00.000.1987 -Established- Carlyle Group FIRM PROFILE
The Carlyle Group is a private global investment firm that originates, structures + acts as lead equity investor in management-led buyouts, strategic minority equity investments, equity private placements, consolidations + buildups + growth capital financings.
00.000.1987-31.Mar.2002 -Since its inception- Carlyle Group the firm has invested more than $6.6 billion of equity in 247 corporate + real estate transactions with an aggregate acquisition value of over $18 billion.
31.Mar.2002 -As of- the firm Carlyle Group had more than $13.5 billion of committed capital under management.
Carlyle’s extensive transaction experience + network of global partners are sources of corporate opportunities unparalleled in the private equity investment community.
Headquartered in Washington, DC, the firm serves a diverse base of more than 535 investors in 55 countries worldwide.
Our mission is to become the premier global private equity firm + to generate extraordinary returns while maintaining our good name + the good name of our partners.
Toward that end, we have established a family of funds in the Carlyle name + a network of offices around the world.
We maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct + employ a conservative, proven + disciplined approach to investing.
URL: https://www.emperors-clothes.com/
06.Sep.2004 -Posted- Ex-Security Chief Brzezinski’s Interview makes clear: The Muslim Terror Apparatus was Created by US Intelligence as a Geopolitical Weapon
Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter’s Adviser -Comments by Jared Israel: Are we witnessing the Brzezinski doctrine in action today?
URL: https://activeatheism.net/
01.Dec.2004 "...we need common-sense judges who understand that our rights were derived from God.
And those are the kind of judges I intend to put on the bench." President Bush [BGW968]
14.Nov.2002 Wackenhut, George is a close friend of the Bush [BGW968] family +
Wackenhut, George has made enormous ... Former BCCI executive + Carlyle Group investor Khalid bin Mahfouz is the banker ...
www.onlinejournal.com/Special_Reports/Chin111402/11-14-02_Chin-4.pdf ONLINE JOURNAL™ – HTML-Version
Science Forum :: View topic - Link found between NASA and HAARP ... -
... Don't forget the Carlyle Group Halliburton in addition to Kellogg Root Brown. Wackenhut & Lockheed Martin are in on it too. LOS ALAMOS ken ...
www.groupsrv.com/science/viewtopic.php?p=24065 -
PPSSP- Partido Popular SocialistaSP- 23 :::::::::: ...
Dirigiu durante algum tempo a Wackenhut , uma sociedade de segurança com fama detestável ...
Com um nome dessas, Carlucci, Frank atrai capitais para a Carlyle . ... www.portalpps.org.br/index.asp?opcao=noticias&id=122&portal=SP
Stiftungen, Teil III: Teil III: Think Tanks, Organisationen ... ... Berater bei Carlyle , arbeiten im Auftrag der Gruppe + besitzen Carlyle Aktien, genau ...
Vorsitzender des Direktoriums der Wackenhut Services, Incorporated ... www.trend.infopartisan.net/trd0503/t310503.html -
Michael Riconosciuto and Tim Osman (Osama bin Laden) - for the San Francisco Chronicle would relate: "Cabazons + Wackenhut appeared to be ...
Director of the CIA before becoming Chairman of The Carlyle Group ... www.educate-yourself.org/riconosciutoandtimosman8nov01.html
CommUnity of Minds : Working Together .. When “ Carlyle ” was mentioned, I noticed that the chair, Gerald Parsky, + the vice ...
for Los Alamos security: "Jack’s our guy, he was with Wackenhut + he ... www.solutions.synearth.net/2004/10/02
ParaPolitics Forum - ParaPolitics - General - Bush [BGW968] Empire: Four ... -... equal to half of USA total annual military spending, most of which goes into the pockets of the Carlyle Group + Bechtel Group + Wackenhut + Halliburton - www.parapolitics.info/phorum/read.php?f=4&t=704&a=2
Forums - GEORGE Bush [BGW968] "The Worlds Biggest Fu*k Up - Ever" - ... And remember this, there are companies out there with names like Raytheon + Lockheed + Martin + Grumman + Carlyle + Bechtel + Wackenhut + many others who KILL ...
01.Dec.2004 newswire/151 - ... the "Octopus," the Savings & Loans scandal (S&L), the INSLAW Affair, the INSLAW PROMIS software, Wackenhut Security Corporation, the Carlyle Group, Nugan Hand ... www.tnimc.org/newswire/display/151/index.php
06.Jan.0000 Osama Bin Laden Obtains Promis(e) Intelligence Software - ... you have is a group of politically well connected people through Wackenhut who wanted ...
He is connected to the Bin Laden family through the Carlyle Group, which ... www.greaterthings.com/News/911/OsamabinLaden/promis.htm
01.Dec.2004 THE SECRET SHADOW GOVERNMENT? - ... Wackenhut Corporation, (NSA/CIA/DOE cut-out contractor) involved in contract security ... is the relationship between Bin Laden, his family, the Carlyle Group and ...
www.bilderberg.org/secret.htm -
01.Dec.2004 Bush [BGW968], Clinton + the CIA -... www.apfn.org/apfn/snowjob1.htm Bush [BGW968]'s Favorite Terrorist Buddy & Carlyle Group (Bush [BGW968] ...in conjunction with the infamous "private" police force Wackenhut + Stormont ... www.apfn.net/messageboard/ 04-04-04/discussion.cgi.27.html
00.Nov.2003 The Meria Heller Show Subscriber Archives .. Jay Garner points out „the mistakes“ made by US in Iraq;
Wackenhut's prisons for ... slams US media;
Kerry [KFJ966] & Lieberman pass on Medicare vote;
Carlyle group buying ... www.meria.net/subscribers/november2003 / - 31k
01.Dec.2004 Iraqgate 'When they [the CIA] need cover, Wackenhut is there ...
Meet the Carlyle Group
Former World Leaders + Washington Insiders Making Billions in the War on Terrorism.
00.000.2002 Wackenhut: Gulag, Inc. - HTML-Version ...
there last year before the anthrax scare.
Wackenhut seems quite a bit like a Company that Carlyle Group would have a stake in, so it wouldn't surprise me. ... www.mail-archive.com/pen-l@galaxy.csuchico.edu/msg67875.html
01.Dec.2004 Eye On Wackenhut -- Home -Make sure you're getting the security you pay for.
News Flash: Wackenhut Whistleblower. Wackenhut's Corporate Culture of Fear
www.eyeonwackenhut.com / -
01.Dec.2004 Gregory Palast: Wackenhut's Free Market in Human Misery -Gilded Cage: Wackenhut's Free Market in Human Misery. By Gregory Palast.
The prisons' owner operator, Wackenhut Corporation, has not had a very sunny summer. ... www.serendipity.li/more/palast01.htm
01.Dec.2004 George R Wackenhut - WACKENHUT GEORGE R. CounterSpy 1976 ... name.
The names below are mentioned on the listed pages with the name WACKENHUT GEORGE R. Click ... www.namebase.org/main2/George-R-Wackenhut.html
01.Dec.2004 GAO questions nuclear industry's security efforts=The Hill.com= -... GAO), said the decision by the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), the industry’s trade association + lobbying arm, to hire the security firm Wackenhut for the ... www.hillnews.com/business/091504_nuclear.aspx
01.Dec.2004 Yarls Wood and Wackenhut: Made for each other - Australia: Wackenhut Corrections Corp. ...
Nuclear industry: Wackenhut Caught Cheating on Security Drill at Oak Ridge nuclear weapons plant in Tennessee.
Source : www.labournet.net/antiracism/0404/yarls1.html
01.Dec.2004 Armutsbericht: SPD-Spitze fürchtet heißen Advent
01.Dec.2004 Bundestag: Schröder fordert Neuwahlen in der Ukraine
01.Dec.2004 Wahlfälschung: Janukowitsch will Betrugsvorwürfe gerichtlich klären lassen
01.Dec.2004 Abu-Ghureib-Skandal: Ex-US-Oberst meldete frühzeitig Häftlingsmisshandlungen
11.Sep.2001-01.Dec.2004 Manche dieser Fragen sind in der Tat bis heute unbeantwortet, URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-330421,00.html
11.Sep.2001-01.Dec.2004 Warum schossen beim Einsturz der Türme spitze Rauchwolken aus den Fenstern, wie bei einer kontrollierten Explosion?
11.Sep.2001 Warum wurde der Start der zweiten Maschine in Boston verzögert, "bis in New York die Live-Kameras liefen"?
11.Sep.2001 Weshalb fiel das Nachbargebäude WTC 7 in sich zusammen?
11.Sep.2001 Warum war das Loch im Pentagon kleiner als das Flugzeug, das es gerissen haben soll?
11.Sep.2001 Was wussten die mysteriösen Börsenspekulanten, die kurz zuvor auf einen Kurs-Crash gesetzt hatten?
11.Sep.2001 Wo sind die Black Boxes der Jets von Ground Zero? URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-330421,00.html
11.Sep.2001-01.Dec.2004 Die abstrusen, aber stets irgendwo ein paar Staubkörnchen Wahrheit enthaltenden Fabeln wuchern im Internet, im Talk-Radio, auf dem "Sachbuch"-Markt - aber vor allem im geografischen Dunstkreis von Ground Zero.
00.Aug.2004 -noch Ende- So erklärte in einer Umfrage des renommierten Zogby-Instituts jeder zweite New Yorker ernsthaft, das Weiße Haus habe über 11.Sep.2001 "im Voraus Bescheid gewusst".
01.Dec.2004 -kürzlich- In einer CNN-Blitzumfrage stimmten sogar 89 % der Zuschauer der flotten Behauptung zu, die US-Regierung vertusche die wahren Hintergründe der Attentate.
01.Dec.2004 Und jetzt bekommen die Verschwörungs-Fans finanzstarken Flankenschutz: Jimmy Walter.
Der muntere Kalifornier mit der grauen Haartolle, der sich als "Humanist, Christ + Buddhist" vorstellt, ist nach eigenen Angaben sieben Millionen Dollar schwer.
01.Dec.2004 Bisher hat er dieses kleine Vermögen, das er von seinem Vater, einem Bauunternehmer, geerbt hat, meist in idealistische Sozialprojekte gesteckt:
umweltfreundlichen Städtebau, Wahlrecht für Arme, Resozialisierung von Straffälligen. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-330421,00.html
11.Sep.2001-01.Dec.2004 Verschwörungstheorien - Dämmerzone zwischen Wahn + Wissen
01.Dec.2004 Verschwörungstheorien um die Terroranschläge vom 11.Sep.2001 sind in den USA populärer denn je.
01.Dec.2004 Jetzt bekommen ihre Fans auch noch Finanzhilfe. Ein Millionär verwettet 100.000 Dollar, um zu beweisen, dass hinter den Attentaten das Weiße Haus oder das Militär steckte.
11.Sep.2001 -DDP -Anschlag mit traumatischen Folgen - New York - Jimmy Walter hat Angst vorm Fliegen.
11.Sep.2001 -Nach dem- weigerte sich der Multimillionär aus Kalifornien lange, in Flugzeuge zu steigen + nahm stattdessen die Bahn, um seine landesweiten Geschäftstermine wahrzunehmen.
Inzwischen fliegt er zwar wieder, aber nur widerwillig - und heimlich: "Ich kündige das vorher nicht an."
Denn Walter, 57, ist fest davon überzeugt, dass die Hintermänner von 11.Sep.2001 - weiter frei herumlaufen.
Allerdings nicht in Afghanistan oder im Irak. Sondern auf den Straßen New Yorks und Washingtons. "Das Ganze", flüstert er, "war ein Inside-Job."
11.Sep.2001 -seit -dem Einschlag des ersten Flugzeugs in das World Trade Center, Verschwörungstheorien um die Terroranschläge von New York + Washington gibt es- doch in den USA sind sie heute wilder + populärer denn je.
11.Sep.2001 Hat der Geheimdienst die Attentate inszeniert?
11.Sep.2001 Oder eine Mafia aus Regierung und Rüstungslobby, um den endlosen Krieg zu rechtfertigen?
11.Sep.2001 Die Ölindustrie?
11.Sep.2001 Vizepräsident Dick Cheney?
11.Sep.2001 Gar der damalige Bürgermeister Rudy Giuliani?
11.Sep.2001-01.Dec.2004 Hartnäckig halten sich Urteile URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-330421,00.html
00.Oct.1847-00.Nov.1847 Written: URL: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm
Frederick Engels The Principles of Communism
Source: Selected Works, Volume One, p. 81-97;
Publisher: Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1969;
First Published: 1914, Eduard Bernstein in the German Social Democratic Party’s Vorwärts! ;
Translated: Paul Sweezy;
Online Version: MEA 1993; www.marxists.org 1999;
Transcribed: Zodiac; HTML Markup: Brian Basgen.
Document Introduction . - 1 - What is Communism?
Communism is the doctrine of the conditions of the liberation of the proletariat.
- 2 - What is the proletariat?
01.Dec.2004 Wackenhut Corporation - ... A.ROBERT 1 GARRISON JIM (NEW ORLEANS) 1 GATES ROBERT MICHAEL 1 GATES THOMAS G 1 GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION 1 GIACOMELLI MARK 1 GRAHAM DANIEL ORRIN 1 GRAHAM ... home.earthlink.net/~anitaastrologer/wack2.htm
01.Dec.2004 Saturnmond Mimas: Finsterer Gruß vom Todesstern
01.Dec.2004 Venezuela: US-Kritik an Chavez' Rüstungsplänen
01.Dec.2004 Umstrittene Studien: "Computerspiele machen dumm"
01.Dec.2004 Käuferstreik: Einzelhandel klagt über "schwarzen Oktober"
01.Dec.2004 Rumänien: Sozialdemokraten gewinnen turbulente Wahl
01.Dec.2004 "Reiten ohne Sattel": Die Lust am Aidsrisiko
01.Dec.2004 Agenturbericht: Kutschma will Absetzung der Regierung akzeptieren
01.Dec.2004 Naturkatastrophe: Tropensturm fordert mehr als 400 Opfer
01.Dec.2004 Bundeswehr: Angebliche Scheinerschießung wird untersucht
01.Dec.2004 Gewaltforscher Pilz: "Rassismus in Deutschland nimmt zu"
01.Dec.2004 Revolution am Dnjepr: Wie die Oligarchen die Ukraine aussaugen
01.Dec.2004 Gerechtigkeitsdebatte: Sondersteuer für Reiche gewinnt Anhänger
01.Dec.2004 Verschwörungstheorien: Dämmerzone zwischen Wahn und Wissen
01.Dec.2004 Playstation 3: Sony und IBM backen den Superchip
01.Dec.2004 Umfrage: Rot-Grün legt weiter zu
01.Dec.2004 Machtkampf in der Ukraine: Bush [BGW968] macht Druck für friedliche Lösung
01.Dec.2004 Welt-Aids-Tag: Die verdrängte Seuche
URL: https://www.co-intelligence.org/WhatsNew.html
Co-stupidity and our collective problems
What is intelligence?
Six basic manifestations of co-intelligence
Multiple intelligences.
Collaborative intelligence.
Collective intelligence.
Universal intelligence
URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
01.Dec.2004 Recounts in New Mexico and Nevada. The Greens are also initiating a recount in New Mexico and Nevada:
The New Mexico presidential election was marred by reports of voter suppression and problems with electronic voting machines.
In Nevada, the lack of paper trails or receipts for electronic voting machines is the primary concern.
In an unrelated legal challenge, an election contest case will be heard today in Reno, Nevada, demanding a recount.
The suit also seeks to address allegations that people employed by Sproul & Associates, an Arizona-based firm hired by the Republican National Committee,
tore up + discarded voter registration forms completed by Democratic voters.
I never much cared for the Green party before, but David Cobb is now acting in a very honorable fashion. If he ever switches to the Democrats, I hope he will find a welcome.
Madsen/Palast: A Palast associate has reconfirmed to me that Wayne Madsen + Greg Palast are not working together on the issue of vote fraud.
A creature calling himself "Jack Seymour" has been trying to raise money -- allegedly on the behalf of a joint effort conducted by these two investigative reporters.
"Seymour" has posted his continuing appeals for $$$ in various places. I'm sure it's a scam.
North Carolina: A judge will allow a revote in on county for state agricultural commissioner, due to evidence of "machine malfunction." Since we had malfunctions all over the country, why not a full revote -- as is now proposed for the Ukraine?
Richard Roeper , of the Chicago Sun-Times, calls us "boneheads" for continuing to question the election results. Odd thing: Our merry crew of boneheads counts among its members a growing number of academics, scholars and specialists, including Professor Hout of Berkeley and Professor Freeman of the University of Pennsylvania.
Richard Roeper, by comparison, is a movie critic. A bad one. One who has never written a single memorable line.
His invective-filled, fact-free overview of the controversy spits in the eyes of those who have studied the evidence + in the eyes of the many first-hand eyewitnesses who testified at the Cleveland hearings. He also directs spit at a couple of real journalists, Juan Gonzalez and Larry Cohler-Esses of The New York Daily News , who (as noted above) have provided hard evidence of the rampant fraud in Ohio. Incidentally, Roeper also spews ignorant insults at the Warren Commission critics, another group of "boneheads" which once included + may still include, his partner Roger Ebert.
I wasn't a big fan of Gene Siskel. But now I miss him.
# posted by Joseph : 4:35 PM 2 comments
URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
01.Dec.2004 Transparent ballot boxes meant that these observers could frequently see how people had voted. This OSCE-approved innovation made intimidation of voters for the more unpopular candidate in any district easier since few supporters of the minority would wish it to be seen how they had voted.
From what BHHRG observed, the opposition exercised disproportionate control over the electoral process in many places, giving rise to concerns that the opposition – not only the authorities – may have committed violations and may have even falsified the vote in opposition-controlled areas. So-called “administrative resources” in places visited by BHHRG appeared to be in the hands of the opposition, not the government + this may have frightened voters. After all since Sunday, police and security personnel in some western towns have declared their loyalty to “president” Yushchenko.
URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
01.Dec.2004 Helsinki Human Rights Group is challenging the media reports of government sponsored election fraud in Ukraine.
Although Western media widely claimed that in Ukraine the opposition was, in effect, excluded from the broadcast media, particularly in western Ukraine the opposite was the case. On the eve of the poll – in flagrant violation of the law banning propaganda for candidates – a series of so-called “social information” advertisements showing well-known pop stars like Eurovision winner Ruslana wearing the orange symbols of Mr Yushchenko’s candidacy and urging people to vote appeared on state television!
URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
01.Dec.2004 About a half of all Ukrainians who voted for Yanukovych did not do so solely on the grounds of his pro-Russian outlook, however. As the Financial Times noted on November 19, strong economic growth of 13 percent has helped his campaign of "peace and stability." This year's grain harvest will reach 45m tones, the highest since Ukraine gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Increasing social spending, including payment of pensions and state salaries, are attributed to the Prime Minister's policies.
Washington would be well advised to accept the result with equanimity. As Doug Bandow of CATO Institute says, the United States and Europe aren't going to "lose" Ukraine: it will continue to expand its commercial and political ties with the West regardless of outcome. On the other hand, excessive insistence on the preordained outcome would unnecessarily alienate Russia at a time when her cooperation is sorely needed in the war against Jihad.
Well, hard to get to the bottom of this, but things are never as black and white as reported in western press. It appears likely that USAID funding of Ukraine elections since 1998 included funding for The Committee of Ukraine Voters (CVU).
Ukrainian Embassy in Israel reported during election:
URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
01.Dec.2004 More here. Excerpts:
Votes in the heavily pro-Russian Donetsk and other eastern regions were deemed "probably falsified" but we were not informed of equally credible claims that vote-rigging was rampant in Yushchenko's western Ukrainian strongholds, including turnouts in excess of 100 % of registered voters, total local media control + multiple voting by persons in possession of numerous IDs belonging to Ukrainians residing in western Europe.
The attempted technique was well rehearsed. Yushchenko has rejected Yanukovich's victory and claims fraud, pointing to exit polls by his supporters as evidence. He even proclaimed himself president + tens of thousands of his followers have taken to the streets of Kiev in support of his claim. Their campaign of civil disobedience relies on expectation of support from Washington and the EU. The White House declared that Ukrainian authorities should not certify results "until investigations of organized fraud are resolved.
Strong Western bias in Yushchenko's favor has been evident throughout the campaign. The monitoring of election abuses has focused exclusively in areas favorable to Yanukovych but it has ignored or even suppressed documented abuses in pro-Yuschchenko areas. A seasoned Western analyst who visited western Ukraine reported that the news media "is all under Yushenko's control, even state TV"...."In fact, Yushenko and the mob control Kiev and all points West."
URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
01.Dec.2004 The New York Daily News today presents powerhouse evidence of vote fraud in Ohio. Previously, we published a brief squib on the black precincts where Kerry [KFJ966] votes seem to have been siphoned off into the tallies for right-wing third party candidates. Here are the details:
In precinct 4F, located at Benedictine High School on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Kerry [KFJ966] received 290 votes, Bush [BGW968] 21 and Michael Peroutka, candidate of the ultra-conservative anti-immigrant Constitutional Party, an amazing 215 votes!
That many black votes for Peroutka is about as likely as all those Jewish votes for Buchanan in Florida's Palm Beach County in 2000.
01.Dec.2004 Central Intelligence: Origin and Evolution – HTML-Version ... Editor Michael Warner CIA History Staff Center for the Study of Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 2001 Page 2. ii Page 3. iii Foreword ... www.cia.gov/csi/books/cia_origin/Origin_and_Evolution.pdf
01.Dec.2004 Psychology of Intelligence Analysis ... published in 1994 by the Working Group on Intelligence Reform, which had been created in 1992 by the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence , Washington, DC. ...
01.Dec.2004 The Leadership Edge – HTML-Version ... Building Executive Talent American Productivity & Quality Center, Consortium Study Emotional Intelligence , Primal Intelligence Daniel Goleman ...
01.Dec.2004 Barnett -... FitzSimonds, James R. The Revolution in Military Affairs: Challenges for Defense Intelligence . Washington, DC: Consortium for the Study of Intelligence , 00.000.1995 . ... www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/barnett/b5bib.htm
01.Dec.2004 PIPA - What's New - ... some of the findings of a new study of the ... gone to war with Iraq if US intelligence had concluded ... in 38 countries + more recently by a consortium of leading ...
29.Nov.2004 Event -Border Security Workshop on Risk Analysis, Criminal Intelligence and Investigation.. Consortium Steering Committee Meeting PfP Consortium Study Group Marketplace. www.dcaf.ch/news/upcomingevents.htm
20.Sep.2004 Biometrics Consortium -- 20Sep04 -- FINAL ...- HTML-Version ... Biometrics Management Office Biometric Consortium Conference 2004 ... Power of Biometric Data: Case Study Page 9. 9 ... Actionable Intelligence , Law Enforcement ... www.biometrics.dod.mil/documents/BRIEFS/BMO-Update.pdf
01.Dec.2004 Asia Times - Asia's most trusted news source -
00.000.1996 the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence , a project of USA NSIC, produced a report entitled "The Future of US Intelligence ", whose recommendations ... www.atimes.com/atimes/Front_Page/FB19Aa01.html
01.Dec.2004 KCL: Introduction to DSD -... journal of the PfP Consortium of Defence Academies (Dr Foot); Electronic Journal of International History (Dr Morris, 2000-);
Global Intelligence Resources (Dr ... www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/wsg/dsd/resactiv.html
01.Dec.2004 TAP: Vol 13, Iss. 22. The Pentagon Muzzles the CIA. Robert ... -... Shulsky also
spent years at the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence , a project of USA National Strategy Information Center ( NSIC ) + at the RAND CORPORATION ... www.prospect.org/print/V13/22/dreyfuss-r.html
Integration Consortium Forecasts Integration Trends for 2005 - ... operate based on business intelligence information. ... Information on the Integration Consortium is available ...
Next article : Satellite Imaging Study is Contracted ... uk.biz.yahoo.com/041115/183/f6n5v.html
01.Dec.2004 British Academy PORTAL AZ Index: I - Iban to international ... geoscientific GI Gateway. retrieval ACL NLP/CL Universe; Linguistic Data
Consortium . ... in espionage Center for the Study of Intelligence . ... www.britac.ac.uk/portal/subjinde1/i1.html - 32k
01.Dec.2004 Project for the New American Century - ... Interest, a foreign policy journal + the Brookings Institution, served as Coordinator for the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence's Working Group on ... www.newamericancentury.org/garyschmittbio.htm -
URL: https://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2004/10/03/MNG4M936HP1.DTL&type=printable
20.Feb.2001 broadcast of his "700 Club" television show, Robertson said the president's faith-based initiative "could be a real Pandora's box."
"What seems to be such a great initiative can rise up to bite the organizations as well as the federal government,"
said Robertson, who expressed particular concern about federal money going to the Church of Scientology, the Hare Krishas and "the Moonies."
Robertson + Bush [BGW968] have since come to a meeting of minds on the president's faith-based initiative.
Another of the 145 recipients in the most recent outlay of the Compassion Capital Fund was Robertson's charity, Operation Blessing International, which got $500,000 from the Department of Health and Human Services.
01.Dec.2004 Investors and market analysts are increasingly worried that the last big source of support for the U.S. dollar -- heavy buying by foreign central banks -- is fading.
The anxiety was on full display Friday, when the dollar abruptly slid to a record low against the euro after a report suggesting that the Chinese central bank would start to reduce its holdings in the American currency.
Though Chinese officials later denied the report + the dollar recovered, analysts say the broader trend is that foreign governments are becoming less willing to finance the growing debt of the U.S. government.
On Tuesday, a top official with the Russian central bank said his government had become worried about the sinking value of the dollar and might switch some foreign reserves to euros.
A day later, India's central bank hinted that it was worried about the same issue and might shift reserves into other currencies.
Japan and China, which together have amassed nearly $900 billion in U.S. Treasury securities, have both slowed their buying sharply from the frenetic pace in February and March.
"There is an emerging consensus that banks around the world are moving to expand their reserves of euros at the expense of dollars," said Ashraf Laidi, chief currency analyst at MG Financial Group in New York.
The Bush [BGW968] administration has essentially condoned the dollar's decline. At meetings with foreign ministers last week, Treasury Secretary John Snow repeated the American mantra of support for a "strong dollar" but also for letting "market forces" determine exchange rates. URL: https://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2004/11/27/BUG4FA0J5H1.DTL&type=printable
01.Dec.2004 Those votes helped narrow Mr. Rossi's eventual lead to 261 votes as the late absentee votes were finally counted and the results certified on 17.Nov.2004
Then the state began a mandatory machine recount.
Once again, King County was the center of controversy.
More than 700 previously uncounted ballots were added to the county's total after election officials "enhanced" them to better divine voter intent.
When optical scan machines didn't accept ballots, workers would fill in ovals on ballots or create duplicate ballots if they felt the voter had meant to register a choice.
Hanging chads, meet empty ovals.
Through this process, Ms. Gregoire gained 245 votes in King County, dwarfing the shifts to either candidate in any other county.
Such creative counting brought Mr. Rossi's lead down to 42 votes, a critical threshold to justify further recounts and litigation.
Former governor Booth Gardner, a Democrat, told a press conference last week that he thought Ms. Gregoire should concede if the final recount margin had been 100 votes or more.
But at 42 votes he now feels a hand recount is appropriate.
But is it? It certainly isn't more precise, as the fiasco of Florida's chad counting proved in 2000.
"When you're talking about close to 900,000 pieces of paper, I think the machine count is going to be more accurate than a manual count," Dean Logan, the elections director of King County + a Democrat, admitted to reporters.
"Every time you have human judgment + frailty enter into the process it will change the result," agrees Bruce Chapman, a Republican who served as Washington's secretary of state before becoming director of the U.S. census in the 1980s.
In an interview, he said a hand recount will likely result in bitter litigation that will see the courts intervene to settle the dispute.
John Carlson, a Seattle talk show host who was the GOP nominee for governor in 2000, worries that "this state's reputation for clean government may not survive the bitter struggle that appears about to begin."
There but for the grace of Ohio voters went the rest of us this election year.
The country dodged the bullet of another presidential election through litigation as thousands of lawyers from both parties stood ready to challenge the results.
But Washington state's mess should remind us that it is still imperative to clean up our election systems, better educate voters, develop more precise rules on how provisional ballots should be treated + discourage judges from "interpreting" the election rules in creative ways that second-guess the intent of legislators.
If we ignore the lessons of Florida in 2000 and the lessons from Washington state this year, we will continue to play a form of Russian roulette with our vote count and make inevitable an eventual repeat of 2000.
Mr. Fund is author of "Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy" (Encounter Books, 2004), which is available from the OpinionJournal bookstore. URL: https://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=110005956
01.Dez.2004 You’ve requested an abcnews.com page that does not exist. URL: https://abcnews.go.com/sections/politics/DailyNews/council_020501.html
31.Oct.2004 $4.6 million to Encounter for Culture and Education (publisher of Fund's book) MediaMatters.org John Fund's book on voter fraud is a fraud
In his recent book Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Democracy (Encounter Books, 00.Sep.2004 ), Wall Street Journal op-ed columnist + author John Fund uses distortions and half-truths to impugn Democrats who, he states in his introduction, "figure prominently in the vast majority of examples of election fraud described in this [Fund's] book." URL: https://www.mediatransparency.org/
URL: https://www.mediatransparency.org/
18.Mar.2004 New from MediaTransparency.org Jerry M. Landay The Apparat Bush [BGW968]'s back-door political machine
It's anti-democratic, anti-Constitutional + is working to create a one-party America
As America's mainstream media focuses on President Bush [BGW968]'s campaign war chest, it's missing the story of some 350 right-wing political organizations loaded with manpower, money + momentum, that are marching in lock-step to support the Republican Party and the president's re-election.
In "The Apparat: Bush [BGW968]'s Back-Door Political Machine," veteran reporter Jerry M. Landay details how this anti-democratic, anti-constitutional network, that operates outside of campaign funding constraints, is pursuing its unprecedented goal of a one-party state.
Read about it only at MediaTransparency.org + then pass it on.
URL: https://www.mediatransparency.org/
05.May 2004 5 million in grants with Samuel Huntington's name on them NY Presss John Dolan HISPANIC PANIC Samuel P. Huntington and the return of the Know-Nothings. [EXCERPT]
SAMUEL P. HUNTINGTON is a bigot, convinced that immigrant hordes are poisoning our Anglo-Protestant USA.
This in itself is not surprising; there have always been plenty of his kind on the American scene.
Nor is it surprising that this bigot is a professor at Harvard. Nativism, in its 19th-century surge, was very much the darling cause of the New England elites.
What is surprising is that now, a century and a half after the Know-Nothings vanished in disgrace, Huntington feels free to promote his nativist hatred in print + can be celebrated for doing so.
11.Sep.2001 Post-9/11 America, as John le Carre has said, has lost its mind.
Huntington's screeching is a worthy contribution to the bedlam. Read the full review at NY Press. MT's Samuel Huntington page.
URL: https://www.mediatransparency.org/
18.May 2004 $1.7 million to the Alexis de Toqueville Institution Think Tank Claims Torvalds Didn't Write Linux
Linux wasn't written by Linus Torvalds, according to the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution , a Washington, D.C.-based foundation.
Instead, Kenneth Brown, president of AdTI, claims that Linux is based on intellectual property "often taken or adapted without permission from material owned by other companies and individuals."
The announcement offers no proof of its assertions but says proof will be provided in later announcements—and eventually in a self-published book—that are based on "extensive interviews with more than two dozen leading technologists including Richard Stallman, Dennis Ritchie and Andrew Tanenbaum."
Microsoft in the past has supplied funding for the institution, which has published anti-open-source papers. In an eWEEK.com interview, senior fellow Gregory Fossedal refused to say who, if anyone, is sponsoring the institution's Linux project . "We don't discuss our funding," he said.
... Douglas A. Levin, president and CEO of Black Duck Software Inc., a company that makes software for source code and open-source license auditing, said, " This seems to be an effort of FUD [fear, uncertainty and doubt] attacking Linux because it is threatening the Windows franchise and other operating systems like Solaris." Eweek.com By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
Also see: MT's Alexis de Toqueville Institution page.
URL: https://www.mediatransparency.org/
00.Jan.2004.00.Feb.2004 Church & Scaife Secular Conservative Philanthropies waging unethical campaign to take over United Methodist Church by Andrew J. Weaver and Nicole Seibert for Mediatransparency.org
The United Methodist + other mainline Protestant churches are the targets of a continuing, orchestrated attack by determined right-wing ideologues who use
CIA-style propaganda methods to sow dissention + distrust, [DISCORDIA] all in pursuit of a radical political agenda.
The leader of this attack is an organization called the Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD), a pseudo-religious think-tank that carries out the goals of its secular funders that are opposed to the churches' historic social witness.
The IRD works in concert with other self-styled "renewal" groups like Good News + the Confessing Movement .
IRD answers only to its own self-perpetuating board of directors, most of whom are embedded in the secular political right (Howell, 1995).
00.Jan.2004.00.Feb.2004 -In the issue- of Zion's Herald , we published a special report on the activities of the IRD.
We documented how it is primarily funded by right-wing secular foundations.
URL: https://www.mediatransparency.org/
03.Oct.2004 7.8 million to the Institute for Contemporary Studies San Francico Chronicle Don Lattin, Chronicle Religion Writer
President Bush [BGW968] has some new troops in his crusade to promote "healthy marriage" + teen celibacy with federal funds -- followers of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the controversial Korean evangelist and self-proclaimed new world messiah.
At least four longtime operatives of Moon's Unification Church are on the federal payroll or getting government grants in the administration's Healthy Marriage Initiative and other "faith-based" programs.
...The 85-year-old Korean is perhaps best known for presiding over mass marriage ceremonies for devotees whose unions are arranged by Moon or other church leaders.
After marriage, Unification Church couples are given detailed instructions for their honeymoon, right down to the sexual positions they are supposed to assume during their first three conjugal couplings.
According to Unification Church teachings, the children born from these marriages are "blessed children,'' who, unlike the rest of humanity, are born without original sin.
..."Moon has been a big backer of the faith-based initiative,'' said the Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State.
"But it's beyond belief that you can have the University of Bridgeport issuing marriage education certificates and claim that is secular.''
Lynn said the Oakland program also shows how "there is virtually no monitoring of where this money is going.''
"Money goes out and nobody knows how it's used and nobody knows what it's for,'' he said.
Following the money from the federal government to the streets of Oakland is not easy.
The organization that actually received the federal grant is the Institute for Contemporary Studies, a conservative think tank in Oakland + one of Evans' key partners in the California Healthy Marriage Initiative.
That partnership comes through another recently founded organization, the Bay Area Inner City Leadership Alliance. Also see: MT's Faith-based Watch page.
17.Oct.2004 Also see: Milwaukee Genesis, where Faith-based really comes from NY Time Magazine Ron Suskind
Without a Doubt: Bush [BGW968]'s Faith-based Presidency
"The Bush [BGW968] aide said that guys like me were ''in what we call the reality-based community,'' which he defined as people who ''believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.''
I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism.
He cut me off. ''That's not the way the world really works anymore,'' he continued.
''We're an empire now + when we act, we create our own reality.
And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too + that's how things will sort out.
We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.'' ...
''I'm going to come out strong after my swearing in,'' Bush [BGW968] said, ''with fundamental tax reform, tort reform, privatizing of Social Security.''
The victories he expects in November, he said, will give us ''two years, at least, until the next midterm.
We have to move quickly, because after that I'll be quacking like a duck.''
Bruce Bartlett, a domestic policy adviser to Ronald Reagan + a treasury official for the first President Bush [BGW968], told me recently that
02.Nov.2004 -''if Bush [BGW968] wins, there will be a civil war in the Republican Party starting on 03.Nov.2004 '' The nature of that conflict, as Bartlett sees it?
Essentially, the same as the one raging across much of the world: a battle between modernists and fundamentalists, pragmatists and true believers, reason + religion.
''Just in the past few months,'' Bartlett said, ''I think a light has gone off for people who've spent time up close to Bush [BGW968]:
that this instinct he's always talking about is this sort of weird, Messianic idea of what he thinks God has told him to do.''
Bartlett, a 53-year-old columnist and self-described libertarian Republican who has lately been a champion for traditional Republicans concerned about Bush [BGW968]'s governance, went on to say:
''This is why Bush [BGW968] is so clear-eyed about Al Qaeda and the Islamic fundamentalist enemy.
He believes you have to kill them all.
They can't be persuaded, that they're extremists, driven by a dark vision.
He understands them, because he's just like them. . . .
''This is why he dispenses with people who confront him with inconvenient facts,'' Bartlett went on to say.
''He truly believes he's on a mission from God. Absolute faith like that overwhelms a need for analysis.
The whole thing about faith is to believe things for which there is no empirical evidence.''
Bartlett paused, then said, ''But you can't run the world on faith.''
Forty democratic senators were gathered for a lunch in March just off the Senate floor. I was there as a guest speaker.
Joe Biden was telling a story, a story about the president.
''I was in the Oval Office a few months after we swept into Baghdad,'' he began,
''and I was telling the president of my many concerns'' -- concerns about growing problems winning the peace, the explosive mix of Shiite and Sunni, the disbanding of the Iraqi Army + problems securing the oil fields.
Bush [BGW968], Biden recalled, just looked at him, unflappably sure that the USA was on the right course + that all was well.
'''Mr. President,' I finally said, 'How can you be so sure when you know you don't know the facts?'''
Biden said that Bush [BGW968] stood up and put his hand on the senator's shoulder. ''My instincts,'' he said. ''My instincts.''
Biden paused and shook his head, recalling it all as the room grew quiet. ''I said, 'Mr. President, your instincts aren't good enough!'''
The democrat Biden + the Republican Bartlett are trying to make sense of the same thing -- a president who has been an extraordinary blend of forcefulness and inscrutability, opacity and action.
But lately, words and deeds are beginning to connect.
The Delaware senator was, in fact, hearing what Bush [BGW968]'s top deputies -
- from cabinet members like Paul O'Neill, Christine Todd Whitman + Colin Powell
to generals fighting in Iraq -- have been told for years when they requested explanations for many of the president's decisions, policies that often seemed to collide with accepted facts.
The president would say that he relied on his ''gut'' or his ''instinct'' to guide the ship of state + then he ''prayed over it.''
The old pro Bartlett, a deliberative, fact-based wonk, is finally hearing a tune that has been hummed quietly by evangelicals (so as not to trouble the secular) for years as they gazed upon President Bush [BGW968].
This evangelical group -- the core of the energetic ''base'' that may well usher Bush [BGW968] to victory -- believes that their leader is a messenger from God.
And in the first presidential debate, many Americans heard the discursive Kerry [KFJ966] succinctly raise, for the first time, the issue of Bush [BGW968]'s certainty -
- the issue being, as Kerry [KFJ966] put it, that ''you can be certain and be wrong.''
Also see: MT's Faith-based watch page. URL: https://www.mediatransparency.org/
01.Dec.2004 The following CNP Selected Member Biographies are from various years.
Due to difficulty in obtaining some current biographical material, employment position + current organization position may not be complete.
The time span between available CNP Directories + information makes it unknown, in some cases, how long each person has been a CNP member, as well as current status of memberships for 2001.
PAGES By Alphabetical Name List:
A B Be Br C D E F G Gr H Ho IJK Ken L
M Mc Mo N~Pa Pe~Q R S Sh Sn T~V W Wi-Z
CNP Member's Organization/Media/Projects Index
Bibliography URL: https://www.seekgod.ca/printcnp.htm
URL: https://www.seekgod.ca/printcnp.htm
01.Dec.2004 Antony Sutton, who wrote America's Secret Establishment , believes Ludwig von Mises, a CNP/reconstructionist connected libertarian institute which esteems notables such as Friedrich von Hayek, to be straight forward and what grassroots America to be about.
Friedrich von Hayek, protégé and colleague of Mises, is one of the founders of the Mont Pelerin Society of which many CNP are members.
According to various resources, The Mont Pelerin Society is a relic of the fascist movements of Europe in the 1920s and 1930s, whose own members, such as Professor Milton Friedman, have "emphasized" that its policies are those of Adolf Hitler. [meaning from Hitler's policies in the 1920's and 1930's].
00.000.1947 -Soon after it was founded in- , the Mont Pelerin Society moved to London...
00.000.1970 -Beginning in the mid-s, with lavish corporate financing, the Mont Pelerin Society, spawned a series of "think tanks"
00.000.1944 Von Hayek, the founder, wrote „The Road to Serfdom“ in London in, while teaching at the British Fabian Society's London School of Economics.
"... in London Friedrich Hayek was creating an organization that would later re-form as the Mont Pelerin Society.
WWII.00.000.1939 The early group was formed + was known as the Society for the Renovation of Liberalism .
Members of the organization included Frank Knight + Henry Simons of the University of Chicago, the slavishly pro-British American Fabian Socialist Walter Lippman, the philosopher Sir Karl Popper, Sir John Clapham of the Bank of England + of course, Ludwig von Mises, who was a member for at least 13 years.
All of these early members of Hayek's group then met at Mont Pelerin, Switzerland to form the influential, highly-secretive + elitist Mont Pelerin Society in 1947...
From the beginning the Mont Pelerin Society worked hand-in-hand with the Pan European Union..." 43b See: Footnotes URL: https://www.seekgod.ca/printcnp.htm
01.Dec.2004 Can any Christian really believe that someone who loves Jesus Christ will knowingly join with + have the same beliefs or goals as a Nazi, a Mormon or a follower of Sun Myung Moon--who believes himself to be Messiah.
In a sense, the CNP is becoming the worst kept secret. According to Group Watch, due to the past secrecy revolving around the CNP, there are conflicting reports about the CNP History and founding Principals.
00.000.1982-00.000.1983 "Principals: The officers of the
Council for National Policy (CNP) were: Thomas F. Ellis, pres; Nelson Bunker Hunt, vice pres, Bob J. Perry sec-tres; Rep. Louis (Woody) Jenkins, exec dir; and Dr. Tim LaHaye, immediate past pres.(1) According to Nelson Bunker Hunt in his deposition in the Iran-Contra hearings, the presidency of the CNP rotates. He has been president, Pat Robertson has been president + the president at the time of the hearings was Richard DeVos.(2) Hunt also noted that right-wing stalwarts Joseph Coors, Paul Weyrich + Howard Phillips had served on the executive committee.(2) Woody Jenkins was the original executive director who resigned when the CNP moved from Louisiana to Washington DC.(2) According to the Hunt deposition, Jenkins was succeeded by Margo Carlisle and then Jack Nelson.(2) The CNP has no members who are not principals. It is a gathering of millionaires that covers a full spectrum of the political right: the New Right, neoconservatives, members of former President Reagan's "kitchen cabinet," and fundamentalist preachers and televangelists.(3) ...
...Background: According to one source, the CNP was formed in 1981 by Texas millionaires Nelson Bunker Hunt, Herbert Hunt + T. Cullen Davis.(5) A second source reports that it was formed by Richard Viguerie to rival the Council on Foreign Relations.(8,26) The council is composed of politically powerful, wealthy individuals. It intentionally maintains a very low profile.(3,5) One of the conditions of membership is not to reveal the names of other members or the substance of the group's meetings.(9) The CNP bills itself as being the Council on Foreign Policy for the Right.(9) But, its importance does not lie in producing and promoting an ultra-conservative foreign policy agenda, many of its affiliates already do that. It is considered by its members as a network that encompasses the entire spectrum of right-wing politics.(3) It provides a "safe" place for representatives of a wide range of ultra- conservative, anticommunist, pro-military organizations--including the executive branch of the White House--to discuss and promote their programs.(3)
...In 1986, it claimed to operate on a budget of $450,000, used for operational and educational purposes.(6)
Activities: ....At the meetings, talks are given by government officials or key figures in current U.S. foreign policy endeavors.(2) Adolfo Calero attended several meetings and spoke to the group about the Nicaraguan contra situation in 1984.(2,3) Col. Oliver North, adviser to the National Security Council and key figure in the Iran-Contra affair, spoke to the group several times before joining it as a member.(2,3)
The meetings are closed and attendees rarely speak publicly about the proceedings. The agenda of a meeting at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs in 1982 was filled with CNP members talking to the "already committed" about their favorite topics--Phyllis Schlafly on traditional values, Maj. Gen. John Singlaub on special operations in El Salvador, Gen. Albion Knight on national defense + so on.(35) The list of speakers includes most of the major figures of the Right including: Philip Truluck of the Heritage Foundation; Howard Phillips of the Conservative Caucus; beer baron Joseph Coors; conservative columnist Patrick Buchanan; Frank Shakespeare, chairman of Heritage Foundation; direct mail wizard Richard Viguerie; Jerry Falwell of the Moral Majority; the president of Amway Corp, Richard DeVos; Neal Blair, president of Free the Eagle; John (Terry) Dolan, chairman of the National Conservative Political Action Committee, Jeane Kirkpatrick, U.S. delegate to the United Nations;
and from the Christian Broadcasting Network, evangelist Pat Robertson.(35) ..." [ Group Watch:CNP > https://www.pir.org/gw/cnp.txt ]
See also CNP's Gary North ~ On the CNP
URL: https://www.seekgod.ca/printcnp.htm
01.Dec.2004 The Council for National Policy: What It Is
05.Jul.2001 -Update: July 5/2001 John 10: 26-30
"But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.
My sheep hear my voice + I know them + they follow me:
And I give unto them eternal life;
and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all;
and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
I and my Father are one."
Many Evangelical, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Catholic, Mormon + other ecumenically-minded leaders
are members of the Council for National Policy,
the 500+ member organization which plans the strategy of the Religious Right in the USA .
1981 -was founded in : The CNP, according to their 1996 Telephone Directory.
While those involved are from the USA, their organizations + influence cover the globe, both religiously + politically.
Members include corporate executives, television evangelists, legislators, former military or high ranking government officers, leaders of 'think tanks' dedicated to molding society + those who many view as Christian leadership.
Members in many cases are owners or leaders from industry such as lumber, oil, mining, commodities, real estate, the media, including owners of radio, television + print, with all aspects of life covered.
Many are involved in education, determining to influence society's direction by direct input with children and youth.
While this information includes members of the CNP, this is not to say that liberal political figures are excluded from the assessment of having "a heart of desperately wicked and deceitful above all things."
No one is precluded.
However, the CNP members are overtly "Christian" which is used as a cover to deceive the gullible.
They have the "form of godliness" + are somewhat "ministers of righteousness", but deny the true power thereof by a carefully contrived doctrine which assiduously avoids the Scriptures which would expose their works that they are evil.
Through their propaganda, they provoke visceral reactions from Christians
to fight, become angry, to get involved in the political arena, to join + support their organizations through many monetary contributions which makes "merchandise of the saints."
The following information is not designed to provoke anger or resistance to evil.
This is strictly prohibited in Scripture.
It is to shed light on activities by those who would deceive the elect by devious methods and systematic plans.
The advice from the Lord is mark them so as "to avoid such.." Our walk and manner of life must be as pilgrims + strangers in a "world that lies in the wicked one'..+
"1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world , the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes + the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world."-- all that is in the world is not of the Father ."
All means all.
The culture is part of the world and cannot be "reclaimed" with the Lord's blessing as most of the CNP members proclaim.
This is one of the wiles of Satan to divert Christians from their true mission which is to walk in love....to walk worthy of their calling as small lamps in a dark world,
holding forth the word of life (not reforming + transforming that which cannot be changed.)
URL: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/TPPrint/LAC/20041130/BUSHSECURITY30/TPNational/
30.Nov.2004 23-28-32 UPDATED AT 06-25 PM EST Tuesday, Nov 30, 2004
Ottawa, Halifax on lockdown in preparation for Bush [BGW968] visit
Helicopters, sharpshooters, riot police to protect world's most powerful politician
OTTAWA and HALIFAX -- RCMP helicopters circled Parliament Hill yesterday, tarps were placed over the entrances to the Peace Tower + streets were declared no-stopping zones as security officials began intensive two-day measures to ensure the safety of Bush [BGW968].
The large security perimeters that will be established around the U.S. President will make it difficult for noisy protesters -- and even curious members of the public -- to catch a glimpse of the world's most powerful politician as he pays his first official visit to Ottawa.
Some experts say the precautions constitute the most security ever devoted to protecting one man on Canadian soil. But that's something the Mounties won't confirm.
In fact, they won't confirm much of anything.
At a press conference yesterday afternoon, RCMP Sergeant Jocelyn Mimeault would not say if dignitaries dining with the President would have to go through a metal detector -- a security requirement that caused the President of Chile to scrap a state banquet in that country earlier this month.
"The security measures that are in place for this visit are what any security official would refer to as adequate for the need of the situation," Sgt. Mimeault said.
"We want to make sure it's done peacefully and safely and [the measures] are flexible, they will be adapted to the need of the situation."
Marine 1, the U.S. presidential helicopter, is already in Ottawa + a no-fly zone will likely be established over the capital. Sharpshooters are expected to be posted on the roofs of buildings.
And squads of riot police will be waiting out of sight, to be called into action should events exceed the control of uniformed officers patrolling the streets.
As late as yesterday, none of the police handling security could say with any accuracy how many demonstrators are expected.
While most of the organizers have met with police to agree to the parameters of their actions, at least one group has refused to do so.
"We cannot force them to meet with us, obviously, but I think there is goodwill on our part to deal with that," Sgt. Mimeault said.
The President will travel in his own limousine -- brought from the United States so he can tour in comfort and high-tech safety.
The RCMP would not confirm that another vehicle in the entourage has the James-Bond-style capability of shooting down incoming airborne weapons.
Mr. Bush [BGW968]'s visit will begin shortly after 10 a.m. when he and his wife will arrive at the Ottawa International Airport, where he will be met by Governor-General Adrienne Clarkson and her husband.
Then the lengthy entourage will wind its way to the Parliament buildings to rendezvous with Prime Minister Paul Martin and his wife.
The expressways leading from the airport will be closed as the President travels through the city -- as will many of the downtown streets and a bridge to Quebec.
Three routes will be mapped for each trip and the final choice will be made just minutes in advance.
Mr. Bush [BGW968] will have lunch with Mr. Martin at a Foreign Affairs building downtown before meeting with the news media and visiting the Canadian archives across the river in Gatineau, Que., during the afternoon. Dinner will be held at the Museum of Civilization.
The walk between Mr. Bush [BGW968]'s limousine and the door of each venue is expected to be covered by a tent to prevent potential snipers from obtaining a clear view of their target.
And people who live near the museum will be required to carry identification to prove they belong there.
The protesters, meanwhile, have scheduled events of their own including a candlelight vigil for peace and a marijuana "smoke-out" on Parliament Hill. They will continue Wednesday morning during a breakfast-hour demonstration before Mr. Bush [BGW968] heads to Halifax.
In Nova Scotia, security preparations were also under way yesterday.
Airspace around Halifax International Airport will be restricted + Pier 21, the downtown waterfront immigration museum that will be the site of his speech, will be restricted during the visit for 22 kilometres.
Takeoffs and landings at the airport will be prohibited for 20 minutes before and after the President's arrival and departure.
A peaceful protest is planned and as many as 5,000 are expected as several dozen church, student and human-rights groups will march as the Halifax Peace Coalition. Participants will wear black armbands and hold a minute of silence to mourn civilians killed in Afghanistan and Iraq.
"We have had more support from people in the community," spokeswoman Tamara Lorincz said.
"We have been inundated with phone calls, with e-mails from people who are so outraged that President Bush [BGW968] is going to be coming to Halifax.
Knowing the war crimes he is responsible for, they have asked 'How can we help?' "
She said the group is working with the Halifax Police and Mounties and that marshals will be in the march to "ensure this is not a violent destructive event at all."
John Elmer, a spokesman for the Halifax Peace Coalition, said it would be misguided to assume that Maritimers would give the President a free pass.
"Bush [BGW968] is likely going to fly in a helicopter + he's going to see thousands of people in the downtown of the tiny city of Halifax + that's the beauty of him coming to this small place that we can get thousands of indignant Maritimers in the streets regardless of whether we are right up in the gates of Pier 21."
Meanwhile, a man with a history of making death threats toward U.S. presidents, who was out of hospital on overnight passes, was readmitted late last week.
Timothy George Andrew, who was charged several months ago with threatening Mr. Bush [BGW968] on the Internet, was remanded to a mental hospital but had been permitted some overnight passes recently after responding well to medication.
Craig Botterill, a senior Crown attorney for Nova Scotia special prosecutions, said Mr. Andrew was picked up on Friday + will remain in hospital for "about a week."
"The plan was he'd stay with his parents, but he was required by the board to report back to the hospital late last week and they will detain him for about a week. The timing certainly suggests it was [related to Mr. Bush [BGW968]'s visit]."
30.Nov.2004 23:2 Bush [BGW968] Hands Million-Dollar Public Land to Mining Company for $875 :
00.Oct.2003 -Last month- the Bush [BGW968] administration handed a multinational mining company 155 acres of federally owned, prime mountaintop real estate near a Colorado ski resort.
The price? Just $5 an acre
30.Nov.2004 Wal-Mart shares fall on poor holiday sales: Wal-Mart said sales had fallen “below plan” in the last week of November and sales growth was down on the 2.8 per cent annual rate it had reported for October.
30.Nov.2004 In case you missed it: : Fiscal Collapse in America: Privatization and Neo-Feudalism: With no cash in the federal till -- due to massive tax cuts along with huge deficits + ultimate inability of the government to borrow further -- there would no longer be much to argue about. The corporate sector would win by default, so that everything needed by the masses would have to be obtained through them at any price they would want to charge.
30.Nov.2004 Israel shocked by image of soldiers forcing violinist to play at roadblock : The incident was not as shocking as the recording of an Israeli officer pumping the body of a 13-year-old girl full of bullets and then saying he would have shot her even if she had been three years old.
30.Nov.2004 Russia ‘will back force’ by Ukraine president : A senior figure in the Ukrainian presidential administration who declined to be identified said that Boris Gryzlov, President Vladimir Putin’s personal envoy to Ukraine, had promised “diplomatic cover” against any international backlash prompted by such a move.
30.Nov.2004 Ukraine's postmodern coup d'etat: Yushchenko got the US nod + money flooded in to his supporters
30.Nov.2004 Russians suggest foreign help in attack: The head of a parliamentary commission investigating the September hostage seizure at a school in southern Russia said there is evidence of involvement by a foreign intelligence agency, the Interfax news agency reported Saturday.
30.Nov.2004 China, ASEAN sign historic trade pacts: China and 10 South-East Asian countries have signed historic trade pacts to pave the way for the world's biggest free-trade zone by 2010, covering two billion people.
30.Nov.2004 US building army base near Iran border: The US-led coalition forces in Afghanistan are working on a military base near the country’s western border with Iran.
30.Nov.2004 Secrecy shrouds U.S. torture jet: The covert procedure, which must be authorized by a presidential directive, has gained little attention inside the United States.
30.Nov.2004 Jim Lobe: Pentagon uncovers propaganda failures: Al-Qaeda and radical Islamists are winning the propaganda war against the United States, says a high-level Pentagon panel, which concluded that President George W Bush [BGW968]'s administration's policies in the Middle East, its fundamental failure to understand the Muslim world and a lack of imagination in using new communications technologies are responsible.
30.Nov.2004 Shooting the Wounded: What Are the Rules Now?: In the past, the United States has tried to apply the principle of "civilized warfare."
WWII. -After- we tried German + Japanese officers for mistreating prisoners of war and civilians. We were one of the first nations to sign the 1949 Geneva Conventions on the conduct of war.
30.Nov.2004 U.S. Group to File Iraq War Crimes Case in Germany: Lawyers acting for a U.S. advocacy group will Tuesday file war crimes charges in Germany against senior U.S. administration officials. German law allows war criminals to be investigated wherever they may be living.
30.Nov.2004 How to Market a Siege: The US Media and Fallujah: American journalists have demonstrated that they are not journalists at all, but an essential component of the military apparatus. They have merged seamlessly with their army units, presenting a story-line that is consistent with the objectives of the American occupation.
30.Nov.2004 Congress Pushes Penalties For Those Who Support The International Criminal Court: ”The fact is, most Republicans want to see the International Criminal Court killed and see this as another nail in its coffin,” one aide said in an interview last week.
In case you missed it: Chris Floyd: Generation Gap: In-depth studies by the U.S. Army after the war showed that between 80 to 85 percent of the greatest generation never fired their weapons at an exposed enemy in combat, military psychologist Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman reports in Christianity Today. Many times they had the chance, but could not bring themselves to do it.
30.Nov.2004 'I had soldiers break into tears': Canada's troops patrolling war-torn Kabul have sent a sobering message home — "we are overtasked, overburdened and worn out."
30.Nov.2004 Huff and puff from General Abizaid : The commander of the US forces in the Middle East, General John Abizaid, seems to be brewing up a storm. He has said the power of the US should never be underestimated. He further claimed America can “generate more power per square inch than anybody else in the world + everybody knows it.”
30.Nov.2004 'They hate our policies, not our freedom': Quietly released Pentagon report contains major criticisms of administration.
30.Nov.2004 Investing in War: The Carlyle Group profits from government and conflict
30.Nov.2004 " War Is A Racket" U.S. Major General Smedley Butler: A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
30.Nov.2004 Ridge to Announce Resignation Today:
30.Nov.2004 Nearly a Month Later, Ohio Fight Goes On : Nearly a month after Kerry [KFJ966] conceded Ohio to President Bush [BGW968], complaints and challenges about the balloting are mounting as activists including the Rev. Jesse Jackson demand closer scrutiny to ensure the votes are being counted on the up-and-up
30.Nov.2004 A Close Look at Fallujah Lab: It looks like a shelf in an elderly lady’s bathroom, scattered with half-full and almost empty bottles so old the faded labels are peeling off. But Qassem Daoud, Iraq’s national security adviser and Prime Minister Allawi’s confidant, calls it a “chemical laboratory” where Fallujan anti occupation forces supposedly made “deadly explosives and poisons,” including anthrax.
30.Nov.2004 Fallugah: Raw Video sent in by US Solider: Windows Media
30.Nov.2004 Al-Zawahri says will keep fighting U.S.-: "We are a nation of patience and we will continue fighting you (United States) until the last hour," Ayman Al-Zawahri said in the tape.
30.Nov.2004 1 Minute Video: Heard Any Good Jokes Lately George? Windows Media.
30.Nov.2004 Criminal Investigation in Germany into Culpability of U.S. Officials in Abu Ghraib Torture
30.Nov.2004 A weapon against ourselves : The politicisation of intelligence means that a sensible response to terrorism is becoming impossible
30.Nov.2004 Religious Fundamentalism and the Growing Threat to Democracy: With the re-election of Bush [BGW968], religious fundamentalism seems to be in overdrive in its effort to define politics through a reductive and somewhat fanatical moralism.
30.Nov.2004 Leo Strauss and the Grand Inquisitor: There is a certain irony in the fact that the chief guru of the neoconservatives is a thinker who regarded religion merely as a political tool intended for the masses but not for the superior few.
He therefore taught that those in power must invent noble lies and pious frauds to keep the people in the stupor for which they are supremely fit.
30.Nov.2004 Michel Chossudovsky: IMF Sponsored "Democracy" in The Ukraine: Opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko in the Ukrainian presidential elections is firmly backed by the Washington Consensus.
30.Nov.2004 US intervenes in disputed Ukraine election: Who the hell asked you, Mr. Powell?
30.Nov.2004 Truth and Consequences in Ukraine: When the Bush [BGW968] Administration rushed to celebrate the protesters' courage and tenacity, I thought--what rank hypocrisy. These same officials have shown no respect for American pro-democracy protesters
30.Nov.2004 Iraq health care 'in deep crisis' : Iraq's health system is in a far worse condition than before the war, a British medical charity says.
The Destruction of Iraq’s Health Care: Since the US military invasion and occupation of Iraq, Iraq’s health care system has deteriorated as a result of deliberate destruction by the US administration. The most vulnerable victims of this destruction are the Iraqi children, particularly children under the age of five.
30.Nov.2004 Ottawa, Halifax on lockdown in preparation for Bush [BGW968] visit: Helicopters, sharpshooters, riot police to protect world's most powerful politician
30.Nov.2004 Do Canadians have a conscience? : The majority of Canadians oppose Bush [BGW968], reject the war in Iraq + don’t want him here.
30.Nov.2004 UK: Gulf veterans' angry plea to MoD : Soldiers on sick leave after serving in Iraq have told a BBC programme of their anger at not receiving proper medical or financial support from the Army.
30.Nov.2004 GI threatens suicide over return to Iraq: A serviceman, apparently distraught over the prospect of being sent back to the war in Iraq, threatened to kill himself as he stood naked and screaming outside his house.
30.Nov.2004 Nuclear Agency Praises Iran: The International Atomic Energy Agency praised Iran yesterday for suspending its uranium-enrichment work and removed an immediate threat of sanctions against the Islamic republic
30.Nov.2004 Fallujah Napalmed : News that President Bush [BGW968] has sanctioned the use of napalm, a deadly cocktail of polystyrene and jet fuel banned by the United Nations in 1980, will stun governments around the world.
30.Nov.2004 U.S. Accused of Using Poison Gases in Fallujah: Survivors of the week-long attack on Fallujah have reported the U.S. military used poison gas and other non-conventional weapons against civilians in the assault. We go to Baghdad to speak with independent reporter Dahr Jamail who broke the story. Audio and transcript.
30.Nov.2004 Riverbend: Iraqi Girl Blog: Tired in Baghdad...: The situation in Falloojeh is worse than anyone can possibly describe. It has turned into one of those cities you see in your darkest nightmares- broken streets strewn with corpses, crumbling houses and fallen mosques... The worst part is that for the last couple of weeks we've been hearing about the use of chemical weapons inside Falloojeh by the Americans.
30.Nov.2004 Red Cross Finds Detainee Abuse Torture in Guantánamo: The finding that the handling of prisoners detained and interrogated at Guantánamo amounted to torture came after a visit by a Red Cross inspection team that spent most of last June in Guantánamo.
30.Nov.2004 Abu Ghaib abuse complaint names Rumsfeld: An international legal team has filed a criminal complaint against US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other top US officials over the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal in Iraq.
30.Nov.2004 Lawyers in Germany Charge Rumsfeld, Tenet With War Crimes in Iraq: Democracy Now interview with Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, who is filing a criminal complaint charging a group of U.S. officials with war crimes in Iraq. Audio and transcript
30.Nov.2004 Terrorism: No Name Death from the Sky These are the wounds that are born out of fear, guilt + terror. No name death falling from the sky—that is terrorism--bombs, rockets, and mortars that fall unannounced, at any time, in any place that are capricious, indiscriminate and arbitrary when they kill and maim. I’ve seen men that have gone thru literal hand to hand combat that turned into shaking piles of sobbing flesh during sustained mortar attacks—abject helplessness. Continued
30.Nov.2004 How Iran is being backed into a corner
Iran could be forgiven for thinking it needs WMD for its own protection. Such is the arrogance of double standards in the post-September 11 world. Continued.
30.Nov.2004 I Am Become Death - The Destroyer Of The Worlds
The crimson waters of the Euphrates are now emptying into the Persian Gulf the hopes and aspirations of innocent people whose lives were snuffed out on the orders of a man rewarded for his monumental crimes by his great nation. Continued
URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-330410,00.html
30.Nov.2004 Lissabon - Ministerpräsident Pedro Santana Lopes, der vor der Übernahme der Regierungsgeschäfte Bürgermeister von Lissabon war, sagte am Abend: "Der Präsident hat mich von seiner Entscheidung in Kenntnis gesetzt, das Parlament aufzulösen." Die nächsten Wahlen, die verfassungsgemäß erst für 2006 vorgesehen waren, werden nun vermutlich im Februar stattfinden. Mit seiner Entscheidung reagierte Präsident Sampaio auf wochenlange Streitereien zwischen mehreren Kabinettsministern sowie eine Pannenserie der Regierung.
30.Nov.2004 (Politik, 22:24) Regierungskrise: Portugals Präsident ruft Neuwahlen aus
30.Nov.2004 - Humor - If Only It Were True News - Humor - Canadian authorities arrest US president Bush [BGW968] Paul K. J.
30.Nov.2004 "ICH" – Ottawa- Canadian authorities have arrested US president Bush [BGW968] in Ottawa.
He has been charged with several offences under Canada's War Crimes Act.
Vice-President Dick Cheney has mobilized the American military and all border crossings between the two nations have closed.
Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin has urged for calm in a short radio and television broadcast to the Canadian people immediately after the arrest.
Part of the Prime Minister’s broadcast is included here: URL: https://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article7390.htm
URL: https://www.democraticunderground.com/
27.Nov.2004 01:12 AM ET 'Blue' states may lose in Bush [BGW968] tax plan
Washington - President Bush [BGW968]'s plan for "revenue-neutral" tax reform needs losers to balance its winners + people who take USA federal deduction for state + local taxes may be in administration planners' sights, news reports say.
That could leave the so-called blue states seeing red.
In the past election, the states that collect the most income tax were solidly "blue" supporters of Democratic challenger Kerry [KFJ966].
Eight of the 10 states with the most revenue in 2000 voted for Kerry [KFJ966]: California, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Michigan, Illinois, New Jersey and Maryland. Only Ohio and North Carolina favored Bush [BGW968].
The federal deduction for state and local income taxes "predominantly benefits the blue states," said William Gale, a tax policy expert at the Brookings Institution, a liberal-leaning research group. "There is definitely a political calculation to this."
But before conspiracy theorists get too carried away, political observers note that by eliminating deductions for state income taxes, Bush [BGW968] would be inflicting political pain on two of the nation's most prominent Republican governors, George Pataki of New York and Arnold Schwarzenegger of California.
URL: https://www.democraticunderground.com/
27.Nov.2004 U.S. Sends in Secret Weapon: Saddam's Old Commandos Public relations coup or SNAFU?
NEAR ISKANDARIYA, Iraq (Reuters) - Twenty months after toppling Saddam Hussein U.S. troops still battling his followers in the heart of Iraq 's old arms industry are hitting back with a new weapon -
- ex-members of Saddam's special forces.
For five months, Iraqi police commandos have been based with U.S. Marines in charge of the region along the Euphrates river immediately south of Baghdad, which roadside bombs, ambushes + kidnaps have turned into a no-go area for outsiders and earned it the melodramatic description "triangle of death."
The performance of these police is a critical test of the ability of U.S. forces to hand security over to Iraqis in order to meet their goal of withdrawing while leaving Iraq stable.
U.S. officers in the area say they are increasingly optimistic.
"The hardest fighters we have are the former special forces from Saddam's days," Colonel Ron Johnson, commander of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, told reporters late on Friday.
URL: https://www.democraticunderground.com/
28.Nov.2004 Senate GOP Set to Go 'Nuclear' Over Judges
Senate GOP Set to Go 'Nuclear' Over Judges -The Cox News Service
Washington - Senate Republicans, boldly confident after their Nov. 2 electoral success, are preparing to end months of frustrating delays over President Bush [BGW968]'s judicial picks by hitting Democrats with Republican's ultimate legislative weapon.
But the Republican threat to neuter long-cherished filibuster rules by steamrolling Democrats is risky - so potentially destructive that Capitol Hill calls it the "nuclear option."
Democratic retaliation would be swift and long-lasting, raising the prospect of escalating clashes in a body that prides itself on gentility and cool judgment.
Even so, Republican leaders are signaling their intent to go nuclear in word and deed.
We're going to use every tool we possibly can," said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., who also unveiled a kinder, gentler phrase for the potential rules change: the "constitutional option."
URL: https://www.democraticunderground.com/
29.Nov.2004 Beware perils of overreaching, GOP is warned
Moving swiftly to consolidate their control over government in the wake of their big election triumph, President Bush [BGW968] + Republican leaders in Congress are facing a different kind of threat--themselves.
Political analysts warn that overly aggressive efforts to push a conservative agenda could leave Bush [BGW968] and his allies vulnerable to charges of political overreaching + ultimately cause a voter backlash.
So far, no such backlash is in sight. But Bush [BGW968] and Republican congressional leaders have wasted no time since the 02.Nov.2004 election to tighten control and lessen dissent in the party ranks as they maneuvered to press the president's agenda, leaving some GOP moderates chafing over how they were treated.
URL: https://www.democraticunderground.com/
30.Nov.2004 'They hate our policies, not our freedom'
Quietly released Pentagon report contains major criticisms of administration.
Late on the Wednesday afternoon before the Thanksgiving holiday, the US Defense Department released a report by the Defense Science Board that is highly critical of the administration's efforts in the war on terror + in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
'Muslims do not hate our freedom, but rather they hate our policies {the report says}.
The overwhelming majority voice their objections to what they see as one-sided support in favor of Israel and against Palestinian rights, and the long-standing, even increasing, support for what Muslims collectively see as tyrannies, most notably Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Pakistan and the Gulf states. Thus, when American public diplomacy talks about bringing democracy to Islamic societies, this is seen as no more than self-serving hypocrisy.'
The Pentagon released the study after The New York Times ran a story about the report in its Wednesday editions.
The Defense Science Board, reports Disinfopedia, is "a Federal advisory committee established to provide independent advice to the Secretary of Defense."
'The current Board is authorized to consist of thirty-two members plus seven ex officio members': the chairmen of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Policy, Ballistic Missile Defense Advisory Committee + Defense Intelligence Agency Science and Technology Advisory Committee. 'Members, whose appointed terms range from one to four years, are selected on the basis of their preeminence in the fields of science, technology and its application to military operations, research, engineering, manufacturing and acquisition process.' https://www.csmonitor.com/2004/1129/dailyUpdate.html
30.Nov.2004 Nearly a Month Later, Ohio Fight Goes On
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Nearly a month after Kerry [KFJ966] (news - web sites) conceded Ohio to President Bush [BGW968] (news - web sites), complaints and challenges about the balloting are mounting as activists including the Rev. Jesse Jackson (news - web sites) demand closer scrutiny to ensure the votes are being counted on the up-and-up.
Jackson said too many questions have been raised to let the vote stand without further examination.
"We can live with winning and losing. We cannot live with fraud and stealing," Jackson said Sunday at Mount Hermon Baptist Church. https://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041...
30.Nov.2004 Another newspaper interview with Olbermann on voting issues
The first story of the Countdown: 2004 election irregularities + why Olbermann is the only major television news personality covering the story.
"On the "Thursday or Friday after the election," someone sent Olbermann a link to an article about a "lockdown" in effect on election night at the Warren County, Ohio courthouse because of a "terrorist threat."
"It struck me on the face of it as the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard," Olbermann said.
After seeing countless other reports of minor voting inaccuracies, Olbermann was stunned.
"Suddenly it was clear to me that there were a large number of stories suggesting widespread voting irregularities," he said.
"At a minimum we know the election hardware is not working," he added.
When asked why other reporters haven't picked up the story, Olbermann said that he "assumed everyone else would."
But, he had some ideas as to why they did not.
"After Kerry [KFJ966] conceded, the reaction of all the political reporters was probably to take time off," he said.
"Also, 2000 was a disaster for the networks.
They were beaten up by the newspapers.
This time, nobody got beaten up."
He said that the networks are "loathe to bring up" the fact that the exit polls had problems.
In addition, Olbermann said that political reporters usually take their cues from what the Democrats and Republicans say.
"If there was a prominent Democrat saying this, it would be front page news," he said.
URL: https://www.democraticunderground.com/
30.Nov.2004 Miami Herald article shows that Kerry [KFJ966] may have won Florida, despite its headline
In an article published yesterday, reporters from the Miami Herald provided data from hand counts that they conducted in several northern "dixiecrat" counties in Florida.
They concluded that nothing was awry + in fact, went so far as to title the article "No flaw in Bush [BGW968]'s state win."
Here's a link to a reprint of the story that doesn't require registration: https://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/20021...
Here are the tallies for Union County:
Bush [BGW968] original: 3396
Bush [BGW968] hand count: 3393 (-3)
Kerry [KFJ966] original: 1251
Kerry [KFJ966] hand count: 1272 (+21)
Net change: Kerry [KFJ966] +24
Here are the tallies for Lafayette County:
Bush [BGW968] original: 2460
Bush [BGW968] hand count: 2452 (-8)
Kerry [KFJ966] original: 845
Kerry [KFJ966] hand count: 848 (+3)
Net change: Kerry [KFJ966] +11
It's a bit more complicated for the third county they looked at, Suwannee County, because they only report the totals for a hand count of "almost 60%" of the ballots.
Here is the result of their 60% hand count:
Bush [BGW968] 60% hand count: 6140
Kerry [KFJ966] 60% hand count: 2984
Which gives us the following tally for Suwannee County:
Bush [BGW968] original: 11153
Kerry [KFJ966] original: 4522
Extrapolation of Bush [BGW968] 100% hand count: 10549
Extrapolation of Kerry [KFJ966] 100% hand count: 5126
Net change: Kerry [KFJ966] +1208
In the original count, 71.2% of the votes cast for Bush [BGW968] or Kerry [KFJ966] (n=15675) went to Bush [BGW968]. In the hand count, this drops to 67.3%.
That is a significant drop. Let's translate that into numbers. If you take the percentages from the hand count and extrapolate, here's what you get:
Bush [BGW968] = 15675 x .673 = 10549 (loss of 604)
Kerry [KFJ966] = 15675 x .327 = 5126 (gain of 604)
Net change: Kerry [KFJ966] +1208
A switch of 1208 votes in a county with less than 16K votes cast is obviously huge.
Now maybe there's a very large percentage of Bush [BGW968] votes in that remaining 40% that they didn't count, but we can't know that because they didn't count them.
Which begs the question...why did they stop counting in Suwannee County when their tabulation of 60% of the ballots deviated so much from the original total?
And without actually counting those remaining ballots, how can they possibly report that nothing is amiss when the data they have so far suggests a possible problem?
They conclude that there's "no flaw in Bush [BGW968]'s state win."
Sorry, but what I see is a possible gain of 1243 votes for Kerry [KFJ966] from three small counties in which only 23627 ballots were cast.
That represents about 0.3% of the ballots cast for Bush [BGW968] and Kerry [KFJ966] statewide.
If Kerry [KFJ966] gained votes at the same rate statewide, he picks up nearly 400,000 votes and wins Florida.
Thanks Miami Herald, you just revealed to us in your hand counts that there's a possibility that Kerry [KFJ966] won Florida.
Editor's Note: I made a minor edit above to show the Suwannee County results side-by-side like the results from the other counties.
URL: https://seattletimes.nwsource.com/cgi-bin/PrintStory.pl?document_id=2002102809&zsection_id=268448413&slug=florida28&date=20041128
30.Nov.2004-00.Nov.2000 -Four years ago- the Florida vote was so tight + so flawed, that the Herald counted every questionable ballot.
The results weren't as close this time, but questions remained. Reporters told Lafayette County Election Supervisor Lana Morgan the newspaper had come back to end the speculation.
"Good," she said. "You don't know how frustrating it is to convince people who are set on believing something — even if it's not true."
The reporters' total: 2,452 votes for Bush [BGW968] + 848 for Kerry [KFJ966], with 20 that couldn't be counted clearly.
The official county total: 2,460 for Bush [BGW968], 845 for Kerry [KFJ966] and others that couldn't be counted.
Morgan invited the reporters for an early Thanksgiving dinner in her office, but they had to return home, driving to the Jacksonville airport past Snoball stands, chicken farms and anti-abortion billboards.
28.Nov.2004 07:48 P.M. Pacific Permission to reprint or copy this article/photo must be obtained from The Seattle Times. Call 206-464-3113 or e-mail resale@seattletimes.com with your request.
Florida newspaper finds no evidence of election fraud -By Meg Laughlin and David Kidwell - Knight Ridder Newspapers
LAKE BUTLER, Fla. — Since President Bush [BGW968] captured Florida and the White House again, critics have fixed their sights on northern pockets of the Sunshine State + asked:
How did the Republicans win so heavily in counties stocked with Democrats?
Some wondered whether Florida's tally was corrupt, with one Internet site writing: "Bush [BGW968]'s vote tallies, especially in the key state of Florida, are so statistically stunning that they border on the unbelievable."
-last week- The Miami Herald went to see for itself whether Bush [BGW968]'s steamroll through north Florida was legitimate.
Picking three counties that fit the conspiracy-theory profile — staunchly Democratic by registration, whoppingly GOP by voting — two reporters counted more than 17,000 ballots over three days.
The conclusion: no conspiracy. URL: https://seattletimes.nwsource.com/cgi-bin/PrintStory.pl?document_id=2002102809&zsection_id=268448413&slug=florida28&date=20041128
30.Nov.2004 Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
02.Nov.2004 -After the presidential election, pundits used the official results to challenge the accuracy of the exit polls.
But in light of the historical accuracy of exit polls + the scientific legitimacy of the Berkeley study, one can with equal justification cast doubt on the accuracy of the machines. By Bruce W. Fraser Stinky and the Vulcans 30.Nov.2004 -Later, some will say, "If only the media had told us - had shown us what was going on - we would have done something to stop it."
But they will know in their hearts that the time to have stopped it was before it started. By Sheila Samples
30.Nov.2004 I + some of the other DUers (most notably Vote4Kerry [KFJ966] & roguevalley) have been corresponding w/ Wayne Madsen and he has offered to interact w/ us here on DU regarding his ongoing investigation into vote rigging of the 00.000.2003 California + 02.Nov.2004 US election.
Please understand that he can not reveal info that would compromise or endanger his sources and that he has to be careful about unsubstatiated charges. Also this is an opportunity for us to help out with the research to flesh out these enigmatic allegations.
He's just now signing on and he e-mailed that his login will be Casolaro – JamBoi- URL: https://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=203&topic_id=86907&mesg_id=86907
URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
30.Nov.2004 Oklahoma A reader has informed me that the previous stories on the Oklahoma vote were erroneous. The fault, apparently, belongs with Tulsa World, which has somehow mixed up a number from a cockfighting iniative with the reported vote for Kerry [KFJ966].
URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
30.Nov.2004 argument offered by the Los Angeles Times and other maionstream forums. They argue that yes, there was a certain amount of fraud in the election -- but not enough to change the results. So don't worry.
Yes, Bev Harris found original poll tapes in Florida which proved that the copies handed to her by election officials were fraudulent. But she didn't collect original poll tapes for the entire state, now, did she? Just a few precincts. So you can't conclude that the whole Florida vote was tainted.
What's that, you say? The other poll tapes were no doubt destroyed before Bev could get to them?
See? No proof of vote tampering!
Now shut up and eat your pie. You don't want anyone calling you a conspiracy theorist, do you?
URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
29.Nov.2004 The other side of the story... Wayne Madsen has been answering questions on a Democratic Underground forum. His sign-in name is "Casolaro" -- cute!
URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-330369,00.html
30.Nov.2004 Unterschreiten die Telomere eine bestimmte Länge, geht bei der nächsten Teilung wichtige genetische Information verloren - die Zelle stirbt. Die Länge der Telomere kann demnach als Marker für das Alter einer Zelle betrachtet werden. In Zellen, die sich sehr häufig teilen müssen, wie Knochenmarkstammzellen oder auch Immunzellen, ergänzt das Enzym Telomerase nach jeder Teilung das fehlende Stück, so dass sich diese Zellen sehr viel häufiger teilen können als andere Körperzellen.
URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-330369,00.html
30.Nov.2004 Bei den Frauen mit dem höchsten Stressniveau waren die Telomere so stark verkürzt, dass ihre Zellen biologisch gesehen rund zehn Jahre älter waren als die von Frauen mit wenig Stress. Die Forscher vermuten, dass eine erhöhte Produktion von Stresshormonen die Bildung der freien Radikale verstärkt. Diese wiederum schädigen die Telomerase. Die beschleunigte zelluläre Alterung sei wahrscheinlich auch der Grund, warum bei Menschen mit Stress Krankheiten wie Herzprobleme und Immunschwäche häufiger auftreten als bei anderen, schreiben die Wissenschaftler
URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-330215,00.html
30.Nov.2004 Hohe Berge + Plateaus können für Pflanzen + Tiere eine entscheidende Barriere für die weitere Ausbreitung sein.
Entsteht ein neues Bergmassiv, kann dies auf beiden Seiten zur Isolation von Populationen und damit zur Entstehung neuer Arten führen.
Es ist daher für Forscher interessant zu wissen, wann in der geologischen Vergangenheit die Berge ihre heutige Größe erreicht haben
URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-330215,00.html
30.Nov.2004 McElwain vom Field Museum in Chicago hat daraus eine einfache Methode entwickelt, die Entstehungsgeschichte der heutigen Berge zu entschlüsseln:
Sie zählte die Anzahl der Poren pro Blatt, leitete daraus die Konzentration von Kohlendioxid ab und konnte so auf die Höhe schließen, schreibt die Geologin in der Dezemberausgabe des Fachmagazins "Geology".
30.Nov.2004 Reform: Uno-Pläne kommen deutschen Interessen entgegen
30.Nov.2004 Interview mit Billy Bob Thornton: "Die Zuschauer werden immer dümmer"
30.Nov.2004 US-Regierung: Heimatschutzminister Tom Ridge tritt zurück
30.Nov.2004 Bundeswehr: Scheinerschießungen bei Antiterror-Training
30.Nov.2004 Generalstreik: Eine Million Italiener auf der Straße
30.Nov.2004 Dokument des Grauens: Wie unter Pinochet gefoltert wurde
30.Nov.2004 Medienbericht: Russische Spezialkräfte sollen in Kiew sein
30.Nov.2004 Börse am Nachmittag: Euro erreicht Rekordhoch von 1,3335 Dollar
30.Nov.2004 CDU und Wertedebatte: Das Problem mit dem Patriotismus
30.Nov.2004 Streitkräfte: 173 Misshandlungsvorwürfe in britischer Kaserne
30.Nov.2004 Umfrage: Jugendliche greifen immer öfter zu Drogen
30.Nov.2004 Ständiger Druck: Stress lässt Zellen um Jahre altern
30.Nov.2004 Ukraine: Opposition bricht Gespräche ab
30.Nov.2004 Geldthemen: Nur 14 Prozent der Frauen sind souverän
30.Nov.2004 Handy-Recycling: Vergrab's hinterm Haus
30.Nov.2004 Tadschikistan: Russland zieht Grenzwächter ab
30.Nov.2004 US-Armee im Irak: Nie fielen in einem Monat mehr GIs
30.Nov.2004 Nachrichten im Web: China blockiert Google-News
30.Nov.2004 Italien: Generalstreik legt das öffentliche Leben lahm
30.Nov.2004 Nahost: Todesurteil für palästinensische Kollaborateure
30.Nov.2004 Indien: Neu Delhi testet atomwaffentaugliche Rakete
30.Nov.2004 Ukraine: Misstrauensvotum gescheitert
30.Nov.2004 Fälschungsvorwurf: Rumäniens Opposition verlangt Annullierung der Wahlen
30.Nov.2004 Vertraulicher Bericht: Rotes Kreuz findet Hinweise auf Folter in Guantanamo
30.Nov.2004 Patriotismus in der Kunst: "Sie trauen sich wieder"
30.Nov.2004 Schwacher Dollar: Euro weiter knapp unter Marke von 1,33
30.Nov.2004 OECD-Prognose: Deutschland steht vor kleinem Wirtschaftsboom
30.Nov.2004 Auf der Jagd: Prinzessin Anne ignoriert Parlamentsbeschluss
30.Nov.2004 Atom-Streit: Iran will Anreicherung nur zeitweise aussetzen
30.Nov.2004 Nobelpreisträger Mundell im Interview: "Unser Währungssystem ist verkommen"
30.Nov.2004 Ukraine: Putin will Ergebnis von Neuwahlen akzeptieren
30.Nov.2004 Luftverschmutzung: Saurer Regen laut Peking außer Kontrolle
30.Nov.2004 Entstehung der Arten: Mysteriöse Explosion des Lebens
30.Nov.2004 Philippinen: Hunderte Tote nach schweren Überflutungen
30.Nov.2004 Kuba: Castro begnadigt politische Gefangene
30.Nov.2004 Opinion: Glimmers of Sanity in Ukraine
30.Nov.2004 Afghanistan: US-Militärmaschine verschollen
30.Nov.2004 Osteuropa-Experte Lindner im Interview: "Keiner wird den ungeteilten Sieg davontragen"
30.Nov.2004 Wirtschaftsweiser Franz: Politik der Wachstumskerne ist gescheitert
30.Nov.2004 Sex, Gerüchte, Video: US-Sender zeigt private Aufnahmen von Diana
30.Nov.2004 Bundesrechnungshof: Private machen die Bundeswehr nicht billiger
30.Nov.2004 Erfolgloser Transrapid: Die Hoffnung ruht auf acht zusätzlichen Kilometern
30.Nov.2004 Patriotismusdebatte: Merkel wettert gegen die Multikultur
30.Nov.2004 Reaktion auf Armutsbericht: SPD-Linke verlangt von Reichen einen Solidarbeitrag
30.Nov.2004 Ukrainische Staatskrise: Neuwahlen rücken in Reichweite
30.Nov.2004 Lochzählung: Blätter verraten Wachstum der Berge
30.Nov.2004 The Death Knell of White Supremacy
The pundits are working overtime carving up the remains of the Kerry [KFJ966] campaign. But the first thing to get straight is, what died here?
If we're fortunate, what died is the last illusion people had about the nature of this system + how to resist or change it.
The corpses available for dissection - the Democratic Party, the 'democratic republic,' + the labor-liberal alliance -- are rotten and stinking zombies with the flesh falling off the bone.
If some good does come from this election, it will grow from the unavoidable recognition that because of white supremacy + the grip of empire, USA is the global bastion of reaction + racism. URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 11.Sep.2001 Phone Calls FBI Says It Never Made
Recently revealed documents, show that the FBI may have been a few phone calls away from the 11.Sep.2001 plot 00.Aug.2001 -In late- .
The FBI is a client of ChoicePoint + for information on people it seeks, regularly taps the largest USA database of public records on individuals .
00.Aug.2001 -In late- the FBI had an investigation underway into two of the men who turned up on 11.Sep.2001 as hijackers.
ChoicePoint had up-to-date telephone listings for both men. The FBI say they never made the call.
See Also: Saudi Arabia Denies Funding Hijackers, FBI Probes URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 "We’re committing genocide in Iraq"
A 12-year Marine veteran, former Staff Sergeant Jimmy Massey's disillusionment began as a recruiter, when he started to question the Marines preying on young people from economically depressed areas.
A 12-year Marine veteran, former Staff Sergeant Jimmy Massey's feelings would soon be deepened by his experience in Iraq.
A 12-year Marine veteran, former Staff Sergeant Jimmy Massey's said that the hostility of the Iraqi people to the presence of the USA military grew exponentially in direct response to the brutal methods employed by USA troops against the entire Iraqi population.
"It’s kind of hard to tell someone that they are being liberated when they just saw their child shot or lost their husband or grandmother."
URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 More: Electoral Security Project >> Also >> URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev
Ukraine's democracy campaign is an USA creation,
a sophisticated + brilliantly conceived exercise in western branding + mass marketing that, in four countries in four years, has been used to try to salvage rigged elections + topple unsavoury regimes.
Funded + organised by the US government, deploying US consultancies, pollsters, diplomats, the two big American parties + USA non-government organisations, in
00.000.2000 the campaign was first used in Europe in Belgrade to beat Slobodan Milosevic at the ballot box. URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 Did Dubbya Pull a November Surprise? Michael Meacher, Lab. MP Ex UK Cabinet Minister
Can we really be sure that this year's result was an accurate reflection of the popular will?
It has emerged that the Diebold Gems software + optical scan voting machines used in counting a high proportion of the votes may not be tamper-proof from hacking, particularly via remote modems.
Perhaps the latest revelations about what happened where electronic systems were used may become known as the "November surprise".. URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 Kerry [KFJ966] clings to hopes of recount victory
"Every vote will be counted + we Democrats aren't afraid to fight to protect voters' rights," said Kerry [KFJ966] spokesman David Wade on Tuesday.
A Kerry [KFJ966] victory in Ohio would be enough to seize the White House.
-yesterday-In another signal a note was posted on the campaign website that called on supporters to contribute to the Kerry [KFJ966]-Edwards 2004 General Election Legal and Accounting Compliance Fund.
URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 Thugs, & Racketeers are Counting American Votes A little-known election company called Sequoia Pacific , which put the current USA "regime" in power four years ago, is again at the center of controversy... for the second Presidential election in a row. URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 Dems Pocket $52 Million, CNN Ignores Evidence + Officials Stonewall... What Vote Fraud? by Bev Harris, BlackBoxVoting URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 We saw Ukrainian presidential election coverage on CNN last night.
It was surreal They were saying that in the Ukraine elections aren't transparent. 'Scuse me?
This, after CNN said they weren't interested in filming 59 orange-tagged records from Volusia, Florida showing that our elections have not been at all transparent + are missing one-third of the key documents entirely. Psst. Don't look here. Look there.
The screen shots of the networked ( ! ) Volusia County GEMS server alone, along with the logs showing attempts to access it remotely, should have hit the national press.
We intereviewed poll workers. On camera.
Showed them the poll tapes we were given by Volusia County.
To a person, they said, with great concern, "That is NOT what we submitted to the county."
And don't forget that in Volusia, poll workers were told to bring their memory cards + poll tapes off to 'drop offs' or 'depots' + it was there that the modem-ing occurred.
We have no information whatsoever on who was in those depots, or what they were doing, or what equipment was there.
Meahwhile a completely irresponsible Kerry [KFJ966] Campaign holds on to a $52 million litigation war chest accumulated from citizen donations for that purpose. ...Continues URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 Planeloads of Russian Special Forces Land in Ukraine
According to Ukrainian media + Viktor Yushchenko's presidential campaign, two Russian aircraft landed at the Kiev's Boryspil international airport today carrying military personnel of the Vitiaz submarine special forces unit.
The troops, estimated at 1,000 in number were transported to Kiev. Their current whereabouts are unknown. URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 Is Annexing Canada on Bush [BGW968]'s Agenda?
Territorial control of Canada is part of a geopolitical + military agenda built on the creation of NORTHCOM - a blatant violation of both Canadian + Mexican territorial sovereignty.
00.000.2002 Donald Rumsfeld unilaterally declared that US Northern Command would have jurisdiction over the entire North American region.
This "Binational integration" of military command comes along with changes in immigration, law enforcement and intelligence. URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 Executions, Beheadings & Other Propaganda Operations
The pattern has been consistent + obvious.
Every report or scandal detrimental to the USA-UK war agenda has been followed, within hours, with shocking executions (real + staged) attributed to "terrorist insurgents," despite questionable circumstances, non-verifiable evidence + unreliable sources.
The cover-up is thanks to deliberate Pentagon blackouts of reporting + the disinformation-laden + Bush [BGW968]-controlled corporate media. URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 Observers: Bush [BGW968] Won by Election Abuses MUST READ
30.Nov.2004 Ukraine gripped by standoff as opposition cries foul
30.Nov.2004 Ukrainian Kerry [KFJ966] Yushchenko Announces Victory, Says Election Results "Falsified"
30.Nov.2004 A highly dubious result [Ukraine not USA] URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 Internet Abuzz with Election Conspiracy Theories
More than two weeks after Sen. Kerry [KFJ966] conceded defeat + urged national unity, the Internet is still ablaze with accusations + theories about alleged voting irregularities, rigged equipment, machines that counted backward or stopped counting + all manner of mishap from incompetence to corruption and outright fraud.
30.Nov.2004 Propaganda: Liberals, the election is over, live with it
30.Nov.2004 Reality: Group wants probe into fraud in Duluth and several states URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 Activists protest electronic voting Organizers said the presidential election results are tainted because electronic voting machines in parts of the country were inaccurate or biased.
30.Nov.2004 Portland protest Portland Photos
30.Nov.2004 Protest Details URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 ES&S Employee found on Auglaize County, OH Computer! Just weeks before election! County had 4th highest Bush [BGW968] vote percentage in the state!
30.Nov.2004 10,000 Extra Votes Added in Nebraska County! Another ES&S computer "failure".
30.Nov.2004 50,000 Votes LOST in LaPorte County, IN County! Another ES&S "failure" in a heavily Democratic county.
30.Nov.2004 Additionally, reports of yet another Indiana county where Congressional results are in doubt - -due to revelations from nearby Franklin County where a recount was held after the op-scan counted Democratic votes as Libertarian votes!
See: Election Worker Refuses to Lie for ES&S
30.Nov.2004 Also stunning reports 1 2 3 of illegally installed software in 00.Apr.2004 add to already-horrific mess! URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 Anti-war Woman, 89, Heads to Jail
Lillian Willoughby, a Deptford Quaker who will turn 90 in 00.Jan.2005 has gone to jail to protest the war in Iraq.
She rose from her wheelchair, gave her husband of 64 years, George, a hug and a kiss + disappeared into the federal detention center.
Addressing a group of about 50 supporters who gathered a block away, Willoughby said nonviolence isn't something that just happens. "You have to learn to do it," she said, "to train for change." URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 Where There's Smoke... ...Sometimes There's Just Smoke
Jeff Fisher's story was and is compelling at first blush, though spare in key details.
Jeff Fisher writes at varying coherency about mysterious meetings in parking lots, a conspiracy to hack the vote from a computer lab at the Bay Point School for delinquent boys in Florida, wiretaps, computer professors + informants who feared for their own life. Wild stuff.
30.Nov.2004 See also: Restoring Trust in the Vote
30.Nov.2004 See also: Debunking the CyberNet junk URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
30.Nov.2004 It's the Media, Stupid [for the umpteenth time] Bush [BGW968]’s electoral victory is chilling proof that the conservatives have achieved dominance over the flow of information to the USA people.
In contrast to the Right’s media juggernaut, the Left relies on a scattered network of cash-strapped Web sites, a few struggling magazines + a couple of hand-to-mouth satellite TV networks. URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
11.Sep.2001-30.Nov.2004 The Smoke Clears Three years after the attacks, 11.Sep.2001 Visibility Project opens Coloradans' eyes
Awkward is one word to describe how the three stand, huddled, coffeeless in a coffee shop in Fort Collins.
Casually dressed, young and well groomed, they don’t look like a bunch of conspiracy theorists out to expose government treachery --then again, maybe they look exactly that.
The uneasiness slowly dissipates, though, when they finally sit down over cappuccinos + begin to explain how in the past year they went from closet skeptics to some of Northern Colorado’s most vocal critics of USA s role in the 11.Sep.2001 terrorist attacks...Read on
See also : Secrets and Lies of 11.Sep.2001 URL: https://www.kathymcmahon.utvinternet.com/mrn/
URL: https://okimc.org/newswire.php?story_id=344&print_page=true
18.Nov.2004 Rural Counties Affected - Vote Fraud Suspected Rural Oklahoma Voting machines know how to count backwards.
(Oklahoma City) - Rural Oklahoma Voting machines know how to count backwards.
That looks like what the secretly programmed machines did for Sen. Kerry [KFJ966] in President Bush [BGW968]'s easily won Presidential Election victory in Oklahoma.
All 77 counties use the Optech Eagle voting machines and Tabulator's made by ES&S, Sen Hagel's republican company.
03.Nov.2004 The respectable, conservative "Tulsa World" newspaper reported that Kerry [KFJ966] was winning in 57 of the states's rural counties., with 70% of the vote counted.
Turns out that the famous 03.Nov.2004 report was probably not supposed to be printed.
It represented the counting when the tabulating was about 70% "complete," as they used to say in the old Soviet Unon.
The "official" State of Oklahoma Election Board vote totals released later show Kerry [KFJ966] not winning; but, losing in all the state's 77 counties, including the 57 rural counties.
Yea, somebody really messed up, big time + published a partially completed + I guess you would haver to call it, "fixed" vote.
A simple comparison of total votes for Kerry [KFJ966] between the staid establishment mouthpiece, the "Tulsa World" newspaper and the so-called "official" final vote totals at the State Election Board show fewer votes for Kerry [KFJ966] in 57 counties than the "Tulsa World" does.
Fifty-seven of the 57 counties clearly demonstrate that Sen Kerry [KFJ966] lost 37,982 votes to the ES&S Optech Machines.
During the same time period President Bush [BGW968] gained a whooping 393,825 votes.
Nice, slick, easy way to win an election. As a man once said "He stole it fair and square!"
In other words, Kerry [KFJ966] lost votes already cast by voters. The voting machines counted backwards. What could be simpler than that?
Who programs these things, eh? Why, ES&S Corp., of course.
It turns out the every vote in the state, all 1.4 Million of them cast, were counted on the same type of flawed machine, programmed originally by the Hagel's ES&S company.
29.Nov.2004 Mainstream: The New York Times and Newsweek finally acknowledge (in a weak, but not timely fashion) that our elections have problems. Newsweek tells us we have "four more years" to get it right.
00.Nov.2000 That's what they said in; the problem with that attitude became clear as early as 2002. URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
29.Nov.2004 Oklahoma no t OK: The opening of this story says it all:
Rural Oklahoma Voting machines know how to count backwards.
That looks like what the secretly programmed machines did for Sen. Kerry [KFJ966] in President Bush [BGW968]'s easily won Presidential Election victory in Oklahoma.
All 77 counties use the Optech Eagle voting machines and Tabulator's made by ES&S, Sen Hagel's republican company.
Prove vote fraud in one place + you indicate it elsewhere.
And before a debunker spouts: "But polls prove Oklahoma was a red state to begin with!:" Padding the Bush [BGW968] vote in a red state increased his popular vote "mandate." URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
29.Nov.2004 A reader named Markus expanded on this information. He draws our attention to the tallies mentioned the Tulsa World, then to the "more final" figures published by CNN:
Just look at the very first county in the Tulsa World link to see an example of the problem;
Kerry [KFJ966] had 3704 votes in Adair with 70% of the vote counted (according to the local paper), but only 2560 votes after they were all counted (according to CNN link). URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
29.Nov.2004 Olbermann versus Madsen: You can read Olbermann's blistering riposte to Wayne Madsen's work here.
Olbermann makes some good points, but I think Madsen's previous story about Iran should be placed in context. URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/
29.Nov.2004 Ukraine: Opposition will Regierung zum Rücktritt zwingen
29.Nov.2004 Video-Botschaft: Al-Qaida kündigt dauerhaften Kampf gegen USA an
29.Nov.2004 Kriegsverbrechen: US-Menschenrechtler verklagen Rumsfeld in Deutschland
29.Nov.2004 Israel: Scharons Regierung vor dem Bruch
29.Nov.2004 Freche Kollegen: Chaos Computer Club wurde gehackt
29.Nov.2004 Anträge zur Ausländerpolitik: Rot-Grün und Union wollen Islam-Unterricht fördern
29.Nov.2004 Neuwahlen in Ukraine: Kutschmas Vorschlag stört Oppositionspläne
29.Nov.2004 Gesunkene "Prestige": Katastrophen-Kapitän darf nach Hause
29.Nov.2004 Medizingeschichte: Sklaverei am Krankenbett
29.Nov.2004 Unterstützung für Ukraine: Sting und Gottschalk machen mit bei Klitschko-Kampagne
29.Nov.2004 A350-Verkaufsstart: Boeing hält Airbus für nicht konkurrenzfähig
29.Nov.2004 Ukraine: Oberstes Gericht enscheidet frühestens Dienstag
29.Nov.2004 Ukraine: Im Osten wächst der Zorn
29.Nov.2004 Digitale Kino-Revolution: Bit, Byte, Blockbuster
29.Nov.2004 Einwohner-Meldedaten: EU baut europäisches Register auf
29.Nov.2004 Referendum: Schweizer wollen Stammzellforschung
29.Nov.2004 Madrid-Anschläge: Aznar bestreitet Irreführung der Bevölkerung
29.Nov.2004 Ukraine: Ex-Präsident Krawtschuk für Wahlwiederholung
29.Nov.2004 Neues Wall-Street-Magazin: Anleitung für Verschwender
29.Nov.2004 Millionen Haushalte betroffen: Gasversorger berechnen mehr, als sie liefern
29.Nov.2004 Ziviler Ungehorsam: Frau verweigert Polizeikontrolle
29.Nov.2004 Wahlen: Fälschungsvorwürfe auch in Rumänien
29.Nov.2004 Wasser-Sprinter: Das Geheimnis der Jesus-Echse
29.Nov.2004 Naturkatastrophe: Schweres Erdbeben in Japan
29.Nov.2004 UK Affären-Trubel: Sex and the City
29.Nov.2004 Mysteriöser Massentod: 120 Wale und Delfine an zwei Inseln gestrandet
29.Nov.2004 Ultimatum in der Ukraine: "Die Lage ist im Moment hochexplosiv"
29.Nov.2004 Terror-Abwehr: Bush [BGW968] plant geheime Kommandos mit Elitekämpfern
29.Nov.2004 Jordanien: König entmachtet seinen Halbbruder
29.Nov.2004 Pakistan: Atomwaffenfähige Rakete getestet
29.Nov.2004 Chile: Entschädigung für Pinochets Opfer
29.Nov.2004 Nordirland-Konflikt: Bush [BGW968] schaltet sich ein
29.Nov.2004 Wahlen in Rumänien: Postkommunisten liegen vorn
29.Nov.2004 Oberstes Gericht berät über Wahlergebnis
29.Nov.2004 Heute berät das Oberste Gericht der Ukraine über die Vorwürfe der Wahlfälschung.
27.Nov.2004 -Am Samstag- hatte das ukrainische Parlament "grobe Verstöße gegen das Wahlgesetz" festgestellt + eine Annullierung der Stichwahl gefordert.
Juschtschenko hatte Einspruch gegen das Ergebnis vom 21.Nov.2004 eingelegt.
Seine Mitstreiterin Julia Timoschenko forderte den scheidenden Präsidenten Kutschma ultimativ auf, den prorussischen Janukowitsch bis heute Abend zu entlassen.
Die Entscheidung des Obersten Gerichts könnte Janukowitsch als Nachfolger von Kutschma bestätigen oder den Weg für Neuwahlen ebnen, wie sie Juschtschenko fordert.
Timoschenko erklärte gestern Abend vor rund 100.000 Demonstranten in Kiew, die Oppositionsbewegung werde die Bewegungsfreiheit von Präsident Kutschma einschränken, wenn er Janukowitsch nicht entlasse.
`Wir wissen, wo er sich aufhält + wir können ihn daran hindern, auch nur einen Schritt zu tun", warnte Timoschenko.
Sie gehört zu den führenden Verbündeten Juschtschenkos, vertritt aber teilweise einen radikaleren Kurs als dieser.
29.Nov.2004 Auch heute Morgen gab es wieder Demonstrationen der Oppositionsbewegung für Juschtschenko.URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-330110,00.html
29.Nov.2004 Ukraine: Osten droht mit Abspaltung