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Henry Waxman: 'Who in their right mind would send 363 tons of cash into a war zone? But that's exactly what our government did.'
The Roaring Liberal from Massachusetts is this week's Wings of Justice Award Winner: Ted Kennedy.

07.Feb.2007 Be the first to know. Does Your Inbox Buzz? Click here for free daily updates. Tell your friends and relatives to sign up and be the first to get Buzzed everyday.
Cheney saw Wilson as unparalleled threat and plotted daily against him, jury hears from Libby in audiotapes 2/7

07.Feb.2007 Fifth Helicopter Downed in as Many Weeks in Iraq.

Someone in the Civil War Has Shoulder Launched Missiles or .50 Caliber Sniper Rifles.

Bush is Sending More GIs to Die:

Seven Dead in This Helicopter Attack. 2/8
The Bushevik Paraguay Mystery:

"Clearly, the Bush administration is not coming clean about plans for Paraguay, whatever they may be.

But, mainstream news media have shown little interest in the subject, leaving the public to guess at the truth until it becomes too obvious for even the MSM to ignore." 2/8
Norman Solomon: Making an Example of Ehren Watada - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
"At least in Vietnam Bush Had an exit strategy" Bumper Sticker Size Car Magnet

07.Feb.2007 Sen. Carl Levin:

"What emboldens the enemy is the almost 4 years' presence of Western troops in the middle of a Muslim country's capital, which causes over 70 % of the residents of that country to oppose our presence." 2/8
Afghan rights groups fight amnesty for warlords ->more in Gloria R. Lalumia's World Media Watch for February 7, 2007

Die vergangenen Herbst- Wintermonate gehörten
zu den wärmsten seit Beginn der Wetteraufzeichnung in Mitteleuropa.

00.Mär.-----00.Apr.---- -zwischen- Normalerweise laichen Dorsche in der Ostsee.

00.Mär.-----00.Apr.---- -6 Wochen danach-Ihre Larven schlüpfen.

Dann ist auch das am Anfang der Nahrungskette stehende pflanzliche Plankton wegen der Sonneneinstrahlung so weit entwickelt, dass die Dorschlarven ausreichend Nahrung finden.

"Die spannende Frage ist nun, ob es dieses Jahr zu einem sogenannten Mismatch, einer zeitlichen Versetzung zwischen dem Laichen und der Planktonentwicklung kommt", sagte Bleil.

Der Biologin zufolge werden Ostsee-Dorsche neben der Überfischung dann möglicherweise auch noch von der Erderwärmung bedroht. Der Dorsch steht als Räuber weit oben in der Nahrungskette der Ostsee.

Das Gleichgewicht könnte womöglich für Jahrzehnte gestört werden, fürchtet Bleil. Dies sei im Atlantik vor Kanada bereits der Fall.

Dort brach der Dorschbestand wegen massiver Überfischung in den achtziger Jahren zusammen + hat sich seitdem trotz Fangverboten nicht mehr erholt.

Eine bestimmte Krabbenart nahm so überhand, dass sie seitdem einen Großteil des Dorschlaichs und der Larven auffrisst.

Bei lediglich bewölktem Himmel reiche der Polarisationsgrad des Lichts zur Orientierung aus, schreiben Hegedüs und seine Kollegen im Fachmagazin "Proceedings of the Royal Society A" (Online-Vorabveröffentlichung).

Dies gelte zwar nicht für dichten Nebel. Doch werde die Nebelschicht von der Sonne beschienen, bestehe wieder eine Chance, mit einem Sonnenstein die Richtung zu bestimmen.

Auf Messungen des Sonnenlichts sollen nun praktische Tests mit echten Kristallen folgen.

Denn trotz dieser Ergebnisse ist noch immer unklar, ob die Verwendung von Sonnensteinen praktikabel war und die Wikinger auf ihren Reisen tatsächlich auf diese Kristalle zurückgriffen.

Bislang wurde noch kein solcher Stein bei Ausgrabungen gefunden.
Flutkatastrophe: Experten schlagen Alarm - Seuchenausbruch befürchtet

07.Feb.2007 Patente: China steigt in die Top Ten auf

07.Feb.2007 Streit um Spekulanten: USA torpedieren globale Hedgefonds- Polizei
07.Feb.2007 Jahresstatistik: Mehr Europäer erkranken an Krebs

07.Feb.2007 Klimaschutz: "Deutschland ist zum Bremser geworden"

07.Feb.2007 Sgrena- Entführung: Italien will US- Soldaten Prozess machen

07.Feb.2007 Vereitelter Terroranschlag in Birmingham: Zwei Verdächtige wieder auf freiem Fuß
07.Feb.2007 Österreich: Einbruch in Parlamentsbüro der Grünen
07.Feb.2007 Rekorderlöse bei Christie's: Kunst- Kaufrausch hält an
07.Feb.2007 Warmes Wetter: Dorsche laichen früher als je zuvor
07.Feb.2007 Afghanistan- Debatte: Wer Krieg führt, soll auch Krieg sagen

07.Feb.2007 CO2- Ausstoß: Welche Autos sind die größten Umweltsünder?
07.Feb.2007 Delle im Datenstrom: Hacker attackieren Internet- Rootserver

07.Feb.2007 Österreich: Polizei zerschlägt Kinderporno- Ring mit 2360 Verdächtigen
07.Feb.2007 Guantanamo- Häftling: Schily hält Kurnaz für unglaubwürdig
07.Feb.2007 Klimaschutz: EU- Kommission beschließt abgeschwächte CO2- Strategie für Autos
Navigation: Wikinger könnten Sonnensteine genutzt haben
euromayday006 | hamburg | "bezahlt wird nicht" - Superhelden im ... Of all the German cities, it has the highest number of millionaires and at the same time there is a growing number of people who don't share in this wealth.
07.Feb.2007 - Podcast: Handelsblatt Audio Der Anwalt des offenbar von US-Sicherheitskräften nach Afghanistan entführten Deutschen Khaled el Masri, Manfred Gnjidic , plant nach derzeitigem Stand keine ...
07.Feb.2007 Karl Weiss - Journalismus: AbbauRechte Sie zwangen mich, Sex mit meinem Vater und meinem Bruder zu haben, ... wie aus einer Pressemitteilung seines Anwalts Manfred Gnjidic vom 28. ...
blog von mattin - Einträge für Dezember 2006 Dies gilt natürlich auch weiter für Al Masri, wie aus einer Pressemitteilung seines Anwalts Manfred Gnjidic vom 28. August hervorgeht. ...
blog von mattin ... wie aus einer Pressemitteilung seines Anwalts Manfred Gnjidic vom 28. ... Zeugen, obwohl man ja auch einfach beim 'Großen Bruder ' nachfragen könnte. ...
20050317 Als der Rückkehrer den Ulmer Anwalt Manfred Gnjidic anrief, ... Defense Policy Board unter GW Bush ), Jeb Bush ( GW Bush's Bruder + USA George W. Bush ist ...
20050116 Der Anwalt Masris, Manfred Gnjidic , erwägt zudem eine Zivilklage in den USA. ... da er seinen Bruder begleitete habe, als dieser die Uniform bei einem ... - 258
germany &laquo; Tag Feed Masri's lawyer, Manfred Gnjidic , said the issuing of the arrest warrants was the first sign that German authorities were now prepared to back his client ... Der vom Schriftsteller George Orwell als "Großer Bruder " beschriebene Überwachungsstaat ... Bitte lesen Sie das Gespräch mit Rechtsanwalt Manfred Gnjidic , ...*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*

07.Feb.2007 John RUSSELL (1° E. Bedford) - [ Traduire cette page ] John, Lord Russell and his wife, Anne, obtained the wealthy lands of Tavistock Abbey + they renewed the lease to the Drakes in 1546. Russel l(1EBedford).htm
07.Feb.2007 DEA Fugitives, Los Angeles Fugitives, AVILES-PEREZ photo of Francisco Aviles-Perez DEA Fugitive: AVILES-PEREZ , Francisco. NAME:, AVILES-PEREZ , Francisco. FUGITIVE NCIC#:, W154251921. WANTED FOR: ...
DEA Fugitives, Los Angeles Fugitives Photo of Aviles-Perez AVILES-PEREZ , Francisco · Photo of Martinez MARTINEZ, Carlos · Photo of Awad AWAD, Hamed Suleiman · Photo of Mendoza MENDOZA, Carlos ...

07.Feb.2007 Brookings Institution Press, Coming Together?, Mexico-U.S. Relations Although Operation Condor pushed some prominent traffickers out of the business such as Pedro Aviles Perez of Sinaloa it also tended to strengthen the ...
Articles: Reconceptualizing the Illegal Narcotics Trade and Its ... Plaza Overstretch: Pedro Aviles Pérez and Pablo Acosta. Pedro Aviles Pérez emerged from Sinaloa in the late 1960s as a major transporter of more ...

07.Feb.200720050308 It would stop a major source of funding for suicide...civilian were killed to ... Gladio oder die Rache Moros MI6 officer Leigh Tracey revealed that Neave ...
07.Feb.2007Gladio oder die Rache Moros In fact Western Europe has been the theatre of CIA undertakings of major ... Former MI6 officer Leigh Tracey revealed that Neave plotted to organise a ...
07.Feb.2007 SEC Info - Fidelity Concord Street Trust - N-30D - For 2/29/00 4600 185725 Dense-Pac Microsystems , Inc 4600 37806 (a) Digital Microwave Corp. ... Separately, Bankers Trust has agreed to pay a $3.5 million fine to the ...
SEC Info - Fidelity Concord Street Trust - N-30D - For 2/28/99 Gains and losses on securities sold are determined on the basis of ... Inc. (a) 700 10325 Cordant Technologies, Inc. 1100 42831 Curtiss -Wright Corp. ...

07.Feb.2007 *)A EDUCAÇÃO DOS CÃES…E....DOS DONOS ... Jan.2007 Ordem dos Advogados O Regime Legal Sobre a Poluição Sonora ... Nov.2006 Julgados “ Ação cominatória - Uso nocivo da propriedade vizinha - Boate ...
RJ - ndice Geral 23 Ação cominatória . Pedido formulado contra ótica a fim de que esta se abstenha ... Tutela antecipada . Requerimento em momento posterior ao da petição ...
DJ 11825 adiantaria o instituto da tutela antecipada , diante. da demora na realização das perícias. ... poluição sonora e ao desconforto causado aos. Moradores. ...
DJ 11420.vp AÇÃO DE RESCISÃO DE CONTRATO -. TUTELA ANTECIPADA FUNDADA EM. BOLETIM DE OCORRÊNCIA E ALEGAÇÃO ... elaboração do laudo técnico de poluição sonora , ...
TRIBUNAL 27-07-2005 ASSUNTO: INVESTIGAR A PRATICA DE POLUIÇÃO SONORA CAUSADO ... AÇÃO : Pedido de Tutela Antecipada . AA.: Sindicato dos Servidores do Ministério ...
TRIBUNAL 29-04-2005 tutela . Meras alegações. Impossibilidade. Tratando-se de ação de indenização e ... Assunto: Perturbação de sossego, poluição sonora e outros transtornos ...

07.Feb.2007 Engrailed Cross The dragon or sea serpent - bistea neptunis - (as seen on Prince Henry Sinclair's coat-of-arms) has always represented the ultimate symbol of sovereignty ...
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07.Feb.2007 .. for an energy program in which over time the general public will have the faith ... prescription for a re-creation of public trust and confidence in the actions and ...
07.Feb.2007 The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), based in New York City, is the ... The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) has 278 chapters at ... Quick Links: External links

07.Feb.2007 Seymour Hersh- Chain of Command: From 9/11 A detailed look at the blunders of US policy in ... 9/11 and the American Empire David Ray Griffin speaks out. 911 Ceremony, speeches, education on the frauds surrounding Sept 11. Seating of peoples grand jury and begining of evidence hearings.
20060802 Aug.2006 Memory Lane - Milestones in 9/11 Skepticism, 2001-2005 The history of WTC 7 - headquarters to CIA + the SEC , compiled by John Horne

07.Feb.2007 VAROVÁNÍ: Toto je verejné diskusní fórum. Provozovatel si ... Fred Burks - Served for many years as a language interpreter for presidents and other dignitaries, information.
07.Feb.2007 TACrimSP - Ementário nº 2 Para que os latidos de cachorro durante a noite configurem o delito previsto no art. 42, IV, da LCP, é necessário fazer prova de que várias pessoas se ...
07.Feb.2007 Prefeitura de Vila Velha - Site Oficial Tem gente que denuncia o canto do galo ou o latido do cachorro do vizinho; ... É considerada poluição sonora 55 decibéis durante o dia e 50 à noite ; ...
07.Feb.2007 Vejinha on-line A fiscalização de barulho na cidade é uma piada. Vizinhos de danceterias, bares ... Se um cachorro latir por mais de cinco minutos à noite , o dono pagará 50 ...
07.Feb.2007 Bairro de Vila Maria Se não houver solução rapida, é porque tem algo errado com a fiscalização . ... cachorros num espaço muito pequeno e o barulho dos latidos dos cachorros são ...
07.Feb.2007 Julgados A faculdade existente no local não causa transtornos todo o tempo, toda a noite , todo o ano. Enfim, nada disso se compara ao latido constante de vários ...
07.Feb.2007 Sustainable Practices and Technology's topics - The company proposes putting small hydraulic generators in floors to capture ... to know about his Patented Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (the MEG). ...
07.Feb.2007 Electricity.crisis Update on the patented Motionless Electromagnetic Generator ... the St Helena olive tree the latest to be declared extinct after the last remaining seedling ...
07.Feb.2007 Cosmic Iguana - Voice of the Evil Doers: December 2003 Archives All year the elves at his law firm, Baker Botts of Texas, ... that he will discuss with Prime Minister Chinnawat Thaksin the possibility of withdrawing ...
">Political Friendster - George W. Bush - Connections Baker & Botts is one of the top ten contributors to the Bush campaign ... Thaksin aggrieved friend becuz USA criticized his human rights record on a/c of ...
Bush">Political Friendster - George H. W. Bush - Connections Thaksin and President Bush Sr. have both held board seats at the high-powered ... Baker & Botts . The Bush-Liedtke Zapata Oil relationship also was destined ...
Lobby Registrations Registrant:, Baker Botts LLP , Lobbying Issue Codes (if provided): ... political issues that confront Dr. Thaksin as a result of the coup of September 19. ...
The LongBow Papers All year the elves at his law firm, Baker Botts of Texas, have been working day and night to prevent the families of the victims of the September 11 attack ...
The Lone Voice: 01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007 Also, one of the reasons many people resisted Prime Minister Thaksin ... Bush Sr., while James A. Baker III is the current Baker in Baker Botts . Baker ...
the lone voice One of the Group’s directors is former President George<br/>Bush Sr., while James A. Baker III is the current Baker in Baker Botts. Baker was a ...
pg. 5 pg. 4 pg. 8 HTML Thaksin Shinawatra faxes resignation from. his London home; encourages all other ... Brett Botts . Pulse Editor:. Havalyn Nestler. World News:. Nat Fondell ...
Editorials from Hell's leading daily newspaper, The Dis Brimstone ... Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra of Thailand seems to be a man without a ... The GOP has brought in James A Baker III to try to convince the world that the ...
July 2004: This Far and No Further Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra says Thai troops will be brought home sooner ... law firm of Baker Botts , which has close ties to the Bush administration.
07.Feb.2007 Forms & Software Registrant Name, Registrant ID, LD-1 Form. BAKER BOTTS L.L.P. , 30816, Download Form ... THAKSIN SHINAWATRA, 308160026, Download Form. FEATHERLITE INC. ...
Find Your House ID Number BAKER BOTTS L.L.P. . (Registrant ID: 30816) ... THAKSIN SHINAWATRA, 30816026. FEATHERLITE INC. 30816025. HALLIBURTON COMPANY, 30816021 ...
20060405 Apr.2006 Thai prime minister to step aside Embattled Thai PM Thaksin ... Larroca , Baker Botts LLP Washington, District of Columbia Practicing in Criminal . ...
Former Secretary of State is Commencement Speaker Other recipients are Lech Walesa, George H. W. Bush, and Thaksin Shinawatra. Baker is presently a partner with Baker Botts and senior counselor to The ...
Dream’s End Yesterday, while Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, ... He also works for a law firm, Baker Botts , which has offices in only one other country… ...
Washington Center HTML Thaksin Shinawatra, Prime Minister. of the Kingdom of Thailand ... Baker Botts L.L.P. . ChevronTexaco. Embassy of the Republic of Korea. FannieMae ...
U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Lobbying Disclosure ... BAKER & HOSTETLER LLP , AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, 5131-48 ... BAKER BOTTS , SHINAWATRA, DR THAKSIN , 5118-455. BAKER BOTTS , SIDERCA SAIC, 5118-330 ...
PERRspectives Blog: Foreign Policy Archives When Bush ran afoul of the SEC in 1991 over his $848000 Harken insider trading windfall, it was the firm of Baker Botts which came to his rescue. ...
Oil, Gas & Mining updates from Jakarta - Kerry B. Collison Thaksin must be tried for deaths about Killings return to haunt Thaksin ... YEPC attorney Michael Goldberg, of Houston-based firm Baker Botts LLP , said ...,-Gas-Mining-updates-from-Jakarta.html


"Es ist ein außergewöhnlicher Fall", sagte Elena Menotti, die die Ausgrabungen nahe der norditalienischen Stadt Mantua leitet. Sie kenne keine Doppelgräber mit eng umschlungenen Personen aus der Jungsteinzeit. "Und diese umarmen sich wirklich." REUTERS

Eng umschlungen: In Norditalien entdecktes Doppelgrab Die Experten schätzen, dass das Paar vor 5000 bis 6000 Jahren bestattet wurde.
07.Feb.2007,1518,druck-464595,00.html Ein größeres Vertrauen in die Polizei dürfte direkten Einfluss auf die Anzeigebereitschaft, etwa bei sexuellen Übergriffen, haben.
07.Feb.2007,1518,druck-464595,00.html Nirgendwo wurden mehr Einbrüche verübt als im britischen Königreich - und nirgendwo gibt es mehr Alarmanlagen. Neben Irland und Großbritannien zählen Estland, Dänemark und die Niederlande zu den Kriminalitätshochburgen in der EU.
07.Feb.2007,1518,druck-464595,00.html Im Gegensatz zu den gängigen Polizei-Statistiken, die naturgemäß nur behördlich erfasste Fälle darstellen können, fließen in das Forschungsprojekt "European Crime and Safety Survey" (EU ICS) zusätzlich auch jene Straftaten ein, bei denen die Opfer darauf verzichtet haben, Anzeige zu erstatten.
07.Feb.2007,1518,druck-464595,00.html Die gefährlichsten Länder in der EU

Raub, Diebstahl, Vergewaltigungen - eine neue Umfrage zeigt, welches die sichersten, welches die gefährlichsten Länder der EU sind. Die Deutschen werden vergleichsweise selten Opfer von Kriminellen. Allerdings: Die Zahl der Sexualdelikte ist erschreckend hoch.

Brüssel - Wurden Sie Opfer von Raub, Diebstahl oder Einbruch? Für den aktuellen Opferreport wurden insgesamt rund 35.000 repräsentativ ausgewählte Menschen aus den 15 alten EU-Mitgliedsstaaten sowie aus Polen, Ungarn und Estland über ihre Erfahrungen mit "gewöhnlichen Straftaten" befragt. Das Konsortium unter Beteiligung des Meinungsforschungsinstituts Gallup und des Max-Planck-Instituts für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht befragte auch 2000 deutschen Bürger.
Unterwasser- Duell: "Caesars" giftige Fracht bedroht Norwegen

07.Feb.2007 Yen- Verfall: Hedgefonds- Zocker bedrohen das Weltwährungssystem
07.Feb.2007 Großbritannien: Dritte Briefbombe in drei Tagen - eine Verletzte

07.Feb.2007 Bundeswehr: Kabinett schickt Tornado- Flugzeuge nach Afghanistan

07.Feb.2007 Texas: Touristen verlieren Interesse an Bushs Ranch
07.Feb.2007 CO2- Debatte: Umweltschützer fordern klimafreundlichere Autowerbung

07.Feb.2007 Musikverkauf ohne Kopierschutz: Steve Jobs drängt Plattenfirmen, DRM abzuschaffen
07.Feb.2007 Grab in Italien: Paar umarmt sich seit 5000 Jahren
07.Feb.2007 Online- Durchsuchungen: "Ein schnelles Gesetz ist nicht in Sicht"
Kriminalitäts- Ranking: Die gefährlichsten Länder in der EU
07.Feb.2007 Tornado- Einsatz in Afghanistan: Experten warnen vor erhöhter Terror- Gefahr
07.Feb.2007 Sexuelle Diskriminierung: Wal- Mart droht Sammelklage von 1,6 Millionen Frauen
07.Feb.2007 Rechtsextremismus: Ausländerfeindliche Straftaten auf Höchststand

07.Feb.2007 Neues Afrika- Kommando: USA wollen Anti- Terror- Kampf von Stuttgart aus führen
"who this guy really is"

He's selling a book with the subtitle Manifesto for a New World Order

The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media. ~William Colby, former CIA director

I would encourage everyone to write the Guardian a letter to the editor detailing your dissatisfaction with the paper and with Monbiot. The email address for letters to the editor is:

Here is a copy of my letter to the editor:

Shame on Monbiot and the Guardian for the hit piece on Loose Change published Feb. 6, 2007. This dreadful piece of swill stinks of one-sided viewpoints and loose journalistic standards. There are plenty of more reputable sources from which to gather evidence on 9/11. But instead the Guardian chose to equate the entire movement with one movie made by college kids which has already been labeled by the 9/11 truth movement as heavily flawed on several more serious 9/11 research websites, most notably The Guardian's intention in doing this is all too obvious. I am appalled that the Guardian has sunk so low as to use arguments like "they can't be telling the truth because they haven't been killed yet." Like it is not a possibility that killing them will only attract more attention to the issue and provide more suspicious evidence for the movement. I guess by following this logic one can conclude that Watergate never happened since Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were never killed. I have purchased and enjoyed many Monbiot books, most especially Captive State: The Corporate Takeover of Britain. Following this distasteful display of character assassination, it is safe to say I will no longer read Monbiot or the Guardian until they start to analyse the scientific claims of the 9/11 community, such as the collapse of Building 7 or the molten metal at ground zero.
Et tu, Guardian?

Isn't it lovely how the 911Truth movement is usually portrayed as victims of magically clever amature propaganda? As if we NEVER doubted the official story until we saw Loose Change and BAM! had a Saul-like epiphany on the road to Damascas?

And if these lads are THAT clever at manipulating people cold, who have no other doubts, why aren't they rich advertising gits?

I smell desperation in the air...

Impeachment. Accountability. A better world.

You said that the films greatest flaw is that the filmmakers are still alive, well I will tell you this much anybody with half a brain would realize what happens when someone with a powerful message is assassinated, said person and message is immortalized, engraved into the history books forever.

So yes in essence if anything were to happen to those young filmmakers. The virus of Truth will spread like a forest fire being egged on by a heavy breeze. Sure you can blow out the flame of a candle successfully, however you are not dealing with a candle, you are dealing with a forest fire

The disease is called Loose Change. It is a film made by three young men that airs most of the standard conspiracy theories about the attacks of September 11 2001. Unlike the other 9/11 conspiracy films, Loose Change is sharp and swift, with a thumping soundtrack, slick graphics and a calm and authoritative voiceover. Its makers claim that it has now been watched by 100 million people.
The film's greatest flaw is this: the men who made it are still alive. If the US government is running an all-knowing, all-encompassing conspiracy, why did it not snuff them out long ago? There is only one possible explanation. They are in fact agents of the Bush regime, employed to distract people from its real abuses of power. This, if you are inclined to believe such stories, is surely a more plausible theory than the one proposed in Loose Change.

Follow the link above for the full article and to post comments in response. Likewise you can find the contact information for the author via his website here.
07.Feb.2007 Kindersoldaten bleiben illegal - onlineredaktion 
onlineredaktion ? 58 Staaten verpflichteten sich zum Abschluß ihrer internationalen Konferenz in Paris, den Einsatz von Minderjährigen als Soldaten in Konflikten strafrechtlich zu verfolgen. Weltweit, so wird schätzt, gibt es circa 250.000 bis 300.000 Kindersoldaten. In dem gestern verabschiedeten Schlußdokument des zweitägigen Treffens hieß es, Verantwortliche für den Einsatz von Kindersoldaten dürften nicht mehr straffrei bleiben.

07.Feb.2007 Vienna busts huge child porn ring Austria uncovers a child pornography network involving more than 2,360 suspects in 77 countries, authorities say.
07.Feb.2007 Clashes as Bolivia miners protest Thousands of Bolivian miners march on La Paz, throwing dynamite on their way, to protest against tax plans.
07.Feb.2007 EU money geared to smart future Europe launches its 50.5bn-euro (£33bn) programme for research and technological development.
07.Feb.2007 Fake Holograms a 3-D Crime Wave Counterfeiters learn to make convincing copies of the shiny, embossed stickers that certify everything from software to baseball cards. By Marty Graham.
07.Feb.2007 Feb. 7, 2000: Mafiaboy's Moment Several major websites are brought down by the largest denial-of-service attacks ever staged. Compiled by Tony Long.
07.Feb.2007 A New Twist On Skywriting - kdawson  14 - Nugget writes

"The advent of Internet-based flight tracking technology enables an entirely new kind of skywriting. Gulfstream Aerospace sent up one of their $50M business jets today on an 8.5-hour test flight spanning 11 states for the sole purpose of leaving their mark on the Net in the form of a flight track that spells out 'GV' (the nickname of the Gulfstream V aircraft being flown) when viewed online."
Nearly 60 nations - but not US - sign treaty to ban forced disappearances - BG -U.S. Doesn't Sign Ban on Disappearances
07.Feb.2007 Rudy Giuliani discusses candidacy on H&C - BG -America's Mayor Rudy Giuliani appeared on Hannity & Colmes tonight to discuss his candidacy for President. The war in Iraq, terrorism, gun rights and gay marriage were just some of the topics Hannity and Giuliani talked about. Part 1: Part 2: ... Source:
07.Feb.2007 Bush and Cheney's dirty secrets - BG -A former top CIA official blows the whistle on bogus intelligence, covert kidnappings and the alleged torture of terror suspects.... Source:
07.Feb.2007 Good Review of Various Theories for Why WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 Collapsed - BG -Source:
07.Feb.2007 Mister Thorne: The Business Case For Diversity
'&quot;The Racial Paradox of the Corporate Law Firm," an article written by UCLA law professor Richard Sander and published in the May 2006 edition of the North Carolina Law Review, raises an interesting question: do the preferences that prestigious law schools and large law firms give to certain minorities (i.e.
07.Feb.2007 German Past Haunts Gamers' Future
'Germany, ever mindful of its troubled history, keeps as close an eye on its past as it does its present and future. And that may spell trouble for certain video games.
07.Feb.2007 6.2 Mag...(published on 2/5/2007)

- Below-Zero Temps Close Schools... (published on 2/5/2007)

- Bitter Cold Grips Northern States... (published on 2/5/2007)

- Earthquake rattles Cuba, no injuries... (published on 2/5/2007)
07.Feb.2007 What to do about Iran (published on 2/5/2007)Fears of stumbling towards confrontation with Iran

- Why there will be no effective global gas cartel (published on 2/5/2007)Russian talk of a gas cartel may worry Europe
07.Feb.2007 Investors are moving into timber (published on 2/5/2007)The returns are good and the environment benefits
07.Feb.2007 Death Toll in Indonesian Flooding at 36 JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- Overnight downpours sent storm waters coursing back into some low-lying areas Tuesday, as authorities warned of the threat of diseases and anger mounted at the government's response to the disaster that has killed at least 36 people in the capital..

- Iraqi Gunmen Seize Iranian Diplomat BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- Gunmen wearing Iraqi army uniforms seized an Iranian diplomat as he drove through central Baghdad, officials said Tuesday. Tehran condemned the abduction and blamed U.
07.Feb.2007 Paper Releases Video of U.S. Friendly Fire
LONDON (AP) -- A leaked video in which an American pilot is heard saying "we're in jail, dude," after U.S.
07.Feb.2007 G.O.P. Senators Block Debate on Iraq Policy
The vote left in doubt the fate of a bipartisan resolution opposing President Bush's troop buildup in Iraq.;en=c5bd8564812ac43b&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss
07.Feb.2007 Iranian Diplomat Kidnapped in Baghdad by Iraqis With Official ID
Serious questions were raised about whether Iraqi government forces were involved in the abduction.;en=8cd6c268673ff8cf&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss
07.Feb.2007 In Public View, Saudis Counter Iran in Region
With civil wars looming in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia is taking a central role in reshaping the region's conflicts.;en=104d9e43123602e2&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss
07.Feb.2007 Jury Hears Libby's "Disembodied Voice" On Tapes In Leak Trial Prosecutors in the perjury trial of I. Lewis Libby Jr.

- Reid To GOP: "You Can Run But You Can't Hide"
Republicans on Monday blocked Senate debate on a bipartisan resolution opposing President Bush's troop buildup in Iraq, leaving in doubt whether the Senate would render a judgment on what lawmakers of both parties described as the paramount issue of the day.

The decision short-circuited what had been building as the first major Congressional challenge to President Bush over his handling of the war since Democrats took control of Congress last month + left each party blaming the other for frustrating debate on a topic that is likely to influence the 2008 presidential and Congressional races.

07.Feb.2007 Jeff Strahl, Mechanical Engineer - BG -
Jeff Strahl, Mechanical Engineer Believes the WTC was brought down by demolition. He brings up the interesting concept of the "resistance paradox": Interesting that you note the towers disintegrating, but do not note, or pretend to not note, the contradiction between the lower portions offering no resistance to the falling debris if you wish to explain the short collapse time, vs the top portions disintegrating as if encountering massive resistance. So, which is it, Mr Partridge? Did the lower portions offer zero resistance to explain the short collapse time (videos show the lower portions offering no more resistance than the nearby air), or did they offer high resistance, to account for the upper portions disintegrating ABOVE THE COLLAPSE ZONE, IN MID-AIR? The fact that the towers collapsed top to bottom, where the only thing that appears ... Source:

07.Feb.2007 Watada Lawyer Rebukes Judge - BG -When Watada's attorney, Eric Seitz, excoriated the proceedings as an "atrocity" and accused the judge of judicial misconduct, the court's response was almost sheepish.
07.Feb.2007 The Real Traitors
These are not the genuine claims of selfless patriots. They're the shameful tactics of desperate warmongers who don't seem to understand that no matter how many times a lie is told, it will never become the truth. What truly comforts the enemy is the callous willingness of leaders who have never known battle to send our fellow citizens into hell on earth, to serve as little more than human targets in their imperial shell game.

PAUL KRUGMAN: The Green-Zoning Of America
The blueprint for Bush-era governance was laid out in a January 2001 manifesto from the Heritage Foundation, titled "Taking Charge of Federal Personnel." with the message, that the professional civil service should be regarded as the enemy of the new administration's conservative agenda. Heritage demanded that politics take precedence over know-how..."appointment decisions based on loyalty first and expertise second."

07.Feb.2007 Caught On Video: US Troops Kill Brits With Friendly Fire
US seems to be hiding story, protecting murderers who violated six rules to kill allies.

07.Feb.2007 Fossilised Dinosaur Eggs Found

Cheney's Fund Manager Attacks ... Cheney A fund manager who invests much of Vice President Dick Cheney's money recently sent a letter to clients blasting administration energy policy.

Police Spy Drone Plane Draws Fire In Florida but not because it is spying from above without court order...

Fitzgerald Targets Cheney In Libby Tapes jury will listen to nine hours worth of testimony on tape

Wanted: One Brave Democratic Senator Just an idea how one brave Democratic Senator could change the Course of history and show the world that there is at least one brave Democrat

Feingold Excoriates Fellow Dems For Failing To "play Hardball" To End Iraq War
In response to a question from Firedoglake's Smith,asking how bloggers and citizens might help in his fight,Feingold urged folks to call their Cong. Members to demand tough action in hopes that it might give them the backbone to do the right thing."Call your members and demand a timeline to withdraw the troops and withhold funding after that. I can't go home knowing that there are Wisconsans who are going to die unnecessarily"

Senate Republicans Successfully Block Debate On Iraq Resolution
After being assailed by Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for being "driven by a desire to provide political cover for President Bush," the Republican Leadership in the Senate succeeded in preventing debate on a resolution that criticized President George W. Bush's escalation plan for Iraq.

Study: Exxon And Big Oil Manipulated Election-time Gas Prices
The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights shows how Big Oil dropped profits to lull voters during the run up to the midterm election, then lying about the cause. The kicker? They've been gouging us all along, most notably last summer when prices hit $3 per gallon. Moreover, Bush's increase of the Strategic Reserve was a direct payback, causing a price spike greater then Katrina. Are you boycotting ExxonMobil & Shell yet?

Morality Play Are humans really depraved as so many think or is depravity a learned behavior?

Nation Fiction |
Is the concept of nation slipping? One might think so with a UN blueprint for the future status of Kosovo. The Balkan enclave has been UN-run since 1999 when NATO freed its mainly Albanian population from Serb rule. Not granting it freedom would fit a global trend.

FL-13: Florida Lied About "Investigative Team" In State Report On Voting Machine Audit
So the state is relying on an investigation which does not have access to the actual voting machines they are supposed to be investigating and has lied about who is actually participating in the investigation.

Europe 'ripe' For Our Ideas, Says Far Right |
The "Identity, Tradition + Sovereignty" caucus, is constituted inside the EU Parliament. It includes the "Attack" party from Bulgaria, which published lists of Bulgarian Jews on its website; the party of Alexandra Mussolini, grand-daughter of Italy's World War II fascist leader; and is led by Bruno Gollnisch of Jean-Marie Le Pen's far-right French party, who faced trial in Lyon this fall for Holocaust denia

Iran's Weakened Hard-liners Crave A US Attack |
From the rhetoric of President Bush to his dispatch of Patriot air-defense systems and a second carrier battle group to the Persian Gulf, there are growing signs that the Bush administration is showing its willingness to solve the Iranian nuclear crisis with a preemptive military attack. The already tense US-Iran relationship is now a tinderbox.

07.Feb.2007 By David Diego Martinez De Lopez - Requiem For A Nation, Or A Call To Rebirth? - The NeoCons were just nailed in Arizona; kicked out of power. I do not know this guy but the article appears on an AZ site, Looks like some Republicans are about to take action.

07.Feb.2007 By Dave Lindorff - Borat Goes To Washington: Don't Experiment With The US Economy? We have a Borat government in Washington + we are the unwitting extras in this production.

07.Feb.2007 By Dave Johnson - Long-Term Strategic Narrative: Liberals Hate Christians
Using a right-wing piece claiming liberals hate Christians as an example, this post discusses how conservatives tie current events into a larger strategic narrative to influence the public. Progressive should learn from this. They should learn to "always add the 'because.'"

07.Feb.2007 By Carol Wolman - Super Super Bowl- Patriots Vs. Pirates - The weapons of the Pirates are shock and awe, lies + massive firepower of all sorts. The weapons of the Patriots are truth, justice + numbers. The game is not over. Go Patriots! Impeachment now!

07.Feb.2007 By Gatto - Democrats: Weak And Spineless - I can't believe there are this many spineless people congregated in one spot in Washington DC.

07.Feb.2007 By David Sirota - Progressive Senators Learn How To Use Ben Nelson-ism For Themselves

07.Feb.2007 By Press Release - See Mark Crispin Miller And Steve Freeman Tuesday, Feb. 6th In NYC
Moore and Freeman examine the outrageous events surrounding the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections from different perspectives. Moore, at the time senior editor for the Gallup Poll, highlights the influence of Jeb Bush and the Fox Network in 2000. 7pm: McNally-Robinson Booksellers 52 Prince St. (at Prince & Lafayette) NYC

Zbigniew Brzezinski has seen it all and is more than willing to share his truth ~ which is always extremely insightful and accurate. Zbig was at his best in May of 2004 demanding that we face reality in Iraq ~ and now in 2007, Brzezinski continues to call the Iraq war and occupation a historic, strategic and moral calamity . Here is his recent testimony to Senate Foreign Relations committee along with his recommendations.

07.Feb.2007 By Rev. Bill McGinnis - Under Senate Rules, Democrats Can Force Consideration Of Any Resolution With A Simple 51-Vote Majority
Any "motion to consider" made during the first two hours of the legislative day is non-debatable and therefore cannot be filibustered. A simple majority is all that it needs to pass.

07.Feb.2007 By Joshua Frank
Clinton, Edwards And Obama: Strike Iran
Why the Dems Won't Save Us

07.Feb.2007 Widespread Demands for Pollard's Release
With massive call-ins to President Bush, hunger strikes and street protests all over the world, supporters of Jonathan Pollard refuse to accept the injustice of his continued incarceration. Full Story Below

07.Feb.2007 Headlines:
Widespread Demands for Pollard's Release
07.Feb.2007 US: ‘Insurgents’ Killed in Airstrike Were Innocent Civilians - BG -Source:
07.Feb.2007 Politics: All Talk and No Talk - BG -politics
All Talk and No Talk
The Senate dithers on the Iraq troop surge.
By John Dickerson
Posted Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2007, at 8:09 AM ET

In the Senate, debates can be like rabbits: They multiply. So, before senators could debate President Bush's plan for a troop increase in Iraq, they had to have a debate about the debate. To go forward with that debate, the senators had to debate the order of debating the debate.

After all the debate, the Senate debated nothing. The nonbinding resolution on Iraq, which would not actually stop the deployment of 21,500 or more additional troops, will not be voted on for the moment. After a day of speeches and wrangling, the Democrats and Republicans could not reach an agreement on how to proceed. To continue reading, click here.
07.Feb.2007 Pincus Lit the Fuse on the Plamegate Bomb - BG -
by Larry C Johnson Until the start of the Libby trial, most folks and chroniclers assumed that the Nick Kristof piece in May of 2003 spurred the White House to go after Joe and Valerie Wilson. But based on the timeline emerging from the Libby trial the real culprit is Walter Pincus, the legendary warhorse reporter at the Washington Post, whose work on an article that appeared on June 12, 2003 set in motion the events that eventually produced the "outing" of Valerie Plame, the wife of Ambassdor Joe Wilson and an undercover CIA officer. The Nick Kristof piece was the first major shot across the bow of the Administration on its fabricated case for going to war, but did not generate the reaction that the Pincus piece garnered. Kristoff--whose piece only devoted two paragraphs to Joe... Source:

07.Feb.2007 The Guardian Publishes Opinion Piece Attacking 9/11 Skeptics Via Loose Change 'Disease' - BG -
A 9/11 conspiracy virus is sweeping the world, but it has no basis in fact - There is a virus sweeping the world. It infects opponents of the Bush government, sucks their brains out through their eyes and turns them into gibbering idiots. First cultivated in a laboratory in the US, the strain reached these shores a few months ago. In the past fortnight, it has become an epidemic. Scarcely a day now passes without someone possessed by this sickness, eyes rolling, lips flecked with foam, trying to infect me. The disease is called Loose Change. It is a film made by three young men that airs most of the standard conspiracy theories about the attacks of September. Unlike the other 9/11 conspiracy films, Loose Change ... Source:

07.Feb.2007 Brzezinski Suggests False Flag Event Could Kick-Start Iran War - Paul Joseph Watson -Top globalist warns Congress of provocation or terrorist attack inside U.S.
07.Feb.2007 2012 London Olympics: Police State Opening Ceremony - Paul Joseph Watson -Steve Watson Tuesday, February 6, 2007 A combination of leaked documents and public policy
07.Feb.2007 No Law To Mandate Dangerous, Untested HPV Vaccine - Paul Joseph Watson -Media hoax fools parents into thinking Merck shots are mandatory, big pharma laughs as obscene profits roll
07.Feb.2007 A Washington state initiative - Nico -

filed by a same-sex marriage advocacy group “would require heterosexual couples to have kids within three years or else have their marriage annulled.” Authors of the measure acknowledged the initiative was “absurd” but hoped the idea prompts “discussion about the many misguided assumptions” about same-sex marriage.
07.Feb.2007 Senate plans new strategy for Iraq votes. - Nico -

Senate Democrats “may use the pending bill on the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission as a vehicle” to restart the debate over funding for troops that was derailed by conservatives this week. “Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) said yesterday that the 9/11 Commission bill…is a ‘good opportunity’ to bring up his proposal for a binding funding cutoff for future deployments to Iraq.”
07.Feb.2007 “Not the last chance.” - Faiz -

In testimony before the Senate today, Defense Secretary Robert Gates argued that the so-called surge is “not the last chance” for Iraq. Previously, pro-escalation Sens. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) had said this is the “last chance.”
07.Feb.2007 White House Undercuts Its Own Rationale For Opposing Medicare Price Negotiations - Faiz -

Last month, the House voted to require the government to negotiate lower prescription drug prices for Medicare beneficiaries, overturning a 2003 law that left drug-price negotiations “to the private insurers that offer government-subsidized drug plans for seniors in each state.”

In a written statement, the White House threatened to veto the bill:

Government interference impedes competition, limits access to life-saving drugs, reduces convenience for beneficiaries + ultimately increases costs to taxpayers, beneficiaries + all American citizens alike.

The argument that the White House advanced for refusing to allow the negotiation of Medicare drug prices has been undercut by the White House itself. On page 59 of the Department of Health and Human Services’ “Budget in Brief,” under section “FY 2008 Proposed Legislation” and subsection “Medicaid Pharmacy Reforms,” President Bush’s budget requests the following:

“Allow Optional Managed Formulary: Allows States to use private sector management techniques to leverage greater discounts through negotiations with drug manufacturers.”

Commenting on the administration’s inconsistent approach, Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA), chairman of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee, said, “What’s good enough for states should be good enough for the federal government — and for the millions of seniors and people with disabilities currently being overcharged for necessary drugs. … I applaud the President’s change of heart and look forward to joining him in the Rose Garden for the signing of the Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act.”
07.Feb.2007 Pace: Not enough equipment for escalation. - Nico -

“U.S. Marine Gen. Peter Pace admitted to the Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday equipment will be a problem when U.S. forces in Iraq are increased. … Pace said the military has about 41,000 armored vehicles in Iraq — fewer than will be needed ‘to cover all of the troops that are deploying.’ Pace said it will be July before enough equipment is in place.”
07.Feb.2007 Popular Teen TV Show To Claim Morning-After Pill Can Cause A Miscarriage - Amanda -

Tonight, the CW network will air an episode of Veronica Mars that is based on misleading right-wing claims about contraception. The show is about a young woman named Veronica Mars, who is both a college student and a part-time private investigator. This week, Veronica is hired by Bonnie, “a promiscuous classmate, to find out who secretly slipped her the morning after pill, causing her to have a miscarriage“:

The basis for tonight’s Veronica Mars episode is more than just an innocent factual error. It dangerously confuses the facts on women’s health and furthers incorrect right-wing claims.

The morning-after pill — also known as Plan B — is not an abortion drug. It is a form of emergency contraception that when “taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex, the two-pill series can lower the risk of pregnancy by up to 89 %.” It cannot cause a miscarriage. Plan B works only when taken before a woman becomes pregnant.

While Plan B is now available over the counter to women ages 18 and older, it comes after three years of political stonewalling by the Bush administration. In 2003, a panel of independent advisers told the FDA that it “overwhelmingly backed nonprescription sales [of Plan B] for all ages.” But the Bush administration interfered and blocked Plan B sales in a pander to the right wing, which argues that the drug increases promiscuity. (See the real facts here.)

Veronica Mars is extremely popular among young women, the very women who need accurate health information. , CW’s Director of Publicity + tell him that CW needs to correct its information on emergency contraception.

UPDATE: In tonight’s episode, Bonnie makes clear that a friend slipped her RU-486, the abortion pill. But as of the show’s airing, CW’s website still lists the morning after pill as the cause of the character’s miscarriage. Digg It!
07.Feb.2007 Scientists protest influence of Bush political appointees. - Amanda -

Members of the “EPA’s science advisory panel on air pollution voiced strong concerns today about the Bush administration’s recent directive to expand the power of political appointees over the panel’s work. … The new policy essentially strips the panel of its fundamental advisory role with EPA staff scientists as they compile and disseminate the latest findings on pollutants — like ozone, particulate matter or lead — and human health.” (via Greenwire, subscription required)
07.Feb.2007 Cheney’s Son-In-Law Blamed for Delaying Investigations of Homeland Security Department - Payson -

The Department of Homeland Security refuses to cooperate on oversight activities, according to testimony offered today by GAO Comptroller General David Walker and Homeland Security Inspector General Richard Skinner. The investigators highlighted the role of Philip Perry — Chief Counsel of the Department of Homeland Security and Vice President Cheney’s son-in-law — as the major stumbling block in their investigations.

Walker said the DHS strategy in dealing with investigations is to “delay, delay, delay.” CongressDaily reports:

“[Homeland Security] has been one of our persistent access challenges,” GAO Comptroller General David Walker told the House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee. Walker said the problem is “systemic” and not the fault of any single individual. But he complained that GAO has had to go through the office of Chief Counsel Philip Perry. Perry is married to Elizabeth Cheney , a former State Department official who is one of the vice president’s two daughters. Walker said it is his understanding that Perry’s office has to review documents GAO seeks before they are released and that Perry selectively sits in on interviews with department employees.

The GAO’s Skinner “said his investigations have also been hindered”:

“We’re experiencing the same problem,” said Skinner, who added his office is “oftentimes” told who they can interview and that it sometimes takes weeks to get documents. Skinner said he prepared a document last summer to inform all department employees of the IG’s responsibilities and authorities and encouraging them to cooperate with investigations. “That letter has been sitting up in counsel’s office at DHS since I believe June or July of ‘06,” Skinner said.

The news is another in a series of black eyes for the agency. In a recent federal survey, DHS employees “scored last or almost last in job satisfaction, leadership and workplace performance.” The latest semiannual report from Inspector General Skinner highlighted “a litany of staff misconduct: immigration officials demanding sex in exchange for visas, airport screeners stealing money from tourists’ luggage, federal air marshals smuggling drugs + employees from various DHS agencies committing sex crimes.”
07.Feb.2007 New Report Spells Out Catastrophic Consequences Of Military Action Against Iran - Faiz -

Yesterday, a coalition of British NGOs, think-tanks + trade unions published a new report that assesses an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities would be “highly dangerous.”

The document, entitled “Time To Talk: The Case For Diplomatic Solutions On Iran,” warns that President Bush “feels duty-bound to stop Iran’s nuclear program. With little faith in diplomacy, the use of US military force remains a possibility, since Bush believes it unlikely that a…successor will have the ‘political courage’ to undertake a military strike.” There will likely be “great pressure on the President either to contemplate military action before he leaves office or to give the green light to Israeli strikes,” the report states.

The consequences of a U.S. or Israeli strike are “potentially so serious that complacency about the possible outcomes of a military strike could be perilous.” The report attacks “the assumption that targeted military strikes against Iran’s nuclear installations would effectively set back Iran’s nuclear program in the mid-to-long term.” Among the scenarios that the report lays out:

The underlying message is that, while the threat from Iran is serious and negotiations are difficult, “it cannot be said that the potential for diplomacy has been explored fully when direct talks between Iran and the US have not taken place.”
07.Feb.2007 House to take up Iraq resolution. - Nico -

“With the Senate’s debate on an Iraq resolution stalled by partisan division, House Democratic leaders pledged today to begin debate next week in their chamber on a similar nonbinding resolution opposing President Bush’s decision to send more American troops into the war,” the AP reports. “Democratic leaders are considering the highly unusual step of holding a joint meeting of the foreign affairs and armed services committees later this week to debate a resolution.”
07.Feb.2007 O’Reilly And Beck Agree: We’re ‘Afraid’ To Have ‘A Lot Of African-American Friends’ - Amanda -

Last night on Fox News, Bill O’Reilly led a discussion about Sen. Joe Biden’s (D-DE) racially-insensitive remarks toward Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL). But instead of exlusively focusing on why the remarks were condescending to African-Americans, he said blacks should “feel sorry for us white folks here, because I’m telling you now I’m afraid to say anything. … White Americans are terrified.” Watch it:

My Two Sense points out that ’s Glenn Beck hosted a similar discussion last night, during which he said, “I don’t have a lot of African-American friends + I think part of it is because I’m afraid that I would be in an open conversation + I would say something that somebody would take wrong + then it would be a nightmare.” Watch it:

As The New York Times’s Lynette Clemetson notes, “When whites use the word [articulate] in reference to blacks, it often carries a subtext of amazement, even bewilderment. … Such a subtext is inherently offensive because it suggests that the recipient of the ‘compliment’ is notably different from other black people.”

Digg It! Transcripts below: (more…)
07.Feb.2007 Waxman: Top Iraq Reconstruction Official Flown To Baghdad To Avoid Oversight Hearing - Nico -

For the first time since the war began, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) is holding aggressive oversight hearings into the billions in waste, fraud + abuse of U.S. funds in Iraq.

10.Jan.2007 -when President Bush first made his plans for escalation public,

he also announced plans to “appoint a reconstruction coordinator in Baghdad to ensure better results for economic assistance being spent in Iraq.”

The next day, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice named career diplomat Timothy Carney to the position.

During this morning’s hearings, Waxman revealed that the State Department has blocked Carney from appearing at the hearing, despite the fact that Carney personally told Waxman he “was willing to come.” Moreover, the Bush administration has apparently rushed him to Baghdad despite claiming that the reason he could not appear at the hearing was because he “did not yet know what he was going to do in Iraq.”

WAXMAN: So I invited Ambassador Carney to testify today. When my staff talked to Ambassador Carney directly, he was cooperative and said he was willing to come. This the State Department refused.

Their first excuse was that he had not yet filled out his paperwork. Even though Secretary Rice publicly announced his critical new position, he apparently could not talk to Congress because he had not been officially hired.

Next, the State Department said Ambassador Carney could not come because he did not yet know what he was going to do in Iraq . This seemed odd, especially since the secretary had already announced that he was her new point person on Iraq reconstruction.

Then, just last week, we were informed that the department suddenly decided that Ambassador Carney was needed in Baghdad right away . So even though he was not officially hired and, according to the State Department, had no idea what he was going to do in Iraq, he was put on a plane to Baghdad this past Friday.

Waxman added that the State Department has “now told us that they may make him available to Congress in six months.”

UPDATE: Lane Hudson has a wrap-up of the hearing with several more videos.
07.Feb.2007 White House lawyers up. - Amanda -

“A line item buried in the president’s budget reveals the Bush administration is gearing up for emboldened legal challenges from Gitmo detainees. A brief paragraph in President Bush’s 2008 budget request shows he plans to hire nearly two dozen new Justice Department lawyers to fight suits brought by Guantanamo detainees challenging their imprisonment.”
07.Feb.2007 ‘Anti-Escalation’ Senators Vote For Escalation - Payson -

Last night, Senate conservatives successfully blocked debate on a bipartisan anti-escalation resolution.

At least eight senators who claim to oppose sending more U.S. troops to Iraq voted the wrong way, supporting the conservative filibuster. They include Sen. John Warner (R-VA) — who actually introduced the anti-escalation resolution in question — and Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) — who has aggressively demanded that every U.S. senator take a position on Iraq.

Here’s a full list of the senators who voted to protect President Bush and block debate on Iraq, along with their public disapprovals of Bush’s escalation plan:

– Sen. John Warner (R-VA): “Sen. John Warner (R-VA) will introduce a resolution today ‘making clear that he does not support the President on increasing the troop levels in Iraq’ and calling escalation ‘a mistake,’.”

– Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE): “It’s Alice in Wonderland. … I’m absolutely opposed to sending any more troops to Iraq. It is folly.” (Cosponsored Warner resolution.)

– Sen. Gordon Smith (R-OR): “This is the president’s Hail Mary pass. … We are extending an ineffective tactic to further the status quo.” (Cosponsored Warner resolution.)

– Sen. John Sununu (R-NH): “Sen. John Sununu told Tuesday he will not support President Bush’s plan to send an additional 21,000 U.S. troops to Iraq, although he hasn’t yet decided whether to back a Democratic resolution opposing the move.”

– Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME): “We should not place more American servicemen and women in harm’s way to instill a peace that the Iraqis are not willing to seek for themselves.” (Cosponsored Warner resolution.)

– Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS): “I do not believe that sending more troops to Iraq is the answer. … Iraq requires a political rather than a military solution.”

– Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA): “We’re all looking for a plan that will work. … The current plan is not working, and 21,500 additional troops — it’s a snowball in July. It’s not going to work.

Notably, Sens. Norm Coleman (R-MN) and Susan Collins (R-ME), who say they oppose escalation, resisted partisan pressure and voted against the conservative filibuster.

As for Sen. Hagel, who said recently, “We need to put the Congress on record here” — he is now “on record,” in support of Bush’s escalation.

UPDATE: Commenters have noticed that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is listed as having opposed debate on Iraq. In fact, Reid changed his vote to “no” at the end of the vote simply as a procedural move so he could later move to reconsider the motion (i.e., revote) — a right reserved only for those voting with the majority. Digg It!
07.Feb.2007 Zön walm in China? - onlineredaktion Harald Haack ?

Es sei noch zu früh, um zu behaupten China erlebe derzeit den wärmsten Winter seit je, doch die ?vierte größte Wirtschaftsmacht der Welt? erleide definitiv die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels, der globalen Erwärmung, soll jetzt laut der chinesischen Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua ein älterer, amtlicher Meteorologe in Peking gesagt haben. Traditionell genießen ältere Männer in China ein hohes Ansehen. Wenn sie nicht als Trottel verspottet werden, gelten sie als weise.
Der Planet ist krank - onlineredaktion 
Rede von Staatspräsident Jacques Chirac zur Eröffnung der Konferenz für eine globale Umweltordnung ?Bürger der Erde?.
Paris, 2. Februar 2007
Jacques Chirac - Der Planet ist krank: Die Vielzahl von extremen Reaktionen, Orkane, Überschwemmungen, Dürren, sind die besten Symptome dafür, wenn ich so sagen darf. Die Natur ist krank: Die Artenvielfalt nimmt in einem alarmierenden Tempo ab. Wir haben den Beweis dafür,...

07.Feb.2007 Deadly bird flu found in Pakistan The deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu is found close to the Pakistani capital - officials say it is an isolated case.
07.Feb.2007 Anaesthetic linked to Alzheimer's A common anaesthetic could cause changes in the brain linked to Alzheimer's disease, a study has suggested.
07.Feb.2007 Egypt teenager dies of bird flu A 17-year-old girl is the latest victim of the H5N1 strain of avian influenza to die of the virus in Egypt, the WHO says.
07.Feb.2007 Loneliness link with Alzheimer's People who are lonely are twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's disease, a large US study has suggested.
07.Feb.2007 Dengue alert issued in S America A health alert is declared in Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia after an outbreak of dengue fever.
07.Feb.2007 Anti-MRSA silver pyjamas trialled Pyjamas and bed linen made with silver cloth are to be used in hospitals to help fight the MRSA superbug.
07.Feb.2007 Car firms facing pollution curbs The European Commission is to seek a cut of 18% in CO2 produced by the average new car within five years.
07.Feb.2007 Brazil scolds rich on environment Brazil's President Lula says rich nations are not doing enough to fight global warming.
07.Feb.2007 UK police free two in terror probe Two of the nine men arrested during anti-terror raids in Birmingham are released without charge.
07.Feb.2007 US to get Africa command centre President George W Bush approves Pentagon plans for a US military command centre for Africa.
07.Feb.2007 Top Rio policeman suspended A top Brazilian police official is suspended over alleged links to militias formed from renegade security forces.
07.Feb.2007 Iran envoy 'seized in Baghdad' Iran says one of its diplomats has been kidnapped by gunmen in Iraq, accusing the US of involvement.
07.Feb.2007 Work starts by Jerusalem shrine Work begins on an ancient mound near Jerusalem's holiest site, a move expected to raise tensions.
07.Feb.2007 Booming India expects 9.2% growth India's economy is set to grow by 9.2% in the current financial year, the Indian government says.
07.Feb.2007 Letter bomb injures DVLA worker A woman is injured when a letter bomb explodes at the DVLA centre in Wales, the third attack of its kind in three days.
07.Feb.2007 Science backs nuclear burial plan There are no major scientific or technological barriers to burying UK nuclear waste underground, scientists say.
07.Feb.2007 Warning over ePassport microchips Microchips in Britain's new electronic passports only have a two-year warranty, the National Audit Office says.
07.Feb.2007 Net Traffic Computers Attacked Three of the 13 computers used to manage global internet traffic are hit overnight. It's one of the biggest attacks since 2002. By the Associated Press.
07.Feb.2007 Bush Budget Funds NASA, Cuts EPA The president's proposed $2.9 trillion spending plan includes a nice boost for the space program, but cuts environmental protection. Maybe we can move to Mars. Luke O'Brien reports from Washington.
Bacteria Swarm on Average Arms Scientists analyze germs on people's skin and discover that we're literally crawling with the little buggers. In Bodyhack.
07.Feb.2007 Tesla Motors hits up state governments for money Blog: Electric car specialist Tesla Motors is on a cross country road trip + its asking millions of dollars from state legislatures....
07.Feb.2007 Jailed blogger hits record as supporters rally Journalists, politicians and others demonstrate on steps of S.F. City Hall as Josh Wolf becomes longest-jailed journalist for contempt.
07.Feb.2007 GOP revives ISP-tracking legislation New "law and order agenda" proposes data retention requirements. Also, owners of racy Web sites would have to post labels or go to prison.
07.Feb.2007 Data breach bills resurface in Congress Two bills take different approaches toward the tricky concept of how to regulate what happens if a company has a data leak.
07.Feb.2007 Scientists come up with test for string theory Blog: Researchers at the University of Wisconsin say they have come up with a way to test string theory, a theory that postulates that...
07.Feb.2007 Google's Schmidt pitches 'self-governing' Net CEO says nightmare scenario would be an online environment subject to tight regulations, policing of digital identities.
07.Feb.2007 Purdue Makes Trash To Electricity Generator - kdawson 76 -musicon writes

"A group of scientists at Purdue University have created a portable refinery that efficiently converts food, paper + plastic trash into electricity. The machine, designed for the U.S. military, would allow soldiers in the field to convert waste into power. It could also have widespread civilian applications in the future. Researchers tested the first tactical biorefinery prototype in November and found that it produced approximately 90 % more energy than it consumed."
Why Does Skype Read the BIOS? - kdawson 65 -pfp writes

"Myria at, among others, noticed that Skype reads the machine's BIOS code on startup. This probably would've gone unnoticed if the operation didn't fail on 64-bit windows. From the post: 'It's dumping your system BIOS, which usually includes your motherboard's serial number + pipes it to the Skype application. I have no idea what they're using it for, or whether they send anything to their servers, but I bet whatever they're doing is no good given their track record... If they hadn't been ignorant of Win64's lack of NTVDM, nobody would've noticed this happening.'"
Jobs Favors DRM-Free Music Distribution - kdawson 584 -Another anonymous reader tips an essay by Steve Jobs on the Apple site about DRM,

iTunes, and the iPod. Perhaps it was prompted by the uncomfortable pressure the EU has been putting on Apple to open up the iPod. Jobs places the blame for the existence and continuing reliance on DRM squarely on the music companies. Quoting: "Much of the concern over DRM systems has arisen in European countries. Perhaps those unhappy with the current situation should redirect their energies towards persuading the music companies to sell their music DRM-free. For Europeans, two and a half of the big four music companies are located right in their backyard. The largest, Universal, is 100% owned by Vivendi, a French company. EMI is a British company + Sony BMG is 50% owned by Bertelsmann, a German company. Convincing them to license their music to Apple and others DRM-free will create a truly interoperable music marketplace. Apple will embrace this wholeheartedly."
Your House Is About To Be Photographed - kdawson 440 -An anonymous reader writes

"Photographers from a Canadian company are going house to house, shooting pictures of every house in America, in hopes of building a giant database that can be sold to banks, insurance companies, and appraisal firms. While this activity is legal (as long as the photographers don't trespass on private property to get their shots), there are obviously concerns about security and privacy. Considering that an individual can be detained and questioned by the FBI for photographing a bridge in this country, why should this Canadian company get a free pass? Tinfoil hat aside, something seems very, very fishy here." From the Arizona Star article about the photographing of Tucson: "'The [handout given to people who complain] made it sound like they're doing it for law enforcement, when in reality they're doing it for sales and marketing,' said [a City Council aide], who received several calls about the company."
Movie review: Idiocracy starring Luke Wilson, directed by Mike Judge
Every once in a while, a really smart movie comes along that shows you just how stupid modern society is by shoving it in your face. "Idiocracy" is precisely such a film. Filled with purposeful profanity (it actually drives the storyline) and brilliant parody, Idiocracy manages to cough up nearly 90...

07.Feb.2007 Cognizant Technology "buy" Rating-Update: New York ( AG) - Die Analysten der Banc of America bewerten die Aktie von Cognizant Technology (ISIN US1924461023/WKN 915272) nach wie vor mit dem Rating "buy" ein. Das Kursziel werde von 97 USD auf 106 USD angehoben. (06.02.2007/ac/a/u)
07.Feb.2007 Cognizant Technology "overweight" Rating-Update: New York ( AG) - Die Analysten von Prudential Financial bestätigen ihr "overweight"-Rating für die Aktie von Cognizant Technology (ISIN US1924461023/WKN 915272). Das Kursziel erhöhe man von 80 auf 116 USD. (06.02.2007/ac/a/u)
07.Feb.2007 British paper reveals video of U.S. "friendly fire" - BG -
LONDON (Reuters) - A British newspaper published transcripts on Tuesday of a cockpit video recording from a U.S. jet at the center of an inquest into "friendly fire" in Iraq in which a British soldier was killed.... Source:

07.Feb.2007 Six Lies You Shouldn't Believe About Iran, Especially Since, Hey, There's People Down Here. - BG -Six Lies You Shouldn't Believe About Iran, Especially Since, Hey, There's People Down Here.
07.Feb.2007 The David Ray Griffin Interview - DRG Answers Your Questions - RINF FORUM - BG -
07.Feb.2007 Outrageous!: A BBC Journalist Almost Criticises Israel. Burn The Witch! « The Heathlander - Sent Using Google Toolbar - BG -Outrageous!: A BBC Journalist Almost Criticises Israel. Burn The Witch! « The Heathlander
Jeremy Bowen, the BBCs Middle East Editor (a position he's held since it was created in 2005) is in trouble with some for a recent internal memo he sent to colleagues regarding the Israel/Palestine conflict. Here is the offending document, entitled, ' Mini briefing on the Israeli [sic] and Palestinians ':

07.Feb.2007 Federal Prosecutors Widen Pursuit Of Death Penalty As States Ease Off
At a time when many states are backing away from capital punishment, the federal government is aggressively pursuing -- and winning -- more death sentences, including in jurisdictions that traditionally oppose them.

07.Feb.2007 War On Iraq: It's Way Too Late For Nonbinding Resolutions On Iraq
this is no time for a nonbinding resolution -- a resolution filled with loopholes, I should add -- that expresses the displeasure of Congress to a president who's made it abundantly clear that he doesn't give a damn what Capitol Hill thinks.

07.Feb.2007 Embracing Failure
The task for Congress regarding Iraq? Get the president to accept failure as an option.

07.Feb.2007 The Blame Game
Bush's campaign to pin the Iraq quagmire on Iranian meddling won't wash.

07.Feb.2007 Rendering Unto God
The obscure National Christian Foundation has developed a whole new way to collect from Christians and dispense to the cause.

07.Feb.2007 Bernie Sanders: A Budget For The Middle Class
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) demands a financial plan for America that rolls back tax cuts for the wealthy and stands up for the middle class and working poor.

07.Feb.2007 How Will The Roberts Court Deal With Cases Affecting Corporate America?
in this month's FELA decision, Roberts reached a pro-corporate-defendant result, but eschewed adopting broader pro-corporate-defendant reasoning.

07.Feb.2007 Mahdi Army Gains Strength Through Unwitting Aid Of U.S.
The U.S. military drive to train and equip Iraq's security forces has unwittingly strengthened anti-American Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army militia, which has been battling to take over much of the capital city as American forces are trying to secure it.

07.Feb.2007 Conyers House Panel Probing Bush's Record On Signing Statements

Maureen Dowd: No Way Out
Even after releasing parts of an intelligence report so pessimistic that it may as well have been titled "Iraq: We're Cooked," Bush officials clung to their alternate reality, using nonsensical logic and cherry-picking whatever phrases they could find in the report that they could use to sell the Surge.

07.Feb.2007 NYPD Frisked Blacks At 5 Times Rate Of Whites

Japan Confirms Deadly Bird Flu Outbreak
Japanese authorities on Saturday confirmed the country's fourth outbreak of the virulent H5N1 strain of the bird flu virus at a poultry farm in the country's south.

07.Feb.2007 Sen. Russ Feingold: How To End The War
There is plenty of precedent for Congress exercising its constitutional authority to stop U.S. involvement in armed conflict.

07.Feb.2007 Senator Clinton, Pandering To AIPAC, Says She Won't Rule Out Use Of Force To Stop 'pro-terrorist' Iran

The Raw Story | NYT: Pentagon Altered Casualty Figures On Website
Pentagon has altered how nonfatal casualties are tallied on its website, thus resulting in lower casualty totals.

07.Feb.2007 GOP Fears War Could Help Dems For Years
With no end in sight to the nearly 4-year-old war, there is widening concern among Republicans that losing what was described widely in 2003 as "the biggest gamble of the modern presidency'' could hurt their party's electoral prospects for a generation to come.

07.Feb.2007 Your Sins Will Find You Out
That was a gentle moral warning my grandmother was fond of quoting, meaning no matter how clever, secret, or private you consider your misdeeds, at some point they will come to light. She was right. . . Read on. Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. (ACS) is a worldwide data management company whose contracts include county clerk offices across America . . . - Bangladesh Generals Plan Anti-corruption Drive
After sixteen nightmarish years, western governments' attempt to bring "freedom" and "democracy" to Bangladesh ends in a return to military rule - amid great public rejoicing.

Bush Says Budget Will Limit Non-defense Spending | Top News | bush fiscal plan: -cut domestic spending -make tax cuts permanent -focus spending on iraq and afghanistan Great plan for America!
Harry, It's Time To Do What Your Nation Wants You To Do Harry, get off your ass and act like a leader. Remember why you are the Senate Majority Leader and do what you were mandated to do.

Save Our Land Records We can't let greed filled folly, thievery, incompetence and lack of foresight destroy the land record system or the integrity of the real estate transaction. Please join us in sending a message...

I'm Not Drunk + You're No Cop The traffic cones diverting traffic into one lane of Highway1431 in Round Rock, Texas looked real enough. So did the flashing red and blue lights on the black and white cruiser. The unmarked car parked nearby looked official. The two men claiming to be police officers looked like cops...
07.Feb.2007 McCain Hypocrisy; His Advisers Once Made Ads That Drew His Ire Senator John McCain's team includes political bruisers whose work he has criticized as stepping over the line in the past.
07.Feb.2007 Doubts Run Deep On Reforms Crucial To Bush's Iraq Strategy The success of the Bush admin's new Iraq strategy depends on a series of rapid and dramatic political and economic reforms that even the plan's authors have little confidence will work.

Black Hawk Down: The True Cost Of Iraq War - Newsweek The War In Iraq – Long, but worth the read RK

Former Military Chiefs: Military Action Would Have "Disastrous Consequences"-- Urge Talks With Iran -Three former senior U.S. military officials warn that any military action against Iran would have "disastrous consequences" and urged Washington to hold immediate and unconditional talks with Tehran.
07.Feb.2007 By Patrice Greanville -He Who Says Speciesism Says Fascism-
Urges the left to take a more active part in the fight against human chauvinism manifested in mind-boggling abuses against all non-human species

07.Feb.2007 By Sherwood Ross -Wild U.S. Spending Against Bioterror Attack May Not Actually Be "Defensive" As Claimed The stunning $43-billion President Bush is pouring into biotech labs is creating offensive germ warfare capability for the Pentagon.

07.Feb.2007 By Mike Whitney The Corporate Media Cover-up Of The Najaf Massacre
07.Feb.2007 By Jalil Bahar -Jimmy Carter ? The Grand Impostor
Jimmy Carter is the president most responsible for the rise of Islamic Fanaticism. He also negotiated a peace accord - that now on reflection has only exacerbated the problems of the middle east - leaving the Palestinians out. He therefore has no credibility to comment on any issue of our day!

07.Feb.2007 By Lewis Lafontaine A View From The Edge Of A Cliff Or An Abyss ?
Much of today's political dialogue is not only ideological but dogmatic with a mass mindedness that is reflective of the hysteria which impelled the United States to War after the trauma of 9/11. In a situation where a rational historical perspective is called for America behaves like a slumbering giant tied down by Lilliputs. It may well take another shock to the American psyche to bring the discussion back down to earth.

07.Feb.2007 By Mike Adams -Mainstream Media Criticizes Wikipedia Because It Decentralizes Their Information Monopoly

07.Feb.2007 By Carol Wolman Have We Forgotten The Lesson Of Hiroshima? We have to grow up, learn self-control and cooperation, work for peace and survival. Now the task is to get rid of the warmongers in power, who will lead us to nuclear war.

The year is 2010, the mideast is in turmoil and Tony Blair is slowly cracking emotionally from guilt over being sucked into the Cheney/Bush neocon agenda of institutionalized revenge and regime change ~ which has left hundreds of thousands dead. Hillary Clinton is president . George W. Bush has left office in disgrace and has suffered a massive stroke. The world has turned against Blair and only Gordon Brown can save him....

07.Feb.2007 By Timothy Cooper -George Orwell & DC Voting Rights
07.Feb.2007 By Jane Stillwater
Ugly Betty: What Would Happen If GWB Ran Mode Magazine?
What if GWB ran Mode magazine the way he is running the war on Iraq? "Ugly Betty" fans would understand this question in an instant! Like the evil Alexa, Bush would lie, slander and manipulate until Mode was in bankruptcy and destroyed. Unless of course Ugly Betty -- or the American people -- came to the rescue!

07.Feb.2007 By Missy Comley Beattie Stop Bush Now!
No rebukes or resolutions.

07.Feb.2007 By W. Christopher Epler (Bill) - Why Is It OK To Challenge The American Right Wing, But Never The Israeli Right Wing?
In the year 2000, Bush sold America's soul to the neocon lobby (but lobbying for what country?). Since then, the "agendas" of Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle + company became the dog which wags the tail of America's foreign policy. But these unAmerican policies have NOTHING to do with the well being and national security of the United States of America -- as the sewer they have dragged us into conclusively proves.

07.Feb.2007 By Faisal Kutty
Canadian And U.S. Anti-terror Practices On Trial: Maher Arar Saga Not Over Yet
"My priority right now is to clear my name," said Maher Arar during his first public appearance in 2003 upon his return after being tortured for over a year in Syria. The Arar Commission findings which cleared him and Prime Minister Stephen Harper's apology ? which came after months of negotiations -- last week go a long way in helping Arar fulfill his first wish.

07.Feb.2007 By Lee Shelton - Our Escalating "Victory" In Iraq
After nearly four years, it looks as if the Bush administration will be declaring victory in Iraq a little while longer.

07.Feb.2007 By Anne Mendenhall - Cloned Animals In Our Food Supply? Contact FDA
Action is urgently needed to stop unlabeled marketing of cloned livestock milk and meat.

07.Feb.2007 By Mac McKinney - Set Your Intention To Stop An Attack On Iran
It is time for progressives to focus their energies collectively on stopping an attack on Iran before it starts, as well as rejecting the demonization of 70 million of our brothers and sisters on our planet.

07.Feb.2007 By Rosa Schmidt Azadi - Six Lies You Shouldn't Believe About Iran, Especially Since, Hey, There's People Down Here.
An American living in Iran describes six lies that are being used to convince the American public that it is necessary to attack Iran.

07.Feb.2007 By Patricia Axelrod - Harry Reid And The Nevada Lawsuit Against Sequoia
I am a Nevadan battling the use of Sequoia Voting Systems here in Nevada. Based on my knowledge and experience with Harry Reid and the Nevadan Democratic Party I am sorry to say that I find it improbable to believe that Harry Reid will be interested in challenging the performance and or accuracy of electronic voting machines and here's why...
07.Feb.2007 By Peter Michaelson -Next Time We March--Dance!
Barbara Ehrenreich's sobering new book tells the story of how, over the centuries, the authorities clamped down on public rituals of collective joy and stole from the people the ancient source of human solidarity.

07.Feb.2007 By Robert Koehler - A New Manifest Destiny
If the United States were the sort of democracy it affects to be, the war would be over - except for reparations, international peacekeeping and impeachment. Instead, the end is just beginning, dimly recognized and commented upon: Hmm, the November elections may have indicated voter anger . . . A new manifest destiny is just around the corner; the greatest uncertainty is who will define it.

07.Feb.2007 By Scott Shane And Ron Nixon -
In Washington, Contractors Take On Biggest Role Ever
Under the Bush Administration, privatization of government services has proceeded rapidly. The volume of outsourced government work has doubled in five years. Far more people work as contractors to the government than work for the government + the cost of outsourced work far exceeds the cost of performing the same tasks with government employees. "The taxpayer is being taken to the cleaners," said Henry Waxman.

07.Feb.2007 Who Are The Real Terrorists In Iraq? - Paul Joseph Watson - Steve Watson Monday, February 5, 2007 a.. Clear Evidence British special forces are recruiting, training
07.Feb.2007 The Rev. Ted Haggard - Nico - “emerged from three weeks of intensive counseling convinced he is ‘completely heterosexual‘ and told an oversight board that his sexual contact with men was limited to his accuser.”
07.Feb.2007 Retired generals call Iran war ‘disastrous.’ - Nico - “Three former high-ranking U.S. military officers have called for Britain to help defuse the crisis over Iran’s nuclear program, saying military action against Tehran would be a disaster for the region“:

In a letter to the Sunday Times newspaper, the three former officers urged President Bush to open talks, “without preconditions,” with the Iranian government in a bid to find a diplomatic solution.

The signatories were retired Lt. Gen. Robert G. Gard, a senior military fellow at the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation in Washington, D.C.; retired Marine Gen. Joseph P. Hoar, former head of U.S. Central Command; and Vice Adm. Jack Shanahan, former director of the Center for Defense Information.

The officers said an attack “would have disastrous consequences for security in the region, coalition forces in Iraq and would further exacerbate regional and global tensions.”

“The current crisis must be resolved through diplomacy,” they said.
Ein krimineller Fall von Beweisunterschiebung - onlineredaktion Harald Haack -

Das BKA wollte Löcher bohren ? in Firewalls von am Internet angeschlossener Computer, darunter auch private ?Rechenknechte?. Alles zur Überwachung und angeblich zur Verbrechensbekämpfung. Denn Bundesbürger sind für Fahnder immer verdächtig und offenbar von Grund auf schlecht. ?Alles Käse?, werden sich nun Richter am Bundesgerichtshof gedacht haben und haben nun nicht-offizielle Durchsuchungen von im Online-Zustand befindlicher Computer verboten: Die Strafprozessordnung...
Von der Geschichte eingeholt - onlineredaktion Harald Haack ?

Was passiert, wenn ein sehbehinderter HIV-Positiver von einem pöbelnden Jugendlichen mit rassistischen Beschimpfungen angegriffen und verprügelt wird und sich mit Beissen wehrt, erfuhr der 57-jährige Dennis Milholland: Den Schläger lief die Justiz laufen und erhob Klage gegen Milholland wegen Körperverletzung.
Der Vorstand des Berliner Vereins ?Kommunikultur?, Andreas Weiß, schilderte Dennis Milholland in seiner Prozess-Zuhörer...

Still No Habeas Rights for You - sfux Robert Parry -

The Bush administration is asserting that George W. Bush is the only one who can decide if you will be granted habeas corpus rights to a fair trial or be locked away indefinitely as an "enemy combatant."
Google Earth: Wenn Bilder lügen ... - sfux  World Content News - Kaum hat sich die Aufregung über die Manipulation von Suchergebnissen...
07.Feb.2007 Cholera reaches Congo's capital A cholera epidemic in Congo which has killed more than 80 people this year, claims its first victims in the capital.
07.Feb.2007 Iran strike 'would be disastrous' A coalition of UK organisations warns Tony Blair that military action against Iran would be disastrous.
07.Feb.2007 Khodorkovsky to face new charges Russian prosecutors are to file new charges against jailed oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, his lawyers say.
07.Feb.2007 Dance Copyright Enforced by DMCA - Zonk 76+ -goombah99 writes

"The "creator" of the Dance move known as the electric slide has filed a DMCA based takedown notice for videos he deems to infringe and because they show "bad dancing". He is also seeking compensation from the use of the dance move at a wedding celebration shown on the Ellen Degeneres Show. Next up, the Funky Chicken, the moonwalk + the Hustle? More seriously, does the DMCA have any limit on it's scope?"
Want to Take On An Open/Unsolved Problem? - Zonk 92 -CexpTretical writes

"The accumulation and focusing of knowledge may be the noblest use or purpose of the internet. There are plenty of open or unsolved problems left for this generation. Why not spend some of your time in the dark of this winter working on one of the big problems facing humanity? Open problems exists in almost every field of study. Wikipedia maintains a small list of them and at least one international group called the Union of International Associations maintains a database of open problems." Which problem do you want to see cracked first? Are you already working on one of these big issues?