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22.Sep.2006 CHAPTER SEVEN: Who Financed Adolf Hitler? ... of American IG Farben while Max Warburg was a director of IG Farben. ...

Their feelings were shared by the deputy chairman of the Aufsichtsrat of ...

22.Sep.2006 FES: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte - Online: 43. [2003] / Rezensionen ... dass zeitgleich auch Max Warburg oder Emil Rathenau immediaten Zugang zum ...

00.000.1916 Eintritt von Hugo Stinnes in den Aufsichtsrat der Hapag Ende einen zu ...
22.Sep.2006 Hausdurchsuchung: Telecom Italia im Visier der Steuerfahnder
22.Sep.2006 Rheinland- Pfalz: Drittes Bundesland meldet Genreis- Fund
22.Sep.2006 /article.cfm-ItemID=11909.htm
Did we see it coming?
The best and worst from our leaders during crises
Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St Clair
09.Dec.2001 Counterpunch

Tuesday did not offer a flattering exhibition of America's leaders.

For most of the day the only Bush who looked composed + control in Washington was Laura, who happened to be waiting to testify on Capitol Hill.

Her husband gave a timid + stilted initial reaction in Sarasota, Florida, then disappeared for an hour before resurfacing in at a base in Barksdale, Louisiana,

where he gave another flaccid address with every appearance of bring on tranquilizers.

He was then flown to a bunker in Nebraska, before someone finally had the wit to suggest that the best place for an American president at time of national emergency is the Oval Office.
Two B-52 bombers yesterday left Barksdale airbase in Louisiana, joining F-15E fighter-bombers, F-16 fighters, B-1 long range bombers and E-3 Awacs airborne command-and-control aircraft that left on Wednesday.
/0,3604,555517,00.html Secret memo reveals US plan to overthrow Taliban regime
Special report: terrorism in the US
Special report: Afghanistan Ian Traynor in Tajikistan and Gary Younge in Washington

21.Sep.2001 Friday The Guardian
22.Sep.2006 Transrapid- Geschichte: In sieben Jahrzehnten zur Schwebebahn

22.Sep.2006 Sicherheit beim G- 8- Gipfel: Heiligendamm wird eingezäunt
22.Sep.2006 Kriminalität: Chinesische Banden nehmen deutsche Mittelständler aus
Alzheimer- Krankheit: Lebenswichtiges Protein macht krank
Netzwelt- Ticker: ICANN bleibt unter US- Kontrolle
22.Sep.2006 Islam- Rede: Papst empfängt muslimische Botschafter
22.Sep.2006 Die reichsten Amerikaner: Club der Milliardäre

22.Sep.2006 U S- Milliardäre: Viele Millionen Dollar Einkommen - pro Tag
22.Sep.2006 Westbündnis gegen Asien: Drei Gründe für eine Nato der Wirtschaft
Realität oder Manipulation? - sfux Harald Haack ?

Angesichts der gegenwärtigen digitalen Möglichkeiten sind Fälschungen und Manipulationen von Fotos keine wirklichen Grenzen mehr gesetzt. Anstatt sich aber darüber zu ereifern, sollten Nachrichten-Konsumenten lernen das visuelle Angebot kritisch zu beurteilen ? auch auf die Gefahr hin, dass so mancher sensationelle Schnappschuss, der nachweislich nicht manipuliert wurde, nicht...
Military families call for Rumsfeld's resignation - sfux AP -

A half-dozen members of a military families group in Alaska are calling for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's resignation. They are upset with Rumsfeld's portrayal of events in Iraq and have asked U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski to call for the secretary's resignation. The requesters are part of the...
Ein Schlag gegen den ?Quadratschädel? - Hintergründe des Militärputsches in Thailand - sfux Malte Olschewski -

Mit Premier Thaksin Shinawatra hat das thailändische Militär ein ganzes System gestürzt, in dem sich ein Familienclan über Geld und Medien nahezu diktatorische Vollmachten anmassen konnte. Im 20. Staatsstreich seit Einführung der konstitutionellen Monarchie 1932 hat Armeechef Sonthi Boonyaratglin Thaksins Reise zur UNO-Versammlung in New York zu einem unblutigen Umsturz...
Machen Schusswaffen Schweizer Armeeangehörige zu Mördern? - sfux Harald Haack ?

Für viele Europäer ist die Schweiz ein wundervolles und ein sonderbares Land zugleich. Deutsche beneiden die Schweizer Bevölkerung vor allem wegen angeblich besserer Demokratie. Militärisch gilt die Schweiz als hochmodern und effizient gerüstet. Nirgendwo sind die Berge der Alpen mehr durchlöchert und mit geheimen militärischen Anlagen ausgestattet als in der Schweiz. Als besondere Stärke der militärischen...
Risk is the beauty of journalism - sfux David Dastych -

A prominent, internationally acknowledged Pakistani journalist, Hamid Mir, was the last newsman to meet and interview Osama bin Laden. In this interview, granted to an international journalist and former intelligence operative from Poland, David Dastych, he discusses his professional career, political...
Militär übernimmt Macht in Thailand - sfux AFP -

In Thailand hat sich das Militär an die Macht geputscht. "Der Rat für politische Reform hat es für nötig befunden, von nun an die Macht zu übernehmen", erklärte der Kommandeur der Bodenstreitkräfte, Sonthi Boonyaratglin, in Bangkok. Das Militär verhängte das Kriegsrecht über die Hauptstadt, setzte die Verfassung von 1997 außer Kraft und löste Parlament, Regierung und Verfassungsgericht auf.
Nichts bleibt so, wie es ist - Am 1. Oktober sind Wahlen in Brasilien - sfux Karl Weiss -

Am Sonntag, den 1. Oktober sind allgemeine Wahlen in Brasilien. Es werden der Präsident, der gesamte Bundestag, alle Länderparlamente, alle Gouverneure (Ministerpräsidenten der Länder) und die Hälfte der Senatoren gewählt. Wenn kein politisches Erdbeben mehr geschieht, wird Präsident Lula wiedergewählt werden, wahrscheinlich im ersten Wahlgang, eventuell auch erst im zweiten.
Ist Afghanistans Anti- Drogen Zar der Drogen Zar? - sfux Stephan Fuchs ?

Sein Job ist, Afghanistans Opium Produktion einzudämmen. Das vom Krieg geschändete und noch immer von Kriegsfürsten und den Taliban regierte Land, baut Opium an wie noch nie. Rohopium für mindestens 450 Tonnen Heroin war es 2005 ? ein schlechtes Jahr - und dies unter den Augen der Besatzer und des Vizeinnenministers Mohammed Daud. Er ist der Anti-Drogen Zar Afghanistans. Wie das...
The CIA's Pain Project - sfux 
Democracy Now - Editor's Note: This is an edited transcript of an interview between Amy Goodman and Alfred McCoy from Democracy Now!. It originally aired on February 17 + is available...

22.Sep.2006 Kill The Messenger: Sibel Edmonds - sfux Stephan Fuchs ?

Sibel Edmonds, ehemalige FBI Übersetzerin und Mitgründerin der National Security Whistleblowers Coalition hat einiges zu sagen. So viel, dass sie beim FBI aussteigen musste ? das FBI wollte Edmonds Untersuchungsergebnisse nicht hören. Edmonds ist aufgestanden und hat rebelliert, schweigen wollte sie nicht. Viele aus FBI, CIA, NSA und aus anderen Diensten sind ihr gefolgt, das Resultat ist die National Security...
Kill the Messenger - sfux Sibel Edmonds -

"Kill the Messenger," a documentary produced by Zadig Productions, directed by French filmmakers Mathieu Verboud and Jean Robert Viallet, is scheduled to air on Canal + in France on September 19, 2006. The film will also be aired in Belgium, on BeTV + Australia, on SBS, this fall. The documentary explores the abuses behind the State Secrets Privilege as invoked in FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds'...
Muslims ordered to leave the USA: Next Attack Imminent - sfux By Hamid Mir (Interview), Paul L. Williams & David Dastych / Saturday, September 16, 2006. Urgent news from Abu...
22.Sep.2006 Linkstrend gebrochen? - sfux Karl Weiss -

Wie üblich, wird die Wahlauswertung der Landtagswahlen in Berlin und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern durch die bürgerlichen Presse wieder im wesentlichen auf der Basis der für die bürgerlichen Parteien abgegebenen Stimmen durchgeführt. Die bei weitem größte Gruppe der Wahlberechtigten, die nicht wählen, werden einfach als desinteressiert abgetan. Auch werden nie die Zahlen der tatsächlich abgegebenen Stimmen mit...
New conviction for Peru spy chief Peru's ex-intelligence chief Montesinos gets a 20-year jail sentence for selling arms to Colombian guerrillas.
22.Sep.2006 Rep. Waxman Calls For Bush’s Housing Secretary To Resign Immediately - Judd 

An investigation by the Department of Housing and Urban Development Inspector General found that HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson instructed staff to award contracts to President Bush’s political allies and withhold them from his political opponents.

The news prompted Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) — the ranking member on the House Government Reform Committee — to call for Jackson’s resignation. Dallas Business Journal has the story:

The findings led Rep. Henry A. Waxman, D-Calif., to call Thursday for Jackson’s resignation.

“If this report is accurate, Secretary Jackson should resign immediately ,” Waxman said. “ We must not allow taxpayer-funded contracts to be handed out to political allies as rewards for loyalty .”

The HUD Inspector General is refusing to release the full, 340 page report on Jackson’s conduct to the media. The Dallas Buisness Journal has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to obtain it.

Bush_s_Housing_Secretary_To_Resign_Immediately">Digg It!
Media falls for White House head fake - Judd  on global warming. Climate Progress has the details.
22.Sep.2006 CIA Veteran Speaks: ‘There’s A Civil War In Iraq And Our Presence Is Contributing To The Violence’ - Nico 

Dr. Emile Nakhleh spent 15 years in the CIA and retired in June as the Director of the Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program, “the intelligence community’s premier group dedicated to the issue of political Islam.” Harper’s Ken Silverstein scored the first interview with Nakhleh since leaving the CIA. Some key excerpts:

On Iraq:

I have come to believe that our presence is part of the problem and that we should begin to seriously devise an exit strategy. There’s a civil war in Iraq and our presence is contributing to the violence. We’ve become a lightning rod–we’re not restricting the violence, we’re contributing to it. Iraq has galvanized jihadists; our presence is what is attracting them. We need to get out of there.

On Bush’s campaign for democracy:

We’ve lost a generation of goodwill in the Muslim world. The President’s democratization and reform program for the Middle East has all but disappeared, except for official rhetoric. … Because of Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib + other abuses we have lost on the concepts of justice, fairness and the rule of law + that’s the heart of the American idea.

On what to do in Iran:

I think it would be detrimental to our long-term interests to ignore the Iranian reality and let ourselves be blinded by our dislike for the current president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. … The growing influence of Hezbollah + its leader Hasan Nasrallah, across the region and within the Sunni street + the growing regional influence and reach of Iran, are two new realities that we should recognize and engage. Iran’s nuclear issue is as much a failure of the nonproliferation approach as it is one of belligerence. Here too, I think, creative policies of engagement are called for and are possible.

Read the full interview HERE.
22.Sep.2006 BREAKING: McCain Reaches Agreement With Bush On Military Tribunals - Faiz 

NBC News reports that President Bush and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) have reached a deal on military tribunals. Details of the compromise have yet to be released, but according to news accounts, “the White House has dropped its insistence on redefining the obligations of the USA under the Geneva Conventions.”

No word yet on whether Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter (R-PA) has also agreed to the compromise. Specter earlier took issue with the McCain, Warner + Graham position:

I disagree with Senator McCain, Graham and Warner and the president trying to eliminate habeas corpus, that is judicial review, because we have so many complicated matters. When you come to the Geneva Convention, we have to follow the Geneva Convention.

More details to follow.
VIDEO: BBC Reveals ‘Direct Link’ Between Tobacco Companies And Global Warming Deniers - Judd 

In a segment on Newsnight yesterday, the BBC revealed a “direct link between the tobacco companies and the claim that climate change isn’t happening.” In 1993 Philip Morris set up a “grass roots coaltion” to “cast doubt on studies showing that second-hand tobacco smoke is dangerous for health.” In order not to raise suspicion that the company was involved, Philip Morris decided to “‘link the tobacco issue with other more politically correct products’ and campaign on issues like global warming.”

The result was the Advancement of Sound Science Coalition, which was “one of the first organizations to throw a smokescreen over global warming.” Watch it: We’ve posted the full transcript here. Digg It!
22.Sep.2006 $3 billion. - Payson 

Virgin CEO Richard Branson’s pledge to fight climate change. At the Clinton Global Initiative, Branson announced he was investing “100 % of all future proceeds to the Virgin Group from our transportation interest, both our trains and airline businesses, into tackling global warming.” The donation exceeds the total amount of commitments from last year’s conference ($2.5 billion).

UPDATE: NYT reports:

Mr. Branson said the idea had grown out of a visit to his London home a few months ago by former Vice President Al Gore, who is on a prolonged worldwide speaking tour to promote “An Inconvenient Truth,” his documentary and book about global warming.

“You are in a position maybe to make a difference,” Mr. Branson said Mr. Gore had told him. “If you can make a giant step forward other people will follow.”
Cyrus Nowrasteh unhinged. - Nico 

In a new interview with Foreign Policy magazine, right-wing “Path to 9/11? writer Cyrus Nowrasteh was asked if he was surprised by the reaction to his biased, inaccurate film. “No, this was a witch hunt. It was like a national book burning. It’s Salem all over again.” He added, “I think the hubbub is because we got to the truth.”
22.Sep.2006 Inspector General: Bush’s Housing Secretary Told Staff To Award Contracts To Political Allies - Judd 

In May, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Alphonso Jackson told a group of minority buisness people that he canceled a government contract because the contractor criticized President Bush.

The resulting uproar resulted in a series of conflicting statements from Jackson and his spokeswoman, Dustee Tucker. Jackson stood by his story for several days before claiming it was “made-up” and intended to show “how Washington works.”

The incident prompted an investigation by the HUD Inspector General. The Dallas Morning News got a look at the 340-page report yesterday.

The report concluded that an incident similar to the one Jackson described did occur.

Additionally, the Inspector General — through interviews with top HUD staffers — found that Jackson was involved in even more egregious behavior. The report reveals that Jackson instructed staff to award HUD contracts to President Bush’s political allies and withhold them from his political opponents. From the Dallas Morning News:

In a follow-up interview on June 8, investigators confronted her with testimony from Cathy MacFarlane, who resigned that month as HUD’s assistant secretary for public affairs. Ms. MacFarlane told investigators that at a senior staff meeting, Mr. Jackson “made a statement to the effect that it was important to consider presidential supporters when you are considering the selected candidates for discretionary contracts .”

And Ms. MacFarlane told investigators, “I think it was a political [appointee] talking to a political, saying if all things are equal, you’re giving out a contract, give it out to the family, you know.”

The testimony stirred Ms. Pierce’s memory.

“ He did say that he did not want contracts awarded — he did say something about political groups, maybe to Democrats or something like that ,” she said in the follow-up interview…

…Roy Bernardi, the No. 2 official at HUD and a former mayor of Syracuse, N.Y., also testified that he recalled Mr. Jackson’s statement at the staff meeting.

Jackson’s conduct appears to be in clear violation of federal law, specifically the Federal Aquisition Reguations (48 CFR 3.101-1) which requires that “Government business shall be conducted in a manner above reproach and…with complete impartiality and with preferential treatment for none.” President Bush should not tolerate this blantant violation of the public trust.
22.Sep.2006 California sues automakers over global warming. - Nico 

“General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and four other automakers were sued by California for making vehicles that contribute to global warming, causing pollution and erosion that costs the state millions of dollars.”
22.Sep.2006 CAUGHT ON TAPE: Administration Ignores Senate Intel Report, Misleads America About Iraq/al-Qaeda Link - Payson 

08.Sep.2006 the Senate Intelligence Committee released a long-awaited report on “postwar findings about Iraq’s…links to terrorism and how they compare with prewar assessments.”

The report concluded:

1) Iraq and al Qa’ida were enemies, not collaborators.

2) There was no connection between Saddam and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

Nevertheless, the Bush administration has continued to make false claims about Iraq’s connections to al-Qaeda that were specifically debunked by the Senate report. ThinkProgress has it all caught on tape. Watch it:

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Fact 1: Saddam Hussein “attempted, unsuccessfully, to locate and capture al-Zarqawi” and Hussein’s “regime did not have a relationship with, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi.” [Page 109]

MR. SNOW: Well + there was a relationship — there was a relationship in this sense: Zarqawi was in Iraq; al Qaeda members were in Iraq; they were operating + in some cases, operating freely from Iraq. [9/12/06]

RICE: So he was a state sponsor of terror. He had terrorists operating in his country, including Zarqawi, who had a poisons network in the country. [9/10/06]

SNOW: What we have been unable to demonstrate or discover is whether they’re sitting around in the map room, spreading out the map, saying, okay, you bomb there. We just don’t have that kind of granularity in terms of the relationship + therefore, we’re not going to go — we’re going to — not going to out-run the facts. [9/13/06]

CHENEY: You’ve got Iraq and al-Qaeda, testimony from the director of CIA that there was indeed a relationship, Zarqawi in Baghdad, etc. Then the third…
RUSSERT: The committee said that there was no relationship. In fact…
CHENEY: Well, I haven’t seen the report; I haven’t had a chance to read it yet. [

Fact 2: “The [Iraqi Intelligence Service] … actively attempted to locate and capture al-Zarqawi without success.” [Page 109]

BLITZER: But Zarqawi and Saddam Hussein were in a battle.
RICE: I don’t think - well, first of all, let’s take with a grain of salt the notion that somehow Zarqawi and Saddam were in some kind of pitched battle.
BLITZER: That’s what the report concludes.
RICE: No, what the report concludes is that some have testified that Saddam Hussein did not trust Zarqawi and that he was trying to find him. [

Fact 3: Postwar findings, the report concluded, “confirm that no such meeting occurred” between 9/11 hijacker and Muhammad Atta and an Iraqi intelligence officer in Prague.” [Page 110]

RUSSERT: And the meeting with Atta did not occur?
CHENEY: We don’t know. [

Fact 4: Saddam Hussein “was distrustful of al-Qa’ida and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to this regime, refusing all requests from al Qa’ida to provide material or operational support.” [Page 105]

RICE: And we know that in testimony of the director of central intelligence at the time and as a matter of fact even in the 9-11 report that contacts between Al Qaida and Iraq had been going on, going back for more than a decade. So was Iraq involved with terror? Absolutely, Iraq was involved with terror. [9/10/06]

RICE: There were ties between Iraq and Al Qaida. [9/10/06]

CHENEY: There’s a separate–apart from that’s the issue of whether or not there was a historic relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda. The basis for that is probably best captured in George Tenet’s testimony before the Senate Intel Commission, an open session, where he said specifically that there was a pattern of relationship that went back at least a decade between Iraq and al-Qaeda. [9/10/06]
22.Sep.2006 Matthews: ‘I Have Been…Against This Bullshit War From The Beginning’ - Think Progress 

This morning on Imus, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews blasted the media for not covering the Iraq war.

Matthews said that while people are still fighting and dying the Iraq, war “has been taken off television + Bush must love it.”

Matthews said that most of the media was sold a bill of goods by the Bush administration, but that he’s been “a voice out there against this bullshit war from the beginning.”

He added that Cheney was “totally wrong” about Iraq but still “talks like God on television + we are supposed to believe every word.” Watch it: Digg It!


MATTHEWS: It is like we are at war — we have killed 15,000 people that died over there in that war, we still get guys knocked off every couple of days, a couple more guys are killed — and yet it is not on the tube. It’s like, are we bored with the war now? Is that the new thing? We don’t cover a war guys are fighting? And I watch the news, I don’t see the war any more. It has been taken off television + Bush must love it. Certainly Karl Rove loves the fact that the Iraq War has gotten boring for the American people.

IMUS: It probably had something to do with the tainted spinach, you know, if you’ve been thinking about it.

MATTHEWS: How can we be in a war and not watch it?

IMUS: Well, I don’t know, that’s a good question.


IMUS: It must make you uncomfortable to read Frank Rich’s book, “The Greatest Story Ever Sold,” because it’s Frank’s essential thesis that they sold us this bill of goods — the administration did, you know Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld all them about the Iraq war — and it was you and the rest of the media went along with them…


IMUS: …like enablers with an alcoholic.

MATTHEWS: No. no. no. no. Don. Dono. You can check everything. Get your Nexis-Lexis out. Get your google out. Every column I have written from the day they started talking about Iraq has been against it. Now you are chuckling because you know damn well you’ve pulled my chain here. I have been a voice out there against this bullshit war from the beginning.

IMUS: OK, well, except you then.

MATTHEWS: OK. That’s nicer.

IMUS: Do we have to edit that for the radio, Lou?

PRODUCER: Yeah, we got it.

MATTHEWS: I have never used it ’til now because it was never more appropo. But you are right. The amazing thing is the President is winning now with a hand with nothing in it. They were wrong about the WMD, wrong about the connection to 9/11. Cheney said he didn’t even know there was going to be a war when we went in there. He was totally wrong + yet he talks like god on television + we are supposed to believe every word.
September 21, 2006 - Think Progress 

Attorney General Gonzales defended U.S. actions that led to a Canadian citizen being falsely imprisoned, rendered to Syria + tortured. “Well, we were not responsible for his removal to Syria,” Gonzales said. “I’m not aware that he was tortured.” In an “embarrassing turnabout,” a Justice Dept. official later “backed away” from Gonzales’ remarks.

“The number of civilians slain in Iraq reached an unprecedented level in July and August, which saw 6,599 violent deaths,” a new U.N. report shows. Researchers also noted “the growth of sectarian militias and death squads + a rise in ‘honor killings’ of women.”

25: %age of Americans who approve of the job Congress is doing. “[M]ost said they could not name a single major piece of legislation that cleared this Congress.”

Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH), who has pled guilty to selling his votes for tens of thousands of dollars, “will be eligible to receive his congressional pension after he serves his prison sentence.” Congress has failed to pass a measure proposed this summer to deny pensions to members convicted of a felony.

“Despite the firm opposition of the Pentagon and ecumenical chaplain groups,” right-wing members of Congress are trying to include a provision in a defense spending bill that would “license zealot chaplains to violate policies of religious tolerance at secular ceremonies.”

“An Army of None”: Senior Army and Marine Corps officers are warning “that without a reduction in Iraq, the present schedule of combat tours would be difficult to sustain without an increase in the number of forces.” “You can start seeing the [effect of deployments] on the leadership of the active force,” one official said.

CIA officials say President Bush had to empty the agency’s secret prison network this month “because interrogators had refused to continue their work until the legal situation was clarified because they were concerned they could be prosecuted for using illegal techniques.”

“Four government auditors who monitor leases for oil and gas on federal property say the Interior Department suppressed their efforts” to recover more than $30 million from energy companies they said were cheating the government.

And finally: Everyone’s a critic, including the FBI. A new documentary reveals FBI informants who conducted extensive surveillance on John Lennon often took notes on the “artistic merits” of his new music. “Lacking Lennon’s usual standards,” one agent reported. “Yoko can’t even remain on key.
22.Sep.2006 Vice President Donald Rumsfeld. - Nico  It almost happened.
22.Sep.2006 Conservative activists Grover Norquist and Ralph Reed, - Nico 

who both have extensive ties to criminal lobbyist Jack Abramoff, “landed more than 100 meetings inside the Bush White House, according to documents released Wednesday that provide the first official accounting of the access and influence the two presidential allies have enjoyed.”
22.Sep.2006 Americans opposed to Bush detainee policy. - Nico 

An NYT/CBS News poll released tonight shows that 63 % of Americans believe the U.S. should follow international agreements on detainee treatment (v. 32 % who think the U.S. should “do what it thinks right, regardless of what other nations think”). Also, 56 % say torture is never justified, while 35 % say sometimes it is.
22.Sep.2006 The tobacco industry is leading the assault - Judd  against global warming science, according to new book, Heat by George Monbiot. Climate Progress has the details.
22.Sep.2006 Conservative Congressman Blocking Crackdown on Predatory Lenders Targeting U.S. Troops - Nico 

Predatory lenders are seriously harming the U.S. military + one member of Congress is fighting to keep it that way.

A Pentagon report last month found that as many one in five U.S. service members “are being preyed on by loan centers set up near military bases” that can charge interest of 400 % or more.

Increasingly, soldiers have debt levels so high they are barred from serving overseas; others suffer from “bankruptcies, divorces and ruined careers.”

The Pentagon has joined consumer, military + veterans groups in backing a bipartisan amendment from Sens. Jim Talent (R-MO) and Bill Nelson (D-FL) that places a cap of 36 % on high interest rates for short-term payday loans to military members.

But one conservative congressman, Rep. Geoff Davis (R-KY), is trying to gut the amendment. Davis has proposed his own language — praised by the payday lending industry — that sets no real limits on predatory lenders.

One of Davis’s aides admitted last week that he consulted on the legislation with “CNG Financial of Mason, Ohio, one of his top campaign donors and owner of national payday lender Check ‘n Go.”

Today may be the last day to stop Davis in his tracks. Call his office now and tell him to stop enabling predatory lenders who are hurting the U.S. military. Call now:

Davis’s office:
(202) 225-3465

Toll-free congressional switchboard (ask for Davis’s office):
(866) 808-0065 (Let us know what you hear from Davis’s office in the comments section, or
send us an email.) Digg It!
22.Sep.2006 Arctic polar route emerges. - Nico 

“European scientists voiced shock on Wednesday as they showed pictures which showed Arctic ice cover had disappeared so much last month that a ship could sail unhindered from Europe’s most northerly outpost to the North Pole itself.”
22.Sep.2006 Ignoring Senate Intel Report, White House Releases ‘Fact Sheet’ on ‘Iraq’s Links to Al Qaeda’ - Judd 

On September 8, the Senate Intelligence Committee — chaired by Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) — released a report examining Iraq’s pre-war links to al-Qaeda. Here’s what they concluded:

…Saddam Hussein was distrustful of al-Qa’ida and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from al Qa’ida to provide material or operational support…

Saddam issued a general order that Iraq should not deal with al Qa’ida. No postwar information suggests that the Iraqi regime attempted to facilitate a relationship with bin Ladin.

Days later, the White House has released this “fact sheet“:

When will the administration stop misleading the American public? Digg It!
22.Sep.2006 ExxonMobil Stops Funding Competitive Enterprise Institute - Judd 

ExxonMobil is notorious for funding groups that attack global warming science. A recent survey by the Royal Society, “Britain’s premier scientific academy,” found that “ExxonMobil last year distributed $2.9m to 39 groups that the society says misrepresent the science of climate change.”

Exxon may be on the verge however of giving up these efforts. Following the release of Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, the Competitive Enterprise Institute produced television advertisements “that welcomed increased carbon dioxide pollution.”

In response to an inquiry from the Guardian, Exxon announced that the company “stopped funding the Competitive Enterprise Institute this year.” Also, Exxon promised the Royal Society in July that they would “not be providing any further funding” to groups that distort global warming science.

The Royal Society has written Exxon, asking them if they’ve made good on this pledge. You can read the letter here.
22.Sep.2006 September 20, 2006 - Think Progress 

The Bush administration “has dropped its insistence” on redefining the obligations of the U.S. under the Geneva Conventions, congressional aides say, suggesting the White House “blinked first” in its standoff with senators over detainee policy.

Mideast commander John Abizaid said yesterday that the current level of 140,000 troops in Iraq will likely remain stable through next spring. The assessment runs counter to previous predictions of a sharp drawdown by the end of this year, underscoring “how unstable the country remains.”

“There is so much political corruption on Capitol Hill that the FBI has had to triple the number of squads investigating lobbyists, lawmakers and influence peddlers.”

Iraq is the deadliest place for journalists to work, a new study by the Committee to Protect Journalists found. Of the 580 journalists who have been killed over the last 15 years, 78 reporters died in Iraq.

“A state judge yesterday rejected a Georgia law requiring voters to show government-issued photo identification, writing in his decision, ‘This cannot be.‘” The judge said the law, which critics call a modern day poll tax, “disenfranchises citizens who are otherwise qualified to vote.”

Restricting or taxing greenhouse gas emissions would be the “most cost-effective” global warming policy, according to a new Congressional Budget Office report. The report says climate change policy should “reduce carbon emissions by increasing the costs of emitting carbon… to reflect the damages that those emissions are expected to cause.”

“Federal judges decided Tuesday to require faster and fuller disclosure of their expense-paid trips, a response to criticism that the travel could undermine the public’s faith in an impartial judiciary .”

“ The nation’s airports face a looming crisis in their ability to screen checked luggage for bombs that will require billions of dollars to avert,” a new GAO report shows. Many airports “have too few screeners and use slow, labor-intensive bomb detectors that are being overwhelmed.”
22.Sep.2006 Kondrake: Rice and Hughes Convince Bush To Drop ‘Islamic Fascism’ From Speeches - Nico 

Roll Call executive editor and Fox News host Mort Kondrake included this tidbit in his most recent syndicated column:

In a controversial move within the administration, [Undersecretary of State Karen] Hughes and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice seem to have persuaded Bush — temporarily, at least — to drop the label “Islamic fascism” from his speeches ; diplomats say that Muslims hear it as an attack on their religion, thereby validating the extremists’ false charge that the USA is at war with Islam.

The move is a blow to conservatives, who celebrated last month when President Bush used the term several times in his speeches on terrorism. The phrase is a favorite of right-wing commentators like Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh + Sean Hannity; the AP called it “the new buzzword” for conservatives “in an election season dominated by an unpopular war in Iraq.”

Critics of the phrase, including numerous Muslim-American groups and Sens. Russ Feingold (D-WI) and former Marine Army Ranger Jack Reed (D-RI), were lambasted by the right. The Weekly Standard Stephen Schwartz said people who took offense to the term were mere “primitive Muslims.”

Will Rice and Hughes get the same treatment? Bush_Drops_Islamic_Fascism_From_Speeches">Digg it!
Halliburton’s latest TV ad, - Nico  as created by “Iraq for Sale” director Robert Greenwald. Take a look.
22.Sep.2006 Wal-Mart to launch voter education/registration campaign - Nico 

this fall “targeted at its 1.3 million employees in an effort to combat growing criticism from Democrats and labor unions.” The program “could be among the biggest in the country.”
22.Sep.2006 Former Bush Speechwriter: UN Speech Represents ‘The Collapse of the President’s Iran Policy’ - Think Progress 

President Bush gave a speech this morning to the general assembly of the United Nations. Moments afterward, former Bush speechwriter David Frum said the speech represented “the collapse of the President’s Iran policy.” “When Iran does succeed in going nuclear, this speech will seen as a turning point,” he said.

Frum noted that Bush has “subcontracted the job of negotiating with the Iranians” to the Europeans + lamented that Bush’s speech said “nothing about the huge next item on the UN agenda, which is whether or not we will enforce the IAEA rulings on Iran.” Watch it: <script type="text/javascript"> var flvfrum320240 = new SWFObject('//09/frum.320.240.flv&autoStart=false', 'em-flvfrum320240', '320', '260', '6', '#ffffff'); flvfrum320240.addParam('quality', 'high'); flvfrum320240.addParam('wmode', 'transparent'); flvfrum320240.write('flvfrum320240');

“Almost from the beginning of Bush’s presidency,” two groups within the administration — realists seeking to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions + ideologues more interested in regime change — have been “waging an intense struggle over Iran, while the U.S. government went month after month without an official policy.” The dearth of policy details in Bush’s speech today suggests that problem hasn’t changed.

Meanwhile, Iran is not sitting idly by.

Bush_Official_UN_Speech_Was_The_Collapse_of_the_Bush_s_Iran_Policy">Digg It!


FRUM: This speech represents the collapse of the President’s Iran policy + I think it will be seen — when Iran does succeed in going nuclear, this speech will be seen as a turning point in which the USA made the decision — the decision has been made — they formally announced to the world that it wasn’t going to do anything much to stop it. I think in conjunction with President Chirac’s remarks this morning, where he opposed any kind of sanction — and that’s important because Chirac is not just the leader of France. France is one of the three European countries — France, Germany and Britian — that the USA had subcontracted the job of negotiating with the Iranians. The Iranians have lied to the group, stiffed it + up until now the French have been the most robust, the strongest, of the European 3. The French are saying, “no consequences,” and President Bush today said, “OK.” And he went to the UN and he had these words of respect for the Iranian people, but nothing about the huge next item on the UN agenda, which is whether or not we will enforce the IAEA rulings on Iran that say they are cheating, they are lying, they are making their way toward a nuclear weapon. We at the IAEA are bunkrupt. It must go to the Security Council. Obviously, it is not going to the Security Council. And I think we are heading toward a nuclear Iran.
Fox Guest: We Should Ignore McCain Since He ‘Was So Traumatized’ By P.O.W. Experience - Faiz 

Last night on the O’Reilly Factor, former New York Senator Al D’Amato (R) and Bill O’Reilly debated Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) insistence that the U.S. follow the Geneva Conventions in its treatment of all detainees. D’Amato said McCain should receive “a pass on this” because he was “so traumatized by the events that took place” during his captivity in the Vietnam War. The trauma, D’Amato argued, put McCain in such a mental state that he was not in “a position to consider the impact of what his restrictions would do.” Watch it:

Despite the right-wing’s attempts to smear him, McCain has maintained a position that is guided by his personal experience and knowledge of torture. Here’s what he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer when asked recently why he was arguing for the Geneva Conventions even though his captors tortured him.

BLITZER: When you were a POW in Vietnam, you weren’t accorded the Geneva Conventions. You were brutally treated and tortured.

MCCAIN: But later on in our captivity the Vietnamese changed our treatment rather dramatically. There was also an American that was captured in Somalia not that long ago where he was being mistreated + we insisted he be treated according to the Geneva Conventions Common Article 3 and he was. And he was later released. We have the moral high ground because we adhere to the Geneva Conventions. And we’re not like these other countries + we understand that al Qaeda would never observe it. But many of us are afraid there will be additional wars in the history of the USA.

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Full transcript:

O’REILLY: I’m saying to you, Senator McCain, the north Vietnamese were signatories to the Geneva Convention. OK? They broke your leg. They brutalized you and all of the other POWs at the Hanoi Hilton. They didn’t give a fig about the Geneva Convention. So how can you possibly put up an ideal that if we bend over backwards for terrorists, not soldiers, terrorists, that we’re going to get anything back? It doesn’t make any sense. I’ll give you the last word, senator.

D’AMATO: Well, Bill, I give John McCain a pass on this only because I think he was so traumatized by the events that took place, that he doesn’t even really want to or is in a position to consider the impact of what his restrictions would do. And they are not going to make us look any morally better.

O’REILLY: No, they’re not.

D’AMATO: …or have our troops or our citizens treated any better.

O’REILLY: The American haters are still going to hate us.
Air Corruption. - Nico 

“Montana Sen. Conrad Burns, a Republican in a tight re-election race, flew on a private plane chartered by Vonage Holdings Corp. just days after he pushed legislation that the company has advocated for more than a year.”
22.Sep.2006 EMAILS: Bush Officials Blocked Scientist From Discussing Global Warming/Hurricane Link - Nico 

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), ranking member on the Government Reform Committee, has just released a series of emails from the Department of Commerce that suggest that Bush officials “tried to suppress a federal scientist from discussing the link between global warming and hurricanes.”

In a letter to Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, Waxman details how CNBC requested an interview with NOAA scientist Tom Knutson in October 2005 — one month after Hurricane Katrina — “to discuss whether global warming is contributing to the number or intensity of hurricanes.”

CNBC’s request was forwarded from NOAA to Chuck Fuqua in your office. Mr. Fuqua is currently a press officer. He used to be the Director of Media Operations for the 2004 Republican National Convention.

Upon receiving the request, Mr. Fuqua emailed back to NOAA, “what is Knutson’s position on global warming vs. decadal cycles? is he consistent with Bell and Landsea?” … [Dr. Gary Bell and meteorologist Chris Landsea have both expressed doubts about connections between global warming and hurricanes.]

NOAA responded to Mr. Fuqua that Dr. Knutson projected a “very small increase in hurricane intensity” due to increased greenhouse gas pollution. Mr. Fuqua responded, “why can’t we have one of the other guys then?”

This apparently ended the matter. NOAA’s Daily Media Tracking Log states that the request for the interview with Dr. Knutson was subsequently denied .

Whether Bush officials admit it or not, the scientific link between global warming and hurricane intensity is strong + was bolstered again by a report released last week.

Read a full copy of Waxman’s letter HERE + read copies of the emails HERE. Also, read about Waxman’s Safe Climate Act — the first bill ever to target global warming pollution.

Bush_Official_Blocked_Scientist_From_Discussing_Glbl_Warming_Hurricane_Link">Digg it!
17.09 Protestaktion in Schwerin gegen die NPD - Basta! Linke Jugend und Avanti Lübeck 
17.Sp.2006 versammelten sich in Schwerin 60-70 AntifaschistInnen um gegen den dortigen Einzug der rechtsextremen NPD in den Landtag zu protestieren. Sie trafen sich vor dem Lokal, in welchem die Nazis ihren „Wahlsieg“ feiern wollten und störten diese Veranstaltung.

22.Sep.2006 Riesige Repressionswelle in der Türkei - Hasan Ocak 
Heute (21 September 2006) um 15.30 Uhr wurden zahlreiche systemkritische Institutionen in der Türkei durchsucht, Computer und Dokumente beschlagnahmt und viele Journalisten, Menschenrechtsaktivisten, Gewerkschaftler verhaftet.

22.Sep.2006 Chavez Slams U.S. Protection Of CIA Plane Bomber Posada At UN - Paul Joseph Watson 
Chavez Slams U.S. Protection Of CIA Plane Bomber Posada At UN Press fascination with "devil" quote overshadows Venezuelan President's expose of state sponsored

22.Sep.2006 Warning To The World Heeded As Leaders Expose State Terror - Paul Joseph Watson 
Warning To The World Heeded As Leaders Expose State Terror Chavez, Ahmadinejad cite 9/11 in attempt to counter fake war provocations

22.Sep.2006 JFK Doodle Predicted "9-11 Conspiracy" - Paul Joseph Watson JFK Doodle Predicted "9-11 Conspiracy" Weird Associated Press report suggests unimaginable spooky coincidence
22.Sep.2006 Thai king backs coup leadership The leaders of Thailand's military coup are given formal royal endorsement in a televised ceremony.
22.Sep.2006 US deal struck on terror suspects The US president and rebel senators reach a deal on a crucial bill setting rules for interrogating terror suspects.
22.Sep.2006 Pope to meet Muslim envoys The Pope invites Muslim envoys for talks on Monday to try to smooth relations after a speech that offended the Islamic world.
22.Sep.2006 US 'threatened to bomb' Pakistan The US threatened to bomb Pakistan unless it joined the fight against al-Qaeda, says President Pervez Musharraf.
22.Sep.2006 Gambia votes in presidential poll A unique voting system using marbles and drums is being used in Gambia's presidential election.
22.Sep.2006 Billionaires rule US richest list For the first time, the richest 400 tycoons in the US all have a personal wealth of at least $1bn, Forbes says.
22.Sep.2006 Strong debut for China Merchants Shares of China Merchants Bank surge as much as 30% on its first day of trading in Hong Kong.
22.Sep.2006 London bombing victims 'let down' Victims of the 7 July bombings suffered from poor emergency planning, according to a government report.
22.Sep.2006 Iraq torture 'worse after Saddam' Torture may be worse now in Iraq than under Saddam Hussein, the UN's chief anti-torture expert says.
22.Sep.2006 Lebanese president lambasts UN Lebanon's President Emile Lahoud berates the UN for not stopping "barbarous aggression" by Israel.
22.Sep.2006 Hewlett-Packard shares take hit Shares in Hewlett Packard fall 5% as the scandal over its inquiry into boardroom leaks continues.
22.Sep.2006 Global web celebrations under way People around the world are coming together to celebrate the world wide web and its impact on people.
22.Sep.2006 Iranian leader 'not anti-Semite' Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says he is not an anti-Semite
22.Sep.2006 Boeing wins US border contract Boeing wins a government contract to monitor the 7,500 miles of borders the US has with Mexico and Canada.
22.Sep.2006 Thai leaders ban political action The leaders of Thailand's coup ban all meetings and other activities by political parties, two days after taking power.
22.Sep.2006 India plans huge anti-polio push India announces a major drive to contain polio after an outbreak of the virus in its most populous state.
22.Sep.2006 Thai coup leader unveils PM plans Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin, leader of Thailand's military coup, vows to appoint a new prime minister in two weeks.
22.Sep.2006 Chavez tells UN Bush is 'devil' Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez refers to President George W Bush as "the devil" in a speech at the UN.
22.Sep.2006 'Lucy's baby' found in Ethiopia The 3.3-million-year-old fossilised remains of a human-like child have been unearthed in Ethiopia's Dikika region.
22.Sep.2006 Hungarian PM defiant over riots PM Ferenc Gyurcsany says he will not tolerate violent protests after riots in the Hungarian capital, Budapest.
22.Sep.2006 Pope says he was 'misunderstood' Pope Benedict XVI tells pilgrims at the Vatican that his remarks on Islam last week were misunderstood.
22.Sep.2006 Saddam ordered out of court Saddam Hussein is ordered out of court by the new chief judge at his genocide trial in Baghdad.
22.Sep.2006 Bolivians stage roadblock protest Indigenous groups in Bolivia set up roadblocks around Santa Cruz in protest at 'stalled' land reforms.
22.Sep.2006 UN condemns Kosovo 'revolt' talk The UN cautions Kosovo's ethnic Albanians over a warning of a "revolt" if the province is denied independence.
22.Sep.2006 Israel 'trains Iraqi Kurd forces' The BBC obtains evidence that Israelis have been giving military training to Kurds in northern Iraq.
22.Sep.2006 Yemenis vote in crucial election Yemenis vote in elections that are seen as a test of government commitment to reform.
22.Sep.2006 Afghan leader urges terror action Afghanistan's president tells the UN General Assembly that military action alone will not stop terrorism.
22.Sep.2006 Fed keeps rates on hold at 5.25% The US Federal Reserve holds interest rates at 5.25% as evidence grows of a slowing economy.
22.Sep.2006 Stem Cells Fix Rat Retinas Scientists who incited controversy last month over a stem cell paper published in Nature now show their stem cells can repair damaged retinas. In Bodyhack.
22.Sep.2006 NASA Fights Premature Graying The U.S. corps of space engineers is getting older + without an infusion of young blood, ambitious projects targeting the moon and Mars may never get off the launching pad. Robert Lemos reports from the Space 2006 conference.
22.Sep.2006 Feathers, Frugality and Fashion Reduce the world's oil use with rice stems and feathers. No, really. By turning them into fabrics we could cut back on polyester and nylon. By Elizabeth Svoboda.
22.Sep.2006 Wiretap Case: 'Drop It,' Say Feds The Justice Department asks an appeals court to overturn an Oregon judge's decision allowing a suit over the government's warrantless eavesdropping program to continue. Cheney calls the suit "just plain wrong."
22.Sep.2006 CDC Backs HIV Test for All Recommending that all Americans between the ages of 13 and 64 be routinely tested for HIV, officials at the Centers for Disease Control say screening would help stop the virus' spread.
22.Sep.2006 E-cards used in data-thieving scam Information on individuals has been collected in a scam using e-greetings that appear to come from a secret admirer.
22.Sep.2006 The US Navy Says Goodbye to the Tomcat - CowboyNeal 196
jonerik writes "Though it's not being widely reported, this week marks the end of the line for the F-14 Tomcat in US Navy service. First flown in 1970, the Grumman F-14 Tomcat was easily one of the world's most powerful, advanced + deadly aircraft for many years, capable of flying at Mach 2.3 and firing its half-dozen Mach 5 AIM-54 Phoenix air-to-air missiles at targets as much as 100 miles away. Having been gradually replaced during the last several years by the newer F/A-18E/F, the last of the aircraft in US service will be officially retired on Friday, September 22nd in a ceremony at Virginia's Oceana Naval Air Station. However, at least a few F-14s will continue to fly for a few more years: Iran — which took delivery of 79 aircraft before the overthrow of the Shah — still flies the plane, though only a small number (perhaps ten or twenty) are believed to still be in service due to a lack of spare parts and attrition."

China vs U.S. in an 'Internet Race' - Zonk 273 avatar4d writes to mention an article on CIO about a new 'space race' on the internet between China and the U.S.. China is currently hard at work at what is being called the 'Chinese Next Generation Internet' (CNGI). With plans to unveil the project at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the network is part of a plan to leap ahead of the USA in innovation and technology. From the article: "The strategy, outlined in China's latest five-year plan, calls for the country to transition its economy from one based almost entirely on manufacturing to one that produces its own scientific and technological breakthroughs — using a new and improved version of today's dominant innovation platform, the Internet. 'CNGI is the culmination of this revolutionary plan' to turn China into the world's innovation capital, says Wu Hequan, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the chairman of the CNGI Expert Committee, the group overseeing the project. 'We will use it as a way to break through and be competitive in the global economic market.'"
Reconstructing Real Cities in Google Earth - Zonk 81
"NewScientistTech has an article up on the way 3D models of real cities are being uploaded into Google Earth to help town planners and architects envisage their designs. Researchers at the University of Arkansas have developed a method for rapidly mapping building, which they are using to reconstruct the rapidly-expanding town of Fayetteville. The researchers say tools like Google Earth and Sketchup could eventually help ordinary citizens get more involved in urban development."

Tech Manufacturers Rally Against Net Neutrality - Zonk 198
"Producers of networking hardware such as Motorola, Corning + Tyco have come out against Net Neutrality. They support the current senate communications bill + urge immediate action. 'Don't be confused by these spurious complaints about Net neutrality,' Tim Regan, a vice president with fiber optic cable manufacturer Corning Inc., said. 'Net neutrality is a solution in search of a problem.'" From the article: "Supporters say the Senate measure, which was approved by a committee vote in June but has since gotten hung up chiefly over Net neutrality, is crucial because it would make it easier for new video service providers--such as telephone companies hoping to roll out IPTV--to enter the market, increase competition for cable + thus spur lower prices. Among other benefits, they say, it would also permit municipalities to offer their own broadband services."

Maryland Governor Wants Paper Ballots - kdawson 374+ supabeast! writes,

"Fed up with all the problems in the state's electronic voting system, Maryland Governor Robert Erlich wants the state to scrap the entire system and return to paper ballots. He's threatened to call a special session of the legislature to change the law to allow paper ballots. What makes this particularly interesting is that Erlich is a Republican — the party often maligned for exploiting flaws in electronic systems — and his attempts to clean up Maryland's voting problems are being opposed by Democrats, the party that is usually complaining about electronic voting!"
MP3 of yesterday's NewsHour interview with General John Abizaid about the war in Iraq, from the NewsHour podcast feed.
22.Sep.2006 Scripting News Title:
My inner-cynic has figured out what's going on with the "debate" about torture in the Sentate. It's so obvious, I don't know why I didn't see it before. The Republicans are about to lose Congress, at least partially because the electorate has come to realize how dangerous it is to have the executive and legislative branches both controlled by the same party. Solution -- show the President having an argument with three of his staunchest supporters. Fake controversy. Voila. Extra benefit -- it distracts the press and the public from the awful news from the Iraq. Challenge to the Dems, get the focus back on Iraq, asap.

22.Sep.2006 Republican Congress Allows Mafia-Like Abuse of Heroic Troops and Military Families - A Guest Contribution from Brent Budowsky
Bush's Blackmailing of America Appears to Have Worked. Frist Gets GOP Holdouts to Agree to Torture Bill, Although Final Language is Still Unclear. But You Can Bet Bush Got Pretty Much What He Wanted. This is All a Diversionary Tactic to Keep Americans Focused on the "Terror Narrative" and Off of the Fiasco in Iraq, As Well as An Effort to Proactively Get Bush Administation Officials Off the Hook for War Crimes.

22.Sep.2006 Mothering 'Macaca' - Frameshop by Jeffrey Feldman
If You're Not Getting Buzzed 24 Hours a Day, You're Missing Something Big! A Little Bit of Buzz in Your E-mail Box. Just Click Here to Sign up.
Bill Clinton: ?If you go around passing laws that legitimize a violation of the Geneva Convention and institutionalize what happened at Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo, we?re going to be in real trouble."
Bush Decides to Stand by the Woman Who Helped Him Steal the 2000 Election, Katherine Harris 9/22

22.Sep.2006 Fair Trade! Organic! Bittersweet Chocolate Cranberry-Ginger Bark - 5 oz. bag
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlich proposed that Maryland scrap new electronic machines that check voter registrations at the polls in November, instead returning to a paper system. 9/22
Bush is the Master of Chaos and Death: The number of Iraqi civilians killed in July and August hit 6,599, a record-high number that is far greater than initial estimates suggested, the United Nations said Wednesday

22.Sep.2006 The child that's 3,300,000 years of age  THE fossilised remains of a youngster who walked the earth 3.3 million years ago have been found in Ethiopia, it was revealed yesterday. posted by Prof. Hex
22.Sep.2006 The Bushes & the Truth About Iran  Having gone through the diplomatic motions with Iran, George W. Bush is shifting toward a military option that carries severe risks for American soldiers in Iraq as well as for long-term U.S. interests around the world. Yet, despite this looming crisis, the Bush Family continues to withhold key historical facts about U.S.-Iranian relations. posted by Prof. Hex
22.Sep.2006 New evidence in Gus Boulis murder case uncovered 

Boulis, founder of the Miami Subs restaurant chain, was gunned down at the wheel of his BMW in Fort Lauderdale in 2001. Defense attorneys plan to subpoena high-powered Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his former business partner, Adam Kidan, to give statements in the murder case. Kidan plead guilty in April to conspiring with Abramoff to defraud lenders of $147.5 million they borrowed to purchase SunCruz in 2000. Abramoff also has plead guilty to federal fraud charges stemming from the controversial purchase of the floating gambling operation.
See also:
Man Accused In Mob-Style Hit Gets Out Of Jail posted by Prof. Hex

22.Sep.2006 Five Years Later: The Official Story Falls ApartThe government is getting desperate. 2 major polls recently showed that a growing number of Americans doubt the official story around 9/11. posted by Prof. Hex
22.Sep.2006 Duma to Consider Putin Bill: The State Duma Council has put a bill that would allow President Vladimir Putin to stand for a third term on the agenda for November
22.Sep.2006 VT Cong Candidate Calls For Arrest of Bush and Cheney by U.S. Military : Former Army Lieutenant and a candidate for Congress in VT, Dennis Morrisseau of W. Pawlet, today called for the arrest of President Bush and Vice President Cheney by the American military "if necessary" to prevent an unauthorized attack upon the nation of Iran.

22.Sep.2006 CIA ‘refused to operate’ secret jails; The Bush administration had to empty its secret prisons and transfer terror suspects to the military-run detention centre at Guantánamo this month in part because CIA interrogators had refused to carry out further interrogations and run the secret facilities

22.Sep.2006 Panels barely OK anti-terror bills : House measures affect interrogations, expanded spying

22.Sep.2006 Judge Orders More Gitmo Papers Unsealed: A federal judge on Wednesday ordered the Department of Defense to release documents detailing mistreatment or disciplinary action taken against detainees at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba + other information sought by The Associated Press

22.Sep.2006 German police shadowed man before CIA seized him: witness: German police were shadowing Khaled el-Masri and exchanging information on him with U.S. authorities before he was seized by the CIA and taken to Afghanistan, a German federal policeman said on Thursday.

22.Sep.2006 Canada: House apologizes for Arar's treatment: Motion passes unanimously in Commons; names removed from terrorism watch list

22.Sep.2006 Report: Arar Commission: Factual Inquiry -- Full Report of the Events Relating to Maher Arar

22.Sep.2006 Padilla's alleged recruiter wants wiretaps tossed : In court papers, Hassoun's lawyers seek disclosure of secret FISA applications and warrants to determine whether they hold up under legal scrutiny.

22.Sep.2006 Pentagon to release report on September 11 claims: The Pentagon's inspector general will release a report in the coming days that is expected to refute claims that an Army intelligence unit had information that could have thwarted the September 11 attacks, officials said on Wednesday
22.Sep.2006 War pimp alert: Israeli "Expert": Tactical nukes needed to blast Iranian defenses : Mofaz argued that any preemptive action - not necessarily launched by Israel - against Iran's nuclear facilities would need to employ tactical nuclear weapons.

22.Sep.2006 War pimp alert: Iran could cut West's oil supplies in event of war, warns American chief in Gulf: Iran could trigger a global terrorist campaign and choke the West's oil supplies in the event of war with America, the top US commander in the region has warned.

22.Sep.2006 Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media : Video: How government and big media businesses cooperate to produce an effective propaganda machine in order to manipulate the opinions of the USA populace.

22.Sep.2006 Arab states urge IAEA to slam Israel for atomic arsenal : Israel again rebuffed two resolutions in what has become an annual Arab effort to get the International Atomic Energy Agency to press it to join the Non-Proliferation Treaty arms-control pact and help set up a nuclear weapons-free zone in the Middle East.

22.Sep.2006 Press Conference: Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran : Video and transcript: The president of Iran - Press Conference at the United Nations 09/21/06

22.Sep.2006 Michael T. Klare: Taking Oil Out Of The Equation : If it weren’t for our dependence on Middle Eastern oil, we wouldn’t project such a conspicuous and over-bearing presence in the Middle East—and it is this presence, more than anything else, that has generated the toxic anti-Americanism on which al-Qaida feeds.

22.Sep.2006 Press Conference: Mr. Hugo Chavez Frias, President of Venezuela: Video: United Nations Press Conference

22.Sep.2006 Leading democrat calls Chavez a "thug": "Hugo Chavez fancies himself a modern day Simon Bolivar but all he is an everyday thug," House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said at a news conference, referring to Chavez' comments in a U.N. General Assembly speech on Wednesday.
22.Sep.2006 Bush Rages: “I am not Beelzebub, Lord of Sulfur” -By Mike Whitney- Plucky Chavez, - publicly throttled the Global Emperor in front of 6 billion people + left his bruised + bloodied carcass splattered across the canvas like Roberto Duran in Round 9 of the middleweight championship match….. Continue

22.Sep.2006 In case you missed it Rise Up Against the Empire-President Hugo Chavez, Address to the United Nations
Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the president of the USA, the gentleman to whom I refer as the devil, came here, talking as if he owned the world. Truly. As the owner of the world.

22.Sep.2006 In Case You Missed It Noam Chomsky on Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest For Global Dominance Audio and Transcript
“If you repeat it loudly enough it will become the truth” - MIT institute professor of linguistics and author Noam Chomsky speaks out on U.S. hegemony, controlling the domestic population through fear and the historical parallels of current U.S. foreign policy.

22.Sep.2006 An Interview With Howard Zinn -By Dennis Prager
We have done too many bad things in the world. You know, if you look at the way we have used our armed forces throughout our history: first destroying the Indian communities of this continent and annihilating Indian tribes, then going into the Caribbean in the Spanish-American War, going to the Philippines, taking over other countries, not establishing democracy but in many cases establishing dictatorship, holding up dictatorships in Latin America and giving them arms + you know, Vietnam, killing several million people for no good reason at all, certainly not for democracy or liberty + continuing down to the present day with the war in Iraq . . . .

22.Sep.2006 Imperialism 101 - The US Addiction to War, Mayhem and Madness -By Stephen Lendman 
The US is now at a dangerous watershed moment struggling to save the tattered republic and our sacred constitutional rights.  Unless we reverse the present course, our future may be the one Orwell foresaw when he wrote: "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face....forever...."  Like the totalitarian state of Oceania led by Big Brother in his best known book 1984, we're waging a permanent long war; no one is safe anymore.

22.Sep.2006 Like Taking Candy From A Baby  -By Manuel Valenzuela
Knowing the absolute ignorance, gullibility and lack of critical thinking of the American masses, those in power are able, once more, in what has become all too familiar throughout the annals of history, to skew the decision, mentality and vote of large segments of the population by simply reaching to the primitive instincts of human nature and manipulating emotions, psychology and the instinct of survival prevalent in every living organism.  

Is This What Motivates U.S. Foreign Policy?

22.Sep.2006 The Doomsday Code The people with powerful political friends in the White House, who are trying to bring about the end of the world. Julia Bard reports. Channel 4 (UK) Video Documentary
The leaders of the End Time movement are rich, well-connected and very powerful. Though the USA constitution enshrines the separation of church and state End Timers are frequent visitors to the White House. 
Click to view - Real Video and Windows Media.

22.Sep.2006 Joe Stalin is Alive and Living on Pennslyvania Avenue By Danny Schechter
Just as the Neo-Nazis are back as newly elected respectable members of governments in Eastern Germany, abandoning the skinhead look for suits and ties and softer rhetoric, our Neo Cons have moved from left to hard right wrapped in burkas made of the American flag.

22.Sep.2006 Full Text - The Creeping US Constitutional Coup ... saying that GW's secret patrone was one of the best in the biz: his father, George Herbert Walker Bush.
22.Sep.2006 Beyond the Backword - 11/02 Prescott Bush got $1.5 million for his share of the blood money, which launched his senatorial career + started son George Herbert Walker ...
22.Sep.2006 Ticket- Preise: Fliegen ist drastisch teurer geworden
22.Sep.2006 Sturm in Küstenregion: Bangladesch verhängt Notstand
22.Sep.2006 Indien: Gericht hebt Cola- Verbot wieder auf
22.Sep.2006 Umfrage: NPD- Erfolg beschädigt Deutschlands Image
22.Sep.2006 Wal- Forschung: Kadaver zerlegen für den Artenschutz

22.Sep.2006 Ahmadinedschads Charme- Offensive: Sanftzüngiger Brandredner
22.Sep.2006 Republican Congress Allows Mafia-Like Abuse of Heroic Troops and Military Families - A Guest Contribution from Brent Budowsky
Bush's Blackmailing of America Appears to Have Worked. Frist Gets GOP Holdouts to Agree to Torture Bill, Although Final Language is Still Unclear. But You Can Bet Bush Got Pretty Much What He Wanted. This is All a Diversionary Tactic to Keep Americans Focused on the "Terror Narrative" and Off of the Fiasco in Iraq, As Well as An Effort to Proactively Get Bush Administation Officials Off the Hook for War Crimes.

22.Sep.2006 Mothering 'Macaca' - Frameshop by Jeffrey Feldman
If You're Not Getting Buzzed 24 Hours a Day, You're Missing Something Big! A Little Bit of Buzz in Your E-mail Box. Just Click Here to Sign up.
Bill Clinton: ?If you go around passing laws that legitimize a violation of the Geneva Convention and institutionalize what happened at Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo, we?re going to be in real trouble."
Bush Decides to Stand by the Woman Who Helped Him Steal the 2000 Election, Katherine Harris 9/22

22.Sep.2006 Fair Trade! Organic! Bittersweet Chocolate Cranberry-Ginger Bark - 5 oz. bag
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlich proposed that Maryland scrap new electronic machines that check voter registrations at the polls in November, instead returning to a paper system. 9/22
Bush is the Master of Chaos and Death: The number of Iraqi civilians killed in July and August hit 6,599, a record-high number that is far greater than initial estimates suggested, the UN said Wednesday

22.Sep.2006 an obscure news story (from a local television outlet) that deserves wider exposure. Local Terrorist Whistle-Blower Dead After Poisoning
He claimed he met three of the 11.Sep.2001 hijackers in Shreveport a year before the attacks. Now, that man, Shreveport dentist Dr. David Graham, is dead.
His family says he was poisoned more than two years ago.

At the time, Graham was trying to publish a manuscript about meeting three middle easterners in Shreveport, men he feared were plotting to bomb Barksdale Air Force Base. Graham wrote that he warned the FBI.

Then after 11.Sep.2001, he saw their pictures among the hijackers.
Before Graham was poisoned, he was supposed to testify at a deportation hearing against a Pakistani man, Jamal Khan, who hosted the men Graham believed to be the hijackers.

Graham's brother, Edwin Jones, told us Wednesday night the family believes someone slipped poison into his drink, plunging him into a deadly illness. Permalink
22.Sep.2006 Here is some more information on Jamal Khan -- unfortunately, the original cite has slipped loose the surly bonds of the web:

When Mohammad Jamal Khan pleaded guilty to trying to evade the requirement that large cash transactions be reported to banks and the government, federal prosecutors added an unusual caveat to his plea agreement:

There would be no immunity from possible prosecution in the future for crimes relating to 11.Sep.2001. (Emphasis added.)
22.Sep.2006 Bush has already given the speech. You know: THE speech, the one he gave before the Iraq war. The one where he tells the soon-to-be-besieged populace (the Iraqis then, the Iranians now) that he just loves loves loves them -- he just has a problem with their leader. (Their elected leader, in the case of Iran.)
You know what that means. Very soon, those fine and lovable Iranian people will find hunks of their skin flaking off after they've been exposed to fallout.

22.Sep.2006 Mary Maxwell, an unsuccessful Republican candidate for a House race in New Hampshire (she lost in the primary) is suing President Bush.

The reason: His obvious plans for nuclear war in Iran.

Maxwell’s suit seeks a ruling that the administration lacks legal authority to preemptively attack either Iran or Syria without a Congressional declaration of war + that radioactive fallout from the use of nuclear weapons in any such attack would endanger people around the world, including herself.

Verbindungen zum italienischen Geheimdienst und zu CIA-Häschern?

Zeitungsberichten zufolge wurde das Abhörnetz zunächst bei Telecom Italia und deren Mutterkonzern Pirelli eingerichtet, um Angestellte zu überwachen. Dann sei es nach und nach ausgeweitet worden, bis schließlich Politiker, Geschäftsleute, Bankiers, Showgrößen, Fußballspieler und Schiedsrichter belauscht wurden. In italienischen Zeitungen wurde die Frage aufgeworfen, ob das weit verzweigte System ohne Wissen der Konzernspitzen von Pirelli und Telecom Italia hätte existieren können. Das Abhörnetz soll 1997 ins Leben gerufen worden sein.

Noch stehen die Fahnder erst am Anfang. Wie weit der Spionagering reicht, ist unklar. Immerhin, im Zentrum des "Spinnennetzes" soll auch die frühere "Nummer zwei" des italienischen Geheimdienstes, Marco Mancini, gesessen haben, der erst unlängst im Zusammenhang mit CIA-Entführungen inhaftiert worden war. Düstere Abgründe werden auch im Fall des ehemaligen Sicherheits-Beauftragten der Telecom-Mobilfunktochter TIM, Adamo Bove, sichtbar: Er hatte den Behörden unlängst erste Tipps über illegale Machenschaften der "Abhör-Mafia" gegeben - einen Monat später stürzte er in Neapel von einer Autobahnbrücke und starb. Angeblich Selbstmord, eine Ermittlung der Justiz läuft.
Umstrittene Verhörmethoden: Bush- Rebellen geben nach

22.Sep.2006 Abhörskandal in Tschechien: Politiker und Journalisten belauscht

22.Sep.2006 Guantanamo: USA wollen Gefangenenlager noch nicht schließen

22.Sep.2006 Nach dem 11. September: USA drohten Pakistan mit Bombardierung
22.Sep.2006 Ölfelder: Russland droht Total mit Lizenzentzug

22.Sep.2006 Korruption: Verdacht gegen Ex- Infineon- Chef Schumacher erhärtet

22.Sep.2006 Abhörskandal in Italien: Der ganz, ganz große Lauschangriff
22.Sep.2006 Thailand: Armee schränkt Bürgerrechte ein
22.Sep.2006 Jugendstudie: "Die Angst sitzt uns in den Knochen"
22.Sep.2006 Klimaschutz: Milliardär Branson wird Super- Umweltschützer
22.Sep.2006 Herausforderer China: Deutschland droht Exportweltmeister- Titel zu verlieren

22.Sep.2006 Treibhauseffekt: Kaliforniens Klage gegen Kohlendioxid
22.Sep.2006 Prügel an Waldorfschule: Lehrer wegen Körperverletzung verurteilt

22.Sep.2006 Italien: Kriminelles Netzwerk hört Tausende Prominente ab
22.Sep.2006 Spionage- Affäre: HP- Chef Hurd gerät unter Verdacht
Klimawandel: Schwarzenegger fordert Autoindustrie heraus
22.Sep.2006 NPD- Verbotsdebatte: Keine Freiheit für die Feinde der Freiheit

22.Sep.2006 Planetenforschung: Mysteriöses Mars- Gesicht in 3D

22.Sep.2006 Folterdebatte: CIA- Beamte verweigerten Verhöre in Geheimgefängnissen


WHEREAS significant failures of electronic voting machines have occurred in various jurisdictions during primary elections held in Illinois, Texas, Georgia, Maryland and other states during 2006, and
WHEREAS such failures have forced legitimate, registered voters to have been turned away from the polls by the thousands so far in 2006 primary elections simply because neither voting machines nor paper ballots were available for use when the voters arrived at their polling place, and
WHEREAS the probability exists that such failures will continue and the adverse results of such failures will be multiplied and increased in magnitude by the additional number of voters participating in the November 7, 2006 General Election, and
WHEREAS the potential exists for massive disenfranchisement of American voters in the November 7, 2006 General Election, by such failures of electronic voting machines,
NOW THEREFORE be it enacted that:
A. For the November 7, 2006, General Election, each election jurisdiction shall be required to prepare and print Emergency Paper Ballots of the proper ballot style for all races and propositions which shall be contested in that jurisdiction.
B. Such Emergency Paper Ballots shall be printed in sufficient quantity to guarantee that every voter who requests the use of such an Emergency Paper Ballot shall be able to receive such an Emergency Paper Ballot.
. As with all provisional ballots, such Emergency Paper Ballots shall be printed in all languages specified for ballots in that jurisdiction.
D. Any voter eligible to vote in the jurisdiction in which he or she requests an Emergency Paper Ballot shall be entitled to receive and cast such Emergency Paper Ballot, regardless of the type of ballot that shall have been specifiied in that jurisdiction through operation of law, without further qualification, request, proof or furnishing of reason for such request.
E. Such Emergency Paper Ballots shall be official ballots for purposes of casting, tabulating, audits, redundant counts and recounts + shall not be considered provisional ballots.
F. Emergency Paper Ballots shall be cast and tabulated in the same manner as all other ballots cast on November 7, 2006.
G. The associated costs to states for this mandate will be reimbursed out of Help America Vote Act funding.
H. This Act shall terminate and cease to have effect on February 28, 2007.
21.Sep.2006 Let America Vote Brad Friedman has come up with a powerhouse idea: Emergency legislation mandating the use of paper ballots in the November election.
Yes, it is more than a bit late in the day. Yes, he is trying to bell the cat.

21.Sep.2006 Is This What Motivates U.S. Foreign Policy? The Doomsday Code

The people with powerful political friends in the White House, who are trying to bring about the end of the world. Julia Bard reports.
Channel 4 (UK) Video Documentary
The leaders of the End Time movement are rich, well-connected and very powerful. Though the USA constitution enshrines the separation of church and state End Timers are frequent visitors to the White House. 
Click to view - Real Video and Windows Media.

21.Sep.2006 Rise Up Against the Empire President Hugo Chavez, Address to the United Nations
Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the president of the USA, the gentleman to whom I refer as the devil, came here, talking as if he owned the world. Truly. As the owner of the world.
Continue 21.Sep.2006 Israelis in Iraq : Could Their Target Be Iran? -A BBC Newsnight Exclusive
We have obtained the first pictures of Kurdish soldiers being trained by Israelis in Northern Iraq. The sensitivities for the Kurdish authorities are serious, since their political enemies have long accused them of being in cahoots with Israel. The Kurdish authorities have previously denied allowing any Israelis into northern Iraq.

21.Sep.2006 The Surprising End of the New American Century -By Mike Whitney
Iran has no choice but to take Bush’s saber rattling seriously and prepare for war.

The administration’s stated goal of “regime change” poses a credible “existential threat” to current Iranian government and they must plan accordingly. Continue

21.Sep.2006 Iraqi captive died with 93 injuries -By New Zealand Herald
Captive Iraqis were beaten with iron bars, kicked, starved + forced to drink their own urine during abuse which led to the death of a prisoner, the first court martial of British troops accused of war crimes was told yesterday.
Continue Before You Enlist!
15 Minute Video

Straight talk from soldiers, veterans and their family members tells what is missing from the sales pitches presented by recruiters and the military's marketing efforts. Click to view
21.Sep.2006 Mobs and public relations. (Ad/PR).(theories of Edward L. Bernays ... Mobs and public relations. (Ad/PR).(theories of Edward L . Bernays ) - Journal, Magazine, Article, Periodical ...
go l

Edward Bernays: Forger of the "Public Relations" Industry-

Bernays relates the impact of this war propaganda bureau in Biography of an Idea: Memoirs of Public Relations Counsel Edward L . Bernays.
21.Sep.2006 Edward L. Bernays quote - Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life, a dichotomy in which you hate what you do - from Quotations Book.
21.Sep.2006 Golpe al narcotráfico, detienen a Jesús Albino Quintero ,"El Beto", el ex gobernador Mario Villanueva le ...

Frontera NorteSur.

00.Feb.2000 THE CASE OF THE NARCO-GRAVES. Dr. José Garcia, Guest Columnist.

The Location.

The two-lane Casas Grandes Highway heading outside of Cd. ...

Caro Quintero and Ernesto Fonseca was referred to as the Guadalajara Cartel. Confidential information from DEA + PGR ... + Mario Silva Calderon, a UEDO commander, alias ...
21.Sep.2006 Timothy McVeigh Page III




(AND OTHER STENCH FROM THE SKUNK WORKS) ... Cocaine, Money Laundering, Oil, Afghanistan + Bush Family Links Page
10.Oct.2006portland imc- The Microwave RFID Panopticon: corp-state lifetime monitoring, health/civil implications ... advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may ... from cell towers with a new technology called " Celldar " (as in radar).(110) ...
21.Sep.2006 GILC News and Press Releases ... DoubleClick is building up their profiling capacity at a rate of 2 million ... Titled " Celldar ", the system uses the reflections of electromagnetic waves given ...
21.Sep.2006 Anime News Service - September 26 - October 17 Anime News 10-14-02---- " Celldar " Technology Stuns British Users ... phone transmission masts in a survailance capacity similar to that of radar. ...
21.Sep.2006 down with murder inc - HAARP ... phones + cost just $3,000, says Peter Lloyd, head of Roke Manor's Celldar program. ... During the field maneuvers, Celldar will detect the movement of ...
21.Sep.2006[Geowanking] [Fwd: FW: <nettime> The Locative Dystopia] ... increasingly in the global South, has created an unprecedented capacity for ... like Celldar (TM) system, developed by a UK subsidiary of Seimens for anti ...
21.Sep.2006untitled ... major U.S. phone companies. >>In this capacity, AMDOCs has access to records of ... Let Spies See Our Every Move > Celldar project uses mobile phone masts to ...
21.Sep.2006 Drew Hemment ... choice of tools - which bring with them an unprecedented capacity to pinpoint ... radiation created by the global coverage of GSM, such as the radar-like Celldar ...

"Das Kinderskelett hat mehr Knochen als das von Lucy, es hat sogar viel weniger Lücken als irgendein anderes Skelett, das überhaupt aus so früher Zeit gefunden wurde", sagt Jean-Jacques Hublin, Direktor am MPI Eva. Schädel, Oberarme, Beine, sogar die Zähne seien fast komplett erhalten. Fossilienfunde in vergleichbarer Vollständigkeit datierten die Wissenschaftler bisher etwa drei Millionen Jahre jünger: "Da muss man schon bis zu den Neandertalern springen, um so etwas noch einmal zu haben", sagte Hublin zu SPIEGEL ONLINE.

Paläanthropologen um den Äthiopier Zeresenay Alemseged vom Leipziger Max-Planck-Institut haben das Kinderskelett in den letzten Jahren Stück für Stück freigelegt. Jetzt berichten die Forscher im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature" von ihrem Fund. "Das ist einer der bedeutendsten Funde in der Geschichte der Paläoanthropologie", ist sich Hublin sicher.
US- Geheimgefängnisse: CIA- Beamte meutern
Shuttle- Rückflug: "Atlantis" ist sicher gelandet

21.Sep.2006 Sinnkrise im System: Wie Politik und Parteien implodieren
21.Sep.2006 CO2- Ausstoß: Bundesumweltminister droht Autoindustrie

21.Sep.2006 Deutsche Telekom: Blackstone drängt auf Rickes Ablösung
21.Sep.2006 Russische Immobilienblase: Wohnpreis- Irrsinn an der Moskwa

21.Sep.2006 Konkurrenz Asien: Europa muss an sich glauben

21.Sep.2006 BND- Ausschuss: Politiker fordern Konsequenzen aus neuen Masri- Enthüllungen
21.Sep.2006 Vormenschen: Ältestes Mädchen entdeckt
21.Sep.2006 Mecklenburg- Vorpommern: Neonazi- Kameradschaften machen sich in der NPD breit
21.Sep.2006 Der Papst und die Muslime: Clinton kritisiert Benedikt
21.Sep.2006 Selbstbräuner: Wurzelsud schützt Mäuse vor Hautkrebs

21.Sep.2006 Uno- Vollversammlung: Israel ruft zu Widerstand gegen Iran auf
21.Sep.2006 Jagd auf Bin Laden: Bush spricht von möglicher Militäraktion in Pakistan

21.Sep.2006 Demo in Budapest: Tausende Ungarn fordern Gyurcsany zum Rücktritt auf
20.Sep.2006 Neue Proteste: Demonstranten ziehen durch Budapest
20.Sep.2006 Dispatch from the BuzzFlash Department of Reality: General Says Attacks on Americans in Iraq up
House Judiciary Committee Rejects Bush's Military Tribunal Plan in Bipartisan Vote -- A BuzzFlash News Alert

20.Sep.2006 Bush Closes EPA Libraries Without Approval From Congress; Will Gut Research and Cost Millions. Why Does He Hate Science? -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
Dem "Truth Squad": Drug Company Profits Skyrocket $8 billion (27%) After New GOP Medicare Law Takes Effect -- A BuzzFlash News Alert

20.Sep.2006 Chavez calls Bush 'the devil' at U.N. 9/21
James C. Moore: On Covering Karl - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution from the co-author of "The Architect" and "Bush's Brain"
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.

20.Sep.2006 From the Fall of Fujimori to the Fall of Bush? The Fall of Fujimori (DVD)
In Memory, Ann Richards Receives the BuzzFlash "Wings of Justice Award"

20.Sep.2006 Belarus Clinches Billion-Dollar Military Contracts with Venezuela : Belarus has signed military contracts with Venezuela worth “over $1 billion” plus a cooperation agreement on oil extraction, security council secretary Viktor Sheiman said on Sept. 18.

20.Sep.2006 World Bank Profits From Poor Countries - Report : The World Bank receives more from developing countries than what it disburses to them says a new report released Tuesday as finance ministers endorsed a controversial new Bank plan to tackle corruption in developing countries.

20.Sep.2006 Pope expresses 'deep respect' for Islam: "I hope that my deep respect for great religions, in particular for Muslims, who worship the one God and with whom we are engaged in defending and promoting together social justice, moral values, peace and freedom for all men, has emerged clearly," Benedict said during his weekly audience at the Vatican.

20.Sep.2006 Pope Benedict Not Really All That Sorry : Pope Benedict's comments last week about Islam should be weighed in the context of earlier statements and actions

20.Sep.2006 Gary North: Why Bush Will Become the Textbooks' Worst President: Any President who can start and then lose two brushfire wars, thereby revealing for the whole world to see that the American empire is a spent force, can't be all bad.

20.Sep.2006 Guantanamo detainee mistreated, lawyers say: Shaker Aamer, a 37-year-old resident of Britain, was placed in isolated confinement Sept. 24, 2005 and has been beaten by guards, deprived of sleep and subjected to temperature extremes, according to the motion filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

20.Sep.2006 U.S.: Bush Justifies CIA Detainee Abuse: – President George W. Bush’s defense of abusing detainees betrays basic American and global standards, Human Rights Watch said today.

20.Sep.2006 Is The Doctrine Behind the Bush Presidency Consistent with a Democratic State?: Americans need to decide whether we are still a country of laws - and if we are, we need to decide whether a President who has determined to ignore or evade the law has not acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President and subversive of constitutional government.

20.Sep.2006 Gonzales: ISPs must keep records on users: "We need to figure out a way to have ISPs retain data for a sufficient period of time that would allow us to go back and retrieve it."
20.Sep.2006 The Ground Truth: Iraq War Veterans Speak Out : Drill instructors are shown dehumanizing recruits as part of the process of training them to dehumanize the adversary. Rare video footage from Iraq, accompanied by first-hand accounts from soldiers featured in the film, reveal the ways their training to "Kill, kill" leads them to target Iraqi civilians.

20.Sep.2006 Israelis trained Kurdish troops in Iraq-BBC report: Former Israeli special forces soldiers entered Iraq from Turkey in 2004 to train two groups of Kurdish troops, one of the former Israeli trainers told the BBC's "Newsnight" programme.

20.Sep.2006 Where is the seat of global justice?: Address by His Excellency Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad President of the Islamic Republic of Iran before the 61 st Session of the UN General assembly. Full text

20.Sep.2006 Israeli ambassador criticizes U.S. for granting Iran`s leader a visa : Israel's ambassador to the United Nations criticized the U.S. administration on Wednesday for granting an entrance visa to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and allowing him to address the UN General Assembly.

20.Sep.2006 Jewish leaders press concernsas potential U.N. heads reach out : As the U.N. General Assembly opens, diplomats vying to be the world’s top peacekeeper are taking the time to consult with a group that has emerged as a critical constituency: American Jewish leaders.

20.Sep.2006 Robert Scheer: Rendering Unto Syria: What an outrage for the president to invoke the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in his address to the United Nations, a day after a Canadian government commission accused the U.S. of rendering a Canadian to Syria for torture. Did no one on his staff inform the president that Article 5 of that declaration explicitly states, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”?

20.Sep.2006 President Bush Addresses United Nations General Assembly : Full Text and Video

20.Sep.2006 EU Parliamentarians Establish an "Israel Lobby" : 300 European Union parliamentarians and supporters took part this week in a gala celebrating the establishment of a European "Israel Lobby", the first of its kind. The lobby

20.Sep.2006 Israeli Police: Enough evidence found to indict president on sex charges : The team investigating President Moshe Katsav for alleged rape and other charges presented its intermim findings to Attorney General Menachem Mazuz on Tuesday.
20.Sep.2006 Time running out for Iraqis, study group leaders warn: Iraq's government has only until the end of 2006 to make major progress in curbing violence and improving basic services before the country's situation turns even more dire, the two leaders of a bipartisan, blue-ribbon study group on U.S. policy in Iraq warned Tuesday.
20.Sep.2006 Rise Up Against the EmpirePresident Hugo Chavez, Address to the United Nations
Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the president of the USA, the gentleman to whom I refer as the devil, came here, talking as if he owned the world. Truly. As the owner of the world.

20.Sep.2006 Israelis in Iraq : Could Their Target Be Iran? -A BBC Newsnight Exclusive
We have obtained the first pictures of Kurdish soldiers being trained by Israelis in Northern Iraq. The sensitivities for the Kurdish authorities are serious, since their political enemies have long accused them of being in cahoots with Israel. The Kurdish authorities have previously denied allowing any Israelis into northern Iraq.

20.Sep.2006 The Surprising End of the New American Century -By Mike Whitney
Iran has no choice but to take Bush’s saber rattling seriously and prepare for war. The administration’s stated goal of “regime change” poses a credible “existential threat” to current Iranian government and they must plan accordingly.

20.Sep.2006 Iraqi captive died with 93 injuries - By New Zealand Herald
Captive Iraqis were beaten with iron bars, kicked, starved + forced to drink their own urine during abuse which led to the death of a prisoner, the first court martial of British troops accused of war crimes was told yesterday.
Continue Before You Enlist!

20.Sep.2006 15 Minute Video Straight talk from soldiers, veterans and their family members tells what is missing from the sales pitches presented by recruiters and the military's marketing efforts. Click to view
The violent form of Salafism which sprang from the teachings of Sayed Qutb and the equally-violent neoconservatism which sprang from the teachings of Leo Strauss. You can get an idea of Curtis' Olympian overview of history from
this interview conducted by the learned international film critic Robert Koehler. Curtis: I think the really interesting political battles and discussions of our time are not between left and right, they are within the right. Between, say, neo-conservatives’ elitism and Ayn Rand libertarians who believe in maximum individual freedom. And: [KOEHLER]: Did you ask Kristol if his movement, now that it’s in power, has now encountered its own Vietnam and Watergate all at once?
CURTIS: You can’t ask Kristol this question because he doesn’t see himself as part of the inside group. He really sees himself as a revolutionary. I think it’s a really good question about that lot: Have they become corrupted by the very forces that they set out to get rid of? And does that then corrupt their decision-making? If you talk to neo-conservatives, they still believe that theirs is an awesome revolutionary force that may well bring democracy to the world. And that there may be stumbles along the way, as in Iraq; Trotsky would say that you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. It’s very interesting to consider that their writings used to argue that the liberal project failed because it had unintended consequences and opposite results. I think the same criticism can be levelled at the neo-conservatives.
[KOEHLER]: When evidence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction or links between Al Qaeda and Saddam doesn’t exist, it’s fascinating to see somebody like Richard Perle insist that they do.
CURTIS: You can hear it in my voice when Perle sticks to his claim of an Al Qaeda/Saddam link + I ask, “Really?” I didn’t expect him to do that. From my sense sitting with him in that room, he really does believe it...

20.Sep.2006 Just as Fahrenheit 911 hammered into the public consciousness the tableau of Bush grooving with the goat, The Power Of Nightmares resurrects one extraordinary visual: Donald Rumsfeld on a cable news program displaying an “official” artist's depiction of Osama Bin Laden's elaborate underground lair – a massive complex straight out of the final reels of You Only Live Twice . It was all pure fantasy, pure disinformation, pure lie. What astonishes me is not so much that we bought the lie, but that -- as time progressed -- we all forgot that we had bought it and that Rumsfeld had sold it. The rush of events gave us too many new lies to dissect.
20.Sep.2006 Special attention should go to Adam Curtis' extraordinary BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares, which aired in 2004 but is only now having an impact in America. You can download part one, part two and part three.
20.Sep.2006 The Power of Nightmares: Is Al Qaeda real?

The Bush II era has given birth to a series of remarkable political documentaries -- works which collectively tell a story that later generations, if any, may scarcely believe.

Spike Lee's When the Levees Broke may be the single finest documentary I've ever seen -- an elegiac and accusatory chronicle of all (or nearly all) of the controversies to arise from the Katrina disaster. Other films recount other horrors: Outfoxed, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, Fahrenheit 911, Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre, An Inconvenient Truth + 911: Press for Truth .
10.Mär.2003 Imperialismus sans Phrase
... gleich nach dem 11 . September 2001 . die Version verbreitet, [PROPAGANDA] die Attentäter seien vom Irak ... denkbar dubiosen Lebenslauf : Angehöriger einer Killertruppe im einstigen ...

Geschichte Thailands ... dem heutigen Territorium des Staates Thailand und der mit ihm zusammenhängenden ...

Militär unternahm mehrere erfolglose Putschversuche, wurde aber an der ...
20.Sep.2006 Burgendaten -Jürgen Reinke. BURGENDATENBANK. Suchmaschine für Burgen, Schlösser, Festungen, Stadtmauern, Herrenhäuser, Paläste u. ä. Aktueller Datenbestand: 76449 Datensätze zu 156 Ländern...
20.Sep.2006 Kalifornien: US- Bundesstaat verklagt Autokonzerne wegen Klimaerwärmung

20.Sep.2006 US- Notenbank: Fed lässt Leitzins unverändert
20.Sep.2006 Uno- Sitzung: Chavez beschimpft Bush als Teufel

20.Sep.2006 CIA- Geheimverhöre: Ein edles Tröpfchen auf el- Masris Entführung

20.Sep.2006 Foltervorwürfe: Kanadisches Opfer verlangt von USA Aufklärung
20.Sep.2006 Lügen- Bekenntnis und Demonstrationen: Notwendige Standpauke für Ungarn

20.Sep.2006 Thailands Zukunft: Der Premier ist weg, es lebe die Demokratie
20.Sep.2006 Islam- Rede: Papst- Attentäter warnt Benedikt
20.Sep.2006 Stadtleben: Londoner Ratten verschmähen Hausmüll
20.Sep.2006 A Question of Mind Over Matter
The prosthetics of the future are more than physical attachments, they're intertwined with the human mind. They communicate with muscles, nerves and even neurons. And some of them are available today. By Rachel Metz. Part one in a four-part series.

20.Sep.2006 Gov't Wants ISPs' User Data AG Alberto Gonzales asks Congress for legislation requiring ISPs to preserve customer records for government investigations. He insists internet data is needed in order to curb child porn.
20.Sep.2006 Record Pot Busts in 2005
Police arrested more people for marijuana violations in 2005 than any previous year. But they arrested far fewer for heroin, cocaine or violent crimes. In Bodyhack.

20.Sep.2006 The Impact of Social Networking on Society - CmdrTaco 86 Anonymous Pingu writes

"The latest edition of New Scientist has a series of features on social networking. These include an analysis of the impact on our social attitudes by Sherry Turkle, a feature on the possible privacy implications of using sites like MySpace and Friendster + a short science fiction piece by Bruce Sterling. It's certainly interesting that so many people post very revealing stuff about themselves on these sites."
Gonzales Wants ISP Data Retention To Curb Child Porn - kdawson 402 $RANDOMLUSER writes,

"The AP is reporting that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales testified before the Senate Banking Committee today and called for Congress to require ISPs to preserve customer records, asserting that prosecutors need them to fight child pornography. 'This is a problem that requires federal legislation,' Gonzales said. He called the government's lack of access to customer data the biggest obstacle to deterring child porn. 'We respect civil liberties but we have to harmonize this so we can get more information,' he said." Gonzales added that he agrees with a letter sent to Congress in June by 49 state attorneys general, requesting federal legislation to require ISPs to hold onto customer data longer.
On last night's Countdown, a constitutional law expert asks if the reason that the redefining of the Geneva Convention is being debated in the Senate is that news is about to break that the President has been ordering US military personnel to torture prisoners. If that's what's coming, we must act to remove the President from office. He is acting in our name + we will have to deal with the consequences long after he's out of office. We can't support this for another two years. If the Democrats won't stand up to Bush, we must form a new political structure in which we can, without the Democrats.
20.Sep.2006 Transcript of NBC interview with Iranian president Ahmadinejad.
20.Sep.2006 Can We Talk? Our BuzzFlash Visa bill is coming due. It's That Hat in Hand Moment. Please Help Out With a Premium Purchase or Donation.
Okay, We'll Post Something Optimistic for a Change. Countdown to November: New Polls Indicate Democrats Gaining Momentum in Bid to Recapture Senate.
Uh, George Allen's mother didn't bother telling him that his grandfather who was imprisoned by the Nazis was Jewish?
American Airlines flight almost diverted over gay kiss. And American has now put out a statement saying their actions were justified because of September 11. Yes, we must stop men from kissing there so we don't have to stop them from kissing here. 9/20

20.Sep.2006 Retired Colonel: ?We Are Conducting Military Operations Inside Iran Right Now. The Evidence Is Overwhelming.? 9/20
GOP Senator Lindsey Graham says George Bush isn't as committed to the troops as he and McCain. 9/20

20.Sep.2006 Part II. Brent Budowsky: Common Sense Against Corrupting the Next Election: If Thomas Paine Were Here.
Halliburton: It's not what they know, it's who they know. 9/20

20.Sep.2006 If You're Not Getting Buzzed 24 Hours a Day, You're Missing Something Big! A Little Bit of Buzz in Your E-mail Box. Just Click Here to Sign up.
The U.S. military is likely to maintain and may even increase its force of more than 140,000 troops in Iraq through next spring, the top American commander in the region said Tuesday in one of the gloomiest assessments yet of when troops may come home. Funny, cuz I seem to recall those same generals told us a month ago that we'd be cutting the numbers of troops by early next year. Orwell, party of one. 9/20

20.Sep.2006 20.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437809,00.html
Die Europäer besitzen nämlich kein einheitliches Genprofil, sondern teilen sich genetisch in zwei große Gruppen.

Eine Gruppe besitzt hauptsächlich Vorfahren aus nördlicheren Ländern wie England, Irland, Schweden und der Ukraine, während die andere eher von Griechen, Italienern, Portugiesen und Spaniern abstammt.

Das berichtet eine internationale Forschergruppe in der frei zugänglichen Wissenschaftszeitschrift "PLoS Genetics" der Public Library of Science.
20.Sep.2006 Joseph Ratzinger stellt sich als Benedikt XVI.
Papst Johannes Paul II. war kein Märtyrer, sondern einer, der auch Verbrechen decken konnte.
20.Sep.2006 Rockefeller https://authentico- historia · Rockefeller4.html · Rockefeller_rslts001 ... Rockefeller, John Davison brother Rockefeller William ...

La Hora de Mañana. Contrainformación

20.Sep.2006 artículos de opinión. Los desheredados, los que no cuentan, no están fuera de la historia . ... del siglo XX le preguntó a su multimillonario abuelo John Davison Rockefeller,

El gran capitalismo - La Standard Oil Trust, creada por John Davison Rockefeller (1839-1937), llegó a fijar los precios de compra

20.Sep.2006 venta del petróleo y sus derivados en Estados ...
20.Sep.2006 t r u t h o u t || The Post's Curious Interest in Leopold and TO Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch, Hunter Thompson + Bohemian Grove snuff porn ... nonetheless - regardless of the fact that he denied it.

Why did they ask? ...
20.Sep.2006 US intelligence was formed from Nazi criminals The US Recreated the Nazi War Crimes Machine * Part 1. by Jared Israel

... inoculated against hearing the truth about US recruitment of Nazi war criminals.
20.Sep.2006 Bush-Nazi ... Bush family's connections to the Nazi war machine should really be a matter of ... based upon the wealth engendered by its role in building the Nazi war machine ?
20.Sep.2006 Verunreinigung: Niedersachsen bestätigt Genreis- Fund
20.Sep.2006 Proteste in Budapest: "Bereitet euch auf euren Tod vor"
20.Sep.2006 Affären: Neue Enthüllungen über HPs Spitzel- Apparat
20.Sep.2006 Staatsstreich in Thailand: Putschisten nehmen Vize- Regierungschef fest
20.Sep.2006 Wahllügen- Protest: Schwere Straßenschlacht in Budapest

20.Sep.2006 Uno- Vollversammlung: Ahmadinedschad wirft Westen Missbrauch des Sicherheitsrates vor
20.Sep.2006 Presseschau: "Die politische Krise ist real"
19.Sep.2006 Abschiedsrede: Annan warnt vor geteilter Welt

19.Sep.2006 Putsch in Thailand: EU fordert Rückkehr zu Demokratie

19.Sep.2006 Staatsstreich: Militär putscht gegen Thailands Regierung

19.Sep.2006 Ungewöhnliche Abschiebung: USA weisen Ex- KZ- Aufseherin aus

19.Sep.2006 Ungarns Regierungschef: Der ehrliche Lügner

19.Sep.2006 Wut wegen Wahllügen: Neue Protest- Demos in Ungarn

19.Sep.2006 Irak: Hussein- Richter im Völkermord- Prozess abgesetzt

19.Sep.2006 Einladung abgelehnt: Ahmadinedschad stört sich am Alkohol

19.Sep.2006 Neuer Energiestreit: Brüssel, London und Tokio empört über Moskau
20.Sep.2006 Forderung aus Libyen: Papst soll Muslim werden
Uno- Vollversammlung: Bush ruft zur Verteidigung der Zivilisation auf
20.Sep.2006 Folter- Streit: Moralischer Protest durchkreuzt Bushs Verhör- Pläne
20.Sep.2006 USA: Powell opponiert gegen Bushs Gefangenenpolitik
"Atlantis": Mysteriöses Objekt verzögert Shuttle- Landung
Wahlen in Berlin: Panthersprung für die Grauen
20.Sep.2006 Staatsstreich: Thailändische Armee verhängt den Notstand
Kanaren: Verheerende Zustände in Flüchtlingscamps
20.Sep.2006 Wahllügen- Protest: Ungarn rüstet sich gegen neue Krawalle
20.Sep.2006 Hurrikan "Gordon": Zwölf- Meter- Wellen bedrohen die Azoren

19.Sep.2006 Elfenbeinküste: Festnahmen nach Giftmüllskandal
20.Sep.2006 Kreationismus in Deutschland: Vor uns die Sintflut
Biotechnologie: Bayer hält Gen- Gemüse für Lebensmittel der Zukunft
20.Sep.2006 Rede vor der Uno: Ahmadinedschad kündigt Lösung für alle Probleme der Welt an
20.Sep.2006 Muslimische Proteste: Kardinal sieht Papst- Aussagen bestätigt

19.Sep.2006 Briefroman "Lieber Osama": Verständnis für den Terror- Führer
20.Sep.2006 Deutsche Konjunktur: RWI rechnet mit Aufschwung, ZEW warnt vor Einbruch

19.Sep.2006 Unbekannte Arten: Paradies vor Papuas Küste
20.Sep.2006 USA: Bush im Umfragehoch
Globalisierung: Mit den Gazellen rennen, mit den Löwen fressen
20.Sep.2006 Ahnensuche: Alpen spalten Europas Gen- Pool

19.Sep.2006 Krawalle in Budapest: Regierungschef will Aufruhr mit allen Mitteln stoppen
20.Sep.2006 ZEW- Indikator: Konjunktur droht zu kippen
The ancient Greeks first called amber Elektron, or "that which comes from the sun," while for the Syrians it was Kahrba or "a thief of straws." For the ancient Prussians it was Gentar, Jantar for the Slavs and Rav for the Danes. In the Germanic languages it is still known as Bernstein or "stone that burns" and Bursztyn in Polish.
The modern English term for amber is thought to have its linguistic roots in the Arabic Anbar, which oddly enough, means "sperm whale."

19.Sep.2006 Space station prepares a welcome The International Space Station dumps its rubbish, ahead of the arrival of the first female space tourist.
19.Sep.2006 Lib Dem call to tax patio heaters All environmentally unfriendly productsSTART https://alfatomega.coming with patio heaters - should be taxed, a Lib Dem spokesman says.
19.Sep.2006 Acne drug is linked to depression Scientists produce the first firm evidence linking the popular acne drug Roaccutane to depression.
19.Sep.2006 AI Invades Go Territory While human chess masters now have silicon overlords, players of Go -- an ancient Chinese game of territory -- are still far ahead of the programmers. The computers are catching up, though, thanks to some tricky innovations. Brendan Borrell talks with computer scientist Rémi Coulom.
19.Sep.2006 Update on HP "pretexting": E-mails scanned; legality questioned Blog: Hewlett-Packard reportedly deployed covert surveillance teams and analyzed thousands of e-mails and phone records during its probe...
19.Sep.2006 Unique petroglyph found in Utah's Cedar Valley  It dates back about two thousand years. A carving in rock created by what archaeologists believe was a Fremont Indian. The petroglyph is in an area where such art is not uncommon, in Utah's Cedar Valley.
19.Sep.2006 UK accused of Guantánamo collusion : More than 100 senior doctors today accused the government of colluding in war crimes by refusing to give medical aid to British residents detained at Guantánamo Bay.

19.Sep.2006 Attorney general warns US on torture bill : The attorney general warned the US at the weekend that its bill to try to limit its obligations under the Geneva convention while interrogating and trying detainees risked international condemnation.

19.Sep.2006 Paul Krugman: King of Pain : Why is Mr. Bush so determined to engage in torture?

19.Sep.2006 When the truth is a stranger to fiction : Did Monica Lewinsky cause the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the USA? Anyone who watched The Path to 9/11, the ABC two-parter about the events leading up to September 11, might be forgiven for thinking so.

19.Sep.2006 The 13 most corrupt members of Congress In the following report, CREW documents the unethical activities of thirteen Members of Congress: 10 House Members and three Senators.

19.Sep.2006 Major State Union Switches To Lamont: One of the state's largest labor unions has dropped its endorsement of U.S. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman + switched its support to Democratic primary winner Ned Lamont.

19.Sep.2006 Jump ship or pink slip for some realtors-Now that the glory days of the most recent US housing market are over, its deterioration is taking a toll on employees who profited from its record-breaking 5 year run.

19.Sep.2006 Sick but Insured? Think Again : Lawsuits accuse insurance companies of retroactively dumping families that rack up large bills. Firms defend their policies, but the state is investigating.

19.Sep.2006 Congress Considering Strip Searching Students: Imagine an America in which school officials could strip search every student in their school based on the unsubstantiated tip that one of them might have a joint. Congress is voting on a bill Tuesday or Wednesday that could make these police state tactics more common.
19.Sep.2006 Daniel Gavron : The great escape : Two peoples inhabit this land, we have lived here in the past + we will continue to live here in the future. We have to work out some way of living together. We have to work out a formula for sharing our territory. We have to establish a means of cooperating to preserve our environment. We have to find a way to govern our population.

19.Sep.2006 Israeli Military Intelligence knew about Hezbollah kidnap plans : Military Intelligence had clear information about an impending kidnap attempt by Hezbollah shortly before the Lebanese group carried out its cross-border raid on July 12, according to an internal inquiry conducted by the Israel Defense Forces.

19.Sep.2006 Deadly harvest: The Lebanese fields sown with cluster bombs : Lebanese villagers must risk death in fields 'flooded' with more than a million Israeli cluster bombs - or leave crops to rot

19.Sep.2006 Hezbollah rejects Bush's call to disarm: "We are being asked to disarm so that Lebanon remains defenceless. Our force is protecting Lebanon," Sheikh Nasrallah said in a televised debate on Wednesday. "The core of the problem is that the USA and Israel want to disarm Hezbollah."

19.Sep.2006 War pimp alert: Only a "few months" before a nuclear Iran : Israeli FM : Livni said the world "cannot afford" for Iran to have nuclear weapons.

19.Sep.2006 In a replay of Iraq, a battle is brewing over intelligence on Iran: Several former U.S. defense officials who maintain close ties to the Pentagon say they've been told that plans for airstrikes - if Bush deems them necessary - are being updated.

19.Sep.2006 Chirac: Iran should not be referred to Security Council during talks : “I think that Iran is a great nation and that we can find solutions through dialogue.”

19.Sep.2006 A Date With a "Dangerous" Mind: EXCLUSIVE: Face to face with Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the man whose swaggeris stirring fears of warwith the U.S.

19.Sep.2006 Car bomb, gunfight in Somalia kills 11: A car bomb killed five people and wounded several others outside parliament in Somalia's provincial capital Baidoa on Monday in an assassination attempt on President Abdullahi Yusuf.

19.Sep.2006 In case you missed it: U.S. accused of covert Somolia ops: A British newspaper Sunday said the USA was conducting illegal mercenary operations to support the U.N.-backed interim government in Somalia.

19.Sep.2006 Ortega Gets 15-Point Edge in Nicaragua: Former head of state Daniel Ortega is the clear frontrunner in Nicaragua’s presidential election, according to a poll by Zogby International and the University of Miami School of Communication.

19.Sep.2006 Chávez Could Get New Term in Venezuela: Hugo Chávez maintains a high level of support in Venezuela, according to a poll by Datanálisis. 58 per cent of respondents would vote for the incumbent head of state in this year’s election

19.Sep.2006 Karen Armstrong: We cannot afford to maintain these ancient prejudices against Islam : The Pope's remarks were dangerous + will convince many more Muslims that the west is incurably Islamophobic
19.Sep.2006 NATO Faces Growing Hurdle As Call for Troops Falls Short: Alliance Casualties Hit 5-Year High in Occupied Afghanistan.
19.Sep.2006 This is how US will attack Iran -By Yitzhak Benhorin
It will take a few days, with thousands of sorties, satellite and laser-guided bombs will be aimed at targets – 1,500 already planned by Pentagon – and will try to infiltrate armed concrete, under which some of nuclear sites are hidden. Meanwhile, Washington launches diplomatic blitz in attempt to promote sanctions on Tehran

19.Sep.2006 19.Sep.2006 Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder-A Glimpse Into Israeli Collective Psychosis -By Gilad Atzmon
The Israelis somehow fail to read the message on the wall. Rather than looking at the mirror and spotting out their obvious faults that have already matured into severe moral bankruptcy, the Israelis prefer total submission to the materialist fantasy of Nuclear Judeocide.

19.Sep.2006 War Criminal at Bay-By Paul Craig Roberts
President George Bush, betrayed by the neoconservatives whom he elevated to power and by his Attorney General, Torture Gonzales who gave him wrong legal advice, is locked in a desperate struggle with the Republican Congress to save himself from war crimes charges at the expense of America’s reputation and our soldiers’ fate.

19.Sep.2006 What if they gave a War?-By Charles Sullivan
We must think beyond geopolitical borders, beyond political parties; past the familiar labels of liberal and conservative. Working class conservatives and working class liberals alike are exploited by those in power. We must set aside the petty differences that keep us apart and seek common ground to defeat our common enemy—corporate Plutocracy.

19.Sep.2006 Ending the Dollar's Tyranny-By Mike Whitney
The dominance of the greenback has created a global empire which is controlled by a small group of corporatists and autocrats who depend on bullying and brute force to maintain their supremacy. The only way to restore the republic is to topple the empire, dislodge the dollar from its lofty perch + even the playing field with the other currencies.

Richard F. Langan, Jr.: Nixon Peabody LLP ... underwritten by Banc of America Securities, Barclays Capital + JP Morgan . ... "Periodic Reports under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 . ...
Morgan - Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism In 1934, when Jerry MacGuire was in Paris studying how veterans' groups, such as ... Morgan, Jr . ... JP MorganChase website ... .html
Macacos sem galho » Blog Archive » O sono, esse meu grande inimigo
19.Sep.2006 Tonbandprotokoll: "Wir haben am Morgen, am Abend und in der Nacht gelogen"
19.Sep.2006 Benedikt und die Muslime: Ahmadinedschad nimmt Papst in Schutz
19.Sep.2006 Rekordfund: In zwei Tagen 67 Dinosaurier entdeckt

19.Sep.2006 Aufstieg Asiens: Der Westen muss sich wehren - oder er scheitert
19.Sep.2006 Politik- Frust: Thyssen droht mit Transrapid- Ausverkauf nach China
19.Sep.2006 Raucherschutz: Auch Nichtraucher leben gefährlich
19.Sep.2006 Wut nach Wahllügen: Schwere Krawalle in Budapest

19.Sep.2006 Überflutungen: Unwetter setzt Dörfer in Bayern und Thüringen unter Wasser
19.Sep.2006 Next Attack Imminent: Muslims ordered to leave the USA - sfux By Hamid Mir (Interview), Paul L. Williams & David Dastych/Saturday, September 16, 2006. Urgent news from Abu...
19.Sep.2006 Die Bahnhofsbomberhysterie in Deutschland - sfux Karl Weiss -

Die Politikerkaste und die mit ihnen vermengelten Medien nahmen den mißglückten und stümperhaften Versuch zweier (oder dreier) junger Bundesbürger arabischer Abstammung, zwei Bomben zu bauen und in Züge zu plazieren, als Anlaß, eine zynische und absurde Hysterie über eine Terrorgefahr in Deutschland aufzubauen, um noch weitere Bürgerrechte abbbauen zu können. Dabei scheuten sie nicht vor massiven Lügen...
Polizei - Dienstvergehen häufen sich - sfux Harald Haack ?

Wer sich einem Polizisten widersetzt, handelt sich schnell eine Strafanzeige wegen ?Widerstands gegen die Staatsgewalt? ein und jeder Richter glaubt dem ?Ordnungshüter?, dass dessen Anzeige rechtens war. Doch immer häufiger gibt es Meldungen über Polizisten, die privat oder im Dienst kriminelle Taten begehen. Müssen sich Bürger künftig den Anweisungen von Polizisten beugen,...
Retired Colonel: ‘We Are Conducting Military Operations Inside Iran Right Now. The Evidence Is Overwhelming.’ - Think Progress 

Just now on CNN, Air Force Col. Sam Gardiner (Ret.) said, “We are conducting military operations inside Iran right now. The evidence is overwhelming.”

Gardiner, who taught at the U.S. Army’s National War College, has previously suggested that U.S. forces were already on the ground in Iran. Today he added several additional new points:

1) The House Committee on Emerging Threats recently called on State and Defense Department officials to testify on whether U.S. forces were in Iran. The officials didn’t come to the hearing.

2) “We have learned from Time magazine today that some U.S. naval forces had been alerted for deployment. That is a major step.”

3) “The plan has gone to the White House. That’s not normal planning. When the plan goes to the White House, that means we’ve gone to a different state.”

Watch it: Digg it! Read the full transcript HERE.
19.Sep.2006 Ney gives up all committee posts, silent on resignation. - Nico 

Following a letter from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH) “announced Monday that he will resign his position as chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity. … Ney made no mention of whether he planned to remain in office.”
19.Sep.2006 Cheney Biographer Launches Desperate Attack On Senate Intelligence Committee Report - Faiz 

In the Weekly Standard, official Cheney biographer Stephen Hayes attacks the recently-released portion of the Senate Intelligence Committee report that documents the fact that Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were enemies, not collaborators.

The report’s conclusion deals a devastating blow to Hayes, who has previously declared “case closed” on the connection between Hussein and bin Laden and has authored on a book on that sole issue. Unsurprisingly, he strikes back against the Senate report with more deception and spin:

1. Hayes’ sourcing for his information is unreliable; Senate sourcing is authoritative. Hayes pieces together unverified media reporting to develop his theory of a “connection.” He continues to rely on a discredited Defense Department intelligence memo. At one point, Hayes even sources his claims to the fact that Vice President Cheney repeated them. The Senate Intelligence Committee report relies on “documents uncovered in Iraq and new intelligence collected, including Intelligence Community debriefs of detained Iraqis and al Qa’ida members. … The Committee supplemented this effort by soliciting the Intelligence Community’s judgments of the accuracy of their own prewar assessments.”

2. Hayes ignores the conclusions of the intelligence community. The report notes that the CIA Inspector General has concluded: “The data reveal few indications of an established relationship” between Iraq and al Qaeda. The DIA, which has reviewed more than 34 million pages of documents that were recovered from Iraq, “continues to maintain that there was no partnership between the two organizations.”

3. Hayes ignores the report’s conclusion on Zawahiri. He writes, “There is no mention of documents showing that the Iraqi regime cultivated a relationship with bin Laden’s chief deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, throughout the 1990s.” He ignores the report’s revelation that the former Iraqi Vice President said suggestions of a link between Zawahiri and Saddam were “completely false.”

4. Hayes ignores reports of Saddam’s refusal to partner with bin Laden. The Senate report documents Saddam’s rejection of bin Laden’s requests for assistance, his unwillingness to meet with al Qaeda officials + his detentions of those he viewed as Islamist radicals. Abdul Rahman Yasin, a participant in the ‘93 World Trade Center bombings (whom Hayes cites as proof of a “connection”), is evidence of Saddam’s actions against al Qaeda because he was jailed by the Iraqi government in 1994 through at least 2002 when 60 Minutes interviewed him there. The Senate report concludes, “Postwar findings indicate that Saddam Hussein was distrustful of al-Qa’ida and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from al Qa’ida to provide material or operational support.”

In his conclusion, Hayes writes, “Some day there will be an authoritative and richly detailed history of the nature of the relationship between the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda and other Islamist terror groups.” That day has come + it’s a shame Hayes won’t allow himself to accept it.
19.Sep.2006 Gore Calls For Immediate Freeze on C02 Emissions, Elimination of Payroll Taxes - Judd 

Today, Former Vice President Al Gore gave a major speech on global warming at NYU law. Notably, he called for an immediate freeze on CO2 emissions:

Well, first of all, we should start by immediately freezing CO2 emissions and then beginning sharp reductions . Merely engaging in high-minded debates about theoretical future reductions while continuing to steadily increase emissions represents a self-delusional and reckless approach. In some ways, that approach is worse than doing nothing at all, because it lulls the gullible into thinking that something is actually being done when in fact it is not.

An immediate freeze has the virtue of being clear, simple + easy to understand. It can attract support across partisan lines as a logical starting point for the more difficult work that lies ahead.

Gore also called for the complete elimination of the payroll tax. It would be replaced by a tax on CO2:

For the last fourteen years, I have advocated the elimination of all payroll taxes — including those for social security and unemployment compensation — and the replacement of that revenue in the form of pollution taxes — principally on CO2. The overall level of taxation would remain exactly the same. It would be, in other words, a revenue neutral tax swap. But, instead of discouraging businesses from hiring more employees, it would discourage business from producing more pollution.

Gore concludes:

This is an opportunity for bipartisanship and transcendence, an opportunity to find our better selves and in rising to meet this challenge, create a better brighter future — a future worthy of the generations who come after us and who have a right to be able to depend on us.

Read the full text of the speech here. Digg It!
19.Sep.2006 Bring the Senate into the 21st century. - Nico 

Currently, Senate candidates don’t have to file their campaign finance reports electronically, meaning that “voters can’t effectively find out how much and from whom their would-be senators have collected money until long after the election — too late for them to act.” Bloggers from the right and left have started a campaign to change that. Get the details at DailyKos.
19.Sep.2006 Santorum curses at reporter. - Nico 

“I have to raise tens of millions of dollars because of the junk you feed the people of Pennsylvania,” Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) told the reporter, who had earlier mentioned the senator’s “rocky relations with the press.” Santorum “then used an expletive to describe the coverage and slammed down a newspaper.”
19.Sep.2006 After Ney Admits To Crimes, Boehner Refuses To Call For His Resignation - Nico 

Yesterday on Fox News Sunday, House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) was asked whether Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH) should step down from Congress. Ney pled guilty last week to federal corruption charges, admitting to prosecutors that “he had accepted tens of thousands of dollars in illegal favors from Abramoff and from a Syrian businessman nicknamed ‘the Fat Man.’”

Apparently, in Boehner’s mind, this doesn’t necessarily disqualify you from serving in Congress. Boehner twice refused to answer whether Ney should step down, saying only that it was a decision Ney should make for himself. Watch it: <script type="text/javascript"> var flvboehn320240 = new SWFObject('//09/boehn.320.240.flv&autoStart=false', 'em-flvboehn320240', '320', '260', '6', '#ffffff'); flvboehn320240.addParam('quality', 'high'); flvboehn320240.addParam('wmode', 'transparent'); flvboehn320240.write('flvboehn320240');

Boehner has reportedly been more candid with Ney in private, but Ney “hasn’t taken the hint.” Digg it! Full transcript:

WALLACE: On this same subject, this week Congressman Bob Ney, one of your Republican colleagues in the House, agreed to plead guilty to influence-peddling. Now, he has stepped down as chairman; he’s still a member of Congress.

This is a man who is basically admitting that he sold his vote. Should he spend another day in the House?

BOEHNER: Bob Ney clearly admitted to making some big mistakes. And he’s going to pay dearly for the mistakes that he’s admitted to.

But he’s also checked himself in for alcohol abuse. And right now my prayers are with him and his family. It’s a sad day for the Congress and a sad day for Bob Ney.

WALLACE: Should he resign from the House?

BOEHNER: That’s a decision that he and his family are going to have to make.
Bush hosts right-wing radio talk show hosts at White House. - Amanda 

The guest list included Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, Michael Medved, Laura Ingraham + Mike Gallagher. (Rush Limbaugh was unable to attend.) Friday’s off-the-record talk, set for 30 minutes, ended up lasting 90 minutes, where Bush told his guests that the war on terror has to be about right versus wrong, “because if it’s about Christianity versus Islam, we’ll lose.” He also showed them the pistol Saddam Hussein had when he was captured.
19.Sep.2006 Will Bush make a U-turn on global warming? - Judd  Gristmill addresses the rumors and predicts what the administration’s new policy might look like. Includes a drinking game.
19.Sep.2006 Path to 9/11 Writer Slams Critics, Defends Movie As Totally Accurate - Judd 

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Path to 9/11 writer Cyrus Nowrasteh defends his screenplay as accurate. Nowrasteh writes:

I felt duty-bound from the outset to focus on a single goal–to represent our recent pre-9/11 history as the evidence revealed it to be. The American people deserve to know that history: They have paid for it in blood… Fact-checkers and lawyers scrutinized every detail, every line, every scene. There were hundreds of pages of annotations.

ABC’s claimed inaccurate material was included because Path to 9/11 was a “docudrama.” It’s clear now that was just spin. The people who created the film regard it as “the truth” and it was marketed as such. Nowrasteh doesn’t address the multiple glaring inaccuracies in the film, including:

– A scene where former National Security advisor Sandy Berger pulls the plug on a clear chance to take out Osama Bin Laden. According to the 9/11 Commission report, this never happened.

– A scene where Madeleine Albright overrules military commanders and insists on informing the Pakistanis about a missile strike on a suspected Bin Laden hideout. According to the 9/11 Commission Report, this never happened.

– A scene indicating Bush demanded aggressive action after receiving the August 6 Presidential Daily Brief entitled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US.” According to Condoleezza Rice’s testimony before the 9/11 commission, this never happened.

Nowrasteh dismisses criticism of the movie as “politically driven hysteria.” He doesn’t mention that many prominent conservatives — including Bill Bennett, Bill O’Reilly and Brent Bozell — criticized the film for factual inaccuracies.

Norwasteh also denies he is a “political conservative.” He has a funny way of showing it. He described himself in an interview as “more of a libertarian than a strict conservative.” Last year, Nowrasteh spoke on a panel titled, “Rebels With a Cause: How Conservatives Can Lead Hollywood’s Next Paradigm Shift.” In advance of Path to 9/11 he gave interviews to a variety of right-wing websites.

In short, Nowrasteh’s defense of Path to 9/11 is about as accurate as the film itself. Digg It!| Reddit
18.Sep.2006 September 18, 2006 - Think Progress 

A portrait of sectarian violence in Baghdad. “A wrong turn, a detour, an untoward stare, a pointed finger, an anonymous denunciation, a nod of the head - these can + do, lead regularly to death.”

Top House conservatives reportedly want Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH), who pled guilty last week in connection with the Abramoff scandal, to resign from Congress immediately. Ney “hasn’t taken the hint.”

After the invasion of Iraq in 2003, applicants who applied for reconstruction jobs “didn’t need to be experts in the Middle East or in post-conflict reconstruction. What seemed most important was loyalty to the Bush administration .” Pentagon officials “posed blunt questions” to candidates like whether they voted for George W. Bush in 2000 + whether they supported Roe v. Wade.

At least 255,000 people have died in Darfur since the genocide began in 2003, researchers report in the journal Science, “though they believe the actual number may be much higher.” Tens of thousands marked the “Global Day for Darfur” yesterday in four dozen cities worldwide.

Thomas W. O’Connell, the Pentagon’s top special operations policy-maker, “is quitting in a move that several Bush administration sources say is the first negative fallout from a major reorganization of advisers in the office of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld .”

A far-right party “which openly espouses xenophobic and neo-Nazi views …made further inroads in Germany’s economically fragile east” in yesterday’s elections.

Project BioShield, the $5.6 billion program to expand medical stockpiles in case of a biological attack, “has largely failed to deliver.” Rep. Chris Shays (R-CT) calls it a “torturous labyrinth of federal fiefdoms into which billions disappear.”

The U.S. continues to rank 16th among industrialized nations for broadband internet development and penetration + customers in countries like Japan and South Korea “enjoy broadband speeds that are hundreds of times faster” as standard U.S. speeds.

And finally: Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) argued last week that the South could have won the Civil War if the Confederates had just had better intelligence. Sources told Roll Call that Chambliss said, “We need better intelligence. If we had better intelligence in the Civil War we’d be quoting Jefferson Davis, not Lincoln.”
19.Sep.2006 How Bush Rules: Torture and The Quest For Unfettered Power - Guest 

Bush-Rules-Chronicles-Radical/dp/product-description/069112888X">We do not torture,” President Bush has said time and again. But Bush has approved techniques that are defined as torture under the Geneva Conventions. In fact, he abrogated U.S. compliance with Article 3 of the Conventions that specifically prohibits torture. Indeed, his then White House counsel and now attorney general Alberto Gonzales contemptuously referred to the Conventions as “quaint.”

In the infamous memo of August 1, 2002 written by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, the so-called “Bybee memo,” after Jay Bybee, its director and since appointed by Bush to a federal judgeship, the Conventions were shoved aside and the definition revised. Rather than the Conventions stipulations against “cruel, inhumane and degrading” treatment of prisoners and “outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating and degrading treatment,” the administration adopted new standards: “Physical pain amounting to torture must be equivalent to intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death.” The Bush administration’s new torture policy prompted the export of torture technique from Guantanamo to Abu Ghraib.

Bush’s torture policy is a centerpiece of his effort to concentrate unfettered power in the executive, an overarching change justified by an executive order declaring that in his role as commander-in-chief in wartime he can make and enforce laws at will. In my new book, “Bush-Rules-Chronicles-Radical/dp/product-description/069112888X">How Bush Rules: Chronicles of a Radical Regime,” I present and analyze the history of Bush’s radical attempt to impose an imperial presidency.

Now, after the Supreme Court has ruled that Bush’s dismissal of the Geneva Conventions and his kangaroo court military commissions for detainees are illegal, the president is trying to force the Congress to reinstate them through legislation. Republicans on the Senate Armed Service Committee are in revolt + former Secretary of State Colin Powell issued a public letter saying that Bush’s position throws into “doubt” the “moral” basis of his “war on terror.”

The FBI forbids its agents from participating in any way in interrogation of detainees because of agents’ experience of what they considered torture. One agent in an email to bureau officials on August 2, 2004 described what he witnessed at the Guantanamo detainee prison camp: “On a couple of occasions, I entered interview rooms to find a detainee chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor, with no chair, food or water. Most times they had urinated or defecated on themselves + had been left there for 18 to 24 hours or more.” In one case, he said, “The detainee was almost unconscious on the floor, with a pile of hair next to him. He had apparently been literally pulling his own hair out throughout the night.”

Bush claims are these methods that are “not torture” are necessary because they produce valuable intelligence on terrorism activities. Yet an FBI agent involved in the interrogations wrote on December 5, 2003, “These tactics have produced no intelligence of a threat neutralization nature to date and . . .”

The U.S. Army agrees emphatically. On September 6, the same day that Bush unveiled his new plan for torture and kangaroo courts, Lieutenant General John F. Kimmons, the Army’s Deputy Chief of Intelligence, in his presentation of the Army’s new field manual on interrogation that specifically encoded the Geneva Conventions rules against torture, said directly: “No good intelligence comes from abusive interrogation practices.”

The debate over Bush’s insistence on the use of torture is not a weird aberration, but central to his entire radical project to transform the American constitutional system, create an unaccountable executive + operate outside the rule of law if he so decides. I describe at length the origins, history and politics of Bush’s ruthless coercion of the senior military, the intelligence community and congressional Republicans to accept torture and comply with his idea of an imperial presidency in “Bush-Rules-Chronicles-Radical/dp/product-description/069112888X">How Bush Rules: Chronicles of a Radical Regime.” Once the background is understood it will not come as a surprise that Bush has provoked a revolt by traditional Republicans and the senior military, pushed into the position of defending American values against Bush’s radicalism. The outcome is by no means obvious.

– Sidney Blumenthal
What war with Iran would look like.’ - Nico 

“The first message was routine enough: a ‘Prepare to Deploy Order’ sent through Naval communications channels to a submarine, an Aegis-class cruiser, two minesweepers and two minehunters. The orders didn’t actually command the ships out of port; they just said be ready to move by October 1. A deployment of minesweepers to the east coast of Iran would seem to suggest that a much discussed, but until now largely theoretical, prospect has become real: that the U.S. may be preparing for war with Iran.”
19.Sep.2006 White House proposes interrogation compromise. - Nico 

CNN reports, “Hoping to break a deadlock with key Republican senators, the White House is making changes to its proposal to allow the CIA to continue using ‘alternative’ interrogation techniques on suspected terrorists.” No word on the specific language. McCain’s office said he would respond tomorrow.
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31 U.S.C. § 3729 et seq. (PDF) Whether DRC and Custer Battles were joint venturers or subcontractor and contractor, ... a citizen of Lebanon and Iraq + Murtaza Lakhani, a citizen of ...

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