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< 3.2 Mg

Themes >

< 2.8 Mg

->_ 12MG

Die unbekannten Täter drangen demnach am Wochenende in den 500 Quadratmeter großen Tresorraum der Bank ein.

Dazu hatten sie unweit vom Bankgebäude ein Gartengeschäft eröffnet + den 200 Meter langen Tunnel gegraben.

Das Gartengeschäft verschaffte den Tätern den Angaben zufolge die Möglichkeit, große Mengen Erdreich fortzuschaffen,

ohne dass dies Misstrauen erweckte.
08.Aug.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Ölpreis und Zinssorgen belasten US-Aktienmarkt

08.Aug.2005 Brasilien: Bankräubern gelingt Jahrhundertcoup durch Tunnelbau

08.Aug.2005 Atommächte: Indien und Pakistan auf Entspannungskurs

08.Aug.2005 Atomanlage in Betrieb: Iran legt sich mit dem Westen an
Hamburger Terror-Prozess: Anwälte streiten kurz vor Torschluss um Beweise

08.Aug.2005 Sicherheitspolitik: Schily fordert neue Maßnahmen zur Terrorabwehr

08.Aug.2005 Öl-Rally: Barrel-Preis überspringt die 63-Dollar-Marke

08.Aug.2005 Wahlkampf: Linkspartei wirbt für Drogenfreigabe

08.Aug.2005 Multiple Sklerose: Protein verhindert Zell-Reparatur

08.Aug.2005 Raumfähre: "Discovery" muss bis Mittwoch landen

08.Aug.2005 Umstrittenes Uran-Programm: Iran nimmt Betrieb von Atomanlage Isfahan wieder auf

08.Aug.2005 Islamismus: Ägyptens Intellektuelle weichen dem Terror

08.Aug.2005 Vogelgrippe: "Wir haben einen Impfstoff"

08.Aug.2005 "Discovery": Schlechtes Wetter - Nasa verschiebt Landung auf morgen

08.Aug.2005 Atomstreit mit Iran: Inspekteure sollen Siegel in Isfahan entfernen

08.Aug.2005 "Discovery": Nasa sagt Shuttle-Landung für heute ab

08.Aug.2005 Guantanamo: Häftlinge lesen am liebsten Harry Potter

08.Aug.2005 Päpste und ihre Frauen: Intrigen, Sex und Mord

08.Aug.2005 Regenmacher: Künstliche Hitzeinseln schaffen Schauer

08.Aug.2005 Atomstreit mit Iran: Ölpreis klettert auf Rekordhoch

08.Aug.2005 Gesucht: Vorschläge für Big Brother Awards

08.Aug.2005 Ticker: Die neuesten Meldungen von der "Discovery"

08.Aug.2005 London: Drei Rucksackbomber stehen vor Gericht

08.Aug.2005 Rückkehr der "Discovery": Das große Zittern vor der Landung

08.Aug.2005 Official FBI definition of terrorism:

Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
Even by its own definition the hypocrite U.S. government is guilty of terrorism on a massive, international scale. And for over 100 years!
The U.S. government has broken international law and the Geneva Convention many times with its brutal use of force and horrific violence against persons and property, to intimidate and coerce governments, civilian populations, and many segments thereof, in furtherance of political, social and especially economic objectives. URL:
The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.
William Colbyformer Director of the CIA
The CIA, Insider Trading and the World Trade Center Terror Attack
White Slavery
The existence of White slavery in America is one of the most little-known facts of American history. Initially, colonial America was built with the blood, sweat and tears of White slaves to a far greater extent than Black slaves. In fact, America's first slaves were White people.
It is estimated that fully one-half to two-thirds of all White immigrantsto colonial America in the 17.and 18.centuries were actually slaves who had been brought against their will.

They were known by the euphemism of indentured servants but in reality a great many of these people were true slaves.

Their servitude was for life + their children were forced to be slaves as well.
Virtually all of the White slaves were brought from Scotland, Ireland and the impoverished working classes of England.

They were both Protestant and Catholic, victims of religious wars and the inhuman greed of the English aristocracy.

It was routine for the utterly corrupt and class-prejudiced English courts to justify the forced exile of their victims to the colonies by falsely labeling them as criminals.

This charade eased the guilty consciences of the true criminals while they made money off kidnapping and the sale of stolen human labor.
If the White slaves survived the hellish voyage across the Atlantic and arrived in the new hell, otherwise known as the New World, they were auctioned on the block just like Black slaves.

White slave children were often sold and separated from their parents and White slave women were sold and separated from their husbands.
A great many White slaves were forced to work under cruel and demeaning conditions.

The Virginia Colony prescribed bodily punishment for not heeding the commands of the master.

Half of the White slaves died within the first two years after their arrival in the American colonies.
Unsurprisingly, it was common for White slaves to run away only to be hunted down and returned to their evil masters and mistresses.

To help identify runaways, the courts in Virginia demanded that everyone have identification and travel papers.

White slaves had no rights whatsoever and could be beaten and cruelly abused with impunity. URL:
"The presence of extremist elements is a new phenomenon," said El-Kashef Muhammad el-Kashef, a member of Parliament who is from El Arish and represents northern Sinai.

"Sinai did not know of extremism over the span of its entire history."

Ahmed Felaifel was just as surprised when his sons started preaching a very strict interpretation of Islam, one that is alien to his tribe, the Sawarka, one of the largest of the Bedouin tribes in the northern Sinai.

The Sawarka, who are practicing Muslims, live by their own laws and customs, handed down for generations.

They herd goats in the desert and grow watermelon and dates.

Mr. Felaifel said it was disturbing when his sons initially refused to work as herders, would not listen to him and heed his wishes, and that it was shocking when they showed up with beards.

The archaeological debate is also partly a debate over the roots of Zionism and the effort to find Jewish origins deep in the land.

Eilat Mazar's latest dig, which has cost about US$500,000, has been sponsored by Roger Hertog, a New York financier who is vice chairman of Alliance Capital Management.

Hertog, who owns a piece of The New York Sun and The New Republic , is also chairman of the board of the Shalem Center in Jerusalem, where Mazar is a senior fellow.

The Shalem Center was founded as Israel's first "neoconservative think-tank," said William Kristol, who is also on the board,

in an effort to give the Israeli right a better foundation in history, economics, archaeology + other topics.

Hertog calls his investment in Mazar "venture philanthropy - you have the opportunity for intellectual speculation, to fund something that is a work of great consequence."

He said he hoped to show "that the Bible reflects Jewish history."

Mazar continues to dig, but right now, three families are living in houses where she would most like to explore.

One family is Muslim, one Christian and one Jewish.

"What she found is fascinating, whatever it is," he said. Amihai Mazar is Eilat Mazar's second cousin, but he has his own reputation to protect.

Archaeologists debate "to what extent Jerusalem was an important city or even a city in the time of David and Samuel," he said.

"Some believe it was tiny and the kingdom unimportant."

The site of ancient Jerusalem, stuck between two valleys on a ridge south of the Temple Mount, is very small, less than 10 acres.

Israel Finkelstein, another renowned archaeologist, has suggested that without significant evidence, Jerusalem in this period was "perhaps not more than a typical hill-country village."

In his book, The Bible Unearthed , Finkelstein writes with Neil Silberman, "Not only was any sign of monumental architecture missing, but so were even simple pottery shards."

Other scholars are skeptical that the foundation walls discovered by the archaeologist, Eilat Mazar, are David's palace.

But they acknowledge that what she has uncovered is rare + important:

a major public building from around the 10.century BC, with pottery shards that date to the time of David and Solomon and a government seal of an official mentioned in the book of Jeremiah .

The discovery is likely to be a new salvo in a major dispute in biblical archaeology:

whether the kingdom of David + Samuel was of some historical magnitude, or whether the men were more like small tribal chieftains, reigning over another dusty hilltop.

Replying to written questions from The Sunday Times through an intermediary, the alleged Shepherd’s Bush bomber said he had been motivated by the war in Iraq, which had made him “very sad”.

“I’m against all wars that cause the deaths of innocent people,” he said. “Too many people are dying there.”

08.Aug.2005 Ecuador Defends Ties With Venezuela
US Sends Guns to Haiti Before Elections
EU Plans to Fund Belarus Opposition

08.Aug.2005 Iran Sends in Troops to Crush Border Unrest

08.Aug.2005 Poll: Americans Trace CIA Leak to White House

08.Aug.2005 Florida Nuclear Waste Sent to Landfills, Sewage Plants

08.Aug.2005 Politicians Get a Free Ride on Military Contractor's Private Jet

08.Aug.2005 Antiwar British MP Galloway Signs US Book Deal
Random Searches Divide New York

08.Aug.2005 Scientists to Stage Practice Gas Attack on New York
Blair Crackdown Faces Protests From MPs on All Sides

08.Aug.2005 UK Opposition Leader Warns Deporting People to Be Tortured Could Hurt British Image Abroad

08.Aug.2005 Law May Halt Blair’s War on Extremism

08.Aug.2005 Battle Lines Drawn in Blair’s New War

08.Aug.2005 Critics: Blair's Crackdown Could Further Alienate UK Muslims

08.Aug.2005 British Press Split on Terror Laws

08.Aug.2005 Human Rights Convention Now Seen as Thorn in UK's Side

08.Aug.2005 Tourists Stay Away From London
Prominent UK Clerics Face Treason Charges

08.Aug.2005 UK Mosque Chairman: Similarities Between Blair's Approach to Muslims and Hitler's Approach to Jews

08.Aug.2005 British Islamic Group Warns: 'Anti-Islamic Agenda' Could Trigger Unrest
08.Aug.2005 Bolton Warns Iran, Syria Over Iraqi Border

08.Aug.2005 London Suspect: I Am No Suicide Bomber

08.Aug.2005 Intelligence Chiefs Warn Blair of Home-Grown 'Insurgency'

08.Aug.2005 Latest July Terror Suspect to Face Charges

08.Aug.2005 London Bombings: Could It Really Happen Again?

08.Aug.2005 ySnipers, 'Hit Teams' on Hand as London Police Turn Eyes to Women, Children Bomber

08.Aug.2005 400 More Armed Police for London
08.Aug.2005 Pro-War Kentuckian Shoots, Kills War Opponent at Flea Market

08.Aug.2005 Bush Receives Lowest Marks Yet on Iraq

08.Aug.2005 Survival of the Fittest, Indeed by Charley Reese

08.Aug.2005 Saudis Warned UK Weeks Ahead of London Attackys

08.Aug.2005 British Special Forces Turn Sights From Iraq to London

08.Aug.2005 West Turns Blind Eye as Police Put Saddam's Torturers Back to Work

08.Aug.2005 Showdown on Defense Looming Between GOP Senators and White House

08.Aug.2005 Netanyahu Quits Govt As Cabinet OKs Disengagement

08.Aug.2005 LA Times column. It makes some connections that are rather telling. Important to remember is the fact that the White House is not disputing the contents of the documents, just their authentic ity.

Posted by Len on 18.Sep.2004 07:46 AM Trackback Pings TrackBack URL for this entry:

08.Aug.2005 Saturday :: 11.Sep.2004 Mass arrests

This story is typical of the many I have read about the mass arrests by the NYPD (and John Ashcroft) during the Republican National Revival Meeting.

Somehow, I was not too suprised to learn that Pier 57 had been leased by the Republican National Committee. The mass arrests had obviously been planned well in advance.

Posted by Len on 11.Sep.2004 12:48 AM Trackback Pings

TrackBack URL for this entry:

08.Aug.2005 What did Bibi know + when did he know it? – Justin Raimondo
08.Aug.2005 The scandals that plague the War Party both
in Britain + the U.S. are eclipsed + suddenly, with the prospect of suicide bombers in the streets of London – and perhaps New York – Martin Peretz's battle-cry uttered in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 is taken up once again: "We are all Israelis now." (Although, for good tactical reasons, Ariel Sharon is telling his diplomats not to say this too loudly.)
Who benefits from the London attacks, aside from the obvious candidate, which is bin Laden? With the "
coalition of the willing" showing signs of going wobbly + the recent announcement that Britain was withdrawing a good portion of its forces from Iraq, the political momentum in Britain (and the United States), which was going against the Iraq war, is suddenly reversed. URL:
Netanyahu was no doubt a target of the bomb plot – why else would the terrorists bomb an underground station
directly below the hotel where the investment conference was going to take place? If Israeli intelligence knew about the attacks days in advance + only thought to let Netanyahu in on the secret "minutes" before the bombs went off – well, that's a little hard to believe, now isn't it? (Oh, wait … maybe not.)

"Contrary to original claims that Israel was warned 'minutes before' the first attack, unconfirmed rumors in intelligence circles indicate that the Israeli government actually warned London of the attacks 'a couple of days' previous. Israel has apparently given other warnings about possible attacks that turned out to be aborted operations. The British government did not want to disrupt the G-8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, or call off visits by foreign dignitaries to London, hoping this would be another false alarm.
"The British government sat on this information for days and failed to respond. Though the Israeli government is playing along publicly, it may not stay quiet for long. This is sure to apply pressure on Blair very soon for his failure to deter this major terrorist attack."

I would also point out that Stratfor, with its passion for reiterating the obvious, stated in its summary that "there has been massive confusion" over the warning – confusion generated by whom, and to what purpose, is best left to the fertile imaginations of my readers. URL:
Is it worth the
high price we must pay, or is it time to come up with a strategy

a bit more sophisticated than shaking the tree in which the hornets' nest sits –

in the hope that it will eventually fall to the ground? URL:
jihadist mindset is eerily similar to that of our own leaders + their neoconservative amen corner, who continue to advance the proposition that we must fight "the terrorists" in the streets of Baghdad so we don't have to do battle in the streets of London, Rome + New York City. Bush declares that "we are going on the offensive," but, as I pointed out only last week, so are they :

"The President gloats that 'we're on the offense' – and explicitly justifies this on the grounds that we have to go after them before they go after us. Yet why it is impossible for them to attack the U.S. [Ed: or the UK] anyway, even while fighting American troops in Iraq, no one seems to know." URL:
Indeed, the London attacks have opened up a very big can of worms for
Blair's government, and in Washington too, where they're realizing that the "fly trap" tactic they've been employing in Iraq has backfired rather badly.

If the Brits couldn't prevent such a sophisticated and highly coordinated attack at a time like this – when the meeting of the G-8 had British security on high alert – then one can only conclude, along with Scheuer, that the terrorists held back + could have caused far more damage and taken many more lives if they so chose. Perhaps that thought is meant to sink into the British consciousness. The terrorists' message is clear enough: your government can't protect you. This much seems beyond dispute. URL:
Jul.2005 London Terror Mystery What did Bibi know – and when did he know it? by Justin Raimondo

L ondon's Terror Thursday establishes three realities beyond the shadow of a doubt: (1) the West is losing the "war on terrorism," (2) in our present strategic mode, we are essentially defenseless against al-Qaeda's offensive – I agree with Michael Scheuer, the former chief of the CIA's Osama bin Laden unit and author of Imperial Hubris , who said on National Public Radio that this is undoubtedly al-Qaeda's grisly work + (3) there are more than two sides in this war. URL:

With the G-8 meeting being held in Scotland, security measures in the United Kingdom were at an all-time high – and yet, despite that, al-Qaeda pulled off a fairly complex operation, involving four separate bombings,
Es ist schwer, Robin Cooks einsamen Tod in den Bergen von Schottland nicht als Metapher auf seinen politischen Lebenslauf zu lesen:

Ein gescheiterter Gipfelsturm, ein Tod in der Höhe, die einsame dramatische Vergeblichkeit im letzten Akt.
Er wird entsetzlich vermisst, nicht nur in der britischen Politik.

Denn in diesen Zeiten des mainstreaming und des ständigen Schielens auf die eigene Karriere fehlen unkorrumpierbare Einzelne wie Robin Cook ganz besonders. URL:,1518,druck-368697,00.html
Tony Blair musste nach seinem glanzvollen zweiten Wahlsieg von 2001 bereits geahnt haben, dass Cook ihm Probleme bereiten würde. Ethische Außenpolitik ging kaum mit der Tatsache zusammen, dass Großbritannien wesentliche Einkünfte durch Waffenlieferungen - auch in Spannungsgebiete - erzielte. Er ersetzte Cook durch den farblosen Ja-Sager Jack Straw. So fiel es Cook, der zum Commons-Chef bestellt wurde, sicher noch leichter, in Opposition zum Irak-Krieg aus der Regierung zu scheiden. URL:,1518,druck-368697,00.html
Er wurde Labours Schatten-Außenminister in der Opposition und lieferte sein Glanzstück ab, als er den Skandal der Waffenlieferungen in den Irak in einer tödlichen Rede 1994 ausbreitete. Die Tory-Regierung hatte den Untersuchungsbericht über die Affäre erst zwei Stunden vor der Parlamentsdebatte zugestellt, doch Cook, über seine Emissäre bestens vorbereitet, zerpflückte sie in einem Schulbeispiel anklägerischer Rhetorik.
Erstaunlicherweise ging es bei Cook, dem analytischen Kopf nie ohne Ziele jenseits der Sachzwangrealität ab. URL:,1518,druck-368697,00.html
Im übrigen, führte er aus, seien das alles Freunde und alte Kampfgefährten. URL:,1518,druck-368697,00.html
Es waren die Tage der Folterbilder, der Enthauptungen, der aufgedeckten Lügen der Regierung - in diesen Tagen schien jede zweite Schlagzeile zu schreien: Der Kriegsgegner Robin Cook hatte recht. Das war nicht die populärste Position, die man haben konnte auf dieser Party.
Da stand er + sein Nachfolger Jack Straw und Vize-Premier John Prescott bildeten Gruppen weit abseits von ihm und schauten ab und zu herüber + Cook sah zerfurcht aus wie immer, zu alt für sein Alter + ich sagte: "Wenn Blicke töten könnten ..." + er sagte lächelnd: "Aber Blicke können nicht töten, im Gegensatz zu Bomben."URL:,1518,druck-368697,00.html
London - Cook war der brillanteste Redner seiner Partei. Er war glaubwürdiger als Blair, geistreicher als Brown. Wenn er sich in dieser letzten Etappe seiner Karriere im House of Commons von der hintersten Bank erhob und die eigene Regierung ins Fadenkreuz nahm, wurde es still. Der da sprach, war die Opposition im Land, denn die Liberalen hatten niemanden seines Kalibers + die Tories hatten keine eigene Politik.
Robin Cook war klar, ohne Getue, tödlich genau.
Natürlich wurde er zur Instanz besonders am Vorabend des Irak-Krieges, als er den casus belli Blairs zerpflückte und konsequent aus der Regierung schied. Nicht schrill und inkonzise wie Claire Short, nicht überhitzt wie Ken Livingston, sondern sachlich, in resignierter, überzeugender Ruhe. URL:,1518,druck-368697,00.html
Wahlen in Aussicht gestellt
Ould Vall sicherte zu, dass die Junta nicht auf Dauer an der Macht bleiben werde. In spätestens zwei Jahren sollten eine neue Verfassung verabschiedet werden und freie Wahlen stattfinden. Bei den Wahlen werde kein Juntamitglied als Kandidat antreten.
Die Militärs hatten am Mittwoch mit einem unblutigen Putsch den seit 1984 regierenden Ould Taya gestürzt, als dieser sich zu einem Besuch in Saudi-Arabien befunden hatte.
Vier Tage sind seit dem Putsch in Mauretanien vergangen, inzwischen haben die siegreichen Militärführer eine neue Regierung installiert. Eine der ersten Amtshandlungen: 21 radikale Islamisten wurden aus dem Gefängnis befreit.

So hat Bundeswahlleiter Johann Hahlen bereits vor Bekanntgabe der Entscheidung des Bundespräsidenten zur Neuwahl einen speziellen Internet-Service eingerichtet, der Auslandsdeutschen das Herunterladen von Anträgen zur Aufnahme in das Wählerverzeichnis ermöglicht

08.Aug.2005 Nach Putsch: Mauretanische Regierung befreit Islamisten

08.Aug.2005US-Einsatz im Irak: Top-General plant Truppen-Reduzierung

08.Aug.2005 Wahlkampf: Linkspartei entzweit die Gewerkschafter

08.Aug.2005 US-Wirtschaft: Bush schwelgt von blühenden Landschaften

08.Aug.2005 "Discovery" vor der Landung: Angehörige beten für sichere Heimkehr der Astronauten

08.Aug.2005 "Discovery"-Rückflug: Die letzten Fotos vor der Landung

08.Aug.2005 Protest gegen Gaza-Rückzug: Israelischer Finanzminister Netanjahu tritt zurück

08.Aug.2005 Ein paar IQ-Punkte zu viel: US-Häftling ist schlau genug für die Giftspritze

08.Aug.2005 Zum Tode Robin Cooks: Der furchtlose Einzelne

08.Aug.2005 Vorgezogene Bundestagswahl: Auslandsdeutschen droht Verlust des Wahlrechts

08.Aug.2005 Schützenhilfe für Boeing: US-Politiker fordern Ausrüstung des A380 mit Raketenabwehr

08.Aug.2005 Licht-Phänomen: Polarlicht umhüllt Saturnpole

08.Aug.2005 Paranoid folk will recall that the World Trade Center attack took place during an exercise designed to test our air defense system. We now have similar exercises scheduled for the near future, in two separate areas: The threat of a ship-borne nuclear payload, and the threat of an airborne chemical attack... URL:
08.Aug.2005 For a fascinating history of tests on unwitting American populations, see
this page. URL:
08.Aug.2005 Gassing New York
Newsday reports that the Department of Homeland Security will gas New York's streets and subways. The intent is to use harmless substances to trace the potential damage of an airborne chemical attack. The test gases will include PFT, or perfluorocarbon tracer gas + sulfur hexafluoride. I have no reason to doubt that these substances are benign.
Even so, let's keep in mind that this is not the first time New York has been gassed by the federal government.

Exactly similar tests occurred in the 1950s, pursuant to the CIA's Project MKULTRA and cognate Defense Department programs.

The simulated attacks were designed to test the spread of airborne biological agents and airborne chemicals.

The tests in New York and San Francisco were quite extensive -- presumably more extensive than the three-week project about to get underway. URL:
08.Aug.2005 already taken note of
this remarkable piece by Clayton Hallmark, which delves deeper into the role played by Italian wheeler-dealer Rocco Martino in the peddling of the Niger forgeries. (Josh Marshall was, I believe, the first to uncover Martino's part in this sorry matter.)

The fakery - + the forthcoming Iraq war - were, according to Hallmark, discussed at a key meeting in Rome, held in December of 2001. Participants included:
1. Michael Ledeen, Karl Rove's foreign policy advisor and organizer of the meeting
2. Nicolo Pollari, head of the the Italian equivalent of the CIA, the SISMI
3. Italy's Minister of Defense, Antonio Martino (no relation apparently to the spy Rocco Martino), Pollari's boss
4. Larry Franklin, an American who presently is being prosecuted in the US for giving classified information to an Israeli front group,

AIPC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) -- which some would call "spying," even though he has not been charged with espionage
5. Harold Rhode: member of Dick Cheney's Office of Special Plans, protege of Ledeen, go-between with Iraqi exile + CIA asset (at the time) Ahmed Chalabi.

Hallmark names the man he considers the likely actual forger: Francesco Pazienza, a long-time friend to Ledeen.

A former SISMI spook (kicked out for criminal activity), Pazienza became a major player in P2, described by Hallmark as an underground intelligence agency.
Which is true enough.

But P2 is much more -- it's a secret society devoted to the resurgence of fascism. P2 was founded by Licio Gelli, a former Mussolini "black shirt" who later functioned as an SS liaison officer.
If Hallmark's report is accurate (and at this point, I must withhold final judgment), then AIPAC has hopped into bed with a partner that would disgust most American Jews.
the Plame/Rove affair. Just such a linkage is a subtext of
this Justin Raimondo column which cites a UPI story (yes, I know who owns UPI) as follows:
Federal law-enforcement officials said that they have developed hard evidence of possible criminal misconduct by two employees of Vice President Dick Cheney's office related to the unlawful exposure of a CIA officer's identity last year. The investigation, which is continuing, could lead to indictments, a Justice Department official said.
"According to these sources, John Hannah and Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, were the two Cheney employees. 'We believe that Hannah was the major player in this,' one federal law-enforcement officer said... Hannah was the director for Washington Institute for Near East Policy -- euphoniously acronymed WINEP -- a think tank linked at the hip with AIPAC. URL:
07.Aug.2005 , my
previous discussion on the forthcoming war with Iran elicited some intriguing discussion points. The Dark Wraith's analysis of neocon plans are surely worth reading (start here),
Aug.2005 Iran, Ledeen, Rove, AIPAC, and more Remember the disinformation peddled by NBC news -- the story that Iran has supplied the Iraq insurgents with sophisticated new bombs? I registered
my skepticism yesterday. That skepticism has been authoritatively confirmed by Juan Cole in his latest column.
Do you notice how there are 250,000 tons of missing munitions in Iraq, such that it is not necessary for the Baath military intelligence to import very many from elsewhere?

Damn straight. I should have made that point myself. URL:
Jerome a Paris on Daily Kos has a
fine run-down on the administration's attempts to foment a new war with Iran.
"Buena Vista Social Club": Kubas Sänger-Legende Ibrahim Ferrer ist tot

07.Aug.2005 Grüne contra Linkspartei: "Lieber in die Opposition als mit denen"

07.Aug.2005 Unterwasserdrama im Pazifik: Russische Matrosen nach 76 Stunden befreit

07.Aug.2005 URL:
20032003232322antiwarblogg.html URL: /
London - Cook starb fünf Minuten nach seiner Einlieferung in die Notaufnahme. Der Politiker war von 1997 bis 2001 Außenminister der Regierung von Premierminister Tony Blair. Danach wurde er Fraktionschef der Labour-Abgeordneten im Unterhaus. Zwei Tage vor dem Beginn des Irak-Kriegs im März 2003 brach er mit Blair und trat aus Protest gegen die britische Beteiligung an dem Krieg zurück.

06.Aug.2005 Augenblick: Friedenskerzen in Hiroshima

06.Aug.2005 Bergungsversuch: Rettungskräfte schlingen Kabel um das U-Boot

06.Aug.2005 Fulminanter Börsengang: Chinesische Internet-Aktie steigt um 354 Prozent

06.Aug.2005 Atom-Streit: Schröder und Fischer verwarnen Iran

07.Aug.2005 Gedenken an Hiroshima: "Normale Familien reden nicht über Krieg"

06.Aug.2005 Gysi gegen "Bild": "Ich kenne mein Gehirn nicht per Foto"

06.Aug.2005 U-Boot-Unglück: Russische Marine will nicht auf Amerikaner warten

06.Aug.2005 Taifun-Alarm: "Matsa" vertreibt über eine Million Chinesen

06.Aug.2005 Discovery von ISS abgekoppelt: It's coming home

06.Aug.2005 U-Boot-Unglück: US-Rettungsteams erreichen Kamtschatka

06.Aug.2005 Gedenkfeier in Japan: Hiroshimas Bürgermeister kritisiert die Atommächte

06.Aug.2005 Hiroshima und Nagasaki: Die späte Reue der Atom-Pioniere

06.Aug.2005 Atomstreit: Iran weist Europas Kompromiss-Vorschlag ab

09.Jun.2005 Latest News Releases

An invitation to religious extremists to use the courts to silence critics of their activities. Sun,


The invitation that has been issued to the Pope to attend the Live8 event in Rome has been condemned by the National Secular Society


The Government’s renewed determination to outlaw "incitement to religious hatred" was condemned today by the National Secular Society.

The National Secular Society is the leading British pressure group speaking out for the rights of atheists, agnostics and all other non-believers. We are fighting to remove religious privileges, as well as the disadvantages — absolute or relative — suffered by those who do not subscribe to a religious faith.

In practical terms, this would include disestablishment of the Church of England and the removal of the bench of 26 bishops from the House of Lords + the conversion of state funded religious schools into community schools open to all – regardless of their faith or lack of it.

As secularists, we maintain that religion should be a matter for the home and place of worship; it should not have privilege in public life, as it does in the UK today. We do, however, affirm the right of everyone to believe or not to believe according to their conscience, and to have the right to change or renounce their faith or belief. Religious bodies should have the same right — but no more — to put forward their views publicly as any other interest group.

Vatican observatory head clashes with Cardinal over evolution

06.Aug,2005 On solid ground: evolution versus intelligent design Catholic World News,

06.Aug.2005 Blair vows to root out extremists Chuck Colson, Town Hall

06.Aug.2005 Patrick Wintour, Guardian,

06.Aug.2005 Page:
1 2 » Displaying results 1-10 of 19 Fri,

05.Aug.2005 Newsline

NSS Voices Concerns Over New Laws with Home Office Officials; Church of England Not Important, Says Population at Large; Charity Ruling Puts Churches in Line to Receive Millions More Taxpayers’ Money; Welsh Islamic College Expels Radicals; BBC Scotland Opened Thought For The Day To Non-Believers; Scottish Green MSP is New Honorary Associate; Why Muslims in Britain Are Failing To Integrate; Popetown To Be Released On DVD in Britain; Australia’s Religious Hate Law Is Less A Witches Brew, More A Dog’s Dinner; Nudge, Nudge – How To Excite The Credulous; Iran Cracks Down On “Immorally Dressed” Women; A Religion Test For the US Supreme Court?; Hitler and The German Churches; More Free Advertising For Alpha on BBC; Bush Says Creationism Should Be Taught With Evolution; NSS Speaks Out; Keep Up At the Back There!; Secularist of The Year; Please Note: Active Secularism Day Now Fully Booked; NSS Badge Proves A Hit – Have You Got One Yet?; Book Offer;

Letters To Newsline Fri,

29.Jul.2005 Newsline

Blair Insists that Religious Apartheid in Schools is A Good Thing; Adonis Claims He Has Sponsors For All His 200 Academies – Most Of Them Religious; Faith Based Welfare: Reassurance from Government; Christian Loses Latest Round of Bid For Privileged Working Conditions; Radio Scotland Shuffles Thought For the Day “To The Margins”; Van Gogh Killer Will Spread His Evil Mania in Prison; IHEU Prevented from Criticising Islamic Bombers At UN; Anti-Climax As Canadian Government Legalises Gay Marriage; Summer Camp For Atheists In USA; Virgin Mary Or Ginger Rogers?; NSS Speaks Out; Help Wanted in Sutton; Handsome New NSS Badge For Sale; Book Recommendation; Letters To Newsline ; Events Fri,

22.Jul.2005 Newsline

Labour Promises More Religious Apartheid in Schools. But the Opposition is Growing; Former Lord Mayor Quits Labour over Creationist Schools; Keep Islamofascist Bigot out of Britain Say Gay Humanists; Bishops to Be Chucked out of the Lords by One Door and Brought Back in by Another; BBC Poll Shows Majority Are Happy to Have Law Dictated By Religion; Renata and St Paul's; Atheist Tries Again on Pledge of Allegiance; Bigots Resist Call for Saudi Women to Drive; Humanist Victim of Bombs Remembered; Religious Ringtones "Against Islam"; Can You Help?; Letters to Newsline; Events; Active Secularism Day; Radio Fri,

15.Jul.2005 Newsline

Editorial: For the Safety of us All, Religion Must Be Tamed; Religious Hatred Law Passes through Commons; Church Of England Continues its Take Over Of British Schools; Gordon Brown is a Bigger Theocrat Than Blair; Humanist Leader Thought To Be Victim of Bombers; President Of EC Invites Leaders To Interfere More In Politics; BBC Unveils Its Plans To Pack Local Radio With Religion; Conferences In Paris; Gay Men to be Stoned to Death; NSS Speaks Out; Christians Seek to be Insulted - Can You Oblige? Cartoon Capers; Should Religious Values be Taught in Schools? Letters to Newsline ; Events Fri,

01.Jul.2005 Newsline

Creationists Hit The Jackpot With Academies; How Religion is Taking Over Our Schools; Norfolk Schools Take ‘Scary Bits’ out of R.E. Classes; Muslim MP Doesn’t Understand the Religious Hatred Bill – But He’s On The Committee Examining it.; BBC Religious Seminar: Look Out For An Increase In Religious Propaganda; Churches Get Extra Cash For Repairs While Other Heritage Buildings Crumble; In the Face of Huge Catholic Pressure, Canada and Spain Legalise Gay Marriage; US Supreme Court Rules on Public Displays of Religion – and Comes Up With A Mess; Iran Goes Back to Mediaeval Barbarity; Casino Stacks The Odds in its Favour with “Shower Jesus”; Happy Atheists Fri, 24 Jun 2005 Newsline 24.June 2005

Religious Hatred Bill Given Rough Ride at Second Reading; More Than A Quarter Of Britons Are Atheists (The Rest Are Confused); Keith in The Lion's Den; Fallaci Accuser Is Himself Convicted of Defaming Religion; Turin Fraud; Co-op Bank Dumps Christian Voice Account; Director To Attend Heart Of The Beholder Premiere; Active Secularism Day – Have You Registered Yet?; Office Volunteer Wanted – Can You Help?; Dress Up Jesus Dolly Fri, 17 Jun 2005 Newsline, 17.June 2005

NSS in last ditch bid to persuade government to drop religious hate bill
First legal humanist wedding to be held in Scotland tomorrow
Faith schools: Adonis is the source of the religious takeover Fri,

10.Jun.2005 Newsline

Racial & Religious Hatred Bill" Launched; Pope Has No Place In Live 8 Says NSS; BBC D-G Tells Christians To Be Creative About Religious Broadcasting Instead Of Seeing It As An Entitlement; Christians in Europe To Press For Retention Of Article 52; Christian Institutes Prosecution Bid Fails; America and Europe "Polls Apart" Over Religion; Scotland Now The Most Irreligious Part Of The UK; Muslims Want To Ban Restaurants Pavement Drinks Service; Hospital Trust Gives In To Religious Bullies over Gideon Bibles Fri,

03.Jun.2005 Newsline

NSS Opposes Yet More Religion On BBC; In The Meantime, Michael Grade Says It’s All Up In The Air; Another £7 Million of Public Money into Religious Coffers; Bible Can Kill You – Official Fri,

27.May 2005 Newsline

Atheists Must Not Become Cinderellas At Work;
Scottish Atheist Fights Catholic Discrimination In Schools;
Christian Academies Being Forced Onto Unwilling Communities;
Ofcom Lightens Up TV Regulation.

06.Aug.2005 Large collection of articles on the war on iraq ... Contact Us. 22.Jul.2005 ... I got an interesting email today telling me about an internet ... home, but in some sort of lair, making plans to annihilate America ...
Date/Time: 08/06/2005 21:2
9:32 Winds of Change.NET: Terra Nostra: The Exodus From Spain

11.Mar.2005 Terra Nostra: The Exodus From Spain. by Discarded Lies at 11.Mar.2005 07:46 AM.

The Holy Inquisition was raging in Spain and Portugal in 1492.

Jews and heretics were persecuted and burned. ... partially based in the long contact of the Spaniards ... of the Spanish conquest of America .

Author Hugh ... christians at all. #22 from AMac on 12.Mar.2005 07 ...
WHO reports today 3,000 children every day die in africa from Malaria, does anyone give a shit?
06.Aug.2005 Bernie, the NYT's article on AIDs research is a perfect example of the justified paranoia in this country. The religious right have turned the US into something unrecognizable to this 60 year old citizen.
The following link is a story of a writer who posed as a student at a house run by a Christian organization responsible at the beginning for starting the National Prayer Breakfast in 1953 (I think). They have had several names, but only go by The Family now to insure their privacy.
The house is called Ivanwald; located in Arlington, VA in a well-kept subdivision. The young men refer to themselves as The Corps.
This is a long article, but it needs to be read in order to make clear that those of us who seem paranoid are just being realistic. This is frightening reading because it describes an organization that has had hidden power for decades and continues to grow and attain more power, geometrically with this administation as an advocate. Misc: Jesus Plus Nothing--from Information Clearinghouse

06.Aug.2005 N.Va. Neighbors Up in Arms Over Secretive Enclave Although the Fellowship denies the neighbors' charge that Ivanwald attracts ...
House leader Josh Drexler, 27, said that he and others at Ivanwald had no ... Articles: Q&A with Jeffrey Sharlet Some former residents of Ivanwald , who will only speak anonymously because ... It's very easy to be at Ivanwald and not know the full scope of what's going ... - Ähnliche Seiten N.Va. Neighbors Up in Arms Over Secretive ... ... Richard Carver, the Fellowship foundation's president, does not deny that Ivanwald , a male-only house + Potomac Point, a nearby house for women, meet the ...

06.Aug.2005 Features | Does John Baldacci belong to a secretive, powerful ... ... to rule the world," he quotes David Coe telling the residents at the house — called Ivanwald — where he lived with the other male apprentices/servants. ... -

Kriegspropaganda Sharlet hat undercover vier Wochen in Ivanwald , 24th St. North, Arlington, Virginia bei der "Family" von Doug Coe zugebracht. Sein Bericht in Harper's ...

EXPOSÉ: THE “CHRISTIAN” MAFIA And now here you are at Ivanwald . What would I think of you, Beau? ...

00.Aug.2003 Ivanwald and the Cedars received the kind of attention it disdains. ...

06.Aug.2005 Plastic: America's Secret Theocracy? And now here you are at Ivanwald . What would I think of you, Beau?" ... Thomas,a syndicated columnist, had recently stopped by Ivanwald for a mixer with ...;sid=03/04/21/05465796;mode=nested

06.Aug.2005 America Script This is Ivanwald , where a group of young “believers” as they style themselves, or recruits of the Family, live and work. Jeffrey Sharlet spent several weeks ...

06.Aug.2005 Guerrilla News Network ... The piece chronicled Sharlet's three week semi-undercover stay at Ivanwald , the Fellowship's mansion: Ivanwald , which sits at the ...

27.Sep.2004 E Pluribus Unum - Amen To That - Opinion .. the Our Gang of theocratic zealots in the House led by the Wamps, Aderholts,
Istooks and others from the Ivanwald clubhouse, somehow coerced two thirds ...

06.Aug.2005 Ritual Reality Jeffrey Shartlet's article for Harper's is a first person account of life inside Ivanwald , a community tucked discretely within a Washingtion DC ...

06.Aug.2005 Christian Political Organizations > Fellowship Foundation in the ... Harper's Magazine: Jesus Plus Nothing - article by Jeffrey Sharlet about Ivanwald ,
a residence funded by a religious organization called the Family that ... Government/Politics/Organizations/Fellowship_Foundation/

06.Aug.2005 Fellowship finances townhouse where 6 congressmen live .. Declaring God's covenant with the Jews broken, the group's core members call themselves 'the new chosen.' [.. At Ivanwald , men learn to be leaders by loving ...

This sounds cynical to be sure, but I don't think we can assure ourselves that there will be an 'election' in 2004. Those of us who voice dissent and concern for the preemptive strike policy of the United States should take a careful look at the

00.Jun.2001 +

00.Jul.2001 executive orders of the President, the military order of

13.Nov.2001 + subsequent orders redistributing the powers between the Attorney General and Homeland Security (the name itself bring shivers down the spine). The 2000 'election' process was foreboding, a warning of things to come from this administration which approaches, if not has succeeded in becoming, a theocratic oligarchy. Those who have not yet done so may want to read Lewis Laptham's recent piece in Harper's and Jeff Schelly's article on Ivanwald and The Cedars entitled "Jesus plus Nothing", wherein he describes through an undercover investigation that he learned that the most powerful men in this country have essentially worshipped the way!
s and ideals of power and ideology practiced by Hitler, Stalin + Mao Zedong. America's top 'leaders' send their sons to Ivanwald to learn the ways of 'leadership' with an eye toward sending them out into the business world and politics. The 'leader' of this organization called "The Family", reminiscent of the Mafia but with less honor and - if you can imagine it - less scruples, uses parables invoking Hitler as the great example of world power and domination. Ed Meese is a member of the organization, not surprisingly + gives inspirational talks at Tuesday morning PRayer Breakfasts. Bush I and Bush II have attended the National Prayer Breakfasts hosted by this organization, which also bosts having been the invisible government (as discussed in the late David Wise's book of the same name) since the 1940's (including being one of the closest advisors to President Eisenhower).

If this isn't food for thought, I don't know what is. I am one of the voices of dissent and know that a sense of futility is our worst enemy. But I recognize that in these recent days, that sense grows stronger and the gloomy shadow of Margaret Atwood's Handmaid's Tale looms larger as Congress chips further at women's reproductive rights + has already eviscerated the Bill of Rights. When a conservative organization like the ABA starts spending money to run 1/4 page and full page ads in the NY Times hailing our Bill of Rights and warning people to speak out in protection of these precious rights, we know something gave is afoot. When the Attorney General seeks to kill impoverished and non-Anglo (and diagnosed 'mentally retarded') defendants in 30 cases where local federal prosecutors have determined it unconstitutional, we should all be quite afraid of our own government.

We should read the Declaration of Independence in its entirety in the coming days, as well as the Consitutional separation of powers doctrine, the article giving Congress the exclusive power to declare war + the war powers act in its original form to compare these visions of America with the one with which Bush seeks to replace them. The horror story is here at home and has been set ablaze on foreign shores - innocents to be harmed in both arenas.

The next time anyone asks a defense attorney, how can you defend 'those people'?, perhaps you should step up to the plate and declare that without attorneys willing to defend those people we would not have the rights that in the coming days, months + years we will cling to in our own defense.
06.Aug.2005 By the way: If you want to know what the American military will face once Ledeen + his buds get the war they so obviously hope to ignite, check out
this report in Asia Times.

They now have lots and lots (and lots ) of increasingly precise long-range missiles. It ain't gonna be so pretty this time, my friends. Very quickly, the nuclear option will become the only option.

06.Aug.2005 Ledeen is a veteran Iran-contra schemer who was also tied, in many published reports, to P2, an infamous quasi-fascist secret society which had infiltrated much of Italy's government and intelligence services. Ledeen played a key role in spreading the proven lie that Bulgaria ordered the attempt to kill John Paul II. (Come to think of it, NBC also did everything it could to promote that hallucination.) Ledeen is still best buds with bank robber Ahmed Chalabi + with the shadowy Iranian arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar. Despite Ledeen's pro-Israel -- no, let's be more precise: pro- Likud -- pronouncements, his real intellectual leanings go toward
fascism, Italian-style.
(By the way, Ledeen's daughter Simone was part of the coalition authority in Iraq -- despite having very few qualifications. But she did have the right last name.)
05.Aug.2005 Blame Iran! If the mainstream media is so damned "liberal," then why has it become a dumping ground for neocon horsecrap? We all know the sad tale of Judith "Marionette" Miller of the allegedly leftish New York Times . But let's not overlook
Jim Miklaszewski of NBC:
The massive roadside bomb that killed 14 Marines Wednesday flipped their 37-ton vehicle on its top and blew it some 40 feet down the road.
Tonight, there’s disturbing information that some of the most sophisticated of these deadly weapons are reportedly coming from Iran.
U.S. military and intelligence officials tell NBC News that American soldiers intercepted a large shipment of high explosives, smuggled into northeastern Iraq from Iran only last week. S'funny -- not long ago we had a flurry of stories talking about the increasingly close ties between Iran and the Iraqi government of Iyad Allawi (installed, as Seymour Hersh clarified, in a U.S.-rigged election). Now we're told that Iran is providing bombs to the insurgents who hope to deep-six Allawi.
URL: Date/Time: 07/20/2005 22:9

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