11.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltraum/0,1518,druck-405252,00.html
In den Wäldern Madagaskars leben viele Tiere, die sonst nirgendwo auf der Erde leben - oder nicht mehr. Doch Abholzung und Erosion bedrohen dieses Habitat.
Madagaskar ist die viertgrößte Insel der Welt und in mehrfacher Hinsicht ein einzigartiger Lebensraum für Tier- und Pflanzenarten. Fünf % aller Tiere und Pflanzen der Erde sind hier beheimatet, viele von ihnen gibt es nirgendwo sonst: 98 % der Landsäugetiere, 92 % der Reptilien, 68 % der Pflanzen und 41 % der Vögel, die es dort gibt, existieren nur - oder nur noch - auf Madagaskar.
11.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-405160,00.html
Ein schönes Beispiel dafür, wie Legenden durchs Web wandern können - auch über Feindesgrenzen hinweg.
11.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltraum/0,1518,druck-405246,00.html
Enceladus wurde 1789 von dem Deutschen Wilhelm Herschel entdeckt.
11.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltraum/0,1518,druck-405246,00.html
Der Hot Spot selbst liefert noch überraschendere Erkenntnisse: Warum hier flüssiges Wasser von unter der Oberfläche hervorgedrückt wird, darüber gibt es noch Spekulationen.
"Aktive Wassergeysire auf dem kleinen Enceladus sind eine große Überraschung.
Wir sind immer noch verwirrt wegen der Details und der Energiequellen", sagt Torrence Johnson, Satellitenexperte beim Jet Propulsion Laboratory der Nasa in Pasadena und einer der "Science"-Autoren.
"Nun müssen wir dieses Geheimnis lüften."
"Kosmischer Turner, unberechenbare Miniwelt", kommentierte der Hydrology Jeffrey S. Kargel von der University of Arizona.
Die Nasa erklärte sogar, da auf dem Mond Wasser vorhanden sei, biete er vielleicht sogar Lebensformen eine Heimat.
Jedenfalls gilt Enceladus von nun an als kleinster geologisch aktiver Himmelskörper im Sonnensystem.
11.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltraum/0,1518,druck-405246,00.html
Die Messinstrumente fanden einen "Hotspot", einen warmen Punkt unter der Oberfläche nahe des Südpols von Enceladus.
Warm bedeutet in dieser Welt nicht viel, doch ein paar Grad mehr machen den Unterschied:
Unter der eisigen Oberfläche des Mondes existiert flüssiges Wasser, das gerade wärmer als Null Grad Celsius ist.
Und dieser Wärmeunterschied bewirkt Erstaunliches. Das Fachmagazin "Science" hob den Mond nicht bloß auf das Titelblatt seiner aktuellen Ausgabe, es widmet dem winzigen Mond auch ganze elf Beiträge.
Die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse daraus lauten:
Enceladus hat eine Atmosphäre.
11.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-405312,00.html
Absperren, testen, töten
11.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-405195,00.html
Ein Beispiel für einen solchen Lazarus-Effekt glauben Wissenschaftler jetzt in Südostasien gefunden zu haben.
Im vergangen Jahr hatten Forscher zufällig auf einem Lebensmittelmarkt in Laos eine bis dahin unbekannte Nagerart entdeckt - eine Mischung aus Ratte und Eichhörnchen.
Das Tier war als gegrillter Snack angeboten worden. Später gelang es, auch ein lebendes Exemplar einzufangen
Bei den Tieren handelt es sich um Überlebende einer Nagerfamilie, die unter Wissenschaftlern bisher als seit elf Millionen Jahren ausgestorben galt,
berichtet die Biologin Mary Dawson in der Fachzeitschrift "Science" (Bd. 311, S. 1456).
Anfangs hatte ihr Forscherteam geglaubt, mit den Tieren eine völlig neue Säugetierfamilie gefunden zu haben.
Dies legten auch DNA-Vergleiche und Knochenuntersuchungen nahe, die Dawson und ihre Kollegen vom Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh durchgeführt hatten.
Der neuen Familie gaben sie den Namen Laonastes, den entdeckten Repräsentanten bezeichneten sie als Laonastes aenigmamus. Den Einheimischen hingegen war das Tier als "Kha-Nyou" geläufig.
Dawson und ihre Kollegen konnten nun jedoch zeigen, dass das Kha-Nyou der wohl einzige überlebende Vertreter der ansonsten ausgestorbenen Nagerfamilie Diatomyidae ist
11.Mar.2006 Hafenstreit: Bush beklagt falsches Signal an arabische Verbündete
11.Mar.2006 Wetterkapriolen in Deutschland: 120 Unfälle in Hamburg, Hochwasser-Alarm in Regensburg
11.Mar.2006 Vogelgrippe-Katastrophenübung: Absperren, testen, töten
11.Mar.2006 Saturn-Mond: Wasser von Enceladus gibt Saturn den blauen Ring
11.Mar.2006 Wetterchaos: Schneetreiben in Hamburg, Hochwasser in Heidelberg
11.Mar.2006 BND-Untersuchungsausschuss: Opposition will Antwort auf 30 Fragen
11.Mar.2006 Mills-Affäre: Staatsanwalt fordert Prozess gegen Berlusconi
11.Mar.2006 Kongo: Bundeswehr im Herz der Finsternis
11.Mar.2006 Imagewandel: USA wollen ihr Ansehen aufpolieren
11.Mar.2006 Inflation: Energie treibt die Preise
11.Mar.2006 Mussolini-Enkelin: "Lieber Faschist als schwul"
11.Mar.2006 USA: Hochrangiger Bischof soll Kind missbraucht haben
11.Mar.2006 Guantanamo: Mediziner kritisieren Zwangsernährung
11.Mar.2006 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Krampf der Kulturen"
11.Mar.2006 Langstreckenflüge: Flugkabinen erhöhen Thrombose-Risiko
11.Mar.2006 Bush vs. Iran: Die Legende vom Petro-Euro-Krieg
11.Mar.2006 Atomstreit: Bolton fordert harte Uno-Antwort an Iran
11.Mar.2006 Lazarus-Effekt: Nagetier erweist sich als lebendes Fossil
11.Mar.2006 "Forbes"-Reichen-Liste: Deutsche verlieren den Anschluss
11.Mar.2006 Anti-Terror-Gesetz: Bush unterzeichnet "Patriot Act"
11.Mar.2006 Weiße Flagge aus Dubai: US-Häfen sollen in amerikanischer Hand bleiben
11.Mar.2006 Pentagon: Rumsfeld will US-Soldaten aus Bürgerkrieg im Irak heraushalten
11.Mar.2006 https://www.dominicantoday.com/app/article.aspx?id=11211
Little is known about the early life of Columbus, the reputed son of a weaver in Genoa who would later change the world by accidentally stumbling upon the Americas in 1492.
11.Mar.2006 https://www.dominicantoday.com/app/article.aspx?id=11211
The Spanish-led research team, which includes Italians, Americans and Germans, sampled DNA from the known remains from Columbus' brother and son + then compared them to fragments attributed to Columbus in Seville.
Although the official announcement is expected later this year, Italian researchers say they are confident based on the evidence gathered so far that Columbus' supposed remains in Seville are likely authentic.
"We have already started all of the analyses on a molecular level and we have good indications that the remains in Seville are effectively those of Christopher," said Olga Rickards, head of the team at Rome's Tor Vergata University laboratory.
11.Mar.2006 https://blogcritics.org/archives/2006/03/10/142253.php Dave, nice article. And I think we do spend too much time and energy on the far-fetched theories + therefore neglect attention to the more mundane encroachments upon ourselves. However, at the same time, I blogged about conspiracy theories recently myself--and there are too many loose ends for me to write off a theory such as the 'concentration camp' allegation completely. Here are just two:
- Operation Northwoods. Those black-ops plans made it to the level of Joint Chiefs of Staff, but were thankfully rejected.
- Bush's alleged suggestion to paint a US spy plane to look like a UN craft in order to provoke attack by Saddam.
11.Mar.2006 https://blogcritics.org/archives/2006/03/10/142253.php but it IS a precedent for detaining a Citizen, without due proces, for YEARS on a mere accusation by the Government
and, no matter how you want to slice it...
THAT is a fucking crime against the Republic
11.Mar.2006 https://blogcritics.org/archives/2006/03/10/142253.php Point taken, Gonzo. Traitors do have to go through due process before losing their citizenship. The Padilla case is sort of unique + it's a precedent, but what it's not a precedent for is taking away the rights of people in the general public just because they don't get along with the administration.
11.Mar.2006 https://blogcritics.org/archives/2006/03/10/142253.php Mr Nalle sez...
*In these cases the precedent was established that if you take up arms against the US you have essentially forfeited your citizenship and can be treated as a foreign combatant. This isn't a new idea. It's been a basic principle of how traitors are treated since the nation was founded.*
even a Traitor gets his Rights under the Constitution and is innocent until proven guilty
as far as i am Aware, the ONLY times this has been different in any way has been after Congress has made a Declaration of War (as per the Constitution/War Powers Act)...and even then, it has been considered a "mistake"
example : japanese descended citizens during WW2
just a Thought + all that's needed
11.Mar.2006 https://blogcritics.org/archives/2006/03/10/142253.php "Government, like fire, is our most useful servant, if fully controlled by us, its citizens! And government, exactly like fire, becomes our most destructive master, if not fully controlled by the open majority of its constructive, working citizens!" - George Washington
Remember George Washington, Dave, not your hero George W Bush and his Federal Big Brother Leviathan.
So tell me, who's the conspiracy theorist here?
11.Mar.2006 https://blogcritics.org/archives/2006/03/10/142253.php To back up my "conspiracy theories" check out this link from mainstream MSNBC:
Then tell us we're paranoid.
11.Mar.2006 https://blogcritics.org/archives/2006/03/10/142253.php For more on this subject from the fringe left, check out this Buzzflash article from Maureen Farrell or this article by Nat Parry. To balance it out don't miss the the unique view of this issue presented by Michael Rivero on the extremely crazy right.
11.Mar.2006 https://blogcritics.org/archives/2006/03/10/142253.php Put enough of these unrelated old plans and procedures together with an unreasoning fear of the administration and it starts to look pretty grim if your tinfoil hat isn't on tight enough. It's all hogwash, of course + it's just about as frightening that people believe it as it would be if it were actually true. It's also a classic example of how the magical reasoning of paranoid extremists works. You take unrelated events which bear superficial resemblance to the things you're most afraid of, put them together despite the lack of any actual relationship and you've gone an instant conspiracy.
Like most conspiracies this can be summed up as a fallacious syllogism, in this case one in which uses the technique of the undistributed middle, appearing logical, but actually failing to establish a complete sequence of logical relationships.
11.Mar.2006 https://blogcritics.org/archives/2006/03/10/142253.php But if you put the plan for these likely very necessary emergency facilities together with the citizenship revocation theory, bingo you've got nazi-style concentration camps. But wait, it gets worse. You see, they're being built by the source of all evil - Haliburton's subsidiary Kellogg, Brown + Root. Plus there's another little known government program which would let the military use prison labor on their bases + for that to work it sure would help if we had a whole bunch of political prisoners to put to work for them. Even more scary, some of these camps are accessible by rail - shades of the Nazi death trains full of Jews and Homosexuals. But wait, there's more.
WWII. -Right after- the government issued various executive orders establishing procedures for organizing resources during a wartime crisis, including imposing government control of transportation and resources. Plus apparently there already are camps all over the country which are part of this system - such as long abandonned POW facilities from the last World War, military prisons, old storage facilities, abandonned missile ranges, even Area 51. Basically, anything fenced in and owned by the government must be a concentration camp waiting to be activated. If you believe the crazies they probably have enough capacity to lock up half the population of the nation. And don't forget Operation Garden Plot a long forgotten plan from the 1960s to authorize the military to help in suppressing civil unrest which was put together in response to the riots in 1967 and 1968.
11.Mar.2006 http://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/Permalink
11.Mar.2006 How could Tehran possibly benefit from a nuke smuggled into an American port?
Obviously, the leaders of Iran must dread the propect. They know full well that they would bear the blame for such a tragedy, no matter who the actual perpetrators might be. They know that any such disaster would initiate a nuclear war they cannot hope to win.11.Mar.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/
Gee. And there are people who say I occasionally go over the top.11.Mar.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/
Other right-wingers are starting to abandon Bush. Those who jump ship tend to dive into the dark seas of conspiracy theory. And we're talkin' 'bout some really weird conspiracy theories. Yep, it's 1994 all over again!
Note, for example, this piece by Jerome Corsi, author of the "Swift Boat" attack book on John Kerry. His bottom line:
Maybe the explanation is that President Bush takes seriously the idea of establishing a Bush-Clinton dynasty and he just seized the opportunity to allow Hillary Clinton to move to the center, leading with Senate hawks who see the Bush administration decision as risking our national security by turning over control of our ports to an Arab Islamic state that is obviously too comfortable with terrorists. (My emphasis added.)
11.Mar.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/In Orwell's 1984, the citizens of Oceania could transfer their affections from Eastasia to Westasia in less than one week. But not even the most skillful Republican propagandist can pull off a similar trick in real life. They cannot convince their staunch supporters to trust an Arab government while relying on anti-Arab hatred to fuel their movement.
11.Mar.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/As Juan Cole reminds us:
11.Sep.2001 -In a poll taken after- only 14% of the American people believed that Islam fosters violence against other religions.
That number is now 33% -- a figure not far removed from the 34% approval rating W received in the recent CBS poll.
This rise in religious bigotry did not happen by accident. As the old song reminds us, you have to be carefully taught.11.Mar.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/
However, I do know that Dubai has threatened to retaliate if the port deal breaks down. The money we pay for oil gets recycled into American investments; if Islamic states decide to take their investment dollars elsewhere, this country will be in serious trouble.
11.Mar.2006 Concentration Camps in America? The latest cause celebre of the fervent fringe is the idea that the all-oppressing state under BusHitler is building concentration camps all around the nation in which to imprison dissidents and political undesirables as part of their agenda to create an eternal reich for the Bush dynasty and their political allies.
11.Mar.2006 St. Patrick hates St. Patrick's Day As amateur boozehounds and the dubiously Irish gear up for St. Patrick's Day, historians are once again protesting in vain.
That's because the religious fanatic later known as St. Patrick was against everything that's celebrated on March 17.
11.Mar.2006 Columbus mystery nearly solved 500 years after death Nearly 500 years after the death of Christopher Columbus, a team of genetic researchers are using DNA to solve two nagging mysteries: Where was the explorer really born? And where the devil are his bones?
11.Mar.2006 Seen that face before? Rat-squirrel isn't extinct after all First thought to have been a new species, the creature found in Laos has existed for 11 million years.
11.Mar.2006 Mystery Beast cover-up Executives at Tyco Electronics have put the lid on employees haunted by an unknown creature creeping around the corporation's North Carolina campus.
11.Mar.2006 intern: Friedenswerkstatt Linz/guernica-aktuell 02-2003 ... Trotz ihrer zunehmend hysterischen Kriegspropaganda ist es der Bush ... militärischen Alleingang an die US- amerikanische Adresse ... Your commanders want you to obey ... www.kpoe.at/intern/0894.html
11.Mar.2006 The Secret War Against The Defenseless People Of West Papua By John Pilger
00.000.1993 -I + four others travelled clandestinely across East Timor to gather evidence of the genocide committed by the Indonesian dictatorship. Such was the depth of silence about this tiny country that the only map I could find before I set out was one with blank spaces stamped "Relief Data Incomplete". Yet few places had been as defiled and abused by murderous forces. Not even Pol Pot had succeeded in despatching, proportionally, as many people as the Indonesian tyrant Suharto had done in collusion with the "international community". Continued
11.Mar.2006 Steamroller Bolton at the U.N. -By Mike Whitney
American plutocrats and corporate big-wigs are looking for an organization that is more responsive to their needs. The UN provides the legitimacy they need as cover for their “humanitarian interventions” (re: wars of aggression) and reconstruction projects, (Sluicing money to the major corporate players) but it requires fine-tuning to better serve their interests. Continued
11.Mar.2006 Iran: Logic out the window at the White House -By Gwynne Dyer
U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton was calmly proposing an illegal attack on a sovereign state, possibly involving nuclear weapons. Continued
11.Mar.2006 Audio: World in peril, Chomsky tells overflow crowd Lecture - Q & A
There are dire consequences to the current direction of the U.S. foreign policy, said Noam Chomsky in a speech at Binghamton University. Among those consequences, he said, is a nuclear Armageddon. Real Audio
11.Mar.2006 Cindy Sheehan Defends Pace University Students: Calling a person who is a war criminal, a war criminal, is not a crime in and of itself. Even calling someone who isn’t a war criminal, a war criminal is not a crime.
11.Mar.2006 Watch What You Say: How the telephone company listens in on your calls and what they tell the government.
11.Mar.2006 Pentagon admits "errors" in spying on protesters: The Department of Defense admitted in a letter obtained by NBC News on Thursday that it had wrongly added peaceful demonstrators to a database of possible domestic terrorist threats.
11.Mar.2006 US found guilty of violating Shoshone human rights : Western Shoshone were victorious Friday at UN, as the US was found in violation of human rights of Native Americans and urged to take immediate action
11.Mar.2006 U.S. More Intent on Blocking Chavez: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told Congress last month that the United States was actively organizing other countries to carry out an "inoculation strategy" against what it sees as meddling by Chavez.
11.Mar.2006 Join The ExxonMobil War Boycott - Buy Citgo: Vote with your dollars. When governments and/or corporations perpetrate gross injustice and war - or do nothing to stop it - we, the people, must take action to end the violence and exploitation.
11.Mar.2006 The Coming Resource Wars: It's official: the era of resource wars is upon us. In a major London address, British Defense Secretary John Reid warned that global climate change and dwindling natural resources are combining to increase the likelihood of violent conflict over land, water and energy.
11.Mar.2006 Berlusconi faces corruption charge: Prosecutors in Milan say they have requested that Italian Prime minister Silvio Berlusconi be indicted on charges of corruption.
11.Mar.2006 Bush's Approval Rating Falls to New Low: More and more people, particularly Republicans, disapprove of President Bush's performance, question his character and no longer consider him a strong leader against terrorism, according to an AP-Ipsos poll documenting one of the bleakest points of his presidency.
11.Mar.2006 $25,000 to Lobby Group Is Tied to Access to Bush : The chief of an Indian tribe represented by the lobbyist Jack Abramoff was admitted to a meeting with President Bush in 2001 days after the tribe paid a prominent conservative lobbying group $25,000 at Mr. Abramoff's direction, according to documents and interviews.
11.Mar.2006 Americans take their ringside seats for the great conservative crack-up: Republicans are falling out among themselves like the starving Israelites in the desert.
11.Mar.2006 House votes to dump state food safety laws: The vote was a victory for the food industry, which has lobbied for years for national standards for food labeling and contributed millions of dollars to lawmakers' campaigns. But groups and state regulators warned that the bill would undo more than 200 state laws, inc
11.Mar.2006 Feds Order U.S. Banks to Sever Syria Ties : "Today's action is aimed at protecting our financial system against abuse by this arm of a state-sponsor of terrorism," said Stuart Levy, Treasury's undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence.
11.Mar.2006 Dr Strangedeal: Congress should veto George Bush's nuclear agreement with India
11.Mar.2006 The Gitmo Documents: Four Characters in Search of a Prosecutor: Miller, Boykin, Cambone and Feith
11.Mar.2006 Molly Ivins: You Call This Progress? : "From what I've seen thus far, much of the reporting in the U.S. and abroad has exaggerated the situation," Rumsfeld said. : Could I suggest something kind of grown-up? Despite Rumsfeld's rationalizing, we are in a deep pile of poop here,
11.Mar.2006 Soldiers Back From Iraq, Unable to Get Help They Need: "The numbers are simply going to overwhelm them + they are not going to have the proper funds to deal with these folks on a long-term, chronic basis," said David Gorman of the advocacy group Disabled American Veterans.
11.Mar.2006 U.S. Contractor Found Guilty of $3 Million Fraud in Iraq: In the first corporate whistle-blower case to emerge from Iraq, a federal jury in Virginia yesterday found a contractor, Custer Battles L.L.C., guilty of defrauding the United States by filing grossly inflated invoices for work in the chaotic year after the Iraqi invasion
11.Mar.2006 30 US Reps for Bush Impeachment Inquiry : : 3 0 US House Representatives have signed on as sponsors or co-sponsors of H. Res 635, which would create a Select Committee to look into the grounds for recommending President Bush’s impeachment
11.Mar.2006 Simon Tisdall : US beefs up dossier : Official Washington’s quickening drumbeat of hostility is beginning to recall political offensives against Libya’s Moammar Gadaffi, Panama’s Manuel Noriega and Saddam Hussein, which all ended in violence. Rightwing American media are urging action, deeming Iran “an intolerable threat” that is the “central crisis of the Bush presidency”.
11.Mar.2006 US congressmen press for Iran sanctions bill Key US congressmen on Wednesday said that they would push forward with legislation imposing mandatory sanctions on foreign firms working in Iran, despite administration concerns that the bill could split the international coalition against Iran’s nuclear programme.
11.Mar.2006 'US not doing enough to stop Iran': The United States has until now not done enough to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, a senior Defense Ministry official has told The Jerusalem Post while expressing hope that Wednesday's referral of the Iranian issue to the United Nations Security Council would prove to be effective.
11.Mar.2006 Manufacturing Consent For Bombing Iran : Video - Bush: Iran 'grave' security concern : U.S. President Bush called Iran an ''issue of grave national security concern'' during a press conference to a national newspapers group.
11.Mar.2006 Ex-Israel Military Chief:West Can Cripple Iran Nuclear Program : A retired Israeli military chief said Friday that Western nations and Israel have the ability to launch a military strike that will set back Iran's nuclear program for many years.
11.Mar.2006 War pimp: O'Reilly: Blowing Iran "off the face of the earth ... would be the sane thing to do": Summary: On his radio program, Bill O'Reilly stated: "You know in a sane world, every country would unite against Iran and blow it off the face of the Earth. That would be the sane thing to do."
11.Mar.2006 Britain gave Israel plutonium, files show : Britain secretly supplied Israel with plutonium during the 1960s despite a warning from military intelligence that it could help the Israelis to develop a nuclear bomb, it was disclosed last night.
11.Mar.2006 The Israeli Spy Affair: From AIPAC to Check Point: The threat of a mushroom cloud in Middle Eastern skies in the coming years bothered the thousands of participants far less than the clear and present danger to AIPAC: the pending trial of two senior officials, Steven J. Rosen, who was responsible for foreign affairs and was a strong figure in the lobby + Keith Weissman, a former Middle East analyst.
11.Mar.2006 Hamas attacks Israel border plan : A senior Hamas leader has described as a declaration of war an Israeli plan to set new borders unilaterally by annexing Palestinian land.
11.Mar.2006 West Bank settlements: Wrong from the start : With Israel's national election approaching, each day's news emphasizes a clear political shift: The settlement enterprise has lost the support of Israel's mainstream voters.
11.Mar.2006 New world relationships -BY Noam Chomsky
THE prospect that Europe and Asia might move toward greater independence has troubled US planners since World War II. The concerns have only risen as the ‘tripolar order’ — Europe, North America and Asia — has continued to evolve. Every day, Latin America, too, is becoming more independent. Now Asia and the Americas are strengthening their ties while the reigning superpower, the odd man out, consumes itself in misadventures in the Middle East. Continued
11.Mar.2006 Satan is Resting Easy: The Power of Christ "Propels" Them BY JASON MILLER
Remember, Big Brother is watching, listening and reading. In light of the illegal surveillance they are conducting at the behest of their incompetent, rogue + murderous Commander-in-Chief, I am dedicating this essay to the NSA. Continued
11.Mar.2006 Externalizing the Cost of War -By Charles Sullivan
We should wage war with the plutocrats that have hijacked our country. If the rulers want war, let them have it; but let them be the ones to do the fighting and the dying. War making is easy for those who are insulated from its consequences. We must make war as costly for our leaders as it is for us. To internalize the cost of war upon those who wage it is to end war. Continued
11.Mar.2006 The 48 Hour Media-blitz for War with Iran -By Mike Whitney
Beyond the political speechmaking are literally hundreds of articles, full of the same predictable fictions and demagoguery which have mischaracterized Iran’s nuclear program from the get-go; fueling the hysteria for another preemptive war. Did Iran become nuclear superpower overnight? Continued
11.Mar.2006 How Britain Secretly Helped Israel Build Its Nuclear Arsenal
An Interview With Former Labour MP Tony Benn
A conversation with Tony Benn, one of Britain’s most distinguished politicians and the longest serving MP in the history of the Labour party. Benn discusses the new revelations the British government helped Israel build the atom bomb. Benn also speaks about U.S. and U.K. relations, extraordinary rendition, Guantanamo Bay, torture, religion + the state of the media. Video and transcript
11.Mar.2006 Justice O'Connor Decries Republican Attacks on Freedoms of All Americans Audio & Transcript
She told an audience at Georgetown University that Republican proposals, pose a danger to the independence of the judiciary + the freedoms of all Americans. Continued
11.Mar.2006 Web Blog Directory - WeBlog A Lot - Aggregating the PoweR of Blogs! Gletscherschmelze : Radioaktives Material tritt zu Tage (Sep 29 2003 09:59 GMT). ORF.at news · Athesia beteiligt sich an "Tiroler Tageszeitung" (29.Sep.2003 ... www.weblogalot.com/Archive/2003/09/29/09
European Web Mining Forum (EWMF 2005) International Workshop at ...- HTML-Version Gletscherschmelze . Methan. Kohlendioxid. Treibhausgase. Treibhauseffekt. greenhouse gases. carbon dioxide. methane. climate policy. climate conference ... www.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/~berendt/Papers/ewmf05_final.pdf
11.Mar.2006 Thinking-East Weblog (Beta): BACKGROUND Archives Auch die sommerliche Gletscherschmelze hat entscheidenden Einfluss auf den Wasserzufluss in die Seen. Die Gletscher schmelzen derzeit merklich ab; ...
11.Mar.2006 Thoughts of Mr. Preston - No one is safe.... - by John Preston Elektrosmog: Bundesamt warnt vor schnurlosen Telefonen · Daihatsu-Neuheiten: Großauftritt der Kleinwagenmarke · Gletscherschmelze : Grönlands ... my.opera.com/clovis_30/archive/monthly/?day=20060118
11.Mar.2006 tsunami-asia-dec2004
"Gletscherschmelze verursacht Erdbeben" Auf den Spuren der Urgewalt - Neue Fragen nach dem großen Beben Abenteuer Wissen mit Wolf von Lojewski ... tsunami-asia-2004.blogspot.com/
14.Mär.2005 Gletscherschmelze im Himalaja bedroht Wasserversorgung von Millionen Menschen. Klimawandel: Gletscherchmelze im Himalaja bedroht Wasserversorgung von ... omega.twoday.net/20050314
11.Mar.2006 AlphaGalileo.Org - the Internet-based news centre for European ... Energieaustausch zwischen Bergluft und Schnee beeinflusst Lawinengefahr und Gletscherschmelze .
14.Feb.2006 *Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Foerderung der ... www.alphagalileo.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=pressrelease&startrow=181&view=14
11.Mar.2006 Usenet Archive
>Jaja, die leidige Gletscherschmelze ... so schöne Wellenfronten gibt es sicherlich nicht, wenn Einfach viel Masse ins Meer geworfen Wird ... www4.all-usenet-archive.com/pages/26574.html
11.Mar.2006 Mr. Fantastik: Marktplatz für Fantasten
Er hat Bauern der Anden Perus besucht, deren Wasserzufuhr aufgrund der Gletscherschmelze in den kommenden Jahrzehnten versiegen wird ... www.misterfantastik.de/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=3458
news archiv Gletscherschmelze ausser Kontrolle. ZÜRICH - die Forscher reiben sich die Augen: die Gletscher von heute haben Sie erst für 2025 vorausgesehen ...
11.Mar.2006 https://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/TX/ofc/prel1992.html
Texas Presidential Electors,
00.000.1992 Electors Meeting, probably on
President 32 votes cast for George Bush
Vice President 32 votes cast for Dan Quayle
Electors (may be partial list): Jay Wommack, Mary Pluff, John N. Leedom, Mary Denny-James, Poppy Airhart, Karen K. Cameron, Donald Jansen, N. 'Teri' Suehs, Rose Farmer, Richard A. Box, Rebecca Dixon, Cruz G. Hernandez, William M. Quackenbush, Martha Thielhorn, L. E. Sheppard, Alan V. Rash, Cecil J. Saffle, Billie V. Whitefield, Robert B. Holt, Dorothy P. Doehne, Bennie W. Bock II, Marjorie M. Arsht, Jake Brisbin, Jr., Harry W. Robinson, Beverly B. Kaufman, Bill Ceverha, Frank J. Morris, Ewald Koepp, Jr., Faith Johnson, Anne Legendre Armstrong, Albert Vera, Jon Lindsay
11.Mar.2006Caspian Sea, oil reserves, Kosovo and Armageddon ...
00.Jan.1999 the Pennzoil lead consortium decided, to stop its activities, after the three drills, specified in the contract, failed. three failed drills ... https://verdade.no.sapo.pt/reason/oil_reserves.html
Mar Caspio, reservas de petróleo, o consortium da ligação de Pennzoil decidiu-se,
00.Jan.1999 -parar suas atividades, depois que as três brocas, especificadas no contrato, falharam ... https://verdade.no.sapo.pt/reason/oil_reserves_p.html
A Pennzoil - Quaker State Company, que opera a nível mundial, desenvolve actividade nas áreas dos produtos para motores de automóveis, ... https://www.autoridadedaconcorrencia.pt/vImages/concentracoes%20decididas%20em%202002.doc
11.Mar.2006 https://www.ask.com/web?q=how%20did%20the%20checks%20and%20balance%20system%20kept%20the%20world%20war%201%20from%20starting&qsrc=1&o=312
World War 3 Report #40 Appoints Warlords, Pledges to Eliminate Warlordism THE NEW GREAT GAME 1 . World Bank Chief in ...
The fence system is to include early warning and ww3report.com/40.html
11.Mar.2006 WWIII. WarLog: World War III by Jeff Jarvis I kept = those paper=20 towels all day as I walked up from the World ... sold the Interstate = system as a=20 ... is my to-do list for him: 1 .... www.buzzmachine.com/archives/2001_12.mht
11.Mar.2006 U.S. DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OUTLINE FALL 2005 ...of Capitalist World System ; ... Constitution: Checks/Balances, President ... in WWI. World War 1
1. Military Role: "Decisive Power" in New Global... www.bsu.edu/web/ksmith/history432outline.html
11.Mar.2006 Beyond the Backword - 11/02 Serial Killers[ 1 ] Still on the run ... role in financing NAZI German WWII. London-New York banking system + S. spymaster for Latin ... www.waronfreedom.org/update.html
11.Mar.2006 Artquake
Authentico staat voor identiek en talentvol, en bestaat uit de rappers PLUS, NAW & Xtra. Ze komen deels uit de Bijlmer en deels uit Nieuw-Vennep, ... www.artquake.nl/artquake/feesten/index.php
11.Mar.2006 Amazon.de: Die CIA und das Heroin. Weltpolitik durch Drogenhandel: Bücher
... Die CIA und das Heroin.
Weltpolitik durch Drogenhandel -von Alfred W McCoy, Andreas Simon (Übersetzer ... historischen Rekordernten. 75% des Heroins weltweit kommt heute aus Afghanistan ...
more hits from: https://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/3861506084
WALTPOLITIK Walter Kuhl *** Kapital - Verbrechen *** Zensur
Sendemanuskript des Sendebeitrags "Zensur" vom
20.Apr.2005 auf Radio Darmstadt. Redaktion + Moderation: Walter Kuhl ... Seite : https://www.walt politik.powerbone.de/kv/kv ...
Alfred W. McCoy : Die CIA und das Heroin, Zweitausendeins 2003; hier insbesondere die Einleitung Eine kleine Geschichte des Heroins ... https://waltpolitik.powerbone.de/kv/kv_zensu.htm
DALLAS LIVE ... geschmuggelten Kokains und 50 % des Heroins stammen aus dem lateinamerikanischen Land ...
Die CIA und das Heroin. Welt politik durch Drogenhandel. Alfred McCoy beschreibt, wie sich ...https://www.dallaslive.de/WarOnDrugs.html
Kritische Psychologie - Erich Wulff : Thesen zur Sucht ... in dem Buch von Alfred McCoy, " Die Politik des Heroins ", aber auch in der ... brauchen den Narcodollar, um Operationen durchzuführen, die sich parlamentarisch nicht legitimieren lassen ... https://www.kritische-psychologie.de/texte/ew1997a.html
Das Cannabisarchiv - DrogenWiki: Heroin ... + Kreislauf) des Konsumenten einigermaßen aufrecht zu ... dieser versuchen, die Wirkung des Heroins durch die intravenöse, oder ... 3351025297 (ext)) Alfred W. McCoy : The Politics of ... https://cannabis-archiv.de/wiki/Heroin
Eine Botschaft, die von oben und unten kommen muss ... sind die rücksichtslosen ... Alfred McCoy zufolge, wurde das Schema der verdeckten Finanzierung während des Indochina-Krieges geschaffen.
00.000.1960 -In den -er Jahren wurde die ... des nach Westeuropa gelangenden Heroins ... https://www.thur.de/philo/jug21.htm
KOSOVO`S "FREIHEITSKAeMPFER" WERDEN VOM ORGANISIERTEN VERBRECHEN FINANZIERT ... sind die ruecksichtslosen ... Alfred McCoy zufolge, wurde das Schema der verdeckten Finanzierung waehrend des Indochina-Krieges geschaffen. In den 60er Jahren wurde die ... des nach Westeuropa gelangenden Heroins ... https://www.infopartisan.net/archive/kosovo/ko8299.html
Organisierte Kriminalität, Rezensionen Bücher zum Thema organisierte Kriminalität, rezensiert von Klaus von Lampe ... Themen, die sich mit ... McCoy, Alfred W.
The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, Afghanistan, Southeast Asia, Central America. ( Die Politik des Heroins : Die ... https://www.organized-crime.de/revindexdt.htm
Es dient bloß als Beispiel des Paranoia, der die Schädel + die Knochen umgibt ... gut "in der Politik des Heroins in S. E. Asien" durch Alfred McCoy, "der große Heroin ... https://www.faktedon.com/wiki/de/di/Die%20Sch%E4delund%20KnochenVerschw%F6rung.htm
09.Mar.2006 https://www.megite.com/index.php?section=technology&date=1141946189&start=1#item_10
Warm Fractures on Enceladus 3 hours ago Www.solarviews.com
09.Mar.2006 Warm Fractures on Enceladus As it swooped past the south pole of Saturn's moon Enceladus on July 14, 2005, Cassini acquired high resolution views of this puzzling ice world. From afar, Enceladus exhibits a bizarre mixture of softened craters and complex, fractured terrains. This large mosaic of 21 narrow-angle camera images ...
09.Mar.2006 Brain death by dull cubicle You always knew that dull, boring cubicles could suck the joy out of work, but now there's evidence that they can change your brain. Not mentally or emotionally, no, we're talking physical structural changes. You could almost say, "Dull, lifeless work environments cause brain damage." I said " ...
09.Mar.2006 Cassini Discovers Potential Liquid Water on Enceladus NASA's Cassini spacecraft may have found evidence of liquid water reservoirs that erupt in Yellowstone-like geysers on Saturn's moon Enceladus.
The rare occurrence of liquid water so near the surface raises many new questions about the mysterious moon. Image right: Plumes of icy material extend ...
09.Mar.2006 UN launches emergency fund A new fund which will pay out money quickly when disaster strikes is launched by the United Nations.
09.Mar.2006 Water Geyers on Saturn Moon The first evidence of liquid water outside of Earth in this solar system appears to have been found on Enceladus, one of Saturn's icy moons.
If the Cassini spacecraft observations prove correct, then life there is theoretically possible.
09.Mar.2006 https://www.sploid.com/news/2006/03/mystery_beast_p.php
New Orleans keeps finding rotted dead
Hundreds of corpses washed out to the Gulf as 100+ decomposed bodies found in wrecked NOLA houses
09.Mar.2006 https://www.sploid.com/index.php?page=2
'U.S. abhors torture'
The attorney general defended the treatment of detainees at Gitmo, but never denied torture was going on, he's too busy preparing his defense of the wiretaps
09.Mar.2006 https://www.sploid.com/
Bush dream over; Dubai gives up U.S. port business
Dubai Ports seals its deal with U.K. firm but vows to sell U.S. operations to Americans
09.Mar.2006 Bush Orders DHS to Create Center for Faith-Based Aid
President Bush ordered the Department of Homeland Security yesterday to create a center for faith-based and community initiatives within 45 days to eliminate regulatory, contracting and programmatic barriers to providing federal funds to religious groups to deliver social services, the White House.
09.Mar.2006 Union gets special delivery: Microsoft pay guidelines Author: Newmedia
The Washington Alliance of Technology Workers, the Seattle-based labor union known as WashTech, has been the past beneficiary of anonymous deliveries containing details of Microsoft's outsourcing in India + other confidential information from inside the company. Now, the union says it has ...
09.Mar.2006 Data Mining for Terrorists
11.Sep.2001 -In the post 9/11 - world, there's much focus on connecting the dots. Many believe that data mining is the crystal ball that will enable us to uncover future terrorist plots.
But even in the most wildly optimistic projections, data mining...
09.Mar.2006 Set Our Data Free Author: Tom Graham
The Guardian, a British daily newspaper, has launched a campaign attempting to get the UK government to set what should be public data free. So what, you might say. (non-UK readers, feel free.) You'd be wrong. The UK government, using tax payer money, collects a large amount of data in a number of ...
09.Mar.2006 Menezes apology 'not accepted' Relatives of Jean Charles de Menezes say they will never accept Tony Blair's apology after meeting the Brazilian president.
09.Mar.2006 Dubai firm to 'transfer' US ports Dubai Ports World says it will transfer six ports to a US "entity" in a bid to end the row over its takeover of P&O.
09.Mar.2006 Rising Tide of Ocean Plagues Changes in the sea -- possibly the result of human meddling -- spawn diseases that claim the lives of sea lions, manatees and dolphins. Scientists warn the illnesses could hit humans on land. By Randy Dotinga.
09.Mar.2006 Why Data Mining Won't Stop Terror The U.S. government puts a lot of stock in the theory that computers programmed to sift through mountains of private data can spot terrorists hidden in our midst. Too bad it can't work. Commentary by Bruce Schneier.
09.Mar.2006 Cassini Finds Evidence of Water Author: Zonk 59 Comments
CheshireCatCO writes "Scientists working on the Cassini Mission think that they have found compelling evidence for the existence of liquid water at the south pole of the moon Enceladus. In addition to the obvious puzzles relating to how temperatures can be held high enough for liquid water, the presence of water, as well as the detection of organic molecules, opens up the possibility for life at Enceladus's south polar region. The findings are to appear in the 10 March issue of the journal, Science"
09.Mar.2006 The New Face of Script Kiddiez Author: Zonk 126 Comments
An anonymous reader writes "Washingtonpost.com's Security Fix blog has an interesting post profiling the activities of a kid named Witlog who controls a botnet of roughly 30,000 hacked Windows PCs. Even after the authorities manage to shut down the network Witlog uses to control his bots, he pops up somewhere else. From the article: 'Witlog may in fact be the product of a new generation of script kiddiez; the chief distinguishing feature of this generation being that instead of using Web site flaws to deface as many Web sites as possible, these guys are breaking into thousands of home and work PCs and taking them for a virtual joyride, often times all the way to the bank.'"
09.Mar.2006 Fuel cell offers 14 hours of laptop power Start-up UltraCell plans to sell fuel cells for less than $500 beginning in 2007.
09.Mar.2006 Political bloggers may get federal protection A House of Representatives committee votes to immunize bloggers from complex and confusing election law requirements.
09.Mar.2006 Africa must fight bird flu itself African countries should not rely on rich nations to help tackle bird flu, warns the World Health Organization.
09.Mar.2006 Child poverty target missed The government has failed to fulfil the first target in its drive to reduce child poverty, figures confirm.
09.Mar.2006 Nigeria militants fight military The Nigerian military says it has fought a fierce gun battle with heavily armed militants in the Niger Delta.
09.Mar.2006 China hits back at US criticism China rejects US criticism of its human rights record, telling Washington to "look squarely" at its own problems.
09.Mar.2006 Congress sets up fight with Bush A Congress committee defies President George W Bush by voting to stop a Dubai-based firm running key US ports
09.Mar.2006 Blair criticised on sleaze probes Public trust is being damaged by the way alleged misconduct by ministers is policed, says a watchdog.
09.Mar.2006 Water policy 'fails world's poor' Almost 20% of the world's population still lacks access to drinking water because of failing policies, a report finds.
09.Mar.2006 MPs question education priorities Ministers need to make head teachers aware that growth in education funding will slow down, MPs say.
09.Mar.2006 Forties 'are the lonely decade' More than a third of adults feel lonely, a study suggests, with people in their 40s suffering most.
09.Mar.2006 Fast Company: Wal-Mart's Factory Inspection Program Really Just Vast PR Effort
Wal-Mart like to brag about its extensive oversears factory inspection program.
But Fast Company questions whether the whole thing is just a vast PR effort.
From Fast Company :
But if you look closely at Wal-Mart's own 44-page report of its performance (issued
00.Jun.2005 ), Wal-Mart's factory inspection program begins to look like an energetic PR effort, more than a serious effort to protect factory workers.
Of the 12,500 inspections in 2004, only 8 % were surprise inspections.
That means 92 % of Wal-Mart's inspections of factories in Bangladesh and Nicaragua + China were announced in advance -- the Wal-Mart inspectors made an appointment to come see how the factory was run.
09.Mar.2006 Global Policy Forum - What's New
Security Council 9/11 :
The Crisis Social and Economic Policy Globalization ...
Highlighting global security concerns, Leon Fuerth analyzes the US’ s current ... www.globalpolicy.org/visitctr/wwn/wwn0209.htm
Analysis - Empire? - Global Policy Forum
11.Sep.2001 -Even after- 9/11 the US seems not to have learned its lesson + continues ...
Highlighting global security concerns, Leon Fuerth analyzes the US’ s current ... www.globalpolicy.org/empire/analysis/archives.htm
09.Mar.2006 The 9-11 Commission Report
On the FBI followup in 1998-1999, see FBI memo, Jack S . to FAA ACI, "FBI Investigative ... + CTC's "Jeff," + briefed in substance to Leon Fuerth, ... prosaix.com/pbos/book-5-25.html
09.Mar.2006 FSO Editorials: "The 9-11 Commission Part 3" by Dr. Joe Duarte 04 ...
The 9-11 Commission’ s Report On Policy Coordination ...
Richard Clarke + Vice President Gore’ s National Security Adviser, Leon Fuerth www.financialsense.com/editorials/duarte/2004/0405c.html
QandO: the 9-11 commission interim report on “National Policy ... +
Vice President Gore’ s national security adviser, Leon Fuerth ...
11.Sep.2001 -Before- the FBI did not ordinarily produce intelligence reports ... qando.net/archives/002576.htm
09.Mar.2006 National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9 ...
Gore’ s national security adviser, Leon Fuerth . Attorney General Janet Reno + FBI ...
Before 9/11, the FBI did not ordinarily produce intelligence reports ... news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/terrorism/911comm-ss8.pdf
InFact - The 9/11 Commission Report - Page 485
On the FBI followup in 1998-1999, see FBI memo, Jack S . to FAA ACI, "FBI Investigative ... + CTC's "Jeff," + briefed in substance to Leon Fuerth, ... www.insightful.com/products/infact/911/corpus/report_495_485.html
InFact 9/11 Commission Report Index
On the FBI followup in 1998-1999, see FBI memo, Jack S . to FAA ACI, "FBI Investigative ... + CTC's "Jeff," + briefed in sub- stance to Leon Fuerth, ... www.insightful.com/products/infact/911/page/142/44.html
11.Sep.2001-09.Mar.2006 9-11 Commissions Hamilton and Lehman Review Whats Happened Since ...
9-11 Commission’ s Hamilton and Lehman Review What’ s Happened Since Their ... former Al Gore advisor Leon Fuerth, now professor at George Washington’ s ...
9-11 Commission’s Hamilton and Lehman Review What’s Happened Since ...
9-11 Commission’ s Hamilton and Lehman Review What’ s Happened Since Their Report’ s ... Joe Lieberman; former Al Gore advisor Leon Fuerth, now professor at ... www.aspeninstitute.org/site/pp.aspx?c=huLWJeMRKpH&b=612283&printmode=1
09.Mar.2006 The Four Riders of the 9-11 Apocalypse
The logical suspicion for the 9-11 mastermind is the same who enabled the Chinese nuclear espionage, Leon S. Fuerth.
Only he would have had the intelligence ... www.cloakanddagger.de/media/Grossmann/Four%20Horsemen/066%20Four%20Riders%20of%209-11%20Apocalypse.htm
Rival Networks Expose Traitors
Leon S. Fuerth, National Security Advisor to Vice President Al Gore ...
Further see Skolnick’ s article on the 9-11 Murder Triangle ... www.cloakanddagger.de/media/armenis%20papers/Rival_Networks.htm
09.Mar.2006 IAS 180.1 Study Guide Spring 2005 Note: Here are the opening ...- HTML-Version
Leon Fuerth ’ s concept of “forward engagement” is best described as:.
According to James Mann, which of the following best describes the common origin of ... globetrotter.berkeley.edu/911/courses/study_guideS05.pdf
09.Mar.2006 NYT-990521
00.Apr.1996 Gore's national security adviser, Leon S. Fuerth, was briefed, according to testimony by Notra Trulock, an Energy Department intelligence ... taiwansecurity.org/NYT/NYT-990521.htm
09.Mar.2006 9/11 Whispers: Washington Defense Shield Deactivated
To my knowledge, Clinton put the 9-11 mastermind in place, Leon S. Fuerth (see below), on behalf of the Illuminati/aristocracy for whom he was a willing www.apfn.net/messageboard/01-10-05/discussion.cgi.125.html
09.Mar.2006 22j1 ... assistant to Senator Glenn; Leon S. Fuerth, assistant to Senator Gore;
Terence M. Lynch, assistant to Senator Shelby; Anthony H. Cordesman, assistant to ... www.fas.org/nuke/control/cfe/congress/22j1.htm
Leon S. Fuerth per the Armenis Papers, Click Here. Earlier overview article, especially its section III., Click Here. e) The Kissinger Traitor Cabal ... www.scoreboard-canada.com/aricles-sg1.htm
Center for Democracy - SourceWatch
Leon S. Fuerth, Washington, DC; Frederick P. Furth, Esq., Senior Partner, The Furth Firm, San Francisco, California; Ms. Francine E. Goldstein, Westport, ... www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Center_for_Democracy
09.Mar.2006 National Critical Technologies Review Group
Leon S. Fuerth National Security Advisor for the Vice President.
Charles A. Sanders President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology ... clinton1.nara.gov/White_House/EOP/OSTP/CTIformatted/reviewgrp.html
09.Mar.2006 Leon S Fuerth
FUERTH LEON S. Council on Foreign Relations. Annual Report. 2001 (11, 47); Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster ... www.namebase.org/xfre/Leon-S-Fuerth.html
00.000.2000 -Presidential Transitions-Foreign Policy In Focus- Leon S. Fuerth Richard N. Gardner Marc C. Ginsburg Robert E. Hunter ...
Leon S. Fuerth . Leon Fuerth, National Security Adviser to Vice President Al Gore + ... www.fpif.org/candidates/advisers_body.html
Press Release Archive: Elliott School Reappoints Leon Fuerth as ...
Harry Harding, dean of the Elliott School, said he was very pleased that Leon Fuerth was willing to serve out the full length of a Shapiro Professorship’ s. www.gwu.edu/~media/pressreleases/04-09-02-Fuerth.htm
Press Release Archive: GW’s Elliott School to Host Annual Shapiro ...
This year’ s speaker will be Leon Fuerth, JB + Maurice C. Shapiro professor of International Affairs at the Elliott School + formerly the national ... www.gwu.edu/~media/pressreleases/10-18-01-FuerthLecture.htm
Council on Foreign Relations Membership List ...
Alton Frye CFR
William R. Frye CFR
Ann M. Fudge CFR
Otto Fuerbringer CFR
Leon S. Fuerth CFR
Glen S . Fukushima CFR
Francis Fukuyama CFR
Richard S . Fuld, ... www.biblebelievers.org.au/cfrall2.htm
Leon S. Fuerth is the Shapiro Visiting Professor of International Relations at George Washington University.
During Leon S. Fuerth s 12 years as a Foreign Service ... www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2002/cfr/stories/fuerth
CNN/AllPolitics.com - Election 2000 - The Democratic National ...
6:00 pm, Gore International Policy Advisor Leon Fuerth on WorldView.
7:30 pm, Special edition of Crossfire.
8:00 pm, Special edition of Inside Politics ... www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2000/conventions/democratic
600 000. 100 000. 35 000. 8 000 aC.
Paleolítico Inferior.
Paleolítico Médio.
Paleolítico superior ... www.prof2000.pt/users/jdsa03/olho/Out_2002/historia.htm
A primeira saída de África ea problemática que envolve o Homo erectus, como o domínio do fogo. A colonização da Europa: os primeiros europeus, a origem, www.mat.uc.pt/licenciaturas/nova_lic/disciplinas/3ano/programas/evolucaohumana.doc
09.Mar.2006 Verkauf an US-Investoren: Dresden verkauft Wohnungsbestand und wird schuldenfrei
09.Mar.2006 Atomkonflikt: Rice nennt Iran größte Bedrohung der USA
09.Mar.2006 CDU-Spendenaffäre: Schreiber ruft Kanadas Oberstes Gericht an
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-405135,00.html
Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld beschuldigte zuletzt den Iran, für die neue Welle der Gewalt verantwortlich zu sein. Von Selbstkritik keine Spur.
Khalilzad dagegen nahm kein Blatt vor den Mund: Man müsse aufpassen, dass sich der Irak nicht in ein Land verwandle, "verglichen mit dem das Afghanistan der Taliban wie ein Kinderspielplatz aussieht".
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-405135,00.html
"Büchse der Pandora geöffnet"
Besonderes Augenmerk schenken alle zitierten Studien nicht zuletzt den irakischen Sicherheitskräften und den Milizen der ethnischen und religiösen Gruppen.
Schon jetzt sei sichtbar, dass zahlreiche Rekruten geteilte Loyalitäten hätten. Kurdische Soldaten trügen etwa Insignien der Armee neben denen der kurdischen Peschmerga-Truppen.
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-405135,00.html
Studie "A Switch in Time - A new Strategy for America in Iraq".
In der zugespitzten Zusammenfassung für den "Atlantic" nennt Pollack die Empfehlungen seiner Gruppe "Sieben Schritte für eine letzte Chance im Irak".
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-405135,00.html
Alle Autoren kommen dabei zu dem Ergebnis, dass die US-Politik im Irak dringend und schnellstmöglich geändert werden muss, um das Horrorszenario noch zu verhindern.
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-405135,00.html
Nach Einschätzung einiger Experten ist die Situation im Irak mittlerweile so desaströs, dass sie nach einem ganz neuen Blick auf das Problem verlangt: Die internationale Gemeinschaft und die Nachbarländer, schreibt die International Crisis Group (ICG) in der Studie "The Next Iraqi War? Sectarianism and Civil Conflict", sollten sich besser "auf den Notfall einstellen, dass der Irak auseinander fällt, um so die unausweichlichen Auswirkungen auf die Sicherheit der Region einzudämmen". Die US-Regierung solle endlich eine vertrauliche Diskussion darüber in Gang setzen, was zu tun sei, falls der Irak endgültig in einen Bürgerkrieg abdriftet. "Diese Diskussion war bisher aus verständlichen Gründen ein Tabu.
Aber das Potenzial ist zu real und die Konsequenzen des Nicht-Vorbereitet-Seins zu gewaltig, um dieses Szenario zu ignorieren."
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-405135,00.html
Und das ist noch längst nicht alles: In einer wahren Flut von Think-Tank-Studien und Expertenaufsätzen malen renommierte Nahost- und Militärexperten derzeit ein ausgesprochen düsteres Bild vom Irak und den Aussichten für die kommenden Monate und Jahre. Natürlich ist es kein Geheimnis, dass das Land am Tigris am Rand eines Bürgerkrieges steht.
Aber die Experten haben nach Ursachen geforscht - und kommen übereinstimmend zu dem Ergebnis, dass nicht nur Terroristen und Aufständische, sondern vor allem die Irak-Politik der US-Regierung + das Vorgehen der US-Armee im Land selbst für das Desaster verantwortlich sind.
Legt man die Analysen übereinander, bleiben nur wenige von den USA angestoßene oder durchgeführte Maßnahmen, egal ob politisch oder militärisch, die nicht kritisiert werden.
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-405135,00.html
In aktuellen Studien kommen renommierte Experten zu vernichtenden Urteilen über die Irak-Politik von George W. Bush. Das Land, so der Tenor, werde dank der Versäumnisse der USA wahrscheinlich bald zum "failed state". Die Zeit für Notfallpläne sei gekommen.
Berlin - Es sind harte Urteile, zu denen die Wissenschaftler kommen: Ein "Kartenhaus" sei das politische System, das die USA im Irak aufgebaut hätten, schreibt in ihrer Studie "Back from the Brink: A Strategy for Iraq" etwa die italienische Politologin Marina Ottaway. "Die Zeit wird knapp", warnt der Wissenschaftler Kenneth Pollack von der Brookings Institution in einem Artikel im "Atlantic Monthly". Nur noch "sechs bis zwölf Monate", glaubt Pollack, könnten im schlimmsten Fall bleiben, bevor "Chaos und Bürgerkrieg im Irak sich jeder Kontrolle entziehen".
09.Mar.2006 Neue Studien: Experten-Ohrfeigen für Bushs Irak-Politik
09.Mar.2006 Wandel der Touristikbranche: Immer mehr Urlauber stellen Reisen selbst zusammen
09.Mar.2006 Hochgeschwindigkeits-Zug: China bootet ausländische Konzerne aus
09.Mar.2006 H5N1-Ausbreitung: Zugvögel geraten stärker unter Verdacht
09.Mar.2006 Volkswagen: Beschäftigte rebellieren gegen Vorstand
09.Mar.2006 Entführung irakischer Leibwächter: Der mysteriöse Überfall auf die Bodyguards
09.Mar.2006 Schweden: Polizisten dürfen Turbane tragen
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltraum/0,1518,druck-405022,00.html
Demnach handelt es sich bei dem Blitz um das am weitesten entfernte einzelne Objekt am Himmel, das bislang beobachtet wurde.
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltraum/0,1518,druck-405022,00.html
Ein internationales Astronomenteam hat die Signale einer gewaltigen kosmischen Explosion aufgefangen, die sich vor etwa 12,8 Milliarden Jahren ereignet hat. Die Explosion fand damit in einer Zeit statt, als das Universum erst etwa 900 Millionen Jahre alt war. Der Ort des Geschehens ist so weit entfernt, dass die Strahlung 12,8 Milliarden Jahre unterwegs war, bis sie nun die Erde erreichte.
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-405060,00.html
Trotz der Anklage von Verletzungen der Menschenrechte in allen Ländern der Uno, vermeidet es Washington, seine eigenen Fehler zu benennen. Dabei sind die USA in der Vergangenheit für die Behandlung von Inhaftierten in US-Gefangenenlagern im Irak, in Afghanistan und in Guantanamo auf Kuba sowie durch die Einschränkung von Bürgerrechte im Inland selbst in die Kritik geraten. "Wir sagen nicht, dass wir selbst perfekt sind", sagte ein Mitarbeiter des US-Außenministeriums, der namentlich nicht genannt werden wollte.
"Wenn wir etwas finden, das auf unserem Menschenrechtskonto falsch ist, versuchen wir, es in Ordnung zu bringen."
Den chinesischen Staatsrat befriedigte diese Antwort nicht. Er veröffentlichte heute seinerseits als Reaktion auf die US-Kritik einen Bericht über "schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen" der USA im In- und Ausland, wie die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua berichtete. Darin sind demnach Beispiele aus den Bereichen Justiz und Bürgerrechte sowie Fälle von Rassendiskriminierung und der Verletzung der Gesetze anderer Staaten aufgelistet. Die USA präsentierten sich gerne als "beispielhafte Demokratie", die in Wirklichkeit nur "ein Spiel für die Reichen" sei. China dränge die USA, ihre Menschenrechtslage zu verbessern und aufzuhören, international Konfrontationen in dieser Frage auszulösen.
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-405060,00.html
Seit Abu Ghureib und Guantanamo ist es mit der Autorität der USA in Sachen Menschenrechte nicht mehr weit her. Als das US-Außenministerium China jetzt "schwere Verfehlungen" vorwarf, konterte Peking umgehend: Demokratie sei in den USA nur ein Spiel für die Reichen.
Washington/Peking - Neben Iran gehöre China zu den Ländern, die "systematisch" die Grundrechte ihrer Bürger missachteten, heißt es im gestern veröffentlichten US-Menschenrechtsbericht. Wer in China öffentlich gegen die Regierung protestiere, müsse weiterhin mit Schikane und Inhaftierung durch Regierung und Behörden rechnen. Im vergangenen Jahr habe es einen "deutlichen Anstieg" von Protesten gegeben, die in vielen Fällen gewaltsam unterdrückt wurden. Ethnische Minderheiten und religiöse Gruppen würden in der Volksrepublik weiter unterdrückt, heißt es in dem Bericht mit Blick auf die nach mehr Autonomie strebenden Tibeter und Uiguren sowie die Anhänger der Falungong-Sekte.
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-405044,00.html
An seinem zweiten Tag im Zeugenstand schilderte Fastow am Mittwoch, wie Lay wiederholt Investoren und Journalisten über die finanzielle Lage des hoch verschuldeten Unternehmens belogen habe. Lay sei bestens darüber informiert gewesen, dass Enron unter einem Schuldenberg zu ersticken drohte. Dennoch habe Lay immer wieder gesagt, der Firma ginge es bestens. "Es war eine Lüge", sagte Fastow, der als Architekt der betrügerischen Bilanzpraktiken milliardenschwere Wertverluste verschleiert hatte. Der 44-Jährige hat sich deshalb in zwei Punkten der Verschwörung zum Betrug schuldig bekannt und sich zu einer Millionenstrafe sowie zehn Jahren Gefängnis bereit erklärt.
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-405044,00.html
Der milliardenschwere Bilanzbetrug hatte 2001 zum Kollaps von Enron geführt. Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft den früheren Firmen-Bossen Lay und Skilling Betrug, Verschwörung sowie Insider-Handel vor
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-405142,00.html
Nach der ersten Marderinfektion rechnen Experten mit weiteren befallenen Tierarten. Die Vogelgrippe sei auch auf Ratten, Mäuse, Frettchen, Wild- und Hausschweine übertragbar, sagte Erwin Reisinger, Direktor der Abteilung Tropenmedizin der Universität Rostock der Nachrichtenagentur AP. Derartige Fälle seien in Südostasien bereits aufgetreten oder experimentell nachgewiesen worden. Zudem seien ja bereits drei infizierte Katzen auf Rügen gefunden worden.
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-405142,00.html
Insel Riems - Das Vogelgrippe-Virus ist auf ein weiteres Säugetier übergesprungen und hat einen Steinmarder infiziert, wie das Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI) am heutigen Donnerstag mitteilte. Das Tier sei am 2. März auf der Insel Rügen nahe Schaprode noch lebend gefunden worden, nach Feststellen der Infektion aber getötet worden. Das Tier habe klinische Symptome gezeigt. Weltweit war bisher keine Infektion von Mardern und verwandten Tierarten mit dem H5N1-Virus beschrieben worden.
09.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-405094,00.html
Die neue Analyse der bereits 1911 nahe des französischen Orts Laussel ausgegrabenen Knochen ergab jedoch, dass sie nicht von einem Mädchen, sondern von einer 25 bis 35 Jahre alten Frau stammten.
Darauf deute eine ganze Reihe alterstypischer Veränderungen und Abnutzungsspuren an dem Skelett hin, teilte das Museum mit.
Demnach muss es bereits am Ende der Altsteinzeit Menschen gegeben haben, bei denen die Weisheitszähne nicht durchbrachen, sondern im Kiefer steckenblieben, schließen die Forscher aus dieser Entdeckung.
Das deute darauf hin, dass die Menschen ihre Ernährung schon damals auf eine weichere Kost umgestellt hatten. Bisher glaubten Wissenschaftler, dass diese Umstellung später stattgefunden hatte und die Menschen bis dahin auf ihre Weisheitszähne angewiesen waren.
09.Mar.2006 Schatzkiste Arktis: Die stillen Profiteure des Klimawandels
09.Mar.2006 Insel Rügen: Vogelgrippe bei Steinmarder nachgewiesen
09.Mar.2006 Skelett-Analyse: Weisheitszähne schwächelten schon in Altsteinzeit
09.Mar.2006 Umfragen: Wachsende Anti-Islam-Stimmung in den USA
09.Mar.2006 Nervende Nervenzellen: Juckreiz - schlimmer als Schmerz
09.Mar.2006 Kosmologie: Weitest entfernter Blitz im Universum beobachtet
09.Mar.2006 Ankündigung: Israel will binnen vier Jahren Staatsgrenzen festlegen
09.Mar.2006 Fifa-Regelungswahn: Widerstand der Fan-Guerilleros
09.Mar.2006 Schwindende Autorität: Peking weist Menschenrechts-Vorwürfe der USA süffisant zurück
09.Mar.2006 Steak-Stopp: Argentinien exportiert kein Fleisch mehr
09.Mar.2006 Iran: Ströbele unterstellt USA Kriegsvorbereitungen
09.Mar.2006 Teure Energie: Versorger planen Gaspreis-Erhöhung
09.Mar.2006 Hafendeal: Repräsentantenhaus stellt sich gegen Bush
08.Mar.2006 Prozess: Kronzeuge belastet Enron-Boss schwer
09.Mar.2006 https://rigorousintuition.blogspot.com/2006/03/life-and-life-only_08.html#comments
9/11 Plan 9 from Saudi Arabia
The sound of one-hand slapping
Cynical, sophisticated and subtle
Oh, the Places You Go (When You Follow the Money)
and the Sabotage of the Ptech Investigation
Ten Things We Learned in 2004 about 9/11
Report: WTC Black Boxes Were Recovered
Bushthink + the Strength of Venezuelan Steel
The Riddle of the Transponders
Remembering September 10 Dick Cheney, Terrorism Czar
"Where Drugs, Arms and Oil Intersect"
The Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9/11
09.Mar.2006To Reframe National Security, Democrats Must First See How 'Message' And 'Frame' Are Different, by Jeffrey Feldman. We Must Learn to "Guard the Gates." A New Monthly Feature on BuzzFlash.com, With Take-Action Steps. We Urge You to Read Feldman's Important Messaging and Framing Analysis.
NeoCon allies desert Bush over Iraq
A Veteran's Letter to the President: "I Return Enclosed the Symbols of My Years of Service" 3/9
09.Mar.2006 G.O.P. Plan Would Allow Spying Without Warrants 3/9
Barbara's Daily BuzzFlash Minute
09.Mar.2006 The New Media Monopoly May End Democracy on the Internet, Which is Just What the Busheviks Want 3/9
Skilling's Lawyers Go On The Offensive In Enron Trial -- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser
09.Mar.2006 Dubai Ports Deal: The Dark Underbelly Revealed 3/9
WWBD (What Would Ben Do)? - Editorial Cartoon by Andrew Wahl
Who?s afraid of the big bad Bush? -- The Last Chance Democracy Cafe by Steven C. Day
09.Mar.2006 http://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Who stole the voting machine? Brad Friedman has directed our attention to this interesting news story: An electronic voting machine was stolen from the home of a Dallas County elections judge over the weekend.
Sgt. Don Peritz, a Dallas County Sheriff spokesman, said the judge notified sheriff's dispatchers
Sunday afternoon that the iVotronic touch-screen machine was stolen from his home in the 200 block of East 5th Street.
Dallas County Elections Administrator Bruce Sherbet said the machine will not function without an additional piece of hardware called a personalized electronic ballot, or PEB.
Mr. Sherbet said his employees identified the serial number of the stolen machine + have blocked it from any access to the elections system, reducing the risk of vote fraud.
Serial numbers can be changed, of course.
09.Mar.2006 Fourth arrest over 'abuse' video A fourth soldier is arrested over a video of British troops appearing to abuse Iraqi civilians, the MoD confirms.
07.Mar.2006 The Dilemma Of The Last Sovereign - By Zbigniew Brezezinski
America needs to face squarely a centrally important new global reality: that the world’s population is experiencing a political awakening unprecedented in scope and intensity, with the result that the politics of populism are transforming the politics of power. Continued
09.Mar.2006 Thirst for oil threatens a fifth of the world's fresh water: A PLAN to build an oil pipeline that green activists and many experts say could severely damage Lake Baikal, the world’s deepest freshwater lake, has been approved by Russia’s environmental watchdog.
09.Mar.2006 Lobbyist Details Relationship With Bush, DeLay, Burns : Vanity Fair is set to publish an in-depth interview with disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff
09.Mar.2006 Policy of Assassination : The elected leadership of the Palestinians will become targets for assassination if there is a suicide attack in Israel and Tel Aviv decides that Hamas is responsible. No evidence will be needed. Israel’s defense minister, Shaul Mofaz, has said so. This chilling threat demonstrates the contempt in which Israel and Washington hold the democratic process if the result of the election does not suit them.
09.Mar.2006 Chris Floyd: Fighting for Their Lies: The Deadly Delusions of America's Troops : If American troops can be propagandized to believe such a transparent lie about Iraq's non-existent connection to 9/11 – what can't they be manipulated into believing?
09.Mar.2006 A Veteran’s Letter to the President: “I Return Enclosed the Symbols of My Years of Service”
09.Mar.2006 Dahr Jamail : See Dick Loot :
The ties that bind Cheney to Halliburton also link him to groups with even broader interests in the Middle East, which are causing civilians on the ground there, as well as in the US, to pay the price.
09.Mar.2006 Baghdad Embassy Bonanza: A controversial Kuwait-based construction firm accused of exploiting employees and coercing low-paid laborers to work in war-torn Iraq is now building the new $592-million U.S. embassy in Baghdad. Once completed, the compound will likely be the biggest, most fortified diplomatic compound in the world.
09.Mar.2006 Terry Jones: God: I've lost faith in Blair : All the signs are that the Almighty is unhappy about efforts to implicate Him in the attack on Iraq
09.Mar.2006 Iran report goes to top UN body : A UN report on Iran's nuclear programme is being forwarded to the UN Security Council for consideration of possible punitive action. The UN nuclear watchdog took the decision after debating it in Vienna.
09.Mar.2006 Iran Offers to Suspend Uranium Enrichment: The diplomat told The Associated Press the offer was made Friday by chief Iranian negotiator Ali Larijani in Moscow in the context of contacts between Iran and Russia on moving Tehran's enrichment program to Russia.
09.Mar.2006 Pimping a war: US says Iran has enough uranium gas to make 10 nuclear weapons: The United States alleged Wednesday that Iran has enough uranium gas to make -- if sufficiently enriched -- 10 nuclear weapons and has called for new inspections in the Islamic Republic.
09.Mar.2006 Israel will have to act on Iran if UN can't: If the U.N. Security Council is incapable of taking action to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, Israel will have no choice but to defend itself, Israel's defense minister said on Wednesday.
09.Mar.2006 Iran’s military prepared to defend against attacks - DM : “If anyone shows aggression to the Iranian nation’s rights, Iran will wipe the dark stain of regret on their foreheads”.
09.Mar.2006 Iran threatens reprisals if punished in nuclear row: Iran warned the United States on Wednesday it could inflict "harm and pain" to match whatever punishment Washington persuaded the U.N. Security Council to dole out for Tehran's refusal to give up atomic research.
09.Mar.2006 'US Cannot Use Gansi Base for Iran ' : Kyrgyzstan Minister of Foreign Affairs Alikbek Ceksenkulov said the United States can not use Gansi Military Base for a possible attack on Iran.
09.Mar.2006 Why is America so Hated By So Many: : An interview with John Perkins author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. He tells his personnel story of being an economic hit man, how he was sent into third world countries to pressure leaders to except huge loans that resulted in the sacrifice of health, education and jobs for their people due to the overwhelming burden of the debt.
09.Mar.2006 In case you missed it: John Pilger: The warlords of America: On 6 May 2004, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution which, in effect, authorised a "pre-emptive" attack on Iran. The vote was 376-3. Undeterred by the accelerating disaster in Iraq, Republicans and Democrats, wrote one commentator, "once again joined hands to assert the responsibilities of American power
09.Mar.2006 In case you missed it: Constant Conflict: US Army War College Quarterly: The de facto role of the US armed forces will be to keep the world safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault. To those ends, we will do a fair amount of killing.
09.Mar.2006 Response to article Constant Conflict: The aim of the US is clearly stated in the first paragraph - that is, to subject cultures and civilizations to American economic and cultural supremacy + to persevere until they have overrun the entire planet. Maj. Peters then kindly demonstrates for us how this aim is to be realised.
09.Mar.2006 Who Is Responsible For This Terror:
00.000.1960 the world’s richest 20 % earned more than 30 times as much as the poorest 20 %.
At present, the earnings of the richest group are 82 times higher than those of the poor.
09.Mar.2006 Democracy for breakfast : Mikhail Gorbachev says the US needs a dose of Russian medicine. -
"America needs its own perestroika", he said, suggesting it is the United States that now needs radical reforms and self assessment.
09.Mar.2006 UK: Minister says Guantanamo must close to save democracy :
The US camp at Guantanamo Bay should be closed before it undermines the cause of democracy worldwide, a Foreign Office minister has warned.
09.Mar.2006 UNICEF: "Sad day for children of Gaza": UNICEF said Monday was a sad day for the children of Gaza, after five were killed in conflict-related incidents.
09.Mar.2006 Netanyahu would control more territory : Benjamin Netanyahu said he would move Israel’s security barrier deeper inside the West Bank.
09.Mar.2006 Documents reveal Labor-Likud plans for West Bank : Highly confidential documents from the Ministry of Justice dating from the early 1990s, copies of which were sent to the ministers of defense, justice and housing as well as the attorney general, confirm the existence of a vast network of ties between Likud and Labor governments + land dealers and settlers' associations, for the purpose of acquiring land in the West Bank.
09.Mar.2006 U.N.: Jewish Settlers Harass Palestinians : Jewish settlers are terrorizing Palestinians with impunity, attacking children on their way to school and destroying farmers' trees and crops, a U.N. expert on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict said in a report.
09.Mar.2006 Enough of the D.C. Dems -By Molly Ivins
Mah fellow progressives, now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of the party. I don’t know about you, but I have had it with the D.C. Democrats, had it with the DLC Democrats, had it with every calculating, equivocating, triangulating, straddling, hair-splitting son of a bitch up there + that includes Hillary Rodham Clinton. Continued.
09.Mar.2006 Mein Country-Unforgivable -By Norma Sherry
The truth is right before our eyes if only we open them to see. The fear of seeing I know is almost too great, but if we don’t before too long there will be nothing of memory to see. As we sit on our comfy couches mesmerized by the latest Survivor or Apprentice or handsome Bachelor, we are being dissolved, extinguished. Our jobs are going to China and India and Pakistan; our freedoms are being abolished; our air polluted; our waters putrefied; our forests fallen; our wildlife exterminated; our culture obliterated. Continued
09.Mar.2006 Elite Troops Get Expanded Role on Intelligence -By Thom Shanker and Scott Shane
The military is placing small teams of Special Operations troops in a growing number of American embassies to gather intelligence on terrorists in unstable parts of the world and to prepare for potential missions to disrupt, capture or kill them. Continued
09.Mar.2006 Shock and Awe; the sequel-By Mike Whitney
Yesterday’s ham-fisted maneuverings reveal the administration’s true objectives. Bush would like to conceal his attack on Iran behind a mask of international legitimacy. But even without Security Council approval the plan will move forward. The current showdown has nothing to do with “noncompliance” or imaginary nuclear weapons programs. It has everything to do with consolidating the vast resources of the Caspian Basin under the Stars and Stripes and fending off future threats to America’s global domination. Continued
09.Mar.2006 Challenging the mighty dollar-By Ramin Davoodi
It's becoming increasingly obvious that there is a looming crisis brewing over Iran. The true 'whys' and 'whats' of the issue, however, are clouded to the American public due to our modern press and to the nature of the underlying stakes involved. Continued
09.Mar.2006 Video: Turkey Shoot At Abu Ghraib-Tales of Murder and Torture
Here's Olivia's story. And, as you would expect with this sort of report, be warned - some of what you're about to see is not exactly pretty and could even offend. Real Video and Transcript.
09.Mar.2006 Using Liquid Crystals to Guide Stem Cells Author: samzenpus
An anonymous reader writes "Liquid crystals, the same phase-shifting materials used to display information on cell phones, monitors and other electronic equipment, can also be used to control the differentiation of embryonic stem cells, Wisconsin researchers say. By using the crystals to mechanically strain the cells, they can prevent the indiscriminate (and unwanted) differentiation common in embryonic stem cell research and therapy. So when you want a bone cell, say, you don't end up with one from the kidney."
09.Mar.2006 Tree Climbing Robot Author: ScuttleMonkey 116 Comments
galactic grub writes "New Scientist's new Tech Blog has an article about a remarkable, if slightly creepy, tree-climbing robot being developed by robotics experts from Carnegie Mellon and several other US Universities. The article comes complete with a video clip of it going up several different surfaces."
09.Mar.2006 Netroots Politics Author: samzenpus 167 Comments
Michael Gracie writes "I picked up "Crashing The Gate - Netroots, Grassroots + the Rise of People-Powered Politics" from the DailyKos website, albeit apprehensively.
09.Mar.2006 Combating Identity Theft Author: ScuttleMonkey 170 Comments
An anonymous reader writes "Net-Security is running an interesting article about some of the problems facing organizations when it comes to identity theft. From the article: 'Identity theft is the major security concern facing organizations today. Indeed, for the banking industry, it is the number one security priority for 2006. Identity security has developed beyond the simplest form of authentication where one party issues and verifies identities within a closed group of users. While easy to do, this approach is extremely hard and costly to scale upwards and offers no interoperability with other authentication networks.'"
09.Mar.2006 Bacteria Eat Styrofoam Author: ScuttleMonkey 221 Comments
chaosmage42 writes "Scientists at the University of Dublin have found a way to break down styrofoam, the bane of recyclers/composters everywhere. This could be a great step towards sustainability, but it does require the styrofoam to be heated first."
09.Mar.2006 IBM Germany Leaving Vista for Linux Author: CmdrTaco 287+ Comments
UltimaGuy writes "During a presentation on IBM's involvement with Open Source, Andreas Pleschek from IBM in Stuttgart, Germany, who heads open source and Linux technical sales across North East Europe for IBM made a very interesting statement..."Andreas Pleschek also told that IBM has cancelled their contract with Microsoft as of October this year. That means that IBM will not use Windows Vista for their desktops. Beginning from July, IBM employees will begin using IBM Workplace on their new, Red Hat-based platform. Not all at once - some will keep using their present Windows versions for a while. But none will upgrade to Vista." "
09.Mar.2006 Coffee Maybe Not a Health Drink! Author: CmdrTaco 312+ Comments
perbert writes "Canadian researchers have published a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association indicating that excess coffee drinking (4+ cups a day) could lead to an increased risk of heart disease if you have the wrong gene. In light of other studies linking antioxidants in coffee to a reduction in heart disease, who is right? Or will they cancel out in a coffee death-match?"
09.Mar.2006 Human Genes Still Evolving Author: ScuttleMonkey 532+ Comments
MediumFormat writes "The New York Times is running an article that discusses the continuing evolution of human genes. From the article: 'The genes that show this evolutionary change include some responsible for the senses of taste and smell, digestion, bone structure, skin color and brain function.' Darwin Awards aside, what made people think that evolution stopped with the modern era?"
09.Mar.2006 Tree Climbing Robot Author: ScuttleMonkey 116 Comments -galactic grub writes
"New Scientist's new Tech Blog has an article about a remarkable, if slightly creepy, tree-climbing robot being developed by robotics experts from Carnegie Mellon and several other US Universities.
The article comes complete with a video clip of it going up several different surfaces."
09.Mar.2006 Similicio.us a New Relevancy Based Blog Finder Author: ScuttleMonkey 57 Comments
Thomas Hawk writes "Similicio.us is a brand new search engine that matches up the database of del.icio.us with the power of the search engine EasyUtil.com
The result is a new blog finder tool that can help you discover new websites based upon what you currently like.
Interesting to see a small time guy come up with a pretty cool tool like this while the major search players are spending millions trying to improve their own relevancy in blog search."
09.Mar.2006 Boxxet, a Tool for Automatic Webpage Generation Author: ScuttleMonkey 73 Comments
tkajstura writes "New Scientist is reporting on 'a new tool [called Boxxet that] offers to create websites on any subject, allowing web surfers to sit back, relax and watch a virtual space automatically fill up with relevant news stories, blog posts, maps and photos.' It uses an algorithm based on unique word count to filter an index and integrate relevant subject information into the page, called a 'Boxxet.' The tool will first be available by invitation only, opening to the general public by the end of April 2006."
09.Mar.2006 U.K. government loans laptops to prisoners Aims to help people in "complex" cases research evidence against them while they are incarcerated.
09.Mar.2006 Hard-to-find flicks hit the Web Web site Veoh lets film freaks post old, public-domain movies online.
09.Mar.2006 Study: Internet more popular than telly Blog: Surfing the Web has topped watching TV in terms of Britons favorite pastime, according a Daily Mail story about a new Google survey.
09.Mar.2006 Undisclosed number of Verizon employees at risk of identity theft
Blog: A theft of two laptop computers has put a "significant number" of Verizon Communications' employees at risk of having their identities...
09.Mar.2006 Porn Billing Leak Exposes Buyers Stolen data on 17 million s who've made payments through the online billing service iBill is circulating among spammers and fraud artists, security experts say. Most victims were purchasers of online porn. By Quinn Norton.
09.Mar.2006 Congress Renews Patriot Act In a close vote, the House extends the USA Patriot Act just before it would expire. Though a filibuster forces Bush to accept some new restrictions on terrorism probes, Republicans declare a legislative victory.
09.Mar.2006 MS vaccine testing to start in US A US company is set to begin a trial of a vaccine which it claims halt the progress of multiple sclerosis.
09.Mar.2006 Lack of sleep 'worrying Britons' A lack of sleep and too little exercise were singled out as top health concerns by Britons quizzed in a survey.
09.Mar.2006 Fighting Misuse of the Patriot Act I like this idea: I had to sign a tedious business contract the other day.
They wanted my corporation number -- fair enough -- plus my Social Security number -- well, if you insist -- and also my driver's license...
09.Mar.2006 Brain-to-computer interface at CeBIT CES is the big tech conference in the US, but CeBIT, which opens today in Hanover, Germany, is the biggest in the world, with 6000 exhibitors, more than double the count at CES. While CES becomes a bigger and bigger circus each year, with exhibits nearly indistinguishable from the ones ...
09.Mar.2006 Dangers of Molecular Manufacturing Some of the dangers described here are existential risks, that is, they may threaten the continued existence of humankind.
Others could produce significant disruption but not cause our extinction. A combination of several risks could exacerbate the seriousness of each; any solution must take into ...
09.Mar.2006 Fired Up! America - for responsible government, strong communities + secure families.
Title: Vanity Fair's Interview With Jack Abramoff Here's an advance copy of the Vanity Fair interview with Jack Abramoff.
09.Mar.2006 New Scandal For Senator Burns
The Billings Gazette has a blockbuster story today on Senator Conrad Burns and his ties to lobbyist Leo Giacometto.
00.000.1995-00.000.1998 -former Alzada rancher Leo Giacometto worked as Sen. Conrad Burns' chief of staff in Washington, D.C.
Six years later, after Giacometto had quit to work as a lobbyist, Burns called on him again.
09.Mar.2006 Farmers welcome end to beef ban UK beef farmers welcome the lifting of the 10-year ban on exports as the "most positive" news for a decade.
09.Mar.2006 Iran report goes to top UN body A UN report on Iran's nuclear work is being forwarded to the Security Council for possible punitive action.
09.Mar.2006 Moussaoui 'had aircraft plot' Zacarias Moussaoui's sentencing trial hears how he dreamed of crashing an aircraft into the White House.
09.Mar.2006 Irish priests hit by abuse claims More than 100 priests in the Dublin region of Ireland may have abused children since 1940, a report says.
09.Mar.2006 Fifty Iraqi security men captured Men in Iraqi police uniforms seize private security guards - but it is unclear whether they were arrested or kidnapped.
09.Mar.2006 https://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/mpapps/pagetools/print/news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4787368.stm
Two teenage students have been charged in connection with an investigation into suspected terrorist activity abroad, police have said.
Irfan Raja, 18, from Ilford, Essex, was charged with making a record of information likely to be useful to a terrorist.
Awaab Iqbal, 18, from Bradford, was charged with possessing information likely to be useful to a terrorist.
09.Mar.2006 Darfur protesters condemn UN plan Thousands march through Sudan's capital to protest at UN plans to take over peacekeeping operations in Darfur.
09.Mar.2006 Setback for Bush's US ports plan A US Congress committee votes to block a government deal to give a Dubai-based firm control of six ports.
09.Mar.2006 EU calls for joint energy policy The European Commission calls on member states to work together for steady and secure energy supplies.
09.Mar.2006 Mid-East peace plan 'out of date' The US-backed Middle East peace plan is "hopelessly out of date", according to a UN human rights envoy.
09.Mar.2006 Theft 'motive' for teen's murder Three teenagers are accused of murdering a schoolboy for his mobile phone and money then dragging him out to sea to drown, a court hears.
09.Mar.2006 Interest rates 'to stay on hold' The Bank of England is expected to say on Thursday that it is keeping interest rates level at 4.5% this month.
09.Mar.2006 Baby's dad says 'don't play God' The father of a baby at the centre of a right-to-life case says it is up to God to "give life and take it away".
09.Mar.2006 Police defend shooting strategy Senior officers defend how they deal with suicide bomb suspects, in a review following the Stockwell Tube shooting.
08.Mar.2006 Die Bedeutung des Lautenbach-Plans heute ...auch als PDF. Beitrag erschien auch in der Neuen ... möchte ich bitten, die Rede eines der Gouverneure der US ... Bank von England, der Hitler finanzierte ... www.bueso.de/seiten/zepp/hzl0302.htm
08.Mar.2006 Download - unglaublichkeiten.info ... Adolf Hitler Reichstagsrede - Der VERFührer antwortet Roosevelt ... Bücher pdf unglaublichkeiten.com/unglaublichkeiten/htmlphp/htmlbilderzip.html
NSDAP und Antisemitismus 1919-1933 Michael Mayer Seminar für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (PDF) ... 55-64 (
1925 hatte Hitler keine Rede . vor SA-Männern ... findet sich nur eine Rede vor SS-Angehörigen vom
5 ... 1930, in der Hitler (recht untypisch für ihn) davon spricht ... www.vwl.uni-muenchen.de/wirtschaftsarchiv/Papers/2002/0205_mayer.pdf
08.Mar.2006 FES: Reihe "Gesprächskreis Geschichte" - online 2,2 MB PDF ( Gesprächskreis Geschichte ... Eure Feiheit! Stürzt Hitler ! : Die "Sozialistischen Mitteilungen"
00.000.1939 ... vor 10 Jahren : Rede anläßlich der ersten Präsentation ... library.fes.de/history/gg.html
08.Mar.2006 https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060307/NEWS01/603070326/1007
"It's never been a group that protests anything," Carr said. "We just discuss how we can help ourselves to be a better community."
08.Mar.2006 https://english.donga.com/srv/service.php3?bicode=060000&biid=2006030721918
“How low is 18 %?” This was a headline in the Washington Post on March 5. The 18 % is the support rate of vice president Dick Cheney from a public opinion survey conducted by CBS.
08.Mar.2006 Twentieth Anniversary of Olof Palme Assassination: Mystery Solved? If Americans are haunted by unanswered questions about the Kennedy assassination, the unsolved murder of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme twenty years ago in February 1986 was the event that permanently scarred Sweden's collective psyche. "Compared with the Kennedy assassination, the murder of Palme is much more enigmatic and obscure, both with regard to motive, the identity of the killer + the possibility of a larger organization behind the act," notes Jan Bondeson.
08.Mar.2006 The Stradivarius mystique For more than 100 years, scientists, luthiers and musicians have played, poked and peeked into countless Stradivarius violins in an attempt to explain why the instruments are among the best in the world.
Now, one scientist thinks he's finally solved the mystery.
08.Mar.2006 Widely predicted teen crime wave never happened
A new generation of brutal and remorseless teens was about to savage the nation, leading authorities on juvenile crime warned a decade ago. Millions of Americans believed them.
Conservative criminologist John DiIulio called the fearsome horde "super-predators." He estimated that they'd number nearly 200,000 by now. Even unflappable Attorney General Janet Reno foresaw violent crime doubling among kids.
It never happened.
The kids are alright. Excellent article.
08.Mar.2006 Abramoff Splits the Christian Right As the Jack Abramoff scandal unfolds, it is becoming increasingly clear how extensively he collaborated with the Christian right to advance his casino schemes. Ralph Reed was paid no less than $4 million by Abramoff and his Indian casino clients to serve as a liasion to the Christian right. Reed managed to lasso Focus on the Family President James Dobson into a series of campaigns to stamp out competition to Abramoff's clients. Though Senate subpeonaed emails seem to confirm that Dobson was manipulated by Reed and Abramoff, he and his employees have repeatedly claimed that his activism against rivals to Abramoff's clients was a complete coincidence.
08.Mar.2006 Lengthy drug testing not to blame for prices: study "Our research shows that long development times are an unlikely factor in rising drug prices," said Dr. Salomeh Keyhani, an assistant professor of health policy at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York who led the study.
"Drug companies will price new drugs at the highest price that the market will bear, not based on drug development times."
08.Mar.2006 Poll: Cheney Less Popular Than OJ And Cheney didn't kill anybody. Yet.
08.Mar.2006 The Article Citations Below Are Gathered From Published Journals ... budget politics Maslyukov revolt Topol-M Primakov defense spending ... The USAF, DARPA + NRO have jointly selected three contractor teams for the ... www.fas.org/spp/starwars/program/news99/E0423-9.htm
Primakov urges Kuwait to give Iraq a face-saving way to exit Kuwait and end ... DARPA begins testing the most promising anti-friendly fire proposal at the ... www.firethistime.org/brownchrono.htm
08.Mar.2006 Walks Like A Duck...Talks Like A Duck ...
Yevgeny Primakov, has for many years worked closely with Saddam Hussein and was ... now known as DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, ... www.rense.com/general47/walked.htm
19.Oct.2002 Primakov warns US against attack on Iraq ...
19.Oct.2002 Defense Contractors, DARPA + the Illegal Government Program to Squelch Dissent ... www.whatreallyhappened.com/Oct02articles
08.Mar.2006 Les Archives d'Intelligence Online La Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ) vient de sélectionner ...
Le premier ministre russe Evgeni Primakov, le ministre de l'Intérieur Sergei ... www.intelligenceonline.fr/ps/FR/Arch/LMR/LMR_355.asp?rub=archives
08.Mar.2006 Microsoft Senior VP of Research, Dr. Richard F. Rashid Joins Anita ...
He is a past member of the DARPA UNIX Steering Committee and the CSNet Executive ...
2004062426_Report ... may seem," Primakov told the Russian daily Gazeta in a lengthy interview ...
"Even worse, DARPA is depending on second-rate companies to provide them ... alfatomega.com/2004062426_Report.htm
08.Mar.2006 Attack of the Killer Robot Jetplanes 911 ...
General Yevgeni Primakov, has been hired as a consultant by the US Department of ...
A judicious advanced search of the DARPA web site should yield, ... www.geocities.com/killer_robot_jetplanes /
08.Mar.2006 BuzzFlash Interviews Al Franken: Getting Progressives Organized with His New Midwest Values PAC
The sleeper issue of continued GOP one-party rule over America has been the issue of privatized voting machines.
The issue first came to forefront in the 2000 election,
08.Mar.2006 The Book That Makes the Legal Case For Impeaching George W. Bush. Just Released. Get It From BuzzFlash.com.
Bush Continues to Get Walloped in the Polls, As He Should 3/9
08.Mar.2006 Research group calls U.S. attack on Iran 'likely'; and more in the March 8th World Media Watch by Gloria Lalumia
The election filings of Sen. Hillary Clinton's latest opponent certainly aren't par for the course, revealing a political novice claiming golf outings as campaign costs, in apparent violation of the law. 3/9
Cindy Sheehan: What Really Happened, Pt. 2 -- NYC Style - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
08.Mar.2006 Chris Matthews to Pat Toomey:
"This is what the whole issue of abortion is and where all the B.S. comes into this argument. Are you willing to say that you would put a woman in prison for having an abortion?" 3/9
Our Freedom is Imperiled and at Risk Because of this Craven Deed: Congress Reauthorizes UnPatriot Act Provisions that Give Bush Powers He Has Shown He Will Continue to Brazenly Abuse. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." So Said Benjamin Franklin. With the UnPatriot Act, We Get Tyranny and No Safety. 3/8
08.Mar.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/Permalink
08.Mar.2006So can someone 'splain to me just how unitary this executive really is if he has signed over joint classification (and presumably declassification) powers to his binary vice-executive? Does this not weaken that argument just a wee bit? 08.Mar.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/
For at least the domestic spying and torture issues, Gonzo and his boss's gubmint argue that Bush can do what he wants because of the unitary executive.
08.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-404772,00.html
Beim Opus Dei begnügt man sich damit, Browns Buch und den Film als "eine indirekte Werbung" für die katholische Einrichtung zu sehen.
Peter Hertel, einer der besten externen Kenner des Gotteswerks sagt, diese Strategie werde aufgehen.
Es könne zu einem Solidarisierungseffekt unter jenen kommen, die für Browns Buch nicht anfällig sind, bisher jedoch in geneigter Distanz zum Opus standen.
Auf jeden Fall wird der Film eine neue Debatte über das Opus Dei entfachen.
08.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/contentainer/0,,18903,00.html
00.000.1928 Das Opus Dei wurde vom spanischen Priester Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer y Albas (00.0000.1902-00.000.1975) gegründet.
00.000.2002 Escriva wurde in einem ungewöhnlich schnellen Verfahren von Papst Johannes Paul II. heilig gesprochen.
Kritiker warfen Escriva vor, er habe einen Personenkult um sich inszeniert.
Eine Aussteigerin, die Spanierin Maria del Carmen Tapia, die vier Jahre zur engsten Führung des weiblichen Zweiges gehörte,
schrieb in ihrem Buch "Hinter der Schwelle", Escriva sei barsch und rücksichtslos gegenüber seinen Mitarbeitern gewesen.
Der tschechische Priester Vladimir Felzmann - 23 Jahre an führender Stelle im Werk tätig - warf seinem ehemaligen Chef Sympathien für den Faschismus vor.
Laut Felzmann relativierte Escriva den Holocaust.
Er zitiert ihn:
"Vlad, Hitler hätte nicht so eine schlechte Person sein können.
Er hätte nicht sechs Millionen töten können.
Es können nicht mehr als vier gewesen sein."
08.Mar.2006 New York Stock Exchange: Buhrufe auf dem Börsenparkett
08.Mar.2006 CDU-Spendenaffäre: Auslieferung von Schreiber rückt näher
08.Mar.2006 Atomstreit: Iran-Konflikt kommt vor Sicherheitsrat
08.Mar.2006 Dublin: Kirche gesteht massenhaften Kindesmissbrauch
08.Mar.2006 Vogelgrippe: Zu früh, um Katzen zu verstoßen
08.Mar.2006 CDU-Spendenaffäre: Schreiber droht Auslieferung nach Deutschland
08.Mar.2006 Pläne gestoppt: EU kassiert Hafenrichtlinie
08.Mar.2006 Opus Dei: Ein Geheimbund kämpft um seinen Ruf
08.Mar.2006 Internationale Tourismusbörse: Reisebranche verzeichnet Spitzenumsatz
08.Mar.2006 Regierungsbericht zur Altersvorsorge: Nach 2009 sackt das Rentenniveau ab
08.Mar.2006 DGI Europe 2006 - Creating Superior Defence Intelligence ...
Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin employs approximately 130000 ...
Solutions under Michael M. Thomas, Vice President and General Manager, ... www.wbr.co.uk/dgieurope/sponsors.html
DGI Europe 2006 - Creating Superior Defence Intelligence ...
Presentation Title To Be Decided.
Michael M. Thomas Vice President and General Manager, Geospatial-Intelligence Solutions, IS&S, LOCKHEED MARTIN ... www.wbr.co.uk/dgieurope/agenda.html
08.Mar.2006 Three Industry Leaders Join STIA Board of Directors ...
Michael M. Thomas, Vice President of Imagery and Geospatial Solutions, Lockheed Martin Management and Data Systems, Fairfax, Virginia ... www10.giscafe.com/nbc/articles/view_article.php?section=CorpNews&articleid=50534&printerfriendly=1
28.Feb.2004 16:34:49 From newsletter at opengis.org
BAE systems,
the Federal Geographic data Committee (FGDC),
Lockheed Martin,
National Atmospheric and Space Administration (NASA), .mail.opengeospatial.org/pipermail/newsletter/2004.txt.gz
03.Mar.2005 Newsletter Archive-
The Boeing Company;
Michael M. Thomas, Vice President & General Manager,
Geospatial-Intelligence Solutions,
Lockheed Martin Corporation; +
Christopher ... www.gismonitor.com/news/newsletter/archive/030305.php
08.Mar.2006 Altersvorsorge: Rente reicht nicht mehr zum Leben
08.Mar.2006 Gedächtnis: Kolibris planen ihre Mittagspausen
08.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-404788,00.html
Bislang galt ein Krater im Tschad mit einem Durchmesser von zwölf Kilometern als größte derartige Struktur in der Sahara. Farouk El-Baz von der Boston University vermutet, dass ein Meteoriteneinschlag den Doppelring geformt hat. Dazu sei ein Meteorit von mehr als einem Kilometer Durchmesser vonnöten gewesen.
"Kebira könnte bislang einfach nicht aufgefallen sein, weil er so groß ist", sagte El-Baz. "Bei der Kratersuche konzentrierte man sich typischerweise auf kleinere Erscheinungen, die man vom Boden aus identifizieren kann." El-Baz hingegen fand Kebira, als er zusammen mit seiner Kollegin Eman Ghoneim Satellitenbilder der Sahara betrachtete.
08.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-404848,00.html
Den Haag - Laut dem von der Wahlkommission in der Nacht zum Mittwoch mitgeteilten Ergebnis konnte sich die sozialdemokratische Partei der Arbeit (PvdA) gegenüber den letzten Wahlen 2002 erheblich verbessern. Die kleine, weit links angesiedelte Sozialistische Partei (SP) steigerte ihren Stimmenanteil um mehr als das Doppelte; der Stimmenanteil der Umweltschützer von GroenLinks blieb nahezu konstant. Die regierenden Christdemokraten (CDA) und ihre Koalitionspartner, die rechtsliberale Volkspartei für Freiheit und Demokratie (VVD) und die Demokraten 66 (D66), fielen zurück, ebenso die rechtspopulistischen Gruppierungen.
08.Mar.2006 Atomkonflikt: Iran droht USA mit "Leid und Schmerzen"
08.Mar.2006 Rinderwahnsinn: Britisches Rindfleisch soll wieder exportiert werden
08.Mar.2006 Vogelgrippe in der ARD: Gebührenfinanzierte Panikmache
08.Mar.2006 Frankreich: Autofahrer fährt 51 Jahre ohne Führerschein
08.Mar.2006 Atomkonflikt: Sicherheitsrat könnte sich schon kommende Woche mit Iran befassen
08.Mar.2006 Spanien: Eta verübt neue Anschläge
08.Mar.2006 Satellitenbild: Größter Krater der Sahara entdeckt
08.Mar.2006 Vulkanausbrüche: Die tödliche Gewalt des Vesuv
08.Mar.2006 Gendefekt: Auf allen Vieren
08.Mar.2006 Wanzen-Geständnis: Flugzeugbesitzer bespitzelten Michael Jackson
08.Mar.2006 Sieg für Bush: US-Kongress verlängert Patriot Act
08.Mar.2006 Liquider Rentner: Greenspan kassiert Millionen für Memoiren
08.Mar.2006 Niederlande: Linke Opposition gewinnt Kommunalwahlen
08.Mar.2006 Alterssicherung: Sozialverbände empört über Rentenbericht
08.Mar.2006 Max Blumenthal: Abramoff Splits the Christian Right Source: XML George W. Bush on The Huffington Post
"He [Reed] got to Dobson who is going to mail Louisiana and get on the radio!"
--email from Jack Abramoff to Michael Scanlon, 2/6/02
08.Mar.2006 Oh, if at... Source: XML Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall
Oh, if at first you don't succeed and all that. Bob Ney is still looking for a disparagement of choice to use on his one-time partner in (alleged) crime, Jack Abramoff. Now Ney's office is saying Jack Abramoff shouldn't be believed because he's a "slick trial lawyer." That's a good one. This truly has to be the reductio ad absurdum of GOP anti-trial lawyer politics. And, by the way, has...
08.Mar.2006 Cunningham Gets 8 Years, 4 Months Source: XML
One down, DeLay, Abramoff, Frist + Libby to go. Former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, who collected $2.4 million in homes, yachts, antique furnishings and other bribes on a scale unparalleled in the history of Congress, was sentenced Friday to eight years and four months in prison, the longest term meted out ...
08.Mar.2006 Abramoff sentencing delay refused Source: XML The Register-Guard
A federal judge Monday refused to allow a lengthy delay in the sentencing of lobbyist Jack Abram- off, even though lawyers for both sides said the move could jeopardize a federal corruption investigation involving Congress and the Bush administration.
08.Mar.2006 The Anti-Gambling Flip-Flop Source: XML TPM Muckraker
How times change. How votes change. As I mentioned in the Daily Muck, Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) is rolling out his Internet Gambling Prohibition Act again + prospects are bright, now that Jack Abramoff isn't around. Back in October, the...
08.Mar.2006 Launching a new Web page, entitled “Culture of Corruption: The Arizona Republican Party,” the Arizona Democrats began a new phase in their campaign to expose ethical lapses by Arizona Republicans. The Democrats vowed to update their Web page as developments warrant.
This page’s initial launch includes: State Rep. Steve Yarbrough (R-Chandler), who supported corporate tuition tax credit legislation that would have benefited the Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization, of which Yarbrough is executive director. U.S. Reps. J.D. Hayworth (R-Ariz.) and Rick Renzi (R-Ariz.), who continue to keep campaign contributions related to corrupt lobbyist Jack Abramoff, even after Abramoff admitted to bilking Native American tribes of millions of dollars. State Sen. Dean Martin (R-Phoenix), who used more than $19,000 in campaign funds to boost his personal businesses and entertain professional lobbyists in 2004.
For the complete list, please visit https://azdem.org/gopcorruption.
This seems like a webpage that is going to need A LOT of updating. I think the state GOP is way worse than the national – out of touch punks totally think this is the wild west.
08.Mar.2006 New scandals worse than Abramoff for Conrad Burns 3/8 Source: XML NewsIsFree Search:
08.Mar.2006 Der Terrorismus wird medial ganz falsch dargestellt! Source: XML Datenschutz ist Tatenschutz ?!
“Rumsfeld sieht das Problem der US-Regierung im neuartigen Krieg gegen den Terror in der Medienkompetenz der Feinde und fordert eine massive Aufrüstung der strategischen Kommunikation” Ach ja, der nächste Schritt. Donald Rumsefeld meint: Unsere Feinde haben sich geschickt an die Kriegsführung im heutigen Medienzeitalter angepasst, aber wir, unser Land, also sowohl unsere ...
08.Mar.2006 Military Trains Blogging Puppets to Parrot Propaganda Source: XML Acoustic Dad's Place
(Ok the title reeks of left-wing rhetoric - so sue me :P )
The US Military has finally embraced the powers of the web in their never-ending quest to capture and sway public opinion on the War on Terror.
According to an Indymedia news report Friday ("CENTCOM Eyes Blogs to Shape Opinion",
03.Mar.2006 : "Since last July, the Florida-based U.S. Central Command's public affairs staff -- in an effort recently praised by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for its innovation -- has been initiating contact with editors of Web sites that cover operations in Iraq + Afghanistan, offering the same news releases and stories written by military officials that are made available to journalists affiliated with traditional media outlets."
The article indicates that a team of full time bloggers is constantly trawling the net for war supporters to parrot the press statements prepared by the military.
Already eager to chime in with their pro-war voices, Lt. Col. Richard McNorton, a CENTCOM spokesman, has described these bloggers as willing to post pretty much anything.
Of particular concern to anti-war activists and peace advocates is the range of influence these reports have:
"To date, more than 300 blogs have posted links to the command's public affairs page, which have directed millions of viewers to CENTCOM's site, command officials say.
The blogs with direct links to CENTCOM's site are linked to another 9,300 blogs.
This second band of Web sites then link to another 270,000 blogs, providing a potentially exponential reach.
"If these numbers are correct they represent a substantial collective voice trumpeting the biased perspective of the military.
11.Sep.2001-08.Mar.2006 What did the FBI know before 9/11? Source: XML IRC News - Politics & Law
08.Mar.2006 Moussaoui's lies led to 9/11 deaths says prose... Source: XML MP3Board.com
New Zealand Herald, New Zealand - 1 hour ago... The charges against Moussaoui were conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism, commit aircraft piracy, destroy aircraft, use weapons of mass destruction, murder US ...
08.Mar.2006 Three challengers trying to topple DeLay in primary (Legal investigators) Source: XML legal investigators
Three challengers trying to topple DeLay in primary WASHINGTON (AP) - Rep. Tom DeLay has rarely faced a serious challenge in the 22 years he has held office, dispatching opponents with seemingly little effort. Source: www.herald-coaster.com Gates' Microsoft Denies Role In China Arrest Hotmail address of reporter accused of state subversion is revealed in Beijing indictment. Source: www.forbes.com Moussaoui could have stopped 9/11, jury told The Sept. 11, 2001, attacks would have been prevented + nearly 3,000 lives would have been saved if Zacarias Moussaoui had not lied to... Source: seattletimes.nwsource.com iPod Forensics An iPod is just one example of a portable storage device which could conceivably contain illegal or illicit data. Other thumb drives and USB storage devices could fall into this same category. It opens up a new realm of criminal... Source: netsecurity.about.com
08.Mar.2006 https://www.psycport.com/showArticle.cfm?xmlFile=apdigital%5F2006%5F03%5F01%5Fap%2Eonline%2Ehealth%2Dmedical%5FD8G3517G0%5Fnews%5Fap%5Forg%2Eanpa%2Exml&provider=Associated%20Press
"Where will our soldiers and sailors and airmen come from?" he said. "Where will our policemen and firemen come from if the youngsters today are on a trajectory that says they will be obese, laden with cardiovascular disease, increased cancers and a host of other diseases when they reach adulthood?"
08.Mar.2006 Photos: Antarctic is shrinking
08.Mar.2006 Tearful Fastow describes Enron fraud Source: XML Vermont Public Radio NewsRoom: US HOUSTON (Reuters) -
Former Enron Corp Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow testified through tears on Tuesday that he routinely inflated earnings, hid losses + deceived investors with the blessing of his boss, Jeffrey Skilling.
08.Mar.2006 Fastow testifies in Enron case Source: XML SBS World News
Enron's former chief financial officer Andrew Fastow has told a Houston court that the company's top executives actively promoted fraudulent deals that led to the energy giant's dramatic collapse.
08.Mar.2006 Enron Trial: Defense questions 'They're on to us' remark Source: XML Merced Sun-Star.com -- Business HOUSTON --
With a pivotal government witness waiting in the wings,
a defense lawyer in the Enron fraud trial sought Monday to cast doubt on a former executive's dramatic claim that CEO Jeffrey Skilling fretted in 2001 that "they're on to us."
08.Mar.2006 Consider, for instance, what Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham recently told Attorney General Alberto Gonzales during the latter's Senate testimony regarding the NSA surveillance program:
During the time of war, the administration has the inherent power, in my opinion, to surveil the enemy and to map the battlefield electronically - not just physical, but to electronically map what the enemy is up to by seizing information and putting that puzzle together. And the administration has not only the right, but the duty, in my opinion, to pursue fifth column movements. And let me tell folks who are watching what a fifth column movement is. It is a movement known to every war where American citizens will sympathize with the enemy and collaborate with the enemy. And it's happened in every war.
It would not be much of a step, judging from what we are now reading from the Bush defenders, to conclude that Bush's left-wing critics comprise just such a "Fifth Column." After all, the underlying logic of the meme is that criticism of Bush has been motivated purely by a desire to harm Bush which ignores the consequent harm to the nation. If they're harming us, well, what's the harm of a little surveillance? Or, for that matter, a few mass roundups?
The conservative bubble is a problem not just because it produces a pathological brand of politics. It also dehumanizes the people living inside it, because everyone outside of it becomes, if not the enemy, then at least expendable.
08.Mar.2006 Here is Washington renouncing monetary gain from holding the office of the president. Compare this to the Bushs, Clintons, Cheneys, or the majority of elected officials in DC today, who look to their offices not just as means for personal profit, but as a righteous spoil.
There will always be misuse and abuse of political and government power for monetary gain, but the trading for profit that is contemporary American politics is sickening and despicable. It has grown to threaten this republic's future.
08.Mar.2006 Chicken Little At It Again Source: XML Manimalia
Now is the time for all Americans to stand up an say enough is enough. With Bush-Cheney polls in the shitter, we can almost guarantee the only tactic the White House has left in its arsenal is to rally around some trumped up casus belli.
Bush and Cheney have failed this country immeasurably and they have no credibility left to run the country effectively, let alone commit US forces to yet another field of battle. These men are mad with power and they must be stopped or we Americans will come face to face with the abyss.
AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth
08.Mar.2006 https://news.com.com/2061-10801_3-6047027.html?part=rss&tag=6047027&subj=news
Of interest to s here is the claim that the UC25 will be able to run a laptop in a typical duty cycle for up to two working days on a single methanol fuel cell cartridge.
08.Mar.2006 Designer Mice Made to Order Author: ScuttleMonkey 168 Comments
blackbearnh writes "CNN is reporting about the world of designer mice. No, not the kind you click, the kind that scamper around and eat cheese. An effort is underway to produce mice with each of the 20-25,000 individual mouse genes "knocked out", which could lead to novel new treatments for humans. It turns out that after fully sequencing the mouse genome, the little fellas are almost identical to humans. From the article: 'A mouse with arthritis runs close to $200; two pairs of epileptic mice can cost 10 times that. You want three blind mice? That'll run you about $250. And for your own custom mouse, with the genetic modification of your choosing, expect to pay as much as $100,000.'"
08.Mar.2006 Google Drive: What we know so far Author: Michael Arrington
We have all the ingredients for a great story: dramatic predictions of Google taking over the world, secret disclosures of a new stealth product at a Google analyst meeting, outing of the story by bloggers + subsequent purging of the public data by Google to keep things hidden from the public ...
08.Mar.2006 Humans Still Evolving Author: Ronald Bailey Or so reports the New York Times. To wit: Providing the strongest evidence yet that humans are still evolving, researchers...
08.Mar.2006 Coffee May Spell Heart Trouble for Some AP
Here's a real caffeine jolt-heart attacks might be a risk for coffee drinkers with a common genetic trait that makes caffeine linger in their bodies, study suggests
08.Mar.2006 Queen hails UK-Brazil friendship The Queen describes the UK and Brazil as "good friends and allies" at a banquet to welcome the Brazilian president.
08.Mar.2006 US, Russia reject Iran compromise The US and Russia rule out an Iranian compromise deal to allow Tehran to enrich uranium.
08.Mar.2006 UltraCell power source aims to lighten soldiers' load Blog: Over at the Intel Developer Forum here in San Francisco, UltraCell is demonstrating its XX25 micro methanol fuel cell system,...
07.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-404840,00.html
Die Verteidigung bestreitet die Vorwürfe und hat erklärt, die US-Regierung habe im Vorfeld der Anschläge mehr gewusst als Moussaoui. Tatsächlich gab es nach den Anschlägen wiederholt Vorwürfe, die verschiedenen Sicherheitsdienste der US-Regierung hätten die Attentate bei einer besseren Zusammenarbeit verhindern können.
07.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-404840,00.html
Die Aussagen Anticevs sind von Bedeutung, da in dem am Montag eröffneten Verfahren die Frage im Mittelpunkt steht, wie viel die US-Regierung bereits vor den Anschlägen vom 11. September von den Al-Qaida-Plänen wusste. Der 37-jährige Moussaoui war einen Monat vor den Anschlägen in New York und Washington festgenommen worden und gestand im April vergangenen Jahres, von der Qaida für ein anderes Attentat mit einem Flugzeug angeheuert worden zu sein. Er bestritt jedoch, von den September-Anschlägen gewusst zu haben.
07.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-404840,00.html
Der US-Prozess gegen den mutmaßlichen Terrorhelfer Zacarias Moussaoui offenbart interessante Details. Nach Darstellung des FBI wusste die US-Regierung bereits seit Mitte der neunziger Jahren recht genau von Anschlagsplänen des Terrornetzwerks al-Qaida.
Alexandria - Die US-Regierung sei über die Möglichkeit besorgt gewesen, dass Extremisten Flugzeuge entführen könnten, sagte heute FBI-Vertreter Michael Anticev im Prozess gegen den Al-Qaida-Komplizen Moussaoui in Alexandria. Zu den Anschlägen vom 11.Sep.2001 äußerte er sich während der Befragung durch die Verteidigung nicht konkret.
Er räumte aber ein, dass es den Behörden trotz intensiver Bemühungen nicht gelungen sei, hochrangige Kämpfer der Terrorgruppe festzunehmen.
Insbesondere sei es zwischen
00.000.1996-00.000.1998 nicht gelungen, den im Nachhinein als Planer der Anschläge verdächtigten Chalid Scheich Muhammad aufzuspüren.
07.Mar.2006 BND-Affäre: Rumsfeld will nichts gewusst haben
07.Mar.2006 Vor Regierungsbericht: Experten prognostizieren deutlich geringere Standardrente
07.Mar.2006 Terrorprozess: US-Regierung wusste laut FBI schon früh von Al-Qaida-Plänen
07.Mar.2006 https://tailrank.com/posts/562949953494435/Peel_a_potato_in_one_step
Microbes survived the Columbia shuttle disaster: A... newscientistspace.com
07.Mar.2006 https://tailrank.com/posts/562949953494435/Peel_a_potato_in_one_step
Citibank under fraud attack, customers locked out of accounts
07.Mar.2006 Michael Lehman's Podcasting.../Michael Lehman's Podcasting from SoftwareLand - The debate about whether and how much information you should store in the cloud and what the cloud storage owners will do with that information is raging on the TechCrunch https://www.techcrunch.com/2 ... #
07.Mar.2006 AMERICAblog/US military experts now say Iraq is in a full-blown civil war - Well, I hope Bush and the Republicans are proud of what they've created. We are on the path of the worst case scenario of what could happen if Saddam were removed from power. A full blown civil war and the country falls apart ... # Internet Weekly Report/Peeping George - Big Brother Is Watching You! #
07.Mar.2006 Crooked Timber/Evangelicals and Democrats - Amy Sullivan writes about the prospect of the Democratic party recruiting evangelical or conservative Christians. Kevin Drum comments I have to confess that I've always been skeptical of the notion that liberals should spend much time trying to get the Christian evangelical community on our side ... # Gristmill/Jesus ready to bolt? - Amy Sullivan has a piece in Washington Monthly called "When Would Jesus Bolt?" It's about growing strain between the evangelical Christian community and the Republican Party for which it has so long been a loyal foot soldier ... #
07.Mar.2006 Web users 'only visit six sites' webuser.co.uk Found 22 hours ago Web users now have almost 76 million sites to choose from, yet most only visit six on a regular basis, it was revealed today. The research, published today by Directgov, points to a new era in the use of the internet that experts are calling the 'Supersite' phenomenon. Three quarters of people questioned ... More on this thread: Micro Persuasion/Why RSS Hasn't Taken Off Yet - There's been a lot of debate about why RSS usage has been slow to take off among mainstream Internet s. Here's one reason. Most Web users only visit six sites on a regular basis, according to a UK study ... # Putting people first/Most web users only visit six sites - Background story [ Daily Telegraph - Web user ] # Beyond PR/Who needs RSS when web users 'only visit six websites'? - According to a research published by Diretgov, half of UK internet users regularly visit just 6 websites on average. 95% also say that they go online with a specific destination in mind (what happened to "web surfing"? ... #
07.Mar.2006 AMERICAblog/And if you believe this one... US military and intelligence officials have suddenly "found" evidence of Iran arming the insurgents in Iraq - You have got to be kidding . Suddenly after 3 years we conveniently find "evidence" of Iran arming the Iraqi insurgents, only a mere weeks after Bush starts laying the groundwork for attacking Iran. Gee, how convenient is that ... #
07.Mar.2006 Boing Boing/Websites blocked by political stripes for Marines in Iraq? - Xeni Jardin : Snip from an email sent by an anonymous US Marine to Wonkette: Unfortunately anonomizers don't work out here (never have). Anyway, I had a few minutes today and thought I'd look and see what else was banned on the Marine web here ... # Daily Kos/It's Not Censorship. The Military Just Really Likes Right-Wing Masturbators, Addicts and Felons - A Marine source follows up on Wonkette 's report that CentCom is blocking certain undesirable websites from reaching the troops: Anyway, I had a few minutes today and thought I'd look and see what else was banned on the Marine web here ... # Cosmic Variance/Message discipline - You may have heard that 72% of U.S. troops in Iraq think that the U.S. should leave the country before the end of the year. Presumably that's because they can see for themselves that it's a bit of a sticky wicket over there ... #
07.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-404642,00.html
Körperliche Bewegung fördert die Bildung von Nervenzellen im Hippocampus, einer für Lernen und Erinnerungen zuständigen Hirnregion, hatten bereits frühere Studien gezeigt. Das gilt sowohl für erwachsene Mäuse als auch für erwachsene Menschen.
07.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-404790,00.html
Die Klage wurde vor einem Jahr in Rumsfelds Heimat-Bundesstaat Illinois im Namen von neun ehemaligen Gefangenen der US-Armee eingereicht, die dem Schriftsatz zufolge in US-Gewahrsam schwer misshandelt worden waren. Alle Häftlinge wurden später ohne Anklage freigelassen.
07.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-404790,00.html
Rumsfeld habe die Folter von Gefangenen zunächst autorisiert und später nicht rechtzeitig gestoppt, heißt es in der Klage der ACLU und der Human Rights First. Die Organisationen werfen ihm vor, er habe die Vorwürfe ignoriert, selbst als die Beweise nicht mehr von der Hand zu weisen waren. Sie fordern eine Feststellung, dass Rumsfelds Anweisungen nicht US- und internationalen Gesetzen entsprachen. Außerdem wollen sie finanzielle Entschädigung für ihre Mandanten erstreiten.
07.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-404790,00.html
Washington - Der Verteidigungsminister genösse als Bundesbediensteter vollständige Immunität, begründete das Justizministerium heute seine Bitte auf Abweisung der Klage. Diese Immunität könne nur außer Kraft gesetzt werden, wenn gegen die Verfassung oder bundesstaatliches Recht verstoßen werde. Außerdem sei das Gericht nicht zuständig für Fälle, in denen Entschädigung für die Verletzung internationalen Rechts verlangt werde.
07.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-404773,00.html
Die eindrucksvollsten Spuren der Katastrophe fanden die Wissenschaftler nahe des heutigen Dorfes Avellino, rund 15 Kilometer nordöstlich des Vulkans. Dort befand sich bis zur Eruption eine bronzezeitliche Siedlung. Die Archäologen des Teams fanden die Zeichen einer Massenpanik vor 4000 Jahren: Tausende von Fußabdrücken in der Asche, die vom Vulkan wegführen. Die Menschen flüchteten aus ihren Hütten, ließen Essen auf dem Tisch und Vieh in Ställen und auf Weiden zurück. Von "Skeletten trächtiger Ziegen" berichten die Wissenschaftler.
07.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-404773,00.html
Ein Forscherteam aus Geologen und Archäologen aus Italien und den USA hat im Norden, Osten und Süden des Vulkans gegraben. Sie konnten die These eines gewaltigen Ausbruchs um das Jahr 1780 vor Christus bestätigen. Dazu dienten ihnen geologische Analysen, die zeigen, wie weit sich Lava und Asche nach dem rund 4000 Jahre zurückliegenden Ausbruch über die Region ausgebreitet haben.
Neu sei die Erkenntnis, dass dieser Ausbruch sogar das Stadtgebiet des heutigen Neapel erreicht habe, sagte der Geologe Michael Sheridan von der University of Buffalo.
07.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/unispiegel/schule/0,1518,druck-404707,00.html
Abrechnung mit US-Außenpolitik
Es dauerte nicht lange, bis überregionale Medien den Fall für sich entdeckten - fortan konnte die gesamte Nation der Stimme Bennishs in den Abendnachrichten lauschen. Was konservative Amerikaner so erregt, ist nicht allein der Hitler-Vergleich. Denn auf dem 20 Minuten langen Band ist zu hören, wie der streitbare Lehrer Bennish vor seinen Schülern eine fundamentale Abrechnung mit der amerikanischen Außenpolitik vollzieht: Er nennt die USA die "wahrscheinlich gewalttätigste Nation der Erde", die "mehr als 7000 terroristische Sabotage-Akte gegen Kuba" verübt habe.
Dass Bennish diese Worte vor seinen Schülern ausdrücklich als seine persönliche Meinung kennzeichnete, die sie nicht zu teilen bräuchten, konnte die erhitzten Gemüter kaum beruhigen.
Nun ist der Lehrer suspendiert, der Schuldistrikt untersucht die Angelegenheit. Doch viele Schüler halten zu Bennish. Anfang März verließen 150 von ihnen aus Protest ihre Klassenräume.
Aufpasser im Klassenzimmer
Dem streitbaren Lehrer wird das wenig nützen: Den Grundsatz der Meinungsfreiheit, argumentiert die Schulbehörde, habe Bennish weit überspannt. Darüber hinaus sind kritische Meinungsäußerungen von Lehrern und Hochschulprofessoren in den USA besonders seit den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September äußerst unbeliebt, konservative Aufpasser verfolgen sie mit nahezu kriminalistischen Methoden.
Dabei ist der Einsatz von kleinen, unauffälligen Aufzeichnungsgeräten, die auch in immer mehr Handys eingebaut sind, bei der Jagd nach vermeintlich unpatriotischen Umtrieben im amerikanischen Bildungswesen kein Einzelfall. Zuletzt setzte eine den Republikanern nahestehende Studentenvereinigung an der University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) sogar ein Belohnung für Tonbänder mit belastenden Äußerungen von liberalen Professoren aus.
Der Lehrer Jay Bennish jedenfalls will seine Entlassung nicht ohne weiteres hinnehmen. Er hat Klage gegen den Schuldistrikt eingereicht. Bennish sieht sich im Recht: Schließlich steht in den Grundsätzen der Schule, dass im Unterricht ausdrücklich pluralistische Meinungsvielfalt herrschen solle.ank
07.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/unispiegel/schule/0,1518,druck-404707,00.html
Amerika erregt sich über einen Lehrer aus dem Bundesstaat Colorado, der Parallelen zwischen dem US-Präsidenten und Adolf Hitler zog. Ein Schüler zeichnete die Worte im Unterricht heimlich auf - und reichte das Band an eine Radiostation weiter.
Der Erdkunde-Lehrer Jay Bennish hatte am ersten Februar vor seiner Klasse an einer High School in der Nähe von Denver eine tags zuvor gehaltene Rede George Bushs zur Lage der Nation kommentiert: "Klingt sehr nach dem, was Adolf Hitler gesagt hat", so Bennish, "wir sind die einzigen, die Recht haben, alle anderen sind rückständig und unser Job ist es, die Welt zu erobern."
07.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/technologie/0,1518,druck-404715,00.html
Erstaunlich, was einem Unternehmen so passiert, das dem Vernehmen nach den gesamten eigenen Datenbestand irgendwo in den USA auf einem Server zwischenlagern will. "Sei nicht böse" ist das Google-Firmenmotto. Aber selbst, wenn man darauf vertraut, dass dieser Grundsatz weiterhin gilt - wenn das Unternehmen nun die Verantwortung für das gesamte eigene digitale Leben übernehmen will, würde man sich als Nutzer doch den Zusatz "Sei kein Schussel" wünschen.
07.Mar.2006 https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/technologie/0,1518,druck-404715,00.html
Eine Erweiterung des Google Desktop erlaubt es sogar, den eigenen Rechner von Ferne zu durchsuchen - was allerdings nur mit Kopien der eigenen Verzeichnisstrukturen und Textdateien geht, die irgendwo anders zwischengelagert werden. Auch diese Funktion bereitet Datenschützern bereits heftiges Kopfzerbrechen - Firmen beispielsweise wird davon abgeraten, ihre Daten auf diese Art und Weise von außen zugänglich zu machen.
Nun will Google dem Vernehmen nach noch mehr. Nicht nur wissen, was Sie kürzlich auf ihrer Festplatte gesucht haben, sondern auch, was da sonst noch so drauf ist. Wenn es nämlich stimmt, was jetzt aus internen Quellen des Unternehmens durchgesickert sein soll, dann plant Google gewissermaßen ein Backup-Plätzchen für Ihre Festplatte - im Netz. Beziehungsweise: auf den eigenen Rechnern. In einer Google-internen Präsentation, berichtet beispielsweise Reuters, soll unter anderem stehen: "Mit unbegrenztem Speicherplatz können wir alle Nutzerdateien, einschließlich E-Mails, Suchgeschichte, Bildern, Bookmarks etc. beherbergen und all das von überallher (jedem Gerät, jeder Plattform etc.) zugänglich machen."
Totale digitale Freiheit?
07.Mar.2006 Met suicide bomb policy 'limited' The Met police's "shoot to kill" policy did not anticipate events that led to the death of a man, a top officer says.
07.Mar.2006 Moussaoui jury hears FBI expert An FBI agent testifies at the sentencing trial of Zacarias Moussaoui for his role in the 9/11 attacks.
07.Mar.2006 Google 'planning total storage' Web giant Google plans a massive online storage facility to encompass all users' files, it is reported.
07.Mar.2006 Enron bosses 'hid massive losses' Enron's ex-chief financial officer says he set up partnerships to help hide losses of millions of dollars.
07.Mar.2006 EU keen on defence research fund Defence ministers want more work done on a common EU fund for research on military technology.
07.Mar.2006 Iran demands nuclear compensation Iran calls for compensation for suspending past nuclear activities as the UN nuclear watchdog mulls next steps.
07.Mar.2006 Austria detects bird flu in cats Austria says it has detected the potentially lethal H5N1 strain of bird flu in several live cats.
07.Mar.2006 Good Idea: Reinventing Invention Before intellectual property became something to protect, innovation was an ongoing process with new ideas inspired by those who have gone before.
Commentary by Joanna Glasner.
07.Mar.2006 Photos: Antarctic is shrinking The first-ever gravity survey of the entire Antarctic ice sheet shows its mass has decreased significantly from 2002 to 2005.
07.Mar.2006 The Trouble With Software Upgrades Author: ScuttleMonkey 205 Comments
Carl Bialik from WSJ writes "When software makers urge upgrades, it isn't always in users' best interest, the Wall Street Journal reports. Many upgrades bring advertising or other unwanted features; some iTunes users felt this way about a recent upgrade. But for many programs, downgrading can be a headache--Yahoo generally doesn't link to old versions of software + Apple says iTunes can't be downgraded. Some websites can help with the problem. OldVersion.com, for instance, offers more than 600 versions of about 65 different programs. The site's 16-year-old administrator says, 'Companies make a lot of new versions.
They're not always better for the .'"
07.Mar.2006Are Marines Censoring Web Access for Troops in Iraq? Author: Roblimo 473 Comments
Gavin86 and others have submitted links to This Wonkette article (profanity warning) about the Marines Corps blocking access to some Web sites for their people in Iraq. This article was a follow-up to an earlier Wonkette post. Before I posted these links, I looked for verification of this problem but found nothing but links to Wonkette, so I cannot say for sure whether this is true. Hopefully, alert Slashdot readers (like you) will post confirmations if, indeed, there are any to be found. Meanwhile, if this is true, it's eerily reminiscent of an experience I had when I visited Saudi Arabia in January, 2004.
07.Mar.2006 When A Blogger Meets Public Relations Author: Zonk 150 Comments
fermion writes "The New York Times is running a story on the evolving relationship between PR departments and bloggers, specifically between the Wal*Mart PR people and sympathetic bloggers. The interesting thing in this story is not so much the astroturfing, which is old news, but the transformation of blogging from a personal statement to a corporate bullhorn. The bloggers mentioned in the story, who presumably are able to articulate their own opinions, received Wal*Mart email and began to simply copy the PR text into the blogs. What is the use of a blog if bloggers are just going to copy sentences and sentiments from the puppetmaster's email?"
07.Mar.2006 Vogelgrippe: Weitere infizierte Katzen auf Rügen entdeckt
07.Mar.2006 Hauptzeuge im Enron-Prozess: "Ich dachte, ich würde ein Held werden"
07.Mar.2006 Bundeswehr in Afrika: Skepsis gegenüber Kongo-Einsatz wächst
07.Mar.2006 Atomstreit: Cheney droht Iran mit drastischen Konsequenzen
07.Mar.2006 Schuldenfalle: Verbraucherzentrale warnt vor Lidl-Tankkarte
07.Mar.2006 Vogelgrippe-Katzen: Experten finden keine Viren mehr
07.Mar.2006 Frankreich: Massendemo gegen Arbeitsmarktreform
07.Mar.2006 Folter-Klage: US-Regierung beharrt auf Rumsfelds Immunität
07.Mar.2006 Schlimmer als Pompeji: Der Vesuv spuckte bis Neapel
07.Mar.2006 Deichreparaturen nach Katrina: Experten werfen Armee Pfusch vor
07.Mar.2006 Bush mit Hitler verglichen: US-Lehrer vom Dienst suspendiert
07.Mar.2006 Kongo: Deutsche Führung des EU-Einsatzes immer wahrscheinlicher
07.Mar.2006 Gendefekt: Fünf Geschwister bewegen sich nur auf allen Vieren fort
07.Mar.2006 Niedrigere Kosten: Uno prüft Job-Export nach Asien
07.Mar.2006 Sicherheit: Japan verlangt Fingerabdruck und Foto bei Einreise
07.Mar.2006 Durchgesickerte Informationen: Geheimplan für Google-Festplatten
07.Mar.2006 Arabische Gefängnisse: Al-Qaidas Lehre breitet sich aus
07.Mar.2006 China: Weiterer Journalist wegen Web-Postings verhaftet
07.Mar.2006 Vogelgrippe-Folgen: Deutsche buchen deutlich weniger Türkei-Reisen
07.Mar.2006 Menschenrechte: Der Kerker-Kontrolleur
07.Mar.200 Irak: US-Botschafter warnt vor Flächenbrand
07.Mar.200 Dünger in der Luft: Autoabgase lassen Pflanzen sprießen
07.Mar.2006 Atomstreit: Laridschani warnt USA vor Militäraktion
07.Mar.2006 Mäusesport: Wenn Mama joggt, wird's Baby schlau
07.Mar.2006 Naher Osten: Israel droht mit Ermordung von Hamas-Führer
07.Mar.2006 Altersvorsorge: Regierung verfehlt frühere Renten-Prognosen
07.Mar.2006 Friedensmission: Nato weitet Einsatz auf ganz Afghanistan aus
07.Mar.2006 Qaida-Prozess: Staatsanwalt fordert Moussaouis Hinrichtung
07.Mar.2006 Geheimdienste: SPD und Union fürchten um Funktionsfähigkeit des BND
07.Mar.2006 Just Call This Administration "Bushevik Incompetence Inc." Even Bush's Ambassador to Iraq Says "that the 2003 toppling of Saddam Hussein's regime had opened a 'Pandora's box' of volatile ethnic and sectarian tensions. So now we have a NEW "Mission Unaccomplished" there: to prevent a civil war that is already underway. Madness!
07.Mar.2006 The Book That Makes the Legal Case For Impeaching George W. Bush. Just Released. Get It From BuzzFlash.com.
07.Mar.2006 "Crash," Winner of the Oscar for Best Picture of the Year, Available on DVD from BuzzFlash.com. This is a profound, revealing and moving film about race relations, ethnic tensions, personal isolation and so much more. Its name may mislead people into thinking this some sort of "action" film. It's anything but. In the spirit of Robert Altman, by Award Winning Director Paul Haggis.
S.D. Governor Mike Rounds Signs Abortion Ban Into Law. The American Taliban is in Control in South Dakota. 3/7
07.Mar.2006 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Michael Winship: The Democrats' New Consultant: Polonius - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
In Case You Blinked, Alberto "Bush Consigliere" Gonzales Indicated that Bush's Illegal Wiretapping Maybe More Extensive Than Previously Revealed -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
James Carroll: Bush, Lies + Videotape:"...since this is not literature but life, there is only the increased awareness of the danger into which the world is plunged by having such a hollow creature in the position of ultimate power."
At Least 12 Dead in Bombings in India 3/7
was more about how U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris' Senate campaign may be unraveling." 3/7
07.Mar.2006 https://www.yubanet.com/artman/publish/printer_32503.shtml
The oldest remains of seafaring ships in the world have been found in caves at the edge of the Egyptian desert along with cargo boxes that suggest ancient Egyptians sailed nearly 1,000 miles on rough waters to get treasures from a place they called God's Land, or Punt.
Florida State University anthropology professor Cheryl Ward has determined that wooden planks found in the manmade caves are about 4,000 years old - making them the world's most ancient ship timbers. Shipworms that had tunneled into the planks indicated the ships had weathered a long voyage of a few months, likely to the fabled southern Red Sea trading center of Punt, a place referenced in hieroglyphics on empty cargo boxes found in the caves, Ward said.
"The archaeological site is like a mothballed military base + the artifacts there tell a story of some of the best organized administrators the world has ever seen," she said.
"It's a site that has kept its secrets for 40 centuries."
07.Mar.2006 https://www.yubanet.com/artman/publish/printer_32503.shtml
"The archaeological site is like a mothballed military base + the artifacts there tell a story of some of the best organized administrators the world has ever seen," she said.
"It's a site that has kept its secrets for 40 centuries."
07.Mar.2006 https://www.abc.net.au/cgi-bin/common/printfriendly.pl?/science/news/health/HealthRepublish_1585716.htm
Chris Frith, a professor of neuropsychology and deputy director of the Leopold Müller Functional Imaging Laboratory at University College London, says he is "very impressed" by the new study.
Both Frith and Flanagan hope that the findings will help people with schizophrenia, which the US National Institute of Mental Health says affects around 51 million people worldwide.
"[We need] robust techniques for measuring the magnitude of the [prediction] breakdown.
If techniques like the one described in the PLoS Biology paper can be used with patients, then this will have a major impact on diagnosis and the monitoring of the effects of treatment," Frith says.
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