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hmigt: Brasilien plant Wiederaufnahme von Atomprogramm

10.Jul.2007 Streit in den USA: Bush will erst im September über Irak- Strategie reden (Politik)
10.Jul.2007 AWE to explore large oil prospects during a nine well offshore ...

AWE holds a 40% interest in PEP 38481, Energy Western Holdings Ltd (Shell) ... Transworld is owned by Mr John Deuss, for six months a director of AWE who ... AWE to Operate Tui as Transworld Becomes Minority Shareholder ... Transworld principal, John Deuss, will be invited to join the AWE board. Managing director of AWE Bruce Philips said: “Mr Deuss ’ proposed appointment is a ...

10.Jul.2007_Deuss,John_Scoop: Mazur: John Deuss ' Editors On Record On The Man And the magazine's staff

... North-1 and Tieke-1, in PEP 38460, operated by Houston-based Transworld ...,John_.html
20061203 Scoop: Mazur: John Deuss ' Editors On Record On The Man ... North-1 + Tieke-1, in PEP 38460, operated by Houston-based Transworld Oil, have rig options ...
Pondblog "The hush hush nature of the John Deuss investigation related to VAT-skimming deposits ...

An LA Times obituary says: " Pep is considered one of the greatest ...
Forschungsprojekt: Südkoreas Zoll will Drogenspürhunde klonen

10.Jul.2007 Rushdies Ritterschlag: Al- Zawahiri droht Großbritannien mit Anschlägen

10.Jul.2007 Machtkampf Pakistan: Eskalation eines monatelangen Konflikts
10.Jul.2007 Energiewende- Plan: Regierung will Klima- Cent von Bürgern kassieren

10.Jul.2007 Rekordpreis: Villa in Beverly Hills soll 165 Millionen Dollar kosten (Wirtschaft)
10.Jul.2007 Italien: Fahnder fassen Dutzende mutmaßliche Mafiosi (Panorama)
Heute strahlt aktives Sonar Schall mit Frequenzen zwischen 50 Hertz und über 100 Kilohertz aus - und steht als akustischer Meeresverschmutzer am Pranger.

Tierschützer warnen vor dem Krach im Wasser. Erst

00.Jul.2006 verbot ein US-Gericht in Los Angeles der Marine gar einstweilig den Einsatz von Aktivsonar.

Die Antragsteller hätten schlüssig dargelegt, dass Sonar-Signale die Meeressäuger "töten, verletzen oder verstören" könnten, erklärte Richterin Florence- Marie Cooper damals.

Nach einer Untersuchung der National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) war eine Massenstrandung von mehr als 150 Walen auf der hawaiianischen Insel Kauai im Jahr

00.000.2004 möglicherweise von einem Marine-Manöver verursacht worden.

Neu sind solche Vermutungen nicht, zumal auch Meeressäuger wie Delfine oder Schweinswale ihre Nahrung mit einer Art Biosonar orten.
Im "Journal of Experimental Biology" beschrieb Popper im vergangenen Jahr, wie sich der Goldfisch von Lärm-Verletzungen erholt.

Im "Journal of the Acoustical Society of America" berichtete er 2005 von den Schäden, die seismische Kanonen im Hörtrakt dreier Fischarten verursachen.

In den "Acoustical Research Letters" des Jahres

00.000.2003 beschrieb er, wie amerikanischer Maifisch vor Unterwasserlärm flüchtet.

00.000.2003 hatte er bereits im "Journal of the Acoustical Society" die sehr allgemeine Schlussfolgerung gezogen: "Intensiver Schall aus menschlichen Quellen schädigt Fischohren."
Panoramen bisheriger Mars- Missionen - klicken Sie auf das Bild

Im kommenden Monat will die Nasa bereits den nächsten Roboter auf den Mars schicken, um die Bedingungen für die Existenz von Mikroorganismen auf dem Planeten zu untersuchen.

Der "Phoenix Mars Lander" soll zwischen dem


24.Aug.2007 von Florida aus ins All geschossen werden +

00.Mai 2008 -Ende- auf dem Mars eintreffen, wie die US-Raumfahrtbehörde am gestrigen Montag ankündigte.

Der Lande-Roboter soll laut Nasa unter anderem untersuchen, ob das Eis nahe der Marsoberfläche regelmäßig schmilzt, um einen Lebensraum für Mikroorganismen freizugeben.

Bislang sei zudem unbekannt, ob der vereiste Boden an der Landestelle nur wenige Zentimeter oder möglicherweise über einen halben Meter dick sei,

sagte der für "Phoenix" zuständige Chefwissenschaftler Peter Smith von der University of Arizona.

Mit den wissenschaftlichen Geräten könne organisches Material im Boden entdeckt werden.

Die Wissenschaftler erhoffen sich auch weitere Aufklärung darüber, warum aus dem einst feuchten + warmen Mars ein kalter Planet mit vereisten Polarkappen wurde.

Die Existenz von Wasser wäre ein wichtiges Anzeichen für die Möglichkeit von Leben auf dem Roten Planeten.

Zugleich warnten Zhang und seine Kollegen davor, dass nicht nur Kälteperioden ähnliche Spannungen oder gar kriegerische Auseinandersetzungen auslösen können - sondern auch die globale Erwärmung.

Der derzeitige Klimawandel sorge für schwindende Wasser-, Energie-, Nahrungs- und Rohstoff-Vorräte, so die Forscher, und der absehbare Mangel an Süßwasser, Energie und Ackerland werde "sehr wahrscheinlich neue Kriege zwischen menschlichen Kulturen" zur Folge haben. Die Autoren fassen ihre Schlussfolgerung in ein Wortspiel: Dem "Global Warming" könnte ein "Global Warring" folgen.

Hongkong -

00.000.1000-00.000.1911 -bis zum Ende des Kaiserreichs- 899 Kriege in Ostchina listet das Geschichtsbuch Tabulation of Wars in Ancient China für die Jahre auf.

Kriegerisch wurde es immer dann, wenn sich das Klima änderte, zeigte nun ein Vergleich der ostchinesischen Kriegshistorie mit Temperatur-Aufzeichnungen aus dem selben Zeitraum. AFP/Greenpeace

Gletschersee in Tibet (2005): China leidet auch heute wieder unter den Folgen sich ändernden Klimas "Fast alle Höhepunkte kriegerischer Aktivitäten oder der Wechsel von Dynastien fielen mit Kälteperioden zusammen", berichtet das Team um den Informatiker David Zhang von der Universität Hongkong. Im Fachmagazin "Human Ecology" nennen sie den mutmaßlichen Grund für diesen Zusammenhang: Die Kälte ließ die Erträge in der Landwirtschaft und im Gartenbau zurückgehen; Nutzvieh, Weizen, Mais und andere Agrarprodukte wurden knapp - was bei den Menschen "ökologischen Stress" verursachte. Immerhin war die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung im Osten Chinas von der Agrarproduktion abhängig - gerade eine Gesellschaft mit begrenzten technologischen Möglichkeiten wie das vorindustrielle Reich der Mitte auf wohlwollende klimatische Bedingungen angewiesen.

Eine ganze Reihe von Politikern steht auf der Liste

Vor Vitter hatte der für die Aids-Bekämpfung zuständige Vize- Außenminister, Randall Tobias, persönliche Konsequenzen gezogen und seinen Rücktritt eingereicht.

Nach Angaben von ABC gehörten zu den regelmäßigen Kunden des "Escort-Services" ein kürzlich gestorbener Bundesanwalt, ein hochrangiger Mitarbeiter der Weltbank sowie mehrere Führungskräfte des Internationalen Währungsfonds und der US-Raumfahrtbehörde Nasa.

Außerdem sollen Offiziere aus Armee und Luftwaffe, bekannte Unternehmer, Lobbyisten sowie Politiker der Demokraten und Republikaner auf die speziellen Dienste der "D.C. Madam" zurückgegriffen haben.

Laut den örtlichen Behörden wurden seit dem

21.Jun.2007 rund 2,25 Millionen Mäuse getötet - die Kadaver wogen demnach mehr als 90 Tonnen.

Ausgelöst worden sei die Invasion durch das starke Anschwellen des Jangtse-Flusses. Dadurch sei auch der Pegel des Dongting-Sees gestiegen, in dessen Uferbereichen die Mäuse lebten.

Für die nächsten drei Tage erwarten Meteorologen entlang des Flusses weitere Regenfälle.

Einem gestern veröffentlichten Ministeriumsbericht zufolge kamen in China in der ersten Jahreshälfte 545 Menschen bei Naturkatastrophen ums Leben.
Experten führen den weltweiten Höhenflug auf die hohen Leitzinsen zurück, von denen sowohl der Euro als auch der Dollar seit Monaten profitieren.

In den USA liegt der Zinssatz bei 5,25 %, in der Euro-Zone bei 4,0 %. Analysten erwarten angesichts der brummenden Konjunktur in Europa + steigender Inflationsgefahren für

00.Sep.2007 eine Erhöhung sogar auf 4,25 %.

Immer mehr Auguren rechnen mit weiteren Zinsschritten Ende des Jahres oder Anfang 2008.

Unterdessen wächst die Zahl kritischer Stimmen zum Gefüge der Devisenmärkte
Sex- Affäre in den USA: Senator entschuldigt sich für Kontakt zu Erotik- Service

10.Jul.2007 Frauen in der Türkei: Gewalt im Drei- Minuten- Takt (Panorama)
10.Jul.2007 Arbeitsmarkt: OECD kritisiert Diskriminierung von Migranten

10.Jul.2007 Israel: Minister will Internet- Zensur einführen (Netzwelt)
10.Jul.2007 Währungen: Euro erreicht neuen Höchststand
10.Jul.2007 Hochwasser in China: Milliarden Mäuse überfallen die Felder

10.Jul.2007 China: Krieg und Klima- Umschwung fielen zusammen
10.Jul.2007 Preisexplosion: Energieagentur schlägt Alarm - neue Ölkrise in fünf Jahren (Wirtschaft)
10.Jul.2007 Pünktlich zum Bahnstreik: Benzinpreis klettert um 8 Cent
10.Jul.2007 Tarifstreit: Gericht untersagt Lokführer- Streik unbefristet (Wirtschaft)
10.Jul.2007 Nasa- Rover: Sandsturm stoppt Fahrt in Mars- Krater
Nasa- Rover: Sandsturm stoppt Fahrt in Mars- Krater
Während der von den Demokraten kontrollierte US-Senat seit gestern erneut über den Irak-Krieg berät, warnte US-Botschafter Crocker eindringlich vor Abzugs-Plänen.

"Man kann keine politische Strategie auf Angst vor dem Negativen aufbauen", sagte Crocker der "NYT". Er verglich die Situation im Irak mit den ersten Szenen eines Horror-Films.

"Wir sind hier erst bei der ersten von fünf Film-Spulen", sagte er, "und so hässlich wie die erste ist - die anderen viereinhalb werden noch viel, viel schlimmer sein."

Crocker soll gemeinsam mit dem Befehlshaber der US-Streitkräfte im Irak, General David. H. Petraeus, im

00.Sep.2007 einen ausführlichen Bericht zur Lage in dem Land und die politischen Fortschritte vorlegen.

Bisher hatte Präsident Bush gehofft, die Diskussion über einen grundsätzlichen Strategiewechsel bis dahin unterdrücken zu können.

Iraks Außenminister Sebari warnte, die irakischen Streitkräfte seien noch nicht in der Lage, selbst die Verantwortung im Irak zu übernehmen.

Ein verfrühter Rückzug der US-Truppen könne das Ende der staatlichen Einheit des Irak bedeuten und einen schlimmeren Bürgerkrieg oder einen regionalen Krieg nach sich ziehen.

"Wir halten die Gefahr für gewaltig", sagte Sebari der "NYT" zufolge.

Weißes Haus dementiert Berichte
Diplomatie: Bush will Beziehungen zu Libyen ausweiten
10.Jul.2007 Lärm unter Wasser: Regenbogenforellen vertragen Sonar

10.Jul.2007 Armenien: "Es besteht Kriegsgefahr"

10.Jul.2007 Pizza- Connection: Schwarz- grüne Schwatzrunde schlemmt wieder zusammen
10.Jul.2007 Deutsche Bahn: Lokführer brechen Warnstreiks ab

10.Jul.2007 Irak- Krieg: "Wir haben bislang nur den ersten Teil des Horrorfilms gesehen" (Politik)
10.Jul.2007 Permalink
10.Jul.2007 Cindy Sheehan and the impeachment movement First, the good news:

23.Jun.2007 will be a key day in the growing impeachment movement, as Cindy Sheehan leads a march from Arlington National Cemetery to Capitol Hill. The march starts at 10 a.m.
Louisiana GOP Senator David Vitter Is The First Big Casualty Of The DC Madam's Escort List
Bush's "Protect the Crooks Parade" -- Including Himself and Cheney -- Continues: "Bush invoked executive privilege Monday to deny requests by Congress for testimony from two former aides about the firings of federal prosecutors."
Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), chairman of the Judiciary Committee + Arlen Specter (R-PA), the committee?s top Republican, want Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to testify about the CIA leak investigation. We want to hear what he has to say, too. 7/10
They Thought They Were Gods -- A BuzzFlash Editorial

10.Jul.2007 Official: Iraq gov't missed all targets for progress 7/10
The Bush administration has failed to fill roughly a quarter of the top leadership posts at the Department of Homeland Security, creating a "gaping hole" in the nation's preparedness for a terrorist attack or other threat, according to a congressional report to be released today. 7/10
"As a longtime attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice, I can honestly say that I have never been as ashamed of the department and government that I serve as I am at this time. The public record now plainly demonstrates that both the DOJ and the government as a whole have been thoroughly politicized in a manner that is inappropriate, unethical and indeed unlawful. The unconscionable commutation of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby's sentence, the misuse of warrantless investigative powers under the Patriot Act and the deplorable treatment of U.S. attorneys all point to an unmistakable pattern of abuse." 7/10
Prominent Shiite and Sunni politicians called on Iraqi civilians to take up arms to defend themselves after a weekend of violence that claimed more than 220 lives, including 60 who died Sunday in a surge of bombings and shootings around Baghdad.
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Another breakdown of leadership: National Hurricane Center director Bill Proenza has left his position after staff signed a petition calling for his ouster. 7/10


In den Vereinigten Staaten steht die Krankheit Parkinson im Zentrum der Debatte um den therapeutischen Einsatz embryonaler Stammzellen.

Unter anderem der Schauspieler Michael J. Fox ("Zurück in die Zukunft") wirbt für eine Lockerung der strengen Gesetze und intensivere Forschung.

Im Juni aber hatte US-Präsident George W. Bush gegen solche Anstrengungen sein Veto eingelegt.

In Deutschland übte die Katholische Kirche Kritik an einem Vorstoß zu mehr Forschung mit embryonalen Stammzellen.
10.Jul.2007 Links | | Tacoma, WA

Privacy rights suffer as life goes digital WASHINGTON – Phone companies know every number we dial. Grocery stores watch what we buy, search engines track ...

Jan.2005 As life goes digital, questions are raised at death Families are asking firms for access to e-mail, files Baltimore Sun - ...
Troops Out Now!
Info: State Of The Union/State of Emergency Antiwar Demonstration and Candle Light -->


Bis zu 22 Grad unter Null: In Südamerika herrschen eisige Temperaturen. In Argentinien erfroren zwei Männer im Freien. In Bolivien legen Schneemassen den Verkehr lahm.

Buenos Aires - Bei den eisigen Minus-Graden sind in Argentinien zwei obdachlose Männer erfroren, teilte die Polizei mit.
Nahost: Olmert fordert Syrien zu Friedensgesprächen auf
10.Jul.2007 Deutsche Bahn: Arbeitsgericht verbietet bundesweit Warnstreiks (Wirtschaft)
10.Jul.2007 Deutsche Bahn: Politiker von FDP und CSU unterstützen Lokführer- Ausstand
10.Jul.2007 Indonesien: Tausende fliehen vor aktivem Vulkan

10.Jul.2007 Tarifstreit: Lokführer- Streiks haben begonnen -trotz gerichtlichen Verbots
20070224 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded it was “very likely” — or more than 90 % probable — that human activities led by burning fossil ...
"Doch die Vorstellung, dass man versucht, eine politische statt eine militärische Einschätzung über die Truppenstationierung entscheiden zu lassen, entspricht einfach nicht der Wahrheit", betonte der Regierungssprecher.

Die "New York Times" hatte zuvor berichtet, innerhalb der US-Regierung werde angesichts der lauter werdenden Kritik auch aus den Reihen der Republikaner immer offener über eine Änderung der Irak- Strategie diskutiert. Mehrere hochrangige Beamte rieten dem Präsidenten dem Bericht zufolge, den schrittweisen Abzug von US-Truppen aus dem Irak anzukündigen - zunächst aus den besonders umkämpften Stadtteilen der irakischen Hauptstadt Bagdad und anderen Städten.

Neue Debatte um Büchel?

Eine ähnliche Debatte wie 2005 könnte nun wiederaufleben - denn in Büchel in Rheinland-Pfalz sind noch immer 20 Sprengköpfe der Amerikaner in unterirdischen Lagern deponiert. Mit der Leerung der Ramsteiner Arsenale, sagen Experten, könne nun Büchel wieder in die politische Diskussion kommen. In der Opposition fänden sich dafür sicherlich reichlich Befürworter, Linke und Grüne fordern seit langem das Ende der Lagerung von Atomwaffen auf deutschem Boden. Galt bisher stets das Argument, die Amerikaner bestünden auf der Stationierung, gibt es nun eine neue Lage.
In Deutschland lagerten 130 Sprengköpfe in Ramstein, 20 weitere auf der deutschen Flieger-Basis in Büchel. Dort trainieren deutsche Kampfpiloten bis heute den Abwurf der US-Bomben, den sie auf Befehl der USA ausführen müssten.

Nun scheint das nukleare Potential komplett geleert worden zu sein. Das jedenfalls geht aus einer aktuellen Studie der renommierten Organisation Federation of American Scientists hervor.

"Ich denke, es ist fast sicher, dass die Bomben nicht mehr in Ramstein sind", sagte der Autor Hans M. Kristensen im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL ONLINE.

"Es gibt jedenfalls viele Indizien, dass sie nicht mehr da sind."

Der Wissenschaftler, der seit Jahren nukleare Arsenale erforscht und beobachtet, stützt sich bei seinen Behauptungen vor allem auf einen öffentlich zugänglichen Bericht aus dem

00.Jan.2007 ,in dem die Armee Auskunft über Routine-Kontrollen an Standorten für nukleare Technik gibt.

Neben Deutschland zählten dazu auch Basen in Großbritannien, Belgien, der Türkei und den Niederlanden.

Keine Nuklear-Experten mehr für Ramstein
Wintereinbruch in Südamerika: Mehrere Tote bei Rekord- Kälte
09.Jul.2007 Atomwaffen in Deutschland: USA haben Nuklear- Arsenal in Ramstein geräumt
09.Jul.2007 Öffentliche Parteinahme: Dutzende Gewerkschaftsfunktionäre und Betriebsräte treten der Linken bei
09.Jul.2007 Lebensmittelkonzern: Danone kauft niederländischen Konkurrenten (Wirtschaft)
09.Jul.2007 Tarifstreit: Gericht untersagt Lokführern neue Streiks (Wirtschaft)

Nun hat US-Präsident Bush verhindert, dass sich zwei Mitarbeiterinnen einer öffentlichen Anhörung im Kongress stellen müssen. Warum, das sagt er nicht.

Washington - In einem Brief an die Vorsitzenden der Justizausschüsse von Senat und Repräsentantenhaus ließ George W. Bush den Berater des Weißen Hauses, Fred Fielding, mitteilen, dass er seine Exekutiv-Vollmachten nutze und eine öffentliche Anhörung der ehemaligen Mitarbeiterinnen Sara Taylor und Harriet Miers nicht zulassen werde. Fielding lehnte es in dem Schreiben ab, eine Begründung dafür abzugeben, warum Bush in der Angelegenheit von seinen Vollmachten Gebrauch mache.
Irak- Krieg: Weißes Haus weist Spekulationen über Exit- Strategie zurück
09.Jul.2007 Pannen- Rapport: Schon wieder Panne im AKW Brunsbüttel (Wissenschaft)
09.Jul.2007 Entlassung von Bundesanwälten: Bush verhindert öffentliche Anhörung von Regierungsmitarbeitern (Politik)
09.Jul.2007 Sicherheitsdebatte: Schäuble terrorisiert die SPD (Politik)
09.Jul.2007 Unterwasser- Rhythmus: Auch Tiefsee- Plankton folgt dem Mondzyklus

09.Jul.2007 Schäubles Anti- Terror- Pläne: Schily reloaded
09.Jul.2007 They Thought They Were Gods -- A BuzzFlash Editorial
Bush's "Protect the Crooks Parade" -- Including Himself and Cheney -- Continues: "Bush invoked executive privilege Monday to deny requests by Congress for testimony from two former aides about the firings of federal prosecutors."
The Bush administration has failed to fill roughly a quarter of the top leadership posts at the Department of Homeland Security, creating a "gaping hole" in the nation's preparedness for a terrorist attack or other threat, according to a congressional report to be released today.
Prominent Shiite and Sunni politicians called on Iraqi civilians to take up arms to defend themselves after a weekend of violence that claimed more than 220 lives, including 60 who died Sunday in a surge of bombings and shootings around Baghdad.
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Nixon on Fred Thompson: ?He?s Dumb as Hell?
Mary Shaw: Global Warming Is a Human Rights Issue -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
Dave Lindorff: New Poll Shows Majority Favors Impeachment -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
From the Archives (2005): Al Gore?s Devastating Indictment of President Bush 7/10

09.Jul.2007 Impeachment Mantra -- We're Ready When You Are -- A BuzzFlash Reader Contribution

Die Kriegsführung im Ersten Weltkrieg führt zu einer Inflationskrise Unruhen, Streikbewegungen.

Benito Mussolini (1883-1945): Begründer des Faschismus. ...
Nicht zufällig werden in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte der frühen Neuzeit der flämische Anatom Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) + sein Landsmann, der Kartograf Gerhard Mercator (1512-1594), in einem Atemzug genannt: Während Mercator mit seiner akkuraten Projektion der Kontinente die äußere Welt ordnete, leitete Vesalius den Blick in den Körper hinein.

Dazu kommt noch ein wahrer historischer Schatz: Tausende teilweise Jahrhunderte alte Aufnahmen und Zeichnungen, die ebenfalls auf der Webseite von Wellcome Images abrufbar sind.

Wellcome Images hat die Bilder unter zwei verschiedene Nutzungslizenzen, sogenannte Creative Commons Licences, gestellt. Lehrer, Studenten, private Homepage-Betreiber können sie frei herunterladen und nutzen.

Nur die kommerzielle Nutzung wird ausdrücklich untersagt. Wer ein Foto beispielsweise in einer Werbeanzeige verwenden will, braucht dazu die Zustimmung der Rechteinhaber und muss für die Nutzung zahlen.

Das restriktive Urheberrecht ist vielen Surfern schon seit langem ein Dorn im Auge, weil es ihrer Meinung nach den Austausch von Informationen und Wissen behindert.

Die Creative Commons Licence soll den mitunter komplizierten Umgang mit Urheberrechten vereinfachen.
Die britische Stiftung Wellcome Trust hingegen hat nun Zehntausende der von ihr gesammelten Medizinfotos im Internet veröffentlicht - zur freien Nutzung, solange diese keinen kommerziellen Hintergrund hat.

Anders als in früheren Protestwellen, die das Land erfassten, scheint die heutige Generation von Demonstranten für die Politik schwer berechenbar.

Konnten früher Grüne oder Sozialdemokraten sich Demonstranten als Anhängerschaft zurechnen, scheinen sich die Engagierten der Gegenwart bewusst von diesen organisierten Formen der Politik abzusetzen.

Sie wollen "keine vereinnahmenden Politorganisationen", sagt Jugendforscher Schäfer.

Die neue Protestgeneration konstituiert sich über das Internet. Dabei bleibt der Einzelne autonom - und dennoch verbunden mit einer Gemeinschaft, die sich dann zu ausgewählten Aktionen trifft.

Zu rechnen sei allerdings mit ihr auf Dauer. "So verschwindet sie auch nach Heiligendamm nicht, die Politik muss immer wieder mit ihr rechnen."

Schon nach der Gewalteskalation 2001 in Genua stellten italienische Politologen fest, dass es einen Common Sense der Demonstranten gibt, ein tiefes Ungerechtigkeitsempfinden angesichts wachsender sozialer Ungleichheit.

Die Demonstranten von Heiligendamm gehören mithin nicht zu den Verlierern der Globalisierung, dennoch geben 88 % als Motiv ihrer Teilnahme "Perspektivlosigkeit" an.

Projektmitarbeiter Matthias Witte erklärt das so:

"An den Globalisierungsprotesten beteiligen sich vor allem die Jungen der Mittelschichten, aber auch ihre Eltern, die Angst vor dem sozialen Abstieg ihres Nachwuchses haben."

Zu den Überraschungen gehört für Projektleiter Uwe Sander, "dass die Zahlen oft sehr eindeutig anders als die gefühlten Wahrnehmungen sind".

Über die Medien sei etwa der Eindruck entstanden, die Demonstranten seien aus aller Herren Länder nach Heiligendamm gekommen. Doch 91 % der Teilnehmer waren aus Deutschland.
Jüdisches Museum Wien: Bürokratie in Zeiten des Terrors

09.Jul.2007 Stabilitätspakt: Diplomaten kündigen Widerstand gegen Sarkozy- Pläne an
09.Jul.2007 Lückenbüßer in Hessen: Mein Lehrer lebt im Sommer von Stütze
2000 Jahre Medizingeschichte: Schatzkiste der Anatomie

09.Jul.2007 Brief an Blair: Zehn EU- Außenminister fordern Friedenstruppe für Nahost

09.Jul.2007 Knast- Krise: Keine Gnade von Sarkozy - Kritiker empört (Panorama)
09.Jul.2007 Ausbeutung: Drei Chinesen wegen Sklavenhaltung im Zirkus verhaftet (Wirtschaft)
09.Jul.2007 Parteiwechsel: Sächsischer SPD- Funktionär läuft zur Linken über

09.Jul.2007 Terrorprozess in London: Verhinderte Rucksackbomber schuldig gesprochen (Panorama)
09.Jul.2007 Rote Moschee: Islamisten- Führer soll zu Verhandlungen bereit sein
MediaLens :: View topic - Phoney Washington 911 hearings totally deaf

The official explanation of 9-11 is itself nothing more than a conspiracy theory . sid=8f1981538411820fa8b7c51b8d5f6134
Donna L. Spiser - a Houston, Texas (TX) Lawyer Firm: Donna L. Spiser . Address:, 15914 Congo Ln Houston, TX 77040-2120 Map & Directions.
Donna L. Spiser - a Houston, Texas (TX) Law Firm Attorneys:. Spiser, Donna L. ...

John Spirtos — Patricia Spiteri : ZoomInfo Business People Information

Donna Spiser said she believes the ... Spiser, James, Northern Oklahoma College, A reception

09.Aug.200- 9, at 2 p.m. in the Baptist Youth Center in Tonkawa, ...
08.Oct.2004:The Chronicle: Fixing the Visa Quagmire

Donna Spiser, a spokeswoman for the FBI, said the intelligence community had decided that the FBI "was just duplicating efforts being done by the State ...
US Arabs feel squeezed by tighter security |

An FBI spokeswoman, Donna Spiser, says those interviews are all "intelligence driven" - that is, there is some specific information to cause the interview ...
Akamai: Internet Attack Had Little Impact - Security - IT Channel ...

Donna Spiser, an FBI spokeswoman in Washington, said the agency does not confirm or deny any investigations. Leighton provided few additional details, ...
Ashcroft Assailed on Terror Warning (

FBI spokeswoman Donna Spiser said that the purpose of the news conference was to build public awareness about what the FBI is doing to try to stop terrorist ...
Saudi Arabia - US Relations Newsletter - U.S.-Saudi Relations ...

FBI spokeswoman Donna Spiser said, "We haven't had anything to do with arranging + clearing the flights." "We did know who was on the flights + ...
Rising Hegemon: Useless = FBI?

Donna Spiser, an FBI spokeswoman, said that the bureau "thoroughly investigates all allegations of wrongdoing," but that it could not comment on Mr. ...

Aug.2004 Donna Spiser, an USA FBI spokeswoman, said that the bureau "thoroughly investigates all allegations of wrongdoing," but that it could not comment ...

00.000.1999 Bush 41 on traitors MICHAEL A. FLETCHER The Washington Post President Bush today refused to rule out a pardon ...

Scooter Libby & Joseph Briseno, Jr . C.A. MORRISON PAXALLES ...
Fwd: [3] Litvinenko's World -- Curtis & Deuss, Oil, Corporate ...

The Oman Oil Company (OOC) is the overseas investment arm of the Ministry of Petroleum, until recently headquartered in Houston, Texas under JOHN DEUSS . conspiracy/2006-12/msg00055.html
Fwd: [2] Litvinenko - Russia's OIL, anti-Putin Israel + the ...

Around this time, Deuss began pumping money into a magazine he called Chief Executive, which shared offices with his oil company, now renamed Transworld Oil ... conspiracy/2006-12/msg00045.html
20061203 Deuss registered it in Bermuda, where the Dutch trader's company Transworld Oil was based + opened an OOC technical office in Houston .
20070127 + the magazine's staff shared offices in New York's fashionable Olympic Towers with Deuss 's JOC Oil Company, later called Transworld Oil ...
Bermuda's International Non-Insurance Businesses

It already had a company and a small field office in Bermuda. ... C/o Hollis & Co . Transworld Oil, P. O. Box HM 1252, Hamilton HM FX. Owned by John Deuss .

Maries R-1 Alumni Web Site He had also owned + operated Bonnots Mill Oil Co . for several years. ...

He lived in Houston, TX since graduation, working in the construction field as ...
Energy Economist - HTML-Version
Upstream, DeussTransworld Oil has cropped up in. drilling efforts from West Africa and ... In

00.May 200- -this year- the Commission searched the offices of ...
PERSÖNLICHKEITSMANAGEMENT : Die Kunst der Manipulation. Oder: Wie ... Die Kunst der Manipulation . Oder: Wie schütze ich mich davor? Die Kunst des Manipulators ist die Kombination der Methoden - ...

London - Bei der entscheidenden Sitzung seines Kabinetts im

00.Mär.2003 sei Tony Blair von mehreren Regierungsmitgliedern vor diesem Schritt gewarnt worden, schreibt Alastair Campbell in seinem heute veröffentlichten Buch "The Blair Years".

"Jeder von uns hatte beträchtliche Zweifel, nur er nicht, oder wenn er sie hatte, dann hat er sie vor uns versteckt", so Campbell.

Meteorologen warnen, auch dem Osten der USA drohe eine heftige Hitzewelle. Hier sollten die Temperaturen im Laufe der Woche auf bis zu 38 Grad steigen.

In den USA stehen mehr als 100.000 Hektar Wald in Flammen.

Ein Mensch starb in seinem Haus, etliche wurden verletzt, mehrere hundert weitere mussten fliehen. Tausende Feuerwehrleute kämpfen gegen die Flammen an.

Auch dem Osten droht laut Meteorologen Gefahr.

San Francisco - Von Idaho, nahe der kanadischen Grenze, bis in den Süden Kaliforniens stehen Zehntausende Hektar Land in Flammen.

Im US-Staat South Dakota kam ein Mann ums Leben, als sein Haus von einem schnell um sich greifenden Waldbrand eingeschlossen wurde.

Wie die Zeitung "Rapid City Journal" heute berichtet, war der Hausbesitzer nicht dem Evakuierungsaufruf der Feuerwehr gefolgt.

Zwei Feuerwehrleute seien verletzt worden, als sie gegen das Feuer bei Alabaugh ankämpften, teilten Behördenvertreter mit.

Durch die Brände sei eine Fläche von rund 1200 Hektar verwüstet worden.
Powell ist in jüngster Zeit zu einem scharfen Kritiker von Bushs Irak-Politik geworden.

Aspen/Washington - "Ich habe ihm die Folgen vor Augen geführt - was es bedeutet, ein arabisches Land anzugreifen + zum Besetzer zu werden",

sagte Colin Powell der englischen Zeitung "Sunday Times" zufolge bei einem Vortrag im US-amerikanischen Aspen.

Zweieinhalb Stunden habe er demnach auf Bush eingeredet, wird der damalige Außenminister von dem Blatt zitiert.

Im Iran werden jährlich gut 1,1 Millionen Autos hergestellt - der Löwenanteil entfällt auf die Hersteller Khodro und Saipa.

Otto-Motoren für die Verwendung von sogenanntem Autogas zu modifizieren ist technisch gesehen relativ einfach.

Zusätzlich muss dazu in das Fahrzeug eine LPG-Einheit eingebaut werden, die etwa 40 Kilo wiegt.

Unklar ist allerdings, ob Iran ausreichend LPG produziert - und ob es im Land genügend Autogas Tankstellen gibt.

Nach der Bezinrationierung war es vor zwei Wochen zu Protesten wütender Autofahrer gekommen.
Box Office: Herrschaft der Spielzeugroboter (Kultur)
09.Jul.2007 Wall Street im US- Wahlkampf: Hillarys neue Freunde

09.Jul.2007 Grüne Ajatollahs: Iran verbietet klassische Benzin- Motoren
09.Jul.2007 Gerüchte um Air- Berlin- Übernahme: Geheimnisvoller Dritter hinter Deutsche- Bank- Einstieg

09.Jul.2007 Atommeiler- Pannen: Ministerin droht Vattenfall mit Lizenzentzug

09.Jul.2007 Berg- Karabach: "Autonomie bedeutet Krieg"
09.Jul.2007 Irak- Krieg: Bushs Leute basteln fieberhaft an Exit- Strategie
09.Jul.2007 Irak- Krieg: Powell wollte Bush den Angriff ausreden
09.Jul.2007 Chiemgau- Theorie: Steinzeit- Werkzeug soll Kometen- Einschlag beweisen
09.Jul.2007 Gewichtsproblem: Viele Pferde sind zu fett (Wissenschaft)
09.Jul.2007 "Live- Earth"- Presseschau: "Am Klimawandel zweifeln nur Narren!" (Kultur)
09.Jul.2007 Großbritannien: Blair entschied Beteiligung am Irak- Krieg allein
09.Jul.2007 Untreue: Indonesien verklagt Ex- Diktator Suharto

09.Jul.2007 Analyse: Ratingagentur Moody's kritisiert Private- Equity- Branche scharf
09.Jul.2007 Energie aus Russland: Bauern kämpfen gegen Gas- Pipelines

09.Jul.2007 USA: Welker Rasen bringt Rentnerin in den Knast
09.Jul.2007 Vogelgrippe- Opfer: Sechsjähriger in Indonesien gestorben
09.Jul.2007 Tödliche Waldbrände: Feuerwalzen fressen sich durch Westen der USA (Panorama)
09.Jul.2007 "Gefräßiges Monster": Steuer- und Abgabenlast steigt trotz Aufschwung (Wirtschaft)
08.Jul.2007 Do you believe 9/11 was an "Inside Job"? [Archive] - Page 6 - IIDB

00.000.2003-00.000.2007 Political Discussions

Pakistan versammelt sich hinter seinem Präsidenten

Jetzt, nach sechstägigen Zusammenstößen zwischen Aufständischen und Paramilitärs, sind die Demonstrationen zum Erliegen gekommen, der politische Streit ist verstummt.

Über Nacht hat sich Musharraf von einem bedrängten zu einem kämpfenden Präsidenten verwandelt.

"Musharraf hat in den vergangenen Monaten eine schwere politische Krise durchgemacht", sagt Zahid Hussain, Autor des Buchs "Frontline Pakistan".

"Er war an allen Fronten in der Defensive, seine Beliebtheit war zurückgegangen.

Es sah so aus, als würde er dieses Jahr nicht mehr im Amt überstehen."

Doch die radikalen Islamisten haben dem Präsidenten nun unfreiwillig geholfen:

Sie haben zu den Waffen griffen und behauptet, Pakistans muslimische Bevölkerung zu vertreten - doch jetzt müssen sie feststellen, dass sie nur wenig konkrete Unterstützung finden.

Musharraf dagegen erfuhr die Hilfe des gesamten politischen Spektrums.

"Alle Parteien, das Volk und sogar die Mehrheit der Mullahs befürworten das Eingreifen des Militärs", sagt Hussain.

Die Akzeptanz Musharrafs sei in diesen Tagen auf den höchsten Wert der vergangenen drei Jahre geklettert.

Bei einer Umfrage des Fernsehsenders "Pakistan Television" gaben 82 % an, sie seien für ein militärisches Vorgehen gegen die Besetzer der Roten Moschee.

Nur jeder Zehnte sei dagegen gewesen.

Noch bezeichnender ist das Ausbleiben von Demonstrationen in einem Land, in dem schon Zehn- oder Hunderttausende für die Unabhängigkeit der Justiz + einen niedrigen Zuckerpreis auf die Straße gehen.

Proteste sind verstummt
SPD- Konkurrenz: Beck will die Linke links liegen lassen (Politik)
08.Jul.2007 Analyse: Wie die Islamisten Musharraf stärken (Politik)
08.Jul.2007 Erneuerbare Energien: "Die Solarförderung muss sinken" (Politik)
08.Jul.2007 Autobomber: Londoner Attentäter hatten Verbindungen zu al- Qaida im Irak (Politik)
08.Jul.2007 Kampf um Rote Moschee: "Unser Blut wird eine Revolution auslösen" (Politik)

07.Jul.2007 09:43pm From correspondents in Paris Article from: Reuters

A SENIOR French politician, now a minister in President Nicolas Sarkozy's government, suggested

00.000.2006 -last year- that US President George W. Bush might have been behind the 11.Sep.2001 attacks, according to a website.

The website, which promotes

11.Sep.2001 conspiracy theories, has posted a video clip of French Housing Minister Christine Boutin appearing to question that Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda group orchestrated the attacks.
Ms Boutin's office sought to play down the remarks.


Christine Boutin snared by her controversial suggestions about September 11,” Le Monde newspaper said in a headline.

Liberation newspaper quoted Ms Boutin's spokesman Christian Dupont as saying that

she had not wanted to appear pro or anti-Bush at a time when Mr Sarkozy was being branded a “US poodle” after meeting the President in Washington.

According to a Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll carried out last

00.Jul.200- more than one-third of Americans suspect US officials helped in the 11.Sep.2001 attacks or took no action to stop them so the US could later go to war.

The US State Department has rejected these accusations.
Bid to arrest CIA rendition team splits German cabinet :

A German prosecutor's request for the arrest of 10 US men suspected of forming a CIA rendition team has split the German government, the news magazine Der Spiegel reported Saturday.

Reports claim terrorist suspects working for UK police: It has been claimed in reports today that up to eight people with possible links to al-Qaida are working for UK police forces.

08.Jul.2007 Scott Horton Interviews Chris Floyd: MP3 Chris Floyd, author, columnist, blogger and activist, discusses the phony war on terrorism, the politics of fear, racism and imperialism, America’s murderous regime change in Somalia and belligerent attitude toward Russia.

08.Jul.2007 Low-cost investments to save children: In the world today there are over 600 million children under 5 years old. They represent the best hopes for the planet, yet more than 5 million of them die every year as a result of environment-related diseases.

08.Jul.2007 Patrick J. Buchanan: How Scooter skated: The act reeks of cronyism.

The perception is that Scooter Libby got preferential treatment, a get-out-of-jail-free card because he was chief of staff to Cheney + assistant to Bush.

08.Jul.2007-11.Sep.2001 -attacks- George Bush was behind - says politican:

A SENIOR French politician, now a minister in President Nicolas Sarkozy's government, suggested last year that US President George W. Bush might have been behind the

11.Sep.2001 attacks, according to a website.

08.Jul.2007 In case you missed it: USA On Trial: VIDEO: Highlights from the International Tribunal of Indigenous People and Oppressed Nations in the U.S., held in San Francisco in October 1992. Native Americans, African Americans, Puerto Ricans + Chicanos submit evidence to a distinguished jury of international representatives, indicting the U.S. on charges of genocide, imperialism and racism
08.Jul.2007 Presstitute and war pimp alert: : Risk of war: Former senior US diplomat warns of risk of war with Syria this summer in exclusive Ynetnews interview; criticizes US for being soft on Damascus; says Fatah will lose West Bank to Hamas if it does not change

08.Jul.2007 'Syria removing Golan army checkpoints':

London based Al-Hayat reported Saturday that Israel was "concerned" that Syria's decision to remove military checkpoints on the road to Kuneitra on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights could be a preparation for war
08.Jul.2007 War pimp alert:
US pursues increased pressure on Iran:

Senior US officials will consult allies in Europe next week on ways to intensify pressure on Iran amid suspicions Tehran is trying to evade sanctions by concealing the origin of financial transactions.

08.Jul.2007 War pimp alert: Rice warns of 'increasingly dangerous' Iran :

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described Iran as "increasingly dangerous" + refused to rule out US military action if Tehran refuses to suspend its nuclear program.
Pentagon Understates War Casualties, Says Veterans Group: Documents obtained by Veterans for Common Sense through Freedom of Information Act requests reveal the number of casualties to be much higher.

08.Jul.2007 'Supporting the troops' means withdrawing them: Gen. William Odom writes that opponents of the war should focus public attention on the fact that Bush’s obstinate refusal to admit defeat is causing the troops enormous psychological as well as physical harm.

08.Jul.2007 Iraq war costs could top $1.4 trillion. According to a new report by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, “in the first half of this fiscal year, the Defense Department’s “average monthly obligations for contracts and pay is running about $12 billion per month, well above the $8.7 billion in FY2006.”

08.Jul.2007 U.S. eager and it shows in Iraq: The U.S. command in Baghdad this week ballyhooed the killing of a key al Qaeda leader but later admitted that the military had declared him dead a year ago.

08.Jul.2007 Australia: Howard Hits Iraq Oil Slick As Truth Becomes A WMD: Murdoch's Media Rewrites Stories After Furious Calls From Prime Minister's Office

08.Jul.2007 Slaughtering the innocent: Afghan Elders, Villagers Report 133 Civilians Killed : Afghan elders claimed Saturday 108 civilians were killed in a bombing campaign in western occupied Afghanistan, while villagers in the northeast said 25 Afghans died in airstrikes, including some killed while burying dead relatives at a cemetery.
08.Jul.2007 Dr. Dahlia Wasfi - Life in Iraq Under U.S. Occupation - Must Watch Video
Shortages; lack of electricity; potable water; tanks rolling through the streets night and day; gunfire and explosions. Iraqi health care in shambles.

200 bodies turn up daily in the Baghdad morgue. For Iraqis, it's 9/11 every day. Click to view

08.Jul.2007 In case you missed it - A Message From The "Iraq Resistance" - Video: Islamic Jihad Army - A message in English

08.Jul.2007 "We are simple people who chose principles over fear."  Click to view

08.Jul.2007 Parasitic Imperialism - By Ismael Hossein-zadeh 
How recent U.S. wars of choice, driven largely by war profiteering, are plundering not only defenseless peoples and their resources abroad, but also the overwhelming majority of U.S. citizens and their resources at home.

08.Jul.2007 Continue Sacrifice Is for Suckers -By Paul Krugman
On this Fourth of July, President Bush compared the Iraq war to the Revolutionary War + called for “more patience, more courage and more sacrifice.” Unfortunately, it seems that nobody asked the obvious question: “What sacrifices have you and your friends made, Mr. President?”

08.Jul.2007 A Farewell to Arms Control-By Scott Ritter
Republicans are not the only ones guilty of misrepresenting the truth regarding Iraq and weapons inspections;

President Bill Clinton had the gall to claim that Saddam Hussein had refused to cooperate with weapons inspectors

00.Dec.1998 - evicting the WMD sleuths from Iraq on the eve of the 72-hour bombing campaign known as Desert Fox. Continue

08.Jul.2007 Uprooted - A must watch documentary by Donia Mili
"I should of, I could of" made a shorter film, but I was angry, very angry. I felt that we are so bombarded by this propaganda about terrorists and what terrorism is, that I wanted to take as much space as I could about RESISTANCE + the right of the Palestinians to RESIST" Donia Mili, Director and Producer of Uprooted.
Click to view

08.Jul.2007 Ghosts of Abu Ghraib - Video Documentary
Film Summary Through startling interviews with perpetrators, witnesses and victims, GHOSTS OF ABU GHRAIB examines + contextualizes the abuses that occurred in the fall of

00.000.2003 at the notorious Iraqi prison abuses documented in photographs that are etched in our national consciousness.
The film probes the psychology of how typical American men and women came to commit these atrocious acts and, on a parallel track, explores the policy decisions that eroded our compliance with the Geneva Conventions + contributed to making the abuse a reality. Ultimately, the film asks what these events say about America, our government, our military and our human nature.
Click to view
08.Jul.2007 HEADLINES Key Breakthrough, Long, Detailed New York Times Editorial Calls for Rapid Withdrawal from Iraq: "It is time for the United States to leave Iraq, without any more delay than the Pentagon needs to organize an orderly exit....President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have used demagoguery and fear to quell Americans? demands for an end to this war. They say withdrawing will create bloodshed and chaos and encourage terrorists. Actually, all of that has already happened ? the result of this unnecessary invasion and the incompetent management of this war." Take a Deep Breath. Maybe, Just Maybe, We are Crossing Back Through the Looking Glass.

08.Jul.2007 Toll in Iraq bombings could surpass 150
Denver Post Op-Ed: Outing Valerie Plame aided our enemies. Gets the Treasonous Significance of the Bush-Cheney-Rove-Libby Perfidy Down to the Details of Who Might Have Been Killed by Al-Qaeda as a Result of Their Outing of Plame.
Make News Happen at

08.Jul.2007 Frank Rich of George W. Bush: A Profile in Cowardice
Live Earth Slide Show 7/8

08.Jul.2007 The White House has decided to defy Congress's latest demand for information regarding the dismissal of nine U.S. attorneys, sources familiar with the decision said yesterday. Such an action would escalate the constitutional struggle and propel it closer to a court showdown. 7/9
Washington Post: "The Iraqi government is unlikely to meet any of the political and security goals or timelines President Bush set for it in January when he announced a major shift in U.S. policy, according to senior administration officials closely involved in the matter." 7/8

08.Jul.2007 Joe Galloway: Why is it that the Bush administration, in its dying throes, looks remarkably more like an organized crime ring than one of the arms of the American government? A poorly organized and run crime ring, truly, but a crime ring nonetheless.

08.Jul.2007 "Sensing momentum from the new Republican defections, Mr. Reid and other leading Democrats intend to force a series of votes over the next two weeks on proposals to withdraw troops and limit spending. Democrats are increasingly confident they can assemble majority opposition to administration policies."
08.Jul.2007 You know the saying about the thing that broke the camel's back .... one more straw on top of the hay stack..
I think that the Libbey thing is it.
I have no proof, no good argument or scientifically conducted poll, it's just my gut feeling!
Let's just see how this un-folds!
Revolutions have started with less provocations than this.
# posted by beeta

08.Jul.2007 Comments: Help Final Push to Impeachment
It's time! is traveling to Washington DC at the end of this month to deliver thousands of Do-It-Yourself Impeachment Memorials to
key representatives in the House!
Support for impeachment is building. As of this writing, 14 reps are supporting Dennis Kucinich's resolution to impeach Dick Cheney (H. Res. 333).
Even if you've sent them to your congressperson before,
Click here to send us your DIY Memorials before we go.
You may not realize that the only thing standing between where we are today and a nationally televised impeachment investigation is the House Judiciary passing this resolution, which is currently awaiting consideration in their
committee. Luckily, the head of this committee, John Conyers, has said recently that he supports of the national impeachment movement.
All we need to push it over the edge is public support + that's where we come in.
Video of our trip will be posted on our website shortly upon our return. We'll let you know when it's up!
Click here to be a part of this! Here's a funny video about this unique strategy


Wegen der Terrorgefahr wurden am Wochenende eine Reihe von Großveranstaltungen in London durch massive Sicherheitsvorkehrungen und den Einsatz tausender Polizisten geschützt.

Dazu gehörten das "Live-Earth"-Konzert im Wembley-Stadion, das Finale des Tennisturniers in Wimbledon und der Start der Tour de France.

Anschläge als "Abschiedsbotschaft" für Blair

Wie die "Sunday Times" berichtet, waren die geplanten Anschläge in London und Glasgow möglicherweise als eine "Abschiedsbotschaft" für den kurz zuvor aus dem Amt geschiedenen Premierminister Tony Blair gedacht.

Dies gehe aus Erkenntnissen des Anti-Terrorismus-Kommando SO15 von Scotland Yard über die Kommunikation eines der acht festgenommenen Verdächtigen mit Führern des Terrornetzwerkes al-Qaida im Irak hervor.
Die Boulevardzeitung "News of the World" berichtete unter Berufung auf Sicherheitskreise, dass die Zahl extremistischer Zellen in Großbritannien immer weiter zunehme.

Derzeit habe der Geheimdienst MI5 Erkenntnisse über 219 solcher Gruppen. "Das Frustrierende ist, dass wir sie nicht alle unter Beobachtung halten können", zitierte das Blatt einen nicht näher bezeichneten Sicherheitsbeamten. "Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis einer von ihnen durch das Netz schlüpft und wir den nächsten versuchten Bombenanschlag haben."
Besonders wichtig, erklärte der Ex-Chef der britischen Marine, sei neben dem Schutz der Bevölkerung und der Verfolgung von Tätern, dass die Radikalisierung junger Muslime in der britischen Gesellschaft rechtzeitig unterbunden werde.
Zugleich rief er die Bevölkerung dazu auf, aktiver mit den Sicherheitskräften zusammenzuarbeiten als in der Vergangenheit. "Es gehört normalerweise nicht zur britischen Art, zu spitzeln oder über andere zu reden", sagte West. "Aber ich fürchte, in dieser Situation sollte sich jeder melden, der irgendwelche Informationen hat. Denn die Leute, mit denen wir es hier zu tun haben, versuchen unseren gesamten Lebensstil zu zerstören." Wörtlich fügte West hinzu: "Wir werden ein wenig unbritisch sein müssen."

London - Der Kampf gegen die Extremisten werde lange dauern, sagte der Sicherheitsbeauftragte der neuen britischen Regierung, Admiral Alan West in einem Interview mit dem "Sunday Telegraph". "Ich glaube, dass wird 10 bis 15 Jahre dauern."
Morgen erscheinen in Großbritannien die Tagebücher von Blairs früherem Kommunikationschef Campbell.
08.Jul.2007 AKW Brunsbüttel: Pannen in Atomkraftwerk erneut zu spät gemeldet (Wissenschaft)
08.Jul.2007 Klima- Plan: Costa Rica erklärt der Natur den Frieden (Wissenschaft)
08.Jul.2007 Raketenschild: Iwanow warnt vor neuer "Berliner Mauer"

08.Jul.2007 Terror- Abwehr: Browns Sicherheitsberater ruft Briten zum Spitzeln auf (Politik)
08.Jul.2007 Ex- Berater: Blair wollte vor dem Irak- Krieg aussteigen (Politik)
08.Jul.2007 AMERICAN TOWER CORP/MA/- AMT Quarterly Report (10-Q) EXHIBIT 10.1 John Alexander Hicks 1984 Trust. By:. Mack Hardin Hicks 1984 Trust* ...

John Cody Sutherland. Colin Holland. Jim Bennett ... Jon Mansey . Steve Meepos ...
13.Feb.2001 SEC Info - American Tower Corp/MA - S-3/A -On- 563 * 563 0 * Jon Mansey (2)... 705 * 705 0 * Steve Meepos ...

2890 * 2890 0 * Brett Messing ... 54912 * 54912 0 * Brian Messing.
08.Aug.2001 SEC Info - American Tower Corp/MA - S-3/A -On- 578 * 578 0 * Jon Mansey (2) ... 705 * 705 0 * Steve Meepos ...

2890 * 2890 0 * Brett Messing ... 54912 * 54912 0 * Brian Messing.
08.Jul.2007 Er ist das, was der Dalai Lama für andere Buddhisten bedeutet.

Dazu zitieren sie ein paar seiner Sprüche, in denen er vor dem Islam warnt («Türken sind ...
00.Jan.2007 -Der Morgen-Gedanken zur Zukunft-

... fantasievollen Aktionen im Kampf um die Öffentlichkeiten ( Rumsfeld : " die wirklichen Schlachtfelder sind die Öffentlichkeiten"),; eine offenbar wichtige ...
Der Morgen - Gedanken zur Zukunft Die "wirklichen Schlachtfelder sind die Öffentlichkeiten" (Donald Rumsfeld ).

Wie auch ich schon öfter erleben konnte, drohen die "prowestlichen ...
14.Jul.2003 (Friedensratschlag) Die neue Weltkarte des Pentagon, ... +

00.Sep.2001 -seit- Berater von US-Verteidigungsminister Rumsfeld . ... dort liegen die wirklichen Schlachtfelder des Krieges gegen den Terrorismus.
Spreeblick » Wahlkampf Royal Dazu ein Zitat von Rumsfeld :. “Schauen Sie, die wirklichen Schlachtfelder sind die Öffentlichkeiten.”

Andererseits bieten Blogs + Podcasts + Videocasts ...
20051029 Rumsfeld : Wer eine Antwort sucht + ein bescheidenes Maß an Recherche ... Schauen Sie, die wirklichen Schlachtfelder sind die Öffentlichkeit in Ihrem Land ...
CAPITAL-FASCI$M Rumsfeld : Ich habe meine Bedenken nicht ganz so vorgetragen, wie Sie es darstellen.

Schauen Sie, die wirklichen Schlachtfelder sind die Öffentlichkeit in ...
Superrummy! Rumsfeld hat das Interview stark geführt!

Da kann man viel lernen.

... Schauen Sie, die wirklichen Schlachtfelder sind die Öffentlichkeit in Ihrem Land + ...

Der amerikanische Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld, 73, über die ... Schauen Sie, die wirklichen Schlachtfelder sind die ...
00.Aug.2004 Archives Thomas P.M. Barnett-Weblog:

Donald Rumsfeld, the American Secretary of Defense, decried the fact that ... liegen die wirklichen Schlachtfelder des Krieges gegen den Terrorismus. - Thema anzeigen-Irak-Bilanz-Der Krieg ... US-Außenminister Donald Rumsfeld warnte vor weiteren Anschlägen vor der für ...

Schauen Sie, die wirklichen Schlachtfelder sind die Öffentlichkeit in Ihrem ... php?t=11029&sid=47391404879d8fd83a1f2aa920ca6bfa
Bush + Blair telefonieren ...
Im Internet lautete die Überschrift des London-Telegraph-Artikels " Bush - Blair transcript 'seized by IRA spies'"

( Bush - Blair -Transkript 'von IRA-Spionen ...
News - Neue interessante Kent-Depeschen

" Bush - Blair transcript 'seized by IRA spies'" ( Bush - Blair -Transkript 'von IRA-Spionen entdeckt'), verfaßt vom Irland -Korrespondenten Thomas Harding.
Interessant Interessant - - made with Forum101 by worldweb

Überschrift des London-Telegraph-Artikels " Bush - Blair transcript 'seized by IRA spies'" ( Bush - Blair -Transkript ... Irland -Korrespondenten Thomas Harding.

Apr.2003 00:51:18 Bush - Blair transcript 'seized by IRA spies' By Thomas Harding, ... verfaßt vom Irland -Korrespondenten Thomas Harding.

Apr.2003 Bush - Blair transcript 'seized by IRA spies' -By Thomas Harding, Ireland Correspondent ... verfaßt vom Irland -Korrespondenten Thomas Harding. ... > Texte > Sonstige > 715

Im Internet lautete die Überschrift des London-Telegraph-Artikels „ Bush - Blair transcript ´seized by IRA-spies´“ ( Bush - Blair -Transkript ´von IRA-Spionen ...
Allmystery • 9 Gründe für die Sprengung des WTC

Überschrift des London-Telegraph-Artikels " Bush - Blair transcript 'seized by IRA ... ( Bush - Blair -Transkript 'von IRA-Spionen entdeckt'), verfasst vom Irland - ...
Allmystery • WTC - Verarscht?! des London-Telegraph-Artikels " Bush - Blair transcript 'seized by IRA ... vom Irland -Korrespondenten Thomas Harding. Darin schreibt Harding:
War die CIA Auftraggeber des Anschlags auf das WTC - HTML-Version
Im Internet lautete die Überschrift des London-Telegraph-Artikels " Bush - Blair transcript 'seized by IRA spies'" ( Bush - Blair -Transkript 'von IRA-Spionen ...

08.Jul.2007 Atlantik-Brücke e.V. - Vorsitzender DR. THOMAS ENDERS CEO VON EADS.

Enders Vorsitzender der Atlantik-Brücke e.V. Curriculum Vitae

21.Dez.1958 Dr. Thomas Enders, geboren am- ist seit

00.Jun.---- ...
Astroworld: MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON ... government has locked up more than 5,000 foreigners who had nothing to do with terrorism.

... being made by homeland security seems like a near term test . ...
bastardsword: New Non-Lethal Weapons. ... having a laser bounce of an angled mirror that's mounted on the test object.

... weapons are just around 0.5 mA, based on just 26 watts with 50, 000 volts . ...
20041114 MIAMI, FL -- Police used a stun gun on a 6-year-old ... not identified, was shocked with 50, 000 volts on

20.Oct.2004 at Kelsey Pharr Elementary School ...
Nwowatcher is the leading resource for topics of political ...

Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since WWII. by William Blum [Sounds like a very large book ...
Who is Responsible, for the Trouble in Your Life? Conspiracy -

Exposing the Global Surveillance System - the Global Surveillance ...
Who is Responsible, for the Trouble in Your Life?

How The World REALLY Works - The New World Order Elite Conspiracy -

Exposing the Global Surveillance System ...
Prosecutor says evidence clearly points to suicide in Vodafone ...

According to the report, Costas Tsalikidis had monthly meetings with Ericsson ...

Costas Tsalikidis ’ suicide coincided with the discovery of an illegal ...
Paper publishes what it says is Vodafone chief's statement to ...

Conversely, no mention is made of the suicide of Vodafone computer executive Costas Tsalikidis, who was found hanging in his apartment a day before the ...
BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Death muddies Greek spy probe

In a serene but cramped graveyard in the western suburbs of Athens, lies the body of Costas Tsalikidis, a network manager for Vodafone Greece. ...
BBC NEWS | Europe | Greek aide quizzed in spy probe

As the parliamentary investigation proceeds, so too does the inquiry into the death of the Vodafone network manager, Costas Tsalikidis .
The Waterglass: Tapped: Espionage + the

00.000.2004 Olympic Games in Athens Costas Tsalikidis, a network manager for Vodafone Greece, ...

Family and friends of Costas Tsalikidis believe there are strong indications he was the person ...
The BRAD BLOG : The Men Who Knew Too Much? NSA Wiretapping ...

00.Mar.2005 Greek telecommunications expert Costas Tsalikidis met with a similarly enigmatic end.

Both had uncovered American attempts to ...
Rixstep The brother of Costas Tsalikidis recently turned over an 'emergency diary'

The real shocker - with all due respect to Costas Tsalikidis + his family ...,00.shtml
The Men Who Knew Too Much? NSA Wiretapping Whistleblowers Found ...

Adamo Bove and Costas Tsalikidis : Both uncovered a secret bugging system and both met untimely ends.

Was That Just A Coincidence?
Athens News

Koronias dropped innuendoes about Vodafone employee Costas Tsalikidis who was found hanged in his apartment the day Koronias contacted the PM's office.
Interception: Luigi Grandini - View as HTML
telecommunications expert Costas Tsalikidis met with a similarly. enigmatic end. The Bove case relates to the long-standing controversy over the CIA’s ...

08.Jul.2007 borderline-europe: Informationsplattform zum Massensterben an den ... Informationsplattform zum Massensterben an den EU-Außengrenzen.

Ein Angebot im Netz an all jene, die sich über die zunehmende Militarisierung und tausende ...
borderline-europe: Informationsplattform zum Massensterben an den ...

02.Apr.2007 "Frontex rüstet auf - Deutschland wird auf Lampedusa verteidigt". Interview mit Elias Bierdel, Deutschlandradio Kultur, -Sendung vom- Länge: 9:30 ...
Elias Bierdel - Wikipedia In diesem Buch schildert Elias Bierdel seine Sicht der Hergänge und die ganze Geschichte der „Cap Anamur“ – vom Umbau im Lübecker Hafen bis zur ...
Cap Anamur - Wikipedia Offizier und der Chef der Hilfsorganisation Elias Bierdel wurden wegen Beihilfe zur illegalen Einreise festgenommen. Kritiker warfen dem Cap Anamur/Deutsche ...

08.Jul.2007 Waldemar Pabst - Wikipedia

00.000.1930 Waldemar Pabst wurde aus Österreich ausgewiesen, ...

00.000.1933 ging -Allerdings- Eltze nach Deutschland +

00.000.1938 ging Mandl nach Argentinien.
Fritz Mandl - Wikipedia Im Rahmen der Heimwehr befreundete sich Mandl auch mit deren Stabschef, dem deutschen Major Waldemar Pabst, der den Doppelmord an Rosa Luxemburg und Karl ...

Nov.2005 Amerika-Gipfel: Argentinien richtet sich auf Anti-Bush-Demos ein ...

15.Jan.---- -Informationen, answewrs und mehr bei Gegen den Hauptverantwortlichen Waldemar Pabst wird keine Anklage ...

00.000.1944: Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 7,8 in San Juan, Argentinien fordert rund 5.000 Tote.
RTP E há a história de Waldemar Pabst, “o terceiro sócio dessa camarilha”, ... da Suíça quando um vem viver para Portugal e o outro vai viver para a Argentina ”. ...
Israel - Nahost - Jüdische Meldungen aus Europa Ein Radiomoderator sagte gestern, er fühle sich schon wie in Argentinien .

"Wir waren die Macht im Staate": Waldemar Pabst - Militär, Geheimagent, ...
30.Aug.1939 WWII. Plus 55 - Chapter 7

Captain Waldemar Pabst, one of Noske's "dynamic" staff officers, tells the Freikorps to murder both.

They club Luxemburg outside the hotel + shoot her ...

14.Apr.2003 Tagebuch aus Bagdad Siegerjournalisten ...

Cheney betrifft: Von ihm genügt es zu wissen, dass er gegen die Freilassung von Nelson Mandela

22.Nov.2002 Das Web wurde durchsucht nach Dulles##+Bush ... are mentioned on the listed pages with the name

Dulles, Allen Welsh . Director of the CIA under DCI Bush [BGHW948] ... the USA in 00.000.1945-00.000.1646 to head ...
The Randi Rhodes Show - Message Board Interestingly, the Wikipedia article on Allen Welsh Dulles states :”

00.000.1893 “was born in-”, but curiously omits any details of Dulles

00.000.1945 -' life before ,- Allen Welsh Dulles
The Secret History of America: - HTML-Version
Edgar Hoover and former CIA director and Mason Allen Dulles was ... Title 27 CFR Section 72.11 says that all crimes are "commercial crimes" and they are ...

08.Jul.2007 Report of the 9/11 Commission: Notes

11.Sep.1999----- -between- The FAA conducted many screener evaluations at Dulles , ...

Admission to flight deck, 14 C.F.R. § 121.547 (2001); UAL records, ...

For simplicity, we have adopted the following citation conventions in these endnotes.

Dozens of government agencies and other entities provided the Commission with more than 2.5 million pages of documents and other materials, including more than 1,000 hours of audiotapes.

In general, we cite documents and other materials by providing the agency or entity of origin, the type of document (e.g., memo, email, report, or record), the author and recipient, the title (in quotes) or a description of the subject + the date. We use the following abbreviations for the agencies and entities that produced the bulk of these documents: AAL-American Airlines; CIA-Central Intelligence Agency; DCI-Director of Central Intelligence; DHS-Department of Homeland Security; DOD-Department of Defense; DOJ-Department of Justice; DOS-Department of State; DOT-Department of Transportation; EPA-Environmental Protection Agency; FAA-Federal Aviation Administration; FBI-Federal Bureau of Investigation; FDNY-Fire Department of New York; GAO-General Accounting Office; INS-Immigration and Naturalization Service; NEADS-Northeast Air Defense Sector; NSA-National Security Agency; NSC-National Security Council; NTSB-National Transportation Safety Board; NYPD-New York Police Department; OEM-Office of Emergency Management, City of New York; PANYNJ or Port Authority-Port Authority of New York and New Jersey; PAPD-Port Authority Police Department; SEC-Securities and Exchange Commission; Treasury-Department of Treasury; TSA-Transportation Security Administration; UAL-United Air Lines; USSS-United States Secret Service.

Interviews, meetings, briefings + site visits conducted by Commissioners or by members of the Commission staff are cited, for example, as "George Tenet interview (Jan. 22, 2004).

" Testimony by witnesses at one of the Commission's 12 public hearings is cited as "Condoleezza Rice testimony, 08.Apr.2004 .

"Written statements for the record provided by witnesses at one of our public hearings are cited as "Thomas Ridge prepared statement, May 19, 2004."

At the request of intelligence community agencies (including the FBI), we use the first name and last initial, only the first name, or in a few instances an alias or title when referring to working-level employees in those agencies. At the request of several intelligence agencies, we cite most reports from the CIA and other intelligence agencies generically as "Intelligence report," followed by a description of the subject and date. In a few instances in which we were given access to highly sensitive documents or information, we cite generically to documents or information provided to the Commission.

Our investigation built on the work of many others, including the Joint Inquiry of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001, which we refer to as the "Joint Inquiry." We cite as "Joint Inquiry report, Dec. 2002" the Report of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, S. Rep. No. 107-351,

H.R. Rep. No. 107-792, 107th Cong., 2d sess. (2002), indicating "classified version" where appropriate. Testimony presented during hearings conducted by the Joint Inquiry is cited as "Joint Inquiry testimony of George Tenet, Oct. 17, 2002," indicating "closed hearing" where appropriate. We cite interviews conducted by the Joint Inquiry staff as "Joint Inquiry interview of Cofer Black," with the date of the interview.

Another major source for our investigation were the thousands of interviews conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation during its investigation of the 9/11 attacks, which it refers to as "Penttbom." FBI agents write up their interviews on forms called 302s, which we cite as "FBI report of investigation, interview of John Smith, Oct. 4, 2001," using the date of the interview. We cite interviews conducted by other agencies by agency name and date of the interview; for example, an interview conducted by the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General is cited as "DOJ Inspector General interview of Mary Jones, July 9, 2002."
Mar.2004-00.Apr.2004 Interior - HTML-Version
FDR’s speeches, the Congressional Record ,. public opinion polls plus newspapers and magazines from across. the nation published in the period 1938- 1945 . ... | Omega File: Greys, Nazi, Underground Bases + th the official capitulation on

00.May 1945 for they confessed to have ... Allen Dulles + Reinhard Gehlen

00.000.1943 when a deal was cut ...
Xiaodong People December 15, 1922 -- The CFR endorses World Government in its magazine ...

12.Apr.1952 -- John Foster Dulles, later to become Secretary of State, ...
The Trilateral Commission controls through the CFR members the whole ... Shaw trial; DA Jim Garrison subpoenas Allen Dulles and ex-CIA employee ...


00.000.1980-00.000.1996 -von-bis- Bibelpolitik . Das Verhältnis des protestantischen Fundamentalismus zur nationalen Innenpolitik der USA vonEin Fallbeispiel ...
09042003antiwarbloggBibelpolitik . Das Verhältnis von protestantischem Fundamentalismus zur nationalen Innenpolitik der USA. -
08.Jul.2007 Umweltschutz: DIHK- Chef warnt vor Einbußen an Lebensqualität

08.Jul.2007 "Live Earth" in Hamburg: Schwur auf die grüne Bibel (Kultur)
08.Jul.2007 Überschwemmungen: Eine Million Inder von Außenwelt abgeschnitten (Panorama)
08.Jul.2007 "Live Earth": Mit dem SUV zum Klima- Woodstock (Kultur)
08.Jul.2007 Kampf gegen den Terror: Rumsfeld vermasselte Schlag gegen al- Qaida (Politik)
08.Jul.2007 Gefährliche Abhängigkeit: Koch warnt vor Gazprom - und fordert neue Kernkraftwerke

08.Jul.2007 Islamabad: Kampf um rote Moschee eskaliert, Musharraf droht (Politik)
08.Jul.2007 Hagel: Libby commutation is ‘unfortunate.’ - Matt  -

In an interview with Action Three News in Omaha, Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) said today that he felt the commutation of Scooter Libby’s prison sentence was “unfortunate.” Contacted by ThinkProgress, his office refused to give more details about Hagel’s views, saying that it would “refer you back to the Senator’s own words.”
08.Jul.2007 Ohio State Rep. To Bush: If You Want To ‘Coddle Criminals,’ Then Pardon Traficant - Matt  -

As soon as President Bush commuted the prison sentence of his former aide, I. Lewis “ScooterLibby, attorneys across the country immediately began arguing that their clients deserve “the Libby treatment.”

Yesterday, Ohio State Rep. Bob Hagan (D-Youngstown) sent a letter to President Bush, claiming that his standards for Libby should be applied to another criminally-challenged political figure: former U.S. Congressman James Traficant, who was convicted 00.000.2002 on bribery + racketeering charges. Hagan says that Traficant deserves the same leniency that Libby received:

If the President is going to coddle criminals in his Administration because he believes they have suffered enough, the least he can do is apply equal justice and release all of those whose crimes had far less impact on the public good than Libby’s,” Rep. Hagan said. […]

Libby lied to the FBI and a grand jury about the Valerie Plame cover-up, which undermined the nation’s intelligence operations,” Hagan argued. “Add to that his role as Vice President Cheney’s Chief of Staff in promoting false reasons for going to war in Iraq - and it all outweighs anything Mr. Traficant has done. […]

Libby is the first sitting White House official to be indicted in 130 years + yet he walks away without paying his deserved debt to society.”

Hagan, who previously waged a primary challenge against Traficant, doesn’t actually want President Bush to commute Traficant’s sentence. “They both deserve to be in jail,” Hagan told the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

He has a history of making satirical statments to prove his points. 00.000.2006, when conservatives introduced a bill to ban gay couples from adopting children, Hagan “asked fellow senators to co-sponsor a bill to ban households with one or more Republican voters from adopting children.” Similarly, this past year, when new regulations for strip clubs were debated, “Hagan drafted an amendment to ban lobbyists from touching lawmakers.”

President Bush has yet to respond to Hagan’s request for clemency for Traficant.
Surgeon appointed as minister Gordon Brown appoints practising surgeon Professor Sir Ara Darzi as a minister, charged with improving patient care.
08.Jul.2007 Superfood 'ban' comes into effect Products claiming to be superfoods will be banned under new EU rules coming into effect on July 1st unless the claim can be proved.
08.Jul.2007 'Sharp drop' in India Aids levels The number of people living with HIV/Aids in India is around half of previous official estimates, new figures say.
08.Jul.2007 Sandwiches 'rival crisps on salt' Many shop-bought sandwiches contain as much salt as several bags of crisps, a survey suggests.
08.Jul.2007 Prions key in Alzheimer's disease The proteins which cause mad cow disease may protect against Alzheimer's disease, say UK researchers.
08.Jul.2007 Pill to make dieters 'feel full' Italian scientists have developed a pill that expands in the stomach to make dieters feel full.
08.Jul.2007 Organic food 'better' for heart Organic fruit and vegetables may be better for you than conventionally grown crops, US research suggests.
08.Jul.2007 Obesity to fuel Alzheimer's rise Growing obesity will lead to dramatic increases in cases of Alzheimer's disease, experts say.
08.Jul.2007 New stem cell could aid research UK researchers say the discovery of a new type of "missing link" stem cell in rodents could boost research.
08.Jul.2007 French swans have deadly bird flu Three swans found dead in eastern France carried the H5N1 bird flu that can be fatal to humans, tests confirm.
08.Jul.2007 Four hours of travel 'a DVT risk' The risk of developing potentially fatal blood clots doubles after travel lasting four hours, experts find.
08.Jul.2007 England smoking ban takes effect Smokers across England have sparked up at work and in the pub for the last time as the smoking ban begins.
08.Jul.2007 Egypt forbids female circumcision Egypt has abolished the life-threatening practice of female circumcision, its health ministry says.
08.Jul.2007 Chocolate 'lowers' blood pressure A small amount of dark chocolate could reduce blood pressure, research from Germany suggests
08.Jul.2007 Brain cancer drug hope from frogs A synthetic molecule based on one found in frog egg cells could potentially be used to treat brain tumours.
08.Jul.2007 US envoy goes missing in Cyprus The US embassy in Cyprus appeals for information on a senior diplomat who has been missing for three days.
08.Jul.2007 Russian charged in UK spying row Russian authorities charge a man with spying for Britain - the latest step in an espionage row between the two countries.
08.Jul.2007 'Racist' Lima restaurant closed A popular restaurant in Lima, Peru has been temporarily closed and fined for turning away dark-skinned people.
08.Jul.2007 Pope ends Latin Mass restriction Pope Benedict XVI removes restrictions on celebrating the Latin Tridentine Mass, despite concern from Jewish groups.
08.Jul.2007 Pakistan gives mosque ultimatum Pakistan's president tells Islamists inside a radical mosque to free women and children "or be killed".
08.Jul.2007 Online auction for security bugs Security researchers can now get cash rewards for the loopholes they discover in popular programs.
08.Jul.2007 Nato raids 'killed 35 Afghans' Villagers in eastern Afghanistan say 35 civilians have been killed in air attacks by international forces.
08.Jul.2007 Malaysia 'convert' claims cruelty A Malaysian woman claims she was subjected to mental torture for insisting her religion is Hinduism, not Islam.
08.Jul.2007 Iraq market truck bomb kills 105 A truck bomb devastates a market in northern Iraq, killing 105 people and injuring 240 others, police say.
08.Jul.2007 Iranians visit captives in Iraq Iranian officials pay their first visit to five nationals detained since January by US forces in northern Iraq.
08.Jul.2007 Iran ends petrol-only car making Iran is to stop making purely petrol-driven cars and move to dual-fuel vehicles, in a bid to reduce petrol subsidies.
08.Jul.2007 Indian stocks jump to record high India's main stock index, the Sensex, bursts through the 15,000 mark to a record on optimism about growth.
08.Jul.2007 Global vote picks Seven Wonders The world has Seven New Wonders, to add to the numerous international lists of top tourist must-sees.
08.Jul.2007 DNA reveals Greenland's lush past Ancient DNA samples show that southern Greenland was teeming with insect and plant life 450,000 years ago.
08.Jul.2007 Argentine minister in cash probe Argentina's economy minister admits storing thousands of dollars in her office bathroom, amid a judicial inquiry.
08.Jul.2007 Charge over UK bomb attempts UK police charge an Iraqi doctor in connection with failed bombings in London and Glasgow airport.
08.Jul.2007 Clashes mar Nepal king's birthday Clashes break out in Kathmandu as Nepal's unpopular King Gynendra marks his 60th birthday,
08.Jul.2007 Concerts promote climate message The last Live Earth concerts to highlight global warming are held in the Americas, 24 hours after the event began in Asia.
Und der britische "Guardian" berichtete, Madonna habe mit ihrer letztjährigen Tour innerhalb von vier Monaten geschätzte 440 Tonnen Kohlendioxid produziert.

Kritik an der Aktion kam auch von der Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace. "Das Konzert selbst ist eine gute Idee, um viele Menschen mit dem Thema zu erreichen.

DaimlerChrysler ist aber der falsche Sponsor", kritisierte Greenpeace-Sprecher Thomas Breuer.

Der Konzern stelle umweltschädliche Produkte her und habe die EU-Klimaschutzziele torpediert.
Die Organisatoren riefen die Zuschauer auf, Energie zu sparen, sich für alternative Energien stark zu machen, die Wälder zu schützen und Umweltschutzorganisationen zu unterstützen.
Insgesamt wollten weltweit binnen 24 Stunden mehr als 150 Rock- und Popstars zur Rettung des Weltklimas auftreten, um eine globale Bewegung zur Lösung der Klimakrise loszutreten.

Weitere Konzerte stehen bis zum Sonntagmorgen noch im Giants-Stadion bei New York, in Washington an der National Mall, in Maropeng bei Johannesburg und an der Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro an.
Er rief die Besucher auf, ihre eigene Umweltbilanz zu verbessern und eine klimafreundlichere Politik zu unterstützen.

Die Veranstalter um den ehemaligen US-Vizepräsident Al Gore hoffen, "Menschen durch die Kraft der Musik zu verbinden und mit einer simplen, universellen Botschaft in die Pflicht zu nehmen: SOS. Folgt dem Ruf!".

In Tokio begann das Konzert mit einer High-Tech-Laser-Show der Band Genki Rockets. Gore erschien den Konzertbesuchern als Hologramm.

Hamburg/Sydney - Den Auftakt des 24-stündigen Konzertmarathons machte Sydney:

In Australien sangen und tanzten weiß bemalte Ureinwohner mit Didgeridoos und Eukalyptuswedeln im Aussie-Stadion vor rund 50.000 Zuschauern einen traditionellen Willkommensgruß.

Nach dem Auftritt der Aborigines wurde eine Videobotschaft Gores eingespielt
Erst als Mitte der dreißiger Jahre durch die Kriegsvorbereitungen der Nazi-Diktatur und der verbesserten Weltwirtschaftslage Millionen neue Jobs entstanden, entspannte sich die Lage.
Das massenhafte Elend der Joblosen war immens.
Millionen hungerten.
Der Anteil der Arbeitslosen, die von der öffentlichen Hand unterstützt wurden, sank auf unter 30 %.

Am 7.7.1927 wurde diese Regelung dann in einen festen Gesetzestext gegossen.

Argwohn vor dem Missbrauch von Leistungen hatten die Gesetzgeber allerdings damals wie heute:

Allein 28 Paragrafen beschäftigen sich mit diesem Problem. Die Bedürftigkeitsprüfung wurde allerdings gestrichen.

Der entscheidende Schritt war getan:

Wer seinen Job verlor, war von nun an nicht mehr auf Almosen angewiesen, sondern hatte sich durch seine vorherigen Einzahlungen in die Versicherung das Recht auf Zahlungen erworben.
00.000.1923 -Ab- wurde ein Vorläufer des heutigen Modells eingeführt: Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer zahlten maximal je drei % des Bruttolohnes als Beitrag zur Erwerbslosenfürsorge.

Der erste Weltkrieg brachte die Wende. Die Arbeitslosigkeit stieg im ersten Kriegsjahr rasant.

00.000.1915 sahen sich Reich und Bundesstaaten gezwungen, den Kommunen unter die Arme zu greifen und die schlimmste Not abzufedern.

Es entstand die "Erwerbslosenfürsorge". Rechtlich nicht abgesichert, war sie trotzdem eine vergleichsweise verlässliche Unterstützung.
Wer seinen Job verlor, wurde zum Fall für die Wohlfahrt.

Einzelne Berufsverbände und Gewerkschaften gründeten Ende des Jahrhunderts deshalb eine freiwillige kollektive Unterstützung für entlassene + in Not geratene Mitglieder.
00.000.1883-00.000.1889 führte das Deutsche Reich Kranken-, Unfall- und Rentenversicherung ein, die bis heute die Säulen der sozialen Absicherung sind. Eine Arbeitslosenversicherung schuf man jedoch nicht.
Als Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts die massiv wachsende Arbeiterbewegung immer schärfer Rechte und Einfluss einforderte, ersann der damalige Reichskanzler Otto von Bismarck seine[“]revolutionären[”] Sozialgesetze.

Hamburg - Der

07.Jul.1927 war ein guter Tag für die Arbeiter in Deutschland:

An diesem Datum verabschiedete der Deutsche Reichstag in Berlin ein umfangreiches Werk - das "Gesetz über Arbeitsvermittlung und Arbeitslosenversicherung".

Die Parlamentarier strickten ein soziales Netz aus 275 Paragrafen, das Menschen in Not auffangen sollte.

Eine überwältigende Mehrheit im Parlament war sich darüber einig, dass die Regelung überfällig war: 356 Abgeordnete stimmten dafür, 47 dagegen, 16 enthielten sich.

Die Arbeitslosenversicherung hatte ihren Weg durch die Insitutionen geschafft - nach langem, zähen Ringen.
Umstrittene Abstimmung: Neuschwanstein fällt bei Wahl zum Weltwunder durch

07.Jul.2007 Belagerte Rote Moschee: Pakistan sprengt Weg frei für verschanzte Islamisten
07.Jul.2007 Klimaschutz- Konzerte: "Live Earth" rockt die Welt

07.Jul.2007 Türkei: Waldbrand bei Bodrum weitet sich aus
07.Jul.2007 Klimaschutz- Konzerte: "Live Earth" rockt die Welt (Kultur)
07.Jul.2007 Terror im Irak: Lkw- Bombe löscht über 100 Menschenleben aus (Politik)
07.Jul.2007 Polit- Konkurrenz: Linke bringt SPD auf Schlingerkurs
07.Jul.2007 Pole- Position in Silverstone: Lokalmatador Hamilton lässt Briten jubeln (Sport)
07.Jul.2007 NPD- Demo: Gegendemonstranten blockieren Marsch der Rechtsextremisten

07.Jul.2007 Merkels Integrationskonferenz: Gipfel der Versprechen (Politik)
07.Jul.2007 80 Jahre Arbeitslosenhilfe: Der lange Weg von der Fürsorge zur Versicherung
07.Jul.2007 AK- 47: Geburtstag einer Todesmaschine (Panorama)
07.Jul.2007 Solidarität mit Chavez: Lafontaine verteidigt Presse- Zensur in Venezuela
07.Jul.2007 Archaeologists set to unearth secrets of Scone and its kings 

From the reign of Kenneth MacAlpin

in the ninth century, every Scots king assumed the mantle of power, seated on the Stone of Destiny, on the ancient mound now known as Moot Hill at Scone in Perthshire. posted by Prof. Hex
07.Jul.2007 Bush Rationale on Libby Stirs Legal Debate : In commuting I. Lewis Libby Jr.’s 30-month prison sentence on Monday, President Bush drew on the same array of arguments about the federal sentencing system often made by defense lawyers — and routinely and strenuously opposed by his own Justice Department.

07.Jul.2007 U.S. Subprime Defaults to Rise, Credit Suisse Says: Delinquencies and defaults on U.S. subprime mortgages will keep rising as borrowers who received their loans amid weak underwriting standards miss payments, said Robert Parker, vice chairman of Credit Suisse Asset Management.
07.Jul.2007 Killing 10,000 Iraqis Every Month: Media Silence About the Carnage in Iraq
07.Jul.2007 Denial of the link with Iraq is delusional and dangerous: The insistence that terror attacks have nothing to do with Britain's actions in the Muslim world only makes them harder to stop

07.Jul.2007 U.K. terror suspects contacted doctors in U.S. : Two suspects in the failed car bombings in Britain made inquiries about working in the United States, the FBI said Friday + British prosecutors said an Iraqi arrested after the attack on Glasgow airport should face charges.

07.Jul.2007 US ran nuclear weapons exercises the week before Bush-Putin summit Shortly before the so-called 'Lobster Summit' between President George W. Bush and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Kennebunkport, Maine, the United States appears to have carried out a significant nuclear weapons exercise, according to a report in Friday's Washington Times.

07.Jul.2007 Nicaragua Denies Onus of Weapons Seized: Nicaraguan Police and Army denied their responsibility for a cargo of weapons made in Israel, seized in Spain's Port Algeciras, with the Central American nation as final destination.

07.Jul.2007 Plague of bioweapons accidents afflicts the US: Deadly germs may be more likely to be spread due to a biodefence lab accident than a biological attack by terrorists

07.Jul.2007 Greg Palast: John Perkins: Jerk, Con-man, Shill : To steal millions, you need a top team of armed robbers. But to steal billions, you need PhD's with color charts and economic projections made of fairy dust and eye of newt. Perkins had it all - including a magical thing called a computer-generated spreadsheet.

07.Jul.2007 George Monbiot.: A Sudden Change of State : Reading a scientific paper on the train this weekend, I found, to my amazement, that my hands were shaking. This has never happened to me before, but nor have I ever read anything like it. Published by a team led by James Hansen at Nasa, it suggests that the grim reports issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change could be absurdly optimistic

05.Jul.2007 Australian Government Defense Minister Admits Iraq deployment linked to oil: Nelson-By ABC News - Australia
Defence Minister Brendan Nelson says securing the world's oil supply is one of the Federal Government's considerations as it decides how long to keep troops in Iraq.

07.Jul.2007 Al-Qaeda In Iraq Bush's Creation-By Bill Gallagher
Bush is not nearly clever enough to sort through or keep up with Cheney's Machiavellian machinations. The president is so lazy and incurious, he's more than willing to let Cheney do his dirty work. Whether it is approving torture, illegal wiretapping, concentration camps and kidnappings, or coddling corporate polluters, Cheney is ready to nod OK.

07.Jul.2007 Israelis Anticipate Their Doomsday - Gilad Atzmon Interviewed by Mary Rizzo

Palestinians are divided by circumstances that are created by a Jewish State and its continuous abuse of human rights and its genocidal approach. Continue
07.Jul.2007 Presstitute and war pimp alert: : Second strike: If the US or Israel bombs Iran's nuclear facilities, can Iran strike back at Israel with weapons of mass destruction? This is obviously a vital question to answer before deciding whether to use the "military option." Unfortunately, there is no one conclusive answer

07.Jul.2007 Creating fear: Search for bomb in car driven by Iranian national in West Palm Beach comes up empty: Deputies closed a busy section of Military Trail between Summit and Forest Hill boulevards for about two hours so the Sheriff's Office bomb squad could search the four-door car in the parking lot of AutoZone
07.Jul.2007 Journalists federation denounces Israel for shooting wounded Hamas camerama: A media watchdog group called for an investigation Friday into the shooting of a cameraman for Hamas TV who lay injured on a battlefield in Gaza.

07.Jul.2007 Slouching toward a Palestinian Holocaust : It is especially painful for me, as an American Jew, to feel compelled to portray the ongoing and intensifying abuse of the Palestinian people by Israel through a reliance on such an inflammatory metaphor as ‘holocaust.’

07.Jul.2007 US disinclined to see Blair-Hamas talks: The United States showed little inclination Friday to see British ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair hold talks with Hamas as part of his mission as a peace envoy.

07.Jul.2007 Majority of illegal Israeli settlements go beyond official boundaries, report says: According to the report, based on official data released by the Israeli government following a court order, 90 % of the settlements sprawl beyond their official boundaries despite the large amount of unused land already allocated to them.
07.Jul.2007 Pakistan's President Musharraf escapes anti-aircraft fire: Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf Friday morning narrowly escaped as anti-aircraft rounds fired by suspected Islamic militants missed his plane, media reported

07.Jul.2007 Officials: Gunshots heard near military air base while Musharraf's plane in the air : Gunshots were heard Friday not far from a military air base while Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf's plane was in the air, officials said. State-television reported that Musharraf landed safely at his destination.
07.Jul.2007 Oil a factor in Iraq conflict, says Australian defence minister: The Australian defence minister triggered a political storm when he suggested that protecting Iraq's huge oil reserves was a reason for the continuing deployment of foreign troops in the war-torn country.

07.Jul.2007 Senior GOP senator abandons Iraq policy: Sen. Pete Domenici on Thursday withdrew his support of President Bush's Iraq war policy and embraced a proposal to bring home most troops by March.

U.S. Should Pay Reparations to The Iraqi People and end the Occupation: U.S. General Blasts Calls For Iraq Pullout: As pressure builds for a change in Iraq policy, a top U.S. commander there warned Friday that withdrawing troops too soon would leave the country "a mess."

07.Jul.2007 Let us learn from history: Reparations - World War I: Germany was required to sign a treaty that assigned full responsibility to them for causing the conflict (Article 231, the "war guilt clause") and called for the creation of an international reparations commission to determine the amount of damages

07.Jul.2007 Europe's last haven for Iraqi refugees starts shutting the door : Sweden, which has welcomed far more Iraqi refugees than has the U.S. or the rest of Europe, said Friday that it is tightening its asylum rules and will forcibly deport Iraqis who are denied refuge.

07.Jul.2007 Syria, Jordan left in lurch on Iraq refugees - U.N.: U.N. refugee officials accused donor countries on Friday of leaving Syria + Jordan "in the lurch" by failing to offer aid as thousands of conflict victims flee Iraq each day, overwhelming hospitals and schools.

07.Jul.2007 Manufacturing Consent For War With Iran: Talabani urges Iran to help rein in Iraqi militias: "If we can win Syria + Iran to Iraq's side in combating terrorism, the task would be easier + would enable us to eliminate 70 % of terrorism."

07.Jul.2007 Turkish foreign minister says government, military agree on Iraq incursion plans : Turkey's government and military have agreed on detailed plans for a possible cross-border operation against Kurdish rebels based in northern Iraq, the foreign minister said Friday.
07.Jul.2007 The London Bombs Also Belong To The New Prime Minister -By John Pilger
John Pilger breaks the taboo of the latest 'potential' bombs found in London. They are prime minister Gordon Brown's bomb, too, the 'inevitable consequence of the lawless invasion of Iraq' which Brown backed and whose d-eath toll now equals that of the Rwanda genocide.

07.Jul.2007 A Postcard from Iraq
The reality of life in Iraq under U.S. occupation -By Layla Anwar
They blindfolded him, handcuffed him and shoved him in a car. His ordeal had started. His torture odyssey was about to unfold ...

07.Jul.2007 Oil and turmoil make an imperial mix in Iraq -By Ameen Izzadeen
The Iraq invasion had very little to do with disarming Saddam. The war plan suited the agenda of the US capitalists, especially the oil and military supply industries, with which the Bushes and the Cheneys have much connection. It suited Israel's strategic interest and it was appealing to the Bushite Christians — the likes of Jerry Farwell and Pat Robertson, who spread hatred against Islam.

07.Jul.2007 The stolen African voice -By Salim Lone
Western donors have only widened the wealth gap by buttressing the rich and powerful .

07.Jul.2007 The Secret History of the American Empire - An Excerpt “Hired Guns in Guatemala” - By John Perkins
The elevator door opened. Three men stood inside. Unlike Pepe and me, they were not wearing business suits. They were dressed casually in slacks and sweaters. One wore a leather jacket. What got my attention, though, were the guns. All three carried AK- 47s. “An unfortunate necessity in Guatemala these days,” Pepe explained. He ushered me toward the waiting elevator. “At least for those of us who are friends of the United States, friends of democracy. We need our Maya killers.”

07.Jul.2007 On a Journey for Humanity - By Cindy Sheehan
The longer BushCo are in office the less chance we have of recovering the heart and soul of our nation, saving our soldiers and the people of Iraq and Afghanistan + saving the planet from corporate and individual waste and pollution. Impeachment, removal from office + in a perfect world: incarceration for the criminals against humanity, are urgent and necessary steps that need to be taken today.

07.Jul.2007 Strike The Root -By Sheila Samples
The U.S. Constitution is the greatest perception of Liberty ever conceived. It was hammered out by men determined to prevent imperial presidencies, shadow governments and seizures of power by any one branch.

It was conceived precisely to thwart efforts to destroy the republic by those whose only allegiance is to power and money.

We must rid ourselves of the traitors in our midst, starting with Dick Cheney. Continue
07.Jul.2007 Moving Backwards in Iraq. The "Surge" is only leading to increased deaths and more Iraqi Resistance, an assessment from someone who knows because he's on the ground there. "The writer is a retired Foreign Service officer who returned to duty to lead the provincial reconstruction team in Baqubah, Iraq, from April 2006 until January 2007."
Virginia May Spurn GOP in '08: Independents Leaning Democratic for President. "Bush is the worst of the past nine presidents, say Virginia's independent voters, who helped him win 00.000.2004 but now say they are more likely to prefer that a Democrat rather than a Republican be the next president." How about the worst in history?

07.Jul.2007 Military killed 'key al Qaeda leader' twice: The U.S. command in Baghdad this week ballyhooed the killing of a key al Qaeda leader but later admitted that the military had declared him dead a year ago." It is comforting, however, to know that the Pentagon has an active recycling the dead "enemy" program (if they ever existed in the first place). 7/7

07.Jul.2007 What did we get for the $592 million we paid Halliburton subsidiary KBR for an Iraqi Embassy? A toxic deathtrap that is unsafe to occupy 7/7
Unchecked and Unbalanced: Presidential Power in a Time of Terror (Hardcover). Lavishly praised in a July 6th New York Times book review.
U.S. and NATO troops killed more noncombatants in the last 6 months than did Taliban insurgents, according to several tallies. 7/7
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Ruth Lopez: The Bush Administration in seven words: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy + Pride. -- A BuzzFlash Reader Contribution
Marjorie Cohn: The Opportunistic Commuter-in-Chief -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
In a poll, 54% of adults favor Cheney impeachment; If you know someone in the MSM, pass it on. 7/7

07.Jul.2007 Getting Rich

The President's commutation of Scooter Libby's sentence caused W's defenders to dredge up Bill Clinton's pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich.
Sofla, one of our readers, offered a comment that deserves wider attention, hence this post. She places the Rich affair in context -- and that context has a name: Rudolph Giuliani.
Two other companies, large oil concerns with names you know, were charged with doing the same thing as Marc Rich's company did.

Their offenses were treated as technical tax code violations + therefore civil matters, not crimes at all; they paid the back taxes and some fines + that was it.
In the case of Marc Rich, however, a politically ambitious NY/southern district US Attorney decided he would invent a novel application of the RICO laws in a civil matter as had never been done before + which results devolved into such a travesty of justice that now DOJ guidelines for prosecutors forbid them from pursuing civil RICO charges against anybody. (That US Attorney? One Rudy Giuliani + this provides an excellent window into his bullying character and why he should never be allowed near the Oval Office).
Rich did not 'flee' the country as a fugitive from indictment-- he maintained a residence and business HQ in Switzerland at all times + left the country to return there as per his normal travel patterns before any indictments were returned. (Note, this was a civil matter involving no criminal indictments at all for the other two companies). Rich wasn't additionally charged with being a fugitive, because the terms of that charge didn't apply to his situation because it was as described above, despite how these terms are loosely thrown around to describe what he did.
The Marc Rich case went through all the normal procedural hurdles for presidential pardons, including review by the special DOJ pardon section, seeking the comments pro or con of the original prosecutor + etc. The complete 'regular order' of things was honored, including, most importantly perhaps, that the aggrieved party actually submit a pardon request, but all the rest of it as well. Additionally, Marc Rich's company PAID IN FULL ALL THE TAXES OWED + THE FINES, amounting to several hundred million dollars.
(To be sure, normally, such a petitioner could not remain 'at large,' sought by authorities + must instead have surrendered himself to the authorities. And normally, the president would require a positive recommendation from the DOJ pardon officer and whatever other panels he consulted + in Rich's case, those parties recommended no pardon. But the situation was unique, unprecedented + the DOJ and the prosecutor were loathe to admit they'd badly abused their authority in the first place to get these indictments, although that was exactly what they had done.)
But the Libby case featured no such formalities whatsoever. Libby didn't apply for any presidential relief. He hadn't begun serving his time, nor cease pursuing his appeals. He didn't repent or express remorse. He didn't pledge on-going cooperation with the prosecutor, still less deliver on such a proffer. And Bush didn't go through ANY DOJ process, ask ANY official opinion of anyone-- he simply trashed the system for this + rashly substituted his opinion for any due process as it exists in DOJ guidelines.
In assuring that Libby served less time than the original time Paris Hilton did before she was prematurely released, Bush appears to be saying that ANY JAIL TIME more than ZERO was excessive + his slap-dash lightening quick 'review' of this matter has more the appearance of a heavy-handed obstruction of justice, accessory after the fact kind of thing, rather than a righting of any injustice.

Let's take another look at the "Ocotber Surprise" theory of the 1980 election -- the theory that, at the time of the Iranian hostage crisis, the Reagan campaign struck up a secret deal with Khomeini's government to keep the hostages captive until Jimmy Carter left office.
One noted proponent of this thesis is Gary Sick, former Carter adviser and career officer in Naval Intelligence. This is from a
1991 statement by Sick:
What this evidence shows is a consistent pattern of secret contacts between the Reagan-Bush campaign and Iran. The contacts began early in 1980, from about the moment that William Casey became the campaign manager for Mr. Reagan. They continued through the summer of that year in Madrid, where the first outline of a deal was reportedly proposed and accepted and where Israeli participation was first introduced. The terms of the bargain were reportedly made final in the second half of October in Paris. The hostages were released minutes after President Reagan had taken the oath of office + arms began to flow to Iran from Israel, with U.S. government acquiescence, almost immediately thereafter... Third, there is a considerable body of evidence that military equipment began to flow in substantial quantities from Israel to Iran almost immediately after the Reagan inauguration and that these shipments were known to + approved, by the new administration. A far more complete account is
In early 1980, Israel went to the administration, offering to broker an unusual deal: The Iranians would free the hostages in exchange for desperately needed weapons. Israel's proposal was based on several explosive factors that lurked beneath the surface of the crisis, largely unseen by the American people. Israel's oil came from Iran. Israeli arms sales to Iran were crucial to its economy. And militarily Iran was a counterweight to Israel's feared enemy, Iraq's Saddam Hussein. (Emphasis added.) The afore-cited piece goes on to detail the many pieces of evidence linking Israel to secret arms sales to Iran. (Scroll down to the section titled "Israel and Arms.")
Impeachment -- the video. The impeachment of Dick Cheney, that is.
Go here for more. There's stuff for you to do.
According to
this poll, the majority of Americans favor the impeachment of Cheney. 45% favor the impeachment of George Bush. Yes, it is hard to believe that we do not yet have a majority on that one. As I've long said, the proper poll question is not "Do you support impeachment if ...? but a simple, unadorned "Do you support impeachment?"

07.Jul.2007 Three-star General William Odom, a former head of the NSA, comes out if "sort of" support for impeachment. His focus is on withdrawal from Iraq: ...the first step should be to rally the public by providing an honest and candid definition of what "supporting the troops" really means and pointing out who is and who is not supporting our troops at war. The next step should be a flat refusal to appropriate money for to be used in Iraq for anything but withdrawal operations with a clear deadline for completion.
The final step should be to put that president on notice that if [he]ignores this legislative action and tries to extort Congress into providing funds by keeping U.S. forces in peril, impeachment proceeding will proceed in the House of Representatives. Such presidential behavior surely would constitute the "high crime" of squandering the lives of soldiers and Marines for his own personal interest. Side note: Odom insists that the size of our Army must be doubled to fulfill duties in Afghnistan and Iraq. He knows full well that that outcome would require conscription, which is politically impossible.

07.Jul.2007 we win? Does it matter? Convincing enough Republican senators to cross the line may seem like an impossible hurdle, although I think that folks within G.O.P. circles have had quite enough of Dick and his antics + many have even turned on W. One Kos commenter makes the argument that, win or lose, impeachment can be a successful strategy for Democrats: Democrats win by forcing Republicans to support a discredited president and Democrats win by getting enough Republican votes to convict. It's win-win. Or, as David Lindorff puts it:
Impeachment is not about conviction and removal in the Senate. Impeachment is a stand-alone action of the House of Representatives + requires a simple majority.
Under the Constitution, there is no obligation for the Senate to even hold a trial after someone is impeached. It is an option, which is up to the will of the Senate.
When the Founding Fathers drew up the impeachment clause, they envisioned it as its own punishment. An impeachment center has opened here in Los Angeles.
New Hampshire's legislature may soon be the nation's first to issue a
formal call for impeachment.

07.Jul.2007's final revenge: He will preside over the Senate in January, 2009, to count the votes from the electoral college. With a potential independent run by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg raising the possibility of all kinds of Electoral College deal-making 00.000.2008, the prospect of Cheney at the lectern tallying ballots should cause some trepidation. Permalink

"Als persönliche Einschätzung merkte Herr Glombitza an, 'dass man nicht alles sehen müsse'", heißt es im Protokoll. Auf die Frage eines der Staatsschützer, ob Glombitza sie auffordere, künftig "die Einleitung von Ermittlungsverfahren zu unterlassen oder die Dienstwahrnehmung grundsätzlich zu reduzieren", habe dieser geantwortet, man könne einen Bericht "ja auch langsamer schreiben". Glombitza "gestikulierte dabei das Tippen auf der PC-Tastatur mit nur zwei Fingern", erinnern sich die Polizisten.

Weiter soll Glombitza angedeutet haben, Innenministerium, Landeskriminalamt und alle Polizeidirektionen seien "nicht glücklich" mit dem Anstieg rechter Straftaten. Dadurch werde das Sicherheitsgefühl der Bevölkerung empfindlich gestört und "das Ansehen unseres Landes könnte nachhaltig geschädigt werden", heißt es in dem Protokoll. Auf Nachfrage der Beamten, was denn mit der Initiative des Landes gegen Rechtsextremismus, "Hingucken!", sei, habe Glombitza abgewunken: "Aber das ist doch nur für die Galerie..."
Leuchtende Plagegeister: Quallenflut vor Mallorca
06.Jul.2007 Marokko: Terror- Warnung auf höchster Stufe
06.Jul.2007 Thüringen: Vogelgrippe- Erreger bei Nutztieren entdeckt
06.Jul.2007 Stasi- Unterlagen: Behörden- Chefin Birthler stellt sich gegen die Bundesregierung
06.Jul.2007 Finanz- Panne: Eine Million Briten falsch besteuert
06.Jul.2007 Urheberrechtsnovelle: Privatkopie bleibt (manchmal) erlaubt
06.Jul.2007 Neue Unfall- Details: AKW- Leitstelle in Krümmel war voller Rauchgas
Neues Urheberrecht: Deutschen Forschern blüht Zukunft mit Fax und Papierkopien
06.Jul.2007 Festnahmen in Pakistan: Deutsche Extremisten im Aufmarschgebiet von al- Qaida
06.Jul.2007 Gerichtsurteil: Meteorit "Neuschwanstein 3" gehört dem Finder
Computersicherheit: Gesetz kriminalisiert Programmierer
06.Jul.2007 Islamabad: Moschee- Besetzer zum "Märtyrertod" bereit

06.Jul.2007 Pakistan: Deutsche unter Terrorverdacht festgenommen
06.Jul.2007 Wunderlich: Iren wollen Perpetuum Mobile vorführen

06.Jul.2007 Teures Geschäft: Neue ISS- Toilette kostet 19 Millionen US- Dollar
07.Jun.2007 Bilderbergtreffen 2007 - Community & Diskussionen bei wallstreet ...

Neben G8 gehört die Bilderberg - Konferenz 2007 im türkischen Istanbul vom 31.

... gemacht über die Themen die während den Konferenzen besprochen wurden. ...
Bilderberg 2007 Bilderberg 2007 . > Gesellschaft & Politik > Themen des Tages > Bistro ...

Die diesjährige Bilderberg - Konferenz findet in Istanbul statt: ...
Schall und Rauch: Die nächste Bilderberg Konferenz Was Bilderberg zu allen diesen oben aufgeführten Themen beschliessen wird, ... TV-Berichte über Bilderberg 2007 ·

Teilnehmer der Bilderberg Konferenz in ... .html
Bilderberg-Konferenz Beschreibung in Library - Definition und Buch ...
Informationen zu dem Artikel über Bilderberg - Konferenz .

Das Hauptaugenmerk der Diskussionen gilt der Erörterung von Themen zu aktuellen Problemen aus ...
Forum für „Vereinigte Kreativität“ - Bilderberg 2007: Die ... Die Teilnehmer der Bilderberg - Konferenz 2007 im türkischen Istanbul vom

31.Mai 2007-03.Jun.2007 Die diesjährige Delegation wird aufs Neue die wichtigsten ...
20070206 Die Themen beschaeftigen sich vornehmlich mit politischen + oekonomischen + militaerischen ...

Die Kosten fuer die jeweilige Bilderberg - Konferenz werden vom “gastgebenden” Land getragen ... 0206.html
Freie Akademie der DEUTSCHEN DENKELITE: Bilderberg-Konferenz

Bei der Bilderberg - Konferenz 1980 übergab Lord Home den Vorsitz an den früheren ...

Obgleich die Themen für die Tagung vorgegeben waren, kamen die Europäer ... - konferenz .html
politik-community Forum :: Bilderberg Treffen 2007 - Thread View Die Teilnehmer der Bilderberg - Konferenz 2007 im türkischen Istanbul vom 31. ...

Zensierte Themen 2007, Zensur, Propaganda, 1, 22.05. 2007, 10:35 Letzten ...
politik-community Forum :: Bilderberg Treffen 2007 - Thread View

Die Teilnehmer der Bilderberg - Konferenz 2007 im türkischen Istanbul vom 31. Mai 2007 - ... Politische Themen und Statements die nicht für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt ...
20060101 Matt Parkinson . Directed by Albert Nerenberg . "Our enemies are innovative + resourceful + so are we... they never stop thinking.
06.Jul.2007 The Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom Rarely used is James Angleton's other dictum that ' disinformation might be the chief job of an intelligence agency'.

The latter is a more accurate statement ...
God is a Rewarder of Those Who Diligently Seek Him

The CIA's James Jesus Angleton once stated, " disinformation might be the chief job of an intelligence agency" which describes much of what has been ...
Transatlantic Elite - BAP - British American Project for the ... .

" Disinformation might be the chief job of an intelligence agency." - JAMES ANGLETON, head of CIA counter- ...

down with murder inc " Disinformation might be the chief job of an intelligence agency." - JAMES ANGLETON, ex-head of CIA counter-intelligence ...
UK Indymedia - Rejoice - Norris McWhirter is no more " Disinformation might be the chief job of an intelligence agency." - J

AMES ANGLETON, head of CIA counter-intelligence "Britain's military effectiveness "may ...
20060210 The Psyops War - British Intelligence and the covert propaganda ... " Disinformation might be the chief job of an intelligence agency ." - JAMES ANGLETON ...
URBAN SOCIETY " Disinformation might be the chief job of an intelligence agency." JAMES ANGLETON, head of CIA counter-intelligence. Between freaks like Britain's Brian ...

06.Jul.2007 Steorn's Orbo "free-energy" machine demonstrated! Here we go, after months of doubt over claims of a magnetic machine promising "infinite clean energy,"

Steorn will be putting their wares on display for public scrutiny in London. A physics defying perpetual machine, if you will. posted by Prof. Hex
06.Jul.2007 Unique Bronze Age serpentine mound found in western England An archaeologist has made a find in western England that he hopes will help illuminate the ritual life of Britain's Bronze Age inhabitants -

a 60-meter (65-yard) serpentine mound paved with cracked stones believed to be the first of its kind discovered in Europe. posted by Prof. Hex
06.Jul.2007 'Octosquid' Caught in Hawaii Could Be New Species  With cool pic. posted by Prof. Hex
06.Jul.2007 Boeing's Psychic Lab 

Boeing researchers don't just spend their days designing killer drones and networked tanks. They also investigate unexplained powers of the mind, sometimes. Especially if those times are the late '60s. posted by Prof. Hex
06.Jul.2007 Bravo! Online - O Lado Oculto Historia

... a tentativa do reformador do sistema prisional Lord Longford de conseguir perdão para Myra Hindley, que matou uma criança (em Longford, também feito ...
RatherNotBlog » Blog Archive » Films for Lent

With that caveat, however, Longford tells the story of Francis Pakenham, Lord Longford (played by the wonderful Jim Broadbent) + in particular his ...
20070414 The wonderful Lord Longford said that he was cowardly and had failed to serve his country properly in the war.

Robert Maxwell claimed the fall of communism

06.Jul.2007 Harold Wilson - Mirrorpedia Lord Longford succeeds Greenwood as Colonial Secretary.

Sir Frank Soskice succeeds Lord Longford as Lord Privy Seal. Roy Jenkins succeeds Soskice as Home ...
Mary Whitehouse - Mirrorpedia Amongst her staunchest allies was the (Catholic) Labour peer Lord Longford, a campaigner against pornography.

During the 1980s, Mary Whitehouse found an ...

06.Jul.2007 The NRA Has Its Way with Congress at the Expense of Making Our Police Officers Criminals. We are Not Making This Up.
The NRA Has Its Way with Congress at the Expense of Making Our Police Officers Criminals. We are Not Making This Up.
Is a Three-Way Partition for Iraq Brewing?

06.Jul.2007 Unlike American Papers Like the New York Times, a Canadian Paper Cuts to the Chase About Why Libby's Sentence was "Commuted": "Or perhaps it is because Libby, when he lied to federal investigators about the leak, was protecting someone higher up than himself in the White House food chain which is very high up indeed. And once in prison he may have felt somewhat loyal and less obliged to continue protecting them." 7/6

06.Jul.2007 Report: Estimated Iraqi death due to U.S. invasion nears one million 7/6
The NRA Has Its Way with Congress at the Expense of Making Our Police Officers Criminals. We are Not Making This Up.
Libby Case May Aid Hamas Suspect. Ain't that Something?
Results of the 'surge' in Iraq: 'the number of unidentified bodies found on the streets of the capital (Baghdad) was 41 % higher in June than in January, according to unofficial Health Ministry statistics.' 7/6
'Wash Post' and John Edwards' Hair: Do As I Say, Not As I Do (Or Is That 'Do?). Why does the mainstream press always get obsessively personal about Democratic candidates, but acts like three blind mice when it comes to Republican candidates and their personal lives? What is it with the media putzes, Democrats + haircuts? 7/6

06.Jul.2007 would someone create a hoax about Pearl Harbor NOW?
06.Jul.2007 on a plane Alas, I have neglected to direct your attention to not one but two recent stories by Daniel Hopsicker.
The top story involves the controversial flight on Septemeber 13, 2001 of fourteen Bin Laden family members and Saudi princes from Tampa, Florida to Lexington, Kentucky -- a flight which, according to a recently disclosed FBI document, may have been arranged by Osama Bin Laden himself.
The flight occurred at a time when nearly everyone else was still grounded. (Or were they? See below.)
Not only did the FBI deny that such a flight took place, the Bureau went to great lengths to create an internal paper trail buttressing the story that the flight never occurred. And yet subsequent investigation by the 9/11 commission -- which did accomplish some things -- proves that it did happen. Airport officials found the records for the Learjet, labeled HP (for Hop-A-Jet)32. The airport had recorded the plane’s departure at 4:37 PM. The pilot, Chris Steele, said that he filed his flight plan with the FAA. The FAA originally said that the flight was not in their logs. Later, the record turned up.
Moreover, the FBI records state clearly that flight restrictions were in force on September 13. However, the 911 Commission later said that national airspace was open on that date.
The cover-up and the shifting stories give this story its continuing fascination.
Permalink # posted by Joseph

06.Jul.2007, indeed! Today, White House spokesperson Tony Snow accused Hillary Clinton of Bush_spokesman__Clintons_have_chutzpah_for_criticizing_Bush chutzpah for criticizing the Bush administration's commutation of Scooter Libby's prison time.

After all (the Republicans keep reminding us), Bill Clinton offered a last-minute pardon to fugitive financier Marc Rich.
Wanna talk chutzpah, Tony? Turns out that Marc Rich's lawyer -- the guy offering arguments that his client had done nothing wrong -- was none other than
Scooter Libby. From a 2001 article: Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff testified Thursday he believes prosecutors of billionaire financier Marc Rich "misconstrued the facts and the law" when they went after Rich on tax evasion charges.
The testimony from Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who represented Rich dating back to 1985 but stopped working for him in the spring of 2000, came during a contentious, hours-long House committee hearing into former President Bill Clinton's eleventh-hour pardons. In a letter to the New York Times, Clinton cited Libby's argument as one reason for the pardon.
The Rich affair remains mysterious. One of the people lobbying for clemency on his behalf was Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.

Most people presume that Rich operated, at least in part, on behalf of Israel.
Yet the charges against Rich stem from illegal trading with Iran.

Despite his Jewish background, he appears to have forged a special relationship with Iran's revolutionary leader, the vociferously anti-Israel Ayatollah Khomeini.
Rich made a ton of money on the Iranian sales, which he justified by arguing that his company was Swiss + therefore exempt from American restrictions.

Prosecutors therefore mounted an effort to get him on charges of avoiding taxes.

Rich stayed out of court by remaining in Switzerland, which, due to its very different laws on tax evasion, would not extradite.
U.S. Marshalls tried to capture Rich overseas, but their plans were continually leaked + the target repeatedly got away.

One wonders who relayed the information to him.
Again, these events took place when Scooter Libby was his lawyer.
06.Jul.2007">Propaganda Beschreibung in Library - Definition und Buch-Tipp. Das Standardwerk der Nachkriegspropaganda ist " Propaganda " des Amerikaners Edward Bernays, der schon Mitglied der Creel-Kommission war.

Edward Bernays erklärte in seinem Leitfaden Propaganda von 1925, ... WORLD ORDER. by David Allen Rivera ... ...
Kategorie:Propaganda - Wikipedia Artikel in der Kategorie „ Propaganda “ ... Propaganda im Ersten Weltkrieg ... Von „ Propaganda
TRANS Nr. 15: Noam Chomsky (Massachusetts Institute of Technology ...

Unter den Mitgliedern der Wilsonschen Propaganda -Agentur waren Leute wie Edward Bernays, der später der Guru der Public-relations-Industrie wurde, ...
Meister der Verdrehung - HTML-Version
nicht mehr PR. Propaganda macht jemand, der die Leute irreführen will.

SPIEGEL:. Edward Bernays, der als „Vater. der Verdrehung“ gilt, hat PR als „Han- ...$file/Verdrehung. Pdf
Nachrichten: Organisierte Propaganda - STANDARD: ... obwohl Goebbels ja seinen Edward Bernays („Vater der PR“ und Autor des Klassikers Propaganda, 1928) gelesen haben soll.

Stauber: In der Tat.
Schall und Rauch: Edward Bernays: Die Gehirnwäsche einer Nation Ich will hier die Geschichte von Edward Bernays erzählen, den man den Vater ...

In seinem bekannten Buch „ Propaganda “, dass übrigens als Vorbild für Joseph ... -
Schall und Rauch: Edward Bernays: Die Konsumenten-Demokratie Edward Bernays : Die Gehirnwäsche einer Nation ...

Bearbeitung durch die Wirtschaft mit Werbung und Propaganda glauben und meinen wir, dass wir frei sind. ...
propaganda">Propaganda | EUROPA [ Robert Redl the Internet Coach ] [make money ...

"Statt Propaganda aufzudecken, sind Medien der Kanal für Propaganda geworden" ... die einst Edward Bernays (1891-1995), Neffe von Sigmund Freud, ...
9-19-02 Flung under the flags of evil - · 7th day adventists role in ruanda genocide?

03.Nov.2002 US in denial as poverty rises -english-
Nov.2002 US in denial as poverty rises -english- ".. advertises New Haven as the birthplace of President ...

06.Jul.2007 Terrorism and Drug War Re: BAYER & EXXON HISTORY pt 4: Who named ...

The economic transformation of the United States from an agricultural to an ... Combustion of oil + oil-based products such as petrol produces ...
Daily Kos: Flies vs. Hammers: How Asymmetric Warfare Works

In countries like the USA, where arms trafficking is strictly ... is detailed in an exclusive interview with Sarkis Soghanalian regarding his ...
Dumb Looks Still Free: More on the dots heading outwards with ... BNL financed the sale of over $850 billion in United States agricultural ...

BCCI's relationships with convicted Iraqi arms dealer Sarkis Soghanalian, ...
Dumb Looks Still Free

BCCI's relationships with convicted Iraqi arms dealer Sarkis Soghanalian,

... sale of over $850 billion in United States agricultural products to Iraq;
Noticias Acelor, who also received a 15-year sentence, put them in touch with international weapons broker Sarkis Soghanalian, a Turkish-born Lebanese citizen + ... - bush saddam hussein.txt According to Sarkis Soghanalian, an Armenian-born arms dealer who ...

"It is a complete misuse of U.S. foreign aid or agricultural aid to help prop up a ...
21.May 2007 Job Scam Repository: I am the Personal Adviser to Sarkis Soghanalian one of the world's most ...

Emirates Petroleum Products Company, P.O.Box 451, Dubai, United ArabEmirate. ...

00.Jan.1984 -based on information provided by the FBI- a Headquarters cable noted that a contact of Prado's, arms dealer Sarkis Garabed Soghanalian, ...
Progressive Independent - Viewing topic

The 'middleman' used in the deal may be relevant to 9/11: notorious Lebanese weapons merchant Sarkis Soghanalian, also a key figure in BCCI.
The Making of a Dictator Video Transcript

NARRATOR: For years the United States has helped arm dictators - to keep them out of ... Sarkis Soghanalian sits in jail in Miami for selling arms to Iraq.
"THE MAKING OF A DICTATOR" Sarkis Soghanalian sits in jail in Miami for selling arms to Iraq. ... perfected the art of camouflaging its arms purchases by buying civilian products, ...
Peace Action West - Timeline of the Conflict in Iraq

The deal would be carried out by Sarkis Soghanalian, who the Army describes as ... BNL funding of non- agricultural products with possible dual civilian + ...
FRONTLINE/WORLD . Sierra Leone - Gunrunners . Gallery of ...

Photo of Sarkis Soghanalian In an interview with FRONTLINE/World co-producer William Kistner in

00.Mar.2001Sarkis Soghanalian, one of the world's most ...
FRONTLINE/WORLD . Sierra Leone - Gunrunners . Gallery of ...

The latter situation is detailed in an exclusive interview with Sarkis Soghanalian regarding his early years as an arms trafficker operating out of Miami ...
Interview with Sarkis Soghanalian, 74, was born in Turkey + is one of the largest private arms dealers in contemporary history.
Another Failed Attempt to Gag The Arms Dealer Who Supplied Saddam

MiamiSarkis Soghanalian was once the most powerful arms dealer in the world. Filled with charm, able to communicate in eight languages, Soghanalian had ...
Stories That Matter - More on Sarkis Soghanalian

Download a video clip of Sarkis Soghanalian explaining how he began supplying weapons to Saddam.
Sarkis G Soghanalian

00.000.1978-00.000.1982 Lebanon

00.000.1980-00.000.1988 Iraq

00.000.1995 France

00.000.2003 Jordan ... SOGHANALIAN SARKIS G. Click on a name for a new proximity search: ...

Sarkis Soghanalian is the arms dealer who armed Iraq. ...

Sarkis Soghanalian not only provided weapons to Iraq, he inspected the front lines regularly ...
Narco News Analyses the Peru Crisis + more

CIA-Coddled Arms Dealer Sarkis Soghanalian Does Interview from US Prison with Peru Daily ...

According to Sarkis Soghanalian, intermediary for the Jordanian ...
Sarkis Soghanalian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

00.000.1929 or

00.000.1930 Sarkis Soghanalian (in Armenian:?); born in Syria in now in current-day Turkey) is a former Lebanese ...

As a special corres-pondent for Cable News Network, he flew to Baghdad in Sarkis Soghanalian's private plane. Soghanalian was the biggest arms broker for ...
e.thePeople : Article : The "America Armed Iraq" Canard

here's a 60 Minutes interview with a Mr. Sarkis Soghanalian, called The Man Who Armed Iraq, a rather unscrupulous arms dealer who works both sides of the ...

international arms dealer, Sarkis Soghanalian, who lives in Miami. I am placing in the Record a transcript of key excerpts from that interview.;read=30488
BFI | Film & TV Database | The FIRST THATCHERITE (1992)

Sarkis Soghanalian, former arms procurer for Iraq + now in jail, agreed to tell the programme about a deal with a British company for night vision ...
Thunderstone: - Reliable Security Information

CBS television network program `60 Minutes' broadcast an extraordinary interview with an international arms dealer, Sarkis Soghanalian, who lives in Miami.
Le dijo a Sarkis Soghanalian que no quería factura por los 50 mil ...

De acuerdo con Sarkis Soghanalian, con quien Vladimiro Montesinos Torres negoció la venta de 50 mil fusiles AK-47 de Jordania supuestamente para abastecer ...
Merchants of Death - Yahoo! TV Documentary that travels into the lives of the two biggest private arms dealers in the world - Sarkis Soghanalian + Sam Cummings.
Democratic Underground - Now THAT's a CV. Sarkis Soghanalian not only provided weapons to Iraq, he inspected the front lines. And federal court documents show that Sarkis Soghanalian had a ...
CPFC BBS - Perhaps the anti war protesters who claimed we armed Iraq Steve Kroft is the CBS reporter + Sarkis Soghanalian is an international arms dealer who lives in Miami.

The claims were brought before the US House of ... - making of dictator.txt

SARKIS SOGHANALIAN : "You know, having a gun that's beautiful, effective gun, but you have to keep that gun alive so that, you know, it serves you."

SARKIS SOGHANALIAN The Cold War's Largest Arms Merchant With more than 40 ... Activities - Sarkis Soghanalian, the prince of Lebanese arms ...
The World at War - ALGERIA 1945 - 1957

22.Oct.19-- The French pilot of an Air Maroc DC-3 carrying the FLN Cairo Chiefs of Staff on a flight from Rabat to Tunis lands at Algiers where Ahmed Ben ...
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