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Laut Claudio Fava, Berichterstatter der Parlamentskommission, sollen die USA ein Netzwerk aufgebaut haben, um Terrorverdächtige zu entführen.

"Die Entführungen von Terrorverdächtigen waren keine Einzelfälle.

Das war ein System, das von US-Geheimdiensten im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus genutzt wurde", sagte Fava.

Mehrere europäische Regierungen und Sicherheitsdienste sollen mit den USA kooperiert haben.
Die Chowdrys, die Azimas und die CIA-Flüge
Nachdenklich stimmt auch: Dieser Ronnie Chowdry ist nicht irgendein schmieriger Second Hand-Flugzeughändler, sondern schwerreicher Erbe des Gründers der Atlas Air,
Michael A. Chowdry, der

00.000.2001 bei einem Flugzeugabsturz ums Leben kam. Laut Forbes immerhin im Jahr

00.000.2000 einer der reichsten 400 Amerikaner.
Und: Eine Schwestergesellschaft der
Atlas Air, die Firma Polar Air Cargo wird im Amnesty-Bericht über die Entführungspraxis der CIA (”Below the Radar) erwähnt.

Der frühere Präsident der Polar Air Cargo, Farhood Azima, ist wiederum mit den auch noch heute fleißigen Brüdern Farhad + Farzin Azima verwandt, die in den

00.000.1980 er Jahren im Auftrag der CIA + des exilierten Schahs tonnenweise Raketenteile in den Iran schmuggelten, um die Freilassung der US-Geiseln im Libanon zu erreichen ä

um den Iran vor einer zeitweilig drohenden Niederlage im Krieg mit dem Irak zu bewahren.
9/11 group mulls anti-Giuliani campaign
New York firefighters and families who lost relatives on 11.Sep.2001, are considering campaigning against presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani.
19.Nov.2007 CONTEMPORARY LABOR BIBLIOGRAPHY Covert Action Quarterly, No. 67, Spring-Summer: 56-60. .... Maas, Peter . 1986 .

"Selling Out: How an Ex-CIA Agent Made Millions Working for Qaddafi.

00.Jun.2007 The Indiana Law Blog: Archives In Sun Life Assurance Company, et al. v. Indiana Department of Insurance, ...

For Scott’s money laundering conviction, the unique fact is that Scott ...
Kosovo: EU erwägt Beschluss am Uno- Sicherheitsrat vorbei (Politik)
FRANKFURT. „Wir standen noch nie unter so großem Druck, wir machen uns Sorgen, wie wir den Wert unserer Währungsreserven erhalten können“, sagte Wen Jiabao in Singapur.

Als "willkürlich" kritisierte Dick Marty, Europarat-Ermittler für die illegalen Aktivitäten des US-Geheimdienstes CIA, die Terrorliste der EU erst vergangene Woche wieder in einem Rapport.

Es finde eine Kriminalisierung ohne Kontrolle statt. Auch völlig unbescholtene Bürger seien auf der Liste gelandet.

27.Dez.2001 Die als EU-Verordnung vom-erstmals erlassene "Terrorliste" versteht Brüssel als Umsetzung der UN-Sicherheitsratsresolution 1373 ("Antiterrorresolution").

Ziel sei es, Terroristen die wirtschaftlichen Ressourcen zu entziehen. Die gegenwärtige Fassung zählt 54 Personen und 50 Gruppierungen. Die Farc und die PFLP sind auf dieser Liste enthalten.

Eine Begründung gibt es dafür nicht.
Bobby Schultz beruft sich gegenüber der Anklage auf sein Notwehrrecht.

Und dieses Widerstandsrecht müsse man vom Begriff des Terrorismus trennen.

Israel übe eine völkerrechtswidrige Besatzungspolitik aus.

Die kolumbianische Regierung habe in den letzten Jahrzehnten mindestens 20.000 politische Gegner ermorden lassen.

"Farc und PFLP sind damit eine Konsequenz aus einem staatlichen Terror gegen die Zivilbevölkerung", meint Schultz.

Widerstand gegen eine illegitime Staatsgewalt dürfe das Antiterrorgesetz nicht verhindern.
Amerikanische Zeitungen: Das Internet ist das Medium und die Botschaft
Dollar sorgt für Unruhe
19.Nov.2007 Dax bleibt auf Talfahrt
Japan urged to recall whalers
19.Nov.2007 Polizei in der Kritik: Schüler wollte nicht mehr Amok laufen
Der Nettoverlust in Grönland und der Antarktis
beträgt 125 Gigatonnen Eis pro Jahr.
19.Nov.2007 Es sieht ja gelegentlich so aus, als wären die Richter noch auf der Seite der Gesetze und der Grundsätze, der Freiheit und der Gerechtigkeit.

Aber weit gefehlt. Verwaltungsgericht Berlin: Bereits Ermittlungen gegen Terrorverdächtige reichen aus, um deren Konten zu sperren.

Ob sich der Verdacht erhärtet oder nicht? Nicht so wichtig.

Das Gericht schloss sich der Auffassung der BaFin an, dass bereits der Verdacht der Mitgliedschaft als Anlass für eine Kontensperre genüge.

Einzelne verdächtige Kontenbewegungen müssten nicht nachgewiesen werden . Nur so könne effektiv verhindert werden, dass das Konto zur Unterstützung terroristischer Aktivitäten benutzt werde.

Die BaFin hatte ihre zunächst verhängte Komplettsperre im Lauf des Verfahrens gelockert.

Der Student darf über das Konto monatlich 660 Euro verfügen. Ganz großes Kino. Also ich habe ja den Verdacht, dass die Bundesregierung eine terroristische Vereinigung ist.

Kann denen mal bitte jemand die Konten sperren? Aus Kulanzgründen würde ich Frau Merkel erlauben, über bis zu 660 Euro monatlich zu verfügen. Aber nur wenn sie sich benimmt und nicht mehr aufmuckt. Ahmedinedschad: "Sie kriegen unser Öl und sie geben uns dafür ein wertloses Stück Papier" (gemeint ist der US-Dollar) :-)

Besonders lustig: China unterstützt indes nach Angaben seines Zentralbankchefs einen starken Dollar.

Dies sei nötig, um die Weltwirtschaft gesund zu halten, sagte Zhou Xiaochuan heute bei einem Treffen mit Kollegen in Kapstadt, wo die anhaltende Dollar-Schwäche Thema ist. Nee, klar, Weltwirtschaft und so.

Mit den Billionen an US-Dollars, auf denen China sitzt, und die immer weniger Wert werden, damit hat das NICHTS, aber auch GAR NICHTS zu tun!1!! Und mit den USA als Hauptkunde für China-Ramsch auch nicht. Die WIPO, nach der katholischen Kirche und der Mafia ganz vorne mit dabei, vertritt ihre Pappenheimer in jeder Hinsicht: WIPO-Chef tritt wegen Korruption und Lügen beim Amtsantritt zurück.

Besser kann man die ganze Symptomatik der WIPO doch gar nicht in einem Satz zusammen fassen.
BuzzFlash Editor's Blog: Bush's Own Agency Funded Terrorists, So Shouldn't Bush be Waterboarded On Behalf of National Security?
Paul Krugman: Republicans and Race: "The centrality of race ? and, in particular, of the switch of Southern whites from overwhelming support of Democrats to overwhelming support of Republicans ? is obvious from voting data."

19.Nov.2007 Forget what Thomas Friedman is smoking, we don't want any: Keep Cheney on for another term??? WTF 11/20
Ask Rockridge: Privacy, Protection, and the Constitution -- An Exclusive Weekly Interactive Column from the "Framing" Think Tank Founded by George Lakoff
Google Refuses to Run Impeachment Ad 11/20

19.Nov.2007 Matthew Yglesias: NYT -- Worst Op-Ed Day Ever 11/20
Elliot D. Cohen: The Fate of a Free Presidential Election

00.000.2008 May Now Depend on the Senate -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
John (McCain), we hardly knew you 11/20

19.Nov.2007 GOP says war funding could resolve spending impasse 11/20
Die Mehrheit der US-Bürger ist für einen sofortigen Rückzug der US-Truppen aus dem Irak.

Auch aus seiner eigenen Republikanischen Partei hat Präsident Bush in der jüngeren Vergangenheit wiederholt harsche Kritik einstecken müssen.
Neue Strategie: USA wollen Pakistans Stämme gegen al- Qaida kämpfen lassen
19.Nov.2007 Erderwärmung: Neuseelands Gletscher schrumpfen dramatisch
Siemens- Affäre: Nigeria zieht korrupte Beamte zur Rechenschaft
19.Nov.2007 Weißes Haus: Bushs Vertraute machen sich davon
19.Nov.2007 Ermittlungen in Köln: Schüler hatten Pläne für Blutbad schon aufgegeben
Am Freitag, dem 13. Oktober 1307, ließ der französische König in einer Überraschungsaktion alle Templer in seinem Herrschaftsbereich verhaften.
Direkt dem Papst unterstellt, bildeten sie eine multinationale Vereinigung, die sich dem Zugriff der entstehenden Nationalstaaten entzog. Der Reichtum, die elitäre Verschwiegenheit, Gerüchte über seltsame Riten und das fast arrogante Selbstbewusstsein der Templer erregten neben größter Bewunderung auch Neid, Misstrauen und Feindschaft.
: An einem Abend im März 1314 brannten auf der Seine-Insel "Ile des Javiaux" in Paris zwei Scheiterhaufen. Jacques de Molay, der letzte Großmeister der Tempelritter, und einer seiner Gefährten wurden als angebliche Ketzer langsam auf einem heißen, rauchlosen Feuer gebraten. Bevor er starb, soll der Großmeister den französischen König Philipp IV. und Papst Clemens V. verflucht haben. Dem zeitgenössischen Chronisten Geoffroy de Paris zufolge rief der oberste Templer: "Möge das Unglück bald diejenigen treffen, die uns zu Unrecht verurteilen. Gott wird unseren Tod rächen." Tatsächlich starben binnen eines Jahres König und Papst. Damit enden die Fakten, und es beginnen die Legenden.

17P/Holmes hält Astronomen und Hobbysternengucker seit Wochen in Atem. Am 24. Oktober gab es die ersten Berichte über einen plötzlichen Anstieg der Helligkeit. Wenige Tage später stand fest, dass der Schweifstern binnen kürzester Zeit um den Faktor 500.000 heller geworden war. Seit dem Ausbruch lässt er sich mit bloßem Auge am Nachthimmel beobachten. Er befindet sich derzeit im Sternbild Perseus.
Aus keinem noch so entlegenen Winkel der Welt empfängt Bush derzeit das Signal, dass die Welt sich mehr Amerika wünscht.
Bush verschwindet bald auf Nimmer Wiedersehen hinterm Vorhang.
AP Helmut Schmidt: Putin ist ein "aufgeklärter Potentat" "Ich bin nicht der Meinung, dass jemand, der eine andere Meinung hat als ich, nur deswegen kritisiert werden muss", sagte Schmidt anlässlich seines 85. Geburtstags im Jahre 2003. Und fügte hinzu: "Er muss dann kritisiert werden, wenn er etwas vertritt, was nicht echt ist."

Die Top-Investmentbanken kündigten unterdessen an, trotz Milliardenabschreibungen in diesem Jahr Rekordboni ausschütten zu wollen. Die Mitarbeiterprämien der fünf führenden Firmen summieren sich auf den Spitzenwert von 38 Milliarden Dollar, rund 26 Milliarden Euro, errechnete die Finanzdatenagentur Bloomberg.

Das deutsche Bankensystem habe sich bislang insgesamt als "robust und stabil" erwiesen.

Müller, der auch dem Bundesverband deutscher Banken vorsitzt, warnte die Politik vor "Aktionismus und Schnellschüssen". "Man kann und sollte darauf vertrauen, dass die Marktteilnehmer selbst die richtigen Schlüssen ziehen, schon aus eigenem Interesse." Der Staat solle alle Kreditinstitute "in einen freien und unverzerrten Wettbewerb" entlassen.
YouTube- Parodie: Die armen, reichen Opfer der Kreditkrise

19.Nov.2007 Interview mit Ex- Premier Sharif: "Die Existenz Pakistans steht auf dem Spiel"

19.Nov.2007 Neue Firmenstrategie: EADS peilt US- Rüstungsmarkt an

19.Nov.2007 Gigantisches Objekt: Kometenwolke quillt auf Sonnengröße

19.Nov.2007 Politisch unerwünscht: China konfisziert Lonely- Planet- Führer
Templer: Der späte Freispruch der Ketzer
19.Nov.2007 Finanzkrise: Neue Bank- Verluste machen Börsen nervös (Wirtschaft)
19.Nov.2007 Greenpeace- Prognose: Bundesregierung wird Klimaziele verfehlen
West Wing: Wie gefährlich ist Amerika?
19.Nov.2007 Kritik an US- Währung: Ahmadinedschad macht sich über den Dollar lustig
BuzzFlash Editor's Blog: Bush Lets Enablers of Terrorism Go Free With a Slap on the Wrist, As Long as They are GOP Corporations. The Case of Chiquita.
Larisa Alexandrova Takes on Dershowitz's Ego-Bloated Specious Bullying and Leaves Poor Allan in the Rubble of His Own Disingenuous Drivel
Why is BuzzFlash Setting a Goal of Raising $150,000 in Premium Sales and Donations by December 31? If Democracy Matters to You, Please Read.
UK: For all the 'security', we are actually no safer 11/19

19.Nov.2007 Rudy Giuliani jets to campaign stops using casino kingpin's plane 11/19
P.M. Carpenter: "The editorialists at the Washington Post should try reading the Washington Post. I know this is asking a lot -- such a concession would risk tailspinning their merely disturbed cognitive dissonance into a wildly despondent mental unblockage -- but some radical measure of intervention is worth the gamble."

19.Nov.2007 Chicago Tribune: Many more toys tainted with lead, inquiry finds 11/19
State Dept official asks to cancel Blackwater hearing. Blames likely perjury of Bushevik Inspector General on family dispute. Okay, we can lie before Congress now and blame it on a family affair, great! 11/18
Japan is Back to Slaughtering Whales 11/19


Justice Department attorney Thomas M. Kent wrote the memo in late 2004 in an effort to draw attention to alleged serious corruption within the U.S. Embassy in Colombia. In the memo, Kent alleges that DEA agents in Bogotá are on drug traffickers’ payrolls, complicit in the murders of informants who knew too much, and, most startlingly, directly involved in helping Colombia’s infamous rightwing paramilitary death squads to launder drug money.

The following is from a lawsuit filed recently in federal court by Vega, in which he alleges the government failed to pay him for his high-risk services, to the tune of some $28.5 million:

Once Mr. Vega introduced … American lawyers to the Colombian targets [the narco-traffickers], the lawyers would then get retained and then take over as legal representatives for the Colombian targets and further deal with a group of United States law enforcement agents and prosecutors, hand-picked to work out deals for the Colombian targets. A particular United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida became the coordinator of this “recruiting effort

All that might be true — or not.

But Narco News has uncovered at least one fact that is certain to deepen the mystery surrounding the crash of the jet whose tail number, N987SA, is now affixed in the lexicon of CIA folklore. That fact revolves around the name Greg Smith, who was identified in a McClatchy Washington Bureau report on the Gulfstream II’s crash as follows:

A bill of sale obtained by McClatchy Newspapers indicates that Florida pilot Clyde O’Connor bought the plane on Sept. 16 — eight days before it went down in the Yucatan jungle. Another Florida pilot, identified by his license number and signature as Greg Smith, also signed the document, but his relationship to O’Connor isn’t detailed.
19.Nov.2007 This article suggests Greg Smith, the person alleged to have purchased N987SA along with Clyde O'Connor, may have flown over 30 flights to South America for the DEA, FBI, and CIA.
# posted by LoganCale

19.Nov.2007 That is why the question of whether someone would kill or torture to protect their own loved ones has no relevance to whether they would agree to allot such powers to the government. # posted by starroute
19.Nov.2007 Streit um Büstenverleih: Experten wollen Reisefähigkeit von Nofretete prüfen (Wissenschaft)
19.Nov.2007 Atom- Konflikt: Iran beharrt auf Uran- Anreicherung im eigenen Land
19.Nov.2007 Automatischer Kennzeichen- Scan: Heute schon erfasst?
19.Nov.2007 Anonymer Hinweis: Vorgesetzte finden kistenweise Alkohol in Polizei- Keller (Panorama)
Bisher klären die "Drought Busters" nur auf.
Jeder, der einen Akt der Wasserverschwendung entdeckt, ist aufgerufen, diesen zu melden.

In den ersten sechs Monaten dieses Jahres hatte Los Angeles lediglich 8,15 Zentimeter Niederschlag im Schnitt. Der normale Durchschnitt liegt bei 38,3 Zentimetern.
Dass in Amerika, im Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten, etwas knapp werden könnte, ist für viele noch unvorstellbar.

Die Millionenmetropole Los Angeles leidet unter der schlimmsten Dürre seit 130 Jahren - und lässt die "Drought Busters", sehr frei übersetzt mit "Wasserwächter", los. Sechs Angestellte der städtischen Wasserwerke patrouillieren derzeit in den Straßen der Mega-Stadt, sehr adrett in blauen Poloshirts mit "Drought Busters"-Logo. Noch verteilen sie keine Knöllchen, aber das kann noch kommen.
19.Nov.2007 In a shocking challenge to conventional wisdom, Cambridge researcher Aubrey de Grey argues that the process of aging is merely a disease -- and a curable ... xevidmegafx&Itemid=26&func=detail&id=1089

20060316 Aubrey de Grey, a biomedical gerontologist from Cambridge University, goes much further. He believes the first person to live to 1000 has already been born ...
Durch das Versinken von über 70.000 Quadratkilometer Festland mussten viele tausend Menschen - unter ihnen auch frühe Bauern - eine neue Heimat suchen und verbreiteten dabei den landwirtschaftlichen Lebensstil in Europa, schreiben die Wissenschaftler in der Fachzeitschrift "Quaternary Science Reviews" (Bd. 26, S. 2036).
Das Schmelzen von Eismassen, die vor mehr als

8000 Jahren einen Teil der Nordhalbkugel bedeckten, ließ den globalen Meeresspiegel innerhalb von nur 34 Jahren um bis zu 1,4 Meter steigen, ergaben die Berechnungen der Forscher.

Vor dem Anstieg war das damals mehr als einhundert Meter unter dem Niveau der Ozeane liegende Schwarze Meer ein Süßwassersee.

Mit dem erhöhten Meerwasserspiegel brach am Bosporus der trennende Damm und das Schwarze Meer wurde in einer riesigen Flutwelle mit Meerwasser gefüllt.

Dieses Ereignis sehen viele Forscher heute als die in der Bibel geschilderte Sintflut an.
Bauboom in der Schweiz: Ein Land mauert sich zu

19.Nov.2007 Frühgeschichte: Sintflut trieb Bauern nach Mitteleuropa
19.Nov.2007 Konjunkturrisiko: Experten rechnen mit Ölpreis von bis zu 250 Dollar

19.Nov.2007 Bangladesch: Tausende Tote, Millionen Obdachlose durch Tropensturm "Sidr"

19.Nov.2007 Popularität: Sarkozys Glanz verblasst

Hinzu kommt das ungebrochene Misstrauen auf pakistanischer Seite. So bemängeln US-Experten besonders, dass sie zu wenig Zugang zu den pakistanischen Laboren haben, in denen Uran angereichert wird.

Das galt auch für das Labor für den Vater der pakistanischen Atombombe Abdul Qadir Khan - der schließlich über dunkle Kanäle Atomtechnologie an Nordkorea, Lybien und Iran verkaufte.
Das US-Geheimprogramm wurde dem Bericht zufolge nach dem 11. September ins Leben gerufen. Der Anschlag schürte die Angst, pakistanische Nuklearwaffen könnten in die Hände von Terroristen fallen.

Das Arsenal galt als eines der unsichersten weltweit.

US-Atomforscher regten daher an, mit Pakistan eine der kostbarsten Errungenschaften der US-Forschung zu teilen: Die Technologie der "Permissive Action Links", kurz PALS genannt.

Dadurch können Waffen nur nach der Eingabe bestimmter komplizierter Codes und Kombinationen gezündet werden.

Die Idee, den Pakistanern diese Technologie zugänglich zu machen, wurde jedoch letztlich fallen gelassen.

Absurderweise wurde unter anderem der Atomwaffensperrvertrag als Begründung angeführt, der die Kooperation im Bereich der Atomwaffenforschung verbietet.

Auch die Pakistaner hatten schwere Bedenken. Die Furcht: Die USA könnten versuchen, über das PALS-System die Bomben unbemerkt mit Mechanismen zu versehen, mit denen sie von außen entschärft werden können.

Das Wasser hatte bei Tekirdag am Marmarameer Dörfer und wichtige Straßen überflutet. DPA

Komotini in Griechenland: Land unter Binnen 24 Stunden waren am Wochenende bis zu 132 Liter Regen pro Quadratmeter gefallen. Meteorologen warnten vor weiteren Regenfällen.

Bei Edirne wurden Häuser von mindestens 75 Familien beschädigt. Die Hilfsdienste verteilten dort Nahrungsmittel und provisorische Betten.

In Reaktion auf die Recherchen von "Washington Post" und "60 Minutes" hat das FBI letzte Woche zugesagt, dass es eine "Korrekturaktion" einleiten wird. Alle Gutachten auf der Grundlage der "Kugel-Blei-Analyse" sollen noch einmal untersucht werden, damit Gerichte und Verteidiger alarmiert werden können.
In wie vielen Fällen sie vor Gericht den "Nachweis" vorlegten, eine Tatort-Kugel stamme aus einer bestimmten Munitionspackung, die jemand besitze, ist unklar. Die "Washington Post" und "60 Minutes" haben bisher 250 Fälle ausgegraben, es könnten bis zu 2500 sein. In den meisten Fällen geht es um Kapitalverbrechen.

Die "Kugel-Blei-Methode" wurde nach der Ermordung von Präsident John F. Kennedy entwickelt. Die zugrundeliegende These war, dass Kugeln, die aus derselben Ladung geschmolzenen Bleis stammen, auch die exakt selbe chemische Zusammensetzung haben. Zweifel an der Zuverlässigkeit der Methode kamen allerdings selbst dem FBI schon 1991. In einer Studie kam es zu dem Ergebnis, dass erstens auch Kugeln aus Packungen, die in 15 Monaten Abstand hergestellt worden waren, die genau selbe Zusammensetzung hatten - und dass zweitens Kugeln aus derselben Packung eine unterschiedliche Komposition aufwiesen.
Forensik: Hunderte US- Häftlinge aufgrund fehlerhafter FBI- Methode verurteilt (Politik)
18.Nov.2007 Iran: Ahmadinedschad erwägt Urananreicherung in neutralem Land
18.Nov.2007 Virenvariante: Tödlicher Schnupfen
Afghanistan: Massive Vorwürfe gegen Bundeswehr (Politik)
18.Nov.2007 Schwere Regenfälle: Land unter in Türkei und Griechenland - eine Tote (Panorama)
18.Nov.2007 Neuer Merrill- Lynch- Chef: Thain kassiert bis zu 170 Millionen Dollar (Wirtschaft)
18.Nov.2007 US- Notfallpläne: Wachsende Sorge um Sicherheit pakistanischer Atomwaffen
18.Nov.2007 Unbefristeter Streik: Stillstand auf Frankreichs Gleisen (Reise
Injecting a Synthetic Reality?

Ronda Hauben 18.11.2007 Framing the narrative on Iran's Use of nuclear energy

Telepolis Artikel-URL:
It is the accurate narrative that provides the means to counter the harmful policy goals underlying the false narratives of the neoconservatives.

To help establish the underlying facts and a more accurate telling of the issues involved is the needed role of the press.

Describing the impact of such press reports, Robert Perry of Consortium News explains that such news reports serve to inject "a synthetic reality" into public opinion in the U.S. "that misrepresents recent history, exaggerates external dangers and ridicules the few citizens who object." The impact of such narratives, Parry believes, is "quite practical and immediate." As American politicians along with the media "keep turning up the heat - more and more Americans are awakening to the threat but remain unclear what to do." He calls this a "false narrative."

This narrative is part of the "war of ideas" that is part of the arsenal of weapons employed by a group of neoconservatives who have functioned within the U.S. government and in the media and think tanks to create the kind of "false narrative" which Parry proposes supports a specific set of policy objectives but maintains a means of hiding these objectives from the public.

Several of the neocons had been students of or were otherwise influenced by the political theory of Leo Strauss. Strauss was "a political theorist who espoused the need for leaders to engage in the manipulation of the public for its own good," Parry explains.
Zyklon: Bangladesch befürchtet 10.000 Sturmopfer
18.Nov.2007 As Owners Feel Mortgage Pain, So Do Renters
18.Nov.2007 Iran erwägt Uran-Anreicherung im Ausland
18.Nov.2007 Iran will Urananreicherung «auslagern»
La colonisation israélienne est "le principal obstacle à la paix", selon Bernard Kouchner
18.Nov.2007 Jeder Dritte spürt Druck auf die freie Meinung

Adding to the coincidence, American Airlines Flight 77 -- the Boeing 767 that was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon -- took off from Dulles at 8:10 a.m. on Sept. 11, 50 minutes before the exercise was to begin. It struck the Pentagon around 9:40 a.m., killing 64 aboard the plane and 125 on the ground.

In a promotion for speaker John Fulton, a CIA officer assigned as chief of NRO's strategic gaming division, the announcement says, "On the morning of September 11th 2001, Mr. Fulton and his team ... were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Little did they know that the scenario would come true in a dramatic way that day."
Will Viktor Kozeny ever be convicted? | ABC PragueViktor Kozeny won’t be given to the USA to be judged there” That is the verdict of the Bahama supreme court of this Wednesday. ... 30/will-viktor- kozeny -ever-be-convicted


One figure who is definitely towards the more extreme end of the entrepreneurial scale is Viktor Kozeny, the so-called Pirate of Prague. advertisement

Kozeny is incarcerated in Fox Hill prison in the Bahamas, fighting extradition to New York. A Bahamian court refused to grant him bail, since he has six Irish passports and one each from Venezuela and the Czech Republic.

The Manhattan District Attorney wants to charge him with bribing Azerbaijani officials. Kozeny has spent the past 14 years making a lot of money in a hurry - and, according to his accusers, stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from misguided investors.
Viktor Kožený From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Viktor Kožený (born

June 20, 1963 in Prague) is a Czech-born fugitive financier, an Irish citizen imprisoned in the Bahamas in

00.000.2005 [1] but released 00.000.2007.

Efforts to bring him to justice stem from both the Czech Republic and the U.S.A.

An international warrant has been issued for Kožený, who in the early '00.000.1990 s ran one of the great scams of the post-Communist era. [1]

By the media he is often called "the pirate of Prague". [1]

He was imprisoned after a US extradition request but that was thrown out on appeal in

00.Oct.2007 .

However the US said they will press the case (there are further two appeals available). [2
18.Nov.2007 Scheckbetrug: Luxussüchtige Finanzbeamtin ergaunerte über 20 Millionen
There is also a Mesquito Holdings in Wilmington,DE:
Business Search.
Seemed to be in business with:
American East Explosives, Inc
30.Oct.2007 -since- N210TM is deregistered (exported to Portugal :-):
FAA-Information # posted by softlabhennef

18.Nov.2007 N48PA, the drug smuggling Gulfstream I I've previously mentioned that belonged to Anthony Aiello and Geoffrey Hodgson, was financed through Castle Bank, P.O. Box 150, Sandwich, IL. Perhaps it's just me, but it seems odd for a bank's address to be a P.O. box.
Now, N210TM, Clyde O'Connor's Cessna, is currently owned by Mellon Investments.

It was sold to them by Mesquito Holdings (can anyone read the signature of the Vice President on that?), another O'Connor company, which purchased it from Indy Aero, LLC. Indy Aero financed it with the same branch of Castle Bank, at the same P.O. Box. # posted by LoganCale
18.Nov.2007 It's amazing to me how many people have yet to grasp the significance of what has been happening on Wall Street in the last few months. When they do, it's hard to tell what will happen. -from a hopefully not too useless poster # posted by Anonymous :
18.Nov.2007 Can you believe it? Nigeria is looking down on us. From U.K.'s Independent:
"An American businessman over here who is given the choice would take anything but the dollar," David Buik of Cantor Index said yesterday. "I would want to be paid in yen, and if not yen then the euro or sterling." The warning was reinforced by a Chinese central bank vice-director, Xu Jian, who said the dollar was "losing its status as the world currency".
China has stockpiled £700bn worth of foreign currency, and has only to decide to slow its accumulation of dollars to weaken the currency further. Last month, in a humiliating turn of events, the central bank in Iraq, four years after the United States invaded, stated that it wished to diversify reserves from a reliance on dollars.
Korea's central bank has urged shipbuilders to issue invoices in the local currency and take precautions against the weakened dollar, and three of the world's big oil exporters, Iran, Venezuela, and Russia, are demanding payment in euros rather than dollars. Iran insisted that Japan should make all its payments for oil in yen, rather than dollars

18.Nov.2007 wonder if this "accident" was like the one we all saw on that episode of The West Wing .
Nigerian finance minister Shamsuddeen Usman said that Opec could declare in the communique that: "While underlining our concern for the continued depreciation of the dollar and its adverse impact on our revenues, we instruct our finance ministers to study the issue exhaustively and advise us on ways to safeguard the purchasing power of our revenues, of our members' revenues."

18.Nov.2007 More dire news The Saudis and other OPEC members are strongly considering a move away from a dying dollar: In an embarrassing blunder at the meeting in Riyadh, ministers' microphones were not cut off during a key closed meeting, and Prince Al-Faisal was heard saying: "My feeling is that the mere mention that the Opec countries are studying the issue of the dollar is itself going to have an impact that endangers the interests of the countries. "There will be journalists who will seize on this point and we don't want the dollar to collapse instead of doing something good for Opec."
After around 40 minutes press officials cut off the feed, which had been accidentally broadcast to the press room.

If Dershowitz opposes censorship, why doesn't he say anything about that ?) The following comes from The Other Side of Deception :
That was where I would come in as a military police officer; my job was to take the prisoners to a holding facility in
Nes Ziyyona, a small town south of Tel Aviv. I’d always assumed that it was an interrogation facility for the Shaback. We all knew that a prisoner brought there would probably never get out alive, but the brainwashing we’d gone through in our short lifetimes had convinced us that it was them or us; there was no gray area. –
It was Uri who enlightened me regarding the Nes Ziyyona facility. It was, he said, an ABC warfare laboratory–ABC standing for atomic, bacteriological, and chemical. It was where our top epidemiological scientists were developing various doomsday machines. Because we were so vulnerable and would not have a second chance should there be an all-out war in which this type of weapon would be needed, there was no room for error. The Palestinian infiltrators came in handy in this regard. As human guinea pigs, they could make sure the weapons the scientists were developing worked properly and could verify how fast they worked and make them even more efficient. Ostrovsky's motive for lying would be...well, what, exactly?

If you visit the website of the
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, you'll see a Flash presentation which tells the story in a few grim, compelling images.
Also see
this Countercurrents piece:
00.000.1999 the Israeli High Court “banned” the practice of torture, but despite the “ban”, torture practice continues unabated.

Systematic torture, including a policy of hooding and stressing all Palestinian detainees has been routinely used in Israeli prisons for decades. The practices follow a “well-defined set of steps and guidelines … selected to inflict extreme physical pain and mental anguish without causing … traceable physical injury”. Torture and ill-treatment of Palestinians continued to be systematic and state sanctioned.

A joint report by the Public Committee against Torture in Israel, the Palestinian rights group Law and the Swiss-based World Organisation against Torture contends that the

00.Sep.1999 High Court ruling has been regularly flouted, particularly since the Intifada (Uprising) began in

00.Sep.2000 .

According to B'Tselem, the Israeli human rights NGO, torture of Palestinians at the Gush Etzion police station continued from

00.Oct.2000-00.Jan.2001 .

Testimonies given to B'Tselem indicate that these are not isolated cases or uncommon conduct by certain police officers, and information received by B'Tselem raises the serious likelihood that torture during interrogations at the Gush Etzion police station continues”[3]. “[T]hey torture almost all the Palestinians they could. It was in the System. The moment you start, you can’t stop”, said one researcher working with B’Tselem.
Perhaps you think 1998 is ancient history. This is from a
Ha'aretz piece from 2007: The report contains the testimonies of nine Palestinians who were arrested by the Israel Defense Forces and Shin between 2004 and 2005, including one that charged police investigators with committing severe sexual abuse.
According to A., during questioning a police investigator held his legs in the air, and inserted an object into his rectum.
"While the investigator inserted the 'object' into my rectum and removed it, he pulled my genitalia, as if he wanted to rip it out," said A. "He told me that he wanted to cut it off and throw it to the dog - this lasted at least 10 minutes. The whole time I yelled out in pain." A different prisoner, Louay Ashkar, said he sat during questioning on a chair with a bent backrest, with both hands tied behind the chair and each leg tied to chair leg.
"The investigator would push my chest backward until my head reached the floor, and then grabbed my bound hands and pull me to him," said Ashkar. "I lost consciousness because of the pain, especially in my back."
According to the report, Ashkar's legs are paralyzed due to the damage his spinal chord suffered.

Now let's look at what a Rabbi has to say. In the

00.Dec.1998 issue of The Progressive, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb recounted the story of "George," captured without charges, who was kept handcuffed in a chair for 120 days with his head covered by a sack soaked in urine + shit.

Between 1,000 and 1,500 Palestinians are arrested every month, and as many as 80 percent of those undergo this form of interrogation, which falls under the category of `torture' by all international definitions.
Now let's go to
the BBC:
An official Israeli report has acknowledged for the first time that the Israeli security service tortured detainees during the Palestinian uprising, the Intifada, between

00.000.1988-00.000.1992 .
The report, written five years ago but kept secret until now, said the leadership of the security service Shin Bet knew about the torture but did nothing to stop it.
The report did not detail the torture methods used, but human rights organisations say some detainees died or were left paralysed.

Here's a typical account, given by a 1 5-year-old Palestinian, Riad Faraj, who was arrested for throwing stones

00.000.1987 -in late- .

"They handcuffed and beat me during the journey to Fara'a [a military prison in Nablus]. Once we arrived, they took me to a 'doctor' for a 'checkup.'

I found out later that this 'checkup' is to locate any physical weakness to concentrate on during torture. They paid particular attention to my leg, which was once injured and was still sensitive. Before they began interrogation, they asked me if I was ready to confess. They then hanged me by my wrists, naked, outside in the cold, and gave me hot and cold showers alternatively."
But for those of you interested in "mere fact," start
Tortured argument As you probably know, Alan Dershowitz wrote
a piece in which he cited the example of the Nazis in order to argue for the efficacy of torture. Larisa Alexandrovna wrote a scathing response to this argument, titled "Alan Dershowitz: Was He Against Nazi Practices Before He Was for Them?"
Dershowitz has now
attacked Larisa, who has mounted her own defense. Dershowitz: I am against torture on moral grounds despite the empirical evidence that may sometimes produce life-saving and self-proving information. I also believe that since torture is being used and would be authorized by any president in a real ticking bomb situation, democracy requires accountability rather than deniability. Understandably her blog does not link to my article in the Wall Street Journal, because the last thing she would want anybody to do would be actually to read what I have said. Larisa condemns as a "blatant lie" the allegation that she did not link to the original WSJ article. She goes on to say: The moral argument cannot be qualified by providing support of the workable results for the thing that you find immoral to begin with. In other words, I cannot argue that murder is immoral, but then also state in the same argument that in some cases, the best way to kill someone would be to shoot them. This hits the nail.
I encourage readers to take a look at the
WSJ piece. Dershowitz does indeed briefly say "Although I am personally opposed to the use of torture..." The effect is a little like Nixon saying "But it would be wrong" when he suddenly remembered the microphones.

Den Ausnahmezustand, so jedenfalls erschien es am Sonntag, nehmen die USA als unangenehmes Übel auf, mit dem man leben muss.
Präsident Bush jedenfalls scheint gewillt, mit seinem Freund Musharraf auch schwierige Zeiten durchzustehen.
Die Köpfe der al-Qaida aber fanden die Behörden nie, obwohl sie alle in Pakistan vermutet werden.
Begonnen hatte die seltsame Freundschaft kurz nach dem 11. September 2001.

Selbst bei den kritischen Passagen hielt sich Negroponte, der auch als Diplomat sehr deutliche Worte finden kann, mehr als zurück. "Unglücklicherweise laufen die aktuellen Maßnahmen der Polizei gegen Protestler, die Unterdrückung der Medien und die Verhaftung von Politikern und Menschenrechtlern den Bemühungen der letzten Jahre direkt entgegen", sagte er. "Der Notstand ist nicht kompatibel mit freien und fairen Wahlen", fügte er hinzu. Negroponte nannte aber weder ein Datum für das Ende der Repressalien noch sagte er deutlich, dass die USA die von Musharraf geplanten Wahlen unter den Notstandsgesetzen für ausgeschlossen hält. Es war eine Art freundliche Aufforderung - nicht mehr.
Islamabad - Es war noch sehr früh am Morgen, als US-Vizeaußenminister John Negroponte in der Botschaft ein paar Worte über seinen Besuch in Pakistan sagen wollte. Vor ihm lag ein vorbereitetes Statement, von dem der Gesandte Washingtons bis zum Ende der Pressekonferenz keinen Millimeter abwich. Ganze 25 Minuten dauerte sein Briefing über die US-Haltung zu den Ereignissen in Pakistan der letzten zwei Wochen. Was Negroponte vortrug, muss viele Beobachter überraschen: Erstaunlich soft ging der Diplomat mit Pervez Musharraf ins Gericht, der vor zwei Wochen statt der immer wieder versprochenen Demokratie den Notstand über das Land verhängt hatte.
"Wir wissen, dass der einzige Weg des Friedens, wie es Christus gesagt hat, in der Gerechtigkeit liegt", sagte Chávez unter anderem vor den Staats- und Regierungschefs der Organisation, die sich in einem luxuriösen Konferenzzentrum in Riad versammelt.

Ein Vertreter der Regierung ließ das Verhalten Chávez durchgehen. Er verwies darauf, dass zu Beginn der Veranstaltung Koran-Verse verlesen worden seien.
Frank Rich: What ?That Regan Woman? Knows
Bizarre, Bizarre: Down and Dirty Between Clinton and Obama, and Bob "The Traitor" Novak is Involved. Ouch!
Tony Blair: ?I wanted war.? 11/18

18.Nov.2007 U.N. Report Describes Risks of Inaction on Climate Change 11/18
Voters to replace Hastert twice: He's a Big Man, You Know

18.Nov.2007 Sign of Bush's Economic Betrayal of America: Dollars Now Refused at Tourist Sites in India, Including the Taj Mahal
Zogby Poll: "The war in Iraq and terrorism around the world are most often cited as the top concerns, but serious worries about the state of the U.S. health care system and concern about the economy are emerging as the "new" national security issues."

18.Nov.2007 NYT Editorial: "Democrats say they will continue to push the president and his Republican allies to concede their failed war policy and change course. They must keep at it. It?s far past time to begin a swift and orderly withdrawal of forces from Iraq?s civil war and to refocus on Afghanistan, where America?s win over the Taliban and Al Qaeda is in danger of being reversed."
Mark Cuban on Bill O'Reilly And His Bottom Line: Money 11/18

"Unsere Lage hat sich seit den 70ern nicht gebessert," sagt er. "Im Gegenteil. Viele Sozialprogramme sind gestrichen worden. Crack und Aids haben uns geschwächt."
Kinder mussten damals eine Kette um den Hals tragen, an der ihr Name und ihr Alter abzulesen war. Wenn sie nach einer bestimmten Uhrzeit noch auf der Straße waren, konnte die Polizei sie direkt zum Jugendamt bringen. Diese Verordnung galt für alle, aber wurde in den schwarzen Stadtteilen schärfer kontrolliert.

Minister für Kultur war der offizielle Titel, den Emory Douglas ab 1969 bei der Black Panther Party trug. Er produzierte die Parteizeitung The Black Panther - Black Community News Service, fertigte Collagen, Illustrationen, Poster und Flyer an. Heute wird er als visionärer Meister seines Faches geehrt. Das Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles zeigt ab November eine Retrospektive seiner Arbeiten, und kürzlich erschien der Bildband "The Revolutionary Art of Emory Douglas".
Tabubruch bei Opec- Gipfel: Chávez bekreuzigt sich vor saudischem König

18.Nov.2007 US- Diplomatie: Sanfte Töne für Bushs schwierigen Freund
18.Nov.2007 Opec- Gipfel: Chávez wettert gegen USA - Saudi- König gründet Umweltfonds
Global müssen die Treibhausgasemissionen bis zur Jahrhundertmitte mehr als halbiert werden.
17.Nov.2007 Reaktionen: "Ergebnisse sind unmissverständlich"
17.Nov.2007 Climate Panel Says Immediate Change Is Necessary
17.Nov.2007 Dax-Ausblick: Finanzkrise zieht Kreise

17.Nov.2007 Klimareport: Schreckensliste der Forscher
IPCC-Klimaexperten mahnen zur Eile: Austoß an Gasen bis 2015 bremsen

17.Nov.2007 Briten spielen Nazis: Die Sonntags-SS
And so the “secret unlock code” during the height of the nuclear crises of the Cold War remained constant at OOOOOOOO.
17.Nov.2007 Die NSA ist mal wieder beim Hintertüren-Einbauen erwischt worden.
17.Nov.2007 Jetzt werden schon Punk-Bands wegen ihrer Texte verfolgt und überwacht. Wo geht unser Land nur gerade hin? Wieso fliegen diese Leute nicht in hohem Bogen aus dem Dienst?
17.Nov.2007 Britische Atombomben sind mit einem Fahrradschloß gesichert.
17.Nov.2007 Bedauerliches Mißverständnis, sicher ein Tippfehler oder so: Eine Firma aus Washington DC verkauft eine Boeing 767-200 mit der Seriennummer einer der 9/11 Unfallmaschinen.
17.Nov.2007 African Crucible: Cast as Witches, Then Cast Out 

In parts of Angola, Congo and the Congo Republic, a surprising number of children are accused of being witches, and then are beaten, abused or abandoned. Child advocates estimate that thousands of children living in the streets of Kinshasa, Congo’s capital, have been accused of witchcraft and cast out by their families, often as a rationale for not having to feed or care for them. posted by Prof. Hex
17.Nov.2007 Red Cross Monitors Barred From Guantánamo : The manual said one goal was to “exploit the disorientation and disorganization felt by a newly arrived detainee,” by denying access to the Koran and by preventing visits with Red Cross representatives, who have a long history of monitoring the conditions under which prisoners in international conflicts are held.

17.Nov.2007 How big a role did disgraced CIA officer have?: Current and former intelligence officials tell NBC News that Nada Nadim Prouty had a much bigger role than officials at the FBI and CIA first acknowledged.

17.Nov.2007 Chávez sees oil at $200 if Iran invaded: He also said that Venezuela would propose at the Opec summit this weekend a new method for measuring the price of oil and a formula to protect poor countries from rising prices. 17.Nov.2007 Saudi Arabia Won't Include U.S. Dollar in OPEC Talks: Saudi Arabia, the world's largest crude oil exporter, rejected a proposal by Iran and Venezuela to discuss the weak dollar at this weekend's OPEC summit in Riyadh, saying it didn't want the U.S. currency to ``collapse.''

17.Nov.2007 OPEC Declaration Should Express Fears On Dollar's Fall : -Iran said Friday that the final declaration of this weekend's OPEC summit here should express concern by member states over the fall of the U.S. dollar.

17.Nov.2007 U.A.E. May Peg to Currency Basket, Al-Suwaidi Says: The United Arab Emirates may link the dirham to a basket of currencies, ending its 30-year-old peg to the dollar, central bank Governor Sultan Bin Nasser al-Suwaidi said.

17.Nov.2007 India tourist sites refuse entry to dollar: After years of urging foreign tourists to pay in dollars whenever possible, the Taj Mahal and other Indian heritage sites will now insist on a proper hard currency – the rupee.

17.Nov.2007 Goldman Sees Subprime Cutting $2 Trillion in Lending : The slump in global credit markets may force banks, brokerages and hedge funds to cut lending by $2 trillion and trigger a ``substantial recession'' in the U.S., according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

17.Nov.2007 U.S. Production Unexpectedly Falls Most Since January: Industrial production in the U.S. unexpectedly dropped in October as slowing sales prompted factories to make fewer automobiles and appliances.
17.Nov.2007 Daniel Ellsberg Has Dire Warning: A coup has occurred. I woke up the other day realizing, coming out of sleep, that a coup has occurred. It’s not just a question that a coup lies ahead with the next 9-11. That’s the next coup that completes the first.
17.Nov.2007 In event of emergency ... call out the military?: Defense appropriations bill gives soldiers domestic responsibilities
17.Nov.2007 Iran nuclear claims 'baseless': Iran's top nuclear negotiator has said that a new UN nuclear watchdog report proves accusations that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons are baseless and that new sanctions against the country would be wrong.

17.Nov.2007 Iran wants Western "apology" after IAEA report: Iran called on its Western foes on Friday to apologize to the Islamic Republic after the release of a U.N. nuclear agency report which Tehran said showed it had been telling the truth about its atomic plans, according to state media.

17.Nov.2007 Israel: IAEA's report 'unacceptable': Israel dismissed a report issued by the UN nuclear watchdog agency on Thursday as "unacceptable," claiming it was further proof that International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Mohamed ElBaradei was pro-Iranian.

17.Nov.2007 Decision time for US over "Iran threat": The IAEA says the uranium being produced is only fuel grade (enriched to 4%) but the confirmation that Iran has reached the 3,000 centrifuge benchmark brings closer a moment of truth for the Bush administration, when it will have to choose between taking military action or abandoning its red line, and accepting Iran's technical mastery of uranium enrichment.

17.Nov.2007 China Refuses Meeting on Iran Sanctions, Forcing Its Cancellation: China has refused for now to meet with top diplomats from the United States, Russia, Britain, France and Germany regarding Iran's nuclear program, forcing cancellation of a critical meeting to debate new sanctions that the Bush administration hopes to impose on Iran through the United Nations, U.S. and European diplomats said today.

17.Nov.2007 Russia, IAEA to start preparing for nuke fuel shipment: Russia and the IAEA will begin on November 26 preparations for the shipment of nuclear fuel to the Bushehr nuclear power station, Iranian Vice President Golamreza Agazade, who heads his country’s Atomic Energy Organization, said on Thursday.
17.Nov.2007 Recording sparks investigation of shootout: Get your stories straight, a captain told his men after a firefight. A sergeant’s secret recording of the recap sparks an investigation.
17.Nov.2007 Basra attacks down 90% since British troops left: The British army says violence in Basra has fallen by 90% since it withdrew from the southern Iraqi city earlier this year.
17.Nov.2007 Senator: U.S. Has Become Haven For War Criminals-By- Renee Schoof -McClatchy Newspapers
More than 1,000 people from 85 countries who are accused of such crimes as rape, killings, torture and genocide are living in the United States, according to Department of Homeland Security figures.

17.Nov.2007 Zogby Poll: "The war in Iraq and terrorism around the world are most often cited as the top concerns, but serious worries about the state of the U.S. health care system and concern about the economy are emerging as the "new" national security issues."

17.Nov.2007 Sign of Bush's Economic Betrayal of America: Dollars Now Refused at Tourist Sites in India, Including the Taj Mahal
U.N. Report Describes Risks of Inaction on Climate Change 11/18

17.Nov.2007 Voters to replace Hastert twice: He's a Big Man, You Know
NYT Editorial: "Democrats say they will continue to push the president and his Republican allies to concede their failed war policy and change course. They must keep at it. It?s far past time to begin a swift and orderly withdrawal of forces from Iraq?s civil war and to refocus on Afghanistan, where America?s win over the Taliban and Al Qaeda is in danger of being reversed."

17.Nov.2007 Tony Blair: ?I wanted war.? 11/18
Bush Failed to See Musharraf?s Faults, Critics Contend 11/18
More Abandoned by Bush: Iraqis With Ties to U.S. Cross Border Into Despair
Senate Surveillance Bill Still Authorizes Warrantless Surveillance in Certain Circumstances 11/18

17.Nov.2007 Water and war This DU journal compiles some important data about the role of water scarcity in the wars of the future, particularly wars in the Middle East.
17.Nov.2007 Here is today's incredibly ominous indication of the likelihood of war with Iran and Syria. Permalink
17.Nov.2007 Ron Paul MadFloridian has written a great summary of the disturbing aspects of the Ron Paul phenomenon. The piece exposes the lunatic short-sightedness of many current "progressives" who liken Paul to -- get this! -- Howard Dean. In reality, the two men have about as much in common as Arizona's meteor crater and Mahler's Des Knaben Wunderhorn .
17.Nov.2007 Tribune reporters Howard Altman and Karen Branch-Brioso offer up one additional nugget about O'Connor: He has also filed for bankruptcy twice, 00.000.1997 and 1998, in South Florida, listing dozens of creditors, including a number of casinos. Casinos, eh? Methinks that if you owe money to those guys, you might be willing to play Let's Make a Deal... Permalink
17.Nov.2007 So right now, let me strongly recommend this article published by the Tampa Tribune, which details the links between the two cocaine jets that we've been looking at.
Although the planes probably didn't contain drugs while in the Tampa Bay area, investigators say both aircraft were purchased with cartel money and were used to carry cocaine, most likely from Colombia into Mexico.
"Cartel money"? Is there any proof of this?

17.Nov.2007 Dire news Sometimes I wonder why anyone would want to be president, considering what lies ahead:
The mortgage wipeout could result in a $2 trillion cutback in lending and have dramatic implications for the U.S. economy, according to Wall Street investment bank Goldman Sachs. Wall Street banks and brokerages face pain on two fronts. They hold home loans, as well as securities backed by mortgages. Losses on these holdings are expected to deepen as falling housing prices trigger more defaults.

17.Nov.2007 IPCC report on De Menezes shooting published

The Independent Police Complaints Commission published its Stockwell One report into the killing of Jean Charles De Menezes today. The report is not easy to find on the IPCC website but the Yorkshire Ranter has managed to track down the link. A pdf copy is also available via the BBC.
Spitz himself, has admitted on
film that he has shipped weapons to Islamic fundamentalists.
00.000.2004 these findings were corroborated even further, when Hamid Mir (one of Pakistan’s top journalists and a recognised Taliban expert) reported that,

Dr al-Zawhari had come to NZ during the 1990’s to set up fronts for arms deals for the Brotherhood.
Mr Mir claims such businesses are part of a network of fronts set up in London, Moscow and Geneva. Al Zawahri’s use of NZ for such an arms pipeline is not unique.

00.000.2000, agents from India’s intelligence service, the CBI, came to NZ to follow up on leads concerning Kumaran Pathmanathan (KP), chief of arms procurement for the terrorist organisation LTTE (see photo).

KP is reported as visiting NZ, also with the aim of setting up a series of businesses, as part of a network of fronts that, according to the CBI, wind throughout Switzerland, Sri Lanka, Australia, Holland, Norway, South Africa, England, Russia and NZ. At least one of KP’s arms trafficking ships, the Amazon, flys under a NZ flag.

A DEADLINE Special ReportA Report:Aotearoa Arms Incorpoarted -By- Ben C Vidgen

Belgium and the Netherlands are…trafficking centres, where numerous illegal arms dealers have had their headquarters”. -

00.Dec.2002 A Study Prepared by the Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, under an Inter-agency Agreement with the United States Government.

For two years, DEADLINE has reported how arms smugglers regularly use NZ. We reported how NZ provided arms to the Muslim Brotherhood, led by
Osama Bin Laden’s lieutenant, Dr Ayman al-Zawahri. Our report was published well beforenews broke last year, that Dr al-Zawah ri had visited NZ to set up fronts for arms purchases.

We maintained that this network was centred in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Again, our claims were made in advance of reports identifying NZ as the transit point for US arms parts passing from the Netherlands into Iran.

DEADLINE reported that Pakistan did not steal nuclear technology from the Netherlands, but was assisted at the highest levels of government. This claim is now accepted as true by the Netherlands’ own investigators.

DEADLINE lays out all the information we have gathered to date, which we believe shows Aotearoa is involved in an arms scandal, which could well dwarf the Iran Contra scandal of the eighties.

DEADLINE investigates and invites the reader to judge for themselves.
Die Lage in Bangladesch ist katastrophal, nachdem der Wirbelsturm "Sidr" am Donnerstag über das Land hinwegfegte.

In diesem Jahr, meldet die amerikanische "Army Times", habe die Zahl der Deserteure einen neuen Höhepunkt erklommen. Der höchste Stand seit 2001 sei erreicht, 4698 Soldaten flüchteten im zurückliegenden Jahr. Um 80 Prozent sei die Zahl der Deserteure seit 2003 gestiegen, und sie klettere immer noch, immer schneller. Rechnet dann auf, dass die Höchststände aus Vietnam-Zeiten noch weit, weit entfernt lägen. Und klingt zerknirscht, wenn in Nebensätzen der Hinweis folgt, dass bei Navy und Luftwaffe zeitgleich die Zahl der Deserteure immer weiter falle.

Auch das übrigens ein Punkt, den der IPCC in seinem neuen Weltreport nur flüchtig erwähnt:

Nach aktuellen Studien wird ein gewisser Teil der anthropogenen Treibhausgase für Jahrtausende in der Erdatmosphäre verbleiben - und das Klima eine halbe Ewigkeit lang prägen.
Die NSIDC-Forscher gehen nunmehr davon aus, dass die Arktis schon 2030 im Sommer eisfrei sein könnte - Jahrzehnte früher als nach den Klimaprojektionen, die im neuen IPCC-Report erwähnt werden.

Dort ist "vom späteren Teil des 21. Jahrhunderts" die Rede.
"Die Vorstellung, dass uns die Biosphäre schon irgendwie retten wird, ist falsch!", folgert Kevin Gurney, Klimaforscher an der Purdue University in West Lafayette in den USA:

"So viel zusätzliches CO2 können Bäume gar nicht aufnehmen."
Jetzt, in der spanischen Universitätsstadt Valencia, gab es
den Nachschlag, "Synthese- Report" genannt.

"Furchterregend wie ein Science-Fiction-Film" - so bewertet Uno-Generalsekretär Ban Ki Moon den neuen Weltklimabericht.

Doch es steht zu befürchten, dass der IPCC-Report in zahlreichen Punkten überholt ist, dass die Lage also viel ernster ist, als bislang bekannt.
Zyklon "Sidr": Hilfsorganisationen rechnen mit mindestens 3000 Toten
17.Nov.2007 Irak- Krieg: Immer mehr US- Soldaten desertieren
Notstand in Pakistan: Musharraf lässt Negroponte abblitzen
17.Nov.2007 Erderwärmung soziologisch: Männer sind schuld am Klimawandel

Weiteres Risiko: Deutschland wird anderen Staaten die zum Auslesen nötigen Schlüssel weitergeben. Welche Daten diese Staaten tatsächlich auslesen, ob sie sie speichern, wie sie sie nutzen und schützen kann Deutschland nicht kontrollieren. Peter Schaar, Bundesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz: "Diese Daten könnten also in Personendatenbanken einfließen."

Der frühere Bundesinnenminister Gerhart Baum sieht die Online-Durchsuchung als Angriff auf Verfassungsgrundsätze: Die Festplatte "sei Inbegriff von Privatheit" sagte der FDP-Politiker SPIEGEL ONLINE. Auf Festplatten könnten Fahnder intime Details über die ausgespähten Verdächtigen, aber auch über gänzlich unbeteiligte Dritte entdecken - vor Jahren aufgenommene Nacktfotos aus einer früheren Beziehung zum Beispiel. Wie solche Daten bei der Online-Durchsuchung ausgeklammert werden könnten, ist unklar.
Geheimdienste wie Verfassungsschutz, Bundesnachrichtendienst und Militärischer Abschirmdienst müssen generell keinen Richter fragen, um die gespeicherten Daten auszuwerten.

Bericht der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) zum Stand des iranischen Nuklearprogramms, der in der Nacht auf Freitag publik wurde. "Dieser Bericht macht es viel schwieriger für Bush, eine Koalition für härtere Uno-Sanktionen gegen Iran zu bilden", sagt Qamar al-Huda, Iran-Experte beim Washingtoner US Institute of Peace, im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL ONLINE. "Das Weiße Haus hat gehofft, mit dem Bericht den Weg zu bereiten für eine neue Resolution des Weltsicherheitsrats. Aber weil die Schlussfolgerungen der IAEA viel Raum für Interpretationen lassen, kann man gerade regelrecht zusehen, wie diese Koalition zerbröckelt."

USA wollten Blockade im Weltsicherheitsrat beenden

Wenn diese Investoren nun von den Gesamtschäden von etwa 400 Milliarden Dollar ungefähr 200 Milliarden Dollar abschreiben müssten, würden sie ihre eigene Kreditvergabe um bis zu zwei Billionen Dollar reduzieren.

"Die volkswirtschaftlichen Konsequenzen könnten ziemlich dramatisch sein", schreibt Hatzius weiter. Wenn der Engpass innerhalb eines Jahres auflaufe, könnte die Folge eine "ernste Rezession" sein.

Um die letzten Bestände zu retten und trotzdem am Geschäft teilzuhaben, wird zum Beispiel im malaysischen Ort Parit Keroma versucht, Aquilaria-Bäume auf Plantagen zu züchten und gezielt mit Schmarotzern zu infizieren. Die Regierung in Kuala Lumpur unterstützt mit Forschungsgeldern solche Initiativen, um das letzte wilde Adlerholz zu retten.

150 Milliarden Dollar Umsatz macht die internationale Holzindustrie im Jahr. Jede dritte der rund 21.000 Holzarten ist gefährdet. Die kostbarste und erotischste, das Adlerholz, ist schon fast verschwunden.
Geschützte Säuger: Japan startet Großjagd auf Buckelwale - die erste seit 44 Jahren
17.Nov.2007 Studie: Bundesregierung soll Klima- Kosmetik getrieben haben
Alarmierender Bericht: Uno- Klimaexperten zeigen angsterregende Szenarien auf
Irak: US- Armee verwechselt Verbündete mit Qaida- Kämpfern - 50 Tote

17.Nov.2007 Blair- Bekenntnis zum Irak- Krieg: "Ich wollte Krieg, es war das Richtige"
17.Nov.2007 Bangladesch: Monster- Zyklon tötet Tausende, Nothilfe läuft an

Nach 63 sagenhaften Quartalen, in denen die Amerikaner mehr konsumierten als in der jeweiligen Dreimonatsperiode zuvor, droht Amerikas Wirtschaft nach Angaben der nationalen Statistikbehörde zu kippen - und zwar so richtig. Denn die Bürger der größten Volkswirtschaft der Welt sehen sich mittlerweile der verhängnisvollen Kombination aus hohen Energiekosten, sinkenden Immobilienpreisen, abnehmenden Arbeitsplatzzahlen und zugeknöpften Banken bei der Kreditvergabe gegenüber. Das gab es zuletzt 1991. Und wie damals schlägt sich das zuerst in den besonders sensiblen Teilindizes der amerikanischen Börse nieder.
ergänzt Karsten Stroh, Leiter des Aktienteams von J. P. Morgan Asset Management in Frankfurt. "Die Vertrauenskrise der Anleger in Amerika hat jetzt die Bundesrepublik erreicht."
Weil immer noch viele Menschen vor dem Klimawandel die Augen verschlössen, hat die WWF unterdessen ein Klimazeugenprogramm gestartet: Geprüfte Berichte von Menschen aus aller Welt sollen zeigen, dass der Klimawandel bereits jetzt das Leben der Menschen beeinträchtigt.
sagte Greenpeace-Sprecherin Gabriela von Goerne. "140 Staaten haben diese Resultate anerkannt", sagte sie.

Die Frage sei nun, ob und welche Reduktionsziele sich die Staaten bei der am 3. Dezember auf Bali beginnenden Klimakonferenz auf dieser Grundlage setzten.

Ausreden lasse die IPCC-Zusammenfassung nicht mehr zu.

Die Delegierten des Uno-Klimarats verabschiedeten den Entwurf des Dokuments heute in Valencia.

Morgen soll der Report von Uno-Generalsekretär Ban Ki Moon und IPCC-Chef Rajendra Pachauri präsentiert werden - die ersten Inhalte sind allerdings schon vorab bekannt geworden.

Hitzewelle, Verschwinden des arktischen Eises

Laut BBC beträgt der wahrscheinliche Temperaturanstieg bis zum Jahr

2100 je nach Szenario zwischen 1,8 und 4 Grad Celsius, möglicherweise aber auch bis zu 6,4 Grad. Sehr wahrscheinlich sei ein Anstieg des Meeresspiegels um 28 bis 43 Zentimeter.

In der zweiten Hälfte des Jahrhunderts werde im Sommer das Eis in der Arktis verschwunden sein.

Hitzewellen werden demnach wahrscheinlich in Zukunft häufiger auftreten, genauso werden tropische Stürme häufiger Verwüstungen anrichten.

Umweltschützer hoffen auf eine starke Wirkung des Berichts.

Der Mensch sollte dem von ihm verursachten Klimawandel entschieden entgegentreten und den Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen so schnell und so weit wie möglich verringern, forderten Teilnehmer der Sitzung des Uno-Klimarates. "Kein Politiker wird jetzt mehr sagen können, er wisse nicht, was los sei", sagte der Klimaexperte Han Verolme von der WWF.

Die Beratungen in Valencia seien ein Meilenstein und würden den Kurs der Politik auf Jahrzehnte beeinflussen.

"Eine starke Wortwahl des IPCC macht entschlossenes Handeln der Regierungen erforderlich. Der Ball liegt jetzt im Feld der Politik", sagte Verolme.

Amerikaner hielten Passagen sehr vage
Russland: Vize- Finanzminister in Haft

16.Nov.2007 Ex- Waffenlobbyist: Schreiber will über kanadische Affäre schweigen

16.Nov.2007 Atomkonflikt: Bushs durchkreuzter Iran- Plan
Northern Rock: Hypothekenkrise kostet Chefbanker den Job

16.Nov.2007 Alarmierender Bericht: Uno- Klimarat warnt vor abrupter, unumkehrbarer Erderwärmung
16.Nov.2007 "Wall Street Journal"- Recherche: Auf der Spur der Siemens- Schmiergelder (Wirtschaft)
16.Nov.2007 Bangladesch: Zyklon reißt mehr als 1100 Menschen in den Tod

16.Nov.2007 Aktienmarkt im Minus: TecDax bricht fast drei Prozent ein (Wirtschaft)
16.Nov.2007 Wall- Street- Krise: Das Ende des Go- Go- Wachstums (Wirtschaft)
16.Nov.2007 Kriegseinsätze: US- Senat blockiert Finanzierung der Truppe

16.Nov.2007 Post aus Iran: Ahmadinedschad schreibt bösen Brief an Sarkozy
16.Nov.2007 Medienkritiker Hans Weingartner: "Fernsehen ist Lebensersatz"

16.Nov.2007 Ministeriums- Studie: Deutschland drohen Milliardenkosten durch Klimaschutz
16.Nov.2007 Atomstreit: "Bei einem Angriff wird Iran die Bombe erst recht bauen"
16.Nov.2007 Zukunftsangst: Das importierte Misstrauen

16.Nov.2007 Datenschutz- Inventur: Die Großprojekte des Spanner- Staats (Netzwelt)
16.Nov.2007 US- Immobilienkrise: Goldman Sachs errechnet Billionen- Lücke für Kreditmarkt (Wirtschaft)
16.Nov.2007 Ex- Waffenlobbyist: Schreiber kann Auslieferung erneut hinauszögern (Politik)
Religious Spirituality
In Psalm 106 God speaks specifically against killing innocent children and babies. ... Psalm 23 -The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
... the Airfone telephone operator (although the Post-Gazette says it was Psalm 23 ). ... Northrop Grumman Acquires XonTech for Missile Defense.


A full scanned copy of Operation Northwoods can be seen at:

The matter-of-fact way in which this memo is presented is quite shocking.

"We could blow up a ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba"

"We could develop a communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities or even in Washington".
The World Trade Center Conspiracy (I bis LV)

So wie ohne Pearl Harbour schon Hiroshima und Nagasaki nicht als Verteidigung der Zivilisation durchgegangen wären, sondern als mörderischer Waffentest und Terroranschlag.


























[26] Bush_administration:_Project_for_the_New_American_Century" target=_blank>
















































































  Google “Rudo de Ruijter” to find more articles of the same author.

The neoconservative ideas to transform the US into a "dominant force" do not come out of nowhere.

The thought that they needed a "catastrophic and catalysing event" was not just motivated by the personal financial benefits several of them get from the war industries. It was also a sign of panic of a nation facing drying up oil wells and preparing itself to conquer foreign oil wells until the last drip is gone.
If the hijackers were to support some Arabic or Islamic cause, they would probably be in a stronger position if they had returned to airports with four planes and hundreds of US citizens in their might. They could have negotiated the release of political prisoners. They could have demanded a retreat of US forces from Saudi Arabia. They could have pleaded any cause they were after.
Did the hijackers really have in mind to strike the WTC and the Pentagon or were they overruled by the organization that had "contracted" them?

Keeping the things in their context, it makes more sense to look at them as facts, and not as coincidences.
00.Sep.1999 Bush still said "perhaps". He was still considering. This was at a time the market for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV's) for both military as well as civil aviation was rapidly developing. [90] By

00.000.2001 there were more than 60 types of UAV world wide, from small models to big planes. [91]
00.000.1999 -At the time of Bush's speech- the US was developing Global Hawk [92], a military UAV with a wing span comparable to a Boeing 737, which

28.Feb.1998 had made its first flight from Edwards Air Force Base, CA. [93]

23.Apr.2001 -After Bush became president- the Global Hawk made a historical first unmanned test flight to Australia. [94] 9/11
Among several other "coincidental" military moves towards Afghanistan, we notice that on July 23 2001 aircraft carrier Carl Vinson was sent out from Bremerton (on US West coast) to the Arabian Sea. It arrived just in time to launch the first air strikes on Afghanistan on October 7, 2001. [83]
Here the UK detaines a War Material Storage. [78]

15.Sep.2001-00.Oct.2001 -from until the end of- They exercised on the coast of Oman, [79] and

00.Aug.2001 started moving their material. [80] The UK participated in the invasion. [81]
07.Nov.2000 -the day all US-citizens were occupied with the election of their president, the UK announced its biggest military exercise since the Gulf War, operation Swift Sword (Saif Sareea in Arabic),

involving 24,000 troops and a lot of heavy material. [77]
After having used the presence of Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan as his key excuse to invade the country, on

13.Mar.2002, Bush would state, he wasn't truly that concerned about Osama bin Laden. [69]
Osama had few options. On

18.May 1996 he left Sudan and returned to Afghanistan. [67]
Years afterward, many people were still wondering why he had not been arrested at that occasion.

There is a terrible lot of information available about bin Laden's son, Osama.

However, almost all of it comes from sources that cannot be verified, like comments by unknown people who would have known him or met him.

Other stories are based on allegations by people who have big business interests in the "war on terrorism", like the Bush.

One step further, you find the comments by officials "convinced" that everything that has been said about Osama is true.
On the other extremity, there is the image Osama draws of himself in an interview by reporter Peter Arnett

00.000.1997 . According to this interview he is, first of all, a faithful, who understands people who fight against the US soldiers who came to steal the oil and who attacked the Islamic religion.

He denies having organized any attacks against the US himself. [63]

(Many people will remember a videotape with “Osama's confession”, that he knew about the attacks of 9/11 in advance, which turned out to be a fake. [64])
Osama would become Bush's key excuse to invade Afghanistan. On

17.Sep.2001 Bush would declare Osama bin Laden was wanted "dead or alive". [65]
00.000.1993 -Since- in India, Enron had invested $ 2.9 billion for a power plant near Bombay.

Originally it had counted on cheap supply of gas from Turkmenistan via the planned pipeline through Afghanistan. The power plant project had turned into a nightmare.
Enron had faced severe criticism over their contemptuous way of doing business. They had experienced severe opposition from the local population after hiring police officers to beat down protests of opponents.

Charges had been filed against the company for human right violations. [39]
00.000.1997 the Securities and Exchange Commission had exempted Enron from the Investment Company Act of 1940 that prohibits US companies from leaving debt from overseas projects off the books. [47]

At the same time Andy Fastow, Enron's senior vice president of finance, had started his "creative" financing. [50]
00.000.2000, the Turkmen president had blamed the US for the delay in the trans-Caspian pipeline and had resumed gas deliveries to Russia. [45] That May, president Putin had even come to Turkmenistan to offer extended deals for several years. [9] Meanwhile, in Kazakhstan, the oil from the Tengiz field (world's sixth largest oil field) was going to be pumped via Russia to the Black Sea. [46]
Meanwhile, in

00.Feb.1996 Turkmenistan had showed it did not want to depend exclusively on the delayed Afghan pipeline project and had signed a contract with Turkey to supply Turkmen gas via a pipeline to be constructed along the North coast of Iran. If necessary, Turkey would be able to absorb all the Turkmen gas. [34]
Iranian-Libyan Sanctions act
With these two Iranian pipelines the Afghan pipelines would become more or less useless.

To prevent the construction of the Iranian pipelines the US Congress passed the Iranian-Libyan Sanctions act, [35] threatening anyone who would help Iran constructing them, and forbidding transactions with Iran of  $ 4 million or higher. That was on June 18, 1996. Nevertheless on

30.Aug.1996 Turkey signed a 20-year deal to buy gas from Iran. [34] & [36] The Turkish president would be punished for his Islamic solidarity by a military coup forcing him to resign.

That was on 18.Jun.1997 . [37]
This is how Bush won the elections. [29]
A few days later, on December 18, speaking at the Capitol, Bush joked about his starting relationship with the four congressional leaders: "If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier....just so long as I'm the dictator."  [30]
Just a slip of the tongue? Not really. In

00.Jul.1998 about governing Texas, he said already: "A dictatorship would be a lot easier." [31] And on

26.July.2001, speaking once again about his struggles with Congress he repeated: "a dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier." [32]
And, linking 9/11 to Pearl Harbor, he said, "September 11th, 2001 - three months and a long time ago - set another dividing line in our lives and in the life of our nation."  [27]

Curious No-Fly list

21.Apr.2000 something remarkable happened. As an antiterrorist measure, the US Congress announced a single unified terrorist watch list, the TID (or Terrorist Identities Database), into which all international terrorist related data available to the US government - mainly the TIPOFF no-fly list - would be stored in a single repository. In airports, this list is used to prevent suspected people from going on board and from entering the US. [22]
However, the same day that Congress announces the unified TID list, the FAA created a new and separate domestic no-fly list and put only six names on it.

9/11 -Two weeks before- the list was expanded with six other names, making it a total list of 12 names.
Thanks to this separate list the hijackers of 9/11, using domestic flights, and not listed among the 12 names, could board the planes without difficulties. On

23.Aug.2001 two names, later published as being two of the hijackers, had been added to the official TID-list, which counted 60,000 suspects, but was discarded for domestic flights. [23]

2: Frustrations and solutions
23.Sep.1999 presidential candidate George W. Bush exposed his views on the US military. He complained that since the end of the Cold War the Defence budget had fallen 40 percent and that the army had never been in such a bad shape since Pearl Harbor.
"As president, I will order an immediate review of our overseas deployments - in dozens of countries. ... My second goal is to build America's defences on the troubled frontiers of technology and terror."
Among his views of arms: "In the air, we must be able to strike from across the world with pinpoint accuracy - with long-range aircraft and perhaps with unmanned systems." [19]
15.Oct.1999 things were getting more serious for the Taliban. UN resolution 1267 against the Taliban threatened an aircraft ban and funded freezing, if Osama Bin Laden was not handed over before 14 November 1999. [20] & [2]
11.Nov.1999 in a press conference, the Taliban minister of Foreign Affairs said Osama bin Laden and the Taliban were unable to organize attacks like those on the embassies in Africa. He condemned these actions.
00.000.2000 the US had presidential elections. It was time to postpone delicate decisions.
02.Apr.2000 Richard Clarke, who had been appointed counter-terrorist coordinator a few months before the attacks against the embassies in Africa (on May 22), predicted: "They will come after our weakness, our Achilles heel, which is largely here in the United States." [21]

04.Jul.1999 President Clinton issued an executive order prohibiting commercial transactions with the Taliban. [18]
28.Aug.1998 UNSC resolution 1193 blamed the Taliban for the problems in Afghanistan. [13]
05.Nov.1998 a US Grand Jury indicted Osama Bin Laden. (Not for the bombings of the embassies in Africa, but essentially for considering the US as his enemy.) [14] & [15]

00.Nov.1996 BRIDAS signed an agreement with the Taliban and Gen. Dostum to build the pipeline. Unfortunately, except from Pakistan and Saudi-Arabia, the Taliban government didn't get international recognition.
00.Apr.1997 -as work on the pipeline had still not started, the Taliban announced it would award the contract to whomever starts first. UNOCAL claimed there must be peace first.
00.Jul.1997 Turkmenistan and Pakistan accepted a new delay and signed a new contract with UNOCAL, saying it had to start the work within a year and a half.
00.Dec.1997 UNOCAL tried to become good friends with the Taliban and invited a delegation to their head office in Sugarland, Texas, where they received a VIP treatment and stayed in the best hotels. [8]

Contracts for pipelines are not just multi-billion dollar projects to build them. The main contractor generally also buys and sells the oil or gas going through them. With contracts he disposes of it, determines how much the supplier gets for it, and how much fee is paid to crossed countries. He determines who gets it, how much, when, to which price and in which currency it has to be paid.
In fact, he determines a lot in the economical developments of both the selling and the buying countries. With Turkmenistan eager to sell its gas, Pakistan eager to buy it and Enron in India hoping to see it arrive as soon as possible, the pipelines through Afghanistan are of high interest.However, in

00.000.2001 work in Afghanistan had not started yet.

00.000.1989-Since the withdrawal of the Soviets- there was still unrest in the country.
The Taliban: From ally to terrorist
The unrest in Afghanistan that blocked the business is worth mentioning.

00.000.1992 the pro-Russian president Mohammad Najibullah was ousted.

00.000.1993 Burhanuddin Rabbani became president, supported by the Tajik minority of the population.
00.000.1994 the Pashtun, forming half of the population, challenged Rabbani. Because the pipelines have to cross mainly Pashtun territory, their movement, the Taliban, had support from the US and Pakistan.
00.Mar.1995 two companies, BRIDAS from Argentina and UNOCAL from the US, both claimed to have obtained the contracts from the seller of the gas (Turkmenistan) and the buyer (Pakistan).

At that moment no deal had yet been signed with the Afghan authorities.
00.Oct.1995 President Niyazov of Turkmenistan signed an official agreement with UNOCAL, but in

00.Feb.1996 president Rabbani of Afghanistan signed an agreement with BRIDAS for the main section of 875 miles through Afghanistan. [7]
UNOCAL's chances seemed compromised. Fortunately for UNOCAL, the Taliban wanted to oust president Rabbani. In

00.Sep.1996 they took Jalabad, Kandahar, and then Kabul. President Rabbani fleed to join the Northern Alliance.
UNOCAL sighed with relief. It expressed support for the Taliban takeover, saying it makes the pipeline project easier. Unocal later said it was misquoted.

Printed Electronics Asia 2007: 00.000.2006 H.C. Starck was sold to an investors consortium formed by Advent International and The Carlyle Group . H.C. Starck produces an assortment of ... printedelectronicsasia07/en/exhibitors.asp - 31
14.Dec.2006 -portland imc- George Tenet and Iraq Study Group ... "Few were surprised when the Carlyle Group emerged at the head of the stampede to ... (see ...
aangirfan: ENRON, BUSH AND BLAIR; 'MAFIA STYLE THEFT'. The next section is from https:// www.the ... Saudi Binladin Group was an investor in the Carlyle Group . ... enron-bush-and-blair-mafia-style-theft.html

17.Nov.2007 Boards :: Industry news and people moves The amount The Carlyle Group paid for The Mill has not been disclosed. ... https:// www.the •DANTE ARIOLA NABS DGA AWARD> MJZ's Dante Ariola won the ... online/20070206/peeps.html?word=avatarlabs
20040811_Carlyle_sampler With former USA Defense Secretary Carlucci, Frank as Carlyle Group chairman, ...

The Carlyle Group Defense + aerospace firms such as United Defense ... Carlyle _sampler.html
The Carlyle Group: A pillar of “America’s war on terrorism ... On

14.Dec.---- an investment company called the Carlyle Group made 237 million dollars in a single day by selling stocks for a military contractor it owns, ...
Dankwart von Schultzendorff: Ständig an Risiken denken ... am

11.Sep.2001 Der in der Geschichte der Versicherungswirtschaft bisher größte einzelne Versicherungsfall war die Zerstörung der " Twin Towers " von_Schultzendorff__Staendig_an_Risiken_denken.html?print=yes

In Search of Stupidity Refed:
**, - **, - ** From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: In Search of Stupidity Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 09:31:12 -0700 jmfbahciv writes: I had not heard about Peters admitting this. Is it true? That would explain the nonsense. One of his texts were dumped at the dump and I picked it up thinking I could learn something. It was a very expensive text book *text***book***, that consisted of nothing but copies of some set of his seminar slides. They were the same set printed repeatedly in the book. And i'll bet there were professors who required this text in their classes and taught it with seriousness. re: In Search of Stupidity Tom Peter's True Confessions (issue 53, nov2001) from above: Confession number three: This is pretty small beer, but for what it's worth, okay, I confess: We faked the data. A lot of people suggested it at the time. ... snip ...
In Search of Stupidity; Over Twenty Years of High Tech Marketing Disasters from above: "In Search of Stupidity gets its title from the classic, albeit infamous business book In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies, by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman. In Search of Excellence quickly became a best-seller when it came out

00.000.1988 and launched a new era of management consultants and business books. But 00.000.2001, Peters admitted that he falsified the underlying data. Librarians have been slow to move the book to the fiction section." ... snip ... Note that one of the companies covered in "In Search of Excellence" went into the red four years later

00.000.1992 .

only slightly related: IBM Plugs Big Iron to the College Crowd Seeking Info on XDS Sigma 7 APL 50th Anniversary of invention of disk drives

Schlüssel oder Knast: Tierrechts-Aktivistin verwirrt

Eine britische Tierrechts-Aktivistin wurde vom "Crown Prosecution Service" aufgefordert, den Schlüssel für verschlüsselte Daten herauszurücken, die auf ihrem beschlagnahmten Computer gefunden wurden. Kommt sie der Aufforderung nicht nach, drohen ihr bis zu zwei Jahre Haft. Das Problem nur: Die Aktivistin weiß nichts von verschlüsselten Daten, wie sie in einem anonymen Posting auf Indymedia UK beschreibt.

Wer denkt, die flunkere doch, sollte sich jedoch vor Augen halten, dass auf vielen Computern verschlüsselte Dateien liegen. Hobby-Entwickler, zum Beispiel aus der Demoszene, verwenden verschlüsselte Dateien, um sie vor den neugierigen Augen anderer Programmierer oder Hacker zu schützen.
Kopfrechen- Künstler: Franzose knackt Weltrekord im Wurzelziehen

16.Nov.2007 Schock- Video: Polen empört über Taser- Todesfall (Panorama)
17.Nov.2007 Medizin: Forscher vermelden Stammzellfund in Menstruationsblut
"Das ist ein Punkt, wo ich mich sicher getäuscht habe, übrigens alle sich getäuscht haben", sagte Kohl in Berlin bei der Vorstellung des dritten Teils seiner Erinnerungen.
"Wir wussten eben vieles nicht."
16.Nov.2007 Bangladesch: Wirbelsturm fordert mehr als 500 Tote
16.Nov.2007 Altkanzler: Kohl räumt Fehleinschätzung bei Deutscher Einheit ein

. Außerdem bündelt die gemeinsame Anti-Terror-Datei viele Informationen - da stehen aus den Ländern über 100 Dateien zur Verfügung.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Was ist da gespeichert?


Fingerabdrücke, Dateien über mögliche Terroristen und Islamisten, Dateien, die beim Bundesnachrichtendienst und Verfassungsschutz geführt werden - alles über eine Suchanfrage verfügbar.


00.000.1999 legte Leutheusser- Schnarrenberger mit ihren Parteikollegen Burkhard Hirsch und Gerhart Baum Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen den Großen Lauschangriff ein.

00.000.2004 Das Verfassungsgericht erklärte die meisten Regelungen zur Wohnraumüberwachung für verfassungswidrig, eine "Kernbereich privater Lebensgestaltung" müsse ohne Einschränkungen unbeobachtet bleiben.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Kritiker der Vorratsdatenspeicherung sprechen wieder mal vom Weg in den Überwachungsstaat - wie schon bei der Gesundheitskarte, dem biometrischen Pass, dem Bundestrojaner und so weiter.

Stimmt das Bild denn diesmal?

Kein Führer erschaffen

"Es ist möglich, eine Gruppe Kakerlaken in einen von ihnen nicht bevorzugten Schutzraum zu führen", sagte Sempo.

Damit habe man zeigen können, dass künstliche Artgenossen das Verhalten einer ganzen Tiergruppe oder eines ganzen Tierschwarms lenken könnten.

"Wir haben jedoch keinen Anführer programmieren können", betonte der Verhaltensbiologe.

Immerhin hätten sich die echten Tiere trotzdem in 39 Prozent der Fälle durchgesetzt.
URL:,1518,517646,00.html GRUPPENDYNAMIK Kakerlaken akzeptieren Roboter als Artgenossen

16.Nov.2007 Konjunktur: Stimmung in der europäischen Wirtschaft auf Zwei- Jahres- Tief (Wirtschaft)
16.Nov.2007 Gruppendynamik: Kakerlaken akzeptieren Roboter als Artgenossen
16.Nov.2007 Biologie: Rasierte Mäuse geben mehr Milch
16.Nov.2007 Leutheusser- Schnarrenberger: "Der Speicherwahn führt in den Überwachungsstaat" (Netzwelt)
16.Nov.2007 Pakistan: Musharraf vereidigt Übergangs- Premier Soomro
16.Nov.2007 Stigmergy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stigmergy is a method of indirect communication in a self-organizing emergent system where its individual parts communicate with one another by modifying ... Stigmergy
Joe Gregorio | BitWorking | Stigmergy and the World-Wide Web Why is Google's PageRank algorithm so successful?

Why do Neighborhoods form? Why does communicating through a weblog work at all? What is stigmergy ? ... Stigmergy
Definitions of stigmergy stigmergic systems,agent technology,complexity,evolution,emergence.
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CommunityWiki: StigMergy [en] Stigmergy is a social phenomenon in which agents interact by manipulating their environment, rather than communicating directly with one another.
MAML -- Multi-Agent Modeling Language

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Nature, Machines & Human Beings HTML-Version
Stigmergy . indirekte Informationsvermittlung; durch die Analyse sich ... Ant Colony Algorithmen & Stigmergy . Ant System. Ziel: Suche nach Tmax ...
Stigmergy, the secret of organization

Stigmergy is a method of communication in emergent systems in which the individual parts of the system communicate with one another indirectly by modifying ...
Stigmergy in Computing Systems

Cues, communicated through various data stores, networks or Web Services, organize the cooperative behavior of networks of collaborating computers. InComputing.html
From Local Actions to Global Tasks: Stigmergy and Collective Robotics HTML-Version
Stigmergy is a mechanism for binding task state information to local features of a task site, and for communicating by modifying those features.
Stigmergy, Self-Organization, and Sorting in Collective Robotics stigmergy + self-organization in a homogeneous group of ...

Stigmergy is a concept occasionally used in biology to describe the influence on behav- ...
Editor’s Introduction: Stigmergy The concept of stigmergy was introduced by French entomologist ...

A special issue of Artificial Life on stigmergy makes a lot of sense because of the ...
Stigmergy We have already seen the usefulness of what Grasse calls “ stigmergy ” for the solution of a general type of complex problem by a not-so-complex organism, ...
Robotics Web page - Dylan Shell Dylan A. Shell A (partially) Annotated Bibliography of papers that make use of the word " Stigmergy ", 15th Oct, 2003.
"stigmergy" definition from Double-Tongued Dictionary 1123:

His hypothesis of “ stigmergy ” is that building behavior is at first uncoordinated…when the construction at any one point reaches a certain critical ...
Stigmergy: Where Are We? on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Stigmergy : Click this icon to see all public photos tagged with stigmergy stigmergy ...
Meatball Wiki: IncidentalCollaboration A stronger version of this phenomenon is common in nature, called stigmergy .

Social insects almost universally collaborate "incidentally", except their ...
Popular pages tagged with "structureandagency-stigmergy" on Popular pages tagged with "structureandagency- stigmergy " on ... stigmergy
judell's bookmarks tagged with "stigmergy" on

Stigmergy is a concept occasionally used in biology to describe the influence on behaviour of the persisting environmental effects of previous behaviour.
ThreeDimensionalPeople: On stigmergy, ants and VRM. Joe Andrieu writes a savvy post on the VRM concept.

My brain is tired from doing the requisite backflips, but happy for the ...
stigmergy : Tag Results : The Bumble Bee Articles Tagged With: " stigmergy ". 1 Tag Results from The Bumble Bee. Pagination: 1. 1 result(s) displayed (1 - 1):. Bioteams Glossary ...
Interactive Institute › stigmergy stigmergy . Stigmergic Robot. Photo: Sebastian Gassner demonstrates his Stigmergic Robot. Guest student Sebastian Gassner from the Art & Technology program ...
Extended Stigmergy in Collective Construction - HTML-Version
we discuss the use of extended stigmergy :augmenting. the basic notion of stigmergy by increasing the capa-. bilities of environmental elements.
Random Etc. posts tagged with Stigmergy Stigmergy : Stigmergy : Where Are We? Originally uploaded by Just_Tom.
Stigmergy — Blogs, Pictures, and more on WordPress

manwithoutqualities wrote 6 months ago : In its most generic formulation, stigmergy (an optimization technique) is the phenomenon of indirect communication ... | weblog archives for April 2006 Stigmergy is a method of communication in emergent systems in which the individual ... stigmergy A community about stigmergy . Tag and discover new products. Share your images and discuss your questions with stigmergy experts.
Gregor J. Rothfuss: stigmergy beats pedantry

The World-Wide Web is human stigmergy .

The web + it's ability to let anyone read anything + also to write back to that environment allows stigmeric ...
Consultoría artesana en red: Sín líderes and stigmergy, tercer ...

As stigmergy is a method of communication in which individuals communicate with one another by modifying their local environment, it is a logical extension ...
CiteULike: Tag stigmergy posted to ai self-organization stigmergy by nettraq on 2004-11-15 17:09:58 along with 8 other people Web2 Blog_and_Wiki_Research hst-bmi mgh-lcs ...
CiteULike: Group: ComplexAdaptiveSystems - with tag stigmergy posted to stigmergy by mattjb to the group ComplexAdaptiveSystems on ...

Note: You may cite this page as: ...
Termite: Ad-Hoc Networking with Stigmergy - HTML-Version
dubbed Termite, uses stigmergy to reduce the amount of control ... indirectly through the environment is known as stigmergy . A. Previous Work ...

Stigmergy can be used as a mechanism to understand underlying patterns in .... Would you some links to articles on Stigmergy or Stigmergic learning to know ...
handtwerk » Stigmergy is a method of communication in emergent systems in which the individual parts of the system communicate with one another by modifying their local ... stigmergy/
Komplexe Adaptive Systeme
1.2.5 Self-Asembly (Qualitative Stigmergy ). Unterscheidet sich von SO durch die Tatsache, daß Individuen ihr Verhalten aufgrund eines ...
StigmergicWeb » stigmergy Stigmergy is a term introduced to describe the coordination of activity that occurs in the activity of social insects, such as nest-building behaviour of ...
stigmergy: Blogs, Photos, Videos and more on Technorati Stigmergy is one method of self-organization in a system.

It is defined as a method whereby one member of the system changes their local environment, ...
Stigmergy and the World-Wide Web |

I was impressed by Joe's Stigmergy and the World-Wide Web, which purports that this grande ole internet is the "first stigmeric communication medium for ...
Jon Dron's CoFIND resources for the topic "Stigmergy" Stigmergy + the World-Wide Web

Interesting article by Joe Gregorio applying stigmergy to various aspects of the Web ...
Gregory Biegel Coordination of group behaviour through stigmergy : possible implications for ...

The design of multi-agent Coordination and Control Systems Using Stigmergy ...
Stigmergy in Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning logical phenomena of stigmergy can be imported into multi-. agent reinforcement learning (MARL), ...

The term stigmergy describes a kind of cooperative phe- ...
Stigmergic Collaboration: Blogging = Stigmergy

Stigmergy is indirect communication, that is, communication which is not based on transmission to a specific receiver, but rather to a general audience ...
Stigmergic Collaboration: Defining Stigmergy Part 1

Something I keep coming back to is 'how far can/should the term stigmergy be extended?'

The concept in general seems applicable to so much of human ...
Expert Assessment of Human-Human Stigmergy - Storming Media

Human-Human Stigmergy is pervasive.

A wide range of pre-computer social systems fit the pattern of stigmergic coordination, and have provided a rich set of ...
Expert Assessment of Stigmergy: A Report for the Department of ...

This report describes the current state of research in the area known as Swarm Intelligence.

Swarm Intelligence relies upon stigmergic principles in order ...
Stigmergy, Self-Organisation, and Sorting in Collective Robotics ...

Many structures built by social insects are the outcome of a process of self organisation, in which the repeated actions of the insects interact over time ...
Collective Intelligence in Multi-Agent Robotics: Stigmergy, Self ...

Nature has been able to evolve several times natural systems which produce complex spatio temporal patterns from agents with very simple behaviours by ...
stigmergy « manwithoutqualities In its most generic formulation, stigmergy is the phenomenon of indirect communication mediated by modi?cations of the environment.
StumbleUpon » Stigmergy Websites See featured stigmergy sites + meet people that like stigmergy sites.

Discover related sites in ai, collaboration, complex systems, research, sociology, ...
Stigmergy, self-organization, and sorting in collective robotics

00.Apr.1999 Source, Artificial Life archive Volume 5, Issue 2 () table of contents ...
Extended Stigmergy in Collective Construction

A swarm of agents can coordinate its components' behavior by modifying the environment, a practice known as stigmergy . Augmenting the capabilities of ...

10.May 2007 Stigmergy and the Panopticon: NSA to harvest social network sites ... Stigmergy + the Panopticon: NSA to harvest social network sites. By MarkElliott,
[Edu-sig] PataPata 0.1.19 release & Stigmergy From there:

" Stigmergy is a method of communication in emergent systems >> in which the individual parts of the system communicate with one another >> by ...
[Edu-sig] PataPata 0.1.19 release & Stigmergy From there:

" Stigmergy is a method of communication in emergent systems > in which the individual parts of the system communicate with one another > by ...
Construction by Robot Swarms Using Extended Stigmergy - HTML-Version
Our approach is particularly motivated by research in two areas: stigmergy -based construction by insects + insect-inspired robots, ...
ECCO Seminar - Francis Heylighen, Stigmergy: a fundamental ...

The concept of stigmergy (from the Greek "stigma" = stimulus, and "ergon" = work) was introduced by the entomologist Grassé to explain the apparently ...
Stigmergy, self-organisation, and sorting in collective robotics - HTML-Version
Stigmergy is a concept occasionally used in biology to describe the influence on .... influence may be thought of as passive stigmergy [13] whereas (i) and ...'s/journalpaper.pdf
Using Stigmergy to Make Emerging Collective Behaviors - HTML-Version
To this aim we suggest the use of stigmergy, detected by a number of the so ... interaction is known as stigmergy, namely, cooperation without ...
Multiple Sensor Platform Coordination Using Stigmergy

The current investigation explores the use of a biological technique, known as Stigmergy, to coordinate semi-autonomous surveillance platforms during search ... metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADA406172
Computers in Industry : Multi-agent coordination and control using ... Stigmergy is a class of mechanisms that mediate animal-animal interactions.

Stigmergy or, more specifically, engineering concepts inspired by ant colony ...
Extended Stigmergy in Collective Construction @Article{werfel06a, author = {Justin Werfel and Radhika Nagpal}, title = {Extended Stigmergy in Collective Construction}, journal = {{IEEE} Intelligent ...
Rollyo: metavalent stigmergy metavalent: First Name: metavalent: Last Name: stigmergy : Homepage: M E T A V A L E N T .dot. INFO. metavalent's Searchrolls:
Blackbeltjones/Work: » Stigmergy

02.Feb.2004 Filed under: Navigation and wayfinding ... Stigmergy at work.
stigmergy | most popular |

Are you interested in uav, robots, swarmbots, vehicles, unmanned, air, swarms, flying, stigmergy, behaviour or technology? If so, Mister Wong is just right ...
Second Life Education Research » Blog Archive » Stigmergy and

Online Classes: Sentimentality In Education. Final papers are graded; scantron sheets filled out and turned in; the semester is over.
IngentaConnect Editor's Introduction: Stigmergy Editor's Introduction: Stigmergy . - Bonabeau E. 1. Source: Artificial Life,

01.Apr.1999 , vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 95-96(2). Publisher: MIT Press ...
IngentaConnect Multi-agent coordination and control using stigmergy

Agents in this system use an indirect coordination mechanism, called stigmergy .

Stigmergy is a class of mechanisms that mediate animal-animal interactions.
elearnspace: Stigmergy and the Web Comment: Good article emphasizing the social effect of blogging...specifically stigmergy ("two individuals interact indirectly when one of then modifies the ...
Processing Blogs » Blog Archive » Stigmergy

Stigmergy is a method of communication in emergent systems in which the individual parts of the system communicate with one another by modifying their ...
Using Stigmergy to Co-ordinate Pervasive Computing Environments - HTML-Version
Stigmergy (Grassé 1959). – how social insects coordinate their actions. – Indirect communication mediated through the local environment.
Termites in the Schoolhouse: Stigmergy and Transactional Distance ... HTML-Version
In stigmergy communication is through signs left in the environment ... SEO – Kempelen box – stigmergy explicitly used to identify useful questions + ...
e-Prints Soton - A stigmergy based approach to data mining De Backer, M., Haesen, R., Martens, D. and Baesens, B. (2005)

A stigmergy based approach to data mining. In, Zhang, Shichao and Jarvis, Ray (eds. ...
The concept of stigmergy has been applied to a number of elds since it was rst coined in the 1950 ’s. (Grasse, 1959). We have compiled a bibliography ...
Extended Stigmergy in Collective Construction Justin Werfel and ... - HTML-Version
The term stigmergy was introduced by French biologist Pierre-Paul Grassé 00.000.1959.

Active stigmergy takes place when agents leave a certain trail in the ...
Introduction to Open Software Methodologies: Stigmergy and Self ...

Stigmergy and Self-Selection. Previous slide · Table of contents · Print · Ken A L Coar. Copyright © 2004 by Ken A L Coar. All rights reserved. ...
Holonic Stigmergy as a Mechanism for Engineering Self-Organizing ... - HTML-Version
Key Words: Holonic Stigmergy, Agent Architecture, Context Model, Imposed vs. .... In this section we illustrate how holarchic stigmergy ...
New Media Hack: NMH: Stigmergy,, blog indices

Ran across the term stigmergy for the first time (sue me, I've been busy), in a John Robb post at Global Guerillas. Can't say as I'm really into The Global ...
Collective Intelligence in Multi-Agent Robotics: Stigmergy, Self ... - HTML-Version
The object of this essay will be to study the role of stigmergy and self- ... However, stigmergy alone is not sufficient to explain collective intelli- ...
Expert Assessment of Stigmergy: A Report for the Department of ... - HTML-Version
stigmergy . The individual behaviours of swarm members do not indicate the ... This document describes the state of the art in stigmergy .
Using Stigmergy to Co-Ordinate Pervasive Computing Environments

Pervasive computing environments have proven difficult to develop in a form that supports the integration + organisation of devices + applications in a ...
LNCS 4150 - Cooperative VLSI Tiled Architectures: Stigmergy in a ...

Stigmergy is a form of indirect interaction for coordination ... applications that explicitly exploits stigmergy to achieve adaptability ...
LNAI 4088 - Synthesizing Stigmergy for Multi Agent Systems In order to synthesize stigmergy a model needs to be created that al- ...

Utilizing stigmergy in an artificial system allows agents to interact with one an- ...
Stigmergy: - HTML-Version
A Brief History of Stigmergy . Figure 1.

00.000.1895–00.000.1985 Pierre-Paul Grasse () was the coordinator of a masterpiece treatise of zoology + a synthetic ...
Stigmergy in Holonic Systems HTML-Version
Challenge: global coordination (= system-wide); Stigmergy : ants provide the inspiration ... Stigmergy . Indirect interaction; Signs in the environment ...
Thoughts Illustrated: STIGMERGY -MY ANT TRAIL IN CYBERSPACE This ANT TRAIL - led me to learn the meaning of STIGMERGY +

how it works to create such RADICALLY SIMPLE collaborative creations as WikiPedia ...
Stigmergy: A Wide Area Service Discovery Protocol for Active Networks - HTML-Version
Its assumed that Stigmergy packets are recognised by border routing nodes based on a unique protocol number, while intermediate network nodes route ... EEK Speaks Leave A Trail: Stigmergy and Effective Large Group Collaboration # ... Ants communicate by stigmergy . They leave a trail of pheremones that other ants pick ...
Works of Karl Schroeder A related paper of interest is Joe Gregorio's Stigmergy and the World-Wide Web.

In " Stigmergy and the World-Wide Web", Joe Gregorio invokes the notion ...
Stigmergy Stigmergy is a method of communication in decentralised systems in which the individual parts of the system communicate with one another by modifying their ...
Extended Stigmergy in Collective Construction A swarm of autonomous robots can be programmed to build arbitrary structures.

Extended stigmergy can improve construction time + increase the opportunity ...
Using Stigmergy to Co-ordinate Pervasive Computing Environments - HTML-Version
... that has become known as stigmergy .

In the stigmergic approach there are fewer dependences ... in Cocoa, a framework that supports the use of stigmergy ...
YABS: A Domain-Specific Language for Pervasive Computing based on ... - HTML-Version
as stigmergy . Following this approach yields a simple yet expres- ... complement the use of stigmergy, allowing for the incremental con- ...
INRIA :: [inria-00000209, version 1] Stigmergy in multi-agent ...

Domain(s):: Computer Science/Learning; Title:: Stigmergy in multi-agent ... we describe how certain aspects of the biological phenomena of stigmergy can be ...
StigMergy Stigmergy is the process of emergent cooperation as a result of participants' altering the environment and reacting to the environment as they pass through ...
Full text search for "StigMergy" StigMergy 5 matches. SecondOrderCybernetics 1 match. BlogRoll 1 match. AbbeNormal 1 match ... StigMergy
Stigmergy: - HTML-Version
The concept of stigmergy . G. Theraulaz and E. Bonabeau .... Stigmergy (from the Greek stigma: sting and ergon: work) was initially ...
Microsoft PowerPoint - stigposter.ppt - HTML-Version
The concept of Stigmergy has been applied to a number of fields ... Quantitative stigmergy, to describe the former as more closely related ...
Programming with Stigmergy: Using Swarms for Construction - HTML-Version
These applications rely of qualitative stigmergy — in-. dividual agents react to a continuous variations in the. environment. An example of quantitative ...
Stigmergy is economically efficient discovery Subject:, Stigmergy is economically efficient discovery. Date:,

2004-06-28 09:37:30. From:, mengwong. The economic perspective you and others take is ...
Und obwohl die einzelnen Individuen weder wissen, dass sie Bestandteil eines Schwarm sind, noch einem großen Plan folgen, kann sich daraus kollektiv planvolles Verhalten entwickeln.

00.000.1959 führte der französische Biologe Pierre-Paul Grassé erstmals den Begriff der „Stigmergy“ ein, um zu erklären, wie Termiten ihre Nester bauen –

ein Kunstwort, abgeleitet aus den griechischen Vokabeln stigma (Zeichen) und ergon (Aktion, Handlung).

Das Prinzip ist simpel:

Die einzelnen Termiten verändern durch ihre Bautätigkeit im Laufe der Zeit ihre Umgebung.

Der äußere Reiz der veränderten Umgebung führt wiederum dazu, dass die Termiten von einer Verhaltensweise zu einer anderen "umschalten":

Zu Beginn des Nestbaus nehmen Termiten beispielsweise Erde auf, vermischen sie mit Speichel und drehen sie zu einem Pellet.

Mit diesem Pellet laufen sie herum, und lassen es mit einer geringen Wahrscheinlichkeit irgendwo fallen.

Die Wahrscheinlichkeit wird jedoch sehr viel größer, wenn an diesem Ort bereits Pellets liegen.
Im Schwarm aber scheinen die Tierchen eine eigene Art von Intelligenz zu besitzen, die sich auf geheimnisvollem Wege aus dem Nichts manifestiert, aber nicht zentral gesteuert wird.

Obwohl in der Minderheit, konnten die Roboter die große Masse der Schaben in der Regel dazu bewegen, ihnen zu folgen.

Obwohl Halloy versichert, seine Forschung habe keine unmittelbaren Anwendungen, dürfte der Aufsatz möglicherweise das Interesse mancher Militärs[2] hervorrufen.

Denn das Experiment wirkt auf den ersten Blick zwar simpel, hat aber nicht völlig umsonst fünf Jahre Zeit und rund eine Million Euro Forschungsgelder verschlungen.
Zudem habe das Experiment zeigen können, dass auch in präsozialen Insektengruppen Entscheidungen auf kollektive Weise getroffen werden.

Zudem sehen die Langfristprognosen für den Aktienmarkt alles andere als positiv aus.

Als erster Kapitalmarktexperte im deutschsprachigen Raum hat sich Markus Stadlmann von der Liechtensteinischen VP -Bank an eine Zehnjahresprognose gewagt.

Seine Einschätzung ist alles andere als ermutigend: "Wir erwarten für die kommenden zehn Jahre für die Aktienmärkte unterdurchschnittliche Jahreserträge.“
US-Wahlkampf: Obama schimpft Clinton eine "Republikanerin"
16.Nov.2007 Court Rejects Fuel Standards on Trucks

16.Nov.2007 Poor Are Lagging in Hurricane Aid From Mississippi
16.Nov.2007 Investoren wenden sich vom Dax ab
Der Tod aus der nichttödlichen Taser-Waffe
16.Nov.2007 Waldorf-Pädagogik: Auf Tuchfühlung mit dem rechten Rand
16.Nov.2007 Zeitarbeiter streiten immer lauter
As Expected, Sparks Flew as the Top Three Democratic Contenders in the Iowa Caucuses Engaged in Some Pointed Exchanges During the Thursday Night Nevada Debate

16.Nov.2007 Chiquita Admits That It Paid a Terrorist Organization in Colombia for Protection and "Enforcement." Why Isn't Bush Sending the CEO to Guantanamo?
The State Department is backing down for now from forcing diplomats to serve in Iraq this summer because enough have volunteered to work in the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and in outlying provinces, officials said Thursday. In short, they are backing down.

16.Nov.2007 Source: Fox News Chief Roger Ailes Was Exec Who Asked Judith Regan to Lie to Protect Giuliani
If You Want to Meet the Members of the Vast Right Wing Federal Judiciary Club, Just Go to the Annual Federalist Society Conference Today in D.C. George W. Bush Will be Expressing His Gratitude to Them Tonight. After All, These are the Judges Who Put Him in the White House. And Let's Not Forget BuzzFlash's Foot Soldier in the GOP Judicial Infantry, David Sentelle. (The Fourth BuzzFlash Editor's Blog Entry on the Damage Done to Democracy by Just One Partisan Hack GOP Federal Judge.)
Dennis Hastert Must Think We are Stupid: ?I continue to worry about the breakdown of civility in our political discourse,? Hastert said. ?I tried my best, but I wish I had been more successful.? The Front Man for Tom DeLay Claiming He is Concerned About Civility in Politics. Give Us a Break. 11/16

16.Nov.2007 "The solution to the immigration problem is comprehensive reform from Washington. But with half the Democrats cowed by the fear-mongering of the extreme right, the most voiceless and powerless people in America - undocumented workers - are about to become this year's Willie Horton." 11/16
Tough Talk on Iraq from the Last Chance Democracy Cafe

16.Nov.2007 UK: Terror crackdown: Passengers forced to answer 53 questions BEFORE they travel: For every journey, security officials will want credit card details, holiday contact numbers, travel plans, email addresses, car numbers and even any previous missed flights.

16.Nov.2007 Bush embarrassed by new attorney general: Michael Mukasey, who was sworn in Tuesday, has reopened a dormant inquiry into the US government's warrantless wiretapping programme which was effectively blocked by the president 18 months ago.

16.Nov.2007 35m Americans go hungry 00.000.2006 : A total of 12.65 million households were "food insecure," or 10.9 percent of US homes, up from 12.59 million a year ago, the US Agriculture Department said Wednesday.

16.Nov.2007 Poll: People worry about being homeless: -Nearly a third of Americans have at one point worried about becoming homeless and many more are taking in friends and relatives needing a home, a survey found.

16.Nov.2007 Fed makes biggest temporary injection since '01 : The Federal Reserve on Thursday pumped its biggest temporary daily infusion into the U.S. banking system since just after the September 11, 2001 attacks as short-term lending rates rose on both sides of the Atlantic.
16.Nov.2007 Hebron settlers filmed harassing city's Palestinian residents: Hebron settlers are filmed harassing the city's Palestinian residents.

16.Nov.2007 US embarrassed as Putin honours spy who came in from the cornfields : In Sioux City, Iowa, they are calling him the spy who came in from the cornfields. But, in Russia, the man the neighbours remember as a polite and private intellectual is being feted as one of the most important spies of the 20th century.

16.Nov.2007 One farmer’s suicide every 30 minutes : On average, one Indian farmer committed suicide every 32 minutes between 1997 and 2005. Since 2002, that has become one suicide every 30 minutes.
16.Nov.2007 Knives out for Musharraf as US loosens ties: THE White House is trying to distance itself from President Pervez Musharraf and build connections to other Pakistanis, fearing he could soon fall from power.

16.Nov.2007 U.S. Is Looking Past Musharraf in Case He Falls : Almost two weeks into Pakistan’s political crisis, Bush administration officials are losing faith that the Pakistani president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, can survive in office and have begun discussing what might come next, according to senior administration officials.
16.Nov.2007 Iran threat assessment won't be released, intelligence chief says: The director of national intelligence said Tuesday he does not plan to make public any of the key findings of a soon-to-be-completed assessment on Iran's nuclear program.

16.Nov.2007 Intel Chief Blasts 'Cherry Picked' Intel: National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell said Tuesday he would resign if administration officials mischaracterized or "cherry-picked" intelligence to support their own political agenda.
16.Nov.2007 Ahmadinejad Says U.N. Report Vindicates Iran : Iran said on Thursday it had been vindicated in a report by the U.N. atomic watchdog and there would be no legal basis for further discussion at the U.N. Security Council of its nuclear plans.

Presstitute and war pimp alert: Israel Begins Preparations for Possible Iranian Attack: The Israeli government was ordered by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Thursday to draft plans to deal with the possibility of a nuclear attack by Iran.
16.Nov.2007 IAEA: Iran Generally Truthful On "Nukes" : White House press secretary Dana Perino said the report indicated that Iran has not suspended its enrichment-related activities and continues to defy the international community. "We believe that selective cooperation is not good enough," she said.
16.Nov.2007 Cholera kills boy at notorious Baghdad orphanage: An Iraqi child has died from cholera after falling ill at a Baghdad orphanage that became infamous this year when starving, naked children were discovered tied to their beds, a health official said on Thursday
16.Nov.2007 Lest We Forget-By- John Pilger - On Remembrance Day

2007 – Veterans Day in America – the great and the good bowed their heads at the Cenotaph. Generals, politicians, newsreaders, football managers and stock-market traders wore their poppies. Hypocrisy was a presence. No one mentioned Iraq. No one uttered the slightest remorse for the fallen of that country. No one read the forbidden list. Continue

16.Nov.2007 In the Hands of the Military -By- Chris Hedges
The last, best hope for averting a war with Iran lies with the United States military. The Democratic Congress, cowed by the Israel lobby and terrified of appearing weak on defense before the presidential elections, will do nothing to halt an attack.

16.Nov.2007 Princess Ferragamo at the Barricades - It’s all about “regime change”  -By- Mike Whitney
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why the crooked Princess Ferragamo--Benazir Bhutto—has returned to Pakistan. Bhutto’s been traipsing all over Washington trying to garner support from think-tank heavies and establishment powerbrokers to help her stage a political come-back in Islamabad.

16.Nov.2007 Torturing Palestinian Detainees -By- Stephen Lendman
Since the early 1990s, B'Tselem published more than ten reports on Israelis' use of torture and mistreatment of Palestinian detainees. This is the latest one in an effort to raise public awareness and help abolish these abhorrent practices.

16.Nov.2007 Entangling Alliances -By- Ron Paul
In the name of clamping down on "terrorist uprisings" in Pakistan, General Musharraf has declared a state of emergency and imposed martial law. The true motivations behind this action however, are astonishingly transparent.

16.Nov.2007 Venezuela: Between Ballots And Bullets -By- James Petras  
History has repeatedly taught that when you put social democracy, egalitarianism and popular power at the top of the political agenda, as Chavez has done, and as the vast majority of the populace enthusiastically responds, the Right, the reactionary military, the ‘Centrist’ political defectors and ideologues, the White House, the hysterical middle classes and the Church cardinals will sacrifice any and all democratic freedoms to defend their property, privileges and power by whatever means and at whatever cost necessary.

16.Nov.2007 "The Assassination of Hugo Chavez" -By- Greg Palast. Video Report
In my interview with the president of Venezuela on March 28, he made Bush the following astonishing offer: Chavez would drop the price of oil to $50 a barrel, "not too high, a fair price," he said — a third less than the $75 a barrel for oil recently posted on the spot market. That would bring down the price at the pump by about a buck, from $3 to $2 a gallon.

16.Nov.2007 Charges dropped against last of 'Los Angeles Eight' -By- Michel Shehadeh
For the last 20 years, the U.S. government has accused me of being a terrorist. Along with six other Palestinians and a Kenyan, we were dubbed the "Los Angeles Eight" by the media. Our case even made it to the U.S. Supreme Court.

16.Nov.2007 "We won't take it any more." Address by Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson
We raise our voices in unison to say to President Bush, to Vice President Cheney, to other members of the Bush Administration (past and present), to a majority of Congress, including Utah's entire congressional delegation, and to much of the mainstream media: "You have failed us miserably and we won't take it any more."

16.Nov.2007 Sexueller Missbrauch: Vater soll acht Millionen Dollar Schadensersatz an Tochter zahlen (Panorama)
16.Nov.2007 Naturkatastrophe: Wirbelsturm verwüstet Bangladesch - mehr als 200 Tote (Panorama)
16.Nov.2007 Kampf ums Weiße Haus: Clinton wirft Rivalen Schlammschlacht vor

16.Nov.2007 Finnischer Tarifkonflikt: Regierung will Lex Krankenpfleger durchpeitschen
Zermürbungs- Arbeitskampf: Massive Behinderungen im Osten - Streikkasse reicht bis Februar
15.Nov.2007 Zwangsversetzung: US- Diplomaten müssen doch nicht in den Irak
Der Bundestag verlängerte am Donnerstag ein entsprechendes Mandat mit 414 gegen 145 Stimmen. Die Geschichte der deutschen Beteiligung an diesem von Washington gesteuerten Militäreinsatz ist voller Kuriositäten. Angefangen bei dem heute schon fast vergessenen Umstand, daß die erstmalige Zustimmung des Bundestags am 16. November 2001 mit 336 Ja-Stimmen gegen 326 Nein-Stimmen denkbar knapp ausfiel. CDU/CSU und FDP hatten, gemeinsam mit der PDS, gegen den Antrag der Bundesregierung gestimmt. Hintergrund der seltsamen, historisch vielleicht einmaligen Konstellation: Dem damaligen Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder war es extrem wichtig, SPD und Grüne so geschlossen wie möglich in den beginnenden weltweiten »Krieg gegen den Terror« einzubinden und beide Parteien damit auch für die Zukunft zu verpflichten. Schröder verknüpfte deshalb, ohne wirkliche Notwendigkeit, die Abstimmung über die OEF-Teilnahme mit der Vertrauensfrage. Als Bestandteil der Politposse durften nach interner Verabredung genau vier Grüne ihrem Gewissen folgen und mit Nein stimmen.
Das Kalkül der US-Hardliner hat die FAZ im September 2007 ganz gut erkannt: »Jedenfalls ist die Zukunft des Kosovo ein Keil, der (einen Teil der) Europäer und Amerikaner auseinandertreibt, denn Wa­shington steht im Verdacht, die Kosovo-Albaner in deren Unabhängigkeitsfuror noch anzufeuern. Und dieser Keil fährt zwischen die Europäer mit einer Wucht, die es, was die Außenpolitik betrifft, seit dem inneren Zerwürfnis wegen der amerikanischen Irak-Politik nicht mehr gegeben hat.«
Würde aus der Provinz Kosovo ein selbständiger Staat, so könnten auch Regionen wie Transnistrien (in Moldawien), Abchasien (in Georgien), Tsche­tschenien (in Rußland), aber auch das Baskenland (in Spanien) sowie die ungarischen Regionen in der Südslowakei und in Westrumänien dasselbe verlangen.
Seit 2005 jagte ein tendenziöser Expertenbericht den nächsten. Den Anfang machte im Januar eine Studie der International Crisis Group (ICG), wonach es zu einer Eigenstaatlichkeit des Kosovos »keine akzeptable Alternative« gebe. Die ICG wird unter anderem vom US-amereikanischen Multimilliardär George Soros finanziert.
Terroristen wie Xhezair haben nach dem Abzug der jugoslawischen und serbischen Sicherheitskräfte am 10. Juni 1999 das Kosovo in eine Todeszone für alle Nicht-Albaner verwandelt.
UCK, CIA und BND Im März 2004 war Xhezair zurück im Kosovo und führte ein antiserbischen Pogrom an. Drei Tage lang brandschatzte ein Mob von 50000 Aufrührern die Wohnstätten und religiösen Heiligtümer der serbischen Minderheit. Xhezair hatte nach eigenen Angaben die Leitung im Gebiet um Prizren und Urosevac inne. NATO-Dokumente bezeichnen ihn als Koordinator eines geheimen Netzes, das Angehörige der formell aufgelösten UCK geknüpft haben, die heute im Kosovo-Schutzkorps und in der Kosovo-Polizei ihren Dienst verrichten – in Formationen also, die von der UN-Verwaltung UNMIK und dem NATO-Besatzungskorps KFOR legalisiert worden sind. Daneben verdächtigt die NATO den Mann guter Kontakte zu Al Qaida und zur Hisbollah. Das hingegen dürfte eher eine Schutzbehauptung sein: Gegenüber dem heute-journal des ZDF brüstete sich der UCK-Kommandant nämlich im November 2004 damit, »auf der Gehaltsliste des BND, der CIA und eines österreichischen Geheimdienstes« zu stehen. Der BND gab den Sachverhalt zu, betonte jedoch, man habe Xhezair einige Wochen vor den Pogromen als Informanten »abgeschaltet«.
Vielleicht läßt sich die jüngste Geschichte des Kosovo ganz gut mit dem Werdegang eines wichtigen UCK-Kommandeurs illustrieren. Dieser Xhezair Shaqiri, bekannter unter seinem Kriegsnamen Kommandeur Hoxha, kämpfte 00.000.1999 in der 171. UCK-Brigade zunächst gegen die Serben. Nachdem dieser Krieg mit Hilfe der NATO gewonnen war, wechselte Xhezair über die Grenze und nahm im Frühjahr 2001 in der 112. Brigade am UCK-Aufstand in Mazedonien teil. Dort war er Kommandant einer Einheit aus teilweise ausländischen Gotteskriegern im Raum Tetovo. Als diese Formation im Juni 2001 von der mazedonischen Armee bei Aracinovo eingekesselt war, wurde sie von der US-Armee ausgeflogen. Neben Xhezair und seinen Mudschahedin befanden sich auch 17 US-Militärberater des Pentagon unter den Geretteten.
15.Nov.2007 Alarmierender Report: Immer mehr arme Kinder

15.Nov.2007 Fass ohne Boden: IKB braucht neues Geld
15.Nov.2007 US-Kabelanbieter Comcast wegen Filesharing-Blockade verklagt
Die Parade der größten Klimasünder
Die Weltuntergangsuhr tickt weiter
UNO mit klarer Mehrheit für Stopp aller Hinrichtungen

15.Nov.2007 Sorgen um Kreditkrise drücken US-Börsen ins Minus
15.Nov.2007 Tepco underestimated nuke plant faults
15.Nov.2007 Libre circulation des personnes : l'Union européenne rappelle les Etats à l'ordre
Deutscher General bestätigt Foltervorwürfe
15.Nov.2007 "Spiegel"-Chef Stefan Aust geschasst: "Freude auf den Fluren"
15.Nov.2007 Ziercke: die "Terroristen" von Oberschledorn hatten 2,3 Terabyte Daten dabei, die die Polizei jetzt auswerten muß. Wow, sportlich.
15.Nov.2007 Was heißt hier ein paar Terroristen? MILLIONEN!!1! TSA warnt ihre Screener vor Fake-Bomben, mit denen das GAO periodisch die unterbezahlten Mexikaner von der Flughafen-Security der TSA testet. Die Emails ist geleakt. Und die TSA verteidigt sich wie folgt: "There was no intent to tip off, there was no cheating," Hawley insisted. He said that the e-mail was sent not to tip off screeners, but because a TSA official thought the tests might really be an Al Qaeda operation. Riiiiiight. (Danke, Florian)
15.Nov.2007 Nun, was tut der Staat, mit dem Rücken zur Wand, wenn die Bürger mit dem selbständigen Denken anfangen? Ganz klar, er verlangt von dem Betreiber des Erwerbslosenforums die Herausgabe der persönlichen Daten der betreffenden Nutzer.
15.Nov.2007 Machtkampf in Pakistan: Hausarrest für Bhutto aufgehoben

15.Nov.2007 Pakistan: Musharraf löst Parlament auf
If You Want to Meet the Members of the Vast Right Wing Federal Judiciary Club, Just Go to the Annual Federalist Society Conference Today in D.C. George W. Bush Will be Expressing His Gratitude to Them Tonight. After All, These are the Judges Who Put Him in the White House. And Let's Not Forget BuzzFlash's Foot Soldier in the GOP Judicial Infantry, David Sentelle. (The Fourth BuzzFlash Editor's Blog Entry on the Damage Done to Democracy by Just One Partisan Hack GOP Federal Judge.)
Ann Coulter is Named the BuzzFlash Media Putz of the Week, As Nominated by BuzzFlash Reader Claire of Maine: Coulter's only core beliefs relate to the accumulation of wealth by engaging in "shock" celebrity punditry.
Feingold Targets Immunity For Telecoms in domestic spying 11/16

15.Nov.2007 Defense Secretary Robert Gates is threatening layoffs unless Congress passes funding for the Iraq war within days. With all the money the Pentagon has, we're sure other cuts can be found. 11/16
Coal Industry Sponsoring Tonight?s Democratic Presidential Debate 11/16

15.Nov.2007 Jonathan Schell: Are You With Us -- or Against Us? The Road from Washington to Karachi to Nuclear Anarchy -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
Top Democrats Balk on Contempt Resolutions 11/16


Nentwig und seine Kollegen glauben, dass der Klimawandel in Europa bald auch für subtropische Spinnen besser geeignete Lebensräume schaffen könnte.

"Für die nahe Zukunft prognostizieren wir die Ansiedlung von mindestens einer fremden Spinnenart pro Jahr in Europa", erklärte Nentwig.

Darunter könnten auch vermehrt giftige Arten zu finden sein. Für den Menschen sei das insofern gefährlich, als fast drei Viertel der eingeschleppten Spinnen in urbanen Gebieten und in Gebäuden lebten.

Die Einflüsse, die der neue Artenreichtum auf Ökosysteme hat, sind nach Angaben der Forscher noch weitgehend unbekannt.
Deutschland nehme wegen seiner Familien- und Bildungsverarmung im Kreis der Industrienationen eine negative Spitzenstellung ein.

Nach Ansicht des Kinderhilfswerks wurzelt die Familienmisere vor allem im deutschen Steuer- und Sozialsystem. Familien werde ein Übermaß an öffentlichen Abgaben abverlangt.
Besonders dramatisch haben sich laut Kinderhilfswerk die Hartz- IV-Gesetze vor knapp drei Jahren auf die Situation der Kinder ausgewirkt:

Berlin - Die Wirtschaft boomt, die Arbeitslosigkeit geht zurück - aber immer mehr Kinder in Deutschland leben in Armut:

Der Kinderreport Deutschland 2007, den das Kinderhilfswerk heute vorstellte, untersucht die Kinderarmut seit 1965.

Ergebnis: Vor 42 Jahren war demnach nur jedes 75. Kind unter sieben Jahren zeitweise oder dauerhaft auf Sozialhilfe angewiesen,

2006 war es jedes sechste Kind. Das bedeutet, dass sich die materielle Armut von Kindern etwa alle zehn Jahre verdoppelt habe. Besonders betroffen sind demnach Kinder aus Einwandererfamilien.
Von den aufgeführten 28 Fluglinien stand sie bei der Pünktlichkeit an 26. Stelle, nur die Spanair und TAP Portugal waren unpünktlicher.

Bei den verspätet ausgelieferten Koffern landete sie auf dem 24. von 25 Plätzen.

30 Gepäckstücke pro 1000 Passagiere trafen später als ihre Besitzer am Ziel ein.

Nur TAP war wiederum sorgloser mit dem Eigentum der Passagiere. Die Lufthansa belegt im Gepäck-Ranking nur den 16. Platz
"Es ist nur eines von mehreren Beweismitteln, die Perspektive nur eines Menschen."
Die kanadische Fernsehgesellschaft CBC berichtet, dass in Kanada seit

15.Nov.2007 -00.000.2003 schon 18 Menschen nach Taser-Einsätzen gestorben sind. Mehr als 150 Todesfälle weltweit hat die Bürgerrechtsorganisation Amnesty International seit 2001 gezählt.

Ungeklärt bleibt, weshalb Dziekanski während seines zehnstündigen Verbleibs auf dem Flughafen niemand half. Kein Angestellter des Flughafens kümmerte sich um den Mann: "Er suchte Hilfe, er hatte Angst, er hat diese Hilfe nicht bekommen", sagte Anwalt Walter Kosteckyj laut BBC.

Schließlich eilen vier Polizisten herbei. Dziekanski dreht ihnen den Rücken zu - schon 25 Sekunden nach ihrem Eintreffen ist der erste krachende Schuss einer Taser-Pistole zu hören. Dziekanski stolpert, schreit laut und wälzt sich unter offenbar starken Schmerzen auf dem Boden. Ein weiterer Schuss fällt. Drei der Beamten halten Dziekanski nieder, der immer noch gequälte Schreie von sich gibt. Sie versuchen, ihm Handschellen anzulegen. "Schieß noch mal, schieß noch mal", sagt einer der Polizisten zu einem Kollegen.

Zu viert knien die Beamten dann auf dem Mann am Boden, der schließlich verstummt und reglos daliegt. Wenig später sagt eine Stimme "Code Red", womit ein medizinischer Notfall bezeichnet wird. Kurz darauf ist Robert Dziekanski tot.

Offiziell steht Dziekanskis Todesursache bis heute nicht fest. Eine Autopsie ergab keinen Hinweis auf Blutalkohol oder Drogen.
Tödlicher Taser- Einsatz: "Schieß noch mal, schieß noch mal"
PKK- Konflikt: Türkei bereitet Einsatz im Nord- Irak vor (Politik)
15.Nov.2007 Kraftwerks- Ranking: Wo die größten Dreckschleudern der Welt stehen
15.Nov.2007 Atomstreit: IAEA sieht verbesserte Zusammenarbeit mit Iran
Kriegsfolgen: US- Armee beklagt mehr Veteranen- Selbstmorde als Gefallene im Irak
15.Nov.2007 Ungewöhnlicher Dinosaurier: Nigersaurus - der Rasenmäher aus der Kreidezeit

15.Nov.2007 Abwehr: Militärbischof Mixa für Abschuss von Terror- Jets

15.Nov.2007 Muslim- Mapping in Los Angeles: Die kartografierte Pseudo- Gefahr
15.Nov.2007 Negativrekord: Kinderarmut steigt dramatisch an

15.Nov.2007 Folge der Globalisierung: Exotische Spinnen erobern Europa
15.Nov.2007 Deutschland- Start: YouTube- Filter schlampt bei Nazi- Filmen
15.Nov.2007 'Sub-prime black hole is getting scarier' : Blackstone's president warned that the sub-prime crisis on Wall Street was getting "deeper, darker and scarier" yesterday as the US private equity firm posted a loss for the third quarter, hit by a fall in real-estate revenues and charges related to its initial public offering.

yAnother Money Market Fund Bailout: This Time Bank of America :

Yesterday, we reported on a money market fund bailout by Wachovia. Today, Bank of America is reporting that it is bailing out some of its money market funds.
Pakistan warns against nuclear weapons grab: Pakistan warned Monday it had sufficient "retaliatory capacity" to defend its nuclear weapons, after a report the United States had made contingency plans to stop them falling into the wrong hands.
15.Nov.2007 Washington Stirs a Witch's Brew in Pakistan-By- Eric Margolis
Anyone who still wonders why so many people in the Muslim World hate the west needs look no further than Pakistan, where, in the name of "democracy" and "counter-terrorism" Washington and London are stirring a witches' brew of dictatorship, intrigue and violence.

15.Nov.2007 A Nation on borrowed time -By- Mike Whitney
On Monday, Asian stock markets took another drubbing on fears that the credit squeeze which began in the United States would continue to worsen in the months ahead. Every index from Tokyo to Sidney fell sharply continuing the “self-reinforcing” vicious cycle of losses started last week on Wall Street.

15.Nov.2007 U.S. accused of ignoring crisis for 4.5 million displaced Iraqis: The U.S. government is "unforgivably slow" in resettling Iraqi refugees and has failed to coordinate with its Arab allies to address the suffering of an estimated 4.5 million displaced Iraqis, according to a report released Tuesday by a leading Washington-based refugee advocacy group.

15.Nov.2007 Cost of the war in Iraq could reach $3.5 trillion: “The Joint Economic Report shows that the President’s Iraq strategy will cost American taxpayers trillions. The President’s war is paid for with borrowed money from foreign countries, and our children and grandchildren will have to foot the bill.

15.Nov.2007 1.8 million veterans lack health coverage: Of the 47 million uninsured Americans, one in every eight or 12.2 percent is a veteran or member of a veteran’s household, according to a study by Harvard Medical School researchers

15.Nov.2007 Home prices to keep sliding with no bottom in sight: The U.S. housing market's skid is nowhere near over and could extend for another five or even 10 years, according to one of the most-watched housing economists.
15.Nov.2007 Why would the state department protect Blackwater? : Now, why would the state department inspector general run interference on efforts to investigate the Blackwater mercenaries for gun running?

Why, oh why?
In Iraq, The Silence Of The Lambs -By- Ali al-Fadhily
”I would like to agree with the idea that violence in Iraq has decreased and that everything is fine,” retired general Waleed al-Ubaidy told Inter Press Servce (IPS) in Baghdad. ”But the truth is far more bitter. All that has happened is a dramatic change in the demographic map of Iraq.”

15.Nov.2007 Iraq War Is A Betrayal Of American Democracy -By- Matt Howard
00.000.2003 I illegally invaded the sovereign nation of Iraq with 1st Tank battalion 1st Marine Division. My commander in chief unleashed the world's fiercest fighting force upon the country and people of Iraq, and now those of us used and betrayed by him are demanding justice.

15.Nov.2007 The Grand Delusion -By- Joel S. Hirschhorn
Virtually everything that Bush correctly gets condemnation for could have been prevented or negated by Democrats, if they had had courage, conviction and commitment to maintaining the rule of law and obedience to the Constitution.

15.Nov.2007 The Book That Can’t Be Published In America -By- Alan Hart, author of  Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews 

The question Americans asked in the immediate aftermath of the horror of 9/11 was “Why do they hate us?” And in many American minds the “they” of the question were not only the violent Islamic fundamentalists who, according to the official version of events, were solely responsible for bringing down the Twin Towers, but Arabs and Muslims everywhere - about a quarter of humankind.  Continue

15.Nov.2007 The Lobby -By- Paul Craig Roberts - That the vast majority of Americans know nothing of this is testimony to the power of the Israel Lobby.  Continue

15.Nov.2007 Saying NO to the Hunters of Atzmon - An introduction by Gilad Atzmon:
The following is another shocking glimpse into the activity of the Zionist ADL within the Palestinian solidarity movement.

15.Nov.2007 Latin America’s Shock Resistance -By- Naomi Klein
In less than two years, the lease on the largest and most important US military base in Latin America will run out. The base is in Manta, Ecuador, and Rafael Correa, the country’s leftist president, has pronounced that he will renew the lease “on one condition: that they let us put a base in Miami–an Ecuadorean base. If there is no problem having foreign soldiers on a country’s soil, surely they’ll let us have an Ecuadorean base in the United States.”

15.Nov.2007 Hillary's Musharraf -By- Greg Palast- Mrs. Clinton's forgotten fling with the Killer of Karachi. Continue
Canadian pot only accounts for perhaps 3 percent of all marijuana in the American market, it commands a strong presence in border states such as Montana.
00.000.2000 Easton and his university colleagues published a study he says estimated the annual market value of British Columbia's pot at around $5 billion, with perhaps 90 percent of the crop shipped south into the U.S.
15.Nov.2007 Ann Coulter is Named the BuzzFlash Media Putz of the Week, As Nominated by BuzzFlash Reader Claire of Maine: Coulter's only core beliefs relate to the accumulation of wealth by engaging in "shock" celebrity punditry.
Another Brazen Bush White House Lie That is Barely a Blip on the Screen of the Mainstream Media: "But earlier this month Damon Poeter wrote for an online marketing trade publication, ChannelWeb Network: "When Congress asked about 5 million executive branch e-mails that went missing, a White House lawyer pointed the finger at an outside IT contractor. "The only problem? No such IT contractor exists, according to sources close to the investigation of a possible violation of the Federal Records and Presidential Records acts."" 11/15
Bush's Legacy of Death: 120 US war veteran suicides a week 11/15

15.Nov.2007 House Passes Yet Another Toothless Iraq War Funding Bill. The Democratic Leadership Consists of "When Push Comes to Shove, Cave In to the President With the Weakest Poll Numbers in Our Lifetime." 11/15
Anti-Bush Sign Held Up by Champion American Women Bridge Players Becomes the Latest Target of Right-Wing Efforts to Suppress Free Speech

15.Nov.2007 The 'Ugly Rumor' is true: State Department Inspector General Howard Krongard now admits his brother, former CIA Executive Director A.B. 'Buzzy' Krongard, does sit on Blackwater USA?s board. When Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) revealed that fact, Howard Krongard indignantly denied it -- at first, that is.

15.Nov.2007 2 George W. Bush Dog Biscuits -- Let Your Dog Take a Bite out of Bush!
Sidney Blumenthal Pens Last Column on the Necessity of Right Wingers Promoting Bush as an "Infallible Leader." Sid, Whom BuzzFlash Has Come to Know and Appreciate, is Joining the Clinton Campaign as a Senior Advisor. He Served as Hillary's Chief Communications and Media Strategist Prior to and During the Impeachment Years. Best of Luck to Sid.

15.Nov.2007 Chemical/Biological warfare and the neocons In the comments to a story below, a helpful reader directs our attention to Laura Rozen's story about the latest hijinx of Neil Livingston, the security expert whose name you may recall from the bad old days of Iran-contra. Permalink
15.Nov.2007 Those civic-minded folks at Executive Action now want to warn us of the anthrax problem.
ExecutiveAction today announced it will hold a press conference on Wednesday, November 14, at 10:30 a.m. at the National Press Club to release the threat assessment – Spores: The Threat of a Catastrophic Anthrax Attack on America. At the press conference will be:
Neil Livingstone – CEO of ExecutiveAction and one of the nation’s top terrorism experts. R. James Woolsey – Former Director of the CIA and Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton. Professor Yonah Alexander – Senior Fellow at the Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University and author of more than 90 books on terrorism and international affairs. David Wright – CEO of PharmAthene, a biodefense company headquartered in Annapolis. Sound familiar? Scroll down a few posts until you get to the one about Dr. Jill Dekkers, the very odd CBW scientist who spoke at the intelligence conference put together by John Loftus. Bottom line: She's trying to convince the world that Iran and Syria are getting ready to unleash WMDs, a song we've heard before.

15.Nov.2007 In England kümmert sich die Polizei nur noch um Kleinkriminelle, weil sie mit den richtigen Kriminellen ihre Fangquoten nicht erfüllen können. Ein Glück, dass sowas hier VÖLLIG undenkbar wäre!1!!
15.Nov.2007 Jetzt hat das BKA endlich auch mal den Spiegel abgehört. Man sollte denken, für den Spiegel ist das Anlaß für einen Aufruf zur Revolution, aber stattdessen machen sie sich über die Rechtschreibung des Protokolls lustig. Nicht zu fassen.

Original URL:

Animal rights activist hit with RIPA key decrypt demand By John Leyden

An animal rights activist has been ordered to hand over her encryption keys to the authorities.
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Russia Casts A Selective Net in Piracy Crackdown
Political Bias Alleged In Pursuit of Groups Using Illicit Software
-By- Peter FinnWashington Post Foreign Service
13.Nov.--.. MOSCOWThe newspaper Novaya Gazeta, one of the last outposts of critical journalism in
Russia, suspended publication of its regional edition in the southern city of Samara on Monday after prosecutors opened a criminal case against its editor, alleging that his publication used unlicensed software.
15.Nov.2007 Die Briten wenden ihr Rück-den-Krypto-Key-raus Gesetz erstmalig an. Gegen Terroristen? Al Kaida? Osama persönlich? Die Mafia? Nein, gegen eine Tierrechte-Aktivistin.

Netter Bonus: sie hat gar nicht verschlüsselt!
Daneben enthält das Buch auch sehr detaillierte Anweisungen zu Alltagsablauf in Guantanamo. Wie etwa, dass neue Müllcontainer benutzt werden sollen, wenn alte voll sind.
15.Nov.2007 Preisschub: Strom, Sprit und Lebensmittel treiben Inflation nach oben

15.Nov.2007 Internet: Handbuch für den Umgang mit Gefangenen in Guantanamo aufgetaucht (Politik)
Das Berliner Unternehmen C. Lorenz hatte Hitlers Generälen einen Codierapparat gebaut, dessen Funkbotschaften damals nach menschlichem Ermessen kaum zu knacken waren. Weitaus komplexer und leistungsfähiger noch als der berühmtere Enigma-Apparat war die Lorenzmaschine.

Diesen Vorsprung durch Technik verstolperte jedoch ein unachtsamer deutscher Funker, der kurz hintereinander dieselbe Nachricht sendete - allerdings geringfügig um wenige Buchstaben verändert.

Dieser Fehler reichte den britischen Codeknackern, um das System der Lorenzmaschine zu entlarven.

Weil an dem hochgeheimen Ort einst kaum jemand wusste, was hinter der nächsten Tür geschah, sorgte das von Sale einberufene Veteranentreffen für bizarre Momente.

Ältere Ladys erblickten ihre Ehemänner und waren verblüfft: "Was, du auch hier?"
Actueel nieuws: Shady (24)

Dochter van Teunis van Wettum, een opkomende vastgoedmagnaat die ondermeer als baasje van de Bank voor de Bouwnijverheid optrad. En je wil het niet geloven, maar Teunis had als ...

FollowUp - Kleintje Actueel

Dochter van Teunis van Wettum, een opkomende vastgoedmagnaat die ondermeer als baasje van de Bank voor de Bouwnijverheid optrad. En je wil het niet geloven, maar Teunis had als ... Zwischengespeicherte Seite Anzeigen weiterer Ergebnisse von Huijskens & Istha Column

Teunis van Wettum, mede-eigenaar van de Bank voor de Bouwnijverheid vergaarde een vermogen van naar schatting 1,3 miljard gulden in het vastgoed zonder dat hij ooit in de pers ...

Teunis van Wettum . Vastgoed. Bank voor de Bouwnijverheid ... MILJONAIRS. Quote-top-500 2002 en De ...

15.Nov.2007 Krise in Pakistan: US- Regierung lässt Musharraf fallen
Benzinpreis: Deutsche wollen ab 1,50 Euro auf die Bahn umsteigen
15.Nov.2007 Geheimdienstkontrolle: FDP- Politiker fordert Reform des Kontrollgremiums

15.Nov.2007 Afghanistan: Bundestag stimmt für Verlängerung des OEF- Mandats
Pakistan: Bhutto und Sharif schließen Bündnis gegen Musharraf
15.Nov.2007 Teurer Rohstoff: Warum der 100- Dollar- Ölpreis ein Segen ist
15.Nov.2007 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Verschwörung, Umsturz, Staatsstreich" (Kultur)

Die Explosion im

00.Sep.2006 nahe Sternbildes Perseus riss Astronomen zu Begeisterungsstürmen hin:

"Das ist ziemlich wahrscheinlich der schwerste Stern, dessen Explosion jemals beobachtet worden ist", sagte Nathan Smith von der University of California.

Inzwischen ist klar, dass es sich bei der Explosion des Giganten SN2006gy um die zweithellste je beobachtete Supernova handelt.

Smith nannte den Stern, der da sein Leben ausgehaucht hatte, "abgefahren massiv".

Er sei rund 150 Sonnenmassen schwer gewesen.
Murder by Injection - View as HTML
WWII. -After- twenty-four German executives were prosecuted by the victors, all of them connected with IG Farben, including eleven officers of IG .

15.Nov.2007 Ghaith Pharaon: Definition and Much More from Ghaith Pharaon FBI wanted poster for Ghaith R. Pharaon Ghaith Rashad Pharaon,

(b. ... Pharaon has been identified as a recent player in the informal money - ...
20061123 The article points out that money laundering appears to have been an almost ... +;. Ghaith Rashad Pharaon, a BCCI shareholder + front man for the bank’s ...
Spitire InfoTech - Dave Emory - For The Record #488 - Funny Money ... FTR#’s 454, 455, 456 are compilations of much of the key documentation culled from .... +;

Ghaith Rashad Pharaon, a BCCI shareholder + front man for the ...
Spitire InfoTech - Dave Emory - For The Record #485 - Interview ... FTR#’s 454, 455, 456 are compilations of much of the key documentation ...

Morgenthau named Ghaith Pharaon as a front man for BCCI who had gotten a ...
The Case That Kerry Cracked :: The Komisar Scoop One U.S. indictment would say that money laundering was BCCI’s ...

Morgenthau named Ghaith Pharaon as a front man for BCCI who had gotten a secret loan ...
For The Record Supplemental Emmanuel Shaw directs an offshore entity, First Liberian Holdings, one of the partners being Mazen Rashad Pharaon, Ghaith Pharaon ’s brother, ...
00.Aug.2006 The Blotter: Gaith Rashad Pharaon, a Saudi citizen who once lived in a mansion in ...
00.Aug.2006 Malaysia-Finance Blogspot: According to S&P, companies spent as much money on stock buybacks over the past twelve months ...

The FBI is in hot pursuit of Gaith Rashad Pharaon, 65, ...
Welcome to Compassiongate! To make it much, much worse for Kerry, here's what the entire United States ... and; Ghaith Rashad Pharaon, a BCCI shareholder and front man for the ...
JSTOR: Political Power and the Saudi State

No one knows how much money is distributed to members of the royal family under ....

Among these, Kamal Adham and Rashad Pharaon, the king's private doctor, ...
Wall $treet Folly: White Collar Crime Shining a bright light on and poking some fun at the money, power and mind games of Wall Street ...

The FBI is in hot pursuit of Gaith Rashad Pharaon, 65, ...
Wall $treet Folly: Legal They'll be keeping the money, thank you very much .

The FBI is in hot pursuit of Gaith Rashad Pharaon, 65, a Saudi millionaire fugitive wanted in ...
00.Jun.2006 The Daily Caveat - Words to the Wise: While the FSA conviction prevents Jabre from managing client money, ...

Case in point: 65-year-old multi-millionaire, Ghaith Rashad Pharaon has been on the ...

00.Oct,2004 Liberation News Service:Archives With so much money in play, payoffs seem to be prevalent in Nevada.

Morgenthau named Ghaith Pharaon as a front man for BCCI who had gotten a secret ...
tBlog - flip SIDE down - a problem well stated...

Morgenthau named Ghaith Pharaon as a front man for BCCI who had gotten a secret loan ... But Iraq's science and technology minister, Rashad Amr Mandan, ...
00.000.1992 Adams,J.R. Frantz,D. A Full Service Bank.

They also laundered money for drug cartels + arms merchants + performed banking .... PHARAON GHAITH RASHAD (xi, 48-54, 57, 159-60, 167-71, 254, 292) ...
U.S. Policy / Middle East Chatterjee shows that private security is a waste of money, the quality of the ... Eveland spent much of his adult life in the Middle East or working in ...
Professor Hex Even the most skeptical will find much of interest here because author ... in a bid to arrest the 65-year-old owner, identified as Gaith Rashad Pharaon, ...
Muslims in the West: Can Conflict Be Averted? - article by Daniel ... 'Adnan Khashoggi + Ghaith Pharaon have been indicted in the USA, ...

The death of Rashad Khalifa mathematicaly coded [299 words] ...

And I thank you so very much for all your efforts in accomplishing that ...
Vol. 7, Spring 2007 © 2007 The MIT Electronic Journal of Middle ...
critic Castagnary a deficiency of patriotism and faith “in the beauty of ... modelled on the real-life figure of Rashad Pharaon, who was long a key ...
The Democratic Party | Sunday Open Thread AL- RASHAD -

A roadside bomb wounded one policeman in the town of ... with bin Mahfouz and Gaith Pharaon, BCCI’s frontman in Houston’s Main Bank. ...
Chapter 9 - View as HTML
“Has your false faith crumbled before glittering dollars and your American ...

Faisal and his top adviser, Rashad Pharaoun, a Syrian who had parlayed his ...
Osteuropa: Polizei warnt vor Wegfall der Grenzkontrollen
15.Nov.2007 Irakkrieg: Repräsentantenhaus verlangt sofortigen Beginn des Truppenabzugs
15.Nov.2007 The 'Ugly Rumor' is true: State Department Inspector General Howard Krongard now admits his brother, former CIA Executive Director A.B. 'Buzzy' Krongard, does sit on Blackwater USA?s board. When Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) revealed that fact, Howard Krongard indignantly denied it -- at first, that is.

15.Nov.2007 Anti-Bush Sign Held Up by Champion American Women Bridge Players Becomes the Latest Target of Right-Wing Efforts to Suppress Free Speech
In welcoming Mukasey as the new AG, Bush takes the opportunity to praise Alberto Gonzales, calling Gonzales a man of 'integrity' and 'decency.' Must be opposite day. 11/15
Why would someone pay decent money to go to the Creation Museum? -- from the Last Chance Democracy Cafe

15.Nov.2007 Dan Froomkin: Where Are the E-mails? 'Why is it taking White House officials so long to restore millions of deleted e-mails from the backup tapes they claim to have? The e-mails in question date from March 2003 to October 2005 -- a crucial period that includes the Iraq invasion, a presidential election and Hurricane Katrina.' 11/15

15.Nov.2007 It's understandable that on their own, Georgians are praying for rain. They need rain badly. And praying on your own is true freedom of religion, one of our precious freedoms. But when Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue (yes, a Republican) stepped up to a podium outside the state Capitol and led a solemn crowd of several hundred people in a prayer for rain, this is why we have separation of church and state. 11/15

15.Nov.2007 Katie Couric, Collar Up or Collar Down (Video). Is This for Real? Looks Like Someone Leaked an Outtake. Hysterical.
BradBlog: As Fox 'News' Anchor Sputters and Fumes, MSNBC Fact Checks O'Reilly's Claim About Chances of FDR 'Incarcerating' Cuban for Producing a Film 11/15
Ousted CitiGroup Head Lost $64 Billion But Still Received $12.5 Million On Leaving -- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser

15.Nov.2007 Diplomatische Krise: Chávez stellt Beziehungen zu Spanien in Frage

21.Sep.1999 U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Banking and Financial Services, Washington, DC.
The committee met, pursuant to call, at 10:05 a.m., in room 2128, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. James A. Leach, [chairman of the committee], presiding.
Present: Chairman Leach; Representatives Roukema, Bereuter, Lazio, Bachus, Royce, D. Weldon of Florida, Ryan, Biggert, Terry, LaFalce, Vento, Frank, Waters, Velazquez, Bentsen, Sandlin, Inslee, Moore, Jones, and C. Weldon of Pennsylvania.
Chairman LEACH. The hearing will come to order.

And, therefore, it is incumbent upon the United States to lead in cracking down on money laundering as a technique to crack down on much more significant crime, and crime that has enormous implications for the national interest of the United States and world security.
Let me thank all of you for your extraordinary testimony and I appreciate it very much. The hearing is adjourned, and we will meet tomorrow with another series of panelists.
Page 206 PREV PAGE TOP OF DOC Segment 1 Of 2

[Whereupon, at 5 p.m., the hearing adjourned.] Next Hearing Segment(2)
14.Nov.2007 Democracy Now! | Electronic Voting Machine Study Exposes Most ...

... former County Clerk of Emery County, Utah, forced out of his position when he exposed security flaws in the Diebold voting machines. ...
14.Nov.2007 Kriegspropaganda: Eine Analyse der amerikanischen ...

Ein wichtiger Schritt war dabei die Zusammenfassung der bestehenden .... 3-13 der Vereinigten US-Generalstabschefs "Joint Doctrine for Information ...
11.Sep.2001 TP: Die Wargames des- Tripod II - US Department of Justice and City of New York ...

Frage 2: Da die Tripod-II -Biokrieg-Übung eine gemeinsame Übung des New York-Department of ...
9-11 Research: War Games

The Tripod II Biowarfare Exercise. FEMA had deployed to New York City on September 10 to ... Tripod II and FEMA: Lack of NORAD Response on 9/11 Explained, ...

14.Nov.2007 Richard Plansky is a managing director in Kroll's Business Intelligence and Investigations division. Since joining Kroll last year, Richard has specialized ...
Site Map ... Judy Miller · Chris Morgan Jones · William Nugent · Jason Paroff, Esq. Richard Plansky · David Robillard · Kerry Ruoff, CPA · Steven Rucker, J.D. ...
Richard M. Plansky - a New York, New York (NY) Lawyer Richard M. Plansky . Firm:, New York County District Attorney.

Address:, 1 Hogan Place New York, NY 10013-4311. Phone:, (212) 335-9000. Fax:, (212) 335-9288 ...
Richard M Plansky Litigation Record powered by Westlaw All data in ... contains 1 records for: Richard M Plansky . View All on Westlaw ... Richard M. Plansky . Firm:, New York County District Attorney. Address:, 1 Hogan Place ... 2078201_1?noconfirm=0&channel=LP
LawFuel - The Law News Network 1,

00.000.2006 - Richard Plansky, formerly the Deputy Criminal Justice Coordinator for the Office of the Mayor of the City of New York, has joined Kroll, ...
Tripod II and FEMA


12.Sep.2001 The " Tripod II ," joint New York City-Department of Justice biowarfare exercise, scheduled for at New York's ...
Crossing the Rubicon: Simplifying the case against Dick Cheney

Additionally, Tripod II was a bio-terror exercise being set-up on the west side of lower Manhattan, reportedly scheduled to begin the next day.
14.Nov.2007 Südamerika: Schweres Erdbeben in Chile - Tsunamiwarnung

14.Nov.2007 Lauschangriff: Empörung über abgehörte Journalisten- Gespräche
14.Nov.2007 Ölpest in Kalifornien: Schwarzenegger verhängt Fischfangverbot (Panorama)
14.Nov.2007 Immobilien- Affäre: Razzia beim Ex- Chef der Sparkasse KölnBonn

14.Nov.2007 Pakistan: Musharraf will Ende November als Armeechef abtreten
14.Nov.2007 Haarbürsten- Desaster: New Yorker Polizei rechtfertigt Todesschüsse auf 18- Jährigen (Panorama)
Es handelte sich weitestgehend um Recherchegespräche zum Thema Neonazismus.

Außerdem unterhielten sich die beiden über die unter Michaels* Auto gefundene GPS-Vorrichtung. Weshalb also spitzelten die Polizisten?

Der wegen seiner Dehnbarkeit häufig kritisierte Paragraf 129a sieht vor, dass sich die von ihm beschriebenen "terroristischen Vereinigungen" zum Zwecke des Mordes, Totschlags, Völkermordes,

der Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit oder der Kriegsverbrechen gebildet haben.

Ihre Straftaten müssten zudem geeignet sein, "die politischen, verfassungsrechtlichen, wirtschaftlichen oder sozialen Grundstrukturen eines Staates zu beseitigen oder erheblich zu beeinträchtigen".
"Er sollte sagen... 'Ich, der König, gebe zu, dass ich mich daneben benommen und einen Fehler begangen habe'", schlug der Staatschef vor.
14.Nov.2007 Temperaturprognose: Meteorologen rechnen mit normalem Winter

14.Nov.2007 Konflikte: Iran übergibt Bauplan für Atomwaffen an Kontrollbehörde
14.Nov.2007 Venezuela: Chávez verlangt Entschuldigung von König Juan Carlos
14.Nov.2007 Stammzellforschung: Forscher gelingt therapeutisches Klonen am Rhesusaffen
14.Nov.2007 Veto: Bush stoppt Bildungsgesetz (Politik)
14.Nov.2007 Terrorermittlungen: Lauschangriff auf Journalisten

14.Nov.2007 Korea- Gipfel: Regierungsschefs aus Nord und Süd treffen sich erstmals seit 15 Jahren
14.Nov.2007 Sicherheitskräfte im Irak: FBI wirft Blackwater rücksichtslosen Waffengebrauch vor (Politik)
14.Nov.2007 Keine Treffer für 'G8 Gipfel in Genua - No matches for G8 Gipfel ...

Die Suche nach G8 Gipfel in Genua ergab keine Treffer.

Your search for G8 Gipfel in Genua did not produce ... Suchen in den Newsforen auf ...
News - Eskalation: Polizei inszeniert Bürgerkrieg Pony, ruft er ins Telefon, Pony, kennst Du die Bilder aus Genua ?

News ( ...;action=display;num=1180809905

00.Jul.2001 -Schon nach der Gewalteskalation in Genua stellten italienische Politologen fest, dass es einen Common Sense der Demonstranten gibt, ...
14.Nov.2007 Der CCC fordert ja schon lange die vollständige Überwachung von Politikern, weil ja statistisch belegt ist, dass die überdurchschnittlich kriminell sind (man denke nur an die ganzen Korruptionsskandale, die nur durch Zufall rauskommen, denn ermitteln will in dem Milieu ja verständlicherweise niemand). Der Japanische Verteidigungsminister sieht das offenbar ähnlich. THE DEFENCE MINISTER of Japan announced today that he fully supports tracking senior defence officials 24/7.

The idea was sparked after it was realised that a top defence ministry bloke had accepted a ton of gifts, including about 200 golf trips from an arms dealer. Monitoring other officials will be carried out via satellite, checking where GPS phone-kitted officials are at all times. Sehr schöne Initiative.

Einzig überraschend an der Stelle: die Betroffenen sehen ihre Privatsphäre in Gefahr. ACH NEE. Ob das bei uns auch so wäre? Privatsphäre gibt es schon, aber nur für Abgeordnete? Ich bin mal gespannt.

Das so genannte "Schüttel-Baby-Syndrom", bei dem Eltern ihr Kleinkind misshandeln,

bewirkt beispielsweise Veränderungen vor allem im orbital-präfrontalen Cortex, dem Bereich, der in Raines Studie eine wichtige Rolle spielt.

Doch andere Untersuchungen bei Tieren und Menschen zeigen, dass auch Umweltbedingungen einen starken Einfluss auf die endgültige Ausprägung des Gehirns haben.

Wird ein Kind von seiner Mutter oder einer anderen Person stark unterstützt, sinkt das Risiko für Gewalttätigkeiten auch bei Menschen, die entsprechende Anlagen haben.

Stress und Misshandlung erhöhen es jedoch.

Frank hofft, dass seine Erkenntnisse künftig dabei helfen können, aggressive Jugendliche zu behandeln.

Bildgebende Verfahren zur Überwachung des Gehirns sollten aber immer nur in Ergänzung mit einer Therapie durchgeführt werden.

"Ich glaube sehr daran, dass wir Biologie und Verhalten verändern können", meint Frank, der auch Psychotherapeut ist. ( bsc[2] /Technology Review)
Koalition: Müntefering geht, die SPD-Linke macht Ernst

14.Nov.2007 Frankreich und Deutschland: Mega-Streiks stürzen Europa ins Bahn-Chaos
14.Nov.2007 F.B.I. Says Guards Killed 14 Iraqis Without Cause
14.Nov.2007 Industrie stellt sich auf Megastreik ein
14.Nov.2007 Kreditkrise durchkreuzt RWE-Pläne
Niederlage für Dresdner Fledermausfreunde
El precio de la ropa, el calzado y los alimentos se dispara en octubre

14.Nov.2007 La CNE propone subir la luz a los hogares hasta un 30% en 2008
14.Nov.2007 Musharraf stands by crackdown
14.Nov.2007 Yahoo apologises to dissidents
14.Nov.2007 Mega-Streiks in Frankreich und Deutschland: Bahn-Chaos in Europa
14.Nov.2007 Generalstreik in Frankreich

14.Nov.2007 Bhutto fordert Musharraf zum Rücktritt auf
Die Eisenbahner hingegen argumentieren, dass das niedrige Rentenalter eine Entschädigung für die ihrer Meinung nach geringe Bezahlung und die belastenden Arbeitszeiten sei.
Auch die Energieversorger GDF und EDF werden seit heute bestreikt. Die Beschäftigten kündigten an, dass sie den Büros der konservativen Regierungspartei UMP den Strom abschalten wollten. Außerdem sind "Robin-Hood-Aktionen" geplant wie die Aufnahme der Stromversorgung für Haushalte, die ihre Stromrechnung nicht mehr bezahlen konnten.
Die Unsicherheit habe seit August zugenommen, unter anderem wegen der Finanzkrise, den US-Wachstumsaussichten und des hohen Ölpreises.
Wegen der Finanzmarktkrise, hoher Ölpreise und des starken Euro wird für das Jahresende und auch für 2008 mit einer Abkühlung gerechnet

Los Angeles erlebt das trockenste Jahr seit Beginn der Niederschlagsaufzeichnungen vor 130 Jahren.

In den ersten sechs Monaten dieses Jahres fielen nur 8,15 Zentimeter Niederschläge, während der Jahresdurchschnitt bei 38,3 Zentimetern liegt und die größten Niederschläge ohnehin meistens im ersten Halbjahr gemessen werden. Es ist das zweite Mal, dass Los Angeles sich zu derartigen Sparmaßnahmen gezwungen sieht.

1990 konnte der Wasserverbrauch um 34 Prozent gesenkt werden.
Tabakindustrie: Konzerne erhöhen Nikotindosis in Zigaretten (18.Jan.2007 ),1518,460617,00.html Zigaretten- Werte: Tabakkonzerne sollen systematisch getäuscht haben (08.Feb.2006 ),1518,399696,00.html Tabak- Zusatzstoffe: Was alles im Glimmstengel steckt (17.Mai 2005 ),1518,356305,00.html Ursache und Wirkung: Statistik macht Schoko- Zigaretten zur Einstiegsdroge (19.Jun.2007 ),1518,489504,00.html


Die US-amerikanische Zigarettenindustrie hat in Sachen Nikotinkonzentration jedoch das Gegenteil von dem gemacht, was die Mediziner jetzt vorgeschlagen haben. In nur acht Jahren seien die Nikotinmengen in Zigaretten um elf Prozent erhöht worden, berichteten Anfang des Jahres Mediziner. Die Verbraucher seien darüber nicht informiert worden. Das Abhängigkeits-Risiko wurde so erhöht.

Die früher unter dem Namen "light" verkauften Zigaretten enthielten nicht grundsätzlich weniger Nikotin.

Sie waren vielmehr so konstruiert, dass bei Tests mit Maschinen die Nikotineinnahme vermindert war, da diese Zigaretten schneller verbrannten, aus poröserem Papier bestanden und Ventilationslöcher am Filter aufwiesen.
Die früher erhältlichen Light-Zigaretten waren Betrug.
14.Nov.2007 Google: EU- Kommission betrachtet DoubleClick- Übernahme mit Skepsis

14.Nov.2007 Manöver geglückt: Kometensonde holt Schwung bei der Erde
14.Nov.2007 Pakistan: Musharraf lässt Cricket- Legende Imran Khan festnehmen (Politik)
14.Nov.2007 Hohe Energiepreise: So teuer wird der Winter

14.Nov.2007 Rekord- Dürre: Wasser sparen in L.A. (Panorama)
14.Nov.2007 Wachstum: Die guten Zeiten sind vorbei

14.Nov.2007 Rentenpolitik: Massenstreik gegen Sarkozy legt Frankreich lahm
14.Nov.2007 F.B.I. Says Blackwater Mercenaries Killed 14 Iraqis Without Cause

14.Nov.2007 Dennis Kucinich Had the Courage to Force the Issue of Appropriately Calling for Cheney's Impeachment. As a Result, Kucinich is the Winner of This Week's BuzzFlash Wings of Justice Award.
One of Kerik's Former Mistresses Files Lawsuit Claiming Murdoch's News Corporation Wanted Her to Lie About the Affair So as Not to Taint Rudy G's Chances of Becoming President. Her Trysts with Kerik Were Reportedly Conducted in "an apartment near ground zero that had been donated as a haven for rescue and recovery workers."

14.Nov.2007 American Research Group: A total of 64% of American voters say that President George W. Bush has abused his powers as president. 53% say the abuses rise to the level of impeachable offenses and Mr. Bush should be impeached and removed from office.
CBS News: Vets' Suicide Rate "Stunning." Analysis Reveals What Some Are Calling "Hidden Epidemic."
Michael Winship: TV Baghdad Diary's Troubling, Firsthand Look at War -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
The CIA erred in twice telling a court in the case of September 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui that it did not have any recordings of interrogations of "enemy combatants," when in fact it had three video or audio tapes 11/14

14.Nov.2007 America Goes Deep Into Hock to Pay for Bush's War 11/14
Democrat John Edwards will begin airing new campaign advertisements Tuesday focusing on his call to end health benefits for top politicians who don't approve a universal health care plan within six months of the next president taking office. 11/14


Das Königshaus Saud hat die Endlichkeit des sprudelnden Erdöls erkannt. "Wir sind an einem Wendepunkt", sagt Samir Hamrouni, Forschungsdirektor an der Arab Science and Technology Foundation der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate. "Wissenschaft wird nun als Alternative zu den natürlichen Ressourcen gesehen."

Nicht nur sind die Beschränkungen des Islam hinderlich für eine freie Wissenschaft - die arabische Welt ist zudem von einer massiven Abwanderung von Akademikern betroffen.
14.Nov.2007 Neue Universität in Saudi- Arabien: Scharia- freie Zone für die Forschung
Der Soze geht von Bord
14.Nov.2007 Bank of America erschreckt mit Milliardenabschreibung
14.Nov.2007 Brüssel nimmt DoubleClick-Übernahme durch Google genauer unter die Lupe
14.Nov.2007 EU-Forscher verdienen weniger als Kollegen in Indien oder den USA
14.Nov.2007 Nicht alle Abgeordneten wollen durchsichtig sein
14.Nov.2007 Brooklyn Parents for Peace: Peace Fair 2005 Opening Remarks Osama bin Laden provided a graphic illustration of "shock and awe".

But on issues of war and peace, our Democratic Senators are among the very worst on ...
Search results for "alamos" ... to- Wackenhut has ties to (Lockheed) Martin-Marietta - 70 % of (Lockheed) Martin-Marietta is now owned by the Carlyle Group -

00.000.2001 ... Kellogg Root Brown. Wackenhut & Lockheed Martin are in on ...
Turkey Will Attack PKK Bases in Northern Iraq `Soon,' Senior Lawmaker Says

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey will attack bases of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, in northern Iraq ``soon,'' according to a senior lawmaker of his ruling Justice and Development Party.
Bird Flu Virus Found at U.K. Poultry Farm Is Deadly Strain, Officials Say The bird flu virus found at a poultry farm is the deadly H5N1 strain, U.K. officials confirmed today.
BlackRock's Fink Sees More Bank Credit Losses; Goldman Bets Against CDOs

Laurence Fink, who helped create the market for mortgage-backed securities, said the credit losses that have already cost banks and securities firms $45 billion are about to get worse.
Thousands of illegal migrants in security jobs -
David Pallister -Guardian Thousands of illegal immigrants may have been working for private security companies in the last three years, the Home Office admitted yesterday.
13.Nov.2007 Und weil es gerade so gut läuft: Zentrale Steuerzahlerdatei mit lebenslanger Personenkennzahl durchgewunken. Ich schlage vor, die Verwaltungsvorgänge zu straffen, indem man jedem die Nummer gleich auf den Unterarm tätowiert. Das ist bewährte Technologie, da müßten wir oder IBM noch Unterlagen zu haben. (Danke, Pieter)
13.Nov.2007 Die Zukunft des Fernsehens zeichnet sich ab. In England haben sie doch den Anwohnern die Videofeeds der umliegenden Überwachungskameras auf einen TV-Kanal gelegt, damit die ihre Überwachung selbst übernehmen können. Die CCTV-Kanäle haben höhere Einschaltquoten als die "offizielle" Big Brother Sendung im Fernsehen. (Danke, Thorsten Fenk)
13.Nov.2007 Wiefelspütz läßt auf Abgeordnetenwatch die Sau raus. Angesprochen auf die Vorratsdatenspeicherung und das Volkszählungsurteil schreibt er: Sie werden hinnehmen müssen, daß der Gesetzgeber in Sachen Vorratsdatenspeicherung anderer Meinung ist als Sie. Vorratsdatenspeicherung hat mit Terrorismusbekämpfung relativ wenig zu tun. Ich wäre für die Vorratsdatenspeicherung auch dann, wenn es überhaupt keinen Terrorismus gäbe.
13.Nov.2007 In Report München gerade wies jemand darauf hin, dass

00.000.2005 Merkels Regierungsprogramm folgendes Motto hatte: mehr Freiheit wagen .

Ich konnte es auch nicht glauben.

Aber googelt das ruhig mal. Es stimmt. Und wer mal so RICHTIG kosten will, für den habe ich die geradezu atemberaubende Stellungnahme (Anlage 4) einiger SPDler zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung.

Eine Zustimmung ist auch deshalb vertretbar, weil davon auszugehen ist, dass in absehbarer Zeit eine Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts möglicherweise verfassungswidrige Bestandteile für unwirksam erklären wird. JA! Damit rechtfertigen die den Dolchstoß in den Rücken der Freiheit der Deutschen! Das Verfassungsgericht wird das schon wieder abschießen. Un-faß-bar. Die Legislative hat sich gerade vollständig selbst abgeschafft. Sie geben selber zu, dass sie weder willens noch in der Lage sind, von ihnen erlassene Gesetze zu prüfen oder auch nur zu überdenken.

Wir werden nur noch von der wild gewordenen Exekutive und ein paar alten Bundesrichtern regiert.
13.Nov.2007 "Stasi 2.0" trifft es besser als bisher bekannt: Das BKA stützte seine Ermittlungen gegen die "militante gruppe" auf Akten der DDR-Staatssicherheit. Na, ist das nicht toll?
Google gibt Indischer Polizei IP von Dissidenten, ISP verkackt den Lookup, unschuldiger Inder sitzt 50 Tage im Knast. Google findet natürlich, sie seien verpflichtet, mit nationalen Strafverfolgungsbehörden zu kooperieren. Und worum ging es? Orkut!
13.Nov.2007 Venezuela hat offenbar ihre Wahlcomputer zu einem Wahlmanagementsystem mit fetter Datenbank zusammen geschlossen. Die Wahlcomputer sind ja aus den USA, die die da einsetzen, nur dass es in Venezuela am Ende ein Log auf Papier gibt, das man unabhängig verifizieren kann. Die Datenbank speichert dann pro Wähler, ob er für oder gegen den Präsidenten (Chavez) ist.

Die Daten müssen also aus den Wahlmaschinen rausfallen, die die da verwerten. Nur ist das in den USA noch nicht bekannt geworden. Alles lupenreine Demokraten.
13.Nov.2007 Greg Palast erklärt, wie Musharraf an die Macht kam, und warum es mit Hillary nicht besser wird.
13.Nov.2007 OH MANN: Den Notenbanken wird die Dollarflucht unheimlich. Central banks from Bogota to Mumbai are imposing foreign-exchange curbs to take control of their soaring currencies from traders dumping the dollar.

In Colombia, international investors buying stocks and bonds must leave a 40 percent deposit at Banco de la Republica for six months. The Reserve Bank of India created a bureaucratic thicket to curb speculation by foreign money managers. The Bank of Korea is investigating trading of currency forward contracts to limit gains in the won, now at a 10-year high.
CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS: 02/25/07 More importantly, Denbeaux found that only eight percent of those imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay were ever accused of being “fighters” for al Qaeda or the ...
Und das ist erst der Anfang: Schon morgen wollen auch die Beschäftigten der Pariser Verkehrsbetriebe die Arbeit niederlegen. Nur wenige Pendlerzüge sollen nach dann noch verkehren, U-Bahnen praktisch gar nicht. Die Beschäftigten der Energiekonzerne EDF und GDF planen für morgen ebenfalls den Ausstand - unter anderem durch gezielte Stromabschaltungen.

Grund für die Streikwelle in Frankreich ist die geplante Rentenreform im öffentlichen Dienst, ein Steckenpferd von Staatspräsident Nicolas Sarkozy: Das Gros der Angestellten soll künftig 40 statt bisher 37,5 Jahre in die Sozialkassen einzahlen - von Eisenbahnern über Angestellte der öffentlichen Gasversorger bis Beschäftigten der Pariser Oper.

Auch Gerichte und Krankenhäuser planen Streiks
Massenvernichtungswaffen: Iran legt Atomwaffenpläne vor
13.Nov.2007 Frankreich: Eisenbahner starten größten Streik der Geschichte (Wirtschaft)
13.Nov.2007 Lebensmittelpreise: Bier wird zehn Prozent teurer (Wirtschaft)

Massive deforestation caused by the Maya building great cities and ceremonial complexes as well as a two-century drought shrank the habitat for animals like deer, jaguars and wild boars, said Emery.

Their extravagance nearly wiped out many large game species before the arrival of Spanish colonists around 1500 A.D., said Emery, who examined close to 80,000 samples of animal bones discarded in ancient garbage dumps around excavated ruins in Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras and Belize
13.Nov.2007 Woman killed in exorcism 

A 22-year-old woman has been killed during an exorcism ritual in New Zealand, drowning in the house of a relative as up to 40 family members looked on, police said yesterday. posted by Prof. Hex
13.Nov.2007 Ancient Maya elite binged on big game, loved furs  Ancient Maya rulers devastated big game in Central America and Mexico by bingeing on deer meat and flaunting jaguar fur in an early example of poor resource management, new research shows. posted by Prof.
13.Nov.2007 Was U.S. in Business with Mexico's Sinaloa Cartel? 

Two weeks after the MadCowMorningNews exclusively reported suspicious connections between the owners of the two American-registered planes busted with multi-ton loads of cocaine during the past 18 months on Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula, the Mexican Attorney General confirmed that both planes were used by the same smuggling operation. posted by Prof. Hex
13.Nov.2007 Musharraf gives Pakistan's military courts the power to try civilians : Pakistan's military ruler has amended a law to give army courts sweeping powers to try civilians on charges ranging from treason to inciting public unrest, officials said Sunday, as the country's opposition leader prepared to stage a massive, 300-kilometer protest march.
13.Nov.2007 In case you missed it: Is There Still a Terrorist Threat?: The Myth of the Omnipresent Enemy

13.Nov.2007 Sinking with the dollar : Plans to establish a common GCC currency by 2010 have apparently been put on hold because of one serious problem facing the economies of the region: the pegging to the US dollar.
13.Nov.2007 Democrats Surrender on Torture -Brent Budowsky
Friday was a new low for Democrats, who surrendered the fight they would have won and were morally obligated to make, on torture, and for Lieberman, who attacks Democrats for being too strong, at the exact moment of their weakest of many surrenders.

13.Nov.2007 Waterboarding Republicans vs. Supporting Our Troops -By- Stephen Crockett
For those Republicans (or Democrats) who defend waterboarding as something less than torture, I have a proposal. Whenever a Bush Administration official is called before the House or Senate to testify, they should be waterboarded the entire time they are testifying. The technique, according to the Bush Republicans, elicits honest answers and does not amount to torture. According to these Bush Republicans, waterboarding does not cause any lasting damage.

13.Nov.2007 Former Top Cop Indicted on Federal Fraud, Conspiracy Charges -By- Bill Van Auken
The indictment further charges Kerik with taking and failing to report a $250,000 loan that originated with an Israeli industrialist seeking business deals with the federal government. This was

00.000.2003 -a period in which Kerik was sitting on several government boards and had been appointed as a senior police advisor under the US colonial administration in Iraq. Continue
13.Nov.2007 Human Rights Panel Criticizes Blacklisting Methods: The methods used to blacklist terrorist suspects by the United Nations and European Union are "totally arbitrary" and "violate the fundamental principles of human rights and rule of law," a European human rights panel said Monday.

13.Nov.2007 Currency Controls Return as Central Banks Fight Gains: Central banks from Bogota to Mumbai are imposing foreign-exchange curbs to take control of their soaring currencies from traders dumping the dollar.

13.Nov.2007 Talk of Worst Recession Since the 1930s: A Wall Street superstar this year who runs Balestra Capital Partners, Jim Melcher, says he's "worried about a recession. Not a normal one, but a very bad one. The worst since the 1930s. I expect we'll see clear signs of it in six months with a dramatic

13.Nov.2007 Subprime Losses May Reach $400 Billion, Analysts Say: Losses from the falling value of subprime mortgage assets may reach $300 billion to $400 billion worldwide, Deutsche Bank AG analysts said.

13.Nov.2007 Homeownership: The Fast Path to Poverty: In the last three years, the decline in homeownership among African Americans has destroyed almost half the gains in the decade from 1994 to 2004.

13.Nov.2007 11/11/07 Meet Abu Abed: The US's New Ally Against al-Qaida -By- Ghaith Abdul-Ahad in Baghdad
With summary beatings and imprisonments, he has the methods of a mafia don. But he and others like him are crucial to American strategy.

13.Nov.2007 Iraq: Call An Air Strike -By- Pepe Escobar
The Pentagon has practically finished a base in southern Iraq less than 10 kilometers from the border with Iran called Combat Outpost Shocker. The Pentagon maintains this is for the US to prevent Iranian weapons from being smuggled into Iraq. Rather, it's to control a rash of US covert, sabotage operations across the border targeting Iran's Khuzestan province.

13.Nov.2007 Twenty Reasons against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran -By- CASMII
Five years into the US-UK illegal invasion of Iraq and its consequent catastrophe for Iraqi people, peace loving people throughout the world are appalled by the current Iran-US standoff and its resemblance to the run-up to the invasion of Iraq . The hawks, headed by Dick Cheney in Washington, are now shamelessly calling for a military attack on Iran . The same Israeli lobby which pushed for the invasion of Iraq is now pushing for a military attack on Iran .

13.Nov.2007 Solidarity -By- Charles Sullivan
We are living in extraordinarily dangerous times, when evil, rather than justice, prevails. The schoolyard is terrorized by thugs and punks with names like Bush, Cheney, Limbaugh, Robertson, Clinton, Rockefeller, Rice, Rumsfeld, Perle, Kristol and Giuliani—pedigreed people all.

13.Nov.2007 Our Man in Islamabad -By- Stephen Lendman
Pakistan remains in turmoil under martial law. Thousands have been arrested including hundreds of lawyers, opposition politicians, journalists and students according to independent sources although the Interior Ministry acknowledges only 1800. In addition, pitched battles are on the streets, and all George Bush can say is we'll "continue to work with (Musharraf and hope) he will restore democracy as quickly as possible."

13.Nov.2007 U.S. Aid to Musharraf is Largely Untraceable Cash Transfers -By- Spencer Ackerman
A considerable amount of the money the U.S. gives to Pakistan is administered not through U.S. agencies or joint U.S.-Pakistani programs. Instead, the U.S. gives Musharraf's government about $200 million annually and his military $100 million monthly in the form of direct cash transfers.

13.Nov.2007 Veterans' Suicides: a Hidden Cost of Bush's Wars: Americans have been effectively insulated from the human cost of our wars. That's not an accident; it's policy.

13.Nov.2007 'Boston Globe' Web Site Calculates Other Uses For $611 Billion Spent on Iraq : The Web site of The Boston Globe, has again taken a unique view of the latest Iraq War funding request, offering a look at what the $611.5 billion that would be spent so far on the war could buy if it was not used for the military operation.

13.Nov.2007 British PM Open To Military Role In Iran: British Prime Minister Gordon Brown says his country might participate if military action is taken against Iran's nuclear program.

13.Nov.2007 Experts: Danger of nuclear-armed Iran may be hyped: : The White House and its partisans may be inflating the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran, say experts on the Persian Gulf and nuclear deterrence.

13.Nov.2007 Bolton Smears ElBaradei As Iran Apologist: Two weeks ago, Mohamed ElBaradei, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said on that an attack on Iran would “lead absolutely to disaster.” He added that there is no evidence of a “concrete, active nuclear weapon program” going on inside Iran.

13.Nov.2007 Six shot dead at huge Arafat rally in Gaza: Hamas police killed six people in Gaza City on Monday as hundreds of thousands gathered to commemorate the death of Yasser Arafat in the biggest Fatah party rally since it was ousted by the Islamists.
13.Nov.2007 NATO Afghan detainees face torture risk - Amnesty: Amnesty International urged NATO troops in Afghanistan on Monday to suspend all transfers of detainees to Afghan authorities, citing persistent allegations that prisoners face torture.

13.Nov.2007 Iraq and Afghanistan violated just war theory, says Williams : On the eve of Remembrance Sunday, 11 November 2007, Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams described the Western-backed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as a tragic mess which failed to conform to the principles of 'just war' theory and brought great suffering.
13.Nov.2007 The Coup at Home -By- Frank Rich
So what if America’s chief law enforcement official won’t say that waterboarding is illegal? A state of emergency is a state of emergency. You’re either willing to sacrifice principles to head off the next ticking bomb, or you’re with the terrorists. Constitutional corners were cut in Washington in impressive synchronicity with General Musharraf’s crackdown in Islamabad.

13.Nov.2007 Building A Constituency For World Peace -By- Casey Butler
In our arrogant determination to protect, sustain, and yet further inflate our acquired wealth, in our paranoia of losing our vaunted "life-style" of unlimited consumerism, we are rapidly descending into a new dark age of self-legislated totalitarianism.

13.Nov.2007 The Last Dead Bull on Wall Street -By- Mike Whitney
Whew! What a week for the stock market. On Wednesday the market took a 360 point nosedive followed, two days later, by a 220 point belly-flop. By the time it was over, the trading pits looked more like a sausage-packing plant than the world’s financial epicenter.

Mexico Attorney General: Busted American Drug Planes Flown by Same Operation Was U.S. in Business with Mexico's Sinaloa Cartel? WORLD EXCLUSIVE -By- Daniel Hopsicker

According to a February 06, 2001 Associated Press report, the bank “has been named by congressional investigators as being among some of the top U.S. financial institutions helping drug dealers and organized crime launder as much as US $500-billion a year, mostly through links with 4,000 offshore rogue banks."

Alatorre, alias El Piri, was arrested moments after attempting to wire $2.7 million into an account at Harris Bank in Chicago, apparently to buy more planes. In addition to that account, 23 accounts at the Wachovia Bank of Miami containing $11 million were frozen by U. S. authorities.  

A major partner in the Casa de Cambio of Puebla exchanges,  according to several Mexican newspapers, is Jose Ramon Gutierrez de Velasco, former mayor of Vera Cruz and close political associate of former Mexican President Vicente Fox.
13.Nov.2007 There's far more to be said about Loftus's Intelligence Summit -- not least being its sponsorship by Mikhail Chernoy/Michael Cherney, which caused even James Woolsey to think better of participating.
Among other things, it's where all the most extreme Iran hawks hang out -- such as Vallely and Cowan of the Iran Policy Committee, supporters of the terrorist MEK. As I recall, long-time Israeli propagandist Yossef Bodansky had some involvement at well.
That and Chernoy's own Jerusalem Summit -- both of which have conserable overlap with the client list of Benador Associates -- are well worth your attention.
# posted by starroute

13.Nov.2007 John Dean Challenges America: Fix This Broken Government
-- A BuzzFlash Interview

13.Nov.2007 BF Editor's Blog Part II, David Sentelle: How One Right-Wing Judge Can be a Wrecking Ball to the Constitution
Michael Winship: TV Baghdad Diary's Troubling, Firsthand Look at War -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
Robert Greenwald on Keith Olbermann's show, promoting how FOX hypocritically attacks decency 11/14

13.Nov.2007 The dark side of Mike Huckabee; 'The national media seems to have a crush on our ex-governor, but here in Arkansas, we know better.' Shine the light on all the Republicans. 11/14

13.Nov.2007 reaction to FCC Chairman Kevin Martin proposed rule changes to gut the longstanding prohibition on owning a daily newspaper and broadcast stations in the same media market. It's not a good reaction. 11/14 Police in Brooklyn fire 20 bullets at a young man, fatally shooting him; They thought he had a gun, it was a hairbrush. 11/14

13.Nov.2007 We Have Code Pink, Pakistan Has the Wedding Crashers 11/14
Danny Schechter: What the FCC Gives With One Hand, It Takes With the Other 11/14

13.Nov.2007 The two coke jet stories become "as one"
13.Nov.2007 Daniel Hopsicker's new story reveals that the Mexican government has tied the two cases together. Nabbed in the raid was Pedro Alfonso Alatorre Damy, identified by authorities as the major money launderer for Mexico’s Pacific Cartel, sometimes called the Sinaloa Cartel, as well as the New Federation, run by fugitive Mexican kingpin Juan “Shorty” Guzman.
Both the DC9 airliner (N900SA) busted with 5.5 tons of cocaine 18 months ago and the Gulfstream II (N987SA) business jet which crash-landed with 4 tons of cocaine had been purchased by Alatorre with laundered drug money from his “Cambio de Pueblo” currency exchanges, said a statement Friday from Mexico’s Attorney General Office.

13.Nov.2007 This story says that Alatorre was nabbed while attempting to carry out a transaction with a Chicago bank for $2.7 million. In addition to that business, says Hopsicker, "23 accounts at the Wachovia Bank of Miami containing $11 million were frozen by U. S. authorities." Representing Casa de Cambio in Miami, for example, is famed “white powder” attorney Frank Rubino, a former Secret Service agent who once protected Richard M. Nixon in Key Biscayne, Fl., then later the lawyer for Medellin kingpin Carlos Lehder. Most recently he has been the chief lawyer for Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega.
"At least $ 11 million of Noriega's fortune came from U.S. intelligence agencies," Rubino stated during the trial. “He dealt directly with the CIA, the NSA (National Security Agency) and various military intelligence.”

Another Day in the Empire Saddam Tapes Tainted by Cherney Foundation
See original ...
As a “Russian oligarch,” Cherney, also known as Mikhail Chernoy, “along with several other oligarchs, cornered the Russian aluminum industry under Yeltsin in the 1990’s through bribery and murder. As he is under indictment for these crimes in Russia, he has taken refuge in Israel. Recently Cherney was indicted in Israel for money-laundering and fraudulent receiving evidence for his part in the purchase of a 20% stake in state-run phone company Bezeq. Mr. Cherney has been associated with a number of international fraudsters, including Marc Rich of the New York Bank scandal. The Cherney Foundation is seen by Israeli investigators as a public relations ruse,” according to a Colorado Congressman Bob Beauprez Q&A. Is it possible the Saddam tapes are a “public relations ruse” as well? It is curious, however, to watch Straussian neocons, infested with the lice of war crimes, run away from the likes of a scumbag such as Mikhail Chernoy, obviously a bird of a feather.
But instead of worrying about Israel and its bulging weapons of mass destruction arsenal—and its apparent desire to use nukes against its enemies, who are considered little more than cockroaches and beasts walking on two legs—we are distracted by a questionable Saddam videotape and a few comments, taken out of context and hysterically blown all out of proportion, by the anti-Zionist president of Iran.
“The Israeli government is preparing to use nuclear weapons in its next war with the Islamic world. Here where I live, people often talk of the Holocaust. But each and every nuclear bomb is a Holocaust in itself. It can kill, devastate cities, destroy entire peoples,” Mordechai Vanunu stated in a December, 2005, interview.
Meanwhile, a new propaganda campaign directed against the next target is going famously. “The World Jewish Congress has launched a campaign against Iran following the nuclear crisis and the anti-Semitic statements of Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,” Haaretz reported on February 10. “In its biannual gathering in Jerusalem on Thursday the WJC called on Jewish communities throughout the world to pressure their governments to act against the Iranian nuclear program and urge economic and political sanctions against Iran,” in other words attack Iran for nukes it does not have and will not have for a decade or more, according to experts not on the Israeli-Straussian neocon payroll. Rabbi Israel Singer, chairman of the WJC’s Policy Council, “said Jewish communities around the world must make it clear to their governments that the Iranian regime threatens not only the Jews with its utterances and nuclear activity, but all the countries in the world.”
None of this matters because it is all beyond the intellectual capacity of the average American,

unable to break out of the Borg hive mentality of corporate media as it hucksters Straussian neocon and Jabotinsky Israeli propaganda.
00.000.1998 he was barred from Bulgaria for an alleged plot to assassinate the son of a Cabinet minister.

The information originally was passed on by Israeli law enforcement authorities, who later rescinded the claim.”
In short, the alleged Saddam tapes, supposedly revealing how Hussein attempted to hide his desire to kick start a weapons of mass destruction program (+ thus lending credence to the war crimes of the Straussian neocons), are tainted by the criminal background of “one of the summit’s biggest donors, Michael Cherney,” obviously an Israeli agent proffering dubious goods even hang tough Straussian neocons back away from, smelling a rat.

13.Nov.2007 For a real mind-blower, read the post below this one -- and then read this.)
13.Nov.2007 In closing: Here's a little nugget from Hopsicker about the Skyway jet -- something I may not have mentioned before: The DC9 airliner was also used, without reimbursement, during the first-time Senatorial campaign of Florida Republican Senator Mel Martinez, who until recently was President George W Bush’s handpicked chairman of the national Republican Party. Permalink
13.Nov.2007 Meanwhile, Blackwater bids on 5-year, $15-billion USD contract with DoD in support of the war on drugs . "Companies competing for the work might be called on to develop detection or surveillance technology; train U.S. and foreign forces; or provide logistics, communications and information-technology systems, among other areas."
Interesting, considering how often the MIC comes up as tangential to these big time smuggling stories.
# posted by dqueue :

13.Nov.2007 Comments: Hopsicker said: "Alatorre, alias El Piri, was arrested moments after attempting to wire $2.7 million into an account at Harris Bank in Chicago, apparently to buy more planes."
HARRIS BANK OF CHICAGO, and their Foreign Exchange section, called ForEx, a unit of BANK OF MONTREAL owned principally by the whiskey-soaked BRONFMAN FAMILY [SEAGRAMS booze, Cineplex Odeon movie theater chain, as well as numerous operations of records-entertainment in California].

The former major owner of Harris Bank, now also a major stockholder of Bank of Montreal, is U.S. Senator Peter Fitzgerald (R.,Ill.).

Harris Bank/Bank of Montreal are interlocked with the worldwide Mexican bank cartel, Grupo Financiero Bancomer. In

00.May 1998 Bancomer pleaded guilty to U.S. federal criminal charges of vast dope money laundering. # posted by softlabhennef

Jun.2006 Massaker von My Lai: Ein amerikanisches Trauma ...

Jun.2006 Dokumentation : Die Erklärung des BND zum Fall El- Masri ...
Der anfangs erwähnte und vermeintlich edle General von Choltitz zum Beispiel, den sie den Retter von Paris nannten, ließ die Stadt vor allem aus einem Grunde stehen:

Er hatte auf die Schnelle einfach nicht genug Bombwerk zur Verfügung.
Vernichtung um jeden Preis, das war immer auch die Devise der Wehrmacht.
13.Nov.2007,1518,druck-517124,00.htmlDabei wird die hartnäckige Mär, die Wehrmacht habe im Abgleich mit den Gräueln der SS einen "sauberen" Krieg geführt, von allen Beteiligten selbst revidiert. "Den Holocaust passiv und aktiv unterstützt"
85 ranghohe Offiziere der Wehrmacht saßen zwischen 1942 und 1945 in Trent Park ein und wurden im luxuriösen Landhaus-Ambiente gesprächig gehalten.

Die Aufzeichnungen machten die britischen Behörden erst vor einigen Jahren zugänglich, der deutsche Historiker Sönke Neitzel hat sie 2005 in seinem Buch "Abgehört" erstmals umfassend der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert.
General Dietrich von Choltitz schwenkt sein Glas und spricht über den Genozid: Der Wehrmachtsobere, den man später noch viele Jahrzehnte nach dem Krieg als Retter von Paris feiern wird, weil er sich Hitlers Befehl widersetzt hat, die Stadt beim deutschen Abzug dem Erdboden gleich zu machen, kennt sehr wohl das Ausmaß des Völkermords. Er habe in Russland "die Liquidation der Juden bis zur letzten Konsequenz" miterlebt und mitbetrieben. Wenn auch gegen innere Widerstände, wie er selbst betont.
Für Verunglimpfung der Monarchie droht in dem südeuropäischen Land bis heute eine Haftstrafe von bis zu zwei Jahren. Damit hatten die beiden Satiriker Glück, dass ihnen nur Beleidigung vorgeworfen wurde.
Die Karikatur legte dem Thronfolger die Worte in den Mund: "Stell dir vor, du wirst schwanger. Es wäre das erste Mal im Leben, dass ich etwas getan hätte, das Arbeit ähnelt!"

Madrid - Für eine Karikatur des spanischen Kronprinzenpaares verurteilte heute ein Madrider Gericht die beiden Autoren wegen Beleidigung. Die Zeichner Guillermo Torres und Texter Manel Frontdevila müssen jeweils 3000 Euro Strafe bezahlen. Sie kündigten Berufung an. "Wir haben nichts Böses getan", betonte Texter Frontdevila. "Wir werden solche Dinge auch in Zukunft produzieren."
Planetenerforschung: Mars- Fähre soll Hightech- Monstrum abseilen
Somalia: Massen- Exodus aus Mogadischu (Politik)
13.Nov.2007 Forschung in islamischen Ländern: Wissenschaft im Namen Allahs
Eine gestern in Rom vorgestellte Studie des Weltenergierates WEC zeigt, wie schwer der Kampf gegen die Erderwärmung noch werden dürfte. Denn der Energiebedarf der Menschheit steigt und steigt - und könnte sich bis 2050 verdoppeln. Der WEC-Prognose zufolge wird sich die globale Nachfrage nach Strom, Öl, Gas und Kohle um 70 bis 100 Prozent erhöhen.
Der Weltenergierat prognostiziert einen Nachfrageanstieg um 70 bis 100 Prozent bis zum Jahr 2050. Die Folgen: Öl-, Gas- und Strompreise werden weiter steigen - genauso wie der CO2-Ausstoß.

Gestern hat der australische Diplomat Mike Smith sein neues Amt als Direktor des UNO-Ausschusses zur Terrorismusbekämpfung angetreten, heute erklärt er, warum das Netz stärker kontrolliert werden muss: "Früher mussten Extremisten Grenzen überqueren, um Anschläge zu planen", sagte Smith der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters.

Von konkreten Überwachungsmaßnahmen sprach Smith nicht: "Das Internet ist eine echte Sorge und ich denke, wir haben die Antwort noch nicht gefunden." Smith sprach nur vage von "einer Reihe von Strategien".
Menschen falsche Erinnerungen einzupflanzen ist ganz einfach.

"Die neuralen Korrelate von richtigen und falschen Erinnerungen sind klar unterschiedlich", schreiben die Psychologen im "Journal of Neuroscience" (Bd. 27, S. 12190).

Möglicherweise sei die frontoparietale Region stärker mit einem Gefühl der Vertrautheit verknüpft, während die medialen Temporallappen (MTL) mehr mit tatsächlichem Wiedererkennen zu tun hätten.

Schon im vergangenen Jahr hatte Cabeza mit anderen Kollegen im gleichen Journal einen Artikel veröffentlicht, das zu einem ähnlichen Schluss kam:

"MTL kann objektive Unterschiede zwischen alten und neuen Inhalten entdeckten, die dem Bewusstsein nicht zugänglich sind."

"Die bloße Tatsache", schrieben Roediger und McDermott der Menschheit ins Stammbuch, "dass Menschen sagen, dass sie sich genau an Details erinnern, die mit einem Ereignis zusammenhängen, kann für sich genommen nicht als überzeugender Beleg dafür gelten, dass dieses Ereignis tatsächlich stattgefunden hat".
Zudem waren sich die Versuchspersonen bei diesen völlig falschen Urteilen oft ausgesprochen sicher. Von einer "verblüffenden Gedächtnisillusion" sprachen die beiden Forscher damals.

Ein moderner Klassiker: Verschollen im Kaufhaus

"False Memories", falsche Erinnerungen, heißt seitdem ein ganzes Forschungsgebiet - das Juristen ebenso interessiert wie Psychologen.

Kathleen McDermott und Henry Roediger, zwei Forscher, die Mitte der neunziger Jahre an der Rice University im texanischen Houston forschten, haben eine simple Standardmethode zum Erzeugen solcher falscher Erinnerungen entwickelt, oder besser wiederentdeckt. Schon im Jahr 1959 hatte der US-Psychologe James Deese eine erstaunliche Entdeckung gemacht.

Deese gab seinen Versuchspersonen Wortlisten zum Auswendiglernen. Auf den Listen standen beispielsweise Begriffe wie "Stechen, Spitze, Spritze, Heuhaufen, Faden, Injektion".

Ein mit all den Begriffen verknüpftes Wort fehlte jedoch - im vorliegenden Beispiel "Nadel".

Bat Deese seine Probanden anschließend, die Listen wiederzugeben, nannten sie viele korrekte Begriffe - und sehr oft auch das Wort "Nadel", obwohl es gar nicht auf der Liste gestanden hatte.

"Kein Beleg, dass das Ereignis stattgefunden hat"
Hirnforschung: Kinder mit ADHS haben verzögerte Hirnentwicklung
13.Nov.2007 Quartalszahlen: E.on veröffentlicht Rekordbilanz
Kampf gegen PKK: Türkei fliegt Angriffe auf Dörfer im Nordirak (Politik)
13.Nov.2007 Palermo: Helfer von Mafia- Boss Lo Piccolo gefasst
13.Nov.2007 Flutkatastrophe in Vietnam: Tausende Touristen sitzen fest - Krokodilalarm in Küstenregion
13.Nov.2007 US- Elektroschrott in Indien: Die Trümmerjungen der digitalen Revolution

13.Nov.2007 Hirnforschung: Trau' bloß nicht deinem Kopf
13.Nov.2007 Prognose: Bis 2050 droht Verdopplung des Energiebedarfs (Wissenschaft)
13.Nov.2007 Terrorabwehr: UNO- Direktor fürchtet das Internet
Atomstreit: Brown droht Iran mit Sanktionen im Ölgeschäft