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28.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-581011,00.html

"Der Markt für die Depfa ist tot", heißt es dem Bericht zufolge in Finanzkreisen. Für die Refinanzierung muss nun die Hypo einstehen.

Nach "FTD"-Informationen geht es um einen zweistelligen Milliardenbetrag.

Es sei derzeit unwahrscheinlich, dass die HRE diese Summe stemmen kann.

00.000.2007 -im Sommer- HRE hatte die Depfa übernommen. Das fünf Milliarden Euro schwere Geschäft wurde damals als Überraschungscoup gefeiert.
Dax-Konzern : Finanzmärkte fürchten Schieflage bei Hypo Real Estate  (Wirtschaft)

28.Sep.2008Direktmandate: CSU-Prominenz im freiem Fall  (Politik)
28.Sep.2008 Nach Stichwahl: Schwerin hat bundesweit erste linke Oberbürgermeisterin  (Politik)

28.Sep.2008Bayern: Debakel lässt Union vor Bundestagswahl 2009 zittern  (Politik)

28.Sep.2008CSU-Debakel: Ende des bayerischen Absolutismus  (Politik)
28.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-581003,00.html

Auch der Chef-Ökonom der BHF-Bank, Uwe Angenendt, begrüßte den Kompromiss. "Dieser Schritt war extrem wichtig, um die Nerven von Anlegern und Bankern zu beruhigen", sagte er dem Blatt.

"Jetzt dürfte es an den Märkten zumindest keine weiteren dramatischen Kursverluste geben." Ob das Paket reiche, die Krise zu beenden, sei dagegen zweifelhaft.

"Auch Europa ist nun stärker von den Problemen betroffen - wie stark, ist aber noch schwer einzuschätzen", sagte Angenendt.
Finanzmarktkrise: Hälfte des Rettungspakets wird erst später ausgezahlt  (Wirtschaft)
28.Sep.2008 CSU-Desaster: Bayerns Revolution vertilgt ihre Väter  (Politik)

28.Sep.2008Reaktionen: "Schwarzer Tag für die CSU"  (Politik)
28.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-577503,00.html

Anselm glaubt. Das ist seine Gewissheit, und es ist die Gewissheit seiner Epoche: dass Gott ist.

Aber sollte es nicht gerade deshalb jedem Gläubigen möglich sein, die Existenz eines ewigen und allmächtigen Wesens selbst zu begreifen – ohne alle Bibelstellen und Predigerworte, nur durch den Gebrauch des eigenen Verstandes?

Mit einem Argument, so einfach und klar, dass es in sich selbst schon göttlich ist?
Drei USB-Sticks vermisst die Armee, wie mehrere britische Tageszeitungen berichten.

Laut "Daily Mail" sollen auf den Datenträgern Informationen aus den Personakten von bis zu 50.000 pensionierten und aktiven Soldaten gespeichert sein.

Welche Informationen die Dateien genau enthalten und ob sie verschlüsselt sind, hat das Verteidigungsministerium nicht öffentlich gemacht.
Im Amerika dieser Tage ist ein aus der Art geschlagener, ein entarteter Kapitalismus zu besichtigen.
[...] Wall Street würde Staatsreligion.
[...] Karl Marx wusste, noch bevor das Wort Investmentbanking erfunden war, wie beides zusammenhängt:

"Das Kapital hat einen Horror vor der Abwesenheit von Profit oder sehr kleinem Profit wie die Natur vor der Leere.

Mit entsprechendem Profit wird Kapital wach, zehn % sicher, und man kann es überall anwenden;

20 %, es wird lebhaft;

50 %, positiv waghalsig;

100 %, es stampft alle menschlichen Gesetze unter seinen Fuß;

300 %, und es existiert kein Verbrechen, das es nicht riskiert, selbst auf Gefahr des Galgens."
Mittelalter: Der logisch perfekte Gottesbeweis  (Wissenschaft)
28.Sep.2008 Horn von Afrika: US-Kriegsschiff belagert gekaperten Waffentransporter  (Panorama)
28.Sep.2008 Datenpanne in Großbritannien: Diebe klauen Personaldaten von britischem Militärgelände  (Politik)
28.Sep.2008 Parteitag der Konservativen: Finanzkrise trübt die Erfolgsgeschichte der Tories  (Politik)
28.Sep.2008 US-Finanzkrise: Investoren sollen US-Großbank Wachovia vor Kollaps retten  (Wirtschaft)
28.Sep.2008 US-Finanzkrise: Amerika - wo sich Scheitern lohnt  (Wirtschaft)
28.Sep.2008 Datenschutz: Die Datensammler der Telekom  (Netzwelt)

28.Sep.2008Energie: 300 Gasanbieter erhöhen die Preise  (Wirtschaft)
28.Sep.2008 Shenzhou-Mission: Chinas Astronauten zurück von der Weltraum-Parade  (Wissenschaft)
28.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-580939,00.html

Die Mittel für den Aufkauf der Hypothekenpapiere sollen nicht auf einen Schlag, sondern schrittweise freigegeben werden.

Die erste Hälfte von 350 Milliarden Dollar soll zur Verfügung gestellt werden, sobald dies vom Präsidenten beantragt wird.

Die weiteren Mittel sind von der Zustimmung des Kongresses abhängig. Dabei kann der Präsident allerdings sein Veto gegen Blockaden des Parlaments einlegen.

Der IWF-Chef weiter: "Aber die Realwirtschaft wird nicht absinken. Die Währungen werden nicht zusammenbrechen. Den Zentralbanken gelingt es, die Finanzkrise zu managen."

Paris - Dominique Strauss-Kahn kann auf einen Machtzuwachs hoffen: Vieles spricht dafür, dass die Rolle des IWF wegen der globalen Finanzkrise bedeutender wird.

Der deutsche Finanzminister Peer Steinbrück hat gerade erst im Bundestag eine Stärkung des Währungsfonds vorgeschlagen.

Nun hat sich der IWF selbst als Normengeber und Kontrolleur der krisenhaften Weltfinanzmärkte angeboten.

"Wir sind in der Lage, den Kompromiss und das Allgemeininteresse zu definieren und zu garantieren", sagte IWF-Chef Dominique Strauss-Kahn der Pariser Sonntagszeitung "Le Journal du Dimanche".
Finanzkrise: Weltwährungsfonds warnt vor lang anhaltendem Abschwung  (Wirtschaft)
28.Sep.2008 Subventionen: US-Kongress beschließt Milliardenhilfe für Autobauer   (Wirtschaft)
28.Sep.2008 Horn von Afrika: Piraten wollen 24 Millionen Euro für Schiff mit Panzern  (Panorama)
28.Sep.2008 Medikamententests: Afrikanisches Roulette  (Wissenschaft)
28.Sep.2008 Personenschutz im US-Wahlkampf: Barack Obama, Codename "Renegade"  (Panorama)

28.Sep.2008Kampagnen: Wie ein Milliardär Europa aufschreckt  (Politik)
26.Sep.2008 Klima: CO2-Ausstoß rasant angestiegen FOCUS Online 
Trotz Kyoto-Protokoll und nationaler Klimaschutzprogramme: Die Emissionen und der Kohlendioxidgehalt der Atmosphäre sind seit dem Jahr 2000 gestiegen.

Mehr Kohlenstoff schwebt in der Luft, und

26.Sep.2008-00.000.2000 -in den Jahren seit--die Emissionen stiegen 4 Mal so ... CO2-Ausstoß steigt noch schneller als befürchtet sueddeutsche.de
28.Sep.2008 Op-Ed Columnist McCain’s Suspension Bridge to Nowhere New York Times - By FRANK RICH

WHAT we learned last week is that the man who always puts his “country first” will take the country down with him if that’s what it takes to get to the White House.
Partners at the Destruction Wall Street Journal - By JOHN FUND

We will look back on the failure of Congress to reform the government-sponsored enterprises at the heart of the mortgage meltdown as one of the most expensive derelictions of its duty ever.
WaMu Failure Shakes Seattle, From Shareholder to Job Seeker   Bloomberg
28.Sep.2008 US reaches bailout deal in bid to stem crisis Reuters - By Kevin Drawbaugh and Donna Smith WASHINGTON (Reuters) -

US lawmakers on Sunday were set to sign off on a deal to create a $700 billion fund to buy bad debt from ailing banks in a bid to stem an escalating credit crisis that threatened to engulf the ...

Political parties change stands on drilling, bailout   Houston Chronicle
'Great progress' in US bail-out   BBC News

28.Sep.2008 blog.fefe.de/ Was die Chinesen können, kann der McCain schon lange: McCain schaltet "ich habe das TV-Duell gewonnen" Anzeige schon vor dem Duell.

Nicht nur vor dem Duell, sondern sogar zu einem Zeitpunkt, als sie ihre Teilnahme abgesagt hatten.
blog.fefe.de/ Prozessauftakt gegen die "militante Gruppe". Die taz bringt es auf den Punkt:

Drei Männer stehen in Moabit vor Gericht, die Mitglieder der "militanten gruppe" sein sollen.

Einziges Indiz: ein versuchter Brandanschlag in Brandenburg. Ja, genau so ist das. Grotesk.
Milliardenpoker in Washington: US-Kongress erzielt Einigung über Rettungspaket  (Wirtschaft)
28.Sep.2008 Soon, we will have our opportunity to stand up and help construct a new society. It is crucial that the People be in charge of this process, not the Corporations.

If the Corporations run the Next Society, we will be enslaved by them .

That's why YOUR involvement in the creation of the Next Society is so important
28.Sep.2008 We may very well witness the rebooting (or at least the radical shrinking) of this system of evil, brought down by its own excesses; its crimes; its greed and its arrogance.
28.Sep.2008 What it's all REALLY about...
In all, this grand financial bailout is not about bailing you out, it's about ripping you off . It's all about stealing the savings of hard-working people like you and me, and transferring that money

28.Sep.2008 3. Foreign central banks will reassess their purchasing of U.S. debt.
With the U.S. taking on another $1 trillion in debt, foreign central banks will realize the game's over, and the U.S. is never going to be able to pay back its IOUs.

As a result, many foreign banks will either stop buying U.S. debt, or even start trying to sell off the U.S. debt they already carry.
The result of this is increased costs of borrowing for the U.S. There is a small chance that there could be a panicked sell-off of U.S. debt, but I put this chance at only 10% or so.

However, this is an important article worth considering on this point: https://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=anZHfo6tQi60
Brain Exercises Really Do Boost Mental Function
(NaturalNews) Computer-based brain exercises, long touted as a way to improve general intelligence, actually appear to improve certain measures of mental function, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Michigan and the University of Bern, Switzerland, and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .
"The difference was most pronounced in those who had been slower to start with, but the mental ability of everyone who had taken part improved," researcher Walter Perrig said.

28.Sep.2008 New Study Reveals Resveratrol Improves Health and Longevity
(NaturalNews) Such important information should not be downplayed by the mass media. Yet, that is exactly what just transpired. Instead, they reported that resveratrol improved health, but not longevity, in aging mice on a standard diet. In other words, they chose not to report the most important outcome from the study.

28.Sep.2008 Poor Sleep and Lack of Sleep Can Cause Elevated Blood Pressure in Adolescents
(NaturalNews) Think that hypertension is a condition which strikes only adults and those more advanced in their years? Think again.
Recent research conducted at the Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, has suggested that lack of sleep as well as poor sleep quality can cause elevated blood pressure levels in healthy adolescents.

These associations could not be explained by being overweight, socioeconomic status, sleep apnea, or known comorbidities.
About Blood Pressure, Hypertension and Prehypertension
Blood pressure is the measurement of the force of blood acting against the walls of our arteries and varies throughout the day.

When blood pressure levels remain elevated over a sustained period of time, one then has "high blood pressure", medically referred to as "hypertension".
So what's the big deal about high blood pressure?

It is potentially dangerous because it causes the heart to overwork, and also contributes to the hardening of one's arteries.

Risks of suffering heart disease and stroke , two of the top killers in the US , are thus increased.

Other health conditions, for example congestive heart failure, kidney disease and blindness, can also result from hypertension.
"Prehypertension", on the other hand, is a term used to describe the state whereby one does not have high blood pressure right now, but is likely to get it in the future.

In other words, your blood pressure is high, but not quite high enough yet to qualify for an official diagnosis of hypertension. Prehypertension in adolescents was what the Case Western study looked at.
28.Sep.2008 Details and Findings of Study
The recent study, the first of its kind in terms of drawing a link between not getting enough sleep and blood pressure levels in healthy adolescents, consisted of a cross-sectional analysis of data from the Cleveland Children's Sleep and Health Study.

In total, the study covered 238 adolescents aged 13 to 16. The participants were not known to have sleep apnea, severe comorbidities or other health conditions.
The study, published in the

00.Aug.2008 issue of Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association , assessed sleep duration and efficiency at the homes of the teenagers for three to seven nights.

The participants maintained a daily sleep log, and also wore a wrist device which measured their movement to determine their sleep and wake patterns.
28.Sep.2008 Burstow also called for immediate police action to halt the practice of sedating elderly patients.
"Inappropriate or abusive prescribing is not just sedating older people, it is killing them. The law makes it clear: Treatment without consent is assault. It is time the police and the courts took abuse of elderly people seriously."
Sources for this story include: www.telegraph.co.uk, www.medicalnewstoday.com and www.dailymail.co.uk.

28.Sep.2008 "The over-prescription of anti-psychotic drugs to people with dementia is a serious abuse of human rights," said Neil Hunt, chief executive of the Alzheimer's Society.

"Anti-psychotics should be used as a last resort."
Burstow's mortality numbers were derived from a study led by Clive Ballard from King's College London.

Ballard and colleagues found that Alzheimer's patients who were treated with anti-psychotics had a significantly higher rate of death than those given a placebo.

After 24 months of treatment, only 54.8 % of the anti-psychotic group was still alive, compared with

78 % of the placebo group.

By 42 months, the survival rates had dropped to 28 % in the anti-psychotic group and 60 % in the placebo group.
Medienbericht: Britische Hypothekenbank B&B steht kurz vor Verstaatlichung  (Wirtschaft)

28.Sep.2008"Street View": Kommunen wollen Googles Kamera-Wagen verbannen  (Netzwelt)
27.Sep.2008 TV-Duell: Blitzumfragen sehen Obama als klaren Sieger  (Politik)
27.Sep.2008 Security Bites 115: Inside ID fraud's underground forums
Tom Rusin of Affinion talks about ID fraud and the way our personal information is bought and sold.

27.Sep.2008 ABC24D0E82A6266/Doc~E63F430803E2C4ACCAD5669CEE499F8C7~ATpl~Ecommon~Scontent.html" target=_blank>J.P.Morgan-Chef Dimon: Der große Gewinner der Finanzkrise
Neue Datenpanne: Royal Air Force beklaut
27.Sep.2008 Consensus on Wall Street Rescue Plan Is Said to Be Near

27.Sep.2008 Behind Insurer’s Crisis, a Blind Eye to a Web of Risk
27.Sep.2008 Unternehmen: Landesbanken droht offenbar Milliardenverlust durch Lehman-Pleite
US-Senat verabschiedet Gesetzesentwurf zur besseren Durchsetzung geistigen Eigentums
27.Sep.2008 Bayerische Landesbank stärker gefährdet als bisher bekannt?
27.Sep.2008 Zehntausende demonstrieren gegen Regierung Berlusconi
27.Sep.2008 Einigung für US-Rettungspaket in Sicht
27.Sep.2008 La mort de Paul Newman, l'acteur au regard bleu azur
DSK : « réglementer les marchés financiers»
27.Sep.2008 Londres nacionalizará Bradford & Bingley
Multicultural ideal 'terrible' - Tories
27.Sep.2008 Ringen um US-Rettungspaket "notfalls das ganze Wochenende"
27.Sep.2008 BNP Paribas en ING voorlopig favoriet
27.Sep.2008 https://www.jungewelt.de/2008/09-27/003.php?print=1
Sechs Wochen vor den Präsidentschaftswahlen greift Boehners Vorschlag geschickt die Proteststimmung der Bevölkerung auf – und er sieht so gut wie kein Geld für die Banken vor.

Statt dessen sollen die Hausbesitzer gerettet werden. Auf diese Weise würden die Schrotthypotheken saniert und auch die Banker wieder zu ihrem Geld kommen, so der Plan.

Als der vergangene Woche zwischen Finanzminister und den Geldhäusern besprochen wurde, war er von den Banken rigoros abgelehnt worden.

Laut Washington Post kann Boehner jedoch auf die Unterstützung der Mehrzahl der Republikaner im Kongreß zählen.
[...] Apropos Rettungsplan:

Während sich Präsident George W. Bush und die Führungen der beiden Parteien Donnerstag abend (Ortszeit) in Washington trafen, um einen Kompromiß dazu auszuhandeln,

protestierten in über hundert Städten US-Bürger gegen die Subventionierung der Wall-Street-Finanzhaie. Sie forderten statt dessen Hilfe für die Millionen in Zahlungsschwierigkeiten geratenen Hausbesitzer.
[...] Kaum hatte WaMu am Donnerstag Konkurs angemeldet, da stürzte sich die Großbank J.P. Morgan Chase wie ein Geier auf das Opfer, um es zu filetieren und die besten Stücke zu Schnäppchenpreisen aufzukaufen.
27.Sep.2008 [...] Das weltweite Vertrauen in die Wall Street ist dahin.

Die chinesische Regierung hat die Banken des Landes angewiesen, US-Finanzinstitutionen kein Geld mehr zu leihen.
beispielsweise Exkonzernchef Heinrich von Pierer. Dem engen Ratgeber zweier deutscher Bundeskanzler und langjährigem Oberhaupt der Deutschland AG ist inzwischen das Betreten der Konzerngebäude untersagt.

Verwundern muß nur, wie wenig Lärm die Gewerkschaften schlagen. Die hätten hier allen Grund, Stärke zu zeigen.
Russia to build space defence system: Russia will upgrade its nuclear deterrence system, including building new nuclear submarines and a space defence programme, President Dmitry Medvedev said.

27.Sep.2008 Russia plans upgrade of nuclear deterrent: Russia must modernize its armed forces and upgrade its nuclear deterrent, in part by building a new air and space defense network, the president said Friday.

27.Sep.2008 Russia’s Navy in Venezuela: the facts: What kind of force exactly will be maneuvering in America’s backyard in one month’s time? Putin back nuclear talks with Chavez: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said he was ready to consider helping Venezuela develop a nuclear energy programme after meeting the country's President Hugo Chavez.

27.Sep.2008 US moves to suspend trade benefits for Bolivia: - President Bush is moving to suspend longtime U.S. trade benefits for Bolivia because of that country's "failure to cooperate" in drug-fighting efforts in the past year, the top U.S. trade official said Friday.

27.Sep.2008 Patrick J. Buchanan : An Amnesty for Stupidity: About one thing we may be sure. The U.S. deficit and national debt are going to soar. The credit rating of the United States, as this nation of non-savers has to borrow abroad to save its banks, and their banks, is going to fall. We are going to be a poorer nation and people.

27.Sep.2008 Regulators seize Washington Mutual and JPMorgan mops up: IN what is by far the largest bank failure in US history, federal regulators seized Washington Mutual and struck a deal to sell the bulk of its operations to JPMorgan Chase

27.Sep.2008 How the Washington Mutual Takeover Will Affect Consumers: The government seized banking giant Washington Mutual last night and then sold some pieces of it to JPMorgan Chase for approximately $1.9 billion. Here is how this will affect former Washington Mutual consumers:

27.Sep.2008 UK banks hold £95bn of sour assets that could qualify for US bailout plan: Britain’s five leading high street banks have as much as £95.3 billion ($175 billion) of distressed assets on their books that may qualify for the American bailout scheme.

27.Sep.2008 Big bailout is unlikely to work: The U.S. "hold-to-maturity" bailout plan is really just the new "mark-to-myth," and even its heroic proportions are not likely to paper over solvency problems in the banking system.

27.Sep.2008 Asia Needs Deal to Prevent Panic Selling of U.S. Debt, Yu Says: Japan, China and other holders of U.S. government debt must quickly reach an agreement to prevent panic sales leading to a global financial collapse, said Yu Yongding, a former adviser to the Chinese central bank.

27.Sep.2008 Bank borrowing from Fed reaches record $188 billion a day: Federal Reserve data showed on Thursday the total amount banks borrowed nearly quadrupled the previous record of $47.97 billion per day notched just the week before.

27.Sep.2008 HSBC to cut 1,100 jobs worldwide: HSBC Holdings PLC, Europe's largest bank by market value, is cutting 1,100 jobs worldwide in the wake of the financial turmoil, a spokesman said Friday.
27.Sep.2008 ACLU Says Military Prison Photos Confirm Widespread Abuse: A federal court has ordered the military to release 21 photographs that show mistreatment of prisoners, opening a window into what civil rights advocates call a widespread system of abuse across Iraq and Afghanistan.

27.Sep.2008 Interrogator details pre-Abu Ghraib abuses : Expert US military interrogator witnessed abuses in Iraq he believed violated laws of war

27.Sep.2008-00.000.2002 Top Officials Knew of Harsh Interrogation Torture:

00.000.2002 -in early- Top White House officials were told about harsh measures torture used by the CIA to extract information from suspected al-Qaeda terrorists in the agency's secret prisons, according to an account given to congressional investigators by the office of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

27.Sep.2008 Guantanamo Prosecutor Quits, Says Evidence Was Withheld: A military prosecutor involved in war crimes cases here has quit his position, citing ethical concerns about his office's failure to turn over exculpatory material to attorneys for an Afghan detainee scheduled to go to trial in December.
27.Sep.2008 IAEA chief: Iran mastering technology to build nukes: German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung quoted him as saying that the Islamic Republic was definitely on its way to "virtual" nuclear weapon status, however he said that the country could not "break out" to a bomb whilst IAEA monitors continue to supervise its nuclear sites.
27.Sep.2008 Economics Expert: Fiscal Cracks Extend Beyond U.S.: Johnson says the presidential candidates both avoided questions about the bailout in their Friday debate. The U.S. has to look outside itself — "This is a global problem," he says, and it's worrisome that other nations haven't wanted to step up and help find a solution.

26.Sep.2008 Should We Fear Iran? The Peter Principle Playoffs -By- Sheila Samples
Iran's nuclear ambitions for other than peaceful purposes are as elusive as Iraq's WMD, which defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld said were "in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat." Yet we are in danger of being swept up in the propaganda catapulted by the Bush administration and the corporate media once again.

27.Sep.2008 Full Text of Ahmadinejad's Speech to the UN General Assembly -By- Haaretz Service
The thoughts and deeds of those who think they are superior to others and consider others as second-class and inferior; who intend to remain out of the divine circle, to be the absolute slaves of their materialistic and selfish desires, who intend to expand their aggressive and domineering natures, constitute the roots of today's problems in human societies.

27.Sep.2008 Confidence in US Banks Nosedives after Washington Mutual Collapse -By- Andrew Clark
The failure of the Seattle-based bank Washington Mutual undermined confidence in a fresh clutch of US household names today, as investors digested the implications of the biggest collapse of a high-street bank on record.

27.Sep.2008 Bailout Can't Hide It - The United States Is Broke -By- Chris Powell
The bad-debt bailout would be the biggest government patronage program in history and would amount to declaring martial law over the U.S. financial system and economy. Even if such martial law is necessary, its implementation should be put in democratic hands - a non-partisan agency with full transparency, statutory standards for its purchases, and close accountability to Congress.

27.Sep.2008 Why Is There Need for a Bailout?-By- Ralph Nader- It’s eerily reminiscent, when you listen to Bush yesterday, of

00.000.2003 -how he stampeded the Congress and the country into the criminal war invasion of Iraq.

I mean, look at all his statements: this could do this, this would do that, farms failing, small business, tada, tada. The first question we have to ask as citizens is, why is there a need for a bailout? Continue

27.Sep.2008 Economists Against The Paulson Plan
To the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate:
As economists, we want to express to Congress our great concern for the plan proposed by Treasury Secretary Paulson to deal with the financial crisis. We are well aware of the difficulty of the current financial situation and we agree with the need for bold action to ensure that the financial system continues to function. We see three fatal pitfalls in the currently proposed plan.

27.Sep.2008 US Taxpayers are Being Enrolled in an Economic Chain Gang -By- Jeff Randall
"To preserve their [the people's] independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our selection between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude" - Thomas Jefferson -

27.Sep.2008 A Bailout and a New World -By- Pepe Escobar
What the UN is NOT talking about is how the US will be able to sustain wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and go against Iran, the Pashtuns in Pakistan or Russia if the Chinese, the Japanese and sovereign wealth funds of the Gulf petromonarchies decide to stop financing these demented adventures.

That's the larger-than-life elephant in the UN house: everybody knows that the end of the unipolar world is tied to the fact that Washington simply cannot continue to be a superpower financed -By- foreigners. Continue

27.Sep.2008 Why is a U.S. Army Brigade Being Assigned to the "Homeland"? By Glenn Greenwald
They may be called upon to help with civil unrest + crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack.

27.Sep.2008 Six Years in Guantanamo -By Robert Fisk
The Americans told him they were sorry when they eventually freed him this year – after the beatings he says he suffered, and the force-feeding, the humiliations and interrogations -By- British, American and Canadian intelligence officers – and now he hopes one day he'll be able to walk without his stick.

27.Sep.2008 Venezuela orders 1 million laptops from Portugal: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Saturday ordered 1 million low-cost laptops from Portugal — one of several bilateral deals that Portuguese officials valued at more than US$3 billion.
27.Sep.2008 House approves tougher sanctions on Iran: The top Republican on the committee, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, said she supported the bill but said it didn't go far enough. "This weak legislation will send a message to our enemies of a weakened U.S. position on the issue of Iran."

27.Sep.2008 US deploys radar, troops to Israel: U.S. European Command has deployed to Israel a high-powered X-band radar and the supporting people and equipment needed for coordinated defense against Iranian missile attack, marking the first permanent U.S. military presence on Israeli soil.

27.Sep.2008 A New and Revealing Study of the Influence of the Neocons: , The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel,
27.Sep.2008 Trouble in Banktopia - The financial system is blowing up. Don't listen to the experts; just look at the numbers. By Mike Whitney
The carnage from Greenspan's low interest rate, "easy money" binge is now visible everywhere. Inflated home and stock values are crashing as the gas continues to escape from the massive equity bubble. The FDIC will have to be recapitalized--perhaps, $500 billion--to account for the anticipated loss of deposits from failing banks caught in the cross-hairs of asset-deflation and steadily contracting credit.

27.Sep.2008 $700 billion or Armageddon? Sounds like sci-fi
Put $700 billion in the bag and no one gets hurt. By Ken Kam
The more I hear about Henry Paulson's plan, the less convinced I am it's worth $2,000 from every American. The predictions of financial Armageddon without it don't ring true.

27.Sep.2008 The End of Voodoo Economics -By Ian Williams
No one can say that current events are a one-off. The get-government-out-of-business brigade, the masters of the universe, have in their three decades of unbridled power produced the savings and loan bail-out, the Mexican bond bail-out, the Asian currency crisis, the Enron and other related scandals, the tech bubble, the Long-Term Capital Management collapse and rescue, a wage freeze for working Americans and now this.

27.Sep.2008 U.S. Raids on Pakistan - Violations of Sovereignty -By Brian Cloughley
Henry Kissinger was no amateur when it came to illegally bombing and invading countries that he and the evil President Nixon considered did not meet American requirements of unconditional servility, but even he must be intrigued about the latest antics of Washington’s finest.

27.Sep.2008 Iran Resolution Shelved in - Rare Defeat for 'Israel Lob -By- ' -By Jim Lobe
In a significant and highly unusual defeat for the so-called 'Israel Lob -By- ', the Democratic leadership of the House of Representatives has decided to shelve a long-pending, albeit non-binding, resolution that called for President George W. Bush to launch what critics called a blockade against Iran.

27.Sep.2008 Statement of Senator Obama on President Ahmadinejad's Remarks -By Amanda Scott
I strongly condemn President Ahmadinejad's outrageous remarks at the United Nations, and am disappointed that he had a platform to air his hateful and anti-Semitic views.

27.Sep.2008 King David Recruited to Expel Palestinians -By- Jonathan Cook
Archaeology becomes a curse for Jerusalem village.

27.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-580911,00.html
Die Finanzmarktkrise habe in den vergangenen Monaten gezeigt, dass eine freiwillige Regulierung als Grundlage des Kontrollprogramms nicht funktioniere, sagte SEC-Chef Christopher Cox am Freitag.

Die SEC hatte die fünf größten Wall-Street-Banken - Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley und Bear Stearns - überprüft.

Das Programm sei von Anfang an fehlerhaft gewesen, sagte Cox. Ursache für die Schwäche sei das Fehlen konkreter gesetzlicher Kompetenzen der SEC oder anderer Behörden, um als Regulator zu wirken.
Er verstehe die Frustration vieler Amerikaner, wenn Steuergelder in Milliardenhöhe in wirtschaftlich schweren Zeiten an Wall-Street-Firmen gingen.

Das erscheine unfair, aber doch sei es unvermeidlich, sagte der Präsident in seiner Radioansprache.

Wenn die Banken pleitegingen, würde dies die Amerikaner und ihre Familien noch teurer zu stehen kommen, sagte Bush.
Die Fraktionschefin der Demokraten, Nancy Pelosi, hatte ihre Parteifreunde am Freitag darüber informiert, dass die Republikaner eine zentrale Idee der Demokraten unter keinen Umständen akzeptieren würden.

Dabei ging es darum, es Richtern zu ermöglichen, Hypothekenverträge nachträglich zu ändern, um Zwangsversteigerungen zu vermeiden.
Der Teufel, vermuten Beobachter, liege im Detail.
mhp: Soviet Russia The Rockefellers gave him $10000 in cash for his journey, procured a special passport for him from President Wilson + sent Lincoln Steffens to safeguard ... www.modernhistoryproject.org/mhp/ArticleDisplay.php?Article=WorldCh02

America Got Rich -By- Stealing Russian Gold - Forums of Pravda.Ru  

08.Sep.2008 ... It counted among its members not only the Communist Lincoln Steffens , the socialist William English Walling, and the Communist banker Morris ... engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php?t=225209
Spring 2007 Participant Bios  

01.Jan.2005 Simon Robertson was appointed Chairman of Rolls-Royce plc, while President of Goldman Sachs Europe Limited, having joined Goldman Sachs as ... www.commerce.virginia.edu/faculty_research/centers/growth%20enterprises/Spring07symp/spring07_bios.html
Robertson quits Goldman Sachs | Independent, The (London) | Find ...   Simon Robertson is to step down as head of Goldman Sachs Europe + set up an advisory boutique.

00.0001997Mr Robertson, 64, joined Goldmans after 34 years at ... findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_/ai_n14827241
Uranium Weapons Blog THE EXPOSED: Nuclear Workers rally for illness compensation in Oak Ridge, ... New York, in Denver, Colorado, organized by Rocky Flats former workers, ... du-blog.wildclearing.com/
27.Sep.2008 Milliardenpoker in Washington: Die Nacht, die Amerikas Banken retten soll  (Wirtschaft)

27.Sep.2008 TV-Duell zwischen Obama und McCain: US-Zeitungen urteilen "unentschieden"  (Politik)
27.Sep.2008 IKB-Affäre: Rechnungshof kritisiert Rolle von Bundesbank und BaFin  (Wirtschaft)
27.Sep.2008 AUB-Affäre: Ex-Bankchef Walter war über Siemens-Zahlungen informiert  (Wirtschaft)
27.Sep.2008 Brisanter Verdacht: Telekom könnte auch E-Mails von Ver.di ausgespäht haben  (Wirtschaft)
27.Sep.2008 Militärparade: Deutscher Diplomat in Iran verärgert Steinmeier  (Politik)
27.Sep.2008 Abhörzentrum: Rechnungshof kritisiert Schäubles Abhörpläne  (Politik)
27.Sep.2008 Treffen mit Kubas Außenminister: Steinmeier ignoriert Ermahnung des Kanzleramtes  (Politik)
27.Sep.2008 Banken-Rettungsplan: Demokraten und Republikaner suchen neuen Kompromiss  (Wirtschaft)
27.Sep.2008 blog.fefe.de/ Und mal wieder eine Festnahme von zwei "Terroristen", der niemandem was getan hat, weil er vielleicht in der Zukunft womöglich geplant haben könnte, an etwas teilzunehmen, von dem unklar ist, ob dabei jemand zu Schaden gekommen wäre, oder was es auch nur konkret gewesen sein könnte.

Ich finde es eine Schande, wie selbstverständlich das heute geworden ist.

Ich wuchs zum Höhepunkt der RAF-Panik auf, und mir hat man da noch beigebracht, die Gedanken seien frei, und wenn jemand daheim im stillen Kämmerlein jemandem die Pest an den Hals wünscht, geht das OK, solange er das nicht konkret herbei führt. Und die Kinder gerade wachsen damit auf, dass das normal ist, dass wir Leute verhaften, die niemandem was getan haben.
"Für mich ist der blanke Antisemitismus auch in seiner diesjährigen Rede unerträglich und verlangt unsere gemeinsame Verurteilung, forderte Steinmeier.

Der Teheraner Staatschef hatte unter anderem erklärt, "hinterlistige Zionisten" kontrollierten die weltweiten Finanzströme.
[...] Brown mahnte zudem mehr Haftung der Manager an. "Kein Mitglied des oberen Managements sollte sagen können, er habe von den Risiken nichts gewusst - und dann vor seiner Verantwortung davonlaufen."
[...] "Weil die Banken global arbeiten und die Finanzflüsse sowie die von ihnen verursachten Risiken global geworden sind, kann die Aufsicht nicht mehr national sein, sie muss global sein."
[...] Die langfristigen Folgen der Krise seien derzeit noch nicht übersehbar. "Leichtsinn, Gier und Unvernunft bei den Akteuren haben uns um Jahre zurückgeworfen", erklärte er laut einem vorab verbreiteten Redemanuskript.
[...] "Leichtsinn, Gier und Unvernunft" müssten in Zukunft verhindert werden, sagte Steinmeier.
Chinesischer Astronaut: Kurzer Marsch durchs Weltall  (Wissenschaft)

27.Sep.2008 Prognose: Glos korrigiert Wachstumsprognose deutlich nach unten  (Wirtschaft)

27.Sep.2008 Versicherungen: Boom der Entführungspolicen  (Wirtschaft)
27.Sep.2008 Obama gegen McCain: Hartes TV-Duell ohne klaren Sieger  (Politik)
27.Sep.2008 Uno-Generaldebatte: Steinmeier und Brown fordern schärfere Kontrolle der Finanzmärkte  (Politik)

27.Sep.2008 US-Wahlkampf: Obama und McCain erklären sich beide zu Siegern im TV-Duell  (Politik)
27.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-580817,00.html
Zwar sei der Plan wichtig, um die Wirtschaft über Wasser zu halten. "Aber er wird keine Wende in der Immobilienkrise bringen oder der Wirtschaft neues Leben einhauchen."
Bei einem Treffen von Parlamentariern mit Präsident George W. Bush im Weißen Haus war es zu ungewöhnlich scharfen Wortwechseln gekommen.
700-Milliarden-Dollar-Deal: Kongress-Parteien rüsten für lange Verhandlungen  (Wirtschaft)
27.Sep.2008 KKK plans to show up at tonight’s debate. - Ali 
The Mississippi White Knights of the
Ku Klux Klan plan to appear at the University of Mississippi for tonight’s debate, the university’s student newspaper reports. The emperor confirmed to the Daily Mississippian that KKK members and officers would be on site, but would not demonstrate publicly:

26.Sep.2008 -on- The Mississippi White Knights will have officers + Klansmen on hand for the presidential debate.

Our people will be in Oxford and on the campus ‘invisible.’ That means our people won’t be in regalia or demonstrating. So, I guess you’ll just have to guess which of the people present are Klansmen.

The author of the article, a senior at Ole Miss, told the Wall Street Journal, “Everybody thinks it’s pretty chilling.”
27.Sep.2008 Poll: Majority of Americans want bailout to help Main Street, not just Wall Street. - Amanda 
A new USA Today poll finds that 78 % of Americans agree that Congress should pass a plan to rescue America’s financial markets, with 56 % saying the plan should be different from the original one proposed by the Bush administration last week.
Sixty three % support limits on CEO compensation for corporations who participate in the bailout and 80 % say provisions to help homeowners unable to afford their mortgages are “important.”

27.Sep.2008 White House Threatens Veto Of Second Stimulus Over Food Stamps And Unemployment Benefits - Ali 
Today, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a statement of administrative policy today
recommending Bush veto a proposed second stimulus package. The $56.2 billion package, announced yesterday, would extend unemployment benefits for seven weeks, increase food stamp benefits by 10 %, and provide $50 million for food banks, among other proposals. This afternoon, Senate conservatives successfully blocked the bill, as the motion to proceed won 52 votes, eight shy of the necessary 60.

In the press briefing today, just an hour before the Senate vote, Dana Perino said the White House opposed the measure, specifically citing its extension of unemployment and food stamp benefits as explanation:

PERINO: There’s some elements of the package that have been put forward by Democrats that we do not think would be stimulative to the economy, such as unemployment insurance. The food stamps, we believe we have met the need. Watch it:
In fact, the tanking economy has left more Americans in need of food assistance than ever, with 28 million Americans expected to receive food stamps this year, “
the highest level since the aid program began in the 1960s.” At the same time, the purchasing power of food stamps has declined dramatically.

Alongside unemployment benefits and food stamps, the OMB also objected to a provision increasing infrastructure spending, arguing, “Infrastructure spending is never an effective means to create rapid stimulus.” However, a Center for American Progress study found that two million jobs could be created within two years through robust investment in green energy and infrastructure.
27.Sep.2008 Democratic leadership ‘effectively shelves’ Iran resolution. - Ryan 
The Democratic leadership in the House “effectively shelved” a proposed non-binding resolution that “critics say would amount to a naval blockade of Iran because of
concerns that it could provoke another war, officials on Capitol Hill said.” The Washington Times reports:

Even though the document would not be a law but a “statement of policy” aimed at preventing Tehran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, the Democratic leadership is worried that it could be viewed by the Bush administration as a green light to use military force against Iran, officials said. […]

The draft “demands that the president initiate an international effort” that would impose “stringent inspection requirements on all persons, vehicles, ships, planes, trains and cargo entering or departing Iran.”
Sep.2008 - Think Progress 
Pakistan warned U.S. troops
not to intrude on its territory, “after the two anti-terror allies traded fire along the volatile border with Afghanistan.” The clash was “the first serious exchange with Pakistani forces acknowledged by the U.S.Pakistan’s president said that only “flares” were fired at the U.S. troops.

If money isn’t loosened up, this sucker could go down ,” said President Bush at a White House meeting yesterday as he watched the $700 billion bailout package fall apart before his eyes.” In a statement outside the White House this morning, Bush attempted to project confidence in an eventual deal, saying, “There is no disagreement that something substantial must be done.”

Yesterday, the federal government seized troubled lender Washington Mutual and then “brokered an emergency sale” of the bank to JPMorgan Chase for $1.9 billion. Washington Mutual’s collapse represented the “largest bank failure in American history,” and “JPMorgan Chase will absorb at least $31 billion in losses that would normally have fallen to the F.D.I.C.”
26.Sep.2008 Bailout Deal Appears To Fall Apart After McCain And House GOP Push Surprise Alternate Proposal - Matt 
Earlier today, Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress announced that they had reached a “
fundamental agreementon a government bailout of the nation’s financial system. But following a meeting at the White House this afternoon, which included Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Barack Obama (D-IL), there are “fears the Wall Street bailout deal is falling apart.”

In an interview with this evening, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd (D-CT) said the meeting became “contentious” when “all of a sudden there was some new core agreement floating around, which no one had heard of before, until we sort of got to the White House.” Asked who introduced it, Dodd said it was McCain and the House Republicans:

BLITZER: Who introduced that?

DODD: Well, it, we’re told it came out of the Republican House. We were even told at one point that this was, maybe, John McCain was floating the idea. That Hank Paulson was considering it. And of course Barney Frank and I, along with Republicans from the House and the Senate, of course, had spent three hours this morning working on a different core. We were told for the last seven days this was the core issue that would give the secretary the authority to move, to deal with the crisis.

Aggravated from having “spent seven straight days at this,” Dodd said that the surprise proposal at the meeting “looked like…a rescue plan for John McCain for two hours.” “It took us away from the work we were trying to do today,” said Dodd. Watch it:

Noting that “it was McCain who urged President Bush to call the White House meeting,” Politico’s David Rogers writes that “the whole sequence of events confirmed Treasury’s fears about inserting presidential politics into what were already difficult negotiations.” One of the chief negotiators in the House, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), described it more bluntly:

House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank, D-Mass., told Democratic colleagues that McCain’s involvement has destroyed chance of an agreement, sources told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.

Frank compared McCain’s involvement to: “Richard Nixon blowing up the Vietnam peace talks in 1968.”

Marc Ambinder reports that McCain and his staff are sounding outmoderate Democrats and conservative Republicans to see whether they support the conservative Republican Study Committee’s alternative bailout bill.” McCain spokeswoman Jill Hazelbaker denies McCain is “pushing any specific proposal.”

ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos reports that when Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson told a room full of Democrats, “Please don’t blow this up,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “We’re not the ones trying to blow this up; it’s the House Republicans.” “I know, I know,” Paulson replied.
26.Sep.2008 Russia to upgrade nuclear systems Russian President Dmitry Medvedev announces plans to build a "guaranteed nuclear deterrent system" by 2020.
26.Sep.2008 Legacy of distrust Experts discuss how to restore US's damaged image
26.Sep.2008 UK opposes green aviation target The government wants the aviation industry to be exempt from EU targets on renewable energy
26.Sep.2008 Senate Passes Bill Creating 'Copyright Czar' - David Kravets 

The senate on Friday passed legislation creating a so-called copyright czar. The cabinet-level position, like the nation's drug czar, requires senate confirmation. The newest czar will oversee beefed up efforts by the United States to battle piracy.
Advocates Demand Congress Put Bailout Details on Internet - Sarah Lai Stirland 
We've heard it so many times on the campaign trail this year: We'll make government more transparent and accountable, and the internet will play a starring role. Why don't we start with the Wall Street bailout bill?

26.Sep.2008 Entertainment Lobby Calls for Internet Filtering - David Kravets 
A new lobbying group on Thursday endorsed internet filtering for copyright material. The group Arts+Labs consists of content providers, software makers, songwriters and equipment makers. The lobby's formation comes weeks after the Federal Communications Commission issued an open invitation to internet filtering.

26.Sep.2008 Sept. 25, 1878: Yes, Smoking Is a Health Hazard - Tony Long 
00.000.1878 Eighty-six years before the U.S. surgeon general issues a report confirming the dangers of smoking tobacco, a letter from English physician Charles R. Drysdale condemning its use appears in The Times of London.

Drysdale, the senior physician to the Metropolitan Free Hospital in London, had already published a book on the subject, Tobacco and the Diseases It Produces, when he wrote the letter that described smoking as "the most evident of all the retrograde influences of our time."

00.000.1864 Drysdale had been on an anti-smoking crusade since at least, the year he published a study documenting the effects on young men of consuming ¾ ounce of tobacco daily.

That study reported cases of jaundice, and at least one subject having "most distressing palpitations of the heart."

Drysdale's book pinpointed nicotine as the dangerous agent and reported its ill effects on the lungs, circulation system, even the skin.

Havana-cut tobacco contained roughly 2 % nicotine, while Virginia tobacco was a more toxic 7 %, Drysdale pointed out.

(Tobacco was a product of the New World and had to be imported to Europe.)

He also warned against exposure to second-hand smoke: "Women who wait in public bar-rooms and smoking-saloons, though not themselves smoking, cannot avoid the poisoning caused by inhaling smoke continually.

Surely gallantry, if not common honesty, should suggest the practical inference from this fact."

The prolific Drysdale wrote on a variety of other related subjects as well, including medicine as a profession for women and issues related to population control.

Despite Drysdale's warnings, and despite the establishment of numerous anti-smoking movements, little was done to curb smoking anywhere in the world.

Though physicians and scientists understood there were numerous health hazards associated with the practice, the number of smokers increased dramatically in the first half of the 20th century.

Thank you, Madison Avenue. Thank you, Hollywood.

00.000.1957 The turning point probably came in - when then-Surgeon General Leroy Burney reported a causal link between smoking and lung cancer.

It was left to Burney's successor, Luther Terry, to lower the boom. Under Terry's direction, a special committee produced Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General. This

00.000.1964 bombshell -- so volatile that it was released on a Saturday to minimize the effect on the stock market -- began a massive change in people's attitudes...
Opposition to Financial Bailout Jumps from Online to Streets - Sarah Lai Stirland 
An e-mail railing against the proposed U.S. government bailout of Wall Street has ignited a national day of street protests. Some people are planning to dump their rubbish in front of the bronze bull sculpture near Wall Street Thursday.

26.Sep.2008 Andreessen's nuclear winter: Here it comes
The latest round of warnings comes as Internet advertising starts to suffer fallout from the financial meltdown on Wall Street--and it's just the start.

26.Sep.2008 Senate unanimously passes RIAA-backed bill
The U.S. House of Representatives will be taking up an intellectual-property bill unanimously passed by the Senate on Friday before Congress adjourns this week.

26.Sep.2008 Oldest rocks on Earth found in Quebec, researchers report 

The discovery that a section of bedrock in an Inuit village in northern Quebec may be as old as 4.28 billion years sheds more light on our continent's mysterious beginnings and may provide the first traces of life on Earth, researchers said Thursday. posted by Prof. Hex
26.Sep.2008 Stonehenge as A&E unit is a revelation that druid mumbo jumbo can't match 

Science is now revealing the secrets of prehistoric Britain, and its answers are commonsensical rather than supernatural.posted by Prof. Hex
26.Sep.2008 blog.fefe.de/ Nachschlag zum Bankendomino: FDIC hat eine "Gift-Liste" mit 100 demnächst umkippen werdenden Banken. The FDIC knows which banks are at risk; it has a watch list with 117 institutions. The agency won't disclose their names because doing so could cause depositors to panic and pull out all of their funds.

It won't take many more failures before the FDIC itself runs out of money. The agency had $45.2 billion in its coffers as of June 30, far short of the $200 billion Whalen says it will need to pay claims by the end of next year. The U.S. Treasury will almost certainly come to the rescue by lending money to the FDIC.
blog.fefe.de/ An US-Flughäfen wird es NOCH unbequemer: Die Grenzer dürfen ohne Verdacht Dokumente der Reisenden beschlagnahmen, lesen kopieren. Amy Kudwa, spokeswoman for the Department of Homeland Security, said the new policies reflect "the realities of the post-9/11 environment." Und subtil wie ein Vorschlaghammer ist dann auch die Umsetzung: The organizations said they had received more than 20 complaints in the previous year, mostly from South Asians and Muslims. The travelers said customs agents regularly singled them out when they returned from abroad, looked at their papers and laptop computers, and asked them such questions as whom they had seen on their trips, whether they attended mosques and whether they hated the U.S. government . Da gibt es doch nur eine Antwort. "Bisher nicht, aber sie arbeiten sehr erfolgreich daran".
26.Sep.2008 adenauer-und-nazis  -

00.000.1902-00.000.1979 Reinhard Gehlen (), General und deutscher Geheimdienstchef .

00.000.1942-00.000.1945 Gehlen leitete im Generalstab des Heeres die Spionageabteilung ...www.meaus.com/adenauer-und-nazis.htm
Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nachbarstaat habe gezeigt, dass es jederzeit zum Krieg kommen könne, sagte Präsident Dmitrij Medwedew am Freitag am Rande eines Manövers vor hochrangigen Militärs. Die Gefahr eines Krieges sei "absolut real", da sich auch kleinere, lokal begrenzte Auseinandersetzungen zu einem "militärischen Feuersturm" ausweiten könnten. Der Kaukasus-Konflikt hat die Beziehungen Russlands mit dem Westen stark belastet.
Als sich an der Wall Street ein handfester Crash anbahnte, rief Morgan die wichtigsten Bankiers der Wall Street zusammen und überzeugte sie, sich an einer Rettungsaktion zu beteiligen.

Eine allgemeine Panik konnte so vermieden werden.

Laut Schwarz soll Morgan die Krise allerdings selbst herbeigeführt haben, indem er dem Markt große Geldmengen entzogen hatte.

Trotzdem wurde der Bankier damals als Held der Wall Street gefeiert.
[...] Ähnlich rücksichtslos setzte er sich später bei der Neuordnung der amerikanischen Eisenbahnen durch.

00.000.1873 -ab- Während der schweren Wirtschaftskrise gerieten viele Linien in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten und waren billig zu haben.

Morgan kaufte fleißig ein und machte dann seinen Einfluss in der Hochfinanz geltend, um sich jede Konkurrenz vom Leibe zu halten - und wurde so zum mächtigsten Eisenbahnmagnaten in den USA.
[...] die Gesetzmäßigkeiten des Marktes
Unter dem Herzstillstand beim Investmentbanking leiden auch Banker in anderen Bereichen.
Am späten Donnerstagabend erreichte die Krise dann mit dem größten Bankenzusammenbruch in der Geschichte der USA einen dramatischen Höhepunkt:

Wegen akuter Zahlungsunfähigkeit ging die amerikanische Sparkasse Washington Mutual für 1,9 Milliarden Dollar in weiten Teilen an das US-Finanzinstitut JP Morgan Chase.

Dieses Geldinstitut gab zur Finanzierung von Washington Mutual 246,9 Millionen Aktien zum Preis von 40,50 Dollar aus + beschaffte sich durch diese Kapitalerhöhung rund zehn Milliarden Dollar frisches Kapital.
Aufrüstung: Russland will neues System der atomaren Abschreckung  (Politik)
26.Sep.2008 Geldwäsche-Verdacht: Razzia in Bonner Telekom-Zentrale  (Wirtschaft)

26.Sep.2008 Finanzkrise: Kollaps von Washington Mutual drückt Dax ins Minus  (Wirtschaft)

26.Sep.2008 Krisengewinnler JP Morgan Chase: Wiederaufstieg einer Wall-Street-Ikone  (Wirtschaft)
26.Sep.2008 Frachter-Entführung: Russen schicken Kriegsschiff nach Somalia  (Panorama)

26.Sep.2008 US-Wahlkampf: McCain tritt zum TV-Duell gegen Obama an  (Politik)
26.Sep.2008 Atomstreit: Sechser-Runde einigt sich auf neue Iran-Resolution  (Politik)
26.Sep.2008 Bush verspricht Einigung auf US-Rettungspaket" https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,580755,00.html Finanzkrise: Bush verspricht Einigung auf US-Rettungspaket  (Wirtschaft, 16:38)
Religionsfreiheit: Bischöfe sprechen Muslimen Recht auf Moscheebau zu  (Politik)
26.Sep.2008 Teuerung: Inflation schwächt sich leicht ab  (Wirtschaft)

26.Sep.2008 Neuer Rekord: "Fusion Man" düst mit Jetflügeln über Ärmelkanal  (Panorama)

26.Sep.2008 Bedrohtes Weltkulturerbe: Tower und Stonehenge in Gefahr  Kultur)
26.Sep.2008 Washington Mutual: Kollaps eines Krisenkünstlers  (Wirtschaft)
26.Sep.2008 Finanzkrise: Deutsche Banken wollen vom US-Rettungspaket profitieren  (Wirtschaft)
26.Sep.2008 Nordirak: Türkei fliegt Luftangriffe gegen PKK  (Politik)
26.Sep.2008 Gerüchte um Liquiditätsprobleme: Finanzkonzern Fortis verkauft Geschäftsteile  (Wirtschaft)
26.Sep.2008 Auktionen: Warum beim Bieten die Sicherung durchbrennt  (Wissenschaft)
26.Sep.2008 Uno-Konferenz: 16 Milliarden Dollar für Kampf gegen Armut  (Politik)
26.Sep.2008 Finanzkrise: Kollaps der größten US-Sparkasse drückt auf Börsenkurse  (Wirtschaft)
26.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-580492,00.html
Mit 4,28 Milliarden Jahren ist das Gestein nur wenig jünger als die Erde selbst, die vor etwa 4,6 Milliarden Jahren entstand.
[...] So konnten Geologen um Jonathan O'Neil von der McGill University in Montreal Felsproben vom östlichen Ufer der Hudson Bay datieren. Sie kamen auf ein Alter von 4,28 Milliarden Jahren - ein neuer Rekord. 26.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-580555,00.html

Am Abend eilte Finanzminister Paulson in den Kongress zurück, um erneut zu vermitteln - vergeblich. Er sei sogar vor Top-Demokratin Nancy Pelosi niedergekniet, wurde kolportiert. Ihre Reaktion: "Ich wusste nicht, dass Sie katholisch sind."
[...] Bush wurde mit den Worten zitiert: "Wenn hier kein Geld locker gemacht wird, wird das alles zusammenbrechen."
[...] "Dieses politische Theater im Weißen Haus hat uns wahrlich nicht weitergeholfen."
[...] Und noch ein böses Omen: Bushs Sprecherin Dana Perino wich konkreten Fragen aus und murmelte nur etwas von einem "Gefühl der Dringlichkeit".
[...] Eine Einigung über das 700-Milliarden-Dollar-Rettungspaket für die Wall Street könne "sehr bald" erreicht werden, sagte George W. Bush.

"Ich danke Ihnen, dass Sie im Geist überparteilicher Zusammenarbeit agiert haben."

26.Sep.2008 Heute in den Feuilletons: Schlimmer als im Pornokanal  (Kultur)

26.Sep.2008 Debakel im Weißen Haus: Wie der Wall-Street-Rettungsplan zerfiel 
26.Sep.2008 Finanzkrise: Japanischer Konzern zahlt zwei Dollar für Lehman-Sparten  (Wirtschaft)

26.Sep.2008 Geologischer Rekord: Ältester Felsen der Welt steht in Kanada  (Wissenschaft)
26.Sep.2008 https://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/notice-securities-law-firm-klayman/story.aspx?guid=%7B58537CED-6115-476C-99FF-25FE4A1DDEBD%7D&dist=hppr
WaMu fails, sold to J.P. Morgan Chase for $1.9 billion Up and down day for Paulson plan ends with no deal Stocks drop on WaMu failure, doubts on U.S. bailout Dodd says White House meeting was a disaster Central banks move to aid troubled money markets Top-performing market timers more bullish than market laggards New Zealand falls into recession in second quarter
26.Sep.2008 Central banks attempt money-market rescue - By William L. Watts, MarketWatch LONDON -

The world's central banks took steps

Friday aimed at avoiding a collapse of the crucial interbank lending market as nervous banks remained reluctant to lend to each other beyond overnight. Central Banks Act to Boost Funding 
26.Sep.2008 Greenberg Sells 40 Million AIG Shares, Cutting Stake in Insurer Bloomberg
26.Sep.2008 Talks Falter on Bailout Deal
Washington Post - By Paul Kane and Lori Montgomery A renegade bloc of Republicans moved to reshape a massive bailout of the US financial system yesterday, surprising and angering Bush administration and congressional leaders who hours earlier announced agreement on the ...
Talks Implode During Day of Chaos; Fate of Bailout Plan Remains ...   New York Times

.Sep.2008 UPDATE 1-Credit Suisse expects JPMorgan to post Q3 loss
Reuters - JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) may post a third-quarter loss given the more challenging credit and capital markets environment as well as the $2 billion reserve addition related to its acquisition ...
JPMorgan Buys WaMu Deposits as Regulators Seize Failed Thrift   Bloomberg
Government Seizes WaMu and Sells Some Assets  

28.Sep.2008 Notice to All Investors That Purchased Morgan Keegan Income Mutual ...  

24.Sep.2008 ... According to attorney Vincent J. Imbesi, who heads Napoli Bern's securities division, "Representatives employed by Morgan Keegan marketed ... www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/news.html?d=150959

Individual Investor That Purchased Several Morgan Keegan Income ...  

25 Sep 2008 ... The claim is on behalf of an investor who purchased the RMK Strategic Income Fund (NYSE:RSF) and Regions Morgan Keegan High Income Fund. www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/news.html?d=151048
Morgan Keegan Equity Research Analysts Ranked Among Nation's Best ... Seven Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. equity research analysts were recently named ... Six Morgan Keegan analysts were among the top-ranked stock pickers and ... www.finanzen.net/nachricht/Morgan_Keegan_Equity_Research_Analysts_Ranked_Among_Nation_s_Best_728175

Morgan Keegan Again is Leading Underwriter in Louisiana and South ... Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. was the leading underwriter of municipal bond ...

Morgan Keegan thoroughly outpaced the competition in Louisiana as senior ...
26.Sep.2008 Regions
Morgan Keegan Lawsuit Attorneys and Lawyers  

00.000.2007 -During-thousands of investors in certain Morgan Keegan funds experienced substantial losses as a result of mismanagement. Morgan Keegan made ... www. morgankeegan fundloss.com/

Morgan Keegan Fraud Investigations

If your broker at UBS, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, Raymond James, Morgan Keegan , or any other brokerage firm ... www.morgankeeganfundloss.com/morgan_keegan_current_investigations.html
Morgan Keegan fires Fairfax analyst on early report disclosure

... Inc., a Tennessee-based brokerage, said it fired stock analyst John Gwynn in August for giving his reports on Canada's Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. to ... www.financialpost.com/related/links/story.html?id=782462
Herb Greenberg » Blog Archive » Head's up: Fairfax, Allied

Fairfax follies: Morgan Keegan analyst John Gwynn , a lone bearish voice on Fairfax Financial Holdings (ffh) dropped coverage today. No big deal, right? blogs.marketwatch.com/greenberg/2007/01/heads_up_fairfa/
Zelle oder Gummizelle für Richard Altomare ? | Seite 9 ...

15.Sep.2008 ... stock analyst John Gwynn for allowing short-selling clients to see his research reports before they were made available to the public. www.wallstreet-online.de/diskussion/1136323-81-90/zelle-oder-gummizelle-fuer-richard-altomare
Perhaps following the lead of their eminent colleagues, or perhaps because they simply don’t have time to clear away the smoke blowing from the hedge fund lobby, a number of other journalists continue to behave as if illegal naked short selling is not a problem. And today, with the emergence of yet more evidence to the contrary — with the criminals backed against the wall, and the search light creeping closer — there was from the complicit journalists nothing but silence.
sevensbest: https://www.deepcapture.com/a-bad-day-for-criminals-and-the-journalists-who-love-them/

26.Sep.2008 https://www.livecostarica.net/?q=node/687

27.Jun.2008-28.Jul.2008 in response to the illegal settlement, the identified (Curshen + Grossman) instructed the individual A (the FBI official) to buy shares of IBot (Industrial Biotechnology).

"He was given instructions about the quantity, price and the time (of shares)," indicated in the complaint, Todd D. Broddy, an official of the SEC.
Title: truth about NAKED SHORT SELLING:
This is an interesting post:
By: wowtheking
11.Sep.2008, 08:35 AM EDT Msg. 108041 of 108079 Jump to msg. #
"Consider the events of just the last 24 hours...
Yesterday, we received word that Jonathan Curshen of Red Sea Management was arrested in New York.

As described in “The Story of Deep Capture,” Curshen used to work for Pacific International, a Mafia-infested brokerage that has been favored by criminal naked short sellers and

serves as a popular source to journalists, such as Dow Jones Reporter Carol Remond, who insist that illegal naked short selling isn’t a problem.
26.Sep.2008, oder wie Pornoseiten helfen, bürgerliche ... BWL-Bote: Nachrichtenseite - , oder wie Pornoseiten helfen, bürgerliche Freiheiten einzuschränken. www.bwl-bote.de/20071029.htm
26.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-580564,00.html
Zu dem Konflikt zwischen Washington und Moskau war es gekommen, nachdem die USA ihre Teilnahme an einem G-8-Außenministertreffen wegen angeblicher Bedeutungslosigkeit abgesagt hatten.
26.Sep.2008 "Aber das wird nicht gehen, ohne die regionale Rolle Irans zu erörtern und die der anderen Länder im Nahen Osten.

Und natürlich gibt es noch den Elefanten im Raum: Israels Atomprogramm".
26.Sep.2008 Wenn die USA mit Nordkorea verhandelten, "dann verstehe ich nicht, warum sie nicht mit Iran verhandeln können", sagte ElBaradei der "Süddeutschen Zeitung".
26.Sep.2008 Mohamed ElBaradei warnte vor einem Angriff auf den Mullah-Staat. Das würde den ganzen Nahen Osten in einen "Feuerball" verwandeln.
Trotz aller Klimaschutzbemühungen sei der CO2-Ausstoß damit seit dem Jahr

00.000.2000 vier Mal schneller gestiegen als im Jahrzehnt davor. Die Zuwachsrate liege noch über dem schlimmsten Szenario des Weltklimarats IPCC.
[...] Die GCP-Studie " Carbon Budget 2007" wurde von acht Wissenschaftlern verfasst. Sie basiert auf Daten der Uno und des Energiekonzerns BP sowie statistischen Modellen und Erkenntnissen der Klimaforschung.
26.Sep.2008 [...] Den Zustand natürlicher C02-Speicher bezeichneten die Autoren der Studie als besorgniserregend. Derzeit nähmen Ozeane, Wälder und andere Landflächen mehr als die Hälfte des ausgestoßenen C02 auf und milderten damit den Treibhauseffekt. Ihre Effizienz sei jedoch um fünf % gesunken und werde in den kommenden 50 Jahren weiter zurückgehen. Durch das Abholzen von Wäldern in tropischen Ländern wurden 1,5 Milliarden Tonnen mehr CO2 in die Atmosphäre abgegeben, als neu gepflanzte Bäume absorbieren konnten.

"Diese neue Kohlenstoffbilanz zeigt, dass die Beschleunigung des Ausstoßes von CO2 und seiner Anreicherung in der Atmosphäre beispiellos und höchst überraschend sind", sagte Josep Canadell, Direktor des Global Carbon Projects.

Am Vorabend hatten Spekulationen auf eine baldige Verabschiedung des US-Rettungspakets den New Yorker Börsen noch Gewinne beschert.
[...] und dann kam auch noch die Nachricht vom Zusammenbruch der größten US-Sparkasse Washington Mutual.
Retter in letzter Not:
[...] JP-Morgan-Chef Jamie Dimon erreicht mit dem Zukauf das langgehegte Ziel, seine Bank im Westen der USA zu einer starken Kraft im breiten Privatkundengeschäft zu machen.

Vor vier Monaten hatte JP Morgan bereits die ebenfalls durch die Finanzkrise zu Fall gebrachte US-Investmentbank Bear Stearns zu einem Schnäppchenpreis geschluckt.

00.00.2010 -bis Ende- JP Morgan will nun nach eigenen Angaben die Integration der Unternehmen und die Umbenennung abschließen.

Durch die Übernahme entstehe die größte US-Sparkasse mit Kundeneinlagen von mehr als 900 Milliarden Dollar, erklärte die FDIC. Außerdem entstehe dadurch ein Filialnetz, das 42 % der US-Bevölkerung erreiche. Die Bank wird damit ihre Präsenz an der US-Westküste verstärken und die Zahl ihrer Filialen auf 5400 erhöhen können.
[...] Die Sparkasse habe sich daher in einem unsicheren und unsoliden Zustand bezüglich ihrer Geschäftstransaktionen befunden, erklärte das Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS). Seit Wochen hatte die Washington Mutual verzweifelt einen Investor gesucht.
[...] Es ist der größte Zusammenbruch einer Bank in der US-Geschichte.
Finanzkrise: Zusammenbruch der US-Sparkasse drückt Asiens Börsen  (Wirtschaft)
26.Sep.2008 Streit über Atompolitik: ElBaradei warnt vor Angriff auf Iran 
26.Sep.2008 Klimawandel: Kohlendioxidausstoß auf Rekordniveau  (Wissenschaft)

26.Sep.2008 Anti-Terror-Kampf: Pakistans Präsident geißelt US-Angriffe in seinem Land  (Politik)

26.Sep.2008 Finanzkrise: Größte US-Sparkasse Washington Mutual bricht zusammen  (Wirtschaft)
26.Sep.2008 Bush’s former Treasury Secretary: ‘I don’t think Bush understands’ the financial crisis. - Faiz 
Former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill said President Bush is “
in a panicover the financial crisis and isn’t well-equipped to deal with it. “I don’t think he understands or knows much about any of this and it shows,” O’Neill told ABC News. In his 2004 book, The Price of Loyalty, O’Neill revealed that Dick Cheney argued in a White House meeting that “deficits don’t matter.” O’Neill also said that he was disturbed that Bush was so disengaged on domestic issues.

26.Sep.2008 Echoes Of Iraq War: White House Claims Bailout Will Pay For Itself - Ali 
To justify the
exorbitant cost of the bailout for the financial industry, Bush administration officials have been repeating the dubious claim that American taxpayers should expect to recover much, if not all, of the proposed $700 billion:

PAULSON: This is not an expenditure. … Money will come back in.

BERNANKE: What’s clear is that the $700 billion is not an expenditure. There’s going to be a substantial amount of recovery.

BUSH: Money will flow back to the Treasury as these assets are sold, and we expect that much, if not all, of the tax dollars we invest will be paid back.

White House spokesmen Ed Gillespie and Tony Fratto appeared on Fox News, repeating that “a lot of that money, and maybe all of it, will come back.” Watch a compilation:

As Paul Krugman writes, “The premise of the Paulson plan — though never stated bluntly — is that these assets are hugely underpriced, so that Uncle Sam can buy them at prices that help the financial industry a lot, without big losses for taxpayers. Are you prepared to bet $700 billion on that premise?

The White House’s assurances that the bailout will pay for itself is eerily reminiscent of the assurances the Bush team made that the Iraq war would be similarly inexpensive — if not profitable — for America.

Take a look at some of those promises:

[7/11/02] RICHARD PERLE, Chair of Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board:

Iraq is a very wealthy country. Enormous oil reserves. They can finance, largely finance the reconstruction of their own country. And I have no doubt that they will. ”

[3/27/03] PAUL WOLFOWITZ, Deputy Defense Secretary:

There is a lot of money to pay for this that doesn’t have to be US taxpayer money, and it starts with the assets of the Iraqi people.

We are talking about a country that can really finance its own reconstruction and relatively soon. ”

[2/18/03]ARI FLEISCHER, White House press secretary:

Iraq has tremendous resources that belong to the Iraqi people. And so there are a variety of means that Iraq has to be able to shoulder much of the burden for their own reconstruction. ”

[9/16/02] LAWRENCE LINDSEY, White House economic adviser:

The likely economic effects [of a war in Iraq] would be relatively small…. Under every plausible scenario, the negative effect will be quite small relative to the economic benefits. ”

Krugman concludes, “The whole premise of the bailout push has been ‘We’re the grownups, we know what we’re doing, just trust us.’ Sorry, but that’s how Colin Powell sold the Iraq war.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice … you shouldn’t get fooled.”
26.Sep.2008 War in Afghanistan is now ‘15 times more’ deadly than Iraq. - Ryan 
Brandon Friedman at
VetVoice writes today that “one year ago — last September — the hostile fire death rates in Iraq and Afghanistan were roughly equal. But now, in terms of hostile fire death rates, what was once seen as the ’safer’ theater, Afghanistan has now exploded to the point that it’s nearly 15 times more dangerous for American troops than Iraq.” Using causality figures from the last 30 days, Friedman finds:

Hostile fire death rate in Iraq: 7 deaths per 146,000 troops (.005 %)
Hostile fire death rate in Afghanistan: 7 deaths per 10,000 troops (.07 %)

Treasury explains how it came up with $700 billion: We just wanted ‘a really large number.’ - Amanda 
writes on part of the reason that the American public is so skeptical of the Bush administration’s bailout proposal:

In fact, some of the most basic details, including the $700 billion figure Treasury would use to buy up bad debt, are fuzzy.

It’s not based on any particular data point,” a Treasury spokeswoman told Forbes.com Tuesday. “ We just wanted to choose a really large number. ”
Hollywood 'paid fortune to smoke' Tobacco firms paid huge amounts for endorsements from the stars of Hollywood's "Golden Age", researchers say.
26.Sep.2008 Wall St rescue plan 'needs work' US political leaders say more work is needed on a $700bn bail-out plan for financial markets after White House talks.
26.Sep.2008 Canadian guilty in terror trial A Canadian man is found guilty of participating in a home-grown terrorist group that allegedly planned to behead the PM.
26.Sep.2008 Bleak outlook for Europe's toads More than half of Europe's amphibians could be extinct by 2050, due to climate change and disease, UK research warns.
26.Sep.2008 Frugal French France is resisting the credit crunch better than most
26.Sep.2008 Storm clouds Economic turmoil threatens global development goals
26.Sep.2008 India-US in last nuclear push Indian PM Manmohan Singh is due to meet George Bush amid frantic efforts to win US Congressional support for a civilian nuclear deal.
26.Sep.2008 Bush still 'hopeful' on Mid-East President Bush tells Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas he is still "hopeful" of a Middle East peace deal before he leaves office.
26.Sep.2008 UN forecasts boom in 'green jobs' Millions of new jobs will be created over the next few decades by alternative energy technologies, a UN report says.
26.Sep.2008 Brown in US for talks on economy The prime minister arrives in New York for talks on the global economy hours after Ruth Kelly says she is quitting the Cabinet.
25.Sep.2008 Study Vanquishes Worry That Drug-Coated Stents Increase Heart ...WebMD - By Daniel J. DeNoon -

Drug-coated stents are safe for all heart attack patients, a large study shows. The 7217-patient study was designed to address worries that using newer drug-coated stents instead of older bare-metal stents increases ...
Minnesota woman fined $222000 for music piracy gets new trial Computerworld - By Jaikumar Vijayan

A federal judge in Minnesota yesterday ordered a new trial in a copyright infringement case involving a woman who last fall was told by a jury to pay $222000 to various record companies for ...
Democrats Say Rescue Plan Talks Snagged After Meeting (Update3) Bloomberg - By Ed Chen and Julianna Goldman -

Negotiations on a $700 billion financial-rescue plan hit a snag after a White House meeting that included presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama.
Wall St rescue plan 'needs work' BBC News
With Debate Uncertain, Candidates Meet Bush New York Times

26.Sep.2008 McCain, Obama face to face at White House Reuters By Steve Holland WASHINGTON-

After months of tossing charges at each other, Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama came face to face at the White House on Thursday in high-stakes talks over a Wall Street bailout plan and their first ... 26.Sep.2008 President Bush and President (fill in the blank) Los Angeles Times
26.Sep.2008 Global poverty: We must act, PM urges guardian.co.uk
00.000.2000 The battle against diseases like malaria is just one of eight broad Millennium Development Goals set out by the UN.

Progress has fallen well short of targets, and Gordon Brown yesterday did not mince his words in castigating the world's ...
Ban: About $16 bln pledged at UN summit to combat poverty Xinhua

26.Sep.2008 Obama says expects eventual deal on bailout Reuters
26.Sep.2008 Democrats Say Rescue Plan Talks Snagged After Meeting (Update3) Bloomberg
26.Sep.2008 JPMorgan Chase May Acquire Washington Mutual After FDIC Seizure Bloomberg 
By Ari Levy Sept. 25 (Bloomberg) -- Washington Mutual Inc. may be seized by regulators later today and parts sold to JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Regulators to Broker Deal on Washington Mutual New York Times
JPMorgan to buy Washington Mutual deposits: report Reuters

26.Sep.2008 Trial Against Ted Stevens Begins New York Times - By NEIL A. LEWIS WASHINGTON -

A Justice Department prosecutor told a jury Thursday that Ted Stevens, who has represented Alaska in the United States Senate for 40 years, engaged in “a scheme to conceal from the public” a variety of gifts and home ...
Contractor, wife blamed in Stevens corruption case The Associated Press
Stevens 'Didn't Know' His Bills Paid by Friend

26.Sep.2008 With Debate Uncertain, Candidates Meet Bush New York Times 
By ELISABETH BUMILLER and JEFF ZELENY WASHINGTON - With their first presidential debate awash in uncertainty, Senator Barack Obama interrupted his preparations in Florida and arrived here Thursday afternoon to join Senator John McCain for an ...

26.Sep.2008 Leaders call for stronger action against world poverty International Herald Tribune - UNITED NATIONS, New York:

World leaders pushed Thursday for stronger action to reduce global poverty as financial turmoil spreads and high food prices threaten to aggravate the problems of the poor.
UN pushes greater poverty reduction Aljazeera.net

26.Sep.2008 China’s Milk Scandal Now Seen as Risk in Europe New York Times - By ELISABETH ROSENTHAL

European Union regulators on Thursday ordered rigorous testing of imports containing at least 15 % milk powder after concluding that tainted milk powder from China may well be circulating in Europe and putting children at ...
Toxic milk in China leads EU to order tests on food imports International Herald Tribune

26.Sep.2008 Reuters South Africa
US, Pakistan exchange shots at volatile border ISLAMABAD, Pakistan-

US and Pakistani troops exchanged fire Thursday along the Pakistani-Afghan border minutes after the Pakistani military fired shots at two American helicopters that were providing cover for the troops, a US military

26.Sep.2008 W.House says talks to continue for Wall St. rescue Reuters
26.Sep.2008 Lawmakers split over bailout
Democrats say they reached bipartisan agreement on set of principles, but Republican balk. White House meeting contentious. By Tami Luhby, Money.
Video: Historic Bailout of Financial Industry Is Near Video: Historic Bailout of Financial Industry Is Near AssociatedPress Bail-out plan rekindles Congress suspicions Financial Times

26.Sep.2008 Fed keeps banks afloat as borrowing hits record levels USA Today
26.Sep.2008 Lawmakers Agree on Outline of Bailout
New York Times - From left, Senator John McCain, Representative John Boehner, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, President Bush, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senator Mitch McConnell and Senator Barack Obama during a meeting at the White House on Thursday.
Bush hopes mortgage pact can be reached 'very shortly'   MarketWatch
Key lawmakers: We have a plan   Money.com

26.Sep.2008 The Story of the New Jersey Doctor Who Helped Kill Prisoners at ...

00.Apr.1945 -After Buchenwald was liberated in- the stories about Dr. Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen emerged. He was accused of murdering a thousand prisoners by ... www.waragainsttheweak.com/offSiteArchive/hnn.us/index.html
Psychiatry and the Holocaust - Psychiatry - a Global Failure  

00.000.1900 -Early s -: German psychiatrist Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen drafted a law allowing sterilization of epileptics, criminals and incurably insane for the state of ...
Um »das amerikanische Volk« umzustimmen, schürte Bush mit seiner Mittwoch-Rede Angst.

Bei Ablehnung oder Verzögerung des Rettungsplans sei eine »lange und schmerzhafte Rezession« zu erwarten, denn wenn die Banken zusammenbrechen und die Aktienkurse weiter sinken würden,

»würden auch die Hauspreise weiter fallen, Unternehmen würden pleite gehen und Millionen Amerikaner ihre Arbeit verlieren«.
[...] Besondere Kritik galt jedoch der Passage des Plans, die vom Parlament fordert, Paulson einen Blankoscheck über die gigantische Summe von vorerst 700 Milliarden US-Dollar auszustellen.

Er soll über die Summe auf diktatorische Art und Weise verfügen, ohne Kontrolle durch den Kongreß, ohne für Fehler oder Mißwirtschaft je juristisch verantwortlich gemacht werden zu können.

Die Unverfrorenheit, mit der die Staatskasse als Selbstbedienungsladen benutzt werden soll, hat allerdings die Volksseele in den USA zum Kochen gebracht.
[...] US-Finanzmedien berichten, daß die führenden Vertreter der Wall-Street-Finanzinstitute bei den nächtelangen Sitzungen mit Paulson tonangebend waren.

Daß der Minister dabei ein besonders offenes Ohr für sie hatte, ist nicht überraschend, schließlich war er, bevor er von Bush im

00.Mai 2006 in die Administration berufen wurde, selbst jahrelang Chef der Investmentbank Goldman Sachs gewesen, einer der größten »Heuschrecken« an der Wall Street.

Die von US-Regierungsbeamten eingebrachten Vorschläge, nicht nur den Banken, sondern auch den Millionen Hypothekenschuldnern zu helfen, z. B. durch die Reduzierung ihrer Hypothekenschulden,

wurden von diesem Kreis ausnahmslos als unannehmbar zurückgewiesen.
wichtiger als ein »Rettungspaket« oder »die USA sind schuld« ist aber die Analyse der Gesamtverfassung des Kapitalismus.

Die besagt:

Wer auf Kosten der Mehrheit der Weltbevölkerung lebt, hat andere Prioritäten als diese oder jene Bankenrettung.

Welche Rolle spielen z. B. Kriege bei der Aufrechterhaltung der »Ungleichgewichte«?

Die Frage stellen, heißt sie beantworten.

Deswegen kam sie bei Steinbrück und den Vertretern der Marktparteien genausowenig vor wie in Bushs Rede.
[...] Solange sich die Debatten in diesem Karree von Leerformeln bewegen, scheint es sich noch nicht um eine Krise des Kapitalismus zu handeln.
26.Sep.2008 [...] Vor zehn Monaten kam laut Bundeskanzlerin »der Aufschwung bei den Menschen an«. Vor zehn Tagen drehte laut Steinbrück die deutsche Volkswirtschaft lediglich in den »Abschwung«.
26.Sep.2008 700-MILLIARDEN-DOLLAR-PLAN: Krisengipfel im Weißen Haus bringt keine Einigung
26.Sep.2008 Finanzkrise: Krisengipfel im Weißen Haus bleibt ohne Ergebnis

26.Sep.2008 Kollaps-Voraussage: Wirtschaftslehrer sind blind für die Zukunft
26.Sep.2008 Kongress macht Rally möglich: Wall Street klettert hoch
26.Sep.2008 Amerika stemmt sich gegen die Krise

26.Sep.2008 Manöver am Abgrund

26.Sep.2008 Ein Traum zerbricht
26.Sep.2008 KAPITALISMUS: Nieder mit dem ...
26.Sep.2008 Politik: Kongress bei Rettungsplan im Grundsatz einig

26.Sep.2008 Finanzen: US-Rettungsplan beflügelt Wall Street

26.Sep.2008 Politik: Bush sucht Hilfe bei Obama und McCain
26.Sep.2008 Euphorie an der Wall Street: Kongress einig über Krisenplan
Karlsruhe verhandelt über Wahlcomputer
Washington aufgrund Wahlkampf im Stillstand

26.Sep.2008 Eine besonders effektive Form von Wahlkampf

26.Sep.2008 US-Bilanz läuft völlig aus dem Ruder
26.Sep.2008 Leben: Mit Marihuana-Extrakten gegen den "Superbug"
Die große Glaubenskrise
26.Sep.2008 Finanzkrise: Krisengipfel im Weißen Haus bleibt ohne Ergebnis
Finanzkrise: Warum Minister Steinbrück plötzlich schwarz sieht
26.Sep.2008 Einigung über US-Rettungspaket
26.Sep.2008 Sarkozy : «La France peut sortir plus forte de la crise»
26.Sep.2008 Israel sought US go-ahead to bomb Iran nuclear sites

26.Sep.2008 US stocks soar as Congress nears deal

26.Sep.2008 Leading mortgage lenders raise rates
26.Sep.2008 Großdemo von Ärzten und Pflegern: "Politik spart die Kliniken krank"
130000 gegen Kliniknot
26.Sep.2008 Wut auf die Wall Street
26.Sep.2008 Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009  Read 'em and weep. posted by Prof. Hex
26.Sep.2008 The battle over war powers:

00.000.1973 -The Constitution, and the War Powers Act of- limit a president's ability to initiate conflict. Some wish to change that.
Iran's president: Pursuing nuclear weapons is politically backwarded: Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday that any state pursuing nuclear weapons is politically backwarded

26.Sep.2008 Lawmakers: Wall Street rescue accord reached: Dodd, Frank: Agreement in principle, expect passage of bill within days

26.Sep.2008 Bailout Could Deepen Crisis, CBO Chief Says: Congress's top bookkeeper -- said the bailout could expose the way companies are stowing toxic assets on their books, leading to greater problems.

26.Sep.2008 White House Admits It Drew Up Bailout Months Ago: White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto insisted that the plan was not slapped together and had been drawn up as a contingency over previous months and weeks by administration officials. He acknowledged lawmakers were getting only days to peruse it, but he said this should be enough.

26.Sep.2008 Rumours spark Hong Kong bank run: Hundreds of customers have descended on branches of Hong Kong's Bank of East Asia (BEA) to demand their deposits back amid continuing nervousness over the state of global financial markets.

26.Sep.2008 China banks told to halt lending to US banks-SCMP: Chinese regulators have told domestic banks to stop interbank lending to U.S. financial institutions to prevent possible losses during the financial crisis, the South China Morning Post reported on Thursday.

26.Sep.2008 Europe and Japan turn cold shoulder to U.S. plea for bank bailouts: The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, also took the opportunity to sharply criticize the United States and Britain for opposing German attempts to put greater regulation, or at least reviews, of the financial sector on the international agenda last year, when she was chairing the Group of 7 industrialized nations.

26.Sep.2008 In case you missed it: Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending: The action, which will begin as a pilot program involving 24 banks in 15 markets -- including the New York metropolitan region -- will encourage those banks to extend home mortgages to individuals whose credit is generally not good enough to qualify for conventional loans. Fannie Mae officials say they hope to make it a nationwide program by next spring.

26.Sep.2008 Hedge funds move $100bn into safe havens: Citigroup estimates that hedge funds have now placed $600bn in cash, and that $100bn of this is held in money market funds, normally seen as some of the safest places to invest cash

26.Sep.2008 Goldman Sachs Socialism By William Greider
Wall Street put a gun to the head of the politicians and said, Give us the money--right now--or take the blame for whatever follows. The audacity of Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's bailout proposal is reflected in what it refuses to say: no explanations of how the bailout will work, no demands on the bankers in exchange for the public's money. The Treasury's opaque, three-page summary of plan includes this chilling statement:

26.Sep.2008 Has Deregulation Sired Fascism? By Paul Craig Roberts
The US cannot be a hegemonic power without foreign financing. All indications are that the rest of the world is tiring of US arrogance.

26.Sep.2008 Half a Trillion Bailout For The Creators of the Market Crisis By Bob Chapman
The House Finance Committee, headed by Rep. Barney Frank, and the Senate Finance Committee, headed by Sen. Christopher Dodd, will give it their usual Boo-Boo, response: "I don't know, Yogi," in order to give the clueless sheople the appearance that they are going to protect taxpayers from the slimy bankers, when the reality is, it is already a done deal and has been planned long in advance, probably for many months, if not years, just like the Patriot Acts.

26.Sep.2008 Putin calls for open border between Russia, S.Ossetia: Interfax: - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin called for an open border with Georgia's breakaway South Ossetia on Thursday while Moscow's mayor went further, saying it was already "de facto" in Russia, Interfax news agency reported.

26.Sep.2008 Russia Signals Its Intention to Step Up Its Influence in Latin America: When the Bush administration dispatched two U.S. warships to the Black Sea to deliver humanitarian aid to war-stricken Georgia, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin reacted with indignation and a warning. "There will be an answer," Putin said during a visit to Uzbekistan. Asked to elaborate, Putin replied, "You'll see."

26.Sep.2008 Russia offers $1bn loan to Chavez: Russia has announced a $1bn loan to Venezuela to buy arms during a visit by Hugo Chavez, the country's president.

26.Sep.2008 Venezuela foils suspected Chavez assassination: Venezuelan authorities have arrested two people suspected of plotting to kill Hugo Chavez by blowing up the president's plane with an anti-tank weapon, the country's top security official said.

26.Sep.2008 New documentary on Pinochet’s dictatorship: Some wounds should not heal: "The Judge and the General" tells the story of recent efforts to bring to justice the perpetrators of horrific acts of political repression committed three decades ago under Chilean military dictator Augusto Pinochet
26.Sep.2008 US suspends visa services in Pakistan: He said the embassy also warned the American citizens not to stay in big hotels in Lahore, capital of eastern Pakistan's Punjab province, after receiving a warning Wednesday night.

26.Sep.2008 Orwell would be proud of her: Palin: Iraq, Afghanistan presence makes US secure: "I think our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan will lead to further security for our nation. We can never again let them onto our soil," she responded.

26.Sep.2008 House approves $612B defense bill with military pay raise: Facing a veto threat, lawmakers backed away from provisions that would have limited the use of private security contractors in war zones.

26.Sep.2008 EU warns Iran close to nuclear arms capacity: - Iran is nearing the ability to arm a nuclear warhead even if it insists its atomic activities are peaceful, the European Union warned Wednesday.

26.Sep.2008 Peres: U.S. has no choice but to save world from Ahmadinejad: The United States has no choice but to save the world by stopping Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President Shimon Peres told Israel Radio on Thursday.

26.Sep.2008 US, Russia still at odds over Iran: US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov have failed to overcome disagreements at a meeting in New York. Following the meeting, US Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Fried said that no common ground had been found on the issue of Iran's nuclear program.

26.Sep.2008 Iran's president: Nation must control nuclear fuel: Iran's president says his country will not accept Western proposals to abandon its program to create nuclear fuel and take enriched uranium from outside sources. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran could not guarantee that other nations would keep promises to supply Iran's planned reactors.

26.Sep.2008 Iran tries to make nuclear arguments heard: Amid a chorus of criticism from the United States and its allies over Iran's nuclear program, Tehran is trying to make its case to the U.N. atomic watchdog that it is not seeking nuclear weapons, arguing that it's being tried on evidence that it's not allowed to see.

26.Sep.2008 Ahmadinejad wants peace: "Ultra"Orthodox Jews: Rabbi Weiss: 'We know he is not an enemy to the Jews, he has a Jewish community in his country that he honors, defends and supports'

26.Sep.2008 Israel ambassador to UN: General Assembly chief is an Israel hater: Israeli ambassador to the United Nations Gabriela Shalev on Thursday called the President of the UN General Assembly Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann an "Israel hater" for having hugged Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a vocal enemy of Israel.
26.Sep.2008 US, Pakistani troops trade gunfire at border: A U.S. military official says American and Pakistani troops traded gunfire during a five-minute skirmish on the Afghan-Pakistan border.

26.Sep.2008 No intrusion into Pak territory will be tolerated: Minister : Federal Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Labour and Manpower Syed Khursheed Ahmed Shah has said that no intrusion into Pakistani territory by any foreign power would be tolerated, Pakistan military is capable of defending every inch of the country.
26.Sep.2008 The Creation of the Second Great Depression By Ron Paul
Whenever a Great Bipartisan Consensus is announced, and a compliant media assures everyone that the wondrous actions of our wise leaders are being taken for our own good, you can know with absolute certainty that disaster is about to strike. The events of the past week are no exception.

26.Sep.2008 Show Us the Money By William Greider
Taxpayers should wake up the politicians and ask them to tell Wall Street: "We want the same deal Warren Buffett got."

26.Sep.2008 Richest Americans See Their Income Share Grow By Jesse Drucker
00.000.2006 -In a new sign of increasing inequality in the U.S. the richest 1% of Americans garnered the highest share of the nation's adjusted gross income for two decades + possibly the highest since

00.000.1929, according to Internal Revenue Service data. Continue

26.Sep.2008 America’s Elephant In The Room By David Michael Green
The scope of the destruction is breathtaking to gaze upon. The rapidity with which American affluence and power and respect and responsibility were converted into their opposite numbers is mind-boggling.

26.Sep.2008 McCain's Debate Ploy By Michael Tomasky - A move so unserious, contemptible and cynical that it's hard to imagine how they even thought of it. Continue
26.Sep.2008 Horrors of War Our Leaders Never Have to Confront By Robert Fisk
Private James Owen was to describe how an enraged friend was trying to bayonet another German. “He lunged at the German again and again, who each time lowered his arms and stopped the point of the bayonet with his bare hands. He was screaming for mercy. Oh God it was brutal!”

26.Sep.2008 The Blood of Dresden By Kurt Vonnegut
The author Kurt Vonnegut was a prisoner of war in Dresden during the allied bombing raids and was later forced to dig out bodies from the ruined city. In papers discovered by his son after his death last year, he provides a searing eyewitness account of the ‘obscene brutality’ that inspired his novel Slaughterhouse-Five.

26.Sep.2008 The New World War - The Silence Is A Lie By John Pilger
It is a war of the world. In Latin America, the Bush administration is fomenting incipient military coups in Venezuela, Bolivia, and possibly Paraguay, democracies whose governments have opposed Washington's historic rapacious intervention in its "backyard". Washington's "Plan Colombia" is the model for a mostly unreported assault on Mexico.

26.Sep.2008 Morales Cites "Evidence" of U.S. Meddling By Haider Rizvi
Bolivian President Evo Morales reiterated the charge Tuesday that the U.S. government was plotting to overthrow his government and that Washington had a hand in the recent episodes of violence in which a number of his supporters were killed and wounded by opposition gangs.

26.Sep.2008 The Destabilization of Bolivia and the "Kosovo Option" By Michel Chossudovsky
The death squads armed with automatic weapons responsible for killing supporters of Evo Morales in El Porvenir are supported covertly by the US. According to one report, "USAID has an "Office of Transition Initiatives" operating in Bolivia, funneling millions of dollars of training and support to right-wing opposition regional governments and movements."

26.Sep.2008 Pakistani Troops Fire on US Helicopters at Border By FISNIK ABRASHI
Two American OH-58 reconnaissance helicopters, known as Kiowas, were on a routine afternoon patrol in the eastern province of Khost when they received small arms fire from a Pakistani border post, said Tech Sgt. Kevin Wallace, a U.S. military spokesman.

26.Sep.2008 Israel Asked US for Green Light to Bomb Nuclear Sites in Iran By Jonathan Steele
US president told Israeli prime minister he would not back attack on Iran, senior European diplomatic sources tell Guardian.

26.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-580533,00.html
"Die Arbeitsplätze, Ersparnisse und der Wohlstand des amerikanischen Volkes stehen auf dem Spiel", erklärten die beiden Politiker. "Wir dürfen eine wirtschaftliche Katastrophe nicht riskieren."
[...] "Weite Teile des amerikanischen Finanzsystems drohen zusammenzubrechen", sagte Bush.
[...] Der US-Präsident hatte am Vorabend vor den dramatischen Konsequenzen der Finanzkrise für alle Amerikaner gewarnt.

Falls sich Kongress und Regierung nicht "so schnell wie möglich" auf das Maßnahmenpaket einigten, drohe eine "schmerzhafte Rezession" mit kaum absehbaren Folgen.
[...] Komme dieses Stützungspaket nicht auf den Weg, werde der Schaden für die internationale Finanzwirtschaft größer sein als die Kosten des Pakets, sagte Steinmeier.
[...] Die Gehälter der Aufsichtsratschefs von Konzernen, die die Hilfe der US-Regierung in Anspruch nehmen, sollen begrenzt werden.
[...] Führende Vertreter von Demokraten und Republikanern hatten drei Stunden lang über das 700-Millionen-Dollar-Paket beraten, das von der US-Regierung vorbereitet worden war.
[...] drei Stunden lang
[...] Der republikanische Fraktionschef im Abgeordnetenhaus, John Boehner, dementierte dagegen eine Einigung.

Er sei zwar bestärkt, was den Fortschritt der überparteilichen Bemühungen angehe. "Aber die Republikaner im Repräsentantenhaus haben derzeit noch keinem Plan zugestimmt", sagte er.

Auch der Republikaner Richard Shelby, Senator aus dem Bundesstaat Alabama und einer der schärfsten Kritiker des Rettungspakets, meldete Zweifel an:

"Es gibt noch immer einige Streitpunkte, die nicht gelöst sind.", sagte Shelby.
[...] Die demokratische Vorsitzende des Repräsentantenhauses, Nancy Pelosi, teilte mit, dass Präsident Bush die zentralen Änderungswünsche der Demokraten akzeptiert habe.
[...] "Ich erwarte jetzt, dass wir in der Tat einen Plan haben werden,
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ , but when someone else has already said it -- and said it better -- all I can do is quote:
26.Sep.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Paul Krugman I have to admit, this was pretty damned funny: I’ve been pointing out that the dictatorial powers Paulson has sought would accrue to the next Treasury secretary, who might well be Phil Gramm. I’ve been trying to come up with a liberal-leaning name who might seem equally horrifying to Republicans, and the only one I’ve come up with is … me. Permalink
26.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-580552,00.html
"Die Arbeitsplätze, Ersparnisse und der Wohlstand des amerikanischen Volkes stehen auf dem Spiel", erklärten die beiden Politiker. "Wir dürfen eine wirtschaftliche Katastrophe nicht riskieren."
[...] "Ich erwarte, dass wir uns auf einen wirkungsvollen Plan einigen werden - auch wenn wir noch weiterhandeln müssen", sagte Obama im Anschluss an den Gipfel.
[...] Auch ein Sprecher des demokratischen Senatsmehrheitsführers Harry Reid sagte, es gebe noch viel zu tun.
[...] Kompromissplan
[...] "Dieses politische Theater im Weißen Haus hat uns wahrlich nicht weitergeholfen".
[...] Nach Angaben des demokratischen Senators und Vorsitzenden des Bankenausschusses Christopher Dodd versuchten führende Republikaner noch während des laufenden Krisentreffens,

den Stunden zuvor ausgehandelten Kompromiss mit neuen Forderungen zu sprengen.
[...] Vor dem Treffen im Weißen Haus hatten Kongressmitglieder mitgeteilt, dass Republikaner und Demokraten in den zuständigen Ausschüssen eine grundsätzliche Einigung über das Programm erzielt hätten.

Die Vorlage werde nun mit der Regierung erörtert. Die US-Börsen reagierten auf die Ankündigung positiv und verbuchten prompt deutliche Kursgewinne.
26.Sep.2008 700-Milliarden-Dollar-Plan: Krisengipfel im Weißen Haus bringt keine Einigung  (Wirtschaft)
25.Sep.2008 Börsengang der Deutschen Bahn: Finanzkrise bringt Aktienerlöse in Gefahr  (Wirtschaft)
25.Sep.2008 Amoklauf in Finnland: "Wir haben einen Nährboden für Mobbing"  (Panorama)
25.Sep.2008 Wildwest in der Chefetage Dateiformat: Microsoft Word - HTML-Version
Gerhard Schröder bringt den FAZ -Spruch von Frenzel in voller Länge. ... „im Boot“ gewesen, dazu Roger Tamraz , ein Öl- und Waffenhändler aus den USA, ... www.das-abwasserfreie-grundstueck.de/Selenz-Mail-Wildwest-in-Chefetage.DOC

25.Sep.2008 https://www.nysun.com/arts/timothy-rybacks-hitlers-private-library/86436/?print=3641732221
Another 80 books that belonged to Hitler were identified only recently in the basement vault library of Brown University.
25.Sep.2008 https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/24/AR2008092403104.html?hpid=topnews

Senior members of Congress, including two senators who were intended recipients of anthrax letters, have called for Judiciary Committee hearings, but they have not backed Holt's proposal. Yesterday Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) praised Holt's efforts but said establishing a commission would be "premature."
25.Sep.2008 [...] In one

00.Sep.2007 message, Ivins wrote: "I finally know who mailed the anthrax letters in the fall of 2001. . . . I should have been a private eye!!!"
[...] Investigators yesterday unsealed the final search warrants executed against the man who they say is responsible for the 2001 anthrax-by-mail attacks,

disclosing that Bruce E. Ivins sent an e-mail to himself last year claiming that he had solved the notorious case.
25.Sep.2008 https://www.world-science.net/othernews/080923_wmap.htm
Kash­linksy and col­leagues sug­gest what­ev­er is pulling on the mys­te­ri­ously mov­ing gal­axy clus­ters might lie out­side the vis­i­ble uni­verse.
25.Sep.2008 Something beyond visible universe detected? 

Sci­en­tists have meas­ured an un­ex­pected mo­tion in dis­tant clus­ters of ga­lax­ies—pos­sibly caused, they say, by the gravita­t­ional pull of some­thing out­side the vis­i­ble uni­verse. “We nev­er ex­pected to find anything like this,” said lead re­search­er Al­ex­an­der Kash­lin­sky of NASA’s God­dard Space Flight Cen­ter in Green­belt, Md. posted by Prof. Hex
25.Sep.2008 Anthrax Suspect E-Mailed Himself About Solving the Case 

Investigators yesterday unsealed the final search warrants executed against the man who they say is responsible for the 2001 anthrax-by-mail attacks, disclosing that Bruce E. Ivins sent an e-mail to himself last year claiming that he had solved the notorious case. posted by Prof. Hex
25.Sep.2008 NZ scientists out to solve Easter Island population collapse 

A New Zealand-led group of scientists plan to try and solve the mystery of the sudden collapse of the population on Easter Island in pre-European times. posted by Prof. Hex

25.Sep.2008 blog.fefe.de/ Ein schöner Anti-Palin Hetzartikel von Naomi Wolf. Und das Problem ist: die weiß, wovon sie spricht. Never offend someone with style when you can offend them with substance. blog.fefe.de/ Brüller am Rande zur Finanzkrise: Woher kommt eigentlich die Zahl "700 Milliarden Dollar"? Forbes klärt auf: In fact, some of the most basic details, including the $700 billion figure Treasury would use to buy up bad debt, are fuzzy.

"It's not based on any particular data point," a Treasury spokeswoman told Forbes.com Tuesday. "We just wanted to choose a really large number." Gut zu wissen, dass da solche Spezialexperten an dem Problem arbeiten. Nicht auszudenken, wenn das inkompetente Idioten wären!
blog.fefe.de/ Gute Nachrichten von der Klärschlamm-Front. Das Wall Street Journal hat heraus gefunden, wie wir Klarheit herbei führen können. Wir müssen einfach die Insassen von McCains Wahlkampfbus befragen, denn da fahren alle Schuldigen mit. Last week, Republican presidential candidate John McCain called for a commission to "find out what went wrong" on Wall Street. It was an excellent suggestion: Public inquiries into Wall Street practices served the country well in the 1930s.

And Mr. McCain has a special advantage to bring to any such investigation -- many of the relevant witnesses are friends or colleagues of his. In fact, he can probably get to the bottom of the whole mess just by cross-examining the people riding on his campaign bus. Harharhar.
blog.fefe.de/ Hey, gute Nachrichten! Das 700 Milliarden Programm funktioniert! Warren Buffett investiert 5 Milliarden in Goldman Sachs, weil er ja jetzt weiß, dass Bush die nicht pleite gehen lassen wird. Und damit profitieren auch genau die richtigen von dem Programm, die Ärmsten der Armen, die Bedürftigen, die Arbeitslosen, die Warren Buffetts dieser Welt.

Update : Hier hat mal jemand die Details zu dem Deal und rechnet nach. Also zu den Konditionen, die Buffett sich da rausgehandelt hat, ... da kann die KfW nur von träumen. Das ist fast so als hätten sie sich in Organen bezahlen lassen.
25.Sep.2008 blog.fefe.de/ Bernanke (der Chairman der Federal Reserve) findet, die Regierung sollte den Klärschlamm nicht nur aufkaufen, sondern auch beim gezahlten Preis so tun, als seien sie gar kein Klärschlamm. The Fed chairman said he favors buying the assets based on their "hold-to-maturity" value, which would require an estimate to be made of what each security will eventually be worth as payments come in over the years.

"If the Treasury bids for and then buys assets at a price close to the hold-to-maturity price, there will be substantial benefits," Bernanke told the Senate Banking Committee. "First, banks will have a basis for valuing those assets and will not have to use fire-sale prices. Their capital will not be unreasonably marked down."
blog.fefe.de/ Der AK Vorratsdatenspeicherung veröffentlicht das Geheimabkommen zur Datenauslieferung an die USA. Und wenn man sich das so durchliest, wird auch sofort klar, wieso das geheim bleiben mußte
25.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-580541,00.html
"Wir nehmen an, dass sie gebraten und gegessen wurden", sagte ein Archäologe. "Auf jeden Fall wurden sie wie Tiere behandelt."
Forscher haben in der Nähe von Lausanne zwei verstümmelte Leichen aus der Helvetier-Zeit gefunden. Die 2000 Jahre alten sterblichen Überreste legen nahe, dass die Vorfahren der Schweizer Kannibalen waren.
Finanzkrise: US-Senator sieht Gefahr für VW-Werk in Tennessee  (Wirtschaft)
25.Sep.2008 Leichen aus Helvetier-Zeit: Vorfahren der Schweizer aßen vermutlich Menschenfleisch  (Wissenschaft)

25.Sep.2008 Israel: Rechtsextreme verüben Anschlag auf bekannten Friedensaktivisten  (Politik)
25.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-580504,00.html
Nach Militärangaben stürzte die Maschine wegen einer technischen Panne ab. Ortsansässige berichteten dagegen von einem Abschuss. Die Drohnen können für Spionageflüge, aber auch zum Abschuss von Raketen benutzt werden.

Die pakistanischen Streitkräfte bestritten die Version von Nato und USA. Zwei Hubschrauber hätten sich im Gebiet von Ghulam Khan auf der pakistanischen Seite der Grenze befunden, sagte Armeesprecher Athar Abbas. Beim Überflug eines pakistanischen Militärposten sei von diesem aus auf die Helikopter geschossen worden. Diese hätten das Feuer erwidert, am Boden sei jedoch kein Schaden entstanden, fügte der Generalmajor hinzu.
Gemeinsame Initiative: 10.000 Irak-Flüchtlinge dürfen in die EU  (Politik)
25.Sep.2008 Klinikproteste in Berlin: "Unser Zorn bleibt"   (Wirtschaft)

25.Sep.2008 Kurssturz: Anleger befürchten Zerschlagung von Arcandor  (Wirtschaft)

25.Sep.2008 Michael Moores Wahlkampf: Mobilmachung der Couch-Kartoffeln  (Kultur)

25.Sep.2008 Computerfehler: Massive Störungen im britischen Flugverkehr  (Reise)

25.Sep.2008 Finanzkrise: Börsianer fiebern Rettungspaket der US-Regierung entgegen  (Wirtschaft)
25.Sep.2008 Streit um Grenzverletzung: Pakistanische Armee beschießt Nato-Hubschrauber  (Politik)
25.Sep.2008 Chrysler-Elektroautos: Vom Blitz getroffen  (Auto)

25.Sep.2008 Energiekonferenz des Umweltministers: Schröder singt Jubelarien auf Russland 

25.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-580428,00.html
Staatsinvestitionen hätten "noch nie funktioniert", sagt er. "Was will man also tun? Steuerschecks verschicken, wie es die USA vor einigen Monaten getan haben?" Das sei schon logistisch schwierig.
[...] Gustav Horn vom gewerkschaftsnahen Institut für Makroökonomie und Konjunkturforschung: "Das ist die Rückkehr zu Realität."

Deutschland stehe vor extrem schwierigen Zeiten - für 2009 prognostiziert der Ökonom nur noch ein Wachstum von 0,4 %. "Das bedeutet: Stagnation."
[...] Hamburg - Für Peer Steinbrück ist klar, wo die Schuldigen sitzen.

"Die USA sind der Ursprung der Krise", erklärte der Bundesfinanzminister vor dem Parlament.

Nach dem Motto "Lass' den Markt mal machen" hätte das Land die Investmentmanager gewähren lassen, die zweistellige Renditen und riesige Boni kassierten.

Deshalb sei es soweit gekommen: zu einem "Erdbeben in der internationalen Finanzarchitektur".
25.Sep.2008 Finanzmisere: Steinbrück stimmt Deutsche auf harte Zeiten ein  (Wirtschaft)
25.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-580464,00.html

Die wirtschaftlichen Schwierigkeiten könnten sich jetzt auch auf die Weiterentwicklung der EU auswirken.

Denn damit sinken auch die Chancen, dass die Iren ihr "No" zum Reformvertrag von Lissabon so bald wieder zurücknehmen.

"Wenn ich der irische Premierminister wäre, würde ich in den nächsten Monaten kein Referendum abhalten", sagte denn auch der Luxemburgische Premier Jean-Claude Juncker.
Fahndung nach Islamist Breininger: BKA warnt vor Terror-Gefahr für Deutschland  (Politik)
25.Sep.2008 Finanzkrise: Irland rutscht als erstes EU-Land in die Rezession  (Wirtschaft)
25.Sep.2008 Vertrauliche Daten: Verschlüsselung mangelhaft  (Netzwelt)
25.Sep.2008 Erfolgreicher Raumschiffstart: Chinas Taikonauten bereit zum All-Spaziergang  (Wissenschaft)
25.Sep.2008 NetNovinar   ... straw parties, money laundering … anywhere in the world. ... in Russian by Mr . Machitski but translated into English and entitled "preliminary plan of ...

Chambers and Partners : Chambers UK Guide All Editorial   ... acting on behalf of Russian magnate Vitaly Machitski + one of his companies, ...

Members also have much experience relating to money laundering and ... www.chambersandpartners.co.uk/uk/resultseditorial.aspx?cid=6&pid=467&solbar=1

Chambers and Partners : Chambers UK Guide All Editorial  

He is leading the team acting on behalf of Russian magnate Vitaly Machitski and one of his companies, Romal Holdings, in a dispute with Alexander Krasner. www.chambersandpartners.com/uk/resultseditorial.aspx?cid=6&pid=467&solbar=1&FullOv=1

Chambers and Partners : Chambers Europe Guide Editorial   Members also have much experience relating to money laundering + employment disputes.

James Libson, best known for his employment practice, ... www.chambersandpartners.com/Europe/resultseditorial.aspx?cid=152&pid=467&solbar=1&grouptype=1
.May 2008
RomanianNewsy: Official charges include financial fraud, organized crime + money laundering . ... by Marc Rich + later passed to Russian magnate Vitaly Machitski . romaniannewsy.blogspot.com/2007_05_01_archive.html

20080308   Abramoff emails, casinos, money laundering , GOP ... former Israeli Prime Minister ... infiintat de Marc Rich si preluat de magnatul Vitali Machitski . alfatomega.com/20080308.html
25.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-580213,00.html
Aus der theoretischen Möglichkeit der Methanfreisetzung aus den arktischen Gashydraten scheint mehr und mehr eine schmerzhafte Realität zu werden - mit möglicherweise verheerenden Folgen für das Klima.
[...] Es sei das erste Mal überhaupt, dass Forscher den beunruhigenden Vorgang des blubbernden Meeres direkt beobachtet hätten.

Klare Reflexionen auf dem Echolot hätten die Blasen hinterlassen. Und auf den seismischen Bildern seien Sedimentstrukturen am Meeresboden zu erkennen gewesen, die nach oben gewiesen hätten.

Aus ihnen sei das Methan vermutlich ausgetreten. 25.Sep.2008 [...] Dass bereits jetzt offenbar großflächig Gas vom Ozeanboden aufsteigt, scheint unbestritten.

Im vergangenen Sommer hatte die russische Forscherin Natalia Schachowa von zerbröselnden Methanhydraten berichtet, für dieses Jahr gibt es die Berichte von der "Jacob Smirnitskyi".
[...] Ein Teufelskreis. Russische Forscher schätzen, dass sich die Methankonzentration der Erdatmosphäre durch die in der Arktis gespeicherten Mengen verzwölffachen könnte.
[...] Das Problem: Der dauerhaft gefrorene Boden am Meeresgrund, der die Vorkommen bisher sicher umschlossen hat, fängt wegen der Erderwärmung offenbar an zu tauen.
[...] Allein in den sibirischen Schelfmeerbereichen vermuten die Forscher 540 Milliarden Tonnen an Gashydrat-Vorkommen.
[...] Gasblasen, die großflächig vom Meeresgrund an die Oberfläche blubbern: Eine russisch-schwedische Arktisexpedition hat ein dramatisches Phänomen im Eismeer beobachtet.

Der arktische Meeresboden setzt offenbar große Mengen des Klimakillers Methan frei.

Das Meer schien zu kochen, rund um die "Jacob Smirnitskyi". Gasblasen blubberten um den grauen Rumpf des 70 Meter langen russischen Forschungsschiffs an die Wasseroberfläche.

Es waren Wissenschaftler einer schwedisch-russischen Expedition, die die beunruhigende Entdeckung am vergangenen Donnerstag machten - in Gewässern vor der Küste Sibiriens, die so bitterkalt sind, dass allein der Gedanke an kochendes Wasser lächerlich erscheint.
Anschlag auf Villa von Stefan Aust

Gefährliches Methanhydrat: Klimakiller löst sich aus den Tiefen des Eismeeres  (Wissenschaft)

25.Sep.2008 Muskeln: Dopingmittel wirken jahrelang nach  (Wissenschaft)

25.Sep.2008 Vergleichs-Report "Eurostudent": Deutschlands Studenten sind ein elitärer Zirkel  (UniSPIEGEL)
25.Sep.2008 Bankenmonopoly: Japan stürmt die Wall Street  (Wirtschaft)

25.Sep.2008 Debatte zur Finanzkrise: Steinbrück will Bankmanager für Fehler haften lassen  (Wirtschaft)

25.Sep.2008 Triebwerksprobleme: Militär-Airbus A400M hebt später ab  (Wirtschaft)
25.Sep.2008 CO2-Limit für Pkw: Brüssel bremst Autolobby aus  (Auto)

25.Sep.2008 Globale Immobilienkrise: Deutschland droht Konjunktureinbruch  (Wirtschaft)

25.Sep.2008 Psychopharmaka: US-Kinder bekommen dreimal mehr Pillen als deutsche  (Wissenschaft)
25.Sep.2008 Breitband-Internet per Funk: EU-Parlament vertagt Entscheidung über digitale Dividende  (Netzwelt)
25.Sep.2008 propaganda/ International Institute for Strategic Studies

11.Jul.2008 Pakistan: Iran gas pipeline project makes more economic sense if India is ...

Die deutsche Regierung forderte Iran auf, die Raketentests einzustellen. www.iiss.org/whats-new/iiss-in-the-press/july-2008/rohrkrepierer-fr-irans-propaganda/
25.Sep.2008 Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-
PipelineWikipedia, die freie ...

1 Verlauf und Transportleistung;

2 Entstehungsgeschichte der Pipeline ;

3 Das Projekt und die Hürden;

4 Die Iran -Pakistan-Indien- Pipeline : Konkurrenz oder ... de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Pipeline

00.000.1981 stand er als der erste Präsident dem Council for National Policy (CNP) vor, ... Gesellschaft zu zerstören und eine neue Weltordnung zu etablieren. www.iivs.de/~iivs01311/H.Krieg/Bertelsmann.htm
Hudson Institute   Other crossover memberships occur among the officers of Heritage Foundation, Hudson Institute and the Council for National Policy : ... watch.pair.com/Hudson.html 20080324

"Why are the meetings of the Council for National Policy ( CNP ) so secret? ... Council for National Policy McCain seeks support from top conservatives CNP ... alfatomega.com/20080324.html
What Really Happened to Brian Quig? Also, the OSS needed spies in Sicily for the planned invasion. SKULL AND BONES (S&B), was first established by the graduating class of 1832 of YALE ...www.venusproject.com/911/Brian_Downing_Quig.html 25.Sep.2008 Persistence_Of_Pardonable_Criminals The background to Skull and Bones is a story of Opium and Empire, ...

Mexican police, assisted by U.S. drug agents, arrest Alberto Sicilia Falcon , ... www.thejeffersonrivergazette.com/Persistence_Of_Pardonable_Criminals.htm
Man findet mühelos weitere Beispiele für Behauptungen, die wahrscheinlich wahr, aber nicht beweisbar sind. Man braucht im Wesentlichen eine unendliche Reihe von Ereignissen, die je für sich zufällig eintreten könnten, aber auch einzeln eine geringe Gesamtwahrscheinlichkeit haben. Dann ist die Aussage, dass keines der Ereignisse jemals eintreten wird, wahrscheinlich wahr, lässt sich aber nicht beweisen.
Denn die Republikaner gelten als eine Partei der alten Männer, die vor allem aus dem Ölgeschäft kommen."
[...] Nun soll es also Fiorina richten, eingetragene Republikanerin und ehemalige Vorzeige-Chefin, die mit ihrem unbestrittenen Kampfgeist vielen als Idealbesetzung gilt. "Sie ist eine moderate und weltoffene Frau, die an rationale Wissenschaft glaubt und damit all die Attribute vereint, die die Republikaner einst ausgemacht haben, bevor Karl Rove und George W. Bush der Partei eine andere Richtung gegeben haben", schreibt Daniel Gross, Wirtschaftskolumnist der "Newsweek".
[...] Zwar bemühte sich McCain in den folgenden Tagen zu erklären, er habe die "hart arbeitenden amerikanischen Arbeiter" gemeint. Und schob populistisch hinterher, diese würden von einer gierigen und zerrütteten Wall-Street-Elite betrogen. Doch geholfen hat das wenig.
Woran Wissenschaftler glauben: Willenlos glücklich  (Wissenschaft)
25.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/0,1518,druck-580377,00.html
Der Nachrichtenagentur STT/FNB sagte Neulaniemi, dass Saari seine Pistole nachweislich im selben Geschäft in Jokela gekauft habe wie Auvinen, der dort auf das Gymnasium ging. Jokela liege aber rund 300 Kilometer entfernt von Saaris Wohnort.
die gemeinsame Erklärung. "Dies ist die Zeit, zum Wohl der Landes über das Politisieren hinauszuwachsen", hieß es darin. "Wir können keine wirtschaftliche Katastrophe riskieren."
[...] Denn die Idee zu einem gemeinsamen, überparteilichen Statement sei von Obama ausgegangen, hieß es aus seinem Team. Darauf habe man sich telefonisch geeinigt - doch 20 Minuten später sei McCain im Alleingang vorgeprescht.
[...] "Das ist das Letzte, was wir brauchen."
[...] Viele erinnern sich noch zu gut daran, wie

00.000.2003 sie ähnlich gehetzt wurden - in den Irak-Krieg.
[...] Denn Abgeordnete beider Parteien sperren sich gegen einen bedingungslosen "Blankoscheck" für die Wall Street.
[...] Bush lud McCain und Obama für Donnerstag ins Weiße Haus ein, um eine Lösung zu finden - eine Einladung, die beide annahmen und die den Bühnenzauber McCains sofort neutralisierte.
[...] im Sinne der nationalen Einheit
[...] Wegen "der historischen Krise", sagte er, werde er seinen Wahlkampf aussetzen und nach Washington eilen, um die stockenden Kongress-Verhandlungen zum 700-Milliarden-Dollar-Rettungspaket für die Wall Street persönlich anzukurbeln.
[...] "game changer": eine Idee, mit der man das Thema wechseln kann,
[...] McCains Wahlkampfbus "Straight Talk Express" ("Klartext-Express") sei zum "Zickzack-Express" geworden, schrieb "Newsweek".
00.000.1960 - Wie Kennedy den unrasierter Nixon besiegte
Die Gasvorräte Venezuelas sind mit 4,1 Billionen Kubikmeter die zweitgrößten in der westlichen Hemisphäre nach den USA.
Der russische Gasgigant soll im Laufe von sieben Jahren rund 850 Millionen Dollar in dieses Projekt investieren.

Der Gasverkauf wird bis zu 420 Millionen Dollar im Jahr bringen. Die geplante Kooperation soll zugleich Gazprom helfen, den lateinamerikanischen Markt zu erschließen.
„Früher mussten wir nach Washington reisen, um dort um Geld zu bitten“, so Chavez. „Das ist nun vorbei. Jetzt verhandeln wir mit China. Wir sind kein Hinterhof Amerikas mehr.“
25.Sep.2008 Wahlkämpferin Fiorina: Kettensägen-Carly soll McCain stärken  (Wirtschaft)
25.Sep.2008 Welt-Kultur-Metropole New York: Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei  Kultur)
25.Sep.2008 Leben im Untergrund: Neue Bakterienarten in Roms Katakomben entdeckt  (Wissenschaft)
25.Sep.2008 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Alles in die Luft sprengen"  Kultur)
25.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-580306,00.html

Am Mittwoch hatte die "New York Times" berichtet, dass sich die Firma des Wahlkampfmanagers von McCain bis vor kurzem vom angeschlagenen Immobilienfinanzierer Freddie Mac für Lobby-Dienste bezahlen ließ.
[...] Wie es heißt, will McCain "alle Parteiauftritte und TV-Werbespots" für die nächsten Tage aussetzen.
[...] 11.Sep.2001 . Jetzt sei erneut Patriotismus und gemeinsames Zusammenrücken notwendig.
[...] "Es ist Zeit, dass beide Parteien zusammenkommen."
[...] "Lasst uns die Politik beiseite stellen",
[...] Die gesamte Wirtschaft der USA sei in Gefahr, warnte Bush in seiner Ansprache. "Millionen Amerikaner könnten ihren Arbeitsplatz verlieren." Er warb dabei für den 700 Milliarden Dollar schweren Rettungsplan seiner Regierung für die Banken. Ohne sofortiges Handeln des Kongresses drohten die USA in eine Finanzpanik zu rutschen, betonte er. Tatenlosigkeit könne Banken vernichten, Rentenpläne bedrohen und Millionen Arbeitsplätze gefährden. Er habe sich für eine "dramatische Aktion" der Regierung zur Rettung der Banken entschieden, anstatt stillzuhalten und dem "verantwortungslosen Handeln einzelner" tatenlos zuzuschauen.
[...] Die Zeit sei gekommen, zum Wohle des Volkes zusammenzuarbeiten, betonten Obama und McCain in ihrer gemeinsamen Erklärung nur sechs Wochen vor der Wahl. Arbeitsplätze, Ersparnisse und Wohlstand der US-Bürger seien in Gefahr.
[...] zusammenrücken: Demokrat Barack Obama und Republikaner John McCain haben sich angesichts der US-Finanzkrise zur Zusammenarbeit entschlossen. In einer gemeinsamen Erklärung erklärten Obama und McCain, beide Seiten müssten nun gemeinsam versuchen, die USA aus der Wirtschaftskrise zu bringen.
https://antifascist-calling.blogspot.com/ Endnote
Speaking of hysteria, the whistleblowing website Wikileaks released a non-public "for official use only"
document by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Titled "Fear of Terrorist Attack Could Trigger Mass Psychogenic Illness," the

00.000.2006 report by the Homeland Infrastructure Threat and Risk Analysis Center (HITRAC) cautions that terrorism-fear-created illnesses are "an additional factor to consider in the response to terrorist attacks, particularly those involving chemical, biological, or radiological (CBR) weapons.

The number of those suffering psychogenic illness could far exceed the number of actual casualties in a CBR event."
That's rich coming from a government office that specializes in whipping-up endless terror frenzies amongst the American public!

The HITRAC "private sector note" provides DHS's "perspective on the potential for mass psychogenic illness occurring as a result of anxiety over terrorism ." (emphasis added)
Proving once again, as Lilly Tomlin wisely said: "No matter how cynical I get, I can't keep up"!

[...] 12:00 PM

11.Sep.2001 -Since- the United States Government has launched systematic assaults against the constitutional rights of American citizens and legal residents.

As the illegal aggression against the people of Iraq has revealed in all its ghastly horror, the "war on terror" is a war of terror against anyone who would challenge U.S. imperialism's claim to be undisputed "masters of the universe."
From warrantless wiretapping to torture, from preemptive wars of aggression and conquest to the plunder of the environment on behalf of corporate "friends," and from indefinite detention of "enemy combatants" to secretive plans for martial law, the Bush administration and their congressional enablers in both capitalist political parties demonstrate on a daily basis that the greatest threat to the American people comes, not from foreign terrorists or Islamic jihadists, but from neofascist fundamentalists here at home .
25.Sep.2008-00.000.1803 U.S. constitutional tradition has recognized that the courts wield what Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall called "judicial supremacy," that is, the court is the final arbiter of what is and what is not the law .

Bushist ideologues stand this principle on its head and transform a society based on law into a "managed democracy" predicated on the whims of corporations and the men who wield executive power in their "unitary" interests.
[...] Indeed, Nixon's blatant and illegal surveillance of his political opponents was included in Article 2 of the impeachment articles against him.
[...] The Fourth Amendment states in plain and simple language:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
But in a perverse interpretation of the constitutional separation of powers, Bushist minions such as torture-enabler John C. Yoo, formerly an attorney with the DoJ's Office of Legal Counsel and currently a tenured professor at the University of California's Boalt Hall Law School, stated publicly that the President, in his role as "Commander-in-Chief," has the authority to bypass, indeed subvert, laws passed by Congress.

[...] As Antifascist Calling has previously reported on many occasions, the telecommunications giant had constructed a secret room (SG3 Secure Room, room number 641A) for the exclusive use of the National Security Agency's spying operations at AT&T's Folsom St. office.
On Saturday, EFF
reported that the government "started the formal process for retroactive immunity for the telecommunications companies sued by EFF and others for their involvement in the warrantless surveillance of millions of ordinary Americans."

02.Dec.2008 -That hearing is set for in San Francisco.
The state filed a secret "certification" by U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey with the court along with a
public submission of its claim of limitless executive power "during a time of war."
However in a bold, preemptive move on Thursday, EFF filed a new lawsuit against the government. That suit,
Jewel v. NSA , targets the National Security Agency, President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Cheney's sinister chief of staff, David Addington, and former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.
Filed "on behalf of AT&T customers," the civil rights organization has opened a new front against the government and their corporate partners. EFF
The lawsuit, Jewel v. NSA , is aimed at ending the NSA's dragnet surveillance of millions of ordinary Americans and holding accountable the government officials who illegally authorized it.

25.Sep.2008 [...] Without another major terrorist attack like those of 9/11, Homeland Security Research, the industry tracker,

expects the market for security goods + services to increase to $178 billion 00.000.2015, or triple its current value.

00.000.2015 a major attack in the United States, Europe or Japan could increase the global market to $730 billion, more than a twelvefold increase, the company says.
Most of the growth this decade will come from building what Homeland Security Research calls "a homeland defense infrastructure."

10.Sep.2006 Growth areas are likely to include technology for surveillance + for detection of nuclear + other weapons of mass destruction. (Gary Stoller, "Homeland security generates multibillion business," USA Today)
[...] And do they ever coordinate!
Members include corporate heavy-hitters such as Bechtel, Fluor Corp., Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Textron and Washington Group International. Mid-sized firms such as E.J. Krause & Associates, Intelsat Government Solutions, Galileo International, Shaw Group, and Worldwide Security Associates. Additionally, smaller firms and universities include AR Challenges, Georgetown University, Intelliorg, the John Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, and QED are saddled-up in HSIA's stable.
00.000.2006 As USA Today
reported back in -

[...] All our work is unattributable.
To sweeten the pot, James told Skilling,
We also have an association with Kissinger/McLarty Associates for although our work is very different the services we both provide can be complementary.

Our US client base is increasing well but at the same time we wish to remain small and discreet. (Confidential email from Christopher James to Jeffrey Skilling, posted by Enron Explorer, 08.Jul.2001 )
Talk about a small (and very greedy) world!
But Hakluyt wasn't the only firm engaged in corporate espionage targeting green groups. As investigative journalist James Ridgeway
reported last April,

25.Sep.2008 https://www.heise.de/bin/tp/issue/r4/dl-artikel2.cgi?artikelnr=28800&mode=print

"Anschlag auf die Gedankenfreiheit"

Nun wollen die EU-Regierungen den

00.000.2002 -aus dem Jahre- "Rahmenbeschluss zur Terrorbekämpfung" (2) erweitern.
25.Sep.2008 https://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/28/28800/1.html
Eine unabhängige Kontrollinstanz, die überprüft, ob Polizeibehörden Datenschutzregeln einhalten, wird es danach nicht geben
25.Sep.2008 blog.fefe.de/ Das haben sie jetzt davon, dass sie es nicht im Fischereiausschuss behandelt haben! Das EU-Parlament hatte keinen Bock auf Frankreich-Style Internet-Abschalten wegen ein paar doofen Raubkopien.
25.Sep.2008 blog.fefe.de/ Heute entscheidet das EU-Parlament, wie man am besten für die Contentmafia das Internet zensieren soll. So finden sich in den Änderungsanträgen zu den Gesetzesvorschlägen an einigen Stellen Formulierungen, die zur Basis einer stärkeren Filterung von Internet-Inhalten dienen könnten: In einigen Änderungsanträgen zur Universaldienstrichtlinie steht immer wieder die Formulierung "rechtmäßige Inhalte". Alle für die Internet-Nutzung formulierten Rechte sollen nur beim Abrufen und Verbreiten dieser "rechtmäßigen Inhalte" gelten. Ich bin mir sicher, das ist bloss ein bedauerliches Missverständnis. Und hier noch so ein Missverständnis: Ein Antrag formuliert, dass sogenannte Internet-Protokoll-Adressen in Zukunft nicht mehr per se als sogenannte personenbezogene und damit besonders schützenswerte Daten gelten sollen. Immerhin stimmt das Parlament über den Kram ab, nicht der Fischereiausschuss oder die Landwirtschaftsminister.
25.Sep.2008 blog.fefe.de/ McCain läßt Ghostwriter Leserbriefe für umkämpfte Bundesstaaten schreiben. Die werden dann von lokalen Unterstützern unterschrieben und an die Zeitungen geschickt. Was für eine Witzfigur, dieser McCain.
25.Sep.2008 blog.fefe.de/ Jetzt verteilen die Amis schon Dollars an andere Notenbanken: The US Federal Reserve is making $30bn available to central banks in Australia, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, to ease money markets. WTF?!? The Fed made a similar move with central banks in the UK, Canada, Japan and the European Central Bank last week, making $180bn available. Krass.
25.Sep.2008 blog.fefe.de/ Es wird Winter, da werden die Leute depressiv und kriegen dunkle Gedanken. Z.B. bei der Bundesanwaltschaft: stellvertretender Generalbundesanwalt findet, Foltergeständnisse sollte man schon mal verwenden dürfen. Ein Verwertungsverbot für solche Beweise folge bereits aus dem UN-Anti-Folter-Übereinkommen. Allerdings müssten rechtswidrig erlangte Informationen im Einzelfall verwendbar sein, um beispielsweise Ermittlungen wegen eines bevorstehenden Anschlags einzuleiten.
25.Sep.2008 blog.fefe.de/ Manchmal gibt es Schlagzeilen, an denen komme ich nicht vorbei: "Die EU-Kommission will die Strafbarkeit von Propagandadelikten erheblich ausweiten".

Aber macht euch keine Sorgen. Da wird das ehemalige Nachrichtenmagazin sicher erfolgreich gegen vorgehen, das wäre ja ein Berufsverbot!
Er gilt bei der Nasa riskant.
[...] Insgesamt soll der Einsatz elf Tage dauern.

Die aktuellen Vorwürfe lassen sämtliche Verfahren in Guantanamo in neuem Licht erscheinen: In fast allen Fällen legt einzig die Militär-Anklage die Beweise vor, und das unter strenger Geheimhaltung und oft mit zeitlicher Verzögerung. Die Verteidiger haben meist kaum eine Chance, die von Militärs und Geheimdiensten vorgelegten Informationen zu überprüfen.
[...] Dennoch: Der Fall kann zu einem für die US-Regierung peinlichen Beispiel für die fragwürdige Praxis der Militärtribunale werden. Seit langem steht das Prozedere in der Kritik, dass sowohl die Anklage, Verteidigung und die Richter vom Militär gestellt werden. Erst kürzlich - und erst nach einem juristischen Marathon - hatte die Regierung auch zivile Anwälte zugelassen.

Der Rücktritt kommt für die Verantwortlichen in Guantanamo zur Unzeit. Erst vergangene Woche wurde ein hochrangiger Militärberater spontan von seinem Posten versetzt, offiziell ein weiteres Mal "Routine". Beobachter hingegen berichteten, der ranghohe Militär habe massiv versucht, die Tribunale zu beeinflussen. Sein angebliches Ziel: schnelle Urteile um jeden Preis.

Kaum Chancen für die Verteidiger
Ägypten: Forscher entdecken Kopf von Ramses-Statue  (Wissenschaft)
25.Sep.2008 Kaschmir-Konflikt: Pakistan und Indien nehmen Friedensgespräche wieder auf  (Politik)

25.Sep.2008 Finanzkrise: Steinbrück wirft USA massives Versagen vor  (Wirtschaft)

25.Sep.2008 Verbraucher-Index: Sinkende Inflation stärkt Konsumklima  (Wirtschaft)
25.Sep.2008 Manipulationsvorwürfe in Guantanamo: US-Militärstaatsanwalt legt Mandat in Terrorprozess nieder  (Politik)
25.Sep.2008 IKB-Krise: Bundesrechnungshof rügt KfW  (Wirtschaft)

25.Sep.2008 Bush warnt vor Kollaps der US-Wirtschaft" https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,580306,00.html Finanzkrise: Bush warnt vor Kollaps der US-Wirtschaft  (Politik)
GOP rises up ‘en masse’ against White House bailout package. - Satyam 
Today, Vice President Cheney and White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten
spent the day in Congress trying to convince conservatives to accept the administration’s bailout package. Politico reports, however, that “House Republicans rose up en masse against their vice president.” ThinkProgress has compiled a list of conservatives who have declared opposition to the administration’s $700 billion bailout:

Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY)
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC)
Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ)
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA)
Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO)
Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN)
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)
Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL)

They were in worse shape when they left than when they came in,” said one lawmaker who was in the caucus meeting with Cheney and Bolten. “These were the wrong guys…The problem is that they’ve used up a lot of good will.” Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called the administration’s bailout “just wrong.”
24.Sep.2008 US rivals at odds on debate delay
Disagreement emerges between the US presidential rivals over whether to delay a TV debate in light of the economic crisis.

24.Sep.2008 Solar wind blows at 50-year low
The solar wind - the stream of charged particles billowing away from the Sun - is at its weakest for 50 years, scientists say.

24.Sep.2008 Turkish singer defiant in court
Turkish singer Bulent Ersoy is defiant in court after being accused of turning the public against the military.

24.Sep.2008 Withdrawals hit Bank of East Asia The Bank of East Asia is hit by worried depositors trying to remove their savings from its branches in Hong Kong.
24.Sep.2008 Bernanke demands bail-out action The US Federal Reserve chairman urges Congress to "act quickly" to support the proposed $700bn bail-out of financial markets.
24.Sep.2008 Congress cool after bail-out plea US lawmakers voice stiff opposition to a planned bail-out of the US banking system, after a five-hour Senate hearing.
24.Sep.2008 Buffet's firm invests in Goldman Sachs Berkshire Hathaway, the firm owned by US investment guru Warren Buffett, buys $5bn worth of Goldman Sachs shares.
24.Sep.2008 Chinese Say They're Building 'Impossible' Space Drive - David Hambling 
Chinese researchers claim they've confirmed the theory behind an "impossible" space drive, and are proceeding to build a demonstration version. If they're right, it could open up new possibilities for space exploration – and give the Chinese a decisive military advantage in space.

24.Sep.2008 FBI's chief information officer resigns Nearly five years after inheriting an IT program fraught with disaster and dramatically turning it around, CIO Zalmai Azmi announces his resignation.
24.Sep.2008 What road to greener transportation? A panel of experts argue that a combination of clean transportation technologies, from biofuels to battery-powered cars, is the most likely path to greener cars.
24.Sep.2008 Solar tax credit renewals get green light from Senate As the Senate finally agrees to a deal, the solar energy industry can finally breathe a sigh of relief and celebrate--and for good reason: This is a big deal.
24.Sep.2008 No fib: Headband would catch lies via infrared light Patent shows a new kind of lie detector test that would skip the psychophysiological gauges and head straight to the brain for answers on a subject's veracity.
24.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-580303,00.html
"Wir müssen uns treffen, bis die Krise gelöst ist."
[...] "Es ist Zeit, dass beide Parteien zusammenkommen", begründete McCain seinen überraschenden Schritt. Wenn sich Kongress und Regierung nicht bald einigen, drohten "verheerende Konsequenzen" für das ganze Land, sagte er.

Noch vor einer Woche hatte McCain behauptet, die Grundlagen der US-Wirtschaft seien in Ordnung.
[...] 11.Sep.2001 Er verglich die derzeitige Finanzkrise mit den Terroranschlägen vom-.

Jetzt sei erneut Patriotismus und gemeinsames Handeln notwendig.
[...] "Lasst uns die Politik beiseite stellen", sagte McCain weiter.
[...] "Amerika ist von einer Finanzkrise historischen Ausmaßes bedroht", sagte McCain vor Reportern. "Wir können das nicht zulassen."
US-Finanzkrise: McCain setzt Wahlkampagne aus  (Wirtschaft)
24.Sep.2008 Skandal: Fast 1000 deutsche Steuersünder im Visier der Fahnder  (Wirtschaft)

24.Sep.2008 KfW-Skandal: "Gier wie bei Finanzjongleuren an der Wall Street"  (Wirtschaft)
24.Sep.2008 Sex-Verbrechen: EU-Politiker entsetzt über Polens Kastrations-Pläne  (Politik)
24.Sep.2008 Siemens-Prozess: Millionen für die Betriebsräte-Zucht  (Wirtschaft)
24.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-580207,00.html

Unterdessen verstärkten sich in Europa die Anzeichen für eine Normalisierung. EZB-Ratsmitglied George Provopoulos zeigte sich zuversichtlich, dass das gemeinsame Einschreiten der Notenbanken zum Beenden der Krise beitragen kann. "Wir glauben, dass wir es schaffen, die Lage unter Kontrolle zu bringen."
Die staatlichen Zinsen von derzeit elf % für den Kredit sollen den hohe Verluste schreibenden Konzern dazu bringen, das Darlehen mit Hilfe von Geschäftsverkäufen so schnell wie möglich zurückzuzahlen.
[...] Einem Bericht des US-Fernsehsenders zufolge wird wegen Betrugsverdachts ermittelt, unter anderem gegen die inzwischen insolvente Investmentbank Lehman Brothers, die Hypothekenfinanzierer Fannie Mae und Freddie Mac sowie den Versicherungsriesen AIG.
[...] Finanzminister Henry Paulson habe seine Initiative in nur drei Seiten skizziert. "Das gibt ihm diktatorische Vollmacht ohne Aufsicht."
[...] Auch der frühere US-Präsident Jimmy Carter kritisierte den 700-Milliarden-Dollar-Plan als "extrem fehlerhaft".
[...] Das Hilfspaket sei in seiner derzeitigen Form "nicht akzeptabel", sagte der Ausschussvorsitzende Chris Dodd nach Paulsons Anhörung vor dem Gremium. Sowohl Demokraten als auch Republikaner hätten Bedenken gegen die Regierungspläne geäußert.
[...] Befreiungsschlag
Lehman-Pleite: Genossenschaftsbanken müssen eine Milliarde abschreiben  (Wirtschaft)

24.Sep.2008 Finanzkrise: US-Notenbankchef sieht Wirtschaftswachstum pessimistisch wie nie zuvor  (Wirtschaft)

24.Sep.2008 Streit über schlechte Ausrüstung: Frankreichs Armee droht den Afghanistan-Soldaten   (Politik)
24.Sep.2008 Billiglohn-Studie: Wie asiatische Arbeiter von Handy-Zulieferern ausgenutzt werden  (Wirtschaft)

24.Sep.2008 Streit mit Washington: Russland steigt aus Iran-Gesprächen aus  (Politik)
24.Sep.2008 Fluchtbewegung: Mini-Krebse können Gefahren unterscheiden  (Wissenschaft)
24.Sep.2008 New York Times" https://www.spiegel.de/kultur/gesellschaft/0,1518,580123,00.html Presse-Schelte: McCain-Berater attackiert "New York Times"  (Kultur)

24.Sep.2008 Krise der Volksparteien: Die Union wankt im Schatten der SPD  (Politik)

24.Sep.2008 50 % in Gefahr: CSU fürchtet Anarchie in den eigenen Reihen  (Politik)

24.Sep.2008 Finanzkrise: US-Notenbank nimmt mehr Zentralbanken in die Pflicht  (Wirtschaft)
Aufbau Ost: "Gefühl der Zweitklassigkeit"  (Politik)
24.Sep.2008 Milliardeninvestition: Börsianer feiern Buffetts Einstieg bei Goldman Sachs   (Wirtschaft)
24.Sep.2008 Schwächelndes Zentralgestirn: Sonnenwind erreicht 50-Jahre-Minimum  (Wissenschaft)
24.Sep.2008 New Yorker Wirtschaftsstudenten: "Sicher schwindet unser Marktwert im Moment"  (UniSPIEGEL)
24.Sep.2008 Streit um Nuklearanlage: Nordkorea provoziert die Atomkontrolleure  (Politik)
24.Sep.2008 Steuerhinterziehung: Ex-Postchef Zumwinkel soll bald vor Gericht  (Wirtschaft)
24.Sep.2008 Folgen der Finanzkrise: Obama geht in neuer Umfrage deutlich in Führung  (Politik)
24.Sep.2008 Gene und Gehirn: Der Geist ist reicher ausgestattet, als wir glauben  (Wissenschaft)
24.Sep.2008 Melamin-Skandal: China fragt bei deutschen Molkereien nach Milchpulver  (Wirtschaft)
24.Sep.2008 AKW-Demontage: Strahlend sauberer Schrott  (Politik)
24.Sep.2008 Ifo-Index: Stimmung in der deutschen Wirtschaft schlechter als erwartet  (Wirtschaft)
24.Sep.2008 Energiefusion: Franzosen schlucken British Energy  (Wirtschaft)

24.Sep.2008 Schlaganfallpatienten: Hülsenfrüchte können Genesung fördern  (Wissenschaft)
24.Sep.2008 https://www.jungewelt.de/2008/09-24/011.php?print=1
Die US-Amerikaner sitzen in der Falle, die sie sich selbst gestellt haben. Aus der kommen sie nicht ungeschoren heraus.
24.Sep.2008 [...] 700 Milliarden US-Dollar. Dieses Megageschenk auf Kosten der Steuerzahler soll »das Vertrauen in das amerikanische Finanzsystem« wieder herstellen.

Aber ein noch viel größerer Berg als der der Hypothekenpapiere, nämlich jener der Derivate (gemeint sind diverse Wetten wie z.B. auf den Dollarkurs im November, den Ölpreis Anfang Januar, oder den des Goldes zu Weihnachten),

ist durch den Zusammenbruch von Lehman Brothers inzwischen ins Rutschen gekommen und droht zu einer Lawine zu werden, die alles unter sich begräbt.
UN-Vollversammlung: Ahmadinedschad prophezeit Untergang der USA
24.Sep.2008 Goldman to Raise Capital, With $5 Billion From Buffett

24.Sep.2008 Congress Objects to Lack of Help Aimed at Homeowners

24.Sep.2008 In Bailout Furor, Wall Street Pay Becomes a Target
24.Sep.2008 Gewinner in der Krise
*** Live-Ticker zur Finanzkrise 10.04 Uhr ***: KfW-Überweisungspanne soll Manager-Trio den Job kosten

24.Sep.2008 Recht * Steuern: Vordenker für Justitia

24.Sep.2008 Nach Fed-Geldspritze: AIG sträubt sich gegen Verstaatlichung
24.Sep.2008 Telekom entschuldigte sich bei DGB-Chef Sommer wegen Bespitzelung
24.Sep.2008 Die verschwundenen Emails aus dem Weißen Haus

24.Sep.2008 Bankenkrise hilft Google

24.Sep.2008 Terrorismusbekämpfung und Datenschutz
24.Sep.2008 Schmids Niederlage: Nationalrat schiesst Rüstungsprogramm ab

24.Sep.2008 FBI ermittelt gegen Lehman und Co.
24.Sep.2008 EDF rachète British Energy

24.Sep.2008 EDF s'offre British Energy 
24.Sep.2008 Detenida la cúpula de Batasuna en Francia

24.Sep.2008 Los mercados suben tras el gesto de confianza de Warren Buffet
24.Sep.2008 Finanzkrise überschattet UN-Vollversammlung
24.Sep.2008 Staatsstreich mit Plan P

24.Sep.2008 Explosives Gemisch

24.Sep.2008 USA in der Finanzfalle
24.Sep.2008 https://www.daily.pk/politics/politicalnews/7423-another-terrorist-attack-in-pakistan-by-us-and-india.html

The elements involved in these terrorists acts inside Pakistan are being trained and financed by CIA and India's RAW in Afghanistan headed by former Guantanamo Bay detainess Baitullah Mahsud who is presently working closely with Indian backed Northern Aliiance in Afghanista.

Despite repeated informations provided to US and NATO force about exect location of Baitullah Mahsud and his gang by Pakistani agenicies, no action has been taken against him by US. This reflects the true  intentions of USA in name of war on terror. The sole purpose of American lead war on terror seems to take control of “FATA’ region along with Afghanistan and Baluchistan for future energy route from Central Asia and also to contain China. 

"These steel boxes were not being passed through the scanners installed at the entrance of the hotel's lobby, and were reportedly shifted to the fourth and fifth floors of the Marriott," it added.
[...] obviously
24.Sep.2008 [...] If the equipment was transported in full public view then obviously there was no attempt made to conceal its movement."
24.Sep.2008 Default by the US government is no longer unthinkable: But

00.Sep.2008 marks the moment when the scale of our excesses, the extent of our debts and the moral bankruptcy of our financial regulatory system finally began to be truly exposed.

Fury at $2.5bn Lehman bonus: STAFF at Lehman’s New York office who helped to cause the world’s biggest corporate bankruptcy are to share in a $2.5 billion bonanza.

24.Sep.2008 BAD MONEY: RECKLESS FINANCE, FAILED POLITICS, AND THE GLOBAL CRISIS OF AMERICAN CAPITALISM: Video and transcript: Bill Moyers sits down with former Nixon White House strategist and political and economic critic Kevin Phillips.They explores the role that the crumbling financial sector played in the now-fragile American economy.

24.Sep.2008 $1,000,000,000,000: The astonishing cost of US government's desperate bid to rid the economy of toxic debt: There are some members of Congress who are unhappy at the thought of the taxpayer taking on hundreds of billions of dollars of currently worthless debt. But the leader of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, Steney Hoyer, said he expected quick action

24.Sep.2008 Treasury Seeks Asset-Buying Power Unchecked by Courts: ``He's asking for a huge amount of power,'' said Nouriel Roubini, an economist at New York University. ``He's saying, `Trust me, I'm going to do it right if you give me absolute control.' This is not a monarchy.''

24.Sep.2008 Many economists skeptical of bailout: Many of the same economists and opinion-makers who'd provided a bipartisan sheen of consensus to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's previous moves have quickly begun casting doubts on the wisdom of a policy that would allow Treasury to purchase without oversight hundreds of billions of dollars of difficult-to-price assets from financial institutions.

24.Sep.2008 Bank of China buys into Rothschild bank: BANK of China said yesterday it will buy a 20 % stake in La Compagnie Financiere Edmond de Rothschild for 236.3 million euros (US$340 million) and the two will develop private banking and asset-management services.
24.Sep.2008 Venezuela To Buy Planes, Create $6 Billion Investment Fund In China: Chavez, a staunch foe of the U.S. government, confirmed that during his stay in Beijing, he will purchase 24 K-8 aircraft "to train fighter pilots." The planes could be part of Venezuela's air force by next year. The president also confirmed that while in Beijing, he will arrange the construction of tanker vessels in Chinese shipyards, with the aim of installing a shipyard in Venezuela in the future.
24.Sep.2008 Group of rabbis hail Ahmadinejad's NY visit: A group of American rabbis welcome Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to New York in a move aimed at countering an anti-Iran protest.

24.Sep.2008 'Syrian site passes first nuclear probe': Partial results of samples from a Syrian site bombed by Israel show nothing to back up US assertions that the target was a secret nuclear reactor, diplomats said Saturday.

24.Sep.2008 US generals planning for resource wars: The US military sees the next 30 to 40 years as involving a state of continuous war against ideologically-motivated terrorists and competing with Russia and China for natural resources and markets, writes Tom Clonan

24.Sep.2008 Chavez says Latin America needs Russia: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said in an interview broadcast Sunday that Latin America needs strong friendship with Russia to help reduce U.S. influence and keep peace in the region. The interview aired as a Russian Navy squadron prepared to sail to Venezuela.
24.Sep.2008 Pakistan leaders narrowly escaped suicide bombing: Interior Ministry chief Rehman Malik said President Asif Ali Zardari, as well as the prime minister and army commander, had been due to attend a dinner at the hotel on Saturday night but the venue was changed on the prime minister's advice.

24.Sep.2008 Shadowy group claims Islamabad bombing: Al-Arabiya TV: A shadowy group calling itself "Fedayeen of Islam" has claimed responsibility for the deadly bombing of Islamabad 's Marriott Hotel in a telephone call to Dubai-based Al-Arabiya television, the channel said on Monday.

24.Sep.2008 Islamabad bombing an "inside job"?: "It has to be an inside job by someone in the army. Even if the Taliban were involved, there is very likely to have been links with the military.

24.Sep.2008 Another Terrorist Attack in Pakistan by U.S and India : The elements involved in these terrorists acts inside Pakistan are being trained and financed by CIA and India's RAW in Afghanistan headed by former Guantanamo Bay detainess Baitullah Mahsud who is presently working closely with Indian backed Northern Aliiance in Afghanista.

24.Sep.2008 Was Marriott Hotel Islamabad an attack on US Marines and What Was Stored On Floors 4 And 5 : Was there a top secret and mysterious operation of the US Marines going on inside the Marriott when it was attacked on Saturday evening? No one will confirm it but circumstantial evidence is in abundance.

24.Sep.2008 Official: warning on terrorist attack in Islamabad received 3 days ago: Pakistan's interior ministry said on Sunday that the authorities had information three days ago that terrorists would carry out a attack in the capital Islamabad.
24.Sep.2008 U.S. Orgy of Debt -By- ERIC MARGOLIS
America has reveled for two decades in an orgy of debt. The U.S. national debt is now twice its net worth. From Wall Street's "masters of the universe" financial powerhouses such as Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Lehman, and Morgan Stanley, to the humblest homeowners, America's national motto became "borrow to the hilt and bet."

24.Sep.2008 For The Love Of Money - When Corporations Rule the World -By- David C. Korten
Most everyone is aware that we live in an unequal world. Few realize, however, just how extreme the inequality has become or how fast the gap between the poor and the super rich is growing. Forbes tells us the world now has 358 billionaires.

Their combined net worth exceeds the combined net worth of the world's poorest 2½ billion people. This is but one manifestation of the extreme economic and social distortions created by the globalized free market economy idealized by business publications such as Forbes and Business Week. Continue

24.Sep.2008 The New New Deal - We're Footing the Bill and Holding the Bag -By- Mike Rivage-Seul
Presently (following the Great Crash of 2008), we’re in the midst of yet another reshuffling and redistribution of cards – another New Deal.

But whereas

00.000.1930 s version shifted money from the haves to the have-nots, the re-run promises an income redistribution from the disappearing middle class to the super-rich. They’re the gambling addicts who got us here in the first place. Continue

24.Sep.2008 A Note ofAppreciation From the Rich -By- Author Unknown

Society could be intelligently organized to meet the real needs of the general population. You and others like you could collectively fight to free yourselves from our domination. But you don't know that. In fact, you can't even imagine that another way of life is possible. And that's probably the greatest, most significant achievement of our system -- robbing you of your imagination, your creativity, your ability to think and act for yourself. Continue

24.Sep.2008 Propaganda is a Two-Way Street - Iran, Israel and the Looming Threat of War -By- Sadegh Kabeer
Iran’s relation to Israel is more complicated than it has been widely portrayed in the mainstream media. It is not one of unremitting hostility and even amongst hardliners has in the past proven to be tempered by pragmatic considerations and calculated self-interest. Mashaei’s distinction between the Israel government and the Israeli people attests to the factional nuances that are so often overlooked by those beating the drum for military conflict.

24.Sep.2008 In Case You Missed It - The Zionist Plan for the Middle East - Translated and edited by - Israel Shahak
The plan operates on two essential premises. To survive, Israel must 1) become an imperial regional power, and 2) must effect the division of the whole area into small states by the dissolution of all existing Arab states. Small here will depend on the ethnic or sectarian composition of each state. Consequently, the Zionist hope is that sectarian-based states become Israel's satellites and, ironically, its source of moral legitimation.

24.Sep.2008 In Case You Missed it Israel's Sacred Terrorism - A study based on Moshe Sharett's Personal Diary, and other documents. Foreword by Noam Chomsky -By- Livia Rokach, - Third Edition
To all the Palestinian victims of Israel's unholy terrorism, whose sacrifice, suffering and ongoing struggle will yet prove to be the pangs of the rebirth of Palestine.

24.Sep.2008 Pakistan's Balkanization -By- SHAHID R. SIDDIQUI
American strategists favor fracturing and weakening the national unity of Islamic states that could become strongholds of Islamic militants. They want oil rich territories like Kurdistan, Eastern Arabian Peninsula and Balochistan carved out, unified and controlled by puppet regimes, while splintering other Muslim countries.

24.Sep.2008 McCain and the POW Cover-up - The "war hero" candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam -By- Sydney H. Schanberg
Very few Americans are aware of the POW story and of McCain's role in keeping it out of public view and denying the existence of abandoned POWs. That is because McCain has hardly been alone in his campaign to hide the scandal.

24.Sep.2008 Never Again,’ Again - New York Times Editorial - Hurricane Gustav gave the state of Louisiana a test for which it had three years to prepare. - One simple test. The state flunked. Continue
24.Sep.2008 US dollar set to be major casualty of Hank Paulson's bailout:This may prove to be the dollar’s epochal moment – the moment historians look back at as its major turning point.”

24.Sep.2008 Clients move assets worth $6b from Citi, UBS to Deutsche: The crisis of confidence triggered by the subprime mortgage meltdown has adversely hit Citi and UBS' wealth management businesses across the Asia-Pacific region, resulting in a movement of client assets of $6 billion to rival Deutsche Bank.

24.Sep.2008 Germany Won't Join U.S. Program; Merkel Slams Past Reticence: Germany won't join the U.S. bank- rescue program, Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck said, after Chancellor Angela Merkel noted that German proposals to bolster market transparency might have mitigated the need for such measures.

24.Sep.2008 Paulson's former firm to be among largest beneficiaries of bailout: bank: It certainly pays to be Treasury Secretary if your former firm is a brokerage house, a new study says.

24.Sep.2008 Conflict Of Interest? Report Says Goldman Sachs ‘Among Biggest Beneficiaries’ Of Paulson’s Bailout: Paulson has surrounded himself with former Goldman executives as he tries to navigate the domino-like collapse of several parts of the global financial market.

24.Sep.2008 Millions spend half of income on housing: Al Ray is so strapped for cash, the only time he eats out is on Wednesday or Sunday, when the local McDonald's sells hamburgers for 49 cents.

24.Sep.2008 22/09/08 Mushroom Cloud over Wall Street - "All Hail Caesar!" The days of the republic are over. -By- Mike Whitney -

"The bill gives Paulson the ability to nationalize unlimited amount of private debt and force you and your children to pay for it." Continue

24.Sep.2008 US Tax Payers To Bail Out Foreign Banks - Paulson: Foreign Banks can use U.S. Rescue Plan -By- Mark Felsenthal
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said Sunday that foreign banks will be able to unload bad financial assets under a $700 billion U.S. proposal aimed at restoring order during a devastating financial crisis.

24.Sep.2008 Indigenous government defies US-backed fascists: Relative calm has returned to Bolivia following a three-week offensive of violence and terrorism launched by the US-backed right-wing opposition denounced by Bolivian President Evo Morales as a “civil coup”.

24.Sep.2008 Peruvians defy land grab laws: Riots by indigenous groups in Peru have led to the repeal of controversial land laws. According to two new legal decrees, foreign oil, logging and mining companies could be sold whole swathes of aboriginal territory without first consulting the inhabitants.

24.Sep.2008 S American leaders to meet in New York over Bolivian political crisis: The summit, to be held on Wednesday at the UN headquarters, will be attended by most of the 12 presidents from Unasur member countries, with the exception of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who is now on a tour which includes China and Portugal.

24.Sep.2008 China, Venezuela to Build Oil Refineries: China is already building a refinery to process Venezuelan oil, following an agreement reached this year. Mr. Chavez didn't provide details on when or where the second Chinese refinery would be built.

24.Sep.2008 Russian Navy deploys ships to Venezuela: A Russian Navy squadron set off for Venezuela Monday in a deployment of Russian military power to the Western Hemisphere unprecedented since the Cold War.

24.Sep.2008 Russia in talks with Cuba, Venezuela on joint use of Glonass satellites: Russia is negotiating with Cuba and Venezuela on the joint use of Russia's Glonass navigation satellites, the head of the federal space agency said on Tuesday.

24.Sep.2008 2nd Circuit: U.S. can't conceal photos of detainee abuse: The color photographs were taken by service members in Iraq and Afghanistan. The government has opposed the release of pictures of abuse, saying they would incite violence against U.S. troops in Iraq and provoke terrorists.

24.Sep.2008 PAUL KRUGMAN: Cash for Trash : Some skeptics are calling Henry Paulson’s $700 billion rescue plan for the U.S. financial system “cash for trash.” Others are calling the proposed legislation the Authorization for Use of Financial Force, after the Authorization for Use of Military Force, the infamous bill that gave the Bush administration the green light to invade Iraq
24.Sep.2008 Bush accuses Russia of violating UN Charter in Georgia conflict: "The UN Charter sets forth the 'equal rights of nations large and small.' Russia's invasion of Georgia was a violation of those words. Young democracies around the world are watching to see how we handle this test," Bush said in his farewell speech to the UN General Assembly.
EU urges Israel to remove roadblocks: The European Union has urged Israel to remove roadblocks in the Palestinian territories and to stop Israeli settlement.

Israel ranks 33rd in World Corruption Perceptions Index: Israel shares the 33rd spot with the island of Commonwealth of Dominica and island in the West Indies.
24.Sep.2008 Europe cannot accept a nuclear-armed Iran: French President and current President of the European Union Nicolas Sarkozy on Tuesday said Europe will not allow a nuclear Iran threaten the region.

24.Sep.2008 Bush calls for action against Iran: US President George W. Bush questions Iran's place in 'the modern world', calling for a front to take action against the country.

24.Sep.2008 Iran's president blames U.S. military adventures for market collapse: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also says that the campaign against his country's nuclear program is due solely to the Bush administration "and a couple of their European friends."

24.Sep.2008 Iran's Ahmadinejad: US Policies Are Real Threat To World: Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday accused the U.S. of encircling his country and said Washington was the real threat to world stability.

24.Sep.2008 Peres comments on contents of Ahmedinejad’s UN speech: “I managed to read + comprehend the speech Ahmedinejad is going to give.

This speech calls for a return to the dark ages of hate, hostility and lack of respect for basic human rights

24.Sep.2008 Iranian Jews refute US claims: It added that the global arrogance once again proved that it not only has no understanding of solidarity among Iranians of monotheistic faith but also uses absurd propaganda to divide Iranians + harm their interests.
24.Sep.2008 $13 Billion in Iraq Aid Wasted Or Stolen, Ex-Investigator Says: While many of the projects audited "were not needed -- and many were never built," he said, "this very real fact remains: Billions of American dollars that paid for these projects are now gone."
24.Sep.2008 U.S. Expects Afghan Violence to Worsen: U.S. commanders in Afghanistan say they expect the Taliban to launch a winter offensive, a move that could bring bloodshed during a time of year that historically has been relatively peaceful.

24.Sep.2008 US has no more troops for Afghan war until spring: The United States will not have enough forces available to meet a request for more troops from NATO's top commander in Afghanistan until next spring at the earliest, the U.S. defense chief said on Tuesday.

24.Sep.2008 UN renews NATO's Afghan mission : Council expresses concern at the high number of civilian casualties
24.Sep.2008 Pakistan probes mystery of US Marines' steel boxes in Marriott: Pakistani authorities are trying to "solve the riddle" of US Marines and their mysterious steel cases that were shifted to the Marriott Hotel four days before it was razed in the worst terrorist attack in the federal capital, a media report on Tuesday said.

24.Sep.2008 Pakistan rejects U.S. help in probe of hotel blast: Pakistan on Sunday rejected a U.S. offer to help investigate the weekend suicide bombing that killed at least 53 people and destroyed the Islamabad Marriott, this capital city's best-known hotel.

24.Sep.2008 Pakistan blames US raids for hotel bombing: Pakistan President pleads with Bush to reverse policy as BA cancels all flights to country

24.Sep.2008 Taliban denies role in hotel attack : A senior commander of the Taliban in Pakistan has denied that his group was responsible for a bomb attack at Islamabad's Marriott hotel, in which at least 53 people died and 270 were injured.
24.Sep.2008 Five Killed At Protest Over Pakistan Civilian Deaths: Pakistani police shot dead five people in the volatile northwestern Swat Valley during a protest against the alleged killing of children in a military operation, police said.

24.Sep.2008 Pakistan Arrests Seven For Marriott Bombing: The arrests came as Pakistani investigators said they had found new evidence of Al-Qaida's involvement in the suicide truck-bombing of Islamabad's most famous hotel frequented by foreigners and Pakistan's elite.
24.Sep.2008 Cold War Revisionism: Once Again the Major Historical Task -By- Dan Spielberg
As the regime gears up to wage a new Cold War against Russia over its alleged "aggression" against the "democratic" (read: pro-U.S.) state of Georgia, it is time to remind ourselves once again that the first Cold War was a scam of epic proportions perpetrated by both the Democrats and the Republicans, for the sole purpose of providing an excuse for the worldwide expansion of Anglo-American imperialism and mercantilism.

24.Sep.2008 The Mugging of America -By- Jim Quinnby Jim Quinn
The United States has taken actions that will change our country forever. They have taken these actions without citizens voting or Congress passing any laws debated upon in public view. These actions have taken place behind closed doors and in conjunction with the bank CEOs who caused the problems.

24.Sep.2008 Now Is the Time to Resist Wall Street's Shock Doctrine -By- Naomi Klein

The best summary of how the right plans to use the economic crisis to push through their policy wish list comes from Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich. On Sunday. Continue

24.Sep.2008 Thank You, Ladies and Gentlemen Satire -By- Richard C. Cook
After intense deliberation, and with the help of thousands of highly paid economists, accountants, and other professionals on their staffs, these three high officials of our leading financial agencies have devised a plan that is breathtaking in its simplicity, broad in its scope, and non-partisan in its appeal to our worthy representatives in Congress.

24.Sep.2008 The 50 Richest Members of Congress -By- Paul Singer, Jennifer Yachnin and Casey Hynes
Rranking of the 50 wealthiest Members of Congress based on the minimum net worth reported on their financial disclosure forms.

24.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-580086,00.html
Symbol für die Inhaftierung von Terrorverdächtigen ohne jede Rechte.
[...] Gefangenenbasis
[...] Er benutzte gar das Wort waterboarding -
[...] Der Jemenit schien bei seinen Aussagen, er traue seinen Anwälten nicht, gehetzt, fast paranoid.
[...] Die bärtige
[...] Die bärtige Angeklagte,
[...] er erfüllte seine Rolle als Chef der Verschwörer.
[...] Rechtlich ist dies Routine.
[...] Dass der Richter alle Fragen abwimmeln konnte, am Ende selbst entscheidet, dass er nicht parteiisch ist, störte KSM kaum.
blog.fefe.de/ Bei den aktuellen Unsummen, die die US-Regierung für Wall Street nachdruckt, spielen das nicht wirklich eine Rolle, aber der Vollständigkeit halber: 13 Milliarden Dollar wurden im Irak verschwendet oder veruntreut.

Oder versandet, man verzeihe mir das Wortspiel.

A former Iraqi official estimated yesterday that more than $13 billion meant for reconstruction projects in Iraq was wasted or stolen through elaborate fraud schemes.

Und das ist nur die Kohle, die ein Irakisches Audit-Büro gefunden hat!

Die sind ja nun nicht gerade sonderlich unabhängig.
Sein einziges echtes Argument dafür ist eigentlich, dass es keine Alternative gebe.
[...] Im ersten Entwurf des Paulson-Plans steht aber: "Der Finanzminister ist ermächtigt, mit Kreditforderungen verbundene Wertpapiere von jedem in den Vereinigten Staaten tätigen Finanzinstitut aufzukaufen".

Zu Bedingungen, die der Finanzminister festlegt. Kein Gericht, keine Behörde darf seine Entscheidungen überprüfen.

Nur halbjährliche Berichte an den Kongress über die Verwendung der Steuermilliarden sind vorgesehen.
[...] Paulson als Anwalt des kleinen Mannes? In seiner Wall-Street-Karriere hat er ein Privatvermögen von rund 500 Millionen Dollar angehäuft
[...] Washington - Über die Bildschirme läuft als Slogan "Anhörung zum Bush-Plan".

Aber der Präsident ist weit weg, er hält eine Rede vor den Vereinten Nationen, er sagt das, was er immer sagt. Terroristen sind böse, Demokratie ist gut, der Kampf geht weiter. Die Zuschauer gähnen.
Es werde geprüft, ob und was sie mit beharrlichen, negativen Kursgerüchten zu tun hätten, die ihren Rivalen Lehman Brothers und Bear Stearns das Leben verdorben hätten.
[...] Zuvor hatte der US-Notenbankchef Ben Bernanke vor "schwerwiegenden Konsequenzen" gewarnt, sollte der Kongress dem Rettungsplan nicht zügig zustimmen.

Paulson warnte, die Bankenkrise drohe "alle Teile unserer Wirtschaft" zu gefährden.
[...] Bear Stearns brach im März sogar ganz zusammen. Insider vermuten, dass das Traditionshaus anfangs keineswegs vor dem Aus stand, sich dann aber das Gerücht zum tödlichen Selbstläufer entwickelte.

Manche sprachen vom größten Skandal in der Finanzgeschichte.
Lehman-Panne: KfW bezahlt suspendierte Vorstände voll weiter  (Wirtschaft)
24.Sep.2008 Kapitalspritze: Milliardär Warren Buffet steigt bei Goldman Sachs ein  (Wirtschaft)
24.Sep.2008 Betrugsverdacht: FBI ermittelt gegen 26 Wall-Street-Firmen  (Wirtschaft)

24.Sep.2008 Finanzkrise: US-Senatoren meutern gegen Paulsons Bankenplan  (Politik)
24.Sep.2008 Cheney Likely Ordered Fake Letter Linking Iraq to 9/11 ...

10.Aug.2008 ... A forged letter linking Saddam Hussein to the

11.Sep.2001 attacks was ordered on White House stationery and probably came from the office ... noworldsystem.com/2008/08/10/cheney-likely-ordered-fake-letter-linking-iraq-to-911/
24.Sep.2008 TeGenero-
Skandal: Alptraum per Injektion - Wissenschaft - STERN.DE

13. März 2007 ... Mit dem US-Konzern Parexel (Jahresgewinn: über 150 Millionen Euro), ... Außerdem sollen die Parexel -Ärzte ihre eigenen Unterlagen nicht ... www.stern.de/wissenschaft/medizin/:TeGenero-Skandal-Alptraum-Injektion/584620.html

TeGenero-Skandal: Alptraum per Injektion - Wissenschaft - stern.de

Mit dem US-Konzern Parexel (Jahresgewinn: über 150 Millionen Euro), unter dessen Kontrolle der Versuch stattfand, streiten sich die Opferanwälte bis heute ... www.stern.de/wissenschaft/medizin/584620.html
Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums > World Trade Center Gold ...

11.Feb.2007 ... I read that millions of dollars of Gold and Silver Bullion was ... made shortly after the attacks that place armored cars abandoned in some ... www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t87801.html

World Trade Center Gold Heist - Unexplained Mysteries Discussion ...

11.Feb.2007 ... I read that millions of dollars of Gold and Silver Bullion was ... was a team of gold removal specialists driving lorries of gold out of ... www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=87801

HOW MUCH GOLD WAS STORED IN THE BASEMENT OF THE WTC? There are various rumors that $160 billion in gold bullion was stored under the ...

So a "ten-wheel lorry " was found in the tunnel - loaded with gold - and ... www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=72987
Follow The Gold Then a team of police and firefighters arrived to put the gold into an armored bullion lorry . Other workers were told to make themselves scarce. angelsfortruth.com/Follow%20The%20Gold.html
24.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/0,1518,druck-579923,00.html

Dem Vorschlag nach dürfen EU-Mitgliedstaaten Internetprovider dazu verpflichten, über eine "begrenzte Zeit"

Protokolle zu speichern, wer welche Internetdienste wann genutzt hat, wenn das der Landesverteidigung, öffentlichen Sicherheit, Verhütung, Ermittlung, Feststellung und Verfolgung von Straftaten oder "des unzulässigen Gebrauchs von elektronischen Kommunikationssystemen" oder dem "Schutz der Rechte und Freiheiten anderer Personen" dient und verhältnismäßig ist.
[...] Als problematisch stufen Datenschützer auch einen Änderungsantrag ein, der eine sehr ausgiebige Vorratsdatenspeicherung ermöglicht.
[...] Marit Hansen, stellvertretende Leiterin das Unabhängiges Landeszentrums für Datenschutz in Schleswig-Holstein so:

"Wer jederzeit damit rechnen muss, dass sein Verhalten analysiert wird, handelt nicht mehr frei."
[...] Europäische Datenschutzbeauftragte warnen die EU-Abgeordneten davor, solche Regelungen zu billigen.
[...] Anlassunabhängige Internetkontrolle

Sollte dieser Änderungsantrag Gesetz werden, sieht Beckedahl Internetprovider in einer neuen Rolle:

"Wie soll ein Provider feststellen, was rechtmäßige Inhalte sind?

Um dies feststellen zu können, ist ein Eingriff in die Privatsphäre der Internetnutzer nötig."

Eine solche generelle, anlassunabhängige Kontrolle setzt ein anderer Änderungsantrag
[...] "Bisher gab es eine strikte Trennung, dass EU-Telekommunikationsgesetzgebung nur Infrastrukturfragen regelt und keine Inhalte."
[...] Formulierungen, die zur Basis einer stärkeren Filterung von Internetinhalten dienen könnten:

In einigen Änderungsanträgen zur Universaldienstrichtlinie steht immer wieder die Formulierung "rechtmäßige Inhalte".

Alle für die Internetnutzung formulierten Rechte sollen nur beim Abrufen und Verbreiten dieser "rechtmäßigen Inhalte" gelten.

Africa's economic growth, already threatened by high food prices and the collapse of global trade talks, may be derailed by the financial crisis, African leaders said at a UN meeting this week.
[...] Sarkozy, whose country currently holds the European Union's rotating presidency, called for a G-8 summit in November to deal with the ``mad system'' that produced the meltdown.
[...] ``Our economies are more closely connected than ever before,'' Bush said. ``And I know that many of you here are watching how the United States government will address the problems in our financial system.

I am confident we will act in the urgent timeframe required.''
[...] Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner said. ``We should perhaps call it the `jazz crisis,' where the effects emanate from the center of the biggest economy.''
24.Sep.2008 [...] said President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil, South America's biggest economy. ``We must not allow the burden of the boundless greed of a few to be shouldered by all.''
24.Sep.2008 [...] ``What we are talking about is the fight between rich and poor, between socialism and capitalism,'' Bolivian President Evo Morales said late in the day. ``This historic fight is being repeated now.

There is an uprising against an economic model, a capitalistic system that is the worst enemy of humanity.''
FBI Investigates Four Firms at Heart of the Mess
Wall Street Journal - By EVAN PEREZ WASHINGTON -- Federal investigators have opened preliminary probes into the financial troubles of four high-profile companies that are at the center of the current financial turmoil that the Bush administration says requires an ...
FBI Looks Into 4 Firms at Center of the Economic Turmoil 

24.Sep.2008 Bush Sees US Pounded by Friends, Foes at UN on Market Chaos Bloomberg
24.Sep.2008 Chrysler Enters the Race to Introduce Electric Models New York Times
24.Sep.2008 Berkshire to invest at least $5 billion in Goldman
MarketWatch - By Alistair Barr & Jonathan Burton, MarketWatch SAN FRANCISCO-

Berkshire Hathaway agreed late Tuesday to invest at least $5 billion in Goldman Sachs Group, with billionaire investor Warren Buffett backing a Wall Street firm that's begun ...

Goldman Gets Buffett Aid in $7.5 Billion Fundraising (Update2)   Bloomberg
24.Sep.2008 Internet-Regulierung: EU-Parlament stimmt über Web-Kontrolle ab  (Netzwelt)
24.Sep.2008 US-Börsen: Erneut Verluste an der Wall Street  (Wirtschaft)
23.Sep.2008 Most Americans say U.S. losing ‘war on terror.’ - Faiz 
A new Ipsos/McClatchy online poll finds that “a solid majority of 57 % thinking that the country can win the war on terrorism but a similar majority of
54 % saying that the country is NOT winning it.

If Americans are turning more pessimistic about the so-called war on terrorism, it could present a challenge for McCain.”
23.Sep.2008 According to

00.000.2007 -data released by the U.S. Census Bureau today, more than 7.5 million people “are spending half of their income or more on housing costs .”

The government considers “a homeowner spending 30 % or more of their income on housing costs to be financially burdened”; that definition now covers almost 38 % of U.S. homeowners with a mortgage.
23.Sep.2008 Conflict Of Interest? Report Says Goldman Sachs ‘Among Biggest Beneficiaries’ Of Paulson’s Bailout - Satyam 
In making his push to administer the largest federal bailout of Wall Street in history, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is
seeking unfettered authority.

McClatchy poses the question today, “can you trust a Wall Street veteran with a Wall Street bailout?,” referring to Paulson, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs:

But the conflicts are also visible. Paulson has surrounded himself with former Goldman executives as he tries to navigate the domino-like collapse of several parts of the global financial market .

And others have gone off to lead companies that could be among those that receive a bailout.

00.Jul.2008 -In late- Paulson tapped Ken Wilson, one of Goldman’s most senior executives, to join him as an adviser on what to about problems in the U.S. and global banking sector.

00.Jul.2008 Paulson’s former assistant secretary, Robert Steel, left to become head of Wachovia, the Charlotte-based bank that has hundreds of millions of troubled mortgage loans on its books.

00.000.2005 Goldman Sachs cashed in under Paulson, with earnings of $5.6 billion; Paulson made more than $38 million that year. A

00.000.2005 annual report shows that “Goldman was still a significant playerin issuing mortgage bonds.

The conflict of interest is increasingly clear today, as Bloomberg reports that “Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley may be among the biggest beneficiariesof Paulson’s bailout plan:

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley may be among the biggest beneficiaries of the $700 billion U.S. plan to buy assets from financial companies while many banks see limited aid, according to Bank of America Corp.

Its benefits, in its current form, will be largely limited to investment banks + other banks that have aggressively written down the value of their holdings + have already recognized the attendant capital impairment,” Jeffrey Rosenberg, Bank of America’s head of credit strategy research, wrote in a report today, without identifying particular investment banks.”

The conflict of interest provides all the more reason for the bailout legislation in Congress to have more stringent oversight that the administration opposes.

The Wonk Room notes six months ago, Paulson claimed, “our banks and investment banks, are strong.”
23.Sep.2008 Court orders Bush administration to release torture photos. - Amanda 
An appeals court today
ruled that the Bush administration “must release 20 photographs of U.S. soldiers and detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan” that were demanded by the ACLU, which is seeking information on prisoner abuse. The court “rejected the government’s claim that releasing the photos would endanger the lives or physical safety of U.S. troops and civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. A lower court judge had already ordered that identifying facial features be removed from the pictures before they are released.”

23.Sep.2008 Biden: National Guard head deserves ’seat at the table’ with Joint Chiefs. - Ali 
Today, Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) spoke to the National Guard Association Conference. Noting that more than half of the veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have been National Guard members or reservists, Biden declared, “
Your voice needs to be heard.” He said that Lt. Gen. Craig McKinley, slated to be the first four-star general to head the Guard, should have a seat at the table with the Joint Chiefs:

It’s time for a change. Change begins with giving the Guard a seat at the table. That table in the Pentagon where the Joint Chiefs sit. General McKinley, I not only want to see your fourth star — I want to see you sitting there with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullen. Your men and women are serving and dying. Your voice needs to be heard.

00.000.2006 A similar proposal was made, but it was rejected by Donald Rumsfeld and Peter Pace, then-Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, respectively.
23.Sep.2008 Dodd: Financial crisis is not a ‘natural disaster like the Gustav hurricane.’ - Amanda 
Today in an
interview with NPR, Senate Banking Committee chairman Chris Dodd (D-CT) sharply criticized the Bush administration for demanding $700 billion with no accountability, noting that no accountability largely led to this financial crisis in the first place:

I spent quite a bit of time last night with my colleague from Alabama, Sen. Shelby, who is the ranking Republican on the banking committee. I ran into Mel Martinez of Florida, the Republican senator from that start. I’ve talked to others here. This isn’t just Democrats. This isn’t a natural disaster like the Gustav hurricane. This is a man-made, avoidable, preventable problem — and a lack of oversight and accountability was one of the problems.

Dodd’s comments were a swipe against President Bush, who last week cited the financial crisis in the same breath as terrorist attacks and natural disasters.
23.Sep.2008 Bush Backs Unlimited Compensation For Disgraced CEOs: Now Is Not The Time For ‘Punitive Measures’ - Amanda 
Today, the White House released a statement criticizing Congress’s
potential plan to limit CEO compensation at the companies the federal government is bailing out, firmly standing against any “punitive measures”:

We certainly understand and are sympathetic to the sentiment regarding the pay of CEOs and senior management of these firms, but we have to focus on the problem, and the problem is that we need these firms to participate in the program and sell us this debt. Having punitive measures would provide a disincentive for firms to participate, and that would make the program much less likely to succeed.

CEO compensation and corporate governance in public companies are very important issues — especially when receiving taxpayer support — but we need to be focused on fixing this problem in our markets right now. We can and should return to those issues once we get this legislation passed.

President Bush also released another statement earlier today warning Congress against inserting any “Bush_warns_Congress_against_unrelated_provisions” unrelated provisions” — such as help for struggling homeownersin the $700 billion Wall Street bailout.

The Bush administration’s position is unjustifiable. As ABC News reported:

00.000.2007, Wall Street’s five biggest firms — Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and Morgan Stanley — paid a record $39 billion in bonuses to themselves.

That’s $10 billion more than the $29 billion loan taxpayers are making to J.P. Morgan to save Bear Stearns. Those

00.000.2007 bonuses were paid even though the shareholders in those firms last year collectively lost about $74 billion in stock declines — their worst year since 00.000.2002.

In short, the Bush administration wants zero punishment for these wreckless CEOs who lost shareholder money and are now costing each person in the United States $2,000.

In return for $700 billion, the White House has yet to name any ways that it will hold these corporations accountable or institute safeguards to ensure that this irresponsible lending and borrowing won’t happen again.

Furthermore, the White House is demanding that Congress give up its oversight powers for this deal and “place no restrictions on the administration other than requiring semiannual reports to Congress, granting the Treasury secretary unprecedented power to buy and resell mortgage debt.”
23.Sep.2008 New poll: Zero % of Americans think national economy is improving. - Ali 
A new American Research Group poll shows that “
[n]o Americans say that the national economy is getting better,” while 82 % say it is getting much worse.

Only 17 % approve of President Bush’s handling of the economy, with 78 % disapproving. Even among Republicans, more disapprove of his economic performance than approve:

Among Republicans, 46% approve of the way Bush is handling the economy and 48% disapprove. Among Democrats, 97% disapprove of the way Bush is handling the economy and 2% approve.

Among independents, 8% approve and 87% disapprove of the way Bush is handling the economy.

Bush’s overall approval rating fell to 19 %, from 30 % last month, with 76 % disapproving.
$39 billion: The Wall Street bonuses for the big five investment banks last year. - Faiz 
ABC News

00.000.2007, Wall Street’s five biggest firms — Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and Morgan Stanley — paid a record $39 billion in bonuses to themselves.

That’s $10 billion more than the $29 billion loan taxpayers are making to J.P. Morgan to save Bear Stearns.

Those 2007 bonuses were paid even though the shareholders in those firms last year collectively lost about $74 billion in stock declines — their worst year since 2002.

These company executives are still fiercely fighting to protect their pay. Politico notes that the Bush Treasury Department is “resisting efforts” by House Democrats “to impose pay limits on Wall Street executives and bankers.”
23.Sep.2008 McCain: I’m glad I deregulated Wall Street. - Satyam 
In the wake of last week’s financial meltdown, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has been calling for
more regulation and criticizing lax oversight of Wall Street, despite the fact that he and former senator Phil Gramm passed much of the deregulatory reforms that led to the current crisis. Interviewed on CBS today, however, McCain said he does not “regret” championing the deregulation of Wall Street:

Q: In

00.000.1999, you were one of the senators who helped pass deregulation of Wall Street. Do you regret that now?

McCAIN: No. I think the deregulation was probably helpful to the growth of our economy .
Schweizer Demokraten Bern: nicht amüsiert über die CIA Pläne in Bern - sfux 
Stephan Fuchs - Die Stadtberner Rechtsaussen Partei SD (Schweizer Demokraten) hat sich gestern mit einer Interpellation an den Gemeinderat gewandt. Darin fragt die Partei, ob dem Gemeinderat bekannt sei, dass ein Hauptquartier des US-amerikanischen Geheimdienstes CIA geplant oder bereits in Betrieb sei. Mit dem parlamentarischen Vorstoß reagiert die SD auf die aktuellen Berichte der Presse....

23.Sep.2008 Bern: CIA nistet sich in der Schweizer Bundeshauptstadt ein - sfux 
Stephan Fuchs ? Bereits im zweiten Weltkrieg war Bern Stützpunkt für amerikanische Schlapphüte. Damals residierte Allen W. Dulles, der pfeifenrauchende Oberspion des amerikanischen CIA Vorläufergeheimdienstes OSS an der gemütlichen Herrengasse, nahe am Berner Münster. Von Bern aus wurden die Treffen Allan Dulles mit Emissären der Naziführung, etwa mit SS-Obergruppenführer Karl Wolff im Rahmen...

23.Sep.2008 Freiheitsberaubung durch die Polizei - netnews 
Das es am Rande des später verbotenen ?Anti-Islamisierungskongress? der rechtspopulistischen ?Bürgerbewegung Pro NRW? in Köln zeitweilig zu militanten Ausschreitungen einiger ?Autonomer? kam ist unbestritten. Die Reaktion der Polizei ? gleich drei Kessel indem jeweils mehrere hundert DemonstrantInnen festgehalten wurden ? war jedoch vollkommen unangemessen.

23.Sep.2008 Sharp rise in HIV in Australia Rates of HIV infection in Australia have increased by almost 50% in the past eight years, according to a report.

23.Sep.2008 Bush chides Russia in UN speech George W Bush accuses Russia of violating the UN's charter by invading Georgia, in his last UN speech as president.
23.Sep.2008 Bail-out politics Voters' anger shapes reaction to $700bn deal
23.Sep.2008 Iraq strikes gas deal with Shell Iraq agrees to set up a joint venture with Royal Dutch Shell to invest in the country's natural gas reserves.
23.Sep.2008 EDF set to buy British Energy French energy firm EDF is due to announce a £12.4bn deal to buy UK nuclear power plant operator British Energy.
23.Sep.2008 'Climate-proof' crop hunt begins A global search begins for food crops carrying traits that are able to withstand future changes to the climate.
23.Sep.2008 Microsoft unveils $40bn buy-back Microsoft unveils plans to spend $40bn (£22bn) to buy its own shares - the biggest single share buy-back in history.
23.Sep.2008 Police 'sure Brazilian was bomber' The two London officers who shot Jean Charles de Menezes dead were sure he was a suicide bomber, an inquest hears.
23.Sep.2008 Morgan Stanley sells stake to Mitsubishi Japanese banking giant Mitsubishi UFJ is to buy a stake in troubled Wall Street rival Morgan Stanley.
23.Sep.2008 Infected U.S. PCs may have attacked Georgia A security company releases a list of countries with the most bot-infected computers with the United States topping the list.
23.Sep.2008 Kaukasus-Konflikt: EU sagt Ministertreffen mit Russland ab  (Politik)
23.Sep.2008 Mysterious Neolithic People Made Optical Art 

An egalitarian Neolithic Eden filled with unique, geometric art flourished some 7,000 years ago in Eastern Europe, according to hundreds of artifacts on display at the Vatican. posted by Prof. Hex
23.Sep.2008 blog.fefe.de/ Wenigstens eine gute Nachricht gibt es heute: Verwaltungsgericht Berlin findet die Vorratsdatenspeicherung unverhältnismäßig und meint, sie könnten verfassungswidrig sein.

Die Beschwerde des IEN-Mitglieds dürften die Richter seiner Ansicht nach dem Bundesverfassungsgericht vorlegen und die Klägerin bis auf Weiteres von der Umsetzungpflicht befreien. Yeah! Guter erster Schritt.

Nicht anfreunden kann sich der Finanzminister dagegen mit dem Vorschlag, dass die Vorstandsgehälter und Abfindungen von Banken, die von dem Rettungsplan profitieren, begrenzt werden sollen.

Das könne sie von einer Teilnahme an dem Programm abhalten. Doch dieses Thema ist sowohl demokratischen als auch republikanischen Wahlkämpfern ein Herzensanliegen.
23.Sep.2008 "Es geht darum, eine neue Große Depression zu verhindern", erklärt der Wirtschaftshistoriker Irwin Collier aus Berlin. "Die Weltuntergangsszenarien, die Bernanke gezeichnet hat, waren erschütternd."
23.Sep.2008 Paulson selbst weiß offenbar am besten, wie das gehen soll.
23.Sep.2008 "Ich fordere Sie auf, so rasch wie möglich zu handeln", rief er das Parlament auf.

Keine leichte Entscheidung für die Abgeordneten. Denn der am Wochenende bekannt gewordene Gesetzentwurf gibt Paulson - oder seinem Nachfolger - einen Freibrief für zwei Jahre, über bis zu 700 Milliarden Dollar zu verfügen.

"Der Finanzminister", heißt es dort, "ist ermächtigt, mit Kreditforderungen verbundene Wertpapiere von jedem in den Vereinigten Staaten tätigen Finanzinstitut aufzukaufen". Und zwar "zu Bedingungen, die der Finanzminister festlegt".
Schaden am LHC: Teilchenbeschleuniger steht bis zum Frühjahr still  (Wissenschaft)
23.Sep.2008 Wall Street: Dow Jones verliert nur leicht  (Wirtschaft)

24.Sep.2008 US-Finanzkrise: Rettungspaket zwingt Obama zu Korrekturen am Wahlprogramm  (Politik)

24.Sep.2008 Bankenkrise: Chancen und Risiken der 700-Milliarden-Dollar-Pille  (Wirtschaft)
23.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-580043,00.html
Bundesfinanzminister Peer Steinbrück (SPD) betonte am Dienstag, für ein Rettungspaket bestehe in Deutschland nicht die Notwendigkeit.
23.Sep.2008 Das geplante US-Paket sei eine noch nie erlebte "Sozialisierung von Verlusten".
23.Sep.2008 "Deutschland darf auch deutschen Banken keine faulen Kredite abkaufen", sagte CSU-Landesgruppenchef Peter Ramsauer.
23.Sep.2008 "Ich bedauere, dass die deutsche Politik sagt, die USA sollen sehen, wie sie zurechtkommen. Das ist ein falscher Ansatz", sagte Linkspartei-Chef Oskar Lafontaine.
23.Sep.2008 "Wir brauchen starke Maßnahmen."
23.Sep.2008 "Wir brauchen ein Reformprogramm."
23.Sep.2008 "Auch ich bin frustriert. Der Steuerzahler ist bereits am Haken", sagte er.
23.Sep.2008 Der Demokrat Barney Frank aus den Repräsentantenhaus erklärte, was Paulson und Bernanke vertreten, sei, dass "manche CEOs ihre Fähigkeiten künftig darauf konzentrieren werden, uneingeschränkte Kompensationen zu erhalten - einschließlich Belohnungen für eigenes Versagen". Er fügte hinzu: "Wenn das wahr ist, sind wir in einer schlechteren Verfassung als wir denken."
23.Sep.2008 "Was mir besondere Sorge macht, ist die Tatsache, dass wir keinerlei Gewissheit haben, dass der Plan funktioniert", sagte er.
23.Sep.2008 Außerdem bestrafe der Plan nicht die für die Krise verantwortlichen Manager.
23.Sep.2008 Zugleich werde dem Finanzminister "zu viel Macht" gegeben.
23.Sep.2008 Das geplante Hilfsprogramm sei "finanzieller Sozialismus und unamerikanisch", sagte der republikanische Senator Jim Bunning.
23.Sep.2008 Zugleich wollen die Abgeordneten den Plan der scheidenden Regierung von Bush nicht einfach durchwinken, weil sich viele von ihnen am 4. November ebenfalls zur Wahl stellen müssen.
23.Sep.2008 Die Sitzungsperiode des Kongresses endet an diesem Freitag.
23.Sep.2008 Präsident Georg W. Bush äußerte sich zuversichtlich,
23.Sep.2008 "Der Kongress muss dringend handeln, um die Situation zu stabilisieren und die andernfalls sehr ernsten Folgen für unsere Finanzmärkte und unsere Wirtschaft zu verhindern",

machte Bernanke in einer Stellungnahme vor dem Bankenausschuss des Senats deutlich. "Die Märkte sind in einer sehr zerbrechlichen Verfassung", sagte er.

Wenn nichts geschehe, würde es für Unternehmer immer schwieriger, Bankenkredite zu erhalten.

Außerdem würden Arbeitsplätze gefährdet.

Finanzminister Paulson mahnte, die Pläne für das Rettungspaket möglichst rasch in Gesetzesform zu gießen.
23.Sep.2008 Doch sogar Republikaner stellen sich quer - sie finden das 700-Milliarden-Dollar-Paket "unamerikanisch".
23.Sep.2008 Bush-Regierung" https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,580043,00.html Finanzkrise: Senatoren zerpflücken Banken-Rettungsplan der Bush-Regierung  (Wirtschaft)

24.Sep.2008 Finanzkrise: HSH Nordbank schreibt wieder halbe Milliarde Euro ab  (Wirtschaft)

24.Sep.2008 Beinahe-Katastrophe im Flugzeug: Rollstuhl explodiert nach Landung  (Reise)
23.Sep.2008 Lehman-Panne: Politiker fordern fristlose Kündigung der KfW-Vorstände  (Wirtschaft)

24.Sep.2008 Einkesselung bei Anti-Rechtsdemo: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Kölner Polizei  (Politik)

24.Sep.2008 Gratis-Theater: Eintritt frei für junge Briten  Kultur)
23.Sep.2008 Labour-Krise: Brown verteidigt seinen Führungstil und verlangt Geschlossenheit  (Politik)
23.Sep.2008 Spanien: Anti-Terror-Front gegen die Eta  (Politik)
23.Sep.2008 Bankenkrise: Paulson fordert Reform des Finanzsektors  (Wirtschaft)
23.Sep.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-579862,00.html
25.Ok.1929 "Börsenkrise vorbei", lautete die trügerische Schlagzeile: Ein Banken-Konsortium habe den Kurssturz gestoppt.

"An der ganzen Wall Street herrschte extreme Erleichterung, und die Vorhersage aus aller Munde lautete: Das Schlimmste ist vorbei."
23.Sep.2008 "Die Leute sehnen sich nach der kleinsten Entspannung."
23.Sep.2008 "Da draußen herrscht ungeheurer Stress", sagte Todd Walter, der Chef der Spa-Gruppe Red Door, dem "Wall Street Journal".
23.Sep.2008 Die Wall-Street-Krise sickert allerdings bis in die unteren Einkommensbranchen durch - und die wird es, mangels toller Abfindungen und "goldener Fallschirme", am härtesten treffen.

Schuhputzer, Chauffeure, Laufburschen, Schneiderinnen, Blumenhändler: Alle lebten bisher von der Spendierfreude der obersten Zehntausend.
23.Sep.2008 Viele sitzen plötzlich auf Millionen-Hypotheken, die sie sich nicht mehr leisten können.
23.Sep.2008 "Ich sage meinen Kunden, dass dies die beste Zeit ist, ihr Geld in Kunst anzulegen", sagt auch ein prominenter Galerist aus Midtown.

"Doch das Geschäft klemmt.

Alle warten ab. Sitzen auf ihrem Geld, machen auf Nummer Sicher."
23.Sep.2008 So blind war der Geldadel noch kürzlich, dass es sowohl den Edeljuwelier Tiffany wie auch BMW mit Glitzer-Showrooms an die Wall Street gezogen hat.
23.Sep.2008 Dies sind keine zyklischen Verluste. Dies ist, wie die "New York Times" es diagnostiziert, die "permanente Schrumpfung der Wall Street".
23.Sep.2008 Die Lage ist katastrophal:
23.Sep.2008 Bürgermeister Michael Bloomberg erwartet für dieses Jahr Steuereinbußen von rund zwölf %. Zum Ausgleich kündigte er gestern eine Erhöhung der Immobiliensteuern an.
23.Sep.2008 Sandy. Sie klagt über "stechende Schmerzen im Nacken" und generelles Unwohlsein.

"Klassische Symptome", sagt Ragan.

"Verlust von Kontrolle.

Das Gefühl der Hilflosigkeit.

Das sind die Ursachen jeder Depression, auch hier."
23.Sep.2008 Vorne am Pult steht die Psychologin Mary Ragan von der kirchlichen Therapeutengruppe Psychotherapy and Spirituality Institute (PSI).
23.Sep.2008 "Wie man in unsicheren Zeiten Stress bewältigt", so heißt das Seminar, das sie hier gratis anbieten - zur "psychologischen und spirituellen Betreuung" für die Betroffenen der Finanzkrise. Banker, Broker, Angestellte:
23.Sep.2008 "Ich träume dauernd von Vlad dem Pfähler", berichtet er. "Schreckliche, blutige Träume."
23.Sep.2008 - denn auch die Milliardäre fangen an zu sparen.
Fahrgemeinschaften: Onlinefirma gründet Mitfahrportal für Generation 50 plus  (Reise)

24.Sep.2008 Netzwelt-Ticker: Gericht bremst Massen-Abmahnungen  (Netzwelt)
23.Sep.2008 Mbeki-Entmachtung: Südafrika schlittert nach Rücktritt von elf Ministern in die Krise  (Politik)
23.Sep.2008 Erschütterte Wall Street: New York fürchtet das Ende der Exzesse  (Wirtschaft)
23.Sep.2008 Spitzelaffäre: Telekom überwachte auch DGB-Chef Sommer  (Wirtschaft)

24.Sep.2008 IAA Nutzfahrzeuge: Der Laden brummt  (Auto)
23.Sep.2008 Umfrage: Australier haben die Monarchie satt  (Panorama)

24.Sep.2008 Investoren: Finanzkrise beschert US-Beteiligungsfirma Verlust  (Wirtschaft)

24.Sep.2008 Hwang Woo-suk: Klonfälscher bekommt Klon-Patent  (Wissenschaft)