23.Apr.2006 MIHOP II Watch: BIZARRE story of the week... Apparent nuclear terrorism/coverup Excellent thread at DU - somehow the moderators missed this one! https://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=364x972788 Fortunately, humans tend to be highly adaptable beings + most are able to go on with their daily tasks without dwelling on potential doomsday scenarios. In fact, people have become so desensitized to the threat of nuclear holocaust that those who still believe American propaganda are more terrified of religious fanatics wielding box cutters than they are of an ICBM capable of annihilating millions... https://www.uruknet.info/?p=22701 The Nazi analogy adduced by Dr Kendall-Smith in his defence is germane. The Nazis killed 1.5 million Jewish children during WWII. So far, the post-1990 Iraqi infant mortality totals 1.6 million + the post-2003 infant mortality totals 0! .4 million - 90% of these deaths have been AVOIDABLE + have occurred through the non-provision by the Occupying Coalition of the life-preserving requisites demanded by the Geneva Conventions. The under-5 infant mortality in Iraq (post-1990) + Afghanistan (post-2001) have been 1.6 million + 1.4 million, respectively + now total 3.0 million. How many infants have to be murdered before the world cries "enough is enough"... https://www.uruknet.info/?p=22692 Donald Rumsfeld is not going anywhere, not anymore than Cheney is (short of a heart attack). Rumsfeld + Cheney are integral to the Straussian neocon hold on both the Pentagon and the Oval Office (...) It s said Rumsfeld has to go because Iraq is a disaster. I beg to differ?things are going swimmingly for the Straussian neocons in Iraq. Bush never intended! to bestow democracy on the Iraqi people, as claimed + we all know about the weapons of mass destruction that never were (and a few of us said this in late 2002, as the Office of Special Plans began to circulate its propaganda and lies to the likes of Judith Miller at the New York Times). All of it was and is a smokescreen for the real deal fomenting "civil war" + eventually breaking Iraq up into three pieces based along ethnic + religious lines (all the better to rule + divide + steal oil + water + other natural resources, not to mention turning millions of people into a pool of cheap labor, as the Israelis have done over the years to the Palestinians)... https://www.uruknet.info/?p=22693 In the 1960s, thousands of American GIs rebelled against the Vietnam War, changing the course of U.S. history + society. No film has ever told their story... until now. Are you or do you know someone serving in or in support of Iraq or Afghanistan? For a limited time only IVAW and Displaced Films is proud to offer 500 free copies of Sir! No Sir! to members of the military who are serving overseas. This award winning document! ary uncovers the untold story of the antiwar movement within the military during the Vietnam era. To learn more about the film and watch the trailer, go to www.sirnosir.com ... https://www.uruknet.info/?p=22716 https://www.uruknet.info/?p=22704 https://www.uruknet.info/?p=22706 https://www.uruknet.info/?p=22711 https://www.uruknet.info/?p=22707 https://www.uruknet.info/?p=22717 Whiskey Bar The congressional Dems show us what they're made of. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go scrape the rest of it off my shoes. As rhetoric builds, Democrats in Congress lie low on Iran Most aides refused to speculate whether Democrats might support a military operation in Iran. Several aides acknowledged, however, that some Democrats in Congress could support a military strike . . . Any military action Democrats supported, one aide said, would not include the use of nuclear weapons. Unless, of course, it tests well with the focus groups. (From Raw Story, via Cursor.) 22.Sep.2001 -Posted- “Sources tell TIME that US officials are investigating whether the hijackers had accomplices deep inside the airports’ “secure” areas ” Investigators are not yet certain how these weapons came to be on board the aircraft. But they increasingly believe that the weapons may have been prepositioned by accomplices for use by others. As one US official told ... Link The number of such incidents is enormous + they seem to be growing in frequency. How this activity will result at the end of the day in a positive outcome for the lobby or for Israel is difficult to imagine.] https://www.juancole.com/2006/04/golden-oldie-character-assassination.html Informed Comment Thursday, April 20, 2006 A Golden Oldie: Character Assassination You really only have to write the reply once; the smears don't change over time. Never mind what the “left-wing activist” Thierry Meyssan claims—how do you, Ms. Stillwell, explain a huge jet airliner disappearing inside a sixteen foot hole, strewing no debris, luggage, seats, or bodies + leaving the front lawn of the Pentagon as pristine as a putting green? Instead of explaining this, you seem more interested in making Meyssan out as a deluded “conspiracist.” But then that seems to be the purpose of your entire article—to make all of us who have questions out to be wild-eyed conspiracy nuts. Facts do not seem to interest you because you are going for the throat. I’ll leave alone your mention of antisemitism. It is simply too absurd to cover in any detail. All I will say is you can really tell somebody is desperate to defame and belittle when they drag out the old antisemitism canard. Of course, there are other fallacies you mention + cite as if gospel truth (in particular about flight 93 and Pennsylvania) but this email is already far too long. Suffice it to say, as a “conservative” (or neocon), you have managed to create yet another flaccid hit piece, excoriating honest people as kooks and anti-Semites. I am not really surprised the San Francisco Chronicle has deemed it appropriate to publish your half-baked screed—but then that is how the corporate media earns its livelihood, selling government propaganda and unfairly characterizing Americans with questions about what really happened on nine eleven as nut cases essentially doing little more than falling “back on familiar demons,” sort of like a schizophrenic sans medication. It may work in the short run, Ms. Stillwell. But in the long run the truth about nine eleven will come out. Dare I speculate you will be writing about gardening for the San Francisco Chronicle when that time finally arrives? Comments A CONTRACTOR in Iraq has pleaded guilty to providing money, sex and designer watches to US officials in exchange for more than $US8 million ($10.8 million) in reconstruction contracts. Philip Bloom faces up to 40 years in prison after admitting paying more than $US2 million in bribes to US officials with the Coalition Provisional Authority, which ruled Iraq after the US-led invasion in 2003. Bloom's guilty plea on bribery + money-laundering charges is the latest development in a widening corruption scandal centred on a network of US civilians + military officials who worked out of a coalition outpost in the south-central Iraqi town of Hillah. Er tituliert Hartz IV als "offenen Vollzug" und meint, dass die Zeiten der Vollbeschäftigung endgültig vorbei seien. Allerdings war bislang nicht davon zu hören, dass die Beschäftigten der dm-Märkte in einem Arbeiterparadis schaffen. Wish it were in HTML but the PDF is here. Also, see the list of legal actions against bloggers maintained most helpfully by Eric Robinson of the Media Law Research Center. And while we’re ... no doubt to make it easier to torture people + make Real Life Snuff Movies + Porn Videos, but it is NOT okay to leak the information out? It's okay for Bush to Leak classified info to destroy the credibility of a detractor, but anyone else who ... No wonder President Bush's approval rating is at a dismal 36%. Here are some recent Bush quotes on his job analysis of his fellow Republicans: "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." President Bush to then-FEMA Director Michael Brown, 02.Sep.2005 . "(Rumsfeld's) done a heck of a good job." President Bush on Rumsfeld. Fox News Interview with Brit Hume, 14.Dec.2005 . How have the Spanish press and the public opinion welcomed your book about September 11 and especially your assertion on the crashing of no plane in the Pentagon? Very well, neither the public nor the press believe the official version. Three of the four big national journals have written about it. I have received many e-mails supporting and congratulating me. 11.Sep.2001 -three years after- the question everybody has been asking is: where is the plane and the passengers? Cardeñosa also interviewed Mohamed Atta’s last flying instructor several times. He was Ivan Chirivella, a Spanish who immigrated to the USA to be a professional tennis player but ended up as a flying instructor. When Cardeñosa asked Chirivella his opinion about Atta’s piloting feat (crashing the Boeing into the Tower) Chirivella said that was impossible for Atta did not have the capacity to do such a maneuver, that when he quit school he almost didn’t know anything. According to Chirivella, Atta could have only done that if he had started to fly the plane one or two seconds before the crash. Currently, Chrivella is a pilot of Iberia Company + after many years living in Miami without committing any crime, the American authorities have forbidden his entrance in the USA. Obviously, Chirivella is a witness who has troubled the «official version». 00.Sep.2003 The second book was published. It was titled: “Historia de una infamia, las mentiras de la versión official” (9/11: The History of a Sacrilege, The Lies of the Official Version) (Corona Boralis). Its author was Madrilenian independent journalist Bruno Cardeñosa. Cardeñosa’s work was an outstanding investigation that helped to understand a little bit more the events of 11.Sep.2001 . For instance, Mohamed Atta, who’s been presented as a fervent fundamentalist Muslim, lived in Miami + had a relationship with Amanda Keller, an American woman who was involved in prostitution + strip-tease shows. Witnesses or people who knew her have affirmed they had seen Mohamed Atta + Keller drinking alcohol + taking drugs + even eating pork, something that is completely impossible for a Muslim. Other witnesses confirmed Atta + Keller lived together + had an affair. An Independent American journalist who work for local newspapers in Miami wrote about this but the information was never made known. Nowadays, nobody knows where Amanda Keller is. 00.000.2003 -two books written by Hispanic journalists were published in Spain. Both titles affirmed no aircraft, but a missile, crashed into the Pentagon. The first book published was “Jefe Atta, el secreto de la casa Blanca Blanca” (Chief Atta, the Secret of the White House)(Janet & Plaza publishing house), written by journalist Pilar Urbano. Despite the fact that the book was not a rigorous investigation + was full of misleading information, what has made it interesting + revealing, is that it was Pilar Urbano, a member of the Opus Dei, politically closed to the Spanish Right + the former government of José María Aznar, the person who wrote it + defended such thesis. Pilar Urbano is the official biographer of the Kings of Spain + a friend of Mr. Trillo, former Minister of Defense of the Aznar administration, who supported the American invasion of Iraq. -the amount of intellectuals, journalists + thinkers who say the “official version” did not reveal the whole truth or that the public opinion has been deceived or manipulated, have increased. In a certain way, all this is true, especially in the USA, because, as filmmaker Michael Moore, author of Fahrenheit 9/11, has put it: «I wouldn’t be so famous today if the American press would have done its job» . Turns out it's a pricey web prank with mocked up action. A case moving through the appellate courts, pitting Apple against three online journalists, may provide the answer. But Washington's version would help criminals more than victims. Commentary by Bruce Schneier. "The New York Times has a rather lengthy, but informative, piece on the origins of Google's current Chinese search engine, as well as a very informative look at how censoring is actually done in China. From the article: 'Are there gradations of censorship, better and worse ways to limit information? In America, that seems like an intolerable question -- the end of the conversation. But in China, as Google has discovered, it is just the beginning.'" We so misunderstand the emotion, it's considered negative, but it doesn't have to be aimed at anything, it can just be. And when it's expressed, things change. "When a friend changes you can find the bond that's connecting you at a deeper level." The great 20th century writer W Somerset Maugham had something to say about this. "We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person." 00.000.0863-00.000.0889 LIUTBERT, Erzbischof von Mainz Geburtsdatum unbekannt. ... Festschrift für W. Schröder, Berlin 1974, 213-240; - K. Schmid, Liutbert von Mainz und ... https://www.bautz.de/bbkl/l/liutbert.shtml Cod. Pal. lat. 52: Otfrid von Weißenburg, Evangelienbuch Weißenburg. Um 00.000.0870 . Weitere Informationen: Projektseite. Kapitel:, 2r Lat. Widmungsbrief an Erzbischof Liutbert von Mainz ("Liutbertbrief") ... https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/sammlung2/werk/cpl52.xml?docname=cpl5 War Liutbert Exponent jener Richtung, die dem Auseinanderfallen des Reiches ... https://perso.wanadoo.es/ralf55/history/Nachfolge5.html 00.000.0762 Berthelmus (); 00.000.0768-00.000.0777-00.000.782 Ricolf (); 00.000.0748/00.000.0747-00.000.0818 Hildebold (); 00.000.0819-00.000.0841 Hadebald (); 00.000.0842-00.000.0848/00.000.0849 Hilduin (); 00.000.0850-00.000.0863 Gunthar () ... 00.Mai 0876 Erstmalige Erwähnung auf einer Reichsversammlung in Ingelheim einen Streit zwischen dem Erzbischof Liutbert von Mainz und Abt Sigihard von Fulda über den Zehnten in ... https://www.witzenhausen.de/werleshausen/geschich/urkunde.htm 00.000.0870 Le départ de Grimald en- et la nomination de l'archevêque Liutbert de Mayence marquèrent le début d'une union durable entre la charge d'archichapelain et ... https://theses.enc.sorbonne.fr/document40.html Liutbert , 842. Hilduin, 842 · 848/9 · Gunthar · 850 · 863 · Willibert · 870 · 889. Hermann I. 889/90 · 924 · Wichfrid · 924 · 953. Brun(o) I. von Sachsen ... https://www.panathonmestre.it/e/er/erzbischof_von_koln.html Liutpert Liutpert or Liutbert (d. 702 ) was the Lombard king of Italy from 00.000.0700-00.000.0702 , with interruption. https://www.answers.com/topic/liutpert Charles the Fat, Charles the Bald, Louis the German, Middle Ages, Louis the Younger, Louis the Pious, Annals of Fulda, Deeds of Charlemagne, Liutbert of ... Die Berichte über geheime CIA-Gefängnisse im Ausland in der "Washington Post" und über den Lauschangriff des Geheimdienstes NSA auf US-Bürger in der "New York Times" hatten weltweit für Aufsehen gesorgt. Die Regierung von US-Präsident Bush geriet in arge Erklärungsnöte. In Europa führte der Artikel über die CIA-Gefängnisse zu Ermittlungen über geheime Gefangenentransporte und Foltermethoden. CIA-Direktor Porter Goss hatte im Februar vor dem Geheimdienstausschuss des Senats angekündigt, dass er mit aller Macht nach den undichten Stellen in seiner Organisation suchen werde. Goss drohte auch Journalisten, sie vor Gericht zur Preisgabe ihrer vertraulichen Quellen zu zwingen. McCarthy hat ihre Karriere im Auslandsgeheimdienst 1984 als Analystin begonnen und einen steilen Aufstieg absolviert. 00.000.1996-00.000.2001 -während der Regierungszeit von Bill Clinton + in den ersten Monaten nach der Amtsübernahme durch George W. Bush, war McCarthy als Sonderassistentin des Präsidenten im Weißen Haus tätig. Anschließend ist sie zur CIA zurückgekehrt. Die CIA hat eine hochrangige Mitarbeiterin gefeuert, weil sie den Medien geheime Informationen verraten haben soll. Die Beamtin hatte als Sonderassistentin der US-Präsidenten Bill Clinton und George W. Bush jahrelang im Weißen Haus gearbeitet. Washington - Die US-Regierung führt ihre Kampagne gegen Beamte, die Informationen an Journalisten weitergeben, mit unverminderter Härte fort. Jetzt wurde eine langjährige Mitarbeiterin des US-Auslandsgeheimdienstes CIA wegen unerlaubten Kontakten zu Medienvertretern entlassen. Die Frau soll unter anderem Gespräche mit der Journalistin Dana Priest von der "Washington Post" geführt haben, berichtete das Blatt. Priest wurde in dieser Woche für ihre Beiträge über geheime CIA-Gefängnisse im Ausland mit dem Pulitzer-Preis ausgezeichnet, der höchsten Würdigung für journalistische Arbeit in den USA. Unterwasser-Sandsturm durch Hurrikan Ivan verursachte also einen regelrechten Unterwasser-Sandsturm, berichtet das Team im Fachmagazin "Geophysical Research Letters". Trotz der Metallgehäuse zum Schutz der Instrumente, drang Sand in die Messgeräte ein und verstopfte eine Station sogar vollkommen. Ausgehend von der Menge des fehlenden Sandes an den beiden Messorten rechneten die Forscher hoch, dass Ivan mehr als 100 Millionen Kubikmeter Material aufgewühlt und an anderer Stelle wieder abgeladen hat. Das Meiste davon, so Teague, sei wahrscheinlich auf dem Kontinentalschelf nahe des Mississippi-Deltas gelandet. An diesem Punkt gesellt sich zu Messung und Schätzung bei den Forschern eine gehörige Portion Phantasie hinzu: 22.Apr.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-412359,00.html 00.000.2004 -Als Ivan seine Bahn zog, hatten Teague + seine Kollegen sechs Messstationen am Meeresgrund eingerichtet, um Veränderungen in Wassertiefe, Druck und Strömung zu messen. Nach dem Sturm stellten die Forscher fest, dass an zwei Messstationen 30 Zentimeter Meeresboden abgetragen wurde. "Die Geräte zeigten sofort nach dem Passieren des Wirbelsturms die neue Tiefe an", sagt Teague. In einem weiteren Video erklärte Ecko die Gründe für die spektakuläre Aktion: Die Gründerväter der USA hätten Traditionen und Konventionen abgelehnt und das Land so zum freiesten Ort der Welt gemacht. "Die wahrscheinlich größte Verantwortung des Präsidenten ist es, unsere Freiheit zu schützen", lautet Eckos bissiger Kommentar. Und das höchste Gut sei das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung. Wie viel die Aktion gekostet hat, wollte Ecko nicht verraten. "Billig war es nicht", sagte er. "Man muss schon reich sein." "Ich wollte etwas kulturell Bedeutendes machen und einen echten Moment der Popkultur schaffen", sagte Marc Ecko, Inhaber einer New Yorker Modefirma und Urheber des Videos. Die Aktion sei "völlig respektlos" und eigentlich leicht als Spaß zu erkennen: Dass eine "eine Fünf-Dollar-Spraydose diesem Riesen einen Pickel verpasst", sei in Wirklichkeit niemals denkbar. "Marc Ecko Enterprises befürwortet keine illegalen Handlungen, Vandalismus oder die Zerstörung fremden Eigentums", heißt es auf der Webseite des Unternehmens. "Wir befürworten jedoch die freie Meinungsäußerung und Graffiti als eine anerkannte Kunstform." "Wir sehen uns das an", sagte Bruce Alexander, Sprecher der US-Luftwaffeneinheit, die für den Betrieb der Präsidenten-Maschine verantwortlich ist. "Es sieht sehr real aus." Kein Wunder, denn die vermeintlichen Vandalen hatten weder Kosten noch Arbeit gescheut. Sie hatten nicht etwa ein digitales Abbild der "Air Force One" in ein Allerweltsvideo eingebaut, sondern in Kalifornien eine echte Boeing 747 gemietet. Unter strengster Geheimhaltung wurde die Maschine umgespritzt - so dass sie am Ende dem Dienstflugzeug des US-Präsidenten täuschend ähnlich sah. Die Arbeiter, die den Jet auf dem Flughafen in San Bernardino bemalt haben, mussten Medienberichten zufolge sogar schriftlich ihr Stillschweigen zusichern. Air-Force-Sprecher Alexander musste später einräumen, dass man einer Täuschung aufgesessen sei. Es war das zweite Mal innerhalb weniger Tage, dass die "Air Force One" für Schlagzeilen sorgte. Erst vergangene Woche wurde bekannt, dass die US-Luftwaffe versehentlich als geheim eingestufte Sicherheitsdaten über das Präsidenten-Flugzeug im Internet veröffentlicht hatte. 22.Apr.2006 9/11-Film: Irakischer Schauspieler bangt um US-Visum 22.Apr.2006 Tschernobyl: Besuch in der Sperrzone 22.Apr.2006 Proteste in Nepal: Polizei feuert auf Demonstranten 22.Apr.2006 Eigenkomposition: Berlusconi singt von seinem Abschied Wheaton College President Duane Litfin described the school as "a ... www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-prof10.html yglesias.typepad.com/matthew/2004/09/the_hawk_of_lib.html And we can do an excellent job of preventing asteroids hitting the earth if we dump enough money . left2right.typepad.com/main/2004/12/is_terrorism_im.html If the powers that be don't want it here, then they should make it possible for us to do it somewhere else. ... socialdemocrats.org 22.Apr.2006 Rising Oil Prices Worry Finance Ministers 4/22 22.Apr.2006 Founded in 1970, It's Earth Day -- And We're Still Here. That's Always an Uncertainty, With Bush in the White House. 4/22 22.Apr.2006 Hypnose im OP: In Trance unterm Messer "Engadget reports that in a speech at Tuskegee University, President Bush claims that government research developed the iPod." From the article: "While we have to gratefully acknowledge the efforts of government agencies such as DARPA in some of the fields mentioned by the President, we also feel obligated to point out the accomplishments of private companies in the US and abroad, including IBM, Hitachi and Toshiba -- not to mention the Fraunhofer Institute, which developed the original MP3 codec ..." "The Robot Hall of Fame 2006 inductees have been announced! The induction ceremony will be at the RoboBusiness Conference in Pittsburgh on 21.Jun.2006 Anthony Daniels portrayer of C3PO, will be master of ceremonies. The selected robots are: AIBO, SCARA, David (A.I.), Gort (The Day the Earth Stood Still) + Maria (Metropolis). The announcement was made in conjunction with the 50th anniversary celebration of the computer science department at CMU (formerly CIT)." "The blog MusicThing is running an interesting interview with Andy Moorer. Mr. Moorer is the man who created the sound called Deep Note, now heard in every THX-enabled movie theatre. The interview is originally from last year, but the tech-heavy discussion is still a timeless analysis of a great sound." From the article: "The score consists of a C program of about 20,000 lines of code. The output of this program is not the sound itself, but is the sequence of parameters that drives the oscillators on the ASP. That 20,000 lines of code produce about 250,000 lines of statements of the form "set frequency of oscillator X to Y Hertz. The oscillators were not simple - they had 1-pole smoothers on both amplitude and frequency. At the beginning, they form a cluster from 200 to 400 Hz. I randomly assigned and poked the frequencies so they drifted up and down in that range." "The final day of arguments takes place today in Santa Clara, CA, in the suit between Apple and the bloggers who outed their secrets." From the article: "Apple often dispatched cease and desist letters to the editors or these sites or initiated internal investigations to smoke out which of its employees were leaking information. But the lawsuit against the Power Page marked the first time that Apple attempted to use California law protecting corporate trade secrets to suppress the early disclosure of its product development plans by a Web media outlet. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is representing the Does, or the unnamed sources of the alleged information leak, contends that a ruling in this case could set a precedent that determines whether online sites can qualify as journalists who can work under First Amendment protections" "Anne Applebaum writes in the Washington Post about environmentalists who are opposing renewable energy sources." From the article: "Already, activists and real estate developers have stalled projects across Pennsylvania, West Virginia and New York. In Western Maryland, a proposal to build wind turbines alongside a coal mine, on a heavily logged mountaintop next to a transmission line, has just been nixed by state officials who called it too environmentally damaging. Along the coast of Nantucket, Mass. -- the only sufficiently shallow spot on the New England coast -- a coalition of anti-wind groups + summer homeowners, among them the Kennedy family, also seems set to block Cape Wind, a planned offshore wind farm. Their well-funded lobbying last month won them the attentions of Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska), who, though normally an advocate of a state's right to its own resources, has made an exception for Massachusetts + helped pass an amendment designed to kill the project altogether." "A report in the Wall Street Journal today talks about how eBay is looking for partners to defend against the growing threat of Google. Specifically, Google Base + the payment system in the works in Mountain View are seen as possible dangers to eBay's auctions + PayPal payment operations, says the report. Google Talk just throws some salt in the wounds by looking for a toehold in Skype's turf." "C|Net has an article up discussing a new way to win the patent race; hook up with the inventors." From the article: "'They are more concept type of patents. It is a very blue sky kind of thing,' Langer said of the patents that Intellectual Ventures is trying to develop. By contrast, the type of patents that Langer continues to file on his own are typically based on several years of lab research and targeted at very specific ideas, he said. Other researchers working with the firm include Eric Leuthardt, a neurosurgeon with St. Louis' Washington University + Muriel Ishikawa, a physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. " "Cosmologists have begun thinking that yet another fundamental constant of nature is, er, not constant. The constant in question is the ratio of a proton's mass to that of an electron. It governs the strong nuclear force but there's no explanation for why that ratio should be constant. If true it would provide support for string theory, which predicts extra spatial dimensions." From the article: "Researchers at the Free University in Amsterdam in the Netherlands and the European Southern Observatory in Chile discovered the variation in mu. They did it by comparing the spectrum of molecular hydrogen gas in the laboratory to what it was in quasars 12 billion light years away. The spectrum depends on the relative masses of protons and electrons in the molecule." "An article at CNN's website reports on a serious software bug at the Atlanta airport." From the article: "TSA screeners are given tests around the clock to check their alertness. Images of bombs + other suspicious devices that are hard to detect are put up on the X-ray machine, followed after a brief delay by an alert that reads, 'This is a test.' After reviewing a tape of the images, Hawley said the software failed to alert the screener of the test." "Next week, Microsoft will launch a challenge against the European Union's highest court. The European Commission will need to decide if they are to overturn the EU Court's 2004 Anti-Trust case ruling. Amid arguments over the usual suspects like Windows Media Player, one of the key points of the CNN article that caught my attention was this quote from a EU Commission lawyer stating that Microsoft aims 'to eliminate the openness of the Internet, to proprietize the Internet, the lawyer said, adding the groundwork will be laid in Microsoft's forthcoming new operating system, Vista.'" "Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has suggested a mandatory website self-rating system. The system, very similar to one suggested under Clinton's administration, would require by law all commercial websites to place 'marks and notices' on each page containing 'sexually explicit' content, with penalty up to 5 years imprisonment." From the article: "A second new crime would threaten with imprisonment Web site operators who mislead visitors about sex with deceptive 'words or digital images' in their source code--for instance, a site that might pop up in searches for Barbie dolls or Teletubbies but actually features sexually explicit photographs. A third new crime appears to require that commercial Web sites not post sexually explicit material on their home page if it can be seen 'absent any further actions by the viewer.'" "A patent application filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office says researchers of the Netherland-based electronics company have created a technology that could let broadcasters freeze a channel during a commercial, so viewers wouldn't be able to avoid it. Philips acknowledged that this technology might not sit well with s and suggested in its patent filing that s be allowed to avoid the feature if they paid broadcasters a fee." Another half page of Coptic papyrus surfaced in New York City just as National Geographic was promoting its restoration. Much like the famous Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi codices, the Gospel of Judas has suffered intrigue and idiocy since it was rediscovered in an Egyptian cave some 25 years ago. The leather-bound papyrus book was in fairly good shape when it was found in Egypt, possibly in a sealed tomb. But as it made its long journey from one shady black-market antiquities dealer to another, pieces were lost and the book suffered incredible abuse, such as being stuck in a freezer for years and left to mildew in a bank vault. In Odysseus Unbound, published this past October by Cambridge University Press, he argues that a peninsula on the island of Cephalonia was once a separate island—Ithaca, the kingdom of Homer’s Odysseus some 3,000 years ago. He believes that the sea channel dividing the two islands was filled in by successive earthquakes and landslides, creating the peninsula of Paliki, as it is known today. Like Heinrich Schliemann, the businessman who discovered the site of ancient Troy in the 1870s + Michael Ventris, the architect who deciphered the written language of Minoan Crete in the 1950s, the 54-year-old Bittlestone is part of an honorable tradition of inspired amateurs who have made extraordinary discoveries outside the confines of conventional scholarship. “Bittlestone’s insight is brilliant,” says Gregory Nagy, director of the Center for Hellenic Studies, in Washington, D.C. “He has done something very important. This is a real breakthrough convergence of oral poetry and geology + the most plausible explanation I’ve seen of what Ithaca was in the second millennium B.C. We’ll never read the Odyssey in the same way again.” "The BBC reports that wildlife has reappeared in the Chernobyl region even with high levels of radiation. Populations of animals both common and rare have increased substantially and there are tantalizing reports of bear footprints and confirmed reports of large colonies of wild boars and wolves. These animals are radioactive but otherwise healthy. A large number of animals died initially due to problems like destroyed thyroid glands but their offspring seem to be physically healthy. Experiments have shown the DNA strands have undergone considerable mutation but such mutations have not impacted crucial functions like reproduction. It is remarkable that such a phenomenon has occurred contrary to common assumptions about nuclear waste. The article includes some controversial statements recommending disposal of nuclear waste in tropical forests to keep forest land away from greedy developers and farmers" "Dutch researchers have figured out a way to measure the mood swings of the blogosphere. It can pick up peaks of flirtiness from bloggers around Valentine's Day and drunkenness at weekends, the plan is to create a search engine that returns the prevailing mood in the blogosphere about a topic. Companies are already interested in using it to track confidence. What's the mood of Slashdot on this one?" "Elonka Dunin, game developer at Simutronics and author/editor of the new book, 'The Mammoth Book of Secret Codes and Cryptograms', reports that what everyone had thought was the answer to part 2 of the CIA's encrypted Kryptos sculpture, wasn't. Sculptor Sanborn announced this week that everyone had gotten it wrong, because of a mistake on the art piece. For more info, check out the Wired story, or the Kryptos Group announcement." 22.Apr.2006 Rumsfeld, With no Combat Experience, Dismisses Scathing Criticism of Generals Who Led Iraq War Effort. Is That Egomanical, Demented? Oh, It's Enough to Make Rumsfeld, Once Again, "The BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week" 22.Apr.2006 The Chernobyl horror story - 20 years out: and more in the April 21st World Media Watch by Gloria Lalumia 22.Apr.2006 Protester Yells at Chinese President During White House Visit with Bush-- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser 22.Apr.2006 Eddie Eagle and Jason Priestley Tell You Not to Shoot Yourself 4/22 22.Apr.2006 More muscle, with eye on China: The Pentagon is engaged in an extensive buildup of military forces in Asia as part of a covert strategy to strengthen + position U.S. + allied forces to deter - or defeat - China. 22.Apr.2006 A monarch willing to kill his own people to save his skin : Hidden away in his palace in the midst of a city in chaos, King Gyanendra of Nepal appeared desperate to cling to power - and prepared to shoot down his own unarmed subjects in the streets to do it. 22.Apr.2006 Chavez issues warning to U.S.: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez yesterday warned his government would blow up its own oilfields if the USA ever were to attack -- the latest in a series of warnings to Washington. 22.Apr.2006 Chavez says U.S. won't give Morales a honeymoon: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez accused his arch-enemy Washington on Thursday of trying to destabilize Bolivia's leftist government, which took office three months ago. 22.Apr.2006 Venezuelan president blames U.S. for high oil prices : “It could reach $100 ... It is up to the USA,” Chavez told reporters as he arrived in southern Brazil on a trade mission. He attributed the already-high price to American “bellicose statements and the American president's threats against Iran.” 22.Apr.2006 Energy drives higher Halliburton profit: Halliburton Co. reported first-quarter net earnings rose nearly 34% to $488 million, or 91 cents a share, from $365 million or 72 cents a share a year earlier. 22.Apr.2006 New Gasoline Study Shows Profits, Are Driving Pump Price Spike: A new study of rising gasoline prices in California found that corporate markups and profiteering are responsible for spring price spikes, not rising crude costs or the national switchover to higher-cost ethanol, as the oil industry claims 22.Apr.2006 Peak Oil And The Political Economy Of Terrorism: A Straits of Hormuz blocked by sunken tankers either way will immediately reduce global oil supplies by 20-25 % per day. Perhaps more, depending on which estimates you have been reading. 22.Apr.2006 In Terror War, Not All Names Are Equal: A major government watchdog group is charging that Muslim charities are being shut down for supposedly backing terrorist causes, while giant firms like Halliburton are receiving the full protection of U.S. law for allegedly breaking government sanctions against doing business with Iran -- a country designated as a sponsor of terrorism. 22.Apr.2006 Sidney Blumenthal: Revolt of the generals : The denunciation of the administration's handling of Iraq by former US army chiefs is unprecedented 22.Apr.2006 Humor : I'm The Decider: I am the Egg Head: (Koo-Koo-Ka-Choo) 22.Apr.2006 John W. Dean: If Past Is Prologue , George Bush Is Becoming An Increasingly Dangerous President 22.Apr.2006 The Worst President in History? : One of America's leading historians assesses George W. Bush 22.Apr.2006 Grand Jury Hears Evidence Against Rove : Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald met with the grand jury hearing evidence in the CIA leak case and introduced additional evidence against Rove, attorneys and other US officials close to the investigation said. 22.Apr.2006 Apartheid, Bush style : The Republican rape of New Orleans 22.Apr.2006 Woman who acted as 'human shield' in Iraq is fighting U.S. government fine: After she returned to the USA, Karpova was fined $6,700 by the Treasury Department for violating U.S. economic sanctions. Fines ranging from $6,700 to $8,000 were levied against three other human shields. 22.Apr.2006 Israel Preparing To Kill Palestinian Cabinet and Reoccupy Gaza?: In a growing barrage of Israeli pressure against Hamas, a senior military commander said Israel is actively preparing to reoccupy the Gaza Strip and a powerful lawmaker said the entire Palestinian Cabinet could be targeted for assassination . 22.Apr.2006 Hamas preparing for independent Palestinian economy: The Hamas-led Palestinian government is preparing a long-term plan aimed at achieving separation from the Israeli economy. 22.Apr.2006 Iran shells Iranian Kurdish positions in Iraq-PUK: Iranian forces shelled Iranian Kurdish rebel positions inside mountainous northern Iraq on Friday to repel an attack, an Iraqi Kurdish official said. 22.Apr.2006 Cheney has tapped Iranian expatriate, arms dealer to surveil discussions with Iran: Speaking on condition of anonymity, three intelligence sources identified the Iran-Contra middleman as having been put back on the payroll, acting as a human intelligence asset and monitoring any movement in discussions about Iran’s alleged burgeoning nuclear weapons program. 22.Apr.2006 Iran years away from having nukes’: US intelligence chief John Negroponte has said Iran's resumption of uranium enrichment is "troublesome" but the country is still years away from having enough fissile material to make a nuclear weapon. 22.Apr.2006 Russia toughens opposition to Iran sanctions : Hardening its opposition to sanctions against Iran, Russia said on Friday the U.N. Security Council should only consider such measures if it had proof the Islamic Republic was trying to build nuclear weapons. 22.Apr.2006 Russia backs Iran's nuclear programme: Russia today offered its most outspoken support yet of the controversial nuclear programme in Iran, its neighbour and trading partner. 22.Apr.2006 Russia Will Not Agree to Iran Sanctions Without Proof : Russia says again it will not agree to sanctions against Iran until Moscow sees hard evidence that Tehran's nuclear program is not for peaceful purposes 22.Apr.2006 Taking matters in hand: Ali Larijani, Iran's chief nuclear negotiator and head of the Supreme National Security Council, tells Amira Howeidy that Iran does not need nuclear weapons to promote its influence in the region and that punishing Iran for pursuing a nuclear programme will damage everyone 22.Apr.2006 Poor planning, equipment to push Iraq war costs to 1 trillion dollars: : "When the administration submitted its original budget for the Iraq war, it didn't provide money for continuing the war this year or any other. We could end up spending up to one trillion (dollars) in supplemental budgets for this war," he said. 22.Apr.2006 1Million Dead Iranians -by Chris Floyd 22.Apr.2006 Don't Impeach Bush. Commit Him - A Maniacal Messianic Prepares to Fulfill His Destiny -By Ted Rall 22.Apr.2006 White House knew there were no WMD: CIA -By AAP 22.Apr.2006 America’s Terror-war in Iraq -By Mike Whitney 22.Apr.2006 The Great Revulsion - By Paul Krugman 22.Apr.2006 Raging Grannies and Raging Americans -By Cindy Sheehan 22.Apr.2006 Streit um Gasprom-Drohung: Europaabgeordneter Brok spricht von "Kaltem Krieg" 22.Apr.2006 Unaufhaltsamer Anstieg: Ölpreis klettert auf 75 Dollar 22.Apr.2006 Prodi: Jetzt gratuliert auch Bush 21.Apr.2006 The Subversion of the German Legal System by a "Unitary Authority" During the Third Reich. Can it Happen Here? Read "In the Name of the Volk: Political Justice in Hitler's Germany." And here's the beauty part: The poll was conducted by Fox . Which means that other polls may soon go below the 30% mark.Permalink Es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn wir in der Industrie noch einmal 1,2 Millionen Arbeitsplätze verlieren würden." Bereits von 1995 bis heute seien wegen der Verlagerung in Billiglohnländer rund 1,2 Millionen Arbeitsplätze in Deutschland verloren gegangen. Sinn zitierte eine Umfrage, wonach Osteuropa die Hauptzielregion deutscher Direktinvestitionen im Ausland ist. Er kritisierte, dass sich Deutschland zwei Jahre nach dem EU-Beitritt osteuropäischer Länder noch nicht auf die volle Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit in der EU eingestellt habe. Ab 2011, wenn Arbeitnehmer aus dem EU-Ausland in Deutschland ungehindert arbeiten können, werde der Druck auf die Beschäftigten weiter steigen. Mittelfristig rechnet Sinn mit dem Zuzug von mindestens 2,5 Millionen Menschen. "Die Ausländer werden die Einheimischen in den Sessel drängen, den der deutsche Sozialstaat für sie bereit hält." kaz/dpa/Reuters 21.Apr.2006 Billiglohn-Konkurrenz: Wirtschaftsforscher rechnet mit millionenfachem Jobabbau Die Ergebnisse ihrer Labormessungen verglichen die Forscher mit Werten von zwölf Milliarden Lichtjahren entfernen Galaxien. Da das Licht von dort zwölf Milliarden Jahre bis zur Erde unterwegs war, spiegeln diese Messwerte das Massenverhältnis in der Frühzeit des Universums wider. Demnach hat sich das Verhältnis seither um 0,002 % verändert - der Quotient müsste sich verkleinert haben. Dieses Resultat sei allerdings nur zu 99,7 % sicher und damit noch kein Beweis, betonen die Physiker im Fachblatt "Physical Review Letters". Ein Wasserstoffmolekül besteht aus zwei Protonen und zwei Elektronen. Wird es mit Licht bestrahlt, hängt die absorbierte Wellenlänge vom Massenverhältnis der beiden Elementarteilchen ab. Diesen Zusammenhang machte sich das Team von Ubachs für seine Messungen zu Nutze. Ursache bislang unklar Der Umweltsatellit Envisat zeigt jetzt die gewaltigen Ausmaße der Sand- und Staubwolke, die sich über weite Teile Nordchinas erstreckt hat. Solche Sandstürme peitschen jedes Jahr zwischen Anfang März bis Ende Mai aus der mongolischen Wüste nach Nordchina heran. Seit einigen Jahren hat sich das Problem allerdings verschlimmert, da große Teile des Landes verwüsten. Eine Studie des United Nations Environment Programme (Unep) stellte 2004 fest, dass der Nordosten Asiens im Vergleich zu 1950 fünf Mal häufiger von Sandstürmen geplagt wird. Mit zunehmender Verwüstung werde sich das Problem noch verschärfen, erklären Experten. Um die Ausbreitung der Wüsten langfristig zu stoppen, laufen in Peking nun Programme zur Aufforstung gefährdeter Gebiete. 22.Apr.2006 Autokonzern: Ford fährt Milliardenverlust ein 21.Apr.2006 Tschernobyl-GAU: In der Atomkraft gilt Murphys Gesetz 21.Apr.2006 Neue Studie: Mars-Oberfläche seit Jahrmilliarden lebensfeindlich 21.Apr.2006 Nepal: Blutige Proteste gegen König Gyanendra 21.Apr.2006 11.000 Euro für den Friseur: Cherie Blair erzürnt Labour 21.Apr.2006 Woman arrested for speaking freely right after Bush call for "freedom...to speak freely" -- and CNN calls it "a blemish" on Hu visit. Bush Trades Free Speech for Trade. Follow the Money and Arrest Anybody Who Tries to Speak Freely at the White House. A Surreal Moment of Bushevik Hypocrisy. 4/21 21.Apr.2006 Barbara's Daily BuzzFlash Minute 21.Apr.2006 Biden Urges Bush to Back Bill to Eliminate Gas Price Gouging: Biden and 15 fellow Democrats, including Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, have sent a letter to the President calling on him to support the bill. It would give states new powers to prosecute anyone who takes advantage of short supplies of gas to overcharge for it. 21.Apr.2006 North Korea says it has "shocking evidence" of US plot: "The CIA secretly enlist(s) experts on counterfeiting notes claimed to be the 'most sophisticated in the world' + invite(s) them to issue lots of fake currencies at 'counterfeit notes printing houses of North Korean-style' operating in U.S. military bases in different parts of the world," the spokesman said. 21.Apr.2006 Scientists condemn US as emissions of greenhouse gases hit record level : The USA emitted more greenhouse gases in 2004 than at any time in history, confirming its status as the world's biggest polluter. Latest figures on the US contribution to global warming show that its carbon emissions have risen sharply despite international concerns over climate change. 21.Apr.2006 Canadian claims mistreatment by U.S agents: Akhil Sachdeva, an accountant from India who emigrated to Canada, still wonders why he was seized at gunpoint by U.S. agents + held for months with hundreds of foreigners following the Sept. 11 terror attacks. 21.Apr.2006 Intelligence Director's Budget May Near $1 Billion, Report Finds: The budget next year for National Intelligence Director John D. Negroponte's office and the several agencies attached to it may be near $1 billion or more, according to language buried in the report of the House intelligence committee on the fiscal 2007 intelligence authorization bill. 21.Apr.2006 U.S. Has 100,000 Spy's: The nation's spy chief disclosed for the first time Thursday that the number of U.S. intelligence personnel worldwide totals nearly 100,000. 21.Apr.2006 The CIA “Wehrmacht” : An ex-senior agency officer who keeps in contact with his former peers told me that there is a “a big swing” in anti-Bush sentiment at Langley. “I've been stunned by what I'm hearing,” he said. “There are people who fear that indictments and subpoenas could be coming down + they don't want to get caught up in it.” 21.Apr.2006 Chavez Begins Training Civilian Militia : President Hugo Chavez constantly warns Venezuelans a U.S. invasion is imminent. Now he's begun training a civilian militia as well as the Venezuelan army to resist in the only way possible against a much better-equipped force: by taking to the hills and fighting a guerrilla war. 21.Apr.2006 Venezuela quits Andean trade bloc : He told a summit in Paraguay that Venezuela was leaving because recent trade deals between Peru, Colombia and the US had killed off the community 21.Apr.2006 Business Wrong Model for Journalism: Four professional journalists appeared at Columbia University in New York in a panel on "Reporting War".(1) Charles Glass, an American journalist, Seymour Hersh, British journalist Robert Fisk + John Pilger, an Australian filmmaker and journalist writing for British and other publications. 21.Apr.2006 Containing China: Slowly but surely, the grand strategy of the Bush administration is being revealed. It is not aimed primarily at the defeat of global terrorism, the incapacitation of rogue states, or the spread of democracy in the Middle East. 21.Apr.2006 Carlyle Group to be biggest-ever foreign investor in China SOE: American private equity firm Carlyle Group has just received permission to acquire 85% of Xugong Construction Machinery Group Inc., China's largest construction machinery company by revenue. 21.Apr.2006 Millions of refugees are hidden victims of the West's war on terror, : Refugees fleeing persecution or civil war are becoming the hidden victims of the West's obsession with combating terrorism, the United Nations will warn in a report published today. 21.Apr.2006 Unforeseen Spending on Materiel Pumps Up Iraq War Bill : With the expected passage this spring of the largest emergency spending bill in history, annual war expenditures in Iraq will have nearly doubled since the U.S. invasion, as the military confronts the rapidly escalating cost of repairing, rebuilding and replacing equipment chewed up by three years of combat. 21.Apr.2006 Rocketing US war spending under fire: A second study released on Wednesday was critical of rebuilding efforts, saying the US had failed to make the health of ordinary Iraqi and Afghan citizens a top priority. 21.Apr.2006 Bush raises UN action against Iran: US President George W. Bush said he has discussed with Chinese President Hu Jintao the possibility of the United Nations passing a motion against Iran that could order sanctions or action going up to military action. 21.Apr.2006 US prepared to go it alone over Iran : US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice has invoked self-defence as a potential justification for military intervention in Iran 21.Apr.2006 Russians withhold judgment on Iran : Russia will decide its stance on the Iranian nuclear crisis based on a report next week by the head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog, the deputy foreign minister said today. 21.Apr.2006 Brazil follows Iran's nuclear path, but without the fuss : As Iran faces international pressure over developing the raw material for nuclear weapons, Brazil is quietly preparing to open its own uranium-enrichment center, capable of producing exactly the same fuel. 21.Apr.2006 Sen. Joseph Lieberman: I'd Support Iran Attack: Sen. Joseph Lieberman said Tuesday that he would back a U.S. airstrike on Iran's nuclear facilities if diplomatic options fail, becoming the first Democrat to announce his support for such a move. 21.Apr.2006 Tony Judt: A Lobby, Not a Conspiracy :Does the Israel Lobby affect our foreign policy choices? Of course — that is one of its goals. And it has been rather successful: Israel is the largest recipient of American foreign aid and American responses to Israeli behavior have been overwhelmingly uncritical or supportive. 21.Apr.2006 Israeli Spy Affair: Judge grants second hearing in AIPAC case: In an unusual move, a US judge scheduled a second oral hearing on the request of former American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobbyists to dismiss the case against them. 21.Apr.2006 Israeli spy affair: FBI wants to search papers of late columnist: The agents expressed interest in documents that would aid the government's case against two former lobbyists for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC 21.Apr.2006 Movements: From Antiwar, to Peace, to Democracy -By Mike Ferner 21.Apr.2006 "The Second Bill of Rights: FDR's Unfinished Revolution and Why We Need It More Than Ever" -- Thom Hartmann: Independent Thinker of the Month Book by Steven C. Day 21.Apr.2006 Nearly 20,000 people have been kidnapped in Iraq since the beginning of this year alone, according to a report released on Wednesday. 4/20 21.Apr.2006 Rolling Stone: Bush's may be the worst presidency in history. 4/20 But ours is, alas, an imperfect world + if we must live in one where Enron, Geraldo Rivera + Cottonelle Fresh Rollwipes exist, the least we can do is catalog the absurdities. Excerpted from article: #87. Apparently unaware of the group's enmity for the corporate world, GM pays the British pop band Chumbawamba $100,000 for the rights to use the song "Pass It Along" in a Pontiac ad campaign. The band promptly passes along the money to a pair of advocacy groups, including one, CorpWatch, that intends to spend some of the money looking into GM's social and environmental track record. Bush habe im anschließenden Gespräch sein persönliches Bedauern zum Ausdruck gebracht + Hu habe die Entschuldigung angenommen, satte Dennis Wilder vom Nationalen Sicherheitsrat. In China selbst haben die Fernsehzuschauer nach Einschätzung des Nachrichtensenders CNN bewusst nichts davon mitbekommen. Das Signal des Senders nach China sei zweimal unterbrochen worden, teilte CNN-International mit: Einmal als die Frau dazwischengerufen habe und ein weiteres Mal, als der Sender kurz darüber berichtete. Auch die Sendesignale der BBC und von Phoenix Satellite Television nach China seien unterbrochen worden. Bestätigt wurde dies bisher noch nicht. China erlaubt rund drei Dutzend ausländischen Fernsehkanälen die Übertragung nach China, unter anderem BBC und CNN. Die Signale müssen vorher ein staatseigenes Kontrollzentrum passieren, das es den Behörden erlaubt, unbequeme Nachrichten zu schwärzen. Von dieser Möglichkeit wird rege Gebrauch gemacht. Die Internet-Seiten des staatlichen Fernsehens und die offizielle Nachrichtenagentur Chinas erwähnten den Vorfall ebenfalls nicht. In beiden war zu lesen: "Bush hielt eine feierliche Willkommenszeremonie ab". Diese ist berühmt für ihre Linienzeichnungen, sogenannte Geoglyphen. Die Vögel, Affen, Katzen und menschliche Gestalten sollen vor 2100 Jahren in den Fels geritzt worden sein. Sie bedecken 145 Quadratkilometer und könnten als astronomischer Kalender gedient haben. Keine Reaktion erhielt Bush auf seine Aufforderung, Peking solle die Menschenrechte in China stärker achten. "China ist reich geworden, weil die Menschen die Freiheit haben, Produkte zu verkaufen und zu kaufen", sagte Bush. "China kann seinen Erfolg vergrößern, wenn es dem Volk auch Rede-, Versammlungs- und Religionsfreiheit zugesteht." Hu ging auf die Äußerungen Bushs nicht ein. Er werde weiter gegen das Ergebnis kämpfen, kündigte der konservative Regierungschef an + prophezeite bereits für den Herbst ein Auseinanderbrechen des siegreichen Mitte-links-Bündnisses. Dessen Chef Romano Prodi zeigte sich davon unbeirrt. Er wies aber Berichte zurück, er habe bereits mit der Besetzung zentraler Posten seines künftigen Kabinetts begonnen. 20.Apr.2006 Hu im Weißen Haus: Bush vom chinesischen Besucher enttäuscht 20.Apr.2006 Rekordhochwaser: Evakuierung wider Willen 20.Apr.2006 Lieferstreit: Gasproms Drohgebärde alarmiert die EU + die in der Vergangenheit oft Bush-freundliche Washington Post überschreibt ihre Analyse der Vorgänge heute mit der Zeile: "White House Signals a Shift Into Survival Mode" (Das Weiße Haus schaltet um auf Überlebens-Modus). In Worthülsen verkrochen Die Bewegung solcher gewaltigen Wassermengen weise auf die Existenz von Flüssen in der Größenordnung der Themse hin, so Siegert. Die Ergebnisse der Studie ließen zudem den Schluss zu, dass die Seen aufgrund des stetig ansteigenden Wasserdrucks durch den darüberliegenden Eispanzer schlagartig anschwellen + so "wie ein Korken aus einer Champagnerflasche" aufbrechen könnten. Ob das Flusssystem und somit die Seen mit dem Meer verbunden sind, ist bislang noch unklar. Gary K.C. Clarke von der University of British Columbia in Kanada warnte in Anbetracht dieser Erkenntnisse: Es bestehe die Gefahr, dass durch eine Anbohrung eines einzigen Sees, das gesamte unterirdische System verunreinigt werden könnte. "Es gibt bereits Pläne, aus dem Vostok-See Proben zu entnehmen, um die Vermutung eines mikrobiellen Ökosystems zu überprüfen", schrieb Clarke in einem anderen "Nature"-Beitrag. Subglaziale Seen in der Antarktis wurden erstmals in den 1960er Jahren entdeckt. Seit damals hat man über 150 solcher Seen gefunden - mehrere Tausend dürften insgesamt existieren. Moussaoui war einen Monat vor den Anschlägen festgenommen worden, weil er an einer Pilotenschule im US-Bundesstaat Minnesota als verdächtig aufgefallen war. Er gestand, von der Terrororganisation al-Qaida als Attentäter für den 11.Sep.2001 eingeplant gewesen zu sein. Wegen dieses Geständnisses hat die Jury nur zu entscheiden, ob Moussaoui zur Todesstrafe oder zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt wird. Nie wurde eine ältere Landschlange gefunden. Sie trägt den Namen Najash rionegrina. Wie groß das Tier gewesen ist, lässt sich aus dem Fossil nicht ablesen. Es ist aber das erste Mal, dass Wissenschaftler eine Schlange mit einem Kreuzbein gefunden hätten, welches das Becken stütze, sagte Hussam Zaher von der Universität Sao Paulo in Brasilien. Er berichtet in dem Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature", das Tier habe auch über kräftige und funktionstüchtige Beine außerhalb des Brustkorbs verfügt. Die Urschlange habe eindeutig an Land gelebt, da zum einen ihre Anatomie darauf schließen lasse, dass sie in Erdlöchern gehaust habe. Ein weiterer Hinweis sei, dass die Ablagerungen, in denen das Fossil gefunden wurde, aus einer Bodensubstanz bestünden und nicht aus einer Sedimentablagerung, die sich unter Wasser gebildet hat. Wenn also diese Ur-Schlange an Land lebte, lässt sich Zaher zufolge vermuten, dass Schlangen sich auch an Land entwickelten. Wissenschaftler gehen davon aus, dass Schlangen aus vierbeinigen Eidechsen entstanden, deren Beine sich im Lauf der Zeit zurückbildeten. Strittig ist aber bislang, ob diese Ur-Eidechsen an Land oder im Wasser lebten. Lücke in der Entwicklung von Echse zu Schlange 20.Apr.2006 Urtiere: Schlangen verloren ihre Beine an Land 20.Apr.2006 Pentagon: Namen von 558 Guantanamo-Gefangenen veröffentlicht 20.Apr.2006 Personalkarussell im Weißen Haus: Bush im Survival Mode 20.Apr.2006 Digital-Forensik: Kameras hinterlassen Fingerabdrücke At least global catastrophes can produce some great writing. "Bush Prepares A Hail Mary Bet" By georgia10 on George W. Bush I want the number of Mark Morford's muse. Whoever he/she is, today's Morford column is truly an inspired piece of wordsmithing. In today's piece, he paints the picture of a failed presidency in a way that perfectly captures the essence of George W. Bush (you really should read the whole thing): Now, here he is, sitting right next to all the other countries at the Big Table, representing America, it's little Dubya Bush, stewing in his own juices, his poll numbers hovering right near Nixon levels, mumbling to himself, smelling vaguely of sawdust and horse manure and dead Social Security overhaul plans. He is pockmarked by scandal, buffeted by storms of disapproval and infighting and nascent impeachment. He authorized the leak of classified security information merely to smear an Iraq war critic, he lied about WMD + lied about Saddam and lied about making the USA safer and lied about, well, just about everything, on top of launching the worst and most violent and most expensive, unwinnable war since Vietnam. His pile of betting capital is down to a tiny lump, nothing like back when he had the table rigged and all the pit bosses worked for him and the pile was as big as a roomful of Texas cow pies. But now, fortune is frowning. In fact, fortune is white-hot furious at being so viciously molested, spit upon, raped lo these many years. The truth is coming out: Bush has now lost far, far more bets than he ever won. What's to be done? Why, do what any grumbling, furious, confused, underqualified alcoholic gambler does: reach down deep and say, "To hell with the nation and to hell with the odds and to hell with the rest of the planet," and pull out one more desperate, crumpled war from deep in your pants, slap it on the table and hear the world moan. [Eric Margolis is systematically blacked out in the American mainstream media, even though he is one of the sharpest pundits in the West, because he has committed the unforgivable sin of pointing out the obvious. There is no mention of oil industry pressure on Cheney in this article, because there is not a shred of evidence that such pressure exists. There has been no persuasive effort by those promoting the oil industry thesis, like Michael Ruppert, to deal with the facts in the following paragraphs.] [Dick Cheney is closely associated with the PNAC, JINSA and AIPAC. The neocons are following exactly the same script with Iran that they used with Iraq. The mainstream media aren't being fooled once, twice and thrice -- they are witting partners in this campaign. They helped design the scam.] [Why has Cheney become a cog in this political machine? That is a great mystery. I don't have a clue. Perhaps someone else has figured it out. Surely Cheney must understand that these policies will probably be incredibly damaging to the USA.] https://www.ericmargolis.com/archives/2006/04/countdown_over.php [Excerpt] Much of the administration?s anti-Iranian jihad has been orchestrated, like the attack on Iraq, by Vice President Dick Cheney, who increasingly emerges as the Rasputin of the Bush presidency. Cheney is very close to Israel s political far right. He is carrying out former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon s command to the US that once it invaded Iraq, `march immediately on Tehran.? Cheney + the pro-Israel neoconservatives around him, have long worked closely with Israel?s rightists, Mossad intelligence service + Israel?s strategic planners. All agree that Iran, not Iraq, was the greater enemy of Israel + one that had at all costs to be crushed before it could develop nuclear warheads and the means to deliver them. Much of the current anti-Iranian hysteria campaign that is currently being trumpeted by the compliant US media and members of Congress is being orchestrated from Cheney?s office. It is clear that in spite of the debacle in Iraq, the vice president intends to pursue his personal jihad against all Muslim regimes that are uncooperative and hostile to Israel. Cheney has persistently frustrated efforts by the US State Department and CIA to improve relations with Tehran. America s mighty Israel lobby has become Cheney?s personal army in this struggle + is mounting a high-powered campaign to generate war fever against Iran. Jewish Americans have been panicked by false claims that Israel is in the direst nuclear peril. www.washingtontimes.com CIA mines 'rich' content from blogs By Bill Gertz THE WASHINGTON TIMES "A professor of chemical engineering at Oregon State University developed a small reactor to directly convert vegetable oil to biodiesel. Goran Jovanovic reports his invention is approximately the size of a credit card. It pumps vegetable oil and alcohol through parallel channels to convert the oil into biodiesel almost instantly. Current mainstream methods to produce biodiesel take more than a day and also produces other byproducts which must be neutralized before disposal or use in other manufacturing processes." "Slashdotters are certified geeks, but apparently there's a bunch of other people out there who are very interested in science, technology, politics + culture but they don't want to be known as geeks. A media consulting firm called OMD did a study for the company that owns Space.com and LiveScience. They conclude that 60 million Americans can be called "intellectually curious." Intellectually, I'm curious what that makes the rest of them." Die USA werfen Peking vor, den Kurs des Yuan künstlich niedrig zu halten, damit die chinesischen Ausfuhren billig bleiben. China exportiert weit mehr in die USA, als es von dort einführt. Das US-Defizit im Handel mit der Volksrepublik betrug im vergangenen Jahr 202 Milliarden Dollar. Viele US-Politiker und -Gewerkschafter fürchten deshalb um Arbeitsplätze im eigenen Land. Harbulot: Sowohl auf Staats- als auch auf Unternehmensebene geht es darum, nicht unterlegen zu sein. Man muss dem Gegenüber zu verstehen geben, dass man ihn und seine möglichen Angriffsstrategien kennt. So erreicht man ein Kräftegleichgewicht. Allain Juillet, der Verantwortliche für Wirtschaftsstrategien von Frankreich, hat das einmal mit Judo verglichen. Man kann dabei Angriffs- und Verteidigungsstrategien nicht trennen. ... the manner in which it received Iraqi rebuilding ... of all Bechtel's performance audits related to ... (U.S.A.) Bechtel SAIC LLC. Bechtel... en.wikipedia.org 00.000.1988-00.000.1992 Timeline https://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/timeline15.htm Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein orders an invasion ... SRI's remote viewing project moved to SAIC ... Related research is conducted at the Moscow... www.cassiopaea.org 20.Apr.2006 Mark Morford: "When all else fails and you're becoming Nixon 2.0, why not just nuke someone + smirk?" 20.Apr.2006 "The Second Bill of Rights: FDR's Unfinished Revolution and Why We Need It More Than Ever" -- Thom Hartmann: Independent Thinker of the Month Book by Steven C. Day 20.Apr.2006 Nearly 20,000 people have been kidnapped in Iraq since the beginning of this year alone, according to a report released on Wednesday. 4/20 20.Apr.2006 Rolling Stone: Bush's may be the worst presidency in history. 4/20 How Media Have Distorted the Facts in Support of an Attack on Iran. Continue 20.Apr.2006 When "Diplomacy" Means War -By Norman Solomon This month the White House has continued to emphasize that it is committed to seeking a diplomatic solution. Yet the U.S. government is very likely to launch a military attack on Iran within the next year. How can that be? Continued 20.Apr.2006 Lock him away to stop the next war -By Phillip Adams Far more efficient to have Bush certified. There is no need for further debate on his mental state. The US President is bonkers. Continued SPIEGEL ONLINE: Wenn man Ihre Artikel oder Interviews, liest bekommt man den Eindruck, wir lebten in einer Welt, in der sich nicht nur Unternehmen, sondern auch Länder mit ökonomischen Mitteln haltlos bekriegen. Harbulot: Es gibt heute zumindest zwei unterschiedliche Formen von Wirtschaftspolitik. Einerseits geht es den Ländern um den Abbau von Handelsbarrieren, damit Unternehmen möglichst viele Waren verkaufen können. Doch Wirtschaftspolitik ist auch Machtpolitik. Etwa wenn der russische Präsident Putin die Gaspreise des Staatskonzerns Gasprom für die Ukraine hochsetzt. Oder wenn China von Airbus verlangt, im Austausch für Flugzeugbestellungen müsse eine Fertigungsfabrik vor Ort gebaut werden. China übt regelmäßig mit ökonomischen Mitteln Druck auf die USA oder Europa aus - und es funktioniert. SPIEGEL ONLINE: China ist die aggressive neue Supermacht in diesem Spiel? Harbulot: Ein chinesischer Minister hat einmal gesagt, China werde nicht wie die UDSSR zu Zeiten des Kalten Krieges einen weltweiten Rüstungswettlauf starten. China werde seine Macht über seine Wirtschaftskraft ausüben. Aber auch in den USA folgt man dieser Logik. Das Pentagon hat ein waches Auge auf den Transfer von Technologien ins Ausland. Es gibt unzählige Möglichkeiten zum Schutz der heimischen Industrie. Zum Beispiel kann man ausländische Investoren zwingen, mit einem lokalen Unternehmen zusammenzuarbeiten. Eine solche Regelung wäre allerdings für die EU undenkbar. 20.Apr.2006 Ölpreis-Rekord: "Der Markt brodelt" 20.Apr.2006 Amnesty International: Weltweit 20.000 Menschen in der Todeszelle 20.Apr.2006 Pentagon: Namen von 558 Guantanamo-Gefangenen veröffentlicht 20.Apr.2006 Iran-Konflikt: Rice droht mit Alleingang der USA "New Scientist has a story about a laser made by painting a solution of semiconductor crystals onto glass. It could be used to break the interconnect barrier by having optical interconnects, the interconnect barrier threatens Moore's law unless a faster way of connecting chips is found." "ITO is running a story on NIST's latest quantum encryption key generation. From the article: 'Raw code for "unbreakable" quantum encryption has been generated at record speed over optical fiber at NIST. The work is a step toward using conventional high-speed networks such as broadband Internet and local-area networks to transmit ultra-secure video for applications such as surveillance.'" ZDNet has an interesting article rehashing the problems with privacy in future RFID-equipped travel documents and ID. The piece focuses on a recent speech given by Jim Williams, director of the Department of Homeland Security's US-VISIT program. From the article: "Many of the privacy worries center on whether RFID tags--typically minuscule chips with an antenna a few inches long that can transmit a unique ID number--can be read from afar. If the range is a few inches, the privacy concerns are reduced. But at ranges of 30 feet, the tags could theoretically be read by hidden sensors alongside the road, in the mall or in the hands of criminals hoping to identify someone on the street by his or her ID number." "LinuxDevices is reporting that non-profit public policy research group, Committee for Economic Development, has released a 72-page report that takes a look at open standards, open source software + 'open innovation.' From the article: 'The report concludes that openness should be promoted as a matter of public policy, in order to foster innovation and economic growth in the U.S. and world economies.' The full text [PDF] of the report is also available for download from the CED site." 20.Apr.2006 Oil prices leapt above $72 a barrel Wednesday, settling at a record high for the third straight day after a government report showed shrinking U.S. gasoline supplies and traders focused on nuclear tensions between Iran and the international community. Maybe the oil companies put the Iranian nut job in power to increase their profits. 4/20 20.Apr.2006 Has Rove?s Security Clearance Been Revoked? If He is Just Going to be a Political Operative Now, Wouldn't It Endanger National Security to Have An Election Strategist Mixed Up with Classified Information? Hasn't That Been the Problem All Along? 20.Apr.2006 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers. Although she acquired these numbers from the students' own organizational materials, she surely knew that her audience - Freepers + their vicious ilk - would take her post as a "suggestion" to call + make death threats . Which is precisely what has happened. According to internet-accessible information, Michelle Malkin lives at 19930 Wild Cherry Lane in Germantown, Maryland, 20874. Her telephone number is (301) 515-7601. Be polite. Permalink Curt Weldon has been tied to Abramof + the mysterious Russian firm Naftasib! Oil prices are stratospheric! Things are happening ! Permalink Bush’s numbers continue to dive, even after all those speechy tours, replete with all those candid questions and less-than-candid answers. Or maybe because of them. Not many candidates care to be anywhere near Chimpy + various Republicans – military and not – are coming out publicly to trash his dirty little war and his disastrous economic decisions. The man still wields enough power to keep his post – and, one presumes, his security clearance and his salary and his facetime with the prez and a heard voice – just not his policy portfolio. All this despite the fact that he has been the “architect” of much of the dead duck catastrophe that is this lame duck presidency. Despite the fact that he remains under investigation for federal crimes (do check this out, as it points to new evidence that Rove is still a subject in this investigation). Despite the speculation that he was “turned” in that investigation and has been singing verse and chorus to Fitz all about the role of Cheney’s entire office. Despite the clear indication that Republican prospects for holding onto either house of Congress are facing the royal flush, as in toilets and not poker. www.us-politik.ch/teil15.htm 19.Apr.2006 The four deficits confronting USA -What we have going are the elements of a perfect storm — a potent mix of ignorance + apathy + inaction in all sectors of American society. If we continue on our present course, a fiscal crisis is not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when.’ 19.Apr.2006 Iranian official's presence in U.S. queried: The Bush administration yesterday was at a loss to explain the rare presence in Washington of an Iranian government official who slipped into the USA under mysterious circumstances, apparently to attend a scholarly conference. 19.Apr.2006 U.S. envoy: Iran sanctions discussed: A U.S. diplomat said Tuesday that envoys from the five permanent Security Council members plus Germany discussed sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program, but failed to reach agreement on how to proceed further. 19.Apr.2006 "New urgency" to curb Iran - U.S. official: Russia said on Wednesday it wanted to refrain from taking action before a U.N. deadline set for Tehran to halt uranium enrichment expired, but a top U.S. official believed other countries were inching towards action. 19.Apr.2006 Russia will deliver air defense systems to Iran - top general : At the end of 2005, Russia concluded a $700-million contract on the delivery of 29 Tor M1 air defense systems to Iran. 19.Apr.2006 . . . as the US and China face off over oil supplies: China's oil industry has wooed countries that the US has tried to isolate for political reasons - such as Sudan, Iran and Burma - potentially undermining the isolation efforts. Three major China oil companies have been pursuing long-term supply arrangements in such places as Venezuela, Nigeria, Gabon and Angola. 19.Apr.2006 America meets the new superpower : The visit of President Hu to Washington underlines the inevitable loss of America's economic supremacy to China 19.Apr.2006 Russia says seminar in U.S. "urged new terrorist attacks" : The Foreign Ministry summoned the U.S. ambassador in Moscow Tuesday to hand him a note of protest against a seminar in Washington which it said called for new terrorist attacks in Russia. 19.Apr.2006 Venezuela blasts U.S. decision not to extradite bombing suspects : Venezuelan Foreign Minister Ali Rodriguez issued a statement on Tuesday criticizing the USA for not deporting two Venezuelans linked to 2003 bomb attacks on the Colombian and Spanish embassies in Caracas. 19.Apr.2006 Chavez says US warships threaten Venezuela, Cuba : - President Hugo Chavez, who accuses Washington of planning to invade Venezuela, said on Tuesday recent deployment of U.S. warships in the Caribbean Sea threatened his country and its ally Cuba. 19.Apr.2006 Rumsfeld Linked to Guantanamo Torture: A leading international human rights group is calling for the Bush administration to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the alleged involvement of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other senior Pentagon officials in the torture of a prisoner at Guanatanamo Bay some three years ago. Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy told French radio that while the European Union had cut funding to the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority it had no plans to end relief aid. 19.Apr.2006 Stop Us Before We Kill Again! -By Bernard Weiner Lange galt der menschliche Gang unter Evolutionsbiologen als Kompromisslösung. Sie dachten, unsere Vorfahren hätten sich in die Vertikale erhoben, um eine bessere Aussicht oder die Hände frei zu haben. Aber womöglich entsprang die Gattung Homo dem evolutionären Druck zu sparsamer Fortbewegung: "Der aufrechte Gang war für sich Grund genug", sagt Wilfried Alt. "Werfen und Werkzeuggebrauch hat der Mensch erst viel später gelernt." Rove ist bislang der oberste politische Berater des Präsidenten und hat mit dem Schwerpunkt politische Leitlinien einen Vizeposten beim Stabschef des Präsidialamtes inne. Entgegen vorheriger Pressemeldungen soll er seinen Stellvertreterposten behalten. Rove gehört zu den Mitarbeitern Bushs, gegen die im Zusammenhang mit dem Verrat einer Geheimdienstmitarbeiterin im Jahr 2003 Ermittlungen laufen - was ihn zu einer zunehmenden Belastung für Bush werden ließ. Die Animation, die am Ende herauskam, zeigt die komplizierten dreidimensionalen Wellenmuster einer solchen Fusion. Die Ergebnisse gelten für den Spezialfall eines Duos von Schwarzen Löchern mit gleicher Masse. Ganz schlicht fasst die Nasa-Pressestelle die Ergebnisse zusammen: "Wenn zwei Schwarze Löcher verschmelzen, wackelt das gesamte All wie eine Schale mit Götterspeise." Hongkong - Als Gastgeschenk für den wegen des Irak-Kriegs in die Kritik geratenen Bush habe Hu eine Schmuckausgabe des chinesischen Klassikers "Die Kunst des Krieges" von General Sun Tzu im Gepäck, berichtet heute die in Hongkong erscheinende "South China Morning Post". Das aus dem 6. vorchristlichen Jahrhundert stammende Werk enthält Kriegsweisheiten wie: "Ein Sieg ohne Kampf ist die beste Strategie." 20.Apr.2006 Rumänien: Die Flucht vor den Fluten 19.Apr.2006 Umbau im Führungsstab: Bush stutzt Aufgaben seines Chefstrategen 19.Apr.2006 Entscheidung in Italien: Berlusconi bleibt Prodi im Nacken 19.Apr.2006 Italien: Oberster Gerichtshof erklärt Prodi zum Wahlsieger 19.Apr.2006 Kritik von Umweltschützern: Deutsche Autobauer werben für Spritfresser The Chomsky/Blankfort Polemic by repost Jeffrey Blankfort is a US journalist and producer of radio programs on KPOO in San Francisco and KZYX in Mendocino, in Northern California + was formerly at KPFT/Pacifica in Houston, until they purged the political programming to better lull their listeners to sleep with music. At a Rose Garden ceremony announcing his nominees for ... Rumsfeld Says Calls for Ouster 'Will Pass' New York Times The National Archives signed a secret agreement in 2001 with the CIA permitting the spy agency to withdraw from public access records it considered to have been improperly declassified, the head of the archives disclosed Monday. Like a similar 2002 agreement with the Air Force that was made public last week, the CIA arrangement required that archives employees not reveal to researchers why documents they requested were being withheld. In 10 years' time the barriers between our bodies and the Internet will blur as will those between the real world and virtual reality. In order to believe the Official Story of 11.Sep.2001 you have to believe that a man about to embark on a suicide mission would carry a bag with him containing information on the entire terrorist plot (why?), a bag he had to believe would be destroyed along with him + a bag which miraculously never made it onto the hijacked plane and conveniently fell into the hands of the FBI, who used the information in it to solve the crime in a suspiciously short time period. This miracle bag is the second miracle bag; the first miracle bag was Atta's other bag found at Logan, the one containing his unlikely Muslim will and some bizarre terrorist instructions. It's funny we're just hearing about the Rosetta stone bag now, from a former FBI agent who was retired at the time of 9–11, who heard about it at John... Source: https://xymphora.blogspot.com/2006/04/second-bag.html 19.Apr.2006-11.Sep.2001 9/11 Site of the Day: Catherine Fitts' fascinating story of Dillon Read - 18.Apr.2006 Cheney Gets Booed, Sheen Gets Applauded by Paul Joseph Watson Cheney Gets Booed, Sheen Gets Applauded But the media reports it the opposite way around Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com An interesting ... Its study suggests that although "active" web users make up only a small proportion of Europe's online population, they are increasingly dominating ... I know there are multiple planes -- four, I think -- and that they are in different... It could also turn the fuzzy art of studying scribble into a science. By Randy Dotinga. draws fire from the companies who say they will be hurt by a one-size-fits-all mentality. Basically they plan to add extra flags to the Multimedia Home Platform that would stop controls from working until the ads are finished." From the article: "Philips' patent acknowledges that this may be 'greatly resented by viewers' who could initially think their equipment has gone wrong. So it suggests the new system could throw up a warning on screen when it is enforcing advert viewing. The patent also suggests that the system could offer viewers the chance to pay a fee interactively to go back to skipping adverts." I was only peripherally aware of this. Is it possible that we're really going to bomb Iran + even crazier, that we're going to use nuclear weapons. How many Americans are aware of this? Why did Andrew Card resign as Chief of Staff? Why are they reorganizing the White House now? Perhaps people are resigning because they don't support this absolutely insane idea. "We want to stay true to his principles of First Amendment rights and journalistic freedoms," he said. As a journalist, Jack Anderson was a legend. He reported on the Central Intelligence Agency's scheme to assassinate Fidel Castro, the Mafia's crime network + corruption among congressmen. 00.000.1972 He won a Pulitzer Prize for reporting on American involvement in the Indo-Pakistan War. Young reporters who worked for Anderson included Brit Hume, now an anchor with Fox News + Howard Kurtz, now a Washington Post columnist. Anderson was a Mormon + many of his archives sat at Brigham Young University before George Washington University acquired them. "They made it very clear on the front end that if they are looking through his papers and they come across documents that are stamped confidential or top secret, they would be duty bound to take those out of the collection," Mr. Anderson said. Mr. Anderson says his family has reached an "impasse" with the FBI. The family plans to send a letter to the FBI today saying that it will not cooperate with the agency. In the meantime, the FBI might have provided an opportunity for a windfall for the university. The university has hired a librarian to index the archive -- a process that will initially cost the library about $100,000 + perhaps much more in years to come. Mr. Siggins hopes that the FBI's interest in the papers will help the library raise that money. "We think that there are a lot of people in the country who realize that the issue of government censorship and hiding what's really going on is such a hot topic that people will want to help us," he said. The Andersons are the not the only ones who are incensed. Observers of academic freedom and libraries say that the FBI's request is part of a renewed emphasis on secrecy in government, which has focused on libraries and archives in particular. Recently, librarians have been concerned about scores of documents that have been reclassified at the National Archives + librarians have long been concerned about freedom of information since the passage of the USA Patriot Act in the wake of the 11.Sep.2001, terrorist attacks. The FBI's interest in the Anderson archive is "deeply disturbing and deeply in conflict with the academy's interests in freedom of inquiry, research + scholarship," said Duane E. Webster, the executive director of the Association of Research Libraries. Tracy B. Mitrano, an adjunct assistant professor of information science at Cornell University, called the case "utterly alarming." "Once you begin taking records out of library archives that researchers rely on for free inquiry and research purposes," she said, "it would be very difficult not to see it as a slippery slope toward government controlling research in higher education and our collective understanding of American history." During his life + career as a muckraking journalist in Washington, Jack Anderson cultivated secret sources throughout the halls of government - sources who passed on information that allowed Anderson to investigate + write about Watergate, CIA assassination schemes + countless scandals. His syndicated column, Washington Merry-Go-Round, earned him the enmity of the corrupt + powerful - so much so that during the Watergate years, associates of Nixon had discussed assassinating the columnist. They never went through with the plot. Anderson died last 00.Dec.2005 at the age of 83. His archive, some 200 boxes now being held by George Washington University's library, could be a trove of information about state secrets, dirty dealings, political maneuverings + old-fashioned investigative journalism, open for historians and up-and-coming reporters to see. But the government wants to see the documents before anyone else. Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation have told university officials + members of the Anderson family that they want to go through the archive + that agents will remove any item they deem confidential or top secret. The Andersons, who have not yet transferred ownership of the archive to George Washington University, are outraged. They plan to fight the FBI's request. Were he alive today, Jack Anderson "would probably come out of his skin at the thought of the FBI going through his papers," said Kevin N. Anderson, the journalist's son. If papers were taken -- even if some were stamped "declassified" + returned - that would "destroy any academic, scholarly + historic value" of the archive, Kevin Anderson adds. The FBI would not comment for this article. the highest in at least seven years, Virtual Metals' Yellow Book shows. In almost all cases the value of the underlying assets had been overstated,” Gray said. Included in the forensic investigation is the disclosure that RG&E sold its entire 48.2% stake in Randgold Resources, worth about R1.8bn, from about 2002. “This was not always with shareholder approval and most of the proceeds were misappropriated,” said Gray. Of the R1.8bn in Randgold Resources shares that were sold, R419m was booked by RG&E. The balance when to JCI (R606m), Societe Generale (R412m) in a share lending agreement with JCI + R367m to another grouping termed 'Other' by the forensic auditor, Umbono Financial Advisory Services. Commenting on the forensic report, Neal Froneman, CEO of sxr Uranium One told Bloomberg News: "The sheer scale must make it one of the biggest frauds in South Africa's corporate history''. Uranium One owns 12% of RG&E's stock. "It's time to recover the money." RG&E has started liquidation proceedings against five entities: Tuscan Mood, BNC Investments Investage, Equitant, Itsuseng Strategic Investments and Viking Pony Properties, specially created shelf companies that benefited from the misappropriation of RG&E’s assets. Bush gab heute zugleich die Ernennung des bisherigen Handelsbeauftragten Rob Portman zu seinem neuen Haushaltsdirektor bekannt. Für den neuen Haushaltsdirektor Portman sei die wichtigste Aufgabe, das Haushaltsdefizit bis 2009 zu halbieren, sagte Bush. Portman hatte seit fast einem Jahr mit der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) wichtige Verhandlungen über die Liberalisierung des Weltmarktes geführt. Er folgt Josh Bolten, der am Freitag seinen Amtseid als US-Stabschef leistete. Portmans bisheriges Amt wird seine Stellvertreterin Susan Schwab probehalber übernehmen. Sie soll auch die Verhandlungen mit der WTO zu Ende führen. Washington - "Ich entscheide, was das Beste ist. Und das Beste ist, dass Donald Rumsfeld Verteidigungsminister bleibt", sagte Bush heute vor Journalisten im Weißen Haus in Washington. Seine Entscheidung stehe endgültig fest. Wie den Fledermäusen die sprichwörtlichen Flügel gewachsen sind, erklärt jetzt eine neue Studie eines Forscherteams um Karen Sears und Lee Niswander von der University of Colorado in Aurora. Den beiden Biologinnen nach, sei die luftige Errungenschaft der Tiere auf ein besonderes Knochenwachstums-Gen zurückzuführen. Und nach dem Firmenbesuch ging es bei dem Drei-Gänge-Dinner in Gates 100-Millionen-Dollar-Villa am Lake Washington ... vor allem um das schwierige Thema Produktpiraterie in China, dass nicht nur US-Amerikaner immer wieder zur Weißglut treibt. Er wolle sich um dieses Problem verstärkt kümmern, erklärte Hu. "Wir nehmen unsere Versprechen sehr ernst." Erst kürzlich hatte die Regierung in Peking erklärt, dass künftig alle Computer in dem asiatischen Land mit einem speziellen und lizenzierten Betriebssystem ausgestattet sein müssen. Dafür soll auch Windows-Software von Microsoft gekauft werden. Nun wird es ernst: US-Präsident Bush will mit Hu über den globalen Konkurrenzkampf um Energie und über Chinas Verbindung zu Iran reden. Washington - Chinas Öl-Hunger ist für die Regierung in Washington seit Monaten eines der Top-Themen. Der rasant ansteigende Bedarf der neuen Wirtschaftsmacht sei ein wichtiger Grund für die steigenden Weltmarkt-Preise, erklärte US-Präsident George Bush bereits offiziell + warnte China davor, Energiequellen zu blockieren Letzten Monat wurde die nationale Sicherheitsstrategie um einen entsprechenden Absatz zur Volksrepublik erweitert. 19.Apr.2006 Nuklearkonflikt mit Iran: USA scheitern mit harter Linie Raising the worse-than-Watergate question + demanding unequivocally that Congress seek to answer it is, in fact, overdue + more than justified by ample evidence stacked up from Baghdad back to New Orleans +, of increasing relevance, inside a special prosecutor's office in downtown Washington. In terms of imminent, meaningful action by the Congress, however, the question of whether the president should be impeached (or, less severely, censured) remains premature. More important, it is essential that the Senate vote—hopefully before the November elections + with overwhelming support from both parties—to undertake a full investigation of the conduct of the presidency of George W. Bush, along the lines of the Senate Watergate Committee's investigation during the presidency of Richard M. Nixon. How much evidence is there to justify such action? "The Washington Post is reporting that the recently unearthed Mapusaurus roseae was as large as a T-Rex + may have hunted in packs. The fossils were found in Patagonia, in Argentina, though not enough were found to reconstruct an entire specimen. The meat-eaters probably lived in the same time + place as the 125-foot-long Argentinosaurus, the largest known dinosaur." From the article: "T. rex was equipped to attack and destroy animals its own size, Currie said, but Mapusaurs perhaps could 'go in, strike, pull + see what to do next,' a strategy that could work against larger animals, especially if the predators attacked together -- the prehistoric equivalent of a pack of wolves cornering a bison." 18.Apr.2006 US plans to open three military bases in Turkey: Two locations have been already set apart in the seaports of Iskenderun at the Mediterranean + Urla at the Aegean Sea. The third base will probably be situated in the seaport of Mordogan, near Izmir. 18.Apr.2006 Must watch: 3 Minute Video Fom Ben Cohen: On the Military Budget or Why we don't have free health insurance 18.Apr.2006 Katrina Vanden Heuvel: $13,700 an Hour: - The New York Times recently reported that--for the first time-- a full-time worker earning minimum wage cannot afford a one-bedroom apartment anywhere in America at market rates 18.Apr.2006 Harris injects $3 million into Senate campaign : U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris raised slightly more than $1 million for the first quarter of this year + pumped another $3 million of her own money into her campaign for the U.S. Senate, according to reports filed with the Federal Elections Commission. 18.Apr.2006 Paul Craig Roberts: Another Grim Jobs Report: How Safe is Your Job?: Is your job safe? Not if it can be done abroad. The only safe jobs are in domestic services that require a “hands-on” presence, such as barbers, hospital orderlies + waitresses. 18.Apr.2006 OPEC believes oil prices are too high: delegate: OPEC believes oil prices are too steep, after setting a fresh record high above $70 a barrel + the rise is not justified by market fundamentals, a senior OPEC delegate said on Tuesday. 18.Apr.2006 “If We’re at War, President Bush Should Limit Oil Profits”: Maybe we are engaged in a global war. If that’s the case, then there is ample precedent for Mr. Bush to limit oil profits. Americans expect the president to do something that will lower the cost of gasoline. 18.Apr.2006 Diagnosing the U.S. ‘national character’: Narcissistic Personality Disorder: We are 5 % of the world’s population and consume about a quarter of the world’s energy. This state of affairs is clearly unjust, made possible by coercion and violence, not some natural superiority of Americans. 18.Apr.2006 We are globalised, but have no real intimacy with the rest of the world: We live in a world that we are much more intimate with and yet, at the same time, also much more intolerant of - unless, that is, it conforms to our way of thinking. 18.Apr.2006 Chernobyl death toll grossly underestimated: — A new Greenpeace report has revealed that the full consequences of the Chernobyl disaster could top a quarter of a million cancers cases and nearly 100,000 fatal cancers. 18.Apr.2006 11.Sep.2001 -survivor's toxic clothing sparks cancer fear : THIS deadly 9/11 shirt contains so much asbestos it is feared thousands of the disaster's survivors could be hit with cancer. In case you missed it: "Loose Change 2nd Edition" : This film purports to show direct connection between the attacks of 11.Sep.2001 + the USA government 18.Apr.2006 Karzai calls for restraint as Afghans killed by coalition fire : Hamid Karzai, Afghan president, yesterday demanded restraint from coalition forces after more than a dozen Afghan civilians and police were killed in two possible friendly fire incidents. 18.Apr.2006 Dispatch from Gaza: The Earth is Closing in on Us : The shells keep falling. They’ve gotten inside my head, so that it’s not just my house shaking but but my brain throbbing. 18.Apr.2006 Israel's Policy: Starve the Palestinian s: Israel exists as a major military force in the world and a silent member of the nuclear club. Yet it cries wolf that Hamas threatens its existence. 18.Apr.2006 Muslims, Arabs Raise Funds for Palestinians: – With millions of Palestinians hardly able to make ends meet, several Arab and Muslim countries offered aid to the cash-strapped Palestinian Authority while local fund-raising campaigns have been launched across the Muslim world to counter international aid freeze. 18.Apr.2006 Israel refuses to give the government a chance to achieve a state of calm: In a Tuesday declaration, Hamad said that Israel will not cease its attacks long enough for Palestinian parties and resistance factions to have a chance to even speak about another ‘period of calm.’ 18.Apr.2006 Israel, real threat to world - Zarif : Iran's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mohammad Javad Zarif Tuesday called for respect and support of the international community for the rights of the Palestinian people. 18.Apr.2006 Gwynne Dyer: US support for moving borders is just a charade : ”WE have a very tight timetable for drawing Israel’s final borders, because we seek the support of the US administration and President Bush. It has to be done by November, 2008,” Yoram Turbowicz said last week. 18.Apr.2006 'Iran' calls on every Muslim to donate one euro to Palestine : "All Islamic nations should know that their prestige and dignity lies in their strong objection to the bullying of big powers. 18.Apr.2006 Jason Leopold : State Department Memo: '16 Words' Were False : The revelation of the warning from the closely guarded State Department memo is the first piece of hard evidence and the strongest to date that the Bush administration manipulated and ignored intelligence information in their zeal to win public support for invading Iraq. 18.Apr.2006 Rumsfeld's Fall Drags Hawks in Its Wake : While the unprecedented calls by six retired generals for his resignation have focused primarily on his competence, management style and strategy for invading and occupying Iraq, Rumsfeld's departure would almost certainly cripple the coalition of neo-conservative and aggressive nationalist war hawks in and around the administration for the remainder of Bush's term. 18.Apr.2006 Charley Reese : Another War For Israel: The Israeli lobby pushing America to fight yet another war for Israel reminds me of what the French ambassador to Great Britain said at a party: "Why does the world allow this (expletive deleted) little country to cause so much trouble?" 18.Apr.2006 Israeli Bomb Kills 16 Year Old Palestinian : The youths were standing in an open field in the northern part of Beit Lahiya when they were hit by the shell. Ovayed was critically wounded and died of his wounds two hours later. 18.Apr.2006 Eric Margolis : Countdown Over Iran: It’s both fascinating and dismaying watching the manufactured `crisis’ over Iran reach new intensity each week. Iran poses no real military threat to anyone, but listening to the Bush Administration or the US media one would think that that Tehran was about to unleash a nuclear holocaust on the world. 18.Apr.2006 Gallup: 57% Say U.S. Won't Win in Iraq : In a surprise, the new poll found that 44% of Republicans now back withdrawing some or all troops from Iraq 18.Apr.2006 U.S. refuses to denie report of Iran strike plans: The Pentagon declined to comment Monday on a report that US military planning for Iran began in 2002 + has been continually updated since. 18.Apr.2006 Gordon Prather: Busting empty bunkers : military planners told the White House that if they wanted to be sure to destroy the underground uranium-enrichment bunker at Natanz – which is to eventually hold those 50,000 gas-centrifuges, but is now empty – they'd have to nuke it. 18.Apr.2006 Prominent U.S. Physicists Send Warning Letter to President Bush: Thirteen of the nation’s most prominent physicists have written a letter to President Bush, calling U.S. plans to reportedly use nuclear weapons against Iran “gravely irresponsible” and warning that such action would have “disastrous consequences for the security of the USA + the world.” 18.Apr.2006 Fallout: The human cost of nuclear catastrophe: Flash presentation 18.Apr.2006 Theocons and Theocrats -By Kevin Phillips an elected leader who believes himself in some way to be speaking for God. Continued Serial lies spew from his forked tongue as the result of a damaged mind and personality that will not permit him to face the truth. He lies about leaks and leaks about lies. Continued 18.Apr.2006 Did You Know That You Can Get BuzzFlash Alerts Completely Free? Sign Up Here. Just Click. 18.Apr.2006 On his national radio program today, William Bennett, the former Reagan and George H.W. Bush administration official and now a CNN commentator, said that three reporters who won Pulitzer Prizes yesterday were not "worthy of an award" but rather "worthy of jail." 4/19 18.Apr.2006 Michael Winship: Rummy's Big Transformation Goes Bust 4/18 9 comments Comments: What no mention of Mena, Barry Seal, Air America etc etc etc The Sun headline: "No Hint Seen in Memo that Plame's Role Was Secret." The first reader comment below is, potentially, of great interest. Perhaps our anonymous commentator would care to add a few details? Permalink # posted by Joseph : 10:18 PM 2 comments Comments: having known a CIA field guy during the time the leak occurred , Plame was undercover and an entire network of people was blown on purpose. BushCo exposed many many undercover people by association. Many CIA guys were scared for their lives and many networks were blown contrary to what Repubs want you to believe. In particular, leaking Valerie's name and occupation had the effect of blowing her cover firm, "Brewster Jennings" + thereby blowing the cover of all other operatives who were using the same bogus firm as their cover. Over on Firedoglake, a reader who calls himsefl Edward Teller left a comment which deserves wider circulation: Since the unholy alliance between the Zionists and the Christian Zionists: In etwa drei Kilometern Tiefe hatten die Kleinstlebewesen 100.000 Jahre lang überlebt. Mehr als zwei Jahre hat das Team von Hideaki Motoyama gebohrt, um an den etwa eine Million Jahre alten Eisbrocken heranzukommen. Drei Kilometer unter die Oberfläche der Antarktis trieben sie ihren Spezialbohrer - noch tiefer als die Kollegen vom deutschen Alfred-Wegener-Institut, die im Rahmen des internationalen EPICA-Projektes ebenfalls in die Tiefen des antarktischen Eises gebohrt hatten. Die zylinderförmigen Eisstücke seien die bislang ältesten, die Experten je an die Erdoberfläche gebracht hätten, hieß es bei der Vorstellung in Tokio. Eisschichten enthielten im Kern uralten Schnee, sagte Motoyama. Der nun geborgene Eisblock wiederum gebe im Vergleich mit anderen Stichproben Aufschluss über Veränderungen von Temperatur, Kohlendioxidmengen + Methananreicherungen. Alexandria - Im Prozess um die Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 hat ein Psychologe den angeklagten Franzosen Zacarias Moussaoui gestern als "Schizophrenen mit paranoiden Tendenzen" bezeichnet. Der von der Verteidigung geladene Experte Xavier Amador diagnostizierte bei dem 37-Jährigen entsprechende Symptome wie Wahnvorstellungen und geistige Verwirrtheit. den größten bekannten Dinosaurier aller Zeiten, den 40 Meter langen und bis zu 100 Tonnen schweren Pflanzenfresser Argentinosaurus, zu jagen. Beide Arten lebten vor etwa 100 Millionen Jahren. Mapusaurus roseae habe die längsten Schienbeine gehabt, die bisher bei fleischfressenden Dinosauriern gefunden worden seien, sagte Coria, der die Entdeckung gemeinsam mit Philip Currie von der University of Alberta im Fachblatt "Geodiversitas" vorstellte. Der Kopf habe tiefer gesessen und sei etwas leichter gewesen als bei seinem älteren "Cousin" Giganotosaurus. Ein ausgewachsenes Exemplar des Zweibeiners mit Stummelarmen habe etwa sechs Tonnen gewogen und eine Höhe von vier Metern erreicht. Schneller als 20 Kilometer in der Stunde hätten diese enormen Tiere aber nicht laufen können. 18.Apr.2006 Kindliche Entwicklung: Jüngere Menschen lesen besser in Affengesichtern |