21.Feb.2005 In response to internal surveys + continuing complaints from cadets + local groups, Air Force Academy leadership has recognized a problem with discrimination of nonreligious groups within the Academy. Indications are that benefits are withheld for Christians + cadets suffer discrimination if they do not participate in religious events. The AF has also recently distanced itself from religious flag folding ceremonies, saying it endorses no script for the events.. URL: https://maaf.info/ or the right of the people peaceably to assemble + to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." "I will support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic." "Persons shall be evaluated on individual merit, fitness + capability, regardless of race, sex, color, national origin, or religion" URL: https://www.infidels.org/quotes/quote514.html URL: https://www.atheists.org/thedaytc/ That's why we are launching THE DAY THAT COUNTS. On July 10, 2001 , we are asking representatives of national, state and local organizations -- Atheists, Freethinkers, Agnostics, Secular Humanists -- to join us in Washington DC at the National Press Club as we stand together against the Bush faith-based initiative and similar schemes to divert public money to religious organizations. We want the White House + the lawmakers in Washington, DC and elsewhere, to know that they must consider US, not just religious, special-interest groups, when deciding how to use the public coin. We are also asking anyone who is one of us, the twenty-seven million, to contact the President, your Congressional representative + your US Senators on July 17, 2001 . We want millions of faxes, phone calls, and letters flooding into our nation's capital! URL: https://www.atheists.org/thedaytc/ URL: https://www.atheists.org/thedaytc/ Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another. Neither can force nor influence a person to go to or remain away from church against his will or force him to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion. [U.S. Supreme Court justice Hugo Black, Majority opinion Everson v. Board of Education 330 U.S. 1 (1947)] URL: https://www.atheists.org/thedaytc/ If President George W. Bush has his way, we will be forced to open our purses and wallets in order to fund faith-based social programs across the country. DiIulio The funding proposals go far beyond just providing social services, though. Recently, federal faith-based office czar John DiIulio declared that Americans - + that includes us! - should pay for the physical maintenance + operation of houses of worship, so they may expand their religion-based social outreaches. We say that all of this is unfair + unconstitutional! URL: https://members.aol.com/valinda555/atheism.html URL: https://members.aol.com/valinda555/atheism.html URL: https://members.aol.com/valinda555/atheism.html URL: https://members.aol.com/valinda555/atheism.html URL: https://www.altavista.com/web/results?q=link%3Aactiveatheism.net&kgs=0&kls=0&avkw=qtrp 21.Feb.2005 PRECEDENTIAL UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE THIRD CIRCUIT ...- View as HTML 29.Feb.2000 Tower filed a voluntary Chapter 11 ... of the loss of its other 21.Feb.2005 Unknown News FINOVA Group, Inc...Wasn't I recently sold [sic] that Saddam was a bad man because he put his obsession for weapons of mass destruction above..THE WEEK BEFORE Feb. www.unknownnews.net/050208n.html 21.Feb.2005 "W" Bush in Barry Seal's Plane: Drugwar.com... least, according to Contracts dating from 00.Feb.1982 ... the first time the holding company, Finova, has been.. under Oliver North the plane was sold twice in www.drugwar.com/cv7.shtm 21.Feb.2005 PRINCIPAL DEPUTY UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 3015 DEFENSE PENTAGON ...NORA SLATKIN MR. GEORGE DAUSMAN LIEUTENANT GENERAL WILLIAM H . FORSTER MS. DARLENE Druyun LIEUTENANT GENERAL RICHARD HAWLEY REAR ADMIRAL DAVID OLIVER MR. ... www.fas.org/irp/doddir/dod/cosawg.txt Northrop Grumman -- US Army Team Conducts Second Successful Flight ...will improve substantially the Army's ability to strike discrete, high-value targets-whether moving or stationary," said Dr. William H . Forster , vice president ... www.defense-aerospace.com/produit/10271_us.html News: Radars for Singapore Longbow Apaches... of the radar system to enhance both the overall mission effectiveness and survivability of the AH-64D helicopter,'' said William H . Forster , vice president of ... US ARMY AND AUSA AVIATION SYMPOSIUM AND EXHIBITION HIGHLIGHTS THE ...Steve Gaffney, President and GM, ITT Avionics Mr. Joseph G. Thomas, VP and GM, Unmanned Air Vehicle Programs, AAI Corporation Dr. William H . Forster , VP, Land ... www4.army.mil/ocpa/read.php?story_id_key=1375 Northrop Grumman Corporation - Defining the Future .. William H . Forster , vice president of Land Combat Systems at Northrop Grumman, added, "The consistent performance of Eagle Eyes in these tests confirms our ... Northrop Grumman Corporation - Defining the Future "This test series has shown that the Bat submunition can be integrated rapidly into UAV systems," said William H . Forster , vice president of Land Combat ... Mr. Hignite is a supervisory logistics management specialist ...William H . Forster encouraged members of the Army Acquisition Corps to be risk takers in a speech presented at the Army Acquisition Career Management Workshop ... www.dau.mil/pubs/pm/pmpdf94/text/HIGNITE.TXT 21.Feb.2005 No. 575-94:10/11/94:GENERAL OFFICER ANNOUNCEMENT Secretary of Defense William J. Perry announced today that the President has nominated Lieutenant General William H . Forster , United States Army, to be placed ... www.defenselink.mil/releases/1994/b101194_bt575-94.html 21.Feb.2005 AUSA Aviation Symposium and Exhibition... ITT Industries, Avionics Division Mr. Joseph G. Thomas Vice President of Unmanned Air Vehicle Programs AAI Corporation Dr. William H . Forster Vice President ... www.ausa.org/AUSA/events.nsf/0/1cc46c30612fdcc785256c6200560d7a?OpenDocument&ExpandSection=2 21.Feb.2005 ~ Miltec Corporation - News Dr. William H . Forster , vice president of Land Combat Systems at Northrop Grumman, added, “This test demonstrates that the CKEM team’s approach is well on.. www.mil-tec.com/miltec1/news/current_docs/28jan04.asp Tri-mode Seeker success - www.ezboard.com... will improve substantially the Army’s ability to strike discrete, high-value targets, both moving and stationary.” William H . Forster , vice president of ... Singapore Adds Longbow Radar to its AH-64D Apache Order... the ability of the radar system to enhance both the overall mission effectiveness + survivability of the AH-64D", said William H . Forster , Northrop Grumman's ... www.awgnet.com/shownews/00sing1/topsto16.htm PR Newswire: Northrop Grumman Receives $87.8 Million Contract for ...of the BAT submunition to search out and destroy moving enemy combat vehicles, day + night + in adverse weather," said William H . Forster , vice president ... www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m4PRN/1999_July_12/55134707/p1/article.jhtml Business Wire: Northrop Grumman Receives $128 Million Contract for ...ability of the BAT to search out + destroy moving enemy combat vehicles, day + night + in adverse weather,“; said William H . Forster , vice president 21.Feb.2005 The Star Archive - William H. Forster - army general The Star Archive - William H . Forster - army general. Contact your favorite celebrity here - find up to date information, contact ... AVIATION SYMPOSIUM AND EXHIBITION Avionics 1000-1030 Coffee Break 1030-1100 Gregory S. Churchill President, Government Systems Rockwell Collins 1100-1130 Dr. William H . Forster Vice President ... The Last Circle... from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Mr. Andy Andrews, Non-Lethal Project Leader at Los Alamos National Laboratory; LTG William H . Forster from Army ... Opportunities in Biotechnology for Future Army Applications ...LINDA VOSS, Technical Consultant. Page v. BOARD ON ARMY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. WILLIAM H . FORSTER , chair, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Baltimore, Maryland. ... www.nap.edu/execsumm/0309075556.html Nat'l Academies Press, Evaluation of Demonstration Test Results of ...Irvine, California LEO WEITZMAN, LVW Associates, Inc., West Lafayette, Indiana Beard on Army Science and Technology Liaison WILLIAM H . FORSTER, chair, Northrop ... www.nap.edu/books/0309068975/html/R1.html Celebrity email and home addresses. Listing letter: F Details, Marc, Forster, Producer,... Details, William H , Forster , General,..... Details, Bruce, Forsyth, Actor, Comedian, ...www.platinum-celebs.com/addresses/index.php/f/9 From msc.edu!umn.edu!spool.mu.edu!agate!iat.holonet.net!cdreams! ...Former Director of Competitive Strategies OSD 2:30PM Break 3:00 - 5:00PM Services & Special Operations Perspectives - Army LTG William H . Forster , USA Military ... www.skepticfiles.org/waco/administ.htm The international solid-state circuits community and its annual ...1955 - The Second Conference (Chairman: Donald G. Fink, Philco; Secretary: William H . Forster , Philco; Program Chairman: Howard E. Tompkins, Borroughs ... ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/8736/27661/01264025.pdf?arnumber=1264025 21.Feb.2005 PrimeZone Media Network... multimission, hypervelocity system that will prove highly lethal against armor, bunkers and fortified emplacements," said Dr. William H . Forster , vice president ... 21.Feb.2005 User Posts... Chronology of Christianity ( 1AD -Present). Posted by choirboy to restornu On Religion 10/18/2003 7:53:59 AM PDT 13 of 46 I'm suprised the author omitted: ... 21.Feb.2005 Pousadas de Juventude ... photos) this is where one animal species finds its refuge from extinction : the Iberian... Everyone knows it’sa lot easier to spot the plants than the animals . ... URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-342832,00.html Vorangegangen waren wochenlange Streitereien zwischen mehreren Kabinettsmitgliedern sowie eine Pannenserie der Regierung. 00.Jul.2004 erst im hatte Santana Lopes sein Amt als Ministerpräsident angetreten, nachdem sein Vorgänger Jose Manuel Barroso zum Präsidenten der EU-Kommission berufen worden war. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-342832,00.html Bei der vorgezogenen Wahl vom Sonntag erhielten die Sozialisten nach dem vorläufigen Endergebnis 45 % der Stimmen. Damit stellen sie künftig 120 der 230 Sitze im Parlament. Die bisher regierende „Sozialdemokratische“ Partei (PSD) von Ministerpräsident Pedro Santana Lopes fiel von 40,2 auf 28,7 % der Stimmen. Die stärkste Kraft des bürgerlichen Lagers erhielt nur noch 72 Mandate. Reporter ohne Grenzen: Bericht "Internet under Surveillance" https://www.rsf.org/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=433 URL: https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/politik/0,1518,druck-342398,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/politik/0,1518,druck-342398,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/politik/0,1518,druck-342398,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/politik/0,1518,druck-342398,00.html Unter der Ägide der Internationalen Fernmeldeunion (ITU) bereiten sie bei der so genannten Prepcom-2 den zweiten Uno-Informationsgipfel vor, der im November in Tunis stattfinden soll. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/politik/0,1518,druck-342398,00.html 21.Feb.2005 Tsunami-Katastrophe: Indonesien korrigiert Opferzahlen - 127.000 Tote 21.Feb.2005 Libanon: Syrien kündigt Truppenabzug an 21.Feb.2005 Nebra-Prozess: Bizarrer Streit um Himmelsscheibe 21.Feb.2005 NPD-Kontakte: Verfassungsschutz nimmt Burschenschaft ins Visier 21.Feb.2005 Polizeieinsatz für Bush: Gezerre um die Kosten 21.Feb.2005 Tagung: US-Forscher proben Aufstand gegen Bush 21.Feb.2005 Gasunfall: Flughafen-Terminal in Melbourne geräumt 21.Feb.2005 Bush in Brüssel: "Keine Macht wird uns trennen" 21.Feb.2005 Wertvernichter 2004: Die Albtraumunternehmen für Anleger 21.Feb.2005 Surftipp: Noch mehr kostenlose Software 21.Feb.2005 Minijobs: Bundesbank spricht von einem Erfolgsmodell 21.Feb.2005 Bush in Mainz: Präsidentenbesuch lähmt die gesamte Region 21.Feb.2005 Konflikt mit den USA: Syrien sucht Hilfe der Arabischen Liga 21.Feb.2005 80 Jahre "New Yorker": Bushs gedrucktes Gewissen 21.Feb.2005 Gar nicht lustig: Wie ein Juristenwitz zwei Amerikaner vor Gericht brachte
21.Feb.2005 Indonesien: Mehr als 200 Tote durch Mülllawine befürchtet 21.Feb.2005 Exotische Materialien: Beulen und Kratzer heilen sich selbst 21.Feb.2005 Roboter-Koryphäe Minoru Asada: "Ich fürchte mich nicht vor Androiden" 21.Feb.2005 Norditalien: Vier Tote bei Schießerei in Verona 21.Feb.2005 Reaktionen aus Berlin: Westerwelle fordert Nachzählung 21.Feb.2005 Januar-Bilanz: Steuereinnahmen brechen um 25 % ein 21.Feb.2005 Schwarzes Loch: Forscher finden kosmischen Winzling 21.Feb.2005 Bush in Europa: Zu fremden Freunden 21.Feb.2005 Internet-Zensur: "Für Diplomaten sind das nur Worte" 21.Feb.2005 Portugal: Socrates und die moderne Linke 21.Feb.2005 Bush in Europa: Ein Lächeln für die Deutschen 21.Feb.2005 Portugal: Sozialist Socrates erreicht absolute Mehrheit 21.Feb.2005 Europareise: Bush will neue Ära der Beziehungen einleiten 20.Feb.2005 Landtagswahl in Schleswig-Holstein: Last-Minute-Mehrheit für Simonis 20.Feb.2005 URL: https://www.google.com.gr/search?hl=el&q=PARAMILITARY%20GREECE&meta= Greek public order, public order act in Greece, criminal justice ... The police force remains paramilitary in character, + officers carry sidearms + clubs.. The objective is to enable Greece to comply with the Schengen accords greece.russiansabroad.com/country_page.aspx?page=263 23.Nov.2004 www.strategypage.com/messageboards/default.asp Davids Medienkritik: Stupid Texan Cowboy Beats Smart German. Auf der Titelseite der aktuellen ZEIT (30.Oct.2003) prangt ein großes verfremdetes Foto von Präsident Bush, das ihn als texanischen Cowboy-Trottel präsentiert ... medienkritik.typepad.com/blog/2003/10/zeit_bush_stere.html 21.Feb.2005 Web Results 1 - 14 of about 1,200 for picture nasa debate " bush earpiece " . ( 0.36 seconds) Clouds Over George Bush ... of a later congressional review of the October Surprise case, "many ... The center was run by Stefan Halper, son-in ... law of former CIA official Ray Cline, the "secret ... https://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/History/CloudsOverGeorgeBush.html Bush book: Chapter -16- The Ray Cline, Halper + Gambino operations were all continued. ... Casey told reporters of his concern that Carter might spring an " October surprise " in foreign ... https://www.tarpley.net/bush16.htm Subject: more S+L links CIA money laundering Keywords: more of ...the Republican presidential nomination, Cline boasted during... For example, Halper, in addition to being a... be known as the " October Surprise ." Halper worked with ... https://www.skepticfiles.org/conspire/cia-s&ld.htm 00.000.1996 Neue Solidarität 40 Profile der wichtigsten Iran-Contra ...1978 mußte er aus der CIA ausscheiden, nachdem er in den.. er ins "Ölgeschäft" über + beriet den holländischen Ölhändler John Deuss, der ironischerweise ... www.solidaritaet.com/neuesol/aktuelle/krise/profile.htm 20.Feb.2005 Scoop Archive: Suzan Mazur: John Deuss - The Manhattan projects And through Shackley, Deuss is linked with some of the most controversial names in recent history: Rogue CIA agent Edwin Wilson, Thomas Clines, John Singlaub ... www.scoop.co.nz/mason/archive/scoop/stories/80/7c/200409221542.e9c7e5f8.html Military and Defence Issues The Lines, Between The Lines Interview with Daniel Ellsberg Former CIA , State Department + Article, Suzan Mazur: John Deuss - The Manhattan www.scoop.co.nz/mason/archive/scoop/?k=163&y=2004&m=09 URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-342774,00.html "Babyboomer müssen wirklich erwachsen werden + sagen, ich habe vielleicht Drogen genommen. Aber anstatt es (öffentlich) einzugestehen, sollten sie Kindern sagen: Lasst es bleiben." URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-342768,00.html Die Nordatlantische Allianz habe "sich noch nicht so ganz auf die Ära nach dem Kalten Krieg eingestellt". USA warte aber "auf eine Klarstellung, was das Ziel der Rede bei der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz gewesen sei, sagte Bushs Parteifreund dem "Tagesspiegel am Sonntag". Schröder hatte auf der Konferenz Irritationen mit der Bemerkung ausgelöst, die Nato sei "nicht mehr der primäre Ort, an dem die transatlantischen Partner ihre strategischen Vorstellungen konsultieren und koordinieren". Bush sprach dagegen in einem ARD-Interview von einer "entscheidenden Bedeutung" des transatlantischen Militärbündnisses. Er freue sich darauf, Schröder "daran zu erinnern", dass die USA die NATO als "lebenswichtige Institution" sähen. Diese seien im Gegensatz zur Atombombe schon jetzt "jederzeit einsatzbereit", sagte der CIA-Experte. Am Dienstag sind Gipfelrunden bei der NATO und der Europäischen Union geplant. "Die USA und Europa sind die Säulen der freien Welt", gab Bush als zentrale Botschaft seiner Reise vor dem Abflug aus. Die Städte werden sich zeitweise im Ausnahmezustand befinden, der Verkehr wird vielerorts völlig zum Erliegen kommen. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt erreicht nur noch rund 70 % des EU-Durchschnitts. Die Wirtschaft stützt sich zu einem bedeutenden Teil auf ungelernte Arbeit + den Niedriglohnsektor, der jetzt mit besser ausgebildeter + noch schlechter bezahlter Konkurrenz in den neuen EU-Ländern + von außerhalb konfrontiert ist. Der Sozialversicherung droht Studien zufolge wegen überalterter Bevölkerung im Jahr 2020 die Zahlungsunfähigkeit. Der Unterrichtsstandard an den Schulen müsste dringend angehoben werden 20.Feb.2005 Portugal: Sieg für die Sozialisten 20.Feb.2005 Reaktionen aus Berlin: "Ein sehr, sehr gutes Omen" 20.Feb.2005 Europareise: Bush beschwört transatlantische Einheit 20.Feb.2005 Referendum: Spanien stimmt für EU-Verfassung 20.Feb.2005 Analyse: "Für NRW brennt alles lichterloh für Rot-Grün" 20.Feb.2005 Bundesrat: NRW-Wahl entscheidet über Totalblockade URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-342793,00.html sondern davon, dass sie den Islam respektierten und ihre aggressive Haltung gegenüber Muslime aufgäben. Der "neue Kreuzzug" werde wie frühere Feldzüge der Christen gegen islamische Herrscher in einer Niederlage enden, sagte Aiman al-Zawahiri in dem Video, das der arabische Nachrichtensender al-Dschasira am Abend veröffentlichte. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-342782,00.html Auf Seiten der Rebellen hat ein ehemaliges Mitglied von Saddam Husseins ehemaligem Regime teilgenommen. Die Aufständischen haben bei den Gesprächen offenbar Forderungen für ein Ende der Kämpfe gestellt. Derzeit koche "eine ganze Menge unter der Oberfläche", zitiert das Magazin einen Informanten aus Regierungskreisen. 20041129 URL: https://www.cloakanddagger.ca/home_copy(5).asp 05.May 1985 USA President Reagan laying a wreath at Kolmeshohe Cemetery, Bitburg, West Germany -=JeW*SCHooL=-... places a wreath upon a memorial honoring German soldiers, located within Kolmeshohe Cemetery, where members of the Skulls & Bones Nazi SS Waffen SS are buried. Bitburg,West Germany ... An Important 'Gathering' . Grove Playhouse, The Gathering is set in the spring of 1985 at the time of President Reagan’s widely decried visit to the Kolmeshohe Cemetery in Bitburg...+ Waffen SS www.bikel.com/body_an_important__gathering_.html CLOAK AND DAGGER CLICK HERE FOR HOW BUSH [BGW968] STOLE THE 02.Nov.2004 ELECTION ! President Reagan laying a wreath at Kolmeshohe Cemetery, Bitburg,. West Germany, 05.May 1985 ..+ Waffen SS Cloak and Dagger: Home Page... President Reagan laying a wreath at Kolmeshohe Cemetery, Bitburg, West Germany, 05.May 1985 Reagan Worships The Waffen SS. If you ... www.cloakanddagger.ca/home_copy(5).asp The Holocaust: A Resrouce for Teachers of Writings ONTHEWALL. the President’s Commission on the Holocaust in 1978 by President Carter + President Reagan’s visit to the Kolmeshohe military cemetery at Bitburg in 1985 ..+ Waffen SS www.class.uidaho.edu/thomas/Holocaust/thomas/book / TwinCities IMC: newswire/16998... the media of Reagan’s planned visit to Bitburg. When asked who was buried at Kolmeshohe, Speakes said he ... no American servicemen were in the cemetery ; in fact..+ Waffen SS CAFI Newsletter 05.May 1985 to appease West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl,!!!!!!??????? Reagan visited Bitburg's Kolmeshohe Cemetery , where some 2,000 German servicemen were buried ...+ Waffen SS Wired New York Forum - The Memorial Competition A list of the dead SS officers buried at Kolmeshohe cemetery in Bitburg , Germany, would have a different effect on their relatives than on Jews. ... bpang.com: MP3 Of The Day... to justify their intentions." That said, what could have been the true intentions behind Ronald Reagan's 1985 visit to the Kolmeshohe Cemetery at Bitburg ? ... Related Links for bitburg military cemetery – wordIQ.com Kohl suggested the Kolmeshohe Cemetery at Bitburg ... visit to Bitburg .. Related Links for bitburg military cemetery - wordIQ.com... allies. Kohl suggested the Kolmeshohe Cemetery at Bitburg ... visit to Bitburg ... eightiesclub.tripod.com Ronald Reagan ... that ... Conservative Punk Forum... fun of the Reagan-loving Johnny in songs like "Bonzo Goes to Bitburg ". ... was a diatribe against Reagan for visiting Kolmeshohe military cemetery in 1985 ... From cafi-list@christianactionforisrael.org Sat May 17 00:15:53 ... 05.May 1985, to appease West = German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Reagan visited Bitburg's Kolmeshohe = Cemetery , where some 2,000 German servicemen were buried ... www.pairlist.net/pipermail/cafi-list/Week-of-Mon-20030512.txt 20.Feb.2005 NARA | Research Room | Records of Lawrence Walsh relating to Iran ...North , Oliver -- Notebooks; October Surprise; Owen, Robert; Pino-Marina, Nestor; Posada ... James; Studley , Barbara ; Swan Island; Weekly, David Scott; Weld, William; ... 20.Feb.2005 Mir Aimal Kasi #807 (Washington Post 11-15-02) FBI Special Agent Brad Garrett was not sure the man... FBI special agent Brad Garrett wasn't sure the man on the bed in the ... 20.Feb.2005 Qatar Post . Oil. Suzan Mazur: John Deuss - The Manhattan projects Iran approves more cash for petrol imports Saudi Aramco Says it Can Produce 10 mln bpd of Crude for 50 ... 20.Feb.2005 The SAS: Prince Philip's manager of terrorism When Shackley left the CIA, he went on retainer with a shadowy Dutch oil trader named John Deuss , who developed a special relationship with Sultan Qaboos that ... www.larouchepub.com/other/1995/2241_sas.html 20.Feb.2005 Noseweek - Issue No. 58 - July 2004 . STATE OIL COMPANY IN BED WITH A WHORE. We outline PetroSA's dalliance with John Deuss , a man with a past. VW CARAVELLE. The story just runs and runs. ... www.noseweek.co.za/look/ns_index.tpl?IdLanguage=1&IdPublication=5&NrIssue=58 "Crude Business": Corruption and Caspian Oil - August 31,2000 - View as HTML... s negotiating strategy, Giffen first rose to prominence as a principal figure in the ouster of the controversial Dutch entrepreneur John Deuss from the Caspian ... www.csis.org/turkey/ceu/ceu000831.pdf Africa Intelligence's Back Issues... NIGERIA Transworld Tries Again Africa Energy Intelligence has learned that Transworld, a company owned by renowned trader John Deuss , is talking with Summit ... 20.Feb.2005 Executive Outcomes: Arming for the post-nation state era... Oman. Shackley supervised Dutchman John Deuss's oil smuggling to South Africa, which was supplied in large part from Oman. Sitting members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/execout.htm His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani R - View as HTML... William S. Cohen, The Cohen Group (left); Henry O. Dormann, LEADERS Magazine Sanford I. Weill, Citigroup Inc. (left); John Deuss , Transworld Oil Limited R ... www.leadersmag.com/Editorial/Issues/2005.1_Jan/041e281qat.pdf Bermuda's connections with world business leaders... Denholm Ship Management is Bermuda registered. John Deuss , Bermuda resident, owns Bermuda Commercial Bank Ltd, Transworld Oil and others. ... 20.Feb.2005 New bank group scouts for partners... Bank in "Bermudian hands." Barclay's Bank once owned 32 per cent of The Bermuda Commercial Bank + subsequently sold its stake to oil trader John Deuss . ... www.bermudasun.org/issues/j7/bank.html 20.Feb.2005 Major Oil Companies Operating in the Gulf Region... Oman Oil Company (OOC) is the overseas investment arm of the Ministry of Petroleum, until recently headquartered in Houston and headed by John Deuss . ... www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/oilgulf.html Oman Country Analysis Brief 00.Dec.1995, however, OOC's President, John Deuss , resigned and the company now is registered and headquartered in Oman. During ... www.converger.com/eiacab/oman.htm Offshore Due Diligence List... Husbands, JK Publications Inc., JMM Investments, Joan De Nully, Joanna Tait, Joe P. Montgomery, Joe Rashinkas, Joe Taussig, John Cackett, John Deuss , John Dinan ... SurfWax -- News, Reviews + Articles On Rudi Gernreich fashion The Manhattan Projects Sep 15, 2004 IN 1974, when Rudi Gernreich was dressing his models in bicycle parts, a Dutch oil trader named John Deuss quietly opened ... news.surfwax.com/clothing/files/Rudi_Gernreich_fashion.html deuss... Unable to find office space in Bermuda, billionaire oil trader John Deuss wants to convert a Smith's Parish farm cottage into a financial research facility ...www.bermudasun.org/issues/j5/deuss.html 20.Feb.2005 Perlo - Imperialism spell it oil... Russian government officials have a share + Russian Prime Minister Chernomyrdin made a deal with John Deuss , president of the Oman government-owned oil Chevron Brings Pipeline To the Caspian Sea Region STEVE LEVINE ...In Kazakstan, Chevron also confronted the obstacle of a world-class oil trader, a Dutchman named John Deuss , who had negotiated his way into contractual ... www.mindfully.org/Energy/Chevron-Pipeline-Caspian.htm VTRC - Special Thanks The Bernice Barbour Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Dourglas Alexander John Hart Adams & Associates The Quantum Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Tony Cappola Mr. John Deuss Mr. & ... www.vinceremos.com/thanks.html 20.Feb.2005 Archives. AFRIQUE DU SUD John Deuss Avant de devenir, via sa société Transworld, le partenaire de la société nationale sud-africaine, le trader hollandais John Deuss ... Archives... pétroliers avec deux sociétés issues du trading : la première, Transworld, est contrôlée depuis les Bermudes par le trader hollandais John Deuss et la ... 20.Feb.2005 Christopher Reed: How the CIA Taught the Portuguese to Torture.. Kathy Kelly May Day in Pekin Prison: Prison Labor for the War Machine. ... because of 25.Abr.1974 - 25? Anivers?io - Ver em HTML Em nome do Grupo Parlamentar do Partido Socialista e da maioria ... O seu acto revolucionário permitiu a construção do Portugal democrático que hoje ... 20.Feb.2005 Antrag auf Erlass einer einstweiligen Verfügung zur Unterlassung ...der Deutschen Wehrmacht am 08.05.1945 in Berlin - Karlshorst gelten diese ... sich sowohl auf die Unterzeichnung als auch auf die Zuleitung zur Ratifikation .“. ... www.pilt.de/label/Newsthemen/Reality/Antrag:_Einstweilige_Verfuegung_gegen_Thierse_wegen_EU-Verfassung/0/1/1 / 20.Feb.2005 Un mosaico di trame e di sangue. All'interno dei servizi segreti si combattono Vito Miceli, capo del Sid e Gianadelio Maletti , dirigente dell'ufficio D (il controspionaggio), il primo ... 20.Feb.2005 026n3mun... descubrimiento de América" Il Manifesto publica las declaraciones de un ex dirigente del Servicio de Inteligencia italiano, Gianadelio Maletti , hoy refugiado ... StockTalk: War (#10852/20512) "The Americans had gone beyond the infiltration and monitoring of extremist groups to instigating acts of violence." - GENERAL GIANADELIO MALETTI , head of ... 20.Feb.2005 Links und mehr: Erdöl – Meldungen .. Nuke [ US ] In: Planet Ark (June 28, 2000) Scenic Rio bay sees small oil leak, second in year In: Planet Ark (June 28, 2000) Rio mayor slaps fine on Brazil oil www.8ung.at/bials/Erdoel_M2000.htm 20.Feb.2005 PostNuke CMS - Weitere Themen :: Testforum :: Eisenhower planned ...Zum aktuellsten Beitrag, Eisenhower planned for post- nuke US . ... 2002. Beiträge: 5528 URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-342322,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-342322,00.html 20.Feb.2005 Stoned in Texas? Bush soll Marihuana geraucht haben 20.Feb.2005 Weißes Haus: Konservativer Journalist mit Doppelidentität als Callboy 20.Feb.2005 Israel: Jordanien wieder mit Botschafter in Tel Aviv 20.Feb.2005 Europareise: Bush beschwört transatlantische Einheit 20.Feb.2005 Nahost: Israelische Regierung billigt Räumung von Siedlungen 20.Feb.2005 Afghanistan: Der Krieg hält Winterschlaf - doch die Kälte tötet weiter 20.Feb.2005 Belgien: Dreijähriger tötet Säugling 20.Feb.2005 Libanon: Aufschrei gegen die Herrscher aus Damaskus 20.Feb.2005 Ägypten: Ärzte entfernen Kleinkind zweiten Kopf 20.Feb.2005 DNS-Design: Zwirbeln spart Platz 20.Feb.2005 Spanien und Portugal: Referendum und Wahlen auf der iberischen Halbinsel 19.Feb.2005 Poll: War support shrinking in Texas: Majority also believes attack on U.S. is likely Executive Clemency For Executive Killers : The corporate killer gang received executive clemency from our President. They don't call him the 'Chief Executive' for nothing. Why Bush advisers fight the evidence on climate change : For the Bush administration, global warming and climate change have so far been the great unmentionables, topics that interfered with the march towards the promised land of the perfect free market. Children Dying in Snowbound Afghanistan : Disease fueled by freezing weather has killed more than 120 Afghan children + desperate parents are feeding their children opium in a bid to alleviate their suffering, the health minister said Saturday. Deaths by AIDS in South Africa rise by a staggering 57 percent: The increase in mortality spanned all age groups, but was most pronounced among those between ages 15 and 49, where deaths more than doubled. Feds Warned About Fake News Videos : Congressional investigators warned federal agencies this week that the promotion of government policies through video news releases meant to look like TV news stories may violate federal rules against propaganda. 18.Feb.2005 US forces in Afghanistan engaged in rape and sexual humiliation of detainees.: Photographs taken in southern Afghanistan showing US soldiers from the 22nd Infantry Battalion posing in mock executions of blindfolded and bound detainees, were purposely destroyed after the Abu Ghraib scandal to avoid "another public outrage", the documents show. Detainee Coerced Into Dropping Charges of Abuse Before Release : "The American public deserves to know which high-level government officials are ultimately responsible for the torture conducted in our name." Where Flags Do Not Rise : The division of peoples based on super-tribes has always led to battles, fights and wars. Pharisee Nation : American Nation Brainwashed John Pilger finds our children learning lies : How many more innocent people have to die before those who filter the past and the present wake up to their moral responsibility to protect our memory and the lives of human beings? 19.Feb.2005 Ray McGovern: Hail, Hail The Gang's All Here : The appointment of John Negroponte to be director of National Intelligence is the latest evidence that President Bush is strengthening his cabinet's capacity to mislead Congress and trample civil liberties. Ray McGovern, 27-year veteran of the CIA, examines the meaning of the Negroponte appointment and the dark trend it confirms. Negroponte, Servant of the Empire, Rises to the Top : If you wink at torture, if you don’t mind mass slaughter, if lying is of no concern to you, you can go far in this world. Just ask John Negroponte. Scum Also Rises: The Bloody Career of John Negroponte : The nomination by President George Bush of John Negroponte for the new post of director of national intelligence, in charge of overseeing all the burgeoning intelligence operations of the United States, is both obscene and predictable. Whose National Security are We Talking About? : The American spy apparatus needs to be rolled back and dismantled -- soon -- not made more convoluted. Anguish not intelligence breeds in the cesspools of such secrecy 19.Feb.2005 Iran preps for a possible war with U.S.: Tehran has recently disclosed efforts to bolster and mobilize recruits in citizens' militias and making plans to engage in the type of "asymmetrical" warfare used against U.S. troops in Iraq, the Washington Times reported Saturday. Iranians unite over nuclear row: Iran is being discriminated against by being told it cannot have enrichment technology. North Korea offers new nuke talks : North Korea said Saturday it will return to six-party talks on its nuclear program if the United States pledges to stay out of its domestic affairs. India Closely Watching US Covert Ops In Northwest Pakistan : RAW operatives speaking on condition of anonymity said that the Bush administration has set up a "secret shop" in the region despite unsettling China. Besides U.S. Special Forces, the CIA has also established "listening posts" in Pakistan's NWFP Areas to monitor communications. Spot the differences : On Sunday, George Bush arrives in Europe, seeking to build bridges after the Iraq conflict. But despite the charm offensive, several other issues divide the US and Europeans. Intifada III : The sun has barely set on the Sharm el-Sheikh summit that officially ended the Al Aqsa Intifada + Intifada III has already erupted. Only this time, it's the settlers who are at it - Jews against Jews. Veteran of dirty wars wins lead US spy role : He is tainted by his time between 1981 and 1985 in Honduras, a country that was being used as a launchpad for the illegal US-backed war waged by the contras against the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The Honduran military was accused of taking part in torture and extra-judicial killings. 19.Feb.2005 Lebanese opposition calls for uprising : The anti-Syrian opposition, which has blamed the government and its Syrian backers for Hariri’s assassination, called on Lebanese to stage a peaceful "independence uprising." U.S. to Syria: Probe Hariri Killing or Face Sanctions: The United States warned Syria on Friday that it must help investigate the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri or face the possibility of further sanctions. In case you missed it: Lebanese premier in Kuwait: Some Kuwaiti MPs have called the visit an insult following Lebanon's condemnation of the US-led war on Iraq which was launched from the Gulf emirate. 19.Feb.2005 Bush's Iraq coalition shrinking: President Bush, who hopes to coax more Iraq support from European allies next week, used to boast that some 50 nations had joined the United States in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Today, a public listing is nowhere to be found URL: https://www.teledyn.com/aggregator/bundles?from=0&PHPSESSID=abbc89463c0e8a7682f45ed379a25724 18.Feb.2005 Porter Goss: Cheney Cat's Paw - by Ray McGovern ... 07.Jul.2004 Porter Goss : Cheney Cat's Paw. by Ray McGovern. There is, thankfully ...reports that Rep. Porter Goss (R-Fla.) may soon be their new boss. ... www.antiwar.com/orig/mcgovern.php?articleid=2944 18.Feb.2005 CNN.com - Goss warns of terror threat to US - Feb 16, 2005 Inside Politics. Goss warns of terror threat to US. CIA Director Porter Goss said an attack on the United States "may be only a matter of time.". more videoVIDEO ... www.cnn.com/2005/ALLPOLITICS/02/16/intelligence.threats / 18.Feb.2005 Porter Goss on the Issues Porter Goss on Abortion. Click here for 10 full quotes on Abortion OR background on Abortion. ... (Dec 2003). Porter Goss on Budget & Economy. ... 18.Feb.2005 Gos – Goz Goss , Porter J. "Don't Release Pollard." Washington Times, 05.Jan.1999 ,15. ... Goss , Porter J. "Speech at CIRA Luncheon." CIRA Newsletter 23, no. ... intellit.muskingum.edu/alpha_folder/G_folder/gos-gq.html 18.Feb.2005 Porter Goss: 'I Am Not Qualified' to Work at CIA Watch video of CIA director Porter Goss admitting that he is not qualified to work at the CIA. ... Porter Goss : 'I'm Not Qualified' to Work at CIA. Video Page. ... politicalhumor.about.com/od/multimedia/v/portergoss.htm 18.Feb.2005 National Ballot Integrity Project Discussion Forum - Whistleblower ...blackboxvoting .com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=240. -----. See also: Whistleblower Clint Curtis ' ... 18.Feb.2005 Vegan Porn: Evidence of a Stolen US Election... org/#feeney TUESDAY DEC 7 2004: Why the Feeney vote-rigging story sounds like disinformation BlackBoxVoting .Org/ Curtis - Sweeney Story ABOUT DISINFORMATION www.veganporn.com/1052273460.html What Motivates the Drive Toward War?... each of $100,001-250,000, Undersecretary of Defense Richard Armitage had Electronic ... in South Carolina and a meeting of the Council for National Policy , set up ... Political Friendster - Richard Armitage... Link Richard Armitage to: Australian Business Foundation. www.politicalfriendster.com/addFriend.php?id=182 DejaVu18... with Reverend Falwell and the conservative Council for National Policy (CNP) promoting ...chairman of the Defense Science Board; Richard Armitage , Colin Powell's ... www.winterboy.com/dejavu18.html Keys To Liberty... Lehrman is also a member of the " Council For National Policy " which was formed ... 00.000.1990 he started Richard Armitage Transport Consulting Ltd., with interests .. www.keystoliberty.com/p3.html CMW summer 060502 - View as HTML Page 1. deeply in American culture. In fact, when- ever policy makers have sought to demo- nize drug use, they would often attempt ... Democrats.com Archive: Conservatives... wing propagandists -- Otto Reich; John Negroponte; Richard Armitage ; the Federalist ...Dobriansky and Nina Rees; the Council for National Policy's Tommy Thompson ... Conspiracy Planet - New World Order - The Enemy Within -- NeoCon ...Richard Armitage -- Deputy Secretary of State (Bush) Assistant Secretary of ... Research + Education Foundation, Council for National Policy , Coalitions for ... User Posts... in Annapolis, Md., with Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and his ... During the recent conference of the Council for National Policy , one of the speakers ... [CTRL] The Triple Crown Dream As a co-founder of the Council for National Policy and other organizations, Sen ... Another Bush advisor is Richard Armitage , Reagan's Assistant Secretary of Defense ... 19.Feb.2005 Salon Health & Body | Death in custody from "excited delirium"?... Now please pass me my towel. ... "Many of these cases involve exhausted, overweight or injured prisoners who are left hogtied and face down. ... archive.salon.com/health/feature/1999/09/29/excited_delirium/index1.html 19.Feb.2005 Homeless People's Network: Feds pass on prosecuting cops: No ...Feds pass on prosecuting cops: No Action in 96% of civil rights. ... don't like the battle By MARTHA MENDOZA - Associated Press Edward Swans was hogtied + left on ... aspin.asu.edu/hpn/archives/May99/0203.html 19.Feb.2005 Der Moralische Code und das GESETZ... weiter als eine Simulation von zellulären ... der Vergangenheit vorgaukelt: die " Matrix ", eine weltumfassende ... komplementäre Entsprechung dieses Computer in der ... www.light-edition.de/hector/analy/2hec51.htm 19.Feb.2005 Wolfgang Neuhaus / Cyberpunk-Fragmente Man sieht die "falsche" Simulation von Datenbewegungen... Wie die neue komplexe " Matrix der Herrschaftsbeziehungen... symbiotische Entwicklung der Computer -, der Gen ... www.sterneck.net/cybertribe/cyber/wolfgang-neuhaus-cyberpunk/index.php 19.Feb.2005 Rom: Hunderttausende fordern Freiheit für Geisel im Irak ( 19.Feb.2005 Augenblick: Klassenkampf an der Jagdfront 19.Feb.2005 Raumfahrt: Space Shuttle soll im Mai wieder fliegen 19.Feb.2005 Hungersnot in Nordkorea: Das Dilemma der Helfer 19.Feb.2005 Interview zu Sophie Scholl: "Goldene Brücke ins Leben" 19.Feb.2005 Folterskandal: Lynndie England drohen nur noch 16 Jahre Haft 19.Feb.2005 Kriminologe Pfeiffer: Kein Anstieg der Kriminalität nach Visa-Erlass 19.Feb.2005 Nordkorea: "Wir haben die Brücken hinter uns abgebrannt" 19.Feb.2005 "Sexuelle Diskriminierung": Gorilla-Pflegerinnen sollten Brust entblößen 19.Feb.2005 Krebsverdacht: Millionen Lebensmittel aus britischen Supermärkten entfernt 19.Feb.2005 Neue Enthüllungen: Visa-Affäre holt die Union ein 19.Feb.2005 Klinische Forschung: Epilepsie und Depression hängen zusammen URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-342546,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-342546,00.html 19.Feb.2005 Visa-Affäre: Ukraines Botschafter protestiert gegen Verunglimpfung seines Landes 20.Jul.---- The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: They Just Can't Kick Their Old ...Posted by: Lord Spatula I, K&T.. Trousergate frog marched to jail, but Ashcroft + Bush ... Directors of Halliburton + the Carlyle Group + everyone ... www.nicedoggie.net/archives/004470.html 19.Feb.2005 National... the Uniform In a Town Named Carlisle Greg Moses 05 ... Rannie Amiri 08.Mar.2004 (2) Carlyle Group : The Ex ... Paul Wolfowitz, Lord High Executioner Elaine Cassel Attorney ... 19.Feb.2005 St. Croix Source... Footnote: Don't confuse Carlisle Holdings, a British ... headed by UK Tory politician Lord Ashcroft , the outfit ... to Prosser, with the Carlyle Group , the Bush ... Sie soll zu einem mit Ornamenten verzierten Thron aus Kalkstein gehören, der aus der zweiten Hälfte des 8. Jahrhunderts stammt. Dieser Königsthron ist nach Angaben des Museums älter als der Marmorthron in der Aachener Pfalzkapelle aus der Zeit um 800, der bisher als ältester galt. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-342527,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-342527,00.html Der Grund: Ein Neutronenstern setzte in einer Zehntelsekunde mehr Energie frei als die Sonne in 100.000 Jahren. Ein Ereignis, das nur einmal in Hunderten von Jahren vorkommt. 18.Feb.2005 US-Kirchen: Über 1000 neue Sex-Vorwürfe gegen katholische Priester URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-342356,00.html 18.Feb.2005 Guantanamo: Dolmetscher muss 20 Monate ins Gefängnis 18.Feb.2005 Astronomie: Strahlenausbruch eines Sterns trifft die Erde 18.Feb.2005 Europabesuch: Bush will Schröder in Sachen Nato belehren 18.Feb.2005 Iranisches Atomprogramm: Zuckerbrot und Peitsche 18.Feb.2005 Todesserie im Kongo: Tausende fliehen vor der Pest 18.Feb.2005 Neue Beweise: Meereserwärmung vom Menschen verursacht 18.Feb.2005 Überraschungsfund: Thron Karls des Großen entdeckt 18.Feb.2005 Wertvollster Konzern der Welt: ExxonMobil entthront GE 18.Feb.2005 Holocaust-Entschädigung: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Star-Anwalt Fagan 18.Feb.2005 Sicherheitsvorkehrungen: Opel erwägt wegen Bush-Besuch Verschiebung des Schicht 18.Feb.2005 Mitnahmeeffekte: Europas Ladendiebe klauen jährlich für 13 Milliarden 18.Feb.2005 Bundestag: SPD-Fraktion opponiert gegen "Lex NPD" 18.Feb.2005 Menschlicher Gang: Roboter spazieren mit Hüftschwung 18.Feb.2005 "New York Times": US-Verlag kauft Webseite für 410 Millionen Dollar URL: https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=mozclient&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&q=%22%20ALVAREZ%20MARTINEZ%20GUSTAVO%20ADOLFO%20%22 Geometry.Net - Basic_A: American Wars Gen Information... 1988. Webb,G. Dark Alliance. 1998 . National Reporter 1986-F (13). ALVAREZ MARTINEZ GUSTAVO ADOLFO : Covert Action Information Bulletin ... 18.Feb.2005 Davids Medienkritik: SPIEGEL ONLINE: Germans Are America’s New ...tja, das kann nur daran liegen das die Frau Deutsche ist und wir Bush nicht geholfen haben das Öl im Irak zu ... "Spiegel-Storys sind heute glatter und ... medienkritik.typepad.com/blog/2004/12/spiegel_online__1.html NATO bereitet sich auf großen Krieg vor : Politikforum - Forum ... zu diesem zeitraum die versorgungs + öl -reserven im ... wilde Hunde" in den Regierungen, die Bush in nichs ... nicht In diesem Zusammenhang habe ich heute in einem ... www.politikforum.de/forum/archive/8/2004/05/4/61960 IranReloaded... jetzt würden sie weniger Öl zu einem ... Die iranischen Jugendlichen sind heute keine revolutionären ... bevorstehet; Natürlich wird Präsident Bush keine Optionen ... amiroot.blogspot.com/ 18.Feb.2005 EUPF - European Procurement Forum: The EU UN-Procurement Seminar... International AB British Consulate General -C- Carbone+ Caterpillar Consulate General of The Netherlands Control Risks Group -D- Defex SA Degremont Development ... www.eupf.org/eu/preregistered.html 18.Feb.2005 Quellen... Herrschaftsmechanismen in der Rüstungsindustrie des "Dritten Reiches" bei den Reichswerken " Herman Göring " 1937/38 bis 1945. Braunschweig 1992. Seitenanfang. ... 18.Feb.2005 Lothar Lemnitzer -- Wortwarte -- Neue Wörter vom 11.Okt.2004... Klimek / Technology Review Neurobiologe Walla mit Probandin : Wie wirken die Dessous ... Oktober : " Anke Late Night " abgesetzt ( 05.10.2004 ) Peter Kloeppel auf ... www.sfs.nphil.uni-tuebingen.de/~lothar/nw/archiv/041009.html 18.Feb.2005 ORF ON Science - Stiefkind der Sinne: Die Nase.. Der Neurobiologe Peter Walla widmet sich der Gehirnphysiologie bei Gedächtnisprozessen in Verbindung mit dem olfaktorischen Sinn. ... ORF ON Science - Das Gehirn weiß mehr, als es zugibt Mit den Grundlagen dieser + ähnlicher Hirnleistungen hat sich der Wiener Neurobiologe Peter Walla gemeinsam mit Forschungskollegen von der... science.orf.at/science/news/25942 21.Dec.2001 Bush,G.W.-Fabulous year for Laura and me.htm 24.Dez.2002 SPRÜCHE ZUR LAGE - Der Irak ist nur das erste Ziel 24.Jan.2003 Die Kriegsszenarien der Investoren 24.May 2002 Bush,GW.on S.Hussein,25.05.2002 Guardian on US spraying nerve gas on... 25.Apr.2003 [ATTAC-PRESS] Declaration of Attac in Europe for Evian G8-Summit.htm 25.Mär.2003 Die Krise des amerikanischen Kapitalismus und der Irakkrieg... 25.Nov.2002 Expanded Perspectives Cel 26.JAN.2003 FACTSAMPLERDAYLYXTRKS 27.Jan.2003 USA nicht Ermittler, Richter und Henker zugleich ! 28.Feb.2003 Blogg UNSICHERHEITSRAT 28.Jul.2002 the bush nazi coke moonie connection 28.Nov.1999 Rockefeller - Murder by Injection.htm 28.Sep.2002 Heute in den Feuilletons.htm 29.Jan.2002 Bush asked Sen.Maj.Lead.T.DaschleD personally to limit Sept.11 probes ... 29.Jan.2003Überblick - Overview - Resumo - * - 29.Nov.2002 STOP BrIZANTIO NOW ! 9-19-02 Flung under the flags of evil - 7th day adventists role in ruanda... _AuthenticO-Historia-index_20040823242526_UPDATED Anders als sonst in Menschenköpfen BERNAYS EDWARD L NETWORK of RELATIONS,BERNAYS,MURRAY C-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ... Bernays, Edward L. Freud's American nephew and disciple.htm Bernays, Edward L. impact -public relations in America-.html Boden für Crash an Wall St. im vierten Quartal bereitet, USA also faktisch... BUSH SAYINGS -Truth- Jeder hat das Recht, sich selbst zu verteidigen.htm CARTA de Mia Couto AO RESIDENTE BUSH Charles Russell [Lord Killowen] Corporate PR experts see people as "a herd waiting to be laid" DISCLAIMER 001. Goethe, Entgegnung DISCLAIMER 001. Goethe, Entgegnung DISCLAIMER 002 Slaves of Our Desires the Guardian of London - 25.Mar.2002 FAKE TERROR >>>>>>>>>THE ROAD TO >>DICTATORSHIP... FAKE TERROR>>>>>>>>>THE ROAD TO >>DICTATORSHIP... GREENPEACE - CYBERACTION ! HELP STOP A WAR! https://www.greenpeace.org/campaigns... https://alfatomega.com/2004081920.html https://alfatomega.com/2004082021.html https://alfatomega.com/2004082223.html https://alfatomega.com/_themes_/bernays.html https://alfatomega.com/_themes_/Nazi.html https://alfatomega.com/_themes_/propaganda.html https://alfatomega.com/_themes_/Wolfowitz.html https://alfatomega.com/20040914.html https://alfatomega.com/310303antiwarblogg.html Kissinger,H.-illegal right now;unconstitutional-take a little longer.htm Morgenstern,Susie geb.1945 Als ich erstmal sechzehn war Neue Bush-Doktrin im strengen,objektiven Sinn des Wortes imperialistisch.htm New Compelling Evidence Of Roswell UFO Crash POLITPROP: Goebbels' Principles of Propaganda Search for Kissinger,Henry.html Search Result for: "Petroleum" Search Result for: "Rockefeller" Stadtler, Eduard- Weltrevolutionskrieg, Düsseldorf 1937 The Dissenting Internet - progressive "log-ons" we visit regularly... Theoretische Modelle des Universums U.S.-Nazi collaboration - 01 - Warum Amerikaner fast alles glauben -D-.htm Western Massachusetts IMC: newswire/392 WHO NEEDS VOTERS ? my sub : <Rockhit,Fellow !> Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything !! Warnung : Hier wird versucht, Dir ein „U“ als ein „X&ldquo... <<conteudo1.html;<<<INDEX>><<<<<< RAW<... <inhalt001.html>conteudo PORTUGUES *)A EDUCAÇÃO DOS CÃES…E....DOS DONOS..........! ------... - George Dubya Bushisms -Need SORTING! 00.000.0000 Bush,G.W.e.a.THE_CROCODILES_QUOTE$&REMEDIE$_$AMPLER 00.000.0870 URKUNDEN Treaty at Aix Between Louis II & Charles the Bald... 00.000.1839 - 00.000.1937 ROCKEFELLER I , John Davison 00.000.1940 BUCK ACT - to CREATE a FEDERAL AEREA 00.000.1981Newsweek,Washington Post owners acknowledge cooperation with CIA 00.Jun.1999 Bush - Militärmacht wiederherstellen.htm 00.May 2000 SKULL & BONES SIGNIFICANT REVELATIONS ON KEYNAMES S&B .htm 00010101-10001231-datesbase.html 01.Mar.2003 See No Evil - What Bush Didn't (Want To) Know About 11.Sep.2001 l 02.Dec.2002 'Osama's 'Letter to America' - View from the left' - The Smirking... 02.Dec.2002 Privacy concerns push conservatives to ACLU - The Register-Guard... 02.Dec.2002 Safra, Edmond Nurse,m, jailed for billionaire's death.htm 02.Dec.2002 Senators WARN - More terrorism if war starts 03.Nov.2002 US in denial as poverty rises -english- 04.Dec.2002 Greenpeace continues to campaign - 29.Nov.2002 Stop the Bryzantio NOW! 05.Feb.2003 BLOGG-deutsch- 050403antiwarblogg.html 06.Oct.2002 Bernays,Edward L.,Father of PR&Propaganda-e.a..html 07.Dec.2002 9-11 Inquiry Recommends U.S. Intelligence Changes 07.Dec.2002 PEARL HARBOR DAY LETTERS TO WHAT REALLY HAPPENED.htm 07.Dec.2002 The Israelization of America.htm 07.Feb.2002 The starting point today MASTER.htm 07.Feb.2003 Problem mit den Massenvernichtungswaffen 08.Jan.2003 Ex-Bush speechwriter: I was to provide a justification for war 08.Nov.2002 Extinction fears stalk the big wild cats of EUROPE, Spain 08Feb.2001 Saddam und der Hühnerdieb - Vom Wert des Beweises vor Gericht und im... 09.Feb.2003 Schweinfurt - U$ -$oldat täU$chte Anschlag auf sich vor -WIE DER ... 1. Appell des Vorsitzenden Joao Pedro Stédile gegen den Irakkrieg 10.Feb.2003 Lies Father, Lies Son -updte-Remarks to the 2nd edition - Sept 12.Dez.2002 DOW AND BHOPAL A message from Greenpeace web editor Tom Dowdall 13.Mai 2003 The Cabal - Selektive Geheimdienstinformationen 148_151_Doppelstaat, Fraenkel, Ernst, USA 1940 15.feb.2003 Gemeinsam gestalten wir...Antikriegsdemonstration..... 15.Februar 2003 Eine andere Welt ist möglich! 15.Jan.2003 The United States of America Has Gone Mad 15.November 2003 SAYS_NO_TO_WHORE 01_Freitas do Amaral 17.May 2002 Bush Is Lying A BUZZFLASH NEWS ANALYSIS.htm 1839-1937 Rockefeller, John Davison b. Richford, N.Y. American industrialist and... 19.Feb.2001NEWSWEEK EDITION - STINKING GUN No.1 /conteudo_gallery/gallery01,2 19.Feb.2001NEWSWEEK EDITION - STINKING GUN No.1 /conteudo_gallery/gallery01- 19.Sep.2002 Transcript from USA"Senate 'Armed Services Committee'"... 19150800_Schleich_C_Ludwig_Schaltwerk_Propaganda_01[PROP] 20010101-20010401-datesbase.html 20010401-20011231-datesbase.html 20011231-20020301-datesbase.html 20021122 22.Nov.2002 Das Web wurde durchsucht nach Dulles##+Bush##+Gehlen... 20021231-20030501-datesbase.html 20030501-20030601-datesbase.html 20030601-20030701-datesbase.html 20030604_MYSUPERTIMELINESTART.html 20032003232322antiwarblogg.html 20040723_23_Jul_2004_15-53.htm 2004072425_Report 2004072627_und_Report URL: https://www.spiegel.de/auto/aktuell/0,1518,druck-342411,00.html Bierdel, den Kapitän und den Ersten Offizier des Schiffes erwartet noch ein Strafverfahren in Italien. 18.Feb.2005 Who killed Rafiq al-Hariri?: Commentators said Syria would most likely be blamed for the killing and as a result feel the repercussions hardest. But many of them wondered what Damascus stood to profit from having a hand in al-Hariri's death. Y 'Qaeda' Says Jihadists Didn't Kill Hariri: A statement attributed to al Qaeda and posted on the Internet on Tuesday denied Islamists had killed former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, saying Lebanese, Syrian or Israeli intelligence were behind the attack. Y Analysis: A powerful message that could boomerang: "It's totally illogical that Syria would do it," said Prof. Eyal Zisser, a Syria expert at the Dayan Institute for Middle East Studies at Tel Aviv University. "It would be such a stupid move on their part." 18.Feb.2005 Learn to spy on your neighbors: Public offered class on terror spotting: It's going to take more than all the law enforcement officers in the country to keep America safe from terrorist attacks. We'll need our neighbors, too. Y ID checks to toughen for Americans re-entering country : In three years, U.S. citizens and Canadians will have to show passports or a federally issued ID cards linked to Homeland Security databases to re-enter the country from across the border. Y Australia: Dirt dossier included citizens : THE Northern Territory Government is keeping a secret database of people who criticise the Government or its policies, it was learned last night. 15.Feb.2005 Secrets + Lies : An Australian intelligence insider reveals how key dossiers on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction were censored + how his early reports to Canberra about prisoner abuse were ignored. Y Britain Wanted A 'Sexier' Iraqi Weapons Report Claims Scientist : An Australian scientist involved in the US search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq today said the CIA censored his reporting so that it suggested the weapons existed. Y U.S. Withdraws Ambassador From Syria : Before departing, U.S. Ambassador Margaret Scobey delivered a stern note, called a demarche in diplomatic parlance, to the Syrian government, said an official who discussed the situation only on grounds of anonymity. Y Robert Fisk: The killing of 'Mr Lebanon' : This was a bomb that took a long time to construct, a long time to plan. Parked outside the wall of an empty hotel, few would have looked at the car or noticed that it was weighed down on its axles by the weight of explosives, as it must have been. Y Robert Fisk Interview : Car bomb kills former Lebanese prime minister: Robert Fisk is a journalist for the Independent newspaper based in Beirut. He knew Rafik Hariri and was one of the first people to get to the site of the attack. Real Audio y War pimp alert: Finger-pointing begins as nations ask, 'Who?' : The United States will consult with other governments "about measures that can be taken to punish those responsible for this terrorist attack," and "to restore Lebanon's independence, sovereignty and democracy by freeing it from foreign occupation," the White House press secretary, Scott McClellan, said. 18.Feb.2005 Robert Scheer: What We Don't Know About 9/11 Hurts Us: Not since the Soviets first detonated an atomic bomb more than half a century ago has a single event so affected decision-making in this country, yet the main questions as to how and why it happened remain mostly unanswered. Y Historians in cahoots : "We're an empire now + when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality ... we'll act again, creating other new realities ... We're history's actors ... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do." y Robot soldiers might one day replace real thing: The American military is working on a new generation of soldiers, far different from the army it has. 18.Feb.2005 CIA, FBI Warn Panel of Top Threats to U.S. : Al-Qaida and associated groups top the list of threats to the United States, leading government intelligence officials told Congress on Wednesday in a grim assessment that also highlighted Iran's emergence as a major threat to American interests in the Middle East. Y Why the Iranian Opposition Should Not Trust the Bush Administration : As things heat up around Iran-with Condoleeza Rice recently touring Europe and making noises about Iran's nuclear energy program and George Bush making similar noises in DC it seems to be an appropriate time to look at the role these groups play in this tempest. Y PA: Israel is violating truce:"It is either that the Israeli government can't rein in its terrorist army, or the government itself is instructing the army to keep up the killing in order to provoke the Palestinians to retaliate," said Palestinian Authority (PA) spokesman Abd Allah Abd Allah. 18.Feb.2005 War Pimp Alert: Iran, Syria Missiles Can Target U.S. Intrests: A senior U.S. official said Iran and Syria have developed ballistic missiles that can destroy U.S. targets in Iraq as well as in nations aligned with Washington. Y Hundreds of U.S. Nuclear Warheads in Europe: The targets for these weapons are most likely in Russia, Iran and Syria, according to NRDC experts. Y War pimp alert: Iran six months from having knowledge to build nuclear bomb: Israel : Iran's nuclear programme was a problem that must be tackled by the entire world, said Shalom, who arrived in London late Tuesday from Paris. "Terrorism and Iran were Israel's problem for a very long time," he said. Y Powerful blast in Iran, witnesses report seeing missile fired: A powerful blast occurred near Iran's Gulf port of Daylam, Iranian television reported, as witnesses said they saw a missile being fired from an unidentified plane. Y Iran explosion 'caused by falling fuel tank' : An explosion near an Iranian nuclear power facility is now thought to have been caused by a falling fuel tank from an aircraft. Y US demands Syrian troop withdrawal from Lebanon : The United States demanded on Tuesday Syria withdraw its troops from Lebanon and stop its alleged support of terror. Y Robert Fisk : Israeli spies, Syrian obsession and a peace that had to break y Who benefits from al-Hariri's death? : I think al-Hariri's death is part of the plan to divide the region into tiny helpless sectarian states. This plan has started in Iraq and it will continue to hit all other Arab countries." y Israel Welcomes Pressure on Syria ; Campaigns to Stop Russian Missile Deal y Syria accuses Israel of killing Al Hariri : While the opposition to the pro-Syrian government in Beirut claimed that Syria was behind the assassination of the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Al Hariri, the Syrian media on Tuesday pointed the finger of suspicion at Israel. Y Why Is The Bush Administration Quickly Fingering Syria For Yesterday's Assassination In Lebanon?: The Bush Administration has not told us yet what evidence they have that Syria was involved + why they would immediately recall our ambassador. Y In case you missed it: Bob Woodward On U.S. Covert Action: In '85, they propose training foreign intelligence agents to go out kind of as hit teams and destroy the terrorists. This did not work. And finally Casey in 1985 worked out with the Saudis a plan to use a car bomb to kill Sheik [Mohammed Hussein] Fadlallah in Beirut. Y In case you missed it: U.S. Intervention in the Middle East: A list of the invasions, bombings, assassinations, coups and other interventions by the U.S. government, its allies, or its client states, nor does it fully document the U.S.'s economic domination and exploitation of the region's people and resources. Y In case you missed it: Robert Fisk: How we denied democracy to the Middle East: We created this place, weaned the grotesque dictators. And we expect the Arabs to trust Bush's promise? Y Russia confirms plan to arm Syria: "Negotiations are now taking place on delivery to Damascus of the Strelets close-range anti-air system," Interfax news agency quoted an unnamed senior defence ministry official as saying. Y Russia to sell missiles to Syria: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said he had sent a letter to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin calling on Russia to cancel its planned sale of advanced missiles to Syria. Sharon said his office received a reply + while he had not seen it, "I understand that they are going to sell this kind of weapon to the Syrians." 18.Feb.2005 Venezuela is a potentially unstable country, according to CIA: Though CIA director made clear that US's top enemy is Al Qaida, he also expressed the agency concerns about the current situation in several Latin American countries. Y Washington Amps Up the Rhetoric: Oil-Flush Chavez Begins to Strut His Stuff y Amnesty International: Nepal on brink of 'human rights catastrophe' : Amnesty International [official website] said Thursday that the recent imposition of emergency rule in Nepal by King Gyanendra [BBC profile] has taken the country to the "brink of disaster" and that the human rights crisis in the country could turn into a "catastrophe". Y Nepal: Arrests of Politicians and Journalists Continue: There is a deep sense of fear and insecurity in the Himalayan nation of Nepal as politicians and journalists continue to be arrested, after King Gyanendra's seizure of power and the imposition of a state of emergency. Y Nepal: Extremist strategy : The Maoists, who have built a strong base in the countryside using ideology and strategy, now feel that a broad political front against the King is a "historical necessity". Y Where's the Outrage About Pat?: Buchanan Does a Ward Churchill y Ward Churchill is right. Partly.: Let us speak truth to ourselves. The United States is a global empire that is taking over the world + most conservatives are in favor of it. The Courage of Ward Churchill: Very few scholars had the courage of Ward Churchill. He accurately relates the crimes of the US government against defenceless people like the Iraqi people to the crimes of the 9/11 attacks. Y Gwynne Dyer ; Kyoto comes into effect : Despite the best efforts of the Bush administration to sabotage the treaty entirely by persuading other countries not to ratify either, they almost all did. Only four of the original 34 developed countries at the talks — the US, its faithful sidekick Australia + Monaco and Liechtenstein — have refused to take part. Y A hireling, a fraud and a prostitute : Bush's agent in the press corps has given spin a new level of meaning Canadian Peace Alliance Calls Protests for Haiti Coup Anniversary - February 26-28 y 02/16/05 : Why we must lose this war: “The United States needs to lose the war in Iraq as soon as possible. Even more urgently, the whole world needs the United States to lose the war in Iraq. Y Dance of Death: What is life like for a U.S. Soldier In Occupied 18.Feb.2005 Israel: Getting tight with the Bible Belt : MK Benny Elon (National Union) invests more time and effort than perhaps any other Israeli in nurturing the relationship with Evangelical Christians in the U.S. 18.Feb.2005 Bush Nominates Negroponte As Intel Chief : President Bush on Thursday named John Negroponte, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and currently the administration's top representative in Iraq, to be America's first national intelligence director. More On Negroponte y FBI foils plot to kill Pak diplomat: The Federal Bureau of Investigation has claimed that it had foiled a "possible terrorist plot" to kill a Pakistani diplomat in New York, by arresting a suspected al-Qaeda activist and busting a terrorist network in America. Y US Democrats to back additional war spending: Democrats on Tuesday pledged to support the measure in spite of complaints about faulty estimates of war costs and lax oversight of Pentagon spending. 18.Feb.2005 Iran Says Nuclear Fuel Deal with Russia Imminent: Russia will sign a deal with Iran next week to start nuclear fuel shipments for the Russian-built reactor there, an Iranian official said on Thursday. Y Moscow supports Tehran`s right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes : Head of Russia`s Security Council Igor Ivanov here on Thursday emphasized Iran`s right to find access to nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. Y Russia and China become part of strategic alliance – Putin now looks at BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) y Charley Reese: Same Mistake: The Bush administration is making the same mistakes with Iran that it made with Iraq. It makes allegations unsupported by facts, refuses to negotiate and threatens sanctions or military action, neither of which is feasible. In short, it has no rational Iran policy. 18.Feb.2005 William Blum: "What do the imperial mafia really want?" : It's questionable whether the United States cares all that much about who makes up the Iraqi government. Whoever it is will not have much power to place obstacles in the way of Washington's goals, particularly concerning oil, military bases, the care and feeding of American corporations + catering to Israel's needs. Y War Helps Recruit Terrorists : "Islamic extremists are exploiting the Iraqi conflict to recruit new anti-U.S. jihadists," CIA Director Porter J. Goss told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Y What US Citizens Can Do To Stop Terrorism : President George says we have to go after the terrorists wherever they are -- find them and sniff them out or something like that. I want to be a good citizen so I've been doing my own sniffing around. And I think I've found something. Y Syria is indirectly responsible for Beirut bomb, Rice says : Rice said Syria should be held at least indirectly responsible, "given their continued interference in Lebanese affairs." y "To Change the World...": “[Condoleezza Rice] forgot, above all, to tell us whether the leaders of a country who have lied to their own people, to their friends + to their allies to justify their military intervention by the presence in Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, whether, in consequence, those leaders are the best placed to provide an example to civilizations judged inferior.” y From Baghdad to Beirut : Blame it on Syria. Blame it on al-Qaeda. Better yet, blame it both on Syria and al-Qaeda. Without a shred of evidence - or perhaps profiting from "intelligence" amassed by the Pentagon, the Israeli Mossad, or both - the Bush administration immediately blamed Syria for the bombing that killed "Mr Beirut", former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri. Y Robert Fisk: In death, Hariri unites the Lebanese against Syria: Never has a Lebanese government been so shunned by its people. Never have the Syrians faced such united opposition from the people they claim to "protect'' with their 15,000 troops and their intelligence services. Y US May Use Proxy To Attack Iran, Says Dr Mahathir: He believed the US would urge Israel to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities just like what the Tel Aviv regime did to Iraq initially before Washington launched the full-scale war in Iraq. Y Iran calls blast scare "psychological warfare": Iran says a brief worldwide scare over a blast near its only nuclear reactor was engineered by Washington as part of "psychological warfare" against Tehran and its nuclear programme 18.Feb.2005 U.S.A, Inc. Like any corporation, the United States chooses profit over humanity.Jeremy R. Hammond Y Where Flags Do Not Rise The division of peoples based on super-tribes has always led to battles, fights and wars. Valenzuela Y Iraqi Died While Hung From Wrists : An Iraqi whose corpse was photographed with grinning U.S. soldiers at Abu Ghraib died under CIA interrogation while in a position condemned by human rights groups as torture — suspended by his wrists, with his hands cuffed behind his back, according to reports reviewed by The Associated Press. Y Rafik al-Hariri and the Syria Blame Game: Syria figured prominently as a target on the Strausscon-Likudite hit list even before Bush included the country in his Manichean “axis of evil” speech, written by the Strausscon David Frum, a “scholar” flunkey over at Strausscon central, the American Enterprise Institute. Y In case you missed it: Noam Chomsky: Israel, Lebanon + the "Peace Process": It is well to remember that Israel's actions, however one assesses them, are conducted with virtual impunity. As Washington's leading client state, Israel inherits the right to do as it chooses. Y Chris Floyd : Sword Play 'You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force ... the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security." y World caught between terror and US empire': The world has been divided into two camps after the 9/11 terror attacks on the US - those who fear global terrorism + those who fear the American empire, says well-known Japanese professor Kiichi Fujiwara. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltraum/0,1518,druck-342392,00.html 18.Feb.2005 Patriot Act abuses - SourceWatch... USA-Patriot Act Abuses begin ... Expand Patriot Act Abuses, Just "Reform" It (https://www. apfn .net/messageboard/6 ... www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Patriot_Act_abuses 18.Feb.2005 Mind Control - Bewußtseinskontrolle: Wissenschaftliche Beitraege ...members.aol.com/phikent/orbit/new174.htm https://www.apfn.org/apfn/nancy.htm .. blog/archives/2005/02/implanting_chip.html https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives ... mindcontrol.twoday.net/topics/Wissenschaftliche+Beitraege+(Englisch) 18.Feb.2005 Authentic Journalism : Articles + Links ... than fiction: an independent investigation on 11.Sep.2001 : https://www.apfn.org/apfn/WTC_STF.htm ; ... Does this Skynet Blog seem to violate the Terms and Conditions of this ... alternate-press.skynetblogs.be/?date=20040526&unit=weeks&number=1 18.Feb.2005 Did the air traffic control center really have a "Microsoft server ...or may not be independent) And another story, this one potentially independent + blog -like Or ... The media doesn't know how to cover technical issues, APFN ... ... garage.docsearls.com/node/view/459 18.Feb.2005 Bush Starts War with Iran - It's Time to Impeach Him! | Democrats. ...(case in point) "We" overwhelmingly voted against Dr. Rice, but she will be sworn in any way...( APFN "GOVERNMENT OF, FOR, AND BY THE PEOPLE" by Don Barletta ... blog.democrats.com/node/2923 URL: https://www.google.com.mx/search?hl=es&q=ALBERTO%20SICILIA%20FALCON%20FOTOS&meta= URL: https://www.google.se/search?q=special+air+services+milit%C3%83%C2%A4r&num=100&hl=sv&lr=&ie=UTF-8&output=search 18.Feb.2005 MARKETING INFORMATION - HTML-version... the Northern Marianas offer a blend of cosmopolitan services with a ... Wa shing ton Po st Plus other special fe atu ... fic Edge The source for Navy and Air Fo rce ... www.guampdn.com/customerservice/nationalrate.html PLANNING AREAS - HTML-version... are fundamental to military operations by all services at all ... the Air Force, 1997,p. 14.) The Air Force conducts normal and special information opera ... Protecting and securing our military interests from terrorist ...- HTML-version... that supports them + the sea, air + land ... Arms rate + law enforcement specialists required ... the security structures of our sisters services , where speci ... www.redcellassociates.com/briefs/extenddefensiveumbrella.pdf Kadena to host Special Olympics- HTML-version Engineer Squadron and Cheryl Stutzman of the 18th Services Squadron has been ... Special Operations Group was selected as the Air Force Special Operations Com ... 18.Feb.2005 Table of Contents - HTML-version Department of Defense Special Briefing on Bosnia, Press ... of Representatives Committee on Armed Services , Annual Posture ... League/AUSA/AMA/AFA/ Air Power Council ... www.ndu.edu/library/epubs/shali-toc.pdf 18.Feb.2005 Hiller Aviation Brief- HTML-version... SPECIAL - INTERESTS WHICH LEFT US SURFACE TRANSPORTATION ... after-market support company for global aviation services . ... by retired Flying Tigers Air Cargo pilot ... www.hiller.org/about-us/briefings-journal/briefings/1999q2.pdf Digital Battle Command Platforms + Hardware Support- HTML-version... for technical assistance + support services + train ... display that combines ground-,air - + space ... accomplished over tactical + special purpose communica ... www.ausa.org/pdfdocs/GB/C4I.pdf 18.Feb.2005 indymedia germany | Genua: Kein Kontakt mit gefangener Ak... Er musste sich vollständig ausziehen. Auf der Wache sah er Pornobilder , unter denen Wehrmachtsplakate und Fotos von Mussolini hingen. ... de.indymedia.org/2001/07/4357.html 18.Feb.2005 Download-Tipps: Open Source für den Windows-Rechner 18.Feb.2005 Visa-Affäre: Schily soll Warnungen des BKA ignoriert haben 18.Feb.2005 Kampf gegen Neonazis: Berlins Innensenator gegen Verschärfung des Demonstrationsrechts 18.Feb.2005 Großbritannien: Fuchsjagd offiziell verboten - Jägerlobby tobt 18.Feb.2005 Harte Bandagen: Wal-Mart droht Mitarbeitern laut Ver.di mit Filialschließungen 18.Feb.2005 Vertauschtes Fossil: Riesenspinne war ein Skorpion 18.Feb.2005 US-Botschafter: "Wir wollen erneuertes Verhältnis mit Europa" 18.Feb.2005 Deutsche Telekom: Konkurrenz soll deutlich höhere Leitungsmieten zahlen 18.Feb.2005 Einstandsforderung: Neuer BDI-Chef fordert radikale Steuersenkungen 18.Feb.2005 Web Ergebnisse 1 - 28 von ungefähr 46 Seiten auf Deutsch für 'Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers' . ( 0,29 Sekunden) Kritik an Online-Kontenabfrage: "Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers" Von Thomas Hillenbrand Mit einem weit reichenden Gesetz hat Finanzminister Hans Eichel ...www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,328570,00.html Abschaffung des Bankgeheimnisses: Chancen für ...des Bankgeheimnisses (18.Nov.2004). Kritik an Online-Kontenabfrage: " Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers " (19.11.2004). Dass die von ... www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,340783,00.html Presse... 22.Nov.2004 Bundestag will Datenschutz deutlich verbessern. 19.11. 2004 Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers . 19. 11.2004 Überwachung ist eine Gefahr. ...www.euromed-data.de/analyse1.htm 17. Febr. 2005 Droht der Überwachungsstaat?... [https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,328570,00.html] KRITIK ANONLINE-KONTENABFRAGE. " Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers ". ... Kollagenose-Archiv, ein Angebot von Lupus-Selbsthilfe im Internet 12.2.05 - https://www.kollagenose.de/gesundheitswesen.htm KRITIK AN ONLINE-KONTENABFRAGE: " Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers " https://www ... www.kollagenose.de/neu.htm 16. Febr. 2005 Kollagenose-Archiv, ein Angebot von Lupus-Selbsthilfe im Internet... Zusammenlebens" https://www.saar-echo.de/news.php?news_ID=3403 KRITIK AN ONLINE-KONTENABFRAGE: " Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers " spon-leutheusser-schnarrenberger-191104.htm Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger kritisiert Gesetz / ??? Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers “ / Schwere rechtsstaatliche Mängel Hamburg, 19. ... t-world.ch 2.0 :: news... zahlt seine Überwachung letztlich selbst." Dieser Artikel " Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers " ist die ...www.t-world.ch/index.php/news/view/249 16. Febr. 2005 Stock-World - die Performance zählt.... 62. " Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers ", Sahne, 19.11.04 09:17. ... Kritik an Online-Kontenabfrage " Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers " Von Thomas Hillenbrand. ... log Jens!? :: November :: 2004 ... Spiegel - Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers , Spiegel - Der geräuschlose Tod des Bankgeheimnisses, Handelsblatt - Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen Kontenabfrage ... Vorstand..."Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers " Siegel-Online 19.11.2004 Mit einem weit reichenden Gesetz hat Finanzminister Hans Eichel dafür gesorgt, dass Fiskus + ... www.wendische-volkspartei.de/Themata.html Diskussionsforum von finanzen.net | Aktien | Börse | Wirtschaft ...des Zahlungsverkehrs: Der lautlose Tod des Bankgeheimnisses Kritik an Online-Kontenabfrage: " Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers"(19.11.2004) Dass die von News: 2004-11-14 . Kritik an Online-Kontenabfrage: " Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers " - SPIEGEL Mit einem weit reichenden Gesetz hat Finanzminister Hans Eichel dafür gesorgt ... Wir wollten den 'glaesernen' Politiker. Was kriegen wir ? - Den ' ...die "die Bürgerrechte einschränken und den Datenschutz aushöhlen".<< Quelle: SPIEGEL ONLINE vom 19.11.2004 " Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers " Von Thomas ... www.seniorentreff.ch/diskussion/threads6/thread2096.php 3DCenter - News-Archiv 15. - 21. November 2004 (47. Kalenderwoche) Politik, Kritik an Online-Kontenabfrage: Völlige Durchleuchtung des Bürgers (d) [Der Spiegel] Warum die Demontage des Sozialstaats nur logisch ist (d . 18.Feb.2005 ???Manche muss man halt zu ihrem Glück zwingen.“- HTML-Version... ist als Sanktion der völlige oder teilweise ... Fach- ausdruck für die Durchleuchtung einer Abteilung ... die ???Bedürfnisse“ des mündigen Bürgers zuge- spitzten ... www.labournet.de/diskussion/arbeit/realpolitik/zwang/schatz.pdf 18.Feb.2005 Zeon PDF Driver Trial- HTML-Version... mischen. Völlige Durchleuchtung aller eingesetzten Spezialisten bis ins Detail ist selbstverständlich. Finanzabteilung, wieviel... www.miconet.de/machtjunkies/download/mjunkies.pdf widerst@nd-MUND vom 12.Nov.2001... täglich weitere Ungeheuerlichkeiten ( völlige Unterordnung der ... hat die Pflicht des Bürgers zum Ungehorsam ... besseren Erfassung und Durchleuchtung eines Menschen ... 18.Feb.2005 LfD Bbg, 1. TB - Kap. 5... aus der Sicht des Bürgers unproblematisch sei ... sie dienten der "gesellschaftspolitischen Durchleuchtung " der Betroffenen ... Deutschland eine völlige Neuordnung des ... www.brandenburg.de/land/lfdbbg/tb_info/tb/tb1/tb105.htm Weltverschwoerung.de Forums >> Post 322983 >>.. hat das Land eine völlige Kehrtwendung gemacht ... und übernahm die Durchleuchtung existierender Datenbanken ... union des gläsernen und total überwachten bürgers : ... URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-342033,00.html 18.Feb.2005 Europa-Besuch: "Bush wirkt nur im Fernsehen steif" 18.Feb.2005 Portugals Wähler: Verraten, frustriert und ratlos URL: https://boersen.manager-magazin.de/mmo/news.htm?id=23498947&r=0&sektion=marktberichte&awert=&u=0&p=0&k=0 URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-341951,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-342241,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-342047,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-342047,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-342047,00.html 17.Feb.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Greenspan beunruhigt Anleger 17.Feb.2005 Nahostkonflikt: Israel beendet Zerstörung von Häusern militanter Palästinenser 18.Feb.2005 Visa-Affäre: Fischer geht zum Gegenangriff über 17.Feb.2005 Thorn Communications, LLC. [ www.thorn.net ] ("Thorn") today announced that it has received bankruptcy court approval to acquire the New York City assets of e . spire Communications , Inc . www.thorn.net/news/080103-acquisition.html URL: https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2004-15,GGLD:de&q=Point+Of+No+Return+Films URL: https://www.celluloid-dreams.de/filminfos/show/309.html 17.Feb.2005 Einzelansicht. 6. Regie: Galip Iyitanir. Kamera: Ralph Kaechele . Darsteller: Margrit Sartorius,Michael Putschli, Oliver Betke. Pressematerial. Der ... www.neuevisionen.de/einzelfilm.php?id=300 Kritik: Olga Benario - Ein Leben für die Revolution ... Deutschland 2004 Regie: Galip Iyitanir; Kamera: Ralph Kaechele ; Darsteller: Margrit Sartorius, Michael Putschli, Oliver Betke Dokumentarfilm 92 Minuten Verleih ... Olga Benario. Ein Leben für die Revolution (Olga Benario. Ein ...Otto Braun Oliver Betke ... Alfred. Crew. Regie: Galip Iyitanir. Drehbuch: Galip Iyitanir. Kamera: Ralph Kaechele . Schnitt: Barbara Hoffmann. Filmmusik: Phirefones ... www.celluloid-dreams.de/filminfos/show/309.html URL: https://www.bushinmainz.de/ URL: http://www.bushinmainz.de/ 17.Feb.2005 George Bush kommt nach Deutschland URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-342261,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-342261,00.html Vier Autobahnen gesperrt, der Rhein nicht befahrbar, Scharfschützen auf den Dächern, Kampfjets startbereit, Balkone gesperrt, Tausende Polizisten und Hunderte US-Agenten im Einsatz: Der Besuch von George W. Bush kommenden Mittwoch verwandelt Mainz in eine Hochsicherheitszone, wie sie Deutschland noch nicht erlebt hat. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-342312,00.html 17.Feb.2005 Bush-Besuch: Proteste in 40 Städten 17.Feb.2005 Sächsischer Landtag: Keine Rüge für "Bomben-Holocaust" 17.Feb.2005 US-Präsidentenbesuche: "Amerika steht an ihrer Seite, jetzt und für immer" 17.Feb.2005 Bush-Besuch: Alarmstufe eins in Mainz 17.Feb.2005 Verdacht bestätigt: Organspenderin war mit Tollwut infiziert 17.Feb.2005 Rekordgewinn: Wal-Mart verdient mehr als zehn Milliarden Dollar 17.Feb.2005 Thailand nach der Welle: "Tsunami cannot beat us" 17.Feb.2005 USA: Bush ernennt Negroponte zum Geheimdienstchef 17.Feb.2005 Apple gegen Fans: Quellenschutz für Onlinejournalisten gefordert 17.Feb.2005 SWEET! - ... ABC, 30%. NBC , 30%. ... Blackwater Security Consulting. ... The report distills a massive amount of data into side-by-side comparisons of pre-war intelligence, the official ... https://www.jungcircle.com/muse/media.html Altermedia news USA » Iraq War - ... Blackwater is one of the biggest and best-known private ... Bertrand Ramcharand also suggested in a new report that US ... NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, May 12th. ... https://us.altermedia.info/index.php?cat=8 Barbelith Underground > Switchboard > Torture of Iraqi prisoners - ... paramilitaries" from a compnay called Blackwater -- I think ... According to a report on NPR yesterday ... of Iraqi prisoners, Pentagon officials told NBC Nightly News. ... https://barbelith.com/topic/17280/from/105 17.Feb.2005 Outside The Beltway : OTB Fun with Fiction Contest... rowdy, right-wing behavior after gender reassignment surgery. ... night + Scout found a mockingbird whose bill ... In which CS Lewis outlines why Karl Rove is God. ... www.outsidethebeltway.com/archives/9019 17.Feb.2005 doublethink : fair + balanced... Instead, Bush and his comrades have increasingly discussed the war as an operation to free the Iraqi people from ... Karl Rove is not that masterful a manipulator. ... blogs.salon.com/0002551/2003/12/15.html URL: https://alfatomega.com/20041105.html URL: https://www.google.pt/search?hl=pt-PT&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=fascism%2Bitaly%2Bbenito%2Bmussolini&btnG=Pesquisar&meta=cr%3DcountryPT 17.Feb.2005 klamm.de - Geld. News. Promotion! Pornobilder bei der Polizei. Gera (dpa) - Wegen der Verbreitung pornographischer Schriften sind mehr als 300 Thüringer Polizisten ... USA Election - USA WAHL 2004 ... Toby Keith ist längst keine Einzelfall ... GENERAL -ALLGEMEINES (5)... www.usa-election.de/usa/mackerposen_fuers_vaterland_.htm 17.Feb.2005 IGF - Stadtteil Friedrichsort.. Wir trauern mit den Eltern um Fritjof Gaude , IGF-Schüler von 1980-1986,vermisst seit dem 26.12.2004 in der Flut von Khao Lak (Thailand). ... www.igf.de/koglin.htm 17.Feb.2005 Money & Politics - Corporate Political Action Committees T – Z WACKENHUT CORPORATION POLITICAL ACTION COMM ( WACKENHUT PAC) / WACKENHUT CORPORATION; THE, ... WHITE CASTLE SYSTEM, INC POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE / WHITE CASTLE ... www.campaignmoney.com/political/committees/corporate_political_action_committees4.asp 17.Feb.2005 NRC: Closed Appeal & FOIA/PA Cases - FY 2000 Bravo thermonuclear test of Operation Castle performed in Marshall Islands in 1954, ...Contract, Wackenhut Services Inc, &/or Wackenhut NCR re guard services at ... www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/foia/closed2000.html - 16 Feb 2005 Astronaut rescue: - View as HTML Wackenhut is playing a leading role in Space Gateway Support, a joint operation providing Kennedy Space Centre + Cape Canaveral with a variety of protection.. www.group4securicor.com/issue_46_2003.pdf 17.Feb.2005 United States prison population information Wackenhut paid him United States dollar, $7.95 per hour ... The historic confinement building, known as "the Castle ", was built by the convicts and completed in 1921 ... www.searchspaniel.com/index.php/United_States_prison_population 17.Feb.2005 Find the King of Prussia general business jobs you want + other ...DE-New Castle , Associate Business Analyst, HSBC, Not specified Why? 02/17/2005. ...PA-Philadelphia, Manager, Physical Security, Wackenhut Corporation, Not specified ... jobs.careerbuilder.com/al.ic/Pennsylvania_KingOfPrussia_GeneralBusiness.htm 17.Feb.2005 Scoop: Scoop: Top Scoops + Just Politics... Prisoners of conscience must be released [3]; Australia: Wackenhut , repackaged + ...MADRID BOMBINGS: - Rosalea Barker - Stateside with Rosalea: A Castle In Spain ... www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0403/S00200.htm Marijuana Smokers are Filling Jails with Cheap Labour for ...areas, fortified ³gated communities² similar to medieval castles with walled ... produces massive profits for multinational corporations, like Wackenhut and CCA ... 17.Feb.2005 References PETRAKIS SECURITEK SECURITY SERVICES SIEMENS HELLAS TITAN CEMENT WACKENHUT SECURITY HELLAS. ... KONG HOTEL & TOWERS IMPERIAL HOTEL HOTEL LISBOA CASTLE PEAK HOSPITAL ... www.gcs.at/eng/company/referenzen.htm URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltraum/0,1518,druck-342300,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltraum/0,1518,druck-342300,00.html 17.Feb.2005 15:26) Verräterische Gase: Neue Hinweise für Leben auf dem Mars 17.Feb.2005 D. 12.1.1 Ulp 26 ed Ulpianus libro vicesimo sexto ad edictum E re est, priusquam ad verborum interpretationem perveniamus, pauca de significatione ipsius tituli referre. § 1. ... Si cui et in Authentico De fideiussoribus et mandatoribus, § paenultimo, collatione I ... Quia et in Authentico Nullum credentem agricolae te Google (2), Ask Jeeves/Teoma (9) 17.Feb.2005 Davids Medienkritik: No Surprise about Antisemitism... Komikerecke. + nun ist Prinz Harry an der Reihe. Er ... sind. Auch in UK England gab es starke Sympathien für die deutschen Braunhemden. Wo ... medienkritik.typepad.com/blog/2005/01/no_surprise_abo.html 17.Feb.2005 PsyOpNews.com Psychological Operations News The name of the contractor is Controlled Demolition ! Their ... Mexico. Israel ’s request is under review by the US Department of Defense. ... World Trade Centre Demolition... have been persuaded to cooperate in a scheme of such obvious benefit to Israel . ... so that they could be destroyed in a controlled demolition if circumstances ... 17.Feb.2005 PROOF THAT THE WORLD TRADE CENTER WAS DELIBERATELY DEMOLISHED ...lower undamaged parts were actually very damaged (probably by the detonation of a multitude of small explosive charges as is usual in a controlled demolition ). ... hawaii.indymedia.org/news/2003/07/3250.php EVIDENCE OF EXPLOSIVES IN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER TOWERS COLLAPSE. ...of course, this section had been laced with explosives and was undergoing a controlled demolition of its own ... To fool Americans into fighting Israel's enemies.. hawaii.indymedia.org/news/2003/06/2818_comment.php URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-342267,00.html 17.Feb.2005 Gefälschte Schädel: Protsch von Zietens Karriere beendet 17.Feb.2005 Visa-Skandal: Fischers Feinde 17.Feb.2005 Amerikanisch-Samoa: Monstersturm wütet in der Südsee 17.Feb.2005 Neue Strategie: PalmOne-Chef kritisiert Schwesterfirma 17.Feb.2005 Nordkoreakonflikt: Chinesischer Gesandter soll vermitteln 17.Feb.2005 Libanesische und syrische Presse: Furcht vorm Sturz in den Abgrund 17.Feb.2005 Beiß-Attacke: Ranger rettet Kollegen aus Krokodil-Rachen 17.Feb.2005 Russland: Von der Sinatra-Doktrin zur Putin-Doktrin 17.Feb.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Hinrichtung der freien Meinung" 17.Feb.2005 Atomkraftwerk Sellafield: 30 Kilogramm Plutonium verschwunden 17.Feb.2005 Ausgezeichnet: Turing-Preis geht an Internet-Pioniere URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-342153,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-342153,00.html 17.Feb.2005 Gefährliche Transplantation: Empfänger von tollwutinfizierten Organen ringen mit dem Tod URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-342000,00.html 16.Feb.2005 Euro-Finanzminister: EU-Verfahren gegen Griechenland wird verschärft 16.Feb.2005 Schnee und Eis: Verkehrschaos in Süddeutschland 16.Feb.2005 Nordkorea: CIA will Hinweise auf B- und C-Waffen haben 16.Feb.2005 Trauerzug für Hariri: Hunderttausende demonstrieren gegen Syrien 16.Feb.2005 Atomstreit: Fischer verlangt Garantien von Iran 16.Feb.2005 Verdacht auf Veruntreuung: Razzia beim Berliner Bund der Steuerzahler 16.Feb.2005 Iran: Wirrwarr um Explosion nahe Dailam 16.Feb.2005 Sexforscher Alfred C. Kinsey: Missionar der Lust 16.Feb.2005 Frankreichs Schüler: Kampf für "Egalité" im Abitur erfolgreich 18.Feb.2005 Versammlungsrecht: Koalitionsfraktionen bremsen Schily und Zypries 16.Feb.2005 Kalter Krieg: Wichtiger Nato-Politiker entlastet Voigt vom Spionage-Verdacht 16.Feb.2005 US-Konjunktur: Greenspan warnt vor Rentenfalle 16.Feb.2005 Folter-Prozess: "Der sah aus, als ob er jeden Moment verrecken würde" 16.Feb.2005 Hightech-Krieg: USA investieren Milliarden in Roboterkrieger 16.Feb.2005 Fatale Operationen: Organe von Tollwut-Infizierter transplantiert URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-342000,00.html 16.Feb.2005 Angst vor Aids: New York jagt das Supervirus 16.Feb.2005 Bündnis: Iran und Syrien wollen gemeinsame Front gegen USA bilden URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-342027,00.html 16.Feb.2005 atomicpop.com - Showing the REAL INSANITY of "INTELLECTUAL ...... "https://www.iraqcoalition.org/regulations/20040426_CPAORD_81_Patents_Law.pdf The updated law makes saving seeds for next year's harvest, practiced by 97% of ... www.atomicpop.com/news/print/15827 16.Feb.2005 DeutschesFachbuch.de : Winifred Wagner oder Hitlers Bayreuth... Ludwig (*1907) 257, 268, 372, 378, 416, 504, 593 Rudel , Hans - Ulrich (1916-1982) 605 ... 1564-1616) 335 Siebert, Ludwig (1874-1942) 247, 255, 333 Siemens , Ernst von ... www.deutsches-fachbuch.de/reinschauen/d6/3492239765.htm 16.Feb.2005 Wirtschaftstreffen 1944 - Nazigold - "ODESSA" Einige der so ins Ausland gelangten Nazis waren Hans Ulrich Rudel ( Siemens - Verkaufsvertreter für Argentinien), Otto Skorzeny (für Krupp in Argentinien ... www.leuchtstift.de/netz/odessa/odessa.htm 16.Feb.2005 www.semit.net :: Thema anzeigen - Streng Geheim Wie US ...So war Hans Ulrich Rudel , ein bis zum Tag seines Todes reueloser Nazi, Siemens -Verkaufsvertreter für Argentinien, wo auch Otto Skorzeny für Krupp arbeitete ... www.semit.net/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=263 16.Feb.2005 Mit Springerstiefel und Schlips & Kragen Page 1. 1 Mit Springerstiefel und Schlips & Kragen Braunschweiger Zeitung, 16.Feb.2005 Spanish Civil War Collection Author Index – HTML-Version ... coronel Rudel . [Spain?: sn]. [194-?] 1. Rudel , Hans Ulrich . 2. Air pilots - Germany - Biography por Excelsior. --; 12p.: ill.; 24 ... 16.Feb.2005 Adolf Eichmann 1 ROOSEVELT KERMIT (KIM) 1 ROTTA ANGELO 1 RUBINSTEIN ELYAKIM 1 RUDEL HANS ULRICH 1 SASSEN ... SHIRER WILLIAM L 1 SHNADOW SOL 1 SICA FRANK V 1 SIEMENS CORPORATION 1 ... www.namebase.org/main1/Adolf-Eichmann.html 16.Feb.2005 Josef Mengele – doktor smrt... mezi než patrily firmy jako Bayer, AEG Telefunken, Krupp, Siemens . ... dalšími vysoce postavenými nacisty, jako byl plukovník Hans Ulrich Rudel a plukovník ... 16.Feb.2005 presseportal.at: "profil": Hitlers Schwestern hielten die Ehre ...unter Hitler hochdekorierte Pilot Hans Ulrich Rudel habe sie ... Rudel war Finanzier der "Eichmann-Runde", einer ... Kommentar vom 11.2.2005: Siemens [...] 10.02.2005 ... www.ots.at/presseaussendung.php?schluessel=OTS_20050129_OTS0004&woher= 16.Feb.2005 Missile Acronyms... Embraer Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA EMCON emissions ... EW electronic warfare EXPAL Explosivos Alaveses F-SHOB ... craft FAE fuel air explosive FALCON Fission ... www.infomanage.com/nonproliferation/primer/acronyms.html 16.Feb.2005 THE ET INTERVIEW: PROFESSOR CR RAO Page 1. THE ET INTERVIEW: PROFESSOR CR RAO Interviewed by Anil K. Bera University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign It was June 1940 ... No Job Name ... Chicago’s South Side, one-third of African American girls + two-thirds of boys who reach their fifteenth birthdays do not live to celebrate their sixty Journals.cambridge.org/article_S1742058X04042031 16.Feb.2005 Paris: Terroristen wollten Eiffelturm angreifen 16.Feb.2005 Hilferuf italienischer Geisel: "Ihr müsst alles tun, um diese Besatzung zu beenden" URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-341920,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-341920,00.html Gleichzeitig berichtete aber fast jede zweite Einrichtung, dass ihr die Mittel gekürzt wurden. 24 Prozent der Suppenküchen und 77 Prozent der Obdachlosenheime hätten Menschen abweisen müssen. 2004070403_Report ... The gun is designed to deliver 26 watts of power at 50,000 volts to stun the victim, but this could easily be increased to make it a lethal weapon. ... 16.Feb.2005 LLORAR de MAJESTAD NORTENA disponible ahora en DiscoWeb Enthaltene Songs. CD: 1. 1 - Rafael Caro Quintero . 2 - Llorar. 3 - Amor Imposible. res Culpable. 5 - Soy Bohemio. 6 - Hay Amor. 7 - Amor Sincero. ... www.discoweb.com/de/Music/scripts/info.asp_$origen=ofertasstock$ref=00-429511_.html 16.Feb.2005 Jungle World 18/2002.. amerikanisches Ersuchen hin, das bei den Behörden der Afi (Agencia Federal de Investigación) einging, den Drogenunternehmer Miguel Angel Caro Quintero in Los ... www.nadir.org/nadir/periodika/jungle_world/_2002/18/15a.htm 16.Feb.2005 N24.de Camarena, Beamter der Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), ermittelt in Guadalajara, Mexiko, gegen das von Raphael Caro Quintero geleitete Drogenkartell. ... 16.Feb.2005 Deutsche Bank: 90 Prozent lehnen Entlassungspläne ab 16.Feb.2005 Tsunami-Archäologie: Flutwelle legte Tempel frei 16.Feb.2005 Uran-Ersatz: Wolfram-Geschosse lösen Krebs aus 16.Feb.2005 Gemeinsame Basis von Sprechen und Rechnen? Möglicherweise hätten Mathematik und Sprache eine gemeinsame Basis, auf die beide unabhängig voneinander zugreifen könnten, ohne dass die Zahlen in ein Sprachformat umgewandelt werden müssten. Eine andere Möglichkeit wäre, dass Sprache und Mathematik während der Hirnentwicklung zwar auf dem gleichen Weg entstehen, im fertigen Gehirn jedoch unabhängig voneinander existieren. Patienten, die wegen Hirnschäden einfache Sätze weder bilden noch verstehen konnten, waren im Experiment durchaus in der Lage, komplexe Rechenaufgaben zu lösen. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-341755,00.html 16.Feb.2005 Eelektroniker der Firma Rockwell untersuchten die historischen Funkdaten + ermittelten so die Distanz der Electra zur Insel. Offenbar flog Amelia ein Suchmuster + folgte dabei der Linie, die sie in ihrem letzten Funkspruch nannte. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-340373,00.html Der Grund: Fischer hatten in einem Gürtel von Korallenriffen das Wrack eines Flugzeugs gesehen. Aufnahmen des Satelliten Ikonos 2, der ironischerweise gleichfalls bei Lockheed entstand, legten wegen einer Rotverfärbung an der Stelle zumindest den Verdacht auf ein großes metallisches Objekt nahe. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-340373,00.html Bei Londonderry in Nordirland setzte sie auf und traf einen Hirten, den sie fragte, wo sie angekommen sei. "Auf Gallaghers Weide", entgegnete der und wollte wissen: "Kommen Sie von weit her?" "Ja, aus Amerika", antwortete Earhart. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-340373,00.html Gefährliche Nachbarn - keine Angst vor Kampfhunden Von Immissionen und Provokationen: Deutschland einig Lärmschutz- Land Schluss mit greller Außenbeleuchtung Wegerecht als Baumaßnahmenblocker Verflixte Flora: URL: https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzkultur/0,1518,druck-341817,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzkultur/0,1518,druck-341817,00.html "Der Klick-Betrug ist außer Kontrolle geraten", sagt sie, nachdem sie die Klicks auf ihre Einträge sorgfältig dokumentiert hatte. "Damit wird mir bares Geld aus der Tasche gestohlen." Die Suchmaschinen haben zwar die Möglichkeit eingerichtet, eine Entschädigung für betrügerische Klicks zu erhalten. Diese Zahlungen seien aber kein Ausgleich für entgangene Umsätze nach dem Verschwinden ihres bezahlten Eintrags, sagt Harrison. 16.Feb.2005 Softwarepatente: Gates drohte mit Arbeitsplatz-Export 16.Feb.2005 Internet Explorer 7: Microsoft kämpft um seine Macht - mit Sicherheit 16.Feb.2005 Qaida-Bedrohung: Uno betrachtet Antiterrorkampf als wenig erfolgreich 16.Feb.2005 Irak: Britische Soldaten sollen Zivilisten getötet haben 16.Feb.2005 Recycling: Schöner schreiben auf Känguru-Mist 16.Feb.2005 Umfrage: Visa-Affäre schreckt Grünen-Wähler nicht ab 16.Feb.2005 Wahl in Großbritannien: Blair liegt in Führung 16.Feb.2005 Klima: Ab heute gilt das Kyoto-Protokoll 16.Feb.2005 Kyoto in Kraft: Klimaschutz ohne den schlimmsten Sünder 16.Feb.2005 Verspätung und Überbuchung: Fluggäste erhalten mehr Rechte 18.Feb.2005 Tod im Tunnel: Fall Diana wird neu aufgerollt 16.Feb.2005 Malaise und kein Ende: Japan fällt in die Rezession zurück 16.Feb.2005 Soziale Schere: Zahl der US-Obdachlosen steigt, Hilfe schwindet 16.Feb.2005 Versammlungsrecht: Regierungsfraktionen stellen sich gegen Schily 16.Feb.2005 Nach dem Hariri-Mord: Rice legt sich mit Syrien an 15.Feb.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Dow-Jones steigt auf Jahreshöchststand 15.Feb.2005 CIA-Fall: Journalisten sollen Informanten preisgeben 15.Feb.2005 Atom-Streit: Iran fordert stärkeres Engagement der EU 15.Feb.2005 Datenschützer: Ticketvergabe für 2006 illegal 15.Feb.2005 Reform-Initiative: Nato und EU schwenken auf Schröder-Kurs ein 15.Feb.2005 Naturereignisse: Erdbeben erschüttert Tokio 15.Feb.2005 Libanon-Anschlag: USA ziehen Botschafter aus Syrien ab 15.Feb.2005 Ehemann im Sicherheitstrakt: Wie eine Britin erfuhr, dass ihr Mann ein Vergewaltiger ist 15.Feb.2005 Sachsen-Anhalt: Afrikaner aus Zug gezerrt und verprügelt 15.Feb.2005 Börse am Abend: Dax springt auf neues Jahreshoch 15.Feb.2005 Job-Abbau: Deutsche Bank will schrumpfen, aber nicht kündigen 15.Feb.2005 Kuba-Politik: Ex-BDI-Chef Henkel attackiert Schmusekurs gegenüber Castro 15.Feb.2005 Augenblick: Viel heiße Luft 15.Feb.2005 Flutkatastrophe: Star-Anwalt Fagan bereitet Sammelklage vor 15.Feb.2005 Visa-Affäre: Der Mann, der den Minister jagt 15.Feb.2005 Verfolgungsangst: Haider und die österreichische Securitate 15.Feb.2005 Chimären: Behörde stoppt Patent auf Halbmenschen 15.Feb.2005 "Cinema for Peace": Filmreife Hilfe aus Berlin 15.Feb.2005 US-Visa-Politik: Schikane light 15.Feb.2005 Motorenentwicklung: Sparsamer, stärker, kleiner 15.Feb.2005 Schlafräuber: Nachbarn beschallen Ehepaar mit Kräh-Kanone 15.Feb.2005 Welthandel: Ungeniert kopieren die Chinesen Produkte ausländischer Unternehmen 15.Feb.2005 Rüde Geschäftsmethoden in China: Lächeln, kopieren, kassieren 15.Feb.2005 Neue Töne von Titan: Zwitschern aus der Methanhülle 15.Feb.2005 Gehaltsreport Marketing: Die Einkommen von PR-Profis und Marktforschern 15.Feb.2005 Visa-Affäre: Fischer räumt eigene Fehler ein 15.Feb.2005 Umstrittene EU-Regel: Schröder kämpft gegen die Billiglöhner 15.Feb.2005 Konjunkturschock: "Das ist eine wirklich böse Überraschung" 15.Feb.2005 London: Leibgardisten der Queen drehen Porno-Film 15.Feb.2005 Atom-Streit: Iran will Europäern Garantien geben 15.Feb.2005 Gelinkt: Jeder Klick kostet die Konkurrenz Bares 15.Feb.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Spaltpilz der Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit" 15.Feb.2005 Hirnforschung: Mathematik funktioniert ohne Worte 15.Feb.2005 Interview über Erfolgsstrategien: Selbstgespräche, aber mit System 15.Feb.2005 Nordkorea: "Neue Scud-Rakete bedroht Japan" 15.Feb.2005 Iran: Dutzende Tote bei Brand in Moschee 15.Feb.2005 US-Raketen-Abwehrsystem: Weiterer Test fehlgeschlagen 15.Feb.2005 Konjunktur: Deutsche Wirtschaft verliert an Schwung 15.Feb.2005 Dienstunfähig: Ein Viertel der Beamten geht in den Vorruhestand 15.Feb.2005 Korruption: Pentagon prüft weitere Luftwaffenaufträge 15.Feb.2005 US-Militäreinsätze: Bush baut Rekorddefizit aus 15.Feb.2005 Nr. 2/2003 Natur- und Man-made-Katastrophen im Jahr 2002 ...in Bangladesh 1970 mit 300000 Todesopfern, das Erd- beben in der chinesischen ... Sturm Bangladesh, Erdbeben Peru Erdbeben Tangshan , China Zykon Gorki, Bangladesh ... www.swissre.com/INTERNET/pwsfilpr.nsf/vwFilebyIDKEYLu/MPDL-5L8BRA/$FILE/sigma2_2003_d_rev.pdf Nr. 1/2004 Natur- und Man-made-Katastrophen im Jahr 2003 ... Das Beben der Stärke 6.5 auf der Richterskala zerstörte die Stadt Bam fast. Sturm Bangladesh, Erdbeben Peru Erdbeben Tangshan, China Zyklon Gorki, Bangladesh ... www.swissre.com/INTERNET/pwsfilpr.nsf/vwFilebyIDKEYLu/MPDL-5XR923/$FILE/sigma1_2004_d_rev.pdf 00.00.1945 -bereits seit- Der Name des Wissenschaftlers stand auf der Liste der meistgesuchten Kriegsverbrecher. URL: https://www.lexikon.idgr.de/p/p_a/paperclip/paperclip.php 16.Feb.2005 Feldpolitik vs. Weltpolitik. Tumbe Politiker zerstören die Erde..11.Sep.2002, Säbelrasseln: US-Army verlegt Persien -Zentralkommando von Florida nach Katar.Auf den Spuren eines Milliardärs. 10.09.2002, BBC News vs. ... www.feldpolitik.de/index.php?jahr=2002&monat=09&tag=11 khune das Persien-Haus - Uran-Anreicherung im Iran ausgesetzt In dem BBC -Interview fügte El Baradei hinzu, er gehe davon aus, dass das gesamte ...Dieser Artikel kommt von khune das Persien -Haus www.khune.de Die URL für ... www.khune.de/modules.php?name=News&file=print&sid=459 16.Feb.2005 Aktion "Paperclip" 16.Feb.2005 rhetorik.ch aktuell: Hauses, der 1980 die Debatte zwischen John Anderson + Ronald Reagan moderiert hatte, meinte: "Der Moderator soll so sein wie der Tote bei einer Bestattung . ... 16.Feb.2005 Sozialismus – Wikipedia .. wo die Macht- + die Systemfrage 1919 umgekehrt als in ... In der Weimarer Republik wurde ihr Einfluss auf Regierungsebene ... Eric Hobsbawm: Revolution + Revolte . de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sozialismus Franz Ritter von Epp – Wikipedia freie Enzyklopädie. 00.Apr.1919 zählt das Freikorps Epp 326 Offiziere, 197 Unteroffiziere ... 00.Apr.1945 an der mißlungenen Revolte der NS ... de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Ritter_von_Epp 16.Feb.2005 Geschichte Berlins 00.Jan.1919 versuchte sie im Spartakusaufstand die Macht an ... Die Revolte scheiterte + am 15. ... Als Hauptstadt der Weimarer Republik war Berlin das, was die ... 16.Feb.2005 -[ ruv.net : Marxist Infopedia ]- Duncan Hallas: Die Rote Flut (4. ...gegen die weiße Revolte “ –, hatte Sinowjews ... prekäre Stabilität der Weimarer Republik bereits ... der Kommunistischen Internationale ( 1919 -1943), Frankfurt ... www.artpolitic.org/marx/deutsch/archiv/hallas/1985/flut/4-1923.htm 16.Feb.2005 O que nao querem que tu saibas!!!!: Definição de Nova Ordem ...Nos séculos passados, eles têm repetidamente utilizado a técnica de propaganda que o pesquisador e autor David Icke tem caracterizado no seu novo livro, The ... babylon.blogs.sapo.pt/arquivo/269874.html 16.Feb.2005 A Fuga Da Liberdade Como diz David Icke , a melhor maneira de controlar populações é através do medo, seja de terrorismo ou de armas nucleares, para que as pessoas lhes confiem ... 16.Feb.2005 Geheimdienste Sheepskin", in Griechenland "Sheepskin", in Schweden "Sveaborg", England " Stay Behind "+ in.. verwurzelt die Strukturen des Vatikans zu alten Nazi -Zeiten waren ... 16.Feb.2005 The Free-Energy Device Handbook: A Compilation of Patents & ... ... Series) This is the best + virtually only book available on free energy motors.This is a compilation with lots of patents diagrams and scientific papers. ... MIM Notes NOTE: This flyer based on Covert Action Information Bulletin #39 (Winter 91-92) This article ... On the one hand he talks about amnesty for the Moro fighting for ... www.etext.org/Politics/MIM/mn/mn.php?issue=099 CIA (Vincenzo Vinciguerra, Mitglied von Gladio). "Es war nie meine Aufgabe Moro zu retten. In einem Beitrag für « Covert Action Information Bulletin » Nr. ... www.miprox.de/USA_speziell/CIA.html Scoop: UQ Wire: A Citizens’ Critique Of The 9/11 Commiss. ... zmag.org/Zmag/articles/oct01berkowitz.htm ; Covert Action Information Bulletin (CAIB) #33 ... Islamic Salvation Front, from the Philippines’ Moro Liberation Front ... www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0407/S00186.htm 15 feb 2005 Structure of the Critique: Versione HTML (https://www.zmag.org/Zmag/articles/oct01berkowitz.htm ; Bulletin (CAIB) #33 - Intervention in the Nicaraguan Election, by William ... La democracia en las sociedades industriales 1976, cayó en Italia el gobierno de Aldo Moro tras las revelaciones de que la CIA había ... 7. Véase Covert Action Information Bulletin , invierno de 1986. ... ...and more.... ... of SIFAR, for dossiers on [left-leaning] politicians + in particular for Moro's circle of ... 1994 -Summer- Covert Action Information Bulletin (Quarterly),, p. 24. ... Maghreb-Online Forums »» Terreur » Terreur door mensen die zich ... 00.Sep.1903 - Moro Province Legislative Council organized ... Oltman J. and Bernstein, R. "Counter-insurgency in the Philippines," Covert Action Information Bulletin . ... forumnl.maghrebonline.nl/viewtopic.php?topic=3585&forum=30&30 MIM Notes NOTE: This flyer based on Covert Action Information Bulletin #39 (Winter 91-92) This article ... On the one hand he talks about amnesty for the Moro fighting for ... mitglied.lycos.de/mimnotes/Wce2d21861f9e.htm Cuba Socialista - Cuba y la cuestión de los derechos humanos...una persona quien les promete el oro y el moro pero que .p. 188 ; Bill Shaap, « The 1981 Dengue Epidemic », Covert Action Information Bulletin , Washington, n . Cuba - Contra la guerra y el terrorismo mediático. Noticias ...una persona quien les promete el oro y el moro pero que ... p. 188 ; Bill Shaap,« The 1981 Dengue Epidemic », Covert Action Information Bulletin , Washington, n CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 - Versione HTML The late Aldo Moro , Prime Minister of Italy, was one leader who opposed "zero growth" + population reductions planned for his country, thereby incurring the ...www.geocities.com/savior5754/commof300.pdf Google... En 1976, cayó en Italia el gobierno de Aldo Moro tras las revelaciones de que la CIA había ... 7. Véase Covert Action Information Bulletin , invierno de 1986. galeon.hispavista.com/puzlea/puzIRAKURKETA/puzChomsky32.htm 16.Feb.2005 NARA | IWG | Declassified Documents: RG 226 Entry 210 Boxes 1-555b... organization + activities throughout Europe, stay - behind activities ... Nazi Germany against Anti- Nazi Germans." Includes ... German emigres in UK + the ... www.archives.gov/iwg/declassified_records/rg_226_oss/rg_226_entry_210_boxes_1_to_300.html - 14 Feb 2005 DeepBlackLies... be the centre for the “Gladio” stay - behind units formed ... [13] Paul Manning “Martin Bormann - Nazi in Exile ... to the pre-Norman conquest of Southern Britain . www.deepblacklies.co.uk/the_spoils_of_war.htm BBC - WW2 People's War - 'Fire Orders' Chapter 18a - A2704439 Alf + Nobby had been told to stay behind with the carrier until sent for ... We heard later that he had refused to have the Nazi dead laid to rest in consecrated ... www.bbc.co.uk/dna/ww2/A2704439 WD Forum: Would Germany have won the war if ? The entire thrust of Nazi economic policy from well ... Conquering Britain wouldn't have given them that ... one of the officers detailed to stay behind and organise ... icNewcastle - Horror survivor... As Allied troops advanced, liberating the camps, Nazi soldiers took ... "I had to stay behind a further ... Harry came to England and Newcastle, soon after, stationed ... 00.Dec.2000 ... other trustees to hold the investments and advise the committee on management ... Bush was privately meeting with Catholic leaders to discuss his executive order ... https://home.vicnet.net.au/~afuwvic/docs/AFUW-Vic%20Newsletter%20Vol%2036%20No%202.pdf Bush-Cheney Energy Strategy: Procuring the Rest of the World’s ...To head this group, Bush picked his closest political adviser, Vice President Dick Cheney... Pursuing an alternative strategy would require a huge investment in new ener ... https://www.fpif.org/pdf/petropol/ch1.pdf NSTA - Science News ... Group: Bush Ignores, Manipulates Research 18.Feb.2004 - Yahoo News/AP The Union of ... In fact, the authors estimate that an annual investment of $45 billion in https://www.nsta.org/sciencenews/&category_ID=276 KeepMedia | BusinessWeek: WANTED: ONE TOUGH ECONOMIC TEAM Bush needs recruits “who can spin the story very adroitly - especially to ... attacks on his plan to introduce Social Security personal investment accounts, the ... https://www.keepmedia.com/pubs/BusinessWeek/2004/12/13/674772?extID=10026 Muslims For Kucinich: Nothing is certain but death +... - ... those gains precisely that financed the surge in business investment , producing full ... This is the group Bush is squeezing, to benefit what Johnston aptly calls ... https://www.muhajabah.com/muslims4kucinich/archives/008089.php The Neocons - Bush will give them enough time to make another ten or twenty billion $, + then ... What if they not only pull all their investments out of the US, + stop...https://www.opednews.com/kallNeoconsNextWish.htm 16.Feb.2005 Weblog: 'I Don't Think Faith Is Under Attack,' Says Bush ...for Georgia lieutenant governor next year, Republican friends of Mr . Reed from the ... in Jamaica | Fatal attacks, popular song lyrics and a human rights report ... www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2005/102/31.0.html 00.Apr.2001 NCLIS Commission meeting transcript- View as HTML .. MR . ... materials such as what is provided for in Senator Reed's bill currently ... to learn, understand or appreciate history when context and the human element are ... www.nclis.gov/news/2001minutes/April-2001-trans.pdf 16.Feb.2005 Round 83... they say, the contract discouraged Mr . Reed , a prominent ... As Mr . Bush prepares to deliver his first ... Washington should abandon its human rights double standard ... 16.Feb.2005 Chapter 1: The Department of Defense: Consent is Formalized... of a tradition that included Walter Reed's experience and the ... of this policy will fall upon Mr . Wilson [President ... contemplating the use of human volunteers in ... www.eh.doe.gov/ohre/roadmap/achre/chap1_3.html 14.Feb.2005 Angolagate Certains noms, cependant, retiennent l’attention : ceux de Paul Anselin ou de Philippe ...M. Legorjus dit avoir rencontré M. Falcone quelques mois plus tôt.. www.denistouret.net/constit/Angolagate.html France, Afrique, vente d'armes, Angola, affaire Pierre Falcone et .. d'une perquisition récente au domicile de Paul Anselin , un élu de Bretagne, les policiers tombent sur une carte de Pierre Falcone , partiellement déchirée.. LEXPRESS.fr - Affaire Falcone - Chronologie - L'Express... l'homme d'affaires Paul Anselin , récemment mis en examen dans le dossier du trafic d'armes vers l'Angola. Les avocats de Pierre Falcone font immédiatement ... www.lexpress.fr/info/france/dossier/falcone/dossier.asp?ida=418627 14.Feb.2005 Le Nouvel Observateur : Notre époque, Quand le juge défie Chirac... déchiré, est découvert lors d’une perquisition au domicile de Paul Anselin , 72 ans ... sociaux dans ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler l’affaire Falcone . ... www.nouvelobs.com/articles/p1981/a27244.html URL: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=nicolas%20tesla%20-%20school%20science%20project&btnG=Search URL: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Dr.%20Amy%20F.%20T.%20Arnsten%20of%20Yale%20Medical&btnG=Google%20Search URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-341740,00.html Doch er habe nun verstanden, dass der Unmut in der Bevölkerung viel mit seiner Person zu tun habe, sagte Blair nach Angaben der "Financial Times". 14.Feb.2005 Londoner Premiere: Blair bedauert seine Arroganz 14.Feb.2005 Rasche Sparerfolge: Volkswagen-Zahlen beglücken die Börse 14.Feb.2005 Dresden, 14. Februar 1945: Nur jetzt nicht noch krepieren 14.Feb.2005 Riesenwelle im Mittelmeer: Havariertes Kreuzfahrtschiff steuert Sardinien an 14.Feb.2005 Interview zu Dresdner Bombenopfern: Die schwierige Suche nach der Zahl X 14.Feb.2005 Fischers Erklärung: "Ich stehe vor meinen Mitarbeitern" 14.Feb.2005 Verhülltes Virus: Aids-Erreger jagt Krebszellen 14.Feb.2005 Sicherheitspolitik: Schröder drängt weiter auf Reform der Nato 14.Feb.2005 Transrapid: Golfstaaten planen 800-Kilometer-Trasse 14.Feb.2005 DoD targets child porn on military Pcs Security /. DoD targets child porn on military PCs. ... Your FREE Network World subscription will also include breaking news and information on wireless ... 14.Feb.2005 Date: Sun Dec 10, 1995 8:55 pm CST From: David J Sussman EMS ...initial phase of the computer spy effort succeeded in downloading data from ... Developed was a highly refined version of the Inslaw software called PROMIS www.pdxnorml.org/NORMAN.JIM 07.Dec.1995 Interview of James Norman, .. other ways of basically surveilling and downloading foreign electronic ... that leads back to the Inslaw case we ... in the show about the Promis software and stuff. ... PTECH + 9/11 + USA-SAUDI TERROR - Part I :: 9/11 CitizensWatch 11Sep.2001 Indira Singh lays out the connections between the providers of this advanced software (derived from the PROMIS software stolen from the Inslaw corporation in ...27.Aug.2000 [Slashdot-mailer] Slashdot Daily Report According to Inslaw Inc. (original makers of Promis ), the American and Israeli intelligence services pirated this software package + resold a . Nsa bei dentio.de PROMIS in weltweiten Software Produkten enthalten ... wiederum gab die Inslaw - PROMIS Software an die ...www.dentio.de/nsa URL: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=WACKENHUT+AND+THE+CARLYLE+GROUP&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&output=search URL: https://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=WACKENHUT%20AND%20THE%20CARLYLE%20GROUP&spell=1 URL: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=failure%2B%20%22George%20W.%20Bush%22&spell=1 20041125 ... www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&q=miserable+ failure+ bush 25 ... Biography of President George W . Bush Biography of the 43rd President of the ... URL: https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=washington+post+december+1995+ghengis+khan&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&start=0&sa=N 14.Feb.2005 Worry spreads over GI drug side effects: Some current or former troops sent to Iraq claim that Lariam, the commercial name for the anti-malarial drug mefloquine, has provoked disturbing and dangerous behavior. The families of some troops blame the drug for the suicides of their loved ones. UK: Fight dirty or we lose, Milburn tells Labour: Election boss's secret warning to activists. Polls reveal danger of hung parliament Radio Station Drops Ad From Muslim Group : A Christian radio station canceled its advertising contract with a Muslim organization this week on the grounds that the content "did not serve our Christian constituency." Listen To The Ad From Muslim Orginization That Christian Radio Statio Refused to Air. Windows Media. Senator Barbara Boxer Delivers Major Speech On Social Security: Boxer’s speech addressed efforts to privatize social security and the real motivation behind privatization. Wildlife scientists feeling heat : Scientists in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service say they've been forced to alter or withhold findings that would have led to greater protections for endangered species, according to a survey released Wednesday by two environmental groups. Florida food stamp system sees 53% jump from 2000 14.Feb.2005 Castro says U.S. to blame if Chavez assassinated: Cuban President Fidel Castro warned the United States on Saturday against plotting to kill his most important ally, Venezuela's leftist President Hugo Chavez. CIA to Release More Nazi War Criminal Data : The CIA has agreed to release more information about Nazi war criminals it hired during the Cold War Israel: Farewell, femme fatale: Mossad’s most famous hit woman died. Her team shot dead a Moroccan waiter in the Norwegian town of Lillehammer, mistaking him for the chief of the Black September terror group. 14.Feb.2005 American Hegemony - A Timeline As far as Greece is concerned the values of democracy, self-rule, and human rights in ... well beyond world war two, into the 70s, with CIA backing for the Gladio ... www.lossless-audio.com/usa/1247837097.htm 14.Feb.2005 Chronology of American State Terrorism – 3 Albania 1949-1953 Korea 1945-1953 Philippines 1945-1953 Greece 1947-1949 ... counterparts all over Western Europe as part of ?Operation Gladio ?, developed by Pentagon covers up failure to train and recruit local security forces: Training of Iraq's security forces, crucial to any exit strategy for Britain and the US, is going so badly that the Pentagon has stopped giving figures for the number of combat-ready indigenous troops. Paul Craig Roberts: As Things Fall Apart, Lie and Lie Again: Nothing to Fear But Bush Himself:: Suppose you are the party responsible for invading a country under totally false pretenses. Suppose you had totally unrealistic expectations about the consequences of your gratuitous aggression. 14.Feb.2005 Tehran protests at US use of drones: The US has been flying surveillance drones over Iran since last year to look for evidence of nuclear weapons programs and examine air defences. Bush and Bin Laden use similar language: Khatami : “The words and deeds of Bush and Bin Laden are alike, producing the sound of violence and waging war against the world. In fact, the words used by Bush and Bin Laden are almost exactly the same,” U.S. develops North Korea 'tool kit': Classified strategies focus on halting sources of income 'Pakistani tried to sell N-arms to Al Qaeda': Federal investigators have charged a Pakistani businessman, who ran an import business in the US with urging al Qaeda to acquire 50 nuclear weapons for use against American troops. Chavez: US is a terrorist state : Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has branded the United States a terrorist state while rejecting Washington's criticism of Caracas for its arms purchase from Russia. Lula and Chavez to boost alliance : Brazil's president opens talks with his Venezuelan counterpart in Caracas shortly with the aim of cementing what both sides call a strategic alliance. Pentagon Spy Agency's Leader Quits After Disclosures; The leader of a new Pentagon espionage unit has resigned shortly after public disclosure that the Defense Department is expanding into clandestine operations traditionally undertaken by the CIA. National Lawyers Guild Condems Verdict In Lynne Stewart Trial: Urges Defense Attorneys to Continue Representing Unpopular Clients. Hallucinations linked to drug given to troops: Malaria medication can cause paranoia, other mental side effects Red tape snarls injured soldiers: Hurt troops are back but can't go home National Guard to try new recruitment tactics: The Connecticut National Guard, facing a large enlistment shortage, is planning a cable television show, a magazine for young people and more recruiters as part of a new plan to boost its ranks. 14.Feb.2005 Turkey criticises Iraq poll results: Turkey has criticised the landmark elections in neighbouring Iraq, saying they have failed to produce a parliament truly representative of the people because of low turnout and "manipulation" of votes in some areas. 14.Feb.2005 Freed Aussie terror suspect alleges being tortured by US forces : Australian former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mamdouh Habib said yesterday that he was beaten and subjected to electric shock torture in Pakistan and Egypt and degraded by US forces in Cuba during his almost three years in detention. Australia concedes ex-Guantanamo detainee was tortured in Egypt: The Australian government has conceded allegations by former Guantanamo Bay prisoner Mamdouh Habib that he was tortured in Egypt may be true. This is a must watch interview: Under suspicion: 60 Minutes Australia Interviews Habib Mamdouh: After more than three years in prison, he tells his story of terrorism and torture. Windows Media. Video may take a moment to load. Transcript: Under suspicion: Transcript Of 60 Minutes interview with Mamdouh Habib 14.Feb.2005 Visa-Affäre: Fischer übernimmt Verantwortung für "mögliche Versäumnisse" 14.Feb.2005 https://www.law.upenn.edu/bll/ulc/securities/jan2002meeting.htm ... securities administrators. See, e.g., State Regulators Announce Dramatic Rise in Religious Scams ; Tens of Thousands Lured, 33 Sec. Reg. & L. Rep. (BNA) 1189 (2001). Robert M. Lam, Chairman of the ... www.law.upenn.edu/bll/ulc/securities/jan2002meeting.htm 14.Feb.2005 TimeBomb 2000 - [Ener] OPEC cooking the books? Every oil producer since Spindletop has been cooking the books. The question is why ... Net- scams , Phishing and Viruses Earth Changes, Solar + Celestial Events ... 14.Feb.2005 Broz News HOUSTON (Reuters) - A short distance from Spindletop oil field, the site of the gusher that triggered ... fraud that blends old-fashioned confidence scams with innovations in technological trickery ... 14.Feb.2005 Diario de Notícias Europeia. É o caso de Joseph Nye , que foi subsecretário da Defesa de Bill Clinton. Falta capacidade política e militar. Kagan ... 14.Feb.2005 Hyper-text + Hyper-reality... 1999, 2000. Nye , Joseph S. + Donahue, John D. (2000) Governance in a Globalizing World, New York: Brookings Press. Ohmae, Kenichi ... 14.Feb.2005 1 Disaffected Democrats, Negligent Citizens: Political Culture + ...Inglehart, Ronald (1997). ‘Postmaterialist Values and the Erosion of Institutional Authority’, in Joseph S. Nye , Philip D. Zelikow e David C. King (eds ... www.ics.ul.pt/corpocientifico/pedromagalhaes/pdf/Article.pdf 1 Law, Politics + the Subaltern in Counter-Hegemonic ...(Freeman 1997), “outsourced regulation,” (O'Rourke 2003) or simply “governance” (Mac Neil, Sargent + Swan 2000; Nye + Donahue 2000). ... 14.Feb.2005 CMW Sept 2001 - View as HTML Page 1. nized local TV news programs to pre-programmed radio stations to conservative-leaning newspapers. They do not fear competi ...www.chicagomediawatch.org/pdf/01fall.pdf CMW winter 2001 - View as HTML... vetoed a protocol aimed at strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention, putting at risk a key United Nations conference on deadly bio - logical weapons. ... 14.Feb.2005 Democratic Underground Forums - 911:The strange role of Jeddah ...Savings & Loans Scandal : “Mr. Bush, the account is overdrawn, but for you + your friend in the trench-coat, we’ll stay open late on Saturday.” Using ... www.democraticunderground.com/cgi-bin/duforum/duboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=4657&forum=DCForumID43 14.Feb.2005 The State of The Automated - Ver em HTML Page 1. Page 2. Senior Editor Epiphany Writers Anthony George, DATA_Noise, DV8, Ender (Ansatsu), J0hny Lightning, Khaos, K Sephice ... Post Comment ... Before that, the stock market crash from the faked "terrorist" attacks of 11.Sep.2001 .Before that, the Savings & Loans scandal . The list goes on. ... www.livejournal.com/users/griffjon/79532.html?replyto=185772 14.Feb.2005 Arianna Online Forums - Republican-funded Group Attacks Kerry's ...kentay. 08-16-2004, 10:14 AM. When you think about Watergate, Savings & Loans scandal , Iran/Contra + now Iraq. ... Roots of the Empire: A Radical Critique of the Bush Presidency... business cycle. Similar corporate scandals have happened many times before, such as the Savings & Loans scandal of the late 1980 s. Fraud ... : newswire/151 Order of Skull & Bones [SB833] + Iraqgate +Iran-Contra + Irangate + Watergate + Whitewater + the "October Surprise" + the "Octopus" + the Savings & Loans scandal (S&L) + the ... + ... + .. 14.Feb.2005 Arianna Online Forums - Republican-funded Group Attacks Kerry's ...kentay. 08-16-2004, 10:14 AM When you think about Watergate, Savings & Loans scandal , Iran/Contra + now Iraq. ... 14.Feb.2005 Remembering Reagan Wild speculation in investing led to the Savings & Loans scandal , addressed by the first Bush Administration with a bail out through a tax increases, that ... 14.Feb.2005 Global Exchange : conclusion.html ... will bring will be whether it releases the names of the millionaires who looted the Fobaproa fund, Mexico's equivalent of the US savings & loans scandal . ... 14.Feb.2005 Fighting Poverty Pay Newsletter 14 Both were heavily implicated in the massive ' Savings & Loans ' scandal of the early nineties, when accounting firms helped US fat cats deceive the government www.rcgfrfi.easynet.co.uk/rncc/fpp_14.htm 14.Feb.2005 Timeline of Chinese History - Ver em HTML... the scholar-gentry who sit for exams and staff the civil administration; the ... by natural calamities such as flood or droughts, led to social unrest among the ... pascal.iseg.utl.pt/~cesa/timeline_china_empire_.pdf 12.Apr.2001 ... implication is that property rights cannot be divorced from civil rights. ... demands from international financial institutions bring about social unrest , which in ...prof.fe.unl.pt/~jbmacedo/oecd/VATICAN.html 14.Feb.2005 Europe rates highly in quality of life survey The biggest drop in the ratings (60 to 55.5) was Skopje in Macedonia, due to recent civil unrest . Scandanavian countries are cleanest in Europe. ... Challenges of managing global mobile employees Question: Disturbances such as civil unrest , attempted coups, terrorism and natural disasters are adversities that now cause both employers and employees to ... URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/ URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=%20the%20antiterrorism%20in%20Irak&hl=en&lr=&start=90&sa=N 14.Feb.2005 Suppressing Dissent in the US... containers + even smaller than X - Ray's notorious cages ... the public would demand internment camps for ArabAmericans ... Al Qaeda was a Saudi dissident movement that ... www.afrocubaweb.com/news/dissentarchive11-02.htm 14.Feb.2005 Prisoners Freedom Natan Sharansky, the Soviet dissident turned Israeli ... Sharon and Abbas at the Egyptian resort of Sharm ... from the US concentration camp , Camp X - Ray , in Guantanamo ... prisonersfreedom.newstrove.com / 14.Feb.2005 Mittelmeer: Riesenwelle trifft Kreuzfahrtschiff - S.O.S. 14.Feb.2005 Visa-Regeln: Grüne attackieren Beckstein 14.Feb.2005 Jemen: Mutmaßliche Qaida-Mitglieder vor Gericht 14.Feb.2005 Panzerdeal: Rheinmetall will Füchse an den Persischen Golf liefern 14.Feb.2005 Cybercrime: Web-Attacken für 80 Euro pro Stunde 14.Feb.2005 Briefmonopol: Kartellamt geht gegen die Post vor 14.Feb.2005 Stählerne Beine: Skorpion-Roboter soll auf dem Mars klettern 14.Feb.2005 US-Milliardenmerger: WorldCom-Nachfolger MCI wird verkauft 14.Feb.2005 Visa-Affäre: Fischer stellt sich der Verantwortung 14.Feb.2005 Schneechaos: 15.000 Menschen am Arlberg eingeschlossen 14.Feb.2005 Nachtflugverbot: Lufthansa Cargo droht mit Abzug aus Frankfurt 14.Feb.2005 Irakische Wahl: Türkei prangert Manipulationen an 14.Feb.2005 Propaganda in Nordkorea: "Heißblütige und unbesiegbare Krieger" 14.Feb.2005 Geheimbünde in Cambridge: Das illustre Dutzend 14.Feb.2005 New York: Amoklauf im Einkaufszentrum 14.Feb.2005 Pakistan: Hunderte Tote durch Dammbrüche 14.Feb.2005 Überwachung: Kindvieh, aber sicher URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-341609,00.html 14.Feb.2005 Aktienflut: Googles gefürchtetes Valentins-Geschenk 14.Feb.2005 Nahost: Israel übergibt Kontrolle über Jericho 14.Feb.2005 Arbeitsmarkt: Mehr Bundesbürger in Lohn und Brot 14.Feb.2005 Speiende Schlangen: Kobra-Gift geht ins Auge 14.Feb.2005 Bundeswehr: Uno möchte deutsche Soldaten im Sudan einsetzen 14.Feb.2005 Stahlboom: ThyssenKrupp verdreifacht Quartalsgewinn 14.Feb.2005 Nato-Reform: Kühle Reaktionen auf Schröders Vorstoß 14.Feb.2005 Defizit: EU sieht Deutschland über der Drei-Prozent-Marke 14.Feb.2005 EADS: Einstieg bei russischem Flugzeugbauer steht bevor 14.Feb.2005 Südkorea: Zweifel an der nordkoreanischen Atomwaffe 14.Feb.2005 Milliarden-Zahlung: GM kauft sich von Fiat frei 14.Feb.2005 Rechtsextremismus: Union weist Mitschuld am Erstarken der NPD zurück 14.Feb.2005 Tsunami-Opfer: Eltern von "Baby 81" ermittelt 13.Feb.2005 In the next section I will analyze Allan A. Ryan's report. I will show that Ryan knowingly misinformed the public - lied, if you will - about each of these vital points. In doing so, he established the modus operandi by which Washington would deal with revelations about the postwar US recruitment of Nazis. That MO was: 1) Seize the initiative; 2) Appear self-critical; 3) Give people the false impression that whatever happened was a blunder and/or constituted reasonable actions by low-level officials; 4) Leave out key facts and lie about others so that it is difficult for people to see that the US had a systematic policy of recreating the Nazi war crimes apparatus; Gradually get people used to the idea that the US worked with Nazis so that any new revelations would seem like old news; in other words, desensitize them. This is a process much like vaccination. Starting with Allan A. Ryan, we have been immunized in stages against grasping the truth about what the US did with the Nazis after WWII. More coming in Part 3, "How Allan A. Ryan's Official Report Lied about Klaus Barbie." Jared Israel Editor, Emperor's Clothes URL: https://emperors-clothes.com/coverup/1983.htm This required a complete about-face. The Establishment was aware that the American public did not want to believe US intelligence had been constructed out of the Nazi war crimes apparatus.USA public wanted to be told, "No, it isn't so." In order to convince people that everything was OK, US officials had to express grave concern over the Barbie revelations. The intelligence 'community' itself had to take the lead in demanding an investigation. Moreover, the head investigator had to be someone with public credibility. With the public soothed, a final report could be presented that admitted a few facts, but all mixed up with outright lies and misleading half-truths. Who had the credibility to do such a job? Enter Allan A. Ryan. URL: https://emperors-clothes.com/coverup/1983.htm A new approach was needed. URL: https://emperors-clothes.com/coverup/1983.htm And how believable was it that this achievement in the field of business, along with Barbie's achievements in the field of death squads, were not " in any way linked to any American intelligence agency " ? Moreover, an interesting question remained unanswered: If Barbie came to the US as co-owner of a shipping company, what exactly was it he wanted to ship? URL: https://emperors-clothes.com/coverup/1983.htm Anyone reading this AP dispatch might ask: how could the CIA *not* know that Barbie, who for years was a US Army Counter Intelligence (CIC) employee, was organizing death squads in Bolivia? Was Barbie in fact CIA? Had he been given the job of wiping out thousands of Bolivian leaders who wanted to chart a social + political course opposed by the US foreign policy Establishment? Who were the "European mercenaries recruited by Klaus Barbie"? Were they other Nazis whom the US had helped emigrate to South America? Was the US secretly using the old Nazi war crimes apparatus to create Einsatzgruppen to rid Latin America of political undesirables? Was the so-called flight of Nazis to Latin America therefore in fact a method of spreading a network of reliable killers all over the area? These questions would have been asked by many people had the AP dispatch been read by ordinary people, but it was not. Nobody saw it. URL: https://emperors-clothes.com/coverup/1983.htm In 1980 [Bolivian president Lidia] Gueiler presided over elections in which the parties of the left gained a clear majority of the vote. Siles Zuazo + his Democratic + Popular Unity (Unidad Democrática y Popular--UDP) coalition alone got 38 % of the votes; the Congress was certain to name him president on 06.Aug.1980 . The process was disrupted on 17.Jul.1980 however, by the ruthless military coup of General Luis García Meza. Reportedly financed by cocaine traffickers and supported by European mercenaries recruited by Klaus Barbie, former Gestapo chief in Lyons, the coup began one of the darkest periods in Bolivian history. Arbitrary arrest by paramilitary units, torture + disappearances - with the assistance of Argentine advisers - destroyed the opposition. [Quote From Library of Congress Study Ends Here] Keep in mind that this analysis was not published until 00.Dec.1989 + of course, even then, Library of Congress studies are not mass reading. URL: https://emperors-clothes.com/coverup/1983.htm Could it be that even as leading Nazis were being tried at Nuremberg, the US had recruited one of the worst Nazi butchers and shielded him from French justice? If so, who authorized this? Was it the only case? How much was the US involved in Barbie's escape to Bolivia? Did US intelligence continue to employ Barbie after he got there? The intelligence 'community' of course knew the damaging answers to these questions. And it knew that the US had recruited not one Nazi but thousands, some of them more important than Barbie. If the whole story came out + especially if too much came out at one time, it could discredit the US foreign policy apparatus. And this could happen. After all, Dabringhaus had come forward out of nowhere. Would other CIC officers also come forward? URL: https://emperors-clothes.com/coverup/1983.htm URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-341143,00.html Schon im ersten Lebensjahr sind sie in der Lage, wesentlich kompliziertere Begriffe als Mama oder Papa zu verstehen und die dazugehörigen Gegenstände zu erkennen. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-341143,00.html "Eltern sollten sich bewusst machen, dass es keine untere Altersgrenze gibt, ab der die Kinder in der Lage sind, neue Wörter zu lernen", erklärte er. "Eltern sollten definitiv schon mit ihren jüngsten Kindern reden, mehr noch als sie es heute tun." 13.Feb.2005 Excellent: Efficiency in Propaganda This is an admitted historical fact, not a " conspiracy theory ... CIA was formerly the GOP campaign manager, as was the case under Ronald Reagan + William Casey . ... www.talkaboutgovernment.com/group/alt.politics.youth/messages/16274.html 13.Feb.2005 'My Heart Became Attached: The Strange Odyssey of John Walker ...reported" to William Casey , literally, as in "giving reports to" William Casey + Casey + ... Instead, you go to conspiracy theorists from India and Macedonia. ... Northwoods To 9/11 ::: Was 9/11 The Resurfacing of Operation ..Conspiracy : 11.Sep.2001 - Alleged Coverups. ... with the agency during the Carter years + Bush + William Casey were central ... · Fotostrecke: Gesucht: Bananen und das Wesen des Menschen (27.03.2002) https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,186966,00.html So stellte der Primatologe Christophe Boesch vom Leipziger Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionäre Anthropologie fest, dass Schimpansen verschiedene Kulturen besitzen. Dass die Affen, deren Erbmaterial zu fast 99 % mit dem ihrer haarlosen Vetter identisch ist, Werkzeuge benutzen + Kriege führen, entdeckte bereits die berühmte Schimpansenforscherin Jane Goodall in den 1960+1970 er Jahren. Selbst eine rudimentäre Sprachfähigkeit machte man bei den Tieren aus. Zur Ehrenrettung des Menschengeschlechts fällt der Forscherin ein: Kleinkinder seien kulturell so geprägt, dass sie Erwachsenen zunächst einmal einen vernünftigen Grund für ihr Handeln unterstellen. 13.Feb.1945 Dresden, Bittere Tränen 13.Feb.2005 Visa-Affäre: Fischer will politische Verantwortung übernehmen 13.Feb.2005 Erstvorführung in Berlin: Starker Beifall für "Sophie Scholl" 13.Feb.2005 Alfred Sirven: Schlüsselfigur der Elf-Aquitaine-Affäre ist tot 13.Feb.2005 Baby-Sprache: Schon im ersten Lebensjahr werden Worte leicht gelernt 13.Feb.2005 Verhaltensforschung: Bruder Affe ist manchmal schlauer 13.Feb.2005 Entlassung trotz Umsatzrekord: Arbeitgeber-Chef verteidigt Deutsche Bank 13.Feb.2005 Norddeutschland: Orkantief "Ulf" fordert drei Tote 13.Feb.2005 Sicherheitskonferenz: Annan warnt vor Atomwaffen-Flut 13.Feb.2005 Terrorbekämpfung: Schily besiegelt Kooperation mit Katar 13.Feb.2005 Jubel bei der Esa: Jungfernflug der Schwerlast-Ariane geglückt 13.Feb.2005 Kurswechsel bei Gewerkschaften: DGB arrangiert sich mit Reformen 13.Feb.2005 US-Spionage: Drohnen spähen Iran aus 13.Feb.2005 Große Christo-Enthüllung: Kein Sinn, kein Ziel, einfach nur schön 13.Feb.2005 Interview mit Historiker Taylor: "Die dubioseste Form der Kriegsführung" URL: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=What%20is%20the%20link%20between%20Bilderberg%20and%20Carlyle%3F&spell=1 URL: https://www.namebase.org/sources/RU.html 12.Feb.2005 Trento, Susan B. The Power House: Robert Keith Gray + the Selling of Access + Influence in Washington. New York: St.Martin's Press, 1992. 430 pages. After the Gulf War, the media gradually began to realize that at some point in the frenzy of pack journalism, TV talking heads + op-ed pundits that preceded the war, they had been manipulated. Behind the scenes Kuwait was shaping opinions by greasing the palms of certain Washington public relations firms. One person with both hands out was Robert Keith Gray, the master PR mercenary of the 1980 s. Before he started Gray and Company in 1981 he was with Hill and Knowlton; by 1986 he was back after selling out his company to them. But throughout his thirty years in Washington, Robert Gray's style has been consistent -- he parties + charms his way into the power elite, + then sells access to his Rolodex for fees sometimes running into the millions. By doing favors for the CIA + hiring self-styled, free-lance spooks like Neil Livingstone, Gray was even able to extend his influence into Washington's Dark Side. It doesn't matter who signs the checks. Besides Kuwait, Gray has represented China since 1989, Haiti under Duvalier, supporters of Rev. Moon, the Church of Scientology, BCCI, the late British publisher Robert Maxwell, the Teamsters under Jackie Presser, and the Catholic Bishops Conference in their campaign against abortion. If a book like this had been written in 1980, the mess we're in today would have been predictable. ISBN 0-312-08319-X URL: https://www.namebase.org/sources/IE.html The Iran-contra scandal was at full steam when President Reagan appointed a Special Review Board on 01.Dec.1986 consisting of John Tower, Edmund Muskie, + Brent Scowcroft. They hired 24 staff people + interviewed 50 named individuals + three unnamed CIA officials, along with a "substantial number of additional interviews conducted by the staff." Oliver North + John Poindexter declined to appear + the Commission lacked subpoena power. The report was expected to be a whitewash, but it was surprisingly critical of Reagan's "management style" + provided one of the first official confirmations of USA National Security Council NSC's arms-for-hostages policy. Internal memos + PROF notes (computer mail) between the major players were quoted in detail + a major portion of North's private funding network was exposed. The best measure of the Tower Commission's success can be seen in the fact that their report, a ten-week effort by three "safe" appointees, had more impact than the Congressional report released on 18.Nov.1987 which absorbed the best efforts of both the Senate + House + a combined staff of 100 lawyers, investigators, accountants + auditors. One difference is that Congress went for the TV cameras, while the Tower Commission didn't waste any time with Fawn Hall. ISBN unavailable URL: https://www.maebrussell.com/CD%20catalog/Mae's%20CDs%20Part%204.html URL: https://www.commondreams.org/cgi-bin/print.cgi?file=/views05/0210-22.htm Allen Dulles, the first chief of the CIA, worked out the original plan + British MI6 + special forces teamed up with the CIA to train “stay- behind armies” in Western Europe to counter a possible Soviet invasion. It was all very James Bond - only grim - with forged passports, dead letter boxes + parachute jumps over the channel, according to some of the trainees. It turns out that what Washington meant by counter-terrorism, might often have been, well, terrorism. Here’s the money part from one of the field manuals (FM 30-31B): "...when the revolutionaries temporarily renounce the use of force ….US army intelligence must have the means of launching special operations which will convince Host Country Governments + public opinion of the reality of the insurgent danger…” That’s to say, if there wasn’t any terrorism to speak of, the secret armies were prepared to get some going. URL: https://www.commondreams.org/cgi-bin/print.cgi?file=/views05/0210-22.htm when then Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti confirmed the existence of Gladio, Latin for sword, a super secret group squirreled away in the military secret service, that had been manipulating the public with terrorist acts that it blamed on the Italian left. NATO’s reaction to Andreotti’s revelation was first denial, then stone-walling + finally a closed-doors admission to the ambassadors of the European countries. 00.Aug.1990 -Since then- although a former CIA director William Colby has confirmed the creation of the stay-behind command centers + networks, NATO itself has withheld details. 00.000.1990 Asked about Gladio in Italy, former CIA director Stanford Turner angrily ripped off his microphone + shouted: "I said, no questions about Gladio!" 12.Feb.2005 Today, with the Pentagon’s “Salvador Option” on the table, it’s time to revisit this hidden history of European counter-terrorism. While the Washington press corps seems convinced that the main problem with the "Salvador Option" is that the Pentagon is taking over what’s always been the CIA’s turf, the story of NATO’s stay-behind armies suggests that whether the CIA or Pentagon runs it, the new program will be a very ugly business. As one of Gladio’s operatives said, “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security.” Despite repeated requests from researchers, the CIA, like MI6, refuses to release its files on the subject. Before the government begins the new “Salvador Option,” though, isn't it time for the world to learn about the very first one? URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-341370,00.html Außerdem gebe es mit dem internationalen Terrorismus einen gemeinsamen Feind. Ein Land allein könne nicht erfolgreich die gegenwärtigen Bedrohungen auch durch die Weiterbreitung von Massenvernichtungswaffen verhindern. 12.Feb.2005 Washington: Dean ist neuer Chef der US-Demokraten 12.Feb.2005 New York: Extrem aggressiver Aidsvirus alarmiert Ärzte 12.Feb.2005 Gedenken zur Dresdner Bombennacht: Schröder warnt vor Aufrechnung der Kriegsopfer 12.Feb.2005 Sicherheitskonferenz: Struck hält Nato-Einsatz im Nahen Osten langfristig für möglich 12.Feb.2005 Atomwaffen: Arsenal des Schreckens 12.Feb.2005 China: Mit Zuckerbrot gegen Atomwaffen 12.Feb.2005 Ist die Ideologe Levers of Control von Simons geeignet für ... HTML-Version... Corporate culture + management practices vary greatly across these different types of enterprises, but they have some general management problems, this paper ... URL: https://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=British propaganda name Schicklgruber&btnG=Search&meta= 12.Feb.2005 World at War: Adolf Hitler Part II His name essentially sounded like the German word for ... skills + effective use of propaganda in gaining ... its first engagement against the British + Belgians www.poopdeck90210.com/ww2his/adolf2.htm 12.Feb.2005 Holocaust FAQs... into a commando unit in the UK Army unlike ... The Nazis' Anti-Semitic propaganda combined the contradictory ... His last name was Schicklgruber , as his mother ... 12.Feb.2005 AS WE DID DURING THE BAY OF PIGS... floating in the rivers with the Montagnard men having been hogtied + their ... Phil Anderson Phil Condit Physicist William Moss PIJ Pinar del Rio uce Pinkerton ... www.amigospais-guaracabuya.org/oagmb006.php 06.Jan.1941 TIME Magazine Archive Article -- Bardia & Excuses -- Due praise went to General Maletti , "who fell as a Roman" at the head of other native battalions, but curiously comic was Graziani's mention of the "iron-like ... www.time.com/time/archive/preview/0,10987,765142,00.html URL: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=bob%20woodward%20on%20iraq%20war%20deceptions%20NIE%20and%20the%20white%20paper&btnG=Search URL: https://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=Freundeskreis%20der%20Wirtschaft%2BNSDAP&btnG=Suche&meta=lr%3Dlang_de 12.Feb.2005 Sicherheitskonferenz: Die neuen Töne des alten Rumsfeld 12.Feb.2005 DDR-Connection: SPD-Politiker wehrt sich gegen Spionagevorwurf 12.Feb.2005 "Kontroll": Absteiger im Untergrund 12.Feb.2005 Sächsische NPD: Hinweise auf Kontakte zwischen Parlamentariern und militanten Neonazis 12.Feb.2005 Sicherheitskonferenz: "Old Rumsfeld" macht auf gute Laune 12.Feb.2005 Fettige Verschmutzung: Wale haben Brandschutz im Blut 12.Feb.2005 Visa-Affäre: Volmer gibt auf URL: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=Dr.%20Dale%20Klein&btnG=Search URL: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=Dr.%20Dale%20Klein&btnG=Search DALE E. KLEIN, Mechanical Engineering Department, The University .DALE E. KLEIN Ph.D., PE ... Since 1977, Dr . Klein has been a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Nuclear & Radiation Engineering Program at The ... www.me.utexas.edu/faculty/people/klein.shtml URL: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=Dr.%20Dale%20Klein&btnG=Search URL: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=Dr.%20Dale%20Klein&btnG=Search Secret Pentagon documents call for ?usable? N-weapons - View as HTML Dr . Dale Klein , Executive Di- rector of the US Nuclear Weapons council, a joint panel of top Depart- ment of Defense (DOD) and Depart- ment of Energy (DOE ... coat.ncf.ca/our_magazine/links/issue51/articles/51_45.pdf 12.Feb.2005 NPD-Debatte: Schröder gibt etablierten Parteien Mitschuld URL: https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2004-15,GGLD:de&q=Charter+Communications 11.Feb.2005 Genesis Enron Black Magic In the lingo of the markets, it was called ... with the traditional + other mafia + the ... 1992 Presidential Campaign reputed blackmailer + bagman , Rahm Emanuel 11.Feb.2005 James Ellroy It's loaded with slang and strange diction. ... Their milieu is the world of unofficial power where the Mafia , the Cuban resistance movement, the CIA, FBI ... URL: https://www.google.pt/search?hl=en&lr=&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial_s&q=%22david%20hoffman%22%20flushing&btnG=Search 11.Feb.2005 11.Sep.2001 commission Panel Blames 'Institutional Failings' ... JURY INVESTIGATION, The Mysterious Jamie Gorelick Phone Call By David Hoffman ,Sun 00.Sep. ... PDT by MJY1288 ("KERRY" & "EDWARDS" ARE TWO "JOHNS" THAT NEED FLUSHING !). ... 11.Feb.2005 Verbrechen: Frau erfand Geschichte über weggeworfenes Baby 11.Feb.2005 Nordkorea-Konflikt: "Die Frage ist, ob die USA uns angreifen" 11.Feb.2005 Nebenjob-Affäre: Ludger Volmer gibt politische Karriere auf und stellt Beratertätigkeit ein 11.Feb.2005 Sicherheitskonferenz: Schröder will ein neues Verhältnis zu den USA 11.Feb.2005 Nachruf auf Arthur Miller: Der Menschenfreund aus Harlem URL: https://freigeisterhaus.de/viewtopic.php?t=6847&sid=43888e4fa093df528fbbd11b57c38bdc 11.Feb.2005 Nur die kleinen Geheimnisse müssen beschützt werden. 11.Feb.2005 US accuses Syria of exporting Middle East terror : US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice strongly criticised Syria on Tuesday for what she said was its policy of exporting terror and attempting to wreck a peace process in the Middle East. 11.Feb.2005 Second Palestinian killed after summit: Two days after a truce was agreed to in the historical Sharm al-Shaikh summit, Israeli troops have killed a seond Palestinian, while fighters in Gaza fired mortars at illegal settlements. Y Hamas Retaliates as Abbas Fires Gaza Commanders : Hamas claimed responsibility for the mortar attacks, saying it was avenging the deaths of two Palestinians on Wednesday. Y Robert Fisk: There will be no Middle East peace without justice : If we are going to clap our hands like the Sharm El-Sheikh "peacemakers", we’d better realise that unless we are going to resolve these great issues of injustice now, this new act of "peacemaking" will prove to be as bloody as Oslo. Ask Mahmoud Abbas. He was the author of that first fatal agreement. Y A shameful kind of Zionist : It's been a long time since Zionism had such a revival. Everyone's joining in the cause to affirm their contradictory position on the issue that is the heart and soul of Zionism - "redemption of the land." y Ward Churchill : I mourn all 9/11 victims: The comments by Ward Churchill came as the university backed off from canceling his Tuesday night speech. Y Killing Is Good: Churchill attempted to make Americans understand why people around the world hate them and their government so much. Y Video: Ward Churchill Speaks: A University of Colorado professor who angered two governors and offended families of World Trade Center victims with his comparison of 911 victims to Nazis gave a speech Tuesday to a cheering crowd. Real video. Y Republican Dictionary: Victims of Terrorism: This refers mostly to the 3,000 Americans that were killed during the attack on the twin towers in New York by foreign young agents. This does not apply to the tens of thousands of innocent people in both Afghanistan and Iraq killed brutally with American weapons. Y Bush budget scraps 9,790 border patrol agents : President uses law's escape clause to drop funding for new homeland security force y Students ordered to wear tracking tags : Parents protest school mandate on RFID badges y The Republican Dictionary: Bush's personal retirement accounts=private retirement accounts=US government loans=US government borrowing=Chinese government lending=Chinese Communist Party loans. Y China executes two hundred people in last 2 weeks : In December and January the number of excutions reported in local media topped 650, although that number could be much higher as China does not release details of all executions. Y 02/09/05: Outsourcing Torture : The Secret History of America’s “Extraordinary Rendition” Program 11.Feb.2005 Al-Qaida blasts US notion of 'freedom': Aired on Thursday, the audiotape message said the freedom sought by millions in the Islamic world was "not the freedom to destroy others ... it is not the freedom that allows [America] to support oppressive regimes". Y US still has 110 nuclear weapons in UK : The US has more than 100 nuclear weapons at its Lakenheath base in Suffolk, three times the number previously thought, a respected US research agency said yesterday. Y Someone is trying to capitalize on myths that Russian nuclear weapons are poorly guarded: Russian Defense Minister Igor Ivanov has dismissed allegations widespread in the West that Russian nuclear weapons are poorly guarded. 11.Feb.2005 How to Protect Your Child from the Coming Draft : "Fighting should be reserved for genuine self-defense in the face of imminent attack, when no other help is available. Preemptive strikes and aggression disguised as self-defense won't pass muster under the Golden Rule." 11.Feb.2005 In case you missed it: 9/11 In Plane Sight : "Shocking - Thought provoking - Raises serious questions about the government's honesty in conducting the 9-11 investigation" Real Video. Y American Defeat in Iraq : The only question is whether defeat comes sooner or later. The longer it takes, the more national resources will be squandered. 11.Feb.2005 18-year-old Canadian Detainee Tortured At Guantanamo: Attorneys representing an 18-year-old Canadian detainee at Guantanamo Bay — accused of killing an American soldier — claimed Wednesday he was tortured by U.S. interrogators y Torture horror of Bahraini detainee : LAWYERS for a Bahraini prisoner at Guantanamo Bay claim he was tortured by US soldiers in Kandahar, Afghanistan, shortly after being captured in December 2001.The allegations include claims that he was made to walk barefoot over broken glass and had his head pushed into the glass before being interrogated. Y Soldier blames 'infected' culture for Iraq abuse: An Army corporal charged with abusing Iraqi prisoners with two other British soldiers has claimed it would have been "pointless" to report the alleged attacks. Y UK Soldier 'Blew His Top' at Iraq Abuse, Court Told : A British army corporal accused of mistreating prisoners in Iraq told a court on Thursday he "blew his top" when he saw detainees forced to simulate oral sex and stopped the incident immediately. Y U.N. Human Rights Experts: 'U.S. Treatment of Detainees Inhuman and Degrading' y Germany Won't Prosecute Rumsfeld : Germany's federal prosecutor will not pursue a criminal complaint accusing US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld of war crimes in Iraq., reported Deutsche Welle. Y Report: US Aviation Officials Received Warnings About Hijackings Before 9/11 : In the months before the Sept. 11 attacks, federal aviation officials reviewed dozens of intelligence reports that warned about Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida, some of which specifically discussed airline hijackings and suicide operations, according to a previously undisclosed report from the 9/11 commission. Y Montreal terrorist suspect testifies: Calls 9/11 world's biggest conspiracy - Says it may not be bin Laden y Court to decide access to 9/11 tapes : At issue before the Court of Appeals is access to tapes of 911 calls, Fire Department dispatches and transcripts of interviews with hundreds of firefighters who responded on the day of the attack. 11.Feb.2005 North Korea Says It Has Nuclear Arms, Suspends Talks: North Korea said it has produced nuclear bombs and is pulling out of negotiations with the U.S. and four other nations to abandon the weapons program. Y Bush: World Must Speak with One Voice on Iran Nukes: President Bush said on Wednesday Iran with a nuclear weapon would be a "very destabilizing" force and that it was important for the world to speak with one voice against Tehran's program. Y US-Iran tensions escalate: Tensions between the United States and Iran have increased today, with Iran's President Mohammed Khatami threatening "massive consequences" if there is any attempt to shut down his country's nuclear program. Y U.S. Intelligence on Iran Seen Lacking - Experts: U.S. intelligence is unlikely to know much about Iran's contentious nuclear program and could be vulnerable to manipulation for political ends, former intelligence officers and other experts say. Y In case you missed it: The Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target: The Emerging Euro-denominated International Oil Marker y British Bank to open Kish branch in Iran : He hoped that Kish Island will soon turn into a regional hub for oil transactions. In case you missed it: Iran takes on west's control of oil trading : Iran is to launch an oil trading market for Middle East and Opec producers that could threaten the supremacy of London's International Petroleum Exchange. Y Hugo Chavez is right ... The US will knock off those who disagree with George one by one. Y America Chides Venezuela for Russian Weapons Deal: Venezuela defended its purchase of new Russian weapons after a top U.S. official said Washington was concerned the arms could fall into the hands of illegal groups operating in the region. Y Law of Unintended Consequences: Careful what you wish for in Iraq.: In a heightened display of saber rattling, President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice have been saying nasty things about Iran's "unelected mullahs." y 'We told them we could not find evidence': Almost two years after the invasion of Iraq, Hans Blix denounced the US for opting for military intervention over inspection. Y Bush Is Leading America Into War and Disaster: It is natural that Bush would want to divert our attention from his failures in all arenas by a new attack, this time on Iran y U.S. hopes to buy loyalty: Bush to ask Congress for $400 million for 'Solidarity Initiative': George W. Bush said Wednesday that he would ask the U.S. Congress for $100 million to help modernize armed forces in Poland. Y Pentagon Inquiry Is Said to Confirm Accounts of Sexual Tactics at Guantanamo : The women rubbed their bodies against the men, wore skimpy clothes in front of them, made sexually explicit remarks and touched them provocatively. 11.Feb.2005 .Korea Shocked, Suspicious at N.Korea Nuclear Boast : North Korea's Foreign Ministry said on Thursday the country had been forced to boost its defenses and possessed nuclear weapons in the face of U.S. hostility and the policy of the Bush administration to seek regime change. Y Twenty Questions: Social Justice Quiz : In 1968 the minimum wage was $1.60 per hour. How much would the minimum wage be today if it had kept pace with inflation? Y If the children are the future, we're screwed: Last week was a busy one on the creeping-fascism index. So busy, in fact, that I finally accepted there is even such a thing as a creeping-fascism index. Y Lawyer Stewart Convicted of Aiding Terrorism: A New York lawyer aided terrorism by helping a client send messages to militant followers, a federal jury found on Thursday in a case critics said stemmed from Bush administration efforts to discourage the defense of accused terrorists. Y Stewart's Case Log: Revolutionaries, Hit Men, the Poor and the Obscure : Lynne F. Stewart, the activist defense lawyer convicted yesterday of aiding terrorism, has spent her life passionately defending some very unpopular clients. Y Senate OKs Limit on Class Action Lawsuits : ``Every American's legal rights are diminished by this anti-consumer legislation,'' Eight Democrats were sponsors of the bill, leaving the rest with no way to block it. Y No Place to Hide: Award-Winning Journalist Robert O'Harrow Goes Behind the Scenes of Our Emerging Surveillance Society. Real Audio & Transcript. Y This absurd practice of governing anonymously : Here is a tiny part of the transcript of a White House press briefing on Social Security, held on Feb. 2. The transcript was published on the Washington Post's Web site. 11.Feb.2005 Russia clears way for Iran nuke plant: Moscow to collect spent fuel rods to ensure peaceful use of facility y Diplomats say U.S. lining up allies for possible bid to oust ElBaradei as head of U.N. nuclear agency: The United States is lobbying allies in a bid to oust the head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency, perhaps as early as the end of the month, diplomats and officials told The Associated Press 11.Feb.2005 Instruments of doom: Israel's nuclear history and capabilities and the indispensable US role in developing and sustaining the Israeli nuclear arsenal y France demands list of Israeli firms selling arms to Ivory Coast : The French government has demanded that Israel provide information on companies selling arms to the Ivory Coast, where a civil war is now raging. Y Israel: Back to the era of brawn: Even the most sworn optimists cannot claim that Sharon has changed his permanent map + that he intends to give the Palestinians more than three besieged enclaves comprising only half of The West Bank and Gaza. Y Defence link to expelled Israeli : EXPELLED Israeli diplomat Amir Lati had a relationship with a woman who worked for Australia's Defence Department. The latest development has thrown up yet another explanation as to why the diplomat may have been ordered to leave Australia in December. Y Twighlight zone / The neighbors across the way : In contrast to the private villas - tin shacks. In contrast to a `secure' road - suffocation. In contrast to international attention - total disregard. The 8,500 Palestinians of the Muasi region are the Palestinians no-one has heard of. 11.Feb.2005 The Return of the Draft: Uncle Sam wants you. He needs you. He'll bribe you to sign up. He'll strong-arm you to re-enlist. And if that's not enough, he's got a plan to draft you. 11.Feb.2005 Stop Paying the Exorbitant Price of George Bush’s Lies!: George Bush invaded Iraq as immorally, illegally and as completely without warranted reason as Mussolini invaded Ethiopia in 1935. 11.Feb.2005 Bill supporting freedom for Iran introduced: Sen. Rick Santorum, R- Pa., has introduced a bill in the U.S. Senate that would tighten the screw on Iran's Islamic regime and give millions of dollars to groups fighting for freedom from the ruling mullahs. Y Experts doubt United States intelligence on Tehran : US intelligence is unlikely to know much about Iran’s contentious nuclear programme and could be vulnerable to manipulation for political ends, former intelligence officers and other experts say. Y U.S. applies different standards on nukes: A nuclear threat is a nuclear threat. Except when it’s not, according to the White House. Y The Human Rights Case Against Attacking Iran : For human rights defenders in Iran, the possibility of a foreign military attack on their country represents an utter disaster for their cause. Y While the United States Makes Demands on Iran : This year the U.S. will spend nearly $7 billion to maintain and modernize nuclear warheads. Ten thousand nuclear warheads, with some 2,000 on hair-trigger alert, remain in the U.S. arsenal, each one many times more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped 60 years y Elliot Abrams: defender of death squads to direct US “democracy” crusade: George W. Bush named Elliot Abrams as his deputy national security advisor. Nothing could more clearly expose the real aims of the US president’s worldwide crusade for “democracy” than this appointment. Y Democracy = Criminality? : Further proof that under the Bush Administration truth is stranger than fiction. Y From Haiti to Iraq and Beyond The Pirates’ Brand of ‘Democracy’: In both Haiti and Iraq, many thousands have been slaughtered in pursuit of Condoleezza Rice’s “organizing principle” – a policy that the Bush men fantasize will prevail for the remainder of the century. Y Meaningless Imperial Policy: To understand the current Occupation of Iraq, it is important to recall the British Occupation of Iraq in 1920 + the crisis that followed since. The 1920 British-crafted and rigged elections saw Emir Faisal I (a Saudi living in exile in London) as the first handpicked dictator king of Iraq. Since then, Iraqis have rejected and resisted foreign interference in their affairs. Y Bush urged to end Iraq 'misadventure': 28 lawmakers okay resolution : A group of 28 US lawmakers have endorsed a concurrent resolution calling on President Bush to develop a plan to end the "misadventure" in Iraq. Y The Shi'ites' Faustian pact : The majority of Iraqis - those who voted and especially those who didn't - are not willing to surrender their oil, their economy and their land to corporate America. The popular resistance, on a national level, tends only to increase. Shi'ites - from Sistani to the SCIRI - better not enter into a Faustian pact. 11.Feb.2005 Marine faces death penalty: A US Marine could be executed for shooting two Iraqis during a vehicle search y Group: US killed detainees : A US human rights group has alleged that at least 37 detainees died of torture in US detention centres at Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay. Y C.I.A. Interrogator's Defense to Cite Bush at Brutality Trial: An interrogator under contract with the Central Intelligence Agency, charged with beating an Afghan prisoner who died the next day, is basing his defense in part on statements by President George W. Bush y Britain accused over CIA's secret torture flights: UK airports are believed to be operational bases for two executive jets used by the CIA to carry out 'renditions' of terror suspects. Y Bush Wars -- Crooks Get Contracts : The main companies that were awarded billions of dollars worth of contracts in Iraq have paid more than $300 million in fines since 2000, to resolve allegations of fraud, bid rigging, delivery of faulty military equipment + environmental damage. Y In case you missed it: Exposed: The Carlyle Group : Shocking documentary uncovers the subversion of Americas democracy. Y Bush team tried to suppress pre-9/11 report into al-Qa'ida : The report, withheld from the public for months, warned US airports that if "the intent of the hijacker is not to exchange hostages for prisoners but to commit suicide in a spectacular explosion, a domestic hijacking would probably be preferable". Y Bush Administration's First Memo on al-Qaeda Declassified: "We urgently need . . . a Principals level review on the al Qida network." y US N-strategy calls for outsourcing strikes : Study says nuclear warheads will be transferred to US non-nuclear allies. Experts view it as an attempt to skirt international law y EU-Iran nuclear talks end: diplomat: "We have accomplished serious work, which is continuing. Y Jim Lobe : Iran War Drums Beat Harder: Despite the Bush administration's insistence that, at least for now, it remains committed to using diplomatic means to halt Iran's alleged nuclear weapons programme, war drums against the Islamic Republic appear to be beating more loudly here 11.Feb.2005 The Evolution of Revolution: The Human Animal Manuel Valenzuela 11.Feb.2005 Mother Lode URL: https://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=Pariser%20Club%20Skull%20%26%20Bones&btnG=Suche&meta= Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA - Robert Lovett arbeitete, zur Geheimgesellschaft Skull and Bones . ... kurz darauf Anlagen des Club Méditerranée, die ... befiehlt das Massaker der Pariser Polizei am ... URL: https://www.spiegel.de/unispiegel/studium/0,1518,341233,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/unispiegel/studium/0,1518,druck-341233,00.html 11.Feb.2005 Sicherheitskonferenz: Schröder geht mit der Nato ins Gericht 11.Feb.2005 Umstrittener US-Professor: Churchill steht zu seinem Nazi-Vergleich 11.Feb.2005 Wieder daheim: Telekom hält nun 90 Prozent an T-Online URL: https://leon.blogs.sapo.pt/arquivo/2004_03.html Um carro que usa como oleo, oleo de soja, mas que para alem disso usa como combustivel ar!??!!?!? OK ja vi tudo... URL: https://hackenbush.org/hackenblog/blogives/archive-01162005-01222005.htm I think I knew this about Google before, but it's only starting to bother me now. Why ARE they saving all that search information? And if it's our information, why don't we have a) access to it + b) the ability to delete it? Dooon't beee eeeviiil, Sergey and Larry, buwahahahahaha. Posted by Ginger Mayerson @ 10:06 AM PST [Link] [No Comments] "Yesterday a note from historian Davi |