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<-4 Mgb

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<-2.8 Mgb


12 MgB Bush

25.Jul.2007 By a 22-17 vote, House panel votes to issue contempt citations for Bolten and Miers. To quote somebody,
"Bring 'em on"

Presidential commission wants to make changes to the Military Health System;

Given what we saw at Walter Reed + the extent of the injuries in Iraq and Afghanistan, it's the absolute least we can do.
Congressman Robert Brady (D-PA), who represents portions of Philadelphia,

is the latest cosponsor of House Resolution 333 to impeach Dick Cheney; Now up to 15 on the bill. 7/26
"House Democrats, preparing for a vote today on contempt citations against President Bush's chief of staff and former counsel, produced a report yesterday that

for the first time alleges specific ways that several administration officials may have broken the law during the multiple firings of U.S. attorneys."
This Week's BuzzFlash Wings of Justice Award:

It is not an easy thing to do, to break ranks against the "Commander in Chief" to honor the Constitution and rule of law before blind loyalty to the titular head of the military.

But that is just what Stephen E. Abraham did.

23.Jul.2007 -According to a- article in The New York Times.
' is congratulating itself profusely for its YouTube debate + they showed a lot of excellent questions.

But they refused to show the #1 video as voted on by visitors to CommunityCounts.

The hands-down winning question was on impeachment.' 7/26
Senators finally waking up to the idea of a special prosecutor for Alberto Gonzales;

This has been necessary for a long, long time.

'Tortured,' And

'Unidentified Bodies'

In Baghdad Rise To 'Pre-Surge Levels'
What Americans Want:

A Response to the/YouTube Candidate Q&A -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.

Die Technik, die nötig ist, um den Sommersmog zu reduzieren, sei vorhanden, sagt Klimamodellierer Sitch.

"Sie muss nur stärker verbreitet werden."

"Wegen des Ozon-Zuwachses fällt der CO2-Düngeeffekt in der Pflanzenwelt wahrscheinlich um ein Viertel kleiner aus als angenommen", sagt Stephen Sitch SPIEGEL Online.

Der Mathematiker forscht am Hadley Centre des britischen Wetteramts MetOffice und ist Hauptautor der neuen "Nature"-Studie.

Das Ozon schmälert die CO2-Aufnahmefähigkeit der Pflanzen auf folgende Weise: Ein Anstieg der Ozon-Konzentration in der Luft setzt Entgiftungsreaktionen in den Blättern in Gang.

Dafür wird Energie aus der Photosynthese abgezweigt, die normalerweise in den Aufbau von Biomasse fließt (und wofür die Pflanzen auch das Kohlendioxid als Ausgangsstoff verwenden).

Deshalb sinkt die Produktivität der Vegetation mit steigendem Aufkommen des Smog-Gases.

Bäume wachsen nicht in den Himmel

Aus diesem Grund sprießt das Grün auf der Erde durch den Zusatzdünger in Form von CO2 doch nicht so üppig wie gedacht, glaubt Sitch.

Mehr Ozon in der Umwelt sorgt demnach dafür, dass Bäume buchstäblich nicht in den Himmel wachsen.

Das würde bedeuten, dass Landpflanzen keine so große "Kohlenstoff-Senke" sind - und mehr klimawirksames CO2 in der Atmosphäre verbleibt als gehofft.

Umso stärker schlägt die Erwärmung durch, was wiederum mehr Ozon entstehen lässt.

Britische Wissenschaftler setzen jetzt noch eins drauf.

In einem Fachartikel für das Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature" attestieren sie Ozon zusätzlich einen indirekten Klimaeffekt, der in den globalen Computermodellen bisher nicht berücksichtigt werde.

Dadurch dass das aggressive Spurengas auch Pflanzen schädigt, mindere es die Fähigkeit der Landvegetation, Kohlendioxid aus der Erdatmosphäre aufzunehmen und das Klima auf diese Weise zu kühlen.

Der Düngeeffekt der ständigen CO2-Emissionen des Menschen fällt demnach geringer aus als angenommen - so lautet das Fazit der "Nature"-Veröffentlichung.

Das sieht ganz nach einer abermals schlechten Nachricht von der Klimafront aus - denn damit steht ein natürlicher Gegenspieler der globalen Erwärmung auf einmal schwachbrüstiger da als erwartet.

Ozon-Zuwachs verringert Düngeeffekt von CO2
Kosovo- Krise: Serbien warnen vor Unruhen auf dem Balkan

25.Jul.2007 Studie: Ozon unter Klimakiller- Verdacht

25.Jul.2007 Libyen: Frankreich will Gaddafi Atomreaktor liefern
25.Jul.2007 Irak: USA wollen keine endlose Besatzung
25.Jul.2007 Vergewaltigungsvorwürfe: Israels Gerichtshof stellt Justiz- Deal mit Ex- Präsident Katsav in Frage (Politik)
An L1, gelegen zwischen Erde und Sonne, planen Forscher der University of Arizona ein besonders großes Gebilde.

Rund 16 Billionen transparente Kunststoffscheiben von 60 Zentimetern Durchmesser und nur einem Gramm Gewicht sollen im Schwarm zwischen der Erde und der Sonne fliegen.

Sie könnten 1,8 % des Sonnenlichts ablenken, das andernfalls auf die Erde treffen würde + so den Klimawandel stoppen oder zumindest abmildern, glauben die Wissenschaftler.

Der Sonnenschirm aus kosmischem Konfetti soll 1,5 Millionen Kilometer von der Erde entfernt schweben, wo er relativ zu Sonne und Erde an einer fixen Position verharren würde.

Ewig wird dieser Schirm allerdings nicht halten, denn L1 ist wie L2 nicht stabil - im Unterschied zu L4 und L5.

SPIEGEL: Sie würden die Macht der Nationalstaaten gerne beschneiden?

Lamy: Es ist ein heikles Feld. Die öffentliche Meinung ist: Die Menschen leben auf einem Planeten, dessen Probleme nur noch auf übernationaler Ebene zu lösen sind, aber das System, das wir haben, gibt das nicht her.

Es gibt nur eine Ausnahme ...

SPIEGEL: ... die Europäische Union, die sich schwer genug tut.
SPIEGEL: Halten Sie das Interesse der führenden Industriestaaten an Entwicklungspolitik wirklich für ehrlich?

Lamy: Ja, Entwicklungspolitik steht seit ungefähr fünf Jahren tatsächlich im Zentrum. Unangefochten. Vielleicht wird die Klimapolitik bald die gleiche Bedeutung erhalten oder sogar die Priorität.

SPIEGEL: Warum ist die WTO eigentlich so schwerfällig?

Lamy: Sie ist so stark, wie ihre Mitglieder sie haben wollen, wir sind das Sekretariat dieser Mitglieder und gebunden an ihre Interessen.

So ist es mit allen internationalen Organisationen.

Wissen Sie, die Menschen, die über den Welthandel beraten, sind am allgemeinen clever, sehr clever sogar + es gehört eben dazu, dass sie, wenn sie ihre Chips auf den Tisch legen,

diese Chips zum bestmöglichen Preis verkaufen wollen.

Es ist ein Spiel: Jeder wertet automatisch das ab, was der andere angeboten hat + jeder wertet das eigene Angebot auf.

Taktik und Show sind also immer dabei, doch normalerweise sind wir in der Lage, am Ende des Tages ein Ergebnis zu erreichen.

Im vergangenen Juli brach dieses System beinahe zusammen.

SPIEGEL: Es ist doch längst zusammen gebrochen.

Alle wollen fairen Handel, offiziell, weil sie freien Export wollen, aber niemand will Einfuhrzölle oder die eigenen Subventionen aufgeben.

Lamy: Ja, im Juli 2006 musste ich die Gespräche stoppen, weil die Leute beinahe aufeinander losgegangen wären. Ich musste es beenden, bevor Steine flogen.

SPIEGEL: Was geschah dann?
Jetzt haben US-Astronomen in einem System aus zwei Doppelsternen Hinweise auf einen jungen Planeten entdeckt.

Das Vierer-System HD 98800 ist rund zehn Millionen Jahre alt und befindet sich 150 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt in der Sternenkonstellation TW Hydrae.

Forscher vom Astrobiology Institute an der University of California in Los Angeles hatten mithilfe des Weltraumteleskops "Spitzer" herausgefunden, dass einer der beiden Doppelsterne von einer Staubscheibe umgeben ist. Aus solchen sogenannten Akkretionsscheiben können Planeten hervorgehen, wenn das feine Material sich zu größeren Klumpen verbindet.

00.000.2002 -Seit- so folgern die Autoren, jagen Humboldt-Kalmare nicht nur vor der Küste Kaliforniens, sie sind dort quasi heimisch geworden und pflanzen sich auch fort.

Keine Gefahr für Menschen

Die Tiere hätten sich als sehr anpassungsfähig erwiesen und seien bei der Jagd in mehreren hundert Metern Tiefe beobachtet worden, wo das Wasser nicht einmal acht Grad Celsius warm sei.

Die Videoaufnahmen zeigten, dass die Kalmare im kühleren Norden reichlich Futter hätten.

Nicht nur Laternenfische wie auch in den Tropen gehörten zu ihrem Speiseplan, sondern auch Seehechte und Sardellen.

Die zehnarmigen Weichtiere stellten deshalb eine ernste Gefahr für den kommerziellen Fischfang dar.

In der Tat zeigen die Zählungen in der Monterey Bay, dass die Seehecht-Bestände dramatisch zurückgegangen sind.
Boomende Weltwirtschaft: IWF erhöht Wachstumsprognose für Deutschland kräftig

25.Jul.2007 Friedensplan für Nahost: Arabische Liga verhandelt erstmals offiziell mit Israel
25.Jul.2007 Großbritannien: Schulen dürfen Fingerabdrücke von Fünfjährigen nehmen

25.Jul.2007 Humboldt- Kalmare: Gefräßige Weichtiere erobern Kaliforniens Gewässer
Inferno in Dallas: Gastanks explodieren - mehrere Verletzte (Panorama)
25.Jul.2007 Luftfahrt: Boeing wendet Minus in dickes Plus (Wirtschaft)
25.Jul.2007 Bankenskandal: "Es muss auch der letzte Winkel ausgeleuchtet werden"

25.Jul.2007 DaimlerChrysler: Mercedes steigert Gewinn um 74 % (Wirtschaft)
25.Jul.2007 Fälschungen: Betrüger erleichtert Bank um Millionen - die merkt nichts

25.Jul.2007 Neue EU- Regeln: Airlines dürfen Alte und Behinderte nicht abweisen

25.Jul.2007 Bizarres System: Planet könnte vier Sonnen haben
25.Jul.2007 WTO- Chef Lamy: "Wir haben globale Probleme und lokale Regierungen" (Wirtschaft)
25.Jul.2007 Sonnensystem: Astronomen finden neuen Mars- Trojaner
25.Jul.2007 Volkswagen: Vorstandsgehälter sollen um vier % steigen (Wirtschaft)
25.Jul.2007 Flutkatastrophe in England: Hunderte Häuser in Oxford evakuiert
25.Jul.2007 "House Democrats, preparing for a vote today on contempt citations against President Bush's chief of staff and former counsel,

produced a report yesterday that for the first time alleges specific ways that several administration officials may have broken the law during the multiple firings of U.S. attorneys."
With 18 months left in office, Bush is in the running for most unpopular president in the history of modern polling. Can't Imagine Why, Can You? 7/25
Gonzales Vows To Fix Image Of Justice Department -- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser
"Impeach the Bastards" Fridge Magnet. A Magnet Whose Time Has Come.
The BuzzFlash Media Putz Wall of Shame...Four Weeks and Counting. Who Will Receive the Honors on July 26th? 7/25
On Consigliere Gonzales:

"Once again he's making up something to protect himself and creating situations that never happened," Rockefeller said, adding that

"based on what I know about it, I'd have to say" Gonzales has committed perjury.
P.M. Carpenter: 's format 7/25

20041009 Eingriff in die unbewusste Informationsverarbeitung des Gehirns.

Okt.2004 Als einer der ersten sah Gerald Zaltman, Professor an der Harvard Business ...
Vannevar Bush and the Atomic Bomb

FDR immediately approved the creation and funding of the National Defense Resource Committee (NDRC), with Vannevar Bush as its chairman (G. Pascal Zachary, ...
Emanuel Goldberg, Electronic Document Retrieval + Vannevar ...

00.000.1945 -Published-in the Atlantic Monthly Vannevar Bush's description of an imaginary ...

00.000.1933 -with Hitler in power, Goldberg, being of Jewish origin, ...
The Franklin Roosevelt Era The foundation provided most of the funding for Jonas Salk's work on his polio ...

Vannevar Bush wrote in his memoirs that "he had nothing to do with ...
for Bush.html USA -contributors financing Hitler's infant Nazi party, funding Hitler ... avait le Dr Vannevar Bush ... et aussi, plus tard,Nelson Rockefeller, Allen Allen ...
Emanuel Goldberg, electronic document retrieval + Vannevar ...
said to have arranged for the AEC to provide funding . to the Department of Commerce for microfilm ... and Dr. Vannevar Bush with the basic principles of or- ...
General Groves and the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Part II)
In order to facilitate the development of the bomb and to remove funding ... War, The Chief of Staff, James Conant, Vannevar Bush + General Brehon ...
Untitled Document When Britain did turn to science, it was not funded by government but largely by ...

00.000.1950 -after the ... Influenced by Baconian-model advocate Vannevar Bush,
ch1 After the engine laboratory was funded, the NACA selected a blue ribbon committee, chaired by Vannevar Bush, to recommend a site.
ch7 Chancellor Hitler ," who reportedly had removed aeronautics from the Ministry of ...

00.000.1941 President Roosevelt called on Vannevar Bush to head the new ...
00.Jul.2007 -VECTORS For- The end result of the "Tizard Mission", with a little networking by Vannevar Bush, was the formation of a well- funded radar laboratory at MIT, ...
[3.0] Microwave Radar & The MIT Rad Lab Few top American officials doubted that the US would be fighting Hitler soon ...

Vannevar Bush believed that war preparations should include the creation of ...
Full Timeline Vannevar Bush builds the differential analyzer at MIT. Picture telegraphy service begins ... Adolph Hitler instigates production of the Volkswagen ...
00.Jun.2006 Science + government -Physics Today- The world economy was in depression + Adolf Hitler's star was rising, ...

The report was intended to replace Vannevar Bush's famous 1945 report, ...
war and social upheaval: World War II atomic bomb Manhattan Project

Also Hitler was never convinced that the atomic bomb was a practical weapon. ... Vannevar Bush was was the President's scientific adviser and who headed ...
Chapter 1: Introduction | Funding a Revolution: Government Support ...

00.000.1945 Federal funding for research in computing technologies has been based on the rationale first enunciated by Vannevar Bush in his report to ...
08.Jan.1888–27.Jan.1972 Richard Courant | By Peter D ... In

00.Jan.1933 the Hitler gang took over the government.

Its head, Vannevar Bush, saw the importance of mathematics for the war effort and set up the ...
BBC: Bushs Grandfather Planned Fascist Coup In America (

He held a Nazi rally in Madison Square Garden, funded Hitler's rise to power and ...

Vannevar is unrelated to the Bush [crime] family.
1893–00.000.1978 J. B. Conant () - Education, War Work, Academic Career ... Vannevar Bush, a contemporary of Conant, had been a professor of ...

The NDRC mobilized civilian scientists for war and let contracts, funded by the federal ...
Funding a Revolution: Policy Toward Research Funding Federal funding for research in computing technologies has been based on the rationale first enunciated by Vannevar Bush.
The Impact of Defense Spending on Nondefense Engineering Labor ...

The principal scientific advisers of the President, with Vannevar Bush in the ... country of many professionals whom Hitler + Mussolini had persecuted; ...
13.Oct.2005 Skeptic: eSkeptic: In his famed report Science: The Endless Frontier, Vannevar Bush called upon the ...

If the “greatest generation” deserves acclaim for defeating Hitler, ...
'War' dispatches | The San Diego Union-Tribune

If the "greatest generation" deserves acclaim for defeating Hitler, let's add more ...

Both wings despise the plan of Vannevar Bush that worked so well – a ...
Funding of science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Self- funding and independent wealth were also crucial funding sources for scientists, ... organized and administered by the MIT engineer Vannevar Bush, ...
Patrick Allitt - Culture Wars: The Prequel - Reviews in American ...

WWII -after- + the discrediting of anti-Semitism after Hitler .

... in the years between Vannevar Bush's individualistic Science--the Endless ...
Science ain't an exact science: public perception of science Vannevar Bush was head of the Office of Scientific Research and Development and recommended ...

Hitler's Scientists: Science, War and the Devil's Pact. ...
HSS003: Technology and Society

00.000.1927 Vannevar Bush, an MIT electrical engineer, invented the differential analyzer, ... depression in Germany very bad--30 % unemployment-- Hitler ...
The Military Research
of this was given by Vannevar Bush, the principal organizer of the U.S. science- ...

A classic example was the episode in which Hitler ’s rocket scientists were ...
11.Jun.2001 D.C. Dispatch | Book Review

At one point, he tells the story of two midcentury scientists, Vannevar Bush + J.C.R. Lacklider, who formulated theories that laid the foundation for ...
The Atlantic Online | Flashbacks

In last October's Atlantic, James Carroll reviewed Hitler's Pope: The Secret History ...

Fifty years + two World Wars later, Vannevar Bush asked Atlantic ...
History of Science Society-Topical Essays

It recommended $350000 of additional funding and continued research for six months, ...

Vannevar Bush, who was born and raised in the Boston area, ...
Q: File Format: Unrecognized - View as HTML
He’s a former editor for Business Week + he’s the technology editor + a Vannevar Bush Fellow at MIT. Buderi has written for numerous publications
Untitled Document

00.Oct.194- Vannevar Bush told President Roosevelt that the critical mass was about ...

This development jeopardized funding for Heisenberg’s project, ...
How the Grinch Stole Nanotech and More by Michael S. Rozeff

Earlier, concerned that Hitler would develop the atomic bomb first, ...

Its modern history began with the promotion efforts of Vannevar Bush as early as ...
Armageddon Online - The Manhattan Project

The Navy awarded Columbia University the first Atomic Energy funding of $6000000 ...

Vannevar Bush, director of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, ...
IASSIST Conferences Hitler rose to power in Germany and there were other brands of fascism elsewhere. ...

The Englishman Turing defined "the Turing machine," Vannevar Bush ...
Origins of Airpower Vannevar Bush + Jerome Hunsaker of MIT grabbed the windshield deicing problem for ...

JATO represented potential funding for the struggling GALCIT Rocket
All About Einstein - Einstein and War

00.000.1933 Einstein s position would change, as the result of Adolf Hitler's ascent.

Vannevar Bush, who was coordinating the scientific work on the a-bomb at that ...
Chrysler helps to build the atomic bomb (A-bomb) On

01.Sep.1939 Hitler sent his military forces across the Polish border ...

He appointed highly respected Dr. Vannevar Bush as the head of the department. ...

Science, Money + Politics: Political Triumph and ...

White House, National Science Foundation, State Department, National Academy of Sciences, United States, Vannevar Bush, World War, National Science Board, ... Science, Money + Politics: Political Triumph and ...

In the rush for funding, Greenberg argues, science becomes increasingly subject ... National Academy of Sciences, United States, Vannevar Bush, World War, ...
00.000.1997 -Fall-Issues in S and T,, The Power of the Individual And

it was at this time that Vannevar Bush laid the foundation for a postwar science policy that would put government in the dominant role in funding basic ...
Victoria Vesna Visions of a World Brain of H.G.Wells, the Memex of Vannevar Bush, ...

Hitler's little publicised but systematic plan to acquire art work by any means, ...
Excursions into the mundane and the revealing... ... both Nobel Laureates, Vannevar Bush, a close confidant of Roosevelt, ...

They made sure that research was well- funded and scholarships were doled out to ...
LA Weekly - General - Dangerous Liaison - Margaret Wertheim - The ...

If, as the authors note, “ Hitler preached German invincibility by ...

00.000.1941 set up by Vannevar Bush to coordinate U.S. research on behalf of the war: ...
The Modern History of Computing (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

00.000.1931 Vannevar Bush, working at MIT, built the differential analyser, ... for example messages from Hitler and members of the German High Command.
hoped to “be a spectroscopist yet, if Adolph [ Hitler ] doesn’t get me ... Vannevar Bush, Carnegie’s president, believed that because “physics + ...
Iraq War: Opinions & Responses - What Matters

There is a big disconnect between the MIT of Vannevar Bush + Karl Compton + the MIT ... which will NOT go to the american taxpayer who funded the war.
2 Why Build Computers? The Military Role in Computer Research - View as HTML
Why, then, did military agencies provide such lavish funding for digital ... Vannevar Bush : Creating an Infrastructure for Scientific Research ...
POT-TV: High Society: Fahrenheit 420 Thyssen was AMONG Hitler's first major industrial backer.

Bush + Harriman - along with George Walker ...

The name Vannevar Bush was brought to my attention when ...
Svein Rosseland and the Oslo Analyzer

Dr. Vannevar Bush's description1 of its powers stimulated people the world ... were bogged down in what turned out to be Hitler's war preparation work.
Contemporary History Colloquium, Seminar 5

One year later, the, Organization for Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), under the direction of Vannevar Bush, assumed the role of parent ...
Glossary of Historical IT Personalities

He was strongly influenced by reading Vannevar Bush's article “As We May ...

00.000.1972 -launched - +

00.000.1978 -abandoned, for lack of government funding .
Talk at Fermi Centennial He was in Berlin when Hitler took power + left immediately after the ...

The Committee members were Secretary of War Stimson (chair), Vannevar Bush, ...
Databases are us
Memex of Vannevar Bush + the Xanadu of Ted Nelson are not primarily ... addresses issues of collection of art, specifically of Hitler's obsession: ...
Of `Small Men', Big Science and Bigger Business: The Second World ...
OSRD director Vannevar Bush put it in his introduction to J.P. Baxter’s ... by Angela Creager,

00.000.1940 -began in the spring of- the season of Hitler ’s ...
Vannevar Bush, + I knew about NDRC. I was very anti- Hitler because my ... the Bureau of Ordnance which was an independent organization, funded directly .
bomb web reading - View as HTML
Vannevar Bush, the committee’s. chairman, passed along the panel’s conclusion - ...

How did the policies of Adolf Hitler contribute to the progress of atomic ...
Discussion on the Evolution of Research And certainly the discovery of fission was not funded by our defense ...

According to that model, which was invented in Vannevar Bush's landmark report, ...
00.000.1945-00.000.1995 Science: The Endless Frontier-Part II - Complete ...

According to that model, which was invented in Vannevar Bush's landmark ...

That Hitler thought there had to be a unique science + Stalin thought there ...
The Strands of a Life "d0e949" Someone—I was told it was Vannevar Bush —had introduced the notion that a good way to teach ...

... were open admirers of Hitler, had swastika flags and emblems, ...
Svein Rosseland and the Oslo Analyzer - IEEE Annals of the History ...
from the famous MIT design by Vannevar Bush . For a few years this me- ... in what turned out to be Hitler ’s war preparation work. They ex- ...
An idea man - Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, IEEE
and that he hoped to use this funding to work with Hill:. Since yours is the laboratory in ... Vannevar Bush appointing him as an official investigator ...
Hydrofoil History - The Pioneering Vessels andPeople Then we took it apart and put it back up in the garage afterwards and didn't sail it again + it was later turned over to Vannevar Bush .
Mayo, on the side... ... of M. I. T.’s Department of Biology and Public Health or Dr. Vannevar Bush, ... Mussolini’s trains were running on time + Hitler + Hirohito were ...
A Conversation with Doug Engelbart Script Sections with Research As We May Think' was published by Vannevar Bush in the July 1945 issue of The ...

This will be important later for Doug's funding and the Internet.
Timeline Vannevar Bush publishes "The Inscrutable Past" where he describes a machine much like the Memex. Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.
Einstein's Antigravity - View as HTML
Hitler ’s Third Reich had an almost borderline obsession with secret “wunder” ... for the US Department of the Navy by the appointment of Dr. Vannevar Bush .
COSMOS: Science and Society

Dictatorial leaders such as Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler emerged out of the ... but that the wisdom contained in Vannevar Bush's documentary book Science, ...
Science, Technological Progress + the Role of the Government” - View as HTML
Vannevar Bush . Science: The Endless Frontier. ... private funding of science in the U.S. was much greater than public funding .
The Decades of My Life - View as HTML
Vannevar Bush developed an analog computer + the first truly electronic computer was built.

The Council of Social Science Data Archives was funded ...
Alternative Energy Action Network

Likewise, for human history: Had Hitler been killed in Munich, or Rickover joined the Army, ...

Vannevar Bush, Head of US scientific WW II effort (00.000.1945) ...
Humanities Archive (Jerz's Literacy Weblog)

[The Memex is Vannevar Bush's hypothetical microfilm-based document storage and ... but that another 6 million were killed by Hitler's forces... shocking.
Technology Archive (Jerz's Literacy Weblog) Entering " Hitler " at returns zero results.

"I couldn’t help reflecting on the connection between hypertext and napalm, via Vannevar Bush .
Chapter 1.qxd - View as HTML
of the hydrogen bomb; Dr. Vannevar Bush, president of MIT; General James H. Doolittle, ...

00.000.1932 -prior to Adolf Hitler ’s elevation to the chancellery.
the gamut from ‘‘ Vannevar Bush and James Byrnes’’ to ‘‘James ...

Nonetheless, Hitler would have counted Oppenheimer as a. Jew + he was certainly viewed ...
Alexander Hollaender’s Postwar Vision for Biology: Oak Ridge and ...
laboratory progress of this government- funded work: who would direct such ... the effects of ultraviolet radiation on eye (cornea) cells, Vannevar Bush ...
The Nuclear

00.000.1940 -until summer- The project was not given any more funding , when National Defence Research ...

Hitler had underestimated the power of a nuclear bomb, ...
Certain mythical animals are proving to be real; women get voting ...

00.000.1945 AD: Vannevar Bush publishes ideas in the Atlantic Monthly article "As We ... Hermann Goering, Hitler's chosen successor for ruling Nazi Germany during ...
All about Oscar Hitler took for granted the preeminence of German science + he showed a lively ... Roosevelt entrusted the American effort to Vannevar Bush's Office of ...
My Book List With England threatened by invasion, he joined Vannevar Bush, Karl Compton, ... so he funded his principal avocation: scientific investigation.
Einstein's Antigravity - View as HTML
Hitler ’s Third Reich had an almost borderline obsession with secret “wunder” and ... appointment of Dr. Vannevar Bush . Einstein’s FBI file places ...
A History Of MK Ultra In

00.Mar.1943 Vannevar Bush approved a Richard's plan to perform secret "medical" ... minority hating, hypnotically captivating speeches of Adolph Hitler .

United States would eventually commit $2 billion to funding what became know as the Manhattan Project. From left: Former professors Vannevar Bush ...
The Science Bookstore - Search Store "There is no question that MIT faculty members Vannevar Bush and Samuel ... ERA was dependent on government funded cost-plus--fixed-fee contracts. ...
a potted history of computers - early twentieth century The first devices, such as Vannevar Bush's Differential Analyzer, ...

(Marlene Dietrich fell out of favor with the Hitler regime when she emigrated to ...
Iterations: An interdisciplinary journal of software history

Other conferences of interest include the Vannevar Bush Symposium sponsored by ... the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches ...
Worldviews in Collision: Recent Literature on the Creation ... - View as HTML
optimism of Hitler in his bunker as Soviet troops advanced through ... Vannevar Bush was a very influential and innovative president of the ...
Armageddon - View as HTML
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and Hitler ’s subsequent declaration of war ... Chaired by MIT’s Vannevar Bush, it operated mainly through con- ...
:: Libertythink :: Encouraging Cognitive Liberty in an Age of ... The TV monitors show Nazis, Hitler + an atomic explosion + somewhere ...

00.000.1945 Vannevar Bush -- who headed the White House's Office of Scientific ...
Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions - Intro I - Appendix B

Coincidentally, George H.W. Bush has written a welcome for the site of ... and once advisor to its president, Vannevar Bush ; and Dean Rusk (Rhodes Scholar;

IS THIS AN ... Kaiser's empire was a huge public works agency, funded by taxpayer dollars. ...

Vannevar Bush, head of the OSRD, offered the proposal that made the ...
Contrary Brin: Reviewing a provocative book: The Republican War on ... In his famed report Science: The Endless Frontier, Vannevar Bush called upon the ...

If the "greatest generation" deserves acclaim for defeating Hitler, ...
Kim H. Veltman Access, Claims and Quality on the Internet or ... - View as HTML
Vannevar Bush was a direct inspiration for Douglas Engelbart’s ideas about ... Some organisations + individuals, often with funding from national + ... is art useless?

based on Leibniz or Vannevar Bush or Berners-Lee or Bigfoot). Such ... PPS—another interesting recent reference to Hitler, i.e. Norman Mailer's ...
News Indexed by Topic - HISTORY

Reddy will receive the Vannevar Bush Award Tuesday for his research in robotics ... by scientists at Massachuset's Institute of Technology funded by the ...
The Chronology of New Media: Complete Listing

Vannevar Bush writes "As We May Think," an article in August's The Atlantic ... likely it becomes someone will make a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler .
Life and Work of Wilhelm Cauer (1900 – 1945) - View as HTML
as Vannevar Bush of MIT because he was interested in the ... ceived orders from the Hitler government in Berlin, but there ...
JSTOR: An Analysis of "Two Cultures": Writing about the Making + ...

Unknown to Rhodes, James Conant, a noted chemist and the president of Harvard who served with Vannevar Bush as a presidential advisor on atomic energy, ...
Jackson pp001-092 - View as HTML
giene under Hitler . Whitney’s speech can then serve as a model for most ... Such was the message of Vannevar Bush in Science the End- ...

25.Jul.2007 Wider die Schere im Kopf » Zur Integrationsdebatte

(Zur Integrationsdebatte) […] Pingback von News -

11.Sep.2001 (9/11) » Nostradamus, Prophet, Terrorismus, Koran, ...
Comments for Wider die Schere im Kopf


Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ...

25.Jul.2007 Jean-Christophe Mitterrand: Der Sturz von Herrn Sohn

21.Dez.---- Jean-Christophe Mitterrand -war am- verhaftet worden.

Angeblich hat er seine hervorragenden Kontakte nach Angola spielen lassen, ...;art771,2254898

10.Apr.2007 Angola : Prozess wegen illegalen Waffenhandels Vor einem französischen Gericht beginnt der Prozess gegen Jean-Christophe Mitterrand, ...
Aktuelle Ereignisse Vor einem französichen Gericht beginnt der Prozess gegen Jean-Christophe Mitterrand, Sohn des ehemaligen Präsidenten, + 42 weitere Angeklagte.
Milliardär will Bürgermeister werden |

... gegen Jean-Christophe Mitterrand, den Sohn des früheren französischen Staatschefs, der in einen Waffenhandel nach Angola verstrickt gewesen sein soll.
Bernard Schmidt: ‘FRANCE SOIR' – Streik bei der Boulevardzeitung ...

Aber auch der Präsidentensohn Jean-Christophe Mitterrand hatte bei Falcone die Hand ...

Der Prozess war hierher, in die Nähe der belgischen Grenze, ...
20070508 Jean-Christophe Mitterrand : Der Sturz von Herrn Sohn - Aktuelle . ... Mitterrand -Sohn droht Prozess wegen Waffenlieferungen an Angola .
22.Dez.2000 Archiv Sendung Tagesschau, SF 1

Jean-Christophe Mitterrand, Sohn des früheren französischen Präsidenten François Mitterrand, ... dubiose Waffengeschäfte mit Angola getätigt zu haben.
Sep.2004 NEWSLETTER Nr. 14/- HTML-Version
siégeaient des politiciens connus comme Jean-Christophe Mitterand, ... Elle a découvert par exemple qu'en Angola, plus d'un milliard de USD provenant de ...

25.Jul.2007 ai-Presseauswertung Togo 1983 - 2001 - HTML-Version
Die Nr.2 ist Jean Christophe Mittérand, Sohn des Präsidenten, ...

16.Jul.---- -Hinweis auf Prozess vom- gegen Yema Gu-Konu und die Geschwister Randolphe. Ati ...
The Persecution of Jews in Hungary and the Catholic Church - View as HTML
intervention of General Schmidthuber, commander of the S S Feldherrenhalle ... However, when WWII. began, Hungarian politicians initially ...

Sie sind es, die die Fäden ziehen, welche das Öffentliche Denken kontrollieren."
Eine etwas andere Ansicht zum Thema von Thomas Jefferson:
"Ich kenne keinen sichereren Treuhänder der ultimaten Macht der Gesellschaft als das Volk an sich; und wenn wir sie nicht für erleuchtet genug halten, diese Kontrolle mit wohlwollender Umsicht durchzuführen, dann ist die Abhilfe nicht, sie ihnen wegzunehmen, sondern ihre Umsicht zu prägen."
Ihre Umsicht prägen. Bernays glaubte, daß nur einige wenige den nötigen Einblick in das Gesamtbild haben, um mit dieser heiligen Aufgabe betraut zu werden. Und ganz zufällig hielt er sich für einen der wenigen.
Hier kommt das Geld ins Spiel

25.Jul.2007 IRAQ/USA: Kriegskosten//Iraqi Resistance Report -

10.Jun.2004-11.Jun.2004 Nachricht aus der Newsgroup cl.regionen.nordamerika von Gerhard Lange c/o GIV vom 15.06.04.
2004080204_Report Daran wolle die Bundesrepublik auch nichts ändern. ... Ohne Energie- + Nahrungsmittelpreise lag die Preissteigerung allerdings nur bei 2,4 % ...


Rauchverbote tragen zur Heizstrahler-Verbreitung bei

Die zuletzt in Großbritannien eingeführten Rauchverbote in öffentlichen Gebäuden verschärften das Problem, da nun noch mehr Raucher im Freien sitzen wollten. Eine Untersuchung von British Gas ergab im Juni, dass jeder zweite schottische Pub nach der Einführung des Rauchverbots im März 2006 mindestens einen Außen-Heizstrahler angeschafft hat.

Ein einzelner Heizstrahler stößt laut British Gas fast vier Tonnen Treibhausgase im Jahr aus, mehr als ein durchschnittliches Auto - basierend auf Zahlen der britischen Regierung, denen zufolge ein kommerziell genutzter Heizstrahler an 237 Tagen im Jahr etwa fünf Stunden lang benutzt wird.

"Wir appellieren an verantwortungsvolle Händler, den Verkauf von Heizstrahlern zu überdenken angesichts ihres großen Kohlendioxid-Ausstoßes", sagte Sellwood.

Damit ist er in guter Gesellschaft:

Erst im vergangenen Monat forderte Londons Bürgermeister Ken Livingstone, die Verbreitung der "verschwenderischen" Heizstrahler zu stoppen.
Energieschleudern: Briten verdoppeln Zahl der Außen- Heizstrahler
25.Jul.2007 Staatsfonds: Großbritannien lehnt gemeinsames EU- Vorgehen ab (Wirtschaft)
25.Jul.2007 Arbeitsmarktöffnung: DGB warnt vor Lohndumping (Wirtschaft)
25.Jul.2007 Waldbrände in Italien: Brandstifter sollen Feuer gelegt haben
Konflikte: Viele Tote bei Raketenangriffen in Pakistan
Justitie valt Amstel Hotel binnen Ulrich is de rechterhand van de onlangs op Schiphol gearresteerde miljardair John Deuss .

Belastingfraude De inval in het Amstel Hotel is uitgevoerd door ...
25.Jul.2007 - Volkert van der Gedetineerd

Iets wat alleen voor steenrijke criminelen als John Deuss is weggelegd. Ze was toevallig ook een collega van de geliquideerde Nijmeegse salonfanaticus Louis ...
Financial Risks and Rewards in LNG Projects: Qatar, Oman + Yemen - View as HTML
entrepreneur John Deuss . Shell saw its leading position in Oman challenged and therefore had. to pre-empt the rival gas scheme. The project is regarded as ...

25.Jul.2007 Owners Group misbruker bank - HegnarOnline

We hereby inform you that neither Jorn Tagge nor Owners Group have a relationship with BCB, nor is Mr. John Deuss talking to Mr. Jorn Tagge about such or ...
Moskau - "Was sie vorschlagen, ist klar ein Überbleibsel kolonialen Denkens", sagte Putin heute im Fernsehen.

"Sie haben eindeutig vergessen, dass Großbritannien nicht mehr eine Kolonialmacht ist". Es gebe keine Kolonien mehr, "
Irak- Politik: Bush warnt vor al- Qaida- Gefahr
00.Aug.1949 Genfer Abkommen vier Übereinkommen zur Humanisierung der Kriegsführung unterzeichnet:

Das I. Genfer Abkommen »zur Verbesserung des Loses der Verwundeten und ... Kriegsrechtskonvention - Haager Friedenskonferenz ...

Humanisierung der Kriegsführung · Abrüstung. Ergebnisse der 1. ...

Die wachsende Brutalität der Kriegsführung und die Auswirkungen auf die Zivilbevölkerung ...
Vom 'gerechten Krieg' zur Ächtung des Krieges - II ... will heißen:

die Eindämmung + Begrenzung der Kriegshandlungen + um die Humanisierung der Kriegsführung bei Hinnahme des Phänomens »Krieg«.
00.Nov.2002 Rundbrief-Potsdam im-

Hier sind zum ersten Mal – übrigens auf Veranlassung Preußens – Bestimmungen zur Humanisierung der Kriegsführung als elementare menschliche Grundrechte ins ...
Zusammenfassung der Greenpeace-Studie „On Impacts“ Auswirkungen ... - HTML-Version
Jahrhundert, wurde zur Humanisierung der Kriegsführung und nicht zur Abschaffung von Kriegen eingeführt.

Erst in letzter Zeit wurden Versuche unternommen, ...

Südwestrundfunk - HTML-Version
29.Jul..1899 Die erste Haager Friedenskonferenz fordert die Humanisierung der Kriegsführung . Von Tobias Mayer. Samstag, 30.07.2005 ...
2004072122_und_Report Ein erfolgsloses Ringen um die Friedenssicherung beginnt, der Ruf nach der Humanisierung der Kriegsführung wird laut (Gründung des IKRK).
Inhaltsverzeichnis Seite <a href="#2">Ziele und Aufgaben des ...
verschiedenen historischen Epochen. Antike, Mittelalter, Neuzeit. Beurteilen von internationalen Bemühungen zur Humanisierung der Kriegsführung ...
I K E „Z F “Humanisierung der Kriegsführung “ (Artikel 6) auch nur bedingt zu sprechen ist, sei es, dass man die. bis in die heutigen Tage praktizierten Formen eines ...
Vologda Es sind andere wichtige Beiträge Russlands zur Humanisierung der Regeln der Kriegsführung zu erwähnen.

00.000.1862 sprach sich der bekannte russische Arzt und ...
Der Washington-Korrespondent des
Internetmagazins "" sekundiert am Ende seines getippten Liveberichtes mit den Worten:

"Journalisten werden niemals ganz Amerika in den Schatten stellen, wenn es darum geht, sich gute Fragen auszudenken."
Das Internet bringt eine Form der Debatte zurück, wie es sie zuletzt auf den Plätzen Athens oder Roms gab - angereichert mit multimedialen, Hypertext-befeuerten Argumentationshilfen. Und die Schnipsel werden weiterleben, werden als ständig verfügbare Belege für mögliche falsche Versprechungen, für Wahlkampflügen und politische Halbwahrheiten zur Verfügung stehen, wenn Hillary Clinton oder einer der übrigen Kandidaten schließlich tatsächlich zur Wahl antreten sollte.

Was den entscheidenden Wendepunkt aber am besten deutlich macht, den die durchs Internet befütterte TV-Debatte markiert, sind Zahlen: 39 Fragen wurden den Kandidaten auf der Bühne gestellt - eingereicht wurden aber knapp 3000 Videos. Das trug auch zur Qualität der Antworten bei, denn welche Fragen gestellt werden würden, wussten die Kandidaten vor Beginn der Sendung nicht. 830 Weblogs verlinken aktuell direkt auf die eigens eingerichtete YouTube-Seite, auf der die in der -Sendung gestellten Fragevideos versammelt sind.

Eine Suchanfrage bei der Blogsuchmaschine Technorati mit den Begriffen "YouTube" und "Debate" wirft über 18.000 Treffer aus.

18.000 Weblog-Einträge, von denen viele längst einen langen Schwanz von Kommentaren angesammelt haben. Und diese Zahlen wachsen weiter.

Eine fast vergessene Form der Debatte kommt zurück
Das Forum der alten Römer ist zurück, der fragende Bürger kommt tatsächlich wieder vor in der US-Politik - dank des Internets. Aber, da liegt das Problem, eben doch wieder nur dank des alten Mediums Fernsehen.
24.Jul.2007 Diplomatengespräche: Amerikaner und Iraner schreien sich wegen Irak- Politik an

24.Jul.2007 Fall Litwinenko: Putin wirft Briten koloniales Denken vor
24.Jul.2007 Bafin- Bericht: WestLB- Aufsichtsrat will gesamten Vorstand entlassen (Wirtschaft)
24.Jul.2007 Ungarn: 500 Tote nach Hitzewelle (Panorama)
24.Jul.2007 Erstmals arabische Perspektive: Schulbuch sorgt in Israel für Streit
24.Jul.2007 Neonazi- Verdacht: Verfassungsschutz überprüft Polizisten
24.Jul.2007 YouTube- Debatte: Wie das Netz die US- Politik revolutioniert
24.Jul.2007 Kryptische Arznei- Infos: Fachchinesisch tötet
24.Jul.2007 Verkauf von Lateinamerikafilialen: McDonald's verbucht zweithöchsten Verlust der Firmengeschichte
Bundesagentur: Arbeitslosenzahl erst 2011 unter drei Millionen (Wirtschaft)
24.Jul.2007 Unterwasser- Expedition: Russen wollen Flagge unterm Nordpol hissen
24.Jul.2007 Anti- Rückzugsstrategie: US- Militär plant bis mindestens 2009 im Irak
24.Jul.2007 Geschlechtskrankheit: Zahl der Syphilis- Infektionen steigt rasant

24.Jul.2007 Rekordhalbjahr: Fiat steigert Gewinn um 90 % (Wirtschaft)
24.Jul.2007 Presseschau: "Frankreichs First Lady ist fehl am Platz"
24.Jul.2007 Exportskandale um Giftzahnpasta: EU fordert von China strengere Regeln für Produktsicherheit
24.Jul.2007 Hochwasser in England: Oxford rüstet sich gegen die Flut
24.Jul.2007 Human Trafficking
Coalition Against Human Trafficking Help Support the Effort!

Zum Nachdenken - Leitsätze zum Humanismus

Beziehen wir die alles zur Ware degradierende Art und Weise globalen Wirtschaftens auf die Ebene der Familie, ... Tenzin Gyatso, Dalai Lama XIV (*1936) ...
20070324All types of cluster munitions have a high operational value as a ... Expal Explosivos SA, Instalaza SA, International Technology SA, ...
24.Jul.2007 Worldwide Production and Export of Cluster Munitions: Appendix ...

Diehl Munitions Systeme (Germany).

European Aeronautic Defence and Space NV (Netherlands).

Expal Explosivos SA (Spain).

Forges de Zeebrugge (Belgium) ...
Survey of Cluster Munition Policy and Practice: IV. Cluster ...

It also highlights cluster munition production, use + transfers, as well as any ...

Expal Explosivos SA, Instalaza SA, International Technology SA, ... - 182
L’industrie des munitions : vers la mondialisation? Bestandsformaat: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - HTML-versie
Depuis 1987, l’industrie mondiale des munitions a vu sa production diminuer de plus de ... EXPAL . X. Fabrique fédérale suisse. X. Finnmecanica ...


Die Versicherer gehen von einem Schaden von umgerechnet rund drei Milliarden Euro aus. Premierminister Gordon Brown machte den Klimawandel für die Katastrophe verantwortlich. Er versprach die Hochwasserhilfe von 600 Millionen auf 800 Millionen Pfund (rund 1,2 Milliarden Euro) zu erhöhen. Es ist bereits die zweite große Flut, die Großbritannien in diesem Sommer heimsucht.

Die Luftwaffe sprach von ihrem größten Einsatz in Friedenszeiten.

Die Sammelklage stellt vor allem Mängel bei der Behandlung des posttraumatischen Stresssyndroms heraus, unter dem viele Irak- und Afghanistan-Veteranen leiden würden, berichtete die "Los Angeles Times"

unter Berufung auf die 73 Seiten starke Klageschrift.

"Eine Reihe von Veteranen haben Selbstmord begangen, kurz nachdem sie von den Krankenhäusern abgewiesen wurden, weil sie für eine Behandlung nicht in Frage kamen oder die Wartezeit zu lang war",

so die Anwälte der Veteranenverbände.

Veteranen werfen Regierung Betrug vor

In der Klage wird der Behörde außerdem vorgeworfen, die Veteranen bewusst betrogen zu haben.

So sei in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Pentagon in einigen Fällen das posttraumatische Stresssyndrom als bereits zuvor vorhandene Persönlichkeitsstörung ausgewiesen worden, um keine Zahlungen leisten zu müssen.

Die Regierung hat die Vorwürfe zurückgewiesen.
Börsengang: Kabinett beschließt Teilprivatisierung der Bahn

24.Jul.2007 Weniger Menschen: Geburtenkontrolle soll Klimawandel stoppen
24.Jul.2007 Afghanistan: Regierung will keine zusätzlichen Bundeswehr- Truppen entsenden
24.Jul.2007 US- Veteranen: Ehemalige Irak- und Afghanistan- Soldaten klagen gegen ihre Regierung
24.Jul.2007 Sperrmüll im Orbit: Astronauten werfen Tank ins All
24.Jul.2007 Bahnprivatisierung: Länder kündigen Widerstand gegen Gesetz an
23.Jul.2007 Search results for "Colby"

His abandoned sailboat was loaded with top secret CIA files on various ... [33] Kangas ' quote from former CIA Director William Colby says it all: "The CIA ...,William_.html
Russland-Aktuell - Störsender gegen russischen Auslandsrundfunk

Störsender gegen russischen Auslandsrundfunk ... , , , ,

, , ...
Russland-Aktuell - US-Waffensysteme im Irak auf beiden Seiten So teilt die Moskauer Firma „Aviakonversia“ mit, sie habe ihre Störsender, ...

Russland Geschichte: Einmarsch im Baltikum . Samstag, 16. Juni ...

Chart-King - News, Charts, Ticket-Shop, Biografien, Community ... Wie die "Bild" berichtet, verkauft er seine einsam gelegene Villa in Norwegen und ...

Anna Kournikova zu der Party des Milliardärs Arcadi Gaydamak am 21.

20070508 So haben Richter vier Jahre lang vergeblich versucht, Arcadi Gaydamak zu belangen, den Geschäftspartner des Waffenhändlers Pierre Falcone + ...
Buchhandlung Walther Koenig: Kunstgewerbe

GAYDAMAK, ARCADI . Russian Empire. Architecture, Decorative and Applied Arts, ...

Hitzewelle: Piloten sterben im Kampf gegen Waldbrände

23.Jul.2007 Sachsen- Anhalt: Polizist fällt bei Neonazi- Party auf (Politik)
23.Jul.2007 Without a plot, is Padilla guilty?:

Government lawyers argue that a series of shady phone calls and a few documents are enough to establish the existence of a terror conspiracy + send all three defendants to prison potentially for the rest of their lives.

23.Jul.2007 Bush Executive Order: Criminalizing the Antiwar Movement:

17.Jul.2007 A presidential Executive Order?issued on- repeals with the stroke of a pen the right to dissent and oppose the Iraq war.?

23.Jul.2007 Thom Hartmann interviews Paul Craig Roberts: Paul Craig Roberts, old-school republican + former Reagan official known to be "father of Reaganomics" wrote an op-ed, "Impeach Now Or Face the End of Constitutional Democracy," on 16.Jul.20007 . Which prompted Thom to interview him. He argues that we are very, very close to a scenario where the Bush administration could instate a dictatorial police state yes, in America.

23.Jul.2007 U.S. to extradite Noriega to France: Manuel Noriega will be extradited to France to serve a 10-year sentence for money laundering upon his release from prison in Florida this fall, according to Justice Department papers filed in court Tuesday.

23.Jul.2007 Lockerbie: Evidence Fabricated by CIA : Long before the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCRC) announced its spectacular decision to grant a fresh appeal to the Libyan man convicted of the worst act of terror in the U.K., Lord Fraser, who issued the warrant for his arrest, had expressed doubts about the initial verdict.

23.Jul.2007 Cynthia McKinney on American Blackout, stolen elections, the Green Party: Cynthia McKinney talks about American Blackout, who really stole the 2000 and 2004 elections (it wasn't Nader) as well as her 2002 and 2006 congressional races. She thanks the Green Party for their efforts in Ohio 2004 recount attempt.
23.Jul.2007 How to Sell an Endless War: Many of the elements used to sell that attack on Iraq--the intelligence dossiers, the unsourced revelations, the denigration of hard evidence, the cosying-up to prominent exiles--are now being used to sell an attack on Iran. With some 22 minutes out of every hour on US TV given over
23.Jul.2007 Bush says US, Pakistan targeting Al-Qaeda 'safe-haven':

In his weekly radio address, Bush expressed full US support for Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf's efforts "to rid all of Pakistan of extremism" including an Al-Qaeda "safe haven" in tribal areas.

23.Jul.2007 'Action in tribal areas can split Pak army': Time magazine quoting a former head of the powerful intelligence agency Inter-Services Intelligence said many foreign observers believe that his days are numbered as leader of Pakistan, raising the issue of who could possibly replace America's primary ally in the war against terror in this critical region.

23.Jul.2007 Pakistan warns US on unilateral ‘strike’ : Pakistan on Friday called White House comments that US forces could unilaterally strike militant targets inside the country “irresponsible and dangerous.”
23.Jul.2007 British Army reserves almost non-existent -report: Britain has almost no reserve troops to support operations in Iraq or Afghanistan or meet unexpected emergencies, the head of the British Army said according to a newspaper report on Saturday.

23.Jul.2007 War is racket : Bribery Network to Bloat War Costs Is Alleged : At the core of the case is a contract that KBR, previously known as Kellogg, Brown & Root, won before the war to supply the American military with food, fuel, housing and other necessities. The value of the contract soared with the Iraq invasion + has so far paid KBR some $20 billion.

23.Jul.2007 Watchdog group: Government awards contracts despite firms’ misconduct : The Project on Government Oversight (POGO) yesterday released a revamped database detailing misconduct by the top 50 government contractors, including some of the world’s largest military hardware, information technology, construction and energy companies.
23.Jul.2007 Iraq unions vow 'mutiny' over oil law : "This law cancels the great achievements of the Iraq people," Subhi al-Badri, head of the Iraqi Federation of Union Councils, told the al-Sharqiyah TV station. He referred specifically to laws that nationalized Iraq's oil sector.

23.Jul.2007 Hassan Jumaa, President of Iraqi Federation of Oil Union: Video: Hassan describes the Union's campaign against the proposed Hydrocarbon Law, which will see much of Iraq's oil wealth fall into the hands of foreign oil companies.
23.Jul.2007 Go to Iraq and Fight, Mr. President
Special Comment - By Keith Olbermann
It is one of the great, dark, evil lessons, of history. A country — a government — a military machine — can screw up a war seven ways to Sunday.

It can get thousands of its people killed. It can risk the safety of its citizens. It can destroy the fabric of its nation. But as long as it can identify a scapegoat, it can regain or even gain power. Video and transcript

23.Jul.2007 Facing the Truth - By Monica Benderman
A marine not only convicted of conspiring to commit kidnapping, larceny + making false statements; but the murder – MURDER – of an innocent Iraqi man, was given his sentence.

He is to receive a reduction in rank and a bad conduct discharge. THIS is what America has become. Continue

23.Jul.2007 Rape By Another Name - Force-Feeding at Guantanamo - By Ben Fox
Twice a day at the U.S. military prison here, Abdul Rahman Shalabi and Zaid Salim Zuhair Ahmed are strapped down in padded restraint chairs and flexible yellow tubes are inserted through their noses and throats. Milky nutritional supplements, mixed with water and olive oil to add calories and ease constipation, pour into their stomachs.

23.Jul.2007 Working For The Clampdown - By James Bovard - How many pipe bombs might it take to end U.S. democracy? Far fewer than it would have taken a year ago.

The Defense Authorization Act of 2006, passed on September 30, empowers President George W. Bush to impose martial law in the event of a terrorist “incident” or if he or other federal officials perceive a shortfall of “public order” or even in response to antiwar protests that get unruly as a result of government provocations. Continue

23.Jul.2007 No Wonder The Bloggers Are Winning - By Robert Fisk - These gutless papers explain why more people are Googling than turning pages. Continue

23.Jul.2007 Trouble in Hedgistan: “Its gonna get a lot worse” - By Mike Whitney
The compiled assets of the Bear Sterns High-Grade Structured Credit Strategies Fund—nearly $20 billion—have vanished into the miasma of cyber-space where they will soon be joined by $1.4 trillion of other, equally worthless, Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO).

23.Jul.2007 Börsenboom: Wertvollste Bank der Welt kommt nun aus China
Pakistan: USA drohen Musharraf - Kampf um Anti- Terror- Krieg (Politik)
23.Jul.2007 AKW Brunsbüttel und Krümmel: Serie von Wasserstoff- Explosionen enthüllt
23.Jul.2007 Bush is threatening to veto federal legislation that would renew the same partnership ? the State Children's Health Insurance Program ? and expand it to cover more of the nation's nearly 9 million uninsured children. If he follows through on that threat, Bush could face a first in his presidency: a veto override.
More Bushevik Obstruction of Justice? Of Course. Two years into a fraud investigation, veteran federal prosecutor David Maguire told colleagues he'd uncovered one of the biggest cases of his career. Maguire described crimes "far worse" than those of Arthur Andersen, the accounting giant that collapsed in the wake of the Enron scandal. Then the Busevik DOJ removed him from the case and dropped the prosecution.
The Mad Magazine War on Bush
A Librarian Ungagged: "I Was Gagged By The Patriot Act While The Attorney General Was Free To Tell Falsehoods About It."
Media Makes Huge Deal Out Of Cheney Briefly Taking Over During Bush's Colonoscopy -- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser

23.Jul.2007 Cindy Sheehan: Time's Up, Congress! Impeach Now! -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
P.M. Carpenter: Nincompoop 'Strategery' 7/23
A true sacrifice for a good cause: Topless Women for Impeachment 7/24
Reliving a bad nightmare: Kerry fights battle he finds all too familiar, Senator sees Iraq war as history repeating; Kerry sees the perspective that Bush will never see 7/24

23.Jul.2007 Impeachment -- and an ominous Executive Order
23.Jul.2007 Now we learn this: "What are we waiting for? Let's take these two guys out," Conyers reportedly told the enthusiastic crowd at a Progressive Democrats of America event in San Diego. He later repeated the same line according to the caller, "KPete," who wrote more about the event at Democratic Underground yesterday. She reported that the comment was met by "huge cheers."
A similar account of Conyers's statement was offered by progressive talk show host Bree Walker who also attended the same event.
Conyers reportedly urged patience in the process + asked for everyone's support as things moved forward first with Cheney + then with Bush.

20041212 Wackenhut set up a bogus environmental organization called “Ecolit,” offering to ...

Nov.2004 “ Alaska Native Corporations Cash In on Contracting Edge,” The ...

01.May 2006 Free Hawai`We need human rights, not bogus U.S. "civil rights."

... federally recognized Native American tribes and Alaska Native Corporations to promote the economic ...

Frankfurt am Main - Die Anleger verkauften die US-Währung und fragten die als sicher geltenden Staatsanleihen nach.

Der Euro stieg zeitweise auf 1,3846 Dollar, bevor er wieder leicht abrutschte.

"Im Moment ist die US-Hypothekenkrise das alles beherrschende Thema, und die Entwicklung dort ist natürlich nicht gut für den Dollar", sagte der Händler.

Angesichts der aktuellen Risikoaversion der Anleger sei die Marke von 1,40 Dollar für den Euro in den nächsten Tagen durchaus zu knacken.

Zum britischen Pfund und dem neuseeländischen Dollar fiel der Greenback auf den tiefsten Stand seit mehr als 20 Jahren.

In der vergangenen Woche hatte der Chef der US-Notenbank, Ben Bernanke, den aus den Schwierigkeiten am Markt mit zweitklassigen Hypotheken absehbaren Schaden auf bis zu 100 Milliarden Dollar geschätzt.

Analysten gingen davon aus, dass die Krise sich noch einige Zeit hinziehen werde.

"Das gestiegene Zinsniveau und die restriktivere Kreditvergabe der Banken infolge vermehrter Kreditausfälle

belasten die Nachfrage nach Wohnimmobilien, so dass eine Erholung am Immobilienmarkt zunächst nicht in Sicht ist", stellten die Analysten von HSBC in einer Kurzstudie fest.

Weiterer Hedgefonds warnt

Nachdem zwei Hedgefonds von Bear Stearns im Zuge der US- Immobilienkrise bereits ins Trudeln geraten waren, hat inzwischen auch der australische Hedgefonds Basis Capital seine Investoren vor hohen Verlusten gewarnt. 23.Jul.2007,1518,druck-495968,00.html

Die britische Regierung sieht sich mittlerweile heftiger Kritik an ihrem Krisenmanagement ausgesetzt.

Die Bevölkerung sei zu spät und nicht ausreichend über die zu erwartenden Niederschlagsmengen informiert worden:

"Es war seit Tagen bekannt, dass so etwas passieren würde", sagte Sir Menzies Campbell von den Liberalen dem "Guardian".

Der konservative Oppositionsführer David Cameron, dessen Wahlkreis Whitney in Oxfordshire zu dem am schlimmsten betroffenen Gebieten gehörte, sagte:

"Die Menschen wollen Antworten."
20. Jahrhundert: Klimawandel brachte Mitteleuropa mehr Regen
Nervöse Finanzmärkte: US- Immobilienkrise drückt Dollar noch tiefer

23.Jul.2007 Briten kontra Russen: Hickhack um Litwinenko- Verdächtigen
Unterwasser- Abenteuer: Blubbern im U- Boot Marke Eigenbau
23.Jul.2007 Umfrage in Industrieländern: Mehrheit pfeift auf Globalisierung

23.Jul.2007 Internet- Überwachung: Ein bisschen Polizei- Show an der Online- Front

23.Jul.2007 Internet- Cookies: Branchengiganten entdecken den Datenschutz
23.Jul.2007 Globale Epidemie: Aids- Experten gestehen Versagen ein
Kranke Arbeitnehmer: Drastische Zunahme psychischer Erkrankungen (Wirtschaft)
23.Jul.2007 Umstrittenes Abkommen: USA erhalten Zugriff auf 19 Daten von EU- Passagieren
23.Jul.2007 Flutkatastrophe in England: 150.000 Menschen ohne Trinkwasser, 40.000 ohne Strom

23.Jul.2007 Studie: Klimawandel hat England nasser gemacht
23.Jul.2007 BP-Amoco, coalition pétrolière anglo-saxonne [Voltaire]

BP-Amoco, coalition pétrolière anglo-saxonne | Capitalisme d'États | BP-Amoco n'est pas seulement une compagnie pétrolière, la troisième au monde, ...
Case Studies: Helping BP Amoco Set the Pace in the "e" World

Booz Allen's Professional Excellence Award-winning team uses e-technology to help realign BP/Amoco's management information baseline in the post-merger ...
FlyingFish - Salman Rushdie, British Petroleum (BP Amoco) & Iran

Britain's foreign policy towards Iran; Salman Rushdie's situation, history of BP's origins as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company; ...
Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections - BP - Amoco merger

The combined enterprise, which is the largest ever industrial merger, will be called BP Amoco p.l.c. It will be headquartered in London and will be ...
The New U.S.-British Oil Imperialism

The new Standard Oil regime is now known as BP-AMOCO + few people in the world realize what has happened. It's now possible to understand why British ...
BBC News | The Company File | From Anglo-Persian Oil to BP Amoco

00.000.1901 a wealthy Englishman ventured into the Iranian desert in search of oil. 97 years later, this Anglo-Persian Oil company has been transformed into BP ...
Behind the Headlines

DEUS EX MACHINA. If only Taft had succeeded in his call for a Senate investigation ...

16.Feb.2001 Marc Rich : Treason is the Reason · It's the Empire, Stupid ...
1919 Power Specialty Company ( Original Foster Wheeler Company )

00.000.1927 Foster Wheeler was founded in New York City. The company was a merger of Power Specialty Company (which replaced Water Works Supply Company, ...
Foster Wheeler settlement gets preliminary OK | Wilkes-Barre News ...

The $1.64 million settlement in the contamination class-action lawsuit against Foster Wheeler Corp. has been preliminarily approved by a federal court judge ...
Foster Wheeler Corp. Improper Industrial Solvent Disposal Class action settlement.

Oil Traders Companies and Middlemen

Two oil traders feature prominently inn thee Advocate-General's Report: John Deuss of the Netherlands and the American tax evader Marc Rich now living in Switzerland.

The very substantial profit from the clandestine supply of oil to South Africa has proved a great attraction + the South African courts have witnessed the battles over the spoils as the thieves have fallen out.

The Advocate-General allegedly clears South African officials of improper enrichment, yet

his own Report details in extensio the substantial premiums that were written into the contracts + were divided among the intermediaries:

"He (John Deuss) said that part of the premium would go into the pockets of some of the people involved..." (Section 6.4. 11)

The cases in the courts reveal that middlemen were authorised to disburse substantial additional commissions when setting up the deals.

There were no checks on those individuals who were the ultimate beneficiaries of this bribery.

The Report of the Advocate-General provides evidence that would stand up in any court of law, that the two oil traders, John Deuss + Marc Rich, contracted to supply the Pretoria regime with embargoed oil.

Discussions over prices, premiums and terms are outlined for a three-year contract with John Deuss to supply four million tons of crude oil per annum + later an additional two million tons.

The Marc Rich contract was for the delivery of seventeen consignments over one year.

John Deuss + Marc Rich are known to have supplied crude oil and products under a number of other contracts with the SFF, Shell and Total.

Amongst their cargoes have been Brent crude (British North Sea) + Ekofisk (Norwegian). Both these traders are still involved in this trade.

The African National Congress + SWAPO of Namibia urge all governments to take legal action against these two criminals and refuse any- further dealings with them.

They should also penalise all others engaged in this nefarious trade.

Companies Providing Technology, Capital Equipment and Finance.
Barry "Yigal Amir did not murder Yitzhak Rabin"

I'm told Clinton's Marc Rich pardon is leading in a most unpleasant direction ...

These descendants of the priestly line, now called themselves Rex Deus, ...
Welcome the prosecutor! | TPMCafe ... but what deus ex machina is supposed to make that a meaningful issue?

... but it would not surprise me afterall Libby Was one of Marc Rich's attornies.
00.Dez.2006 Muito Barulho por Nada Marc Rich, cidadão americano, belga e espanhol, é um dos cidadãos mais ricos do ...

NENUCO - Não, graças a Deus, eu vejo bem. Eu sei ver quando existe um ...
07.Jul.2002-13.Jul.2002 -JustOneMinute: Probably thinking of Marc Rich . I am.

... Democrat deus ex machina? Show me the minutes: Harken Energy has refused to release minutes of Director's ...
The Minister, The Money Bags and the Money Launderer: a cautionary ... from US commodities trader, Marc Rich ) to BP Amoco for $6.75 billion.

... yet step in as a Deus ex Machina to assert the right of the Russian state.
Squeeze the Pulp™ :: View topic - Utterly + completely revolting. Nahhhhh, Dick just thinks he's Deus . ...

Past pardons, whether Clinton's of Marc Rich, GHW Bush's of Caspar Weinberger, Ford's of Nixon, Reagan's of George ...
7 SRB-reports and criteria - HTML-Version
case with John C. Deuss + Marc Rich . Because Deuss acted in a less complex. way the SRB soon discovered his shipments, whereas Rich remained longer a ...

16.Feb.2001 Alvaro Velloso de Carvalho- Aí, realmente, só nos resta tocar um tango argentino e pedir a Deus que nos perdoe ...

Ora, se realmente houve um pagamento pela ex-mulher de Marc Rich para ...
Mark Thatcher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The spokesman, Armand Deus, added: "I cannot say why it will not be renewed. ... mansion in Constantia, a rich district of Cape Town, South Africa. ...
Bush Won't Promise to Pardon Border Agents His friend Scooter Libby was the lawyer who worked for Marc Rich for years while he broke the law + was pardoned.

It boggles my mind as to how Scooter ...
Letters: Play peak oil before you live it - Salon Mark Rich came from very meager beginnings to be a "metal man", as did Deuss + a few select others.

Bank on them, not the academics. -- Ben Dover ...
Scoop: Mazur: John Deuss Oil Trader Max Bernegger Speaks

Deuss had less influence and connections in Russia than Marc Rich .

Deuss had this strength because Oman was behind him. Suzan Mazur: What more can you say ...
Oil in troubled waters | Guardian daily comment | Guardian Unlimited

Within the year, Deuss found 18m tons of oil, most of it from Saudi Arabia.

00.Apr.1979 -As early as- Marc Rich had negotiated an initial contract to deliver ...,3604,451368,00.html
23.Jul.2007 - Weekblad - Hoe er miljarden worden verdiend aan ...

Tegen John Deuss bijvoorbeeld, de Nederlander die een deel van zijn miljardenvermogen aan de ...

Lange tijd was multimiljardair Marc Rich de meest gezochte ...

Two oil traders feature prominently inn thee Advocate-General's Report:

John Deuss of the Netherlands and the American tax evader Marc Rich now living in ...

By the time of the indictment, Valentine had fled to Europe.

Valentine was arrested in Germany + extradited to the United States where in

00.Mar.2003 Valentine pleaded guilty to one count of securities fraud.

00.May 2003 Valentine was sentenced to nine months of home confinement + four years probation after spending two months in a Florida jail.

Valentine s co-defendant,

Bermudan Paul D. Lemmon,

was indicted in a second case for the same type of conspiracy to bribe an agent to get the fictitious fund to buy overpriced stock in another small entity,

New Anaconda Company, controlled by Paul Derome, who was also a defendant in the case.

The Florida criminal indictments caused a ripple back in Bermuda, where the Bermuda Registrar of Companies asked a court for permission to liquidate Lemmon's Voyager Group companies, according to a

13.Sep.2002 report in the newspaper "Bermuda Sun."

From Bermuda to Bermuda Short

July 2002 was also a bad month for Mark Valentine. He was indicted in one of the cases arising from a large sting operation against penny stock fraud in South Florida called Operation Bermuda Short.

The investigation was a joint venture between the FBI and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), one of the first such collaborations in North American law enforcement targeting the swarm of dishonest cross-border penny stock dealers that had taken root in Florida.

Valentine and Chell plunged into hedge fund trading and set up two offshore funds called VC Advantage Ltd and Canadian Advantage LP. Chell reportedly managed the VC Advantage Ltd fund, while Valentine led the Canadian Advantage fund into some dubious offshore transactions, including the transfer of worthless securities to the fund for over $1 million of its cash, a deal allegedly arranged by Valentine and an associate in Bermuda. According to the "Globe and Mail," it was transactions such as this that prompted Thomson Kernaghan employees to turn to authorities, despite Valentine's prestige as a successful Bay Street trader and jetsetting broker for celebrity clients.
Toronto, Ontario

The announcement in

00.Dec.2004 of a settlement between the Ontario Securities Commission and Mark Valentine, the controversial former head of Toronto brokerage firm Thomson Kernaghan, brings actions against him to a close over his aggressive management of the securities firm and its penny stock dealings-- arrangements which brought him into conflict with Canadian regulators and crossed the line into illegality in the United States.

Valentine takes over Thomson Kernaghan

The FDIC, stuck with one of the largest bank failure losses since the savings and loan crisis of the early 1990s, sought to recover funds from Meglar and Bakkebo. A West Virginia news report says that in addition to the jury award of $161 million to FDIC in the Bakkebo case, over $1 million was obtained separately from Meglar by the FDIC. (For more information on the colossal collapse of the First National Bank of Keystone, see Feature story "The Wild West Virginia Bank Failure," July 2004.)

00.Nov.2002 "Aftenposten" also reported in- that Finance Credit had kept two sets of books--one for the banks and one for its auditors -- KPMG.

On the books provided to the auditors Finance Credit reportedly showed assets of NOK 64 million representing loans it had purchased for collection from banks.

The other set of books reportedly showed a whopping NOK 684 million of such loans.n

00.Nov.2002 The Norwegian newspaper also reported it that about half of Finance Credit's stock was held by an offshore company called

Windroos Nederland BV, which was controlled by Netherlands Antilles trusts, which in turn were believed to be controlled by the principals of Finance Credit-- Trond Kristoffersen and Torgeir Stensrud.
Actueel nieuws: Deuss en de Amerikanski’s (2)

Deuss en de Amerikanski’s (2). woensdag

31.Jan.2007 In onze vorige bijdrage kwam ene Mark Valentine voorbij. De topboord van het Canadese ...
Bud Burrell's Blog - ALERT: John Deuss Reported to have been ...

Re: ALERT: John Deuss Reported to have been Arrested and Extradited to Holland for Trial.

By InTheKnow on 10/18/2006 9:48 AM. and where did Mark Valentine ...
Bud Burrell's Blog ALERT: John Deuss Reported to have been Arrested and Extradited to Holland for Trial. By bburrell on

10/16/2006 9:43 PM. Mark Valentine and friends better ...
In a second sting, the FBI posed as Colombian drug dealers looking to launder cocaine money.

Company executives and money managers caught in the scam had agreed to launder up to $1.4 million US.

Valentine was not charged as part of that sting operation, but four Vancouver men have been charged
SA Bingo SA News The arrest of controversial Dutch oil tycoon John Deuss has exposed

... of ANC chief whip Tony Yengeni for receiving a kickback in the arms deal. ...
SBV Forensics | Nieuwsberichten Deuss is commissaris van de

00.000.1973 gestarte First Curaçao International ... Het zou gaan om zogenaamde kick-back betalingen, omkoping, verduistering, ...
Apartheid corruption text.pmd - HTML-Version
Middlemen such as John Deuss, Marc Rich, Mario ... receiving a kickback from the middlemen if this was built into his price. There is ...
00.Dec.2005 Pundita: John Deuss, chairman of Bermuda Commercial, declined to comment. ... 10 times higher on the world market + put the kickback in a Swiss bank account.

23.Jul.2007 >>> - HTML-Version
declare taxes on a $7 million kickback earned from a Kazakh oil deal. Family fortunes ... years later, when Deuss had fallen out of favour ...

23.Jul.2007 Marlena Telvick: Manhattan Judge Rules On Pre-Trial Motions ...

It had nothing to do with a kickback ,” he said. ... Deuss (as President of the state run oil company Oman Oil Company (OOC)) made demands on Chevron that ...
CBC News Mark Valentine arrested in FBI stock fraud sting Last Updated: Friday,
The FBI alleges that Valentine conspired to sell off shares in three companies he controlled – C-Me-Run Inc., SoftQuad Software Ltd. and Inc. – to the fake fund for $29.4 million US in exchange for paying the fund a $7.8 million US kickback.

Valentine has been indicted on charges of securities fraud and conspiracy.
Bob O'Brien's Sanity Check - SEC A Contemptible Boot-licking ...

The SEC had to wait until Mark Valentine left Canada before they nabbed him, ...

Mark Valentine was based in Toronto, but ran most of his naked shorting ...
CONSYGEN INC - CSGI Securities Registration Statement (simplified ... Attention: Mark Valentine . Re: Amendment to 6% Convertible Debenture Subscription Agreement (the "Subscription Agreement") and related Registration Rights ...
JAG MEDIA HOLDINGS INC - JAGH Unscheduled Material Events (8-K ...

Name: Stephen Schoepfer Name: Mark Valentine Title: C.O.O. Title: Pres., G.P. ... Name: Mark Valentine Name: Arthur J. Bacci Title: Pres., ...

Mark Valentine, the former head of Thomson Kernhagan & Co. ... See Not Exactly Valentine’s Day + Mark Valentine : Go Directly To Jail.
12.Feb.2007 Google Inc. (Form: 424B7, Received: 11:15:22) - HTML-Version
Katherine and Mark Valentine, TTEES for the Valentine Family Trust U/D/T

12.Dec.1997 17 ... 18, Mark Valentine as General Partner of Big Dog Partners exercises ...
KYC News Inc. - Community Message Board: Detail

Mainly out of curiousity did call the number in one of posts below and asked if it was Q Capital Corp + if Mark Valentine was in -- answer to both ...
KYC News Inc - Community Message Board Reply 1, Re: Mark Valentine, Search this board and Diligizer,

04.May 2005 ... Reply 3, Re: Mark Valentine, I doubt Valentine shaking in his shoes,

07.May 2005 ...
12.Feb.2007 SEC Info- Google Inc- 424B7- On Katherine + Mark Valentine, TTEES for the Valentine Family Trust U/D/T 12/12/9717 ...

Mark Valentine as General Partner of Big Dog Partners exercises ...
20.Aug.1998 – EX-4.13 SEC Info -Consygen Inc -S-3 –On- Raj Kapur Chief Financial Officer By

If the DOJ and the FBI don't send a real "team" over to ask permission to interrogate Deuss immediately, they are missing the opportunity of a life time.

If they are blocked by their bosses here, it will be to protect vested criminal interests. We can be sure as hell the SEC and the NASD won't be rushing to get these interviews done.

Then again, these latter clowns are probably hoping the smart money will simply whack Deuss, preferably to make it look like an accident or health problem.

He didn't make $20 Billion servicing the Girl Scouts of America, or the B'nai B'rith.
This should be the final crystallizing event in the outing of this global scandal + literally the last nail in the coffins of the treasonous scum who have sold out their obligations as citizens, worse yet in time of war.

Their passports and freedom should not be all they lose.
17.Oct.2006, 01:09 PM EDT
Msg. 23322 of 30336 (This msg. is a reply to
23319 by venlaw.) Jump to msg. #  venlaw

because they will cellar box this until they can talk imo, you are trapped. That is ok if you are long, bad if a daytrader imo. Check this out + a sign of things to come:
Legendary Billionaire John Deuss has been reported arrested and extradited to Holland to face charges of money laundering and facilitation of tax evasion.
Mark Valentine and friends better cinch it up tight. They are in for a rough ride. The US SEC can't really interfere in the EU criminal proceedings against this Billionaire money launderer. What a pity, at least in their minds. Let's hope Deuss can't buy his way out of trouble the way scum here do. Transworld Payments and their Exact Pay Numbered Debit Cards made the Atlantic and Caribbean a center for global money laundering. Let's see if anyone gives a rat's ass. We sure as hell know nobody in regulation in this country wants this story out.
John Deuss has been dancing through the raindrops for many years now, accumulating a net worth well over $10 Billion to as much as $20 Billion.

It was reported today that he was arrested by an Anglo-Dutch Task Force focused on money laundering and tax evasion from the UK and EU through Bermuda and the Caribbean. He has reportedly been extradited to Holland to face investigation and potential trial (if he does not plea bargain, a prospect that must terrify our Government's bureaucrats more than anything).
The Ontario Securities Commission's investigation of the collapse of Thomson Kernaghan found a reported $313 Million in the offshore accounts of Mark Valentine, still on US Federal Probation for his felony conviction for the Bermuda Short Sting Case. And those were only the funds he had his own name on + surprise, surprise, what banks were strong custodians of these accounts? None other than Bermuda National Bank + the Bank of Curacao, both controlled by Deuss, who today holds real estate interests all over North America in the name of his central bank linked transaction backbone, Transworld Payments.

The rise and fall of broker Mark Valentine

00.000.1990 -By the end of the s- Mark Valentine was easily one of the richest players on Bay Street thanks to his phenomenal success trading red-hot Internet stocks ...
Valentine's offshore Lemmon flips In a devastating setback for former Thomson Kernaghan head Mark Valentine, his trusted offshore front Paul Lemmon has flipped and cut a plea deal with the .. ERA Mark Valentine - Services ERA Mark Valentine, Wallasey Wirral.

Whether you are looking at residential sales, homes abroad, lettings and property management or financial services, ...
Mark Valentine arrested in FBI stock fraud sting

Authorities in Germany have arrested Mark Valentine, the suspended former chairman of Canadian investment dealer Thomson Kernaghan.
Order: Paul D. Lemmon, Mark Valentine + Michael Vlahovic - HTML-Version
D. Lemmon (“Lemmon”), Mark Valentine (“Valentine”) and Michael Vlahovic (“Vlahovic”) ... Mark Valentine, et al.,. Criminal Indictment No. 02-80088-CR-Cohn.
Administrative Proceeding: Paul D. Lemmon, Mark Valentine and ... - HTML-Version
Respondent Mark Valentine (Valentine) was served ... Respondent Mark Valentine is hereby BARRED from participating in an offering of penny ...

23.Jul.2007 Securities Commission issues ban against Mark Valentine (05/02/21) Securities Commission issues ban against Mark Valentine (05/02/21). NB 204..

21.Feb.2005 . SAINT JOHN (CNB) - The New Brunswick Securities Commission (NBSC) ...
La Commission des valeurs mobilières impose une interdiction à ... La Commission des valeurs mobilières impose une interdiction à Mark Valentine (05/02/21). NB 204. le

21 février 2005. SAINT JOHN (CNB) - Le 15 février 2005, ...
Mark Valentine is found on the Go BIG Network, the World's BIGGEST Community of Startup Companies. Connect with Mark Valentine Instantly.
23.Jul.2007 Dooney's Cafe - A Short Trip Inside Mark Valentine's World

Mark Valentine may end up on a poster as the reason Thompson Kernahan went down, but the bewildered incomprehension in the eyes of these privileged boys
00.000.2002 -OSC: News Release- OSC Issues Reasons For Order Against Mark ... OSC ISSUES REASONS FOR ORDER AGAINST MARK VALENTINE .

08.Jul.2002 -its order dated-TORONTO - The Ontario Securities Commission has released reasons for- ...
00.000.2003 OSC: News Releases- OSC Extends Temporary Order Against Mark Valentine

The order that is currently in place therefore suspends Mark Valentine's registration + prohibits him from trading in securities, except for those listed ...
Morgis Derek DeCloet of the National Post speaks with CBC's Jeannie Lee about stock fraud + Mark Valentine . CBC's Ron Charles reports on Mark Valentine ... 23.Jul.2007 Antisemitism and the Extreme Right in Spain (1962–1997) by Jose L ...

There were strong reminders of the ideology of Jean Thiriart, the philosopher Julius Evola, Gobineau’s biological racism, Nazi theorists such as Alfred ...

Feb.2006 Solar Sail News and Upcoming JPL Missions ScuttleMonkey ... The JPL is putting together several missions utilizing solar sail technology. ...
20051124 Nach glaubwürdigen Berichten ist genau dies eine der Methoden, die in den "Black Sites" angewendet wird. Er wäre lieber brutal geschlagen worden, ...

20060111 Der Plan soll auch bei Unruhen und Naturkatastrophen greifen. ...

08.Jan.2006 17:58) Zeitungsbericht : Geheimdienst findet Beleg für CIA-Gefängnisse in Europa ...
Anti- Terror- Kampf: USA drohen mit Militäreinsatz in Pakistan
23.Jul.2007 Übernahmepoker um ABN: Investoren aus China und Singapur helfen Barclays
23.Jul.2007 Erste Hilfe für Zuhause: Ärzte fordern Herzmassage statt Elektroschocks
23.Jul.2007 Atomausstieg: DIHK- Präsident sieht Energiesicherheit gefährdet
UN-Klimabericht: Gabriel nennt US-Amerikaner Vandalen - Klima ... B

undesumweltminister Sigmar Gabriel hat den Beitrag der USA und Chinas in der Debatte um den zweiten UN-Klimabericht als skandalös kritisiert.
Terrorismus: Italienischer Moschee- Führer bunkerte Chemikalien für Bombenbau (Politik)
22.Jul.2007 Anti- Terror- Kampf: Merkel will Gesetz zur Online- Durchsuchung bis Herbst
Ihre Anhänger betonen wiederum, die AKP sei die einzige Partei im Nahen und Mittleren Osten, die einen islamische Geist mit einer demokratischen Orientierung verbinde + insofern ein Vorbild auch für andere Länder. Tatsächlich hat Erdogan die AKP inzwischen vermehrt linken Kräften geöffnet. Zugleich steht seine Partei für wirtschaftsliberale Reformen, die dem Land de kräftigsten Aufschwung seit Jahrzehnten beschert haben. Volkswirte erklärten am Abend, die Finanzmärkte würden den Wahlausgang begrüßen.

Die Abstimmung könnte sich als Schicksalswahl für die Türkei erweisen.

Die Siegerpartei AKP ist ein zutiefst widersprüchliches Konstrukt:

Ihre Kritiker fürchten, dass sie die Islamisierung des Landes weiter vorantreiben und nun erstmals einen offen islamischen Staatspräsidenten installieren könnte.
Pannenserie: KKW Unterweser meldet Störung
22.Jul.2007 Boston Globe Editorial Calls Bush Foreign Policy One Disaster After Another

22.Jul.2007 July 22: U.S. Senator Russ Feingold announced today that he will introduce two censure resolutions condemning the President, Vice President and other administration officials for misconduct relating to the war in Iraq and for their repeated assaults on the rule of law.

22.Jul.2007 "I just can't believe they're going to deny a member of Congress the right of reviewing how they plan to conduct the government of the USA after a significant terrorist attack," Congressman DeFazio says. 7/22
Senate Republicans are growing increasingly nervous defending the war in Iraq + Democrats more confident in their attempts to end it.
Federal minimum wage to rise on Tuesday 7/23

22.Jul.2007 The Mad Magazine War on Bush
Battle lines drawn as surveillance takes next step: implanting micro devices in humans 7/23
British PM Drops "War on Terror" Bushevik "Framing" Phrase

22.Jul.2007 In Africa, School Still a Dream for Many
22.Jul.2007 the Senate vote for removal?

That's an iffy proposition -- one which we need not consider right now. Impeachment is its own punishment + Lord knows Dick Vader deserves it. Permalink

On the Bree Walker show, John Conyers has said that he will open impeachment hearings into the crimes of Dick Cheney if three more members of Congress sign onto House Resolution 333.

That resolution already has 14 sponsors. The magic number, it seems, is 17.
Now is our chance. We can make history. Stop whining at Nancy Pelosi and start doing something practical. You (not the guy next to you: YOU) need to work on getting those three names .
Here are the 14 who have already signed on:
Jan Schakowsky, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Keith Ellison, Lynn Woolsey, Barbara Lee, Albert Wynn, William Lacy Clay, Dennis Kucinich, Yvette Clarke, Jim McDermott, Jim Moran, Bob Filner + Sam Farr.
Here is a list of representatives who are potential "leaners" in this direction:
Neil Abercrombie, Tammy Baldwin, Lois Capps, Mike Capuano, Danny K. Davis, Chaka Fattah, Maurice Hinchey, Mike Honda, Jesse Jackson Jr, Sheila Jackson-Lee, John Lewis, Carolyn Maloney, Betty McCollum, Gwen Moore, Jerold Nadler, John Olver, Donald Payne, Charles Rangel, Steve Rothman, Hilda Solis, Fortney Pete Stark, John Tierney, Nydia Velazquez, Diane Watson.
Twenty-four names. We need only three .
And do not dismiss the possibility that someone not named above also has had enough of Dick Cheney. A Republican may even want to join. If you know of another name to add to the list, please inform me.
Do you want to wallow in pseudo-sophisticated cynicism, spewing the usual both-parties-are-the-same crap? Or do you want to try your damnedest to DO something?

Türkische Parlamentswahl: Erdogans Regierungspartei fährt fulminanten Sieg ein

22.Jul.2007 Terrorwarnung: Hanning warnt vor Rückkehr der Dschihadisten (Politik)
22.Jul.2007 Business Plan - View as HTML
contract for the IDENT1 programme. This is designed to secure + improve the identification services historically provided by PITO through ...
fingerprints Content at ZDNet UK News Under the contract, Northrop Grumman's information technology sector will provide the underlying technology for the Ident1 service, which allows police ...
identification Search Results at ZDNet UK News The Police IT Organisation ( PITO ) has teamed with Northrop Grumman in ... Ident1 -- a programme funded by the Home Office, the Capital Modernisation. ...
Internet & Communications @ THE SECURIZINE PITO Completes National Palm Searching Technology Rollout ... The IDENT1 Service contract was awarded to Northrop Grumman Corporation in November 2004 ...
5023 Police S&T - View as HTML
baseline), funding allocated from the Formula Spending Share and Additional ... agencies such as the FSS and NDPBs such as Centrex and PITO which the Home ...
Postman Patel: 2006-09-10

00.000.2004 the IDENT1 platform developed by Northrop Grumman Corporation (INS Automated Biometric Identification System) was introduced by PITO .
Identity Card Technologies: Scientific Advice, Risk and Evidence
the other bodies have seen big increases in spending . ... (including IND (ARC, Biometric Residents’ Permits), PITO ( IDENT1 ), the IPS passport projects (e ...

22.Jul.2007 European eGovernment News Roundup - View as HTML
The UK Police Information Technology Organisation ( PITO ) has completed the roll-out ... The IDENT1 service, which is a contract awarded to Northrop Grumman ...

20070508 Oceanic Steam Navigation Company * Lloyds Bank * Barclays Bank ... Sie mussten dieses Vorbild + revolutionäre Zentrum für die Arbeiter beseitigen + ...
Rove, saying Bush's top- level aide engaged in an "abuse of power" by discussing Wilson ...
Chh15(5).book( ... relevance on the transnational level .22 3 Effects of Globalization on Democratic States ...
22.Jul.2007 An article by Robert Brizel 50 Thou Shalt Not Kill – An article by Anna-Karin ...
A Radical, Extremist Cabal Decided to Use a Terrorist Attack for the Dismantling of ... wage is at its lowest level in more than 50 years, ...

00.000.2000-00.000.2001 LES CONFLITS DANS LE MONDE
“new” issues like bio -diversity, gender and landmines (and now “conflict ... Most analysts point to a central role for Arkady Gaydamak in the ...

22.Jul.2007 Jewish Russian Telegraph: January 2005 Biography of Dr. Rice. PBS Biography of Ted Kennedy ... JRTELEGRAPH on Arkady Gaydamak, Selling Arms, Buying Soccer Teams and Political Parties ...


Jul.2004 Wem die IT-Bosse ihr Geld spenden - Die Chefs der großen USA IT-Firmen ...

Jul.2004 Schöner Dienen: USA-Armee spendiert Busen -Vergrößerungen ...
20070322 Arkady Gaidamak in Israeli News I can’t keep up. ... Forbes had an interesting article about Gaydamak, shedding a little more light about the Angola .
20070508 das auf den Namen der Firma Abalone Investment Limited lautete, die von den Geschäftsleuten Pierre Falcone + Arkadi Gaydamak gegründet worden war. ...

Timeline Israel

00.000.1972 Arkady Gaydamak (20) arrived in Israel from Russia.

00.000.2002 Carole Angier authored the biography "The Double Bond." (,

26.May 2002 SSFC, p. ...
1972 Timeline

00.000.1995 Jeffrey Meyers wrote a biography of Mr. Wilson, wherein he documented Wilson’s ...

00.000.1972 Arkady Gaydamak (20) arrived in Israel from Russia. ...
History of Computing Information Ballistic Research Laboratories Report No. 673.

The Computer, from Pascal to von Neumann by Herman H . Goldstine.

00.000.1942 Lt. Herman H . Goldstine, ...
Before the ENIAC As a result of the heavy workload, which was mounting rapidly, Colonel Herman H . Zornig, who was then director of the Ballistic Research Laboratory, ...
Before theENIAC
WWII. -During- the Ballistic Research Laboratory of the U.S. Army was ... idly, Colonel Herman H . Zornig, who was then director of the. Ballistic ...
JSTOR: Genesis of the ENIAC

00.000.1940 -Early- Colonel Zornig, then director of BRL, came to the Moore School to discuss ... + showed the memorandum to Lieutenant Herman H . Goldstine, ...
50 Years of Army Computing from ENIAC... Symposium Aberdeen ...

The Ballistic Research Laboratory of the Ordnance Department, ... At BRL, Gillon pushed Simon and Colonel Herman H . Zornig to approach IBM to obtain a set ...
CHRONO-2 Lee De Forest and Edwin H . Armstrong develop the triode as an oscillator. ... head of the Ballistic Research Laboratory + Colonel Hermann Zornig, ...
eniac book done
ing at the Ballistic Research Laboratory (BRL) (now part of the Army Research ... pushed Simon + Colonel Herman H . Zornig to approach IBM to obtain ...
Second-picture:Trustees Floyd L. Carlisle '03and Alfred H . Hutchinson '09. ...

Barratt Research Laboratories in Engle-. wood, N. J.Browne lives at42.7 ...
Seeds of Treason Corporation research laboratory, who reported regularly to ... Math. Assist. to Col . Zornig (Aerial bomb-sight Detectors) ...

Mar.2005 Hitler habe seinen Stellvertreter Bormann daraufhin zornig ...

Mar.2005 Gwynne Dyer: The secret of ballistic missile defence : The notion that ...

Die unendliche Geschichte um Handy-Nutzung im Flugzeug geht in die nächste Runde:

00.Jun.2007 hat die europäische Flugaufsichtsbehörde ( European Aviation Safety Agency, EASA) grünes Licht für die Nutzung des sogenannten OnAir-Systems gegeben.

Damit ist im europäischen Luftraum oberhalb von 3.000 Metern die Mobiltelefonnutzung erlaubt, Telefonieren inklusive.

00.Sep.2007 Die Regelung tritt -ab- inkraft.

00.000.1995 -seit es- Oxycontin ist in den Vereinigten Staaten ein weit verbreitetes Schmerzmittel- auf den Markt kam.

Sein Wirkstoff ist ein Abkömmling von Opium. Deswegen nehmen manche US-Amerikaner die Pillen als Ersatz für die Heroinspritze oder andere Drogen ein.

"Viele junge Leute glauben irrtümlicherweise, dass verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente sicherer sind als andere Drogen", sagte Bezirksrichter Jones.
Tödliche Nebenwirkungen: Rekordstrafe für US- Pharmahersteller (Wirtschaft)
22.Jul.2007 Wundheilung mit Maden: Suche nach dem Geheimnis der Tier- Therapie
22.Jul.2007 Pentagon- Studie: Werber empfehlen US- Armee Image- Kampagne für Irak (Politik)
22.Jul.2007 FDP- Chef Lambsdorff: Feldherr des Wirtschaftsbürgertums

22.Jul.2007 Karikaturenstreit in Spanien: Satireheft wegen Thronfolgersex beschlagnahmt (Kultur)
22.Jul.2007-00.000.2008 Prognose : Glos rechnet mit weniger als 3,5 Millionen Arbeitslosen
21.Jul.2007 DOGSPOT - Corporate Warriors Invade Illinois

00.000.1996 Bill Clinton eliminated some of the legal obstacles faced by " corporate warriors " with executive orders intended to facilitate the drug war in Peru ...
Corporate Warriors: US's 'Private Army' Grows Corporate Warriors : US's 'Private Army' Grows ...

Washington and author of the new book, " Corporate Warriors ," about the growth of the privatized military.
What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful book! It had me immersed ...

Edward Luttwak, neocon author, Coup d ' Etat: A Practical Handbook . ... magazines + other so- called "major" review outlets—well, given the way things are ...
Lingua Franca - February 2001 | Cover Story: The Ex-Cons And what of Edward Luttwak ? He was one of Ronald Reagan's premier court intellectuals, ...

00.000.1968 he published Coup d ' État: A Practical Handbook . ...
Bush Crimes That Will Get Him Impeached, Tried, (E Pluribus Unum) A recent book, The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush ... -- Coup D ' Etat - A Practical Handbook, Edward Luttwak ...
21.Jul.2007 Election 2000 and Election 2004

00.000.1968 Luttwak penned " Coup d ' Etat: A Practical Handbook ," ... We know that Bush never reads any book that doesn't have pictures of goats in it, ...
D M R G W. B 11. S 2001
Siehe auch: John Dean, Das Ende der Demokratie: Die Geheimpolitik des George ... James Dao und Eric Schmitt, “Pentagon Readies Efforts to Sway Sentiment ...

mit Dean Acheson und Paul Nitze, die nichts weniger als die füh- ... regions of the third world where it held sway, was characterized by the pene- ...

21.Jul.2007 Russland: Atomkraftgegner in Protestcamp getötet (Politik)
21.Jul.2007 Sicherheit: Bombenalarm an den Flughäfen von Rom und Düsseldorf
21.Jul.2007 Streit um Ökostrom: Glos torpediert Gabriels Klima- Pläne

21.Jul.2007 Vattenfall- Pannenserie: AKW Brunsbüttel vollständig abgeschaltet
Your Cell Phones: : FBI can listen even when phone is turned off:
21.Jul.2007 Moscow stops short of £3bn trade war over Litvinenko: BRITAIN last night gave a cautious welcome to signals thatthe Kremlin will not interfere with UK investments in Russia as part of the international dispute over the murder of a Russian dissident in London.

Help us out, west asks Opec, with pound at 25-year high against dollar: Warning that oil could hit $95 a barrel by end of year
21.Jul.2007 .S. intelligence advisors see failure in fight : President George W. Bush's top counterterrorism advisers acknowledged Tuesday that the strategy for fighting Osama bin Laden's leadership of Al Qaeda in Pakistan had failed, as the White House released a grim new intelligence assessment that has forced the administration to consider more aggressive measures inside Pakistan.

Pakistan criticizes U.S. terror warning: -A U.S. intelligence report that al-Qaida is regrouping in northwest Pakistan is unsubstantiated, Pakistan said Wednesday + it asked Washington to provide it with "actionable intelligence."
21.Jul.2007 Senate Republicans defeat Iraq withdrawal bill: The 52-47 vote fell short of the 60 votes needed to cut off debate under Senate rules

21.Jul.2007 U.S. Al-Qaeda Fighting Strategy Has Failed, Say White House Advisers: The Bush administration's strategy for fighting al-Qaeda in Pakistan has failed, the President's counter-terrorism advisers said Tuesday.

21.Jul.2007 Peter Galbraith, The War Is Lost: Former ambassador Peter Galbraith, vividly lays out the dismal state of Iraq and the various catastrophes likely to flow from most of the major "benchmarks" established by the Bush administration and Congress, if they were ever to become reality.

21.Jul.2007 McCain supports war in speech to evangelical Israeli supporters : John McCain told Christian evangelical supporters of Israel that withdrawing troops from Iraq now would be "one of the most catastrophic and consequential disasters for this nation."

21.Jul.2007 Iran: 2nd Round of Talks With U.S. Soon : Iran's foreign minister said Wednesday that his government had accepted a U.S. request for ambassador-level talks on Iraq, to be held ``in the near future.''
18.Jul.2007 Lies, More Lies + Damn Lies-By Eric Margolis
As the White House now ponders an attack on Iran, we would do well to recall the famed words of King Pyrrhus of Epirus, `one more such victory and we are ruined.’

21.Jul.2007 Rorschach and Awe- By Katherine Eban
America's coercive interrogation methods were reverse-engineered by two C.I.A. psychologists who had spent their careers training U.S. soldiers to endure Communist-style torture techniques. The spread of these tactics was fueled by a myth about a critical "black site" operation.

21.Jul.2007 Total Power Drives You Totally Mad- By William Bowles
‘Terror’ is, like beauty, in the eye of the beholder. When ‘we’ slaughter hundreds, thousands of people, it is described as ‘collateral damage’, or a ‘regrettable incident’ or, ‘we didn’t intend to kill innocent civilians’, no, they just became victims of an act of terror, but one executed by the state and thus it can never be regarded as an act of terror in the corporate media.

21.Jul.2007 Ship Of Fools - Johann Hari sets sail with America's swashbuckling neocons -By Johann Hari
The Iraq war has been an amazing success, global warming is just a myth – and as for Guantanamo Bay, it's practically a holiday camp... The annual cruise organised by the 'National Review', mouthpiece of right-wing America, is a parallel universe populated by straight-talking, gun-toting, God-fearing Republicans.

21.Jul.2007 How To Create An Angry American - 6 Minute Video - Are you Angry? So what are you going to do about it? Continue

21.Jul.2007 Sowing And Reaping - The Origins Of Terror -  Powerful 2 Minute Video - The cost and consequence of U.S. foreign policy. Click to view
21.Jul.2007 Pakistan Islamists warn Musharraf risking civil war : Sitting cross-legged on a carpet in Karachi's largest Islamic school, cleric Mufti Muhammad Naeem voiced fears of civil war if President Pervez Musharraf escalates his fight against militancy in Pakistan's northwest.

21.Jul.2007 U.S. says it might attack Pakistan: The Bush administration, after publicly demanding that Musharraf rein in militants linked to al-Qaida, threatened Wednesday to launch attacks into Pakistani territory if it sees fit.

21.Jul.2007 Russia's Lavrov warns against isolating Hamas : Russia's foreign minister warned Thursday against isolating Hamas + said the international community should respect the Islamic group as a parliamentary majority party.

21.Jul.2007 US, Europe Firm on Shunning Hamas : The United States and Europe held firm Thursday to their boycott of the militant Palestinian group Hamas as Tony Blair tiptoed into the minefield of Mideast peacemaking in his new role as envoy.

21.Jul.2007 Overcoming the conspiracy against Palestine: "Be certain that Yasser Arafat's final days are numbered, but allow us to finish him off our way, not yours. And be sure as well that ... the promises I made in front of President Bush, I will give my life to keep." Those words were written by the Fatah warlord Mohammed Dahlan, whose US- and Israeli-backed forces were routed by Hamas in the Gaza Strip last month, in a 13 July 2003 letter to then Israeli defense minister Shaul Mofaz and published on Hamas' website on 4 July this year.

21.Jul.2007 IAEA sees ‘positive move’ from Iran on nuclear intentions: Iran’s decision to allow inspections of its heavy water reactor at Arak and its willingness to discuss its nuclear programme are positive steps, the UN’s atomic watchdog chief said Wednesday.

21.Jul.2007 War pimp alert: Israel's envoy to U.S.: Free world is under attack by Iran : Israel's ambassador to the United States, Sallai Meridor, said Wednesday that Israel and the free world are under attack by Iran, with a combination of fanaticism, terrorism and nuclear capability posing the most serious threat since the 1930s.

21.Jul.2007 Manufacturing Consent For War With Iran: Christian Zionists: Ahmadinejad is new Hitler: Christians United for Israel call on US to attack Iran immediately, move US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem as sign of support

21.Jul.2007 Double edge to US sanctions bid on Iran: As the United States and its allies in the United Nations plan to push for stiffer economic sanctions on Iran over its refusal to halt its nuclear program, an Iran sanctions bill making its way through Congress includes several key measures that may threaten US diplomacy toward Tehran and split key allies on the issue, including Russia.

21.Jul.2007 Russia rejects UN plan on Kosovo : The Russian response means the West has to decide whether to call a vote, which Moscow would veto, or move towards independence for Kosovo outside of the 15-member Security Council.

21.Jul.2007 Russia expels four UK diplomats : A foreign ministry spokesman said Moscow would suspend the issuing of visas for British officials and also stop counter-terrorism co-operation with Britain.

21.Jul.2007 America has no surplus democracy to export: With a straight face, Bush blamed General Tommy Franks for the disastrous post-invasion plan. Apparently, Franks was awarded the Medal of Freedom for giving us bum advice on troop requirements for stabilizing Iraq.

21.Jul.2007 Sidney Blumenthal: Cooking the intelligence, again: The latest government estimate of the terrorist threat is just a rehash of the same old script, produced under pressure to support the president's efforts to sell the Iraq war.

21.Jul.2007 Nuke Secrets May Have Been Lifted From TN Plant : Officials are concerned the secrets could also have fallen into the hands of terrorist organizations or "enemy nations."
21.Jul.2007 War criminal: Former US president criticizes Bush on Iraq: "The point is, that there is no military victory here," he said in an interview on ABC's Good Morning America.

21.Jul.2007 Pentagon slams Clinton on Iraq: The Pentagon told Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton that her questions about how the U.S. plans to eventually withdraw from Iraq boosts enemy propaganda.

21.Jul.2007 How Murdoch had a hotline to Blair in the run-up to Iraq war : Tony Blair had three conversations with the media magnate Rupert Murdoch in the nine days before the start of the Iraq war, the Government has disclosed.
21.Jul.2007 Turkey Attacks Iraq : The Iraqi government said Wednesday that Turkish artillery and warplanes bombarded areas of northern Iraq and urged Turkey to stop military operations and resort to dialogue, according to news agencies.
21.Jul.2007 Kissinger’s Secret Meeting With Putin -By Mike Whitney - When a political heavyweight, like Henry Kissinger, jets-off on a secret mission to Moscow; it usually shows up in the news. Not this time. Continue
21.Jul.2007 No Evidence of Iran’s Role in Violence and Instability in Iraq – Confirms British Foreign Minister -By Mehrnaz Shahabi
David Milliband, British foreign secretary, confirmed in an interview (1) with the Financial times, 8th July, that there is no evidence of Iranian complicity in instability in Iraq or attacks on British troops.

21.Jul.2007 Insurgents Form Political Front to Plan For US Pullout - Leaders of Iraqi groups say attacks will go on until Americans leave - By Seumas Milne in Damascus
In their first interview with the western media since the US-British invasion of 2003, leaders of three of the insurgent groups - responsible for thousands of attacks against US and Iraqi armed forces and police - said they would continue their armed resistance until all foreign troops were withdrawn from Iraq + denounced al-Qaida for sectarian killings and suicide bombings against civilians.

21.Jul.2007 War Made Easy - How Presidents & Pundits Are Spinning Us to Death. - Video

- The film is based on Solomon's book of the same name. The film features extended commentary by Solomon and is narrated by Sean Penn." Click to view
19.Jul.2007 A Wake-up Call  - By Paul Craig Roberts
This is a wake-up call that we are about to have another 9/11-WMD experience. 

21.Jul.2007 The Dangers of Bush and Al Qaeda - By Elias Harfouche
The next few months in the Middle East will be critical, as Syrian President Bashar Assad stated recently - months that ought to be cause for concern for all of us, for President Bush's toolbox of conflicts has not yet been put away.

21.Jul.2007 Another Step Toward War with Iran - By Joshua Frank
The Democrats certainly don't contest Bush's Middle East foreign policy, they embrace it. Just last week the Senate voted 97-0 in favor of moving toward war with Iran.

21.Jul.2007 Cheney, Rove, Libby Win Dismissal of Lawsuit : A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit accusing Vice President Dick Cheney, White House political adviser Karl Rove and former Cheney aide I. Lewis Libby of illegally conspiring to reveal the identity of a CIA agent.

21.Jul.2007 Bush to Children: Drop Dead : On so-called philosophical grounds, President Bush opposes health care for children.

A bipartisan group of Senators want to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) by $60 billion over five years, covering 3.3 million additional low-income children. Bush will only except half of that

21.Jul.2007 Deceit plunges BBC into darkest days: Coming shortly after faked publicity footage for a BBC documentary that appeared to show the Queen storming out of a photoshoot and the first ever fine of £50,000 ($116,860) for faking a phone-in on the children's program Blue Peter, the BBC's director-general, Mark Thompson, said the new revelations were "a very grave breach of discipline".

21.Jul.2007 UK: Doctors 'should have the right to remove people's organs after death': Doctors should have the right to remove a person's organs after death unless they have explicitly asked for them not to be taken, Britain's top medical adviser willl recommend this week.
21.Jul.2007 US to keep Blair out of Middle East: Tony Blair was told by the United States yesterday that he had no authority to tackle political negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians as he spent his first full day as special envoy to the Middle East.

21.Jul.2007 Let our unconditional alliance be mutual: 'It's a new day in America. The sleeping giant of Christian Zionism has awakened!" Pastor John Hagee announced in his booming voice to thunderous applause at the AIPAC Annual Policy Conference last March. What Hagee humbly omitted is that Christians United for Israel (CUFI), a group he formed just over a year ago, deserves much of the credit for arousing the sleepy 50-million-man giant.

21.Jul.2007 World Likud head seeks evangelical funding: World Likud chairman Danny Dannon is going to the United States next week to take part in an evangelical Christian fund-raising campaign to bolster his campaign for party leadership.

21.Jul.2007 White House preparing to stage new September 11 - Reagan official : A former Reagan official has issued a public warning that the Bush administration is preparing to orchestrate a staged terrorist attack in the United States, transform the country into a dictatorship and launch a war with Iran within a year.

21.Jul.2007 Glen Ford : Total War is Still on the Horizon : An invasion of Iran is imminent, because that is the only solution the Bush gang and the corporate mafia it serves can conjure to rally the American people behind their quest for global dominance

21.Jul.2007 To little to late: Bush puts CIA prisons under Geneva Conventions: U.S. President George W. Bush, under fire over the treatment of CIA detainees, on Friday ordered that agency interrogators comply with Geneva Conventions against torture.
21.Jul.2007 Court Restores Pakistan Chief Justice : Pakistan's highest court dealt President Pervez Musharraf the biggest political blow of his eight years in power, blocking the U.S.-allied general Friday from removing the country's chief justice.
21.Jul.2007 Silent surge in contractor mercenary 'armies' : There are two coalition armies in Iraq: the official one, which fights the war + the private one, which supports it.

21.Jul.2007 Liberals Vow to Block Continued Iraq Funding: Seventy House members, nearly all liberal Democrats, vowed today that they would not support any more funding for Iraq military operations unless tied to a complete withdrawal of combat troops.
21.Jul.2007 The Militarization and Annexation of North America - By Stephen Lendman - The Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) unmasked. Continue

21.Jul.2007 Rising from the Phoenix's Flames - By Emily Spence
All considered, we will have to become more aware that whatever everyone does (or doesn't do) can effect the social whole in monumental ways. Therefore, we can no longer afford to take advantage of others to fill our own coffers. We can no longer be caviler about the widespread demise of other species. We can no longer tolerate escalating consumption of resources as if there is no end of them in sight. 

21.Jul.2007 How Empires End - By Patrick J. Buchanan
It is a near certainty the U.S.-backed government will fall and those we leave behind will suffer the fate of our Vietnamese and Cambodian friends 00.000.1975.

As U.S. combat brigades move out, contractors, aid workers and diplomats left behind will be more vulnerable to assassination and kidnapping.

There could be a stampede for the exit and a Saigon ending in the Green Zone. Continue

21.Jul.2007 What Comes After The U.S. Empire? - By Johan Galtung 
Empires come and go, it's been like that all the time. No empire lasts forever. However, this one happens to be so brutal, so killing, so intervening, doing so much damage that you would expect it to be more short-lived than many of the others.

21.Jul.2007 The Invisible Government - By John Pilger
Many people who regard themselves on the left supported Bush's attack on Afghanistan. That the CIA had supported Osama Bin Laden was ignored, that the Clinton administration had secretly backed the Taliban, even giving them high-level briefings at the CIA, is virtually unknown in the United States.

Coup by
cskendrick T
he issues of the day bear heavily on my heart, this concern that something I once wrote in jest is in truth the game plan of a president who well and truly would be king + the sad reality that there are about 100 million of people who we call, sometimes, our fellow Americans who would be happy to see him on the throne, rather than suffer sharing power with the other 200 million of us.

Today I offer a shout through the countryside: We are far closer to a coup than we know, unless we via our elected Congress do something about it.


The message is not to start a ruckus, but to do what it takes to prevent one from becoming an inevitability. And there are no shortage of lawful, legal, traditional and peaceful (oh yes -- Constitutional!) means at the disposal of Americans, true and blue, to do just that. cskendrick's diary ::
21.Jul.2007 Comments: I suggest reading Crane Brinton's Anatomy of a Revolution, shown here: # posted by Rev. James Slaughter
21.Jul.2007 A federal appeals court charged with reviewing the enemy combatant status of detainees at the U.S. detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, ruled yesterday that the government must provide the court and defense lawyers with classified evidence gathered against the detainees

21.Jul.2007 A leading U.S. expert says al-Qaida would not be able to take over Iraq if the U.S. military left the country.
Fasciniating, Provocative: What Would Happen to the World if the Human Species Vanished? This is Not a Science-Fiction Book. It is scientific speculation -- written compellingly and persuasively -- about what would be the fate of the earth should human beings disappear. An absolutetly ingenious premise + well-researched and explained answers. "The World Without Us," by Alan Weisman. (Hardcover)
Pentagon Pays $400,000 of OUR Money for a Report That Says the Military Needs to "Rebrand" Itself. "While not abandoning the more aggressive elements of warfare, the report suggested, a more attractive brand for the Iraqi people might have been "We will help you."" Oh My God! And this nonsense is a major story in the Washington Post, to boot! Uh, does that mean the Busheviks should have helped to build the country and improve lives there instead of destroying the infrastructure and killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis? Isn't that a bit more than "branding"? 7/21
Unless the Democrats Realize That They are Dealing with a Sociopath (Bush) and Dr. Evil (Cheney), They Will Continue to be the Subject of Absurd, Deceitful Bushevik Attacks: "Bush, ratcheting up a fight with Congress over Iraq, accused Democrats on Friday of conducting a political debate on the war while delaying action on money to upgrade equipment and give troops a pay raise." Remember that Bush Has Underequipped, Undertrained and Sent Our Troops Off to Die, While His Corporate Supporters Have Profiteered Billions of Our Tax Dollars.

21.Jul.2007 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Despite Prostitute Scandal, Sen. Vitter Won?t Step Down -- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser
Norman Solomon: From the Grave, a Senator Exposes Bloody Hands on Capitol Hill -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
Federal court orders Shell Oil to suspend Arctic offshore drilling program 7/22

21.Jul.2007 I must also admit that Olbermann is probably quite correct in his predictions of "future history." The moment American troops leave Iraq (leaving disaster in their wake), conservatives will do everything they can to proclaim a false notion of what really occurred. If it takes them ten, twenty, forty years, they will insure that a new generation of Americans comes to regard the Iraq misadventure as a noble cause. And even many current members Iraq Veterans Against the War will fall for the campaign to rewrite the past.
He who controls the past...

21.Jul.2007 "Killing Hope" exposes the past 60 years of US foreign policy, so there is at least that bit of history available. # posted by DanInAlabama

Hamburg - "Ich habe den Eindruck, dass die Bundesanwaltschaft meinen Bemühungen, etwas zur Aufklärung beizutragen, skeptisch gegenübersteht", erklärte Buback junior dem SPIEGEL.

Es sei "unglaublich", dass bestimmte Erkenntnisse aus Vernehmungen und Befragungen in der Karlsruher Behörde nicht mehr auffindbar seien.
Bush in Narkose: Cheney - ein Präsident für gewisse Stunden
21.Jul.2007 RAF- Terrorismus: Buback- Sohn wirft Bundesanwaltschaft Schlamperei vor

21.Jul.2007 Historische Wahl: 72- Jährige wird erste Präsidentin Indiens
21.Jul.2007 Gefährliches Wetter: Überschwemmte Autos, verbrannte Kühe (Panorama)
21.Jul.2007 Spekulation: Wie die Hedgefonds- Blase entstand - und wieder platzte

21.Jul.2007 Linkspartei: Lafontaine plant Kuba- Besuch
21.Jul.2007 The Iraq War — External Links ... with the State Department and the CIA by establishing a justification for war.

Brian Coughley : What Has Happened to the US Army in Iraq?

The Neil Rogers Show - News Archives ... health information to military and CIA interrogators, according to the report in ...

Canadians becoming more negative about the United States, new survey suggests ...

00.Nov.2005 Gene Bob:... that it's un-American to question His Puppet's judgment about Iraq.

Finally, see Brian Coughley's insights: Sleaze, Deceit and Torture (caveat: it's ...

20050310 Twisting the Minds of the American People -by Brian Coughley

... also be expanded to cover in depth CIA reports, DHS memos + articles about the ...
Mitten im Zentrum des Aufruhrs lebte bis dahin unbehelligt Prinz Heinrich, der Bruder des Kaisers und der immerhin der Oberbefehlshaber der Ostseestreitkräfte war.

An diesem Abend aber fürchtete der Prinz um sein Leben und beschloß, sich auf sein Gut Hemmelmark in der Nähe von Eckernförde zurückzuziehen.

Aus Angst erkannt zu werden, versah er sein Auto mit einer roten Fahne, dem Symbol des Soldatenrates, steckte sich auch ein rotes Tuch an und setzte sich selbst ans Steuer.

Auf seinem Weg an der Levensauer Hochbrücke ließ er zwei Matrosen einsteigen, die um eine Mitfahrgelegenheit nach Eckernförde baten.

Wenig später kam es zu einem Zwischenfall: Das Auto wurde beschossen, einer der Mitinsassen tödlich getroffen. Nichtsdestotrotz konnte der Prinz seine Fahrt unbehelligt fortsetzen.

00.Nov.1918 Vorgeschichte

00.Nov.1918 Brennpunkt Kiel

00.Nov.1918 Freitag   1.

00.Nov.1918 Samstag 2.

00.Nov.1918 Sonntag   3.

00.Nov.1918 Montag   4.

00.Nov.1918 Dienstag 5.

00.Nov.1918 Mittwoch 6.

00.Nov.1918 Donnerstag  7.

00.Nov.1918 Freitag   8.

00.Nov.1918 Samstag  9.
Zum Thema Kieler Matrosenaufstand (Novemberrevolution 1918) finden Sie hier folgende Informationen:

Interview mit einem der Führer des Matrosenaufstands: Lothar Popp

Lebenslauf Lothar Popp
Erlebnisbericht des zweiten Führers des Matrosenaufstands: Karl Artelt
Lebenslauf Karl Artelt
Interviews mit weiteren Zeitzeugen (Riedl, Bredenbek, Preßler, Pump)
Videofilm mit Zeitzeugen: "Kiel schreibt Geschichte - Matrosenaufstand im November 1918"
Einschätzungen der Kieler Ereignisse (Dähnhardt, Wette, ...)

Der Krieg galt nach dem Fehlschlag der Märzoffensive 1918 als verloren,

ein Verständigungsfrieden war nicht mehr möglich. General Ludendorff drängte wegen Einbrüchen in den deutschen Linien auf einen sofortigen Waffenstillstand.

Die Oberste Heeresleitung (OHL) setzte ihre Hoffnungen auf den amerkanischen Präsidenten Wilson.

Seiner Friedensidee lag ein Frieden ohne Sieger und Besiegte zugrunde, ihm schwebte ein Völkerbund auf den Grundprinzipien der Demokratie vor.

Das Deutsche Reich war aber eine konstitutionelle Monarchie +

um überhaupt mit den Alliierten in Verhandlungen treten zu können, mußten Maßnahmen zur Umbildlung in eine demokratische Ordnung getroffen werden.

00.Sep.1918 Die entscheidenden Schritte zur Parlamentarisierung wurden eingeleitet.

Die Neubildung der Reichsregierung wurde unter maßgeblicher Beteiligung der Mehrheitsparteien (SPD, Zentum/BVP, DDP) vorgeschlagen, zum Reichskanzler wurde Prinz Max von Baden ernannt.

So begann die Umwandlung des Reiches in eine parlamentarische Demokratie durch eine ,Revolution von oben".

In diesem System hatte der Kaiser nur noch eingeschränkte Befugnisse.

Nur Menschen gelingt der gezielte Wurf.

Experten glauben daher: Werfen machte die Menschen-Evolution erfolgreich.

Leinfelden -

Der Kiesel am Seeufer ist rund und hat die perfekte Größe.

Er verführt regelrecht dazu, ihn aufzuheben und ins Wasser zu werfen.

Einem solchen Szenario kann kaum jemand widerstehen - ohne sich dabei allerdings klarzumachen, dass er eine Fähigkeit trainiert, die einzigartig für den Menschen ist.

Möglicherweise war diese Fähigkeit sogar ein entscheidender Faktor, der aus der menschlichen Evolution eine Erfolgsgeschichte machte.
Pannenserie: Vattenfall- Chef kritisiert Bunkermentalität in deutschen AKW
21.Jul.2007 Heute in den Feuilletons: Andere Länder, andere Sitten

21.Jul.2007 Afghanistan: Taliban melden Erschießung deutscher Geisel (Politik)
21.Jul.2007 Präzisionswunder Mensch: Hochleistungswerfer Homo sapiens

21.Jul.2007 Vize- Minister klagt: SMS- Zensur in China wird schwieriger
"Der Präsident hat auf klaren gesetzlichen Standards bestanden, so dass CIA-Beamte nicht Gefahr laufen, mit dem Gesetz in Konflikt zu kommen", sagte Snow.

Ausgeschlossen sind demnach:

Folter oder andere Gewalttaten vergleichbar mit Mord, Folter, Verstümmelung oder grausamer und unmenschlicher Behandlung die mutwillige Erniedrigung einer Person in einem Maße, dass sie als "jenseits der Grenzen des menschlichen Anstands" zu werten sind, dazu gehört etwa sexuelle Erniedrigung die Verunglimpfung des Glaubens zudem muss die Versorgung der Grundbedürfnisse der Häftlinge sichergestellt sein:

Sie müssen demnach angemessene Ernährung und Wasser erhalten, vor der Witterung geschützt werden sowie die notwendige Kleidung und grundlegende medizinische Versorgung erhalten.

Für Gefangene des US-Geheimdienstes CIA soll demnach künftig generell die Dritte Genfer Konvention gelten, wonach die Behandlung von Kriegsgefangenen in Einklang mit dem Völkerrecht geregelt wird. AP

US-Präsident Bush: Neue Verhörregeln für Terrorverdächtige

Das klingt nach Kurswechsel, weil nicht mehr alle ausländischen Terrorverdächtigen in Gefangenschaft automatisch als "feindliche Kämpfer" mit verminderten Rechten eingestuft werden.

Doch bekräftigte Bush der Nachrichtenagentur dpa zufolge in der Verordnung auch im Grundsatz das Recht, mutmaßliche Terroristen als "unrechtmäßige feindliche Kämpfer" festzuhalten und ihnen den Schutz der Genfer Kriegsgefangenen-Konvention zu verweigern. Die "New York Times" berichtet, nach "monatelangem Gerangel hinter den Kulissen" über die Grenzen der zulässigen Verhörmethoden habe die CIA nun im Kern die Erlaubnis erhalten, einige ihrer harschen Verhörmethoden weiterzubetreiben - nachdem die Sache seit einem Urteil des Obersten Gerichtshofs 2006 in der Schwebe hing.
Guantanamo: US- Gericht stärkt Rechte der Insassen

20.Jul.2007 Schreiber- Affäre: Schweiz fordert Rücknahme deutscher Gerichtsurteile
20.Jul.2007 Iraker ermordet: Gericht verschont US- Soldaten

20.Jul.2007 Verhörregeln: Bush verkündet halbherziges Folterverbot
20.Jul.2007 Pannen: Umweltschützer zweifeln an bayerischen Atomkraftwerken
20.Jul.2007 Vetodrohung: Russland lässt Kosovo- Verhandlungen bei Uno scheitern
20.Jul.2007 Krebsvorsorge: Bush unter Narkose - Cheney übernimmt die Macht

20.Jul.2007 Ukraine: Mehr als 160 Menschen bei Phosphorunglück verletzt (Panorama)
20.Jul.2007 Turbulentes Wetter: Es wird ungemütlich (Panorama)
20.Jul.2007 Grab geöffnet: DNA- Test soll Streit um Schiller- Schädel klären
20.Jul.2007 "Cassini"- Sonde: Leuchten entlarvt den 60. Saturnmond

Das winzige Hirn wurde eher zufällig entdeckt: Der Mann aus Südfrankreich war wegen einer Schwäche im linken Bein in ein Krankenhaus gegangen.

Als der behandelnde Arzt, Lionel Feuillet von der Université de la Mediterranée in Marseille, den Patienten nach seiner Krankengeschichte fragte, stellte sich heraus: Als Baby drohte ihm ein Wasserkopf.

Um das überschüssige Nervenwasser aus dem Schädel zu entfernen, bekam er einen Abfluss.

Als er 14 Jahre alt war, klagte er über eine Schwäche im linken Bein - der Abfluss wurde verbessert, die Symptome verschwanden.
China erlebt gerade die schlimmste Hochwasser-Katastrophe seit mehr als 50 Jahren:

00.000.1954 -Bei der Flut- starben rund 2000 Menschen.
Medizinischer Sonderfall: Normal leben mit einem Zehntel Gehirn
Did U.S. intelligence assets kill Antioch College? Column: Bob Fitrakis
16.Jul.2007 Did U.S. intelligence assets kill Antioch College?
Bob Fitrakis, The Free Press

At the time of its announced closure, Antioch College, perhaps America’s most progressive and well-known peace college, had a few visible capitalist hawks on its Board of Trustees.

Bruce P. Bedford, one of only three Trustees not a former alum, had been appointed to the board of Arlington, Virginia company GlobeSecNine 00.000.2005.

The company is described by a representative of investment corporation Bear Sterns as having "a unique set of experiences in special forces, classified operations, transportation security and military operations." One can only speculate why the nation’s longest-standing anti-imperialist education institution would appoint a trustee with extensive ties to the military and security industrial complexes.
The largest Viking hoard discovered in western Europe was found at Cuerdale in the northern English county of Lancashire.
20.Jul.2007 Did U.S. intelligence assets kill Antioch College? 

How a college targeted by the FBI + its notorious COINTELPRO operation during the Cold War

as a "vanguard of the New Left" managed to place two "spook"-connected trustees on their board is a mystery worth exploring. posted by Prof. Hex
20.Jul.2007 Ancient Megafloods Created English Channel 

The cultural rift between Britain and France endures as an amusing mystery for many, but the physical divide between them can now be blamed on two ancient floods. posted by Prof. Hex
20.Jul.2007 Important Viking treasure found in Britain 

Discovered earlier this year by a father + son detecting team near Harrogate in northern England,

the find includes coins, ornaments, ingots and precious metal objects all hidden in a gilt silver bowl and buried in a lead chest. posted by Prof. Hex
20.Jul.2007 Old-line Republican warns 'something's in the works' to trigger a police state 

"The administration figures themselves + prominent Republican propagandists ... are preparing us for another 9/11 event or series of events," Roberts continued.

"Chertoff has predicted them.

... The National Intelligence Estimate is saying that al Qaeda has regrouped.

... You have to count on the fact that if al Qaeda's not going to do it, it's going to be orchestrated.

... The Republicans are praying for another 9/11." posted by Prof. Hex
20.Jul.2007 Neil Bush in Tiflis: « Georgia on my mind ! » - CAUCAZ.COM

In der Tat hat Neil Bush im Jahr

00.000.2002 die auf die Herstellung von Lernsoftware spezialisierte Firma « Ignite ! » gegründet. ...
Boing Boing: Fake titles for Neil Bush's software company, Ignite ... On

23.Mar.2006 I wrote about Neil Bush's educational software company, Ignite ! Learning + about the company's shady investors, which include scions ...
Boing Boing: Why everyone wants to invest in Neil Bush's software ...

It turns out that Barbara Bush's donation to the Bush -Clinton Katrina Fund is going straight to Ignite !, an educational software company owned by Neil Bush, ...
Democracy Now! | No Bush Left Behind: When You're Barred From ...

I'm Amy Goodman with Juan Gonzalez as we look at the No Child Left Behind Act + now look at Ignite, George Bush's younger brother, Neil Bush's, company. ...
Daily Kos: Tangled Bush family ties...nah... In reading about Richard M. Powell, I got curious about Neil Bush + his Ignite software company, which is educational software.
Daily Kos: State of the Nation After a year's pilot program, Ignite ! offered the software to HISD for $10000 per school.

When the board balked, the Bush fund-raising powers swung into ...

30.May 2004 at 03:24:14 AM EURODISCORDIA TIME ... Discordia || Ignite George Bush [- Ignite George Bush, meta. By joerabie, Section discordia home improvement Posted on Sun
Bush" target=nw>Neil Bush - Wikipedia

00.000.1999 Bush ist Geschäftsführer von Ignite !, einer Lernsoftware-Firma, die er mit anderen gründete.

Die Investoren waren die Familie Bush mit 500.000 Dollar, ...
Ignite (Begriffsklärung) - Wikipedia einer Lernsoftwarefirma, die

00.000.1999 von Neil Bush gegründet wurde,;

der Name des Britischen Telekommunikationsunternehmens BT Ignite ,; einer Punk-Band aus ...ärung)
Stanford University School of Education > News Bureau Bush's business dealings have recently come under scrutiny with his contentious divorce from his wife, Sharon.

In a deposition, Bush admitted that Ignite ...
Bush's Family Profits from 'No Child' Act

With investments from his parents, George H.W. + Barbara Bush + other backers, Neil Bush's company, Ignite ! Learning, has placed its products in 40 ...
Mother Bush Takes Care of her Brood

And who owns Ignite Learning? Brenda? "Neil Bush ?" Very good. Bar's donation not only helps children displaced by the flood waters that ravaged New Orleans ...
Katrina funds earmarked to pay for Neil Bush's software program ...

Barbara Bush is expected to observe both teachers and students using the Ignite Learning program while touring classrooms, according to the Ignite press ... Crimes Against Nature: How George W. Bush and His ...

He maligns Bush appointees like Interior Secretary Gale Norton ("a champion of corporate ... thousands of flares seem to ignite in the approaching darkness. 20.Jul.2007 Neil Bush Berezovsky has been an investor in Bush's Ignite ! program since at least 2003. [4] Bush met with Berezovsky, who has been described as "notorious" + a ...
Ignite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ignite is a programme for gifted + talented young people in South Australia, created

00.000.1998 and formerly known as SHIP (Students with High Intellectual ...
Frauds-R-Us’The Bush Family Saga: - Ignite!

11May 2003 (Information Clearing House) This maybe small potatoes by comparison with all the other Bush clan scams, but nevertheless Ignite ! ... The Relatively Charmed Life Of Neil Bush

For the last several years, Bush's main business interest has been Ignite !, the educational software company he co-founded

00.000.1999. To fund Ignite !, Bush ...
Neil Bush ignites education software firm - Austin Business Journal:

Neil Bush's Ignite ! Inc., which develops educational software, is hoping to raise a second round in the near future, says Pamela Richardson, chief operating ...
No Bush Left Behind

00.000.2005 -since- Bush's Ignite ! Inc. has sold 1700 COWs , mainly in Texas, where Bush lives and his brother was once governor.

00.Aug.---- Houston's school board ...

The sale broke the previous South African record of R12.6 million for the Johannesburg home of millionaire Marino Chiavelli . EDUC-DEFENCE JOHANNESBURG Jan ...
20070304 Certain foreign-based individuals like Marc Rich, John Deuss + Marino Chiavelli profiteered as procurers of oil for South Africa. ...
20.Jul.2007 NO” chiavelli said: “Success or failure depends on conformity to the times.” ... Marino suggests, “if you’re not out ahead of yourself, you’re really not ...
10.Feb.2001 -The GUILD- Thread #2 [Free Republic]

Marino Chiavelli reportedly received US$3 a barrel of oil supplied to South Africa,(SEE BELOW!) but when MPs asked questions about this in parliament, ...
Oudtshoorn Attractions Oudtshoorn 4x4 Routes Little Karoo Scenic

... top Galleries in Johannesburg + Pretoria + adorns the walls of many private collections, including that of the late Industrialist Marino Chiavelli .
Regional Property News

... was owned by the late Neels Swart - for whom we sold the famous Summer Place in Hyde Park to oil millionaire Marino Chiavelli ," says Geffen. KwaZulu Natal Property News Website

... which is in 2nd Road, was owned by the late Neels Swart - for whom we sold the famous Summer Place in Hyde Park to oil millionaire Marino Chiavelli . ...
Property Trader Newsletter

... to oil millionaire Marino Chiavelli . "Of course the price paid then for that property - R1,8m - looks ridiculously cheap now for a property in one of ...
Financial Mail - Golding touch ...

00.000.1979 -for R750000 by German tycoon Richard Mueller;

00.000.1981 the first R1m house sale - in Bishopscourt - to Italian oil dealer Marino Chiavelli ;
pounds sterling, or approximately US$1 million) from Marino Chiavelli, an Italian businessman. based in South Africa. The loan, which was made to the party ...
Moneyweb - Entrepreneurship - World entrepreneur up for grabs

15.Nov.---- The winner will be announced on at Summer Place, once owned by flamboyant and controversial entrepreneur Marino Chiavelli + since bought by ...
JSTOR: Embargo: Apartheid's Oil Secrets Revealed

Certain foreign-based individuals like Marc Rich, John Deuss + Marino Chiavelli profiteered as procurers of oil for South Africa.
JSTOR: Aretino and the Harvey-Nashe Quarrel

... name was almost as well-known in Elizabethan England as Machiavelli's, ... + Shakespeare's 'Troilus and Cressida' (San Marino, Calif., 1938), p. ...
Connex ... bodies associated with the event will be based at Summer Place, Johannesburg -once the lavish home of the late Italian millionaire, Marino Chiavelli .
A Krok of 'MIS' : Moneyweb Many will remember Summer Place as the home to oil sanctions buster – + often rumoured to be gunrunner + playboy Marino Chiavelli .
Race & Class
Marino Chiavelli, an Italian business tycoon with interests in South. Africa, is also alleged. to have ’loaned’ 800000. South. African rands ...
Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

09.May ---- -since- Chiavelli, wife of City Clerk Karen Anderson, has been in Kabul where ...

Saint Vincent, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia ...
20070304 Certain foreign-based individuals like Marc Rich, John Deuss + Marino Chiavelli profiteered as procurers of oil for South Africa.
20.Jul.2007 Wendy Vitter, Step Right Up, You are the BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week:

Apparently Wendy Vitter put away her cutlery and stood by her man, because as widely reported, she had threatened to pull a Lorena Bobbit on her husband, Senator David, if he were ever adulterous.

It's called the GOP double standard sextraordinaire.
From the Archives:

This Was Our Headline on a Story Last Year by a Partisan Decision by the Same Bushevik Judge Who Threw Out the Valerie Plame Civil Lawsuit Against the Busheviks on Thursday.

"As Bush plays games with the law, Judge Bates says it's OK for him to sign two different versions of same bill.

Guess what, the judge was appointed by Bush and "As a District Court Judge, Bates dismissed the GAO's effort to learn with whom Cheney's energy task force conferred."

Also, he was appointed by Rehnquist to the FISA Court.

Does anyone smell a partisan hack judge here?

Oh, Judge Bates also served as one of Ken Starr's merry pranksters.

" Judge Bates was on detail as Deputy Independent Counsel for the Whitewater investigation from 1995 to mid-1997."

Get the picture of a Bush loyalist who values partisanship over the Constitution?

8/13/06" Judge Bates spent two years working for Kenneth Starr and the Independent Counsel's office during the investigation into President Bill Clinton, specifically Deputy Independent Counsel under Ken Starr from September 1995 until leaving in March 1997.

20.Jul.2007 Four Alarmer: This is It.

Bush and Cheney Have Put the Challenge to Congress:

Impeach Us or We Will Violate the Constitution and Have the Courts to Back Us No Matter What Contempt Charges You Purse.

This is Even Mindbogglingly in Opposition to the Constitution by Bush and Cheney Standards, Which are as Low as Death Valley:

" Bush administration officials unveiled a bold new assertion of executive authority yesterday in the dispute over the firing of nine U.S. attorneys,

saying that the Justice Department will never be allowed to pursue contempt charges initiated by Congress against White House officials once the president has invoked executive privilege." 7/20
BuzzFlash August 8/14/2006 News Analysis on the Bushevik Partisan Judge Who Threw Out the Valerie Plame Civil Suit for Exposing Her as a CIA Operative -- A BuzzFlash Archive News Analysis
Bush Is al-Qaeda's Strategic Ally

'U.S. officials have finally admitted what has long been obvious: that

George W. Bush?s 'global war on terror' has been an expensive failure,

costing hundreds of billions of dollars and claiming possibly hundreds of thousands of lives, but making the world no safer and quite likely more dangerous.' 7/20

20.Jul.2007 Pentagon extends Iraq tours for 2,200 Marines 7/20
Busheviks Now Extend Trial Balloons that "Surge" Won't be Able to be Judged Until November. Impeach Them All. 7/20
Republicans Have Ignored the Real Terrorists -- A BuzzFlash News Alert

20.Jul.2007 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers

Eine einzige Art - oder viele kleine?

Von Vielfalt überrascht, vielleicht gar überwältigt - was sollen Biologen daraus folgern?

"Arten, die anscheinend weit verbreitet und reichlich vorhanden sind, könnten tatsächlich viele unterschiedliche kryptische Spezies sein", interpretiert Pfenninger seine Ergebnisse,

"sie könnten kleine Populationen haben und stark bedroht sein".
Polizei- Spione: FBI schnüffelt schon mit Bundestrojaner
20.Jul.2007 Unordnung im Ordnungssystem: Versteckte Arten könnten Massenphänomen sein
20.Jul.2007 nordnung im Ordnungssystem: Versteckte Arten könnten Massenphänomen sein
20.Jul.2007 Entwicklungshilfe: Wissenschaft für die Welt statt Brot für die Armen (Politik)

Wieder sollen allein der Staat und das noch bundeseigene Unternehmen Bahn zahlen.

"Nur noch eine einzige Chance"

Nun ist es das gute Recht von privaten Unternehmen, über die Verwendung ihrer Investitionsmittel allein zu entscheiden. Aber wenn denn tatsächlich der Transrapid eine Mobilitätstechnologie mit ganz großer Zukunft ist, dann in Zeiten des Klimawandels und der notwendigen CO2-Reduktion mehr als je zuvor; wenn denn die Magnetbahn global den Nachweis für die Hightech-Kompetenz der deutschen Industrie liefern kann und soll, wie von der Industrie immer wieder heruntergebetet - warum lassen die Konzerne dann dieses grandiose Projekt an 340 Millionen Euro scheitern?

Nur zur Orientierung: ThyssenKrupp weist für 2006 einen Jahresüberschuss von 1,7 Milliarden Euro aus, bei Siemens sind es 3,2 Milliarden.

Womöglich setzen die Herren in Düsseldorf und München darauf, dass am Ende doch noch der Staat drauflegt. So sind sie es ja beim Transrapid gewohnt: 1,5 Milliarden Euro hat die Entwicklung des deutschen Magnetzugs inzwischen gekostet. 1,2 Milliarden davon wurden mit staatlichen Fördergeldern bezahlt, nur 300 Millionen kamen von der Industrie. Solche Großzügigkeit verwöhnt.

Und sie verführt womöglich dazu, allzu nachlässig mit dem teuer erworbenen Know-how umzugehen. Der bei ThyssenKrupp zuständige Vorstand drohte bereits, die Transrapid-Technologie nach China zu verkaufen, wenn die Strecke nicht Wirklichkeit werden sollte.

Washington - Bundesrichter John Bates nannte rein juristische Gründe für die Ablehnung der Klage. Valerie Plame und ihr Ehemann Joseph Wilson hätten nicht alle Rechtsmittel ausgeschöpft und könnten deshalb weder gegen Individuen klagen, die im Rahmen ihrer Funktion gehandelt hätten, noch gegen den Staat.
Das ist eine herausragende Leistung", sagte Jaap van den Herik, Herausgeber des "International Computer Games Journal". Es handle sich um einen wichtigen Fortschritt in der künstlichen Intelligenz. David Levy, Experte für Schach-Computer und Präsident der International Computer Games Association, sagte: "Das ist mit Abstand das komplexeste je gelöste Spiel."

Schaeffers Team gelang es, das Damespiel vollständig zu analysieren und zu lösen. In mehr als 18 Jahren haben die Informatiker über 39 Billionen Spielstellungen durchgerechnet und bewiesen, dass Dame immer auf ein Remis hinausläuft, wenn beide Seiten fehlerfrei spielen. Genauso ist die Situation bei Tic Tac Toe, nur das hier die Zahl der Kombinationen überschaubar bleibt.
Bahn- Tarifkonflikt: Lokführer können Streik lange durchhalten
20.Jul.2007 AKW- Pannen: Grüne Künast fordert Lizenzentzug für Vattenfall
20.Jul.2007 Künstliche Intelligenz: Dame- Brettspiel ist gelöst
Konflikte: Atomgespräche mit Nordkorea enden ohne Frist für Pjöngjang
20.Jul.2007 Rücktritt bei Dow Jones: Verleger Holtzbrinck protestiert gegen Murdoch
20.Jul.2007 USA: Gericht weist Klage von enttarnter Ex- CIA- Agentin zurück

Jul.2006 Evangelist arrested on federal charges Kent Hovind, ...
Readers Edition » Christliche Fundamentalisten rüsten für den Endkampf

Kent Hovind hinterzieht über Jahrzehnte Steuern da er als direkter ... Konkurs und bekommt neben einer Strafe von etwa 650.000 US$ noch 10 Jahre Gefängnis .
USA: Arbeiter in Atomanlage unter Spionageverdacht
19.Jul.2007 Historischer Börsen- Rekord: Dow Jones schließt mit über 14.000 Punkten
19.Jul.2007 Britische Regierung: Haschisch- Beichte der Innenministerin löst Geständniswelle aus
19.Jul.2007 Mordfall Litwinenko: Putin beschwichtigt - "Mini- Krise" mit Briten
Terror: Musharraf ruft zu Geschlossenheit gegen Extremisten auf
19.Jul.2007 Umfrage: 36 % der Deutschen geht es schlechter als 2006 (Wirtschaft)

In rund zwei Milliarden Jahren wird die Milchstraße erstmals mit dem Andromeda- Nebel kollidieren.

Bei dem Crash wird die Erde weggeschleudert werden, prophezeien US-Astronomen.

Die Fetzen der beiden Galaxien werden auseinanderfliegen und dann durch die gegenseitige Anziehungskraft erneut zusammenfinden. Schließlich - von heute aus gerechnet in etwa fünf Milliarden Jahren - wird ein neues Sternensystem von der Form eines Rugby-Balls entstanden sein.

In Deutschland tobte der Bürgerkrieg

Die Kamarilla um Franz von Papen machte auch keinen Hehl daraus, dass sie eine verfassungspolitische Generalrevision anstrebte und die Konstruktion von Weimar durch einen "neuen Staat" ersetzen wollte.

Die Kommunisten sollten aus der politischen Arena ganz verschwinden, die koalitionspolitische Bedeutung der Sozialdemokratie massiv geschwächt werden.

Bedienen wollte man sich der "frischen Jugendlichkeit" der "nationalsozialistischen Bewegung", die man als Motor für die Etablierung eines rechtsautoritären Staatswesens nutzbar zu machen glaubte.

In der Tat ging von Papen mit forscher Skrupellosigkeit ans Werk.

Kaum im Amt, hob er das zuvor geltende Verbot der SA auf.

Das löste unmittelbar eine Welle der Gewalt aus, führte

von Mitte Juni bis Mitte Juli 1932 zu unzähligen politisch motivierten Saalschlachten, Straßenkämpfen, Bombenanschlägen.

Innerhalb eines Monats starben in diesem politischen Bürgerkrieg, der in Deutschland tobte, rund 100 Menschen;

die Zahl der Verletzten lag bei über 1000.

17.Jul.1932 -am- fand die Gewaltorgie ihren Höhepunkt, als ein Provokationsmarsch der Nationalsozialisten durch die kommunistisch dominierte Altonaer Altstadt 18 Menschen das Leben kostete.

Von Papen hatte jetzt seinen Anlass, den er durch die Rücknahme des SA-Verbots selbst produziert hatte, um die preußische Regierung zu vertreiben.

Es gelinge der Regierung Braun-Severing nicht, so der Reichskanzler, der dafür die Blankovollmacht des Reichspräsidenten von Hindenburg besaß, Sicherheit und Ordnung zu garantieren;

daher übernehme er selbst in Preußen die kommissarische Leitung der Regierung.

Über Berlin und Brandenburg wurde der militärische Ausnahmezustand verhängt, zentrale Grundrechte außer Kraft gesetzt.
Crash im All: Galaxiehaufen kollidieren mit Rekordtempo
19.Jul.2007 And what of Bin Laden himself?

Quite a few people have raised questions about the authenticity of his videos and taped statements. We've also seen questions raised about Zarqawi and other jihadists.
Now we have
this astonishing story from the International Herald Tribune: For more than a year, the leader of one the most notorious insurgent groups in Iraq was said to be a mysterious Iraqi named Abdullah Rashid al-Baghdadi.
As the titular head of the Islamic State in Iraq, an organization publicly backed by Al Qaeda, Baghdadi issued a steady stream of incendiary pronouncements. Despite claims by Iraqi officials that he had been killed in May, Baghdadi appeared to have persevered unscathed.
On Wednesday, a senior American military spokesman provided a new explanation for Baghdadi's ability to escape attack: He never existed.
Brigadier General Kevin Bergner, the chief American military spokesman, said the elusive Baghdadi was actually a fictional character whose audio-taped declarations were provided by an elderly actor named Abu Adullah al-Naima.
The ruse, Bergner said, was devised by Abu Ayub al-Masri, the Egyptian-born leader of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, who was trying to mask the dominant role that foreigners play in that insurgent organization. Bruce Riedel, a former CIA official and a Middle East expert, said that experts had long wondered whether Baghdadi actually existed. "There has been a question mark about this," he said.
Nonetheless, Riedel suggested that the disclosures made Wednesday might not be the final word on Baghdadi and the leaders of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia. Even Mashadani's assertions, Riedel said, might be a cover story to protect a leader who does in fact exist.
"First, they say we have killed him," Riedel said, referring to the statements by some Iraqi government officials. "Then we heard him after his death and now they are saying he never existed. That suggests that our intelligence on Al Qaeda in Iraq is not what we want it to be."

19.Jul.2007 Ubiquitous on "Pundit Casts," Smiling and Always Wrong, William Kristol is the BuzzFlash Media Putz of the Week.

Bill Kristol loves to be perceived as a player in the Bush White House, which is kind of like feeling macho because you hang out at the Gotti crime family's poker club.

But the problem with Kristol, Cheney + Bush is that they always come up with a losing hand.

With Kristol, you need a crowbar to separate the facts from the fiction, if you can find any facts in his endless, chipper blather.
Elliot D. Cohen Says Question! Be Critical! That's How To Take Back Democracy -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution

19.Jul.2007 Guns, Gun Violence + the American Community 7/19
Keep Playing Tough, Harry. Don't Let Up. Remember, the Republicans Came to Power by Keeping Their Foot on the Accelerator and Not Slowing Down.

"With Iraq Amendment Blocked, Reid Sets Defense Bill Aside for Now." 7/19

19.Jul.2007 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Do Americans Understand? -- Ms. Smith Goes To Washington
Bush yesterday rejected entreaties by his Republican allies that he compromise with Democrats on legislation to renew a popular program that provides health coverage to poor children,

saying that expanding the program would enlarge the role of the federal government at the expense of private insurance.

Bush is a threat to the future of our children.

He chooses insurance company profits over the welfare of our nation's youth.

Impeach the S.O.B. now. 7/19
You GOT to Love This One. Sort of the Role Model for the Bushevik "Capture of Al Qaida Leaders in Iraq" Fictional Propaganda:

"For more than a year, the leader of one the most notorious insurgent groups in Iraq was said to be a mysterious Iraqi called Abu Omar al-Baghdadi.

On Wednesday, the chief United States military spokesman here, Brig. Gen. Kevin J. Bergner, provided a new explanation for Mr. Baghdadi?s ability to escape attack:

he never existed."

Conversely, the 100-some "Top Al Qaida Leaders" in Iraq the Busheviks Claim to Have Killed or Captured May Just be Chumps Who Make a Good Photo-Op for Timely PR Releases

When Votes Against the Iraq War Come Up and the Like.

The Busheviks are the Gang That Can't Shoot or Lie Straight. 7/19
Mariane Pearl, the widow of slain Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, sued Pakistan's largest bank and 23 individuals for their alleged role in the abduction, torture and murder of her husband

more than five years ago. 7/19
19.Jul.2007 Cunningham, again (UPDATED) Listen carefully and you may hear the sound of Duke Cunningham singing: According to the FBI summary, Cunningham admits to being provided with prostitutes, misleading congressional ethics officials, making others buy gifts for his daughters, personally devising the schemes to launder his bribes, lying to his staff + putting unrelenting pressure on government officials who thought the defense contracts he pushed with congressional earmarks were wasteful. Insisted there were no prostitutes at Wilkes' Washington poker games, but said Wilkes hired prostitutes for him during a Hawaii vacation. Cunningham was miffed that Wilkes got the “younger and cuter” prostitute and said he was “somewhat embarrassed on this occasion because he had some difficulty in completing intercourse.” On the next night, Cunningham again had a prostitute but said he “did not have sex” with her “because he felt guilty about his behavior.” Obvious question: Did the DC Madam's escort service provide these girls?
19.Jul.2007 Now we learn something even more disturbing: Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-Tex., chairman of the House intelligence committee, did not respond today to questions from the Blotter on about why he refuses to release a report on the abuses of power by former committee member Randy "Duke" Cunningham. It gets worse: Indeed, some have suggested the report was not meant to delve deeply into the worst bribery scandal in the history of Congress, which unfolded over several years within the committee's chambers. The chief investigator on the report, Michael Stern, has noted that he was barred from asking questions about whether other lawmakers knew of Cunningham's crimes, or had any hand in them.
Reyes' position is in stark contrast to that taken last year by the committee's former top Democrat, Rep. Jane Harman, Calif., who pressed Republican then-chairman Hoekstra to release the report.

19.Jul.2007 Update: The transcript of an FBI interview with Cunningham is here. An FBI investigation report is here.
The investigation outlines in brief the origin of MZM but does not explain the company's early identification of its line of work as either
legal services or business consultancy. It also supposedly provided aid to refugees.
We learn important new details of Wade's pre-MZM background. He had previously been described as a "bureaucrat" working in the Pentagon, but the truth turns out to be -- as you might have guessed -- rather spookier: According to information provided by Mitchell Wade, after graduating college, he was hired (in approximately 1984) as a civilian employee at the DoD. While employed at DoD, Wade was actively involved in command and control projects, including ones relating to the counter-narcotics programs.(*) He worked very closely with the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) on these projects and was actively involved in human intelligence programs.(**)
* Beginning in approximately March 1987, Wade served as a Commissioned Intelligence Officer in the U.S. Naval Reserves. In the 1990s, he received an Honorable Discharge as a Lieutenant Commander.
** According to recent interviews conducted by investigators with current and former DoD employees, Wade was also employed with a DoD entity known as the Defense Testing and Evaluation Support Activity (DTESA). At DTESA, Wade supported several classified programs.

19.Jul.2007 What is DTESA? According to a squib here, the group was involved with shipping MiGs to various U.S. bases for testing in the late 1980s. We learn here that DTESA was run out of Kirtland Air Force Base. (As some of you know, there were some odd, odd rumors coming out of Kirtland in the late 1980s
19.Jul.2007 Wade's career definitely followed an interesting trajectory. Counter-narcotics and acquiring Eastern-bloc aircraft...?
The investigation also gives much more info about the most mysterious of the the Cunningham bribers, Thomas Kontogiannis. More later...


Eine schwedische Studie aus dem Jahr hatte 2003 gezeigt, dass die Wahl des Futters einen weitaus größeren Effekt hat: Rinder, die Weidegras statt Kraftfutter bekommen, setzen 40 % weniger Treibhausgase frei und verbrauchen 85 % weniger Energie.

Um die Freisetzung von Methan aus dem Verdauungstrakt verringern, hatte die neuseeländische Regierung hatte 2003 sogar versucht, Rinder und Schafe mit einer Methangassteuer zu belegen. In dem Land ist der Viehbestand für mehr als die Hälfte des gesamten Ausstoßes von Treibhausgasen verantwortlich. Nach Bauernprotesten rückte die Regierung von der Blähungssteuer jedoch wieder ab. Dafür wollen nun Zürcher Forscher Rindern und Schafen die Blähungen abgewöhnen.

Die Umweltbelastung, die beim Transport des Fleisches entsteht, haben die Wissenschaftler dabei nicht berücksichtigt. Das heißt, die Umweltbilanz der gesamten Rindfleischproduktion - vom Acker bis auf den Teller - fällt noch schlechter aus, als die Studie zeigt.

Die britische Justiz sieht in dem Ex-KGB-Mitarbeiter Andrej Lugowoi den Hauptverdächtigen und fordert von Russland dessen Auslieferung. Die Regierung in Moskau verweigert die Überstellung des russischen Staatsbürgers.

Der britische Außenminister David Miliband hatte den Beschluss zur Ausweisung der Russen am Montag damit begründet, dass Moskau weiterhin die Auslieferung Lugowoi verweigere. Russland lehnt dies mit der Begründung ab, dies sei verfassungswidrig.

In den Streit schalteten sich inzwischen auch die USA ein. Außenministerin Condoleezza Rice forderte die Regierung in Moskau auf, dem britischen Auslieferungsgesuch nachzukommen.
Klimabilanz: Ein Kilo Fleisch verursacht 36 Kilogramm Kohlendioxid
19.Jul.2007 Wirtschaftsboom: Stärkstes Wachstum in China seit zwölf Jahren
Litwinenko- Affäre: Kreml kündigt Anti- Terror- Kooperation und weist Diplomaten aus

1996 wurde Hekmatjar als Regierungschef vereidigt, doch schon kurze Zeit später zogen die Taliban in Kabul ein und übernahmen die Macht.

Hekmatjar setzte sich nach Iran ab. Nach dem Sturz der Taliban kritisierte Hekmatjar die USA, diese besetzten Afghanistan, um Iran einzukreisen.

Die Regierung Karzai lehnte er als Marionetten-Regime des Westens ab. Hekmatjar rief, teilweise in Kooperation mit seinen ehemaligen Rivalen, den Taliban, zum Heiligen Krieg gegen die USA auf.

Washington bezeichnet den Paschtunen als einen der meistgesuchten Extremisten.
1989 rückten verschiedene Mudschaheddin-Verbände im ganzen Land vor. Hekmatjar legte in einer Offensive 1993 Kabul mit Raketen- und Granatenangriffen in Schutt und Asche.
führte Hekmatjar eine Mudschaheddin-Gruppe an, die von Pakistan aus agierte und massive Waffenhilfe von den USA erhielt.
19.Jul.2007 Zu spät gemeldet: Bundesagentur sperrt 307.000 Arbeitslosen das Geld
19.Jul.2007 AKW Brunsbüttel: Prüfer entdecken zu große Dübel- Bohrungen
Die Unterschicht in Amerika ist mit 40 Millionen Menschen, die diesseits der offiziellen Armutsgrenze leben, empörend groß. Aber sie ist nicht groß genug, um darauf einen Wahlsieg zu begründen.

Kinderspielzeug statt Kriegsgerät ist der sicherste Weg für Amerika, den Status als Supermacht zu verlieren.

Die Auseinandersetzung mit einem aggressiven Islam lässt sich so nicht bestehen.

Das weiß natürlich auch Obama, weshalb er in einem Aufsatz für "Foreign Affairs" ausführlich beschreibt, was das US-Militär seiner Ansicht nach dringend braucht:

Eine "Revitalisierung", also mehr Geld, mehr Soldaten, vor allem "zusätzliche Bodentruppen", hier schwebt ihm eine Aufstockung um knapp 100.000 Männer und Frauen vor.

Mehr als alles andere sei ein starker Militärapparat notwendig, um den Frieden zu erhalten, schreibt er da.

Aber wer liest in den Ghettos schon "Foreign Affairs"? So leistet die mangelnde Bildung der Unterschicht, die der Sozialpolitiker Obama beklagt, dem Außenpolitiker Obama wertvolle Dienste.

Obama ist in dieser frühen Morgenstunde des US-Wahlkampfes der Kandidat der Bequemlichkeit. Er sagt lauter richtige Sachen. Man kommt aus dem Nicken kaum heraus.

Die Zukunft eines Kindes dürfe nicht vorgezeichnet sein, bevor das Kind überhaupt seine ersten Schritte ins Leben tut.

Jawohl. Niemand könne gut lernen, wenn die Schule nur alte Bücher und schlechte Lehrer anbietet. Bravo.

Es sei kein Wunder, das sich arbeitslose Jugendliche einer Bande anschließen, wenn es für sie keine Jobs gibt und der erfolgreichste Geschäftsmann in der Nachbarschaft ein Drogenverkäufer sei.

Jemand ruft "Yeah!" in den Saal.

Das Problem seinerzeit wie heute: Der Superkleber haftet nur im Nanobereich.

Der Grund:

Sobald die Kohlenstoff-Röhrchen verlängert werden, verlieren sie ihre Standhaftigkeit und verkleben untereinander - dickere, festere Varianten hingegen sind nicht flexibel genug,

um sich an die Oberfläche anzupassen + haften deswegen auch nicht richtig.

Der italienische Ingenieur Nicola Pugno präsentierte vor kurzem einen Ausweg aus dieser technischen Zwickmühle:

Eine hierarchische, verzweigte Struktur aus Nanoröhrchen müsste seinen Berechnungen zufolge beide Eigenschaften vereinen.

So ließe sich womöglich sogar ein Spider-Man-Anzug entwickeln, der Menschen in spinnengleiche Kletterer umwandeln könnte.
20070430 Former Pfc. Jessica Lynch and the brother of Army Ranger Pat Tillman told ... in der Armee führen in vielen Dienststellen Räuber in Uniform das Regiment, ...
19.Jul.2007 Stundenlöhne: Teilzeitbeschäftigte verdienen deutlich weniger

19.Jul.2007 Atomgesetz: SPD- Minister plädieren für Umkehr der Beweislast
19.Jul.2007 US- Wahlkampf: Obama unplugged
19.Jul.2007 USA: Soldat droht wegen Tötung eines Irakers lebenslange Haft (Politik)
19.Jul.2007 Materialforschung: Gecko- Muschel- Kleber hält auch unter Wasser
19.Jul.2007 Kommentare, Meinungen, Fakten

Immer mehr ausländische Jugendbanden verunsichern Deutschlands Straßen. In Gruppen greifen sie einzelne Deutsche grundlos an, nur um ihren Unmut zu kühlen, ...*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*
Berliner Morgenpost: Berlin vom 5.03.2007: Gewalt Berliner ... Jugendliche Gewalttäter, insbesondere Jugendbanden werden zunehmend zu einem stadtweiten ...

00.Okt.---- die große Ausstellung "Im Zeichen des Goldenen Greifen ...
Weltspiegel - Honduras: Der Krieg der Kinder

Jugendbanden terrorisieren Lateinamerika: Viertel, Städte, Länder.

Sie nennen sich. ... wird die Bevölkerung eines Tages zur Selbstjustiz greifen .“ ...

Jan.2006 Südfrankreich: Jugendbanden greifen Zugreisende an.

03.Jan.2006 Verfassungsschutz: Lage im Irak bedroht Sicherheit in Deutschland ...
"Der Krieg gegen Kinder" - von John Pilger

00.000.1990 -in den -er Jahren- Belagerung des Irak

Dies ist der Preis, den die Palästinenser ... Sie sterben, weil die Krankenhäuser keine Ventilatoren haben und ...
Sechs Juden aus dem Irak gerettet

Die sechs Juden aus dem Irak wurden nach ihrer Ankunft in Israel in ein Hotel in Seniorenheime, Krankenhäuser oder bei ihren Familien untergebracht.
19.Jul.2007 - Ausgabe #58 - Irak-Krieg: Der Weg durch den Nahen Osten

Der Irak ist mit mehreren Megatonnen Bomben plattgewalzt und vom US-Militär überrannt ... Krankenhäuser werden geplündert, Wohnhäuser, die Bewohner werden ...
Irak-Verfassung: Nein zur Farce des Imperialismus! - Arbeitermacht ... besagen, dass die Besatzer Schulen + Krankenhäuser bombardiert haben + ...

ArbeiterInnen, Jugend und Frauen des Irak müssen diesen Betrug ablehnen! ...
Armee-Krankenhaeuser - die Verwundeten vergammeln - HAZ-Leserforum

Armee- Krankenhaeuser - die Verwundeten vergammeln, Wie sieht es denn bei der BW aus?

Verwundete Irak -Heimkehrer erleiden Höllenqualen. unquote ...

Auch ein Extremfall des Möbiusbandes kann mit den Gleichungen beschrieben werden.

Es gibt nämlich einen Minimalwert für das Verhältnis aus Länge und Breite des Streifens.

Der Quotient muss mindestens so groß sein wie die Wurzel aus drei - also etwa 1,73 -, sonst lassen sich die beiden Enden nicht zusammenfügen.

Das Möbiusband nimmt in diesem Fall die Form eines gleichseitigen Dreiecks an, das aus drei Lagen Papier besteht. Das normalerweise nur gebogene Band besitzt plötzlich drei scharfe Knicke.
Das erste Ergebnis: Die Form einer Endlosschleife hängt allein von einer einzigen Zahl ab, dem Verhältnis zwischen Länge und Breite des Streifens.

Das reicht aus, um die Krümmung und Drehung des Bandes - und damit sein Aussehen - zu berechnen.
Ausgangspunkt der Überlegungen von Starostin und van der Heijden war eines der wichtigsten Prinzipien der Physik:

Systeme streben stets den energieärmsten Zustand an - so auch das Möbiusband.
Numerator: Rätsel des Möbiusbands gelöst
19.Jul.2007 Bundeshaushalt: Einnahmezuwachs übertrifft alle Erwartungen
1989 kamen bei einer derartigen, als "Wasserhammer" bezeichneten Explosion drei Menschen ums Leben.
00.000.1924 -Die Leitung stammt aus dem Jahr-.

Unglücksursache sei eindeutig ein Versagen der Infrastruktur gewesen, betonte Bloomberg.

Zugleich räumte er ein: "Es gibt einen Haufen Dinge, die wir noch nicht wissen."
"Wir wollen supervorsichtig sein", sagte Bürgermeister Bloomberg.
Bloomberg versicherte am Unglücksort: "Es gibt keinen nur irgendwie gearteten Grund zu glauben, dass dies etwas mit Terror oder Kriminalität zu tun hat."
Plantin stellte das Radio an, aber es gab keine Informationen.
19.Jul.2007 Erbanlagen: Herzinfarkt- Gene steigern Risiko um bis zu 30 %
Mohammed Salim v. Pakistan, Working Group on Arbitrary Detention,
U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/2001/14/Add.1 at 64 (2000).


11.Jun.1999 -Communication addressed to the Government on-
Concerning Mohammed Salim
The State is not a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
1. The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention was established by resolution 1991/42 of the Commission on Human Rights.

The mandate of the Working Group was clarified and extended by resolution 1977/50 + reconfirmed by resolution 2000/36.

Acting in accordance with its methods of work, the Working Group forwarded to the Government the above-mentioned
2. The Working Group regrets that the Government has not replied within the 90-day deadline.
3. The Working Group regards deprivation of liberty as arbitrary in the following cases:
(i) When it manifestly cannot be justified on any legal basis (such as continued detention after the sentence has been served or despite an applicable amnesty act) (category I);
(ii) When the deprivation of liberty is the result of a judgement or sentence for the exercise of the rights and freedoms proclaimed in articles 7, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and also, in respect of States parties, in articles 12, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26 and 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (category II);
(iii) When the complete or partial non-observance of the international standards relating to a fair trial set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the relevant international instruments accepted by the States concerned is of such gravity as to confer on the deprivation of liberty, of whatever kind, an arbitrary character (category III).
4. In the light of the allegations made, the Working Group would have welcomed the cooperation of the Government. In the absence of any information from the Government, the Working Group believes that it is in a position to render an opinion on the facts and circumstances of the case, especially since the facts and allegations contained in the communication have not been challenged by the Government.
5. According to the source, Mohammed Salim was arrested early on 1 June 1998 for alleged involvement in the murder of three police officers which took place in an alley close to his residence. He was 14 years old at the time of his arrest. He was reportedly not informed of the charges against him, was detained in police custody with adults for 12 days and was then
transferred to a juvenile jail, where he was ill-treated. Subsequently, he allegedly was tried along with other adults by a military court in Karachi, convicted and sentenced to death in 00.Dec.1998.

The trial allegedly violated international standards for a fair trial. Eventually, Mohammed Salim was acquitted in January 1999, due to lack of evidence.

6. According to the source, in

00.Feb.1999 the Supreme Court of Pakistan declared such military courts unconstitutional + any convictions and sentences handed down by those courts which had not yet been implemented were declared null and void.
7. The courts were subsequently abolished. Mohammed Salim was thereupon rearrested on 13 May 1999 and charged for the same offence and again placed in detention. He is currently being retried for the same offence for which he was tried before by the military court.
8. In the light of the allegations presented by the source, which have not been denied by the Government although it had the opportunity to do so, the Working Group finds that the above-named person, who is a minor, was arrested with adults for alleged involvement in the murder of three police officers, that he was detained for 12 days together with adults + that he
was tried along with adults being prosecuted in the same case.

The Working Group also finds that,

after being sentenced to death in

00.Dec.1998 at first instance by a court later declared unconstitutional and abolished, Mohammed Salim was acquitted on appeal in

00.Jan.1999 for lack of evidence.

Above all, the Working Group finds that he was rearrested by the police on the same charges as those in respect of which he had been acquitted, this being contrary to the non bis in idem rule set forth in article 13 of the Constitution of Pakistan and a general principle of law.
9. In the light of the foregoing, the Working Group renders the following opinion:

The deprivation of liberty of Mohammed Salim is arbitrary, as it cannot be justified on any legal basis + falls within category I of the categories applicable to the consideration of cases submitted to the Working Group. His detention is also in violation of the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (“The Beijing Rules”).
10. Consequent upon the opinion rendered, the Working Group requests the Government to take the necessary steps to remedy the situation.

17.May 2000 -Adopted on-E/CN.4/2001/14/Add.1
facility name calcasieu refining company lake charles la

Facility Name: Calcasieu Refining Company Lake Charles, LA 70605 Parent Company : Transworld Oil USA, Inc. RMP Facility ID: 100000071469 Submission Receipt ...
18.Jul.2007 The Quality Of Life Coalition

Co -chair - Ann Lents is a current President of The Center for Houston ’s Future, ... Inc., Transworld Properties + Calcasieu Refining Company .
18.Jul.2007 GENESISINTERMEDIA INC - GENI Quarterly Report (10-Q) Item 1. Legal ... to be a shareholder of record and be acting on behalf of others similarly situated, against us, Ramy El-Batrawi, Douglas E. Jacobson and Courtney Smith.
GENESISINTERMEDIA INC - GENI Quarterly Report (10-Q) NOTES TO ... against the Company, Ramy El-Batrawi, Douglas E. Jacobson and Courtney Smith. The first count of the complaint alleges violations under Section 10(b) of ...
Ramy El-Batrawi, et al.: Lit. Rel. No. 19655/

April 13, 2006 SEC Files Fraud Charges Against Ramy El-Batrawi, Adnan Khashoggi, GenesisIntermedia, ...

The Commission is also seeking to bar El-Batrawi, Jacobson, ...
SEC Complaint: Ramy El-Batrawi, et al. - View as HTML
Khashoggi, El-Batrawi and Jacobson prohibiting from them from serving as ... Defendants Ramy El-Betrawi + Douglas Jacobson knowingly ...

31.Dec.2000 SEC Info- Genesisintermedia Inc-10-K/A -For- 39 Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Douglas E. Jacobson .

Ramy El-Batrawi Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
28.Oct.1998 SEC Info- Genesisintermedia Inc - SB-2 -On- EX-2.1

The directors of GMG-Florida are as follows: Ramy El-Batrawi, Douglas E. Jacobson, Sam I. Hassabo and Blair La Corte. 4. NAME. The name of the Surviving ...
Weiss & Yourman - GenesisIntermedia Complaint

Defendants include: Genesis Intermedia Inc., Ramy El-Batrawi and Douglas E. Jacobson . Due to defendants' deceptive and illegal conduct, plaintiff and the ...
03.Jun.2006 Financial Crime News-Defendants named in the SEC case include Ramy Y. El-Batrawi of Los Angeles, ... + Douglas E. Jacobson of Los Angeles, identified as CFO of GENI. ...
The Webfairy -- [CIA-DRUGS] [Fwd: [crimgov] Elgindy Tries to Tie ...

Ramy El-Batrawi and Saudi financier Adnan Khashoggi, a financial middleman in ... Doug Jacobson, who is listed as the CFO. The business type is listed as a ...
Going down fighting - View as HTML
25.Apr.2001 Chief Executive Ramy El-Batrawi sent a letter to shareholders asking them ...

Douglas Jacobson, the company's chief financial officer.

Ramy El-Batrawi Chairman President and CEO. $263824, $0, $22761, $286585.

Douglas E. Jacobson CFO and Secretary. $149768, $0, $13178, $162946 ...

20070705 Simple Entropy Search in all of Alfatomega ... GenesisIntermedia, Ramy El-Batrawi + Douglas Jacobson shall have 60 days ...

Holdings Ltd, Adnan Khashoggi, Deutsche Bank Securities Limited, ...
VRI Open Discussion forum GENESIS INTERMEDIA, Ramy El Batrawi, Anthony Elgindy, Jeffrey Royer ... Girl Productions, 2127 1/2 Vine Street, Los Angeles, CA 90068 - Clarissa Jacobson ...
Insider Trading: Nasdaq First Call/Thomson Financial Insiders ... 20-8 DAVOX CORP(COM) Smith Douglas W O 2 38-6 DENSE PAC MICROSYSTEMS INC ... FOS GENESISINTERMEDIA COM INC(COM) 17.79-19.56 3013723 ElBatrawi Ramy Y ...
NASDAQ - stock-exchange report - Illustration - Statistical Data ... 20790815 SKOLL JEFFREY S VP -6 EBAY INC(COM) 26400 JACOBSON MICHAEL R VP ... W CB GENESISINTERMEDIA COM INC(COM) 16.24-18.15 758223 ELBATRAWI RAMY Y CB ...

19.Nov.2006 Postman Patel: defence often used by Boris Berezovsky - seen here with our Dear Leader

... V( FCIB ) (now in a form of administration from 13.Sep.2006 and not to be ...
Fwd: [2] Litvinenko -- Russia's OIL, anti-Putin Israel + the ...

Berezovsky goes on to assert that Putin "supports terror" in the Middle East ...

UK Customs accuse FCIB of being the favoured bank of carousel fraudsters. conspiracy/2006-12/msg00045.html
Gmane -- Mail To News And Back Again

Boris Berezovsky is one of seven "oligarchs," as they are known both ...

Dutch court facing charges relating to the First Curacao International Bank ( FCIB ). ...
20061203 FCIB was founded by a Dutch businessman, John Deuss, 64, ... While Mr Deuss earned millions of dollars in fees from FCIB 's customers, ...
Actueel nieuws Als we Alexander Litvinenko, Boris Berezovsky en Peter d’Hamecourt mogen ... Hoe dan ook, Johnnyboy ontkent dat zijn FCIB -vehikel op Bermuda als spil ...
12.Jan.2007 Christopher Harvie: Broonland-Broonland Two Where there ... - HTML-Version
London the paper got into trouble with Menatep’s Boris Berezovsky .

International Bank ( FCIB ). Representative of a type of ‘shell bank’ thought to ...
Zahl der überwachten Handy-Gespräche in Deutschland enorm hoch ...

Zahl der überwachten Handy-Gespräche in Deutschland enorm hoch ...

Damit können die Sicherheitsbehörden künftig nicht nur Telefone abhören, sondern auch ...,,t101-s2098383,00.html
Martin Kutscha: Die informationelle Aufrüstung der Sicherheitsbehörden

Dazu gehört nicht nur das Abhören und Aufzeichnen des Gesprächs selbst, sondern auch die Meldung der sog. Funkzellen, über die Handy-Gespräche übertragen ...
18.Jul.2007 Gleichberechtigung: EU will Väter zur Auszeit zwingen

18.Jul.2007 Diplomaten- Ausweisungen: Der Geist des Kalten Krieges

18.Jul.2007 Verschärftes Strafrecht: Regierung will Sicherungsverwahrung für Jugendliche
18.Jul.2007 Megaflut: Riesenwelle machte England zur Insel

18.Jul.2007 Fehlende Ersatzteile: Erdbeben in Japan legt Produktion bei Toyota lahm
18.Jul.2007 Wer finanzierte Hitler und die NSDAP?

00.000.1920 Der bekennende Antisemit Henry Ford unterstützt Hitler

00.000.1931 George Bell habe als Repräsentant von Hitler und Deterding an Treffen ... - Und die Industrie stand DOCH hinter Hitler!

00.Mär.1920 -bis Ende- Hitler selbst stand als V-Mann im Sold der Reichswehr (20 Reichsmark pro Woche), von der er auch direkte politische Schulungen erhielt ...
Hitler als Werkzeug der Industrie - Politikarena ... zählten auch Henry Ford, von dem ein Bild in der Münchener Parteizentrale hing(21), ...

Beispiel Hitler von Emil Kirdorf persönlich 100.000 Reichsmark (64), ...
Wall Street und der Aufstieg von Hitler [Archiv] - ...

There is also some evidence that Henry Ford gave Adolf Hitler direct ... von Ford über Hearst + Bush bis Deterding + in die Bank von England hinein ist ...
»Kleiner Mann bittet um große Gaben« [Archiv] - ...

Sind sie ja wohl einem Mann wie Hitler, der das ihm wirklich Zugedachte kaum ...

Aretz nennt auch andere Namen: Brüning, Deterding (von der Royal Dutch ...
Großindustrie und NSDAP - Wikipedia Im

00.Nov.1932 spendete Friedrich Flick der NSDAP 50.000 Reichsmark . Am

20.Feb.1933 trafen sich 27 Spitzenvertreter der Industrie mit Hitler, ...ßindustrie_und_NSDAP
Das Hitler-Tribunal - ein fiktiver Doku-Roman von Michael Grandt

Zeitungsverleger + der Generaldirektor der Royal-Dutch-Shell Company, Sir Henry Deterding waren dem NS-Regime zugetan.

Henry Ford, der amerikanische ...
Wer finanzierte Hitler - V.Info -

Auch Sir Henri Deterding, Vorsitzender der weitgehend der britischen Königsfamilie gehörenden Royal Dutch finanziert Hitler .
United Mutations Motzblog » Blog Archiv » **Hitler - der erste ...

Henry Ford wird von den Nazis für seine Verdienste dem Nationalsozialismus ...

Ihr Chef, Sir Henri Deterding, soll Hitler, laut weit verbreiteten Gerüchten, ...
00.000.2006 China-IGM.ppt China ist jetzt viertgrößter Exporteur nach Deutschland, USA + ...

Wanderarbeiter leben in Slums in der Nähe der Metropolen. Keine Schulen für Kinder, ... -IGM_06_2006.pdf
THE NEWS BLOG Shackley supervised Dutchman John Deuss's oil smuggling to South Africa,

... a big brand "craves safety, as the Wall Street Journal noted last month. ...
Caspian Sea Library

00.000.1995 -In late- Russia played down the Caspian issue and Ministry of Foreign Affairs ... (19) John J. Maresca, 'Using Oil to Stop a Nasty War', Journal of ...

00.000.2002 The Wall Street Journal 's Glenn Simpson made public a report by ...

With the resignation of John Deuss, the controversial president of the ...
20070508 Stephen Lendman : Wall Street Journal Claims Chavez Oil Policy "Aims to Weaken ...

He did this with controversial partners as John Deuss + Ted Shackley, ...
Le Cercle and the struggle for the European continent - Dark-Truth ...

He did this with controversial partners as John Deuss + Ted Shackley, ...

17.Aug.1983 Wall Street Journal, 'Bank's Links to Ex-CIA Men Detailed': ...
18.Jul.2007 Gmane -- Mail To News And Back Again

John Deuss appeared in a Dutch court facing charges relating to the First ... He was seated at a desk against the wall with a computer on top to his left.

09.Oct.1995 Is John Deuss a Visionary or a Slick Operator?” The Wall Street Journal,, A1. 84.

Chevron, Mobil Corp + LUKoil to finance a $1.2 bil ...
18.Jul.2007 IFN - Manhattan Judge Rules On Pre-Trial Motions In “Kazakhgate ...

The Wall Street Journal has reported that former Kazakh Prime Minister ... of the James Giffen/John Deuss variety,” says Laurent Ruseckas Director, ...
Scoop: Suzan Mazur: John Deuss - The Manhattan projects

00.000.1995 His big profile would come in a page one Wall Street Journal article subtitled: "Is John Deuss a Visionary or a Slick Operator?
Es sieht aus, als sei die Abrechnung mit der Bush-Ära bereits in vollem Gange - und Kronzeugen für das Versagen des Texaners sind derzeit ziemlich einfach zu finden.

Schließlich scheint ja nun auch festzustehen:

An wen auch immer Bush das Land 2008 übergeben wird, es wird nicht sicherer geworden sein.

Nur dieses Ergebnis aber hätte Bush nach dem Irak-Debakel noch mit der Bevölkerung versöhnen und ihm Ruhmeslorbeeren sichern können.

Memos wie vor 9/11

Für alle Kritiker und Gegner Bushs ist das ein gefundenes Fressen: Eine im Irak aktive Terrorgruppe, die es

vor 9/11 und dem Irakkrieg gar nicht gab, stellt heute eine der größten Gefahren der Sicherheit der USA dar - auf diese Aussage konzentriert, werten sie den Bericht als endgültigen Beweis für Bushs Inkompetenz.

Dass die Gefahr solcher Anschläge zugleich nicht einmal gesenkt werden konnte, sehen sie als Beleg für Bushs Scheitern an.

Schließlich hatte der Präsident den Irakkrieg damit begründet, dass von dortigen Terroristen eine Gefahr für die USA ausgehe - nun ist sie anscheinend größer als je zuvor.

In der "NYT" zog Analyst Shane eine beunruhigende Parallele:

00.000.2001 -vergleichbar- Das aktuelle "Estimate" sei mit jenem aus dem Jahr- das Bush nur wenige Wochen vor 9/11 vorgelegt worden war und in dem stand: "Bin Laden hat vor, die USA anzugreifen."
"Eine schlaflose Nacht im Senat ist kein großes Opfer im Vergleich zu den schlaflosen Nächten, die unsere Soldaten und ihre Familien verbringen", sagte sein Parteifreund Richard Durbin.
18.Jul.2007 Betrugsverdacht: Razzia bei Dibag

18.Jul.2007 US- Terror- Report: Eine Frage der Sicherheit

18.Jul.2007 Mafia- Prozess in Düsseldorf: Erscheinung des Engelsgesichts
18.Jul.2007 Nachtsitzung im US- Senat: Müde Republikaner blockieren Abstimmung über Truppenabzug
18.Jul.2007 Vattenfall zu Rauschers Rücktritt: "Unzulängliches Krisenmanagement" (Wirtschaft)

Im August wird die Nasa den "Phoenix Mars Lander" zum Mars schicken.

Der Roboter soll die Bedingungen für die Existenz von Mikroorganismen auf dem Planeten untersuchen und erklären, warum aus dem einst feuchten und warmen Mars ein kalter Planet mit vereisten Polkappen wurde.

Die Existenz von Wasser wäre ein wichtiges Anzeichen für die Möglichkeit von Leben auf dem Roten Planeten.

Erster Mars-Wald in 100 Jahren?
"Bäume sind die Maschinen der Biosphäre", sagte McKay des Nasa Ames Center in Kalifornien.
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