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27.Jan.2007 [NYTr] How Bush's Grandfather Helped Hitler's Rise to Power

What these files show is that on

20.Oct.1942 the alien property custodian seized the assets of the UBC, of which Prescott Bush was a director.
Monday's Show: Can peace rise from hate? Is Hillary too sexy to be ... Worse, part of Dub-a-Ya's money comes from grandfather Prescott Bush's financial alliance with ...

17.Nov.1942 It too was seized as a Nazi-front on .
Origenes Obscuros De Una Fortuna [Archivo] - Foros de Yahoo!Telemundo

00.000.1926 -en- Esos bancos eran la UBC, que presidió Prescott Bush la sociedad Brown ...
Armageddon Online Forums - Trial of the Burning Bush> On

20.Oct.1942 under authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act, the US Congress seized UBC and liquidated its assets after the war.
Armageddon Online Forums - Trial of the Burning Bush> Bush sr's father, Prescot Bush, is a known funder of the Nazi cause during WWII.

As if it isn't enough that PRESCOT BUSH funded NAZI Germany in the war, ...
The Bush family have been starting wars for nearly a century. Samuel Prescott Bush (1863 October 4 Brick Church NJ - 1948 February 8 Columbus OH) ... 21

At the 1942 NAM convention, NAM went on record of supporting Free ...
It's time for another Bush/Nazis thread In

00.Oct.1942 -ten months after entering WWII.- America was preparing its first assault against Nazi military forces. Prescott Bush was managing ...
Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler : Winners and Losers The article you reference per Prescot Bush shows a rather convoluted connection to German companies that had ties to a bank Bush worked for. In 1942 all ...
27.Jan.2007 Bush-Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951 After the seizure in late

00.000.1942 of five US corporations, that Bush managed on behalf of the Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen, Prescott Bush, the father of ...
Prescott Bush A Nazi Profiteer? [Archive] - White Sox Interactive ...

After the seizures in late 1942 of five US enterprises he managed on behalf of Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen, Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President ...
Newsweek Poland: The Bush Family and Nazis Date: 05/03/2003

In 1942 there was an investigation of United Banking Corp. ... Only

after 1943 did Prescott Bush resign from the UBC + he even began work generating ...

Bij bezoek Bush aan Nederland Het Amerikaanse filiaal van de bank, UBC, stond onder leiding van Prescott Bush, de grootvader van de huidige president.

Geschat wordt dat de Amerikaanse ...
20061114 However, Prescott Bush's banks were not just financing Hitler as previously .

Prescott Bush continued with business as usual, aiding the Nazi invasion ...
Life on Brian's Beat -- George W. Bush and the 'fascist rite'

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, ... which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the... down with murder inc UBC also bought and shipped overseas gold, steel, coal + US Treasury and war ...

08.Jul.1942 Prescott Bush letter to the editor the next day (193) ...

America the Horrible. - Page 6 - The Orange Mane - a Denver ...

00.Oct.1942 -ten months after entering WWII., ... ( UBC ); this is `` Bunny '' Harriman, described by Prescott Bush as a place holder who didn't ...
Illegal Immigration VS Americans for Legal Immigration PAC Forums ...

28.Oct.1942 the US government confiscated the assets of two firms that served ... | View topic - The Fighting First Family

20.Oct.1942 the US government ordered the seizure of Nazi German ...

The President of UBC at that time was George Herbert Walker, Prescott Bush's ...
27.Jan.2007 - DSM - Congress ... committee wilt under political pressure applied by the Vice President in partisan meetings held ... Cons like Karl Rove + Dick Cheney, ...
27.Jan.2007 Bolton Said to Orchestrate Unlawful Firing (Downing Street Memo ... 16. I can hear Dick Lugar right now telling us that this is just an ... As a senior vice president at the American Enterprise Institute, ...
20051117 Dutch intelligence and US government archives, President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott ... oil companies met with Vice President ...
200407300802_und_Report [Translate this page] Donald Rumsfeld + Dick Armey concerning Israel's right to ...

You're either with us or against us ." ...
20060819 ... pictures of naked men cowering before guard dogs or arranged in a pig pile in ... sich mit den Erfolgen der Ermittlung zu schmücken - und dabei, vielleicht auch ...

TP: Mein Enron stinkt ... dass das wahre Kriegsziel der ungehinderte Zugriff auf Bodenschätze sein könnte. ... werden, dass selbst die heulenden " dogs of war" irgendwann zu winseln ...
27.Jan.2007 9/11 Was Inside Government Job [Archive] - It's Happening Forums "The Black Pope”, ordered the attack on the World Trade Center (

Have Fun LOL :happy_11:
20060223 Feb.2006 Truth About UAE Port Security Scandal Quietly Leaks Out: The more you read about the UAE port security scandal, the more it becomes patently obvious ...
27.Jan.2007 Oman Information and Online... ... Disputes - international: northern boundary with the UAE has not been bilaterally defined; northern section in the Musandam Peninsula is an administrative ...

Sep.2005 Gaspreise : Eon Ruhrgas will sich gegen staatliche Eingriffe wehren ...
Sep.2005 Berufsverbot: Linker Lehrer darf auch in Hessen nicht unterrichten ...

Klimaschutz: Deutsche Autobosse setzen EU unter Druck


00.Nov.2006 gewannen die Demokraten die Kongresswahlen. Wie wichtig waren Blogs dafür?

Huffington: Sie haben eine Menge dazu beigetragen, auch weil sie das Thema Irak so stark betont haben.

Die Wahlen wurden vor allem durch dieses Thema entschieden - was die Führung der Demokraten so gar nicht erwartet hatte. Wähler und Blogger waren ihr da voraus.

Jack Murtha hat als erster einflussreicher Kandidat der Demokraten den Irak zum zentralen Thema erklärt + wir von der "Huffington Post" haben ihn unterstützt.

Er hat ein Blog für uns geführt, wir haben von den Nachrichten zu seinem Blog verlinkt.

So haben wir ihm geholfen, seine Botschaft an den Mann zu bringen: dass der Konflikt im Irak sich zu einem Bürgerkrieg entwickelt hat, dass die USA da nichts mehr verloren haben.

Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war das kein Standpunkt, den die Parteispitze der Demokraten vertrat.
Das ist Hillary Clintons Problem mit der Blogosphäre: Sie ist so berechnend, dass man es förmlich riechen kann. Jeder Gedanke wurde von ihr und ihren Ratgebern auf vielfache Weise durchgegangen.

Das ist so künstlich!
Für die meisten Blogger ist Authentizität ein wichtiges Kriterium.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Frau Huffington, revolutioniert das Internet gerade den politischen Diskurs in den USA?

Arianna Huffington: Definitiv.
Blogger und die ganze Online-Community zeigen den Mainstream-Medien im Augenblick, wo es langgeht.
27.Jan.2007 Star- Bloggerin Huffington: "Wir rütteln die Mainstream- Medien auf"
27.Jan.2007 Kanada: Fälschlich Verdächtigter nach Syrien ausgeliefert - Millionenentschädigung
Godfather George Herbert Walker Bush Complains that the Corporate Press is Beating Up on Junior. Wah-Wah! LOL. Daddy Bush Says That He's Taken to Talking Back to the Television Set. Grab a Butterfly Net for that Bush Too.
All four of the anti-terror 'successes' that Bush listed in his State of the Union address were fictional
Be the first to know. Does Your Inbox Buzz? Click here for free daily updates. Tell your friends and relatives to sign up and be the first to get Buzzed everyday.
White House anxiety is mounting over the prospect that top officials?including deputy chief of staff Karl Rove and counselor Dan Bartlett-may be forced to provide potentially awkward testimony in the perjury and obstruction trial of Lewis (Scooter) Libby. 1/27

27.Jan.2007 This Is What Happens When You Let Dick Cheney Out of His Undisclosed Location: The Reasons Behind the Madness -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
Pelosi Travels to Iraq, Defies "the Decider" 1/27
Planned Afghanistan Troop "Surge" Missing from Bush Speech after Bush Botches that War, Too. What's another 3,200? -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
Tom Tancredo could well be the #1 nutcase in the GOP. His latest: calling for an end to the Congressional Black Caucus, the Hispanic Caucus and Asian Pacific American Caucus... all in the name of racial equality 1/27
Liberal Texas columnist Molly Ivins has been hospitalized in her ongoing battle with breast cancer, her assistant said Friday. "We're not sure what's going to happen, but she's very sick." BuzzFlash Loves You, Mollie. 1/27
Bush backs force against Iranians in Iraq: Does he have any idea what he's doing? 1/27

27.Jan.2007 Mindestlohn- Debatte: SPD verstärkt Druck auf die Union

27.Jan.2007 Arbeitskampf: Brüsseler VW- Arbeiter erstreiken Job- Garantie
27.Jan.2007 Londoner Pannen- Bomber: Überwachungsvideo zeigt missglückten Terroranschlag

27.Jan.2007 RAF- Gnadendebatte: Christian Klar bekennt seine Schuld
Im Feuilleton schildert Regina Mönch den Fall des in Berlin lebenden Übersetzers Dennis Mulholland, der von einem Maurer angegriffen wurde, ihn gebissen hat und deshalb vor Gericht stand.
Ulf Erdmann Ziegler
erinnert sich an den "schönen Terrorismus" der RAF, die für den Teenager eine Band mit Knarren statt Gitarren war und große Oper bot.
Besprochen werden Alex Gibneys
Dokumentarfilm "Enron"
Gustav Seibt war dabei, als bei der feierlichen Eröffnung des Jahres der Geisteswissenschaften staatstragende Phrasen gedroschen wurden.
27.Jan.2007 Die Welt,

In der Literarischen Welt spricht der Schriftsteller Norman Mailer im Interview mit Karin Davison über seinen Roman "The Castle in the Forest", in dem er den jungen Adolf Hitler als von Anfang an böses, vom Teufel gesandtes Kind darstellt: "Ich glaube, dass es einen Teufel gibt. Ich nehme es an. Das Universum scheint mir einfacher zu verstehen, wenn es einen Teufel gibt, als wenn es ihn nicht gäbe. Gibt es ihn nicht, stehen wir vor einer unermesslichen Geschichte. Sie ließe uns mit einem allmächtigen guten Gott allein, während das Böse in der Welt doch allgegenwärtig ist. Alle Erklärungen, warum es das Böse gibt und Gott trotzdem gut ist, finde ich furchtbar unbefriedigend. Wirklich furchtbar unbefriedigend... Dass es in der einen oder anderen Form einen Teufel gibt, erscheint mir deshalb unausweichlich. Ich habe mich entschieden, einen brillanten Bürokraten aus ihm zu machen."
Richard Powers '
Hirnforschungsroman "Das Echo der Erinnerung"
Das Feuilleton: So ganz normal ist das Lachen über Hitler in Deutschland noch nicht,
stellt Joachim Güntner in seiner Zusammenfassung der Diskussion über Dani Levys Film "Mein Führer" fest.
der Präsident Juan Domingo Peron, mit seiner Gattin Evita . Als dieser 1955 aus dem Amt geputscht wurde, machte man auch seine Residenz dem Erdboden gleich.
Norman Mailer gesteht der "Welt" seinen Glauben an den Teufel in Adolf Hitler.
27.Jan.2007 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Todeskampf der alten Kräfte"

27.Jan.2007 Fall Kurnaz: Steinmeier würde wieder so entscheiden

27.Jan.2007 Potsdam: Erste Tramper- Haltestelle Deutschlands geplant
27.Jan.2007 Backpfeifen für Schüler: Japans Regierung plant "Prügelstrafe light"
Posse um US- Forscher: Showdown mit schwulen Schafböcken

27.Jan.2007 Militäreinsatz: Rice will deutsche Tornados in Südafghanistan

27.Jan.2007 EU- Verfassung: Abfuhr für Merkel in Prag
20061114 However, Prescott Bush's banks were not just financing Hitler as previously.

Prescott Bush continued with business as usual, aiding the Nazi invasion ...
200407300802_und_Report ... president as something akin to al Qaeda. ... right or wrong" or "You're either with us or against us ." Quite the opposite, ...

27.Jan.2007 United States Navy: Secretary of the Navy Secretary England served as the 72nd Secretary of the Navy from

24.May 2001 -until he joined the Homeland Security in

00.Jan.2003 . As ...
27.Jan.2007 | Secretary of Navy job caught in logjam

Senators create nominee backlog ... appointment of Donald Winter as Navy secretary, but he won't ... > News > Military -- Move afoot to name secretary ...

Defying 206 years of history and tradition, a move is gaining momentum to change the title of the secretary of the Navy to recognize his role ...

- News - Government > New World Order -- Bush's New ... Bush's New Secretary Of Navy Is Head Of Evil Cabal ... Bush Nominates U.S. Head of the Cabal As Secretary of the Navy ?
Was Iraq War a “Blunder” or Was It Treason?
Treason is the number one impeachable crime under the Constitution + we're at a point where Congress is going to have to act or go down in history as having acquiesced in the worst presidential crime in the history of the nation. by DAVE LINDORFF


25.Jan.2007 On Overblown Threats and Islamophobia

24.Jan.2007 Looking Forward: A Model State of the Union Address for January, 2009

24.Jan.2007 Off the Rails

23.Jan.2007 We're Takin' It To the Street January 27!

22.Jan.2007 Triggered By Evil

22.Jan.2007 Bush Tells Americans To Take A Flying Leap

22.Jan.2007 Now Is The Moment To Take To The Streets

22.Jan.2007 Only Impeachment Can Prevent More War

22.Jan.2007 Was Iraq War a “Blunder” or Was It Treason?

19.Jan.2007 Rising From Their Knees: New Bill Strikes Blow at Oil Barons

18.Jan.2007 What Do They Think We Are, Idiots?

17.Jan.2007 Attacking Iran: What's In It For Bush?

16.Jan.2007 Death Watch in the Persian Gulf and Washington

16.Jan.2007 Bush Must Go

16.Jan.2007 Israel's Plans to Nuke Iran

16.Jan.2007 Quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

12.Jan.2007 Surge and Mirrors: What Bush Really Said

11.Jan.2007 Bipartisanship? Bah!

11.Jan.2007 Waist Deep in the Big Muddy

11.Jan.2007 No Blood For Face!

10.Jan.2007 Distracting Congress from the Real War Plan

10.Jan.2007 There is no Justification for Delay in Stopping the War and Starting Impeachment Hearings

10.Jan.2007 Saddam's Well-Timed Execution

08.Jan.2007 What america must not do now

08.Jan.2007 Militarized America Is Approaching Spiritual Death

08.Jan.2007 No Honor among Murderers

08.Jan.2007 Democrats are Reverting to Form

05.Jan.2007 Bush Cuts and Runs from Reason

05.Jan.2007 Feeling the Heat

03.Jan.2007 Notes Toward an American Renaissance, Starting Now USA

26.Jan.2007 Chairman Conyers Puts Bush Abuse of Power “On the Table”

25.Jan.2007 Falling Dominos and Failing Presidencies

25.Jan.2007 Bush’s War on the Republic

24.Jan.2007 The Empire Turns Its Guns on the Citizenry

24.Jan.2007 Whither Diversity?

24.Jan.2007 The Plame-gate Plot Thickens

23.Jan.2007 Where that “Leonard Bayard” Name Came From


19.Jan.2007 Gonzales Questions Habeas Corpus

17.Jan.2007 Scooter Libby's Time-Travel Trial

15.Jan.2007 What Constitutes "Enough" When It Comes to Iraq?

04.Jan.2007 Dems, We're Citizens, Not Consumers


02.Jan.2007 Where Gerald Ford Went Wrong Economics

08.Jan.2007 THINKING P-oil-ITICS Middle East

26.Jan.2007 Death and Dishonor: Bush's New Assassination Order

26.Jan.2007 Who's Helping the Terrorists?

16.Jan.2007 U.S. Escalation Doomed by Shi'ite Opposition

15.Jan.2007 The Logic of a Wider Mideast War

12.Jan.2007 Marching to Persia: First Blows Struck in Bush's War on Iran

12.Jan.2007 The U.S.-Iran-Iraq-Israeli-Syrian War

09.Jan.2007 New Oil Law Means Victory in Iraq for Bush

09.Jan.2007 The Urge to Surge

08.Jan.2007 Bush's Rush to Armageddon

04.Jan.2007 What Makes Sammy Run?

03.Jan.2007 Operation: Save Bush's Legacy The Rest of the World

11.Jan.2007 How Ollie North Helped Ortega Win
Why We Must Have Impeachment
Satire & Parody

22.Jan.2007 How to Interpret the Ten Commandments Environment

15.Jan.2007 Ignoring Global Warming and Our Children: Are We All Simply Mad?

REF.: What is Global Warming + what can citizens do about it? U.S. News Media Criticism

23.Jan.2007 Rev. Moon's Anti-Obama Agit-Prop

17.Jan.2007 Media Ignore Religious Freedom Day, 2007, But Why?

11.Jan.2007 Debating the Iraq "Surge" on PBS

02.Jan2007 POWs on TV a War Crime? It Depends on Who's Videotaping
...the purpose of the assassination order is to provoke Iran into some action that can be trumpeted as a casus belli for the Bush Faction's long-planned war against Iran.
Chris Floyd is an American journalist. His work has appeared in print and online in venues all over the world, including the Nation, CounterPunch, Columbia Journalism Review, the Christian Science Monitor, Il Manifesto, the Moscow Times and many others. He is the author of Empire Burlesque: High Crimes and Low Comedy in the Bush Imperium + is co-founder and editor of the
"Empire Burlesque" political blog. He can be reached at

It is an act of breathtaking dishonor, of unspeakable moral filth. That this pathetic little man and the jumped-up thugs around him – especially the hulking, smirking, lying coward Dick Cheney – are allowed to show their faces among civilized people, much less exercise power over a mighty nation, remains an unfathomable mystery...and a source of deep shame for all Americans. Chris Floyd
What Bush has done with this order is to turn the American military into his own private death squad.
So again, let's be clear. If Iran is not arming their bloodsworn enemies, the Sunni insurgents + if any Shiite group they are assisting is an integral part of the "sovereign" Iraqi government backed by the Bush Administration, then what on earth can be the purpose of a direct presidential order to the troops to kill Iranians in Iraq? The answer is simple: the purpose of the order is to provoke Iran into some action that can be trumpeted as a casus belli for the Bush Faction's long-planned war against Iran.
And will these "operatives" be arrested, charged and tried, provided with defense counsel? No; the story makes clear -- and is intended by the White House to make clear -- that Iranian "operatives" are to be killed outright; indeed, "Bush administration officials have been urging top military commanders to exercise the authority." Thus any one of the hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of Iranians who stream across the border into Iraq each year, almost all of them involved in either religious rites or trade, can be arbitrarily denounced by someone for any reason -- good or bad, personal, political, ideological, financial -- and then be shot dead by U.S. forces. This is what Bush's direct "authorization" means, this is what it is: an order to commit murder outside all bounds of legality, morality and military honor.
For assassination --
Phoenix-program style -- is definitely what we're talking about here.
COMMENTARY: Death and Dishonor: Bush's New Assassination Order --> by CHRIS FLOYD --> --> Friday,

26.Jan.2007 Troops Authorized to Kill Iranian Operatives in Iraq (WP). Excerpts: The Bush administration has authorized the U.S. military to kill or capture Iranian operatives inside Iraq as part of an aggressive new strategy to weaken Tehran's influence across the Middle East and compel it to give up its nuclear program, according to government and counterterrorism officials with direct knowledge of the effort...

Three officials said that about 150 Iranian intelligence officers, plus members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Command, are believed to be active inside Iraq at any given time. There is no evidence the Iranians have directly attacked U.S. troops in Iraq, intelligence officials said...The new "kill or capture" program was authorized by President Bush in a meeting of his most senior advisers last fall. The real story here is the story behind the story. After all, George W. Bush has already authorized his agents to kill American citizens -- without arrest, charge, trial, or even any warning -- if the victim has been designated -- arbitrarily, at the whim of the "Leader," outside any judicial process or oversight -- as an "enemy combatant." This "authority," claimed by Bush

00.Oct.2001 (I first wrote about it in print in November 2001) extends to every person on earth, not just Americans, so Iranian "agents" or "Revolutionary Guards" or anyone else Bush or his minions decide to kill has always been fair game. The only new wrinkle here is the specific authority given to the U.S. military to carry out these "extrajudicial" assassinations -- a license to kill that had hitherto been reserved for the security organs.
This is what Bush's direct "authorization" means: it is an order to commit murder outside all bounds of legality, morality and military honor.
"Let's get away from the 'is it or isn't it people' argument," he urges. "It's definitely people. The question is how did we muck it up so disastrously."
Along with colleagues he has just reported that their assessment of all the evidence reveals that people and megafauna overlapped for about 3900 years, about 44,000 years ago. "They should try to understand the science," Gillespie says of Wroe and Field.
Long, for one, is scathing:

"One cannot argue in science by just saying the 'evidence doesn't exist' when a major peer-reviewed paper in one of the world's most prestigious science journals has clearly published that evidence."

Sceptics, including University of Sydney archeologist Judith Field and University of NSW paleontologist Stephen Wroe are not convinced.

"There's not enough data to make a final call or anything approaching a final call," argues Wroe.

Why did the vegetation change when the climate didn't? The researchers suspect it was triggered by an increase in bushfires, possibly some 50,000 to 60,000 years ago. So what?

The answer emerges from other research Prideaux and his co-investigators published earlier this month in the journal Geology.

They report that their study of megafauna and sediment from the Naracoorte Caves in southeastern Australia reveals

the animals were resilient to dramatic swings in climate for the 500,000-year period they were able to study.

The only difference between then and now, they claim, is that the animals had the continent to themselves. Humans didn't arrived until about 40,000 to 60,000 years ago.
"The vegetation was more diverse but the climate was about the same as now," Roberts says.

He adds that in the Pleistocene the Nullarbor appears to have had a mixture of woods and shrubland that provided more edible leaves and fruits than under contemporary conditions.
The results suggest the animals had lived and died between 200,000 and 780,000 years ago.

"It was probably between 400,000 and 800,000 years ago," claims team member and dating expert Bert Roberts of the University of Wollongong in NSW.
the middle Pleistocene in southwestern Australia, a period about which virtually nothing was known. The Pleistocene ran from 1.8 million years ago to the end of the last ice age, 10,000 years ago.
All of a sudden it was information overload."

If the incriminating new evidence holds up, the suspect, Homo sapiens, will be found guilty of yet another case of mass murder.

Early hunters have already been held responsible for the demise of large animals such as sabre-toothed tigers and woolly mammoths in North America, as well as of island creatures such as New Zealand's flightless kiwi.

It seems that when people arrive in a new land they wreak havoc before coming to a more harmonious relationship with the environment.

Their methods are as diverse as the animals they wipe out:

overhunting, killing off breeding animals, introducing disease, changing the environment + generally stressing to extinction animals unfamiliar with such formidable predators.

While the Australian whodunit has raged for decades - one camp arguing that climate change took out the megafauna, the other that people did the deed - the latest scientific case against Australia's first human settlers began to build five years ago when Western Australian Museum paleontologist John Long heard of the spelunkers' discovery.
27.Jan.2007 Death and Dishonor: Bush's New Assassination Order 

The real story here is the story behind the story.

After all, George W. Bush has already authorized his agents to kill American citizens - without arrest, charge, trial, or even any warning - if the victim has been designated - arbitrarily, at the whim of the "Leader," outside any judicial process or oversight -- as an "enemy combatant." posted by Prof. Hex
27.Jan.2007 Beasts hounded to extinction  Evidence is mounting against ancient humans in the case of disappearing megafauna.
27.Jan.2007 How the Moon rules your life 

For eons, folklore has blamed the Moon for everything from lunacy to bad luck. And, for the last few centuries, scientists have scoffed. Now, according to new research they're not so sure. posted by Prof. Hex
27.Jan.2007Be the first to know. Does Your Inbox Buzz? Click here for free daily updates. Tell your friends and relatives to sign up and be the first to get Buzzed everyday.
"Dark Alliance : The CIA, the Contras + the Crack Cocaine Explosion," By Gary Webb. Seven Stories Press, the Original Publisher, Found 50 More Copies of This Seminal Book in Their Warehouse. They Tell Us That They are Definitely the Last 50 Around -- And They Don't Know When or If They are Going to Reprint It. Sold Out at, Barnes and Noble + Almost Every Other Book Seller. This Extra Shipment of 50 is the Last for the Foreseeable Future.

27.Jan.2007 This Is What Happens When You Let Dick Cheney Out of His Undisclosed Location: The Reasons Behind the Madness -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
Pelosi Travels to Iraq, Defies "the Decider"
Planned Afghanistan Troop "Surge" Missing from Bush Speech after Bush Botches that War, Too. What's another 3,200? -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
Liberal Texas columnist Molly Ivins has been hospitalized in her ongoing battle with breast cancer, her assistant said Friday. "We're not sure what's going to happen, but she's very sick." BuzzFlash Loves You, Mollie. 1/27
Alberto "Bush Consigliere" Gonzales Edits the Constitution to Suit the Bush Organized Crime Family. He is the BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week for Unilaterally Declaring that the Constitution Does Not Guarantee the Right of Habeas Corpus, Even Though It Expressly Does. He's Not an Attorney General; He's a Mobster.
A key ex-Pentagon adviser and close associate of Vice President Cheney hinted that US Marines might be used in an Iran strike in a Wednesday night appearance in New York.
From the Vice-President of Iraq: "The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 was an "idiot decision" and Iraqi troops now need to secure Baghdad to ensure the country's future, Vice-President Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Thursday."
Message to Robert Gates: Hey Rumsfeld Toady Replacement, It's You and the Other Bushevik Incomptence Who Embolden the Forces of Chaos. After Years of Failure, They Have Your Number. We Had a Great Military, Until the Busheviks Ran It Into the Ground. 1/27

27.Jan.2007 Permalink
27.Jan.2007 American Fascism Chris Hedges has written a new book called American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America. I have not yet read it, but I can direct you to the 2004 article which prompted it + to this interesting interview with Hedges, who also wrote War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning .

This excerpt from the 2004 piece stands out: All debates with the Christian Right are useless. We cannot reach this movement.

It does not want a dialogue. It cares nothing for rational thought and discussion. It is not mollified because John Kerry prays or Jimmy Carter teaches Sunday School.

These naive attempts to reach out to a movement bent on our destruction, to prove to them that we too have "values," would be humorous if the stakes were not so deadly.

They hate us. They hate the liberal, enlightened world formed by the Constitution. Our opinions do not count.
This movement will not stop until we are ruled by Biblical Law, an authoritarian church intrudes in every aspect of our life, women stay at home and rear children, gays agree to be cured, abortion is considered murder, the press and the schools promote "positive" Christian values, the federal government is gutted, war becomes our primary form of communication with the rest of the world and recalcitrant non-believers see their flesh eviscerated at the sound of the Messiah's voice.
The spark that could set it ablaze may be lying in the hands of an Islamic terrorist cell, in the hands of the ideological twins of the Christian Right.

Another catastrophic terrorist attack could be our Reichstag fire, the excuse used to begin the accelerated dismantling of our open society. I think there is much truth here, especially in the "Reichstag" observation.

The jihadists may not realize that they could achieve theocracy in America more easily than in Jordan or Syria or Egypt or Iraq.
Still, I would like to think that Hedges overstates his case. I am not certain that he does, but I would like to think that.

Lobbying Powerhouse Cassidy & Associates, Washington's most powerful lobbying firm.
27.Jan.2007 Combined List of Creditors Entity Name 1 Street Address City State ... Management Company, L.L.C.. 20 Greenway Plaza 7th Floor . HOUSTON ... MSP One Summer Street, LLC C/O Lincoln Property Company One Summer Street ...
20050418 ... dass die US-amerikanischen Public Affairs- und PsyOp - Strategen im nächsten ... fill-in-the-oval optical scan or ATM-style touch-screen indicates that ...
20051218 Dec.2005 Reklame- Strategen : Pentagon plant Imagekampagne für USA ... majority party of the moment may not use its powers to strip citizens of their rights, ...


Hines Senior Vice President Mark Cover said, “Historically, 910 Travis has been a significant building on the Houston skyline. 

This acquisition provides a repositioning opportunity that will be very appealing to prospective tenants who wish to office in a superbly located building with access to the city’s best amenities.”

While NOP sold 1100 Louisiana—its only asset in Houston prior to this acquisition—earlier this year, Hines’ development portfolio in downtown Houston consists of 10 development and two redevelopment projects.

Gary Holtzer, Hines’ vice president and NOP investment officer, commented, “We intend to capitalize on Hines’ strengths in redevelopment and management to ensure that 910 Travis remains an enduring asset for the City of Houston and a successful investment for CalPERS and Hines.”

The building is currently 91% leased by tenants including: the U.S. District Attorney’s Office; the law firm of Winstead Sechrest; Bank One (now Chase); and Transworld Oil.  

It is also home to the famous Coronado Club, one of Houston’s oldest private social clubs.

This transaction represents NOP’s 18th major acquisition since its inception in


The CalPERS/Hines partnership sold 15 properties during 2004 with an aggregate value of approximately $2.5 billion. 

The acquisition of 910 Travis will bring the total number of office properties in the NOP portfolio to nine, with a total value in excess of $1 billion.

National Office Partners was formed in 1998.  NOP assets are located in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, Silver Spring, Salt Lake City and Seattle.  For further information on NOP, refer to 27.Jan.2007

09.Okt.2005 mit der Gulfstream G 550 VP-BJD vom Niederrhein Airport nach Zürich.

And the magazine's staff shared offices in New York's fashionable Olympic Towers with Deuss 's JOC Oil Company, later called Transworld Oil .

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John Deuss is a maverick businessman with major intrests in oil and gas ( Transworld Oil ) who is now trying to build a global electronic ...
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John Deuss - Wikipedia

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27.Jan.2007 erster verdächtiger: al-Gerbouzi - ARIVA.DE

Es gebe Hinweise auf die Person, die für die Explosion des Busses nahe dem Tavistock Platz verantwortlich sei, schreibt das Blatt unter Berufung auf einen ...
>>Terroranschlag in London<< Läuft auf allen Sendern - RR:Board

Das Gebiet um den Tavistock Square sei daraufhin weiträumig abgeriegelt worden, sagte ein Polizist, ...

Da hatte die CIA auch gewaltig die Finger mit drin.
Anti-Terror-Krieg – gescheitert - HTML-Version
ture“ zwischen der CIA, den britischen. Geheimdiensten MIA/MI6 sowie dem pa- ... anschlag zerstörter Bus steht am Londoner Tavistock Square hinter einer ...
Außenpolitikforum :: Thema anzeigen - Wer hat die Anschläge verübt ? ... out his attack on the bus which exploded in Tavistock Square in central London.

Ach ja noch was, ich würde nicht unbedingt sagen dass der CIA gleich .. :: Thema anzeigen - Quer durch Chernobyl William Colby, ehemals Direktor des CIA, ist der Meinung, ... warfare and assassination arm of British intelligence, the London Tavistock Institute."
Psychiatrische Theorien und Methoden im internationalen Terrorismus ehemaliger Terrorismusexperte der CIA und heute im US. State Department, sagt, al-Zawahiri „ist ...

Weitere Zentren für „Psychopolitik” sind das Tavistock ...
2005060210 Jun.2005 Former CIA director calls for Iraq withdrawal : He also said that he believes ... London's Tavistock Institute 7/10 concerned about gov secrecy .
eBay: Bewußtseinskontrolle. [SOFORT LIEFERBAR] (Artikel ... Kapitel 5:, Tavistock, 57. Kapitel 6:, Stoßtruppen, 71. Kapitel 7:, Die Ursprünge der OSS, 77. Kapitel 8:, Graue Eminenz, 81. Kapitel 9:, Die CIA betritt ...
Transmission Control Protocol Beschreibung in Library - Definition ... ... die in dem alteinteresse des cia, tavistock, rockefeller + anderen organisationen an den menschen vorgenommen wird. Hierbei alte geht der autor ...

27.Jan.2007 Neue Solidarität 4/2002:Die größte Gehirnwäsche aller Zeiten ... als ein Dutzend Fernsehauftritte des ehemaligen CIA -Direktors James Woolsey, ... Gehirnwäschespezialisten + Medienexperten des Tavistock -Instituts, ...
27.Jan.2007 - Die USA auf dem Weg in eine Diktatur? Die Mannschaft der strategischen Bombardierungsübersicht, die eine Heerschar aus den USA stammender Tavistock -Mitarbeiter wie Kurt Lewin, Rensis Likert und ...
27.Jan.2007 Deutsche Literatur in polnischer Übersetzung (1994-2004) Tajny swiat parapsychologii [Die PSI-Protokolle: das geheime CIA -Forschungsprogramm ... Tavistock Lectures]. Übers. von Robert Reszke. Warszawa: Wrota 1995.
27.Jan.2007 Ibykus Nr. 72: Was die Romantik in Deutschland angerichtet hat Im Januar diesen Jahres wurde ein Bericht der CIA veröffentlicht, ...

R.D. Laing der Experte des britischen Tavistock -Instituts (Abteilung des britischen ...
27.Jan.2007 Gehirnwaschkampagne_der_Amerikaner

Direktor der Tavistock -Klinik in London, welche seit den zwanziger ... mehr als ein Dutzend Auftritte des ehemaligen CIA -Direktor James Woolsey in den ...
27.Jan.2007 Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung

Im Prozess gegen vier US - Marines wegen der Ermordung von 24 Zivilisten im ... many abuses that the U.S. commander here recently gave his Iraqi counterpart ...,0,0,5_B%FCndnisse_und_Milit%E4rschlag.html
09.Mär.2004 Stellungnahmen zu Haiti, (Friedensratschlag)

00.000.1915 U.S. marines robbed $500000 from the National Bank of Haiti in. ... especially regarding human rights abuses attributed to the Fanmi Lavalas party, ...
2005060210 Jun.2005 Marines arrest US contractors : US marines said on Wednesday they had ... Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the horrors that were ...
20050209 Feb.2005 6 Kuwaiti prisoners allege abuse torturee: Six Kuwaiti prisoners ... besiegt die US - Marine die japanische Flotte im Golf von Leyte, Philippinen ...
Spero News | US Army modular redesign: CRS Report for Congress US must act to end abuses by UN peacekeepers

... against women who comprise approximately 14 % of the active Army and 6% of the Marine Corps.
Davids Medienkritik: The German Media's Anti-Bush Mish Mash

When Americans, in an unforgivable manner, brutally abuse dozens of prisoners, it is rightfully made ... June 28:" U.S. Marine Kidnapped as Attacks Surge"*
dokumentationsarchiv: 2004/05/16 - 2004/05/22 Er kritisierte, der ehemalige Marine -Richter rechtfertige seine Todesurteile ... was er sagen würde, wenn eine fremde Nation einen US - Marine mit einem Sack ...
Irak/USA: Die USA und Grossbritannien sind Staatsterroristen ... Reporting stealing their possessions and other abuses by the Shiite ...

The attackers are mostly U.S. marines advancing into the Sarai, the ... /Irak- USA:-Die- USA-und-Grossbritannien-sind-Staatsterroristen...
Michelle Malkin: December 2004 Archives This is not an uncommon error + every time we ( U.S. Marines ) see it, we cringe.

... pieces exposing bogus child sex- abuse trials across the country.
Der Spindoktor: Dezember 2004 Die Führer der Opposition betonten ihrerseits die Genugtuung, ... wurden schon im Oktober von Marines gezielt falsche Informationen über den Start der ...

27.Jan.2007 Fall Kurnaz: Rice will sich nicht äußern
27.Jan.2007 Atomstreit: Iran will bald Zentrifugen installieren
Arbeitsmarktreform: Hartz IV soll nicht mehr nach Hartz heißen

27.Jan.2007 Augenblick: Blumenkinder

27.Jan.2007 Tegernsee: Rodeln mit Gorbatschow

27.Jan.2007 Afghanistan- Mandat: Tornados in Startposition

Für die Wissenschaft ist die Flussmündung hochinteressant: Da sie jenseits des nördlichen Polarkreises liegt, ist sie etwa sieben Monate im Jahr gefroren. Auf diesem Bild vom 1

06.Jul.2005 ist zu sehen, was während des kurzen Sommers geschieht: Das Delta taut auf und verwandelt sich in ein Feuchtgebiet von großer ökologischer Bedeutung.

Neben Biologen gewinnen auch Klimaforscher Erkenntnisse aus dem Lena-Delta: Sie können an der Wassermenge, die ins Meer fließt, und der Tiefe des dauerhaft gefrorenen Bodens ablesen, wie sehr sich der Klimawandel im hohen Norden bemerkbar macht. Die Arktis gilt derzeit als die am stärksten von der globalen Erwärmung betroffene Weltgegend.

Jüngste Daten legen nahe, dass das Meereis der Arktis schon 2040 komplett verschwunden sein könnte. Dadurch sind unter anderem die Eisbären in ihrem Bestand bedroht.
00.000.1970-00.000.2002 -zwischen- Einer Untersuchung von 2005 zufolge sind elf % der nordsibirischen Seen verschwunden.

Als Grund vermuten die Forscher das Auftauen und Aufbrechen des Permafrostbodens durch die voranschreitende Erwärmung.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Könnte sich das Geschäft wegen der hohen Rohstoffpreise jetzt auch hier wieder rentieren?

Freytag: Zurzeit kostet eine Tonne Kupfer 5800 Dollar - früher waren es mal 1500 Dollar. Da setzt jetzt natürlich ein Run auf Rohstoffvorkommen ein...

SPIEGEL ONLINE: ...haben Sie schon Anfragen?

Freytag: Die Lagerstätten sind erst mal herrenlos, aber die Lausitzer Grauwacke, die zum Rohstoffkonzern Anglo American gehört, hat schon die Erkundung beantragt.
Vollversammlung: Uno- Resolution verurteilt Leugnung des Holocaust
26.Jan.2007 Dreckschleuder Toner: Drucker pusten Feinstaub in Büros
26.Jan.2007 Höhere Dieselsteuer: EU geht gegen Tanktourismus vor
26.Jan.2007 Mikrofonfund im Bundestag: Kein Lauschangriff auf Neskovic
26.Jan.2007 Terror- Verdacht: Kurnaz wurde noch im Herbst 2006 überwacht

26.Jan.2007 Israel: Olmert will Peres als Katsav- Nachfolger

26.Jan.2007 Kupferfund in der Lausitz: "In Deutschland haben wir nichts Vergleichbares"

26.Jan.2007 Windows Vista: Konkurrenten erheben Vorwürfe gegen Microsoft

26.Jan.2007 Poker um Affäre Kurnaz: Steinmeier spielt den Türken- Trumpf
26.Jan.2007 All The Support You Can Handle - The Order of the Skulls and Bones Exposed. William Colby might as well as been the only one who ...

On that transcript we find Nixon discussing the role of George Bush's ...
[CTRL] Operation Mockingbird - The Subversion Of America's Free ... Henry Kissinger + CIA Director William Colby to finance terrorism in Angola ... frenzied attacks on Oliver Stone's movie " JFK ", which reexamines the ...
26.Jan.2007 stopthem : Messages : 191-220 of 1188 The conspiracy theory industry hasn't been this jazzed since the JFK assassination. ... at Stanford University in the 1960s, with a scientist named William Colby . ...
26.Jan.2007 WackoWiki : Skip Per/Sprueche WackoWiki: SkipPer/Sprueche.

Albert Einstein . Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but usually manages to pick himself up, walk over or around ...
20070101 Denko Mechanical, is NOT a licensed fire protection contractor in New York + ... the FBI on its investigation of the

00.000.1999 Oklahoma City bombing -- was asked ...
LP: New Seismic Data Refutes Official Explanation ... fire at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco and the Oklahoma City bombing, ...

This information connecting Hammad and his cousin with Denko Mechanical ...
LP: New Seismic Data Refutes Official Explanation

It's all in the link, the alias for the boss at Denko Mechanical, ... by providing a false afidavit to Congress concerning the Oklahoma City bombing .
01_07 6/12.2006 11:51 PM Page 1 - View as HTML incident, the Oklahoma City bombing ,. and the MGM fire.

... designed by mechanical engineers. Civil engineers designed a future hotel to be built in Angola.
Google Hammad worked for Denko Mechanical, but the Port Authority of New York have no knowledge of this company.

Who signed Sakher Hammad's WTC basement level pass ...
They are now saying that WTC 7 ... the Oklahoma City bombing, the media that Americans mistakenly refer to as ... the sprinkler system for a non existent company called Denko Mechanical .

26.Jan.2007 - Mikrowellen-Verbrechen MW-Waffen ermöglichen Effekte, von denen LowTech- Terroristen nicht einmal ...

Bestrahlung mit (gepulsten) Mikrowellen auf Menschen studieren möchte, ...
26.Jan.2007 EMM News Explorer Guido Westerwelle (11). Edmund Stoiber (11). Manfred Gnjidic (10) ... ein Mann mit einer wirklich interessanten Biografie, die vom Autodidakten,
Artikel aus dem "Stern" vom 14.12.2006 - Sebastian Edathy MdB HINWEISE. Sebastian Edathys Biographie als Real Video ansehen. ... Die hatte von Januar bis Juni alle Telefone von Manfred Gnjidic, dem Rechtsanwalt des ...
20050116 Biografia | Biography | Biographie | Biografía Download the .pdf version. ... Der Anwalt Masris, Manfred Gnjidic, erwägt zudem eine Zivilklage in den USA ...
Lauschangriff: Auch El Masris Anwalt abgehört - Deutschland ... ... Juristen Manfred Gnjidic auf einen Beschluss des Münchner Amtsgerichtes vom 11. ... UPDATE Schröder- Biografie : 544 Seiten Eitelkeit ... alle Beiträge ...
Links Auf die Frage, ob Herr el-Masri den Foltergesandten wiedererkennen würde, antwortet Rechtsanwalt Manfred Gnjidic aus Ulm mit einem klaren "Ja". ...
Der Österreichische Journalist - 4/2006 - Medi ... Peter Alexander wenigstens ein Vorwort zu einer Biografie zu entlocken, ... die Kommunikation zwischen El- Masris Anwalt Manfred Gnjidic und Reportern ... - Podcast: Handelsblatt Audio Jetzt rechnet Ex-Vorstandschefin Carly Fiorina in ihrer Biografie mit dem ... Manfred Gnjidic, plant nach derzeitigem Stand keine Klage in Deutschland. ... ... a précisé au Monde son avocat, Manfred Gnjidic, confirmant un article du New ... Ian Hamel est journaliste et prépare une biographie de Tariq Ramadan ...
Das Beste aus dem Web zum Thema Al Leiter Der Ulmer Anwalt des Entführungsopfers Khaled Al Masri, Manfred Gnjidic, ... Biografie .

Al Leiter wurde von den New York Yankees im Draft von 1984 ...
Die TOKAI Europe GmbH wurde im Jahr 1984 gegründet. Der Firmensitz ist in Mönchengladbach-Güdderath, wo jährlich ca. 200 Millionen Einwegfeuerzeuge hergestellt werden.

TOKAI ist eine Tochterfirma der TOKAI Corporation, die ihren Sitz in Tokio/Japan hat.
webs 114: 113: prevention of torture and inhuman treatment: Linking Solidarity : : 115: 114: protection of human rights: United Nations:
26.Jan.2007 The coming nuclear war

Larisa Alexandrovna and Muriel Kane provide the must-read stories: See here and here.

00.000.2002 -In early- Ledeen formed the Coalition for Democracy in Iran, along with Morris Amitay, the former executive director of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
00.Aug.2002 Larry Franklin began passing classified information involving USA policy towards Iran to two AIPAC employees and an Israeli diplomat. Franklin pleaded guilty to the charges

00.Oct.2005 , explaining that he had been hoping to force the US to take a harder line with Iran, but AIPAC and Israel have continued to deny them.


By setting up the Iranian Directorate within the Pentagon and running covert operations through the military rather than the CIA, the administration was able to avoid both Congressional oversight and interference from then-Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte, who has been vocally skeptical about using force against Iran. The White House also successfully stalled the release of a fresh National Intelligence Estimate on Iran, which could reflect the CIA's conclusion that there is no evidence of an Iranian nuclear weapons program. Exit Negroponte.
You should also read Leonid Ivashov's
"Iran Must Get Ready to Repel a Nuclear Attack": The most important aspect of the matter is that a zone of an endless bloody conflict will be created at the core of the Middle East + that the countries neighboring Iraq – Iran, Syria, Turkey (Kurdistan) – will inevitably be getting drawn into it. This will solve the problem of completely destabilizing the region, a task of major importance for the US and especially for Israel. And: How will other nuclear powers react? As for Russia, at best it will limit itself to condemning the strikes + at worst – as in the case of the aggression against Yugoslavia – its response will be something like “though by this the US makes a mistake, the victim itself provoked the attack”.
Europe will react in essentially the same way. Possibly, the negative reaction of China and several other countries to the nuclear aggression will be stronger. In any case, there will be no retaliation nuclear strike on the US forces (the US is absolutely sure of this). And: Speaking of Israel, it is sure to come under the Iranian missile strikes. Possibly, the Hezbollah and the Palestinian resistance will become more active. Posing as victims, the Israelis will resort to provocations to justify their aggression, suffer some tolerable damage + then the outraged US will destabilize Iran finally, making it look like a noble mission of retribution. Is there any way we can stop this?

26.Jan.2007 USA may impose sanctions against Russia for selling 29 Tor-M1 complexes to Iran : The US administration may introduce sanctions against Russia for the recent delivery of Tor-M1 missile system to Iran. State Department Sean McCormack said Wednesday that such measures were likely to follow because the Bush’s administration harshly criticized Russia’s defense contract with Iran and urged the Kremlin to terminate it.

26.Jan.2007 Russian influence worrying US: Putin : President Vladimir Putin hit out at Western criticism of the Kremlin, saying it was aimed at countering Russia's growing influence in the world.

26.Jan.2007 Russia: Federation Council approves ban on dual citizenship for govt ministers: The Federation Council has passed a bill prohibiting persons that hold dual citizenship from serving as Russian government ministers, which were earlier passed in the State Duma, at a meeting on Wednesday.

26.Jan.2007 Georgia and US foil uranium plot : A Russian man who tried to sell a small piece of weapons-grade uranium has been arrested in Georgia, officials say.

26.Jan.2007 Kuwait May Abandon Dollar Peg to Protect its Economy: Kuwait, the third-largest Arab oil producer, may abandon the dinar's peg against the dollar in favor of a basket of currencies to help minimize economic harm after the dollar declined.

26.Jan.2007 Gulf states seen shifting away from U.S. assets: Oil-rich Gulf Arab estates are seen shifting their assets away from the USA + Qatar is keen on customer states including Asia and Europe as destination, the country's financial regulator says.

26.Jan.2007 More Than 1.2 Million Foreclosures Reported in 2006: U.S. Foreclosure Filings Up 42 % From 2005 - Colorado, Georgia, Nevada Post Highest Foreclosure Rates

26.Jan.2007 Existing Home Sales Plummet in 2006: Sales of existing homes fell in December, closing out a year in which demand for homes slumped by the largest amount in 17 years.

26.Jan.2007 Ford posts 4Q loss of $5.8 billion: Record annual loss of $12.7B for 2006
26.Jan.2007 NATO says will send extra troops to occupy Afghanistan: NATO nations will send more troops to Afghanistan, the alliance's commander for the country said on Thursday, amid calls for more forces and funds by the organisation and U.S. commanders to tackle the resurgent Taliban.

26.Jan.2007 US to unveil new Afghanistan strategy: The USA will commit more money and more troops to Afghanistan as part of a revamped strategy to blunt an expected spring offensive by the Taliban militia, US officials said.

26.Jan.2007 For the First Time, Americans Oppose Afghan War: Many adults in the USA express dissatisfaction with the war on terrorism, according to a poll by Opinion Research Corporation released by . 52 per cent of respondents oppose the U.S. conflict in Afghanistan, up four points since September.

26.Jan.2007 Afghan Gov't Won't Spray Poppy Crop ; Rebuffing months of U.S. pressure, Afghan President Hamid Karzai decided against a Colombia-style program to spray this country's heroin-producing poppies after the Cabinet worried herbicide would hurt legitimate crops, animals and humans, officials said Thursday.
26.Jan.2007 Beirut under curfew after clashes : The Lebanese army has imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew in the capital, Beirut, after clashes between students from rival political factions.
26.Jan.2007 Hillary the Favorite in Race for Jewish Donations : New York’s junior senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is expected to snare the lion’s share of the Jewish community’s substantial political donations in the race for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination.

26.Jan.2007 Bill Clinton lied to help Barak win election:? A no-brainer for American Jews : Dr. Saeb Erekat relates that when Bill Clinton visited Israel

00.000.2004 in honor of Shimon Peres' 80th birthday, he had a chance to ask the former U.S. president why he blamed Yasser Arafat for the failure of the Camp David talks.

Clinton, Erekat says, said Ehud Barak told him that if he blamed the Palestinians, it would help him (Barak) win the elections.

26.Jan.2007 Mockery and deception continue: EU high representative, Javier Solana. On seeing the extent of new Israeli settlements in and around occupied Jerusalem, he declared himself "shocked", just like the corrupt police chief who "discovers" gambling going on under his nose in the movie Casablanca.
26.Jan.2007 Patrick Cockburn : Inside Baghdad: A city paralysed by fear : Iraqi drivers are terrified of running into impromptu checkpoints where heavily armed men in civilian clothes may drag them out of their cars and kill them for being the wrong religion. Some districts exchange mortar fire every night. This is mayhem beyond the comprehension of George Bush and Tony Blair.

26.Jan.2007 Iraqi occupation was idiotic: Iraqi vice-president : The Shiite vice president's comments came just a day after the influential US Senate Foreign Relations committee rejected President George W. Bush's plan to send an additional 21,500 troops to Iraq.

26.Jan.2007 Blair looks weak and cowardly : He was willing to speak in the Commons on Iraq in advance of the war. Now he was nowhere to be seen.

26.Jan.2007 Manufacturing consent for war : US says its has proof Iran is interfering in Iraq: The USA said it had proof of Iran's interference in Iraq, promising soon to publish details of Iranian networks in its strife-torn neighboring country.

26.Jan.2007 War pimp alert: Israeli PM: International front has been formed against the Iranian threat : "For many long years, we have followed Iran's efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, in the guise of a civilian nuclear program. They are working through secret channels in a number of sites spread out across Iran," he said.

26.Jan.2007 War pimp alert: Strategic talks with U.S. focus on Iranian "threat" : The Israeli and American teams, headed respectively by Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz and Under Secretary of State Nicholas Burns, discussed ways to halt Iran's nuclear program, its support for terror and its attempts to expand its regional power and influence.

26.Jan.2007 Manufacturing consent for war : Bolton: U.S. following flawed Iran plan: Bolton said that contrary to administration claims, the U.N. Security Council U.N. Security Council resolution against Iran that was approved last month is "very weak."

26.Jan.2007 Escalation of US Iran military planning part of six-year Administration push : The escalation of US military planning on Iran is only the latest chess move in a six-year push within the Bush Administration to attack Iran

26.Jan.2007 Attack on Iran's nuclear facilities would be catastrophic says IAEA chief : International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed el-Baradei said Thursday that a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities would have ''catastrophic'' consequences and only strengthen resolve in Tehran to make atomic arms.

26.Jan.2007 No War on Iran! No Nukes!: As incredible as it might seem, the Bush Administration appears to be actively planning a military strike against Iran –- the beginning of a war which could dwarf even the Iraq war in its grim potential for devastating global conflict.

26.Jan.2007 National Peace March to Flood DC Streets: Americans angered by Bush's plans to escalate the Iraq war will flood the streets of Washington on Saturday, January 27, in a massive national peace march organized by United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ).

26.Jan.2007 Candidates court Israel, cite Iran risks: Presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney, John Edwards and John McCain all detoured through Israel on the way to New Hampshire this week, seemingly competing to see who could be strongest in defense of the Jewish state.
26.Jan.2007 Exclusive Video: Troops' Brutality in Iraq Channel 4 News has obtained footage of brutality by mainly Shi'a troops in Iraq, egged on by US soldiers.
We see a joint patrol of US and Iraqi troops in Baghdad, where our camera captures the pretty brutal treatment meted out by the newly trained Iraqi soldiers to three suspected insurgents caught in a car, all to the accompaniment of laughter, whoops and egging on from the US soldiers who watch from their Humvee.
Click here to view

26.Jan.2007 "I cannot stand the constant military raids in my home"-By Lina Massufi
"My life has been like hell over the past three months. US and Iraqi soldiers have raided my house more than 12 times. "My husband, Khalil, was killed during the US invasion in 2003 when he drove through a closed road and soldiers shot him dead.

26.Jan.2007 More Deception from the War Criminal -By Paul Craig Roberts
Bush’s state of the union address did not describe the deplorable state of the union. The speech’s importance consists of Bush’s plea to Congress to please let him fool them one more time in order that he can attack Iran and start a bigger war that Congress will have to support in order to support Israel
. Continue

26.Jan.2007 Jim Webb's Barnburner -By Mike Whitney
Nothing scares the “powers that be” more than a straight-shooting populist who can rally people against government policy. And, yet, that’s exactly what happened on Tuesday night in the Democratic response to the State of the Union Speech (S.O.T.U.). In just 9 minutes, freshman Senator, Jim Webb took a sledgehammer to Bush’s policy in Iraq and left 45 million Americans cheering for more.

26.Jan.2007 Hillary for President?-By Cindy Sheehan -How many of our troops are lying in Walter Reed with devastating injuries that could have been prevented if a Senate leader like Clinton had taken a moral stance instead of political one? Continue

26.Jan.2007 Hizbollah warn that Lebanon will see more violence -By Robert Fisk
Two of the old civil-war fault lines - on the road north of Beirut and in the suburbs of the city - were reopened. Siniora himself started warning of the dangers of civil war and the USA - as Hizbollah must have hoped - came out in support of the government, claiming, quite falsely, that the violence came from the Hizbollah-led opposition.

26.Jan.2007 Venezuela's RCTV Acts of Sedition -By Stephen Lendman
It doesn't matter to those in the US power structure and their Venezuelan counterparts that they're the guilty ones and their charges against Hugo Chavez are disingenuous and baseless. Chavez is a true democrat with every right to expect all Venezuelans behave responsibly in conformity with the law.

26.Jan.2007 Iran Attack -Secret War Plans Against Iran Revealed -Video

Scarborough Repeats Lies Regarding Iran's President and Pimps A War With Iran. Click to view

26.Jan.2007 01/25/07 Congress' unanimous vote to nuke Iran -By Jorge Hirsch
What is going on in America today is equivalent to the following fictitious news story: Jan. 31, 2007: By unanimous vote, the two Houses of Congress passed today a joint "sense of Congress" resolution directing President Bush to "launch nuclear strikes against any non-nuclear-weapon state that undertakes military programs or operations that threaten US interests or those of allies and friends".

26.Jan.2007 The Coming War Against Iran -By Daan de Wit
Given the presence of four American submarines off the coast of Iran, Eduard Baltin, former commander of the Russian fleet, reasons that the U.S. is planning to attack Iran.

26.Jan.2007 Poking his stick in a hornet's nest -By Daniel M Pourkesali
In a speech reminiscent of the one delivered in January 2003 when he portrayed Iraq as the most imminent threat to the security of the USA, Mr. Bush named Iran no less than 5 times as the new "determined enemy":

26.Jan.2007 The World Agrees: Stop Bush Before He Kills Again - By Robert Scheer
Stop him before he kills again. That is the judgment of the American people + indeed of the entire world, as to the performance of our president + no State of the Union address can erase that dismal verdict.

26.Jan.2007 Impeach the Two Who Are Destroying America Already. "Rockefeller: Cheney applied 'constant' pressure to stall investigation on flawed Iraq intelligence."

26.Jan.2007 Alberto "Bush Consigliere" Gonzales Edits the Constitution to Suit the Bush Organized Crime Family. He is the BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week for Unilaterally Declaring that the Constitution Does Not Guarantee the Right of Habeas Corpus, Even Though It Expressly Does. He's Not an Attorney General; He's a Mobster.
From the Vice-President of Iraq: "The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 was an "idiot decision" and Iraqi troops now need to secure Baghdad to ensure the country's future, Vice-President Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Thursday."
Kennedy to Republicans: "What is it about working men and women that you find so offensive?" 1/26

26.Jan.2007 March on Washington Against the Iraq War on January 27
Play the BuzzFlash Electoral Map 2008 Prediction Game and Win a BuzzFlash Totebag, a BuzzFlash Hat + a copy of "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America" (First Prize). Second prize is a copy of Al Gore?s "Earth in the Balance" and a copy of "Bush on the Couch."
Busheviks Working VERY Hard to Precipitate a War with Iraq: Troops Authorized to Kill Iranian Operatives in Iraq. More of the Iraq WMD Style Scare Propaganda. 1/26

26.Jan.2007 Move Bushevik Lies Revealed That Dishonor Our Dead GIs: Contrary to U.S. military statements, four U.S. soldiers did not die repelling a sneak attack at the governor's office in the Shiite holy city of Karbala last week. New information obtained by The Associated Press shows they were abducted and found dead or dying as far as 25 miles away. 1/27

26.Jan.2007 Sign the Petition Against Mandatory Gun Ownership! Do You Want to be FORCED to Own a Gun? Madness.
How far is too far in terror fight? -- and more in Gloria R. Lalumia's World Media Watch for January 26,
26.Jan.2007 The Niger forgeries and the CIA Remember the forged "yellowcake" documents?

The ones that started the war?

The ones that Bush used to "prove" that Saddam Hussein had attempted to purchase uranium from the country of Niger?

They were crude forgeries, immediately spotted as such by the IAEA when it got hold of the things in

00.Mar.2003 .
emptywheel at the Next Hurrah, who is following the Libby trial in exquisite detail, brings our attention to this document, which arose from that trial.

She alludes to, but does not quote in full, the most interesting paragraph:

00.Oct.2002 an Italian journalist passed purported copies of a

00.Jul.2000 Niger-Iraq agreement of for the purchase of uranium to Embassy Rome.

These documents, which were sent to Washington via both CIA and Department channels, were not adequately analyzed until much later and were judged to be fraudulent.

However, they appear to have added new life to the Niger/Iraq story. These documents appear to be related to, if not the actual basis of, the

00.Feb.2002 foreign liaison service report that sparked original concerns about a Niger/Iraq deal. emptywheel comments:
This is really big news. The CIA got the forgeries. But all this time, they've been saying CIA only got the forgeries through State.
Nope. They had their own copies. And still didn't analyze them until after it was too late. Much of this was already reported in a
Washington Post story published as far back as

00.Jul.2003 -- although, as emptywheel correctly notes, the original story held that the CIA got the documents from State.
26.Jan.2007 We should remind ourselves who the "Italian journalist" in question was:

The frog-like Renato Farina -- code-named "Birch" -- about whom we have written previously.
26.Jan.2007 The CIA, as you know, got into some trouble when it kidnapped an Italian citizen named Abu Omar.

A magistrate named Armando Spataro led the investigation into the CIA men involved with this affair. Farina the "journalist" appears to have spied on him, using the pretext of an interview.
26.Jan.2007 Farina is clearly part of the neocon network.

Only the neocons would be bold enough to try to base a war on such an obviously bogus piece of evidence.

The neocons have frequently voiced disdain for the CIA -- they set up their own spook shop at the Pentagon to bypass those reality-biased pests at the Company -- yet some of them clearly have Agency-linked backgrounds.
What was the CIA's true role in the run-up to war?

26.Jan.2007 To state the matter more plainly:

Did George Tenet + John McLaughlin know about (or approve of) the concoction of evidence in the run-up to war?
It should be noted here that in

00.Jul.2006 Justin Raimondo wrote that an (unnamed) source told him that the documents were forged by "CIA officers Duane Clarridge and Alan Wolf."

However, the famed La Repubblica investigation insisted that the actual forgery was not done by any CIA personnel. (See also here.)
26.Jan.2007 When large %ages of the relevant national or world leadership show up for private confabs + then achieve airtight security and secrecy to the point that the world hardly knows they are meeting or who is meeting, it is not smart to presume nothing is going on but hobnobbing, backslapping + social/sexual shenanigans.

Maybe that might be true in limited cases, like the Bohemian Grove, but not generally.

Not for the Trilateral Commission boys, the Bildeburgers (so-called), the Propaganda Due (P-2) Masonic Lodge in Italy, or the Founding Fathers' Freemason majority. # posted by Anonymous
26.Jan.2007 Bondy Blog: Drei Mädchen, drei Religionen, das gleiche Maß an Unfreiheit

26.Jan.2007 Fall Litwinenko: London will Auslieferung Lugowois
26.Jan.2007 Bedrohte Bestände: Bemühung um Thunfisch- Fangquoten gescheitert
26.Jan.2007 Neue Messwerte: Feinstaub nebelt viele deutsche Städte ein
26.Jan.2007 Ebay- Betrug: Funktionär der Jungen Union soll SPD- Identitäten geklaut haben
Passagierdaten: Deutschland dringt auf neues Abkommen mit USA

26.Jan.2007 Schwache Börsenkontrolleure: Warum die Finanzaufsicht so oft versagt
26.Jan.2007 Afghanistan: USA fürchten Taliban- Offensive und rüsten auf
26.Jan.2007 Antarktis: Neues Leben unter Eisschild- Trümmern
26.Jan.2007 Deutsche Bank: Hauptversammlungsnotar wird wegen Falschbeurkundung angeklagt
26.Jan.2007 Deutscher in iranischer Haft: "Es ist zermürbend"
26.Jan.2007 Sexy Ausstrahlung: Spinnen flirten ultraviolett
26.Jan.2007 Nato- Rat in Brüssel: Bush will weitere zehn Milliarden Dollar in Afghanistan- Einsatz pumpen
26.Jan.2007 Neue Irak- Strategie: Bush erteilt Lizenz zum Töten iranischer Spione
26.Jan.2007 Nikotinsucht: Hirnschaden schaltet Rauchlust ab
26.Jan.2007 Sieben- Meter- Schlange: Python lässt sich elf Wachhunde schmecken

26.Jan.2007 US- Armee: Soldat wegen Mordes an irakischem Gefangenen verurteilt
26.Jan.2007 Kritik am Hartz- Urteil: "Gerechtigkeitsempfinden beschädigt"
26.Jan.2007 Reiche Russen in Österreich: Wo der Bär steppt

26.Jan.2007 Fall Kurnaz: Steinmeier soll direkt in Planungen einbezogen gewesen sein
Industrie 2067: Opa baut jetzt Mikrochips