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01.Mar.2007 Padilla fit for US terror trial Suspected al-Qaeda conspirator Jose Padilla is ruled mentally fit to stand trial on terror charges.
01.Mar.2007 US accused on 'missing' prisoners Nearly 40 people are missing after being held in secret CIA prisons, a report by Human Rights Watch claims.
01.Mar.2007 Eurovision 'Armageddon' in Israel Israelis vote overwhelmingly for a song about nuclear annihilation as their entry in the Eurovision song contest.
01.Mar.2007 EU warns Poland on road project The European Commission says a road through an environmentally protected area should not be built.
01.Mar.2007 Cybercops drowning in data Government official calls for tools to help investigators sift through increasing amounts of data seized by law enforcement.

Überleben mit Erneuerbaren Energien Wie hoch würde der Meeresspiegel steigen, wenn auch das Eis am Südpol schmilzt?

Wolf von Fabeck:

Die weitgehenden Vorschläge des SFV sind nur vor dem Hintergrund der drohenden Klimakatastrophe verständlich

Der Nordpol ist bald eisfrei

Von der Öffentlichkeit weitgehend unbemerkt ist die Eiskappe über dem Nordpol immer dünner und löchriger geworden.

Jetzt wird berichtet, dass Eisbären ertrinken, weil sie kein Eis mehr finden, auf dem sie sich ausruhen können - ein weiterer Aspekt der Klimakatastrophe.

Politisch korrekt heißt es ja "Klimawandel", ... also sagen wir lieber, ein Aspekt des Klimawandels.
Beim Abschmelzen der nördlichen Polkappe ist der Meeresspiegel nicht angestiegen denn beim "ewigen" Eis am Nordpol handelte es sich um schwimmendes Eis.

Anders würde es sich verhalten, wenn Eis abschmilzt, das auf dem Erdboden aufliegt, z.B. das Grönlandeis oder das Festlandeis am Südpol.

Mit dieser Gefahr wollen wir uns hier befassen.
Was nicht im amtlichen IPCC-Report 2007 zu lesen ist.

Wer sich über Fragen des Klimawandels informieren will, greift gerne zum jeweils letzten IPCC-Report.

00.000.1988 Das IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) wurde von den Vereinten Nationen gegründet.

Seine Berichte fassen die Beiträge hunderter von Wissenschaftlern aus aller Welt zusammen.

Die Themenzusammenfassungen werden von den entsendenden Regierungen stark beeinflusst.

Der Endbericht muss einstimmig verabschiedet und von 154 Regierungen gebilligt werden - darunter auch von ölreichen Staaten wie Saudi-Arabien oder von Rekord-Energieverbrauchern wie den USA.

Was im IPCC-Report an "Veränderungen" steht, ist sozusagen das Mindeste, auf das wir uns einrichten müssen.
Neue dramatische Erkenntnisse einzelner Wissenschaftler haben erst dann überhaupt eine Chance, in den Endbericht aufgenommen zu werden,

wenn sie unwiderlegbar - mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit vorhergesehen werden können.

Wir haben uns die IPCC-Zusammenfassung des Alfred Wegener Instituts angesehen.

Dort findet man zum Abschmelzen der Eisschilde in Grönland und in der Antarktis nur zwei kurze Anmerkungen:

Würde das Grönlandeis vollständig abschmelzen, so würde der Meeresspiegel weltweit etwa um 7 Meter ansteigen.

Was aber geschehen würde, wenn die zehnmal größeren Eismassen der Antarktis abschmelzen würden, dazu findet man nur den beunruhigenden Satz:

"Allerdings gibt es eine erhebliche Unsicherheit hinsichtlich der weiteren Entwicklung des grönländischen und des antarktischen Eisschilds,

hier kann ein höherer Beitrag zum zukünftigen Anstieg (des Meeresspiegels) nicht ausgeschlossen werden."

Warum der IPCC-Bericht den Antarktis-Aspekt nicht weiter und genauer verfolgt, liegt an der Prognose-Unsicherheit.

Wie wahrscheinlich oder unwahrscheinlich das Abschmelzen des antarktischen Festlandseises ist, darüber konnten die Beteiligten offenbar keine Einigung erzielen + deshalb schweigen sie lieber.

Seriös bleiben, Panikmache vermeiden, heißt ihre Devise. Hier zeigt sich eine gefährliche Schwäche des IPCC-Verfahrens.

Dass in Fragen der Sicherheit andere Verfahren sinnvoller sind, lässt sich am Beispiel der Hauptuntersuchung eines Reisebusses durch den TÜV zeigen:

Der Prüfer stellt fest, dass wichtige Teile des Fahrgestells Rostnarben aufweisen.

Niemand wird ihn der Panikmache bezichtigen, wenn er das (äußerst kostspielige) Auswechseln der angerosteten Teile verlangt,

obwohl er nicht genau vorhersagen kann, ob und gar wann das Fahrgestell endgültig den Dienst versagt.
  Die größte Festland-Eismasse der Welt liegt am Südpol

Uran im Garten: Dubioser Atom- Fund in Niedersachsen
Raumsonde: Deutschland plant eigene Mond- Mission
28.Feb.2007 Geheime CIA- Gefangene: Human Rights Watch will Aufklärung von Bush
28.Feb.2007 Like Waiting for T'Go : Random thoughts on Libby + Plame + Cheney - dr. elsewhere here -
Bush Holds America Hostage, Example #186,532: "Bush and his Senate allies will kill a Sept. 11 antiterror bill if Congress sends it to the White House with a provision to let airport screeners unionize, the White House and 36 Republicans said Tuesday."

28.Feb.2007 Democratic Leaders Revamp Anti-War Plan
"Whatever one thinks of the confused young man for associating with the Taliban, we know through the courageous whistle blowing of Jesselyn Radack that Lindh was perhaps the first American victim of the Bush Administration?s disregard for the law and basic standards of decency." Jesselyn Radack is Winner of This Week's BuzzFlash Wings of Justice Award.

28.Feb.2007 "What the vice president said is beneath the dignity of his office and beneath the dignity of the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform," Pelosi said. Bush thinking on war is "a little impaired" Nancy, we got your back covered.

28.Feb.2007 Busheviks Censor Wounded GIs from Talking About Their Neglected Treatment by the Bush Administration 2/28
America Cannot Seem to be Able to Fire Its Mad, Utterly Failed CEOs: "A car bomb killed 10 people and wounded 21 near a vegetable market in Baghdad on Wednesday, Iraqi police said, as insurgents kept up a campaign of bombings despite a new US-backed security crackdown. US and Iraqi forces launched a crackdown in Baghdad two weeks ago, but bombings and other attacks persisted." 2/28
'.50 Caliber Sniper Rifles are a Threat to My Security. Stop Their Open Sale at Gun Shops in the U.S.A.'

28.Feb.2007 In turnaround, U.S. will talk to Syria and Iran at "neighbor's meeting" concerning what to do with Iraq mess. We'll see if this is a "show" war prelude "we tried" gesture or real talk by the Busheviks. Usually, they place such onerous conditions on negotiating in the Middle East, such talks collapse before they get started. 2/28

28.Feb.2007 Libby jury asks for clarification of charge; deliberations in 6th day 3/1
Bill Moyers' Abramoff Documentary (And Happy 49th Birthday, Jack!) -- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser


In der Miozän-Pliozän-Warmzeit wurden die Ozeane durchschnittlich nur zwei bis drei Grad Celsius wärmer.

Doch auch relativ kleine Erwärmungen können größere Folgen zeitigen als bisher vermutet.

"Was wir gelernt haben ist, dass das Schelfeis ein hochdynamisches System ist. Das hätten wir nicht gedacht", sagte Niessen.

Dies müsse man in künftige Klimamodelle einbauen.

"Das ist die Botschaft dieses Bohrkerns."

Der Mensch, so scheint es, unterschätzt bislang auch die Auswirkungen kleiner Erwärmungen noch.

Erstmals Einblicke in die Verhältnisse vor 5 Millionen Jahren

"Diesmal konnten wir die Schichten zwischen fünf und zwölf Millionen Jahre erbohren", sagte Andrill-Mitglied Viereck-Götte zu SPIEGEL ONLINE.

Besonders der Einblick in die Vereisungsgeschichte der jüngsten fünf Millionen Jahre sei überraschend und neu. Bislang fehlten vergleichbare Daten.

Viereck-Götte spricht von einem "erschreckenden Ergebnis": "Die Eiskappen sind wesentlich mobiler und sensibler, als wir es vermutet hatten."

"Dass das Meer hier fast eine Million Jahre eisfrei war, ist völlig neu", sagte Viereck-Götte.

Zudem steht das Abschmelzen vor rund fünf Millionen Jahren im Kontext eines prähistorischen Klimawandels:

Während der sogenannten Miozän-Pliozän-Erwärmung müsse in der Antarktis ein "massives Abschmelzen" stattgefunden haben.

Die Ursache klingt indes alles andere als massiv:

Aus Isotopenuntersuchungen von unterschiedlichen Orten weltweit wissen Paläoklimatologen, dass sich damals die weltweite Durchschnittstemperatur im Meer um 2-3 Grad Celsius erhöhte - eine scheinbar kleine Veränderung. Dennoch führte sie dem neuen Andrill-Bohrkern zufolge zur eisfreien Ross-See.
lineup ... Colonialism and Imperialism - Singlaub Freedom Foundation Colonialism + ... U.S. - Hale Foundation Radical Right - U.S. - Huey Long Democratic Clubs ... 28.Feb.2007 International Institute for Strategic Studies - Dame Pauline ...

Prior to that, she was a career member of the British Diplomatic Service serving, among other places, in Singapore, Washington DC, the European Commission.
17.Jun.2005 -Corporate Watch- ARMS DEALER OR DOVE OF PEACE?

Pauline Neville-Jones, a member of the International Commission on the Balkans, warned that 'Kosovo stands on the edge of renewed conflict.
10201 Dad has been also working hard behind the scenes for the Carlyle Group since leaving office + is on Carlyle's Board of Directors .
9/11 Miniseries is Bunk ... a lawyer especially someone who is trying to stay on the good side of ol' GHW Bush + preserve his future place on the Carlyle board of directors.
00.Jul.2003 -Calpundit Archives- ... how George W. Bush became a member of the Carlyle board of directors — as well as how he became no-longer-a-member of the Carlyle board of directors :
The Korean Bank That Almost Got Away (int'l edition)

00.000.1998 -A political heavyweight- Park Tae Joon, joined Carlyle's board of international advisers, leaving a few months before he became Prime Minister in ...
BartCop's Political Humor - Today's BartCop RantsUntitled Document

Looks like Tony just lost his seat on the Carlyle Board of Directors . ha ha.

Tony's getting it almost as bad as Saddam.

Who will hire a whore rejected by
The Carlyle White House ... Bush Sr.'s secretary of state + king fixer; +

George W. Bush, who served on Carlyle's board of directors until his run for the Texas governorship.
CARLYLE INDUSTRIES INC Unscheduled Material Events (8-K) ITEM 4

This determination was approved by Carlyle's Board of Directors .

The audit reports of Arthur Andersen on Carlyle's financial statements for the years ended ...
31.Dec.2006 Year End Report We will continue to work diligently on your behalf. Very truly yours on behalf of The Carlyle Condominium Board of Managers,

Diane L. Scott. President ...
The Carlyle Group : QinetiQ, Case Study.

“Working together, QinetiQ + The Carlyle Group are a strong team with complementary experience,” said QinetiQ ...
Carlyle 'given sweetener' in Qinetiq deal | Business |
The Observer

It was awarded to Qinetiq without competition + signed off on

28.Feb.2003 -the same day that Carlyle paid £42.3m for a 34 % stake in Qinetiq .,6903,1686478,00.html
School for spies to be privatised | Business |
The Observer

Qinetiq, in which secretive US venture capital firm Carlyle Group has a 33 % stake, is one of eight firms that have registered interest in SLIP.,6903,925317,00.html

QinetiQ is one of the UK's largest employers of science + engineering graduates - recruiting around 300 a year.

00.000.2002 -Since- QinetiQ has appeared in the Times Top 100 Graduate Employers list.

00.Sep.2005 Graham Love replaced Sir John Chisholm as Chief Executive.

John Chisholm became Executive Chairman;

QinetiQ previous chairman Dame Pauline Neville-Jones having resigned earlier in the year.

00.Oct.2006 ex-CIA Director George Tenet joined QinetiQ as an independent non-executive director. [2]
00.Jan.2007 QinetiQ acquired Analex, a US corporation providing high technology professional services + solutions, principally to the US Government + its agencies.
00.Jan.2006 Financial press speculation concerning a stock exchange float increased .

12.Jan.2006 an announcement was made in parliament by Dr John Reid, Secretary of State for Defence.

Dr John Reid, Secretary of State for Defence said that the Carlyle Group, 'will continue to retain a significant stake in the company' +

that the British government would continue to hold a 'Golden Share' in QinetiQ to protect the United Kingdom's security + defence interests.
Some controversy was generated by the very large likely returns for the
Carlyle Group + senior managers, with figures of over £20m suggested in the media for Sir John Chisholm.

00.000.2001 -When Defence Minister Lewis Moonie announced the creation of QinetiQ -

00.000.2001 Defence Minister Lewis Moonie said that it would remain a British company, based in the UK.

The Ministry of Defence would keep a 'Special Share' in the company +

safeguards would be in place to prevent conflicts of interest.

00.Feb.2003 the U.S. private equity firm the Carlyle Group acquired a 33.8% share in QinetiQ for £42m.

-00.Feb.2003 -Prior to stock market flotation-

QinetiQ ownership was split between UK MOD (56%) +

Carlyle Group (31%) +

staff (13%).

The Carlyle Group was expected to invest for three to five years, after which a stock exchange float would take place.

QinetiQ (LSE: QQ.) (pronounced ki-net'ik, as in kinetic energy) is a

00.Jun.2001 British defence technology company QinetiQ formed from the greater part of the former government agency DERA -when it was split up (with the smaller part becoming Dstl).

The Chief Executive at inception was the present day Chairman Sir John Chisholm. The current CEO is Graham Love.

As a privatised company, QinetiQ is

28.Feb.2007 now one of the largest defence research organisations in the world.

QinetiQ solves defence + security problems that involve science + technology.

For example, QinetiQ made the semi-intelligent ultrasound scuba diver detector called Cerberus.

The defence research sites that now form QinetiQ were previously involved in the invention of liquid crystal displays, the technology for one type of flat panel speakers, microwave radar, Chobham armour + thermal imagers. In recent years QinetiQ has also developed software products, especially those for the defence + security industries.

QinetiQ has a long term agreement (25 years) with the Ministry of Defence to manage military ranges.

It is a major stakeholder in the UK Defence Technology Centre which place military research contracts on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence.
00.000.1987 She was made a
Commander of the
Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG) +

00.000.1995 -in the- New Year's Honours - was raised to Dame Commander (DCMG)
She was also non-executive chairman of
QinetiQ, the UK/US defence company.
she was Head of the Defence and Overseas Secretariat in the
Cabinet Office +

00.000.1991-00.000.1994 she was Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet.

00.000.1993-00.000.1994 -from the end of-to the beginning of-For a very short period of just five weeks she was Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee

(though in media appearances she quotes a "two-year chairmanship").
-born- Dame Pauline Neville-Jones DCMG is a

00.000.---- -former- BBC Governor +

00.000.---- -former- Chairman of the British Joint Intelligence Committee.

She is Chairman of QinetiQ Group plc +

She is Chairman of the Information Assurance Advisory Council.

00.000.1998 -from- Dame Pauline was Chairman of the Audit Committee:

00.Sep.2004 she stood down from that Chairman of the Audit Committee position +

00.Sep.2004 Sir Robert Smith was appointed interim Chairman of the Audit Committee.

Category: BBC

19.Oct.2004 Date: Printable version

00.Jan.1998 -since-the BBC's International Governor- Dame Pauline Neville-Jones has decided to stand down from the Board of Governors

a year early to enable her successor to be appointed in advance of the final phase of Charter renewal decisions later next year.

Dame Pauline Neville-Jones said:

"As the BBC approaches the final phase of decisions about its future, it will be important for those involved to be established in post + ready to take responsibility for implementation of the outcome.

"I am due to retire from the Board at what will be a crucial period of discussions + decisions about the BBC's future.

"I therefore believe the BBC would be better served to have a new International Governor in place

00.Dec.2005 -well in advance of- to provide continuity throughout the final phase of the Charter renewal process.

"I am sorry to be leaving the BBC.

I have enjoyed a fascinating seven years at the Corporation +

am particularly proud to have played a small part in the development of the BBC's Global News services, BBC World Service and BBC World.

"Das sind auch meine Ansichten", wird Peymann in der morgen erscheinenden Ausgabe der "taz" zitiert.

Klar spreche das aus, was der weitaus größte Teil der Weltbevölkerung außerhalb von Westeuropa und Amerika denke.

"Es kann ja nicht sein, dass dieses kapitalistische System von Korruption und Verantwortungslosigkeit der Weisheit letzter Schluss ist", so Peymann.

Wer einen halbwegs klaren Kopf habe, der wisse, dass dieses System geändert werden müsse.
Afghanistan: Unionspolitiker nennen Tornado- Einsatz völkerrechtswidrig
28.Feb.2007 Antarktis- Eisanalyse: Kühlhaus der Weltmeere droht auszufallen
28.Feb.2007 Ex- RAF- Terrorist: Peymann verteidigt Klar
28.Feb.2007 Börsen: Wall Street verdrängt den China- Schock
28.Feb.2007 Völkermord: Bosnische Serben entschuldigen sich für Kriegsverbrechen

28.Feb.2007 Schwung geholt: Jupiter schleudert Raumsonde Richtung Pluto
28.Feb.2007 Designklicks: Guantanamo hinterlässt Spuren
Irak- Konferenz: Lackmustest für Bushs Friedenswillen

28.Feb.2007 Bundestags- Debatte: "Recce"- Tornados sollen für mehr Sicherheit in Afghanistan sorgen

28.Feb.2007 Sparprogramm: Airbus- Arbeiter meutern gegen das Management
28.Feb.2007 Appell von Medienprofis: Mehr Qualität statt Quote

28.Feb.2007 Streik: Airbus- Beschäftigte legen die Arbeit nieder
28.Feb.2007 Behind the Rhetoric of the Democrats: Bush's budget shreds what little remains of the tattered social safety net for the most downtrodden members of the world's richest society.

28.Feb.2007 Central Bks Raise Euro, Cut Dollar Share Of Reserves -CBP Survey : Of the 47 central banks that responded by December to the survey, 21 of them, managing reserves of $630 billion, said they had increased the share of their reserves held as euros + 15 of those said they had done so at the expense of the dollar.

28.Feb.2007 How Long Can The U.S. Count On Foreign Funding? : As the dollar sags and other investments beckon, a shakeout looms

28.Feb.2007 Home Prices in Across the Board Decline : Home prices in the top 10 metro areas fell 0.8% in December, the largest monthly drop since 1991. Home prices in the 20 metro areas fell 0.7% in December.

28.Feb.2007 US mortgage crisis goes into meltdown: Panic has begun to sweep the sub-prime mortgage sector in the United States after the bankruptcy of 22 lenders over the past two months, setting off mass liquidation of housing loans packaged as securities.
28.Feb.2007 Chavez preparing for conflict with US plans to buy 9 subs : Venezuela is currently negotiating with European and Russian companies the purchase of nine submarines valued in three billion US dollars for the event of “an attack from United States”, report several South American newspapers.

28.Feb.2007 Chavez signs decree to nationalize foreign oil companies: The decree allows Venezuela's state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA, (PDVSA) to take a 60 % stake on May 1 in four projects which process crude oil into 600,000 barrels of synthetic oil a day in the country's eastern Orinoco River basin.

28.Feb.2007 Jailed policemen shot in their cells: Gunmen stormed a Guatemalan prison and gunned down four jailed police officers in a mafia hit that was clearly aimed at stopping investigators from finding out who ordered the brutal slayings of three Salvadoran politicians and their driver last week, Guatemala's leader said yesterday.

28.Feb.2007 Stocks Slide after China Sell-Off: Shanghai's major index dropped 8.8%, prompting equity weakness worldwide. Investors were also spooked by a big drop in durable goods orders

28.Feb.2007 Dow Ends Down 416, Nasdaq Closes Down 97 : Stocks plummeted Tuesday, briefly hurtling the Dow Jones industrials down nearly 550 points as Wall Street succumbed to a global market plunge sparked by growing concerns that the U.S. and Chinese economies are cooling and that equities prices have become overinflated.

28.Feb.2007 US durable goods orders plummet AFP: Orders for manufactured US durable goods sank 7.8 % in January, as orders for transportation equipment fell heavily, the Commerce Department said Tuesday.
28.Feb.2007 Full Report: Ghost Prisoner: Two Years in Secret CIA Detention

28.Feb.2007 A world of Maher Arars: Why won't the U.S. admit Maher Arar's innocence? It may be fear of precedent. Tales of other suspects seized and sent abroad to face torture are beginning to come to light in Europe. This week, those stories helped bring down the Italian government. And as Doug Saunders reports, this could be just the beginning.

28.Feb.2007 Radical Muslim fears torture after court rules on deportation: A LANDMARK court ruling could pave the way for the government to return terror suspects to countries with records of torture if their regimes pledge not to mistreat them.
28.Feb.2007 Farrakhan blames religions for war : The leader of the Nation of Islam movement in the US has blamed religious discord among Christians, Muslims and those of other faiths for causing global conflicts.
28.Feb.2007 Keith Olberman: Bush Secretly Funding Al-Qaeda

28.Feb.2007 Tariq Ali: Official politics in the west ignores public opinion at will: The government crisis in Italy over US bases and Afghanistan reflects the increasing gap in Europe between rulers and ruled

28.Feb.2007 War criminal?: Perle: Bush Failed by his Own People :

Richard Perle, calls former Secretary of State Colin Powell a "disaster" + says current Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice "was in way over her head from the beginning."

28.Feb.2007 Russia to support Palestinians, urge blockade lifted - FM Lavrov : Russia will support the Palestinians and push for an international economic blockade for the Palestinian National Authority to be lifted, the Russian foreign minister said at a meeting with Hamas' political leader in Moscow Tuesday.

28.Feb.2007 EU planning to renew aid to PA : The European Commission has created a plan to renew financial assistance to the Palestinian Authority if and when a unity government is formed that receives international recognition.

28.Feb.2007 Hamas: Israel must end occupation : Khaled Meshaal, the political leader of Hamas, has used his visit to Russia to call on Israel to end its occupation of the Palestinian territories.

28.Feb.2007 U.S.building ties with Assad opponents in Syria : The White House and the State Department have been quietly building ties with Syrian dissidents, holding meetings in Washington and Damascus that some describe as a search for credible alternatives to the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

28.Feb.2007 Israeli Spy Case: Widespread Demands for Pollard's Release: American Jewish organizations have organized a massive nationwide campaign to call the White House every afternoon for the next two months and request/demand freedom for Pollard.
28.Feb.2007 U.S. majority favors deadline to exit Iraq: A majority of Americans in a new poll now support setting a deadline for withdrawing U.S. forces from the war-torn nation.

28.Feb.2007 Iraq's Cabinet Backs Contentious Oil Measure: A step toward meeting a U.S. demand that the country's parliament pass such a law.

28.Feb.2007 Oil Grab in Iraq: The exploration and production contracts give firms exclusive control of fields for up to 35 years including contracts that guarantee profits for 25-years. A foreign company, if hired, is not required to partner with an Iraqi company or reinvest any of its money in the Iraqi economy. It’s not obligated to hire Iraqi workers train Iraqi workers, or transfer technology.

28.Feb.2007 Pepe Escobar : US's Iraq oil grab is a done deal: US President George W Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney might as well declare the Iraq war over and out. As far as they - and the humongous energy interests they defend - are concerned, only now is the mission really accomplished. More than half a trillion dollars spent and perhaps half a million Iraqis killed have come down to this.

28.Feb.2007 Cheney OK After Afghan Blast; 23 Killed : A Taliban spokesman said Cheney was the target.

28.Feb.2007 Loud boom sent me to bunker, says Cheney: Dick Cheney said the suicide bombing at the gate of a US air base he was visiting in Afghanistan yseterday made a "loud boom" and drove him briefly into a bomb shelter.

28.Feb.2007 Wars strain US military might: Conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan erode United States army's ability to meet other potential conflicts

28.Feb.2007 West 'humiliating' Iran, says Hans Blix: Former UN weapons inspector slams US and Europe over 'humiliating neo-colonial' attitude to Iran. 'People have their own pride whether you like them or don't,' he adds, urging use of economic incentives for better diplomacy

28.Feb.2007 KeithOlbermann Slams Condi for Hitler Analogy: Olbermann took Condi to task for making the following ridiculous and historically inaccurate analogy on FOX News Sunday:
28.Feb.2007 Spy Chief Warns Situation in Iraq Going the Wrong Way : The nation's spy chief says the security and political trends in Iraq are moving "in a negative direction."
28.Feb.2007 Neocon Imperialism, 9/11 + the Attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq-By David Ray Griffin
My purpose in publishing this essay is to introduce a perspective, relevant to the debates about the wars in Iraq + Afghanistan + the impeachment of President Bush + Vice President Cheney,

that thus far has not been part of the public discussion. Continue - A must read

28.Feb.2007 In case you missed it: Violence is the American Way - By Ira Leonard
America demonstrated a national predilection for war and domestic violence long before the 9/11 attacks, but its leaders and intellectuals through most of the last century cultivated the national self-image, a myth, of America as a moral, "peace-loving" nation which the American population seems unquestioningly to have embraced.

28.Feb.2007 In case you missed it "We Have a President Who is a Utopian" -Video - Seymour Hersh : Mario Savio Memorial Lecture Click to view

28.Feb.2007 I’m American….Shhh!! Don’t Tell! - Analyzing the pandemic of global American Hatred - By Jessica Long
While Americans have no problem in attempting to run the world, we have little experience in how it works. It is on this ignorance that we justify our wars, trade relations and political action in a rapidly globalizing world. Aside from being fat and loud, the dangers of the American stereotype lie in the fact we are viewed as being simultaneously globally ignorant and culturally egocentric. This is our downfall. .

28.Feb.2007 Evidence Against Muslim Charity Appears Fabricated
An official summary of an FBI-wiretapped conversation contains anti-Semitic slurs that do not appear in the actual transcript. - By Greg Krikorian

28.Feb.2007 "You and I and the Next War" - 28.Feb.2007 Uri Avnery
For many months now, our media have been voicing dark warnings about Iran almost daily. Within a few years they are going to have the capability to carry out a "Second Holocaust", as well as the will to do so. The picture is of a crazy country, headed by a Second Hitler, who is prepared to have Iran annihilated if this is the price of wiping Israel off the map.

28.Feb.2007 The mystery of the vanishing bees  "I have never seen anything like it," Bradshaw, 50, said from an almond orchard here beginning to bloom. "Box after box after box are just empty. There's nobody home."
Bees figure prominently in mythology and are seen as
"a bridge between the natural world and the underworld." posted by Prof. Hex

28.Feb.2007 Poverty gap in US has widened under Bush 

The analysis, by the McClatchy group of newspapers, showed that the number of people living in extreme poverty had grown by 26 % since 2000. Heckuva job, Chimpy. posted by Prof. Hex
28.Feb.2007 Jimmy Carter Targeted By Bush 41's Bizarre UFO Scam  Wonkette has the skinny. posted by Prof. Hex
28.Feb.2007 Revealed 500 years later: how Columbus died 

Christopher Columbus did not suffer from gout, as contemporaries thought, but from an inflammatory disorder known as Reiter's syndrome, according to a new study published on Wednesday. posted by Prof. Hex
28.Feb.2007 Ancient remains unearthed in Vanuatu 

Archaeologists digging in Vanuatu have unearthed an ancient cemetery containing the curiously headless skeletons of what are believed to be the earliest known ancestors of Pacific Islanders. posted by Prof. Hex
28.Feb.2007 New evidence that global warming fuels stronger Atlantic hurricanes 

Atmospheric scientists have uncovered fresh evidence to support the hotly debated theory that global warming has contributed to the emergence of stronger hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean. posted by Prof. Hex
28.Feb.2007 Walter Reed patients told to keep quiet  Impeach George Bush. posted by Prof. Hex
28.Feb.20007 "What the vice president said is beneath the dignity of his office +

beneath the dignity of the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform," Pelosi said.

Bush thinking on war is "a little impaired" Nancy, we got your back covered.
"Whatever one thinks of the confused young man for associating with the Taliban,

we know through the courageous whistle blowing of Jesselyn Radack that Lindh was perhaps the first American victim of the Bush Administration?s disregard for the law and basic standards of decency."

Jesselyn Radack is Winner of This Week's BuzzFlash Wings of Justice Award.

28.Feb.2007 Busheviks Censor Wounded GIs from Talking About Their Neglected Treatment by the Bush Administration 2/28
America Cannot Seem to be Able to Fire Its Mad, Utterly Failed CEOs:

"A car bomb killed 10 people + wounded 21 near a vegetable market in Baghdad on Wednesday, Iraqi police said, as insurgents kept up a campaign of bombings despite a new US-backed security crackdown.

US and Iraqi forces launched a crackdown in Baghdad two weeks ago, but bombings and other attacks persisted." 2/28
'.50 Caliber Sniper Rifles are a Threat to My Security. Stop Their Open Sale at Gun Shops in the U.S.A.'

28.Feb.2007 In turnaround, U.S. will talk to Syria and Iran at "neighbor's meeting" concerning what to do with Iraq mess.

We'll see if this is a "show" war prelude "we tried" gesture or real talk by the Busheviks.

Usually, they place such onerous conditions on negotiating in the Middle East, such talks collapse before they get started. 2/28

28.Feb.2007 Bill Moyers' Abramoff Documentary (And Happy 49th Birthday, Jack!) -- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser
EU spending in Central Asia set to soar -- Gloria R. Lalumia's World Media Watch for February 28, 2007

28.Feb.2007 Value of an Army Private -- Editorial Cartoon by Tony Peyser
Antiwar leader wants to light a fire under Democrats, warning: You're at risk of botching PR battle over Iraq 2/28

28.Feb.2007 Nicholson Downplays High Numbers Of Injured Vets: ‘A Lot Of Them Come In For Dental Problems’ - Faiz Comments 

Through the lens of his own personal recovery from a traumatic brain injury suffered in Iraq, ABC’s Bob Woodruff last night examined the plight of military families dealing with injuries to their loved ones.

While the Department of Defense reports that there have been about 23,000 nonfatal battlefield casualties in Iraq, Woodruff reported — through an internal VA document — that more than 200,000 veterans have sought medical care for various ailments.

When Woodruff confronted VA Secretary Jim Nicholson about the disparity in the administration’s figures, Nicholson responded that Americans are probably “surprised to know that 200,000 come to the VA for some kind of medical treatment. That’s probably more than they think.” But Nicholson quickly downplayed the high numbers, claiming a lot of veterans simply “come in for dental problems.” Watch it:

Nicholson’s attempts to diminish the seriousness of the issue are insulting. According to the VA internal report, the injuries afflicting veterans are quite serious in nature:

Mental disorders: 73,000
Diseases of nervous system: 61,000
Signs of ill-defined conditions: 7,000
Diseases of musculoskeletal system: 87,000.

Despite the increasing numbers of wounded and injured veterans seeking care, the Bush administration has laid out plans to cut funding for veterans’ health care two years from now. Transcript: (more…)
28.Feb.2007 Courthouse ‘abuzz’ over Libby jurors’ ‘mystery note.’ - Nico Comments 

“The federal courthouse near the U.S. Capitol is abuzz this morning, with everyone speculating about the contents of a mystery note jurors in the Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby trial sent to Judge Reggie Walton as they suspended deliberations yesterday afternoon. In a note to lawyers for both sides, Walton said the jurors had a ‘question’ that he would address in court at 9:30 a.m. today. Willing says speculation is rampant, with observers wondering whether the question is about the law, the testimony or the evidence. As one U.S. marshal suggested, the question could also be along the lines of ‘What do we do if we can’t come to a verdict?‘”
28.Feb.2007 Cellulosic ethanol maker Range Fuels wins DOE grant
Blog: Range Fuels, a start-up which has designed processes for converting wood chips to ethanol, said on Wednesday it was awarded grants...

28.Feb.2007 Golf-Ball Sized Hail Damages Shuttle - CmdrTaco 22 Comments  MattSparkes writes

"The Shuttles March launch has been delayed to late April after golf-ball sized hail caused 7000 pits + divots in the foam that shields the fuel tank.

NASA say it's the worst damage of its kind that they have ever seen, but hail is not a new problem for the agency.

00.000.1982 a hailstorm damaged the sensitive heat shield tiles on the Columbia's wings. The damaged tiles then absorbed about 540 kilograms of rain. Once in space, the orbiter faced the Sun to allow the tiles to dry out."
First Dynamically Balancing Biped Robot - kdawson 122 Comments  damg writes

"Anybots, which is three guys led by Trevor Blackwell, has developed the first robot that walks like we do, by dynamically balancing itself rather than being pre-programmed for walking like Asimo. The video shows the robot walking and being pushed by another 'bully' robot to demonstrate that it can't easily be pushed over."
Vanishing Honeybees Will Affect Future Crops - kdawson 251+ Comments  daninbusiness writes

"Across the US, beekeepers are finding that their bees are disappearing — not returning while searching for nectar and pollen. This could have a major impact on the food industry in the United States, where as much as $14 billion worth of agriculture business depends on bees for crop pollination. Reasons for this problem, dubbed 'colony collapse disorder,' are still unknown. Theories include viruses, some type of fungus, poor bee nutrition + pesticides."
EU Wants German Telekom Fiber Open to All - Zonk 77+ Comments  High Fibre writes

"The European Commission has informed Germany that a new law protecting Deutsche Telekom's fiber optic network is illegal. Deutsche Telekom is in the process of rolling out a new fiber network that will serve the 50 largest German cities by the end of 2007 and convinced the German parliament to pass a law that would keep the competition from being able to lease its lines. The EC says that's a no-go: 'The EC believes that the German law would make it more difficult for competitors to enter the German market. More importantly, it runs contrary to an EC-endorsed recommendation that Deutsche Telekom be forced to open up its network — including the new fiber deployment — to competitors.'"
Today's Papers: Dropping Like It's Hot - BG today's papers
Dropping Like It's Hot
By Daniel Politi
New York Times, Washington Post + Los Angeles Times lead with + the Wall Street Journal devotes much of its Page One space to, the worldwide plunge in stock markets yesterday. It all started in China where stock prices fell almost 9 %, which caused a ripple effect as markets opened in Europe + then, the Americas. By the end of the trading day yesterday, the Dow Jones industrial average was down 3.3 %, or 416 points. In terms of %age, it was the worst decline since March 2003 + in points it was the steepest drop since the first day of trading after the Sept. 11 attacks.

USA Today leads with an early look at a new survey of homelessness by the Department of Housing and Urban Development that says 704,000 people across the country sought shelter at least once in a three-month period. Because the count doesn't include those living on the street, the actual number of homeless would be higher. Families with children accounted for one-third of the total. To continue reading, click here.
28.Feb.2007 Slowly Going Insane... - BG 
You might want to read this post for background. In its inimitable fashion, the New York Times begins with this: The Iraqi cabinet approved a draft of a law on Monday that would set guidelines for nationwide distribution of oil revenues and foreign investment in the immense oil industry. The endorsement reflected a major agreement among the country's ethnic and sectarian political blocs on one of Iraq's most divisive issues. The draft law approved by the cabinet allows the central government to distribute oil revenues to the provinces or regions based on population, which could lessen the economic concerns of the rebellious Sunni Arabs, who fear being cut out of Iraq's vast potential oil wealth by the dominant Shiites and Kurds. Most of Iraq's crude oil reserves lie in the Shiite south and Kurdish north.And almost at ... Source:

28.Feb.2007 By Bob Geiger - Reid Highlights GOP's Bogus National-Security Cred Senate Republicans all talk, no action on national security

28.Feb.2007 By Steve Young - READY OR NOT, HERE WE COME - General Pace Undermines The Troops

28.Feb.2007 By John Perry - Calling Out The Cons
It's time to put the bootlickers of George W. Bush's Neoconservative Anti-America in their place, folks. They are not the mainstream. They are not the majority. They are the foot soldiers of the new fascism with which the top cons seek to disastrously transform our great country.

28.Feb.2007 By Emily Horswill - SHAME ON YOU
Shame on the writers, those that call themselves journalists, who have been slow to demand impeachment of the criminal president and his criminal cabinet + who have fialied to inform the people that WE are the terrorists.

28.Feb.2007 By Mary MacElveen - Dare I Say That The Patriot Act Should Be Used On President Bush?
In allowing al Qaeda and the Taliban to flourish as well as funding these groups all of which places our national security at risk, dare I say that President Bush, Vice President Cheney and the rest of them have committed treason? Where are the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act when they are needed most?

28.Feb.2007 By Dave Johnson And James Boyce - A Far Too Convenient $mear: Part One -They're smearing Al Gore for using electricity - even though he pays extra for solar and wind energy.

28.Feb.2007 By Charles Sullivan - American Plutocracy And The War On Workers
As we look to the democrats in Congress to end the occupation of Iraq and to divert another impending disaster in Iran, we must recognize that, like the commercial media, these people are working for the Plutocracy, not for the public good.

28.Feb.2007 By John Pagoda - Remembering Black History Month: Rudy Guiliani & Hillary Clinton
New York City Policemen gun down an unarmed man and walk away with a pat on the back for a job well done.

28.Feb.2007 By Ray Adkins - How Do Republicans Define "Victory" In Iraq?
"Victory" in Iraq Republicans keep talking about may not come for years. Don't be surprised if your grandchildren seve in the Army of Occupation there.

28.Feb.2007 By Alan MacDonald - "Vichy America"
As American people, we will very soon be faced with confronting the fact that we no longer live in either a supposedly 'exceptional' country, or even a normal country. We will be faced with the reality that we live in a virtual "Vichy America" which has been fully taken over by a guileful and disguised global Empire ---- just as France in WWII had been taken over by the Nazi Empire which installed the faux gov

28.Feb.2007 By--- Indo-Pak Agreement On Reducing Risk From Accidents Relating To Nuclear Weapons
This is the text of the agreement between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of India on reducing the risk from accidents relating to nuclear weapons. Do we have such an agreement???

28.Feb.2007 By --- Dissention In The Ranks! Video Of Active Duty Military On 60 Minutes Voicing Opposition To Iraq War
They are patriots, they are honorable, but they have had enough!

28.Feb.2007 By ---
Undervote Rate Plummets 85% In New Mexico's Native American Precincts After Statewide Switch From Touch-Screen Voting To
"One person, one vote is in jeopardy if we do not act boldly and immediately," Richardson implored, while decrying the failures of DREs in his state and in support of paper ballots. "When a vote is cast, a vote should be counted," he wrote. Here's an easy to understand graph from the short, two-page report published on the New Mexico data over the weekend along with the raw data at

28.Feb.2007 Death of David Kelly - BG Postman Patel: The Knife that killed Dr David Kelly. Amazing Find. Amazing Pictures
28.Feb.2007 Time Stamp Confirms BBC Reported WTC 7 Collapse 26 Minutes In Advance - Paul Joseph Watson -Debunkers' claims about blue screens, inconclusive time frame of Jane Standley footage
28.Feb.2007 The Bushes: Delusional, Out Of Touch Puppet Theatre - Paul Joseph Watson -Laura Bush's latest ill informed outburst reveals just how deluded and out of the reality loop the Neocon
28.Feb.2007 BBC Responds to Building 7 Controversy; Claim 9/11 Tapes Lost - Paul Joseph Watson -Pathetic five paragraph blog rebuttal does not answer questions as to source of report that
February 28, 2007 - Think Progress Comments 

“Soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center’s Medical Hold Unit say they have been told they will wake up at 6 a.m. every morning + have their rooms ready for inspection at 7 a.m. + that they must not speak to the media ,” the Army Times reports. Soldiers said an official told them “they must follow their chain of command when asking for help with their medical evaluation paperwork, or when they spot mold, mice or other problems in their quarters.”

“In the most definitive statement in years,” Mike McConnell, the new director of national intelligence, said yesterday that “ Osama bin laden is in Pakistan actively re-establishing al Qaeda training camps .” He also admitted to the Senate that the “term ‘civil war’ accurately describes key elements of the Iraqi conflict.”

The United States yesterday agreed to “join high-level talks” at a pair of regional conferences on the future of the Iraq, at which Syria and Iran will also be present. Analyst Steve Clemons noted, “Time will tell whether this is meaningless flirtation” or “a carefully crafted ‘confidence building measure’ that could lead to more meaningful engagement.”

The Politico editor John Harris acknowledged “with pride and remorse” that he is the author of the “slow-bleed” phrase that the right wing is using to attack Rep. John Murtha’s (D-PA) Iraq plan. “As happens all the time in journalism, this was a decision — made on the fly and under deadline — that I would have taken back in the morning.”

“House Democrats and federal prosecutors have struck what seems like a historic deal to turn over congressional documents related to the Duke Cunningham investigation .” (more…)
28.Feb.2007 Rumsfeld and Feith laugh it up. - Nico Comments 

Gossip blogger Extreme Mortman reports from the Hoover Institution’s annual reception: “There, as we sip The Glenlivet, could it be? Yes! It’s Don Rumsfeld chatting up Doug Feith! Not just chatting, laughing. Laughing really, really hard. The kind of laughter that’s so hard it could cause a mistrial if the Scooter Libby jury ever heard it. We couldn’t figure out the joke, but we saw Feith sipping red wine + Rumsfeld holding a glass of what seemed to be white. … If only we knew what the joke was. Perhaps the joys of private sector?”
28.Feb.2007 Glenn Beck Claims Olbermann Is ‘Killing…The World’s Democracy,’ ‘Smacks Of…McCarthyism’ - Nico Comments 

MSNBC host Keith Olbermann is profiled in this month’s issue of Rolling Stone. In the piece, Olbermann shares his thoughts on right-wing Headline News host Glenn Beck:

A wolf in sheep’s clothing. The very dangerously bigoted guy who is selling himself as a pragmatic philosopher. I don’t think he sees his own bigotry. There’s something about him that suggests that, one night, he’ll say something that will cost him his career in television.

Glenn Beck responded tonight, calling Olbermann an “intolerant ideologue” whose ideas “smack of the same McCarthyism [Edward R.] Murrow fought so valiantly against.” Beck added, “Hey, Keith, you’re not saving the world’s democracy; you’re killing it, my friend, by trying to limit the marketplace of ideas to only those that reflect your own.”

Watch it:

Beck said tonight that his numerous inflammatory comments aren’t due to his right-wing point of view, but are merely a sign that he is “not perfect” and “struggl[ing] to find the answers to the issues that we face — on my own.” Some lowlights from Beck’s “struggle”:

The anti-gay slur “faggot” is nothing more than “a naughty name.” [1/23/07]

“What happened to the Duke lacrosse team was practically a lynching without the rope. And for the first time in my life, Mr. Oreo Cookie without the chocolate on the outside can understand why people celebrated when O.J. Simpson was acquitted.” [1/15/07, using a racial slur for African-Americans that refers to “being black on the outside and white on the inside”]

“[W]hat I feel like saying is, ‘ Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies .’” [11/14/06, on what he would like to say to Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first elected Muslim member of Congress]

“I wonder if I’m alone in this — you know it took me about a year to start hating the 9-11 victims’ families ? Took me about a year.” [9/9/05]

“And that’s all we’re hearing about, are the people in New Orleans . Those are the only ones we’re seeing on television are the scumbags .” [9/9/05] Chris Achorn has more. Digg It! Transcript: (more…)
28.Feb.2007 Paper calls on Bachmann to explain conspiracy theory. - Nico Comments 

This month, Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) famously told her local St. Cloud Times that she knows of a secret plan by Iran to partition Iraq + turn half of the country into a “terrorist safe haven zone” called the “Iraq State of Islam.” Today, the St. Cloud Times said she “needs to fully explain either how she knows of a plan to split Iraq in half, or if she was talking over her head — way over her head — in making that statement.”

Once the national media picked up on the piece, Bachmann late last week tried to explain her comments by issuing a written statement that began with “I am sorry if my words have been misconstrued …” and became even more vague from there.

The problem here is Bachmann’s statements are recorded. There really is nothing to misconstrue, nor even misunderstand. She simply needs to explain what she said.

If it’s true, where did she get her information? (Remember, she did say she had received “classified information on the war effort” during a Pentagon briefing in late January.)

If it’s not true, what was she trying to accomplish with her podcast comments? …

The questions are really very simple. Just answer them.
Bush nominates Swift Boat funder as ambassador. - Nico Comments 

President Bush has nominated Sam Fox, a major right-wing donor who gave $50,000 to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, to be ambassador to Belgium. Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) “grilled” Fox today during his confirmation hearing:

“Might I ask you what your opinion is with respect to the state of American politics as regards the politics of personal destruction?” Kerry asked near the end of Fox’s hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Fox, one of the nation’s most generous contributors to Republican candidates and causes, said he is concerned that politics “has become mean and destructive.”

Fox said he didn’t recall who asked him to give to Swift Boat Veterans and said both sides of the political debate contribute to groups known as 527s.

But Kerry said the incident raised questions about Fox’s fitness to serve as an ambassador. …

It is not clear whether Kerry’s concerns will pose an obstacle to Fox’s nomination.
Fox’s John Gibson Attacks The ‘Great Left-Wing Slime Machine Called ThinkProgress’ - Think Progress Comments 

Yesterday, ThinkProgress noted that Fox News host John Gibson had accused reporters of “news-guy snobbery” for covering the Iraq war instead of Anna Nicole Smith. Mocking ’s Anderson Cooper, Gibson said, “Oh, ‘There’s a war on! There’s a war on!’ Maybe, just maybe, people are a little weary, Mr. Cooper, of your war coverage + they’d like a little something else.”

Today, Gibson responded, claiming he had been the victim of a “purposeful and malicious misinterpretation” by the “great left-wing slime machine called” But Gibson’s monologue only confirmed what we had reported. He repeated again today that reporters who downplay Anna Nicole coverage in favor of Iraq have a “snobby attitude.”

Watch it:

Gibson said today, “People might want a break from the war, to watch the drama in a story like Anna Nicole.”

We aren’t opposed to news anchors like Gibson dedicating some coverage to Anna Nicole Smith, but we do believe that referencing her 300 % more than Iraq — as Fox News did — betrays your obligation to present balanced coverage on the important matters of the day. For his part, Gibson has featured stories on Anna Nicole Smith every single day since her death on Feb. 8 — that’s 19 days straight, a humiliating feat.

If you want to respond to Gibson, write him at Digg It! Transcript: (more…)
28.Feb.2007 Rove: YouTube is a disruption. - Faiz Comments 

Speaking today to students at Texas State University as part of the school’s “Communications Week,” Karl Rove referred to YouTube, saying: “That can disrupt anything. Just ask former Sen. George Allen.” Note to Rove: It was Allen’s remarks — not YouTube — that disrupted his campaign.
28.Feb.2007 Follow-up: Post reports support for Murtha plan. - Nico Comments 

The Washington Post editorial page has condemned Rep. John Murtha’s (D-PA) plan to increase support for the overstretched U.S. military and restrain Bush’s Iraq escalation. Yesterday, ThinkProgress noted that the Post had released a new poll showing strong support for Murtha’s plan — but no mention of this support was made in the paper’s coverage of the poll. Today, the Post published a new front-page story with the following:

There was clear support, however, for the kinds of conditions proposed by Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.), who wants to establish requirements for the training and resting of military units that would have the effect of limiting the number of troops available to send to Iraq.

Murtha’s plan has drawn fire in the House, including from some of his Democratic colleagues, after it was announced on a liberal Web site. The Post-ABC News poll, which did not associate the plan with Murtha, found that 58 % of Americans said they support such new rules. Even some Americans, 21 %, who supported the president’s troop increase said they would favor rules for training and resting troops.
Army wants Jack Bauer to condemn torture. - Amanda Comments 

The Army has invited Kiefer Sutherland, star of the hit TV show 24 and opponent of torture, to come and discuss why it is wrong to torture prisoners. Brigadier General Patrick Finnegan recently pleaded with the makers of the show to cut down on torture scenes, arguing that they are sending inappropriate messages to the troops condoning torture: “I’d like them to stop. They should do a show where torture backfires.”
28.Feb.2007 Snow Trumpets U.S. Troop Readiness: ‘Unprecedented In Time of Warfare’ - Payson Comments 

The U.S. military is in the midst of a readiness crisis, exacerbated by President Bush’s escalation of forces in Iraq. Just yesterday, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Peter Pace warned in a classified report to Congress that the military is so overstretched in Iraq and Afghanistan that there is a “significant” risk that the U.S. military won’t be able to respond adequately if another world crisis unfolds.

During today’s press briefing, reporters pressed Tony Snow about the strained military. “What you have seen, actually,” Snow claimed, “is a nimbleness when it comes to trying to do force protection, I think, probably unprecedented in a time of warfare.”

Watch it:

Actually, the U.S. Army’s preparedness for war “has eroded to levels not witnessed by our country in decades.” Virtually all of the U.S.-based Army combat brigades are “rated as unready to deploy,” Army officials say + a recent Pentagon survey found that troops in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer from chronic shortages of armored vehicles, heavy weapons + communications equipment.

Tony Snow today frequently pointed out that U.S. troops serving in combat are doing a heroic job. That’s absolutely true. But as President Bush reminded us back 00.000.2000:

To point out that our military has been overextended, taken for granted and neglected, that’s no criticism of the military. That is criticism of a president and vice president and their record of neglect. Transcript: (more…)
28.Feb.2007 Beware of pizza parties with John Ashcroft. - Amanda Comments 

“A pizza luncheon to be hosted this Wednesday by former Attorney General turned consultant John Ashcroft for some of his old political appointees has raised eyebrows in the Justice Department’s ethics office, U.S. News has learned.” The ethics office has “advised invitees to consider the appearance of attending such an event.”
28.Feb.2007 Gen. Wesley Clark: Escalation Will Empower Iran - Amanda Comments 

In his Jan. 10 address to the nation, Bush cited Iran’s growing influence in Iraq as a key argument for escalating U.S. troop presence. “Iran is providing material support for attacks on American troops. We will disrupt the attacks on our forces. We’ll interrupt the flow of support from Iran and Syria,” Bush said.

Last night on Fox News’s O’Reilly Factor, Gen. Wesley Clark said that using escalation to counter Iran is a “fundamentally flawed” strategy. “What is actually happening with the surge strategy is the Shiite militia have gone underground and the U.S. troops are going to concentrate against the Sunnis. The actual impact of the surge strategy is likely to be that we deliver total control of Baghdad to the Shiites sooner rather than later.” In other words, if anything, the escalation will end up empowering Iran. Watch it: Digg It! Transcript: (more…)
28.Feb.2007 ABC, Fox pick up Drudge’s attack on Gore. - Nico Comments  The stories are HERE and HERE. Thankfully, both at least include Gore’s response, which ThinkProgress first published HERE.
28.Feb.2007 Lieberman: Criticism Of Administration’s Iran Intelligence Is ‘Unwarranted’ - Faiz Comments 

Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) said today that he is upset that critics have been questioning the administration’s intelligence on Iran, calling the reaction “unwarranted.” Lieberman said the “danger point” learned from the criticism is that the media and politicians reacted with “suspicion.” “I wouldn’t start with suspicion,” Lieberman said.

Lieberman also encouraged the intelligence community to push their conclusions further and complained that there has been a reluctance of people in the administration to do so. He spoke out against what he sees as “a kind of defensiveness — I dare not call it timidity” of the intelligence community due to incorrect judgments made in the lead-up to Iraq.

Watch it:

Skepticism is entirely justified. The White House stated without evidence that the highest levels of the Iranian government were responsible for weapons transfers to Iraqi insurgents, but later conceded that the intelligence went “a little too far.” Prodded by bloggers, the media has begun to assert “intelligent skepticism” on Iran.

A Senate Intelligence Committe inquiry on pre-war Iraq intelligence found that more action was needed to “challenge assumptions and group think.”

Lieberman’s approach dooms Congress to repeating its previous failure. Transcript: (more…)
28.Feb.2007 “Breakfast was excellent.” - Nico Comments 

Newsweek, via Kevin Drum: “Just after dawn on Tuesday morning, reporters were taken to the mess hall, where Cheney was dining with the troops. ‘How was breakfast?’ a reporter yelled to the VP. ‘Breakfast was excellent,’ Cheney replied, in what were his first three words to the press pool traveling with him on the trip, now in its eighth day.”
28.Feb.2007 Global warming is a ‘myth’ - Amanda Comments  and “Satan’s attempt to redirect the church’s primary focus” from evangelism to environmentalism, Jerry Falwell yesterday told his congregation. (Gristmill has more.)
28.Feb.2007 Bush Faces Opposition on Iran Attack - sfux Robert Parry -

A number of U.S. military leaders, reportedly including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, have waged an extraordinary behind-the-scenes resistance to what they fear is a secret plan by George W. Bush to wage war against Iran. George W. Bush is encountering stiff resistance...
Kolumbien: Milliarden für die Rüstung - sfux Bogota/Onlineredaktion ?

Um den Kampf gegen ?linksorientierte Rebellen? zu intensivieren, will die kolumbianische Regierung nach eigenen Angaben Milliarden Dollar in das Militär investieren. Verteidigungsminister Juan Manuel Santos sagte, die Führung unter Präsident Alvaro Uribe werde neue Kampfflugzeuge und Helikopter kaufen.
Zusätzlich sollen 38'000 Bundespolizisten zusätzlich zum Einsatz kommen um gegen die Drogengeschäfte der Rebellen vorzugehen....

USA: Red Kite, Global Alpha, Immobilien-Crash, Fed-Chef - sfux Karl Weiss -

Offenbar beginnt sich die Weltwirtschaftskrise zu entwickeln.
Die beruhigenden Worte von US-Fed-Chef Bernacke vor dem US-Kongress hatten offenbar gute Gründe. Die US-Wirtschaft steht offenbar vor einer Talfahrt oder beginnt bereits abzurutschen. Da ist es Aufgabe eines Fed-Chefs, jegliche Panik zu vermeiden und von geringem Wachstum, aber auch geringer Inflation zu reden. Auf...

Vitamins 'could shorten lifespan' Certain vitamin supplements may shorten rather than prolong lifespan, research has suggested.
28.Feb.2007 Iran positive on Iraq conference Iran says it will take part in security talks in Baghdad which include the US, if it is "in Iraq's best interests".
28.Feb.2007 World stock slump hits day two Worldwide share prices continue to fall, triggered by Tuesday's 9% losses on the Shanghai stock market.
28.Feb.2007 Japanese whale hunt ended early Japan's whaling fleet cuts short its annual hunt after a fire two weeks ago crippled the main boat.
28.Feb.2007 Ailing Castro says 'I feel good' Cuban President Fidel Castro appears in a live broadcast for the first time since falling ill seven months ago.
28.Feb.2007 US growth revised down The US economy grew at a pace of 2.2% in the last three months of 2006, down from a previous estimate of 3.5%.
28.Feb.2007 Canada rejects anti-terror laws Canada's parliament votes against renewing anti-terror measures brought in after the 9/11 attacks.
28.Feb.2007 'Mossad' trial resumes in Cairo The trial has resumed in Cairo of an Egyptian-Canadian dual national accused of spying for Israel.
28.Feb.2007 More eurozone rate rises 'likely' A leading German bank official signals that further rises in eurozone interest rates are likely, starting next week.
28.Feb.2007 Vitamins 'could shorten lifespan' Certain vitamin supplements may shorten rather than prolong lifespan, research has suggested.
28.Feb.2007 Padilla has 'no mental problems' Jail officials say an alleged al-Qaeda operative due to stand trial shows no serious symptoms of mental problems.
28.Feb.2007 Hamas win Russia boycott pledge Moscow says it will work to lift sanctions imposed by Western governments against the Palestinian government.
28.Feb.2007 Nasa probe set for Jupiter flyby Nasa's New Horizons spacecraft heads for a close encounter with the giant planet Jupiter.
28.Feb.2007 Feb. 28, 1935: Sheer Bliss Nylon, one of the world's most versatile synthetics, comes into the world. And just in time, too. Compiled by Tony Long.
28.Feb.2007 Dire Warnings on Global Warming Extreme weather, drought and spreading disease are on the horizon if something isn't done to rein in the human impact on the environment, a new study says. By the Associated Press.
28.Feb.2007 The Madness of King Coal Leave it to cowboy capitalism and Texas to come up with a weird monster energy deal involving a dozen new coal plants and a green $44 billion buyout that would scuttle some of the plants. In Epicenter.
28.Feb.2007 China Fields Cyborg Flying Rats The People's Daily Online reports Chinese scientists have successfully implanted electrodes in pigeons' brains to control the birds' movements. Reminds us of U.S. attempts to create remote-controlled shark spies. In Danger Room.
28.Feb.2007 Computer simulates Vesuvius blast Blog: A new computer simulation shows that if Mount Vesuvius were to erupt again, as many as 300,000 Italians would be killed if not...
28.Feb.2007 GE's efficient incandescent bulb to match compact fluorescents Blog: GE has developed a high-efficiency incandescent lamp which the lighting powerhouse said will eventually deliver the same environmental...
28.Feb.2007 Clean coal company nabs $33 million Blog: Last week, investors and executives were talking about the inevitability of the clean coal industry + days later CoalTek,...
28.Feb.2007 Nixed: Black Hat talk on RFID access badge risks Legal threat from HID prompts security researchers to cancel discussion on flaws of radio tag-embedded building access ID cards.
28.Feb.2007 Christian Klar: Raus mit der Wahrheit - dann raus aus dem Knast
28.Feb.2007 CO2- Debatte: Köhler fordert Umdenken der Autohersteller

28.Feb.2007 Gehirn- Implantate: Chinesen steuern Tauben fern
28.Feb.2007 Sanierung: Airbus verkündet Abbau von 10.000 Stellen bis 2010

28.Feb.2007 Ex- RAF- Terrorist: Keine Haftlockerung für Klar, Beckstein stellt Freilassung 2009 in Frage
28.Feb.2007 Konzernumbau: Telekom will 50.000 Mitarbeiter ausgliedern
28.Feb.2007 The "I" Word. Should Bush be Impeached? You Tell Us. | BuzzFlash

FIrst investage the two stolen elections, the war, their friends and families ... the cost in human lives that his crimes and negligence have brought about.
Feinstaubverordnung: Oldtimer werden aus den Innenstädten verbannt

28.Feb.2007 Börsen- Einbruch: "Es ist eine Korrektur, kein Crash"
28.Feb.2007 Früherer RAF- Terrorist: Klars Haftbedingungen werden nicht gelockert
Doch diese Nahrungsergänzungen sind nicht immer und vor allem nicht in unbegrenzter Menge gut für den Körper. Die Vitamine A und E sowie Betakarotin könnten die Lebenserwartung sogar verkürzen, schreiben Wissenschaftler um Goran Bjelakovic von der Universitätsklinik Kopenhagen jetzt in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Fachzeitschrift "
Journal of the American Medical Association".

Die Mediziner verglichen in einer sogenannten Meta-Analyse die Ergebnisse von insgesamt 68 Studien mit rund 230.000 Teilnehmern. Dabei werteten sie aus, ob die Vitamine A, C, E, Betakarotin und das Spurenelement Selen einen Einfluss auf die Lebenserwartung der teilnehmenden Probanden hatten. Zunächst konnten die Forscher keinen solchen Zusammenhang finden.

Keine strenge Kontrolle von Nebenwirkungen

"Jeder von Bomben getötete Afghane, egal ob Kämpfer oder Zivilist, produziert mindestens zwei neue Kämpfer", fasste im Herbst 2006 der US-Offizier Chris Cavoli seine Erfahrungen in der Provinz Kunar zusammen. Eine militärische Offensive gegen die Männer von Mullah Dadullah würde dem neuen Star der Taliban folglich nur in die Hände spielen.

"Unsere Quellen werden nie versiegen", sagt er selbstsicher auf einem seiner vielen Propagandavideos.

Erst kürzlich haben die Amerikaner selbst an der Legende um Dadullah mitgestrickt. Nach einer Operation in der Grenzregion lancierten Geheimdienstler die Nachricht an die Medien, man habe Dadullah und einige seiner engsten Anhänger getötet. Es dauerte nur einen halben Tag, bis sich Dadullah per Satellitentelefon auf al-Dschasira meldete. "Er ist immer irgendwie erreichbar und liebt das Spiel mit den Journalisten", sagt Rahimullah Yusufzai, der selbst ab und an mit Dadullah spricht. Dass die Signale der Thuraya-Telefone geortet werden können, scheint Dadullah nicht zu ängstigen. Er fühlt sich unangreifbar.
Vulkanausbruch: Stromboli könnte Flutwelle auslösen

28.Feb.2007 Nach dem Börsencrash: Erholung in Shanghai dämpft Verkaufspanik in Frankfurt
28.Feb.2007 Pilleneinnahme: Vitamine können das Leben verkürzen

28.Feb.2007 Internationaler Strafgerichtshof: "Wir dürfen vor Rechtlosigkeit und Gewalt nicht kapitulieren"

28.Feb.2007 Resistente Erreger: Keimgefahr in Krankenhäusern
28.Feb.2007 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Prätention und Medienmacht"

28.Feb.2007 Aufschwung: Arbeitslosenzahl im Februar erneut gesunken
28.Feb.2007 Jagd beendet: Japans Walfänger ziehen sich zurück
28.Feb.2007 Familienbande: Mutters Verwandte wirken vertrauenswürdiger
28.Feb.2007 Aktien auf Talfahrt: Dax nach asiatischem Börsenbeben noch tiefer im Minus

28.Feb.2007 Kuba: Castro meldet sich in Radioshow zu Wort

28.Feb.2007 Konflikte: USA beteiligen sich an Irak- Konferenz mit Iran und Syrien
27.Feb.2007 Schäden am Außentank: Nasa verschiebt "Atlantis"- Start

28.Feb.2007 Börsencrash: Weltweiter Kurseinbruch lässt Anleger zittern
27.Feb.2007 - Geldanlage - Nachrichten - Blackstone erwartet Private ...

Die weltgrößten Akteure wie Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR ), Blackstone oder Carlyle betreiben ihr Geschäft über geschlossene Fonds. ZUM THEMA ...

27.Feb.2007 Wettlauf um größten Hedgefonds Damit rücke Goldman Sachs zu den beiden größten US-Hedgefonds-Gesellschaften Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR ) und Blackstone auf.

Die beiden Investoren hegen ...
Nordcapital - Pressespiegel - Schrecken auf dem Sprung

Das Geschäftsmodell der "Heuschrecken" hat Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR ) erfunden. Die Private-Equity-Firma erwirbt Unternehmen und finanziert einen ... : Die Heuschrecken-Plage

Als ganz besonders böse, weil gierige Kapitalisten, stellt der SPD-Chef die US-Gesellschaft Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR ) an den Pranger. : Heuschrecken fressen keinen Dax

Die vor 30 Jahren gegründete Private-Equity Gesellschaft Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR ) gehört zu den weltgrößten Beteiligungsgesellschaften + besitzt ...
nordClick - News aus dem Norden

Demnach prüfen Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR ), Blackstone + Carlyle eine ... Ein Konsortium um Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR ) + Texas Pacific Group will ...
AKTIE IM FOKUS: Dow Chemical sehr fest - HTML-Version
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR ), Blackstone + Carlyle eine Offerte von 60 Dollar ... Ein Konsortium um Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR ) und Texas Pacific Group ...


Frankfurt am Main - Der US-Finanzinvestor Blackstone ist nach eigener Aussage kürzlich mit der Übernahme eines börsennotierten Großkonzerns in Deutschland gescheitert.

"Wir haben uns Sachen in der Region von 50 Milliarden Dollar angesehen", sagte Blackstone-Chef Stephen Schwarzman heute am Rande des Branchenkongresses "Super Return" in Frankfurt.
Börsencrash in Shanghai: Kurseinbruch aus Angst vor der China- Blase

27.Feb.2007 EADS- Krise: Airbus streicht 10.000 Jobs - Gewerkschafter sprechen von Krieg
27.Feb.2007 "Cicero"- Urteil: Lass' dich nicht erwischen, Journalist

27.Feb.2007 Gescheiterter Kaufplan: US- Finanzinvestor wollte Dax- Konzern übernehmen

27.Feb.2007 Sakro- Archäologie: Der Heiland würde im Grab rotieren
27.Feb.2007 Erneuerbare Energien: Ökostrom wächst schneller als geplant
27.Feb.2007 Wetterrekord: Ein Winter wie am Mittelmeer
27.Feb.2007 Umfrage: Mehrheit der Deutschen ist für Tempolimit

27.Feb.2007 Kurssturz in Shanghai: Crash in China lässt die Weltbörsen wackeln

27.Feb.2007 "Cicero"- Urteil: Sieg für Pressefreiheit - klare Grenzen für Ermittler gefordert
27.Feb.2007 Anschlagsziel Cheney: "Ich hörte einen lauten Knall"
27.Feb.2007 Entwicklungsländer: HIV- infizierte Mütter können ihre Kinder durch Stillen retten

27.Feb.2007 Fastfood- Kette: McDonald's macht Rekordumsatz in Deutschland
27.Feb.2007 Reverse Hacker Awarded $4.3 Million - Zonk 94 Comments  jcatcw writes

"Shawn Carpenter was awarded a $4.3 million award — more than twice the amount he sought and money he thinks he'll never see. Carpenter worked for Sandia National Labs as an intrusion detection analyst. He anayzed. He detected. He reported. He was fired — in Janurary 2005 after sharing his results with the FBI and the U.S. Army. Computerworld asked him what he hoped to achieve in that investigation. Answer: 'In late May of 2004, one of my investigations turned up a large cache of stolen sensitive documents hidden on a server in South Korea. In addition to U.S. military information, there were hundreds of pages of detailed schematics and project information marked 'Lockheed Martin Proprietary Information — Export Controlled' that were associated with the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. ... It was a case of putting the interests of the corporation over those of the country.' Ira Winkler, author of Spies Among Us, said the verdict was 'incredibly
Avoiding the Word "Evolution" - kdawson 549 Comments jakosc tips us to a disturbing article in PloS Biology on the avoidance of the word "Evolution" in scientific papers and grants.

From the paper: "In spite of the importance of antimicrobial resistance, we show that the actual word 'evolution' is rarely used in the papers describing this research. Instead, antimicrobial resistance is said to 'emerge,' 'arise,' or 'spread' rather than 'evolve.' Moreover, we show that the failure to use the word 'evolution' by the scientific community may have a direct impact on the public perception of the importance of evolutionary biology in our everyday lives... It has been repeatedly rumored (and reiterated by one of the reviewers of this article) that both the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation have in the past actively discouraged the use of the word 'evolution' in titles or abstracts of proposals so as to avoid controversy."
Bloggers Immune From Suits Against Commenters - kdawson 127 Comments  An anonymous reader writes

"Suppose a commenter posts a libelous comment here at Slashdot. Can Slashdot and its owners be sued for defamation? A federal appeals court just held that no, they cannot. The court noted that a federal law was designed to ensure that 'within broad limits, message board operators would not be held responsible for the postings made by others on that board,' adding that, were the law otherwise, it would have an 'obvious chilling effect' on blogger speech."
British Government Slashes Scientific Research - ScuttleMonkey 153+ Comments asobala writes

"The British Government has slashed the funding of scientific Research Councils by £68 million. The Research Councils most affected by this include the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, which has been hit by a £29 million reduction in funding + the Medical Research Council, which is seeing a £10.7 million reduction in funding. The response of the BBSRC biological research council announces that the council will have to cut 20 new grants and reduce expenditure on new equipment."
Bacteria To Protect Against Quakes - kdawson 53+ Comments  Roland Piquepaille writes

"If you live near the sea, chances are high that your home is built over sandy soil. And if an earthquake strikes, deep and sandy soils can turn to liquid with disastrous consequences for the buildings built above them. Now, US researchers have found a way to use bacteria to steady buildings against earthquakes by turning these sandy soils into rocks. 'Starting from a sand pile, you turn it back into sandstone,' the chief researcher explained. It is already possible to inject chemicals into the ground to reinforce it, but this technique can have toxic effects on soil and water. In contrast, the use of common bacteria to 'cement' sands has no harmful effects on the environment. So far this method is limited to labs and the researchers are working on scaling their technique. Here are more references and a picture showing how unstable ground can aggravate the consequences of an earthquake."
World shares wobble on China fear - Global stock markets slip on fears about China, with the UK's FTSE 100 posting its biggest drop in nine months.
27.Feb.2007 Let Robots Sweat the Boring Stuff - It's time for radical robomediation. Let's hand the service industry to automatons rather than transforming humans into reluctant machines. Commentary by Momus.
27.Feb.2007 Feb. 27, 1940: Want a Date? The discovery of carbon-14 paves the way for determining the age of rocks, fossils and what have you. Compiled by Tony Long.
27.Feb.2007 Iraq's Super Bombs: Homemade?
The United States claims EFPs are coming from Iran, but it looks like they could be homemade in Iraq. Plus: The U.S. military turns out discs that allow soldiers to make their own EFPs. In Danger Room.

27.Feb.2007 Bush Meets With Anti-Semite Who Celebrated The Killing Of American Soldiers - Nico Comments 

President Bush reportedly met yesterday with Walid Jumblatt, a member of the Lebanese Parliament who has repeatedly called for U.S.-backed regime change in Syria.

After visiting the White House, Jumblatt addressed the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute, which wields significant influence within the administration.

“Many people say there won’t be a stable Lebanon without regime change in Syria,” Jumblatt said, adding that he “urged the Bush administration to aid opposition groups fighting the rule” of Syrian President Assad.

Jumblatt’s meeting with the White House is notable not just because of his radical foreign policy views.

In the past, Jumblatt has cheered the deaths of American soldiers in Iraq, referred to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as “oil-colored,” and claimed the real axis of evil is one of “oil and Jews.”

– “ We are all happy when U.S. soldiers are killed [in Iraq] week in and week out. The killing of U.S. soldiers in Iraq is legitimate and obligatory.” [Link]

– “The oil axis is present in most of the U.S. administration, beginning with its president, vice-president + top advisers, including (Condoleezza) Rice, who is oil-colored, while the axis of Jews is present with Paul Wolfowitz, the leading hawk who is inciting (America) to occupy and destroy Iraq.” [Link]

– “In November 2003, the United States revoked Jumblatt’s diplomatic visa for wishing out loud that Wolfowitz had been killed in a Baghdad rocket attack .” [Link]

While the White House has yet to comment on the Jumblatt’s visit, his regime change talk yesterday “drew a round of applause from the AEI audience.”

Bush_Meets_With_Anti_Semite_Who_Celebrated_The_Killing_Of_American_Soldiers">Digg It!
Two Army brigades will forgo desert training. - Nico Comments 

“Rushed by President Bush’s decision to reinforce Baghdad with thousands more U.S. troops, two Army combat brigades are skipping their usual session at the Army’s premier training range in California and instead are making final preparations at their home bases.”

UPDATE: Speaker Pelosi: “The harmful effects on the readiness crisis of the President’s escalation plan are just beginning to be seen.”
27.Feb.2007 Terror Suspect Gives Account of Detention - BG
27.Feb.2007 Google Censoring? - BG 
I don't feel very comfortable that one company is controlling all my cyber space! Google controls my email account, calender, blogging account, you-tube, documents and other aspects of my electronic life.

I think it's important to hold google accountable for any information censorship. Less than a month ago, I linked to a youtube clip showing me speaking in the

January 27 UFPJ rally. When you try to see the clip now, you get this message: "This video has been removed due to terms of use violation."

First, I thought that Google decided to remove the video because it was a c-span segment because it causes them some copyrights issues, but

I was shocked to find other hundreds of c-span segments online, many of them are older, longer + with a huge number of viewers as well. Now search for "c-span", you'll get arou...

27.Feb.2007 Alex Jones Watch: #12 Posting Non-Sense from Other Sources - BG 
Troofer Math from Screw Loose Change by James B. I am constantly amused with the truther misuse of statistics, which Pat has commented on before.

I took stats in grad school last year + I don't remember it being done this way.

In this example James Redford on looks at the 6 cases of people with Arab names similar to those of the 19 hijiackers having connections to US military bases +

calculates the odds of these occurences being mistaken indentities of 1 in 21.7 billion.

His misuse of statistics, however, is cringe inducing. Follow Link Above for Entire Article
Berkowitz: American Enterprise Institute takes lead in agitating against Iran - BG 
After doing such a bang up job with their advice and predictions about the outcome of the war on Iraq, would it surprise you to learn that America's neoconservatives are still in business?

While at this time we are not yet seeing the same intense neocon invasion of our living rooms—via cable television's news networks—that we saw during the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, nevertheless, a host of policy analysts at conservative think tanks—most notably the American Enterprise Institute—are being heeded on Iran by those who count—folks inside the Bush Administration. Long.... Source:
26.Feb.2007 9/11 Families of Sept 11 Need to Get a Clue - BG From: <
Subject: Statement regarding the 9/11 bill
To: Families of September 11 Members <
Jones and Fetzer Speak Separately on WTC Devastation - BG
27.Feb.2007 Change in Hijacking Response Policy - June 2001 - BG
01.Jun,2001 the
US Joint Chiefs of Staff issued a new order regarding cases of aircraft piracy, i.e., hijackings.

The new order (CJCSI 3610.01A), signed by Vice Admiral S. A. Fry, Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,

canceled the existing order (CJCSI 3610.01)

that had been in effect

00.Jul.1997-01.Jun,2001 -since-.

When I learned about this, recently,

I became intrigued.

The date of the new order,

just three months prior to 9/11,

seemed too near that fateful day to be mere coincidence.

I should mention that I have always been skeptical of the official 9/11 narrative.


00.Jun.2001 order was like a red flag drawing attention to an insistent question:

Why did the US military alter its hijack policy a few months before 9/11?

Why, indeed?
When I first examined the document, which, by the way, is still posted on the internet, my excitement increased.[i]

The order states that when hijackings occur the military's operational commanders at the pentagon + at the North American Aerospace Command (NORAD)

must contact the secretary of defense for approval and further instruction.

At that time, of course, this was Donald Rumsfeld.

Was the new order, therefore, evidence of a policy change made for the purpose of engineering a stand-down on 9/11?

This was plausible, assuming that a group of evildoers within the Bush administration wanted a terrorist plot to succeed for their own twisted reasons.

And what might those reasons be?

Well, obviously, to create the pretext for a much more aggressive US foreign policy that the American people would not otherwise support.

We know, for instance, that the plans to invade Afghanistan were already sitting on President Bush's desk on 9/11, awaiting his signature.
After This Fiasco, How Can We Trust Anything They Told Us About 9/11 - Paul Joseph Watson - The BBC Building 7 farce lends about as much credibility to the official story of 9/11 as
BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell - Paul Joseph Watson -Video shows reporter talking about collapse with WTC 7 still standing in background
Establishment Media Blacklists Nichols' OKC Revelations - Paul Joseph Watson -Bomb Nichols helped McVeigh build not the one used in the attack, mainstream press ignores testimony,
Swift Boat Vets Reunite To Discuss ‘The Left’s Repeated Campaign Against The American Soldier’ - Faiz Comments 

On Thursday, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) begins its annual conference.

The Washington Times writes, “One of the more timely titles of CPAC’s slate of panel discussions: ‘The Left’s Repeated Campaign Against the American Soldier.’”

The panel will reunite operatives from the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth, a group that dedicated itself 00.000.2004 to attacking Senator John Kerry’s record during and after his service in Vietnam.

CPAC’s website indicates that the panel participants will be: Ret. Col. George E. “Bud” Day, Mary Jane McManus, Carlton Sherwood + Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX).

Johnson was on the House floor last week attacking Iraq war critics relentlessly for “cutting funding of the troops,”

while conveniently forgetting that he “wholeheartedly supported withholding funds” to end the U.S. involvement in Bosnia 00.000.1995.

Some background on the other panelists:

George “Bud” Day: He appeared in national advertisements for the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign.

Day said of John Kerry, “My view is he basically will go down in history sometime as the Benedict Arnold of 1971.”

Following the 2004 election, Day signed on as President of the newly formed Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation, which absorbed virtually all the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth members and officers.

Day claimed that “left-wing propagandists in the press” have told a “false history of Vietnam” that has been used to “demoralize our troops.”

Mary Jane McManus:

A prominent and outspoken member of the Swift Boat Vets, she appeared in their national TV ad campaign + said, “John Kerry gave aid and comfort to the enemy by advocating their negotiating points to our government.”

Carlton Sherwood: A former Bush administration official, Sherwood was the producer of the television film “Stolen Honor,” which was broadcast by the Sinclair Group and contained a host of smears and lies.

The film was “an anti-Kerry attack ad masquerading as a documentary.”

Among other prominent conservatives, CPAC will be hosting Vice President Cheney and White House Press Secretary Tony Snow. Does the White House endorse the view that there is campaign by the left “against the American soldier”? Digg It!
27.Feb.2007 McCain suffers for supporting war. - Nico Comments 

As Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) champions Iraq escalation and “seeks to secure religious and social conservatives by espousing a hard line against homosexual ‘marriage’ and abortion, independents are abandoning him in droves,” new polling shows.
27.Feb.2007 February 27, 2007 - Think Progress Comments 

U.S. officials yesterday displayed bombmaking parts said to have been transported by Iran into Iraq. The cache “included items that appeared to cloud the issue. … The boxes appeared to contain shipments of tubes directly from factories in the Middle East, none of them in Iran.”

A suicide bomber attacked the entrance to the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan Tuesday during a visit by Vice President Dick Cheney, killing at least 14 people. Despite the highly secretive nature of the trip, a Taliban operative said, “We knew that Dick Cheney would be staying inside the base…The attacker was trying to reach Cheney.”

The National Wildlife Refuge System provides safe havens for imperiled species. But

since 2003, funding has remained flat, “while salaries and other operating costs have risen.” Officials expect that they will have to “trim 75 regional and headquarters office jobs and 248 more field jobs.”

Prosecutors from the International Criminal Court yesterday “named the first two suspects accused of committing war crimes in Sudan’s Darfur region .”

One of the suspects — Ahmed Haroun — “is currently Sudan’s state humanitarian affairs minister.”

Former Defense Policy Board chairman Richard Perle criticized key Bush aides for having failed the president. Condoleezza Rice “was in way over her head from the beginning,” Perle said + Colin Powell was a “disaster.”(more…) 27.Feb.2007 Laura Bush: Much Of Iraq Is ‘Stable,’ There’s Just ‘One Bombing A Day That Discourages Everybody’ - Nico Comments 

Tonight on Larry King Live, First Lady Laura Bush said she understands “how the American people feel” when they express frustration over Iraq, but insisted that “to leave now would be a serious mistake.” She said of Iraqis, “This is their opportunity to seize the moment, to build a really good and stable country.”

As AmericaBlog first noted, Bush added, “[M]any parts of Iraq are stable now. But, of course, what we see on television is the one bombing a day that discourages everybody.” Watch it:

According to the latest Brookings Institution Iraq Index, as of

00.Nov.2006, there were approximately 185 insurgent and militia attacks every day. Transcript: (more…)
27.Feb.2007 Escalation giggles. - Nico Comments 

Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) “looked awfully cozy nestled between Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in the Senate press gallery this month, talking up their counterproposal to Democratic legislation critical of President Bush’s troop surge in Iraq,” The Politico reports. “‘Reid doesn’t want to create holy hell in the Democratic blogger world,’ Graham said, speculating why Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was refusing to allow votes on certain Republican amendments. The dig at Lieberman’s Internet nemeses hit his funny bone. The trio giggled in unison.
27.Feb.2007 The latest Abramoff casualty. - Nico Comments 

“The top aide to convicted former Rep. Bob Ney pleaded guilty Monday to federal conspiracy charges,” admitting he had accepted “a stream of things of value from Abramoff and his lobbyists, including overseas + domestic trips, meals and drinks, golf, tickets to professional sporting events and concerts + monetary and in-kind campaign contributions from Abramoff.”

TPM Muckraker digs through the charging documents + finds nuggets like this one, on how Ney dangled lobbyist goodies over the head of his staff:

Ney controlled the receipt of things of value by his personal office staff and the House Administration Committee staff as a way to reward and punish staff by approving their receipt of things of value or by taking things of value and redistributing them to others. More HERE.
27.Feb.2007 Condi Rice on revoking the 2002 Iraq authorization: - Nico Comments 

“It would be like saying that after Adolf Hitler was overthrown, we needed to change then, the resolution that allowed the United States to do that, so that we could deal with creating a stable environment in Europe after he was overthrown.” Keith Olbermann has promised a special comment tonight on Rice’s statement.

UPDATE: Watch Olbermann’s special comment: Digg It!
27.Feb.2007 Gore Responds To Drudge’s Latest Hysterics - Think Progress Comments 

The right-wing is angry that Al Gore has won so much public attention and goodwill for his work on global warming. Determined to smear his efforts, Drudge writes in a screaming headline:

Responding to Drudge’s attack, Vice President Gore’s office told ThinkProgress:

1) Gore’s family has taken numerous steps to reduce the carbon footprint of their private residence, including signing up for 100 % green power through Green Power Switch, installing solar panels + using compact fluorescent bulbs and other energy saving technology.

2) Gore has had a consistent position of purchasing carbon offsets to offset the family’s carbon footprint — a concept the right-wing fails to understand. Gore’s office explains:

What Mr. Gore has asked is that every family calculate their carbon footprint and try to reduce it as much as possible. Once they have done so, he then advocates that they purchase offsets, as the Gore’s do, to bring their footprint down to zero.

It’s the latest in a series of desperate attacks by Drudge to paint Gore as a hypocrite. Some other examples:

These are the lengths that climate skeptics must go to suppress action on global warming. There is no meaningful debate within the scientific community, so the right-wing busies itself with talk about how much electricity Al Gore’s house uses — and even then they distort the truth.
Pace: ‘Significant’ risk over potential third crisis. - Nico Comments 

: Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Peter Pace has sent a classified report to Defense Secretary Robert Gates and to Congress that says the risk is now “significant” that the U.S. military would not be able to meet its obligations if a third world crisis were to break out. Pace’s declaration has triggered a requirement under the law “for Secretary Gates to come up with what they call a ‘mitigation plan’ - once the risk is ’significant’ the Secretary must report to Congress on what he’s doing about it.” Video HERE.

UPDATE: The AP has details:

The assessment…represents a worsening from a year ago, when that risk was rated as moderate.

The report is classified, but on Monday senior defense officials, speaking on condition on anonymity, confirmed the decline in overall military readiness. And a report that accompanied Pace’s review concluded that while the Pentagon is working to improve its warfighting abilities, it “may take several years to reduce risk to acceptable levels.”
27.Feb.2007 White House ‘Reprimanded Swiss Ambassador’ For Delivering 2003 Iranian Offer For Negotiations - Faiz Comments 

In an interview with Democracy Now, Trita Parsi — former congressional aide to ex-Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH) — disclosed more details about his recent revelation that an Iranian offer for negotiations with the Bush administration was delivered to senior political adviser Karl Rove 00.000.2003.

According to Parsi, Rove confirmed receipt of the Iranian offer two hours after it was delivered to him, calling it “intriguing.” Subsequently, Parsi claims there was a “discussion about this at the highest level in the Bush administration.” Hard-liners, led by Dick Cheney, immediately rejected it, even going so far as to “reprimand the Swiss ambassador for having delivered it.”


Parsi echoed the allegations of former NSC official Flynt Leverett, who has said that Condoleezza Rice — then National Security Adviser — saw the offer. Rice now says, “I don’t know what Flynt Leverett’s talking about.” Weighing in on the dispute, Parsi said, “I find it highly unlikely that they did not see it. I frankly believe that it’s beyond unlikely that they didn’t see.”

Full transcript can be found HERE. Transcript of the segment below: (more…)
27.Feb.2007 Lieberman Seeks To Block Iraq Provisions From 9/11 Bill - Nico Comments 

When Senate leaders first announced their intention to revoke the 2002 Iraq war authorization, they said they planned to attach their legislation to a homeland security bill being debated this week. Thanks to Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), who is the chairman of the homeland security committee, that apparently won’t be happening. CongressDaily reports:

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Lieberman is making it clear he does not want Iraq-related amendments attached to a bill scheduled for floor action this week that would implement unfulfilled recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. Democratic leaders seemed inclined today to hold off introducing Iraq-related amendments to the bill, possibly to avoid upsetting Lieberman and moving him closer to switching party affiliations, which would swing the Senate back to GOP control.

One Democratic aide quoted by CongressDaily says it “depends on whether Republicans push to attach language supportive of President Bush’s so-called surge in U.S. troop strength in the most dangerous areas of Iraq. ‘The Democrats won’t [offer Iraq amendments] if Republicans don’t,‘ this aide said.” Aides to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI) say they have not decided how to proceed with the Iraq proposals.

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed today, Lieberman expressed his desire not to have a debate over Iraq, saying “let us declare a truce in the Washington political war over Iraq until” the “end of summer.”

As Glenn Greenwald notes, Lieberman wrote “almost exactly the same op-ed, on the same Wall St. Journal page, more than a year ago,” in effect arguing “that it is therefore our duty as Americans (still) to keep our mouths shut and be led to Victory.” Digg It!
27.Feb.2007 Alan Greenspan warns of coming recession: - Amanda Comments  “When you get this far away from a recession invariably forces build up for the next recession + indeed we are beginning to see that sign.”
27.Feb.2007 Western states to bypass Bush on climate. - Payson Comments 

The governors of Arizona + California + New Mexico + Oregon + Washington

today announced they will “work together to reduce greenhouse gases, saying their region has suffered some of the worst of global warming with recent droughts + bad fire seasons.”

The Western Regional Climate Action Initiative will “develop a regional target to lower greenhouse gases and create a program aimed at helping businesses reach the still-undecided goals.”
Fox News staffers in Iraq issued gas masks. - Amanda Comments 

Clarissa Ward from Fox News blogs: “There have been three attacks in the last month involving the use of chlorine gas. In high concentrations, chlorine mixes with moisture in your eyeballs and respiratory tracts + forms a pungent acid that then eats away at the tissue. Not a nice way to go. The first thing to do if you see a yellow/green cloud of gas, or if people around you are choking, is to stop breathing immediately and then run to your mask. The masks are intensely claustrophobic and very fiddly to get on and off. I kept pulling chunks of my hair out and I never managed to hold my breath before the mask was secured. I am hoping that I will get better with some practice.” (HT: IraqSlogger)

27.Feb.2007 White House: U.S. Invaded Iraq ‘Under U.N. Authorization’ - Payson Comments 

In an effort to push back against congressional efforts to rescind the original

2002 Iraq War resolution, White House press spokesman Tony Fratto on Friday argued the United Nations had authorized the initial U.S. invasion of Iraq:

“The president said this isn’t the fight we entered in Iraq, but it’s the fight we’re in,” Fratto told reporters Friday. “ We went in as a multinational force under U.N. authorization to take military action in Iraq. We were there as an occupying force + now we’re there at the invitation of the sovereign, elected government of Iraq.”

Actually, the White House did not invade Iraq “under U.N. authorization.” President Bush had promised to take the issue to the U.N. Security Council “no matter what the whip count,” but never did. U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan described the invasion of Iraq as “not in conformity with the UN charter…from the charter point of view, it was illegal.”

It’s one thing to spin history; it’s quite another to rewrite it from scratch.
POLL: Americans Strongly Support Murtha Iraq Plan - Nico Comments 

The Washington Post editorial board — which four years ago called President Bush’s plan for war in Iraq “an operation essential to American security” — is now harshly attacking Rep. John Murtha’s (D-PA) effort to increase support for the overstretched U.S. military and restrain Bush’s Iraq escalation.

The Post claims that Murtha’s plan “crudely [hamstrings] the ability of military commanders to deploy troops,” and that “Murtha’s cynicism is matched by an alarming ignorance about conditions in Iraq.” (We’ve taken apart these claims HERE.)

Thankfully, the American people haven’t bought the Post’s talking points. A new Washington Post/ABC News poll shows that Americans strongly back Murtha’s plan to strengthen U.S. forces:

Would you support or oppose Congress trying to block Bush’s plan by creating new rules on troop training and rest time that would limit the number of troops available for duty in Iraq?

Support: 58 %
Oppose: 39 %
Unknown: 4 %

The poll also shows that opposition to escalation continues to grow.

In the latest poll, Americans oppose sending more U.S. forces to Iraq by a margin of 67 % to 32 %. That’s up from 65/34 on January 19 and 61/36 on January 10.
27.Feb.2007 Exotic animals are invading former ice shelves. - Amanda Comments 

“Exotic animals,” such as “spindly orange sea stars” and “roving sea cucumbers,” have been “spied off the Antarctic coast in an area formerly covered by ice,” which has disappeared from global warming. “Since 1974, 5,213 square miles of ice shelves have disintegrated in the Antarctic Peninsula.”
27.Feb.2007 : Libby juror exposed to outside information. - Nico Comments 

Just now on :

[ UPDATE: AP is reporting that the judge has dismissed the juror, but that there will not be a mistrial. Firedoglake is live-blogging from the courthouse.]

: We are learning that all the parties in the Scooter Libby trial have been summoned to the courtroom. We want to get to Brian Todd now for the latest. I know you are outside that courtroom. Why are they being asked to come inside? Do they have a verdict now?

BRIAN TODD: They don’t have a verdict. We were just in the courtroom a moment ago and the judge informed all of us that one of the jurors has been exposed to information about the case outside the courtroom. The judge said he had to talk to the jury foreperson and that is what he is doing right now. As soon as he told us that, he said he had to talk to the jury foreperson to determine the extent of that information that that juror got outside the courtroom. So we’re just waiting to hear whether this is a tainted juror, whether it may not be that serious. He’s also trying to determine whether other jurors may have been exposed as a result of this one juror being exposed. So we’re playing a waiting game right now, we don’t want to get into speculation what it could mean for the case but a very serious development.
February 26, 2007 - Think Progress Comments 

President Bush has sent “an unusually tough message to one of his most important allies ,” Pakistan President Gen. Pervez Musharraf. But the “tough message” is about what others will do: Bush has warned “that the newly Democratic Congress could cut aid to his country unless his forces become far more aggressive in hunting down operatives with Al Qaeda.”

200,000: Number of U.S. veterans who are homeless, including approximately 500-1,000 who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Senate will begin debate today on a binding resolution to rescind the 2002 Iraq resolution granting Bush war authority. Bob Novak reports that Sens. Norm Coleman (R-MN) and Chuck Hagel (R-NE) will oppose the resolution, while Gordon Smith (R-OR) indicated he might favor it.

A 2002 study that “suggested adult stem cells might be as useful as embryonic ones was flawed and its conclusions may be wrong, a scientific panel says.” The study is frequently cited by conservatives to justify opposition to embryonic stem cell research.

Escalation update: “U.S. troops, Iraqi soldiers and officials + Baghdad residents say the plan is hampered because security forces cannot identify, let alone apprehend, the elusive perpetrators of the violence. … ‘I don’t know who I’m fighting most of the time,’ said Staff Sgt. Joseph Lopez.’” (more…)
27.Feb.2007 The Clintons' Real Trouble with Truth - sfux Robert Parry -

Hollywood mogul David Geffen angered Hillary Clinton with a comment about the "ease" with which the Clintons tell political lies. Though Geffen's comment may have been harsh, the reality is that the Clintons showed little commitment while in the White House to bring to light important historical...
Botschafter der USA und Italiens in Sri Lanka verletzt - sfux Colombo/DPA -

Bei einem mutmasslichen Angriff tamilischer Rebellen sind im Osten Sri Lankas am Dienstag zwölf Menschen verletzt worden, darunter die Botschafter der USA und Italiens, Robert O. Blake und Prio Marini. Wie der sri-lankische Menschenrechtsminister Mahinda Samarasinghe, der die Delegation begleitete, mitteilte, wurde ein Flugplatz in Batticaloal rund 240 Kilometer östlich der Hauptstadt Colombo mit Granaten beschossen, nachdem zwei Helikopter mit den Diplomaten und...
Cheney Besuch in Afghanistan: 20 Tote bei Anschlag - sfux Bagram -

Beim Besuch von US-Vizepräsident Dick Cheney in der US-Basis Bagram nördlich der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul hat sich ein Selbstmordattentäter vor dem Lager in die Luft gesprengt. Nach verschiedenen Quellen forderte die Tat bis zu 20 Todesopfer. Ein US-Armeesprecher sagte, Cheney sei unverletzt geblieben. Der US-Vize war am Montag aus Pakistan angereist und wollte am Dienstag in Kabul mit dem afghanischen Präsidenten Hamid Karzai zusammentreffen.
Promote: Journalismus - Nachrichten von Heute - sfux Journalismus - Nachrichten von Heute ist die Plattform für Journalisten und Whistleblowers.

Die aus verschiedenen Staaten stammenden Autoren bringen News, Hintergrundberichte und Reportagen zum Politik-...
27.Feb.2007 Garlic 'does not cut cholesterol' Eating garlic - either raw or as a supplement - does not lower cholesterol levels, a US study has found.
27.Feb.2007 Early man 'couldn't stomach milk' A drink of milk was off the menu for Europeans until only a few thousand years ago, say researchers from London.
27.Feb.2007 UK predicts big dementia rise More than 1.7 million people in the UK will have dementia by 2051, costing billions each year, experts forecast.
Public want food 'traffic lights' Four out of five people prefer a 'traffic light' system of food labelling, a survey finds.
27.Feb.2007 Italy island volcano spewing lava A volcano on the Italian island of Stromboli, close to the north coast of Sicily, begins spewing lava.
27.Feb.2007 Cheney targeted by Taleban bomber Nine people die in a suicide attack in Afghanistan which the Taleban say targeted US Vice-President Dick Cheney.
Share sale knocks China market The Chinese stock market falls nearly 9%, its worst day of trading in 10 years, after leading investors sell shares.
27.Feb.2007 Iraq cabinet agrees new oil law The Iraqi cabinet approves a draft law allowing Iraq's huge oil revenues to be split between ethnic groups.
27.Feb.2007 200-year porn sentence stands The US Supreme Court refuses to hear an appeal by a teacher jailed for 200 years for possessing child porn.
27.Feb.2007 European research goes for gold The EU establishes a new multi-billion-euro agency to fund the brightest new ideas in science.
27.Feb.2007 Bee vanishing act baffles keepers Honeybees have been vanishing at an alarming rate from 24 American states, threatening crops.
27.Feb.2007 Al-Qaeda the 'worst threat' to US New spy chief Michael McConnell says al-Qaeda and Hezbollah pose the most serious threats to the US.
27.Feb.2007 Koreas set for high-level talks N Korea is expected to ask the South to resume aid shipments, as officials gather in Pyongyang for talks.
27.Feb.2007 China PM warns on social justice China's PM Wen Jiabao says the country's development must not come at the expense of social justice.
27.Feb.2007 Diplomats hurt in S Lanka attack The ambassadors of Italy and the US are slightly injured as they are caught up in a mortar attack in Sri Lanka.
27.Feb.2007 EADS agrees Airbus restructuring The board of defence firm EADS approves an eagerly-awaited Airbus shake-up plan, which could trigger job cuts.
27.Feb.2007 Watchdog blasts 'X-treme Eating' US restaurant chains are competing to serve ever more calorie-laden and unhealthy dishes, a watchdog says.
27.Feb.2007 Winter 'second warmest on record' The UK experiences its second warmest winter since records began 00.000.1914, Met Office figures show.
27.Feb.2007 'Jesus tomb found' in Jerusalem Jesus had a son named Judah and was buried with Mary, a film by Titanic director James Cameron claims.
27.Feb.2007 US body 'to plan attacks on Iran' The US Pentagon has set up a special group to plan possible attacks on Iran, journalist Seymour Hersh reports.
27.Feb.2007 Record private equity buyout made Texas Pacific and KKR have announced the biggest private equity buyout ever, valued at $45bn.
27.Feb.2007 Sharpton slave link to US senator Civil rights activist Al Sharpton reveals he descended from a slave owned by relatives of late US Senator Strom Thurmond.
27.Feb.2007 Interview The Untold Story Of September 11 

Rodriguez, 45, was a janitor at the World Trade Centre, tasked with cleaning three stairwells in the North Tower. But on September 11, 2001, he overslept and was half an hour late for work. posted by Prof. Hex
27.Feb.2007 Scholars criticize new Jesus documentary 

Archaeologists and clergymen in the Holy Land derided claims in a new documentary produced by James Cameron that contradict major Christian tenets, but the Oscar-winning director said the evidence was based on sound statistics. posted by Prof. Hex at
27.Feb.2007 Raising the Titanic, Sinking Christianity?  The New York Times gets into the Tomb of Jesus act. posted by Prof. Hex
27.Feb.2007 Hersh: Pentagon panel created to plan bombing attack on Iran within 24 hours of Bush command 

The United States is stepping up covert operations in Iran in a new strategy that risks sparking an "open confrontation" and benefits Sunni radicals, a US magazine reported Sunday. posted by Prof. Hex
27.Feb.2007 Saddam's lawyer promises book of prison cell revelations: Saddam Hussein's lawyer has said he will write a book revealing the "many secrets" told to him by the executed dictator, including his links with insurgents.

27.Feb.2007 U.S. developing "contingency" plan to bomb Iran: : Despite the Bush administration's insistence it has no plans to go to war with Iran, a Pentagon panel has been created to plan a bombing attack that could be implemented within 24 hours of getting the go-ahead from President George W. Bush, The New Yorker magazine reported in its latest issue.

27.Feb.2007 U.S. War with Iran would be Navy, Air Force show: Analysts : The attack would probably come by air. Waves of U.S. cruise missiles and warplanes loaded with smart weapons would swoop into Iran from the sea and land bases to destroy key Iranian nuclear facilities.

27.Feb.2007 US generals ‘will quit’ if Bush orders Iran attack : SOME of America’s most senior military commanders are prepared to resign if the White House orders a military strike against Iran, according to highly placed defence and intelligence sources.

27.Feb.2007 Report: Gulf states give Israel ok to use airspace for strikes against Iran : The newspaper also quoted a Pentagon official said saying that Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan would assist Israeli raids on Iran.

27.Feb.2007 Cheney arrives in Persian Gulf for talks: Vice President Dick Cheney landed in the U.S.-allied Arab monarchy of Oman on Sunday and went directly to talks with its foreign minister, Omani government officials said.

27.Feb.2007 In case you missed it: Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq: "The invasion of Iraq 00.000.2003 was not an isolated episode. It was the culmination of a 110-year period during which Americans overthrew fourteen governments that displeased them for various ideological, political + economic reasons."

27.Feb.2007 US rejects ban on cluster bombs: The United States on Friday rejected an international call to abandon the use of cluster bombs, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said.

27.Feb.2007 Huge Israeli occupation force swamp Nablus: Impose curfew and clash with Palestinians in largest military operation in 2 years

27.Feb.2007 France pledges to cooperate with Palestinian coalition gov't : France pledged Saturday to cooperate with a coalition Palestinian government that would include the militant Hamas party, in a key boost for Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

27.Feb.2007 UK: Secret report: Terror threat worst since 9/11: The terrorist threat facing Britain from home-grown al-Qaeda agents is higher than at any time since the September 11 attacks 00.000.2001, secret intelligence documents reveal.

27.Feb.2007 CIA recruited Japanese war criminals: Col. Masanobu Tsuji was a fanatical Japanese militarist + brutal warrior,

hunted after WWII. for massacres of Chinese civilians + complicity in the Bataan Death March. And then he became a U.S. spy.
US Funds Terror Groups to Sow Chaos in Iran-By William Lowther in Washington DC + Colin Freeman
America is secretly funding militant ethnic separatist groups in Iran in an attempt to pile pressure on the Islamic regime to give up its nuclear programme.

27.Feb.2007 The Redirection-This is a must read - By Seymour M. Hersh

27.Feb.2007 In the past year, the Saudis, the Israelis + the Bush Administration have developed a series of informal understandings about their new strategic direction. At least four main elements were involved, the U.S. government consultant told me. First, Israel would be assured that its security was paramount and that Washington and Saudi Arabia and other Sunni states shared its concern about Iran. Continue

27.Jul.1880 -A date Mr Blair Should Look Up -By Robert Fisk -Those sending British troops to Afghanistan should learn the lessons of the Battle of Maiwand. Continue
27.Feb.2007 Top UN court rules Serbia did not commit genocide: The top U.N. court ruled on Monday that Serbia did not commit genocide through the killing that ravaged Bosnia during the 1992-95 war, but said Serbia had failed in its obligation to prevent and punish genocide

27.Feb.2007 Pigs at the trough: Jewels for the crown : The Duchess of Cornwall's jewellery collection has been significantly boosted by the generosity of the Saudi Royal Family, according to an official list of gifts given to her and the Prince of Wales on overseas tours to be made public today.

27.Feb.2007 War pimp alert? Venezuela Spending on Arms Soars to World’s Top Ranks: Venezuelan military and government officials here say the arms acquisitions, which include dozens of fighter jets and attack helicopters and 100,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles, are needed to circumvent a ban by the United States on sales of American weapons to the country.

27.Feb.2007 Colombia political scandal imperiling US tiesCongressional support for ally eroding: Just two weeks ahead of a high-profile visit by President Bush to Latin America, the United States' key partner on the continent is engulfed in an extraordinary scandal that threatens to undermine the credibility of US alliances and policy priorities from Mexico to Argentina.

27.Feb.2007 Australia: Hick's won't be home: A LEGAL bid to repatriate Australian terror suspect David Hicks should be abandoned as it had "no reasonable prospects of success", the Federal Court heard yesterday

27.Feb.2007 'Inside the wire': Poetry's capacity to rattle governments is not, it appears, confined to totalitarian regimes. A collection of poems by detainees at the US military base in Guantánamo Bay is to be published later this year, but only in the face of strong opposition by suspicious American censors.

27.Feb.2007 Central banks diversify from dollar: Central banks are increasingly diversifying their reserves, including cutting holdings of dollars, according to a survey sponsored by Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, the UK's second-largest bank..

27.Feb.2007 Juan Cole: Al Gore, Global Warming, the Oscars and the Iraq War : We know that Exxon Mobil is a significant funder of the American Enterprise Institute and has used it to attempt to bribe "scientists" to cast doubt on global warming. Lee Raymond, who was CEO of Exxon Mobil until 2005, is the vice-chair of AEI's board of directors.

27.Feb.2007 Outside knowledge sees Libby juror sent home:

A juror in the CIA leak trial of Lewis "Scooter" Libby was dismissed today after she admitted to the judge that she had been exposed to external information about the case.

27.Feb.2007 Farrakhan in Speech: 'My Time Is Up' :

The 73-year-old Farrakhan told the tens of thousands at Detroit's Ford Field that Jesus Christ + the Prophet Muhammad would embrace each other with love if they were on the stage behind him.

27.Feb.2007 US airport debuts controversial X-ray scanner: The machine peers beneath passengers' clothes to search for hidden explosives and weapons.
27.Feb.2007 U.S. sends strong message to Pakistan on Taliban : With elections due in Pakistan this year + U.S. pressure building on neighboring Iran over its nuclear program, analysts say Washington will be careful not to say anything publicly that could hurt Musharraf domestically.
27.Feb.2007 'Mercenaries' to fill Iraq troop gap: MINISTERS are negotiating multi-million-pound contracts with private security firms to cover some of the gaps created by British troop withdrawals.

27.Feb.2007 'Exodus' of Iraq's ancient minorities: Iraq's minorities, some of the oldest communities in the world, are being driven from the country by a wave of violence against them because they are identified with the occupation and easy targets for kidnappers and death squads. A "huge exodus" is now taking place, according to a report by Minority Rights Group International.

27.Feb.2007 How Democrats are Buying the Iraq War: Last week, members of the Smedley Butler Brigade of Veterans for Peace organized an office occupation of Representative Ed Markey's office in Massachusetts.

War pimp alert: U.S. Says Raid in Iraq Supports Claim on Iran : The assertion that the latest find greatly bolsters the theory of the Iranian origin of the E.F.P.’s is significant because it could provide the United States with a new justification to take action against Iran

27.Feb.2007 War pimp alert: U.S. forces in Iraq say found more Iran-made weapons: 'I don't think there is any way for us to know if it is tied to any government,' Major Jeremy Siegrist said of the cache.

27.Feb.2007 Seymour Hersh on planned invasion of Iran: Video: Covert operations have already begun in order to destabilize Iran, among other things by supporting Al Qaida affiliated groups against the Shiites in Iran.

27.Feb.2007 American Is Preparing To Invade Iran : There Are Eight Battle Groups At Sea

27.Feb.2007 Glimmers of Hope in Iran Report?: I don’t intend to discount the severity of the Iranian situation or how difficult it will be to stop Iran’s nuclear program – rather, I’d like to provide some context for the debate on how to proceed.

27.Feb.2007 War pimp alert: Ready for war: There may not yet be gas masks in the street in Tel Aviv but no one should underestimate Israel's determination to prevent a nuclear Iran

Manufacturing consent for war: Have they no shame? New York: Targeted By Tehran?: Increasing tensions between Washington + Tehran have revived New York Police Department concerns that Iranian agents may already have targeted the city for terror attacks.

27.Feb.2007 PR and propaganda : Israel to hold nationwide nuclear attack drill: Israel will next month stage its first-ever nationwide drill simulating a nuclear and chemical missile attack on its cities, rescue services said Monday.

27.Feb.2007 Ex-Congressional Aide: Karl Rove Personally Received (And Ignored) IranianPeace Offer 00.000.2003 : Rove's involvement was revealed by an aide to former Republican congressman Bob Ney.

27.Feb.2007 John Bolton in Conference Call with AIPAC Members: We are releasing a transcript of conference call with John Bolton, former US Ambassador to the United Nations + AIPAC, specifically the "American Zionist Call Club" members of AIPAC.

27.Feb.2007 Gulf countries: No air space for Israel: Arab League Secretary-General Amr Mousa told reporters in Cairo the foreign ministers of Qatar, Oman and the United Arab Emirates said there is no agreement allowing Israeli jets to use their air space to reach Iran.

27.Feb.2007 Israel to ask U.S. for more military aid : Haaretz daily said Israel has received a green light from these three oil-rich states to pass through their air space to launch air strikes against Iran's Bushehr nuclear facility near the Arab Gulf region.

27.Feb.2007 Olmert tells defense heads to prepare for war with Syria: The cabinet heard intelligence assessments from the Mossad, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), Military Intelligence, the National Security Council and the Foreign Ministry.

27.Feb.2007 Palestinian killed as Israel occupation forces reinvade Nablus : Shops and schools remained closed Monday, when Israeli soldiers shot dead a 42-year-old Palestinian noncombatant and injured his son in their home during a large-scale search-and-arrest operation.

27.Feb.2007 Balanced stand on ME is political suicide, says Carter : Hinting Israel is not interested in fair peace, former US president says any member of Congress taking balanced stand on conflict risks 'political suicide'

27.Feb.2007 Body in river confirmed as Israeli official: FRENCH police have confirmed a body found in a river in northern France is that of a missing Israeli defence ministry official.

27.Feb.2007 Israel developing passenger drone : The Israel Aerospace Industries are currently working on developing an unmanned passenger plane, which will be able to fly to any destination according to the instructions of it passengers.
27.Feb.2007 Bush's Future Iran War Speech -By Michael T. Klare
Sometime this spring or summer,

barring an unexpected turnaround by Tehran,

President Bush is likely to go on national television and announce that he has ordered American ships + aircraft to strike at military targets inside Iran. Continue

27.Feb.2007 Glimmers of Hope in Iran Report? - By Eric Hundman
Amid all the gloom, there were a few encouraging facts buried in the IAEA report. I don’t intend to discount the severity of the Iranian situation or how difficult it will be to stop Iran’s nuclear program – rather, I’d like to provide some context for the debate on how to proceed.

27.Feb.2007 U.N. Calls U.S. Data on Iran's Nuclear Aims Unreliable -By Bob Drogin and Kim Murphy
Although international concern is growing about Iran's nuclear program and its regional ambitions, diplomats here say most U.S. intelligence shared with the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency has proved inaccurate and none has led to significant discoveries inside Iran.

27.Feb.2007 Building a Fraudulent Case Using Coercion -By Daniel M Pourkesali
Bush administration officials and their Zionist allies in the media are trying hard to portray Iran as a rogue and defiant nation that is "thumbing its nose at the international community" [1] by ignoring United Nations Security Council Resolution 1737 [2] which gave Iran 60 days to halt its uranium enrichment program.

27.Feb.2007 No More Encores for Iran -By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich: For the second time in little over 50 years, Iranians are about to witness yet another assault on their country by the United States. Continue

27.Feb.2007 Iraqis are People, too -By Cindy Sheehan
After spending two heart wrenching hours listening to two Iraqi gentlemen, one an educator, one a scientist, giving agonizing testimony about what is really going on in Iraq (outside the Green Zone), in Istanbul, I returned to my nearby hotel room and read something from the AP that tore my heart apart even further.

27.Feb.2007 Hypocrisy in The Middle East -By Congressman Ron Paul
The tired assertion that America "supports democracy" in the Middle East is increasingly transparent. It was false 50 years ago, when we supported and funded the hated Shah of Iran to prevent nationalization of Iranian oil + it’s false today when we back an unelected military dictator in Pakistan- just to name two examples.

27.Feb.2007 That's Just My Opinion -By Mike Whitney
Gold traders love Dick Cheney. Every time he opens his twisted lip and barks out another threat to Iran, the dollar takes a powder while gold futures shoot to the moon. Maybe that’s the way Cheney likes it.

27.Feb.2007 American Plutocracy and the war on Workers -By Charles Sullivan
As we look to the democrats in Congress to end the occupation of Iraq and to divert another impending disaster in Iran, we must recognize that, like the commercial media, these people are working for the Plutocracy, not for the public good.

27.Feb.2007 U.S. Severe Poverty Rate at Highest in Three Decades - By TONY PUGH
The %age of poor Americans who are living in severe poverty has reached a 32-year high as the gulf between the nation's "haves" and "have-nots" continues to widen.

27.Feb.2007 Eighteen Months After Katrina -By Bill Quigley
Why do thousands of people need food and why are people living in gutted-out houses with no electricity?  Look at New Orleans eighteen months after Katrina and you will realize why it is so difficult for people to exercise the human right to return to their homes.

27.Feb.2007 Operation Falcon and the Looming Police State -By Mike Whitney
Operation Falcon is the clearest indication yet that the Bush administration is fine-tuning its shock-troops so it can roll up tens of thousands of people at a moment’s notice and toss them into the newly-built Halliburton detention centers.

Cheney: What the Hell...? Strange rumors of assassination attempts and a military coup... Can anyone please explain to me what the hell Dick Cheney is up to?
Bush Fails the National Security of America: Strained by the demands of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is a significant risk that the U.S. military won't be able to quickly and fully respond to yet another crisis, according to a new report to Congress.
Condi Land: A Fantasyland Masquerading as Reality
We Repeat: The Only "Surge" is by "Insurgents" Against the Feckless and Chronically Incompetent Cheney and Bush. "A suicide bomber killed and wounded some two dozen people outside the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan on Tuesday during a visit by Vice President Dick Cheney. The Taliban claimed responsibility and said Cheney was the target." Of Course, Considering the Tall Tales Daily Made Up by the Busheviks, This One May be 1) Completely True; 2) True But Embellished to Provide Sympathy to Cheney; or 3) A False Flag Operation. Take Your Pick. We Don't Know the truth. How can you, when you are dealing with chronic liars? 2/27

27.Feb.2007 Iraq Clears Way for Bush and Cheney to Achieve Key Goal: Oil Company Exploitation of Iraqi Oil 2/27
Cheney on the Loose: Why was a PR Trip Across the World Cloaked in Secrecy? And It Sure Provides Media Distraction From the Cheney Lies and Treason Revealed at the Libby Trial -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
Bush Fails Our Veterans: Story #193,452 2/27

27.Feb.2007 Majority in Poll Favor Deadline For Iraq Pullout; 56 % strongly object to the additional troops 2/28

27.Feb.2007 Neil Bush Does Some Business, Again, With the Saudis. Of Course, Rich Saudis, if Not the Saudi Military are Allegedly Supplying Resources for Sunnis in Iraqis to Kill Our GIs and Shiites, But You Won't Hear About that From George W. Bush. There is Too Much Bush and Cheney Family "Bidness" with the House of Saud to Protect. 2/27

27.Feb.2007 Supreme Court Strips Al Gore of Oscar; Declares George W. Bush Winner -- A BuzzFlash Parody
Iraq President Falls, Suffers Stroke, Flown To Jordan -- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser
27.Feb.2007 Need more proof of election fraud 00.000.2004 ?

Brad Friedman reports that when New Mexico switched from touch-screen voting to paper ballots, the undervotes in minority precincts -- that is, the places where Native Americans vote -- plummeted 85%.

Do we really need more proof that someone had his finger on the scale when the votes were weighed 00.000.2004 ?
Yes, New Mexico's five electoral votes -- which went to Bush -- would not have sufficed to make Kerry the winner.

But, obviously, proof that the system was gamed in one part of the country indicates huggermugger elsewhere.

If anyone denies that such proof exists, show 'em this chart. Permalink

Oct.2006 Quia - STATE TEST REVIEW: Events, Laws, Organizations, etc.

He stops the combination of western railroads under JP Morgan .
The New Upper Class

This book by Matthew Josephson is a book telling us about robber barons + the history of ... J.P. Morgan thought he had to by out Carnegie + could not.
jefferson news

JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA FKA JP Morgan Chase Bank, as Trustee for ... the above-captioned action for Petition of Quia Timet Against All the World was filed ...
27.Dec.2006 -Jackson County News-Weekly Specials Community-

... the above-captioned action for Petition of Quia Timet Against All the World ...
27.Feb.2007 Frank Mankiewicz - SourceWatch Frank Mankiewicz is Vice-Chairman of Hill and Knowlton. [edit]. External Links.

Frank Mankiewicz, "Power Failure", Letter to the Editor, Columbia Journalism ...
27.Feb.2007 Roasting and toasting Frank Mankiewicz

The roast and toast for Frank Mankiewicz tomorrow night is not because he is stepping down from his post as vice chairman of Hill & Knowlton, the PR firm.
27.Feb.2007 Council for National Policy (CNP) -D- Member Biographies

Prosecutor Ronnie Earle "broadened the scope of his inquiry into election spending" on ... Jr, The Heritage Foundation; Mr. Doug Bandow, Cato Institute 52; ...
Top Lobbyist Makes A Deal, Abramoff Pleads Guilty In Fraud Case ...

Doug Bandow Suspended From Copley News Service After Acknowledging He Accepted ...

Austin, Texas District Attorney Ronnie Earle, the prosecutor in a money ...

Bush To Give Back Abramoff Funds, President's 2004 Campaign To ...

Doug Bandow Suspended From Copley News Service After Acknowledging He ...

In Austin, Texas, district attorney Ronnie Earle, the prosecutor in a money ...
» Following Jack Abramoff’s Money Trail - Recovering Liberal Cato Institute - Abramoff paid Cato Senior Fellow Doug Bandow, ...

Ronnie Earle has subpoenaed the records of his PAC, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, ...
27.Feb.2007 00.000.1839 - 00.000.1937 ROCKEFELLER I, John Davison William Rockefeller & Company .

Das Werk befand sich zwar in Cleveland,. William selbst aber ging als Vertriebsleiter. nach New York, ...
banking firm — Schroder, Rockefeller & Company, Inc. at 48 Wall Street. Carlton P. Fuller. of Schroder Banking Corporation became president + Avery Harriman ...

27.Feb.2007 THE BLACKSTONE GROUP: Sightings from The Catbird Seat

In this transaction, Silverstein signed a rental contract for the WTC over ...

Chairman of Kissinger Associates said, “Hank Greenberg, Pete Peterson + I ...
Democratic Underground Forums - 911- The final dots Pt.2 -Top 20 ...

CFR members include the Pentagon's top advisers, Richard Perle, Henry Kissinger, ...

The Chairman + founder of the Blackstone Group is one Pete Peterson, ...
Democratic Underground Forums - Building 7 CollapseThread

Silverstein can use those proceeds to start building without first reaching an agreement with the mortgage holder on 7 World Trade Center, Blackstone Real ...
17.Oct.2000 PEHI - Peter G. Peterson - biography

The Blackstone Group news announcement, 'Blackstone Acquires Debt on 7 World Trade Center ': "Blackstone Real Estate Advisors, ...
PEHI - Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions - Pilgrims ...

00.000.2001 CFR/MORI report: "In his valedictory speech to the Pilgrims Society in ... Blackstone Group ), Anne M. Tatlock (gone from her WTC on the morning on ...
The Forum :: View topic - BBC says Cocaine is booming in Ireland

Pete Peterson, one of the four or five heads of the CFR since the end of WWII., ... Peterson is head of the Blackstone Group, a front company for US ...
20060729 Blackstone Group - A New York-based private investment bank.

... they became principals with Pete Peterson, the infamous Republican player + GOPAC money ...
TUMEKE!: 5 Years on - 101 Questions about 9/11

... the mortgage of 7 WTC was held by the Blackstone Group, headed by Pete Peterson, ... Silverstein made the following statement about Building 7: ...
New York Metro Chapter Alumni

E to World Trade Center Exit onto Church Street and walk north to Vesey St.;

... Pete Peterson, Chairman of The Blackstone Group, heads an all Star Wall ...
Discussion about 09/11/2001: Blackstone buys Wyndham for $3.2 ...

Blackstone, Pete Peterson, CFR, 911. # posted (not necessarily written) by BG : 6/14/2005 01:22:00 PM ...

What is Silverstein Saying about WTC 7? ...
21.Mar.2006 -Signs of the Times Printer Friendly Edition-

If this wasn't enough, the mortgage of 7 WTC was held by the Blackstone Group, headed by Pete Peterson, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations,
27.Feb.2007 Subject List Hershey, Pennsylvania, Chocolate Workers' Strike of 1937 Hewitt Associates ...

00.000.1941 International Harvester Strike of- international housing benefits ...
27.Feb.2007 History of Contraception - HTML-Version
Page McCormick, of the International Harvester family, had already given ... Grunberger R: The 12-year Reich : A Social History of Nazi Germany.

Director: International Harvester Corporation, German-American Insurance Co. + ... had survived to provide a haven for the “Third Reich”'s dispossessed.,1,02,harvardtoenronpt5.htm

Romanian engineer; minister of air and navy, 1935- 1937 ; president, ...

B. Zimmerman from the window of the office of the International Harvester Company.
27.Feb.2007 An Internet Publication for Real Americans Sunday February 18,2007 ...

IG Farben for all practical purposes became the “Third Reich”. ... Standard of California (6), Standard of Indiana (13), International Harvester (26), ...
27.Feb.2007 The London... His connection with the Harvester Company was a ...

Council of Reich Post Office, Deutsche Reichsbank + other leading banks + industrial

27.Feb.2007 taf07 txt

That year its Opel subsidiary cooperated with the Reich in locating a new ... was brought out several years ago by the International Harvester Company.
27.Feb.2007 Re: Nazis role to preserve capitalism? For instance, a

00.0001937 Report of the State Department's European Division described the ... a half-dozen key U.S. companies -- International Harvester, Ford, ...
27.Feb.2007 Princeton University Senior Theses brief display

Benz, Bradford August (1991): The Emergence of American Global Enterprise: McCormick + the International Harvester Company . (Thesis No. 1240)
International Harvester demonstrated, Administrator Ruckelshaus doggedly ... Although the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 ...
Escalation Against Iran The Pieces Are Being Put in Place - Forums

The International Harvester Company President told me their business here rose 33% ... part of Germany as the Reich Army Sweeps Through Country to Brenner.
27.Feb.2007 The Plot Against FDR: A Model For Bush's Pinochet Plan Today

9, 1929, the establishment of an international petrochemical cartel was ... (5) the Chicago group, including International Harvester + the Armour and ...
27.Feb.2007 Intute harvester - Search results

German Business + the Third Reich Forced Labor

The Ford Motor Company and The ... Chronology of Jewish Persecution 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 ...
These include materials from the International Helsinki Federation ; Human ... Nanking by the Japanese 00.000.1937, at the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War.
27.Feb.2007 Chapter 4 Also

00.000.1937 pressure was brought to bear on the Roosevelt ...

In the Third Reich, the banks were re-privatized without any separation of functions. 77 ...
Chapter 4:The New Deal Synthesis - HTML-Version
discuss with IG Farben how its image + that of the Third Reich in general, ... era, like International Harvester, Westinghouse + Western Electric. 36 ...
The Roaring 20s + the Roots of American Fascism

00.000.1937 Murnane became chairman of the board at American Bosch. .

Among those firms are International Harvester + Ford + GM + Standard Oil of New Jersey + ...
The 1930s: Nazis Parading on Mainstreet.

The foundation collected large sums of money from such corporate donors as Sears + A.B. Dick + International Harvester + First National Bank .114 The person ...
27.Feb.2007 IBM, ITT, General Motors, Du Pont, International Harvester, Standard Oil ü - many more ...

00.000.1937 The Ford Company issued a statement which declared "that ...
27.Feb.2007 Noam Chomsky - HTML-Version
International Harvester Corporation. And in that strike the police were called ... to the Third Reich right through the war. But Hitler understood about the ...
International Capital before "capital internationalization" in ... - HTML-Version
00.000.1937 -In his report of- he states that, in general, the main defect of Spanish ...

The international U.S. Harvester Company has a machinery assembly plant in ...
27.Feb.2007 Important Dates In history click on your birthday for important ...

00.0001937 Reich court deprives parents of children, because they opposed Nazi ...

00.000.1960 The First International Harvester Scoutt all-terrain vehicle rolled off ...
27.Feb.2007 GCC K-Pool

380 amerikanische Techniker + Vorarbeiter der International Harvester Company überwachten das Projekt.

Riesige Stahl- und Raffineriekomplexe entstanden ...
27.Feb.2007 Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen über die Ford-Werke unter dem Faschismus - HTML-Version
Reich eingezogen, da die Einberufung der Wehrpflichtigen den bereits bestehenden ... 10 International Harvester Company GmbH. International Harvester Co.
America's 60 Families

Families are listed in ranked order (as of 1937 ) with their primary sources of wealth. ... 10, McCormick Family, International Harvester, Chicago Times ...
27.Feb.2007 Selected Pre-1974 Corporate Annual Reports on Microfiche ...

Central New York Power Company, 1937-1948, 450,

Buffalo Niagara Electric New York Power & Light ...

International Harvester Company, 1907-1974, 336 ...
27.Feb.2007 Empire Club Speeches: Search Results 71-89 [Full Text]; McCaffrey, John L., President and Director, International Harvester Company, Chicago, Illinois: "Looking Ahead,"

11.Feb.1954, 1953-1954, ...
27.Feb.2007 Dow Jones Industrial Average History

International Harvester Kennecott Mack Trucks Sears Roebuck & Co. Texas Company U.S. Realty U.S. Rubber U.S. Steel Western Union Westinghouse Woolworth ...
27.Feb.2007 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Austen George Fox (1910- 1937 ) - Offcier of the "Brandeis" Celebration of ... Director: International harvester Corporation, German-American Insurance Co. ...
27.Feb.2007 Angelo Bruno Business Library, Historical Annual Reports Collection: I

International Harvester Corporation, 1917 - 1980, 1942. I28.

International Hydro Electric System ...

International Mercantile Marine Company, 1918 - 1937 ...
27.Feb.2007 Guide to the National Maritime Union; William Standard, General ...

General counsel's files, 1937 -1949. Collection Number: ...

Brown and Company,

International Harvester,

Interstate Steamship Company,

Johnson Transportation ...
27.Feb.2007 Navistar Financial Corporation | About Us - History

WWII. -Prior to- International Harvester (“IH”) extended credit to its customers directly.

It was common for much of the company ’s annual sales to ...
27.Feb.2007 CNH | About Us | History of CNH

The history of International Harvester began in the fields of Virginia during the ...

But even as the company struggled to survive in the spring of 1937, ...
27.Feb.2007 International Union of Operating Engineers. Local 311 (Milwaukee ...

International Harvester Company, Correspondence, 1934-1941, 4, 8.

J. J. Newberry Company, Correspondence, 1937 -1941, 6, 1.

John Graf Company, Correspondence ...
27.Feb.2007 International Shoe v. State of Washington

00.000.1937-00.000.1940 -During the years from to- now in question, appellant employed eleven ... International Harvester Co. v. Department of Taxation, 322 U.S. 435, 442, ... 27.Feb.2007 HCGL Manuscripts: GLMS-50, United Steel Workers, Great Lakes ...

The eleven cubic feet of files span the years 1937 -1981. ... Independent Fleet Negotiations, Interlake Steamship Company, International Harvester Company, ...
27.Feb.2007 Scott A. Duff Publications and Historic Martial Arms: Who Made M1 ...

They were the International Harvester Company of Evansville, Indiana + Harrington & Richardson Arms Company of Worcester, Massachusetts.
27.Feb.2007 Traktor TV

Die Geschichte der International Harvester Company - IHC - in Deutschland

... seit Beginn der Produktion landwirtschaftlicher Traktoren 1937 kennzeichnen.
Traktor TV Die Geschichte der International Harvester Company - IHC - in Deutschland ... Der erste legendäre McCormick und Deering-Schlepper verlässt 1937 das Werk in ...
Tractor Boom -- Monday, Aug. 09, 1937 -- Page 1 -- TIME

09.Aug.1937 Article Tools ... General Electric + Westinghouse in electrical equipment + only by International Harvester + Deere & Co. in farm equipment.,9171,758118-1,00.html 27.Feb.2007 The Government's Week -- Monday, Jul. 18, 1938 -- Page 1 -- TIME

International Harvester's President Sydney G. McAllister immediately retorted that his company's case had not been heard, that its high profits 00.000.1937 ...,9171,760044,00.html

27.Feb.2007 OSU Archives - Panoramic Photographs - Specialized Inventory

P176:339 National Boys and Girls Club Congress at International Harvester Company, 1937 ; 8x37 in. P176:340 4-H Summer School, 1931; 8x34 in. ...

27.Feb.2007 Investieren aus Tradition | NGZ-Online

Mit Hilfe der Hamburger Kaufleute William Venning Couchman und Theodore Aloys Kosters gründete die International Harvester Company zu Chicago am 30. ...
27.Feb.2007 1809 bis Heute 1809 Am 15. Februar wird Robert Hall McCormick und ...

00.Aug.1902 wurde die International Harvester Company gebildet.

... Jahr in seiner 60-jährigen Geschichte der Traktorenproduktion(von 1937 bis 1997), ...
27.Feb.2007 JSTOR: Wages in Practice and Theory: McCormick and International ...

Wages in Practice and Theory:

00.000.1860-00.000.1960 McCormick + International Harvester, ... relations at the International Harvester Company + its predecessor, ...
JSTOR: A Century of Labor-Management Relations at McCormick and ...

International Harvester was the successor organization after the merger of McCormick ... plans within the International Harvester Company in the 1920's.
27.Feb.2007 Dittmer/Gentil/Hood/Panhuis: International Harvester Schlepper und ...

00.000.1937 -Seit- wurden bei der International Harvester Company in Neuss am Rhein erfolgreich Ackerschlepper produziert + abgesetzt.

Zunächst nach amerikanischem ...
Buschmann/Dittmer/Hood: International Harvester Datenbuch der ...

Die International Harvester Company in Neuss am Rhein, ein Tochterunternehmen des gleichnamigen amerikanischen Landmaschinen-Konzerns, begann 1937 mit dem ...
27.Feb.2007 International Harvester - Wikipedia International Harvester Company (IHC) war ein Hersteller von Landmaschinen, Automobilen und LKW, ... 1937 kam die Fertigung von Traktoren hinzu. ...
00.000.1902 McCormick Harvesting Machine Company - Wikipedia ging Das Unternehmen in die International Harvester Company ein.

00.0001937 Auch in Neuss beginnt man mit der Fertigung von Traktoren für den ...
27.Feb.2007 International Harvester Company - Neuss on Rhine - Germany International Harvester Company ... The

00.000.1937 tractors were built from IH-Rock Island components. The

00.000.1938 line was built from german manufactured components ...
27.Feb.2007 The Greco-Turkish War 1919-1922

... why the Allies came to remake the geography and politics of the Middle East, ... conflict ( ).
27.Feb.2007 Transatlantic Information Exchange System [TIES] ... remake other traditions into its own image of democratic capitalism. ... exists along these lines,

The Cyprus Conflict, .
IHC in Neuss

000001937 Der Schlepperbau der IHC- Neuss beginnt mit dem "F-12-G".

00.000.1937 Die ersten dieser Typen wurden mit aus den U.S.A. importierten Teilen montiert.
27.Feb.2007 Adipositas bei Kindern: Achtjähriger Brite wiegt fast 100 Kilogramm
"Cicero"- Durchsuchung: Chronik einer Affäre

27.Feb.2007 Börse in China: Shanghai erlebt schlimmsten Crash seit zehn Jahren
Falscher Alarm: Touristen lösen mit GPS- System Großeinsatz aus
"Cicero"- Urteil: Bundesverfassungsgericht stärkt Pressefreiheit
Bedrohte Elefanten: Genanalyse soll Elfenbeinschmuggel stoppen

27.Feb.2007 Afghanistan: Taliban wollten Cheney töten
Wetter- Statistik: Wochenenden kühler und feuchter als Werktage
Aktenzeichen 9/11

Geschrieben von mattin in Film/Video
Donnerstag, 7. September 2006

Die einzige kritische TV-Reportage aus Deutschland über über 9/11 von 2003 wurde von der Kritik zerrissen und der WDR distanzierte sich davon. Beide Autoren Willy Brunner und Gerhard Wisnewski bekamen beim WDR danach keine Aufträge mehr.
Vom WDR wurde die Reportage nach letzen Nachfragen von Gerhard Wisnewski verleugnet oder als nicht auffindbar vor der Öffentlichkeit ferngehalten.
Jetzt im internet:
Link zum Film Aktenzeichen 9/11 von Willy Brunner und Gerhard Wisnewski

WDR: 'Aktenzeichen 11.9. ungelöst' verschwunden? von der Gerhard Wisnewski internetseite

Ein Film über den 11.9. und seine Folgen von Katja Schmid auf telepolis von 2003

9/11 - Netzwerke - Aufklärung - und wie sich ein neues Netzwerk an die Arbeit macht von net-news-global blog

Auszug von indymedia

Film: Gesteuerte Demokratie?
von Steven Hutchings - 11.09.2006 00:53
Der Film ist im Rahmen einer Diplomarbeit an der Hochschule für Gestaltung, Offenbach am Main entstanden. Untersucht wird die Informations- und Medienarbeit der Bundeswehr. Ausgehend vom 'sicherheitspolitischen Paradigmenwechsel' am Ende des kalten Krieges werden Kontinuitäten und Wechsel in diesem Bereich betrachtet.

Anhand von Zeitzeugeninterviews mit Soldaten aus Einheiten für ´Psychologische Kampfführung` (PSK) bzw. ´Psychologische Verteidigung` (PSV) wird deren vornehmlich gegen die DDR gerichtete Propaganda- und Zersetzungstätigkeit beschrieben. Der Apparat der PSK bzw. PSV wurde einhergehend mit einer Skandalisierung seiner verdeckt ausgeführten Ausforschungs- und Einwirkungstätigkeit im bundesdeutschen Inland zum Ende der 80er Jahre aufgelöst. Über eine sogenannte ´Studiengesellschaft für Zeitprobleme e.V.` waren getarnte Propagandaprodukte der Bundeswehr an vermeintlich wehrkritische Zielgruppen in der BRD lanciert worden.
Aus der in Waldbröl angesiedelten ´Akademie für Psychologische Verteidigung` wird 1990 die ´Akademie für Information- und Kommunikation der Bundeswehr`(AIK). Spezialisten der PSV übernehmen die leitenden Positionen der neuen Dienststelle, die dem Presse- und Informationsstab des Verteidigungsministeriums zugeordnet wird. Sie untersteht direkt dem zeitgleich im PR-/Infostab neu gegründeten ´Grundsatzreferat` und dient als ´Thinktank` für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit im Inland. Wie der Film belegt, werden wesentliche Tätigkeiten der PSV-Akademie fortgeführt, allerdings mit neu formuliertem Auftrag und mit neuen Zielsetzungen. Das Führungspersonal der 1994 nach Strausberg bei Berlin verlegten AIK gibt im Film ausführlich Auskunft über Auftrag und Tätigkeiten der Akademie.
Eine wesentliche Aufgabe bestand nach der Wende in der Grundlagenbeschaffung zur sicherheitspolitischen ´Umorientierung` der ehemaligen DDR-Bevölkerung....
ganzer text

http-Download bei,7 MB/ogm format) Download mit "rechter Maustaste", der Player Download ist ebenfalls auf der Seite. Herunterladen und anschauen.
27.Feb.2007 Encyclopedia entries starting with ALA

Influenced by his involvement with the British "Free Cinema" movement in London ... was demoted to vice chairman under Aylwin Lewis and Edward S. Lampert .
Delta Chi QuarterlyHTML-Version

Skull and Bones Leadership Honor Society + IFC; Resident Assistant; Amer. ... S. Noble Leadership, Justice Tevie Miller Leadership and Involvement, ...
Delta Chi Quarterly - HTML-Version
President, Association of Mechanical Engineers; Vice-President, AIAA; President-elect, Skull &. Bones, Leadership Honor Society; Phi Eta Sigma, ...


27.Jul.1962 Edward S. “Eddie” Lampert (born; [2]) is an American investor, financier + ... where he was a member of Skull and Bones + Phi Beta Kappa.
20060729 Nov.2004 This person Edward S. Lampert is Skull and Bones : ... Texas investor who made Bush Jr.'s original involvement in the Texas Rangers deal possible.
Marihemp: Politics: Archived Messages #72300 to #72399 so basically, they say we're nuts for saying what is publicly known about skull and bones, but then they say that it does indeed happen. over and over and ... - 250
LP: (CFR) Council on Foreign Relations 2006 Membership Roster ...

Ahearn, William Edward – former executive editor at The Associated Press (AP) ... former Senator (1979-1994); Rhodes Scholar + a member of Skull and Bones ...
27.Feb.2007 Northrop Grumman - Defining the Future Design, engineering, construction + life cycle support of major combatant vessels for the U.S. Navy, international navies and commercial ...
Textarchiv : Berliner Zeitung : Totes Gebirge/Ernst ... Jetzt,

00.Apr.1945 wird sie Ernst Kaltenbrunner, den Chef des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes der SS, ...

Ihr Mann ist bei " Mercedes -Benz-Argentinia" tätig. ...

27.Feb.2007 Sendung, Sendedatum - HTML-Version
Offizier für Mussolini, US-Agent + Generaldirektor von Mercedes Benz Argentina. ...

00.000.1932 wurde er von seinem Freund Ernst Kaltenbrunner, dem späteren Chef ...

27.Feb.2007 AAJ Holdings Company Company Profile - Company Directory

Latest Headline. Asteco begins Bahrain operations - Bahrain Tribune ... Name, Country, Holding. Orion Capital Partners, Bahrain, -. Banks. BBK, HSBC ...
AAJ Holdings Company Company Profile - Company Directory

Bahrain : Momentum gathers in countdown to official groundbreaking at Marina West - Bahrain ... Name, Country, Holding. Orion Capital Partners, Bahrain, -

Investment Advisory And Other Financial Services

Incorporation. Date of Establish. Others Comments. 1. Baytik Investment Advisory W.L.L. Bahrain .

31.Jul.2003 . 2. Orion Capital Partners W.L.L.. Bahrain ...

AAJ Holdings Company Company Profile - Company Directory

Bahrain : PCC-Terna contract for Marina West project - Bahrain Tribune ... Name, Country, Holding. Orion Capital Partners, Bahrain, - ...
A Connecticut Yankee in King Kamehameha's Court

... the formation of a Boston merchant bank called Orion Capital Partners LP. ... global investment group with offices in London, New York and Bahrain .
Dirty Money, Dirty Politics and Bishop Estate - Part III: The

... is a leading global investment group with offices in London, New York and Bahrain .

Orion Capital Partners - A joint investment of Bishop Estate, ...
20060729 Oil industry cognoscenti again assume that the Bahrain contract was ...

Fund back the formation of a Boston merchant bank called Orion Capital Partners LP . ...
[CTRL] [1a] THE CATBIRD SEAT - Birds of a Feather ... backed the formation of a Boston merchant bank called Orion Capital Partners LP.

... it won a surprise exclusive drilling contract with Bahrain, ...
Cuba News Summary [

Spadaro is partners with Kidan, himselff a partner of Abramoff in SunCruz.] Detienen a Santiago Alvarez en Estados Unidos cómplice del terrorista Posada ...
27.Feb.2007 - Quality News Groups

Kidan was described as part of a team of seasoned casino + entertainment executives, as well as "an owner + general counsel to the [ Spadaro ] St. ...
Drug Trafficking & State Support [

Spadaro is partners with Kidan, himselff a partner of Abramoff in SunCruz.] Operation 40 11/26/2005 Spartacus:

"Over the next few years Operation 40 worked ...
Daily Kos: Breaking: Adam Kidan to Plead Guilty Next Week in ...

A guy by the name of Rosario Spadaro in St. Maarten, a capo in the Sicilian Santapoala crime family - happens to have Adam Kidan as a Consigliere/business ...

One of the principals in the scandal, Adam Kidan, an Abramoff partner + a ... Rosario Spadaro, accusing him of laundering money for the Sicilian Mafia, ...

“St. Maarten hotel owner arrested, linked to Mafia” was the headline of an Associated Press story about Kidan ’s partner in St Maarten, Rosario Spadaro, 72. ...
The Randi Rhodes Show > Why were Atta and 9/11 muslim hijackers on

Another mafia link, this time Sicilian mafia: Abramoff/Kidan ---> Kidan/Spadaro who do business together in Dutch Antilles largest hotel ---> Kidan partner ...
..! PLAY ONLINE CRAPS !.. Abramoff/Kidan Kidan as chief counsel. Spadaro now arrested in Italy on a computer monitor working on the 10 freeway leaving Southern California, ...
27.Feb.2007 Just Observing: October 2005

Tony Oppegard + Jack Spadaro : Oppegard + Spadaro were members of a "team of federal ... SunCruz, after it was controlled by Mr. Kidan + Mr. Abramoff, ...
Marc Cooper » Blog Archive » On The Reservation — In The Pocket

Bingham’s story is primarily about Jack Spadaro, who was hounded out of his job as superintendent of the National Mine Health and Safety Academy after he ...

... it is the guarantee that you're most proud of?

getting mentioned in the Dutch Anntilles major hotel, run mostly by Spadaro, with Kidan as chief counsel.

27.Feb.2007 Conspiracy Cafe Home > Tom Delay

Two of the three men charged had been hired as consultants by Adam Kidan, ... Abramoff + Kidan were indicted last month on charges of wire fraud + ...

27.Feb.2007 Pensito Review » News ... however, was when the Bush administration’s first head of MSHA, Jack Spadaro, ...

His co-defendant on wire fraud + conspiracy charges, Adam Kidan, ...
Google Groups: soc.culture.ukrainian

Adam Kidan, who has links to mafiosi such as Anthony "Big Tony" ... owner Gus Boulis) + to Rosario Spadaro, "a member of the Sicilian Mafia". ...
Google Groups: total_truth_sciences

New Mob Links in Abramoff Scandal -

Kidan Owned Island Casino with ...

Spadaro had other interests as well, according to a Miami Herald story on May 17, ...
Mob style killing, Connected to Abramoff - What Pisses You Off ...

businessman Adam Kidan . Abramoff + Kidan are charged in a separate, ... into the St Maarten casinos of Rosario Spadaro . Spadaro is ...

Cuba News Summary [ Spadaro is partners with Kidan, himselff a partner of Abramoff in SunCruz.]

Detienen a Santiago Alvarez en Estados Unidos cómplice del terrorista Posada ...
Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control - The Evolution of Project MKULTRA

(1) discover a means of conditioning personnel to prevent unauthorized ...

John DeCamp, The Franklin Cover-Up, Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska, ...

Jan.2005 Pikante Entdeckung: Pornobilder auf Islamisten-Computer ...

Jan.2005 Irak: US-Soldat wegen Mordes zu einem Jahr Haft verurteilt ...
00.000.1950-00.000.2002 -Zwischen- Sexualverbrechen haben knapp 4400 US- amerikanische Priester mindestens 11.000 Kinder missbraucht ...

.. dass Severin W., im Unterricht Pornobilder und Videos zeigte.
Dem widersprach in der "Berliner Zeitung" der frühere Bundesinnenminister Gerhart Baum (FDP).

Klars Text sei Revolutionskauderwelsch.

"Das klingt wie eine verwirrte Attac-Stimme", sagte Baum.

Entscheidend für die Begnadigung sei aber die Frage, ob Klar weiter für den bewaffneten Kampf eintrete.

Das lasse sich aus der Erklärung nicht schließen.

Wie zuvor schon CSU- Generalsekretär Markus Söder warnte Bayerns Innenminister Günther Beckstein Köhler angesichts der jüngsten Äußerungen Klars davor, dessen Gnadengesuch statt zu geben.

Der aggressive Ton und die ideologische Verbohrtheit von Klars Grußbotschaft an die Berliner Rosa-Luxemburg-Konferenz machten "deutlich, dass es sich um einen unverbesserlichen terroristischen Verbrecher handelt",

sagte Beckstein der "Bild"-Zeitung.
Bundesverfassungsgericht: "Cicero"- Durchsuchung war verfassungswidrig
27.Feb.2007 Anschlag auf Diplomaten: Deutscher Botschafter entgeht Angriff in Sri Lanka unverletzt
27.Feb.2007 Afghanistan: Cheney überlebt Anschlag auf US- Basis unverletzt

Zum Thema im Internet: "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences"

Im Säuglingsalter ist Laktase zunächst in ausreichender Menge vorhanden, nach dem Abstillen wird das Enzym bei den meisten Menschen auf der Welt aber nur noch in geringem Maße produziert.

Nur Europäer und einige afrikanische Bevölkerungsgruppen machen eine Ausnahme: Sie bilden das Enzym auch noch im Erwachsenenalter.

27.Feb.2007 -Bislang- rätselten Wissenschaftler darüber, woher diese sogenannte Laktase-Persistenz kommt.

Eine "evolutionäre Erfolgsgeschichte"
Das haben Anthropologen von der Universität Mainz jetzt durch die Analyse von neun Skeletten aus der Jung- und Mittelsteinzeit herausgefunden, deren Erbgut sie untersucht haben.

Wie die Wissenschaftler gemeinsam mit Kollegen vom University College London in der Fachzeitschrift "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" ("PNAS") online vorab berichten,

habe die Fähigkeit, Milch zu verdauen, bei der Entwicklung der Europäer eine wesentliche Rolle gespielt.
Gen- Analyse: Steinzeit- Europäer vertrugen keine Milch
26.Feb.2007 Conspiracy Planet - Al Martin - Bush Family Crime Story: Iran ...

Charles was a friend of the infamous Barbara Studley, who was one of Maj. Gen. Richard V. Secord's girlfriends that he kept kind of sequestered out at his ...
Fischer verwies darauf, dass er 2003 mit seinem US-Kollegen Colin Powell über den Fall Kurnaz gesprochen habe.

Er habe sich für Kurnaz verwandt und gesagt, dass eine Freilassung ins Auge gefasst werden sollte, "wenn es keine gravierenden Beschuldigungen gibt".

Sollte es aber solche Beschuldigungen geben, dann sollten diese ihm mitgeteilt und Anklage erhoben werden - "entweder, oder".

Er habe später seiner Erinnerung nach noch einmal nachgefasst, aber nichts erreicht.
Atomstreit mit Iran: Vetomächte und Deutschland hoffen auf Verhandlungen
26.Feb.2007 Fischer zum Fall Kurnaz: Abgeblockt von den USA
26.Feb.2007 Neue Arten entdeckt: Unbekannte Krebse aus eisigen Tiefen
26.Feb.2007 Arbeitsmarktreform: Gutachter erwarten Milliarden- Einsparungen durch Kombilohn