05.Nov.2008 Obama's win eclipses national news in Britain MSNBC By Jennifer Carlile, LONDON, ENGLAND - Britons awoke Wednesday to headlines like the Daily Express’ "A New World Dawns," and The Independent’s "Mr. 05.Nov.2008 This election was an epic told in a new media world Los Angeles Times The serial that was the 00.000.2008 election starred an enormous + unlikely cast of characters + took place within an expanded media universe, a world away from the last election. Election night reveals a whole new reality in network TV coverage New York Daily News 05.Nov.2008 Juan Camilo - sueddeutsche.de Wegen der kritischen Lage hat Innenminister Juan Camilo Mouriño für Dienstag das Sicherheitskabinett in die nordmexikanische Stadt Culiacán einberufen. www.sueddeutsche.de/thema/Juan_Camilo 04.Nov.2008 MUERE JUAN CAMILO MOURIÑO The Mexican Home Minister, 37 year old Juan Camilo Mourino died in a plane crash today. "Mr Mourino was in charge of security during the ... www.nowpublic.com/world/muere-juan-camilo-mourino 04.Nov.2008 Mexico Plane Crash: Interior Minister Juan Camilo Mouriño was ... El Sendero del Peje - Periodico Digital Sendero SA de CV - SDP - Periodismo Ciudadano Sin Censura. senderodelpeje.com/sdp/contenido/2008/11/04/68829 04.Nov.2008 MÉXICO SE SACUDE: CAE LEAR JET Y MUEREN JUAN CAMILO MOURIÑO ... En verdad, sea quien sea, independientemente si desempeño bien o no su cargo, si tenia negocios por debajo del agua, Juan Camilo Mouriño , ... www.unafuente.com/04-11-2008/es-juan-camilo-mourino-dicen-los-informes-del-avionazo/ 05.Nov.2008 Juan Camilo Mouriño - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Juan Camilo Mouriño nació en Madrid, hijo de Carlos Mouriño Atanes —empresario español dueño del Real Club Celta de Vigo [4] — y Ángeles Terrazo, ... es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Camilo_Mouriño Juan Camilo Mouriño - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Juan Camilo Mouriño came under public scrutiny due to some contracts that appear to be signed by him as a representative of the companies owned by his ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Camilo_Mouriño Juan Camilo Mouriño o "Iván el fino" - El Universal - México Nació el 01.Aug1971 en Madrid; es español pero a los 18 años Juan Camilo Mouriño adoptó la nacionalidad mexicana. Apenas la semana pasada celebró ... www.el-universal.com.mx/nacion/141670.html Trayectoria.</B> Juan Camilo Mouriño - El Universal - México 16.Ene.2008 ... Juan Camilo Mouriño es un hombre que pertenece al círculo cercano de ... Juan Camilo Mouriño es Licenciado en Economía por la Universidad de ... www.el-universal.com.mx/notas/474556.html 01.Aug.1971 geb. Juan Camilo Mouriño – Wikipedia NAME, Mouriño , Juan Camilo . ALTERNATIVNAMEN, Mouriño Terrazo, Juan Camilo . KURZBESCHREIBUNG, mexikanischer Politiker. GEBURTSDATUM, .. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Camilo_Mouriño México - Presidencia de la República Juan Camilo Mouriño Terrazo. Profile. Obtained a BA in Economics from the University of Tampa, Florida and an MA in Accountancy and a Specialization in ... www.presidencia.gob.mx/en/cabinet/?contenido=28300 05.Nov.2008 Democrat Gains in Congress Clear Way for Party Agenda (Update1) Bloomberg-By Laura Litvan Democrats in Congress plan to use their election gains to push for an economic stimulus measure, expanded health-care for children and funding for stem-cell research - and then follow President-elect Barack ... Dems appear to pad House majority Political Ticker 05.Nov.2008 https://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/nov/05/uselections2008-barackobama8/print A hologram! Can you have a hologram on live TV? Yes. Yes we can. Suddenly, and for no reason that anyone could see, one of 's correspondents, sent up to Chicago for the possible celebrations planned for Grant Park in the heart of Camp Obama, appeared in the middle of the studio in full 3D, floating slightly above the floor and only a little smaller than life-sized. 05.Nov.2008 Who needs an election when you have holograms? guardian.co.uk 05.Nov.2008 Europe Falls, Investors Digest US ElectionWall Street Journal- By TIM FALCONER European stocks snapped their winning streak Wednesday morning, as investors worked through the implications of US Sen. Barack Obama's decisive presidential-election victory and judged recent market gains as overdone. 05.Nov.2008 https://online.wsj.com/article/SB122585053700600037.html?mod=googlenews_wsj# Oil-Price Drop Hits Home in Texas 05.Nov.2008 https://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/firmen-rankings/_b=2080133,_p=365,_t=ftprint,doc_page=0;printpage Der MDax-Konzern Hochtief erwirtschaftet 87 % seiner Umsätze im Ausland und blieb so von der langen Baukrise in Deutschland unberührt. 05.Nov.2008 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/worldwide/ Mexico's Interior Minister Mourino Killed in Plane Crash in Mexico City Mexican Interior Minister Juan Camilo Mourino was killed when a jet carrying him and seven others crashed yesterday in the capital, threatening to derail President Felipe Calderon's fight against drug trafficking. 05.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-588517,00.html Die Bush-Doktrin wurde gestern Nacht abgewählt. Der Alleingang der westlichen Supermacht dürfte fürs Erste beendet sein. 05.Nov.2008 [...] Zuweilen muss man seinen Verstand schon zusammennehmen, um nicht Sozialist zu werden. 05.Nov.2008 [...] Das Wort von der "Sozialen Ungleichheit" ist im Amerika dieser Tage eine unerhörte Untertreibung. Fast 50 Millionen Menschen besitzen keine Krankenversicherung. Rund 30 Millionen benötigen Unterstützung durch Lebensmittelkarten, die der Staat ausgibt. 05.Nov.2008 [...] Aber keiner von ihnen traf den Obama-Ton, den Ton dieser Zeit. 05.Nov.2008 [...] "Mein Präsident", nannte ihn selbst der unterlegene Kandidat der Konservativen, John McCain. Es war der starke Abgang eines schwachen Kandidaten. 05.Nov.2008 https://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aZYSaaTg9xJg&refer=europe DTCC is controlled by a board of members, including JPMorgan Chase & Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and other dealers that created and control trading in the credit-default swap market. 05.Nov.2008 Stoffwechsel: Schlankmacher für Mäuse entdeckt (Wissenschaft) 05.Nov.2008 Obamas historischer Wahlsieg: Die Wiederauferstehung des amerikanischen Traums (Politik) 05.Nov.2008 US-Kongress: Demokraten triumphieren bei Kongresswahlen (Politik) 05.Nov.2008 Obamas Rede im Wortlaut "Das ist euer aller Sieg" 05.Nov.2008 McCains Rede im Wortlaut "Amerikaner geben niemals auf" 05.Nov.2008 Wahlparty in Chicago: Jubel und Tränen im Grant Park 05.Nov.2008 Wahlsieger Obama: Triumph eines Glückskinds 05.Nov.2008 Volksabstimmungen: Abtreibungsgegner unterliegen in zwei US-Bundesstaaten 05.Nov.2008 Enttäuschung in Arizona: McCain räumt seine Niederlage ein 05.Nov.2008 US-Wahl: Obama punktet bei Frauen und Schwarzen - McCain bei Weißen 05.Nov.2008 US-Präsidentschaft: Obama erringt historischen Wahlsieg 05.Nov.2008 Historische Entscheidung: Barack Obama gewinnt US-Wahl 05.Nov.2008 US-Kongress: Demokraten gewinnen Mehrheit im Senat 05.Nov.2008 Mexiko-City: Innenminister stirbt bei Flugzeugabsturz 05.Nov.2008 US-Senat: Demokraten sichern sich eigenständige Mehrheit 05.Nov.2008 Malaysian police seize 10,000 endangered turtle eggs Malaysia police said Tuesday they have seized a massive haul of 10,000 endangered turtle eggs which were destined for sale in food markets on Borneo island. 05.Nov.2008 ND pantries to accept only archery-killed deer (AP) - A North Dakota program that distributes venison to the needy will accept only deer killed with arrows, fearing that firearm-shot meat may contain lead fragments. 05.Nov.2008 Report: Pentagon to begin briefing president-elect’s transition team ‘almost immediately.’ - Matt Corley Comments NBC News reports that because “the upcoming political transition will be the first in wartime since Vietnam,” Pentagon officials are prepared to begin briefing the new president-elect’s transition team “almost immediately” after today’s elections. Officials tell NBC that “they intend to expedite the security-clearance process so that transition members would actually be able to sit alongside top Pentagon and military leaders during secure satellite briefings with combatant military commanders from Iraq and Afghanistan.” “We are undertaking Herculean efforts to ensure the transition goes as smoothly and seamlessly as possible,” said one official. 05.Nov.2008 US-Präsidentschaftswahl: Obama siegt in Vermont, McCain in Kentucky (Politik) 05.Nov.2008 'Junk' DNA proves functional In a paper published in Genome Research on Nov. 4, scientists at the Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) report that what was previously believed to be "junk" DNA is one of the important ingredients distinguishing humans from other species. 05.Nov.2008 Sprint, Clearwire broadband deal gets FCC approval (AP) Federal regulators are giving Sprint Nextel Corp. the green light to spin off and merge its new WiMax wireless broadband network with that of Clearwire Corp. 04.Nov.2008 This year's Antarctic zone hole is 5th biggest (AP) This year's ozone hole over Antarctica was the fifth biggest on record, reaching a maximum area of 10.5 million square miles in September, NASA says. That's considered "moderately large," NASA atmospheric scientist Paul Newman said in a statement. 04.Nov.2008 Streit um Steueroasen: Steinbrück droht Liechtenstein mit Sanktionen (Wirtschaft) 04.Nov.2008 New York: Polizisten belästigen Mann sexuell (Panorama) 04.Nov.2008 McCain campaign distributing reports of "Election Day irregularities" guardian.co.uk- Is the McCain camp preparing a case to contest the legitimacy of the election, should Obama win by a 00.Nov.2000-like narrow margin? The McCain campaign is collecting reports of "Election Day irregularities" in swing states and distributing them to reporters. 04.Nov.2008 How McCain Could Win Newsweek 04.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-588096,00.html Zugleich ist Geis Mitglied im Ausschuss für "Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung", der über die Förderung von Entwicklungshilfeprojekten berät. Auf seiner Bundestagswebseite steht bis heute nichts von seiner Funktion in der Rhein-Donau-Stiftung. "Aus Versehen", sagt er. 04.Nov.2008 [...] Der Buchautor und anerkannte Opus-Dei-Experte Peter Hertel hat festgestellt, dass die Rhein-Donau-Stiftung vor allem für solche Projekte Bundesmittel beantragte, die den Einfluss des Geheimbundes in für ihn wichtigen Erdregionen voranbringen: "Im Unterschied zu kirchlichen Hilfswerken wie Misereor oder Adveniat, die Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe zu geben versuchen", sei Opus Dei, urteilt der Theologe, deutlich aggressiver: "Es unterwirft die Beteiligten, sie haben in seinem Sinne zu funktionieren und werden von oben religiös-politisch einseitig indoktriniert." Der Einfluss des Geheimbundes hätte dem Ministerium bei den Projekten in Argentinien, Peru, Uruguay, Nigeria oder dem Kongo durchaus auffallen können, findet er. Hertel kritisiert: "Hier werden Steuergelder in ein schwer überprüfbares internationales System von Vereinigungen und Stiftungen gegeben." 04.Nov.2008 Hydrogen tank lighter than battery Dutch-sponsored researcher Robin Gremaud has shown that an alloy of the metals magnesium, titanium and nickel is excellent at absorbing hydrogen. This light alloy brings us a step closer to the everyday use of hydrogen as a source of fuel for powering vehicles. A hydrogen 'tank' using this alloy would have a relative weight that is sixty % less than a battery pack. In order to find the best alloy Gremaud developed a method which enabled simultaneous testing of thousands of samples of different metals for their capacity to absorb hydrogen. The British company Ilika in Southampton has shown considerable interest. 04.Nov.2008 Prosecutor: Doctor tried to hasten patient's death (AP) A transplant surgeon ordered excessive amounts of morphine and a sedative to speed a patient's death so he could harvest the organs, a prosecutor said Monday as the doctor's trial started. 04.Nov.2008 Privacy Concerns Over Google On the Rise In Germany – kdawson An anonymous reader writes "After protests from several sources, major German news site Spiegel Online has dropped Google Analytics. 'Google gathers so much detailed information about its users that one critic says some state intelligence bureaus look "like child protection services" in comparison,' they say. Spiegel Online no longer uses Google Analytics. 'We want to ensure that data on our users' browsing patterns don't leave our site,' says Wolfgang Büchner, one of Spiegel Online's two chief editors." The article covers a wide swath of German concern over Google's data-collecting and -handling policies, including a local rebellion against Google's Street View survey vehicles that threatens to go national. 04.Nov.2008 New Type of Particle May Have Been Found – kdawson An anonymous reader writes "The LHC is out of commission, but the Tevatron collider at Fermilab is still chugging along, and may have just discovered a new type of particle that would signal new physics. New Scientist reports that the Tevatron's CDF detector has found muons that seem to have been created outside of the beam pipe that confines the protons and anti-protons being smashed together. The standard model can't explain the muons, and some speculate that 'an unknown particle with a lifetime of about 20 picoseconds was produced in the collision, traveled about 1 centimeter, through the side of the beam pipe, and then decayed into muons.' The hypothetical particle even seems to have the right mass to account for one theory of dark matter." 04.Nov.2008 Colombian army commander resigns Colombia's top military commander resigns following a probe into the extrajudicial killings of civilians. 04.Nov.2008 Chicken Industry Threatened by Inbreeding - Brandon Keim A small gene pool and prolonged inbreeding have reduced the genetic diversity of commercial chickens to the point that they are more vulnerable to disease or even bioterror attacks. 04.Nov.2008 US Economy: September Factory Orders Slide More Than Forecast Bloomberg-By Shobhana Chandra - US factory orders fell in September as the value of bookings for petroleum and chemicals plunged, while demand for durable goods excluding cars and aircraft tumbled by a record. UPDATE 1-US factory orders tumble again Reuters 04.Nov.2008 Election Day stock rally Money.com- By Alexandra Twin, Money.com senior writer Two years ago it seemed that the election would hinge on Iraq, now it's the economy that's on voter's minds. US markets higher as Americans vote International Herald Tribune 04.Nov.2008 Dickes Plus: US-Präsidentenwahl hievt Dax in die Höhe (Wirtschaft) 04.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-588282,00.html Als erschöpfbare Ressourcen betrachten wir heute die Atmosphäre, die Ozeane und die Biosphäre, die nur begrenzt CO2 aufnehmen können. 04.Nov.2008 Ökonomie des Klimawandels: "Wir brauchen negative Emissionen" (Wissenschaft) 04.Nov.2008 Milliardenhilfe: EU-Finanzminister gewähren Ungarn Notkredit (Wirtschaft) 04.Nov.2008 Spanien: Sohn von Qaida-Chef Bin Laden bittet um Asyl (Politik) 04.Nov.2008 Entdeckung eines US-Forschers: Wundersamer Regenwald-Pilz erzeugt Bio-Diesel (Wissenschaft) 04.Nov.2008 US-Wahlcomputer: Experten warnen vor neuen Auszähl-Pannen (Netzwelt) 04.Nov.2008 Espanha sofre maior aumento de sempre do desemprego Agência Financeira -Bruxelas prevê subida do desemprego espanhol para os 15% em 2010O número de desempregados em Espanha aumentou de forma acentuada em Outubro, para cerca de 193 mil, o que significa o maior aumento mensal de sempre. Ao todo, o número de desempregados ... Espanha sofreu em Outubro o maior aumento de sempre do desemprego Jornal de Negócios - Portugal 04.Nov.2008 Long lines form early as voters finally decide CHICAGO (AP) - Long lines have formed as polls open in Eastern states. John McCain is counting on a narrow path to an upset victory today while Barack Obama pinned his hopes for becoming the nation's first black president on a ground organization ... 04.Nov.2008 US-Wahlstart: Obama erobert Republikaner-Hochburgen in New Hampshire (Politik) 04.Nov.2008 Forensic scientists: China's reformist second-to-last emperor was murdered The emperor, who died at the age of 36, was well known for trying to reform the weak feudal system of the Qing Dynasty and 00.000.1898 adopt a constitutional monarchy . But his reform failed in a coup launched by the conservative Empress Dowager Cixi, the widow of Emperor Xianfeng and aunt of Guangxu. posted by Prof. Hex 04.Nov.2008 Trier: Ermittlungen gegen Priester wegen Kinderpornografie (Panorama) 04.Nov.2008 US-Präsidenten im Film: Wie Hollywood die Wahl vorbereitet hat Kultur) 04.Nov.2008 Judge sentences ex-UBS exec to 6-1/2 years prison Reuters 04.Nov.2008 Ungewöhnliches Experiment: Japaner klonen Tiefkühlmaus (Wissenschaft) 04.Nov.2008 Guantanamo-Prozess: Lebenslang für Bin Ladens Videofilmer (Politik) 04.Nov.2008 Amtsmissbrauch: Freispruch für Palin (Politik) 04.Nov.2008 Entscheidung in den USA: Obama und McCain kämpfen bis zur letzten Minute (Politik) 04.Nov.2008 Lehrer auf LAN-Party: Killen wie im Kinderzimmer (SchulSPIEGEL) 04.Nov.2008 https://www.jungewelt.de/2008/11-04/009.php?print=1 In den Wirren der Finanzmarktkatastrophe wird für immer mehr US-Bürger der »amerikanische Traum« zum Alptraum. Stille Revolution 04.Nov.2008 https://www.jungewelt.de/2008/11-04/063.php?print=1 Denn nicht die Präsidentschaftswahl, erst eine Mordanklage gegen Bush und die anderen Architekten des Irak-Krieges wird den von vielen erhofften »Wandel« einläuten, in den USA und für die ganze Welt. 04.Nov.2008 [...] Bugliosi gilt als Legende der Strafverfolgung. Er hat jeden Mordprozeß seiner Karriere gewonnen und ist auch zuversichtlich, gegen Bush die Todesstrafe oder lebenslänglich zu erwirken. Der Texaner habe den Krieg unter Vorspiegelung falscher Tatsachen begonnen, er habe behauptet, im Irak gebe es Massenvernichtungswaffen und es gebe eine Verbindung zwischen Saddam Hussein und der Terrororganisation Al-Qaida. Wenn schon gegen einen Präsidenten wie William Clinton mit Millionenaufwand ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren angestrengt worden sei, weil er eine Sexaffäre vertuschen wollte, »was tun wir dann, wenn ein Präsident sein Land auf der Basis einer Lüge in den Krieg treibt«? 04.Nov.2008 https://www.jungewelt.de/2008/11-04/005.php?print=1 Daß Regierungen öffentliche Mittel einsetzen, um privates Eigentum zu schützen, ist mit dem neoliberalen Akkumulationsmodell völlig konform. 04.Nov.2008 [...] 00.000.2007 standen einem Weltsozialprodukt von 50 Billionen US-Dollar Finanzaktiva in Höhe von 500 Billionen gegenüber. Das Volumen der Finanzanlagen wuchs weit rascher als Produktion und Welthandel; statt Kapital dorthin zu lenken, wo Investitionsbedarf bestand, floß immer mehr Kapital »bergauf«, Überschüsse aufstrebender Entwicklungsländer finanzierten den öffentlichen (Rüstung) und privaten Konsum der USA. 04.Nov.2008 [...] 00.000.2007 -Schon- hatte der IWF bemerkt, daß »die Unternehmensprofite auf einem historischen Hoch (sind), während die Unternehmensinvestitionen ungewöhnlich niedrig sind«.5 03.Nov.2008 [...] Das wollen die Anhänger der politisch ungebundenen Marktwirtschaft nicht zugeben: Daß es einen Systemkonflikt zwischen einzelwirtschaftlicher und gesamtwirtschaftlicher Rationalität gibt, der nur über staatliche Regeln und Interventionen aufgelöst werden kann. Sicherlich ist Mitleid mit Ackermann und Co, dem »Buhmann der Nation« (Börsenzeitung) fehl am Platze: Die moralisierende Verurteilung von angeblich besonders gierigen und schamlosen Bankern aber hat den einzigen Zweck, von den politisch gemachten Ursachen der Krise abzulenken. Überakkumulation, Konsumflaute 03.Nov.2008 Automakers Report Grim October Sales 03.Nov.2008 FINANZKRISE: Unheilsgeschichte 03.Nov.2008 Finanzen: Großreinemachen im Aktiendepot 03.Nov.2008 Absatzeinbruch für alle Hersteller: Dunkler Auto-Oktober in den USA 03.Nov.2008 "Eine Reihe von Ländern könnte Hilfe brauchen" 03.Nov.2008 US-Autobauer mit drastischem Absatzeinbruch 03.Nov.2008 «Die Schweiz gerät unweigerlich in den Strudel» 03.Nov.2008 BushRevisionisten-gehen-bereits-in-Stellung/story/12961837 Die Bush-Revisionisten gehen bereits in Stellung 03.Nov.2008 Europa droht eine Rezession 03.Nov.2008 Rettungspaket: WestLB reiht sich ein 03.Nov.2008 Une fin de campagne marquée par la crise 03.Nov.2008 US-Wahlen: Die Richtungswahl der Supermacht 03.Nov.2008 Finanzspritze: Nun geraten Volksbanken unter Druck 03.Nov.2008 Drohendes Wahl-Chaos in den USA 03.Nov.2008 blog.fefe.de/Bankendomino.at: Österreich verstaatlicht die "Kommunalkredit" Bank. Der Staat übernimm 99,78% der Aktien, der Rest ist eh in der Hand des Österreichischen Gemeindebundes, also auch des Staates. 03.Nov.2008 Staatshilfe: WestLB und HSH Nordbank flüchten unter Rettungsschirm (Wirtschaft) 03.Nov.2008 Report: ES&S Voting Machines Can Be Calibrated to Favor Specific Candidates - Kim Zetter Touchscreens in voting machines being used in 20 states can be maliciously calibrated so that votes for one candidate are mapped to another, according to report from computer scientists. The behavior is eerily similar to problems already seen in early voting in three states. 03.Nov.2008 The Top Forgotten CIA Agent [Top honors needed for top CIA Operative. Top agent's daughter's main mission is to prosecute George W. Bush for murder in Vermont. 03.Nov.2008 Mike Connell, Rove's IT fixer, ordered to testify on Monday [US District Judge Solomon Oliver denied Michael Connell's motion to quash the subpoena issued for his deposition testimony ordered the deposition to take place at Noon on Monday 03.Nov.2008 in Cleveland.Cyber security expert Stephen Spoonamore in the King Lincoln case before US District Judge Algenon in Columbus have identified Connell as a key witness to Karl Rove's various maneuvers affecting elections during this decade. 03.Nov.2008 Air Force To Rewrite the Rules of the Internet - CmdrTaco 210 Comments meridiangod writes "The Air Force is fed up with a seemingly endless barrage of attacks on its computer networks from stealthy adversaries whose motives and even locations are unclear. So now the service is looking to restore its advantage on the virtual battlefield by doing nothing less than the rewriting the 'laws of cyberspace.'" I'm sure that'll work out really well for them. 03.Nov.2008 Video Games Linked To Child Aggression - CmdrTaco 316 Comments the4thdimension writes " is running a story this morning that explains new research showing a correlation between video games and aggression in children. The study monitored groups of US and Japanese children, asking them to rate their violent behavior over a period of several months while they played video games in their free time. The study concludes that it has "pretty good evidence" that there is a link between video games and childhood aggression." Stories like this make me want to smash things. 03.Nov.2008 In UK, 12M Taxpayers Lost With USB Stick - kdawson 223 Comments An anonymous reader tips a piece from the UK's Daily Mail that recounts another sad tale of the careless loss of massive amounts of private user data. "Ministers have been forced to order an emergency shutdown of a key Government computer system to protect millions of people's private details. The action was taken after a memory stick was found in a pub car park containing confidential passcodes to the online Government Gateway system, which covers everything from tax returns to parking tickets. An urgent investigation is now under way into how the stick, belonging to the company which runs the flagship system, came to be lost." 03.Nov.2008 1/3 of Amphibians Dying Out - kdawson 365 Comments Death Metal sends in a Scientific American article reporting that 2,000 of 6,000 amphibian species are endangered worldwide. A combination of environmental assaults, including global warming, seems to be responsible. "... national parks and other areas protected from pollution and development are providing no refuge. The frogs and salamanders of Yellowstone National Park have been declining since the 1980s, according to a Stanford University study, as global warming dries out seasonal ponds, leaving dried salamander corpses in their wake. Since the 1970s, nearly 75 % of the frogs and other amphibians of La Selva Biological Station in Braulio Carrillo National Park in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica have died, perhaps due to global warming. But the really bad news is that amphibians may be just the first sign of other species in trouble. Biologists at the University of California, San Diego, have shown that amphibians are the first to respond to environmental changes, thanks to their sensitivity to both air and water. What goes for amphibians may soon be true of other classes of animal, including mammals." 03.Nov.2008 Major Advances In Knot Theory - kdawson 76+ Comments An anonymous reader sends us to Science News, which is running a survey of recent strides in finding an answer to the age-old question: How many ways are there to tie your shoelaces? "Mathematicians have been puzzling over that question for a century or two, and the main thing they've discovered is that the question is really, really hard. In the last decade, though, they've developed some powerful new tools inspired by physics that have pried a few answers from the universe's clutches. Even more exciting is that the new tools seem to be the tip of a much larger theory that mathematicians are just beginning to uncover. That larger mathematical theory, if it exists, may help crack some of the hardest mathematical questions there are, questions about the mathematical structure of the three- and four-dimensional space where we live. ... Revealing the full... superstructure may be the work of a generation." 03.Nov.2008 Hires Saddam-Al Qaeda ‘Connection’ Fabricator And Cheney Hagiographer - M. Duss Comments TimeWarner announced today that “frequent guest, Stephen F. Hayes, has made it official by signing on with the network as a political contributor”: Currently a senior writer at The Weekly Standard, Hayes will appear on the full line-up of programming as part of the network’s ideologically diverse group of analysts and contributors. Hayes has a long history of reporting on the political world. […] “Steve is a well-respected and knowledgeable journalist who already has become a natural part of ’s political coverage,” said Sam Feist, ’s political director. “As part of the ‘Best Political Team on Television,’ Steve will help in its commitment to go beyond political spin and present viewers with the most in-depth and bipartisan insights.” Over the past eight years, Hayes has done little more than spin for the Bush administration’s “war on terror.” Hayes was one of the foremost peddlers of the false claim that Saddam Hussein was in league with Al Qaeda, something that even Doug Feith, one of Hayes’ supposed sources, later disavowed. Spencer Ackerman wrote that Hayes “has made a career out of pretending Saddam and Al Qaeda were in league to attack the United States”: He published a book — tellingly wafer-thin and with large type in its hardcover edition — called “The Connection.” One infamous piece even suggested that Saddam might have aided the 9/11 attack. Hayes can be relied on to provide a farrago of speciousness every time new information emerges refuting his deceptive thesis. Unsurprisingly, [Dick] Cheney has repeatedly praised Hayes’s work, telling Fox News, “I think Steve Hayes has done an effective job in his article of laying out a lot of those connections. “ Hayes later returned the favor, penning a worshipful biography of Cheney that Michael Emerson called “a wet kiss…filled with glowing praise from cover to cover.” 03.Nov.2008 CQ reports that Washington DC’s lobbying firms are enjoying a business boom in the midst of a bear market. Due in part to the financial bailout, Washington lobbying firms signed up more than 500 new clients last month. “The annual cost of Washington lobbying will probably hit $3 billion for the first time ever.” 03.Nov.2008 ‘There is a real sadness there’ in the White House. - Faiz Shakir Comments The Washington Post reports today that loyal Bushies are engaging in upbeat talk to mask “disappointment and frustration among many White House staffers,” who see their boss as “a good and steadfast man who has gotten a bad rap”: “Everybody kind of wanted to spend the last 100-plus days doing some legacy things, and the financial crisis has thrown a wrench into that,” said one prominent Republican who regularly talks with senior White House officials. “You have a combination of no legacy stuff, a horrible economic mess and the likelihood that Obama is going to win,” this person added. “There is a real sadness there.” 03.Nov.2008 Bin Laden's video-maker convicted A military jury at the Guantanamo Bay detention centre convicts a man accused of being Osama Bin Laden's media secretary. 03.Nov.2008 Menezes police 'out of control' A witness on the train where Jean Charles de Menezes died tells an inquest police marksmen appeared panicked before the shooting. 03.Nov.2008 US manufacturing hits 26-year low US manufacturing fell in October to its lowest level for 26 years, far lower than the market had expected. 03.Nov.2008 French pirates face net cut-off French proposals to throw persistent pirates off the internet move a significant step closer to becoming law. 03.Nov.2008 Iran marks US embassy takeover Young Iranians rally outside the former US embassy in Tehran to mark the 29th anniversary of the seizure by Islamic revolutionaries. 03.Nov.2008 Profits slump at Societe Generale French bank Societe Generale sees net profit slump 84% for the third quarter, but says it is able to weather the downturn. 03.Nov.2008 Mercenary Firm Offers to 'Detain Troublemakers' on Election Day - Nathan Hodge CIA-linked private military contractor Evergreen Defense & Security Services offered to post sentries at Oregon election offices on Tuesday, "detaining troublemakers" and making sure voters "do not get out of control." But rest easy: the company struck out with its sales pitch. 03.Nov.2008 Google's growth makes privacy advocates wary (AP) - Perhaps the biggest threat to Google Inc.'s increasing dominance of Internet search and advertising is the rising fear, justified or not, that Google's broadening reach is giving it unchecked power. 03.Nov.2008 EPA curbs factory farm pollution (AP)- The Environmental Protection Agency issued new pollution control requirements for large livestock feedlots Friday that would allow farm operators to avoid having to get a permit if they claim the facility will not put harmful discharges into nearby waterways. 03.Nov.2008 Bin Laden aide convicted of terrorism-related charges -International Herald Tribune- AP GUANTÁNAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba: An aide to Osama bin Laden who refused to defend himself at his Guantánamo war crimes trial was convicted of three terrorism-related charges Monday that could bring life in prison. 03.Nov.2008 Guantanamo jury convicts bin Laden's media man Reuters 03.Nov.2008 Bin Laden's media man guilty of war crimes United Press International 03.Nov.2008 Aid convoy delivers medical supplies in Congo Washington Post A ceasefire has allowed a UN aid convoy to make its first delivery of humanitarian aid in eastern Congo since fighting broke out in August. 03.Nov.2008 Hungry Congo refugees get soap, no food The Associated Press 03.Nov.2008 Election breathes new life into nuclear debate Reuters- By Susan Cornwell WASHINGTON Whether it is Barack Obama or John McCain, the new US president will take over one of the most awesome of responsibilities - his finger will be on the trigger of the country's huge nuclear arsenal. 03.Nov.2008 Around the Street: The Election Heats Up, the Economy Cools BusinessWeek 03.Nov.2008 US Economy: Factory Index Drops to Lowest Level Since 1982 Bloomberg 03.Nov.2008 2nd UPDATE: US Oct Auto Sales Slump; GM Sales Down 45% Money.com- US auto sales slumped in October, with General Motors Corp. (GM) reporting its first month of less than 200000 sales since at least the 00.000.1970 s, as slumping consumer confidence and the worsening credit crunch kept buyers away from showrooms. 03.Nov.2008 Circuit City closing 155 stores Financial Times - By Jonathan Birchall in New York Circuit City, the troubled consumer electronics chain, provided more evidence of the downturn in US retailing on Monday when it unveiled plans to cut more than 7000 jobs + begin liquidation sales at a fifth of its ... Circuit City to shut 155 stores to preserve cash 03.Nov.2008 blog.fefe.de/Klarer Fall von Selbstmord: Mann klaut über Insider beim US-Aussenministerium und bei der US-Post Kreditkartendaten, wird ein paar Tage nach dem Gerichtstermin auf offener Strasse erschossen. But the investigation was hampered because Harris was fatally shot while getting into his car in Northeast Washington on 17.Apr.2008 just days after appearing in court on fraud charges and shortly after he agreed to cooperate in the probe. Worst case of suicide I've ever seen. 03.Nov.2008 blog.fefe.de/Gordon Brown spricht ein grosses Wort gelassen aus: Gordon Brown has made a frank admission that government cannot promise the safety of personal data entrusted by the public . The Prime Minister was speaking hours after it emerged that a memory stick containing the passwords to a government website used submit online tax returns had been lost. Vielleicht können wir uns das auch mal zu Herzen nehmen und die ganzen sinnlosen Datenbanken zumachen? 03.Nov.2008 Verzögerte Kontrollen: US-Finanzriese KKR verschiebt Börsengang (Wirtschaft) 03.Nov.2008 Flaues US-Geschäft: Autobauer verbuchen dramatische Absatzeinbrüche (Wirtschaft) 03.Nov.2008 https://www.lasvegasnow.com/Global/story.asp?S=9270492 Lockheed Martin, for example, has conceptualized a number of super-secret, high tech, unmanned flying machines, capable of morphing into other shapes during flight. 03.Nov.2008 Kapitalhilfe für Commerzbank: Rettungsschirm steht weiter in der Kritik (Wirtschaft) 03.Nov.2008 Rettungspaket : Commerzbank-Vorstände müssen für Staatshilfe büßen (Wirtschaft) 03.Nov.2008 Handgepäck-Vorschrift: EU-Kommission will Flüssigkeitsverbot abschaffen (Reise) 03.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-588182,00.html Erst im Frühjahr war es Wissenschaftlern gelungen, tote Rattenherzen mit Stammzellen wieder zum Leben zu erwecken. Dabei diensten die Herzen toter Ratten als Gerüst - die Forscher hatten zuvor die Herzen von allen Zellen befreit, übrig war nur noch Bindegewebe, auf das sie die Stammzellen aufbrachten. 03.Nov.2008 Regenerative Medizin: Forscher entwickeln "Herzinfarkt-Pflaster" (Wissenschaft) 03.Nov.2008 Tarifkonflikt: 45.000 Metaller streiken für mehr Geld (Wirtschaft) 03.Nov.2008 China: Streikende Taxifahrer gehen auf Kollegen und Passagiere los (Panorama) 03.Nov.2008 Konjunktur-Abschwung: Bosch zwingt 3500 Beschäftigte zu Kurzarbeit (Wirtschaft) 03.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-588105,00.html Einige Experten befürchteten daher bereits, das Geld könne womöglich nicht reichen, berichtete die Zeitung. 03.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-588086,00.html 03.Nov.2008 -00.000.1993 -seit-Eine solche Talfahrt habe es nicht mehr gegeben. 03.Nov.2008 [...] In Deutschland drosselten die Firmen ihre Produktion so stark wie nie zuvor in der zwölfeinhalbjährigen Geschichte der Umfrage. Eine Erholung ist laut Experten nicht absehbar. Das Barometer für die Euro-Zone fiel um knapp vier auf 41,1 Punkte und markierte damit den tiefsten Stand seit Umfragebeginn im Juni 1997. Der Markit/BME-Einkaufsmanagerindex für Deutschland lag mit 42,9 Zählern ebenfalls in einem beunruhigenden Bereich. Alles unter der Schwelle von 50 Zählern, ab der ein Wachstum angezeigt wird, gilt als negativ. "Die Industrieunternehmen bewerten die aktuelle Lage als grottenschlecht", sagte Postbank-Experte Heinrich Bayer. "Bei diesen Umfragewerten ist an eine konjunkturelle Erholung vorläufig nicht zu denken." 03.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/0,1518,druck-587872,00.html SPIEGEL: Die Kapitalismuskritik ist jedenfalls im Aufwind. Der katholische Erzbischof von München, Reinhard Marx, sagte im SPIEGEL, wir stünden alle auf den Schultern von Karl Marx. Enzensberger: Das ist doch grandios. Das "Kapital" war immer ein tolles Buch. Stark in der Analyse, schwach in der Prophezeiung. Und im Kalten Krieg hätte ein solcher Satz von einem Bischof noch einen Skandal ausgelöst. Heute dagegen kann der Kapitalismus damit sehr gut leben. Die Kritik ist es doch, was ihn am Leben hält. Hätte es die nicht gegeben, wäre er schon längst an die Wand gefahren. 03.Nov.2008 [...] SPIEGEL: Wundert es Sie, wie hart, schnell und tief diese Krise einschlägt? Enzensberger: Was mich eher wundert, ist, dass die Leute von dieser Krise überrascht oder geschockt sind. Merkwürdig ist dieser phantastische Gedächtnisverlust! Wer auch nur ein bisschen Wirtschaftsgeschichte kennt - eine Prise Marxismus kann auch nicht schaden -, der weiß, was seit mindestens 200 Jahren Geschäftsgrundlage ist. John Law hat 1720 mit seiner Mississippi Company Aktien ausgeteilt und eine riesige Kreditblase ausgelöst, mit allem, was dazugehört: Immobilienspekulation, Konsumrausch, Schuldenmacherei. Frankreich ist damals knapp am Staatsbankrott vorbeigeschrammt. Und so ging es durch die Jahrhunderte munter weiter. Da könnte ich eine ganze Liste vorlesen. Skandinavien, Mexiko, Asien, Argentinien, Japan - alles schon vergessen? 03.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-582505,00.html : Ob eine Handlung frei ist oder nicht, hängt nicht davon ab, ob sie determiniert ist. Entscheidend ist vielmehr, wie sie determiniert oder – ganz allgemein – bestimmt ist: Wird sie durch den Handelnden selbst bestimmt, dann ist sie eben selbstbestimmt und damit frei. Wird sie dagegen von äußeren Faktoren bestimmt, dann ist sie fremdbestimmt und damit unfrei. 03.Nov.2008 Rettungspaket: HSH Nordbank will 30 Milliarden Euro Staatsbürgschaften (Wirtschaft) 03.Nov.2008 Indonesien: Ölbohrung könnte schlafenden Schlammvulkan geweckt haben (Wissenschaft) 03.Nov.2008 Lehman-Insolvenz: Verbraucherschützer fordern Entschädigung für Pleite-Zertifikate (Wirtschaft) 03.Nov.2008 Schwere Unwetter: Chaos an der Côte d'Azur nach Stromausfall (Panorama) 03.Nov.2008 Run auf Rettungspaket: 1800 US-Banken prüfen Bewerbung um Finanzhilfen (Wirtschaft) 03.Nov.2008 Konjunktur-Abschwung: Industrieproduktion in Europa bricht drastisch ein (Wirtschaft) 03.Nov.2008 Großbritannien: Trommelmacher stirbt an Milzbrand (Panorama) 03.Nov.2008 Konjunktur: EU-Kommission erwartet Nullwachstum in Deutschland (Wirtschaft) 03.Nov.2008 Schutzschirm: Börsianer feiern Staatshilfe für Commerzbank (Wirtschaft) 01.Nov.2008 Metall-Tarifkonflikt spitzt sich nach Arbeitgeberangebot zu Weitere Warnstreiks sollen zum Wochenbeginn unter anderem im Sprinter-Werk von Daimler in Düsseldorf und bei BTS Siemens in Köln - Ossendorf ... www.jobware.de/news/13031.html 03.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-588039,00.html Wie eine Studie am Berliner Universitätsklinikum Charité ergab, beeinflusst der Botenstoff Dopamin die Aktivität der Amygdala, einer Struktur im Schläfenlappen des Gehirns, die bei der emotionalen Bewertung von Erlebnissen eine wichtige Rolle spielt. 03.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-587033,00.html "Der Wechsel von der keltischen zur christlichen Religion erfolgte nur langsam, egal welchen Namen man dem Ganzen gab”, erklärt Carver. Erst sehr spät, im 12. Jahrhundert, ging die iro-schottische Kirche in der römisch-katholischen auf. Das finstere Mittelalter beginnt 03.Nov.2008 [...] Sie fertigten kostbare Bücher und kannten die mathematische Formel für den Goldenen Schnitt. Kaiser Hadrian hatte ein echtes Problem mit ihnen. im Jahr 00.000.0122 Um die Pikten aus dem römischen Reich herauszuhalten, ließ Kaiser Hadrian drei Legionen antreten, die auf 120 Kilometern Länge eine drei Meter dicke und mindestens vier Meter hohe Mauer auftürmten. Dazu kamen auf jeder Seite noch ein tiefer Graben, teilweise gefüllt mit angespitzten Holzpfählen. Der germanische Limes war ein Witz gegen dieses Bollwerk. Wer waren die Pikten - diese finsteren, aggressiven Krieger - die den Kaiser zum Bau einer solchen Anlage veranlassten? 03.Nov.2008 Hirnforschung: Dopamin macht Menschen ängstlicher (Wissenschaft) 03.Nov.2008 Unwetter in Vietnam: 55 Tote nach heftigen Regenfällen (Panorama) 03.Nov.2008 US-Wahlcountdown: Obama führt in Umfragen deutlich (Politik) 03.Nov.2008 Finanzkrise: Zweifel an Merkels Rettungspaket (Wirtschaft) 03.Nov.2008 Finanzkrise: Commerzbank nimmt Rettungspaket in Anspruch (Wirtschaft) 03.Nov.2008 Los Angeles: Fünf Obdachlose erschossen (Panorama) 03.Nov.2008 Günstigere Tarife: Gasversorger kündigen Preissenkungen an (Wirtschaft) 03.Nov.2008 https://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/29/29058/1.html Die Kursgewinne fielen nämlich vor allem an den Tagen besonders stark aus, die entscheidenden Ereignissen wie Beschlüssen in Geheimtreffen und nicht öffentlich ausgesprochenen Genehmigungen durch die Regierung folgten. 03.Nov.2008 https://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/29/29058/1.html Coups, Corporations, and Classified Information 03.Nov.2008 Schockwellen der Finanzkrise: Schwellenländer betroffen 03.Nov.2008 The Nation: The Year of Living on the Edge of Our Seats 03.Nov.2008 The Nation: The Mindset in the Middle of the Storm 03.Nov.2008 "Aus heutiger Sicht": Ackermann verschmäht Staatshilfe 03.Nov.2008 Konjunkturprogramm: Der Ruf nach staatlicher Stütze geht in Serie 03.Nov.2008 Britische Regierungswebseite wegen des Verlustes eines USB-Sticks geschlossen 03.Nov.2008 Der Geheimdienst und die Börse 03.Nov.2008 Herz der Finanzmärkte schlägt wieder 03.Nov.2008 Weniger Demokratie wagen 03.Nov.2008 Josef Ackermann: „Wir sind stark“ 03.Nov.2008 Most major transportation firms relying on low-end sobriety tests 03.Nov.2008 Qui est vraiment Obama ? 03.Nov.2008 Sarah Palin piégée par un «faux Sarkozy»? 03.Nov.2008 L'Amérique est à un tournant décisif de son histoire 02.Nov.2008 https://www.elpais.com/articulo/economia/Portugal/anuncia/nacionalizacion/Banco/Portugues/Negocios/elpepueco/20081102elpepueco_3/Tes?print=1 EUROPA PRESS - Lisboa El ministro portugués de Finanzas, Fernando Teixeira dos Santos, ha anunciado este domingo la nacionalización del Banco Portugués de Negocios (BPN) ante la inminencia de la suspensión de pagos de la entidad, ya que acumulaba unas pérdidas cercanas a los 700 millones de euros. El BPN pasará a estar controlado por la Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD). 03.Nov.2008 https://www.elpais.com/articulo/economia/Portugal/anuncia/nacionalizacion/Banco/Portugues/Negocios/elpepueco/20081102elpepueco_3/Tes?print=1 Crédito para la banca 03.Nov.2008 Brown confident of Middle East cash 03.Nov.2008 https://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,3759596,00.html?maca=de-netzzeitung_politik-130-rdf Im Ostkongo droht eine humanitäre Katastrophe. Allein in Goma und Umgebung benötigen mehr als 250.000 Flüchtlinge dringend Hilfe. Hilfsorganisationen sprechen von Chaos und Verzweiflung. Miliband betonte im britischen Rundfunksender BBC den Vorrang sicherer Versorgungsrouten für humanitäre Transporte. 03.Nov.2008 Beharren auf acht %: IG Metall will Streiks ausweiten 03.Nov.2008 Metaller kampfbereit 03.Nov.2008 Exposure to plastic chemical BPA may affect behaviors -By Jimmy Downs (foodconsumer.org) A new study released in October suggests that maternal exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) could eliminate or decrease the sex difference in certain behavioral responses. 03.Nov.2008 Review Reignites Questions Over BPA Wall Street Journal 03.Nov.2008 FDA Needs To Reconsider Its Tolerance Regarding BPA eFluxMedia 03.Nov.2008 Andrew Keen: The Christian Science Monitor departs the corporeal worldIndependent - Stop the press, it’s finally happened. A national American newspaper, with an illustrious 100-year publishing |history and seven Pulitzer prizes, has gone totally digital. 03.Nov.2008 Christian Science Monitor to cease daily print publication Wikinews 03.Nov.2008 Christian Science Paper to End Daily Print Edition New York Times 03.Nov.2008 Candidates Urge Voters to Go to Polls FOXNews- John McCain + Barack Obama attend rallies in key battleground states as their get-out-the-vote operations attempt to persuade voters to go to the polls on Tuesday. 03.Nov.2008 Campaigns uncork get-out-the-vote operations AP 03.Nov.2008 Obama and McCain Campaign in Swing States as Race Nears Close 20070508 Günther Quandt + sowie. vier weitere Industrielle mit Hitler im Hotel Kaiserhof + ... 00.May 2007 Sex- Skandal in den USA: Massage oder mehr ... alfatomega.com/20070508.html 20070508 alfatomega.com/20070508.html 29.Sep.2006 Blog Directory-WeBlog ALot-free web blog directories House Poised to Pass Bush's Warrantless Syping Program.- Yesterday the House voted to pass Bush's warrantless surveillance plans. www.weblogalot.com/Archive/2006/09/29/16/6 02.Nov.2008 Family Talk Did you know your own computer is syping on you? Did you know that every click you make on your windows start menu is logged to a hidden, encrypted database ... away-messages.info/Animation/com-tmp/ 20070410 that then-president Ronald Reagan 's Central Intelligence Agency used to run guns to ... Bill Clinton and the real or alleged White House sex scandals, ... alfatomega.com/20070410.html 20060729 ... and chosen by Ronald Reagan to head the CFTC 00.000.1987) resigned on ... (and friend of Bill Clinton ) , John Waihee ; Hecht Spencer & Associates ... alfatomega.com/20060729.html 200505190602 00.May 2005 Blutspendenskandal : Geldstrafe für tausendfachen Tod ... May 2005 Bayern : Kampfjet stürzt nahe Wohngebiet ab. 30.May 2005 Star-Hacker Mitnick: ... alfatomega.com/200505190602.html 02.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,druck-587546,00.html “Google Health” is a databank where patients can store their medical records and retrieve them over the Internet. This service could radically change the nature of the health system - and it could change Google itself as well. When the topic turns to health, most users are likely to sit up and take notice. They start asking what happens with their data. 02.Nov.2008 [...] The company does tend to take action only when directly criticized. 02.Nov.2008 [...] "Their users are basically standing naked in front of them, and Google itself discloses only what is absolutely necessary about its data handling strategy, and then only under pressure." 02.Nov.2008 [...] Thilo Weichert, head of Schleswig-Holstein’s Independent State Agency for Data Protection, based in Kiel, can relate experiences to the contrary. His experts test each new offer from Google and regularly diagnose aspects that conflict with Germany’s data protection laws. Google’s German headquarters tends to react negatively to Weichert’s name. He doesn’t give them an easy time: The data protection specialist from northern Germany has already issued a public warning on the Analytics program. "Most users of the product aren't entirely aware that by operating Google Analytics they're utilizing a service that transfers data to the United States, to be broadly used and exploited," he has written. "This violates the data privacy laws protecting those who use the Web sites." Google reacted with a letter to the governor of Schleswig-Holstein, warning of economic losses and demanding that Weichert be called off his attack. 02.Nov.2008 [...] But what happens to the client information sent over to the United States? How is it organized? How long is it stored? Who's allowed to see the data - and how can it be deleted? 02.Nov.2008 [...] SPIEGEL ONLINE no longer uses Google Analytics. "We want to ensure that data on our users’ browsing patterns don't leave our site," says Wolfgang Büchner, one of SPIEGEL ONLINE's two chief editors. 02.Nov.2008 [...] "Analytics is Google's most dangerous opportunity to spy," says Reischl. According to some estimates the software is integrated into 80 % of frequently visited German-language Internet sites. 02.Nov.2008 [...] For Gerald Reischl, author of a book in German called "The Google Trap," such assurances aren't enough. The corporation's "machinations, hunger for power and dominance need to be scrutinized," says Reischl. Even those few Internet users who don’t regularly access Google sites end up with their data accessible to the company anyway, thanks to a program called "Google Analytics." 02.Nov.2008 [...] the inertia of the legal system. 02.Nov.2008 [...] Paris, the Avenue de l'Opéra. Nothing at the building's entrance indicates a connection to Google. The world's most effective data collector depends on discretion. Peter Fleischer is a wiry forty-something in a T-shirt, also known as Google's "Global Privacy Counsel." 02.Nov.2008 [...] Well, compared to what Google knows about us, many intelligence agencies look "like child protection services," says Hendrik Speck, professor at the applied sciences university in Kaiserslautern, a southwestern German city. Theoretically, he says, Google could record a query for pregnancy tests, then nine months later provide advertisements for diapers. Or - six years later - it could show offers for after-school homework help. "The more data Google collects from its users, the higher the price it can ask for advertisements," says Speck. A 'Data Monster' Image 02.Nov.2008 [...] Denying Google data cuts to the heart of its business model. More and more customers are wondering: What does Google know about me? 02.Nov.2008 [...] It’s also well-known that Google checks for keywords in the content of e-mails sent through its mail program, then displays relevant advertisements in a sidebar. This clever exploitation of information for direct advertising has turned Google into a multi-billion-dollar organization. 02.Nov.2008 [...] With its services, Google has established itself as a global online power in just a decade. 02.Nov.2008 [...] Banks could use the information to raise a mortgage rate. Burglars could use the images to case a home. 02.Nov.2008 [...] . “These pictures, which are available for retrieval worldwide over the Internet, could easily be linked to satellite photos, address databanks and other personal data,” warns Peter Schaar, Germany's Federal Commissioner for Data Protection. 02.Nov.2008 [...] The camera-wielding Astras haven't come to Molfsee yet, and local Google opponents want to keep it that way. Some of them have resorted to local law. According to a road traffic act passed in the town, Google would need a special permit to drive and photograph in Molfsee. Local politicians have refused to issue the permit. That decision has had a ripple effect throughout Germany. The state parliament in Schleswig-Holstein, where Molfsee is located, discussed Google's project in early October. There's even been talk of introducing legislation at the national level. Schleswig-Holstein's top data protection organization offers a downloadable sign on its web site, to be printed and placed on citizens' front lawns: "No pictures for Google Street View." Google in the Real World 02.Nov.2008 Wall Street Bonus Madness: Wall St. has created such an "obscene" standard of compensation that the big shots really believe "it's hard to live on just a half million dollars a year." This does not appear to be much of an exaggeration. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported securities-industry employees averaged $400,000 a year in salary alone last year.” 02.Nov.2008 Broken Securities Industry Still Has $20 Billion to Pay Bonuses: - Five straight quarters of losses and a 70 % slide in its stock this year haven't stopped Merrill Lynch & Co. from allocating about $6.7 billion to pay bonuses. 02.Nov.2008 Medicare drug plan spending drops $6B 00.000.2008: In a rare bit of good news for taxpayers, the cost of the Medicare prescription drug program fell $6 billion this year — savings driven by the widespread use of low-cost generic drugs. 02.Nov.2008 CIA officers could face trial in Britain over torture allegations: Senior CIA officers could be put on trial in Britain after it emerged last night that the Attorney General is to investigate allegations that a British resident held in Guantanamo Bay was brutally tortured 02.Nov.2008 Italy helped "save" Gaddafi by warning of US air raid: - Italy 'probably helped save' Libyan leader Moamer Gaddafi's life when it warned Libya of a 1986 US air strike, Libyan Foreign Minister Mohammed Abdel-Rahman Shalgam said Thursday 02.Nov.2008 Internet filter to cause World Wide Wait for Aussies: Within days, Communications Minister Stephen Conroy will ask internet service providers such as BigPond and iiNet to participate in a live pilot trial to test internet filters. 02.Nov.2008 Does Google Know Too Much?: Google gathers so much detailed information about its users that one critic says some state intelligence bureaus look "like child protection services" in comparison 02.Nov.2008 Iraq holding thousands in secret prisons: lawmaker: Sunni legislator Mohammed al-Daini claimed the government and paramilitary groups control 420 unofficial detention centers to hold people without legal justification. 02.Nov.2008 US's Syrian raid sets Iraq on fire: It came as such a surprise to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that he was completely dumfounded at commenting. Here was the prime minister of Iraq, an ally of Iran and a former resident of Syria, watching Syria being attacked from his own territory - without his knowledge. 02.Nov.2008 US to drop Mullah Omar from blacklist: The US agrees to drop the name of the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar from the terror list ahead of talks with the insurgents, an official says. 02.Nov.2008 Robert Fisk: Scandal of six held in Guantanamo even after Bush plot claim is dropped: The White House may intend to save itself further embarrassment by ending the torment of six more apparently innocent young men. 02.Nov.2008 The Evidence Establishes, Without Question, That Republican Rule Is Dangerous: They are people who are, in Altemeyer's words, are "so self-righteous, so ill-informed, and so dogmatic that nothing you can say or do will change their minds." 02.Nov.2008 Judge orders White House to produce wiretap memos: : A judge has ordered the Justice Department to produce White House memos that provide the legal basis for the Bush administration's post-Sept. 11 warrantless wiretapping program. 02.Nov.2008 IMF needs hundreds of billions of dollars more: Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the International Monetary Fund (IMF) needs "hundreds of billions of dollars" to help countries at risk of collapsing amid the world financial crisis. 02.Nov.2008 Pension Time Bomb Explodes In US and Canada: A huge taxpayer backlash against overly generous public pension plans is brewing. Boomers with destroyed stock funds and IRAs are not going to want to have taxes increased so that public workers can get 90% of their salaries for the rest of their lives during retirement. 02.Nov.2008 One in five homeowners with mortgages under water: - Nearly one in five U.S. mortgage borrowers owe more to lenders than their homes are worth, and the rate may soon approach one in four as housing prices fall and the economy weakens, a report on Friday shows. 01.Nov.2008 Ecuador 'Clear' Signs of CIA Infiltration By AP An Ecuadorean presidential commission has concluded that U.S. intelligence services infiltrated the Andean nation's military and police and supported a cross-border incursion by Colombian troops that killed a top rebel commander. Continue 02.Nov.2008 Brace Yourselves - George Bush Will Soon Be Free To Do Just What He Wants By Jonathan Freedland- The raid on Syria is a dark portent. The current president has three long, unaccountable months to cement his legacy . Continue 02.Nov.2008 Call This a Crisis? Just Wait -By David M. Walker, former U.S. Comptroller General Staring into the abyss always focuses the mind, which can help you avoid falling in. So let's take a look at the potential catastrophe that awaits us once we survive our current crisis. Continue 02.Nov.2008 U.S Gap Between Rich and Poor Widening! By Bob Kendall Now that the U.S.A. has discovered that only Mexico and Turkey had poverty rates higher than the 30-country study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, what if anything will be done to help the U.S. poor obtain health care? Continue 02.Nov.2008 Message Of Massacre Lives On For Palestinians -By Jonathan Cook In a conflict that has produced more than its share of suffering and tragedy, the name of Kafr Qassem lives on in infamy more than half a century after Israeli police gunned down 47 Palestinian civilians, including women and children, in the village. Continue 02.Nov.2008 Kurdistan Would Welcome U.S. Troops Without Pact: The president of Iraqi Kurdistan said Friday that his semi-autonomous region would welcome U.S. troops if Iraq and the United States cannot finalize an agreement governing U.S. troops in Iraq after 2008. 02.Nov.2008 Syrian response to recent US attack has entered "new phase": The Syrian news site says the new phase includes minimizing the number of Syrian border soldiers patrolling the borders, presumably with Iraq. 02.Nov.2008 War pimp alert: US defense official: Iran will soon have ability to attack Europe, US: The head of the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency said Friday that Iran was not far from attaining the means of using missiles against all of Europe and against the US in five to six years, Israel Radio reported. 02.Nov.2008 Russia: US Has No Proof Against Iran: A senior Russian official said the United States is using Iran’s missile program as a pretext to deploy its military equipment in Eastern Europe. 02.Nov.2008 Some Israelis feel an urgency to attack Iran: - With international efforts to increase sanctions against Iran at a standstill, many Israelis believe their nation alone stands in the way of Tehran eventually building nuclear weapons. 02.Nov.2008 UN envoy slams Israel's Palestinian house demolition: The UN special envoy to the Middle East on Saturday expressed alarm at Israel's resumption of Palestinian house demolition in the occupied West Bank, warning it undermined peace efforts. 02.Nov.2008 Pakistan: Taliban announces ceasefire: A spokesman of the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban said, "Yes, the Taliban have unilaterally suspended their activities after holding negotiations with the local elders, but it doesn’t mean that we have surrendered our weapons." 02.Nov.2008 Report: Pakistan accepts IMF conditions for financial aid: Pakistan has accepted 11 tough conditions from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to overcome its pending balance of payment crisis, local newspaper reported on Sunday. 02.Nov.2008 Red Cross: Millions needed for Pakistan quake aid: The Red Cross appealed Sunday for $7.8 million in emergency funds to help victims of an earthquake in southwest Pakistan, saying the priority is to provide shelter to the homeless as winter sets in. 02.Nov.2008 British Commander In Afghanistan Reportedly Quits: Major Sebastian Morley, a reservist commander with the Special Air Service (SAS), blamed a chronic lack of investment in equipment for the deaths of some of his soldiers, according to "The Daily Telegraph" newspaper. 02.Nov.2008 US airstrikes kill 27 Pakistan civilians : A pair of missile strikes hours apart killed at least 27 civilians Friday at Afghanistan-Pakistan border, only days after Pakistan stressed that America must halt using Predator drones. 02.Nov.2008 NATO must stop violation of airspace: PM: Gilani said in Istanbul that NATO forces in Afghanistan must stop violation of Pakistan's airspace, terming it counter-productive that negatively impacts Pakistan's efforts in the war on terror. 02.Nov.2008 No more US attacks to be tolerated: PPP: A tribal elder of Pakistan People’s Party in North Waziristan has asked the United States to stop incursions in the agency, saying no more US drone missile attacks in the agency will be tolerated. 02.Nov.2008 UK opposes American incursions inside Pakistan :Once again strongly opposing persistent US incursions inside Pak territory the United Kingdom’s Secretary of State for Justice Jack Straw Friday urged the United States to respect the sovereignty and integrity of vital allies. 02.Nov.2008 US Above The Law - What About Syria’s and Pakistan’s Sovereignty? -By- Jacob G. Hornberger Iif the Iraqi regime fails to sign an agreement by the December 31 deadline, that’s not going to stop Bush from employing his army any way he wants. That’s what he’s doing with Syria and Pakistan, and that’s what he will continue doing with Iraq. And it will all be legal, agreement or no agreement, because in Bush’s mind whatever the U.S. government does is automatically legal. Continue 02.Nov.2008 Fact Or Fiction ? Questions Raised Over Syrian Complicity in US Raid -By- Marie Colvin and Uzi Mahnaimi Syria has denounced a US strike on its territory but sources say Damascus secretly backed the raid. Continue 02.Nov.2008 The Bush-Obama-McCain Administration -By- Morton Skorodin It’s a military dictatorship with Handsome Presidents. The election is a joke, but more importantly, a waste of the people’s time (except, perhaps some local races). Get over it. Think and find effective ways to rebel. Continue 02.Nov.2008 The Evidence Establishes, Without Question, Republican Rule Is Dangerous -By- John W. Dean They are people who are, in Altemeyer's words, are "so self-righteous, so ill-informed, and so dogmatic that nothing you can say or do will change their minds." Continue 02.Nov.2008 Thirty Years Too Late : The Implosion of John McCain and the Demise of the Regressive Right -By- David Michael Green Instead of raising his party and country from the gutter of Bushism, John McCain dove down into it himself, with a literal and figurative vengeance. Continue 02.Nov.2008 Ayers a Guest in McCain's Glass House -Keith Olbermann Special Comment Keith Olbermann points out that not only does John McCain have a closer relationship with Rashid Khalidi than Barack Obama does, that relationship means McCain is has a connection to William Ayers as well. Continue 02.Nov.2008 George Carlin On Voting In US Elections 4 Minute Video - Warning - Some readers may find the contents offensive. Continue 02.Nov.2008 Avraham Burg: Israel's New Prophet -By- Donald Macintyre Avraham Burg was a pillar of the Israeli establishment but his new book is causing a sensation. It argues that his country is an "abused child" which has become a "violent parent". And his solutions are radical. Continue 02.Nov.2008 World Bank Document worked with William Randolph Hearst ’s newspaper empire to generate concern ... such as Harry J. Anslinger, director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and ... papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/4553.pdf?abstractid=1106042&mirid=1 02.Nov.2008 Cocaine Politics In the 1950 s Harry Anslinger , the head of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Narcotics, ... Large newspaper chains like Hearst and KnightRidder, with relatively ... www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Drug_War/Cocaine_Politics.html 02.Nov.2008 https://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08307/924181-44.stm as the Indians "understood his character and behavior much better than they understood the strange ways of the Christian missionaries." 02.Nov.2008 https://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08307/924181-44.stm He sailed on a Spanish ship to "a land of the unimaginable, a place of dreams and nightmares, and the passage there across the Ocean Sea was itself a gateway into the wholly strange otherness." 02.Nov.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ 2. Of course, during the current Presidential campaign, Obama (abetted by supporters and the MSM - see below) has sought to deny his past affiliation with the New Party . According to Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt "he was never a member" Huh. This certainly seems to conflict with the documents linked above. (Hit PERMALINK to read the rest) Anyway, Ben Smith contacted Joel Rogers, one of the founder of the New Party and currently an Obama supporter, to seek clarification: "As for Obama's membership? 'We didn’t really have members,' said Rogers." Huh? I live in Madison (yes, I know - I'm partially outing myself - so be it). I'm on the Left, with a long-term activist history here (since '79). I know people in the New Party. The Dane County chapter was called Progressive Dane, and it still exists. Of course the New Party had members. So Ben Smith later posts an update. Ben had gotten criticized online by Stanley Kurtz for accepting (without question) Joel's assertion that the New Party could refer to "members" without having any. Joel Rogers sends Ben a clarification: "I meant that there was no formal membership structure in the usual party sense of members, with people registering with election boards for primary and other restrictive elections, for the obvious reasons that we didn't even have official party status in any state and were always looking to get progressive registered Ds, Rs, Gs, or whomever to accept our nomination if we liked them. We did have regular supporters whom many called 'members,' but it just meant contributing regularly, not getting voting rights or other formal power in NP governance...." Wait a minute! I knew/know New Party/Progressive Dane members. Democratic governance via member votes (for bylaws, policy positions, budgets, endorsements, etc,) was a core principal that the party was built on. So, off to the internet archives. From the 1992 NP interim governance document (still available online): "Reflecting our commitment to democracy, the NP is internally democratic. Even as it seeks to compete for state power, and thus look beyond its current membership in making electoral appeals, its strategy for doing that, and for all other things, is determined by the free deliberations of its membership. ... MEMBERSHIP & DUES Membership in the NP is of two kinds: individual and affiliate. Individual members are people. Affiliate members are groups (e.g., trade unions, community groups, women's federations) who pledge support for the NP as a collective body and on behalf of their members. Membership carries responsibilities and rights. The central right it carries is the right to meaningful (e.g., informed and equally weighted) participation with other members in the governance of the NP itself. The central responsibilities it carries is the responsibility to uphold the principles and operating procedures of the NP and to advance the NP as an organization, in part by supporting it materially through dues. The dues structure is as follows. The standard individual membership costs $36 annually. For low income individuals, defined as those with annual incomes below $12,000, individual membership costs $12 annually. Affiliate members, pledged by one group or another, are assessed $2.40 a year, or a monthly per cap of $.20. Members of a group thus affiliated with the NP can take out an individual membership as well. All affiliate member participants in NP decision-making bodies, at the local, state, or national level, must themselves be individual members. All membership dues are paid to the national office, which then rebates a portion of them to local and state organizing efforts. Depending on the stage of those efforts, that rebate is a matter of discretion, or right. (See discussion under 'Local and State Organization.') The membership governance structure for the New Party/Progressive Dane (the chapter of the party here in Madison) is carefully spelled out: "Only members in good standing of the organization may vote on matters of business before Progressive Dane County." 3. Getting endorsed by the New Party, at least in Chicago, was not a passive process : "Candidates must be approved via a NP political committee. Once approved, candidates must sign a contract with the NP. The contract mandates that they must have a visible and active relationship with the NP." 4. The New Party had strong roots/ties to the DSA. Some of the above items are from Chicago DSA newsletters. DSA newsletters usually allocated space for New Party outreach/info. Another typical example: "On Saturday, 14.Jan.---- , the New Party in Chicago took another step in its effort to establish itself as a political force by holding a major outreach meeting directed at Chicago's Left. About 100 people, with sizable delegations from DSA and CoC among others, heard Bruce Colburn and Elaine Bernard preach the gospel of the New Party... " The DSA roots/ties were not confined to Chicago. E.g. The DSA states that it co-sponsored the Working Families Party in NY State. "Veterans of the left will remember that the 1968 Peace and Freedom Party and the 1980 Citizens Party arose at moments of greater left-wing strength and did not significantly alter the national electoral landscape. Nor has, unfortunately, the New Party, which many DSAers work with in states where 'fusion' of third party and major party votes is possible (such as the DSA co-sponsored Working Families Party in N.Y. State)." Incidentally, Obama was also directly endorsed by the Chicago DSA. At least in Chicago and Little Rock, the New Party also had strong ties to ACORN. Much of the membership came out of ACORN. Also, there's a piece on this by Stanley Kurtz: By the way - I'll mention that, over the last couple of decades, I've seen many on the Left complain that ACORN does not play well with others. The instinctive reaction of many on the Left is to protect ACORN when it's criticized in the media (and not publicly air dirty laundry), since it's "one of us". But let's just say - it's not universally loved. 5. Is the New Party is "socialist"? It comes down to a matter of semantics. As I mentioned above - I live in Madison, I'm on the Left, I'm an activist, and I'm personally pretty familiar with the New Party/Progressive Dane. I think Noam Chomsky (a prominent New Party member) gives a rather useful description vis a vis the "socialism" question. The following is from an e-mail that was posted online by Dan Cantor, who founded the New Party along with Joel Rogers: "Subject: NP Online News #3: Chomsky on New Party." Chomsky: 1. Am I a member? Yes. 2. Do I think it's a constructive idea? Yes. 3. Is it just a 'reform movement within capitalism'? Yes. 4. Am I against capitalism? Yes. 5. Is there a contradiction between 3 and 4? No. 6. How is the New Party different from liberalism? Hard to answer without some clarification. If by "liberalism" is meant the Democratic Party, it is plainly different from liberalism. If what is meant is some kind of social democratic version of state capitalism, presumably not - at least now, though the project is one that has a possible evolution in mind, and in prospect, I think. In case you're not familiar with use of the term "state capitalism" by the Left, see this. From my experience, Chomsky's stance is a pretty accurate reflection of the New Party membership (at least in Madison). Another description: "As two of the NP's charter organizers, Sandy Pope and Joel Rogers, put it in The Nation (July 20, 1992), it would be locally based yet nationally linked, broadly social democratic in philosophy, and a vehicle for a fundamental 'rethinking of basic institutions like the family, firm, and state.'" Here's a relevant passage from that article in The Nation: "Ideologically, we want the New Party to be broadly 'social democratic' in its orientation. That is, it should recognize that capitalism needs to be regulated if it’s not going to kill us, and that government 'by the people' and 'of the people' can be more than rhetoric (and government can be significantly more satisfying and efficient) if the “people” get organized. At the same time, it should recognize that traditional social democracy needs to be reinterpreted in light of the 'new' social movements of racial pluralism, feminism and environmentalism. Drawing on all these movements, the New Party should get beyond the single-Issue politics no one is happy with. It should be the party of labor but not just a labor party, a party of environmentalists but not just a green party, a party of racial pluralism and Justice but not just a black or Latino party, a party of feminists but not just a feminist party. Rather, within a framework of commitment to sustainable development, distributive equality, racial justice, gender equity and collective security and development, the New Party should convene popular discussion of how all these things are mutually and practically achievable, and then set about competing for and using state power (though not necessarily government bureaucracies themselves) to help achieve them." Joel Rogers was also quoted in an article about the New Party in the LA Times, January 27, 1997: "I think it would be unfair to characterize it as just a marketing strategy for old defeated socialists. . . ," Rogers says. "It attaches much less weight to the state--much less than even conventional liberalism." One question here is precisely what is meant by "old defeated socialists" (e.g. Eastern block country style socialism?). Another online description that seems pretty accurate: "New Party - This leftist party advocates a 'democratic revolution' to advance the cause of 'social, economic, & political progress' in America. Their agenda is much in the style of the Western European socialist and labor movement - and somewhat similar to that of the late-1990s formed Labor Party. Rather than fielding their own national slate or local candidates, the New Party has taken to largely endorsing like-minded candidates from other parties (mainly pro-labor Democrats like Chicago Congressman Danny K. Davis). Their New York State affiliate party - the Working Families Party - qualified for permanent ballot status based on the 1998 election results. Small informative site with clean layout. An amusing question: if the New Party lasts for 50 years, will they rename themselves the Old Party (or the Fifty-Something Party)?" There are obviously many ways of defining terms such as "socialist" or "capitalist". I've heard certain individual members label themselves as libertarian-socialist (feels like a bit of an oxymoron to me) or soft-anarchist/socialist. We're definitely not talking hard core Left/SDS here. Most of the members that I've known could fairly be described as social democrats. Essentially all that I know are deeply critical of capitalism (not just of how it's implemented, but capitalism per se). If forced to pick in a dichotomous choice between calling themselves capitalist or socialist, I personally know none who would pick the capitalist option. Few view the old Soviet Union favorably. Most that I know view Cuba rather favorably (though most would not want to recapitulate Cuba here). Locally, Progressive Dane pushes for things like "living wage" ordinances (a worthy endeavor in my opinion, though some readers may disagree). And, as I mentioned, they can be a bit pushy and doctrinaire. Incidentally, the person complaining about Progressive Dane/New Party tactics here is Paul Soglin, former Mayor of Madison. Though Paul has mellowed considerably with age, he doesn't exactly represent the center of the Democratic Party himself. 6. Of course, the MSM has effectively chosen to either ignore or suppress the Obama New Party story . You've already seen how Ben Smith handled it (above). Make sure to note the element of dismissive snark in his article. I'll also note that Ben Smith is one of the primary gatekeepers for the national discourse in the MSM (a few sites, such as Politico.com, Drudge, etc. tend to really drive the political news coverage). As Stanley Kurtz wrote in reply: "Have you ever heard of a political party that has no members? Ben Smith has, and he believes. Based on a claim by New Party co-founder Joel Rogers that "we didn’t really have members," Smith seems to think he’s disposed of the issue of Barack Obama’s ties to the "dread New Party." In other words, Smith has accepted a transparently absurd statement by an intensely interested Obama supporter responding to a dangerous charge just before an election, while rejecting not only logic, but written evidence contemporaneous with the events in question.... Every thing about Ben Smith’s post, from its sarcastic title, to its sarcastic content indicates a bias against conservative concerns, combined with an utterly incurious and credulous acceptance of even the most questionable assertions by Obama supporters. Smith seems to believe he’s disposed of the issue altogether, when in fact he has neither confronted nor seriously discussed key evidence and arguments at stake in this dispute. There is something profoundly wrong with the mainstream press’s conduct in this election." Ben Smith replies: "I agreed with Kurtz in the item that they were calling him a member, though I quote the party's chairman and an Obama aide saying he wasn't, which seems to advance the story a bit, which is what blog items can do." Stanely Kurtz replies: "Yes, quoting Joel Rogers’ ludicrous denial of the documented fact that the New Party had members did possess the potential to 'advance the story.' But the credulous way Smith reported on Rogers’ statement had the effect of suppressing the story, not advancing it. I believe that any fair reader of Smith’s original post would see that it was designed to suppress the story, and not to advance it." It's pretty obvious that Kurtz is correct on this point. Both Ben Smith's "Choosing Corsi" entry and Kurtz's response are worth reading in full. After seeing these entries, I contacted Ben with the information included above (about New Party membership, governance, and politics). So far, no correction has been forthcoming. I was told that Obama's New Party membership falls in "who cares" territory. No-one would care (yawn), and if publicly reported on, his New Party membership would affect zero votes. OK. Let me understand. This is less newsworthy than Palin's clothes. Maybe I'm weird - since I'm from a working class background (though now inhabit ivory tower) - but I know plenty of people for whom Obama's New Party affiliation (and subsequent campaign denial) would be significant news. My impression of Ben is that he's basically a decent guy. In fairness, he did pursue the Ayers story somewhat. And he's gotten criticized by some Obamabots for being insufficiently deferential. However, for the most part...he reliably channels the Obama campaign (alternatively, you could argue that he channels the "elite consensus", which is essentially equivalent to the Obama campaign in this election cycle). The way the media has treated the New Party story is an interesting contrast to the hue and cry (e.g. headline story on ABC) when Palin was thought to once have been a member of the Alaska Independence Party. People on the Right cry liberal media bias. I don't think that's correct. It's deference to power and the insulating effect of the "elite consensus". Much like the housing bubble - they listen to each other (the media echo chamber), and so they mislead each other. I noticed Anglachel's blog entry today about Bob Somerby, and I'll close with a quote honoring him: "He has set for himself the sisyphean task of simply telling the truth. It is people like Bob that Hannah Arendt means when she says "Facts need testimony to be remembered and trustworthy witnesses to be established in order to find a secure dwelling place in the domain of human affairs." He is a trustworthy witness testifying about the facts on the ground, no matter the desire of the courtiers to dismiss the destruction of political accountability." Permalink 01.Nov.2008 blog.fefe.de/US-Berufungsgericht stellt strengere Anforderungen an Geschäftsmodell- und Softwarepatente. Das klingt für mich nicht so, aber der Artikel schliesst daraus sofort, dass die ganzen Patentportfolios der Softwarefirmen jetzt wertlos seien. 02.Nov.2008 blog.fefe.de/Nach Peak Oil jetzt Peak Lithium. Das sind schlechte Nachrichten, weil das die Basis der heutigen Akkutechnologie ist. Ohne viel Lithium keine Elektroautos, keine Laptops, keine Mobiltelefone. 02.Nov.2008 blog.fefe.de/Haha, jetzt wo die Finanzkrise an ihnen knabbert, sind die Skandinavier doch plötzlich mehrheitlich dafür, den Euro einzuführen. 02.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-586969,00.html Was in dem Trubel um die Entscheidung zwischen beiden Spitzenkandidaten bisweilen untergeht: Die Demokraten stehen den letzten Umfragen zufolge auch in den parallel stattfindenden Kongresswahlen davor, eine riesige Mehrheit zu erlangen. Die Partei profitiert dprt fast noch stärker als Obama von der schlechten Wirtschaftslage und der großen Unzufriedenheit mit dem scheidenden republikanischen Präsidenten George W. Bush. 02.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-587981,00.html Der Täter verschwand mit der Beute, die aus Barren unterschiedlicher Größe und Gewicht besteht. Den Angaben der Staatsanwaltschaft zufolge waren die Überwachungskameras der Bank während des Vorfalls nicht in Betrieb. 02.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-587954,00.html Die G20 trifft sich auf Einladung Bushs am 15. November in Washington, um über die Turbulenzen an den Finanzmärkten zu beraten. Auch Rudd wird zu dem Gipfel erwartet. 02.Nov.2008 Finanzkrise: Britische Großbanken müssen Milliarden abschreiben (Wirtschaft) 02.Nov.2008 Teures Einzelstück: Irak verkauft Saddam Husseins Luxusyacht (Reise) 02.Nov.2008 US-Wahl-Countdown: Obama und McCain ziehen den Endspurt an (Politik) 02.Nov.2008 Kongress- und Präsidentschaftswahlen: Demokraten streben nach der Super-Macht (Politik) 02.Nov.2008 Deutsche Bank: Ackermann lehnt weiter jede Hilfe vom Staat ab (Wirtschaft) 02.Nov.2008 US-Wahl: Mehrheit deutscher Top-Manager favorisiert Obama (Wirtschaft) 02.Nov.2008 Auftritt in Spott-Show: McCain veralbert seinen eigenen Wahlkampf (Politik) 02.Nov.2008 Chefberater David Axelrod: Der Obama-Macher (Politik) 02.Nov.2008 Kreditkrise: Sarkozy will Weltfinanzaufsicht im Eilverfahren durchboxen (Wirtschaft) 02.Nov.2008 Bush-Patzer am Telefon: Was ist die G20?" https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,587954,00.html Bush-Patzer am Telefon: "Was ist die G20?" (Politik) 02.Nov.2008 Einzelhandel: Bundesbürger wollen bei Weihnachtsgeschenken sparen (Wirtschaft) 02.Nov.2008 Frankreich-Besuch geplatzt: Dalai Lama von Sarkozy enttäuscht (Politik) 02.Nov.2008 Krabbenjagd in der Beringsee: Fisch oder stirb! (Wissenschaft) 02.Nov.2008 Ausstieg aus PC-Sparte: Fujitsu Siemens geht an Japan (Wirtschaft) 02.Nov.2008 Chaos im Ostkongo: Uno-Blauhelme haben ihre Glaubwürdigkeit verspielt (Politik) 02.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-585689,00.html Möglicherweise macht das globale Bankendesaster dem Modernisierungsschub in Russlands Landwirtschaft ein rasches Ende. 02.Nov.2008 [...] "Wir konkurrieren nicht, sondern ergänzen uns", sagt der Geschäftsführer der Firma Lemken, 02.Nov.2008 [...] Jetzt herrscht Aufbruchstimmung auf russischen Äckern, von der auch die Deutschen profitieren wollen. 02.Nov.2008 [...] Der Anteil importierter Lebensmittel liegt durchschnittlich bei rund 40 %, in manchen Regionen sogar bei 70 %. Auch die Bedeutung des Nebenerwerbsanbaus ist immer noch immens. Die Hälfte der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion wird auf kleinen Privatfeldern erwirtschaftet. 02.Nov.2008 [...] Mit dem russischen Gesamtwirtschaftswachstum, das laut IWF in diesem Jahr bei knapp sieben % liegen dürfte, 02.Nov.2008 [...] befreit sich allmählich 02.Nov.2008 [...] vom Sowjet-Erbe. 02.Nov.2008 [...] Die Felder etwa seien extrem uneben und müssten zweimal bearbeitet werden. 02.Nov.2008 [...] Die Folgen der Sowjetherrschaft, 02.Nov.2008 [...] Russland importiert Nahrungsmittel im großen Stil - weil mit dem Ende der Sowjetunion die Landwirtschaft kollabierte. 02.Nov.2008 Sambia: Präsidentschaftswahl endet mit Krawallen (Politik) 02.Nov.2008 Landwirtschaft: Warum deutsche Bauern Russlands Äcker bestellen (Wirtschaft) 02.Nov.2008 2008 Factiva, Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. TUI und der fatale ... - HTML-Version 2008 Factiva , Inc . Alle Rechte vorbehalten. In der letzten Phase, die von den Terroranschlägen 2001 in den USA bis Ende 2004 reichte, verlor der ... cf.bwl.uni-mannheim.de/fileadmin/files/downloads/Forschung/Ernst_Maug/ Neue_Zuercher_Zeitung_vom_28.12.2006.pdf 02.Nov.2008 Pope sees physicist Hawking at evolution gathering 02.Nov.2008 Oddly Enough News Soup kitchen opens for dogs 02.Nov.2008 Psychiatrische Theorien und Methoden im internationalen Terrorismus wurde in der Presse als der wichtigster Helfer . Osama bin Ladens dargestellt. ... Lance Morrow, „The Case for Rage and Retribution,” TIME, 11.Sept.2001 . h11.protectedsite.net/uploads/de/GER%20-%20terrorism.pdf 02.Nov.2008 stock-channel.net - Das Finanzportal - Spionage & Komplotte - die ... seit Jahren, Osama Bin Laden, seine Helfer , seinen Terrorapparat, ... Attack Aircraft 11 Sept 2001 None Include Any Arab or Hijacker Names ... www.stock-channel.net/stock-board/showthread.php3?t=10194&page=4 02.Nov.2008 95k11 Retter und Helfer haben gestohlen und geplündert, Betrüger steckten gesammelte Spenden in die eigene ... New York, 11.Sep.2001 , von G. R. und S. G. v.P. ... www.etika.com/d95/95k3b.htm 02.Nov.2008 Das steht d. Welt n. bevor-neu* ein Jahr nach dem 11.Sep.2001 ). 2. Funkenregen am hellichten Tag: ... In ihrem Kampfe gegen die Kirche haben die Dämonen Menschen als Helfer . ... www.theologisches.info/Angerer.pdf 20070911 Die ersten Helfer von einst sterben in diesen Tagen an den Folgen der Staubwolke , ... 11.Sep.2001 terror attacks -in the weeks leading up to the- Those ... alfatomega.com/20070911.html 02.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-587925,00.html "Oh, wir wurden verulkt?" Kurz vor dem Ende setzt Audette seinen Unverschämtheiten die Krone auf: Er habe diese wunderbare "Dokumentation" über Palin gesehen und erwähnt einen vom "Hustler Magazin" produzierten Pornofilm mit dem Titel "Nailin' Paylin", in der eine Doppelgängerin Palins zu sehen war. "Oh Gott, vielen Dank", antwortet Palin unsicher. Dann erlöst Witzbold Audette sein Opfer und gibt sich zu erkennen. "Oh, wurden wir verulkt?" ruft Palin noch in den Hörer, bevor sie das Telefon ihren Assistenten weiterreicht und im Hintergrund grummelt. Audette von den "Justiciers masqués" sagte, dies sei der bisher "explosivste Coup" des Teams gewesen. Zuvor hatten die Komiker den Sarkozy-Imitator bereits auf Frankreichs Ex-Präsidenten Jacques Chirac oder Stars wie Mick Jagger oder Britney Spears losgelassen. Bei Palin allerdings sei es gar nicht so leicht gewesen, an Wahlkampfhelfern vorbei telefonisch zu der Gouverneurin durchzudringen. 02.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/0,1518,druck-587931,00.html Ein Mitarbeiter einer Computerfirma, die im Auftrag der Regierung das Internet-Angebot pflegt, hatte das Speichermedium bereits vor zwei Wochen auf einem Parkplatz einer Kneipe in Cannock in der Grafschaft Staffordshire verloren. Doch erst in dieser Woche wurde der Verlust bekannt, als der USB-Stick laut "Mail on Sunday" an die Zeitung übergeben wurde. 02.Nov.2008 [...] Ein Computerspezialist habe den Inhalt geprüft, berichtet das Blatt. Der Stick enthalte nicht nur vertrauliche Passwörter und Sicherheitssoftware, sondern auch den Quellcode zu der 18 Millionen Pfund teuren Software. 02.Nov.2008 [...] In den vergangenen Monaten waren immer wieder Daten der Regierung verloren gegangen. Anfang Oktober verschwand eine Computerfestplatte mit Daten von etwa 100.000 Armeeangehörigen und vermutlich rund 600.000 Armee-Bewerbern sowie ein Laptop mit Daten von 100.000 Rentnern. Im September waren aus einem Luftwaffenstützpunkt drei Computerfestplatten mit den persönlichen Daten Tausender aktiver und ehemaliger Angehöriger der Royal Air Force gestohlen worden. Im August sorgte der Verlust von Daten von allen Häftlingen in England und Wales für Aufregung. Im Juli gestand das Verteidigungsministerium ein, dass in den vergangenen vier Jahren insgesamt 658 Laptop-Computer und 26 tragbare Memory-Sticks mit sensiblen Personaldaten entweder gestohlen wurden oder verloren gingen. Zuvor hatte das Justizministerium einräumen müssen, dass bereits im Sommer vergangenen Jahres eine Festplatte mit Daten von rund 5000 Gefängnisbeamten und Verwaltungsangestellten der Justizbehörden verloren gegangen war. Im Oktober vergangenen Jahres verschwanden CDs mit den persönlichen Angaben von 25 Millionen Kindergeldempfängern. 02.Nov.2008 Todesgerüchte: Nordkorea veröffentlicht Fotos von Kim Jong Il (Politik) 02.Nov.2008 Neues Daten-Debakel: USB-Stick mit Regierungssoftware verloren (Netzwelt) 02.Nov.2008 Telefonstreich: Palin plaudert mit falschem Sarkozy über Präsidentschaftspläne (Politik) 02.Nov.2008 Indymedia NL (The Netherlands) - Al-Qaida: you won, i lost I raised my keyboard (launched a Website ( https:// www.humiliateamerica.com ) a year ago. The purpose was to help Americans to read the political statement of ... indymedia.nl/en/2004/04/18429.shtml 2005041827 ... part of the intelligence service ... www.humiliateamerica.com /hegmony.htm American Hegemony - A Timeline compiled + comment on USA foreign interventions ... alfatomega.com/2005041827.html 02.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-587669,00.html Semprún: Obwohl die Deutschen ihre Trauerarbeit mit einiger Verzögerung begonnen haben, glaube ich, dass es die tiefgreifendste Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen Geschichte in ganz Europa ist. 02.Nov.2008 [...] Auch die Kirche hat sich immer noch nicht kritisch distanzieren können von ihren Positionen des Bürgerkriegs. Sie sieht den Krieg immer noch als Kreuzzug. SPIEGEL ONLINE: Worin zeigt sich diese Haltung der katholischen Kirche in Spanien? Semprún: Bei den Prozessionen zur "Semana Santa", zur Karwoche, in Sevilla wird die Statue der Jungfrau von Macarena durch die Straßen getragen. Niemand erinnert daran, dass diese Statue noch heute, nach all den Jahren, bei den Prozessionen die Schärpe von Francos General Queipo de LLano trägt. Queipo de LLano ist der General, der Sevilla angegriffen hat, der für seine Unterdrückung und seine faschistoiden Ansichten bekannt war. 02.Nov.2008 [...] Semprún: Unabhängig davon, wie man die Initiative von Richter Garzón juristisch bewertet, ist es offensichtlich, dass Spanien eine umfassende Erinnerungskultur braucht. Im Bürgerkrieg wurde die Demokratie zerstört. Heute gelten in der spanischen Gesellschaft die Werte der besiegten Republikaner, demokratische Werte. Trotzdem wird das historische Gedenken oft von den Werten der damaligen Sieger dominiert. 02.Nov.2008 [...] Semprún: Franco kam durch einen dreijährigen Bürgerkrieg an die Macht, der hunderttausende Tote auf beiden Seiten gefordert hat. Er errichtete ein totalitäres Regime, das das Volk sehr, sehr lange und brutal unterdrückte. Dass das Regime durch einen Bürgerkrieg an die Macht gekommen ist, unterscheidet Spanien von anderen Ländern. In der Zeit des Übergangs zur Demokratie gab es den Wunsch nach Amnesie, der wurde mit dem Amnestiegesetz verankert. Das Volk wollte vergessen. Nun will das Volk sich erinnern. 02.Nov.2008 Aufarbeitung des Franco-Regimes: "Die Kirche sieht den Bürgerkrieg immer noch als Kreuzzug" (Politik) 01.Nov.2008 https://www.jungewelt.de/2008/11-01/048.php?print=1 Das Ziel besteht darin, Iran durch einen wochenlangen Luftkrieg zur Kapitulation zu zwingen. Dabei soll auch der Einsatz von Atomwaffen nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Es geht, schreibt der Neokonservative Michael Rubin, der das Papier entworfen hat, um »die Bereitschaft, Hunderttausende Menschen zu töten«. Eine ausführliche Analyse des Papiers »Meeting the Challenge« hat Knut Mellenthin auf der Internetseite hintergrund.de veröffentlicht 01.Nov.2008 [...] Die Autoren schreiben: »Die Anwesenheit von US-Truppen im Irak und in Afghanistan bietet deutliche Voreile in jeder möglichen Konfrontation mit Iran. Die USA können unter dem Deckmantel der Irak- und Afghanistan-Konflikte Truppen und Material in die Region bringen und auf diese Weise einen Grad von strategischer und taktischer Überraschung aufrechterhalten.« 01.Nov.2008 [...] Nach dem Willen der Autoren soll Iran nicht nur mit der bekannten Forderung nach Einstellung aller Arbeiten an der Urananreicherung konfrontiert werden. Das Land soll außerdem auf Jahre hinaus Kontrollen akzeptieren, wie man sie nur einem geschlagenen Gegner mit militärischer Gewalt aufzwingen kann. In den Worten des Papiers: »In jedes Abkommen müssen Verifizierungsprozeduren hineingeschrieben werden, die sich auf nicht deklarierte Atomprogramme innerhalb des Landes beziehen. Angesichts der Unfähigkeit der IAEA jedoch, nicht deklarierte Aktivitäten zu entdecken, müssen solche Verifizierungsprozeduren den Mechanismen ähneln, die von der Sonderkommission der Vereinten Nationen (UNSCOM) auf Saddam Husseins Irak angewendet wurden.« 01.Nov.2008 [...] Ginge es nach den Vorschlägen einer Gruppe von namhaften Politikern beider Kongreßparteien, könnten sich die USA schon in etwa sieben bis acht Monaten im nächsten Krieg befinden. 01.Nov.2008 https://www.heise.de/tr/Google-Nos-statt-Google-News--/blog/artikel/118155 Auch als im Juni dieses Jahres in Guantánamo das Militärgerichtsverfahren gegen die mutmaßlichen Drahtzieher der Terroranschläge vom 11.Sep.2001 begann, wurden die Aussagen der Angeklagten mit 20-sekündiger Verzögerung in den Saal übertragen, in dem die Journalisten dem Verfahren folgten. Dadurch sollte dem Richter die Möglichkeit gegeben werden, die Übertragung zu unterbrechen, sobald Staatgeheimnisse zur Sprache kamen. 01.Nov.2008 https://www.heise.de/tr/Google-Nos-statt-Google-News--/blog/artikel/118155 die heute noch den US-Präsidentschaftskandidaten vorbehalten sind, werden in absehbarer Zeit auf die vielen anderen Sprechenden ausgeweitet werden. Der automatische Zensor sorgt dafür, dass nicht gesagt wird, was nicht gesagt werden soll. 01.Nov.2008 https://www.heise.de/tr/Google-Nos-statt-Google-News--/blog/artikel/118155 Google Nos statt Google News. Mining-Werkzeuge 01.Nov.2008 Amerikas Intellektuelle: Was, wenn John McCain gewinnt? 01.Nov.2008 Miilarden verhindern Staatsbankrott: Hilfspaket rettet Ungarn 01.Nov.2008 The Reckoning: From Midwest to M.T.A., Pain From Global Gamble 01.Nov.2008 Börsenausblick: US-Wahl kann Aktien beflügeln 01.Nov.2008 US-Berufungsgericht: Keine Patente auf reine Geschäftsmethoden und Software 01.Nov.2008 Wirtschaftlich werden China, Indien und Co. bald die Industrieländer überrunden 01.Nov.2008 Millionenprämie für den Vorstand 01.Nov.2008 Über 200’000 Flüchtlinge im Kongo 01.Nov.2008 Obamas Vorsprung zerrinnt 01.Nov.2008 BOJ lowers its key lending rate to 0.3% 01.Nov.2008 Tokyo ready to help bankroll IMF bailouts 01.Nov.2008 Rescued bank to pay millions in bonuses 01.Nov.2008 RWE plant Reaktor in Erdbebengebiet: Angst vor neuem Tschernobyl 01.Nov.2008 Countdown für Iran-Krieg 01.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-587910,00.html Offenbar mit Blick auf die politische Sensibilität des Themas wurde nach Angaben eines Informanten verfügt, dass jede Abschiebung vor Dienstag - dem Tag der Wahl - auf hoher Ebene abgesegnet werden müsste 01.Nov.2008 Feds close Freedom Bank in Bradenton Bizjournals.com 01.Nov.2008 NYSE: Wall Street seeks to extend recovery as election looms Taipei Times- After a week of eye-popping gains, Wall Street is pondering whether the rebound from a vicious sell-off points to a real recovery from the economic and financial turmoil or a new “bear trap. 01.Nov.2008 Treasurys Dip in a Gentler Market Wall Street Journal 01.Nov.2008 Banks Alter Loan Terms to Head Off Foreclosures New York Times- About 1.5 million homes were in foreclosure at the end of June, and economists expect more. By VIKAS BAJAJ and ERIC DASH Even as political pressure builds in Washington for a sweeping program to help struggling homeowners, some banks are realizing that ... 01.Nov.2008 Massive Effort to Save Mortgages Wall Street Journal 01.Nov.2008 JPMorgan Chase Freezes Foreclosures BusinessWeek 01.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-587524,00.html "Doch die Realität sieht leider oft anders aus." 01.Nov.2008 [...] "Dysfunktion der Märkte". Nicht Angebot und Nachfrage bestimmten derzeit das Verhalten der Anleger, sondern Herdentrieb und Panik. "Im Moment werden die Märkte zu 100 % von Psychologie bestimmt." 01.Nov.2008 [...] "Die Leute werden zusehends nervös", sagt Fondsvermittler Hellener. "Sie tendieren dazu, ihr Geld abzuziehen." 01.Nov.2008 [...] Kapitalflucht zum Jahresende Hinzu kommt, dass die Anleger in Scharen weglaufen. 01.Nov.2008 [...] Auch strategisch ist flächendeckend der Wurm drin: 01.Nov.2008 [...] "Der Fall VW ist nur der Hingucker", sagt er. 01.Nov.2008 [...] Porsche habe den Mythos Hedgefonds ein Stück weit zerstört, habe gezeigt, dass die Profizocker nicht unverwundbar sind. Das Schlimmste aber: Ein Emporkömmling habe den Profis ins Revier gepinkelt. "Zuffenhausen hat sich nach Zockerhausen geschlichen und dort kräftig abkassiert." 01.Nov.2008 [...] "Vor wenigen Jahren noch herrschte Heuschrecken-Alarm. Jetzt kriegen die Heuschrecken selbst einen Schreck", spottet ein Händler. 01.Nov.2008 Wahlkampf: Obamas illegale Tante (Politik) 01.Nov.2008 https://www.rheingold-online.de/rheingold-online/front_content.php?client=10&lang=3&idcat=54¤t_cat=54&idart=822&m=&s=&idparent=54 Verdrängung funktioniert dann am besten, wenn immer neue Hiobsbotschaften das alte Verdrängungstrauma wieder aufreißen. 01.Nov.2008 [...] Die Wirtschaft hat seit etwa einem Jahr ein generelles Imageproblem. Die Leute sprechen der Politik inzwischen mehr Wirtschaftskompetenz zu als sie der Wirtschaft Sozialkompetenz zutrauen. 01.Nov.2008 [...] Die Unfassbarkeit führt zum vollkommenen Verdrängen. 01.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-586844,00.html Doch in Wirklichkeit wissen wir fast nichts 01.Nov.2008 [...] Eine erfolgreiche Theorie von Allem wird die Gravitation erklären müssen, die sich ebenso wie die drei anderen Kräfte letzten Endes sowohl in Wellen- als auch in Teilchenform manifestieren müsste. LIGO soll nun den Wellenaspekt dieser äußerst rätselhaften Kraft nachweisen, sofern es sie wirklich gibt. 01.Nov.2008 [...] Seiner Theorie hat er den Namen "strukturabhängige Bindungskinetik" gegeben, betont indes, noch weit von der endgültigen Lösung entfernt zu sein. Der Übergang von Wasser zu Eis ist ein unglaublich komplexer Prozess, an dem sich schon so brillante Denker wie Johannes Kepler und Michael Faraday versucht haben. Libbrecht hofft, dass ihm der nächste kleine Schritt zum Verständnis der wunderbaren Substanz gelingen wird, die für das Leben selbst eine zentrale Rolle spielt. 01.Nov.2008 Debatte über Weltformel: Warum wir niemals alles wissen werden (Wissenschaft) 01.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/auto/aktuell/0,1518,druck-586754,00.html Der US-Marktforscher EBWR prognostiziert, die Zahl der E-Bikes in Europa werde sich in diesem Jahr auf 400.000 verdoppeln. 2009 könnte der Bestand auf eine Dreiviertelmillion anwachsen. Seit dem Mountainbike hat wohl keine Entwicklung die Fahrradszene derart in Euphorie versetzt. "Das ist der absolute Trend", sagt Herwig Reus, Marketingchef vom deutschen Bike-Primus Derby Cycles (Kalkhoff, Rixe). "Wir kommen mit der Produktion kaum hinterher." 01.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/kultur/gesellschaft/0,1518,druck-587851,00.html Offenbar wollen sie gar nicht wissen, wie der Kapitalismus funktioniert." 01.Nov.2008 [...] "Bisher hat sich dieses proteische Monster, das wir Kapitalismus nennen, noch jedes Mal aufgerappelt, weil es verdammt lernfähig ist und weil keine Alternative in Sicht ist", sagte er dem SPIEGEL. 01.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-587885,00.html Die FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.) und Branchenexperten rechnen im Zuge der Finanzkrise mit noch weiteren Pleiten unter den insgesamt rund 8400 US-Banken. Die Turbulenzen haben eine Welle von Übernahmen und Fusionen ausgelöst. Die Fifth Third Bankcorp mit Hauptsitz in Cincinnati (Ohio) zählt zu den großen Regionalbanken in den USA. Ihre Bilanzsumme lag zuletzt bei 116 Milliarden Dollar. 01.Nov.2008 Finanzkrise: Russland päppelt heimische Firmen mit Milliardenpaket (Wirtschaft) 01.Nov.2008 Finanzkrise: HSH Nordbank dementiert Pleite-Spekulationen (Wirtschaft) 01.Nov.2008 US-Wahlkampf: Umfragen liefern uneinheitliche Ergebnisse (Politik) 01.Nov.2008 Konjunkturprogramm: Regierung plant 15-Milliarden-Euro-Paket für den Mittelstand 01.Nov.2008 Bonuszahlungen: Postbank-Vorstand sicherte sich Millionenprämie (Wirtschaft) 01.Nov.2008 Bekannter Tiefseeforscher: Jacques Piccard ist tot (Wissenschaft) 01.Nov.2008 Irak: Saddam-Bestatter berichtet von Schändung der Leiche (Politik) 01.Nov.2008 Verschmähte Staatshilfen: Merkel drängt Banken zu Annahme des Rettungspakets (Wirtschaft) 01.Nov.2008 Neuer US-Bankrott: Freedom Bank meldet Pleite an (Wirtschaft) 01.Nov.2008 Zu Hause die Hölle: Italiener will wieder ins Gefängnis (Panorama) 01.Nov.2008 Verkaufseinbrüche: Autoindustrie zweifelt an Absatzprognose (Wirtschaft) 01.Nov.2008 US-Wahlkampf: Wie Obama von Fidel Castro profitiert (Politik) 01.Nov.2008 Folgen der Krise (2): Wenn Geldvernichtung auch nicht hilft (Wirtschaft) 01.Nov.2008 Landesparteitag: Hessens SPD stimmt für Ypsilantis Koalitionskurs (Politik) 01.Nov.2008 Kartellrechtsklage: Deutscher Gaspipeline droht massive Verzögerung (Wirtschaft) 01.Nov.2008 Schriftsteller Enzensberger zur Finanzkrise: "Unbegreiflich, warum die Welt so überrascht ist" Kultur) 01.Nov.2008 Boom bei Elektrobikes: Vorfahrt für Akku-Flitzer (Auto) 01.Nov.2008 https://www.ftd.de/politik/europa/:K%FCstenimmobilien-im-Visier-Spanien-verstaatlicht-Privatbesitz/432767.html?mode=print Vor einigen Tagen statuierten die Behörden im Süden von Teneriffa ein Exempel. Cho Vito, ein malerisches Fischerdorf, das vor 40 Jahren an einem Felsen über dem Meer erbaut worden war, wurde abgerissen. Weinende Bewohner sahen zu. Auch Vivian weinte, als sie die Bilder im Fernsehen sah. "Seither können wir nicht mehr ruhig schlafen." 01.Nov.2008 [...] Bürgerinitiative PNALC zusammengeschlossen. Die Vorsitzende Carmen del Amo, Bankangestellte im Vorruhestand, hält das Vorhaben der Regierung für wahnwitzig: "Ein Gesetz kann nicht rückwirkend für illegal erklären, was vorher schon bestanden hatte." 01.Nov.2008 [...] "Als wir vor 20 Jahren kauften, sagte uns niemand, dass hier etwas illegal sei. Unsere gesamten Ersparnisse stecken in dieser Wohnung", klagt Vivian. Eine Entschädigung sieht das Gesetz zumeist nicht vor, auch der Weiterverkauf der bedrohten Immobilien ist strikt untersagt. 200.000 fürchten um ihr Eigentum Rund 200.000 Immobilienbesitzer, darunter 45.000 Ausländer, könnten so ihr Eigentum verlieren. 01.Nov.2008 [...] Doch nun fürchten die 80-Jährige und ihr Mann, dass ihr Traum vom Leben am Meer abrupt zu Ende geht. Denn Spanien hat eine massive Enteignung von Küstenimmobilien begonnen. 01.Nov.2008 https://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/mpapps/pagetools/print/news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7701227.stm?ad=1 00.Apr.2007 -in-researchers at Google discovered hundreds of thousands of web pages that initiated drive-by downloads. It estimated that one in ten of the 4.5 million pages it analysed were suspect. 01.Nov.2008 [...] researchers at Google 01.Nov.2008 https://www.physorg.com/printnews.php?newsid=144505789 The researchers suggest that errors in boundary judgment may actually be beneficial because the end goal is a logical view of the world as a whole. The authors conclude, "The rapidity of this error would be advantageous rather than harmful, because the goal of the visual system is not to represent the spurious boundaries of each fleeting view, but to incorporate those views into a coherent, continuous representation of a surrounding world." Source: Association for Psychological Science 01.Nov.2008 Stevens On Whether Saddam And Iraq Had 9/11 Role: ‘I Believe They Did’ - Ali Frick Comments Last night, convicted felon Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK) faced Anchorage mayor and Senate candidate Mark Begich in their last debate before Tuesday’s election. During the debate, Stevens twice insisted that he had “not been convicted of anything” — though, of course, he was found guilty of all seven counts of making false statements on his Senate disclosure forms. Waving away his conviction wasn’t Stevens’ only bizarre moment in the debate. Discussing Iraq, Stevens insisted that Saddam Hussein had played a role in the 9/11 attacks: MODERATOR: Knowing what you know now, do you think that the country of Iraq and Saddam Hussein played a role in the 9/11 attack on the United States? STEVENS: I know more than you think I know, and I believe they did. BEGICH: I don’t believe they did. Perhaps Stevens is taking a cue from Cheney in doubling down on insisting a link existed between Iraq and 9/11. He wants Alaskans to believe he knows something they don’t, but it’s Stevens whose facts are wrong: 17.Jun.2004 – The Sept. 11 commission found no “collaborative relationship” between Iraq and al Qaeda and said there was “no cooperation” between the two. [] 10.Sep.2006 – A Senate Intelligence Committee report found that Saddam Hussein issued a general order that Iraq should not deal with al Qaeda, and found that the Iraqi regime never attempted to facilitate a relationship with bin Ladin. [] 13.Mar.2008 – A Pentagon report looking into ties between Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and al Qaeda showed no connection between the two , after reviewing 600,000 Iraqi documents. [] What’s more, the White House knew that its repeated claims of collaboration between Iraq and al Qaeda were unfounded. A recent book by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Ron Suskind claimed that, after the Iraq war began, the White House ordered the CIA to forge a “backdated, handwritten letter” from the head of Iraqi intelligence to Saddam Hussein, in an attempt to tie Hussein to the 9/11 attacks. 01.Nov.2008 Even Texas doesn’t like President Bush anymore. - Matt Corley Comments Though President Bush was once “Texas’ favorite son,” the Lone Star State has now joined “the rest of the nation in registering sharp disapproval of his job performance as the nation’s chief executive.” In a new survey by the University of Texas, only 34 % of Texans said that they “approved of Bush’s handling of the presidency, with just under 10 % approving ’strongly.’” Fifty-five % said they disapproved of Bush’s performance, including 38.7 % strongly disapproving. 31.Oct.2008 - Think Progress Comments “ The White House is working to enact a wide array of federal regulations , many of which would weaken government rules aimed at protecting consumers and the environment.” Some of the new rules, which are “among the most controversial deregulatory steps of the Bush era,” would ease controls on emissions of pollutants, relax drinking-water standards and lift restrictions on mountaintop coal mining. The federal Bureau of Land Management “ is reviving plans to sell oil and gas leases in pristine wilderness areas in eastern Utah that have long been protected from development.” “The proposed sale, which includes famous areas in the Nine Mile Canyon region, would take place 19.Dec.2008 -a month before President Bush leaves office.” According to Justice Department and FAA records, “Attorney General Michael Mukasey has taken personal trips on government jets almost every weekend since he took office less than a year ago at a cost to taxpayers of more than $155,800 .” Mukasey was out of Washington on personal trips “for almost half or more of February, May, July and September” and 00.Nov.2007-00.Sep.2008 traveled home 45 times . “The next U.S. president will govern in an era of increasing international instability, including a heightened risk of terrorist attacks in the near future , long-term prospects of regional conflicts and diminished U.S. dominance across the globe,” Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell said yesterday. Four days to go: John McCain will be campaigning in Ohio today, including a Columbus rally with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA). Sarah Palin will be holding rallies in York and Latrobe, PA. Barack Obama will be at rallies in Des Moines, IA, and Highland, IN. Joe Biden and his wife will be campaigning in Newark, DE before heading to Ohio. More » 01.Nov.2008 Bush-by-Dr-Dennis-Loo-081101-763.html">What Matters Now? The Bush/Cheney Legacy [00.000.2002 Cheney declared that "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter." What have the Bush/Cheney years proved? That the rule of law and the truth don't matter. What can be done in the face of this outrage and the fact that the elections promise no accountability? 01.Nov.2008 Bush-Prosecutor-by-Ralph-Lopez-081030-528.html">Potential Bush Prosecutor AG Candidate in Vermont Lays-Out Jurisdiction [Charlotte Dennett and Vincent Bugliosi contended that the "effects" principle of the law gave state prosecutors jurisdiction if it could be shown that a crime which occurred outside the territorial jurisdiction of the state had a harmful effect on the people of the state. Vermont has the highest per capita loss of soldiers in Iraq of any state in the nation. 01.Nov.2008 Don't Do As I Do . . . [Has America lost its moral authority? 01.Nov.2008 Bush-Sane-by-Sherwood-Ross-081028-338.html">Is George W. Bush Sane? [Verdict of history may be that President Bush not entirely sane. 01.Nov.2008 Dow Jones [The stock market has collapsed. Investors should be weary of non government regulation and corporate deregulation 01.Nov.2008 Internet collaboration still in infancy: Wikipedia founder The age of public collaboration over the Internet is still only in its infancy, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales told AFP in an interview. 01.Nov.2008 NASA chooses Nov. 14 launch for Endeavour (AP) -With a visit to the Hubble Space Telescope off until next spring at the earliest, NASA on Thursday chose 14.Nov.2008 for its next space shuttle launch, a flight by Endeavour to the international space station. 01.Nov.2008 Engineer creating more sensitive, safer landmine detectors Long after a conflict, landmines remain buried underground unless someone can locate and detonate them. According to the United Nations (UN), there are more than 100 million landmines buried in 68 countries around the world. The UN estimates that more than 2,000 people are killed or injured by landmine explosions each month. A University of Missouri engineer is working to enhance the accuracy of a landmine radar system while minimizing the number of false alarms it produces. 01.Nov.2008 Angry faces take priority in our brain (PhysOrg.com) - In any social situation, we need to be aware of threats to our own safety from other people. That may be why our brains are better attuned to remembering the identity of angry faces over short periods of time. 01.Nov.2008 Strong yen hurts Japanese electronics makers (AP) - The strong yen crippled quarterly earnings at Sony Corp. and other Japanese electronics makers, adding to their gloomy outlook as the global economic slowdown crimps consumer demand in the ultra-competitive market for high-end gadgets. 01.Nov.2008 Researcher discover fundamental processes behind nature's constant balancing act The natural world behaves a lot like the stock market, with periods of relative stability interspersed with dramatic swings in population size and competition between individuals and species. 01.Nov.2008 Our cheatin' brain: The brain's clever way of showing us the world as a whole Whether we choose to admit it or not, we all experience memory errors from time to time. Research has suggested that false memory may be a result of having too many other things to remember or perhaps if too much time has passed. However, previous studies have indicated that a specific type of false memory known as "boundary extension" occurs for different reasons. Boundary extension is a mistake that we often make when recalling a view of a scene?we will insist that the boundaries of an image stretched out farther than what we actually saw. 01.Nov.2008 Methane gas levels begin to increase again 00.000.2007 The amount of methane in Earth's atmosphere shot up, bringing to an end a period of about a decade in which atmospheric levels of the potent greenhouse gas were essentially stable, according to a team led by MIT researchers. 01.Nov.2008 Households significantly reduce electricity use when prices rise A new study in the RAND Journal of Economics examined how quickly households change their electricity use when prices rise and fall rapidly. Results show that when electricity prices increase, the average household rapidly reduces its electricity use. However, when electricity prices then decrease, household energy use returns to previous levels. 01.Nov.2008 Ultrasound shown to exert remote control of brain circuits In a twist on nontraditional uses of ultrasound, a group of neuroscientists at Arizona State University has developed pulsed ultrasound techniques that can remotely stimulate brain circuit activity. Their findings, published in the Oct. 29 issue of the journal Public Library of Science (PLoS) One, provide insights into how low-power ultrasound can be harnessed for the noninvasive neurostimulation of brain circuits and offers the potential for new treatments of brain disorders and disease. 01.Nov.2008 Study: Israelis have abandoned belief of peacefully integrating into the Middle East For decades, Israelis have sought to teach Arabs and Muslims that the existence of a Jewish state was a permanent fact of life. Israelis have thought that once Arab and Muslim belief in the state's permanence could be established, then Israel could reach out to its enemies with sensible rational compromises to achieve peace and stability in the region. 01.Nov.2008 Magnetic Portals Connect Sun and Earth - Soulskill MaxwellEdison writes "Scientists have discovered evidence of magnetic portals connecting the Earth and the Sun every 8 minutes. 'Several speakers at the Workshop have outlined how FTEs form: On the dayside of Earth (the side closest to the sun), Earth's magnetic field presses against the sun's magnetic field. Approximately every eight minutes, the two fields briefly merge or "reconnect," forming a portal through which particles can flow. The portal takes the form of a magnetic cylinder about as wide as Earth. The European Space Agency's fleet of four Cluster spacecraft and NASA's five THEMIS probes have flown through and surrounded these cylinders, measuring their dimensions and sensing the particles that shoot through." 01.Nov.2008 Researcher Warns of "Digital Dark Age" - Soulskill alphadogg writes "A assistant professor from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is sounding a warning that companies, the government and researchers need to come up with a plan for preserving our increasingly digitized data in light of shifting document management and other software platforms (think WordPerfect and floppy disks). Jerome P. McDonough, who teaches at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, says there exists about 369 exabytes worth of data, and that includes some pretty hard to replace stuff, including tax files, email and photos. Open standards could play a key role in any preservation effort, he says. 'If we can't keep today's information alive for future generations, we will lose a lot of our culture,' McDonough said. Even over the course of 10 years, you can have a rapid enough evolution in the ways people store digital information and the programs they use to access it that file formats can fall out of date.'" 01.Nov.2008 $125 Million Settlement In Authors Guild v. Google - timothy James Gleick writes "Authors, publishers, and Google are announcing a huge settlement deal today in their lawsuits over the scanning of millions of copyrighted books in library collections. Google has agreed to a huge payout for books that were scanned without permission, but now they'll be allowed to scan the books legitimately. Most important, they'll be able to put millions of books online, including those still in copyright — not just for searching and not just in snippets. There is a groundbreaking new licensing system meant to make the books as widely available as possible while protecting the authors' copyrights and enabling them to share in the revenue. Some will differ, but personally I think this is a wonderful outcome, for readers and for authors alike." 01.Nov.2008 Gov't Computers Used to Find Info on "Joe the Plumber" - timothy After Joe Wurzelbacher of Ohio gained fame as "Joe the Plumber" in the course of the current presidential campaign, it seems that he's drawn more than idle curiosity from people with access to what should probably be confidential information. An anonymous reader writes with a story from The Columbus Dispatch that "government insiders accessed Joe the Plumber's records soon after the McCain-Obama debate. 'Public records requested by The Dispatch disclose that information on Wurzelbacher's driver's license or his sport-utility vehicle was pulled from the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles database three times shortly after the debate. Information on Wurzelbacher was accessed by accounts assigned to the office of Ohio Attorney General Nancy H. Rogers, the Cuyahoga County Child Support Enforcement Agency and the Toledo Police Department.' Welcome to 1984." 01.Nov.2008 100x Denser Chips Possible With Plasmonic Nanolithography - timothy Roland Piquepaille writes "According to the semiconductor industry, maskless nanolithography is a flexible nanofabrication technique which suffers from low throughput. But now, engineers at the University of California at Berkeley have developed a new approach that involves 'flying' an array of plasmonic lenses just 20 nanometers above a rotating surface, it is possible to increase throughput by several orders of magnitude. The 'flying head' they've created looks like the stylus on the arm of an old-fashioned LP turntable. With this technique, the researchers were able to create line patterns only 80 nanometers wide at speeds up to 12 meters per second. The lead researcher said that by using 'this plasmonic nanolithography, we will be able to make current microprocessors more than 10 times smaller, but far more powerful' and that 'it could lead to ultra-high density disks that can hold 10 to 100 times more data than today's disks.'" 01.Nov.2008 Kongo: Warlord Laurent Nkunda benennt ?Kriegsziele? - onlinedienst Dr. Alexander von Paleske - Während Zehntausende von Flüchtlingen im Osten der Demokratischen Republik Kongo versuchen, dem Kriegsgeschehen zu entkommen, hat der Warlord und von der UN als Kriegsverbrecher gesuchte Tutsi-General Laurent Nkunda seine Forderungen präzisiert. Nachdem er monatelang zum Sturz der Regierung aufgefordert hatte, will er nun direkte Verhandlungen mit der Regierung... 00.000.1986 : CIA Allegedly Sets Up Fake Bomb Plot to Influence European Opinion - sfux Cooperative Research - Following the bombing of a Berlin disco in which three people, including two US serviceman, died, and which is blamed on Libya, and a retaliatory air strike by the US against Libya, European public opinion begins to turn against... 01.Nov.2008 Chinese melamine scandal widens The industrial chemical melamine is probably being routinely added to Chinese animal feed, state media reports. 01.Nov.2008 Drum maker is treated for anthrax A drum-maker from east London is seriously ill with anthrax contracted from animal skins. 01.Nov.2008 Passport offer for Spanish exiles Spain is to offer up to 500,000 descendants of its civil war-era exiles the chance to take Spanish citizenship. 01.Nov.2008 PM calls for oil price stability Ahead of a four-day tour of the region, Gordon Brown says oil-rich Gulf states must play their part in stabilising world oil prices. 01.Nov.2008 UK commander quits Afghanistan Reports say that the British SAS reservist commander in Afghanistan has resigned in protest at poor equipment. 01.Nov.2008 'US strikes' on Pakistan villages More than 20 people are killed in two suspected US missile attacks in northwest Pakistan, security officials say. 01.Nov.2008 UK troops 'may be sent to Congo' Foreign office minister Lord Malloch-Brown warns the UK may have to send troops to DR Congo if diplomacy fails. 01.Nov.2008 Mud eruption 'caused by drilling' Leading geologists from around the world decide that a mud volcano disaster in Indonesia was triggered by oil and gas exploration. 01.Nov.2008 Bogus Robocall Tells Floridians They Can Vote By Phone - Sarah Lai Stirland The residents of Broward County, Florida, have recently received misleading robocalls telling them that they can vote by phone on Election Day, according to a report in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel on Friday. This call is one of several dirty tricks being pulled off in the last days of the 2008 election. 01.Nov.2008 Technology Voter Guide 2008: Barack Obama The Democratic presidential candidate, a staunch believer in Net neutrality, says he'll push for infrastructure improvements so the U.S. can lead in broadband penetration. 01.Nov.2008 TSMC says PC chip shipments down 20 % TSMC, the world's largest contract chip manufacturer, said chip shipments are expected to be off 20 % in the fourth quarter. 31.Oct.2008 Russland wünscht sich RücksichtTagesspiegel - Aus russischer Sicht ist die Außenpolitik von George W. Bush, die nach Lesart des Kremls keine Rücksicht auf russische Interessen nahm, schuld daran, ... Russland hofft auf Obama Badische Zeitung (Abonnement) 31.Oct.2008, Regierung nimmt am Freitag Plan zur Förderung des realen Sektors ... - RIA Novosti Regierung nimmt am Freitag Plan zur Förderung des realen Sektors ...RIA Novosti Das sei ein offenes Dokument, das je nach Änderung der Situation auf globalen Märkten und in der russischen Wirtschaft korrigiert werde. ... Read more.. 31.Oct.2008, Gaddafi auf Waffen-Einkaufstour in Russland - RIA Novosti Gaddafi auf Waffen-Einkaufstour in Russland RIA Novosti - Im Gegenzug hat sich Tripolis dazu verpflichtet, russischen Unternehmen lukrative Aufträge zu verschaffen. Die Russische Eisenbahnen AG, kurz RZD, ... Leitzinsen in Japan auf 0,3 % gesenkt Badisches Tagblatt Read more.. 31.Oct.2008 Im Spiegel der Presse RIA Novosti - Fast 50 % der befragten Russen sind überzeugt, dass die russische Wirtschaft sich in einer Rezession befindet, lediglich 31 % der Befragten ... Read more.. 31.Oct.2008 Umfrage zu Finanzkrise: Russen sparen anders - „Wedomosti“ RIA Novosti -Fast 50 % der befragten Russen sind überzeugt, dass die russische Wirtschaft sich in einer Rezession befindet, lediglich 31 % der Befragten ... Read more.. 30.Oct.2008 Russland ächzt unter der Finanzkrise Deutsche Welle - Sie soll russischen Unternehmen helfen, ihre Auslandsschulden fristgerecht zu begleichen. Im Sommer stand die russische Wirtschaft mit insgesamt knapp 500 ... Hintergrund: Anmerkungen zu geopolitischen Konsequenzen der ... Islamische Zeitung (Abonnement) Read more.. 29.Oct.2008 Russischer Staat will in Wirtschaft nicht übermäßig präsent sein RIA Novosti - 29.Okt.2008 Die Nationalisierung der russischen Wirtschaft komme aber nicht in Frage: „Die Verstaatlichung der Wirtschaft kann nicht unsere Aufgabe sein. ... Read more.. 28.Oct.2008 Russland in der Finanzkrise Gefahr für das System Putin Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - 28.Okt.2008 Die aktuellen Eckdaten der russischen Wirtschaft und die Prognosen für das kommende Jahr haben die besonderen Probleme des Landes bereits zutage treten ... Read more.. 27.Oct.2008 Harte Landung für die russische Wirtschaft ? - russland-aktuell.ru 01.Nov.2008 Krisenherd Krim Junge Welt - Noch eindeutiger ist die Dominanz des Russischen in Sprache und Kultur . So 00.000.2001 bezeichneten bei einer Volkszählung 77 % der Krimbewohner Russisch als ... 01.Nov.2008 Mehr und mehr Schwellenländer kippen Die Finanzkrise wütet in den ... sueddeutsche.de -Von Catherine Hoffmann München - Die Zukunft liegt in Indien, China, Russland und Brasilien. Das sagten Vermögensverwalter noch vor kurzem. Das Währungs-Chaos birgt grosse Gefahren NZZ Online 31.Oct.2008, Mehr und mehr Schwellenländer kippen Die Finanzkrise wütet in den ... - sueddeutsche.de 31.Oct.2008 Russland attackierte die eigene Währung Basler Zeitung - Steht die russische Währung vor dem Absturz? Der Kreml versucht vehement, die Sorgen der Bevölkerung zu zerstreuen. Der Rubel rutscht in den Untergrund. ... 01.Nov.2008 BEAMTE: Ende der goldenen Zeiten - Deutschland - FOCUS Online Beamte, die wegen Dienstunfähigkeit vorzeitig in den Ruhestand wechseln, ... Verwaltungsoberinspektorin mit 34 Jahren in Vorruhestand Dienstbezüge mtl. ... www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/beamte-ende-der-goldenen-zeiten_aid_165484.html 01.Nov.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ In this post, I have listed several places where you may want to begin the process of turning over the topsoil. I will soon list others. Permalink 01.Nov.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Soomro comes from a famed political family in Sindh. (Chandoo is another Sindhi name.) Soomro has worked for a number of important banks in the Islamic world (including the National Bank of Pakistan, Faysal Islamic Bank of Bahrain and the Muslim Commercial Bank) and for the Bank of America. 00.000.1981-Until- the Bank of America partly owned the notorious BCCI, a money launderer's haven founded in Pakistan. American intelligence used BCCI as a conduit for funding the Afghan mujahadeen. However, I do not yet know precisely when Soomro worked for B of A, and thus cannot claim that he has a BCCI background. 01.Nov.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ 2. At the time, the CIA was offering clandestine support to the anti-Soviet "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan, who counted Osama Bin Laden among their numbers. Much of this support effort was run through Pakistan, using cut-outs. 01.Nov.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ 1. In 00.000.1981 Pakistan was under martial law, and U.S. travel was discouraged or forbidden. At the very least, we can say that a trip to a strife-torn forbidden zone would have constituted quite an adventure for any young man. So why does Obama refuse to mention this adventure in his books? 01.Nov.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Oxy, in my view, holds the key to this mystery. During his time there, Obama appears to have made contact with a professor of Politics who was one of the CIA's chief experts on the Soviet Union. This same prof was also, I am told, an associate of Zbigniew Brzenzinski, later to become Obama's foreign policy mentor. (Zbig probably hooked up with Obama at Columbia.) Could this spooked-up "educator" have paved the way for Obama's trip? Did something more than the travel bug prompt the journey? 01.Nov.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ 00.000.1981 Obama transferred from Occidental to Columbia. In between, he traveled to Pakistan - a trip that enhanced his foreign policy qualifications, he maintained in a private speech at a San Francisco fundraiser last month. Obama spent “about three weeks” in Pakistan, traveling with Hamid and staying in Karachi with Chandoo’s family, said Bill Burton, Obama’s press secretary. 31.Oct.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ The money: A spooky story I'll be sad, but not too sad, if Obama wins the election, as he now seems likely to do (thanks to the ill-timed financial meltdown). On November 5, the fun starts. 01.Nov.2008 nachrichten.at Nun muss auch der russische Oligarch Viktor Vekselberg umschulden. Er hat den Schweizer Oerlikon-Sulzer-Konzern auf Kredit gekauft. www.oon.at/wirtschaft/742767?PHPSESSID=ed6cb5e2f2ebafe604093b54e92b 01.Nov.2008 www.tagblatt.ch – Viktor Vekselberg bangt um Oerlikon und Sulzer 11.Okt.2008 Der russische Milliardär Viktor Vekselberg hatte seine Aktienpakete bei Sulzer und Oerlikon auf Kredit gekauft. www.tagblatt.ch/aktuell/wirtschaft/tb-wi/art149,873848 20060808 A Manifest Against the Israeli Atrocities in the Middle East Carlos Fernando Destefani If you are really interested in the middle-east conflict and its real ... alfatomega.com/20060808.html 00.Aug.2006 Opinion Links A Manifest Against the Israeli Atrocities in the Middle East By Carlos Fernando Destefani · US Media Coverage of the War in Lebanon: Out to Lunch By Remi ... 01.Nov.2008 Shame on You, Mr. Harper The deliberate targeting by the Israeli army of civilian dwellings, cars, ... 881, 02.Aug.2006 - 1:46 Carlos Fernando Destefani : because the real terrorists ... www.petitionspot.com/petitions/me2006/signatures/pg/18/ 01.Nov.2008 News no. 25514 from www.uruknet.info: informazione dall'Iraq ... the Israeli Atrocities in the Middle East. Carlos Fernando Destefani ... This email is another scream for help against the Israeli terrorism, always ... www.uruknet.info/?p=25514 01.Nov.2008 Kreml greift Oligarchen unter die Arme - Unternehmen - Management ... 31. Okt. 2008 ... Er braucht die 4,5 Mrd. Dollar, um einen Kredit für den Einstieg beim ... sich bei TNK-BP durch 04.09.2008, Stichwort: Vekselberg , Viktor ... www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/koepfe/kreml-greift-oligarchen-unter-die-arme;2076909 00.May 2005 Visions From The Horizon:"I support Special Order 40 [prohibiting police from making ... bad enough that the U.S. Supreme Court majority pays little heed to the U.S. Constitution , ... visionsfromthehorizon.blogspot.com/2005_05_01_archive.html 01.Nov.2008 Think-Israel Do you have a solution? Send it to solution@ think-israel.org ... Israel does not have a Constitution . Writing one is commonly treated as a nice but not ... think-israel.org/ 01.Nov.2008 blog.fefe.de/Knaller des Tages: Ziercke: verschiede Betriebssysteme zum Surfen und Online-Banking benutzen. Das ist ja schon bizarr genug, aber geht noch weiter: "Am besten benutzen Sie zwei voneinander getrennte Betriebssysteme – eines fürs Online-Banking und ein anderes fürs Surfen", äußerte sich BKA-Chef Ziercke gegenüber dpa. Beim Geldabheben solle man den Türöffner möglichst mit einer anderen Karte bedienen als den Geldautomaten. Ziercke begründete das mit den immer raffinierteren Methoden Krimineller, Heimcomputer mit Trojanern zu infizieren. Diese Schadprogramme lieferten den Tätern Zugangsdaten jeder Art Unglaublich. Ich habe gerade kognitive Dissonanz. Das erscheint mir taktisch ungeschickt, auf der einen Seite Trojaner unter dem Volk verteilen zu wollen, und auf der anderen Seite das Volk vor Trojanern zu warnen. Immerhin, einen hat er noch: Zur Bekämpfung dieser Delikte ist die Polizei nach Zierckes Darstellung auf die Vorratsdatenspeicherung angewiesen. 01.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-585965,00.html In der Therapie versucht die Psychologin daher nun "klarzustellen, dass es die Opfer selbst waren, die Schutz gebraucht hätten". 01.Nov.2008 [...] "Wir erleben gegenwärtig einen Erinnerungsboom, in dem die Generation der Kriegskinder als Altersgruppe mit eigenen Erfahrungen wahrgenommen wird", sagt die Historikerin. 01.Nov.2008 [...] "Aus der Lebensspannen-Psychologie wissen wir, dass die letzte Entwicklungsaufgabe darin besteht, das gelebte und ungelebte Leben zu einem Ganzen zu integrieren, mit dem man leben und dann auch sterben kann", bestätigt die Psychologin Ursula Staudinger von der Jacobs-Universität in Bremen. 01.Nov.2008 [...] Neuroforscher sprechen von "assoziativen Brücken", über die Erinnerungen den Weg zurück ins Bewusstsein nehmen. Bilder von Krieg und Zerstörung haben sich wie eine Spur durchs Gedächtnis gebahnt, auf der die bislang erfolgreich verdrängten Erinnerungen wieder hervorkriechen. 01.Nov.2008 [...] Doch plötzlich werden sie eingeholt von ihrer Vergangenheit. 01.Nov.2008 [...] 14 Millionen Senioren in Deutschland haben ihre ersten Lebensjahre in Elend und Angst verbracht. Nach Jahrzehnten kämpfen heute viele von ihnen mit den lang verdrängten Erlebnissen. 01.Nov.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-587847,00.html Die leitenden Offiziere des SAS hatten dem Bericht zufolge im Vorfeld beim Verteidigungsministerium mehrfach darauf gedrungen, die Geländewagen vom Typ Snatch nicht einzusetzen. Das Ministerium sei den Bitten der Militärs aber nicht nachgekommen. 01.Nov.2008 [...] Dorfbewohner widersprachen jedoch dieser Darstellung. Alle sieben Opfer seien Zivilisten gewesen. Es habe sich um eine Familie gehandelt. Ein Behördenvertreter, der namentlich nicht genannt werden wollte, bestätigte die Angaben der Augenzeugen. 01.Nov.2008 [...] Extremisten 01.Nov.2008 [...] Bei den mutmaßlichen US-Raketenangriffen in den pakistanischen Stammesgebieten Nord- und Süd-Waziristan wurden nach neuen Angaben am Freitag mindestens 32 Menschen getötet. Die anhaltenden Raketenangriffe auf pakistanischem Territorium belasten die Beziehungen zwischen Islamabad und Washington. Am Mittwoch hatte das pakistanische Außenministerium US-Botschafterin Anne Patterson einbestellt und die Attacken als Verletzung seiner Souveränität verurteilt. Pakistan gehört bisher zu den wichtigsten Verbündeten der USA im "Krieg gegen den Terror". Dorfbewohner widersprechen Angaben der US-Armee 01.Nov.2008 Endspurt US-Wahlkampf: Obamas Vorsprung schrumpft (Politik) 01.Nov.2008 Siemens: Betriebsratschef tritt überraschend ab (Wirtschaft) 01.Nov.2008 Krisenmanagement: Porsche schreibt Belegschaft verlängerte Weihnachtspause vor (Wirtschaft) 01.Nov.2008 Wahlkampfgelder: CDU-Landesverband von Rheinland-Pfalz droht Bankrott (Politik) 01.Nov.2008 Finanzkrise: Regierung arbeitet an Nachbesserung des Banken-Rettungsplans (Politik) 01.Nov.2008 Ostkongo: Kabila und Kagame zu Friedensgipfel bereit (Politik) 01.Nov.2008 Traumatische Erlebnisse: Die Kinder des Krieges erinnern sich (Wissenschaft) 01.Nov.2008 Paradoxe Prognosen: "Der Osten ist krisenfest" - "der Osten wird leiden" (Wirtschaft) 01.Nov.2008 Tarifkonflikt: IG Metall startet Warnstreiks - Arbeitgeber warnen vor Jobabbau (Wirtschaft) 01.Nov.2008 Globalisierung: Frankreich schlägt Frühwarnsystem gegen Finanzkrisen vor (Wirtschaft) 01.Nov.2000 Pueblo Corporation Offers Hispanic Members Access ToAffordable ... Pueblo Corporation , the premier affinity marketing organization that services the Hispanic community, today announced that it will provide its membership ... www.allbusiness.com/insurance/health-insurance/6469131-1.html Galpin Motors Selects Pueblo Corporation to Expand itsHispanic ... Business Editors LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE) Galpin Motors Inc., the leading seller of Ford cars and trucks in the world, announced plans ... www.allbusiness.com/marketing-advertising/marketing-techniques/6524231-1.html 01.Nov.2008 Andro Barac - LinkedIn Pueblo Corporation . (Privately Held; 201-500 employees; Internet industry). 00.Aug.2000-00.Oct.2001 (1 year 3 months) ... www.linkedin.com/in/androbarac 24.Jan.2002 OSHA Cites Davis Wire of Pueblo for Health and ...The citations were issued today by OSHA's Englewood area office against Davis Wire Pueblo Corporation, following an inspection that began in July in ... www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=NEWS_RELEASES&p_id=1263 Thievery Corporation – El Pueblo Unido – Music at Last.fm El Pueblo Unido by Thievery Corporation has 4306 listeners at Last.fm. Thievery Corporation is a Washington, DC-based production and DJ duo consisting of ... www.last.fm/music/Thievery+Corporation/_/El+Pueblo+Unido Thievery Corporation – El Pueblo Unido (feat. Verny Varela ... El Pueblo Unido (feat. Verny Varela) by Thievery Corporation has 373 listeners at Last.fm. Thievery Corporation is a Washington DC-based production and DJ ... www.last.fm/music/Thievery+Corporation/_/El+Pueblo+Unido+(feat.+Verny+Varela) Thievery Corporation: 'El Pueblo Unido' - Truveo Video Search 25.Oct.2008 Thievery Corporation performs "El Pueblo Unido" at the Voodoo Experience music festival in New Orleans. www.truveo.com/Thievery-Corporation-El-Pueblo-Unido/id/1466547450 Thievery Corporation-El pueblo unido-Principal Thessaloniki ... Concerto dos Thievery Corporation no Coliseu de Lisboa. Somos o grupo que estava no camarote com a faixa "El Pueblo Unido 38 45"! Grande Abraço a todos, ... www.truveo.com/Thievery-CorporationEl-pueblo-unidoPrincipal/id/2868060370 00.000.2000 The collapse of the Pimienta financial empire began. 01.Nov.2008 https://www.allbusiness.com/government/government-bodies-offices/5468447-1.html "The magnitude of the losses and the pattern of questionable practices running through the Pimienta Empire cries out for a thorough investigation by our law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, IRS, and SEC, Walker said. "But the time to bring action is running out. The victims are mainly Mexican citizens, but the actions of Mr. Pimienta occurred in the U.S. If we are to be able to attract investment capital from the rest of the world, our enforcement agencies need to diligently pursue those that violate U.S. laws, even when the victims are not U.S. citizens." 01.Nov.2008 Business Wire | Online Press Releases | Highbeam Research – Free Trial "Hugo Pimienta remains in the USa, using its bankruptcy laws to ... Any disclosure of the site could...if the jail project did not pan out, ... www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-144575883.html High-performance materials: a step toward sustainable ... Nebraska's Jail Standards Board found nine jails out of compliance with state ... Fund Appeals to U.S. Department of Justice to Investigate Hugo Pimienta . www.allbusiness.com/construction/heavy-civil-engineering-construction-highway/624908-1.html L.A.'s showbiz jail . (The Roving Eye). ... Fund has petitioned the U.S. Department of Justice in Houston to open a criminal investigation of Hugo Pimienta . www.allbusiness.com/services/motion-pictures/4882892-1.html 20080430 Another arms dealer, this one a Belgian Ivorian, is rotting in jail . ... controlled by Hugo Pimienta . Through subsidiaries, IFS engaged in the mortgage ... alfatomega.com/20080430.html Research articles : 2006-04 ... Fund Appeals to U.S. Department of Justice to Investigate Hugo Pimienta ... Members of Congress Press for Release of American Businessman Jailed in ... sitemap.bnet.com/Research_articles/2006-04/2006-04.html Department of Justice News Department of Justice finds "life-threatening" medical problems at King County Jail ... Joint Automated Booking system · intellitactics · Hugo Pimienta ... department-of-justice-news.newslib.com/2007113123/ Time has made solving the mystery more difficult. Hendrix, who later went on to win a Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of the Cuban Missile Crisis, has declined to share his recollections. 00.000.1960 -the Halloween incident- asked recently about- he said brusquely that "it's been too long for me to try to piece it all together." Then, he hung up the phone. 01.Nov.2008 https://www.insidebayarea.com/dailyreview/localnews/ci_10861287 "Someone at the CIA told me in confidence that he had gone rogue," she said of her father. "How he went from a sanctioned informer to a rogue operator, I have never really been able to answer." 01.Nov.2008 [...] Hal Hendrix, a Miami News reporter who spoke with the duo before the flight, was known for his close contact with the CIA. 01.Nov.2008 [...] But in the late 00.000.1950 s, a number of Americans had joined Castro and his allies in the fight against Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. Many later soured on Castro and sought his defeat. 01.Nov.2008 [...] Was "Operation Trick or Treat" an impassioned personal revenge mission, a covert government order or a mercenary adventure that could have earned its heroes a small fortune? Stemming from a time of Cold War intrigue, it easily could have been any of the three — or all of them. 01.Nov.2008 https://www.slate.com/toolbar.aspx?action=print&id=2203121 When the researchers contacted the Securities and Exchange Commission to find out who was trading on these days, they learned that there are limits to what the Freedom of Information Act could provide. 01.Nov.2008 [...] UFC in Guatemala, Anglo-Iranian (oil) in Iran, Anaconda (mining) in Chile, and American Sugar in Cuba 01.Nov.2008 [...] Such trading on inside information is illegal, and when it involves highly classified details about a future CIA coup, it verges on treason. 01.Nov.2008 [...] These events would have increased the expected future profits of companies like UFC—if the CIA-led coup in Guatemala were successful, for example, 01.Nov.2008 [...] rapidly expanding field of "forensic economics," which tries to understand the who, what, and why of illicit transactions. 01.Nov.2008 [...] A recent study by economists Arindrajit Dube, Ethan Kaplan, and Suresh Naidu argues that those in on the planning process also profited handsomely. 01.Nov.2008 [...] Once in office, Presidente Árbenz sought to take it all back, nationalizing UFC's Guatemalan assets and redistributing them to the poor. But UFC had friends in very high places—the assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs, John Moor Cabot, was the brother of UFC President Thomas Cabot. The secretary of state himself, John Foster Dulles, had done legal work for UFC, and his brother Allen Dulles was director of the CIA and also on UFC's board. Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, we now know that the various Cabots and Dulleses had a series of top-secret meetings in which they decided that Árbenz had to go and sponsored a coup that drove Árbenz from office in 1954. 20.Oct.2008 https://www.slate.com/id/2203121/pagenum/all/ Will There Be Blood? Will falling oil prices cause civil wars? Ray Fisman 01.Nov.2008 https://www.slate.com/id/2203121/pagenum/all/ Obama's Record-Breaking Fundraising Effort Bankrupting NPR, World Wildlife Fund, ACLU Fri, 31 Oct 2008 01.Nov.2008 blog.fefe.de/Kalifornien vertrocknet, liefert dieses Jahr nur 15% des beantragten Wassers an die kommunalen Wasserwerke aus. 01.Nov.2008 -00.000.1977 -seit- Die Wassertanks sind auf dem tiefsten Stand-zwei Jahre Trockenheit + ein Gericht hat ihnen verboten, mehr Wasser aus dem Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta zu pumpen. Dieses Jahr haben sie nur 35% der beantragten Menge verteilt. 01.Nov.2008 blog.fefe.de/Länderdomino: Australischer Premier: Liebe Bürger, ich will ehrlich mit euch sein, unser Bankensystem ist vor zwei Wochen fast kollabiert. 01.Nov.2008 blog.fefe.de/Die weltweite Frachtschifffahrt kommt zum Erliegen. The Baltic Dry Index measuring rates for coal, iron ore, and grains, and other dry goods plummeted below 1000 yesterday, down 92pc since peaking in June. The daily rental rates for Capesize big ships have dropped $234,000 to $7,340 in weeks, leaving operators stuck with heavy losses on long leases. Empty ships are now crowding Singapore and other global ports. "It is extremely serious, " said Jeremy Penn, president of the Baltic Exchange. "Freight rates have never fallen this steeply before. It is telling us that world trade in raw materials has slowed dramatically. Shippers are having genuine difficulty obtaining letters of credit from banks," he said. In Britischen Publikationen heisst "92pc" "92%". 01.Nov.2008 blog.fefe.de/Die USA sind ja eines der wenigen Länder auf der Welt, in denen noch "Zweifel" daran besteht, ob die Welt gerade an globaler Erwärung stirbt oder nicht. Die gute Nachricht: NASA hat einen 100-Millionen-Dollar Satelliten gebaut, der das messen kann und damit ein für alle Mal klären würde. Die schlechte Nachricht: der liegt da seit 8 Jahren (!) in einem Lagerhaus rum und staubt ein. Die gute Nachricht: Aktivisten haben Druck gemacht, jetzt hat NASA eine Frist, zu erklären, wieso die den nicht launchen. Die schlechte Nachricht: NASA launcht den jetzt, um der Deadline zu entgehen, aber entfernt alle Instrumente, die in Richtung Erde zeigen. Nicht zu fassen. 01.Nov.2008 'Iceman' Mummy Has No Modern Kin Sparking a new mystery about early man, Italian scientists have unraveled the DNA of the 5,300-year-old "Iceman" mummy, only to discover that he doesn't appear to have modern descendants anywhere near where he was found in Europe. posted by Prof. Hex 01.Nov.2008 Family seeks clues in Cold War mystery Their mission: Bomb Cuba. Its name: "Operation Trick or Treat." And who sponsored it? Almost a half-century later, anyone who knows for sure is still not telling. posted by Prof. Hex 31.Oct.2008 Experimente mit tödlichen Viren: Streit um Bio-Labor mitten in Hurrikan-Zone (Wissenschaft) 31.Oct.2008 Piloten auf Crash-Kurs: Cockpit steht vor der Spaltung (Wirtschaft) 31.Oct.2008 Finanzkrise: Staatlich gestützte US-Banken müssen Managern Milliarden zahlen (Wirtschaft) 24.Feb.2000 Approved Minutes - Board of Equalization - ... the Board adopted a decision in the appeal of Dennis R. Di Ricco , 98R-0464, 89002460630, sustaining the action of the Franchise Tax Board. www.boe.ca.gov/meetings/pubmins/22400.htm 31.Oct.2008 Bankenplan der Regierung: Bilanz gerettet, Image ruiniert (Wirtschaft) 31.Oct.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-587776,00.html Der Film "Darwins Alptraum" 31.Oct.2008 [...] Der Viktoriasee ist Symbol für unüberlegtes Eingreifen in die Natur: In den sechziger Jahren siedelte man hier gezielt den Nilbarsch an, die Fischereiwirtschaft rieb sich schon die Hände angesichts der zu erwartenden Gewinne aus dem Geschäft mit dem begehrten Speisefisch. Und tatsächlich - der Nilbarsch, nun Viktoriabarsch genannt, vermehrte sich rasend schnell in seiner neuen Umgebung. Doch den Preis für den Erfolg musste mal wieder die Natur zahlen: Der Raubfisch rottete innerhalb von 40 Jahren die ehemals 400 Fischarten im Viktoriasee fast vollständig aus, die ganze Region ist mittlerweile abhängig von der Fischindustrie, die sich nur noch um den Viktoriabarsch dreht. 31.Oct.2008 Börse: Der Dax auf dem Weg zum Lightindex (Wirtschaft) 31.Oct.2008 Antiterrorkampf: US-Militär soll Angriffe in Pakistan verübt haben (Politik) 31.Oct.2008 Konjunkturpaket: SPD will 60 Milliarden Euro Investitionen anstoßen (Politik) 31.Oct.2008 Ostkongo: Tausende Zivilisten fliehen aus Goma (Politik) 31.Oct.2008 Immobilienfonds in der Krise: Zittern um das Betongold (Wirtschaft) 31.Oct.2008 US-Wahlkampf: 76 Nobelpreisträger trommeln für Obama (Wissenschaft) 31.Oct.2008 Netzwelt-Ticker: Sarkozy will Datensaugern die Internetverbindung kappen (Netzwelt) 31.Oct.2008 VW-Kurschaos: Börse will Achterbahn-Aktien aus dem Dax werfen (Wirtschaft) 31.Oct.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltall/0,1518,druck-587699,00.html In den Angriten sei der einstige Magnetismus der Planeten-Vorläufer quasi eingefroren worden, als ihr Mutterkörper erkaltete, glauben Weiss und seine Kollegen. Mini-Planet mit Mantel und Kern 31.Oct.2008 Uralte Meteorite: Frühes Sonnensystem hatte Mini-Planeten (Wissenschaft) 31.Oct.2008 Gestoppte Fusion: GM und Chrysler bekommen keine Staatshilfe (Wirtschaft) 31.Oct.2008 Chance in der Krise: Rückkehr des Währungsfonds (Wirtschaft) 31.Oct.2008 Wirtschaftsflaute: Autobranche in Europa fürchtet den Produktionscrash (Wirtschaft) 31.Oct.2008 Finanz-Symposium: Spitzenbanker im Klammergriff der Krise (Wirtschaft) 31.Oct.2008 Konjunkturkrise: Weltwirtschaft droht tiefe, langwierige Rezession (Wirtschaft) 31.Oct.2008 Finanzkrise: Barclays vor milliardenschwerer Kapitalerhöhung (Wirtschaft) 31.Oct.2008 Marx zurück auf dem Campus: Die kleine Oktoberrevolution (UniSPIEGEL) 31.Oct.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/kultur/gesellschaft/0,1518,druck-587627,00.html Mit süffisanten Andeutungen gibt Lafontaine zu verstehen: Erst habe der Staat mit zehn Milliarden Euro die Insolvenz der Bank verhindert und die Verluste all dieser "Schrottpapiere" (Lafontaine) sozialisiert, um sie dann an eine Heuschrecke zu verkaufen. Und diesen Deal der Heuschrecke Lone Star habe ausgerechnet das Anwaltsbüro betreut, in dem auch Friedrich Merz tätig ist. Der wehrt gleich ab: Er habe damit persönlich nichts zu tun gehabt. 31.Oct.2008 [...] Lafontaine lässt sich nicht einordnen ins Links-rechts-Schema. 31.Oct.2008 [...] Kapitalismus gegen Sozialismus, kann man in einer Talkshow die Systemfrage diskutieren? 31.Oct.2008 [...] Sozialismus 31.Oct.2008 [...] gegen 31.Oct.2008 [...] Kapitalismus 31.Oct.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-587657,00.html Jetzt ist es quasi amtlich: Der Mensch ist Schuld daran, dass es an Nord- und Südpol in den vergangenen Jahren immer wärmer geworden ist. Dies belegen Simulationen der Temperaturentwicklung in Antarktis und Arktis, die ein internationales Forscherteam im Fachblatt "Nature Geoscience" veröffentlicht hat. 31.Oct.2008 [...] Zwar sei der Erwärmungsprozess am Südpol weniger deutlich als am Nordpol, schreiben sie, aber die Messungen belegten, "dass die Temperaturen in den Regionen steigen, wo Daten verfügbar sind". Die Studie bestätige "auf überzeugende Weise" die bereits in früheren Arbeiten geäußerte Annahme, dass die Klimaerwärmung menschgemacht sei, schrieb der US-Klimaforscher Andrew Managhan in einem Kommentar. Die Kenntnis der Ursachen der Veränderung des Polarklimas bezeichnete Managhan als wichtigen Schlüssel zum Verständnis der Entwicklung des Polareises. 31.Oct.2008 Profizocker in der Krise: Hedgefonds fürchten verheerende Pleiteserie (Wirtschaft) 31.Oct.2008 Klima-Simulation: Erwärmung der Pole ist menschgemacht (Wissenschaft) 31.Oct.2008 Rettungspaket der Regierung: Gerüchte um Staatseinstieg bei Commerzbank verunsichern Anleger (Wirtschaft) 31.Oct.2008 Kindesmissbrauch: Vatikan fordert psychologische Tests für Priesteranwärter (Panorama) 31.Oct.2008 Einwanderungsskandal: Australien verweigert Jungem mit Down-Syndrom Bleiberecht (Panorama) 31.Oct.2008 Datenschützer an Unis: "Wir sind zahnlose Papiertiger" (UniSPIEGEL) 31.Oct.2008 Konsumrückgang: Verkäufe im Einzelhandel gehen zurück (Wirtschaft) 31.Oct.2008 Geldeintreiben von Ort: Deutsche Kaupthing-Kunden erwägen Reise nach Reykjavik (Wirtschaft) |