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The News Media: CBS News Concludes It Was Misled on National Guard Memos, Network Officials Say

10.Sep.2001 Georg Elser : Hitler-Attentäter URL:,1518,druck-319412,00.html,1518,288782,00.html [€] URL:,1518,319412,00.html
Chip oder Platte: Das ABC der Mini-Speichermedien
Studie: Internet macht süchtig
Hauptstadt-Posse: Straßenkampf für Georg Elser
00.000.1939 verübte Georg Elser ein Attentat auf Adolf Hitler. Der Anschlag misslang, der mutige Einzelkämpfer wurde gefasst + ermordet.

Eine nach Elser benannte Straße gibt es in Berlin bis heute nicht. Ein Pfarrer wollte dies jetzt ändern - und geriet in eine bürokratische Posse ohnegleichen.

24.Sep.2004 Bedrohliche Blähungen: Medikament verringert Methan-Ausstoß von Weidevieh

24.Sep.2004 Terror gegen Klassenkameraden: Schüler filmen Prügel mit Handy

24.Sep.2004 Defizit-Affäre: Griechenlands Ex-Finanzminister weist Vorwürfe zurück Der ehemalige griechische Finanz- und Verteidigungsminister Giannos Papantoniou hat den Vorwurf zurückgewiesen,

Griechenland habe jahrelang seine Defizitzahlen geschönt. Die Verbuchung der strittigen Militärausgaben sei mit der EU-Kommission abgesprochen gewesen

24.Sep.2004 Schwarzarbeit: Fahnder feiern Schlag gegen Baustellen-Mafia
24.Sep.2004 Wall-Street-Schluss: Ölfirmen schwach, Technologie-Sektor stärker
24.Sep.2004 Kostenschub: Bush-Vorhaben treibt Ölpreis in die Höhe

24.Sep.2004 Der UK Außenminister Jack Straw kritisierte die Einreiseverweigerung der US-Behörden unterdessen gegenüber seinem USA Amtskollegen Colin Powell.

Die Aktion gegen Stevens sei unnötig + falsch gewesen, sagte Straw nach Angaben seines Sprechers.

Den UK Geheimdiensten lägen keine Beweise dafür vor, die Stevens in irgendeine Nähe zu terroristischen Gruppen bringe.
Ein Sprecher des US-Heimatschutzministeriums erklärte indes, Stevens stehe unter Terrorverdacht. Neue Erkenntnisse hätten das bekräftigt.

Ein US-Strafverfolger, der namentlich nicht genannt werden wollte, sagte, man habe Anhaltspunkte dafür, dass Stevens der palästinensischen Extremistengruppe Hamas Geld gespendet habe. URL:,1518,319425,00.html
24.Sep.2004 London - "Die ganze Sache ist vollkommen lächerlich", sagte der 56-Jährige bei seiner Ankunft in London. "Ich weiß nicht, ob ich lachen oder weinen soll. Es ist verrückt.

Jeder kennt mich wegen meiner Arbeit für wohltätige Zwecke", fügte er hinzu. "Nun müssen Erklärungen her", forderte er.
Wie die US-Behörden zu ihrem Verdacht kommen, ist Stevens schleierhaft. "Ich hoffe bloß, dass sie einen großen Fehler gemacht haben." Immerhin hätten ihn die Sicherheitskräfte "sehr gut" behandelt.

"Man hat mir keine Handschellen angelegt oder sowas", sagte er.URL:,1518,319425,00.html

24.Sep.2004 Irak: Keine Wahlen in Gewalt-Hochburgen?
Gerade haben US-Präsident Bush + Iraks Ministerpräsident Allawi Standfestigkeit bei der Planung der irakischen Wahlen demonstriert, da folgt schon eine Einschränkung:

Laut US-Verteidigungsminister Rumsfeld könnten die Zentren der Gewalt im Land ausgeschlossen werden.

24.Sep.2004 Uno: USA sollen Nukleartest-Vertrag ratifizieren

24.Sep.2004 Türkei und EU-Beitritt: Fischer rechnet mit Verhandlungen von 10 bis 15 Jahren
24.Sep.2004 Alawi bei Bush: "Thank you, America"
24.Sep.2004 Sozialabbau und Massendemos: Holland in Not
Cat Stevens unter Terrorverdacht: "Ich weiß nicht, ob ich lachen oder weinen soll"

24.Sep.2004 Zustimmung zu Rechtsextremen + PDS wächst - Die überraschend guten Wahlergebnisse der Rechtsextremen + Post-Sozialisten wirken sich auf den Bundestrend aus:

Laut einer neuen Umfrage stieg die Zustimmung zur PDS auf 8 % . Eine vereinigte rechtsextreme Partei könnte bald an der 5 %- Hürde kratzen.

24.Sep.2004 US-Wahlkampf: Kongress verlängert Bushs teure Steuergeschenke
Bush-Messer: Kerry lahmt
Umfrage: Zustimmung zu Rechtsextremen und PDS wächst

23.Sep.2004 U.S. House Votes to Allow Family Visits to Cuba, Rebuffing Bush

23.Sep.2004 U.S. Airport Screeners Missed Weapons: Undercover investigators were able to slip explosives + weapons past security screeners during tests at 15 U.S. airports, according to a 2003 investigation by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

23.Sep.2004 Senate approves Goss' nomination: The Senate approved President Bush's choice to head the CIA. Florida Congressman Porter Goss was confirmed after six hours of debate today by a vote of 77-17.

23.Sep.2004 An Attack on Democracy : Unless America wakes up and gets this man out of office this time around, it may be too late to maintain democracy in the future.

23.Sep.2004 Rumsfeld Sold Stakes in Pentagon Contractors: Described in ranges rather than exact amounts, his largest holdings included a trust in his name valued at $25 million to $50 million, farm land in New Mexico valued in the millions and a stake in Gilead Sciences Inc. worth $5 million to $25 million.

23.Sep.2004 Portrait of George Bush in '72 : Unanchored in Turbulent Time

23.Sep.2004 $50,000 Reward for New Evidence On Bush's Military Record! : Texans for Truth is offering a reward of $50,000 for original information proving whether George W. Bush performed duties in the Air National Guard between 00.May 1972+00.May 1973 at Dannelly Air National Guard Base in Alabama

23.Sep.2004 Putin accuses U-S-led forces of doing little to stop flow of Afghan drugs Putin says USA-led forces in Afghanistan are doing "almost nothing" to eliminate the flow of drugs from the country.

23.Sep.2004 Press Egregiously Labels CBS Documents As "Forgeries" : CBS' accusers should not get off lightly on this one.

23.Sep.2004 Bush fails to raise Jewish support : Polls show president's support for Israel will not win votes from the traditionally Democratic mainstream who recoil from his religious zeal

23.Sep.2004 U.S. meddling with Afghan election? : Mohammed Mohaqiq says he was getting ready to make his run for the Afghan presidency when U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad dropped by his campaign office and proposed a deal.

23.Sep.2004 Israel's nukes serve to justify Iran's : The more nuclear arms are lying around, the more the chances of them being used. So to persuade Iran to forgo nuclear weapons is a laudable objective. But for the USA + UK + France to insist on it is hypocritical.

23.Sep.2004 MP furious at treatment by Israel : Foreign Office asked to protest after Labour member who had stroke is held at checkpoint for 90 minutes

23.Sep.2004 Israel: Iran is determined to build nuclear weapons : Shalom sidestepped the question of whether Israel might use force to keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

23.Sep.2004 Regime Change in Iran?: Memo To: Senator Rick Santorum :

Dear Senator, I see that you are sponsoring legislation supporting "regime change" in Iran, which suggests you have had the neo-cons whispering in your ears again about the "axis of evil."

23.Sep.2004 The Hypocrisy Over Beslan : The hypocrisy is startling. Terrorists who attack Russia have a reason grounded in political grievances while those who strike the USA do not.

23.Sep.2004 Agents of Influence: Did Ariel Sharon, the Prime Minister of Israel,

run a covert program with operatives in high-level US government positions to influence the Bush Administration's decision to go to war in Iraq? The FBI wants to know

23.Sep.2004 The Department Of Justice Is Forced to Admit Serious Error in the Detroit "Terrorist Cell" Case:

23.Sep.2004 Britain frees terrorism suspect held for three years :

David Blunkett's emergency anti-terrorism laws came under fire last night after he ruled a suspect interned without trial for nearly three years no longer posed a national threat.

"U.S. Is a Leading Terrorist State" - Noam Chomsky, video interview with Mark Thomas (transcript), Undercurrents,.

First of all I think we ought to be very cautious about using the phrase 'War on Terror'.

There can't be a War on Terror. It's a logical impossibility. The US is one of the leading terrorist states in the world.

The guys who are in charge right now were all condemned for terrorism by the World Court.
23.Sep.2004 Former CIA agent says Bush to blame for 9/11
22.Sep.2004 "
The Oracle" Former CIA agent Ray McGovern went over what he considers the failures of the intelligence community + current administration over the past few years.

He has 27 years of experience as a CIA analyst to draw upon + has dealt with every administration from Kennedy to Bush Sr. 
23.Sep.2004 He also criticized the 9/11 Commission's final report, saying the committee was comprised of political extremists who couldn't reach a consensus. 
"It wasn't a bipartisan commission; it was more like a bipolar commission," McGovern said.

"To say that no one could prevent 9/11 was a bold-faced lie.

It basically let the president and everyone responsible off the hook." 
He went on to talk about the faulty intelligence attorney general John Ashcroft used when he announced that

terrorist attacks may occur before or around election time, saying that elections might have to be postponed if the USA is attacked. 
"There might be a real or staged terrorist attack in order to postpone the elections," McGovern said. "This might seem outlandish; I hope it is." 
He mentioned how the Bush administration wanted to involve the country with the war in Iraq for certain reasons other than fear of weapons of mass destruction,

which was just a more media-friendly explanation for the war. 
"I have initials for why I think we went to war in Iraq," McGovern said.

"O.I.L. O-I-L, O is for oil, I is for Israel + L is for logistics,

as in when we have Iraq we have a foothold + a number of bases strategically placed in the Middle East so we can be in control over there + also to protect Israel." 
Next he brought up civil liberties in the USA + how they have BEEN declined in the past few years. 
"I used to say when I was a kid growing up when someone told me not to do something, 'It's a free country,'" McGovern said.

"I ask you to think about it now." URL:

23.Sep.2004 UK: Labour must dare to speak for Britain - and Iraq : Holding Blair to account is not only right, it is in the party's own interests

23.Sep.2004 Former CIA agent says Bush to blame for 9/11 : "There might be a real or staged terrorist attack in order to postpone the elections," McGovern said. "This might seem outlandish; I hope it is."

Under Uncle Sam's Thumb - The History Of Washington's Occupations - by Ashley Smith - Socialist Worker - April 26, 2003 - The U.S. government established itself as an imperial p ower at the turn of the 20th century with the Spanish-American War--when it grabbed colonies in the Caribbean and Pacific. The U.S. "liberated" the Philippines from Spain by killing close to 1 million Filipinos in order to seize the country as a beachhead for U.S. ambitions in Asia.
UK: Adam Price MP: A Case to Answer: A first report on the potential impeachment of the Prime Minister for High Crimes and Misdemeanours in relation to the invasion of Iraq. This report sets out compelling evidence of deliberate repeated distortion, seriouslymisleading statements and culpable negligence on the part of the Prime Minister. Pdf format

23.Sep.2004 It's lose-lose for Blair : A Kerry victory based on attacking Mr Bush's mismanagement of Iraq leaves Mr Blair friendless in Washington and open to the same attacks on this side of the Atlantic. But a Bush victory will surely be no better for Mr Blair, since he will remain shackled to his uncomfortable ally

23.Sep.2004 Sidney Blumenthal: The hollow world of George Bush : The power of positive thinking is the president's shield from reality

23.Sep.2004Lawyers say PM could be impeached over Iraq : Parliament has the power to impeach Tony Blair over his decision to invade Iraq, lawyers acting for an all-party campaign to use the ancient right say today.

23.Sep.2004 We Are Not Secure": Kerry's "Unwavering Commitment" to Securing a Middle East Realm: The power-aspirant definitively set down his thoughts on the region, making it clear that he is committed to precisely the same world-transforming agenda as that of his rival. This is a must read

23.Sep.2004 The lesser of two evils?: Two Choices for President: People across America are frustrated, even infuriated with the choice between Bush and Kerry. I believe that our situation is not hopeless, but that our hope lies not in the political process, but in convincing the people that the political process is the problem.

23.Sep.2004 Counting the civilian cost in Iraq: Human rights groups say the occupying powers have failed in a duty to catalogue the deaths, giving the impression that ordinary Iraqis' lives are worth less than those of soldiers.

23.Sep.2004 Hell: We are seeing the beginning of a larger conflict that is busily giving birth to monsters. Salon's war correspondent on the Iraq inferno.

23.Sep.2004 As US pressure on the Taliban to expel Bin Laden intensified, the Taliban said he was a guest and it was against Afghan tradition to expel guests. When it appeared that Washington was planning another military strike against Bin Laden, the Taliban tried to cut a deal with Washington -- to allow him to leave the country in exchange for US recognition.

Thus, until the winter of 1998 the Taliban saw Bin Laden as an asset, a bargaining chip over whom they could negotiate with the Americans.

The US State Department opened a satellite telephone connection to speak to Mullah Omar directly. The Afghanistan desk officers, helped by a Pushto translator, held lengthy conversations with Omar in which both sides explored various options, but to no avail.

By early 1999 it began to dawn on the Taliban that no compromise with the US was possible and they began to see Bin Laden as a liability. A US deadline in February 1999 to the Tatiban to either hand over Bin Laden or face the consequences forced the Taliban to make him disappear discreetly from Kandahar. The move bought the Taliban some time, but the issue was still nowhere near being resolved.

The Arab-Afghans had come full circle.

From being mere appendages to the Afghan jihad + the Cold War in the 1980 s they had taken centre stage for the Afghans, neighbouring countries + the West in the 1990 s...Afghanistan was now truly a haven for Islamic internationalism + terrorism + USA + the West were at a loss as to how to handle it.

23.Feb.1998 -at a meeting in the original Khost camp, all the groups associated with Al Qaeda issued a manifesto under the aegis of "The International Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and Crusaders."

The manifesto stated "for more than seven years the US has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian peninsular, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbours + turning its bases in the peninsular into a spearhead through which to fight the neighbouring Muslim peoples."

The meeting issued a fatwa. "The ruling to kill the Americans + their allies - civilians + military - is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to."

Bin Laden had now formulated a policy that was not just aimed at the Saudi Royal Family or the Americans, but called for the liberation of the entire Muslim Middle East.

As the American air war against Iraq escalated in 1998, Bin Laden called on all Muslims to "confront, fight + kill, Americans + Britons."

23.Sep.2004 "The war," wrote Samuel Huntington, "left behind an uneasy coalition of Islamist organizations intent on promoting Islam against all non-Muslim forces.

It also left a legacy of expert and experienced fighters, training camps and logistical facilities, elaborate trans-Islam networks of personal and organization relationships, a substantial amount of military equipment including 300 to 500 unaccounted-for Stinger missiles, and, most important, a heady sense of power and self-confidence over what had been achieved and a driving desire to move on to other victories."

1986,CIA chief William Casey had stepped up the war against the Soviet Union by taking three significant, but at that time highly secret, measures.

He had persuaded the US Congress to provide the Mujaheddin with American-made Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to shoot down Soviet planes and provide US advisers to train the guerrillas. Until then, no US-made weapons or personnel had been used directly in the war effort.

23.Sep.2004 Osama Bin Laden: How the U.S. Helped Midwife a Terrorist 

Ahmed Rashid of Pakistan is a member of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, a project of the Center for Public Integrity. He is the Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia correspondent for the Far Eastern Economic Review and The Daily Telegraph of London. This is an excerpt from his book "Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia" (Yale University Press).

23.Sep.2004 "List of Known USA GOVERNMENT Assassination Plots URL:

23.Sep.2004 Very likely Victims :

23.Sep.2004 Partial List of Muslim Leaders Assassinated or Attempted Assassinations

23.Sep.2004 U. S. Government Assassination Plots
Following is a list of prominent foreign leaders whose assassination (or planning for same) the USA has been involved in since the end of Second World War. The list does not include several assassinations in various parts of the world carried out by anti-Castro Cubans employed by CIA and headquartered in the USA:
These **100** instances of American military intervention did not include times when the USA:
(1) deployed military police overseas;
(2) mobilized the National Guard;
(3) sent Navy ships off the coast of numerous countries as a show of strength;
(4) sent additional troops to areas where Americans were already stationed;
(5) carried out covert actions where American forces were not under the direct rule of an American command;
(6) used small hostage rescue units;
(7) used American pilots to fly foreign planes;
(8) carried out military training and advisory programs which did not involve direct combat.

23.Sep.2004 The mother of all be taken quite literally!

For those of you who want facts + figures + have the intellect to judge 'good' from 'evil' + the courage to know + say out the truth....for the rest should delete this mail NOW!
00.000.1890 -Ever since in- the USA Army massacred 300 Lakotas, USA forces have intervened elsewhere around the globe 100 times.

Indeed the USA has sent troops abroad or militarily struck other countries' territory 216 times since independence from Britain.

Since 1945 the USA has intervened in more than 20 countries yopu? throughout the world.
Since WWI. the USA actually dropped bombs on 23 countries. These include:

China 1945-46, Korea 1950-53, China 1950-53, Guatemala 1954, Indonesia 1958, Cuba 1959-60, Guatemala 1960, Congo 1964, Peru 1965, Laos 1964-73, Vietnam 1961-73, Cambodia 1969-70, Guatemala 1967-69, Grenada 1983, Lebanon 1984, Libya 1986, El Salvador 1980s, Nicaragua 1980s, Panama 1989, Iraq 1991-1999, Sudan 1998, Afghanistan 1998 + Yugoslavia 1999.
Post World War II, the USA has also assisted in over 20 different coups throughout the world + the CIA was responsible for half a dozen assassinations of political heads of state.
The following is a comprehensive summary of the imperialist strategy of the USA over the span of the past century:

The world has been in ferment since 11.Sep2001 but why weren't there similar outcries at earlier atrocities? -John Pilger - Guardian -

20.Sep.2001 U.S. Policy on Assassinations, CIA: Human Rights Watch Letter to President George W. Bush –

y The mother of all be taken quite literally!

Osama Bin Laden: How the U.S. Helped Midwife a Terrorist - Ahmed Rashid
What's Behind The Killing In Central Africa? -Socialist Worker – - MORE THAN 3.3 million people have died in the war in the Congo in the last six years, according to a study by the International Rescue Committee. It’s the highest death toll of any war since the Second World War.
23.Sep.2004 Karl von Clausewitz, the Prussian theorist of war, wrote, "War is an extension of politics by other means." When I taught Clausewitz to students at various military war colleges, I told them that he meant international politics. But I may have been wrong -- I fear war has become an extension of domestic politics, moving beyond influencing adversaries on the battlefield to influencing the decision making of friendly nations and, even more important, American public opinion. Why have the American people become the adversary? 
About the writer
Sam Gardiner is a retired Air Force colonel who has taught strategy and military operations at the National War College, Air War College and Naval War College. 

23.Sep.2004 Any military officer would say that you have to take the fight to the enemy. So what can we conclude about this decision? There is only one conceivable answer -- the White House is delaying military operations until after the Nov. 2 election for political reasons. In the meantime, information-denial operations must be ratcheted up to control the story. But that is becoming more difficult. 
23.Sep.2004 Appealing to the emotions aroused by 9/11 is classic psychological warfare. And repetition of the terrorist argument is utterly consistent with the theory that one can develop collective memory in a population through repetition. 

23.Sep.2004 The president tells us that we are fighting terrorists in Iraq so we don't have to fight them here in the USA. But I know of no one with a respectable knowledge of the events in Iraq who shares that view. My contacts in the intelligence community say the opposite -- that U.S. policies in fact are creating more terrorism. 
Still, the administration has made its case for the 9/11 terrorism and Iraq connection with some sophistication. For example, on March 25, 2003, the USA renamed the Iraqi fighters in civilian clothes known as the Fedayeen Saddam. Either the Office of the Secretary of Defense or the White House (I have been told it was both) directed that they now be called "terrorist death squads" -- promoting the overarching message: Iraq = terrorists = 9/11
23.Sep.2004 The effect of the White House's control of information has been dramatic. The chart shows how English-language press coverage of Iraq has fallen off since July. Early in July, it was typical to find almost 250,000 articles each day mentioning Iraq. That number has dropped to 150,000. The goal of denying the adversary access to information is being realized. But, again, who is the adversary? 
Before, during and immediately after the war, the White House orchestrated an intensive program of press briefings and releases to saturate media time and space, stay on message, keep ahead of the news cycle and manage expectations. The White House conference call set the daily message. The press briefings from the Central Command headquarters in Doha, Qatar, were designed to dominate the morning and afternoon press coverage, while the afternoon press briefing by the Pentagon was intended for the evening news. 
The White House is also using psychological warfare -- conveying selected information to organizations and individuals to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning and ultimately behavior -- to spread its version of the war. And the administration's message is obviously central to the process. From the very beginning, that message, delivered both directly and subtly, has been constant and consistent: Iraq = terrorists = 9/11
23.Sep.2004 Denying information to adversaries is one way of maintaining information dominance. (According to the Army Field Manual, this dimension involves "withholding information that adversaries need for effective decision-making.") In the case of Iraq, this has meant eliminating press releases and press briefings. Since the hand-over of power, the U.S. Embassy in Iraq has issued only six releases, including one on the new Iraqi environment minister's visit to a landfill project. The most recent press release, on Aug. 12, was about a boxer on Iraq's Olympics team. The last press briefing by the
Multi-National Force in Iraq was June 25. The interim Iraqi government does not hold press conferences. 
The White House Web site also reflects the strategy of withholding information. It used to actively provide
content on Operation Iraqi Freedom (or as the Web site now says, "Renewal in Iraq"), but the last new entry is dated Aug. 5. 
23.Sep.2004 The enemy is us
In war,

you deny information,

spread lies and use psychological warfare.

An expert on military information operations explains how Bush has mastered this technique -

- and used it against the American people.
22Sep.2004 " " On Thursday,

Iraq's interim prime minister, Iyad Allawi will speak before a joint meeting of Congress +

from what he said in London on his way to the USA,

it looks like Americans are going to be getting more of the strategic information operations that have been crucial to Bush's policy on Iraq from the beginning. 
On Monday,

Allawi said at a press conference:

"Terrorists are coming and pouring into Iraq to try to undermine the situation in Iraq ...

And God forbid,

if Iraq is broken or the will of Iraq is broken, then London will be a target, Washington will be a target."

In those sentences,

Allawi employed the basic doctrine of strategic information operations:

Influence emotions,

motive and objective reasoning.

Use repetition to create a collective memory in the target audience.

And the recurrent message of both Allawi and the Bush administration is:

Iraq = terrorists = 9/11
The Army Field Manual describes information operations as the use of strategies such as information denial, deception and psychological warfare to influence decision making.

The notion is as old as war itself.

With information operations,

one seeks to gain and maintain information superiority -

- control information and you control the battlefield.

And in the information age, it has become even more imperative to influence adversaries. 
But with the Iraq war,

information operations have gone seriously off track,

moving beyond influencing adversaries on the battlefield to influencing the decision making of friendly nations and,

even more important,

American public opinion.

In information denial, one attempts to deceive one's adversary.

Since the declared end of combat operations, the Bush administration has orchestrated a number of deceptions about Iraq.

But who is its adversary? 
00.Aug.2003 the administration's message was that everything in Iraq was improving.

The White House led the information effort and even published a paper on the successes of the first 100 days of the occupation. By

00.Oct.2003 the message had shifted:

Things were going well in Iraq, but the media was telling the wrong story. 
23.Sep.2004 GUANTANAMO USA schieben Terrorverdächtigen ab
Der in den USA seit fast drei Jahren als Terrorverdächtiger festgehaltene Yasir Isam Hamdi wird nach Saudi-Arabien abgeschoben.

Sein Schicksal als einer der Guantanamo-Häftlinge hatte weltweite Proteste ausgelöst.
23.Sep.2004 URL:   bush23.htm
".. territory. Noriega remained convinced until very late in the day that US aggression would be limited to a commando raid devoted primarily to the kidnapping or assassination of Noriega and a few top lieutenants.

In this, Noriega joins the company of the Shah of Iran, President Marcos of the Philippines + Saddam Hussein of Iraq, all of whom were unable to fathom the true extent of the US committment to topple their regimes (or, in the case of Iraq, lay waste to much of the country). This is the principal reason why the PDF failed to execute its plan to disperse and regroup in the jungle. As Christmas .."
23.Sep.2004 TERRORVERDACHT Angst vor Cat Stevens - Jumbojet umgeleitet Dem ehemaligen Popstar Cat Stevens ist als Terrorverdächtiger die Einreise in die USA verweigert worden.

Wegen des vor Jahrzehnten zum Islam konvertierten Briten haben die US-Behörden eine Linienmaschine auf dem Weg von London nach Washington nach Maine umgeleitet.
23.Sep.2004 ChevronTexaco besitzt 50 Prozent an dem Unternehmen Tengizchevroil, weitere 25 Prozent gehören der US-Firma ExxonMobil. Die Kasachen seien an dem 1993 geschlossenen Deal nur mit 20 Prozent beteiligt.

Bei der Frage nach den Vertragsbedingungen verzieht Askar Aubakirow keine Miene. Der Vize-Direktor des Staatsunternehmens KazMunaiGas in Atyrau ist der kasachische Gegenspieler von Madison.

Er residiert in einem schäbigen Gebäude aus der Sowjetzeit, in der Mitte des schlichten Besprechungszimmers stehen Plastikblumen.
Doch der erste Eindruck von Armseligkeit täuscht. Sein Arbeitgeber ist Herr über landesweit 37 Ölförderplätze.

Und jenseits des persisch-arabischen Golfes verfügt niemand anderes über solche Erdölvorkommen wie die ehemaligen Nomaden vom Turkvolk der Kasachen.

Erst vor vier Jahren wurde in Kaschgan das weltweit fünftgrößte Ölreservoire entdeckt. In den kommenden 15 Jahren will das Land zu den führenden Erdöl-Exporteuren der Welt aufschließen.

Bereits in diesem Jahr stieg Kasachstan, noch vor Saudi-Arabien, zum fünftwichtigsten Öllieferanten Deutschlands auf. Aubakirow hat allen Grund gelassen zu bleiben.
Längst wird zwischen den USA, China und Russland eine unblutige Schlacht ums "Kaspi-Öl" geschlagen.

Die Mächtigen buhlen mit viel Geld und politischem Druck um Einfluss in dem Land, das so groß wie Westeuropa ist, aber über weniger Einwohner als die Niederlande verfügt.
23.Sep.2004 Dave Madison ist begeistert. Der Amerikaner lehnt lässig an einer Tischkante in der Chefetage des glitzerndsten Gebäudes der kasachischen Boomcity Atyrau am Kaspischen Meer.

Der Statthalter der US-Ölgesellschaft Chevron schwärmt von dem "wunderschönen Öl", das in der Nähe gefördert wird. Das Ölfeld Tengis sei einfach "ein Honigtopf".
23.Sep.2004 Auf den ersten Blick scheint Kasachstan größtenteils unwirtliche Steppe zu sein. Im Boden des größten zentralasiatischen Staates schlummert allerdings ein gigantischer Schatz. Doch eine machthungrige Clique bereichert sich hemmungslos am Öl. Ein Land zwischen Schmierstoff und Schmiergeld.
22.Sep.2004 Von den rund 51 Millionen Dollar, die das Pentagon nach eigenen Angaben seit 1992 für die Entwicklung der Mikrowellenwaffen ausgegeben hat, seien allein neun Millionen auf die Erforschung der Wirkungen auf den menschlichen Körper entfallen - Tier- und Menschenversuche inklusive.
"Es fühlt sich an, als würde die Haut brennen", sagt Rich Garcia, Sprecher des Air Force Research Laboratory und eines der menschlichen Testobjekte. "Aber wenn der Strahl abgeschaltet wird oder man seinen Bereich verlässt, ist alles wieder normal. Der Schmerz verschwindet restlos."
US-Militär sieht geringe Gefahr für Gesundheit
22.Sep.2004 "Die Leute werden den Schmerz nicht aushalten und weglaufen + zwar dorthin, wo wir sie haben wollen."

22.Sep.2004 Bei Zusammenstößen mit US-Soldaten wurden bereits Dutzende Unbeteiligte getötet.

Jetzt will das Pentagon bei Aufständen nicht mehr schießen sondern strahlen lassen:

Mikrowellen, die Menschen brennende Schmerzen zufügen, sollen Demonstranten und Angreifer in die Flucht schlagen, ohne sie zu töten oder auch nur dauerhaft zu schädigen.
Bis Juli kommenden Jahres sollen vier bis sechs mobile Energiewaffen an US-Truppen im Irak ausgeliefert werden, wie die amerikanische Militärzeitung "Stars and Stripes" berichtet.

Das Experiment läuft unter dem bezeichnenden Titel "Projekt Sheriff".

"Er ist nicht da, um zu zerstören", erklärt Colonel Wade Hall vom US-Marinekorps im Jargon des Militärtechnokraten.

"Er ist da, um den Frieden zu erhalten, aber er kann falls nötig in den Zerstörungs-Status gehen."
Der "Sheriff" besteht in diesem Fall aus einer eckigen Antenne, die auf Geländewagen wie dem "Humvee" - der auch als monströser Pkw in den USA unterwegs ist - oder auf leichten Panzern montiert ist.

Das "Active Denial System", kurz ADS, ähnelt der Technologie, die sonst auch in der Küche zum Einsatz kommt - nur dass in diesem Fall nicht Fertigsuppen, sondern Menschen erhitzt werden.
"Die Leute werden den Schmerz nicht aushalten"
22.Sep.2004 ENERGIEWAFFEN IM IRAK Der Sheriff mit der Strahlenkanone
Das US-Militär will Unruhen im Irak künftig mit Energiewaffen beenden: Gebündelte Mikrowellen sollen Aufständischen unerträgliche Schmerzen beibringen.

Ab Juli 2005 sollen die ersten Strahlenkanonen auf Geländewagen durch irakische Städte rollen.
Reformen: Schröder ruft zum Ärmel aufkrempeln auf

22.Sep.2004 Kurioser Fund: Sowjet-Shuttle am Persischen Golf aufgetaucht

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22.Sep.2004 Justiz: Kabinett beschließt entschärfte Version des Lauschangriffs

22.Sep.2004 Passagierflüge: USA testen neues Terrorschutz-System

22.Sep.2004 Wahlerfolg der Rechten: Ruck im Weltnetz

22.Sep.2004 Tropensturm "Jeanne": Mehr als 1600 Tote auf Haiti befürchtet

22.Sep.2004 US-Armee: Sarkawis Stellvertreter getötet

22.Sep.2004 Kalifornisches Urteil: Philip Morris muss 50 Millionen Dollar Buße zahlen

22.Sep.2004 Schulterschluss der Neonazis: Rechtsextremisten planen Bündnis für Bundestagswahl

22.Sep.2004 Hirnforschung: Supermagnet macht Gedanken sichtbar

22.Sep.2004 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Welt aus Blut und Tod"

22.Sep.2004 Steuertricks: Grüne greifen Immobilien-Abschreibungen an

22.Sep.2004 Deutscher Sitz im Sicherheitsrat: Schäuble wirft Fischer linken Nationalismus vor

22.Sep.2004 Terrorverdacht: Angst vor Cat Stevens - Jumbojet umgeleitet

22.Sep.2004 Handelsstreit: USA beschweren sich über EU-Zollpraktiken

22.Sep.2004 Sicherheitspolitik: EU warnt Iran vor Bau von Atomwaffen

22.Sep.2004 Anti-Tabak-Prozess: "Betrug, Falschangaben, Lügen"

22.Sep.2004 Schattenwirtschaft: Eichel schließt sich Schröders Kritik an

22.Sep.2004 Vereinte Nationen: Deutschland pocht auf Sitz im Sicherheitsrat

22.Sep.2004 Produktivitätsfortschritt: Wirtschaft Ost wächst wieder schneller als der Westen (URL:,1518,druck-319365,00.html

22.Sep.2004 Reformen: Schröder ruft zum Ärmel aufkrempeln auf


22.Sep.2004 Ersatzdienst: Hartzianer für die Zivi-Armee,1518,317827,00.html