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03.Feb.2006 Brain Scans of Traders Show Link Between Lust for Sex and Money 

Late at night, in a basement laboratory at Stanford University, Brian Knutson made a startling discovery: Our brains lust after money, just like they crave sex.

The City of Houston has finally achieved its goal of more than a century, destroying historic Freedman's Town, the oldest Black community in this city.
03.Feb.2006 "10th Planet" Proves Bigger than Pluto 
Pluto immediately went out and bought a Hummer.
03.Feb.2006 Antlers could hold clues to stem cell research 

Research carried out by veterinary scientists at the Royal Veterinary College reveals that deer antler regeneration may use stem cells and involves similar mechanisms to those used in limb development. The research could take us towards a 'holy grail' in human medicine: the ability to restore organs damaged through trauma, disease, cancer or excision.
03.Feb.2006 Fear of Clowns: No Laughing Matter 

Beth Wallace was stopped at a traffic light when a truck pulled up next to her. As she took a sip from her thermos of coffee, Wallace, 32, a San Francisco resident, glanced at the driver, who turned his head and returned the stare.
It was then that she saw the ghostly white face and bulbous red nose.
Wallace shrieked and scrambled to lock her car doors, barely noticing the hot coffee she spilled on herself. The driver was a clown.
Wallace, a teacher, has been petrified of clowns since childhood. "I know it's irrational, but they scare the bejeezus out of me," she said.

03.Feb.2006 Western Union - STOP - Ends Telegram Service 
For more than 150 years, messages of joy, sorrow and success came in signature yellow envelopes hand delivered by a courier. Now the Western Union telegram is officially a thing of the past.
.Feb.2006 "Essential actors of our time": Human Rights Defenders ... Women organize to challenge discrimination + ... or not empathizing with victims of crime + .. 03.Feb.2006,1518,druck-398686,00.html
An der Entwicklung einer wirklich funktionierenden Software, mit der sich Überwachung und Zensur umgehen ließen, haben auch die westlichen Regierungen keinerlei echtes Interesse. Sowohl in den Vereingten Staaten als auch in Europa wurden seit dem September 2001 Gesetze und Maßnahmen initiiert, die auf eine immer stärkere Überwachung der Netz-Kommunikation zu Zwecken der Terror-Fahndung und Kriminalitäts-Prävention abzielen.
Als besonders problematisch gilt die Umgehung der Zensur in China, weil die meisten der Schätzungen zufolge 110 Millionen chinesischen Internetnutzer nach wie vor von öffentlichen Terminals ins Netz gehen.
Microsoft-Chef Bill Gates hielt aus der Ferne dagegen, ohne den Kongress-Ausschuss direkt anzusprechen.

Im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz in Lissabon zog er in Zweifel, dass so etwas wie Zensur im Internet überhaupt möglich sei. Insofern sei es auch sinnlos, Widerstand gegen die Zensurwünsche einer Regierung zu leisten.

"Die Möglichkeit, Informationen wirklich zu unterdrücken, gibt es nicht mehr", sagte Gates.

"Man kann sich eine sehr sichtbare Webseite nehmen und entscheiden, dass irgendwas nicht da sein sollte.

Aber wenn es in einer Bevölkerung ein echtes Verlangen gibt, etwas zu erfahren, dann wird das auch durchdringen."
Solche Beschwörungen der allmächtigen Informationskraft des Internet, das der Legende zufolge Zensur als Netzwerk-Hindernis umgehen und solche Probleme technisch lösen soll, stoßen allerdings auf immer mehr Skepsis.

In Washington äußerte Carolyn Bartholomew, Chefin eines US-Kongressausschusses zu Fragen des Handels mit China, die Befürchtung, dass "China das Internet stärker verändert als das Internet China".

Die dortige Diktatur habe das "fortgeschrittenste Internet-Filtersystem der Welt" geschaffen.
Der Einwurf bringt die Debatte auf den Punkt: Die Unternehmen haben den boomenden chinesischen Internetmarkt - schon jetzt ist der der zweitgrößte der Welt nach den USA - im Blick, während die Kritiker eher moralisch motiviert sind. "Schämen", meinte der Abgeordnete Tom Lantos, sollten sich diese "immens erfolgreichen Hightech-Unternehmen, die sich nicht dazu durchringen konnten, ihre Repräsentanten zu diesem Meeting" zu entsenden. "Die haben sich Pekings Forderungen ergeben um der lieben Profite willen, egal, wie sie selbst es nennen."
Bill Gates: Zensur geht gar nicht

Alle nun öffentlich getadelten Unternehmen geben zu, den Zensurbestimmungen der chinesischen Regierung zu folgen. Google, Yahoo und Microsoft haben Filter implementiert, die innerhalb Chinas die Suche nach regimekritischen Quellen, nach Seiten zu Themen wie "Demokratie" oder "Menschenrechte" unterbindet. Von Yahoo ist bekannt, dass das Unternehmen im letzten Jahr auf Aufforderung der chinesischen Polizeibehörden einen aktiven Beitrag zur Identifikation und Verhaftung eines regimekritischen Journalisten geleistet hat. Alle Unternehmen rechtfertigen ihre Beiträge zur Zensur in China damit, dort nur Geschäfte machen zu können, wenn sie sich den Regeln und Gesetzen des Landes unterwerfen.
Firmen an Regierung: Tu doch selber was!
In Briefen und schriftlichen Statements an den Kongress-Ausschuss erbaten sowohl Microsoft und Yahoo als auch Google Hilfe von der Regierung. Die, so die Botschaft der Schreiben, habe es in der Hand, ein Ende der staatlichen Zensur einzufordern - nicht aber Wirtschaftsunternehmen.
Auf diplomatischem Wege ließe sich etwas bewirken, nicht aber dadurch, dass sich Wirtschaftsunternehmen den Gesetzen eines Landes verweigerten. Nötig sei es, dass die US-Regierung "Zensur als hinderlich für den Handel" kommuniziere und das Thema in Gesprächen mit dem Regime in Peking auf den Tisch bringe. Des Weiteren sollten industrieweite Standards definiert werden, wie mit solcher staatlichen Zensur umzugehen sei.

Open Letter: 'Just Be Fair With Us': My message to the West—to America, to Europe, to everybody—is this: Hamas wants peace. We hate bloodshed and killing. We don't want to fight.

03.Feb.2006 Omar Barghouti : Israeli Apartheid - Time for the South African Treatment : By now, most Palestinians recognize Israel’s entrenched system of colonialism, racism and denial of basic human rights as a form of apartheid. In fact, Palestinians are far from alone in holding this view of Israel

03.Feb.2006 Hamas and America's Erroneous Grasp of Middle East Reality : Policy makers in Washington lack experience for understanding the political changes that have changed the map of the Arab world. The reality is that oppressive American policies that are blindly biased toward Israel, the U.S. occupation of Iraq and its pressure on Syria, are injustices that inflame the people of the region.

03.Feb.2006 Translating the Emperor’s Speech: Although not quite as slickly eloquent as Willy before him, Dubya, like his predecessor, is proficient and experienced in the art of speaking one thing and meaning another.- Below are highlights from his State of the Union speech, translated into clear and candid English.

03.Feb.2006 To spread democracy abroad, respect the law at home : George W. Bush entered the White House 00.000.2001 with an expansive view of the presidential power that Johnson had lost. The most important manifestation of this has now come with his assertion of the power to order warrantless intercepts of the communications of people in the United States suspected of connections with terrorist groups.

03.Feb.2006 Maureen Dowd: Didn't See It Coming, Again : The more the White House tries to force-feed democracy to tempestuous parts of the world, the more it discovers that you may be able to spin and scare voters in the U.S., but the Middle East is not so easy to manipulate.

03.Feb.2006 Political opposites aligned against Bush wiretaps : Despite coming from opposite ends of the political spectrum, they agree on one other major issue: that the Bush administration's program of domestic eavesdropping by the National Security Agency without obtaining court warrants has less to do with the war on terror than with threats to the nation's civil liberties .

03.Feb.2006 Fitzgerald says White House may have destroyed some emails

03.Feb.2006 House Bans Former Colleague-Lobbyists : A rules change that passed 379-50 bars from the House floor or the members' gym ex-representatives who now work as lobbyists. The restriction also applies to former members' spouses who are lobbyists:

03.Feb.2006 Daley: Cameras will make us safer : Mayor Daley on Monday embraced a radical plan to require every licensed Chicago business open more than 12 hours a day to install indoor and outdoor cameras.

03.Feb.2006 In case you missed it: Howard Zinn: War Is the Health of the State: Excerpted from a "People's History of the United States"

03.Feb.2006 Howard Zinn: Empire and the People: Excerpted from a "People's History of the United States". Theodore Roosevelt wrote to a friend in the year 1897: "In strict confidence . . . I should welcome almost any war, for I think this country needs one."

03.Feb.2006 The Northern Slave Trade : The hidden history of slavery in New York calls myths of American morality into question
Bush to seek $120 billion for wars, sources say : Money would pay for conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan into next fiscal year

03.Feb.2006 Official to Plead Guilty in Iraq Scheme : A former U.S. occupation official in Iraq has agreed to plead guilty to conspiring to steal more than $2 million in reconstruction money and award contracts to a businessman in exchange for more than $1 million in cash and goods.

03.Feb.2006 Administration backs off Bush's vow to reduce Mideast oil imports: One day after President Bush vowed to reduce America's dependence on Middle East oil by cutting imports from there 75 % by 2025, his energy secretary and national economic adviser said Wednesday that the president didn't mean it literally

03.Feb.2006 Shell posts $23bn record profit : The Anglo-Dutch oil giant Shell today announced record profits for a British company of $22.9bn ( £12.9bn) on the back of soaring oil prices.

03.Feb.2006 Robert Newman: It's capitalism or a habitable planet - you can't have both : Our economic system is unsustainable by its very nature. The only response to climate chaos and peak oil is major social change

03.Feb.2006 U.S. Intel Chief Doubts Iran Has Nukes: N ational Intelligence Director John Negroponte told Congress on Thursday that Iran probably does not yet have nuclear weapons, nor has it obtained the material central to producing them.

03.Feb.2006 Nuclear chief tells Iran: you have a month to co-operate: Dr ElBaradei said today that the current timetable of action still allowed Iran time to co-operate: "There is a window of opportunity," he said. "We still have a month... I hope that Iran will continue to co-operate. I have been told it is willing."

03.Feb.2006 Iran's message to the west: back off or we retaliate : The escalating crisis could further destabilise the Middle East by intensifying US and British difficulties in Iraq and Afghanistan + could spell an end to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, which seeks to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.

03.Feb.2006 Text of IAEA's draft resolution on Iran : The text of the draft resolution on Iran submitted to the 35-nation board of governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency on Wednesday, the eve of a key meeting on the nuclear standoff with Tehran:

03.Feb.2006 Bush ‘calling for Iran regime change’: A direct appeal by President George W. Bush to the Iranian people to “win your own freedom” was a barely disguised call for regime change in Iran, raising the question of whether the US will turn to covert action to support internal opposition, analysts said on Wednesday.

03.Feb.2006 Iran’s real crime?: If Iran starts its own euro-denominated oil bourse and it takes off, the US dollar — already an ailing currency due to huge deficits in the US economy — will be marginalised as the global currency.
The Pestilent Presidency  By Manuel Valenzuela
George W. Bush is a corporatist without intelligence, an unknowing, incurious, detached and ignorant human beings, a puppet to much brighter individuals, a tool for the corporate world. He does not care for the unenlightened souls that see him as Dear Leader, nor the soldiers he sends to either die or sacrifice mental health .

Hellfire and Damnation: The Washington Consensus for Murder :   By Chris Flody
 Last month, President George W. Bush murdered four children. This is not a controversial statement. There is no dispute about the facts. Indeed, Bush's own minions fully acknowledge – even celebrate – the deed. Nor has the political opposition or the national media offered the slightest objection to the principle of presidential murder.

President Carter: "We did not need to go into Iraq."

"We went in there under false pretenses" -Larry King Live
What I believe is that there are people in Washington now, some of our top leaders, who never intend to withdraw military forces from Iraq and they're looking for ten, 20, 50 years in the future...

Revealed: Secret Memo Exposes How Bush and Blair Tried To Lure Saddam Into War.

The White House memo -By: Gary Gibbon

C hannel 4 News tonight reveals extraordinary details of George Bush and Tony Blair's pre-war meeting in January 2003 at which they discussed plans to begin military action on March 10th 2003, irrespective of whether the United Nations had passed a new resolution authorising the use of force. Continued
Pennsylvania: A group called Butler County Democrats for Change is
suing to keep voting machines out of PA. One of the heartening aspects of this suit is that it targets ES&S machines. The public keeps hearing about Diebold + I fear that many will come under the impression that the fault rests with a bad company, not a bad technology.
In Allegheny County, the Board of Elections is
still deliberating the issue:
"Obviously we've read a lot of the allegations that people are talking about," she said, referring partly to criticisms that some Diebold officials were too close to Republicans. "Obviously we cannot base our decision on hearsay or what's on the Internet."
A couple of vote fraud notes... Arizona: According to
this Arizona Republic article (clued into which I became via good old Brad Blog), the FBI has seized ballots in a close Republican primary for the office of state representative in Arizona's District 20. There have been lingering suspicions over this battle for quite a while now.
Here's what's really odd: The County refused an order from a State Senate committee to cough up the actual ballots for inspection. But now they say they are quite happy -- "elated" even -- to comply with the Federal order. What's going on?

Mohammed-Karikaturen: Annan mahnt Respekt der Religionen an

03.Feb.2006 Verbalattacke: Rumsfeld vergleicht Venezuelas Präsident Chávez mit Hitler
Terror-Gefahr: Britischer Experte warnt vor neuen Anschlägen

03.Feb.2006 US-Repräsentantenhaus: John Boehner zum neuen Mehrheitsführer gewählt

03.Feb.2006 US-Geheimdienste: Iran hat weder Atomwaffen noch Material dafür
Rentenexperte Raffelhüschen im Interview: "Rentenkürzungen sind aus verfassungsrechtlicher Sicht heikel"
Industrienationen: Deutschland noch ganz vorne
US-Energiepläne: Neo-Öko George W. Bush
Gen-Austausch: Bakterien und Spinnen sind Giftbrüder
Karikaturen-Streit: Frankreich fürchtet neue Unruhen in den Banlieues
Hongkong: Wütende Menge stürmt Disneyland
Türkische Medien: "Weg mit dem Verbot der Muttersprache"

03.Feb.2006 Ausländerintegration: Die Neo-Kons proben den Aufstand

03.Feb.2006 Prozess: Multimillionär zahlte elf Jahre keine Steuern

03.Feb.2006 Mohammed-Karikaturen: Europäische Union schließt Büro in Gaza

03.Feb.2006 Atomstreit: Baradei stellt Iran Ultimatum
50.000 Infizierte: Seuche auf Réunion breitet sich rasant aus
Tierversuch: Manipuliertes Virus stoppt Vogelgrippe
Zensur-Helfer: US-Kongress knöpft sich Google & Co. vor
Paarung unter Wasser: Wale bellen und zirpen für Weibchen
USA: Pentagon bildet Sondereinheit gegen Atomanschläge
Streit um Rohstoffe: Opec erbost über Bushs Öl-Drohungen
Karikatur-Nachdruck: Chefredakteur von "France Soir" gefeuert
Planeten-Streit: Xena könnte Pluto verdrängen
Anti-Terrorkampf: Rumsfeld erwartet langen Krieg
Ackermanns Bilanz: Deutsche Bank rechnet sich Traumrendite zurecht

03.Feb.2006 Finanzspritzen: Hamas setzt auf Hilfe aus islamischen Ländern
Atomstreit mit Iran: Bush und Putin stimmen Vorgehen ab
02.Feb.2006 Ich arbeite nach dem Prinzip, dass man niemals etwas selbst tun soll, was ein anderer für einen erledigen kann. John Davison Rockefeller 1839-1937. ...
Die Zeit - Wirtschaft : Gottgewollter Reichtum

Der amerikanische Ölgigant John Davison Rockefeller war in den Augen von Max Weber der lebende Beweis für diese neue Berufsethik.
politikforum - Thema: Jüdische Gelder an Nazis?

Ach ja: "Rockefellers", also die Vorfahren von John Davison Rockefeller waren deutsche Einwanderer und hießen ursprünglich "Steinhauer".

Kirchen, Kommunen + Künstler unterstützen das Projekt „Mein 18 ...

“Der große Vorteil des Reichtums liegt darin, dass man sich keine Ratschläge mehr anzuhören braucht!” John Davison Rockefeller, US-amerik. KAPUTTALIST, ...

Der Überblick - Zeitschrift für ökumenische Begegnung +

Mit Andrew Carnegie (Stahl), John Pierpont Morgan (Finanzen) + John Davison Rockefeller (Öl) kreierten die USA dann den neuen Typ des Konzernmagnaten.

SFM LÜLING CONSULTING "Es ist sinnvoller, einen Tag über sein Geld nachzudenken, als einen Monat dafür zu arbeiten" John Davison Rockefeller ...
Christopher Flade Zitate FLADEPARADE: John Davison Rockefeller, 1839-1937, amerik. Unternehmer Gebildet ist, wer weiß, wo er findet, was er nicht weiß. Georg Simmel, 1858-1918, dt. Philosoph ...

02.Feb.2006 IR1, Winter 2001: Wettbewerb 2, Teil 1 Ein überaus spektakulärer Fall war 1910 die Aufteilung des Standard Oil Trust von John Davison Rockefeller, die zeitweise die gesamte Ölwirtschaft in den ...

Rockefeller Center .. Arbeitgeber der Welt General Electric. Es wurde von den US-Milliardär John Davison Rockefeller gegründet. Es ist eines der ältesten ...
Porträt: Lorenz Adlon .. Ernst Lubitsch, Thomas Mann, John Pierpont Morgan, Mary Pickford, Max Planck, Walther Rathenau, Max Reinhardt, Cecil Rhodes, John Davison Rockefeller, ...

Banker (John Davison Rockefeller, US-amerikanischer Unternehmer)Das Intimste der Intimsphäre ist das Geld. Wenn man weiß, wieviel Geld ein Mensch hat,

Geschichte Lateinamerikas im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: Zur ...

1862 gründete John Davison Rockefeller (1839–1937) zusammen mit Samuel Andrews ein Unternehmen. Letzterer war Erfinder eines Verarbeitungsprozesses für die ...

Delegationskompetenz John Davison Rockefeller (1839-1937) USA Großindustrieller. "Man delegiert zuviel + ist am Ende so entmündigt, dass man nicht mal mehr weiß, ...
Skandale John Davison Rockefeller (1839-1937) zB hatte sich auf Erdöl konzentriert. Er bestach Legislativen, erzwang für sich konkurrenzlos niedrige Frachtraten, ...
RH: Introduction ... all the more embarrassing for our Anarchist since this was the propaganda line of Josef Göbbels at the time:... were the Trots in Spain working for ...
TIME Europe Magazine: On the March Again? -- 29.Sep.2003 9 is a big day for Munich. it's the 65th anniversary of Kristallnacht — the infamous pogrom against Jews launched by Nazi Propaganda Minister Josef Göbbels ...,13005,901030929-488791,00.html
glossary Josef Göbbels or Goebbels (1897-1945) was Hitler’s chief propaganda minister + one of his closest associates. He was the military commander of Berlin ...
ZNet Deutschland - a community committed to social change ... wurde einer der Demokratischen Präsidentschaftskandidaten, Howard Dean, in einer Kolumne der New York Post als Gefolgsmann Josef Göbbels bezeichnet. ...
.Feb.2006 CHURCH of FEAR Gästebuch ISIDOR war für den Josef Göbbels das Synonym für den jüdischen Untermensch.

Das ist richtig! Der Polizeichef von Berlin hieß "Isidor", war mosaischen ...
Weekly Worker 479 Thursday May 8 2003 Josef Göbbels ? Hermann Göring? Joachim von Ribbentrop? What would you think of a 1930s socialist - or for that matter a 1930s Liberal or Tory - who would ...

02.Feb.2006 Exil Hollywood - Deutsche in der Traumfabrik ... Eine wichtige Person in Bezug auf die Verhinderung von freier Meinungsäußerung durch Künstler aus allen Bereichen war sicherlich auch Josef Göbbels . ...
Ich bin doch auch ein Hitlerjude — Das Generationenprojekt Wenn der Bauch vom Hermann beim Josef in die Bux passt. ... Göbbels : »Das sagt doch schon der Name unserer Partei »Nur solange die A***löcher parieren.« ...

FUN-Partei aus Internet-Plattform Dol2Day gelöscht ... der Zeitschrift 'Europa vorn', unter dem Pseudonym Ulex (dieses Pseudonym nutzte auch Josef Göbbels bei seinen journalistischen Aufsätzen) geführt. ...

Biographie Vielmehr hat sich George später eindeutig von den Anbiederungsversuchen durch den Reichspropagandaminister Josef Göbbels distanziert. ...
Arenberg und seine neuere Geschichte Dr. Josef Göbbels (Propagandaminister) hatte, um die PG´s einzustimmen, das ganze Parteitagsgelände mit allen damals verfügbaren Flakscheinwerfern im Kreis ...

interv02 It was unexpectedly common! Even the early circle around Hitler, above all Josef Göbbels, referred to the Book of Revelations.
Germany: Christian Democrats nominate right-winger Stoiber to run ... who had occupied a senior Nazi position in Berlin 00.000.1932 and ranked among the closest associates of Hitler’s propaganda minister, Josef Göbbels . ...
Alexander Shaumyan (author) on AuthorsDen - Josef Göbbels (1897-1945) "Whoever controls the media, controls the mind." Jim Morri... Ode to a Whore by Alexander Shaumyan. Articles ...

Marketing at AuthorsDen - Josef Göbbels (1897-1945) "Whoever controls the media, controls the m...These Boots by Sage Sweetwater I'm taking you back to the year 1966. ...
Letters ... through mass mind control--in his case with a fair amount of help from Josef Göbbels but none at all from social psychologists or even famous novelists. ...
The Randi Rhodes Show > Propaganda is Good! Was that Josef Göbbels supporting the Nazi Party, or Cal Thomas, supporting President Bush? ...yes, ma'am? What's the difference? Well, you didn't guess the .

Nazism Meanwhile in March 1933 Josef Göbbels claimed, in an interview given to the London Sunday Express, that "not a single hair fell from anybody's head in the ...

Adolf Hitler seizes power Similar "circles of friends" were created with the Josef Göbbels ' Ministry of Propaganda, as well as other institutions. The big capital did not refuse ...
Political Film Society – Downfall ... Führer's order to destroy the architecture of Nazi Berlin and second-in-command Josef Göbbels's (played by Ulrich Matthes) steadfast devotion to Hitler ...

Lege interlingua e apprende su structura, Capitulo 15 Pro consolidar su controlo del pais, Hitler inaugurava un Ministerio de Propaganda, dirigite per Josef Göbbels, e tunc comenciava un programma sophisticate ...

Grandfather Willcke: Mises's Unsigned Editorial for the New York ... He addressed a dispute between Josef Göbbels and Wendell Willkie, ... Josef Göbbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, responded by claiming that German records ...
Erich Kästner The spectacular Agfacolor production was set in motion by the propaganda minister Josef Göbbels to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the UFA studios. ...

Rudolf Erich Raspe, Baron Munchausen The spectacular Agfacolor production was set in motion by the propaganda minister Josef Göbbels . Erich Kästner wrote the screenplay under the pseudonym of ...
Satire-Zeitschrift "Der Simpl".../Datenblatt &copy;Deutsches ... Darstellung: Göbbels, Josef Darstellung: Hitler, Adolf Entstehungsort: München Entstehungsland: Deutschland [historisch: Amerikanische Besatzungszone] ...

Satire-Zeitschrift "Der Simpl".../Datenblatt &copy;Deutsches ... Darstellung: Göbbels, Josef Darstellung: Göring, Hermann Darstellung: Scharnagl, Karl Entstehungsort: München Entstehungsland: Deutschland ...

2004081517 Jun.2003 Göbbels, Josef, NAZI SCHOLAR of Bernays, Edward L. father of PR = propaganda, USA -SPONSORED 03:21:25 : “The lie can be maintained only for such ...

_AuthenticO-Historia-index_20040823242526_UPDATED Jun.2003 Göbbels, Josef, NAZI SCHOLAR of Bernays, Edward L. father of PR = propaganda,USA -SPONSORED 03:21:25 : “The lie can be maintained only for such ...
Talk:Joseph Goebbels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Similarly, Josef and Göbbels are not alternate names. They are wrong (though Göbbels may be how his family once spelled the name).

Från Nathan Shachar till Josef Göbbels Två frågor ställer jag mig själv: 1) Är Shachars intention att på något sätt likna en seger för vänsterkandidaten Morales i Bolivia med valsegrar för ... /

Caskets On Parade - Book of the Dead: "Go" - "Gt"
Nazi propaganda minister Paul Josef Göbbels killed the kids, dog, wife, then himself in the bunker along with his beloved Adolf ...

Caskets On Parade - Book of the Dead: "Vo" – "Vt" ... we've got movies to make" 1944 Josef Göbbels opus that had 187000 German combat ... movie director Josef Von Sternberg "discovered" Marlene Dietrich ...

Josef Schmidt (Grandi Hitler's Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda, Josef Göbbels, was present + was applauding the young Jewish tenor enthusiastically, ...
Police remove and arrest Cindy Sheehan from Bush speech: Activist Cindy Sheehan was arrested in the House chamber on Tuesday shortly before President Bush gave his State of the Union address because she refused to cover up an anti-war slogan on her shirt.

01.Feb.2006 Cindy Sheehan : What Really Happened : As most of you have probably heard, I was arrested before the State of the Union Address tonight. I am speechless with fury at what happened and with grief over what we have lost in our country

01.Feb.2006 Charges against Sheehan to be dropped: “We screwed up,” a top Capitol Police official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. He said Sheehan didn't violate any rules or laws

01.Feb.2006 ACLU Chief Calls on President to Shut Down Illegal Spying on Americans: "The State of Our Union Cannot be Strong if the President Continues to Violate the Law," Says Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the ACLU

01.Feb.2006 AT&T sued over NSA spy program: The lawsuit, scheduled to be filed Tuesday in San Francisco's federal district court, charges that AT&T has opened its telecommunications facilities up to the NSA and continues to "to assist the government in its secret surveillance of millions of ordinary Americans."

01.Feb.2006 Official: Army Has Authority to Spy on Americans : “Contrary to popular belief, there is no absolute ban on [military] intelligence components collecting U.S. person information,” the U.S.Army’s top intelligence officer said in a 2001 memo that surfaced Tuesday.

01.Feb.2006 In case you missed it: Collecting information on U.S. persons - Brief Article: This article is extracted from a memorandum, Subject: Collecting Information on U.S. Persons, dated

05.Nov.2001 + signed by LTG Robert W. Noonan, Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence.

01.Feb.2006 Removal of the Abramoff Prosecutor was a Political Deal to Scuttle Investigation : We now know there was a political deal between the Bush Administration and New Jersey Democrats to get rid of the Abramoff prosecutor, Noel Hillman, by offering him a federal judgeship in New Jersey.

01.Feb.2006 Abramoff client gave $50,000 to GOP after meeting with Bush, DeLay, Hastert and Lott: Abramoff firm gave $50,000 more to GOP congressional campaigns seven months after visits

01.Feb.2006 Teacher Awaits Day in Court: “It didn’t dawn on me that people would object to me saying peace was an option to war,” she says. “I didn’t even think it was controversial.”
01.Feb.2006 Racist State?
Polls: Peretz's Moroccan roots deter Ashkenazi voters : Two months ago, after he won the Labor Party chairmanship, Amir Peretz declared enthusiastically in his victory speech that the demon of ethnic discrimination had been "disconnected from life support" and "buried." But the demon, as demons are wont, has refused to die.

01.Feb.2006 Pakistan: US involvement in civilian deaths : Amnesty International today wrote to US President George Bush to express its concern that between 13 and 18 people were killed on 13 January 2006, when missiles were fired into three houses in Damadola in Bajaur Agency, a federally administered tribal area. Reports indicate that “Hellfire” missiles were fired from an unmanned Predator drone probably operated by the CIA.

01.Feb.2006 Simon Tisdall: Resistance grows to US assumption of primacy : A string of foreign policy setbacks has highlighted growing flaws in Washington's long cherished assumption of international primacy.
01.Feb.2006 Here we go again :
British lawmakers rally behind Iran dissidents : An array of British parliamentarians and distinguished jurists called on the British government to cease its “policy of appeasement” towards the government of hard-line Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and remove the proscription of Iran’s main opposition group as a terrorist organisation.

01.Feb.2006 Iran Incapable of Building Nuclear Bomb — Russian Expert : Iran is not capable of building its own nuclear weapons, the former head of a nuclear power plant and current regional leader in southern Russia said Wednesday.

01.Feb.2006 Iran vows 'crushing response' if its nuclear facilities are attacked : Iran would deliver a ''crushing response'' to any nation that attacked its nuclear facilities, its defense minister warned Wednesday.

01.Feb.2006 Iran's president lashes out at Bush: Nuclear energy is our right, + we will resist until this right is fully realized," Ahmadinejad told the crowd in the southern Iran city of Bushehr, the site of Iran's only nuclear power plant.

01.Feb.2006 Russia Min: Russia, China Have Same Views On Iran -Report

01.Feb.2006 Russia-China visit to Iran no form of pressure - official : The Wednesday visit of high-ranking Russia and Chinese diplomats to Tehran cannot be viewed as a form of pressure on Iran over its controversial nuclear programs, a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

01.Feb.2006 Iran's president says Bush should face 'people's tribunal ' : "You who support the Zionist puppet regime, you who support the destruction of Palestinian homes, you have no right to talk about liberty or human rights," Ahmadinejad said in comments directed at the US president.

01.Feb.2006 Bush says U.S. would defend Israel against Iran : U.S. President George W. Bush vowed on Wednesday the United States will rise to Israel's defense if needed against Iran and denounced Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for "menacing talk" against Israel.

01.Feb.2006 Palestinians Awarded NIS 2.4 Million For Torture by Israeli Security Forces : One of the plaintiffs, Benan Oudeh, 31, of Qalqilya, arrested a few years ago for throwing stones, told Haaretz yesterday that his testicles were beaten so badly in the interrogation room that they had to be amputated.

01.Feb.2006 U.S. Congress moves to legislate against Hamas-led PA : The bill, co-sponsored by Democratic Congressman Tom Lantos, from California, includes a number of extremely harsh measures against the radical Islamic


01.Feb.2006 Israel halts Palestinians' tax payments: Israel has halted monthly tax payments to the cash-strapped Palestinian Authority one week after the election victory of Hamas, but the militant group said it has been promised financial support from the Arab world.

01.Feb.2006 Saudis, Qatar Pledge $33M to Palestinians: Israel has frozen this month's transfer of $45 million in tax rebates and customs payments to the Palestinian Authority + a senior Palestinian official said Saudi Arabia and Qatar pledged Wednesday to transfer millions to ease the crisis.

01.Feb.2006 EU extends aid to Palestinians in bid to prevent 'mini Iran': The ministers refrained from quick moves to slash its aid to the Palestinians, amounting to €500m a year, following last week’s shock election victory of the islamist Hamas movement which is on the EU’s list of terrorist organizations.

01.Feb.2006 '75% of Hamas voters oppose destruction of Israel': The Palestinian Authority's Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda daily survey stated that 84% of Palestinians support a peace deal with Israel. More than 75% of the peace-deal supporters voted for Hamas.

01.Feb.2006 The Hamas Victory: Green Dawn, Red Dusk?: The wide scale dehumanization and racism pitted against Islamist movements since September 11th across the world has been so successful that wide sections of the US Left will likewise fall prisoner to similar logic
State of the War? U.S. Support Fades: The survey finds the nation sharply divided over the Iraq conflict, with 49% agreeing with the proposition that America cannot win the war in Iraq and that Iraqis should be left to sort out their own future without U.S. or allied intervention. However, just as many oppose that view.

01.Feb.2006 White House eyes billions for Iraq maintenance: The Bush administration is considering asking Congress later this year for at least $2 billion in new reconstruction money, primarily for maintaining completed Iraqi facilities.

01.Feb.2006 Women bear brunt of poverty in post-invasion Iraq: A recent study by the United Nations Development Program and International Monetary Fund shows that 20 % of the population has fallen below the international poverty line of $1 per day per person.

01.Feb.2006 Angry US slams Iraq bribe denials: THE chairman of a powerful US Senate committee is demanding Australian ambassador to Washington Dennis Richardson explain the Howard Government's role in the Iraqi wheat affair, saying he is "deeply troubled" by an apparent attempt to cover up the scandal.

01.Feb.2006 Military linked to Iran nuclear program : THE International Atomic Energy Agency says it has evidence that suggests links between Iran's ostensibly peaceful nuclear program and its military work on high explosives and missiles
What Really Happened -By Cindy Sheehan
As most of you have probably heard, I was arrested before the State of the Union Address tonight. I am speechless with fury at what happened and with grief over what we have lost in our country.

An Interview With William Blum, Author "Rogue State"
William Blum, "Rogue State," Was recently cited by Osama bin Laden as one Americans should read.
We are faced with the fact that any number of countries would be justified in issuing a list of Americans barred from entry because of "war crimes" and "crimes against humanity".
Continued - Real Video

The US has become a rogue nation.
Gentle reader, if you prefer comforting lies to harsh truths, don't read this column.-By Paul Craig Roberts
The state of the union is disastrous. By its naked aggression, bullying, illegal spying on Americans + illegal torture and detentions, the Bush administration has demonstrated American contempt for the Geneva Convention, for human life and dignity + for the civil liberties of its own citizens. Increasingly, the US is isolated in the world, having to resort to bribery and threats to impose its diktats. No country any longer looks to America for moral leadership. The US has become a rogue nation.

Annexing Khuzestan; battle-plans for Iran -By Mike Whitney
Step by step, Iran is being set up for war. What difference does the provocation make? The determination to consolidate the oil reserves in the Caspian Basin was made more than a decade ago and is clearly articulated in the policy papers produced by the Project for the New American Century (PNAC)

The New Geopolitics
The Spanish-American War was an intentional device by which the United States acquired an empire. -By Michael Klare
The war against Iraq was intended to provide the United States with a dominant position in the Persian Gulf region + to serve as a springboard for further conquests and assertion of power in the region. It was aimed as much, if not more, at China, Russia + Europe as at Syria or Iran. It is part of a larger process of asserting dominant U.S. power in south-central Eurasia, in the very heartland of this mega-continent.

Eine "Pflicht, mit Aufrichtigkeit zu sprechen", Mr. President? Wir alle können das nur unterstützen und hoffen, dass die Rede zur Lage der Nation eines Tages von jemandem gehalten wird, der sich um die Bedeutung dieser Worte kümmert.
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von
Und Bush erwähnte auch nicht, dass seine Regierung mit ihrem Abhörprogramm wohl einen Rechtsbruch begangen hat, weil sie den Kongress darüber nicht informiert hat. Oder auch, dass sein Justizminister nicht nur den Kongress im Unklaren ließ, sondern auch den Senat bewusst in die Irre geführt hat.
Wieder und wieder versuchte Bush in seiner Rede, harte Wahrheiten zu vernebeln. Er sprach über die hohe Bedeutung des Bildungssektors und verschwieg dabei, dass es gerade seine Regierung war, die zum ersten Mal seit zehn Jahren die öffentlichen Ausgaben für die Bildung gekürzt hat.
Er redete über finanzielle Beschränkungen und die Notwendigkeit, ein guter "Verwalter" der Steuereinnahmen zu sein. Auch dabei verheimlichte er, dass die Ausgaben seiner Regierung explodiert sind und dass er nicht ein einziges Mal sein Veto eingelegt hat, um diese Entwicklung zu stoppen.
Er führte aus, dass es einen Bedarf gebe, die Nation aus der Abhängigkeit vom ausländischen Öl herauszuführen und ignorierte den Umstand, dass sich diese Abhängigkeit in seiner Regierungszeit noch erhöht hat. Weil er sich gegen strengere Standards in der Ölwirtschaft gesträubt hat, weil er die Programme für alternative Energien gekürzt und den Naturschutz als ein "Zeichen persönlicher Tugendhaftigkeit" abgetan hat.
Bush sagte, dass man als gewählter Mandatsträger niemals das Gelöbnis vergessen dürfe, "der öffentlichen Verantwortung gerecht zu werden". Selbstverständlich versäumte er es zu erwähnen, dass seine Regierung die amerikanische Öffentlichkeit im Fall Valerie Plame belogen hat und immer noch gegen Nachforschungen von Kongress und Presse zum Skandal um Jack Abramoff mauert.


Bushs Gerede von Aufrichtigkeit
George W. Bush beschwor in seiner Rede zur Lage der Nation eine neue Ehrlichkeit von Politikern. Leider war bei ihm selbst davon nicht viel zu spüren. Unangenehme Fragen ließ der Präsident lieber unerwähnt, moniert der amerikanische Autor Tim Grieve .

"Wenn so viel auf dem Spiel steht, haben wir als Mandatsträger die Pflicht, mit Aufrichtigkeit zu sprechen." Diese Worte standen im Zentrum von George W. Bushs Rede zur Lage der Nation + dem kann man wohl nur schwerlich widersprechen. Man wünschte sich nur, dass der Präsident diese Maxime auch leben würde.
Die Pharma- und Nahrungsmittelindustrie hat indes ein ganz eigenes Interesse an der Erforschung unseres Sinns für Bitteres. Sie will das Wissen dazu nutzen, mit neu entwickelten Substanzen unangenehme Geschmacksnoten auszublenden. Während heute etwa Unmengen von Zucker das Koffein in Cola-Getränken überspielen oder der großzügige Einsatz von Salz bei Kartoffelchips geschmacklich nachhilft, könnte ein Bitterblocker gleich von vornherein ausschalten, was der Konsument nicht schmecken soll. Die Produkte ließen sich zudem als kalorien- oder salzarm vermarkten.
Die US-Biotechnologiefirma Linguagen in Cranbury, New Jersey, hat bereits einen solchen Hemmstoff ins Rennen geschickt. Forscher des Unternehmens haben verschiedene Substanzen auf ihre Antibitterwirkung untersucht und dabei herausgefunden, dass Adenosinmonophosphat (AMP) - ein so genanntes Nucleotid, das auch natürlicherweise im Körper vorkommt - in der Lage ist, den unangenehmen Geschmack zu unterdrücken. Nach Angaben des Unternehmens ohne jegliche Nebenwirkung.
Die amerikanische Food and Drug Administration hat im September 2004 AMP zugelassen. Doch ob Linguagens Bitterblocker in der Praxis hält, was er im Labor verspricht, muss sich erst noch zeigen. Während mancher Geschmacksforscher jenseits des großen Teichs AMP schon als den "heiligen Gral" feiern will, zeigt man sich hier zu Lande etwas vorsichtiger.
Der Hemmstoff besitzt einen Eigengeschmack, wie der Münsteraner Lebensmittelchemiker Thomas Hoffmann herausgefunden hat: AMP schmeckt nach Umami, also nach Fleischbrühe. Ob es sich damit wirklich als Zutat für Süßspeisen oder Limonade eignet?

Für Bufe und seine Kollegen steht eine Menge Arbeit an. "Dank des Human-genomprojekts wissen wir mittlerweile, dass das menschliche Erbgut 25 Gene für Bitterrezeptoren beherbergt", erläutert Bufe. "Und die derzeitige Datenlage lässt darauf schließen, dass tatsächlich alle für funktionstüchtige Rezeptoren codieren und in den Geschmackspapillen unserer Zunge zum Einsatz kommen."

Unser Sinn für Bitteres ist also ausgefeilt und zudem höchst individuell, wie Bufe zu berichten weiß. "Von allen 25 bekannten Bittergenen gibt es Varianten, so dass wir bislang 104 verschiedene Spielarten von Bitterrezeptoren kennen." Mehr noch: Heterozygote Menschen, in deren Zellkernen die Erbinformation für zwei verschiedene Rezeptorversionen liegt, unterscheiden sich ebenfalls in ihrer Sensibilität gegenüber bestimmten Stoffen von Personen, die nur eine Genvariante tragen.
Über einen Zeitraum von 400 Jahren wurden Schätzungen zufolge bis zu zwölf Millionen Menschen aus Afrika verschleppt und gezwungen, unter unmenschlichen Bedingungen in den Minen und auf den Plantagen der Europäer in Amerika zu arbeiten. Dass Sklaven schon unmittelbar nach der Ankunft der ersten Europäer in der Gegend ankamen, deutet laut Price darauf hin, dass die Sklaverei schon kurz nach der spanischen Unterwerfung Mexikos ein zentraler Bestandteil der dortigen Wirtschaft war.
Die Spanier zwangen zwar auch die Indios zur Sklavenarbeit. Doch als die Eingeborenen massenhaft an ansteckenden Krankheiten aus Europa starben, mussten die Eroberer nach neuen Arbeitskräften Ausschau halten - was als Geburtsstunde des afrikanischen Sklavenhandels gilt.

Verräterische Spuren im Zahnschmelz
Menschen nehmen die verräterischen Signaturen in jungen Jahren durch Strontium-Isotope in ihren Zahnschmelz auf: Nährstoffe gelangen vom gewachsenen Fels über die Erde, das Wasser, die Pflanzen und die Tiere in die Nahrung. Der Isotopenmix im Zahnschmelz gilt deshalb als unauslöschliches Indiz des Geburtsorts, da er mit dem Felsgrund einer bestimmten Region in Verbindung gebracht werden kann.
Die Isotopen-Verhältnisse bei den vier Toten von Campeche unterscheiden sich deutlich von allem, was von Ureinwohnern Mittelamerikas bekannt ist, schreiben Burton und Price in einem Artikel, der demnächst im Fachblatt "American Journal of Physical Anthropology" erscheinen soll. Die Isotopen deuteten auf Westafrika hin, das auf einer massiven Schicht uralten Felsgesteins ruhe und geologisch wesentlich älter sei als Mexiko und Mittelamerika.
Zusammen mit den Verstümmelungen der Zähne sei dies ein deutlicher Hinweis, dass "diese Menschen in Afrika geboren und in die Neue Welt gebracht wurden", erklärt Price. "Beeindruckend finde ich vor allem, dass dies schon so früh geschehen ist."
Sklaverei schnell zentraler Wirtschaftsfaktor

Vatikan: Papst für Politik-Verzicht der Kirche

01.Feb.2006 Hamas-Unterstützung: Bush nennt seine Bedingungen

01.Feb.2006 Presseschau: "Peng! So macht man Politik!"
Neuer Job: Greenspan berät jetzt britische Regierung

01.Feb.2006 Konferenz: Afghanistan erhält Milliardenhilfe

01.Feb.2006 Israel: Scharon erhält Magensonde
Iranische Hetze: Bush zu Verteidigung Israels bereit
Mohammed-Bilder: Regierung ruft Dänen zur Ruhe auf

01.Feb.2006 Karikatur-Streit: Missverständnis im Namen des Propheten
Beste Arbeitgeber: "Gier ist die Grundlage für Misserfolg"
Mohammed-Karikaturen: Meinungsfreiheit in Zeiten des Internets

01.Feb.2006 Gestärkter Chef: Deutsche Bank verlängert Ackermanns Vertrag
Interview mit Dan Diner: "Hamas wird nicht so radikal handeln, wie sie sich gibt"

01.Feb.2006 Fahrzeugbestand: Zahl der Pkw erreicht neuen Rekordwert
Deutsche Bank unter Beschuss: Wer hat Zhang verpfiffen?
Arabische Presseschau: "Wasser auf die Mühlen des Extremismus"

01.Feb.2006 Geschmack: Forscher suchen den Bitter-Blocker
Irans Atomprogramm: Ahmadinedschad setzt auf Härte
Angebliche Hilfe bei Abhöraktion: Bürgerrechtler verklagen Telefongesellschaft
Palästinenser: Hamas will Waffenruhe verlängern
Archäologie: Forscher finden früheste Sklaven der Neuen Welt
Bagdad: Saddam boykottiert Prozess
Großer Betrag: Gates' Steuererklärung sprengt Rechner des Fiskus

01.Feb.2006 Berliner Glaubenskrieg: Senat beschließt Pflichtfach Ethik
Münchner Flughafen: 200 Flüge wegen starken Nebels annulliert
Vorzeitiger Ruhestand: Wirtschaftsforscher fordert höhere Abschläge
Presseschau: "Kniefall vor dem religiösen Despotismus"
Millionenentschädigung: US-Diözese einigt sich mit Missbrauchsopfern
Mohammed-Karikaturen: Dänische Muslime lehnen Entschuldigung ab

01.Feb.2006 Frau schwanger: Auch Affenmännchen werden rund
Analyse: Bushs Gerede von Aufrichtigkeit
John D. Rockefeller
John Davison Rockefeller war das älteste von 6 Kindern von William Avery Rockefeller, einem Hausierer + Anbieter von Naturheilverfahren + Eliza Davison ...

John D. Rockefeller – Wikipedia John Davison Rockefeller (* 08.Jul.1839 Richford, New York; † 23.May 1937 in Ormond Beach, Florida) war ein US-amerikanischer Unternehmer. ...

Rockefeller Center – Wikipedia Der Gebäudekomplex wurde in den 1930iger Jahren vom US-Milliardär John Davison Rockefeller erbaut und ist eine der bedeutendsten Touristenattraktionen in ...
John Davison Rockefeller John Davison Rockefeller . 1839 - 1937. Ich arbeite nach dem Prinzip, dass man niemals etwas selbst tun soll, was ein anderer für einen erledigen kann. ...

John Davison Rockefeller Über das Leben von: John Davison Rockefeller . ... Die Rockefeller – Foundation hat ihren Sitz in New York City. John Davison Rockefeller ...

00.000.1839 - 00.000.1937 ROCKEFELLER I, John Davison war John Davison Rockefeller, der. im Jahre 1839. in dem Dörfchen Richford,. im Staate New York,. geboren wurde. Gottes Gnade hat ihm volle ...

Die Zeit - Wirtschaft : "Geldverdienen ist eine Gottesgabe" Sein Name ist John Davison Rockefeller . Seine Welt ist der wilde amerikanische Osten, Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Millionen Einwanderer aus aller Welt ...

Kiwanisnet: Männer des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts Der Amerikaner John Pierpont Morgan war in vielerlei Hinsicht bedeutender als etwa John Davison Rockefeller. Er rettete nicht nur mehrere Male das...

Rockefeller unten John Davison Rockefeller wurde am 8. Juli 1829 in Richford, New York, als Sohn eines Quacksalbers geboren. 1859 gründete John D. Rockefeller Clark ...

USA - New York City Rockefeller Center - Merry x-mas John Davison Rockefeller Jr. (1839–1937) entschied daher, alternativ einen Komplex für Büros, Radio- und Fernsehsender zu errichten. ...

Read "The Baptizing of America: The Religious Right's Plans for the Rest of Us," by James Rudin. Alito is the Keystone in the Plan to Baptize America.
BuzzFlash's Response to the Bushevik State of the Disunion: We Proudly Present Our Newest Website, "The Last Chance Democracy Cafe"! Take a Look Around and Read This Important Serial Novel in the Spirit of Charles Dickens. By Steven C. Day.
Want to Change the State of the Union Back? Contribute to
Another BIG Bush Whitewash in the Making: The Removal of the Abramoff Prosecutor. Get Someone in There Who Will Isolate the Case and Keep the White House Out of It. We Have a Presidency that Has Abandoned the Rule of Law and is Held Accountable by No One. The Toledo Blade Editorializes: "It is nice for Mr. Hillman to get a promotion, but it is probably also incumbent on the Senate to question him closely in hearings + perhaps refuse to approve his nomination if they wish to avoid the charge of aiding Mr. Bush's effort to torpedo the case." Look at the Confirmation of Sam Alito, the Republican Crooks and Democratic Enablers. Don't Count On It Toledo Blade, But We Love Your Newspaper. It is One of the Few That Isn't a Conduit for Bushevik Propaganda. 1/2
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Cindy Sheehan Writes for BuzzFlash About Her Arrest in the Capitol While She was a Guest of a Congresswoman to Hear the State of the Union: What Did My Son Die for If I Can't Exercise My First Amendment Rights in Our Nation's Capitol?
While real worries go unheeded, the Bush administration plays on our anxieties 2/1
We're Not Sure if This is a Compliment, But BuzzFlash Makes USA Today on the Muzzling of Cindy Sheehan's First Amendment Rights 2/2
Bush Saying the U.S. is Addicted to Oil is Like a Heroin Pusher Saying Junkies are Addicted to Smack. He and Cheney are BIG OIL. And Their Buds at ExxonMobil Just Posted the Highest Quarterly Profit in Corporate History. Bush has done everything he could to curtail options to gasoline and oil use so his oil contributors could reap windfall profits. So, Rove says, let's have you say in your SOTU that we need to reduce our oil dependency to take the pressure off of people asking about the ExxonMobil legal larceny. 2/1

01.Feb.2006 was surprised to learn, upon re-entering the Land of the Free, that Cindy Sheehan was arrested -- in a building topped by a statue named Freedom -- for the "crime" of wearing a shirt someone considered inappropriate. I can't wait to see a citation of the exact statute she supposedly broke.
Ah well. If they ruin this country, there are others. No se puede vivir sin amar, mes amigos...
11.Jun.2003,1518,252331,00.html Erst vergangene Woche ließ der Regierungschef seinen Minister für parlamentarische Angelegenheiten, John Reid, einen forschen Angriff auf die Kritiker der Regierung reiten. Reid warf "schurkischen Elementen" ("rogue elements") aus den Geheimdiensten vor, mit gezielt lancierter, auf Falschinformationen beruhender Kritik gegen Downing Street zu arbeiten. Die so gescholtenen schlugen mit britischem Sarkasmus zurück. "Was die Massenvernichtungswaffen betrifft, könnte tatsächlich ein 'rauchender Colt' existieren - allerdings keiner, den die Regierung sich wünscht", zitiert die Tageszeitung "The Independent" einen hochrangigen Geheimdienstler. Die Schlapphüte hätten die Anweisungen der Regierung vor dem Irak-Krieg derart befremdlich gefunden, dass sie umfangreiche Protokolle angefertigt hätten. "Die aufgezeichneten Details werden genau zeigen, was da vor sich ging", sagte der Geheimdienstler der Zeitung. "Wegen der Regelmäßigkeit und der manchmal ungewöhnlichen Art der Forderungen haben die Leute die Vorgänge archiviert, nicht zuletzt, um sich selbst zu schützen." Ein Teil der Aufzeichnungen bezieht sich dem Bericht zufolge auf Gespräche mit Beteiligung des Joint Intelligence Committee (JID). Das Gremium besteht aus Blairs Chefsprecher Alistair Campbell, seinem Stabschef Jonathan Powell und David Omand, dem Sicherheits- und Geheimdienstkoordinator der Regierung. "Operation Rockingham" sollte Bagdad diskreditieren Von einer völlig neuen Dimension der Geheimdienst-Mauschelei berichtet der "Sunday Herald". Dem Blatt zufolge wurde bereits 1991 eine "Operation Rockingham" vom britischen Verteidigungsministerium ins Leben gerufen. Die primäre Aufgabe des Teams aus Geheimdienstlern sei es gewesen, die irakische Regierung belastendes Spionage-Material zu sammeln und gegenteilige Erkenntnisse zu unterdrücken, um einen Krieg zu rechtfertigen.
PUBLICO.PT Telefone fixo em Portugal custa mais do dobro da média da União Europeia. Por Lusa ... Portugal -Eslováquia transmitido pela RTP em sistema multicâmaras ...

Analyse: Bushs Gerede von Aufrichtigkeit

01.Feb.2006 Trotz Hamas-Wahlsieg: Wolfowitz für weitere Hilfszahlungen an Palästinenser
Irans Atomprogramm: Ahmadinedschad setzt auf Härte

01.Feb.2006 Prozess: Saddam-Verteidiger kündigen erneut Boykott an
Rede zur Nation: Bush will Abhängigkeit vom Öl aus Nahost verringern
Interview mit Leon de Winter: "Holland hat keine Angst vor dem Islam"

01.Feb.2006 Großbritannien: Blair scheitert mit Gesetz gegen Hassprediger
.Feb.2006 Teil I, Kapitel III: Der Normenstaat
01.Feb.2006 - man muß ein Gefühl für die Nuancen der deutschen Sprache haben, um die Ungeheuerlichkeit dieser Entscheidung zu ermessen.

Wenn das höchste deutsche Gericht ohne zu zögern über 600 000 Menschen zum »bürgerlichen Tod« verdammt und sich dann mit ein paar Phrasen aus der Kanzlistensprache rechtfertigt, erübrigt sich jeglicher Kommentar.

00.000.1920 forderten die Nationalsozialisten in ihrem Parteiprogramm, daß die Juden unter Fremdenrecht gestellt werden sollten.

00.000.1938 -Seit- stehen die Juden nicht mehr unter Fremdenrecht, sie stehen außerhalb jeden Rechts, hors la loi.

Die Rechtsstellung der Juden in Deutschland ist nicht auf das Parteiprogramm zurückzuführen, sie Ist nur aus dem Wesen des Maßnahmenstaates heraus zu begreifen-

Nicht das Parteiprogramm, sondern der Belagerungszustand ist dieVerfassung des Dritten Reiches .
01.Feb.2006 Der wichtigste Versuch der privaten Wirtschaft, sich dem Zugriff der Polizeibehörden zu entziehen, ist das Ständewesen.
01.Feb.2006 Der ewige Belagerungszustand hat die Beeinträchtigung der Rechtsstellung ganzer Bevölkerungsgruppen ermöglicht und eine Minderheit der elementarsten Rechte beraubt.

Diese »unbedenkliche« Anwendung des ewigen Belagerungszustandes dürfte in Zukunft aber auch verhängnisvolle Wirkungen auf die Mehrheit haben.

Dieses Recht ohne jegliche Ethik wird schließlich alle an den Rand des menschlichen Abgrunds bringen.

Goethes Worte aus »Der Gott und die Bajadere«;

»Soll er strafen, oder schonen,

Muß er Menschen menschlich sehen.«

finden im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland keinen Widerhall

5. Die Stände als Organe des Normenstaates

a. Die wirtschaftliche Selbstverwaltung

In Angelegenheiten, die Juden betreffen, haben die Gerichte dem Druck des Maßnahmenstaates nachgegeben.

Da die Wirtschartskreise befürchten, die Gerichte könnten auch auf anderen Gebieten unter politischen Druck gesetzt werden, unterstützten sie alle Bestrebungen,

die Regelung der internen wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen dem Zugriff der politischen Instanzen zu entziehen und - soweit wie möglich - eine autonome Verwaltung aufzubauen.

Dies tritt besonders klar im Kartellrecht zutage.
01.Feb.2006 Nicht das Parteiprogramm, sondern der Belagerungszustand ist dieVerfassung des Dritten Reiches .
Rede zur Lage der Nation: Bush bekräftigt US-Anspruch für "Beendigung der Tyrannei"
20050321 ...adequadas para fazer cessar, de imediato, a incomodidade do ruído produzido ... Redacção introduzida pelo Decreto- Lei n.?dm;
Johnson's Russia List #5330 -

01.Jul.2001 CDI Library > Johnson's Russia List ... July 1, 2001 This Date's Issues: 5330. Johnson's Russia List #5330 1 July 2001
US Senator John D. Rockefeller IV from West Virginia - Official site, including news about him, Senate activities, issues, constituent services, press releases and statements, biography, committees, ... rockefeller

00.000.1839 - 00.000.1937 ROCKEFELLER I, John Davison galt John Rockefeller in Cleveland höchstens als recht erfolgreicher ... In Titusville knüpfte man feierlich eine Strohpuppe als John Rockefeller auf ...

Biografie: John Davidson Rockefeller (Teil 1) John Davidson Rockefeller wurde am 8.7.1839 in Richford/NY geboren und war der älteste von 6 Kindern von William Avery Rockefeller, einem Hausierer und ...ärs/bio-rockefeller.html

John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil. The nightmare begins... John D Rockefeller began as a humble oil business book-keeper in Cleveland ... Old film of John Rockefeller shows him moving in a curiously stiff and wooden ...

John D. Rockefeller - Wikipedia John D. Rockefeller etwa 1875. John Davison Rockefeller (* 8. ... Damit war John D. Rockefeller einer der reichsten Männer, die jemals gelebt haben. ...

John Rockefeller Prentice - Wikipedia NAME, Prentice, John Rockefeller . ALTERNATIVNAMEN. KURZBESCHREIBUNG, wurde in dem Bundesstaat Illinois geboren. GEBURTSDATUM, 17. Dezember 1902 ... -

01.Feb.2006 John D. Rockefeller John D. Rockefeller als Beispiel eines Markt-Unternehmers.

John D Rockefeller This biographical article by Ida Tarbell appeared in McClure's Magazine, July 1905.

"He reported that he saw three individuals on foot inside the (secure area) and when he approached in his vehicle they ran into the woods," he said.

Lindamood said the guard was between 70 and 165 feet away at the time and the area was brightly lit. The guard won't face any disciplinary measures.

"In fact, he was commended for the promptness of his report, for the detail contained in his report + for his diligence in following up until his backup arrived," Lindamood said.
Excerpts From Bush State of Union Address

U.S. Civil Rights Leaders

Democrats on Bush: 'There Is a Better Way'
01.Feb.2006,,-5571222,00.htmlBush to Say 'America Is Addicted to Oil' in Talk
``We do know that the weapons are safely stored and accounted for,'' Avery said.

She said arsenal operations continued as usual Wednesday except for the enhanced security. She would not describe the additional measures taken, but guards checked every vehicle leaving the area.

The arsenal is located a half-hour south of Little Rock. In March, crews began destroying its chemical weapons stockpile in compliance with international treaties that call for disposal by 2012.

Kathy Hedrick, spokeswoman for the state Department of Emergency Management, said her office had been notified of the intrusion but was given no indication how serious the incident might be.

The investigation was handled by the Defense Department's security staff at the arsenal.
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The name Area 51 has become well known within UFO folklore.
This is what wikipedia says:
Area 51 is a remote tract of land in southern Nevada, owned by the government of the United States, containing an air field apparently used for the secret development and testing of new military aircraft. It has been known as Watertown, Dreamland, Paradise Ranch, The Farm, The Box, Groom Lake, The Unnamed Facility at Groom Lake, Nevada Proving Ground and The Directorate for Development Plans Area. It is famed as the subject of many UFO conspiracy theories.
More satellite images and a video (3D Flight over Area 51)
for Bush.html 2003 220403antiwarblogg.html 19. https://authentico

Santa Rita Cantina - Dinner menu
Authentico - A perfect blend of dry-roasted chiles, onions and spices Flautas Dinner 9.25 2 corn tortillas stuffed with your choice of ground beef, shredded chicken or cheese ...
31.Jan.2006 Bernays, Edward L. impact -public relations in America-.html
...into a nation of slaves? How has television given

31.Jan.2006 Educating for Citizenship [M]ore than half of young Americans lack knowledge, attitudes + skills that leading civic ... alienation + even cynicism concerning the
1. The Fathers of the Constitution
To them the Americans seemed to lack a proper knowledge of the amenities of life. ... individual States by whom the necessary action must be taken .
Public Agenda Research Reports

What they found was this: Americans, for all their gaps in knowledge ... Reality Check '98: Surveys of 5 groups ... businesses + nonprofits...
Knowledge of and Support for Democratic Institutions and Processes
A), which are taken from previous national surveys . ... knowledge. They are taken ... exchange of dialogue concerning conflict ... on such...
The Value of Civilian Handgun Possession as a Deterrent to Crime or Americans, including a majority of gun owners, are neither pro-gun nor anti-gun but rather &quot;pro-control.&quot;[9] On the one hand, most Americans ...
The Army's chemical-weapons arsenal in Arkansas was invaded by "three individuals on foot," but an intense manhunt found nothing on the base -- no people, no footprints, nothing.
"Whatever breached security at Pine Bluff Arsenal late Tuesday night wasn’t human," the
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported Friday.
Immediately after the intruders appeared, officials at the weapons base were certain three "people" had
somehow breached security.
But Lindamood said no such thing.
This is his statement:

The World War II-era arsenal stores tons of deadly chemical weapons made by the United States. It also houses the only known factory where the Pentagon manufactures its controversial white-phosphorus weapons.

While the Arkansas media seems anxious to dismiss the intruders as "wildlife," other theories have emerged.
31.Jan.2006 Cryptozoology + magic 
Very interesting. From Cryptomundo.
31.Jan.2006 U.S. chemical weapons base intruders 'not human' 
Sploid's got it.
31.Jan.2006 Giving deja vu a second look 
Many of us have experienced deja vu - the unsettling sensation of knowing that a situation could not have been experienced, combined with the feeling that it has. It is usually so fleeting that psychologists have until recently thought it impossible to study. But for some people, the feeling of having been there before is a persistent sensation, making every day a 'Groundhog Day'.
31.Jan.2006 Vampyre candidate for governor arrested 
A fringe candidate for governor who played up his satanic side - and pledged public impalement for terrorists - wound up behind bars today thanks to a sharp-eyed sheriff's dispatcher.
31.Jan.2006 Something strangely beautiful .. 
Gordon is one of a dying breed of gentlemen-collectors - people who hunt down and collect the unusual, the different, and, if we're being honest about it - the downright weird. 31.Jan.2006 Paranormal Hot Spots  THERE ARE MANY places around the US that seem to be focal points of high strangeness - vortexes of bizarre sightings, unexplained encounters and eerie events.
31.Jan.2006 The Mysterious Smell of Moondust 
Moondust. "I wish I could send you some," says Apollo 17 astronaut Gene Cernan. Just a thimbleful scooped fresh off the lunar surface. "It's amazing stuff."
31.Jan.2006 Old safe containing jewelry unearthed 
Workers excavating recently near Kennebec Savings Bank on Main Street discovered a safe containing all sorts of jewelry from the 1800s, including gold and gold-plated necklaces, bracelets, pins + hair clips -- even a gold pocket watch.
Scheich Osama al-Jedaan, der Führer des al-Karabila-Stammes in Qa'im an der Grenze zu Syrien, sagt, dass die Stammesversammlung in der Provinz Anbar beschlossen hatte, eine Militäraktion gegen die Terroristen zu starten. Speziell will ihre "eigene Regierung", damit meint er die der Sunniten in Ramadi, Ausländer, Eindringlinge und "Störenfriede" aus anderen Staaten der Region bekämpfen. Sechs bewaffnete Gruppen die dem "Irakischen Widerstand" unterstehen, hätten Sarkawis Terrororganisation den Krieg erklärt, schreibt "al-Hayat".
"Das Ermorden von Sunniten wird nicht länger hingenommen"
Ein sunnitischer Religionsführer sagte "Al-Hayat", dass die Gruppen, die die sunnitischen Provinzen zerstörten, Terroristen und Takfiris seien. Takfiri ist die Bezeichnung für die islamischen Fundamentalisten, die andere Muslime zu Ungläubigen erklären.
"Das alles hat nichts damit zu tun, dass der irakische Widerstand die amerikanischen Besatzer aus dem Land jagen möchte. Aber das Ermorden von Sunniten und Polizeirekruten wird nicht länger hingenommen", sagt der Scheich. Außerdem akzeptiere die Stammesversammlung nicht, dass Iraker von den Terroristen getötet werden, nur weil sie Schiiten sind. Al-Sarkawi hatte in seinen Botschaften immer betont, dass er die Schiiten bekämpfen will und ein Bürgerkrieg im Irak sein Ziel sei.
Ein Scheich des sunnitischen al-Dulaimi-Stammes in Ramadi erklärte, dass viele Bewohner der Stadt lange Zeit die arabischen Kämpfer aus dem Ausland logistisch unterstützt hätten und sie beherbergten, ohne ihre wirklichen Ziele zu verstehen, dass diese nämlich nicht nur gegen die verhassten Amerikaner kämpfen, sondern auch einen Religionskrieg zwischen den Sunniten und den Schiiten im Irak provozieren wollen. Das wird in der Widerstandshochburg Ramadi offensichtlich nicht mehr akzeptiert. Wenn diese Äußerungen ernst gemeint sind, wäre das wirklich eine Wende im Irak - und der aufkommende Bürgerkrieg ließe vielleicht doch noch stoppen.
Unterstützung bekommen die Clan-Chefs aus der Stadt Samara, die ebenfalls im sunnitischen Dreieck liegt. Der führende al-Bubaz-Stamm sagt, die Stadt sei viel ruhiger geworden, seit sie die ausländischen Terroristen hinausgeworfen hätten. Dies hätten die führenden sieben Stämme der Region vor einigen Wochen beschlossen. Sie würden Ramadi jede Unterstützung geben, sich von den Ausländern zu befreien. Tatsache aber ist, dass die Zahl der Angriffe gegen die US-Streitkräfte in Samara und Tikrit nicht abgenommen hat. Die Zahl der Opfer unter den Irakern soll dagegen zurückgegangen sein.
Im dem Zusammenhang sagte Issam al-Rawi, Mitglied der sunnitischen Vereinigung der muslimischen Gelehrten, dass man jetzt an zwei Fronten kämpfe: Die eine sei die Vertreibung der ausländischen Besatzer ihres Landes und deren Unterstützer in Bagdad, die andere die Bekämpfung der "terroristischen Banden", die irakisches Blut vergießen.
Ein Führer der bekannten Widerstandsgruppe "Brigade der Revolution von 1920" argumentiert ähnlich: Die größte Fraktion des patriotischen Widerstandes im Irak sei gegen die Methoden des Qaida-Statthalters: "In der letzen Zeit hat sich das Verhältnis des patriotischen Widerstandes zu den Terroristen Sarkawis zusehends verschlechtert. Aber als er die sunnitischen Polizeirekruten tötete, hat er den Bogen überspannt. Wir hatten zuvor vereinbart, gerade dies nicht zu tun, weil wir eigene Polizisten in Ramadi haben wollten", so der Widerstandsführer.
Sollte es im irakischen Widerstand tatsächlich einen Sinneswandel gegeben haben, kann man davon ausgehen, dass die beiden deutschen Geiseln nicht in den Händen Sarkawis sind, sondern von sunnitischen radikalen Islamisten festgehalten werden. Die Stadt Beidschi, in der die beiden verschleppt wurden, liegt im Einflussgebiet der Stämme, die sich von dem Top-Terroristen abgewandt haben. Im Gegensatz zu Sarkawi gibt es bei denen immerhin eine Chance zu verhandeln.
Diese Aussagen überraschen insofern, als die Zeitung "al-Hayat" von Saudi-Arabien finanziert wird. Und al-Sarkawi bekommt seine größte finanzielle Unterstützung aus diesem Land.
Wenn die Stammesversammlung in der Provinz Anbar den Sarkawi-Beschluss umsetzt, ist dies auch eine Fortsetzung der Vereinbarung, die sie offensichtlich mit Premierminister Ibrahim Dschaafari, dem US-Botschafter Zalmay Khalilzad und General George Casey vereinbart hatten. Zug um Zug werden sich demnach die US-Streitkräfte und die regulären irakischen Truppen aus der Provinz zurückziehen. Die Staatsgewalt soll an Soldaten und Polizisten übertragen werden, die ausschließlich aus der Gegend kommen. Das Kommando soll auch überwiegend in der Region bleiben, die Provinz eine gewisse Autonomie erhalten.
Ein Staat im Staat
Damit entsteht zwar de facto ein Staat im Staat, aber Experten sehen darin die erste Stufe der amerikanischen Exit-Strategie, der Reduzierung der Truppen im Irak. Und die Messlatte wird das sunnitische Dreieck sein. Vor wenigen Tagen wurden von den USA die Sicherheitsaufgaben in der Provinz Ninive mit der Stadt Mossul, die auch einer der sunnitischen Widerstandsbrennpunkte ist, an die Iraker übergeben. Die Amerikaner wollen ihre Präsenz langfristig auf ein paar gut ausgebaute Militärbasen in der Nähe der größten Städte reduzieren.
Ein weiterer Grund für die vorsichtige Annäherung der USA an die Sunniten im Irak ist auch der anschwellende Konflikt mit dem Nachbarn Iran. Sollte der Mullah-Staat angegriffen werden, haben dessen schiitische Herrscher unmissverständlich durchblicken lassen, dann werde es zum Aufstand der rund zwölf Millionen Schiiten im Süd-Irak kommen.
Wie die Übergabe der Sicherheitshoheit von den Amerikanern an die irakische Armee vonstatten geht, zeigt das Beispiel Tikrit: Die US-Streitkräfte hatten Saddam Husseins großen Palast in seiner Heimatstadt nach dem Krieg zur Kommandozentrale umgebaut. Nachdem der moderne, große Stützpunkt vor wenigen Wochen feierlich in Anwesenheit des US-Botschafters an die Iraker übergeben wurde, plünderten die neuen Hausherren erst einmal drei Tage lang die gesamte Anlage und nahmen alles mit, was nicht niet- und nagelfest war. Die modernen Generatoren, Klimaanlagen und Küchen stehen jetzt in den Privathäusern bei den Offizieren der neuen irakischen Armee.
Der Bürochef des Abgeordneten Marty Meehan beispielsweise, Matt Vogel, gab gegenüber der Zeitung offen zu, er habe einen Praktikanten dafür abgestellt, die Wikipedia-Biografie seines Vorgesetzten zu bearbeiten. "Es erscheint mir sinnvoll, dass die Biographie, die wir einreichen, auch die ist, die wir schreiben", sagte Vogel dem Blatt. Nur, dass in dieser offiziellen Version für Meehan Unangenehmes schlicht weggelassen wurde.
Zum Beispiel, dass der Abgeordnete einst verkündet hatte, Politiker sollten nicht an ihren Stühlen kleben + er selbst werde deshalb nach acht Jahren im Amt aus dem Kongress ausscheiden. Das war 1992, Meehan sitzt noch heute im Repräsentantenhaus. Der Wortbruch sollte aber nicht in seiner Wikipedia-Biografie erscheinen. Ein anderes wegredigiertes Faktum betraf Meehans immenses Wahlkampfbudget. Die Wikipedia-Nutzer sollten offenbar lieber nicht lesen, dass er 4,8 Millionen Dollar für seine Kampagne zur Verfügung hatte - das laut "Lowell Sun" größte Budget aller Kongressabgeordneten.
Den Einträgen "mehr Tiefe" geben
Vogel sagt, man habe dem Eintrag "mehr Tiefe" verleihen wollen, bei der Wikipedia dagegen spricht man von "Vandalismus". Zu den Grundregeln der Enzyklopädie gehört es, dass man korrekte Fakten nicht entfernt. Die Zensoren aus dem Kongressgebäude hätten schließlich "ihre Sicht der Dinge hinzufügen" können, kommentierte Wikipedia-Gründer Jimmy Wales.
Von der gleichen IP-Adresse aus, von der Meehans Eintrag verändert wurde, kamen auch Hunderte andere Korrekturen, manche gerechtfertigt, manche tendenziös, manche schlicht beleidigend. Die Wikipedianer haben inzwischen weitere IP-Adressen des US-Senats ausgemacht, von denen aus ebenfalls fleißig editiert wurde.
Nicht nur an den Biographien von Politikern wurde von den Kongressrechnern aus herumgeschraubt, auch Historisches wollten die Senatsschreiber gern anders darstellen. Beispielsweise wurde der Eintrag zum Einmarsch im Irak 2003 manipuliert. Hinterher stand da, Präsident George W. Bush habe zwischen den Attentaten des 11. September 2001 und dem Irak "nie eine Verbindung suggeriert" + es sei stattdessen "als zwingend angesehen" worden, "dass eine solche Verbindung bestanden habe".
Die wütenden Wikipedianer wehren sich
Inzwischen wehrt sich die zornentbrannte Wikipedia-Gemeinde heftig. Beanstandete Beiträge wurden rückeditiert. Die IP-Adresse, von der die meisten Änderungen kamen, wurde kurzzeitig blockiert, dann wieder freigeschaltet, weil sie nicht nur von einem sondern von vielen Kongressrechnern benutzt wird + man harmlose Beitragende nicht diskriminieren will, nur weil sie zufällig beim Kongress angestellt sind. Eigens eingerichtete Seiten fassen die Ereignisse und Diskussionen zusammen, unterteilen die Einmischungen von Kongress-Adressen in "Vandalismus", "Böse Absichten" und "legitim".
Der Wikipedia-Selbstreinigungsmechanismus ist nach wie vor intakt und läuft nun auf Hochtouren - und gleichzeitig zeigt der Fall einmal mehr, wie verletzlich das für alle offene System ist. Es scheint nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis sich nicht nur übereifrige Kongressangestellte sondern professionelle Informationsmanipulierer an der Online-Enzyklopädie zu schaffen machen.
Ein Wikipedia-Nutzer schrieb auf der entsprechenden Diskussionsseite: "Wenn wir das nicht bestrafen, wird das weitere in der Öffentlichkeit stehende Personen dazu anstacheln, PR-Firmen zu engagieren, die in der Wikipedia ihre Standpunkte durchdrücken sollen." Ein anderer fügte hinzu: "Ich hoffe, dass es nicht zu einem Prozess 'Wikimedia Foundation gegen die Vereinigten Staaten' kommt."

US-Kongressangestellte manipulierten Wikipedia -Von Christian Stöcker

In Hunderten von Fällen sind von Rechnern des US-Kongresses aus Einträge der Internet-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia verändert worden. Fleißige Helfer verschönerten die Biographien ihrer Abgeordneten, der politische Gegner wurde diffamiert und beleidigt - und die Geschichte umgeschrieben.

"2005 wurde Senator C. von seinen Kollegen im Kongress zum lästigsten aller Senatoren gewählt. Dies geschah, weil Senator C. ein riesiges Weichei ist." Dies ist eine von über 1000 Änderungen, die in der englischsprachigen Ausgabe der Internet-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia vorgenommen wurden - von Kongress-Rechnern aus. Viele der Änderungen betrafen die Einträge über Abgeordnete. Wie die US-Tageszeitung "Lowell Sun" berichtete, wurden dabei teilweise vollständige Biographien ausgetauscht - oder aber kindische und bösartige Kommentare in die Einträge über den politischen Gegner eingefügt.
31.Jan.2006 I knew it would end this way, but the bitter taste remains inescapable.

The question now is:

Do we take out our fury by refusing any further support for the Democrats who betrayed us?

Or do we hold to the proposition that changing the make-up of both houses of Congress trumps all other considerations?
And what about Joke Lieberman? No surprise there. He's being challenged by a guy named Ned Lamont, who -- word has it -- is the real deal. If you're in CT, do what you can to retire Joke during the primaries.
Permalink # posted by Joseph : 3:55 PM

Quartalsbericht: Google-Gewinn geringer als erwartet

31.Jan.2006 Beisetzung am 7. Februar: Ehrengrab für Johannes Rau in Berlin

31.Jan.2006 IAEA-Bericht: Iran besitzt Bauplan für Atomsprengköpfe
USA: Entlassene Postangestellte erschießt sechs Kollegen

31.Jan.2006 Wiederaufbau: Geberländer vereinbaren "Afghanistan-Pakt"
US-Notenbank: Greenspan erhöht zum Abschied die Zinsen (Wirtschaft)
31.Jan.2006 n
ervöse Börse: Google-Gerücht lässt Napster-Kurs explodieren

31.Jan.2006 Enron-Prozess: "Lügen über Lügen"

31.Jan.2006 Streit um Mohammed-Karikaturen: Einen bedrohen, eine Million einschüchtern

31.Jan.2006 Oscar 2006: Die Nominierungen im Überblick

31.Jan.2006 Finanzplatz London: Deutsche Bank will Mitarbeiter-Mails überwachen
Zentrum gegen Vertreibungen: Wanderausstellung soll Kritiker überzeugen

31.Jan.2006 Große Koalition: Versöhnung im Familienkrach

31.Jan.2006 Mehr Markt: Uno will die Welt um Billionen reicher machen

31.Jan.2006 Fünf Millionen Arbeitslose: Kalt erwischt

31.Jan.2006 US-Börse: Google-Gerücht lässt Napster-Kurs explodieren

31.Jan.2006 Französische Hersteller: PSA entwickelt eigene Hybridtechnologie
Ende einer unheiligen Allianz: Sunniten brechen mit Terrorboss Sarkawi

31.Jan.2006 USA: Bushs Kandidat ins Oberste Gericht gewählt
Bushs Rede zur Lage der Nation: Mit Durchhalteparolen aus dem Umfragetief
Kompromiss: Koalition einigt sich auf Familienförderung

31.Jan.2006 Top-Forscher im Rentenalter: Nobelpreisträger Hänsch bleibt in München
Karmann: Meister der Nische
USA: Witwe von Martin Luther King ist tot

31.Jan.2006 Politisches Lexikon: US-Kongressangestellte manipulierten Wikipedia

31.Jan.2006 Filmpreise: "Sophie Scholl" für Oscar nominiert

31.Jan.2006 Wundersuche: Nonne könnte Papst selig machen
Afghanistan: Ex-Minister hält Milliarden-Hilfe für nutzlos
Insel Réunion: Soldaten kämpfen gegen Virus-Epidemie
NS-Vergangenheit: Zentralrat der Juden kritisiert Dresdner Bank

31.Jan.2006 Straßengebühr: Tiefensee stoppt Debatte über Pkw-Maut

31.Jan.2006 Skandinavien: Mohammed-Karikaturen sorgen weiter für Wirbel

31.Jan.2006 Uno vs. Iran: Öl-Boykott trifft beide Seiten
Chronik: Der Konflikt um Irans Atomprogramm

31.Jan.2006 Atomstreit: Iran droht mit Ende der Diplomatie
Foto-Ikonen in München: Mit der Kamera über die Welt nachdenken

31.Jan.2006 Salzburg: Sieg über die Mozartkugel

31.Jan.2006 Entzweite Partner: Obi streitet mit Otto um Online-Shop

31.Jan.2006 Schutz für Zellen: Eigentliche Aufgabe der Prionen enträtselt
Verhaltensforschung: Die guten Seiten der Bosheit

31.Jan.2006 Synergie: Videospiele verkaufen Musik

31.Jan.2006 Netzwelt-Ticker: Ein Bestseller, Osama sei Dank!

31.Jan.2006 E-Commerce: Deutsche sind Europameister beim Web-Einkauf

31.Jan.2006 Kaukasus: Polizisten sollen an Anschlägen beteiligt sein
Kidnapping auf See: Piraten nehmen immer öfter Geiseln

31.Jan.2006 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Wohnungen zu klein, Dienstboten zu teuer"

31.Jan.2006 Studie: Durst macht Schmerzen schlimmer

31.Jan.2006 Scheidender Fed-Chef: Greenspans letzte Zinserhöhung

31.Jan.2006 Nahost-Quartett: Hamas lehnt Gewaltverzicht kategorisch ab

31.Jan.2006 Streit um Atomprogramm: Iran nennt Anrufung des Weltsicherheitsrates illegal
Prominente Bürohilfe: Blairs Sohn wird Praktikant im US-Kongress

31.Jan.2006Umweltministerium: Ältere AKW weisen Sicherheitsdefizite auf

31.Jan.2006 Deutschland: 2200 britische Soldaten werden abgezogen
Oberster US-Richter: Alitos Weg ist frei

31.Jan.2006 Karmann in Not: Kahlschlag beim Cabriobauer

31.Jan.2006 Teure Energie: Vattenfall erhöht Strompreise

31.Jan.2006 Straßengebühr: CDU plant Pkw-Maut

31.Jan.2006 Jobmarkt: Arbeitslosenzahl steigt auf über fünf Millionen

31.Jan.2006 Rente mit 67: Verhärtete Fronten zwischen SPD und DGB

31.Jan.2006 Geisteswissenschaftler: Ehrenrettung für den Denker
Alito - It's the Constitution That's At Stake
The vote this week about Samuel Alito is not a vote about Republicans versus Democrats. It's a vote about the future of democracy in the United States of America.
By Thom Hartmann
As our legislators vote, we must carefully note their positions on this issue. Their oath of office is not to the President or even to "protect the people," but to the Constitution. And it is the Constitution - and the future of our democratic republic - that is at stake here.

31.Jan.2006 Rank Ignorance Reigns : By Paul Craig Roberts
Just as there was no evidence that Iraq was developing nuclear weapons, there is no evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. There is nothing but unproven assertions, assertions, moreover, that are contradicted by the evidence that does exist. Americans, it would appear, are so anxious for wars that they welcome being fooled into them.

31.Jan.2006 Petrodollar Warfare
Interview With William R. Clark, Author "Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar"
The notion that Iraq was invaded to prevent the development of weapons of mass destruction, or to combat terrorism, has long been discredited. But a growing consensus believes that Iraq's oil was surely a prime reason for US actions. However, author William Clark argues convincingly in Petrodollar Warfare that the rationale for intervening was not just for control of the oil fields, but also for control of the means by which oil is traded in global markets.
Click here to listen . Real Audio

Primary care about to collapse, physicians warn : Primary care -- the basic medical care that people get when they visit their doctors for routine physicals and minor problems -- could fall apart in the United States without immediate reforms, the American College of Physicians said on Monday.
Nearly half of Iraqis support attacks on U.S. troops, poll finds: Seventy % of Iraqis favor setting a timetable for U.S. forces to withdraw, with half of those favoring a withdrawal within six months and the other half favoring a withdrawal over two years.

31.Jan.2006 Most Iraqis Doubt US Will Ever Leave : Large majorities of Iraqis believe that the United States has no intention of ever withdrawing all its military forces from their country and that Washington's reconstruction efforts have been incompetent at best, according to a new survey released here Tuesday.

31.Jan.2006 Fact or fiction? Number of Foreign Forces in Iraq Seen Falling Below 100,000 This Year : The chairman of a high-level group planning the transfer of security responsibilities from American to Iraqi troops said the number of American and other foreign soldiers here would fall to below 100,000 by year's end and that an overwhelming majority would be out in two years.

31.Jan.2006 Japan to leave Iraq in May: reports: Japan will withdraw its ground troops from southern Iraq by the end of May along with pullouts by the British and Australian forces from the area, Japanese media outlets have reported citing sources in the Japanese Government.

31.Jan.2006 Calls grow to 'impeach' Blair as 99th soldier dies in Iraq : Leaders of a cross-party group calling for Mr Blair to be impeached will meet tonight at Westminster to discuss their tactics.

31.Jan.2006 Revealed: Ambassador tried to kill US hunt for AWB bribes: THE Australian ambassador to the United States lobbied Congress to drop an investigation into allegations that Australia's wheat exporter paid kickbacks to Saddam Hussein's Iraqi regime.

31.Jan.2006 Why the U.S. Probably Won't Attack Iran : Moqtada Sadr's group, told me recently "If America attacks Iran, then all bets are off." With such a deterrent at hand, who needs a nuclear weapon?

31.Jan.2006 War pimp alert: Iran 'has bomb and trying to make more' : A well-known US nuclear proliferation and terrorism expert told Gulf News yesterday that Tehran not only has the nuclear bomb, it is seeking to "duplicate them in large numbers before revealing their existence to the world".

31.Jan.2006 Iran Papers Are for an Atomic Bomb : A document obtained by Iran on the nuclear black market serves no other purpose than to make an atomic bomb, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Tuesday.

31.Jan.2006 Is Iran Building Nukes? An Analysis : The testable part of the claim -- that the Bushehr reactor is a proliferation threat -- is demonstrably false

31.Jan.2006 William Pfaff : Nuclear Iran is not a threat : Why is all this pressure being mounted against Iran when both Washington and Jerusalem unofficially concede that there is nothing to be done to prevent Iran’s government from continuing along its present course of nuclear development?

31.Jan.2006 U.N. Security Council agrees on Iran nuclear review : The United States and other permanent members of the U.N. Security Council agreed Tuesday that Iran should be hauled before that powerful body over its disputed nuclear program.

31.Jan.2006 Iran strikes back at Big Five, saying they have no right to refer it to Security Council : “Reporting Iran's dossier to the U.N. Security Council will be unconstructive and the end of diplomacy,” said Iran's leading nuclear negotiator,

31.Jan.2006 Iran row hits Belgian spy chief : The head of Belgium's state security service has resigned amid allegations that his department failed to disclose nuclear technology transfers to Iran.

31.Jan.2006 Report: Big companies pulling out of Iran: Some major finance and energy companies are cutting commercial ties with Iran as US authorities step up enforcement of existing sanctions and international diplomatic pressure builds over Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

31.Jan.2006 U.S. Instigated Iran's Nuclear Program 30 Years Ago: White House staff members, who are trying to prevent Iran from developing its own nuclear energy capacity and who refuse to take military action against Iran "off the table," have conveniently forgotten that the United States was the midwife to the Iranian nuclear program 30 years ago.

31.Jan.2006 Netanyahu compares Hamas election win to rise of Hitler : The former foreign minister assailed the policy of Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, namely his decision to allow Hamas to participate in the elections

31.Jan.2006 Won't be 'blackmailed,' Hamas tells West: "We are looking for alternative sources and we will not allow ourselves to be blackmailed," Hamdan said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press

31.Jan.2006 We will not sell our people or principles for foreign aid : Palestinians voted for Hamas because of our refusal to give up their rights. But we are ready to make a just peace

31.Jan.2006 Choreographed Chaos : Norwegian nationals, heeding s strong request from their government, left the Gaza Strip under the protection of the Palestinian security forces on Monday, 30 January.

31.Jan.2006 Boycotts Against Denmark Spread : After Libya closed down its representative office in the Danish capital Copenhagen, Palestinians protesting the cartoons raided an EU office in Gaza and an Iraqi group demanded attacks be instigated against Danish targets.

31.Jan.2006 Russia Develops Defense-Proof Missiles: President Vladimir Putin boasted Tuesday that Russia has new missiles capable of penetrating any missile defense system and said he had briefed the French president on their capabilities.

31.Jan.2006 Former ADF head issues warning over US alliance: A former chief of the Australian Defence Force (ADF), retired Admiral Chris Barrie, has delivered a grim prediction on the state of Australia's defence alliance with the United States.

31.Jan.2006 Halliburton lops $9 million off disputed Iraq pact: Halliburton Co. subsidiary KBR has agreed to lop $9 million off sole-source contracts paid for by the U.S. government with Iraqi oil money after auditors questioned $208 million in possible overcharges, an international watchdog agency said on Monday.

31.Jan.2006 At Exxon Mobil, a Record Profit but No Fanfare: Exxon Mobil, aided by strong energy prices, disclosed Monday that it had set a record for profits among American companies, reporting $36 billion in annual income . But while most companies would be proud to trumpet record profits, Exxon Mobil did everything it could to play down the news

31.Jan.2006 Oil execs refuse to testify at Senate hearing: Officials from six major oil companies have refused to testify this week at a Senate hearing looking into whether oil industry mergers in recent years have made gasoline more expensive at the pump.

31.Jan.2006 Alito Is Sworn in for Supreme Court;

Samuel Anthony Alito Jr. was sworn in as the nation's 110th Supreme Court justice on Tuesday after being confirmed by the Senate in one of the most partisan victories in modern history.

31.Jan.2006  How The Voted For Samuel A. Alito Jr Democrats voting for Aalito were :

31.Jan.2006 The Democrats' Alito Debacle: The pathetic failure of Democrats in the Senate to stick together and block the appointment of Sam Alito to the Supreme Court -- a man committed to the idea of a president with unchecked, dictatatorial powers + who favors corporations and the state over the individual -- shows that it won't just do to have Democrats take over Congress in November.

31.Jan.2006 US military planning to fight the Internet: The document calls on DoD to enhance its capabilities in five key Information Operations (IO) areas: Electronic Warfare (EW), Psychological Operations (PSYOP), Operations Security (OPSEC), Military Deception and Computer Network Operations (CNO).

31.Jan.2006 FBI Agents Back Down When Librarian Refuses to Let Them Seize 30 Computers Without a Warrant: An e-mail threat that prompted the evacuation of more than a dozen Brandeis University buildings on January 18 led to an unusual standoff in a public library in Newton, Mass., a few miles from the Brandeis campus.

31.Jan.2006 NSA Expands, Centralizes Domestic Spying : NSA is aligning its growing domestic eavesdropping operations -- what the administration calls "terrorist warning" in its current PR campaign -- with military homeland defense organizations, as well as the CIA's new domestic operations .

31.Jan.2006 Senator Feingold Claims Gonzales Misled him on Wiretaps: Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis.) charged yesterday that Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales misled the Senate during his confirmation hearing a year ago when he appeared to try to avoid answering a question about whether the president could authorize warrantless wiretapping of U.S. citizens.

31.Jan.2006 President facing ‘gray and gloomy’ electorate: Poll: A small majority approves of the administration’s controversial use of domestic wiretaps without a court order to track calls between terrorist suspects and U.S. residents. But a majority also believes that these wiretaps could be misused.

31.Jan.2006 The Real Danger of Presidential Spying : Why isn’t the danger that the president could easily blackmail opponents part of our national discussion of the spy program? Perhaps it’s too frightening to contemplate.

31.Jan.2006 Gore Vidal Delivers State of the Union : As he comes with his State of the Union, which he is going to justify eavesdropping without judicial warrants on anybody in the United States that he wants to listen in on. This is what we call dictatorship. Dictatorship.

31.Jan.2006 Molly Ivins: Groundhog Day: As government officials keep more and more information from us, they are in turn increasingly less accountable for what they do, since we have no idea they're doing it. Those are small things with grave consequences.

31.Jan.2006 Charley Reese: Fargo or Bust : Another idea I've had for solving the corruption problem in Washington is to move the Senate, the House and the president and vice president to Fargo, N.D.
Most Iraqis Doubt US Will Ever Leave : Large majorities of Iraqis believe that the United States has no intention of ever withdrawing all its military forces from their country and that Washington's reconstruction efforts have been incompetent at best, according to a new survey released here Tuesday.
The Farcical Definition at the Heart of the War on Terrorism - By James Bovard
More people died as a result of the U.S.-backed invasion of East Timor than were killed by international terrorists in the subsequent 30 years. According to the U.S. State Department, between 1980 and 2005 fewer than 25,000 people were killed in international terrorist incidents around the globe.

"There is a huge transition going on in the Middle East, as a whole and in its parts," she said. "The outcomes that we're seeing in any number of places, I will be the first to say, have a sense of unpredictability about them. That's the nature of big historic change. It's simply the way it is."
"You've got to hedge against the risk that elections are going to lead to precisely this result," said Mr. Indyk, the former Middle East negotiator. "The hedge is to build civil society and democratic institutions first. But this administration doesn't listen to that."
"I've asked why nobody saw it coming," Ms. Rice said, speaking of her own staff. "It does say something about us not having a good enough pulse."
Immediately after the election, Bush administration officials said the results reflected a Palestinian desire for change and not necessarily an embrace of Hamas, which the United States, Israel and the European Union consider a terrorist organization sworn to Israel's destruction. But Ms. Rice's comments seemed to reflect a certain second-guessing over how the administration had failed to foresee, or factor into its thinking, the possibility of a Hamas victory.
Indeed, Hamas's victory has set off a debate whether the administration was so wedded to its belief in democracy that it could not see the dangers of holding elections in regions where Islamist groups were strong and democratic institutions weak.
"There is a lot of blame to go around," said Martin Indyk, a top Middle East negotiator in the Clinton administration, referring to Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president + his Fatah party.

"But on the American side, the conceptual failure that contributed to disaster was the president's belief that democracy and elections solve everything."
Ms. Rice pointed out that the election results surprised just about everyone. "I don't know anyone who wasn't caught off guard by Hamas's strong showing," she said on her way to London for meetings on the Middle East, Iran and other matters. "Some say that Hamas itself was caught off guard by its strong showing."

"Atemberaubende" Umweltverstöße
Damit nicht genug: Die "Times" und Global Witness beschuldigen Freeport außerdem "atemberaubender" Umweltverstöße. Bisher hätten die Schürfarbeiten rund eine Milliarde Tonnen an Industriemüll produziert, die großteils in Flüsse gekippt worden seien, in denen wiederum längst alles Leben erloschen sei. Das US-Unternehmen bestätigt die Zahl, besteht aber darauf, dass seine Entsorgungsmethoden von der Provinzregierung abgesegnet worden seien. "Beim Betrieb einer großen Mine sind Umweltfolgen unvermeidlich", so Atkeson.
Am anderen Ende der Welt erhöht Bill Thompson derweil den Druck. Der Comptroller hat den New Yorkern in seiner Antrittsrede ja geschworen, die städtischen Gelder nur in glasklar ethische Konzerne zu investieren. Und so kann es gut sein, dass sie demnächst auch in West Papua wissen, was ein Comptroller ist.
Alles schön und gut, findet Thompson. Doch leider gehe es bei Freeports indonesischer Dependance seiner Meinung nach nicht mit rechten Dingen zu. Brisant dabei: 37 Millionen Dollar aus den Pensionsfonds stecken in dem Konzern. In Schreiben an die Börsenaufsicht SEC und US-Justizminister Alberto Gonzalez erhebt der Comptroller jetzt schwere Vorwürfe: Es bestehe der Verdacht, dass Freeport indonesische Regierungsbeamte und Militärs besticht, also gegen den Foreign Corrupt Practices Act verstößt. Außerdem habe der Konzern getürkte Aktionärsinformationen bei der SEC eingereicht sowie "falsche oder irreführende" Aussagen über seine Geschäftspraktiken gemacht.
Ähnliche Vorwürfe gegen Freeport hat auch die Londoner Menschenrechtsorganisation Global Witness bereits publiziert. Der US-Konzern mache sich schuldig, ein Militär zu unterstützen, das "eine lange Geschichte aus Gräueltaten an Zivilisten" habe, hieß es in einem Bericht der Gruppe.
Die Tragödie des Goldes
Die Rolle westlicher Minenunternehmen in Indonesien ist seit langem umstritten. Doch jetzt heizt sich die Debatte durch Thompsons Intervention auf. Der Pensionsmanager hat die zuständigen Ämter in Washington aufgefordert, Ermittlungen gegen Freeport einzuleiten. Voruntersuchungen gibt es bereits: Das Unternehmen selbst bestätigte in einer Mitteilung an die SEC, dass es erste "informelle Anfragen von Regierungsbehörden hinsichtlich der Unterstützung für indonesische Sicherheitsinstitutionen" erhalten habe und dabei "auf ganzer Linie" kooperiere.
Hinter all diesen Formschreiben verbirgt sich die Tragödie, die der Goldabbau in einer Krisenregion im tiefsten Urwald Südostasiens hat und die jetzt wie ein fernes Echo aus der Wildnis auch die Wall Street erreicht. An der NYSE verzeichnete die Freeport-Aktie, die sich seit Mai 2005 auf 63 Dollar mehr als verdoppelt hat, letzte Woche einen scharfen Einbruch.
Freeports Grasberg-Mine liegt nämlich mitten in einem politischen Krisenherd - in der indonesischen Regenwald-Provinz West Papua, die seit Jahrzehnten um Unabhängigkeit von Jakarta kämpft. Wegen des hohen Goldpreises profitiert von der Mine nicht nur Freeport in New Orleans, sondern auch die indonesische Zentralregierung, die von dem amerikanischen Konzern alle00.000.2005 rund eine Milliarde Dollar an Steuern kassierte.
"Ganz normale Geschäftsaktivitäten"
Freeport gibt offen zu, außer den regulären 18.000 Arbeitskräften nebenher auch die einheimischen "Sicherheitsbehörden" pauschal für die in dieser Krisenregion notwendige "Bewachung" der Mine zu entlohnen. "Es gibt keine Alternative, als sich auf das indonesischen Militär und die Polizei zu verlassen", erklärte das Unternehmen. Dies seien "ganz normale Geschäftsaktivitäten".

Schwere Vorwürfe gegen den Gold-Giganten
Mit seiner aktuellen Kampagne wagt sich Thompson an einen schweren Brocken aus der boomenden Goldbranche. Es geht um Freeport-McMoRan. Der in New Orleans beheimatete, an der New York Stock Exchange notierte US-Konzern ist einer der weltgrößten Förderer von Gold und Kupfer. Seine Grasberg-Mine in Indonesien - ihrerseits mit 10.000 Hektar die größte der Welt - birgt mehr Goldreserven als sonst ein Ort und produzierte voriges Jahr eine Rekordmenge von 2,8 Millionen Unzen.
Freeport profitiert vom steigenden Goldpreis, erst vor zwei Wochen markierte die Goldunze ein 25-Jahreshoch bei 567,6 Dollar. Der Boom bildet sich auch in den Freeport-Zahlen ab. 2005 vermeldete die Gesellschaft einen Nettogewinn von 934,6 Millionen Dollar - sechsmal so viel wie im Vorjahr.

Wash. Post's Woodward baselessly alleged a "contradiction" in Wilson's Iraq-Niger report (08/01/2005)
Couric's softball to Karen Hughes: "I know you're not at liberty to talk about the investigation into the CIA leak ..." (10/18/2005)
Matthews, Mitchell + O'Beirne combined for Plame misinformation triple-team (10/14/2005)
Media repeated Libby lawyer's falsehood that Woodward revelations contradict Fitzgerald (11/17/2005)
Imbalanced two-person "political roundtable" on Meet the Press featured discredited conservative Novak (12/20/2004)
David Brooks repeated false GOP spin that Wilson claimed Cheney sent him to Niger (07/15/2005)

Schneider falsely equated Bush's widespread unpopularity with...
On CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight, senior political analyst Bill Schneider falsely equated President Bush 's current widespread unpopularity -- and that of President Reagan during the Iran-Contra scandal -- with President Clinton's standing with the public during the Monica Lewinsky matter. Noting that, despite his poor overall poll numbers, Bush still enjoys support from Republicans, Schneider said, Sooner or later, every leader gets in trouble. President Reagan had Iran-Contra. President Clinton had Monica Lewinsky. Like Bush, they had a base that helped them get through it. But Schneider's suggestion that all three presidents had to rely on the support of their base during times of general public unhappiness with their performance is mistaken: While Reagan did see his approval ratings plummet to the low 40s during the Iran-Contra matter, Clinton saw no similar erosion of public support during the Lewinsky matter. Unlike Schneider, the public apparently saw little similarity between, on the one hand Reagan, whose administration illegally sold arms to Iran in hopes of appeasing terrorists + Bush, whose administration took the nation into a war based on false pretenses and badly bungled preparation for + response to, Hurricane Katrina, and, on the other, Clinton, who had an inappropriate personal relationship. Clinton's approval ratings were very high all through 1998 as the Lewinsky matter played out -- typically in the 60s, occasionally (such as when the Republican-controlled House of Representatives impeached him) breaking 70 %. As an Associated Press summary of polls conducted

00.000.1998 by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press + by CNN/USA Today/Gallup shows, Clinton's approval ratings were high when news of the Lewinsky matter surfaced + remained high when former White House volunteer Kathleen Willey made further widely publicized allegations against him; when he admitted a relationship with Lewinsky; when Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr released his report; and when House Republicans voted to impeach him. As Schneider himself reported on the December 30, 1998, edition of CNN's Inside Politics : SCHNEIDER: President Clinton's job ratings have been in the 60s for most of the year -- the highest ratings for any president on record in his sixth year . Clinton's ratings spiked three times this year: after the State of the Union speech in January and again in August just after his speech in which he confessed his, misleading the American public for the past seven months. The president got his biggest bounce of all, a phenomenal 73 %, after he got impeached in December. A few more setbacks like that and he'll go into the stratosphere . By contrast, Reagan's approval ratings plummeted during the Iran-Contra scandal. In early December 1986 -- shortly after revelations that the Reagan administration sold arms to Iran and used the profits to support Contra rebels in Nicaragua were made public -- a New York Times poll showed Reagan's approval down 21 %age points in just a month, to 46 %. By late February 1987, his approval was only 42 % -- George W. Bush 's current territory + 20 or more points lower than Clinton's was during most of 1998. From the September 15 edition of Lou Dobbs Tonight : SCHNEIDER: President Bush has one thing going for him as he tries to regain the initiative: He has kept his base. Every leader needs a base. Your base are the people who are with you when you're wrong. This president's base is not abandoning him. Eighty-five % of Republicans stand behind President Bush . His allies defend him. [...] Sooner or later, every leader gets in trouble. President Reagan had Iran-Contra. President Clinton had Monica Lewinsky. Like Bush, they had a base that helped them get through it. Recent .mov files found by Blogdigger
Der "Human Rights Caucus" des US-Kongresses lud daraufhin Vertreter von Industrie und Menschenrechtsorganisationen zum Meinungsaustausch und zur Information des Kongresses ein. Während die Vertreter von Amnesty International, Reporter ohne Grenzen, von Human Rights Watch und Experten der Universitäten Toronto und Harvard der Einladung Folge leisten werden, halten sich die US-Firmen bedeckt. Von Seiten Microsofts und von Cisco gab es offene Absagen, berichtete Ausschuss-Sprecherin Lynne Weil der Nachrichtenagentur AFP, Yahoo und Google äußerten sich dagegen gar nicht.
"Es ist eine Schande", sagte T. Kumar von Amnesty International Asien, "dass amerikanische Internetfirmen sich weigern, dem Kongress Rede und Antwort zu stehen + zur gleichen Zeit Hand in Hand mit den chinesischen Behörden zusammenarbeiten." Seine Organisation fordert den US-Kongress auf, ein Gesetz zu schaffen, das es US-Firmen verbieten solle, an staatlichen Maßnahmen teilzunehmen, die auf die Einschränkung von Menschenrechten abzielen. Paradox sei doch, dass US-Firmen aufgrund von Sanktionen wegen des Verstoßes gegen Menschenrechte beispielsweise mit Myanmar keinen Handel treiben dürften, in China aber der dortigen Regierung bei der Verletzung von Menschenrechten zur Hand gingen.
Wirtschaftsunternehmen wie Microsoft, Yahoo und Google argumentieren dagegen, dass sie den Gesetzen des jeweiligen Landes unterworfen seien, in dem sie sich geschäftlich engagieren. Google verwies in der letzten Woche darauf, dass es in China keinen verbindlichen Katalog zu zensierender Inhalte gebe, das Unternehmen vielmehr vorhabe, sich seine Restriktionen und Freiräume schrittweise zu ertasten.

Mit den Investitionen "können wir unseren Part bei der Befriedigung der globalen Energienachfrage erfüllen". Für das vierte Quartal bezifferte der Konzernlenker die Investitionssumme auf 5,3 Milliarden Dollar. Im Gesamtjahr 2005 hätten die Investitionen 17,7 Milliarden Dollar betragen.
Auch die übrigen Zahlen der Exxon-Jahresbilanz lesen sich wie das Guiness Buch der Rekorde: Der Jahresumsatz legte von 298 Milliarden Dollar im Vorjahr auf 371 Milliarden Dollar zu - das ist mehr als das Bruttoinlandsprodukt der Schweiz oder das von Schweden. Allein im Schlussquartal konnte der Konzern den Gewinn von 8,4 Milliarden Dollar im Vorjahreszeitraum auf 10,71 Milliarden Dollar steigern. Den Umsatz für das vierte Quartal bezifferte der Konzern auf 99,66 Milliarden Dollar, nach 83,4 Milliarden Dollar im Vorjahr. Das bedeutet einen Gewinn von 1,71 Dollar je Aktie - Analysten hatten lediglich mit 1,44 Dollar gerechnet. Die Börse reagierte mit Kursgewinnen auf die Quartalszahlen. Am New Yorker Aktienmarkt kletterten die Papiere des Ölkonzerns im frühen Handel um 1,35 Prozent 63,22 Dollar.
Der Weltmarktführer profitierte nach Ansicht von Analysten vor allem vom massiven Anstieg der Rohöl- und Gaspreise. Allein die Ölpreise sind im vergangenen Jahr um 40 Prozent nach oben geschnellt und hatten mit 70,85 Dollar je Barrel neues Rekordniveau erreicht. Hintergrund für die ständige Verteuerung waren vor allem die starke Nachfrage in China, Indien und den USA, aber auch Produktionsausfälle etwa nach den Hurrikans in den USA.


Der weltgrößte Ölkonzern ExxonMobil hat 2005 den bislang höchsten Gewinn eines US-Unternehmens überhaupt erzielt. Hintergrund sind die extrem gestiegenen Preise für Rohöl und Gas.

Irving - 36,1 Milliarden Dollar verdiente der Ölmulti im letzten Jahr - fast elf Milliarden Dollar mehr als im Vorjahr und soviel wie kein anderes US-Unternehmen je zuvor. Damit haben die vier führenden US-Mineralölkonzerne ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips und Marathon Oil 2005 einen beispiellosen Gesamtgewinn von 66,7 Milliarden Dollar erzielt und ihr Vorjahresergebnis mehr als verdoppelt.
Die Europäische Union hat sich als Klimaziel gesetzt, die globalen Temperaturen um nicht mehr als zwei Grad Celsius ansteigen zu lassen. Ein Anstieg um zwei Grad werde aber bereits katastrophale Auswirkungen haben, schließen die britischen Wissenschaftler.
Zu den Folgen könnten geringere Ernteerträge in Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern ebenso gehören wie die Ausbreitung der Wüsten und damit einhergehende Migrationsbewegungen in Nordafrika, Wasserknappheit für bis zu 2,8 Milliarden Menschen, Verlust von 97 Prozent der Korallenriffe, Aussterben von Eisbären und Walrossen aufgrund der Eisschmelze in der Arktis und die Ausbreitung von Malaria in Afrika und Nordamerika. Auch das Grönlandeis könnte bei einem solchen Anstieg um zwei Grad Celsius bereits schmelzen, warnen die Forscher.
Noch der letzte große Klimareport des Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) der Uno aus dem Jahr 2001 war beispielsweise davon ausgegangen, dass das Eis der Antarktis stabil sei. Nun sagte Chris Rapley, Vorsitzender der British Antartic Survey der Tageszeitung "The Independent": "Der letzte Bericht des IPCC beschrieb die Antarktis hinsichtlich des Klimawandels als schlafenden Riesen - ich würde sagen, jetzt ist sie ein erwachter Riese. Das ist wirklich bedenklich." Der Eispanzer der Westantarktis beginne womöglich bereits sich aufzulösen. Und sollte auch das Festlandeis Grönlands schmelzen, könnten die Meeresspiegel weltweit um bis zu sieben Meter ansteigen - innerhalb der nächsten tausend Jahre.
Die marine Nahrungskette droht zu reißen
Ein weiterer Bereich, in dem die britischen Wissenschaftler schlimmere Entwicklungen fürchten, ist die Übersäuerung der Weltmeere. Schon seit einiger Zeit häufen sich Forschungsberichte, die zeigen, dass im Meerwasser gelöstes Kohlendioxid die Lebensgrundlage vieler Tiere in Gefahr bringt. Beispielsweise zerstört der dadurch in Gang gebrachte Prozess die Schale von Kleinstlebewesen oder verhindert deren Entwicklung. Weil diese Veränderungen das untere Ende der Nahrungskette angreifen, werden sie sich nach und nach fortpflanzen und schließlich vermutlich auch dem Menschen als Nahrung dienende Fische betreffen. Organismen wie Korallen leiden mancherorts bereits jetzt massiv unter der Verschiebung des pH-Wertes der Ozeane.
Der Bericht kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die aktuellen Erkenntnisse, verglichen mit denen des IPCC aus dem Jahr 2001, sich durch "größere Klarheit und reduzierte Unsicherheit hinsichtlich der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels" auszeichnen. "In vielen Fällen sind die Risiken größer als bislang angenommen."
Weiterhin heißt es in der Zusammenfassung: "Eine Reihe von kritischen Temperaturen und Veränderungsgeschwindigkeiten im Vergleich zu vorindustriellen Zeiten wurden festgestellt." Zum Beispiel könnten lokale Temperaturzunahmen von 2,7 Grad Celsius "eine Schwelle sein, die Grönlands Eiskappe zum Schmelzen bringt". Schon eine Zunahme der globalen Durchschnittstemperatur um ein Grad Celsius würde wahrscheinlich zu "extensivem Korallensterben" führen.
Angst um Europas Warmwasserheizung
Zudem werde es mit einem weiteren Temperaturanstieg immer wahrscheinlicher, dass der nördliche Arm des Golfstromes seinen Dienst einstellt. Eine andere Studie hatte erst vor kurzem gezeigt, dass sich diese für das gemäßigte Klima in Mitteleuropa verantwortliche Meeresströmung tatsächlich bereits abschwächt.
Die britische Umweltministerin Margaret Beckett sagte der BBC, der Bericht werde viele Menschen vermutlich schockieren: "Was der Öffentlichkeit vielleicht noch nicht so bekannt ist, ist der Gedanke, dass wir an einen Wendepunkt kommen könnten, an dem die Veränderung unumkehrbar wird."
Apocalypse Now: Israel's Hamasteria: Only the arrival of the Anti-Christ would have received more “shock and awe” publicity throughout the world media, but especially in the United States, than the free democratic election of Hamas, a legitimate Palestinian resistance movement to free their people from the bloody boot of Israel.

30.Jan.2006 Face to Faith : Not only defeated nations commit atrocities in war: What the Turks did to Armenians in the first world war showed Hitler what could be done. Turkey is still largely in denial. Nations cover up their histories. Now in the global war on terror no holds are barred. The murderer and the torturer are back on the official payroll - both theirs and ours.
The rumor is that Iran will carry out a nuclear experiment in March... : Teheran is getting ready to counter a “preemptive strike” by USA and Israel. The Air Force Command of the Revolutionary Guard has ordered its Shahap-3 Missile Units to keep their mobile missile ramps in motion in preparation for such an attack.

30.Jan.2006 Eric Margolis: Nuclear Iran feared : President George Bush claims Iran’s limited but growing nuclear program poses “a grave threat to the security of the world.” What he really means is that Iran could one day challenge Israel’s Mideast nuclear monopoly
Activists plan mock Bush, Blair trial: International activists and lawyers involved in the defence of Saddam Hussein say they will hold a mock trial of George Bush, the US president + the British and Israeli prime ministers for alleged war crimes committed in Iraq and the Palestinian territories.

30.Jan.2006 Blair and Bush 'conspired to go to war regardless of United Nations' : President Bush was only going through the motions - and, the paper adds: "Mr Blair not only knew it, but went along with it."

30.Jan.2006 Pentagon Can Now Fund Foreign Militaries : Congress has granted unusual authority for the Pentagon to spend as much as $200 million of its own budget to aid foreign militaries, a break with the traditional practice of channeling foreign military assistance through the State Department.

30.Jan.2006 CIA Broadens Assassination Abilities : Expands Use of Drones in "Terror War"

30.Jan.2006 Revealed: UK's role in deadly CIA drone : Targeted assassinations by Predators break international law, says Amnesty International

30.Jan.2006 U.S. Using Anti-Terror War to Gain World Oil Reserves — Soviet Intelligence Chief: Using the anti-terrorist cause as a cover the United States has occupied Afghanistan, Iraq and will soon move to impose their “democratic order” on the Greater Middle East, Shebarshin said.

30.Jan.2006 Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar: Iran's plan to launch an energy trading exchange supports its desire to establish a geopolitical bloc with a Eurasian epicentre, anchored by Iran, China, Russia + Europe, preferably including India (which is why America is bribing India with nuclear technology).

30.Jan.2006 Interview: Iran, War + Sanctions : Professor Abbas Edalat is a founding member of the newly formed Campaign against Sanctions and Intervention in Iran (CASMII). He recently travelled to the US and spoke at MIT and San Francisco regarding the coming hostilities against Iran.

30.Jan.2006 Calculating the Risk of War in Iran : In the past weeks media reports have speculated that Washington is ‘thinking the unthinkable,’ namely, an aggressive, pre-emptive nuclear bombardment of Iran, by either the United States or Israel, to destroy or render useless the deep underground Iranian nuclear facilities.

30.Jan.2006 India in touch with IAEA on Iran: A day after US Ambassador to India David C Mulford's controversial remarks, India today said it has called for respecting Iran's right to develop peaceful uses of nuclear energy for its development consistent with its international obligations and urged all concerned parties to avoid confrontation.

30.Jan.2006 India: SP demands immediate recall of US Ambassador: Taking strong umbrage at American envoy David Mulford's statement that India must vote against Iran on the nuclear issue, the Samajwadi Party today demanded his immediate recall by the Bush administration, saying the remarks were ''a slight on India's sovereignty and unacceptable to the people''
US Army forces 50,000 soldiers into extended duty: The U.S. Army has forced about 50,000 soldiers to continue serving after their voluntary stints ended under a policy called "stop-loss," but while some dispute its fairness, court challenges have fallen flat.
Exclusive: Direct Talks—U.S. Officials and Iraqi Insurgents : The talks are taking place at U.S. military bases in Anbar province, as well as in Jordan and Syria.
Their power derives from us
Yet we are subjugated by the authority we have given them.-By Troubled Neighbor
Unaccountable, our public servants have acquired the license of angels and conduct themselves like gods to be obeyed. They have supplanted justice and liberty with standards of their own making.

Beating Around the Bush By the Bourse -By Ingmar Lee
Only the uninformed believed Bush when he said it was WMD's that made him attack, invade, occupy and massacre Iraq. Most of us thought it was to steal Iraq's oil, but we were only partly right. What totally terrorized the tyrranical Texan tycoon was when Saddam played the oil bourse card in November, 2000. When Saddam started selling Iraqi oil in euro's, he jeopardized the U.S. dollar's hegemony as the world's supreme foreign exchange transaction currency. - The oil grab is a sideshow. The main feature is the oil bourse.

30.Jan.2006 01/29/06 Blair in Secret Plot with Bush to Dupe U.N. -By Simon Walters
A White House leak revealing astonishing details of how Tony Blair and George Bush lied about the Iraq war is set to cause a worldwide political storm. A new book exposes how the two men connived to dupe the United Nations and blows the lid off Mr. Blair's claim that he was a restraining influence on Mr. Bush.

Official Warned Abramoff, Filing Alleges : The Bush administration's former chief procurement official tipped off lobbyist Jack Abramoff that the government was about to suspend the federal contracts of an Abramoff client, newly filed court papers say.

30.Jan.2006 Abramoff Scandal Forces Republican Reversal on New Ethics Laws : U.S. Representative David Dreier once tried to torpedo an effort to limit corporate political donations. He voted to allow charities to fly lawmakers to their events and to let Republicans keep their leadership posts even if indicted

30.Jan.2006 Federal tax cuts leave state's at-risk residents with less: Congress voted to cut $40 billion from vital health care and education programs in the wee hours of Dec. 19. A day later, the Senate approved $27 billion in tax cuts for the richest people in the country.

30.Jan.2006 Budget Bill To Hurt Medicaid's Neediest, Report Says: Millions of low-income people would have to pay more for health care under a budget bill worked out by Congress. Some of them would forgo care or drop out of Medicaid because of the higher co-payments and premiums, the Congressional Budget Office says in a new report.

30.Jan.2006 Millions Of Beneficiaries Would Be Harmed By Medicaid Provisions In Budget Bill: Under the conference agreement, states would be permitted to increase co-payments substantially and to impose premiums on many beneficiaries, including some children.

30.Jan.2006 Waxman: Medicare drug plan too complicated:  "Instead of using Medicare, which seniors and persons with disabilities have relied on for years, the program was turned over to hundreds of private insurers who can charge what they want, cover what drugs they want + change what they cover at will."

30.Jan.2006 Congress May Cut $12.7 Billion in Student Loan Aid: Florida students could have to pay $1,663 more in college loans if Congress passes a measure Wednesday to cut spending, according to a new report released Monday by the research arm of the Campaign for America's Future.

30.Jan.2006 Norma Sherry : A Child's Delimma : We may not labor as our parents did, but we work hard and our pennies seem to go less far. Our parents skimped and saved and readied themselves for that rainy day. We, on the other, hand, live for the moment, spend more than we make and fulfill our heart’s desire as the desire arises. Perhaps this is what sets us apart from the generation that came before. Better or worse, it’s who we’ve become.
Iran gives UN inspectors access to nuclear site: UN nuclear inspectors have visited sites related to the former Lavizan military complex in Iran in what is a key concession in the UN investigation of the Islamic Republic's contested nuclear program, diplomats have told AFP.

30.Jan.2006 Iran has inalienable right to nuclear energy : Iran has an "inalienable right" to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes such as the production of electric energy and the enrichment of uranium for its nuclear reactors. Could it be that Iran's plan for an oil exchange trading in euros is the real issue? Or is it Israel?

30.Jan.2006 Cóilín Nunan : Does Bush Doctrine lead to Islamism?: If your currency falls suddenly against the dollar, then the price of oil will suddenly increase for you, whereas if your currency falls against the yen, but not against the dollar, the price of some Japanese imports will go up + these imports are probably not essential to the running of your economy anyway.

30.Jan.2006 Al-Zawahri calls Bush a 'butcher' in video : Al-Qaida No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri said in a videotape aired Monday that President Bush was a "butcher" and a "failure" because of a deadly U.S. airstrike in Pakistan targeting the bin Laden deputy + he threatened a new attack on the United States.

30.Jan.2006 Video: "One Life on the Edge": Jaime Elizalde is supposed to be executed tomorrow for a crime he has NOT committed. "One life on the Edge" (26 min) is a documentary concerning Jaime Elizalde, born 00.000.1971 in Texas and sentenced to die on January 31. 2006.

30.Jan.2006 UN unveils plan to release untapped wealth of...$7 trillion : The most potent threats to life on earth - global warming, health pandemics, poverty and armed conflict - could be ended by moves that would unlock $7 trillion - $7,000,000,000,000 (£3.9trn) - of previously untapped wealth, the United Nations claims today.

30.Jan.2006 The Cloning Of Enron: Propagating Economic Collapse: It is now painfully obvious that the preponderance of U.S. corporations, the federal government and state and local governments have adopted the Enron template for destroying the prosperity of the nation and its citizens.

30.Jan.2006 Enron: The Bush Administration's First Scandal: For many people familiar with the high-flying energy company's meteoric rise and sudden downfall four years ago, Enron and the company's crooked "E" logo have come to represent corporate greed, corruption and excess.

30.Jan.2006 Exxon profit tops $10 billion, capping record year : Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM), the world's largest publicly traded oil company, on Monday reported a quarterly profit of $10.7 billion, capping a year of record earnings dominated by surging oil and gas prices.

30.Jan.2006 Hagel Urges Bush to Explain Spy Program : A Republican member of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Sunday that President Bush has more explaining to do on his domestic spy program and cast doubt on the administration's assertion of broad executive power.

30.Jan.2006 Harry Belafonte on Bush, Iraq, Hurricane Katrina : He joins us in our firehouse studio to talk about why he recently called President Bush "the world's greatest terrorist;" racism and Hurricane Katrina; Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement and wars of imperialism and resistance.

30.Jan.2006 Holding Bush Accountable for His Crimes : Opening Remarks to the culminating session of the International Commission of Inquiry On Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration, Riverside Church, New York, January 20, 2006.
Israeli Spy Affair: U.S. Jewish leaders consider financially assisting fired AIPAC officials : U.S. Jewish leaders are considering providing financial support to Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman, two former American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) employees on trial for their entanglement in a high-profile affair involving the possession and transfer of classified information.

30.Jan.2006 Remembering with Shame and Horror: To label a holocaust as a “unique experience” is odd: The genocide that was wreaked on the Original Peoples of the western hemisphere numbers up to 100,000 million. [1] But the corporate media of Turtle Island seldom mentions the number and the genocide. Moreover, there are no well known museums dedicated to the genocide of the Original Peoples.

30.Jan.2006 Bush to say wants Iranians to have greater freedom: President George W. Bush will offer words of support on Tuesday in his State of the Union address to Iranians who want greater freedom as U.S. diplomats push for sanctions over the Islamic republic's nuclear program.
The Cost of Israel to US Taxpayers: Recently Americans have begun to read and hear that “Israel receives $3 billion in annual U.S. foreign aid.” That's true. But it's still a lie.

30.Jan.2006 Hamas will make a deal : If Israel withdraws from the territories it

00.000.1967 occupied, the movement will end armed resistance.
Rice to Press for Isolation of Hamas-led Government : U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will press U.S. allies today in London to deprive the incoming Hamas-led Palestinian government of financial support unless it abandons terrorism and accepts the existence of Israel.
"Marlboro Man." : The War Within: He's quieter now -- easier to anger. He turns to fight at the sound of a backfire, can't look at fireworks without thinking of fire raining down on a city. He has trouble sleeping + when he does, his fingers twitch on invisible triggers. The diagnosis: post-traumatic stress disorder.

30.Jan.2006 Audit: U.S.-Led Occupation Engaged In Fraud and Squandered Aid : Iraqi money gambled away in the Philippines.

A U.S. government audit found American-led occupation authorities squandered tens of millions of dollars that were supposed to be used to rebuild Iraq through undocumented spending and outright fraud.

30.Jan.2006 UK: The Ministry of Defence accused of hiding real cost of Iraq war - MOD issues misleading figures on number of military injuries in Iraq - Genuine figure may be closer to 800 rather than 230

30.Jan.2006 Planted Articles May Be Violation: A secret U.S. military program that pays Iraqi newspapers to publish articles favorable to the American mission appears to violate a 2003 Pentagon directive, according to a newly declassified document released Thursday.

30.Jan.2006 Is America actually in a state of war?: The so-called ''insurgents," who wreak such havoc, are not America's enemy. They are not our rivals for territory. They are not our ideological antagonists. Abstracting from the present confrontation, they have no reason to wish us ill.

30.Jan.2006 Al-Zawahri calls Bush a 'butcher' in video : Al-Qaida No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri said in a videotape aired Monday that President Bush was a "butcher" and a "failure" because of a deadly U.S. airstrike in Pakistan targeting the bin Laden deputy + he threatened a new attack on the United States.

30.Jan.2006 US copter violates airspace, says army : Pakistan had to warn off an American helicopter which violated its airspace above its northern border with Afghanistan, the military said yesterday.

30.Jan.2006 Kenyans want to know why we're feeding corruption : Why are the World Bank and British government conspiring in top-level fraud, spelled out in a whistleblower's dossier?

30.Jan.2006 The man who holds the CIA accountable doesn't: Currently, one man decides whether to criminally prosecute CIA operatives and civilian contractors for detainee abuse: Paul McNulty. And so far, he has found no one worthy of pursuit.

30.Jan.2006 Israel's shooting of young girl highlights international hypocrisy, say Palestinians : They do not know precisely what happened, but the Israeli army later said Aya was behaving in a suspicious manner reminiscent of a terrorist - she got too close to the border fence - and so a soldier fired several bullets into the child, hitting her in the neck and blowing open her stomach.
Petrodollar Warfare Interview With William R. Clark, Author "Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar"
The notion that Iraq was invaded to prevent the development of weapons of mass destruction, or to combat terrorism, has long been discredited. But a growing consensus believes that Iraq's oil was surely a prime reason for US actions. However, author William Clark argues convincingly in Petrodollar Warfare that the rationale for intervening was not just for control of the oil fields, but also for control of the means by which oil is traded in global markets.
Click here to listen . Real Audio

Rank Ignorance Reigns : By Paul Craig Roberts
Just as there was no evidence that Iraq was developing nuclear weapons, there is no evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. There is nothing but unproven assertions, assertions, moreover, that are contradicted by the evidence that does exist. Americans, it would appear, are so anxious for wars that they welcome being fooled into them.

Alito - It's the Constitution That's At Stake
The vote this week about Samuel Alito is not a vote about Republicans versus Democrats. It's a vote about the future of democracy in the United States of America. -By Thom Hartmann
As our legislators vote, we must carefully note their positions on this issue. Their oath of office is not to the President or even to "protect the people," but to the Constitution. And it is the Constitution - and the future of our democratic republic - that is at stake here.

Attentat: Ranghoher Hamas-Kämpfer angeschossen

30.Jan.2006 Wachsender Energieriese: Gasprom steigert Gewinn drastisch
Terrorismus: Qaida-Vize Zawahiri droht mit neuen Anschlägen
Nahost: Das Hamas-Dilemma
Seltsamer Satellit: Astronauten schubsen hohlen Kollegen ins All
Solidarpakt: Ost-Länder wehren sich gegen Verschwendungsvorwurf

30.Jan.2006 Megagewinn: Exxon verdient 36,1 Milliarden Dollar
Nahost-Reise: Merkel droht Hamas mit Stopp der Hilfszahlungen
Enron-Prozess: Die Auswahl der Geschworenen beginnt

30.Jan.2006 Internet-Zensurdebatte: Bill Gates deckt Google

30.Jan.2006 Schürfkonzern unter Beschuss: Die Kehrseite des Gold-Booms
Großbritannien: Elfjähriger Junkie löst Drogendebatte aus
Grundloser Pessimismus: Deutschland profitiert von EU
Elektrosmog: Das Geschäft mit der Strahlen-Angst
Britische Studie: Blair warnt vor dramatischem Klimawandel
Krankenkassen: Sozialgericht schränkt kostenlose Mitversicherung ein
Nahost-Krise: Hamas bittet Europa um Finanzhilfe
Kampf der Stahlgiganten: Die Schlacht hat begonnen
Neue Hinweise: Viren könnten Fettsucht auslösen
Gaza: Polizisten besetzen Parlament
30.Jan.2006 29. JANUAR 2006
Atomstreit: Iran macht Zugeständnis gegenüber IAEA
Prof. James H. Fetzer has also written a complementary paper on this topic, available at:
Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?

Note:  Prof. David Ray Griffin has written a complementary paper on this topic, available at:

Scheduled for publication in The Hidden History of 9-11-2001, Research in Political Economy, Volume 23, P. Zarembka, editor, Amsterdam: Elsevier, forthcoming in Spring 2006.
29.Jan.2006 releases
29.Jan.2006 doubt 9/11?
29.Jan.2006 happened on 9/11?
What is happening to our world? How do we improve our situation?

29.Jan.2006 papers Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?by Steven E. Jones, Ph.D. 

The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True by David Ray Griffin, Ph.D. 

Thinking about "Conspiracy Theories": 9/11 and JFK by James H. Fetzer, Ph.D.
29.Jan.2006  Have we been lied to? 

The 9/11 Commission Report:  A 571-Page Lie by David Ray Griffin, Ph.D.
29.Jan.2006 and interviews can be downloaded here:

Interview of Professor Jones on TV
MSNBC would not play video of Building 7 collapsing:
MSNBC interview Utah TV was more serious:Utah TV interview
Google video offers a lot also, such as:
The Great Conspiracy Confronting the Evidence Truth & Lies of 9/11

29.Jan.2006 Morning News reports on Scholars for 9/11 Truth:Deseret Morning News, 28 Jan

The US military's plans for an information war: 27 Jan 2006 BBC news report about it.
The PDF file of the plan .

An email from Ian Henshall: 26 Jan 2006 report on Oxford Union 911 meeting

Deseret Morning News reports on upcoming paper by Professor Jones: Deseret Morning News, 10 Nov 2005
Studies by the society's founders and by prominent theologian David Ray Griffin, who has taken a leading role in exposing false claims about 9/11, are accessible from the association's home page, Information for those who may want to join S9/11T can also be found there.
The society, founded by Professors Fetzer and Jones, who serve as its co-chairs, is approaching 50 members to date. Fetzer, a philosopher of science, observed that the government's "official account" is not even physically possible, because it violates laws of nature. "What we have been told is fine," he said, "if you are willing to believe impossible things. Serious scholars don't believe in tooth fairies."
The members of this new non-partisan association,

"Scholars for 9/11 Truth" (S9/11T), are convinced their research proves the current administration has been dishonest with the nation about events in New York + Washington, D.C.
These experts contend that books and articles by members and associates have established that the World Trade Center was almost certainly brought down by controlled demolitions and that the available relevant evidence casts grave doubt on the official story about the attack on the Pentagon. They believe that the government not only permitted 9/11 to occur but may even have orchestrated these events to facilitate its political agenda.
The society includes U.S. and international faculty and students of history, science, military affairs, psychology + even philosophy. According to its spokesmen, S9/11T represents a concerted effort to uphold the standards of truth and justice and to strengthen democracy in this nation, which has taken a terrible hit in the aftermath of 9/11, when "everything changed." Its function is to bring scientific rigor to the study of 9/11 phenomena.
The members of this group are dedicated to exposing falsehoods and to revealing truths behind 9/11, "letting the chips fall where they may." The evidence has become sufficiently strong that they are speaking out. They are actively devoting themselves to reporting the results of their research to the public by means of lectures, articles + other venues.
The society includes numerous notable professors and scholars, including:

29.Jan.2006 Scholars Repudiate Official Version of 9/11 

An influential group of prominent experts and scholars have joined together alleging that senior government officials have covered up crucial facts about what really happened on 9/11. The members of this new non-partisan association, "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" (S9/11T), are convinced their research proves the current administration has been dishonest with the nation about events in New York and Washington, D.C.
29.Jan.2006 For a dumb guy, W just made one smart move If you can't toss an obstruction to the side, raise it up. That's just what George W. Bush did today when he nominated
Noel Hillman to a federal judgeship. Hillman is the prosecutor in charge of the Abramoff investigation.
This clever ploy clears the way for Bush to put someone more malleable into that position. And Jack Abramoff isn't the only reason for the Hillman elevation.
Hillman also spearheaded the probe into the claim that a businessman named Peter Paul illegally gave Hillary Clinton a personal contribution disguised as a donation from his company, Stan Lee media. (Yes, we're talking about Stan the Man, True Believers. They were once partners. )

This falling out stems from a

00.000.2000 fundraising event.

the New York Times offers a good summary here.

00.000.2004 The allegation made some headlines, as Paul pled guilty to an unrelated charge of manipulating company stock.

The right tried their damnedest to use this controversy as a cudgel against Hillary, although nothing really stuck:
00.Mar.2005 Paul had a falling out with his advocates at Judicial Watch.

He accused them of using his name to raise more than $15 million from people who disliked the Clintons, while doing little to advance his case.

He has threatened to sue them for $1 million + announced his plan to replace them with a "dream team" of Republican lawyers...
For their part, Judicial Watch has filed papers seeking to formally sever all ties with Paul...

29.Jan.2006 01/27/06
Who will tell the people- By Sheila Samples
George Orwell wrote that people who neither read nor ask questions will ultimately lose all desire to question "Big Brother."

What is so frightening as we descend into the new world order fascism is not that we no longer read -- it's that we no longer can read. Continued

30.Jan.2006 Understanding Root Causes -By Charles Sullivan
Consider the difference between George Bush + John Kerry in the last presidential election was more a matter of semantics than of substance.

Both men are the product of wealth and privilege;

neither of them represents the great majority of the people, the working class.

Neither do their cohorts in Congress, an increasing number of which are millionaires.

The appearance of choice is only an illusion, designed to deceive and to paralyze. Continued
Iran to fire missiles if attacked:

Iran would launch medium-range missiles if attacked, a military leader said, accusing Britain and the United States of arming rebels as international pressure mounts on Tehran over its nuclear plans.

29.Jan.2006 Iran nabs ten bombing suspects :

Eight people were killed and 46 wounded in the blasts + the regime has pointed the finger at Britain, which has a large contingent of troops just across the border from Ahvaz in southern Iraq.

29.Jan.2006 Iran Claims Evidence Of British Involvement In Ahvaz Bombings :

Iran said today it would hand over evidence to Britain that proved British involvement in bombings in the southern Iran city of Ahvaz earlier this week.

29.Jan.2006 Iran says Moscow agrees to expland plan to enrich uranium in Russia: He refused to elaborate on what country or countries might be included.

However, a top Iranian nuclear official was just in Beijing to discuss the Russian plan, which is designed to ensure that Tehran does not attempt to produce fuel for nuclear weapons.

29.Jan.2006 India changes tune, defends Iran:

India on Friday distanced itself from US-led calls to isolate Iran at next week’s meeting of the IAEA after controversial remarks on the issue by Washington’s envoy to Delhi enraged the nation as seldom seen before.

29.Jan.2006 Chalmers Johnson: Militarism and the American Empire : Distinguished social scientist and public intellectual Chalmers Johnson, joins host Harry Kreisler for a conversation on the nature of the American Empire and its costs and consequences for the future of American democracy and power in the world. Video

29.Jan.2006 In case you missed it: Constant Conflict: A look behind the philosophy and practice of Americas push for domination of the worlds economy and culture.

First published From Parameters, Summer 1997, pp. 4-14: US Army War College

29.Jan.2006 'Hamas ready to form Palestinian army' :

Khaled Mashaal, Hamas politburo chief, tells news conference in Damascus group ready to merge armed factions, including its military wing, to form army to defend Palestinian people

29.Jan.2006 Israel to restrict Hamas movements:

Israel will prevent Hamas lawmakers, elected in this week's Palestinian election, from travelling freely between the Gaza Strip + West Bank, a senior defence official has said.

29.Jan.2006 Bush says US will cut aid to the Palestinians unless Hamas changes

29.Jan.2006 Smashing interviews! Hamas's Supreme Leader and Fatah Leader: Interview with Khaled Meshal – Supreme Leader of Hamas

29.Jan.2006 U.S. tells India to back off Syria oil deal : Taking strong exception to India's recent decision to buy a Syrian oilfield in partnership with China, the United States has asked the Manmohan Singh Government to "reconsider" its proposed investment.

29.Jan.2006 Bush 'a terrorist': Chavez : At a rally against imperialism, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has told thousands of cheering activists at the World Social Forum that the US government is a vile “empire” and its president a ”terrorist”.

29.Jan.2006 Venezuela says U.S. spying: Venezuela has said it would throw in jail any U.S. official caught spying on its military.

29.Jan.2006 US diplomat flees Venezuela rather than face charges of CIA espionage: The naval attache of the US Embassy in Venezuela, John Correa, has left the country after his participation in an espionage case involving several Venezuelan low-ranking officers was revealed.

29.Jan.2006 Chávez reiterates plans to purchase planes from Russia or China: Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez Friday reiterated he would purchase aircrafts from Russia or China, following a US veto on the sale of Brazilian and Spanish planes with US technology to Caracas, DPA reported.

29.Jan.2006 US wants Venezuela on terror sponsor list: Chavez: CARACAS, Venezuela (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Friday Washington planned to brand Venezuela a sponsor of terrorism as he used the World Social Forum to vent against U.S. imperialism and the Iraq war.

29.Jan.2006 Building the socialism of the 21st century : “We are building socialism of the 21st century, socialism with participatory democracy,” the young political science student told me at the beginning of the opening demonstration of the seventh World Social Forum in Caracas, Venezuela.

29.Jan.2006 Morales gives longtime outsiders of Bolivia a place in Cabinet: The Evo Morales era began this week in Bolivia as the new president promised it would, with long days, new faces and quick decisions sure to anger the establishment.

29.Jan.2006 Swindling the Sick: The IMF Debt Relief Sham : “It was the worst thing I’ve seen in Nicaragua,” Blanca cried. Such words should not be taken lightly from someone who’s seen her country dominated by a US-backed dictator, crushed by a US-funded contra war + strangled by a US-imposed economic embargo.

29.Jan.2006 Bush claims authority on war, eavesdropping: President Bush yesterday said he has exclusive authority over a broad range of issues -- including forbidding White House officials to testify before Congress about the government's Hurricane Katrina response and ordering warrantless electronic surveillance within the United States.

29.Jan.2006 An indictment of America : When Human Rights Watch, a respected organization that has been monitoring the world's behavior since 1978, focuses its annual review on America's use of torture and inhumane treatment, every American should feel a sense of shame. And everyone who has believed in the United States as the staunchest protector of human rights in history should be worried.

29.Jan.2006 Impeach or Indict Bush and Cheney: The year 2006 will be historic for the nation + probably for humanity. Texans Bush and Rove and their conspirators in the second Bush presidency have disgraced American democracy at home and in the world with debasements of our nation and our values that have now entered their climactic phase.

29.Jan.2006 White House kicks scandal investigator upstairs: DEMOCRATS accused the White House yesterday of tampering with the investigation into the disgraced Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff after the prosecutor in charge of the inquiry was offered a federal judgeship by President Bush.

29.Jan.2006 Bob Herbert: United States Is Faced With A Chief Executive Who Can Do No Right: Fantasy may be in fashion. Reality may have been shoved into the shadows on Mr. Bush's watch. The truth is that he is the worst president in memory + one of the worst of all time.

29.Jan.2006 Tired of Fear : Whose visions have we been led to follow + why? What national interest has become more important than the sovereignty, dignity and the very life of another people for the sake of our own comfor.

29.Jan.2006 Australia: Govt agrees to fund Hicks's lawyer's Cuba visit : In a last minute decision, the Federal Government has decided to fund a trip to Cuba by Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks's Australian lawyer, after initially refusing legal aid

29.Jan.2006 Canada issues warning to US over Arctic passage: Canada's Prime Minister- elect has issued a blunt "hands off" warning to the US over territorial rights in the Arctic - increasingly coveted now that global warming threatens to open up new waterways in the once solidly frozen far north.

29.Jan.2006 Cindy Sheehan to Dianne Feinstein: Fillibuster Alito or I’ll Challenge Your Senate Seat: Gold star mother Cindy Sheehan has decided to run against California Senator Diane Feinstein if Feinstein does not filibuster the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Samuel Alito.

29.Jan.2006 Click here to support the fillibuster on Alito:

29.Jan.2006 When Republicans Loved a Filibuster: Supporters of George W. Bush are lambasting Sen. John Kerry for a threatened filibuster against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito. But 15 years ago, their attitude was different as backers of George H.W. Bush wielded the filibuster to block a probe into Republican secret dealings with Iran that could have doomed the Bush Dynasty.

29.Jan.2006 Katrina death toll rockets to 1417: Twenty-five new deaths discovered in the last week

29.Jan.2006 2 FEMA employees arrested in bribe case: Two FEMA disaster assistance employees working in New Orleans were arrested Friday on federal bribery charges, accused of accepting $10,000 each in exchange for letting a contractor submit inflated reports on the number of meals it was serving at a Hurricane Katrina relief base camp there.

29.Jan.2006 Most polled see bribery as way of life in Washington: Many Americans view the bribing of lawmakers by lobbyists in Washington as business as usual + public disapproval of Congress is at a 10-year high, according to a CBS News/New York Times poll.

29.Jan.2006 The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile: In his 1905 dissertation for Columbia Teachers College, Elwood Cubberly—the future Dean of Education at Stanford—wrote that schools should be factories "in which raw products, children, are to be shaped and formed into finished products...manufactured like nails + the specifications for manufacturing will come from government and industry."

29.Jan.2006 US plans to 'fight the net' revealed : A newly declassified document gives a fascinating glimpse into the US military's plans for "information operations" - from psychological operations, to attacks on hostile computer networks.

29.Jan.2006 BYU professor's group accuses U.S. officials of lying about 9/11: Last fall, Brigham Young University physics professor Steven E. Jones made headlines when he charged that the World Trade Center collapsed because of "pre-positioned explosives." Now, along with a group that calls itself "Scholars for 9/11 Truth," he's upping the ante.
United States Senate unanimously passes resolution condemning Iran : UN nuclear chief calls on U.S. to provide Iran with reactors

29.Jan.2006 Poll: 51 % of Americans support air strike in Iran
Documents Show Army Seized Wives As Tactic : The U.S. Army in Iraq has at least twice seized and jailed the wives of suspected insurgents in hopes of "leveraging" their husbands into surrender, U.S. military documents show. In one case, a secretive task force locked up the young mother of a nursing baby, a U.S. intelligence officer reported.

29.Jan.2006 Iraq war leaves mental scars for civilians, US troops alike : The Iraq war is reaping a fierce psychological toll, exposing a mental health crisis inside Iraq + searing hundreds of thousands of US troops with combat trauma, experts warned.

29.Jan.2006 Short Video: When your used up, where do you go. Soldier : Windows Media - Quick Time

29.Jan.2006 Saint Patrick’s Four: Blood On Our Flag: People who join the military, like those in the posters, will be made ugly and perverse by war. And as far as the flag-some of the blood dripped down on the flag-we didn’t pour it on the flag to start. But when I saw the blood get on the flag, I decided to add more-because there really is blood on our flag now.”
Polls Show Many Americans are Simply Dumber Than Bush -By Paul Craig Roberts:
Americans need desperately to comprehend that if Bush attacks Iran and Syria, as he intends, terrorism will explode + American civil liberties will disappear into a thirty year war that will bankrupt the United States.

The problem with democracy
And now, horror of horrors, the Palestinians have elected the wrong party to power -By Robert Fisk
We British would never talk to the IRA, or to Eoka, or to the Mao Mao. But in due course, Gerry Adams, Archbishop Makarios and Jomo Kenyatta came to take tea with the Queen. The Americans would never speak to their enemies in North Vietnam. But they did. In Paris.

Auch sei die mögliche Rolle "eines größeren Netzwerks" weiter ungeklärt. Der Bericht stamme zwar aus dem Oktober, schrieb die Zeitung. Gewährsleute hätten jedoch erklärt, seitdem habe sich die Situation kaum verändert.
Berichten der Zeitung "News of the World" und des Fernsehsenders Skynews zufolge haben Ermittlungen jetzt ergeben, dass einige beteiligte Einsatzkräfte ihre mögliche Mitverantwortung vertuschen wollten. So habe eine Abteilung der Polizei zunächst im Protokoll vermerkt, die Einsatzkräfte vor Ort seien informiert worden, dass es sich bei dem betreffenden Mann um den Terrorverdächtigen Hussein Osman handele. Später sei dieses Protokoll abgeändert worden: Dann habe es geheißen, an die Einsatzkräfte sei die Information gegeben worden, dass nicht bekannt sei, um wen es sich bei dem Verfolgten handele. Durch die Manipulation habe die Einsatzleitung offenbar dem Beamten, der den 27-jährigen Menezes schließlich erschoss, die Schuld in die Schuhe schieben wollen.
Eine Stellungnahme der Polizei zu den Vorwürfen gibt es bislang nicht. Die Familie des Erschossenen fühlt sich einem Bericht des "Independent" zufolge in ihrer Sicht der Dinge bestätigt. Ein Sprecher der Hinterbliebenen forderte eine umgehende öffentliche Untersuchung des Falls.
Auch die Geheimdienstermittlungen zu den Anschlägen in London sind mehr als ein halbes Jahr nach den Attentaten noch nicht wirklich vorangekommen. Der Inlandsgeheimdienst MI5 habe nur unzureichende Informationen über die Planung der Anschläge oder über eine mögliche Verstrickung des Terrornetzwerks al-Qaida gewonnen, berichtet die "Sunday Times" heute unter Berufung auf einen vertraulichen Bericht der Ermittler an Ministerpräsident Tony Blair und weitere Minister.

Hansen widersprach deutlich: Solche Maßnahmen hätten schon zuvor verhindert, dass die Öffentlichkeit in vollem Ausmaß die Risiken des aktuellen Klimawandels erfassen könnte. "Kommunikation mit der Öffentlichkeit ist wesentlich", sagte der Wissenschaftler dem Blatt. "Die öffentliche Besorgnis ist vielleicht das einzige, was die Durchsetzung von Einzelinteressen in dieser Sache verhindern kann."
Hansen ist unter anderem für Computersimulationen des globalen Klimas zuständig. Seit 1988 warnte er der Zeitung zufolge wiederholt öffentlich vor den Gefahren von Ausstößen, die zur Erderwärmung beitragen. Der Druck auf ihn habe nach einem Vortrag vor der Amerikanischen Union für Geophysik begonnen, in dem er erklärte, eine deutliche Verringerung der Emissionsmengen könnte mit bereits vorhandener Technik erreicht werden.
Nach Anrufen aus dem Nasa-Hauptquartier hätten ihn Vertreter der Abteilung für Öffentliche Angelegenheiten Konsequenzen angedroht, sollte er solche Aussagen wiederholen. Zu den Restriktionen, von denen Hansen der "New York Times" berichtete und die in einem der Zeitung zugänglichen Papier vorliegen, gehöre die Möglichkeit, den Wissenschaftler bei öffentlichen Auftritten zu ersetzen.
Gestern hat Hansen, der als Direktor des Goodard Instituts für Weltraumstudien bei der Nasa fungiert, in der "New York Times" die Bush-Regierung scharf angegriffen. Er sei von der Abteilung für öffentliche Angelegenheiten unter Druck gesetzt worden. Das Nasa-Hauptquartier habe angeordnet, sowohl seine geplanten Veröffentlichungen und Vorlesungen als auch Einträge auf der Goddard-Website zu begutachten. Auch Interviewanfragen von Journalisten müssten abgesegnet werden. "Sie halten es für ihre Aufgabe, die an die Öffentlichkeit gehenden Informationen zu zensieren", erklärte Hansen in der "New York Times".
Dean Acosta, ein Koordinator des Öffentlichkeitsbüros der Nasa, widersprach umgehend. Es gebe keinerlei Bestrebungen, Hansen mundtot zu machen. Allerdings sollten politische Statements Politikern und ihren Sprechern überlassen werden. Letztlich gehe es aber nicht um Einzelthemen wie Erderwärmung, sondern um "Koordination" von Informationen.

Vogelgrippe: H5N1-Virus in Nordzypern nachgewiesen
Britisches Auktionshaus: 21 Hitler-Bilder im Angebot
Davoser Gipfelgeflüster: Warum Angelina Jolie den Seiteneingang nahm
Tod eines Unschuldigen: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Londoner Polizei
Klimawandel: US-Regierung soll Nasa-Experten zensiert haben

29.Jan.2006 Israel: Berlin hilft beim Kauf von U-Booten
Energiekrise: Russland liefert wieder Gas an Georgien
Mysteriöser Spionage-Stein: Geheimdienst meldet zwei Festnahmen
Irak: Neuer Eklat beim Saddam-Prozess

29.Jan.2006 US-Justiz: Richter bittet um Gnade für Todeskandidaten
Zwei Millionen km/h: Schwarzes Loch schleudert Sterne ins All
In Lüneburg und Dortmund demonstrierten tausende Menschen friedlich gegen genehmigte Kundgebungen von Neonazis. Die Aufmärsche der Rechten hatte das Bundesverfassungsgericht erst am Freitagabend genehmigt. Das Oberverwaltungsgericht des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen hatte die Dortmunder Neonazi-Demonstration zunächst verboten, wie zuvor bereits das zuständige Verwaltungsgericht in Gelsenkirchen.
Die Gerichte begründeten dies mit dem Zeitpunkt der Kundgebung - nur einen Tag nach dem Holocaust-Gedenktag - und dem Motto - Abschaffung des Tatbestands der Volksverhetzung. Die Richter sahen darin eine Provokation und eine Gefährdung der öffentlichen Ordnung. Am Freitagabend hatte das Bundesverfassungsgericht diese Entscheidung dann aufgehoben. Es fehle an konkreten Verdachtsmomenten, aus der Demonstration heraus könnten Straftaten verübt werden, befanden die obersten Richter.

Bird flu bigger global threat than terrorist attacks 00.000.2006
I thought I would bring you one more thought from Stephen Roach, who was heard speaking in Davos, Switzerland, on the Global Imbalances... "We never know what will cause a break, but we know that it can't go on indefinitely."
economist Stephen Roach, wrote this in his 1/20/06 newsletter on Morgan Stanley's website...
"According to Federal Reserve estimates, equity extraction by U.S. households topped $600 billion 00.000.2005 -- more than enough to compensate for the shortfall of earned labor income. Comforted by this asset-based injection of purchasing power, s had little compunction in stretching traditional income-based constraints to the max. The personal saving rate fell deeper into negative territory than at any point since 1933 + outstanding household sector indebtedness -- as well as debt service burdens -- hit new record highs."
He said.... $600 billion had been taken out of houses last year! And someone chastised me once last year when I said that people were using their houses like ATM's...
Oh... And fueling all of this were the low bond yields... With the 10-year Treasury trading around 4.45% yesterday, it was still 40 BPS below the level it traded before the Fed began its rate hike parade 18 months ago! Of course, it will be interesting to see what happens in the next couple of months, as $169 billion in debt is issued this quarter, 17% more than was issued in the first quarter of 2005. Of that $169 billion, $85-88 billion will be in the 10-year Treasury... So... I look for this yield to finally crack and go higher...
Oh... And don't forget that your friendly neighborhood Gov't administration is still telling you that the Budget Deficit is going to be cut in half... Of course they probably forgot the Medicare spending bill they passed last year + the decision to assist in the redevelopment of the Gulf Region... By the way... The 2006 budget is projected to be larger than 2005's!

Der Goldschatz der "Sussex" könnte schon bald die britische Staatskasse auffüllen. Schätzungsweise zehn Tonnen Gold und 100 Tonnen Silber soll das Kriegsschiff an Bord gehabt haben, als es 1694 in einem Sturm vor Gibraltar Schiffbruch erlitt und sank - und mit ihm 500 Mann Besatzung und 80 Kanonen. Der Wert der Ladung wird auf bis zu vier Milliarden US-Dollar geschätzt.
Der Streit um den Goldschatz der "Sussex" bietet der spanischen Presse schon lange reichlich Stoff für Titelgeschichten. Die Zeitung "El Mundo" schrieb schon vor einiger Zeit, der Kampf um die "Sussex" werde "so hart wie die Schlacht von Trafalgar".
Pinochet’s daughter detained at D.C. airport : The elder daughter of former Chilean dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet requested asylum in the United States yesterday after being taken into custody at Dulles International Airport, Chilean and U.S. officials said.

28.Jan.2006 State closes in on deal for cheap oil from Venezuela: Vermont is close to a deal to obtain discounted fuel oil from Venezuela — a deal that would save low-income Vermonters precious dollars off their home heating bills this winter.

28.Jan.2006 Bolivia leader halves his own pay ; The Bolivian new left-wing President, Evo Morales, has cut his salary by more than a half to a little over $1,800 (£1,012) per month.

28.Jan.2006 Haiti - A coup regime, the hidden hand of Washington: Ben Terrall examines Haiti’s coup regime, human rights abuses, the sham of planned elections and the complicity of Washington on a military and diplomatic level.

28.Jan.2006 Kerry, Kennedy press for filibuster: Several prominent Democratic senators called Thursday for a filibuster of Samuel Alito's Supreme Court nomination, exposing a rift in the party.

28.Jan.2006 Senate Democrat says can't block Alito: Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said on Friday he and fellow Democrats lack the votes to block President George W. Bush's nomination of conservative appeals judge Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court.

28.Jan.2006 Washington’s new ways spawn more pork : An explosion of special interest funding engineered in part by lawmakers with close ties to lobbyists is drawing increased scrutiny as Congress moves to address concern about corruption that already has led to the conviction of a Republican House member and former GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

28.Jan.2006 K St. counteroffensive : Big trade associations — lobbyists — are getting ready to fight the sharp tightening of lobbying regulations.

28.Jan.2006 Exposed: The Carlyle Group : I defy you to watch this 48 minute documentary and not be outraged about the depth of corruption and deceit within the highest ranks of our government.

28.Jan.2006 Study Finds Rich-Poor Income Gap Growing : The disparity between rich and poor is growing in America as the federal minimum wage has remained flat for years, union membership has declined and industries have faced global competition, according to a study released Thursday

28.Jan.2006 Pulling apart: A state-by-state analysis of income trends : State-specific fact sheets containing information on income inequality over the past two decades, including the changes in average incomes and income ratios, are provided through the links below.

28.Jan.2006 Broadcaster says serious news at risk: Many Americans on the left and the right aren't interested in the truth, but simply want news that confirms their viewpoints.

28.Jan.2006 Savings Accounts for Health Costs Attract Wall St.:

When it comes to medical benefits, millions of Americans already have a health insurer. Soon, many will also have a debit card and a bank tied to their medical plan.
The next Afghan war : The deployment of more British troops to Afghanistan underlines the seriousness of an escalating conflict.

28.Jan.2006 EU panel probing alleged prisons may call on Cheney, Rumsfeld: British Liberal Democrat Sarah Ludford, a member of the EU parliament and vice president of the investigative committee, said "very senior people" would be asked to answer questions about the alleged prisons.

28.Jan.2006 Doing Dirty Work Abroad: On Tuesday, Jan. 24, the Council of Europe announced the results of its long-awaited, months-long investigation into the possibility that torture victims have been shuttled around Europe to clandestine interrogation centers
57% Americans favor military action in Iran: Despite persistent disillusionment with the war in Iraq, a majority of Americans supports taking military action against Iran if that country continues to produce material that can be used to develop nuclear weapons, a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll has found.
I Feel So Proud For Palestine Tonight: Whatever one thinks about Hamas, the majority of Palestinians, by voting for Hamas, showed that they still have some fight in them + that they still resist.

In case you missed it: Promises and Betrayals: Britain and the Struggle for the Holy Land : An intriguing look at how the British double-dealing during WWI ignited the conflict between Arab and Jew in the Middle East. A disturbing picture of a duplicitous wartime government.

28.Jan.2006 Mordechai Vanunu: Today's Trial: Today, Jan 25th, the trial against me began in the lower court of Jerusalem.

28.Jan.2006 Iran: Russian offer not sufficient: Iran's top nuclear negotiator has described Russia's proposal to enrich uranium for the Islamic republic as insufficient for Iran's needs, while not ruling it out entirely.

28.Jan.2006 Bush admits key countries not behind U.S. on Iran : The Bush administration renewed its claim Wednesday that the United States and European allies have enough support from other countries to take Iran before the U.N. Security Council but also indicated some key nations have not committed to that course.

28.Jan.2006 Musharraf Says Iran Should Not Have Nuclear Weapons :Speaking during a session at the World Economic Forum, President Musharraf defended his

00.000.1998 own country's acquisition of nuclear weapons as a legitimate act of defensive deterrence.
Murtha: U.S. should leave Iraq and its 'civil war' by year's end: U.S. military involvement in Iraq should wind down by the end of the year, because American troops are trying to fight what is now an Iraqi civil war, U.S. Rep. John Murtha said.

28.Jan.2006 Spoils of war: Halliburton swings to $1.1 billion profit: The income reversed a loss from a year earlier for Houston-based Halliburton, the company once led by Vice President Dick Cheney. Its KBR unit has become known for its support work for troops stationed in the Middle East.

28.Jan.2006 Israeli FM urges international community not to recognise Hamas government : Israeli Acting Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said on Friday terrorist groups “cannot whitewash the results of the parliamentary elections in the Palestinian Authority.”

28.Jan.2006 Barghouthi: Israel no longer only democracy in Middle East : Dr. Barghouthi stated that legislative elections were the culmination of a democratic revolution that had begun with last year’s presidential and local council elections + that Israel could not longer claim to be the only ‘democracy’ in the Middle East.

28.Jan.2006 Hamas to talk 'partnership': A senior member of Hamas says he will meet Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian President, in the coming days to discuss forming a "political partnership".

28.Jan.2006 Palestinians Face Possible Cash Crunch : The grim existence of many Palestinians might be about to become even bleaker. They now face the prospect of having western aid cut in response to the resounding victory handed to Hamas in parliamentary elections on Wednesday.

28.Jan.2006 Biden says US money to the Palestinians must be cut off: Senator Joseph Biden says the U-S should stop giving money to the Palestinians now that the militant group Hamas is in power.

28.Jan.2006 Carter calls for funding Palestinians: The Palestinian Government is destitute + in desperate financial straits. I hope that support for the new government will be forthcoming," Carter said at a Jerusalem press conference.

28.Jan.2006 Mr. President, The Terrorists Have Won : The White House staff would have had the singularly uncomfortable task of informing President Bush that, in spite of all his Evangelical Zionist beliefs, the terrorists had in fact won the free and fair parliamentary elections in the Palestinian territories.

28.Jan.2006 Juan Cole: How do you like your democracy now, Mr. Bush? : He sounds like a spokesman for Hamas, underlining the irony that Bush + his party have given Americans the least honest government in a generation, have drastically cut services + have actively opposed extension of healthcare to the uninsured in the United States.

28.Jan.2006 Hamas Election Victory: A Vote for Clarity: In Israel's conception the Palestinian Authority was supposed to crush Palestinian resistance to make the occupied territories safe for continued Israeli colonization. Hamas will certainly not allow that to continue, but whether it will be able to tranform the Authority into an arm of the struggle against Israel is by no means certain.

28.Jan.2006 Uri Avnery: Why Did Hamas Win?: In the end, everybody will agree that a peace, in which Hamas is a partner, is better than a peace with Fatah alone. Let's pray that not too much blood is spilled before that point is reached.

28.Jan.2006 Profiles of key Hamas leaders:

00.000.1997 MESHAAL, Hamas's politburo chief, survived a Israeli attempt to kill him in Jordan by injecting him with a drug in a botched daylight attack on an Amman street.

28.Jan.2006 Fourteen of Newly elected Palestinian MPs Are in Israeli Prisons
Understanding Root Causes By Charles Sullivan
Consider the difference between George Bush + John Kerry in the last presidential election was more a matter of semantics than of substance.

Both men are the product of wealth and privilege; neither of them represents the great majority of the people, the working class.

Neither do their cohorts in Congress, an increasing number of which are millionaires.

The appearance of choice is only an illusion, designed to deceive and to paralyze. Continued
Who will tell the people - By Sheila Samples
George Orwell wrote that people who neither read nor ask questions will ultimately lose all desire to question "Big Brother."

What is so frightening as we descend into the new world order fascism is not that we no longer read -- it's that we no longer can read. Continued
Fisherman laugh at Exxon lawyer who claims "harm was avoided" in '89 Valdez spill -- oil company still trying to duck responsibilty
Schiffsbergung vor Gibraltar: Seeschlacht um Milliarden-Goldschatz der "Sussex"

28.Jan.2006Irak-Entführungen: Schäuble fordert Maulkorb für Politiker
Irak: US-Armee nahm Frauen in Geiselhaft
US-Wahl 2008: Bush hält Hillary Clinton für präsidententauglich

28.Jan.2006Palästinenser-Regierung: Hamas will eigene Armee aufbauen
Raumfahrt-Unglück: Das Nasa-Trauma "Challenger"

28.Jan.2006Kälteeinbruch: Schneechaos in weiten Teilen Südeuropas
20 Jahre danach: "Challenger"-Unglück verfolgt Nasa bis heute
Terror-Gefahr: Schäuble erwartet Anschlag mit schmutziger Bombe
Hamas-Wahlsieg: Palästina vor dem Finanz-Crash
AEG-Nürnberg: Streik droht weite Teile des Konzerns lahmzulegen