21.Nov.2005 https://www.globalintel.com It was America's chemical-biological warfare complex. 00.000.1943 -Since- Olson had worked there. To ensure his weapons worked, they were tried out on what the CIA classified as "expendables": suspected double agents, captured spies + others held in detention camps in the American Zone in southern Germany. 00.000.1950 -This was the s when- the Cold War was at its height. But Olson had never witnessed the result of his work. 00.000.1953 -Then in the summer of- he visited a CIA "safe house" near Stuttgart. He saw men dying, often in agony, from the weapons he had made. He was shocked + protested. By the time he had returned to Fort Detrick in 00.Nov.1953 of that year, his fate had been sealed. CIA director Allan Welsh Dulles decided that Olson was a dangerous whistleblower. Eric Olson had always maintained "my father was murdered on the highest authority". He has fought a long battle to prove his point. But at every step he was blocked by two of the most powerful men in Washington - Cheney + Rumsfeld. But the documents which have surfaced in Washington all too clearly pinpoint the role the two men played in covering-up the murder of Frank Olson. The question was + still is: Hey! What's going on here? Gunmen Deputized To Secure Smallpox Vaccination Areas In addition, the Congressional Record from 00.000.1977 cited numerous contracts administered by several universities + private laboratories engaged in the military's "Biological Testing Involving Human Subjects by the Department of Defense 00.000.1977." two of these contracts were managed by a private company implicated in the earliest studies of the Ebola virus. Litton Bionetics Research Laboratories, which oversaw all of the cancer research + weapons testing programs at Fort Detrick in Maryland during a largely funded, little known, "Special Virus Cancer Program," According to these documents, reprinted in Emerging Viruses: AIDS + Ebola, this subsidiary of Litton Industries, routinely engaged in advanced biological weapons experiments using genetically modified viruses that produced profound immune system failure + the unique cancer complex, more than a decade later, named AIDS. 00.000.1960-00.000.1970 -during the late -early s," Dr. Horowitz said. "This recent Pentagon release + broad news coverage of it, smacks of a royal ruse. A TIMELINE SURROUNDING 11.Sep.2001 SEPTEMBER 11TH - IF CIA AND THE GOVERNMENT WEREN'T INVOLVED IN THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS WHAT WERE THEY DOING? - by Michael C. Ruppert 66. 11.Sep.2001 Sept. 11-12, 2001 - Nearly a month before the first reported outbreak, White House officials start taking the powerful antibiotic Cipro to treat anthrax. By the end of the year it will be known that the Ames strain of anthrax used in the attacks against Senators Leahy + Daschle was produced by CIA programs coordinated through Fort Detrick + the Batelle Memorial Institute + the Dugway Proving Ground. [Source: NBC; CNN; www.tetrahedron.org , www.judicialwatch.org ] 00.000.1998 -since- as reported in the above article-just in time for the recent anthrax attacks. And in the above article it also says that Dugway Proving Ground has had the Ames strain since 00.000.1992 . But if they say that they haven't been turning Ames into weapons-grade powdered anthrax then I guess we can trust them. I mean, after all, governments never lie--especially about serious matters like this. But wait! Consider the below Washington Post article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A34707-2001Dec12.html From the above article: " An Army biological + chemical warfare facility in Utah has been quietly developing a virulent, weapons-grade formulation of anthrax spores 00.000.1992 -since at least- + samples of the bacteria were shipped back + forth between that facility + Fort Detrick, Md., on several occasions in the past several years, according to government officials + shipping records. The Utah spores, grown and processed at the 800,000-acre Dugway Proving Ground about 80 miles from Salt Lake City, belong to the Ames strain - the same strain used in the deadly letters sent to media outlets + two senators 00.Sep.2001 + 00.Oct.2001 . No other nation is known to have made weapons-grade Ames. " UPDATED UPDATE!: Now it's been positively confirmed that the Ames strain which has been used in the terrorist attacks is a perfect genetic match to the Ames that only five laboratories in the world are known to ever of had, i.e., the labs talked about in the above articles--Dugway Proving Ground being one of them: + remember, 00.000.1990 -since the s- it was Dugway which has been manufacturing weapons-grade powdered anthrax See the below Washington Post article: "Capitol Hill Anthrax Matches Army's Stocks" (dated 16.Dec.200- ): https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A49502-2001Dec15.html 00.000.1988 -by the American Type Culture Collection company, located near Fort Detrick, MD, the site of the US Army's high security germ warfare labs." The Carlyle Group, the Bush es and bin Laden The warnings about the Carlyle Group, the nationís 11th largest defense contractor + the Bush es came long before the World Trade Center attacks. The Carlyle Group is a closely held corporation, exempt, for that reason, from reporting its affairs to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Little is known of what it actually does except that it buys + sells defense contractors. As of 04.Oct .2001 -it has removed its corporate web site from the World Wide Web making further investigation through that channel impossible. Its Directors include Frank Carlucci, former Reagan Secretary of Defense; James Baker, former Bush [BGHW948] Secretary of State; + Richard Darman, a former White House aide to Ronald Reagan + Republican Party operative. 00.000.1988 -by the American Type Culture Collection company, located near Fort Detrick, MD, the site of the US Army's high security germ warfare labs." The Carlyle Group, the Bushes and bin Laden The warnings about the Carlyle Group, the nation s 11th largest defense contractor + the Bushes came long before the World Trade Center attacks. The Carlyle Group is a closely held corporation, exempt, for that reason, from reporting its affairs to the Securities and Exchange Commission SEC. Little is known of what it actually does except that it buys + sells defense contractors. 04.Oct.2001 -As of - it has removed its corporate web site from the World Wide Web making further investigation through that channel impossible. Its Directors include Frank Carlucci, former Reagan Secretary of Defense; James Baker, former Bush Secretary of State; + Richard Darman, a former White House aide to Ronald Reagan + Republican Party operative. 03.Mar.2001 -just weeks after Bush [BGW968]'s inauguration, the conservative Washington lobbying group Judicial Watch issued a press release. It said: "(Washington, D.C.) Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that investigates + prosecutes government abuse + corruption, called on former President Bush [BGHW948] to resign immediately from the Carlyle Group, a private investment firm, while his son President Bush [BGW968] is in office . He has worked at both Ft. Detrick + the Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah. Patrick is now a private biowarfare consultant to the military + CIA. Patrick developed the process by which anthrax spores could be concentrated at the level of one trillion spores per gram. No other country has been able to get concentrations above 500 billion per gram. The anthrax that was sent around the eastern USA last fall was concentrated at one trillion spores per gram. 00.000.1992 -Now known by the Americanized "Ken Alibek", he defected to the U.S. . Before defecting, Alibek was the #2 man in the FSU's biowarfare program. 05.Oct.2001-isince. s from US military sources connected to CIA research. The FBI has stated that only 10 people could have had access, yet at the same time they are reporting astounding security breaches at the biowarfare facility at Ft. Detrick, MD; breaches such as unauthorized nighttime experiments + lab specimens missing. 00.000.1986-00.000.1992 Perich worked at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md., as the vector suppression program manager + research medical entomologist. Colleagues described him as "one of the few entomologists with the experience to go out + save lives today." https://alfatomega.com/noname031.html The order to seize the bank is quietly burried in government records + kept out of the public media. 00.000.1942 UK creates anthrax bomb + 00.000.1942 UK anthrax bomb tests on Gruinard Island. 00.000.1943 Test of the Eldridge ONR invisibility project. 00.000.1943 Germany establishes through Gehlen .." 00.000.1943 Pilots start reporting "foo fighters" in the air. 00.000.1943 USA UK Allies begin manufacture of anthrax bomb, using UK design. 00.000.1943 USA gives Russia plans for atomic bomb under Lend Lease Program. 00.000.1943 USA delivers 1 kilogram of .." 00.000.1944 Uranium pile built in Clinton, Tennessee. New cyclotron completed at Washington. 00.000.1944 An initial batch of 5000 anthrax bombs comes off the production line at Camp Detrick. Main American plant at Vigo, Indiana built at a cost of $8 million + employed 500 people. The plant was capable of producing 50,000 anthrax bombs per month. 00.000.1945 -Plant ready for production by- but never used + eventually was leased for production of antibiotics. Die "New York Times" zitiert Dokumente, die belegen, dass 00.000.1992 bei einer Inventur 62 Erreger-Proben fehlten; darunter nicht nur der Kampfstoff-Klassiker Anthrax, sondern auch höchst ansteckende Ebola- + Hantaviren. Erst zehn Jahre später - 00.000.2002 -also- gab das Institut bekannt, man sei der Sache kürzlich nachgegangen. Bis auf eine einzige, vermutlich harmlose Probe seien alle wieder aufgetaucht. 00.000.1990 -Noch Mitte der- neunziger Jahre- lieferten Mikroben-Archive wie die American Type Culture Collection waffentaugliche Erreger in alle Welt, es genügte der Briefkopf eines Forschungslabors. Der Irak bezog einst Anthrax- und Botulismus-Erreger von dort. seine Firma müsse Schweineserum aus Afrika auf medizinische Reinheit prüfen + deshalb werde in den nächsten Tagen jemand mit einer Kühlkanne im Hamburger Tropeninstitut vorbeikommen. Herbert Schmitz, Leiter der virologischen Abteilung, bat den Mann, sich erst einmal über Bundes-Seuchengesetz + Transportvorschriften zu informieren. Dann könne er sich gern wieder melden. Der Austausch von Mikroben galt unter Forschern zwar über Jahrzehnte als Selbstverständlichkeit, die bürokratischen Hürden hielten sich in Grenzen. Seitdem aber die Anthraxbriefe kurz nach dem 11.Sep.2001 die Angst vor Bioterror entfesselt haben, ist die wissenschaftliche Arbeit nicht mehr dieselbe. Die Deutsche Post weigert sich mittlerweile sogar, Blutproben oder Rachenabstriche zu befördern; speziell geschulte Kurierfahrer lassen sich ihre Dienste ein Vielfaches kosten. "Und virologisches Material aus den USA zu bekommen, ist zur Zeit so gut wie unmöglich", sagt Schmitz. Sicherheitsrisiko Forschung - Panik-Attacken im Labor Deutsche Forscher bekommen keine Virenproben mehr aus den USA, amerikanische Labors vernichten ganze Erreger-Bestände. Die Sorge vor dem Bioterror erschwert die wissenschaftliche Arbeit. Die größte Angst: ein Pocken-Cocktail aus einem Terror-Labor. https://www.testsubjects.net/USMilitaryUsedNerveGas.htm https://deploymentlink.osd.mil/current_issues/shad/shad_intro.shtml A Military Secret No Longer Sailors Sprayed With Nerve Gas in Cold War Test, Pentagon Says 04.Jan.2002 DoD Releases Information on 1960 tests - WASHINGTON- https://deploymentlink.osd.mil/news/jan02/news_10402_001.shtml Depleted Uranium Information Library, a gateway to primary source materials relating to the military use of depleted uranium + its possible health effects. https://deploymentlink.osd.mil/du_library Britain used DU 00.000.1950 s 'nuclear guinea pig' tests https://c.moreover.com/click/here.pl?j64277714 However, the tests were done on Navy ships. Both services kept separate, but service- specific records of the results. Nobody in either service had gathered the pieces together. For the past year, Morris + her team have been searching throughout the DoD system for data, systematically targeting the places these records may have been tucked away. "We know that the Deseret Test Center documents were taken over by Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah," Morris says. "We also know some of those documents went to Fort Detrick." The process has been painstaking. Paper + microfiche records have been combed by hand, important bits of information pieced together + added to a list of materials which then had to go through the Pentagon’s declassification process. This investigation has required the close cooperation of the VA, the Military Veterans Health Coordinating Board, the Assistant Secretaries for Manpower and Reserve Affairs of the Army + Navy + elements of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. The Under Secretary of the Army also worked to expeditiously declassify needed documentation. Data collected for each test includes the test dates, identification of ships + units involved, test locations, simulants/agents/decontaminants used + test methods employed. Morris’ investigators have gone through thousands of classified documents + she says there are thousands more to look at. https://www.lovearth.net/popup.htm https://deploymentlink.osd.mil/current_issues/shad/shad_chart/shad_chart_6.shtml https://www.lies.net/FakeTerrorAlerts.htm https://www.testsubjects.net/USMilitaryUsedNerveGas.htm 00.000.1960 's Military Used Nerve Gas In Open Air Tests In - US DoD Releases Information on 00.000.1960 tests https://deploymentlink.osd.mil/news/jan02/news_10402_001.shtml WASHINGTON, 04.Jan.2002 (DeploymentLINK) - 00.000.1960 -In the s- the Department of Defense conducted a series of chemical + biological warfare vulnerability tests on naval ships known collectively as Project Shipboard Hazard and Defense. Over the past 10 years, some individual veterans expressed concern to the Department of Veterans Affairs that their participation in these tests may have exposed them to harmful substances. 00.Aug.2000 -the VA asked the DoD for help in obtaining information needed to clarify claims information from servicemembers who believed they might have been exposed to harmful substances during their participation in SHAD exercises. Specifically, VA claims experts needed to know what type of substances veterans may have been exposed to + when they may have been exposed. The simulants or agents used, dates of the tests + which vessels were involved are key to determine if there should be a concern today. The Defense Department then began an investigation to determine possible medical hazards which may have been associated with these tests + recently released the first in a series of fact sheets about the exercises. Dee Dodson Morris is coordinating this ongoing investigation. Her 22- year career in the Army Chemical Corps gives her distinctive understanding of these tests. Richard Ebright von der Rutgers University hätte lieber nur ein einziges neues Hochsicherheitslabor gesehen - + zwar in Fort Detrick, dem medizinischen Forschungszentrum des Pentagons. Die Armee sei besser als eine Universität in der Lage, ein Institut voller tödlicher Erreger zu bewachen. Ihn beunruhigt auch, dass die Zahl der Personen mit Zugang zu Killerviren so schnell steigt: "Es erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Freisetzung." 08.Sep.1900 Der schlimmste Orkan, der die USA je erreichte, zerstörte fast alle Häuser + tötete über 6000 Menschen. In einem schlichten Gebäude der University of Texas ist gerade hinter extradicken Mauern ein Labor der höchsten Sicherheitsstufe 4 fertig gestellt worden. In diesen Tagen wird es beliefert mit ersten Killern - etwa den Erregern von Horrorkrankheiten wie Ebola, Lassa und Krim-Kongo. Das ist für immer vorbei. Für 120 Millionen $ wird in Galveston bis 2007 das "National Biocontainment Laboratory" errichtet: ein Mega-Laborkomplex für Hunderte von Forschern. Ein Zwillingsinstitut ist in Boston geplant, weitere Großlabore in Montana und Maryland; und gleich neun kleinere Regionallabore der Sicherheitsstufen 2 und 3 werden über das Land verteilt. Gefördert mit Milliardensummen aus Washington stürzen sich Tausende Wissenschaftler an Universitäten, öffentlichen Instituten und Firmen auf die Arbeit an todbringenden Viren und Bakterien. "Biodefense" lautet ihr Auftrag; denn die immer noch ungeklärten Anthrax-Anschläge im Herbst 2001 haben offenbart, dass die Amerikaner gefährlich wenig wissen über die Waffen von Bioterroristen. Ein mühsames Procedere bei derzeit gut 80.000 Namen auf der Liste. Die strengen Kontrollen zeigen, wie die Nachwehen des 11.Sep.2001 längst auch eher beschaulich-weltfremde Fachleute quälen. Seit klar geworden ist, dass sich viele wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse sowohl gegen als auch für den Terrorismus einsetzen lassen, steht die Forschung unter Generalverdacht Vergangenes Jahr verdächtigte das FBI Steven Hatfill, Mitarbeiter im Hochsicherheitslabor für Biowaffen Fort Detrick in Maryland, Anthrax-Briefe verschickt zu haben. Seither hat die US-Regierung besonders die Mikrobiologie ins Fadenkreuz genommen. Oberstes Ziel: Der Personenkreis mit Zugang zu Pocken- oder Anthrax-Erregern soll radikal eingeschränkt und penibel überprüft werden. Forscher werden erfasst und durchleuchtet Then in the summer of 1953, he visited a CIA "safe house" near Stuttgart. He saw men dying, often in agony, from the weapons he had made. He was shocked + protested. By the time he had returned to Fort Detrick in November of that year, his fate had been sealed. CIA director Allan Welsh Dulles decided that Olson was a dangerous whistleblower. Frank Olson's work for the CIA had included making biological weapons. He had devised an aerosol disguised as insect spray that contained the lethal pathogen, botulism. 00.000.1951 It was successfully used to kill a Russian GRU military intelligence officer on a visit to Gdansk, Poland, . Another creation had been toothpaste containing salmonella, an incapacitating bacterium. 00.000.1952 The CIA arranged for it to be distributed to Bulgarian troops in Sofia. Yet another weapon was inserted into Polish produced jam, the shigella bacterium, which produced incapacitating diarrhoea. 00.000.1952 For a time it produced a major outbreak among Polish and other Warsaw Pact frontline troops . All these + more, Frank Olson had produced in his laboratory at Fort Detrick, near Washington DC. It was America's chemical-biological warfare complex. 00.000.1943 -Since-, Olson had worked there. To ensure his weapons worked, they were tried out on what the CIA classified as "expendables": suspected double agents, captured spies and others held in detention camps in the American Zone in southern Germany. No one has been arrested so far in the anthrax attacks that killed five people + sickened dozens more in Connecticut + Florida + New York + Washington more than nine months ago. Hatfill's name grabbed headlines in 00.Jun.---- , when FBI agents searched his apartment in Frederick, Maryland, with his consent. They searched the home again this month using a search warrant. 00.Sep.1997-00.Sep.1999 Hatfill worked from at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Maryland, where anthrax is accessible. Investigators have said the anthrax may have come from the military base near Frederick. 21.Nov.2005 This list is an attempt to auto-extract proper names from https://www.lycaeum.org/books/books/last_circle/15.htm It was selected because it was already available when the decision was made to jettison the old vaccine. Although it is definitely more pure, unfortunately its purity has not demonstrated improved safety or effectiveness. Its primary ingredient, PA (protective antigen) has significant toxicity. [3,4] For example, in 00.000.1960 -in the s- studies performed at Fort Detrick by Lincoln + Klein, injecting it into the cerebrospinal fluid of monkeys caused complete cessation of brain electrical activity for several minutes. Vaccine effectiveness varies all over the map depending upon which experimental animal species are chosen. No correlates of protection have been identified which permit extrapolation from animals to humans. In fact, in older 00.000.1980-00.000.1990 -from the s- studies performed at Fort Detrick + Porton Down, UK, rPA vaccines were LESS effective in animal models than the currently licensed vaccines. 4. VaxGen (another start-up company selected by DHHS) was investigated by the London Times + The Guardian for improper manipulation of its stock price + has faced several lawsuits by investors. Why contract with VaxGen to produce a vaccine created years ago at Fort Detrick? So far, VaxGen has received $80 million for 3 million doses. Document 1: AD Number: ADA308957.pdf The segment omitted the scientific reasons for protesting the anthrax vaccine program, but I was asked to participate in a "Question and Answer" forum on the Lehrer Newshour website, along with Col. Arthur Friedlander, MD, a prominent anthrax expert at Fort Detrick, US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease. USA Wegen schlampiger Sicherheitsvorkehrungen in einem Armeelabor habe der todbringende Erreger erst in Umlauf kommen können. 05.Okt.2001 -Er starb am- 00.000.1976 -seit- Stevens war das erste Anthrax-Todesopfer in den USA . Schuler erklärte, die Forderung sei dem Verteidigungsministerium zugestellt worden. Falls die Regierung die Forderung zurückweist, kann er innerhalb von sechs Monaten Klage einreichen. Bislang gibt es nur Vermutungen, dass die tödlichen Erreger aus Fort Detrick in Maryland stammten. Dort ist das Forschungsinstitut für Viruserkrankungen der Streitkräfte untergebracht. Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, University of Iowa Fahndung Seit einem halben Jahr gilt Fort Detrick als der wahrscheinlichste Herkunftsort des Anthraxerregers, der die USA im Herbst in Schrecken versetzte. Doch erst jetzt müssen sich Mitarbeiter einem Lügendetektortest unterziehen. Die schleppende Fahndung führt zu Spekulationen, dass das FBI den Täter gar nicht finden will. New York - Bereits im vergangenen November, einen Monat nach dem ersten Anthrax-Todesfall, stellte das FBI ein Täterprofil des Absenders der vier Anthraxbriefe vor: Gesucht werde ein amerikanischer Mikrobiologe, der Zugang zu einem der wenigen Biowaffenlabore in den USA habe. Anthrax-Anschläge - FBI durchsucht Bio-Labors der US-Armee Frederick/USA - Nach Angaben aus Ermittlerkreisen steht die Razzia mit den Anthrax-Anschlägen Ende 2001 in Zusammenhang. Ein Sprecher von Fort Detrick, wo sich die Labors zur Verteidigung gegen Biowaffen befinden, bestätigte lediglich, dass die Forschungseinrichtung aufgrund der Untersuchung seit Freitag geschlossen sei. Nach Erhalt der Briefe waren 2001 fünf Menschen an LungenAnthrax gestorben, 17 weitere wurden krank. Dr. Cieslak is working in the area of medical defense against biological warfare + terrorism. Theodore J. Cieslak and Edward M. Eitzen, Jr. But as chance would have it, an inhalation anthrax epidemic at one of the mills led the researchers to vaccinate everyone at the site. None of the vaccinated developed inhalation anthrax—good news but not scientifically relevant. (The only scientifically relevant information reaped about inhalation anthrax was a detailed ticktock about how it progressed in humans. See this sidebar for more.) when scientists at the now defunct U.S. Army Chemical Corps at Fort Detrick designed an anthrax vaccine after surmising that anthrax would make a powerful bioweapon. Tests on 600 "scientific personnel" at Fort Detrick demonstrated the vaccine's safety + 00.000.1955-00.000.1959 non-military researchers tested the efficacy of the vaccine on workers at four U.S. factories where anthrax-contaminated raw goat hair was handled. Typically, about 1 in 100 workers each year developed "cutaneous" anthrax, a less severe form of the disease that causes skin lesions. But the study, the only human efficacy trial of the vaccine, proved it 92.5 % effective in preventing cutaneous anthrax. Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, University of Iowa 00.000.1944 An initial batch of 5000 anthrax bombs comes off the production line at Camp Detrick. Main American plant at Vigo, Indiana built at a cost of $8 million and employed 500 people. The plant was capable of producing 50,000 anthrax bombs per month. Plant ready for production by 00.000.1945 but never used, and eventually was leased for production of antibiotics. 00.000.1944 Offenbar hat die US-Bundespolizei einen früheren Wissenschaftler der Labors unter Verdacht. Ein Sprecher von Fort Detrick, wo sich die Labors zur Verteidigung gegen Biowaffen befinden, bestätigte lediglich, dass die Forschungseinrichtung aufgrund der Untersuchung seit Freitag geschlossen sei. 00.000.2001 -Herbst- ist Fort Detrick schon mehrfach vom FBI besucht worden. Ein früher dort tätiger Wissenschaftler, Stephen Hatfill, wurde von der Bundespolizei als "Person von Interesse" eingestuft, was Spekulationen über eine Verwicklung des Labors in den Anthrax-Terror auslöste. Nach Erhalt der Briefe waren 2001 fünf Menschen an LungenAnthrax gestorben, 17 weitere wurden krank. The bad news was that the stash was found, not in Iraq, but fewer than 50 miles from Washington, near Fort Detrick in the Maryland countryside. The anthrax was a non-virulent strain + the discoveries are apparently remnants of an abandoned germ warfare programme. They merited only a local news item in the Washington Post. But suspicious finds in Iraq have made front-page news (before later being cleared), given the failure of US military inspection teams to find evidence of the weapons that were the justification for the 23.Mar.2003 invasion. Even more embarrassing for the Pentagon, there was no documentation about the various biological agents disposed of at the US bio-defence centre at Fort Detrick. Iraq's failure to come up with paperwork proving the destruction of its biological arsenal was portrayed by the US as evidence of deception in the run-up to the war. https://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,965319,00.html Die Ausgrabungen und die Identifizierung der gefundenen Materialien hat sich als sehr aufwendig erwiesen, da keine Dokumentationen über die vergrabenen Stoffe vorhanden ist. 100 im Sand vergrabene Ampullen mit Anthraxerregern und anderen biologischen Kampfstoffen sind schon längst gefunden worden. Das ganze hat nur einen kleinen Schönheitsfehler. Der Fundort befindet sich nahe Fort Detrick, in Maryland, USA. Sie wurden im Rahmen einer seit zwei Jahren andauernden Säuberungsaktion des Geländes um Fort Detrick gefunden, wo das Biowaffenprogramm der USA beheimatet war. 00.000.1969 -Offiziell wurde das Programm beendet, für die "Forschung an Gegenmitteln" wurden aber trotzdem weiterhin die gleichen Bakterien + Viren gezüchtet + weiterentwickelt. https://www.freace.de/artikel/mai2003/mvw290503.html Michael Berg reports: 24.Feb.2005 FBI abandons secrecy claims against Edmonds Sibel Edmonds is about to make life very unpleasant for the FBI; 26.Feb.2005 Still Trying to Silence Sibel Sibel Edmonds, the heroic FBI contract translator - turned - whistle blower, despite the Department of Justice dropping their attempted application of the "state secrets privilege" to silence her last week, is now up against the same tactic with a different name. Associated Press explains: Iraqi security forces captured Saddam Hussein's half brother + former adviser, government officials said Sunday, dealing a blow to an insurgency that some Iraqi officials claim the former fugitive was helping organize + fund, perhaps from Syria. Although CNN + many news outlets continue to push this story, the real story has emerged: In an apparent goodwill gesture, Syrian authorities captured Saddam's half-brother + 29 other officials of the deposed dictator's Baath Party in Syria + handed them over to Iraq. What will those insidious Syrians try next?! 20.Nov.2005 https://www.spoofnews.com/content/view/341/31/ When they can't defend themselves, which seems to be quite frequently lately, what they do is try to destroy their opposition... Why is it that when Democrats commit crimes that are prosecuted by Ronnie Earle, they're crimes, but when Tom Delay does so... it's a partisan witchhunt? Bush was asked about speculation that he was drinking again. "Let's just say I was below the legal limit, but if you folks keep asking me tough questions, there's no guarantee I'll stay sober until noon." Bush also said that Miers was the first woman in charge of "the Dallas bar I hung out in during the good old days. Okay, maybe not, but the two women look alike." "I take all the responsibility for all the failures of the federal government." But just about Katrina. Couldn't leave that out. The two are related." "Who best to be able to effect a quarantine," Bush suggested, "...the use of the military that is able to plan and move. Congress needs to take a look at circumstances [that] vest the capacity of the President." However, there are lots of blanks Miers can fill in during her Senate confirmation hearings. Mike Brown spoke with President Bush about Hurricane Katrina on __________. Tony Blair + George Bush agreed to __________ the facts intelligence on Iraq around a policy of preemptive war. George Bush knew ahead of time that __________ would be Robert Novak's source in outing Valerie Plame as a CIA covert operative. A money laundering count was added to the original conspiracy charge. District Attorney Ronnie Earle sought the new indictment after DeLay's attorney's moved to dismiss the original charge. "I take all the responsibility for all the failures of the federal government." But just about Katrina. According to The Nation, the burgeoning scandal/investigation into the activities of DeLay cohorts Jack Abramoff + Mike Scanlon is about to reach out + touch former Christian Coalition director Ralph Reed. 00.000.2002 -In early- the Coushatta tribe of Louisiana was desperately trying to kill a planned competing casino that the rival .." 20.Nov.2005 Schleppender Wiederaufbau: Wie die USA die Sympathien der Afghanen verspielen www.pluesch.ch/guestbook/cgi-bin/mgbook/mgbook.pl?guestbookConf=plueschbook.conf&pageCounter=257 - Doch trotz der feinen Stimmmelodie kann der allseits beliebte Radioreporter eines ... 20.Nov.2005 Event, Erlebnis, Video-Installation, München,Videoinstallation ... d) Die interaktive Laola Welle. e) Der Emotional Brander auf der Roadshow von Hewlett-Packard. III. Studio9 People-Track Panorama ... www.haberer-meteorite.de/deutsch/1024dpi/Sensationen/Sensationen.htm Biohomochiralität – HTML-Version Im Murchison Meteorit haben einige Aminosäuren relativ hohe. Enantiomerenüberschüsse. 16. Mögliche Ursachen der Biohomochiralität. Daniel Fitz ... astro.uibk.ac.at/~friedl/Biohomochiralitt.pdf Astronomie – News Mitte (eingeschweisst): Tagish Lake Meteorit , 2000 Rechts: Murchison Meteorit , Australien 1969. Braun + seine Kollegen versuchen ausserdem die genaue ... www.astronomie.de/news/0000331.htm Astronomie – News Der letzte cholige Chondrit, der auf die Erde niederging und geborgen werden konnte, war der 1969 gefallene Murchison Meteorit , benannt nach dem Ort ... www.astronomie.de/news/0000313.htm Wednesday’s Senate hearings yielded more scandalous revelations about how the dynamic lobbying duo bilked American Indian tribes out of millions and used the money to win elections for their Republican clients. Up-and-coming Republican hacks would do well to watch closely the ongoing Senate investigations of superstar lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his former business partner Michael Scanlon. The power duo stand accused of exploiting Native American tribes to the tune of roughly $66 million, laundering that money into bank accounts they controlled + then using it to buy favors for powerful members of Congress + the executive branch. But they sure did know how to play the game. Consider one memo highlighted in a Capitol Hill hearing Wednesday that Scanlon, a former aide to Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, sent the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana to describe his strategy for protecting the tribe’s gambling business. In plain terms, Scanlon confessed the source code of recent Republican electoral victories: target religious conservatives, distract everyone else + then railroad through complex initiatives. “The wackos get their information through the Christian right, Christian radio, mail, the internet and telephone trees,” Scanlon wrote in the memo, which was read into the public record at a hearing of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee. “Simply put, we want to bring out the wackos to vote against something and make sure the rest of the public lets the whole thing slip past them.” The brilliance of this strategy was twofold: Not only would most voters not know about an initiative to protect Coushatta gambling revenues, but religious “wackos” could be tricked into supporting gambling at the Coushatta casino even as they thought they were opposing it. Another lesson from the Abramoff-Scanlon school: Pad your public numbers. In 00.Oct.2001 , the lobbying team decided to inflate the amount they were billing Indian tribes so Abramoff could make it into a “top ten” ranking of Native American lobbyists. They planned to tell the Coushatta tribe that $1 million was needed for a “public affairs” strategy. Then, by apparently falsifying an invoice from Abramoff’s law firm, Greenberg Traurig, they would reroute the money to a charity Abramoff had founded, which was paying to build a school for his children and give “sniper training” courses in Israel. Much of this information is now dated. It is posted here as part of a historic research archive. Terrence Scanlon Company: Capital Research Center President and chairman of the board, Capital Research Center, a conservative research and educational institute established to study critical issues in philanthropy, with a special focus on non-profit "public interest" + advocacy groups and the influence these groups have on policy; authored numerous articles which have appeared in The New York Times , the Wall Sfreet Journal , the Washington Times + Human Events ; former vice president for corporate relations, Heritage Foundation; vice chairman, appointed by President Ronald Reagan to a seven-year term, Consumer Product Safety Commission; first vice president, March for Life Education and Defense Fund; director, Education and Research Institute; trustee, Consumers Research; advisory board member, Consumer Alert. Spouse - Judy. Washington, D.C. 00.000.1999 the "AARP received $73 million in federal grants -He told the gathering that- 00.000.1999 73 million of your tax dollars went to the AARP. Most of this money came from the Labor Department for job training programs for seniors." [6] ( https://www.geocities.com/collective_int/archive3224_3352.htm ) Scanlon had the National Council of Senior Citizens (NCSC) in his sights. NCSC, he said, "were well known four years ago during the Hillary Clinton health care debate when they were lobbying for national health care. Their budget is 96 % federally funded. If it were not for federal dollars there would be no National Council for Senior Citizens." [7] ( https://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=10496 ) 00.Feb.2002 CRC's President, Terrence Scanlon signed onto a letter initiated by Edwin_J._Feulner Edward Feulner from the Heritage Foundation arguing that a "stimulus package that reduces tax rates on workers, investors + business will mean more jobs, higher incomes + a stronger America". (The letter carried the curious disclaimer 'organizational affiliations are included for identification purposes only'). [8] ( https://www.empoweramerica.org/stories/storyReader%24186 ) Scanlon has also signed on for other lobbying letters too. 00.Aug.2002 Scanlon was a co-signatory to a letter from the Center for Freedom and Prosperity which complained that "we are particularly concerned that the tax code is making it very difficult for U.S based companies to compete in global markets. The corporate tax rate in the USA is much too high + we compound the damage by taxing income U.S. taxpayers earn in other countries". [9] ( https://www.freedomandprosperity.org/ltr/ctc4/ctc4.shtml ) CRC has also lobbied members of Congress against supporting measures to limit greenhouse gas emissions. 00.May 2003 on behalf of CRC Scanlon joined 32 other conservative groups warning against "alarmist statements about climate change and science contained in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's State Department authorization bill". It warned House Committee members against accepting the Senate version of the bill. "The Senate committee findings include exaggerations, misleading statements, out-of-context citations + reliance on discredited sources," they wrote. [10] ( https://www.cei.org/gencon/003,03465.cfm ) 00.Apr.1995 House Majority Leader Richard Armey wrote on official letterhead to 82 companies warning them that their contributions to non-profit groups helped "support expansion of the welfare state." The companies were selected on the basis of a classification by CRC which ranked Greenpeace as "radical left" + groups such as the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association + the American Lung Association as "liberal", the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. Spokesman for CRC, Robert Berkebile, explained that the American Cancer Society was classed as 'liberal' because it supported taxes on cigarettes. (It is now known that Philip Morris was funding CRC at the time). The American Lung Association got the same rating because it supported regulations on burning hazardous waste in cement kilns. Monsanto, not known for its support for radical causes, got a "centre-left" tag because it contributed to the Nature Conservancy, amongst others. Equally interesting is CRC's assessment of who it viewed as the real conservatives. The Rand Corporation was tagged as "center left" while the American Enterprise Institute was designated as in the "center". The true believers, gaining the "conservative" badge of honour were CRC itself + the index.php%3Ftitle=Center_for_the_Study_of_American_Business&action=edit">Center for the Study of American Business + the Chamber Foundation,+ the Heritage Foundation + the Hoover Institution + the Hudson Institute. The director of the Congressional Accountability Project, Gary Ruskin, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that the analysis was more than 'defunding the left' "it's defunding the center, too". 00.Feb.2001 -In mid- CRC President Terrence Scanlon addressed the 28th annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) stating "for the first time we have an opportunity to go after these [liberal nonprofit] groups and take away their federal money." Conservative News Service (CNS) reported that Scanlon named several organizations that are receiving federal funding including the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). He told the gathering that 00.000.1999 the "AARP received $73 million in federal grants, 73 million of your tax dollars went to the AARP. Most of this money came from the Labor Department for job training programs for seniors." [6] ( https://www.geocities.com/collective_int/archive3224_3352.htm ) Scanlon had the National Council of Senior Citizens (NCSC) in his sights. NCSC, he said, "were well known four years ago during the Hillary Clinton health care debate when they were lobbying for national health care. Their budget is 96 % federally funded. If it were not for federal dollars there would be no National Council for Senior Citizens." [7] ( https://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=10496 ) 00.000.2001 -in- was made to Abramoff’s Capital Athletic Foundation . The foundation funded Abramoff’s Jewish prep school in Bethesda, MD, which closed soon after his lobbying scheme unraveled. 00.Nov.2004 -When the Observer inquired in- about the $1 million contribution, we had obtained a copy of the Capital Athletic Foundation’s tax filing, but the contributor’s name was redacted. Following the lead of Lake Charles, Louisiana, American Press reporter Shawn Martin, the Observer last week obtained an un-redacted copy. The $1 million contribution, roughly 95 % of what the foundation raised 00.000.2001 , was attributed to the Coushatta Tribe. A source working with the Coushatta Tribal Council majority said it now appears that the contribution was made in response to a bill sent by Mike Scanlon. Accountants working under the direction of Hance Scarborough found a $1-million Greenberg Traurig invoice that Scanlon sent the tribe. Scanlon routinely sent un-itemized bills for larger sums, which the tribe routinely paid. But as he was not a Greenberg Traurig employee, he billed on his own Capitol Campaign Strategies invoices. On the $1 million Greenberg Traurig invoice Scanlon sent the tribe 00.000.2001, the company name was misspelled. 09.May 2001 -when he ushered the two tribal chiefs into the White House to meet the President, The Washington Post story that would end his lobbying career + begin two Senate Committee investigations was three years away. (When the Post story broke in February 2004, however, Abramoff and Scanlon, a former Tom DeLay press aide, were already targets of a U.S. Attorney’s investigation in Washington.) Norquist is founder and director of Americans for Tax Reform, the advocacy group committed to slashing taxes until the federal government is so small you “can drown it in the bathtub.” Norquist started ATR 00.000.1985. His power increased exponentially 00.000.1994, when Republicans took control of the House of Representatives + he collaborated with then-Majority Whip Tom DeLay to launch the “K Street Project”—a coordinated campaign to compel lobbyists to contribute only to Republican candidates and ultimately to hire only Republicans. Like Abramoff and Rove, Norquist considered George Bush’s victory over Al Gore the culmination of a project the three Washington insiders started 30 years ago as national leaders of the College Republicans. Jack Abramoff and Grover Norquist Billing Clients for Face Time with G.W. Bush BY LOU DUBOSE In D.C., the FBI, a federal grand jury + a Senate committee are reviewing questionable lobbying fees and influence peddling that link DeLay, Abramoff + Scanlon and tie into the Texas probe. The questioned fees were apparently generated shortly after Abramoff, one of the capital's top lobbyists, left Preston Gates 00.000.2001. It was at Preston that he developed his weighty reputation and first made contact with some of the Indian tribes now claiming that they were ripped off by him and Scanlon. Abramoff, according to e-mails obtained by investigators, referred to some of his clients as morons and idiots. He also worried about his cover being blown on allegedly covert deals in which he urged tribes to hire Scanlon, without revealing that he, Abramoff, was sharing in the enormous fees. Abramoff and Scanlon, who is a former DeLay aide, aren't commenting, their attorneys say. DeLay, who was admonished for three congressional ethics violations last year alone, calls it all a Democratic plot. And a Preston Gates spokesperson last week said it is the firm's policy "that we do not comment on former employees or ongoing legal matters." The firm would not say whether its practices were being reviewed by any outside agency in connection with the probes. Abramoff, 45, who grew up in Beverly Hills, has been one of D.C.'s highest-paid arm-twisters the past 10 years, with monthly retainers of up to $175,000. He earned his considerable repute through Preston Gates as a power broker for offshore sweatshops and for American Indian casinos in the 1990s. A self-described ultraconservative Orthodox Jew, Abramoff is a longtime pal of Bush brain Karl Rove, antitax guru Grover Nordquist + religious-right leader Ralph Reed. He helped raise funds for Ronald Reagan and Ollie North, was the movie producer/writer of a Cold War potboiler called Red Scorpion + founded a political group that supported the South African apartheid government. Gosh, this is getting monotonous. This Raw Story article reports that the National Journal is prepared to report that prominent lawyer and former lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who federal authorities are investigating for his lobbying efforts on behalf of an Indian... Posted in Houston's Clear Thinkers on February 27, 2005 07:27 AM More on playing both sides off against the middle in Washington This Washington Post article follows up on this earlier post regarding Congressional hearings over Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff and public relations consultant Michael Scanlon's shenanigans 00.000.2002 involving the Tigua Indian Tribe's casino in El Paso. Playing both sides off... Posted in Houston's Clear Thinkers on November 18, 2004 06:38 AM Playing both sides against the middle This Washington Post story reports on Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff and public relations consultant Michael Scanlon's efforts 00.000.2002 working with conservative religious activist Ralph Reed to help the state of Texas shut down an Indian tribe's El Paso casino,... 26.Sep.2004 Posted in Houston's Clear Thinkers on 07:16 AM This Washington Post article follows up on this earlier post regarding Congressional hearings over Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff and public relations consultant Michael Scanlon 's shenanigans 00.000.2002 involving the Tigua Indian Tribe's casino in El Paso. Playing both sides off against the middle, Messrs. Abramoff and Scanlon originally worked with conservative religious activist Ralph Reed to help the State of Texas shut down the Indian tribe's casino + then Messrs. Abramoff and Scanlon's turned around and persuaded the the tribe to pay them $4.2 million to try to get Congress to reopen it. Messrs. Abramoff and Scanlon are now embroiled in Congressional and grand jury investigations over an incredible $82 million in lobbying and public relations fees they collected from six tribes that operate gambling casinos. By the way, Mr. Scanlon, 34 is a former aide to House Majority Leader Tom DeLay , whose name seems to be bandied about in just about every Congressional scandal in Washington or Austin these days. Charles Kuffner has been all over this story, so check out his blog for more analysis of the situation. Posted by Tom at November 18, 2004 06:38 AM Trackback Pings TrackBack URL for this entry: https://blog.kir.com/mt_cgi/mt-track674567565back.cgi/1361 https://www.ucmore.com/Directories/auto_directories.aspx/DM20050207172157454/all New Hampshire seeks radiation sickness pills. Health Departments to Oversee Distribution of Anti-Radiation Pills https://nucnews.net/nucnews/2002nn/0202nn/020207nn.htm 20.Nov.2005 Exposed: CIA's Harsh Interrogation Techniques : Sources Say Agency's Tactics Lead to Questionable Confessions, Sometimes to Death 20.Nov.2005 Storm over CIA prisoner plane claims: REPORTS that US intelligence officials have been using European airports secretly to transfer suspected Islamic extremists around the globe have unleashed a storm across Europe. 20.Nov.2005 US: Nearly 50% OK with torture: Nearly half of Americans believe that the use of torture against suspected terrorists in order to gain information is justified, according to a survey published on Thursday by the Pew Research Centre in Washington. 20.Nov.2005 CIA bought foreign cooperation against terrorism, says report : The CIA set up a network of secret joint operations centres with two dozen foreign intelligence agencies to hunt down suspected terrorists in the years after 11.Sep.2001 it was reported yesterday. 20.Nov.2005 U.S. seeks to secure Sahara Desert: The U.S. government will spend $500 million over five years on an expanded program to secure a vast new front in its global war on terrorism: the Sahara Desert. 20.Nov.2005 House votes to cut $700 mln in food stamps : he U.S. House of Representatives voted on Friday to cut $700 million from the food stamp program, despite objections from antihunger groups complaining that estimates show some 235,000 people would lose benefits. 20.Nov.2005 Congress Helps Self to $3,100 Pay Raise: The Republican-controlled Congress helped itself to a $3,100 pay raise on Friday, then postponed work on bills to curb spending on social programs and cut taxes in favor of a two-week vacation. 20.Nov.2005 Scanlon, Abramoff Partner, Charged With Conspiracy : Michael Scanlon, a former associate of indicted Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff, was charged by the Justice Department with conspiracy to corrupt a U.S. lawmaker and defraud Scanlon's Indian-tribe clients. 20.Nov.2005 Halliburton Case Is Referred to Justice Dept., Senator Says : Pentagon investigators have referred allegations of abuse in how the Halliburton Company was awarded a contract for work in Iraq to the Justice Department for possible criminal investigation 20.Nov.2005 Iraqi Qaeda Leader Is Said to Vow Attacks on Jordan : The top leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq has threatened to chop off the head of King Abdullah II and to attack tourist sites throughout Jordan, according to an audio recording posted Friday on a Web site. 20.Nov.2005 Radioactive Tank No. 9 comes limping home : Across the plains of Kansas, destroyed, radioactive Abrams tanks, perched on railroad flatcars, rolled towards an uncertain future. Only one thing was certain. They would be radioactive forever. This would be their everlasting death mask. The Pentagon deceptively calls it "depleted uranium." 20.Nov.2005 Lawmakers Reject Immediate Iraq Withdrawal : "To cut and run would invite terrorism into our backyards + no one wants to see troops fighting terrorism on American soil," Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., said Friday night after the House, as planned, rejected a GOP-written resolution for immediate withdrawal. 20.Nov.2005 Rep Cynthia McKinney: Stop Playing Politics, Get the Troops Out Now: The Republicans should be roundly criticized for this reprehensible act. They have perpetrated a fraud on the House of Representatives just as they have defrauded the American people. 20.Nov.2005 Democrats get Mugged on the Floor of the House : Last night, the Democratic Party, that rudderless, ideologically-challenged coterie of losers and sycophants, killed whatever chance they may have had of leading country out of the Iraqi nightmare. In a grossly lopsided vote of 403 to 3 the Democrats helped to defeat a bill that demanded the immediate withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. This War Cannot Be Stopped By a Loyal Opposition - By Jeremy Scahill
As it turns out, a proper English translation of the French national anthem has stumped experts for more than two centuries. Literal translations are unsingable, while free translations -- including one commissioned by the French president, as well as a version by Percy Bysshe Shelley -- stray far from the intended meaning + they still aren't very singable. None of the previous translations attempted to maintain the original rhyme scheme. 00.Aug.2005 -in 31% , while Republicans' approval ratings fell to 27% from 32%. 28.Okt.2005 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,385402,00.html · Dürren und Fluten: Klimawandel bedroht Europa 29.Sep.2005 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,382103,00.html · Treibhausgas im Wasser: CO2 wird die Meere entvölkern 27.Sep.2005 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,377214,00.html · Uno-Studie: CO2-Lagerung unter der Erde machbar 08.Sep.2005 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,376860,00.html · Klimawandel im Teufelskreis: Erwärmung steigert CO2-Ausstoß Zum Thema im Internet: · Forschungsprojekt CO2SINK https://www.co2sink.org/ · Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam https://www.gfz-potsdam.de/ Sandstein soll CO2-Grab werden Ketzin/Potsdam - Vor den Toren Berlins bereiten Forscher seit 2004 das Projekt CO2SINK vor. Ihr Ziel ist es, ab 2006 einen ehemaligen Erdgasspeicher im brandenburgischen Ketzin zu Testzwecken mit Kohlendioxid aufzufüllen. "Wir wollen mit dem Projekt zeigen, dass CO2-Speicherung im Untergrund ökonomisch und ökologisch eine Option für den Klimaschutz ist", sagt Professor Guenter Borm vom Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam, der die Arbeiten koordiniert. 20.Nov.2005 Deutsches Mautsystem: China hat starkes Interesse 20.Nov.2005 Parteikongress der "Parti Socialiste": Die 72 Stunden von Le Mans 20.Nov.2005 Honduras: Neun Tote nach Tropensturm 20.Nov.2005 Schwarz-Rote Kürzungen: Weihnachtsgeld für Bundesbeamte soll halbiert werden 20.Nov.2005 Bundesregierung: Ulrich Wilhelm wird Merkels neues Sprachrohr 20.Nov.2005 Bush in China: Freiheitsappell am Platz des Himmlischen Friedens 19.Nov.2005 Atomstreit: Iran wirbt in der New York Times 19.Nov.2005 Wegen Mehlis-Bericht: Terrorwarnung für deutsche Botschaften 19.Nov.2005 Moskau: Hitlers goldenes Parteiabzeichen gestohlen 19.Nov.2005 DNA-Analyse: Schädelknochen stammen von Beethoven According to Aftergood, the newly declassified Yeates affidavit provides new insight into the types of records sought by UFO researchers that have been withheld by NSA. “Even with all of the deletions, one can get a sense of the enormous scale — and the apparent success — of the worldwide electronic intercept operations conducted by NSA at the height of the Cold War,” Aftergood told SPACE.com. “Unfortunately it is not clear from the affidavit how the withheld documents might have related to UFOs,” Aftergood said. “There must have been some connection in order for them to be within the scope of the original FOIA request ... but I have no idea what it was.” 25.Apr.2005 For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary ... rncnyc2004.blogspot.com/2005/04/president-bush-and-saudi-crown-prince.html wwww.alternet.org/rights/27065 18.Nov.2005 Knowledge is force -- John Yu's Web Site Click here to see the list. Click here to see the another list. Our outdoor education took place on San Bernadino Mountains. www.johnyu.net/idiom_wm/idInrP.htm 18.Nov.2005 Documents Show Nixon Deception on Cambodia - By CAL WOODWARD Associated Press Writer 00.Mar.2003 Bush administration deliberately manipulated pre-war Iraq intelligence that was used to convince Congress + the public to support a pre-emptive strike against the Middle East country. Continued. There is strong evidence to support the US position. But conflicting reports, inevitable in the circumstances, leave room for debate + even more for rumour. The "relevant protocol" mentioned above is Protocol III of the 00.000.1980 Convention on Conventional Weapons, which prohibits the use of incendiaries against civilians. If judges allowed the accused party to define the law, all the jails of the world would be as empty as a concert hall during a twelve-tone festival. Die 153.000 US-Soldaten sollten das Land innerhalb von sechs Monaten verlassen, forderte der Vietnamkriegsveteran. Der Präsident der Kongresskammer, der Republikaner Dennis Hastert, kritisierte den Vorstoß scharf. Sein Vorwurf: Murtha und andere Demokraten würden eine Politik des "Davonlaufens" vertreten Schwere Zeiten für Bush [BGW968]: Im Repräsentantenhaus verweigerten selbst Parteigänger drakonische Einschnitte in den Sozialbereich. Zudem kündigte der enge Verbündete Südkorea jetzt unerwartet einen massiven Abzug seiner Soldaten aus dem Irak an. Washington - Mit 224 zu 209 Stimmen wurden gestern Abend in Washington die von Unterhändlern beider Kammern ausgehandelten Haushaltsentwürfe für das Gesundheits-, Arbeits- sowie für das Erziehungsministerium abgeschmettert. Es ist das erste Mal seit zehn Jahren, dass ein zwischen beiden Kammern ausgehandelter Kompromiss scheitert. Aus seiner Sicht war natürlich Rosenberg, der unermüdliche Prediger gegen das Russentum im Allgemeinen und den jüdischen Bolschewismus im Besonderen, einer der Hauptverbrecher auf der Nürnberger Anklagebank. 00.000.1933 habe er -Rosenberg- von der "Tatsache der Konzentrationslager" gehört. Zwei der Lager seien ihm sogar namentlich bekannt, Oranienburg und Dachau. Doch besucht habe er niemals eines. Er habe "aus Geschmacksrücksichten, ihrer Freiheit beraubte Menschen nicht einfach beobachten zu wollen, davon Abstand genommen". 16.Apr.1946 + 17.Apr.1946 wurde Alfred Rosenberg verhört. Nachdem er seinen Lebenslauf geschildert hatte, begann er sofort, über Goethe, Herder, Fichte, Kant, Schopenhauer und die indische Philosophie zu schwadronieren. Sein Verteidiger Thoma fragte nach: "Sie sprachen im Laufe Ihrer Reden häufig von 'der Gestalt der Idee'. Waren Sie da von Goethe beeinflusst?" Und Rosenberg antwortete: "Ja, das ist selbstverständlich, dass gerade dieser Gedanke, die Welt als Gestalt zu sehen, von Goethe kommt." Die Richter wollten sich solcherlei philosophische Exkurse jedoch nicht anhören und intervenierten. Es folgten eine ganze Reihe von Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Verteidigung und Gericht, wobei Ankläger und Richter immer wieder betonten, dass niemand wegen seiner Gedanken angeklagt sei, sondern es um Taten gehe. Der ehemalige CIA-Direktor Turner hat US-Vizepräsident Cheney im Zusammenhang mit Missbrauchsvorwürfen gegen die USA scharf angegriffen. Turner bezeichnete Cheney als "Vizepräsident für Folter". London - Dick Cheney beaufsichtige die Foltermethoden, die bei Terrorverdächtigen angewendet würden und beschädige damit das Ansehen der USA, sagte Admiral Stansfield Turner, Chef der CIA in den siebziger Jahren. Die US-Regierung hat bisher stets bestritten, mögliche al-Qaida-Mitglieder zu foltern, um Informationen zu bekommen. Menschenrechtsorganisationen und Oppositionelle behaupten das Gegenteil. Das ist verwerflich. (...) Er befürwortet Folter, was sonst sollte es sein?" 18.Nov.2005 Trichets Zinsdrohung: Vollbremsung im Dax 18.Nov.2005 USA: Schulinspektor installiert Kamera auf Damenklo 18.Nov.2005 Unveröffentlichtes Lennon-Interview: "Mick Jagger ist ein Witz" 18.Nov.2005 Messenger-Spam: AOL drängt Nutzern falsche Freunde auf 18.Nov.2005 Trickreiche Natur: Schmetterlinge lassen Hightech-Leuchten erblassen 18.Nov.2005 Urteil wegen Tierquälerei: US-Richter lässt Frau im Wald aussetzen 18.Nov.2005 Grünfutter im Dung: Auch Dinos gingen grasen The unelected, former CIA agent, allow(y) announced today (with a smile of victory) that he is the one that gave orders to capture the hospital first!! They didnt arrest her, but made her leave her own property!!! 17.Nov.2005 article9931.htm The police then said, "no you don't" and ripped the permit out of his hand. Then, they put an assault rifle to his forehead and said "get the fuck out of here right now." They had a 2 MILLION $ insurance policy for the event. They had liscenced security guards at the gates confiscating any alcohol or drugs found upon entry (yes, they searched every car on the way in). Oh, I suppose I should mention that they arrested all the security guards for possession. I jokingly said "Oh look, here comes big brother" to the person I was with. I wasn't far off. As I looked back towards the crowd I saw a guy dressed in camoflauge walking by, toting an assault rifle. At this point, everyone was fully aware of what was going on . A few "troops" rushed the stage and cut the sound off and started yelling that everyone "get the fuck out of here or go to jail". This is where it got really sticky. 17.Nov.2005 article9931.htm Its 1984 on the way to the Brave New World.... No politician seems to think about such a development and I would even attribute 1% of the 5% jobless people in germany already beeing "victims" of the robotificational transform in society. Sometimes that sort of nepotism happens by coincidence or casually, but Skull & Bones is different because really the purpose of Skull & Bones is to propel members to positions of prominence. And then it encourages - in fact it almost directs them once they are there in that position of power, to elevate other members into these high levels of influence. And that's something that we've seen with Bush [BGW968]. As soon as he got into the White House, one of the first social gatherings he had was a reunion of his Skull & Bones members. Then almost immediately he started appointing other members of Skull & Bones into positions into the Justice Department and later the Office of Homeland Security. With your usual networks you may have an entree at a law firm, or maybe a group of people working together at a university. But Skull & Bones is different in that it has had Presidents of the USA, Supreme Court Chief Justices, CIA officials and business tycoons. It's sort of a realm of influence in America that a tiny club initiating 15 members each year shouldn't have. So tell us the history. What are its roots and how did it evolve into what it is today? Then almost immediately he started appointing other members of Skull & Bones into positions into the Justice Department and later the Office of Homeland Security. https://indymedia.all2all.org/news/2002/11/37329_comment.php under a sweeping surveillance bill introduced in Parliament yesterday. 17.Nov.2005 Compassion fatigue -- or something more ugly?: According to The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Americans doled out $1.3 billion for victims of the tsunami. And in the aftermath of the Pakistan quake? How does a paltry $13 million in private donations sound? 17.Nov.2005 Lawmakers Acted on Heels of Abramoff Gifts : Nearly three dozen members of Congress, including leaders from both parties, pressed the government to block a Louisiana Indian tribe from opening a casino while the lawmakers collected large donations from rival tribes and their lobbyist, Jack Abramoff. 17.Nov.2005 Muslim Brotherhood strongly supported in Egypt poll: The Muslim Brotherhood has reaffirmed its position as Egypt’s main opposition force, more than doubling its seats in parliament. The Muslim Brotherhood has been banned for half a century but may seek to use a greater presence in parliament to push its case for legitimisation 17.Nov.2005 Senators Threaten to Hold Up Patriot Act : A bipartisan group of senators told congressional leaders Thursday they will try to block reauthorization of the Patriot Act to protest the elimination of Senate-pushed protections against ``unnecessary and intrusive government surveillance'' in a House-Senate compromise. 17.Nov.2005 Senate Reaches "Compromise" on Habeas Corpus : The Senate this week approved what lawmakers hailed as a bipartisan "compromise" on legal rights for Guantanamo Bay detainees that can still strip them of a federal trial. 17.Nov.2005 White House blamed for Iraq abuses : The former US commander of Abu Ghraib prison says that she was held up unfairly as a scapegoat by "male warriors", but the real blame for the abuse scandal rests with military leaders and the White House. 17.Nov.2005 Bush Crimes Commision: The commission aims to both frame and fuel a society-wide discussion of whether, or not, the administration of Bush [BGW968] is guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity + other high crimes. 17.Nov.2005 American Faces Charge of Graft for Work in Iraq : An American has been charged with paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes and kickbacks to American occupation authorities and their spouses to obtain construction contracts, according to a complaint unsealed late yesterday. 17.Nov.2005 Saddam 'punched by court clerks' : Saddam Hussein was attacked by two court clerks while undergoing questioning for his trial, Iraqi television has reported. 17.Nov.2005 Woodward apologizes for silence on Plame leak : Editor withheld information on leak from Bush official to avoid subpoena 17.Nov.2005 Full Text of Bob Woodward's Statement : On Monday, November 14, I testified under oath in a sworn deposition to Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald for more than two hours about small portions of interviews I conducted with three current or former Bush administration officials that relate to the investigation of the public disclosure of the identity of undercover CIA officer Valerie Plame. 17.Nov.2005 National Security Adviser was Woodward's source, attorneys say : National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley was the senior administration official who told Washington Post Assistant Managing Editor Bob Woodward that Valerie Plame Wilson was a CIA officer 17.Nov.2005 Ted Rall: How the Media Can Restore Credibility : Judith Miller, the mousy Bush Administration propaganda mouthpiece forced to retire from The New York Times last week, is hardly an anomaly. American journalism is contaminated by widespread institutional corruption. 17.Nov.2005 How the Pentagon Justifies Phosphorous Bombs on Fallujah: In Post Saddam Iraq, There are No Civilians 17.Nov.2005 Bush backs Cheney: says Democratic questioning not patriotic but "irresponsible" : President Bush says it's not patriotic for Democrats to question his use of pre-Iraq-war intelligence, it's "irresponsible." 17.Nov.2005 Bush can't handle the truth : In one of the most intellectually incoherent major speeches ever delivered by a minor President, Bush [BGW968] last week blamed "some Democrats and anti-war critics" for changing their minds about the war in Iraq and now saying they were deceived. 17.Nov.2005 The Big Lie Technique : At a time when approximately 57 % of Americans polled believe that President Bush deceived them on the reasons for the war in Iraq, it does seem a bit redundant to deconstruct the President's recent speeches on that subject. Yet, to fail to do so would be to passively accept the Big Lie technique--which is how we as a nation got into this horrible mess in the first place. 17.Nov.2005 McCain: Pentagon spending 'unsustainable': Republican Sen. John McCain Tuesday said the massive Pentagon budget for the war in Iraq can't be sustained because of the need to replace weapons. 17.Nov.2005 Among Insurgents in Iraq, Few Foreigners Are Found : Analysis of offensive in Tall Afar suggests U.S., Iraq may be inflating foreign role in insurgency. 17.Nov.2005 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ 17.Nov.2005 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ What "incendiary" leaves clothing intact while melting flesh and bone ? 17.Nov.2005 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ 17.Nov.2005 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ 17.Nov.2005 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ This gesture seems theatrical and inherently unbelievable. 17.Nov.2005 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Fortschritte bei der Entwicklung machen die "kalte Verbrennung" von Wasserstoff endlich greifbar. Angekündigt wird die Brennstoffzelle schon seit Jahren. Doch über einige kleine Flotten von Forschungsfahrzeugen ist die "kalte Verbrennung" von Wasserstoff, mit der im Auto frei von Schadstoffen der Strom für einen Elektromotor gewonnen wird, noch nicht hinausgekommen. Zwar steht derzeit der Hybridantrieb im Mittelpunkt des Interesses, doch den Brennstoffzellen-Entwicklern sind zuletzt deutliche Fortschritte bei Format, Leistung und Temperaturbeständigkeit gelungen. Der Weg in die Wirklichkeit für diese Technik wird gangbarer. Mercedes-Forschungsvorstand Thomas Weber wagt sogar eine konkrete Zeitangabe und kündigt die Marktreife der Technologie für "2012 bis 2015" an. Demnach müsste ein typischer Sternencluster fünf bis sechs Systeme wie HD 188753 hervorbringen. Unter den zehn Millionen Einfach-, Doppel- + Dreifach-Sternsystemen im Umkreis von 1600 Lichtjahren um die Erde sollten sich deshalb rund 1200 Planeten mit drei Sternen befinden, schreiben die Forscher im Fachblatt "Astrophysical Journal Letters" (Bd. 633, S. 141). Beim Blick durch sein Zehn-Meter-Teleskop erblickte er 149 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt drei Sonnen, die sich einen Planeten teilen. Eigentlich dürfte es den Planeten nämlich gar nicht geben - zumindest nicht der gängigen Theorie zufolge. Der Himmelskörper umkreist seinen Heimatstern in einer engen Umlaufbahn. Die zwei miteinander verbundenen Begleitsterne, die die Hauptsonne ebenfalls umkreisen, hätten das Baumaterial für den Gasplaneten eigentlich verbrannt haben müssen, schrieb Konacki im Juli im Magazin "Nature". Zudem empfinden selbst kritische Chinesen oft Unbehagen, wenn ihr Land von der Supermacht ermahnt wird. "Bush mag in einzelnen Punkten recht haben, aber wir wollen unsere Probleme selbst lösen", sagt eine Pekinger Ökonomin. Es ist verblüffend, dass das noch nicht früher geschehen ist. Abgesehen von unserer Sendung 'Crimewatch' gibt es keinerlei Möglichkeit, für die meisten Fälle landesweite Aufmerksamkeit zu erlangen. Viele Gesuchte konnten so einfach untertauchen - bis jetzt." Crimestoppers verweisen darauf, dass sie seit ihrer Gründung 1988 über 640.000 Telefonanrufe erhalten hätten, von denen sich 57.000 als "nützlich" erwiesen oder zielführend zu Verhaftungen geführt hätten. Mittlerweile liege die Quote bei 6000 anonymen Anrufen pro Monat, von denen 500 als nützlich gewertet werden könnten. Die britische Organisation Crimestoppers veröffentlicht nach amerikanischem Vorbild ab sofort Listen mit Fotos und Angaben zu gesuchten Verbrechern. Zumindest versucht sie das: Der Service ist so populär, dass er nach wenigen Stunden unter dem Publikumsansturm zusammenbrach. Über den Sinn und Unsinn von Formaten wie "Aktenzeichen XY" lässt sich trefflich streiten. Ihre Befürworter verweisen gern auf die feststellbaren Erfolge solcher "Laien fahnden nach Verbrechern"-Sendungen, ihre Gegner darauf, wie selten diese sind gemessen an der Flut der Verdächtigungen, Fehleinschätzungen und falschen Denunziationen. Populär sind solche Sendungen aber allemal + das überall: Was das Aktenzeichen in Deutschland ist, das ist "Crimewatch" in UK + das sind die "Crimestoppers" in Amerika. "Wie finde ich die Superspreader - und vor allem mit welchem Aufwand?" Dass die Menschen unterschiedlich infektiös seien, sei keine neue Erkenntnis, sagte Ulm im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL ONLINE. 17.Nov.2005 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-385488,00.html Wenn man die Hälfte aller Gegenmaßnahmen auf jenes Fünftel der Menschen mit besonders hoher Infektionsgefahr konzentriere, wäre dies bis zu dreimal so wirksam wie eine zufällige Auswahl der Personen, bei denen Gegenmaßnahmen ergriffen würden. 17.Nov.2005 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-385488,00.html Der israelische Physiker Reuven Cohen von der Bar-Ilan-University bei Tel Aviv hat beispielsweise eine spezielle Impfstrategie entwickelt, die Epidemien mit relativ geringeren Impfquoten verhindern soll. Die Idee ist, hauptsächlich die Superspreader zu immunisieren. 17.Nov.2005 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-385488,00.html An diesen Hubs, auch Superspreader genannt, entscheidet sich, ob beispielsweise Informationen schnell verbreitet werden oder nicht. Marketingexperten versuchen beispielsweise, gezielt nur diese intellektuellen Leithammel anzusprechen, um ihre Botschaften effizient zu verbreiten. https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-385488,00.html 17.Nov.2005 Weltinformationsgipfel: Tunesien verweigert Pressefreiheits-Aktivist die Einreise 17.Nov.2005 Verlage: Regierung soll Pressefreiheit besser schützen Dennoch liegen dem Bonner Klimasekretariat vereinzelt Daten aus nicht industrialisierten Ländern vor. Während ein Land wie Tadschikistan seinen Treibhausgas-Output 00.000.1990-00.000.1998 um 82 % verminderte, legte Paraguay allein in den vier Jahren 00.000.1990-00.000.1994 um 115 % zu. Ob auch Entwicklungs- + Schwellenländer für die Zeit nach 01.Jan.2012 Reduktionsziele bekommen sollen, wird ein wichtiger Verhandlungspunkt auf der Montrealer Weltkonferenz sein. 17.Nov.2005 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-385402,00.html In den einst kommunistischen Staaten wurden unzählige veraltete Industrie- und Energieanlagen abgewickelt + durch neue, effizientere ersetzt. Das färbt die Weltklimabilanz vorübergehend schön: Die Treibhausgas-Emissionen der entwickelten Länder gingen insgesamt um sechs % zurück, weil 00.000.1990-00.000.2003 der Ausstoß im ehemaligen Ostblock um volle 40 % gesunken ist. Nach den Projektionen des Klimasekretariates werden sie zwar 2010 noch immer um 18 % unter dem Niveau von 00.000.1990 liegen. Doch die westlichen Industriestaaten legen im selben Zeitraum - trotz aller Klimaschutzmaßnahmen - um fast 20 % zu, wie der neue Bericht der UN darlegt. Spanien (plus 42 % bis 2003), Portugal (+ 37%), Griechenland + Irland (beide + 26%), Finnland (+ 22%) + Österreich (+ 17%). Erst danach folgen die USA (+ 13%), die allerdings nach wie vor die mit Abstand größten Mengen an Treibhausgasen ausstoßen. Die UN legen die bisher umfassendste Untersuchung zum Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen vor - + das Ergebnis ist niederschmetternd. Anstatt zu sinken, werden die Emissionen der Uno-Prognose zufolge drastisch steigen. Internationale Klimaschutz-Abkommen wie das Kyoto-Protokoll und die Klimarahmenkonvention erweisen sich als weitgehend wirkungslos: 00.000.2010 Die Industriestaaten der Erde werden nach Prognosen derUN im Jahr knapp 11 % mehr Treibhausgase ausstoßen als noch 00.000.1990 . Das dokumentiert die bisher umfassendste Sammlung von Emissionsdaten, die das Bonner Uno-Klimasekretariat heute vorlegt. Eine Minute Kurbeln soll den Laptop für zehn Minuten Energie spenden. Wo Strom vorhanden ist, übernimmt ein Netzteil die Versorgung. Vor einigen Monaten gelang es Negroponte, Mary Lou Jepsen, bis dahin Chefentwicklerin in Intels Bildschirm-Laboren, zu einem Wechsel zu OLPC zu bewegen. Ein Durchbruch: Sie entwickelte ein Display, das angeblich für 35 statt der sonst üblichen 100 $ zu produzieren ist. 17.Nov.2005 Vorort-Krawalle: Frankreich kehrt zur Normalität zurück 17.Nov.2005 Militär: USA planen Raketenschild in Polen 17.Nov.2005 Deutschland-Prognose: EU sieht 2006 nur schlappes Wachstum |