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25.Jun.2004 US-Armee: Roboter bewachen Militärbasen,1518,305648,00.html
10.Sep.2004 Terrorismus: bin-Laden-Stellvertreter beschwört US-Niederlage

10.Sep.2004 Terrorismus: Al-Dschasira strahlt neues al-Qaida-Video aus

10.Sep.2004 Hurrikan "Ivan": Neuer Wirbelsturm verwüstet die Karibik

10.Sep.2004 Deutschland: Verfassungsschutz sieht wachsende Terrorgefahr

09.Sep.2004 Irak: Siegeszug der Aufständischen
Sven Regener: Die Geschichte vom relativen Idioten

10.Sep.2004 Bakterien statt Batterien: Roboter frisst Fliegen

09.Sep.2004 Justiz: Zypries stoppt ihren Großen Lauschangriff
Pechsträhne: Die teuren Fehlschläge der Nasa

10.Sep.2004 Terroristenjagd in Russland: Stunde der Verschwörungs-theoretiker

10.Sep.2004 Umsatzwarnung: Texas Instruments kappt Prognose

10.Sep.2004 Anti-Terror-Kampf: Pakistan fliegt Angriffe auf al-Qaida-Verstecke

10.Sep.2004 Neue Vorwürfe gegen Bush: Blaumachen beim Militär

10.Sep.2004 Top-Spion gegen die Nazis: Fischer ehrt den verschmähten Helden

10.Sep.2004 America right or wrong
Anatol Lieven
08.Sep.2004-11.Sep.2001 The Bush administration responded to- by exploiting a force deeply rooted in USA thinking + behaviour: USA American nationalism.

This force, says Anatol Lieven in an extract from his new book America Right or wrong, is now deforming the country’s relationship with the world + damaging America itself.

05.Jan.2000-08.Jan.2000 - 8 - The 2000 al-Qaida Summit

01.Jan.2000 Y2K passes without the serious, widespread computer failures that had been predicted.

10.Sep.2004 URL:

URL:\search-q=cache—intko2VRyMJ- +.+Coup+d'Etat-+A+Practical+Handbook&hl=de&ie=UTF-8.htm
09.Sep.2004 SRA Commentary: How to Control People
01.Oct.2002 Commentary How to Control People Sanders Research Associates

00.000.2001 “The international oil system started out as a setup to control a commodity, oil.

Over the years, + most recently under the direction of the USA, that has metamorphosed into a form of people control.” - Stephen Pelletiere, Iraq + the International Oil System , Praeger 2001. pp. 223-4

“The USA is a very special country in that when we maintain this position of military strength that we have now, we do it in support of a balance of power that favours freedom.”-

USA National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice in interview on News Hour with Jim Lehrer

00.000 1979 “A coup consists of the infiltration of a small but critical segment of the state apparatus, which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder.”-

Luttwak, Edward Coup d’État , A Practical Handbook , Harvard University Press, p.27

URL:\search-q=cache-3a4B3JJxywEJ- +.+Coup+d'Etat-+A+Practical+Handbook&hl=de&ie=UTF-8.htm

'The importance of this development lies in the fact that if the bureaucrats are linked to the leadership, an illegal seizure of power must take the form of a 'Palace Revolution' +

it essentially concerns the manipulation of the person of the ruler.'  Edward Luttwak , Coup d'État : A Practical Handbook

(RMO) - Fernando Rojas (Chief of Staff and self-appointed OCB director) held two meetings last week (Thursday and Friday):

one with Acting Radio Martí Director Orlando Rodríguez-Sardiñas and the other with News Director Lázaro Asencio, respectively.

OCB Director Salvador Lew was present at the first meeting with Rodríguez-Sardiñas.

According to sources, Rodríguez-Sardiñas presented to Lew + Rojas his envisioned plan for the station that called for a re-organization of programming which also included an end to Martha Yedra's disastrous tenure as program director. (When installed as program director by Heminio San Román, she inherited a 76% listening audience which is now presently in a single digit as a result of her misdirection.) Rojas + Lew, sources allege, made it clear to Rodríguez-Sardiñas that there will be no changes in programming and that Yedra was off-limits . Sources claim that Rodríguez-Sardiñas walked out, perhaps in frustration, of the meeting because Rojas and Lew were placing obstacle after obstacle to his proposals.

In the second meeting, Rojas met with Asencio + blamed him for all the problems the news department is facing.

Rojas, sources contend, in an attempt to oust Asencio from his post, has sought to recruit the news department staff to support his campaign against Asencio, however some are willing while others are unwilling to support Rojas' scheme of placing in charge of the news department Christina Sansón, Martha Yedra in addition to Clara Domínguez. 

Lack of Support

25.Oct.2002 -it was reported in this publication that Rodríguez-Sardiñas' memorandum sought to halt the launch of Martha Yedra's ongoing programming plans until he reviewed + revised them.

Rodríguez-Sardiñas also tried, sources say, to cancel Christina Sanson's program, "Washington al Dia," because it was not cost-effective.

This action, sources contend, prompted Salvador Lew to intervene in Sanson's behalf and told Rodríguez-Sardiñas to leave her program as is. A caveat was given to Lew, by some individuals, that he should act upon this or else new legal suits would ensue. Lew's lack of leadership and management does not extend his managers the authority to execute policies necessary to establish administrative order over the operation.

Administrative Paralysis

Radio Martí Observer has also learned of Bruce Sherman's (BBG's Deputy Executive Director) promotion within the BBG/IBB of Martha Yedra's candidacy for Radio Martí Director -- according to sources close to the White House. Sources opine that the San Románica faction is, at all costs, frustrating Rodríguez-Sardiñas' attempts to straighten out programming and usurping his authority so he cannot effectively implement the necessary administrative and programming changes at the station. Perhaps, the faction's goal is to create such a climate of administrative paralysis with the tacit approval of Salvador Lew -- who is seeking "salvation" (Does he suffer from the Stockholm Syndrome ?) from the very persons that have been instrumental in wrecking the Martís -- that Rodríguez-Sardiñas will have no other alternative but to resign thus paving the way for Martha Yedra's installation (120-day clause) as director of Radio Martí by Agency overseer -- Acting IBB Director/ BBG Executive Director Brian Conniff.

Pre-Emptive Strike

Administrative maneuvers are being implemented to forestall the forthcoming changes the Bush Administration will execute and assert a perpetual control by the San Románica faction and their acolytes whom are seizing the levers of operational power (administrative and programming). Their attempts at a pre-emptive blow poses a serious threat to a weakened and discredited institution and to a U.S. foreign policy tool. Will administration officials now act swiftly to quell such an audacious plot?


Richard Araujo (Director of VOA's Latin America Division) was interviewed by Kim Elliott (communications' conduit) in VOA's Main Street (10.Nov.2002 02-30 UTC) program about the new program "for Cuba about Cuba," -- Ventana a Cuba . 

Elliott: Didn't our colleagues at Radio Martí give you a phone call and say, uno momento.

Araujo: No, this is not to compete with Martí. We do have a lot of listeners to VOA in Cuba and this is more a response to those listeners. Over 60 percent of the mail that we get in the Spanish branch comes from Cuba and this is something that has been growing for some time. The people said why not, you know, you go over the world -- you focus on the Andes, you focus before in Central America -- why not listen to us and share some of the things that are a concern to us and that's why we did it.

Elliott: Any sign of jamming? We know Radio Martí is jammed extensively...

Araujo: In the inaugural show, people said there was no jamming and it was fine and they were able to hear it.

[ Editor's Note : Ventana a Cuba is certainly competition for Martí whose credibility has been enormously damaged by the directorship of Herminio San Román and Salvador Lew while its audience continues to abysmally plummet. Cubans seeking for an alternative news/entertainment program through VOA indicates that Radio Martí's programming during Martha Yedra's direction has been an utter failure. If a person who is responsible for programming causes a total collapse of listenership in a commercial station, they would be summarily replaced by management, so then, why are BBG bureaucrats -- Conniff and Sherman -- willing to support such a candidate for Radio Martí Director and persist with such a failed policy?] >> Listen to the entire interview via RealAudio