28.Jul.2004 Redmond - Der größte Softwarekonzern weltweit zählt derzeit 57.000 Mitarbeiter, 28.000 Angestellte tummeln sich rund um den Hauptsitz Redmond im USA-Staat Washington. Demnächst könnten es über 30.000 Angestellte in diesem Gebiet seinURL: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,310550,00.html 28.Jul.2004 Moskau-Die russische Staatsanwaltschaft teilte in Moskau mit, Newslin habe aus ihrer Sicht die Ermordung von zwei Menschen persönlich beauftragt. Ein Moskauer Gericht stellte daraufhin einen Haftbefehl aus. Newslin, der bereits international zur Fahndung ausgeschrieben ist, soll sich derzeit in Israel aufhalten. Er hat die israelische Staatsangehörigkeit angenommen. Newslin hatte die Aktienstimmrechte von Ex-Konzernchef Chodorkowski übernommen, als dieser 00.000.2003 -im Herbst verhaftet wurde. Der bisherige Haftbefehl gegen Newslin basiert auf dem Vorwurf der Steuerhinterziehung URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,310552,00.html 28.Jul.2004 RUSSISCHE ZUSTÄNDE-Justiz wirft Jukos nun auch Auftragsmorde vor-Die russischen Autoritäten erhöhen den Druck auf den Ölkonzern Jukos: Leonid Newslin, einst zweiter Mann in der Firmenspitze und Vertrauter von Großaktionär Michail Chodorkowski, soll hinter Morden und Mordversuchen stehen. 28.Jul.2004 Boston - "Wir mussten eure Arbeit machen", warf Moore dem Fernsehsender CBS zufolge den USA-Journalisten vor + benutzte dann einige unflätige Ausdrücke über die Regierung von Bush [BGW968]. Parteifunktionäre der Demokraten reagierten mit gemischten Gefühlen auf den medienwirksamen Auftritt von Moore, der bei vielen Demokraten sehr geschätzt wird. Partei-intern war vereinbart worden, dass der Parteitag von "positiven Botschaften" über den Präsidentschaftskandidaten Kerry [KFJ965] geprägt werden sollte + nicht mit negativen Äußerungen über den republikanischen Präsidenten. Möglichst wenig "Bush [BGW968]-bashing" lautete die Parole, um vor allem die noch unentschlossenen Wähler nicht zu verschrecken URL: https://www.spiegel.de/kultur/kino/0,1518,310553,00.html 28.Jul.2004 Michael Moore pöbelt beim Parteitag-Filmemacher Michal Moore hat am Rande des Parteitags der Demokraten in Boston die USA-Medien angegriffen. Den Journalisten warf er vor, jahrelang nicht die Wahrheit geschrieben zu haben. Moores anschließende Schimpftiraden über Bush [BGW968] wollten die USA-Medien lieber nicht zitieren. 00.000.1980- 28.Jul.2004 -for more than two decades- has been a thorn in Tehran's side : The People's Mujahideen, or Mujahideen-e Khalq,. A militant organisation, whose ideology combines elements of both Marxism + Islam, the group based itself in Iraq after being expelled from Iran. 00.000.1980-00.000.1988 -then- People's Mujahideen, or Mujahideen-e Khalq -MEK- Members carried out cross-border raids into Iran, which Iraq fought a war with. Although the group kept out of this year's USA-led Iraq war, their bases were bombed by USA warplanes but after negotiations they reached a truce with the Americans. URL: https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3928499.stm 28.Jul.2004 "The USA is using its fight against terrorism as a tool, + we knew from the beginning that this fight is void + USA they are not serious," foreign ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi said Tuesday, quoted by the official news agency IRNA. "Using the Geneva Convention to protect this terrorist group is naive + unacceptable," he added. The USA confirmed Monday it had granted protected status to nearly 4,000 members of the People's Mujahedeen, now confined to a military-run camp in western Iraq. This contrasts with the USA designation of al-Qaeda detainees. The USA State Department stressed, however, that the move had no effect on the USA "foreign terrorist organisation" designation for the group, also known as the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) or National Council of Resistance of Iran. "The 3,800 members of the MEK that are in (Camp) Ashraf have been granted protected persons status," deputy spokesman Adam Ereli said. He explained that the move gave the militants rights under the Geneva Conventions but would not shield them from eventual prosecution on possible terrorism charges. "This does not relate to their membership in a terrorist organisation," Ereli told reporters. URL: https://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=1514&u=/afp/20040727/wl_mideast_afp/iran_us_opposition_iraq&printer=1 27.Jul.2004 More Truckers Refuse to Brave Iraq Roads 27.Jul.2004 Beim BSI ist auch eine detaillierte Anleitung zur Entfernung des Virus nebst Links zu entsprechenden Tools zu finden 27.Jul.2004 URL: https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/technologie/0,1518,310578,00.html MYDOOM Virus legt Google lahm -Für etwa drei Stunden ging am Montag selbst Google virtuell in die Knie, als MyDoom.O die Suchmaschine mit Anfragen nach E-Mail-Adressen überflutete. Das Resultat der bösartigen Suchaktion ist heute Morgen in unzähligen E-Mail-Fächern zu besichtigen. 27.Jul.2004 Iraqis doubt move towards democracy Iraq sets up committee to impose restrictions on news reporting -Iyad Allawi, Iraq's prime minister, has established a media committee to impose restrictions on print + broadcast media, a government official announced yesterday. The step underlines an aggressive new attitude towards press freedoms, in spite of USA efforts to nurture independent media. Ibrahim Janabi, appointed to head the new Higher Media Commission, told the FT the restrictions - known as "red lines" - had yet to be finalised, but would include unwarranted criticism of the prime minister. He singled out last Friday's sermon by Moqtada al-Sadr, a firebrand Shia cleric, who mocked Mr Allawi as USA's "tail". Outlets that broadcast the sermon could be banned, he said. 27.Jul.2004 Demokratie ist mühsam. Demokratie ist gefährlich. Und dies ist die Zeit, in der wir standhaft sein müssen + nicht weich werden dürfen in den Knien", appellierte Powell an die Verbündeten der USA. Powell dankte der ungarischen Regierung für die Entsendung von 300 Soldaten in die Krisenregion + deutete an, dass er eine Verlängerung ihres Einsatzes über das Jahresende hinaus begrüßen würde 27.Jul.2004 PROTESTE IN TEHERAN -USA schützen iranische Oppositionelle im Irak- Im Irak haben 3800 internierte Gefangene der oppositionellen iranischen Volksmudschahidin von den USA einen besonderen Schutzstatus bekommen. Iran protestierte gegen diese Entscheidung. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,310619,00.html Washington/Teheran - Die iranischen Oppositionellen würden zwar weiterhin als eine terroristische Gruppe angesehen, sagte ein Sprecher des USA-Außenministeriums. Weil sie aber während der Irak-Krieges nicht gegen die Truppen der Alliierten gekämpft hätten, würden sie einen besonderen Status gemäß der Genfer Konvention erhalten. Die Volksmudschahidin hatten seit den 1980 achtziger Jahren vom Irak aus das Regime in Teheran bekämpft. Die Volksmudschahidin waren dabei vom damaligen irakischen Präsidenten Saddam Hussein unterstützt worden. Gegenwärtig sind die Kämpfer in ihrem Lager Aschraf rund hundert Kilometer nördlich von Bagdad interniert. Teheran protestierte gegen diese Entscheidung Washingtons. Dies beweise, dass es die USA mit dem Kampf gegen den Terrorismus nicht ernst meinten, sagte ein Sprecher des Außenministeriums. Washington gebe einer Terrororganisation besonderen Schutz. 27.Jul.2004 Rogstad spricht von einem gefährlichen Trend, zumal junge Leute sich oft unberaten ins Abenteuer stürzten. Nur in 3 % der Reisebroschüren finden sich Hinweise über sicheren Sex im Zielgebiet. Stattdessen ermuntern Veranstalter mit Wettbewerben und Besäufnissen zur kopflosen Promiskuität am Urlaubsort. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/0,1518,310443,00.html 26.Jul.2004 Gaza-Streifen: Massenproteste zeigen bei Scharon Wirkung (Politik, 26.Jul.2004 Saddam in Einzelhaft: Muffins, Gedichte und Gartenarbeit (Politik, 26.Jul.2004 Gerichtsurteil: Atominformant Vanunu darf Israel nicht verlassen (Politik, 26.Jul.2004 Überraschung: Affe entgeht dem Tod aufrechten Ganges (Wissenschaft, 26.Jul.2004 Trojaner: Osama hängt Rechner auf (Netzwelt, 26.Jul.2004 Schwere See: Monsterwellen in der Radarfalle (Wissenschaft, 26.Jul.2004 Box Office: Millionen für Michael (Kultur, 26.Jul.2004 Bush [BGW968]-Messer: Kann Kerry [KFJ965] auf der Wechselwelle surfen? (Politik, 26.Jul.2004 Agrarpoker: EU-Minister fordern Totalreform von den USA (Wirtschaft, 26.Jul.2004 Stress-Studie: Arbeit in Deutschland wird immer ungesünder (Wirtschaft, 26.Jul.2004 Südeuropa: Hitzewelle fordert Tote (Panorama, 26.Jul.2004 Antarktis: Deutschland baut neue Forschungsstation (Wissenschaft, 26.Jul.2004 Unruhen im Kosovo: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Nato und Uno (Politik, 26.Jul.2004 Microsoft: 7000 neue Mitarbeiter dringend gesucht (Wirtschaft, 26.Jul.2004 Russische Zustände: Justiz wirft Jukos nun auch Auftragsmorde vor (Wirtschaft, 27.Jul.2004 USA-Wahlkampf: Michael Moore pöbelt beim Parteitag (Kultur, 26.Jul.2004 Virus: MyDoom bremst Suchmaschinen (Netzwelt, 26.Jul.2004 Schwarz-Grün in Köln: Vernunftehe in der Krise (Politik, 27.Jul.2004 Prägende Erfahrung: Stress in der Kindheit verändert das Gehirn (Wissenschaft, 27.Jul.2004 Nasa-Experiment: Schwitzen im Schwerkraft-Simulator (Wissenschaft, 26.Jul.2004 Sydney: Bombenalarm an Bord eines USA-Passagierjets (Panorama, 27.Jul.2004 Kino-Robin-Hood Michael Moore: Neue Doku über USA-Gesundheitsbranche (Kultur, 27.Jul.2004 Cheffahrertraining bei VW: Bremsschlag und Fluchtwende (Auto, 27.Jul.2004 Aftergood stimmte ihr zu: "Das Los-Alamos-Problem ist nicht länger auf Los Alamos beschränkt, es ist ein systemimmanentes Problem." URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-310587,00.html 27.Jul.2004 Project on Government Secrecy der Federation of American Scientists https://www.pogo.org/ 26.Jul.2004 Project On Government Oversight https://www.fas.org/sgp/ 27.Jul.2004 Die verschwundenen Datenträger sorgten für heftige Kritik beim USA Washingtoner Project On Government Oversight,das nach Verschwendung in den Bereichen Energie fahndet+ 27.Jul.2004 Die verschwundenen Datenträger sorgten für heftige Kritik beim USA Washingtoner Project On Government Oversight,das nach Verschwendung in den Bereichen Militär fahndet. 27.Jul.2004 Die verschwundenen Datenträger sorgten für heftige Kritik beim USA Washingtoner Project On Government Oversight, das nach Korruption in den Bereichen Energie + fahndet 27.Jul.2004 Die verschwundenen Datenträger sorgten für heftige Kritik beim USA Washingtoner Project On Government Oversight, das nach Korruption in den Bereichen Militär fahndet. Die selbsternannten USA Regierungsaufseher begrüßten zwar die Entscheidung von USA Energieminister Abraham. Die selbsternannten USA Regierungsaufseher forderten aber gleichzeitig alle Atomwaffenlabors dazu auf, ausschließlich Computersysteme ohne Wechseldatenträger + ohne entsprechende Laufwerke einzusetzen, weil sonst WISSENSCHAFTLER jederzeit Intelligence -geheim Information- kapieren könnten. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,310587,00.html 27.Jul.2004 "Wir waren schon immer davon überzeugt, dass unsichere IT-Anlagen ein systemweites Problem sind", sagte Danielle Brian, die das Project On Government Oversight leitet. Aftergood stimmte ihr zu: "Das Los-Alamos-Problem ist nicht länger auf Los Alamos beschränkt, es ist ein system-immanentes Problem."URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,310587,00.html 27.Jul.2004 "Das ist beispiellos + zeigt, dass die Situation ernster ist als WIR 00.000.2004 -zunächst- angenommen -VORHERGESEHEN-", MUSSTE ZUGEBEN der USA Wissenschaftler Aftergood, Steven „kommentierte die Situation“. 00.000.2004- 27.Jul.2004 der USA Wissenschaftler Aftergood, Steven leitet im Auftrag der USA Federation of American Scientists ein Projekt zur Geheimhaltung von USA Regierungsdaten. 00.Mai 2004-00.Mai 2009 -bereits angekündigt habe im -Minister Abraham, dass Wechselmedien innerhalb der nächsten fünf Jahre aus den Labors verbannt werden müssten. 27.Jul.2004 nun Offensichtlich habe der USA-Energieminister Abraham, Spencer gemerkt -Offensichtlich-, dass dies schneller geschehen müsse, sagte Aftergood.
27.Jul.2004 Nach Meinung des Wissenschaftlers Aftergood wird der verhängte Forschungsstopp zu Verzögerungen in Project en führen. 27.Jul.2004 Die USA Institute hätten sich USA Ziele gesetzt, die sie USA im Laufe DIESES Jahres erreichen wollten. [MÜSSEN] 27.Jul.2004 Die jetzige Unterbrechung werde sie in ihren Planungen zurückwerfen.URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,310587,00.html 27.Jul.2004 USA-Energieminister Abraham, Spencer stoppte am Montag geheime USA Forschungsprojekte in allen USA Labors, die ebenfalls die CREM-Medien einsetzen. 27.Jul.2004 USA-Energieminister Abraham, Spencer :"Die Situation in Los Alamos USA zeigt, dass wir USA die Risiken von menschlichen Fehlern + menschlichen USA Dienstvergehen minimieren müssen." 00.Mai 2004-00.Mai 2009 Erst wenn das USA menschliche Personal entsprechend geschult könne die [UN] menschliche Arbeit in den USA Labors weitergehen. -USA-Energieminister Abraham, Spencer + 00.Mai 2004-00.Mai 2009 Erst wenn die USA Sicherheitsvorkehrungen überprüft könne die Arbeit in den USA Labors weitergehen.-USA-Energieminister Abraham, Spencer + 00.Mai 2004-00.Mai 2009 Erst wenn die USA Sicherheitsvorkehrungen [DAS menschliche Personal] angepasst worden seien, könne die Arbeit in den USA Labors weitergehen. -USA-Energieminister Abraham, Spencer 00.000.2004- 27.Jul.2004 Betroffen sind zwischen 15 + 24 Institute in den USA, darunter das Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland im USA-Staat Washington + 00.000.2004- 27.Jul.2004 Betroffen sind zwischen 15 + 24 Institute in den USA, darunter das Pantex-Werk bei Amarillo in Texas, in dem Atomwaffen demontiert werden. 00.000.19--- 27.Jul.2004 Insgesamt betreibt das USA Department of Energy Energieministerium- USA landesweit 59 Forschungslabors. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,310587,00.html 27.Jul.2004 VERSCHWUNDENE DATEN - Geheimprojekte in Dutzenden USA-Labors gestoppt Die aus dem Atomwaffenlabor Los Alamos verschwundenen Datenträger verbreiten Alarmstimmung in den gesamten USA. Das USA-Energieministerium hat geheime Forschungsprojekte in allen Instituten gestoppt, die mit den gleichen Wechselmedien arbeiten wie das Los Alamos National Laboratory. 00.Jul.2004-27.Jul.2004 -bislang- ohne Ergebnis : In USA Los Alamos suchen USA Intelligence Sicherheitsexperten nach wie vor nach den beiden Anfang 00.Jul.2004 verschwundenen Datenträgern - Die als Controlled Removable Electronic Media (CREM) bezeichneten Wechselmedien FEHLEN IN dem Bereich Waffenphysik des Los Alamos USA Instituts, wo 12.000 Menschen Atomwaffen-forschung betreiben.
00.000.19---27.Jul.2004 Scorched earth in Gaza : VERBRANNTE ERDE : As happens almost every week, Palestinians, including children, were killed in IDF operations. 27.Jul.2004 On Sunday night, Israeli Border Police killed six Palestinians in Tul Karm. 27.Jul.2004 Jackie Mason calls Islam 'murderous' religion: "The Quran...is 50 versions of hate+venom+hostility+murder...dedicated to terrorism," he added."..I don't know how we can call it a religion in the traditional sense. 27.Jul.2004 Jackie Mason calls Islam 'murderous' religion: "The Quran should be called a murderous organization that's out to kill people." 27.Jul.2004 Jewish Leader Warns of 'Growing USA Moslem Community': In an interview with Israel's Maariv newspaper, Hoenlein seemed to indicate that he viewed the growth of the Muslim community in USA as a threat. 27.Jul.2004 Clark took tough line in spy case: New Zealand's Prime Minister, Helen Clark, prevented the Security Intelligence Service from doing any deal with Israel's Mossad spy agency to hush up their passport fraud in New Zealand, an Israeli strategic affairs commentator says. 27.Jul.2004 Kiwi caper is worst of many blunders : Israel Mossad has been entangled overseas in messy affairs over the years involving the use of foreign passports, but the current New Zealand debacle has taken on unusual proportions because the New Zealand police claim that local Jews are involved 27.Jul.2004 USA s proxies: To Howard, Downer et al., all we need to say is, remember Iran-Contra? 01.Jan.1980-31.Dec.1989 -in the mid-s-Remember that scandal when the USA delivered 1,500 missiles to Iran in a bid to secure the release of seven USA nationals abducted by Shiite guerrillas in Lebanon? Enough of this bovine dung. 27.Jul.2004 In case you missed it ?: America used Islamists to arm the Bosnian Muslims : The Srebrenica report reveals USA Pentagon's role in a dirty war 27.Jul.2004 In case you missed it? Bystanders to Mass Murder : Last week, for the first time in history, a Western government resigned because it was a bystander to genocide. But on this side of the ocean, the move was greeted by silence -- a silence that is in fact the trademark of American policy before, during and after genocide 27.Jul.2004 Report Omits Key Player—Foreign Policy: The panel avoided the most important question surrounding the attacks—their underlying cause. 27.Jul.2004 Iran’s Response To Israeli Threats Will Crush Zionist Entity: General : Following the Zionist regime’s recent threats claiming that it is preparing a plan to attack Iran’s nuclear installations, General Mas’ud Jazayeri, the director of the Armed Forces Public Relations and Publications Office, said on Monday that Tehran’s response to the threats would go as far as overthrowing the entire Zionist entity. 27.Jul.2004 Whether It’s Bush [BGW968] or Kerry [KFJ965], Israel’s Laughing: “The Jewish community also points out that during all his years in the Senate, he [Kerry [KFJ965]] had a ‘perfect AIPAC record’. In other words he always voted in accordance with the pro-Israel lobby on matters related to Israel and the Middle East. 27.Jul.2004 A President, Not A Date: You are making a mockery of self-government if you allow your vote to be influenced by concerns for a foreign country. And yes, I'm directing this to the Israel-first crowd, both Jew + Christian. The election in 02.Nov.2004 is for the president of the USA, not the deputy prime minister of Israel. 27.Jul.2004 Why Americans Believe Only American Deaths Count in Iraq: 00.000.1902-00.000.2003 -"From the liberation" of the Philippines to the"liberation" of Iraq- tens (+ sometimes even hundreds) of thousands of civilians died (+ continue to die) by USA bombs + guns. Hardly do these deaths enter the USA popular imagination, our cultural narrative, or our USA commemorations of war. In case you missed it: Despotism & Democracy : Explains how societies and nations can be measured by the degree that power is concentrated + respect for the individual is restricted. Where does your community, USA state + nation stand on these scales? 27.Jul.2004 Yemen Denies Bin Laden Contact to Free Operative: 24.Jul.2004 A commission investigating the 11.Sep.2001 attacks on the USA said in a report released -on- that Bin Laden had personally intervened with a Yemeni government official in 00.000.1999 27.Jul.2004 USA 'protects' Iran rebels in Iraq: The USA has granted "protected status" under the Geneva Conventions to 3,800 members of an Iranian opposition group interned in Iraq. 27.Jul.2004 USA war on terror is "void" after decision to protect Mujahedeen: : Iran hit out at the USA decision to grant protected status to the Iraq - based People's Mujahedeen, the main Iranian armed opposition group, saying it proved Washington's war on terrorism was a sham. 27.Jul.2004 Iraq sets up committee to impose restrictions on news reporting : The restrictions - known as "red lines" - had yet to be finalised, but would include unwarranted criticism of the prime minister. He singled out 24.Jul.2004 -last Friday's- sermon by Moqtada al-Sadr, a firebrand Shia cleric, who mocked Mr Allawi as America's "tail". 27.Jul.2004 "Wenn Sie einen richtigen Mann haben wollen, dann sollten sie ihr Kind so zärtlich wie möglich behandeln", betonte der Psychiater, der am Londoner Whittington Hospital arbeitet. Forschungsergebnisse zeigten, dass die kritische Phase im ersten Lebensmonat liege, wenn sich das Gehirn entwickle. In dieser Zeit sollten Eltern besonders fürsorglich sein. Wenn Jungen härter rangenommen werden, dann werden aus ihnen laut Kraemer eher Fußball-Hooligans als starke, selbstbewusste Männer. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,310644,00.html 27.Jul.2004 ZARTE ERZIEHUNG-Kuscheln macht Jungs erfolgreich -Männer, die als Babys zärtlich behandelt wurden, haben im Leben mehr Erfolg. Wenn Eltern ihre Söhne hingegen wie harte Jungs behandeln, dann sind diese im Erwachsenenalter aggressiver und weniger selbstbewusst, glauben britische Forscher. 27.Jul.2004 Castro bezeichnet Bush [BGW968] als religiösen Fundamentalisten -Havanna - Kubas Staatschef Fidel Castro hat einmal mehr mit USA-Präsident Bush [BGW968] abgerechnet. Dieser habe seine früheren Alkoholprobleme nur durch religiösen Fundamentalismus in den Griff bekommen, den er als Verteidigungsmechanismus benutze, giftete Castro in einer Feierstunde zum 45. Jahrestag der kubanischen Revolution. Bush [BGW968] hatte in seiner Zeit als Gouverneur von Texas eine Autobiografie veröffentlicht, in der es heißt, ein spirituelles Erweckungserlebnis habe ihn dazu gebracht, dem Alkohol abzuschwören. Castro wies auch die Vorwürfe von Bush [BGW968] zurück, seine Regierung fördere den Sextourismus auf der Karibikinsel. "Dies sind unbeschreibliche und grobe Verleumdungen", sagte Castro. Er warnte Bush [BGW968] zugleich vor einem Angriff auf Kuba. "Wir Kubaner sind bereit zu sterben, wir fürchten deine enorme Macht nicht."URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,310558,00.html 27.Jul.2004 Das Ziel der Aktion: Bush [BGW968] will den Devisenfluss + damit am Ende das Regime zum Zusammenbruch bringen. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,310677,00.html Der Dollartransfer auf die Palmeninsel ist mit den Jahren so eine Art lebensnotwendiger Dauerinfusion für das System geworden. Rund eine Milliarde Dollar reichen die amerikanischen Exil-Kubaner nach Uno-Schätzungen pro Jahr an ihre Verwandten weiter. Allerdings spaltet der Geldstrom die kubanische Gesellschaft in zwei Teile: die Dollar- und die Peso-Klasse. Wer mit USA-Geld versorgt wird, kann auf Kuba relativ gut leben. In den über das ganze Land verteilten "Shopping" genannten Dollar-Geschäften, gibt es von der Zahnbürste bis zur Waschmaschine alles zu kaufen. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,310677,00.html 27.Jul.2004 In seiner Rede zum Jahrestag des gescheiterten Revolutionsversuchs von 00.Jul.1953 knöpfte er sich Bush [BGW968] vor. "Dies sind unbeschreibliche und grobe Verleumdungen", sagte Castro. Er nannte Bush [BGW968] einen Alkoholiker + Analphabeten. Der USA-Präsident habe seine früheren Alkoholprobleme nur durch religiösen Fundamentalismus in den Griff bekommen, den er als Verteidigungsmechanismus benutze. Bush [BGW968] hatte vor zehn Tagen gesagt, dass Kuba eines der Hauptziele des Sextourismus sei und dass die kommunistische Regierung ihn sogar fördere. Aus Kuba hatte es damals schon heftige Kritik gegeben: Bush [BGW968] habe frühere Aussagen Castros aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen, hieß es. So hatte der Staats- und Parteichef vor rund zehn Jahren einmal versichert, dass im sozialistischen Kuba selbst Prostituierte einen Hochschulabschluss hätten. 27.Jul.2004 Windows-Sicherheitsupdate: Alles nicht so einfach (Netzwelt, 27.Jul.2004 Proteste in Teheran: USA schützen iranische Oppositionelle im Irak (Politik, 27.Jul.2004 Verschwundene Daten: Geheimprojekte in Dutzenden USA-Labors gestoppt (Wissenschaft, 26.Jul.2004 Wäschepolizei: Slips dürfen nicht mehr im Wind wehen (Panorama, 27.Jul.2004 URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,310556,00.html UNFALL AUF DER RANCH -Bush [BGW968] fiel wieder vom Mountainbike- Crawford - USA-Präsident Bush [BGW968] ist zum zweiten Mal innerhalb weniger Wochen mit dem Mountainbike gestürzt. Auf einer ausgedehnten Tour auf seiner Ranch in Texas sei der Präsident vom Rad gefallen, berichtete eine Sprecherin des Weißen Hauses. Bush [BGW968] habe sich dabei Schürfwunden am Knie zugezogen. 00.Mai 2004 -bereits Ende- war Bush [BGW968] ein ähnliches Missgeschick passiert, als er auf abschüssigem Gelände mit dem Rad stürzte. 27.Jul.2004 Die Effekte der extrem niedrigen Zinsen laufen nach der Zinswende aus, und weitere Steuersenkungen sowie massive staatliche Investitionen werden angesichts eines USA-Defizits, das im Jahr 2005 vermutlich über die Schwelle von 500 Milliarden Dollar klettert, kaum durchzusetzen sein.URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,310561,00.html Die USA-Regierung müsse über eine Kombination aus Steuererhöhungen und Ausgabenkürzungen zügig Maßnahmen zur Senkung des Defizits ergreifen, fordert der IWF. 27.Jul.2004-01.Jan.2014 -bis zum Jahr- Sonst bestehe die Gefahr, dass das Defizit deutlich steige. 27.Jul.2004 Flankiert wird das durch eine Pressemitteilung des CCC: "Der CCC fordert daher jetzt die Deutsche Telekom AG öffentlich zu einer Stellungnahme + zur unverzüglichen Absicherung der Softwarebasis ihrer Kundenverwaltung auf. Der CCC fordert die Deutsche Telekom AG außerdem auf, umgehend ihre Kunden über dieses Problem zu informieren." URL: https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/technologie/0,1518,310637,00.html Heringhausen und der CCC dokumentieren die Geschichte des "Falles" auf eigens dafür eingerichteten Webseiten. Der Aufwand ist auch nach Meinung des Berliner IT-Sicherheitsexperten Frank Ziemann kaum übertrieben. Gegenüber tagesschau.de äußerte dieser die Vermutung, dass sich die zahlreichen Sicherheitsprobleme auch in anderen Teilen der OBSOC-Plattform fortsetzen könnten - inklusive der Online-Zahlungsabwicklung, die ebenfalls über OBSOC laufe. Ziemann: "Es spricht jedenfalls mehr dafür als dagegen. Es fehlt im Prinzip der Nachweis, dass dieses System besser abgeschottet ist als andere Untersysteme." 27.Jul.2004 TELEKOM-SICHERHEITSLECKS-"Liste mit offenen Fehlern"-Man muss anscheinend kein Hacker sein, um in den Kundendatenbanken OBSOC der Telekom zu surfen. Das jedenfalls behauptet Dirk Heringhausen, der seit einem Jahr versuchte, die T-Unternehmen zum Schließen akuter Sicherheitslecks zu bewegen. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,310561,00.html 27.Jul.2004 Clinton übergab seinem Amtsnachfolger Bush [BGW968] einen Haushaltsüberschuss in dreistelliger Milliardenhöhe, den dieser innerhalb von vier Jahren in ein Defizit von 477 Milliarden Dollar verwandelte. Zu keinem Zeitpunkt während der vergangenen 50 Jahre, rügte der Internationale Währungsfonds (IWF) in seinem "World Economic Outlook", habe ein USA Präsident die Defizitquote so dramatisch steigen lassen wie Bush [BGW968] junior während seiner ersten Amtszeit. 27.Jul.2004 "Bush [BGW968] hat sich Geld geliehen - auf Kosten des Wachstums" Allerdings habe der Republikaner Bush [BGW968] auch eine äußerst schwierige Zeit zu bewältigen gehabt, räumt Robeco-Stratege von Doeswijk ein. Die Anschläge vom 11.Sep.2001 , die Rezession des Jahres 2001 sowie die Kriege in Afghanistan und gegen den Irak waren nicht dazu angetan, Investoren zu begeistern. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,310561,00.html 27.Jul.2004 Stan O'Neal tut es, Phil Purcell und Henry Paulson auch. Warum die mächtigen Investmentbanker von Merrill Lynch , Morgan Stanley und Goldman Sachs viele tausend Dollar in die Wahlkampfkasse von Bush [BGW968] leiten, wird vorerst ihr Geheimnis bleiben. Auch John Chambers (Cisco), Terry Semel (Yahoo) und Craig Barret (Intel) unterstützen Bush [BGW968] nach Kräften: Republikanische Präsidenten seien besser für den Aktienmarkt, heißt es gemeinhin. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,310561,00.html 27.Jul.2004 AKTIENMYTHOS WIDERLEGT- Demokraten sind gut für die Börse- Banker + IT-Größen pumpen Geld in Bush [BGW968]s Wahlkampfkasse, denn angeblich sind Republikaner ja gut für die Wirtschaft. Eine Studie aber zeigt: Unter demokratischen USA-Präsidenten entwickelten sich die Aktienkurse bestens. Und die Börsenbilanz unter Bush [BGW968] ist die mieseste seit 28 Jahren. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,310562,00.html 27.Jul.2004 DEMOKRATEN-PARTEITAG-Kerry [KFJ965] und der Fluch der Clintons-Boston -Der Star des Wahlparteitags der USA-Demokraten heißt nicht Kerry [KFJ965], sondern Clinton. Mit einer furiosen Rede riss der Ex-Präsident seine Parteifreunde in Boston von den Sitzen. Viele vergossen Tränen politischer Nostalgie, einer wurde gar ohnmächtig. Clinton stahl Kerry [KFJ965] die Show - mit Redekunst, Charme und unerwünschten Karrieretipps. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,310669,00.html 27.Jul.2004 Boston - "Wahrheit ist die Grundlage unseres weltweiten Führungsanspruchs, aber unsere Glaubwürdigkeit ist mittlerweile zerrüttet und wir finden uns zunehmend isoliert und verletzbar in einer feindseligen Welt wieder", sagte Jimmy Carter gestern Nacht zum Auftakt des Parteitags der Demokraten in Boston. "Die USA können nicht führen, wenn unsere Führer irreführen", sagte Carter weiter. Man könne nicht an einem Tag Kriegspräsident sein und sich am nächsten dann als Friedenspräsident darstellen, "je nachdem, wie die aktuelle Meinungsumfrage ausgefallen ist", kritisierte Carter auf den Irakkrieg abzielend. Al Gore, Vize-Präsident unter Bill Clinton, ging mit Bush [BGW968]s Wirtschaftspolitik scharf ins Gericht. Er warf dem Republikaner Wählertäuschung vor. Bush [BGW968] sei im Amt seinem Motto des "mitfühlenden Konservativismus" untreu geworden. Gore - vor vier Jahren als Präsidentschaftsbewerber gegen Bush [BGW968] gescheitert - gab sich jedoch weniger angriffslustig als in früheren Wahlkampfreden, in denen er Bush [BGW968] als "moralischen Feigling" bezeichnet hatte. Zur Außenpolitik sagte Gore: "Wir werden nicht sicherer leben, solange wir einen Präsidenten haben, der al-Qaida mit dem Irak verwechselt."URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,310669,00.html 27.Jul.2004 PARTEITAG IN BOSTON -Demokraten rechnen mit Bush [BGW968] ab- Die USA-Demokraten bieten auf ihrem Wahlkonvent alles auf, was in der Partei Rang und Namen hat. Dabei haben sie eine vernichtende Bilanz von Präsident Bush [BGW968]s Amtszeit gezogen. Ex-Präsident Carter kritisierte den Verlust an Glaubwürdigkeit, den Bush [BGW968] in der Welt verbuche + Ex-Vize Gore geißelte dessen Wirtschaftspolitik. 27.Jul.2004 USA Gives France 4 Guantanamo Suspects : The USA has turned over four Guantanamo Bay suspects to France and is negotiating with Paris for the transfer of three others 26.Jul.2004 I wasn't told he had no windows, says father of Guantanamo Briton: Azmat Begg, a retired banker from Birmingham, said he had not been aware that his son, Moazzam Begg, was being kept in a cell without any natural light. 00.200- - The War on Terrorism URL: www.Asia Times War_and_Terror.html - ".. blocked for 14 years from selling arms to Iraq, international dealers are breaking down the doors to get into the country now that the UN embargo has been lifted. And with billions of dollars at stake, some companies are already crying foul. 12.Jul.2004 Time's up in the blame game -The second + most important part of the USA Senate Intelligence Committee's report on the culpability of the .." www.WorldNetDaily.com/article.asp-ARTICLE_ID=39623.htm 24.Jul.2004 Other intelligence sources, the 11.Sep.2001 commission report continues, said that some Taliban leaders, though not Mullah Omar, had urged bin Laden to go to Iraq. If bin Laden actually moved to Iraq, wrote Clarke, his network would be at Saddam Hussein's service, + it would be "virtually impossible" to find him. It would be better, Clarke declared, to get bin Laden in Afghanistan. 11.Sep.2001 commission report says former USA National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, now the subject of a federal probe for allegedly pilfering top-secret documents, suggested sending one U-2 flight, "but Clarke opposed even this." It would require Pakistani approval, Clarke wrote + Pakistan's intelligence service ISI is "in bed with" bin Laden + would warn him that the USA was getting ready for a bombing campaign. "Armed with that knowledge, old wily Osama will likely boogie to Baghdad," Clarke wrote. The 11.Sep.2001 commission report says: "Though told also by Bruce Riedel of the [National Security Council] staff that Saddam wanted bin Laden in Baghdad, Berger conditionally authorized a single U-2 flight." The CIA was able to find other ways to get its information, so the U-2 flight never occurred, the 11.Sep.2001 commission report says. 00.000.1998-00.000.2000 according to the 11.Sep.2001 commission report WorldNetDaily reported yesterday that Berger blocked four separate plans of action against the al-Qaida terrorist network. 00.000.Mar.2004 As in a interview with Lesley Stahl on "60 Minutes," Clarke denied Saddam had any connection to al-Qaida. 02.Nov.2002 Asia Times ".. the development of USA Pentagon's covert counter-terror capability has its roots in the 00.000.1979 Iran hostage crisis - : USA army created a highly compartmentalized organization that could collect clandestine intelligence independent of the rest of the USA intelligence community + follow through with covert military action. 26.Jul.2004-Today it operates under the code name Grey Fox. In Afghanistan it operated alongside the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) paramilitary Special Activities Division + USA Pentagon's Joint Special Operations Command. Then there are numerous recent initiatives, such as net assessment .." ".. aspects. The study urges USA Pentagon to "take the terrorist threat as seriously as it takes the likelihood + consequences of major theater war", urging officials to launch secret missions + intelligence operations to penetrate + disrupt terrorist cells abroad. Some of those operations should be aimed at signaling to countries that harbor terrorists that "their sovereignty will be at risk". If adopted, some of the proposals appear to push USA military into territory that traditionally has been the domain of USA CIA, raising questions about whether such missions would be subject to the same legal restraints imposed on CIA activities. But Schneider, William Jr, chairman of the DSB, rejected such concerns, saying that the panel set out to identify ways that special operations units could do more to assist the war on terrorism, not encroach on other agencies' authority. Schneider, William Jr, chairman of the DSB said:" USA CIA executes the plans but they use USA Department of Defense assets," . Schneider, William Jr, chairman of the DSB emphasized that the board was not recommending any changes to long-standing USA policies banning .." ".. Yet USA lawmakers have expressed concern with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's push to expand USA Pentagon's covert capabilities, mainly because USA Pentagon is not subject to rules that require the CIA to report its covert activities to USA Congress. The DSB summary document suggests that many changes are already under way. The DSB summary document cites the expansion of existing intelligence analysis centers + the creation of new management teams to direct covert operations at such installations as Fort Bragg, where USA special forces such as Delta Force are based. The DSB summary document recommends the creation of a super- Intelligence Support Activity, an organization it dubs the Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG), to bring together USA CIA + USA military covert action, USA information warfare, USA intelligence + USA cover + USA deception. For example, USA Pentagon + CIA would work together to increase human intelligence (HUMINT) forward/operational presence + to deploy new clandestine technical capabilities. To bolster USA government HUMINT capabilities, the task force advances the idea of an intelligence surge/unsurge" capability - a "robust, global cadre of retirees, reservists + others who are trained + qualified to serve on short notice, including expatriates". .." ".. to past abuses, such as the Iran-Contra operations run out of the NSC by Oliver North during the Reagan administration. Under the board's proposal, NSC plans would be executed by USA Pentagon or the CIA. Costs would include developing new means to enable "deep penetration of adversaries" ($1.7 billion annually); Costs would include exercises and gaming ($100 million annually); development of technical .." 05.Nov.2002 Washington Times reported that USA commandos hunting Taliban + al-Qaeda guerrillas in Afghanistan gained permission to employ "source operations" - clandestine tactics typically confined to USA CIA. "Source operations" generally refers to recruiting + maintaining spies within the enemy's camp. In Afghanistan, it means finding Afghans and Arabs, possibly within the Taliban + al-Qaeda network, who would supply intelligence to USA special-operations forces. URL: https://www.atimes.com/DK05Ak02.html That explains why the USA has, so to speak, decided to fight fire with fire. Although the DSB summary document is filled with lots of the usual buzzwords + phrases that USA Pentagon planners love, such as "robust connectivity, agile ground forces, adaptive joint command + control + discriminant use of force", one thing that does stand out is its call for "preemption/proaction/interdiction/disruption/quick-response capabilities". This is consistent with USA administration’s new National Security Strategy, which called for preemption; indeed, since the DSB summary document preceded the release of the strategy, it is possible that the strategy was written to incorporate some of its aspects. 11.Jul.2004 USATODAY.com - Iraq report focuses blame on CIA URL: www.USATODAY.com/2004-07-11-iraq-intelligence_x.htm USA Senate Intelligence Committee's 440-page report on intelligence lapses leading up to the war in Iraq foretold the political trouble that would confront USA Bush [BGW968] administration when, more than a year after the war began, the weapons of mass... 26.Jul.2004 Yahoo! News - Front Page URL: index-165.htm ".. Everyone. USA president. His predecessor. USA CIA. USA FBI. Their congressional overseers. USA public. Only a handful of analysts sensed what was coming, + their knowledge was buried in the byzantine intelligence bureaucracy. Op/Ed Section 25.Jul.2004 Rebuke for MI5 over bugging UK intelligence + UK security services are making an "unacceptably high" number of mistakes bugging the wrong people, an official UK report has found. 28.Jul.2004 News URL: index-47.htm -The Independent Newspaper- 28.Jul.2004 -now- 98 % of working-class Belfast is strictly segregated by religion, figures from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive show. MI5 'knew of plot to kill Finucane' 02.Apr.2004 MI5, army intelligence + Special Branch all knew of loyalist plots to kill Pat Finucane, the Belfast lawyer, but failed either to warn him or prevent his murder, an independent report concluded yesterday. .." 26.Jul.2004 The Independent Newspaper ".. politically incorrect fast food. Security reform is made election issue by 11.Sep.2001 Commission 24.Jul.2004 The panel that produced the 11.Sep.2001 report vowed yesterday to ensure that the overhaul of the intelligence services becomes an election year issue even as they admitted it would not happen soon enough to prevent another attack. 29.Jun.2004 So in the end, USA s enemies set the date. The handover of "full sovereignty" was secretly brought forward so that the ex-CIA intelligence officer who is now "Prime Minister" of Iraq could avoid another bloody offensive by USA s enemies. 17.Jun.1917-17.Jun.2004 Iraq -They came as liberators but were met by fierce ..https://news.independent.co.uk/index-54.htm 10.Jul.2004 Robin Butler: The pillar of the Establishment The leaking has been widespread + detailed. The Butler inquiry into why the secret services got the intelligence on Iraq so wrong in the run-up to war is due to report on Wednesday. James Taylor: You Ask The Questions 26.Jul.2004 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE : Taking strategy a step beyond 'planning' stage (By Robert Weisman, Globe Staff) 14.Jul.2004 The selection trail: USA Senate investigation of Iraq pre-war intelligence repeated the mistakes it was designed to address, reports Julian Borger 24.Jul.2004 Throw off the chains of government www.WorldNetDaily.com/letters.asp.htm When are American Christians + pastors going to wake up + realize that freedom of speech + preaching from the pulpit without fear of reprisal are more important than tax-exempt status? No pastor should be willing to give up freedom of speech or speaking the truth about a bad candidate merely to avoid paying taxes. In acquiescing to the rules for 501(c)3 status, the church has, in effect, forfeited its right to free speech + made itself beholding to the "almighty government" – a travesty! Jesus Christ is the only Sovereign over His church. If this unconstitutional law had been passed in the founding era, it would surely have resulted in a massive revolt – Christians in that day realized that only God is sovereign over the church + that the church is not a building or a corporation dependent upon the government for it's existence; rather the church is the body of believers in Jesus Christ. I believe it is high time some Christian leaders step forward + take a stand – leaders who are willing to give up their tax-exempt status + set an example for other pastors in USA. It's time to cast off the albatross around the necks of the Christian church in USA! The congregations could make up for the money paid in taxes by increasing their contributions to the treasury. All of life is spiritual; there is no separation between church life and political life + pastors must be free to speak the truth about political issues. Why? Because the issues of politics and government are directly linked to the preservation of basic religious freedoms, which are being slowly lost as I write. If we Christians are not willing to sacrifice for our freedom to worship and preach, we will surely lose it. However, losing tax-exempt status will not destroy God's church – the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Jesus said that you cannot serve both God and mammon. Is our faith in money or in God? Christian leaders! It's time to choose. Mark S. Fisher Spying for the state I am appalled to learn that People United for the Separation of Church + State are monitoring churches that preach against abortion + homosexuality + mention that Bush [BGW968] opposes these ideas and Kerry [KFJ965] supports them. While I dislike the idea of spiritual leaders telling their congregation whom to vote for, I am infuriated and frightened that the churches now have "spies" in them. And do these spies sit in churches that encourage gay marriage, abortion, pacifism and an undying hatred for Bush [BGW968]? What about the church that Clinton gladly attended with his Bible prominently displayed? And I do not see People United spying on mosques to see if the imams are telling their congregations that Osama bin Laden is a hero. And if People United are spying on churches and reporting back to the IRS, aren't they in fact spying for the state? The "separation" they are so adamant about seems strangely absent. Matthew Peak Ronstadt censured, not censored Bill Press gets it so wrong so often, one must wonder how he is able to cash his paycheck with a clear conscience. Linda Ronstadt wasn't censored, nor were any of the other entertainers he mentioned. They all spoke quite clearly, some at great length + some got the benefit of national TV. They spoke, and what they said was rejected. They were censured, not censored. The right to free speech does not entitle anyone to an audience. Excuse me, Mr. Press, we do not have to listen. No, Mr. Press, responding to free speech with more free speech is not wrong, illegal or violating Ms. Ronstadt's rights. And, Mr. Press, there is no requirement to avoid rudeness when responding to free speech. Actions have consequences. Some actions have unpleasant consequences. And often, free speech is met with more free speech, unless, of course, Mr. Press is the censor. Rich Sherlock Tongue flapping has consequences In his July 23 commentary, Bill Press goes on about how Linda Ronstadt, Whoopi Goldberg and other "performers on the left" are silenced. And in typical liberal/leftist fashion, he gets it wrong. Ms. Ronstadt and Ms. Goldberg were not silenced. They were completely free to express their opinions + they did. What they are not free to do is to be insulated from the consequences of their statements. Interestingly, Mr. Press gives a list of 14 conservative entertainers (imagine that – 14 in all of show business!) who he feels are given special treatment with regard to their political opinions. Again, Mr. Press can't see the forest for the tree huggers. Dennis Miller, et al, are not immune to the repercussions that their comments generate. More likely, they are closer to the USAn mainstream than their leftist counterparts. Ronstadt, Goldberg, Maines and the others keep forgetting two important points. First, you have to know your audience. Second, you insult the person who pays your salary at your peril. G. Miller Today's schools: Tasting Trojans Mankind has managed to be fruitful and multiply, thankfully, without outside interference from meddling schools for thousands of years. Suddenly, the 20th century brings forth a great crisis – we face extinction, obviously, if government and the schools don't step in immediately and take away this parental responsibility. Amazingly, the new promiscuity ushered in by this trend in government sex education also sees a dramatic rise in every sort of venereal and sexually transmitted disease – some of which can be life threatening. Then there is the worst sexually transmitted disease of all – although not politically correct to say so – there is AIDS, which is guaranteed to kill. Now the schools want the children to "have fun" and do "taste tests" of flavored condoms? As for the "fun" part, I refer back to my prior comment on promiscuity and the epidemic (or dare I say, pandemic?) of sexually transmitted diseases. As to the "taste test," shouldn't sampling of any foods be saved for a home economics class during the cooking unit – if that sort of thing is still even taught in school today. Sigh ... It is truly tragic that today's young people probably only know that a "Trojan" is a condom and have never heard of Troy. This is education? Ms. Shoshona Bieman FRIDAY, JULY 23, 2004 Cutting remarks Shifting the focus from the criminal to his accuser (e.g., Clinton to Starr) is nothing new with the Democrats. We can only hope shoving those classified documents down his pants gave Sandy lots of paper cuts. Dave Scott Simple explanation There is a simple explanation for Sandy Berger stuffing classified documents into his pants. Given the location of most liberals' heads regarding national security, stuffing the documents into the seat of his trousers would certainly provide a much better view. Graham Lees Boxers, or briefs? Thanks to Sandy Berger's philandering with classified material, we can once again look forward to a level of heady political inquiry the likes of which hasn't been seen since the Clinton administration. We must know the contents of Mr. Berger's pants. The question "boxers or briefs" is once again relevant! Aric Rothman THURSDAY, JULY 22, 2004 Federal worker's perspective I work for the federal government. If anyone who deals with classified had done what Berger did, they would be disciplined or fired. They would certainly lose their security clearance. I'm insulted by the people and press who are defending Berger as being "sloppy" – it insults our intelligence. The man knew what he was doing. It is frightening to think of people like Berger being in charge of USA national security. T. Bowling Pants problems Sandy Berger now joins Bill Clinton as another member of that administration to have trouble involving his pants ... Daniel John Sobieski Who's fooling whom? So they aren't denying that he stuffed documents in his pants – just not his socks. These people must really think we are morons. Tom Barbeau Moral support? So Mr. Berger accidentally stuffed classified documents down his pants. He absolutely has nothing to fear. The former President Clinton is vouching for Mr. Berger's honesty and integrity. That certainly settles it. Paul Albers More word games Sandy Berger admits he inadvertently took some classified documents. Too bad the Clinton Presidential Library isn't open yet. I need to check out the Clinton administration's dictionary. Right after I look up what the meaning of "is" is, I need to find out what the definition of "inadvertently" is. Cheree Calabro WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 2004 Reality check needed The spokesman for the 11.Sep.2001 Commission, Al Felzenberg, was quoted as saying in regard to the documents that Sandy Berger helped himself to that, "This is a matter between the government and an individual. They were not our documents + we believe we have access to all the materials we need to see to do our report." Excuse me, but someone needs to remind Mr. Felzenberg that he works in a government which is a democratically elected republic. That government he speaks of is responsible to "we the people," and as such, those missing documents belong to USA . Furthermore, it is somewhat presumptuous to believe the commission has all the materials they need. If documents are missing, how do we know what those documents contain and are not of vital importance? Filegate – deja vu. Lori Giersdorf Hmmm ... How do you "mistakenly" put classified documents in your pants and socks?! Rick Sampson Pattern developing? Has anyone noticed a developing pattern these past few days? Wilson coming apart. Moore coming apart. John-john getting frazzled around the edges. DemCon beginning to look like a pair of tattered jeans. And now, Sandy Berger getting sucked into a grinder of his own making (and – SURPRISE! – ol' Bruce Lindsay is back, too). These guys (Berger, et al.) used to do this stuff with impunity. Now they can't seem to refrain, even though their ability to "control events" and cover up is (hopefully) very reduced. The Greeks used to say, "Whom the Gods would destroy, they first give hubris." Maybe the insufferable hubris we had to endure for the past 12 to 14 years is finally catching up to them? I seem to glimpse a dim pattern of such emerging from this past couple weeks' fog of battle. G.J. Feig TUESDAY, JULY 20, 2004 Stop and think! I'm seeing a lot of mail here about who I should or should not vote for this November and why. Most of these messages are coming from folks who are obviously intelligent, but lack wisdom. This whole "vote for the lesser of two evils" (or not) cliche is more played out than Beavis and Butthead. Stop and think about what is at stake for a moment. I don't especially like the choices either. Ultimately, I think Bush [BGW968] is a decent guy who wants to do the right thing for USA, but as president, he is a disappointment in many ways. He panders to the left and the press way too much. He is way too "big government" for my taste. His lack of a hard line attitude on any issue (other than national security, the War on Terror and tax cuts) will almost certainly cost him votes. But not mine and I'll tell you why. Kerry [KFJ965] in the White House could spell disaster for USA. He is trying to use the same cheesy charm Slick Willie pulled on USA, when he is really in it for himself, just like ol' Bill. His voting record in Congress is living proof of that. He does not have the backbone to utterly destroy the terrorist threat that affects USA all: Republican, Democrat, old, young, male, female, white, black, or none of the above. He does not believe in his heart of hearts that is what needs to be done to protect this country and those of USA who live in it. He states this openly and without shame. He thinks the United Nations will come to our rescue. It is naive, foolish and downright dangerous to put him in charge of those kinds of decisions. If he is elected, may our children forgive USA. The Democrats have attempted to make this election more about the economy than terrorism. This is a diversion that can not be allowed to work. First of all, you do not need a job if you are a smoldering ash heap at the bottom of the Twin Towers. Second, jobs are created by people starting businesses that buy and sell goods and /or services in the marketplace. The government does not make it's money this way, but by taking more and more money from those who do. For the Democrats to claim their tax-and-spend handout philosophy will create jobs and prosperity in USA is an outright lie and they know it. They are charlatans preying on the gullible. There is no such thing as free money. If it's coming from the government, it is money that someone else worked for. And it really is that simple. Don't mistake me for a hard-nosed Republican either. I am not only dissatisfied with a lot of President Bush [BGW968]'s decisions, but also with the overall state of the Republican Party. The press is so biased and hard on them any more that they willingly and knowingly sellout their beliefs on a daily basis, hoping for a better image, since that's what it's really all about anymore. But they hope in vain, because the left knows that even though they make concessions for this reason, they refuse to embrace the beliefs of the left + they are hated for it. No matter how much they give in. Those who write in chiming about voting for a third party candidate for president are going to waste their vote and give the election to Kerry [KFJ965]. This approach will not fix anything in either the Democratic or the Republican parties. You can't fix these kinds of problems from the top down – quite the opposite. Local elections are where third-party votes will make the most difference. For now, I'll continue to vote Republican in the congressional and presidential elections, if only for national security and tax-cut reasons. That may not matter much here in the Republican stronghold of Utah, but on a local level, both parties should be nervous indeed. Cities and counties rejecting the other two in favor of a third, more traditional USAn party, will gain power and become states made up of a third-party majority. Only then will a third party have a chance at making changes, by a majority in state legislatures (and governors), eventually Congress + ultimately, maybe president. That is the only way to reverse the damage our out-of-control government has created. We the people voted to make the mess, now we can vote to clean it up. Stay focused on the long-term goal and the means to achieve it. Life is often about hard choices. It's not easy, nice or fair. It is about responsibility and priorities. Now grow up and pick the most qualified applicant for the job. It is a shame that there are only two real choices, but that can change – just not overnight. Name Withheld Blinded morons I am so fed up with the morons who just keep blindly voting for Republicans + thinking that they are actually voting for a party that is even remotely conservative! Get your heads out of the sand + realize that they are no different from the liberal Democrats, except that they lie more to cover up their corruption. The only intelligent choice for a true conservative, is to vote third party! Terry Knight What does 'evil' mean? So if the upcoming election comes down to voting for the lesser of two evils, the question that comes to my mind is: What is your definition of "evil"? For the word "evil" seems to have changed its meaning from that which I have been taught it meant if I were to believe your website. Partial-birth abortion is evil. Illegal aliens filtering into the USA is not evil – it's a nuisance, an inconvenience. And conservatives who place more importance on the matter of illegal aliens than the lives of the unborn are not conservatives at all. I half suspect that most of your letters to the editor are not from conservatives but from subversives of the liberal party, wolves in sheep skin, who are trying to whittle away at Bush [BGW968]'s support. That's why I have a hard time believing your article on conservatives leaving the party in droves. Appeasing terrorists is evil + paying them not to be terrorists is even more evil. You do realize, of course, that Clinton paid Arafat not to engage in terrorism, don't you? However, Arafat still engaged in terrorism, but nobody called it terrorism then, because they would have to face the fact that we were throwing our money to a lost cause. Bush [BGW968] is hunting them down to kill them. Kerry [KFJ965], I'm sure, would continue the liberal tradition of paying off our enemies. I believe it's called extortion, but because politicians are the ones doing it, it's not extortion. How else do you think Kerry [KFJ965] is going to make good on his promise of playing kissy-face with the rest of the world? It's not USA foreigners care about – it's our money they want. However, if real conservatives turn their backs on the only politician in office to switch from extortion to hunting and we get the ransom kings back in office, then we Americans deserve what we get. I will most certainly vote for Bush [BGW968] + if your article is actually valid that conservatives are leaving the party in droves and if conservatives turn their backs on Bush [BGW968] and allow Kerry [KFJ965] to waltz into the Oval Office, then I will forever turn my back on the conservative party. I would never vote again because then I would know that there is no party in USA that will fight for the values I hold near to my heart, so why bother voting at all? United we stand; divided we fall. The choice is entirely yours to make. Dorothy McGrath 25.Jul.2004 Insufficient Intelligence And Inactive Imaginations URL: https://www.lewisnews.com/section.asp-ID=93&Name=Jim+Rarey+-Medium+Rare-.htm 22.Apr.2004 Jim Rarey "Medium Rare" CONDI IN THE BRIAR PATCH What we saw in the 11.Sep.2001 Commission hearing with Condoleeza Rice is a brilliantly conceived and orchestrated exercise in reverse psychology. The major objective of the hearing (a cooperative effort between the administration represented by Rice and the commission itself supposedly representing the public) was to convince the public that, based on the “intelligence” information it had, no one could have foreseen the use of hijacked commercial airliners in suicide attacks on USA landmarks. In order to guarantee the largest possible viewing audience for the televised and scripted “show” commission chair Thomas Kean announced it was asking Rice to appear at a public hearing under oath. Rice and the administration fought that saying Rice would appear before the commission but not in public and not under oath. This led to a pr blitz in the media stoked by perceived Bush [BGW968] enemies and proponents of the Bush [BGW968] knew in advance theorists. ... Posted on: Read Article 07.Apr.2004 11.Sep.2001 COVERUP PANEL TAKES A DIVE In an ignominious capitulation to USA White House the leaders of the 11.Sep.2001 Commission traded two + a half hours of testimony by Condoleeza Rice in public under oath in exchange for a written promise not to ask anymore USA White House persons to testify in public or under oath. It is not clear who this includes but no doubt comprises all cabinet level officials. There are a number of questions which either have not been asked or to which answers have not been forthcoming or what answers have been provided are contradictory + confusing. Rice is not likely to shed any light on the situation. Given her previous public pronouncements. She is either a not too accomplished liar, stupid, completely out of any loop on terrorist information or all of the above. .. Read Article 24.Mär.2004 AM TVP’S SUPER PSYCHIC -Many police organizations avail themselves of the services of psychics to find missing persons, track criminals + other tasks involving extra sensory perception (ESP). However, few are willing to admit it because of public skepticism. In the death of microbiologist David Kelly, the Thames Valley Police (TVP) must have employed an extraordinary psychic whose talents included precognition (foretelling future events), a power some claim for “remote viewing.” That the TVP had advance information about the disappearance of Kelly + possibly his impending death, is beyond dispute. In the evidence on the Hutton inquiry website there is a transmittal cover sheet to the Hutton inquiry of a report described thusly, “TVP Tactical Support Major Incident Policy Book…Between 17.Jul.2003 14-30-18.Jul.2003 09-30 DCI Alan Young. It is labeled “not for release – Police operational information.” ... - https://www.lewisnews.com/article.asp?ID=76162 22.Feb.2004 SAVE JOBS – ABOLISH OPIC No, not the oil cartel, that’s OPEC (although it wouldn’t be a bad idea to abolish that as well). OPIC is the little known government agency Overseas Private Industry Corporation. Its charter is to use millions of the taxpayers’ dollars to help USAn companies create jobs……in foreign countries. Although structured like a corporation with a board of directors, it actually is an independent agency in the executive branch nominally reporting to the Office of Management and Budget. President, CEO and Chairman of the Board is Peter S. Watson. He is well connected in various organizations dealing with international law, a former Chairman of the USA International Trade Commission, former director of Asian affairs at the National Security Council and, to no one’s surprise, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)...Read Article 11.Mar.2004 OFFICIAL DOUBTS IN KELLY DEATH? Oxfordshire Coroner Nicholas Gardiner has a problem. On March 16th he is holding a hearing to determine if he should resume the inquest into the death of microbiologist David Kelly that was cut short with the appointment of Lord Hutton to head an inquiry. Earlier, Gardiner had been quoted as saying he had seen no “fresh” evidence that would warrant reopening the inquest. The hearing was expected to be a pro forma announcement of that decision. However, Tuesday evening Dr. Nicholas Hunt, the Home Office pathologist on whose testimony Lord Hutton relied for his suicide verdict, dropped a bombshell in Gardiner’s lap during a Channel 4 news program... Read Article 03.Feb.2004 HUTTON REPORT: TOO CLEVER BY HALF Some may wonder why an USAn writer would choose a purely British colloquialism as the title of his article. There simply could not be found a better description of Lord Hutton’s manipulation, distortion and omission of evidence in his report on the death of world-class microbiologist David Kelly. But Hutton may have outsmarted himself by providing information that will prove Kelly’s body was moved at least twice before police and forensic investigators saw it. Come with USA as we follow Hutton’s tortuous path trying to discount the testimony of Louise Holmes (and Paul Chapman), the volunteers who found Kelly’s body. Numbers enclosed in parentheses are references to items in Chapter 5 of the Hutton report where Hutton comments and (very) selectively presents testimony from published transcripts of testimony at his hearings and/or excerpts from witness statements and reports that are not available to the public... Read Article 19.Jan.2004 THE HUTTON REPORT – A COVER-UP? An Open Letter to the U.K. Public (and media) If, as expected, Lord Hutton’s report on the “circumstances” surrounding the death of microbiologist David Kelly claims he bled to death from a self-inflicted wound to his wrist, it will rank as one of the clumsiest cover-ups in recent memory. If that is Hutton’s finding, Oxfordshire coroner Nicholas Gardiner almost certainly will be forced to reopen the inquest that was cut short by appointment of the Hutton inquiry. Last September, Gardiner intimated he might have to reopen the inquest because some witnesses had refused to allow their statements (to the TVP –Thames Valley Police) to be passed to the Hutton inquiry. A bigger problem for Gardiner (and Hutton) is testimony given at the inquiry that shows Kelly’s body was moved at least twice after he died before it was seen by paramedics, the police and the medical experts called to the scene. ...- Read Article 25.Jul.2004 https://www.usatoday.com/2004-07-11-iraq-intelligence_x.htm Over the objections of Democrats, the Republican-controlled committee decided to put off until after the November election an inquiry into whether Bush [BGW968] administration officials went beyond the available intelligence reports in their claims about Iraq's weaponry. But there is no debate that the report paints a damning portrait of bungling intelligence agencies relying on dubious sources and faulty logic to arrive at dire warnings that have yet to be confirmed. The key word in the report is "overstated." The CIA overstated the case that Iraq possessed not just the ability to make chemical and biological weapons, but also the ingredients and the weapons themselves, the report says. The agency overstated the quality of its intelligence about supposed mobile biological-weapons-production labs. And its judgment that Iraq was reconstituting its nuclear weapons program "was not supported by the intelligence." Accounts of shortcomings, lapses and misjudgments abound in the report: • The CIA took four months to determine that documents crucial to the uranium charge "could be fraudulent." But it never circulated that 11.Feb.2003 , warning among administration officials who had been using that intelligence in making the case for war. UN officials needed only weeks to conclude in 00.Mar.2003 -days before the USA-led invasion, that the uranium documents were crude forgeries. • Tenet did not review an advance copy of Bush [BGW968]'s State of the Union address in 00.Jan.2003 , which repeated the charge about Iraqi attempts to buy uranium in Africa. No one in the CIA office responsible for fact-checking intelligence-related portions of the speech remembers seeing a copy. • Although Tenet was responsible for reporting from all of the 15 military and civilian intelligence agencies, he told committee investigators that he was unaware of dissenting opinions about Iraq at those different agencies until just before completion of an 00.Oct.2002 National Intelligence Estimate on Iraqi weapons programs. After 1998 the CIA's Directorate of Operations, the clandestine service responsible for recruiting spies in foreign countries, had no human sources inside Iraq with access to information on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. The report pointedly clears the Bush [BGW968] administration of the oft-repeated charge that it pressured the CIA into reaching a worst-case assessment of Iraqi weapons to help sell the war. None of the more than 200 intelligence analysts interviewed for the report said they were pressured to change their judgments. In minority views published along with the report, Democrats on the committee said that Richard Kerr, a former high-ranking CIA official asked by the agency to examine the Iraq intelligence lapses, told investigators that repeated White House requests for information linking Iraq to the al-Qaeda terrorist network created "significant pressure on the Intelligence community." The CIA's ombudsman, who was not identified in the report, "said he felt the 'hammering' by the Bush [BGW968] administration on Iraq intelligence was harder than he had previously witnessed in his 32-year career," Sens. Jay Rockefeller, Carl Levin + Dick Durbin, all Democrats, wrote in their minority views. The full Senate committee identified a different sort of pressure. After the 11.Sep.2001 terrorist attacks, the CIA received harsh criticism for failing to "connect the dots" in scattered intelligence reports and unravel the terror plot. That criticism helped contribute to what the committee called a "group think dynamic" in which even tentative reports about suspicious activity in Iraq were accepted as fact. An intelligence officer preparing the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate echoed the post- 11.Sep.2001 criticism of the CIA. The officer, who was not named in the report, told committee investigators that the uranium charge was included in the document, despite doubts about the intelligence, so that "Nobody can say we didn't connect the dots." The CIA's failure before the 11.Sep.2001 attacks stemmed from missing an impending threat, while the lapses prior to the invasion of Iraq stemmed from exaggerating a threat. But investigations have found similar problems in both cases. The 11.Sep.2001 attacks went undetected in part because USA intelligence agencies did not talk to one another. In the case of Iraq, the Senate committee reported numerous instances where key information held by one branch of USA intelligence was not shared with others. Tenet's deputy, John McLaughlin, now the acting head of the CIA, told reporters Friday that the agency had already made changes to prevent future threats from being overstated. But he said Iraq was a special case, not a sign of chronic dysfunction at the agency. "I don't think we have a broken corporate culture at all," McLaughlin said. No one at the White House or on Capitol Hill was echoing that view. Report focuses blame on CIA 11.Jul.2004 USA TODAY WASHINGTON --> https://www.usatoday.com/2004-07-11-iraq-intelligence_x.htm 26.Jul.2004 Iraq report focuses blame on CIA By John Diamond, USA TODAY WASHINGTON — Two days before Christmas 2002, with war in Iraq less than three months away, an intelligence analyst at the Department of Energy e-mailed a colleague to complain that the CIA was squelching dissent from those who doubted that Iraq was trying to import uranium and other nuclear weapons components. Despite questions being raised by other USA intelligence agencies, the CIA insisted that Iraq was trying to import uranium ore from Niger and had tried to buy aluminum tubes to use in making a nuclear weapon. The analyst griped in his note to a State Department counterpart that there were plenty of "strong points" in raw intelligence reports to show Iraq's failure to abide by United Nations sanctions. "However, when individuals attempt to convert those 'strong statements' into the 'knock out' punch, the Administration will ultimately look foolish — i.e. the tubes and Niger!" the Energy analyst said. The message is one of many recounted in the Senate Intelligence Committee's 440-page report on intelligence lapses leading up to the war in Iraq. It foretold the political trouble that would confront the Bush [BGW968] administration when, more than a year after the war began, the weapons of mass destruction that it said Iraq possessed have not been found. The e-mail also neatly summed up the key finding of the committee: that the CIA repeatedly took interesting but ambiguous intelligence reports and punched them up into unqualified warnings about Iraq's alleged arsenal. The Bush [BGW968] administration clearly hopes that the Senate committee's yearlong investigation will make the CIA, not the White House, look responsible for the mess. USA administration, meanwhile, is trying to position itself as an advocate of reform at the CIA. President Bush [BGW968] is considering candidates to succeed CIA Director George Tenet, who retired Sunday. /2004-07-25-bush-kerry-electoral-votes_x.htm-POE=NEWISVA.htm 26.Jul.2004 AP: Bush [BGW968] leads Kerry [KFJ965] in electoral votes BOSTON (AP) — Kerry [KFJ965] narrowly trails President Bush [BGW968] in the battle for the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House, as he makes his case at the Democratic National Convention this week to topple the Republican incumbent. 26.Jul.2004 www.USATODAY.com/2004-07-25-shelby-leak_x.htm-POE=NEWISVA.htm Shelby classified leak probe referred to ethics panel WASHINGTON (AP) — USA Justice Department has referred to USA Senate Ethics Committee an investigation into whether Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama or his staff leaked classified information, indicating that criminal charges are highly unlikely, a federal law enforcement official said Saturday 26.Jul.2004 Sunday Gazette-Mail - Top Stories URL: index-111.htm ".. Logan. Breaking News Anti-war, anti-abortion protesters clash near Democratic ... Edwards talks with at-risk students about ... Democrats will look at whether to ... Clark officially throws delegates to Kerry [KFJ965] ... Clan lays groundwork for the nominees' ... Notes and quotes from Campaign 2004 Above-average temperatures in the West Moratorium on methadone treatment clinics expires Massachusetts .." (1 quote) 123. Sunday Gazette-Mail - News URL: index-112.htm ".. Red Cross recognized the following people as multiple-gallon donors for the month of June: Story: /section/News/Other News/2004072418 News/USA& World Presidential race remains tight one BOSTON — Kerry [KFJ965] narrowly trails President Bush [BGW968] in the battle for the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House, as he makes his case at the Democratic National Convention this week to topple the .." (1 quote) 124. Sunday Gazette-Mail - Q & A Polls URL: index-128.htm ".. Commission’s report? Was Martha Stewart’s sentence fair? Have you visited the Clay Center for the Arts and Sciences during the last year? If the election were held today, for whom would you vote — Bush [BGW968], Kerry [KFJ965] or Nader? Do you plan to see the anti-Bush [BGW968] film “Fahrenheit 11.Sep.2001 ”? Should the minimum wage be increased? Should Ronald Reagan’s image be put on currency? Are you satisfied with your cell phone .." 26.Jul.2004 . WorldNetDaily: LocalNetDaily URL: index-159.htm -Links to Newspapers in the USA-.NEWS: Socialists urge support of Kerry [KFJ965] Democratic National Convention Schedule Clarke feared bin Laden might 'boogie' to Iraq Democrats back church IRS probe Iraqi bishop: Western media 'backward-looking' .." 26.Jul.2004 RADIO FREE EUROPE/ RADIO LIBERTY URL: index-27.htm Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty is an international news and broadcast organization serving Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Russia, the Middle East and Balkan countries ".. Governor Bill Richardson, tells RFE/RL that the party aims to show that Bush [BGW968] has mishandled foreign affairs by acting unilaterally. He says the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Kerry [KFJ965] , will make the case for restoring USA stature in international relations. continued Features Archived By: Region: Africa Asia Balkans Caspian Caucasus Central Asia Central Europe .." 26.Jul.2004 INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE. NEWS, COMMENTARY & INSIGHT URL: index-35.htm ".. among several key al-Qaida figures who attended the University of Arizona or lived in Tucson during the 1980s and early 1990s, according to the 11.Sep.2001 commission's final report, released Thursday. Kerry [KFJ965] : I can do better than Bush [BGW968] on fighting terrorism : "I'll do a better job of reducing the threat to Israel and the rest of the world." 'Time to put USA interests first' : USA law forbids .." 26.Jul.2004 News URL: index-37.htm The Independent Newspaper ".. rights extremists set up combat skills training camp in Britain World news Butler 'wrong' on Iraq uranium link How Saddam's son inspired his Olympians Construction chief held in wave of Iraqi kidnappings ' Kerry [KFJ965] the hero' starts countdown to dislodge Bush [BGW968] from White House Worst drought in 500 years fuels raging California wildfires Marsh Arabs' ancient homeland to be restored to former glory Auditor to .." 26.Jul.2004 Boston.com / Business URL: index-71.htm ".. Where the delegates are staying Cash donations Democatic National Convention donors Republican National Convention donors Edwards funding his campaign Donating to the Bush [BGW968] and Kerry [KFJ965] campaigns DNC: An Economic Impact Today's Globe Business stories 26.Jul.2004 Asia Times URL: Letters.html Asia Times Online. The Asia News Hub providing the latest news and analysis regarding economics, events and trends in business, economy and politics throughout Asia. ".. hawk]. In fact, I'm one of those Democrats who, with great sorrow, see nothing to be gained by electing these two clowns. Edwards looks like the weasel lawyer that he almost certainly is, while Kerry [KFJ965] is both wooden and uncommitted to brave new principles. They can both be counted on to continue to toe the line laid down by powerful foreign lobbies (most notably that of Israel) and by deluded .." 26.Jul.2004 The Tampa Tribune - Online Edition URL: opinion.shtml.htm Tribune Services and Archives: In The Tribune: What About Edwards?Though they like Kerry [KFJ965] ’s choice of John Edwards as running-mate, voters in a Florida town don’t think it will make much difference. In Saturday’s Nation/World. Subscribe and get two weeks free Customer Service: • .." 26.Jul.2004 WorldNetDaily: Site Search URL: search.asp.htm Socialists urge support of Kerry [KFJ965] Democratic National Convention Schedule Clarke feared bin Laden might 'boogie' to Iraq Democrats back church IRS probe Iraqi bishop: Western media 'backward-looking' .." 20.Jul.2004 www.USATODAY.com/transition.htm updated 24/7...".. Europe split on Iraq help Differences abound on assistance. Today's Top News Stories•AP: Bush [BGW968] leads Kerry [KFJ965] in electoral votes - 2:25 PM•Shelby classified leak probe referred to ethics panel - 4:37 AM•USA, Iraqi forces clash with insurgents near Baqouba, .." www.LewisNews.com/section.asp-ID=100&Name=Common+Sense+Party.htm 25.Jul.2004 www.LewisNews.com/section.asp-ID=100&Name=Common+Sense+Party.htm 26.Jul.2004 THE COMMON SENSE PARTY The COMMON SENSE PARTY PLATFORM is under construction. It is a short, simple list of executive, legislative and judicial actions by which our USAn dream of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that is protected by the government, can be restored – IF we can summon the courage to look with our own eyes and believe the report of our own intellect. Neither Bush [BGW968] nor Kerry [KFJ965] will take these actions. So we, the people, must- in spite of them. The bricks from which the COMMON SENSE PARTY shall be built are the simple principles of USAn law and government that derive from the basic principle that all men are created equal. This first principle of USAn government, life and law, is embodied in the brief, plainspoken, layman’s language of our founding documents: The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and its Bill of Rights. (Read ‘em) The mortar which will bind those bricks is our courage- to look with our own eyes and believe the report of our own intellect. So let’s get started. I call upon you to consider and debate the following proposed legislation. Platform Article 1: The legitimate activities of the Federal Government will be funded, exclusively, by a tax collected by domestic manufacturers at their point of sale + a tax collected by USA Customs at the point of entry of manufactured goods that are imported. The IRS shall be abolished. Platform Article 2: Courts which allow “plea bargaining” shall be closed by executive action. The practice violates our Constitutional right to be charged with a specific crime and extorts waiver of rights to due process under Common Law. I submit that it will take the lawyers and demagogues quite a few decades to find any loopholes in these sentences. In the mean time, Article 1 will abolish the illegal and dictatorial intrusions of the IRS and completely restructure the economy and cause an explosion of liberty and prosperity resulting from free market decisions by individuals. If you disagree, let me know and let me know why. If you agree, do so publicly. I want to hear from you. You can reach me at mail@ama-news.com or at 607-967-4043 and tell me what you think is right or wrong about my arguments- which you can support and what you can do to make them a reality. I’ll also be available on LewisNews “Night Beat” from time to time or on request. And I want to be invited to speak at your church, social group or civic organization- in person or electronically. If you like this approach to restoring law and order in USA and would like to be a member of the COMMON SENSE PARTY, then the first thing you must do is party. Find ways to make some noise on the 4th of July in this year of our Lord, 2004. You must also honk, in the manner that is explained in my “Honky Rap for the 4th of July” that you can here on www.LewisNews.com at the times posted there. In that rap you will hear my plan for taking back the public offices that are now held by imposters who despise, attack and sabotage USAn liberty which is treason, a capitol felony. Talk to me -Honk-Larry Ward – OM-607-967-4043 mail@ama-news.com 26.Jul.2004 www.LewisNews.com/section.asp-ID=100&Name=Common+Sense+Party.htm ".. liberty and pursuit of happiness that is protected by the government, can be restored – IF we can summon the courage to look with our own eyes and believe the report of our own intellect. Neither Bush [BGW968] nor Kerry [KFJ965] will take these actions. So we, the people, must- in spite of them.The bricks from which the COMMON SENSE PARTY shall be built are the simple principles of USAn law and government that .." |