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14.Sep.2004 Fathers 4 Justice Fathers 4 Justice (F4J) is a new civil rights movement campaigning for a child's right to see both parents + grandparents. enter. ...

14.Sep.2004 Rauchfreier-Roller-Brennstoffzellenroller-Einen Motorroller mit Brennstoffzellenantrieb stellt der japanische Auto- + Motorradhersteller Honda vor.

Die abgasfreie Antriebstechnik, bei der aus Wasserstoff Strom gewonnen wird, der dann einen Elektromotor antreibt, wurde wegen ihrer aufwendigen Bauart bisher vorwiegend in Pkw untergebracht. URL:,1518,317840,00.html
14.Sep.2004 Zapatero + Schröder + Chirac stimmten auch darin überein, dass die Lage im Irak sehr ernst sei.

"Die Büchse der Pandora ist geöffnet worden + nun können wir sie nicht mehr schließen", sagte der französische Staatspräsident.

Die Ablehnung des Krieges durch Paris + Berlin sei in jedem Fall die richtige Entscheidung gewesen.

Nach den Worten Zapateros soll es künftig weitere Dreiertreffen dieser Art geben. Damit solle aber niemand ausgegrenzt werden, betonte er. URL:,1518,druck-317926,00.html
14.Sep.2004 Die Wahl der Sozialisten, so der Politologe Fernando Vallespín, hatte den Charakter einer kollektiven Reinigung. Nach der Katharsis "sind wir endlich Herrn unseres Schicksals. Die Demokratie wurde gestärkt". Jetzt setzt die neue sozialistische Regierung in Spanien unter Hochdruck ihr Projekt für eine moderne Gesellschaft in Kraft. Die finster rückständige katholische Kirche verliert an Einfluss.
Frauen + Männer + Homos + Heteros + Junge + Alte bauen gleichberechtigt eine Bürgergemeinschaft auf.

-dieser Tage lobte der schwedische Premier Göran Persson Spanien sei der am hellsten leuchtende Stern der europäischen Sozialisten,.URL:,1518,317847,00.html

14.Sep.2004 Mode aus Barcelona - Filmemacher + Maler + Musiker + Architekten + Modedesigner befinden sich auf dem Siegeszug durch Europa + in Übersee.

Sie führen eine neue "movida" an, stärker noch als die Bewegung, die das Erwachen der Künstler in den Jahren nach dem Tod des Diktators Franco 00.000.1975 auslöste.
14.Sep.2004 Deutschland träumt von der guten alten reformfreien Zeit, Italien verharrt im Bann eines korrupten Medienzaren, die Briten sind im Irak-Abenteuer gefangen - aber Spanien rockt.

Auch die blutigen Attentate vom 00.Mär.2004 haben das Land nicht in Depression versinken lassen - im Gegenteil. Eine SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Serie über den Wiederaufstieg einer europäischen Mittelmacht. URL:,1518,317847,00.html
14.Sep.2004 The truth is that Mr. Bush, by politicizing the "war on terror," is putting America at risk. And Mr. Kerry has to say that.
14.Sep.2004 Opinion - Taking On the Myth
John Kerry needs to point out how George W. Bush has put USA at risk by politicizing the "war on terror." By PAUL KRUGMAN

On Sunday, a celebrating crowd gathered around a burning U.S. armored vehicle.

Then a helicopter opened fire; a child + a journalist for an Arabic TV news channel were among those killed.

Later, the channel repeatedly showed the journalist doubling over + screaming, "I'm dying; I'm dying."

Such scenes, which enlarge the ranks of our enemies by making USA look both weak and brutal, are inevitable in the guerrilla war President Bush got us into.

Osama bin Laden must be smiling.
U.S. news organizations are under constant pressure to report good news from Iraq. In fact, as a Newsweek headline puts it, "It's worse than you think."

Attacks on coalition forces are intensifying + getting more effective; no-go zones, which the military prefers to call "insurgent enclaves," are spreading - even in Baghdad.

We're losing ground.
14.Sep.2004 Atombomben-Arsenale URL:,1518,grossbild-324127-317957,00.html

05.Feb.1958 war Die Bombe nach einem Bericht des Nachrichtensenders CNN verloren gegangen, als am über dem Atlantik zwei US-Flugzeuge zusammenstießen:

Ein B-47-Bomber und ein F-86-Kampfflugzeug streiften sich über dem Meer in der Nähe des kleinen Städtchens Savannah im US-Bundesstaat Georgia.

Der B-47-Bomber, der die gefährliche Fracht an Bord hatte, wurde bei dem Crash beschädigt, der Pilot versuchte dennoch, die Maschine zu landen.

Nach dem dritten missglückten Landeanflug wurde der Crew schließlich die Erlaubnis erteilt, die Bombe über dem Meer abzuwerfen, heißt es in dem CNN-Bericht.

Drei Monate später habe die Air Force im 00.Apr.1958 dann die Suche eingestellt.
14.Sep.2004 Dem CNN-Bericht zufolge ist die vier Meter lange Bombe mit Uran + 400 Pfund (ca. 180 Kilogramm) konventionellem Sprengstoff bestückt.

Nach Angaben der Air Force war die Bombe lediglich zu Übungszwecken gedacht.

Der Plutoniumkern, der für eine atomare Explosion notwendig gewesen wäre, sei aber nie eingebaut worden.
Die Bombe von Savannah ist dem Bericht zufolge nur eine von vielen Atombomben, die während des Kalten Krieges verloren gingen.

Allein die USA sollen 11 Nuklearwaffen vermissen.

Insgesamt liegen nach Schätzungen der Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace etwa 50 Bomben auf dem Grund der Meere.

Die meisten davon stammen aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion.

Appell: Irak bittet UN um Truppen zum Schutz der Wahl

14.Sep.2004 Altkanzler Kohl: Industrie trägt Mitschuld an Problemen im Osten

14.Sep.2004 Klimawandel: Blair fordert grüne Revolution

14.Sep.2004 Erfolg der Opposition: Türkisches Ehebruch-Gesetz vor dem Aus

14.Sep.2004 Massenvernichtungswaffen: US-Regierung glaubt nicht mehr an irakische Lager

14.Sep.2004 Russlands Staatsreform: Powell besorgt über Putins harten Kurs

14.Sep.2004 Börse am Abend: Deutsche Bank ist Tagesgewinner

14.Sep.2004 Bombenalarm im Gericht: Rentner wollte sich mit Panzermine Gehör verschaffen

14.Sep.2004 US-Geheimdienstreform: Spion gegen Spion

14.Sep.2004 Spionage: BND-Mann verriet Informationen an bulgarischen Geheimdienst

14.Sep.2004 Terroristenprozess: Sarkawi wollte Spenden nicht mit Bin Laden teilen

14.Sep.2004 Asylgesuch: Bobby Fischer will in die Schweiz

14.Sep.2004 US-Waffenverbot gekippt: "Eine Kalaschnikow und zwei Uzi bitte"

14.Sep.2004 Streit über Irans Atomprogramm: "Die Uhr tickt"

14.Sep.2004 Prognose des ZEW: Weltwirtschaft bremst Aufschwung

14.Sep.2004 Linux: Gemeinsam stark gegen Windows

14.Sep.2004 Berlin: Mann mit Panzermine dringt in Gericht ein

14.Sep.2004 "Othello"-Premiere: Straßenkampf vorm Schauspielhaus

14.Sep.2004 Experiment: Erdgas aus der Planetenkruste

14.Sep.2004 Bewegung auf dem Browsermarkt: Konkurrenz für Microsoft

14.Sep.2004 Terrorverdacht: Tschetschenische Bauarbeiter festgenommen

14.Sep.2004 OECD-Bericht: Deutschland spart sich die Bildung

14.Sep.2004 Opinion: Taking On the Myth

14.Sep.2004 Putins Mobilmachung: Doswidanja Glasnost

14.Sep.2004 USA: Ex-Air-Force-Mann will Atombombe gefunden haben

14.Sep.2004 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Hitler ist nicht mehr so wichtig"

14.Sep.2004 Tiefgefroren: Forscher finden Piniennadel aus grauer Vorzeit

14.Sep.2004 Folter im Irak: Neue Vorwürfe gegen US-Soldaten

14.Sep.2004 Aufhebung des Waffenverbots: Kerry gibt Bush die Schuld

14.Sep.2004 Stromkonzerne: Extra-Profite in Milliardenhöhe

14.Sep.2004 Städte wachsen - Armut nimmt zu
Laut der Uno-Organisation für Siedlungsfragen (Uno-Habitat) werden in 25 Jahren zwei Drittel der Weltbevölkerung in Städten leben. Derzeit sei es noch die Hälfte, teilte die Organisation heute in Genf mit.

2000 Wohnten noch 2,86 Milliarden Menschen in Städten,

2030 werden fast fünf Milliarden Menschen in Städten wohnen.

2000-2030 Gleichzeitig nimmt die Armut zu +

2000-2030 die soziale Absicherung geht zurück.

2003 gab es 39 Städte mit mehr als fünf Millionen Einwohnern + 16 mit mehr als zehn Millionen.

14.Sep.2004 Der Bericht wurde anlässlich des Weltforums der Städte in dieser Woche in Barcelona veröffentlicht.
14.Sep.2004 Die Armut nimmt dem Bericht zufolge auch in den Städten reicher Länder zu.

2003 -Bereits im Winter- so hoch wie seit 50 Jahren nicht mehr-war die Zahl der Obdachlosen in Westeuropa mit drei Millionen Menschen

14.Sep.2004 -derzeit- In USA + rund 3,5 Millionen Menschen obdachlos, darunter 1,4 Millionen Kinder.

Zu den größten Metropolen der Welt gehören Mexiko-City (mehr als 18 Millionen), Sao Paulo (17,9) + Buenos Aires (zwölf).

14.Sep.2004 Paris will mit internationaler Steuer Armut bekämpfen
Frankreich setzt auf eine internationale Steuer auf Treibhausgase, Waffen oder Flugbenzin, um die Armut in den Entwicklungsländern zu bekämpfen.

Um das von der Uno gesetzte Ziel zu erreichen, die extreme Armut bis 2015 zu halbieren, seien kreative Lösungen nötig. Washington plädiert dagegen für einen Schuldenerlass.
Alitalia-Piloten: Doppelt so viel fliegen für weniger Geld

14.Sep.2004 Irak-Politik: Türkei droht USA mit Ende der Partnerschaft

14.Sep.2004 Spanien rockt: Das Ende der 1000-jährigen Isolation

14.Sep.2004 OECD-Report: Deutsche Bildung weiter unterfinanziert

14.Sep.2004 Es gehe darum zu verhindern, dass die "schlimmsten Vorhersagen" der Experten wahr würden, sagte Blair.

Konkret setzte er sich dafür ein, im Verlauf der britischen EU-Präsidentschaft

00.000.2005 -Anfang- Gespräche mit der europäischen Luftfahrtindustrie über Emissionsbegrenzungen zu führen.

"Wir können der Welt von morgen nicht den Preis für die Verschmutzung von heute aufbürden", sagte Blair.

Als deutliche Anzeichen für den beginnenden Klimawandel nannte er extreme Wetterbedingungen, schmelzende Gletscher und steigende Meeresspiegel.

14.Sep.2004 Blair fordert grüne Revolution
Tony Blair hat eindringlich vor den "katastrophalen Folgen" eines ungehemmten Klimawandels gewarnt.

In einer Rede vor Industriellen in London sagte Großbritanniens Premier, die Welt dürfe die deutlichen Anzeichen nicht weiter ignorieren.

Jüngste wissenschaftliche Vorhersagen hätten ihn "schockiert".
14.Sep.2004 Türkei droht USA mit Ende der Zusammenarbeit -Die Türkei hat den USA mit dem Ende der Zusammenarbeit im Irak gedroht, falls die US-Truppen weiter Ziele im Norden des Irak angriffen.

In dem Gebiet leben viele türkischstämmige Menschen.
Ankara - Falls die Angriffe weitergingen, werde sein Land die USA im Irak nicht weiter unterstützen, sagte der türkische Außenminister Abdullah Gül am Montag.

Dies habe er auch US-Außenminister Colin Powell angekündigt. Sein Land werde diese Drohung war machen: "Wir haben nie davor zurückgeschreckt, das zu tun, was notwendig ist."

Die US-Angriffe im Nordirak treffen die Zivilbevölkerung, sagte Gül.
Die US-Streitkräfte hatten in der Stadt Tal Afar im Nordirak eine Offensive gestartet, weil sie dort zahlreiche Aufständische vermuten.

Die irakische Regierung hat keine Kontrolle über die Stadt. Medienberichten aus dem Gebiet zufolge wurden etliche Einwohner bei den Angriffen getötet, tausende mussten fliehen.
Hunderte türkische Lastwagen bringen jeden Tag Nachschub für die US-Truppen in den Irak.

13.Sep.2004 Dreiergipfel in Madrid: Das alte Europa lebt

13.Sep.2004 Irak: Türkei droht USA mit Ende der Zusammenarbeit

13.Sep.2004 Europa: Experten warnen vor wachsendem Rassismus

13.Sep.2004 Ungewöhnlicher Protest: Batman auf dem Buckingham-Palast

13.Sep.2004 Wall Street: Drei Jahre nach Null

13.Sep.2004 Nordkorea: Westliche Diplomaten dürfen Explosionsort inspizieren

13.Sep.2004 Afghanistan: Neue Offensive gegen Taliban

13.Sep.2004 Russland: Putin will mehr Macht

13.Sep.2004 Benzin-Alternative: Roller fährt mit Wasserstoff

13.Sep.2004 Schily auf Terrorismus-Konferenz: Zahmer Sheriff in der Wüste

13.Sep.2004 Opinion: Those Discredited Memos

13.Sep.2004 US-Wahlkampf: Tonnenweise Schmutz über den Bush-Clan

13.Sep.2004 "Genesis"-Mission: Sonnenmaterial weitgehend intakt

13.Sep.2004 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Am besten, Sie sterben sofort"

13.Sep.2004 Mysteriöse Explosion: Nordkorea spricht von Sprengung eines Berges

13.Sep.2004 Irak: USA wollen alle Städte unter Kontrolle bringen

13.Sep.2004 Jerusalem: Zehntausende demonstrieren gegen Scharon

13.Sep.2004 Häufiger Alkoholkonsum im mittleren Alter schädigt das Gehirn

13.Sep.2004 Welttag zur Suizidprävention: Mehr Todesfälle durch Selbstmorde als durch Kriege
Luftverschmutzung behindert Lungenentwicklung im Jugendalter

13.Sep.2004 Traumzentrum im Gehirn widerlegt Freud

13.Sep.2004 Mysteriöse Detonation: Briten fordern sofortige Erklärung von Nordkorea

13.Sep.2004 Deutsches Rekordprojekt: Fliegendes Labor soll ungeahnte Höhen erforschen

13.Sep.2004 Arzneimittel-Filz: Pharmahersteller zahlt Provisionen an Ärztebündnisse

13.Sep.2004 Atomprogramm: Iran im Streit um Uran kompromisslos

13.Sep.2004 Beunruhigender Zwischenfall: Rätselhafte Großexplosion in Nordkorea

13.Sep.2004 Ausgrabung: Auch Dinosaurier mochten ihre Kinder

13.Sep.2004 Hawaii: Forscher befürchten Ausbruch des weltgrößten Vulkans Der größte Vulkan der Welt, der Mauna Loa auf Hawaii, könnte bald aus seinem Schlaf erwachen.

Unter dem Gipfel hat die Erde allein in der letzten Woche mehr als 350 Mal gebebt. Die Spitze des Feuerbergs bläht sich zugleich immer schneller auf.

13.Sep.2004 Columbus-Forschung: Schatztaucher beschädigen 500 Jahre altes Wrack
13.Sep.2004 "Politischer Kompromiss": Ethikrat befürwortet totales Klonverbot
13.Sep.2004 "Genesis"-Mission: Sonnenmaterial weitgehend intakt

13.Sep.2004 America and human rights; Is the USA s love affair with human rights over?: The Iranian lawyer + Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi writes a heartfelt letter to Eleanor Roosevelt, pioneer of USA humanitarianism + commitment to the UN.

13.Sep.2004 Why Bush's Surrender -+ Kerry's - Matter: Last week President Bush surrendered the war on terror to al Qaeda.

In response, John Kerry went windsurfing, sending out John Edwards and other surrogates to attack Bush before showing up 48 hours later to solemnly assert that he thinks the war can still be won.

13.Sep.2004 Cartoon: Dubya's Commandments

13.Sep.2004 Americans in danger are vulnerable to dictatorship: A thousand dead in Iraq. For what? History's highest budget deficit. For what? George W. Bush has been so reckless with America's lives, wealth and reputation and so stupendously incompetent and untrustworthy overall as to defy belief that anyone but Halliburton and the House of Saud would want him to be elected.

13.Sep.2004 Unmasked: The George W Bush the President Doesn't Want the World To See: Is President George W Bush, who weaves a narrative about himself as a man of God, actually a charlatan? Is he really a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Is his faith a sham? Is he more bad boy than born again? More playboy than penitent?

13.Sep.2004 Our Beachhead in the Middle East: Barely larger than New Jersey, Israel is nonetheless the fourth-largest recipient of weapons from the U.S. -- since 1993, it has received close to $10 billion in weapons alone. It's quite a deal, considering that the U.S. has indirectly contributed to Israel's 1993-1995 ranking as the world's seventh-largest arms supplier.

13.Sep.2004 Israel: New party urges non-Jews' expulsion: Dozens of right-wing Israeli leaders have announced the creation of a new political party which founders say will be dedicated to the expulsion of millions of Muslims and Christians from Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.

18.Jun.1996 AIPAC, The fly in the ointment of Iran-US relations: When House Ways + Means staffers began hard bargaining recently over a bill aimed at penalizing foreign firms doing business with Iran, one outside group sat at the table -Aipac, the pro-Israel lobby.

13.Sep.2004 Iran expects EU to keep his words -In a meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, Rowhani said that Iran abides by the Tehran declaration + expects the European partners to honor their undertakings.

13.Sep.2004 U.S. signals it may not rule out attack on Iran: Undersecretary of State John Bolton, was asked during a brief visit to Israel if the USA could consider such an attack.

13.Sep.2004 Colin Powell in four-letter neo-con 'crazies' row : A furious row has broken out over claims in a new book by BBC broadcaster James Naughtie that US Secretary of State Colin Powell described neo-conservatives in the Bush administration as 'fucking crazies' during the build-up to war in Iraq

13.Sep.2004 War vote a mistake : 'I really feel like I was misled'-U.S. Rep. Ken Lucas, told a Northern Kentucky audience that his vote to authorize that war was the one he most regretted during his three terms in Congress.

13.Sep.2004 Al Qaida 'Duped Allies into Waging War' : Sir Jeremy Greenstock’s comments appeared to give some credence to the argument of critics of the Iraq War that the US and UK played into al Qaida’s hands by launching last year’s invasion.

13.Sep.2004 One man's resistance: 'Why I turned against America' : 'There is no greater shame than to see your country occupied'

13.Sep.2004 Turkey reacts with fury to massive US assault on northern Iraqi city: The US military assault on Tal Afar, an ethnically Turkmen city in northern Iraq, has provoked a furious reaction from the Turkish government which is demanding the US call off the attack.

13.Sep.2004 Speeches ignore impending U.S. debt disaster : No mention of fiscal gap estimated as high as $72 trillion

13.Sep.2004 Rumsfeld's dirty war on terror : In an explosive extract from his new book, Seymour Hersh reveals how, in a fateful decision that led to the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison, the US defence secretary gave the green light to a secret unit authorised to torture terrorist suspects

13.Sep.2004 Bush team 'knew of abuse' at Guantánamo : Evidence of prisoner abuse and possible war crimes at Guantánamo Bay reached the highest levels of the Bush administration as early as autumn 2002, but Donald Rumsfeld, the defence secretary, chose to do nothing about it

13.Sep.2004 In case you missed it: Carter's Crusade : Jimmy Carter explains how the Christian right isn't Christian at all.

13.Sep.2004 Portrait of a neo-con: When poor intelligence started making life difficult for USA troops early in the Iraq war, a top commander had nasty things to say about Douglas Feith, the No 3 civilian in the Pentagon. But to write off Feith as an idiot would be a serious mistake.

13.Sep.2004 Chalabi aide in Israel: Al-Alusi, who heads the Iraqi interim government's "de-Baathification" campaign, voiced a desire to normalise relations with Israel, says Israeli press sources.

13.Sep.2004 Patrick J. Buchanan: A peace bloodier than war: The Congress may have given the president a blank check, but this nation never signed up for an endless war to make Iraq safe for democracy.

Nor will Americans pay an endless price in blood to achieve it.

13.Sep.2004 It is far more difficult to see bias at work in the humanistic coverage of the

11.Sep.2001 attacks, when the depiction of heroism of ordinary people comes naturally — because we have seen the enemy + he is “not us” (in the accepted right-wing formula).

For reasons that have much to do with psychology, it is far easier to recognize media bias when it uncritically assists to sell the external violence of a phony war.

For example, media coverage leading up to the invasion of Iraq is now a major scandal.

A University of Maryland media study found that most viewers who heavily rely on the major TV networks believed at least one of three pre-war myths:

that Weapons of Mass Destruction had been found in Iraq,

that Saddam Hussein had been directly linked to 11.Sep.2001 + that global opinion supported the U.S. invasion of Iraq for the sake of “regime change.” As of this writing, this debacle —engineered by a brutal cabal of Pentagon planners and far rightists — has led to the deaths of more than 1000 Americans + tens of thousands of Iraqis + the complicity of the major media in selling a war on false pretenses is now firmly established.
Oct.2001 BBC reported that Washington began pressuring Qatar to “rein in” (i.e., censor) the independent television station Al Jazeera,

whose TV journalism is free from state interference, which results in the airing of “anti-American,” i.e., dissenting voices.

USA State Department also attempted to block the Voice of America radio station from airing an interview with a Taliban representative.

04.Oct.2001 00.000.2001 -That same year, with unintended irony, reflexively hawkish media commentators commonly described Al Jazeera as the “controversial” Arab TV network.

(To TV journalists, the independent network is controversial because their bosses do not like it.)
04.Oct.2001 10.Nov.2001 -Then- White House press secretary Ari Fleischer descended from rebuking talk show hosts (+ telling a free people to “watch what they say”)

to claiming that unedited broadcasts of clearly anti-American (read: anti-USA government) “diatribes” are “a forum for prerecorded, pre-taped propaganda inciting people to kill Americans” (NYT,

10.Nov.2001 The claim that unedited statements might contain “coded messages” was a nice touch: but

the real target for USA Washington was to maintain a pro-USA slant + avoid confusing USA Americans with inconvenient facts + alternative perspectives.

Sep.2001 -while watching the heart-rending scenes in New York City, the portraits of heroism +

in-depth interviews of the victims of this crime against humanity, I was struck again by the contrasting picture between CNN coverage today + ten years ago.

00.000.1991 with the “necessary work” in the Gulf completed, the city of New York was host to the official welcoming home of the troops from the Persian Gulf.

The “Canyon of Heroes” was the site of a large ticker-tape parade, as USA American people proudly showed their pride in military power, used (in this case) to slaughter 200,000 civilians + conscript soldiers.

The 12,000 pounds of confetti dropped on the heroes symbolized the blunted moral sensibilities of those of us invited to join a jingoistic parade.
00.000.1991 In Iraq in- most of the two hundred thousand casualties were innocent women + children (+ conscript soldiers).

What was the reaction in the civilized West?

11.Sep.2001 -This was not- so we were cheering, proud of our military hardware + happy that the media kept us so “well-informed” about the “pin-point accuracy” of their missiles,

which we saw going through chimneys, over + over again.

What was happening on the ground was none of our business.

11.Sep.2001 -Since, the major media encouraged us to memorize the names of all the victims -of-.

The contrast couldn’t be starker. When we bomb “them,” it’s a video game, fun for the whole family; when “they” bomb us, it is proof of their barbarity: don’t they understand who the important people are?

Why do we find it unreasonable to consider that such quasi-racist attitudes helped to generate the hatred + fear which ultimately leads to terrorist training camps in the first place? 
13.Sep.2004 However, it is wartime censorship that reveals the extent to which Washington is more concerned to manipulate public opinion than to encourage open discussion.

10.Oct.2001 the New York Times (NYT) reported that,

following an admonitory telephone call from USA National Security Advisor, Condoleeza Rice promptly received assurances from CNN+ABC+CBS+NBC+Fox that they would agree not to broadcast “transmissions from bin Laden's al-Qaida group without first screening + possibly editing them”

10.Oct.2001 AP, “Bush Adviser Calls Networks Over Message From Bin Laden,” NYT.

In a craven response to Miss Rice, Fox News issued a ringing declaration: “We believe a free press must and can bear responsibility not to be used by those who want to destroy America and endanger the lives of its citizens.” Not only is war a continuation of politics by other means (Clausewitz), but war reporting is now an extension of public relations by other means. 
00.000.0000 Ein früher Fürsprecher [ PROPAGANDA ]eines militärischen Vorgehens gegen den Irak war Luti, William,pensionierter Navy-Captain, Verteidigungsstaatssekretär, -

05.Mai 2003 -jetzt- beaufsichtigt Luti, William das Office of Special Plans des Pentagon - URL:

17.Jul.2003 The Guardian The spies who pushed for war Julian Borger reports on the shadow rightwing intelligence network set up in Washington to second-guess the CIA + deliver a justification for toppling Saddam Hussein by force URL:,2763,999737,00.html
10.Sep.2004 As he prepares for re-election, Mr Bush may opt to tough it out, rather than acknowledge the severity of the problem by firing loyalists. But in that case, it will inevitably be harder to re-establish confidence in the intelligence on which the White House is basing its decisions + the world's sole superpower risks stumbling onwards half-blind, unable to distinguish real threats from phantoms.

10.Sep.2004 Democratic congressman David Obey, who is investigating the OSP, said: "That office was charged with collecting, vetting and disseminating intelligence completely outside of the normal intelligence apparatus. In fact, it appears that information collected by this office was in some instances not even shared with established intelligence agencies and in numerous instances was passed on to the national security council and the president without having been vetted with anyone other than political appointees."

The OSP was an open and largely unfiltered conduit to the White House not only for the Iraqi opposition. It also forged close ties to a parallel, ad hoc intelligence operation inside Ariel Sharon's office in Israel specifically to bypass Mossad and provide the Bush administration with more alarmist reports on Saddam's Iraq than Mossad was prepared to authorise.

"None of the Israelis who came were cleared into the Pentagon through normal channels," said one source familiar with the visits. Instead, they were waved in on Mr Feith's authority without having to fill in the usual forms.

The exchange of information continued a long-standing relationship Mr Feith and other Washington neo-conservatives had with Israel's Likud party.

In 1996, he and Richard Perle - now an influential Pentagon figure - served as advisers to the then Likud leader, Binyamin Netanyahu. In a policy paper they wrote, entitled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, the two advisers said that Saddam would have to be destroyed + Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia + Iran would have to be overthrown or destabilised, for Israel to be truly safe.

The Israeli influence was revealed most clearly by a story floated by unnamed senior US officials in the American press, suggesting the reason that no banned weapons had been found in Iraq was that they had been smuggled into Syria. Intelligence sources say that the story came from the office of the Israeli prime minister.

The OSP absorbed this heady brew of raw intelligence, rumour and plain disinformation and made it a "product", a prodigious stream of reports with a guaranteed readership in the White House. The primary customers were Mr Cheney, Mr Libby and their closest ideological ally on the national security council, Stephen Hadley, Condoleezza Rice's deputy.

11.Sep.2001 -
In the days after-Mr Rumsfeld + his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, mounted an attempt to include Iraq in the war against terror.

When the established agencies came up with nothing concrete to link Iraq + al-Qaida, the OSP was given the task of looking more carefully.

William Luti, a former navy officer + ex-aide to Mr Cheney, runs the day-to-day operations, answering to Douglas Feith, a defence undersecretary + a former Reagan official.

The OSP had access to a huge amount of raw intelligence.

It came in part from "report officers" in the CIA's directorate of operations whose job is to sift through reports from agents around the world, filtering out the unsubstantiated + the incredible.

Under pressure from the hawks such as Mr Cheney + Mr Gingrich, those officers became reluctant to discard anything, no matter how far-fetched.

The OSP also sucked in countless tips from the Iraqi National Congress + other opposition groups, which were viewed with far more scepticism by the CIA + the state department.

10.Sep.2004 Mr Gingrich gained access to the CIA headquarters and was listened to because he was seen as a personal emissary of the Pentagon and, in particular, of the OSP.

10.Sep.2004 An intelligence official confirmed Mr Gingrich made "a couple of visits" but said there was nothing unusual about that.

Rick Tyler, Mr Gingrich's spokesman, said: "If he was at the CIA he was there to listen and learn, not to persuade or influence."

10.Sep.2004 The president's most trusted adviser, Mr Cheney, was at the shadow network's sharp end.

Cheney made several trips to the CIA in Langley, Virginia, to demand a more "forward-leaning" interpretation of the threat posed by Saddam.

When Cheney was not there to make his influence felt, Cheneys chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, was.

Such hands-on involvement in the processing of intelligence data was unprecedented for a vice-president in recent times + it put pressure on CIA officials to come up with the appropriate results.

Another frequent visitor was Gingrich, Newt the former Republican party leader who resurfaced after 11.Sep.2001 as a Pentagon "consultant" + a member of its unpaid defence advisory board, with influence far beyond his official title.

10.Sep.2004 Special investigation The spies who pushed for war
Julian Borger reports on the shadow rightwing intelligence network set up in Washington to second-guess the CIA and deliver a justification for toppling Saddam Hussein by force
The Guardian
As the CIA director, George Tenet, arrived at the Senate yesterday to give secret testimony on the Niger uranium affair, it was becoming increasingly clear in Washington that the scandal was only a small, well-documented symptom of a complete breakdown in US intelligence that helped steer America into war.

It represents the Bush administration's second catastrophic intelligence failure. But the CIA and FBI's inability to prevent the September 11 attacks was largely due to internal institutional weaknesses.

This time the implications are far more damaging for the White House, which stands accused of politicising and contaminating its own source of intelligence.

According to former Bush officials, all defence and intelligence sources, senior administration figures created a shadow agency of Pentagon analysts staffed mainly by ideological amateurs to compete with the CIA and its military counterpart, the Defence Intelligence Agency.

The agency, called the Office of Special Plans (OSP), was set up by the defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, to second-guess CIA information and operated under the patronage of hardline conservatives in the top rungs of the administration, the Pentagon and at the White House, including Vice-President Dick Cheney.

10.Sep.2004 White House Draws Fire From Congress, Officials Over Leak of AIPAC - FBI Probe: Voicing criticism were the two Jewish Republican senators, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Norm Coleman of Minnesota. Specter told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that Ashcroft should launch an investigation into the leaks. "I know Aipac; I know its integrity," he said. "It's a smear."

10.Sep.2004 Congress needs to be loyal to us, not allies: Mr. Davis knows he owes his 2002 election win to pro-Israel contributors. Can he — can any of our representatives — ignore such bounty?

10.Sep.2004 AIPAC donors pledge support: The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the pro-Israel lobby, had one of its best fund-raising weeks in history last week as supporters pledged "hundreds of thousands of dollars" to the group, AIPAC said.

10.Sep.2004 The AIPAC spy affair concerns Iran more than Israel: The main concern that many Israelis + Jewish Americans have voiced about the Franklin revelations has had nothing to do with Iran-but rather, with their fear that this affair will remind the American public of the strong role that almost exactly this same cast of characters had in jerking the administration into launching the war on Iraq.

10.Sep.2004 A Shabby and Sinister Case for War: Anyone following the Larry Franklin Pentagon spy story is keenly aware of the solidarity binding neoconservatives, AIPAC, Israel’s rightwing Likud Party, the US invasion of Iraq + the war drums neocons are beating against Iran.

10.Sep.2004 In case you missed it: Jewish defense group settles S.F. spying suit : The suit claimed the ADL, founded almost 90 years ago to combat anti- Semitism, was working to suppress domestic criticism of Israel by compiling dossiers that it shared with police, the Israeli government and its own supporters.

10.Sep.2004 Cipel was briefed on N.J. defenses : At the request of Gov. McGreevey's administration, high-ranking National Guard and State Police officials shared sensitive security information with Israeli national Golan Cipel in early 2002 and took him on a tour of the state's most vulnerable security locations, the Gannett State Bureau has learned.

10.Sep.2004 'They can starve to death': The second week of the Palestinian political prisoners hunger strike has taken its toll

10.Sep.2004 The War Powers Clause and the Constitution Today: "This is about members of Congress, Democrats and Republicans, colluding with the President to violate the Constitution. ... "

10.Sep.2004 Guantanamo ‘spy ring' case takes big hit : The prosecutors' move, six months after the collapse of a case against a Muslim chaplain in the same probe, is fueling questions about whether there ever was a spy ring at Guantanamo.

10.Sep.2004 Missing in Action: President Bush claims that in the fall of 1972, he fulfilled his Air National Guard duties at a base in Alabama. But Bob Mintz was there - and he is sure Mr. Bush wasn't.

10.Sep.2004 'Bush Received Special Treatment to Avoid Vietnam' : In addition, senior military officials put pressure on one of Mr Bush’s officers to “sugar coat” his military evaluations, according to an unearthed memo.

10.Sep.2004 60 Minutes Transcript: New Questions On Bush Guard Duty": So what happened with Mr. Bush, the draft and the National Guard? And why is Barnes finally telling his story?

10.Sep.2004 In case you missed it?: Why The Carlyle Group Droped George W. Bush From Its Board A Decade Ago: David Rubenstein, founder of the secretive defense contractor Carlyle Group.

Recalls how useless Bush was as a board member of Carlyle’s firm Caterair and his surprise that George W. is now president

10.Sep.2004 Millionaires Raising Millions: Bush + Kerry have new major donors in common

10.Sep.2004 Poll: John Kerry Clings To A Narrow Labor Day Lead : It’s almost as if there were no conventions at all. The latest numbers in the Zogby Interactive Presidential Battleground Poll shows the race almost exactly where it was in late July before the Democrats gathered in Boston.

10.Sep.2004 Bush faces pressure over drugs and draft: After weeks in which John Kerry's military record has been picked to pieces, President George Bush now faces a double blast of scrutiny over his own past, raising new questions over his avoidance of the Vietnam draft and his alleged use of drugs.

10.Sep.2004 Global survey shows 30 of 35 countries want Kerry in White House : A majority of people in 30 of 35 countries want Democratic party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House, according to a survey released showing US President George W. Bush rebuffed by all of America's traditional allies.

10.Sep.2004 Bid to quash Afghan private jail case : American defense lawyers representing two of the three Americans accused by Afghan authorities of kidnapping, torture and running a private jail, said they have asked the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan to intervene and request that the Afghan authorities drop the charges.

10.Sep.2004 Senators Censure CIA in Iraq Abuse Probe : Senators examining the Abu Ghraib prison scandal criticized the CIA on Thursday for failing to provide Army investigators with documents on unregistered "ghost detainees."

10.Sep.2004 Policy let U.S. hold detainees in secret, military officers say: It was standard operating procedure for the Army to hold some detainees in secret in Afghanistan for up to several months without reporting them to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

10.Sep.2004 US Military Tribunal Releases Guantanamo Detainee: A U.S. military tribunal has found that an accused terrorist being held at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba can go free after determining he was improperly classified as an enemy combatant.

10.Sep.2004 Feds go for hypothetical defence in airline ID case: There may or may not be a rule requiring ID in order to board a plane in the US, but we can't tell you that, because if it exists it's classified.

10.Sep.2004 Juan Cole: Israel, AIPAC And Dual Loyalties: I don't see a big difference between having a fanatical Syrian American Baathist as the number three man in the Pentagon and having a fanatical Jewish American Likudnik.

10.Sep.2004 Beslan: the real international connection: The former Chechen president Aslan Maskhadov, whom the Russian authorities accuse of masterminding the siege, today offering $10million for information that leads to his capture, has denounced this attack on 'defenceless children'

10.Sep.2004 Chechen Fighters Offer Bounty For Putin: Chechen fighters promised today to give $20 million to anyone helping them capture Russian President Vladimir Putin.

10.Sep.2004 Britain backs Russian threat of pre-emptive strikes: Russia's threat to carry out pre-emptive strikes against terrorist bases outside its territory is "understandable" + within international law, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said Wednesday.

10.Sep.2004 Some Lawmakers Question 11.Sep.2001 Resolution: 15 Democrats and one Republican, said linking the 11.Sep.2001 act of terrorism to the war in Iraq was "blatantly untrue" + had turned a resolution honoring the sacrifices of 11.Sep.2001 victims into a political document.

10.Sep.2004 The Likudization of the world: 11.Sep.2001 's real legacy is that Bush has adopted Sharon's rigid views, says NAOMI KLEIN

10.Sep.2004 Foreign Policy In Focus : A Secure America in a Secure World: The Bush administration’s “war on terrorism” reflects a major failure of leadership and makes Americans more vulnerable rather than more secure.

10.Sep.2004 Costa Rica Wants to Be Off Coalition List : Costa Rica's Constitutional Court has ruled that the country's name cannot be included by the USA as part of a "coalition" in the Iraq conflict + Costa Rican officials are demanding their country be stricken from the list.

10.Sep.2004 Aid agencies say they may pull out of Iraq : Virtually all major aid organisations have left Iraq because of the deteriorating security situation, including the UN, the International Red Cross + Médecins sans Frontières.

10.Sep.2004 Pakistan Bombs Suspected Terrorist Camp: Pakistani officials say as many as 50 people were killed in the raid. Hear NPR's Philip Reeves.

10.Sep.2004 At least eight dead in bomb attack on Australian embassy in Jakarta

10.Sep.2004 UN council mulls Sudan resolution, US to speak on genocide: The new US draft raises the threat of sanctions on Sudan's oil industry if Sudan does not comply with the previous resolution.

10.Sep.2004 Russia Slams West for Double Standards on Beslan : Russia is angry that UK + USA have given asylum to spokesmen for Chechen separatist leader Aslan Maskhadov, who Moscow blame for the deaths of hundreds of hostages.

10.Sep.2004 Despair in Iraq over the forgotten victims of US invasion : Iraqi officials demanded to know yesterday why so little international attention was being given to their numerous dead as the US mourned the death of 1,000 soldiers since the invasion of Iraq.

10.Sep.2004 Iraq: 30,000 civilian deaths: While America mourns more than 1,000 sons and daughters killed in the Iraq campaign, the Iraqi toll is far greater. No official, reliable figures exist for the whole country, but private estimates range from 10,000 to 30,000 killed since 00.Mar.2003 .

10.Sep.2004 Neocons Blast Bush's Inaction On 'Spy' Affair: Neoconservatives are slamming the White House for failing to stop what they describe as an antisemitic campaign to marginalize them being conducted by CIA + US State Department.

10.Sep.2004 Let The Media Buys Begin : Jewish Republicans, Dems promising ad blitz in swing states where Jewish vote could make a difference.

10.Sep.2004 Rep. Duncan urges Iraq pullout : Tennessee Congressman John Duncan says he hopes President Bush will announce plans to withdraw troops from Iraq.

10.Sep.2004 Al-Zawahri: US faces Afghan, Iraq defeat: "In the two countries, the Americans are between two fires: if they remain there they will bleed to death + if they withdraw they will have lost everything."

10.Sep.2004 Military loses key evidence in death of Iraqi man at Marine-run prison: The U.S. military has lost key pieces of medical evidence in its investigation into the death last year of an Iraqi man beaten by Marine guards at a prison camp

10.Sep.2004 Lt. George W. Bush Texas Air National Guard flight status and physical exam memos 00.000.1972-00.000.1973

10.Sep.2004 Military Service Records John Kerry - George W. Bush

10.Sep.2004 The Curse of Dick Cheney: It could be argued that the vice presidency was the first job Cheney got entirely on his own -- by appointing himself to it. Bush initially asked Cheney only to advise him on whom to choose.

10.Sep.2004 Israel - Palestine: The Emerging Case for a Single-State Solution: How many of us are ready to ascribe terrorism to suicide bombings but not to the destruction of homes with people still in them or the enforced starvation of towns + villages or the indiscriminate firing on nonviolent protestors?