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29.Apr.2006 https://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/000389.php
Goss Denies Attending Wilkes' Parties

Old GOP Chief Funded Dirty Tricks Phone Firm

CIA Chief May Be Drawn Into Hill Sex Probe
.Apr.2006 https://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/000389.php
The Daily Muck By Justin Rood

Phone Jamming -- Conspiracy Weed Edition

Phone jamming is now a felony in the state of New Hampshire -- on Election Day, anyway.

The state senate voted unanimously to make it that way, in response to the simmering scandal over GOP operatives' dirty tricks in the 2002 election.

Speaking of which, former NH GOP chair Jayne Millerick again insists she knew nozzing .

"These liberal groups are smoking too much conspiracy weed," said attorney + GOP activist Charles Douglas,

one of the lawyers who received some of Millerick's Election Day calls, which have fueled speculation that GOP higher-ups knew of the scam.

We assume Douglas and Millerick, by contrast, smoke just the right amount of conspiracy weed -

- which would explain Millerick's repeated phone calls to the same people throughout Election Day 2002. "You high?" "Yeah." (later) "You high?" "You just called me." (later) "You high?" Repeat until polls close.

Elsewhere, the New York Times soberly muses on whether the New Hampshire phone jamming scandal is our generation's Watergate. (NH Union Leader, NH Union Leader, NYTimes)
29.Apr.2006 https://www.forbes.com/global/2006/0508/074.html
Copperfield remains a throwback, specializing in spectacle. On TV he has caused a plane, a train and the Statue of Liberty to vanish (not at once).

For the highlight of his current show he transports someone from his stage to a televised beach in Australia to be reunited with an estranged acquaintance.
00.000.2004 a press release was sent from a PO Box in Hertfordshire, purporting to be from the Templars + demanding a papal apology for the massacre of 00.000.1307 .

The Vatican said that the request was being given “serious consideration”.

"Every once in a while they send us a letter telling us we're still in danger," says Lamar.

00.000.1992 the state condemned all the buildings.

00.000.2002 the US Postal Service revoked the town's postcode, 17927.

A spokesman for the Pennsylvania Department of Community Affairs is urging the remaining stragglers to move.

He says: "That fire will probably burn for another 300 years, and eventually it will burn under the entire town.

But Lamar says: "I'm not afraid. I've heard the stories and I can see the smoke and fires from my house, but they don't scare me. That fire has been burning for 40 years now and it hasn't got us yet."

It was started by careless workmen after some rubbish caught fire on a dump. It quickly spread to a nearby vein of coal. Lamar says the blaze could have been put out if the authorities had acted quickly.

"In the first month they could have put that fire out for £2,000 or £3,000, but they did not want to spend the money," he says.

"Now look at what it has cost them - hundreds of millions.

"They have paid relocation packages and spent a fortune on trying to figure out how to put it out."

One of the few bonuses of living in Centralia is the zero crime rate
29.Apr.2006 GOP Culture of Corruption Indeed 
The GOP List of Shame.
29.Apr.2006 People Brew Own Gas To Beat Pump Prices  Some people have become so desperate to find cheaper fuel for their cars they've begun making ethanol at home.
29.Apr.2006 Baby sign language a growing movement 

It could be a year before Gregory, a normal, healthy 4-month-old, can speak, but until then, his mother hopes to get a jump-start on communicating with her baby through sign language, the language of the deaf.
29.Apr.2006 Rare silver 5-cent coin auctioned for $1.3 million A sliver of silver that once passed through the hands of George Washington + Thomas Jefferson crossed the auction block in Columbus last night for $1.3 million.
29.Apr.2006 China lays claim to inventing golf  An exhibition in Beijing has added weight to the claims that China, not Scotland, invented golf.
29.Apr.2006 SILENT HILLSVILLE  Once 1,100 people called this place home, drawn to the town for its thriving coalmining industry. But one day in 1964 an accident deep beneath the town sparked a fire that quickly spread through the mine's underground tunnels.
The flames were so furious that nothing could be done to stop it + 42 years later the fire is still raging under the streets. Temperatures have reached 1,000C, forcing the local petrol station to close. Tens of millions of tons of coal have been burned and experts say the fire cannot be put out.

29.Apr.2006 Old bones are telling new tales  Behind two locked doors at Central Washington University, what might be called Son of Kennewick Man sits inside a cardboard box.
The faceless skull dates back 9,000 years - just 400 years younger than the superstar skeleton unearthed from the banks of the Columbia River. While Kennewick Man ignited a legal battle over the control of ancient bones, the skull at CWU has barely raised a ripple.

29.Apr.2006 Ajax's long-lost palace discovered on Greek island On a deserted green hill above the Aegean Sea, archaeologists have unearthed what may be the palace of Ajax,one of the greatest heroes in Greek mythology
29.Apr.2006 Is the Zarqawi video a hoax?  Cannonfire has some questions. Thought provoking as always.
29.Apr.2006 BROTHER, CAN YOU SPARE $4 BILLION?  What's a few billion between friends?
29.Apr.2006 'As Many as a Half a Dozen' Members of Congress May Be Involved in Prostitution Scandal  Last night on MSNBC's Scarborough Country, Dean Calbreath of the San Diego Union Tribune - which recently won a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the Cunningham case - said that "as many as a half a dozen" members of Congress could ultimately be implicated in the prostitution scandal.
And some of those hookers might be

29.Apr.2006 Source of loud "booms" in Port Angeles still a mystery  More West Coast skyquakes. One caller reported her glass sliding door shattered.
Oct.1307 hundreds of Knights Templar, the wealthy and secretive order of fighting monks, were rounded up, tortured and massacred for alleged crimes against Christianity "too horrible to contemplate".
29.Apr.2006 Egyptologists launch online encyclopedia  Frustrated with the poor quality of many Web sites dealing with ancient Egypt, a professor at the University of California has decided to create a massive online encyclopedia devoted solely to Egyptology.
29.Apr.2006 Pionier-Versuch: Gen-Gerste erstmals im Freien gesät
29.Apr.2006 https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/2006/04/is-zarqawi-video-hoax.html

I have questioned whether supposed 9/11 hijacker Hani Hanjour looks like HIS pictures: https://georgewashington.blogspot.com/2005/12/pumped-up.html # posted by George Washington
29.Apr.2006 https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/2006/04/is-zarqawi-video-hoax.html I too, have doubts about the authenticity of the video + posted on it when it first came out at unbrainwashed
29.Apr.2006 National anthem should be sung in English: Bush
Loonie hits highest level since 00.Jun.1978 against U.S. dollar

Ein Redemanuskript brauchte das Wunderkind nicht, 40 Minuten lang sprach er in freier Rede bei einer Konferenz zum Thema "Ursachen und Folgen der Osteoporose". Seine Zuhörer - Medizinstudenten einer Universität in Oluca nahe Mexiko-City - waren baff. Das Fachvokabular hätten selbst manche Spezialisten nicht parat; Maximiliano habe einen "außergewöhnlich hohen Intelligenzquotienten" und sehr kenntnisreich über Physiopathologie und die Therapie der Knochenkrankheit Osteoporose gesprochen, sagte der Dekan der Medizinfakaultät.

Maximiliano ist der Sohn eines Pharma-Vertreters und einer Sekretärin. Die ersten Lektionen in medizinischem Wissen erhielt er im Alter von zwei Jahren und fiel als Dreijähriger mit seinem phänomenalen Gedächtnis auf, als er alle Hauptstädte von 90 Ländern aufsagte. Er sei aber kein kleines Genie, sondern "ein ganz normales Kind", sagte er verdutzten mexikanischen Reportern nach seinem Vortrag.
Schwierige Wahlen im Parlament: Fehlstart für Prodi

29.Apr.2006 Gedankenscanner: Wunsch wird Befehl
29.Apr.2006 Ernährung: Gene prägen Bierbauch und Bikini-Figur
29.Apr.2006 Atomkonflikt: EU-Chefdiplomat fordert friedliche Lösung mit Iran
Uno-Überwachung: Iran bietet im Atomstreit Zugeständnisse an
29.Apr.2006 Propagandavideo im Web: Zawahiri prahlt mit Anschlägen der Qaida
Innere Sicherheit: Hahnenkampf der Scharfmacher
29.Apr.2006 NSA Spying Comes Under Attack  211 maotx writes

"The NSA's no-longer-secret surveillance program came under a two-pronged attack this week on both political and legal fronts. Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania threatens to cut funding to NSA's spying program if President Bush's administration does not come clean on how it works. Separately, two hearing dates have been set for a lawsuit that seeks to prove that AT&T illegally cooperated with the NSA and violated federal wiretapping laws in doing so. Sen. Specter emphasized that he doesn't want the issue to fade into the background, saying that he'd like to see 'public concern and public indignation build up.'"
Next Generation Spam Zombies Will Use Data Mining  115 branewashd writes

"The Globe and Mail is covering some new research on the future of spam. The paper 'Spam Zombies from Outer Space', from researchers at the University of Calgary, will be presented on Sunday at the European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research conference. According to the paper, the next generation of spam zombies will employ 'sophisticated data mining of their victims saved email'. When a computer is turned into a spam zombie, it will first be mined of its address book, mail client configuration + mail archives. Then the spam program will use Natural Language Processing techniques to send spam messages to the victim's contacts that look a lot like messages that the user has previously sent. The researchers predict that this will be extremely hard to detect, but they do offer a few suggestions for combating it."
Yogi Berra: "You can't think and hit at the same time."
29.Apr.2006 La OIT publica el informe global sobre trabajo infantil en el que califica de "alarmante" la extensión de sus ... alcance, al centrar la atención del mundo en sus peores formas".

Desde que la Conferencia Internacional del ... la retirada de los niños de los trabajos peligrosos para enviarlos a ... www.ilo.org/dyn/declaris/DECLARATIONWEB.DOWNLOAD_BLOB?Var_DocumentID=2054
29.Apr.2006 REPRESENTANTE DEL GOBIERNO DE URUGUAY Vice-Ministro de Salud Dra. Laura Albertini-Fossa Sra. ... las dos terceras partes de los pobres del mundo , - las mujeres y niños son la ... que deben desempeñar los peores trabajos en el mundo , o si realizan los mismos se ... www.un.org/esa/gopher-data/conf/fwcw/conf/gov/950915140419.txt
20051202 ... los peores trabajos del mundo , best los peores trabajos del mundo Site about los peores trabajos del mundo ... alfatomega.com//20051202.html
www.jornada.unam.mx/1998/01/23/galeano.html Los trabajos y los miedos. La sombra del miedo muerde los talones del mundo , que anda que ... las empresas son las peores condiciones desde el punto de vista del nivel ... www.jornada.unam.mx/1998/01/23/galeano.html
ECONOMIA Y CIENCIAS SOCIALES ... Los datos que aportan los trabajos del Comité indican que si la situación social del mundo es grave, la ... van a salir en mucho peores condiciones de lo que ingresaron ladb.unm.edu/econ/content/ecosoc/1995/january/problema.htm
SMF_V generar y divulgar ideas y proyectos para construir un futuro deseable para Venezuela y el resto del mundo ... del Orden Natural. Los pueblos mas longevos del mundo no se ... iguales o peores que los causados en aras del ... contexto de los trabajos de la Comisión del Sur, reunión ... www.futurovenezuela.org/_Prospectiva/prospectiva_FB.htm
Los niños mineros, esclavos del infierno : Más de un millón hace trabajos forzados...

Los niños mineros, esclavos del infierno. Más de un millón hace trabajos forzados ... los que trabajan en el mundo .

De estos, 180 millones lo hacen en las peores formas de ... www.univision.com/content/content.jhtml?cid=650490
Libro Blanco

DEL RECHAZO DE LOS PUEBLOS Y MUCHOS GOBIERNOS EN EL MUNDO , ESTADOS UNIDOS INSISTE EN LA MANIPULACIÓN DE LOS TRABAJOS DE ... con uno de los peores historiales en el hemisferio ... www.cubaminrex.cu/CDH/61cdh/Libro%20Blanco2005/Index_Libro_BlancoP2.htm
The housing bubble has popped: Reports of falling sales and investors stuck with properties they can't sell are just the beginning.

Property owners should worry; so should their lenders.

29.Apr.2006 Neil Young joins the hate Bush bandwagon : Had Neil Young released a song titled Let's Impeach the President three years ago,

he would have been exiled to the fringes of American music: just ask the Dixie Chicks.

29.Apr.2006 Neil Young: Living With War : Listen to the album
29.Apr.2006 Drug trials outsourced to India : Six years ago, an experimental drug from the US called M4N was injected into cancer patients in India without being properly tested on animals first.

29.Apr.2006 Katrina Report Rips the White House Anew: A Senate inquiry into the government's Hurricane Katrina failures ripped the Bush administration anew Thursday and urged the scrapping of the nation's disaster response agency. But with a new hurricane season just weeks away, senators conceded that few if any of their proposals could become reality in time.
29.Apr.2006 Is dollar's shift the start of something nasty?: China has accumulated the biggest pile of currency reserves ever known in less time than it takes to train a doctor.

To cajole China into resolving this syndrome by allowing the yuan to rise meaningfully, the IMF talked of the dollar needing to fall against Asian surplus currencies rather than just the people’s yuan

29.Apr.2006 What You Won't See in Flight 93, the Film: American Airlines Could Have Saved That Flight; Instead They Tried to Keep the Hijackings Secret

29.Apr.2006 Pentagon steps up intelligence efforts inside US borders : The U.S. Defense Department has stepped up efforts since the 11.Sep.2001 attacks to gather intelligence within U.S. borders, aimed at both protecting military facilities and keeping an eye out for any threat on American soil, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

29.Apr.2006 Chevron Earnings Soar 49 % to $4B : Chevron Corp.'s first-quarter profit soared 49 % to $4 billion, joining the procession of U.S. oil companies to report colossal earnings as lawmakers consider ways to pacify motorists agitated about rising gas prices.
29.Apr.2006 Two years out of Israeli jail, Vanunu's life on hold: Citing security concerns, Israel's Justice Ministry this month renewed its ban on travel by Vanunu, a former technician at the Dimona atomic reactor who all but blew away the country's cherished nuclear secrecy with a 1986 newspaper interview.

29.Apr.2006 Palestinians Making Do With Less in Crisis: With their salaries weeks overdue and savings depleted, Palestinian families are finding creative ways to survive the Hamas-led government's deepening financial crisis.

29.Apr.2006 Chirac proposes World Bank account to channel Palestinian aid: The escrow account could be used to send payments directly to 160,000 Palestinian civil servants, thus bypassing the Hamas-led government, which is being boycotted by the international community because of its opposition to peace with Israel.

29.Apr.2006 Walking on eggshells: It's no coincidence that Ariel Sharon used to call Bush the best president Israel has ever had. Why? Because they saw eye-to-eye on the threat posed by global Islamic terror. Bush gave Sharon a free hand to carry out targeted assassinations + held a diplomatic umbrella over him in the UN Security Council.

29.Apr.2006 Common Ground: The right of Palestinian return: Wisdom, equity and realism on Arab-Israeli issues are scarce commodities among former or serving American officials. A retired American diplomats suggests, that a key to peace-making should be Israeli recognition of the right of Palestinian refugees who fled or were driven out in 1948 to return to their homes and lands in what is now Israel.

29.Apr.2006 Low Iraq Output Pushes Oil Prices Higher : With oil prices above $70 a barrel fouling the world economy, dismay is focusing on Iraq, whose exports have slipped to their lowest levels since the 2003 invasion.

29.Apr.2006 Musharraf insists: I'm not George Bush's poodle : General Pervez Musharraf, facing a surge of anti-American sentiment, yesterday warned that covert US air strikes against al-Qaida inside Pakistan were an infringement of national sovereignty.

29.Apr.2006 Afghan Corruption Breeding Violence: Nearly five years after the fall of the Taliban, Afghanistan's security situation continues to be dragged down by endemic corruption, roving militias + a growing nexus between narco-warlords and remnants of the Taliban, officials and analysts say.

29.Apr.2006 Canada’s real role in Afghanistan : Canadians are spilling their blood to prop up a corrupt, vicious, and undemocratic puppet government, to facilitate the murderous Pax Americana + to bring the world a little closer to catastrophe.

29.Apr.2006 Ex-CIA Analyst Faults U.S. Policy: Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, an outspoken critic of the Bush administration's use of intelligence to justify the Iraq war, told clergy members Wednesday that the USA' use of torture on prisoners in its custody amounts to war crimes.

29.Apr.2006 Mock trials in Americas Gulag: U.S.-educated Saudi tells tribunal he's proud to have fought U.S. The U.S. holds about 490 detainees at Guantanamo. So far, 10 have been charged and trials could begin within months depending on the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling.

29.Apr.2006 He was dressed in a tan tunic: I don't want this court, he said: “I don’t want this court,” he said in Arabic, the mild, sing-song tone of the female translator jarring with his own. “You judge and you sentence me the way you want if this is Allah’s will. A nation that is an enemy of Allah cannot be a leader.”

29.Apr.2006 Venezuela prepares for 'possible US invasion ' : While US warships hold exercises in the Caribbean, Venezuela’s military will mobilise its own training exercises next week with thousands of troops practising to defend the country’s coastline, a top navy official said yesterday. 

29.Apr.2006 Morales and Chavez in Cuba: Their arrival to Havana coincides with the first anniversary of the signing of agreements between Cuba + Venezuela for the implementation of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA).: The aim of the visit is to sign documents allowing Bolivia's adherence to that integration model.

29.Apr.2006 Video: Dancing with Evo Morales :  President Evo Morales jokes that Fidel Castro, Venezuela's leftist leader - Hugo Chavez - and himself are Latin America's new "axis of good."

Filmed during Bolivia's Carnival, David O'Shea spent an enviable fortnight partying with South America's new kid on the leftist block. Evo Morales
U.S.'s Cultural Ignorance Fuels Iraq Insurgency · The U.S. military's lack of understanding about Iraqi culture helped create the conditions for the insurgency that U.S. forces face there, according to a military adviser who has written a new book about the insurgency.

29.Apr.2006 Iraq war set to be more expensive than Vietnam : The Iraq war has already cost the USA $320bn (£180bn), according to an authoritative new report, and even if a troop withdrawal begins this year, the conflict is set to be more expensive in real terms than the Vietnam War, a generation ago.  

29.Apr.2006 Iraq VP warns Americans against striking Iran: An Iraqi vice president warned the USA on Friday against attacking Iran. Adel Abdul Mahdi, the Shia member of the three-man Presidency Council, was asked about speculation US forces might strike to prevent Iran developing nuclear technology:

29.Apr.2006 Robert Scheer: Top Spy’s Story on Prewar Intel Is Finally Told: the CBS story remains very important as further evidence of the depths of the Bush administration’s deception.

In a world gone crazy : US says world safer, despite 11,000 attacks in '05: The U.S. war on terrorism has made the world safer, the State Department's counterterrorism chief said on Friday, despite more than 11,000 terrorist attacks worldwide last year that killed 14,600 people.

29.Apr.2006 Scheuer: US policy is bin Laden's 'indispensable ally' : Ex-CIA analyst says US policies in Islamic world have given boost to Al-Qaeda and its leaders.

29.Apr.2006 War pimp alert: US says Iran top terror sponsor : Iran is "the most active state sponsor of terrorism", according to the US state department's annual report on world terrorism.

29.Apr.2006 Iran enriched uranium defying UN: ElBaradei: Iran has failed to comply with a UN deadline to halt uranium enrichment, UN nuclear chief Mohamed ElBaradei said in a crunch report yesterday that opens the door to possible international sanctions.

29.Apr.2006 U.S. Diplomacy? McCain warns Russia, China on Iran : A leading U.S. senator warned Russia + China on Friday of damage to their relationship with the USA if they refused to go along with sanctions against Iran.

29.Apr.2006 Iran ignores nuclear deadline : Washington has not ruled out using military action against Iran and insists it is seeking diplomatic solutions.

But there have been claims US special forces are already in the country, and the US vice president, Dick Cheney, has said in recent weeks that defiance from Tehran would be met with "meaningful consequences".
Pentagon's Plan For Dirty War By Chris Floyd
The plan is the culmination and codification of an ad hoc array of progams and powers that Bush has doled out to Rumsfeld over the years, including a series of executive orders signed after the 2004 election that essentially turned the world into a "global free-fire zone" for the Pentagon's secret armies and proxy foreign militias, as a top Pentagon official told The New Yorker. "We're going to be riding with the bad boys.

29.Apr.2006 Blood Payments for Flawed Leadership By Mike Whitney
Bad news continues to pile up around Don Rumsfeld like garbage at a land fill.

The latest blast came from an unlikely source, The Army Times”, which conducted a poll showing that 64% of enlisted men think Rumsfeld should tender his resignation immediately . Continue

29.Apr.2006 Of imperial presidents and congressional cowards By Patrick J. Buchanan
Does President Bush have, or not have, the authority to take us to war with Iran? Because Bush and the War Party are surely behaving as though this were an executive decision alone.

29.Apr.2006 One State Solution: A Greater Palestine?
Perhaps "Palestine" should be declared to include Israel, the West Bank, Gaza and Jordan -By Sharif Elmusa
A Palestinian state of the West Bank and Gaza is no longer on the cards, irrespective of the make-up of the coming Israeli government.

Israel instead has created the strategic conditions, including a near Israeli public consensus, for the expulsion of the Palestinians from the West Bank. Continue

29.Apr.2006 18 Rich Families Pay For Campaign To Kill Estate Taxes - By Sabrina Eaton
Eighteen of America's wealthiest families, are bankrolling efforts to permanently repeal estate taxes that would save their families a total of $71.6 billion, according to a report released Tuesday by public interest groups.

29.Apr.2006 Italienisches Parlament: Wahlchaos im Senat

29.Apr.2006 Zeitungsbericht: Olmert vergleicht Ahmadinedschad mit Hitler
Affäre um Straftäter: Blairs Innenminister unter Druck

29.Apr.2006 Nach IAEA-Bericht zu Iran: Bush verzichtet auf martialische Drohung
Gastbeitrag von Senator McCain: "Der Kreml untergräbt die Demokratie"
Schulausschluss wegen Burka: "Lehrer müssen Schülern ins Gesicht sehen"
Italienisches Parlament: Wahlchaos im Senat
Vatikan-Kritik an "Sakrileg": "Voller Verleumdungen und Fehler"

29.Apr.2006 Millionärsmesse: Luxus für alle!
Italienisches Parlament: Prodis Mann setzt sich durch
Schwächlicher Dollar: Eurokurs springt auf neues Jahreshoch
Faking a Company CowboyNeal 216 gambit3 writes

"What happens when pirating a movie, an application, or a game is not enough for you? Well, you take the next step and pirate a whole company. It happened to Japanese electronics giant NEC. Counterfeiters had set up what amounted to a parallel NEC brand with links to a network of more than 50 electronics factories in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan."
Researchers Create Artificial Insect Eye CowboyNeal 114 maxzilla writes

"An artificial insect eye that could be used in ultra-thin cameras has been developed by scientists in the US.The dimpled eye, contains over 8,500 hexagonal lenses packed into an area the size of a pinhead. The dome-shaped structure, described in the journal Science, is similar to a bee's eye. The researchers, from the University of California, Berkeley, say the work may also shed light on how insects developed such complex, visual systems. Darpa is also funding this project with applications expected for digital cameras and high speed motion detectors."
Net Neutrality Voted Down in U.S. House Committee CowboyNeal 260 Ana10g writes

"Business Week provides a look at the recent vote by the House Committee on Energy & Commerce, in which the FCC would have been given the power to prohibit discrimination of Internet traffic. The battlefield seems to be centered around which group has the better funded lobbyists, with companies such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft + many others competing against the well funded Telecommunications lobbysts. The committee voted the amendment down, 34 to 22."
Software Lets Programmers Code Hands-free CowboyNeal 218+ Yetihehe writes

"New Scientist is reporting about a new speech recognition tool that promises to let programmers write clean code without ever having to lay a finger on their keyboard. 'The tool, called VoiceCode, has been developed to help programmers with repetitive strain injury (RSI). This is a common affliction for people who spend a lot of time using a keyboard or mouse and causes pain in muscles, tendons and nerves in a sufferer's arms and back. Some estimates suggest 22% of all US computer programmers, or 100,000 people, suffer from the condition.'"
Boston Globe: "A coastal Maine blogger who criticized the state's tourism office has been hit with a lawsuit seeking potentially more than $1 million in damages for allegedly making false statements and posting on his website, Maine Web Report, images from proposed tourism advertisements a New York agency prepared for Maine officials."
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Fisk is hardly the only skeptic to make such a claim -- see, for example, this page of links. (Note: A number of the links go to pages I consider less than credible.)
28.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ the Washington Post revealed that the "threat" posed by this alleged Al Qaeda leader was largely the creation of a military PSYOPS unit. The propaganda campaign targeted both the foreign press and the U.S. "home audience." Also targeted were our troops: When they unleashed "Whiskey Pete" on civilians in Fallujah, they did so in the belief that they were fighting Zarqawi.
On the same day the Post story appeared, Bush -- in a speech -- cited as genuine a Zarqawi letter now known to be

28.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Is the Zarqawi video a hoax? People still snicker whenever anyone suggests that the American intelligence community has, in the past, manipulated the American press. Yet nobody laughed at Donald Rumsfeld when he claimed that "The terrorists, Zarqawi and bin Laden and Zawahiri, those people have media committees. They are actively out there trying to manipulate the press in the USA." Rumsfeld did not point to a single story in the U.S. media influenced by the putative Zarqawi "media committee." How could he? His assertion is inane on its face; a couple of criminals despised by all Americans could never "spin" CBS or the New York Times.
28.Apr.2006 Phänomen Prekarisierung: Die Solidarität der Unterbezahlten

28.Apr.2006 Italienisches Parlament: Schlappe für Prodi
Artenschutz: Zuchtpanda funkt in der Wildnis

28.Apr.2006 Berlin und der Iran-Konflikt: Warnung vor Krieg und Flächenbrand

28.Apr.2006 London: Rucksackbomber beteuern Unschuld
Stellenabbau bei Siemens: Aufschwung ohne Arbeit

28.Apr.2006 Der Fall Bush: Der Oberste Komiker der USA
Späte Einsicht: Auch USA sehen Irak jetzt als Brutkasten des Terrors
28.Apr.2006 Shuttle-Sicherheit: Nasa will Geier aushungern
Kölner Uni-Rektorat besetzt: Erst Altglas einsammeln, dann Revolte machen
28.Apr.2006 Konjunkturprognose der Bundesregierung: Aufschwung nützt Arbeitslosen wenig
28.Apr.2006 Satellitenbild der Woche: Feuersbrünste in Tasmanien
28.Apr.2006 Gefängnisaufstand: Meuterer erzwingen bessere Haftbedingungen
Konkurrenz für Europa: Russland baut gigantische Pipeline nach Ostasien
"Ich kenne den Hintergrund dieser Erkenntnisse: Königslisten, Pharaonenlisten. Sie datieren den Vulkanausbruch auf 1520, genauso wie den Beginn des neuen Reichs in Ägypten", sagt Bernd Kromer zu SPIEGEL ONLINE. "Aber wir sind uns sicher, dass wir recht haben." Der Umweltphysiker von der Universität Heidelberg formuliert vorsichtig. Er weiß, wie mühsam Historiker aus Funden, Zeugnissen und Querverbindungen einen historischen Kalender für die Reiche der Ägypter, Mykener und Minoer im östlichen Mittelmeerraum gebaut haben.
28.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-413451,00.html

Vulkan löschte Thera aus, nicht die minoische Kultur

Das Ergebnis der Untersuchung gleicht einer zackigen Linie über die Lebenszeit des Asts hinweg - bis hin zu dem Jahr, in dem die Borke vom heißen Lavaschaum verkohlt wurde. Die Forscher mussten zu diesen Zacken einen übereinstimmenden Abschnitt auf ihrer Kalibrierungskurve finden. Die Stelle, an der sie die Übereinstimmung fanden, weist auf die Jahre 1630 bis 1600 vor unserer Zeitrechnung hin.

"Wir haben nun das Rätsel von 100 Jahren Differenz zwischen historischer und archäologischer Datierung", sagt Kromer. Tatsächlich zweifeln Wissenschaftler schon länger an dem Eruptionszeitpunkt zwischen 1500 und 1520 vor Christus, den Archäologen und Historiker aus dem Vergleich zwischen Stammbäumen antiker Herrscher, alten Überlieferungen und Ausgrabungen abgeleitet hatten: Der dänische Glaziologe Claus Hammer hatte grönländische Eisschichten untersucht und den Ausbruch auf 1644 vor Christus datiert. Untersuchungen uralter Bäume in Irland und Kalifornien lieferten Hinweise für extrem kalte und feuchte Sommer in den 1620er Jahren vor Christus. Die Atmosphäre könnte von der vulkanischen Asche abgekühlt worden sein. Archäologen gruben auf Kreta spätminoische Keramik aus, die starke stilistische Veränderungen rund hundert Jahre vor dem Untergang der minoischen Kultur zeigt und als Hinweis für eine tiefgreifende Erschütterung der Gesellschaft interpretiert wird. Stuart Manning, der an der US-amerikanischen Cornell University 127 bronzezeitliche Holzproben aus der Ägäis untersucht hatte, spricht in der aktuellen "Science"-Ausgabe ebenfalls von einem Santorin-Ausbruch zwischen 1660 und 1613.

Das Ergebnis Friedrichs, Kromers und ihrer Kollegen nährt die Zweifel an der alten Lehrbuchmeinung, die minoische Kultur sei durch den Vulkanausbruch von Thera ("minoische Eruption") ausgelöscht worden. Möglicherweise hat die Katastrophe, die Akrotíri verschüttete und Thera zerstörte, bloß den Untergang einer Epoche eingeleitet - sie aber nicht mit einem Schlag beendet.

Washington - Die Kläger wollen erreichen, dass die Umweltschutzbehörde Epa künftig die Kontrolle über den Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen insbesondere bei Energieunternehmen übernimmt. Bislang halte die Behörde an ihrem Standpunkt fest, "es sei nicht ihr Job, die globale Erderwärmung zu bekämpfen", sagte ein Anwalt der Umweltschutzorganisation Sierra Club.

Nach Ansicht der Kläger habe die Verwaltung jedoch "sowohl eine gesetzliche als auch die moralische Pflicht", genau dies zu tun. Die Epa betrachtet das Treibhausgas Kohlendioxid nicht als Umweltverschmutzung.

Zu den Klägern gehören die Staaten Kalifornien, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Oregon, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont und Wisconsin sowie die Bezirke New York City und Columbia.

CO2 gehört zu den Gasen, die den Treibhauseffekt verursachen. Die USA sind für 25 Prozent des weltweiten CO2-Ausstoßes verantwortlich. Ihr Anteil an der Weltbevölkerung liegt dagegen unter fünf Prozent. Bush verweigert die Ratifizierung des Kyoto-Protokolls, das den Ausstoß des Gases reduzieren soll.

Beginn der Antike: Santorin explodierte 100 Jahre früher
28.Apr.2006 Fossilienfund: Säugetier lärmte mit Bananenkiefer
Streit um Internet-Pläne: Rupert Murdoch attackiert die BBC
28.Apr.2006 Internet-Zukunft: Freies Netz wird kein Gesetz
28.Apr.2006 Griechenland: Gefangene randalieren wegen Haftbedingungen

28.Apr.2006 Rekordpreise: Bush macht Benzinpreise zur Chefsache
Klimakatastrophe: Zehn US-Staaten verklagen Bush-Regierung

28.Apr.2006 Neue Geschäftsfelder: Microsoft will Hardware bauen
Judge blasts secrecy
Why is Carla Martin in trouble?

28.Apr.2006 https://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/04/26/moussaoui.aviation/index.html

The order would require the government to begin turning over copies of documents two weeks after a verdict is returned in Moussaoui's trial.

The plaintiffs have struggled with the Transportation Security Administration to obtain pre-September 11 aviation security documents.

"It is amazing what some agencies think is secret," Brinkema said before issuing her order last month. "As a culture, we need to be careful not to be so wrapped up in secrecy that we lose track of our core values and laws."

The families' pursuit was triggered by the revelation early in the Moussaoui trial that TSA lawyer Carla Martin improperly coached witnesses. Martin, who had prepared aviation security documents and witnesses in the case, sent witnesses transcripts and commentary by e-mail, even though a court order required scheduled witnesses to ignore the proceedings.

Martin's e-mail chain revealed she had been communicating with airline attorneys + the families' attorneys suspected collusion.
28.Apr.2006 U.S. seeks to keep evidence from 9/11 families 
Prosecutors asked a judge to rethink granting 9/11 families suing airlines access to evidence gathered for the criminal case against al Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui.
28.Apr.2006 Working for the Clampdown  The House version of the 2007 intelligence authorization bill would grant CIA and NSA security personnel the authority to make arrests for "any felony" committed in their presence, no matter how remote from the foreign intelligence mission it might be, the Baltimore Sun reported today.
28.Apr.2006 https://www.journalnow.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=WSJ%2FMGArticle%2FWSJ_BasicArticle&c=MGArticle&cid=1137835620050&path=!nationworld&s=

To alarmed archaeologists, these "safari" digs - although legal - represent the wholesale destruction of the past. Stripping sites of their artifacts also strips the ability to learn what stories they could tell.

"These digs are like reading a book, ripping the pages out as you read and setting them on fire," said Kathleen Kilpatrick, the director of the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. "It's an outrage."

A Mississippi belt plate alone will tell you nothing, Kilpatrick said. A belt plate whose position is documented in context could help reconstruct the flow of a historic fight, give insight into military strategy or, at a campsite, illuminate soldiers' living conditions.

By analyzing and dating the tree rings, Friedrich’s research team was able to pinpoint the age of the eruption more precisely than ever before, since the outermost ring was formed in roughly the same year that the volcano erupted.

The new timeframe for the eruption is between 1627 and 1600 B.C., a century earlier than archaeological studies have suggested.

This was one of the biggest eruptions known to mankind + now we have a precise date for the first time,” Friedrich said.
28.Apr.2006 https://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12502996/

If the papers published this week in Science are correct, then a critical new historical context may explain aspects of the development, languages, literature, religion and mythology of the Aegean and the later Classical worlds,” said Sturt Manning of the Cornell University and the University of Reading in the United Kingdom, who is the lead author of one of the studies.
28.Apr.2006 https://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12502996/

The new results suggest that the sophisticated and powerful Minoan civilization (featured in the legend of Theseus and the Minotaur) and several other pre-Homeric civilizations arose about a century earlier and lasted for longer than previously thought.

Scientists have discovered the remains of a single olive tree, buried alive during a massive volcanic eruption during the Late Bronze Age. A study that dates this tree, plus another study that dates a series of objects from before, during and after the eruption, now offer a new timeline for one of the earliest chapters of European civilization.

According to data analyzed by the scientists, the wave was felt on San Nicolas Island, northwest of San Clemente Island, at 8:40 a.m. It hit Solana Beach at 8:46 a.m., the western edge of the Cleveland National Forest at 8:47.30 and the eastern side of the Salton Sea at 8:53 a.m. From there, it appears to have dissipated.

Elizabeth Cochran, the lead researcher on the project, said the wave moved at 320 meters per second, roughly the speed that sound travels through the air. Its velocity was too slow to be that of an earthquake, she said.

Q. Why haven't we heard cockpit recordings nor seen the flight-data recording from the other three flights?

A. Government agencies have insisted that the "black boxes" (actually orange) found at the Pentagon were too badly damaged, while the four in New York were never recovered, which was a first.

However, the Daily News reported in 2004 that two Ground Zero rescue workers claimed they helped the FBI recover three of the four "black boxes" there. Last year, Philadelphia free-lance writer Dave Lindorff reported that a National Transportation Safety Board source told him: "Off the record, we had the boxes. You'd have to get the official word from the FBI as to where they are, but we worked on them here."

A. After several accounts, the government and a supporting 2005 article in Popular Mechanics said the mystery jet had been a Dassault Falcon 20 business jet owned by the VF Corp., a North Carolina clothing firm. The magazine said the jet was descending into Johnstown Airport and circled the crash site at the request of the Federal Aviation Administration.

But according to a June 24, 2004, article in Newsweek , "some on the [9/11] commission staff were, in fact, highly skeptical of the vice president's account and made their views clearer in an earlier draft of their staff report. According to one knowledgeable source, some staffers 'flat out didn't believe the call ever took place.' "

Some have even speculated this issue is why Bush and Cheney took the unusual step of testifying jointly to the 9/11 Commission.

"Unfortunately, we have yet to have a serious and honest investigation into what happened on 9/11," said Paul Thompson, the author of "The Terror Timeline: Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute."

Thompson believes that officials should still be held accountable for what he considers a flawed military response.

Here are some other questions:

"They also believed, as the families believed, that making this film an accurate account - not a conspiratorial effort - would help us," Greengrass told the Boston Herald recently. "It gave the film a veracity, an authenticity."

But while Greengrass tackled everything known about the flight - which the government believes was purposely crashed by its four al Qaeda hijackers because of the uprising by passengers who'd learned of the World Trade Center crashes - there were things the movie could not address.

Those are the unknowns of Flight 93.
28.Apr.2006 Many questions linger 
The unknowns of Flight 93.
28.Apr.2006 America's rags-to-riches dream an illusion: study 

America may still think of itself as the land of opportunity, but the chances of living a rags-to-riches life are a lot lower than elsewhere in the world, according to a new study published on Wednesday.

Scientists at Cardiff University say they can confirm that DNA, the genetic blueprint for life, did exist in the mysterious red rain which fell over India 00.000.2001 .

This may be a key to learning about possible lifeforms in outer space. With video.
28.Apr.2006 Olive branch solves a Bronze Age mystery 

Scientists have discovered the remains of a single olive tree, buried alive during a massive volcanic eruption during the Late Bronze Age.

A study that dates this tree, plus another study that dates a series of objects from before, during and after the eruption, now offer a new timeline for one of the earliest chapters of European civilization.
27.Apr.2006 Judge Won't Dismiss Case Against Libby.

Walton said there must be a way to appoint special prosecutors to ensure that "the perception of fairness withstands the scrutiny of the American public"

when high-level government officials are investigated for alleged wrongdoing. Amen.

27.Apr.2006 Get the Fantastic New Book by David Sirota, "Hostile Takeover:

How Big Money and Corruption Conquered Our Government -- and How We Take It Back"
Exxon 1st Qtr Profit UP 7% to $84 BILLION.


posted by the Texas-based oil behemoth in the first quarter.

Gas prices are over $3/Gallon.

This must end. 4/27
Senate Panel Recommends Abolishing FEMA.

That's stupid.

If We Abolished Everything in the Bush Administration that Didn't Work, There's Be Nothing Left.

FEMA Worked Fine Under Clinton. 4/27
Robert Scheer was Fired from the Los Angeles Times for Being an Aggressive, Truth-Telling Columnist.

Now He Has a Book of Interviews with Presidents, including the Senior Bush who told Scheer that We Could Win a Nuclear War. Like Father, Like Son.

27.Apr.2006 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Rove Goes for a Grand Jury Stroll (Photo) 4/27

27.Apr.2006 Ron Wyden (D-OR) Filibuster;

He wants an up-or-down vote on his amendment that will force people to go on the record for big oil company tax breaks;

the GOP wants to force it into committee where it will, of course, die. 4/28
John Nichols: Bring the Troops Home Amendment 4/28
Don't Let Congress Ruin the Internet

https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ I decided to look around + found on the English Al Jazeera site an article that addressed just that duplicity on both sides of the inflammatory rhetoric, giving a history from the hostage soup to the nuke 'em nuts.
27.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Jeff Wells happened to be watching a Russian news site recently + they streamed a press conference with this guy, this Ahmadinejad.
Seems he does not quite act the part when he is live and in person. Seems he can actually be reasoned, measured, informed + eager to negotiate.

He also brings up the fascinating but very important point that Iran cannot be building nuclear weapons because this expressly violates Islamic law.
So. With what are we left? Still beating drums? Check. Still paranoid? Double check. Still dangerous? Triple check.

But what appeared to be a tangled inside job is even more inside than that. It appears that the puppet is not Ahmadinejad, but may be instead the US media.
Gosh. I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ So, given the possible connection between Ahmadinejad and covert US operations, and given the maniacal nature of the guy’s rhetoric, we wondered if he might just be a US puppet, installed expressly to incite the kind of inflammatory responses that would justify our nuking their bunkers.
27.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Then we reflected a bit on the outcome of the 79 hostage crisis, and remembered that this episode actually ended up benefiting Ronald Reagan + gosh, was it not also the case that these terrorists ended up working with our man Ollie North and others in sabotaging negations throughout the 00.000.1980 campaign + then further to fund the Contras in Latin America.
27.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Still, we could not help but note the reports of this man’s inflammatory rhetoric and how it seemed to be an exact mirror reflection of our own, playing right into the plans, both past and future, of the neocon march to world hegemony. By all reports, he seems to be mocking Bush’s “bring it onattitude, certainly playing with fire by fueling the many US excuses to attack.
27.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ But don't you want to know who else might have made use of this service...? Permalink
27.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ One of Wilkes few employees appears to be the same fellow who owns a San Diego dance club with a gay clientele. Gay porn has been shot there in "off hours."
27.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Here's the really intriguing bit: So far, none of these stories have specified the sex of the prostitutes.

Read the WSJ piece carefully + you'll see that writer Scot Paltrow goes out of his way to avoid assigning gender-revelatory pronouns to the "escorts."

As I noted in a previous piece (scroll down to "Finally, our story goes gay"), the Washington Blade identified Cunningham -- who has made some rabidly anti-homosexual pronouncements
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Remember the "hospitality suites" at the Watergate (yes, the Watergate ) and the Westin Grand?

Wade says his mentor and fellow Cunningham briber Brent Wilkes had set up the ring -- rented the hotel rooms, found the limousine company and the hookers.

We've heard for months that other congressfolk were involved, but so far, the only name we have is Cunningham's.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Why is Brent Wilkes, the spooked-up bribe-master who ran so many not-quite-real businesses, still living as a free man in Poway, California?

Second, the Wall Street Journal and TPM Muckraker report that the juiciest aspect of the scandal will soon burst wide upon.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Polonius from Hamlet :
This above all: to thine own self be true + it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man .

20041027 Change takes years of often bitter conflict , years of hard work + ... Better for whom? What really happened on ... 11.Sep.2001 , or in Iraq? alfatomega.com/noname36.html
Umfrage: Elterngeld stößt auf breite Zustimmung
27.Apr.2006 US-Notenbank: Fed-Chef deutet Pause bei Zinserhöhungen an
27.Apr.2006 China: Zinserhöhung soll rasantes Wachstum dämpfen
Atomstreit mit Iran: Rice fordert Sicherheitsrat zum Handeln auf
27.Apr.2006 Gipfeltreffen: Nato berät über neue Mitglieder
27.Apr.2006 Vogelgrippe-Schutz: Züchter-Selbstmorde - Bauern wettern gegen Stallpflicht
Nepal: Maoisten verkünden drei Monate Waffenruhe
27.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-413300,00.html

Deutschland besser vorbereitet als 2005

Der Chef des Berliner Robert-Koch-Instituts (RKI), Reinhard Kurth, sieht Deutschland besser auf eine Pandemie vorbereitet als noch vor einem halben Jahr.

"Wenn wir noch zwei bis vier Jahre Zeit hätten, wäre es aber besser", sagte Kurth.

Ohne verfügbaren Impfstoff rechnet Kurth mit bis zu 30 Prozent Infizierten in der Bevölkerung, etwa 360.000 Einweisungen in Krankenhäuser und 96.000 Todesfällen.

Ein Impfstoff gegen ein Pandemie-Virus für Menschen könne erst fertig gestellt werden, wenn sich ein derartiges Virus tatsächlich gebildet hat.

Vorsorgemaßnahmen seien der Verzicht auf Massenveranstaltungen, gute Handhygiene und die Einschränkung von sozialen Kontakten.

Doch zum Ärger der Schotten gibt es offenbar noch ältere Zeugnisse chinesischer Golfleidenschaft:

00.000.1271-00.000.1368 -Yuan-Dynastie- Auf einem Wandgemälde -aus der ()- werden ebenfalls Schläger geschwungen.

00.000.1282 -angeblich aus dem Jahr- Auch eine Chuiwan-Spielanleitung- wird in der Ausstellung gezeigt. Es dürfte sich dabei um die älteste bekannte Anleitung eines Golf-ähnlichen Spiels handeln.
Offener Brief an Bush: Fischer und Albright warnen vor US-Angriff auf Iran

27.Apr.2006 Pandemie-Simulation: Kranke isolieren, Grenzen schließen
Empörung in Schottland: Chinesen wollen Golf erfunden haben
Wirtschaftsinstitute: Ökonomen sehen kräftigen Aufschwung
Nach "Katrina"-Desaster: Fema soll aufgelöst werden
Atomstreit mit Iran: Russland will Ultimatum verstreichen lassen

27.Apr.2006 Interview zum Atomstreit mit Iran: "Die russische Option ist die einzig denkbare"
... stieg die Zahl der genehmigten Abhöraktionen von 34.374 im Jahre 2004 auf 42.508 im letzten Jahr.

Besonders betroffen sind dabei Mobiltelefone, die in derartigen Abhöraktionen so gut wie immer einbezogen werden: Deutsche Richter gaben im letzten Jahr 42.011 entsprechende Genehmigungen.
Kein Wunder: Im Handy treffen sich die Bedürfnisse von Fahndern und Verfolgten.

Das Handy bietet mit Prepaid-Karten + der Möglichkeit parallel gehaltener Verträge die Möglichkeit häufiger Nummernwechsel + damit scheinbaren Schutz.

Für die Fahnder hat die "mobile Wanze" dagegen das Abhören enorm vereinfacht und ermöglicht unter anderem sogar das Erstellen von Bewegungsprofilen der Abgehörten - Fahnders Traum.

Prinzipiell lassen sich Handys sogar zum aktiven Abhören eines Raumes nutzen, ohne das der Abgehörte von sich aus eine Verbindung aktiviert hätte.
Gemeldet und erfasst werden von der Bundesnetzagentur also nur "erfolgreiche" Anträge der Fahnder, die zu einer entsprechenden richterlichen Anordnung führten.

Die Gesamtzahl der Anträge auf Überwachung wird dagegen mit dieser Statistik nicht erfasst.
Offizielle Statistik: Staat im Abhörwahn
Putin seeks to explain Russian energy companies' motives
https://news.ft.com/cms/s/8484e...bc-11d7-81c6-0820abe49a01.html Date: 4/27/2006 2:20 AM
Russian president Vladimir Putin has said warnings by Russian energy companies that they will expand supplies to non-European markets have been caused by 'repeated attempts to spread anxiety' in Europe about dependency on Russian energy.

Is the War Party Really Reduced to This? (Randal Mark)
https://www.antiwar.com/orig/randalmark.php?articleid=8906   [Excerpt]   Of course, it would take some knowledge of foreign affairs for the reader to notice the common thread among all the "terrorist groups" mentioned (with the exception of the Iraqi resistance groups mentioned last, of whom more later). They all arose and exist to oppose Israel. They are not a problem for "us," except insofar as "we" identify Israel's interests with our own. For those of us who can see that Israel has made its own bed by its refusal to halt the occupation and colonization of the Palestinian areas taken in the 1967 war + are quite willing to let Israel lie in that bed until it chooses to get out (by unilateral withdrawal of troops and colonists, if necessary), this is especially absurd. However, for anybody with anything other than a highly partisan pro-Israel attitude, there is no reason to regard Hamas, Hezbollah, or the Palestinian Islamic Jihad as any more of a problem for us than the Chechen rebels or the Nepalese Maoists.

$100 gas rebate checks?
$100 gas rebate checks? https://www.cnn.com/rssclick/20...ex.html?section=cnn_topstories Date: 4/26/2006 7:26 PM
Every American taxpayer would get a $100 rebate check to offset the pain of higher pump prices for gasoline, under an amendment Senate Republicans hope to bring to a vote today. But don't start spending it yet -- the GOP plan also includes a proposal to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration, which most Democrats and some moderate Republicans oppose.

Former Chief of Mission to Iraq Criticizes Israel Lobby
[And, again, it can't be emphasized too often that for the Christian Zionist component of the Israel lobby, of which George W. Bush is apparently a fervent member, a catastrophe is precisely the desired outcome.  We may be heading towards a global Jonestown.] "We have planted the seeds for catastrophe in the Middle East." Former chief of mission to Iraq criticizes Israel lobby Leah Carliner
Hatchet Staff Writer Posted: 4/27/06 The controversy over two professors' paper criticizing the power of the pro-Israel lobby came to campus when former U.S. chief of mission to Iraq Edward Peck spoke to about 20 students Monday about the perceived power of the Israel lobbying force. The talk was the opening event of Students For Justice in Palestine's 2006 Palestine Awareness Week.

Iran has missiles that put Europe in range: report
Iran has missiles that put Europe in range: report https://go.reuters.com/newsArti...oryID=11985715&src=rss/topNews 11:14 PM
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Iran has received a first shipment of missiles from North Korea that are capable of reaching Europe, Israel's military intelligence chief was quoted on Thursday as saying.

27.Apr.2006 Meanwhile, Koza thinks he has already found a good one to solve, although it will require more than just an invention machine.

Confident as ever in the power of rational thought (and in himself), he has undertaken the mission of reengineering U.S. elections.

More specifically, he has developed a strategy to effectively eliminate the American electoral college.

Here s how it works : Since the Constitution allows each state to assign its electors any way it chooses, a critical mass of states could pledge to assign its electors to vote for the winner of the nationwide popular vote.

In theory, as few as 11 states could make this work.

The plan is slowly gaining traction among politicians and pundits + a bill was recently introduced in the Illinois legislature that would make that state the first to back the plan.
John Koza Has Built an Invention Machine

27.Apr.2006 The age of creative machines has arrived. And its prophet is John Koza.
Pentagon implements Global Military Policing
Pentagon implements Global Military Policing Second 9/11 to provide an "Opportunity" to Intervene -By Michel Chossudovsky
The following report raises some very serious concerns. It points to the involvement of US special forces in countries which do not represent a threat to the US and with which the US is not at war.  The SOCOM program essentially carries out the mandate of the 2000 Project for a New American Century, which contemplated the sending in of Special Forces in "non theater war" situations. These operations were described in the PNAC as part of the so-called "constabulary functions".   

"Constabulary functions"

Distinct from theater wars, "constabulary functions" imply a form of global military policing using various instruments of military intervention including punitive bombings and the sending in of US Special Forces, etc. It goes beyond the "preemptive war doctrine": the constabulory operations are predicated on US military intervention in countries which are acknowledged as not constituting a threat to US national security. 

The PNAC outlines a roadmap of conquest. The PNAC blueprint also outlines a consistent framework of war propaganda. One year before 9/11, the PNAC called for "some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor," which would serve to galvanize US public opinion in support of a war agenda.
https://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/NAC304A.html ).

Weird Things about the AIPAC Case
https://thenexthurrah.typepad.com/the_next_hurrah/2006/04/weird_things_ab.html   The Next Hurrah April 26, 2006 Weird Things about the AIPAC Case by emptywheel

27.Apr.2006 Senate panel urges replacing disaster agency
Senate panel urges replacing disaster agency https://go.reuters.com/newsArti...oryID=11983821&src=rss/topNews Date: 4/26/2006 9:38 PM
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Senate panel on Thursday recommended that the heavily criticized Federal Emergency Management Agency be replaced with a new agency that would be better able to respond to disasters like Hurricane Katrina.

27.Apr.2006 Al-Zarqawi Video Is A Pentagon Propaganda Psy-Op Paul Joseph Watson 
Al-Zarqawi Video Is A Pentagon Propaganda Psy-Op April 10th Washington Post article said US would 'play up' role of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, target 'US home audience'

27.Apr.2006 Nepal Maoist rebels declare truce
Nepal's Maoist rebels offer a three-month truce, after street protests force the king to restore parliament.

27.Apr.2006 Canadian Music Stars Fight Against DRM samzenpus 332 An anonymous reader writes

"Some of Canada's best known musicians, including Avril Lavigne, Sarah McLachlin, Sum 41 + Barenaked Ladies, have formed a new copyright coalition. The artists say in a press release that they oppose file sharing lawsuits, the use of DRM + DMCA-style legislation and that they want record labels to stop claiming that they represent their views."
Barroso sustenta que chegou a altura de a União Europeia e os seus Estados-membros "mostrarem resultados" e de, neste Conselho,enviarem uma "mensagem convincente" aos cidadãos. "Temos de mostrar agora como estamos a traduzir os objectivos políticos em acções concretas", escreve, acrescentando mais à frente na missiva que é preciso a UE sublinhar a sua "determinação em ir ao encontro das expectativas dos cidadãos" e haver a coragem de não evitar os tópicos difíceis. Sublinhando uma vez mais a importância da consolidação de um verdadeiro Mercado Interno, e referindo-se em concreto à proposta de liberalização de serviços (a famosa directiva Bolkenstein), Barroso indica que a Comissão vai apresentar no início do Abril a sua proposta revista, "largamente baseada" nas alterações propostas pelo Parlamento Europeu, e apela aos 25 que manifestem nesta cimeira o seu apoio ao processo. [Via
RR, com a devida vénia]
27.Apr.2006 https://www.joaopedrodias.blogspot.com/

Março 20, 2006 As fontes do Direito Comunitário originário: os Tratados comunitários e da União Europeia

Quando analisamos as fontes de direito comunitário primário ou originário , tam­bém dito convencional , estamo–nos a referir aos Tratados comunitários e da União Europeia.
Estes Tratados constituem o normativo jurídico fundamental das dife­rentes Comunidades Europeias e da União Europeia. Normativo jurídico de tal forma fundamental no quadro da ordem jurídica comunitária que não tem faltado quem, tanto no plano jurisdicional como no plano doutrinário, os venha qualificando como uma verdadeira Constituição das Comu­nidades.
As­sim, o próprio Tribunal Constitucional alemão já se lhes referiu, em sentença de 18 de Outubro de 1967, em termos quase–constitucionais: afirmou, na altura, que os Trata­dos comunitários representam, de certo modo, «a Constituição da Comunidade ou da União».
Os Tratados comunitários, enquanto fonte primária ou originária de direito co­mu­ni­tário, são verdadeiras convenções internacionais clássicas, produto da vontade sobera­na dos Estados que os outorgaram e concluíram no respeito pelas normas do direito inter­naci­onal público e pelos respectivos procedimentos constitucionais internos.

A intervenção do Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia, todavia, é preciso deixá-lo bem claro, não assume uma natureza contenciosa ou jurisdicional.

Não é o Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia que vai «decidir» o processo onde a questão prejudicial seja suscitada.

Qualquer processo onde seja suscitada uma questão que exija um reenvio prejudicial decorre ante juízes nacionais e será sempre por estes decidida.

A instância jurisdicional comunitária «apenas» delibera sobre a questão prejudicial que lhe for colocada (seja a determinação de validade de uma dada norma jurídica seja a sua correcta interpretação), competindo-lhe «devolver» o processo ao juiz nacional, com a questão prejudicial resolvida, devendo o juiz nacional decidir em última instância.
O mecanismo concebido para garantir essa efectiva cooperação entre as instâncias jurisdicionais nacionais e da União Europeia é o instituto do reenvio prejudicial previsto no artigo 234 do Tratado de Roma.

O reenvio prejudicial pretende garantir que em todo e qualquer processo que decorra perante um juiz nacional,

sempre que se suscitar um problema de aplicação de uma norma de direito comunitário,

e sempre que surgirem dúvidas sobre a validade e/ou a correcta interpretação dessa mesma norma de direito comunitário,

a decisão final (quer quanto à questão da validade quer quanto à questão da interpretação) seja garantida pelo Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia.
Outros modelos teriam sido possíveis – mas o «legislador constitucional» comunitário optou por aquele que lhe pareceu mais fiável, mais expedito e mais seguro:

investir as autoridades nacionais (judiciais e administrativas) da competência de, em primeira instância, aplicarem o direito comunitário.
Efectivamente, a aplicação do direito comunitário nos diferentes Estados-Membros da União está cometida às instâncias nacionais, sejam elas jurisdicionais ou administrativas.

O que significa que, na prática, os tribunais nacionais funcionam como verdadeiros tribunais comuns de direito comunitário.
O sistema só sobrevive na obscuridade, no favorecimento, no cartel, no servilismo, no silêncio, na cumplicidade: não aguenta a franqueza da verdade, nem a projecção pública dos abusos.

Ora, o povo, pode ser explorado, mas acaba sempre por triunfar. Vivam os comentadores livres!
No seu relatório sobre as relações entre a União Europeia e o Conselho da Europa, Jean- Claude Juncker propõe que a UE se torne num membro do CE até 2010
No seu relatório sobre as relações entre a União Europeia e o Conselho da Europa, o Primeiro Ministro do Luxemburgo,

Jean-Claude Juncker propõe que a UE adira ao CE até 2010 e que adira entretanto à Convenção Europeia dois Direitos do Homem. | ver artigo
27.Apr.2006 https://www.gddc.pt/

Portugal condenado por violação do artigo 14º, nº 3 al. d) do Pacto Internacional sobre os Direitos Civis e Políticos
05.Apr.2006 O Comité dos Direitos do Homem das Nações Unidas proferiu em decisão condenando Portugal por violação do artigo 14º, n.º 3, al. d) do Pacto Internacional sobre os Direitos Civis e Políticos. | ver artigo
28.Mar.2006 Eficácia e validade

Acabei de ouvir o líder do PSD, Dr. Marques Mendes, no final do segundo dia das Jornadas Parlamentares do PSD, sugerindo, entre outras coisas, o fim do segredo de justiça,

porque, segundo ele, ninguém cumpre o segredo de justiça [vd. jornalistas], logo não faz sentido manter esta "hipocrisia nacional" (creio que são estas as palavras).
Ora, pergunto-me: será que devemos mudar as leis pela sua eficácia ou validade ?
Creio que se deverão encontrar melhores razões para o fim do segredo de justiça. A eficácia de um instrumento não deverá ditar a sua extinção.

Aliás, esse facto poderá indiciar a sua forte utilidade.

Um exemplo extremo : sera necessaário acabar com a hipocrisia nacional que representa o homicídio, uma vez que o art.131º e ss. do C. Penal são sistematicamente violados...
Abril 18, 2006 Timor-Leste: três magistrados portugueses pedem demissão depois de acusações de "colonialismo"

Três magistrados portugueses que estavam a trabalhar em Timor-Leste ao serviço das Nações Unidas apresentaram ontem a demissão, depois de terem sido classificados de "colonialistas" pelo ministro do Interior local.
O pedido de demissão foi apresentado directamente ao representante do secretário-geral da ONU em Timor-Leste, Sukehiro Hasegawa. (...)

De acordo com os relatos da imprensa timorense,

Rogério Lobato criticou as alegadas faltas ao trabalho dos magistrados, que, segundo o ministro, preferem viajar em vez de trabalhar nos casos que lhes estão distribuídos nos tribunais.

"Eles vêm para Timor para ganhar muito dinheiro para passarem férias ou para trabalhar?

Isso é o que eu pergunto", questionou o governante timorense.

O ministro Rogério Lobato, que classificou o comportamento dos magistrados em causa de "colonialista",

aproveitou para solicitar ao procurador-geral da república, Longuinhos Monteiro - que estava ao seu lado na conferência de imprensa -, que "controle a sua gente", especialmente os procuradores. (...)
Nachdem sie das Grundmuster erkannt hatten, konnten sie auch neue Gesänge problemlos einordnen.

Diese Resultate lassen vermuten, dass einige Tiere die grundsätzliche Fähigkeit zur Erkennung solcher grammatischen Muster mit dem Menschen teilen, sagte Gentner.
Die Tiere lernten erfolgreich, beim Abspielen der rekursiven Gesänge auf einen Knopf zu picken.
27.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-413201,00.html

Das Experiment zeige, dass Sprache und das Erkenntnisvermögen von Tieren weitaus komplizierter ist, als Forscher jemals angenommen haben, sagte Jeffrey Elman, Kognitionswissenschaftler aus San Diego.

Es zeige auch, dass es kein "einzelnes Wundermittel" gibt, das den Menschen vom Tier unterscheidet. stx/AP/ddp
Timothy Gentner von der University of Southern California in San Diego + seine Kollegen entdeckten diese ungewöhnliche Sprachbegabung der Singvögel, indem sie aus Triller- + Rätschlauten künstliche Starengesänge aufbauten, die bestimmten grammatischen Regeln folgten. Nach mehreren Monaten und viel Futterbelohnung konnten neun von elf Vögeln grammatische Regeln voneinander unterscheiden, berichten die Forscher im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature".

Die Wissenschaftler untersuchten ein Merkmal, das in allen menschlichen Sprachen zu finden ist: die sogenannte Rekursion.

Diese Struktur erlaubt es, Wörter oder Sätze ineinander einzubetten.

So kann beispielsweise der Satz "Das Buch ist sehr spannend" in die komplexere Struktur "Das Buch, das auf dem Tisch liegt, ist sehr spannend" umgeformt werden.

Theoretisch lässt sich diese Verschachtelung unendlich oft weiterführen. Verschachtelungen zu bilden und zu verstehen, gestanden Linguisten bisher ausschließlich Menschen zu.

Auch galt die Rekursion als vielleicht einziges Merkmal, das nur in der menschlichen Sprache zu finden ist und diese somit einzigartig macht.

b) A constituição, instituição ou estabelecimento em Portugal da ... em todas as matérias relacionadas com a aplicação da Lei de Liberdade Religiosa, ... www.ateismo.net/documentos.php?doc=liberdade_religiosa
Tiradentes Portugal está absolutamente dependente da sua mais velha aliada, não pode permitir que ... Sempre que uma forma de governo chega a ser a negação desse fim, ... www.vidaslusofonas.pt/tiradentes.htm
MEDO DE EXISTIR? A maior parte das leis em Portugal , podem ser interpretadas das mais diversas maneiras o que faz com que existam diferenças abismais na sua aplicação . ...

Actualidade Portugal veste-se de vergonha com a justiça que (não) tem. Não há nada mais injusto do que uma justiça inoperante e que consome as populações com o atraso, ... orbita.starmedia.com/~gntimoneiro/actualidade.htm
Revista Electronica-nº1-sentencia PORTUGAL 1 7º, a aplicação de uma medida reactiva ou de reacção contra o incumprimento ... como uma auto- negação dos valores da justiça que o mesmo procura acautelar, ... www.uc3m.es/uc3m/inst/MGP/JCI/revista-01jur-portu1.htm
António Sérgio Abrantes Mendes ... por ser cada vez mais forte a sensação de que em Portugal nada vale a pena. ... O que o legislador não tem coragem de afirmar é que a Justiça perdeu ...

imprensa Tem-se dito que o "segredo de justiça está hoje desvalorizado em quase todos os países" e que "em Portugal o processo é secreto durante demasiado tempo, ... www.cidadevirtual.pt/asjp/jurisp/imprensa.html
Boletim do CSMP nº 29 - Parecer sobre o projecto de proposta de ...

O Gabinete de Sua Excelência o Secretário de Estado da Justiça , ...

exigindo-se um requisito para aplicação desta medida que em si mesmo é a negação da sua ... www.pgr.pt/portugues/grupo_soltas/pub/csmp/29/anexo3.htm
... parte dos cidadãos, à não aplicação ou aplicação selectiva da lei por ... Em Portugal , são conhecidas as dificuldades. Os profissionais da justiça (juízes, ... www.fd.unl.pt/web/Anexos/Downloads/236.pdf
27.Apr.2006 [ Portugal No Seu Melhor ] - Fórum Assim está a Justiça em Portugal ! Os juízes tem poder a mais, meios a menos a Justiça ... Se todos os homens tivessem a sua inteligencia e limites/ negação ... www.portugalnoseumelhor.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2498
Notícias, Informação, Actualidade - EXPRESSO Online Ao aplicarem a justiça em nome do povo, os tribunais devem libertá-lo e não oprimi-lo, pois a tirania judicial é a maior perversão da liberdade ea negação ... online.expresso.clix.pt/leitor_opi/artigo.asp?id=24750957&wcomm=true
US Department of State - Issues of Democracy (in Portuguese ...

A velha máxima "a demora na justiça significa a negação da justiça " pode ser particularmente verdadeira, especialmente no caso de uma situação na área de ... usinfo.state.gov/journals/itdhr/1299/ijdp/steen.htm
Tiersprache: Stare verstehen Schachtelsätze

27.Apr.2006 Arbeitsmarkt: Zahl der Erwerbslosen deutlich gesunken
Bilanz: Siemens steigert Gewinn - und baut weiter Stellen ab
Frühjahrsgutachten: Stärkstes Wachstum seit 2000

27.Apr.2006 Ekelfund: Inder entdeckt Kondom in Cola-Flasche
Korruption: Staatsanwaltschaft beantragt Haftbefehl gegen Hyundai-Chef
27.Apr.2006 Iran: US-Abgeordnetenhaus forderte harte Sanktionen
27.Apr.2006 RFID 'Til the Cows Come Home Critics lambast plan to tag most U.S. farm animals by 2008 as a giant boondoggle for the tech industry. Audrey Hudson reports from Washington, D.C.
27.Apr.2006 How Lara Croft Steals Hearts Conventional wisdom says Tomb Raider is a smash success because its cynical blend of prurience and violence plays perfectly to the base instincts of teenage boys.

But the reasons for its success may be a whole lot stranger. Commentary by Clive Thompson.
The big internet providers (ATT, Verizon) want to tax small web sites. We lost the battle in the House Energy and Commerce Committee. But we ain't licked yet. Click on the link above to find out what to do.

Uno-Erhebung: Vogelgrippe tötete bisher 100 Menschen
See also:
An Interesting Day: President Bush's Movements and Actions on 9/11
The Secret Service did nothing.

The dog did not bark.  

11.Sep.2001-If the events of- 9-11 were truly a surprise to the USA Government then there is no way the Secret Service could have known there wasn't a hijacked or stolen plane heading towards Booker Elementary School that very second.
The Booker Elementary video shows the Secret Service did not rush in to remove the President to a secure location, or at least to the safety of the armored Presidential Limousine.

That's their job.

That's what they do in the case of a real surprise attack withmany unknowns.

They don't do anything else.    

But the Secret Service did nothing.

The dog did not bark.
08.Sep.2001 -on- The Sarasota Herald Tribune announced Bush's visit to Booker Elementary, giving the 11.Sep.2001 -planners three days to include Bush as a target for a diving jetliner.

Nobody could have safely assumed he was not a target.
The fictional Sherlock Holmes solved the crime in "Silver Blaze" by deducing it was the owner of the house who was the criminal.

How did he know? Because the dog did not bark.

The only person who could have committed the crime without arousing the dog was someone the dog knew as a friend, the dog's owner.
Blair, Defying `Dangerous Situations,' Retains Clout, Controls His Future
Blair, Defying `Dangerous Situations,' Retains Clout, Controls His Future https://www.bloomberg.com/apps/...9W8lQ_1nM&refer=top_world_news Date: 4/25/2006 7:00 PM (Bloomberg) -

Police investigating the Labour Party's funding have arrested one of Prime Minister Tony Blair's former aides.

The U.K. leader faces continual rebellions in Parliament.

His next-door neighbor wants his job.

And his political fate rests in the hands of just one man.
How did the Secret Service know the President wasn't in danger on 9-11?
"The Secret Service has an arrangement with the FAA.

They had open lines after the World Trade Center was..." -

Vice President Dick Cheney [NBC News]

27.Apr.2006 W/Spy-Former National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley investigated for leaking CIA names Former National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley investigated for leaking CIA names
Military Enforces Labor Law in Iraq
Military Enforces Labor Law in Iraq https://feeds.latimes.com/latim.../news/nationworld/world?m=1389 Date: 4/25/2006 3:00 PM
U.S. bars contractor firms from withholding employees' passports. Future contracts are to include guidelines on workers' rights.
BAGHDAD — The U.S. military said Tuesday that it had issued new orders to private contractors in Iraq to crack down on violations of human trafficking laws involving laborers brought from around the world to work at American bases and other sites.

Majority Of Americans Oppose Surveillance State Paul Joseph Watson 
Majority Of Americans Oppose Surveillance State 90% say chip implant 'never acceptable' Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | April 26 2006 A new survey

New Trademark Law Might Restrict Free Speech NEW YORK -

This is a big wake-up call for defenders of free speech in the USA, an urgent one + worrisomely little known. Embedded deep in H.R. 683—“The Trademark Dilution Revision Act,” which awaits what may well be a last look in the U.S. House of ...
MEPs reveal extent of CIA flights The CIA ran more than 1,000 flights in Europe, often moving suspects for interrogation overseas, MEPs say.
27.Apr.2006 Pandemic flu planning 'too slow' The UK government is accused of dragging its heels over preparations to combat a flu pandemic.
27.Apr.2006 Many parents 'ignorant on drugs' One in four parents say they do not know enough about drugs to talk to their children about them, a survey says.
27.Apr.2006 Salvage prospect for 'junk' DNA A mathematical analysis of the human genome suggests that so-called "junk DNA" might not be so useless after all.
27.Apr.2006 Democrats lose House vote on Net neutrality In vote largely along party lines, Democratic politicians lose effort to have FCC regulate "neutrality" on the Net.
27.Apr.2006 Google promotes Firefox on IE Blog: Wednesday morning, an advertisement for the Google Firefox Toolbar appeared on Google's home page when viewed with Internet Explorer....
26.Apr.2006 Apple's All-Seeing Screen ScuttleMonkey 213
Based on a recent patent we may be seeing a new kind of display coming from the Apple store in the near future, one that can capture images as well as display them. From the article: "The clever idea is to insert thousands of microscopic image sensors in-between the liquid crystal display cells in the screen. Each sensor captures its own small image, but software stitches these together to create a single, larger picture."

26.Apr.2006 Story: Rather may blog after leaving CBS. "They were in a position to learn the power of the blogosphere in ways that weren't available to NBC, ABC and CNN."
26.Apr.2006 The meaning of Tony Snow: There is something profoundly disturbing about the appointment of Fox News's Tony Snow as spokesman for the White House.
26.Apr.2006 Molly Ivins: Let's call the Israel lobby the Israel lobby : One of the consistent deformities in American policy debate has been challenged by a couple of professors + the reaction proves their point so neatly it's almost funny.

26.Apr.2006 Kim Petersen: There is No “Israel Lobby”: Those people of conscience who dare to rebuke the crimes committed by the Zionists must not cower at the insidious Zionist tactic of smearing its critics as “anti-Semites.”

26.Apr.2006 Israeli Press: Top White House posts go to Jews : "He is simply appointing the best people for the job," said Nathan Diament, who heads the Washington office of the Orthodox Union. Another Jewish activist added that he "wouldn't read too much into it."

26.Apr.2006 Nick Clifford : Where Is The Outrage?: When an award winning play is prevented from being staged in New York due to pressure, some might to call it intimidation, from a section of the community that has determined it has the right to determine what all New Yorkers should or should not see –we have to ask which is worse - the suppression of legitimate theatre or the lack of outrage among Americans at large?
Palestinian government, appeals to banks to help end funding crisis: Aggravating the crisis, local, regional and international banks have balked at transferring Arab and Islamic donations to the Palestinian Authority, fearing sanctions by the USA which regards Hamas as a terrorist organization.

26.Apr.2006 Israel steals over 80 % of Palestinian water: Head of the Palestinian water resources management Ahmad Al-Yaqoubi said Israel is stealing more than 80 % of the Palestinian water and that the separation wall will give Israel the control on water resources.
26.Apr.2006 News from Americas Gulag:
Pentagon plans release of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay :

The Pentagon plans to release nearly a third of those held at the prison for terror suspects here because they pose no threat to U.S. security

26.Apr.2006 EU Cites CIA Kidnapping, Secret Flights : European lawmakers said Wednesday they had discovered a ``widespread regular practice'' of human rights violations by the CIA in Europe.
Iran's Euro Oil Exchange to open next week : Oil Minister Kazem Vaziri Hamaneh said on Wednesday that the establishment of Oil Stock Exchange is in its final stage and the bourse will be launched in Iran in the next week.

26.Apr.2006 Rice fails to win Greek support on Iran : Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, has won no public pledge of support from Greece for punitive sanctions against Tehran, as thousands protested on the streets of Athens against her visit.

26.Apr.2006 No plans to use Pak land in Iran attack’ : The US has said it has no plans to use Pakistani territory to launch operations in the likelihood of any decision to attack Iran

26.Apr.2006 Azerbaijani President Rules Out Participating in Action Against Iran : President Aliyev told the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington Wednesday that his country + Iran have an agreement that forbids aggression from either side.

26.Apr.2006 Russia ignores U.S., delivers nuclear fuel to India: Russia has delivered fresh nuclear fuel for two Indian reactors, ignoring a U.S. request for a delay until rules are formally changed to allow such transfers, American officials said in recent interviews.
Iran split: UK: Foreign Office lawyers have formally advised Jack Straw that it would be illegal under international law for Britain to support any US-led military action against Iran.

26.Apr.2006 Iran Unable To Block Hormuz : The Center for Strategic and International Studies said the Iranian Navy, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, has failed to procure the platforms or weapons required to block the Straits of Hormuz, the passage for 60 % of the world's oil trade
Jason Leopold: Target Letter Drives Rove Back to Grand Jury : Karl Rove's appearance before a grand jury in the CIA leak case Wednesday comes on the heels of a "target letter" sent to his attorney recently by Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, signaling that the Deputy White House Chief of Staff may face imminent indictment, sources that are knowledgeable about the probe said Wednesday.

26.Apr.2006 Impeaching Bush, State by State: Forget bird flu, impeachment is spreading across the nation, state by state.

26.Apr.2006 Iran-Israel Linkage By Bush Seen As Threat : President Bush is risking a backlash that could injure the Jewish community — and his own cause — by repeatedly citing Israel as his top rationale for possible U.S. military conflict with Iran, Jewish leaders and Middle East analysts warned this week.
More top brass blast Rumsfeld: Two retired generals and an admiral denounce his leadership -- and say he's protected by a handpicked ring of high-ranking yes men.

26.Apr.2006 Eric Margolis: America's Carrhae: Today, no Washington official will yet admit it, but the U.S. has suffered a major strategic defeat in Iraq by failing to achieve its political objective of turning it into an obedient colony.

The generals’ revolt reflects this unspoken fact and is clearly intended to lay blame for the Iraq fiasco where it belongs – the White House.

26.Apr.2006 Crisis building in White House over Iraq war: A week ago, it was the generals. Now it's the colonels and majors and captains. Moreover, these officers are in uniform and have none of the security from retribution of the generals who had all already retired.

26.Apr.2006 63.26% of those polled at Army Times website say Rumsfeld should resign:

26.Apr.2006 Iraqi Strife Seeping Into Saudi Kingdom : "Saudi Sunnis are defending Iraqi Sunnis + Saudi Shiites are defending Iraqi Shiites," said Hassan Saffar, Saudi Arabia's most influential Shiite cleric. "There's a fear that it will cause a struggle here."
Zarqawi tape authentic, says Fisk: Windows Media Robert Fisk is Middle East correspondent for The Independent newspaper + more than 30 years of reporting from the region makes him one of the most acute observers of the Arab world. He joins Lateline from Beirut to discuss the implications of the Zarqawi video.

26.Apr.2006 Senate diverts some Iraq war money for borders, port security : The Senate voted Wednesday to divert some of the money President Bush requested for the war in Iraq to instead increase patrols against illegal immigrants on the nation's borders and provide the Coast Guard with new boats and helicopters.
Subject to the Penalty of Death - By Dahr Jamail

The responsibility of creating a situation in Iraq in which war crimes are the norm and not the exception lies squarely with the officers and commanders of the US Army, starting with the Commander in Chief, George W. Bush. Continued

26.Apr.2006 The $2-Trillion War - By Craig Lambert
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) currently projects past and future Iraq-related expenditures to surpass $500 billion + even that figure severely underestimates the full outlay, according to Bilmes and Stiglitz, whose paper indicates that the war will eventually cost Americans in excess of $2 trillion.

26.Apr.2006 The Biggest Gas Station on Earth -By Mike Whitney
Now that gas is topping $3 per gallon, we should consider the heavy price the American people have paid to ensure that profits continue to soar for the oil giants.

26.Apr.2006 Is Our Democracy Sleepwalking Into a Nightmare? - By Gene Lyons
Has the White House lost its collective mind ? Do the president and his minions believe that Americans can be stampeded into another needless war to save his party from the consequences of the catastrophe in Iraq ? Is the Bush administration seriously thinking of bombing Iran for political purposes ? Of a nuclear strike ? Is it actually possible, as has been said, that George W. Bush believes himself to be on a divine, messianic mission ? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then our democracy may be sleepwalking into its worst crisis since the Civil War.

26.Apr.2006 Genocide - By Norma Sherry
Why is it that as a human race we think killing, raping, mayhem, mutilation and butchery is an acceptable means for change?

For years we’ve watched as religious disagreements waged on as wars destroying entire nations . Continue

26.Apr.2006 Rove likely to be indicted: Testifies in leak case -By James Vicini and Andy Sullivan
President George W. Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove, testified on Wednesday before a federal grand jury investigating the leak of a covert CIA operative's identity, his lawyer said.

ExxonMobil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

00.000.1963 Humble was approached by Tidewater Oil Company, ... Both Exxon and Mobil were descendants of the old John D. Rockefeller monopoly, Standard Oil. ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exxon_Mobil
History of Pipelines Within a year, Rockefeller owned half of Tidewater and was busily laying pipelines to Buffalo, Philadelphia, Cleveland and New York. ... www.pipeline101.com/History/timeline.html
Table of Contents Rockefeller buys a third of the Tidewater's stock. The Standard and Tidewater become allies. National Transit Company now controls all pipe-lines ... web.doverpublications.com/cgi-bin/toc.pl/0486428214
John D. Rockefeller@Everything2.com Rockefeller began discrediting Tidewater , as his men secretly bought stock ... He took control of Tidewater in 1882 + Rockefeller then controlled all of .

John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil. The nightmare begins... It was not the necessity to save his business which compelled Mr. Rockefeller to make war on the Tidewater . He and the Tidewater could both have lived. .. www.bilderberg.org/whatafel.htm
Karl Rove Testifies for Fifth Time Before a PlameGate Grand Jury
Sidney Blumenthal: Tony Snow, Fox News star, begins as the new White House press secretary on the day Karl Rove is called back to the federal grand jury. Because "Everybody Must Get Snowed."
Robert Scheer was Fired from the Los Angeles Times for Being an Aggressive, Truth-Telling Columnist. Now He Has a Book of Interviews with Presidents, including the Senior Bush who told Scheer that We Could Win a Nuclear War. Like Father, Like Son.

26.Apr.2006 Mary McCarthy is the Winner of this Week's BuzzFlash "Wings of Justice Award"
House Ignores Public, Sells Out the Internet; Growing Right-Left Coalition Gains Momentum, Looks to Senate to Save Internet Freedom from Telecom Cartel 4/27
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.

26.Apr.2006 The Truth Will Out: GOP Blocks Measures Boosting Taxes on Oil Companies' Profits 4/26
Rumsfeld and Rice Walk Even Deeper Into Iraqmire 4/26

26.Apr.2006 Conservatives Bow to Industry, Block Amendment to Scan All Shipping Containers. Between Greed and National Security, Republicans Choose Greed. Why does the GOP Hate America? 4/27
Steven Jonas: A Modest Proposal for Achieving a US Withdrawal from Iraq by a Date Certain - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution

Blitzbesuch im Irak: Rice und Rumsfeld zufrieden mit Fortschritten in Bagdad
Neue Belastungen: Wirtschaft läuft gegen Steuerpläne der Regierung Sturm
Bundeskriminalamt: Zahl rechtsextremer Gewalttaten steigt drastisch an
Staatsverständnis: Der Traum von der sozialen Leistungsgesellschaft
Fachjargon: Software unterscheidet Forschertexte von Nonsens-Aufsätzen
Fall Kurnaz: BKA soll Verhörbögen nach Guantanamo geschickt haben
Merkel in Russland: Putin über Benachteiligung an Energiemärkten verärgert
Möglicher Angriff auf Iran: Chamenei droht USA mit Vergeltung

26.Apr.2006 CIA-Flüge: Bericht wirft EU-Staaten Mitwisserschaft vor
Maschinenforschung: Kinder fühlen mit Robotern
Steuererhöhung: Mehrheit wünscht den starken Sozialstaat

26.Apr.2006 Schwarze Löcher: Die sparsamsten Motoren im Universum

26.Apr.2006 Transferstaat Deutschland: Arbeit finanziert immer seltener Lebensunterhalt

26.Apr.2006 Familie: Ausgeprägter Kinderwunsch bei jungen Deutschen

26.Apr.2006 Trier: Polizeikommissar überfällt Bank
Bericht einer Tschernobyl-Augenzeugin: "Das Sterben wird weitergehen"
Neue Zuversicht: Beste Konsumlaune seit D-Mark-Zeiten
Texas Training Pamphlet: 'Nice Guys' Who Wear Levis & Travel With Ch Paul Joseph Watson 
Texas Training Pamphlet: 'Nice Guys' Who Wear Levis & Travel With Children Likely Terrorists Says people who use cellphones and e mail should be under

Russ. Medienzensur bei Protest gegen Pipeline Natalia Podkovyrova 
Bei den Protesten gegen die geplante Ölpipeline am Baikalsee schweigen sich die russischen Medien aus. Putin setzt das UNESCO Weltkulturerbe aufs Spiel.
Schreiben Sie einen Brief an Präsident Putin.

How much do you Google? Joe 
Just about one year ago today, the Google personalized homepage started recording your Google search history while you were logged into their site. For some that might be a scary proposition but for this blog, eh, not so much. Here...

Judge: Worker can't be fired for Web surfing
A New York City employee cannot be fired for surfing the Web from work, an administrative law judge has ruled. In his decision, Judge John Spooner said that agencies should apply the same standard to personal Internet use as they do to other personal activities. He noted that many agencies allow ...

Prescott 'regret' over affair Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott says he "regrets" having had an affair with one of his secretaries.
Strangers allowed to give organs Live organ donation from strangers is to be allowed for the first time under new human tissue legislation.
Israel satellite 'to spy on Iran' Israel sends into space a satellite that officials say will enhance its ability to spy on Iran's nuclear programme.
Bush threatens spending bill veto US President Bush threatens to a bill to fund the war in Iraq because he says it has grown too expensive.
Appeal made to Crimewatch callers Two callers who contacted Crimewatch about the murder of Norman Moffat are urged to call back.
Pair 'released' by terror police Two men arrested under the Terrorism Act have been released without charge, their solicitor says.
Clarke: I told Blair I would quit Charles Clarke reveals he was prepared to quit over his department's failure to deport foreign criminals.
State Wants to Ban Sex Toy Sales Legislators in South Carolina look to jump on the joy-bashing bandwagon. Plus: What makes online therapy work? In Sex Drive Daily.
Oracle wants to rein in database admins New security software meant to prevent database administrators from accessing sensitive data stored in databases they manage.
Low Emission Cars Continue to Gain Popularity ScuttleMonkey 20 Rio writes

"A company may soon offer American motorists a new option to save on high gas prices -- vehicles powered by lithium batteries. From the article: 'Just plug in these cars for about five hours or so and you'll get about 300 miles on a single charge.' The vehicles cost about $35,000 or about double what buyers would pay for a gas-powered model." Relatedly acidrain writes to tell us The BBC is reporting that a prototype of the new "Clever car" (Compact Low Emission Vehicle for Urban Transport) is starting to make the rounds on European test tracks. The car is one meter wide and less polluting than normal vehicles. It has a top speed of 100 km/h (60mph) and uses a novel tilting chassis to make it safe and maneuverable.
Neural Interface for Gaming Getting Closer? ScuttleMonkey 144 An anonymous reader writes

"Mercury News is reporting that a neural interface for gaming may be in the not-so-distant future thanks to at least two start-ups developing this technology. From the article: 'The goal is to create game console add-ons costing less than $100. Some of the game play features can be conscious -- such as forcing someone to concentrate in order to drive a car faster or toss something at an enemy. Others can be subconscious. The game could slow down, for instance, if the sensors pick up an increase in anxiety, Lee said. The company hasn't set a timetable for the product launches of its customers.'"
Chris Pirillo animates United's flight safety instructions.
26.Apr.2006 Salon reviews United 93, a movie about the doomed 9-11 flight that crashed in a field in Pennsyvania.
26.Apr.2006 Richard Amerike's connection with the Americas' name surfaced in the 1890s, when the 1497 and 1498 customs rolls, archived in Westminster Abbey, were found to contain his name in connection with the payment of John Cabot's pension.
26.Apr.2006 In Bristol, Richard Amerike became a wealthy and important merchant and dignitary, holding the post of King's Customs Officer three times and becoming the Sheriff of Bristol in 1497.
26.Apr.2006 Richard Amerike ( Ameryk or ap Meryk ) (c. 1445-1503) was a wealthy English merchant of Welsh descent who funded John Cabot's voyage of discovery. There is a theory, although not a widely held one, that the Americas are named after Amerike (see naming of America).

Richard ap Meryk (in Welsh, Richard, son of Meryk (originally Meurig , equivalent to Maurice in English)) was born in Weston-under-Penyard, near Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire in England, and was descended from the family of the Earl of Gwent. The name was anglicised to become Amerike.
26.Apr.2006 There were immediate protests from Columbus' supporters to get the continent renamed for Columbus, but attempts were unsuccessful, since 1,000 copies of the map were already in circulation. On later editions of the map he substituted the words "Terra Incognita," but it was too late; the name America was now firmly associated with the entire northern and southern continent across the Atlantic from Europe.
Martin Waldseemüller, a German map-maker, published a world map in 1507 using Vespucci's documents
26.Apr.2006 Vespucci sailed with Columbus in 1499 and determined that America was a separate continent, not part of Asia as Columbus had believed.
Mar.1496 , Cabot received a letter of authority from King Henry VII to make a voyage of discovery and claim lands on behalf of the monarch.

It is believed that Amerike may have been one of the principal investors in the building of Cabot's ship, the Matthew .
John Cabot (originally Giovanni Caboto, a Venetian seaman) had become a well known mariner in England + he came to Bristol in 1495 looking for investment in a new project
26.Apr.2006 A letter from around
1481 suggests that Amerike shipped salt (for salting fish) to these men at a place they had named Brassyle.

The letter also states that they had many names for headlands and harbours. Rodney Broome and others suggest that one of these names may have been "America".
1960 trading records were discovered that indicated that Richard Amerike was involved in this business.
26.Apr.2006 Records discovered in
1955 suggest that from 1480, twelve years before Columbus, English fishermen may have established a facility for processing fish on the Newfoundland coast.
1479 four Bristol merchants received a royal charter to find another source of fish.
Die Kanzlerin Merkel wird neben Russlands Präsident Putin auch Vertreter der Russlanddeutschen treffen.

Am Rande der Gespräche ist die Unterzeichnung mehrerer Abkommen geplant, so zwischen der Deutschen Bahn und der russischen Bahn sowie zwischen Gasprom und BASF.
Der Multimilliardär Soros, der vor allem durch Devisenspekulationen bekannt und reich wurde, engagiert sich seit Jahren für Demokratisierung in ehemaligen Staaten der Sowjetunion und unterstützt in Russland Putin-kritische Bürgerrechtsgruppen.
26.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-413076,00.html

Soros schreibt weiter, Europa sei zur Deckung seines Gasbedarfes von einem Monopolkonzern abhängig geworden, der nicht zögere, seine Macht "in unlauterer und willkürlicher Weise einzusetzen".

Die EU-Staaten seien gezwungen, um das Wohlwollen Russlands zu buhlen. Kurzfristig lasse sich diese Situation kaum mehr umkehren, bedauert Soros.

Wenn Europa zusammenhalte und Russland zur Ratifizierung der Europäischen Energiecharta dränge, könne das Machtverhältnis aber wieder ausgeglichen werden.

Hamburg/Moskau - Der russische Erdgasmonopolist Gasprom habe in der Ära des Präsidenten Wladimir Putin ein "Netzwerk undurchsichtiger Unternehmen" aufgebaut,

das der persönlichen Bereicherung von Beteiligten und der politischen Erpressung der Nachbarstaaten diene, schreibt Soros in einem Gastbeitrag für die "Financial Times".

Er kritisiert, dass Gasprom zu einem machtvollen Instrument großmachtorientierter russischer Außenpolitik geworden sei.
26.Apr.2006 Blog for America ...and Cece Andrus are involved , as are ... i don't think dean can go w / an ad ...

The morning of the attack George Bush Sr . is meets with www.blogforamerica.com/archives/002575.html · PKK Shifts Militants to Iran ...acknowledged that the PKK had been involved in ... Norman Schwarzkopf Sr . was a military overseer ... Clinton ordered the firing of some lista.vunet.org/pipermail/progressive/2005-August/006916.html · Democrats & Liberals:: Comment on Delegated Authority ...our President", etc . etc . ... many more President Bushs ... Both involved situations where the public ... so is expected to meet President... www.watchblog.com/cgi-bin/wb-comments.cgi?entry_id=2580 · x Don't laugh to much, these people are for real... ...before theplanes involved ... 01/01, from Bush Sr . oh ... which made $30 billion in profits in 2004 ... March 25 (Xinhuanet) -- US President web.pitas.com/mobythor/16_05_2005.html · Crisscross - News - Bush rejects call for quick Iraq handover at Gore: George Bush [ Sr .] taking credit for the wall coming down is like ... mass destruction and the missiles to ... Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998. "[ W ]e... www.crisscross.com/jp/news/273516/all
26.Apr.2006 Bush impeachment - www.ezboard.com California city to vote in support of ousting George W . Bush from ... of oil companies, putting profits for ... landmarks and financial centers,... p076.ezboard.com/fpoliticalpalacefrm28.showMessage?topicID=180.to... p076.ezboard.com/fpoliticalpalacefrm28.showMessage?topicID=180.topic · Blog for America ...and Cece Andrus are involved , as are ... i don't think dean can go w / an ad ... The morning of the attack George Bush Sr . is meets with www.blogforamerica.com/archives/002575.html · PKK Shifts Militants to Iran ...acknowledged that the PKK had been involved in ... Norman Schwarzkopf Sr . was a military overseer ... Clinton ordered the firing of some lista.vunet.org/pipermail/progressive/2005-August/006916.html
Spelling suggestion: Find how the Bush's' (both Sr. & George W.) are involved with profits on war missiles, etc
20041210 1989 (97). FRENCH GEORGE W : Corn,D. Blond Ghost. ... Ben-Menashe,A. Profits ... writing about the Bushs ... CIA-DRUGS] TREASON-BUSH SR . alfatomega.com//20041210.html

· Anthrax & Biological Warfare & Vaccines ...fleroxacin, lomefloxacin, ofloxacin, etc .

... although much less actual F was involved -- he ... gets to poison the world + make huge... implants.clic.net/tony/Wahl/12.html ·

· How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power - Tranceaddict ...was a director was involved with the ... mechanism by which Nazi profits were ... to do with George W 's character, unless you're implying www.tranceaddict.com/forums/showthread/t-210932.html

· Think Progress » DeWine: “We Don’t Want To Have Any Kind of

3. Budget problems, ethical problems etc ...

Some people are saying that George W . Bush is the Antichrist. ...

They were involved in and behind... thinkprogress.org/2006/02/17/dewine-on-nsa /

· JR's News-N-Views ...buckley.net/2005/12/how- bushs -sick ... outing of a CIA operative involved in ... 11: report

23.Nov.2005 - 1:06PM "US President George W

· Condoleeza Rice and the 9-11 Commision - Chemtrail Central Forum ...

come forth with savage criticism of George W . Bush ...

Wilson, was involved in ...

presidents Reagan, Bush Sr ...

had explored using www.chemtrailcentral.com/ubb/Forum6/HTML/001735-2.html

Voices - White House Iraq `Plumbers Unit' Behind Plame Leak 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

Who profits from war ...

Bush Hates Veterans

Bushs ... to President George H. W . Bush + the head of G. W ...

warning from... liberty.hypermart.net/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2005/07/19/p963

BuzzFlash Mailbag - November 3, 2003 Leslie W Evanston, IL ... you to get involved in ... I also know that George Bush Sr . used to contact the ... do NOT trust Kerry, Gephardt, www.buzzflash.com/mailbag/03/11/mai03310.html

· Third Party & Independents:: Elect Bush –Reinstate the Draft. ... the world in accordance with George W . Bush’s ... the fray, dying for Bushs ... more troops, funding, etc .? ... the military knowing the... www.watchblog.com/thirdparty/archives/001071.html ·

lgf: Moore Distortions Moreover, George W . Bush himself had his own ... last 30 years have involved ... as long-range ballistic missiles , capable of ... the littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=11565
26.Apr.2006How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power - Tranceaddict ...was a director was involved with the ... mechanism by which Nazi profits were ... to do with George W 's character, unless you're implying www.tranceaddict.com/forums/showthread/t-210932.html
In Connecticut Poll, Bush's Approval Rating is Down to 24%
Be in the Know. Get BuzzFlash Alerts Sent to Your In-Box Everyday, For Free. Such a Deal!
Bush Plan Will Do Little to Ease Pain at the Pump. If He Wants to Know Why Oil Prices are High, Bush Should Read the Minutes of Cheney's Energy "Task Force."
Boston Globe: "At least seven US prisoners at Guantanamo Bay say they were transferred to countries known for torture prior to their arrival at the base, according to recently released transcripts from military commission hearings and other court documents." 4/26

26.Apr.2006 White House Press Corps to Get a Snow Job. Tony Snow to OutFOX Obsequious WH Propaganda Reporters. 4/26
Yes, Three Illinois Legislators Would Like to See Bush Impeached, But the Likelihood of Their Resolution Getting Out of the Illinois House This Session are Uncertain to Slim for a Variety of Political Reasons Relating to Illinois Statehouse Politics. 4/26

26.Apr.2006 Rumsfeld's Incompetent Folly Continues Like Multiple Train Wrecks. We Need New Conductors Not a New War. Rumsfeld Now Says success in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are key to containing what he said were ``extreme impulses'' coming from Iran, a country he tied to the American-led war on terrorism.
Dem Hardliner Brzezinski: Air Strike on Iran Could ?Merit the Impeachment of the President?
CT Democrats growing increasing upset with Joe "I kissed George Bush" Lieberman. This time around many Democrats in the state want an actual Democrat to be the Democratic Senator. 4/26
The best of Tony Snow blasting George Bush - kind of embarrassing if the new press secretary is really a Bush hater. 4/26

26.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-413003,00.html

Das gallische Lutetia suchen Archäologen nicht dort, wo römische und einheimische Bausubstanz sich vermischen. Der Sainte-Geneviève-Hügel komme dafür nicht in Frage.

Jean Paul Demoule von der Nationalen Archäologie-Institut Inrap sagte: "Die Römer zogen es vor, unberührte Stellen zu besiedeln. Sie bauten ihre Städte oft neben denen der Gallier."
The big internet providers (ATT, Verizon) want to tax small web sites.

Fight back!

Call these undecided House Energy & Commerce Committee members and say six words: "Keep the internet as it is."
Heather A. Wilson 202-225-6316
Lois Capps 202-225-3601
Henry A. Waxman 202-225-3976
Mary Whitaker Bono 202-225-5330
C.L. (Butch) Otter 202-225-6611
Diana DeGette 202-225-4431
Ralph M. Hall 202-225-6673
Gene Green 202-225-1688
Jim Davis 202-225-3376
Nathan Deal 202-225-5211
Ted Strickland 202-225-5705
Michael J. Rogers 202-225-4872
Tammy Baldwin 202-225-2906
Janice Schakowsky 202-225-2111
Tim Murphy 202-225-2301
Joseph R. Pitts 202-225-2411
Thomas H. Allen 202-225-6116
Copy this list! Pass it on!

US-Gerichtsurteil: Surfen im Büro darf nicht Job kosten

(Netzwelt, Neue Zuversicht: Beste Konsumlaune seit D-Mark-Zeiten
Gallische Überreste: Asterix-Häuser in Paris ausgegraben

26.Apr.2006 Umfrage: Union sinkt auf Jahrestief
Rüstungsriese EADS: Airbus-Mutter drängt ins Panzergeschäft
Russische Energie: Soros warnt vor Gasprom, Merkel trifft Putin
Weißes Haus: Fox-Moderator soll Bushs neuer Sprecher werden
Ukraine: Gedenken an die Katastrophe von Tschernobyl

26.Apr.2006 Irak: Rumsfeld zu Blitzbesuch in Bagdad
Holographic Solar Collectors ScuttleMonkey 32 An anonymous reader writes

"The MIT Technology Review is reporting that Prism Solar Technologies has developed a technique to use holograms to concentrate light onto photovoltaic (PV) cells. While the implementation is only about a 10x increase over PV cells without collectors such as mirrors/lenses (mirror/lens approaches can do 100-1000x), it is a great deal simpler, more compact + cheaper. Also because of the concentration, there is less need for physical PV cell real estate compared to crystalline PV silicon cells of similar output."
Freedom, Property, Content Creation + the DMCA
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), Chairman, Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet + Intellectual Property of the House Committee on the Judiciary Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Member, Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet + Intellectual Property of the House Committee on the Judiciary

26.Apr.2006 Ukraine remembers Chernobyl blast Ukraine marks the 20th anniversary of the world's worst nuclear disaster at the Chernobyl power plant.
26.Apr.2006 Iraq oil hit by graft and attacks Iraq's oil industry is crippled by corruption as insurgents step up attacks on infrastructure, a report claims.
25.Apr.2006 https://members.aol.com/bblum6/aer32.htm

The Anti-Empire Report
       Some things you need to know before the world ends
                              April 22, 2006
                                                by William Blum

Your War Channel-all war-all the time-24/7-25/8-round the clock-breaking only for commercials for Halliburton and Bechtel
Stocks in U.S. Decline Most in Two Weeks on Rate Concerns; Utilities Fall
Stocks in U.S. Decline Most in Two Weeks on Rate Concerns; Utilities Fall https://www.bloomberg.com/apps/...grJLVH38g&refer=top_world_news Date: 4/25/2006 7:43 AM (Bloomberg) --

U.S. stocks fell the most in two weeks as unexpected increases in consumer confidence and home sales heightened concern that the Federal Reserve will keep lifting interest rates.
25.Apr.2006 'Both sides will certainly do something,' he said in a reference to Iran's capability to stir trouble up in neighboring Iraq and Afghanistan for the occupying US troops there.
Veteran US journalist Seymour Hersh wrote in a much-discussed recent article in The New Yorker magazine that the administration of President George W Bush has increased clandestine activities inside Iran and intensified planning for a possible major air attack as the crisis with Iran over its nuclear program escalates.
Hersh wrote that 'teams of American combat troops have been ordered into Iran, under cover, to collect targeting data and to establish contact with anti-government ethnic-minority groups'. The template seems identical to the period that preceded US air strikes against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan during which a covert Central Intelligence Age"

News Feeds - Zarqawi appears in rare Web video
Zarqawi appears in rare Web video https://go.reuters.com/newsArti...oryID=11958030&src=rss/topNews Date: 4/25/2006 8:03 AM DUBAI (Reuters) -

The leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, said mujahideen were fighting on despite a three-year "crusader" war, according to a rare video of him posted on the Internet on Tuesday.
Bush at 24% in Conneticut
Bush Sinks To 24% In State Poll Hartford Courant - 8 hours ago By DAVID LIGHTMAN, Washington Bureau Chief. WASHINGTON --

President Bush's job approval rating in Connecticut plunged to a record-low 24 % this month, one of the most dismal showings in the nation - and ...
Another New Poll Shows Bush Support Going Down

Rice discusses Cyprus amid violent Greek protests
Rice discusses Cyprus amid violent Greek protests https://go.reuters.com/newsArti...oryID=11954384&src=rss/topNews Date: 4/25/2006 3:58 AM ATHENS (Reuters) -

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urged Cyprus on Tuesday to support Turkey's efforts to join the European Union, during a visit to Athens marked by violent protests.
Legalize longtime immigrants, most tell poll
Legalize longtime immigrants, most tell poll https://www.cnn.com/rssclick/20...ex.html?section=cnn_topstories Date: 4/24/2006 9:02 PM
More than three-quarters of Americans favor allowing illegal immigrants who have spent many years in the USA to apply for citizenship, according to a poll conducted for CNN.

In the poll, 77 % of those responding favored allowing illegal immigrants who have been in USA for more than five years to stay and apply for citizenship if they have a job + pay a fine and back taxes.
NEW LEGISLATION: IT and telecoms companies attack new laws on audiovisual services
NEW LEGISLATION: IT and telecoms companies attack new laws on audiovisual services https://www.eitb24.com/portal/e...4/nuevas_tecnologias&idioma=en Date: 4/25/2006 3:55 AM
The claims of this association are centred on the European Executive's proposal of extending the same regulation to the new and emerging audiovisual media services that is already in force on traditional TV.

Still Ridiculing People Who Talk About Forced Microchip Implants? Paul Joseph Watson 
Still Ridiculing People Who Talk About Forced Microchip Implants? So why is it that we neeed bills banning mandatory mark of the beast system? Steve Watson /

Living With War Paul Joseph Watson 
Living With War Fake bin Laden tapes, terrorist bombings in Egypt desperate lunge by global architects to promote 'war on terror' hoax Paul Joseph

25.Apr.2006 https://bigpicture.typepad.com/comments/2006/04/hindenburg_omen.html

Tim World events - Iran, iraq, Venezuala, nigeria + Chad - suggest threats to strategic petroleum that would suggest maximum strategic petroleum reserves woul dbe a good idea. Even better since the warm winter made for a warm Gulf of Mexico, where hurricaine season starts soon.

The comment about refining being the bottleneck was perfect. Not filling the SPR lowers crude prices, not gas + basically subsidizes the Chinese in filling their SPR.

This is just the move of an unpopular Pres/'Decider' panicking about upcoming elections. Let's call the oil execs before Congress again so they can explain to the Republicans how markets work.

I watched my energy stocks tank after W said whatever he said. We're not going to be putting a tiny bit of oil in the SPR that there is no refining capacity for anyway? Hydrogen and stuff. Is Wall Street that stupid? Signs point to yes!

I guess though, if we're not filling up the SPR, the whole Iran thing won't be happening? Because a smart strategest would top it off before starting another war in the mid east . . . uh oh . . .
why would his aides allow him to be speaking on tv about something he obviously knows nothing about.. oil
can anyone explain why putting more oil on the market will bring down gas prices if refining capacity is already maxed out?

25.Apr.2006 Fake Scientific Paper Detector ScuttleMonkey 103 moon_monkey writes

"Ever wondered whether a scientific paper was actually written by a robot? A new program developed by researchers at Indiana University promises to tell you one way or the other.

It was actually developed in response to a prank by MIT researchers who generated a paper from random bits of text and got it accepted for a conference."
Digital Cameras Have Unique Fingerprints
Interesting research: Fridrich&apos;s technique is rooted in the discovery by her research group of this simple fact: Every original digital picture is overlaid by a weak noise-like pattern of pixel-to-pixel non-uniformity. Although these patterns are invisible to the human eye,...

Bush Eases Environmental Rules on Gasoline AP -

President Bush on Tuesday ordered a temporary suspension of environmental rules for gasoline, making it easier for refiners to meet demand + possibly dampen prices at the pump.

He also halted for the summer the purchase of crude oil for the government's emergency reserve.
Lamar Smith Not Stopping At Copyright Law; Wants To Make Trademarks Worse, Too Mike 
We've written a few stories recently about how too many people are trying to expand the boundaries of trademark law well beyond where they should be.

The entire purpose of trademark law is not about "ownership" of your trademark, but to prevent consumer confusion. That is, so that one company can'...
DMCA About To Become Draconian Uncle Dave 
New legislation would make copyright act impossible to circumvent.

Clarke insists 'I will not quit' Charles Clarke says he will not resign after 1,023 foreign inmates, including killers, were freed without being deported.
'Zarqawi' shows face in new video Al-Qaeda's leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, appears unmasked in a rare video believed to be genuine.
Terror accused in 'mercury sting' Three men tried to procure material which could have had terrorist uses - not realising they were being set up, a court hears.
Bush plans to tackle petrol price US President George W Bush unveils plans to lower the cost of oil and cut climbing petrol prices, including an inquiry into price fixing.
Nepalis celebrate protest victory Nepalese protesters claim victory after the king agrees to reinstate parliament, but Maoists reject the deal.
Hague stresses human rights duty Championing human rights must be central to UK foreign policy, says shadow foreign secretary William Hague.
Britain 'behind target' on plants Britain is a long way from meeting key targets on safeguarding its plants, conservationists warn.
MIT sends satellites into space Blog: MIT is launching satellites about the size of a volleyball into space to see if they could one day help astronomers map the skies.The...
Verizon fixes glitch that blocked weekend e-mails Blog: Verizon has fixed a software glitch that inadvertently blocked e-mails coming from major Internet service providers over the weekend,...
Coalition Sounds Off on Net Neutrality Legislation ScuttleMonkey 120 DarqFallen writes to tell us that

Lately everyone has been talking about a tiered internet, though it seems there are other problems on the horizon as well. PCMag has the latest sound-off from the new SavetheInternet.com coalition. From the article: "Vint Cerf, so-called 'father' of the Internet, is among the big names and organizations that have come together to create the SavetheInternet.com Coalition, which hosted a national conference call [yesterday]. [...] [yesterday's] conference call is one of the coalition's many campaign tactics to emphasize the importance of 'Net neutrality,' the concept of a free and open Internet."

The main topic of conversation was the latest bill from congress, the "Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancements Act of 2006."
Wisconsin Could Ban Mandatory Microchip Implants ScuttleMonkey 243 01101101 writes

"The Duluth News Tribune is reporting that Wisconsin could be the first state to ban mandatory microchip implants in humans.

The plan was authored by Rep. Marlin Schneider, D-Wisconsin Rapids and Gov. Jim Doyle plans to sign the bill.

The bill still leaves an opening for voluntary chipping."

Slashdot covered one instance of mandatory microchip implants back in February.
Scott Rosenberg: "Congress is considering allowing the big phone and cable companies that now control most of the broadband access in the US to do something they want to do,

but that has never been done before: turn the level playing field of today's Internet into a sort of class-system environment, in which packets sent by companies that pay more get preferential treatment."
25.Apr.2006 Rumsfeld sued over Pentagon's recruiting database 
Six New York teen-agers sued Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld on Monday, alleging the U.S. Department of Defense broke the law by keeping an extensive database on potential recruits.
25.Apr.2006 Shifting Footprints and Messianic Missions: Staying In Iraq 'Till Kingdom Come 
"I have been pleading with the American press corps for months to ask the Bush administration one simple question, a question designed to expose our true agenda: 'Are we, or are we not, constructing permanent military bases in Iraq?'" -- Sen. Gary Hart, March 31, 2006
posted by Prof. Hex at
11:25 AM

German Defense Minister Says Building 7 Used To Run 9/11 Attack 

Former Helmut Schmidt cabinet member, 25-year German Parliamentarian and global intelligence expert Andreas Von Bulow says that the 9/11 attack was run by the highest levels of the US intelligence apparatus using WTC Building 7 as a command bunker which was later demolished in order to destroy the crime scene.
25.Apr.2006 10 Reasons Republicans Are To Blame For High Gas Prices 

00.Jan.2001 -When George Bush took office- the average price of a gallon of gas was $1.46.

Today, the price is $2.91, a 100 % increase over the course of the Bush presidency. [AAA Fuel Gauge Report, 25.Apr.2006 ]
Zeitungsbericht: Reichensteuer soll auch Mittelständler treffen
Stumpys Findings: Ever wonder about the source? Ever wonder about the source? One presistent question has lodged in my mind through the entire course of the manic rush to invade Iraq. ...
www.stumpysfindings.com/blog/archives/000080.html -

Female Dr. Strangelove:
Did one woman's obsession take America to war? by Harry Hope www.talkaboutgovernment.com/group/alt.politics.economics/messages/385360.html
Perle and Wolfowitz Find Their Scapegoat Perle + Wolfowitz Find Their Scapegoat. ....will try to claim that "conspiracy theorist" ...

LA Weekly: News: The Neocons’ New Enemy: The CIA

Each week, half a million loyal readers look to the LA Weekly as the first + last word in news + entertainment + culture + lifestyle.

CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS - CRIMES + CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS - [#] A day off ... www.livejournal.com/users/mparent7777/2005/07/05

Iraq < Foreign Policy < 43rd George Walker Bush < Americas ... in The run-up to that Gulf war, with New York Times reporter Judith Miller, Mylroie wrote Saddam Hussein + The Crisis in The Gulf, a well-reviewed ...
[NYTr] Laurie Mylroie's Role in the Bush Crusade [NYTr] Laurie Mylroie's Role in the Bush Crusade.

NYTr at olm.blythe-systems.com NYTr at olm.blythe-systems.com Mon Jul 5 16:59:59 EDT 2004 ...

The Smirking Chimp Ask not at whom the Chimp smirks; he smirks at you. www.smirkingchimp.com/article.php?sid=16862&mode=nested&order=0%3E
PEN-L message, Peter Berger on Laurie Mylroie's conspiricist influence Subject: Peter Berger on Laurie Mylroie's conspiricist influence; archives.econ.utah.edu/archives/pen-l/2004w27/msg00061.htm

Arianna Online Forums - Another Piece of the Puzzle Gerry. 07-05-2004, 07:57 PM. Did one woman's obsession take America to war? She is a conspiracy theorist whose political conceits have consistently been ...

Did one woman's obsession take America to war? She is a conspiracy ... Did one woman's obsession take America to war? She is a conspiracy theorist whose political conceits have consistently been proved wrong. www.yourmailinglistprovider.com/pubarchive_show_message_iframe.php?MENAinfo+1520
25.Apr.2006 washingtonrox: The loony right "What is literature but an insider's newsletter about affairs relating to molecules, of no importance to anything in The Universe but a few molecules who ...

25.Apr.2006 Library of Economic and Policy Book Summaries from N to S ... and the Crisis in the Gulf (coauthored with Judith Miller ).

Mylroie has taught at Harvard University and the US Naval War College. ...

Polls Suggest Media Failure in PreWar Coverage: Public Believed ... ...

Mylroie received her Ph.D. from Harvard University, where she served as an assistant professor of political science before taking an assistant professorship in ...
Links Between 9-11 Terrorist Leader Mohammed Atta, Anthrax, bin ... ... War Against America + co-wrote Saddam Hussein + the Crisis in the Gulf with Judith Miller.

Mylroie received her Ph.D. from Harvard University, ... www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/562876/posts

Did One Woman's Obsession Take America to War? Peter Bergen; The Guardian -

She is a conspiracy theorist whose political conceits have consistently been proved wrong. So why were Bush + his aides So ...

UnCommonSenseTV - Did One Woman's Obsession Take America To War? the Politics of Intelligence Did One Woman's Obsession Take America To War? by Peter Bergen the Guardian

05.Jul.2004 She is a conspiracy theorist whose ... www.uncommonsensetv.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=342

mparent7777: Did one woman's obsession take America to war? Did one woman's obsession take America to war? Did one woman's obsession take America to war? She is a conspiracy theorist whose political conceits have ...

Occupation Magazine war, with New York Times reporter Judith Miller, Mylroie wrote Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Gulf, a well-reviewed bestseller. ... www.kibush.co.il/show_file.asp?num=5453

[lbo-talk] The Neocons New Enemy: The CIA [lbo-talk] The Neocons New Enemy: The CIA. joand315 joand315 at ameritech.net Sat Aug 30 11:57:11 PDT 2003. Previous message: [lbo-talk] Re: money for ...

American Committee on Jerusalem with New York Times reporter Judith Miller. Mylroie is a terrorism consultant for the Pentagon. She recently testified before the ... www.acj.org/Daily%20News/2003/August/August_28.htm
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Peter Bergen: How ... In the run-up to that Gulf war, with New York Times reporter Judith Miller, Mylroie wrote Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Gulf, a well-reviewed ... www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1254072,00.html

LA Weekly Several years ago, Mylroie co-wrote a book on Saddam Hussein with New York Times reporter Judith Miller. Mylroie is a terrorism consultant for the Pentagon. ... www.laweekly.com/ink/03/41/news-corn.php

AUGUST 29 - SEPTEMBER 4, 2003 The Neocons’ New Enemy: The CIA ... AUGUST 29 - SEPTEMBER 4, 2003. The Neocons’ New Enemy: The CIA Laurie Mylroie’s crazy ideas about 9/11 by David Corn. The CIA is a rogue institution. ... www.laweekly.com/ink/printme.php?eid=46657

[NYTr] Laurie Mylroie's Role in the Bush Crusade ... In the run-up to that Gulf war, with New York Times reporter Judith Miller , Mylroie wrote "Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Gulf," a well-reviewed ...

Did one woman's obsession take America to war? - Forums powered by ... ... In the run-up to that Gulf war, with New York Times reporter Judith Miller , Mylroie wrote Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Gulf, a well-reviewed bestseller ...
20040706_Report In the run-up to that Gulf war, with New York Times reporter Judith Miller, Mylroie wrote Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Gulf , a well-reviewed ...

25.Apr.2006 https://www.newsclub.de/
Bush warnt Amerikaner vor hartem Sommer

25.Okt.2004 Flüchtlingspolitik: Schily empört über US-Asyl-Urteil .

25.Okt.2004 Umfrage: Bush [BGW968] wieder knapp vor Kerry [KFJ966] ... alfatomega.com/noname36.html
Dem Hardliner Brzezinski: Air Strike on Iran Could ?Merit the Impeachment of the President?
Bush's Boy Toy, Kansas U.S. Senator Pat Roberts, Continues to Cover Up the Truth and Betray America

25.Apr.2006 BuzzFlash.com Interviews Rabbi Michael Lerner on "The Left Hand of God." Why We Should Champion and Proclaim Progressive Spiritual Values.
BuzzFlash Progressive Marketplace for Democracy. BuzzFlash is Run With Your Support -- And Your Support Only. BuzzFlash Has Been Changing the Way America Thinks Since May of 2000,For You and Because of You.
A BuzzFlash Editorial: What are Republican Party Leaders in a Word? Demagogues.

25.Apr.2006 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.

25.Apr.2006 Bush Approval Rating Slides to New Low of 32%. We Want to Know Who Those Idiots Are! They Must be Suicidal.
On Soaring Gas Prices, Bush to probe what he already knows the answer to 4/26

25.Apr.2006 "Rampant anti-American sentiments overseas cost the U.S. travel industry billions a year in lost revenues." 4/26
Bush's Incompetence on National Security: " Just days after U.S. troops were ordered to plug a security breach at their base here, the black market trade in computer memory drives containing military documents was thriving again Monday. Documents on flash drives for sale at a bazaar across from the American military base over the weekend contained U.S. officers' names and cellphone numbers and instructions on using pain to control prisoners who put up resistance. A study guide on one of the drives describes tactics for interrogating and controlling detainees by pinching or striking nerve and pressure points on their face, neck, arms and legs." 4/26

http://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Nukin' the Net dr. elsewhere here
Not long ago I posted a piece on
the threat against the Net coming to the House as a bill that will essentially destroy cable companies' responsibility for public service as our Public Access Channels, as well as allow the big media companies to charge for "premium" sites.
I realize that I emphasized the issue about public access channels and did not bring up the implications for general internet use, exposing my bias. But, everyone is finally recognizing the importance of this bill, including
Josh and tpmcafe (with links to two sites devoted to this cause here and here), dailykos, atrios, mydd, firedoglake, and Avarosis.
In short, the bill acts upon the notion that the internet does not fall under telecommunications law that requires network neutrality. The bill is designed to give cable megacorporations even more power over the internet, starting with the power to slow down access to competitor sites.
We've become so accustomed to the net we take for granted that each site we access is as fast and easy as any other + the content is driven by we, the users. But with this bill, the cable companies will decide how fast or slow access will be to each site + what content will influence those speeds. It will quickly look a whole lot more like cable TV.
Do I have your attention now? Consider just for a moment how vastly different is our experience of the web versus our experience of cable. Does ANYONE out there even hardly ever watch TV? Remember
57 channels and nothing on? Try 250 with less than nothing on!!
This is very very serious, folks, and it is hitting the House floor tomorrow evening at 5 PM EST,
to be debated on Wednesday. Please, PLEASE, contact your Congressional representative and let them know, with both barrels, just how you feel about this privatization of our communication access.
The future of the internets depends on it!

25.Apr.2006 Resolution to push Bush impeachment : State Rep. Karen Yarbrough (D-Maywood) has sponsored a resolution calling on the General Assembly to submit charges to the U.S. House so its lawmakers could begin impeachment proceedings.

25.Apr.2006 Bush to Suspend Oil Reserve Deposits : Bush also announced steps to ease environmental standards governing fuel grades.

Tony Soldo: Warporations: It's time for Washington D.C. to give big oil some tough love...

25.Apr.2006 Pentagon Strike: What hit the Pentagon On 9/11
Mike Whitney : Preparing for the Economic Typhoon : After 6 years of looting the public till, the cupboard is just about bare. Bush has chalked up another $3 trillion of public debt which sounds the death-knell for Social Security, public education, and the social safety net.

25.Apr.2006 Heading toward a deficit disaster: Last year, the “official” federal budget deficit was $319 billion, bringing D.C.’s total public debt to $4.6 trillion.

25.Apr.2006 Debt is cheating our children’s future: If we think we have it bad, our children and grandchildren face potential tax and financial burdens that will be crippling if nothing is done to reduce our nation’s growing debt.

25.Apr.2006 Retirement Insecurity: United Airlines, Bethlehem Steel, Motorola, Lockheed Martin, IBM, Hewlett Packard, along with many other pillars of our economy, have frozen their pension plans, insisting they cannot afford to keep their promises.
US Government Working to Prevent Ortega Victory in Nicaraguan Election : Support for Ortega is growing + many expect him to win the race. The US has called on Nicaraguans to not vote for Ortega.

25.Apr.2006 Clashes in Athens as Rice visits : Athens police have fired teargas during a clash with anti-war demonstrators protesting against a visit by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
This is no rah-rah revolt : Nepalese have lost their fear of repression and are making a genuine, old-fashioned revolution
25.Apr.2006 Israel launches satellite to monitor Iran's nuclear program: Russia on Tuesday launched an Israeli satellite from a cosmodrome in its Far East that the Israel Defense Forces says will be used to spy on Iran's nuclear program, the Russian space forces said.

25.Apr.2006 Israel's nuclear ambitions: It's a pity that the Israeli experts, instead of proposing to "invest more heavily" in reponses to nuclear threats, appear to not have considered the much simpler and cheaper option of making the whole of the Middle East a nuclear-free zone.

25.Apr.2006 Gaza: severe food shortage : Nothing is entering or leaving Gaza + now the funds to purchase what is available there are also drying up, bringing the dire situation of its people to a new and febrile crisis.

25.Apr.2006 Phased Ethnic Cleansing: The international community has an imperative moral obligation to pressure countries that are currently aiding Israel.

25.Apr.2006 Touching the third rail: Israel was born at midnight (local time) May 14, 1948. US recognition followed 11 minutes later. A geopolitical honeymoon lasted until 1956 when Israel, France and Britain secretly joined forces, without informing president Eisenhower, to invade Egypt to wrest back control of the Suez Canal nationalized by president Nasser

25.Apr.2006 In case you missed it: Truman Adviser Recalls May 14,1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel : With US President George Bush increasingly frustrated by the Israeli-Palestinian problem, a new generation of Americans is asking an old question: Why must the US deal with this seemingly intractable dispute?

25.Apr.2006 In case you missed it: U.S. Intervention in the Middle East : This partial chronology of U.S. intervention in the Middle East illustrates the lengths to which the U.S. power structure has gone to gain and maintain U.S. domination of the Middle East--a region considered key to the U.S.'s standing as an imperialist world power.

25.Apr.2006 In Moscow, buzz over arms race II : An article in the current issue of US journal "Foreign Affairs" rang alarm bells in Moscow this month. "The Rise of US Nuclear Primacy" argues that the deterioration of Russia's nuclear arsenal, coupled with recent US technology breakthroughs, means Russia can no longer count on deterring the US with its nuclear capabilities.
25.Apr.2006 Web informationclearinghouse.info Number Of Iraqi
Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War 2390

Cost of America's War in Iraq

To see more details, click here.

Key Articles

Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President

The president's real goal in Iraq

The Project for the New American Century.

The Plan is for the USA to rule the world.

America's War for Global Domination:

Will Iran Be Next?

Memo: Bush made intel fit Iraq policy

Secret Downing Street Memo

UK Ministers Knew WMD Was "Excuse"

Leaked Cabinet Office paper

Poll: U.S. Troops in Iraq: 72% Say End War in 2006

Does Iran's President Want Israel Wiped Off The Map - Does He Deny The Holocaust?

Hostile Takeover
The Corporate Control Of Society and Human Life -By Stephen Lendman
Corporations - decide who will govern and how. We may think we do, but it's not so and never was.

Those national elections, especially the last two, only looked legitimate to most people, but not to those who know + understand how the system works. Here's how it really works. Continued

25.Apr.2006 The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time
Democracy Now!
Democracy Now speaks with Antonia Juhasz about her new book, "The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time."

The book tracks the radical neo-liberal economic program the Bush administration has tried to impose on Iraq, which threatens to leave Iraq's economy + oil reserves largely in the hands of multinational corporations.

Real audio and transcript.

25.Apr.2006 Slaughterhouse -By Mike Whitney
The civil war storyline is intended to divert attention from the bloody subjugation of the Iraqi people by a foreign military. This is the real story of the Iraqi conflict.

25.Apr.2006 Wars, Debt and Outsourcing
The World is Uniting Against the Bush Imperium -By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS
Is the USA a superpower? I think not. Consider these facts .

25.Apr.2006 Inhuman Behavior A chaplain's view of torture -By Kermit D. Johnson
The paradox is that patriotism can transmute individual unselfishness into national egoism.

When this happens, when the critical attitude of the individual is squelched, this permits the nation, as Niebuhr observed, to use "power without moral constraint." -

I believe this has been the case, particularly since 9/11, in the treatment of prisoners under U.S. custody. Continued

25.Apr.2006 32 Kidnapped recruits found shot : There have now been at least 70 killings since Jawad al-Maliki was formally appro-ached on Saturday to head a national unity government.

25.Apr.2006 At Least 15 Killed In Continuing Violence : Gunmen killed four people, including an eight-year-old girl, in separate incidents in religiously mixed Baquba, 65 km (40 miles) north of Baghdad, police said.

25.Apr.2006 Robert Dreyfuss : A Paper Lid On Iraq's Volcano: Jawad al-Maliki is the final nail in Iraq’s coffin.

25.Apr.2006 Shiite militias move into oil-rich Kirkuk : Hundreds of Shiite Muslim militiamen have deployed in recent weeks to this restive city -

- widely considered the most likely flash point for an Iraqi civil war -- vowing to fight any attempt to shift control over Kirkuk to the Kurdish-governed north

25.Apr.2006 Turkish military action in Iraq will take place if needed: According to Turkey's Anadolu Agency, Ozkok said since article 51 of the UN Charter allows beyond-the-border military action,

Turkey might enter Iraq to eliminate Kurdish separatists.

25.Apr.2006 Insurgents cripple Iraq oil sector - inspector: Insurgents have succeeded in crippling Iraq's energy industry and the government has ignored calls for help in the battle against corruption and smuggling, the oil ministry's inspector general said on Tuesday.

25.Apr.2006 Build your own Iraqi police squad for a little cash : I raq. Military uniforms, guns and even police vehicles are easily available to all comers in the markets of Baghdad.

25.Apr.2006 U.S. finds itself fighting the enemy within : After the project had burned up all of the $75.7 million allocated to it, the work came to a complete halt.

25.Apr.2006 U.S. ambassador warns of long stay in Iraq: Khalilzad, predicted the long-term American effort to "shape the future of this region" will continue regardless of which party controls the White House, how many troops remain in Iraq and what tactics and strategies are employed.

25.Apr.2006 We're Staying! : The Evidence Shows the US Isn't Leaving

25.Apr.2006 US will go for other states after Iran and Iraq, says Margolis: Renowned American journalist Eric Margolis has said that the US will “go for” Pakistan and Saudi Arabia after Iraq and Iran.

25.Apr.2006 Rumsfeld : Iraq and Afghan occupation key to containing Iran: US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Monday that the USA must persevere in Iraq + Afghanistan

to contain "the extreme impulses that we see emanating from Iran."

25.Apr.2006 War pimp alert: Iran 'greatest threat to Jews' : The Israeli defence minister today said Iran's nuclear programme was the biggest threat to Jews "since Hitler".
Build your own Iraqi police squad for a little cash : I raq. Military uniforms, guns and even police vehicles are easily available to all comers in the markets of Baghdad.
25.Apr.2006 Hostile Takeover The Corporate Control Of Society and Human Life -By Stephen Lendman
Corporations - decide who will govern and how. We may think we do, but it's not so and never was.

Those national elections, especially the last two, only looked legitimate to most people, but not to those who know and understand how the system works. Here's how it really works. Continued

25.Apr.2006 The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time
Democracy Now!
Democracy Now speaks with Antonia Juhasz about her new book, "The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time."

The book tracks the radical neo-liberal economic program the Bush administration has tried

The paradox is that patriotism can transmute individual unselfishness into national egoism.

When this happens, when the critical attitude of the individual is squelched, this permits the nation, as Niebuhr observed, to use "power without moral constraint." -

I believe this has been the case, particularly 11.Sep.2001 -since- 9/11, in the treatment of prisoners under U.S. custody. Continued
Atomkraft: Zwei Lecks in Biblis

25.Apr.2006 Streit um Papstsatire: "Nehmen Sie sich mal ein Beispiel an Jesus"

25.Apr.2006 CIA-Geheimtransporte: Guantanamo-Anwalt berichtet von Flügen aus Deutschland
Psychologie: Die Sterne lügen doch
25.Apr.2006 Augenzeugen des Terrors: "Es sah aus wie auf dem Schlachtfeld"

25.Apr.2006 Horrorfilm extrem: Massaker im Multiplex

25.Apr.2006 tomkonflikt: Iran will Technik an andere Staaten weitergeben

25.Apr.2006 Langstreckenflüge: Lufthansa erhöht Treibstoffzuschlag
Endesa-Übernahme: EU-Kommission billigt E.on-Einstieg in Spanien

25.Apr.2006 Blogger-Vergehen: Pulitzer-Preisträger kommentierte sich selbst
"Popetown": CSU-Fraktionschef zeigt MTV an
25.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-412955,00.html

Der Leipziger Wolkensimulator hat seine erste künstliche Wolke erzeugt.

Das neu eingeweihte Gerät empfindet nach, wie in der Atmosphäre aus Wasser und Staub weiße Schäfchen- oder graue Sturmwolken werden.

Die erste im Labor erzeugte Wolke würde ein Laie nicht als solche erkennen:

Doch in dem millimeterdünnen roten Glasrohr bilden Wassertropfen und Staubpartikel jene Mixtur, aus denen Schäfchen-, Feder-, Haufen- und alle anderen Wolken bestehen, die wir am Himmel beobachten können.

Da dort eine Untersuchung Klimaforschern und Meteorologen einige Probleme bereiten würde, erzeugen sie sich von nun an Laborwolken - im Leipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Simulator (Lacis).
Wolkensimulator: Atmosphäre in der Röhre
Design-Ausstellung zu Tschernobyl: Schwarze Eier und strahlende Gullideckel
Milliarden-Entlastung: Koalition beschließt Bürokratieabbau
Konjunkturklima: Manager trotz Ölpreishoch in Boomlaune
Atompolitik: Gabriel verärgert Union mit Tschernobyl-Broschüre
Fortpflanzung: Rätsel um Vater von Echsen-Babys
Clashes in Athens as Rice visits Athens police fire teargas in a clash with anti-war protesters angered by a visit by the US secretary of state.
Storm damage trims profits at BP Damage from last year's US hurricanes hits BP's output and profits, but its first-quarter results still beat forecasts.
Small changes 'add years to life' Making small changes to your lifestyle can have a significant impact on life expectancy, research has shown.
IT, Rüstungs- und Sicherheitstechnik: Heimatschutz für Deutschland?
Fürsorgliche Männer: Das neue Bild vom Vater
Moussaoui-Prozess: Jury vertagt Entscheidung zu Strafmaß
Konjunkturindex: Wirtschaft in bester Stimmung
Tierversuch: Stammzellen reparieren Niere
Maoists vow to continue blockades in Nepal https://news.ft.com/cms/s/26bcd...bc-11d7-81c6-0820abe49a01.html Date: 4/24/2006 11:02 PM
Maoist rebels in Nepal rejected King Gyanendra's restoration of parliament and vowed to continue their blockade of highways and Kathmandu until the new government, headed by former prime minister Girija Prasad Koirala, agree to an 'unconditional' election.

BP's Net Falls 15% https://online.wsj.com/article/...107.html?mod=rss_whats_news_us

BP's net fell 15% as soaring oil prices failed to offset the impact of a drop in oil and gas output, a Texas refinery shutdown and higher tax charges.
Opposition calls off Nepal strike
Nepal's opposition alliance ends weeks of protests, as King Gyanendra agrees to reinstate parliament.

Criminal gangs 'out of control' Criminal gangs trading in people and fake ID are "out of control", senior police officers tell the BBC.
Integrity in 2006

Amy Gahran asks what integrity is. Try this. "A human being has integrity if he or she is what he or she appears to be.

That's why integrity commands us to disclose conflicts, so that what we say, and who we appear to be, are in synch. Change the appearance if necessary."

PS: A simple search reveals 521 instances of "integrity" on this site. No need to guess, or look in the dictionary to find out how I use the term.
Kosten des Krieges ... die Rüstungskonzerne General Dynamics und Raytheon, Kursgewinne um 10 bis ... Die Bonner Regierung zahlte aus unseren Steuergeldern für den Golfkrieg 17 ...

25.Apr.2006 Maureen Farrell -- Shifting Footprints and Messianic Missions: Staying In Iraq 'Till Kingdom Come
Be in the Know. Get BuzzFlash Alerts Sent to Your In-Box Everyday, For Free. Such a Deal!

25.Apr.2006 Like many of you, whenever we used to watch those appeals for contributions on PBS, we'd get irritated. But now we understand.
Why the Busheviks May Believe They are Winning the Iraq War -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis

25.Apr.2006 Chicago Tribune: American tax dollars and the wartime needs of the U.S. military are fueling an illicit pipeline of cheap foreign labor, mainly impoverished Asians who often are deceived, exploited and put in harm's way in Iraq with little protection. 4/24
April 24th is Fair Trade Monday on BuzzFlash.com. Here's Something You Can Do to Improve the World in a Click of the Mouse. Support Fair Trade on BuzzFlash.com: Empowering People, Creating Jobs, Sustaining Lives. It's in your hands to make a difference.
What bold solution does new Iraqi leader propose to do about death squads that drill and stab people to death? "Fold them into official government forces." Sounds like a uniter, not a divider. 4/24
Three Blasts Rock Egyptian Resort City 4/25
Tax on Windfall Oil Profits Sought in California: The resulting revenue would help low-income people pay for prescription drugs 4/25
Inspectors Find More Torture at Iraqi Jails: Top General's Pledge To Protect Prisoners 'Not Being Followed' 4/24

Peak oil ": The vast extent of U.S. oil shale resources, amounting to more than 2 trillion barrels, has been known for a century. In 1912, the President, by Executive Order, established the Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves. This office has overseen the U.S. strategic interests in oil shale since that time.
25.Apr.2006 The threat to a fistful of petrodollars: This weekend, Alexei Kudrin, Russia's finance minister, dropped a bombshell in Washington. Kudrin caused his American hosts discomfort by openly questioning the dollar's pre-eminence as the world's "absolute" reserve currency.

25.Apr.2006 In case you missed it: William Blum: A Brief History of U.S. Interventions - 1945 to 1999 : - The engine of American foreign policy has been fueled not by a devotion to any kind of morality, but rather by the necessity to serve other imperatives, which can be summarized as follows:
Israel’s state-sponsored terrorism : Haaretz stated that the final decision on the assassination of Ahmadinejad and Haniya would be taken upon the approval of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
25.Apr.2006 US and UK develop "democracy" strategy for Iran: The US and UK are working on a strategy to promote democratic change in Iran, according to officials who see the joint effort as the start of a new phase in the diplomatic campaign to counter the Islamic republic's nuclear programme without resorting to military intervention.

25.Apr.2006 Iran to cancel 960 mln euro petrochemical deal with Linde, Hyundai, Technip: Iran plans to cancel a 960 mln eur contract with companies from France, Germany and South Korea to build a new petrochemical plant, an oil ministry report said Monday.

25.Apr.2006 Jordanian King to Israel: Give Up Your Nukes : Jordan’s King Abdullah said Monday that Israel should disarm its nuclear weapons in the wake of international pressure on Iran to end its uranium enrichment program.
Tehran insider tells of US black ops : A former Iranian ambassador and Islamic Republic insider has provided intriguing details to Asia Times Online about US covert operations inside Iran aimed at destabilizing the country and toppling the regime - or preparing for an American attack.
25.Apr.2006 Commander: Contractors violating U.S. trafficking laws: The top U.S. commander in Iraq has ordered sweeping changes for privatized military support operations after confirming violations of human-trafficking laws and other abuses by contractors involving possibly thousands of foreign workers
24.Apr.2006 California Becomes Second State to Introduce Bush Impeachment By David Swanson

Joining Illinois, California has become the second state in which a proposal to impeach President Bush has been introduced in the state legislature. And this one includes Cheney as well. Continued
All War-All The Time Anti-Empire Update - By William Blum
Whatever ambiguity may remain about the role of the Israel lobby in the invasion of Iraq, it's clear that if and when the sociopaths who call themselves our leaders attack Iran, Israeli security will be the main reason.

25.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-412885,00.html
Unterdessen verteidigte Donald Rumsfeld die US-geführten Militäreinsätze in Afghanistan und im Irak als Mittel, um Iran in die Schranken zu weisen. Ein Erfolg in Afghanistan und ein Erfolg im Irak seien entscheidend, um den Extremismus im Zaum zu halten, der von Iran ausgehe, sagte Rumsfeld gestern im Gespräch mit dem ministeriumseigenen Fernsehsender
25.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-412885,00.html
Das Verteidigungsministerium hatte im vergangenen Jahr bekannt gegeben, dass es seit 2003 eine Datenbank mit zwölf Millionen Amerikanern führt, die als Kandidaten für eine Militärlaufbahn in Frage kommen könnten. Das Ministerium hat die Datenbank als wesentlich für die Aufrechterhaltung der Truppenstärke bezeichnet.
25.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-412885,00.html

New York - Das Militär habe widerrechtlich persönliche Angaben von Jugendlichen mit einem Alter ab 16 Jahren zu lange und mit zu vielen persönlichen Details gespeichert, heißt es in gestern bei einem Bundesgericht in New York eingereichten Klage. So seien unter anderem unerlaubterweise Rasse, ethnische Zugehörigkeit und Geschlecht erfasst worden. Die zuständige Sprecherin des US-Militärs war zunächst nicht zu erreichen.

AP Rumsfeld: Pentagon-Chef unter Druck
Die Jugendlichen im Alter zwischen 16 und 17 Jahren seien alle von Rekrutierungsoffizieren angesprochen worden, obwohl sie um eine Löschung aus der Datenbank gebeten hätten, teilte die Bürgerrechtsgruppe Aclu mit, die die Jugendlichen vertritt. "Auf der einen Seite hat der Kongress einen breiten Ermessensspielraum eingeräumt, um Informationen zu sammeln", sagte Donna Lieberman von der Aclu. "Aber auf der anderen Seite hat das Verteidigungsministerium die Grenzen völlig missachtet."

Rekrutierung: Jugendliche verklagen Rumsfeld
MPs' concern over minister powers New powers that would allow ministers to change laws must be watered down, an influential group of MPs says.
25.Apr.2006 World Bank faces malaria claims The World Bank is accused of publishing false accounts and wasting money on ineffective medicines in malaria programmes.
.Apr.2006 https://deseretnews.com/dn/print/1,1442,635198488,00.html Deseret Morning News

Physicist says heat substance felled WTC

Extremely hot fires caused structures to fail, BYU expert says

By Suzanne Dean
For the Deseret Morning News

EPHRAIM — A Brigham Young University physicist said he now believes an incendiary substance called thermite, bolstered by sulfur, was used to generate exceptionally hot fires at the World Trade Center on 9/11, causing the structural steel to fail and the buildings to collapse.

"It looks like thermite with sulfur added, which really is a very clever idea," Steven Jones, professor of physics at BYU, told a meeting of the Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters at Snow College Friday.

The government requires standard explosives to contain tag elements enabling them to be traced back to their manufacturers. But no tags are required in aluminum and iron oxide, the materials used to make thermite, he said. Nor, he said, are tags required in sulfur.

Jones is co-chairman, with James H. Fetzer, a distinguished professor of philosophy at the University of Minnesota of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, a group of college faculty members who believe conspirators other than pilots of the planes were directly involved in bringing down New York's Trade Towers.

The group, which Jones said has 200 members, maintains a Web site at www.st911.org. A 40-page paper by Jones, along with other peer-reviewed and non-reviewed academic papers, are posted on the site.
Jones stated that thermite was a "clever" choice because its ingredients, aluminum and iron oxide do not require identifying tags by law, meaning they couldn't be traced back to their manufacturers.
25.Apr.2006 Pleite-Prozess: Ex-Enron-Chef weist jede Schuld von sich
25.Apr.2006 Thermite Identified As Culprit Of WTC Collapse Paul Joseph Watson Thermite Identified As Culprit Of WTC Collapse Would have been hot enough to melt steel and cause implosion
25.Apr.2006 Looking Out Over the Crowd: A Moderate&apos;s Take Melissa_Waters In a previous post, I asked whether there was anything new to be said on the issue of the role of foreign and international law in interpreting the U.S. Constitution. Roger Alford wrote a thoughtful comment (also posted on Opinio...
24.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-412878,00.html
Doch auch der relativ hohe Benzinpreis in den USA hatte zuletzt für einigen Unmut unter den Amerikanern gesorgt.
24.Apr.2006 US-Umfrage: Zustimmung für Bush auf Rekordtief

24.Apr.2006 Turkey ball game staff suspended A food company suspends six staff after workers are filmed playing "bat and ball" with live turkeys.
Lay 'devastated' by Enron failure Enron founder Kenneth Lay says he was left devastated by the firm's failure as he begins his trial defence.
Parkinson's 'worsens in hospital' A survey of Parkinson's specialists suggests many patients get worse when they go in to hospital.
NHS 'fails to involve patients' Doctors are failing to involve patients in decisions about their own healthcare, a report finds.
RFID 'Til the Cows Come Home Critics lambast plan to tag most U.S. farm animals by 2008 as a giant boondoggle for the tech industry. Audrey Hudson reports from Washington, D.C.
Judge Rules in Favor of Websurfing at Work ScuttleMonkey 104 MirrororriM writes

"According MSNBC article, a judge has ruled in favor of a worker that was repeatedly warned for surfing the internet on company time. Only a "reprimand" is a fitting punishment - not termination. From the article: 'It should be observed that the Internet has become the modern equivalent of a telephone or a daily newspaper, providing a combination of communication and information that most employees use as frequently in their personal lives as for their work.'"
'Lego' Approach Thwarts Anthrax Toxin ScuttleMonkey 60

NewScientist is reporting that scientists have discovered complex nanoscale structures that have successfully protected rats from anthrax. From the article: "The technique relies on using tiny 'peptide' molecules, stuck onto one large molecule, which bind to toxins and prevent them from causing damage. They do this in much the same way that two Lego bricks might fit together - with several studs from the binding molecule slotting into + so blocking, the sites on a toxin molecule which are needed to cause damage."
Scientists Probe the Use of the Tongue ScuttleMonkey 153 An anonymous reader writes

"Yahoo! News is reporting that in the military's continuing search for better sensory input they have started looking at the tongue as a 'superior transmitter'. From the article: 'A narrow strip of red plastic connects the Brain Port to the tongue where 144 microelectrodes transmit information through nerve fibers to the brain. Instead of holding and looking at compasses and bluky-hand-held sonar devices, the divers can processes the information through their tongues, said Dr. Anil Raj, the project's lead scientist.'"
Verizon's Aggressive New Spam Filter Causing Problems ScuttleMonkey 247 aviancarrier writes

"Verizon DSL has turned on a very aggressive spam filter that is blocking lots of long-time legitimate emails. Emails get bounced with an error: 'XX@verizon.net: host relay.verizon.net[] said: 550 Email from your Email Service Provider is currently blocked by Verizon Online's anti-spam system. The email "sender" or Email Service Provider may visit https://www.verizon.net/whitelist and request removal of the block.' That whitelist web page lets you request one address at a time to be whitelisted with no guarantee for their response time to process it. I have tested multiple email sources and only one got through. As a VZ customer, I just spent 28 minutes on a call to tech support, eventually got a supervisor who knows nothing about the new spam feature + would only agree to email a manager who doesn't work weekends about it. I warned her that VZ has a public relations problem but she was too clueless to understand." Many users have submitted this problem so it seems to be a pretty far reaching problem. There is also a discussion going on over at Google about this problem.
24.Apr.2006 Nation's spy agencies try to black out history 

It's a plot worthy of a mystery novel. The federal agency charged with maintaining historical documents strikes a secret agreement with federal spy agencies to quietly move some papers out from the public's view.
But wait: It's not a mystery. It's a farce.

24.Apr.2006 Qigong revival 

THE earliest records of qigong being practised were found on archaeological artifacts excavated in Qinghai province, China, dated approximately 5,000 years ago. These were in the form of drawings on gallipots. Descriptions of qigong were also found in relics from the Western Han Dynasty (206-24 BC), excavated in Hunan province; and actual written records were found in the ancient Chinese classic Shanshu, of the same period.
24.Apr.2006 Of olives and oils 
About olive oil and its health benefits.
24.Apr.2006 A Message From The Republicans 

So suck on that! Suck on it a real long time, then suck on it some more! Then keep sucking on it + then suck a little bit more + suck some more! And just keep sucking on it!
24.Apr.2006 'Indiana Jones of Baghdad' Searches for Stolen Iraqi Art 

The financing behind the violence that continues to disrupt Iraq may have an unlikely source: ancient treasure.
Explosionen in Ägypten: Bush spricht von "abscheulicher Tat"
Frühjahrsgutachten: Institute fürchten Konsumstreik nach Steuererhöhung
Moussaoui-Prozess: Anklage fordert Todesstrafe
Studie zur Todesspritze: "Hunde werden in den USA sorgfältiger getötet als Menschen"
Irans Atomprogramm: "Israels größte Bedrohung seit Hitler"

24.Apr.2006 Norwegen: Saurierfund in 2200 Metern Tiefe
Atomstreit: Russland lehnt atomare Bewaffnung Irans kategorisch ab

24.Apr.2006 Pariser Sorbonne: Studienstart mit Polizeikontrollen
Michael Zinszer, ein ehemaliger Navy-Taucher und Direktor der Underwater Crime Scene Investigation School in Florida, hat den Zungensensor bereits getestet.

Er fühle sich an wie Brausepulver, sagt er. "Man fühlt die Umrisse eines Bildes."
Sensor im Mund: Hightech-Krieger sollen mit Zunge sehen
Boom-Opfer: Shanghai verteidigt Vertreibung von Zehntausenden
Astronomie: Baby-Galaxien im Dunkel entdeckt
29.Jul.2004-14.Sep.2006 -ACTIVE- If I yell fire in a theatre when there isn't a fire I will be arrested and go to jail.

I would go because there is a remote possibility that while the fire trucks are driving to the theater a real fire could be killing people across town.

George W. Bush knew the danger of sending Americans into a war without just cause. He used bogus and faulty intelligence to establish a connection between Iraq + 11.Sep.2001

He had his own agenda with the war in Iraq (securing an American monopoly on middle eastern oil with his pals in Saudi Arabia).

He knew there wasn't a threat + we should all hold him accountable.

At least that's my opinion.
Should Bush be charged with a crime for lying to Americans and dragging them into War with Iraq? Yes

24.Apr.2006 Italy owes wine legacy to Celts, history buffs say 

Luca Sormani, from Como + Fulvio Pescarolo, from the tiny town of Robbio near Milan, have traced the region's wine culture all the way back to its Celtic roots and have started making it according to ancient methods.
24.Apr.2006 Priests molested kids for centuries 

A former Vatican lawyer and two ex-Benedictine monks have written an explosive book that shows the Catholic child-molestation scandal goes back to the earliest days of the church. I am shocked! Shocked!
24.Apr.2006 Senate Vote Inquiry Widens as Democrats Probe White House Link 
Republican leaders are facing questions stemming from a criminal case involving efforts to suppress voter turnout in a U.S. Senate election in the state in 2002. Republican John Sununu won that race over Democrat Jeanne Shaheen, helping Republicans retake control of the Senate.
24.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Now hear what a Colonel has to say. Of course, we have discussed the views of Lawrence Wilkerson, former aide to Colin Powell, in previous posts. But now he has offered the most hard-hitting -- and yet, most sensible -- sentiments I've seen yet from a retired military man. Permalink
24.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Will the gambit succeed, sans a Democratic majority? No. Is it worth doing? Yep! Permalink
24.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ And to make the cake even tastier, Jefferson's Manual offers still another way to bring about an impeachment.

Here is the relevant section: Sec. 603. Inception of impeachment proceedings in the House.
In the House of Representatives there are various methods of setting an impeachment in motion:

by charges made on the floor on the responsibility of a Member or Delegate (II, 1303; III, 2342, 2400, 2469; VI, 525, 526, 528, 535, 536);

by charges preferred by a memorial, which is usually referred to a committee for examination (III, 2364, 2491, 2494, 2496, 2499, 2515; VI, 543);

or by a resolution dropped in the hopper by a Member and referred to a committee (Apr. 15, 1970, p. 11941-42; Oct. 23, 1973, p. 34873);

by a message from the President (III, 2294, 2319; VI, 498);

by charges transmitted from the legislature of a State (III, 2469) or Territory (III, 2487) or from a grand jury (III, 2488);

or from facts developed and reported by an investigating committee of the House (III, 2399, 2444).

Didja see it? "by charges transmitted from...a grand jury ."
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Can a state impeach W? Can Fitz? (UPDATED) Can a state legislature initiate impeachment proceedings against the president? The Illinois legislature thinks so:
2 WHEREAS, Section 603 of Jefferson's Manual of the Rules of
3 the United States House of Representatives allows federal
4 impeachment proceedings to be initiated by joint resolution of
5 a state legislature; and
6 WHEREAS, President Bush has publicly admitted to ordering
7 the National Security Agency to violate provisions of the 1978
8 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, a felony, specifically
9 authorizing the Agency to spy on American citizens without
10 warrant; and
11 WHEREAS, Evidence suggests that President Bush authorized
12 violation of the Torture Convention of the Geneva Conventions,
13 a treaty regarded a supreme law by the
United States

14 Constitution; and
15 WHEREAS, The Bush Administration has held American
16 citizens and citizens of other nations as prisoners of war
17 without charge or trial; and
18 WHEREAS, Evidence suggests that the Bush Administration
19 has manipulated intelligence for the purpose of initiating a
20 war against the sovereign nation of Iraq, resulting in the
21 deaths of large numbers of Iraqi civilians and causing the
22 United States to incur loss of life, diminished security and
23 billions of dollars in unnecessary expenses; and... And so on. You get the idea. This all sounds good. But is it real ?
First: The impeachment resolution
really does show up on the Illinois Legislature web site.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Why are good men like young Zawadeh still fighting and dying in that country? Because if the Iraqis were allowed to "fight their own battles," the people of that nation would regain control of their own oil. Too few Americans understand that Bush has literally stolen that oil -- has placed, by decree, the entire industry in non-Iraqi hands. Americans may refuse to recognise this fact, but the Iraqis see it with great clarity. That's why they all have come to hate their "liberators."
Zawadeh died to protect Bush's larceny -- a theft sanctioned by Michelle Malkin. She does not support our troops. She wants good soldiers to die in an obscene cause.

24.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Of course, one cannot expect Malkin to admit that she took the first and cheapest shot + that any blows directed her way were retaliatory. All right-wingers are so egomaniacal that, even when clearly in the wrong, they would rather eat spiders than apologize.
24.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Malkin's defenders have argued that the students were "communists" -- an insult that has seen increasing usage in recent days. At one time, the term "communist" was reserved for those who believed that the state should run all industry. But to right-wingers, "communist" describes anyone who dislikes George W. Bush -- the man who, paradoxically enough, has done more than any other single individual to put this country in hock to the Chinese, who really are communists.
24.Apr.2006 Almost 70 lawmakers sign Bush impeachment letter: Almost 70 Vermont legislators have signed a letter urging Congress to begin an investigation of President Bush's domestic surveillance program and the reasons for the war in Iraq and, which would lead to impeachment proceedings, if warranted.
by the ISNA news agency.

24.Apr.2006 U.S. tells IMF to butt out of health care issue: The U.S. government issued a barbed riposte yesterday after the IMF suggested Washington institute health insurance for all Americans and balance its budget faster than planned.

24.Apr.2006 America: From Freedom to Fascism
Oil fight in Nigeria reaches turning point: A militant group that has been attacking Nigeria's oil pipelines and helping to drive up world oil prices added a new tactic last week by detonating a car bomb in a major oil city to publicize its standing threat to shut down the country's entire crude output.
24.Apr.2006 US pressure on banks choking Hamas: US officials have warned that the Bush administration can take action against financial institutions that help provide money or services directly to the new government.

24.Apr.2006 Mike Whitney : Why Israel must Renounce Violence: It is foolish to blame the victims of oppression as the perpetrators of violence. Occupation is the supreme act of violence from which all the smaller acts are mere tributaries.

24.Apr.2006 Israeli Crimes Blanked Out: Is killing people with high explosives a crime only when the perpetrator doesn't survive? If they go home for a cup of tea afterward and watch TV with their own children, does that make child-murder any less of a crime? Tony Blair and the BBC certainly think so.

24.Apr.2006 Israel court calls Palestinian Authority a 'state' outside Israeli legal jurisdiction : The Jerusalem District Court issued a landmark decision Sunday saying that the Palestinian Authority meets the legal requirements needed to be considered a state and that therefore Israel has no legal jurisdiction over it.

24.Apr.2006 Squatters from Texas anticipate orders to leave West Bank: He and his family have lived here for four years frontier pioneers in their own eyes, usurpers of the land to Palestinians

24.Apr.2006 Uri Avnery: Who's the dog? Who's the tail?: The influnece of the Israel lobby in the USA

24.Apr.2006 New Plans Foresee Fighting Terrorism Beyond War Zones : Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has approved the military's most ambitious plan yet to fight terrorism around the world and retaliate more rapidly and decisively in the case of another major terrorist attack on the USA, according to defense officials.

24.Apr.2006 US-Israel counter-terror plan proposed: For years, American law enforcement and security experts have been looking to Israel for the latest in homeland security practices. Now Congress is hoping to work with Israel and other at-risk countries to develop science and technology applications to fight terrorism

24.Apr.2006 Sheila Samples: We Are The Deciders: Rumsfeld, like Dick Cheney does when he needs to "catapault the propaganda," picked up the phone and called the drug-addled, dangerously ignorant "El Rushbo" to reassure millions of panting dittoheads that those who oppose him or criticize his handling of the war are being manipulated by terrorists like Zarqawi, Bin Laden and Zawahiri.

24.Apr.2006 In case you missed it: They Thought They Were Free: "What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security.
Iran chalks U.S. threats up to failure to build coalition: Iran on Friday dismissed a U.S. warning it could strike Iranian nuclear installations in the name of self-defense, with the foreign ministry arguing the threat was a sign of frustration in Washington. "America is angry because no other country has taken its side," Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi was quoted as saying

24.Apr.2006 Russian split with US on Iran widens: The USA raised the ante last week, signalling that it intends to exact a price if Russia persists in its refusal to jump aboard an accelerating US diplomatic bandwagon for quick and tough international steps to isolate Iran.

24.Apr.2006 Bush Meets Privately With Think Tank Promoting Military Strike On Iran : This tidbit about President Bush’s schedule was buried in today’s Washington

24.Apr.2006 Protesters force Bush to move Stanford meeting: Bush's caravan was forced to reroute their trip and had to meet with Hoover officials off campus
A Silly Pretext: No Arab or Islamic country armed even with the smallest of atomic bombs will be ready to hit Israel. And that, is because Israel is a small country interwoven and surrounded by Palestinian and Arab nations. The explosion of an atomic bomb will kill the Palestinians and Arabs too. The radio-active fallout will reach the entire Middle-East including Iran itself.
24.Apr.2006 Iraqi president expresses concern over Turkish and Iranian troop concentrations on the border : Turkey has called on the USA to crack down on rebel bases in northern Iraq, but U.S. commanders, struggling to battle Iraqi insurgents elsewhere, have been extremely reticent to fight the rebels, who are based in the remote mountain areas in one of the few stable parts of the country.

Bush admits he offered Blair way out of the Iraq Invasion and occupation : The Prime Minister insisted he would rather risk losing office than retreat
And We Think We Are Free -By Nolan K. Anderson
What happened to us? Why do we refuse to learn from history? How similar are we to those who put their clothes and valuables into neat piles before stepping into the "showers" of the 40's? What dichotomy allows our American military to act like Hitler's SS troops and their parents to be so weak that they allow their president to assume dictatorial powers without giving so much as a whimper?

24.Apr.2006 The urgency of stopping the next US war in the Middle East. The US has drawn up plans to level a massive aerial assault against Iran. By Dr. Jorge E. Hirsch
Thirteen of the nation’s most prominent physicists have written a letter to President Bush, calling U.S. plans to reportedly use nuclear weapons against Iran “gravely irresponsible” and warning that such action would have “disastrous consequences for the security of the USA and the world.”

24.Apr.2006 Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq By Stephen Kinzer
"The invasion of Iraq in 2003 was not an isolated episode. It was the culmination of a 110-year period during which Americans overthrew fourteen governments that displeased them for various ideological, political + economic reasons."

24.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-412395,00.html

"Das bedeutet, dass echte Leseprozesse auf halbem Wege zwischen Sehen und Sprachverarbeitung anfangen", sagte Lionel Naccache aus dem Forscherteam zu SPIEGEL ONLINE. "Damit haben wir die kausale Rolle dieser Region für das Lesen gezeigt."

Neurowissenschaftler Alex Martin aus Bethesda in Maryland spricht von "zwingenden Belegen für die Auffassung, die Déjerine bereits vor hundert Jahren vertreten hat" - dass das Hirn eine eigene Region für das Erkennen ganzer Wörter besitzt. Es erstaune ihn jedoch zutiefst, dass eine dermaßen spezialisierte Hirnregion einer evolutionär so jungen Fähigkeit wie dem Lesen gewidmet sei. stx
ob es ein Worterkennungszentrum im Gehirn gibt. Erst seit wenigen tausend Jahren sind Menschen mit geschriebenen Worten vertraut, gemessen an den Hunderttausenden Jahren der menschlichen Evolution, ein echtes Novum also. Daher streiten Neurologen seit dem späten 19. Jahrhundert darüber, ob das Gehirn tatsächlich eine eigene Region für das Erkennen zusammenhängender Wortformen besitzt.
24.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-412395,00.html
er Franzose Jules Déjerine hatte diese Hypothese vor mehr als hundert Jahren formuliert. Nun bot sich seinem Kollegen Laurent Cohen vom Hôpital de la Salpêtrière in Paris eine seltene Möglichkeit, dies zu überprüfen:
24.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-412395,00.html

Goldberg glaubt, darin einen Schutzmechanismus zu erkennen.

"Wenn es eine plötzliche Gefahr gibt, etwa wenn eine Schlange auftaucht, hilft es nicht, lange herumzustehen und sich zu fragen, welche Gefühle man dieser Situation entgegenbringt", sagte er.

Das Team aus Rehovot berichtet in der Fachzeitschrift "Neuron" (Ausg. 50, S. 329) über seine Arbeit.

Das Gehirn sieht Wörter, nicht Buchstaben

Selbstwahrnehmung im oberen Frontallappen

Als Goldberg nun die Geschwindigkeit der Abfolge erneut erhöhte, blieb dieser Selbstwahrnehmungs-Mechanismus im Gehirn gänzlich inaktiv.

"Die Regionen des Gehirns, die für die Introspektion benötigt werden + solche für die sensorische Wahrnehmung sind völlig voneinander getrennt", sagte Goldberg.

"Und wenn das Gehirn alle Ressourcen für die Bewältigung einer anspruchsvollen Aufgabe benötigt, dann wird die Selbsterkenntnis-Region entsprechend gehemmt."
Wenn Menschen dermaßen in anspruchsvoller Arbeit versinken, dann liegt das offenbar daran, dass im Gehirn die Selbstwahrnehmung ausgeschaltet wird - gleichsam der vorübergehende Aus-Knopf für das Ich.
Andere Forscher konnten die mehr als 100 Jahre alte These belegen, dass Worte im Kopf als Ganzes wahrgenommen werden.
Der Trend des Computermodells namens Remo deckt sich mit früheren, weniger detailreichen Simulationen:

Die Durchschnittstemperatur wird je nach Region, je nach Menge der ausgestoßenen Treibhausgase um bis zu vier oder sogar fünf Grad ansteigen.

Im Sommer liegt das vor allem daran, dass sich das für warme Winde zuständige Azorenhoch weiter nach Nordosten ausdehnen wird.
Der Datenschatz wird diesen Dienstag auf einer Konferenz des Umweltbundesamts in Dessau vorgestellt. Die Begehrlichkeiten, die das Konvolut aus Bits weckt, sind groß in der Forschergemeinde.

Scharen von Hydrologen, Biologen, Energietechnikern, Medizinmeteorologen, Bauphysikern und Katastrophenschützern werden sich nun darüber beugen, um abzuschätzen, was der Klimawandel für Land und Leute bedeutet.

Mit einigen Handgriffen an Maus + Tastatur kann sich Daniela Jacob vom Max-Planck-Institut (MPI) für Meteorologie in Hamburg

Temperatur-, Wind-, Niederschlags- oder Sonneneinstrahlungswerte aus der ganzen Republik auf den Bildschirm holen.

"Und das für jede künftige Stunde bis ins Jahr 2100", wie die Forscherin ergänzt.

Dafür hat der Supercomputer des Instituts in den vergangenen Monaten 432 Billiarden Rechenoperationen ausgeführt.

"Ein normaler PC hätte dafür 70 Jahre gebraucht", sagt Jacob.

Auf 42.000 Gigabyte Speicherplatz lagert nun in einem Uni-Gebäude im 15. Stock die klimatische Fieberkurve der Nation + das in einer räumlichen Auflösung, die weltweit einzigartig ist.

Tröstlich an diesen durchwachsenen Aussichten ist lediglich, dass viele Berliner sie gar nicht mehr erleben werden.

Denn die Daten hat ein Superrechner am Deutschen Klimarechenzentrum in Hamburg ausgespuckt + zwar für das Jahr 2050.

Auch die Reichsten brauchen noch Investment-Tipps.

Also wählen die "Tiger" bei jeder ihrer finanziellen Gruppentherapien das Portfolio eines Mitglieds aus, um es dann gemeinsam zu zerpflücken und zu kritisieren.

"Tiger Talk" heißt das: Da hagelt es oft harsche, doch gut gemeinte Worte - nach dem Motto: Ein Dutzend Köpfe sind schlauer als ein einziger.

"Es ist nicht einfach, sich so zu entblößen", sagte "Tiger"-Gründer Michael Sonnenfeldt der "Financial Times".

Sonnenfeldt, ein Investmentbanker aus New York, hatte seinen Job nach dem 11.Sep.2001 aufgegeben.
Ab und zu aber lassen sich die "Tiger" in die Karten gucken.

Und da merkt der einfache Anleger, dass Milliardäre kaum andere Sorgen haben als er:

Terrorismus, Finanzen, Bauernfang von Banken, Erbsorgen, Stress.

Nur die Dimensionen sind größer.

Einer der letzten Gastredner des Klubs war der selbsternannte - und in Branchenkreisen nicht unumstrittene - US-Terrorexperte Steve Emerson.

Er zeichnete ein düsteres Bild der kommenden Jahre:

Das Terrornetzwerk Al-Qaida habe sich "rekonstituiert" - "Al-Qaida 2.0 oder 3.0", wie er es nannte - und sei in der Lage, "in unserem eigenen Hinterhof heimischen Krieg zu führen".

Eine weitere Sorge der realen Dagobert Ducks: dubiose Finanzmanager.

So merkten zwei "Tiger", als sie ihre Investment-Portfolios bei einer ihrer Sitzungen verglichen, dass sie zwar den gleichen Anlageberater hatten - ihm aber erheblich unterschiedliche Gebühren zahlten.

Einmal im Monat treffen sich 79 US-Multimillionäre zu Geheimsitzungen, um Finanztipps auszutauschen.

Dabei plagen die Mega-Reichen ähnliche Sorgen wie den gemeinen Investor.

Ihr Wissen, wie man Geld vermehrt, beziehen sie oft aus allseits bekannten Wirtschaftsbibeln - für Laien.

New York - Sie nennen sich die "Tiger" und geben sich meist nur mit ihren Initialen zu erkennen.

Einmal im Monat treffen sich die Teilnehmer des verschworenen Zirkels aus 79 superreichen US-Investoren.

In sieben Gruppen an geheimen Orten, um Finanztipps auszutauschen, Sorgen und Lebensweisheiten zu teilen, die Lage der Welt zu diskutieren.

Oder um einfach nur Spaß zu haben, ohne von Shareholdern, Staatsanwälten oder Journalisten belästigt zu werden.
Preisstreit: Russland will weniger Öl nach Europa liefern

24.Apr.2006 Tschernobyl-Tag: Gabriel fordert weltweiten Atomausstieg
Zeitungsbericht: Irakische Häftlinge werden weiter misshandelt
Heute in den Feuilletons: "Kälte, Angst und Hunger"
Deutschland: Profiteure und Verlierer des Klimawandels
Wetterprognose 2050: Superrechner verheißt Mittelmeerklima für Deutschland
Russischer Energieriese: Gasprom will in Deutschland Strom produzieren
Hirnforschung: Gehirn kann das Ich abschalten

24.Apr.2006 Geheimer Investoren-Club: Die Sorgen der Mega-Reichen
Überfüllte Seminare: Eine "Kleingruppe" mit 420 Teilnehmern
Neues Tonband: Geheimdienste halten Bin-Laden-Botschaft für echt

24.Apr.2006 Kampf gegen Nepals König Gyanendra: Rebellen greifen Regierungsgebäude an
New Site. Team8 +. An experienced team of researchers looking into the aspects of radar, air traffic control, war games + other air oddities that day. Breaking new research a must visit!
Top reading - 9/11 Something smells in the air

Also Holes in the Radar
24.Apr.2006 https://www.wunderblogs.com/protensao/archives/005210.html
Gente deslumbrada com poder é dose!

Não se maltrata os velhos impunemente,

eles são os seres mais poderosos da terra justamente porque são os mais fracos.

Deus é o guarda-costa dos fracos.

Se eu fosse esse ministro da previdência, faria uma novena...

The authors do not necessarily endorse all of the findings and opinions of 9-11 Research.

Likewise, 9-11 Research does not necessarily endorse all of their positions.

Essays by Jim Hoffman Building a Better Mirage: NIST's 3-Year $20,000,000 Cover-Up of the Crime of the Century

Morgan Reynolds' Encumbered Case for Controlled Demolition

Scientific American's Dishonest Attack On 911Research

Popular Mechanics Attacks the "9/11 LIES" Straw Man

Popular Mechanics' Assault on 9/11 Truth
(This is an expanded version of the previous article, designed as a print media.)
The Pentagon No-757-Crash Theory: Booby Trap for 9/11 Skeptics

Essays by 911Research Associates Revealed OR Concealed?: A Critical Review of 9/11 Revealed by Victoria Ashley and Jim Hoffman

Guest Essays A Critical Review of WTC "No Plane" Theories by Eric Salter

Revisiting the WTC Building Collapses, Part I by Morgan Reynolds

The Psychology of Patriotic Denial by Tova Gabrielle 911 - In Plane Site: A Critical Review by Jeremy Baker
24.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,408732,00.html

"Althippies in Birkenstocks"

Genährt und weitergesponnen werden diese Theorien vor allem im Netz. Aber nicht nur:

Jeden Sonntagabend treffen sich etwa die New Yorker 9/11-Zweifler - oft Hunderte Leute -

im Keller der St. Mark's Church im East Village zur heißen Debatte; zum Jahrestag des 11.Sep.2001 protestieren sie an Ground Zero.

"Althippies in Birkenstocks", lästerte der New Yorker Medien-Blog "Gawker".

Doch Sheen ist nicht der erste Prominente, der auf den Zug aufspringt.

Auch der ehemalige CIA-Analyst Ray McGovern, der Physiker Steven Jones, Bushs Ex-Chefökonom Morgan Reynolds + der kurzzeitige deutsche Forschungsminister Andreas von Bülow.

Er glaubt, der 11. September sei von der Regierung "orchestriert" worden, um die Amerikaner in den Krieg zu manipulieren.
Feb.2006 A 9/11 Conspirator in King Bush's Court? https://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeremy-scahill/a-911-conspirator-in-kin_b_15003.html
- Huffington Post
While Cindy Sheehan was being dragged from the House gallery moments before President Bush delivered his State of the Union address for wearing a t-shirt honoring her son + the other 2,244 US soldiers killed in Iraq, Turki al-Faisal was settling into his seat inside the gallery.

Faisal, a Saudi, is a man who has met Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants on at least five occasions, describing the al Qaeda leader as "quite a pleasant man."

He met multiple times with Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar.
Yet, unlike Sheehan, al-Faisal was a welcomed guest of President Bush on Tuesday night.

He is also a man that the families of more than 600 victims of the 9/11 attacks believe was connected to their loved ones' deaths.
Al-Faisal is actually Prince Turki al-Faisal, a leading member of the Saudi royal family + the kingdom's current ambassador to the US.

But the bulk of his career was spent at the helm of the feared Saudi intelligence services from 00.000.1977-00.000.2001 .

Last year, The New York Times pointed out that "he personally managed Riyadh's relations with Osama bin Laden + Mullah Muhammad Omar of the Taliban.

Anyone else who had dealings with even a fraction of the notorious characters the prince has worked with over the years would never make it past a U.S. immigration counter,

let alone to the most exclusive offices in Washington."

Al-Faisal was also named in the $1 trillion lawsuit filed by hundreds of 9/11 victims' families , who accused him of funding bin Laden's network.

Curiously, his tenure as head of Saudi intelligence came to an abrupt and unexpected end 10 days before the 9/11 attacks .

In November, Brigham Young University physics professor Steven E. Jones challenged the assumption that the twin towers and Building 7 collapsed from fire damage alone, stating

"It is quite plausible that explosives were pre-planted in all three buildings and set off after the two plane crashes — which were actually a diversion tactic."

"Muslims are (probably) not to blame for bringing down the WTC buildings after all," said Jones.
We know the government lied about Iraqi WMD, but we believe the government told the truth about 9/11."
24.Apr.2006 https://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/february2006/080206towerscollapse.htm

Roberts' columns have been a consistent source of expert analysis and no holds barred commentary but he is yet to go this far in addressing the real culprits behind 9/11.

"Many patriotic readers have written to me expressing their frustration that fact and common sense cannot gain a toehold in a debate guided by hysteria and disinformation.

Other readers write that 9/11 shields Bush from accountability," wrote Roberts.

"They challenge me to explain why three World Trade Center buildings on one day collapsed into their own footprints at free fall speed, an event outside the laws of physics except under conditions of controlled demolition. They insist that there is no stopping war and a police state as long as the government's story on 9/11 remains unchallenged."
A Critical Review of Morgan Reynolds'
Why Did the Trade Center Skyscrapers Collapse? -- Former US Labor Department chief economist sandwiches bad science between rehash of demolition evidence.
24.Apr.2006 https://covertoperations.blogspot.com/2006/04/pulling-out-all-emotional-stops-on.html
If we assume 9/11 was a massive psy-ops campaign, then we can assume that nothing about 9/11 is really as it seems.

Previous Posts

I'm Haunted by the Fact That 9/11 Was an Inside Job Fake Planes on Parade

File Under "Al-CIA-Duh"

Those Outer WTC Columns and Plane Wings

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Plane-Hugging

On Hijackings With Boxcutters

How the US Military Will Be Able To Do Anything It Wants To Nuke Iran?

Updated 9/11 Odds Charges in the Zebuhr Killing
24.Apr.2006 https://covertoperations.blogspot.com/2006/04/pulling-out-all-emotional-stops-on.html
Humint Events Online

The 9/11 hijacking attacks were very likely facilitated by a rogue group within the US government that created an Islamic terrorist "Pearl Harbor" event as a catalyst for the military invasion of Middle Eastern countries. This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of 9/11/01 + other issues of US government responsibility.
Former National Security Agency Director Lt. General William Odom dissected the strategic folly of the Iraq invasion +
Bush Administration policies

in a major policy speech at Brown University for the Watson Institute-

America’s Strategic Paralysis .

"The Iraq War may turn out to be the greatest strategic disaster in American history.

In a mere 18 months we went from unprecedented levels of support after 9-11..to being one of the most hated countries…

Turkey used to be one of strongest pro-US regimes, now we’re so unpopular, there’s a movie playing there-

Metal Storm, about a war between US and Turkey.

In addition to producing faulty intel and ties to Al Qaida, Bush made preposterous claim that toppling Saddam would open the way for liberal democracy in a very short time...

Misunderstanding the character of American power, he dismissed the allies as a nuisance and failed to get the UN Security Council’s sanction…

We must reinforce international law, not reject and ridicule it."
Odom, now a Yale professor and Hudson Institute senior fellow, was director of the sprawling NSA (which monitors all communications) from 1985-88 under Reagan + previously was Zbigniew Brzezinski's assistant under Carter. His latest 2004 book is America's Inadvertent Empire.
Even if the invasion had gone well, Odom says it wouldn't have mattered: "The invasion wasn't in our interests, it was in Iran's interest, Al Qaida's interest.

Seeing America invade must have made Iranian leaders ecstatic. Iran's hostility to Saddam was hard to exaggerate..

Iraq is now open to Al Qaida, which it never was before - it's easier for terrorists to kill Americans there than in the US..

Neither our leaders or the mainstream media recognize the perversity of key US policies now begetting outcomes they were designed to prevent…

3 years later the US is bogged down in Iraq, pretending a Constitution has been put in place, while the civil war rages, Iran meddles, and Al Qaida swells its ranks with new recruits..

We have lost our capacity to lead and are in a state of crisis - diplomatic and military."
That's harsh. Maybe they can charge him with a federal crime, like that woman who
exercised her free speech in front of important people yesterday.
24.Apr.2006 https://digbysblog.blogspot.com/2006_04_01_digbysblog_archive.html
Hat tip to Gene Lyons for the Forward article.
Here's his excellent piece on this subject. I think this is particularly good:
Once again Bush has denied hostile intent, just as he did for many months after secretly ordering the Pentagon to draft detailed war plans against Iraq.

Writing in The New Yorker, Seymour Hersh suggests that all systems are go at the White House, including possible use of tactical nuclear weapons.

He hints that the neo-conservative ideologues around Dick Cheney have deluded themselves that bombing Iran would lead to internal rebellion and the overthrow of the nation's Islamic regime.
Yeah, sure it would. Ever noticed how much the neo-cons' ignorance of basic human psychology rivals only Osama bin Laden's ?
People like Joe Klein think it's not only ok for George W. Bush to say nukes are on the table --- but it's desirable becaue then people will think we are crazy and run like hell when we say boo.

However, just as with torture, once you start talking about how it might be ok in certain circumstances, then you have begun to break down the taboo against it.
First, they declare that the taboo against wars of agression, formed in the blood of more than 70 million dead people in the 20th century's two world wars, is out. Not even a second glance at that taboo.

They simply repackage it as "pre-emptive" war, changing the previous definition of troops gathering on the border to somebody some day might want to attack us so we must attack them first.
America seems to be waking up to the fact that stolen elections, bogus recalls, movie stars and guys you want to have a beer with don't actually add up to leadership.

If they can be wised up to the fact that tax cuts for billionaires don't actually benefit them, then we might be getting someplace. digby 4/22/2006 06:37:00 AM LinktoComments('114568580276714581')
Media == middlemen Scott Karp: "But what happens if big company brands realize that they no longer need a media middleman to connect with consumers?"
23.Apr.2006 Scientists Find Brain Cells Linked to Choice ScuttleMonkey 109 An anonymous reader writes

"Scotsman.com is reporting that Harvard Medical researchers may have found the neurons, or brain cells, that play a role in a persons ability to choose between different items.

From the article: 'Scientists have known that cells in different parts of the brain react to attributes such as color, taste or quantity.

Dr Camillo Padaoa-Schioppa and John Assad, an associate professor of neurobiology, found neurons involved in assigning values that help people to make choices.'"
Like many of you, whenever we used to watch those appeals for contributions on PBS, we'd get irritated. But now we understand.
Okay, We Know Already, Bush is Not a Dog That Learns New Tricks! -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
Newseek: The U.S. military is in Iraq for the long haul. Does the public understand? 4/24
Iraq is now a sex trafficker's paradise 4/24
Bin Laden audiotape reveals he's still alive. Like a bad marksman, Bush keeps missing the target. 4/24
Kerry Would Defeat Bush in New U.S. Election. And Al Gore Already Beat Bush in 2000. Bush is a Loserman.
Here's Something You Can Do to Improve the World in a Click of the Mouse. Support Fair Trade on BuzzFlash.com: Empowering People, Creating Jobs, Sustaining Lives. It's in your hands to make a difference.
Bush Meets Privately With Right Wing Think Tank Promoting Military Strike On Iran
Taliban very much alive, attack U.S.-funded construction company 4/24
Saudis and Chinese consolidate trade pacts 4/24

23.Apr.2006 https://911review.org/Sept11Wiki/AshcroftFlyingHigh.shtml
26.Jul.2001 CBS released their story "Ashcroft Flying High", which is still described as one of the biggest evidence on prior knowledge about the

11.Sep.2001 attack: "Fishing rod in hand, Attorney General John Ashcroft left on a weekend trip to Missouri Thursday afternoon aboard a chartered government jet, reports CBS News Correspondent Jim Stewart.

In response to inquiries from CBS News over why Ashcroft was traveling exclusively by leased jet aircraft instead of commercial airlines, the Justice Department cited what it called a "threat assessment" by the FBI + said Ashcroft has been advised to travel only by private jet for the remainder of his term." Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2001/07/26/national/main303601.shtml

But John Ashcroft was aware of a pending attack on america!

A few weeks earlier,

09.May 2001 he testified in a Joint Hearing on U.S. Federal Efforts to Combat Terrorism: "...It is clear that American citizens are the target of choice of international terrorists... ...As relates to terrorist acts directed against U.S. interests overseas, the Department of Justice works closely with a number of other federal agencies, including the Departments of State, Defense + the CIA... ...By making effective use of intelligence information, we seek to involve the FBI in the investigation of terrorist plots as early in the chain of conspiratorial events as possible..." https://www.senate.gov/~appropriations/commerce/testimony/agterror.htm At the same time Ashcroft ignored telephone calls by David Schippers (->), who was in contact with FBI-agent Robert Wright (->), who had infomations on an attack on america. https://www.911review.org:   Home Page, Search.
CNN Slowed Down - In Plane Site!
N.Y. County Mandates Wireless Security CmdrTaco 50 Mynister writes

"CNN has an article about Westchester County NY forcing small business to use basic security on their wireless networks.

From the article "The law also requires that businesses offering Internet access -- coffeehouses and hotels, for example -- post signs warning that users should have firewalls or other security measures.""
Reaktion auf Qaida-Botschaft: Hamas distanziert sich von Bin-Laden-Äußerung
Columbine-Jahrestag: Polizei vereitelt mehrere Highschool-Massaker
Die spinnen, die Römer, sagte schon ein berühmter beleibter Gallier.

Lebte jener Obelix noch, der stets für eine zünftige Rauferei mit römischen Legionären zu haben war, hätte er sich wahrscheinlich die Hände gerieben.

In Rom traten heute nämlich ganze Kohorten originalgetreu kostümierter Soldaten auf, komplett mit galea (Helm), scutum (Schild) + gladius (Kurzschwert).

Anlass war der 2759. Jahrestag der Gründung Roms (21. April 753 v. Chr.).
Pixel noise said to create unique camera "fingerprint" Marc Perton Filed under:

Digital Cameras Researchers at Binghamton University in New York have filed for a patent on a method of extracting unique identifying information from digital photos, based on pixel noise. According to the researchers, each camera generates its own digital "fingerprint" ...
While CIA Analyst is Fired..What about those Secret Torture Prisons? Site admin 
This is just going to get worse and worse.

Foolish Forecast: Nudging Netflix Views you can use to get clues on tomorrow's news.
A long road to a clean planet, academics say
Google Violates Miro's Copyright? CmdrTaco 86Anonymous Coward writes

"In a homage to Joan Miro on his birthday, Google changed its logo as to spell out the word "Google" in Miro's style. Google has a history of changing its logo in order to commemorate events and holidays of particular significance. In this case, the homage was not well received by the Miro family or the Artists Rights Society which represents them, as reported by the Mercury News. According to Theodore Feder, president of the ARS, "There are underlying copyrights to the works of Miro + they are putting it up without having the rights". The ARS demanded that Google removed the logo + Google complied, though not without adding that it did not believe it was in violation of copyright. The ARS has raised similar complaints regarding Google's tribute to Salvador Dali in 2002. "It's a distortion of the original works and in that respect it violates the moral rights of the artist," Feder said." It seems to me that the art world has a glorious history of incorporating prior art into modern creations. It's amusing to me that ARS doesn't understand that.
Tony Blair is Mad ... as a Hatter
Bloglines user bill.giltner@gmail.com has sent this item to you.

Postman Patel
Sometimes I think this whole world / Is one big prison yard. / Some of us are prisoners / The rest of us are guards. Bob Dylan
Tony Blair is Mad ... as a Hatter By Postman

Tony Blair interviewed by the grossly overweight Con Coghlan Sunday Telegraph 23/4/06 "Yes, it's true a lot of people expressed that view. But I had come to the conclusion before we came to office - and even more so afterwards - that the transatlantic alliance was crucial to the security of the world." "I never had a moment's doubt about this. Because 9/11 for me was, "Right, now I get it. I
The Truth About The DLC and friends
Bloglines user SeanMcBride (smcbride2@yahoo.com) has sent this item to you, with the following personal message:

The neocons control the Democratic Party through the DLC (Democratic Leadership Councl) + are seeking to create a one-party state in America, erasing Democratic and Republican distinctions, that will wage eternal war against the entire world on behalf of Israel. Traditional Republicans, conservatives and Christian evangelicals under the Bush administration have been hoodwinked by a cabal of ultra-leftists and Trotskyites who are focused like a laser beam on the interests of a single nation -- Israel.
This article manages to connect a great many dots that are unknown to most Americans who may even have a sophisticated understanding of politics.

Anti DLC Coalition
The Truth About The DLC and friends By Cch092775

The Progressive Independent has provided a comprehensive history of the DLC and its affiliates that every Liberal/Progressive Democrat should familiarize himself/herself with.

It is for this reason that I have posted it on "Democrats Against The DLC" and "Anti DLC Coalition".

Our battle is not just against Republicans, we as progressives must be cognizant of the enemy within whose primary objective is to create ONE political party consisting of the Republican party + its surrogate cancerous sibling the Democratic Leadership Council. PNAC.

What informed American hasn't heard of the treacherous Project for a New American Century by now?
PNAC is a small off-shoot, occupying the 5th floor, of the
American Enterprise Institute which has been around since 1943.

The AEI has 12 very busy floors where its operative have had plenty of time to send their operatives over to infiltrate the Democratic Party, or leave them in to be more accurate since the PNACers & AEIers are ORIGINALLY DEMOCRATS.

To this day Richard Perle, Fieth and Wolfowitz are still Democrats.

The day the Republican party, which they hijacked also, no longer suits their needs, they'll follow other PNAC neo-cons like Marshall Wittman back to the Democratic Party where the neoliberal Democratic Leadership Council is laying out the welcome mat for them.

The AEI, the PNAC & the DLC were founded by Scoop Jackson democrats who follow the philosophy of Leo Strauss.

To this day the DLC is stacked with neo-conservative ideologues, who maintain deep personal ties to the war-mongers in the Bush Administration.
The DLC is following the footsteps of its neo-conservative, war-mongering predecessor organizations of the 1970s:

00.000.1972 the Coalition for a Democratic Majority (CDM)((also see https://www.disinfopedia.org/wiki.phtml?title=Coalition_for_a_Democratic_Majority )), founded by the likes of

Richard Perle + Midge Decter + Norman Podhoretz + Irving Kristol + Jeane Kirkpatrick, among others;

00.000.1976 -founded in- the Committee on the Present Danger (CPD) ((also see www.rightweb.irc-online.org/groupwatch/cpd.php )),by Richard Perle + Midge Decter + Norman Podhoretz + Irving Kristol + Jeane Kirkpatrick, et al; + 00.000.1981 -founded in- by exactly the same crew the Committee for the Free World (CFW) (( also see https://www.disinfopedia.org/wiki.phtml?title=Committee_for_the_Free_World )),.

Rounding out the picture, CFW's chairman was none other than Donald Rumsfeld.

The "missing link" between the "Democratic" DLC + the now "Republican" CDM/CPD/CFW neo-cons, is the Social Democrats-USA, (SDUSA),

whose chairman, Penn Kemble, was the Executive Director of the Coalition for a Democratic Majority in 1972,

until he brought in Richard Perle's underling Stephen Bryen to take his place.

Bryen, who created the hawkish Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) in the early 1980s,

when he served as Perle's aide at the Department of Defense,

is another leading member of the neo-conservative gang that wants to go to war against the entire Arab world in the name of anti-terrorism.

Providing daily coordination between Perle and Bryen would be Joshua Muravchik, a fixture at nearly every American Enterprise Institute event--but also a leader of SDUSA since its creation.

The DLC + SDUSA both maintain extremely close links to Tony Blair's British "New Labour" party faction + in parallel, are out to recreate a new version of the Coalition for a Democratic Majority in time for the

2004 elections.

The battle cry for this effort is to follow the "strong defense" lead of the original CDM's heroes:

the late Dem Senators Henry "Scoop" Jackson + Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

The CDM's two leading lights in Congress were the Democratic Senators Jackson and Moynihan.

The Cold Warrior and fanatically pro-IsraelJackson remains the model for the DLC crowd today.

Former DLC president Joe Lieberman declares he is proud to be identified as a"'Scoop' Jackson Democrat."

It was these two Senators' offices that housed the Straussians behind the no-exit Iraq War. https://forums.alternet.org/guest/motet?show+-ui13dz+-ilad+Issues+527+-25

-From Jackson's office:

Paul Wolfowitz Richard Perle Frank Gaffney

From Moynihan's office:

Elliott Abrams Abram Shulsky Gary Schmitt

00.000.1999 Norman Podhoretz, known as the "father" of neo-conservatism, wrote that the CDM was created to destroy the policies of 1972 Dem nominee George McGovern in the Democratic Party,

especially because of McGovern's opposition the CDM was a flop that "never got off the ground."

But in the mid-00.000.1980 s, the DLC certainly did get off the ground, and controls the Democratic Party today. https://forums.alternet.org/guest/motet?show+-ui13dz+-ilad+Issues+527+-25 -"...

00.000.1970 -In the s- under the leadership of Carl Gershman, SD/USA ((Social Democrats-USA)) became a supporter of Sen. Henry Jackson and his contingent of conservative, hawkish "defenders of democracy."

As such, they gained a great deal of political experience + savvy, but little political power.

It was not until the election of Ronald Reagan

in 1980, that the SD/USA achieved positions of power + influence in both the labor movement + the government. (2)...""https://rightweb.irc-online.org/groupwatch/sd-usa.php

"Some SD-USA members:"Carl Gershman, chair of SD/USA from

00.000.1974-00.000.1980 was an aide to Jeane Kirkpatrick when she was the U.S. ambassador to the UnitedNations.

00.000.1984 he served as an adviser to the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America (the Kissinger Commission) established by President Reagan. (

2) Penn Kemble was on the advisory committee of the U.S. Information Agency's (USIA) Voice of America.

(34) ArchPuddington worked for USIA's Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

(35) Elliott Abrams was Assistant Secretary of State for InterAmericanAffairs in the Reagan administration.

Prior to that he served as Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and as a staffer forSen. Henry Jackson.

(40) Abrams was a major figure in the Iran-Contra Affair.

(41) Bruce McColm served as a consultant to the U.S. Senate's Central American Monitoring Group and has taken congressional representatives on fact-finding tours in Central America.

(11) Jeane Kirkpatrick was the U.S. delegate to the United Nations during the Reagan administration.

(53) Max Kampleman was a legislative counselfor Sen. Hubert Humphrey and a chief U.S. negotiator to the Geneva arms talks with the Soviet Union.

(40) The anti-communist, anti-left fervor of SD-USA is no second to PNAC (or the DLC, for that matter).

Members were leaders in the AFL-CIO's efforts in overthrowing Allende in Chile + later in anti-left action in Central America;

they have been in the leadership of the CIA's subversion wing -- the NED -- since its inception;

they have been on the board of the terrorist Mas Canosa's Cuban-American National Foundation;

they supported the 2002 coup against Chavez in Venezuela + continue to support opposition terrorists, purging unions in Venezuela (just as everywhere else) of any "left" leadership or influence by whatever means necessary. https://forums.alternet.org/guest/motet?show+-ui13dz+-ilad+Issues+527+-25

-Michael Lind for instance traced their roots back to the right wing Shactmanite faction of the American Trotskyite movement who entered the Democratic Party in the 1960s +

then split with the Left over the Vietnam War.

Many members of this group continued their rightward itinerary by rallying to Senator Scoop Jackson’s campaign against the New Democrats.

Some finished with the Democratic Leadership Council, while others found a home in the Reagan + now the Bush fils administrations.

Other critics who promote an “Iran-Contra bis” scenario for the current flap over intelligence trace the group back to the policy cabal that had promoted the Contra war against the Sandinistas + who had lost their power + influence in the second Reagan Administration as a result of the Iran-Contra hearings of the late 00.000.1980 s.

Let me point out, that another committee spawned from the same hellish cancer was the
Balkan Action Committee which brought us step one of the PNAC wars, the one against Yugoslavia + was staffed by the same neo-Cons. Rumsfeld, Perle, Wolfowitz, Abramowitz, Carlucci were all on its executive Committee.

They're pretty much the same.

Both the same cancer, coming from the same place & destroying both parties.

If I were a Republican, I'd be pissed as hell at the Democrats from whom this spawned.

But as such I'm just a Progressive Democrat determined to keep that vermin out and toss out the ones they left behind warming their butts in my party.

Lieberman, Feinstein, Kerry- ever wonder why they really went along with the war?

It had nothing to do with being fooled!

These wars were planned long ago with full complicity of the Democratic Leadership Council which firmly endorsed this war + has endorsed every scheme against the people that the Bush Administration has wanted.
Bush (and the Neocons) Are Ruining American Access to Foreign Oil
[More on the worst presidential administration in American history front, which has two years left to hammer the final nails in the coffin of the USA

By the time Bush and the neocons are through working their special magic, it may be impossible for anyone to repair the damage.]   https://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_ron_full_060422_a_militarist_manipul.htm   [Excerpt]   It should be clear to everyone by now that Bush' militarism has alienated the very sources of oil that we rely on for a steady supply at a reasonable price.

Just as a change in driving habits here in the U.S. could pressure the price,

a decrease in Bush's saber-rattling would unquestionably bring oil prices back down to Earth + not just for U.S. market.

A decrease in militarism by this American regime would cause a revival of the international cooperation which marked past periods of relatively low oil costs.
"If you can stop the politicians from making negative statements, I am sure you will see almost 15 dollars disappear from the price." Qatar's oil minister told reporters today.
On the other foot,

a continuation of the present intimidation campaign against Iran could lead to an actual military attack which would ensure prohibitive oil prices would remain in place for years, marked by increases of over $100 a barrel.

No amount of manipulation could wipe away that self-inflicted wound on our nation, come to pass as a result of the actions of this lame-duck loser.
Nepal protesters challenge curfew Clashes break out in Nepal as thousands of anti-royal protesters try to evade police and reach central Kathmandu.
Momentum gathers for IMF shake-up IMF chiefs back plans that could see an overhaul in the way the sprawling global institution is run.
Energy cost of PCs on standby Devices such as TVs consume electricity while on standby, but home computers are the worst culprits.
Congress readies new digital copyright bill Instead of reforming the DMCA, the U.S. government seems poised to expand it in a sweeping new proposal expected soon.
23.Apr.2006 https://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/background/wtc7.html#ref4

Building 7 was privately owned from the beginning, in contrast to the other six buildings, which were publicly owned until the summer of 2001. Building 7 was formerly the headquarters of the junk-bond firm Drexel Burnham Lambert, which contributed to the savings and loans collapse and $500 billion bailout of the latter 1980s. Emergency Command Center

The 23rd floor of Building 7 had received 15 million dollars' worth of renovations to create an emergency command center for then-Mayor Rudolf Giuliani. The features of the command center include: Bullet- and bomb-resistant windows An independent, secure air and water supply The ability to withstand winds of 200 mph
Seven World Trade Center,
SkyScrapers.com, [cached]
Giuliani Improvises After Command Center Gets Hit, Washington Technology, 10/08/01 [cached]
Terrorism and Anti-Terrorism, Gotham Gazette, 9/12/01 [cached]
Sudden Building Collapse Syndrome (SBCS) is not well understood. Perhaps that is why the 9/11 Commission Report made no mention of the sudden collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 late in the day on 11.Sep.2001.
The 9/11 Commission Report didn't include any information about the President's brother,  Marvin Bush either. Marvin Bush was a principal owner of the security firm, Securecom, aka Statesec, the company that held the contract to provide security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines and Dulles International Airport on Sept 11th, 2001.
But with the new popularity of online video the public is beginning to discover video tape evidence showing that the collapse of Building 7 occurs at free fall speed identical to what happens in a controlled demolition.
In a controlled demolition explosive charges are used to liquify weight bearing joints causing the walls to collapse directly into a building's footprint with no resistance at free fall speed.
Which may explain why traditional media outlets have never allowed the public to see video clips of Building 7 as it collapsed.  No airplane hit building 7 yet it collapses at free fall speed as did the twin towers earlier that same day.
But the work required to wire a 47 story building for a controlled demolition would have had to begin some time before Sept 11, 2001 and that points to Marvin Bush's security company.  Was Marvin Bush  sleeping on the job or very much awake?
Or did Building 7 commit suicide in an act of solidarity with the other two buildings?
Building 7
Marvin Bush

Video Building 7
Video Eye Witness  Firemen
11.Apr.2006 -->
BetterBadNews asks what happened to Building 7 at the WTC. Did it commit suicide?
23.Apr.2006 Major Oil Companies Operating in the Gulf Region Production Company of Fort Worth , Texas Harvard ... of the Ministry of Petroleum, until recently headquartered in Houston and headed by John Deuss www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/oilgulf.html
23.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-412348,00.html

Eine unmittelbare Gefahr für den Dollar sieht Fritsch allerdings auch noch nicht, da noch einige Jahre bis zum Entstehen der Golf-Währungsunion vergehen dürften. Die Entwicklung müsse "man jedoch im Auge behalten".

Auch Hellmeyer sieht bereits heute die Rolle des Dollars als primäre Reservewährung im Schwinden. So gab beispielsweise die schwedische Notenbank am Freitag bekannt gegeben, dass sie ihre Dollarreserven um 17 Prozentpunkte reduziert hat. "Eine weitere attraktive Währung dürfte die Rolle des Dollar weiter unterminieren." Laut Fritsch sprechen auch politische und religiös motivierte Faktoren für eine schnelle Akzeptanz der neuen Währung. Zweifel an einer möglichen Rolle als Reservewährung hat hingegen Angenendt, da die Region politisch immer noch sehr instabil sei.

Schnelle Akzeptanz erwartet

"Die geplante gemeinsame Golfwährung könnte die Rolle des Dollar als dominierende Ölwährung in Frage stellen und damit die Finanzierung des US-Leistungsbilanzdefizites unterminieren", sagte Devisenexperte Carsten Fritsch von der Commerzbank. Diese könne so zu einem erheblichen Belastungsfaktor für den Dollar werden. Die beratende Rolle der EZB dürfte den Einfluss und die Attraktivität des Euro in der Region erhöhen.

"Die künftige Währung wäre aufgrund der Deckung durch Öl-Einnahmen auch als potentielle Reservewährung für Zentralbanken interessant." Zudem würden die sechs Staaten ihre Ölexporte vermutlich in der neuen Golfwährung abwickeln, was die weltweite Dollarnachfrage verringern würde. Die betroffenen Länder verfügen über die Hälfte der bekannten weltweiten Erdölreserven.
O Rockefeller do Software no Pelourinho O inventor mais célebre do método foi John D. Rockefeller , o barão do petróleo ... Rockefeller , então o homem mais rico do mundo e um verdadeiro 'estado' no ...

23.Apr.2006 As ciências sociais francesas & as injecções de dinheiro da CIA A INSTRUMENTALIZAÇÃO DAS CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS SEGUNDO ROCKEFELLER

A partir de 1901, John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937), seguindo os conselhos do seu amigo Frederik ... https://resistir.info/franca/guerra_fria_cultural.html
Devisen: Arabische Währung könnte Dollar schwächen
23.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-412585,00.html

Was von dieser Regierungszeit neben der Ostpolitik übrig blieb, waren gewissermaßen intellektuelle Ansprüche, Botschaften und Zukunftsversprechen. Brandt hatte einen scharf entwickelten Sinn dafür, wie sich durch den Diskurs der Intellektuellen das geistige Klima verändern, die kulturellen Unterströmungen verschieben, mithin also auch die Voraussetzungen des Politischen neu ordnen konnten. Insofern bedeutete ihm der Umgang mit den Denkern und Dichtern viel.

Sie schmeichelten ihm, sie schrieben Reden für ihn, sie stritten um ihn - kurz: Sie waren fasziniert von ihm. In der Ära von Willy Brandt waren sich Intellektuelle und die Macht so nahe wie nie zuvor oder danach in der Bundesrepublik

Brandt und die Intellektuellen - das war schon ein besonderes Kapitel in der bundesrepublikanischen Geschichte. Zu keinem anderen Kanzler fanden die Schriftsteller, Regisseure, Bildhauer und Maler eine solche Nähe, einen solchen Zugang wie zu Willy Brandt. Das fing bereits mit der unbürgerlichen Lebensgeschichte Brandts an, die den Bohemiens so imponierte. Brandt war der Emigrant, während die anderen Spitzenpolitiker - und ebenso die Intellektuellen meist selber! - überwiegend in der Wehrmacht Hitlers gedient hatten.

Der New Yorker Künstler Spencer Tunick ist bekannt für  Aufsehen erregende Assemblagen nackter Menschen vor urbaner Kulisse. Seine neueste Aktion fand im spanischen San Sebastián statt: 1200 Freiwillige küssten und umarmten sich am Strand der baskischen Küstenstadt.

San Sebastián - "Die Basken sind gar nicht so prüde, wie man behauptet", sagte Tunick laut dpa. Der New Yorker Aktionskünstler hatte eigentlich nur mit 300 freiwilligen Models gerechnet. Zum gestrigen Fotoshooting erschienen waren jedoch rund 1200 Menschen, die sich mit Freude nackt auszogen und sich küssend und umarmend am Strand der nordspanischen Küstenstadt San Sebastián tummelten.
Another Smoking Gun: The CIA had evidence Iraq possessed no weapons of mass destruction six months before the 2003 US-led invasion but was ignored by a White House intent on ousting Saddam Hussein, a former senior CIA official said, according to CBS.
In Unprecedented CIA Action to Silent Those Who Would Expose America's Evil Ruling Cabal, Bushevik's Langley "Enforcer," Porter Goss (Cheney's Boy Toy), Fires CIA Heroine Who Exposed the Potential War Crimes of the Bush Crowd
Cheney, the Vice Napper in Chief 4/23

23.Apr.2006 Lawyer for former AIPAC lobbyist says Condi Rice leaked national defense information in the same manner that landed a lower-level Pentagon official a 12-year prison sentence
Corruption in la migra runs amok: U.S. border cops take bribes 4/23

23.Apr.2006 A federal judge in Kansas has dealt another blow to the crusade by the state's attorney general, Phill Kline, to restrict abortions under the phony banner of combating child abuse 4/23
As Bush welcomed the Chinese leader, he stressed "the importance of respecting human rights and freedoms of the Chinese people" - a theme that Bush stressed throughout the visit. And Then Bush Suppresed the Rights and Free Speech of a Woman Who Demanded the Chinese Leader Stop Sanctioning the Torture and Executions of Followers of Falun Gong. Bush is the Hypocrite of the Century. Meanwhile, Cheney Caught Napping. 4/23

23.Apr.2006 Iraq's first "permanent" prime minister is a novice known for toughness and hardline Shiite image 4/23
London Times: New Iraqi PM is "abrasive figure," and there's fear that his "combative personality hardly made him an ideal choice to lead a government of national unity." 4/23
Bush isn't helping rebuild New Orleans + Schwarzenegger is apparently embarrassed 4/23

23.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-412643,00.html

Die Ansprache dauerte elf Minuten und 26 Sekunden. Zuletzt war vor drei Monaten eine Botschaft Bin Ladens aufgetaucht. Die Aufnahme vom 19. Januar tauchte einen Monat später in voller Länge auf einer Internetseite auf. Bin Laden hatte in der Botschaft geschworen, sich niemals lebendig gefangen nehmen zu lassen. Er bot den USA auch einen Waffenstillstand an, drohte jedoch zugleich mit weiteren Anschlägen auf dem Boden der Vereinigten Staaten.
Kairo - Einmal mehr hat Osama bin Laden seine Hasstiraden per Audio-Botschaft verbreitet - vorausgesetzt, bei der Stimme auf dem Tonband handelt es sich tatsächlich um die des Qaida-Chefs.
23.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ So much of what we do here on the web is invest in a kind of wild speculation, to quote the leaker in chief (though surely ours is far more educated than his might be from “hearing the voices and reading the front page). What we do is gather information and try to discern its meanings in order to forecast what might happen next. Or soon.
23.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ good forecasters – as good leaders and investigators and sailors – are, above all, patient.
23.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ this very sage cautionary piece by none other than Jane Hamsher, who warns us that the presumption that Rove is soon to be indicted might be foolhardy, as she finds not enough evidence to call this either inevitable or imminent.

23.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ The only thing she admitted as convincing was David Schuster’s point that every “Official A” Fitz has ever named in a primary indictment has himself ultimately been indicted.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Ryan’s convictions on all 18 counts took eight years to bring to closure. And Fitz is still at it, going after Chicago Mayor John Daly and several others.
23.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Larry Johnson gives us some background and inside poop on the agent who was fired for leaking the US foreign prison story to Dana Priest. Certain questions raised there, as well, so again, we must be patient, and diligent, in our watch on these matters, as well as the suggestion that Condi, too, has those leaky loose lips that sink ships.
23.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ And above all, show patience + faith in their vessel. So let us all await the fair wind blowin’ out the south over our shoulders. Then we’ll set our course and go…. Permalink
23.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Yup...He's a real character alrighty. https://www.issuesandalibis.org/campsd.html
23.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ In any case, I have to doubt that his front page reads anything like this one: They Said "Well, This Isn't About Intel Anymore. This Is About Regime Change”
You'll be able to get the full story tomorrow night on 60 Minutes (CBS, 7 PM EST) as they cover the CIA agent who claims there was no intel supporting WMDs and the administration knew it. Don't miss it.

23.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ don't miss this wonderful rendition of the Eggman in W's face.
23.Apr.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ You know we're making progress when there is so much unabashed + unbridled fun-poking and protest singing at the chimp 'n chief's expense (more on these entertainments soon). Permalink
23.Apr.2006 Neues Tonband: Bin Laden wettert gegen Isolation der Hamas
23.Apr.2006 Selbstmordversuch: Mann überlebte zwölf Nägel im Kopf
Abstimmung über Bürgermeister: Stichwahl in New Orleans
23.Apr.2006 Rentenversicherungen: Trügerische Sicherheit bei Fondspolicen
23.Apr.2006 Hypnose im OP-Saal: In Trance unters Messer
23.Apr.2006 Ölpreisexplosion: Bush warnt Amerikaner vor hartem Sommer
23.Apr.2006 Steve Lendman: The US Gulag Prison System : Today the US shamelessly has more people behind bars than any other nation including China with over 4 times our population

23.Apr.2006 While Washington Slept: The scientific establishment is loud and clear. If global warming isn't halted, rising sea levels could submerge coastal cities by 2100. So how did this virtual certainty get labeled a "liberal hoax"?
23.Apr.2006 Israeli Spy Affair:
Rice leaked To AIPAC? Asked to testify in Aipac trial : A US district court allowed the defense in the trial of two former Aipac employees to ask Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to testify in the trial, after claiming that Rice leaked to the Aipac staffers the same information that they had received from a former Pentagon employee and for which they are being prosecuted.

23.Apr.2006 CIA Officer Fired for Leaking Information: In a rare move, the CIA has fired an employee for leaking classified information to the press

23.Apr.2006 Ex-Official: White House Ignored Doubts About Iraq: The former chief of the CIA's European operation is accusing the White House of ignoring the spy agency's doubts that Iraq had a budding nuclear program or weapons of mass destruction as the U.S. prepared for war.

23.Apr.2006 Somali Islamists declare jihad on warlords : Tension soared in the capital of lawless Somalia on Friday as Mogadishu's powerful Islamic courts declared jihad, or holy war, on a militia alliance widely believed to be backed by the USA.

23.Apr.2006 30% cleared but still kept in Guantanamo jail: Nearly 30 per cent of the Guantanamo detainees have been cleared to leave the prison but remain jailed because the U.S. government has been unable to arrange for their return to their home countries, the Pentagon said yesterday.

23.Apr.2006 Fidel Castro Interviewed by Ignacio Ramonet: Fidel ordered Chávez's 'Rescue': "They attempted to execute Chávez but the firing squad refused to shoot"

23.Apr.2006 US Holds War Games in Honduras: US troops opened military exercises in Honduras on Friday, amid increased condemnation by social and political groups + municipal authorities who say the maneuvers are an interventionist provocation.

23.Apr.2006 Venezuela, Cuba likely to get U.N. spots: The Bush administration is battling to stop Venezuela and Cuba from gaining seats in important U.N. posts in a confrontation that has many Latin American nations caught in the middle, diplomats and analysts say.

23.Apr.2006 Bill Moyers : Remembering Bill Coffin: You rode with Bill through the Deep South, chasing Jim Crow from long impregnable barriers imposed on freedom. You rose with Bill against the Vietnam War, were arrested with him, shared jail with him + at night in your cells joined in singing the Hallelujah Chorus with him. You rallied with him against the horrors of nuclear weapons.
Afghanistan's Capital Mostly in the Dark : One hundred afghani, or about $2, buy enough electricity to run a single lamp for four hours a night. Enough power to run a TV costs $5 — a significant sum in a city where a policeman's salary is around $50 a month.

23.Apr.2006 Hamas: Israel recognition against land : Peace with Israel is achievable only if it returns land seized in 1967, including Jerusalem, back to Palestine, a senior Hamas leader has said.

23.Apr.2006 Khalid Mashal speech: No way we will bend to US, Israeli & Fateh pressure to be subservient to the Zionists: Last night’s speech by Hamas Political Office leader Khalid Mashal, put Fateh officials over the edge. They went so far as to refer to Mashal’s words from exile in Syria to “seditious.” Fateh called it “preparation for civil war,” and accused Mashal of “slander, lies, fabrications + blind-spite.”
23.Apr.2006 War pimp alert:
Iran dismisses Rice's 'self defence' warning : Iran dismissed a US warning it could strike Iranian nuclear installations in the name of self-defence, with the foreign ministry arguing the threat was a sign of frustration in Washington.

23.Apr.2006 War pimp alert: Russia must freeze arms deals with Iran : US: Russia must stop any arms deals with Iran and other nations must bar the sale of dual-use technologies to Tehran to put pressure on Iran to abandon its nuclear programme, a senior US official said on Friday.

23.Apr.2006 Attack Iran, Ignore the Constitution : George W. Bush famously proclaimed that he didn't have to ask anyone's permission to defend America. Does that mean he can attack Iran without having to ask Congress? A new Congressional resolution being drafted by Representative Peter DeFazio, a Democrat from Oregon, can be a vehicle to remind Bush that he can't.

23.Apr.2006 Iran - India Gas Link Deal Close Despite US Ire : Iran, India and Pakistan are close to signing a gas pipeline deal, the Iranian and Pakistani oil ministers told Reuters on Saturday, defying U.S. opposition to the project.

23.Apr.2006 Attack Iran, Ignore the Constitution : George W. Bush famously proclaimed that he didn't have to ask anyone's permission to defend America. Does that mean he can attack Iran without having to ask Congress? A new Congressional resolution being drafted by Representative Peter DeFazio, a Democrat from Oregon, can be a vehicle to remind Bush that he can't.

23.Apr.2006 Support This Bill: Illinois General Assembly : President Bush-Impeachment: This bill: Urges the General Assembly to submit charges to the U. S. House of Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the President of the USA, George W. Bush, for willfully violating his Oath of Office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the USA and if found guilty urges his removal from office and disqualification to hold any other office in the USA.

23.Apr.2006 UK: Ancram calls for Britain to pull out of Iraq : Michael Ancram, the former Conservative deputy leader, has broken ranks with his party to demand that British troops should pull out of Iraq.

23.Apr.2006 Warning: oil will hit $85 a barrel this year : The growing likelihood of a further rise in the price of oil was revealed in a poll by research house Ideaglobal this weekend. The average view was a peak of $85 a barrel this year but at least one respondent said the price of oil could go even higher to reach $90.
War in Iraq tops Americans' concerns, according to Gallup poll: Four and a half years after Sept. 11, terror is no longer the issue on the top of Americans' minds, surpassed by the war in Iraq, immigration, fuel prices and even anger at politicians, a new poll says.

23.Apr.2006 Report: Iran, Russia Reach Enrichment Deal : Iran ‘s envoy to the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency said Saturday the Islamic republic had reached a "basic deal" with the Kremlin to form a joint uranium enrichment venture on Russian territory, state-run television reported.
Worldwide Terror Attacks Exceed 10,000 : The numbers are a striking reminder that violence around the globe has dramatically increased in the more than four years of the "war on terror".