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18.Sep.2006 Ahoy, mateys ! Thar be Jewish pirates!  The Jewish pirates were Sephardic. Once they were kicked out of Spain [in 1492], the more adventurous Jews went to the New World," said Ed Kritzler, whose yet-untitled book on Jewish pirates will be published by Doubleday in spring 2007.
18.Sep.2006 Weird weather events in Pitt County  Includes black hail.
18.Sep.2006 am not a 9/11 conspiracy guy, but if the tape shows nothing, whay has it been classified for so long? # posted by dermo : 2
This blog will always condemn the inexcusable atrocities committed by the Islamic fundamentalists who back Bin Laden. I will also condemn the inexcusable atrocites committed by the Jewish fundamentalists who back Olmert and the Christian fundamentalists who back Bush. If justice prevailed, the World Court would condemn all three men to spend the rest of their lives in prison cells surrounded by images of their victims.
Osama has killed his thousands of while Bush and Olmert have killed their
tens of thousands. Comparison is not just acceptable; it is necessary. Permalink
18.Sep.2006 Watch the important documentary Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre here.
You may also want to scan the mainstream news stories collected
here. Examples: A hospital official said over 600 Iraqis were killed in Fallujah alone - mostly women, children and the elderly. (AP, April 12, 2004) One woman, shot in the gut, was making rasping, gurgling noises as the doctors worked frantically to extract a bullet and patch the wound. All around were the sounds of muffled moaning. The clinic was running low on crucial supplies. The woman's small son had a bullet wound in the neck; his eyes glazed, he vomited continually as other doctors raced to save his life. The desperate work in the clinic continued, off and on, into the night as more victims arrived. (American Friends Service Committee, April 14)

18.Sep.2006 An unacceptable comparison...? Bush_says_terrorists_are_coming_again_0915.html">"Time is running out" claims Bush, vis-a-vis a new terror attack. We may interpret this statement to mean that an election is coming up and Republicans may lose unless Big Wedding II occurs first. In the same speech, Bush said something worthy of further study:
"It's unacceptable," a visibly angered Bush told the press, "to think there's any kind of comparison between the behavior of the United States of America and the action of Islamic extremists, who kill innocent women and children to achieve an objective." If W means to imply that Jihadists murder the innocent and "our" forces do not -- well, let's look at a few photos.

18.Sep.2006 Brent Budowsky: George Washington, George III, George Bush: If Thomas Paine Were Here, Part 1

18.Sep.2006 James Webb -- a combat veteran and father of a son serving in Iraq -- takes on the typical Republican "Talk Tough but Personally Cut and Run from Combat Service" senator, George Allen (who is a bigot to boot).

18.Sep.2006 Uour Dollars are Needed. Finance With a Donation. Because of YOUR Funding of BuzzFlash, We Won the Top Category in the Nationally Renowned "Project Censored" Awards -- Twice in Three Years.
Actual GOP E-mail Ad for Your Perusal and Disgust. The GOP Says It Will Go Broke to Stay in Power. How Will Democrats Respond? -- A BuzzFlash News Alert. (Tell Us What You Think.)

18.Sep.2006 Shock Associated Press report says that U.S. has held 14,000 detainees in secret prisons. Demented president insists these people all want to kill Matt Lauer's family. 9/18
Frank Rich's New Book: "The Greatest Story Ever Sold: Bush's America from Mission Accomplished to Heckuva Job, Brownie"
If You're Not Getting Buzzed 24 Hours a Day, You're Missing Something Big! A Little Bit of Buzz in Your E-mail Box. Just Click Here to Sign up.
Boxer (D-CA) exposes FCC coverup -- agency tried to destroy report finding that consolidation is bad for news 9/18
Video: Fox News actually covers Princeton study on easy-to-hack vote machines 9/18
Can public financing of elections break the cycle of greed? - Episode 50 of Last Chance Democracy Cafe
18.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437158,00.html Kommissionsmitglied Lester Thurow zieht heute eine ernüchternde Bilanz: "Niemand wird eine amerikanische Zahlungsbilanzkrise für möglich halten", sagt er. "Bis sie eintritt."
18.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437158,00.html Vieles, von dem die Zeitgenossen glauben, es sei unsterblich, wird eine globale Währungskrise unter sich begraben; womöglich auch die Führungsrolle der USA.
18.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437158,00.html So wie die New Economy weder das Wachstum noch die Gewinne liefern konnte, die sie den Anlegern prophezeit hatte, werden die Währungsverkäufer eines Tages einräumen müssen, dass die Wirtschaft hinter der Währung schwächer ist als behauptet.
18.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437158,00.html Der Volksmund spricht von Panikblüte.
18.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437158,00.html Ausmaß der Selbsttäuschung

In den Bankbilanzen ist das Ausmaß der Selbsttäuschung zu besichtigen: Die Spartätigkeit in Amerika ist zum Erliegen gekommen. Die Auslandsverschuldung der USA wächst an jedem Wochentag um rund anderthalb Milliarden Dollar und liegt bei insgesamt drei Billionen Dollar. Die Privathaushalte sind im In- und Ausland mittlerweile mit neun Billionen Dollar verschuldet, wobei 40 Prozent dieser Schulden allein seit 2001 entstanden sind. Die Amerikaner genießen eine Gegenwart, für die sie immer größere Stücke der Zukunft verkaufen. Mit Fug und Recht kann man heute sagen: Die Wirtschaftskrise, die der Welt ins Haus steht, ist die bestprognostizierte der neueren Geschichte. Der heutige Boom in den Vereinigten Staaten ist nicht die Widerlegung der Krise, sondern ihr Vorbote.
18.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437158,00.html Derzeit belauert jeder den anderen.

Alle wissen: Der Traum von der stabilen Wirtschaftssupermacht ist eigentlich ausgeträumt, aber alle halten die Augen noch eine Weile geschlossen.
18.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437158,00.html Der Wirtschaftsriese USA wird gedopt, damit sein Leistungsabfall nicht so auffällt.
18.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437158,00.html Der Riese wird gedopt

Schon einmal rutschte erst Amerika und dann die übrige Welt in eine tiefe Krise. Sie wurde "Die Große Depression" genannt, weil sie zehn Jahre dauerte und den USA Massenarbeitslosigkeit und Hungertote brachte. Die Wirtschaftskraft des Landes sank um rund ein Drittel. Der Krisenvirus wütete schließlich überall im Westen. In Deutschland waren auf dem Höhepunkt der Fieberkurve sechs Millionen Menschen arbeitslos.
18.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437158,00.html Wer oder was hindert die Finanzinvestoren, mit dem Dollar ähnlich zu verfahren wie mit den Aktien der New Economy?

Sie werden es tun. Die Frage ist nur wann. Die Finanzinvestoren sind keine Finanzbeamten. Sie lieben den Exzess, in immer wiederkehrenden Abständen bringen sie die Märkte zum Überschießen. Sie sind nun mal von Berufs wegen Spekulanten, die mit dem Risiko der Übertreibung leben. Ihre Berufseinstellung ähnelt der von Formel-1-Piloten, deren Ziel der Sieg und nicht das unfallfreie Fahren ist. Unklar ist nur noch, mit welcher Wucht das Großereignis eintritt. Oft schon haben Experten die Folgen einer Dollarschmelze durchgespielt. Setzte der Abwärtstrend ein, würden in Stufen steigende Kreditzinsen folgen, um den Wertverlust zu stoppen.

Die Dollarkrise würde dadurch binnen weniger Tage aus der Welt der Währungen in die reale Welt der Fabriken, Geschäfte und Haushaltskassen überspringen.
18.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437158,00.html Es gibt nur wenige Länder, die angesichts dieser Gefahren eine größtmögliche relative Sicherheit bieten: die USA und die Schweiz. Deshalb ist der Dollar nicht nur Handels- und Anlagewährung, er ist vor allem auch die Reservewährung der Welt. Fast alle Staaten misstrauen ihrer eigenen Währung und legen das Geld aus dem Tresorraum ihrer nationalen Notenbank lieber in den Vereinigten Staaten an, in Schuldverschreibungen, Aktien oder Staatsanleihen.

Politische Unruhen sind dort so gut wie ausgeschlossen. Die Inflation wird von der Notenbank bekämpft. Die Spekulanten können angesichts der Größe des Währungsgebiets und der Menge an weltweit zirkulierenden Dollars keine Purzelbäume schlagen.

Also kaufen die weltweiten Geldbesitzer die US-Währung in rauen Mengen. Die USA besitzen nahezu ein Monopol auf die Ware Sicherheit.

Der Erwerb einer US-Staatsanleihe ist für viele Investoren nichts anderes als der Kauf eines Konservierungsmittels. Weltweit wurden 2005 nur 20 Prozent aller Devisenreserven in Euro, aber über 60 Prozent in Dollar gehalten. Die Euro-Einführung war ein beachtlicher Erfolg, der hier nicht geschmälert werden soll. Aber der Dollar ist die Ankerwährung der Welt geblieben. Liegt dieser Anker auf Grund, bedeutet das große Stabilität für die angeschlossenen Volkswirtschaften. Reißt er sich los und beginnt im Meer der Weltfinanzen zu treiben, gerät mehr in Unordnung als nur das Austauschverhältnis von Währungen.

Man kauft den Dollar, um ihn nicht verkaufen zu müssen.
Islam- Rede: Qaida droht dem Papst
18.Sep.2006 Weltwährung auf Abruf: Brandgefährliches Spiel mit dem Dollar

18.Sep.2006 Gläserner Passagier: Software leitet Daten vor der Reise weiter
18.Sep.2006 Handys und Gesundheit: Stress nachgewiesen, Krebsgefahr möglich
26.Mai 2003 "Dass von den Aktivitäten der Atlantik-Brücke wenig in der Öffentlichkeit bekannt wird, ist Absicht. Es ist kein Verein, der nach außen wirken will. Vielmehr wird in aller Stille agiert, was dem Verein zuweilen das Image eines Geheimbundes verleiht - und den Ruf eines elitären Clubs." (
Berliner Zeitung ) "Die USA wird von 200 Familien regiert und zu denen wollen wir gute Kontakte haben" (Vorstandschef Atlantik Bruecke, Arendt Oetker) Obwohl die Quellenlage zur Atlantik-Brücke e.V. sehr schlecht ist, läßt sich auf der vereinseigenen Seite auf jeden Fall feststellen , dass Otto Graf Lambsdorff im Jahr 2000 den Eric-M.-Warburg Preis der Atlantik-Brücke verliehen bekommen hat. Eberhard von Kuenheim ist Preisträger des von der Atlantik-Brücke und dem Armonk Institute gemeinsam vergebenen Vernon A. Walters Award. Ein Mitglied im Board of Trustees der Atlantik-Brücke ist offensichtlich auch Prof. Dr. Kurt Biedenkopf, der zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Meinhard Miegel (Sprecher des Bürgerkonvent) den Vorstand des Instituts für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (IWG Bonn) bildet. "Road Map" für Deutschland? Am durchaus amüsanten Vorfall der kürzlichen Audienz Roland Kochs, Hessens Ministerpräsident, bei George Bush, während sich Kanzler Gerhard Schröder mit einem frostigen US Außenminister, Colin Powell, begnügen muss, lässt sich Amerikas Ausrichtung auf die verstärkte Kontaktaufnahme mit den konservativ/neo-konservativen Lagern Deutschlands mehr als deutlich ablesen. Wenn die offizielle Politik schon mit derartiger Deutlichkeit ihre Wahl trifft, dürfte die Ausrichtung der inoffiziellen Netzwerke erst recht feststehen. Liegt es so fern, zumindest in Betracht zu ziehen, dass der Bürgerkonvent, die deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen im Rücken ( siehe auch die Verbindung der BK-Werbeagentur Abels & Grey zum amerikanischen "Think Tank" RAND ), hier vielleicht eine Art von außerparlamentarischer, regierungskritischer Basisarbeit zufällig ganz im Sinne US-amerikanischer Interessen betreibt? Berichterstattung Ein arbeitsamer Fritz Kollege, Steffen Hallaschka hat sich mit dem WDR - Magazin Kanzlerbungalow , das er moderiert, ebenfalls des Themas Bürgerkonvent angenommen. Heute abend, 23 Uhr WDR-Fernsehen. Erwartet nicht zu viel, eine Magazin-Sendung kann keine Berge versetzen. Steffen hat mir aber versichert, das man sich wenigstens mit dem Phänomen beschäftigen wird und das schaffen die meisten Medien bereits nicht.Ebenfalls beim WDR ist die Sendung "Hart aber Fair" gelaufen. Zu Gast war dort zum Thema "Der erstarrte Staat" auch Bürgerkonventler Gerd Langguth. Die Sendung kann man sich mit dem Realplayer im Archiv anschauen .
Sojus- Start: Erste Weltraumtouristin im All
18.Sep.2006 Wetterchaos: Land unter in Mittelhessen

18.Sep.2006 Reformen: Arbeitgeber drängen Regierung zu größerem Tempo

18.Sep.2006 Wirtschafts- Wettbewerb: "Ökonomen kochen auch nur mit Wasser"

18.Sep.2006 Protestaktion: CDU- Mitglieder begehren gegen GEZ- Gebühr auf
18.Sep.2006 Ölpreis- Hoch: US- Militär testet erstmals Kerosin aus Gas

18.Sep.2006 Lkw- Hersteller: Scania lehnt Übernahme durch MAN ab

18.Sep.2006 Papst- Protest: Islamischer Geistlicher ruft zu "Tag des Zorns" auf
18.Sep.2006 Übernahme: AOL Deutschland wird italienisch

18.Sep.2006 Ungarischer Regierungschef: "Haben für Wahlsieg massiv gelogen"

18.Sep.2006 Kaufangebot: MAN bietet knapp zehn Milliarden für Scania

18.Sep.2006 Zeitung: Bundeswehr schickt Panzer nach Afghanistan
18.Sep.2006 Übernahme: Telecom Italia kauft AOL Deutschland
17.Sep.2006 Rechtsextreme im Schweriner Landtag: SPD- Generalsekretär vergleicht NPD mit Hitlers SA
17.Sep.2006 Bush_Nazi_2&qry=Bush%2FNazi&rnk=2&aff=inkt&v=192">New Hampshire Gazette I National News I "Bush - Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951" - Federal Documents

... "Bush - Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951" - Federal Documents ... "The discovery of the Bush-Nazi documents raises new questions about the role of Prescott Bush and his influential ...


Bush%2FNazi&rnk=3&aff=inkt&v=192">Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

... has been a steady internet chatter about the "Bush/Nazi" connection, much of it inaccurate and unfair ... suggestion that Prescott Bush was sympathetic to the Nazi cause, the documents ...


Bush%2FNazi&rnk=4&aff=inkt&v=192">the DRAHEIM REPORT

2000 Edition. THE BUSH NAZI CONNECTION. (750 words) by Richard N. Draheim, Jr. Richard Draheim is a policy analyst and speaker. ... Well,the two leading attorneys for these Bush-Harriman-Nazi deals were John Foster Dulles, later Secretary of State ...


Bush%2FNazi&rnk=5&aff=inkt&v=192">Bush book: Chapter -2-

George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography --- by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin. Chapter - II - The Hitler Project. Bush Property Seized--Trading with the Enemy ... preparing its first assault against Nazi military forces. Prescott Bush was managing partner of Brown ... government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York ...


Bush%2FNazi&rnk=6&aff=inkt&v=192">indymedia germany | Bush-Nazi-Connection | 29.09.2001 14:59

Indymedia Infos über: Bush-Nazi-Connection ... Offener Brief an Präsident G.W. Bush. 02.02.2001. Sehr geehrter Präsident Bush ...


Bush_Nazi_Link&qry=Bush%2FNazi&rnk=7&aff=inkt&v=192">New Hampshire Gazette I National News I Bush - Nazi Link Confirmed

... National News. Bush - Nazi Link Confirmed. By by John Buchanan ... Polska, the magazine's Polish edition, published a short piece on the "Bush Nazi past" in its March 5, 2003 edition ...


Bush%2FNazi&rnk=8&aff=inkt&v=192">* The Third Reich and the Bush family (Prescott Bush - a fundraiser for the Nazi Party).

The Bush family (Prescott Bush) fortune came from the Third Reich. Prescott Bush financed Nazi Party. ... The USA supports fascism. Bush family and Nazi, Bush family financed Nazis ... The Bush family and The Third Reich, Bush family Nazi, Bush family Nazis, Bush family Nazi Party, American ...


Bush%2FNazi&rnk=9&aff=inkt&v=192">Bush-Nazi Link Confirmed Documents in National Archives Prove George W. Bush's Grandfather Traded with Nazis - ...

Bush-Nazi Link Confirmed. Documents in National Archives Prove. George W. Bush's Grandfather Traded. with Nazis - Even After Pearl Harbor. By John Buchanan. Exclusive to The New Hampshire Gazette. 10-10-3 ... the magazine's Polish edition, published a short piece on the "Bush Nazi past" in its March 5, 2003 edition ...


Bush%2FNazi&rnk=10&aff=inkt&v=192">Bush Family Values Photo Album

... Bush Family Values Photo Album ... for Nazi Industrialist Fritz Thyssen, a financier of Hitler's Third Reich. Here are more pictures of Bush family and ...

Too Stupid Too Be
Fortunate Son (The Book)
Bush vs. the Environment
Gail Norton: the Anti-Environmentalist
Oppose John Ashcroft

17.Sep.2006 "And I am Ceasar" - William Shakespeare And I am Caesar . " - William Shakespeare Die Quelle des Krieges Umso schäfer wird der Kampf um die letzten Reserven nicht mehr Mittel sondern Zweck des ...

International Network for Peace Research will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar ."

00.000.0000 Bush,GWeaTHE_CROCODILES_QUOTE$&REMEDIE$_$AMPLER And I am Caesar ." - Julius Caesar. And this:. "People can always be brought. to the bidding of the leaders. Tell them they are being attacked.
September 17, 2006 — Ballot Watch Edition - Think Progress 

The major group fighting against the proposed constitutional ban on same-sex marriages in Virginia — the Commonwealth Coalitionhas raised twice as much as the largest proponent of the amendment.

A new ad opposing stem cell research in Missouri “warns that young women might sell their eggs for moneyif the measure passes. In fact, the amendment specifically states “no person may buy or sell human blastocysts or eggs for stem cell research, therapies or cures.”

A judge has approved a November initiative that will allow voters in Sarasota, Florida, to decide “whether to continue using computerized voting booths or go back to paper ballots.”

A Nevada initiative to raise the minimum wage is backed by 77 % of state voters, including 79 % of independents and 64 % of Republicans.

A Montana judge last week invalidated three right-wing ballot measures “aiming to rein in government powers,” citing what he called a “pervasive and general pattern of fraudby out-of-state signature-gatherers.
Senate To Investigate Administration Coercion of Military Lawyers - Judd 

Last week, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) alleged that the U.S. military’s top uniformed lawyers were pressured by the administration for more than five hours to “sign a prepared statementsupporting the President’s proposal for military tribunals. Today on CBS’s Face The Nation, Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) announced that he plans to hold a hearing investigating the incident. The JAG lawyers would be called as witnesses. Watch it: <script type="text/javascript"> var flvspec320240 = new SWFObject('//09/spec.320.240.flv&autoStart=false', 'em-flvspec320240', '320', '260', '6', '#ffffff'); flvspec320240.addParam('quality', 'high'); flvspec320240.addParam('wmode', 'transparent'); flvspec320240.write('flvspec320240');

Full transcript:

SCHIEFFER: One final question to Senator Specter. Senator Specter, do you see a way out here?

SPECTER: I definitely do. It is our job in the Congress, in the Senate to solve these problems. And if we sit down and work on it, the research we found yesterday which hadn’t been discussed before, where you have the Geneva Convention of 1990 on torture incorporating just the provisions that Senator McCain is concerned about + when you have the judge advocate generals in this, I think we perhaps ought to have another hearing. We had a letter which was constructed with the Department of Defense last week, which has been subject to challenge as to whether the JAG officers were pressured.

The Judiciary Committee has the primary responsibility on war crimes and on the Geneva Convention. And I think that we can really find out where those JAG officers stand if we have a question-and-answer session. So that our people are going to be at work this afternoon with Senator McCain’s staff and tomorrow morning with Senator Warner and Senator Graham’s staff.

And our job is to find an answer. And I think we can give the CIA the tools it needs to protect Americans and to question terrorists and to comply with the Geneva Convention. That’s our job + we can do it.
Novak Slams Jon Stewart: ‘Self-Righteous Comedian Taking on Airs of Grandeur’ - Nico 

During an appearance on C-SPAN, columnist Robert Novak was asked about his television viewing habits. Novak said, “somebody mentioned the Jon Stewart program, I’ve never seen that in my life and I will go to my grave never having seen it.” Asked why, Novak said, “I don’t see any reason for it. It’s a comedian, self-righteous comedian taking on airs of grandeur and I really don’t need that.”

Novak also said “I have a lot of problems with Chris Matthews” and won’t watch his show.

Watch it:

Any chance Novak’s views about Jon Stewart have something to do with this Daily Show feature? Digg it! Full transcript:

Q: That brings up the question how much television do you watch, what other shows do you watch and do you spend much time in front of that tube?

NOVAK: Well, I have a — yeah, I do spend a lot of time. I’m able to, what’s the fancy term now, multi-task. I’m able to write and talk on the telephone and watch television at the same time, which is pretty good for an old man, isn’t it, Brian? And I have a television set right next to my terminal at work and I have one next to my terminal at home + I do a lot of C-SPAN watching. I really enjoy, I watch, I watch the Senate, House, particularly the Senate + I get a lot of story ideas from that. I watch a lot of C-SPAN and I watch the cable networks considerably. But, I don’t — I don’t watch — I have a lot of problems with Chris Matthews, which I won’t go into. This is not the Chris Matthews show, but I just don’t watch that program. And I certainly, somebody mentioned the Jon Stewart program, I’ve never seen that in my life and I will go to my grave never having seen it.

Q: Why?

NOVAK: I don’t — I don’t see any reason for it. It’s a comedian, self-righteous comedian taking on airs of grandeur and I really don’t need that. Politicians are funny enough without a professional comic.
Rumsfeld Unveils New Justification For Iraq War: High Gas Prices - Judd 

Prior to the war, the administration stressed that the United States needed to invade Iraq because Saddam Hussein possessed WMDs and had connections to al-Qaeda. None of that turned out to be true.

Now, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has introduced a new rationale for the invasion of Iraq, high gas prices. From a radio interview last week:

SECRETARY RUMSFELD: The fact of the matter is - if Saddam Hussein were still in power in Iraq, he would be rolling in petrol dollars. Think of the price of oil today. He would have so much money. And he would be seeing the Iranians interested in a nuclear program, he would be seeing the North Koreans developing a nuclear program + he’d say well why shouldn’t he - and he would. So we’re fortunate that he’s gone.

Of course, one of the reason gas prices are high is instability in the Middle East — created, in part, by the invasion of Iraq. Digg It!
17.Sep.2006 President Bush “has been more respectful of civil liberties - Nico 

and civil rights than any previous wartime president in the history of the United States,” John Ashcroft said during a speech in North Carolina Tuesday. “His 50-minute speech…was interrupted frequently by shouts from the crowd and, at one point, at least 20 people stood up and walked out together.”
26: - Amanda 
Number of fragile states that could provide breeding grounds for terrorists, up from 17 in 2003.
17.Sep.2006 NASA scientist James Hansen, - Nico 

considered one of the country’s leading climate researchers, “says the world has a 10-year window of opportunity to take decisive action on global warming and avert catastrophe.”
17.Sep.2006 FLASHBACK: Bush Used to Oppose Letting Bin Laden Set National Security Priorities - Payson 

Yesterday, Think Progress posted a video compilation of members of the Bush administration arguing America should outsource its national security policy to bin Laden. (As Dan Bartlett said, “So, it doesn’t matter what we say. We should be taking the — the words of the enemy seriously. They think it’s the fight of — of the war on terror, so, we must as well.”)

A Think Progress reader pointed us to an exchange from the first 2004 Presidential debate:

KERRY: You know - Osama bin Laden uses the invasion of Iraq in order to go out to people and say that America has declared war on Islam. We need to be smarter about now we wage a war on terror. […]

BUSH: My opponent just said something amazing. He said Osama bin Laden uses the invasion of Iraq as an excuse to spread hatred for America. Osama bin Laden isn’t going to determine how we defend ourselves.

Osama bin Laden doesn’t get to decide. The American people decide.

If Bush were serious about letting the American people “determine how we defend ourselves,” he would support a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq.
AlterNet: Why Rudy Giuliani Can't Stop Cashing in on

Why Rudy Giuliani Can't Stop Cashing in on 9/11

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has made millions from his Sept. 11 grandstanding and has positioned himself for a presidential run based on his 9/11 persona. How much longer will he get away with it?
Children at home with homework? Of course not, says anti-homework lobby
Is excessive homework driving obesity, lost sleep, loss of creativity and imagination among our school children? If author Alfie Kohn is to be believed, it is. The author, who with religious tenaciousness has written scores of books against the existing education system, has come up with another homework-basher The Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of a Bad Thing . Calling homework 'the single most reliable extinguisher of the flame of curiosity', Kohn dismisses studies that have shown that a decent amount of homework might be beneficial rather than detrimental for children.
17.Sep.2006 Pope sorry for offending Muslims
Pope Benedict XVI apologises in person for causing offence to Muslims in a speech in Bavaria last week.
17.Sep.2006 Legal challenge plan over GM rice Friends of the Earth says it will start a legal challenge over the sale of GM-contaminated rice in UK stores.
17.Sep.2006 Mexican political crisis deepens Defeated Mexican presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Orbador is "elected" head of a parallel government.
17.Sep.2006 Israel plans Lebanon inquiry Israel's cabinet approves plans for a government inquiry into the planning and conduct of its war with Hezbollah.
17.Sep.2006 Jowell says 7/7 anger 'justified' Tessa Jowell says she understands the anger over the emergency response to the 7 July attacks.
17.Sep.2006 Cancer linked to rotating shifts Men who work a rotating shift pattern may be at increased risk of prostate cancer, research suggests.
17.Sep.2006 Post-traumatic stress drug hope
US scientists show how the body's own natural stress hormone could soothe post-traumatic stress disorder.
17.Sep.2006 U.S. Detains AP Photographer
The Associated Press says one of its own has been detained for five months by the U.S. military without a hearing or charges being filed. The Iraqi AP photographer -- one of the 14,000 suspects in limbo in U.S. military prisons -- is part of a team that won a Pulitzer last year for breaking news photos.
17.Sep.2006 Hydrogen Blowin' in the Wind GM realizes that without hydrogen from renewable resources, its dream of fuel-cell vehicles will remain a fantasy. In Autopia.
17.Sep.2006 Nuclear Power Boosts Uranium Boom
A renaissance in nuclear power production pushes up prices of uranium and spurs development of nuke facilities. There's little resistance from environmentalists, despite no real solution for the industry's waste products.

Über 200 Planeten haben Wissenschaftler schon außerhalb unseres Sonnensystems entdeckt, doch ein solches Exemplar ist ihnen noch nie untergekommen: Der Planet mit der Bezeichnung HAT-P-1 ist nicht nur der größte bisher bekannte Exoplanet, sondern auch der mit der geringsten Dichte. "Wenn man ihn in ein kosmisches Wasserglas steckte, würde er schwimmen", meint Robert Noyes, Astrophysiker am Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in den USA.
Wahl in Schweden: Konservative vor Machtübernahme in Stockholm

17.Sep.2006 Wahlpanne: Falsche Stimmzettel in Berliner Bezirken

17.Sep.2006 Rechtsextreme im Schweriner Landtag: SPD- Generalsekretär vergleicht NPD mit Hitlers SA

17.Sep.2006 Wahl in Bildern: Roter Frust, brauner Ärger

17.Sep.2006 Berlin: NPD in Bezirksparlamenten dabei

17.Sep.2006 Reaktionen: Frust über Einzug der NPD
17.Sep.2006 Mecklenburg- Vorpommern: Rot- rote Landesregierung wackelt - NPD sitzt im Parlament

17.Sep.2006 Reaktionen: SPD und Grüne jubeln, Jammer bei PDS
17.Sep.2006 Prognose für Berlin: SPD siegt in der Hauptstadt

17.Sep.2006 Space Shuttle: "Atlantis" ist auf dem Rückweg
17.Sep.2006 Vogelgrippe: Pandemie könnte zwei Billionen Dollar kosten
17.Sep.2006 "Quest for Bush": Quaida- Propaganda mit Pixelgewalt
17.Sep.2006 Benedikt und die Medien: Die Pannen und der Papst (
17.Sep.2006 Regensburger Rede: Moslembrüder mit Papst- Pardon zufrieden
17.Sep.2006 Anti- Papst- Kampagnen: Italienische Nonne in Mogadischu erschossen
Angelus- Gebet: Benedikt XVI. geht auf Distanz zu Manuel II.
17.Sep.2006 Mysterious jamming irks radio stations  Radio stations in Hampton Roads have been experiencing mini-blackouts in programming for the past two days due to unknown interference.
IRS Investigating Liberal Calif. Church: The IRS is investigating whether All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena violated the federal tax code when its former rector, Rev. George F. Regas, delivered an anti-war sermon on the eve of the last presidential election.
17.Sep.2006 Pope apologises for Islam remarks : Pope Benedict has said he is sorry for offending Muslims in a speech this week in which he implicitly linked Islam and violence. Read the Pope's speech [Pdf]

17.Sep.2006 The unmistakable whiff of Christian triumphalism : This was no casual slip. Beneath his scholarly rhetoric, the Pope's logic seemed to be that Islam is dangerous and godless

17.Sep.2006 ''Such insults are as old as Islam' : "It is difficult to see anything positive coming from these comments. What was the Pope aiming to do by promoting the words of what he termed an "erudite" emperor who claimed that everything that Muhammad provided was "evil and inhuman"?

17.Sep.2006 Derelict On Detainees: On closer inspection, it turns out the bill that came out of committee is, in most important respects, practically a blank check when it comes to executive detention authority.

17.Sep.2006 Torture and the Content of our Character : At stake in this standoff between the President and the Senate are legal and moral issues central to the Constitution and the character of the American people: the right to a fair trial, the use of torture, the accountability of high government officials for war crimes.

17.Sep.2006 Is There Still a Terrorist Threat?: The massive and expensive homeland security apparatus erected since 9/11 may be persecuting some, spying on many, inconveniencing most + taxing all to defend the United States against an enemy that scarcely exists.

17.Sep.2006 How likely are you, statistically speaking, to die from a terrorist attack?: In fact, your appendix is more likely to kill you than al-Qaida is.
Patrick Seale : Pressures mount on Bush to bomb Iran : President George W Bush is coming under enormous pressure from Israel - and from Israel's neoconservative friends inside and outside the US administration - to harden still further his stance toward Iran. They want the American president to commit himself to bombing Iran if it does not give up its program of uranium enrichment

17.Sep.2006 Iran threatens to shift some reserves out of dollars after US move on bank : Iran has vowed to take legal action to challenge US sanctions on Iranian lender Bank Saderat and has said it is considering shifting some of its foreign exchange reserves out of US dollars.

17.Sep.2006 Ahmadinejad to meet with Venezuela's Chavez Sunday: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that he and Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez are like "brothers" in a great global struggle + Chavez promises to advocate for Iran's nuclear program if he wins a rotating seat on the U.N. Security Council in a vote next month.

17.Sep.2006 Hezbollah sends UN peacekeepers veiled warning: Hezbollah said it would have no problem with UN peacekeepers as long as they stick to defending Lebanon against Israel, two days after the French general who leads the troops hinted they would disarm the Shiite group if the Lebanese army does not.

17.Sep.2006 Nasrallah: No demilitarized area, Israel lying: In al-Jazeera interview, Hizbullah secretary-general says no one will prevent his people from remaining on their lands in southern Lebanon with their weapons.

17.Sep.2006 Neocons Amid Lebanon’s Rubble: A Challenge to Krauthammer's Israel-as-Strategic-Asset Argument

17.Sep.2006 Condemned to desolation: On the brink of starvation, Gazans wonder if the world is blind as well as deaf

17.Sep.2006 US warns Nicaraguans not to back Ortega: The US ambassador to Nicaragua has issued a vigorous warning to this small Central American country’s electors against supporting Daniel Ortega, the veteran leftwing Sandinista leader and the frontrunner in November’s presidential election.

17.Sep.2006 Mexico's left sets up parallel government : Supporters of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Mexico's left-wing presidential runner-up, voted on Saturday to make him the leader of a parallel government
17.Sep.2006 Bush reaffirms hard line approach to Iran: "They need to understand we're firm in our commitment and that if they try to drag their feet or, you know, get us to look the other way, that we won't do that," said Bush.
Nato backs down over Pakistan ultimatum : Key Nato countries have decided not to issue a diplomatic ultimatum to Pakistan which demanded that it ends its support for the Taliban and arrests leaders living in Pakistan.
17.Sep.2006 The American Military's Cult of CrueltyThe change to 'warrior' creed is encouraging soldiers to commit atrocities -By Robert Fisk

I n the week that George Bush took to fantasising that his blood-soaked "war on terror" would lead the 21st century into a "shining age of human liberty" I went through my mail bag to find a frightening letter addressed to me by an American veteran whose son is serving as a lieutenant colonel and medical doctor with US forces in Baghdad. Continue

17.Sep.2006 Popular resistance from Caracas to Cairo By George Galloway-The struggle for justice and prosperity in the Arab world and everywhere depends upon popular resistance to US imperialism and its local clients. Continue

17.Sep.2006 Imperialism 101 - The US Addiction to War, Mayhem and Madness -By Stephen Lendman
There's no longer a dispute that the US pursues an imperial agenda. What once was hidden behind a politically correct facade and would never be admitted publicly is now seen as something respectable and even an obligation to advance "western civilization." How different is today from the past? Not much for those who know the country's true history that's quite different from the proper and polite version of it taught in school at all levels.

17.Sep.2006 So Guantanamo wasn't needed after all -By Alasdair Palmer
President Bush's policy on how to treat people captured in the course of the war on terror is unravelling fast. In order to comply with a Supreme Court ruling, he has to get new rules for military tribunals for the suspects held at Guantanamo through Congress.

17.Sep.2006 Outlawed-Extraordinary Rendition, Torture and Disappearances in the "War on Terror"
I defy you to watch this short documentary and still tell me "Your proud to be an American.'
The U.S. government-sponsored program of renditions is an unlawful practice in which numerous persons have been illegally detained and secretly flown to third countries, where they have suffered additional human rights abuses including torture and enforced disappearance.
Click to view

17.Sep.2006 Why I hate America -By Mickey Z.
It seems what offends flag-wavers most is when someone like me makes use of the freedom they claim to adore. According to their twisted logic, I am ungrateful for my liberty if I have the audacity to exercise it.
Continue 17.Sep.2006 Fighting Capitalism One Essay at a Time -An interview with Charles Sullivan -By Angie Tibbs
What we have in America is the ideology of Robin Hood in reverse.  The rich are robbing the poor.  No one should be permitted to get rich on the misery of others.  In Venezuela people matter more than corporate profits.  If the Plutocracy could bring back chattel slavery, I am quite certain that they would do so. 
17.Sep.2006 Ties to GOP Trumped Know-How Among Staff Sent to Rebuild Iraq

17.Sep.2006 Dispatch from the BuzzFlash Department of Reality: Bombers kill 22 as Iraq's oil city attacked
Think of an America Without BuzzFlash -- And Then Give Generously. You Can Make the New Pro-Democracy Media Reach More People, With Every Dollar.

17.Sep.2006 Frist Vows to Get Republicans "In Line" to Back Bush Bill That Will Endanger the Lives of Our GIs and Likely Result in Their Torture When Captured 9/17

17.Sep.2006 "An overhaul in how states and localities record votes and administer elections since the Florida recount battle six years ago has created conditions that could trigger a repeat -- this time on a national scale -- of last week's Election Day debacle in the Maryland suburbs, election experts said." 9/17

17.Sep.2006 Bush is Now Attacking His Own Party as Being Weak on National Security, When It is Bush's Blackmailing the Nation --and a Politcally Phony War on Terror -- That Endangers America Every Day.

17.Sep.2006 Bush is Blackmailing the National Security of Every American --
A BuzzFlash Editorial

17.Sep.2006 How 3 G.O.P. Veterans Stalled Bush's Bill That Would Likely End up Subjecting American GIs to Torture 9/17

17.Sep.2006 Widows of 11.Sep.2001: Press for Truth and the Bush Administration's Attempts to Cover It Up 9/17
17.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437351,00.html Als im Jahr 2000 Prostatakrebs bei Giuliani diagnostiziert wurde, er seine Frau wegen einer Geliebten verließ und bekannt wurde, dass sein verstorbener Vater wegen eines Raubüberfalls in Sing-Sing eingesessen hatte, schien seine politische Karriere vorzeitig beendet zu sein. Von einem Wahlduell mit Hillary Clinton um einen Sitz im Senat zog er sich zurück.
17.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437351,00.html In New York selbst wandte sich seine Politik bald gegen ihn. Die Proteste gegen die Brutalität und den Rassismus der Polizei wurden immer lauter, nachdem Abner Louima aus Haiti 1997 auf einer Polizeistation mit einem Besenstiel und den Worten "It's Giuliani time" vergewaltigt worden war. Giulianis Ansehen schwand rasch. "Er benahm sich wie Caligula", sagt Ed Koch. "Der Großteil der New Yorker hielt ihn für arrogant und bösartig."
17.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437351,00.html Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass Giuliani mehr Ruhm einheimst als ihm vermutlich zusteht.
17.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437351,00.html Das Notfallzentrum "war gleichzeitig die dümmste Entscheidung, die er je traf + jene, die ihn zu einer Legende machte", schreiben Barrett und Collins. "Wäre das Zentrum anderswo gelegen, wären all die dramatischen Bilder, die den verrußten Giuliani zu einem Nomadenkrieger machten, langweiliges Material aus einem Konferenzraum gewesen."
17.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437351,00.html Anschauliches Beispiel für New Yorks mangelhafte Vorbereitung auf einen Terroranschlag war Giulianis Notfall-Kommandozentrum: Obwohl alle Terrorexperten darauf hinwiesen, dass das World Trade Center auf der Liste islamistischer Terrorziele stand, ließ Giuliani sein Hauptquartier für Notfälle im 23. Stock des WTC 7 errichten, jenes Büroturms neben den Twin Towers, der am Abend des 11.Sep. 2001 einstürzen sollte. "So etwas tut man nicht, man will ja nicht mit dem Lift in ein Kommandozentrum fahren", meint Exbürgermeister Ed Koch kopfschüttelnd.
17.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437351,00.html Doch nun wird erstmals an Giulianis Denkmal gerüttelt. "Wir haben weder harte Fragen gestellt noch alle nötigen Informationen bekommen", schreiben die beiden Vorsitzenden der 9/11-Untersuchungskommission in ihrem soeben erschienenen Buch "Without Precedent" reumütig. Die Befragung Giulianis sei "ein Tiefpunkt in der öffentlichen Zeugenbefragung durch die Kommission" gewesen. Und Journalist Wayne Barrett und sein Kollege Dan Collins unterstellen in ihrem neuen Buch "Grand Illusion" sogar, dass Giuliani hunderte Todesfälle - vor allem in den Reihen von Polizei und Feuerwehr - verhindern hätte können.

"Himmelsbunker" als Notfallzentrum
17.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437351,00.html Vor den Anschlägen hatte es ausgesehen, als würde Giulianis politische Karriere ein unrühmliches Ende nehmen. Doch sein Auftreten am 11.Sep. 2001 ließ ihn wie den sprichwörtlichen Phoenix aus der Asche von Ground Zero steigen: Queen Elizabeth schlug "Amerikas Bürgermeister" zum Ritter, Frankreichs Präsident Jacques Chirac adelte ihn zu "Rudy the Rock", das "Time"-Magazin erkor ihn zur "Person des Jahres 2001". Bis heute zehrt Giuliani von seinem 9/11-Ruhm. Die Geschäfte seiner Sicherheits-Beratungsfirma laufen ausgezeichnet, sein Buch "Leadership" ist noch nach Jahren ein Hit. Und obwohl Giuliani kein politisches Amt innehat, ist er derzeit der aussichtsreichste republikanische Kandidat für die US-Präsidentenwahlen 2008. In einer aktuellen Umfrage von CNN unterstützen 31 Prozent der republikanischen Wähler eine Kandidatur Giulianis, Senator John McCain (20 Prozent) und Newt Gingrich (12 Prozent) liegen deutlich hinter ihm.
17.Sep.2006,1518,druck-437351,00.html New Yorks Ex-Bürgermeister Rudy Giuliani führt derzeit das Feld der republikanischen Kandidaten für das Präsidentenamt 2008 an. Doch nun gerät der Mythos des Helden von 9/11 ins Wanken.

New York - Am Morgen des 11.Sep. 2001 sahen die Amerikaner nicht nur die Türme des World Trade Center von ihren Fernsehschirmen verschwinden, sondern auch ihre Regierung. Das panische Secret Service ließ Präsident George W. Bush den ganzen Vormittag ziellos an Bord der Air Force One in der Luft kreisen, Vizepräsident Dick Cheney ging in einem Bunker unter dem Weißen Haus in Deckung. Nur einer zeigte, dass der Staat noch funktionierte: Rudolph Giuliani. Die Bilder des staub- und aschebedeckten New Yorker Bürgermeisters, der zu Fuß durch Manhattan schreitet, Rettungsmaßnahmen koordiniert und die Bürger beruhigt, haben sich tief in das kollektive Gedächtnis Amerikas gebrannt.
Islam- Streit: Experten befürchten Anschlag auf Papst Benedikt
17.Sep.2006 Technologietrends: Die neue Einfachheit

17.Sep.2006 Fluffiger Riese: Planet würde in Wasser schwimmen

17.Sep.2006 Palästina: Abbas bricht Verhandlungen mit Hamas ab

17.Sep.2006 9/11- Held in der Kritik: Kratzer am Denkmal Giuliani

17.Sep.2006 Niedergang der USA: Das Kraftzentrum schwächelt
17.Sep.2006 Dritte Afghanistan- Offensive: 7000 Soldaten gegen Taliban

17.Sep.2006 Landtagswahlen: Rot- Rot auf dem Prüfstand, Rechtsextreme im Anmarsch

17.Sep.2006 Nahost: Treffen zwischen Abbas und Livni geplant

17.Sep.2006 Drohungen gegen Benedikt: Nervosität vor Papst- Auftritt in Rom
17.Sep.2006 Machtkampf bei Frankreichs Sozialisten: Ségolène und die Elefanten
17.Sep.2006 Oktoberfest: Weltgrößtes Volksfest mit Rekord- Bierpreisen
17.Sep.2006 Religionswächter Bardakoglu: "Jede Religion hat ihr Heiliges"
Papst- Rede: Der Griff in die Geschichte

17.Sep.2006 Geschäft mit freien Inhalten: Geteilt, verschenkt, verdient

17.Sep.2006 Papst- Rede: Moslembrüder wollen Benedikts Kniefall
16.Sep.2006 Bill Kristol Declared A ‘Manly Man’ - Nico 

Harvard professor and conservative author Harvey Mansfield recently published a book called “Manliness.” Some gems from Mansfield, collected by

As the weaker sex…women are “not in a position to ask for something directly. They’re either obliged to smile a lot and persuade, or make a scene.”

To resist rape a woman needs more than martial arts and more than the police; she needs a certain ladylike modesty enabling her to take offense at unwanted encroachment.”

In my experience it is difficult for a man who is attracted to a woman not to find her cute, rather than intimidating, when she gets angry.”

In a new interview with HumanEventsOnline, Mansfield was asked about fellow neoconservative William Kristol:

QUESTION: You’ve taught both William Kristol and Andrew Sullivan. Would you say that Bill Kristol is a manly man?

MANSFIELD: Yes, I would very much + so is Andrew. To do what Andrew Sullivan has done takes a lot of courage. He came out of the closet, which was kind of a manly act. And he has been one of the first and one of the most successful bloggers. And there he takes his own path, no doubt influenced by his sexuality, but still full of reason and emphasis.

Not surprisingly, Mansfield says the “most manly politician todayis George W. Bush, who is “bold and determined, two manly qualities.”
16.Sep.2006 Pentagon Guantanamo ‘Fact’ Sheet Highlights High-Tops And Harry Potter, Distorts Real Issues - Amanda 

This week, the Department of Defense (DoD) released a document entitled “Ten Facts About Guantanamo.” The document contains relatively insignificant facts — all detainees receive a pair of “high-top sneakers” — and ignores the facility’s real problems.

Some other highlights:

4. Detainees receive medical, dental, psychiatric + optometric care at U.S. taxpayers’ expense. In 2005, there were 35 teeth cleanings, 91 cavities filled + 174 pairs of glasses issued .

9. Guantanamo is the most transparent detention facility in the history of warfare. The Joint Task Force has hosted more than 1,000 journalists from more than 40 countries .

Thirty-five teeth cleanings for approximately 500 detainees isn’t something to brag about. Point 4 also obscures the fact that several detainees have committeed suicide and the European Union has called on the Bush administration to close the camp.

Guantanamo Bay is anything but transparent. Media access to Guantanamo Bay has been severely restricted. Journalists “could not talk to detainees, they had to be accompanied by a military escort and their photos were censored.” In June, the military shut down media access entirely.

Point 8 initially quoted the mother of a Russian detainee saying how great Guatanamo Bay was: “Of course they wanted to stay there. … They had human rights and good living standards there. They had dentists and good meals — everything they wanted.” As the Wasington Post’s Al Kamen notes, “[T]his quote from a March 2004 edition of the London Times was a Russian mother comparing Guantanamo with Russian jails.” It has been removed from the current document available online.
Bill Kristol Declared A ‘Manly Man’ - Nico 

Harvard professor and conservative author Harvey Mansfield recently published a book called “Manliness.” Some gems from Mansfield, collected by

As the weaker sex…women are “not in a position to ask for something directly. They’re either obliged to smile a lot and persuade, or make a scene.”

To resist rape a woman needs more than martial arts and more than the police; she needs a certain ladylike modesty enabling her to take offense at unwanted encroachment.”

In my experience it is difficult for a man who is attracted to a woman not to find her cute, rather than intimidating, when she gets angry.”

In a new interview with HumanEventsOnline, Mansfield was asked about fellow neoconservative William Kristol:

QUESTION: You’ve taught both William Kristol and Andrew Sullivan. Would you say that Bill Kristol is a manly man?

MANSFIELD: Yes, I would very much + so is Andrew. To do what Andrew Sullivan has done takes a lot of courage. He came out of the closet, which was kind of a manly act. And he has been one of the first and one of the most successful bloggers. And there he takes his own path, no doubt influenced by his sexuality, but still full of reason and emphasis.

Not surprisingly, Mansfield says the “most manly politician todayis George W. Bush, who is “bold and determined, two manly qualities.”
16.Sep.2006 Hurricane powers towards Mexico Hurricane Lane strengthens as residents prepare for it to make landfall on Mexico's Pacific coastline.
16.Sep.2006 Channel's key role in pre-history A study of pre-historic animals reveals the crucial role of the English Channel in shaping Britain's natural history.
16.Sep.2006 UN votes to put Burma on agenda A US-sponsored motion puts Burma on the formal agenda of the UN Security Council, drawing China's anger.
BBC report on Prozac in drinking water (englisch)
16.Sep.2006 Nachrichten Quellen - sfux Al Ahram (Egypt - Weekly)
16.Sep.2006 Very Interesting (Did Bush Just Admit Bombs in WTC on 9/11?)

Very Interesting
Did anyone notice
this part of bush's press conference on Friday?
"The information that the Central Intelligence Agency has obtained by questioning men like Khalid Sheik Mohammed has provided valuable information and has helped disrupt terrorist plots, including strikes within the United States.For example, Khalid Sheik Mohammed described the design of plane attacks on building inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people.He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping."Explosives in buildings that were to be or were attacked by planes? Does anyone remember the documentary that shows many firemen saying that they heard bombs and explosions in the towers that morning before they collapsed?
16.Sep.2006 Pope 'sorry' for offence to Islam Pope Benedict XVI says he is sorry about the offence caused by his speech referring to the Muslim faith.
16.Sep.2006 Troops federation set for launch A new body to champion the rights of soldiers, sailors and aircrews is on the verge of launching.
16.Sep.2006 World Bank urges boost for young The world's growing young population needs encouragement and education to prosper, the World Bank says.
16.Sep.2006 Concern over drug for UK troops There is concern British soldiers are being treated with a drug that has not been fully tested and licensed.
16.Sep.2006 STRANGE STUFF  Ohio has its share of bizarre occurrences.
16.Sep.2006 Guatemala: No protection, no justice  Is Guatemala the new Juarez?
Since 2001 over 2,200 women and girls have been murdered in Guatemala and the rate of murders is on the increase. Between 1 January 2006 and 5 May according to police statistics 229 women and girls were killed. Many of the murders have been characterised by exceptional brutality, with many victims subjected to sexual violence, mutilation and dismemberment.

posted by Prof. Hex at
1:42 PM

Remember the anthrax letters?  Perhaps the single most common refrain from the White House and the president's allies is that there have been no terrorist attacks on U.S. soil since Sept. 11, 2001. That's incorrect - about a month after 9/11, someone sent weaponized anthrax to two Democratic senators and several news outlets. Five Americans were killed and 17 more suffered serious illnesses.
16.Sep.2006 Wiccan sign allowed on soldier's plaque 
The widow of a soldier killed in Afghanistan won state approval Wednesday to place a Wiccan religious symbol on his memorial plaque, something the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs had refused.
16.Sep.2006 Media ownership study ordered destroyed  The Federal Communications Commission ordered its staff to destroy all copies of a draft study that suggested greater concentration of media ownership would hurt local TV news coverage, a former lawyer at the agency says.
16.Sep.2006 West's most ancient writing?  Weathered and pitted with the passage of 3,000 years, a rock slab found in southern Mexico shows clear evidence of a script that anthropologists say is the oldest writing ever found in the Western Hemisphere.
16.Sep.2006 Long-sought 9/11 videotape didn't capture attack  A convenience store videotape long-sought by September 11 conspiracy theorists does not actually show the attack on the Pentagon.
16.Sep.2006 UK: Clare Short: I'm standing down so I can speak the truth : I am profoundly ashamed of the Government. The Labour Party has lost its way

16.Sep.2006 'Fast-track discipline' for Short after Blair attack : She criticised Mr Blair's "craven" support for US policies and said he had made the world a more dangerous place.

17.Sep.2006 U.S. Will Always Face Terror, Say Americans: Many adults in the United States think their country will forever be a target for terrorists, according to a poll by CBS News. 81 per cent of respondents think the U.S. will always have to live with the threat of terrorism.

17.Sep.2006 A Visit with a Man Wrongly Detained at Guantanamo: Murat Kurnaz was detained in the United States detention camp at Guantánamo, Cuba, for almost five years and released three weeks ago. Cem Özdemir, a member of the European Parliament, visited Kurnaz at his home in Bremen and reports back about a German man of Turkish origin who appears to be anything but a fanatic.

17.Sep.2006 Bush in bid to twist Republican arms on security: President George W. Bush went to the U.S. Capitol on Thursday to prod fellow Republicans to back his plans to track and try terrorism suspects, but some pressed on with a competing measure the White House rejects.

17.Sep.2006 Powell Opposes Bush Interrogation Plan: Former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed efforts to block President Bush's plan to authorize harsh interrogations of terror suspects, even as Mr. Bush lobbied personally for it Thursday on Capitol Hill.

17.Sep.2006 Bush-backed spying bill clears US senate panel : A bill backed by President George W Bush to enable a court review of his domestic spying programme won the approval on Wednesday of a US Senate panel under election-year pressure to safeguard civil liberties.

17.Sep.2006 Briton linked to Congo war crimes: Rudimentary bombs made from industrial gas cylinders filled with TNT were being rolled out of the backs of giant Antonov transport aircraft flown at high altitude in indiscriminate raids, according to Pelham.

17.Sep.2006 What is the U.S. Military Doing in Paraguay?: The U.S. military is conducting secretive operations in Paraguay and reportedly building a new base there. Human rights groups and military analysts in the region believe trouble is brewing. However, the U.S. embassy in Paraguay denies the base exists and describes the military activity as routine

17.Sep.2006 Ties Between Elites and Child Sex Rings "Beyond Imagination": The complicity in Mexico between child sex rings and the political an

d business elites "goes beyond what we can even imagine," says activist Lydia Cacho, who faces death threats and was even thrown briefly into prison for revealing those ties in a book.

17.Sep.2006 The Republican Plan for Dominance in the 21st Century: Journalists Tom Hamburger and Peter Wallsten discuss their new book. In it, they reveals how the Republican party owns a clear advantage in the fundamentals of campaigning and has built up a series of structural advantages that make it increasingly difficult to beat.

17.Sep.2006 Scott Ritter: Hillary's Challenger Crucified on a Cross of Gold: Money is the difference between having a fighting chance and total obscurity for Hillary Clinton's challenger Jonathan Tasini in the New York Senate Dem primary.

17.Sep.2006 Hedge fund cash floods U.S. politics: Campaign finance records show 20 of the most successful U.S. hedge fund managers have pumped more than $3.1 million into campaigns so far in 2005-2006, up from about $1.1 million by the same group in the last mid-term election cycle.

17.Sep.2006 Princeton prof raises alarm over electronic voting machines: A Princeton University computer science professor is adding new evidence to support claims that electronic voting machines can be hacked.

17.Sep.2006 Test nonlethal weapons on U.S. citizens, official says: Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before they are used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday.

17.Sep.2006 Man Gets Life Sentence For Lying To DMV: : A California immigrant serving a life sentence for lying to the Department of Motor Vehicles got a day in court Wednesday. Santos Reyes has already served six years for that crime, which he has never denied.

17.Sep.2006 Air America To Declare Bankruptcy: Air America Radio will announce a major restructuring on Friday, which is expected to include a bankruptcy filing, three independent sources have told ThinkProgress.

17.Sep.2006 Video: Dr Griffin BBC1 Sunday 10 September 2006 interview about 9/11 : An interview with Griffin about the 9/11 attacks and discussions about how the buildings could have collapsed
16.Sep.2006 Blair hit by Lebanon backlash as minister admits ceasefire 'mistake' : The war lasted 34 days. It left 1,393 people dead. Another 5,350 injured. And more than 1,150,000 displaced, of whom 215,413 are still homeless. The damage amounts to more than £2.6bn. Exactly one month after it ended, a Foreign Office minister admits that Tony Blair should have called for a ceasefire

17.Sep.2006 Hizbollah rocket attacks on Israelis 'war crimes' : Amnesty International has accused Lebanon's Hizbollah movement of committing war crimes by deliberately targeting Israeli civilians with its rockets

17.Sep.2006 .Hezbollah rejects war crimes claims: Hezbollah has dismissed a report from human rights group Amnesty International which accuses it of war crimes during the war with Israel.

17.Sep.2006 A Walk Through the Rubble: Israel's Use of American Cluster Bombs

17.Sep.2006 Hezbollah Secretary General : We Were Correct to Capture The Two Israeli Soldiers: Isreal decided to launch a war in July, which it was going to launch in November.

17.Sep.2006 One month on, uneasy truce holds in battle-scarred border villages : Hizbullah fighters patrol hills while Israeli forces commit daily violations

17.Sep.2006 Noam Chomsky : Lessons of Lebanon: US-Israeli rejectionism is not only in words, but more important, in actions. With decisive US backing, Israel has been formalising its programme of annexation, dismemberment of shrinking Palestinian territories and imprisonment of what remains by taking over the Jordan Valley — the "convergence" program that is, astonishingly, called "courageous withdrawal" in the United States.

17.Sep.2006 U.N. inspectors challenge House nuclear report on Iran : 'Outrageous and dishonest' claims, officials complain

17.Sep.2006 U.S. seeks Iran sanctions now: The United States said on Wednesday Iran was "aggressively" pursuing atom bombs and should face sanctions now, but EU allies stressed it was not too late for talks on a negotiated solution to its disputed nuclear work.

17.Sep.2006 Iran seeks relief from US threats at Cuba summit: Faced with a barrage of Western threats over Iran’s nuclear programme, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will seek strong backing from Non-Aligned Movement allies at this week’s summit in Cuba.

17.Sep.2006 Jewish heavy-hitters swing at Iran : The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs announced Tuesday that it had enlisted Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel and internationally renowned lawyers Irwin Cotler and Alan Dershowitz to its campaign to expel Iran from the United Nations.

17.Sep.2006 War pimp alert: Kissinger warns of possible "war of civilizations" : Former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger warned that Europe and the United States must unite to head off a "war of civilizations" arising from a nuclear-armed Middle East.

17.Sep.2006 In case you missed it: Video: The Trials of Henry Kissinger: The Making Of A War Criminal: : "A fascinating, bombshell documentary that should shame Americans, regardless of whether or not ultimate blame finally lies with Kissinger. Should be required viewing for civics classes and would-be public servants alike."

17.Sep.2006 UN attacks US nuclear report on Iran : The UN's nuclear watchdog has made a stinging attack on the US Congress over an "outrageous and dishonest" report on Iran's nuclear programme.

17.Sep.2006 Iran's Nuclear Plans : Video: Stephen Sackur talks to Iran's Ambassador to the IAEA over why his country his still refusing to end its uranium enrichment programme.
Non-Aligned Movement demands Israeli military withdrawal from Gaza: The Non-Aligned Movement demanded at a summit in Havana that Israel withdraw its troops from Gaza, release jailed Palestinian officials and repair damage caused by its military operations.

17.Sep.2006 Palestinians await new government: Palestinian cabinet ministers from Hamas have handed in their resignations so that a unity government can be formed with the Fatah party.

17.Sep.2006 Abbas confirms Haniya to head new national unity government : Outgoing Palestinian prime minister Ismail Haniya, of the Hamas movement, will remain at the head of a new national unity government, president Mahmud Abbas confirmed on Wednesday.

17.Sep.2006 Israeli MP calls for ethnic cleansing of Palestinian's : It was the first time that Eitam, who heads the Religious Zionism faction within the National Union, has publicly supported deportation of Palestinians, a concept espoused by assassinated National Union founder Rehavam Ze'evi as "transfer."

17.Sep.2006 Olmert should have more of an insight than most into terrorism : Sixty years ago the sort of atrocity that Israel's leaders habitually condemn helped bring the country into being

17.Sep.2006 Israeli commander says, what the IDF did was "crazy and monstrous" : Soldiers in the artillery corps testified that the IDF used phosphorous shells, which many experts say is prohibited by international law.

17.Sep.2006 Hizbullah ministers did the right thing by publicly shunning Blair : As the Israeli Air Force was raining death and destruction on innocent civilians across this country, Blair was indifferent because all he could think about were the Hizbullah rockets headed the other way, weapons which caused a tiny fraction of the casualties and damage sustained in Lebanon.
16.Sep.2006 Most Americans Dispute Iraq War Benefits: Many adults in the United States believe their federal government made a mistake in launching the coalition effort, according to a poll by TNS released by ABC News. 56 per cent of respondents think, considering the costs versus the benefits, the war with Iraq was not worth fighting.
16.Sep.2006 Tortured logic : The administration, apparently untroubled by this disagreement, is now asking Congress to declare that detainees who claim violations of the Geneva Convention may not have their day in court.

16.Sep.2006 Mexico’s current version of democracy not sustainable : American corporations backed Calderon's campaign heavily as he promised "incentives for foreign investment." Blinded by greed for easy profits to be made in Mexico, they set the stage for increased migration into the United States.

16.Sep.2006 ACLU Slams Senate Judiciary Committee’s Approval of NSA Spying Bills : "Congress has a right and obligation to conduct meaningful oversight on the unlawful actions of the president. But instead of investigating lawbreaking, the Senate Judiciary Committee wants to make it legal. We urge the full Senate to reject any attempts to ratify this illegal program."

16.Sep.2006 Senators Defy Bush On Terror Measure : A Senate committee rebuffed the personal entreaties of President Bush yesterday, rejecting his proposed strategies for interrogating and trying enemy combatants and approving alternative legislation that he has strenuously opposed.

16.Sep.2006 Torture complicate Padilla case : Evidence against the American terror suspect was obtained through torture, his lawyers say.

16.Sep.2006 Judge orders prosecutors to turn over Padilla's medical records: - A federal judge in Miami ordered prosecutors Thursday to turn over medical records for accused al-Qaida operative Jose Padilla, a move that could reveal details of his treatment during 3 1/2 years in military custody.

16.Sep.2006 Judge refuses to reinstate key Padilla terrorism charge : The dismissed charge is important because it is the only one in the indictment that carries a potential life sentence.

16.Sep.2006 Friendship, then missiles in terror sting : FBI agent details how informant was used to build case against Albany mosque leader, pizza shop owner

16.Sep.2006 Pope urged to retract Islam remarks: The pope provoked anger after criticising Islam and its concept of jihad on Tuesday during a six-day visit to his native Germany, citing a 14th-century Christian emperor who said that Prophet Mohammed had brought the world "evil and inhuman" things.

16.Sep.2006 Turkish Lawmaker Compares Pope To Hitler: A Turkish lawmaker said Pope Benedict XVI would go down in history "in the same category as leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini" for remarks he made about Islam. Meanwhile, Pakistan's Foreign Ministry summoned the Vatican's ambassador to express regret over the remarks.

16.Sep.2006 Dubai's ruler accused of slavery : Dubai's ruler has been accused of enslaving thousands of young children for camel races in a class-action lawsuit filed in the US.

16.Sep.2006 Coaxing the unwilling : The result : US ground forces are increasingly made up of a motley mix of under-age teens, old-timers, foreign fighters, gang-bangers, neo-Nazis, ex-cons, inferior officers and a host of near-mercenary troops, lured in or kept in uniform through big payouts and promises.

16.Sep.2006 Ney to admit guilt in corruption case: A Republican congressman agreed to plead guilty to illegally accepting tens of thousands of dollars in trips, meals, drinks and tickets to become the first U.S. lawmaker convicted in the Jack Abramoff political corruption scandal, U.S. officials said on Friday

16.Sep.2006 Ford to cut 45,000 jobs: Ford Motor Co. on Friday said it will slash $5 billion in costs and cut nearly 45,000 jobs, about one-third of its work force, in a sweeping restructuring + warned that its North American unit won't make a profit for another three years.

16.Sep.2006 Video: Ludicrous Diversion - 7/7 London Bombings Documentary : On the 7th of July 2005 London was hit by a series of explosions. You probably think you know what happened that day. But you don’t.

16.Sep.2006 IAEA protests "erroneous" U.S. report on Iran -By Mark Heinrich
U.N. inspectors have protested to the U.S. government and a Congressional committee about a report on Iran's nuclear work, calling parts of it "outrageous and dishonest," according to a letter obtained by Reuters.

16.Sep.2006 Five Former Soviet Republics Give Up Nukes -By Aaron Glantz -The Bush Administration is objecting to a groundbreaking treaty that set up a nuclear weapon-free zone in Central Asia . Continue 

16.Sep.2006 The Modern Successor to the Slave Trade No longer should the peace business be undermined by the arms business -By Desmond Tutu
Five rich countries manufacture the vast majority of the world's weapons. In 2005, Russia, the United States, France, Germany and the UK accounted for an estimated 82 per cent of the global arms market. And it's big business: the amount rich countries spend on fighting HIV/Aids every year represents just 18 days' global spending on arms.

16.Sep.2006 Terrorist Network Disconnect-By Gareth Porter
George Bush’s new argument that Iran and Hezbollah are part of the same terrorist network as al-Qaida turns the recent history of international politics on its head to cover up a truth that makes the Bush administration extremely uncomfortable.

16.Sep.2006 I Hope That We May Find the Courage... By Senator Robert C. Byrd- US Senate Floor Remarks
The United States is a weaker power now, especially in the Middle East, but also in the court of world opinion. Where is the America of restraint, of peace and of inspiration to millions? Where is the America respected not only for her military might, but also for her powerful ideas and her reasonable diplomacy?

16.Sep.2006 In praise of the 'subversive' documentary -By John Pilger
My own films have been shown all over the world, but never on network television in the United States. That suppression of alternative viewpoints may help us understand why millions of Americans display such a chronic ignorance of other human beings.

16.Sep.2006 Where is the evidence? Paul Craig Roberts
There are many problems with the 9/11 debate. Many different interests are using 9/11 to advance their agendas. Security interests use fear generated by 9/11 to erode civil liberties and establish the foundations of a police state. Federalist Society members in pursuit of a stronger executive use 9/11 to justify concentrating power in the White House, power that violates the separation of powers in the US Constitution .

US outraged as Pakistan frees Taliban fighters: Pakistan's credibility as a leading ally in the war on terrorism was called into question last night when it emerged that President Pervez Musharraf's government had authorised the release from jail of thousands of Taliban fighters caught fighting coalition forces in Afghanistan.

The Fall of Waziristan: An Online History: The fall of North and South Waziristan and the rise of the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan was an event telegraphed by al-Qaeda and the Taliban
European powers refuse to send more troops to Afghanistan: In the face of dire warnings that the NATO-led occupation risks losing ground before a resurgence of support for the former Taliban regime, the major European members of the alliance have refused to send a single soldier.
16.Sep.2006 US moves to scuttle Arab plan for international peace conference: The US is trying to block attempts by Arab countries to turn the UN Security Council into a key player in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during the upcoming General Assembly opening next week.

16.Sep.2006 IAEA: US report on Iran 'outrageous': United Nations nuclear inspectors have attacked as "outrageous and dishonest" parts of a US congressional committee intelligence report on Iran's nuclear work.

16.Sep.2006 EU's Solana Reports Progress In Iran Talks : "We are really making progress," Solana told reporters. "Never before have we had the level of we are having now."

16.Sep.2006 China rips U.S. claims on weapons sales: China on Friday denounced accusations by top U.S. officials that it was selling weapons to Iran and North Korea amid nuclear tensions with the two regimes

16.Sep.2006 War pimp alert: U.S. had better be ready to raze Iran’s nuclear sites: In his televised 9/11 address, President Bush said that we must not “leave our children to face a Middle East overrun by terrorist states and radical dictators armed with nuclear weapons.” There’s only one such current candidate: Iran.
16.Sep.2006 U.S. Military Admit Defeat in Strategic Iraqi Province: One top secret report by a Marine intelligence officer said there is no chance the U.S. military can end the insurgent violence or that a viable government can be set up in the area.

16.Sep.2006 Top commander denies US walking away from Al-Anbar province : A top US commander denied the US military had written off Al-Anbar province in Iraq and defended a shift of US forces to Baghdad despite intelligence depicting the situation in the west as dire.

16.Sep.2006 CIA Learned in '02 That Bin Laden Had No Iraq Ties, Report Says: The CIA learned in late September 2002 from a high-level member of Saddam Hussein's inner circle that Iraq had no past or present contact with Osama bin Laden and that the Iraqi leader considered bin Laden an enemy of the Baghdad regime, according to a recent Senate Intelligence Committee report.
Americans in Denial about 9/11
So, why did they hate us after all?
By Matt Taibbi
We sure blew off that question nicely. As with everything else in this country, our response to 9/11 was a heroic compendium of idiocy, cowardice, callow flag-waving, weepy sentimentality (coupled with an apparently bottomless capacity for self-pity), sloth, laziness and partisan ignorance.

16.Sep.2006 No News Is Slow News By John Pilger
The news that doesn't make the front pages or the BBC bulletins is 'slow news'. For example, the resistance to foreign power by the Palestinians, ordinary Iraqis and Afghans is 'slow news' while the internecine machinations of Bush and Blair is 'regular news'.

16.Sep.2006 Outlawed Extraordinary Rendition, Torture and Disappearances in the "War on Terror"
This a Must Watch Video Documentary
The U.S. government-sponsored program of renditions is an unlawful practice in which numerous persons have been illegally detained and secretly flown to third countries, where they have suffered additional human rights abuses including torture and enforced disappearance.
Click to view
16.Sep.2006 Third + my favorite point because it's so obscure, Novak called Wilson an "asshole". From where did he get THAT leak? The Armitage? Er. Rove? Perhaps. Cheney? I can see that without using any imagination whatsoever.
The whole perception that Wilson was an asshole and was sent by Plame is the stream I like to follow.- Miss P.
# posted by Anonymous : 6:49
16.Sep.2006 -: So. Rove told Armitage to tell Novak about Plame. Armitage did, but didn't tell Novak that the info came from Rove. Then Novak called Rove to get confirmation of the info.

And Rove said "Oh, yeah, I've been hearing that same thing, too."
Let's keep Gitmo open for a while longer. We have a few more "terrorists" that we need information from.
# posted by unirealist
16.Sep.2006 The leak that keeps on leaking dr. elsewhere here
Truthout: Robert Parry says, "A well placed conservative source has added an important clue to the mystery of the Bush administration's 'outing' of CIA officer Valerie Plame." This source reveals a detail, continues Parry, that, "... undermines the current 'conventional wisdom' among Washington pundits that Armitage acted alone - and innocently - in July 2003 when he disclosed Plame's covert identity to right-wing columnist Robert Novak, who then got Rove to serve as a secondary source confirming the information from Armitage." Seems there are increasing reasons for Plame to be adding Armitage's name to her suit + decreasing reasons for conservatives to try to spin this thing as over. Check it out. Permalink
16.Sep.2006 Bush is Blackmailing the National Security of Every American --
A BuzzFlash Editorial

16.Sep.2006 Brent Budowsky: Congress Must Save Geneva Convention, Democrats Should Name Sam Nunn As Shadow Defense Secretary.

16.Sep.2006 Support David Vs. Goliath. Keep BuzzFlash Strong. Click Here.

16.Sep.2006 George Bush is the Captain Queeg of the U.S.S. America.
If You're Not Getting Buzzed 24 Hours a Day, You're Missing Something Big! A Little Bit of Buzz in Your E-mail Box. Just Click Here to Sign up.

16.Sep.2006 Kennedy and Durbin call for an investigation into the White House pressuring top military lawyers to weaken their opposition to the administration's torture policy. 9/16

16.Sep.2006 Bush wants lower taxes and more wars -- and here's a new government report stating that the national debt is spiraling out of control 9/16

16.Sep.2006 Bush bill could hurt war crimes probes 9/17

16.Sep.2006 NATO's estimate of Taliban killed this month has created skepticism and worry in Afghanistan, with local officials saying that either the militant force has grown bigger than imagined - or too many innocent Afghans are being killed. 9/17

16.Sep.2006 GOP Lunkhead Sensenbrenner Sides with the NRA Against Our Police 9/17
16.Sep.2006 Comandante Che: Guerrilla Soldier, Commander + Strategist, 1956-1967: Books: Paul J. Dosal Instead he points out that Mao Tse- Tung's writings, as well as those of Lawrence ... would embrace an Argentine as their leader was the root of his ...
16.Sep.2006 Che Guevara In Bolivia Mao Tse Tung's seven fundamental steps in Yu Chi Chan (Guerrilla Warfare) reveal ... Guevara's prominence as a revolution- ary leader stems from what he " ...

Pottawatomie Creek | Sabering white-supremacist patriarchal capitalism and its running dogs since 1856 Secondly, today is the 30th anniversary of Chairman Mao Tse- tung's death. ... If I remember correctly he also has a tattoo of Che . ... -
16.Sep.2006 IWF und Weltbank: Singapurs Knieschuss ohne Verletzte
16.Sep.2006 Papst- Bashing: Carrell, Rushdie, Ratzinger - wer kommt als nächstes?

16.Sep.2006 Islam- Äußerungen: Papst entschuldigt sich
16.Sep.2006 Reaktion auf Papst- Rede: Maskierte werfen Brandbomben auf Kirchen im Westjordanland
16.Sep.2006 Managerbezüge: Siemens erhöht Vorstandsgehälter um 30 Prozent
16.Sep.2006 Sozialer Verfall: Die neuen Proleten
16.Sep.2006 Papst- Unterstützung: Schäuble: Zitieren muss erlaubt sein

16.Sep.2006 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Der Islam will die Welteroberung"

16.Sep.2006 Befürchtung der Ernährungswirtschaft: 15.000.000 Kilogramm Gammelfleisch
16.Sep.2006 Prügel an Waldorfschule: Acht Lehrer vor Gericht

16.Sep.2006 Medizintechnik: Mini- Seismograf gegen Knochenbrüche
16.Sep.2006 Propaganda- Shooter: Ballern für Bin Laden
Papst- Debatte: Vatikan- Außenminister müht sich um Schadensbegrenzung
16.Sep.2006 Presseschau: "Kein Mensch kann Papst den Mund verbieten"
16.Sep.2006 Putin plant nach Banker- Mord strengere Finanzgesetze
16.Sep.2006 Vorwürfe gegen China: Handelsstreit um Autoteile eskaliert
16.Sep.2006 MAN/Scania: Milliardenpoker um Truckhersteller
16.Sep.2006 Electronic voting machines easily hacked, demonstrates Princeton professor
(NewsTarget) Voting machines have caused controversy due to studies that say they are vulnerable to hacking and vote tampering, but Princeton University computer science professor Edward Felten and two graduate students, Ariel Feldman and Alex Halderman, have escalated these doubts by actually obtaining...
16.Sep.2006 Schulterschluss des Terrors - sfux 
Al Kaidas Vize: Frankreich und Schwarzafrika sind neue Ziele!
Dr. Malte Olschewski - Die Terrororganisation Al Kaida hat sich mit den algerischen Salafisten vereinigt und Angriffe auf Ziele in Frankreich angekündigt. Der Stellverteter Osama Bin Ladens, Ayman Al Zawahiri, hat in einem Video erklärt, dass die "gesegnete Union" ein "Knochen...
16.Sep.2006 A Reinvigorated Bush Narco-regime? - sfux B. Ehkstruh -

The dirtiest of all Bush secrets? Why do analysts say Bush?s appointment of Porter Goss to head the CIA heralds a worsening Bush narco regime?under which narcotics moneys are quietly and murderously funneled into black budget programs to avoid elected oversight? Read the following:
Für die Rettung bezahlen - Katastrophen-Apartheid droht - sfux Naomi Klein -

Soeben kündigt das Rote Kreuz eine Katastrophenhilfe Partnerschaft mit Walmart an. Wenn der nächste Hurrikan zuschlägt, werden wir folglich eine Koproduktion von Big Aid und Big Box erleben.
Anscheinend lautet die Lehre aus der jämmerlichen Reaktion der amerikanischen Regierung auf Hurrikan Katrina: Die Geschäftswelt ist besser für Katastrophen gewappnet.

16.Sep.2006 Unglaubliche Geheimdienstpanne oder ?unglücklicher Verlauf?? - sfux Harald Haack ?

Dänemark ist bekannt für seine Komiker: ?Pat und Patterchon? oder die ?Ohlsen-Bande?, nur um einige zu nennen, die Kinozuschauer vortrefflich unterhielten. Nun ist einem dänischen Geheimdienstagenten etwas geglückt, was in seiner Komik wohl kaum noch zu überbieten und damit preisverdächtig ist. Ein Agenten des dänischen Polizei-Geheimdienstes PET (bitte nicht zu verwechseln...
Bush scheitert mit Plänen für Terrorverhöre im US-Kongress - sfux AFP -

US-Präsident George W. Bush ist mit Plänen für die Lockerung der Vorschriften bei Terrorverhören auf starken Widerstand im Kongress gestoßen. Der Streitkräfteausschuss des Senats stimmte für einen eigenen Gesetzentwurf, der das Folterverbot klar festschreibt. Vier Senatoren von Bushs republikanischer Partei stimmten mit den Demokraten und verhalfen der Vorlage zur Mehrheit. Der innerparteiliche Widerstand wird angeführt von Senator John McCain, der sich stark für das Folterverbot...
DIE FALSCHMELDUNG-Fleischberechtigungsscheine kommen - sfux KURZ/VERTICKERT ?

Die deutsche Regierung zog die Konsequenz aus den bayerischen Gammelfleisch-Skandalen, was bereits zu einer Verknappung des Fleischangebotes in Metzgereien und Supermärkten geführt hat. Deshalb sollen nun Fleischberechtigungsscheine eingeführt werden. Damit wird es wieder möglich sein, jeweils 50 g Frischfleisch pro Tag kaufen zu können, um Fleisch in einer Qualität zu erhalten, die deutsche Selbstversorger heutzutage kaum noch kennen. Nun kann zum Beispiel die...
Burns next target in Abramoff probe? - Nico 

A source close to the investigation told TIME that scores of US prosecutors and FBI agents continue to examine the activities of other sitting members of Congress and prominent individuals who could face prosecution, though not necessarily before the November 7 election. The source confirmed previous public reports that particular scrutiny is being paid to Sen. Conrad Burns, a Montana Republican who faces a tough campaign for reelection.”
Bush Hails ‘Fiscal Responsibility’ As GAO Warns of ‘Ever-Larger’ ‘Out of Control’ Deficits - Nico 

President Bush on our country’s fiscal health, 9/15/06:

If the American people would take a step back and realize how effective our policies have been, given the circumstances. … I’ve strongly believed the reason it is because we cut taxes + at the same time, showed fiscal responsibility here in Washington with the people’s money. That’s why the deficit could be cut in half by 2009, or before.

Government Accountability Office on our country’s fiscal health, 9/15/06:

GAO’s current long-term simulations continue to show ever-larger deficits resulting in a federal debt burden that ultimately spirals out of control. … [U]nder either optimistic (”Baseline extended”) or more realistic assumptions, current fiscal policy is unsustainable. … The question is how our current imprudent and unsustainable path will end. At some point, action will be taken to change the Nation’s fiscal course.
Franken: Air America Not Filing For Bankruptcy Today - Judd 

Inside Radio reports:

Despite reports the liberal talk network would file for bankruptcy protection by week’s end — that apparently isn’t happening. Franken tells listeners “we’re not in Chapter 11? and pokes at conservative talk hosts and websites for getting it wrong with quips like “who’s gloating now Bill O’Reilly?” We still believe it’s a tough economic situation at the libnet — and several staffers have been laid-off.

On Wednesday, ThinkProgress reportedAir America Radio will announce a major restructuring on Friday, which is expected to include a bankruptcy filing.” We made a judgment that our sources were knowledgeable and reliable. We regret the error.

We wish Air America a long and successful future.
Iraqi security forces will dig trenches - Amanda 

around Baghdad to reduce some of the violence plaguing the capital, according to the Interior Ministry.
16.Sep.2006 Senators will probe White House coercion. - Nico 

At least three senators — Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Dick Durbin (D-IL) + Edward Kennedy (D-MA)have said they will investigate allegations that administration officials pressured a group of military lawyers to support Bush’s military tribunals plan.
16.Sep.2006 Bush Rewrites History on Zarqawi Statements - Payson 

During today’s press conference, ABC News reporter Martha Raddatz asked Bush why he continues to say Saddam “had relations with Zarqawi,” despite the Senate Intelligence Report findings that Hussein “did not have a relationship with, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi.” Bush replied: “I never said there was an operational relationship.” Watch it:

In fact, Bush has repeatedly asserted that Saddam “harbored” and “provided safe-haven” to Zarqawi:

BUSH: [Saddam] was a threat because he provided safe-haven for a terrorist like Zarqawi… [6/17/04]

BUSH: [Saddam] is a man who harbored terrorists - Abu Abbas, Abu Nidal, Zarqawi. [9/23/04]

BUSH: [Zarqawi’s] a man who was wounded in Afghanistan, received aid in Baghdad, ordered the killing of a U.S. citizen, USAID employee, was harbored in Iraq. [3/6/03]


MARTHA: Mr. President, you have said throughout the war in Iraq and building up to the war in Iraq that there was a relationship between Saddam Hussein and Zarqawi and al Qaeda. A Senate Intelligence Committee report a few weeks ago said there was no link, no relationship + that the CIA knew this and issued a report last fall. And yet a month ago, you were still saying there was a relationship. Why did you keep saying that? Why do you continue to say that? And do you still believe that?

BUSH: The point I was making to Ken Herman’s question was that Saddam Hussein was a state sponsor of terror + that Mr. Zarqawi was in Iraq. He had been wounded in Afghanistan, had come to Iraq for treatment. He had ordered the killing of a U.S. citizen in Jordan. I never said there was an operational relationship.
Bush Says Powell’s Criticism Is ‘Unacceptable’ - Judd 

Yesterday, Gen. Colin Powell sent a letter to Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) sharply criticizing President Bush’s plan to establish military commissions. Powell wrote, “The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism. To redefine Common Article 3 would add to those doubts. Furthermore, it would put our own troops at risk.”

During today’s press conference Bush said that criticism like Powell’s was “flawed logic” and “unacceptable.” Watch it: Transcript:

QUESTION: Mr. President, former Secretary of State Colin Powell says, The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism. If a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former secretary of state feels this way, don’t you think that Americans and the rest of the world are beginning to wonder whether you’re following a flawed strategy?

BUSH: If there’s any comparison between the compassion and decency of the American people and the terrorist tactics of extremists, it’s flawed logic. It’s just — I simply can’t accept that. It’s unacceptable to think that there’s any kind of comparison between the behavior of the United States of America and the action of Islamic extremists who kill innocent women and children to achieve an objective.
Wolfowitz: Iraq Insurgency ‘Surprised All Of Us’ - Faiz 

In an interview with Bloomberg Television yesterday, former Deputy Secretary of Defense and current World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz was challenged by a reporter about his pre-war assessment that Iraq “could really finance its own reconstruction + relatively soon.” Wolfowitz responded, “What surprised all of us is the war has gone on a lot longer than we thought in a different manner.” Watch it:

The fact that the Iraq war has raged on for years should not be a surprise to Wolfowitz, but it’s not to the intelligence community. Wolfowitz and others in the Bush administration were warned repeatedly that postwar chaos was likely. Wolfowitz chose to disregard these warnings:

A yearlong State Department study predicted many of the problems that have plagued the American-led occupation of Iraq, according to internal State Department documents and interviews with administration and Congressional officials. … Several officials said that many of the findings in the $5 million study were ignored by Pentagon officials until recently, although the Pentagon said they took the findings into account. [NYT, 10/19/03]

[T]wo classified reports prepared for President Bush in January 2003 by the National Intelligence Council, an independent group that advises the director of central intelligence,… predicted that an American-led invasion of Iraq would increase support for political Islam and would result in a deeply divided Iraqi society prone to violent internal conflict. [NYT, 9/28/04]

A review by former intelligence officers has concluded that the Bush administration “apparently paid little or no attention” to prewar assessments by the Central Intelligence Agency that warned of major cultural and political obstacles to stability in postwar Iraq. [NYT, 10/13/05] Digg It! Full transcript:

HOST: Were some of the initial estimates of how Iraq would pay for its reconstruction maybe being reconsidered. I believe in 2003 you stated to a House subcommittee that there’s a lot of money to pay for the reconstruction, including from the assets of Iraqi people, oil money. And you said that the country could really finance the reconstruction and relatively soon. That was in 2003.

WOLFOWITZ: Well, “relatively soon” after the end of war. i think what surprised all of us is the war has gone on a lot longer than we thought in a different manner. Not sure of the exact numbers, but Iraq is bringing in tens of billions of dollars in oil revenue. The problem is the challenge of rebuilding the country when the war is still going on.
Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH) pleads guilty - Amanda 
to criminal charges in the Jack Abramoff investigation.

He faces a maximum of 10 years in prison, although prosecutors said they will recommend a sentence of 27 months.

UPDATE: Ney releases a statement on his plea agreement: “I have made serious mistakes and am sorry for them.”
Drudge’s Effort To Spin Global Warming Science Reaches Record High - Judd 

Drudge has a huge headline this morning which suggest that global warming isn’t real:

If you take the time to click the link, however, you get a totally different story. It’s new data from the NOAA about weather from January to August. Some excerpts:

Summer 2006 was the second warmest June-to-August period in the continental U.S. since records began in 1895…

The persistence of the anomalous warmth in 2006 made this January-August period the warmest on record for the continental U.S., eclipsing the previous record of 1934.

A blistering heat wave in July impacted most of the nation, breaking more than 2,300 daily records and more than 50 all-time high temperature records.

Only Matt Drudge could spin data that shows the last 8 months were the warmest on record into something that supports global warming deniers.

Here’s the larger point: the fact that the summer of 1936 was warmer than last summer does nothing to undermine global warming science. There are other things beside increased carbon dioxide emissions that can cause temperatures to rise. These factors “include volcanic eruptions, variations in the intensity of incoming solar radiation.” But scientists have taken those factors into consideration and concluded that increased carbon emissions from human activity is responsible for the recent warming trend.
September 15, 2006 - Think Progress 

Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH) has agreed to plead guilty to federal criminal charges related to his dealings with the corrupt lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Ney is the first member of Congress to admit to criminal charges in the Abramoff case.

Krauthammer’s Iran “calculus”: “An aerial attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities lies just beyond the horizon of diplomacy. With the crisis advancing and the moment of truth approaching, it is important to begin looking now with unflinching honesty at the military option. … The decision is no more than a year away.”

The Bush administration has proposed eliminating funding for two renewable energy sources : hydropower and geothermal power research. Federal studies suggest that the “costs of lost opportunities from dropping such research could be enormous in the long run.”

Yesterday the House approved a “sham” earmark reform bill that critics say is “filled with loopholes that would still permit anonymous projects to be inserted into law without public scrutiny.” Rep. David Obey (D-WI), former chairman of the appropriations committee, called the bill “the death of lobby reform.”

Border-crossing deaths have “more than doubled in the past decade,” according to a GAO report. “More and more, the dead are women,” and “more migrants are dying from exposure in the desert than from other causes.”

In 2004, the FCC “ordered its staff to destroy all copies of a draft study that suggested greater concentration of media ownership would hurt local TV news coverage,” the AP reports. has a copy of the study.

Sectarian “killings and violence are surging around Iraq,” “despite a month-old security crackdown in the capital.” “It’s barbaric but sadly we’ve become used to it,” an Iraqi Interior Ministry official said. “Forty bodies, 60 bodies - it’s become a daily routine.”

Newly formed cities are giving the keys to city hall to private companies that say they can run a government better than bureaucrats.” Critics worry about a “shadow governmentthat isn’t “subject to the same kind of open-records and open-meetings laws as public employees are.”

And finally: Madonna joins Lance Bass as the celebrities whom the Russian government will not send into space. The Duma rejected a proposal to “send a formal inquiry to the Russian space agency about organizing a space trip for her in 2008.” “Taking into account her good physical preparedness and financial capabilities, the dream of [Madonna] of a space flight could be realized in 2009,” one lawmaker said in support of the trip.

What did we miss? Let us know
Digest Number 143
There are 4 messages in this issue.Topics in this digest:1a. 'Bioethicist': OK to kill babies after they're born From: Liza 1b. Re: 'Bioethicist': OK to kill babies after they're born From: Liza 1c. Re: 'Bioethicist': OK to kill babies after they're born From: iron cross 1d. American WorldView Alert: Parthonogenesis Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
16.Sep.2006 Bush unravels at press conference Multimedia Alternative News and Information. Bush unravels at press conference By Evan Derkacz They're coming again!
16.Sep.2006 Matt Taibbi: Americans in Denial about 9/11
Blogger Thoughts: This kind of discussion of 9/11 is sick, destructive + an embarrassment. Columnists Alternative News and Information. Matt Taibbi: Americans in Denial about 9/11 By Matt Taibbi Five years after 9/11, the country still hasn't asked what motives the terrorists may have had in their attacks.
16.Sep.2006 The Wing Damage to the WTC Outer Wall
Humint Events Online The 9/11 hijacking attacks were very likely facilitated by a rogue group within the US government that created an Islamic terrorist "Pearl Harbor" event as a catalyst for the military invasion of Middle Eastern countries. This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of 9/11/01 + other issues of US government responsibility.
16.Sep.2006 Eric Boehlert: Why Was Wolfowitz So Clueless On The Morning of 9/11?
The Huffington Post | Raw Feed The Huffington Post Raw Feed Eric Boehlert: Why Was Wolfowitz So Clueless On The Morning of 9/11? By Eric Boehlert on 9/11 Despite the exhaustive work of the 9/11 Commission and its detailed final report, the number of oddities surrounding the events of 9/11 + particularly the government's botched attempt at defend a country
16.Sep.2006 Numbskulls
Humint Events Online The 9/11 hijacking attacks were very likely facilitated by a rogue group within the US government that created an Islamic terrorist "Pearl Harbor" event as a catalyst for the military invasion of Middle Eastern countries. This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of 9/11/01 + other issues of US government responsibility.
16.Sep.2006 Video: 9/11 ticket agent Michael Tuohey
Hot Air The world’s first, full-service conservative Internet broadcast network Video: 9/11 ticket agent Michael Tuohey By Allahpundit on The Blog I was tipped to this by William Beutler of Blog PI, who thinks it might help settle a squabble among lefty bloggers. Read his post for the full rundown. Or just watch. It’s riveting + heartbreaking. Tuohey does
16.Sep.2006 The Fake bin Laden Video Tape
From: Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq To: aplacefortruth Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 5:33 PMSubject: [APFT] The Fake bin Laden Video TapeThe Fake bin Laden Video TapeYOU ARE LOOKING AT A US GOVERNMENT LIE A videotape purportedly showing Osama bin Laden confessing to the 9/11 attacks was made public on December 13, 2001:The tape bore a label indicating it was made on November 9. Administration
16.Sep.2006 Rumsfeld's Fake News Flop in Iraq
The Daou Report The Daou Report tracks leading blogs, message boards, online magazines + independent websites from across the political spectrum - providing a snapshot of the latest news, views + online buzz. Rumsfeld's Fake News Flop in IraqBy
16.Sep.2006 Alex Jones @ DallasStorm 2006 - Paul Joseph Watson -Alex Jones gives an energizing speech in Dallas Texas before the screening of TerrorStorm earlier this month.
16.Sep.2006 9/11 Toxic Dust Whistleblower Raided By SWAT Team - Paul Joseph Watson -Ground zero hero Major Mike McCormack says he was deliberately targeted for helping release documents on EPA
16.Sep.2006 Oldest writing link to Olmec civilization found Aracheologists have dug out a slab, which may well be the oldest form of writing to be discovered in the western hemisphere.
16.Sep.2006 Pope 'meant no offence' to Islam The Vatican says the Pope did not intend to offend Muslims, after he is accused of anti-Islamic remarks.
16.Sep.2006 Blair demands action over Darfur Tony Blair says the situation in Darfur is "unacceptable" and the world should not just stand by and watch.
16.Sep.2006 Sir Menzies attacks Gordon Brown Sir Menzies Campbell criticises Gordon Brown's approach to government ahead of the Lib Dems' party conference.
16.Sep.2006 Harman plans Labour deputy bid Minister Harriet Harman confirms she would stand for the position of deputy Labour leader if it was vacant.
16.Sep.2006 Asian migrants arrive at Tenerife Almost 200 migrants believed to be from Pakistan and Sri Lanka reach the Canary Islands by boat.
16.Sep.2006 Mass march against Taiwan leader Thousands of Taiwanese march through the capital demanding the resignation of President Chen Shui-bian.
16.Sep.2006 Bush fights rebels over tribunals President Bush urges Congress to back controversial plans on the treatment of Guantanamo Bay detainees.
16.Sep.2006 EU sees Palestinian 'opportunity' The EU's Finnish presidency urges member countries to welcome the creation of a new Palestinian government.
16.Sep.2006 Apology call over Pope's comments A Muslim Labour peer calls for an apology after Pope Benedict XVI's comments on holy war.
16.Sep.2006 Hopes over new malaria treatment British and Kenyan scientists have developed a new treatment for the killer disease malaria.
16.Sep.2006 Astronauts perform last spacewalk Atlantis astronauts carry out a third and final spacewalk on the space station ahead of Sunday's departure.
16.Sep.2006 Briton denies MP bomb plot A British man says he was "not serious" about a suggestion to blow up MPs in the House of Commons.
16.Sep.2006 Parents feed pupils through gates Pupils at a Rotherham school are fed fish and chips through the gates by parents who say their children deserve more choice.
16.Sep.2006 Court confirms DR Congo poll date DR Congo's Supreme Court rules that the second round of landmark elections can go ahead as planned.
16.Sep.2006 Japan cult boss loses last appeal Japan's top court rejects a final appeal of doomsday cult leader Shoko Asahara, paving the way for his execution.
16.Sep.2006 Blair must go sooner, says Hoon Labour could be "in a very bad place" unless Tony Blair quits as leader soon, Europe Minister Geoff Hoon says.
16.Sep.2006 Appeal over Shakespeare lessons The Royal Shakespeare Company says "boring" lessons put youngsters off the Bard's work.
16.Sep.2006 Muslim anger grows at Pope The Vatican fails to quell Muslim anger after Pope Benedict XVI is accused of making anti-Islamic remarks.
16.Sep.2006 Clooney begs UN to act on Darfur In an impassioned speech, actor George Clooney urges the UN Security Council to stop "genocide" in Darfur.
16.Sep.2006 UK opening of Gore climate film Al Gore's climate change film An Inconvenient Truth, seen by more than 2m people in the US, opens in the UK.
16.Sep.2006 Hopes over new malaria treatment British and Kenyan scientists have developed a new treatment for the killer disease malaria.
16.Sep.2006 WHO backs DDT to fight malaria In a reversal of 30 years of policy, the World Health Organization endorses DDT spraying for malaria control.
16.Sep.2006 Woman is fitted with 'bionic' arm A former US Marine becomes the world's first woman to be fitted with a "bionic" arm she can control by thought alone.
16.Sep.2006 Lost in Space? Lots of Junk
There are literally tons of man-made debris orbiting the Earth, from rocket parts to dead satellites to human waste dumped by space station crews.

Then there's the stuff that spacewalking astronauts have simply lost out there.
Cyber Crime Getting Organized If you read the news, you'd think that most cyber criminals are lonely, maladjusted teenage hackers stealing credit card numbers from their windowless rooms. But the real damage is being done by organized syndicates + they're playing for much higher stakes.
16.Sep.2006 Gas Takes Back Seat at Honda The company develops a new process for creating ethanol from biomass and will manufacture cars that can run on 100 % ethanol. In Autopia.
16.Sep.2006 Here's to good health searches Healia, a new health-care search engine, lets users narrow searches based on gender and other personal factors.
16.Sep.2006 Congress asks HP chairman, exec to testify House Commerce and Energy Committee also sends wants HP outside counsel and outside investigator to testify.
16.Sep.2006 Airport security meets science fiction General Electric executive discusses an effort to modernize airport security that's straight out of the movie "Total Recall."
16.Sep.2006 Killtown: "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography" Chp 2 - The ... ... the Warburgs + the B'nai B'rith, heavily influenced by the Sulzbergers (New York ... s Felix Warburg carried out the Hitler finance plan in New York.
16.Sep.2006 The Hitler Project - Astonishing Revelations! - By Ted Lang ... Prescott Bush's American Ship and Commerce Corp. notified Max Warburg of ... the Warburgs + the B'nai B'rith, heavily influenced by the Sulzbergers (New ...
16.Sep.2006 - Nachrichten - Papst-Äußerungen schlagen hohe Wellen bei Moslems ... Auszüge aus der Papst-Rede in Regensburg finden Sie rechts ...

Der Leiter der Moslem-Bruderschaft, Mohamed Mahdi Akef, forderte am Donnerstag eine Entschuldigung des römisch ...

kewil - @ ... Das Oberhaupt der Moslem-Bruderschaft, Mohamed Mahdi Akef, schließt sich der obigen Forderung an, die diplomatischen ... ich die Passage in der Papstrede verstanden. Und damit ist der ...
16.Sep.2006 Katholische Theologen kritisieren den Papst ... auch nicht das Ziel der Papst-Rede gewesen, betont Roucou in der ... hysterisch-aggressiven Reaktionen auf jedwede Kritik (Beispiel: Mohamed -Karikaturen) bestätigt das ja ... rede - papst/74103.asp
Papst-Besuch: Moslem-Verbände fordern Entschuldigung Benedikts - ... Der Leiter der Moslem-Brüderschaft, Mohamed Mahdi Akef, forderte eine Entschuldigung des ... Dokumentation: Auszüge aus der Papst-Rede . Zuvor hatte bereits die oberste türkische ... /: Papst -Besuch-Moslem-Verbände-Benedik ...

Papst-Rede: Moslems beklagen "Verleumdungskampagne" Papst-Special Politik FOCUS Online in Kooperation mit MSN

Papst-Special > Papst-Rede ... Auch der Leiter der Moslem-Brüderschaft in Ägypten, Mohamed Mahdi Akef, forderte eine Entschuldigung des Papstes ...
BIG BROTHER INCORPORATED Defex SA . SWITZERLAND. Security Systems International. TAIWAN. Startek Engineering.

UNITED KINGDOM ... Economides & Sons SA ... -

20050303 ... pública Defensa 16.Sep.2006 Exportación ( DEFEX - SA ), para fomentar la exportación de ... DEFEX , sa , Spain. Einsa, Spain... riot DEFEX SA , Spain, 1. ...

Big Brother Incorporated International Leader in TSCM - Technical Surveillance ... Defex SA .

SWITZERLAND. Security Systems International. TAIWAN. Startek Engineering. UNITED KINGDOM ... - Manufacturer Index - KNM Media LLP Manufacturer Index ... Defex , Sa , Madrid, Spain. E | EADS CASA , Spain ... Peli Products, Sa , Barcelone, Spain. PERSONAL SAFETY , ALGORTA, Spain ...

Big Brother Incorporated Companies List Defex SA . SWITZERLAND. Security Systems International. TAIWAN. Startek Engineering. UNITED KINGDOM ... Intracom SA (Hellenic Telecommunications ...

Big Brother Incorporated This report presents a detailed analysis of the ... Defex SA . SWITZERLAND. Security Systems International. TAIWAN. Startek Engineering. UNITED KINGDOM ...[347]=x-347-61908

20041219 Gasin Gases Industriale/Spain DEFEX SA///East/West Engineering Co ... DEFEX , sa , Spain. Einsa, Spain. ... DEFEX . Grupo EXPAL: Explosivos de ...
Politik-Forum Politik FOCUS Online in Kooperation mit MSN

In the context of 9/11 it also needs to be pointed out that Rabbi Dov Zakheim was Chief Executive Officer of System Planning Corporation's International ...
Irak/USA: Zwei US-Besatzer getoetet//Angriff auf Abizaid ... - Experten suchten noch nach der Ursache für die Kostenexplosion im Oktober, erklärte Pentagon-Finanzchef Dov Zakheim . Bislang hat der Kongress 166 Milliarden ...

Presseschau Kurdistan, 13.12.2003 - 13.12.03 - Maurice Merlin in ... Man werde keine Unstimmigkeiten und falschen Rechnungsstellen mehr dulden, warnte der Leiter der Haushaltsabteilung, Dov Zakheim . ...
Irak: Chronik des Krieges (Friedensratschlag) Davon hätten die USA mit 541,6 Millionen Dollar am meisten gegeben, wurde der zuständige Pentagon-Beamte Dov Zakheim am Mittwoch von der Tageszeitung "New ...
USA-Irak ... Douglas Feith und Dov Zakheim (unter Bush im Verteidigunsministerium) und Richard Armitage (der sich inzwischen der lange etwas vorsichtigeren Position ...

Jochen Hippler Der Weg in den Krieg – Washingtons Außenpolitik und ... - HTML-Version
Opposition zuständig ist), Douglas Feith und Dov Zakheim (unter Bush im. Verteidigunsministerium) und Richard Armitage (der sich inzwischen der lange etwas ...

Empire, amerikanisch America has no empire to extend or utopia to ... - HTML-Version
Dov Zakheim , der wichtigste „ Haushälter“ (Comptroller) des DoD;. Peter Rodman, Assistant Defense Secretary for International Security Affairs ...

»American Empire« als Wille und Vorstellung. Die neue große ... - HTML-Version
Dov Zakheim , der wichtigste »Haushälter« (Under. Secretary for Comptroller) des Pentagon;. • Peter Rodman, Assistant Secretary of Defense for ...

.:: Öffnen Sie 911::. wieder. Dov Zakheim , Pentagon-Rechnungsprüfer, leitete flache Firma des Drohne.;read=53486
20050331 ... serving in the US Army ... ... The endless debates is the best possible thing for the perpetrators, since it ...
16.Sep.2006 Übernahme: Blackstone- Konsortium kauft Freescale

Schreibende Menschen in Amerika im Jahr 900 vor Christus - ungefähr in diese Zeit fallen auch erste schriftliche Zeugnisse in Europa. In der alten Welt sind allerdings bereits Texte aus dem dritten und vierten vorchristlichen Jahrtausend bekannt, die im nordafrikanischen Ägypten und im asiatischen Zweistromland abgefasst wurden. Warum begannen die frühen Amerikaner erst später zu schreiben? Das könnte damit zu tun haben, dass der amerikanische Kontinent wohl erst lange nach Asien, Europa und Nordafrika vom modernen Menschen besiedelt wurde, meint Grube. Vielleicht werden in Zukunft aber auch noch frühere Schriftbelege gefunden.
Viele Schriftstücke seien möglicherweise auf vergänglicheren Materialien verfasst und daher zerstört worden. Auch Grube hält die Steintafel für eine "ganz große Sensation": Das Verständnis der Olmeken-Kultur verändere sich damit radikal: "Wir können jetzt davon ausgehen, dass die Schrift auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent ihren Anfang an der mexikanischen Golfküste nahm."

Die Erkenntnisse gelten in Fachkreisen als handfeste Sensation: Offensichtlich handelt es sich hier um das älteste Zeugnis von Schriftkultur auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent. Aufgrund von Scherben und Teilen von Lehmfigürchen, die zusammen mit dem Steinblock zutage gefördert wurden, haben die Forscher ihn in die sogenannte San-Lorenzo-Epoche auf etwa 900 vor Christus datiert.

Bisher war die Wissenschaft davon ausgegangen, dass die ersten Schriftzeichen in diesem Teil der Welt erst rund 400 Jahre später entstanden sind. Dem amerikanischen Anthropologen Stephen Houston, der an der Studie mitgearbeitet hat, ließ der Fund nach eigener Aussage "den Kiefer nach unten klappen". Er hebe die Olmeken-Kultur auf ein ganz neues Niveau: "Wir betrachten möglicherweise das Aufblitzen eines frühen Imperiums."

Maisbauern und Steinkünstler
16.Sep.2006 This is the way things work in Canada and Europe + guess what? The results consistently come within 1% of the exit polls. Fancy that, eh?
Another advantage to this process is that it highly reduces the need for hand recounts later, which is not trivial in light of what happened with the San Diego replacement of "Duke" Cunningham.

Because Hastert swore Bilbray in, the locals have no recourse. We could be seeing a lot of this piece of the scam puzzle in our future.
Of course, this process requires a good bit of participation among the voters with regard to volunteering to count, secure + administrate. Good; never hurt anyone + requiring representatives across party lines to work together is also a good thing. In fact, these things are required for a democracy to work!
HANDS ON VOTING . Demand it!
16.Sep.2006 DIABOLICS BY DIEBOLD [UPDATED] dr. elsewhere here -[UPDATE at end]
Brad Friedman has an exclusive blockbusting piece up on Salon today (but offers his own, fuller version) about how
hackable Diebold machines are with a vicious virus that can spread from machine to machine and flip votes.
According to scientists at Princeton, their results show that no "conspiracy" is needed to do the dirty deed. Indeed, just one person could infect the machinery with the virus, which would then spread and flip an entire election.
Sheds a more sinister light on Karl
Rove's laptop activity on election nights, does it not?. (See also here and here and here.)

16.Sep.2006 Atta's pal Daniel Hopsicker has a new piece up on Wolfgang Bohringer, identified by Mohammed Atta's girlfriend Amanda Keller as Atta's close associate in the days before the World Trade center disaster. After reading this piece I'm still not sure how -- or if -- Bohringer fits into the 911 puzzle, but no-one can deny that this fellow leads a life that makes yours and mine seem comparitively dull: One of Mohamed Atta's closest associates in Florida before the 9/11 attack today carries a chest on his yacht filled with several million dollars in new bills, automatic weapons, passports from a half-dozen nations + works for a major international Mobster. That capital-M mobster, says Hopsicker, is one Victor Kozeny -- a figure straight out of a Brosnan-era Bond flick. He once controlled an astonishing amount of the Czech economy (I definitely need to double-check Hopsicker's claim here) and then made a bid to acquire control the oil fields of Azerbaijan. Kozeny's partners in the Azeri scheme included a managing director of Hank Greenburg's American Insurance Group (AIG). Greenberg was forced to step down amid the Eliot Spitzer probe, a scandal, it is rumored, which involved a major Bush family and associates' international money-laundering operation that has spanned more than a generation and has been used to illegally fund US elections since the Nixon era. So. Kozeny is an interesting man. His lieutenant, Bohringer, is also a quite interesting. How, one wonders, did he come to know Atta (presuming Amanda Keller's data is correct, as I believe it is)? Permalink
16.Sep.2006 Ney The best write-up on Congreessman Bob Ney's guilty plea in the Abramoff scandal comes ot us by way of Brad Friedman, who draws from this NYT story. Brad spotlights a side of the scandal nobody else wants to talk about: With both Ney and former Republican Majority Leader, Tom DeLay (R-TX) now facing indictments, that means there is only one remaining congress member who went on Jack Abramoff's golf junkets to St. Andrews, Scotland who has yet to be served [5] with criminal charges: Rep. Tom Feeney (R-FL)
Feeney is currently facing a challenge for his seat by Clint Curtis [6], the man who has sworn in affidavit [7], video-taped congressional testimony [8] and polygraph test [9] that Feeney asked him to create vote-rigging software when they both worked at the same computer firm in Florida in 2000 (where Feeney was general counsel and registered lobbyist, even while he was also serving as Speaker of the Florida House).

16.Sep.2006 Though the domestic spying bill did get out of Senate committee on strictly party lines, Senator Reid has assured a group of bloggers that it will not - repeat, not - pass. Period. His message in this conversation evidently implied heavily the Dems are willing to filibuster, though the "F" word was not mentioned. Hard not to be heartened by this message.
16.Sep.2006 Is Osama in the Green Room, Awaiting a "Dramatic Pre-Election Capture," as Rove?s October Surprise? Tell Us What You Think.
Support David Vs. Goliath. Keep BuzzFlash Strong. Click Here.

16.Sep.2006 Pass Now, or Else! Bush Tries "Impulse Buy" Tactic to Sell Torture/Wiretapping Bills -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
Brent Budowsky: Let's Make This Our Season For Freedom And Hope In America. Let's Roll.

16.Sep.2006 The Rumsfeld Dilemma: Demand an Exit Strategy, Not a Facelift - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution from Bruce Budner, Executive Director of the Rockridge Institute
New Air America Line-up Announced Amidst Reports of Serious Financial Problems 9/15
Radical Anti-Choice Christian Group Busted for Illegal Campaigning During 2004 Election; Loses Tax-Exempt Status -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.

16.Sep.2006 Dispatch from the BuzzFlash Department of Reality: The bound bodies of dozens more torture victims were found in Baghdad in the past day, officials said on Friday, fuelling anarchic sectarian passions as political leaders square off over an issue some say could mean civil war. 9/15
Amy Goodman's Latest Book: "Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders + the People Who Fight Back"
16.Sep.2006 Sanierungsplan: Ford- Aktie rutscht ab

15. SEPTEMBER 2006 Papst- Debatte: Vatikan- Außenminister müht sich um Schadensbegrenzung

16.Sep.2006 Bush: "Im Krieg höre ich auf die Generäle"
16.Sep.2006 Irans Atomprogramm: EU sieht "echte Fortschritte"
16.Sep.2006 Religionsfreiheit: USA finden Deutschland zu intolerant
Protestwelle: Merkel nimmt den Papst in Schutz
16.Sep.2006 Terror- Verhörmethoden: Bush trotzt Republikaner- Rebellen
16.Sep.2006 Uni Regensburg nach Papst- Rede: Baff über den Proteststurm
16.Sep.2006 Philosoph Kallscheuer: "Benedikt sollte sich nicht entschuldigen"

16.Sep.2006 Arabische Reaktionen: Islamisten beuten Papst- Rede für Propaganda aus
16.Sep.2006 SPD- Vorwürfe: Familienministerin vernachlässigt Kampf gegen Rechts

16.Sep.2006 Proteste gegen Benedikt XVI.: Türken wollen den Papst am liebsten ausladen
16.Sep.2006 Rechtsextreme im Wahlkampf: "Die schrecken vor nichts zurück"
16.Sep.2006 Nationale Einheitsregierung: EU zu Kontakten mit Hamas bereit
16.Sep.2006 Archäologie: Ältestes Schriftstück Amerikas entdeckt
16.Sep.2006 Kunst der Verwirrung: Die Börse im Rausch der Indizes

16.Sep.2006 Elfenbeinküste: Minister wegen Giftmüllskandal verprügelt
16.Sep.2006 Papst- Vorlesung: Türkischer Politiker vergleicht Benedikt mit Hitler
16.Sep.2006 Papst- Vorlesung: Türkischer Politiker vergleicht Benedikt mit Hitler
16.Sep.2006 Gewinnwarnung: DaimlerChrysler schockiert Märkte
Atomstreit: Iran zu Verhandlungen über Urananreicherung bereit
16.Sep.2006 Lebenszeichen: Entführter israelischer Soldat schreibt Brief an Familie

16.Sep.2006 Kampf der Kulturen: Chronologie der Skandale
16.Sep.2006 Sanierung ohne Ende: Ford streicht noch einmal 10.000 Jobs

16.Sep.2006 Libanon- Mission: Hisbollahs Hightech- Waffen gefährden Deutsche Marine
16.Sep.2006 Hamburg: Brandanschlag auf türkisches Kulturzentrum
16.Sep.2006 Neonazis: Schlips statt Springerstiefel
Schüler gegen Rechts: "Thor Steinar ist eindeutig rechter Lifestyle"

16.Sep.2006 CD gegen Rechts: "Jan Delay fand unsere Idee sofort cool"

16.Sep.2006 Rechter Aussteiger: "Ich war ein Neonazi"
16.Sep.2006 Schweden- Wahl: Von den Rechten links überholt
16.Sep.2006 Papst- Vorlesung: Islamische Staaten werfen Benedikt Verleumdungskampagne vor

16.Sep.2006 Giftgas- Anschlag in Tokio: Todesstrafe für Sekten- Gründer besiegelt
16.Sep.2006 Herpes: Gendefekt kann Hirnentzündung auslösen
16.Sep.2006 Dokumentation: Auszüge aus der Papst- Rede

16.Sep.2006 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Wellness für das Hirn"
16.Sep.2006 Roman "Woraus wir gemacht sind": Ein Schlaukopf haut rein

16.Sep.2006 Lob und Spott: US- Magazin bewertet Outfits des Jahres

16.Sep.2006 Israelischer Untersuchungsbericht: Fehlerhafte Landkarte für Angriff auf Uno- Posten verantwortlich
16.Sep.2006 Nahost: Hamas will doppelt so viele Ministerposten wie Fatah

16.Sep.2006 Jemen: Sicherheitskräfte verhindern Anschläge auf Öl- Raffinerien
16.Sep.2006 slam- Vorlesung des Papstes: Muslimbruderschaft ruft zum Protest gegen Benedikt auf

16.Sep.2006 Sanierungsplan: Ford bietet Abfindungen für 75.000 Beschäftigte
16.Sep.2006 Arktis: Nordmeer verliert seinen Eisschild

15.Sep.2006 Anti- Terror- Politik: Republikaner rebellieren gegen Bush
15.Sep.2006 Mehrere Millionen Franken von Genfer Justiz blockiert - sfux SDA -

Ein grosser Briefmarkenskandal in Spanien hat Auswirkungen in die Schweiz. Die Genfer Justiz hat ein Strafverfahren wegen Geldwäscherei eingeleitet und mehrere Millionen Franken eingefroren.
«Ich habe das Einfrieren von mehreren Millionen Franken auf Bankkonten angeordnet», erklärte der Untersuchungsrichter Vincent Fournier am Dienstag gegenüber der SDA und bestätigte damit eine Information der spanischen Zeitung «El Pais».Der...
Landungsdaten im Allerheiligsten der CIA - sfux Stephan Fuchs ?

Auf Camp Peary im amerikanischen Virginia bekommen paramilitärische Spezialkräfte der Central Intelligence Agency ihren letzten Schliff. Von hier fliegen Spezialagenten zum Einsatz im Krieg gegen den Terror. Camp Peary, auch als ?The Farm? bekannt ist ein 38km² großes militärisches Sperrgebiet. Nicht für den Deutschen
War Libanon ein Probelauf für Iran? - sfux 
Erste Konsequenzen des israelischen Angriffes gegen die Hisbollah
Malte Olschewski - In Israel tobt ein heftiger Streit über die Schuld an dem mißlungenen Feldzug gegen die Hisbollah im Libanon. Verteidigungsminister Amir Perez von der Arbeiterpartei fordert eine Untersuchungskommission mit weitreichenden Befugnissen. Regierungschef Ehud Olmert...
15.Sep.2006 FLASHBACK: Bush Used to Oppose Letting Bin Laden Set National Security Priorities - Payson 

Yesterday, Think Progress posted a video compilation of members of the Bush administration arguing America should outsource its national security policy to bin Laden. (As Dan Bartlett said, “So, it doesn’t matter what we say. We should be taking the — the words of the enemy seriously. They think it’s the fight of — of the war on terror, so, we must as well.”)

A Think Progress reader pointed us to an exchange from the first 2004 Presidential debate:

KERRY: You know - Osama bin Laden uses the invasion of Iraq in order to go out to people and say that America has declared war on Islam. We need to be smarter about now we wage a war on terror. […]

BUSH: My opponent just said something amazing. He said Osama bin Laden uses the invasion of Iraq as an excuse to spread hatred for America. Osama bin Laden isn’t going to determine how we defend ourselves. Osama bin Laden doesn’t get to decide. The American people decide.

If Bush were serious about letting the American people “determine how we defend ourselves,” he would support a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq.
15.Sep.2006 Sen. Graham: White House Held Military Lawyers In 5 Hour Meeting and ‘Tried To Force Them To Sign A Prepared Statement’ - Think Progress 

This morning, President Bush was questioned about Gen. Colin Powell’s letter criticizing White House legislation that would authorize torture. Bush tried to downplay Powell’s letter by pointing to another letter signed by the military’s top uniformed lawyers saying they supported Bush’s plan:

BUSH: There’s all kinds of letters coming out — and today, by the way, active duty personnel in the Pentagon, the JAG, supported the concept that I have just outlined to you .

But during today’s White House press conference, a reporter cited comments by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) — a former JAG and an opponent of the Bush’s detainee policies — claiming that the White House had placed extreme pressure on the military lawyers to sign a statement + that the lawyers had refused to sign the initial statement crafted for them by the White House:

REPORTER: Sen. Graham is telling reporters on Capitol Hill that the White House had them in a meeting for five hours last night and tried to force them to sign a prepared statement and he said reading this JAG letter they ended up writing leaves total ambiguity on interpretation, this is Sen. Lindsey Graham. What’s your response to that?

Snow acknowledged “they were asked to write a letter” but said, “if you start going into who asked whom to write letters, I don’t know.” Watch it:

Read the full transcript HERE.
29 retired military and Defense Dept officials - Amanda 
urge the Senate Armed Services Committee to reject the White House’s attempt to relax CIA interrogation standards. (Full letter HERE.)
15.Sep.2006 Bush Tells Barnes Capturing Bin Laden Is ‘Not A Top Priority Use of American Resources’ - Faiz 

Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes appeared on Fox this morning to discuss his recent meeting with President Bush in the Oval Office. The key takeaway for Barnes was that “bin Laden doesn’t fit with the administration’s strategy for combating terrorism.” Barnes said that Bush told him capturing bin Laden is “not a top priority use of American resources.” Watch it.

Bush’s priorities have always been skewed. Just months after declaring he wanted bin Laden “dead or alive,” Bush said, “I truly am not that concerned about him.”

Turning his attention away from bin Laden, Bush trained his focus on Iraq — a country he now admits had “nothingto do with 9/11.

Capturing bin Laden, as Rep. Nancy Pelosi recently pointed out, will not necessarily make America safer because it would come five years too late.

Yet, capturing or killing the man responsible for 9/11 should remain a high priority.

More from The Carpetbagger Report.

Bush_Tells_Reporter_Capturing_Osama_Is_Not_A_Top_Priority">Digg It!

Full transcript:

HOST: Alright Fred, you and a few other journalists were in the Oval Office with the President, right? And he says catching Osama bin Laden is not job number one?

BARNES: Well, he said, look, you can send 100,000 special forces, that’s the figure he used, to the mountains of Pakistan and Afghanistan and hunt him down, but he just said that’s not a top priority use of American resources. His vision of a war on terror is one that involves intelligence to find out from people, to get tips, to follow them up and break up plots to kill Americans before they occur. That’s what happened recently in that case of the planes that were to be blown up by terrorists, we think coming from England + that’s the top priority. He says, you know, getting Osama bin Laden is a low priority compared to that.
LETTER: Powell Says Bush Plan To Authorize Torture ‘Would Put Troops At Risk’ - Nico 

Gen. Colin Powell issued a letter today sharply criticizing President Bush’s new legislation that would establish a system of military commissions to try suspected terrorists. See a copy of the letter HERE.

Bush’s proposal would “liberalize the definition of what is tortureby amending the War Crimes Act to “permit use of hypothermia, threats of violence to the detainee and his family, stress positions, ‘long-time standing,’ prolonged sleep deprivation + possibly waterboarding.”

In his letter, Powell writes, “ The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism. To redefine Common Article 3 would add to those doubts. Furthermore, it would put our own troops at risk. ”

Bush_Plan_To_OK_Torture_Would_Put_Troops_At_Risk">Digg it!

Read the full transcript:

Dear Senator McCain,

I just returned to town and learned about the debate taking place in Congress to redefine Common Article 3 of the Geneva Convention. I do not support such a step and believe it would be inconsistent with the McCain amendment on torture which I supported last year.

I have read the powerful and eloquent letter sent to you by one my [ sic ] distinguished predecessors as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Jack Vessey. I fully endorse in tone and tint his powerful argument. The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism. To redefine Common Article 3 would add to those doubts. Furthermore, it would put our own troops at risk.

I am as familiar with The Armed Forces Officer as is Jack Vessey. It was written after all the horrors of World War II and General George C. Marshall, then Secretary of Defense, used it to tell the world and to remind our soldiers of our moral obligations with respect to those in our custody.

Sincerely, [Signature]
Record wildfire season - Judd  may be linked to global warming. Scientific studies published last month support the link. But the media is ignoring the story.
15.Sep.2006 Snow Whitewashes Bush’s False Statements About Hussein/Zarqawi Link - Think Progress 

At yesterday’s White House press briefing, Tony Snow whitewashed President Bush’s claim that Saddam Hussein “provided safe-haven” to al Qaeda terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Snow said that Bush indicated there was “no operational relationship” between Zarqawi and Saddam. Snow added, “we just don’t have that kind of granularity in terms of the relationship. And therefore, we’re not going to outrun the facts.” Watch it:

Actually, President Bush did say that Hussein was providing assistance to Zarqawi:

I always said that Saddam Hussein was a threat… He was a threat because he provided safe-haven for a terrorist like Zarqawi…

Last week, the Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by Pat Roberts (R-KS), definitively concluded Bush’s claim is inaccurate. From pg. 109 of their report:

Saddam Hussein attempted, unsuccessfully, to locate and capture al-Zarqawi and…the regime did not have a relationship with, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi.

So not only was Hussein not providing Zarqawi “safe haven,” he was actually trying to capture Zarqawi. While Snow claims that the “granularity of their relationship” is unknown, the Senate Intelligence Committee has concluded there was no relationship at all. Will the White House ever acknowledge the facts?


QUESTION: So all of your comments about a relationship between Saddam Hussein and Zarqawi, you just knew they were there. Did you know what they were up to? I mean, how far does that go?

SNOW: I don’t know. We’ll have to look at the documents and continue to ask the questions.


SNOW: How so?

QUESTION: There was a lot of rhetoric coming out of the White House in the build-up to the war and since that there was this relationship between Saddam Hussein and Zarqawi and thus linking them together.


The argument has been that Saddam Hussein was a supporter and sponsor of terror. And we talked more often about, for instance, the fact that people who went in and committed suicide bombings against Israelis were getting paid bounties and that Saddam was working as best he could to try to support and foment terror.

QUESTION: No relationship with Al Qaida. No relationship with Zarqawi.

SNOW: That’s right. No operational relationship, as far as we can tell.

But they were there. And Zarqawi was committing acts of terror while he was in Baghdad, but we don’t — look, if we had the goods, we’d share them, but we don’t have the goods that would demonstrate…

QUESTION: (inaudible) know about this?

SNOW: I don’t know. I don’t know if he knew about it.

What we have been unable to demonstrate or discover is whether they’re sitting around in the map room, spreading out the map, saying, OK. You bomb there.

We just don’t have that kind of granularity in terms of the relationship. And therefore, we’re not going to outrun the facts.
Reid calls out Bush - Nico 
for refusing to declassify key sections of last week’s Senate Intelligence Committee report on Iraq intelligence, despite the fact that a bipartisan majority of the committee said the White House secrecy was “without justification.”
15.Sep.2006 Air Force secretary proposes testing - Amanda -
  high-power microwave devices “on American citizens in crowd-control situations before they are used on the battlefield.”
15.Sep.2006 September 14, 2006 - Think Progress 

Officials of the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency “angrily complained to the Bush administration and to a Republican congressman yesterday about a recent House committee report on Iran’s capabilities, calling parts of the document ‘outrageous and dishonestand offering evidence to refute its central claims.”

A new paper by a NASA climate scientist finds “the amount of ice being formed in the Arctic winter has declined sharply in the past two years.” The scientist called the new data from satellite imaging of ice formation and temperatures “the strongest evidence of global warming in the Arctic so far.”

74.5 degrees: The average temperature in the continental U.S. this summer, according to the National Climatic Data Center. “It was the second-hottest summer temperature the government has recorded since it started keeping track in 1895.”

Yesterday, a “nearly toothless” House resolution to require lawmakers to sign their names to earmarks became “bogged down” in a “three-way squabble.” “Nine months after Congressional leaders vowed to respond to several bribery scandals with comprehensive reforms, their pledges have come to next to nothing.”

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) said Tuesday “his recent trip to the Guantanamo Bay detainee camp showed excellent prison conditions, including ‘24/7 medical care - better than many Americans’ get.”

Bush’s approval rating rose to 42% from 38% after his latest round of speeches on Iraq, a new WSJ/NBC News poll shows.

In the latest wave of violence in Iraq , “nearly 100 people were killed or found dead in the Iraqi capital over the past 24 hours.” During a tour of a 911 call facility in Baghdad, ABC News reported hearing 4,000 calls about the “chaos outside in the streets.”

Yesterday, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice kicked off “a lobbying campaignto pressure the Senate to approve U.N. ambassador John Bolton . Bolton’s nomination remains in jeopardy after Sen. Lincoln D. Chafee (R-RI) pushed to delay the vote.

A rush by state and local governments to prepare new voting machines and train poll workers is raising the possibility of trouble reminiscent of the 2000 presidential election standoff . “There are so many potential failure points this year that some of it could get ugly,” says R. Doug Lewis, executive director of the Election Center.
POLL: 62 % Believe White House ‘Hitler Appeaser’ Language Inappropriate - Nico 

NBC released a poll tonight showing that the majority of Americans object to recent White House attacks comparing Iraq war critics to Hitler appeasers. Asked about the recent “appeaser” language, NBC’s Tim Russert said the poll showed this rhetoric “did not resonate with the American people.” Watch it: Digg it! Full transcript:

WILLIAMS: With us tonight with the very latest in our NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, our Washington Bureau Chief and the moderator of Meet the Press, Tim Russert. Tim, we’re releasing these numbers at this hour. Let’s begin with that all-important presidential approval number.

RUSSERT: Brian, you will see President Bush’s approval is up to 42 %. That’s two points up since July. When you look inside the poll, Brian, the number of people who are concerned about gasoline prices has declined dramatically and that seems to be giving the President a boost.

WILLIAMS: Other reasons for this number, Tim?

RUSSERT: Brian, the Iraq war, let’s look at this. Approval of the Iraq war — the President’s approval is at 38 %. That’s a gain of three points since our last poll in July, where it was 35. A series of speeches, the commemorative events of September 11th, seemed to have helped the President in a modest way.

WILLIAMS: But Tim, as we covered here, some of those speeches contain references — we heard Hitler, talk of the appeasers in the World War II era. Is there a measurement of how that went over or did not?

RUSSERT: It sure does. In our poll, it did not resonate with the American people. Comparing of the Iraq war to the Nazis, only 32 % thought that was appropriate, 61 % not appropriate.

WILLIAMS: And is there a bottom line answer on where people came down on Iraq compared to other issues?

RUSSERT: Yes, Brian + it hasn’t changed a bit. Right now, only 32 % are more confident that there will be a successful conclusion in Iraq. 57 % are less confident there will be a successful conclusion in Iraq.
Senate committee acts on NSA wiretapping bills. - Nico 

The Senate Judiciary Committee today approved Sen. Arlen Specter’s (R-PA) dangerously flawed bill that would abolish all limits on the president’s eavesdropping powers. But the committee also approved two competing bills, including strong legislation from Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) that would bring the entire NSA program before the FISA court. Glenn Greenwald sorts out the details.
Right Wing Throws Stones At Pelosi From Glass House - Faiz 

Yesterday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said that if bin Laden is caught tomorrow, “it is five years too late.” She added, “He has done more damage the longer he has been out there. But in fact, the damage that he has done is done. And even to capture him now, I don’t think makes us any safer.”

Pelosi is now under attack for her statements about bin Laden. Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) said Pelosi’s comments “can only have a demoralizing effect on American troops and intelligence personnel who are currently risking their lives in the rugged mountain ranges and deserts of the Middle East in pursuit of Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants.” (More here and here.) Pelosi’s words, however, are no different from what the White House, many foreign policy experts + the 9-11 Commission have said consistently:

9-11 Commission Said Capturing Bin Laden Would Not End the War on Terror. “The problem is that al Qaeda represents an ideological movement, not a finite group of people. It initiates and inspires, even if it no longer directs. In this way it has transformed itself into a decentralized force. Bin Ladin may be limited in his ability to organize major attacks from his hideouts. Yet killing or capturing him, while extremely important, would not end terror.” [9-11 Commission Report Executive Summary]

Bush Said Bin Laden Was “Not the Issue.” Bush: “We are patient, we’re deliberate. Oh, I know the news media likes to say, ‘Where’s ol’ Osama bin Laden?’ He’s not the issue. The issue is international terror.” [Bush Remarks, 2/5/02]

Cheney Said “You’d Still Have a Problem With al Qaeda” If Bin Laden Were Killed. “He’s not the only source of the problem, obviously, Tim. If you killed him tomorrow, you’d still have a problem with al-Qaeda, with Zawahiri and the others.” [Cheney, 9/10/06]

Rumsfeld War On Terror Was Larger Than Bin Laden. Rumsfeld: “My attitude is if [bin Laden] were gone tomorrow the same problem would exist. He’s got a whole bunch of lieutenants that have been trained and they’ve got bank accounts all over and they’ve got cells in 50 or 60 countries. Would you want to stop him? Sure. Would you want to stop the rest of his lieutenants? You bet. But I don’t get up every morning and say that’s the end, the goal and the end point of this thing. I think that would be a big mistake. Furthermore, the al Qaeda is just one of the networks.” [Rumsfeld, 10/24/01]

Rumsfeld Said Al Qaeda Can Function Without Bin Laden. Rumsfeld: “He could walk in here tomorrow and Al Qaeda would go on functioning.” [Christian Science Monitor, 3/1/02]

Other prominent conservatives have also said that capturing bin Laden will not end the terror threat.
Clooney: ‘My Job Is…To Beg You On Behalf Of Millions of People Who Will Die’ - Nico 

The world may be two weeks away from another Rwanda.

On Sept. 30, the under-manned and under-funded African Union (AU) peacekeeping force in Darfur is set to leave the country. Those 7,000 A.U. troops — dispatched over a region the size of Texasare the only thing moderating the genocidal violence in Darfur, in which “civilians are usually killed, injured, raped, abducted or forcibly displaced.”

Over the last two weeks, the Sudanese government has “dramatically intensifiedits air strikes and worked “to drain the region of witnesses,” including aid workers and foreign journalists. If the AU forces leave on Sept. 30 as scheduled, “this is a genocidal black box.”

Today, George Clooney spoke at a press conference at the United Nations, reminding the international community: “ [T]his genocide will be on your watch. How you deal with it will be your legacy — your Rwanda, your Cambodia, your Auschwitz. ” Watch it: <script type="text/javascript"> var flvclooney320240 = new SWFObject('//09/clooney.320.240.flv&autoStart=false', 'em-flvclooney320240', '320', '260', '6', '#ffffff'); flvclooney320240.addParam('quality', 'high'); flvclooney320240.addParam('wmode', 'transparent'); flvclooney320240.write('flvclooney320240');

Full transcript:

The United States has called it genocide. For you, it’s called ethnic cleansing. But make no mistake, it is the first genocide of the 21st century + if it continues unchecked it will not be the last.

Now, my job is to come here today and to beg you, on behalf of the millions of people who will die — and make no mistake they will die — for you to take real and effective measures to put an end to this. Of course it’s complex, but when you see entire villages raped and killed, wells poisoned and then filled with the bodies of its villagers, then all complexities disappear and it comes down to simply right and wrong.

It’s not getting better. It’s getting much, much worse + it is only the international community that can help us. Now, I know there are members of you here that, for what I’m sure are sensible reasons, have failed to use leverage at times to keep the — to get the peacekeepers on the ground. Well, we now have a date. The date is September 30th. The 1st of October we’ll leave these people will nothing. Whatever the reason, it’s not good enough. On October 1, it won’t just be the Janjaweed murdering and raping with impunity or the SLA slaughtering the tribes. With no protection, all the aid workers will leave immediately and the two and a half million refugees who depend on that aid will die. Jan Egeland estimates 100,000 a month. So after September 30th, you won’t need the U.N. You will simply need men with shovels and bleached white linen and head stones.

In many ways it’s unfair, but it is nevertheless true, that this genocide will be on your watch. How you deal with it will be your legacy — your Rwanda, your Cambodia, your Auschwitz. We were brought up to believe that the Holocaust could never happen again. We believe in you so strongly. We need you so badly. We have come so far. We are one “yes” away from ending this. And if not the U.N., then who? And time is of the essence.
UN Honors Racist Dictator Who Boils People Alive With "Cultural - Paul Joseph Watson - Award UNESCO gives Karimov "diversity" award - despite the fact he tortures innocent
15.Sep.2006 White House Targets Conspiracy Theorists As Terrorist Recruiters - Paul Joseph Watson -'Strategy for winning the war on terror' says world contaminated, corrupted by misinformation
15.Sep.2006 The Alex Jones Report September 5th 2006 - Paul Joseph Watson -In this report Alex discusses the alleged plot to bomb ten transatlantic planes using liquid explosives through the
15.Sep.2006 Detroit teachers vote for strike, not to attend work Monday A majority of teachers in Detroit rejected a two-year contract proposal by the city public school district Sunday and decided to go on a strike.
15.Sep.2006 U.S. scientists claim new stem cell development technology bypasses ethical concerns
A Worcester, Massachusetts company claimed it has created human embryonic stem cells using a method that does not entail the destruction of embryos thereby avoiding ethical and humanitarian concerns, which in the past have hindered stem cell research.
15.Sep.2006 Ants found using jaw movements to ward off enemy
A species of tiny ants are found as having the fastest jaw movement among animals -- at speeds exceeding 75 miles per hour or in other words quicker than the blink of an eye.
15.Sep.2006 Scientists identify gene sequence that made humans a brainy lot
Scientists working on human genes believe they have identified the gene sequence that is central in giving humans their unique brainpower. While the DNA sequences of humans and chimpanzees are 98 per cent identical, the 2 per cent difference represents some 15 million changes in human genes since the time of the common ancestor for humans and the chimps some six million years ago, the scientists feel.
15.Sep.2006 Sperm from frozen mice yields healthy offspring
Researchers have established that sperm extracted from the testes of whole mice preserved in frozen conditions for 15 years can yield normal, healthy offspring. The findings kindle hopes of bringing back to life extinct species like the giant wooly or large dinosaur.
15.Sep.2006 Senators defy Bush on tribunals A US Senate panel defies President Bush by approving legislation to set up trials for foreign terrorism suspects.
15.Sep.2006 Ex-president blasts Blair US role Ex-US President Jimmy Carter criticises Tony Blair's "subservient" relationship with the White House.
15.Sep.2006 US Iran report branded dishonest The UN nuclear watchdog protests to the US over what it calls an "erroneous" report on Iran's nuclear programme.
15.Sep.2006 UK withholds World Bank donation The UK is withholding £50m from the World Bank in protest at the conditions it attaches to aid, ministers say.
15.Sep.2006 US 'committed' to N Korea talks US President George W Bush says he is committed to reviving talks with North Korea over its nuclear programme.
15.Sep.2006 Ford 'wants to cut 75,000 jobs' Ford is to offer redundancy and early retirement packages to more than 75,000 US staff, says its main union.
15.Sep.2006 'Drastic' shrinkage in Arctic ice A Nasa satellite records major changes to ice coverage in the Arctic Ocean between 2004 and 2005.
15.Sep.2006 Judge says Saddam 'not dictator' Saddam Hussein's trial judge says he was not a dictator, a day after being accused of pro-Saddam bias.
15.Sep.2006 Cuba releases new Castro images Cuban state TV shows new photos of President Fidel Castro, who is believed to be recovering from surgery.
15.Sep.2006 Tighter alcohol controls rejected Calls to tighten alcohol controls to combat a rise in consumption by young people are rejected by ministers.
15.Sep.2006 NSA Bill Performs a Patriot Act

Under the guise of reining in the Bush administration's warrantless eavesdropping program, the Senate Judiciary Committee approves a bill that would dramatically expand the government's domestic surveillance capabilities + usher in a new age of rampant monitoring. By Ryan Singel.
It's a Seller's Market
Is there anything left in the world that hasn't been defaced by a corporate logo or cheapened by a vulgar sales pitch? Maybe, but it's getting harder to find. Commentary by Tony Long.
15.Sep.2006 E-Voting Machine an Easy Hack
A professor and a couple of grad students have their way with one of Diebold's electronic voting machines -- most recently used in the Maryland primary -- uploading malicious programs and developing a virus that can spread those programs between machines. Diebold cries foul.
15.Sep.2006 9/11: Birth of the Blog
The biggest shift in the media landscape post-9/11 was the explosion of blogs and online citizen journalists. By Robert Andrews.
15.Sep.2006 One Million Ways to Die
The Sept. 11 attacks were horrific. But U.S. fatality statistics say terrorism is still among the least likely ways you could die. Here's our color-coded guide ranking the homeland threats. By Ryan Singel.
15.Sep.2006 Give Me Honor, or Give Me Death
Want to understand American foreign policy? Pick up a copy of Saints Row. Commentary by Clive Thompson.
15.Sep.2006 Crime and Punishment Made Easy
A Chinese court uses software to help determine sentences in more than 1,500 cases, covering wrongdoing like robbery, rape, murder and state-security offenses.
15.Sep.2006 Behind Google's German courtroom battle
A local business owner is fighting with the search giant for the right to use the term "Gmail." So far, he's winning.
15.Sep.2006 Congress slams Homeland Security's tech efforts
Politicians claim the department suffers from lack of leadership and a flawed information-sharing system.
So my question to the debunker's is this: HOW CAN SILVERSTIEN & CO. PULL A BUILDING ON COMMAND? Was it wired for demolition already? Certainly Controlled Demolition Inc. didn't enter a building with fires on 2 floors and do a two to six week job in a matter of hours, DID THEY? NO. Please explain.
that's the questions that have been bothering me today. Have at them + please help me understand why I am a complete idiot for asking them, rather than just to tell me to shut up and that I am an idiot, because this is not kindergarten, we are not children + we, as adults, need to keep an open mind, which means to get ALL the INFORMATION before creating such garbage as SCREWLOOSECHANGE.COM.

14.Sep.2006 Venezuela’s promising future : Communal councils may be instrumental in the construction of Venezuela’s 21st-century socialism.

14.Sep.2006 Bolivia's Morales to push Indian rights in Guatemala: Morales flew into a military base in the capital to a low-key welcome on a 24-hour visit to build links with Guatemala's main indigenous groups.

14.Sep.2006 Bolivia leader wants to preach human rights to Bush: Before embarking on a trip that includes the United States, Bolivia's leftist leader Evo Morales said on Monday he would like to meet President George W. Bush to tell him "some truths about human rights

15.Sep.2006 Mr. Murtha puts forward a resolution introduced the following resolution: Expressing the Sense of Congress that the President should immediately replace the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld

15.Sep.2006 38 US Reps for Bush Impeachment Revie: US Rep. Steve Rothman (D-NJ) became the 38th Member of the US Congress officially listed as a supporter of H. Res. 635, a bill which could lead to recommendations to impeach President Bush.

15.Sep.2006 Dave Lindorff: The Case for Impeachment : Video: The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office  

15.Sep.2006 Thomas J. DiLorenzo: Traitors to the American Revolution: America’s would-be economic dictators strived mightily to "justify" their corrupt scheme by rewriting the history of the American founding

15.Sep.2006 IMF: Risk of global crash is increasing : The world's chief financial watchdog said the financial system had so far proved resilient in the face of recent price falls but warned the risk of a crash had increased. And when it comes to worrying about a crash in the financial markets that could deliver a body blow to the world economy, it seems that all roads lead to the US.

15.Sep.2006 9/11: Canadians take stock: Poll reveals a hardening of opinions; many blame U.S. foreign policy for attacks

15.Sep.2006 UK minister condemns Guantanamo : Lord Falconer has made his strongest attack yet on Guantanamo Bay by denouncing it as a "shocking affront to the principles of democracy".

With the neocons discredited, here comes libcon Cameron : Bush and Blair believe al-Qaida threatens our way of life. They are wrong + the Tory leader seems to get it

Adam Pearlman joins al-Qaeda: An al-Qaeda activist who in a tape aired by the terror group called on American citizens to embrace Islam is Adam Pearlman, the son of a Jewish musician from California.

Second plane suspected of CIA flights: The unexplained visit of Gulfstream N478GS to Romania isn't the only case in which European investigators appear to have been misled about the movements of an airplane suspected of playing a role in the CIA's clandestine transfer of terrorist detainees around the world.

The Myth of the Ticking Time Bomb: Like President Bush, influential pro-pain pundits have long cited the ticking-bomb scenario to defend torture as a necessary evil in the war on terror.

U.S. Company cleaning up on terror: Raytheon: dirty bomb detectors show promise: Raytheon Co. sensors that scan cargo shipments for nuclear weapons and "dirty bombs" could generate $1 billion in U.S. sales, company officials said yesterday at a Washington press briefing.

NYPD Built Bomb for Terror Study : It was known as Operation Kaboom: Police investigators posed as apple growers and secretly built a 2,400-pound truck bomb to determine how easy it would be for homegrown terrorists to launch an attack with homemade explosives.

The Rove Less Traveled: Texas's then-governor George W. Bush once asked a reporter, "You know what I'm gonna tell those Jews when I get to Israel, don't you Herman?" When the journalist, Ken Herman, replied that he did not know, Bush reportedly quipped: "I'm telling 'em they're all going to hell."

Israel will fight court order to free Palestinian MPs: THE Israeli Government says it will appeal the surprise decision by a military court to order the release of 21 Palestinian MPs seized by its troops and held in prison since June.

British MP's Call For ReleaseOf Palestinian Legislators: Israel has abducted and imprisoned 33 members of the Palestinian legislative council including the speaker and five ministers, including the deputy prime minister. We consider the imprisonment of democratically elected representatives of the Palestinian Authority as an attack on the fundamental principles of democracy.

Syria Says US Behind Attack On Own Embassy: The official charged that Washington had orchestrated the attack to "prove Syria is filled with terrorists and to put us in a weak position" in order to extract political concessions.
14.Sep.2006 Soldiers reveal horror of Afghan campaign : "We are flattening places we have already flattened, but the attacks have kept coming. We have killed them by the dozens, but more keep coming, either locally or from across the border," one said.

15.Sep.2006 Rice blames NATO: West 'must not fail Afghanistan' : The US has warned that Afghanistan is at risk of becoming a failed state unless Nato countries support its path towards democracy.

15.Sep.2006 Nonaligned want terrorism redefined : : More than 100 other nations are pushing to broaden the world's definition of "terrorism" to include the U.S. occupation of Iraq and the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

15.Sep.2006 A young boy was about to die: A few hundred yards from the Church of the Nativity, the traditional site of Jesus' birth, a young boy was about to die. You won't hear his name on the news tonight, so here it is. Mohammad Omar Shawriya, 13 years old. His short life was ended when an Israeli soldier shot him in the chest.

15.Sep.2006 US: Palestinian unity deal falls short for U.S.: The United States has greeted the idea of a Palestinian unity government with scepticism, but the European Union has welcomed it.
14.Sep.2006 I
ran: US departure from Iraq will help end violence: Iran's supreme leader reportedly says the way to stop the violence in Iraq is for US forces to pull out.

15.Sep.2006 Iran says ready to help US leave Iraq - Annan: Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Wednesday said he was told in Iran during his most recent trip that Tehran was ready to help the US leave Iraq.

15.Sep.2006 Mideast Sees Iraq 'Disaster,' Annan Says : U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Wednesday that most leaders in the Middle East believe the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and its aftermath ``a real disaster'' for the region.
14.Sep.2006 The Phony War -By Robert Dreyfuss President Bush not only created a fake "War on Terror" to scare voters into supporting his policies -- he is failing to address the real threat facing America. Continue

15.Sep.2006 Meanwhile in Baghdad...-By Dahr Jamail:
I've recently received several emails from Iraq. I include them here, because they show the living hell that Iraq has become under US occupation.

15.Sep.2006 Satanic Purses: Money, Myth and Misinformation in the War on Terror
A Must Listen - CBC
Governments are wasting their time tracking down money that doesn't really exist. R.T. Naylor, a McGill economics professor, has been following the trail of the so-called "terror dollar". His new book is called, Satanic Purses: Money, Myth and Misinformation in the War on Terror + Professor R.T. Naylor joined us from Montreal.
Click to listen . Real audio

15.Sep.2006 Two Axioms of 9/11  -By Manuel Valenzuela
Every day more and more people from all walks of life, from all corners of the globe walk the giant path across the invisible bridge of truth, displacing long held brainwashing and conditioning, long held chains and shackles that prevented freedom to think and analyze.

15.Sep.2006 The Republican Charade: Lincoln and His Party-By Clyde Wilson
Apparently millions continue to harbor the strange delusion that the Republican party is the party of free enterprise, and, at least since the New Deal, the party of conservatism. In fact, the party is and always has been the party of state capitalism.

14.Sep.2006Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA
Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA. Teil 10 (Oktober 1968 bis August 1974) Der Text umfasst ca. 43 Seiten. ... Anwalt bei den TWA-Prozessen und William Gay , der Chef der Mormonen starteten eine Intrige ... Summa Corporation unter der Leitung von William Gay und Chester Davis zusammengefasst ...

Paul Curtis aka Moose is no regular graffiti artist. In fact, he’s the reverse-graffiti artist. He created his street art by *cleaning* the dirt and grime off of surfaces!

Authorities are baffled: is selective cleaning a crime?

The tools are simple: A shoe brush, water and elbow grease, he says.

British authorities aren’t sure what to make of the artist who is creating graffiti by cleaning the grime of urban life. The Leeds City Council has been considering what to do with Moose. "I’m waiting for the kind of Monty Python court case where exhibit A is a pot of cleaning fluid and exhibit B is a pair of my old socks," he jokes. Link | NPR Interview
14.Sep.2006 Soap Not Spray Can: Reverse Graffiti Art 
Very very cool. Could be used for a wide variety of devious messages. Yet another link via Boing Boing. Those guys are on fire lately.
posted by Prof. Hex at
7:09 PM

Working for the Clampdown  Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before being used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday. posted by Prof.
14.Sep.2006 Professor Hex - [ James Baker puts Bush's Iraq policy into rehab. By Robert Dreyfuss.

" Baker is primarily motivated by his desire to avoid a war at home--that things will ... /-
Adam Ash: April 2006 - [ If Bush was crazy enough to invade Iraq , he's crazy enough to attack Iran, ... ( Robert Dreyfuss is the author of "Devil's Game: How the United States Helped ...
14.Sep.2006 Bush\'s%20Iraq%20policy%20into%20rehab%20By%20Robert%20Dreyfuss%22','','','res','47','')" href="'s%20Iraq%20policy%20into%20rehab%20By%20Robert%20Dreyfuss%22" target=nw>EMERGENCY WAR AGENCIES -
Bush%27s+Iraq+policy+into+rehab+By+Robert+Dreyfuss&hl=de&ct=clnk&cd=47" target=nw>HTML-Version
Deputy Director for Propaganda Warfare Policy - JAMES P. WARBURG ... areas and puts into effect the technical phases of providing adequate. coverage. ...
NOSE CONE: 02/01/2006 - 02/28/2006 Their objective: gin up a war with Iran, even as we marched into Iraq . ... Baker Botts is a very powerful Texas law firm. James A. Baker III is Of Counsel ...
14.Sep.2006 Bush\'s%20Iraq%20policy%20into%20rehab%20By%20Robert%20Dreyfuss%22','','','res','37','')" href="'s%20Iraq%20policy%20into%20rehab%20By%20Robert%20Dreyfuss%22" target=nw>Questioning the New Imperial World Order
We believe that the PNAC program, put into practice by the Bush War Cabinet, ... policy on Iraq as firmly as in Europe. This policy does not involve the ...
Libby Shaw: MOST AMERICANS FINALLY GET IT: BUSH IS A NIGHTMARE - [ “A Higher Power: James Baker Puts Bush's Iraq Policy Into Rehab .” From via The Washington Monthly, written by Mr. Robert Dreyfuss . Excerpts: ...
14.Sep.2006 Brent Budowsky: A Republic, If You Can Keep It - A Guest Contribution

15.Sep.2006 Sidney Blumenthal Talks with BuzzFlash About 'The Most Uniquely Radical President We?ve Ever Had'
Tom Noe, the GOP fund-raiser at the heart of Ohio's biggest political scandal in a generation, claimed that pressure from the Bush-Cheney campaign led him to commit the campaign-finance crimes for which he was sentenced yesterday to federal prison.

15.Sep.2006 Get Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States" from
GOP Reichstag Cerca 1935 Update: "Senate Republicans blocked Democratic attempts to rein in President Bush's domestic wiretapping program today amid a sustained White House campaign to give the administration broad authority to monitor, interrogate and prosecute terrorism suspects." 9/14

15.Sep.2006 NYT Editorial: "When it comes to homeland security, the Bush administration has repeatedly allowed corporate profits to trump safety." 9/14
If You're Not Getting Buzzed 24 Hours a Day, You're Missing Something Big! A Little Bit of Buzz in Your E-mail Box. Just Click Here to Sign up.

15.Sep.2006 Here is the Quid Pro Quo that Disney May Have Wanted for Airing the Electioneering Ad "The Path to 9/11." Or One of the Quid Pro Quos That They Wanted. 9/14

15.Sep.2006 Ann Richards Dead at 73. A Great, Great Lady -- And a Victim of the Bush/Rove Slime Machine. 9/14

15.Sep.2006 New, First-of-Its Kind, University Study Reveals Malicious Code Can Be Easily Inserted into Voting Machine, Spread from One System to the Next, Resulting in Flipped Votes + Stolen Elections?All Without a Trace Being Left Behind 9/14
14.Sep.2006 And unfortunately, for those of us who live the scientific life, there has yet to be a mathematical model that can account for the collapse. A project this size requires a team of scientists that can correlate the seismic activity with the natural oscillations of the building. An always present possibility is the Tesla resonance effect (interested folk should watch a recent Mythbusters episode), a 6lb oscillating force is able to transmit oscillations throughout an entire bridge.
Believe me, ANYONE who tries to account for the collapse with a set of 1 or 2 linear equations is a hoax. Steven Jones can only speculate as to the CD. All he has achieved really is to demonstrate that in the most generous conditions, the official story of the pancake collapse is a fairytale at best.
# posted by Anonymous
14.Sep.2006 As a person trained in architecture and urban planning, I don't find it implausible at all that the planes crashing into WTC can fully explain what happened that day. However, that is not to say some explosives were planted to make sure there was spectacular fall. However, such an explanation requires a lot of direct physical evidence to support it, IMHO.# posted by ewastud
Megis says the WTC collapse was the most intensely studied collapse in world history... oh, but what is omitted?
25.Dec.2001 THE TOWERS
Experts Urging Broader Inquiry in Towers' Fall "In calling for a new investigation, some structural engineers have said that one serious mistake has already been made in the chaotic aftermath of the collapses: the decision to rapidly recycle the steel columns, beams and trusses that held up the buildings. That may have cost investigators some of their most direct physical evidence with which to try to piece together an answer. Officials in the mayor's office declined to reply to written and oral requests for comment over a three- day period about who decided to recycle the steel and the concern that the decision might be handicapping the investigation...Interviews with a handful of members of the team, which includes some of the nation's most respected engineers, also uncovered complaints that they had at various times been shackled with bureaucratic restrictions that prevented them from interviewing witnesses, examining the disaster site and requesting crucial information like recorded distress calls to the police and fire departments..."This is almost the dream team of engineers in the country working on this + our hands are tied," said one team member who asked not to be identified. Members have been threatened with dismissal for speaking to the press. "FEMA is controlling everything," the team member said...Dr. Frederick W. Mowrer, an associate professor in the fire protection engineering department at the University of Maryland, said he believed the decision could ultimately compromise any investigation of the collapses. "I find the speed with which potentially important evidence has been removed and recycled to be appalling", Dr. Mowrer said."
Gee, I might call Meigs a liar too!
And I really liked this quote too:
"... my friend David Corn"
-- David Meigs, Popular Mechanics. Interesting.
Oh + Alex Jones? He thinks the Pentagon thing is a poison pill. And didn't he predict 9-11? Yes, in fact he did.
You know a measure of humility in these 9-11 conspitard posts would be nice because you don't know exactly what happened either. Do you?
# posted by Anonymous : 7:37 PM  
14.Sep.2006 Considering how much trouble 41 has had to go through to make Bush removal a reality, (and how big and permanent a hit the Bush name took because of 43's disasterous second term) you gotta wonder if 41 still feels supporting his son's re-election in order to keep all that Iran Contra stuff under wraps was entirely worth it. # posted by Jen : 12:30 AM  
14.Sep.2006 # posted by unirealist : 4:07 AM
14.Sep.2006 No religion has ever been as insistent on NO CHOICE as the various Christian factions throughout history, from Catholic to Protestant to Fundamentalist.
14.Sep.2006 You are right Cannonfire. That FOX deal certainly looked set up.
14.Sep.2006 The forced conversions play into a meme that receives strong circulation in fundamentalist Christian circles here in the states. Simple-minded buffoons that they are, our evangelical good-ol-boy brethren believe that the jihadists' goal is not dynasty change in Saudi Arabia, not the elimination of Israel, not the eradication of American influence in the Middle East, not even the re-establishment of the Caliphate. No, it's not about anything going on over there -- it's really all about us .
Many of our Christian friends actually believe that what Osama and the Palestinians and any other Muslims who don't like us really, really, really want to do is to march into our land, raid our churches + force all Christians to convert to Islam.
This delusion has always had one problem: No evidence has ever backed it. Osama has never talked about such a thing. Neither has any Palestinian. Neither has anyone in Hezbollah. Neither, so far as I know, has any Arab of any stripe.
Now look at what has happened. Isn't that con- veeeeee nient?
14.Sep.2006 "And now a word from our false sponsor..." Some of Xymphora's stuff has been a bit over-the-top lately. But his latest conspiracy theory, drawn from this story by Ramzy Baroud, makes sense to me. Is the group which kidnapped two Fox journalists in Gaza a real organization, or is it a "pseudo-gang" (as dear old Lt. Kitson used to put it)?
Baroud: The Palestinian group has no clear record and no apparent affiliation with any other known Palestinian faction. They laid out impossible demands and employed Islamic rhetoric. Both journalists were forced to convert to Islam, in a very disturbing, yet amateurish act. Any Islamic interpretation, no matter how fundamental, forbids such practice. Qoranic verses in this regard are indisputable.
Did the Holy Jihad Brigades -- a dodgy name by any Palestinian standards -- know that forcing a person to recite that "There is No God but Allah" does not qualify them as Muslim?

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"Es kommt alles ans Tageslicht." Die Regierung müsse spätestens Stellung nehmen, wenn der Brüsseler Ausschuss im kommenden Jahr unter deutscher EU-Ratspräsidentschaft seinen Abschlussbericht vorlege.
Docke berichtete weiter, dass deutsche Behörden den USA während Kurnaz' Haft in Guantanamo Informationen über den gebürtigen Bremer übermittelt hätten. Dies sei über den Verbindungsbeamten der US-Bundespolizei FBI beim Bundeskriminalamt gelaufen.
Den Türken Murat Kurnaz, der Ende August nach fast fünf Jahren im US-Gefängnis von Guantanamo in seine Geburtsstadt Bremen heimkehrte, hätte die Bundesregierung bereits im Jahr 2002 zurückholen können, sagte Rechtsanwalt Bernhard Docke.

Die USA hätten Berlin die Überstellung von Kurnaz damals angeboten, weil sie ihm keinerlei Beteiligung an Terrorplänen nachweisen konnten: "Die deutsche Reaktion war: 'Den wollen wir nicht!'", sagte Docke.

Schwere Vorwürfe gegen die frühere Bundesregierung und deutsche Behörden haben Anwälte im CIA-Sonderausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments erhoben. Deutschland habe sich nicht genügend für Gefangene des US-Geheimdienstes eingesetzt.

Brüssel/Berlin - Die Anschuldigungen gegen Deutschland wiegen schwer. Anwälte von CIA-Gefangenen warfen der früheren Bundesregierung und deutschen Behörden in Brüssel vor, sich ungenügend für aus Deutschland kommende Gefangene des US-Geheimdienstes CIA eingesetzt oder deren Entführung sogar unterstützt zu haben. Das deutsche Ausschussmitglied Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (SPD) forderte die Bundesregierung nach den Aussagen auf: "Legt die Karten auf den Tisch!"
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07.Dec.2004 Why Oh Why Are We Ruled by These Fools? (The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree Department)
Kevin Drum tells us about the competence of ex-FCC Chair Michael Powell:

Activists Dominate Content Complaints: I'M SHOCKED, I TELL YOU, SHOCKED!....Ah, those moral values.

Via Jeff Jarvis, we learn today that national concern over moral decay on TV might have been a wee bit overstated:

The number of indecency complaints had soared dramatically to more than 240,000 in the previous year, [FCC chairman Michael] Powell said. The figure was up from roughly 14,000 in 2002 + from fewer than 350 in each of the two previous years. There was, Powell said, “a dramatic rise in public concern and outrage about what is being broadcast into their homes.”

What Powell did not reveal—apparently because he was unaware—was the source of the complaints.

According to a new FCC estimate obtained by Mediaweek, nearly all indecency complaints in 2003—99.8 %—were filed by the Parents Television Council, an activist group.

Just to put that into raw numbers, it means that last year the FCC received a grand total of 480 complaints aside from the mass spammings from PTC. Out of a population of 300 million. Does that sound like a groundswell of outrage to you?

Posted by DeLong at December 7, 2004 12:33 PM Trackback Pings

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» The FCC, Indecency and Michael Powell from Deep Thoughts by Dan Ryan
Mediaweek has an interesting article highlighting how virtually all of the indecency complaints to the FCC are organized by a single 'grass-roots' organization, the Parents Television Council. Jeff Jarvis, Kevin Drum + Brad DeLong have all posted to...
[Read More] 07.Dec.2004 03:04 PM
Mit Hilfe von Modellrechnungen am Computer legten die Wissenschaftler um Sonia Seneviratne von der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule in Zürich dar, wie sich das komplexe Verhältnis von Lufttemperaturen und Bodenfeuchtigkeit bis zum Jahr 2100 entwickeln wird. Demnach wird sich im Zuge der globalen Erwärmung das trocken-heiße Mittelmeer-Klima nach Norden ausbreiten.

In Mittel- und Osteuropa wird das der Studie zufolge dazu führen, dass aus den Böden mehr Wasser verdunstet und auch die Pflanzen mehr Feuchtigkeit in die Atmosphäre abgeben.

Je nach Beschaffenheit der Böden sind die Folgen unterschiedlich, das Ergebnis wird aber immer das gleiche sein: extremere Sommer.

Sind die Böden trocken, verlieren sie und die Pflanzen mit der Zeit immer mehr Feuchtigkeit. Deswegen können sie sich immer schlechter abkühlen, was länger anhaltende Hitzewellen wahrscheinlich macht.

Auch die Pflanzenwelt dürfte sich wandeln. So dürfte auf den trockenen Böden zunehmend wärmeliebendes Gestrüpp anstelle Kühlung spendender Bäume wachsen.

Ständige Überschwemmungen und Dürren erwartet

London - Der britische Premierminister Tony Blair wandte sich scharf gegen den von ihm diagnostizierten extremen Anti-Amerikanismus in der europäischen Politik.

In einem heute veröffentlichten 37-Seiten-Dokument bezeichnet er die Haltung einiger seiner Kollegen als "anti-amerikanischen Wahnsinn".

Zur Begründung seiner pro-amerikanischen Haltung sagte er, keines der drängenden Weltprobleme könne unter Ausschluss der USA beigelegt "oder auch nur betrachtet werden". Die Gefahr bestehe nicht darin, dass die USA zu sehr eingebunden seien, sondern dass sie sich zurückziehen könnten, heißt es in der vom Blair-nahen Think-Tank Foreign Policy Centre herausgegebenen Broschüre mit dem Titel "Eine globale Allianz für globale Werte".

Die Broschüre beruht auf drei von Blair in diesem Jahr gehaltenen Reden. Demnach müssten sich gemäßigte Vertreter aller Religionen zusammentun, um Extremisten zu besiegen und eine friedliche Zukunft aufzubauen. Notwendig sei zu diesem Zweck eine "Wiedergeburt" der von US-Präsident George W. Bush propagierten Strategie des "weltweiten Kriegs gegen den Terror". Großbritannien ist einer der engsten Verbündeten der US-Regierung. asc/AFP
Vielleicht ist die Stadt nur vor Terror geschützt, weil im Moment noch jeder zweite Bagger, jeder zweite Kran, jede zweite Planierraupe der Bin-Laden-Gruppe gehört, der großen Bauunternehmung der arabischen Welt. Vielleicht braucht selbst al-Qaida dieses Dubai, um Geld zu waschen für künftige Operationen, wer weiß. Es ist ein Ratespiel. Dubai schillert, Dubai verwirrt.

Dubai ist die erste Stadt, die Ernst macht mit der Globalisierung.

Seit der Standort für sich wirbt mit null Prozent Steuern auf Einkommen und Gewinne, sind die Söldner des Kapitalismus eingerückt. Die Ausländer stellen über 85 Prozent der Bevölkerung, gemischt aus 150 Nationalitäten, gewürfelt aus Geschäftsmenschen, Abenteurern und dazu Zehntausenden Arbeitern, die in der betäubenden Hitze die Bauten der Zukunft hochziehen, ein neues, internationales Proletariat aus Sri Lanka, Indien, Pakistan, Syrien, dem Irak, das in abgeriegelten Hüttensiedlungen vor den Toren der Stadt hausen muss und keinerlei Bürgerrechte besitzt.

Die eingesessenen Familienclans residieren dagegen in Palästen, auf deren Portalen lebensgroße Pferde aus Gold galoppieren. In ihren Tiefgaragen haben sie pro Familienmitglied ein, zwei S-Klasse-Mercedes stehen und dazu ein paar VW Touareg und Porsche Cayenne für den Spaß. Diese Welt und ihre Menschen sind keine Karikatur. Es gibt sie wirklich.
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