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15.Aug.2006 FTR#504—The Vatican Rag: Reflections on the Death of the Pope

Both Montini + Sindona were introduced to OSS + CIA chief Allen Dulles by Angleton. (Dulles was the attorney who masked the Bush family’s investments in ...

Banco Ambrosiano, Mord an Roberto Calvi - Benedikt XV., Benedikt ...

Michele Sindona, der Finanzmakler der Kirche für solche Angelegenheiten, ...

03.Apr.2005 Von Präsident Bush bis Islamischer Dschihad - alle huldigen dem ...
Sherman Skolnick's Report In New York, St. Peter's banker Michael Sindona, ran the Franklin National Bank as ... + his joint secret business deals with Bush [BGHW948].
15.Aug.2006 Untitled Document We now know that Calvi together with Gelli + Sindona were embezzling the Mafia out ... + member of the Reagan- Bush transition team) + John A. Knebel, ...

Untitled Document ... the former Deputy Director of the CIA under DCI George Bush and later appointed a ... Both Sindona + Calvi were close to Opus Dei who lost around $55 ...
15.Aug.2006 Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 6 Num. 03 Among its members have been George Bush + Alexander Haig.

Sindona's dealings, on behalf of various Popes, were through Chicago exchanges. ...

Covert Action Teams -- Murder; Airplane Sabotage ( Sindona used Chicago commodity brokers to wash illicit funds. ... charging George Bush + others with apparent treason, delaying release of American ...
00.000.1980 -after the election- This same Gelli was a honoured guest of Bush [BGHW948] WHEN THEY KILL A POPE.

Mafioso Sindona,, had become a financial advisor to Pope Paul VI; ...

00.000.1968Bush's Pope: Cardinal Ratzinger But like some other initial board members, Bush is no longer involved, ...

00.000.1968 Mafioso Sindona had become a financial advisor to Pope Paul VI; ...
GHW Bush used Nazi-Collaborators to get ElectedHTML-Version

00.000.1988 -During his presidential campaign- Bush [BGHW948] (like ... Sindona + Gambino family members. were indicted 00.000.1982 for “operating a ...

Untitled Document Sindona page 41 Fedorak ...

Order some copies of this issue on Bush links to fascism ...

Il potente banchiere Michele Sindona (affiliato alla loggia ... Sindona entrò nelle sue grazie costruendo un edificio per la Diocesi stessa. ... amministrazione Reagan/Bush nel traffico degli stupefacenti della CIA), ...
15.Aug.2006 Giulio Andreotti e le “pene” per l’amico Michele Sindona Sui tentativi di Andreotti di salvare Sindona, in perfetta consonanza con ...

E ancora sono state “acquistate le otto lettere da Sindona ad Andreotti”, ...

Avvenimenti Italiani E’ in quegli anni che Michele Sindona si trasforma, è allora che vende l’anima al ... Dagli anni Cinquanta Michele Sindona è stato legato alla mafia, ... 29.May 1981 Sindona Denies Financial Link With Mason on Italy - NYT 5/30/81 ROME,

29.May 1981 — Michele Sindona, the Italian financier jailed in New York for his role in the collapse of the Franklin National Bank, has told an Italian ...
15.Aug.2006 Michele Sindona Beschreibung im Artikel der Library - Michele ...

11.Mai 1920-22.Mär1986 Michele Sindona (*) war ein italienischer Rechtsanwalt + Bankier.

Er gründete eine Reihe von Beteiligungsgesellschaften + ...
ESCLUSIVO Ecco alcuni passaggi della lettera indirizzata ad Andreotti: «Lei - scrive Sindona di suo pugno - dovrebbe fare qualcosa almeno in Italia, e precisamente: ...

banca2 1976 - 8 SETTEBRE - Michele Sindona viene arrestato a New York, ... Sindona che deve rispondere anche del fallimento della Banca Privata Italiana, ...
15.Aug.2006 Mafia, Papst + 19 mysteriöse Todesfälle - Die unheiligen ...

Daß Sindona gleichzeitig rege Kontakte zur amerikanischen + italienischen Mafia unterhielt, konnte für die geplanten Aktivitäten nur von Vorteil sein.

Mafia, Papst und 19 mysteriöse Todesfälle - Die unheiligen ...

Sindona hatte eine Idee:

Man müßte die Vatikangelder ins Ausland schaffen.

Gemeinsam schafft das Trio Sindona -Marcinkus-Calvi Riesenbeträge aus den ...

ZEIT online - Wirtschaft - VATIKANBANK : Geschäfte im Namen des Vaters Sindona wusch mittels seiner Banken wie der Fina-Bank oder der Banca Privata.

Für den Vatikan fädelte Sindona mehrere Firmenkäufe und -verkäufe ein. ...
"Chi dà i soldi a Sindona?" michele sindona, calvi, Marcinkus, opus dei, ior, istituto opere religiose, loggia p2, p2, massoneria,

Un Sindona senza silenziatore michele sindona, loggia p2, licio gelli, banco ambrosiano, omicidio ambrosoli, marcinkus, vaticano, banca vaticana, ior.
15.Aug.2006 Michele Sindona - Wikipedia

Die Affäre Sindona. München 1987. ISBN 3-426-03970-2; Yallop, David A.: Im Namen Gottes? Der mysteriöse Tod des 33-Tage-Papstes Johannes Paul II. ...
Skandale und Terror im Globalismus »Ohne die Europäer ist Bush zum Scheitern verurteilt, ...

00.000.2000 Und ausgerechnet -im Heiligen Jahr- Papst Johannes Paul II. rief die Gläubigen auf, ...
KRÄHWINKEL: November 2005 Archive

As the war in Iraq has spiraled out of control, the Bush administration's covert propaganda campaign has intensified.

According to a secret Pentagon report ...
15.Aug.2006 Neue Solidarität 18/2004:Die Strategie der Spannung in Italien

Schon vor dem Attentat auf den Papst hatte man die Mitgliederliste der P-2 gefunden. ... der Spannung" würden sie als "kommunistische Propaganda " abtun. ...
News Das Öffentlichkeitsbild von U2: Bono in einer Audienz bei Papst Johannes.

Bei U2-Gitarrero The Edge soll das Bild von Bono mit Bush in der Presse der ...

05.Feb 1981 -wurde in Rom der vatikanische Finanzmanager Luigi Mennini verhaftet + im Zusammenhang mit dem in Mailand stattfindenden Sindona-Prozeß vernommen.

Mennini wird der Beihilfe zum betrügerischen Bankrott verdächtigt.

Während der Börsenspekulant + Strohmann des Vatikans, Michele Sindona

(vgl. MIZ Nr. 1/75: Das Milliardending, S. 2;

MIZ Nr. 3/80: Offener Brief an Kardinal Höffner, S. 24:

MIZ Nr. 4/80: Int. Rundschau., Meldung Nr. 375, S. 26), in New York wegen des gleichen Delikts + der illegalen Machenschaften seiner "Franklin National Bank" bereits verurteilt worden ist,

geht es in Mailand um Sindonas pleite gegangene "Banca Privata".

Mennini gehörte dem Verwaltungsrat dieser Sindona-Bank an + war zugleich einer der wichtigsten Finanzmanager der von Pius XII. gegründeten Vatikanbank "Institut für die Werke der Religion." (Opus dei) +

00.000.1963 wurde Mennini von Paul Vl. zum päpstlichen "Ehren-Kammerherrn" ernannt, einer seiner Söhne erhielt im Beisein des damaligen Ministerpräsidenten Aldo Moro die Priesterweihe.
Star Trek Filmautor bekennt sich zum Atheismus Internationales Brannon Braga auf internationaler Konferenz in Reykjavik

Der Autor von 150 Folgen Star Trek nahm an der internationalen Atheistenkonfenz in Reykjavik teil + sprach vor 90 Leuten zum Thema „ Star Trek als atheistische Mythologie“.

Die von isländischen + amerikanischen Atheisten organisierte Konferenz hatte Braga eingeladen, über seine Erfahrungen als Star Trek Autor + seine Beziehung zur Religion zu sprechen. » mehr lesen
15.Aug.2006 Quittung für den Kirchenaustritt: Entlassung und Arbeitslosengeldsperre Soziale Einrichtungen

Dass der Kirchenaustritt eines Menschen, der bei einem kirchlichen Arbeitgeber beschäftigt ist, in der Regel die Entlassung nach sich zieht, dürfte bekannt sein.

Doch nicht nur das:

Aus das Arbeitslosengeld kann gesperrt werden – mit der Begründung, dass der Betreffende seine Arbeitslosigkeit selbst herbeigeführt hat! » mehr lesen
15.Aug.2006 Antidiskriminierungsgesetz: Weltanschauung entfällt, Religion bleibt Staat und Religion allgemein

CDU + SPD haben sich auf Änderungen am geplanten Antidiskriminierungsgesetz geeinigt.

Danach entfällt das zivilrechtliche Verbot der Benachteiligung wegen einer Weltanschauung, wohingegen gegen eine Benachteiligung wegen der Religion geklagt werden kann.

Damit soll angeblich “verhindert werden, dass Anhänger rechtsradikalen Gedankenguts sich das Gesetz zunutze machen”. » mehr lesen

00.Sep.1980-00.Dez.1980 Westeuropa BRD

00.000.1980 -Ende- ist die innerkirchliche Auseinandersetzung zwischen katholischen Hierarchen + sozial- + gesellschaftspolitisch engagierten Theologen ist in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in ein neues Stadium getreten:

25.Sep.1980 Mit ungewöhnlicher Schärfe attackierte der Theologieprofessor Nikolaus Koch (Witten/Ruhr) den Vorsitzenden der westdeutschen Bischofskonferenz, Josef Höffner + seine Amtsbrüder in zwei offenen Briefen

"Wenn Sie aus Ihrem klerikalen Muckertum nicht in offene Freiheit christlichen Glaubens finden + den christlichen Namen noch länger für dieses Muckertum mißbrauchen, blockieren Sie sich + Ihren Hörigen wirksames christliches Engagement in der Welt.

Sie machen sich mitschuldig am drohenden Holocaust von 100, 200, 500 + 1000 Millionen Kindern + Frauen + Männern...

Sollte sich der Verdacht erhärten, daß Sie den Papst in Tendenzen zu einem klerikalen Europa bestärken, so werde ich das mir Mögliche tun, die lebensgefährlichen Folgen politischen Wahns abwenden zu helfen."

01.Dez.1980 Das zweite Schreiben des couragierten Theologieprofessors trägt den Titel: "Gegen die antirevolutionäre Mißdeutung des christlichen Glaubens".
Dem Vorsitzenden der westdeutschen Bischofskonferenz, Höffner, bescheinigt Koch:

"Sie spielen sich auf, als seien Sie 'die Kirche', als sei Ihr Hirtentheater 'der christliche Glaube', als seien Ihre mittelalterlich-barocken Kuriositäten 'das Heil der Welt'.

Sie scheinen blind für den Abgrund zu sein, der Ihr Kirchspiel von den realen Aufgaben + Chancen christlichen Glaubens in der sich zum Untergang rüstenden Welt scheidet.

Sie scheinen den Blutpreis nicht zu kennen, den Katholiken + Nichtkatholiken zu zahlen haben, wenn Ihr Spiel noch lange währt.

Und bisher haben Sie demonstriert, daß Sie Ihr Theater weiterspielen wollen, solange die Bühne hält."

Nikolaus Koch fährt fort:

"Das allgemeine Unbehagen wächst weiter.

Es wird zum Bruch führen, wenn Sie nicht endlich aufhören, den christlichen Glauben mit dem Mittelalter zu verwechseln...

Am heraufziehenden Holocaust von 500 Millionen oder 1000 Millionen Kindern + Frauen + Männern werden Staatsverschuldung, Antipillenfanatismus + kirchlicher Ruf nach Gefängnis für Frauen, die ihre Schwangerschaft abbrechen, zu Randfragen.

Sie + Ihre Mitbischöfe sollten sich besser um Ihre Mitschuld am drohenden Holocaust kümmern.

Noch immer schwärt die Politik weiter, mit der Pius XII. die ganze antisozialistische Welt zum Vernichtungskrieg gegen die Sowjetunion [antibolschewistische Front] zu verleiten suchte.

Noch immer sind die klerikalen Perversionen nicht aufgearbeitet, die der päpstliche Intimus Gustav Gundlach vor 20 Jahren dem Clerus major, dem Clerus minor + allen Schafen der Bundesrepublik unwidersprochen zuzumuten wagte: klerikale Gutheißung atomarer Weltzerstörung, klerikale Gleichsetzung christlicher Gewaltlosigkeit + Liebe mit Ohnmacht,

klerikale Verabsolutierung mittelalterlicher Rechtsordnung, klerikales festhalten an Militärtheologie im Dienste etablierter Gewalt...

Für wie schafsmäßig müssen Sie die Schafe innerhalb + außerhalb des Kirchenzauns halten, wenn Sie so tun, als gebe es eine selbstverständliche + eindeutige 'kirchliche Soziallehre'.

Wenn die französische Revolution den Clerus major nicht aus dem barocken Faulbett herausgeworfen hätte + wenn die sozialistische Weltbewegung den Kirchenapparat nicht in Konkurrenznot gebracht hätte, würden wohl auch heute noch die klerikalen Ladenhüter des Mittelalters + der Barockzeit die 'kirchliche Soziallehre' ausmachen."

In diesem Zusammenhang erwähnt Koch die

00.000.1980 -im Herbst- Verleihung des vatikanischen Gregoriusordensan Otto von Habsburg:

"Die vatikanische Auszeichnung ist mehr als eine kuriose Erinnerung an vergangene Zeiten.

Im Zusammenhang mit manchen verwandten Aktivitäten dient sie dem Wahn eines klerikalen Europa,

das zwischen der Sowjetunion + den USA unabhängig das Mittelalter als christliche Gemeinschaft der Völker in der naturrechtlich-göttlichen Tradition des heiligen römischen Reiches restauriert.

Ausgesprochen + diplomatisch verdeckt lebt dieser Wahn in zahlreichen Publikationen + Demonstrationen klerikaler Einzelner, klerikaler Organisationen + klerikaler Parteiungen.

Unter dem Titel 'Vatikan + Habsburg - Weichensteller der Reaktion' dokumentiert ihn das Heft 3/80 der Zeitschrift Materialien und Informationen zur Zeit.

Der Umstand, daß die Zeitschrift sich 'Politisches Journal der Konfessionslosen und Atheisten' nennt, sollte niemand abhalten, die Angaben zu lesen + zu prüfen ...

Aber vorläufig rangiert der romantische Wahn eines erneuerten heiligen Reiches voran.

'Naturrecht', 'göttliches Recht' + 'Gottesgnadentum' werden gehandelt, als gäbe es die weltrevolutionäre Öffnung des geschlossenen Mittelalters nicht ..."

Schließlich sieht Koch "die wahre Chance eines christlichen Europa" darin, "sich aus den beiden Weltblöcken zu lösen, im Innern eine starke, im Gewissen fundierte Grundordnung des kulturellen, wirtschaftlichen + politischen Zusammenlebens aller europäischen Völker zu entwickeln, den USA wie der Sowjetunion ziviles Vertrauen zu geben".

Nach Nikolaus Koch ist "der christliche Dienst, der mir, Ihnen + uns Allen ziemt",

die Verwirklichung der "allgemeinen Menschenwürde + der elementarsten Menschenrechte auf gesundes Loben ´+ auf Bildung + auf Arbeit + auf Muße + auf solidarische Hilfe in der Not".
BiblePlaces Blog: But no one has their mind made up more than Finkelstein, who published his elaborate theory in The Bible Unearthed.

He argued, on the basis of the absence ...
Northstate Science: What's Really Behind the Da Vinci Code Furor?

00.00.2001 The Bible Unearthed , Israel Finkelstein + Neil Silberman argue that the bible's historical saga differs dramatically from archaeological reality ...
Google Groups: important J source was apparently written, was very sparsely inhabited until the late eighth century BCE." (Israel Finkelstein. The Bible Unearthed. 15.Aug.2006 Recovering Ortho Jew: Why I Am Not a Theist or Deist

I just finished reading Finkelstien, the Bible Unearthed + partially read his new book David & Solomon.

The former is really powerful. ...
wvns : Messages : 3101-3200 of 5648

The Bible Unearthed by Larry Saltzman - The Palestine Chronicle :

A revolution is happening in Biblical Archaeology. ...
From: owner-ane@ (ANE Digest) To: ane-digest Subject: ANE Digest ...

The central thesis of Israel Finkelstein's new book, " The Bible Unearthed ," is that the break between Israel + Judah never happened because Judah + ... 15.Aug.2006 Parshat Va-Etanan: Moral Choice in the Reading of Torah. The ideology expressed here is not an uncommon in the Bible, for later on in ... for which there is scant historical evidence

(see The Bible Unearthed, p. ...
j. - Exodus exposed? Then came a best-selling book called “ The Bible Unearthed ,” that claimed it most probably did not happen.

And then, an Israeli archeologist made a similar ...
Bible-Era Artifacts Highlight Archaeology Controversy Recently publicized artifacts from the Bible lands have stirred unusual ... One of the more controversial artifact unearthed of late is the James ossuary. ...
15.Aug.2006 Commentary Magazine - Searching for the House of David

This structure begins, as Finkelstein argued in The Bible Unearthed, not with David + Solomon but far earlier in the Bible ’s account of things: namely, ...
Swans Commentary: The Case Against <em>The Case Against Israel

He quotes archaeologists Israel Finkelstein + Neil Asher Silberman's book, The Bible Unearthed, to show how unreliable the Bible is. ...
The Mirror (London, England): Bible tunnel unearthed.(News ... The Mirror (London, England) - Bible tunnel unearthed .(News) - From the HighBeam Research Archive.
15.Aug.2006 - Does The Truth Hurt? He is the author of The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology’s New Vision of Ancient Israel + the Origin of Its Sacred Texts, called “a balanced, thoughtful, ...

Archives: Story ... chairman of Tel Aviv University’s archaeology department + author of the 2001 best-seller The Bible Unearthed have argued that the biblical accounts ...
15.Aug.2006 Freethinker Forum :: Bekijk onderwerp - De bijbel als mythe

Het boek The Bible Unearthed snijdt nogal fluks in de historische waarheden van de bijbel en dat leverde de auteurs (Israel Finkelstein en Neil Asher ...
Douglas Rushkoff - Weblog Israel Finkelstein's latest book, Bible Unearthed, is probably a good starting point, but by no means the final say on the subject.
15.Aug.2006 Mail & Guardian Online: Africa's first online newspaper: How did ...

The Bible Unearthed ' + 'Who were the Jews + where did they come from?" are just two of the many books using archeology to discredit the history of the ...
WELCOME TO THE CVRLAB AT UCLA Chair of the Scientific committee is Megiddo excavator Israel Finkelstein, whose recent book, The Bible Unearthed (New York 2000), deals extensively with ...
15.Aug.2006 Staff Blogs: Letters to the Editor: We quote Jesus ...

The View from Nebo: How Archeology Is Rewriting the Bible + Reshaping the Middle East. by Amy Marcus. The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of ...
Ist die Bibel historisch zuverlässig? Bemerkungen zum Maximalisten ... - HTML-Version

Israel Finkelstein + Neil Silberman ein ( The Bible Unearthed, New York. 2001), das jüngst auf deutsch erschienen ist (Keine Posaunen vor Jericho)
Archeology Demolishes the Bible ... has just published a book called " The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel + ...
15.Aug.2006 Revising David and Solomon - Christianity Today Magazine As in the earlier The Bible Unearthed, Finkelstein + Silberman find little evidence in archaeology for David and Solomon's grand kingdoms.
15.Aug.2006 Alrighty. Btw, I just got bible unearthed. Sampled it last night ...

Btw, I just got bible unearthed. Sampled it last night.

It goes truly well, especially considering the topic - the language is simple + unpretentious and ...
Larry Saltzman is an American Jew who believes that the meaning of the Holocaust is that "never again" means that no people on the planet should be persecuted.

He is deeply involved in organic gardening and has an orchard of some 60 fruit trees.

He had been opposed to the Israeli occupation for some time, but when he learned of the wanton destruction of orchards + farmland by Israeli troops in the Palestinian Territories this past year, he decided to become active. He has a B.A. in Anthropology from UCLA but works as a computer programmer.

- I personally draw a positive conclusion from this research.

As an American-Jew, I have long struggled with the contradictions + problems of Zionism + the unjust policies of the State of Israel towards Palestinians.

For those brave enough to seize this research in the right spirit, there is a solution in it for the problems of the Middle East.

Simply stated, European Jews + Middle Eastern Jews + Palestinians are brothers + sisters + share a common Canaanite ancestry.

There were a small number of voices amongst the early Zionists who were against the creation of a separate Jewish state in the region.

They lost out to the bigger faction lead David Ben-Gurion, who suffered from the disease of European colonialism.

Ben-Gurion + those in his camp saw the natives of the region as an obstacle to be eliminated.

I believe Jews around the world need to take pride not in Israel as a modern colonialist State but in the entire region Palestine as the homeland of Canaanite + Israelite culture that we are descended from.

European Jews are simply Europeanized Canaanites, Palestinians, whether Muslim, Christian or Jewish were simple Arabacized Canaanites.

Even modern genetic research is proving that we come from the same ancestry.
- It was under King Josiah that the Bible was finally written and something resembling modern Judaism begins to take shape in the 7th + 8th centuries BC.

It is political document that is designed to glorify the Josiah and to connect him falsely with the golden era when the state of Israel briefly rose up as a powerful and advanced civilized center.  

The Bible is essentially a work of propaganda weaving, historical fragments + myths of various Canaanite peoples into a powerful justification for Josiah's rule and expansionist policies.
-Archeologists live in a world of tells, strata, Carbon 14 dating, Jericho IV, The Early, Middle + Late Bronze Age, Iron Age I + Iron Age II and of course pottery shards and architectural styles.

Slowly but surely as they excavate + date the significant Archeological sites located in modern Israel + parts of Occupied Palestine the history of the region as recorded in the Bible is being re-written from what the Bible has told us.

What follows is a very brief summary of that research + an analysis of its' implications.  

Professor Finkelstein has not attempted himself to interpret his research in the context of the contemporary political + diplomatic complexities of the Middle East.

He has simply presented the facts that the archeological record has revealed.

Some archeologists still disagree, but his is a mainstream scientific view + not the work of a fringe writer with a political or conspiracy ax to grind.

And more and more prominent scholars in the field are moving to something like his viewpoint, even though they may disagree on the details.  

Israel + Judah + Samaria were simply Canaanite States that arose out of indigenous Canaanite culture + not from the invasion of a mythical people called the Hebrews.  

Israel was a small Canaanite State that briefly achieved a golden age, reaching its' height of power + glory in the reign of King Ahab + Queen Jezebel.

The House of David never ruled in Israel it ruled over the Canaanite State of Judah.

The Bible Unearthed By Larry Saltzman - For Middle East News Online
A revolution is happening in Biblical Archeology.

Biblical Archeology is critically examining the Bible against the archeological record + is turning everything we thought we knew upside down.

It may disturb many that hold strong political or highly conservative religious beliefs.

This will be true of Christians + Muslims + Jews who interpret the Bible literally.  

It will disturb many secular Zionists who justify modern Israel's existence + the proposed annexation of "Judah and Sumaria" based on the Biblical Texts.

You can choose to believe this research or not.

But it has profound implications for the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

This article will review the theories of one of the foremost of these revolutionary Biblical archeologists -Israel Finkelstein.
The Bible Unearthed From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to:
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The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel + the Origin of Its Sacred Texts is a controversial book about the origin of the Bible.

The bold thesis of this book is that there is no archaeological evidence for the existence of Abraham, Patriarchs, Moses, or the Exodus +

that the monarchies of David or Solomon were much smaller than the Bible implies.

The authors (Israel Finkelstein + Neil Asher Silberman) argue that it is impossible to say much of anything about ancient Israel until the

7th century BC, around the time of the reign of King Josiah +

that the Bible might have been created at that time to further the religious reform + territorial ambitions of the Kingdom of Judah.
The Bible Unearthed

Tue December 13th at 2:00pm

The Old Testament remains at the heart of many contemporary concerns.

The heated battles over abortion, homosexuality (now threatening to tear apart the Anglican Church) + the right-to-live (as in the case of Terri Schiavo in the States) all testify to its continuing influence.

Millions still believe every word + story in it is literally true.

But can they be true?

Prof. Israel Finkelstein of Tel Aviv University + Neil Silberman of the Ename Centre of Public Archaeology in Belgium have brought together the findings of modern science + archaeology

in their book 'The Bible Unearthed' to try + cast light on this question.

In general, they make the following case:

The scientific position is clear.

There is no evidence of any kind for the existence of Abraham (supposedly the Israelites' founding patriarch), Moses, or Solomon.

At the time of the Exodus, Canaan -- the Promised Land to which the Israelites were fleeing -- was ruled + firmly controlled by the very Egypt from which they were trying to escape.

The conquest of Canaan by Joshua could not have happened in the way described in the Bible.

Most of the towns he is supposed to have conquered either weren't inhabited, didn't exist or were conquered at wildly different times.

Jerusalem, which was supposed to have become the capital of the great unified empire of King David (he of David and Goliath fame), appears to have been tiny and only sparsely inhabited in the relevant period.

Many of the great monuments of ancient Israel attributed on the authority of the Old Testament to King Solomon were of a later date.

00.000.1967 -since the- Six Day War excavations of early Israelite settlements on the West Bank of the Jordan have suggested strongly that the Israelites were in fact of local Canaanite stock.

They were probably desert nomads who took to hill farming for economic reasons + developed into two kingdoms - a northern one called Israel + a southern called Judah.

The Bible reflects the slightly differing traditions of the two kingdoms + when the north collapsed in the 8th century BC + its people fled south, an attempt was made through written texts to unify + reconcile both peoples. Thus the Old Testament began to take shape.

The Bible says the Israelites first began to worship one God in the time of Moses.

But in fact, the Israelites from both north + south were actually polytheistic + the process of monotheism didn't begin till many centuries after that supposed time.

This followed from the centralisation of cult worship in Jerusalem ordered by the king, as a way of rallying the people + it became focussed on a local Israelite deity, Yahweh (or as we know him, Jehovah).

After the southern kingdom of Judah was itself destroyed by the Babylonians, the leaders were taken to Babylon, where their religion + historic episodes were kept alive in their memory +

later elaborated in further texts on their return to Judah.

These collected texts are what we know as the Old Testament.

It thus evolved over many centuries, with many different authors, reflecting many different twists + turns in the political + religious life of the Israelites.

All too human - and thus perhaps, inevitably full of inconsistencies.

This makes it unreliable as straightforward history + it needs careful interpretation.

Historically at least, it cannot be taken as literally true in every particular.

18.Dec.2003Weekly Worker 509 Using the combined textual-archaeological approach, numerous bible sites were ... text” (I Finkelstein + N Silberman The bible unearthed London 2002, p21). ...
Synopsis: 25 reasons Why I Am No Longer a Christian

Archaeology And Folk Religion In Ancient Israel · The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts ...
Books: Kings or Chieftains?

In David and Solomon: In Search of the Bible's Sacred Kings and the Roots of ... previously collaborated on The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of ...
Grounds for disbelief - Haaretz - Israel News

The Hebrew edition of the book by Finkelstein + his American colleague, the historian + archaeologist Neal Asher Silberman, " The Bible Unearthed :

15.Aug.2006 Required RecommendedHTML-Version

N. Silberman & I. Finkelstein, The Bible Unearthed : an edgy reassessment of history.

William Dever, Did God Have a Wife?: folk religion as opposed to “book ...
No Chosen Race ... historian journalist Neil Asher Silberman published The Bible Unearthed : Archaeologys New Version of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Text.
15.Aug.2006 King David – The Boy Wonder Israel Finkelstein, Neil Silberman, The Bible Unearthed (Simon & Schuster, 2001) Ahmed Osman, Moses Pharaoh of Egypt (Grafton, 1990) ...

Just Who Were the Jews?? First invent your Jew, then invent your ... Finkelstein + Silberman, The Bible Unearthed (Touchstone, 2002) Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews (Phoenix Grant, 1987) Dan Cohn-Sherbok, The Crucified ...
15.Aug.2006 A Dig Into Jerusalem's Past Fuels Present-Day Debates

"That is why you are seeing this interpretation, to counter that momentum against it," said Finkelstein, co-author of the book " The Bible Unearthed.
Joel M. Hoffman, PhD: Suggested Reading The Bible Unearthed. (2002) A re-evaluation of Israel's early history, from

_00.000.1000-00.000.0700 BCE primarily using archaeological data. The books concludes that ...
mindstalk: David and Solomon I've just finished David + Solomon by Israel Finkelstein + Neil Asher Silberman, authors of The Bible Unearthed on how poorly archaeology supports the...
15.Aug.2006 Books | King David was a nebbish " The Bible Unearthed " does observe that "from a purely literary + archaeological standpoint, the minimalists have some points in their favor," but it ...
15.Aug.2006 History Overview

What Did the Biblical Writers Know + When Did They Know It? by William G. Dever; The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel + the ...
Articles The Bible is “full of interest,” wrote Mark Twain in his remarkable book, Letters from ... The deeply curious reader should also check The Bible Unearthed, ...
15.Aug.2006 ACA: Online Articles (Granted, The Bible Unearthed was published after Skeptics Answered, but

the information it contains is well-documented in sources DJK could have easily ...
IBSS - The Bible - Genesis, A Royal Epic

The most popular treatment of recent scholarship is the book The Bible Unearthed by Israel Finkelstein + Neil Silberman. They posit a 7th century BC ...
Taipei Times - archives In his book, The Bible Unearthed, Finkelstein writes with Neil Silberman,

"Not only was any sign of monumental architecture missing, but so were even simple ...
WASH: Shenandoah Area Secular Humanists (SASH) " The Bible Unearthed".

We all ought to understand that we are on our own. Believing in Santa Claus doesn’t do kids any harm for a few years but it isn’t ...
Shop A&E and The History Channel : Digging for Truth: Archaeology ...

Authors like Philip Davies (In Search of Ancient Israel) + Israel Finklestein ( The Bible Unearthed ) discuss the most important discoveries + how they ...
Book list for theists to read so they get a clue Bible Unearthed/Finkelstien & Silberman

Who where the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From?/Dever Ancient Israelite/Canaanite "Religion" ...
Reclaiming Biblical Jerusalem But his book, The Bible Unearthed, wound up on the New York Times' best-seller list and he became the darling of a sympathetic media. ...
15.Aug.2006 Josiah The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts for the possible role of Josiah in creation of thee ...
15.Aug.2006 Ian Guthridge on the Genocide at the heart of the Jewish religion

On the archaeology, see Israel Finkelstein + Neil Asher Silberman, The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of its ...

Who Wrote the Bible - and When?

Israel Finkelstein + Neil Asher Silberman, The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of its Sacred Texts, Free Press, ...
Scientific History of the Bible The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2001. ISBN 0684869136.
15.Aug.2006 The Bible - Its Evolution, Contradictions and Inconsistencies ... The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel + the Origin of Its Sacred Texts, by Israel Finkelstein + Neil Asher Silberman. ...
15.Aug.2006 | Inland Southern California | Lifestyles


Skepticism about the Hebrew Bible's history was promoted to popular audiences in "The Bible Unearthed" by

Tel Aviv University archaeologist Israel ...
repercussio: a sound(-ing) board » theology Carroll: The Bible as a Problem for Christianity Finkelstein + Silberman: The Bible Unearthed Richard E. Friedman: The Bible With Sources Revealed ... /
15.Aug.2006 religious right watch: culture For informative scholarly works on the Bible, check out The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision or Ancient Israel + the Origin of Its Sacret Texts ...
15.Aug.2006 False testament: archaeology refutes the Bible's claim to history 101 Myths of the Bible : How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History ... point out in their recent book, The Bible Unearthed, the patriarchal tales make ...
15.Aug.2006 AskWhy! Megiddo and the United Monarchy - Jewish Mythology The authors of The Bible Unearthed find the territorial and ideological aspirations of the biblical account mirrored in the Deuteronomistic historian. ...
15.Aug.2006 Books So begins the Prologue of The Bible Unearthed, a book which summarizes and interprets very recent Biblical archaeology for the general public. ...
15.Aug.2006 Google Groups: talk.atheism Bible Unearthed/Finkelstien & Silberman Who where the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From?/Dever. Ancient Israelite/Canaanite "Religion" ...
15.Aug.2006 Sunday August 6, 2006HTML-Version The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology’s New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin. of Its Sacred Text by Prof. Israel Finkelstein of Tel Aviv University and ...
15.Aug.2006 My side of the Middle Eastern conflict. - Topic Powered by eve ... I used to agree that the OT was at least somewhat historically accurate, until about the time Israel Finkelstein published The Bible Unearthed. ...
15.Aug.2006 Monotheism - The Mind-N-Magick Paganpedia Silberman, Neil A.; and colleagues, Simon and Schuster; (2001) The Bible Unearthed New York. Whitelam, Keith; (1997). The Invention of Ancient Israel, ...
15.Aug.2006 The Columbus Dispatch - Faith & Values Skepticism about the Hebrew Bible ’s history was promoted to popular audiences in The Bible Unearthed (2001) by Tel Aviv University archaeologist Israel ...
15.Aug.2006 Concord Monitor Online - Article - Concord, NH 03301 Finkelstein and Silberman typified such skepticism in Bible Unearthed, which said Edom achieved kingship and statehood only in the seventh century BC ...
15.Aug.2006 Memory in Ruins [Biblical Archaeology]

00.000.2001 the theory that the united kingdom was a fiction came of age with the publication of Finkelstein's book, The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New ...
Higgaion: A Biblical History of Israel: half a book To be sure, I could have gone still farther "to the left" of Finkelstein and Silberman, but The Bible Unearthed is much easier for undergraduates to read ...
15.Aug.2006 Nathan's Book Blog: The Bible Unearthed The Bible Unearthed. This is a book that takes on a subject that most Christians comfortably assume to be safe ground. Don't get me wrong; ...
15.Aug.2006 The Washington Monthly Not quite sure what maunga is on about, but yes, ' The Bible Unearthed ' is a must-read- shows how the OT was written largely in the 6th century BC as a ...
15.Aug.2006 Aftonbladet: Nyheter, Forum "The Bible unearthed" Finkelstein&Silbermann "David and Solomon, in search of the Bible´s sacred kings and the roots of western tradition"
15.Aug.2006 Google Groups: talk.atheism Archeology and the Bible Rise of Ancient Israel/Shanks, Dever, Halpern, McCarter Bible Unearthed/Finkelstien & Silberman ...
15.Aug.2006 - The Bible, as History, Flunks

"I think that it is time to put archaeology in the front line," said Finkelstein, the co-author with Neil Asher Silberman of " The Bible Unearthed ," to be ...
How the Bible Became a Book - Cambridge University Press Israel Finkelstein, co-author of The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts ...
15.Aug.2006 Universität Heidelberg – Pressemitteilungen Israel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv) und Neil Asher Silberman (Brüssel und USA) haben

2002 ein Fachbuch mit dem Titel " The bible unearthed : Archaeology's New ...
The Old Testament As Eonic Data As the authors of The Bible Unearthed note, ... [i] Israel Finkelstein + Neil Silberman, The Bible Unearthed, (New York: The Free Press, 2001).
Israelitic Power Gaining Startegies [Archive] - aliraqi Community You gave Israel Finkelstein's work ( Bible Unearthed ) as an example. Kamal Salibi's work in the natural compliment to such a work. ...
15.Aug.2006 Qui a écrit la Bible et pourquoi? 2

Pendant des millénaires, les exégètes de la Bible ont discuté de l’époque de David et de ... Neil Asher; The Bible Unearthed, 2001,New York, The Free Press. ...
Once again, Science is kicking Fundie Ass Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Text." " The Bible Unearthed " is the latest salvo fired in ...
15.Aug.2006 C&C Review 2002:1: Contents Possible Repercussions of ' The Bible Unearthed ', 28 ... The Bible Unearthed by Israel Finkelstein & NA Silberman - reviewed by Phillip Clapham ...
15.Aug.2006 Responses to Critics of Centuries of Darkness As noted in the review, "...matters are not as straightforward as The Bible Unearthed would like us to believe.

While Finkelstein stresses the fluidity of ...
ABR ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER Vol. 4, Issue 11 Circulation: 3750 ...

This challenge to the historicity of the United Monarchy culminated in the 2000 publication of The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient ...
The Antithesis To answer his questions, Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman together wrote The Bible Unearthed, which is an excellent text on biblical archeology. ...

The Antithesis Who Wrote the Bible ? Simon and Schuster, 1987. Pg. 35 of the 1997 softcover edition. 5. Finkelstein, Israel and Silberman, Neil Asher. The Bible Unearthed. ...
15.Aug.2006 The American Muslim (TAM) The two works on Biblical archaeology presented here, The Mythic Past + The Bible Unearthed, are unabashedly heretical in that both are sustained by a ... bible _quran_and_the_impasse_of_historical_imaginatio /
15.Aug.2006 TBK - The Bible, as History, Flunks New Archaeological Tests

"I think that it is time to put archaeology in the front line," said Finkelstein, the co-author with Neil Asher Silberman of The Bible Unearthed, ...
15.Aug.2006 Bible Agrees with The Bible Unearthed, that the Old Testament lacks historical credibility. Packed with more insights + detail then the casual reader might be ...
15.Aug.2006 Court Jesters According to The Bible Unearthed, not only did Abraham, Isaac + Jacob never exist, but the Exodus never happened. They just wrote a good story in the ...
15.Aug.2006 almost a diary - Tobi's thoughts, opinions & ideas.

After reading " the bible unearthed " (link below) I was looking for a book that would unearth the political history of Christianity - and I still am. ...
Budapest PaperHTML-Version - Then, in

00.000.2001 two highly acclaimed archeologists, Israel Finkelstein + Neil Silberman, published The Bible Unearthed : Archeology’s New Vison of Ancient ...

Symmetrical Archaeology: Material Hermeneutics The Bible Unearthed, I suggested, is bound to be controversial in a contemporary world, one which includes on the part of the diaspora returnees to today’s ..
15.Aug.2006 Un libro de cataclismo: The Bible Unearthed. Industry & Business ... Goliath Industry and Business News includes thousands of articles from journals, newspapers, newswires + magazines, covering a wide range of industries ...
15.Aug.2006 To the Best of Our Knowledge - 01-03-25-A: Digging Up Ancient Dirt Also, Neil Silberman, a historian at Belgium's Ename Center for Public Archaeology and co-author (with Israel Finkelstein) of " The Bible Unearthed ," tell ...
15.Aug.2006 Chancellor's Commentary Parashat Sh'lakh L'kha 5761, The Jewish ...

According to Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman in their bracing new book, The Bible Unearthed, the Exodus from Egypt as recorded in the Bible is a ...
Late Night Live - 27/02/2001: The Bible Unearthed Israel Finkelstein is Israel’s best-known archaeologist + the director of excavations at Tel Megiddo (Armageddon) a seriously important archaeological ...
15.Aug.2006 Download Bible - Study - Old Testament ebooks at Diesel eBooks

Dozens of digs in Egypt, Israel, Jordan + Lebanon have changed experts' understanding of ancient Israel + it ...more on ebook " The Bible Unearthed "
Holes in History The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology’s New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts. Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman. 2001.
15.Aug.2006 Non-divine origins of the Bible at Tel Aviv University + his colleague Neal Silberman, in their book The Bible Unearthed :

"We have no clue, not even a single word, ...
History News Network Artifacts with links to Bible unearthed. Source: Washington Times (1-2-05). JERUSALEM - Israeli archaeologists, screening tons of rubble scooped
15.Aug.2006 Tthornton : Hebrew Bible Era Dates A controversial recent argument (Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman, The Bible Unearthed, New York: The Free Press, 2001) considers the entire Old ...
15.Aug.2006 Archaeology Department, Tel-Aviv University I. Finkelstein and NA Silberman, The Bible Unearthed : A Rejoinder. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 327 (2002), pp. 63-73. ...
15.Aug.2006 Shifting Ground in the Holy Land Finkelstein + co-author Neil Asher Silberman rocked the world of biblical archaeology with the publication, five years ago, of The Bible Unearthed. ...
15.Aug.2006 Rewriting History In Israel, the recent publication of the book The Bible Unearthed by Tel Aviv University professor of archeology Israel Finkelstein and journalist Neil ...
15.Aug.2006 Parting of Red Sea Really Happened - Page 2 - JREF Forum Based on the book " The Bible Unearthed " + miscellaneous other reading

I am of the opinion that the Moses stuff is at least as bogus as the Noah stuff.
Observatório Bíblico: Novo livro de Israel Finkelstein e Neil ... Dos autores do consagrado The Bible Unearthed (tradução brasileira: A Bíblia não tinha razão) ... Bíblia e Arqueologia (apresentação de The Bible Unearthed ) ...
15.Aug.2006 MORE CRITICISMS OF OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology’s New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts, Israel Finkelstein & Neil Asher Silberman, ...
15.Aug.2006 Late Night Live - 27 February 2001 - The Bible Unearthed Israel Finkelstein is Israel's best-known archaeologist + the director of excavations at Tel Megiddo (Armageddon), a seriously important archaeological ...
15.Aug.2006 :: Northwest Arkansas' News Source

Skepticism about the Hebrew Bible ’s history was promoted to popular audiences in The Bible Unearthed (2001 ) by Tel Aviv University archaeologist Israel ...
Old Testament dispute continues: Was King David Judaism's King Arthur?

Skepticism about the Hebrew Bible's history was promoted to popular audiences in " The Bible Unearthed " (2001) by Tel Aviv University archaeologist Israel ...
The Bible Unearthed - showing on The History Channel The Old Testament remains at the heart of many contemporary concerns.

The heated battles over abortion, homosexuality (now threatening to tear apart the ...
Bok/The Bible Unearthed - Försäljningstext: The Bible Unearthed is a balanced, thoughtful, bold reconsideration of the historical period that produced the Hebrew Bible.
15.Aug.2006 The Bible Unearthed - Gay Community The Bible Unearthed Religion and Spirituality.

THE BIBLE UNEARTHED (2001) is a book you need to read to get up-to-date on the status of the historicity ...
King David Was a Nebbish " The Bible Unearthed " is the latest salvo fired in a pitched battle between ... The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the ...
15.Aug.2006 Bible Unearthed: Book Review The Bible Unearthed is a revelation of the vast difference between what the ... The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the ...
15.Aug.2006 The Truth Seeker - The Bible Unearthed

Biblical Archaeology is being transformed, writes Larry Saltzman. In particular, the work of Professor Finkelstein profers new perspectives on Israel's ...
How the Bible Became a Book: the Textualization of Ancient Israel

Some of these observations had already been made in Niel Silberman and Israel Finkelstein's best-selling book, The Bible Unearthed (2001).
Buch-Suchergebnisse für the bible unearthed

God, Greed + Genocide - von Arthur Grenke - 328 Seiten
On the Reliability of the Old Testament - von K A Kitchen - 662 Seiten
King Manasseh and Child Sacrifice - von Francesca Stavrakopoulou

15.Aug.2006 - The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of ...

Is the Bible true?

For the last hundred and fifty years a war has been waged over the historical reliability of the Hebrew scriptures.

The Bible Unearthed The Bible Unearthed Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts By ISRAEL FINKELSTEIN and NEIL ASHER SILBERMAN Free Press ...
15.Aug.2006 Denver Journal - 4:0104 - The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New ... Denver Journal - 4:0104 -

The Bible Unearthed : Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts.
IBSS - The Bible - The Bible Unearthed The Bible Unearthed The Bible Unearthed gives the latest scholarly views on the origins of the Hebrew Bible and the origins of Israel.
220403antiwarblogg "blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush + his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on .." ...
15.Aug.2006 CULT WATCH-Cults-RC, Mormon, Promise Keepers, Third Wave, MSOG ... The Endeavor Academy- Chuck Anderson, a.k.a. "The Master Teacher" ... The "Courage to Heal" debunked. Bad Therapy Kills.

A Parent's View of "Courage to Heal" ...
In 2005, Keith Olbermann Did an Edward R. Murrow Style Expose of How the Bush Administration Used Trumped Up Terror Alerts to Bury Bad News About the White House's Nefarious Activities. This MSNBC Segment is Even More Relevant Today.
Larry Beinhart: Republicans are Bad on National Security. If You Value Your Life, Vote Them Out of Office. (Remember, You Can Add Your Thoughts to BuzzFlash Commentaries. Registration is Free.)

15.Aug.2006 Federal Judge OKs Law Signed by Bush Even Though the House Never Voted on It. We Need a Real Judiciary Again -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.

15.Aug.2006 More Evidence of Bush Administration Treason: The Valerie Wilson Affair Revisited -- A BuzzFlash Editorial
Ceasefire holds as both sides claim Lebanon success 8/15

15.Aug.2006 Paul Krugman: Hoping for Fear
Bush Turns War Into Sportscasting, Declares Israel the "Winner." Tell That to All the Dead People on Both Sides. Maybe Bush Would Make a Good Referee in His Future Prison Football League. 8/15
Another Politically-timed "Terror Arrests" Wasn't a "Terror Arrest" After All. That's Often the Pattern. 8/15

15.Aug.2006 In Costa Mesa, Calif., an angry debate over immigration -- and the actions of anti-immigrant government officials who seem intent on running Hispanics out of town -- is tearing apart the community 8/15
15.Aug.2006 Taifun: "Saomai" tötet fast 300 Menschen

15.Aug.2006 Künstliche Befruchtung: Maus wird nach 15 Jahren im Eis Vater
15.Aug.2006 Schüler im Halbschlaf: "Frühaufsteher erhalten bessere Noten"

15.Aug.2006 Japan: Koizumi besucht umstrittenen Kriegsschrein
15.Aug.2006 pundit drops the petticoat... ...and shows what's underneath. David Brooks admits his belief that "voters shouldn't be allowed to define the choices in American politics." Even Ann Coulter never dared say as much. Permalink
15.Aug.2006 Israel: Luftwaffe greift Ziele in Gaza an

15.Aug.2006 Steuertricks: Firmen entziehen Fiskus Milliarden

15.Aug.2006 Volkswirt- Prognose: "Die Menschen haben 2007 weniger in der Tasche"

15.Aug.2006 "Katrina"- Notunterkünfte: Fema muss 118.000 Schlösser austauschen

15.Aug.2006 Nahost: Hinweise auf Bundeswehreinsatz mehren sich
15.Aug.2006 Libanon: Waffenruhe hält - trotz kleinerer Scharmützel
15.Aug.2006 Streit um Koizumis Schrein- Besuch: Japan droht Aufschrei der Empörung
15.Aug.2006 'More disasters' for warmer world Rising temperatures will raise the risk of wildfires, droughts and floods over the next 200 years, UK scientists warn.
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14.Aug.2006 Fox News Guest: Muslims Practice ‘Johnny- Come- Lately’ Religion And Pray To ‘Someone Who Wants To Kill You’ - Think Progress 

Today on Fox News’s

Your World with Neil Cavuto, private investigator Bo Dietl argued that Arabs + Muslims should be subjected to racial profiling because Islam is a “Johnny-come-lately” religion + Muslims “pray to someone who wants to kill you.” Watch it: Transcript:

And Neil, the bottom line is, this is a Johnny-come-lately religion. Christians and Jews have been around for 1600 years, 1500 years before. When they’re having a religion talking about killing people, I think we should reevaluate people who pray to someone who wants to kill you.

We do know one thing for sure - Dietl is a “Johnny-come-never” to religious tolerance.
Hitting back on “the Al Qaeda candidate” myth.-Amanda-

This morning on CNN, Arianna Huffington blasted CNN journalist Chuck Roberts for suggesting that Ned Lamont “is the Al Qaeda candidate,” + demanded more accountability from journalists.

David Brock, CEO of MediaMatters, has written CNN and urged them to discipline Roberts.
14.Aug.2006 Sen. George Allen (R-VA) is accused - Amanda of possibly calling a 20-year-old volunteer of Indian descent on his opponent’s campaign a “monkey” (macaca).

This fellow here over here with the yellow shirt, Macaca, or whatever his name is. He’s with my opponent. … Lets give a welcome to Macaca, here.

Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia.” The volunteer, S.R. Sidarth, was born and raised in Virginia. (Video here.)
14.Aug.2006 Right Wing Politicizes London Plot While Calling For ‘National Unity’ On Terrorism - Payson 

Over the weekend, the television airwaves were inundated with conservatives calling for unity in response to the London terror plot.

No one should use this event or this war for political advantage,” Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) said on Fox News Sunday.

[M]y goodness,” Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) said yesterday, “if we can’t get national unity and take politics out of this in terms of an attack like this, I don’t know what’s going to happen to us.”

Much remains to be done to improve homeland security. For example, the administration has “yet to comprehensively improve sharing of counterterrorism information.” But rather than focus on policies to prepare against future terrorism, conservatives spent last week politicizing news of the London plot:

- “US President George W. Bush seized on a foiled London airline bomb plot to hammer unnamed critics he accused of having all but forgotten the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. […] ‘Weeks before September 11th, this is going to play big,’ said another White House official. ” [Agence France Presse, 8/10/06]

- “This week’s dramatic new terrorism threat may help remind voters Republicans have provided ‘strong leadership on that issue that won’t vacillate,’ Sen. John Thune of South Dakota said Friday. ‘People will focus on that issue this November,’ Thune said .” [Lincoln Journal Star, 8/12/06]

- “ ‘Defeatocrats!’ declared a statement issued by office of the House majority leader, John A. Boehner of Ohio, capturing the tone of Republican rhetoric as the news unfolded.” [New York Times, 8/11/06]

- “Today, President Bush faces a similar challenge. In the middle of a war on terror, we need to remain focused on furthering Republican ideas more than ever before. We can’t turn back now. […] That’s why I am emailing to ask you for a favor: will you click here to make a contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, $35 or $25 to show your strong commitment to our Party and our principles?” [Rudy Giuliani Fundraising Email, 8/10/06]

Apparently the right wing is not yet unified around the concept of national unity in the face of terrorism.
- takes time out from the Middle East crisis for a
one-on-one interview with a right-wing blogger who believes Islam is a “religious rationale for Arab imperialism.” (Bolton Watch has more.)
14.Aug.2006 Ken Mehlman Falsely Claims Conservatives Aren’t Advocating ‘Stay The Course’ In Iraq - Think Progress 

Yesterday on Meet the Press, former Rove deputy Ken Mehlman tried to claim that conservatives are “not coming in and saying ‘Stay the course’” in Iraq, but rather are advocating “Win by adapting.” Watch it:

But despite Mehlman’s statement, plenty of conservatives are saying “stay the course”:

President Bush:

We’re not going to lose in Iraq. As a matter of fact, we will win in Iraq so long as we stay the course .” [7/11/06]

White House Press Secretary Tony Snow:

The second thing you do [to win the hearts and minds of Iraqis] is you stay the course. And you allow the government of Prime Minister Maliki to create a functioning and successful democracy.” [7/10/06]

Sen. Bill Frist (R-TN):

We’re for staying the course in Iraq and the war on terror.” [7/27/06]

Sen. John Thune (R-SD):

And a believe that a free, democratic Iraq is quickly becoming an inevitable fact + that now more than ever we need to stay the course there .” [2/17/05]

Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA):

On behalf of our men and women in harm’s way, the children they protect + the dreams and aspirations of Americans for a bright future, I will stay the course as a member of the Senate to support them in the war on terro r.” [11/8/05]

Full transcript below:

DAVID GREGORY: This is something that he also said last Sunday during a campaign speech. “The fact is”—this is Senator Lieberman speaking—“I have openly and clearly disagreed with and criticized the president for, among other things: not winning the support of our allies in the run-up to the war; not having a plan to win the peace; not putting enough troops on the ground; putting an American in charge of the Iraqi oil supply. And I said that if I were president, I would ask Secretary Rumsfeld to resign.” Given your respect for the credibility of his views, do you acknowledge that he’s right on these points?

MR. MEHLMAN: Look, the fact is that our mission in the war in Iraq is critical. We agree on that; we agree it’s wrong to cut and run. But look, we’re not coming in and saying “Stay the course.” The choice in this election is not between “Stay the course” and “Cut and run,” it’s between “Win by adapting” and “Cut and run.”
Fox News papal contributor “tricked” - Amanda imams at a London mosque into talking on air by claiming he was “a priest working in Rome.”
14.Aug.2006 Labor Department Official Poses As ‘Conservative Analyst’ On Fox News, PBS - Think Progress -  

Labor Department deputy assistant secretary Karen Czarnecki has repeatedly appeared on televisionincluding Fox News and PBS — as a pundit. While she apparently filed leave papers before heading to the studios and was cleared by the department’s ethics staff (political activity by federal employees is restricted by the Hatch Act), Czarnecki never revealed her government position. Instead she identified herself as a “conservative analyst.”

Some highlights of Czarnecki’s off-duty conservative analyses on PBS:

On abstinence:

CZARNECKI: Absolutely [abstinence is an option for African women], if Uganda can reduce its HIV infected population 50% to 60 over the years, it’s definitely an option.

HOST: It’s no more an option than to tell them their option is to marry a millionaire.

CZARNECKI: If you have free — you have free choice to choose abstinence. [7/16/06]

On intelligent design:

Intelligent design doesn’t equate religion with science. It is based on scientific premise .” [5/7/05]

On No Child Left Behind:

This program has been well funded by the federal government + states have billions of dollars unspent for education cost. They can apply to doing this.” [4/30/05]

While some of the shorter appearances were apparently freebies, the Wasington Post’s Al Kamen notes that “the regular PBS gig does supplement her government pay.”
14.Aug.2006 36 percent: - Payson Bush’s approval rating remains stuck “where it was a month ago,” according to a new CBS News poll. 28 percent of Americans view the war in Iraq as the country’s “most important problem.”
14.Aug.2006 Sham UN Resolution Guarantees No End To Israel's War of Illegal Aggression
Stephen Lendman On August 11, the UN Security Council unanimously passed Resolution 1701 jointly proposed by the US and France and with all provisions in it signed off on by Israel before it was put to a vote. Neither Lebanon nor Hezbollah was afforded that same right. In a UN dominated by the world's only superpower and having to operate within the constraints it sets, only aggressors are allowed that privilege. It's victims never are. Re! solution 1701 was a revised version of the one the US and France first proposed on August 6 which the French then backed down on because of strong Lebanese government and Arab League opposition. The new resolution only guarantees one thing - no end to the conflict and no justice for its Lebanese victims. It doesn't even address the concurrent hostilities ongoing against the Palestinians arrogantly ignoring the fact that they're raging daily with no end in sight..

Empire comes to Lebanon
The U.S.-Israel axis goes all out to remove the last impediments to building a "New Middle East".
AIJAZ AHMAD LET us begin with a supposedly "undisputed" fact: The official story, told first by the Israeli government and automatically accepted by governments and media outlets across the world, is that Hizbollah is a Muslim fundamentalist, terrorist organisation which periodically lobs shells and rockets into civilian population centres of northern Israel and that, in its latest ! outrage on July 12, it attacked a border military post inside Israeli territory, killing six Israeli soldiers and capturing two. Having waited several years for "the international community" and the Lebanese government to disarm this "terrorist" organisation, Israel is said to have been finally exasperated by this latest outrage and, acting in self-defence, it decided to retaliate so as to "break Hizbollah" for ever and ever, for the sake of the security of its citizens. This official version raises some basic questions regarding the character of Hizbollah itself, about the very incident that is supposed to have "provoked" Israel beyond endurance + about the scope of Israel's "retaliation"...

Terror Nation: Lies, Injustice + the American Empire?s Way
Jason Miller Remember, good patriots, we are at war with Islam, Socialism, Communism, drugs, crime, illegal immigration, Gays, labor unions, liberal university professors, peace activists, environmentalists, Anti-Semites, secular humanists + all those who pose a threat to the United States. Each of these groups shares culpability for the terrorism which has killed several thousand of US, British, Spanish + Israeli citizens since 2001. They are a ! cancer upon the American Way and must be excised. Freedom and liberty will prevail despite their onslaught of evil. Suspension of civil liberties, concentration of power into the hands of the Executive branch, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocents civilians, collective punishment of millions through wanton destruction of infrastructure, widespread dissemination of depleted uranium, reduction of wasteful spending on "useless eaters" via massive cuts in entitlement spending, ongoing ethnic cleansing in Gaza and the West Bank, torture, denial of justice to "enemy combatants", massive tax cuts to the wealthy, obscene increases in defense spending, propaganda blitzes to keep the public believing horrendous lies, preemptive war, reduced government restriction of corporate exploitation of humans and the environment + continued neocolonial expansion are all essential to the United States fulfilling its Manifest Destiny and ending the terrorist threat. Remember, they ha! te our freedom...

The "ceasefire"
Eli Stephens, Left I on the News Reuters reports what has been obvious to any intelligent person since the terms of the so-called "ceasefire" were announced: Israel believes it will be entitled to use force to prevent Hizbollah from rearming and to clear guerrilla positions out of southern Lebanon after a U.N. truce takes effect, Israeli officials said on Sunday. Israeli officials said such operations are "defensive" in nature and therefore permissible under a U.N. Security Council resolution w! hich calls for Israel to halt "all offensive military operations". The Israeli operations could include air strikes against arms convoys travelling anywhere in Lebanese territory, a senior Israeli official said. ...

Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 13 August 2006
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice In a dispatch posted at 5:27pm Makkah time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces had carried out their third rocket attack in the ar-Ramadi area within the previous 24 hours. The ar-Ramadi correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the Iraqi Resistance as saying that the Resistance fired four Katyusha rockets at! the American al-Warrar base on the Euphrates River west of ar-Ramadi. The rockets blasted into fuel storage tanks used for US occupation vehicles. The source said that the attack was successful, destroying nine big fuel tanks. Dense clouds of smoke covered the sky over the base and the surrounding areas after the attack. US helicopters and fighter planes prowled the skies over head...

PLO: 'Ceasefire agreement' leaves room for Israel to continue military invasion
IMEMC + PNN "There was never an agreement more favorable to Israel," said Israeli defense minister Amir Peretz about the United Nations (UN) 'ceasefire' agreement. Such words sound ominous to the ears of the Lebanese people, who suffered under eighteen years of military occupation by Israel due to a number of agreements 'favorable to Israel'. Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Executive Committee Political Bureau member, Taysir! Khalid, is inclined to agree that the agreement favors Israel, saying it "gives Israel a green light to continue its aggression against the Lebanese people"...

Cease-Fire Charade
Editorial, Arab News By the time the Israeli Cabinet meets today to consider Prime Minister Ehud Olmert?s recommendation that the UN cease-fire resolution be accepted, Israel?s major new thrust toward the Litani River in southern Lebanon will probably have expanded the conflict with Hezbollah. The slightest hint of a Hezbollah counterattack, under the one-sided terms of Friday?s Resolution 1701, will permit the Israeli military to mount "defensive" operations and thus keep the conflict going. W! e can confidently expect that Olmert?s Cabinet will willingly agree to the cease-fire ? just as soon as Hezbollah stops its attacks. Israel is a past master at kicking its boot into the hive and then protesting that it must take action against the resulting swarm. Will the Security Council allow itself to be manipulated into remaining silent about Israel?s massive new push into Lebanese territory?...

GI Special 4H13: " Well, What Are We Doing Here?" - August 13, 2006
Thomas F. Barton ..."Three months into Iraq, my friend, a man that I drank beer with, a man that I had even gone to college with for awhile, shot an innocent civilian who was raking rocks along the side of the road. I remember having to go back to Forward Operating Base Marez + reporting to my commanding officer what I just seen. I remember writing a mission statement. I remember requesting an investigation be done and I remember it being r! efused. "?I can?t take this anymore!? That?s what I thought to myself. This is not what I signed up for and it?s not what?s being shown to the American public. So, why the hell should I fight?...

UN says 'peace tomorrow' despite Israeli attack
Conal Urquhart in Matulla, Mitchell Prothero in Beirut and Peter Beaumont in London, The Observer Israel dramatically defied a unanimous United Nations Security Council ceasefire resolution by escalating its ground war yesterday in southern Lebanon, asserting that it needed more time to 'clean up' Hizbollah. Last night Kofi Annan, the secretary general of the UN, insisted that hostilities would end at 5am tomorrow, saying that both Israeli and Lebanese prime ministe! rs had agreed to a ceasefire. But yesterday there was little sign of peace as Israel sent more armour and helicopters into Lebanon. Dozens of helicopters ferried infantry deep into Lebanon in a race to grab territory. By the day's end, 30,000 Israeli soldiers had crossed the border. Despite reports that some troops had reached the Litani, it was also their bloodiest day of fighting, with at least 11 killed and 70 wounded...

Israeli Leaders Fault Bush on War
Robert Parry Amid the political and diplomatic fallout from Israel?s faltering invasion of Lebanon, some Israeli officials are privately blaming President George W. Bush for egging Prime Minister Ehud Olmert into the ill-conceived military adventure against the Hezbollah militia in south Lebanon. Bush conveyed his strong personal support for the military offensive during a White House meeting with Olmert on May 23, according to sources familiar with the thinking of senior Israeli! leaders. Olmert, who like Bush lacks direct wartime experience, agreed that a dose of military force against Hezbollah might damage the guerrilla group?s influence in Lebanon and intimidate its allies, Iran and Syria, countries that Bush has identified as the chief obstacles to U.S. interests in the Middle East...

What The Hell Has Happened To The Army?
Uri Avnery SO WHAT has happened to the Israeli army? This question is now being raised not only around the world, but also in Israel itself. Clearly, there is a huge gap between the army's boastful arrogance, on which generations of Israelis have grown up + the picture presented by this war. Before the choir of generals utters their expected cries of being stabbed in the back - "The government has shackled our hands! The politicians did not allow the army to win! The pol! itical leadership is to blame for everything!" - it is worthwhile to examine this war from a professional military point of view...

Today in Iraq ...Deputy head of provincial council of Diyala escapes assassination attempt, as does Governor of Nineveh Province, but bodyguard is injured in the latter attack. Police find 12 bodies trapped in a grate in the Tigris. All had been bound, blindfolded + shot. AP also reports "Police also found 15 other bullet-riddled bodies of men who had been handcuffed and blindfolded in six neighborhoods throughout the Baghdad area, police Lt. Mohammed Khayoun said. An! other 21 people were killed yesterday, mostly in Baghdad but also in Hillah, Mosul and Basra."...

24 Israeli soldiers killed in expanded offensive in Lebanon
Agence France-Presse The Israeli army confirmed early Sunday that 24 of its soldiers had been killed the previous day in a series of clashes with the Hezbollah militia as it expanded its ground operations in south Lebanon. The updated toll includes the five members of the flight crew of a helicopter that was shot down + 85 other soldiers were wounded in fighting, an army spokesman said...

GI Special 4H12: " Why Am I Here?" - August 12, 2006
Thomas F. Barton ...SGT. RICKY CLOUSING: I chose to leave after experiencing the brutalities of war in this war in Iraq + it was a process that I considered long and hard upon my return to Fort Bragg. Those two-and-a-half months of my integration back into the military and back into society really questioned and really forced me to reevaluate my beliefs and my own personal feelings and convictions, politically and spiritually, about my involvement in the w! ar in Iraq and also the organization of the military in general...

UN ?Israeli War Crimes? Vote Reveals the West is Isolated
Steve Masterson, The Western media focussed on the irrelevant and 'unanimous? UN Security Council 'ceasefire? vote, which only guarantees the fighting and slaughter will escalate. Another UN vote within hours of the 'ceasfire? vote ? of immense significance and hardly touched-upon in the Western media ? exposed the real world-wide divisions and alliances embroiled in this global Lebanon war. In a crucial 27-11 vote, the UN Human Rights Co! uncil (UNHCR) condemned Israeli war crimes and agreed 'immediately despatch a high-level Inquiry Commission to Lebanon?...
14.Aug.2006 British Intel Wanted To Bust Liquid Bomb Terrorists After Attack - Paul Joseph Watson - MI5 Had Agent Inside Bomb Squad Plot 'almost allowed to come to fruition' - putting 3,000
14.Aug.2006 WATCHING LEBANON In the days after Hezbollah crossed from Lebanon into Israel, on July 12th, to kidnap two soldiers, triggering an Israeli air attack on Lebanon and a full-scale war, the Bush Administration seemed strangely passive. “It’s a moment of clarification,” President George W. Bush said ...
14.Aug.2006 Delays go on amid 'severe' threat Air passengers face a fifth day of travel delays at some UK airports despite rules on baggage being relaxed.
14.Aug.2006 Spanish police find 'drugs' sub A submarine which may have been used by cocaine smugglers is found floating off the Spanish coast.
14.Aug.2006 Pakistan 'vital in war on terror' The Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz says the country's future rests on defeating terrorism.
14.Aug.2006 New home gets rare bats in a flap One of Europe's rarest species of bats have taken up residence in a new roost with a specially designed "bat flap".
14.Aug.2006 Union to fight hospital job cuts Unison and the Royal College of Nursing join forces to fight up to 1,200 job losses at two Nottingham hospitals.
14.Aug.2006 Pork, the Other Alt Fuel Australians aren't sheepish about biodiesel -- one company there is making fuel out of animal fat taken from pigs, sheep and cows.
14.Aug.2006 Old Methods Used to Detect Liquid Explosives - Zonk 187 Bain writes

"According to Wired News, the UK fear of terrorists using liquid explosives could be dramatically reduced by the use of some very old tech. Recent events have seen passengers forced to pack only the barest of essentials into clear plastic bags and the restriction on all liquids force even mothers with young children to have to test bottled milk to prove that it isn't a dangerous liquid." From the article: "For a machine to detect explosives in liquid or solid form, it bombards an object with energy -- such as radio waves or neutrons -- and in seconds measures the reaction, a response that differs depending on the material's chemical properties. Software in the machine is programmed to alert screeners if it detects chemical signatures known to match those of dangerous materials. A key question, though, is whether this kind of detection system can realistically block terrorists from bringing seemingly innocuous liquids past security and combining them later to deadly effect."
US Satellite Plan Could Knock Out GPS and Radio - samzenpus 99 Audent writes

"Otago University researchers are concerned by US plans to protect satellites from solar storms... "The approach, which is being considered by the US Air Force and the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, involves using very low frequency radio waves to flush particles from belts and dump them into the upper atmosphere over either one or several days". The plan could disrupt GPS signals and high frequency radio over the Pacific for up to a week. "The disruptions result from a deluge of dumped charged particles temporarily changing the ionosphere from a "mirror" that bounces high frequency radio waves around the planet to a "sponge" that soaks them up.""
Biometric Terrorist Detector - samzenpus 214 neutralino writes

"The Wall Street Journal has this story about a biometric airport security system which uses biometric responses — blood pressure, pulse and sweat levels — to series of questions ("Are you smuggling drugs?") to identify passengers with "hostile intent."

According to the article, "In the latest Israeli trial, the system caught 85% of the role-acting terrorists, meaning that 15% got through + incorrectly identified 8% of innocent travelers as potential threats, according to corporate marketing materials.""
More Evidence of Bush Administration Treason: The Valerie Wilson Affair Revisited -- A BuzzFlash Editorial
Larry Beinhart: Republicans are Bad on National Security. If You Value Your Life, Vote Them Out of Office.

14.Aug.2006 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
DNC: GOP Policies Have Made America Less Safe 8/14

14.Aug.2006 Why has Iraq war lasted nearly as long as WWII? 8/14
Stay Informed! We Deliver! Get BuzzFlash Alerts Free!
Lebanon truce holds; The truce has not resolved many key issues including the fate of the two captured Israeli soldiers and the Shebaa Farms area which is claimed by Lebanon but occupied by Israel. 8/15
Lamont fights back: Lieberman sounds just like Cheney. "My God, here we have a terrorist threat against hearth and home and the very first thing that comes out of their mind is how can we turn this to partisan advantage. I find that offensive." Praise the Lord. We've Found a Democrat with Some Fight and Guts in Him. 8/14
A Very Tentative Ceasefire Begins in Lebanon

14.Aug.2006 Dispatch from the BuzzFlash Department of Reality: Blasts kill 47 in Shiite area of Baghdad
140403antiwarblogg Wir kennen solche Greuelmärchen seit dem I. Weltkrieg. ... Apr.2003 23:30:39 Diese Verlustlisten machen deutlich: Amerikas Generäle kommandieren nicht nur ...
14.Aug.2006 Schriftsteller Schindel: Seit 20 Jahren alles gewusst
Chemie: Kriegsbemalung gegen Brustkrebs
14.Aug.2006 Internationale Pressestimmen: "Grass hat sich unerträglich spät bekannt"
14.Aug.2006 The London Terror Gang II - sfux 
01?The Conspiracy
02?MI5 Tracked Group For A Year

14.Aug.2006 Irans Präsident ist ein Bloger - sfux Stephan Fuchs ?

Wer hätte das gedacht, Irans Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad ist unter die Bloger gekommen. Rührend: Während er sich die Seele aus dem Leibe blogt, bleibt das Tor zur grossen weiten Welt vielen seiner iranischen Blogerkumpels verschlossen. Der Chefbloger zensiert, wer nicht kuscht kommt in den Knast. Eifersucht weil die anderen besser blogen? Oder wirklich was zu sagen haben?
Menschenrechte unteilbar? ?...das muß man sich bitte alles mal vorstellen...? - sfux Karl Weiss -

Mehrere Veröffentlichungen und Interviews bekannter Persönlichkeiten machen deutlich, auf wie dünnes Eis sich Israel mit seinem Libanon-Überfall und die USA mit ihrem ?Neuen Nahen Osten? vorgewagt hat. Wer nicht gerade einschworener Freund des Zionismus ist, kritisiert klar und unmißverständlich diesen völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg.
Neben dem Israeli...

IntellNet is back! - sfux IntellNet - After a nearly 24 month hiatus, it is with great pride and honor that I announce the re-launch of
14.Aug.2006 Saudi Detainee's Letter Exposes Alleged Guantanamo Horrors - sfux 
Turki Al-Saheil - Prison guards in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, fired on detainees in the US military base, used noxious gases against them and insulted the Quran, a recent letter by a Saudi inmate revealed.
The letter, seen by Asharq al Awsat, was written ten days before the Pentagon announced three...

14.Aug.2006 Büchse der Pandora offen - sfux Karl Weiss -

Die Menschheit rutscht langsam in den Dritten Weltkrieg und man merkt es kaum. Die Büchse der Pandora wurde geöffnet. Nachdem nun allen Ländern ausführlich vorgemacht wurde, daß man beliebig Nachbar- und andere Staaten angreifen kann, ohne dafür verurteilt oder bestraft zu werden (irgendwelche Vorwände finden sich ja immer), beginnen sich allenthalben die Konfliktpunkte in Kriege...
Spies May Have Stolen U.S. Bioweapons - sfux - Soviet spies may have stolen deadly viruses from a U.S. biodefense laboratory in Maryland in the 1980s and shipped them to Moscow, a report says.
A U.S. arms control expert says he has independent evidence of a Soviet spy at Fort Detrick 20 years ago, The Baltimore Sun reported + a former Soviet scientist...

14.Aug.2006 As the British terror plot was unfolding, - Amanda - the Bush administration quietly tried to take away $6 million that was supposed to be spent this year developing new explosives detection technology.”
14.Aug.2006 August 14, 2006 - Think Progress 

A U.N.-declared cease-fire between Hezbollah and Israel went into effect this morning after a brutal escalation in violence over the weekend. Prospects for sustaining the cease-fire appear “dim” and assembling the international military force in Lebanon “is expected to take at least two or three weeks.”

Despite a “months-long pushto search for militants in “every house and business, street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood,” sectarian violence continues to rock Baghdad. “Car bombs and a rocket barrage struck a predominantly Shiite neighborhood in Baghdad, killing at least 62 people” today.

Illinois has dropped a referendum to ban gay marriage from its November ballot. State officials say supporters say failed to gather enough valid signatures.

Violence against women in Afghanistan is widespread and mainly happens inside victims’ homes,” according to a report from the U.N. Development Fund for Women. “Acts of violence (against women) are happening with impunity,” the report said.

Saqib Ali, a Muslim candidate for the Maryland House of Delegates, is being protested by a man who sits outside Ali’s house “with a sign reading ‘Islam sucks,’ and a shirt with the slogan, ‘This mind is an Allah-free zone.’”

Rep. Gary Miller (R-CA) made a tax-free profit of $10 million from land sold to the city of Monrovia by claiming that the city “had forced him to sell the property under threat of eminent domain.” Just one problem: “Monrovia officials say that Miller sold the land willingly and that they didn’t threaten to force him to sell.”

Rich countries have largely failed to back their voluble lip service to combating global poverty by doing more to help,” according to the Center for Global Development. The U.S. ranked 13 of out 21 countries “according to how their policies on overseas aid, trade, security, the environment, migration, technology and investment help poor nations.”

The Christian Science Monitor has begun an 11-part series by Jill Carroll, who was kidnapped and held for three months by insurgents in Baghdad.

And finally: Two Wisconsin candidates for attorney general brought civility back to politics after a debate between them got a little heated. “That’s why you suck, Paul, because you only listen to people who agree with you,” J.B. Van Hollen told Paul Bucher. “I don’t suck,” Bucher responded. The two made up over fax last Friday after Van Hollen apologized.
14.Aug.2006 Ridge says Cheney wrong about Lamont victory. - Nico Newsweek, 8/21 issue:

[Responding to Cheney’s claim that Lamont’s victory would encourage ‘al Qaeda types’], former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge bridled at his former colleague’s remark: ‘That may be the way the vice president sees it,’ he sees it, ‘but I don’t see it that way + I don’t think most Americans see it that way.’”
14.Aug.2006 Kristol: Cheney’s Claim That Lamont Win Helps ‘Al-Qaeda Types’ Is ‘Indisputably Correct’ - Judd 

Last week, Vice President Dick Cheney called Ned Lamont’s win in the Connecticut primary “disturbing” because “the al Qaeda types, they clearly are betting on the proposition that ultimately they can break the will of the American people in terms of our ability to stay in the fight and complete the task.”

Today on Fox News Sunday, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol called Cheney’s remarks “indisputably correct.” Kristol said that anyone who advocates redeployment of U.S. troops from Iraq is helping al-Qaeda. Watch it:


WALLACE: Bill, after the events of this week — and I know you’re not going to like this question — but can you argue that the working class neighborhoods in Britain are a bigger threat to the United States than what happens in Baghdad?

KRISTOL: No. Look, there are lots of threats. It is a global war. The Bush administration, I think, is deeply correct about this. And what you do on one front affects what happens on the other front. Cheney’s statement is indisputably correct. It doesn’t mean that Ned Lamont likes al Qaeda or wants al Qaeda to win. But the notion that a retreat in Iraq would not embolden terrorists elsewhere in the Middle East + terror recruiters in the suburbs of London, is ludicrous. Of course it would. Now, if you want to say we should get out of Iraq anyway because we can’t win and this is the price we have to pay, fine. But it’s just factually true that our pulling out of Iraq will be bad for us in the global war on terror.
Seems like less than ceasing all aggressions to me.... -Cease-fire begins; Israel says air, sea embargo still in place - Sunday, August 13 - Aug 14, 2006
14.Aug.2006 US accused of jumping the gun in blaming al-Qaeda -TERRORISM NEWS US accused of jumping the gun in blaming al-Qaeda By _H_

BRITISH officials are furious with the US Administration for “jumping the gun” by declaring that al-Qaeda was behind the airline terror plot, The Times has learnt. Although the capture yesterday of seven people in Pakistan is being seen as further evidence of an “Afghanistan al-Qaeda connection”, the UK remains deeply wary of crediting the terror network with the plan. It is understood that
WTC Damage Photo - Blogger Thoughts:

I think the blindness of the authors of the Screw Loose Change blog is just beyond explanation. I don't have a problem posting their posts, especially when there is an issue of evidence at hand. The sheer thick-headedness of those who would think this picture of WTC 7 in any way lessens the deductive logic that leads to the conclusion of an obvious controlled demo of WTC 7 is simply beyond comprehension and explanation.

Screw Loose Change Dedicated to Exposing the Lies, Distortions and Myths in the Movie Loose Change
WTC Damage Photo By Pat Debunking911 has a nice little scoop here--the best photo yet of the damage to the south side of WTC 7.
Iran: Ahmadinejad is Blogging! By (ine[at]matuvu[dot]nu ine) on Linking context

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian President has started his own blog in four languages. In his first post he talks about his life. On his blog the following question is asked: Do you think that the US and Israeli intention and goal by attacking Lebanon is pulling the trigger for another world war? Visitors are invited to vote yes or no to the question.

via globalvoices Wallah! It is like the orthodox jews with their ipods. Technology eventually rules over conservative minds.
14.Aug.2006 Intersecting Facts and Theories on 9/11 -9/11 Blogger - Blogging 9/11 Related Alternative News
Intersecting Facts and Theories on 9/11 By reprehensor

Joseph P. Firmage has written an excellent introduction and overview of the multitude of facts and theories that challenge the official narrative of 9/11. The paper is called, appropriately, " Intersecting Facts and Theories on 9/11 " and is freely downloadable at the Journal of 9/11 Studies. Here is a sample of the available analysis;
...A common refrain heard from the left – less often from the right – in response to suspicions about the official 9/11 story goes something like: “The Bush administration has demonstrated such incompetence on so many fronts that it strains the imagination to think they could of have pulled off something so elaborate + kept it a secret.” This argument ignores three key facts.
First, while George W. Bush may be intellectually challenged across the board + while neoconservatives may have a gravely naïve, overreaching geopolitical agenda, Bush officials in key national security positions have superlative experience in managing clandestine operations + have repeatedly demonstrated ruthless, systematic, detailed-oriented control over sensitive programs and information. The historical preoccupation of key officials across the Bush administration with clandestine operations – both legal and illegal – is well known to historians of the field.
Second, vastly larger programs have remained secret for decades. A few examples: the National Security Agency has a larger budget and more employees than the CIA. It was organized 00.000.1949. This entire agency of the federal government remained completely hidden from the public until the 1980s, over three decades later. One of the programs run by NSA, believed to have started in the 1940s, was Project Shamrock, through which all major transatlantic telegraph cables were tapped with the cooperation of AT&T and other communications carriers. This vast program – involving people building, installing and running equipment all over the world + yet numerous others watching and translating conversations – was kept entirely secret until the 1990s. Most American citizens have never heard of this program to this day. Serious students of the U.S. national security apparatus know how effective its systems can be in controlling information and people + compartmenting information and tasks into a startlingly small number of hands.
Third, the official 9/11 story asks us to believe that only a couple of dozen poorly trained Islamic radicals deftly maneuvered through the world’s most powerful intelligence gathering and military machine. How much easier might it have been for a similar number of people to do so, employing many unknowing others for secondary, compartmented tasks, if those handful with full knowledge of the plan also knew every aspect of the U.S. intelligence and military machine + were in key positions governing its activities and responses?
The historical association between Bush officials, government and private intelligence networks and clandestine operations argues against the notion that incompetence allowed 9/11 to occur + therefore this fact must raise suspicion...

14.Aug.2006 Fingers Crossed? -ABC News: Israel OKs Deal, but Fighting Rages On

Cease-Fire Monday; Fighting Today Israel's Cabinet has approved a U.N. cease-fire deal to take effect Monday morning. But Israel's still firing away today + continuing a ground offensive - + Hezbollah's firing right back.
14.Aug.2006 Gregory, Stephanopoulos ignored, downplayed NBC report that U.S. officials rushed UK to make terror arrests -
Media Matters for America Latest Media Matters for America items
Gregory, Stephanopoulos ignored, downplayed NBC report that U.S. officials rushed UK to make terror arrests In Terrorism

On the August 13 edition of NBC's Meet the Press, guest host and NBC News chief White House correspondent David Gregory interviewed Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff about the recently foiled British terror plot, but Gregory failed to question Chertoff about an August 12 report by his own network that, while British officials had intended to continue surveillance on the suspected plotters, U.S. authorities had pressured them to arrest the suspects sooner. Meanwhile, on the August 13 edition of ABC's This Week, host George Stephanopoulos noted this report, but left the false impression that the allegations were the product of the "blogosphere," rather than of a major news outlet.

In an August 12 article on the NBC News website, the network's investigative unit, including reporters Aram Roston and Lisa Myers, reported that U.S. authorities had objected to a plan by the British police to "continue to run surveillance for at least another week to try to obtain more evidence" on the terror suspects. They attributed the story to a senior British official:

NBC News has learned that U.S. and British authorities had a significant disagreement over when to move in on the suspects in the alleged plot to bring down trans-Atlantic airliners bound for the United States.

A senior British official knowledgeable about the case said British police were planning to continue to run surveillance for at least another week to try to obtain more evidence, while American officials pressured them to arrest the suspects sooner. The official spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the case.

In contrast to previous reports, the official suggested an attack was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets. In fact, some did not even have passports. [...]

At the White House, a top aide to President Bush denied the account.

"There was unprecedented cooperation and coordination between the U.S., the U.K. and Pakistani officials throughout the case," said Frances Townsend, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, "and we worked together to protect our citizens from harm while ensuring that we gathered as much info as possible to bring the plotters to justice. There was no disagreement between U.S. and U.K. officials."

Another U.S. official, however, acknowledges there was disagreement over timing. Analysts say that in recent years, American security officials have become edgier than the British in such cases because of missed opportunities leading up to 9/11.

In his 12-minute interview with Chertoff, Gregory brought up the issue of "our coordination with British authorities," asking, "What worked here?" But Gregory failed to question Chertoff regarding the reported disagreement, despite the fact that his own network had broken the story a day earlier. From the August 13 interview:

GREGORY: Let me ask you about our coordination with British authorities. What worked here?

CHERTOFF: Well, what worked is deep relationships; trust -- the fact that we did not have leaks prior to the takedown. You know, that's one of the critical lessons out of this whole thing. The British trusted us with very sensitive information + they were able to do it because they were confident we weren't going to leak. That's why leaks are so pernicious. Not only do they actually reveal secrets, but they undercut the basis of trust, which is the foundation of our whole international effort.

On the August 13 edition of ABC's This Week, Stephanopoulos noted the allegations that the United States had rushed the United Kingdom to make the arrests while "the Brits wanted to wait," but he left the impression that the story had been reported by bloggers. Stephanopoulos brought up the report after syndicated columnist George Will said, "I'm sure somewhere out in that fog of paranoia we call the blogosphere, there are all kinds of people writing that the British police ... and the Bush administration timed this all to counter" the political fallout from Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman's loss in the August 8 Connecticut Democratic primary to anti-Iraq war candidate Ned Lamont. Stephanopoulos responded, "[T]here certainly is," and noted, "There was one report that said the United States ... rushed this -- the Brits wanted to wait." But Stephanopoulos failed to mention that this report had come from NBC News, not the blogosphere.

From the August 13 edition of ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos :

WILL: I'm sure somewhere out in that fog of paranoia we call the blogosphere, there are all kinds of people writing that the British police and the Pakistani police and the Bush administration timed all this to counter the Lamont --

STEPHANOPOULOS: I was reading -- I was reading on the internet last night -- there certainly is.

MARTHA RADDATZ (ABC News chief White House correspondent): Funny about that conspiracy, huh?

STEPHANAPOULOS: There was one report that said the United States rushed -- rushed this -- the Brits wanted to wait. I'm not verifying this. I'm just reporting it.
Liquid Bomb Pakistan Link Is False Flag Smoking Gun By Paul Joseph Watson - Veracity of liquid explosives method also put under dubious doubt
14.Aug.2006 More Work on the Val McClatchey Photo By Spooked - Assuming the photo is real, there is something VERY WRONG with the official flight 93 story. If the photo is faked, how, when and why was it faked?
14.Aug.2006 South Tower Fly-By in Both "Live" 2nd Hit Videos -Humint Events Online
The 9/11 hijacking attacks were very likely facilitated by a rogue group within the US government that created an Islamic terrorist "Pearl Harbor" event as a catalyst for the military invasion of Middle Eastern countries. This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of 9/11/01 + other issues of US government responsibility.
South Tower Fly-By in Both "Live" 2nd Hit Videos By Spooked

In an earlier analysis of 2nd hit videos, I found that the plane position in the "CNN wide" video did not line up at all with the plane in another 2nd hit video-- the "blue plane" FOX video.

I also found, somewhat unexpectedly, that the plane in the "CNN wide" video was much further away from the towers than I expected.
In fact, in retrospect, I didn't even need Flight Simulator to tell me this. If one simply looks at the picture here:
you can see the plane is still a way from the towers, particularly given the distance of the camera and the resulting perspective.
This finding made me wonder if other 2nd hit videos showed a similar phenomenon. So I looked at this famous ABC "live" shot,
that I have discussed in the past.
I modeled this shot as carefully as I could using flight simulator-- in particular I tried to get the right angle of the building and the right size of the plane:
Interestingly, though, this plane is also quite a ways off from the towers as judged by the "blue plane" video angle:
And way off, according to the "CNN wide" video angle (note, the plane should be on the other, west, side of the building)
And looking from above, the plane is not so far from the south tower, but clearly is not on the right trajectory for the tower.
Keep in mind, that for the simulations above, I have not changed the plane position AT ALL, merely changed the camera angle.
So this finding suggests that the plane is actually MISSING the towers + flying to the east of the towers. This is actually consistent with the CNN video (as shown in the link above) and with
the Blue plane video.
Now, let's look
at the other video of the 2nd hit that was shown live, the so-called Salter video (named for who it came from):
Here's the plane coming into this video:
As you can see, the towers are in near profile, as is the plane.
We know the width of the towers: 208 feet.
And a Boeing 767-200 is 160 feet long.
Since the plane came in at almost a perpendicular angle to the tower, there should be little foreshortening of the plane + the ratio of the plane to the towers should be about 0.77.
The ratio of the plane to the towers here is 0.69, when only the west wall is measured (the towers show a little bit of northern wall in the photo).

This suggests the plane is in fact a bit further away than it should be to hit the towers + thus is smaller.
I did some modeling of this shot, but going about it a different way than above:
Here is the camera view-- very far away to the west as in the video:
Here is a zoom-in, showing the plane close to the towers, similar to the shot from the video:
You can see the trajectory is just right to hit the south tower in this modeling:
Now, what is the ratio of the plane length to the tower width in this simulation?
Keep in mind we are measuring just the west wall width, not the complete width of the towers.
The ratio is 0.8-- close to the 0.77 ideal ratio.
This indicates that the smaller ratio in the ACTUAL video indicates that the plane was either farther away than it had to be to hit the building-- or the wrong plane was used, or the video was faked somehow.
What is we keep the plane where it is and compare it to the ABC live shot I analyzed above:
It looks very similar! But what about the plane size?
The ratio of the plane to the overall building width here in this model is: 0.37
The ratio of the plane to the overall building width here in the actual video is: 0.34 (in other words, smaller).
In the ABC "live" model from above, the ratio of the plane to the overall building width here in the actual video is: 0.33-- fairly close to the video shot.
Taken together, we have four videos of the 2nd hit now, that were shown early on the morning of 9/11, that show the plane missing the towers and going off to the east.
This suggests either:
1) the plane that hit the towers was not a Boeing 767-200, but a smaller plane, or
2) the videos filmed a Boeing 767-200 flying past the towers then manipulated the video to make it seem as though the plane hit (i.e. vut out the plane continuing on past the towers), or
3) the videos show a computer generated image that is too small for a Boeing 767-200.
My guess is a plane did fly past the towers at some point + this was spliced into footage of the towers exploding. This would be somewhat easier than completeley generating plane video from scratch.
The question is WHEN did the plane fly past?

Five Year Anniversary of 9/11 - - TV takes trip back to 9/11
14.Aug.2006 Gone were the internecine battles within the Republican Party. Gone was the defeat of Lieberman over the war. Gone was the destruction of Lebanon. Gone was Tony Blair's crooked fund-raiser. Gone was Iraq...

Gone, gone, gone...

There was an Orange Alert + those of using the nation's airports were gulping, gulping, gulping down liquids to satisfy Michael Chertoff that we wouldn't smuggle mass death aboard disguised as a latte.

As always, however, the press was vigilant. The flagship New York Times had written on the 11th (at least in its on-line version), "Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said new restrictions imposed on travelers reflected a belief that the plotters planned to use liquids, 'each one of which would be benign, but mixed together could be used to create a bomb.'" As the public began to comment on how vague this seemed as the basis for wasting milkshakes and bottled water, the wording was changed to "Mr. Chertoff said the attackers planned to carry explosive material and detonation components disguised as beverages, electronic devices and other common objects' onto the planes."

Judith Miller worked for the Times, too.

But I suppose I am just a conspiracy theorist... an odd one, however, that is saying "be less afraid," lest we all allow ourselves to be made bigger nitwits than Dog the Bounty Hunter or Tony (the poodle) Blair. Link
Stan Goff: Air Travel Under Orange Alert
Miri Eisen, Mother For Peace, Justifies Killing Arab Kids And Arab Bloggers See the Light -
CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS - Miri Eisen, Mother For Peace, Justifies Killing Arab Kids And Arab Bloggers See the Light

And here we have two North American chicks coming "home" to Israel. These are the type of gals with whom naive Arab bloggers, self-professed "moderates," swap hummus recipes. Or used to...Lebanon has been a wake-up call.
Christian Science Monitor writes that the Arab and North American transplant Zionist bloggers aren't seeing eye-to-eye so much nowadays. Pity that they no longer will be used by Zionist propagandists to put a good face on Israel.
Like Miri Eisen, a transplanted American, who is hailed as a "Mother For Peace," along with Vichy Palestinian Noni Darwish, who comes on CNN to put a nice face on Israel's slaughter of handicapped Lebanese kids. At least
Rosemary Church of CNN International didn't let her get away with it (this is a great video).
And, we have a family of Lebanese refugees, fleeing Southern Lebanon, to make Israel a safe place for transplant American yuppies.
My letter to Christian Science Monitor re the above linked story:
Dear Editor:
Jews and Arabs co-existed for centuries before the onslaught of political Zionism. So-called "moderate" Arab bloggers who pride themselves on forging on-line relationships with Israeli bloggers, many of them transplants from North America, are naively allowing themselves to be used to put a good face on Israel. Israel's barbarism in Lebanon has perhaps opened their eyes once and for all to the effects of political Zionism. No one should feel good about comparing hummus recipes with privileged Americans who transplant themselves to Israel to live in historic Palestine, ninety-two percent of which was usurped by Israel from its rightful owners, who were expelled by Israel 00.000.1948 +

now are bombed in their Lebanese refugee camps. # posted by umkahlil @ 1:23 PM
14.Aug.2006 TERROR PLOTTERS HAD NEITHER TICKETS OR PASSPORTS -Cosmic Iguana - Voice of the Evil Doers Faith-based News for Extra-Terrestrials TERROR PLOTTERS HAD NEITHER TICKETS OR PASSPORTS By cosmici

I knew something like this would come out, but we'll see whether it gets any play. MSNBC: ...In contrast to previous reports, the official suggested an attack was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets. In fact, some did not even have passports.... [*]

So.... like the Toronto and Florida "plots" could be just another far-fetched fantasy perpetuated by government agents? Could it be like the article below says, "induced, controlled terror for political purposes"?

No, no, it couldn't be -after all, agent provocateurs don't get paid for hatching plots, do they? And counter-intel folks don't get promoted for busting them. And the government doesn't get to look good in the war on terror. And the media doesn't get increased viewers and advertising. And the governing party doesn't swiftly increase fundraising.

No, no. None of these things happen in this best of all possible worlds.
Gives a whole new meaning to the song: "London Bridges...." -BELLACIAO - BUSH AND BLAIR: NEW LIE BEFORE THE WORLD - FAUSTINO RODRIGUEZ BAUZA - Collective Bellaciao
14.Aug.2006 As expected, another white wash (and worse) of the truth -Meet the Press, online at MSNBC - -

technorati tags:media, lies, nbc, 911, false_flag

14.Aug.2006 Support for Israel = Support for Terror -Jean Bricmont: The De-Zionization of the American Mind
14.Aug.2006 Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Baby Milk? - Paul Joseph Watson Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Baby Milk? British Government Says Mothers With Babies New Terror Threat "You're either with us, or you're with the babies." Paul
14.Aug.2006 HSBC Insecurity Hype The Guardian has the story: One of Britain&apos;s biggest high street banks has left millions of online bank accounts exposed to potential fraud because of a glaring security loophole, the Guardian has learned. The defect in HSBC&apos;s online banking system...
14.Aug.2006 Houston, our tapes have gone missing - Eideard Search is on for historic TV footage of mankind's first landing on the Moon. Seems to be missing. Tee-hee.
14.Aug.2006 Is writing the highest form of speech? - Jeff Jarvis The problem with books, I’ve been saying, is that we give them too much respect. Because we treat them as holy objects, we are less likely to change and update the form — and that, sorry to say, leaves books behind as the rest of media must progress. I just read two pieces that speak [.
14.Aug.2006 Last Week&apos;s Terrorism Arrests Hours-long waits in the security line. Ridiculous prohibitions on what you can carry onboard. Last week&apos;s foiling of a major terrorist plot and the subsequent airport security graphically illustrates the difference between effective security and security theater. None of the...
14.Aug.2006 UK terror threat level downgraded The terror threat to the UK is downgraded after four days at "critical", with airline baggage restrictions beginning to ease.
14.Aug.2006 Mid-East hope as ceasefire begins Thousands of displaced Lebanese begin travelling home as a UN-brokered ceasefire comes into force.
14.Aug.2006 UK bank details sold in Nigeria The bank details of Britons are being accessed from old PCs sent to Nigeria, the BBC's Real Story programme discovers.
14.Aug.2006 Prison staff in 'corruption' quiz Fourteen prison officers in north London are suspended following allegations of corrupt behaviour.
14.Aug.2006 Rolling Stones cancel tour date The Rolling Stones cancel a concert in Spain after singer Mick Jagger is struck down by laryngitis.
14.Aug.2006 Chinese typhoon toll passes 250 The death toll from Typhoon Saomai reaches 255, as dozens of fishermen are reported killed in Fujian.
14.Aug.2006 Walesa attacks Grass for SS role Poland's ex-president Lech Walesa says German writer Guenter Grass should hand back a Polish honour.
14.Aug.2006 Palestinians killed in Gaza Strip Three Palestinians are killed in Gaza as Israeli forces respond to rocket fire on the city of Ashkelon.
14.Aug.2006 Flights continue to be grounded The majority of flights to London from Scotland are cancelled on the fifth day of airport disruption.
14.Aug.2006 Airlines attack security delays As airlines have to cut 20% of Heathrow flights, some claim the airports have failed to handle the increased security.
14.Aug.2006 UK Muslims 'must admit extremism' British Muslims are urged to face up to extremism as minister Ruth Kelly meets community leaders.
14.Aug.2006 Schools 'letting down UK science' The UK education system is letting down business by not creating enough scientists, the CBI says.
14.Aug.2006 Experts meet to decide Pluto fate Astronomers meet in Prague to define the meaning of the word planet + to decide if Pluto really is one.
14.Aug.2006 SNP in demands over arms flights The Scottish National Party leader wants a "categorical assurance" that Prestwick Airport will not be used again by arms-carrying aircraft.
14.Aug.2006 War paint plant 'tackles cancer' A plant Celts used for their war paint is a rich source of a compound that fights breast cancer, scientists find.
14.Aug.2006 Mild Hybrids Spice Competition Hybrid systems that use lower cost batteries could be a good match for diesel engines, producing fewer emissions at lower cost than full-on hybrid autos.
14.Aug.2006 Iran's President Launches Blog - samzenpus 10 - 02bunced writes

"The BBC is reporting that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has started his own blog, the launch of which was announced on Iranian State TV. This is perhaps slightly ironic, given that the Iranian Government actively censors blogs on the Internet."
Google Sends Legal Threats to Media Organizations - samzenpus 228 - rm69990 writes

"Google, becoming more and more concerned about the growing use of the word google as a verb, has fired off warning letters to numerous media organizations warning them against using its name as a verb. This follows google (with a lowercase g) being added to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary in June. According to a Google spokesperson: "We think it's important to make the distinction between using the word Google to describe using Google to search the internet + using the word Google to describe searching the internet. It has some serious trademark issues.""
Libanons Ölpest: Deutsche Helfer warten auf ihren Einsatz
14.Aug.2006 Japan: Koizumis Schreinbesuch sorgt für Spannungen
14.Aug.2006 Waffenruhe in Nahost: Israel warnt Flüchtlinge vor Rückkehr
14.Aug.2006 Castros Botschaft: "Bereitet Euch auf schlechte Nachrichten vor"
Tierische Raubzüge: Chinesische Affen attackieren Touristen
14.Aug.2006 Korruptionsverdacht: Wiens Polizeikommandant suspendiert

14.Aug.2006 Privatbank Reithinger: Eigentümer attackiert Finanzaufsicht

14.Aug.2006 Libanon- Krieg: Steinmeier trifft Syriens Präsident Assad
14.Aug.2006 US- Studie: Immer mehr Babys fettleibig

14.Aug.2006 Schneesturm im Sommer: Deutsche Bergsteiger erfrieren in den Alpen
14.Aug.2006 Unheimliches Schweigen: Die ersten Stunden der Waffenruhe
14.Aug.2006 Nahost- Krieg: Flucht, Bomben und Zerstörung
14.Aug.2006 Mexiko: Wahlverlierer will noch Wochen protestieren
14.Aug.2006 Castro- Countdown: In freudiger Erwartung der Todesbotschaft

14.Aug.2006 Grass' Bekenntnis: "Ein bisschen spät"
14.Aug.2006 Terror- Verdacht: Polizei vereitelt Anschlag in Alanya
14.Aug.2006 Waffenruhe: Tausende Flüchtlinge kehren in den Südlibanon zurück
14.Aug.2006 Sambia: Überraschungserfolg gegen Aids
14.Aug.2006 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Auch du, GG...?"
14.Aug.2006 Japan: Stromausfall legt Tokio lahm
14.Aug.2006 Konjunktur: Deutsche Wirtschaft nimmt Fahrt auf

14.Aug.2006 London: Innenministerium senkt Terrorwarnstufe

14.Aug.2006 Waffenruhe im Libanon- Krieg: Plötzlich trat Stille ein
14.Aug.2006 Bananenmulti Chiquita: Unter falscher Flagge?

14.Aug.2006 Nahost: Heftige Kämpfe vor der vereinbarten Waffenruhe
14.Aug.2006 A friendly rivalry 3,000 years ago  The kings of Tyre and Israel once battled it out in riddles, not bombs.
14.Aug.2006 Disagreement over timing of arrests  NBC News has learned that U.S. and British authorities had a significant disagreement over when to move in on the suspects in the alleged plot to bring down trans-Atlantic airliners bound for the United States.
Best part: In contrast to previous reports, the official suggested an attack was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets.

In fact, some did not even have passports. Emphasis mine. posted by Prof. Hex
Pakistan says 'ringleader' admits link with al-Qaida : Arrested Briton has given 'many clues' but campaigners say he was tortured

14.Aug.2006 Terror police target 70 'plots': More than 70 anti-terrorist investigations involving over 100 suspected Islamic extremists are under way in Britain in an operation unmatched even at the height of the IRA's mainland campaign

14.Aug.2006 Abid Ullah Jan: Why the Terror Plots Are False: Those who attribute terrorism to Al-Qaeda have no evidence.

The FBI has clearly said that it doesn’t have any evidence against Osama for his involvement in 9/11

14.Aug.2006 Castro's 80th birthday, an essay by Alexandre Trudeau: From the very start, the United States never gave Castro's Cuba a choice.

Either Castro had to submit himself and his people to America's will or he had to hold his ground against them.

14.Aug.2006 Israeli spy affair: AIPAC espionage case won't be dismissed: A US federal district judge in Virginia Thursday denied the request of two former employees of the America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to dismiss the espionage charges against them.
The UN Mideast Ceasefire Resolution Paragraph-by-Paragraph : Anthony D'Amato of Northwestern University School of Law offers a detailed analysis of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities in the Middle East conflict involving Israel, Hezbollah and Lebanon...

14.Aug.2006 UN rights council rebukes Israel for human rights violations in Lebanon : The UN Human Rights Council in a an emergency special session in Geneva Friday adopted by majority vote a resolution condemning Israel for violating international human rights laws in the ongoing Middle East conflict

14.Aug.2006 THE Begining Of The End Of The Zionist State Of Israel...? : If the countdown to catastrophe for all is to be stopped, the only possible solution to the Palestine problem is One State for All.

That would, of course, be the end of Zionism’s colonial enterprise and of Zionism itself.

14.Aug.2006 Jostein Gaarder: God's Chosen People : There are limits to our patience + there are limits to our tolerance.

We do not believe in divine promises as a justification for occupation and apartheid. We have left the Middle Ages behind.

14.Aug.2006 I wrote out of disgust for the war: Jostein Gaarder sticks to the intentions behind his controversial critique of Israel's conduct in recent fighting in Lebanon, but admits that the approach chosen was 'problematic'

14.Aug.2006 Iranian Leader Opens Up : Iran's President Mahmoud speaks with Mike Wallace

14.Aug.2006 Sickened Iraq vets cite depleted uranium:: Since he left a bombed-out train depot in Iraq, his gums bleed.

There is more blood in his urine + still more in his stool. Bright light hurts his eyes. A tumor has been removed from his thyroid.
As the 6am ceasefire takes effect... the real war begins -By Robert Fisk
If the ceasefire collapses, as seems certain, neither the Israelis nor the Americans appear to have any plans to escape the consequences.

The US saw this war as an opportunity to humble Hizbollah's Iranian and Syrian sponsors but already it seems as if the tables have been turned. Continue

14.Aug.2006 Ceasefire or Trojan Horse? -By Mike Whitney
If Sheik Nasrallah chooses to disarm and put his faith in Israel’s assurances of non aggression, that’s his choice.

But he should pay close attention to the treatment of the Palestinians in Gaza before he sets his rifle down. Continue

14.Aug.2006 Washington’s Interests In Israel’s war. -By Seymour M. Hersh
The Bush Administration, was closely involved in the planning of Israel’s retaliatory attacks. President Bush + Vice-President Dick Cheney were convinced, current + former intelligence + diplomatic officials told me, that a successful Israeli Air Force bombing campaign against Hezbollah’s heavily fortified underground-missile + command-and-control complexes in Lebanon could ease Israel’s security concerns + also serve as a prelude to a potential American preëmptive attack to destroy Iran’s nuclear installations.

14.Aug.2006 Gullible Americans -Paul Craig Roberts
The two co-chairmen of the 9/11 Commission Report, Thomas Kean + Lee Hamilton, have just released a new book, “Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission.”

Kean + Hamilton reveal that the commission suppressed the fact that Muslim ire toward the US is due to US support for Israel’s persecution + dispossession of the Palestinians,

not to our “freedom + democracy” as Bush propagandistically claims. Continue 

14.Aug.2006 U.S. Pressured UK To Arrest Alleged Terror Suspects -By Aram Roston, Lisa Myers + the NBC News Investigative Unit -The official suggested an attack was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets. In fact, some did not even have passports. Continue 

14.Aug.2006 Are New Weapons Being Used In Gaza and Lebanon -David Halpin MB BS FRCS
Dr. Bashir Sham, member of "French Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons", explains that the way the corpses look when they reach the hospital, especially those from the 'air strikes' in Doueir and Rmayleih, is very abnormal. "One might think they were burnt, but their colour is dark, they're inflated + they have a terrible smell.

14.Aug.2006 Terror Nation: Lies, Injustice + the American Empire’s Way -Who are the real terrorists?-By Jason Miller
Are they the relative handful of militants (amongst the billions of oppressed people around the globe) who are ready to sacrifice their lives to strike at the deeply corrupt machinations of the socioeconomic system which supports a few wealthy elites ruling the United States, Israel and their sycophants (i.e. Great Britain, Saudi Arabia)?

14.Aug.2006 New Ruler's of the World A documentary film by John Pilger

'Global economy' is a modern Orwellian term.

On the surface, it is instant financial trading, mobile phones, McDonald's, Starbucks, holidays booked on the net.

Beneath this gloss, it is the globalisation of poverty, a world where most human beings never make a phone call and live on less than two dollars a day,

where 6,000 children die every day from diarrhea because most have no access to clean water. Click here to view 

14.Aug.2006 If you can't see that they are traitors in the White House, then you are risking your own lives and the lives of your families. -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis (You Can Add Your - After Free Registration.)
The only thing scarier than the first 5 years of the Bush Administration are the next 4. Chertoff demands new security police powers.

14.Aug.2006 Dean: When I lost one of these races, I got behind my party. Why won't Joe? 8/14
It's just Lieberman and Lamont, with GOP opponent polling at six percent

14.Aug.2006 Put Your Money Where Your Patriotism is. What is BuzzFlash Worth to You? Starbucks Gives You a Cup of Coffee and Doesn't Need the Money. We Give You the Truth and Do.
Your Contributions and Premium Purchases Made BuzzFlash.Org, the Latest Member of the BuzzFlash Internet Network Family, Possible! So Enjoy, Enjoy!

14.Aug.2006 Now the Swift Boat veteran-slamming machine goes gunning for John Murtha's good name 8/14
New Sy Hersh piece in The New Yorker reports that Beruit was "a demo for Iran" and a test of whether bombs can do anything more than create enemies 8/14
Teddy Kennedy: By demeaning the people's vote in Connecticut, Dick Cheney demeans democracy 8/14

14.Aug.2006 Cindy Sheehan undaunted by stay in hospital for heat exhaustion 8/14
14.Aug.2006 the hell does this guy has to do to garner a higher failure rating?

He has run up massive and unrepayable debts to Saudi Arabia + Communist China, lied the country into war, supported Israel's lapse into total insanity, overseen soaring gas prices, allowed the death of a major American city, destroyed our image internationally, refused to safeguard our ports and borders, fostered a culture of corruption and kickbacks + -- well, you know the rest.
Moreover, the guy's a clown. Every time he opens his mouth he sounds like a 'shroomed-up Mrs. Malaprop with a cowboy twang.

In most recent photos he looks like a rubber-faced vaudevillian whose suspenders have just snapped. Our predicament is more humiliating than a mere rape: We're being raped by Bozo .
The good news: Only Nixon has a higher failure rating -- 47%. The rest of the standings are unsurprising, although Reagan (who initiated the economics of high debt) has far too high a ranking, as does Poppy Bush. Personally, I would place both Bush es well below Nixon. At least Nixon was bright.
14.Aug.2006 has only a 40% failure rating? Covert History directs our attention to this poll, which rates all American presidents since FDR.

According to the pollsters, 31% of our fellow citizens consider Dubya "great," 28% think of him as "average," while 40% -- only 40% -- consider him a failure.
One wonders what -- if anything -- could chip into that 31%. Perhaps the publication of "A Cheerleader Named George" by Victor Ashe?
StockSelect-Börsenboard - US-Wahlen/Bush vs. Kerry Die Entscheidung über den Beginn der Operation " Iraqi Freedom " habe Oberbefehlshaber Bush getroffen, heißt es im Weißen Haus.

Er studiere auch Landkarten. ...
Sicherheitskontrollen: Lufthansa streicht einige London- Flüge
SS- Vergangenheit: Walesa macht Grass Ehrenbürgerwürde streitig
Nahost- Konflikt: ARD und ZDF wehren sich gegen Vorwurf der Einseitigkeit
Entführte Soldaten: Israel jetzt zu Verhandlungen bereit