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29.Nov.2006 Die Folgen von Hirnbildern für Strafrecht und Datenschutz - sfux Bern -

«Angesichts der zusehends leistungs- + aussagekräftigeren bildgebenden Verfahren in der Hirnforschung» sagt Ulrich Weder, Leitender Staatsanwalt im Kanton Zürich,

«ist eine Diskussion über die damit verbundenen straf- und datenschutzrechtlichen Aspekte notwendig.»

TA-SWISS, das Zentrum für Technologiefolgen-Abschätzung, organisierte dazu am

22.Nov.2006 eine Tagung an der Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur. Fachleute aus den Bereichen Strafrecht, Justizvollzug + Datenschutz...
EU-Länder wussten von CIA-Flügen - sfux DRS -

In der EU haben viele Staaten von geheimen CIA-Gefängnissen gewusst. Sie haben aber auch die Ermittlungen wegen illegalen Gefangenen-Transporten durch Europa behindert.

Zu diesem Schluss kommt Claudio Fava, der Präsident einer EU-Untersuchungskommission.

Diese hat einen Bericht an das europäische Parlament ausgearbeitet und erhebt darin auch Vorwürfe gegen EU-Chefdiplomat Solana. Der Tessiner Ständerat...
CIA-Affäre: "Politischer Wille fehlt" - sfux SDA

Europarats-Ermittler Dick Marty hat der Schweiz erneut mangelnden politischen Willen bei der Aufklärung der CIA- Affäre vorgeworfen.

«Die Wahrheit ist: Man will keine Geschichte mit den Amerikanern», sagte Marty gegenüber Radio DRS.
Marty, der am Dienstagabend in Bern weilte, äusserte sich kurz nach der Veröffentlichung des Berichts von Claudio Fava, Berichterstatter des EU-Parlaments.

Dieser kam zum Schluss, dass die meisten EU-Staaten «passiv oder...
Pakistan hat atomwaffentaugliche Rakete Shaheen getestet - sfux SDA -

Pakistan hat Militärangaben zufolge eine atomwaffentaugliche Rakete getestet.

Die Rakete vom Typ Shaheen 1 habe eine Reichweite von 700 Kilometern, teilte die Armee mit.

Der Versuch sei erfolgreich verlaufen.
Pakistan und sein Erzfeind, das Nachbarland Indien, gelten beide als Atommächte. Sie weigern sich, dem Atomwaffensperrvertrag beizutreten.

Für die Rettung bezahlen - Katastrophen-Apartheid droht - sfux Naomi Klein -

Soeben kündigt das Rote Kreuz eine Katastrophenhilfe-Partnerschaft mit Walmart an.

Wenn der nächste Hurrikan zuschlägt, werden wir folglich eine Koproduktion von Big Aid und Big Box erleben.
Anscheinend lautet die Lehre aus der jämmerlichen Reaktion der amerikanischen Regierung auf Hurrikan Katrina: Die Geschäftswelt ist besser für Katastrophen gewappnet.

UNO verlängert Truppeneinsatz im Irak - sfux SDA -

Der UNO-Sicherheitsrat hat das Mandat für die von den USA geführte multinationale Truppe im Irak um ein weiteres Jahr verlängert.

Alle 15 Mitgliedsstaaten des höchsten UNO-Gremiums stimmten der von Washington eingebrachten Resolution 1723 zu.
Damit haben die 160 000 Mann starken Kräfte auch nach dem

31.Dez.2006 ein Mandat der UNO. Der irakische Ministerpräsident Nuri al-Maliki hatte schriftlich um Fortsetzung der militärischen Unterstützung gebeten.
Big Brother: Watching, Listening And Shouting - Paul Joseph Watson -Behavioural control agenda continues as cameras will now record our conversations in the street + determine
29.Nov.2006 UK Police Adorn Nazi Chic - Paul Joseph Watson Uniforms begin to befit fascist policies abolishing freedom of speech
29.Nov.2006 VIDEO: Infowars' Kevin Smith On Fox News "Mancow" Show - Paul Joseph Watson -Segment from Fox News' pilot "Mancow" show in which Infowars' Kevin Smith debates a ground zero fireman

Three and a half years ago, the Iguana coined the term to explain the irrational ideology of conservatives:

Typically, it manifests as a chronic and irrational desire to have one's taxes cut.

Other symptoms include a tendency to rank others worth strictly on material terms + a cruel desire to harm the less fortunate...

It is also probable that this disorder manifests itself with an irrational desire to attack other countries who are less fortunate as well.... [*]

The Iguana was being satirical, but since then evidence has accrued -
one, a study of Hitler, Mussolini and Reagan found commonly that "conservatism emerges as a set of neuroses nourished by aggression,
dogmatism and an intolerance of ambiguity" [*], another found that "Men whose masculinity is challenged bec... Source:
29.Nov.2006 aangirfan (Coverage of 9/11 in France) - BG https://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2006/11/www_29.html
29.Nov.2006 Union Leader - Gingrich raises alarm at event hono... - BG Union Leader - Gingrich raises alarm at event honoring those who stand up for freedom of speech - Tuesday,

28.Nov.2006 MANCHESTER –

Former Speaker of the House

Newt Gingrich yesterday said the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism. Tags: Newt Gingrich, free speech
29.Nov.2006 Washington Post equals White ... - BG 

This is an unbelievable segment which shows how screwed up the Washington Post is.

Dana Priest says that The Washington Post doesn't label the incredible amount of violence in Iraq a "civil war" because government officials won't.

Am I missing something here or are they getting an Armstrong Williams check or committing "negligent journalism?"



Priest: Well, I think one of the reasons the President resists that label is because it equates almost with a failure of U.S. policy.

I'll say for the Washington Post, we haven't labeled it a civil war + I've asked around here today to see why not or what's the thinking on that and really our reporters have not filed that.

We try to avoid the labels, particularly when the elected government itself does ... Source: https://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/11/28/washington-post-equals-white-house-propaganda-on-iraq/
29.Nov.2006 Carter blames Israel for Mide... - BG 
Carter blames Israel for Mideast conflict

In some of the harshest and one-sided language he has used to date, former Democratic President Jimmy Carter called Israeli "domination" over Palestinians "atrocious" in an interview

today on ABC's "Good Morning America."... Source: https://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archives/cat_israel.html#056368
29.Nov.2006 "Water is the new oil: CIBC" - BG Capital investment, deregulation, consolidation + privatization of global water assets and services are advancing at an unprecedented pace

29.Nov.2006 Nato Urged To Plan Afghanistan Exit Strategy
'Nato's fragile unity over Afghanistan has begun to crack ahead of an important summit - with one public call to discuss an exit strategy from the Allied forces' bloody confrontation with the Taliban.'

Andr Flahaut, the Belgian Defence Minister, brought anxieties about the Afghan mission into the open when he suggested that, at the Riga summit, "we finally reflect on an exit strategy".

Five years after the start of Western involvement in Afghanistan, Mr Flahaut calls [...]
29.Nov.2006 AMYLOO (as of Mon,

27.Nov.2006 23:08:41 GMT) Feel like I should be thinking 'This is horrible!' (published on Mon, 27.Nov.2006 23:06:29 GMT)
The unseasonably warm weather. Mid-fifties in Chicago again today. I like it, I'm sorry. I can't make myself worry about global climate change in the middle of it.

29.Nov.2006 FDA fines American Red Cross $5.7 million - More H... - BG 
WASHINGTON - The federal government has fined the American Red Cross $5.7 million for violating blood-safety laws and the terms of a 2003 consent decree. https://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15925111/
29.Nov.2006 San Francisco values.” - Nico -Markos picks apart the latest right-wing talking point.
29.Nov.2006 Net neutrality bill to pass in the 110th Congress? - Think Progress Telecom expert Art Brodsky warns it’s no slam dunk.
29.Nov.2006 Stay the course is gone. - Judd -We’re going to try and devise some new strategies, hopefully with the President’s concurrence…Our soldiers, sailors and airmen should not be in there, risking their lives, losing their lives to stop a Civil War.” — Sen. John Warner (R-VA), once one of the staunchest supporters of the administration’s Iraq policy, speaking today in Charlottsville, Virginia.
29.Nov.2006 O’Reilly Misfires In ‘War On Christmas’ Attack On Crate & Barrel - Nico -

Last night, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly took aim at the retailer Crate & Barrel in his latest “War on Christmas” segment. O’Reilly cited a recent article in which Crate & Barrel spokeswoman Betty Kahn is quoted saying,

We would definitely not say Merry Christmas.”

O’Reilly claimed to have “confirmed” the quote was accurate. As a result, he said he would no longer shop at the store + alleged that the six Muslim imams removed last week from a US Airways flightwouldn’t get handcuffed in Crate & Barrel if they started chanting and stuff.” Watch it:

But in an interview with ThinkProgress, Kahn said her quote was misconstrued. Crate & Barrel has no policy encouraging or discouraging store employees from saying “Merry Christmas” or any other greeting. Kahn said she was trying to communicate that the store does not actively require employees to say “Merry Christmas.”

Kahn’s explanation is supported by the fact that Crate & Barrel’s website features various Christmas promotional materials, including a special Christmas section (located at CrateandBarrel.com/Christmas), pictured below:

Full transcript:

O’REILLY: Thanks for staying with us. I’m Bill O’Reilly.

In the “Impact” segment, most American retail stores are saying “merry Christmas”, as we mentioned, but not Crate & Barrel and Best Buy. Incredibly, Crate & Barrel spokesperson Cathy — I’m sorry, Betty Kahn — Betty Kahn told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, quote, “We would definitely not be saying merry Christmas.” Wow. …

O’REILLY: All right. Crate & Barrel, you know, I don’t care about them. I got one near my house. It’s a nice store. But I mean, I’m not into it. But the woman comes out + we confirmed this, Betty Kahn, “We’re absolutely not going to say merry Christmas.” It’s annoying. Isn’t it?

I mean, I’m not going to go there because it’s annoying, for no other reason. Betty, you’re annoying. Am I overdoing it?

POWERS: Yeah, I think you are.

O’REILLY: Yeah, you think so??

POWERS: It would be impossible to say how much I don’t care that they’re not saying “merry Christmas.”

O’REILLY: All right, but you don’t care?

POWERS: I don’t. I love Christmas.

O’REILLY: You don’t know why other people do?

POWERS: No, actually, I don’t.

O’REILLY: You don’t understand anybody who’s annoyed by it?

POWERS: It has nothing to do with Christianity. It has nothing to do with Jesus’ birth.

O’REILLY: True, true. All that’s true.

POWERS: And it’s a business decision. If they choose not to say “merry Christmas,” well, how does that how I affect how I celebrate Christmas?

O’REILLY: Because it’s just so small. It’s so small and dumb.

POWERS: Maybe they feel like their clientele is so diverse that they would just rather say happy holidays. I mean, why can’t they just make that decision? How would this ruin your day, though?

O’REILLY: Because you — it doesn’t ruin my day. It’s just one of these little annoying things that I say if you’re not going to say “merry Christmas,” and it’s a federal holiday, I’m not going to buy the lamp. I mean, I am that small.

POWERS: I think the other stuff — I agree with that.

O’REILLY: I am. I am that — Michelle, you — you know me. You know I am that petty, that if you’re going to annoy me like this because I just get annoyed. It’s a federal holiday. Say “merry Christmas,” say “happy holidays,” stand on your head. I don’t care. But to say, “We’re absolutely not going to say ‘merry Christmas’,” I’m not going there then. That’s how small I am. Am I wrong?

MALKIN: Well — well, look. On my aggravato-meter, it’s a two. On yours it sounds like it’s about a six with 10 being total eye-popping outrage. But so you’re not going to buy any crates or barrels. And you know…

O’REILLY: Right. There — I think it’s, you know. Isn’t it dumb?

POWERS: That you feel that way, yes.

O’REILLY: No, isn’t to dumb for a spokesman of a major — of a major company, where 80 25; of the country is Christian and 90 celebrates Christmas, isn’t it dumb, Michelle, to come out and say, “I’m absolutely not going to say that”?

MALKIN: You know, it probably is.

O’REILLY: Thank you.

POWERS: Michelle is sucking up.

MALKIN: I am. You have to look at the clientele of Crate & Barrel. Do you shop there? I don’t shop there? Who shops there, Kirsten? Come on, you know.

POWERS: I have some Crate & Barrel stuff.

O’REILLY: Come on. Maybe the imams who got thrown off the plane will.

MALKIN: Well, there you go.

O’REILLY: I bet you they wouldn’t get handcuffed in Crate & Barrel if they started chanting and stuff.

POWERS: Probably not.
Hastings won’t head House intelligence panel. - Amanda -CQ reports,

House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi was to meet with Rep. Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL) late Tuesday to close the door on his bid to become chairman of the House Intelligence Committee,

a congressional aide said. But Pelosi, D-Calif., has not yet decided who will get the job, according to the aide.”
Rush Limbaugh on the Middle East: - Amanda -Let’s just have the civil wars and let the crumbs crumble and the cookie crumble where — because I’m fed up with this. … Fine, just blow the place up.

Just let these natural forces take place over there instead of trying to stop them, instead of trying to use — I just — sometimes natural force is going to happen. You’re going to have to let it take place.”
Contrary to Previous Reports, Cheney Was ‘Basically Summoned’ By Saudi Crown Prince - Nico -

Last weekend, Vice President Cheney traveled to Saudi Arabia in a visit that “was originally portrayed as U.S. outreach to its oil-rich Arab ally.” Cheney made the trip purportedly to discuss a “range of regional issues,” Cheney’s spokeswoman said. The Associated Press reported that Cheney was “seen as a US diplomatic push to stem surging violence in Iraq.”

But today’s Washington Post reports that the push for the meeting came from the Saudis, not the other way around:

Saudi Arabia is so concerned about the damage that the conflict in Iraq is doing across the region that it basically summoned Vice President Cheney for talks over the weekend , according to U.S. officials and foreign diplomats.

What does it say about the nature of U.S.-Saudi relations when the Vice President can be “summoned” by the Saudi Crown Prince?
I appreciate the fact that you got a flat tax,” - Faiz - 

President Bush said in a brief stopover in Estonia. Bush managed to tout Estonia’s flat income-tax three times. “I am amazed to be in a country that has been able to effect a flat tax in such a positive way,” he added.
29.Nov.2006 Dick Morris Accuses Nancy Pelosi Of Discriminating Against Women - Amanda - 

Yesterday on Fox’s Hannity and Colmes, conservative pundit Dick Morris claimed incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) doesn’t support Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) to be chairwoman of the Intelligence Committee because Pelosi “doesn’t want a female competition. She doesn’t want two aggressive Democratic women congressmen in California.” When host Alan Colmes asked Morris if he was accusing Pelosi of gender discrimination, Morris said that accusing Pelosi of being “jealous of another woman in California” is “a fair thing.” Watch it:

Morris made no mention of the multiple substantive disagreements between Pelosi and Harman.

Instead, Morris was the latest media figure to attribute Pelosi’s differences with Harman to purely personal motives.

Washington Post columnist Robert Novak recently described Harman as Pelosi’s “rival diva from California,” + New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd called the disagreement a “catfight between two strong-willed, expensively dressed Democratic pols married to California gazillionaires.” Digg It! Transcript:

MORRIS: Let’s understand why Pelosi is pushing Hastings. It’s a payoff to the Black Caucus, but it’s also because Jane Harman, a fellow California female Democratic congresswoman, is the next in line in seniority + she doesn’t want a female competition. She doesn’t want two aggressive Democratic women congressmen in California, in case she runs for governor or something else. She doesn’t want the competition. [SNIP]

COLMES: By the way, did you just accuse Nancy Pelosi of gender discrimination?

MORRIS: No, being jealous of another woman in California, which I think is a fair thing.

COLMES: Isn’t that gender discrimination?

MORRIS: Gender discrimination? I don’t know. I think that she likes to say she has California Democratic female politics covered.
Al-Sadr ascendant. - Nico -

In a reflection of the growing new dimension of civil strife, a senior U.S. intelligence official said yesterday that the militia of radical Shiite leader Moqtada al-Sadr has grown eightfold over the past year and now fields 40,000 to 60,000 men. That makes it more effective than the Iraqi government’s army, the official indicated.”

The official also said “Sadr is so powerful that if provincial elections were held now, he would sweep most of the south and also take Baghdad.”
Bush Dismisses Significance of Recent Violence In Iraq: ‘We’ve Been In This Phase For A While’ - Judd -
Yesterday, a reporter asked President Bush, “What is the difference between what we’re seeing now in Iraq and civil war?” Bush responded by dismissing the significance of the rash of violence afflicting Iraq in recent months. He told the reporter that “we’ve been in this phase for a while.” Watch it:

His own administration disagrees. ABC News reported yesterday that the White House acknowledged “that Iraq is clearly in a ‘new phaseand new solutions are urgently needed to stem the violence.”


Q Mr. President, thank you, sir. What is the difference between what we’re seeing now in Iraq and civil war?

And do you worry that calling it a civil war would make it difficult to argue that we’re fighting the central front of the war on terror there?

PRESIDENT BUSH: You know, the plans of Mr. Zarqawi was to foment sectarian violence. That’s what he said he wanted to do.

The Samarra bombing that took place last winter was intended to create sectarian violence + it has. The recent bombings were to perpetuate the sectarian violence.

In other words,

we’ve been in this phase for a while. And the fundamental objective is to work with the Iraqis to create conditions so that the vast majority of the people will be able to see that there’s a peaceful way forward.
November 28, 2006 - Think Progress  

At a “First Amendment awards dinner,”


House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) said

yesterday “the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism .”

He said

a “different set of rulesmay be needed to limit “terrorists’ ability to use the Internet and free speech.”

The president-elect of the Christian Coalition of America “has stepped down , saying the group resisted his efforts to broaden its agenda to include reducing poverty and fighting global warming.”

Rev. Joel Hunter said of the split, “When we really got down to it, they said:

This just isn’t for us. It won’t speak to our base, so we just can’t go there.’”

A classified Marine Corps intelligence report concludes that

in Western Iraq, “the social and political situation has deteriorated to a point” that U.S. + Iraqi troops “are no longer capable of militarily defeating the insurgency in al-Anbar.”

The Bush administration pleased farmers + frustrated environmentalists


by declaring that pesticides can be sprayed into and over waters without first obtaining special permits.”

The “ stakes in Afghanistan are much larger in the near term than they are in Iraq,”

former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said in a speech

yesterday, predicting that Iraq’s troubles would remain internal for some time while Afghanistan’s could have “enormous repercussionson Pakistan and India.

Governor-elect Eliot Spitzer (D-NY)

yesterday “hit out at efforts by figures in the Bush administration + business to roll back corporate accountability reforms imposed in the wake of financial scandals such as Enron.”

Spitzer argued businesses are failing to compete not due to over-regulation, but because of “failed business models and the lack of smart investment in technology.”

A decade ago, “researchers had assumed the number of AIDS cases would be declining. Instead, it’s on the rise.”

A new report by the Public Library of Science’s Medicine Journal finds AIDS “is set to join heart disease and stroke as the top three causes of death worldwide” within the next 25 years.

The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) called for an official investigation into whether

House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) broke the law “by pushing for federal funding of a highway project near land he owned west of Chicago.”

Hastert turned a 500 25; profit by selling the land last year.

And finally: Put away your tissues, she’s back.

Rumors are floating in Florida GOP political circles that outgoing Rep. Katherine Harris (R-FL) ,

one of the most disastrous Senate candidates in a very long time, is secretly plotting an ‘08 House campaign,” Roll Call reports.
29.Nov.2006 Ihre Bank ist auch eine Kohlemine - HTML-Version
das Land in Myanmar um. Obwohl die Opposition. unter Führung von Aung San Suu Kyi ...

Der moderne Goldabbau hat nichts mehr mit Goldgräberromantik zu tun. info.greenpeace.ch/de/klima/wandel/hintergruende/Broschuere_CS_UBS.pdf
Tibet 2003: Umwelt + Entwicklungsfragen

Der unkontrollierte Goldabbau + das illegale Abernten wildwachsender Arzneipflanzen

... führt glaziales Schmelzwasser nach China + Myanmar + Laos + Thailand +, ... www.igfm-muenchen.de/tibet/Reports/Umwelt2003/Environment2003.html
Umwelt und Entwicklungsfragen - HTML-Version
Der unkontrollierte Goldabbau und das illegale Abernten wildwachsender Arzneipflanzen mit still-schweigendem Einverständnis der örtlichen Behörden;

EU set to give new carbon permits
The EU is to set carbon limits under the next phase of the European Trading Scheme, a tool to tackle global warming.

29.Nov.2006 US forces kill two women in Iraq US forces in Iraq kill two women in an air attack on a house in Baquba, a day after five girls died by tank fire.
29.Nov.2006 Muggers commit crimes 'for kicks' Street robbers often carry out their crimes for the thrill as much as for the financial gain, a report says.
29.Nov.2006 Japan output hits surprise record Japan's industrial output hits a record level, as the world's second-largest economy continues to recover.
29.Nov.2006 Arthritis drug dangers explained Scientists uncover why some arthritis drugs such as Vioxx can cause heart attacks and strokes.
29.Nov.2006 Pope calls for religious exchange Pope Benedict XVI calls for a dialogue between Muslims and Christians as he starts a four-day visit to Turkey.
29.Nov.2006 EU nations 'knew about CIA jails' Many EU countries were aware of secret CIA jails and transfers of terror suspects, a report by MEPs says.
29.Nov.2006 Ivorian president hits out at PM Ivory Coast's president sacks the TV chief and says the PM acted seditiously by criticising him publicly.
29.Nov.2006 Abu Hamza loses incitement appeal Radical cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri loses his appeal against convictions for incitement to murder and race-hate crimes.
29.Nov.2006 Surprise fall in US goods orders A slump in demand for civilian aircraft has triggered a sharp slide in orders for big-ticket US-made products.
29.Nov.2006 French army battle CAR rebels French forces confront rebels in the Central African Republic during a government offensive in the north.
29.Nov.2006 Lahoud 'to block' Lebanon panel
Lebanon's Syrian-backed president says he will not approve moves by a depleted anti-Syrian cabinet.

29.Nov.2006 Rekordwert: Neuwagen haben im Schnitt 126 PS unter der Haube
29.Nov.2006 Korruptionsaffäre: Siemens droht Millionenstrafe in den USA

29.Nov.2006 Vergiftungserscheinungen: Russischer Ex- Ministerpräsident rätselhaft erkrankt
29.Nov.2006 Internet- Vordenker Tim O'Reilly: "Wir betreten eine neue Welt"
Schweiß- Forschung: Das Geheimnis der eigenen Duftnote
29.Nov.2006 Chaos im Irak: Bush- Berater zweifelt an Malikis Führungsstärke
29.Nov.2006 Everything about Nanopartikel Da er allerdings keinen experimentelle Beweis lieferte, waren damals seine Ideen umstritten. -

00.000.1900 Max Planck - Quanten :: Der Berliner Physiker Planck ... nanopartikel.de.wikimiki.org/
Biodiesel at Your Fingertips A free mobile phone applet neutralizes the excuse of not knowing where to find an alternative fueling station. In Autopia.
29.Nov.2006 DOJ Investigates NSA Spy Program An internal review probes Justice Department participation in the National Security Agency's warrantless surveillance. In 27B Stroke 6.
29.Nov.2006 Court sides with alleged 'vacation' spammer Precedent-setting decision says travel agency that sent repeated cruise-vacation e-mails is protected by federal Can-Spam Act.
29.Nov.2006 Easy Throw-Away Email Addresses - kdawson 263 - netbuzz writes,

"A fellow teaching himself Seam has come up with a clever Web app called 10 Minute Mail. It gives you a valid e-mail address — instantly — for use in registering at Web sites. Ten minutes later (more if you ask), it's gone. You can read mail and reply to it from the page where you create the throw-away address. Limited utility, yes, but easy and free."
Magnetic Storage Using Quantum Vortex Cores - kdawson 119 - brian0918 writes,

"Researchers at the Max Planck Institute have discovered a new, easy way to manipulate the state of tiny magnetic structures, called vortex cores, quickly and without loss. From their press release: 'Up until now, very strong magnetic fields have been necessary to accomplish this, requiring highly complex technology. The new method might open up new possibilities for magnetic data storage. The directions of the small nanoscopic magnetic needles define a digital bit that is extremely stable in the face of frequently unavoidable external factors such as heat or interference from magnetic fields.'" You can read the first paragraph of the paper at Nature; subscribers can read it all.
4th Circuit Court Sides With a Spammer - kdawson 133 - bulled writes to tell us about

coverage on CNet regarding a ruling a couple of weeks back that allows a spamming company to procede with their suit against a spamfighter. The 4th Circuit court ruled that the U.S. CAN-SPAM Act, much derided here, trumps the Oklahoma law under which anti-spam activist Mark Mumma sued Omega World Travel for spamming him. The ruling allows Omega World Travel's countersuit, for defamation, to go forward. From the article: "'There's been a lot of activity in the states to pass laws purportedly to protect their citizens' from spam, said Eric Goldman, a law professor at Santa Clara University. 'The 4th Circuit may have laid waste to all of those efforts.'"
Best Sitting Posture Is Not Straight Up - kdawson 242 - -

"Researchers at Woodend Hospital in Aberdeen, Scotland used a new form of magnetic resonance imaging to collect images from 22 healthy volunteers, who assumed three different sitting positions: slouching posture in which the body is hunched forward, an upright 90-degree sitting position + a relaxed position where the subject reclined backward 135 degrees. They concluded that the reclined position is the best + the forward slouch the worst." From the article: "'We were not created to sit down for long hours, but somehow modern life requires the vast majority of the global population to work in a seated position,' Dr. Bashir said. 'This made our search for the optimal sitting position all the more important.'"
Newt Gingrich Says Free Speech May Be Forfeit - kdawson 742 - 
At a dinner honoring those who stand up for freedom of speech, former House speaker Newt Gingrich issued his opinion that the idea of free speech in the U.S. needs to be re-examined in the interest of fighting terrorism. Gingrich said a "different set of rules" may be needed to reduce terrorists' ability to use the Internet and free speech to recruit and get out their message. The article has few details of what Gingrich actually said beyond the summary above + no analysis pointing out how utterly clueless the suggestion is given the Internet's nature and trans-national reach.

Experts Rate Wikipedia Higher Than Non-Experts - Zonk 181 - Grooves writes

"A new Wikipedia study suggests that when experts and non-experts look to assess Wikipedia for accuracy, the non-experts are harder on the free encyclopedia than the experts. The researcher had 55 graduate students and research assistants examine one Wikipedia article apiece for accuracy, some in fields they were familiar with and some not. Those in the expert group ranked their articles as generally credible, higher than those evaluated by the non-experts. One researcher said 'It may be the case that non-experts are more cynical about information outside of their field and the difference comes from a natural reaction to rate unfamiliar articles as being less credible.'" That's the problem people face when 'everyone who disagrees with you is a moron'.
Why Do Gadgets Break? - Zonk 500 - TurboTurnip writes

"A post on the Crave blog at CNET asks: Why are modern consumer electronics so easily broken? It argues that the 21st Century is 'The Age of the Flimsy' where 'your gadgets will simply break within the year.' Post author Chris Stevens talks about how computers are fast enough for the average user + the only way to make consumers upgrade is 'increasingly poor build quality ... Engineers have built obsolescence into mass-produced technology since the 1920s. There are two kinds of planned deterioration in a product: one is technical, the other is stylistic.' The writer compares the build quality of a 20 year-old IBM XT to the modern Motorola Razr phone and concludes that modern gadgets are 'delicate, beautiful supermodels that can't go the distance.'"
RIAA Subpoenas Neighbor's Son, Calls His Employer - Zonk 510 - NewYorkCountryLawyer writes

"To those who might think that I might be exaggerating when I describe the RIAA's litigation campaign as a 'reign of terror', how's this one: in UMG v. Lindor, the RIAA not only subpoenaed the computer of Ms. Lindor's son, who lives 4 miles away, but had their lawyer telephone the son's employer. See page 2, footnote 1." From Ray's comments: "You have a multi-billion dollar cartel suing unemployed people, disabled people, housewives, single mothers, home healthcare aids, all kinds of people who have no resources whatsoever to withstand these litigations. And due to the adversary system of justice the RIAA will be successful in rewriting copyright law, if the world at large + the technological community in particular, don't fight back and help these people fighting these fights."
Politics and 'An Inconvenient Truth' - Zonk 434+ - Frogbeater writes

"The producer of 'An Inconvenient Truth' is accusing the National Science Teachers Association of being in the pocket of Big Oil because she can't get preferential treatment for her film. The entire situation is turning into a 'if you're not with us, you're against us' yelling match. Regardless of the viewpoint, is it even possible that science can remain apolitical? Has it ever been?" The Washington Post makes things out to be less than above board: "In the past year alone, according to its Web site, Exxon Mobil's foundation gave $42 million to key organizations that influence the way children learn about science, from kindergarten until they graduate from high school ... NSTA's list of corporate donors also includes Shell Oil and the American Petroleum Institute (API), which funds NSTA's Web site on the science of energy. There, students can find a section called 'Running on Oil' and read a page that touts the industry's environmental track record -- citing improvements mostly attributable to laws that the companies fought tooth and nail, by the way -- but makes only vague references to spills or pollution. NSTA has distributed a video produced by API called 'You Can't Be Cool Without Fuel,' a shameless pitch for oil dependence."
New York Times "sell" Rating-Update: New York (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten der Citigroup stufen die Aktie der New York Times (ISIN US6501111073/WKN 857534) von "hold" auf "sell" zurück. Das Kursziel reduziere man von 23 USD auf 17 USD. (28.11.2006/ac/a/u)
29.Nov.2006 Hauptversammlung Software AG am

29.Apr.2003 - HTML-Version
North American Logistics pflegt enge Kundenbeziehungen und bietet hochwertige Services und hohen Mehrwert für den Kunden; Zu den Kunden gehören Hewlett ...

03.Jul.2005 Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall:

Question of the day: what law firm did Duke Cunningham helpfully refer Thomas Kontogiannis to when the latter was looking for a presidential pardon? www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/week_2005_07_03.php
The Grand Ole Docket

John T. Michael, owner of a mortgage company in New York, helped Thomas Kontogiannis bribe Duke Cunningham, according to Cunningham's plea, ... www.talkingpointsmemo.com/grandolddocket.php
Alleged Cunningham co-conspirator has checkered past North County

Sources close to the investigation have confirmed that New York businessman Thomas Kontogiannis is being investigated as one of four men from whom ... www.nctimes.com/articles/2006/01/08/news/top_stories/12_00_201_7_06.txt
Southeast Queens PRESS - Cover Story

Thomas Kontogiannis , the real estate mogul who owns the building that is home to School District 29’s headquarters pleaded guilty to receiving $2.3 million ... www.queenspress.com/archives/coverstories/2002/1025/coverstory.htm

Southeast Queens PRESS - Cover Story

According to sources at School Board 29, the Board of Education is still honoring a contract made with landlord Thomas Kontogiannis , who was indicted on ... www.queenspress.com/archives/coverstories/2001/issue4/coverstory.htm
TPMmuckraker Thomas Kontogiannis , a Long Island-based businessman, is named as "Co-conspirator #3" in California GOP Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham's guilty plea. tpmmuckraker.com/kontogiannis .php
SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Politics -- Ex-congressman's friend ...

00.000.1996 multimillionaire businessman Thomas Kontogiannis threw a party for a Queens school superintendent, who was planning a run for Congress. www.signonsandiego.com/news/politics/20060415-9999-1n15tommyk.html

But if I were a paranoid guy I'd be wondering why the L.A. Times is giving the Randy "Duke" Cunningham/Thomas Kontogiannis story a pass. downwithtyranny.blogspot.com/2005/07/why-is-media-giving-cunningham-and.html

War and Piece: Thomas Kontogiannis also gave at several points to the National Republican Congressional Committee. All legal contributions as far as I can tell, ... www.warandpiece.com/blogdirs/003464.html

War and Piece:

The confidential informant who assisted in this investigation described a party at the home of Thomas Kontogiannis in early

00.000.1996 . In addition to our source ... www.warandpiece.com/blogdirs/003466.html
Kontogiannis Thomas. 3. ,. Darviri Christina. 4. and Chliaoutakis Joannes. 1. 1. Department of Social Work, Technological Educational Institute of Crete ...

29.Nov.2006 https://www.geocities.com/changizi/
The underlying economic rationality of preference and affect dynamics
Passive visual exposure to a stimulus

has long been known to modulate preference for the stimulus,

raising preference after the first several exposures, after which preference slowly falls.


more recent work shows that

actively gazing at a stimulus enhances preference more strongly than passive visual exposure +

also leads to a cascade of gaze fixations prior to a decision.

Here we show that these + related phenomena are consistent with an expected-utility-maximization approach,

i.e., consistent with how visual exposure should modulate a rational agent's preferences.

PDF preprint ] Changizi MA & Shimojo S. Seeing modulates preference consistent with economic expectations. Under review.

29.Nov.2006 Seeing modulates preference consistent with economic expectations - View as HTML
changizi @ caltech .edu. Abstract. Passive visual exposure to a stimulus has long been. known to modulate preference for the stimulus, raising ...

Caltech Press Release,

3/2/2006, Dr. Shin Shimojo, Dr. Mark C... - View as HTML
says Mark Changizi , a theoretical neurobiologist and postdoctoral researcher at Caltech . "But if you look at the. variety of diets of all the primates ...
29.Nov.2006 Bare skin, blood and the evolution of primate colour vision
*Author for correspondence ( changizi @ caltech .edu). We investigate the hypothesis that colour vision. in primates was selected for discriminating the ...

Die Presse.com - Alles schneller www.issen Aber Mark Changizi ( Caltech , Pasadena) bietet eine alternative Erklärung. Sie geht davon aus, dass Primaten meist sozial leben und gut daran tun, ...

Monkeys In The News: Old-World Primates Evolved Color Vision To ... ... a theoretical neurobiologist and postdoctoral researcher at Caltech .

The spectral sensitivity of the color cones is somewhat odd, Changizi says. monkeydaynews.blogspot.com/2006/03/old-world-primates-evolved-color.html

Monkeys In The News:

00.Mar.2006 ... was for finding the right fruit to eat when it was ripe," says Mark Changizi , a theoretical neurobiologist and postdoctoral researcher at Caltech. monkeydaynews.blogspot.com/2006_03_01_monkeydaynews_archive.html
Gerichts- Entscheidung: Mannesmann- Verfahren gegen Millionen- Auflagen eingestellt
Heute in den Feuilletons: "Grenzbraune Ansichten"
29.Nov.2006 Klage gegen US- Uni Princeton: Spender wollen 750 Millionen Dollar zurück

29.Nov.2006 Panzerfisch: Urzeitmonster zerbiss Haie in zwei Teile
29.Nov.2006 EMM News Explorer Paul Marcinkus . Related People. John Paul II (1). Angelo Sodano (1). Joaquin Navarro-Valls (1). Giulio Andreotti (1). Joseph Ratzinger (1) ...

Vatikan Bank - Kapitalbeschaffung - Gomopa: Finanzen, Vorsorge ...

Tatsache ist einmal, daß Marcinkus mit einer gewissen Einfalt gesegnet war ... Marcinkus hatte noch nicht mal Ahnung davon, wie die Gelder arbeiteteten + ...

[DB] Re: Opus dei, JPI, finanças, etc

Você sabe que o cardeal Marcinkus e mais um mafioso italiano na decada de

00.000.1970 afundaram as finanças do banco ambrosiano, banco este estreitamente ligando ao ... www.mail-archive.com/debate_biblico@yahoogrupos.com.br/msg04304.html
Einnahmen: Viel Geld aus Deutschland - Vatikan Geldanlage Finanzen ... Herr Marcinkus mit seinen krummen Geschäften hat wohl so empfunden.

Und sich der italienischen Finanz-Gerichtsbarkeit im Schutz des Vatikanstaates entzogen. www.focus.de/finanzen/geldanlage/vatikan/einnahmen_aid_13407.html

20060815 michele sindona , calvi , Marcinkus , opus dei , ior , istituto opere religiose , loggia p2 , p2 , massoneria , www.disinformazione.it/sindona.htm alfatomega.com/20060815.html
Die Vatikan-Connection Kardinal Marcinkus . Foto Der Vatikan + seine Macht, eine endlose Geschichte. In den

00.000.1970 er +

00.000.1980 er Jahren ist das Feindbild noch klar - die Kommunisten. www.3sat.de/kulturzeit/themen/30469/index.html

Storia politica occulta dell'Italia - Giovani.it - Forum -Fatti relativi a Calvi, al Cardinale Marcinkus , IOR, Opus Dei, Banco Ambrosiano fino al "suicidio" dal ponte dei frati neri(la parte economica più ...
Ask1.org - Thema: Neo-inquisition/Zweischwerter Theorie

Und was war die Rolle von Kardinal Marcinkus ? https://www.3sat.de/kulturzeit/themen/30469/index.htm

00.000.1971 Übernahm der Kardinal Marcinkus die Geschicke des IOR ... www.weltverschwoerung.de/nextopic16550.html
Gingrich raises alarm at event honoring those who stand up for freedom of speech: Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich

yesterday said the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism.

29.Nov.2006 What Will You Do When the Government Demands Your Laptop? : Courtesy of a decision from the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, U.S. Customs officials can seize and copy the contents of any laptop carried across a U.S. border. There's no arrest, warrant or probable cause required—just "gimme."

29.Nov.2006 Ford Mortgages Assets to Pay for Overhaul:

For the first time in its 103-year history, the Ford Motor Company is mortgaging its assets, including factories, equipment, office buildings, patents and trademarks + stakes in subsidiaries like Volvo, in order to raise $18 billion to overhaul itself.
Stockpile in case of Venezuela vote chaos, US says: The United States warned people to stockpile food, water and medicine in Venezuela in case a vote on Sunday sparks public disorder as anti-U.S. President Hugo Chavez seeks reelection.

29.Nov.2006 Correa confirmed Ecuador president : Rafael Correa has been officially declared the winner of Ecuador's presidential election after polls results showed he had an insurmountable lead over rival Alvaro Noboa.

29.Nov.2006 Mexican protestors in Oaxaca call for national strike : Protestors had seized and paralyzed much of the Oaxaca city, the poor state's capital, after the original teachers' strike mushroomed into a broad protest demanding the resignation of Ruiz.

29.Nov.2006 Militarizing Immigration For Profit:What do Mexican immigrants trying to feed their families have to do with terrorism and national security?”
29.Nov.2006 Israel: Military probe ordered 00.000.2003 shooting of American in Nablus : The Military Advocate General, Brigadier General Avihai Mandelblit, has instructed military police investigators to open a probe into the question of whether Israel Defense Force soldiers bear criminal responsibility in the shooting of a 24-year-old American citizen + leftist activist in the Jenin refugee camp 00.Apr.2003 .

29.Nov.2006 Pelosi's Price is Right for Jewish Community ; The front of the room is where the action is: Democratic lawmakers are spouting their pro-Israel credentials and their initiatives for health care reform; the Jewish donors, who came to Washington for intimate meetings just like this one, are eating it up word for word.

29.Nov.2006 24 Jewish organizations biggest fundraisers in US: At the head of the Jewish organizations on the list was the United Jewish Communities (UJC) which ranked 34. The organization raised nearly USD 334 million in 2005.

29.Nov.2006 Ties to Israel nothing new for Senate's next majority leader: As a young lawyer struggling to make a living in Las Vegas, Harry Reid never failed to buy Israel bonds to benefit the United Jewish Appeal.

29.Nov.2006 Pope, Measuring Words, Praises Islam's `Benevolence' : Pope Benedict XVI, picking his words carefully on his first visit to a Muslim nation, spoke of the ``great benevolence'' of Islam, a shift from a two-month-old citation that said the rival religion was ``evil and inhuman.

29.Nov.2006 War criminall to advise pope: Kissinger to Serve As Papal Adviser?: Pope Benedict XVI has invited Henry Kissinger, former adviser to Richard Nixon, to be a political consultant and he accepted.

In case you missed it: Video: The Trials of Henry Kissinger: The Making Of A War Criminal: "A fascinating, bombshell documentary that should shame Americans, regardless of whether or not ultimate blame finally lies with Kissinger. Should be required viewing for civics classes and would-be public servants alike."
29.Nov.2006 Patrick Cockburn : Slaughter in Iraq soon seems to be part of normal life : Iraq is rending itself apart. The signs of collapse are everywhere. In Baghdad, the police often pick up more than 100 tortured and mutilated bodies in a single day. Government ministries make war on each other.

29.Nov.2006 Italy completes Iraq pull-out: Italy is to complete the pull-out of its troops from Iraq by the end of this week, Prime Minister Romano Prodi said Monday.

29.Nov.2006 British troops may stay in Iraq until 2016: Thousands of British troops could remain in Iraq for another decade, Des Browne, the Defence Secretary, said yesterday.

29.Nov.2006 Nir Rosen: Anatomy of a Civil War Ripping away the veil that hides Iraq’s descent into chaos . This is a must read

29.Nov.2006 Iraq parliament bars media as tension mounts: Iraq's parliament will bar the media from future sessions and began on Monday by refusing access to reporters and then cutting off television coverage as a debate on mounting sectarian violence became heated.

29.Nov.2006 Senators pledge to end war supplementals: "We've been funding this war dishonestly," wrote Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., in a Sunday op-ed piece.

29.Nov.2006 Bush says violence in Iraq not civil war: U.S. President George W. Bush said on Tuesday that the resurging violence in Iraq is not civil war, claiming that Al-Qaida is to blame for the escalating bloodshed in this war-torn country, reports reaching here said.

29.Nov.2006 Heather Wokusch: Impeachment Hearings for Bush & Co.? How about War Crimes Tribunals: The Bush Doctrine of taking "the battle to the enemy," for example, is a direct repudiation of the United Nations Charter, which prohibits the use of international force unless in self-defense (after an armed attack across an international border) or related to a UN Security Council decision.

29.Nov.2006 In case you missed it: Bush Plot To Bomb His Arab Ally: PRESIDENT Bush planned to bomb Arab TV station al-Jazeera in friendly Qatar, a "Top Secret" No 10 memo reveals.

29.Nov.2006 The quiet death of Malachi Ritscher: , Malachi Ritscher wrote in a suicide note that his fellow Americans had become "more concerned with sports on television and ring-tones on cellphones than the future of the world".

29.Nov.2006 Iraq panel's real agenda: damage control: The Iraq Study Group's makeup gives away its true purpos

29.Nov.2006 The New Middle East: Less than 20 years after the end of the Cold War -- the American era in the Middle East, the fourth in the region's modern history, has ended.

29.Nov.2006 War is a racket:

George Monbiot: Only paranoia can justify the world's second biggest military budget : Britain's level of defence spending isn't related to real threats we face, but the needs of our military-industrial complex

29.Nov.2006 War is a racket: We'll call Downer as witness: AWB execs: AdvertisementAWB figures implicated in the Iraq wheat scandal have threatened to call Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer as a witness if they face trial, with one vowing "my QC will rip him to shreds".

29.Nov.2006 'We are just watching things get worse': When Britain and America went into Afghanistan 00.000.2001, they claimed that the liberation of the country's burka-shrouded women was one of their top priorities. So did they deliver? Five years on, Natasha Walter visits Kabul - and is shocked by what she discovers

29.Nov.2006 UN Report Says Afghan Government Protect Drug Traffickers : Afghanistan's criminal underworld has compromised key government officials who protect drug traffickers, allowing a record opium trade that won't be stamped out for a generation to flourish, an ominous new U.N. report released Tuesday said.

29.Nov.2006 Palestinian force 'to police truce' : Israel has agreed in principle for a Jordan-based security force loyal to Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, to deploy in the Gaza Strip and help police the ceasefire, an Israeli diplomatic source has told Reuters news agency.

29.Nov.2006 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Had Talks with King Abdullah II : They both discussed the Israeli peace initiative in the region as well as the development of the events in the autonomy territories and Israel.
29.Nov.2006 In case you missed it:
Paying The Price: Killing The Children Of Iraq
A documentary film by John Pilger
Sanctions enforced by the UN on Iraq since the Gulf War have killed more people than the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan

00.000.1945, including over half a million children - many of whom weren't even born when the Gulf War began. Click to view

29.Nov.2006 Clueless in America
Feeding the Tape Worms of Desire
By Charles Sullivan
There are millions of Americans who still care about the health of the planet and the rights of other people + they struggle to be heard above the din of excessive commercialism that overwhelms the senses and causes us to behave like caged rats in a laboratory.

29.Nov.2006 I have never been more ashamed of the US government -By Cindy Sheehan
The villagers who walk the narrow streets of Daechuri, bowed by lifetimes of carrying heavy burdens and children on their backs, are now carrying burdens placed there by American imperial gluttony + I, as an American, want to help them carry this burden, as many kind people all over the world have tried to help me carry mine.

29.Nov.2006 Effects of ill-advised CIA plot in Iran still haunts U.S. - By John M. Crisp -Now that Iran looms on our horizon, here's a story that every American should know. Continue

29.Nov.2006 It Could Happen Here -By Gregory Meyerson and Michael Joseph Roberto
Daniel Ellsberg’s warning that another 9-11 event “or a major war in the Middle East involving a U.S. attack on Iran …will be an equivalent of a Reichstag fire decree,” involving massive detention of both Middle Easterners + critics of the policy, the latter deemed terrorist sympathizers.

29.Nov.2006 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out
David Ray Griffin, Peter Dale Scott, Peter Phillips, Kevin Ryan, Ray McGovern -Video-
Editors and contributors to the book, "9/11 and American Empire" assess the Bush administration's responsibility for the attacks on 9/11, arguing that key administration officials either purposefully ignored the threats leading up to the attacks or were complicit in the planning them.
Click to view

29.Nov.2006 " There is no solution. "

Writer Nir Rosen on Iraq's Descent Into Chaos

We’ve destroyed Iraq and we’ve destroyed the region + Americans need to know this. - There was no civil war in Iraq until we got there.

And there was no civil war in Iraq, until we took certain steps to pit Sunnis against Shias.

And now it is just too late. But, we need to know we are responsible for what’s happening in Iraq today. Continue This is a must watch. Video and transcript

29.Nov.2006 Bury my heart in the Green Zone -By Pepe Escobar
Everyone is guilty in the ongoing Iraq tragedy. The US-trained new Iraqi army is infiltrated by militias, by death squads and even by al-Qaeda in Iraq.

The SCIRI, Da'wa and the Kurds are only worried about their own interests, not the interests of Iraq as a nation.

And the US - always hiding under the dubious mantra of "Iraqi democracy" - totally evades its responsibility in provoking the appalling chaos in the first place. Continue

29.Nov.2006 The "Gaza-Solution" and the Ongoing War on Islam -By Mike Whitney
The central tenet of American foreign policy hasn’t changed since the early 1980s when Secretary of State Henry Kissinger summarized our involvement in the Iraq-Iran War saying, “I hope they kill each other.”

Kissinger’s dictum reveals the basic racial and religious odium which animates the current policy and has become the organizing principle for maintaining the global empire. Continue
29.Nov.2006 Do You Want Handguns in National Parks? The NRA and George Allen Do. Keep Our National Parks Free of Gun Guys Packing Heat. Add Your Name Here.
"It's worse than a civil war. In a civil war, you at least know which factions are fighting each other," lamented a senior member of Iraq's government in an interview.

29.Nov.2006 Iraq lawmakers extend state of emergency. The state of emergency is in our White House + he's a permanent resident of Neverland. Him and Michael Jackson. Cheney is Just Evil, Like Rove. 11/29
House Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi, D-California, said Tuesday she feels "sad" President Bush blamed insurgent violence on al Qaeda while he dismissed notions Iraq is in a civil war. Go, Nancy, Go! 11/29
Olbermann's ratings are soaring with his 'gloves off' commentary 11/28

29.Nov.2006 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Newt Gingrich Tells Journalists That the U.S. Needs to Reduce Freedom of Speech. 11/29
Bush Continues In His State of Delusion, Claims Iraq is All Part of an al-Qaeda Plot. Let's See, Saddam Didn't Like al-Qaeda, Bush Invaded Iraq, Saddam Overthrown...Wait, Isn't the Iraq War All Part of a Bush/Neo-Con Plot? al-Qaeda Had No Presence in Iraq Until Bush Invaded the Country. Is Bush in Cahoots With al-Qaeda? It Gets So Damn Confusing, You Know. 11/28

29.Nov.2006 Tom Wieliczka: Iraq, Vietnam, Political Entrance Exams and Political Families Draft First -- A BuzzFlash Reader Contribution
29.Nov.2006 https://www.manager-magazin.de/it/kreativindex/0,2828,druck-448427,00.html
Andreas Gahlert, Mitgeschäftsführer der Neuen Digitalen (Umsatz: circa fünf Millionen Euro, 58 Beschäftigte), sagt:

"Integrierte Werbekampagnen sind heute oft rein digital." Darüber hinaus steige die "Akzeptanz der Onlinewerbung".

Nun gebe es wissenschaftliche Hinweise darauf, dass sie ihr Kind in die Mikrowelle gesteckt haben könnte, sagte Ken Betz vom Rechtsmedizinischen Institut des Bezirks Montgomery.

Er sprach von einem komplizierten Fall, da es nicht viele Untersuchungen über den Einfluss von Mikrowellen auf menschliche Körper gebe.
Hamburg - Militärwissenschaftler hätten Bienen so trainiert, dass sie Sprengstoffe wie beispielsweise Dynamit aufspüren können, teilte das Nationallabor in Los Alamos auf seiner Internetseite mit.
29.Nov.2006 Kreativ- Index: Deutschlands Reklamemeister

29.Nov.2006 Mannesmann- Prozess: Korruptionsexperte gegen Einstellung des Verfahrens
29.Nov.2006 Richterspruch: Der Dollar diskriminiert Blinde

29.Nov.2006 Türkischer EU- Beitritt: Der Papst gibt Rätsel auf
29.Nov.2006 Afghanistan: Europäer wehren Forderungen nach weiteren Truppen ab
28.Nov.2006 Insekten- Armee: USA wollen Bienen in den Krieg schicken
28.Nov.2006 Irak: US- Armee tötet versehentlich fünf Mädchen 29.Nov.2006
28.Nov.2006 Irak: Annan schlägt internationale Friedenskonferenz vor
28.Nov.2006 US- Wirtschaft: Fed- Chef Bernanke besorgt über Inflation

28.Nov.2006 Nokia- Prognose: Mobilfunkmarkt verliert an Dynamik
28.Nov.2006 - Actueel nieuws Niet alleen voor Deuss was die zaak een kwestie van leven en dood, maar ook voor ...

En wat zei de lokale commandant in Florida ? Dat ze mazzel hadden gehad, ...

Scoop: Why Has John Deuss Offshore Bank Been Singled Out?

THE QUESTION IS WHY has Dutch businessman John Deuss ' offshore First Curacao ... mobile phone sales deposited at FCIB - a bank whose assets mushroomed over the last ...
Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures - News - Times Topics

The dealer,

John Deuss ,


completed the purchase of the Atlantic ... Husky Asset Sale .


Husky Oil Ltd. has a new agreement to sell its three ... topics.nytimes.com/.../index.html?offset=70& query=REFINERIES&field=des&match=exact

IMC-Cyprus (English language): Moshe Katsav,Virginia Israel ...

John Deuss of Holland + Iran Contra + oil to apartheid South Africa fame was ...

The trader at Florida -based vFinance who was in charge of LOM's account ... english-cyprus.indymedia.org/newswire/display/278/index.php
IMC-Cyprus (English language): U.S. Congressmen Jerry Weller ... Also the recent arrest of oil and arms trafficker John Deuss ( of Iran Contra ... inflated sales , fabricated assets and funneled debt through units in the...
Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen ...

John Deuss of Holland and Iran Contra and oil to apartheid South Africa fame was ... Florida connection and thus a round about 9/11 connection by way of . southafrica.indymedia.org/news/2006/10/11458.php
Bizoffshore.com :: Posts John Deuss has been remanded in jail for a further 90 days in Holland. ... ongoing regulatory investigations into its sales practices, freezing its assets ...
Bizoffshore.com :: Main Page John Deuss has been remanded in jail for a further 90 days in Holland. ...

There was a small increase in fund numbers across the other main asset classes, ... www.bizoffshore.com/
Bermuda's International Non-Insurance Businesses A division of the Dundee Bank, a subsidiary of Canadian asset management public company.

Owned by John Deuss . Tremont (Bermuda), 4 Park Street, Hamilton. bermuda-online.org/intcoys.htm
Edward Gelormino — Sara Gelston : ZoomInfo Business People Information

Gelsheimer, Philip, ABN AMRO Asset Management Canada Limited, Philip Gelsheimer .

Dr Silvana Cardoso, Dr Arwen Deuss , Dr Loraine ... ...
LiberIL View :: Illinois Congressman Jerry Weller, Refco + ...

Also the recent arrest of oil + arms trafficker John Deuss (of Iran ... 58, stemming from a $600 million sale of Refco bonds 00.000.2004 + the firm’s $583 ... www.soapblox.net/liberilview/showDiary.do?diaryId=1209 28.Nov.2006 Illinois Congressman Jerry Weller,Refco + the collapse of ...

Also the recent arrest of oil + arms trafficker John Deuss ( of Iran Contra fame ... was allowed to go public + sale its own penny styock backed 'futures ... houston.indymedia.org/news/2006/10/53776_comment.php
Scoop Features: Chronologically

Deuss is surely a latter-day merchant telling tales as did his medieval forerunner.

Evelyn Pringle - Fen-Phen May Cause Rummage Sale of Wyeth Assets ... www.scoop.co.nz/features/commentary.html
"John Deuss is due to appear in. the Netherlands, where he is accused by Dutch prosecutors of ... purchase and sale of a financial asset , akin ...

SEC Info - Brek Energy Corp - 10KSB - For 12/31/02 www.secinfo.com/d11Mkj.z7m.htm
20050209 In particular I will analyze the machinations of John Deuss + Roger Tamraz in this ...

AMEC is an informal acronym for Asset Management and Engineering ... alfatomega.com/20050209.html
THE BEST arts & entertainment calendar 27 On Stage 27 Music box 37 ... - Version HTML
stemming from Deuss ’ attempted. takeover of the Jackson Hole Mountain ... school sales , race crew, ticket sales + more. Benefits ...

Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions -

Le Cercle

He did this with controversial partners as John Deuss + Ted Shackley, ... Lamont worked at N.M. Rothschild & Sons and Rothschild Asset Management. home.planet.nl/~reijd050/organisations/Le_Cercle.htm
Value Stocks! >> Gewinne in steigenden und fallenden Märkten!!

InterContinental profit triples on asset sales , rate increases,

14.Nov.2006 03:01 ... Dutch businessman Deuss arrested in Bermuda,

15.Oct.2006 11:01 ... www.value-stocks.com/print.php?url=/modules/news/autor.php
EU- Bericht: Kritik an Deutschland wegen CIA- Gefängnissen
28.Nov.2006 Kreationismus in Großbritannien: Die Bibelfrommen umgarnen Lehrer

28.Nov.2006 Papstreise: Türken ignorieren Benedikts Lächel- Offensive
28.Nov.2006 Überwacht per Satellit: Schneeleopard trägt GPS- Halsband

28.Nov.2006 Bundesanwaltschaft: Mutmaßliche türkische Linksterroristen verhaftet
28.Nov.2006 Mysteriöser Giftmord: Verschwörungstheorien im Fall Litwinenko

28.Nov.2006 Siemens- Affäre: Schweizer Behörden fragten nach der Rolle Ganswindts

28.Nov.2006 Nach tödlichem Kugelhagel: Bloomberg beschwichtigt Bürgerrechtler
28.Nov.2006 Bushs gescheiterter Feldzug: US- Geheimdossier - erste irakische Provinz verloren
28.Nov.2006 Berlusconis Image: Echt stark, diese Schwäche
28.Nov.2006 Creativity Of The Religious Impulse: Interview wit... - BG https://americanbuddhist.net/node/3390

This interview was conducted by Tom Graham American Buddhist Net News
19.Nov.2006 American Buddhist Net :

Graeme, you have written an extremely insightful essay on one of the most important events of 9/11

(118 Witnesses: The Firefighter's Testimony to Explosions in the Twin Towers).

Can you tell us how you came to be interested in 9/11 and why you chose to write this paper?

Graeme MacQueen : Sometime in late 2005 I had a conversation—quite a heated one, actually—with an American dissident who said that 9/11 was obviously carried out by the U.S. government.

I expressed some skepticism about this and he said that I obviously hadn’t done my homework and didn’t know the first thing about the issue. I realized after that conversation that he was actually right.

I’d tinkered with the issue by reading long pieces on the internet late at night but I hadn’t really done my homework.

Being, I guess, a scholarly sort of guy + having by this time taken early retirement so that I could work for peace + justice in whatever way I wished,

I ordered some the leading books, downloaded key articles + set to work.

I was very surprised when I began to realize how weak the official story was.

I can remember the exact moment when I felt—my god, there’s no way those 3 towers were brought down by planes, jet fuel and fire........
Warning over Afghan opium Afghanistan's soaring opium trade threatens to wreck rebuilding efforts, the UN and World Bank warn.
28.Nov.2006 Labour and Tory loans total £59m Labour and the Conservatives owe nearly £59m in loans, new figures from the Electoral Commission reveal.
28.Nov.2006 Afghanistan: Kampf gegen Opium fast wirkungslos

28.Nov.2006 Sicherheitspolitik: Allianz der Unwilligen
28.Nov.2006 Neue These zu Tutanchamun- Tod: Pharao starb nach Reitunfall
28.Nov.2006 Ifo- Index: Beste Stimmung seit 15 Jahren
28.Nov.2006 OECD- Bericht: Wachstum in aller Welt
Ankara- Besuch: Papst wünscht Türkei Glück auf dem Weg in die EU
WHO- Prognose für 2030: Aids wird dritthäufigste Todesursache
28.Nov.2006 crc British fascists are tied closely to the Thule Group , the Golden Dawn , etc . ...

00.000.1924 Fritz Thyssen sets up his Union Banking Corporation in George W. Bush Grandfathers ... dgwa1.fortunecity.com/fourthreich/crc.html
Hitler's mentors sought to raise Germany to world power , though these occult connections have ...

It is also believed that he was a secret member of the Thule Society . www.schikelgruber.net/mentors.html
Students for Democracy forums:

->Essay bee contest<-

Industrials like Emil Kirdorf + Fritz Thyssen even were fervent supporters of ...

The Thule Society was a sort of Occult that stood for Aryan supremacy . www.studentsfordemocracy.org/sfd/forum/get_topic.asp?FID=18&TID=370&DIR=P
The Order of the Skulls and Bones Exposed. - www.ezboard.com

Dietrich Eckart + Alfred Rosenberg + others participated in occult rites in Munich .

The creator of the Thule Society is Count Rudolf von Sebbentendorf ... p092.ezboard.com/fthetruth81901frm15.showPrevMessage?topicID=30.topic

Bush Occult circles have long been known as covers for espionage + influence peddling.

00.000.1919 -Around- the Vril Society gave way to the Thule Society ... https://uk.indymedia.org/en/2004/06/292625.html?c=on
www.ackee.com : Mekwitalk - Forward Thinking - Truth Behind the ...

The Dulles law firm also directed US business affairs for Fritz Thyssen ... avid student of the occult + a member of the largely secret Thule Society that ... ackee.com/mekwitalk/read.php?f=7&i=3932&t=3932

00.000.1920-00.000.1924 (Freilitzsch + Heuss were members of the Thule Society and Feder was one of ... first became acquainted with the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen . www.humanitas-international.org/holocaust/1920-24t.htm
Truth Be Known Nation :- The Hitler Avatar

When Hitler joined the Society, Thule member Dietrich Eckart prophesied that the day had come; he began introducing him in Munich occult circles as "the ... forums.truthbeknown.com/viewtopic.php?t=99&start=15&sid=5bd5f8683071201235cb1c62b3955de0

00.000.1924 Averell Harriman (Skull & Bones, 1913) + Fritz Thyssen , the German industrialist who began funding Hitler

00.000.1923 set up the Union Banking Corporation ... www.insideassyria.com/rkvsf4/wwwboard/msgs/THE_FOURTH_REICH-JVgk.html

Indymedia UK - Text from Anti Bush Leaflet

The Thule Society is said to have spawned a group within Himmler’s SS known as the ‘Order of the Black Sun’, who were responsible for that groups occult ... www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2003/11/281361.html

The Occult and the Third Reich. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1974.

"Before Hitler Came": Thule Society and Germanen Orden, in the Journal of Modern ... www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/wall_street/bibliography.htm

"It is from the Thule Society that one has to look for the real ...

Thus, by personal agreement between Averell Harriman + Fritz Thyssen 00.000.1922 www.cuttingedge.org/News/n1870.cfm
History Forum [Powered by Invision Power Board]

The Thule -Gesellschaft ( Thule Society ) was founded

17.Aug.191- ... Hitler + his Nazi pals were influenced by mystical and occult writers such as Madame ... www.simaqianstudio.com/forum/index.php?act=Print&client=printer&f=31&t=4229

In terms of your last question,

regarding the the uses of PR

to promote hostilities

between groups

of Americans,

this is

a way of ensuring

that social anger

will not be

directed upward.

If a population

of ordinary


fights over crumbs,

they are less likely

to notice



are gorging on cake.
Der Krieg gegen den Iran - ein mögliches Angriffsszenario

Das ist eine ernsthafte Bedrohung für den Weltfrieden", sagte Bush .

"Ich habe schon klar gesagt und betone dies erneut: wir werden Militärmacht einsetzen, ... www.puk.de/puk/article.php?sid=803
Was Präs. Bush zu König Kyanendra sagtn Was Präs. Bush zu König Kyanendra sagt. ...

Ich befehlige die größte Militärmacht der Welt und besitze die Notenbank, die dafür bezahlt. www.monarchieliga.de/person/baltzersen/prez-bush.htm

00.Mai 2006 - HTML-Version
Bush , Pinochet und Europas Regierungen als partner in crime ... sind die größte Militärmacht , die je die Welt gesehen hat [seine Stimme schwillt an].

Linksruck - Bush lügt für einen Krieg um Öl Bush bereitet einen Krieg gegen Iran vor.

Die israelische Armee ist mit Abstand die stärkste Militärmacht des Nahen Ostens. www.sozialismus-von-unten.de/lr/artikel_1789.html
Artikel 1: Zeit-Fragen Nr.46 vom 21.11.2005 Bush muss Stimmungsschwankungen mit Psychopharmaka unter Kontrolle halten.

Grösste Militärmacht unter Kommando eines psychisch labilen Präsidenten. www.zeit-fragen.ch/ARCHIV/ZF_136b/T02.HTM
George W. Bush: Gottes ergebener Krieger - stern.de

Denn US-Präsident George W. Bush , einst Trinker und Lebemann, ...

Unter dieser Doktrin ist Amerika bereit, seine ganze Militärmacht einzusetzen, ... www.stern.de/politik/ausland/index.html?id=505633&p=2&nv=ct_cb
ZEIT online - Deutschland - - - Besuch : Jenseits von McPom Die größte Militärmacht auf Erden kann zwar mit leichter Hand ein Regime wegfegen, ...

00.000.2005 -schon- Also sprach Bush : »Die Welt von der Tyrannei zu befreien« www.zeit.de/2006/29/01-Leiter
Stoppt Bush und alle anderen Kriegstreiber Die USA sind heute die alles dominierende Militärmacht .

Unter Bush wurde der Rüstungshaushalt um 20-25 % auf nunmehr 421 Mrd. Euro, gesteigert; www.die-welt-ist-keine-ware.de/isl/bush.htm

28.Nov.2006 Bush-Flugi.pdf" target=nw>Stoppt Bush - Bush-Flugi.pdf+bush+milit%C3%A4rmacht&hl=de&gl=de&ct=clnk&cd=8" target=nw>HTML-Version
rende Militärmacht . Unter Bush wurde der Rüs-. tungshaushalt um 20 25; auf nunmehr 421. Mrd. Euro, gesteigert; das ist fast doppelt soviel ...
Die Rede des US-Präsidenten Bush in West Point,

08.Jun.2002 Bush ruft Absolventen der Militärakademie zum Dienst im Kampf gegen den Terror. ... eine über alle Herausforderungen erhabene Militärmacht + beabsichtigen ... www.uni-kassel.de/fb5/frieden/regionen/USA/west-point-rede.html
28.Nov.2006 Ex-employee says FAA warned before 9/11 
The team repeatedly warned the FAA of the potential for security breaches and hijackings but was told to cover up its findings, Dzakovic says. posted by Prof. Hex
28.Nov.2006 Britain tracing poison that killed spy 

The British government began tracking radioactive hotspots in London

on Monday to trace the poison that killed a former KGB agent + three people who reported possible symptoms of contamination underwent testing. posted by Prof. Hex
28.Nov.2006 MEDIA LENS UPDATE: The BBC's 'The Century of the Self', focused heavily on the work of PR guru, Edward Bernays .

You might ask what all this has to do with Freud's impact on society . www.medialens.org/alerts/02/020626_Adam_Curtis.html
https://authentico-historia.planetaclix.pt/propaganda.html Bernays , Edward L. impact -public relations [propaganda] in USA -

5. ... the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which ... authentico-historia.planetaclix.pt/propaganda.html
The U.S. military is no longer able to defeat a bloody insurgency in western Iraq or counter al-Qaeda's rising popularity there,

according to newly disclosed details from a classified Marine Corps intelligence report
When the Mainstream Media Starts Calling Iraq a Civil War, We Guess Reality Becomes Official. NBC Finally "Makes the Call."
Bush Shows the World That He Still Has Five Fingers, But Can He Count Them?

28.Nov.2006 This Holiday Season, Buy Progressive. Spend Your Dollars at BuzzFlash.com and Make Them Count. (FREE Shipping in the U.S.) And Remember, By Buying From BuzzFlash, You are Contributing to Democracy. Spend Your Dollars Where They Can Have an Impact! We Have a Holiday Season Goal of $12,500 Through Next Tuesday. Help Make BuzzFlash Stronger.

28.Nov.2006 Olbermann's ratings are soaring with his 'gloves off' commentary 11/28
Limbaugh's craziest statement yet: Iraq isn't going how he wanted it to, so he says, "Fine, just blow the place up. Just let these natural forces take place over there instead of trying to stop them." 11/28
Cast your vote on the news of the moment at BuzzFlash.net! Vote on the Stories You Like Best. Submit Them Too.
Whoa! Is Cheney's resignation on the way? DC pundit says so on cable news 11/28

28.Nov.2006 White House is calling the 'civil war' in Iraq the 'new phase' 11/28
28.Nov.2006 Pinochet indicted for deaths of Allende bodyguards: Former dictator General Augusto Pinochet was indicted Monday and ordered to remain under house arrest for the execution of two bodyguards of Salvador Allende, the freely elected Marxist president who was toppled in a 1973 coup.

28.Nov.2006 British success built on 'misery and suffocation' of slave boats : Some 562 men, women and children made up the human cargo of the slave ship Feroz. Crammed beneath grate-covered hatchways between the decks, left to stew amid the stench of faeces and rotting bodies, each bore the mark of their owner, branded on their skin with a red-hot iron.

28.Nov.2006 Popemobile gives way to armoured car on visit to 'minefield': The Vatican is so anxious about the Pope’s safety during his trip to Turkey this week that it has vetoed use of the traditional “Popemobile”. Instead, Pope Benedict XVI will travel in an armour-plated car, with several similar vehicles used as decoys, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, the former papal spokesman, said.

28.Nov.2006 Justice Department watchdog to review domestic spying program: The Justice Department's internal investigations division said Monday it has opened an inquiry into the agency's use of information gathered in the government's warrantless surveillance program.

28.Nov.2006 Death Knell of the US Dollar...: The dollar plunged with startling ferocity late last week, driven by heavy selling. This was very bearish action that signals panic + the probable onset of a severe downtrend. A break below the crucial support at 80 on the dollar index is expected to mark the transition from a clandestine unloading of dollar assets to an all-out stampede to “get what you can for them” before it’s too late.

28.Nov.2006 Subdivision Bans Wreath With Peace Sign: A homeowners association in southwestern Colorado has threatened to fine a resident $25 a day until she removes a Christmas wreath with a peace sign that some say is an anti-Iraq war protest or a symbol of Satan.
28.Nov.2006 Deir Yassin: The Agony : Video - On April 9 1948, the small muslim village of Deir Yassin just outside Jerusalem was attacked by Jewish Israelis + 100 unarmed civilians massacred.

28.Nov.2006 Mass protest by anti-zionist Orthodox Jews against the existence of the State of “Israel”: Over ten thousand Orthodox Jews led by dozens of prominent Rabbis gathered outside the “Israeli” Consulate in New York City on Thursday,

09.Nov.2006 to protest against the existence of the State of “Israel”

28.Nov.2006 The complete text of "The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict" Published by Jews for Justice in the Middle East: The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational "terrorists" who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force.

28.Nov.2006 Poisoned spy visited Israel with oil dossier :

It emerged yesterday that Mr Litvinenko travelled to Israel just weeks before he died to hand over evidence to a Russian billionaire of how agents working for President Putin dealt with his enemies running the oil company.

28.Nov.2006 Boris Berezovsky: The first oligarch : Boris Berezovsky, the fugitive oligarch exiled in Britain who heads the list of Russia's "most wanted".

28.Nov.2006 Correa ahead in Ecuador vote count : Exit polls showed Correa, who has pledged to radically reform Ecuadorean politics, has a wide lead over Noboa.

28.Nov.2006 Ecuador's Correa says he won't renew lease for US military base :

Leftist Rafael Correa, unofficially the winner of Ecuador's presidential election, reiterated he would not renew the US lease for a military air base in the South American country.

28.Nov.2006 Chavez vows to beat the "devil": "On December 3 we're going to defeat the most powerful empire on earth by knockout," Chavez said.
28.Nov.2006 Israel launches new propaganda campaign: Israeli PM Offers Concessions To Palestinians In Exchange For 'Real Peace' : 'You must end the violence + terrorism +

the desire to harm Israeli citizens in the south, north and centre, recognize our right to live in peace alongside you + give up your demand for the right of refugee return', he added.

28.Nov.2006 Carter: Israeli 'domination' over Palestinians is 'atrocious': Carter dismissed criticism by some Democrats that his book comes down too harshly on America's key ally in the Middle East

28.Nov.2006 Does It Matter What You Call It?: Genocide or Erasure of Palestinians: Having at that point just completed our fifth trip to Palestine since early

00.000.2003, we should have had the courage and the insight to call what we have observed Israel doing to the Palestinians by its rightful name: genocide.

28.Nov.2006 72-year-old left-wing activist decries repeated 'harassment' by B-G security: Steinitz says that each year, airport security guards harass her more and more.

00.Nov.2005 the security check included a search that required her to remove what she described as "almost all" of her clothing.
Nato urged to plan Afghanistan exit strategy as violence soars :While heads of government are to make a show of unity over Afghanistan at tomorrow's alliance summit in Riga,

Belgium's Defence Minister has questioned the future of Nato's most important mission.
Iran says will do all it can to help Iraq: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran would do whatever it could to help provide security to Iraq amid warnings the country was on the brink of civil war.

28.Nov.2006 U.S. ambassador warns Georgia against long-term term gas contracts with Iran: A U.S. diplomat warned Georgia against signing a long-term contract for natural gas supplies with Iran, but

the Georgian premier reaffirmed Monday that his nation remained determined to import the Iranian gas.
Former SAS officer calls for Iraq withdrawal: Video: Former senior member of the Special Forces Major Peter Tinley is calling for the immediate withdrawal of coalition troops from Iraq
28.Nov.2006 Iraq Worse Than Media Shows :

"The amount of death that's on the streets of Baghdad for U.S. forces + for the Iraqi people is at an astronomical level," he said. "So, to some degree, what we're seeing is sanitized."

28.Nov.2006 Security expert says Iraq 'worse than Vietnam': A security expert says he believes coalition forces face the prospect of defeat in Iraq with serious consequences. Former soldier and military historian Robert O'Neill says it is likely the coalition will pull its troops out early.

28.Nov.2006 Britain to withdraw troops from Iraq : Thousands of British soldiers will leave Iraq over the next year, significantly downgrading the country's commitment in the region, the defense secretary said Monday.

Poland + Italy also announced the impending withdrawal of their remaining troops.

28.Nov.2006 Arrogance of the occupier: Lawmakers lose patience with Iraq gov't:

Congressional leaders displayed eroding patience in the Iraqi government on Sunday, adding pressure on President Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to find a faster path to peace when they meet this week

28.Nov.2006 They lied their way into Iraq. Now they are trying to lie their way out: Bush + Blair will blame anyone but themselves for the consequences of their disastrous war - even its victims
28.Nov.2006 Justice demands it-By Ted Honderich - Depriving the Palestinians of self-determination in their own territories deserves condemnation by all, Jew and non-Jew alike. Continue
28.Nov.2006 Südkorea: Vogelgrippe erneut ausgebrochen
28.Nov.2006 Wirtschaftsbericht: OECD erwartet bis 2009 robuste Konjunktur in Deutschland
28.Nov.2006 Lebensmittelskandal: Greenpeace deckt Pestizid- Händlerring auf
28.Nov.2006 Heilsame Witze: Kinder wecken Mutter aus Koma
28.Nov.2006 Bagatellmorde in den USA: Wut im Bauch, Kugel im Kopf

28.Nov.2006 Türkei- Besuch des Papstes: "Reise des Dialogs und der Versöhnung"

28.Nov.2006 Geldtransporter- Pleite: Heros- Manager vor Gericht

28.Nov.2006 Atomwaffen: USA und Nordkorea verhandeln über Verhandlungen
28.Nov.2006 Gewalt im Irak: Notfall- Diplomatie vor dem Bürgerkrieg

28.Nov.2006 Asbest- Belastung: DaimlerChrysler muss millionenschweren Schadenersatz zahlen
28.Nov.2006 Mordfall Litwinenko: Weitere radioaktive Spuren in London entdeckt

28.Nov.2006 Brustkrebs: Chemotherapie hinterlässt Spuren im Hirn
28.Nov.2006 so leben wir Hurricane -AG - Immobilienbetrug - - [ ]So leben wir heute. Bereits nach einem halben Jahr haben wir gemerkt, dass "etwas nicht stimmt". so-leben-wir.meetsde.org/
DoS Attacke gegen Today Server - sfux Gestern

27.Nov.2006 kam es zu einem mehrstündigen Ausfall des genialen österreichischen Webloganbieters twoday.net.

Der Ausfall dauerte in der Nacht bis sieben Uhr früh und am Abend von etwa 20 bis 22 Uhr. Auch Journalismus Nachrichten von Heute war davon betroffen und bekam dafür eine E-mail Lawine von LeserInnen.
Ursache war, so twoday.net eine gezielte DoS-Attacke, ausgehend von zwei bestimmten IP-Adressen, welche tausende von IP-Verbindungen zum Server öffneten. Dadurch konnte...

Entführungshelfer Deutschland - sfux World Content News -

Ein an die Öffentlichkeit gelangter geheimer Lagebericht des US-Militärs belegt, dass Deutschland eine wichtige Schaltzentrale für die Koordination von Verschleppungen gewesen ist und legt nahe, dass zumindest die vorherige Bundesregierung mit den CIA-Entführern gemeinsame Sache bei den menschen- und völkerrechtswidrigen Verbrechen gemacht haben könnte. Dies berichtet das ARD Magazin "Report...
Polizei-Psychologin ohne Skrupel - sfux Harald Haack ?

In den USA wurden kürzlich einige Schwarze, die eine Junggesellabschiedsparty feierten, von Polizisten mit Schüssen durchsiebt.

Ein Versehen, weil die Polizisten überreagiert hatten.

Bei den Schwarzen wurden keine Waffen gefunden, aber wie ein Polizist sagte, sie hätten welche haben können.

Und um zu verhindern, dass sie damit schießen, hätten die Polizisten das Feuer auf sie...
Radioaktive Spuren auch in Beresowski-Büro - sfux 
Bei den Ermittlungen zum Tod des Kreml-Kritikers Alexander Litwinenko sind auch in einem Londoner Büro des russischen Milliardärs Boris Beresowski Spuren einer radioaktiven Substanz entdeckt worden.
Die Räume wurden von der Polizei versiegelt, wie Scotland Yard gestern Abend mitteilte. In den Büros wurden Spuren der Substanz Polonium 210 gefunden, mit der

28.Nov.2006 US court rejects cigarette case The US Supreme Court backs an earlier court ruling that cigarette firms cannot be sued over low tar cigarettes.
28.Nov.2006 Nato Afghan mission 'is possible' Nato can prevail in its first mission outside of Europe but only if members boost their commitment, the alliance's head warns.
28.Nov.2006 Hungary sets limits for GM crops Hungary passes a law to severely restrict the planting of genetically modified crops (GMOs).
28.Nov.2006 Democrats question sincerity of domestic spying pr... - BG Democrats criticized the review as too narrow to determine whether the program violated federal law.https://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/11/27/domestic.spying.ap/index.html
28.Nov.2006 OIL POLICIES AND OIL WARS - BG 7th in the series "Is it Too Late?"

examining the ossification of the United States Oil Policies and Oil Wars by Jerome G. Manis In his

00.000.1928 book We Fight for Oil, Ludwell Denny began with the statement, "A history of the oil war must wait. The war is not over."

We know now it had hardly begun.

Denny pointed out that the United States had provided 80% of the oil needed by allies in the first world war.

He noted that oil was not only a major weapon of modern nations but that it also had become an important objective of war.

Denny described the oil locales, especially those in the middle and far east. He pinpointed the adverseries, many of them still involved in the conflicts.

Above all, he noted the importance of oil to every nation and to expected needs fo... Source: https://www.cosmiciguana.com/2006/11/oil_policies_and_oil_wars.html
27.Nov.2006 ABC News: Senior Rice aide, Philip Zelikow resigns... - BG -WASHINGTON (Reuters) -

Philip Zelikow, one of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's closest advisers on Iraq + the Middle East, plans to resign his post, a State Department official said on Monday. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=2681894
28.Nov.2006 Britain told: do peace deal with Taliban - Sunday ... - BG Britain told: do peace deal with Taliban - Sunday Times - Times Online
THE British will never win in Afghanistan by military means and should open negotiations with the Taliban, according to the former leader of Pakistan's forces in the border areas.

28.Nov.2006 Very Rich Are Leaving the Merely Rich Behind - New... - BG Very Rich Are Leaving the Merely Rich Behind - New York Times Very Rich Are Leaving the Merely Rich Behind
28.Nov.2006 Battle over tactics raged at Gitmo - International... - BG https://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15361458/
28.Nov.2006 Chavez Derails Plan For Global Dictatorship - Paul Joseph Watson -Venezuelan President trounces "genocidal, immoral, sick + corrupt elite" running United States
28.Nov.2006 Dana Priest: Washington Post Avoids ‘Civil War’ Language Because Iraqi Gov’t Does Not Use It - Think Progress 

28.Nov.2006 Today on MSNBC’s Hardball, Washington Post national security reporter Dana Priest explained that her newspaper does not use the phrase “civil war” to describe the current violence in Iraq in part because Iraqi government officials say it is not a civil war.

Priest said she “absolutely” believes the “level of violence [in Iraq] equals a civil war.” But she acknowledged that the Post has “not labeled it a civil war,” explaining, “We try to avoid the labels, particularly when the elected government itself does not call its situation a civil war.” Watch it:

Government officials in Iraq have a direct interest in avoiding the characterization of violence there as a civil war. The Washington Post’s job is not to act as stenographers for officials in positions of power, but rather to report facts as they exist on the ground.

Not surprisingly, experts disagree with Iraqi officials about the current conditions. According to scholars surveyed by the New York Times, not only is Iraq in the midst of a civil war, the current level of bloodshed “already puts Iraq in the top ranks of the civil wars of the last half-century.”

Full transcript:

MATTHEWS: It seems to me the President’s afraid that people will begin to think it is a civil war and not the way he wants to define it, which is we gotta fight them there before they fight us here.

PRIEST: Well, I think one of the reasons the President resists that label is because it equates almost with a failure of U.S. policy. I will say for the Washington Post, we have not labeled it a civil war.

I have asked around to see why not or see what’s the thinking on thatm and really our reporters have not filed that.

We try to avoid the labels, particularly when the elected government itself does not call its situation a civil war.

I certainly — + I would agree with General McCaffrey on this — absolutely the level of violence equals a civil war.
109th Congress Punts Nine Spending Bills, May Be In Session Just Four More Days - Amanda 

Even though the Do-Nothing 109th Congress has passed just two out of 11 spending bills, it has decided to put off the remaining nine until the new year, “dumping almost a half-trillion dollars of spending bills

on the incoming Democratic majority.”

The conservative leadership is already making excuses. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) said he is looking into “what is feasible and achievable.”

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) admitted that political considerations may be behind the inertia, stating, “I know a lot of folks just as soon not to see them done this year and let the Democrats struggle here next year.”

But passing all spending bills isn’t an impossible task + it wouldn’t be unprecedented. As GovExec.com notes, it has been done before:

00.000.1994, when Republicans swept back to power in the House after four decades, there was no spending mess to clean up — all appropriations bills had been enacted by the Democrats before the end of the fiscal year . But they did convene a brief lame duck to consider the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade measure.

By skipping the spending bills, Roll Call notes that the House will be able to close up shop by Dec. 8, with the Senate staying a few days later to consider Robert Gates’s nomination. Congress is currently adjourned until Dec. 4, meaning the 109th Congress may be at work for just four days before breaking again.
28.Nov.2006 CQ Analyst Suggests ‘Rumsfeld’s Leaving Is Just The Beginning,’ Cheney Might Be Next - Faiz -

Appearing on MSNBC this afternoon, Congressional Quarterly political analyst Craig Crawford speculated that, as “neocons are heading for the hills,” Dick Cheney may be the next to leave the administration.

He claimed the Vice President’s “authority is waning, if not gone.”

And my point is why would he want to stick around in this environment?” he asked.

All I’m seeing is a man getting isolated more and more.” Watch it: Digg It! Transcript:

CRAWFORD: Again, I gotta ask, where does that leave Dick Cheney if the neocons are heading for the hills. Where does he end up in this administration?

MATTHEWS: I know what he does. He moves out to the eastern shore of Maryland and waits there like [indecipherable] with a gun. And he waits until the next administration comes into office. If it’s a Republican administration — like McCain — he has a lot of influence. If it’s a Democratic administration, he starts coming on programs like this. He won’t be on this show, but like this.

CRAWFORD: I still wonder if he stays in this administration for the full term here. I really wonder if Rumsfeld’s leaving is just the beginning.

MATTHEWS: Well, who is showing up with the Ryder truck at his home. Who’s gonna get him out?

CRAWFORD: He has to make the choice himself. He can’t be fired, technically, under the Constitution.

MATTHEWS: Why would he leave?

HARWOOD: As Bill Clinton once said, the Constitution makes him relevant for at least the two years. I don’t think he will go anywhere.

CRAWFORD: My point is I don’t know why he’d want to stick around.

MATTHEWS: He has assumed an awful lot of authority under this President.

CRAWFORD: I know + that authority is waning, if not gone. And my point is why would he want to stick around in this environment? He might just choose to leave.

MATTHEWS: Let me check this. I rarely do this on the show. Are you teasing?

Are you — do you actually think there’s a reasonable plausible case for this Vice President to give up all the power he enjoys as the President’s first counsel?

CRAWFORD: Not if he doesn’t enjoy it anymore. I mean all I’m seeing is the man getting isolated more and more. This seems to be his most vulnerable position in the entire Bush administration.
Justice Department Inspector General - Amanda - 

Glenn A. Fine plans to investigate the Department’s role “in carrying out the spying program run by the National Security Agency.”

As TPMmuckraker notes, President Bush earlier stonewalled a similar inquiry.
28.Nov.2006 Most News Organizations Buckling To White House Pressure, Won’t Call Civil War In Iraq A ‘Civil War’ - Payson - 

Today, MSNBC and NBC News announced their decision to call Iraq a “civil war.”

The Los Angeles Times has consistently used that term to describe the violence + the Christian Science Monitor started to do the same today.

But most media organizations, caving to White House pressure, continue to avoid the phrase.

Some examples: Fox News:

WARD: In response to today’s attacks and snowballing sectarian violence , a curfew has been imposed in Baghdad and the international airport closed to all commercial flights. [ 23.Nov.2006 ]

Washington Post:

But fear ran high that the fighting would not end, as clashes in Ghazaliya and elsewhere illustrated the inability of Iraqi security forces to rein in the violence that has propelled the country closer to full-blown civil war . 27.Nov.2006

USA Today:

Abizaid didn’t have much to offer besides faith, hope and the familiar but elusive objectives of stabilizing the country, reining in sectarian violence and preparing Iraq to manage on its own. [USA Today, 16.Nov.2006 ]

Boston Globe:

It was one of the largest mass abductions since the US-led invasion in 2003, startling even by the standards of a nation reeling from sectarian strife , daily bombings + death squads. [ 15.Nov.2006 ]

San Francisco Chronicle:

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki faces intense pressure from the United States to eliminate the militias and their death squads, which are deeply involved in the country’s sectarian slaughter and are believed to have thoroughly infiltrated the police and security forces. [ 15.Nov.2006 ]

Chicago Tribune:

As the prospect of civil war in Iraq festers , the U.S. military has identified three options - add more troops, start a graduated retreat or embrace a speedy one - according to a Washington Post account that quoted sources familiar with the written Pentagon options. [11/26/06]

New York Times:

The two [Bush and Maliki] are expected to talk about the widening sectarian war in Iraq and to try to reach agreement on ways to stop it. [ 27.Nov.2006 ]


FRANKEN: But President Bush is focused on what can be done in Iraq without leaving behind a country consumed by sectarian war . [ 27.Nov.2006 ]
U.S. Embassy asks Bush twins to leave Argentina - Judd 

because the headlines generated by their trip so far have created security concerns, ABC News reports. The twins refused and are sticking to their plan to stay in the country until Thursday.
FACT CHECK: Raising The Minimum Wage Will Spur Job Growth In Illinois - Amanda 

On Nov. 16, the Illinois State Senate approved a $1 increase in the state minimum wage, putting it at $7.50 an hour. The proposal would go into effect on July 1 + would increase every year to account for inflation.

Conservative lawmakers objected to the measure, saying a minimum wage increase would come “at the expense of Illinois jobs” and put “our business climate in jeopardy with the surrounding states when we increase the cost of doing business.”

But a March 2006 report by the Fiscal Policy Institute found that increasing the minimum wage actually helps job growth:

[T]his report examined recent state-by-state trends for small businesses employing fewer than 50 workers and found that employment and payrolls in small businesses grew faster in the states with minimum wages above the federal level than in the remaining states where the $5.15 an hour federal minimum wage prevailed .

This report also found that total job growth was faster in the higher minimum wage states . Faster job growth also occurred in the retail trade sector, the sector of the economy employing the most workers at low wages, in the higher minimum wage states.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch notes, “Illinois’ minimum wage last was raised 00.000.2003 to $6.50 an hour. At that level, a mother working full-time to support her child makes $13,520 a year, barely above the federal poverty line.”

It’s now up to the Illinois State House to bring the minimum wage legislation to the floor for a vote. An increase would mean a direct raise next year for 308,000 people in Illinois.

If you live in Illinois, call your State Representative today and tell him or her to bring the minimum wage bill to the floor for a vote.
28.Nov.2006 Gates arrival being delayed for Rumsfeld? - Faiz - 

Newsweek reports that Robert Gates will be sworn in as the new Defense secretary “in the new year,” a good two weeks after his confirmation. Why? “One source close to the White House, who spoke anonymously in order to keep his job, believes President George W. Bush has decided o wait until after Dec. 29 as a personal gesture to Rumsfeld.’On that date Rumsfeld would become the longest-serving Defense secretary.
28.Nov.2006 MSNBC, NBC News Decide To Call Civil War In Iraq ‘A Civil War’ - Judd - 

MSNBC and NBC News have decided to begin referring to the civil war raging in Iraq as a “civil war.” MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer explained that “the White House continues to resistthe phrase, but that “after careful thought, MSNBC and NBC News decided over the weekend, the terminology is appropriate, as armed militarized factions fight for their own political agendas.” Watch it: Digg It!

Transcript: The news from Iraq is becoming grimmer every day. Over the long holiday weekend bombings killed more than 200 people in a Shiite neighborhood in Baghdad. And six Sunni men were doused with kerosene and burned alive. Shiite muslims are the majority, but Sunnis like Saddam Hussein ruled that country until the war. Now, the battle between Shiites and Sunnis has created a civil war in Iraq. Beginning this morning, MSNBC will refer to the fighting in Iraq as a civil war — a phrase the White House continues to resist. But after careful thought, MSNBC and NBC News decided over the weekend, the terminology is appropriate, as armed militarized factions fight for their own political agendas. We’ll have a lots more on the situation in Iraq and the decision to use the phrase, civil war.
Drudge Blows It: Latest Attack On Gore’s Global Warming Stance Falls Flat - Judd - 

This morning, the Drudge Report has an enormous headline implying that Al Gore got it wrong in his movie, An Inconvient Truth, when he said that global warming would create more intense storms:

First, Gore never predicted that there would be more storms 00.000.2006. He said that global warming made it more likely that there would be more intense hurricanes in the future.

Second, the fact that there were fewer hurricanes 00.000.2006 does not suggest that global warming is not real or not dangerous. There are other factors — on a year-to-year basis — that can reduce the number and intensity of hurricanes. The article Drudge links to makes it clear that these factors were in play:

Storms were starved for fuel after ingesting masses of dry Saharan dust and air over the Atlantic Ocean. Scientists say the storm-snuffing dust was more abundant than usual this year.

In the season’s peak, storms were curving right like errant field goals. High pressure that normally hunkers near Bermuda shifted far eastward + five storms rode the clockwise winds away from Florida.

Finally, a rapidly growing El Nino, a warming of water over the tropical Pacific Ocean, shifted winds high in the atmosphere southward. The winds left developing storms disheveled and unable to become organized.

Notably, none of this suggests that future years will be a repeat of 2006. The Saharan dust, for example, may not be around in significant quantities next year. The Tampa Tribune notes, “This year’s uneventful season provides no assurance that next year will be as calm: The Atlantic remains in a 20- to 30-year cycle of high hurricane activity that started 00.000.1995. Water temperatures are above normal.”
28.Nov.2006 Bush Library Courts ‘Wealthy Heiresses, Arab Nations, Captains of Industry’ To ‘Polish’ History - Faiz -The New York Daily News reports,

President Bush and his truest believers are about to launch their final campaign — an eye-popping, half-billion-dollar drive for the Bush presidential library.”

Bush is attempting to raise $500 million to build his library and a think tank at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Bush fund-raisers hope to get approximately $250 million from what they call “megadonations” of $10 million to $20 million each. Among the candidates for “megadonations,” whose names will remain anonymous:

Bush loyalists have already identified wealthy heiresses, Arab nations and captains of industry as potential “mega” donors and are pressing for a formal site announcement - now expected early in the new year.

Bush allies feel they need enormous funds to shape how history views Bush’s legacy. A Bush insider said, “The more [money] you have, the more influence [on history] you can exert.” Much of the money will be used to build a “legacy-polishing” institute:

The legacy-polishing centerpiece is an institute, which several Bush insiders called the Institute for Democracy. Patterned after Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, Bush’s institute will hire conservative scholars and “give them money to write papers and books favorable to the President’s policies,” one Bush insider said.

Bush had earlier indicated his desire to create a think tank “to talk about freedom and liberty and the DeTocqueville model of what [French political philosopher Alexis] DeTocqueville saw in America.”

Bush_Library_Courts_Wealthy_Heiresses_Arab_Nations_To_Polish_History">Digg It!
November 27, 2006 - Think Progress  

CNN’s John Roberts called the situation in Iraq an “absolute mess,” and said the media has “sanitized” their coverage of the violence .

The amount of death that’s on the streets of Baghdad for U.S. forces and for the Iraqi people is at an astronomical level,” Roberts said.

A draft of the Iraq Study Group’s report “urges an aggressive regional diplomatic initiative that includes direct talks with Iran + Syria but

sets no timetables for a military withdrawal, according to officials who have seen all or parts of the document.”

Britain’s Defense Secretary said that UK troop levels in Iraq will be “significantly lower by a matter of thousandsat the end of next year.

The UK currently has approximately 7,000 troops in Iraq.

Conservative congressional leaders are expected to punt the issue of completing spending bills to next year’s Congress rather than

take the time to piece together the legislation, potentially the final act of the Do-Nothing Congress.

It could mean we would adjourn much earlier than most pundits think,” said one conservative Senate aide.

Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS), one of the foremost social conservatives in the Senate, “is considering whether to stop blocking a judicial nominee over concerns her appearance at a lesbian commitment ceremony betrayed her legal views on gay marriage.” Judge Janet Neff has said she attended the wedding as a friend of one of the two women, a longtime neighbor.

This week, President Bush visits Estonia and attends a two-day NATO summit in Latvia, where he will press “alliance members to increase defense spending.”

From Latvia, Bushheads to Amman, Jordan, for two days of talks with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.”

The Washington Times reviews Defense Secretary nominee Robert Gates’ writings and reports him to “be more cautious and pragmatic than his predecessor, Mr. Rumsfeld, who has transformed the military and aggressively hunted al Qaeda members.”

And finally: The War on Peace Wreaths heats up. “A homeowners association in southwestern Colorado has threatened to fine a resident $25 a day until she removes a Christmas wreath with a peace sign that some say is an anti-Iraq war protest or a symbol of Satan.” “The peace sign has a lot of negativity associated with it,” said Bob Kearns, president of the Loma Linda Homeowners Association in Pagosa Springs. The homeowner said she won’t take the wreath down until after the holidays.
28.Nov.2006 Heavy smokers 'must quit totally' There are no half-measures for heavy smokers wanting to minimise their health risks, research suggests.
28.Nov.2006 Sitting straight 'bad for backs' Sitting up straight is not the best position for office workers, who should in fact lean back, a study suggests.
28.Nov.2006 Carbon emissions show sharp rise The growth in global carbon dioxide emissions accelerated sharply around the year 2000, a new analysis shows.
28.Nov.2006 Kabila confirmed as Congo leader DR Congo's Supreme Court confirms Joseph Kabila as the winner of the country's presidential elections.
28.Nov.2006 Rwanda takes French radio off air Rwanda bans French broadcasts as tensions rise over a French genocide inquiry.
28.Nov.2006 Small ecstasy use 'harms brain' Even small amounts of the illegal drug ecstasy can be harmful to the brains of first time users, researchers say.
28.Nov.2006 Mayor 'disturbed' by NY shooting New York's mayor condemns the "inexplicable" police killing of an unarmed black man but stands by the police chief.
28.Nov.2006 Pinochet put under house arrest Chile's ex-military leader is placed under house arrest over the 1974 kidnap of two political opponents.
28.Nov.2006 Alarm over Afghan school places Oxfam says more than half of Afghan children are missing out on school because of a lack of teachers and places.
28.Nov.2006 Supreme Test for Greenhouse Gases The high court will take up federal regulation of vehicle emissions in a case that could have broad implications for the auto industry and for public health. In Autopia.
28.Nov.2006 French parliament dumping Windows for Linux Study by tech services company convinced Assemblee Nationale that switch will be cost-effective.
28.Nov.2006 MPAA Goes After Home Entertainment Systems - ScuttleMonkey 38 - philba writes to tell us that

home theaters may become the new jurisdiction of our MPAA overlords. The MPAA is lobbying to make sure that home users authorize their entertainment systems before any in-home viewings. From the article: "The MPAA defines a home theater as any home with a television larger than 29" with stereo sound and at least two comfortable chairs, couch, or futon. Anyone with a home theater would need to pay a $50 registration fee with the MPAA or face fines up to $500,000 per movie shown."
Growing Problems With Electronics Waste - ScuttleMonkey 141 - eldavojohn writes

"The BBC is reporting that many countries are dumping their e-Waste in poorer African nations. From the article, 'The world's richest nations are dumping hazardous electronic waste on poor African countries, says the head of the UN's Environment Programme (Unep).' The problem with e-Waste (versus other wastes) is that the gases and chemicals that make up a lot of electronics are particularly harmful for the environment. I suppose nobody takes their computer, TV or Radio to the repair shop anymore since a new one is a fraction of that cost down at the local convenience store."
Future Ships Could Float On Bubbles - kdawson 265 - MattSparkes writes,

"Creating a layer of bubbles underneath a ship's hull could improve fuel efficiency by 20%. When you consider that 90% of the world's goods are transported by sea, the importance of this discovery is obvious. 'Conjured up from thin air at the flick of a switch, this slippery blanket will help transport a fully laden tanker or container ship across the ocean at higher speed + using far less fuel, than ever before... There is currently no other technique in naval architecture that can promise such savings.'" The article looks in some detail at the engineering problems that will need to be overcome before this technique is practical.
Online Video Begins To Threaten Television - kdawson 79 - eldavojohn writes,

"The BBC has an article reporting that a survey of 2,070 Britons revealed that online viewing is on the rise against television. From the article: 'Some 43% of Britons who watch video from the internet or on a mobile device at least once a week said they watched less normal TV as a result.' The figures the BBC is reporting are up from last year when they ran the same survey. It seems the digital world has disintermediated Magazines, Music, & Newspapers but somehow never really tapped books. Will the internet also take on the role as the family television?"
Has Productivity Peaked? - Hemos 231+ - Putney Barnes writes

"A columnist on silicon.com is arguing that computing can no longer offer the kind of tenfold per decade productivity increases that have been the norm up to now as the limits of human capacity have been reached. From the article: 'Any amount of basic machine upgrading + it continues apace, won't make a jot of difference, as I am now the fundamental slowdown agent. I just can't work any faster'. Peter Cochrane, the ex-CTO of BT, argues that "machine intelligence" is the answer to this unwelcome stasis. "What we need is a cognitive approach with search material retreated and presented in some context relative to our current end-objectives at the time." Perhaps he should consider a nice cup of tea and a biccie instead?"
Edward L. Bernays Papers (Library of Congress)
Finding aid for the Edward L. Bernays Papers in the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress ... been transferred to the Library's Motion Picture , Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division ... be found in Bernays's Biography of an Idea: Memoirs of Public Relations Counsel Edward L ...

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Propaganda wizard Edward Bernays. Bernays's mother, Anna Freud Bernays, was sister to Sigmund. Bernays's father, Ely ... www.blinkbits.com/blinks/sigmund_freud
Books: Stunt Man (The Boston Phoenix . 09-21-98)
A new biography explains how public-relations pioneer Edward Bernays spun himself into control.

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He saw the big picture when few others did ... weeklywire.com/ww/09-21-98/boston_books_1.html
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Articles from the New Yorker. The Spin Myth.

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27.Nov.2006 Behind The Spin: Cooling the flame: Why teenage girls still smoke

The British picture reflects a similar trend in Europe .

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John K. Singlaub to William J. Casey, “[Offer of Weapons to CIA for Use by the Contras-List of Weapons Attached],” www.zingmagazine.com/issue20/holzer.html
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... gathered archconservative military + political leaders to establish a Washington-based arms company called GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation (GMT). www.skiing-today.com/articles/ski-resort/ski-resort-article-6271-6.htm
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Studley President of GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation Barbara G .

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Barbara Lee US House Representative , Democrat ... www.talkaboutgovernment.com/group/alt.politics.clinton/messages/1325247.html

00.Jan.2006 7) Attorney General John Ashcroft continues his practice of flying on private chartered jets ...

Schlaff's brother, James , is also under investigation. itwassooted.blogspot.com/2006_01_01_itwassooted_archive.html
PMag v04n4p14 -- The Secret Team, Part V: Cha Cha Cha ...

One of Shackley's colleagues was an old contact, Alberto Sicilia-Falcon , a Cuban exile trained by the CIA as part of the Bay of Pigs invasion. www.peacemagazine.org/archive/v04n4p14.htm
Anti-Fascist Archives: RFA 24-28: The CIA, the Military & Drugs

Next, the program highlights the operations of Alberto Sicilia Falcon , ... CIA officer Theodore Shackley's operations (apparently) conducted in conjunction ... afasummary.blogspot.com/2004/12/rfa-24-28-cia-military-drugs.html
The Death of Former CIA Chief William Colby Richard Secord, the CIA's Tom Clines + Ted Shackley .

Mexican heroin magnate Alberto Sicilia-Falcon not only claimed to have been a CIA agent ... www.btinternet.com/~nlpwessex/Documents/WATcolby.htm

radiofre One of the agency’s most important operatives, Shackley had numerous connections ...

Next, the program highlights the operations of Alberto Sicilia Falcon , ... www.spitfirelist.com/rfa.html

Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA ... ein Agent der mexikanischen DFS + arbeitete mit CIA-Mann Alberto Sicilia Falcón ,

... Thomas Clines, Theodore Shackley + Richard Secord arbeitete. www.us-politik.ch/teil12.htm
PMag v04n4p14 - The Secret Team, Part V: Cha Cha Cha ...

One of Shackley's colleagues was an old contact, Alberto Sicilia-Falcon , a Cuban exile trained by the CIA as part of the Bay of Pigs invasion. www.peacemagazine.org/archive/v04n4p14.htm
Die USA auf dem Weg in eine Diktatur? [Archiv] - Seite 7 ...

00.Jan.200- -Mitte- räumte Halliburton ein, zwei Mitarbeiter der Tochter Kellogg, ... des Meinungsforschungsinstituts Ipsos , das solche Daten seit

00.000.1997 erhebt. www.aktienboard.com/vb/archive/index.php/t-50992-p-7.html
New York: Blutbad vor dem Hochzeitstag, Bürgermeister hält an Polizeichef fest
27.Nov.2006 Chaos im Irak: Talabani bittet Iran um Hilfe
27.Nov.2006 Gasproms Preispläne: Neue Gaskrise bahnt sich an
Prävention durch Profiling: Scotland Yard plant Datenbank der künftigen Mörder
Parallele Entwicklung: Wale und Menschen tragen ähnliche Gehirnzellen im Kopf
27.Nov.2006 Aufstand in Bayern: Arbeiter rebellieren gegen IG Metall
27.Nov.2006 Rätselhafte Schlieren: Blitze sollen Saturnringe stören
27.Nov.2006 Fall Litwinenko: Blair warnt vor voreiligen Vorwürfen gegen Moskau

27.Nov.2006 Gesunkene Einkommen: Haushalte können weniger kaufen als 1991
27.Nov.2006 Linksruck: Correa siegt bei Präsidentschaftswahlen in Ecuador
27.Nov.2006 Flug- Reklamation: EU- Bericht fordert mehr Rechte für Passagiere
27.Nov.2006 Kriegsverbrecher: Seselj als Drahtzieher "ethnischer Säuberungen" angeklagt

27.Nov.2006 Interview mit Bill Curtsinger: "Haie sind absolut unberechenbar"
27.Nov.2006 Irak- Kommission: Experten für Gespräche mit Iran und Syrien

27.Nov.2006 Einzelhandel: Wal- Mart will in Indien Milliarden investieren

27.Nov.2006 Uno- Dokumentation: Humanität ist harte Arbeit
27.Nov.2006 Schlag für Baltenrepubliken: Gasprom will Gaspreise drastisch erhöhen
27.Nov.2006 Extreme Brutalität: Heftige Piratenattacken vor Afrikas Küsten

27.Nov.2006 Friedensangebot: Olmert geht auf Palästinenser zu

27.Nov.2006 CDU- Parteitag: Merkel warnt vor sinnlosem Warten auf "politischen Urknall"
27.Nov.2006 Polizeieinsatz: Spinne schaltet Supermarktbeleuchtung ein
27.Nov.2006 Massive Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in Türkei: Scharfschützen für den Oberhirten
Militärmaschine im Iran abgestürzt - sfux SDA -

Bei einem Flugzeugabsturz im Iran sind 38 Angehörige der Revolutionsgarde ums Leben gekommen. Unter ihnen auch mehrere hohe Offiziere der Elite-Einheit.

Der Flughafendirektor sagte im Fernsehen, es gebe keine Überlebenden.
Die Maschine vom Typ Antonow 74 sei wenige Minuten nach dem Start gegen 7.10 Uhr Ortszeit abgestürzt. Das berichtet das staatliche Fernsehen des Iran.

Bei den Toten handelt es sich um Mitglieder der ideologisch gedrillten Regierungsgarde...
Rettung für Rumsfeld? - sfux Harald Haack ?

Auf Donald Rumsfeld haben es viele abgesehen: Rumsfeld, der ?Kriegsverbrecher?, der ?Massenmörder?, der ?Foltertyrann?. Viele schlimme Attribute für einen Kaltschnäuzigen. Ja, sogar: Rumsfeld, das ?kriegslüsterne Monster der USA?. US-Anwälte wollen ihn zur Rechenschaft ziehen und wollten ihn in Deutschland wegen seiner Missetaten als Chef des Pentagons anzeigen. Anderswo existieren...
Heinrich Böll - sponsored by CIA - sfux World Content News - Am kommenden Mittwoch,

29.Nov.2006 strahlt der Kulturkanal "Arte" eine Dokumentation der unheimlichen Art aus: "Benutzt...
27.Nov.2006The Nuclear Assassins - sfux David Dastych -

On Saturday morning, a day after Alexander Litvinienko died of poisoning by a radio-active isotope, Polonium-210, I got a phone call from Mr. Gordon Thomas, a famous British investigative journalist and intelligence...
Sushi bar man is nuclear waste expert - sfux Mysterious past of last man to meet dead Russian
The last person to meet Alexander Litvinenko before he succumbed to the agonising effects of radioactive poisoning is a self-professed expert in nuclear materials.
International 'security consultant' Mario Scaramella, who joined Litvinenko for the now infamous clandestine meeting in a London sushi bar, headed an organisation which tracked dumped nuclear waste, including...

27.Nov.2006 Probe Traces Global Reach of Counterfeiting Ring - washingtonpost.com
Dateline:  TBILISI, Georgia

From a printing press in South Ossetia, a sliver of land with no formally recognized government, more than $20 million in the fake bills has been transported to Israel + the United States, according to investigators.

The counterfeit $100 notes have also surfaced in Georgia and Russia, officials said.
27.Nov.2006 Workers at a voting site in Cleveland tried to get an electronic voting machine to start on Election Day, after the polls had opened. https://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/26/us/politics/26vote.html?hp&ex=1164603600&en=9c6043f6bf89eae1&ei=5094&partner=homepage
00.000.2004 the British authorities received a tip from a suspicious employee of a storage warehouse outside London, above, that

Nabeel Hussain, one of the defendants in the conspiracy trial, was storing a large amount of fertilizer there. https://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/26/world/europe/26crevice.html?hp&ex=1164603600&en=e7e6dc6dc5bdf41b&ei=5094&partner=homepage
27.Nov.2006 WaPo's Dionne, NYT's Krugman: "Sarasota Is Canary In Electronic Voting Coal Mine"
While we might quibble that there is a bloodbath of dead canaries which have long been littering the electoral landscape, we'll shut up today + again be thankful that someone with a voice at the Washington Post seems to have finally noticed any of this stuff we've been running around with our hair on fire about for the last two years. Bad news, E.J.It's been happening all across the country ever since 2000.

Yay! We Won. Now What About That Whole Election Process?
it is imperative that we don't let this issue die.That we don't find ourselves in the same position we are now come November 2008.That we make sure that comprehensive voter reform - voter reform with teeth - gets implemented as soon as possible. There is much that needs fixing.But the right to vote,and have your vote counted,is the very definition of democracy.And right now,our country is a worldwide laughingstock...

Culture War Crusading Pastor Decries Wal-Mart, Seeks Christian Moratorium On Would-be Shoppers
BUENA PARK, Calif ? Pastor Dr. Wiley S. Drake Sr., Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention, declares a boycott, in the "name of Christianity," on Wal-Mart. Sighting the company's neutrality stance in the "culture wars," Wiley writes president of Wal-Mart, Lee Scott, saying, "I will not return to your stores...as [long as] you are killing babies with plan "B"...and a member of the Homosexual Chamber of Commerce."

Justice Department Quashes Wiretapping Inquiries
MAINE -- The Department of Justice's response to inquiries sent by Maine, Connecticut, Vermont and New Jersey about possible illegal wiretapping has been to sue the states for enforcing state law!

Signed Memorandum Pins Torture Of Detainees On Rumsfeld
MADRID - In a hand-annotated and signed memo, Former U.S. Army Brigadier General Janis Karpinski, told Spain's El Pais newspaper that in early 2004 Donald Rumsfeld ordered that techniques such as sleep deprivation and prolonged stress position were approved for use on terror suspects. Karpinski also claims she witnessed in the margin of the memo in the same handwriting "Make sure this is accomplished."

27.Nov.2006 A Matter Of Definition: What Makes A Civil War + Who Declares It So?
Though the Bush administration continues to insist that it is not, a growing number of American and Iraqi scholars, leaders and policy analysts say the fighting in Iraq meets the standard definition of civil war.

NY Times: Experts Concerned As Ballot Problems Persist
After six years of technological research, more than $4 billion spent by Washington on new machinery and a widespread overhaul of the nation's voting system, this month's midterm election revealed that the country is still far from able to ensure that every vote counts. Tens of thousands of voters, scattered across more than 25 states, encountered serious problems at the polls...

U.S. Finds Iraq Insurgency Has Funds To Sustain Itself
Insurgency raising tens of millions of dollars a year from oil smuggling, kidnapping, counterfeiting, corrupt charities and other crimes, report concludes.

Paper For President: The Time Is Now
Hand counted paper ballots for presidential elections will provide greater assurance for those who vote that their vote was taken correctly and counted openly in front of witnesses from the political parties and the general public.Under the Kucinich bill, any US citizen reading this article can request and be granted the right to witness vote counting. It's about time!

Waxman Poised To Cause Bush Admin Big Headaches

Ex-employee Says FAA Warned Before 9/11
11.Sep.2001 -Many times, before- the FAA tested airport security + it FAILED.

The FAA said they had no way of knowing that 9/11 could happen, but they KNEW security was almost worthless, failing 90% of the time.
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann's Answer To Bush On Viet Name
It should now be obvious to most Americans that George W Bush not only proudly wears the blinders of denial but is more than willing to sacrifice countless American soldiers ( 58,000 were sacrificed in Vietnam ) inorder to personally avoid failure. It's time for an intervention ~ and that vehicle is IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS. Allen L Roland

27.Nov.2006 -By Press Release
Election Proves New Voting Method To Improve Democracy Is Catching On
Instant Runoff Voting (IRV), an idea advanced by the New America Foundation to give voters more influence and more choices in elections, continued to gain favor in California and elsewhere as four cities strongly approved November 7 ballot measures supporting the idea.

By Bo Lipari
Election Problems, What Election Problems?
If you watched the cable news coverage on Election Night,it seemed that few problems were experienced with electronic voting-the predicted "train wreck"had not materialized.But out in the real world, the HAVA mandated changeover of voting systems resulted in real failures that resulted in long lines and lost votes.Just like the fancy new high tech voting machines, the mainstream media failed us yet again.

By Uri Avnery
An Evening In Jounieh
The one way Israel can win a war in Lebanon. DURING THE first Lebanon war, I visited Jounieh, a town some 20 km north of Beirut. At the time, it served as a port for the Christian forces. It was an exciting evening. In spite of the war raging in nearby Beirut, Jounieh was full of life. The Christian elite spent the day in the sun-drenched marina, the women lounging in bikinis, the men slugging whisky...

By Tom Hayden
Documents Reveal Secret Talks Between U.S. And Armed Iraqi Resistance
It is not for holiday purposes that George Bush and Condoleeza Rice are meeting next week with Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki in Amman while Dick Cheney rushes to Saudi Arabia. The only question being kept from the American people is what the high-level talks are about.

27.Nov.2006 By Michael Moore
Cut And Run, The Only Brave Thing To Do
Tomorrow marks the day that we will have been in Iraq longer than we were in all of World War II. That's right. We were able to defeat all of Nazi Germany, Mussolini + the entire Japanese empire in LESS time than it's taken the world's only superpower to secure the road from the airport to downtown Baghdad. And we haven't even done THAT...

27.Nov.2006 By Karen Giles - Help Sarasota Voters With Lawsuit For Revote In Congressional Race
27.Nov.2006 By Neal AbuNab - Iran's Technology Revolution
There is more to the Iranian nuclear program issue than gets reported in the US media. National pride is not the only thing that attaches the regime to its program. It has to do with more complicated economic issues of employment, developing an industrial base and becoming self-reliant.

27.Nov.2006 By John Pagoda- Rangel's Lesson From History
It's still the poor and under-privileged that fight our wars. - By Jayne Lyn Stahl
In The Under-belly Of The Beast
Just when we thought it was safe to put another election behind us... By Stephen Lendman
Hugo Chavez Holds Commanding Lead Eight Days Before Election
Bush administration scheming to subvert the democratic process in Venezuela and oust Hugo Chavez - By Alex Gabor
Welcome To The New American Revolution
Alex S. Gabor predicts that Bush and Cheney will be impeached 00.000.2007 and we will have a woman take office, a first in American history. - By Mikael Rudolph
Not Out Of The Northwoods Yet
The election results of November 7th were certainly encouraging, but nothing has changed yet. The atrocious laws passed and the limitless power of this President are still intact. We are just one "act of terror" away from losing everything we just won. - By Mac McKinney
Two Paths To Solving The World's Problems
Well, war and torture and Machiavellian intrigues have certainly ushered in a new Golden Age globally, haven't they, especially in the Middle East? Not! As the planet now descends into the lower circles of Hell, it is time to rethink our underlying philosophy. Or as Gandhi put it, he would become convinced that violence could solve the world's problems when someone could prove to him that darkness can dispel darkness.

27.Nov.2006 By Kim Gongre- Between Iraq And A Hard Place
I wonder if Bush et al were really naïve enough to think they could keep their dirty little secrets under wraps indefinitely. The day of reckoning for Mr. Bush et al is fast approaching.

27.Nov.2006 By William Fisher - U.S. V. BUSH, Et Al
The charge is Conspiracy to Defraud the United States. And the defendants are President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard Cheney, outgoing Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice + former Secretary of State Colin Powell. - By Jason Miller
Blind Obedience To The Canons Of Capitalism:Of Sick Societies, American Dalits + A Nation Of Lady Macbeths
Three days ago, most of us initiated the "Holidays" by performing the annual rite of gratitude. Millions gave thanks for living in a nation which has become obscenely corpulent by suckling at the teats of genocide, slavery + imperialism.

27.Nov.2006 By Patricia Johnson -Connecting The Condi Dots -Should Rice, not Rumsfeld have been the one to go?
27.Nov.2006 By Rob Kall - The Left Won Big And IS Taking Back The US And The Planet, Even Though The Mainstream Media Say Otherwise
As the right wing extremist world is shrinking, imploding, melting, collapsing-- you get the message-- it's media surrogates and spinmeisters are desperately doing all they can to recast their loss and the left's gain, dishonestly claiming conservatism won and progressives lost. Bullsh**. Nothing could be further from the truth.

By Brent Budowsky - Sad Sunday: Iraq War Longer Than World War Two. JFK Was Right, George Bush Is Wrong
The tragic milestone has arrived, the Iraq War lasted longer than the Second World War, with the President telling us that many more days are left in his tragedy drenched in blood..

27.Nov.2006 The Washington Post leads locally but off-leads an analysis piece on how President Bush's advisers are looking into the way former presidents Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan recovered from a midterm election thumping.
27.Nov.2006 The New Middle East - The Bush administration, Syria and Lebanon.
27.Nov.2006 Israel PM outlines peace vision Israeli leader Ehud Olmert says he hopes to revive long-stalled peace efforts with the Palestinians.
27.Nov.2006 NY rally deplores police shooting Members of New York's black community protest at the killing of an unarmed man by police, on his wedding day.
27.Nov.2006 Chavez holds final election rally Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez holds his final election rally in front of hundreds of thousands of supporters.
27.Nov.2006 Government cleared in AWB inquiry An Australian inquiry clears the government of bribing Iraqi officials for contracts under the UN oil-for-food scheme.
27.Nov.2006 Thai leaders to relax martial law Thai military chiefs recommend lifting martial law, imposed after the coup, in parts of the country.
27.Nov.2006 Berlusconi illness delays trial
The trial of Italy's ex-PM Silvio Berlusconi on fraud charges is postponed after he spends the night in hospital for tests.

27.Nov.2006 Tuna quotas cut as stocks decline Cuts are agreed in Atlantic and Mediterranean tuna catches, but conservation groups say they are weak.
27.Nov.2006 Jordan's king warns of civil wars King Abdullah of Jordan says the Middle East risks three civil wars if the international community does not act.
27.Nov.2006 Wal-Mart to enter Indian market Wal-Mart is to enter India's retail market after announcing a joint agreement with Indian firm Bharti Enterprises.
27.Nov.2006 UK troop levels in Iraq to fall The number of UK troops in Iraq by the end of 2007 is expected to be lower "by thousands", the defence secretary says.
27.Nov.2006 Online video 'eroding TV viewing' Almost half of people who regularly watch online video spend less time watching TV, a survey suggests.
27.Nov.2006 Happy Feet beats Bond movie again The penguins of Happy Feet prove more popular than Casino Royale for the second week in North America.
27.Nov.2006 RSPB warning over EU bird numbers The RSPB says newer EU states must learn from the UK's mistake of endangering birds with intensive farming.
27.Nov.2006 Army Game Proves U.S. Can't Lose
The developer behind a new military recruitment video game complains that he wasn't allowed to program realistic enemies that learn from their mistakes and adapt to circumstances. By Marty Graham.

27.Nov.2006 Agencies line up for plug-in cars State and local governments are trying out hybrid electric-gas vehicles that recharge from a wall socket for their car and bus fleets.
27.Nov.2006 Self-Recycling Paper - Zonk 74 - fermion writes

"Xerox is reported to be working on some interesting forms of digital paper. The

New York Times reports a 16 hour reusable paper. This system uses a coated paper and special ink to produce a copy that will fade over 16 hours, or sooner if the paper is put back in the copy tray.

It can then be reused for a new copy, up to 10 times. According to the article, the rational for this is that paper is no longer used to store information, but merely to temporarily display it.

The research suggest that in the typical office many copies end up in the recycle bin by the end of the day.

The main obstacle to commercialization seems to be the question of whether people need this product.

Will people have digital displays that will take the place of paper? Will something radically different from plain paper, but with competitive costs and characteristics, become popular?

Xerox itself is working on something called gyricon, a system of tiny bichromal beads encased between sheets of plastics.

Evidently the beads can be set electrically to either reflect of absorb light, thus allowing images to be generated at will. According to the page, the images can be set by a printer or a hand held wand.

The 'paper' could even be combined with electronics to create a flexible display. So,/., where is our display technology headed? Coated conventional paper? Plastic reprintable paper?

Glasses with heads up displays and wireless data feed?"
UK Copyright Extension Not Happening - Zonk 298 - chiark writes

"In a surprising move (surveys said that the public supports extending copyright), the UK will not extend copyright to 95 years following a recent study.

Back when this was was covered on slashdot last year, I wrote to my MP and thought no more of it, but recently a UK thinktank has called for fair use to be enshrined in UK Law.

Looks like the government is realizing that the public are the ones that vote 'em in or out." From the article:

"Sir Cliff Richard and Jethro Tull had been among artists lobbying for copyright to last 95 years, rather than the present 50.

The decision means that from 2008 Sir Cliff's earliest recordings will start to come out of copyright. "
The "I" Word. Should Bush be Impeached? Share Your Thoughts With the BuzzFlash Community.
Holiday Shopping that Makes a Difference. Spend Your Dollars at BuzzFlash.com and Make Them Count. Here's Why . . . And Remember, By Buying From BuzzFlash, You are Contributing to Democracy. Spend Your Dollars Where They Can Have an Impact! (FREE Shipping in the U.S.)

27.Nov.2006 Larry Beinhart: The Blame Game - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution from the author of "Wag the Dog"
Brent Budowsky for BuzzFlash.com: Iraq War Longer Than U.S. Involvement In WWII. Time for Regionwide Middle East Peace Initiative.
U.S. Involvement in Iraq Surpasses the Length of World War II -- and Bush Ain't no FDR. Bush is More Like Borat, Only Not So Funny.
Unify Iraq? PM Maliki can't even persuade fellow Shiites to stop stoning his motorcade

27.Nov.2006 Be a Part of an Exciting New BuzzFlash Internet Network Experiment. Vote on and Submit Stories on BuzzFlash.net. Do It Now!
Coming soon ? the great presidential stonewall - Last Chance Democracy Cafe by Steven C. Day

27.Nov.2006 US carried out madrasah bombing, Pakistan admits 11/27
It Only Goes from Horrible to Worse Everyday in Iraq, Why Does The Boy in the Bubble Get to Continue to Occupy the White House? "Two mortar rounds hit a U.S. military post in eastern Baghdad on Sunday, setting it on fire, police and witnesses said."

27.Nov.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Abizaid defines victory in Iraq as "a country at peace with its neighbors," which it was before we went in.

Note that he makes no mention of democracy. We know now that the neocons never wanted democracy for Iraq in the first place:

Their plan was to install Ahmed Chalabi as the newer, more American-friendly Saddam. Bush himself, some now say, interfered with that scenario. Permalink
27.Nov.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ A link between Al Qaeda and Iran is hinted at, though never stated explicitly. That's a now-familiar tactic.
27.Nov.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ New quagmires for old According to General John Abizaid, commander of American forces in the Middle East, the civil war convulsing Iraq should not be blamed on George Bush.

Instead, all blame goes to Iran. Isn't that conveeeeeenient:
27.Nov.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Do you want to wallow in cynicism, or do you want to do every damn thing you can to force Congress to solve the problem?

Take action.

Join the fight.

If you do, then when your grandkids ask you "What did you do during the great war for impeachment?" you won't have to tell them: "Well, I was shoveling shit at Nancy Pelosi." Permalink
27.Nov.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Another trigger might be a groundswell of public opinion. Impeachment from below, as it were.
That's where we come in. It's not enough for us to cite online polls indicating that the American people favor impeachment if, if, if . No, we have to do something.
And here's what we're gonna do: December 10 is Human Rights Day + this year we're making it Human Rights and Impeachment Day. Slogan: "Putting Impeachment on the Table."
We encourage you to organize a town hall forum or rally on this day for the impeachment of Bush + Cheney.

You should also visit the Democrats.com Impeachment for Change site. There's a petition to sign. A million signatures will do nicely, thank you very much.
Do you have some drab telephone poles in your neighborhood which could use a spot of decoration?

Try printing out the Ten Reasons the Impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney , which you can find here.

Consider printing it out on a neon-colored paper.
AfterDowningStreet and Democrats.com have started a movement. Join it.
You may also want to take a glance at the novel strategy advocated by a group called

In short and in sum, these folks have discovered an oddity in the congressional rules:

Before the House Judiciary Committee can put together the Articles of Impeachment, someone must initiate the impeachment procedure.

Most often, this occurs when members of the House pass a resolution.

Another method outlined in the manual, however, is for individual citizens to submit a memorial for impeachment.
After learning this information, Minnesotan and Impeach for Peace member (Jodin Morey) found precedent in an

00.000.1826 memorial by Luke Edward Lawless which had been successful in initiating the impeachment of Federal Judge James H. Peck.

Impeach for Peace then used this as a template for their "Do-It-Yourself Impeachment."

Now any citizen can download the DIY Impeachment Memorial and submit it, making it possible for Americans to do what our representatives have been unwilling to do.

The idea is for so many people to submit the Memorial that it cannot be ignored.

These folks envision a mass mailing on January 15, when the new Congress convenes.

A million pieces of mail should have a rock-em sock-em effect.
So those are your big dates:

10.Dec.2006 +

15.Jan.2007 . And even then, we will have just begun to do political battle.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Of course, after six years of atrocious behavior, one wonders whether anything can still startle the citizenry.
27.Nov.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Quit whining and start winning .
27.Nov.2006 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ God save us from the purists.
27.Nov.2006 Manuel L. Quezon III: The Daily Dose » Blog Archive » Morning Readings The habit of using “II” and not “ Jr .” is a recent thing, a fashion the Marcoses tried to popularize in the case of Ferdinand Marcos , Jr ., ... www.quezon.ph/?p=52
Ferdinand Marcos played a huge part in Philippine history. Ferdinand Marcos , died in exile. ... Sergio Osmeña, Jr . He was however unable to reduce massive government corruption or to instigate any economic growth in ... www.philippines-travel-guide.com/ferdinand-marcos.html
Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition (MAO)

Hamburg - Der Hamburger Aufstand 1923 (von Jürgen Schröder, letzte Änderung: ... Afrika ; Amerika (Mittel- und Südamerika); Amerika (Nordamerika); Asien . userpage.fu-berlin.de/~archapo/Online/MAO/MAO.html
Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA

Samuel Zemurray von der Cuyamel Banana Company , die später zur United Fruit gehört, finanziert den in einem Bordell von New Orleans geplanten Coup. www.us-politik.ch/teil1.htm
Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA Untersuchungsrichter Aaron Kohn kommt nach New Orleans und bildet die Metropolitan ...

Da die Anglo-Iranian Oil Company , die in Grossbritannien mehr Steuern ... www.us-politik.ch/teil3.htm
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... le Nigeria arrivent en tête de liste .

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Giftmord in London: Musste Litwinenko wegen eines brisanten Jukos- Dossiers sterben?

26.Nov.2006 SPIEGEL- Edition, Band 16: Universum ohne Gott
Australien: Umgesiedelte Tasmanische Teufel sollen ihre Art retten
Polizei- Technologie: Briten verdrahten Bobbys
New York: Blutbad bei Junggesellenabschied, Polizeichef unter Druck
Kommunalwahlen: Schwere Niederlage für Polens konservative Regierung
Papst- Reise: Benedikts türkische Hintergedanken
Deutsche Industrie: Bosse warnen vor Konzern- Ausverkauf
Siemens- Finanzaffäre: Auch Korruptionsjäger sollen verstrickt sein