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27.Apr.2005 Banking and Financial Institutions ... Senior management: John Chr MAM Deuss – Chairman + Chief Executive Officer; Timothy Ulrich – President; Dominique ...
Re:Google is evil « Reply #2 on: 02.Oct.2004 08:51:32 AM »
For the proof do a search (using a less evil search engine, even for the words "Google immortal cookie"
The problem isn't policy, it's data retention.

If they have it the government can buy it, or if google refuses to sell, seize it.

Google is just one Patriot Act + sealed court order away from becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of the domestic intelligence apparatus.
In fact, this may have already happened.
If you don't like being spied on avoid google. Do not do business with them. Do not trust them.

Google compiles a database of everything you ever did from an IP address.

This data will never be deleted.

They have the right to sell this data at any time.

Anyone can buy it, including the government.

Care to guess what the government might do with the result of data mining the immense google database for "free market activists" under Patriot Act 5?
The free market solution is to never use google + I don't.
However I can't help but notice that there are google ads being served on many pages of this message board.
This means that a database of the IP addresses + reading patterns of every user of this board is being compiled by an outside organization with a commercial interest in providing whatever data they glean to the highest bidder, probably without the knowledge of most people browsing and posting to this forum.
I have attempted to block google ads by editing my hosts file, but google is changing the URL to get around this, so every so often they get through and I have to edit the hosts file again.
It is possible that the government is already compiling this data + google will make no difference. But if there's one thing libertarians know, it's that government is dumb + inefficient.

Google is not dumb. Google is efficient.

And they can be made a branch of the government's domestic spying network at a moment's notice.
I suggest that google ads be removed from this system in the interests of protecting the privacy of this board's members.
At the very least, everyone worried about this problem should edit their hosts file to block the ads.

27.Apr.2005 Historischer Nahost-Besuch: Putin schlägt Moskauer Friedenskonferenz vor

27.Apr.2005 Verbraucherschützer warnen: O2 und Vodafone kassieren für vergebliche Anrufe

27.Apr.2005 Vertrauensabstimmung: Berlusconis zerstrittene Schicksalsgemeinschaft

27.Apr.2005 Terroralarm: Bush in Schutzbunker gebracht

27.Apr.2005 Belebung: Arbeitslosenzahl sinkt unter fünf Millionen

27.Apr.2005 Frühjahrsgutachten: Bundesregierung wirft Experten schlampige Arbeit vor

27.Apr.2005 USA: Bison-Herde stürmt in Wohnviertel

27.Apr.2005 Airbus vs. Boeing: Kampf der Konzepte

27.Apr.2005 Kapitalismuskritik: Porsche-Chef verteidigt Müntefering

27.Apr.2005 Kapitalismuskritik: Von Heuschrecken zu Geiern

27.Apr.2005 A380: Piloten und Politiker jubeln nach dem Jungfernflug

27.Apr.2005 Geophysik: Der Datenschatz der Atomtestwächter

27.Apr.2005 Forschungsprojekt: Airbus-Flotte schnüffelt nach Gasen

27.Apr.2005 Saarland: Scientology darf nicht mehr ausspioniert werden

27.Apr.2005 Giftspinnen-Attacke: Fotohandy rettete Briten das Leben

27.Apr.2005 Fall Sgrena: Sechs Einschusslöcher im Auto

27.Apr.2005 Jungfernflug des A380: Piloten sind begeistert

27.Apr.2005 Web im Arbeitsalltag: Es geht kaum noch ohne

27.Apr.2005 Virile Nager: Konkurrenz belebt das Geschlecht

Ob das politische Erdbeben stattfindet, hängt aber aber vor allem davon ab, ob das Weiße Haus auch nur die 51 benötigten Stimmen für die neue Geschäftsordnung zusammenbekommt.

Seit zwei wankende republikanische Senatoren die Ernennung John Boltons zum neuen Uno-Botschafter verzögern, ahnt der Präsident, dass er im Kongress nicht auf blinde Gefolgschaft hoffen darf.

Bei der nuklearen Option könnte es ihm ähnlich gehen.

John Mc Cain, der allseits geachtete republikanische Senator aus Arizona hat schon nein gesagt + seine Parteifreunde daran erinnert, dass auch sie eines Tages wieder auf den Oppositionsbänken Platz nehmen werden.
USA Kalter Krieg im amerikanischen Senat Von Georg Mascolo, Washington

In der Außenpolitik zeigte sich US-Präsident Bush zuletzt kompromissbereit. Doch nach innen regiert er knallhart. Die USA sollen konservativer werden.

Im Senat eskaliert deshalb der Streit um die Nominierung neuer Bundesrichter - Demokraten und Republikaner bekämpfen sich so verbissen wie lange nicht mehr.

27.Apr.2005 USA: Kalter Krieg im amerikanischen Senat

27.Apr.2005 Jungfernflug des A380: Der Super-Airbus fliegt

27.Apr.2005 Angstsparen: Deutsche konsumieren weniger

27.Apr.2005 Intelligente Maschinen: Roboter pflegen Etikette

27.Apr.2005 Another View Of Nuclear Israel + The Middle East Arms Race ... The executive director of the group was Dr. Karol Sitko, "a rotund Polish-German emigre who has maintained close ties ...
Bartrcops JFK ... headed by a Karol Sitko + (ibid.): ...

2002. 8 pazdziernika 2003 r. nr 41. Szubinianie protestuja. Po raz kolejny do nakielskiego starostwa wplynal protest mieszkanców gminy Szubin ... religia), Iwona Witkowska (jezyk polski) i Karol Sitko (wychowanie fizyczne). Szkola w Kosowie przygotowuje sie ...
William Herbert Hunt - dKosopedia William Herbert Hunt. From dKosopedia, the free political encyclopedia. VERY ROUGHED IN ITITAL ENTRY.

William Herbert Hunt - CNP Board of Governors (1982). Multimillionaire + brother to Nelson Bunker Hunt ... National Congress [DANK], the council is headed by Karol Sitko ...Sitko was also the organizer for the West German ...

Peeling back the discrepancy between what is said, + what is true. About Me. Name:George A. Wojtowycz. Location:Syracuse, New York, USA. Ukrainian born in Phillie. Previous Posts. Thursday, February 17, 2005. Oh Really? ... National Congress [DANK], the council is headed by Karol Sitko ...Sitko was also the organizer for the West German ... ... -

National Congress [DANK], the council is headed by Karol Sitko ...Sitko was also the organizer for the West German ...

The Council for National Policy. Past/Present Officers & Prominent Member Profiles. Part II ~ H - M ... National Congress [DANK], the council is headed by Karol Sitko ...Sitko was also the organizer for the West German ...

National Congress [DANK], the council is headed by Karol Sitko ...Sitko was also the organizer for the West German ...
1945 - Heute vor 60 Jahren:Kriegsende "Hungernd den Stümpern zugesehen"

27.Apr.2005 Konjunkturschwäche: Bundesagentur für Arbeit rechnet mit Milliardenloch

27.Apr.2005 Kapitalismusdebatte: Müntefering fährt den nächsten Angriff gegen die Wirtschaft

26.Apr.2005 Krisenregion Aceh: EU plant Friedenstruppe

26.Apr.2005 Forscher im Film: Wirre Weißkittel und irre Weltbeherrscher

26.Apr.2005 EU-Verfassung: Schröder wirbt in Frankreich für die "Sache des Herzens"

26.Apr.2005 Todesschüsse auf Calipari: Italiener empört über Freispruch für US-Soldaten

26.Apr.2005 Dominion Just a link, but an important one: If you haven't read it yet, check out Bob Moser's expose (in Rolling Stone) "The Crusaders," which relays heretofore little-known details of the Dominionist plot to turn America into a theocracy.
To implement their sweeping agenda, the Dominionists are working to remake the federal courts in God's image. In their view, the Founding Fathers never intended to erect a barrier between politics and religion. "The First Amendment does not say there should be a separation of church and state," declares Alan Sears, president and CEO of the Alliance Defense Fund, a team of 750 attorneys trained by the Dominionists to fight abortion and gay marriage. Sears argues that the constitutional guarantee against state-sponsored religion is actually designed to "shield" the church from federal interference -- allowing Christians to take their rightful place at the head of the government. "We have a right, indeed an obligation, to govern," says David Limbaugh, brother of Rush and author of Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christianity. Nothing gets the Dominionists to their feet faster than ringing condemnations of judicial tyranny. "Activist judges have systematically deconstructed the Constitution," roars Rick Scarborough, author of Mixing Church and State. "A God-free society is their goal!" The current battle over the filibuster must be seen in light of this goal.
A modest suggestion: Define the Reverend Moon and all (ALL) Dominionists as individuals devoted to the overthrow of the USA of America -- because, once you cut past their casuistry, that is precisely what they are. They do not differ from Osama Bin Laden.
Arguably, our home-grown theocrats pose a greater long-term threat than does Osama. After all, Bin Laden does not want to see this country overthrown so much as weakened and cowed. The Dominionists want to "modify" our present understanding of the Constitution -- that is, they want to chuck out freedom and turn this nation into a theocracy.
Once our government properly equates Moon and the Dominionists with the Nazis, the Soviets and other past menaces to liberty, we must arrest every politician and business leader who has received money from, or formed an alliance with, these anti-democratic forces.
The charge: Treason.
Arrest them. Try them. And if they are found guilty -- execute them.URL:
26.Apr.2005 But some noteworthy developments demand our attention...
Protecting Osama's privacy. Before we proceed, please note that this story comes to us by way of Judicial Watch, an organization I don't much like. They were a major part of the propaganda effort against Clinton, although in recent years they seem to have gone off script. (G.O.P. activists now treat Judicial Watch as though it were the proverbial crazy uncle living in the attic.)
All caveats aside, we should be grateful for
this story. In essence: JW filed a FOIA request for an FBI report dealing in part with Osama Bin Laden. Information was redacted, as one might expect. The FBI, as is always the case, had to list reasons for the redactions.
According to JW, data relevant to Osama Bin Laden was blacked out to protect his privacy rights .
Can this be true? Does the leader of Al Qaeda really have a right to privacy? URL:
Web   Ergebnisse 1 - 5 von 5 für Klose atlantikbrücke . ( 0,30 Sekunden) 

Eine Freundschaftsbotschaft an Amerika ... Deutsche Atlantikbrücke veröffentlicht eine Solidaritätsanzeige in der New ... Hans-Ulrich Klose und Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit ...

politikforum - Thema: Eine Botschaft aus Deutschland... Eine Freundschaftsbotschaft an Amerika Deutsche Atlantikbrücke veröffentlicht eine ... des Auswärtigen Ausschusses im Bundestag Hans-Ulrich Klose und Berlins ...

politikforum - CHRIS PATTEN - 7 Überlegungen !! ... Sehr mutig!! Ist Klose nicht Mitglied jener Loge? Nein, nicht P2! Ich meine Atlantikbrücke eV! Geschrieben von Norbert1 am 12.Sep.2002 get informed! - Wirtschaft, Börse, Aktien, Fonds ... Nun scheint Klose zu der Erkenntnis gelangt sein, dass ein Irak-Krieg ... wollen politisch-militärisch lieber die alten Wege über die Atlantikbrücke gehen, zum..

Eine Freundschaftsbotschaft an Amerika Deutsche Atlantikbrücke veröffentlicht eine Solidaritätsanzeige in der New York Times ... Auswärtigen Ausschusses im Bundestag Hans-Ulrich Klose und Berlins ...


26.Apr.2005 SPD - Klose kritisiert Schröders Außenpolitik
Der SPD-Politiker Hans-Ulrich Klose hat die Außenpolitik Gerhard Schröders kritisiert. Er warnte den Kanzler, sich einseitig auf Russland zu konzentrieren.

Berlin - Es sei bedenklich, "dass offenbar des Kanzlers Aufmerksamkeit für Russland größer ist als die Aufmerksamkeit für Amerika", sagte der Vize-Vorsitzende des Auswärtigen Ausschusses im Bundestag dem Politikmagazin "Cicero". Russland sei relativ weit davon entfernt, ein demokratisches Land nach westlichem Standard zu sein.
Klose sprach sich dagegen für eine "Wiederherstellung des Westens" aus. "Wir sollten uns darauf besinnen, was die Nato ursprünglich war, ihre Ziele, ihre Inhalte, ihre Führung, ihre Strategie."

26.Apr.2005 Studie: Immer mehr Deutsche sind abergläubisch

26.Apr.2005 Boom-Region Neuseeland: Die Früchte der Kiwi-Revolution

26.Apr.2005 Guantanamo: Europarat attackiert Bush

26.Apr.2005 Neumond oder Sichel: Satellit soll Kalenderstreit unter Muslimen verhindern

26.Apr.2005 Erstflug des Airbus A380: 6 Testflieger, 60.000 Schaulustige

26.Apr.2005 SPD: Klose kritisiert Schröders Außenpolitik (

26.Apr.2005 Space-Shuttle-Missionen: Bitte ein (Giga-)Bit! (Wissenschaft, 11:19) Bushs Uno-Kandidat: Noch mehr Vorwürfe gegen Bolton

26.Apr.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Nicht blöde, sondern brillant"

26.Apr.2005 Bizarre Krebse: Wer am meisten wackelt, darf putzen

26.Apr.2005 "Bild" beim Wort genommen: "Wir sind Papst!"

26.Apr.2005 Auslandspresse: "Erste Runde an Fischer" (Politik, 09:13) Kriegsende 1945 - Heute vor 60 Jahren: "Wenn wir hier herauskommen..."

00.Dez.2004 Der Spindoktor: ... deckt in seinem Weblog den Spin in den Nachrichten auf + schaut Politikern, PR-Agenturen + sonstigen "Öffentlichkeitsarbeitern" auf die Finger ... dem beurlaubten Ministerpräsidenten Wiktor Janukowitsch . Juschtschenko hat sich ... den Putin-treuen Janukowitsch an - + hat wohl ... York Times: Prime Minister Viktor F. Yanukovich, the ...
Blair made a pledge to the Iraqis once : The suffering of my people must not be conveniently forgotten now

28.Apr.2005 Gut Check: All the guff about law, democracy + morality is just cornball for the yokels back home - + for the cannon fodder sent off to die in the elite's commercial + dynastic wars.

26.Apr.2005 The New McCarthyism : A witch hunt against a Columbia professor + the New York Times' disgraceful support for it, represent the gravest threat to academic freedom in decades.

25.Apr.2005 The Nuclear Option" and the One Party State : America's wacky right wing party and political system doesn't get much worse than this.

Tomorrow, the Republican USA Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tennessee) will appear on a national evangelical Christian television show that depicts Democrats as against religious believers.

26.Apr.2005 'Fascism: Are we there yet?': The Department of State is proposing that Americans returning from these countries be required to have passports in order to re-enter the USA. We'll be able to check in, but not check out without letting Uncle Sam know where we have been.

26.Apr.2005 Hijacking Christianity . . .: The American flag was appropriated by the political right wing years ago. Now the Christian right is trying to hijack religion. This time it shouldn't be allowed to happen without a fight.

26.Apr.2005 Navajo Nation Outlaws Uranium Mining : The Navajo Nation has outlawed uranium mining and processing on its reservation, which sprawls across parts of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah and contains one of the world's largest deposits of uranium ore.

25.Apr.2005 Vital Nuclear Parts Missing: Investigators worry that some components of a weapons factory ordered by Libya have fallen into the hands of another nation.

26.Apr.2005 Venezuela Ends Military Program With U.S: President Hugo Chavez's government has unexpectedly ended a military exchange program with USA, the USA Embassy in Caracas announced Friday.

26.Apr.2005 Howard Zinn: The Myth of American Exceptionalism : Americans have invoked God to expand “into someone else’s territory, occupying and dealing harshly with people who resist occupation.” Zinn offers numerous examples of how the American government has used “divine ordination” and rationales of spreading civilization and freedom to justify its most dastardly actions. Real Video.

25.Apr.2005 Activists denounce Bush's silence on anti-Castro 'terrorist': Activists urged President Bush [BGW968] to take action against a "terrorist" accused of blowing up an airliner, bombing buildings and plotting to kill Cuba's leader + who is seeking asylum in the USA.

26.Apr.2005 The Neocon Revolution and Militarism: The grand vision entertained by second-generation neoconservatives demanded that the USA shatter the status quo. New conditions, they argued, absolved Americans from any further requirement to adhere to the norms that had defined the postwar international order

26.Apr.2005 The coming Pax Americana : "There is a good possibility that Iraq will not be the last country in the region that will require a lengthy American military presence" Efraim Halevy is the former chief of the Mossad

26.Apr.2005 Islamists lead in Saudi polls: In the kingdom's commercial capital of Jedda on Saturday, all the seven winning candidates were those whose names had appeared on what was dubbed the "golden list" - the pick of fundamentalist clerics.

25.Apr.2005 It's terror when we say so : What is considered "terrorism" by the Bush administration is perceived as something completely different around the world.

26.Apr.2005 Halliburton ends Iraq contract one-year early amid surging violence: Halliburton announced today the "completion" of its contract with the Pentagon to restore Iraq's dilapidated oil infrastructure. The announcement came as a surprise since the U.S. State Department reported last week that Iraq's oil infrastructure is far from restored.

26.Apr.2005 Double trouble for Halliburton : The Halliburton corporation, already the Iraq war's poster child for "waste, fraud and abuse", has been hit with a new double whammy. A report from the US State Department accuses the company of "poor performance" in its US$1.2 billion contract to repair Iraq's vital southern oilfields.

25.Apr.2005 Pope 'obstructed' sex abuse inquiry : Confidential letter reveals Ratzinger ordered bishops to keep allegations secret

25.Apr.2005 DeLay expenses put on lobbyist's card: The airfare for a plane trip to London and Scotland in 2000 for then-House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, R-Texas, was charged to an American Express card issued to Jack Abramoff, a Washington lobbyist at the center of a federal criminal and tax probe

25.Apr.2005 The Bush Family's Favorite Terrorist: While the Bush administration holds dozens of suspected Muslim terrorists on secret or flimsy evidence, one of the world’s most notorious terrorists slipped into the USA via Mexico and traveled to Florida without setting off any law enforcement alarms.

26.Apr.2005 Venezuela bans US military instructors : Venezuela has ordered US military instructors to stop working with its armed forces in an abrupt cessation of a 35-year-old bilateral military exchange programme.

26.Apr.2005 US admits 2,600 weapons sent to Haiti :l THE US government gave more than 2,600 weapons to bolster Haiti’s controversial police force last year despite allegations of human rights abuses and a more than 13-year-old arms embargo, officials at the State Department and US Embassy said.

26.Apr.2005 A Taste for Empire: Invasion, Occupation and Colonization: During the third week of January, 1893, a group of well-armed EuroAmerican insurgents, backed by troops landed from the U.S.S. Boston, overthrew the constitutional monarchy of Hawai'i, with which the USA had entered into several still-binding treaties of peace, friendship and commerce.

26.Apr.2005 Linda McQuaig : Moving closer to USA promotes war, not peacemaking

26.Apr.2005 The Silencing of Sibel Edmonds: Court won't let public hear what FBI whistleblower has to say

26.Apr.2005 Bush's War on the Press: Make no mistake: The Bush Administration and its ideological allies are employing every means available to undermine journalists' ability to exercise their First Amendment function to hold power accountable. In fact, the Administration recognizes no such constitutional role for the press.

26.Apr.2005 25.Apr.2005 US guards at Guantanamo tortured me, says UK man: A UK resident has claimed he was tortured by US guards at Guantanamo Bay, repeated abuse by American and Pakistani interrogators over the past three years including electric shocks and sodomy by US guards.

26.Apr.2005 Human rights group calls for criminal investigations of Rumsfeld and Tenet: The report, being issued Sunday by Human Rights Watch, criticizes Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and former CIA Director George Tenet for allegedly trying to pass blame for the abuse to military subordinates and individual soldiers.

In case you missed it: Government Documents on Torture : Below are documents the government did not want the general public to read -- including an FBI memo stating that Defense Department interrogators impersonated FBI agents + used "torture techniques" against a detainee at Guantanamo.

26.Apr.2005 UK Aides Complained To US About John Bolton -Foreign Secretary Jack Straw complained in November 2003 to then Secretary of State Colin Powell that Bolton was making it impossible for allied nations to reach an agreement on Iran's nuclear program.

26.Apr.2005 Iran says it will resume uranium enrichment : Iran insists its nuclear program is entirely for the generation of electricity and has offered to provide safeguards of its good intentions.

26.Apr.2005 Israeli army 'lied' about Miller death : Israeli soldiers stand accused this weekend of 'lying' + tampering with evidence in an attempt to obstruct an inquiry by military prosecutors into the death of UK film-maker James Miller, according to internal army documents seen by The Observer

25.Apr.2005 UK: Blair blow as secret war doubts revealed :

The Iraq war was thrust dramatically into the election spotlight last night after long-sought government legal advice, cautioning that the invasion could be illegal, was leaked.

26.Apr.2005 Robert Fisk: How Arabic text of WMD dossier was massaged by Downing St : Translation carried out for The Independent on Sunday reveals for the first time that

several references to UN sanctions were cut from the Arabic text. On one page, the words "biological agents" were changed to read "nuclear agents".

25.Apr.2005 Rice changed terrorism report: A state department report which showed an increase in terrorism incidents around the world in 2004 was altered to strip it of its pessimistic statistics, it emerged yesterday

26.Apr.2005 Holy Warriors: Cardinal Ratzinger handed Bush the presidency by tipping the Catholic vote. Can American democracy survive their shared medieval vision?

25.Apr.2005 Armenians remember Turkish killings 90 years ago:

Hundreds of thousands of people clutching tulips, carnations and daffodils climbed a hill in Armenia's capital on Sunday to lay wreaths and remember the 1.5 million they say were killed 90 years ago in Ottoman Turkey.

26.Apr.2005 In war's name, public loses information: Federal agencies under the Bush administration are sweeping vast amounts of public information behind a curtain of secrecy

in the name of fighting terrorism, using 50 to 60 loosely defined security designations that can be imposed by officials as low-ranking as government clerks.

26.Apr.2005 Bush's Most Radical Plan Yet: WIth a vote of hand-picked lobbyists, the president could terminate any federal agency he dislikes

26.Apr.2005 Police on weapon company payrolls:

Hundreds of police officers nationwide also are on payrolls of companies that supply weapons, riot gear and other equipment to the officers' departments, creating possible conflicts of interest

25.Apr.2005 Venezuela to oil firms; accept sovereignty or leave: Chavez, a fierce critic of Washington, has ordered a review of these 1990s oil contracts he says have "robbed" the nation of income he wants to use to finance national development. Venezuela remains a major oil supplier to the USA.

26.Apr.2005 Americans Detained for Taking Pictures of Venezuelan Military Facility, Refinery: President Hugo Chavez said Sunday that a woman linked to the USA military had been arrested while photographing a military installation, signs that the Washington may be plotting an invasion of his country.

26.Apr.2005 USA military tried to turn Venezuelan trainees against government: Chavez : President Hugo Chavez says a longstanding military exchange program with the USA was cancelled because USA officers in Venezuela were attempting to turn the soldiers they were training against his government.

26.Apr.2005 Will people power have a chance in Colombia? : While many of the messages of solidarity and support that have come from organizations and individuals of conscience in Colombia and throughout the world describe the urgent humanitarian situation, with over 1800 people displaced, dozens of houses destroyed, dozens injured and several killed, it is very important that the words and message of the communities themselves not be lost.

26.Apr.2005 Toxic rain kills more than the coca : The so-called “war on coca” in Colombia, backed by the USA, is destroying jungles and forests + threatening the health of half a million peasants and indigenous peoples

26.Apr.2005 More than 1 million rally to support Mexico City's mayor: Mexico City police estimated that 1.2 million protesters joined the so-called "March of Silence," which would make the protest the largest march for democracy in Mexican history.

26.Apr.2005 Charge Him or Release Him Jose Padilla : USA Citizen Imprisoned Without Trial or Charges for 2 Years + 322 Days 

26.Apr.2005 Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President

26.Apr.2005 The president's real goal in Iraq

26.Apr.2005 The Project for the New American Century.

26.Apr.2005 The Plan is for the USA to rule the world.

26.Apr.2005 America's War for Global Domination:

26.Apr.2005 Will Iran Be Next?

26.Apr.2005 Proof Blair was told war could be ruled illegal by SIMON WALTERS
The Iraq war has erupted as a major Election issue after legal advice warning Tony Blair that the conflict breached international law was sensationally leaked. The Government's refusal to disclose the advice has been one of the most controversial issues since the war ended, but The Mail on Sunday can now reveal for the first time exactly what counsel Mr Blair received.

26.Apr.2005 Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's Off To War We Go.. This country's most expendable commodity is its children and, with few exceptions, Americans appear to be both senseless and blind. By Sheila Samples
They're coming after our children -- sweeping them all up -- bullying them at schools, stalking them, offering them big bucks to join the military. And there's no one to stop them. Servile Americans, even those who can still see, feel helpless. When faced with the decision to stand up and speak up, or give up their children, they are bombarded from all sides with strident demands for patriotism so, like their counterparts of empirical Rome, Americans await their fate -- their children's fate -- in silent despair.

26.Apr.2005 The Myth of USA Cultural, Religious, Political + Social Superiority
The concept of Manifest Destiny describes the 19th century conviction that God intended the continent of North America to be under the control of Christian, European Americans. By Kristina M. Gronquist
Although the shameful concept of Manifest Destiny should be confined to history books, it has reared its ugly head, as reflected in our government’s 21st century mission to reshape the Middle East. Of course, the psychology of Manifest Destiny – the projection of Anglo-Saxon supremacy - never really went away, it has always been used to justify America’s expansionist adventures.

26.Apr.2005 Four Car Bombings in Iraq Leave 21 Dead : Two car bombs in a Baghdad market and two more in Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit on Sunday, killing a total of 21 Iraqis and wounding 73 in one of the bloodiest days since Iraq's historic elections.

26.Apr.2005 American killed by bomb in Iraq : The official says the blast hit the soldier's convoy in Baghdad. Military officials say it was one of three bombs today that targeted U-S convoys.

26.Apr.2005 Eastern Shore Marine Killed Near Fallujah : Pfc. Robert "Bobby" Guy, 26, died after being shot in the head, his mother, Ann Guy, told The (Salisbury) Daily Times.

26.Apr.2005 Iraqi forces desert posts as insurgent attacks are stepped up : On average 20 Iraqis and two coalition soldiers have died every day this month.

26.Apr.2005 Lest we forget the ultimate price of warfare: We live in a national culture that glamorises soldiers, yet the sight of a military uniform with its obvious connotations of morbidity and violence provokes in me the question: "What sort of person is attracted to the killing professions?"

26.Apr.2005 I raq Govt Delayed Again, Could Come Tuesday: Lawmakers said over the weekend that the Shi'ite alliance was expected to take 17 of a likely 32 ministries, including the interior ministry. The Kurds were expected to receive eight posts and the Sunnis the rest.

26.Apr.2005 I was tortured says Bay detainee : Omar Deghayes, 35, also alleged Pakistani interrogators holding him on behalf of the US authorities beat and terrorised him

26.Apr.2005 Group Says USA Sent Up to 150 to Possible Torture Sites: A civil liberties group investigating allegations of prisoner abuse will report today that since the Sept. 11 attacks, USA agents have secretly transported up to 150 detainees to countries that may practice torture.

26.Apr.2005 The Agony of War: War is always about sorrow and the deepest suffering. Nitwits try to dress it up in the finery of half-baked rationalizations, but the reality is always wanton bloodshed, rotting flesh and the lifelong trauma of those who are physically or psychically maimed.

26.Apr.2005 Losing a fighter for war's victims: ARMED ONLY with her humanity, Marla Ruzicka did the impossible. She moved the military without using force, galvanized official Washington without powerful connections + motivated the press without sensationalism -- just intimate connection to civilians whose deaths she documented and grieved. Her work was a triumph of the heart.

26.Apr.2005 Iran gives Lebanon civil war warning: The Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi accused the USA of creating crisis in Lebanon

26.Apr.2005 Robert Fisk: What if the UN had gone into Iraq? : "Duty Unto Death" might suit the Indian battalion in Lebanon, but I doubt if many US troops would adopt this as their regimental motto.

26.Apr.2005 Uri Avnery : For Whom the Bells Toll : For years, Israel has enjoyed a nuclear monopoly in the region. My friends and I have warned that this monopoly is temporary + that we must use the time to achieve peace. The hubris of our leaders has prevented this.

26.Apr.2005 Iran poll: Brits want independence from Dubya: 86% of the UK public oppose following George Bush into a unilateral attack on Iran even if intelligence reports say it is developing nuclear weapons.

26.Apr.2005 America's Time and Place: The neo-conservative project of an expanding role for the US in world affairs is in trouble. Few countries are enthusiastic about a pre-eminent role for the US and at home scepticism about the government's approach is growing.

26.Apr.2005 Churchill for dummies: Winston S. Churchill is the hero of Bush [BGW968] and the neocons. But, they know very little about the great wartime leader. If they did, they’d be horrified

26.Apr.2005 Afghan Police: Six Killed in Taliban Rebel Raid: Two Afghan policemen and four Taliban guerrillas were killed in a rebel attack on a district headquarters in the southern province of Kandahar, police said Monday.

26.Apr.2005 5 killed in border clashes in Afghanistan: USA and Afghan soldiers backed by warplanes and artillery battled suspected insurgents in clashes near the border with Pakistan + four fighters and one Afghan soldier were killed, the USA military said Sunday.

26.Apr.2005 New York Times Minimizes Palestinian Deaths: Our statistical analysis of their coverage, showed that there was startling disparity in how deaths were reported, depending on the ethnicity of the victim

25.Apr.2005 Churchill for dummies: Winston S. Churchill is the hero of Bush [BGW968] and the neocons. But, they know very little about the great wartime leader. If they did, they’d be horrified

25.Apr.2005 America's Time and Place: The neo-conservative project of an expanding role for the US in world affairs is in trouble. Few countries are enthusiastic about a pre-eminent role for the US + at home scepticism about USA government's approach is growing.

25.Apr.2005 Iran poll: Brits want independence from Dubya: 86% of the UK public oppose following George Bush into a unilateral attack on Iran even if intelligence reports say it is developing nuclear weapons.

26.Apr.2005 UK: The Attorney General's advice on the Iraq war: Do the fresh disclosures finally prove that Tony Blair took UK to war knowing that the conflict could be in breach of international law?

26.Apr.2005 UK: Blair's evasions will catch up with him : We've had enough of the prime minister's half-truths on Iraq. Let us see his legal advice in full

26.Apr.2005 UK: Kennedy seeks Iraq war 'justice' : Mr Kennedy said Tony Blair had taken the UK into an illegal war and voters could deliver "justice by the ballot box" at the general election.

26.Apr.2005 US believes North Korea plans nuclear bomb test : In an emergency communication sent yesterday, Washington warned Beijing that Pyongyang was possibly planning a test nuclear explosion, an unidentified US official told the Journal.

26.Apr.2005 USA weighs move at UN : The Bush administration, in a standoff with North Korea over nuclear weapons, is debating a plan to seek a UN resolution empowering all nations to intercept shipments into or out of the country that might contain nuclear materials or components, say senior administration officials and diplomats who have been briefed on the proposal.

25.Apr.2005 Losing a fighter for war's victims: ARMED ONLY with her humanity, Marla Ruzicka did the impossible. She moved the military without using force, galvanized official Washington without powerful connections + motivated the press without sensationalism -- just intimate connection to civilians whose deaths she documented and grieved. Her work was a triumph of the heart.

26.Apr.2005 Iran gives Lebanon civil war warning: The Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi accused the USA of creating crisis in Lebanon

25.Apr.2005 UN investigator who exposed US army abuse forced out of his job: The UN's top human rights investigator in Afghanistan has been forced out under American pressure just days after he presented a report criticising the US military for detaining suspects without trial and holding them in secret prisons.

26.Apr.2005 Rights Groups Reject Prison Abuse Findings : Human rights groups expressed dismay yesterday over the Army's findings exonerating USA generals of prisoner abuse in Iraq + renewed requests for an independent probe to examine the culpability of senior military and civilian defense officials.

26.Apr.2005 Rumsfeld and Abu Ghraib: If this is justice, in President Bush's view of things, it comes awfully close to scapegoating. For the evidence shows that the abuses at Abu Ghraib were not isolated and aberrant acts and that, in fact, the worst perpetrators may not have been those whose faces were captured on camera.

25.Apr.2005 Lest we forget the ultimate price of warfare: We live in a national culture that glamorises soldiers, yet the sight of a military uniform with its obvious connotations of morbidity and violence provokes in me the question: "What sort of person is attracted to the killing professions?"

25.Apr.2005 The Myth of USA Cultural, Religious, Political + Social Superiority
The concept of Manifest Destiny describes the 19th century conviction that God intended the continent of North America to be under the control of Christian, European Americans. By Kristina M. Gronquist
Although the shameful concept of Manifest Destiny should be confined to history books, it has reared its ugly head, as reflected in our government’s 21st century mission to reshape the Middle East. Of course, the psychology of Manifest Destiny – the projection of Anglo-Saxon supremacy - never really went away, it has always been used to justify America’s expansionist adventures.

25.Apr.2005 Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's Off To War We Go..
This country's most expendable commodity is its children and, with few exceptions, Americans appear to be both senseless and blind. By Sheila Samples
They're coming after our children -- sweeping them all up -- bullying them at schools, stalking them, offering them big bucks to join the military. And there's no one to stop them. Servile Americans, even those who can still see, feel helpless. When faced with the decision to stand up and speak up, or give up their children, they are bombarded from all sides with strident demands for patriotism so, like their counterparts of empirical Rome, Americans await their fate -- their children's fate -- in silent despair.

25.Apr.2005 Proof Blair was told war could be ruled illegal by SIMON WALTERS
The Iraq war has erupted as a major Election issue after legal advice warning Tony Blair that the conflict breached international law was sensationally leaked. The Government's refusal to disclose the advice has been one of the most controversial issues since the war ended, but The Mail on Sunday can now reveal for the first time exactly what counsel Mr Blair received.

25.Apr.2005 Drogenschmuggel: US-Fahnder schnappen Finanzier der Taliban

25.Apr.2005 Finanzkrise: Mullahs eilen Rover zu Hilfe

25.Apr.2005 Visa-Ausschuss: Bußgang ohne Blessuren

25.Apr.2005 Kapitalismus-Debatte: Schröder preist deutsche Familienunternehmen

25.Apr.2005 Spirit"-Beobachtung: Gespenster irren über den Mars

25.Apr.2005 Krise: Venezuela bricht militärische Zusammenarbeit mit USA ab

25.Apr.2005 Perfekte Beziehung: Akazie versorgt Ameisen mit Schonkost

25.Apr.2005 Jugendkultur-Ausstellung: Konformismus kann geil sein

25.Apr.2005 Frühjahrsgutachten: Institute senken Wachstumsprognose auf 0,7 Prozent

25.Apr.2005 Luftfahrt-Archäologie: Jäger der verlorenen Flugzeuge

25.Apr.2005 Russland: Putin wirft Beamtenapparat Unfähigkeit vor

25.Apr.2005 Bischof Lehmann: "Nachricht vom Wechsel nach Rom ist erfunden"

25.Apr.2005 15 Jahre "Hubble": Wehmut trübt Geburtstagsfeier

25.Apr.2005 Auf der Seite
Suchmaschinenoptimierung schreibe ich: Diverse Studien haben ergeben, dass rund drei Viertel aller Neukontakte, die über eine Website geknüpft wurden, über eine Suchmaschine auf die Website gelangten. Die Bedeutung von Suchmaschinen und –diensten für Ihre Website ist daher nicht zu unterschätzen! Hohe Positionen versprechen viele Besucher. Wenn Ihre Website zugänglich und gut bedienbar ist, werden aus Besuchern vielleicht Kunden + Kunden bringen Umsätze.

25.Apr.2005 Im deutschsprachigen Web gab es bereits einen ähnlichen Wettbewerb.

00.Nov.2002 wurde in der Newsgroup de.comm.infosystems.www.authoring.misc darüber diskutiert, welchen Zusammenhang es zwischen der Besuchsfrequenz des Google-Suchroboters (Googlebot) + der Aktualisierungshäufigkeit von Webseiten gibt.

Auf eine täglich besuchte Website wurde der willkürlich gewählte Begriff »schnitzelmitkartoffelsalat« gesetzt, der zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht im Google-Index vertreten war.

Schnell entstand daraus ein kleiner Wettbewerb mit dem Ziel, den obersten Platz der Trefferliste zu ergattern. Heute bringt die Suche nach »schnitzelmitkartoffelsalat« über 900 Treffer.

25.Apr.2005 Geburt einer Spezies: Mit dieser Mini-Meldung fing alles an : ·   "c't"-Aufruf zum Hommingberger-Wettbewerb
·   Wikipedia: Hommingberger Gepardenforelle
·   Das Original: Die Hommingberger-Seite des Heise-Verlages läuft außer Konkurrenz
·   Aktuelle Hommingberger-Ergebnisse: Google
·   Aktuelle Hommingberger-Ergebnisse: Yahoo
·   Aktuelle Hommingberger-Ergebnisse: MSN
·   Aktuelle Hommingberger-Ergebnisse: Seekport
·   Sensationsfund: Fossile Hommingberger
·   Kunststoff: Die "Hommingberger" ist gar kein Fisch!
·   Die Gepardenforelle als "Rennfisch"
·   Webring Hommingberger Gepardenforelle
·   Beweisfotos: Hommingberger Gepardenforelle
·   ritzelmut: Gepardenforellen-Blog
·   Zielbewusst: Fachartikel zur Gepardenforelle
·   Kackstelze: Aus unerfindlichen Gründen ganz vorn im Hommingberger-Feld
·   Seekport-Ergebnisanalyse: "Hommingberger Gepardenforelle"

25.Apr.2005 Hartnäckig hält sich bei MSN etwa
"Kackstelze" in den Top 3 - und versteht selbst nicht, warum. Sich nur zu wundern wäre dem Blogger "ritzelmut", der es mit seinem eigens angelegten Gepardenforellen-Blog in der ersten Woche mehrmals auf Platz 1 bei Yahoo brachte, dagegen zu wenig. Wie und warum die Top 10 bei Seekport so und nicht anders zusammengesetzt sind, versucht er durch eine detaillierte statistische Seitenanalyse zu entschlüsseln - oder ist auch das nur ein Trick, die "Wichtigkeit" seiner Gepardenforellenseite zu erhöhen?

25.Apr.2005 Auch die informelle Redaktion der Wikipedia scheint sich das Schicksal der Gepardenforelle zu einer besonderen Herzensangelegenheit gemacht zu machen.

Seit dem Start des Wettbewerbs dokumentiert sie werktäglich um 13 Uhr den Stand der Dinge.
Weil aber viele Suchmaschinen in ihrem Pageranking die "Wichtigkeit" einer Seite unter anderem anhand der Zahl der Webseiten beurteilen, die auf die betreffende Seite verlinken, hat allein das schon die "Wiki" hier und da ganz nach oben katapultiert: Bei Google belegte sie am Montagvormittag Platz 5, bei Yahoo Platz 2.

25.Apr.2005 Nerds sind Spielkinder
Die Idee fand in der technikbegeisterten Web-Community begeisterte Aufnahme. Ursprünglich nur in einer Meldung am 16.Apr2005 bei Heise Online vorab publik gemacht, dann am 18. April über die "c't" in gedruckter Form verbreitet, führte die Veröffentlichung der
offiziellen Startseite "Hommingberger Gepardenforelle" stante pede zu einer rapide wachsenden Zahl von Nachahmungstaten - und phantasiebegabten Erweiterungen des Konzepts.
"Die Hommingberger Gepardenforelle ist ein besonders seltenes Geschöpf, welches in den bislang nur wenig erforschten Tiefen der Google-See und des Yahoo-Stromes existiert."
"Hommingberger"-Seite bei

Ursprung in der Redaktion der PC-Zeitschrift "c't".
Die hatte von einem Experiment mit dem fiktiven Suchwort "Nigritude Ultramarine" gehört, dass sich zwei findige US-Marketingfirmen vor etwas mehr als einem Jahr ausgedacht hatten. Den damaligen Anlass bot die weltweit führende Suchmaschine Google, die es durch eine Veränderung der Suchalgorithmen zeitweilig geschafft hatte, zahlreiche Marketingfirmen aus den Top-Positionen der Suchlisten herauszukegeln.
Was für eine Herausforderung für findige Marketer: Die "SEO Challenge" war geboren. Anhand eines fiktiven Suchwortes sollten die effektivsten Methoden gesucht und gefunden werden, wie gehabt beliebigen Blödsinn in die Top-Positionen der Suchmaschinen hochzupfuschen.

17.Apr.2005 machte der Geologe Holger Reuchlin irgendwo im Donautal eine bemerkenswerte Entdeckung: Den überaus deutlichen, bestens erhaltenen,
fossilen Abdruck einer Hommingberger Gepardenforelle. Hilfreiche Kollegen bestätigten die Datierung auf das jüngere Tertiär.

25.Apr.2005 Regierungsbildung: USA setzen Talabani unter Druck

25.Apr.2005 Wall Street: New Yorks Börsen rüsten zum Krieg

25.Apr.2005 The Boeing Center for Technology, Information & Manufacturing | E ... How e-business rose, fell and will rise anew - by Robert Hof & Steve Hamm ... that tries to target the bakeries via the Internet; Wells Fargo & Company, ..

25.Apr.2005 Umfrage: Deutsche sehen Fischers Ansehen beschädigt

25.Apr.2005 Visa-TV: Fischer räumt Fehler ein

25.Apr.2005 Hommingberger Gepardenforelle: Der erfolgreichste Fisch der Welt

25.Apr.2005 Kriegsende 1945 - Heute vor 60 Jahren: "Der Russe schien gar nicht begeistert"

25.Apr.2005 Börse am Mittag: Ölpreis und Ifo bremsen Dax

25.Apr.2005 Bundestagspräsident in China: Thierses Geheimreise nach Tibet

25.Apr.2005 Streit um Astronomen: "Kepler war kein Mörder"

25.Apr.2005 Wahlkampf: Clinton stärkt Blair den Rücken

25.Apr.2005 USA: Fallschirmspringer prallt gegen Flugzeug

25.Apr.2005 Kasachstan: ISS-Bewohner sicher gelandet

25.Apr.2005 Live-Ticker: Fischers zentrale Aussagen

25.Apr.2005 Konjunktur: Ifo-Index fällt zum dritten Mal in Folge

25.Apr.2005 Visa-TV: Fischer wirft Union unsägliche Skandalisierung vor

25.Apr.2005 Deutsche Wissenschaftler in Beirut: Die Angst forscht mit

25.Apr.2005 US-Investor Cerberus: Hungriger Höllenhund auf Einkaufstour

25.Apr.2005 Kapitalismusdebatte: Müntefering verwischt die Parteigrenzen

Die Anlage des Ingenieurs Luke Zoontjens wandelt Auspuffhitze in sehr lauten Schall um, der wiederum Kälte erzeugt. Das sogenannte thermoakustische Verfahren spart im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Klimaanlagen Energie, weil es ausschließlich mit der Abwärme des Motors arbeitet.

24.Apr.2005 Hirnforschung: Wie eine starke Marke wirkt (,2828,342873,00.html

Japanischen Forschern ist es nun gelungen, aus den Signalen eines Hirnscans zu entschlüsseln, was ein Mensch sich gerade anschaut.

24.Apr.2005 Gesundheit: Jagd auf Depris

24.Apr.2005 Geißlers Unternehmer-Schelte: Mafia, Drogenhändler und Terroristen

24.Apr.2005 Iran: Bundesregierung besorgt wegen Spezialkran-Lieferung

24.Apr.2005 Bundesrechnungshof: Zoll soll Daten von Geldschmugglern weitergeben

24.Apr.2005 Dokumentation: Die Predigt von Papst Benedikt XVI.

24.Apr.2005 USA: Mann bewahrt Leiche seiner Mutter in der Tiefkühltruhe auf

24.Apr.2005 Hessen: Mann erdrosselt Freundin aus Lust am Töten

24.Apr.2005 Todesstrafe: Frau in Afghanistan wegen Ehebruchs gesteinigt

24.Apr.2005 Mehr Fehlgeburten: Im Alter machen die Spermien schlapp

23.Apr.2005 Überlegenheits-These: Kritik an Rüttgers reißt nicht ab

23.Apr.2005 Gipfeltreffen: China fordert aktive Reue

23.Apr.2005 Kapitalismus-Debatte: Unternehmer gestehen Fehler ein

23.Apr.2005 Florida: Polizei führt freches Kind in Handschellen ab

23.Apr.2005 Kontenabfragen: Banken planen Gebührenerhöhungen

23.Apr.2005 Aktivitätsmuster: Hirnscan verrät wahrgenommenes Bild

23.Apr.2005 Infomanie: Kann man sich blöd informieren?

23.Apr.2005 Krisengipfel: China und Japan suchen die Annäherung

23.Apr.2005 Kapitalismusdebatte: Job-Schaffer sollen besser verdienen

23.Apr.2005 Fünf Jahre Attac: Globalisierungs- Kritiker feiern Kindergeburtstag

23.Apr.2005 11.September-Prozess: Moussaoui verwirrt US-Behörden mit Geständnis

23.Apr.2005 Rom: Jeb Bush leitet US-Delegation bei Papst-Messe

23.Apr.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Ölpreis schwächt Handel

22.Apr.2005 Terrorprozess: Moussaoui bekennt sich schuldig

22.Apr.2005 Terrorprozess in Spanien: Angeklagte streiten Vorwürfe ab

22.Apr.2005 The 'Ignoble Liars' Behind Bush's Deadly Iraq War ... Vladimir Jabotinsky-led Revisionist Zionist circles in Germany in the 1920s, .. Colbert of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs ( JINSA ); ...

22.Apr.2005 The Gorilla in the Room: Israel Honors Members of Terror Cell ... .. It is incredible how JINSA Zionist extremist operative John Bolton has been ... JINSA Zionist Operative John Bolton Just Named as US Ambassador to UN: ...

22.Apr.2005 Bush Presidential 'Victory' - Academic Report Raises Spectre Of US ... Far from being an al-Qa'ida mastermind dispatched by Osama bin Laden + his lieutenants to destroy the UK way of life, Bourgass emerges as an embittered ... "> ... Far from being an al-Qa'ida mastermind dispatched by Osama bin Laden + his lieutenants to destroy the UK way of life, Bourgass emerges as an embittered ...

URL: Date/Time: 04/24/2005 22:26:25   Web   Ergebnisse 1 - 100 von ungefähr 9.330 für laola welle . ( 0,27 Sekunden

28.Sep.2003 Screenshots...: Yamashita's Gold Screenshots ... Yamashita's Gold. Singapore Sunday Times has an expose: The ('Tiger of Malaya') Yamashita's Treasures have been found - + lost ... wife Peggy, in a just-released book, Gold Warriors ... information reveals that General Yamashita was indeed involved in the ... soldiers, as claimed in disinformation spread by the US + ...
Propaganda + Disinformation: Videotapes in the Media Resources Center, UC Berkeley ... Early Anti-Communism, Jingoism + ... the trial of General Yamashita of Japan for high war ... Jessie Owens won an unprecedented four gold medals. 119 min ...
Forums - Great Job: Cia Agent Michael Meiring Blew His Own Legs Off While Planting A Bomb! ... But for now, their organs of lies and disinformation, CNN, Fox and the rest of the lying monopoly ... Swihart with regard to gold bullion and the Yamashita treasure. "Tinoy ...

24.Apr.2005 TOP STORIES > Cia Agent Michael Meiring Blew His Own Legs Off While Planting A Bomb! ... But for now, their organs of lies + disinformation, CNN, Fox + the rest ... Bob Gould + Swihart with regard to gold bullion + the Yamashita treasure ... /top+stories+...
AltaVista News AltaVista provides the most comprehensive search experience on the Web! ... MP3/Audio. Video . Directory. News ... Google Sues for Halt of Froogles .com Domain. Claiming that the shopping site infringes on ... Murderer upbeat, joking in seconds before execution CNN .com ... URL:,1518,druck-352795,00.html
24.Apr.2005 Ein Team amerikanischer Hirnforscher hat Suchstrategien nun in einem Experiment mit Makaken untersucht.

Die Affen mussten auf einem Bild mit verschiedenen Symbolen bestimmte Elemente finden. Die Forscher maßen dabei Hirnsignale aus der Region V4, die im visuellen Kortex liegt.
Aus den aufgezeichneten Hirnsignalen konnte das Team von Narcise Bichot von den National Institutes of Health in Bethseda (Maryland) eindeutig schließen, dass die Makaken sowohl parallel als auch seriell suchen. Die Forscher stellten erhöhte Neuronenaktivitäten fest, wenn Objekte in Form oder Farbe mit dem Suchziel übereinstimmten. Ihre Entdeckung steht in Einklang mit bisherigen Überlegungen zur visuellen Aufmerksamkeit.
Das Gehirn filtere offenbar gezielt alle grob in Frage kommenden Gegenstände heraus, schreiben die Forscher im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Science" - eine parallele Suchtechnik, bei der keine Objekte einzeln, sondern nur ihre Gesamtheit erfasst und analysiert wird. Auf die parallele Suche folge eine serielle, bei der die herausgefilterten Gegenstände genauer unter die Lupe genommen würden, bis das Zielobjekt gefunden sei.
Die Forscher entwarfen auch eine einfache Grafik, an der jeder selbst testen kann, wie er gesuchte Objekte aus einer Vielzahl anderer Gegenstände selektiert - hier der
Link zum Suchexperiment.

Rüttgers: "Ich glaube, dass wir wieder lernen müssen, dazu zu stehen, dass wir wieder etwas für wahr und etwas für unwahr halten.

Ich bin Katholik + ich glaube, dass unser christliches Menschenbild das Richtige ist und nicht vergleichbar ist mit Menschenbildern, die es anderswo auf der Welt gibt."
Friedman: "Aber wir sprechen von dem Begriff überlegen. Ist die katholische Kirche und ihr Menschenbild anderen Religionen überlegen?"
Rüttgers: "Ich glaube, dass es das Richtige ist, wenn Sie wollen auch überlegen."

24.Apr.2005 Italien: Berlusconi erneut mit Regierungsbildung beauftragt

24.Apr.2005 Mordfall Trotzki: Tatwaffe wieder aufgetaucht

24.Apr.2005 US-Militär: Bush nominiert neuen Generalstabschef

24.Apr.2005 Religion: Rüttgers hält christliches Menschenbild für überlegen

24.Apr.2005 Bushs Uno-Botschafter: Powell stellt sich gegen Bolton

24.Apr.2005 Clevere Suchstrategie: Hirn sucht gleichzeitig parallel und linear

24.Apr.2005 Streit über Kriegsvergangenheit: China hält Beziehungen zu Japan für düster

24.Apr.2005 Suchmaschinen: Google will alles wissen, was Sie je wissen wollten

24.Apr.2005 Spannungen mit China: Koizumi entschuldigt sich für Japans Kriegsvergangenheit

24.Apr.2005 Antarktis: Gletscher schmelzen immer schneller

24.Apr.2005 Atombombenabwürfe in Japan: Nagasaki ging wegen Treibstoffmangels unter

24.Apr.2005 USA: CIA soll unschuldigen Deutschen gefangen gehalten haben

24.Apr.2005 Steuerehrlichkeitsgesetz: Behörden überprüfen täglich Tausende Konten

24.Apr.2005 Prähistorisches Grab in Ägypten: Geleitschutz in den Tod

24.Apr.2005 Oberster Glaubenshüter: Ratzingers brisantes Erbe

24.Apr.2005 Vereidigung: Negroponte will bei US-Geheimdiensten aufräumen

21.Apr.2005 Militäreinsätze: US-Senat bewilligt weitere Milliarden

21.Apr.2005 Quartalsbericht: Google übertrifft alle Erwartungen

21.Apr.2005 Regierungskrise in Italien: Berlusconi will rasch neue Regierung bilden

21.Apr.2005 EU-Kommission: Barroso genoss öfter Einladungen zum Luxus-Urlaub

21.Apr.2005 Weißrussland: Rice unterstützt Opposition gegen Lukaschenko

21.Apr.2005 Armenien-Debatte: Türkischer Botschafter droht dem Bundestag

21.Apr.2005 Bombenabwurf auf Hiroshima: Das Inferno und die Überlebenden

21.Apr.2005 Filmemachers Rache: Michael Moore gibt Uni-Rebellen Stipendien

21.Apr.2005 Ferner Asteroidengürtel: Kosmische Schutthalde verspricht seltene Einblicke

21.Apr.2005 Ameisen als Fallensteller: Zum Filetieren auf die Streckbank

21.Apr.2005 Kapitalismuskritik: Müntefering legt nach

21.Apr.2005 Details aus dem Konklave: Ratzinger bekam laut Zeitungsbericht fast alle Stimmen

21.Apr.2005 Sicherheit: USA verlangen Passagierdaten jetzt auch bei Überflug

21.Apr.2005 Polen über Ratzinger: "Er scheint so lieb zu sein"

21.Apr.2005 Plastikgeld: US-Schuhhändler lässt sich millionenfach Kreditkartendaten klauen

21.Apr.2005 Molekularbiologie: Pilz kann gleichgeschlechtlich Nachwuchs zeugen (

21.Apr.2005 Verschärfte Richtlinien: USA wollen Kontrolle von Passagierlisten ausweiten

21.Apr.2005 Schlechtes Englisch: Schwarzenegger will Grenzen doch nicht dicht machen

21.Apr.2005 Debatte: Kein Kniefall vor Ratzinger!

21.Apr.2005 Headhunting: Deutsche Bank plündert Personal bei Morgan Stanley

21.Apr.2005 Karolina-Plädoyers: "Mittelalterliche Foltermethoden"

21.Apr.2005 Inaugurationsfeiern: Bushs Partys kosteten 42 Millionen Dollar

21.Apr.2005 Kansas City: Vietnam-Veteran bespuckt Jane Fonda

21.Apr.2005 Raumfähre: "Discovery"-Start erneut verschoben

21.Apr.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Das Saugen eines epochalen Vakuums"

21.Apr.2005 Wall-Street-Fusion: New Yorker Börse geht an die Börse

21.Apr.2005 Ex-Botschafter Elbe: "Fischer hat viele Kollegen tief verletzt"

21.Apr.2005 Softwarekonzern: Schwacher Dollar bremst SAP

21.Apr.2005 Vatikan: Höchste Alarmstufe bei Benedikts Amtseinführung

20.Aug.1999 Gustav Glanz, Nr.1 ÜBERZU(KU)NFT (HOMMAGE AN DIE MUSEN)

21.Apr.2005 Tom de Toys, Gustav Glanz 20.Aug.1999 Nr.1. ÜBERZU(KU)NFT (HOMMAGE AN DIE MUSEN). wenn ich schon berühmt wär hätt ich nen chauffeur + mindestens nen filmer ... 23.Aug.1999 Tom de Toys, Gustav Glanz Nr.2. ÜBERHEB(EL)UNG (HOMMAGE AN DIE MÄNNER). betäubt vom einfluß ernster minen tausender idioten wahnhafter realität ...

21.Apr.2005 ya com YaBasta Nordest. L'associazione Ya Basta a fianco delle esperienze in resistenza da Buenos Aires alla Patagonia Carovana dal 12 marzo al 29 marzo 2005 Mari mari peni - Da ...–
20.Apr.2005 Verse Search Results (The New American Standard Bible)  RESULTS: 1 - 20 of 6680 total results Click Verse for Commentary Notes
Ge 2:4 - Show Context This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made earth and heaven.

Ge 2:5 - Show Context Now no shrub of the field was yet in the earth + no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for the LORD God had not sent rain upon the earth + there was no man to cultivate the ground.

Ge 2:7 - Show Context Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground + breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Ge 2:8 - Show Context The LORD God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden; and there He placed the man whom He had formed.

Ge 2:9 - Show Context Out of the ground the LORD God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight + good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden + the tree of the knowledge of good + evil.

Ge 2:15 - Show Context Then the LORD God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.

Ge 2:16 - Show Context The LORD God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely;

Ge 2:18 - Show Context Then the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him."

Ge 2:19 - Show Context Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field + every bird of the sky + brought {them} to the man to see what he would call them; + whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name.

Ge 2:21 - Show Context So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, + he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place.

Ge 2:22 - Show Context The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man + brought her to the man.

Ge 3:1 - Show Context Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, "Indeed, has God said, 'You shall not eat from any tree of the garden'?"

Ge 3:8 - Show Context They heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day + the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.

Ge 3:9 - Show Context Then the LORD God called to the man + said to him, " Where are you?"

Ge 3:13 - Show Context Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" And the woman said, " The serpent deceived me + I ate."

Ge 3:14 - Show Context The LORD God said to the serpent, " Because you have done this, Cursed are you more than all cattle + more than every beast of the field;

On your belly you will go + dust you will eat All the days of your life;

Ge 3:21 - Show Context The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife + clothed them.

Ge 3:22 - Show Context Then the LORD God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life + eat + live forever"--

Ge 3:23 - Show Context therefore the LORD God sent him out from the garden of Eden, to cultivate the ground from which he was taken.

Ge 4:1 - Show Context Now the man had relations with his wife Eve + she conceived and gave birth to Cain + she said, "I have gotten a manchild with {the help of} the LORD ."
20.Apr.2005 Korruptionsverdacht: Uno ermittelt gegen ihren Nordkorea-Beauftragten

20.Apr.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Verbraucherpreise drücken die Kurse

20.Apr.2005 Housing Starts Plunge: USA housing starts posted their steepest drop in more than 14 years in 00.Mar.2005 ,suggesting some cooling in the long-hot housing market, while producer prices rose steeply on surging energy costs.

20.Apr.2005 Riding the Real-Estate Tsunami: The housing bubble, like the dot-com boom before it, has temporarily masked a mess of economic contradictions. As a result, the second term of Bush [BGW968] may hold some first-class Shakespearian surprises.

20.Apr.2005 Wholesale Prices Jump 0.7 Percent in March: It was the biggest jump in five months.

20.Apr.2005 Dow Chemical Buys Silence in Michigan: Union Carbide's (now Dow's) pesticide plant exposed a half million people to the gases. It remains the worst industrial accident of all time, with an estimated 7,000 deaths and 190,000 injuries the first few days and over 15,000 claims of deaths to date.

20.Apr.2005 Forty public policy groups have this in common: They seek to undermine the scientific consensus that humans are causing the earth to overheat. And they all get money from ExxonMobil.

20.Apr.2005 How Companies Pay TV Experts For On-Air Product Mentions: Plugs Come Amid News Shows And Appear Impartial; Pacts Are Rarely Disclosed

18.Apr.2005 John Pilger: Apologizing To Torturers Can you imagine the BBC + other major broadcasters apologizing to a rogue regime which practices racism + ethnic cleansing; which has “effectively legalized the use of torture”

20.Apr.2005 Orwell Rolls In His Grave "Could a media system, controlled by a few global corporations with the ability to overwhelm all competing voices, be able to turn lies into truth?..." This is a must see documentary. 

20.Apr.2005 Iraq Tony And The Truth This is the story of what Mr. Blair did not tell us before sending UK troops into battle.

20.Apr.2005 Argentine 'dirty war' suspect convicted and sentenced to 640 years in prison: His trial was Spain's first under a law that says crimes against humanity can be tried in this country - even if they are alleged to have been committed elsewhere.

20.Apr.2005 Outreach To Islam : Delays in launching USA effort: The Bush administration's outreach to the Islamic world is in no hurry. And it includes no Muslims.

20.Apr.2005 9th Circuit OKs Suit Against Vatican Over Holocaust: Just in time for the picking of a new pope, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided Monday that Holocaust survivors can pursue the Vatican Bank for profiting from a Nazi puppet regime.

20.Apr.2005 Sudan says "abundant" oil found in war torn Darfur: Drilling for oil has begun in Sudan's troubled Darfur region after preliminary studies showed there were abundant quantities of oil, a spokesman for the country's Energy Ministry said.

20.Apr.2005 World terror risk 'on the rise' : Danger has risen in 31 nations, many of them in western Europe, insurance broker Aon says in a new risk map.

20.Apr.2005 Secret FBI Report Highlights Domestic Terror: A secret FBI report, obtained by ABC News, identifies 22 domestic terror organizations as the current subjects of 338 active FBI field investigations.

20.Apr.2005 In case you missed it?: WMD Plot Uncovered In East Texas: Three people linked to white supremacist and anti-government groups are in custody. At least one weapon of mass destruction - a sodium cyanide bomb capable of delivering a deadly gas cloud - has been seized in the Tyler area.

20.Apr.2005 Colin Powell's Former Chief Of Staff Calls John Bolton An "Abysmal" Pick To Be UN Ambassador

20.Apr.2005 Air Safety: Extending the No-Fly Zone : Aviation sources say the list has grown to more than 31,000, up from 19,000 00.Sep.2004 .

And a little noticed incident on 08.Apr.2005 involving a Dutch KLM 747 flight from Amsterdam to Mexico City, may result in the list being used even more aggressively.

20.Apr.2005 Homeland Security memo reveals terrorism records are being sanitized: The memo, issued on March 28 by a high-ranking official with DHS’ Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE), essentially orders supervisors in the field to sanitize terrorism-related case files maintained in a major law-enforcement computer system called TECS

20.Apr.2005 'The biggest corruption scandal in history.': In Iraq, allegations range from petty bribery to large-scale embezzlement, expropriation, profiteering and nepotism. The TI report says it could become "the biggest corruption scandal in history."

20.Apr.2005 The Bayoil Indictment -- the Real Scandal: The neo-con team is brazenly acting as if Saddam did something wrong in selling Iraqi oil in violation of the UN embargo that we insisted by kept on for a dozen years after the 1991 Gulf War.

20.Apr.2005 Almost 11 million children in developing countries die each year before the age of 5 : Most of them from causes that are preventable in wealthier countries, the World Bank said in a report released Sunday.

20.Apr.2005 Wolfie's War on Poverty: Just wait till our oil companies' profits dip. You'll hear the sound of our tanks over there + I don't mean gas tanks.

20.Apr.2005 Drive the Wolf back to BUSH! : “Wolfowitz will kill more people from his position at the World Bank than he has done at the Pentagon!”

20.Apr.2005 A Math Lesson: The Killing of Nicola Calipari: According to the USA military, they fired warning shots within 2.7 seconds of flashing a warning light + used "deadly force" 2.3 seconds after that.

20.Apr.2005 Before You Mindlessly Tie Another Yellow Ribbon Round That Old Oak Tree: He died for our freedom? I wish someone would help me understand how killing innocent people in Iraq (and Afganistan) is keeping us free.

20.Apr.2005 Counter-Recruiting in the Red Zone : With the military’s enlistment numbers dropping and a “counter-recruitment” movement becoming increasingly active in college towns and major urban centers, the battle for the hearts and minds of possible enlistees is spreading to the more conservative parts of the country, where the military draws a substantial amount of recruits.

Oregon Bill Would Require New Drivers to Automatically Register For Selective Service : House Bill 2575 (PDF of bill) would automatically register young men for Selective Service when they sign up for licenses or state identification cards.

20.Apr.2005 Soldiers' 'Wish Lists' Of Detainee Tactics Cited: Intelligence officials to develop a list including open-hand strikes, closed-fist strikes, using claustrophobic techniques and a number of "coercive" techniques such as striking with phone books, low-voltage electrocution and inducing muscle fatigue.

20.Apr.2005 Casualties of Colonial Wars: : To justify its continuing occupation of Iraq, Washington has endeavored to portray itself as the selfless protector of the Iraqi people who are menaced by ruthless terrorists.

The corporate media has obliged...

20.Apr.2005 Paul Craig Roberts: A Greater Threat Than Terrorism : Outsourcing the American Economy

20.Apr.2005 Security and interop issues cause EU biometric passport delays: The European Union has asked the US to put back its biometric passport deadline for another year, citing "data security and interoperability of reading devices" as issues that still needed to be resolved.

20.Apr.2005 Israel arrests Netherlands consul : Israeli police have arrested one of the country's diplomats serving in the Netherlands for allegedly issuing passports in exchange for bribes.

20.Apr.2005 In case you missed it: New Pope: No to “preventive war”: Is the war that has been announced against Iraq a just war? “All I can do is invite you to read the Catechism,” Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger replied with a mischievous grin, “and the conclusion seems obvious to me

20.Apr.2005 Arch-Conservative German Elected Pope : Arch-conservative German cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope on Tuesday in a surprise choice that delighted traditionalist Roman Catholics but stunned moderates hoping for a more liberal papacy.

20.Apr.2005 Profile: Pope Benedict XVI: Ratzinger, once a teenage infantryman in the German army at the end of World War II + then briefly an inmate in an USA prisoner-of-war camp

20.Apr.2005 House Energy Bill Increases Tax Breaks : The House this week will consider $8 billion in tax breaks targeted to the energy industry at a time when some of those companies are enjoying soaring profits from high consumer prices.

20.Apr.2005 Ted Rall: Police Perjurers: Throw Lying Cops Off the Force: In an Orwellian twist, the authorities even censored their own tapes to delete evidence of police lies.

20.Apr.2005 International Case Filed For Haitian former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune : Yvon Neptune, who was Haiti's last Constitutionally appointed Prime Minister, has been illegally imprisoned since June 2004. Mr. Neptune has yet to see a judge in his case, despite a Constitutional bar against holding detainees longer than 48 hours without judicial approval.

20.Apr.2005 Many Venezuelans join "guerrilla armies", plan to fight : From street vendors to lawyers, thousands of Venezuelans are joining militia units created by the government to fight off anyone - especially USA troops - that tries to thwart President Hugo Chavez's socialist "Bolivarian revolution."

20.Apr.2005 The Total and Shameless Chutzpah of Alan Dershowitz: The American historian Norman Finkelstein, whose book "The Holocaust Industry" provoked a fierce debate in Germany four years ago, is creating new furor.

20.Apr.2005 Theologian calls for response to 9/11: David Ray Griffin asks the tough questions about Sept. 11, contending USA officials had some knowledge of what was coming and possibly orchestrated the attacks.

20.Apr.2005 Put Down Your White Man's Burden, Support Iraqi Resistance : While the ostensible savagery of targeting of civilians does help the US government label the freedom fighters of the present as terrorists, the simultaneous media censorship omnipresent throughout the war in Iraq blinds us to the equally if not more savage violence perpetrated by our state against the Iraqi civilians.

20.Apr.2005 USA Military Regrets Incident with Iraq Lawmaker : al-Sheikh, an independent, told parliament a USA soldier had grabbed him by the throat, handcuffed him and shoved him to the ground after he parked his car.

20.Apr.2005 The New American Militarism: We are now in an America where it's a commonplace for our President, wearing a "jacket with ARMY printed over his heart and 'Commander in Chief' printed on his right front," to address vast assemblages of American troops on the virtues of bringing democracy to foreign lands at the point of a missile.

20.Apr.2005 Unfolding Middle-East Quagmire: America is Buying Time : The American/Israeli agendas join together regarding the pursuit of a regional state of anarchy. The latter is also based on necessity to draw NATO and possibly Arab proxy armies into the war, with a view to exacerbating sectarian divisions in Iraq as well setting the stage for an offensive on Iran

20.Apr.2005 A Time for Disobedience: Faced with Bush's lockdown on information, reporters have to stand up

20.Apr.2005 No reporters allowed at Lejeune hearing for Marine : The Marine Corps will bar journalists from the courtroom at Camp Lejeune from next week's investigatory hearing in the case of a lieutenant charged with murdering two Iraqis.

20.Apr.2005 Naomi Klein On The Rise of Disaster Capitalism : "If the reconstruction industry is stunningly inept at rebuilding, that may be because rebuilding is not its primary purpose," writes Naomi Klein in the cover story of this week's Nation. "If anything, the stories of corruption and incompetence serve to mask this deeper scandal. Real Audio.

20.Apr.2005 The Rise of Disaster Capitalism : The fires were still burning in Baghdad when US occupation officials rewrote the investment laws and announced that the country's state-owned companies would be privatized. Some have pointed to this track record to argue that Wolfowitz is unfit to lead the World Bank

20.Apr.2005 In case you missed it: The War Party : Panorama investigates the "neo-conservatives", the small and unelected group of right-wingers, who critics claim have hijacked the White House. They brought us war against Iraq - what do the hawks in Washington have in store for us now? This is a must watch - Real Video.

20.Apr.2005 Uncle Sam Would Be a Good Used Car Salesman: How America maintains its hegemony military and economically

20.Apr.2005 Dirty Tricks Detailed by an Economic Hit Man: Before I read this book, I couldn't understand it either. In every country I've visited throughout the world, I have witnessed anti-American sentiment. I thought people were just ignorant and jealous of our wonderful nation.

20.Apr.2005 Reports reveal Zarqawi nuclear threat : Recurrent intelligence reports say al Qaeda terrorist Abu Musab Zarqawi has obtained a nuclear device or is preparing a radiological explosive -- or dirty bomb -- for an attack, according to USA officials, who also say analysts are unable to gauge the reliability of the information's sources.

20.Apr.2005 Galloway Forced to Flee Meeting after 'Death Threats' : Anti-war campaigner George Galloway was “threatened with death” by a gang of Islamic extremists, his spokesman said today.

20.Apr.2005 Hearts, Minds + Dollars : In an Unseen Front in the War on Terrorism, America is Spending Millions...To Change the Very Face of Islam

20.Apr.2005 Religious bias claimed at Air Force Academy: The Air Force Academy, still recovering from rape + sexual harassment scandals, now is facing charges that some Christian cadets have bullied + berated Jews + students of other religious backgrounds.

20.Apr.2005 Abbas accuses Israel of incitement : Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas has complained that the Israeli government is inciting against him and that it has violated agreements reached at a summit 00.Feb.2005

20.Apr.2005 West Bank villagers threatened with imminent expulsion: Aqaba villagers have long come to dread Asher's visits.

On one past occasion, he had come to decree that the village's mosque + kindergarten were "illegally built" + had to be pulled down.

20.Apr.2005 USA and Israeli officials meet over disengagement funds : Israel has asked for indirect financial aid ahead of the disengagement, and the Bush administration has agreed to front Jerusalem a 3 billion-dollar financial guarantee until 2008

20.Apr.2005 Lecturers may boycott Israeli academics : Israeli academics who refuse to condemn their government's actions in the occupied territories risk a boycott by the UK's leading lecturers' union.

20.Apr.2005 Ousted Haitian President Aristide Accuses USA and France of Causing a "Black Holocaust" : "We should not close our eyes on those who are behind the coup - yes the USA, the French. Clearly it's a failure of what they did a year ago using violence and as a consequence we have more violence in Haiti today," he said.

20.Apr.2005 Aid worker uncovered America's secret tally of Iraqi civilian deaths : A week before she was killed by a suicide bomber, humanitarian worker Marla Ruzicka forced military commanders to admit they did keep records of Iraqi civilians killed by US forces.

20.Apr.2005 Counting the dead in Iraq: 00.000.2004 the US-based scientist Dr Les Roberts led a survey into deaths caused by the invasion of Iraq.

His results showed that approximately 100,000 Iraqis had been killed after the invasion. He spoke to Joseph Choonara about his survey

20.Apr.2005 The War for Oil This is the story of the hidden agenda behind the invasion of Iraq. How much has this war really been about control over a dwindling resource? This is a must watch documentary. Real Video

20.Apr.2005 Predictions Tom DeLay isn't going to leave any time soon. He will gain greater power than ever before. Bush's Social Security privatization plan will go into effect. There will be a pogrom against all non-reactionary judges. Even Republicans will become the targets of hate campaigns -- indeed, to some extent, this has already happened. (Note the cases of Arlen Spector and now Justice Kennedy.) The minimum wage will end. Theocracy will become overt.
IT will happen soon. After it does, this country will lurch so far to the right as to make the present day look like socialism.
The reactionaries - or, as George Seldes once called them, the plutogogues - will get what they want: Hitlerism with a Jesus mask.

But what will happen the day after? They cannot run an economy; the fascist state they create will be inherently weak and unstable.

20.Apr.2005 Kolb aber möchte nicht so schnell aufgeben. Seljak und Hirata hätten ihrerseits kleine Rechenfehler begangen, die ihre Kritik entkräfteten. "Aber ihr Beitrag schärft unser Denken", sagte Kolb. "Wir schreiben bereits einen weiteren Artikel." URL:,1518,druck-347742,00.html
Nach Einsteins Allgemeiner Relativitätstheorie haben sich dabei kleine Wellen im Raumzeit-Gefüge gebildet. Sie sind gemeinsam mit dem Universum zu ungeheurer Größe gewachsen und lassen das All nun immer schneller anschwellen, schreiben Edward Kolb vom renommierten Fermilab in den USA und drei italienische Wissenschaftler im Fachblatt "Physical Review Letters".
"Wir haben erkannt, dass man nur diese Raumzeit-Wellen mit Einsteins Allgemeiner Relativitätstheorie kombinieren muss, um zu erklären, warum sich das Universum heute immer schneller aufbläht", erklärt Antonio Riotto, einer der Autoren des Artikels. Der Vorteil der Theorie liegt auf der Hand: Sie benötigt keine exotische Zutat wie die dunkle Energie oder deren Vorläuferin, Einsteins kosmologische Konstante, die das Jahrhundertgenie später selbst als "größte Eselei seines Lebens" verworfen hat.
Der Nachteil: Das Gedankengebäude setzt die Existenz eines "globalen Universums" von wahrhaft kolossalen Ausmaßen voraus, von dem die Menschen nur einen winzigen Teil beobachten können. Und die Beweise für die Richtigkeit des Rechenwerks liegen leider hinter diesem Beobachtungshorizont. URL:,1518,druck-347742,00.html
1929 hatte Edwin Hubble bewiesen, dass das All wächst + zwar mit immer größerer Geschwindigkeit.

00.000.1998 kam noch ein weiteres Rätsel hinzu: Wissenschaftler fanden heraus, dass das Universum - nach derzeitigem Forschungsstand knapp 14 Milliarden Jahre alt - erst vor rund einer Milliarde Jahren seine Ausdehnung beschleunigt hat.
Kosmologen haben seitdem eine Reihe gewagter Erklärungen für das Phänomen ersonnen. Die am weitesten verbreitete ist die dunkle Energie: eine mysteriöse Kraft, die der Schwerkraft entgegenwirkt + das All immer schneller aufbläht.

Allerdings wurde die dunkle Energie noch nie direkt nachgewiesen, obwohl sie immerhin 70 % der Gesamtmasse des Universums ausmachen soll.

Die ebenfalls noch nicht direkt beobachtete dunkle Materie soll dagegen nur 25 Pro5zent, die normale Materie gar nur 5 5 der Masse des Alls stellen.URL:,1518,druck-347742,00.html

"Das Papsttum", erinnert der Kommentator des bürgerlichen "Daily Telegraph" seine Leser in Mittelengland, ist von "entscheidender geostrategischer" Bedeutung, es habe schließlich "das Sowjet-Imperium zu Fall" gebracht. Aufgemacht ist die Titelseite mit dem Spruch: "Gottes Rottweiler wird Papst".

20.Apr.2005 Papst-Biograf: Ratzinger erlitt vor 14 Jahren Hirnblutung

20.Apr.2005 Ecuador: Parlament stimmt für Absetzung von Präsident Gutierrez

20.Apr.2005 Visa-Ausschuss: Botschafter aus Kiew rettet der Union den Tag

20.Apr.2005 Datenschutz: SPD-Abgeordnete und Grüne rüffeln Schily

20.Apr.2005 Russland: Europarat fordert Verbesserung der Menschenrechtslage

20.Apr.2005 US-Außenministerin in Russland: Rice umgarnt Putin, Putin bezirzt Rice

20.Apr.2005 Benedikt XVI.: Nach dem Jubel wächst die Kritik

20.Apr.2005 Quartalsergebnis: Volkswagens Sparprogramm zahlt sich aus

20.Apr.2005 Raketenabwehr: Bundestag stimmt Meads zu

20.Apr.2005 Börse am Nachmittag: MLP geht durch die Decke

20.Apr.2005 Trump-Tower-Projekt: Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen Marseille

20.Apr.2005 Regierungskrise: Berlusconi übergab Rücktrittsschreiben

20.Apr.2005 Ratzingers Geburtsort: Willkommen im Media-Marktl

20.Apr.2005 Moskau-Besuch: Rice und ihre Russisch-Probleme

20.Apr.2005 Keine Entwarnung: Ölpreis steigt wieder

20.Apr.2005 Veranstalter: Rom wird Pilgerziel Nummer eins

20.Apr.2005 Papstwahl: Ein großer Freund Frankreichs

20.Apr.2005 Papst-Wahl: Schwarzer forderte Frauen indirekt zum Kirchenaustritt auf

20.Apr.2005 Bushs Uno-Kandidat: Neue Vorwürfe gegen Bolton

20.Apr.2005 Britische Presse zum Papst: Eine Insel sieht rot

20.Apr.2005 Der Papst und die Politik: Der Schreck sitzt tief

20.Apr.2005 Schlechtes Wetter: Atlantik-Flug abgebrochen

20.Apr.2005 Selbstversuch: Die Gentest-Lüge

20.Apr.2005 Chicago: Marien-Erscheinung an Betonwand entdeckt

20.Apr.2005 Italien: Berlusconi tritt für sein neues Kabinett zurück

20.Apr.2005 Jubel in Afrika: Hauptsache, ein konservativer Papst

20.Apr.2005 Einzelhandel: Verbraucherschützer alarmiert über Preissenkungen (

20.Apr.2005 Erfolgsserie: Yahoo verdoppelt Quartalsgewinn

20.Apr.2005 Afghanistan: Radio Taliban auf Sendung

20.Apr.2005 Dokumentation: Die erste Predigt Benedikts XVI.

20.Apr.2005 Ausdehnung des Alls: Raumzeit-Wellen provozieren Forscher

20.Apr.2005 Reaktionen auf Benedikt XVI.: Die Wahl Ratzingers polarisiert die Welt

20.Apr.2005 Dauerregen: Rumänien versinkt im Hochwasser

20.Apr.2005 Aus der Zauber: Papst schlägt Potter

20.Apr.2005 Visa-Ausschuss: Union klagt über Gedächtnislücken von Diplomaten

20.Apr.2005 Spanien: "Auch der Heilige Geist kann sich irren"
Papstdomain Katholische Oma muss alles absegnen

20.Apr.2005 Kollision: Weltgrößter Eisberg rammt Antarktis-Gletscher

20.Apr.2005 Uno-Botschafter: Grauer Rauch für Bushs Kandidaten

20.Apr.2005 Kirchengeschichte: Skurrilitätenkabinett Vatikan

20.Apr.2005 USA: Schwarzenegger will Grenzen dicht machen

20.Apr.2005 Axel Springer Verlag: Döpfner plant Zeitung für Kinder

20.Apr.2005 Terminkalender: Was Benedikt XVI. jetzt tun muss

20.Apr.2005 Gaza: Israels Armee beginnt mit der Räumung

20.Apr.2005 Frostige Glückwünsche: Chinas grimmige Forderungen an Benedikt XVI.

20.Apr.2005 Längenwachstum: Reiche Kinder, schwache Knochen

20.Apr.2005 Marktl am Inn: Kardinals-Kaffee und Papst-Plätzchen

20.Apr.2005 Analyse zur Ratzinger-Wahl: Johannes Paul II. regiert weiter

20.Apr.2005 Papst-Bruder Georg Ratzinger: "Ich war schockiert"

20.Apr.2005 Konflikt mit Japan: Chinas Führung ruft zur Ruhe auf

20.Apr.2005 Spezielle Veranstaltungen und Aktionen ...

19.Mär.2005 Freiburg/Basel: Gemeinsame Fahrt zur Ostermarschaktion ...

27.Mär.2005 Berlin/Fretzdorf: Gemeinsame Busfahrt zum ...

Die Jüdische – Artikelrubriken ... The press conference took place at the Bundestag in Berlin on 26.Jan.2005 ... In Europa blüht die alte Seuche neu auf- REDETEXT VON DR ...

15.Mär.2005 Konstantin Wecker ... USA Wissenschaftler wie Noam Chomsky oder Michael Parenti, der in "democracy for the few" erbarmungslos mit ...

2004062426_Report ... prof. Noam Chomsky spoke about Negroponte at a forum in Cambridge ... sagte Goldsmith in einem vorab verbreiteten Redetext für eine Konferenz der ...

20050126 RiggsA Wall Street Journal story that the press gang should chase. 25.Jan.2005

20.Apr.2005 Diese sicher nicht für jedermann nachvollziehbare Argumentation scheint aber Google ermutigt zu haben, den Fall weiter zu verfolgen. Denn seit der vergangenen Woche liegt eine Klageschrift der Suchmaschine gegen Wolfe vor dem Bezirksgericht in Brooklyn (New York) vor. In dieser Klage behauptet Google, der "senior User" aller Marken zu sein, die die Zeichenfolge "--OOGLE" für Suchdienste im Internet benutzen. Ein vor allem für den Inhaber der Domain "" interessantes Argument, denn er hat bisher "noch keinen Piep" von Google gehört.

Die Chancen der Suchmaschine, die Klage mit dieser Behauptung zu gewinnen, ist aber dennoch nach Einschätzung von Rechtsexperten nicht gerade schlecht. Zu bedenken ist dabei nicht nur, dass Google die fragliche Zeichenfolge "oogle" wirklich früher einsetzte als der Beklagte, sondern auch, dass in diesem Fall der Kläger über weitaus mehr Ressourcen verfügt, um eine solche Klage bis zum bitteren Ende zu führen.

Dabei erscheint der ganze Vorgang nicht jener Geradlinigkeit zu folgen, durch die sich Google sonst auszeichnet. Denn wie soll es zu verstehen sein, wenn die Suchmaschine in einem "Erpressungsversuch" - man muss es wohl so nennen - die Benutzung der Domain zwar ausdrücklich gestatten will, das aber nur, wenn sich der Bedrohte den genannten Forderungen beugt?

Das kann doch nur bedeuten, dass diese Domain nicht wirklich benötigt wird + dass der Rechtsstreit um die_Domain_im Grunde unnötig ist. Oder aber, es handelte sich um einen Trick, um sich die Markenrechte insgesamt zu verschaffen. Denn durch die Zurücknahme der Beschwerde würde der New Yorker seinen eigenen Trademark-Antrag für "Froogles" gefährden. Solch ein Trick entspräche aber noch weniger dem guten Stil, den man von Google gewohnt ist. Oder muss man schon sagen, "den man bisher gewohnt war"?

20.Apr.2005 Googles nationale Filter Die Google-Ableger und filtern ihre Indices. Nach welchen Regeln, ist nicht bekannt. (

20.Apr.2005 P2P-Traffic wächst weiterhin

Der Bedarf an Bandbreite ist im vergangenen Jahr wieder um 42 Prozent gestiegen. Von einem Nachlassen des P2P-Datenverkehrs kann nicht die Rede sein. (

20.Apr.2005 'Identity Theft' nur ein Symptom... Dass in den vergangenen Jahren mehrere Hunderttausend Datensätze von US-Bürgern bei renommierten Daten-Händlern gestohlen wurden und diese die Vorgänge auch noch verschleierten, hat in den USA zu großem politischen Lamento geführt. Aber nicht zur Hoffnung, dass sich die Situation grundsätzlich verbessert. (

20.Apr.2005 Fauler Opt-out Link? Eine Klage gegen den Lebensmittel-Multi Kraft könnte beweisen, was Spam-Gegner schon lange befürchten: Die Bitte um die Austragung aus einem Verteiler dient in Wahrheit der Rekrutierung neuer Adressen. (

20.Apr.2005 Erfolgsquartal: Intel-Chef sieht keine Anzeichen für Nachfrageschwäche

20.Apr.2005 Kapitalismuskritik der SPD: Die Mehrheit glaubt an Wahlkampftaktik

20.Apr.2005 Internationale Pressestimmen: "So reaktionär wie nur möglich"

20.Apr.2005 Papst Benedikt XVI.: Die Welt staunt über die Wahl der Kardinäle

20.Apr.2005 Reaktionen in Südamerika: "Es wird schwierig sein, diesen Papst zu lieben"

20.Apr.2005 Nato: De Hoop Scheffer erteilt deutschen Forderungen Absage

"Kein zweiter Chamberlain"

Premierminister Blair ließ sich durch die irakische Ankündigung nicht von seinem Hardliner-Kurs abbringen und machte weiter Stimmung. Er verglich die angeblich vom Irak ausgehenden Gefahren am Freitag mit der Bedrohung Europas durch das Nazi-Regime. Vor Mitgliedern seiner Labour-Partei in Swansea (Wales) sagte Blair, niemand solle von ihm erwarten, dass er ein "zweiter Chamberlain" werde. Dem konservativen britischen Vorkriegspremier Neville Chamberlain war wegen des Münchner Abkommens mit Hitler (1938) später eine fatale "Beschwichtigungspolitik" gegenüber dem Nazi-Diktator vorgeworfen worden.

Hans Blix wartet gespannt auf Samstag

20.Apr.2005 Operation Gladio: Template for the War on Terror ... It deals with Operation Gladio . Unlike the majority of suspected false flag ... there are extraordinary similarities between Gladio and the “War on ...

Rezension ... Gladio ist der Nato unterstellt und verfügt seit den fünziger Jahren über ... "Nato - Gladio und Naziseilschaften" und die österreichische Zeitschrift ...

20.Apr.2005 NRC RESPONSE TO A LETTER TO NRC CHAIRMAN, NILS J. DIAZ FROM ... Information Provided by Wackenhut to Plant Management + NRC. Investigators.

NRC Response: ... conclusions regarding the 00.Mar.2001 Wackenhut report ...

20.Apr.2005 Keywords » Wackenhut ... Wackenhut . Yes, there is a little gulag in New York City. It is located in Queens and its name is the Wackenhut Detention Center ... /

WACKEN.HUT ... of the Wackenhut Corporation, was sent by his superiors on an unusual mission ... known as founder + chairman George Wackenhut's "private FBI," that ...

Der oberbayerische Ort erwarte jetzt viele Pilger und Touristen. "Das bedeutet für uns einen Aufschwung", sagte Gschwendtner.
Ratzingers Geburtsort: Freibier in Marktl

20.Apr.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Aktienkurse mit freundlicher Tendenz
In a Wall Street Journal op-ed in, Bolton articulated his dismissive view of international treaties. "Treaties are law only for USA domestic purposes," he wrote, "In their international operation, treaties are .."
During the 1990s, Bolton spoke out frequently in public and in Congress against the international policies of the Clinton administration. In a June 25, 1995 op-ed in the Washington Times, Bolton lambasted President Clinton for continuing the funding of "programs on international population control and environmental matters rather than fundamental economic reforms

Did you read the article? Did you see this?:

" 'Mr. Posada has never been convicted of any terrorist act,' said Santiago Alvarez, a Miami developer who is a close friend of Posada, whom he calls a hero. 'He's been a fighter against Castro all his life. He advocates violence, but that does not mean violence and terrorism are the same thing.'

"In the asylum request, Soto said that Posada cites his longtime opposition to Castro, saying he would be in danger if he were not granted protection by the USA. Soto said Posada is also seeking permanent residency in the USA under the Cuban Adjustment Act, which allows Cuban refugees to apply for the status after remaining in the USA one year."

You might want to read this also: especially this part:

After escaping from a Venezuelan prison while awaiting trial on the airliner bombing, Posada showed up in Central America in the late 80's as an operative in Lt. Col. Oliver North’s contra resupply network (North and presumably Bill Casey’s CIA has no qualms about giving work to a guy who blew up airlines in mid-air). He also did some time in a Panamanian jail for plotting to assassinate Fidel Castro but was released by that country’s notoriously corrupt government.

"If he is in the USA, he should be arrested and deported under the norms of international law," said Rep. William D. Delahun t (D-Mass.), who wrote a letter Monday to leaders of the House International Relations Committee calling for an investigation into how Posada entered the country.

Delahunt has the right attitude. Not really that surprising that a confessed terrorist like Posada made it secretly into USA territory, given his long list of supporters and enablers in high government places.

His “cause” is now being championed by a wealthy right-wing exile Cuban developer. The fear among some is that Posada will boldly and publicly surface in Miami making himself into a cause celebre . We can all remember the rather cranked-up (shall we say hysterical) reaction of the Miami Cuban community over Elian Gonzalez . It’s not hard to imagine Posada trying to make himself a popular hero who openly dares the USA government to deny him the asylum he's requesting.

Just how the Department of Homeland Security will respond to Posada’s asylum request will be telling. Anything short of summarily deporting a man who blows up civilian airliners and hotels will make a mockery of the administration’s vow to fight terror.

13.Apr.2005 Our Terrorists

One of “our” international terrorists has come back home. Luis Posada Carriles has announced he has covertly entered the USA and is now officially seeking political asylum from the Bush administration.

For those of you who do not closely follow Latin American politics Posada Carriles is a long-time anti-Castro militant who has been involved several acts of terror and linked closely to the CIA.

Originally trained by the CIA as part of the force that invaded the Bay of Pigs, he went on to work for Venezuelan security forces in hunting down leftists. In the mid-70’s he was part of a plot that exploded a bomb on a Cuban civilian airliner killing 73 people. Posada has also had a hand in the bombing of Cuban tourist hotels that killed and Italian citizen and injured 11 other people.

Washington - In den USA operieren nach einem vom US-Fernsehsender ABC News veröffentlichten Geheimbericht der Bundespolizei FBI 22 einheimische Terrorgruppen. Darunter sind weiße Rassisten wie die "Aryan Nations" und auch die Neonazi-Organisation "National Alliance", berichtete der Sender. In dem Bericht heiße es, es liefen 338 Ermittlungsverfahren. Die Gruppen würden für Bombenanschläge, Drohbriefe, Morde und Raubdelikte verantwortlich gemacht.
ein Experte der Universität im kalifornischen San Bernardino sagte, es handele sich bei den Terrororganisationen um "tickende Zeitbomben". Sie hätten die Kapazität, die Fähigkeit und den Hass, schlimmere Verbrechen zu verüben als Timothy McVeigh. McVeigh war verantwortlich für den Bombenanschlag vom 19. April 1995 auf ein mehrstöckiges Bundesgebäude in Oklahoma City. Dabei starben 168 Menschen. Mehr als 500 Menschen wurden verletzt. McVeigh wurde im Juni 2001 hingerichtet.
. Überhaupt, der Mann aus Bayern ist mittlerweile seit über 20 Jahren in Rom. "Da gilt er vielen gar nicht mehr recht als Deutscher, sondern als Mann der Kurie."
100 Jahre später, als Kaiser Heinrich III. kurz hintereinander vier Landsmänner auf den Papststuhl hob - eine Wahl und ein Konklave gab es damals noch nicht.

00.000.1046-00.000.1047 Klemens II. aus edlem sächsischem Geschlecht + Bischof von Bamberg, kommt nach Rom, mischt sich in die Intrigen des städtischen Adels ein und will die Korruption beenden.

Das kostet ihn vermutlich das Leben, er stirbt schon nach einem Jahr im Amt, an Bleivergiftung. Sein Grab im Bamberger Dom ist das einzige Papstgrab nördlich der Alpen.

00.000.104800.000.1048 Damasus II.Tragisch ist auch das Ende- aus fränkischem Adel. Ihn rafft die Malaria dahin, nach nur 23 Tagen als Papst.
00.000.1049-00.000.1054 Leo IX. -Glücklos war auch-... aus Egisheim im Elsass. Auch er kämpft mit Eifer gegen Korruption und Ämterkauf, wird zum ersten echten "Reisepapst" und reformiert die Kirchenführung, doch dann gerät er bei einem Feldzug gegen die Normannen in lange Gefangenschaft. Vor allem aber: Er kann, trotz Verhandlungsversuche noch in letzter Minute, das große Schisma (die Spaltung zwischen Ost- und Westkirche) nicht verhindern - das Jahr 1054 ist noch heute ein schmerzliches Datum in der Geschichte der Kirche.
Nie so recht glücklich in Rom wurde auch Viktor II. (1055-1057), aus schwäbischem Adel. Er wurde vom Kaiser regelrecht auf den Papstthron gezwungen, der Heimat blieb er aber so eng verbunden, dass er nicht einmal sein Bischofsamt in Eichstätt aufgab.

00.000.1057-00.000.1058 Stephan IX., der zuvor Friedrich von Lothringen war, setzte sich für Kirchenreformen ein. Nach nur acht Monaten Amtszeit starb er auf einer Reise in Florenz.
00.000.1522-00.000.1523 Und mit einem schweren Makel ist die Amtszeit des bisher letzten deutschen Papstes Hadrian VI. () behaftet.

Der Sohn mittelloser Eltern aus Utrecht, das damals zum Heiligen Römischen Reich Deutscher Nation gehörte, stand dem Ausbruch der Reformation hilflos gegenüber. "Beim lutherischen Aufstand begriff er nicht den Ernst der Lage", urteilen Kirchenexperten heute. URL:,1518,druck-352190,00.html
Gregor V. Sohn des Kärntner Herzogs Otto aus Saliergeschlecht und Vetter des von ihm 00.000.0996 gekrönten Kaisers Otto III., war der erste Papst aus deutschen Landen.

Gerade mal 24 Jahre ist er alt, als er die Papstwürde erhält, doch kaum reist Otto III. aus Rom ab, wird er Zielscheibe eines Aufstandes. "Nudus omnium rerum", nackt + ohne Mittel, verjagen seine Gegner Gregor aus Rom - erst später kommt er wieder zurück, stirbt aber kurz darauf an Malaria.

19.Apr.2005 der erste Deutsche an der Spitze der Kirche nach 480 Jahren. Ein Blick in die Geschichtsbücher zeigt jedoch: Den Päpsten aus Germanien ist es nicht gerade gut ergangen. URL:,1518,druck-352190,00.html

19.Apr.2005 Bushs Uno-Botschafter: Abstimmung über Bolton vertagt

19.Apr.2005 Der deutsche Papst: Das Phantom der Hauptstadt

19.Apr.2005 Jubel auf dem Petersplatz: Wie die Gläubigen die Nachricht vom deutschen Papst aufnahmen

14 .Nov.2004 portland imc - 2004.10.08 - How to hide a crime in plain sight ...28, Perception, 1999, pages 1059-74. -- THAT explains it! 08.Oct.2004  

Turquie/Arménie- les milices arméniennes ont aussi massacré des Juifs ottomans

19.Apr.2005 Les archives ottomanes ont révélé que des Juifs ottomans avaient été, tout comme leurs concitoyens musulmans, massacrés par les milices arméniennes 00.000.1910-00.000.1922.

La Direction générale des Archives d’Etat du Bureau du Premier ministre vient de révéler un premier rapport de la gendarmerie de Van, document inédit référencé BOA.HR.SYS.2872/3, dans lequel on apprend que 300 Juifs ont été égorgés par les miliciens arméniens. Ce carnage est survenu dans les environs du village de Seyl, où une population juive de 300 personnes originaires de Hakkari a été entièrement exterminée.

Intitulé "Massacres de Musulmans et de Juifs perpétrés par les Arméniens, avec les Russes, dans les régions de Trabzon et de Van", ce rapport de gendarmerie a été rendu public par Yusuf Sarinay, le directeur des Archives d’Etat. Avec Zaman, 18.4.2005 Source :

02.Jul.2001 12:33 PM Sent: Monday, Subject: CPC release on the Milosevic Extradition 02.Jul.2001 -For Immediate Release Canadian Communist Leader Denounces Illegal Extradition of Milosevic... URL:
from Justice at the Hague
00.000.1994-00.000.1995 the War Crimes Tribunal received from USA government $700,000 cash + $2.3 million worth of computer equipment.

From the Rockefeller foundation the War Crimes Tribunal received $50,000 +

from the US Multi-Millionaire speculator, George Soros, the War Crimes Tribunal recieved $150,000.

00.000.1994-00.000.1995 -at the same time- Soros was financing,, the main Albanian separatist newspaper in Kosovo. - by Michel Collon
If they tell us that everything that has happened in Yugoslavia is the fault of one man, all the while hiding the manoeuvring by the German + subsequently the USA Secret Services to blow to pieces this too independent country + remaining silent on the arms they furnished to the enemies of the Serbs, long before these wars;
If they hide the discreet but revealing words with which Clinton + other USA + NATO leaders admitted that they were carrying out this war on behalf of Globalisation, the Multinationals + the control of the oil supply lines;
If they admit today that public opinion was manipulated with regard to the true reasons for past wars (Korea, Suez, Algeria, the Gulf) as well as with regard to the crimes committed by the armies of the West during those wars, but that in recent wars everything was better + the media told the truth;
If the media Magnates persist in courageously refusing all debate on the recent media lies;
00.000.1998 -If in- the Western leaders affirm that the KLA is a terrorist organisation, in 1999 that it is not at all + that in 2001 it most certainly is,
If they want to make us believe that justice will be done by a tribunal that has no legal basis, largely funded from not disinterested private finance (Soros, Rockefeller, Time WarnerS), a tribunal that has no respect for any of the basic principles of law (not least of which is the presumption of innocence until proved guilty) a tribunal that changes the rules every time that it suits it to do so + which refuses to try the crimes committed in ex-Yugoslavia by Washington¹s protégés, not to mention NATO¹s own crimes; URL:
"The trial of Milosevic will be nothing more than a 'show trial' to further demonize and punish all Yugoslavs who resisted NATO aggression + who continue to oppose the trampling of their sovereignty and the imposition of a 'New World Order' as dictated from Washington."
"Why is it that this nominally U.N. 'court' continues to target those who resist USA imperialism + aggression, while real war criminals like Arial Sharon -- who was directly responsible for 1982 massacre of thousands of Palestinian refugees in Sabra and Chatilla camps - and Henry Kissinger -- who as National Security Adviser to the USA government oversaw the slaughter of thousands of innocent civilians in Vietnam, Cambodia, East Timor + Chile -- have never been brought to account for their 'crimes against humanity'?"
"It is certain that President Milosevic will never receive a fair trial at The Hague tribunal, which is under the financial and political control of the NATO countries and private corporations.

The pending 'trial' of Milosevic, by all counts illegal and illegitimate, can only worsen the situation in Yugoslavia and dangerously destabilize the Balkan region as a whole."
Mr. Figueroa demanded that the Hague Tribunal immediately release President Milosevic + that no other Yugoslav nationals be sent to The Hague.

Instead, he called for the establishment of a truly impartial committee of investigation into all allegations of murder and genocide in the Balkans.
The CPC leader also called on the Yugoslav + Serbian authorities to end the arbitrary kidnapping, arrest, harassment + persecution of former Yugoslav leaders, soldiers + working people + for the immediate release of the 250 members of the Socialist Party of Serbia + United Left who have been arrested on trumped up political charges.
"Instead of applauding this vengeful and illegal abduction, Canada should demand that all war criminals responsible for the Balkan calamity be brought to justice, including the NATO leaders themselves who launched a flagrant + murderous aggression against the people of Yugoslavia + who continue those crimes today in Macedonia, using Albanian mercenaries + other proxy forces." URL:
You searched for Nazi. 1. https://authentico-historia.planetaclix ... URL: "PROPAGANDA]
Yahoo! Groups : proletarism Messages : 696-725 of 1994 Yahoo! Groups - Free, easy email groups ... Grande Bretagne : Service Public-Chemins de fer ... neo-fascists against the Greek left which had fought ... Before long, KYP was. carrying out all the endearing practices of secret police ...

19.Apr.2005 THE AMERICAN DREAM IS WAR, GOD AND MONEY ... Washington DC: Congressional Research Service ... Consulate during the Greek occupation of Constantinople ... Before long, KYP was carrying out all the endearing practices of secret police ...
Drug War: Neocolonialism ... forces putting them on " secret " flights back to Saudi ... initiated rural electrification and telephone service . These were, of ... control of Greek intelligence, the KYP + thereby ...

19.Apr.2005 DC Indymedia: newswire/70821 ... us help our hosting service, keeping this site up ... fascists against the Greek left which had fought ... Before long, KYP was carrying out all the endearing practices of secret police ...

Allerdings ist der "Airscooter" der gleichnamigen US-Firma kein tonnenschweres Ungetüm, sondern ein Mini-Fluggerät, kaum größer + teurer als ein Mittelklasse-Auto.

Der rund zwei Meter breite, knapp vier Meter lange + dreieinhalb Meter hohe Zwerghubschrauber knattert nach Angaben der Hersteller mit maximal 100 Km/h über die Lande.

Der 19-Liter-Tank soll für rund zwei Stunden reichen.Das entspräche einem Durchschnittsverbrauch von etwa zehn Litern Tankstellen-Benzin

19.Apr.2005 Bush: "Ein Mann großer Weisheit"

19.Apr.2005 Pressestimmen zu Ratzinger: "Nicht geschmeidig, aber prinzipientreu"

19.Apr.2005 Benedikt XVI.: Der altersmilde Großinquisitor

19.Apr.2005 Ratzinger Kür: Der deutsche Segen

19.Apr.2005 Katholische Kirche: Joseph Ratzinger ist neuer Papst

19.Apr.2005 Köhler: "An Sie sind große Erwartungen gerichtet"

19.Apr.2005 Schröder: "Große Ehre für unser Land"

19.Apr.2005 Reaktionen zur Papstwahl: "Das ist vollkommen irre"

19.Apr.2005 Reaktionen in den USA: Freundliche Skepsis der à-la-Carte-Christen

19.Apr.2005 Erinnerungen eines Ratzinger-Schülers: "Er war der Star unter den Theologen"

19.Apr.2005 Europa: Griechenland ratifiziert EU-Verfassung

19.Apr.2005 Ratzingers Namensgeber: Welcher Benedikt ist gemeint?

19.Apr.2005 Kirche: Warum Russen dem Papst misstrauen

19.Apr.2005 Vatikan: Rom jubelt dem neuen Papst zu

19.Apr.2005 Privatsphäre: Datenschützer kritisiert Biometriepässe

19.Apr.2005 Chronologie: 26 Stunden bis zum neuen Papst

19.Apr.2005 Rüstungsprojekt: Grünen-Fraktion will Meads zustimmen

19.Apr.2005 Vatikan: Weißer Rauch - neuer Papst gewählt

19.Apr.2005 Konklave: Rätselraten um die Farbe des Rauchs

19.Apr.2005 Münchner Islamisten-Prozess: Ladehemmung im Anti-Terror-Kampf

19.Apr.2005 Alpen: Schnee und Eis behindern Fahrt über Pässe

19.Apr.2005 Weltraum-Seismograph: Raumstation soll Erdbeben vorhersagen

19.Apr.2005 Augenblick: Das Mooresche Gesetz

19.Apr.2005 Kapitalismusdebatte: Eichel will Auflagen für Finanzgeschäfte einführen

19.Apr.2005 SPD-Linke: Wo sich Kapitalismuskritik mit Anti-Amerikanismus paart

19.Apr.2005 Nach der Kapitalismus-Kritik: Union schießt sich auf Müntefering ein

19.Apr.2005 Kritik am Konklave: "Ein Zustand wie unter Ramses II. oder Ludwig XIV."

19.Apr.2005 Terrorgefahr: Bombendrohung gegen Rice in Moskau - Autokonvoi umgeleitet

19.Apr.2005 Sorbische Minderheit: Von Dänen lernen heißt siegen lernen

19.Apr.2005 Globale Lichterkette: Leuchtendes Gedenken an Einsteins Todestag

19.Apr.2005 Geheimbund Opus Dei: Der Aufstieg der Santa Mafia

19.Apr.2005 Gedenken an Armenier-Massaker: Türkei macht gegen Union mobil

19.Apr.2005 Coca Cola: Getränkepfand verhindert Umsatzwachstum in Deutschland

19.Apr.2005 Börse am Nachmittag: Dax ohne Dynamik

19.Apr.2005 Geheimprojekt: Bushs Cyberkrieger

19.Apr.2005 Gummischmutz: Feinstaubbericht schreckt Reifenindustrie auf

19.Apr.2005 General Motors: Tiefrote Zahlen im ersten Quartal

19.Apr.2005 Bushs Uno-Botschafter: Für Bolton wird es eng

19.Apr.2005 Atombombe auf Hiroshima: "Abwurf, sobald es das Wetter erlaubt"

19.Apr.2005 EU-Verfassung: USA hoffen laut Juncker auf eine Schwächung Europas

19.Apr.2005 Österreich: Haider-Mann nennt Deserteure "Kameradenmörder"

19.Apr.2005 Dokumentationen über NS-Zeit: Ewig menschlich

19.Apr.2005 Geschichtskontroverse: Konflikt zwischen China und Japan verschärft sich

19.Apr.2005 Medizin: Wie Glück gesund hält

19.Apr.2005 Streiks: Alitalia streicht 168 Flüge

19.Apr.2005 Kirchengeschichte: Die Qualen der deutschen Päpste

19.Apr.2005 SPD: Münteferings Unternehmerschelte eint die Partei

19.Apr.2005 Studienabbrecher Kai Pflaume: "Wenn schon Kapitalismus, dann an der Quelle"

19.Apr.2005 Kapitalismuskritik: Arbeitgeber fürchten um Reformprozess

19.Apr.2005 Raubkopien: US-Bürger in China wegen Produktpiraterie verurteilt

19.Apr.2005 Chinesisch-japanischer Konflikt: Annan dringt auf friedliche Lösung

19.Apr.2005 Airscooter": Mini-Helikopter für Jedermann

19.Apr.2005 Attacke auf SPD: DIHK nennt Kapitalismuskritik "Zeitverschwendung"

19.Apr.2005 Jackson-Prozess: "Er hat die ganze Welt hereingelegt"

19.Apr.2005 politechbot Politech is Declan McCullagh's technology + politics news + discussion site ... halt the distribution of its bizarre secret scriptures has spread..." -Declan - From: Dave_Touretzky ...

00.000.1993-00.000.1995 operatives had penetrated the Greek Secret Service, KYP, ..

12.Jun.2004 Whiskey Bar: A Very American Coup - A reader sent me a recent item from the LaCrosse (Wisconsin) Tribune that illustrates quite nicely why I sometimes refer to the modern USA Army as the armed wing of the Republican Party ... to shield service people, especially long- service career professionals ... what should be secret information + rejecting such ...
"I think there is no real argument that the historical lesson for the USA in the 20th Century has been the...... The USG creates the Greek secret police (the KYP ) + backs military coups in 1949 + 1967 + 1973 ... the operation to track suspected communists as part of the intelligence service ... American Hegemony - A Timeline compiled + comment on USA foreign interventions + covert ops + enforcement of Western dominance ...

The USG creates the Greek secret police (the KYP ) +

00.000.1949 the Greek secret police (the KYP )backs military coups in,

00.000.1967 the Greek secret police (the KYP )backs military coups +

00.000.1973 the Greek secret police (the KYP )backs military coups ... the operation to track suspected communists as part of the intelligence service ...
Forces of Power - excerpts from the book ... murky entanglement with the Greek junta, the Central Intelligence Agency ... Tse-tung and a secret trip to Peking two months ... wiretapping with the Public Service Commission of the State ...
MUZZLING ADMIRAL BURKE* "Timing is everything". When Admiral Arleigh A. Burke stated, "I don't think that russia will dare start a general nuclear war, because she would be destroyed," Dwight D. Eisenhower was still President ... Admiral Burke had begun his naval service 42 years earlier ... Mr Demetracopoulosis a Greek journalist based in Washington, D.C ... secretely by the greek intelligence agency KYP to the 00.000.1968 ...

19.Apr.2005 Christie Books – General Franco Made Me A Terrorist ... Kupfberger, Tuli 97. KYP ( Greek Central Service of Information) 221, 247 ... Sosa, Yon 240. Soviet Secret Service 208. Spaggiari, Albert 93 ...

19.Apr.2005 Forgotten History A compiled timeline of US foreign interventions, covert ops, and enforcement of Western elites' dominance ... US creates the Greek secret police (the KYP ) + backs military ... + continued support for Greek dictatorship was in response to ... ruthless regime + his secret police force, the Buro ...
American Hegemony - A Timeline A compiled timeline of US foreign interventions + covert ops + enforcement of Western elites' dominance ... US creates the Greek secret police (the KYP ) + backs military ... + continued support for Greek dictatorship was in response to ... ruthless regime and his secret police force, the Buro ...

19.Apr.2005 <PRE> ... Bush's National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice + Greek National Defence Minister Yiannos Papantoniou ... monitor + direct the Cyprus Secret Service ( KYP ), as its political head ...

19.Apr.2005 El Dimoni de Santa Eugènia de Ter (el Gironès) ... L'Arcadi Oliveres a la conferència sobre finances ètiques i experiències en ... Una altra que es diu Explosivos Alaveses. Il’amo d’Explosivos Alaveses ...

19.Apr.2005 Noticias Hemeroteca de Noticias de España del 21 de ... para "favorecer intereses partidistas" en los pueblos alaveses ... El español al que el jefe de la célula quería comprar explosivos tiene 13 condenas ... [

19.Apr.2005 Cuarta Vía - 24/02/2005 ... Explosivos Alaveses, Explosivos de Burgos, Fabricaciones Extremeñas y Unión..USA government has said it will go after the finances of groups it

20041219 Spain, Landmine Monitor Report 2004 Explosivos Alaveses (Expal), Explosivos de Burgos ... CIA-DRUGS] The Enterprise + Its Finances - Ver em...

19.Apr.2005 Hellenic Forums Omogenia - YASOU - Hellenism: GEORGE PAPADOPOULOS APRIL 21 1967 ... 1950s, he was recruited by KYP, the Greek . Central Intelligence Service, which, at the time, was almost ... had access to "Prometheus", a top- secret Nato. contingency plan to protect ...

19.Apr.2005 The CIA in Western Europe, by ... The principal union leader in these secret operations was Jay Lovestone, who had switched from being the ... led by George Papadopoulos, a member of the Greek intelligence service KYP ...
GEORGE PAPADOPOULOS SUPPORTED THE NAZI'S AGAINST GREEK RESISTANCE FIGHTERS, KILLED AND TORTURED HIS OWN FELLOW GREEKS, THIS COCKSUCKER IS SURELY IN HELL RIGHT NOW! ... 13] The Greek intelligence service, KYP, as we have seen, was created by the OSS/CIA in the ... could hardly have been secret . Since 1947 the Greek army + the ...
Spreading freedom, democracy + respect for human rights around the world ... into America, offering them immunity + secret identities in exchange for work on top secret government projects in ... a member of the Greek intelligence service KYP . The CIA had ...

19.Apr.2005 The Case Against Henry Kissinger Part Two by Christopher Hitchens ... about Operation "Condor," a secret collusion among military dictatorships ... a murderous foreign secret service was given a large ... attempts, by Greek and Greek Cypriot fanatics, had ...

19.Apr.2005 The Case Against Henry Kissinger Part Two ... about Operation "Condor," a secret collusion among military dictatorships ... a murderous foreign secret service was given a large ... attempts, by Greek + Greek Cypriot fanatics, had ...

00.Sep.1995 OSA's infiltration of the Greek Secret Service (KYP), .. OSA's infiltration of the Greek Secret Service ( KYP ) ... Greek Scientology Organisation. KYP . Greek Secret Service ...
Scientology in Greece -- A History of Criminality ... opponents from the files of the Greek Secret Service ( KYP ). DSA Greece has apparently bribed a former Greece Secret Service ( KYP ) member to provide information from KYP files on ...
Scientology' Secret Service - 1983 to Present, "Office of Special Affairs" ... Scientology' Secret Service - 1983 to Present, "Office of Special Affairs ... confidential information on Scientology's Greek opponents from the files of the Greek Secret Service ( KYP ...
Scientology's Secret Service: 3. The Office of Special Affairs (1983 to present) ... ( KYP ...
Index - MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service ... the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service, Stephen Dorril, The Free Press, New ... Greek : Central Intelligence Service ( KYP ) 305, 326; Gendarmerie 318-23, 326, 327 ...
Index - MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service ...
Re: Greek military dictatorship and the role of the CIA + Free Masons ... coup brought to power a junta led by George Papadopoulos, a member of the Greek intelligence service KYP ... years imprisonment for leaking a secret service document to the press and ...
Re: UK MP and Minister:The 9/11 attacks were expected by the secret services ... 11.Sep.2001 ... a junta led by George Papadopoulos, a member of the Greek intelligence service KYP ...
... a "Top Secret " Information Bulletin from the Greek Secret Service . * Four newspaper articles ... However, a KYP ( Greek Secret Service ) report published in a Greek newspaper revealed ...
CPSR – document_view ... Secret " Information Bulletin from the Greek Secret Service. * Four newspaper articles ... However, a KYP ( Greek Secret Service ) report published in. a Greek newspaper revealed that the ...

19.Apr.2005 Femina Une vie après la guerre. Les images en provenance d'Irak nous l'ont rappelé, la guerre cristallise la violence et engendre les plus grands traumatismes ... savons-nous vraiment?

Les images de la violence font ... tous ces grands traumatisés, torturés, humiliés, victimes de génocides ... Ko-sovo ou au Timor -Oriental, les rescapés des ...

2001 • L'actualité des droits de l'homme dans le monde_24 décembre, Alger.

timor indonésie Timor et l'Indonésie Chronologie des évènements au Timor . Timor est une île de l'archipel de la Sonde, colonisée par les Hollandais et les Portugais ... des cas de tortures, disparitions, exécutions sommaires ayant eu lieu en 00.000.1999 à Timor . Department d'Etat ... de cartes de l'Indonésie. images satellite LANDSATprises sur Dili, le 8/9 ...

Timor-Leste. Les victimes des crimes contre l'humanité attendent toujours que justice leur soit rendue - Amnesty ... Diaporama: Images du Timor -Leste ... assassinées ; on ignore encore combien d'hommes, mais aussi de femmes et d'enfants, ont été torturés et violés ...

Timor oriental Timor Lorosae. (République de Timor Lorosae) Capitale: Dili. Population: 890 000 (00.000.1999 ) Langue(s) officielle(s): portugais (jusqu'en 00.000.1975) ... parler des arrestations arbitraires, des tortures, des déportations, des emprisonnements et des ...

Guardian lit. | Review From the Bay Guardian's coverage of everything and anything in the book world ... similar mass killings + tortures had been carried out regularly ... most striking images are the visual reminders of USA involvement that the people of East Timor see constantly ...
ABRI Admits It Tortures, Sometimes ... Estafeta. Images . Site Index. Subject: TEL: ABRI Admits It Tortures, Sometimes. Date: 19.Jan.---- ... to crush dissidents in East Timor, illegally occupied by the Indonesians since ...

19.Apr.2005 Centro de Medios Independientes | ((( i )))... East Timor, The graphic images have been shown on media outlets across ... San Diego Based Titan Corporation Tortures Iraqis. sdimc, 07 ...
AMERICAN FASCISM: Surely 9 11 was not the work of a secret cabal within the American government? ( ...

11.Sep.2001 Surely 9 11 was not the work of a secret cabal within the American government? ... Papadopoulos, a member of the Greek intelligence service KYP .

"The CIA had ...
20041206 ... to carry out contra-style sabotage raids aimed at disrupting the post-war economy of the Baltic states.

SS Major Hoffman, Emil was used to recruit Gestapo + SS agents ... Greek Gladio force was formed with CIA help "to intervene in case of "Communist threat", whether ... SID- the Italian military counter-intelligence service, 1970 - intelligence services ...
ATMG - Australian Turkish Media Group - Greek Armenian Collaboration The enemy of my enemy is my friend: Greek + Armenian Collaboration ... of the Greek National Intelligence Organisation ( KYP ), in those ... KYP, had secretly met in a hotel in the Bavarian mountains in Munich. However, the German Anti-terror Secret Service ...
The Monk Seal Conspiracy – Contents ... Oracle of a Dying Sea. The Secret Police ... KYP . The intelligence service of the Greek Ministry of Defence ...
NSNL 73 - Intelligence profile: Greece An overview on the way Greek intelligence + security agencies are organised ... + territories, most with Greek -speaking populations. Following the ... ypiresia pliroforion ( KYP ) Central Intelligence Service ... is a highly secret organisation that specializes in ...

00.Jul.1974 Makarios writes General Ghizikis One of the alleged triggers for the coup against Makarios was his insistence that the Greek troops be removed from Cyprus ... Since the secret arrival in Cyprus of General Grivas, in ... Staff + the Greek Central Information Office ( KYP ) in Cyprus ... serve, during the course of their service, as officers ...
Bob's Links and Rants: Colinectomy ... brutal right-wing government protected by the Greek secret police, composed of officers trained in the ... of crisis, the Greek intelligence service, the KYP, carried out an extensive ...
Documents 243-272 ... Desk Files: Lot 69 D 15, Briefing Book Greece, 1966. Secret ; Nodis. Drafted by Talbot ... Chief of the Greek Central Intelligence Service/KYP/, Brigadier General Emmanouil Zacharakis ...
Operation Clambake present: Greek Case Introduction ... called as "The Greek Papers" or "The Greek ... the Intelligence Agency's (EYP/KYP ) department + Scientology, in ... official spiritual + community service (demanded by believers), which ...
politikforum - Thema: Makedonische Minderheit wird in Griechenland unterdückt ... are often followed by national security or secret service agents, they are repeatedly treated as agents ... However, a KYP ( Greek Secret Service ) report revealed that the minor charge ...

911 11.Sep.2001 ... of Saudi Arabia, the country's largest bank, + was a director with 20% interest in BCCI, .. COPYRIGHT 2002 Kyle F. Hence (kylehence@ earthlink . Net ); ...

19.Apr.2005 The Empire of Darkness Series #23: The Black "White House" Vomitorium ... found in Larry Morningstar mana7@ earthlink . net > newsletter ... building a palace for a member of the Saudi Royal Family in Taef, Saudi Arabia in 1977), ..

The Empire of Darkness Series #19: The Cherry on the Cake ... Recommended by Fred Burks fredburks@ earthlink . net > who wrote: "You may have heard ... "It wasn't 19 screw-ups from Saudi Arabia who couldn't pass flight ...

19.Apr.2005 Rosa Luxemburgo, La conquista del poder político ... las reformas legislativas sean la vía para que la sociedad pase de una fase histórica a otra y que, por tanto, la conquista del poder del Estado por ...

19.Apr.2005 RNS Archive: Freaks, Mutants + Morons Archives - ... the Republican Party demanding that the Cuyahoga County Elections Board find ... Here in the Seattle area, one of our local Sherrif Departments busted a ...
Blog The Vote!: October 2004 Archives - ... County vote buying, according to US Attorney Kasey Warner’s office ... A ring lead by a Sherrif and a Mayor are accused of buying votes for $10 each ...
Morning Sedition: Friday - Thank God?
- Franklin County ’s unofficial results gave Bush 4258 votes to Democratic ... Elected Sherrif !! Wow, pigs can fly !! Posted by: USAF-UK at November 5, ..
Daily Kos :: [UPDATE] This Election is Not Over -- With Exciting ... - ... 25000 provisional ballots in Cuyahoga County (the one with the most voters and ... For a little background on Sherrif Leis: who does he remind you of? ...
19.Apr.2005 Weblogs - ... Big Brother Policy and the Cuyahoga County Sherrif 's Dept will see to that ... "The NFL has extended Cleveland Browns running back William Green’s ...
Signs of the Times – 2003-06-18 ... you stop being polite and start finding Jesus ? ... Last month, Harper's magazine published a rather extraordinary ... guys like Adolph Hitler + Ghengis Khan – a lot ...

19.Apr.2005 IDGR - Lexikon Rechtsextremismus - Otto Strasser ... regelmäßiger Mitarbeiter des nunmehr offiziellen Juniklub -Organs "Gewissen". In Würzburg schloss ... Aus Mitarbeitern des Berliner Kampf-Verlags, in dem sich die Gebrüder Strasser ... - Die Jungkonservativen - Ideologische Vorkämpfer des Nationalsozialismus? - Seminararbeit. Seminar ... ab 1918/19 in politischen Vereinigungen, wie dem Berliner Juni-Klub, um das ideologische Gerüst einer Gegenrevolution ...

19.Apr.2005 Leadership Directories | Corporate Yellow Book | The Leadership ... Margaret Whitman, The Procter & Gamble Company Margaret Whitman, eBay Inc. Marina Whitman, Unocal Corporation Martin Whitman, Nabors Industries Ltd ...

19.Apr.2005 Juvenile Series and Sequels: Title: White Mane Kids - MCPL ... 7, House of Spies: Danger in the Civil War Washington, Margaret Whitman Blair ... Running and the Battle of Fort Fisher, The, Margaret Whitman Blair ...

19.Apr.2005 Insiders ... MARGARET WHITMAN . Declared Holdings. Relationship/Company, Reported, Shares, Value. Director The Procter & Gamble Company ...

19.Apr.2005 Munzinger Personen - Margaret Whitman Kurzbiographie: Margaret Whitman ; USA Unternehmerin. Quelle: Munzinger-Archiv/Internationales Biographisches Archiv 12/2005; ...

GOLDMAN OFFERED IPO DEALS TO EXECS THAT BROUGHT THEM BUSINESS ... Executives at two companies that had significant business with Goldman - Margaret Whitman, chief executive of eBay Inc. + Yahoo Inc. co-founder Jerry ...

19.Apr.2005 Leadership + Change ... 11.Sep.2001 terrorist attacks, eBay chief executive officer Margaret Whitman called in to company headquarters from Japan, where she had traveled on business ...

19.Apr.2005 BELLACIAO - Mainstream media loses all credibility in attempting ... ’We shall know the truth + the truth will set us free’. by : Margaret Whitman 16.Nov.2004.

Robin Friedman: Children's Book Author- civil war web sites ... Brothers at War by Margaret Whitman Blair. With Every Drop of Blood by James Lincoln Collier. Behind the Lines by Isabelle Holland ...

19.Apr.2005 EBAY: Profile for EBAY INC - Yahoo! Finance ... Margaret Whitman, 48 Pres, Chief Exec. Officer, $ 2.91M, N/A. Rajiv Dutta, 43 Chief Financial Officer, Sr. VP, N/A, N/A. Matthew Bannick, 40 ...

Re: Meet EBay's Auctioneer-in-Chief ... By her own admission, Margaret Whitman will never be mistaken for a nerd. So it is no wonder that many people raised an eyebrow when the Harvard MBA + ...

CBS News | Questionable IPOs For CEOs | October 3, 2002 12:32:34 ... New York Times reported that executives at two companies that had significant business with Goldman - Margaret Whitman, chief executive of eBay Inc., ..

magic treehouse ... Blair, Margaret Whitman . Brothers at War. Rob + Jamie, brothers who are opposites + who are both involved in a Civil War reenactment, ..

19.Apr.2005 VVN/BdA NRW - Nach den Rechten sehen... AN 05/März 2004 ... in einem Supermarkt erstochen hatte, ist von einem Berliner Gericht freigesprochen worden ... ehemalige Mitbegründer des jungkonservativen " Juni-Klub " in Berlin, Max Hildebert Boehm ...

Matthias Schloßberger über Berggötz: Ernst Jünger und die >Konservative Revolution< ... ein Schüler Ernst Troeltschs und Mitglied des Juniklubs seit der ersten Stunde, überwarf sich mit ... Rolle bei der Koordination der Berliner Nationalistenkreise kann wohl gar nicht ...

27.Mai 2000 Visionärer Wanderer zwischen Kunst und Politik (Teil I) ... Nach einem Auftritt Hitlers 1922 im " Juni-Klub " urteilte Moeller über ihn: "Er war ... war, wurde im Februar 1919 als Drahtzieher des Berliner Spartakusaufstandes verhaftet ...

Dissertation Grenzland-Literatur ... Nach d. Krieg Kontakte zu konserv. Gruppen (,, Juni-Klub "z.B ... Biografie bietet der greuliche Schriftsteller Max Lay, der aus einer Berliner Hugenottenfamilie stammte und u ...
19.Apr.2005 NRW-Umfrage: Union weit vor den Sozialdemokraten

19.Apr.2005 Attacke auf SPD: DIHK nennt Kapitalismuskritik "Zeitverschwendung"

19.Apr.2005 Bagdad: Irakischer General ermordet

19.Apr.2005 Italienische Regierungskrise: Präsident verlangt Erklärung von Berlusconi

19.Apr.2005 FBI: Bedrohung durch 22 US-Terrorgruppen

19.Apr.2005 US-Haushalt: Senat fordert mehr Klarheit über Kriegskosten

19.Apr.2005 Quartalszahlen: Texas Instruments übertrifft Markterwartungen

19.Apr.2005 Flughafenbetreiber: Fraport setzt auf Billigpersonal

19.Apr.2005 Papst-Wahl: Zweiter Anlauf in der Sixtinischen Kapelle

19.Apr.2005 Kapitalismuskritik: SPD-Vize Vogt ruft zum Boykott von Job-Killern auf

19.Apr.2005 Kapitalismuskritik: Lafontaine attackiert SPD-Spitze

19.Apr.2005 US study finds H-bomb tests still causing cancer: A US study has found that the number of cancers caused by hydrogen bomb testing in the Marshall Islands is set to double, more than half a century after the tests were conducted in the tiny Pacific nation.

19.Apr.2005 Redundant Ridge retools for RFIDs: The increasing blur between big business and government (think Cheney/Halliburton + Bush [BGHW948]/Carlyle Group) has been made more hazy with the recent appointment of Tom Ridge, the former minister of fear - or secretary for homeland security - to the board of directors at radio frequency identification manufacturers Savi Technology.

00.000.1998 -Since-, Savi Technology has won more than $100 million in Pentagon contracts for battery-powered radio-frequency identification tags to track military shipments, according to the Center for Public Integrity, an independent watchdog group. Marriage Made On K Street:

19.Apr.2005 Corporate welfare: The Bush administration has no problem holding public schools accountable for their performance. It should be at least as vigilant in measuring + disclosing the results of giving away the public's money to big business.

19.Apr.2005 Students paid for tattling on peers: Students can earn up to $500 for alerting school officials about firearms. They can get up to $100 for fingering classmates involved in vandalism, theft or drugs.

19.Apr.2005 Battlespace America : The new Pentagon can peruse intelligence on USAcitizens and send Marines down Main Street.

17.Apr.2005 Secret Agent: Rumsfeld Sneaks Off to Baku : Unreported in USA press, he stalks oil + Iran in Azerbaijan

19.Apr.2005 Orwell Rolls In His Grave : "Could a media system, controlled by a few global corporations with the ability to overwhelm all competing voices, be able to turn lies into truth?..." This is a must see documentary. Click here to watch it now! Real Video.

19.Apr.2005 Further Evidence Regarding the Killing of ( CIA Director - Iraq )Dale Stoffel

19.Apr.2005 How The CIA Looted $40 Billion Of Military Equipment From Iraq

19.Apr. 2005 Bush administration 'broke its own embargo to sell arms to Haiti police' Human rights groups say the police carry out routine executions of dissidents + weapons are often illegally funnelled to armed militia.

19.Apr.2005 The UN Security Council Goes To Haiti To Stop The Call For Resignation Of The Latortue Regime - Will the U.N. Security Council hear the people of Haiti or turn a deaf ear, blind eye + unwisely + undemocratically continue pushing for an election the Haitian majority has said it will not stand for unless President Aristide is physically returned to Haiti,

19.Apr.2005 Guard recruiters shunned : The National Guard clearly has become a hard sell. Because of the war in Iraq, the free tuition + other benefits are no longer attractive. Instead of a relatively safe, part-time commitment, it's viewed as a one-way ticket to the battlefield. Some critics have labeled it the "backdoor draft."

19.Apr.2005 Jeremy Hinzman Leads Way For War Resisters In Canada: Initial Denial of Refugee Status Only a Bump in the Road

19.Apr.2005 Wanted: Complete Bully for U.N. Ambassador: John Bolton has left a trail of alienated colleagues and ridiculed ideas. He's a shoo-in for Senate confirmation.

19.Apr.2005 Bolton often blocked information, officials say: Iran, IAEA matters were allegedly kept from Rice, Powell

19.Apr.2005 'He behaved like a madman: My horrifying John Bolton story': Melody Townsel was stationed in Kyrgyzstan on a US AID project. During her stay there, she became embroiled in a controversy in which John Bolton was a key player. She described the incident in a letter to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee members who are reviewing the Bolton nomination.

19.Apr.2005 UK: War: the great unknown among election issues : Last week's Guardian poll showed a measly 3% of voters citing the Iraq conflict as the main factor in determining their choice.

19.Apr.2005 USA welcomes Cuban terrorist 00.000.1976, Posada allegedly plotted with another exile now living comfortably in the USA, Orlando Bosch, to bomb a civilian Cubana jetliner;

73 passengers + crew members were blown to bits.

19.Apr.2005 Cuba requests independent probe into US detention center at Guantanamo: The Cuban resolution also calls for the USA to allow UN special envoys on torture + arbitrary detention to visit detention facilities at the naval base.

19.Apr.2005 Released Kuwaiti Describes Imprisonment at Camp Delta: Nasser Nijer Naser Al-Mutairi says he survived three years at the US Naval Base on Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, amid hunger strikes, beatings, harsh interrogations + suicide attempts

19.Apr.2005 Shiite Bloc Want Saddam-era officials removed: Part of a purge that the USA fears could oust thousands of the most capable Iraqis from military + intelligence forces it has spent more than $5 billion rebuilding.

19.Apr.2005 Fire Bombs in Iraq: Napalm By Any Other Name: This briefing examines the continuing use of incendiary weapons by the US military in Iraq. US officials have been forced to admit using the MK-77 incendiary, a modern form of napalm, at least during the initial fighting stage of the war.

19.Apr.2005 The Purveyors of Violence; The NY Times in Falluja : The truth about Falluja is far different than the bogus reports in the AP + Times. The fact that even now, a full 6 months after the siege, camera crews + journalists are banned from the city, tells us a great deal about the extent of America's war crimes.

19.Apr.2005 Not There: Iraqi Vetran Speaks Out: QuickTime Movie

19.Apr.2005 UN must reform or die, says Rice : She said John Bolton, a long-time critic of the UN + nominated as the next US ambassador to the body, would help update, reform and strengthen it.

19.Apr. 2005 Riverbend: Iraqi Girl Blog: The Hostage Crisis... : We have an Iraqi government that bans news channels and newspapers because they *insist* on reporting about such routine things as civilian casualties + raids, yet the Puppets barely flinch over media sources spreading a rumor as dangerous and provocative as this one.

19.Apr.2005 Iraq militias 'could beat rebels' : Iraq's new president has said the insurgency could be ended immediately if the authorities made use of Kurdish, Shia Muslim and other militias.

19.Apr. 2005 Iraq Tony And The Truth : This is the story of what Mr. Blair did not tell us before sending UK troops into battle.
On the second anniversary of the Iraq war, Panorama reveals how several of the claims he made in public during the build up to the war - and afterwards - conflict with what we now know was going on behind the scenes, as evidenced for instance by government officials and documents. Real Video
Click here to view.

18.Apr. 2005 Africa Intelligence's Back Issues ... Africa Energy Intelligence has learned that Transworld, a company owned by renowned trader John Deuss, is talking with Summit Oil on buying into its ...

18.Apr. 2005 The SAS: Prince Philip's manager of terrorism ... When Shackley left the CIA, he went on retainer with a shadowy Dutch oil trader named John Deuss, who developed a special relationship with Sultan ...

Archives ... John Deuss Avant de devenir, via sa société Transworld, le partenaire de la ... le trader hollandais John Deuss a été accusé par l'ANC (désormais au ...

Dernière édition ... La très discrète société du trader John Deuss a fait entrer le chinois Sinopecsur un de ses permis gabonais. (...)

18.Apr.2005 Time to Move Beyond War Petition ... 9 Naomi Klein, Author 10 Benjamin Butterfield, Opera Singer. L. Mus. McGill ... 37 Dale Hildebrand, KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiative ...


NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004_H.R ... Klein, Dr. Dale Meehan, Hon . Martin T. Page 6 PREV PAGE TOP OF DOC Reeves, Brig. Gen. Stephen Saxton, Hon . Jim Tether, Dr. Anthony Younger, Dr. Stephen ...

18.Apr.2005 Jews for Justice for Palestinians ... Rabbi David L Freeman; Marnie Freeman; The Rt Hon Reg Freeson; Berte Freistadt ... Anita Klein ; Dr Gillian Klein ; Dr Lisl Klein ; Orly Klein ; Reva Klein ...

20050126 Os vizinhos reclamam do barulho -RUIDO- e reivindicam o direito ao descanso ... do Sul - Unifolha A legislação contém 45 páginas de detalhes sobre o barulho e ...

18.Apr.2005 PORTUGAL NO SEU PIOR: História curiosissima!! ... é compreensível que ela se sinta chateada, se tu fazes muito barulho, eu cá, .. acaba por ser um caso um bocado complicado por causa dos vizinhos ! ... k

*)A EDUCAÇÃO DOS CÃES…E....DOS DONOS ...... (sempre que o estímulo que conduziu ao cão ladrar ocorra - a hora da refeição ou ... em que o seu cão se encontra mesmo quando os vizinhos se queixam do ...

Das Team um Anne-Marie Leander Touati von der Universität Stockholm befreite einen Brunnen von Bimsstein, der von dem Vulkanausbruch im Jahr 0079 nach Christus stammte.

Dabei fanden die Archäologen etwa zwei Meter unterhalb des antiken Fußbodens eine weitere prähistorische Schicht, berichtet die schwedische Universität.
Die älteste Lage aus dieser neu entdeckten Ebene wird auf _3500 -Jahre vor Christus- datiert + stammt demzufolge aus der Steinzeit.

Da die Funde von Vulkanasche bedeckt sind, vermuten die Forscher, dass die steinzeitliche Siedlung ebenso wie Pompeji dem Ascheregen des Vesuvs zum Opfer fiel. Später in der Bronzezeit wurde die Stelle jedoch erneut besiedelt, denn oberhalb dieser Ascheschicht fanden die Archäologen zudem bronzezeitliche Überreste - unter anderem zahlreiche Tonscherben.

18.Apr.2005 catalogo – ingles Banda de Würzel (Ex:Motörhead) e Dean Jones Extreme Noise Terror (vocalista) ... Only Way for All, Real Big Shit, Riot 99, Self Defense, Skhizorrata, .. ervas da

18.Apr.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Bankaktien beflügeln Börsen

18.Apr.2005 - Informationen zu Alzheimer + Demenz - Bilder ... Diagnose der Demenz, apparative Untersuchungen ... Bilder des Gehirns.

Wenn es darum geht, eine Alzheimer-Erkrankung in einem sehr frühen Stadium zu ...

18.Apr.2005 Iran: Sendeverbot für al-Dschasira

18.Apr.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Bankaktien beflügeln Börsen

18.Apr.2005 Italien: Berlusconi tritt doch nicht zurück

18.Apr.2005 Israel: Scharon will Abzug aus Gaza-Streifen verschieben

18.Apr.2005 Konklave in der Sixtinischen Kapelle: Schwarzer Rauch - noch kein neuer Papst gewählt

18.Apr.2005 Auswärtiges Amt: Beamte sollen im Visa-Prozess falsch ausgesagt haben

18.Apr.2005 Sitz im Uno-Sicherheitsrat: "Deutschland muss seinen Führungsanspruch demonstrieren"

18.Apr.2005 Fotostrecke: Der Tag des Konklave-Beginns

18.Apr.2005 Vatikan: Das Orakel prophezeit den nächsten Papst

18.Apr.2005 Anklage: Späte Sühne für Mord an Gottes Banker

18.Apr.2005 Preiskrieg: Wal-Mart greift Aldi und Co. an

18.Apr.2005 Internetnutzung: Surfen gehört für Jüngere zum Alltag

18.Apr.2005 SPD: Münteferings kalkulierter Klassenkampf

18.Apr.2005 EU-Kommission: Ägäis-Kreuzfahrt bringt Barroso in die Bredouille

18.Apr.2005 Kardinal Ratzinger: "Wenn es darauf ankommt, ist er knochenhart"

18.Apr.2005 Regierungspläne: USA befürchten Säuberungswelle im Irak

18.Apr.2005 Schicksalsort: Frühe Siedlungen unter Pompeji entdeckt

18.Apr.2005 Raketenabwehr: Grüne geben Widerstand gegen Meads auf

18.Apr.2005 Kanzler-Appell: Schröder warnt vor zu starkem Import von Arbeitskräften

18.Apr.2005 Italien: Christdemokraten kehren in Berlusconis Regierung zurück

18.Apr.2005 Hiroshima-Gedenken: Auftakt zur Apokalypse

18.Apr.2005 Kurznachrichten: Papstwahl in Rom (Panorama, 16:47) Schulbesuch: Schlechtere Bildungschancen für Mädchen

18.Apr.2005 Sixtinische Kapelle: Die geheime Zeremonie hat begonnen

20050126 The prime contractors for HAARP have been ARCO Atlantic Richfield Oil, ..

Die Weimarer Republik Band III AXEL SCHILDT Das Kabinett Kurt von Schleicher URL:

General + Kardinal - Politik + Unpolitik in der 1. Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts ... ein Ausdruck des "jüdischen" Berliner Tageblatts ...

Geheimkämmerer des Papstes, "Herr" v. Papen, Reichskanzler wurde, kam der " Herrenklub " als "konservativer Steigbügel- ...

edoc - HU-Berlin: Historisches Forum Band 1 • 2004 ...” Wanderer zwischen den Welten" ? im Berliner Centre Marc Bloch mit der ... der Rolle Rothfels' im " Herrenklub " + in der "Ring ... Aufsatz" mit Franz von Papen + Martin Spahn), Rothfels ...

Probelauf "Preußenschlag". Der 20.Jul.1932 als Test für den 30.Jan.1933 ... jetzt im exquisiten " Herrenklub ", Jägerstraße 3 - empfohlen hatte: Franz von Papen (1879-1969), der ... Ungarische Botschaft), sowie das Berliner Polizeipräsidium + die Zentrale ...

Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung ... Brünings Nachfolger wurde Franz von Papen, ein katholisch-westfälischer Adeliger, bis zum ... des konservativ-elitären Berliner " Herrenklubs " verfügte Papen über gute Kontakte zu ... Führer ohne Gefolgschaft - Deutscher Adel und der Untergang der Monarchie - Hauptseminararbeit . ... in so genannten ,, Herrenklubs ", konservativen Gesprächskreisen, die ... können.

Nach dem Berliner Vorbild gründeten sich in ... Reichskanzler von Papen, Hindenburgs Sohn Oskar + ...

Erbe des Roten Oktober (1) ... sei erwähnt, daß der Präsident des Herrenklubs Herr v. Papen beispringt in der schmerzlichen Abwehr des ... von heute", sagt dazu das " Berliner Tageblatt". – Will man wirklich des ...

Homepage ... die Organisierung des Berliner Anstaltspersonals der Kranken ... erklärung provozierte der Herrenklub -Kanzler die Gewerkschaften, die ...

00.000.1932 gab der Papen -Regierung die Ermächtigung, den ...

Christlich-Demokratische Union Deutschlands (CDU) [Ost] ... die sich unabhängig vom Berliner Gründungskreis um die Bildung ... nicht nur Versuche der Berliner Parteileitung zu engerer ... bei der Errichtung der Berliner Mauer im 00.Aug.1961 ...

01.Jan.1901-31.Dez.2000 Europäische Geschichte ... + Rosa Luxemburg (' Berliner Spartakuswoche') (15 ... Herrenklub regierung' Franz v. Papens ('Kabinett der Barone')

20.Jul..1932 Absetzung der preußischen Regierung; Papen wird ...

Karl Heinz Roth Wie 68 Historiker der Berliner Humboldt-Universität ihren Job ... Jungkonservativen des Herrenklubs + des Jungkonservativen ...

Faschismus um Franz von Papen sowie die regionalen Sonder ...
junge welt vom 22.02.2003 - Herrenreiter ohne Roß ... Papen + der europäische Faschismus" vor der Berliner Gesellschaft für Faschismus- + Welt ... seines Kabinetts rekrutierte Papen vor allem aus dem " Herrenklub ", er gründete ...

IDGR - Lexikon Rechtsextremismus - Solidarier ... herausgegebene Blatt hieß "Ring".

Mitglieder des Berliner Klubs waren Max Brauweiler, Geschäfts ... den Namen "Deutscher Herrenklub ". Franz von Papen wurde Mitglied des Direktoriums ...

H-Soz-u-Kult/Rezensionen/Rez. NS: R. Schmidt: Die Aussenpolitik des Dritten Reiches ... dem Sommer 1930 in rascher Abfolge in die Berliner Reichskanzlei eingezogen waren (S ... des einflussreichen Berliner Herrenklubs fungiert und über Franz von Papen seine Kontakte in ...

NeujahrsRede 2004 Hammerstein ... sondern ein Club Berliner Bürger, eine Gesellschaft mit dem Zweck "der geselligen ... der bekannteren Bezeichnung " Herrenklub " eine Stütze der konservativen Regierung Papen . bildete ..

Als HTML anzeigen - R. Schmidt: Die Aussenpolitik des Dritten Reiches 2003-1-132 ... Sommer 1930 in rascher Abfolge in die Berliner Reichskanzlei eingezogen ... einflussreichen. Berliner Herrenklubs fungiert + über Franz. von Papen seine Kontakte in ...

Als HTML anzeigen - 00781a01.htm . - Teil 32 ... einmal in seinem Kampf gegen Papen den Herrenklub das "Stellungsvermittlungsbüro für ... Bissig erklärt die feudal-kapitalistische Berliner "Börsenzeitung": "Eine Wunderlösung aus ...

Friedrich Reck > Tagebuch > ... aus Deutschland verschwundenen Berliner Herrn eine sehr, sehr ... berüchtigte Clique des Herrenklubs herbeigeführt worden ist ... gestatten würden", während Papen in seiner Marburger ...

Die Weimarer Republik. Band 3. Kapitel 10 ... einen geradlinigen "Faschisierungsprozeß", der über Brüning, Papen + Schleicher bruchlos zu Hitler ... Rande eines Vortrags von Papen im Berliner Herrenklub durch den Bankier Mankiewitz, Paul ...

Adel als Thema in den deutschen Zeitungen 1914-1935 Register zu Erwähnungen des Adels + einzelner Familien in der Presse ... zeitung, der Berliner Volkszeitung, der ... Herrenklub + Entgegnung hierzu von Goßler-Schätz, LdRat a.D. v. (" Adel + NSDAP") 1932. Reichenau, v., Gesandter a.D./Papen ...

Home ... Franz von Papen + der deutsche Faschismus", zu dem die " Berliner Gesellschaft für Faschismus ... Gestalter faschistischen Vereinslebens ( Herrenklub ) mit besten Verbindungen zur ...
HDR Human Dignity & Rights Duisburg ... Wie 68 Historiker der Berliner Humboldt-Universität ihren Job ... Jungkonservativen des Herrenklubs + des Jungkonservativen ... Faschismus um Franz von Papen sowie die regionalen Sonder ...

00.Apr.1926 ... den Berliner Vertrag. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung - Es handelte sich um einen Freundschaftsvertrag, in dem das ... liberale Publizist Theodor Wolff im " Berliner Tageblatt". Was die begeisterte Rechte ...
20041014 Geopolitiker Haushofer, Karl stellte von München aus enge Kontakte zum Berliner Juniklub her ... Papen, Franz von ..Deutscher Herrenklub. von Gleichen-Rußwurm Deutscher Herrenklub ...
VHO - Liste der auszusondernden Literatur: Bücher F Allied Censorship in Post-War Germany: List of more than 35.000 prohibited books + unnumbered journals, censored by allied occupation forces in Germany after WWII. (German) ... Feddersen, Harald: Die Berliner Heimatpresse ... Geleitw.: Franz von Papen . - München: Steinebach 1934 ... über Deutschland: Der deutsche Herrenklub . - München: Ludendorff 1932 ...
GlaubeAktuell: Journal - Aus aller Welt ... Haradinaj noch in diesem Jahr Abmachungen treffen könne, die einen ... Vor allem die USA hatten auf Haradinaj gesetzt ...

18.Apr.2005 Terror-Alarm: Streit um Flugzeug-Umleitung

18.Apr.2005 Irak: Neuer Präsident gegen Todesstrafe für Saddam

18.Apr.2005 NS-Zeit im Auswärtigen Amt: Streit über Fischers Historikerkommission

18.Apr.2005 EU-Verfassung: Blair könnte Referendum an französische Entscheidung binden

18.Apr.2005 al-Qaida im Irak: Sarkawi droht erstmals Briten mit Anschlägen

18.Apr.2005 Kapitalismuskritik: Schröder unterstützt Münteferings Attacke gegen Spekulanten

18.Apr.2005 Casemod-Meisterschaft: Holz ist in

18.Apr.2005 Hamburg: Vater hielt Sohn zwölf Jahre lang gefangen

18.Apr.2005 Casemod-Meisterschaft: Schrauber stehen auf Holz und Rost

18.Apr.2005 Dokumentation: Ratzingers Predigt zur Papstwahl

18.Apr.2005 Konklave-Eröffnung: Ratzinger geißelt radikalen Individualismus

18.Apr.2005 Erhöhte Entwicklungshilfe: Eichel will Flugbenzin besteuern

18.Apr.2005 Mobiltelefone: Streit um verstrahlte Spermien

18.Apr.2005 Software-Fusion: Adobe kauft Macromedia

18.Apr.2005 Sozialdemokraten: Stoiber wettert gegen Kapitalismuskritik der SPD

18.Apr.2005 UK: Pferdesterben auf der Rennstrecke

18.Apr.2005 Kaschmir: Musharraf für neuen Grenzverlauf

18.Apr.2005 Interview mit Carlos Bilardo: "Heute ist jedes Wort wertlos"

18.Apr.2005 Vatikan: Kardinäle treffen zur Papstwahl ein

18.Apr.2005 Bagdad: US-Menschenrechtsaktivistin stirbt bei Anschlag

18.Apr.2005 Pontifex-Future: Ratzinger überholt Tettamanzi

18.Apr.2005 Mickriges Wachstum: Konjunkturprognose der Regierung wackelt

18.Apr.2005 Quartalszahlen: Philips-Gewinn bricht stark ein

18.Apr.2005 Vatikan: Konklave beginnt

18.Apr.2005 Vergangenheitsbewältigung: Tokio und Peking beharren auf gegenseitigen Entschuldigungen

18.Apr.2005 Italien: Regierungskrise spitzt sich zu