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https://www.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/01/29/inv.terror.probe/index.html Bush





00.Sep.2006 »Joe Mungai OrBlog» Prescott Bush, juniors grandfather, helped finance the rise of Adolph ... with the support of industrialists such as Alfred Hugenberg + Gustav Krupp (who ... orbstandard.com/JMungai/?m=20060910
00.000.1930-00.000.1934 THE HOLOCAUST -Timebase Prescott Bush, father of future President George Bush, ...

30.Jun.1933 Alfred Hugenberg, leader of the German Nationalists, resigns from the Cabinet ... www.humanitas-international.org/holocaust/1930-34t.htm
Timebase Multimedia Chronography(TM) - Timebase 1933

07.Mar.1933 Prescott Bush's American Ship and Commerce Corporation notifies Max ...

30.Jun.1933 Alfred Hugenberg, leader of the German Nationalists, ... www.humanitas-international.org/showcase/chronography/timebase/1933tbse.htm
Averell Harriman / Entrepreneur - Economy-point.org

Well-known coworkers are George Herbert Walker + Prescott Bush, which were employees of ER ... Alfred bird » Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt » Alfred Hugenberg ... www.economy-point.org/a/averell-harriman.html
Fritz Thyssen

00.000.1934 (249-250). HUGENBERG ALFRED · Seldes,G. Iron, Blood and Profits.

00.000.1934 (249) ... Tarpley,W.G. Chaitkin,A. George Bush . 1992 (31 40) ... www.namebase.org/main2/Fritz-Thyssen.html
Bush + Hitler: What The 'Torture Memos' Reveal, page 3

... the support of industrialists such as Alfred Hugenberg + Gustav Krupp (who by ... Did Prescott Bush, President GW Bush's grandfather, actually assist ... www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread62498/pg3

11.Feb.2008 Indopedia:People by year/Reports/All - Indopedia, the Indological ...

Jeb Bush · John Bush · Kate Bush · Prescott Bush · Vannevar Bush ... Alfred Hugenberg · William Huggins · Billy Hughes · Charles Evans Hughes ... www.indopedia.org/Indopedia:People_by_year/Reports/All.html

01.Nov.2004 Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte,Nr.45 2004- Die Bush-Doktrin, der Irakkrieg und die amerikanische Demokratie.

The Imperial Presidency Redux: Der 11. September und die Bush - Doktrin ... www.bundestag.de/dasparlament/2004/45/beilage/004.html

11.Feb.2008 Politblog.net » Die offizielle Bushdoktrin gegenüber Demonstranten

Die offizielle Bushdoktrin gegenüber Demonstranten. Die American Civil Liberties Union hat sich in einem Rechtsstreit mit der Regierung Einblick in ein ... politblog.net/nachrichten/2007/07/18/1330-die-offizielle-bushdoktrin-gegenueber-demonstranten/
Bush-Doktrin Die Bush - Doktrin enthält zwei Kerne, schreibt der Politologe Ernst-Otto Czempiel: ...

Dieser Doppelkern der Bush - Doktrin müsse sehr ernst genommen werden. ... www.friederich-mielke.de/kolumne/Bush-Doktrin.htm

11.Feb.2008 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_Brothers_Harriman_&_Co.
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
11.Feb.2008 Brown Brothers Harriman BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN .

Finder,J. Red Carpet.

00.000.1983 (54, 115); Loftus,J. Aarons,M. The Secret War Against the Jews.

00.000.1994 (359-60); Tarpley,WG Chaitkin,A. ... www.namebase.org/xbro/Brown-Brothers-Harriman.html
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | Special ...

00.000.1930 -By the late s- Brown Brothers Harriman, which claimed to be the world's ... Bush + his partners at Brown Brothers Harriman informed the government ... www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,1312540,00.html
Political Friendster - Brown Brothers Harriman - Connections

00.000.1970 -By the s- the relatively unknown international banking firm of Brown Brothers, Harriman, with assets of about one-half billion dollars, had taken in so ... www.politicalfriendster.com/showPerson.php?id=1347&name=Brown-Brothers-Harriman

11.Feb.2008 GeorgeWalkerBush.net -

00.000.1951 -Until- Bush-Nazi Dealings Continued Brown Brothers Harriman, where Prescott Bush + the Harrimans were partners, attempted to ...

"The story of Prescott Bush and Brown Brothers Harriman is an ... www.georgewalkerbush.net/bushnazidealingscontinueduntil1951.htm
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. ( BBH ) is the oldest + largest partnership bank in the USA . [citation needed] The firm has 40 partners and employs ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_Brothers_Harriman_&_Co
VELVETREVOLUTION.US : Jane Millerick is a liar. None of what she said was true, lied about me. ...

The primary election in New Hampshire on Tuesday has left a lot of people ... www.velvetrevolution.us/
00.000.2002–00.000.2003 Rocky Mountain Institute Annual Report - View as HTML
opportunities,environmentally responsible,and no nuclear power) + of ...

2002 op-ed with former CIA Director. R. James Woolsey, a normally oil- ... www.rmi.org/images/PDFs/AboutRMI/AnnualReport02-03.pdf

11.Feb.2008 The Volokh Conspiracy

Dale Klein is affiliated with DAFKA, a pro -Israel group on campus. ... Are right-wing Op - Ed writers more dogmatic and partisan than left-wing writers? ... volokh.com/2003_08_03_volokh_archive.html
08.May 2001 NucNews- Richard Rhodes (" Nuclear Power's New Day," Op - Ed, May 7) appears to buy ... Jiang's visit also drew pro-democracy activists, who called for an end to ... nucnews.net/nucnews/2001nn/0105nn/010508nn.htm
18.Oct.2001 NucNews-

Dale Klein, vice chancellor of special engineering programs for the ...

But if you look at say at the New York Times at the first op-ed they ran by ... nucnews.net/nucnews/2001nn/0110nn/011018nn.htm
Op Ed News- Globalization-WTO-WB-etc

Royce Penstinger: * Dale Klein Announces Coming of Fuel Cycle ...

VERY AFRAID NRC's Dale Klein + George Bush want to make America the worlds nuclear waste ... www.opednews.com/maxwrite/showtags.php?tid=4658

Op Ed News- American Foreign Policy

However, the author does so by focusing on a more concise narration of the economy of the USA written months before by Larry Beinhart and published in Op - Ed ... www.opednews.com/maxwrite/showtags.php?tid=6518

00.000.2001 -Summer-|Vol.1|Issue 1 The Chairman’s Column I hope you ... - View as HTML
We used this opportunity to expose these students to ... special engineering, Dale Klein has been named fellow of the American. Nuclear Society. ... www.me.utexas.edu/alumni/newsletters/2000alum.pdf

11.Feb.2008 Manufacturing Consent for WWIII. by Michael Barker ...

The paper’s op-eds + editorials are even more slanted, as 90% of editorials + 93% of op-eds suggest Iran is developing nuclear weapons, as opposed to 0 % ... dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2007/11/23/manufacturing-consent-for-world-war-iii-by-michael-barker/
Bush + Cheney: All Dressed up + no Place to Go by Prof ...

The Difference Between Obama + Clinton on Nuclear Weapons ... They are scurrying in all directions with op - eds in far right media to discredit the U.S.

01.Mar.2007 Deanna Spingola- The One World Order: Terror for Profit - Part 20 ...

With money from Brown Brothers Harriman, George H. W. Bush, with partners Hugh + ... General Prosper Avril, Ferdinand Marcos + others. www.newswithviews.com/Spingola/deanna67.htm
Who is Bush? | Newsblog | Guardian Unlimited actually Prescott Bush worked for Avril Harriman

in the forty's during WWII. ... https://www.newamericancentury.org/russia-20040928.htm .

Offensive? ... blogs.guardian.co.uk/news/2006/02/who_is_bush.html
Important legal information - Fidelity International

The custodian of the funds is Brown Brothers Harriman (Luxembourg) S.C.A.

19.Apr.2006 ... Par décision de la Commision Fédérale des Banques en date du , ... www.fidelity-international.com/misc/legal_information.html
DC Indymedia: SUDANESE JOURNALIST tortured in prison while ...

Prescott Bush, Bush jr's grandfather, was on the executive along with Avril Harriman, of the Thyssen Corp., Thysson was the finance Capitalist who headed up ... dc.indymedia.org/newswire/display/142133/index.php
Oil, Guns + Drugs – The Money Triangle And in the post-war period, Brown Brothers Harriman were also involved in ...

Avril Harriman and Brown Brothers Harriman Bank and its connections to the ... www.williambowles.info/ini/ini-0136.html

11.Feb.2008 Political Affairs Magazine - The U.S. Was Against Torture Before ...

Japan's use of the technique as a tool of interrogation was very common and ... in beastiality the 'run of the mine' brutality established in this case." ... www.politicalaffairs.net/article/view/6038/1/290
Five New Law & Order Spinoffs « Without Politicians

Waterboarding is not torture, it’s an interrogation technique .

Should we teach children to not hate beastiality and pedophilia?

These taboos are next. withoutpoliticians.wordpress.com/2008/01/23/five-new-law-order-spinoffs/
Code 3 Associates ... interview & interrogation techniques ; evidence collection, ... satanic, cult & beastiality investigations; facility standards & inspections; ... www.code3associates.org/NCIS.php

Valentine's Day | Mike Luckovich | ajc.com

It is specifically prohibited by Field Manual 2-22.3 and is not a sanctioned interrogation technique in any training manual or any instructions to soldiers ... www.ajc.com/opinion/content/shared-blogs/ajc/luckovich/entries/2008/02/06/valentines_day.html
The Stranger Forums - Eggnog, what are your favorite drugs?

... on Lennon providing him was the normalization of beastiality towards the ... post interrogation techniques for hiding torture and that, from someone ... forums.thestranger.com/showthread.php?t=9644
All This Is That: The CIA Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation ...

The following are the principal coercive techniques of interrogation : arrest, detention, deprivation of sensory stimuli through solitary confinement or ... jackbrummet.blogspot.com/2007/02/cia-kubark-counterintelligence.html

00.Sep.2005 Law Enforcement News- Will proposed beastiality law get a ‘neigh’ vote in Washington?

... homicide interrogations under a law that took effect

18.Jul.2005 while in Wisconsin, ... www.lib.jjay.cuny.edu/len/2005/09/crazy information, random + interesting documents.

All techniques described in the files of this series have been tested and are proven to work if ... The Complete Guide to Beastiality and Necro- Beastiality ... www.bombshock.com/archive/Misc/

Unfairness After the vaunted enhanced interrogation techniques got him to confess to an impressive range of crimes -- many already claimed by others -- he was ... www.irishblogs.ie/categories/unfairness/
Rendition + American Torture: The Loss of our Morality and our ...

In his 172-page response to Senate Judiciary committee questions, Mukasey refused to comment on the legality of any specific interrogation techniques
TP: Endlich einmal eine Verschwörungstheorie aus deutschen Landen

Die RAF und der Verein Atlantik-Brücke - ein fürwahr mörderischer Komplott ... "Vielleicht haben die Gunst der Atlantik-Brücke inzwischen schon ganz andere ... www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/8/8114/1.html
"Die Sorgen um AIG ziehen andere Finanztitel in Mitleidenschaft und wirken sich eindeutig negativ auf die Stimmung aus", sagte Michael James von Wedbush Morgan.
Der Kurs des weltgrößten Versicherungskonzern American International Group (AIG) ist nach der Ankündigung möglicher zusätzlicher Kreditrisiken an der Börse massiv abgestürzt.

Die Aktie brach zeitweise um mehr als elf % auf rund 45 Dollar ein.
Eine Beteiligung des Bundes ist notwendig, weil die IKB eine kurzfristige Kapitalspritze von rund 500 Millionen Euro braucht.

Insgesamt fehlen der Bank wegen Abschreibungen auf ihre Wertpapiere bis zu zwei Milliarden Euro.

In welchem Umfang sich die Privatbanken + die KfW Bankengruppe, die größter Anteilseigner der IKB ist, an dem Rettungspaket beteiligen,sei dagegen noch nicht klar, hieß es

laut "Handelsblatt" in Verhandlungskreisen weiter
Washington - Der Mitarbeiter des Verteidigungsministeriums, Gregg William Bergersen, wird zusammen mit Tai Shen Kuo und Yu Xing Kang aus New Orleans der Spionage verdächtigt.
Spionage: US- Regierungsmitarbeiter soll Militärgeheimnisse an China verraten haben (Politik)
11.Feb.2008 Bank- Notfallplan: Bundesregierung will IKB mit Steuergeldern retten (Wirtschaft)
11.Feb.2008 Finanzmarkt- Turbulenzen: Weltgrößter Versicherer schlittert in die Krise

11.Feb.2008 US- Flugsicherheitspläne: "Unsinnig und skandalös" (Reise)
11.Feb.2008 Großbritannien: Oberhaupt der Anglikaner verteidigt Scharia- Vorstoß (Politik)
11.Feb.2008 Bundeswehr: SPD lehnt massive Erweiterung des Afghanistan- Mandats ab (Politik)
11.Feb.2008 Fusionsfieber in den USA: Kampf der Flug- Dinosaurier

11.Feb.2008 "Columbus"- Labor: Astronauten beginnen Außenbordeinsatz

11.Feb.2008 Schweizer Gemäldesammlung: Größter Kunstraub in der Geschichte Europas (Kultur)
11.Feb.2008 Webkampf: Yahoo lehnt Microsofts Übernahmeangebot ab (Wirtschaft)
11.Feb.2008 https://www.copyriot.com/sinistra/magazine/sin03/quer.html
... getrennt marschieren, vereint schlagen!? - nationalrevolutionäre ideologie und strategie ...

internationalistisch, antikolonialistisch, antiimperialistisch, antikapitalistisch, gegen sexismus, rassismus und umweltzerstörung- so stellen sich manche die ideale linke vor. wer oder was mit solchen begriffen gelabelt wird, gilt als modern, progressiv, aufgeklärt, kann somit kein schlechter mensch sein. trotzdem schmückt sich auch eine ganz und gar nicht emanzipatorisch gesinnte fraktion des politischen spektrums gern mit den genannten attributen - nämlich jener teil der rechten der auf von „linken“ veranstalteten demos mit palituch bewehrt die verbrechen israels anprangert, in diversen publikationen den „völkerzerstörenden charakter“ des kapitalismus beklagt und sich des nachts eine gemeinsame front von linken, rechten und islamistinnen herbeiträumt. wie diese leute (im weiteren als nationalrevolutionäre bezeichnet) auf solche ideen kommen, wie das früher war und wie die linke sich dazu verhalten kann, das erklärt der vorliegende artikel.

... früher/damals/jetzt ...

momentan sind treffen, absprachen und praktische zusammenarbeit zwischen links- und rechtsradikalen (noch?) die ausnahme von der regel. dass dem nicht immer so war, soll im folgenden kurz angerissen werden.

viele führende theoretikerinnen des italienischen und französischen faschismus etwa stammten ursrpünglich aus der linken, waren syndikalisten und marxistinnen, wie zeev sternhell in seinem buch „die entstehung der faschistischen ideologie“ aufzeigt. als wichtige namen seien hier georges sorel und benito mussolini genannt. auch in der weimarer republik, vor allem im dunstkreis der protagonistinnen der „konservativen revolution“ und des nationalbolschewismus, verwischten sich die eindeutigen links-rechts-zuordnungen.

dazu trug von linker seite stark die kpd bei, die mehrmals gemeinsame aktionen
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ The Elephant in the Room dr. elsewhere here
For several months now, I've been watching the debates for the BIG set of questions that personally I want to see addressed, the answers to which would have made + would still make, an enormous difference in how I cast my vote. Assuming, of course, there is a difference in the candidates' answers.
Before Edwards bowed out, he danced closer to the creature than anyone else, but never confronted it. Still, I held at least an inkling of hope that he would at some point bring it up directly and pointedly, but alas, that did not happen. And now, with what is left, I'd say it's up for grabs + a lot hangs in the balance.
And it's all about this damn Elephant in the Room. This
powerful, fat, mean, aggressive, sick, renegade, but exceedingly well-tended monster + NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT.
At least, not in the debates or within the rubric of the Presidential campaigns.

11.Feb.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Moreover, it is our Constitutional duty to excise this vile cancer on the Presidency, to quote John Dean. And we must do a thorough job this time, because we didn't with Nixon + we didn't with Iran-Contra + look who took over the government when we weren't really looking.
This big, fat, stinkin' Elephant in the Room.

11.Feb.2008 Obama Surpasses Clinton in Numbers of Pledged Delegates With Weekend Sweep -- A BuzzFlash Editor's Blog

11.Feb.2008 Learn About How to Frame Progressive Issues. We Highly Recommend the Latest Edition of Our BuzzFlash Exclusive Weekly Column from George Lakoff's Rockridge Institute: -- "Ask Rockridge: O Ye of Little Faigh.
Early Morning Jokes for February 11 -- Tony Peyser

11.Feb.2008 P.M. Carpenter: Could It Be True? The Whole GOP Death-Wish Thing? 'It's hard to imagine any party as suicidal as the Democratic, but this year we may have a real contender. For there they are, those ideologically disheveled and disoriented Republicans, still "weighing the benefits" of staying in bed with the one who so dramatically disheveled and disoriented them.' 2/12

11.Feb.2008 BuzzFlash NEEDS Your Financial Support, Like Really. It's That Simple.
Clintons Go Ballistic Over Remark About Their Daughter Made By MSNBC Host -- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser
Obama is Now the Official Winner in Maine. He Sweeps Four States and the Virgin Islands This Weekend. Not Only Did Obama Grab Every Contest on Saturday and Sunday, He Swept by Huge Margins.
Clinton campaign manager out: "The campaign of Sen. Hillary Clinton announced today that Patti Solis Doyle was out as campaign manager. Chicagoan and long-time Clinton loyalist, Solis Doyle will be reassigned to a new position in the campaign."
"Gates: Iraq drawdown may be delayed" Now, why does that not surprise us. 2/11
You Can Post Your Favorite News Stories and Vote on Others at BuzzFlash.net

11.Feb.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ The intellectual head of the movement, Ümit Sayin, is a Hitler admirer.

Here's an intriguing bit of speculation: Some have speculated that legalizing the nuclear trade with Turkey is the Bush administration's way of retroactively legalizing the activities of any of the shadowy governmental figures that the Times alleges were involved with the illicit commerce, so that they cannot be touched in the event that their alleged misdoings are exposed. (Many thanks, as always, to Larisa...) Permalink
11.Feb.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-534454,00.html
Sollte sich der Verdacht bewahrheiten, dass Nestlé oder Parmalat "unter Ausübung von Druck oder Erpressung, etwa, indem sie Geld im Voraus bieten" alle Rohmilch aufkauften und die staatlichen Molkereien ohne den Rohstoff dastünden, dann sei das "Sabotage", sagte Chávez weiter. Angesichts einer "wirtschaftlichen Verschwörung" sei die Regierung gezwungen zu handeln.
Die IKB war die erste Bank in Deutschland, die wegen der Krise auf dem US-Immobilienmarkt in schwere Turbulenzen geriet.

Branchenexperten halten es für wahrscheinlich, dass noch weitere Milliardenlöcher auftauchen werden. "Solange der Kursverlust bei Wertpapieren sich fortsetzt, wird sich
Anti- Terror- Kampf: Staatsanwaltschaft fordert Todesstrafe für sechs Guantanamo- Häftlinge

11.Feb.2008 Kritik von Kleinaktionären: Schwarzbuch Börse prangert Fehlverhalten großer Konzerne an
11.Feb.2008 Staatliche Empfehlung: Sex soll Briten fit machen (Wissenschaft)
11.Feb.2008 Neues Milliardenloch: IKB- Aktie geht auf Talfahrt (Wirtschaft)
11.Feb.2008 Honda Accord: Der Akkord- Arbeiter

11.Feb.2008 Seoul: Feuer vernichtet 600 Jahre altes Stadttor

11.Feb.2008 Transatlantikflüge: USA wollen Europäern schärfere Regeln für Luftsicherheit aufzwingen

11.Feb.2008 Einsatz im Irak: Gates will US- Truppenabzug stoppen (Politik)
11.Feb.2008 Sabotage- Vorwurf: Venezuela warnt Nestlé & Co vor Enteignung (Wirtschaft)
11.Feb.2008 Ernährung: Süßstoffe machen dick

11.Feb.2008 SMS- Geld: Vodafone bringt Handy- Überweisung nach Afghanistan
11.Feb.2008 Streit um Verstaatlichung: Chávez droht USA mit Ölboykott (Wirtschaft)
11.Feb.2008 7:04 a.m. EST cleveland.com: NewsFlash US Marine accused of rape in Japan

... critically wounded East Timor's president and opened fire on the prime minister Monday in a ... www.cleveland.com/newsflash/international/index.ssf
Real-Time Reports on Ohio, National + World News - Cleveland.com

Police said the cause of the blaze was unclear but officials said arson was ...

East Timor's president and opened fire on the prime minister Monday in a ...www.cleveland.com/newsflash/
The top world news and international headlines from Yahoo! News

U.N. police from Portugal patrol outside the office of East Timor Prime Minister ... Monet and Vincent van Gogh, from a Zurich museum, police said Monday. news.yahoo.com/i/721
St. Vincent prime minister cleared of rape allegation ...

KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent : St. Vincent's prime minister was cleared by a prosecutor Monday of allegations he raped a police officer assigned to guard his home. www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/02/05/news/St-Vincent-PM-Rape-Allegation.php

Nov.2005 Billiges Geld: EZB lässt die Zinsen im Keller ...

Law says that Americans should start caring about the denial of legal process to prisoners held ... alfatomega.com/20051104.html
More Than 250 Iraqi Torture Victims Come Forward to Sue CACI for ...

CACI et al" alleges that these victims were repeatedly sodomized, threatened with ...

Shereef Akeel of Akeel & Valentine, PLC said, "The men and women we ... www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS139831+18-Dec-2007+PRN20071218

More Than 250 Iraqi Torture Victims Come Forward to Sue CACI for ...

Indeed, CACI employees Big Steve + DJ directed such harsh torture that both Graner ...

Shereef Akeel of Akeel & Valentine, PLC said, "The men and women we ... windowintopalestine.blogspot.com/2007/12/more-than-250-iraqi-torture-victims.html
More Than 250 Torture Victims Come Forward to Sue CACI for ..

18.Dec.2007 ... CACI employees did not play a limited, passive, or secondary role in ... Shereef Akeel of Akeel & Valentine, PLC said, “The men and women we ...
Corporation Responsible for Interrogations at Abu Ghraib Will Be ...

06.Nov.2007 ... Shereef Akeel of Akeel & Valentine, PLC said, “This is a real victory for ... command + control of CACI ’s employees will be for the jury.
New Evidence Of Recent Torture In Iraq By Lisa Ashkenaz Croke

Akeel and his colleagues are working in concert with the Center for Constitutional Rights to sue the US companies CACI International, Inc. and Titan Corp., ... www.countercurrents.org/iraq-croke310804.htm

Antiwar.com Blog · Iraq Contractor Threatens Antiwar.com Partner

CACI International, the contracting firm accused of systematic torture and ...

Akeel had teamed up with attorneys in Philadelphia and New York to work with ... www.antiwar.com/blog/2004/10/09/iraq-contractor-threatens-antiwarcom-partner/

Torture and Rape Rampant in Iraq Prisons - by Lisa Ashkenaz Croke

24.Sep.2004 While many of the detention centers where Akeel's clients say abuses took place ... of Titan + CACI employees contracted to the prisons. ... www.antiwar.com/orig/croke.php?articleid=3645

Center For Constitutional Rights: Corporation Responsible For ...

The Center for Constitutional Rights, Burke O’Neil LLC + Akeel Valentine brought ... The court today ruled that the case could go forward against CACI, ... www.commondreams.org/news2007/1106-16.htm

Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR): More Than 250 Torture ...

More Than 250 Torture Victims Come Forward to Sue CACI for Participating in ... Shereef Akeel of Akeel & Valentine, PLC said, “The men and women we ... www.commondreams.org/news2007/1218-05.htm

Michigan Lawyers Weekly: Feature Article In

00.Jun.200- - with the aid of a legal team that includes the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights, Akeel brought a class action against CACI ... www.michlaw.com/loty2004/akeel.cfm

Law.com - Standing at the Floodgates

But the complaint contains no specific allegations that individual Titan + CACI employees actually abused the prisoners. Akeel maintains they will find ... www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1088138438674

FinancialContent.com - Stock Quotes and Business News

More Than 250 Iraqi Torture Victims Come Forward to Sue CACI for ...

Shereef Akeel of Akeel & Valentine, PLC said, "The men and women we represent have been ... business.kyw.com/www.brocade.com?GUID=4104232&Page=MediaViewer&ChannelID=3197
World | Abu Graib Torture Corporation CACI To Be Tried in US

The action was filed 00.000.2004 against CACI + Titan, both of which were named in the ... The Center for Constitutional Rights, Burke O’Neil LLC + Akeel ... www.indymedia.org.uk/en/regions/world/2007/11/385305.html

Iraq Torture Investigators Reveal Scores of New Cases - The ...

Michigan-based attorney Shereef Akeel told The NewStandard that he has not ... CACI + Titan have both denied having had anything to do with instances of ... newstandardnews.net/content/index.cfm/items/1359
Abuse, Torture and Rape Reported at Unlisted U.S.-run Prisons in ...

While many of the detention centers where Akeel ?s clients say abuses took ... names + photographs of Titan + CACI employees contracted to the prisons. newstandardnews.net/content/action=show_item&itemid=1029
CorpWatch : Prison Interrogation for Profit

15.Sep.2004 ... CACI + Titan have regularly denied such allegations against their ... Once at the detention facilities, Akeel says that detainees are ... www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=11524

Conspiracy Planet - Criminal Government - CACI (Torture ... Since we couldn't get CACI or the Army to tell us whether CACI employees have ...

Akeel had teamed up with attorneys in Philadelphia and New York to work ...www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=2&contentid=1596&page=2

Interactivist Info Exchange Collaborative Authorship, Collective ...

Akeel and his colleagues are working in concert with the Center for Constitutional Rights to sue the US companies CACI International, Inc. + ... info.interactivist.net/print.pl?sid=04/08/31/151220
[Peace-discuss] 250 Iraqis suing CACI for Abu Graib / CACI data ...

CACI is a private military contractor, Consolidated Analysis Centers, Inc + CACI ...

Shereef Akeel of Akeel & Valentine, PLC said, "The men and women we ... lists.chambana.net/mailman/archive/peace-discuss/2008-January/015208.html
Chicago Indymedia: More Than 250 Torture Victims Come Forward to ...

CACI employees did not play a limited, passive, or secondary role in this torture, ... Shereef Akeel of Akeel & Valentine, PLC said, “The men and women we ... chicago.indymedia.org/newswire/display/80664/index.php
[NYTr] Torture Firm Threatens Alternative Media

I am confident that this threat the CACI is an attempt to silence one of the ... that is, until lawyer Shereef Akeel + his colleagues at the Center for ... blythe-systems.com/pipermail/nytr/Week-of-Mon-20041011/007437.html
[Local_activists] Torture corporados threaten alternative news web ... COM) CACI International, the contracting firm accused of systematic torture and ... that is, until lawyer Shereef Akeel and his colleagues at the Center for ... www.lists.opn.org/pipermail/org.opn.lists.local_activists/2004-October/001024.html

More Than 250 Iraqi Torture Victims Come Forward to Sue CACI for ... CACI et al" alleges that these victimswere repeatedly sodomized, threatened with rape ...

Shereef Akeel of Akeel & Valentine, PLC said, "The men and women ... www.ibtimes.com/prnews/20071218/dc-burke-oneil-iraq.htm

Bloomberg.com: Investment Tools More Than 250 Iraqi Torture Victims Come Forward to Sue CACI ...

Shereef Akeel of Akeel & Valentine, PLC said, "The men and women we represent have been ... www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=conewsstory&refer=conews&tkr=CAI:US&sid=a_RsdjZLASfA

[RG] Fw: New Evidence of *Recent* Torture in Iraq - NewStandard ...

Akeel and his colleagues are working in concert with the Center for > Constitutional Rights to sue the US companies CACI International, Inc. and > Titan ... lists.econ.utah.edu/pipermail/rad-green/2004-August/015509.html
Discourse.net: Military Contractor to Face the Jury in Torture Claim The action was filed 00.000.2004 against CACI + Titan, both of which were named in the ...

The Center for Constitutional rights, Burke O’Neil LLC + Akeel ... www.discourse.net/archives/2007/11/military_contractor_to_face_the_jury_in_torture_claim.html

Up & Coming Today Akeel is representing him and others in a class-action suit against CACI International Inc. of Arlington, Va. + Titan Corp. of San Diego. ... www.jmls.edu/intheloop/previous/2004/09192004/index.htm

Democracy Now! | CACI Awarded Millions in New Govt. Contracts ... The private military firm CACI International was recently awarded ...

So this gentleman walked into my co-counsel Shereef Akeel ’s office out in the Detroit ... www.democracynow.org/2008/1/14/caci_awarded_millions_in_new_gvt

Shereef Akeel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [2] In

00.Jun.2007 Akeel brought a class action lawsuit against CACI International Inc. and Titan Corp. These two agencies were hired by the U.S Army to ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shereef_Akeel
Iraqi in Abu Ghraib Saw Captors Rape and Kill

CACI rejected and denied the allegations as "a preposterous lie. ... bound their hands and raped them in front of Saleh and 30 other detainees, Akeel said. ... www.truthout.org/docs_2006/070304B.shtml

Civilian Contractors CACI + Titan Sued Over Iraq Operations The Center for Constitutional Rights yesterday sued CACI International Inc. ...

"We have not heard everything yet," said Shereef Akeel, a Michigan lawyer ... www.truthout.org/docs_2006/061204I.shtml

Abuse + Torture + Rape Reported at 25 Unlisted U.S.-Run Prisons ...

During an interview with Alomari and attorney Shereef Akeel, TNS reviewed ... a lawsuit against private security firms Titan Corp and CACI International. www.veteransforcommonsense.org/index.cfm/Page/Article/ID/2064

Det danske Fredsakademis kronologi over fredssagen og ...

Named as defendants in the suit are Titan Corp. of San Diego + CACI ... as well as Shereef Hadi Akeel of Melamed Daily & Akeel in Huntington Woods, Mich., ... www.fredsakademiet.dk/tid/2000/2004/juni04.htm
.com - Transcripts But after traveling to Iraq, lawyer Shareef Akeel is convinced that the interrogators from CACI and translators for another firm, California-based Titan, ... transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0409/09/pzn.00.html
20.Dec.2007 « Muslim in Suffer More Than 250 Iraqi Torture Victims Come Forward to Sue CACI for ...

Shereef Akeel of Akeel & Valentine, PLC said, “The men and women we represent have been ... musliminsuffer.wordpress.com/2007/12/20/

Abuse While many of the detention centers where Akeel ’s clients say abuses took ... a lawsuit against private security firms Titan Corp and CACI International. www.ccmep.org/2004_articles/iraq/092304_abuse.htm

smygo : Message: Iraq Torture Investigators Reveal Scores of New Cases

Michigan-based attorney Shereef Akeel told The NewStandard that he has not had time to count up ... the suit accuses the publicly traded corporations CACI ... groups.yahoo.com/group/smygo/message/5627
rnrs : Message: [moon] Contractors Sued Over Abu Ghraib Abuses

Named as defendants in the suit are Titan Corp. of San Diego and CACI ... and Jules Lobel -- as well as Shereef Hadi Akeel of Melamed Daily & ... groups.yahoo.com/group/rnrs/message/2411
Irish Republican News Bulletin Board > Torture and Rape Rampant In ...

During an interview with Alomari and attorney Shereef Akeel, TNS reviewed ... a lawsuit against private security firms Titan Corp. and CACI International. ... www.irlnet.com/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t3706.html

Abu Ghraib torture victims sue CACI | Presscue

Records show that the US Army contracted CACI to provide up to 60 ... they lived at the hands of their torturers,"Shereef Akeel of Akeel & Valentine, PLC, ... presscue.com/node/29746
Sumoud :: Michigan lawyer sues for Iraqi man over Abu Ghraib The visitor, whom Akeel will identify only as "Saleh," explained to the ...

The defendants are Virginia-based CACI International Inc. and Titan Corp. of San ... sumoud.tao.ca/?q=node/view/128
Environmentalists Against War

"He told me he wanted to go to Iraq; he wanted to investigate these cases." Lawsuits Target Titan Corp. and CACI International Akeel had teamed up with ... www.envirosagainstwar.org/know/read.php?itemid=1875

Portsmouth Herald World/National News: Courting Iraq's abused ...

The caller, an Iraqi with Swedish citizenship, walked into Akeel ’s office ... The defendants are Virginia-based CACI International Inc. and Titan Corp. of ... seacoastauction.com/2004news/10242004/world/44746.htm
The Peace Table: 50 Secret Prisons in Iraq

Though the findings have been limited to activities at Abu Ghraib, Akeel says they still provide evidence of private Contractors at both Titan + CACI ... thepeacetable.blogspot.com/2005/02/50-secret-prisons-in-iraq.html
Shereef Akeel, Schema-Root news

Cross-referenced news and research resources about Shereef Akeel .

CACI Awarded Millions in New Govt. Contracts Despite Being Accused ... uruknet.info ... schema-root.org/people/career/lawyers/shereef_akeel/
00.Oct.2004 JUSTWATCH-L archives -(#439)

If there were justice in this world, Virginia-based CACI International Inc. ...

The visitor, whom Akeel will identify only as "Saleh," explained he had been ... listserv.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0410&L=justwatch-l&D=1&O=D&P=55222
The Raw Story | Ex-detainees sue Abu Ghraib contractor over ...

18.Dec.2007 "This suit against CACI, a private contractor, may be one of the few ... by the law firms of Burke O'Neil LLC and Akeel & Valentine, PLC. awstory.com/news/2007/Abu_Ghraib_prisoners_sue_private_contractor_1218.html
Casa Grande Valley Newspapers Inc.

The visitor, whom Akeel will identify only as "Saleh," explained he had been ...

The defendants are Virginia-based CACI International Inc. and Titan Corp. www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=13209437&BRD=1817&PAG=461&dept_id=213511&rfi=6

Al-Muhajabah's Islamic Blogs: Iraq Torture Investigators Reveal ...

Michigan-based attorney Shereef Akeel told The NewStandard that he has not had ... the suit accuses the publicly traded corporations CACI International + ... www.muhajabah.com/islamicblog/archives/the_clipboard/010156.php

Prisoner Rape in the News - Stop Prisoner Rape

Michigan-based attorney Shereef Akeel told The NewStandard that he has not had ... the suit accuses the publicly traded corporations CACI International and ... www.spr.org/en/news/2004/1231.asp

Andrew Maykuth Online | maykuth.com Titan + CACI have denied any involvement in illegal acts. ... collected from Iraqis by Shereef Hadi Akeel, a Michigan lawyer originally from Egypt. www.maykuth.com/stories/lawyer825.htm

tBlog - Anti-Neoconservative Weblog

Akeel and his colleagues are working in concert with the Center for Constitutional Rights to sue the US companies CACI International Inc. and Titan Corp., ... checkitout.tblog.com/archive/2004/08/
Wild River Review For Shareef Akeel, the son of Egyptian immigrants, the War on Terror had little ... The suit sought both monetary damages and to bar Titan + CACI from ... www.wildriverreview.com/spotlight_abughraib.php

Wild River Review ... filed a class action suit against private contractors Titan + CACI Corporations, ... Part III follows the continuing efforts of Akeel, Burke, Heyman, ... www.wildriverreview.com/spotlight_abughraib_part2.php
Litigation Professional Information Center: Group Sues Titan, CACI, Says Iraqi Prisoners Were Tortured to Let Firms Win ...

Shereef Hadi Akeel of Melamed, Dailey & Akeel in Huntington Woods, Mich.; ... litigationcenter.bna.com/pic2/lit.nsf/id/BNAP-622TJD?OpenDocument
Taipei Times - archives The visitor, whom Akeel will identify only as "Saleh," explained he had been ...

The defendants are Virginia-based CACI International Inc and Titan Corp of ... www.taipeitimes.com/News/world/archives/2004/10/22/2003207960

Shereef Akeel -News,photos,topics+quotes-Daylife

...outside the law + begins to answer the question of how CACI will be held accountable for the atrocities at Abu Ghraib.” Shereef Akeel of Akeel ... www.daylife.com/words/Shereef_Akeel

Abu Ghraib Prisoners Accuse US Companies of Torture FANNY CARRIER ...

Titan + CACI International were hired by the Army to provide ... Detroit-based lawyer Shereef Akeel, who is representing some of the Abu Ghraib plaintiffs ... www.mindfully.org/Reform/2007/Abu-Ghraib-Torture2oct07.htm

00.Aug.2005 Looney Laws and Lawsuits and Paralegal Advice»

The caller, an Iraqi with Swedish citizenship, walked into Akeel ’s office ... The defendants are Virginia-based CACI International Inc and Titan Corp of San ... paralegalcoursesonline.com/alerts/date/2005/08/
Torture for Profit [One] Sergeant indicated that CACI employees were in positions of authority, ... Detroit attorney, Shereef Akeel, who is working on the lawsuit, ... www.gnn.tv/print/110/Torture_for_Profit

The Toll of War | DaytonDailyNews.com Attorney Shereef Akeel didn't know whether to believe the Iraqi man who came ... in

00.Jun.200- that accuses the private contractors CACI International Inc. and ... www.daytondailynews.com/project/content/project/iraq/daily/1025detainees.html

Obsidian Wings: The Abu Ghraib RICO Case: Part III.

CACI supplied interrogators for Abu Ghraib and is alleged, ... by one of the CCR attorneys, Shereef Akeel (scroll to Exhibit J in this document). ... obsidianwings.blogs.com/obsidian_wings/2004/10/the_abu_ghraib__1.html
IslamicAwakening.Com: Iraqi in Abu Ghraib Saw Captors Rape, Kill ...

CACI rejected and denied the allegations as ``a preposterous lie. ... bound their hands and raped them in front of Saleh and 30 other detainees, Akeel said. ... www.islamicawakening.com/viewnews.php?newsID=2135&
Profiting for Abu Graib; CACI + Titan have regularly denied such allegations against their employees and a ...

Detroit attorney, Shereef Akeel, who is working on the lawsuit, ... www.couplescompany.com/Features/Politics/2004/PrisonProfit.htm

CACI Awarded Millions in New Govt. Contracts Despite Being Accused ...

The private military firm CACI International was recently awarded ... So this gentleman walked into my co-counsel Shereef Akeel ’s office out in the Detroit ... www.uruknet.de/?p=40101

Daily Kos: Mercenaries and their lawyers CACI + Titan were both involved in the abuse at Abu Ghraib, ...

Akeel had teamed up with attorneys in Philadelphia + New York to work with the Center ... www.dailykos.com/story/2004/10/11/163222/03

Torture under US Custody to be Examined by the Judiciary, Judge ... in

00.000.2004 The action was filed against CACI + Titan, both private security ... Shereef Akeel of Akeel & Valentine, PC said, “This is a real victory for the ... www.asiantribune.com/?q=node/8201

Robert Greenwald on CACI's role at Abu Ghraib - AOL Video CACI made $$ torturing at Abu Ghraib then cov... Not Yet Rated: ... Susan, un avvocato del Michigan, Shereef Akeel, e il Center for costitutional rights . ...
video.aol.com/video-detail/robert-greenwald-on- cacis-role-at-abu-ghraib/858396786
News and Opinion on Iraq Further it alleges that CACI International and Titan created a joint enterprise ... Shereef Hadi Akeel of Melamed, Dailey & Akeel, said, “America is about ... www.williambowles.info/iraq/ccr_torture.html
Coalition confirms killing two senior Taliban commanders in Musa ...

CACI et al" alleges that these victims were repeatedly sodomized, ... and Shereef Hadi Akeel, of Akeel & Valentine, PLC, of Birmingham, Michigan. ... www.afgha.org/?q=node/5352/10450
Intel Firm Denies Torture Conspiracy CACI says Canyon Country translator was misidentified; Titan says attorneys ...

Melamed, Dailey & Akeel in Michigan; Susan Feathers of the University of ... www.scvhistory.com/scvhistory/signal/iraq/sg061104a.htm
The Randi Rhodes Show > HOLY SHIT! a freakin lawsuit by CACI? ... that is, until lawyer Shereef Akeel and his colleagues at the Center for ...

Is this something that CACI would want--giving an opposing counsel an open ... forums.therandirhodesshow.com/lofiversion/index.php/t69333-100.html
The Randi Rhodes Show - Message Board

The Center for Constitutional Rights, Burke O’Neil LLC + Akeel Valentine PLC ... employees were obliged to report abuse up the chain of command at CACI . forums.therandirhodesshow.com/index.php?showtopic=121922&mode=threaded I WANT CHANGE!!! iwantchange.org Further it alleges that CACI International and Titan created a joint enterprise ... Shereef Hadi Akeel of Melamed, Dailey & Akeel, said “America is about ... www.iwantchange.org/corp_rule.php?id=181
CCR Files Lawsuit Against Private Contractors for Torture ...

Further it alleges that CACI International and Titan created a joint enterprise ... Shereef Hadi Akeel of Melamed, Dailey & Akeel, said, America is about ... www.newsfrombabylon.com/story/2004/ccr-files-lawsuit-against-private-contractors-torture-conspiracy
JREGrassroots > Mercenaries And Lawyers

The injunction asks that the court require all CACI interrogators to receive proper ... Added Shereef Akeel, who met with the recently released detainees, ... www.jregrassroots.org/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t8136.html
Oped 1 -- The Daily Cougar Online Akeel is part of the legal team representing former Iraqi prison detainees in a class action lawsuit against CACI International and Titan Corp., ... www.thedailycougar.com/static/vol70/14/opinion/oped1.html
20060515 The visit of the US delegation that included the CACI head exposes a ... Akeel had teamed up with attorneys in Philadelphia and New York to work with the ... alfatomega.com/20060515.html
Mass Tort Litigation Blog: Class Action Suit Against Military ...

Having lost this summary judgment motion, CACI will now have to face a jury ... for Constitutional Rights along with a private lawyer, Akeel Valentine PC, ... lawprofessors.typepad.com/mass_tort_litigation/2007/11/class-action-su.html
JUSTWATCH-L archives -- June 2004 (#325) CACI strongly rejected the allegations, calling them "false and malicious".

... Shereef Akeel, another lawyer for the victims, said his clients had little ... listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0406& L=justwatch-l&D=1&O=D&P=41075
Lawsuit Filed Against US Contractors Over Iraq Abuse

"We believe that CACI + Titan engaged in a conspiracy to torture and abuse ... the stories are coming out," said Shereef Hadi Akeel, a Detroit-based ... forums.canadiancontent.net/international-politics/33849-lawsuit-filed-against-u-s.html
Lawsuit ties Titan to abuse at Iraq prison | The San Diego Union ...

Also named as a defendant is CACI International Inc., a Virginia-based contractor ... in a car dealership or mechanic's shop, said his lawyer Shereef Akeel . www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20040702/news_1b2titan.html
RTV NERUDA - La humanidad es la única propietaria del conocimiento CACI Awarded Millions in New Govt. Contracts Despite Being Accused of ...

So this gentleman walked into my co-counsel Shereef Akeel ’s office out in the ... www.rtvneruda.com/index.php?op=news&id=1900
France 24 - world : 03/10/07: Maliki questions validity of ... Titan + CACI International were hired by the Army to provide. ... Detroit-based lawyer Shereef Akeel, who is representing some of the Abu Ghraib ...
You Will Anyway: Lawsuit against civilian contractors CACI + Titan

Lawsuit against civilian contractors CACI + Titan ... bound their hands and raped them in front of Saleh and 30 other detainees, Akeel said. youwillanyway.blogspot.com/2004/07/lawsuit-against-civilian-contractors.html
4um: Ex-detainees sue Abu Ghraib contractor over notorious torture

The complaint is an revised version of a suit first brought against CACI and another ... by the law firms of Burke O'Neil LLC + Akeel & Valentine, PLC. ... www.freedom4um.com/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=68903
Turks.US Daily News - Iraqis Sue US Contractors Over Abuse

"CACI summarily rejects and denies the ill-informed, slanderous and malicious ... Shereef Akeel, a Detroit lawyer, said the people he helps represent in the ... www.turks.us/article.php?story=20040610212218563
Abuse, Torture And Rape Reported At Unlisted U.S.-Run Prisons In ...

During an interview with Alomari and attorney Shereef Akeel, TNS reviewed ... a lawsuit against private security firms Titan Corp and CACI International. www.freedomunderground.org/view.php?v=3&t=3&aid=9523
Tahlequah Daily Press - War for profit: American tax dollars at work The next company analyzed was CACI + Titan, who provided services at the ...

Sheref Akeel, civil rights attorney, believes private contractors have no ... www.tahlequahdailypress.com/features/local_story_304155945.html?keyword=secondarystory
Abu Ghraib Prison - Justia Blawg Search

A federal judge allowed suit against CACI International, ... The Center for Constitutional rights, Burke O'Neil LLC + Akeel Valentine, PLC brought the ... blawgsearch.justia.com/search.aspx?q=Abu+Ghraib+Prison&s=0&l=20&t=date&catid=0
Blackwater in Iraq [Archive] - David Icke's Official Forums

Bill Koegel, an attorney for CACI International, said even though the ... Detroit-based lawyer Shereef Akeel, who is representing some of the Abu Ghraib ... www.davidicke.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-10355.html
Article | The American Prospect And last July 27, the day the suit against CACI was filed in federal court in ...

Michigan-based attorney Shereef Akeel, a member of Burke's legal team, ... www.prospect.org/web/page.ww?section=root&name=ViewPrint&articleId=9044
Marxism message, RE: [Marxism] Rahul Mahajan on the Collapse of ... The injunction asks that the court require all CACI interrogators to receive proper ...

Added Shereef Akeel, who met with the recently released detainees, ? archives.econ.utah.edu/archives/marxism/2004w40/msg00134.htm
[Reader-list] Women at Abu Ghraib And last July 27, the day the suit against CACI was ?led in federal court in ... Michigan-based attorney Shereef Akeel, a member of Burke’s legal team, ...
USATODAY.com - Human rights groups sue over Iraq abuses Shereef Akeel, a Detroit lawyer, said the people he helps represent in the case were ... Part of the allegation is that Titan + CACI would benefit if ...

11.Jul.2004 Irish Examiner- Human rights group to sue over Iraq ... Shereef Akeel, a Detroit lawyer, said the people he represents were ...

Part of the allegation is Titan + CACI would benefit if interrogations were ... archives.tcm.ie/irishexaminer/2004/06/11/story551982509.asp
Unusual Suspects And last

27.Jul.200- , the day the suit against CACI was filed in federal court in ... Michigan-based attorney Shereef Akeel, a member of Burke’s legal team, ... www.informationclearinghouse.info/article7789.htm
POLITICS: Victims' Lawyers Laud Abu Ghraib Reports

Sgt Adams indicated that CACI employees were in positions of authority, ... is consistent with the factual data that I assembled,” said Shereef Akeel . ... ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=25287
Unusual suspects: what happened to the women held at Abu Ghraib ... And last

27.Jul.----- the day the suit against CACI was filed in federal court in ... Michigan-based attorney Shereef Akeel, a member of Burke's legal team, ... www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-15210859_ITM
Corporation Responsible For Interrogations at Abu Ghraib Faces ...

00.000.2004 The action was filed against CACI + Titan, both of which were named in the ... The Center for Constitutional Rights, Burke O'Neil LLC + Akeel ... www.radiohc.cu/ingles/noticias/noviembre07/nov7/mundo3.htm
Alfred Manovill (1880-1944)

Alfred Manovill (manchmal auch: Alfred Manovil), der Zeit seines Lebens ungarischer Staatsbürger war, besuchte höhere Schulen und anschließend die ... www.panwitz.net/person/manovill/alfred.htm
Tibor Frank - Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Berlin Junction ...

Others who went included important businessmen such as stock exchange wizard Alfred Manovill who,

00.000.19-- -well before the War- joined the Berlin bank Mendelssohn ... www.storicamente.org/05_studi_ricerche/02frank.htm
Stephen Sisa : The Spirit of Hungary 42 The Hungarian Genius ...

Alfred Manovill of the Mendelson Bank House in Berlin + Simon Krausz helped tie Hungary economically to the Western World. ... www.hungarian-history.hu/lib/hunspir/hsp52.htm
Holocaust Center of Northern California

The Alfred Manovill Memorial Lecture is made possible by a generous gift from the Tauber Family Foundation. 121 Steuart Street, Suite 10 San Francisco, ... www.hcnc.org/events/dworklecture.html
HCNC Opens New Exhibit - View as HTML
The Alfred Manovill Memorial Lecture is made possible by a generous gift from the. Tauber Family Foundation. yadeinu. yadeinu (Hebrew = our hands) ... www.hcnc.org/yadeinuwinter2008.pdf
The Social Construction of Hungarian Genius - View as HTML
important businessmen such as stock exchange wizard Alfred Manovill, ... "Alfred Manovill 50 Jahre." (German) Manuscript of a newspaper article in the ... www.princeton.edu/piirs/von_neumann_event/docs/Tibor_Frank_vonNeumann_paper_final.pdf
I. Abt., Rep. 1A - Generalverwaltung der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft

000.000.1918-1923 Maltzan;

00.000.1911-00.000.1937 Paul Mamroth,;

00.000.1916-00.000.1918 Jakob Mandelbaum;

00.000.1911-00.000.1925 Paul Mankiewitz;

00.000.1924-00.000.1935 Fritz Mannheimer,

00.000.19---00.000.19-- Alfred Manovill, ... edoc.mpg.de/60672

11.Feb.2008 SCB Activities The Society for Conservation Biology is an international professional organization dedicated to advancing the science and practice of conserving the ... www.conbio.org/activities/meetings/2001/abstracts.cfm

11.Feb.2008 de.indymedia.org | Aspen und Goebbels indymedia article de.indymedia.org/2008/01/206381.shtml
11.Feb.2008 MAAS
German Embassy in the USA

US Embassy in Germany https://www.usembassy.de/German-American Fulbright Commission www.fulbright.de/index.shtml

American Ins www.sicherheitspolitik-mainz.de/16401.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*v
Verknüpfte Seiten:
FiRE: A Fuzzy Reasoning Engine for Imprecise Knowledge - HTML-Version N. Simou, S. Kollias. Image Video and Multimedia Systems Laboratory, ... www.image.ece.ntua.gr/php/savepaper.php?id=515

11.Feb.2008 Kalibrierung

1980-2003 - HTML-Version
Klimaprognose -Szenarien. BEAK Consultance GmbH, Freiberg/IBGW GmbH, Leipzig ... Tagen im Frühjahr deutliche Ausreißer produzieren (10-11 mm/d). www.umwelt.sachsen.de/lfug/documents/Endbericht_KliWEP_Teil_12.pdf

sachsen.de - Klima - Forschungsprojekt KliStWa (Laufzeit: Mai bis ...

Ausgehend von einer Verringerung der Niederschläge im Frühjahr und Sommer ... von 2 Stoffeintragsszenarien und 2 Klimaprognose -Szenarien für den aktuellen ... www.umwelt.sachsen.de/de/wu/umwelt/1270_8132.htm

Änderungen der Klimaregionen in der Klimaklassifikation von Troll ... - HTML-Version WS 2007/ 08 .

12.Dez.2007 . Hausarbeit zu Thema. Änderungen der Klimaregionen in der ... Die regionale Klimaprognose des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums ...

Schriftenreihe - HTML-Version
Klimaprognose 2050 .........17. 2.1. Einleitung . ... www.lfl.bayern.de/publikationen/daten/schriftenreihe/p_28555.pdf

Publications ... Zuerich, Müller, W. A.:

Von der Wettervorhersage zur saisonalen Klimaprognose, ... Variabilität und dekadische Trends der Phänologie im Frühjahr . ... www.meteoschweiz.ch/nccr/Publications/publication_all.shtml

NABU | NABU-Magazin „Naturschutz heute“ | Heft 2/07: Gewinner und ...

Hinzu kommt, dass sie bei ihrer Rückkehr im Frühjahr nicht mehr genügend Nahrung finden, ... Heft Januar ' 08 . 108 - klein. komplett online. ... www.nabu.de/m09/m09_06/06568.html

20071011 Laut der Klimaprognose des Weltklimarates (IPCC) wäre damit bis 2100 mit ...

Ein Gericht in Pulawy beschloss im Frühjahr, dass das Kloster bis zum 10. ... alfatomega.com/20071011.html
DNR EU-Rundschreiben - HTML-Version
UN- Klimaprognose : „Verheerende. Auswirkungen“ auf Flora und Fauna ... 0032 2 / 750299-09, Fax - 08 . eMail: info@transportenvironment.org ... www.dnr.de/publikationen/eur/archiv/eur0611.pdf

USF-Beitrag 41-42\374 - HTML-Version
In Tabelle 1 sind Eigenschaften der beiden Modelltypen gegenübergestellt. Wettermodell. Zirkulationsmodell. Ziel. Wettervorhersage. Klimaprognose . Zeitskala ...

Schwarzmalerei mit Grund - HTML-Version
KLIMAPROGNOSE . Reto Knutti, 34, stammt aus. Saanen. Er ist seit

00.Apr.2007 ... Im Frühjahr 2007 sind die. Arbeiten beendet. Nächstes Jahr ... www.iac.ethz.ch/people/knuttir/presentations/sonntagszeitung_dec2007.pdf

11.Feb.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltall/0,1518,druck-534370,00.html
endlich Wirklichkeit: Das Columbus-Labor wird heute an die Internationale Raumstation ISS angedockt.

Die zwei US-amerikanischen Astronauten Rex Walheim und Stanley Love werden um

15.35 Uhr deutscher Zeit die Station verlassen, das rund 13 Tonnen schwere Columbus-Labor mit einem Roboterarm aus der Shuttle-Ladebucht an das Verbindungsmodul Harmony umheben und es dort verankern.

Bei weiteren zwei Ausstiegen soll es dann voll an die ISS angeschlossen werden

Der örtliche Polizeikommandant Paulo Emilio Gómez bestätigte die öffentliche Aufregung um die mutmaßliche Geschenkaktion - Beweise dafür habe er allerdings nicht.

Die Behörden vermuten, dass es sich um Gelder aus Drogengeschäften handeln könnte.

11.Feb.2008 -00.000.2001 -der seit- Mullah Dadullah war der ranghöchste Kommandeur, der US-geführten Invasion in Afghanistan ums Leben kam. Er galt als "Militärchef" der Taliban.

Wie genau Mansur Dadullahs Status zuletzt war, ist unklar.

00.Dez.2008 -Ende- hatte es in einer Mitteilung der Taliban geheißen, Taliban-Chef Mullah Omar habe Mansur Dadullah entlassen.

Dieser habe Befehle missachtet und gegen "Regeln und Richtlinien der Taliban" verstoßen.
'A Total Disaster': Critique Mounts against Biofuels ...

23.Jan.2008 ... But the critique against biofuels is mounting. ... biofuels crop in the US, results in 50 percent more emissions, Crutzen estimates. ... www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,530550,00.html
Carbon Commentary · If biofuels are the answer, we are asking the ...

15.Oct.2007 ... Nobel winner Paul Crutzen and his team showed that we may have ... This long paper is a devastating critique of current biofuels policy. www.carboncommentary.com/2007/10/15/32

Carbon Commentary Newsletter #3 - View as HTML
If biofuels are the answer, we are asking the wrong question. Holding back the unstoppable tide of green claims. The Severn barrage ... www.carboncommentary.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/newsletter_3.pdf
Interactive comment on “N O release from agro-biofuel production ... - View as HTML
( Crutzen et al., 2007) and relate those to the critique /suggestions of the ... improvements to current practice in biofuel crop production would be more ... www.cosis.net/copernicus/EGU/acpd/7/S6596/acpd-7-S6596_p.pdf
After Gutenberg » Biofuel is, too, a laughing gas matter The study of N2O release from agro- biofuel production by Crutzen, et al, ...

Simon Donner provides a thoughtful critique of the paper + why he + most ... jcwinnie.biz/wordpress/?p=2499
After Gutenberg » Don’t Panic, But the Geo-engineers Have Arrived

Similarly, Nobelist Paul Crutzen suggests that adding sulphur to the atmosphere would increase ... producing methane (a bio-fuel ) and an organic fertilizer. ... jcwinnie.biz/wordpress/?p=2617

23.Jan.2008 Alternative Fuel - Mahalo Spiegel Online: 'A Total Disaster': Critique Mounts against Biofuels (). "Paul J. Crutzen, who won the 1995 Nobel prize for chemistry, ... www.mahalo.com/Alternative_fuels

UK Indymedia - Activists crash biofuel party 1 [morning]

17.Oct.2007 ... A comprehensive critique of biofuels can be found at BioFuels Watch (www.biofuelwatch.org.uk) who are a distinct group from Food Not Fuels, ... www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2007/10/383978.html

AlterNet: Shortcut To Catastrophe That requires massive expanasion of solar, wind and biofuel technology and ... In his critique of Crutzen Monbiot draws on the findings of the INDOEX ... www.alternet.org/story/41025/

Biofuels Forum: [biofuelwatch] Digest Number 567 Der Spiegal : Critique Mounts against Biofuels From: Andrew Boswell ...

00.000.1995 Paul J. Crutzen, who won the Nobel prize for chemistry, estimates that ... biofuels-forum.blogspot.com/2008/01/biofuelwatch-digest-number-567.html

11.Feb.2008 The World Social Movement Bibliography A - View as HTML
00.000.2000- Law and Society Program at the University of California at Santa Barbara .. Ponto, Ponto A,

00.Feb.2002 - ‘Elementos Para Um Balanco Do II Forum ... www.cacim.net/twiki/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=12
Fahndungserfolg: Talibanführer Mansur Dadullah in Pakistan gefasst (Politik)
11.Feb.2008 Internationale Raumstation: Astronauten docken heute Columbus- Labor an

11.Feb.2008 Bankenkrise: Steinbrück muss mit Steuerausfällen in Milliardenhöhe rechnen

11.Feb.2008 Einsatz am Hindukusch: Kujat fordert mehr deutsche Truppen in Afghanistan

11.Feb.2008 Kolumbien: Vermummte verschenken Millionen Pesos an Passanten (Panorama)
10.Feb.2008 Demokraten- Drama: Clinton feuert ihre Wahlkampfchefin - Obama siegt auch in Maine

10.Feb.2008 Nein zu Koalitionen: Grünen- Chef Kuhn greift die Linke an

10.Feb.2008 Französische Staatsbürgerschaft: Hirsi Ali bringt Sarkozy in die Bredouille (Politik)
10.Feb.2008 The 10 Most Brazen War Profiteers - View as HTML
Heebner's case is similar to Boeing's infamous courtship of Darlene Druyan, the Air. Force acquisition officer who was eventually sentenced to nine months ... www.nogw.com/download/2006_10_brazen.pdf

10.Feb.2008 Truppenaufstockung: Heftige Debatte um Afghanistan- Einsatz - Regierung spielt auf Zeit

10.Feb.2008 Kritisiertes Atomkraftwerk: RWE fährt Biblis A wieder hoch (Wirtschaft)
10.Feb.2008 Afghanistan- Einsatz: Heftige Debatte über Aufstockung deutscher Truppen (Politik)
10.Feb.2008 US- Verteidigungsminister: Blitzbesuch in Bagdad (Politik)
10.Feb.2008 https://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2007/feb/07/5

Following a series of raids in

00.Jul.2003 in which 42 people were arrested,

Customs investigators have been examining more than half a million documents that were seized, along with the hard drives of 391 computers with a combined data capacity of 28 terabytes.

Much of the stolen tax ended up in Dubai, where accounts, related to those in FCIB, have been frozen while investigations continue.

Under new laws, the government has sweeping powers to force financial institutions to reveal details of suspect transactions.

07.Feb..2007 This article appeared in the Guardian on

23.Feb.2007 It was last updated at 11:25 .

23.Feb.2007 The following correction was printed in the Guardian's Corrections + clarifications column, Friday

In the report below, we wrongly stated that the oil trader John Deuss has been charged with money laundering and running a criminal organisation.

We understand that he is still being investigated by the Dutch police, has posted bail + surrendered his passport,

but has not been charged with any offence.

22.Apr.2007 Bank worked under software firm's cover-India-The Times of India

... the cover of a software operation, Transworld ICT Solutions Pvt Ltd, owned by Dutch national John Deuss, a director of First Curacao. ... timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/1935855.cms
Registan.net » Spies + John Deuss

John Deuss, the proto-villain of Steve LeVine’s excellent book The Oil and the Glory (an unfair term, perhaps, but I am attempting to be flippant), ... www.registan.net/index.php/2007/11/29/spies-and-john-deuss
Ten held after VAT fraud raids in Britain and Europe | Business ...

07.Feb.2007 ... In the report below, we wrongly stated that the oil trader John Deuss has been charged with money laundering and running a criminal ... www.guardian.co.uk/business/2007/feb/07/5

10.Feb.2008 Einzelhandel: Aldi und Lidl haben die Preise kräftig erhöht
Weitere zwei Mrd. fehlen: IKB vor dem Aus?

10.Feb.2008 Gefahr einer Lohn-Preis-Spirale: Inflation besorgt Bundesbank

10.Feb.2008 "Venezuela wird nicht sinken": Chavez greift Exxon an
10.Feb.2008 MAFIA: »Kreislauf des Schweigens«
10.Feb.2008 Schweizer wollen mehr Härte
G7 finance chiefs vow to help markets
10.Feb.2008 Syrien zerschlägt die Opposition
10.Feb.2008 2005 Content - View as HTML
John Chr. M.A.M. Deuss . Willem K. Dikland. K. Terry Dornbush. Maurits E. Edersheim. Calvin H. Haber. Ottho Heldring. Hein Holtkamp. Charles L. Laurey ... www.thenaf.org/pdf/The-NAF-Annual-Report-2004.pdf

10.Feb.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-534285,00.html

In der Kosovo-Frage warnt Iwanow die EU erneut vor der Anerkennung der bevostehenden Unabhängigkeit der bisherigen serbischen Provinz:

"Wir wollen im Rahmen des Völkerrechts bleiben und keinen Präzedenzfall schaffen." Wenn es zu einer einseitigen Unabhängigkeitserklärung komme, werde das "die Büchse der Pandora öffnen."
Auf anderthalb Seiten hatte Gates den "dear minister Jung" aufgefordert, Deutschland solle sein Mandat von bisher 3500 Soldaten ausweiten und auch Kämpfer für den Süden bereitstellen.

Spitzenbeamte aus Truppenführung, Verteidigungsministerium und Kanzleramt bezeichneten den Brief in der Folge als "große Frechheit" und "diplomatisches Unding".
Auch US-Senator Joseph Lieberman von den Demokraten unterstützt den Republikaner Gates später in der Diskussion:

Man teile in den USA parteiübergreifend die Ansichten des Verteidigungsministers zu Afghanistan, so Lieberman. Auch ein neuer US-Präsident, eine neue Regierung würden daran nichts ändern. Lieberman:

"Es gibt zwar eine Unpopularität von Bush hier in Europa, aber unsere Position wird im nächsten Jahr auch mit einer neuen Regierung die gleiche sein."

Und Gates enttäuscht nicht - allerdings ein bisschen anders als erwartet.

Nach sechs Jahren Krieg sehe er bei vielen ein "Gefühl der Frustration, Ungeduld und Erschöpfung". Insbesondere den Menschen in Europa müsse man "noch einmal darstellen, wie wichtig die Mission in Afghanistan ist".

Als "erster Bodenkrieg der Nato" sei sie überdies ein "beispielloser" Einsatz.
Sicherheitskonferenz: Gates überrascht Deutschland (Politik)
10.Feb.2008 FT Alphaville » Blog Archive » Having a Lahde — the 410 per cent man

Hedge fund managers + big egos generally go together, but Andrew Lahde manages a new high with his latest investor letter, in which he says his Lahde ... ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2007/09/27/7666/having-a-lahde-the-410-per-cent-man/

00.000.2007 FT Alphaville»Blog Archive» Top trades of Andrew Lahde, Lahde Capital. After just one year in business, Lahde ’s firm, Santa Monica, California-based Lahde Capital, is giving money back to investors ... ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2008/02/06/10749/top-trades-of-2007/?source=rss
Geldanlage Hedgefonds kassiert 1000 % Rendite - Finanzen - Andrew Lahde aus dem kalifornischen Santa Monica hatte den richtigen Riecher: ... www.sueddeutsche.de/,tt3m1/finanzen/artikel/124/144794/
Andrew Lahde: The Hedge Fund Manager With a 1000% Return - Finance ... To the pantheon including subprime shorter John Paulson and Amaranth vanquisher John Arnold we should probably now add Santa Monica hedge fund manager ... www.portfolio.com/views/blogs/market-movers/2007/11/26/andrew-lahde-the-hedge-fund-manager-with-a-1000-return

Profiteur: Fonds macht mit Kreditkrise 1000 % Gewinn ...

Der erfolgreichste unter ihnen ist der Hedgefonds-Manager Andrew Lahde . Er steigerte die Rendite seines Fonds Lahde Capital um 1000 %. www.welt.de/finanzen/article1403097/Fonds_macht_mit_Kreditkrise_1000_%_Gewinn.html
Möglicherweise, warnen Experten, platzt in Asien bald die nächste Blase.
das Kapital und seine Macht wandern von West nach Ost.
In früheren Krisen zogen die Anleger ihr Geld als erstes aus den aufstrebenden Märkten ab. Heute ist das anders:

Europäische und amerikanische Wertpapiere werden verkauft, Anleihen und Aktien aus Schwellenländern gekauft.

"Buffett liebt Krisen", sagt Hendrik Leber, Geschäftsführer der Frankfurter Fondsgesellschaft Acatis und selbst Berkshire-Aktionär. "Auf eine Situation wie diese hat er lange gewartet."
Manche Anleger haben an Krisen regelrecht Spaß.

Auch Online-Broker machen gute Geschäfte. So scheffelte die Comdirect Bank im Sommer, in dem sonst kaum Umsätze anfallen, so hohe Erträge wie in keinem Quartal zuvor. Der Grund auch hier: das hektische Auf und Ab der Kurse. Für das Unternehmen "dürfte wohl häufiger Finanzmarktkrise sein", schreibt die "Börsenzeitung".
Vorbei sind die Jahre, in denen die Amerikaner einen Öl-Baron vom Schlage George W. Bushs als Präsidenten wollten. Unsichere Zeiten gehören den Kandidaten des kleinen Mannes.
mittlerweile die Agenda: Es geht um Arm gegen Reich, um Mittelklasse (für die Obama stehen will) gegen Establishment (für das Clinton stehen soll).
Warum die Geschäfte von Goldman Sachs so stabil verlaufen, lässt sich nur vermuten. Experten bezeichnen die Bank als extrem seriös:
Ein Institut ragt jedoch aus all dem Trübsal hervor: die US-Investmentbank Goldman Sachs.

00.000.2007 -Im vierten Quartal- verdiente sie unter dem Strich 3,2 Milliarden Dollar - ein Plus von immerhin zwei %, was angesichts der Kreditkrise beachtlich ist.
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (Adia). Die Gesellschaft aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten ist mit Reserven von 875 Milliarden Dollar der größte Staatsfonds der Welt.
Weil verunsicherte Banken ihre Portfolios überprüfen lassen, machen CBRE und JLL zusätzliche Gewinne.
Große Maklerfirmen wie CBRE oder JLL verzeichnen deshalb ein gigantisches Wachstum. CBRE steigerte den Umsatz in den ersten drei Quartalen 2007 um 54 %, JLL kam auf ein Plus von 35 %.
Je mehr Besitzer ihr Haus verkaufen müssen, desto mehr Provisionen streichen die Vermittler ein.

Noch mehr Rendite als Paulson hat Andrew Lahde geschafft. Der Hedgefonds-Manager war überzeugt, dass die Geschäfte mit den weiter gereichten Krediten nicht gut gehen konnten.

Das Geld seines Fonds Lahde Capital setzte er auf sinkende Kurse - und gewann. Die Rendite im vergangenen Jahr: satte 1000 %.


Den richtigen Riecher muss man haben. So wie John Paulson. Dem 51-Jährigen gehört eine New Yorker Investmentfirma, die rund 23 Milliarden Dollar verwaltet. Schon Mitte 2006 sah Paulson die Kreditkrise voraus - und wettete konsequent gegen den Markt. Während andere Anleger massenweise Wertpapiere kauften, die durch billige Hypothekenkredite gesichert waren, spekulierte Paulson auf einen Zusammenbruch des Immobilienbooms. Und er behielt Recht. REUTERS

Börse in New York: Spende für die Opfer der Kreditkrise

Seine verschiedenen Fonds legten bis Ende September um 340 % zu. Die Finanzagentur Agentur Bloomberg bezifferte Paulsons Gewinn auf 2,7 Milliarden Dollar. In einem Anlegerbrief erklärte er seine Strategie: nicht auf Rating-Agenturen hören, sondern selber nachrechnen. Eine Selbstverständlichkeit, die so manche Bank ignoriert hatte. Im Oktober hat Paulson übrigens 15 Millionen Dollar gespendet. Das Geld ging an eine Organisation, die sich um die Opfer der Kreditkrise kümmert.
US-Finanzprofi John Paulson verdient 2,7 Milliarden Dollar - DIE ...

Der Hedgefonds-Manager hat auf eine Immobilienblase gewettet und ist nun der bestbezahlte Mann der Branche.www.welt.de/welt_print/article1415557/US-Finanzprofi_John_Paulson_verdient_27_Milliarden_Dollar.html
Kreditkrise: Zehn Millionen Dollar Verdienst pro Tag - manager ...

Diesen hatte John Paulson vor gut einem Jahr eigens lanciert, um vom seiner Ansicht nach bereits zu jenem Zeitpunkt absehbaren Rückgang im ... www.manager-magazin.de/unternehmen/artikel/0,2828,521230,00.html
Institutional Money: John Paulson & Co: Subprime-Krisengewinner

Der Investment Community wurde dies von John Paulson eindrucksvoll vorgeführt, dessen Credit Opportunities Fund bis Oktober eine Year-to-Date-Performance ...
Hedgefundnews.com Before he began his investment career, John Paulson accumulated academic ...

John Paulson spoke with HFN publisher, Antoine Bernheim in July 2003. ... www.hedgefundnews.com/news_n_info/article_detail.php?id=292
#165 John Paulson - Forbes.com John Paulson ranks 165 on The 400 Richest Americans 2007.www.forbes.com/lists/2007/54/richlist07_John-Paulson_I69G.html

10.Feb.2008 PAXALLES: Maestro Greenspan's Discordant Music With John Paulson ...

"Greenspan's Masterful Timing" from Fortune reports on the rather malodorous relationship of former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan + John Paulson ... paxalles.blogs.com/paxalles/2008/01/maestro-greensp.html
John Paulson: the Wall Street investor who made $15bn by shorting ...

01.Febr.2008 ... John Paulson ’s bets on the implosion of the US housing market will go down in Wall Street history.


Der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters zufolge teilte Großbritannniens Verteidigungsministerium mit, es handele sich um einen Sicherheitsalarm, auf den man mit der Mobilisierung der Helikopter reagiert habe.

Der britische Fernsehsender Sky News berichtet, ein Bombenräumkommando sei zu der betroffenen Plattform geschickt worden.

Die BBC sprach mit einem RAF-Offizier, der über den Zwischenfall sagte, er sei "ungewöhnlich", falle aber "in den Bereich unserer normalen Vorgehensweise".

Es gebe einen Bericht über eine Frau auf der Bohrinsel, die den Zwischenfall ausgelöst habe, er könne aber derzeit nicht über Details sprechen.
Sicherheitsalarm in der Nordsee: Air- Force- Helikopter evakuieren Bohrinsel

10.Feb.2008 Nachfolge: Ischinger wird neuer Chef der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz

10.Feb.2008 Zocker, Makler, Scheichs: Die größten Krisengewinnler (Wirtschaft)
10.Feb.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-534292,00.html

Bundesfinanzminister Peer Steinbrück (SPD) forderte die Banken in der "FAS" zu mehr Transparenz auf.

Die Institute müssten "schnell alles offenlegen, was sie an erkennbaren Risiken mitschleppen, damit der Markt nicht im Vierzehn-Tage-Rhythmus von Hiobsbotschaften weiter nervös gemacht wird".
Der IKB-Großaktionär, die staatliche Förderbank KfW, könne die Lücke nicht mehr schließen, weil deren Mittel aufgebraucht seien, berichtete die "FAS".

Die KfW müsste eine Kapitalerhöhung aus Bundesmitteln vornehmen oder Teile ihres Eigenkapitals einsetzen. Beides sei politisch undenkbar, hieß es.

Dass die Zeit neuer Weltrekorde zu Ende geht, prophezeien Sportwissenschaftler schon länger und begründen dies vor allem mit körperlichen Faktoren.

Das Team von Toussaint geht einen etwas anderen Weg und verlässt sich bei seinen Prognosen allein auf Mathematik:

Die zeitliche Entwicklung von Rekorden lasse sich sehr gut mit einer Exponentialfunktion beschreiben, sagt der Forscher im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL ONLINE.

Immer flachere Kurve
Mathematik und Sportrekorde: Das aussichtslose Ringen mit der Exponentialfunktion (Wissenschaft)
10.Feb.2008 Faule US- Kredite: Weiteres Milliardenloch bei der IKB aufgetaucht

10.Feb.2008 -11.Sep.2001 -Anschläge vom- Guantanamo- Häftlinge sollen vor Gericht (Politik)
10.Feb.2008 Siemens- Affäre: Griechische Politiker unter Bestechungsverdacht (Wirtschaft)
10.Feb.2008 BBC NEWS | Talk about Newsnight | Inside the Global Jihad by Omar ...

Some newspapers in the belgian press are claiming that BBC Newsnight docu was fake because Mr. Omar Nasiri is non other than Said El-Madja. www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/newsnight/2006/11/inside_the_global_jihad_by_omar_nasiri.html
BBC - Press Office - Newsnight reveals exclusive story of Al Qaeda spy

16.Nov.2006 ... Newsnight last night revealed on BBC Two the extraordinary story of Omar Nasiri – not his real name – who spent seven years working as an ... www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2006/11_november/17/newsnight.shtml
Omar Nasiri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Omar Nasiri is the pseudonym of a Moroccan spy who infiltrated al-Qaeda, ...

He claims in an exclusive interview presented on the BBC's Newsnight programme ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omar_Nasiri
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight | The Newsnight book club Her Newsnight special report 00.000.2000, led to him and his accomplices being ...

Omar Nasiri (not his real name) worked for European security agencies during ... news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/5317564.stm
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight Home | Inside the Global Jihad

Newsnight book club extract from Inside the Global Jihad by Omar Nasiri .

... Read extracts from other books in the Newsnight book club ... news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/6151784.stm
26.Nov.2006 Welcome to guyanachronicle.com.. Last week Omar Nasiri, a Moroccan who spent seven years ...

Nasiri told Newsnight that months before the 9/11 attacks and the U.S. invasion ... www.guyanachronicle.com/ARCHIVES/archive%2026-11-06.html
Die Zeit - Wirtschaft : "Geldverdienen ist eine Gottesgabe"

Die Geschichte des John D. Rockefeller beginnt 303 Jahre vor seiner Geburt, ... John + sein Bruder nicht aufs Klassenfoto, ihre Anzüge sind zu schäbig. zeus.zeit.de/text/2003/14/Rockefeller_2fSerie
Die Nasa wollte keine Einzelheiten über die Gesundheitsprobleme nennen, weil medizinische Informationen über Crew-Mitglieder "privater Natur" seien.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Aus welchen gesellschaftlichen Schichten kommen die von Ihnen porträtierten Frauen?

Assouline: Sie kommen aus der Unter- und Mittelschicht.

In einer Gesellschaft, die hohen Wert auf Anpassung legt und Frauen so gut wie keine Freiräume zugesteht passten die meisten von ihnen nicht in die weibliche Norm.

Mit ihren Attentaten verbanden sie die Hoffnung auf größere Akzeptanz. Die bekommen sie nun von ihren weiblichen Mitgefangenen.

Zu dem umstrittenen Brandbrief, den das US-Verteidigungsministerium vergangene Woche an die deutsche Regierung versandt hatte,

sagte Gates: "Einige kämpfen, andere nicht: Ich habe überhaupt nicht auf Deutschland zeigen wollen. Deutschland ist ja vielleicht ein bisschen überempfindlich gewesen."

Der Brief an Deutschland sei "einer von 25 und überall wurde die Bitte zum Ausdruck gebracht, dass jeder sich mehr bemüht".

Aber Gates kritisierte auch: "Viele Europäer stellen den Wert unserer Aktionen in Frage und bezweifeln, ob die Mission das Leben ihrer Söhne und Töchter wert ist.

Zerbrechliche Koalitionsregierungen machen es schwierig, dieses Risiko einzugehen."

Er sei besorgt, "dass viele Menschen auf diesem Kontinent die Größe der direkten Bedrohung der europäischen Sicherheit nicht verstanden haben", sagte Gates.
Sicherheitskonferenz: Gates warnt vor Zwei- Klassen- Nato (Politik)
10.Feb.2008 Zeitempfinden: Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit (Wissenschaft)
10.Feb.2008 Camden Market: Großbrand verheert Londoner Szeneviertel

10.Feb.2008 Größtes Plus seit 1994: Steuereinahmen sprudeln wie lange nicht (Wirtschaft)
10.Feb.2008 [CTRL] [9] The Marcos Dynasty

00.000.1976 The Lockheed affair climaxed with the arrest of Prime Minister Tanaka for bribery, of which he was later ...

... the CIA's old friend Adnan Khashoggi, Ferdinand's pal + Imelda's disco partner, fellow Lockheed agent + business ... www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv. aol.com/msg18433.html
JSTOR: Beyond the Shut-Eyed Sentry: Toward a Theoretical View of ...

The best known of these was the flamboyant Adnan Khashoggi, who was simultaneously the agent of Northrop, its competitor Lockheed (from whom he has earned $106 million in commissions) + a number of other American corporations. links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0042-6601(197711)63%3A7%3C1099%3ABTSSTA%3E2.0.CO%3B2
10.Feb.2008 The Webfairy-[CIA-DRUGS] Lockheed, CIA, NAZI's & Satanic Pedophiles Among the fine agents (or, in Lockheed's code, "locust") for Lockheed was their Middle Eastern representative, Syrian arms merchant + CIA asset Adnan Khashoggi, chum of Ollie North, major player in the Iran- ... www.thewebfairy.com/911/cia-drugs/Msg01643.html
10.Feb.2008 Popular links today on opensourcesinfo.org Received 1% of todays clicks & the last visit was from Montreal, Quebec ... Les petits comptes en Suisse d’Arcady Gaydamak et de Pierre Falcone ...
feedjit.com/stats/opensourcesinfo. org/toplinks/internal/

27.Sep.2004 WIL Offshore News Digest for Week of T

he French investigation centers on the sale of $500 million in illegal arms to Angola, allegedly brokered by billionaire businessman Pierre Falcone . ... www.trustprofessionals.com/news/2004/2004-09-27.html
Global Witness presents... The devastating story of oil and ... File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML
This response, of course, raises the question as to why Pierre Falcone should have ... a key question arises: Did Pierre Falcone play any role in securing ... www.medico.de/kampagne/fatal/atpm.doc

10.Feb.2008 World News - top stories from the world's online news services.

SEF Deteve e Soltou Pierre Falcone no Aeroporto da Portela ... North America, North America Daily, Canada, Canada Energy, Halifax, Montreal, Toronto ... archive.wn.com/2004/05/06/1400/worldnews/portuguese_index.html
France Presse ... London Luxembourg Majorca Malaga Manila Minorca Montreal Moscow Nairobi ...

Pierre Falcone condamné à quatre ans fermes pour fraude fisc Liberation - archive.wn.com/2008/01/19/1400/francepresse/
Global Witness presents... The devastating story of oil and ...

This response, of course, raises the question as to why Pierre Falcone should ... UK; Brenco Investment in Montreal, Canada; Brenco Ltd in London, UK; ... www.globalwitness.org/media_library_get.php/140/atpm.txt
The Tyranny Response Unit News ... number of companies operated by past Bush campaign contributor Pierre Falcone, ...

Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver Montreal, Edmonton - these towns would all ... trunews.blogspot.com/2004_11_01_archive.html
[tacticalmedialist]ANTIFA INFO-BULLETIN, No. 328

THE ARMS DEALER NEXT DOOR International billionaire, French prisoner, Angolan weapons broker, Arizona Republican. Who is Pierre Falcone ? squat.net/tmc/msg02439.html
01.Mar.2007-01.Apr.2007 Station Charon: Emory calls this organization The Underground Reich + Bormann was the key

... politos + serious analysts including John McCain, Chalmers Johnson, stationcharon.blogspot.com/2007_03_01_archive.html
01.Jan.2007-01.Feb.2007 Station Charon: All of the ubiquitous and ambitious pandering by McCain is of some ...

... the monolithic conspiracy, the underground reich, the Straussian neo cons, ... stationcharon.blogspot.com/2007_01_01_archive.html
Daily Kos: Senate Testimony: Agent To Reveal Neo-Con Coverup of ...

The PNAC's parent organization was active at the same time, with members like McCain at the helm.

He calls the conspiracy "the underground reich ." www.dailykos.com/story/2005/9/17/14243/4608
Asleep At The Power Plant, Look Who’s Guarding Nuclear Power ...

2 Nov 2007 ... It seems to be a routine of shut- eye amongst employees of one ...

Peach Bottom hired some of the former Wackenhut guards for its new ... www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/11/02/eveningnews/main3447744.shtml
Locked Inside A Nightmare, Wackenhut's Private Prisons Scrutinized ...

Wackenhut is the leader of a trend in America putting prisons in the hands of private companies. But for Wackenhut, running prisons ... Eye On Technology ... www.cbsnews.com/stories/2000/05/09/60II/main193636.shtml
Labor Blog Check out their Eye on Wackenhut site for more. In the context of Katrina, Dana Milibank also has this story about how private security guards from ... www.nathannewman.org/laborblog/archive/003363.shtml
Labor Blog SEIU has a whole website, Eye on Wackenhut, which details the ways the company's anti-worker policies endanger our security. Some choice bits: ... www.nathannewman.org/laborblog/archive/002798.shtml

10.Feb.2008 Wackenhut - Services

With an eye on the future, backed by over fifty years of experience, Wackenhut continues to find new ways to bring value to customers as their trusted ... www.g4s.com/usw/usw-services-security_related.htm
Dope, Inc - Britain's Opium War Against the U.S.

It is time to bring before the courts the persons of Louis Bloomfield, ... Virtually all the book-length material on Sir William Stephenson and the ... www.scribd.com/doc/89591/Dope-Inc-Britains-Opium-War-Against-the-US
DOPE, INC. Britain's Opium War Against the US by a US Labor Party ...

Was that the death of John F. Kennedy ? It was also the death of Abraham Lincoln. ... in: Permindex and Major Louis Bloomfield (see Part III, Section 3). www.scribd.com/word/download/89591?extension=txt
Dope, Inc. - 06 The same Sie William Keswick was until very recently the director of the Hudson's ...

Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, also of the firm Phillips, Vineberg, ... www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/dope_inc/dope_inc07.htm

Dec.2005 Saturnmond Enceladus: Eisiger Brocken hat heißes Herz. 07.Dec.2005 Spektakuläre Bilder: Die Eismonde des Saturns 07.Dec.2005 Bolivien: Im Labyrinth ... alfatomega.com/20051208.html
"Niemand gibt das Geld anderer Leute so sorgsam aus wie das eigene", hat der verstorbene US-Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Nobelpreisträger Milton Friedman einmal gesagt.
10.Feb.2008 https://www.stern.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/:Inventur-Wem-Deutschland/610354.html?pr=1
Für viele Deutsche ist das schwer zu ertragen.
10.Feb.2008 https://www.stern.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/:Inventur-Wem-Deutschland/610354.html?pr=1
Nach Berechnungen des DIW besitzt das reichste Zehntel der Deutschen fast 60 % des Volksvermögens. Und wer einmal hat, dem wird weiter gegeben: Gewinne und Zinsen werden wieder angelegt und lassen den Besitz stetig wachsen. Nach jüngsten Erhebungen der US-Bank Merrill Lynch gibt es in Deutschland 798.000 Dollar- Millionäre - ein Jahr zuvor waren es noch 31.000 weniger.
10.Feb.2008 https://www.stern.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/:Inventur-Wem-Deutschland/610354.html?pr=1
1988 verfügte ein DDR-Privathaushalt nach Untersuchungen der Darmstädter Schader-Stiftung im Durchschnitt über 22.650 Mark - die Wessis besaßen umgerechnet nur gut zehn % mehr. Auch war nicht das gesamte Land sozialisiert. Obwohl zwischen 1946 und 1989 mehr als eine Million Grundstücke, Häuser und Firmen verstaatlicht oder umverteilt wurden, blieben 60 % in Privatbesitz.
10.Feb.2008 https://www.stern.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/:Inventur-Wem-Deutschland/610354.html?pr=1
Die evangelische Kirche hat wegen klammer Kassen ihr Eigentum zumindest schon einmal erfasst: 75.000 Gebäude gehören ihr sowie 320.000 Hektar Land, also rund ein % der Fläche Deutschlands - übrigens mehrheitlich in den neuen Bundesländern, da die meisten Sprengel zu klein waren, um nach DDR-Gesetz verstaatlicht werden zu können.
10.Feb.2008 https://www.stern.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/:Inventur-Wem-Deutschland/610354.html?pr=1
GmbHs. Auf Rendite zu wirtschaften, brächte den Gemeinden ohnehin wenig: Einnahmen aus Sach- und Geldanlagen, also etwa aus Verpachtungen von Kirchenland, werden bei den Kirchen bei der Zuteilung von der Kirchensteuer abgezogen.
10.Feb.2008 https://www.stern.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/:Inventur-Wem-Deutschland/610354.html?pr=1
Eine teuflische Schätzung des Kircheneigentums Die Kirchen stehen erst ganz am Anfang einer Bilanzierung. Was ihre Gotteshäuser, Schulen, Kindergärten, aber auch Kelche, Bilder und Altäre wert sind, ist bei den Katholiken bisher weder ermittelt noch landesweit zusammengerechnet. Es wäre auch eine teuflische Arbeit - bei so vielen Trägerschaften: Erzbistümer, Bistümer, Pfarreien, Caritas, Orden, kirchliche Vereine, Stiftungen und GmbHs. Auf Rendite zu wirtschaften, brächte den Gemeinden ohnehin wenig: Einnahmen aus Sach- und Geldanlagen, also etwa aus Verpachtungen von Kirchenland, werden bei den Kirchen bei der Zuteilung von der Kirchensteuer abgezogen.
10.Feb.2008 https://www.stern.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/:Inventur-Wem-Deutschland/610354.html?pr=1
Allein die Straßen sind 180 Milliarden Euro wert
09.Feb.2008 https://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/feb/09/internet.china

"Rulers believe they can build a better system and get others to follow. But even though they want to change the internet, it is part of a globalised world and nobody can afford to build an isolated system.
"The Chinese internet has a distinctive character. Its one of the most strictly controlled in the world, but netizens' behaviour still confounds the government's expectations. They ban websites and delete posts, but they haven't got everything under control."

But with the internet expanding so fast, there is a limit to the number of blocking orders the government can send out or how widely it can impose its authority on small websites, such as blogs and bulletin boards. For that, it must rely on self-censorship, which is far from guaranteed.
The internet is a cause of that, but it is also an effect. It won't lead to revolution, but it will play a part in the evolution of public debate."
If we didn't have the net, I wouldn't know what to do."

The scene this week at a suburban wangba in Beijing was typical: scores of young people hunched in front of screens in a dimly lit room; the men in hoodies and parkas jabbing at their keyboards, blasting aliens and soldiers, while the women are transfixed by weepy Korean soaps and Taiwanese gameshows.
China is exporting a model where the internet is a tool for economical development, social networking, marketing business and propaganda, but not for free expression. China is very proud of this. They spent dozens of millions of euros to build firewalls, cyber-police and cyber-censors," says Vincent Brossel of Reporters Without Borders.

"This is a big landmark. The US has almost reached the point where it has not much room to grow. China is the opposite. In terms of new connectivity and economic growth, China is definitely the place," says Xiao Qiang, the founder of the California-based China Digital Times.
Sina and Sohu have a lockhold on the news. In every sector in China, domestic players are on top. Some are now starting to look overseas. Baidu recently launched a Japanese service.
But China is adding 6 million new users a month - more than 10 times the pace of US growth.
Such competing public opinions - unheard of 10 years ago - are becoming familiar in China these days as the world's biggest censor struggles to cope with the explosive growth of the internet. With 200,000 new netizens every day, China's online population is on the brink of overtaking the United States as the biggest in the world.
Die 3D-Darstellung eines Menschen in voller Größe sei so nicht ausgeschlossen, was zum Beispiel in der Medizin von großer Bedeutung wäre. Dazu Peyghambarians Kollege Savas Tay: "Wenn es uns gelingt, größere und vollfarbige 3D-Hologramme zu entwickeln, wird jedes Krankenhaus dieser Welt eines haben wollen." (
09.Feb.2008 AFGHANISTAN-EINSATZ: Hitzige Debatte um Afghanistan-Einsatz - Regierung spielt auf Zeit
Sicherheitskonferenz: Streit um Afghanistan-Einsatz der Bundeswehr
Britische Medien: Was haben wir bloß falsch gemacht?
Integration: Türkische Schulen in Deutschland? Gibt es längst!

09.Feb.2008 Abgabenlast: Wie der deutsche Staat den Aufschwung frisst

09.Feb.2008 Afghanistan-Einsatz: Die Angst der Deutschen vor dem Neinsagen
09.Feb.2008 Die Linke kommt: Deutliches Muffensausen
09.Feb.2008 Tentative Deal Is Reached in Writers’ Strike

09.Feb.2008 Yahoo Expected to Reject Microsoft’s Takeover Offer

09.Feb.2008 From Bush, Foe of Earmarks, Similar Items in Budget
09.Feb.2008 Afghanischer Versuchsballon

09.Feb.2008 Erdogans flammender Appell

09.Feb.2008 Weltpolitik im Bayerischen Hof
09.Feb.2008 ZEIT-BILDUNGSKANON: Wie baut man einen Staat?

09.Feb.2008 SICHERHEITSKONFERENZ: Mal die Zukunft in Ordnung bringen

09.Feb.2008 BERLINALE: „Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen“
09.Feb.2008 Steinbrück wirft Banken Verschleierung vor
Spekulationen um Afghanistan-Mandat

09.Feb.2008 Konjunkturfurcht ergreift Europa
09.Feb.2008 Forscher entwickeln wiederbeschreibbares Hologramm
09.Feb.2008 Irans Parlamentswahlen
09.Feb.2008 Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz: Steinmeier und Baradei warnen vor Wettrüsten
09.Feb.2008 Inventur: Wem gehört Deutschland?

09.Feb.2008 Afghanistan-Einsatz: Verwirrung um Ausweitung der Kampfzone
09.Feb.2008 Afghanistan-Einsatz: Jung lehnt ab
Sicherheitskonferenz: El Baradei warnt vor Atomschmuggel
La junte birmane promet un référendum et des élections
BK-Chef: Mitteilung im Fall Kampusch "falsch bewertet"
09.Feb.2008 https://blog.fefe.de/ Immer wenn man denkt, tiefer können die USA nicht sinken, dann kommt eine Meldung wie diese: Die Amis haben versucht, Freiwillige des Peace Corps als Spione in Bolivien anzuwerben.
09.Feb.2008 U.S. retail results are worst in four decades: U.S. retailers delivered more evidence of a stumbling economy today as merchants reported their weakest January performance in nearly four decades, extending a malaise that has deepened since the holiday shopping season.
09.Feb.2008 Not all Jews are Zionist: Regarding The Zionist Massacre in Gaza: Following is a letter that was sent from Neturei Karta USA and Canada to Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahar Co-Founder of Hamas:

09.Feb.2008 Clinton wins tacit support of Israeli establishment: Although the race to succeed Mr Bush has narrowed to a choice between John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the Republican candidate is not the one the Israeli establishment would most like to see in the White House.

09.Feb.2008 Putin cautious over 'new arms race' :

Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, has said that Russia will not allow itself to be drawn into what he called a new arms race while saying it is developing more sophisticated weapons.

09.Feb.2008 Lawyers: Gitmo detainee breaking down: Confined alone in his Guantanamo cell nearly around the clock, a Yemeni prisoner and former driver for Osama bin Laden has begun to break down mentally and cannot focus on preparing for his upcoming war-crimes trial, his attorneys say.

09.Feb.2008 UK: Terrorism bill opens way for secret inquests : The government was yesterday criticised over plans to hold inquests without juries, which campaigners fear could limit hearings into the deaths of British soldiers and people shot by police.
09.Feb.2008 US-Russia nuclear deal upstages Iran : There was a time when Iran might have believed that a multipolar world order would be just and fair from the point of view of the "suppressed nations". If that notion wasn't shattered long ago, it was surely was last Friday when the director of Rosatom, Russia's federal agency for nuclear power, Sergei Kiriyenko, urgently flew to Washington on a one-day "working visit".

09.Feb.2008 The Cable-Cutter Mystery : Spies, lies + "conspiracy theories" – what's behind the Middle East internet outage

09.Feb.2008 Israeli Power Cuts to Gaza Violate Laws of War: HRW: Israel’s move to cut energy supplies to the Gaza Strip amounts to collective punishment of civilians and violates the laws of war, Human Rights Watch said in a report published yesterday.
09.Feb.2008 Germany Agrees to Expanded Military Role in Afghanistan:

06.Feb.2008 German Defense Minister Franz Josef Jung said-Germany will deploy around 200 combat soldiers in northern Afghanistan, but will not move its troops to the country's more violent south,,

09.Feb.2008 Germany stays in northern Afghanistan despite pleas to join battle in south:

German troops are staying in the calmer northern regions of Afghanistan, the defence minister said Friday, despite pleas from Canada + the US for more military muscle to help fight insurgents in the south.

09.Feb.2008 Mounting social distress among returning US troops : After serving tours in occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, thousands of troops are returning wounded and psychologically traumatized from the experience.

09.Feb.2008 US warns Iran over nuclear centrifuges-A top US envoy warned Iran Friday that its pursuit of more advanced uranium-enriching technology would intensify the long-running international standoff over its disputed atomic drive

09.Feb.2008 The arrogance of power: US Official: Iran Has No Need to Build More Nuclear Power Plants : Assistant Secretary of State Nicholas Burns made the remark in an interview Friday with the Reuters news service. He was responding to comments today by Iran's ambassador to Russia, Gholamreza Ansari, that Tehran has started building a second nuclear plant and is considering ways to fuel the facility.
09.Feb.2008 Taliban chief, commanders hiding in Pakistan, says US official: Taliban supremo Mullah Mohammad Omar and the strategic command of the militant group fighting an insurgency in Afghanistan are hiding in Pakistan, a senior US administration official said Friday.
09.Feb.2008 Europe’s reluctant to fight in Afghanistan is linked to Iraq:

Lingering anger in Europe over the U.S. invasion of Iraq explains why some allies are reluctant to heed U.S. calls for more combat troops in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said today.
Army sergeant says he ordered soldier to kill unarmed Iraqi civilian:

When asked why he didn't kill al-Janabi himself, Hensley said: "Sgt. Vela happened to be the guy with the pistol. The Iraqi's head was at his (Vela's) feet. I would have gladly shot him myself."
09.Feb.2008 Advancing the Civilized State -
Inch by Bloody Inch -William A. Cook, Ph.D.
Strange how the most civilized of the world in their time carry on experiments in extermination of their brothers and sisters, not as conquerors, but as victims of an evil they define.

Stranger still how the most civilized find justice for their behavior in the words of the God they created, the only real + true God, whose beneficence to them justifies their indifference to their enemies even as it makes sacred the theft of that enemies’ land. Continue
09.Feb.2008 Particide In Six Easy Steps - Diligent Democrats Demonstrate Dumbness Daily  -By David Michael Green 

Suppose you had a political party you were trying to get rid of.  How would you do it?  Continue

09.Feb.2008 The Battle For America Has BegunMust watch - 4 Minute Video - "We do the dirty work of democracy". Click to view

09.Feb.2008 Guns And Butter - By Ron Paul- Ron Paul today speaking 07/02/08 at CPAC after Romney announces he is leaving the race. McCain also spoke but was booed by the conservatives. Continue
09.Feb.2008 Top US Lawyer And UNICEF Data Reveal Afghan Genocide - By Dr Gideon Polya
Those Bush-ite and neo-Bush-ite politicians, military and Mainstream media executives complicit in the Afghan Genocide should be arraigned before the International Criminal Court.

09.Feb.2008 Does The Brownshirt Party Have Aces Up Its Sleeve? - By Paul Craig Roberts
In a McCain Regime, Cheney will be back in office with another stint as Secretary of War. Norman “Bomb-bomb-bomb-Iran” Podhoretz will be Undersecretary for Nuclear War with General John “Nuke them” Shalikashvili as his deputy. Rudy Giuliani will be the Minister of Interior in charge of Halliburton’s detention centers into which will be herded all critics of war and the police state. billy kristol will be chief White House spokesliar.

09.Feb.2008 U.S. Heading To War in Iran, Says Former Inspector -By Marilyn H. Karfeld
The White House is using outright fabrications and exaggerations to persuade the American public that Iran has an active nuclear weapons program, Ritter and Peck claimed. The ultimate goal, they said, is overthrow of Iran’s Islamic theocracy.

09.Feb.2008 The Armageddon Shuffle - By Douglas Johnson 
Nobody wants a madman at the helm of a nuclear armed country, right? I certainly don’t, yet I can’t understand how Americans tolerate the outrageous hypocrisy of George Bush calling Ahmadinijad a dangerous madman.  

09.Feb.2008 Behind Obama and Clinton - Who's whispering in their ears says a lot- By Stephen Zunes
What about Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton? Who have they picked to help them deal with Iraq war and the other immensely difficult foreign policy decisions that they’ll be likely to face as president?
Continue 09.Feb.2008 Will John McCain Have The Decency To Apologize? - By Mike Ghouse
I expect Senator McCain to drop the hate rhetoric and apologize to Muslims in America, or at least have the decency not to use the words "Islamic Terrorism" or "Muslims Terrorism". Call Terrorism for what it is, do not suffix or prefix or hang my religion to the evil acts; fear mongering is also evil.

09.Feb.2008 America’s Blinders - By Howard Zinn
A more honest estimate of ourselves as a nation would prepare us all for the next barrage of lies that will accompany the next proposal to inflict our power on some other part of the world. It might also inspire us to create a different history for ourselves, by taking our country away from the liars and killers who govern it.

09.Feb.2008 While We Await Saturday's Primary and Caucus Results, Take a Moment to Invest in Democracy. We Accept no Advertising, Just Your Support. Buy a Premium, Make a Donation, or Become a Monthly Supporter.

09.Feb.2008 Romney disgraced himself and his party by charging that a Democratic victory in the presidential race will turn America over to the terrorists.
Chuck Hagel Spills the Beans on the Bloomberg Third Party Trial Balloon

09.Feb.2008 Around 200 delegates to the Democratic party's nominating convention are at stake over the weekend + the biggest prize will be Washington state which has 78 delegates up for grabs.
Harry Truman Exhorts Dems to Fight Entrenched Financial Interests -- Great Archival Audio on BuzzFlash. Thanks to Thom Hartmann.

09.Feb.2008 G.I. Tells of Ordering Unarmed Iraqi?s Death 2/10
BuzzFlash Just Keeps Getting Better and Better. Now View Daily Feeds from GoLeft.TV and TheRealNews.com. Just Click Here, Click to the Upper Right, Or Go to the Bottom of the Homepage.
Huckabee Wins in Kansas and Says That He is Staying in the Race. Either God Wills It or the Huckster Wants Some Leverage in Getting on the Ticket as VP. 2/10

09.Feb.2008 Washington State: "Sen. Barack Obama rocked an overflow crowd at KeyArena on Friday in one of the biggest political rallies the state has ever seen. So many people showed up to catch a glimpse of Obama, police had to help keep the peace after thousands were shut out....Clinton drew a capacity crowd of 5,000 on Thursday for a rally at Pier 30 on Seattle's waterfront + 6,000 at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma on Friday.

If the crowds are any indication of what's to come in today's Democratic precinct caucuses, turnout should easily shatter the record 100,000 who showed up 00.000.2004." 2/10
It's Another Weekend of Primaries and Caucuses. Washington State is the Big One to Watch.

09.Feb.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Rep. Jack Brooks (D-TX) asked Oliver North about the plan to suspend the Constitution + it was Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-HI) as chair presiding over the joint Congressional hearings who admonished Brooks that the program was classified + that any further discussion on the matter must be held in camera or closed executive sessions. (Not clear that it was later examined in such closed hearings or not.)
(A rare example of how being old is a beneficial thing at times, since I know of this because I was of age and paying attention some 22 years ago). ... sofla

09.Feb.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Seriously, every one of those guys knows that in a liberated, free society the women would run away from them faster than you could say lickety-split. # posted by  AitchD : 2:18 PM
09.Feb.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ But the truth is + here's the killing joke, CPAC is no laughing matter. As the American Empire slips ever-closer towards an abyss of its own making + the "Iran threat" looms like Lord Sauron on an ever-darkening horizon, the right is preparing a (nuclear) "night of the long knives" for us all. And there won't be film at eleven... Permalink
09.Feb.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Antifascist Calling...
Watching snippets of the CPAC convention on C-SPAN (granted, I could tolerate only a brief peek before running from the room, gasping for air) was analogous to observing a latter-day Nuremberg rally of war mongers, Christian dominionist zombies, unalloyed racists, died-in-the-wool union-busters, Islamophobes and antiabort fanatics obsessed with "moral purity" (paging Gen. Ripper, white courtesy telephone please!) Admittedly, this is not "entertainment" meant for the kids or those prone to sudden outbursts of rage.

09.Feb.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Huck yeah! Huckabee won Kansas (of What's the Matter With... fame) + has sworn to stay in the race because he "majored in miracles." I think he's running for Vice President.
That choice would suit this Democrat just fine. McCain's not easy for independents to hate, but Reverend Huckleberry riles up everyone who has had enough of ignorant, superstitious Jesus Christers romping through our political scene. If put on the ticket, he'll fetch a few movement conservative into the voting booth. But he'll scare an even greater number of non-theocrats into voting against the Republican party.

09.Feb.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Huck yeah! Huckabee won Kansas (of What's the Matter With... fame) + has sworn to stay in the race because he "majored in miracles." I think he's running for Vice President.
That choice would suit this Democrat just fine. McCain's not easy for independents to hate, but Reverend Huckleberry riles up everyone who has had enough of ignorant, superstitious Jesus Christers romping through our political scene. If put on the ticket, he'll fetch a few movement conservative into the voting booth. But he'll scare an even greater number of non-theocrats into voting against the Republican party.

09.Feb.2008 100 Feuerwehrleute im Einsatz: Großbrand auf Londoner Straßenmarkt

09.Feb.2008 09.Feb.2008 Afghanistan- Einsatz: Heftige Debatte über Truppen- Aufstockung, Halbherziges aus den Ministerien

09.Feb.2008 Kritisiertes Atomkraftwerk: RWE fährt Biblis A wieder hoch (Wirtschaft)
09.Feb.2008 Afghanistan- Einsatz: Heftige Debatte über Aufstockung deutscher Truppen (Politik)
09.Feb.2008 Microsofts Übernahmeangebot: Yahoo findet Ballmers Offerte zu mickrig
09.Feb.2008 Saudi Arabia, China Censorship and Censorware Companies
Companies Compete to Provide Saudi Internet Veil - By JENNIFER 8. LEE The New York Times
- Security Crisis
Monday November 19 02:59 PM EST
0409 FIGHTING BACK Saudis dial up foreign Internet service providers, use Web sites that protect the user's identity or engage in a cat-and-mouse game with Web sites that frequently change their addresses to elude filters. Islah.org, users send e-mail to a fixed address and receive the new Web address.

Saudi Arabia is in contract with 10 companies from the United States, Britain, Germany and the Netherlands.
Secure Computing, of San Jose, Calif.,
Matthew Holt, oversees sales operations in the Middle East for that currently provides Internet-filtering software to the Saudi government under a contract that expires

00.000.2003 and wants to renew that contract.
Websense, San Diego which sells to half of the Fortune 500 companies, the US Army and Saudi Aramco, the large Saudi oil company Surf Control, London N2H2, Seattle, Washington Symantec, a Cupertino, Calif.
09.Feb.2008 https://www.alternet.org/rights/76388/

"We are the owners, operators + experts of our critical infrastructure, from the CEO of a large company in agriculture or high finance to the guy who turns the valve at the water utility," says Schneck, who by day is the vice president of research integration at Secure Computing.
We were assured that if we were forced to kill someone to protect our infrastructure, there would be no repercussions," the whistleblower says. "It gave me goose bumps. It chilled me to the bone."
09.Feb.2008 https://www.alternet.org/module/printversion/76388

Christine Moerke is a business continuity consultant for Alliant Energy in Madison, Wisconsin. She says she's an InfraGard member + she confirms that she has attended InfraGard meetings that went into the details about what kind of civil patrol function -- including engaging in lethal force -- that InfraGard members may be called upon to perform.

"There have been discussions like that, that I've heard of and participated in," she says.

"Then they said when -- not if -- martial law is declared, it was our responsibility to protect our portion of the infrastructure + if we had to use deadly force to protect it, we couldn't be prosecuted," he says.
On May 9, 2007, George Bush issued National Security Presidential Directive 51 entitled "National Continuity Policy." In it, he instructed the Secretary of Homeland Security to coordinate with "private sector owners and operators of critical infrastructure, as appropriate, in order to provide for the delivery of essential services during an emergency
09.Feb.2008 https://www.alternet.org/module/printversion/76388

This special status concerns the ACLU.

"The FBI should not be creating a privileged class of Americans who get special treatment," says Jay Stanley, public education director of the ACLU's technology and liberty program. "There's no 'business class' in law enforcement. If there's information the FBI can share with 22,000 corporate bigwigs, why don't they just share it with the public? That's who their real 'special relationship' is supposed to be with. Secrecy is not a party favor to be given out to friends. . . . This bears a disturbing resemblance to the FBI's handing out 'goodies' to corporations in return for folding them into its domestic surveillance machinery."
If you had to call 1-800-FBI, you probably wouldn't bother," she says.

"But if you knew Joe from a local meeting you had with him over a donut, you might call them.

Either to give or to get.

We want everyone to have a little black book."
"What InfraGard brings you is reach into the regional and local communities.

We are a 22,000-member vetted body of subject-matter experts that reaches across seventeen matrixes.

All the different stovepipes can connect with InfraGard."
Maviglio still sounds perturbed about this: "You'd think an elected official would be the first to know, not the last."
09.Feb.2008 https://www.alternet.org/module/printversion/76388

"There is evidence that InfraGard may be closer to a corporate TIPS program, turning private-sector corporations

- some of which may be in a position to observe the activities of millions of individual customers - into surrogate eyes and ears for the FBI," the ACLU warned in its

00.Aug.2004 report The Surveillance-Industrial Complex: How the American Government Is Conscripting Businesses and Individuals in the Construction of a Surveillance Society.
To join, each person must be sponsored by "an existing InfraGard member, chapter, or partner organization."
09.Feb.2008 https://www.alternet.org/module/printversion/76388

00.Nov.2001 InfraGard had around 1,700 members. As of late

00.Jan.2008 InfraGard had 23,682 members, according to its website, www.infragard.net, which adds that "350 of our nation's Fortune 500 have a representative in InfraGard."
https://blog.fefe.de/ In den USA geht die "Zusammenarbeit" zwischen Repressionsbehörden und Industrie noch deutlich weiter als bei uns.

Today, more than 23,000 representatives of private industry are working quietly with the FBI + the Department of Homeland Security.

The members of this rapidly growing group, called InfraGard, receive secret warnings of terrorist threats before the public does - +, at least on one occasion, before elected officials.

In return, they provide information to the government, which alarms the ACLU. But there may be more to it than that.

One business executive, who showed me his InfraGard card, told me they have permission to "shoot to kill" in the event of martial law.

InfraGard is "a child of the FBI," says Michael Hershman, the chairman of the advisory board of the InfraGard National Members Alliance and CEO of the Fairfax Group, an international consulting firm.

Äh, wie meinen?

Das muß man sich mal vorstellen, Bush ruft Kriegsrecht auf, um im Amt zu bleiben, und dann laufen da die Schlipsträger mit Pumpguns durch die Straßen und ballern Leute ab. Oh Mann.
https://blog.fefe.de/ Den Briten fällt auf, dass ihr Schnüffelstaat außer Kontrolle ist.

Die beschnüffeln da Abgeordnete, Anwälte, sogar die Gespräche zwischen Anwälten und ihren im Gefängnis einsitzenden Mandanten.


Whatever the guys at the top are planning, it's not in our best interests.  Our constitution is being rewritten without our approval.  

This stuff sends chills up and down my spine.  I don't know what country we're living in, but it's not America anymore.

Another scary quote from the article in the Progressive:

This special status concerns the ACLU.

"The FBI should not be creating a privileged class of Americans who get special treatment," says Jay Stanley, public education director of the ACLU’s technology and liberty program.

"There’s no ‘business class’ in law enforcement. If there’s information the FBI can share with 22,000 corporate bigwigs, why don’t they just share it with the public?

That’s who their real ‘special relationship’ is supposed to be with. Secrecy is not a party favor to be given out to friends. . . .

This bears a disturbing resemblance to the FBI’s handing out ‘goodies’ to corporations in return for folding them into its domestic surveillance machinery."


I had to read this several times and hear it from another source before I believed it.

The ACLU is also commenting on this:

"The U.S. security establishment is reaching deeper and deeper into our private lives by forcing the corporate sector to inform on the activities of individuals," said Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the ACLU. "The government has always recruited informers to help convict criminals, but today that recruitment is being computerized, automated + used against innocent individuals on a massive scale that is unprecedented in the history of our nation."
Around 200 delegates to the Democratic party's nominating convention are at stake over the weekend + the biggest prize will be Washington state which has 78 delegates up for grabs.
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G.I. Tells of Ordering Unarmed Iraqi?s Death 2/10

09.Feb.2008 It's Another Weekend of Primaries and Caucuses. Washington State is the Big One to Watch.
"In more than three dozen interviews, friends, classmates and mentors from his high school and Occidental recalled Mr. Obama as being grounded, motivated and poised, someone who did not appear to be grappling with any drug problems and seemed to dabble only with marijuana." Of course, the Republicans forgave Bush for his years of being lost in a cloud of cocaine and booze. 2/10

09.Feb.2008 P.M. Carpenter: The warmonger in chief is already in the game, re-hammering the prefabricated message that this election will "present the country with a stark ideological choice at a time of war."
Feminist Peace Network: "I may be a pacifist, but if some asshole said this about my kid, let alone on television, I would be one mightily pissed off mama. It doesn?t matter if you are supporting Clinton, Obama or for that matter, McCain or Huckabee, or even Ralph Nader (no don?t even think about it)?this isn?t ok. Write to MSNBC?s Phil Griffin + their News Director Steve Capus and share your thoughts" About David Shuster's Vile Comment About Chelsea Clinton.

09.Feb.2008 You Can Post Your Favorite News Stories and Vote on Others at BuzzFlash.net
McCain Said Despicable, Mean, Crude Things About Chelsea Clinton Too, Way Back When. What is With These Guys? And McCain is Running for President. Why do Right Wingers Not Like McCain. He's Got a Reprehensible "Limbaugh" Sense of Humor. Remember, His Recent New Hampshire Rendition of "Bomb, Bomb, Iran"? 2/9

09.Feb.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ If this isn't troubling enough, it gets worse...much worse. An InfraGard whistleblower who had attended a "partnership for protection" meeting told Rothschild,
"The meeting started off innocuously enough, with the speakers talking about corporate espionage," he says. "From there, it just progressed. All of a sudden we were knee deep in what was expected of us when martial law is declared. We were expected to share all our resources, but in return we'd be given specific benefits." These included, he says, the ability to travel in restricted areas and to get people out.
?But that's not all.
"Then they said when--not if--martial law is declared, it was our responsibility to protect our portion of the infrastructure + if we had to use deadly force to protect it, we couldn't be prosecuted," he says. ... "I have nothing to gain by telling you this + everything to lose," he adds. "I'm so nervous about this + I'm not someone who gets nervous."
But as Jeff Wells over at
Rigorous Intuition, writing on the "new reality" of an America in terminal mode cautions, "The harder truth may be that this is our destination. And they're not coming for us; they're here already + they've always had us."
InfraGard: like new pod people, they're here already... [Cross-posted on
Antifascist Calling... ] Permalink

09.Feb.2008 The Man Who Bagged The Pelican - August 7, 2007

07.Aug.2007 ... The Department of Justice, it seems, would prefer that the Pellicano ... He is a thrice-convicted felon who most recently pleaded guilty to ... www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2007/0807071patterson1.html
White Collar Crime Prof Blog: L.A. Attorney Charged With ... U.S. Department of Justice : Antitrust Division ... She is the ex-wife of billionaire investor Kirk Kerkorian, who has made headlines recently with his large ... lawprofessors.typepad.com/whitecollarcrime_blog/2006/02/what_did_ovitz_.html
09.Feb.2008 the truth about The Church of Scientology and Tom Cruise

Stevens' guilty plea provided the first official link between Pellicano and the ... chief of the U.S. Justice Department's organized crime and racketeering ... www.anti-scientologie.ch/cruise-pellicano.htm
01.Jun.2005 Alien Intelligencer- Conservatives have no problem with the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, a generous donor ...

Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. www.alienintelligencer.com/2005_06_01_archive.html
Die japanischen Pläne laufen unter dem Namen Space Solar Power System (SSPS).
In den USA denkt man in eine ähnliche Richtung: Das National Security Space Office (NSSO) des Pentagon hat der US-Regierung im vergangenen Oktober empfohlen, zehn Milliarden Dollar innerhalb der nächsten zehn Jahre
in einen Test-Satelliten zu investieren, der in der Lage sein soll, einen Strahl von zehn Megawatt elektrischer Energie zur Erde zu schicken.
09.Feb.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltall/0,1518,druck-534225,00.html
Geostationäre Satelliten sollen Sonnenlicht einfangen, bündeln und zur Erde schicken. In wenigen Tagen beginnen Experimente, mit deren Ergebnissen man das ungelöste Problem des Transports Orbit-Erde angehen will.
Russland: Steinmeier fordert Putin zu Abrüstungsverhandlungen auf
09.Feb.2008 Bundeswehr in Afghanistan: "Unsere Kommunikationsstrategie ist gescheitert"

09.Feb.2008 Webshop: Nordkorea entdeckt den E- Commerce (Netzwelt)
09.Feb.2008 Afghanistan- Einsatz: Heftige Debatte über Aufstockung deutscher Truppen

09.Feb.2008 Strom aus dem All: Satelliten sollen Sonnenlicht gebündelt zur Erde schicken

09.Feb.2008 Pakistan: Anschlag bei Wahlveranstaltung - viele Tote (Politik)
09.Feb.2008 Türkische Universitäten: Parlament erlaubt Kopftuch - Zehntausende protestieren (Politik)
09.Feb.2008 Großspenden: Deutsche Firmen steckten eine Million in US- Wahlkampf (Politik)
09.Feb.2008 ICP - Credit reports for major and emerging world markets Antilles)

View credit report on EXACT PAY NV Curacao (Neth. Antilles) · EXACT POWER INDUSTRIA HYDRAULICA LTDA Brazil · View credit report on EXACT POWER ... www.icpcredit.com/companies/Ex.asp

Private company, Number of shareholders, 0. Number of subsidiaries, 0. CONTACT INFORMATION. Location, WILLEMSTAD, Curacao ... mintportal.bvdep.com/MintPortal-BJOJIIFINHGIDIFINHDIFICIJI.urk


First Curaçao International Bank raided - MajorWager Forums

At the office at Kaya Jombi Mensing is also a sign of the company Exact Pay NV, which is an e-commerce company with Jan Deuss + Neuman-Rovira as directors ... www.majorwager.com/forums/mess-hall/75406-first-curacao-international-bank-raided.html
2006-09-nieuwsbronnen internationaal Bij het kantoor op het adres Kaya Jombi Mensing, tot slot, staat verder ook het bordje van het bedrijf Exact Pay NV . Het is een e-commerce onderneming met ...
ExactPay : Membership Agreement "Exact Pay NV " means Exact Pay NV, a company formed under the laws of the ...

The initial Password will be assigned by Exact Pay NV and may be changed by ... internet-currency.info/article.php?n=117&ICH=0c11a42d2fb4eb00d6d0fccee98b4929
First Curaçao International Bank raided - MajorWager Forums

The other two commissioners are Timothy Ulrich from Staten Island, New York in the United States + Lucius Halley, born in St. .. www.majorwager.com/forums/mess-hall/75406-first-curacao-international-bank-raided.html
BREK ENERGY CORP - BREK Annual Report (Small Business Issuers ...

WHEREAS, FCIB assigned its rights under the FEDS Purchase Agreement to FCBC ...

By: /s/ signed By: /s/ signed Name: Nasr (Victor) Farag Name: Nasr (Victor) ... sec.edgar-online.com/2007/04/16/0001176256-07-000230/Section41.asp
First Curaçao International Bank raided - MajorWager Forums

Other persons registered as directors of FCIB are Nasr Faraq, owner Jan Deuss, who lives in Bermuda and has the Egyptian and American nationality, ... www.majorwager.com/forums/mess-hall/75406-first-curacao-international-bank-raided.html

31.Dec.2006 SEC Info - Brek Energy Corp - 10KSB - For

WHEREAS, FCIB assigned its rights under the FEDS Purchase Agreement to FCBC effective ... Nasr (Victor) Farag . Title:. Proxy Holder. Title:. Proxy Holder ... www.secinfo.com/d13Smf.u79.htm

2006-09-nieuwsbronnen internationaal Ongeveer 2500 Britten hebben via FCIB voor 5 miljard pond per jaar (meer dan 16 ... Als directeuren staan verder ingeschreven Nasr Faraq, evenals eigenaar ...
09.Feb.2008 First Curaçao International Bank raided - MajorWager Forums

Other persons registered as directors of FCIB are Nasr Faraq, owner Jan Deuss, who lives in Bermuda + has the Egyptian + American nationality, ... www.majorwager.com/forums/mess-hall/75406-first-curacao-international-bank-raided.html

2006-09-nieuwsbronnen internationaal Als directeuren staan verder ingeschreven Nasr Faraq, evenals eigenaar Jan Deuss woonachtig op Bermuda, met de Egyptische en Amerikaanse nationaliteit; ...
09.Feb.2008 https://www.korps-politie-suriname.com/nieuws/nieuwsbronnen%20internationaal/archief%20nieuwsbronnen%20internationaal/2006/2006-09-nieuwsbronnen-internationaal/2006-09-nieuwsbronnen%20internationaal.htm

FCIB is van de Nederlander Johannes ‘Jan’ Deuss (64), die op Bermuda woont.

00.Jun.1973 -sinds- First Curaçao International Bank NV, gevestigd aan de Kaya Jombi Mensing 18, is actief.

Het betreft een zogeheten offshore bank, die niet lokaal bankiert maar alleen internationaal opereert.
Süddeutsche Zeitung- Der neokonservative
Politikberater Robert Kagan sieht zwischen Europa und Russland Konflikte heraufziehen, die längst überwunden schienen:

"Solange Russland schwach und arm und willens war, sich in den Westen zu integrieren, war das alles noch zu lösen...

Putin, der offenbar der Sowjetunion hinterher trauert, möchte wieder hegemonialen Einfluss über die Baltischen Staaten + Osteuropa gewinnen, außerdem über die Ukraine, Georgien, Moldawien und über all jene Staaten, die Russland als sein 'nahes Ausland' bezeichnet. Diese werden nun aber bereits von den Europäern als 'neue Nachbarn' begrüßt und jene sind schon längst formales Mitglied der EU.

So sind die Nationen der Europäischen Union in einen Konflikt wie im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert verwickelt."
Im Dossier des taz mag
denkt der Autor Stephan Wackwitz mit Ludwig Wittgenstein über die Eifersucht und noch grundsätzlichere Dinge nach: "Auf dem Grund allen sinnvollen Denkens liegt keine logische Ableitung, Überlegung, Beweisführung, sondern paradoxerweise vielmehr eine Handlung.

... 'Warum überzeuge ich mich nicht davon, dass ich noch zwei Füße habe, wenn ich mich von dem Sessel erheben will? Es gibt kein Warum. Ich tue es einfach .'"
in der "Welt" sieht Niall Ferguson die Demokratie auf dem Rückzug.
Geheimdienstchef Grzegorz Reszka erstattete Strafanzeige gegen drei ehemalige Mitarbeiter der Behörde, weil sie im Auftrag der Vorgängerregierung der rechtskonservativen Partei Recht und Gerechtigkeit [PiS] illegal geheime Daten in großem Ausmaß kopiert und mitgenommen haben sollen.
"Wenn sich die Informationen bestätigen, ist Skandal ein zu schwaches Wort", sagte der Chef des SKW-Vorgängerdienstes WSI, Marek Dukaczewski, der Tageszeitung "Gazeta Wyborcza" [Donnerstag-Ausgabe].
Nachricht an die NATO
Die Anzeige sei schon vergangene Woche erfolgt, schreibt die Zeitung. Demnach habe die Aktion kurz vor der Parlamentswahl im vergangenen Oktober stattgefunden, als die PiS als Regierungspartei abgewählt wurde.
Dukaczewski sagte, dass sich Informanten nun vom Geheimdienst abwenden könnten, weil sie nicht mehr darauf vertrauen könnten, dass sie geheim blieben.

Polen müsse über den Vorfall auch die NATO informieren, sagte der General
Guru Rebranded

Wikipedia portrays Prem Rawat "as a speaker on the subject of inner peace". This fits with the public persona Rawat has cultivated since the mid-80s. But it doesn't tell the whole story.

Wikipedia doesn't just omit references to the Rawat's private persona. It omits references to the very public persona he fostered from the 60s through to the early 80s.

00.Nov.1972 Time Magazine ( https://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,944540,00.html ) profiled Prem Rawat, then 14-years-old, with a story entitled "Junior Guru."

"The Maharaj Ji's mother and three older brothers literally worship him, kissing his 'lotus feet' whenever they are in his presence.

To them as to his other followers, he is the 'Perfect Master' and 'Lord of the Universe'," the story read.

00.000.1971 “..the master's American premies (loved ones) heralded his advent in the U.S. with a press release stating:

'He is coming in the clouds with great power and glory + his silver steed will drift down at 4 p.m. at Los Angeles international airport, TWA Flight 761.'

That was enough to attract a coterie of guru buffs and various other seekers. In little over a year their number has swelled to some 30,000 youthful followers who man 'Divine Light' centers in 45 states."

But around the mid-80s, according to Mike Finch and John Brauns, Rawat reinvented his public image. He dropped the honorific Guru Maharaj Ji, encouraging followers to call him Maharaji.

He changed the name of his movement from the Divine Light Mission to Elan Vital. And he dissuaded followers from publicly discussing his private attitudes.
Tokio - Die G-7 rechnen als Folge der aktuellen Finanzkrise mit einem Abschreibungsbedarf von rund 400 Milliarden US-Dollar bei den Banken weltweit.

Dies sei die allgemeine Einschätzung der Runde gewesen, sagte Bundesfinanzminister Peer Steinbrück (SPD) am Samstag in Tokio nach dem G-7-Treffen.

Er wandte sich jedoch zum wiederholten Male dagegen, in Deutschland dem US-Beispiel zu folgen und ein Konjunkturprogramm zur Ankurbelung der Wirtschaft aufzulegen.
Finanzkrise: G7 glauben nicht an US- Rezession (Wirtschaft)
09.Feb.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/0,1518,druck-534020,00.html

Innenministerium plant zentrales Melderegister

Heise.de berichtet von Plänen der Bundesregierung ein zentrales Bundesmelderegister einzurichten.

In dieser Datenbank sollen deutlich mehr Informationen über die rund 82 Millionen Einwohner Deutschlands gespeichert werden als heute in den Meldestellen.

Das gehe aus einem Referentenentwurf des Bundesinnenministeriums zum Meldegesetz vor.

Auch die 5000 Meldestellen in den Kommunen sollen mehr personenbezogene Daten vorhalten. Die Behörden sollen Daten leichter abrufen und austauschen können.

Durch zentralisierte Strukturen, so das Innenministerium, solle ein "effizienter und wirtschaftlicher Vollzug" erreicht werden.

Die "Qualität der Daten" solle erhöht, den "zu Recht eingeforderten datenschutzrechtlichen Anforderungen" damit Rechnung getragen werden.

Die gesamte Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage der FDP-Fraktion gibt es als PDF-Download.

Darin werden auch weitere Fragen zum Melderecht + zur "Einführung des Datenaustauschformats X-Meld" beantwortet.

Datenschützer wie der Berliner Datenschutzbeauftragte Alexander Dix kritisieren das zentrale Melderegister als "Rückfall in die Zeit des zentralen Einwohnerregisters der ehemaligen DDR mit seinen Personenkennzeichen: "Es darf kein Bundesmelderegister geben!"
09.Feb.2008 Bundeskriminalamt: Mehrere Deutsche zur Ausbildung in Terrorcamps (Politik)
09.Feb.2008 Netzwelt- Ticker: Surfer sollen sich selbst überwachen

09.Feb.2008 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Demokratie auf allen Kontinenten auf dem Rückzug" (Kultur)
09.Feb.2008 Erdbeben in Mexiko: Hunderttausende Menschen ohne Strom
Nach Wahlerfolg der Linken: Beckstein will sozialere Union (Politik)
09.Feb.2008 Bundeswehr: Berlin bereitet Ausweitung des Afghanistan- Einsatzes vor (Politik)
09.Feb.2008 Afghanistan- Einsatz: USA bestehen auf mehr Bundeswehr- Engagement (Politik)

00.Oct.2004 The Reference Desk: Who is The Council For National Policy and What Are They Up To?

And Why Don't They Want You To Know?

At Americans United, Jeremy Leaming and Rob Boston ... tca-reference-desk.blogspot.com/2004_10_01_archive.html
Rev. Billy Graham: A Prince of War Exposed Nixon bomb the “dikes” in the north of Vietnam .

He also criticized the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. for speaking out against the war. www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x1943790
Atom- Konflikt mit dem Iran: USA besorgt über "mögliche Eskalation" (Politik)
08.Feb.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-534154,00.html
Die Linke ein politischer Faktor, ihre bloße Anwesenheit legt althergebrachte Koalitionsmodelle lahm.
Deutliche Worte ohne die üblichen diplomatische Rücksichten sind zudem von der sogenannten Sicherheitstagung in München an diesem Wochenende zu erwarten.
08.Feb.2008 https://www.jungewelt.de/2008/02-09/023.php?print=1
Außerdem will niemand in der Bundeswehr für die Fehler der Amerikaner sterben, die, so wird hinter vorgehaltener Hand seit langem beklagt, zuerst schießen und dann fragen – und auf diese Weise die angeblichen Anfangserfolge in Afghanistan in ihr Gegenteil verkehrt haben.
08.Feb.2008 https://www.jungewelt.de/2008/02-09/023.php?print=1
Mehr als 80 % der Deutschen lehnen die Entsendung von Kampftruppen nach Afghanistan ab.
08.Feb.2008 https://www.jungewelt.de/2008/02-09/023.php?print=1
00.000.2007 Die Zahl der Angriffe und Anschläge der Taliban in Südafghanistan ist im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um ein Drittel gestiegen.

Entsprechend rasant haben die Verluste der NATO zugenommen. Die US-Amerikaner, die Kanadier und die Briten sind es leid, allein zu sterben.

Jetzt sollen die »Drückeberger« an die Front, die »Trittbrettfahrer«, wie sie der polnische Außenminister Radoslav Sikorski öffentlich gerügt hat.

Denn das neubürgerliche Polen zeigt sich wieder einmal amerikanischer als die Amerikaner und brennt geradezu darauf, mit eigenen Blutopfern das Wohlwollen Washingtons zu erkaufen.

Serbia has rejected the EU mission, saying it would be a prelude to secession.

Samardzic said Serbia would not sign any cooperation agreement with the EU, arguing it would amount to "the signature for the independence of Kosovo".
Und doch dürfte – wie in der Legende – letztlich David gewinnen.

Denn Exxon manövriert sich mit seinen Attacken aus einem Geschäft, das selbst bei einem – von der Regierung Hugo Chavez’ angebotenen– Minderheitsanteil für die Zukunft weiter satte Profite garantieren würde.

Trotz eines Rekordgewinns von gut 40 Milliarden Dollar im vergangenen Jahr gehen dem Ölgiganten nämlich die eigenen Quellen aus.

Weder in Saudi-Arabien noch in Rußland konnte sich Exxon nennenswerte eigene Förderrechte sichern. Beide Staaten gelten neben Venezuela als diejenigen mit den größten Reserven.
Bush Urges Conservatives to Rally Behind 2008 Nominee

09.Feb.2008 Nebraska Supreme Court Outlaws Electric Chair
08.Feb.2008 IKB benötigt neue Milliardenhilfen

Fr 16:00 Wer soll Deutschland regieren? Keiner
08.Feb.2008 Flug STS-122 - ein Meilenstein europäischer Weltraumgeschichte
G7 beraten über Finanzmarktkrise
08.Feb.2008 Nato: Gates sieht Mission in Afghanistan gefährdet
08.Feb.2008 Aussies show whalers' cow, calf catch
08.Feb.2008 Kosovo 'to declare independence'
David Kurtz's "Mark This Day" blurb misses the most important point - it's not just that the Attorney General's position is that a DOJ Order makes the subject activity legal but that, as Nadler brought out, there is now no recourse to a judicial test, either criminal (through refusal to prosecute) or civil (through the state secrets privilege based solely on a DOJ affidavit).

The DOJ is entitled to take whatever position it wants, however self-serving and unitary, but now there is no avenue for judicial review and so that is the end of the story. That is the important point here.
The End is what transpired as we drank our beers, focused on Britney Spears or praised the lord and revoted for GWB. Bring on Blackwater and we are all Iraqis now. Karma is a Boomerang |- 3:45 pm |
08.Feb.2008 https://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article19307.htm

The Bush stimulus plan is a drop in the bucket. It'll take much, much more. And, we're not holding our breath for a New Deal from George Walker Bush.

The $2 trillion that has been wiped out from falling home prices, the slowdown in lending activity at the banks, the loss $600 billion in home equity loans + the faltering stock market have all contributed to a noticeable change in the public's attitudes towards spending. Traffic to the shopping malls has slowed to a crawl. Retail shops had their worst January on record. Homeowners are hoarding their earnings to cover basic expenses and to make up for their lack of personal savings. The spending-spigot has been turned off. America's consumer culture is in full-retreat. The slowdown is here.

08.Feb.2008 It is now.

We are likely to see the sharpest decline in consumer spending in US history. Bush's $150 billion will be too little too late.
“The numbers are so terrible, it's beyond belief,” said Scott Anderson, senior economist at Wells Fargo & Co.
08.Feb.2008 https://blog.fefe.de/ Israels Kampfpiloten kriegen zukünftig Viagra kriegen, weil das angeblich die Höhenverträglichkeit steigert und die Müdigkeit mindert.
08.Feb.2008 https://blog.fefe.de/ In Frankreich laufen Ermittungen wegen Totschlags gegen Sanofi Aventis und Merck an.

Die Pharma-Mafia soll nämlich Nebenwirkungen ihrer Hepatitis-B-Impfungen verschwiegen haben, Frankreich hat dann 2/3 der Bevölkerung damit geimpft, und daran sind dann Leute gestorben.
https://blog.fefe.de/ Innerhalb von Guantanamo gibt es offenbar noch einen Geheimknast, noch geheimer als der Rest der Anlage.

For the first time, the top commander of detention operations at Guantanamo has confirmed the existence of the mysterious Camp 7.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Rear Adm. Mark Buzby also provided a few details about the maximum-security lockup.

Guantanamo commanders said Camp 7 is for key alleged al-Qaida members, who must be kept apart from other prisoners to prevent them from retaliating against long-term detainees who have talked to interrogators.

They also want the location kept secret for fear of terrorist attack. Na klaaaaaar, die Terroristen kommen dann!1!!

Immerhin ist eines klar: gefoltert wird dort nicht. Denn die Amis foltern grundsätzlich nicht.
https://blog.fefe.de/ Bankendomino: Die US-Banken haben kein Geld mehr, das sie verleihen könnten.

Daher müssen sie sich vom Fed neues Geld drucken und leihen lassen, um überhaupt ihr Geschäft fortführen zu können. Klingt unglaublich, aber guckt euch mal die beiden Grafiken an, die sie da haben. OMG OMG OMG.
https://blog.fefe.de/ Brite in Dubai seit September im Knast, weil sie am Flughafen bei der Durchreise an seiner Schuhsohle 0,003g Cannabis gefunden haben. Das ist weniger als ein Zuckerkorn.

Das kann man mit bloßem Auge gar nicht sehen
Hier ist ein gruseliger Artikel über die drohende CDS-Implosion. "Actually, I'm worried not so much about the junk-bond market itself as the huge market for a derivative called a credit-default swap, or CDS, built on top of that junk-bond market. Credit-default swaps are a kind of insurance against default, arranged between two parties.

One party, the seller, agrees to pay the face value of the policy in case of a default by a specific company. The buyer pays a premium, a fee, to the seller for that protection.

This has grown to be a huge market: The total value of all CDS contracts is something like $450 trillion..... Some studies have put the real credit risk at just 6% of the total, or about $27 trillion.

That puts the CDS market at somewhere between two and six times the size of the U.S. economy .
The Three Co-Chairs of the DNC Delegate Credentials Committee All Served in Clinton Administration -- A BuzzFlash Editor's Blog
Stop Here to Get Buzzed every morning with BuzzFlash Alerts. Click and Go. And the afternoon alerts are even better! Sign up now. It's completely free.
Not so lonely at the bottom: 'Bush reached his lowest approval rating in The Associated Press-Ipsos poll on Friday as only 30 percent said they like the job he is doing, including an all-time low in his support by Republicans. Congress' approval fell to just 22 percent, equaling its poorest grade in the survey. Both marks dropped by 4 percentage points since early January.' 2/9

08.Feb.2008 McCain's age means there is still hope for Mitt Romney -- Be-Elected
Obama, Clinton to have two new debates 2/9

08.Feb.2008 Yes, There are Five Democratic Presidential Primaries and Caucuses This Weekend. Here They Are. Click.
Romney's Exit -- Who Does It Help? -- Be-Elected

08.Feb.2008 Ostroy Report: Romney's Despicable Attack on Democrats. He Should Be Ashamed of Himself 2/9
Bad Voter Lists May Have Botched New Mexico's Democratic Caucus; Nearly 13 percent of NM Democrats found they were not on precinct voter rolls when they showed up to choose a presidential nominee.;

Why can't we just have evryone vote? 2/9
6 Dead in Shooting Rampage at Kirkwood City Council Outside of St. Louis, Mayor Mike Swoboda Injured 2/9

08.Feb.2008 https://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2008/02/07/043.html

A Moscow-based spokesman for Lev Chyorny on Tuesday denied that the brothers could be involved in the French investigation.

"There are lots of well-known brothers who worked in the Russian aluminum industry," he said. An Israel-based spokesman for Mikhail Chyorny could not be reached for comment Tuesday.
Market Matters January Closes With An 'Irrational' Selloff Russian stock markets bowed out of January with one of their worst months of trading in years, the benchmark RTS suffering its biggest losses since 2000.  
08.Feb.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/
-> anon906 here
found it ! -> Cannonfire- ... as the brothers engineered the takeover of much of Russia's metals industry, ...
He acknowledged that Trans Commodities employed Mikhail Chernoy as the ... cannonfire.blogspot.com/2007/11/coke-jet-mystery-links-to-russian-mob.html
Cannonfire- Like the Mob's front man in Vegas, Allen Glick, he and his brothers raced ...
The name that really caught my eye in all of that was Mikhail Chernoy (aka ... cannonfire.blogspot.com/2007/10/coke-jet-mystery-latest-developments.html

------end quote--
Tchernoi aluminium
"Le Parisien" reports ...that research by Societé Général ´s own staff have found hundreds of accounts... through which possibly has been laundered money ..

the French ministry of finances has been informed last week...Their special anti-money laundering unit is said to have started investigations...

Its about dozens or even hundreds of millions of euros...of unexplained origins...being found ...in at least 800 accounts opened by strawmen etc. ...

In more than a couple of cases, ...behind those accounts were found two rich brothers from Russia, who are living in " London and make their money in the ALUMINIUM trade and have always denied any mafia links" there is more, but I´m tired

(NOT meant to tease,nor to be rude) # posted by   Anonymous : 4:32 PM More with named names - see Moscow Times:
2 Russians Seen in SocGen Fraud Case
... Among Russia's most famous sibling duos are the Chyorny brothers, Lev and Mikhail, who came to prominence in the country's aluminum industry with the Rueben brothers' London-based TransWorld Group + the Zhivilo brothers, who were major shareholders in the Novokuznetsk aluminum plant in Western Siberia.
A Moscow-based spokesman for Lev Chyorny on Tuesday denied that the brothers could be involved in the French investigation.
# posted by  softlabhennef :


Impeach Bush (then try him) and deport his gang of "Dual Citizens!" ... https://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/mylai/mylai.htm ... www.voxfux.com/archives/00000085.htm
"Die Finanzmärkte konzentrieren sich derzeit offenbar nur noch auf jene Konjunkturprognosen, nach denen Aktienkurse fallen werden", sagt Keith Wade, Chefvolkswirt der britischen Fondsgesellschaft Schroders.
Es wird keine V-förmige Rezession geben, dieses Mal wird es ein L. Anders formuliert:

Schlagen Sie sich eine schnelle Erholung nach dem Einbruch aus dem Kopf", sagt der Schweizer Hedgefondsmanager Felix Zulauf, der einst den

00.000.1987 Börsencrash des Jahres-

00.000.1998 die Asien-Krise und

00.000.2000 das Platzen der Technologieblase -im Jahr- vorhersagte.

So warnt die US-Investmentbank Goldman Sachs davor zu glauben, die Börsen seien bereits aus dem Gröbsten heraus.

Zu klar scheint den Marktkennern, dass Amerikas Wirtschaft in eine Rezession taumelt - und die übrige Welt ein Stück mit nach unten zieht.

Die Anzeichen dafür häufen sich. Die Stimmung unter Amerikas Einkaufsmanagern ist so schlecht wie seit sieben Jahren nicht mehr:

00.Jan.2008 -im-Der vom Institute for Supply Management (ISM) ermittelte Index brach von 54,4 auf 41,9 Zähler ein.

So tief rangierte der wichtige Konjunkturindikator zuletzt während Amerikas jüngster Rezession im Jahr 2001.

Nur eines steht fest: Die tschechische Polizei hat es mit einem handfesten Skandal zu tun - und das Schweizer Bankenwesen ein Glaubwürdigkeitsproblem.

Warum wird erst jetzt ermittelt?
Aufruhr in Italien: "Schwarze Liste" denunziert jüdische Professoren

08.Feb.2008 Sicherheitskonferenz in München: Kampf um das richtige Kriegskonzept (Politik)
08.Feb.2008 Gasstreit: Gasprom will Ukraine ab Dienstag den Hahn zudrehen (Wirtschaft)
08.Feb.2008 "Primitiv- Islamismus": Muslime streiten über britischen Scharia- Vorstoß

08.Feb.2008 Dubiose Zahlungen: Siemens- Affäre sorgt in Athen für Wirbel

08.Feb.2008 Amoklauf an US- College: Studentin erschießt zwei Kommilitoninnen und sich selbst (Panorama)
08.Feb.2008 Verdacht der Untreue: NPD- Schatzmeister muss hinter Gitter (Politik)
08.Feb.2008 Finanz- Crash: Kann Bushs Milliardenprogramm die Krise stoppen?

08.Feb.2008 Betrugsverdacht: Schweizer Bank wollte mutmaßlichem Hochstapler 3,5 Milliarden Dollar geben (Wirtschaft)
08.Feb.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-534076,00.html
Der Präsident hob hervor, dass die Militärausgaben im Westen um das Dutzendfache höher seien als in Russland.

Moskau - Im Streit über den geplanten US-Raketenabwehrschirm hat der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin den Vereinigten Staaten ein neues Wettrüsten vorgeworfen.

"Wir sind zu Vergeltungsmaßnahmen gezwungen", erklärte Putin am Freitag in einer Fernsehansprache.

Russland werde auf die geplante Stationierung von US-Abwehrraketen in Polen mit einer Modernisierung seiner Streitkräfte und Waffensysteme reagieren. AP

Russlands Präsident Putin im Kreml: "Eine neue Runde des Wettrüstens hat begonnen" Warschau und Washington hatten sich in der vergangenen Woche auf die Aufstellung von Abwehrraketen in Polen verständigt.

Die USA planen zudem die Installation einer Radaranlage für den Raketenabwehrschirm in Tschechien.

"Eine neue Runde des Wettrüstens hat begonnen. Und wir waren nicht diejenigen, die angefangen haben", sagte Putin.

Schon in naher Zukunft werde Russland mit dem Bau neuer Waffen beginnen, die denen anderer Länder keinesfalls unterlegen und in einigen Fällen sogar überlegen seien.

Wenn der Eisbär zu Beginn ohne Musik über das Packeis stapft, knarzt der Schnee so schaurigschön unter seinen Tatzen, dass es einem kalt den Rücken runter läuft.

In diesem Moment ist man dichter am Geschehen, als es das beste 800-Zoom-Objektiv bewirken kann.

Und dann wird auch anschaulich, was durch die Erderwärmung alles auf dem Spiel steht: ein Lebensraum, dessen Schönheit und Vielfalt zu zerstören jetzt schon zu den großen Verbrechen der Menschheit gehört.

Einem Bericht der Zeitung "Le Parisien" zufolge ist die interne Bankaufsicht der Société Générale zudem auf ein Netz von Hunderten Konten gestoßen, über die möglicherweise Schwarzgeld aus Russland gewaschen wurde.

Die Bank wollte auf Anfrage von SPIEGEL ONLINE dazu nicht Stellung nehmen.
Ein ehemaliger Kontrolleur der Société Générale, Maxime Legrand, erklärte etwa, bei gewissen Händlern werde sicherlich einfach weggeschaut, "weil sie für die Bank Geld verdienen".

22.Jul.2007 Juan S. Restrepo starb bei einem Feuergefecht mit Aufständischen im Karengal-Tal. Er wurde 20 Jahre alt.
Naturdoku "Unsere Erde": Armageddon im Tierreich (Kultur)
08.Feb.2008 Societe Generale: Skandal- Spekulant Kerviel muss in Haft (Wirtschaft)
08.Feb.2008 Deutsch- türkische Unternehmer: "Es gibt genug Moscheen, lasst uns in Bildung investieren"
Krisenplan: Sarkozy will Tausende Polizisten in die Vorstädte schicken (Politik)
08.Feb.2008 Hohe Töne: Saxophonisten spielen mit dem Stimmapparat

08.Feb.2008 Anschlagsgefahr in Deutschland: Angst vor der Rückkehr der Terrorlehrlinge

08.Feb.2008 Vorwürfe gegen USA und Nato: Putin sieht neues Wettrüsten

08.Feb.2008 WestLB: Sanierung in die Bedeutungslosigkeit (Wirtschaft)
08.Feb.2008 Open- ID: IT- Giganten wollen den Web- Ausweis

08.Feb.2008 Werksschließung in Dassow: Eine Stadt wird arbeitslos (Wirtschaft)
08.Feb.2008 US- Präsidentschaftswahlen: Bush will McCain unterstützen (Politik)
08.Feb.2008 Integration: Erdogan fordert türkische Gymnasien und Universitäten in Deutschland (Politik)
08.Feb.2008 Hightech- Handy: Nokia entschlüpfen Geheimdaten (Netzwelt)
08.Feb.2008 Seidenstraßen- Funde: Haschisch und Gold fürs Jenseits (Wissenschaft)
08.Feb.2008 Vorstoß in Großbritannien: Sturm der Entrüstung über Scharia- Erzbischof (Politik)
08.Feb.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-533866,00.html

"Viele der Erdkern-Eigenschaften wurden auf Basis der hexagonalen Kristallstruktur ermittelt. Das muss jetzt alles komplett neu berechnet werden", meint Belonoshko.

Ein Beispiel sei der Wärmehaushalt der Erde: "Das Hitzespeichervermögen von kubischen Eisenkristallen ist womöglich ganz anders als das von hexagonalen."

Oder das magnetische Verhalten des Kerns. "Raumzentrierte, kubische Eisenkristalle sind unter Normalbedingungen an der Erdoberfläche magnetisch, hexagonale nicht."

Womöglich sei ihr magnetisches Verhalten auch sonst unterschiedlich. Belonoshko: "Damit könnte sich auch die Vorstellungen über das Magnetfeld grundlegend ändern."
FlohEinstein's Notebook Flüssigkeiten im Flugzeug - Some Volatile on Volatile Liquids ...

Did you ever wonder whether and how the liquid explosives at London Heathrow could have ... www.google.com/notebook/public/00002166776156984497/BDR03SwoQpcS76bMh
20061005 British Army expert casts doubt on ' liquid explosives ' threat, ...

Oct.2006 Athen: Türkisches Flugzeug nach Italien entführt - Protest gegen Papst ... alfatomega.com/20061005.html

Aug.2006 Verdächtiges Päckchen: Flugzeug muss notlanden ... Update: Ah THESE liquid explosives : Plot Echoes One Planned by 9/11 Mastermind in ‘94 - By ... alfatomega.com/20060811.html
Weblog - Don´t trust mainstream media It has been revealed that the alleged terrorist cell who planned to blow up ten planes using liquid explosives had been completely infiltrated for weeks ...

Mossel Bay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Mossel Bay (Mosselbaai in Afrikaans and Dutch) lies on the southern coast ...

The gas is piped ashore to the 'Mosgas' (now PetroSA ) refinery which was built ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mossel_ Bay
Mossel Bay . Field Operators are PetroSA (Pty) Ltd. and Dallas-based partner ...

Het slachtoffer werkte als piloot voor de luchtvaartmaatschappij Southern ... www.ibiblio.org/maritime/Scheepvaartnieuws/Pdf/scheepvaartnieuws/2003/september/148-04-09-2003a.PDF
Corporation of South Africa ( PetroSA ) for a contract for the design, ... voor de wal bij een scheepswerf in de Waalhaven, nadat het na een dokbeurt had ... www.ibiblio.org/maritime/Scheepvaartnieuws/Pdf/scheepvaartnieuws/2005/september/214-18-09-2005a.pdf

20050418 ... Oil Company acting in ... PetroSA stated at the workshop that it had in-house data indicating ... Corporation of South Africa ( PetroSA (Pty) Ltd), have ...

Field Operators are PetroSA (Pty) Ltd. ... https://alfatomega.com/20050418.html
20071026 ... anomalous position of representing the interests of state oil company PetroSA in a joint venture with Deuss 's Transworld group; www.mg.co.za/articlePage.aspx?articleid=287202&area=/insight/insight__national/ Fwd: [3] Litvinenko's World -- Curtis & Deuss, Oil, Corporate ... https://alfatomega.com/20071026.html

08.Feb.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-533950,00.html

"Man kann an verschiedenen Stellen des Körpers Energie gewinnen", sagte Arthur Kuo von der University of Michigan, Mitautor der Studie.

Das Knie sei aber vermutlich die beste Stelle.

Beim Laufen werde Energie freigesetzt, zum Beispiel beim Auftreten auf den Boden. Doch nicht alle Energie gehe beim Laufen verloren.

Der Körper könne sie beispielsweise auch in den Sehnen speichern, die wie Federn funktionierten.

Mit dem Knie-Dynamo könnten in Zukunft tragbare GPS-Geräte, Handys, medizinische Implantate oder auch motorisierte Gelenkprothesen während des Wanderns mit Strom versorgt werden, glauben die Forscher.

"Wie haben gezeigt, dass es funktioniert", sagte Kuo.

Darmstadt - Zum elften Mal gab die "Initiative Nachrichtenaufklärung" (INA) gestern eine Rangliste von Themen und Nachrichten bekannt, die im Jahr 2007 in den Medien floppten - trotz hoher Brisanz.

Im Wirtschaftsressort fehlte den Juroren eine umfassendere Berichterstattung über Geheimabsprachen in der Mobilfunkbranche sowie über die Auslandsgeschäfte der WestLB.

"Das ist ein gutes Ergebnis, mit dem sich alle Beteiligten sehen lassen können", sagte der nordrhein-westfälische Finanzminister Helmut Linssen (CDU).

"Das Land hat eine weit über die eigene Kapitalbeteiligung hinausgehende Verantwortung übernommen." Es strebe nicht von sich aus die Mehrheit an der WestLB an.
Auch die Steuerzahler sind mit im Risiko.
Für viele Mitarbeiter ist die Zukunft bei der WestLB aber bald vorbei - denn im Zuge ihrer Sanierung will die Landesbank bis Ende 2010 bis zu 1500 der knapp 6000 Arbeitsplätze streichen. So steht es im Sanierungsplan, den die Anteilseigner - die Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalen, die Sparkassenverbände Rheinland und Westfalen-Lippe sowie die Landschaftsverbände - nach einer nächtlichen Krisenrunde abgenickt haben.

Der Stellenabbau sei bitter, aber ohne Alternative, betonte Vorstandschef Alexander Stuhlmann. Damit ließen sich etwa 300 Millionen Euro pro Jahr sparen.

Fusion mit Helaba wird weiter geprüft

Einem Bericht der Zeitung "Le Parisien" zufolge ist die interne Bankaufsicht der Société Générale zudem auf ein Netz von Hunderten Konten gestoßen, über die möglicherweise Schwarzgeld aus Russland gewaschen wurde.

Die Bank wollte auf Anfrage von SPIEGEL ONLINE dazu nicht Stellung nehmen.

Dem Bericht zufolge, der sich auf nicht näher benannte Insider beruft, hat die Bank wegen der Entdeckungen vergangene Woche das französische Finanzministerium informiert.

"Dutzende oder gar Hunderte Millionen Euro" ungeklärter Herkunft seien auf den Konten gefunden worden.
08.Feb.2008 Online- Betrug: So schützen Sie sich vor Internetfischern (Netzwelt)
08.Feb.2008 Skandal um Spekulanten Kerviel: Zweiter Société- Générale- Broker festgenommen (Wirtschaft)
08.Feb.2008 Nato- Forderungen: Minister Jung erklärt Streit über Afghanistan- Einsatz für beendet (Politik)
08.Feb.2008 Rettungsplan: Teure Fehlspekulation - WestLB streicht 1500 Stellen (Wirtschaft)
08.Feb.2008 Eckiges im Runden: Der Erdkern ist voller Würfel (Wissenschaft)
08.Feb.2008 Prinzip Nutzbremse: Knie- Dynamo lädt Handy auf

08.Feb.2008 Medienstudie: Brisante Themen kommen zu kurz (Kultur)
08.Feb.2008 Terrorismus: Großbritannien will Hassprediger an USA ausliefern (Politik)
08.Feb.2008 SÜDWESTRUNDFUNK - View as HTML
'Hier gibt es zuviel Coca, hieß es, das ist verboten, wir müssen uns was ... O'Gara schützt die königliche Familie und trainiert die lokale Polizei, ...

08.Feb.2008 Nigeria Oil & Gas 2008 : Sponsorship www.bg-group.com .

Chevron Within five decades of operation in Nigeria, Chevron Nigeria Ltd (CNL) has ... Our largest shareholder is Riverstone/ Carlyle . ... www.cwcnog.com/content.php?page=sponsor
FINOVA Capital Corporation and Finova (Canada) Finance Inc. on

23.Dec. 19-- California corporation that was formed... www.msc.gov.mb.ca/legal_docs/orders/finova.html

21.Jul.1965 FINOVA Capital was incorporated under the laws of Delaware - is the successor to a on
Google Finance: The FINOVA Group Inc.

Can anyone explain what event(s) triggered the massive decline in Finova ? I'm just curious if there was a watershed event in this company's past. ... finance.google.com/group/google.finance.656003
QTAdvisors Official Site - Case Studies (Finova)

FINOVA Capital Corporation ranked among the largest commercial finance companies in the United States, catering to middle market businesses with financing ... www.qtadvisors.com/cs-finova.html
=> FINOVA GROUP Aktien | News | 883847 | Nachrichten | US3179281098 <= Nachrichten zur FINOVA GROUP Aktie. ?:: Alle News zu Ihren Aktien.www.finanznachrichten.de/nachrichten-aktien/finova-group.asp
08.Feb.2008 Weitere Berkshire Investments

00.000.2000 -Ende- begannen wir, die Obligationen der FINOVA Gruppe, ... Deshalb sind FINOVA ’s Aussichten nicht mehr so gut wie zu dem Zeitpunkt, zu dem wir unser ... www.valueinvesting.de/aktionaersbrief-2001-16.htm
FINOVA Group Inc. Announces Agreement with Berkshire Hathaway Inc ...

B) and Leucadia National Corporation (NYSE and PCX: LUK) announced today that they have entered into an agreement for a $6 billion loan to FINOVA Capital ... www.berkshirehathaway.com/news/feb2701.html
FINOVA - Company Overview - Hoover's FINOVA Group was once a major player in providing commercial financing, but now it has a few too many debts of its own.

Large loan write-offs led to. ... var mb10=ManyBox.register('10',3,'Som4OmEQXeYJ','','2fe3',14,'Karte von 8320 N Hayden Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85258')
Karte von 8320 N Hayden Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 www.hoovers.com/finova /--ID__14640--/free-co-factsheet.xhtml

08.Feb.2008 NEWSMEAT ? TOMAHAWK II INC's federal campaign contribution search ...

20.Oct.1998 TOMAHAWK II INC ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314, NRCCC - NON FEDERAL #1, $5000 primary, .

Receive an alert every time new records are added to this search for ... www.newsmeat.com/fec/bystate_detail.php?zip=22314&last=TOMAHAWK+II+INC&first=
tomahawk - Research the news about tomahawk - from HighBeam Research 2 /PRNewswire/ -

TomaHawk Corporation is pleased to announce on behalf of its US based subsidiary TomaHawk II, Inc., the award of three orders for its ... www.highbeam.com/search.aspx?q=tomahawk&ref_id=ency_MALT
1998 Lobbying Spending Database: Tomahawk II Summary,

00.000.1998 Summary profile of lobbying by Tomahawk II. www.opensecrets.org/lobbyists/clientsum.asp?txtname=Tomahawk+II&year=1998
Lobbying Spending Database: Lobbyists hired by Tomahawk II, 1998

00.000.1998 Lobbyists hired by Tomahawk II . ... Tomahawk II Client Profile; Summary; Lobbyists; Issues; Agencies; Geographic; View Report Images; Icon ... opensecrets.org/lobbyists/clientlbs.asp?txtname=Tomahawk+II&year=1998
09.Jul.1999 SEC Info - Tomahawk Corp - S-4 -On- EX-10.21 C0856001 between Tomahawk II, Inc. as Lessee + FINOVA Capital Corporation as Lessor.

Download Table QTY DESCRIPTION 1 DEA Gamma 1204 CNC CMM Measuring ... www.secinfo.com/dVut2.6Q56.j.htm
09.Jul.1999 SEC Info - Tomahawk Corp - S-4 - On- EX-10.5

The Corporation and TomaHawk II, Inc. hereby consent to any extension or postponement of the time for payment hereunder and the release of any security ... www.secinfo.com/dVut2.6Q56.3.htm
00.May 2006
Cannonfire This one is called TomaHawk II . The name derives from an alleged connection to ...

The matter becomes even more confusing when we learn that TomaHawk II ... cannonfire.blogspot.com/2006/05/wilkes-skyway-and-more-corruption.html
US Lobby Registration & Reporting Disclosure Page TOMAHAWK II, TOMAHAWK II, MID-YEAR REPORT, Mid-Year (

01.Jan.1998-30.Jun.1998 ), 1998. 3. TOMAHAWK II, TOMAHAWK II, YEAR-END REPORT, Year-End (

01.Jul.1998-31.Dec.1998 ... sopr.senate.gov/cgiwin/m_opr_viewer.exe?DoFn=3&iREG=TOMAHAWK%20II&iREGQUAL==
War and Piece:

23.Mär.2006 ... [ Tomahawk II is the supposedly Native American-owned spin-off of a document conversion firm Wilkes consulted for in the 1990s called Audre ... www.warandpiece.com/blogdirs/003890.html
KMWorld.com: TomaHawk wins contract from Intergraph and DoD TomaHawk II (San Diego, CA) has received five orders totaling $1.4 million from ...

Under a previous subcontract agreement with Intergraph, TomaHawk II will ... www.kmworld.com/Articles/News/Breaking-News/TomaHawk-wins-contract-from-Intergraph-and-DoD—10862.aspx

IMS will become part of TomaHawk II's Document Imaging and Conversion division ...

The move enhances TomaHawk II's Midwest sales and marketing efforts, ... www.kmworld.com/Articles/News/Industry-Watch/INDUSTRY-NEWS-SHORTS-8372.aspx
tomahawkchopped Twenty agents of the Customs Department and several Department of Defense agencies descended on San Diego's TomaHawk II Thursday and spent a day going ... www.madcowprod.com/tomahawkraid.htm
minoritybiz Audre Recognition Systems Inc. (AMEX: ARS) announced it has signed a licensing agreement with TomaHawk II, Inc., whereby TomaHawk is granted the exclusive ... www.madcowprod.com/minoritybusiness.htm

08.Feb.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/0,1518,druck-533914,00.html

Im vergangenen Monat hatte ein Bundesrichter in St. Louis eine Klage des späteren Amokläufers abgewiesen.

Darin hatte der Mann sich beklagt, dass städtische Beamte ihn in seinem Recht auf freie Rede beschnitten hätten.

Die Reporterin sagte, der spätere Schütze habe sehr häufig bei den Sitzungen "schlimme Dinge" zum Bürgermeister gesagt.

Anhänger und Familienangehörige Bhuttos hatten diese Version des Ablaufs bezweifelt und der Regierung von Präsident Pervez Musharraf mangelnde Sicherheitsvorkehrungen vorgeworfen.

Sie gingen davon aus, dass der Attentäter so nahe an die Politikerin herankam, dass er vor dem Anschlag noch tödliche Schüsse auf sie abfeuern konnte.

Eine Sprecherin von Bhuttos Partei, der Pakistanische Volkspartei (PPP), kritisierte, dass die Ermittler von Scotland Yard keine unabhängige Untersuchung durchgeführt hätten.
Staatssekretär im Bundesinnenministerium, August Hanning: "Wir haben die Sorge, dass wir künftig nicht mehr jede Operation verhindern können."

Das Islamisten-Netzwerk habe dort seine operativen Fähigkeiten in den unzulänglichen Stammesgebieten seit dem von den US-geführten Feldzug am Hindukusch wiedererlangt.

"Dort ist die Grundsatzentscheidung gefallen, in Deutschland Anschläge zu verüben."
Dass Deutschland als Anschlagsziel für die Islamisten wichtiger geworden sei, liege am Einsatz der Bundeswehr in Afghanistan.

Auch der Kongress verlor im Vergleich zum Januar deutlich an Ansehen: Mit der Arbeit der Abgeordneten sind nur noch 22 % der Bürger zufrieden.

US-Bürger können die Auswirkungen der stotternden Konjunktur am Abbau von Arbeitsplätzen, sinkenden Aktienkursen und Immobilienpreisen deutlich sehen.
"Es gibt keine Stromlücke. Die Lichter gehen nicht aus, wenn der Ausstiegsfahrplan eingehalten wird", sagte der Präsident des Bundesamts für Strahlenschutz, Wolfram König, der "Financial Times Deutschland".

"Das belegen ganz klar die Branchenzahlen."

Das Jahr 2007 sei durch den Stillstand mehrerer Kernkraftwerke so etwas wie eine Vorschau auf das geplante Ausstiegsszenario gewesen.

König: "Obwohl erhebliche Reaktorkapazitäten nicht zur Verfügung gestanden haben, hat Deutschland weiter Strom ins Ausland exportiert."
Corgi plant schon jetzt, künftig noch mehr Spielzeuge mit Brennstoffzellenantrieb auszurüsten.
USA: Geplanter Amoklauf beim Super Bowl aufgedeckt

08.Feb.2008 Brennstoffzelle: Spielzeugauto fährt mit Wasser

08.Feb.2008 Umfrage: Verluste für die Linke

08.Feb.2008 Deutsche Afghanistan- Truppe: Regierung nennt Nato- Forderungen unfair (Politik)
08.Feb.2008 US- Präsidentschaftswahlen: Bush geht - seine Außenpolitik bleibt (Politik)
08.Feb.2008 Starker Außenhandel: Deutschland feiert Exportweltmeister- Titel - ein letztes Mal (Wirtschaft)
08.Feb.2008 Scotland- Yard- Untersuchung: Bhutto starb durch die Wucht der Explosion (Politik)
08.Feb.2008 Angst vor Rezession: Miese Umfragewerte für Bush und Kongress (Politik)
08.Feb.2008 Zocker- Bank: Neue Milliardenhilfe für WestLB - 1300 Stellen fallen weg
08.Feb.2008 Steuererleichterungen: US- Kongress genehmigt Bushs Milliarden- Konjunkturpaket

08.Feb.2008 Blutbad in Missouri: Amoklauf bei Stadtratssitzung - sechs Tote (Panorama)
08.Feb.2008 Cheney: Eavesdrop because terrorists don't fight by the rules of international law :

The terrorists waging war against this country don't fight according to the rules of warfare or international law or moral standards or basic humanity +

we have to be clear-eyed about the character and objective of these adversaries,”

08.Feb.2008 CIA admits torture of at least 3 people: A senior intelligence official said after the hearing that it was unclear whether the CIA could legally use waterboarding in the future, given changes in U.S. law.

08.Feb.2008 It's torture; it's illegal: The attorney general's evasions on waterboarding are repugnant + set a dangerous global precedent

08.Feb.2008 The New Crime of Thinking: It looks like the term “thought police” just might take on a whole new and real meaning. This depends on what happens in the U.S. Senate after receiving House bill H.R. 1955

08.Feb.2008 Bush veto threatened for US surveillance bills that do not protect telecommunications companies:

President George W. Bush issued a veto threat Tuesday in the debate to update terrorist surveillance laws,

rebuking Democratic plans to deny retroactive legal protections for telecommunications providers that let the government spy on U.S. residents after the

11.Sep.2001 , attacks.

08.Feb.2008 Scientists warn of looming water supply crisis: Climate change has already dramatically altered the water cycle and these changes signal a looming water supply crisis, according to a prominent group of hydrologists + climatologists writing Thursday in Science magazine.

08.Feb.2008 In case you m issed it: The Blue Pill People : There are none so blind as those who will not look. If you are one of those who will look, take a look around.
08.Feb.2008 Iran says Gulf shields its banks from U.S. pressure: U.S. allies such as Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates are helping shield Iran's banking system from Washington's "financial terrorism", the governor of Iran's central bank said on Tuesday.
08.Feb.2008 Military Balance report sees 'willpower gap' in NATO over conflicts : The current military campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan will have long-term implications for US defence strategy as Washington will find it increasingly difficult to recruit allies for extended campaigns, a key defence analysis report said Tuesday
08.Feb.2008 McCain: 100 years in Iraq "would be fine with me" : The United States military could stay in Iraq for "maybe a hundred years" and that "would be fine with me," John McCain told two hundred or so people at a town hall meeting in Derry, New Hampshire,

08.Feb.2008 U.S. commander says Iran not involved in hostilities in Iraq: The U.S. commander in Iraq’s central province of Diyala has said he has witnessed no hostile act from the Iranian side in the region over the past 10 months, a French weekly reported on Monday.
08.Feb.2008 The Lights Have Been Turned Off -By Gideon Levy
If all the residents of the Gaza Strip deserve to be punished because of the Qassam rockets, then maybe all Israelis deserve to be punished because of the occupation?

06.Feb.2008 A Pre-election Attack on Iran Remains a Possibility - By Leon Hadar
President Bush still believes the Iranians are developing nuclear weapons – and so do the Israelis. So for journalists to assume that neither the U.S. nor Israel will attack Iran before the November election could constitute another failure of imagination. Cato’s Leon Hadar suggests questions the press should ask the presidential candidates about what they think the American response should be to various scenarios in the region – including a Gulf-of-Tonkin-like alleged provocation.

06.Feb.2008 The Machine Gun of Capitalism - Dead soldiers, peak oil and mind-boggling profits; praise Jesus, the machine's still working - By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
A flurry of pink slips fluttered over the job sector as corporate payrolls were sliced like sour pie. Foreclosures are skyrocketing and new home sales across the nation are plummeting faster than Britney Spears' serotonin levels. A nasty recession is either creeping or flooding in, depending on your perspective and how recently you purchased your home and/or tried to dump your Google stock.

06.Feb.2008 Powell’s UN Fiasco: Fresh and Festering - By Ray McGovern
A handful of former CIA intelligence officers joined me in forming the VIPS movement in Jan. 2002, after we concluded that our profession had been corrupted to “justify” what was, pure and simple, a war of aggression. Little did we know at the time that a month later Colin Powell, with then-CIA Director George Tenet plumped down conspicuously behind him, would provide the world with a textbook example of careerism and cowardice in cooking intelligence to the recipe of his master.

08.Feb.2008 Lieberman Stripped Of Superdelegate Status: Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), who endorsed Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for president, will be disqualified as a superdelegate at the Democratic convention "under what is informally known as the Zell Miller rule."
08.Feb.2008 Mass Arrests Expose Operations of Turkey’s “Deep State” : The detention in Istanbul last week of alleged members of a shadowy Turkish ultranationalist group has revived charges that elements within the Turkish security apparatus have long tried to destabilize the country through a campaign of bombings and assassinations. These allegedly include false flag operations that have been attributed to Kurdish separatists and violent Islamists.

08.Feb.2008 US 'may use' torture again : The US may use the controversial torture technique known as waterboarding in the future if a terrorist attack was thought to be imminent, the White House has said.

08.Feb.2008 AP Confirms Secret Camp Inside Gitmo : Camp 7, where 15 ``high-value detainees'' are held, is so secret that its very existence was not publicly known until it was mentioned in December by attorneys for Majid Khan, a former Baltimore resident who allegedly plotted to bomb gas stations in the United States.

08.Feb.2008 C.I.A. Destroyed Tapes as Judge Sought Interrogation Data : At the time that the Central Intelligence Agency destroyed videotapes of the interrogations of operatives of Al Qaeda, a federal judge was still seeking information from Bush administration lawyers about the interrogation of one of those operatives, Abu Zubaydah, according to court documents made public on Wednesday.

08.Feb.2008 Moussaoui prosecutor kept CIA tapes secret : The lead prosecutor in the terror case against Zacarias Moussaoui likely knew the CIA destroyed tapes of its interrogations of al-Qaeda suspects more than a year before the government acknowledged it to the court, newly unsealed documents show.

08.Feb.2008 Prosecutor sought for White House probe : An advocacy group on Monday sought a criminal probe of the White House over millions of possibly missing e-mails, saying someone may have deliberately deleted them to conceal involvement in a potential crime.

08.Feb.2008 Freedom Of Information? : Government blocks access to secret military papers on Diego Garcia

08.Feb.2008 Bush Goes After FOIA : The President's attack on the Freedom of Information Act is his latest attempt to preserve state secrecy

08.Feb.2008 FBI's Sought Approval for Custom Spyware in FISA Court: The software, called a "computer and internet protocol address verifier," is designed to infiltrate a suspect's computer and collect various information, including the IP address, Ethernet MAC addresses, a list of open TCP and UDP ports, running programs, operating system type and serial number, default browser, the registered user of the operating system and the last visited URL, among other things.

08.Feb.2008 Wal-Mart's distress signal: The world's largest retailer leads a parade of sales misses in January, indicating trouble in the U.S. economy.

08.Feb.2008 "Euros Accepted" signs pop up in New York City : Trade with personal dealer service.NEW YORK (Reuters) - In the latest example that the U.S. dollar just ain't what it used to be, some shops in New York City have begun accepting euros and other foreign currency as payment for merchandise.
08.Feb.2008 Olmert to hold emergency meeting on dollar rates: Slipping dollar rate, subsequent industry losses prompt PM to call emergency meeting with finance minister, trade and labor minister, governor of the Bank of Israel and head of National Economic Council to discuss possible countermeasures

08.Feb.2008 Russia warns EU, NATO of "illegal" Kosovo moves : Russia warned the European Union and NATO on Wednesday that their presence in Kosovo would be illegal if they acted in support of a self-proclaimed independent state.
08.Feb.2008 Row over Nato in Afghanistan worsens : A row over Nato in Afghanistan worsened as the military alliance chief denied US claims that members don't want troops to "die" for victory.

08.Feb.2008 Taliban declares cease-fire in Pakistan : After weeks of escalating battles with government troops, Taliban militants yesterday declared a cease-fire - a move likely to frustrate US officials who have urged Pakistan to act decisively against Islamic radicals ensconced in the country's tribal belt.

08.Feb.2008 Pakistani news channel goes off air: A private TV news station accused Pakistan's government Thursday of blocking its transmissions after it aired a program featuring a critic of President Pervez Musharraf.
08.Feb.2008 Order given to fire on Iranian speedboat : One of the commanding officers "had literally given the order to fire and it turns out one of the fast boats turned about simultaneously," Mullen said.

08.Feb.2008 American Jewish Leader Says Bush Committed To Firmly Dealing With Iranian Nuke Program : Wednesday, a senior American Jewish leader said US President George Bush is committed to firmly dealing with the controversial Iranian nuclear program even as he enters his last year of office.

08.Feb.2008 Cable Cutting Mayhem: 5th Undersea Internet Cable Cut : It began with two undersea telecommunications cables that served as data links between Europe and the Middle East being cut, but it’s now escalated with a further three undersea internet cables being cut, with major disruptions to internet services.
08.Feb.2008 Manufacturing Consent For War With Iran: U.S. sees attacks by Iranian-backed groups up in Iraq: Attacks by Iranian-backed groups in Iraq have increased in recent months, a senior U.S. official said on Thursday, casting doubt on the view Iran might have reduced its support for violence in the war.

08.Feb.2008 Manufacturing Consent For War With Iran: US spy chief retreats from Iran intel : The top US intelligence official is backing away from his agency's recent assessment that Iran halted its 'nuclear weapons program', PressTV reported.
08.Feb.2008 Gladio – Death Plan For Democracy - By: Peter Chamberlin
Anyone with a shred of human decency should feel compelled to fight this evil.

08.Feb.2008 The Bush Bust of '08 It's All Downhill From Here, Folks”   - By Mike Whitney - The FDIC has begun the “death watch” on the many banks which are currently drowning in their own red ink. Continue

08.Feb.2008 The Demise of the American Middle Class - By Richard Backus
The high paying jobs created in Mexico under NAFTA, the whopping $3.50 per hour ones, are moving to China because even this princely wage level is much too generous according to U.S. businessmen.

08.Feb.2008 McCain: Straight Talk and Militarist Madness - By Justin Logan
In the New Hampshire primary, exit polls revealed that 38 percent of those voting in the Republican primary who “strongly disapprove” of the war in Iraq cast their ballot for John McCain.

08.Feb.2008 In case you missed it - A Silly Pretext For War With Iran - By Democracy and Socialism
No Arab or Islamic country armed even with the smallest of atomic bombs will be ready to hit Israel. And that, is because Israel is a small country interwoven and surrounded by Palestinian and Arab nations. The explosion of an atomic bomb will kill the Palestinians and Arabs too. The radio-active fallout will reach the entire Middle-East including Iran itself.

08.Feb.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Long considered a CIA- and Rockefeller family front, SIL, employs "linguistic and Bible translation" as a cover for stealing indigenous people's land across Asia and Latin America for their donor's cattle ranching, oil drilling and other "development projects. Learn the language, subvert the cultural integrity of the "target" tribe and the rest is simple...
Drugs, spooks and Bibles...wherever is this leading!

08.Feb.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Daniel Hopsicker's back with another "World Exclusive" at MadCowMorningNews .
Posted today, the article provides new details on an additional four American-registered drug planes seized "from the 50-plane fleet of drug-running aircraft amassed by Mexico's Sinaloa Cartel," Hopsicker reports.
But what will make the piece noteworthy to Cannonfire readers are allegations that figures of interest in the illicit transactions "include backers of two of this year's Republican candidates for President."

08.Feb.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Hopsicker writes: The Republican connection begins with the statement in court filings that

the money to purchase the planes was laundered through a bank which is almost invariably described as "fast-growing" in admiring business news articles.
The drug money was wired, usually from Mexico, to an account at Commerce Bank in Miami, whose Chairman, Dennis Nixon, is the South Texas Co-chair of John McCain's campaign.
Nixon was also a Bush Pioneer and Ranger in George W. Bush's two Presidential campaigns, raising $300,000 in one night for Bush's re-election bid in Texas border town Laredo.
High-profile Texas businessman Dennis Nixon's bank is even--in one of the sales--involved on both ends.

Money was wired from Mexico, first to an account at Commerce Bank in Miami, then on to International Bank of Commerce (IBC) in Oklahoma to complete the sale.
Dennis Nixon's International Bancshares of San Antonio owns both banks.

https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ According to investigative reporters Wayne Barrett and Dan Collins, writing in the

06.Sep.2006 issue of The American Prospect, Koven and his partner Jack Shafran, gave Rudy $4,000 at a party at "the behest" of WTC lessor Larry Silverstein. " Shafran told TAP, "Attendance was obligatory."

... "The invitation meant we were expected to give a contribution."
https://blog.fefe.de/ Die Läden in New York fangen an, Euro als Zahlungsmittel zu akzeptieren.
08.Feb.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-533908,00.html

Das Waterboarding gehöre nicht zum gegenwärtigen Programm der CIA, sagte Hayden.

Das Waterboarding sei nach seiner Ansicht, nach der seines Rechtsanwalts und der des Justizministeriums wohl gegenwärtig auch nicht rechtmäßig. Dies sei

2002 +

2003 allerdings noch anders gewesen, als Gefangene der Al Kaida damit verhört wurden. Doch habe man die Methode "nur einige "Wochen lang" benutzt.
Konjunkturbelebung: US- Senat stimmt für 150 Milliarden- Programm (Politik)
07.Feb.2008 Folterdebatte: CIA- Chef zweifelt an Waterboarding (Politik)
07.Feb.2008 Political Biographies -Wilhelm Liebknecht,

in 1869, founded the German Social Democratic Workers Party. https://home.mira.net/~andy/bs/morebios.htm

GE Capital Found Guilty in Fraud Suit

New York - Die Zahlen, die die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) am Donnerstag vorgelegt hat, sind erschreckend:

Jährlich sterben 5,4 Millionen Menschen an den Folgen des Tabakkonsums - das ist einer alle sechs Sekunden.

Während des 20. Jahrhunderts hat der Konsum von Tabak demnach insgesamt 100 Millionen Menschenleben gekostet. Und im

21. Jahrhundert könnten es noch viel mehr werden:

07.Feb.2008 -00.000.2100 -bis zum Jahr- Ohne Eindämmung des zunehmenden Tabakkonsums befürchtet die WHO eine Milliarde Tote durch Rauchen.

Deutschland zählt dem Bericht zufolge zu den zehn Ländern mit den in absoluten Zahlen meisten Rauchern weltweit.
07.Feb.2008 Michigan and Florida: Will an Obscure Democratic Party Committee End up Deciding Who Gets the Nomination? -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
Mitt Romney suspends presidential campaign, trailed McCain by over 400 delegates despite outspending everyone; Not much bang for the buck, huh, Mitt?
BuzzFlash Premium: What Orwell Didn't Know: Propaganda and the New Face of American Politics (Paperback)

07.Feb.2008 What a load of horse... 'Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey said this morning that waterboarding was deemed legal by the Justice Department at the time it was used by the CIA on three al-Qaeda captives + as a result the Justice Department "cannot possibly" investigate whether a crime occurred.' 2/8

07.Feb.2008 Shouldn't the voters know how many delegates do Obama and Clinton have? -- Be-Elected
Peter Michaelson: Death to the Hoax of Self-Correcting Free Markets -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
Heil to the Chief -- A BuzzFlash Caption This Challenge

07.Feb.2008 A Liberal Definition by John F. Kennedy: Acceptance Speech of the New York Liberal Party Nomination 2/8
Go to the Bottom of this Page and Watch the Latest BuzzFlash Enhancement: Daily Video Newsfeeds

ySen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) will be disqualified as a superdelegate at the Democratic convention "under what is informally known as the Zell Miller rule." Well, Zell was good for one thing, wasn't he. 2/8
07.Feb.2008 Außenpolitik- Konzept: McCain will "revanchistisches Russland" aus G8 verbannen

07.Feb.2008 Angst in Ludwigshafen: "Dann gibt es hier Krieg auf den Straßen"

07.Feb.2008 Shuttle- Start: "Atlantis" mit deutschem Astronauten im All

07.Feb.2008 Verfassungsschutz- Studie: Rechte Schläger greifen zunehmend Linke an (Politik)
07.Feb.2008 Nato- Streit um Afghanistan- Truppe: Lächeln nur fürs Gruppenbild

07.Feb.2008 Terrorprozess: Kofferbomber will Anschlag absichtlich sabotiert haben (Politik)
07.Feb.2008 Großbritannien: Oberhaupt der Anglikaner rät zur Einführung der Scharia

07.Feb.2008 Ultimatum: Gasprom droht Ukraine mit neuem Lieferstopp

07.Feb.2008 Immunsystem: Besser impfen mit der Tätowiernadel (Wissenschaft)
07.Feb.2008 Studie: Firmen haben knapp 200.000 Jobs ins Ausland verlagert

07.Feb.2008 Internationaler Fahndungserfolg: 80 Haftbefehle gegen Mafiosi (Panorama)
07.Feb.2008 Welt- Tabak- Bericht: Zigaretten töten im Sekundentakt (Wissenschaft)
07.Feb.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/0,1518,druck-533229,00.html
Noch rabiater gehen die Behörden auf Sansibar vor: Wer dort Plastiktüten einführt oder verteilt, zahlt bis zu 1560 Euro. STEPHEN SHEPHERD (L.); SOLO SYNDICATION / ACTION PRESS (R.)

--> Meeresforscher Thompson, gestrandete Container in Südengland: Verheerender noch wirkt der Unrat, wenn er unsichtbar wird -->
Selbst wenn die Menschheit morgen damit aufhörte, Plastik zu produzieren - die vielen Millionen Tonnen, die bislang in die Ozeane gelangt sind, werden noch Jahrtausende mit den Strömungen um die Welt treiben.

"Das Zeug lässt sich ja nicht rausfiltern", sagt Thompson.
großer pazifischer Müllstrudel. An der Oberfläche kommen hier auf ein Kilogramm Plankton mittlerweile sechs Kilogramm Plastik.

Und in mehreren weiteren Wirbeln im Südpazifik, im Atlantik und im Indischen Ozean fahren ebenfalls Abfälle Karussell, wenngleich in etwas geringeren Mengen.
Zwischen Kalifornien und Hawaii hat sich ein rund drei Millionen Tonnen schwerer Plastikteppich gebildet, der etwa so groß ist wie Mitteleuropa. Kreisende Strömungen von Wind und Wasser sorgen dafür, dass der Müllstrom hier niemals versiegt.
Die Meeresschutzorganisation Oceana schätzt, dass weltweit jede Stunde rund 675 Tonnen Müll direkt ins Meer geworfen werden, die Hälfte davon ist aus Plastik.
Bundeswehreinsatz in Südafghanistan: Nato macht Deutschland Druck - Merkel schmettert US- Vorstoß ab

07.Feb.2008 Plastik- Meer: Gigantisches Müll- Karussell rotiert im Pazifik (Wissenschaft)
07.Feb.2008 Stahlindustrie: 10.000 Arbeiter im Warnstreik (Wirtschaft)
07.Feb.2008 https://blog.fefe.de/ Der eine oder andere hat ja sicher schon von diesem Plastikhaufen im Pazifik gehört, wo Kreisströmungen im Ozean dafür sorgen, dass hinzu kommender Platikmüll eine riesige Suppe gebildet hat. Das Zeug ist knapp unter der Wasseroberfläche und daher aus Satelliten nicht sichtbar.

Der wächst, und zwar schnell. Aktuell ist er ungefähr doppelt so groß wie die USA. Die USA! Ein Müllhaufen zweimal so groß wie die USA schwimmt im Pazifik herum. Toll, wie wir mit der Erde umgehen.

https://blog.fefe.de/ Lacher der Woche: Die Briten wollten doch für die Taliban ein Terror-Trainingslager aufbauen. Gut, an sich schon eine harte Meldung.

Aber jetzt kommen da noch ein paar Details ans Licht: The camp would also have provided vocational training, including farming and irrigation techniques, to offer people a viable alternative to growing opium.

Hierbei handelt es sich meines Erachtens um einen Übertragungsfehler der PR-Abteilung. Ich korrigiere das mal kurz:

The camp would also have provided vocational training, including farming and irrigation techniques, to offer people a viable alternative to improve growing opium.
Die USA richten ihre Kritik auch an Deutschland. Unterstützung bekommen die USA von Großbritannien.
Grenzbeamte schalten Laptops und Handys nicht nur an - sie durchforsten auch die Festplatten, kopieren sogar Dateien. Jetzt haben zwei US-Bürgerrechtsorganisationen Klage eingereicht.
Die "Washington Post" berichtet von mehreren Unternehmen, die ihre Mitarbeiter bereits angewiesen hätten, keine vertraulichen Daten mehr auf Flugreisen in die USA mitzunehmen.

Eine Anwaltskanzlei aus Kanada lasse ihre Partner nur noch mit leeren Rechnern reisen, mit denen sie dann vor Ort über das Firmennetzwerk an ihre Daten kommen könnten,

weil "die Hack-Risiken" geringer seien, als die "Durchsuchungs-Risiken".

Die Association of Corporate Travel Executives (ACTE) hat bereits im vergangenen Jahr eine Anfrage an die US-Regierung gestellt, um zu erfahren, was mit beschlagnahmten Daten und Rechnern eigentlich geschieht. Manche ACTE-Mitglieder mussten ihren Laptop abgeben und bekamen ihn nie zurück - katastrophal, wenn darauf wertvolle Daten oder auch nur Bank-Unterlagen hinterlegt waren. Doch

07.Feb.2008 -bis heute- sei die, wenn auch geringe, Möglichkeit, dass einem Geschäftsreisenden etwas Derartiges zustoße, vielen nicht bekannt.

Man rate seinen Mitgliedern nicht, vor Behördenvertretern Daten zu verstecken, so ACTE-Direktorin Susan Gurley, und Besitzer von Kinderpornographie beispielsweise verdienten eine gerechte Strafe.

Es sei aber wichtig, USA-Reisende auf die Möglichkeit hinzuweisen, dass ihnen ihr Rechner jederzeit abgenommen werden könnte - auch wenn das selten geschehe.

Sie sollten daher "nur das nötigste Minimum an Daten auf ihren Laptops transportieren".
Im Dienste der Sicherheit müssten eben gelegentlich Unannehmlichkeiten in Kauf genommen werden.

Frankfurt am Main - Jean-Claude Trichet ist für vorsichtige Formulierungen bekannt.

Umso erstaunlicher ist das, was der Chef der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) heute auf einer Pressekonferenz in aller Offenheit sagte: "Neueste Daten bestätigen Risiken für die Konjunktur.

Es gibt ungewöhnlich hohe Unsicherheiten über die Auswirkungen der Finanzmarktturbulenzen auf die Realwirtschaft." Die wirtschaftliche Abkühlung in den USA werde auch das Wachstum in Europa dämpfen.
Datenschutzalarm: US- Zöllner durchstöbern Laptops und Handys

07.Feb.2008 Festnahme: NPD- Schatzmeister soll 627.000 Euro aus Parteikasse abgezweigt haben (Politik)
07.Feb.2008 Jetzt auch in Europa: Zentralbank warnt offiziell vor Abschwung (Wirtschaft)
07.Feb.2008 Tiefrote Zahlen: Infineon- Aktie stürzt ab - 18 % im Minus (Wirtschaft)
07.Feb.2008 Schlechtes Wetter: Shuttle- Start erneut gefährdet

07.Feb.2008 Studie: Kliniken droht Milliardendefizit (Wirtschaft)
07.Feb.2008 Airbus- Prognose: Anzahl der Flugzeuge verdoppelt sich bis 2026 (Reise)
07.Feb.2008 Trotz Rezessionssorgen: EZB belässt Leitzins bei vier % (Wirtschaft)
07.Feb.2008 Milliardengewinn: Hohe Strompreise füllen Vattenfall- Kasse (Wirtschaft)
07.Feb.2008 Finanz- Crash: Milliardär Buffett hält Bankenkrise für "gerecht" (Wirtschaft)
07.Feb.2008 Wärme- Rekord: Alpengletscher erneut geschrumpft (Wissenschaft)
07.Feb.2008 Streit über Afghanistan- Mission: Gates warnt vor Spaltung der Nato - Jung widerspricht (Politik)
07.Feb.2008 Japans Jagd auf Meeressäuger: Australien veröffentlicht schockierende Walfang- Bilder (Wissenschaft)
07.Feb.2008 Geheime CIA-Flüge: Dauergast im deutschen Luftraum - Politik ...

03.Dez.2005 ... el-Masri über Misshandlungen an Bord einer CIA-Maschine vor. ... Geheimgefängnisse: Bürgerrechtler wollen CIA verklagen (02.12.2005) ... www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,388197,00.html

14.Dez.2005 Greenpeace verklagt Bundesländer auf Herausgabe von Pestiziddaten. Lebensmittel-Kontrollen: Greenpeace verklagt Bundesländer auf Herausgabe von ..Omega-News: . omega.twoday.net/20051214/
06.Dez.2005 Rechtsstaat USA : Mutmaßliches CIA-Opfer verklagt früheren Geheimdienstchef (

06.Dez.2005 Der vom US-Geheimdienst verschleppte Deutsche Khaled el Masri hat nach ..Omega-News:. omega.twoday.net/20051206/
SaudiDebate.com - ARCHIVE

The consequences of war in our region are going to be catastrophic," Prince Turki Al -Faisal ... The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, where King Hussein of Jordan received treatment in the ...

"Psyops messages will often be replayed by the news media for much larger audiences, including the American public, " it goes on.

The document's authors acknowledge that American news media should not unwittingly broadcast military propaganda. "Specific boundaries should be established," they write. But they don't seem to explain how.

"In this day and age it is impossible to prevent stories that are fed abroad as part of psychological operations propaganda from blowing back into the United States - even though they were directed abroad," says Kristin Adair of the National Security Archive.

Credibility problem
00.000.2003 -signed secret Pentagon document by the U.S. Secretary of Defense- .

00.000.2008 declassified -as detailed in a -

07.Feb.2008 https://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2008_01_01_archive.html

BBC News has exposed plans of the U.S. military to "provide maximum control" of the Internet,

00.Sep.2001 (Sunday Mail) “Osama bin Laden's Mujahedin received training from the British SAS in mountains surrounding the Criffel near Dumfries in Scotland”.

00.000.1983 training camps were set up in a remote mountain area -Former SAS member, Ken Connor, said that-

. ( BBC News SCOTLAND Scots link to US terror suspect / PEN-L message, SAS trained Mujahedin fighters in Scotland )
07.Feb.2008 https://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2008_01_01_archive.html
Michel Chossudovsky has an excellent article entitled
Al Qaeda and the "War on Terrorism"
Extract: " Washington continues to support — through CIA covert operations — the development of Islamic fundamentalism, throughout the Middle East, in the former Soviet Union as well in China and India.
"Throughout the developing world, the growth of sectarian, fundamentalist and other such organizations tends to serve U.S. interests .

These various organizations and armed insurgents have been developed, particularly in countries where state institutions have collapsed under the brunt of the IMF-sponsored economic reforms.
"These fundamentalist organizations contribute by destroying and displacing secular institutions.
"Islamic fundamentalism creates social and ethnic divisions. It undermines the capacity of people to organize against the American Empire.

These organizations or movements, such as the Taliban, often foment "opposition to Uncle Sam" in a way which does not constitute any real threat to America’s broader geopolitical and economic interests."
The BBC is run by the military?
Wing Commander Michael Cairns took part in operations in Bosnia and Kosovo. (
'BIGGLES' QUITS Sunday Mirror Find Articles at BNET.com)
Cairns has been responsible for political output from the BBC in Norther Ireland.
Cairns was found out.
"A BBC editor has resigned his post within the British military after Sinn Féin raised conflict of interest concerns.

RAF wing commander Mike Cairns resigned as OC 7644 VR Squadron after Sinn Féin complained that his work as a public relations officer for the RAF was incompatible with his job as a high-ranking BBC editor.
"Following Sinn Féin's complaint the BBC confirmed Mike Cairns who worked in news-gathering in the BBC had resigned from the RAF reserve." -
An Phoblacht: BBC editor resigns from RAF post
Nicola Jones, writing in New Scientist :

19.Nov.2001 Taliban nuclear documents mirror spoof article – ...) pointed out that 'Taliban nuclear documents' found by BBC reporter John Simpson were identical to a spoof article.
00.000.2001 John Simpson claimed he had found documents strewn on the floor of a Taliban recruitment centre in Kabul.

He claimed these documents apparently described how to build a thermonuclear device.
The documents, according to Simpson showed "how dangerous Bin Laden's Al Qaeda network aspired to be".
According to the New Scientist:
The sentences shown in focus by the camera also come from a famous document called "Weekend Scientist:

Let's Make a Thermonuclear Device", which was first published

00.000.1979 as a humour piece by The Journal of Irreproducible Results.

24.Jun.2007 -When former CIA Director John Deutch brought the CIA's activities in ...

The center of this is the Cayman Islands, the British monarchy's Cayman Islands ... intellibriefs.blogspot.com/2007_06_24_archive.html
CLINTON'S ROGUES GALLERY: When President Clinton, in South Africa, on March 27 had voiced his hopes for ... On

26.Jan.1998 Clinton appointed John Deutch as a Member of the ... www.alamo-girl.com/0315.htm

07.Feb.2008 Nafeez Ahmed - The War On Freedom. How and Why America was ...

The U.S. engineered a punishing Iraq-style embargo of war-ravaged ... John Deutch – This retired CIA Director from the Clinton Administration currently ...

SOUTH AFRICA John Deuss Before his company Transworld became a partner of Petro SA, the new South African oil company, Dutch trader John Deuss had been ... alfatomega.com/20050303.html

00.Nov.2006 Pensees sur les USA:

Oriental Oil Kish dealings with Halliburton first became public knowledge in ... of Dallas-based Halliburton that is registered to the Cayman Islands . ... politiquesusa.blogspot.com/2006_11_01_archive.html
Sibel Edmonds translated Farsi Turkmenistan is an offshoot of Russia, right? where the oil pipeline, Pallas180 ...

00.000.1999 -from-Some interesting background on Caspian oil plans, starroute ... www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x2238307
Re: La formula de Hillary…Back to the PAST - Política y Elecciones ...

Marc Rich was illegally buying oil from Iran during the American trade embargo and hid the $200 million in trading (and over $10 0 million in profits) with Iraq
: La formula de Hillary.. socialismo a ultranza !! - Política y ... CNPC is a Chinese army-owned firm that currently operates an oil pipeline ... "Canada's Foreign Affairs Ministry recently found that the oil pipeline that ...

07.Feb.2008 allusion & deceptions Now Rich, among other things, was a notorious embargo -breaker. He was the poster child for the ugly fact of American importation of Iraqi oil . www.sjcite.info/oswald.html
07.Feb.2008 Det danske Fredsakademis kronologi over fredssagen og ...

00.000.1996 CIA Director John Deutch visited Ethiopia to delineate preemptive ... doing business in Iran through an offshore ( Cayman Islands ) subsidiary. www.fredsakademiet.dk/tid/2000/2004/aug04.htm
Eine Million kann man nicht ins Arbeitslager stecken.
Die KP hat im letzten Jahrzehnt wirtschaftlich tatsächlich eine Menge bewegt.
Panzer wurden eingesetzt, um das Eis auf Autobahnen zu knacken, und Soldaten hätten die Order bekommen, auf vereiste Überlandleitungen zu schießen, damit das Eis abfalle.
Denn der Bahnhofsvorplatz war für Guangzhou das gleiche wie der Superdom für New Orleans: ein riesiger Abfallhaufen, wo man nicht sehr geschätzte Menschen sich selbst und ihrem Schicksal überließ.
sagte Wang. Es war nicht das lange Warten, das ihn störte, vielmehr, dass die Beamten vor Ort "jegliche Nachrichten unterdrückten" und "uns nicht als Menschen behandelten".
900.000 wartende Menschen, das sind 13-mal mehr, als maximal Zuschauer in die Münchner Allianz-Arena passen. Mit dem Unterschied, dass die Wanderarbeiter von Guangzhou auf einer Fläche zusammengepfercht waren, die kleiner als das Fußballstadion der Bayern ist. All das ohne nennenswerte sanitäre Anlagen, ohne Wasser und ohne genug zu essen.

Denn Wang wartete letzte Woche mit gut 900.000 Leidensgenossen vor dem Bahnhof von Guangzhou. Fast eine Woche vergebens.

In Folge der schwersten Winterstürme, die China seit mehr als 50 Jahren heimgesucht hatten, war das Eisenbahnnetz der 1,3 Milliarden Einwohnernation zusammengebrochen.

Ganze Landstriche waren ohne Strom. China, die aufstrebende Großmacht versank im Schnee. Und außer Wang warteten in ganz China viele Millionen.
CIA Director's Testimony Contradicted: Bush Administration Destroyed Tapes as Judge Sought Interrogation Data
"With no breakout winner in Tuesday?s Democratic primaries, Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama on Wednesday began fortifying for a drawn-out nomination fight, with Mrs. Clinton disclosing that she had lent her campaign $5 million while Mr. Obama raised $3 million online in a single day and rejected calls for more debates."

07.Feb.2008 BuzzFlash Premium: What Orwell Didn't Know: Propaganda and the New Face of American Politics (Paperback)
For reporting that is an embarrassment to the profession of journalism + for being beholden to corporate paymasters rather than the citizens of America, Rev. Moon's "Washington Times" is the BuzzFlash Media Putz of the Week

07.Feb.2008 Republicans managed Wednesday evening to block a relatively expansive and expensive economic stimulus package championed by Senate Democrats, who could not muster the 60 votes needed to advance their plan to a final vote.
The Next Major Contested State for Clinton and Obama: Virginia 2/7
"Super Tuesday's mixed outcome has set up at least four weeks of frenzied delegate hunting for Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama, pitting his well-financed all-terrain campaign against her big-state strategy."

07.Feb.2008 "Super Tuesday's mixed outcome has set up at least four weeks of frenzied delegate hunting for Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama, pitting his well-financed all-terrain campaign against her big-state strategy."
Read BuzzFlash Original Commentary and News on BuzzFlash.org!
Democracy reborn in an ice storm -- from the Last Chance Democracy Cafe. Whether you are for Obama or Clinton, the Passion is Back for the Dems.

07.Feb.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ One might reasonably ask, what has become of the billions of dollars in "development" aid doled out by U.S., Asian and European taxpayers?
According to Anthony Fontenot and Ajmal Maiwandi, just about what one would expect from an American military and CIA "liberation" racket:
Amid the ruined mud-bricked buildings of a city that has been devastated by war + neglect, divided into sinister, heavily fortified, military compounds + occupied by armed local and foreign mercenaries, stand randomly dispersed extravaganzas of glass-and-tile palaces: symbols of the plunder that currently provides the economic base for the "reborn" Kabul.

One result of the so-called War on Terror in Afghanistan is that vast amounts of money are now pouring into luxury real estate.

["Capitol of Chaos: The New Afghanistan of Warlords and Infidels," in Evil Paradises, New York: The New Press, 2007, p. 69]
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ U.S. Militarism & the Drug Trade: the Afghan Dossier Antifascist Calling...
In The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, whose

00.000.1972 edition the CIA tried to suppress, Alfred W. McCoy writes,
Although the

00.000.1980 -drug pandemic of the s- had complex causes, the growth in global heroin supply could be traced, in large part, to two key aspects of U.S. policy: the failure of the DEA's interdiction efforts and the CIA's covert operations. By attacking heroin trafficking in separate sectors of Asia's extended opium zone in isolation, the DEA simply diverted heroin exports from America to Europe and shifted opium production from southern Asia to Southeast Asia and back again--raising both global consumption and production with each move. Moreover, the increasing opium harvest in Burma and Afghanistan, America's major suppliers were largely the product of CIA covert operations. [Alfred W. McCoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, Brooklyn, NY: Lawrence Hill Books, 1991 edition, p. 440]
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Writing in today's Guardian, Patrick Wintour informs us:
... Afghanistan's opium economy will take up to 20 years to eradicate and require a £1bn investment from world leaders, according to a government study published yesterday.

Its conclusions came as the UN produced fresh figures on the opium trade. The UN's Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) believes this year's crop will be similar to, or slightly lower than, last year's record harvest.

... 00.000.2007 Afghanistan had more land growing drugs than Colombia, Bolivia and Peru combined.
China im Wetterchaos: Auch Schnee kann einen Kaiser stürzen

07.Feb.2008 Künstliche Befruchtung: Eizellen- TÜV steigert Chance auf Kinder

07.Feb.2008 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Liebäugeln mit dem Nationalsozialismus" (Kultur)
07.Feb.2008 Deutsche Mission in Afghanistan: Kampfstimmung auf dem Nato- Gipfel

07.Feb.2008 USA: Killer- Tornados fordern immer mehr Opfer
07.Feb.2008 Jahresbilanz 2007: Deutsche Bank macht Rekordgewinn - trotz Finanzkrise

07.Feb.2008 Streit über Nato- Mission: Blitzbesuch von Rice und Miliband in Afghanistan

07.Feb.2008 Schlechtes Omen: Cisco warnt vor schwächerem Wachstum - Aktie stürzt ab (Wirtschaft)
07.Feb.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-533647,00.html
Die Regierung sei der Meinung gewesen, dass es weitere Anschläge wie die Terrorangriffe vom

11.Sep.2001 geben werde, "und wir wussten kaum etwas über al Qaida und seine Tätigkeiten", sagte CIA-Direktor Michael Hayden am Dienstag vor dem Geheimdienstausschuss des Senats.
07.Feb.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-533647,00.html
AFP-CIA-Direktor Michael Hayden am Dienstag vor dem Senat: "Waterboarding" in drei Fällen Der UN-Sonderberichterstatter für Folter, Manfred Nowak, verurteilte die Haltung der US-Regierung. "Das ist nach den internationalen Gesetzen zum Schutz der Menschenrechte völlig inakzeptabel", sagte Nowak. Es sei an der Zeit, dass das Weiße Haus diese Methode nicht länger verteidige. Die US-Regierung müsse endlich zugeben, dass sie etwas Falsches gemacht habe, forderte Nowak.

Das US State Department hat über den zweitreichsten Russen Deripaska ein Einreiseverbot verhängt, wie das "Wall Street Journal" (WSJ) vorige Woche berichtete.

2006 -bereits Mitte- soll Das amerikanische Außenministerium dem Oligarchen die Einreiseerlaubnis entzogen haben.

Grund dafür sollen widersprüchliche Aussagen des Rusal-Eigentümers gegenüber dem FBI gewesen sein, das ihn zu seinen Geschäften befragte.

Bereits in der Vergangenheit hatte der Milliardär wegen des Verdachts auf Verbindungen zur Mafia ein Einreiseverbot in den USA. Dieses war allerdings

00.000.2005 aufgehoben worden. Deripaska bezahlte rund 560.000 Dollar an die Rechtsanwaltskanzlei von Ex-Senator Bob Dole, um das Problem zu lösen.

Schließlich wurde ihm ein eingeschränktes Visum erteilt, damit das FBI den Alu-Tycoon befragen konnte. (APA)
Democratic Underground - ''It's not true, if it can't be proven.'' ...

MICHEL (MICKEY) SNEPP FRANK W SOGHANALIAN SARKIS G SOUHAM GLENN STEWART ... Iran-contra had the Amsterdam link since Israel couldn't trade with Iran ...
Untitled - View as HTML
to a defence correspondent based in Africa, Soghanalian has been linked in recent years ... who contracted TransBalkan Cargo Service, based in Amsterdam, ...www.nisat.org/Brokering/SAS%202001%20Chapter%203.pdf
06.Feb.2008 Raining Guns at Dawn

The second principal actor on the stage was Sarkis Soghanalian Kopelian, an arms dealer who an ...

Cenepo Chapiama flew to Aruba, Amsterdam and Jordan. ... www.mediosparalapaz.org/imprimir.php?idcategoria=2376&resaltar=
Medios para la Paz-Tempestad de fusiles antes del amanecer

Después, Sarkis Soghanalian trabajando para la CIA en Nicaragua, surtió de armas a los “contras” ... Cenepo Shapiama voló a Aruba, Amsterdam y Jordania. www.mediosparalapaz.org/index.php?idcategoria=2362

06.Feb.2008 Transnational crime and the interface between legal + illegal actors
00.Jun.1990 +

00.Jul.1990 two office buildings in Amsterdam, that housed Spanish ... Armenian/Lebanese Sarkis Soghanalian + the Saudi Adnan Khasnoggi. https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/dspace/bitstream/1887/4551/1/tijhuis%23master%23word.pdf
mafia money laundering (GangstersInc's: Mobbed Up Forum) :

mafia money laundering. GangstersInc's: Mobbed Up Forum > General OC Discussion > mafia money laundering. Pages: [1] 2 ... s14.invisionfree.com/GangstersInc/ar/t425.htm
BoNY money laundering trial

A legal representative for Bank of New York Mellon will appear for the first time in court to defend the bank against allegations as a $22.5 billion money-laundering case resumes Monday. 

00.May ---- The Federal Customs Service filed the lawsuit with the Moscow Arbitration Court

- against the backdrop of chilling relations with the United States - but has taken a long time to present the bank with proper notification. 

The case concerns

00.000.1990 -in the s- transactions in which Russian banks wired money to BoNY accounts of U.S.-registered firms in circumvention of Russian currency controls .

BoNY's failure to prevent the deals, the customs service said, amounted to money laundering.  search Clifford Chance
DOD acquisition chief Krieg resigns By
Sebastian Sprenger
06.Jun.2007 -Published on- DOD acquisition chief Krieg resigns. He wants to spend more time with his family according to a statement from the Defense Department.

06.Feb.2008 federalvoice.dscc.dla.mil/federalvoice/050629/dfasve.html
EDGAR Online Person. KENNETH KRIEG . Records 1 - 1 of 1. Company Name, Form Type, Received Date, View.

26.Oct.2005 ... L 3 COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS INC, 8-K, google.brand.edgar-online.com/PeopleFilingResults.aspx?PersonID=4107624
Pentagon Eyeing Google, Blogs

13.Apr.2006 ... Kenneth Krieg, under secretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, has directed the Defense Science Board to conduct a ... www.military.com/features/0,15240,94050,00.html
Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb :: Internationales, Militär und Krieg ...

Entsprechend den Vorstellungen von Vize-Verteidigungsminister Kenneth Krieg entsteht im Weltraum eine militärische Teststätte und bereits nächstes Jahr ... www.lebenshaus-alb.de/magazin/004192.html
Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb : Internationales, Militär + Krieg ...

Wie Vize-Verteidigungsminister Kenneth Krieg mitteilte, betrachte man den Weltraum als militärisches Testlabor.

00.000.2008 -Bereits-sollten mindestens fünf ...www.lebenshaus-alb.de/magazin/003803.html
Crystal Ball Malfunction | COTS Journal

00.000.2003 Edward (Pete) Aldridge left in- , replaced by Michael Wynne + in

00.Jun.2005 the Senate confirmed Kenneth Krieg as Undersecretary of Defense for ... www.cotsjournalonline.com/home/article.php?id=100669
Progressive Government Institute - Appointee Data Kenneth Krieg . Undersecretary, Acquisition, Technology + Logistics. Defense. Just The Facts. ·, Background ... Kenneth Krieg In the News ...
06.Feb.2008 DOD acquisition chief Krieg resigns

Pentagon acquisition chief Kenneth Krieg announced his resignation today. He will remain in office until

20.Jul.200- or until the Senate confirms his successor, ... www.fcw.com/online/news/102911-1.html


TESTIMONY OF. KENNETH J. KRIEG. UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ... www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/congress/2006_hr/060405-krieg.pdf
Feb.2006 Military News Transcript: DoD News Briefing with Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Kenneth Krieg

10.Feb.2006 - Presenter: ... www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/news/2006/02/02-10_index.htm
01.Jul.2005 NEWS+ANALYSIS: :The Plane Truth - www ... In what passes for political theater in Washington, the Pentagon executed perfect timing in its

06.Jun.200- announcement that Kenneth Krieg, director of the ... www.govexec.com/story_page.cfm?filepath=/features/0705-01/0705-01na1.htm

15.Sep.2005 CHIEF ACQUISITION OFFICERS : Defense : Kenneth Krieg

As the Boeing Co. tanker deal destroyed the careers of Darleen Druyun and others, it elevated the reputation of Kenneth Krieg . According to e-mails sent ... www.govexec.com/features/0905-15/0905-15CAOs3.htm

Jun.2003 Within days of the anthrax hoax at the B'nai B'rith, FBI director Freeh, Louis suddenly offered a very different view from that which had been ... _AuthenticO-Historia-index_20040823242526_UPDATED
23.Sep.1897 Sigmund Freud venne iniziato "nella comunità fraterna" della Loggia Vienna del B'nai B'rith di Vienna, un anno dopo la sua fondazione. www.delirious.eu/sigmund_freud_it.html
20050418 ... mafia russe peut prospérer dans l'ombre ...

En Israël, Mikhaïl Tchernoï peut retrouver un de ses partenaires des années

00.000.1990 : Arcadi Gaydamak, visé par un mandat d'arrêt international et ... ... https://alfatomega.com/20050418.html
06.Feb.2008 Le Monde.fr : Cinq acteurs de l'économie de l'ombre

Quand je travaillais avec Mikhaïl Tchernoï, le groupe distribuait 35 à 40 millions ...

Mikhaïl Tchernoï, avec le responsable du secteur en question - Oleg ... www.fsa.ulaval.ca/personnel/vernag/EH/F/noir/lectures/Russie_économie%20de%20l'ombre.htm
Mikhaïl Tchernoï - Wikipédia Mikhaïl Tchernoï (dit Micha Tchernoï) est un homme d'affaire russo-israélien, suspecté d'être à la tête d'un des plus puissants groupes criminels. ... fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhaïl_Tchernoï
Rusal - Wikipédia Vivant aujourd'hui en Israël, Mikhaïl Tchernoï est interdit de quitter le ...

Mikhaïl Tchernoï, ancien magnat de l'aluminium, est inculpé en Israël, ... fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusal
28.Nov.2002 LE_MONDE/PAGES<03> ... - Version HTML
Mikhaïl Tchernoï grandit,. avec ses frères Lev et David,. en Ouzbékistan, où il com- ... russe Vedomosti, Mikhaïl Tchernoï . commente avec satisfaction son ... www.vanady.ru/arh/Lemonde/3.pdf
Les milliardaires de Russie encore plus riches, selon Forbes

Oleg Deripaska fut l’associé de Roman Abramovitch lor