15.Apr.2006 Britain's 400 Years of Cyber Law - Zonk 184+ corbettw writes "There's a news piece in The Register this morning about a British high court ruling about email signatures + whether they constitute binding contracts. Apparently, the 00.000. 1677 Statute of Frauds dictates what constitutes a contract, so an email with a disclaimer in the sig could qualify under the language of the statute. Since the statute predates the Constitution of the U.S., a clever lawyer could argue it applies here equally. Maybe there's some truth to the Internet joke 'take off every sig for great justice!'" "Gary J. Gorbsky, Ph.D., a scientist with the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, has found a way to reverse the process of cell division. The discovery could have important implications for the treatment of cancer, birth defects and numerous other diseases and disorders. Gorbsky's findings appear in the 13.Apr.2006 issue of the journal Nature. "No one has gotten the cell cycle to go backwards before now," said Gorbsky. "This shows that certain events in the cell cycle that have long been assumed irreversible may, in fact, be reversible." In the lab, Gorbsky + his OMRF colleagues were able to control the protein responsible for the division process, interrupt + reverse the event, sending duplicate chromosomes back to the center of the original cell, an event once thought impossible. Here is a video of it happening." Aber solche Sorgen waren dem Mann immer schon fremd. Gift für das politische Klima Diese Übung ist nicht neu für den Populisten. Schon als er 1996 die Wahl verlor, sprach er Prodi das Recht zu regieren rundheraus ab, da der Professor ja bloß "eine Minderheit im Lande" vertrete. 00.000.1998 -Und als- nach dem Sturz Prodis, die Regierung Massimo D'Alemas im Parlament das Vertrauen auch mit den Stimmen einiger Abtrünniger aus dem Berlusconi-Lager erhielt, begann Berlusconi eine bis zur Wahl 00.000.2001 nicht mehr unterbrochene Kampagne: D'Alema habe sein Amt nicht dem Wählervotum, sondern dem Betrug einiger "verräterischer Abgeordneter an ihren Wählern" zu verdanken. Dass er selbst nach seinem Wahlsieg 1994 vier Oppositionsvertreter im Senat abwarb und nur so auf eine Mehrheit kam, verschweigt er dagegen bis heute gern. Das Signal an Prodi jedenfalls ist allzu klar: Eine konstruktive, womöglich gar gelegentlich dialogbereite Opposition wird er nicht kriegen, solange deren Chef Berlusconi heißt. Der hat offenbar schon jetzt beschlossen, das Parlament zum permanenten Kriegsschauplatz zu machen + sich selbst die moralische Legitimierung für Dauerobstruktion zu verschaffen - als "berechtigten Widerstand" gegen eine im Kern undemokratische Regierung. 13.Apr.2003 Die deutsche Doppelmoral. von Jeff Gedmin. Auf einer Tagung in England wandte sich vor einiger Zeit der Erzbischof von Canterbury an Colin Powell. ... nuclear weapons, like the fake contract with Niger," he explained ... Parole der Entwaffnung und des Sturzes des . irakischen Regimes gekommen ... ol' me?" In. other words , shut the f--- up ... www.bertha-dudde.de/anoteron/blog2/archives/2003_04.html 00.000.1436 -antes de- O Mar do Sargaço já era conhecido pelo ALGUMAS Portugueses ... genealogia.netopia.pt/forum/msg.php?id=103671&fview=e Celto- Ligurian : Three dolmens are located at Les Adrets, in the forested ... alfatomega.com/2004062426_Report.htm 10.Apr.2006 Portugal has hired Merrill Lynch & Co., Morgan Stanley, Caixa Geral de Depositos SA + Banco Espirito Santo SA to arrange the government's sale of shares in oil company Galp Energia SGPS SA, according to ... Comment » caused outrage on Wednesday with a rights group saying the decision was like something from the Middle Ages. Comment » 12.Jul.2003 to leak to the media portions of a then-highly classified CIA report that Cheney hoped would undermine the credibility of former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson 15.Apr.2006 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers. 15.Apr.2006 Growing ranks of ex-generals bash Rumsfeld 4/15 15.Apr.2006 Gary Hart Has Come Up with a Thoughtful, Realistic and Effective National Security Plan. With Those Characteristics, You Can be Sure the Republicans Will Summarily Dismiss It. 15.Apr.2006 .Israelis unveil next generation in security : A new system developed by an Israeli company utilises physiological and psychological responses assessed by a computer, rather than a human. It is due to go on trial at both a West Bank crossing point and a US airport, which is deliberately not being identified, later this year. 15.Apr.2006 US to use Bulgarian military bases: A defence co-operation agreement enabling the USA to use military bases in Bulgaria for training purposes is expected to be officially signed this month. 15.Apr.2006 Venezuela tightens oil grip: Powering ahead with stringent nationalist reforms, Hugo Chávez's Venezuela is showing multinational oil firms little mercy. 15.Apr.2006 Charley Reese: Viva Chavez : "Stability" is one of the cow-manure words most favored by the imperialists who share Washington with all the lobbyists and special-interest groups. When they have no evidence of any wrongdoing whatsoever, they can always accuse a foreign government they don't like of "creating instability in the region." 15.Apr.2006 Thirst for profit : The corporate hijack of water is on and if the current trend continues, India's water sources will be in private hands befor 15.Apr.2006 China's organ supply questioned as transplants soar: Various human rights groups -- such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the Laogai Research Foundation -- say donated organs in China often come from executed prisoners + there are concerns that prisoners' wishes are not always respected. 15.Apr.2006 China has carried off the world's largest reduction in poverty: China is about to adopt its 11th five-year plan, setting the stage for the continuation of probably the most remarkable economic transformation in history, while improving the wellbeing of almost a quarter of the world's population. 15.Apr.2006 Government Spending Hits Record in March: Government spending hit an all-time high for a single month in March, pushing the budget deficit up significantly from the red-ink level of a year ago. 15.Apr.2006 Helen Thomas : Bush is Against Leaks – Except When He Leaks: President Bush is piously opposed to leaks, unless he's the person doing the leaking. 15.Apr.2006 A Call to Shed `Poison Pill' Immigration Rule: Republican leaders say they tried to change a House bill that would make felons of illegal immigrants but that Democrats balked. 15.Apr.2006 Terrorist 'lookalike' wins $27.5m : In a victory for critics of racial profiling, a jury in El Paso, Texas, ordered Southwest Airlines to pay damages to Samantha Carrington for false imprisonment and malicious prosecution after she was bundled off a flight and arrested because flight attendants found her appearance suspicious. 15.Apr.2006 Indiana signs lease for toll road: In the biggest highway privatization deal in U.S. history, state officials Wednesday signed an agreement Wednesday to turn the 157-mile Indiana Toll Road over to a foreign consortium that will operate it for a profit for the next 75 years. 15.Apr.2006 Afghan Horror Story Confirmed by NBC : "The drives also included deployment rosters and other documents that identified nearly 700 U.S. service members and their Social Security numbers, information that identity thieves could use to open credit card accounts in soldiers' names." 15.Apr.2006 US Enlists Mercenaries to Track Down "Al Qaeda": The USA is enlisting the help or armed militiamen and factional leaders in its campaign to track down five al Qaeda members in hiding in Somalia. 15.Apr.2006 To Battle Stations! To Battle Stations!: Led by a familiar clutch of neo-conservative hawks, major right-wing publications are calling on the administration of Pres. George W. Bush to urgently plan for military strikes -- and possibly a wider war -- against Iran 15.Apr.2006 US-Iran Clash Ahead: The USA and Iran seem to have firmly set on a path that leads to the hell of war. 15.Apr.2006 The West can do nothing: Iran yesterday vowed to expand its nuclear program dramatically, despite the international condemnation that followed its claim of being able to enrich uranium fuel. 15.Apr.2006 U.S. Outsourcing Special Operations: The Pentagon is bypassing official US intelligence channels and turning to a dangerous and unruly cast of characters in order to create strife in Iran in preparation for any possible attack, former and current intelligence officials say. 15.Apr.2006 Silent Nuclear Submarines Add to Iran Tensions: The silent submarine forces of the USA, Israel and Iran are all ramping up for a hot war, adding yet more tension to an already volatile Middle East - made all the more uneasy by Iran's relentless march to become a nuclear power. 15.Apr.2006 42 %: That is the %age of your federal income taxes that went to pay for past wars and the military in fiscal year 2005 (FY05), the year for which we are now filing our income tax returns. 15.Apr.2006 'I feel like I did in the Vietnam days - I hate to pay taxes just so they can go and bomb more people' 15.Apr.2006 Retired general's call puzzles Rumsfeld aides: Of the smattering of retired generals who have called on Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld to resign, none has surprised the Pentagon's inner circle more than retired Army Maj. Gen. John Batiste. 15.Apr.2006 Is America A Radical Republic?: Col. Larry Wilkerson (Ret.) Former Chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, talks about ideology and Middle East foreign policy. Must watch 15.Apr.2006 U.S. blocks UN draft pressing Israel to end attacks: The USA on Thursday blocked a U.N. Security Council statement drafted by Arab nations and aimed at putting pressure on Israel to stop military strikes. 15.Apr.2006 Peace can only be the fruit of justice: Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority Ismail Haniyeh outlines the basis for comprehensive peace 15.Apr.2006 Abbas calls aid cut-off illegal: Palestinian Pres-ident Mahmoud Abbas conferred yesterday with Jordanian Prime Minister Marouf Bakhit and labelled the Israeli boycott of the Palestinian Authority (PA) + the cut-off of financial aid to the Palestinians as “illogical and illegal.” 15.Apr.2006 Palestinian analyst warns Government will collapse: Palestinian analyst Ali al-Jerbawi has warned that the Hamas-led Palestinian government will collapse in three months unless it pays the salaries of 140,000 government employees. 15.Apr.2006 'Democracy' at work: International aid freezes threaten to strangle the democratically elected Hamas-led government 00.Nov.2004 -destruction of Fallujah- Of all the war crimes that have flowed from the originating crime of President George W. Bush's unprovoked invasion of Iraq, perhaps the most flagrant. 15.Apr.2006 -Now- as ignominious defeat looms for Bush's Babylonian folly, some of the key players in fomenting the war are urging that the "Fallujah Option" be applied to an even bigger target: Baghdad. Continued 15.Apr.2006 Coming home — disillusioned - Christopher H. Sheppard Awestruck, I heard our howitzers thunder and watched artillery rockets rise into the night sky + streak toward Iraq — their light bathing the desert moonscape like giant arc welders. Continued 15.Apr.2006 "Countdown to Jesus" The Crucifixion of Christ, American Style - Jerry Ghinelli Wie die Kapitalflucht zeigt, konnte der nur kleine Abschlag die Investoren offensichtlich jedoch nicht beschwichtigen. Inzwischen sei das Vermögen des einst mehr als sechs Milliarden Euro schweren Fonds unter fünf Milliarden Euro gefallen, schreibt "Die Welt". Eine erneute Sperrung des Fonds werde bei der DB Real Estate jedoch ausgeschlossen. Bei den Wettbewerbern sei der Unmut über die Deutsche Bank groß. So habe bereits die Sperrung des Grundbesitz-Invest im Dezember zu einer Massenflucht aus offenen Immobilienfonds geführt. Anleger hätten in Panik insgesamt 8,2 Milliarden Euro abgezogen. Nun könnte die negative Entwicklung beim Fonds der Deutschen Bank erneut auf die übrigen Produkte durchschlagen. phw/dpa 15.Apr.2006 Steuererklärung: Bushs Einkommen um zehn % gesunken 14.Apr.2006 Karfreitags-Zeremonie: Benedikts politischer Kreuzweg 14.Apr.2006 Vatikan: Päpstlicher Prediger kritisiert "Das Sakrileg" In Diplomatenkreisen werde davon ausgegangen, dass US-Präsident George W. Bush das Thema erneut anspreche, wenn er Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Anfang 00.Mai 2006 in Washington empfange, berichtete die Zeitung. Die USA sähen gerade jene Staaten in der Pflicht, Gefangene aufzunehmen, die sich wie Deutschland für eine Auflösung von Guantanamo stark machten. Die Uiguren fordern mehr Autonomie und sind nach Angaben von Menschenrechtsorganisationen Repressalien der chinesischen Behörden ausgesetzt. Mitglieder des Prodi-Bündnisses warfen Innenminister Giuseppe Pisanu vor, den Verlauf der Parlamentswahl nicht gegen Kritik verteidigt zu haben. Schließlich habe es sich um die Arbeit von Pisanus Verwaltung gehandelt, sagte Piero Fassino, der Generalsekretär der Linksdemokraten (DS). Innenminister Pisanu rief gestern Abend alle Parteien auf, Ruhe zu bewahren, Verantwortungsbewusstsein zu zeigen und von jeglicher Polemik abzusehen. Schon bevor der Irrtum bekannt geworden war, hatte ein Vertreter der Berlusconi-Koalition der Presse erklärt, das Ministerium habe die Anzahl der fragwürdigen Stimmzettel viel zu hoch angesetzt. Zu diesem Ergebnis kam auch die italienische Nachrichtenagentur Ansa bei einer landesweiten Befragung der einzelnen Wahlkommissionen. Italiens auflagenstärkste Zeitung "Corriere della Sera" berichtete, es gebe "höchstens ein paar tausend" umstrittene Stimmen. Prodi sieht Sieg bestätigt Die Behörde räumte ein, dass nur einige tausend Stimmen strittig seien und nicht wie zuvor behauptet mehr als 80.000. Rom - Es gibt nichts mehr am Wahlsieg Romano Prodis und seines Mitte-Links-Bündnisses bei der Parlamentswahl in Italien zu rütteln. Allein der noch amtierende Ministerpräsident will das nicht einsehen. "Wir machen weiter. Wir werden nicht aufgeben", sagte Silvio Berlusconi nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur Ansa beim Verlassen seiner Residenz heute in Rom. Über einen Sprecher ließ Berlusconi verbreiten, das Ergebnis sei weiterhin nur vorläufig. 14.Apr.2006 "Popetown": Erzbischof will Comic-Papst verbieten Where there's 12 inches to a foot, 3 feet to a yard, 1760 yards to the mile, 16 ounces to a pound, 2000 pounds to the short ton and getting 543816 votes more than your opponent means you lose an election. 12.Apr.2006 A threatened turf grab by a controversial Pentagon intelligence unit is causing concern among both privacy experts and some of the Defense Department’s own personnel. An informal panel of senior Pentagon officials has been holding a series of unannounced private meetings during the past several weeks about how to proceed with a possible merger between the Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA), a 11.Sep.2001 -post-9/11 Pentagon creation that has been accused of domestic spying + the Defense Security Service (DSS), a well-established older agency responsible for inspecting the security arrangements of defense contractors. DSS also maintains millions of confidential files containing the results of background investigations on defense contractors’ employees. The merger was initially suggested by a government commission set up to recommend military base closures last year. The commission said that the Pentagon could achieve some savings by relocating both CIFA, now housed in a building near Washington’s Reagan National Airport + DSS, headquartered in nearby Alexandria, Va. The panel suggested moving the two agencies to the Marine Corps base in Quantico, Va., where FBI training + laboratory facilities are also based. The Base Realignment + Closure Commission also suggested that the Pentagon could “disestablish” CIFA + DSS + “consolidate their components into the Department of Defense Counterintelligence + Security Agency.” Pentagon officials began discussions about merging the two after the commission issued its recommendations. An initial round of meetings about the merger, however, failed to come up with a plan. In the meantime, 00.000.2002 CIFA, a mysterious + secretive unit created + charged with making Defense counterintelligence efforts more effective, became the subject of two public controversies. 00.000.2005 -late in- The first erupted, when documents surfaced indicating that CIFA (whose mission, according to its own officials, is supposed to be limited to analysis of counterintelligence data produced by other agencies) was discovered to have put together a database that included reports on anti-administration demonstrators, including peace activists protesting alleged “war profiteering.” (NEWSWEEK’s Michael Isikoff reported on this in depth earlier this year in this story .) CIFA + Pentagon officials subsequently assured Congress in writing that CIFA’s activities would be more carefully focused in the future on genuine potential terror threats to defense facilities + personnel + that data collected on legitimate peaceful protestors would be destroyed. Another controversy over CIFA took hold during the corruption scandal surrounding former San Diego congressman Randall (Duke) Cunningham, who before he resigned in disgrace earlier this year, had been a member of both the House Intelligence Committee + the Armed Services Committee. Federal prosecutors alleged Cunningham used his congressional influence to direct CIFA to grant defense contracts to a company called MZM. Earlier this year, Cunningham + MZM’s former president, Mitchell Wade, both pleaded guilty to federal corruption charges. (The CIFA contracting probe has been covered in depth by investigative blogs Warandpiece.com + TPMMuckraker.com, as well as The Washington Post.) Pentagon spokesman Cmdr. Gregory Hicks said the CIFA contracting issue was the focus of a continuing “review by appropriate organizations within the Department [of Defense] + it would be premature to discuss any possible outcomes of that review.” As stories about the CIFA scandals circulated earlier this year, talk about merging the controversial unit with the less controversial DSS appeared to stall. But in the past few weeks, Pentagon officials said, such discussions have regained momentum, with an informal committee led by Robert Rogalski, a deputy to Stephen Cambone, the under secretary of Defense for intelligence, meeting regularly to discuss the agencies’ consolidation. But both Pentagon insiders + administration critics remain queasy about the merger idea. Some veteran officials recall that DSS itself became the subject of unwelcome public attention during the Clinton administration when political appointees in the Pentagon press office got hold of the DSS security file on Linda Tripp, the disgruntled bureaucrat who blew the whistle on President Clinton’s relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The file contained reports about an embarrassing incident from Tripp’s past that were leaked to the media. The Pentagon Inspector General investigated + security procedures surrounding the security files supposedly were improved. Both Pentagon insiders + privacy experts fear that if CIFA merges with, or, in effect, takes over DSS, there would be a weakening of the safeguards that are supposed to regulate the release of the estimated 4.5 million security files on defense-contractor employees currently controlled by DSS. Those files are stored in a disused mine in western Pennsylvania. According to one knowledgeable official, who asked for anonymity because of the extreme sensitivity of the subject, since its creation CIFA has on at least a handful of occasions requested access to the secret files stored in the mine without adequate explanation. As a result, the source said, DSS rejected the requests. A merger between CIFA + DSS would weaken those internal controls, the source said. A CIFA merger with DSS could also alter the job responsibilities of the 280 inspectors employed by DSS to inspect security arrangements + procedures at defense contractors’ offices. According to the official source, these inspectors are responsible for making sure that contractors have taken proper measures to protect classified information. But if DSS merges with CIFA, there are fears that CIFA will pressure the DSS inspectors to expand their mandate to include inspecting contractors to see if they are protecting information that could be considered “sensitive but unclassified”—a term the Bush administration has tried to use to expand restrictions on access to government records. Security professionals regard that expansion as too elastic + open to misinterpretation. By acquiring control of the DSS inspector force, a merged CIFA-DSS would also have something that CIFA at the moment claims not to have, which is a force of field investigators. Today CIFA has to rely for raw field reports on other defense + military intelligence agencies, such as branches of Army, Navy and Air Force intelligence. Defense analyst + washingtonpost.com blogger Bill Arkin, who first brought allegations about CIFA’s domestic spying to light, says that in its efforts to trying eliminate waste + better coordinate intelligence activities, “we are creating an American military secret police that is clearly acquiring way too much information + way too much power.” But Cindy McGovern, a spokeswoman for DSS, maintains that even if CIFA does merge with DSS, officials will not be able to get access to secret security files unless they have a “legitimate need + we verify that ... People who have access to these records need to have a verified need, a legitimate bona fide need.” Asked how many times CIFA requests for access to DSS files were turned down because of lack of adequate justification, McGovern said she did not have that information at hand. Hicks, the Pentagon spokesman, said there was “no clear answer” to this question, adding: “There are protocols in place to request information that CIFA follows, but there is no quick grasp as to how many times or instances that has been sought.” In an e-mail to NEWSWEEK, Hicks added: “The Defense Security Service takes the release of personnel files + the information contained therein very seriously ... For the purposes of disclosure + disclosure accounting, the Department of Defense is considered a single agency. Notwithstanding, disclosures of DSS records within DOD are only authorized when a justifiable official need for the information exists. These same safeguards would apply in the event of a merger with CIFA.” URL: https://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12290187/site/newsweek/ Tremors deep inside the Earth are usually produced by magma flowing beneath volcanoes, but a new study suggests they can also be produced by the shifting and sliding of tectonic plates. her 16-year-old niece in a park in Karaj (a suburb of Tehran) 00.Mar.2005 Nazanin was seventeen. Her sentence is subject to review by the Court of Appeal + if upheld, to confirmation by the Supreme Court. Please sign + tell your friends. which dubs itself "America's Nazi Party." 14.Apr.2006-00.000.1946 Public FBI Reviews Lynching Case Nearly 60 years after a white mob lynched two black couples on a summer afternoon and got away with it, the FBI is taking another look at the case. So this is it, finally. By the time this magazine hits the newsstands, Jack Abramoff - right-wing megalobbyist + great feckless shitwad of our new American century - will be but a tick of the geological clock away from The End. There will be no rack, no stoning, no scorpion-filled sand pit, no bucket of fire ants. Just a sanitary plea agreement and a single blow of the gavel + "Casino Jack" Abramoff will disappear for a few years of weightlifting and Talmudic study. Illustrierte Verlustlisten und das Berliner Nachweisbüro im Ersten Weltkrieg ... doc-iep.univ-lyon2.fr/wwi/article.php3?id_article=146 11.Sep.2001 they are dumb enough to send letters between operatives outlining their ultimate plan for "the clash with Israel" + therein lies the clue to who really authored the letter. "The adhesive can withstand an enormous amount of stress, equal to the force felt by a quarter with more than three cars piled on top of it." Time to get rid of the duct tape? " "Wired News is running an article on documents they recovered via the Freedom of Information Act and a lawsuit. From the article: 00.Aug.2005 "A computer failure that hobbled border-screening systems at airports across the country occurred after Homeland Security officials deliberately held back a security patch that would have protected the sensitive computers from a virus then sweeping the internet, according to documents obtained by Wired News." It looks like Zotob made it in to the supposedly protected network." In case you missed it : Called by God to Help: Providing humanitarian assistance to those in need should not be made a crime, as the House bill decrees. As written, the proposed law is so broad that it would criminalize even minor acts of mercy like offering a meal or administering first aid. 14.Apr.2006 AT&T Seeks to Hide Spy Docs : AT&T is seeking the return of technical documents presented in a lawsuit that allegedly detail how the telecom giant helped the government set up a massive internet wiretap operation in its San Francisco facilities. 14.Apr.2006 E-mails show Abramoff's donation leverage: When Jack Abramoff's lobbying team wanted to press Republican leaders for help with a tribal client, they minced no words. The help was deserved because Abramoff's clients overwhelmingly donated to Republicans. 14.Apr.2006 How can we be so stupid? : My wife pointed out the irony of marching in solidarity with workers who had rights Americans can't imagine. Later, several Italians demanded to know why the average American worker doesn't have health insurance, higher wages, better retirement benefits, more vacation time + rights that Italian workers take for granted. 14.Apr.2006 French Student Leaders Hail 'Historic Victory' : Mass Protests Force Government to Abandon Controversial Youth Job Law 14.Apr.2006 The ugly truth about the layoffs : Thirty million full-time American workers have lost their jobs since the 1980s. 14.Apr.2006 IRS Privacy Nightmare : The IRS has quietly proposed astounding new rules which would allow tax preparers to sell the contents of their client's tax returns to third-party businesses 14.Apr.2006 Dr. David Ray Griffin: "9/11, The Myth & The Reality,": Part 2 : In this definitive presentation given on 30.Mar.2006 at the historic Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, California, Griffin deconstructs official myths, given that day. 14.Apr.2006 Woman, 82, Gets Ticket for Slow Crossing: An 82-year-old woman received a $114 ticket for taking too long to cross a street. Mayvis Coyle said she began shuffling with her cane across Foothill Boulevard in the San Fernando Valley when the light was green, but was unable to make it to the other side before it turned red. 14.Apr.2006 Now Powell tells us : THE PRESIDENT played the scoundrel - even the best of his minions went along with the lies - + when a former ambassador dared to tell the truth, the White House initiated what Special Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald calls "a plan to discredit, punish or seek revenge against Mr. Wilson." That is the important story line. 14.Apr.2006 Evelyn Pringle: About Iraq - Not So Fast Colin Powell : The time to come clean has long passed. In fact, the window of truth-telling time for you ended when the first US soldier was killed in Iraq. 14.Apr.2006 In case you missed it: Video: Iraq No Threat : Both Colin Powell, US Secretary of State + Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's closest adviser, made clear before 11.Sep.2001 that Saddam Hussein was no threat - to America, Europe or the Middle East. 14.Apr.2006 Retired US Iraq general demands Rumsfeld resign: A recently retired two-star general who just a year ago commanded a U.S. Army division in Iraq on Wednesday joined a small but growing list of former senior officers to call on Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to resign. 14.Apr.2006 Rumsfeld rebuts critics, backs Iraq policy : Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld + his top military leader on Tuesday issued their strongest rebuttal to date of recent comments by retired generals criticizing Iraq war planning and calling on Rumsfeld to resign 14.Apr.2006 Terrorist "Chief" Is U.S. Spin: TERROR mastermind Abu Mousab al-Zarqawi is a largely fictitious bogeyman invented to help an American propaganda war in Iraq, it was claimed last night. Senior US military and intelligence officers admitted they have "overstated" the importance of the Jordanian-born al-Qaeda chief. 14.Apr.2006 The Al Qaeda Myth: We now know that Al Qaeda had nothing to do with the London bombings 07.Jul.2005 . This is the conclusion of the British government's official inquiry report leaked to the British press on April 9. 14.Apr.2006 'What have they done to our dear America?': My country, 'tis of thee, bittersweet land of diminishing liberty, of thee I weep. 14.Apr.2006 Military recruiters, confronted by crowd, leave campus job fair : Anti-war protesters at university block doors to building 14.Apr.2006 Sheehan back in Texas for another war protest: "We chased him away from his ranch," said Sheehan, 14.Apr.2006 Real men refuse to go: RAF doctor jailed over Iraq refusal : Flight Lieutenant Malcolm Kendall-Smith - who likened the invasion of Iraq to a Nazi war crime - was convicted on five charges, including refusing to serve in Basra, by a court martial panel of five RAF officers. He will also be dismissed from the service. 14.Apr.2006 Iran's Enriching Experience: Iran still appears to have a long way to go before it can actually make nukes. It enriched the uranium to 3.5 % purity; for weapons-grade material they need to kick it up to about 80 % and do so on an industrial scale, all of which will likely take years. 14.Apr.2006 Analysts Say a Nuclear Iran Is Years Away : Nothing had changed to alter current estimates of when Iran might be able to make a single nuclear weapon, assuming that is its ultimate goal. The USA government has put that at 5 to 10 years + some analysts have said it could come as late as 2020. 14.Apr.2006 The impact of Iran's nuclear ambitions : the technologies of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons are similar, but not necessarily a stepping stone, as nuclear activities can be monitored to ensure they remain peaceful - the aim of Mohammed ElBaradei's current visit. Iran's breakthrough was in its civil nuclear programme; failure to differentiate paves the way for another illegitimate war in the Middle East 14.Apr.2006 U.S. Outsourcing Special Operations : The Pentagon is bypassing official US intelligence channels + turning to a dangerous + unruly cast of characters in order to create strife in Iran in preparation for any possible attack, former and current intelligence officials say. 14.Apr.2006 Storm gathering in Iran : U.S. long-term goals in Iran are obvious: to engineer the downfall of the current regime, establish control over Iran's oil + gas + use its territory as the shortest route for the U.S.-controlled transportation of hydrocarbons from the regions of Central Asia and the Caspian Sea bypassing Russia and China. 14.Apr.2006 Katharine Gun : Iran: don't let it happen : "To me it would be a worse crime to stay silent if telling the truth could prevent war." 14.Apr.2006 Report: Hamas will recognize Israel within 1967 borders: Hamas officials close to Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh expect Haniyeh to announce the change in the organization's platform in the next few days, Army Radio reported. 14.Apr.2006 Israel To Ask U.S. For $10 Billion: "The State of Israel will change the face of the region," Olmert told the newspaper of his plan. "I will not miss this opportunity. 14.Apr.2006 Annan: Israel has to take meaningful steps to alleviate Palestinian suffering 14.Apr.2006 Young Jews Support Palestinian Rights, Challenge AIPAC and JCRC by Holding Seder Outside Their Offices 14.Apr.2006 Blair's inner circle and its ferocious grab for power : From forcing through ID cards to the erosion of parliamentary scrutiny, a determined clique is hijacking our democracy 14.Apr.2006 Aircraft Carrier Group Heads to Caribbean : An aircraft carrier strike group moved into the Caribbean this week to begin two months of naval exercises: "There's no other symbol of American power like the carrier." 14.Apr.2006 Peru's Garcia Leading Race for Runoff Spot 14.Apr.2006 Italians fear Florida repeat as Berlusconi digs in : Italy is facing the prospect of a protracted Florida-style electoral wrangle caused by Silvio Berlusconi's refusal to accept the results of this week's parliamentary elections. Beobachter werten den exzentrischen Auftritt Moussaouis - er blätterte während seiner Aussage im Koran + verhöhnte weinende Zeugen + wünschte sich "noch sehr viel mehr Leid" für die Amerikaner - als strategischen Zug. Washington/Bagdad – US General Charles Swannack hat sich für die Absetzung von US-Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld ausgesprochen. "Ich glaube wir brauchen jetzt wirklich einen neuen Verteidigungsminister", sagte der General dem Nachrichtensender CNN. Swannack leitete die 82. Einheit der Luftlandetruppen im Irak - er ist der zweite General, der die Entlassung Rumsfeld fordert. Swannack kritisierte Rumsfeld Krisenmanagement im Irak. Zudem warf er ihm vor, eine Mitverantwortung an dem Folterskandal in Abu Ghureib zu tragen. REUTERS Zerstörte Polizeistation in M ossul Im Pentagon sei ein neuer Anfang notwendig, hatte Batiste CNN gesagt. Notwendig sei ein Führer, der Team-Arbeit verstehe und Mitarbeiter nicht einschüchtere. Die Militärführung müsse die Prinzipien des Krieges verstehen und diese auch rücksichtslos umsetzen. Batiste hatte 2004 und 2005 die 1. Infanterie-Division der US-Armee im Irak kommandiert. Der General schlug nach einem Bericht der "Washington Post" eine Beförderung und Rückkehr in den Irak als zweitranghöchster US-Militär aus, weil er nicht länger unter Rumsfeld dienen wollte. When considering what to make of the recording industry's current rants against peer-to-peer file sharing software, it may help to remember how the record industry got its start - - by pirating the works of famous American songwriters. 00.000.1906 Written by John Philip Sousa Consider this article, "I foresee a marked deterioration in American music + musical taste, an interruption in the musical development of the PEOPLE s + a host of other injuries to music in its artistic manifestations, by virtue - or rather by vice - of the multiplication of the various music-reproducing machines." "[F]or the life of me I am puzzled to know why the powerful corporations controlling these playing and talking machines are so totally blind to the moral + ethical questions involved. Could anything be more blamable, as a matter of principle, than to take an artist's composition, reproduce it a thousandfold on their machines + deny him all participation in the large financial returns...?" He was complaining about player pianos, the genesis technology for the recorded music industry. Sousa's fix? 06.Jun.1906 Sousa supported a bill introduced in Congress that would have amended the Copyright Act to give copyright owners like Sousa a monopoly over all machines capable of reproducing sound. MORE... - what many are calling a "post-journalism" period, where their reporting has become more about opinion, "infotainment" + packaging than information-sharing. Big Media's failure to serve as the fourth estate has sparked a public backlash; more + more THE PEOPLES are CREATING media system of their own, one that responds to OUR diverse needs, challenges the powerful + ORGANIZES THEM as A PARTY in democracy. MediaCitizen is an investigation of this new media frontier, a place where people can take control of + not be passive s of, the media. I think a similar thing could happen here. If there really were a grassroots opposition to this, that raised a lot of anger + passion around it, I think there are a lot of politicians who would pick up on it. to imagine the Internet changed into a place where you basically could control what people had access to, or the networks had the right to control what people had access to. There really is an opportunity to do something successful in this context if there really were a movement." that citizens + s will not stand for a Internet that's turned into the private property of the telephone companies + cable companies." Und mit diesen Problemen steht Island nicht allein. Australien etwa oder Neuseeland wiesen "ähnliche, wenn auch weniger extreme äußere Finanzzwänge" auf, heißt es bei Fitch. Nicolas Bouzou vom Pariser Forschungsinstitut Xerfi nennt Ungarn, Polen und die Tschechische Republik oder Neuseeland als Wackelkandidaten der Weltwirtschaft. Die Volkswirte von Frankreichs Genossenschaftsbank Crédit Agricole blicken neben Osteuropa auch auf Südafrika oder die Türkei, wo bereits erste "Ansteckungseffekte" zu beobachten seien. Vielerorts würden länderspezifische Risiken neu bewertet. Insgesamt verbessere sich die Lage der Schwellenländer aber, notiert Crédit Agricole + warnt vor "übereilten Verallgemeinerungen". Reinolf Reis + Paul Nikolov, AFP Polen + Australien könnte es bald ähnlich gehen Tatsächlich könnten etwa Islands Wirtschaftswachsum von durchschnittlich 4,5 % in den vergangenen zehn Jahren oder die Arbeitslosenquote von zuletzt gut 1,5 % vor allem bei deutschen Politikern Neid erregen. Eine Inflationsrate von 4,5 % oder ein zentraler Leitzins von jetzt 11,5 % zeigen aber die Schattenseiten des Booms. Für Stirnrunzeln sorgen vor allem Islands Auslandsschulden: Sie liegen mehr als vier Mal höher als die laufenden Einnahmen aus Exporten, die traditionell vor allem Fisch + Aluminium umfassen. 14.Apr.2006 Irak: Attacke auf Polizei-Konvoi, Rumsfeld in Bedrängnis Sieben Wochen nach der Insolvenz des Hannoveraner Werttransportunternehmens habe der Gläubigerausschuss die Erlaubnis für einen Vertragsabschluss mit Matlin Patterson gegeben, teilte das Pressebüro des US-Unternehmens heute in Frankfurt am Main mit. Berlin/Köln - 45 % der Deutschen seien der Auffassung, dass von den USA eine "größere Bedrohung für den Weltfrieden" ausgeht als von Iran, ermittelte das Forsa-Institut im Auftrag des Fernsehsenders n-tv. 28 % empfanden Iran als größere Bedrohung, 16 % sehen in beiden Ländern eine gleich große Gefahr. Population wird über die Speisekarte reguliert Besonders der Grenadier, ein Tiefseefisch der mit dem Dorsch verwandt ist, hat die Auswirkungen der Naturerscheinungen offenbar genossen. Der wegen seines Aal-artigen Aussehens auch "Rat-tail" genannte Tiefseebewohner kommt in dem untersuchten Gebiet dreimal so häufig vor wie 1989, zu Beginn der Studie. Auch andere Populationen hätten sich deutlich vermehrt, sagen die Forscher. Grenadiere ernähren sich hauptsächlich von Fischkadavern, Krustentieren und Würmern. Auch die in großen Teppichen am Grund des Nordostpazifiks beobachteten Seegurken, Seeigel + Schlangenseesterne scheinen auf der Speisekarte des Dorsch-Verwandten zu stehen: Große Zuwächse bei diesen Meeresbewohnern hatten eine leicht zeitverzögerte Zunahme der Grenadiere zur Folge. Das ergaben die regelmäßigen Expeditionen mit Forschungsschiffen von Südkalifornien aus. In Tiefen von über 1000 Metern und mehr herrschen Finsternis, hoher Druck und Eiseskälte. Wegen der erheblich erschwerten Forschungsbedingungen ist bisher nur sehr wenig bekannt über den mit Abstand größten Lebensraum des Planeten. "Mit unseren Methoden hätten wir an Land nicht mal die Elefanten entdeckt", beschreibt Tiefseeforschungspionier J. Frederick Grassle die Probleme. Denn die Frage, wie und warum die Meerestiere einst das Land erobert haben, dreht sich vor allem um die Nahrung - + Aalwels Nummer vier könnte einen Teil dieser Frage beantworten, wie die belgischen Forscher um Sam van Wassenbergh glauben. "Die Fähigkeit, den Kopf zum Fressen nach unten zu biegen, war für Fische wahrscheinlich von zentraler Bedeutung, um den Übergang an Land zu schaffen", sagt Wassenbergh im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL ONLINE. Denn für einen Meeresbewohner sei es gar nicht so einfach, auf dem Trockenen voranzukommen, geschweige denn zu jagen. Meereswirbeltiere saugen ihre Beute normalerweise ein, indem sie ihr Maul blitzschnell öffnen und schließen. Das funktioniert erwiesenermaßen gut im Wasser, da das Nass rund 800-mal dichter ist als Luft. An Land aber lässt sich die Nahrung nicht einfach einsaugen. Wer jemals versucht hat, eine Portion Scampi zu inhalieren, weiß, wie schwer das ist. "Die frühen Landwirbeltiere mussten sich etwas anderes einfallen lassen", meint Wassenbergh. Flexible Wirbelsäule unverzichtbar Nun haben die Experten solche Spuren erstmals auch in Äthiopien gefunden - im gleichen Land, in dem zuvor schon die Überreste von sieben anderen menschenähnlichen Arten aufgetaucht sind, die eine Zeitspanne von sechs Millionen Jahren + drei Hauptphasen der menschlichen Entwicklung abdecken. Das berühmte Skelett von Lucy, eines weiblichen Exemplars der Art Australopithecus afarensis, wurde vor einigen Jahren ebenfalls Äthiopien ausgegraben. "Wir haben soeben die Kette der Evolution, die Kontinuität über die Zeit gefunden", kommentiert Berhane Asfaw, einer der beteiligten Forscher, ein wenig pathetisch. "Eine Form entwickelte sich zur nächsten. Dies ist der Beweis, dass Evolution über die Zeit an einem Ort stattgefunden hat." Debatte dürfte weitergehen Die Debatte um die Ursprünge des Menschen bekommt neue Nahrung: Forscher haben in Äthiopien 4,2 Millionen Jahre alte Überreste von Vormenschen entdeckt. Sie halten sie für ein weiteres Glied in der Kette der menschlichen Evolution. Die Forscher brachten unter anderem den größten jemals entdeckten Eckzahn eines Menschen-Vorfahren zu Tage. Auch der erste bekannte Oberschenkelknochen eines Australopithecus anamensis wurde bei den Ausgrabungen im äthiopischen Asa Issie geborgen. Es sind aber nicht einmal die Funde selbst, die das Team der University of California in Berkeley für die eigentliche Überraschung hält, sondern ihr Ort: Fossile Überreste der Art Australopithecus anamensis waren bisher nur aus Kenia bekannt. Die ersten Aufnahmen sind aus einer Entfernung von 200.000 Kilometern entstanden. "Das entspricht zwei Dritteln der Distanz zwischen Erde und Mond", sagte Keller. Wenn "Venus Express" 00.Mai 2006 ihre endgültige Umlaufbahn erreicht hat, wird die Bildqualität vom Südpol drei Mal besser sein als derzeit - die Raumsonde soll den Nachbarplaneten dann in einer Höhe von nur 200 Kilometern umkreisen. mbe/dpa Darmstadt - Zwei Tage nach dem Einschwenken in die Umlaufbahn hat das deutsche Kamerasystem an Bord der Esa-Raumsonde "Venus Express" erste Bilder unseres Nachbarplaneten zur Erde gesendet. Auf ihnen sind erstmals die Wolkenformationen über dem Südpol der Venus zu sehen. "Es sind die ersten Aufnahmen, die es überhaupt vom Südpol der Venus gibt", sagte Horst Uwe Keller vom Kamerateam der Esa-Sonde. "Sonst schaut man bei der Venus nur auf eine dicke Dunstschicht, aber mit unserer Kamera erkennen wir Strukturen in den Wolken und ein spiralartiges Band um den Südpol herum." 13.Apr.2006 Italien-Wahl: Merkel gibt Berlusconi den Laufpass Seit sechs Monaten ist Mafarna nun in Nuadhibu, am Nordzipfel Mauretaniens. Es soll die letzte Station werden. Noch diese Woche will er sich nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit in den Rumpf eines Schiffs zwängen. Bis zu den Kanaren will er darin kommen und ein neues Leben beginnen. "Es gibt für mich genau zwei Chancen", sagt er. Vor dem nächsten Satz hält er inne: "Entweder ich erreiche Europa, oder ich sterbe eben auf dem Weg." In Afrika habe er keine Zukunft, sagt er. "Es gibt keine Ausbildung, keine Arbeit und nur Gewalt." Doch all seine Bemühungen, den Kontinent zu verlassen, scheiterten: Mal bewarb er sich bei einem Visa-Programm für Australien, dann für ein ähnliches Projekt in Kanada. Aber immer wieder gab es Absagen. "Es sind einfach zu viele, die hier raus wollen", sagt er resigniert. "Ich kenne niemanden, der hier bleiben will." 13.Apr.2006 Zum 100. Geburtstag Samuel Becketts: Die letzten Dinge zuerst Mashr: Musikalische Mashups satt https://www.mashr.de/index.php· API-Liste bei Programmableweb.com https://programmableweb.com/apis· Eyespot: Online-Videoschnitt https://eyespot.com · Jumpcut: Feinster Videoschnittplatz im Netz https://jumpcut.com · YouTube https://www.youtube.com/· Culture Bully: Musikalische Mashups https://culturebully.blogspot.com/2005/12/culturebullys-10-favorite-mash-ups.html· diggshoutslash: Digg+Slashdot+Shoutwire https://diggshoutslash.com/ · web2null: Deutsche Sammelseite für Mashups https://www.web2null.de/category/mashup/· Placeopedia: Google Maps+Wikipedia https://www.placeopedia.com/ · "Worldtrip": Reisereportagen von SPIEGEL ONLINE https://worldtrip.tv/themap/gmap.php· Programmableweb.com: Web-Mashup-Anleitung https://www.programmableweb.com/howto· Wayfaring: Editor für Map-Mashups https://www.wayfaring.com/ · Gumshoo: Ebay-Remix https://www.gumshoo.com/ · Stadtplan von New York mit Verkehrskameras und anderem https://local.alkemis.com/ · Del.icio.us: Nachrichtensammelseite mit Community-Features https://del.icio.us/ · Popurls: Die andere Startseite https://popurls.com/· Adactio Elsewhere: Aufwendige Privatseitehttps://elsewhere.adactio.com/· Programmableweb: Eindrucksvolle Mashup-Liste https://www.programmableweb.com/mashuplist Kurzum: Wer zuviel Auswahl hat, hat am Ende überhaupt keine Auswahl mehr - und darin liegt dann auch wieder ein Stückchen Hoffnung für die alten Medien, die sich von der neuen Copy-und-Paste-Kultur bedroht fühlen. William S. Burroughs hat das schon 1974 geahnt. Da sagte er in einem Interview über seine Cutups, die Methode liefere "neue Worte, Sätze, Passagen, Bedeutungen, von denen manche nützlich sein mögen und manche nicht. Es gibt keine Notwendigkeit, alles zu verwenden." Ebenso einfach wie Google Maps lassen sich RSS-Feeds remixen - die klickbaren Schlagzeilen von Blogs und Nachrichtenseiten sind einfach zu rearrangieren, lassen sich wiederum mit Ortsinformationen kombinieren, mit Bildern verknüpfen oder nach Stichworten in semantischen Punktwolken anordnen. Die "Washington Post" stellt ihre RSS-Feeds seit einiger Zeit ganz offiziell zum Remix zur Verfügung. Bislang sind Seiten-Mashups am häufigsten Verknüpfungen der Daten verschiedener Informationsquellen, allen voran Google Maps: Es gibt Seiten, die Wikipedia-Einträge mit den passenden Orten auf einer interaktiven Karte verknüpfen oder Reisereportage-Seiten, die Texte und Fotos über den Globus verteilen und dabei die Leserschaft tippgebend an der weiteren Planung teilhaben lassen . Es gibt Mashups von MySpace-Nutzerprofilen und Flickr-Fotostrecken mit Karten der USA. Auf einem Stadtplan von New York kann man alle verfügbaren Verkehrs-Kameras anklicken und sich Livebilder ansehen (und dabei dem New Yorker Polizeifunk lauschen, wenn man das möchte). Auch die "Washington Post" masht mit "Mashup" nennen die Remixer von heute es, wenn etwa DJ Danger Mouse - auf rechtlich höchst zweifelhaftem Terrain - das "Black Album" von Jay-Z mit dem "White Album" der Beatles zu einem "Grey Album" vermischt (und damit einen Download-Hit erschafft). "Mashups" sind Urheberrechte mit Füßen tretende, anarchische, dekonstruktivistische Kunstwerke - und manchmal besser als das Original. Nirvana trifft Britney, Madonna meets Metallica. Danger Mouse ist inzwischen kein von Klagen bedrohter Outlaw mehr, sondern der Produzent der "Gorillaz". Als Teil des Duos Gnarls Barkley schaffte er den ersten Nummer-Eins-Hit in Großbritannien, der nur per Download zustande kam. Mit "Crazy", einem Stück, dessen eigentümliche Rhythmik wieder an die "Mashup"-Ästhetik erinnert. Alles ist Rohmaterial 13.Apr.2006 Schäfchenretten: Berlusconi will TV-Imperium seinen Kindern vermachen 13.Apr.2006 Tschad: Frankreich setzt Luftwaffe ein (Wirtschaft, Erdbeben von San Francisco: Auf der Überholspur in den Untergang 13.Apr.2006 Berlusconis Schlammschlacht: "Ihr dachtet, ihr seid mich los!" 13.Apr.2006 Verurteilte Chinesen: Reporter ohne Grenzen besuchen Yahoo-Zentrale 13.Apr.2006 Handy-Boom: Traumhafte Gewinne bei Sony Ericsson 13.Apr.2006 Italien-Wahl: Berlusconi verlangt Überprüfung von 1,1 Millionen Stimmzetteln 13.Apr.2006 Indonesien: Polizei will zweite "Playboy"-Ausgabe verhindern 12.Apr.2006 In this report the Infowars team's protest and questioning of whitewasher in chief and cover-up conspirator Thomas Kean 12.Apr.2006 I have been to enough sporting events to ... part of a secret domestic surveillance operation. - Ryan Singel. On the other hand, China is the second-largest internet market in the world. It's hard to walk away from that, too. However, despite all the hoopla from Hollywood, Politicians and Science Bureaucrats, there is another side, but it's being suppressed according to Richard Lindzen, an Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT. From the article: 'Scientists who dissent from the alarmism have seen their grant funds disappear, their work derided, + themselves libeled as industry stooges, scientific hacks or worse. Consequently, lies about climate change gain credence even when they fly in the face of the science that supposedly is their basis.'" 00.000.1969 -IN LATE- one of the most shameful episodes in the history of decolonisation took place on Australia's northern doorstep. In a so-called "Act of Free Choice"— thereafter recalled as "The Act of No Choice" — the 1 million people of the then territory of West New Guinea were traded from one foreign master to another. 14.Apr.2006 Bolivian Government Confirms No Agreement: The government of President Evo Morales ratified Monday its refusal to sign agreements with the International Monetary Fund or a free trade treaty with the US. 12.Apr.2006 Paul Street : The Arrogance Of Power : One of the great privileges of power is the right to attack others for doing --- or allegedly doing exactly what you do without anybody who matters calling you on your hypocrisy. 12.Apr.2006 The Poor Man's Air Force: Mike Davis on the History of the Car Bomb 12.Apr.2006 This George is no Washington . George Washington was the Father of His Country. George W. Bush could be the Destroyer of His Country. To preserve our freedoms, America must return to the ideology upon which the USA was founded + Americans must demand that our elected leaders adhere to those ideals. 12.Apr.2006 Bush Must Be Shocked: He's The Leaker: Why didn't President Bush just come out and say that he was the leaker? Instead, when this leak first became public, the president said that anyone in his administration involved in the leak would be fired. Is he going to fire himself now? 12.Apr.2006 Blair isolated on Iraq conflict as Berlusconi bows out : The defeat of Silvio Berlusconi has left Tony Blair isolated in Europe as the last political leader supporting the war in Iraq. 12.Apr.2006 SOS over Iraqi scientists: Since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, an alarming number of the country's leading academics have been killed. A human rights organisation puts the number at about a thousand and has a documented list of 105 cases. These professors, it says, were not random casualties - they were assassinated. 12.Apr.2006 Infant mortality in Basra is up by 30% : "The mortality of children in Basra has increased by nearly 30 % compared to the Saddam Hussein era," Dr Haydar Salah, a paediatrician at the Basra Children's Hospital, pointed out. "Children are dying daily + no one is doing anything to help them." 12.Apr.2006 In case you missed it: "We Think the Price Is Worth It" : Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it? Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it 12.Apr.2006 Truth about Iraq's mobile weapons factories ignored, experts say: "We have found the weapons of mass destruction," Bush trumpeted. - But even as Mr Bush spoke, US intelligence officials had evidence that it was not true. A mission to Iraq - not made public until now - had already concluded that the trailers had nothing to do with biological weapons. Leaders of the Pentagon-sponsored mission transmitted their unanimous findings to Washington in a field report on May 27, 2003, two days before Mr Bush's statement. 12.Apr.2006 In case you missed it: What Happens When You Remain Silent?: Sixty-four summers ago, when Hitler fabricated Polish provocations in his attempt to justify Germany’s invasion of Poland, there was not a peep out of senior German officials. More on this topic 12.Apr.2006 Robert Dreyfuss : Hawk-Tied Democrats: As the Russian foreign minister correctly reminds us, there is a lot about the manufactured crisis over Iran that is déjà vu : the axis of evil again, attempts to tie Iran to Al Qaeda, accusations about WMD, U.S. government efforts to play footsie with Iranian exiles + bluster about demanding action by the United Nations or else. 12.Apr.2006 War pimp alert : Iran Could Produce Nuclear Bomb in 16 Days, U.S. Says `: `Using those 50,000 centrifuges they could produce enough highly enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon in 16 days,'' Stephen Rademaker, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation, told reporters today in Moscow. 12.Apr.2006 The Human Costs of Bombing Iran : “The number of deaths could exceed a million + the number of people with increased cancer risks could exceed 10 million,” 12.Apr.2006 Nuclear Chicken and the "Madman" Theory: On April 2, the Daily Telegraph, favored mouthpiece for the British military, ran a story about British meetings and evaluations of U.S. plans to attack Iran; anonymous officials said that a strike on Iran was “inevitable” if it did not comply with demands to freeze uranium enrichment. 12.Apr.2006 Seymour Hersh: Bush Administration Planning Possible Major Air Attack on Iran: We speak with Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh about his latest article in the New Yorker that the Bush administration has increased clandestine activities inside Iran and intensified planning for a possible major air attack. 12.Apr.2006 Patrick J. Buchanan: Is War With Iran Inevitable?: Reportedly, U.S. carrier-based aircraft in the Persian Gulf are already simulating bombing runs on Iran. And President Bush has restated his doctrine of pre-emptive strikes and preventive war in the new National Security Strategy released recently. 12.Apr.2006 If ever there was a nation not to drive to extremes, it is Iran : The US and Britain are goading Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, while Blair's jihadist rhetoric is inciting a fourth crusade 12.Apr.2006 Chris Floyd: The Slander That Launched Don Rumsfeld's Career : Every step of the way, his career has been marked by mendacity, duplicity, smirking chatter and deadly ideological blindness 12.Apr.2006 Court rejects UK appeal against Hicks citizenship ruling: "Obviously very positive and it's another step along the road of getting David British citizenship and hopefully getting David out of Guantanamo Bay," he said. 12.Apr.2006 The trailer park HQ where the 'long war' is being waged - Suzanne Goldenberg in Fort MacDill, Florida 12.Apr.2006 Democracy Be Damned - Republicans Need Another War - Thom Hartmann - Unless Democrats in Congress and the American people stand up and speak out - in the process Bush and his Republican enablers may just bring about the end of the great American experiment in democracy. Continued 12.Apr.2006 How to Break the American Trance -Doris "Granny D" Haddock - If we Americans are split into two meaningful camps, it is not conservative versus liberal. The two camps are the politically awake + the hypnotized. Continued 12.Apr.2006 Empire’s War on Labor - Charles Sullivan - Why are we so afraid to acknowledge that U.S. aggression is interrelated with capitalism, class privilege, war profiteering and worker abuse in every part of the world? Are we just going to sit quietly in our living rooms before the television’s tiny light while the world burns? It appears so. Continued 12.Apr.2006 "The White Man's Burden": If you want to know why the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are colossal failures at easing the plight of the world's poor, this is the book to read. We strongly recommend it. 12.Apr.2006 Did Bush tell prosecutor what he knew, or what he told us? 4/12 12.Apr.2006 Italien: Berlusconi spricht von Wahlbetrug AN>Atomstreit: USA fordern Sanktionen gegen Iran 12.Apr.2006 Jugendgewalt im TV: ZDF-Chefredakteur räumt Fehler ein 12.Apr.2006 Studie: Mehrheit der Deutschen für Zwang zum Organspende-Ausweis 12.Apr.2006 Physik: Schnell rotierende Eier machen Sprünge 12.Apr.2006 Machtkampf in Rom: Italien drohen amerikanische Verhältnisse 12.Apr.2006 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Der Rest ist das Leben" 12.Apr.2006 Computer-Forensik: "Der PC ist ein Beweismittel" 12.Apr.2006 The White House I guess we should thank the Pentagon for actually coming right out and TELLING the WaPo that the Zarqawi thing was just one of their propaganda campaigns. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/04/09/AR2006040900890_pf.html I guess that made it easy enough for the WaPo to connect the dot. Tim Howells Jurors weighing the fate of 11.Sep.2001 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui were shown gruesome photographs Tuesday of bodies burned inside the Pentagon + heard from two determined military officers who crawled almost blindly through falling debris, choking smoke + searing heat to safety. on Monday that too much highly emotional evidence could imperil a death sentence on appeal, prosecutors showed the most gut-wrenching evidence yet in a trial studded with horrific images. (snip) Is the threat posed by Jordanian-born terror mastermind Abu Musab al-Zarqawi real? Is Zarqawi himself a fiction, as some maintain? Even his base supporters will become infuriated. And no-one will trust any Bush-supplied "evidence" surrounding future events, such as the Iran attack + "Big Wedding II." 12.Apr.2006 https://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2006/4/10/171535.shtml?s=lh It accuses the telecom giant of violating the law and the privacy of its customers by collaborating with the NSA in its program to wiretap Americans' communications. filed papers with the court asking that it order AT&T to stop disclosing the contents of its customers' communications to the U.S. government. 00.Jan.2003 -while he was working in an AT&T office in San Francisco - he saw that a "secret room” was being built adjacent to a switching room where OUR public s phone calls are routed. Under the direction of the NSA, special equipment was being installed in the room, which was off-limits to most employees. "While doing my job, I learned that fiber optic cables from the secret room were tapping into the Worldnet circuits by splitting off a portion of the light signal." The Narus STA technology is known to be used particularly by government intelligence agencies because of its ability to sift through large amounts of data looking for preprogrammed targets." "Based on my understanding of the connections + equipment at issue, it appears the NSA is capable of conducting what amounts to vacuum-cleaner surveillance of all the data crossing the Internet - whether that be peoples' e-mail, Web surfing or any other data. "And unlike the controversy over targeted wiretaps of individuals' phone calls, this potential spying appears to be applied wholesale to all sorts of Internet communications of countless citizens." Regarding Bush's plans to nuke Iran: "Armageddon doesn't need an exit strategy." "Messiahs don't need an exit strategy." "We have a manifestly insane doomsday cult running the country." Die spanische Polizei spricht von einem "Schlag ohne Vorbild in Europa". Derlei Aussagen sind bekannt, auch wenn sich andere Vorgänge nicht selten als Schläge ins Wasser https://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/15/15815/1.html entpuppten + Ermittlungen deutlich wurden, die von der die Musikindustrie oder Autorenvereinigungen voran getrieben wurden. Die Vereinigung der Netizen (AI/ https://www.internautas.org) hält das Vorgehen der Polizei für „bedenklich“. If anyone’s bought a Dell PC in the last few years, you probably know what I’m talking about. Just recently, I was ... Broadband penetration growth in the OECD held steady at 15% in the second half of the year reaching 13.6 subscribers per 100 inhabitants in ... Thus, the Air Force reacted with alarm last week after The Chronicle told the Secret Service that a government... 'Venus - The Hot Spot', provides a well-written account on a mission called the Venus Express. The Venus express is an European Space Agency (ESA) mission to probe the the atmosphere of ... 12.Apr.2006 Wanted Cheap, Not Faster Broadband - Om Malik Forrester Research just released a new report, The State Of Internet Access, based on a survey of more than 4,500 US households + here are some of the key findings. More than 50% of online US households are using broadband. DSL is gaining ground on cable. Consumers are still more interested in ... But in recent years, companies ranging from UK supermarkets Tesco and Sainsbury's to worldwide computer retailer Dell have ... CNet is reporting that the next weapons coming out of the US arsenal could be stepping right off the pages of science fiction to be there. From the article: 31.Dec.2006 -"By the end of- US Air Force plans to conduct a first, fully loaded test flight of its Airborne Laser, a jumbo jet packed with gear designed to shoot down enemy missiles half a world away, at the speed of light. The ABL also packs a megawatt-class punch--it's not exactly your garden-variety laser pointer." 12.Apr.2006 Klimaschutz: Bundesregierung verschärft Regeln für Energiekonzerne (Wirtschaft, US-Kritik: "Iran fordert offen die Welt heraus" 12.Apr.2006 China-Deal: US-Unternehmen hoffen auf Milliarden-Aufträge |