought to prevent any type of paper trail through electronic voting.  

Despite printable ATM type receipts being a reasonable fail-safe, Republicans and corporations such as Diebold fought hard + eventually won the battle against a verifiable voting system.

Without question, the evidence presented thus far should raise suspicion among honest individuals.  

While maintaining a calm and reasonable demeanor, the results of the 02.Nov.2004 election should be fully investigated simply for the sake of the nation and our future confidence in the democratic process.

05.Nov.2004 Palm Beach County Logs 88,000 More Votes Than Voters

Update : Palm Beach County has updated their numbers + added 91,802 absentee ballots and 1,041 provisional ballots. Note that the vote totals for president only increased by 1,543 votes.

To view an archived copy of the previous report, click here. While Palm Beach County appears to have accounted for the discrepancy, this underscores the flaws in the system and data compilation.

According to the official election results posted on the Palm Beach County election website, 542,835 ballots were cast for a presidential candidate while only 454,427 voters turned out for the election (including absentee). This leaves a discrepancy of 88,408 votes cast for the presidential candidates.

Palm Beach County's supervisor of elections is Theresa LePore who is known for the 2000 Presidential Election + the notorious "butterfly ballot" that caused confusion among seniors and other Floridians.

Other election oddities occurred throughout Florida with some counties registering a 400% increase in expected voter turnout among Republicans while Democrats supposedly experienced a -60% decline in expected support within certain counties. The 50+ counties experiencing the high percentage fluctuations in expected turnout used optical scan voting machines on November 2nd.

Vote discrepancies were also found in Gahanna, Ohio which gave an extra 4,000 votes to President Bush. The error was explained away by Franklin County administrators as a "glitch" in the electronic voting system.

For more information, see Shane Cory's latest commentary, Should America Trust the Results of the Election?. URL: https://www.washingtondispatch.com/spectrum/archives/000715.html
08.Nov.2004 Kerry [KJF966] "played the part" of loser.

The vote was hacked + Kerry [KJF966] went along. He took a walk. Even in the face of what we are finding out.

The Democrats and Republicans are on the same side. They put forward the impression of struggle using smaller issues, but in reality it isnt them against them.

It is them against us.

Until people figure that out, were doomed.

NAFTA.TRADE, WAR, GLOBALISM - thats what they are both for. That is their real purpose. All the gay rights etc etc are bright and shiny distractions which keep the theatre alive. Posted by: Jack at 12:16 PM

URL: https://www.washingtondispatch.com/spectrum/archives/000715.html
10.Nov.2004 #2 Electors from the Electoral College won’t vote for the party candidate.

“…Then the Electoral College has to meet and cast their votes (one from W. Virginia has already said he will NOT cast his vote for Bush if he wins W. Virginia)…” URL: https://www.washingtondispatch.com/spectrum/archives/000715.html
10.Nov.2004 For those are interested here are the states for which there is not requirement for the electors to vote for the canidate that their state voted for. This from the federal archrives. There is not Federal law or constitutional requirement for this, just state law. Other states have laws that make it a crime, these do not.

No Legal Requirement
Electors in these States are not bound by State Law to cast their vote for a specific candidate:

ARIZONA - 10 Electoral Votes
ARKANSAS - 6 Electoral Votes
DELAWARE - 3 Electoral Votes URL: 
07.Nov.2004 A little bit here tap a little bit there whaddya know those votes will flow in the direction they want them to go A little spoilage A little glitch He did it again - Sonuva----h!!! Posted by: mookie at 02:37 PM

URL: https://www.washingtondispatch.com/spectrum/archives/000715.html
07.Nov.2004 The Mantra is EXIT POLLS. They've always been used (until the 2000 heist) because they're accurate. Forget the timid Christian first-timer theories. Listen to the old toe sucker,

"Exit Polls are almost never wrong," Morris wrote. "They eliminate the two major potential fallacies in survey research by correctly separating actual voters from those who pretend they will cast ballots but never do and by substituting actual observation for guesswork in judging the relative turnout of different parts of the state."

He added: "So, according to ABC-TVs exit polls, for example, Kerry [KJF966] was slated to carry Florida, Ohio, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada + Iowa, all of which Bush carried. The only swing state the network had going to Bush was West Virginia, which the president won by 10 points."
Yet a few hours after the exit polls were showing a clear Kerry [KJF966] sweep, as the computerized vote numbers began to come in from the various states the election was called for Bush. Posted by: 01:03 PM

URL: https://www.washingtondispatch.com/spectrum/archives/000715.html
10.Nov.2004 The president has used your faith against you. I myself would b pretty pissed off and feel very betrayed. He is not a christian. The cult he belongs to is a satan-based organization.
He is advocating the polluting of our water and air in spite of the fact that our planet is dying at our hands. He is all for himself and the elite who can purify their own water and air in their homes. In Texas he has his own water purification system because the public water is close to toxic. This is how he treats us. He is not OUR president. We most certainly are HIS people. Slaves to the system that he uses against us.
How can humans be so blinded to this? Posted by: roger at November 7, 2004 09:08 AM URL: https://www.washingtondispatch.com/spectrum/archives/000715.html
07.Nov.2004 Yes. This election was electronically stolen.
Much information is being uncovered as we speak.
How could anyone with sanity and reason vote for a fascist manipulator like "shrub." He is about to destroy our world and I blame all you fools who were duped by the town idiot. Posted by: Damn u at 09:01 AM

URL: https://www.washingtondispatch.com/spectrum/archives/000715.html
.Nov.2004 "People of faith" have been duped. This president's words in no way match his actions. He has emptied the treasury for his friends (theft).
He has murdered hundreds of thousands of civilians (murder). He in no way fosters peace like a christian. He is much like the deceiving devil satan himself. He tells you one thing to lure you then takes all of your hope away.
So this is what christians stand for today. How pathetic. Posted by: Kenny at 08:57 AM URL: https://www.washingtondispatch.com/spectrum/archives/000715.html
06.Nov.2004 It wasn't 100% of USA that went with bush, fraud or not, it was 51%. That's plenty of people on the opposing side who want an answer. I think millions of people who are fumed about these results deserve more than 'shut up and deal with it', especially the ones losing their children in iraq.

As a final note, bush's strong point was 9/11, why did 80% of new york go against him? Bush wasn't the hero of 9/11 like he claimed he was. He did a good job at unifying the country, but he simply used it after that as a fashion trend. New york knew it, america as a whole should have really voted for their own ideals and not what was force fed to them about something that happened in a different state. Maybe in 2008 people will start voting based for themselves and not their churches or what the candidates feed down their throat. Posted by: Fox at 04:57 PM

I guess the normal amount of Democratic fraud was trumped by Republican fraud for a change... Posted by: fuzzy at 05:05 PM URL: https://www.washingtondispatch.com/spectrum/archives/000715.html

10.Nov.2004 Gestern hatte der Chef des Verfassungsschutzes, Fromm, Heinz ausgesagt, nach nachrichtendienstlichen Erkenntnissen seien die Anschläge nicht in Deutschland geplant worden.URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-327284,00.html
10.Nov.2004 Terrorpilot Marwan al-Shehhi: "Amerika ist scheiße" URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-327284,00.html

09.Nov.2004 Medizinische Studie: Pizza soll vor Herzinfarkt schützen https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,327031,00.html
21.Okt.2004 Böses im Blut: Warum Kaffee ans Herz geht
27.Sep.2004 Bio-Schrittmacher: Stammzellen lassen Herzen im Takt schlagen
Zum Thema im Internet: ·  

Acorn Cardiovascular https://www.acorncv.com/ ·  

Baylor College of Medicine, Houston https://www.bcm.tmc.edu/ ·  

University of Pennsylvania https://www.upenn.edu/ ·  

American Heart Association https://www.amhrt.org/
10.Nov.2004 Anti-Terror-Einsatz beendet - Verdächtige ergeben sich
Der Anti-Terror-Einsatz der Polizei in Den Haag ist nach 14 Stunden beendet. Zwei Männer aus dem umstellten Haus haben sich nach Polizeiangaben ergeben.

Die beiden Verdächtigen wurden festgenommen. Zuvor waren Schüsse gefallen.

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-327312,00.html
10.Nov.2004 Der Vorsitzende der niederländischen Vereinigung der Muslime, Mohammed Sini, verurteilte die "Spirale von Angriffen und Gegenangriffen".

Es dürfe nicht dazu kommen, dass unüberbrückbare Gegensätze aufgebaut würden, sagte Sini dem Rundfunksender Radio One.
10.Nov.2004 Mit gewaltsamen Demonstrationen wird insbesondere in Ramallah zu rechnen sein.

Die aufgebrachte Menge könnte abermals außer Kontrolle geraten wie bereits während der Beerdigung des Jerusalem-Beauftragten der PLO, Faisal Husseini, im 00.Jun.2001.

Damals geriet das Begräbnis zur gewaltsamen Demonstration für eine palästinensische Hauptstadt Ostjerusalem.
Israel und die Autonomiebehörde stehen vor gewaltigen organisatorischen Aufgaben. Zu Arafats Begräbnis kämen auch Regierungschefs von mit Israel verfeindeten Staaten wie Syrien, Iran oder Libyen. Verteidigungsminister Schaul Mofaz deutete bereits an, man wolle die Sicherheitskontrollen für hochrangige ausländische Trauergäste bei der Einreise minimieren.

Heute bot sich Ägypten für eine Entschärfung des Konfliktes an: Die ägyptische Regierung unter Präsident Husni Mubarak will in Abstimmung mit der Arabischen Liga die Trauerfeierlichkeiten für Arafat in Kairo abhalten lassen. Die Palästinenserführung stimmte diesem Angebot bereits zu.

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/technologie/0,1518,druck-327287,00.html
10.Nov.2004 Britischer Bürgerrechtsgruppe Liberty

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/technologie/0,1518,druck-327287,00.html
10.Nov.2004 Die Sicherheitsbeamten am Flughafen Heathrow haben, wovon Voyeure träumen: Eine Gerät, mit der sie andere Menschen auf Knopfdruck ausziehen können.

Die Maschine benutzt niedrig dosierte Röntgenstrahlung, um durch Kleidung hindurch zu blicken und erstellt ein detailliertes, anatomisches Schwarz-Weiß-Bild der Person.
Der Scanner soll feste, unter der Kleidung versteckte Gegenstände aufspüren können. Im Oktober startete der Londoner Flughafen einen vier Monate dauernden Test des Geräts.

Zufällig ausgewählte Passagiere werden gefragt, ob sie sich freiwillig scannen lassen möchten.
"Ich stand vor dem Gerät und sie haben Aufnahmen in drei verschiedenen Positionen gemacht", berichtete eine Frau.

"Es stört mich nicht, wenn die Bilder etwas persönlicher sind, solange ich sicher bin beim Fliegen."

Ein Sprecher der Flughafenverwaltung sagte, 98 Prozent der Kontrollierten würden sich positiv über den neuen Scanner äußern.
Britische Bürgerrechtler der Gruppe Liberty bezeichneten den Einsatz des Scanners dagegen als nicht gerechtfertigt.

Der Flughafen solle doch erst einmal beweisen, dass die bisher eingesetzten Detektoren nicht ausreichten, sagte ein Sprecher.

"Das ist ein offensichtliches Eindringen in die Intimsphäre." Der Scanner sei ein "Freibrief für Voyeure".
10.Nov.2004 Für Aufregung sorgte in Brüssel unterdessen eine Bemerkung des niederländischen Binnenmarktkommissars Frits Bolkestein nach dem Mord an Van Gogh.

Bolkestein hatte den marokkanischen König Mohammed VI. nach niederländischen Medienangaben in einer Fernsehsendung aufgefordert deutlich zu machen, dass sein Land kein "Exporteur von Mördern" sein wolle.

Der König müsse seine Bürger zur Ordnung rufen.
Der scheidende EU-Kommissar bezeichnete den islamistisch inspirierten Mord an Van Gogh als Beginn einer Einschüchterung.

Bolkstein verglich dies mit "einem verringerten Gefühl von Freiheit", ähnlich der deutschen Besetzung der Niederlande im WWII.

Ein Kommissionssprecher in Brüssel sagte, die Behörde werde die Äußerungen Bolkesteins prüfen.
Worse Than 2000: Tuesday's Electoral Disaster : 'We just edited an election + it took us 90 seconds.'"

Any system that makes it this easy to steal or corrupt an election has no business being anywhere near the voters on election day.

10.Nov.2004 Electronic Ballots – Major Media Report Major Problems: Links to powerful documentary and several revealing articles reported by major news media exposing serious problems with electronic voting machines. This is followed by excerpts from an excellent article which explains core problems within the elections system.

10.Nov.2004 The new Republican reality: no policy is too right-wing: Where should the United States invade next? Iran, Syria, or Cuba? Will George Bush merely slash taxes on the rich even further in his second term, or will he have the courage to abolish income tax altogether?

10.Nov.2004 Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions.

He helped the U.S. cheat poor countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars by lending them more money than they could possibly repay and then take over their economies. This is a must listen interview

10.Nov.2004 Aggressive War: Supreme International Crime : "If certain acts in violation of treaties are crimes they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany does them + we are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us."

Blair has departed from the rule of law, says his former adviser : Tony Blair's former senior diplomatic adviser on Europe has accused the Prime Minister + George Bush, of acting illegally over the war on Iraq.

America failing test of history as offensive compared to terror tactics of pariah states: Perhaps in waging war against the Iraqis who want to expel the Americans and topple America's chosen Iraqi leaders, the insurgents have compelled the US and its Iraqi allied regime to behave like the two Baathist regimes that they believed were so totalitarian they had to go.

10.Nov.2004 US air raid on Fallujah clinic kills dozens: witnesses : Dozens of Iraqi people,including at least 20 medics, were killed in a US air raid on a government clinic in the center of Iraq's western city of Fallujah overnight, witnesses said Tuesday.

10.Nov.2004 Halliburton Admits Bribes 'May Have Been Paid' in Nigeria : The alleged payments, many of which occurred when Halliburton was being run by Dick Cheney, now the US vice president, helped a consortium including the US group to win a 12 billion dollar contract to build a gas terminal.

10.Nov.2004 State Police investigating voter fraud : New Mexico State Police are investigating allegations of voter fraud – including one instance in which an as-of-yet unnamed woman is being connected with up to 200 bogus ballots.

10.Nov.2004 Who are These Damned Bush Republicans?: According to the new "checklist" titled "Worldwide Value", written by Frank J. Gaffney, Jr for the National Review Online, they are people who believe the following are good ideas:

10.Nov.2004 Click here to join the over 466137 who have already voted in the referendum to Impeach Bush Now!

10.Nov.2004 Scott Ritter : Squeezing jello in Iraq: Far from facing off in a decisive battle against the resistance fighters, it seems the more Americans squeeze Falluja, the more the violence explodes elsewhere. It is exercises in futility, akin to squeezing jello. The more you try to get a grasp on the problem, the more it slips through your fingers.

10.Nov.2004 Who Are The “Barbarians”? : Where is the moral “voice of America” that should cry against these atrocities? While Christian leaders moralise about gay marriage and lobbying for the “right to life”, and depriving women of their choice, mass graves of innocent Iraqi women and children are planned.

10.Nov.2004 Ramsey Clark: "Bush can run, but he cannot hide from the Constitution": Click here to join the over 466137 who have already voted in the referendum to Impeach Bush

10.Nov.2004 God’s Holy Warriors : Our President should consider the possibility that he should go shopping for a half decent international lawyer. President George W. Genocide is going to need one. 

10.Nov.2004 Purple Hearts: Back from Iraq : They are the images the government doesn’t want you to see -- of soldiers returning from “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” wounded for life, physically and emotionally. Many are in their late teens and early twenties. They are double-amputees, paraplegics, burn victims, depressives.

10.Nov.2004 It's the Corporate State, Stupid: It would be a supreme irony that the state most responsible for stopping worldwide fascism would become fascist 60 years later.

10.Nov.2004 Two Members Of Bush Cabinet Resign: Attorney General John Ashcroft and Commerce Secretary Don Evans resigned Tuesday, just one week after President Bush was re-elected to a second term.

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-327306,00.html
10.Nov.2004 Frankfurt am Main - Der Euro kletterte trotz der besser als erwartet ausgefallenen US-Außenhandelsbilanz bis auf 1,3005 Dollar und damit auf den höchsten Stand seit seiner Einführung am 1. Januar 1999. Damit wurde die erst am Montag erreichte Rekordmarke von 1,2986 Dollar übertroffen. Anschließend gab der Kurs wieder nach und kostete am Nachmittag 1,2912 Dollar. Der Dollar kostete damit 0,7706 Euro.
"Die Zahlen zur US-Handelsbilanz haben eigentlich gegen einen Euro-Anstieg gesprochen", sagte Volkswirt Stefan Bielmeier von der Deutschen Bank . "Der Markt wollte die 1,30-Dollar-Marke aber fallen sehen." Bereits am Morgen sei der Euro stark nachgefragt worden, sagte der Leiter des Helaba-Devisenhandels, Michael Burckhart. "Wir waren schon so knapp an den 1,30 Dollar dran, dass der Markt diese Marke nun auch knacken wollte." Ähnlich äußerte sich Devisenexperte Armin Mekelburg von der HypoVereinsbank : "Der Handel wollte die 1,30 Dollar sehen." Die Daten rechtfertigten aber ein dauerhaftes Überschreiten der 1,30-Dollar-Schwelle nicht.
America failing test of history as offensive compared to terror tactics of pariah states: Perhaps in waging war against the Iraqis who want to expel the Americans and topple America's chosen Iraqi leaders, the insurgents have compelled the US and its Iraqi allied regime to behave like the two Baathist regimes that they believed were so totalitarian they had to go.

URL: https://www.informationclearinghouse.info/headlines.htm
Zarqawi issues call to arms: A STATEMENT in the name of al-Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi today called on Muslims to take up arms against the US as American troops mounted a massive offensive against the rebel-held Iraqi city of Fallujah

10.Nov.2004 There is a sense of anger in this essay, but a sense of amusement as well. 
In an “Orwellian Animal Farm” country coming soon to a neighborhood near you, Conservative Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons and Evangelicals will ultimately peck each other to death in their quest for righteous leadership. 
Watch Catholics oppose birth control and in vitro fertilization for the Evangelicals; Jehovah's Witnesses oppose blood transfusions for Catholics; Mormons oppose wine at Catholic Mass + so on and so on. 
Go ahead, Catholic Conservatives: shove the Pope down the throats of the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Evangelicals + watch the reaction. 
Oh + we mustn’t forget the Jews, who voted for Bush to get security for Israel – good job! You may want to consider emigrating there when the US constitution is amended to allow the Austrian-born, Nazi apologist Arnold “the terminator” Schwarzenegger to run for President in 2008. Maybe Mel Gibson could be his running mate? 
Bush received a mandate not based on a platform of rational thought and sound fiscal reasoning, but one of “fears and queers”. Welcome to the new American dream. Don't worry, you won't see Janet Jackson's “boob” again, nor will you have to be disgusted by Howard Stern's revolting penis jokes. No, brought to you in living color, those body parts will be replaced with decapitated heads, broken bones, severed limbs and rivers of red blood, paid for with “red ink” right here in the good ol’ USA. 
Signing off now and packing my bags for Gitmo. 
Oh, sorry, I almost forgot – God bless America URL: 
10.Nov.2004 Bush and moral values is an oxymoron. And Bush and the millions of Americans who voted for him because he shares their moral values are just plain morons. 
What moral vales? Killing tens of thousands of Iraqis? Executing 152 prisoners while governor of Texas (including women and illiterates)? Supporting and protecting corrupt corporations like Enron and Halliburton? Making a fraction of the population enormously wealthy, while the working poor were squeezed bloody white? If these are moral values, then please reserve me a room in hell. 
Better to concern ourselves with a handful of "fags" getting married while we bully our way around the planet, sowing hatred, violence and destruction everywhere we go. 
These “good Americans” are repulsed by a couple of gays holding hands in public, but not by the severed limbs and destruction of a poor and impoverished people in an illegal and immoral attack on a country that was never a threat to the fiercest military machine in the history of the planet Earth. 
At least Saddam’s despotism was pure. He made no pretenses of morality, or claims of divine intervention for his treachery. What hubris, what hypocrisy by Bush and company. And millions of Americans swallowed the bait, hook and all. 
Now here is a brief commercial showing the “President of moral values” saluting his flock . https://www.informationclearinghouse.info/video1033.htm  
If you think this “one-finger victory salute” was a benign prank, just ask yourself the following question:

Could you imagine a true believer and man of values, like President Carter, acting in such a manner? URL: https://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article7246.htm
Intime Kontrolle: Scanner macht Fluggäste nackt
Schüleraustausch: USA nach Bush-Sieg stärker gefragt

10.Nov.2004 Terrorprozess: "Du wirst noch an mich denken"

10.Nov.2004 Anti-Terror-Einsatz: Schüsse in Den Haag

10.Nov.2004 Todeskampf: Warum Arafat nicht sterben darf

URL: https://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2001/0204.green.html
10.Nov.2004 Crafted Talk

It's no mystery why the Bush administration keeps its polling operation in a secure, undisclosed location.

Survey after survey shows that voters don't want a president slavishly following polls---they want "leadership" (another word that crops up in Bush's speeches with suspicious frequency).

So it's with undisguised relish that Dowd tells me, "It was true during the campaign, it's true now: We don't poll policy positions. Ever."

But voters don't like a president to ignore their desires either.

One of the abiding tensions in any democracy is between the need for leaders to respond to public opinion but also to be willing to act in ways that run counter to it.

Good presidents strike the right balance. And polls, rightly used, help them do it.

But used the wrong way, polls become a way to cheat the system and evade this tension altogether.

As Jacobs + Shapiro explain in Politicians Don't Pander, with the exception of the latter Clinton years, presidents since 1980 have increasingly used polls to come up with the "crafted talk" that makes their partisan, interest-group-driven policies seem more mainstream than they really are.

Consider the Republican stimulus plan unveiled last winter:

So heavily did it tilt toward corporate interests that focus group participants refused to believe that it was real---yet Bush pitched it for months as a "jobs" package.

Presidents, of course, must occasionally break with public opinion. But there's a thin line between being principled and being elitist.

For many years, Democrats hurt themselves and the country by presuming they knew better than voters when it came to things like welfare, crime + tax increases.

Clinton used polling to help Democrats break this habit.

Bush is more intent on using it to facilitate the GOP's own peculiar political elitism - the conviction that coddling corporations + cutting taxes for the rich will help USA regardless of the fact that a majority of voters disagree.

Bush's attempt to slip a conservative agenda past a moderate public could come back to hurt him, especially now that his high approval ratings might tempt him to overreach.

Recent history shows that poll-tested messages are often easy to parry.

During the debate over Clinton's healthcare plan, for instance, Republican opponents launched their own poll-tested counterattack,

the famous "Harry + Louise" ads, which were broadcast mainly on airport cable networks such as "CNN Airport" where well-traveled congressmen would be sure to spot them + assume they were ubiquitous.

Because lawmakers + voters never fully bought Clinton's policy, it couldn't withstand the carefully tested GOP rebuttal.

00.000.1995 -when it took over Congress after campaigning on a list of promises dubbed the "Contract With America"- A similar fate befell the GOP.

As several pollsters + political scientists have since pointed out, the Contract's policies were heavily geared toward the party's conservative base but didn't register with voters - things like corporate tax cuts + limiting the right to sue.

The GOP's strategy was to win over the press + the public with poll-tested "power phrases."

Education vouchers, for instance, were promoted as a way of "strengthening rights of parents in their children's education" + Republicans were instructed by RNC chairman Haley Barbour to repeat such phrases "until you vomit."

But when it came to proposals such as cutting Medicare, Republicans discovered that their confidence in being able to move public opinion - "preserving" + "protecting" Medi-care---was misplaced.

Clinton successfully branded them as "extremists," and this proposal, along with many of the Contract's provisions, never made it beyond the House.

Like so many other Republican ideas, Barbour's has been reborn under Bush. "What's happened over time is that there's a lot more polling on spin," says Jacobs.

"That's exactly where Bush is right now.

Bush 's not polling to find out issues that the public supports so that he can respond to their substantive interests.

Bush 's polling on presentation. To those of us who study it, most of his major policy statements come off as completely poll concocted."

Should this continue, the administration that condemns polling so righteously may not like what the polls wind up saying.

00.Apr.2002 The Other War Room President Bush doesn't believe in polling---just ask his pollsters. URL: https://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2001/0204.green.html
10.Nov.2004 Salim Ahmed Hamdan, a former driver for Osama bin Laden who was taken captive in Afghanistan, was to be tried as a war criminal before the newly created military commission at Guantánamo.

Under the legal regime set up by the Bush administration, these tribunals lack the procedural safeguards of a court-martial.

Mr. Hamdan would have very little right to see the evidence presented against him, a situation that puts a defendant at a severe disadvantage.
In his ruling, Judge James Robertson of Federal District Court in Washington held that Mr. Hamdan cannot be tried in this kind of a stripped-down proceeding.

The Geneva Conventions, which the United States has signed, requires a court martial for any detainee who is a prisoner of war, or whose status is in doubt.

At a court martial, defendants have a far greater ability to see + challenge, the prosecution's evidence.
The administration argues that Mr. Hamdan is not entitled to be treated as a P.O.W. because he worked for Al Qaeda, not a traditional army +

that the president's declaration to that effect was enough to deny him the protection of the Geneva Conventions.

Judge Robertson, however, disagreed. Article 5 of the Third Geneva Convention says prisoners can be denied P.O.W. status only by a competent tribunal.

Judge Robertson said the administration did not give Mr. Hamdan the sort of proceeding that would be necessary to deny him his rights.
The Bush administration has a history of flouting the law + the treaties to which the United States is a signatory, as part of the so-called war on terror.

It argued, until the Supreme Court ruled otherwise in June, that the detainees in Gitmo had no right to challenge their confinement + even tried to apply "unlawful combatant" status to American citizens at the president's discretion.

Earlier this year, a now-infamous Justice Department memo came to light that set out a road map for avoiding legal prohibitions on the use of torture.
It is too early to tell whether a post-John Ashcroft Justice Department will view these issues differently.

For now, the administration says it will appeal this week's ruling, which could set the stage for another Supreme Court ruling that it has gone too far.

Meanwhile, America's image abroad will take another beating + our soldiers will be in even greater danger in the future of being denied Geneva Convention protections should they be captured.

The administration should drop the appeal + concentrate instead on upgrading its flawed policies.URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-327233,00.html
10.Nov.2004 Edwards-Votrag zur militärischen Antimaterie-Nutzung
  Davis-Studie zur Teleportation
  Air Force Research Laboratory: Munitions Directorate
10.Nov.2004 Für theoretisch machbar hält Davis neben der Teleportation mittels Manipulationen der Raumzeit vor allem die psychische Teleportation, den "direkten Einfluss des Geistes auf die Materie".

Telekinese etwa sei eine Unterart dieser "P-Teleportation".

"Sollte sie bestätigt werden, wäre sie von großem potenziellen Wert für das Militär, die Geheimdienste und kommerzielle Anwendungen", meint Davis.
Mancher Wissenschaftler mag das lustig finden, anderen vergeht das Lachen angesichts der Kosten.

"Das ist Physik für Spinner", erklärte Lawrence Krauss von der Case Western Reserve University, der bereits selbst in einem Buch mit dem Titel "The Physics of Star Trek" die theoretischen Grenzen der Teleportation ausgelotet hat.

Davis vermische Ergebnisse seriöser Studien mit denen von unsinnigen Projekten, erklärte Krauss gegenüber der Tageszeitung "USA Today".

Steven Aftergood von der Federation of American Scientists meinte süffisant, der Davis-Report "wirft Fragen über die wissenschaftliche Qualitätskontrolle bei der Air Force auf".
Die US-Luftwaffe distanzierte sich bereits vorsichtig von der Teleportations-Studie.

Das Papier gebe lediglich die "Ansichten des Autors" wieder und nicht die offizielle Strategie der Air Force, hieß es in einer Stellungnahme.

Man habe außerdem nicht vor, "für diesen Vertrag" weitere Mittel auszugeben. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-322150,00.html
10.Nov.2004 Zudem versuchen Edwards + seine Kollegen, die Antiteilchen in eine stabile Daseinsform zu überführen, in der sie sich gegenseitig umkreisen.

Das Ergebnis wäre ein so genanntes Positronium.

Die Firma Positronics Research LLC unter Leitung von Smith, Gerald einem früheren Professor der University of Pennsylvania, hat laut "San Francisco Chronicle" von der Air Force 3.700.000 $ für die Positronium-Forschung erhalten.

Laut Edwards handelt es sich dabei um den "weltweit ersten Versuch zur Lagerung großer Mengen von Positronium-Atomen in einem Laborexperiment".

Ein Erfolg würde "die Tür zur Speicherung militärisch bedeutsamer Mengen von Positronium-Atomen öffnen". URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-322150,00.html
10.Nov.2004 Die USA-Luftwaffe lässt an der Eglin Air Force Base in Florida eine Abteilung mit dem bezeichnenden Namen "Revolutionary Munitions" mögliche Lösungen erforschen.

Direktor Kenneth Edwards hat im März auf einer Konferenz des Nasa Institute for Advanced Concepts eine Rede über mögliche praktische Anwendungen von Antimaterie gehalten.
23 Space-Shuttle-Tanks in einem Gramm
In Bescheidenheit übte sich Edwards nicht: Sein Vortrag strotzte vor Superlativen und beeindruckenden Zahlen.

Die Energiedichte von Antimaterie etwa sei mit 180 Megajoule pro Mikrogramm rund zehn Milliarden Mal höher als die von konventionellen Sprengstoffen.

In einem Gramm schlummere so viel Energie wie in 23 randvollen Space-Shuttle-Tanks.

Edwards wagte sogar die kühne Behauptung, für zwei Milliarden Dollar innerhalb von 15 Jahren den Prototyp eines Antimaterie-Triebwerks bauen zu können.
Noch wichtiger aber: Bei einem möglichen Waffeneinsatz würden "keine radioaktiven Rückstände" zurückbleiben, heißt es in dem Vortrag.

Von einer solchen "sauberen" Massenvernichtungswaffe, die ein Zielgebiet nicht auf Jahrzehnte mit schädlicher Strahlung verseucht, träumen US-Militärs seit Jahrzehnten.

Kritiker wenden dagegen ein, dass eben deshalb der reale Einsatz solcher Super-Bomben wesentlich leichter fiele als der von herkömmlichen Atomwaffen.
00.000.2004 -Noch im Frühjahr-, berichtete die US-Zeitung "San Francisco Chronicle", habe sich Edwards Team bereitwillig zu Interviews bereit erklärt.

00.000.2004 -Noch im Frühjahr-Wenige Wochen später aber- habe das Pentagon den Forschern einen Maulkorb verpasst.

11.Nov.2004-00.000.2004 -Noch im Frühjahr-Wenige Wochen später-Seitdem schweigt die US-Luftwaffe zu ihrer Arbeit an der Antimaterie.
10.Nov.2004 -Nun- will sich das US-Militär die potenziell unerschöpfliche Energiequelle nutzbar machen.

Wissenschaftler der Air Force forschen mit Millionenaufwand an möglichen Anwendungen von Antimaterie, von Mini-Bomben bis hin zu extrem effizienten Triebwerken.

Denn der exotische Stoff ist alles andere als Science Fiction;

01.Jan.1930-31.Dez.1939 -schon seit- die Wissenschaft beschäftigt sich mit dem exotischen Stoff Antimaterie .URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-322150,00.html
Antimaterie und Teleportation: US-Luftwaffe forscht an Science-Fiction-Waffen

10.Nov.2004 Simple Socke: Herzstrumpf macht Pumpe wieder fit

10.Nov.2004 Luftraum gesperrt: Terroralarm in Den Haag

10.Nov.2004 Opinion: The Rule of Law at Gitmo

10.Nov.2004 Umfrage: SPD sackt wieder ab

10.Nov.2004 Absolutes Gehör: Sprache schult das Ohr

10.Nov.2004 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Man könnte meinen, dass alles falsch läuft"

10.Nov.2004 Ford Brennstoffzellen-Auto: Berliner Luft mit Wasserdampf

10.Nov.2004 RFID-Etiketten: Siegeszug der Funkchips