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08.Mar.2007 Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus In den staatlichen Betrieben durften wichtige Industrielle während des Krieges führende Positionen einnehmen +

die deutsche Industrie bekam ...
150 Jahre Siemens - schwarze Kapitel der Konzerngeschichte RAG192.htm

Der Konzernumsatz war waehrend des Faschismus um mehr als das Fuenffache gestiegen. ...

Die deutsche Industrie hat bis heute keinen Entschaedigungsanspruch ...
08.Mar.2007 CBG - STICHWORT BAYER 04/2005

Oder davon:

00.0000.1932 hatte Die deutsche Industrie den Reichspräsidenten Hindenburg gedrängt, den NSDAP-Vorsitzenden Adolf Hitler zum Reichskanzler zu ernennen.

00.000.1928-00.000.1938 Deutsche Erdölpolitik-Vortrag v. Titus Kockel vor ... dem Weltmarkt nicht abgekoppelt + die deutsche Industrie + die deutschen ...

Vorabdruck aus: Bulletin für Faschismus - + Weltkriegsforschung, H.22 ...

No.4 Tully Construction

When contacted by the American Free Press (AFPN) and asked, if they ever had seen concrete pulverized as it was in the WTC, they said: "No-never". "

Tully said, that there were hot spots where he observed 'literally molten steel'...

Everything that was above grade -above the 6th and 7th floor was like an explosion" (AFPN/08/26/02)

"We had 75 trucks leaving a day during the first few days," says Tully.

A lot of conspiracy sites talk about "sequential collapse" as if there were explosive charges placed on every floor detonated in sequence, like the destruction of the Empire State Building in Independence Day.

But controlled demolitions don't do that - they use a small amount of explosives and let the weight of the building do the rest.

Thirty-story buildings have been brought down with only a few hundred pounds of explosives.
Stadtler, Eduard- Weltrevolutionskrieg, Düsseldorf 1937 3: Als Antibolschewist

1918-1919. »Als Antibolschewist « als den geistigen Urheber der Ermordung von Rosa Luxemburg und Karl Liebknecht ...

Kürzlich machten sie die Alleskönner im Fruchtwasser aus +

schwedische Wissenschaftler konnten im Gehirn von verstorbenen Menschen nachvollziehen, dass aus Vorläuferzellen im Nervengewebe ausgereifte Neuronen gewachsen waren. DDP

Gebiss: Forscher haben Stammzellen im Zahnbett gefunden, die sich zu Haltegewebe entwickeln können

Nun ist es Forschern von der Universität Witten/Herdecke offenbar gelungen, Stammzellen aus erkranktem Zahnhaltegewebe von Patienten mit Parodontitis zu isolieren.

Dabei handelt es sich um eine Infektion in der Mundhöhle, die langsam den Halteapparat der Zähne zerstört.

Der Biochemiker Darius Widera vom Institut für Neurobiochemie der Universität sagte,

Laborversuche hätten bewiesen, dass diese Zellen die Fähigkeit hätten, sich sowohl in Nervenzellen zu differenzieren als auch in Knochen- und Gewebe-Zellen des Zahnhalteapparates.

Ihre Ergebnisse wollen die Forscher in der April-Ausgabe des Fachjournals "Stem Cells and Development" veröffentlichen.
Gipfel in Brüssel: EU will Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen stark senken
08.Mar.2007 Ultimative Forderung: Demokraten verlangen von Bush Irak- Rückzug bis Herbst 2008
08.Mar.2007 Prognose für 2100: Ostsee soll sich um drei bis fünf Grad erwärmen
08.Mar.2007 Einreisesperre: Berlin steuerte Kampagne gegen Kurnaz' Rückkehr
08.Mar.2007 Konflikte: USA zu Gesprächen mit Teheran über Irak bereit
Neue Quelle: Forscher finden Stammzellen im Zahnbett
08.Mar.2007 Iran: Ex- General soll in den Westen übergelaufen sein
08.Mar.2007 Rasante Ausbreitung: Immer mehr Waschbären bevölkern Deutschland
08.Mar.2007 Italien: Parlament stimmt für Afghanistan- Einsatz
08.Mar.2007 Polizeigewalt: Prügelvideo entsetzt Briten
Migrantinnen: Türkische Gemeinde setzt sich für Frauenrechte ein
08.Mar.2007 Lufthansa- Bilanz 2006: Ein Jahr voller Rekorde
Geldpolitik: Europäische Zentralbank erhöht Zinsen
Influenza: Grippewelle rollt behäbig über Deutschland

08.Mar.2007 Radarmessungen: Monsterwellen bedrohen Schiffe im Nordatlantik
08.Mar.2007 US- Fraternities: Die bizarren Rituale der Zech- Studenten
08.Mar.2007 The Sea Gypsies of Surin Island 

One of the smallest ethnic minorities in Asia, The Sea Gypsies were virtually unknown by the outside world until the 2004 Tsunami ravaged South East Asia. One of the most amazing stories reported by the international press was that not one of the Sea Gypsies died. posted by Prof. Hex
08.Mar.2007 Feds: Airline Worker Used Security ID To Sneak 14 Guns, Drugs On Orlando Flight:

A 22-year-old airline employee from Central Florida was arrested after he used his security privileges to smuggle a bag containing 13 handguns, an M-16 type automatic weapon and marijuana on board a Delta flight at Orlando International Airport, according to federal agents.

08.Mar.2007 Feds test new data mining program : Lawmakers and privacy advocates are concerned that a powerful new data searching tool being tested by the Department of Homeland Security could pose a threat to Americans' privacy as it sifts through mountains of information for patterns that might reveal terrorists.
08.Mar.2007 A Barack-star no more: Barack Obama used to inspire nothing but sympathy and affection. But recently he's given pandering a bad name.

08.Mar.2007 U.S. will not seek seat on U.N. rights body :

For the second year in a row, the USA has decided not to seek a seat on the U.N. Human Rights Council, the State Department said Tuesday, accusing the panel of an anti-Israeli bias.

08.Mar.2007 Sidney Blumenthal: Libby lied, troops died: The Scooter Libby verdict is inextricably linked to Iraq: his lies were an attempt to cover up the disingenuous case for war.

08.Mar.2007 Arianna Huffington: Why the Libby Verdict Is So Damning: Libby was found guilty not just of perjury but of obstructing justice - obstructing justice in order to encumber the investigation + keep secret the dark, ugly truth about how the White House sought to cover up its lies about Iraq + its efforts to intimidate and silence critics of the administration.

08.Mar.2007 Washington Is Losing Its Grip on Latin America:

"State of Denial" is the title of Bob Woodward's famous book on the Bush team's road to disaster in Iraq, but it would have served just as well for a description of their Latin America policy.

08.Mar.2007 The War Against the Third World: What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: Video: CIA covert operations and US military interventions since WWII.

A video compilation of footage and speeches recorded in the 1980s

08.Mar.2007 Murder Of The Law :

A commentary on BBC 2 'Dr David Kelly - The Conspiracy Files' –

25.Feb.2007 -broadcast on the-.

17.Jul.2003 -of the- Dr David Kelly's unnatural death

08.Mar.2007 Second al-Qaeda suspect ordered freed :

Another immigrant accused of links to terrorism has been ordered released from custody and into house arrest by a Federal Court judge as Canada's faltering security-certificate law continues to unravel.

08.Mar.2007 Two FBI Whistleblowers Confirm Illegal Wiretapping of Govt Officials:

Sibel Edmonds has got her hands on an explosive official report from an FBI agent which demonstrates that the US Government was illegally spying on "high-profile U.S. public officials"
Iraq War Opponents to March in Washington : A coalition of anti-war groups is planning a march on the Pentagon to protest the Iraq war. The

17.Mar.2007 protest will come on the 40th anniversary of a

17.Mar.1967 march on the Pentagon that was a major milestone in the anti-Vietnam War movement. VOA's Bill Rodgers reports.

08.Mar.2007 Vermont Votes to Impeach Bush/Cheney : When Vermont Governor Jim Douglas, a Republican with reasonably close ties to President Bush, asked if there was any additional business to be considered at the town meeting he was running in Middlebury, Ellen McKay popped up and proposed the impeachment of Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

08.Mar.2007 Webb bill limits Iran fight: Freshman Sen. James H. Webb Jr. yesterday introduced legislation to force President Bush to seek congressional authorization before using force against Iran.

08.Mar.2007 Iran warns of serious response if world powers go extreme : A top Iranian nuclear official has warned to give a "serious response" if the five permanent members of UN Security Council plus Germany adopt hardline approaches against the country's nuclear program, local daily "Tehran Times" reported on Wednesday.

08.Mar.2007 Aipac Will Press for Hard Line on Iran Regime:

The Democratic-controlled Congress is moving to outflank both the Bush administration and the United Nations with the toughest set of sanctions against Iran that have ever been proposed.

08.Mar.2007 Missing Iranian "founded" Hezbollah: Israeli spy: An Iranian ex-deputy defense minister who went missing in what may have been a Western intelligence operation is best known to Israel as the "founder" of Lebanon's Hezbollah, a retired Israeli spy said on Wednesday.

08.Mar.2007 Peretz denies Israel involved in Iranian general's disappearance: Defense Minister Amir Peretz responded Wednesday to reports that Israel was behind the kidnapping of the Iranian official who has allegedly defected to the West, saying they were unsubstantiated.

08.Mar.2007 Report: Missing Iranian official being questioned in N. Europe : The Iranian former deputy defense minister who disappeared in neighboring Turkey last month is being questioned in a northern European country under strict supervision, the pan-Arab newspaper al-Sharq al-Awsat reported Wednesday.

08.Mar.2007 Top US Official Warns Arab Businessmen Over Trade With Iran : Stuart Levey, the U.S. undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said the long arm of U.S. sanctions could come down on Arab companies trading with some government-linked firms in Iran.
08.Mar.2007 the Stock Market
The secret maneuverings of the Plunge Protection Team -By Mike Whitney
If a secret team is interfering in the stock market, it presents serious practical and moral issues.

For one thing, it disrupts natural “corrections” which are a normal part of the business cycle and which help to maintain a healthy and competitive slate of equities. Continue

08.Mar.2007 In the World’s Eyes the US has become Amerika-By Paul Craig Roberts
US casualties (dead and wounded) have now reached 27,000 in a war that was supposed to be a “cakewalk” over in a few weeks.

If what four-star general Wesley Clark, former supreme commander of NATO, told Amy Goodman in a March 2 interview is correct, US casualties are yet in their early days. Continue

08.Mar.2007 Seven Countries In Five Years

An interview with General Wesley Clark

“This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq + then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”

I said, “Is it classified?” He said, “Yes, sir. Audio and transcript

08.Mar.2007 The Dire Strait -By John Damien 
The most valuable piece of real estate in the world is not to be found in New York, London or Tokyo.  The world's most valuable real estate is comprised of two imaginary boxes.

08.Mar.2007 Rudy & McCain Grow Hymens -By Tom Gilroy
'While I believe Madam Speaker would serve tea to the 9/11 hijackers, piss + shit on the American flag + drown every American veteran since the Spanish-American War in boiling oil, it's not her patriotism I'm questioning, it's her judgment.'

08.Mar.2007 Taking Democracy Seriously -By Joel S. Hirschhorn
A merican: So you mean that if you Australians don’t vote, you get a fine? Australian: Yeah + when you Americans don’t vote you get George W. Bush.

08.Mar.2007 What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks?-By Christopher Ketcham
There is sufficient reason ­- from news reports, statements by former intelligence officials, an array of circumstantial evidence + the reported acknowledgment by the Israeli government -­ to believe that in the months before 9/11, Israel was running an active spy network inside the USA, with Muslim extremists as the target.

08.Mar.2007 Some Movements At ME Quartet in Berlin   -By K. Gajendra Singh     

"Israel's power after 1947 was based on its military supremacy over its weaker neighbors.

It is in the process of losing it - if it has not already. Lesser problems, mainly demographic, will only be aggravated if tension persists.

It simply cannot survive allied with the USA, because the Americans will either leave the region or embark on a war that risks Israel's very existence." Continue

08.Mar.2007 Morons and Magic: A Reply to George Monbiot -By David Ray Griffin
In “Bayoneting a Scarecrow

The 9/11 conspiracy theories are a coward’s cult.” (Guardian, February 20), George Monbiot accuses members of the 9/11 truth movement of being “morons” + “idiots” who believe in “magic.”

Having in his previous attack-

“A 9/11 conspiracy virus is sweeping the world,” Guardian, February 6---called me this movement’s “high priest,” he now describes my 9/11 writing as a “concatenation of ill-attested nonsense.” Continue
08.Mar.2007 House Dems Try Another Formula. In a direct challenge to Bush, House Democrats are advancing legislation requiring the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq by the fall of next year.

08.Mar.2007 Get John Mellencamp's Freedom's Road (CD), With the Anti-Bush Song "Rodeo Clown"
DOJ Official Threatens Retaliation if Fired Prosecutor Keeps Telling the Truth

08.Mar.2007 Subpoenas Likely for Justice Officials in Prosecutor Firings. GOP Senator Domenici Hires a Criminal Defense Attorney.

Congresswoman Heather Wilson Should be Getting One Soon. Uh, But What About Rove. Why is He Still Hanging Out at the White House? 3/8
Busheviks Admit: The Real "Surge" is in Sectarian Attacks in Iraq

08.Mar.2007 The Washington Post Pens an Editorial Full of Lies About PlameGate. It Could Have Been Written by Dick Cheney. Maybe it Was. 3/8
Washington Post Also Runs Misleading News Article on the Issue of Bush and Pardons.

The first paragraph reads:

"President Bush said yesterday that he is "pretty much going to stay out of" the case of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby

until the legal process has run its course, deflecting pressure from supporters of the former White House aide to pardon him for perjury and obstruction of justice."

This is not deflecting pressure at all.

It is, basically, supporting BuzzFlash's contention that Bush will hope that partisan GOP hack judges, like David Sentelle, will overturn the conviction on appeal.

If not, then, when the legal process has "run its course," Bush will pardon Libby.

No doubt about it.

But the word is already in, you can be sure, to GOP loyalists on the federal bench to overturn the conviction and save Bush the political embarrassment of a pardon. 3/8

08.Mar.2007 Senate Plans Vote On Subpoenas For DOJ Officials In Probe -- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser
Blackwater Represents the Privatization of Our Military, Accountable to No One. Bush Has Created a Mercenary Army.
Barbara's Daily BuzzFlash Minute for March 8, 2007

08.Mar.2007 Wot Is It Good 4: 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 Khashoggi, along with his partner Ramy Al Batrawi, allegedly ripped $130 million from investors through GenesisIntermedia.
08.Mar.2007 THE SHADOW

Gene Gately is back from his 50th reunion last week at Yale.

His classmates — former Attorney General Ed Meese, from the Heritage Foundation, ...
Research Article
Comparing flashbulb memories of September 11 and the death of Princess Diana: effects of time delays and nationality
Lia Kvavilashvili *, Jennifer Mirani, Simone Schlagman, Diana E. Kornbrot
University of Hertfordshire, UK email: Lia Kvavilashvili

* Correspondence to Lia Kvavilashvili, Department of Psychology, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane, Hatfield, Herts, AL10 9AB, UK. setDOI("ADOI=10.1002/acp.983")

This study examines flashbulb memories of a salient recent and a distant public event to assess patterns of forgetting in the formal characteristics of these memories.

Memories of a recent event (September 11) were compared to memories of a distant event (the death of Princess Diana) in several samples of British and one sample of Italian participants.

In British participants, the 51-month old memories of the death of Princess Diana were as detailed and specific as their memories of a 3-month old event, September 11.

Moreover, their memories of Princess Diana were not different from memories of September 11 collected immediately or very soon after September 11 in two other groups of British participants.

Results suggest that flashbulb memories of a distant public event can be as detailed, specific and vivid as memories of a very recent event.

For Italian participants, however, flashbulb memory scores for September 11 were reliably higher than for the death of Princess Diana.

There was also a small albeit reliable loss of specificity in British participants' memories of September 11 over the subsequent three months.

Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1002/acp.983  About DOI

Die US-Luftwaffe hatte noch im Februar 2006 erklärt, sie wolle die Stealth-Raketen bis 2030 in ihrem Arsenal behalten. als/AP

Washington - Luftwaffensprecherin Morshe Araujo sagte lediglich, der Rückzug der Raketen sei Teil einer "ausgewogenen Reduzierung der Streitmacht",

um wie mit Russland vereinbart die Zahl der strategischen Nuklearwaffen auf 1700 bis 2200 zu senken.
Vor 3,3 Millionen Jahren haben die Schmarotzer den Menschen als Wirt entdeckt, wie US-Forscher um David Reed von der University of Florida in Gainesville jetzt herausgefunden haben.

Damals schafften die Läuse den Wechsel vom Affen zu Homo sapiens.
Linksruck - Das Imperium ist am Boden Das Imperium ist am Boden. Die USA könnten zum Abzug aus Irak gezwungen sein.

Das würde die Welt verändern, erklärt der US-amerikanische Aktivist Jonathan ...
08.Mar.2007 EU- Gipfel: Merkel bekommt Hilfe im Klimastreit mit Chirac
08.Mar.2007 Bundestag: Lammert wollte Frauen das Wort verwehren
08.Mar.2007 Geheimdienst- Affäre: Ex- BND- Chef verteidigt Einreisesperre gegen Kurnaz
08.Mar.2007 PC und Klimaschutz: So bändigt man die Stromfresser

08.Mar.2007 Neue Dollars: US- Münzamt bringt Tausende Fehlprägungen in Umlauf
08.Mar.2007 Parasiten: Menschen erbten Filzläuse von Gorillas
08.Mar.2007 Rüstung: USA ziehen Stealth- Raketen aus dem Verkehr
Schritt zum Kapitalismus: China will Privateigentum schützen

08.Mar.2007 Konjunkturbericht der US- Notenbank: Beige Book macht Wall- Street- Aktionären schlechte Laune
08.Mar.2007 RAF: Köhler schließt schnelle Begnadigung von Klar aus
08.Mar.2007 07. MÄRZ 2007
Verheerende Regenfälle: Alarmzustand in Honduras
9/11 Lead NIST Engineer lies on camera ...

Pic of reports generated. John Gross had been asked to come speak at the University of Texas at Austin by the Phil. M. Ferguson fund

- he was responsible for the Structural Fire Response and Collapse aspects of the NIST World Trade Center Investigation.
A University of Texas 9/11 Truth student organization called
A Project for the New American Citizen was there to ask questions and film his response.
It was posted today on You Tube
There has been little opportunity for public questioning of major (or minor because people like fireman are forbidden to talk to the pRes etc.,) figures who support

John Gross,

one of the lead engineers of the NIST report is questioned

about the existence of molten steel at the WTC building, the collapse of Building 7 +

also explains how the NIST report did not do any analysis of the collapse of all three buildings.
This guy says he has seen no evidence, no eyewitnesses, no reports of molten steel +

no he hasn't seen the NASA thermal images + hopes the questioner will send them to him.

Which is curious considering the answer the NIST give to FAQ's about their work.See Here
He looks a respectable guy, he's smart, well fed, evidently educated yet he is lying in his fucking teeth ...why ?

PNAC activists managed to upstage Obama when he visited UT ...nice one.


at 2/10/2007 10:25:00 AM 0 comments  

Labels: state terrism

9/11 Doubts grow in MSM ... polls betray increasing disbelief in Gubment bullshit

An explosion of disbelief - fresh doubts over 9/11 - By SUE REID -

19.Feb.2007 Daily Mail also This is London/Evening Standard
Coverage, familiar to readers here, about Loose Change, Professor Griffin + others including mad Michael Meacher about 9/11 and reveals ....

"A recent poll by the respected New York Times ( in which Warren Buffet tells Lord P he is sizing up to take a stake ) revealed that

three out of four Americans now suspect the U.S. government of not telling the truth about 9/11.

This proportion has shot up from a year ago, when half the population said they did not believe the official story of an Al Qaeda attack ."
In the realm of odd coincidences about 9/11 ...

Chic Burlingame, captain of American Airlines Flight 77 that was en route from Dulles International Airport near Washington to Los Angeles,

was killed when his airplane was deliberately crashed by terrorists into the southwest face of the Pentagon E ring.
Victor Saracini was the Captain of United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 bound from Boston to Los Angeles.

This plane was crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center shortly after 9 a.m. ET.
Both pilots flew together on
USS Saratoga VF 103 the Sluggers in the 70's
Now the Skull and Cross Bones on the Navy's ES-3A Shadow reconnaissance is the sign of the VF 103 (see sign on undergear also) but what on earth is the AA symbol ( American Airlines ) with the lightning Bolt through it ? Link to the Sluggers above for more amazing pics.
We don't have answers we just ask the questions.

Google Groups: soc.culture.iranian Israel's beloved MEK terrorist ' Alireza Jafarzadeh ' ...

Breaking the silence: Bilderberg exposed ...
The Washington Note

I would encourage people to drill down deep into the Intelligence Summit

... and one very hawkish + conservative British ... - Dame Pauline Neville-Jones, ...

Godlike Productions - BBC Responds to Building 7 Controversy ...

Dame Pauline Neville-Jones is also on the advisory board of the Intelligence Summit – where she joins ... sure) being run by a woman called Dame Pauline Neville-Jones 00.000.2001 .
Intelligence Summit The Intelligence Summit brings together the international intelligence agencies from the free nations of the world in a non-partisan, non-profit educational ... intelligence summit .org/
The Intelligence Summit: Intelligence News and Information ...

The Intelligence Summit brings together the international intelligence agencies ...

Dame Pauline Neville-Jones Former Chair, UK Joint Intelligence Committee ...
00.Jan.2006 -RandomPottins- On

17.Feb.2006-20.Feb.2006 Dame Pauline Neville-Jones Former Chair, UK Joint Intelligence Committee will be at the

2006 "Intelligence Summit", being held at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia. ...
RandomPottins But money, though it doubtless comes in handy, is not her first interest +

00.Feb.2006 off she went for an " Intelligence Summit " in Arlington, ...
Right Web | Profile | International Intelligence Summit

Other members of the Intelligence Summit's advisory council include Yossef Bodansky, Rachel Ehrenfeld, Pauline Neville-Jones (former chair of the British Joint Intelligence Committee ...
Intelligence Summit

The Intelligence Summit brings together the international intelligence agencies ... Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi, Dame Pauline Neville-Jones, Steve Pomerantz, ...
The Spooks of St. Petersburg

Pauline Neville-Jones, for example, who serves as Chairman of QinetiQ – a growing ...

This year’s Intelligence Summit, which will be taking place in St Petrsburg ...

The Spooks of St. Petersburg

00.000.2006 ’s Intelligence Summit -One of the keynote speakers at-was Michael ... Pauline Neville-Jones, for example, who serves as Chairman of QinetiQ – a growing ... Security Solutions international bringing the know-how of the ...

Intelligence Summit to be held

17.Feb.2006 in Arlington Virginia ...

Dame Pauline Neville-Jones, former Chair, Joint Intelligence Committee, UK, Chairman of QinetiQ Col. ...
Reports WTC 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Before it Falls

Dame Pauline Neville-Jones is also on the advisory board of the Intelligence Summit – where she joins Richard Perle, Kenneth Timmerman, Alrezi Jafarzadeh (the source of the U.S. ...
08.Mar.2007 Index "Intelligence", n

Neville-Jones (P) n.410 8. NEW BRITISH CROWD CONTROL TECHNOLOGY n.397 5 ...


Ronald Goldstock. n.401 6 ...

... he noted that “British secret service coordinator, Pauline Neville-Jones ... $5.4 million to neocon windbag Richard Perle, whom he described as a “trimmer ...
08.Mar.2007 Politics

Richard B. Bilder, Foley + Lardner Emeritus ... Dame Pauline Neville Jones, Former Political ...

Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle + Elliot Abrams.

Right-wing thinktanks + Richard Perle, Dame Pauline Neville Jones shares their world-view. ...

Geoff Hoon MP, Secretary of State for Defence; Pauline Neville-Jones, ...
08.Mar.2007 War Archive The manifesto is contained in a new book by Richard Perle, ...

"The remarks by Dame Pauline Neville-Jones, former head of UK joint intelligence committee, ...
08.Mar.2007 Postman Patel: 2006-01-22 ...

Don't be surprised if the Washington gangsters start shouting, Perle, ...

Prime Ministers not to forget MI6\s mouthpiece Dame Neville Jones ... about to ...
20060111 Dame Pauline Neville-Jones,
a BBC governor, emerged as one of the main figures in the feud between ...

Ask Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle + William Kristol.

08.Mar.2007 CIAO Conference Proceedings: Title Index

00.Jul.1999 : Butler, Richard ... Arms Control Today: Interview with Richard Butler

00.Apr.2001 : -The- Eagleburger, Lawrence S.; Perle, Richard ...
08.Mar.2007 Legality of the Iraq War

Among those associated with AEI is Richard Perle, a key architect of the president's ...

... an influential figure, in the form of Dame Pauline Neville-Jones,
07.Mar.2007 The Project For a New American Century [Archive] - ...

Vice President Dick Cheney is

a founding member of PNAC, along with

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld +

Defense Policy Board chairman Richard Perle .
07.Mar.2007 UntitledHTML-Version dung, in der ich zufällig landete + in der Richard Perle mir sagte: »Der Irak ...

Dame Pauline Neville-Jones .

David Rieff.

Heather Grabbe.

Ghanim Alnajjar ...
#25-2004 - 7-13 Jun


Holbrooke, Richard C - Vice Chairman, Perseus, former Director, Council on Foreign ... Banca Intesa SpA USA -

Perle, Richard N. - Resident Fellow, ...
07.Mar.2007 Columns: Prospect Magazine archive Tumbler

Now that Scooter Libby has been dealt with, is Richard Perle next for ...

Pauline Neville-Jones, Britain's chief negotiator at ...

00.Dec.2006 -Ewan's blog - Advisers like Richard Perle + Paul Wolfowitz + Donald Rumsfeld,

now steering our foreign policy, held that America must escalate to achieve “nuclear ...
07.Mar.2007 Stop the Carlyle Group !

Mais surtout William Karel se penche sur l'équipe Bush:

Paul Wolfowitz, numéro 2 du Pentagone, grand défenseur d'Israël, Richard Perle, ...
07.Mar.2007 down with murder inc

00.Jan.1998 -since- Dame Pauline Neville-Jones has been a BBC Governor.

"The Cambridge-based Autonomy Corporation, with Mr [ Richard ] Perle's help, ...
07.Mar.2007 The Open Horn :: View topic - Bush/Cheney impeachment, Rumsfeld ...

Former JIC chair Dame Pauline Neville-Jones says the "buck must stop" with ... several of the appointees were protégés of Richard Perle, an AEI fellow who ...

07.Mar.2007 This Crap Is Interesting Its Sad We Dont Hear About It. - Anabolic ... J.,

Henry Kissinger, Richard Perle, Melinda Gates (wife of Bill Gates), David Rockefeller, Timothy F. Geithner, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New ...
07.Mar.2007 | radiohead message board > The annual Bilderberg ...

OK Come on in, waters warm and all the usual suspects are here, Henry Kissinger, John Edwards, Richard Perle, Ralph Reed.
07.Mar.2007 NotreDameFans.Com :: View topic - Bilderberg group meets near Ottawa

The group also includes a pair of prominent figures involved in planning the US invasion of Iraq — Richard Perle + Ahmad Chalabi.
07.Mar.2007 ABC Nightline to air Secret Saddam tapes - Talks about using WMD ...

Dr. Richard Parton Joseph P. Payne Richard Perle Dr. Walid Phares Walter Purdy ... Dame Pauline Neville-Jones, former Chair, UK Joint Intelligence Committee, ...
American Free Press News

Former Pentagon advisor Richard Perle, one of the major architects of the war in Iraq, ...

Neville-Jones, Pauline - Chairman, QuinetiQ, gov. for the BBC, ...
07.Mar.2007 The history men fall out over tales of spying + betrayal +

... Richard Perle, now an influential figure in George Bush's Washington circle,

... Pauline Neville-Jones, head of policy planning staff at the FCO, ...,9830,975078,00.html
«First» «Last» - HTML-Version

Federal Republic of Italy.

Pauline Neville-Jones Chairman Qinetiq Group.

Luigi Nicolais ...

Richard Perle Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute ...
07.Mar.2007 SPEAKERS Bruce Aitken Luis Gil Armendariz Jed L. Babbin Dr. Shmuel ...

Cptn. Richard Horowitz ...

Richard Perle ...

Cdr. Richard Marcinko ·

Khaleel Mohammed ·

Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi ·

Dame Pauline Neville-Jones ...
07.Mar.2007 The Washington Note

Particularly, browse through the list of speakers which includes figures like

Laurent Murawiec, Michael Ledeen + Richard Perle + is top-heavey with ...
07.Mar.2007 BBC Reports WTC 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Before it Falls ... sure)

00.000.2001 BBC ... being run by a woman called Dame Pauline Neville-Jones.

... of the Intelligence Summit – where she joins Richard Perle + Kenneth Timmerman, ...
CBC News: the fifth estate - Act of Faith - The U.S. Road to War

Dame Pauline Neville Jones was a senior civil servant in the British Foreign ...

Richard Perle felt that it was the single most important sentence of Bush's ...
The Intelligence Summit: Intelligence News and Information ...

Cdr. Richard Marcinko ·

Dame Pauline Neville-Jones ... Speaker's Photo Richard Perle is Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy ...
07.Mar.2007 ANHANGHTML-Version

00.000.1939 -born- Dame Pauline Neville-Jones. DCMG. Vorstandsvorsitzende QinetiQ ... Wolfowitz + Richard Perle . Sie halten das ...
07.Mar.2007 - Bilderberg: Kto Naprawde Rzadzi Swiatem

GB - Neville-Jones, Pauline - Chairman, QuinetiQ (UK privatized military ...

USA - Perle, Richard N. - Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for ...
WorldNetDaily: Guess who's at super-secret Bilderberg meeting today

J., Henry Kissinger, Richard Perle, Melinda Gates (wife of Bill Gates), ...

Die Zeit; NL - Netherlands, HM Queen Beatrix;

GB - Neville-Jones, ...
Hundreds die from deadly bacteria in Israel Doctors said an antibiotic-resistant bacterium known as Klebsiella pneumoniae has killed as many as 200 patients in hospitals across Israel.
07.Mar.2007 Watery Nanoparticles Deliver Anticancer Therapy
Ultrafine nanoparticles made of a lacy web of polymer and tiny pockets of water may prove to be an ideal vehicle for delivering light-activated drugs to tumors. Preliminary experiments, published in the journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition, show that cancer cells die quickly when treated with these nanoparticles and exposed to light.

07.Mar.2007 Domenici hires Duke Cunningham’s lawyer. - Nico -

Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM) has “hired a top defense attorney to handle the pending ethics investigation into allegations that he pressured a federal prosecutor to bring indictments against New Mexico Democrats on the eve of the 2006 elections.” His choice: “Lee Blalack, who recently represented former congressman Randy ‘Duke’ Cunningham (R-CA), who is now serving time in prison for bribery and other offenses,” and who was prosecuted by purged U.S. Attorney Carol Lam.
07.Mar.2007 Libby is a ‘martyr of the war party.’ - Amanda -

Pat Buchanan: “The conviction of Scooter Libby on four counts of perjury and obstruction of justice is first of all a human tragedy.

A man who served his country at the highest level, who sat in every morning at the senior staff meeting in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, has been dishonored and disgraced + will be disbarred.

Unless his conviction is overturned, or he is pardoned, Libby will go to prison. His life will end with an obituary that declares in its headline and lead paragraph that he was a convicted Dick Cheney aide.”
Senior Bush Official May Have Violated Law Trying To Block Pelosi From Appearing At Event - Nico -

House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) has uncovered more potentially illegal activity by the head of the General Services Administration, Lorita Doan.

Waxman has discovered that Doan “used a January 2007 teleconference to ask senior GSA officials to help ‘our candidates’ in the next elections through targeted public events, such as the opening of federal facilities around the country.” Doan discussed with GSA officials “how to exclude House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from an upcoming courthouse opening in San Francisco and how to include Republican Senator Mel Martinez.” Doan’s activity is now being investigated as a potential violation of the Hatch Act, which prohibits partisan campaign activities on federal property.

Doan’s inappropriate (and potentially illegal) behavior extends beyond partisan hackery. Last summer, Doan signed a $20,000 no-bid contract for a 24-page report “promoting GSA’s use of minority- and women-owned businesses.”

Doan made the deal with a firm called Diversity Best Practices, headed by Edie Fraser. Waxman has discovered that Doan “had a long-standing business relationship with Ms. Fraser that has not been disclosed previously. Moreover, “Fraser used her professional connections to advance Doan’s nomination to GSA and to provide personal favors, and…Ms. Fraser continued to provide services with the expectation of payment to Ms. Doan after she became GSA Administrator.”

Waxman released an email from Fraser to Doan on 9/6/06:

Lurita, I will do anything for you and will do for the rest of my life… But I have spent so much time at GSA from the report planning to these sessions with ZERO $$. How do we solve

Fraser’s $20,000 contract was eventually canceled because, at the time, GSA contracts worth more than $2,500 had to be competitively bid. But Doan wouldn’t go down without a fight. According to Waxman, Doan pushed her staff “behind the scenes to find a way to award the contract to Ms. Fraser,” even suggesting “that if GSA were to make the contract available through a competitive bid, Ms. Fraser could write the ‘Statement of Work’ describing the award for which her company would be competing.”

More details HERE and HERE. Doan will appear before the oversight committee on March 20.
07.Mar.2007 What U.S. troops can expect if we strike Iran. - Faiz - released its second in a series of video blogs today warning against a military strike on Iran. In the new release, Iraq war veteran Jon Soltz says, “You really can’t support striking Iran and support the troops in the field, because all you’re doing is making an extremely difficult mission that’s almost impossible right now, pure military force, more complex by striking Iran.” Clark adds that the mission of U.S. troops after a strike on Iran would be simple — “It’ll be about survival.” Watch it:
07.Mar.2007 McClellan On Libby Verdict: White House Needs To ‘Get Out There And Talk About This’ - Think Progress -

Last night on Larry King Live, former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan echoed Joseph Wilson’s call for the Bush administration to finally come clean about their actions in the CIA leak case. “I would be advising the White House to get out there and find some way to talk about this,” McClellan said.

Watch it:

While serving in the White House, McClellan orchestrated the White House’s stonewall on the leak story. Time and again, he claimed he could not answer questions about “an ongoing investigation,” even when the questions were unrelated to the investigation.

McClellan claimed last night that Karl Rove and Scooter Libby had lied to him. “Knowing what I know today, I would have never said that back then,” McClellan said, referring to the assurance he gave the public that Rove and Libby were not involved.

McClellan didn’t talk about this quote, leaving it to the current Press Secretary to explain it:

If anyone in this administration was involved in it, they would no longer be in this administration.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said yesterday that the White House will continue its “principled stand” of not commenting on the leak issue. Transcript: (more…)
07.Mar.2007 2.5 hours. - Nico - The time it took after Scooter Libby’s verdict was announced for the National Review to publish its editorial: “Pardon Libby.”
07.Mar.2007 The world’s “most famous freshman congressman.” - Payson -

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), who two months ago became the first Muslim sworn into Congress, “has plans to meet with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other top State Department officials to talk about showcasing his story as part of their public diplomacy efforts in the Muslim world.” Already, the State Department’s overseas press bureau has profiled Ellison three times. “I’m willing to do whatever I can to make some friends for America,” Ellison said. “It’s a very positive development,” said Voice of America’s Faiz Rehman, a native of Pakistan. “He is the most famous freshman congressman in the world.”
07.Mar.2007 Rep. Doc Hastings (R-WA) Pressured Former U.S. Attorney In Federal Investigation - Amanda -

Today, John McKay, the former U.S. attorney in Washington, revealed to the Senate Judiciary Committee that Rep. Doc Hastings’s (R-WA) office contacted him and attempted to pressure him in an ongoing investigation.

Shortly after the 2004 elections, McKay received a call from Ed Cassidy, Hastings’s chief of staff, on behalf of the congressman. Cassidy was inquiring about McKay’s investigation of voter fraud in the hotly contested 2004 gubernatorial election, which had been certified in favor of the Democratic candidate. McKay said that Cassidy asked him about “future action” in the case, but ended the call “in a most expeditious fashion” when McKay pointed out that it is “improper” for a lawmaker to lobby a U.S. attorney on an ongoing investigation. Watch it:

House rules prohibit members “from contacting executive or agency officials regarding the merits of matters under their formal consideration.” Nevertheless, Cassidy now advises House Minority Leader John Boehner on congressional ethics.

Earlier today, the former U.S. attorney for New Mexico David Iglesias also publicly detailed how Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM) and Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM) pressured him in an investigation. UPDATE: TPM has more. Transcript: (more…)
07.Mar.2007 Fitzgerald Speaks Out On Libby Verdict - Faiz -

At his post-verdict press conference, special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said Libby had “lied and obstructed justice in a serious matter. The results are actually sad. It’s sad that we had a situation where a high-level official — a person who worked in the office of the Vice President — obstructed justice and lied under oath. We wish that had not happened.”

Fitzgerald added, “it’s not the verdict that justifies the investigation, it’s the facts.”

The Nation’s David Corn asked Fitzgerald to comment on his previous courtroom assertion that, “There is a cloud over the vice president…There is a cloud over the White House.” Fitzgerald responded that “the fact that there was a cloud over anyone was not our doing, it was the facts of the case, [and] it was aggravated by Mr. Libby telling falsehoods.” Watch it:

UPDATE: White House spokeswoman Dana Perino says the White House will continue its “principled stand” of not commenting:

PERINO: I know that there’s going to be a lot of disappointment with this, but there is an ongoing criminal proceeding. Scooter Libby’s attorneys just announced that they are going to ask for a new trial + that they are going to, failing that, they would appeal the verdict. And so our principled stand of not commenting on ongoing legal investigations is going to continue. UPDATE II: Fmr. Ambassador Joseph Wilson on MSNBC’s Countdown and ’s Larry King Live tonight.
07.Mar.2007 BREAKING: Libby Guilty On Four Of Five Counts - Think Progress -

Scooter Libby has been found guilty on four out of five counts:

Count 1 - Obstruction of Justice: Libby intentionally deceived the grand jury about how he learned + “disclosed to the media,” information about Valerie Plame Wilson’s employment by the CIA.

Count 2 - Making a False Statement: Libby intentionally gave FBI agents false information about a conversation he had with NBC’s Tim Russert regarding Valerie Plame Wilson, who is married to Joseph Wilson.

Count 4 - Perjury: Libby knowingly provided false testimony in court about a conversation he had with Russert.

Count 5 - Perjury: Libby knowingly provided false testimony in court about his conversation with reporters regarding Valerie Plame Wilson’s CIA employment.

Libby was found not guilty on count 3, a charge that he gave false statements to the FBI about his conversation with Time magazine reporter Matt Cooper.

UPDATE: Fox News reports from inside the courtroom: “Scooter Libby had a rather sad, resigned smile on his face. The kind of smile you get from resignation, not happiness, obviously.”

UPDATE II: Washington Post: “Under federal sentencing guidelines, Libby faces a probable prison term of 1 1/2 to three years when he is sentenced by U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton. … As the jury forewoman read each guilty count in a clear, solemn voice, Libby was impassive, remaining seated at the defense table, gazing straight ahead and displaying no visible emotion.”

UPDATE III: Fox news legal analyst Andrew Napolitano spins the verdict for the defense, arguing that there is a basis for Libby’s defense counsel to say the jury “misunderstood the nature of the charges” and was “hopelessly confused.” Watch it:

UPDATE IV: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) calls on President Bush to pledge not to pardon Libby:

I welcome the jury’s verdict. It’s about time someone in the Bush Administration has been held accountable for the campaign to manipulate intelligence and discredit war critics.

Lewis Libby has been convicted of perjury, but his trial revealed deeper truths about Vice President Cheney’s role in this sordid affair.

Now President Bush must pledge not to pardon Libby for his criminal conduct.

UPDATE V: Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) says the problem is not just Libby.

Today’s guilty verdicts are not solely about the acts of one individual.

This trial provided a troubling picture of the inner workings of the Bush Administration.

The testimony unmistakably revealed — at the highest levels of the Bush Administration — a callous disregard in handling sensitive national security information and a disposition to smear critics of the war in Iraq.
Pilots traced to CIA renditions - sfux Bob Drogin & John Goetz -

The L.A. Times identifies three fliers facing kidnapping charges in Germany related to a 2003 counter-terrorism mission.
The forecast called for heavy snow on the route home, so the three pilots who had just flown a covert CIA-sponsored "extraordinary rendition"...

Reagan-Bush Drug Legacy in CentAm - sfux Robert Parry -

Two grisly massacres in Guatemala - the murders of three Salvadoran legislators + then the killing of four policemen who had confessed to the first killings -

reflect a legacy dating back to the 1980s when Ronald Reagan + George H.W. Bush put Central America's ideological struggles ahead of...
Die Heuschreckenpresse - sfux Malte Olschewski -

Outsourcing, Gratisblätter, Heuschrecken und Konkurrenz im Internet machen den traditionsreichen Lokalzeitungen das Überleben immer schwerer.

Die einst blühende Landschaft, in der hunderte ?Boten? und ?Kuriere? unterwegs waren, wird eingeebnet und kahlgefressen.

Gab es vor zehn Jahren in Deutschland noch 354 lokale und regionale Abonnentenzeitungen mit einer Gesamtauflage...
Two FBI Whistleblowers Confirm Illegal Wiretapping of Government Officials - sfux National Security Whistleblowers -

The National Security Whistleblowers Coalition has obtained a

copy of an official complaint filed by a veteran FBI Special Agent, Gilbert Graham, with the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (DOJ-OIG). SA Graham?s...
USA will neue nukleare Kriegsköpfe - sfux Stephan Fuchs ?

Wie das amerikanische Militär mitteilte, will das Pentagon eine neue Generation nuklearer Kriegsköpfe zum Einsatz bringen.

Diese sollen die veralteten, aus der Zeit des kalten Krieges stammenden seegestützten atomaren Gefechtsköpfe ersetzen.
Die Entscheidung kommt in einem äusserst ungünstigen Moment: Die Regierung Bush versucht mit Nord Korea und Iran über den Verzicht auf atomare Waffen zu verhandeln und jetzt wollen sie selber atomar...

Coffee 'no boost in the morning' That morning latte or expresso may not be the pick-me-up people think it is, a study has revealed.
07.Mar.2007 White House official Libby guilty A former key White House official, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, is found guilty of obstruction of justice and perjury.
07.Mar.2007 Merkel urges EU lead on climate German Chancellor Angela Merkel urges Europe to lead the fight on global warming, ahead of an EU summit.
07.Mar.2007 Use of hyperactivity drugs soars The use of drugs to treat hyperactivity in children has soared worldwide, a US study shows.
07.Mar.2007 Jordanians 'planned to kill Bush' Three men go on trial in Jordan, accused of plotting to assassinate President Bush during his visit last November.
07.Mar.2007 Whitehall 'fails on eco-targets' UK government departments are failing to meet targets for cutting emissions, waste and water use, a watchdog says.
07.Mar.2007 US upbeat on talks with N Korea The US and North Korea hold "very good" talks aimed at normalising bilateral ties, the top US negotiator says.
07.Mar.2007 French thinker Baudrillard dies The French post-modernist sociologist and philosopher, Jean Baudrillard, dies in Paris aged 77.
07.Mar.2007 Paraguay dengue official sacked The man heading Paraguay's response to a dengue fever crisis is fired over the use of expired fumigation chemicals.
07.Mar.2007 Taiwan 'tests new cruise missile' Taiwan test-fired a cruise missile capable of hitting Chinese territory last month, a newspaper reports.
07.Mar.2007 'Mr Ocalan' ruling in Turkey A politician in Turkey is sentenced to six months in prison for calling Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan "Mr".
07.Mar.2007 Blair aide's 'concern over Levy' One of Tony Blair's closest advisers was concerned about a version of events put to her by Labour fund-raiser Lord Levy, the BBC has learned.
07.Mar.2007 Global stock markets close higher Stock markets around the world climbed after five days of losses, but analysts warn that volatility is still a concern.
07.Mar.2007 Breast cancer 'hits poor hardest' Women from more deprived backgrounds have a lower breast cancer survival rate, research suggests.
07.Mar.2007 UN outlines global e-waste goals The UN launches a global initiative to tackle the growing mountain of electrical and electronic waste.
07.Mar.2007 China confirms Moon probe China will launch its first unmanned mission to the Moon later this year, a senior space official confirms.
07.Mar.2007 US mulls backing 'medicine rice' The US gives initial backing to growing rice modified with human proteins that could produce medicine.
07.Mar.2007 N Korea enrichment 'beyond doubt' The US insists North Korea has enriched uranium, after doubts were cast on US intelligence claims.
07.Mar.2007 Swiss 'genocide' trial for Turk A Swiss court prosecutes a Turkish politician for "genocide denial" over the killings of Armenians in Turkey 00.000.1915.
07.Mar.2007 Drones to Thwart Missiles DHS wants to protect commercial airliners from shoulder-fired missiles with drones orbiting over airports, according to Defense Daily. In Danger Room.
07.Mar.2007 Where's My Personalized Medicine? The technology exists to protect patients from antidepressants that might cause harmful side effects. Why aren't doctors using it? By Aaron Rowe.
07.Mar.2007 Bots Probe Earth's Missing Crust British scientists are sending robots to dig rock samples from a huge area in the Atlantic seabed where the Earth's crust is missing and its inner mantle lies exposed. By the Associated Press.
07.Mar.2007 Too Much Digital Information Researchers conclude that the world generated 161 billion gigabytes of digital info last year. And there's barely enough room to store it all. By the Associated Press.
07.Mar.2007 Navy Researches Vomit Beam Set phasers to "puke"? The military works on a weapon that makes people so dizzy they fall over and throw up. It can supposedly shoot through walls, too. In Danger Room.
07.Mar.2007 AT&T Whistle-Blower Outs Media The man who provided key documents for an anti-spying suit against the telecom giant breaks his silence, claiming the Los Angeles Times killed his story at the feds' request. In 27B Stroke 6.
07.Mar.2007 A Leak Trial: Libby Guilty VP Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, gets felony convictions for lying and obstructing an investigation into the leak of a CIA operative's identity. By the Associated Press.
07.Mar.2007 Bank of America launches $20 billion environmental program Blog: Bank of America on Tuesday detailed a $20 billion initiative to address global climate change which entails loans, an Eco-friendly...
07.Mar.2007 The next game controller--your brain? New game platform apparently can respond to emotions and conscious thoughts to move objects on the screen.
07.Mar.2007 Lunar Dustbusters - kdawson 117 Comments  Maggie McKee writes

"Moon dust could be a source of oxygen and metals. But moon dust could also lodge in astronauts' lungs, possibly triggering long-term health effects. During the relatively short Apollo Moon landing missions nearly 40 years ago, astronauts reported difficulty breathing. So now, before astronauts return to the moon 00.000.2020, NASA is working on a number of ways to reduce the amount of lunar dust astronauts are exposed to — from simple grates on the floor to magnetic wands and giant lint rollers."
Source Control For Bills In Congress? - kdawson 267 Comments  grepya writes

"An article in Slate talks about the sneaky way a major change in the Patriot Act reauthorization bill was made by (possibly) a Congressional staffer without even his boss knowing about it. (The change increased the power of the Executive at the expense of the other two branches of government.) Now, I write software for a large and complex system containing millions of lines of code and I know that nobody could slip a single line of code into my project without my knowledge. This is because everything that goes into the build goes into a source control system + email notification is generated to interested parties. This is for a body of work that affects perhaps a few hundred thousand people at most (our company and the combined population of all our customer organizations). Shouldn't the same process be applied to bills being debated in national legislatures that affect potentially hundreds of millions of people?"
Abandoning net neutrality discourages improvements in service
Charging online content providers such as Yahoo! and Google for preferential access to the customers of Internet service providers might not be in the best interest of the millions of Americans, despite claims to the contrary, a new University of Florida study finds.

07.Mar.2007 Hairstyle of a Neuron: From Hairy to Mushroom-Head
Synapses are essential for the brain's normal function: their absence or presence is tightly linked to the brain's ability to transfer, process + store information. Synapses are thus constantly generated and degraded. However, the mechanisms of this complex remodelling process remained largely unknown. Scientists of the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology have now identified the molecular players involved in synapse formation.

07.Mar.2007 Mine runoff continues to provide clues to microbial diversification
Pink slime at the surface of water trickling through an old mine in California is proving to be a treasure for researchers in their quest to learn more about how bacterial communities exist in nature.

07.Mar.2007 Engage YORP drive: Sun powers space rocks Energy from the Sun changes an asteroid's spin, a finding that helps explain an enduring mystery about space rocks, scientists said on Wednesday.
07.Mar.2007 Early Mars had underground water system Scientists on Thursday said they had found evidence that Mars was once latticed by an underground water system, proving that the Red Planet has had a long and complex relationship with one of the potential ingredients for life.
07.Mar.2007 On a diet? You'll spend more on impulse purchases People who exercise self control in some way, such as dieting or trying not to look at or think about something, will tend to make more impulse purchases if given the opportunity, explains a study from the March issue of the Journal of Consumer Research.
07.Mar.2007 Despite their heft, many dinosaurs had surprisingly tiny genomes They might be giants, but many dinosaurs apparently had genomes no larger than that of a modern hummingbird.
07.Mar.2007 Basque roots found in Britain and Ireland A British geneticist says the Irish, English, Scottish and Welsh may have more ancestors in common than current inhabitants would like to believe.
07.Mar.2007 Paper challenges 1491 Amazonian population theories There's a scholarly debate brewing about

whether pre-Columbian Amazonian populations settled in large numbers across Amazonia + created the modern forest setting that many conservationists take to be ?natural.'
Sound waves turn natural gas into liquid Worldwide, 100 billion cubic meters of natural gas is wasted every year.

Now, the Denver-based company Swift LNG aims to turn that gas into a usable liquid fuel with a thermoacoustic natural gas liquefaction technology just licensed from Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Solar energy conversion offers a solution to help mitigate global warming Solar energy has the power to reduce greenhouse gases and provide increased energy efficiency,

says a scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory, in a report published in the March issue of Physics Today.
Two-step Process Filters Evolution of Genes of Human and Chimpanzee
Although the human and chimpanzee genomes are distinguished by 35 million differences in individual DNA "letters," only about 50,000 of those differences alter the sequences of proteins.

Of those 50,000 differences, an estimated 5,000 may have adaptive consequences in the evolutionary divergence between these two species, according to a study published in the

06.Mar.2007 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

07.Mar.2007 Global warming reaches Mount Everest A French-led study has determined global warming has affected the ice cap on Mount Everest in the heart of the Himalayas.
07.Mar.2007 Dogs provide insight into human evolution German scientists say many species, not just humans, can draw inferences about the intentions of other individuals to cooperate in complex tasks.
07.Mar.2007 Asian Pollution Affects Pacific Storms (AP) -- Pollution from Asia is helping generate stronger storms over the North Pacific, according to new research.

Changes in the North Pacific storm track could have an impact on weather across the Northern Hemisphere.

Satellite measurements have shown an increase in tiny particles generated from coal burning in China + India in recent decades, researchers report in Tuesday's issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
NASA Can't Pay for Killer Asteroid Hunt (AP) -

NASA officials say the space agency is capable of finding nearly all the asteroids that might pose a devastating hit to Earth, but there isn't enough money to pay for the task so it won't get done.
Scientists reconstruct migration of avian flu virus UC Irvine researchers have combined genetic and geographic data of the H5N1 avian flu virus to reconstruct its history over the past decade.

They found that multiple strains of the virus originated in the Chinese province of Guangdong + they identified many of the migration routes through which the strains spread regionally and internationally.
Scientists design 'green' automobile Automotive engineers at the Union of Concerned Scientists have developed a minivan design they said proves automakers can build affordable "green" vehicles.
07.Mar.2007 Out-of-body experiences may be caused by arousal system disturbances in brain Having an out-of-body experience may seem far-fetched to some, but for those with arousal system disturbances in their brains, it may not be a far off idea that they could sense they were really outside their own body watching themselves. In previous studies of more than 13,000 Europeans, almost 6 % said they have had such an out-of-body experience.
07.Mar.2007 Dietary copper may ease heart disease Including more copper in your everyday diet could be good for your heart,

according to scientists at the University of Louisville Medical Center + the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center.

Their studies show that giving copper supplements to mice eased the stress on their over-worked hearts by preventing heart enlargement.

The study wll be published online on March 5th in The Journal of Experimental Medicine.
Tundra disappearing at rapid rate Forests of spruce trees and shrubs in parts of northern Canada are taking over what were once tundra landscapes--forcing out the species that lived there.

This shift can happen at a much faster speed than scientists originally thought, according to a new University of Alberta study that adds to the growing body of evidence on the effects of climate change.
Scientists explain inception of perception in the brain The taste of champagne, the sound of a train, the flash of a pop fly into left field - indeed all of human perception - begins in the brain`s center.

That`s where sensory information passes from the thalamus to the neocortex for processing.
Cybercrime Treaty — Hidden Costs For All - kdawson 85+ Comments  linuxtelephony writes in with an article at CIO Insight about a cybercrime treaty drafted in Europe with help from the US.

It has implications for just about everyone with a network. From the article: "Civil libertarians are especially concerned about the sweeping authority given to participating countries to seize information from private parties as they investigate cybercrimes, even when the activity being investigated isn't a crime in the country where the data is located... Telecommunications companies object to provisions that require member countries to establish and enforce potent data-retention policies for network traffic + require any operator of a computer network to respond to requests for information from any participating country without compensation of any kind...

The provisions for data retention and production apply to any operator of a computer network, not just telecoms... Worldwide law-enforcement agencies, in other words, may now avail themselves of the opportunity to outsource their most expensive problems to you."
In France, Only Journalists Can Film Violence - kdawson 419+ Comments  BostonBTS sends word that the French Constitutional Council has just made it illegal to film violence unless you are a professional journalist (or to distribute a video containing violence).

The law was approved exactly 16 years after amateur videographer George Holliday filmed Los Angeles police officers beating Rodney King. The Council was tidying up a body of law about offenses against the public order + wanted to ban "happy slapping." A charitable reading would be that the lawmakers stumbled into unintended consequences. Not according to Pascal Cohet, a spokesman for French online civil liberties group Odebi: "The broad drafting of the law so as to criminalize the activities of citizen journalists unrelated to the perpetrators of violent acts is no accident, but rather a deliberate decision by the authorities, said [Cohet]. He is concerned that the law + others still being debated, will lead to the creation of a parallel judicial system controlling the publication of information on the Internet."
U.S. Senators Pressure Canada on Canadian DMCA - Hemos 376+ Comments  An anonymous reader writes

"The U.S. copyright lobby brought out some heavy artillery last week as it continued to pressure Canada to introduce a Canadian DMCA. U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Wilkins gave a public talk in which he described Canadian copyright law as the weakest in the G7, while Senators Dianne Feinstein and John Cornyn wrote to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to urge him to bring in movie piracy legislation."
9 Laws of Physics That Don't Apply in Hollywood - Hemos 619+ Comments  Ant writes

"Neatorama lists nine laws of physics that don't apply in Hollywood (movies and television/TV shows). In general, Hollywood filmmakers follow the laws of physics because they have no other choice. It's just when they cheat with special effects that people seem to forget how the world really works..."
Boeing Fitting Aircraft With Illegal Parts? - Paul Joseph Watson Boeing Fitting Aircraft With Illegal Parts? Chip that was illegally installed 00.000.2000 could have been utilized to execute 9/11 attacks
07.Mar.2007 Pilot's Lawsuit Alleges Airliners Rigged With Explosives - Paul Joseph Watson - Boeing VP admitted fact in speech, remote control connection to 9/11 tantalizing
07.Mar.2007 9/11 Not First Example Of Media Scripting & Foreknowledge? - Paul Joseph Watson - Were Oswald, Pearl Harbor details leaked ahead of time?
BBC's 9/11 Yellow Journalism Backfires - Paul Joseph Watson - Building 7 becomes the Achilles heel of the official conspiracy theory
Breaking: Libby verdict reached. - Faiz - reports a verdict has been reached in the CIA leak trial of former White House aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby. The verdict is expected to be read in the courtroom at 12 p.m. ET.
07.Mar.2007 March 6, 2007 - Think Progress -

Another purged prosecutor. Former federal prosecutor Thomas DiBiagio said yesterday that “he was forced out in early 2005 because of political pressure stemming from public corruption investigations involving associates” of Maryland Gov. Bob Ehrlich (R-MD). “There was direct pressure not to pursue these investigations,” DiBiagio said.

The White House plans to ask Congress for $2 billion more for President Bush’s escalation plan, an “embarrassing” move for the White House and the Pentagon, “which earlier dismissed criticism from lawmakers that the original $5.6 billion estimate for the troop buildup was too low.”

Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM) admitted yesterday that she contacted former U.S. attorney David Iglesias “to complain about the pace of his public corruption investigations.”

Iglesias has said that he was fired because he resisted pressure from Wilson and Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM) to speed up an investigation against Democrats before the 2006 elections.

“ Nine American soldiers died in explosions north of Baghdad, the U.S. military announced today after the deadliest single day for U.S. troops in Iraq in nearly a month.”

51 %: Number of people in the world who believe the USA has a “mainly negative” influence in the world. The USA ranks third, behind Israel and Iran + is followed by North Korea. (more…)
07.Mar.2007 REPORT: Air Strikes Against Iran Would Accelerate Nuclear Weapons Development - Faiz -

Conservatives such as AEI’s Joshua Muravchik have argued that a targeted air strike “would not end Iran’s weapons program, but it would certainly delay it.” Similarly, former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton promoted the concept of air strikes, saying, “I don’t think the military option, with respect to the Iranian nuclear program, would involve forces on the ground. I think it would involve the destruction of the nuclear facilities. And that can be done in a variety of other ways.”

In a new study, the British-based Oxford Research Group reports that military strikes on Iran “could accelerate rather than halt Tehran’s production of atomic weapons.” “If Iran is moving towards a nuclear weapons capacity, it is doing so relatively slowly,” the report says. But in the report’s introduction, former chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix warns that “armed attacks on Iran would very likely lead to the result they were meant to avoid — the building of nuclear weapons within a few years.” A key portion of the report:

If Iran’s nuclear facilities were severely damaged during an attack, it is possible that Iran could embark on a crash programme to make one nuclear weapon. In the aftermath of a military strike, if Iran devoted maximum effort and resources to building one nuclear bomb, it could achieve this in a relatively short amount of time: some months rather than years. The argument that military strikes would buy time is flawed. It does not take into account the time already available to pursue diplomacy; it inflates the likelihood of military success and underplays the possibility of hardened Iranian determination leading to a crash nuclear programme. Post military attacks, it is possible that Iran would be able to build a nuclear weapon and would then wield one in an environment of incalculably greater hostility.

It is a mistake to believe that Iran can be deterred from attaining a nuclear weapons capability by bombing its facilities + presumably continuing to do so should Iran then reconstitute its programme.

The Washington Post reported last year that the administration was “studying options for military strikes against Iran.” Joint Chiefs Chairman Peter Pace “categorically” denied that the U.S. is planning for such operations. But media reports have indicated preparations for an air strike against Iran are reportedly “at an advanced stage, in spite of repeated public denials by the Bush administration.” Digg It!

UPDATE: The Center for American Progress’s Iran strategy, “Contain and Engage,” notes, “After a U.S. military strike some countries might even decide that it is in their interests to help Iran acquire nuclear weapons. Russia, for instance, might regard U.S. military action in Iran as destabilizing and damaging to its national security and seek to counter U.S. power in the region by strengthening its relationship with Iran.”
07.Mar.2007 Two more subpoenas. - Nico -

Pressure ratchets up in the U.S. Attorney scandal as Rep. Linda Sánchez (D-CA), chairwoman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law (CAL), issues two more subpoenas to attorneys fired by the Bush administration.
07.Mar.2007 Washington Post Editorial Board Spits Out Baseless Right-Wing Talking Points On Libby Verdict - Faiz -

In a substance-less diatribe, the Washington Post editorial board this morning tried its best to downplay the significance of the Scooter Libby verdict. Here’s a fact-check on some of the Post’s most absurd claims:

CLAIM: Libby’s guilty verdict was “propelled not by actual wrongdoing.”

FACT: The Post Editorial Board Highlighted The ‘Seriousness’ Of Perjury Charges Against Clinton. In a Jan. 22, 1998 editorial, the Washington Post write, “The allegations against President Clinton are allegations of extremely serious crimes. … Subornation of perjury is a federal crime punishable by up to five years in prison.” On Feb. 2, 1998, the Post wrote that the “seriousness” of the charges against Clinton had “to do much more with possible perjury than with sex.” And on Dec. 13, 1998, the Post wrote: “There is no question that President Clinton committed grave offenses and aggravated them by refusing to acknowledge either the offenses themselves or their seriousness.”

CLAIM: Calling it a “sensational charge,” the Post writes that there was “no evidence that [Plame] was, in fact, covert.”

FACT: CIA, Former Colleagues + Special Prosecutor All Report That Plame Was Covert. The CIA filed a “crime report” with the Department of Justice shortly after Novak’s column, stating that an undercover agent’s identity had been blown. Larry Johnson, a former CIA officer, said “Valerie Plame was a classmate of mine from the day she started with the CIA. … All of my classmates were undercover.” Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald found that Plame had indeed done “covert work overseas” on counterproliferation matters in the past five years + the CIA “was making specific efforts to conceal” her identity.

CLAIM: The Post claims that senior White House officials had not “orchestrated the leak” and that the trial “provided convincing evidence that there was no conspiracy to punish Mr. Wilson by leaking Ms. Plame’s identity.”

FACT: Cheney’s Point-man — Libby — Carefully Leaked Plame’s Identity To Reporters, White House Staff. In an article published on Jan. 26, 2007, Post writers reported “Vice President Cheney personally orchestrated his office’s 2003 efforts to rebut allegations that the administration used flawed intelligence to justify the war in Iraq.” As of that effort, handwritten notes prove that Cheney assigned Libby to be the point man for disseminating the information about Plame’s identity, which he revealed to reporters Judith Miller and Matt Cooper. Libby also enrolled Ari Fleischer and Karl Rove in his effort to disseminate Plame’s identity.

CLAIM: “It would have been sensible for Mr. Fitzgerald to end his investigation after learning about Mr. Armitage. Instead, like many Washington special prosecutors before him, he pressed on, pursuing every tangent in the case.”

FACT: Armitage told the truth; Libby refused to. Indeed, it was “sensible” for Fitzgerald to pursue Libby and question why the Vice President’s chief of staff could not tell him the truth, while Armitage could.

The Post editorial concludes: “The Wilson-Plame case + Mr. Libby’s conviction, tell us nothing about the war in Iraq.” This naïve comment is hardly surprising, coming from a publication that bought the false Iraq intelligence that Cheney, Libby + company were trying so hard to sell prior to the war. More distressing, however, is that the Post has been an accomplice in the White House’s effort to cover up what it knew.

Contact the Washington Post ombudsman to inform them of the factual inaccuracies in their editorial.
07.Mar.2007 Wirtschaft Nachrichten - Aktuelle Meldungen Wirtschaft ... 11 :27 Uhr. Opec Ecuador will wieder beitreten. Ecuador will wieder Mitglied der Opec werden. 1992 hatte das Land die Organisation Erdöl exportierender ...
07.Mar.2007 Timeline 1980-1989 ... position as a Senate aide to become a consultant with the Abington Corporation . ... On August 15, GeoMiliTech (GMT) Consultants Corporation is established by ...

Apr.2005 THE AMERICAN DREAM IS WAR, GOD AND MONEY ... Washington DC: Congressional ... Apr.2005 Ratzingers Namensgeber: Welcher Benedikt ist gemeint ?
Adelaide IMC: newswire/5646 The Deutsche-Amerikanische Petroleum AG ( DAPAG ), the Standard Oil subsidiary in Germany, was 94-% owned by Standard Oil of New Jersey. ...
07.Mar.2007 Aktuelle Nachrichten, Archiv: "Heute Irak, morgen Syrien, dann ... wie Adolf Hitler in der Zeit von 1933-45 diktatorische Macht an sich riß und ausübte. ... McCaffrey schrieb einen Kommentar für das Wall Street Journal, ...


Allerdings müssen die Asteroidenjäger demnächst wohl auf eines ihrer bisher wichtigsten Instrumente verzichten: das berühmte Arecibo-Radioteleskop in Puerto Rico, das aus Geldmangel bald geschlossen werden soll. "Das ist eine Katastrophe für die Wissenschaft", sagte Lowry im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL ONLINE. Die beiden Studien in "Nature" und "Science" hätten gezeigt, dass Radarmessungen "große Auswirkungen auf die Asteroidenforschung haben". Insbesondere für die Bestimmung der Form und der Flugbahn von Asteroiden seien Radardaten "äußerst wertvoll".

Als Kaasalainen und seine Kollegen Daten über den 1932 entdeckten Asteroiden "1862 Apollo" aus den Jahren 1980, 1982, 1998 und 2005 auswerteten, entdeckten sie, dass sich dessen Rotationsgeschwindigkeit messbar verändert hatte. Aktuell benötigt der Himmelskörper, dessen Durchmesser rund 1,4 Kilometer beträgt, etwas mehr als drei Stunden für eine Drehung um sich selbst und 1,78 Jahre für eine vollständige Reise um die Sonne.

Asteroiden-Abwehr mit Licht
Rückstoß: Sonnenlicht lässt Asteroiden rotieren
07.Mar.2007 EU- Gipfel: Merkel zieht in den Klima- Kampf
07.Mar.2007 EU- Vergleich: Wenig Geld, miese Jobs, kaum Karriere für deutsche Frauen

07.Mar.2007 Reiseanalyse: Geringverdiener fahren immer seltener in Urlaub
07.Mar.2007 Pranger- Projekt: Pläne für öffentliches Triebtäter- Register empören Datenschützer
US- Schülerinnen: Rausschmiss wegen "Vagina"
07.Mar.2007 Selbstmordtheorie steht nach Tod von russischem Journalisten im Zweifel - sfux Moskau -

Nach dem tödlichen Fenstersturz eines russischen Journalisten haben Kollegen und Verwandte Zweifel an der Selbstmordtheorie geäußert. Iwan Safronow, der seit 1997 für die Tageszeitung «Kommersant» geschrieben hatte, war am Freitag in Moskau aus einem Fenster im fünften Stock seines Hauses zu Tode gestürzt. Die Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt in der Angelegenheit. «Die Untersuchungen konzentrieren sich immer mehr darauf, dass es Selbstmord war, aber alle, die Iwan Safronow...
Hot baths may cut male fertility Taking regular hot baths may make men infertile, say US researchers.
07.Mar.2007 Robot pharmacist helps hospital A new time-saving robot is installed in the pharmacy of Musgrove Park Hospital in Somerset.
07.Mar.2007 Panel blames US army over scandal Poor living conditions at the main US army hospital are part of a pattern a congressman tells a hearing.
07.Mar.2007 Dick Cheney has blood clot in leg US Vice-President Dick Cheney has a blood clot in his leg and is being treated with blood-thinning medication.
07.Mar.2007 Falling ice shuts Toronto roads Police shut several streets in the Canadian city of Toronto after huge slabs of ice are reported falling off skyscrapers.
07.Mar.2007 US 'erased Afghan attack footage' The Associated Press says US troops censored footage of an incident in which several civilians were killed.
07.Mar.2007 '30s Hollywood Cartoon Censorship Cartoon Brew highlights how the Hayes Code impacted cartoons 00.000.1939 -- male characters couldn't be effeminate, kids had to behave and Flossie the cow's sexy udders had to be clothed. At Table of Malcontents.
07.Mar.2007 China Nixes More Web Cafes Beijing decides that 113,000 internet cafes are enough -- at least until it figures out what this internet freedom stuff is all about. By the Associated Press.
07.Mar.2007 China Blocks LiveJournal Beijing cuts its people off from 1.8 million blogs with the push of a button. By Quinn Norton.
07.Mar.2007 The freedom to disallow speech in cyberspace Attorney Eric Sinrod says tech industry escaped a close call that might have imposed shackles on search engines and Internet service providers.
07.Mar.2007 Report: India, Russia and China see biggest leaps in Internet users Blog: India, Russia and China were the countries with the biggest increases in Internet users over the past year, according to a study...
07.Mar.2007 Scientists Predicting Intentions - ScuttleMonkey 57+ Comments  An anonymous reader

German scientists claim to have the means of predicting decisions of high level mental activity. "In the past, experts had been able to detect decisions about making physical movements in advance. But researchers at Berlin's Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience claim they have now, for the first time, identified people's decisions about how they would later do a high-level mental activity _ in this case, adding versus subtracting."
Diebold to Withdraw from E-Voting? - ScuttleMonkey 233+ Comments  ICA writes

"It appears after years of criticism, Diebold may be ready to withdraw from electronic voting entirely. The company is concerned that this relatively small + marginally profitable unit is hurting the company's overall image."
07.Mar.2007 NASA mulls how to ward off asteroid 
NASA and the Air Force are studying ways to ward off a medium-sized asteroid that will streak within 18,000 miles of Earth 00.000.2029 and has an extremely slight chance of crashing into our planet 00.000.2036. posted by Prof. Hex
07.Mar.2007 Man pierces Milosevic's grave with pole  Former President Slobodan Milosevic's grave has been desecrated by a man who pierced it with a wooden pole in an ancient Balkan ritual to make sure that an evil spirit never returns, his former party said Monday. posted by Prof. Hex
07.Mar.2007 Europe Struggles with Influx of Iraqi Refugees  Impeach George Bush. posted by Prof. Hex
07.Mar.2007 Libby guilty on 4 of 5 counts  "We're not saying that we didn't think Mr. Libby was guilty of the things we found him guilty of. It seemed like he was the fall guy." posted by Prof. Hex
07.Mar.2007 The right-wing cult of contrived masculinity  I couldn't have said it better myself. Highly recommended. posted by Prof. Hex
07.Mar.2007 "Extinct" bird found in Thailand  The rediscovery has revived regional interest in the large-billed reed warbler, which has long been a mystery bird for ornithologists. posted by Prof. Hex
07.Mar.2007 Meet Eliot Cohen, Condi's New Deputy: "As Extremist a Neocon and Warmonger as It Gets"

07.Mar.2007 Iran says has received US 'proposals' for Iraq talks: "The Americans have recently contacted Iran through different channels requesting talks about Iraqi issues and in particular that country's security," Mohammad Ali Hosseini told state television.

07.Mar.2007 Dilip Hiro: The enemy of my enemy: Those who think a wedge can easily be driven between Iran and Saudi Arabia should not underestimate their history of pragmatic alliance.

07.Mar.2007 U.S. military banking on Turkey for Iran, Iraq access : The U.S. military has sought to significantly expand operations at a key Turkish air base

07.Mar.2007 Olmert calls special cabinet session over Iranian "nuclear threat": Last week Olmert met the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee's strategic subcommittee and gave it an updated survey of Israel's capabilities.

07.Mar.2007 Hans Blix: Powers of persuasion: It is illogical to ask Iran to suspend its enrichment programme before any diplomatic negotiations take place about the conditions for the suspension. It is time for serious talk - not for humiliating preconditions.

07.Mar.2007 Iran to conduct air defense exercises : Iran will conduct air defense exercises Tuesday in preparation for a possible air strike on its uranium ore conversion center at Isfahan, the IRNA news agency said Tuesday.

07.Mar.2007 Iran: Missing general likely kidnapped: Iran officially announced on Tuesday that its former deputy defense minister was missing while on a private trip to neighboring Turkey + its top police chief accused Western intelligence services of possibly kidnapping the official.

07.Mar.2007 Sen. Joe Biden Calls Iranian Leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 'Madman': Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Monday called Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a "madman" and raised the possibility that he could be assassinated by foes within his country.

07.Mar.2007 Bishops equate Israel's actions to Holocaust : Hours after historic visit to Jerusalem holocaust museum, group of German bishops tour Palestinian Authority, say Israel behaving like Nazis

07.Mar.2007 Libby Guilty of Lying in C.I.A. Leak Case: Lewis Libby Jr., the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, was convicted today of lying to F.B.I. agents and grand jurors investigating the unmasking of a C.I.A. operative amid a burning dispute over the war in Iraq.

07.Mar.2007 U.S. Court Allows CIA Kidnapping and Torture : State secret doctrine prohibits judicial review

07.Mar.2007 Guantanamo defense lawyer threatened with charges of `contemptuous words': The Pentagon-appointed lawyer for Australia's sole inmate at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, said yesterday a chief US prosecutor threatened him with charges that could slow his client's case from going to trial.

07.Mar.2007 U.S. attorney cites threat: A high-ranking Justice Department official told one of the U.S. attorneys fired by the Bush administration that if any of them continued to criticize the administration for their ousters, previously undisclosed details about the reasons they were fired might be released,

07.Mar.2007 Two FBI Whistleblowers Confirm Illegal Wiretapping of Government Officials and Misuse of FISA: State Secrets Privilege Was Used to Cover Up Corruption and Silence Whistleblowers

07.Mar.2007 Whistle-blower Had to Fight NSA, LA Times to Tell Story: Whistle-blower AT&T technician Mark Klein says his effort to reveal alleged government surveillance of domestic Internet traffic was blocked not only by U.S. intelligence officials but also by the top editors of the Los Angeles Times.

07.Mar.2007 Goldman Sachs warns of 'dead bodies' after market turmoil: The global currency storm of the past week is starting to infect the corporate bond markets and may prove harder to contain than last year's May sell-off, Goldman Sachs has warned.
07.Mar.2007 Michael Parenti -- Support our Troops?: The exercise of U.S. power is intended to preserve not only theinternational capitalist system but U.S. hegemony of that system.Why are we locked into such empty political rhetoric

07.Mar.2007 Afghan children die as US drops one-tonne bombs : Nine civilians, including four children, were killed in Afghanistan when US planes dropped two 2,000lb bombs on their mud home. Their deaths came after at least eight civilians were killed by US Marines a day earlier.
07.Mar.2007 Occupied Iraq: 4.5 million children undernourished : Apart from dodging bombs and bullets in their schools and neighbourhoods, children in Iraq are suffering from worryingly high levels of malnourishment, according to specialists.

07.Mar.2007 Struggles with Influx of Iraqi Refugees: Few European countries are offering much refuge, with one exception: Sweden.
07.Mar.2007 More US citizens think Iraq war 'unwinnable: A NEW poll published in the US shows growing pessimism among Americans about the Iraq war with only 28 per cent saying the US will probably or definitely win the conflict.

07.Mar.2007 From his office in clouded cuckoo land: Bush says gradual progress in Iraq despite violence: President George W. Bush insisted on Tuesday a new Iraq security plan is making gradual progress, despite the deaths of nine more U.S. troops and another major bomb attack.

07.Mar.2007 Cowards: Democrats Alter Plan To Restrict Iraq War: Senior House Democrats, seeking to placate members of their party from Republican-leaning districts, are pushing a plan that would place restrictions on President Bush's ability to wage the war in Iraq but would allow him to waive them if he publicly justifies his position.
07.Mar.2007 When a Leader Missteps, a World Can Go Astray -By MICHIKO KAKUTANI

Mr. Brzezinski’s verdict on the current president’s record — “catastrophic,” he calls it — is nothing short of devastating. And his overall assessment of America’s current plight is worrying as well: - Fifteen years after its coronation as global leader, America is becoming a fearful and lonely democracy in a politically antagonistic world.” Continue

07.Mar.2007 War is a Disaster - An Oil Shortage is Not-By Nathan Allonby
The only visible reason for the US oil obsession is the military-industrial-political complex. The US military is the world’s 4th largest consumer of oil - consuming more than many countries (6). The US needs to maintain a strong domestic oil industry to service its military. The history of the oil industry in Iran is that it was originally developed for military reasons - to fuel the British Royal Navy.

07.Mar.2007 The Right to Know -By James Rothenberg
The Middle East is either going to be linked up to the “West” (meaning the US) or go over to the Asian bloc (meaning China) + the power that goes with this control is enough to make or break a superpower. That’s why we went, that’s why we’re staying + that’s what cannot be stated in the polite circles of influential opinion.

07.Mar.2007 Evidence Mounting for Armchair Revolution: -Ambivalent Couch Potatoes Mobilizing - By J.D. Suss
Five giant corporate entities own most of media now and there is essentially no free press interested in doing investigative journalism anymore – but if it does, it’s smeared as that “leftist” or “liberal” press. The truth of current events can often be found on the web. But even when we know the (questionably vetted) truth, does that really change anything, I mean, in the long run?

07.Mar.2007 Lost In The Lust Of The Werewolves -By Sheila Samples - Sometimes I wonder if Americans are unaware of the malicious devastation the Bush administration is wreaking upon this good earth and its inhabitants, or if they just don't give a damn. Continue

07.Mar.2007 Poison DUst - A Must Watch Video
Poison DUst tells the story of young soldiers who thought they came home safely from the war, but didn't. Of a veteran's young daughter whose birth defect is strikingly similar to birth defects suffered by many Iraqi children. - Every American who cares about our troops should watch this film. Everyone who cares about the innocent civilians who live in the countries where these weapons are used should watch this film.

07.Mar.2007 "This verdict brings accountability at last for official deception and the politics of smear and fear," said Sen. John F. Kerry (Mass.), Bush's Democratic challenger 00.000.2004.
The Billion Dollar "Boot Camp" Industry that Often Betrays Our "Troubled" Youth

07.Mar.2007 Tom "It indeed does turn the troops in a wasteful and wasted invasion and war, ordered by a wasteful, thoughtless administration of gamblers and schemers who had no hesitation about spilling other people's blood, into hostages. Realistically, for an administration that was, until now, unfazed by the crisis at Walter Reed, this is nothing but building your politics on the backs of the dead, the maimed + the psychologically distraught or destroyed."

07.Mar.2007 For His Indefatigable Journalism on Economic Injustice and the Influence of Corporate Money in Politics, David Sirota Merits This Week's "BuzzFlash Wings of Justice Award." Remember, Readers Nominate Candidates for the Award by Going to and Filling Out the Form.
Here's what one noted American had to say about this kind of behavior: "I have nothing but contempt and anger for those who betray the trust by exposing the name of our sources. They are, in my view, the most insidious of traitors." The speaker was George Bush Sr, 00.000.1999. And that's exactly what his son oversaw.
At least 35 towns in Vermont voted to impeach Bush/Cheney + that number will likely rise as the results come in; Power to the People
Madman Continues to Rule America. "Bush: U.S. making progress in Iraq." 3/7

07.Mar.2007 At least 11 people were killed by bombs and gunfire in Baghdad as the attacks on Shiite pilgrims continue 3/7
'He Doesn't Want to Make Money, He Just Loves to Sell Guns' You've Got to Watch This. It's for Real.

07.Mar.2007 The American Axis: Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh + the Rise of the Third Reich (Hardcover)
07.Mar.2007 Pseudonews on the Libby verdict Behold: A screen grab that will live in infamy.
In case you woke up late, the jury declared Scooter Libby guilty on four out of five charges.

Since he was acquitted of one charge, Fox could, I suppose, argue that this crawling text is technically accurate.
07.Mar.2007 story that has received surprisingly little attention:

The Iraqi Parliament failed to meet because only "about a dozen of the 275 members of parliament appeared at the Green Zone parliament building." Permalink
00.000.1867 -Nachdem Forscher das Tier im Sutlej-Tal in der indischen Region Himachal Pradesh entdeckt hatten, ward es nie wieder gesehen.

Ornithologe Round von der Mahidol University in Bangkok war hingegen erfolgreicher als alle Forscher in den 139 Jahren zuvor:

00.Mär.2006 Durch Zufall entdeckte er ein Exemplar des seltenen Vogels - im Rieselfeld einer Kläranlage. "Zuerst fiel mir nur auf, dass das Tier irgendwie anders ist", sagte Round.

"Dann bemerkte ich seinen langen Schnabel und die kurzen Flügel." Erst allmählich sei ihm in den Sinn gekommen, dass es sich um einen Großschnabel-Rohrsänger handeln könnte. "Ich war sprachlos."
Virtueller Krieg: Türkei schaltet YouTube ab
07.Mar.2007 Verteidigungsminister Jung: "Unsere Tornados minimieren Kollateralschäden"
07.Mar.2007 Gene Expression: The mask slips

Kristol + Ledeen + Schwartz + Perle + the other ex-Trotskyists are ... list: Richard Perle + Paul Wolfowitz + Douglas Feith + William Kristol + Eliot Abrams,
07.Mar.2007 GlobalFreePress- Dep. INN - News

Many of them are getting nervous already: Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Luti, Richard Perle, Stephen Cambone, Harold Rhode, ...

19.Mar.2003 Michael Leeden said: “Iraq is a battle, not a war. Perle + Wolfowitz + Abrams were protégés of Senator Henry Jackson (D-WA).

01.Nov.2004 -Aus Politik+Zeitgeschichte-45-2004-Die Bush - Doktrin, der Irakkrieg + die amerikanische Demokratie.

The Imperial Presidency Redux: Der 11. September und die Bush - Doktrin ...
Irak George W. Bush: Rede zur Lage der Nation. " Wenn uns Krieg aufgezwungen wird, werden wir kämpfen". Bush-Reden. Rede zum Beginn des Krieges. Untitled Document Wir wollen Frieden. Wir streben nach Frieden. Und manchmal muss der Friede verteidigt werden... Wenn uns Krieg aufgezwungen wird, werden wir für eine ...
07.Mar.2007 US-Zitatenschatz Wenn uns Krieg aufgezwungen wird, werden Amerikas Truppen in der ruhmvollen Tradition und in den höchsten moralischen Traditionen unseres Landes handeln.
07.Mar.2007 15.02.: Janelle Flory, Auftakt: Alexanderplatz Januar während seiner Rede "zur Lage der Nation" sagte der US-Präsident Bush zum Thema Irak: " Wenn uns Krieg aufgezwungen wird, werden wir für eine gerechte ...
29.Jan.2003 Überblick-Overview-Resumo-*- Wenn uns Krieg aufgezwungen wird, werden wir für eine gerechte Sache mit gerechten Mitteln kämpfen - die Unschuldigen. in jeder uns möglichen Weise ... 20061201 CDI was instrumental in devising a plan to recycle the WTC steel.

07.Mar.2007 Justice And State Departments Hide Identity Of 911 Accomplices

The most prominent name recurring in this [CIA drug tafficking ] connection is ... with Senator Jesse Helms, the hidebound conservative from North Carolina.
Alex Constantine IRAN-CONTRA CONNECTIONS TO 9/11 - PART 3 Thu

28.Apr..2005 13:21 IRAN-CONTRA CONNECTIONS TO 9/11 - PART 3 -Research by Alex Constantine
The Sultan of Brunei (and Elliot Abrams, current National Security Council special assistant for democracy, human rights and international operations):
Another Iran-Contra conspirator is Elliot Abrams?.

As the Assistant Secretary of State during the Reagan-Bush administration, Abrams was charged with contempt of Congress by Iran-contra Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh

after evading questions about Oliver North's secret mission to extract 10 million dollars from the Sultan of Brunei +

about the Contra supply plane shot down.

Abrams gave the Sultan of Brunei the number of the bank account owned by InterMaritime Bank president, Bruce Rappaport, a golfing friend of then CIA director, William Casey.

General Secord was the subsequent recipient of the $10 million cash, which was used for distribution to the contras.

Elliot Abrams, the current National Security Advisor, earlier had pleaded guilty for withholding information from Congress +

00.000.1992 Elliot Abrams, the current National Security Advisor,was pardoned by the former President Bush.
The Bush-Bin Laden Cartel
BCCI funded Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan?s fight against the Soviet Union +

BCCI helped fund operations in the Iran-Contra, guns for drugs affair which also tied in with Central America during the elder Bush's Vice Presidency.

00.000.1981-00.000.1989 Bush Sr. was US Vice President.

00.000.1986 G.W. Bush, son of then Vice president G.H.W. Bush, merged his Arbusto Energy company with Harken Energy Corp.

Saudi Sheik Abdullah Taha Bakhsh then bought into the company, buying 17.6%.

The Saudi Sheik was associated with Khalid bin Mahfouz, who

00.000.1988 -when Salem Bin Ladin died- Khalid bin Mahfouz inherited Salem Bin Ladin's interest.

From several different angles, the Bush family was tied to the Bin Laden family, passing finances back + forth, making G.W. Bush an indirect financier of Osama Bin Ladin.

00.000.1999 Mahfouz reportedly attempted to transfer $3 million to Osama?
John Singlaub, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, William Casey, King Fahd:
"Many of those involved in the Reagan Administration?s war against Nicaragua shared a common desire to consolidate support for right-wing guerillas....
"Gen. John Singlaub set up committees within the World Anti-Communist League for eight different guerilla groups ...

Singlaub also drafted a memo outlining a contra international of sorts with its own arms company, financed by a series of technology transfers among Israel + South Africa + China.

Once this flow of technology was in place, they wrote,

?The USA then has at its disposal a large + continuous supply of Soviet technology + weapons to channel to Freedom Fighters worldwide.? ... [The Singlaub memo] was later found in Oliver North?s safe.
"Even the Saudis got into the act, with a proposal to establish offshore companies to serve a multiplicity of purposes.

Palestinian-American businessman Sam Bamieh says he was approached by Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi Arabia?s ambassador to the USA +

at a separate time, by a member of the embassy?s staff +

asked "to set up a company, an offshore company, whereby we will supply goods + services to different anti-communist movements in different parts of the world."...
"Bamieh said that the offshore company would buy the oil from Saudi Arabia - which nominally adheres to the UN oil embargo against the apartheid regime - +

resell it to South Africa at a markup of 75 cents to one dollar a barrel.

He said while

00.Feb.1984 he was discussing this with Bandar in Cannes Bandar sought to reassure him it was in line with U.S. policy by telling him that

CIA Director Casey + King Fahd were at that very moment discussing the same topic in a yacht in the Mediterranean [Adnan Khashoggi?s, perhaps?]. (This was later confirmed.)

Bamieh said he refused the request, even though Bandar told him such a company could make $50 to $100 million in annual profits."
00.Sep.1988-00.Oct.1988 , p. 15.Jane Hunter, "Tricontranental," Report on the Americas.
Mohammed Zia al-Haq, Pakistani Prime Minister:
"Dictator of Pakistan + knew all about Iran/Contra, the training, funding + arming of narco-terrorists like Osama bin Laden.

00.Aug.1988 , the same day George Bush got the Republican nomination, his plane crashed into the ground with all engines running.

The Pakistanis kept the bodies around (in violation of Islamic custom) ..."
"Ejaz al-Haq, Zia?s eldest son, has launched a barrage of allegations about a cover-up.

Generally, his target has been the Bhutto government, but at a news conference earlier this week he blamed the USA ..." -

"50,000 Pakistanis Mark Anniversary of Ruler Zia?s Death," Orange County Register, 18.Aug.1989 .
"Sabotage or another criminal act caused a plane crash that killed President Mohammed Zia al-Haq.... About 30 people aboard the plane were killed, including U.S. Ambassador Arnold Raphel;

Brig. Gen. Herbert Wasson, a U.S. defense adviser + five top Pakistani generals ...

Among the scenarios, [Pakistan Air Force Commander Abbas] Mirza suggested were that the flight crew was drugged ..."

- Kathy Gannon, "Sabotage caused crash of Zia plane, report says," AP, October 17, 1989.
Slade Gorton, 911 Commissioner (revisited):
"Former Senator Slade Gorton served on the notorious Senate Intelligence Committee for over a decade.

Throughout his career, over scores of ?hearings?, the hawkish Gorton consistently ran interference for Iran-Contra-smeared Republicans, such as Robert Gates..."
Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense:
"911, CIA Drug Traffic, Iran-contra, ISI, Daniel Pearl?" - Online Journal "...

Then there is Baron Rumsfeld over at DoD, who seemed to dart around like a bee pollinating CBW (chemical and biological weapons) to Saddam under the Reagan administration, being part of Iran-Contra, planning + practicing the invasion of Afghanistan

00.000.2001 -in early- well in advance of 9-11, attacking on

07.Oct.2001 , to get rid of those silly Taliban folks + immediately after 9-11 wanted to start planning to go kick Saddam really good."
Charles M. McKee and Matthew Gannon
"Charles M. McKee, ostensibly a military attach? for the DIA in Beirut, Matthew Gannon, CIA Deputy Station Chief in Beirut + three others were on board Pan Am Flight 103, which exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland.

They were part of a counterterrorist team in Beirut investigating the possible rescue of 9 American hostages in Lebanon.

The McKee team uncovered evidence that a rogue CIA unit called COREA, based in Wiesbaden, was doing business with a man called Monzer Al-Kassar, a Syrian arms dealer + drug trafficker.
"Al-Kassar was part of the covert network run by U.S. Lieut. Colonel Oliver North.

Outraged that the COREA unit in Wiesbaden was doing business with a Syrian who had close terrorist connections + might endanger their chances of rescuing the hostages,

the McKee team decided to fly back to Virginia unannounced and expose the COREA unit's secret deal with al-Kassar.

They never got there.

?For three years, I've had a feeling that if Chuck hadn't been on that plane, it wouldn't have been bombed,? said Beulah McKee, 75, Charles McKee's mother, to Time Magazine.

Four months after her son was killed for his efforts to expose the CIA, Mrs. McKee received a sympathy letter from George H. W. Bush.

Mrs. McKee has never been satisfied with the government's version of events."
Senator Henry John Heinz III
"He chaired the three-man presidential review board that probed the Iran-contra affair.

00.Apr.1991 He died in a plane crash ..."
Israel, Jonas Savimbi, Unita, Saudis:
"Israel, which

00.000.1982 began training a 5,000-man Zairian unit in Shaba proince that was to be stationed along the border with Angola,

is well-positioned to take over adising Unita should the U.S. public eer force Congress to halt aid, as it did 00.000.1975 + more recently with the contras.

As one of the major right-wing guerilla armies still in the field,

Unita is almost certain to attract the covert action funds Saudi Arabia continues to wish to bestow upon Washington.

In addition to wateer Saudi funds he may be receiving, Jonas Savimbi gets $75 million in South African aid.

And though ?the Enterprise? has been put out of business, the fronts run by retired military + intelligence officers that competed to sell arms to the contras are still open for business to supply Unita." - Jane Hunter, "Honduras All Over Again," Report on the Americas, September-October 1988, p. 24.
Jeb Bush, governor of Florida + Khashoggi:
Bush "spent most of his time in the early and mid-1980s hobnobbing with ex-Cuban intelligence officers, Nicaraguan Contras + others plugged into the lucrative orbit of Miami-area front groups for the CIA.

But he, too, had some Middle East connections.

Two of his business associates, Guillermo Hernandez-Cartaya + Camilo Padreda, both indicted for financial dealings,

were longtime associates of Middle Eastern arms dealer, BCCI investor + Iran-Contra figure Adnan Khashoggi.
Prosecutors dropped the case against the two + a federal judge ordered Padreda's name expunged from the record.

But a few years later Padreda, a former Miami-Dade County GOP treasurer, was convicted of fraud over a federally insured housing development that Jeb Bush had helped to facilitate.

Jeb Bush also socialized with Adbur Sakhia, the Miami BCCI branch chief + later its top U.S. Official.
Michael Ledeen, advisor to Carl Rove:
"September 01, 2004 - Ledeen has been branded an 'ultra neo-conservative' and is seen by his critics as the most sinister and radical of them all. He is a scholar at the neo-conservative think tank The American Enterprise Institute, which also counts the former chair of Pentagon Defence Policy Board Richard Perle among its members.
"He also writes regularly for American Spectator magazine. A former Rome Correspondent for the New Republic newspaper, Ledeen first rose to political prominence as a member of the National Security Council during Ronald Reagan's reign.
"But it was 00.000.1985, that he became a well-known figure in the US when his Israeli intelligence contacts were used to help broker the illegal Iran/contra rebel affair - a move was aimed at destablising the left-wing government in Nicaragua.
"However, he does say that he didn't approve of the final deal in that affair.

Prof Ledeen is also a student of Machiavelli and has written a book about the Renaissance philosopher whose name has become synonymous with strong and brutal governments. He is also the author of The War Against the Terror Masters, which claims that America must topple the regimes of the terror masters such as Iraq, Syria and Saudi Arabia to eliminate the threat of terrorism.
"Prof Ledeen is also believed to have the ear of the White House's current Chief of Staff Karl Rove + has regular conversations with him. His view on the war on terror is clear, he said: "Iraq is just one battle in a larger war, bringing down the regime in Iran is the central act, because Iran is the world's most dangerous terrorist country."

07.Mar.2007   Web   Ergebnisse 11 - 12 von 12 für "John Singlaub, Prince Bandar bin" . ( 0,07 Sekunden) 
Asia Times Online Community and News Discussion

John Singlaub, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, William Casey, King Fahd: "Many of those involved in the Reagan Administration#65533;s war against Nicaragua shared ...

John Singlaub, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, William Casey, King Fahd: "Many of those involved in the Reagan Administration s war against Nicaragua shared a ...

Asia Times Online Community and News Discussion - GET IRAN.

John Singlaub, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, William Casey, King Fahd: "Many of those involved in the Reagan Administration#65533;s war against Nicaragua shared ...
07.Mar.2007 Part XIX(D): AN IRAN-CONTRA/AL QAEDA READER, cont'd

John Singlaub, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, William Casey, King Fahd:. "Many of those involved in the Reagan Administration's war against Nicaragua ...
dialognow | Civil and thoughtful dialog

John Singlaub, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, William Casey, King Fahd: "Many of those involved in the Reagan Administration#65533;s war against Nicaragua shared ...

07.Mar.2007 Versicherungsbeiträge: Allianz nimmt mehr als 25 Milliarden Euro ein

07.Mar.2007 Streit um Kinderbetreuung: Katholiken werfen Union Realitätsverlust vor

07.Mar.2007 Klima- Debatte: Alltours fordert Mindestpreise für Flüge
07.Mar.2007 Deutsch- polnisches Verhältnis: "Wir müssen uns aussöhnen"
Moskau: Zwei Amerikanerinnen mit Geheimdienstsubstanz vergiftet

07.Mar.2007 Aids und Tbc: Kleinkrieg der Mediziner bremst Kampf gegen Seuchen

07.Mar.2007 Energie: E.on verdient Milliarden - jetzt sollen die Strompreise sinken
07.Mar.2007 The Contras, Cocaine + Covert Operations The National Security Archive obtained the hand-written notebooks of Oliver ...

(These plans were apparently aborted when the Iran-Contra scandal broke in ...
The Oliver North File National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 113.

26.Feb.2004 ... Kerry Report - Iran/Contra North Notebook Citation Bibliography ...

Iran-Contra Affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [11] The sale of arms would also, according to National Security Adviser Robert ...

The Iran - Contra report found that the sales of arms to Iran violated ...
Kerry Committee report - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Kerry report was a precursor to the Iran - Contra affair. .

.. Hosted on National Security Archives; ^ a b Cockburn, Alexander; Jeffrey St Clair (October 1 ...

John Kerry, the man who uncovered Iran-Contra - Salon

A month later, the Iran - Contra story broke in a Lebanese newspaper. ... + cumulative investigation into the underside of national security and terrorism.

John Kerry helped cover-up Mena drug smuggling, Iran-Contra

John Kerry aided in the cover-up of CIA, Iran - Contra & Mena drug smuggling. ... Peter Kornbluh and Malcolm Byrne for the " National Security Archive," 1993. ...
Central Intelligence Agency - Wikipedia Im Gegensatz zur National Security Agency beschäftigt sich die CIA wenig mit ...

Iran - Contra -Affäre - Unterstützung der Contras in Nicaragua durch ...
Iran-contra affair: Information from

00.000.1985 Robert McFarlane, head of the National Security Council (NSC), ... Iran - Contra, the report said, reflected a failure of people rather than of laws.
20041119 As for the outrageous allegation that Kerry “covered up” Iran - contra and BCCI ... Nov.2004 National Book Award: Bücher-Oscar für unbekannte New Yorkerin ...

Oct. 2000 USA destroyer, USS Cole, slipped into Aden for a refuelling stop known as a “gas+go”. ... Okt.2004 US- Präsidentenwahl : Das Loch zur Macht ...
geschichte &laquo; Tag Feed Nicht erst seit dem (vorerst) letzten Irakkrieg lügen Regierungen ... Oktober 1990 als 15-jähriges Mädchen vor dem US- Kongress unter dem Namen ...
07.Mar.2007 Zum drohende Irak-Krieg schreibt die Londoner Boulevardzeitung Daily Mirror: ... Ein entsprechender Bericht des US- Kongresses sorgt jetzt für Spannungen ...
20030601-20030701-datesbase.html Die Schlapphüte hätten die Anweisungen der Regierung vor dem Irak-Krieg derart befremdlich ... um die Zustimmung des Kongresses für einen Krieg zu gewinnen.
13.Feb.2003 Blogg -deutsch- ohne sich um die Zustimmung oder auch nur um eine Debatte im Kongress zu bemühen. ... die USA allein über einen Irak-Krieg entscheiden zu lassen.

07.Mar.2007 ÐÏ à¡± á > þÿ þÿÿÿ € € z ... 2º - Adota-se como norma básica a ser utilizada para a avaliação do ruído a NBR 10.151/jun 2000 - "Acústica - Avaliação do ruído em áreas habitadas, ...

Wilson hatte der US-Regierung im Sommer 2003 in einem Gastbeitrag für die "New York Times" vorgeworfen, zur Rechtfertigung des Irak-Kriegs fragwürdige Geheimdienstinformationen genutzt zu haben. Acht Tage später wurde seine Frau in einem Artikel des Journalisten Robert Novak als CIA-Agentin enttarnt.

Der in der Öffentlichkeit wenig bekannte Stabschef von Vizepräsident Cheney war als Figur im Hintergrund an praktisch allen folgenreichen Entscheidungen des Weißen Hauses der vergangenen Jahre beteiligt - auch an den Weichenstellungen für den Irak-Krieg. Sein Sturz und der Prozess waren eine späte Folge der Kontroverse um den Irak-Krieg. Denn in der Plame-Affäre ging es im Kern um die manipulativen Methoden, derer sich die Regierung von Präsident George W. Bush bediente, um den Feldzug zu rechtfertigen und dessen Kritiker zu diskreditieren.

Bush ließ nach dem Urteil erklären, er bedauere Libbys Schuldspruch.

Washington - Vier Mal lautete das Urteil schuldig: Lewis Libby habe sich der Justizbehinderung schuldig gemacht, die Justizbehörden angelogen, Meineid geleistet.

Er habe die Ermittler belogen, als diese herauszufinden versuchten, wer die Identität der Agentin Valerie Plame im Jahr 2003 der Öffentlichkeit preisgab. Ein Strafmaß steht noch nicht fest, Libby drohen bis zu 25 Jahre Haft - und eine Geldstrafe von bis zu einer Million Dollar. AFP

"Scooter" Libby: Schuldspruch gegen Cheneys Ex-Berater Eine Schuld an der Enttarnung der Spionin hatte der Cheney-Vertraute stets bestritten. Nach dem Urteil kündigte Libbys Anwalt Ted Wells an, er wolle eine Neuaufnahme des Verfahrens erreichen oder Berufung gegen das Urteil einlegen. Libby sei "vollständig unschuldig", sagte Wells.
Sonderstaatsanwalt Patrick Fitzgerald bezeichnete es als traurig, dass ein hochrangiger Mitarbeiter aus dem Büro des US-Vizepräsidenten gelogen und die Justiz behindert habe. Der Mehrheitsführer der oppositionellen Demokraten im US-Senat, Harry Reid, meinte, es sei an der Zeit, dass jemand in der Bush-Regierung für die Kampagne zur Manipulierung von Geheimdienstinformationen und Diskreditierung von Irak-Kriegsgegnern zur Verantwortung gezogen werde. Bush müsse jetzt versprechen, Libby nicht zu begnadigen.

Libby war der einzige Angeklagte in dem als "Spygate" bezeichneten Prozess. Cheney wurde in dem Verfahren, das am 23. Januar begann, von der Verteidigung nicht als Zeuge aufgerufen.

Libby gehörte bis zu seinem Ausscheiden nach der Anklage im Oktober 2005 zu den wichtigsten Mitarbeitern im Weißen Haus. Er war nicht nur Stabschef und rechte Hand von Cheney, sondern auch dessen Sicherheitsberater. Damit bestimmte Libby maßgeblich die Politik mit und gehörte auch zu den Architekten des Irak-Krieges.

Nach einer Analyse des US-Nachrichtensenders kann Libby möglicherweise ganz um seine Haftstrafe herumkommen, wenn sich die Auseinandersetzungen vor Gericht weiter hinziehen und ihn Präsident Bush noch vor Ende der Amtszeit im Januar 2009 begnadigen sollte.
Das plötzliche Absacken des Untergrundes wird in Brasilien "Voçoroca" genannt und tritt besonders nach heftigen Regenfällen in Gegenden mit wenig Vegetation auf.
07.Mar.2007 Umfrage: SPD sackt auf 25 % ab
07.Mar.2007 Vorstoß des belgischen Regierungschefs: Verhofstadt fordert EU- Steuer
07.Mar.2007 Fruchtbarkeit bei Männern: Heiße Bäder können Spermien schädigen

07.Mar.2007 Aufschwung: 17 % weniger Firmenpleiten

07.Mar.2007 EU- Gipfel: BDI will Merkels Klimaschutz- Ehrgeiz bremsen
07.Mar.2007 Hatz auf illegale Einwanderer: Amerika macht dicht

07.Mar.2007 Umfrage: Deutsche haben weniger Angst vor Jobverlust
07.Mar.2007 Buch- Digitalisierung: Google kooperiert mit Bayerischer Staatsbibliothek

07.Mar.2007 Russische Gaslieferungen: "Auch Kriege enden am Verhandlungstisch"
07.Mar.2007 Atomstreit: Uno- Diplomaten rechnen mit Verzögerung bei neuer Iran- Resolution
Plame- Affäre: Bush und Cheney bedauern Schuldspruch für Ex- Berater Libby

07.Mar.2007 Europäisches Energienetz: Wettbewerbsbehörde warnt vor neuem Kartell
07.Mar.2007 Antrag: Union und SPD wollen gleiche Bezahlung für Frauen und Männer
07.Mar.2007 Kroatische Nationalisten: Tod, Steine, Scherben
Marines Want Pain Ray, ASAP The Pentagon says its millimeter-wave pain ray won't be ready until 2010. But Marines in Iraq want to use the "holy grail of crowd control" at checkpoints now. In Danger Room.
06.Mar.2007 Polio, Yellow Fever Persist After smallpox was nearly eliminated, health officials hoped to wipe out other diseases, but turns out human-specific smallpox was suited to elimination + others not so. In Wired Science.
06.Mar.2007 China No. 1 in Emissions by 2008 The Chinese government releases data showing China will likely pass the USA 00.000.2007 or 2008 as the world's largest greenhouse-gas emitter. Plus: DIY EV. In Autopia.
06.Mar.2007 Kiss your sweet tundra goodbye Blog: Canadian researchers predict that climate change will be good for trees, but bad for tundra. They've studied tree lines--the upper...
06.Mar.2007 Wal-Mart fires systems technician over pretexting debacle Blog: Discount giant Wal-Mart has fired an unidentified employee who was responsible for monitoring telephone conversations between...
06.Mar.2007 Photos: Automakers race toward electric Auto giants, start-ups are aiming for mass-produced electric vehicles free from limitations that doomed previous efforts.
06.Mar.2007 Electric cars: Little juice coupes Advances in battery tech and environmental concerns are driving renewed interest in battery-powered and plug-in vehicles. Photos: Automakers race toward electric
06.Mar.2007 RFID designer gets $21 million in venture funding AeroScout lands new backers for its work with active radio frequency identification tags that make use of Wi-Fi networks.

Wie schnell Eltern, oftmals ohne es zu ahnen, ihren Nachwuchs psychisch und emotional misshandeln, verdeutlicht der Blick auf die wissenschaftliche Definition des Begriffs. Schon die Wiederholung von Drohungen und Einschüchterungen, permanente Kritik oder Ablehnung gegenüber ihren Sprösslingen fallen in diese Kategorie. Auch die Bevorzugung von Geschwistern "gefährdet eine gesunde geistige und seelische Entwicklung", heißt es auf der Internetseite des DJI.
Das Fazit: Selbst vermeintlich harmlose Formen des Drucks, etwa Isolationshaft, müssten ähnlich beurteilt werden wie körperliche Folter, schreiben Basoglu und seine Kollegen im Fachblatt "Archives of General Psychiatry" (Bd. 64, S. 277). "Eine Unterscheidung zwischen Folter und erniedrigender Behandlung ist nicht nur nutzlos, sondern auch gefährlich", kommentierte der Psychologieprofessor Steven Miles von der Universität Minnesota in dem Magazin.

Auch bei psychischen Langzeitfolgen fanden die Wissenschaftler keine grundsätzlichen Unterschiede zwischen rein körperlicher und psychischer Folter. Vor allem die Beeinträchtigung des Wohlbefindens, wie Isolation oder Drohungen, hatten ähnliche Folgen wie körperliche Misshandlungen. Die Betroffenen leiden jahrelang unter sogenannten posttraumatischen Belastungsstörungen: Alpträume, Flashbacks und Schlafstörungen gehören zu ihrem Alltag. Selbst körperlicher Schmerz, Panik oder plötzliche Bewusstlosigkeit können auftreten.

"Ergebnisse absolut auf Kinder übertragbar"

Die neuen Erkenntnisse dürften jene in Erklärungsnot bringen, die etwa im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus die psychische Folter als vergleichsweise harmlose Verhörmethode eingesetzt sehen wollen. Zudem stellt sich die Frage, ob neben Erwachsenen in Kriegsgebieten auch Kinder in friedlichen Ländern von dieser Art der Folter betroffen sind. Zwar weist Basoglu darauf hin, dass sein Team keine Kinder befragt hat, doch ließen sich die Ergebnisse womöglich übertragen. "Jene psychischen Mechanismen, die bei Erwachsenen zu nachhaltigen traumatischen Erlebnissen führen, könnten bei Kindern ähnlich ablaufen", erklärt Basoglu im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL ONLINE.
Durch die Öffnung können wir direkt in den Erdmantel schauen", sagte Projektleiter Roger Searle, Geophysiker an der Durham University. Neben einer großen Lücke glauben die Forscher noch ein zweites und möglicherweise gar ein drittes Loch ausgemacht zu haben.

Das größte befindet sich auf halber Strecke zwischen Teneriffa und Barbados. Es liegt den Angaben zufolge fünf Kilometer unter der Wasseroberfläche und hat einen Durchmesser von drei bis vier Kilometern. Am Mittelatlantischen Rücken, wo sich zwei tektonische Platten gegeneinander verschieben und sich eine Reihe von Untersee-Vulkanen erstreckt, sind solche Löcher in der Erdkruste keine Seltenheit. Allerdings füllen sie sich normalerweise von unten wieder mit Lava auf.

"Man kann nur darüber spekulieren, warum das in diesem Fall nicht geschehen ist", sagte Ulrich Hansen, Professor am Institut für Geophysik der Universität Münster, im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL ONLINE.

Auch die britischen Forscher hatten erwartet, dass sich an der Stelle des von ihnen entdeckten Lochs sieben Kilometer Erdkruste auftürmen. Stattdessen könne man direkt auf den Fels des Erdmantels blicken - der grün schimmert, weil er aus dem Mineral Olivin besteht.

"Spektakuläre Entdeckung"

Frankreichs Kulturminister Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres betonte dagegen, der "Louvre Abu Dhabi" werde zum weltweiten "Strahlen" der französischen Kultur beitragen. Zudem helfe das Projekt, Touristen nach Frankreich zu locken.

Mit den Einnahmen aus dem Abu-Dhabi-Deal will der französische Staat unter anderem die Lagerbestände des Louvre und anderer Pariser Museen gegen eine mögliche Jahrhundertflut der Seine sichern. Im Louvre selbst soll ein derzeit von Restauratoren als Werkstatt genutzter Pavillon renoviert werden, um ihn für Gemäldeaustellungen zu nutzen.

Der Pariser "Figaro" notierte, hätte der Louvre die Gelegenheit nicht ergriffen, dann hätten dies "Sankt Petersburg, Madrid oder Wien" getan.

Der futuristische Gebäude-Entwurf des Stararchitekten Jean Nouvel wird bei seiner Umsetzung rund 83 Millionen Euro kosten. Die Bauarbeiten sollen noch dieses Jahr beginnen und werden frühestens 2012 abgeschlossen sein.
Schwarze Kassen: US- Aktionär verklagt gesamten Siemens- Vorstand

06.Mar.2007 Philosoph gestorben: Frankreich trauert um Soziologen Baudrillard

06.Mar.2007 Geheimdienste: Cheneys Ex- Berater Libby in CIA- Affäre schuldig gesprochen
06.Mar.2007 Versicherungen: Münchener Rück erwartet mehr Schäden durch Wirbelstürme

06.Mar.2007 Meeresboden: Forscher entdecken riesiges Loch in der Erdkruste
06.Mar.2007 Fahnenflucht- Prozess: Irak- Einsatz verweigert - acht Monate Haft für US- Soldat
Klimaschutz: Tipps aus der zweiten Reihe
Kakerlaken und Mäuse: US- Armee entschuldigt sich für schäbiges Hospital

06.Mar.2007 Menschenrechte: USA kritisieren ihre Verbündeten
06.Mar.2007 Operation "Achilles": "Es gibt keine Frühjahrsoffensive der Nato"
Auftragseingang: Airbus lässt Boeing hinter sich

06.Mar.2007 "Louvre Abu Dhabi": Die Kunst des Mega- Deals
06.Mar.2007 Aktienbesteuerung: Steinbrück stöhnt - aber nur wenige Anleger profitieren
06.Mar.2007 Längere Atomlaufzeiten: Kernkraftgegner halten Brunsbüttel für Sicherheitsrisiko
Studie: Psychische Gewalt so verheerend wie körperliche Folter
06.Mar.2007 In der Türkei verschwunden: Iran wirft Westen Entführung von Ex- General vor
06.Mar.2007 Nachrichten Ein Vertragswerk, das im Prinzip über dem Grundgesetz steht. ... Donilon, Thomas L - Vice-President, Fannie Mae, Council on Foreign Relations ...
2004081819 USA PATRIOT Act expands the definition of terrorism to anyone who might pose a risk to Bush ...
2004092425 Definition : preemptive attack - (DOD) An attack initiated on the basis of incontrovertible ...

06.Mar.2007 "Iskandar Safa and the French Hostage Scandal" (February 2002)

The family was reported to have made a fortune through construction contracts in ...

00.000.1993-1994 by Pierre Falcone and his company, Brenco International.
Embassy of Angola UK - Press Releases - Clarification on Global ...

Letter of condolences from President Dos Santos to the family of murdered ...

The accounts are those of Mr Pierre Falcone and only he can answer for them.
06.Mar.2007 In These Times * The Arms Dealer Next Door n

01.Dec.---- billionaire businessman Pierre Falcone walked out of the Fleury-Merogis ... the family moved to France, where Falcone lived until he was 22.
The Angolan Civil War and US Foreign Policy - Empire? - Global ...

Pierre Falcone, the arms dealer jailed on corruption charges in France, ... close relations with the ruling elite in the US, particularly the Bush family .
The Free Press -- Independent News Media - Letters to the Editor ... had to go to UNESCO heaquarters just when her good friend Pierre Falcone + indicted arms trafficker, ...

"Nazi's in the family tree " October 7, 2003 ...
20061120 "A family who holds a birthday picnic in a place of public entertainment (for example, ...

00.000.1993 Pierre Falcone + Arcadi Gaydamak had allegedly helped ...
Noticias de Israel.Noticias del Judaismo Argentino e Israeli en ...

Según un informe de Amnistía Internacional (AI), Gaydamak habría amasado su fortuna haciendo negocios con el empresario francés Pierre Falcone, ...
25.Dec.2000 -NucNews- He has admitted that he received, in his numbered Swiss bank account, $1.8 million from an arms dealer, Pierre Falcone.

But Mr. Mitterrand denied that the ...
Allmystery•Religion + Politik gehören nicht zusammen

Die Familien Rockefeller + Harriman + Davison + Payne + Weyerhaeuser dominieren den Orden. ... wurde im Auftrag eines Vorfahren von Sir Rothschild.
00.Feb.2006 -WFMU's Beware of the Blog- Do you remember Reverend Jim Jones and the People's Temple? ...

00.000.1974 -Beginning -the People's Temple started preparing a move to Guyana, where most of the ...

00.000.1978 Jim Jones provided the classic model of cult mind control with the mass suicide-slaughter of over 900 members of his "Family" in Guyana .


15.Jul.2005 the White House Press Corp Waking Up?: Q Scott, can I ask you this; did Karl Rove commit a crime ? alfatomega.com20050715.html
06.Mar.2007 Der Schuman-Plan und die Montanunion ...

Teilnehmer waren die Außenminister der USA, Großbritanniens, ... Aber schon am

29.Nov.1951 -als der Vertrag über die Montanunion (dazu später in Kap. ...
20070206 Montanunion ).

26.Mai 1952 Deutschlandvertrag mit den drei Westmaechten ...

Teilnehmer an Bilderberg-Konferenzen kommen aus den Bereichen Politik, ...
„Überleben“ Kein Thema zum Witzeln

Warum werden wohl so unglaubliche Anstrengungen unternommen, das allgemeine Erwachen durch Bewußtseinsblendung zu verhindern oder möglichst weit in die ...

soweit noch offene Kämpfe vorkommen, eine fast der Bewußtseinsblendung gleichkommende Starre de^ Geistes eintritt,. bei der der einzelne handelt, ... C_Ludwig_Schaltwerk_Propaganda_01.html
LINKSNET - Jugoslawien: Botschaftsbombardierung doch kein Ver...

Der Nachrichtendienstler berichtete, daß nach der Bombardierung von Milosevics Residenz am 23.Apr.199- Funksignale für 24 Stunden verschwunden und dann wieder ...
06.Mar.2007 Folter Sie nackt zu verhören ist ebenfalls erlaubt.

Jemanden vier Stunden lang stehen zu lassen, gehört ebenfalls zu den vom Pentagon erlaubten Methoden.
06.Mar.2007 Ergebnisse 1 - 3 von ungefähr 14 für "FL financier Wally Hilliard" . ( 0,35 Sekunden)
NEW MOB LINKS IN ABRAMOFFF SCANDAL Adam Kidan’s newly-uncovered link to a Sicilian Mafia figure sheds light on the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of 9.11 ... 20051218

20051023 Abramoff listed Tony Rudy, a top DeLay aide at the time + Rep ... the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of ...
Looking Glass News-Tracking the Stories Ignored by the Corporate

... figure sheds light on the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of 9.11 terror flight school attended by Mohamed Atta.

Einer der wichtigsten Songs, den Country Joe McDonald je schrieb, war die Hymne gegen den Vietnam-Krieg "I-Feel-Like-I`m-Fixin`-To-Die".
06.Mar.2007 Technische Universität München - Deutschland, Technical University of ...

The Technical University of Munich Is Not a Terror School – 24 " ... haben Sie noch einmal gegen irgendeinen byzantinischen Regel der deutschen ...
06.Mar.2007 Rock gegen Rassismus II. Deine Klassenkameraden starten eine Aktion gegen Rassismus in der Schule. ...

Gemeinsam gegen Ausländerfeindlichkeit. Stopp dem rechten Terror ! ...
Texas Moratorium Network - Texas Death Penalty, Texas Executions ...

Click the photo to watch MTV's Video of Anti- Death Penalty Alternative Spring Break ... so move the little ball on the media player to the half way point, ...
06.Mar.2007 Catholic bishops lead campaign to end death penalty

Catholic bishops lead campaign to end death penalty ...
06.Mar.2007 Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty - NEW VIDEO - Torture ...

Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty « NEW VIDEO - Torture Inc America's Brutal Prisons ->>
06.Mar.2007, we learn that Fox News has devoted twelve times more coverage to the death of Anna Nichol Smith than to the Walter Reed scandal
06.Mar.2007 A record number of Americans now say that the Iraq war was a "mistake" and less than half say the U.S. can win the war, a record low number, according to a new Gallup poll released today. Almost 6 out of 10 Americans (58%) want troops to be withdrawn within 12 months and only 13% support sending more
What Did Arlen Specter Know About the Enabling Legislation that Allowed the U.S. Attorney Silent Coup -- And When?

06.Mar.2007 9 U.S. Soldiers killed in Iraq bombing. As Bush and Cheney Continue to Sign Death Warrants for Our Soldiers -- And the Democratic Congress Acts Cautiously -- Our GIs Die. They are Just Pawns to the Republicans.
The Legacy of Death Left by Bush and Cheney: Bomb Shatters Baghdad's Storied Literary Street. Dozens Are Killed; Area Once Known For Liberal Ideas. 3/6

06.Mar.2007 Pity Our GIs. Dem Leadership in House Reportedly Backs Down and Gives Bush an Out in Continuing to Send Our Troops to Their Deaths in Iraq -- or Getting Them Wounded and Then Returning Them Home to Substandard Health Care. 3/6
The American Axis: Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh + the Rise of the Third Reich (Hardcover)
Joe Conason -- It Can Happen Here: Authoritarian Peril in the Age of Bush
What Does the Phrase "Support Our Troops" Mean To You? Tell Us. -- A BuzzFlash Participatory Editorial
Michael Winship: The Voyage of the Snark -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution

06.Mar.2007 Vote on What News is Important to You at
06.Mar.2007 Erdbeben in Indonesien: Mindestens 82 Tote - Tausende Verletzte

06.Mar.2007 Aktienbesteuerung: Steinbrück stöhnt, Anleger freuen sich über EU- Urteil
06.Mar.2007 Wahrnehmung: Süße Düfte machen Schmerzen erträglicher

06.Mar.2007 Fahnenflucht- Prozess: Irak- Einsatz verweigert - Gericht spricht US- Soldat schuldig
06.Mar.2007 Übernachtungen: Deutschland ist so beliebt wie nie

06.Mar.2007 Klimawende in Genf: Salon der Sprit- Sparer

06.Mar.2007 Afghanistan: Nato- Offensive facht Tornado- Debatte an
06.Mar.2007 Umfrage: Israel, Iran und USA sind Image- Loser

06.Mar.2007 Kriegsopfer im Irak: Forscher bezweifeln Zahl von 650.000 Toten
06.Mar.2007 Klimaschutz- Debatte: Tiefensee verteidigt Fernreisen und freie Fahrt auf der Autobahn

06.Mar.2007 Erdbeben in Indonesien: Zahl der Todesopfer steigt weiter an

06.Mar.2007 EU- Steuerurteil: Steinbrück fürchtet Fünf- Milliarden- Euro- Rückzahlung an Aktionäre
06.Mar.2007 Hersteller- Tricks: Wie Spritschlucker zu Ökomobilen mutieren
06.Mar.2007 Linkspartei: Kommunistische Plattform solidarisiert sich mit Christian Klar
Massendemo in Toulouse: Tausende Airbus- Arbeiter protestieren für französische Jobs

Rom - Helle Aufruhr in Italien. Die Zeitung "La Repubblica" zitiert heute mehrere Politiker aus den Reihen der Radikalen, der Kommunisten und der Grünen, die sich für den Plan stark machen. Ziel sei es, aus dem Stoff Schmerzmittel wie Morphium und Codein herzustellen und so die weit verbreitete Produktion des Opium-Derivats Heroin zu unterbinden. "Auf mehr als 156.000 Hektar wird in Afghanistan Schlafmohn angebaut, was jährlich einen Umsatz von 400 bis 500 Millionen Dollar ausmacht", hieß es. AFP

Arbeit auf dem Mohnfeld: Hunderte Millionen Dollar Umsatz pro Jahr Außenminister Massimo D'Alema erklärte, er wolle das Thema auf die Tagesordnung einer Parlamentsdebatte zum Thema Afghanistan setzen. Schob aber sogleich seine Zweifel an der Umsetzbarkeit des Plans hinterher: "Aber Italien wird kein Opium kaufen können, weil die Produktion von der afghanischen Regierung als illegal betrachtet wird", sagte er. Oppositionspolitiker kritisierten den Vorschlag und meinten, jetzt wolle die Mitte-Links-Koalition "Drogen von Terroristen kaufen".
Unkonventionelle Hilfe: Italienische Politiker wollen afghanisches Opium kaufen
Keuschheitsgürtel bei Spinnen: Genitalspitze verstopft Geschlechtsöffnung
06.Mar.2007 Budgetprobleme: Nasa fehlt Geld für Asteroiden- Jagd
06.Mar.2007 Weltherrschaft der Maschinen IV: Ganz der Papa
06.Mar.2007 Dividenden: Deutschland zu Steuerrückerstattung in Milliardenhöhe verurteilt
Börsen- Atempause: Dax stoppt seine Talfahrt
Mafia- Methoden im Tierreich: Wenn Vögel keinen Spaß verstehen
Denn während 2010 mehr als zwei Drittel der Datenflüsse aus privaten Quellen gespeist werden, durchfließen sie bei ihrem Weg durchs Web zumeist die Infrastrukturen öffentlicher oder kommerzieller Organisationen.

Hollis vergleicht die aktuelle Entwicklung digitaler Daten mit der Urknall-Theorie. "In relativ kurzer Zeit haben wir eine dramatische Expansion der zur Verfügung stehenden Informationen erlebt - und die nimmt weiterhin exponentiell zu, nicht linear," sagt Hollis.
Ein Ende dieser Entwicklung sieht Hollis derzeit nicht: "Ich bin mir sicher, dass es irgendwo eine Grenze gibt, aber es ist schwer abzusehen, wo die liegen könnte."

Einer IDC-Studie zufolge wird die Menschheit bis 2010 ganze 988 Milliarden Gigabyte digitale Informationen zusammentragen. Das ist eine Versechsfachung der heute weltweit digital gespeicherten Datenmenge. Hauptverursacher: der Schnappschuss mit Digicam und Handy.

Schon das für 2006 von IDC berechnete Datenvolumen sprengt jegliche Vorstellungskraft. Insgesamt 161 Exabyte, entsprechend 161 Milliarden Gigabyte, hatte die digitale Weltbevölkerung bis Ende letzten Jahres zusammengetragen. Dass, so der Auftraggeber der Studie, die auf Informations-Infrastrukturen spezialisierte EMC Corporation, entspricht in etwa dem dreieinhalbmillionenfachen der Informationsmenge, die in sämtlichen jemals geschriebenen Büchern zusammengefasst wurde.

Speicherplatz-Studie: Digitaler Daten-Urknall

Fotostrecke starten: Klicken Sie auf ein Bild (8 Bilder)

Allein E-Mails trugen mit sechs Milliarden Gigabyte zu dieser Zahl bei. Tendenz: rasant zunehmend. Ein großes Wachstum sehen die Forscher auch für Instant-Messaging, also Chats, voraus. Zu den heute schon 1,6 Milliarden E-Mail-Postfächern (1998 waren es noch 253 Millionen) werden sich demnach bis 2010 noch 250 Millionen Messaging-Accounts gesellen.

Keine Grenze in Sicht
Kampf gegen Taliban: Nato startet Frühjahrsoffensive in Afghanistan
06.Mar.2007 Geplanter Antrag: Vattenfall will AKW Brunsbüttel länger am Netz halten
06.Mar.2007 Speicherplatz- Studie: Digitaler Daten- Urknall

06.Mar.2007 Angst vor EU- Sanktionen: Energieriesen bieten Selbst- Zerschlagung an

06.Mar.2007 Historischer Termin: Tauwetter zwischen USA und Nordkorea
06.Mar.2007 Vertriebenen- Präsidentin: Steinbach vergleicht Polens Regierungsparteien mit DVU und NPD
06.Mar.2007 05. MÄRZ 2007 Schwächelnde Börsen: Bärenmarkt ist noch nicht am Ende
06.Mar.2007 Studie über Folter: Wissenschaftler widersprechen den USA
06.Mar.2007 Teure Energie: Anbieter wollen mit Netz- Firma Zerschlagung abwenden
06.Mar.2007 Streit vor dem Gipfeltreffen: Merkel soll die EU auf Klimaschutz einschwören

06.Mar.2007 Iran: Opposition erwägt Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Ahmadinedschad
06.Mar.2007 Geplanter Dachverband: Integrationsminister lobt Muslime
06.Mar.2007 Klima- Vorstoß: Medizin von Mustermädchen Merkel
Klimaschutz- Debatte: Reiseverband fordert "3- Liter- Flugzeug"
06.Mar.2007 Höhere Landegebühren: Fluggesellschaften warnen vor Hysterie beim Klimaschutz

06.Mar.2007 Hoffnung an den Börsen: Wall Street dreht ins Plus
05.Mar.2007 Marijuana, the wonder drug 

A new study in the journal Neurology is being hailed as unassailable proof that marijuana is a valuable medicine. It is a sad commentary on the state of modern medicine that we still need "proof" of something that medicine has known for 5,000 years. posted by Prof. Hex
05.Mar.2007 Green Tea May Give Full Body Protection 

Research now shows that a major component in green tea may short-circuit the cancer process more extensively than scientists had realized. posted by Prof. Hex
05.Mar.2007 Technology creates extreme genealogists 

Just as modern equipment has made it possible for any reasonably motivated person to climb Mount Everest or dive to the Andrea Doria, new technologies have made it possible to achieve incredible genealogical feats with relatively modest effort. posted by Prof. Hex
05.Mar.2007 Masons are beginning to open their doors to the curious eyes of the world 

As an international fraternity steeped in the rich history and long-standing traditions of over a thousand years of often secretive existence, it's little wonder Freemasonry is looked upon with suspicion and distrust by outsiders. posted by Prof. Hex
05.Mar.2007 Justice official resigns  Top House Democrat says 'wheels coming off' Bush defense of US attorney firings. posted by Prof. Hex
05.Mar.2007 Why torture is routine in Egypt: Brutality rife in a land where police are given carte blanche by all-powerful ruler

05.Mar.2007 Russia to Counter US Buildup: Russia readies to respond the eventual installation of a US anti-Missile Defense system in the Caucasus, said Russian AF Chief, Army Gen. Vladimir Mijailov.

05.Mar.2007 Libya unrewarded for ending nuclear plans -Gaddafi: Libyan officials listen to a speech by their leader Muammar Gaddafi at celebration marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Libya's Jamahiriyah, or State of the Masses, late 02 March 2007 in Sebha, Libya (AFP)

05.Mar.2007 US to develop new hydrogen bomb: The Energy Department will announce today a contract to develop the nation's first new hydrogen bomb in two decades, involving a collaboration between three national weapons laboratories, the Los Angeles Times has learned.

05.Mar.2007 The Persecution of Sami Al-Arian: One of the first big show trials here in the post-9/11 homeland was of a Muslim professor from Florida, now 49, Sami al-Arian.

05.Mar.2007 Chavez: "CIA Out To Kill Me": President Hugo Chavez on Sunday said he believes enemies including the CIA are out to kill him + called U.S. diplomat John Negroponte a "professional killer."

05.Mar.2007 Walter Reed woes bring turmoil at the top: Walter Reed awarded a five-year, $120 million contract to IAP Worldwide Services, which is run by Al Neffgen, a former senior Halliburton official.

05.Mar.2007 'It Is Just Not Walter Reed': Soldiers Share Troubling Stories Of Military Health Care Across U.S.

Libby Trial Exposes Neocon Shadow Government : Day by day, witness by witness, exhibit by exhibit, Patrick Fitzgerald, the prosecutor in the trial of Dick Cheney’s man, I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby, is accomplishing what no one else in Washington has been able to: He has impeached the Presidency of George W. Bush.

05.Mar.2007 Correction: this could become a crash after all: As traders brace for fresh turmoil, soothing words may simply be hiding reality

05.Mar.2007 US triggers $11bn HSBC fall-out: EUROPE’s biggest bank, HSBC, is to write off $11 billion to cover mounting losses in its troubled American offshoot, HSBC Finance Corporation.
05.Mar.2007 Pig at the trough:

Obama: US should never dictate what's best for Israel : In speech delivered before AIPAC lobbyists in Chicago, US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama reveals strongly pro-Israel platform:
05.Mar.2007 Outrage Over ‘Israeli Killing of Captured Egyptians’: Egypt summoned Israel’s envoy to Cairo yesterday after Israeli media allegations that the Israeli Army may have killed 250 captured Egyptian soldiers at the end of the 1967 Middle East war. Two ruling party lawmakers demanded the ambassador’s expulsion. Another called for a special parliamentary session for a declaration of war on the Jewish state.
05.Mar.2007 Afghan, US forces target Pakistan post : The Afghan Army + US forces based in Afghanistan attacked a joint post of the Pakistan Army + paramilitary Frontier Corps at Lowara Mandi in North Waziristan agency on the Pak-Afghan border while US gunship helicopters were noticed violating Pakistan’s airspace during the past two days.

05.Mar.2007 US pressurizing Pakistan to support attack on Iran: Gul : : Former ISI Chief, Gen (retd) Hameed Gul has said that the Untied States is paving the way to use Pakistan's territory for its expected attack on Iran in order to shift the blame of its failure in Afghanistan to Pakistan.

05.Mar.2007 Attack on Iran would backfire, warns report: Any military action against Iran's atomic programme is likely to backfire and accelerate Tehran's development of a nuclear bomb, a report today by a British former nuclear weapons scientist warns.

05.Mar.2007 Israel involved in Iranian general's disappearance? : Former Iranian deputy defense minister vanished about a month ago on his way from Damascus to Turkey. Iranian officials say Mossad, CIA may have been involved in his disappearance

05.Mar.2007 Iran to talk with US only under official request - FM: Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said here Monday his country could enter a bilateral dialogue with the USA on the fringe of the Baghdad international conference only under an official request from Washington
05.Mar.2007 Soviet Afghan War: Video: Great documentary on the soviet afghanistan war, the mujahedeen and the taliban fighting with the help and aid of the cia, american weapons, manuals, intelligence and money to buy chinese weapons.The strategies used in their hit and run guerrilla tactics which is still used today in Afghanistan with great effect.

05.Mar.2007 US 'erased Afghan attack footage' : Journalists working for AP said US occupation troops erased images of a vehicle in which three people had been shot dead.

05.Mar.2007 Nine Killed As US Drops Two 2,000lb Bombs On Afghan Civilians : Nine Afghan civilians were killed when US occupation forces dropped two 2,000 lb bombs during a bombing raid in Kapisa province, Afghan officials said.
05.Mar.2007 Iraq PM condemns intel HQ raid: Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has reacted with fury to a raid on his interior ministry's intelligence office in Basra by Iraqi and coalition troops, demanding that they be punished. 05.Mar.2007 Cowards: Democrats scale back plans to challenge Bush's Iraq 'surge': Stymied in their efforts to block President George W. Bush's troop escalation in Iraq, Democrats have scaled back challenges to his "surge," instead favoring legislation limiting the number of soldiers and length of their stay.

05.Mar.2007 The Night of the Generals: The six retired generals who stepped forward last spring to publicly attack Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's handling of the Iraq war shared one experience: a growing outrage over the administration's incompetence, leading some of the nation's finest soldiers to risk their reputations and cross a time-honored line.
05.Mar.2007 The First Line of Defense of the Empire is the Local Client President -
The First Line of Opposition to Bush is to Defeat this Local Client ‘President’! -By James Petras-President Bush’s visit to Uruguay, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Mexico reflects the ‘two tracks’ of US empire-building – military intervention and political-diplomatic instruments.

05.Mar.2007 The Cold War was not a struggle between the USA and the Soviet Union. -By William Blum
It was a struggle between the USA and the Third World. What there was, was people all over the Third World fighting for economic and political changes against US-supported repressive regimes, or setting up their own progressive governments. These acts of self-determination didn't coincide with the needs of the American power elite + so the USA moved to crush those governments and movements even though the Soviet Union was playing virtually no role at all in these scenarios.

05.Mar.2007 The Assault on Liberties–Who’s Really Responsible-By Barry Lando
Bush’s Draconian measures range from the suspension of habeas corpus to warrantless eavesdropping to the right of the president to decide what constitutes torture, to prisons where hundreds face indefinite detention without any charges being brought against them, to other even more secret CIA facilities filled with “ghost prisoners” for whom the CIA has never accounted.

05.Mar.2007 Stock Market Bloodbath and Greenspan’s Retreat -By Mike Whitney
In the next few weeks, we’re going to hear industry mandarins and banking chieftains blame everyone else for the disaster they’ve created. Overstretched and underpaid Americans will be blamed for not saving their paltry wages and people with poor credit will be assailed for taking out loans they had no realistic chance of paying back.

05.Mar.2007 Why the Middle East is More Dangerous Now Than in Past 30 Years-An interview with Robert Fisk
Robert Fisk is a veteran war correspondent and one of the world's most experienced journalists covering the Middle East. He has reported from across the Arab world for the past thirty years..

05.Mar.2007 From Esther to AIPAC-By Gilad Aatzmon
If Jewishness is indeed a religion, the next questions that have to be asked are, "what kind of religion is it? What does this religion entail? What do its followers believe in?" If it is a religion, one may wonder whether it is possible to divorce from it as much as it is possible to step out of Judaism, Christianity or Islam.

05.Mar.2007 What Does the Phrase "Support Our Troops" Mean To You? Tell Us. -- A BuzzFlash Participatory Editorial
Bush's Director for U.S. Attorneys Mysteriously Resigns -- A BuzzFlash News Alert

05.Mar.2007 GOP Family Values, Giuliani Style: "It doesn't look like Rudy Giuliani's two children will have a role in his presidential campaign. According to press reports, the GOP frontrunner's third marriage has alienated his son, Andrew, 21 + daughter, Caroline, 18, from their father." 3/6
"Tierney, D-Mass., chairman of the panel, questioned whether problems at the facility are "just another horrific consequence" of inadequate planning that went into war in Iraq; a problem created by contracting out work there to private business, or some other cause." 3/6

05.Mar.2007 The Cancer Upon America, The Bush Administration's Utter Betrayal of Our Veterans: 'It Is Just Not Walter Reed.' Soldiers Share Troubling Stories Of Military Health Care Across U.S. From the Washington Post. 3/5
Bush's "Surge" of Death: 26 killed in Baghdad suicide bombing
Denver Three: Important Revelations Reported This Weekend in Denver -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
In the Libby trial, the jury asked to clarify whether they must conclude that it would not be "humanly possible" for Libby to forget certain conversations in order to convict him; Hard to Imagine It's Humanly Possible to Out a CIA Agent, But It Is 3/6
No Bushevik Backup Strategy For Iraq. More Delusional Foreign Policy From the Man Who Never Fails to Fail: George W. Bush. 3/5

The American Monitor -- Ptech owner's assets confiscated in Albania - BG -
The Albanian government has seized the assets of a wealthy Saudi that,

for several years, reportedly maintained simultaneous connections to both al-Qaeda + the U.S. government while serving the interests of the CIA
9/11 in the Courts. Sort of Michael Chertoff and the Sabotage of the Ptech Investigation
9/11 whistleblower Singh on Kean's Saudi/Ptech connections

27.Mar.2005 PTECH, 11.Sep.2001 9/11 + USA-SAUDI TERROR PART II ... of the same elites who planned 11.Sep.2001 9/11, prosecute the subsequent resource wars ... 8 "A Banking System Built for Terrorism," by Meenakshi Ganguly, Time ...

27.Mar.2005 PTECH, 11.Sep.2001 9/11 + USA-SAUDI TERROR PART II ... relationship had been going on mediated by Ptech for 2 years prior to 11.Sep.2001 9/11 ... 8 "A Banking System Built for Terrorism," by Meenakshi Ganguly, Time

A software company called Ptech, founded by a Saudi financier placed on America s Terrorist List 00.Oct.2001,

had access to the FAA?s entire computer system for two years before the 11.Sep.2001 attack.

But it s the unreported story that has the potential to lead to the explosive charge that the FBI 's role in the 11.Sep.2001 investigation itself needs investigation.

00.Oct.2001 -a handful of ex- Ptech employees alerted the FBI to evidence indicating that the firm had Saudi terror connections.

00.000.2002 -Almost a year later- the Boston FBI had still done nothing about it.

They had, in fact, shut down their cursory investigation and taken no action.
Michael Chertoff and the Sabotage of the Ptech Investigation


16.Jul.2005 MITRE 's public relations manager for "corporate identity" in Bedford, Jennifer Shearman, told AFP that..

MITRE is a "trusted mentor" for the FAA + is a "unique" provider of "objective + independent" information for the U.S. civil aviation authority.

MITRE 's Bedford headquarters are located near Boston's Logan airport where the two planes that struck the World Trade Center WTC supposedly originated .

Bedford lies directly under the flight path of westbound flights leaving Logan.

MITRE developed the technology "to aid controllers in solving problems while keeping aircraft close to their route + altitude + speed preferences."

Shearman was unable to say why the MITRE technology apparently failed on 11.Sep.2001 .

Indira Singh, an "IT consultant" who previously worked on a Defense Advanced Research Project + who was employed by J.P. Morgan on 11.Sep.2001, in risk management,

pointed to MITRE 's role at the FAA during the 11.Sep.2001 Citizens' Commission hearings in New York last September.

" Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 11.Sep.2001 ," Singh said.

"Their specific job is to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD + the Air Force in the case of an emergency.

If anyone was in a position to know that the FAA – that there was a window of opportunity or to insert software or to change anything – it would have been Ptech along with MITRE ." A representative of Ptech could not be reached.

[ Ptech appears to have been a Mossad front company created to provide insecure Trojan Horse software to the U.S. military + intelligence agencies.

Ptech has the typical Arab owners and financiers - and Mossad operators.] For example, see Michael Goff, former marketing manager at Ptech, Inc.
05.Mar.2007 are more links here: (1 2 3 4 5). And an interview with Indira Singh (6 7) # posted by damien
05.Mar.2007 linked to Osama's money man I'm still not up for regular posting -- soon, soon -- but for right now, you gotta read this (which comes to us by way of lukery and covert history):

A court in Turkey has ruled to freeze the assets of Yasin al-Qadi [1], a one-time acquaintance of Vice President Dick Cheney [2] and reported “chief money launderer” of Osama bin Laden. [3]
Al-Qadi, prior to being publicly identified as a key al-Qaeda financer, owned a prominent U.S. technology firm and reported CIA front known as Ptech. [4] He also escorted U.S. officials around during their visits to Saudi Arabia. [5]
“Council of State Administrative Cases Bureau on Thursday decided to annul a lower court's decision to rescind a cabinet order to freeze the assets of Saudi financier Yasin al-Qadi, who has been accused of financing terrorism,” the Turkish Daily News reported Saturday. [6] And: Similar allegations of obstruction of justice and dereliction of duty have been reported here in the USA, where following the 9/11 attacks FBI agent Robert Wright and other members of his unit claimed that their investigation into Yasin al-Qadi had been repeatedly blocked by higher ups at the FBI. [13]
As Agent Wright told ABC News 00.000.2002, “the supervisor who was there from [FBI] headquarters was right straight across from me and started yelling at me: 'You will not open criminal investigations. I forbid any of you. You will not open criminal investigations against any of these intelligence subjects.'" [14]
According to Agent Wright, who seized $1.4 million directly linked to al-Qadi 00.000.1998 [15], it is very likely that 9/11 would have been prevented if he had simply been allowed to do his job. [16]
Over the course of Wright’s investigation, however, al-Qadi was apparently assisting the CIA in Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia + the USA itself. [17]
Al-Qadi owned a Massachusetts-based technology firm and defense contractor known as Ptech, which, according to U.S. intelligence officials who spoke to 9/11 whistleblower Indira Singh, was a "CIA clandestine op on the level of Iran-Contra." [18]

05.Mar.2007 Victoria Kos And he's going to be found guilty . The jury might not convict him on all counts, ... Clinton pardoned Libby's client, the fugitive billionaire Marc Rich, ...
05.Mar.2007 Start hereHTML-Version cameras monitored by the 911 . center. (Chicago Sun Times, ... well as what is known as ‘ change blindness ’ (i.e. looking but not seeing or losing ...
05.Mar.2007 Philosophy at Union College Change Blindness : Where Philosophy and Psychology Intersect ... Current discussions of military action began with the events of 9/11 . ...
05.Mar.2007 Free blindness Essays Change Blindness - Change Blindness . . . After investigating spatial cognition and the ... The fear of terrorism set out by the event of 9/11 made it a more ...
05.Mar.2007 Monica's Intern Blog: July 2006 We had two subjects to run in the change blindness experiment this morning! ... have this software that they sell to people like 911 responders and firemen.
05.Mar.2007 1 The Capacity of Visual Short Term Memory Introduction - HTML-Version
representation, then a change will be perceived. Change blindness suggests that the memory store may ... Flight controllers, 911 dispatchers, pilots + ...

05.Mar.2007 Change Blindness in Information Visualization Change blindness occurs when people do not notice changes in visible ... Proceedings of Information Visualization 2000, October 9-11, Salt Lake City, UT, ... dl=portal&dl=ACM&CFID=11111111&CFTOKEN=2222222
05.Mar.2007 The word “theory” usually connotes a formal way of thinking logically or mathematically. In this formal sense, theory takes its place in a knowledge-generating process called the scientific method. The scientific method includes hypothesis formation, experiment planning, execution + data analysis. In this scheme, theory is used to make predictions. Theory is created by a process that includes hypothesis formation and testing.

Unfortunately, this notion of theory and the working methods of science and invention leaves out imagination. This makes it both boring and misleading…. [22]  
05.Mar.2007 The Problem of the Wrong Puzzle

Frequent public references to “failing to connect the dots” are especially problematic for an accurate understanding of intelligence errors and failures. This view of the analytic shortfalls is particularly perverse, because it masks the true nature of the analyst’s challenges. The flawed “connect the dots” analogy flows from the image of the children’s game book in which lines are to be drawn between a set of numbered dots in order to make a recognizable picture. That analogy assumes, however, that—as in the children’s book—the dots exist, that it will be obvious which dots connect to which others and in what order.[15]  The problem is that this simple analogy overlooks a well-known phenomenon in psychology that is often illustrated by the “Rubin Vase Illusion”: that evidence really does not “speak for itself”; rather, that information is “perceived and interpreted.”[16]  Humans are extremely good at finding patterns, even when there is none—hence the classic intelligence aphorism, “You rarely find what you’re not looking for and usually do find what you are looking for.”[17]

If we are to use a puzzle analogy, perhaps a more appropriate model might be that of a guest at a resort hotel who, on a rainy afternoon, wanders into the game room and finds a box holding a large number of jigsaw puzzle pieces. As the cover of the box is missing, there is no picture to guide him in reconstructing the puzzle, nor is there any assurance that all the pieces are there. Indeed, when he discovers that there are several other empty puzzle boxes on a shelf, it is not even clear that all the pieces in the box belong to the same puzzle. Reconstructing the puzzle in this example is a far different and more difficult challenge than linking numbered dots, where the outline of the image is reasonably apparent.[18]

Talk of a "science of analysis" is a conceit ... The reality is otherwise.

Both the dots analogy and the model of evidence-based analysis (discussed in the following section) understate significantly the need for imagination and curiosity on the part of the analyst.

The Myth of “Scientific Methodology”
Schedule of Classes 9-11 . ProtoThinker files due by midnight. ... Noe, 'What Does Change Blindness Teach Us…' Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Volume 9 (Issue 5), pp. 218. ...
Pannasch, S., Dornhoefer, S.M., Unema, P.J.A., Velichkovsky, B.M. (2000). Take Your Time - Just for a Wink! Eye Movements Are Inhibited By Virtually Any Change in Situation or Subject's Activity. Poster presentation at "Eye movements and vision in the natural world",Amsterdam, Rotterdam/Netherlands September 27-29.
When two stimuli are presented in parallel, one of which is a target and the other a distractor, a significant increase in saccadic reaction time is usually found (Lévy Schoen, 1969, L'Anee Psychology 74 43?66; Findlay, 1983, Spatially Oriented Behavior 281?303; Walker et. al., 1995, Experimental Brain Research 103 294?310). Taking the reciprocal stance, one may state that the duration of the ongoing fixation is prolonged. The implication of taking this viewpoint is not merely a semantic inversion, but instead a reorientation to the effects of natural "distractors" in a natural environment: whenever something new enters anywhere in our field of view, the ongoing fixation is prolonged, rather than being, as might be intuitively expected, immediately redirected to the new stimulus. lt should be emphasised, that this prolongation is strictly phasic in nature, i.e. the prolongation occurs during the ongoing fixation only. The common explanation of the distractor effect on saccadic reaction time entirely relies upon the assumption that it is an optomotor reflex, controlled by the superior colliculus (Reingold & Stampe, 2000, Reading as a Perceptual Process 1?26). This interpretation leaves no room for effects elicited by other sensory modalities. However, a prolongation of the ongoing fixation is not only elicited by visual (1) bualso by auditory (2) stimuli (Unema & Velichkovsky, 2000, Processing stages as revealed by dynamics of visual fixations: Distractor versus relevance, paper presented to the 41st Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 17?20th of November 2000 in New Orleans). Moreover, we observed the effect in the absence of discrete phvsical stimulus events, e.g. upon shifting from listening to speaking (and vice versa) (3) or upon the execution of brake responses in a driving simulator task (4).The optomotor reflex interpretation of the distractor effect on saccadic reaction times obviously falls short of explaining the effects found in fixation durations. We are tempted to interpret the results as another manifestation of general motor inhibition during an orienting reaction (Sokolov, 1963 Perception and the Conditioned Reflex) and perhaps during any activity switching.

Dornhoefer, S.M., Rothert, A., Unema, P.J.A., Joos, M., Pannasch, S. & Velichkovsky, B.M. (2001). Blanks, blinks and saccades: How blind we really are for relevant visual events. Oral presentation at the 11 th European Conference on Eye Movements, Turku/Finland, August 22-25.
Change blindness experiments constitute an exciting chapter of contemporary cognitive research. Their ecological validity, practical significance and possible explanation however remain somewhat unclear. In the reported study of change blindness, we made use of the eye tracking methodology to investigate two natural modes of interruption of visual presentation, namely blinks and saccades. In addition, two control conditions - the more traditional blanks as well as the condition of displaying change during a fixation - were used. As material, we presented real world photographs of different traffic situations. We further contrasted two classes of changes - relevant and irrelevant from the driving point of view. Physical parameters of these changes (size of the regions, their location and color) have been counterbalanced. 18 Ss, all with middle to high driving skills, participated in the experiment. The main result of this study was an overall effect of relevance on detection rate: in all occlusion conditions (blanks, blinks and saccades), the correct detection of relevant changes was very much better than that of irrelevant changes: 80 vs. 33%. Despite these large differences in detection rate, the reaction times to relevant changes were similar to those obtained with irrelevant changes (300 ms longer than in the fixation condition). For saccadic occlusion (the most frequent natural interruption of visual information) the difference was as large as 350 ms.Secondly, there emerged a difference in detection rate (and reaction times) between blink-occluded changes on one hand and blank- and saccadic occlusions on the other. Finally, the type of change (insertion, deletion, translation or color shift) appeared to have a major influence on detection rate in all occlusion conditions, insertion being detected easiest and fastest. We want to stress that saccades are similar to blanks in their influence on detection and reaction time, whereas blinks clearly deviate. The classical change blindness effects produced by blanks may be a result of updating environmental information connected with every refixation of visual scene. Apparently, this takes place for relevant aspects of the situation only - irrelevant information has but little chance of surviving the occlusion. Despite the difference in detection rates between relevant and irrelevant changes, reaction times are similar - an unexpected dissociation between perceptual input and motor output?

Dornhöfer, S.M., Franke, R., Gaber, T.J., Rothert, A. & Velichkovsky, B.M. (2003). On change blindness in natural scenes: Towards a direct comparison of static and dynamic conditions. Perception, 32, Suppl.
Change blindness can be produced using both, static and dynamic visual environments. However, a direct comparison of these conditions has not been satisfactorily realised yet. We approached the task with the help of a new method - the Video Supported Spatial Simulation which is normally used by architects for developing and illustration purposes. In our experiment, a computer controlled endoscope video camera moved through a reduced scale-model (1:100) of an urban street scenario simulating the viewpoint of a van driver moving at a constant speed of 36 km/h. Due to the controlled laboratory setting, we were able to repeatedly produce identical video clips of the same scenes. After shooting the initial clip, the same clip was shot again. However, this time a target object was added to or withdrawn from the scene. The two clips were digitally edited and merged into one single clip, where a sudden change occurs in absence of change-indicating 'cuts'. 12 subjects were asked to report changes in the scenes of 336 realistic ego-motion video clips (16 s each). Randomly distributed yellow cubes (perceived as lying on the street and having a size of about 50 cm) were used as targets and distractors. Change conditions consisted of either the appearance or disappearance of one cube during 40 ms (simulating a saccade), 160 ms (simulating an eye blink) or 320 ms blank screen intervals as well as during a non-occluded control condition. In order to avoid guessing, catch trials were introduced in all blank conditions. Corresponding screenshots of the video clips were used as the static environments. The extent of change blindness found in this study was consistently higher in the dynamic visual environments and relatively constant at all blank durations.

Marx, J., Pannasch, S. & Velichkovsky, B.M. (2003). Event-related prolongation of fixation duration: Evidence for habituation of the intermodal distractor effect Perception, 32, Suppl.
When two stimuli are presented at the same time, one being the target and the other irrelevant distractor, a significant increase of saccadic latency is found. A similar effect can be obtained in free visual exploration of a scene where fixation durations are prolonged by irrelevant visual stimuli. In contrast to the current explanation as an oculomotor reflex (eg Reingold and Stampe, 2002 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 14 371 - 388), we consider the effect rather as a rudimentary manifestation of the orienting reaction, since our data demonstrated that it can also be produced by acoustic distractors (Pannasch et al, 2001 Vision Research 41 3345 - 3351). However, an orienting reaction should habituate and this has never been shown for the distractor effect.

In the actual study, we presented visual and acoustic distractors during free viewing of a sequence of naturalistic pictures. Eye movements and event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded simultaneously. The data demonstrate a clear distractor effect both in fixation durations and in early components of the ERPs (N1), whereby the effect in ERP components was delayed (by up to 40 ms) relative to the evoked prolongation of fixations. Furthermore, a significant habituation of the visual and acoustic distractor effects has been found not only in the ERPs, but also in visual fixations. These results indicate a good feasibility of the proposed interpretation for mechanisms of the distractor effect.
Landon enjoyed intimate ties to both Mark Thatcher + Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher throughout the 1980s +

this further facilitated Oman's key role as a weapons conduit to the Afghan mujahideen.

A look at a map of the Arabian Sea + the Indian subcontinent shows that

Oman is a stone's throw away from the Pakistani port of Karachi, the major weapons-importing point (and heroin-exporting point) for the Afghan rebels.

another strong player in Oman during this period was one of the American CIA figures who most closely followed the British SAS model: Theodore G. Shackley.

Shackley had directed the CIA's "secret war in Laos" during the late 1960s and early 1970s +

had written a book, The Third Option, spelling out the SAS approach to training + controlling local insurgent armies as surrogates.

Much of the Laos "secret war" had been financed by the sale of Golden Triangle opium.

Shackley was a pivotal behind-the-scenes player in George Bush's "secret parallel government" apparatus that ran the Afghan + Nicaraguan + Angolan + other covert operations.
When Shackley left the CIA,

he went on retainer with a shadowy Dutch oil trader named John Deuss, who developed a special relationship with Sultan Qaboos that was almost as tight as the Omani's ties to Brigadier Landon.
Typical SAS uses of these afghansi include:

Elevated arsenic levels reported in rice grown in South Central States
The largest market basket survey of the arsenic content of rice grown in the USA has found elevated levels of arsenic in rice produced in the South Central part of the country, scientists report in an article scheduled for the April 1 issue of ACS` Environmental Science & Technology.

05.Mar.2007 Test to Reveal Levels of Depleted Uranium in Army Personnel
A test recently used by the UK government`s Independent Depleted Uranium Oversight Board to detect exposure to UK troops by depleted uranium (DU) during the 1991 Gulf Conflict was developed by a team led by a University of Leicester geologist.

05.Mar.2007 Geologists Reveal Secrets Behind Supervolcano Eruption
Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have discovered what likely triggered the eruption of a ?supervolcano? that coated much of the western half of the USA with ash fallout 760,000 years ago.

05.Mar.2007 Copyright Law Used to Shutdown Site - Hemos 8 Comments 
driptray writes "The Sydney Morning Herald reports that an Australian mining industry group has used copyright laws to close a website that parodied a coal industry ad campaign. A group known as Rising Tide created the website using the slogan "Rising sea levels: brought to you by mining" in response to the mining industry's slogan of "Life: brought to you by mining". The mining industry claimed that the "content and layout" of the parody site infringed copyright, but when Rising Tide removed the copyrighted photos and changed the layout, the mining industry still lodged a complaint. Is this a misuse of copyright law in order to stifle dissent?"

05.Mar.2007 Museum IDs New Species of Dinosaur - Hemos 39 Comments 
Uryugen writes "A new dinosaur species was a plant-eater with yard-long horns over its eyebrows, suggesting an evolutionary middle step between older dinosaurs with even larger horns and the small-horned creatures that followed, experts said. The dinosaur's horns, thick as a human arm, are like those of triceratops — which came 10 million years later. However, this animal belonged to a subfamily that usually had bony nubbins a few inches long above their eyes"

05.Mar.2007 Bin Laden on the loose, living in freedom, - Nico - 2001 days later.
VIDEO COMPILATION: Fox News Devoted 12 Times More Coverage To Anna Nicole Than Walter Reed - Nico -

Our national media embarrassment was again on full display on Friday. Both MSNBC and Fox News devoted more coverage to Anna Nicole Smith — three weeks after her death on Feb. 8 — than they did to the multiple developments involving the neglect and deplorable conditions at Walter Reed military hospital.

The most lop-sided coverage by far was aired by Fox News, which featured only 10 references to Walter Reed compared to 121 of Anna Nicole — roughly 12 times the coverage. MSNBC featured 84 references to Walter Reed and 96 to Anna Nicole.

ThinkProgress compiled a reel of lowlights from Friday’s coverage. Watch it:

References to Anna Nicole and Walter Reed on cable networks on March 2: NETWORK ANNA NICOLE WALTER REED
FOX NEWS 121 10
MSNBC 96 84
40 53

If you want to write and thank them for their more balanced coverage, the feedback form is HERE. Digg It!
05.Mar.2007 From serving in Iraq to living on the streets. - Amanda -

The Washington Post reports that from “2004 to 2006, the Department of Veterans Affairs provided shelter to 300 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan tours, out of the tens of thousands who have served.” But that figure “is not even close to accurate,” said Paul Rieckhoff, executive director of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, “because it doesn’t include the ‘others sleeping in buses, their cars or on the streets.’”
05.Mar.2007 March 5, 2007 - Think Progress -

Middle class Americans are increasingly unable to afford health insurance . “Today, more than one-third of the uninsured — 17 million of the nearly 47 million — have family incomes of $40,000 or more, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, a nonpartisan organization. More than two-thirds of the uninsured are in households with at least one full-time worker.”

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s national security panel and the defense subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee will hold hearings today on the scandal at Walter Reed Army Medical Center .

The Washington Post writes of conditions at military and VA hospitals: ‘ It Is Not Just Walter Reed .’ The Department of Veterans Affairs, headed by former RNC director Jim Nicholson, is “likely to come under scrutiny at the hearings.” He has been accused by some veterans and the organizations that represent them of “being primarily a mouthpiece for the Bush administration.”

According to the U.S. Climate Action Report, the Bush administration “estimates that emissions by the USA of gases that contribute to global warming will grow nearly as fast through the next decade as they did the previous decade.”

Climate change experts “described the projected emissions as unacceptable given the rising evidence of risks from unabated global warming.”

Afghan President Hamid Karzai “ condemned U.S. troops for shooting dead 10 civilians at the weekend as officials said nine more — five women, four children and an old man — had been killed in an air strike.” (more…)
05.Mar.2007 US and N Korea to open key talks -US and North Korean envoys are due to start talks in New York aimed at normalising relations.
05.Mar.2007 Egypt anger over 1967 'massacre' An Israeli minister postpones a trip to Egypt, amid media reports

00.000.1967 his army unit killed 250 Egyptian POWs .
Richter: Keine Beweise für Mord an Prinzessin Diana

05.Mar.2007 Saudi- Arabien: Vergewaltigungsopfer bekommt 90 Peitschenhiebe
05.Mar.2007 Mehr Wettbewerb: Deutsche Bank fordert Enteignung der Stromkonzerne
05.Mar.2007 Ungezügelter Wirtschaftsboom: China will Wachstum auf acht % begrenzen
05.Mar.2007 Chaos beim FC St. Pauli: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Präsident Littmann
Freizeitforscher: "Recht auf Reisen lässt sich niemand nehmen"
05.Mar.2007 Kameramann im Terrorknast: "Ich bin keine Bedrohung für die USA"
05.Mar.2007 Schock aus Asien: Börsen in aller Welt sacken ab
PC und Klimaschutz: Der Stromfresser unterm Schreibtisch
Krawalle in Kopenhagen: Geräumtes Jugendzentrum wird abgerissen
05.Mar.2007 Top Secret: We're Wiretapping You The feds accidentally give a D.C. attorney a classified document showing that the NSA intercepted his phone calls without a warrant. When they ask for it back, they get a $2 million lawsuit along with it. By Ryan Singel.
05.Mar.2007 U.S. Royalty Rates Hit Webcasting It looks grim for webcasters -- the U.S. Copyright Royalty Board announces retroactive rates, endorsing a per-play proposal by RIAA-associated SoundExchange. In Listening Post.
05.Mar.2007 Diebold Weighs Voting Unit Future Execs of the 150-year-old company consider dumping its e-voting subsidiary for tarnishing a reputation built on safes and ATM machines. By the Associated Press.
05.Mar.2007 March 5, 1904: Having a Ball Nikola Tesla offers his explanation of the phenomenon known as ball lightning. More than a century later, we're still not sure it's real. Compiled by Tony Long.
05.Mar.2007 Bush Courts Brazil as Ethanol Pal Brazil's sugar cane provides the ethanol that fuels eight out of every 10 new Brazilian cars. Bush wants an alliance with the planet's undisputed renewable energy leader. By the Associated Press.
Scientists Try to Predict Intentions (AP) -- At a laboratory in Germany, volunteers slide into a donut-shaped MRI machine and perform simple tasks, such as deciding whether to add or subtract two numbers, or choosing which of two buttons to press.
05.Mar.2007 Gasification May Be Key to U.S. Ethanol (AP) -- The government awarded $385 million in grants last week aimed at jumpstarting ethanol production from nontraditional sources like wood chips, switchgrass and citrus peels.

What's surprising is that half of the six projects chosen will use a process first discovered almost a century ago to turn coal into a gas.
Technology Creates Extreme Genealogists (AP) -- Lee Drew had a chat with some cousins the other day. He was sitting in his home office in Orem, Utah. Four of the cousins were in England. One was in Australia, another in South Africa. A few more joined in from other parts of North America.
05.Mar.2007 Bird flu breakthrough could halt pandemic says expert Researchers in the USA believe they have found an easily-produced vaccine for the killer H5N1 bird flu that could halt a feared pandemic, a media report said Monday.
05.Mar.2007 Tibetans carry on as glaciers fall victim to global warming Although the melting of Tibet's massive glaciers threatens to have dire global repercussions, climate change remains a vague concept for the people of this Himalayan region.
05.Mar.2007 High temperatures leave five million Chinese short of water Nearly five million Chinese are unable to get enough drinking water because of a series of droughts caused by "abnormally high" temperatures, state media said Sunday.
05.Mar.2007 YouTube builds network of content providers YouTube, the video social-networking website owned by Google, is building a vast network of content providers, a company spokesman told AFP.
05.Mar.2007 Police Turn to YouTube to Catch Suspects (AP) -- Patrolman Brian Johnson of the Franklin, Mass., Police Department studied a surveillance video showing two men using allegedly stolen credit cards at a Home Depot.
05.Mar.2007 Museum IDs New Species of Dinosaur (AP) -- A new dinosaur species was a plant-eater with yard-long horns over its eyebrows, suggesting an evolutionary middle step between older dinosaurs with even larger horns and the small-horned creatures that followed, experts said.
05.Mar.2007 Tech Firms Go Green As E-Waste Mounts (AP) -- This is where computers go to die a green death. Inside Hewlett-Packard Co.'s cavernous recycling plant in the Sacramento suburbs, truckloads of obsolete PCs, servers and printers collected from consumers and businesses nationwide are cracked open by goggled workers who pull out batteries, circuit boards and other potentially hazardous components.
05.Mar.2007 U.S., Brazil Launch Biofuels Forum (AP) -- The world's two top ethanol producers - the U.S. and Brazil - announced the creation of an international forum to help expand the global market for biofuels, just days before the two countries are expected to sign a separate agreement promoting ethanol across the Western Hemisphere.
05.Mar.2007 Raw Texas Oysters May Be Contaminated (AP) -- The Food and Drug Administration says consumers should avoid eating raw oysters harvested from San Antonio Bay in Texas because more than two dozen people in Maryland became ill last month.
05.Mar.2007 Computer Forensics to Solve Pioneer Mystery - Hemos 
Matthew Sparkes writes "Launched 35 years ago on Friday, Pioneer 10 was the first spacecraft to reach the outer Solar System and return pictures of Jupiter, closely followed by Pioneer 11. However, the twin Pioneer spacecraft drifted off course (see number 8) by hundreds of thousands of kilometres during their three-decade mission + NASA eventually lost contact with them. An international team of scientists, including many amatuer hobbyists, are re-analysing the tracking and telemetry data in the hope of discovering the reason."

05.Mar.2007 Cassini Returns Amazing New Imagery from Saturn - Zonk 82 Comments SeaDour writes "The Cassini spacecraft has recently entered a highly-inclined orbit around Saturn, revealing some never-before-seen images of the planet's ring system as seen from above and below the planet. 'Sailing high above Saturn and seeing the rings spread out beneath us like a giant, copper medallion is like exploring an alien world we've never seen before. It just doesn't look like the same place. It's so utterly breath-taking, it almost gives you vertigo.' The spacecraft will eventually return to its standard orbit parallel to the ring plane in late June."
05.Mar.2007 The Pentagon Wants a 'TiVo' to Watch You - Jeremiah Cornelius (posted by Zonk) 176 Comments  An anonymous reader writes

"Danger Room, a Wired blog, today cites a study of future electronic snooping technologies from Reuters, written by the Pentagon's Defense Science Board. More than anything, it seems these outside advisers want a surveillance system that would put Big Brother to shame + they're looking at the commercial sector to provide it. 'The ability to record terabyte and larger databases will provide an omnipresent knowledge of the present and the past that can be used to rewind battle space observations in TiVo-like fashion and to run recorded time backwards to help identify and locate even low-level enemy forces. For example, after a car bomb detonates, one would have the ability to play high-resolution data backward in time to follows the vehicle back to the source + then use that knowledge to focus collection and gain additional information by organizing and searching through archived data.'"
Humans Hardwired to Believe in Supernatural Deity? - Zonk 1208 Comments  dohcrx writes

"According to a Sunday New York Times article, 6 in 10 Americans believe in the devil and hell, 7 in 10 believe in angels, heaven and the existence of miracles and life after death, while 92% believe in a personal God. The article explores the possibility that this belief structure may be ingrained into our genetic makeup. 'When a trait is universal, evolutionary biologists look for a genetic explanation and wonder how that gene or genes might enhance survival or reproductive success ... Which is the better biological explanation for a belief in God — evolutionary adaptation or neurological accident? Is there something about the cognitive functioning of humans that makes us receptive to belief in a supernatural deity?'"
Ocean Floor Crust Wound to Be Explored - Zonk 121 Comments eldavojohn writes

"A group of scientists are disembarking right now to study an open gash in the ocean floor where earth's mantle lays exposed without any crust covering it. The scientists describe this as the result of the mantle moving too quickly for the crust to keep up. Either that, or the mantle was never covered by the crust and just has always been like this. From the article, 'Regardless of how they formed, the exposed mantle provides scientists with a rare opportunity to study the Earth's rocky innards. Many attempts to drill deep into the planet barely get past the crust.'"
Objections Over Antibiotic Approved for Use in Cattle - Zonk 204 Comments  An anonymous reader writes

"The Washington post reports that the FDA is expected to approve the marketing of the new antibiotic called Cefquinome for use in cattle. This is over objections of the American medical association, the FDA advisory board and the World Health Organization. Cefquinome is from a class of highly potent 'last line of defense' antibiotics for several serious human infections. It is feared that large scale use in cattle will allow bacteria to develop a resistance to these drugs. This news follows complaints from the FDA that it is no longer getting the funds needed to do the research required for the desired level of food safety."
RIAA's 'Expert' Witness Testimony Now Online - Zonk 69+ Comments NewYorkCountryLawyer writes

"The online community now has an opportunity to see the fruits of its labor. Back in December, the Slashdot ('What Questions Would You Ask an RIAA Expert?') and Groklaw ('Another Lawyer Would Like to Pick Your Brain, Please') communities were asked for their input on possible questions to pose to the RIAA's 'expert'. Dr. Doug Jacobson of Iowa State University, was scheduled to be deposed in February in UMG v. Lindor, for the first time in any RIAA case. Ms. Lindor's lawyers were flooded with about 1400 responses. The deposition of Dr. Jacobson went forward on February 23, 2007 + the transcript is now available online (pdf) (ascii). Ray Beckerman, one of Ms. Lindor's attorneys, had this comment: 'We are deeply grateful to the community for reviewing our request, for giving us thoughts and ideas + for reviewing other readers' responses. Now I ask the tech community to review this all-important transcript + bear witness to the shoddy investigation and junk science upon which the RIAA has based its litigation war against the people. The computer scientists among you will be astounded that the RIAA has been permitted to burden our court system with cases based upon such arrant and careless nonsense.'"
Today's Papers: Welcome to The Jungle - BG ati today's papers - Welcome to The Jungle By Barron YoungSmith Posted Sunday, March 4, 2007, at 6:57 AM ET

Today's Washington Post leads with news that the FDA is overruling warnings from its own public health experts in order to approve a risky cattle antibiotic. The Los Angeles Times leads with news that the cocaine trade has shifted from the Caribbean to routes across Central America and Mexico. The New York Times lead looks at mandatory post-incarceration treatment programs for sex offenders. The programs are expanding across the country, but they're quite expensive and not so effective.

The FDA is fixin' to approve the extremely potent drug cefquinome for use on cattle--a step that risks creating diseases that are resistant to medicine's most powerful antibiotics. Thirteen health groups, including the AMA, plus the FDA advisory board say the decision is needlessly dangerous. But the FDA is following a new "guidance document" telling it to weight public health concerns against pharma concerns less strongly than it has in the past. To continue reading, click here. Barron YoungSmith does research at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
05.Mar.2007 NetTrends’08 at Night: - Nico -

“Barack Obama met with representatives from various draft campaigns, including RunObama, +” TechPresident notes: “The participants were moved by Obama’s frankness and willingness to talk about his campaign structure. From the RunObama blog, ‘I can’t think of any candidate that I’ve ever met who would sit down and not just go through the motions, but actually engage in a frank discussion about campaign structure and integration, to best harness all the energy out there surrounding him.’”
05.Mar.2007 Sen. Domenici admits calling U.S. attorney. - Nico -

“Sen. Pete V. Domenici (R-NM) acknowledged today that he contacted the U.S. attorney in Albuquerque last fall to inquire about the status of an ongoing corruption probe of Democrats, saying he regretted the call but ‘never pressured him nor threatened him in any way.’” DailyKos has the fall-out.

UPDATE: Josh Marshall has much more HERE and HERE.
05.Mar.2007 Chaos in Afghanistan. - Nico -

“American troops opened fire on a highway filled with civilian cars and bystanders today, American and Afghan officials said, in an incident that the Americans said left 16 civilians dead and 24 wounded as they fled the scene of a suicide car bombing in eastern Afghanistan. One American was also wounded.”

UPDATE: “Afghan journalists — some working for the Associated Press — covering the aftermath of a suicide bomb attack and shooting in eastern Afghanistan Sunday said U.S. troops deleted their photos and video and warned them not to publish or air any images of U.S. troops or a car where three Afghans were shot to death.”
05.Mar.2007 REPORT: CPAC Speakers Run From Bush Record - Faiz -

At last week’s Conservative Political Action Conference, attendees gathered to hear partisan attacks against progressives from the likes of Ann Coulter and former Swift Boat Veterans For Truth.

All the mud-slinging from the right obscured the fact that rarely was the name of the current sitting president ever mentioned. Bush’s job approval rests at one of its lowest points — 29 %. Moreover, his rating among conservatives has dropped 13 points since last fall. Now, 65 % of his base says they approve of the way he is handling his job as president, compared with 78 % last October.

A review of the prominent keynote speeches from speakers at the CPAC conference reveals that many of them view the Bush effect more as albatross than an advantage:

FORMER GOV. MITT ROMNEY: Mentions of Bush: 0. Mentions of Ronald Reagan: 2.

FORMER GOV. MIKE HUCKABEE: Mentions of Bush: 1. Mentions of Reagan: 0. In the sole reference, Huckabee said, “I supported the Bush tax cuts 00.000.2001. I still support them today.”

SEN. SAM BROWNBACK: Mentions of Bush: 1. Mentions of Reagan: 2. The only reference Brownback made to Bush was when he said, “On Social Security — and President Bush, God bless him, started this debate and discussion [about] personal Social Security accounts.”

REP. DUNCAN HUNTER: Mentions of Bush: 0. Mentions of Reagan: 5.

RUDY GIULIANI: Mentions of Bush: 4. Mentions of Reagan: 15. One of Guiliani’s few references to Bush’s record was the following statement: “You’re going to succeed at some things, fail at others.”
Kiley: Post investigation ‘yellow journalism.’ - Nico -

In an interview, Army Secretary Francis Harvey, who resigned on Friday, “defended his decision to temporarily appoint” Lt. Gen. Kevin Kiley as Walter Reed’s commander. “He said Kiley called him a few days ago and lambasted The Washington Post’s series on the medical center. ‘He called me and said, “I’m willing to defend myself. … I want to have an opportunity to defend myself + it was wrong and it was yellow journalism at its worst + I plan on doing it. Trust me.”‘ Harvey said. ‘I said, “Okay, Kevin.”‘” Though Kiley will no longer oversee Walter Reed, he remains the Army’s top medical official.
05.Mar.2007 Wisconsin turns down abstinence-only money. - Nico -

Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle (D) “has directed the state to turn down about $600,000 in federal abstinence education money because new rules would limit how much recipients could talk about contraception or sexually transmitted diseases this year.” (Via Feministing)
05.Mar.2007 New York Times’ Bumiller: Bush ‘Really Is A Pragmatist Masked In Ideology’ - Amanda -

This morning on the Chris Matthews Show, New York Times reporter Elisabeth Bumiller claimed that if you look at the administration’s recent dealings with North Korea, Syria + Iran, “what you’re actually seeing is what I think [President Bush] really is, a pragmatist masked in ideology.” Watch it:

It has been four years since the USA invaded Iraq and President Bush still refuses to have direct talks with Iran and Syria about the war, let alone Iran’s nuclear development. Meanwhile, under Bush’s “pragmatic” leadership, North Korea has developed 10-11 bombs worth of plutonium, suitable for use in nuclear weapons + conducted its first nuclear weapons test. All of the administration’s efforts to control North Korea’s nuclear program have failed.

On Tuesday, the administration announced it would join high-level talks with the two countries. As the Washington Post notes, “these conferences [will] be led and organized by the Iraqi government and not, as the [Iraq Study Group] suggested, by the USA.” This is a long-overdue first baby step, not a sign of Bush’s “pragmatism.”

Transcript: (more…)
05.Mar.2007 Murtha Laughs Off Cheney: At Least He Didn’t Blame Me For The British Pulling Out - Nico -

Today on Meet the Press, Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) laughed off Vice President Cheney’s attack that Murtha’s plan for Iraq would “validate the al Qaeda strategy.”

“He didn’t blame me for at least getting the British out,” Murtha said. “I thought he might blame me for that.”

Murtha pointed out that Cheney “just does not listen to what I’m saying.” Cheney ignores the military’s readiness crisis and the fact that “the future threats to this country significantly increased in the last year because we have no ground strategic reserve. … He doesn’t talk about the policy and the results of what I’m saying.” Watch it: Digg It!

Transcript: (more…)
05.Mar.2007 Brit Hume On Walter Reed: ‘It Looks Terrible’ For The Bush Administration, ‘Which Is The Problem’ - Nico -

This morning on Fox News Sunday, Brit Hume spoke about the Walter Reed scandal in entirely political terms, saying “the problem” is that it “looks terrible” for the administration.

Hume called the neglect and deplorable conditions at the military hospital a “potential” political firestorm, but said that the “administration did what it did to try to get it over with + it may well have succeeded.”

Hume suggested that if Democrats had not taken control of Congress in November’s election, the Bush administration would not have demanded resignations from the Army Secretary and the chief of Walter Reed. “This is an administration which is known or had been known for sticking by people even when they were embattled.” Watch it:

NPR’s Mara Liasson responded to Hume’s comments: “I think, you know, to say it looks bad, it also is bad . Those pictures were horrible. These are people — nobody who is being treated for any kind of injury should have to live in that condition, let alone people who just fought in a war for our country.” Transcript (more…)
05.Mar.2007 1 in 4. - Nico - Sen. Gordon Smith (R-OR) “said he recently spoke with Gen. David Petraeus, the new top military commander in Iraq, who told him the troop surge has only a one in four chance of succeeding.”
05.Mar.2007 Last chance to save New Orleans. - Nico -

The New Orleans Times-Picayune begins a three-part series called Last Chance, revealing the growing belief that “the great sweep of marshes protecting New Orleans from the Gulf” will be wiped out far earlier than scientists once believed, “putting the sea at the city’s doorstep.”

Says one researcher: “Ten years is how much time we have left — if that.
05.Mar.2007 Post Reporter: ‘We Are Not Spared’ The ‘Nasty, Vulgar E-Mail’ From ‘Liberal Blog’ Readers - Nico -

Last week, both conservative and traditional media outlets did their best to turn some hateful and inappropriate statements about Vice President Cheney by anonymous commenters at liberal blogs into a broad commentary on the left in general.

As Glenn Greenwald predicted, Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz devoted his column to the “scandal”:

But as Greenwald (and Arianna) pointed out:

Stray, anonymous comments prove nothing. And those who rely on them to make an argument — especially without bothering to make any effort to prove that they are reflective of anything — should be presumed to have no argument at all. That is why they are relying upon such transparently flimsy and misleading methods to make a point.

During a chat on Thursday, a reader confronted national political reporter Lois Romano about the coverage:

“Selectively quoting anonymous posters from any political blog is shoddy ‘journalism’ at its worst. What does Mr. Kurtz have to say to defend himself on this?”

Romano had nothing to say about Kurtz.

Instead, she bemoaned the “new viciousness in the process often generated by the blogs,” and likened herself and other reporters to Cheney, complaining that “we are not spared” the “nasty, vulgar e-mail” produced by “liberal blogs.”

Romano: We are watching the blogs + just this month The Post assigned a young reporter to cover Internet campaigning. There certainly is a new viciousness in the process often generated by the blogs. You need to know that we as reporters are not spared — if we write an article the liberals blogs do not like we will be inundated with nasty, vulgar e-mail — which has no impact on our coverage.

While “liberal blogs” are lumped together with a tiny unrepresentative sample of anonymous commenters, the hate speech by leading figures of the conservative movement is ignored: today’s Post coverage of the Conservative Political Action Conference makes no mention of Ann Coulter’s inflammatory “faggot” remark.
05.Mar.2007 “As support for the war fades, - Nico - demand for yellow ribbons has collapsed,” the Financial Times reports.

”Magnet America, the largest manufacturer of the product, has seen sales fall from a peak of 1.2m in August 2004 to about 4,000 a month and now has an unsold stockpile of about 1m magnets.”
05.Mar.2007 Unit linked to scandals may be in Iraq - sfux Chris Thornton/Belfast Telegraph -

Questions have been tabled in Parliament about reports that the shadowy Army unit linked to Troubles intelligence scandals is now operating in Iraq.

The Joint Services Group (JSG), which allegedly operates out of Baghdad's Green Zone, is said to be the...
Eli Lilly: Der Skandal unter dem Teppich - sfux Karl Weiss -

Die Psycho-Droge Z. (Wirkstoff: Olanzapin) vom Pharma-Riesen Eli Lilly, verwendet für Schizophrenie, akute Manie + ?Bipolare Störungen I?,

zeigt heftigste Nebenwirkungen, die bis hin zum Tode führen können, so führt sie z.B. häufig zu Zuckerkrankheit.

Außerdem wird sie für andere als ihre zugelassenen Anwendungen vermarktet. Eli Lilly hat bereits in mehr als 28 000 Fällen außergerichtliche Entschädigungszahlungen...
Entschuldigungen Sie die Entschuldigungen! - onlineredaktion Harald Haack ?

Spätestens seit Mitte der Achtziger Jahre, bitte entschuldigen Sie, natürlich des vorigen Jahrhunderts, ist klar, dass der Klimawandel jetzt eintreten wird.

Warum haben Sie das bisher nicht ernst genommen? Wollen Sie sich damit entschuldigen, die Medien hätten nicht eindringlich darauf hingewiesen?

Nein, das ist nicht entschuldbar und diese Anschuldigung bitte ich zu entschuldigen. Schließlich wies die NASA frühzeitig auf die aus damaliger Sicht noch bevorstehende...
Schafft ein, zwei? viele Iraks. Oder: Die Friedenspolitik des Herrn G.W. Bush - onlineredaktion Dr. Alexander von Paleske - Am

25.Feb.2007 erschien ein Artikel in der US Zeitschrift "The New Yorker". Titel: ?The Redirection?. Autor: Seymour M. Hersh.

Dieser Artikel hat insofern bereits in der Presse größere Aufmerksamkeit gefunden, als darin die Kriegsvorbereitungen gegen den Iran geschildert werden.

Im Pentagon sei eine Planungsgruppe eingerichtet worden, so heißt es darin, die einen Angriffsbefehl seitens des Präsidenten innerhalb von 24 Stunden umsetzen...
Woman dies from bird flu in Laos A 42-year-old woman becomes the first person in Laos to die of bird flu and the second to be infected, officials say.
05.Mar.2007 World stock drop hits second week European stocks fall - mirroring heavy losses in Asia - as the global share sell-off powers into its second week.
05.Mar.2007 China fury at Chen's Taiwan call China suggests Taiwan's president is a "criminal" after he makes a strongly pro-independence speech.
05.Mar.2007 Litvinenko supporter shot in US The FBI and US police investigate the shooting of a friend of a former KGB agent poisoned in London.
05.Mar.2007 Denmark rioters' squat destroyed Bulldozers start knocking down a building at the centre of some of the worst rioting in Copenhagen for decades.
05.Mar.2007 EU bans Pakistan airline flights The EU bars most of Pakistan International Airlines' fleet within its airspace due to safety concerns.
05.Mar.2007 Chad ex-rebel leader gets top job Chadian former rebel leader Mahamat Nour Abdelkerim becomes the country's minister of defence.
05.Mar.2007 Clinton and Obama woo black voters Leading Democratic presidential campaigners descend on Alabama town for civil rights anniversary.
05.Mar.2007 US 'erased Afghan attack footage' The Associated Press says US troops censored footage of an incident in which several civilians were killed.
05.Mar.2007 Japan refuses sex slave apology Japanese PM Shinzo Abe says Japan will not issue another apology for its World War II military brothels.
05.Mar.2007 Report warns against Iran attack Military strikes against Iran could prompt it to rapidly pursue nuclear weapons, a UK think tank says.
05.Mar.2007 Hundreds held in India party raid Indian police arrest 281 people in a drugs raid on a party held in the city of Pune, east of Mumbai.
05.Mar.2007 Blair targets long-term jobless Tony Blair promises more help for the long-term jobless to find work - but demands "even greater effort" in return.
05.Mar.2007 HSBC sees record profits of $22bn HSBC reports record annual profits of $22bn, even as bad debt from its mortgage business in the US rose.
05.Mar.2007 Stress may 'scar child brains' High levels of stress may physically scar a child's brain, research suggests.
05.Mar.2007 The 'new age' of super materials Materials that could allow levitating trains and ultra powerful computers to become commonplace are coming of age
05.Mar.2007 Blair admits causing 'uncertainty' Tony Blair admits he created "uncertainty" for the Government by revealing he would quit later this year.
05.Mar.2007 Hundreds arrested in Danish riots Danish police say they have arrested nearly 600 people in three days of protests over the eviction of squatters.
05.Mar.2007 Nigeria endorses Islamic leader Nigeria holds the final ceremony inaugurating the spiritual head of the country's estimated 70 million Muslims.
05.Mar.2007 Germany seeks joint history book The German education minister suggests that a common European history book could be used in schools.
05.Mar.2007 'Progress' in Iran sanction talks World powers are making progress on new sanctions against Iran over its nuclear activities, US officials say.
05.Mar.2007 Damp homes 'could cause asthma' Children living in damp and mould-infested houses could be at more risk of developing permanent asthma, say researchers.
05.Mar.2007 Supermarkets clear petrol pumps As supermarkets clear pumps of contaminated petrol, an industry group says prices could rise by 2p a litre.
05.Mar.2007 U.S. Emissions to Jump 19 %

00.000.2020 -By- the USA will emit almost one-fifth more greenhouse gases than it did 00.000.2000 , according to a government report. By the Associated Press.
31.Okt.2004 22:36:31 Dionysos schrieb über
Dummer-Präsident [ Siehe auch:   * Infos und die besten Texte zum Stichwort »Dummer-Präsident« im Assoziations-Blaster
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wir haben eine neue art von herrschaft. nicht eine einmannherrschaft einer aristokratie oder plutokratie, sondern diejeniege kleiner gruppen, die durch zufälligen druck in positionen absoluter macht und politischen und ökonomischen faktoren unterworfen sind, die wenig raum für entscheidungen lassen.

sie sind die repräsentanten abstrakter kräfte, die dadurch an die macht gelangt sind, dass sie ihr ich ausgeliefert und kapituliert haben.

der diktator mit dem eisernen willen gehört der vergangenheit an.

es wird keine stalins, keine hitlers mehr geben.die herrscher dieser unsichersten aller welten sind zufällige herrscher,

unfähige, verängstigte piloten an den kontrollhebeln einer riesigen maschine, die sie nicht begreifen, so dass sie experten hinzuziehen, die ihnen sagen müssen, welche knöpfe sie drücken sollen.

1798 -from- History of the Hospitallers :

Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem

The Hospitallers, Knights of Malta . ... he was happy for the Knights to appoint a Knight to act with the authority of ...

Nazis in CIA, put there by Bush family will prevent fair elections ...

Bush, like Gerald Ford, is a Knight of Malta + hosted his Grand Master Andrew ...

Thyssen was the intimate friend of SMOM Franz von Papen, the man who brought ...

20070206 Co-Founder of Pilots for Truth Google Video of 911 : In Plane Site Click Here ... BG -Filmakers Rob Balsamo and Gideon524 from on Mike ... > Anybody Seen This Before?

The Hearst-owned Popular Mechanics targeted the 9/11 Truth Movement (without ever ... Well, we did not have any difficulty finding pilots who disagreed.

Die Datensätze sollen neben Namen + Adressen auch Steuer- + Passnummern + Informationen über Blutgruppen enthalten.
05.Mar.2007 untitled
11.Sep.2001 In Folge der weltweiten Terrorgefahr -seit dem- sind die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im Seeverkehr + in den Häfen kontinuierlich verschärft ...

05.Mar.2007 DER SCHLAPPHUT - Ticker

Mehrere Entführungsoperationen der CIA starteten vom Flughafen Palma de ... der Terrorgefahr erneut für schärfere Sicherheitsmassnahmen ausgesprochen.

Doch dem Physiker wollte es nicht gelingen, die Abweichungen von bis zu fünf Grad nach oben vollständig zu erklären.

Seine Vermutung:

Die globale Erwärmung könnte Europa über bisher unbekannte Rückkopplungen im Klimasystem einheizen.

Ihre Entschlüsselung dürfte lohnenswert sein.

"Wäre die Wärme-Anomalie statt im Herbst im Sommer aufgetreten", heißt es in einer Mitteilung der europäischen Wetterdienste, "hätte sie ähnliche Folgen gehabt wie der Katastrophen-Sommer 2003."

Damals starben letzten Schätzungen zufolge bis zu 50.000 Europäer.

Wie extrem der Herbst war, dokumentiert vor allem eine Zahl des KNMI: In Deutschland, Belgien, den Niederlanden, Dänemark und der Schweiz herrschte von

September bis Dezember eine Durchschnittstemperatur, wie sie nur alle 10.000 Jahre auftritt, verglichen mit den statistischen Normalwerten für das 20. Jahrhundert.

Oder, anders ausgedrückt:

Unter der Annahme, dass kein Klimawandel stattfindet, läge die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines solchen Herbstes bei 1:10.000.

Regional lag die Durchschnittstemperatur um bis zu fünf Grad Celsius über dem Mittel für diese Jahreszeit.

Gleich reihenweise brach der Herbst 2006 bestehende Wärmerekorde, obwohl die Wetteraufzeichnungen zum Teil sehr weit zurückreichen - in den Niederlanden bis ins Jahr 1706, in England sogar bis 1659.

Auch im Winter Rekordwerte

Schutz mit Milliardenaufwand - oder Zusammenbruch

Was ein nachhaltiger Umgang mit den Fischbeständen kosten würde, hat der Ozeanograph Callum Roberts von der britischen University of York ausgerechnet:

Wirksamer Schutz für rund ein Drittel aller Meere würde jährlich zwischen 3,7 und 14,3 Milliarden Euro kosten, schrieb der Forscher in der Wissenschaftszeitschrift "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences".

Er betonte dabei, dass der Schutz der Bestände große Gewinne für die Gesellschaft mit sich bringe.

Schon Überwachung völlig unzureichend

"Auf hoher See herrschen Methoden wie im Wilden Westen", fasst Ralph Kampwirth von der Umweltstiftung World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) zusammen.

Zudem beugten sich viele Staaten ihrer jeweiligen Fischereilobby, statt die von Experten empfohlenen Quoten zu akzeptieren.

Die Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace schlägt vor, für 40 % der Weltmeere ein Fischfangverbot aufzustellen. Vor allem Laichplätze und Wanderrouten der Fische müssten geschützt werden

Viele Fischbestände stehen kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch, heißt es in einem neuen Bericht der Welternährungs-Organisation.

Forscher warnen: Beutet die Menschheit die Ozeane weiter aus, könnte wild aufgewachsener Fisch schon in den nächsten Jahrzehnten von den Tellern verschwinden.

Rom - Der "Mangel an politischem Willen" sei schuld, beklagt die Welternährungsorganisation (FAO) der Vereinten Nationen - nicht etwa der Erkenntnisstand.

In Rom stellten Fischerei-Experten der FAO am heutigen Montag erschreckende neue Zahlen über die Gefährdung der Fischbestände vor.

Getty Images

Lebesmittel Wildfisch: Heute bedroht. Bald Vergangenheit? Experten warnen seit Jahren davor, dass die Ozeane drastisch überfischt sind.

Viele Sorten könnten bald nicht mehr für die Ernährung der Weltbevölkerung zur Verfügung stehen.

Hunderte von Meeresarten stehen erstmals auf der Roten Liste, weil sie vom Aussterben bedroht sind. Manche Wissenschaftler vergleichen die Folgen des menschlichen Handelns inzwischen gar mit den fünf großen Massensterben der Erdgeschichte.

Das ganze Ausmaß dieser Tragödie bei den Speisefischen zeigt der neue Bericht "State of the World Fisheries and Aquaculture" (Sofia), der auch auf der FAO- Website veröffentlicht wurde:

Insgesamt sei genau ein Viertel aller Meeresfisch-Bestände gefährdet. Von jenem Viertel der Bestände in bedenklichem Zustand seien 17 % übernutzt + sieben % stark zurückgegangen.

Nur 1 % erhole sich derzeit langsam. Mehr als die Hälfte (52 %) der Bestände würden bereits heute derart intensiv ausgebeutet, dass keine Steigerung mehr möglich sei.
VW- Affäre: Gebauer und Volkert angeklagt - 89 Straftaten
Statistisches Bundesamt: Zahl der Auslandsflüge steigt deutlich
05.Mar.2007 Nahrung aus dem Meer: Uno warnt vor Seefisch- Kollaps

05.Mar.2007 Ausstieg aus der Steinkohle: "Ich kann für den Steuerzahler keine Entwarnung geben"
05.Mar.2007 Ausverkauf an den Börsen: Runter, tiefer, raus
05.Mar.2007 Rüstung: USA planen Atombombe mit Diebstahlschutz

05.Mar.2007 Extrem- Temperaturen: Deutschlands heißer 10.000- Jahres- Herbst
05.Mar.2007 Nationaler Volkskongress: Chinesen setzen auf Öko
Datenbanken: Die Polizei, Dein Freund und Datensammler
05.Mar.2007 Aktienmärkte ein Asien: "Heute wird es wehtun"
Uran- Investments: Strahlende Gewinne

05.Mar.2007 Klimaschutz: Merkel will radikalen EU- Aktionsplan
05.Mar.2007 Clinton und Obama: Heißer Kampf um Schwarzen- Stimmen entbrannt
DaimlerChrysler: Kampfabstimmung erschüttert Aufsichtsrat
05.Mar.2007 Dax- Bilanz: Zigtausende Jobs weg trotz fetter Gewinne