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03.Mai 2005 Parteien: US-Nuklearwaffen aus Deutschland abziehen, ...

Die gegenwärtige Krise um Nuklearwaffen-Ambitionen des Iran + ... dass die amerikanischen Nuklearwaffen aus Deutschland abgezogen werden sollen.
Nov.2006 Die Aufprallphase der umfassenden weltweiten Krise ...

Denn die Finanzmärkte veranstalteten, um der Republikanischen Partei die Kontrolle ...

Im Zentrum dieser Kampagne zur "Euphorisierung" des amerikanischen ...
25.Mär.2003 Die Krise des amerikanischen Kapitalismus + der ...

Es gab zahlreiche Treffen zwischen der Ba’ath Partei + amerikanischen Geheimdienstlern.

Die fortschreitende Krise des kapitalistischen Systems, ...
Waffenexport: Politiker opponieren gegen US-Panzer-Deal ..

Produktion einer Panzerhaubitze bei Rheinmetall in Niedersachsen: US-Investmentbank ... Permira + die US-Finanzinvestoren Blackstone, KKR + Carlyle .,1518,312583,00.html
2004081011_Report Die Gespräche mit Carlyle hatten sich zunächst am besten entwickelt. ... Röchling nach Käufern für ihren 42-prozentigen Anteil am Rheinmetall -Konzern sucht.

Jul.2004 Exposed: The Carlyle Group : Shocking documentary uncovers the subversion of ... nach Käufern für ihren 42 % Anteil am Rheinmetall -Konzern sucht.
MAAS Rheinmetall AG ...*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*
BBC NEWS | Talking Point | Is France right to force a split on Iraq?

If it continues for too long Spain will be the new France + Poland the new Germany in future US ...

00.000.1990 they refused to send Britain artillery shells. ...
20050121 KBP DESIGN BUREAU, 13E-A3, ROSVOOROUZHENIE, 12W-B5, SPAIN, BAZAN SEPI/EN, 13E-B15, Spanish. DEFEX (Spanish Pavilion), 13E-B15, Spanish. EXPAL GROUP ...
20050116 Uzhgorod’s university a group of young, >male Yushenko observers hung ... Number ... also I upload one model of EXPAL Mortar and the web ... Posted By KaS.
00.000.2004 Perú Landmine Monitor Report 7]

In the past Perú imported mines from Belgium, Spain, the United States, ... mines (Soviet Union); EXPAL mines without fuse ( Spain ); EXPAL P4 A1 ( Spain );
Behind a Veil of Secrecy: - View as HTML
Defence Systems (Greece),

Otobreda (Italy),

EXPAL ( Spain ),

RUAG (Switzerland) + RO ...

Norwegian Defence Industry Group . n.d.a. Organization Web site.
00.Apr.2004 -Really Magazine- According to the study group, legislation isn’t necessary at the moment – but

... Expal ’s own website https://www. expal .es is, curiously, also offline at the ...
04.Mar.2004 -Really Magazine- Expal ’s own website is, curiously, also offline at the ...

And, guess what, the Thales group sites have no mention whatever of the ...
00.000.2000 -INFORME:"Industria Aerospacial"

00.000.1971 Somchem, división de Denel Group, fue establecido como el fabricante ...

Propiedad: EXPAL es la cabecera del Grupo de Defensa de Unión Española de ...
00.000.2005 DSEi Arms Fair (Germany),

Diel Munitions System (Germany),

Expal . Explosions ( Spain ),

Giat Industries (France), ... similar to DSEi as a whole, while the Israeli group ...
Survey of Cluster Munition Policy and Practice: IV. Cluster ...

Spain has stated :

All types of cluster munitions have a high operational value as a ... Expal Explosivos SA, Instalaza SA, International Technology SA, ...
00.Dec.2001 a Group of Governmental Experts was mandated by the Second ... Spain . •. Projectile (120mm). o. ECIA, Instalaza SA. •. Bomb. o. Expal ...

24.Mar.2007 News archives - - world equestrian news and ...

In its heyday Spendthrift Farm stood more than 60 stallions

in the 1980s. ... capable of affecting a horse's performance in a race or a training gallop".
Council news - News from the society - New Zealand Arab Horse ...

Some countries allow horses to race or take part in competitions such as ...

John Morrissey congratulated both Gabrielle Deuss + Mel Gubb who have worked ... HorseWeb: Press Releases: 2006 Winter Equestrian Festival Dressage ...

Browse the freshest horse classifieds for horses for sale or search over 7000 equine ...

For 10 consecutive years, Mr. John Deuss and Windsome Farm have ...
HorseWeb: Press Releases: Wrap-up for Zada Enterprises, LLC ...

Browse the freshest horse classifieds for horses for sale or search over 7000 ...

for 10 years with the sponsorship of John Deuss + his Windsome Farm, ...
20060831 John Deuss . Olie. Transworld Oil. 20. E 750.000.000. 0. Teunis van Wettum. Vastgoed.

... used BBG resources to support his personal horse racing operation;
20050418 By Ahmed ElAmin ... to find office space in Bermuda, billionaire oil trader John Deuss wants to convert a Smith's Parish farm ...

Mr. Deuss, head of ...
Articles on - fraud Dutch banker and oil trader John Deuss had been held since October for . ...

East communitys mayoral race, a challenger is alleging fraud by the incumbent. ... 20070206

Feb.2007 White Collar Crime Prof Blog: McNulty to Be Nominated as #2 At the ... International Information & Trading Services Co. SOUTH AFRICA .
20070112 "The situation in Iraq is unacceptable to the American people + it is unacceptable to me ," Bush said. Everyone notes up high that, for the first time, ...

Mär.2005 Extreme Cinema Verite: GIs shoot Iraq battle footage and edit it into ...

00.000.1976 Mr. Farrell ’s association with ECO began- while he was the ...
Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität, Nachrichten-Archiv

Allen Dulles, der CIA-Chef wurde, holte den harten Kern des Nazisystems in den ...

Cheney habe den Senat durch seine Lügen zum Lügen angestiftet.
CIA und USA - Geschichte

Kongreß und Senat sollten der Kontrolle dienen, aber dies erfolgt nur sehr ...

Das Verhältnis zu CIA-Direktor Allen Dulles und zu den Joint Chiefs of Staff ...
Neue Solidarität 30/2004:Widerstand gegen Hitlers Krieg

Aber Trott + Moltke wußten nicht, daß der OSS-Mann Allen Dulles seit Januar ... ist als Präemptivkrieg unter dem Vorwand von lauter Lügen zurückgekehrt. ...
00.000.1953 -Das Jahr-Ereignisse+Auswirkungen - HTML-Version
Beetz meine dass das Präsidium lüge ? Und er sagte: Er könne nicht umhin hier ei- ...

00.März 1956 sprach Allen Dulles in Anlehnung an seine Ausführungen am ...
Skripte Skripte - HTML-Version
Lügen zum Opfer gefallen sein mögen, der Unfriede in der Welt sei von der ... selbst Allan Dulles Schwiegersohn ließ uns aus dem Mund Ernst Fischers wissen, ...
Außenpolitikforum-Diskussionen rund ums Weltgeschehen- Keine Lüge kann grob genug ersonnen werden, die Deutschen glauben sie.

... hielt CIA-Chef Allen Dulles in einem internen Memo fest: „Das ganze Material ist ... Intelligence Agency

Allan Dulles, späterer CIA Chef + angesehener Wall Street Anwalt, ... in Vietnam + die Lügen der Johnson-Administration an die New York Times. ...
Das Protocols des Elders von Zion [BULLSHIT]-[FAKE]-[PROPAGANDA] The “Protocols of the Elders of ...Bullshit...

Peter Grose, in Gentleman Spy: Das Life von Allen Dulles (Houghton Miffl00.000.1994) ... (Zurückgeholt Januar 2006); ^ die anti-Jewish Lüge, die ablehnt, ...
FIGU-Sonder-Bulletin 30 Das Anti-Rassismus-Gesetz in bestehender Form straft dies jedoch Lüge . ...

der Ort nach dem US-Politiker Allen Dulles (geb. Waterlown, NY, 7.4.1893, gest. ..
MJ12 Direktor der CIA Allen Welsh Dulles, Aussenminister John Foster Dulles, ... eine Studiengruppe ins Leben gerufen, die " alle Tatsachen, Beweise, Luegen und ...

24.Mar.2007 Wo ist unsere Kultur geblieben? Wo ist unsere Kultur geblieben? - HTML-Version
...,daß Personen wie Allen Dulles, John J. McCloy und. Truman die historischen Vorgänger von ... auch wissentlich die Lüge verbreitet, der Irak hätte ver- ...
Q = 18 = 6 + 6 + 6 1+1+1 = 3 3 x 2 = 6 2/3 = 0.666 1+11+2+6 = 20 ... - HTML-Version
Vorsitzenden und CIA-Direktor Allen Dulles ); Ausklammerung von Berichten über ... Bloomfield das Repräsentantenhaus und den Senat . Die Homepage des AIPAC, ...
Nachrichten Gründer waren CIA-Chef Allan Dulles, Außenminister John Forster Dulles + Lyman Lemnitzer, ... als auch vom US- Senat gleichlautend verabschiedet werden.
Nachrichten Bo Gritz eine Übereinkunft zwischen Allen Dulles und Wiliam Casey (OSS, Vorgänger CIA) ... die als Startsignal für den "Vietnamkrieg" gilt, durch eine Lüge.
1.Mai 1995

00.000.1943 -Ab- hatte Allen Dulles, der Leiter der Amerikanischen Geheimdienste im Europa, ...

Die rassistische Lüge, Tag für Tag wiederholt, regt blinden, ...
[frozeman] creative designworks + musik production

Bo Gritz eine Übereinkunft zwischen Allen Dulles + Wiliam Casey (OSS, ...

"Die Vorstellung, dass Präsidenten lügen + zwar viel mehr lügen als sich ...
OST Austria, Office of Science & Technology, Voices

In seiner Rede anlässlich der Vorstellung seiner Kandidaten für die Funktionen des Surgeon ... Ort der Austragung wird primär der Senat sein, in dem es zur ...
Die geheime Regierung Ursprung: Wesen und Zweck von MJ-12. Miltom ...

EBE zeigte eine Tendenz zum Luegen und gab waehrend des ersten Jahres auf ... dem Direktor der CIA Allen Welsh Dulles, Aussenminister John Foster Dulles, ...
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung-

Zwar waren unmittelbar zuvor die SALT-I-Vereinbarungen vom Senat mit einer ... sondern - wie John Foster Dulles in den fünfziger Jahren - auf die Macht ...
creatores: Das Archiv der Gründer. Dossier Elfter September ...

13.04: Bush hält auf der Barksdale Air Force Base eine Rede . Er sagt, daß alle erforderlichen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen getroffen wurden.
Joseph McCarthy -Wikipedia

17.Mär.1953 -Daraufhin-am-gab Außenminister John Foster Dulles die Anweisung aus: „Werke kommunistischer Autoren sind aus allen öffentlichen Bibliotheken zu entfernen .
Die USA auf dem Weg in eine Diktatur? [Archiv] - Seite 13 ...

Die Umstände erinnerten an einen schlechten Hollywood-Thriller: Der damalige CIA-Direktor Allen Dulles + sein Bruder, Außenminister John Foster Dulles, ...
Jan van Helsing: Geheimgesellschaften, Teil 2

Majority 12 bestand aus

Nelson Rockefeller, dem Direktor der CIA,

Allen Welsh Dulles, Außenminister

John Foster Dulles, Verteidigungsminister

Charles E. ...

Auch die europäischen Länder müssen sich an das Völkerrecht halten Was aber auch interessant ist, ist eine Rede von Frau Rice vom 5. ...

Wenn man sagt, man weiss von nichts, ich finde, dass das eine Lüge ist.
ForumsarchivA40 Der schon erwähnte Allen Welsh Dulles ließ sich zu den Presbyterianern zählen, ...

'Lügen tust du also auch, von denen kannst du die Schriften nicht haben', ...

Nov.2005 Im US-Senat ist es zu einem heftigen Streit wegen der CIA-Affäre ...

... des amerikanischen Kriegsgeheimdienstes OSS, Allan Dulles, heranzukommen.
United Mutations Motzblog

Bei America First gaben die Dulles - Brüder den Ton an:

John Foster Dulles, der spätere US-Außenminister +

Allan Dulles, der später die CIA aufbaute.
CineGame-Das Spiel über Hollywood, Stars & Sternchen - Drehbuchtext

Er ist auch bei der Vorbereitung zu einer Rede anwesend, während in New York ...

Die Lügen der Bush-Regierung über irakische Massenvernichtungswaffen als ...
ews ATTERY - HTML-Version
Lügen + die üble Manipulation der Medien + somit der Öffentlichkeit; ein ... Allen Dulles, für Südafrika’s Zeitzünder + ...
Untitled - HTML-Version
der CIA,

Allen Welsh Dulles,

Außenminister John Fester Dulles,

Verteidigungsminister Charles E. ... gerufen, die alle Tatsachen, Beweise, Lügen und Betrug ...
Microsoft PowerPoint-NonCon Cov-PRD.ppt
delegations of Turkey, Azerbaijan + Georgia are holding meetings with international ... + it’s not just the interest of states,” said Laurent Ruseckas, ...

24.Mar.2007 who we are | citizenJoe

Laurent Ruseckas is a consultant with Green Oaks Holdings . Formerly the Director of the Emerging Europe & Eurasia Practice at Eurasia Group and head of the ...
20070108 Consistency means: "the property of holding together + retaining shape. ... of the James Giffen/John Deuss variety,” says Laurent Ruseckas Director, ... -
24.Mar.2007 Free Trade Enslaving Poor Countries:

The new free trade agreements being signed up between rich and poor countries are proving far more damaging to the poor than anything envisaged within WTO talks, Oxfam said in a report Tuesday
UK: Cameron stands encircled by zealous Anglo-neocons: An influential coterie of Tory MPs is bent on a foreign policy driven not by Britain's interests, but those of the US and Israel

24.Mar.2007 Former CIA official supports Professor's claim that official 9/11 Islamist conspiracy theory are lies:

Although the 9/11 truth movement was long ignored by the U.S. government + the mainstream media, recent polls have shown that (as Time magazine has acknowledged) the rejection of the official theory has become "a mainstream political phenomenon."

24.Mar.2007 N Korea envoy walks away from talks ; Six-nation talks on North Korea's nuclear programme have broken down with the chief North Korean and Russian negotiators both heading home from the Beijing meeting.

24.Mar.2007 Who Will Explode the Next Nuclear Bomb? : In this documentary produced for the BBC World Service, defense expert Robert Hutchinson looks at the nuclear crisis in North Korea + at diplomatic moves to curb it.

24.Mar.2007-21.Mar.1937 -Remembering Puerto Rico's Ponce Massacre: -On- 19 people were killed and more than one hundred wounded when police opened fire on a demonstration calling for independence from the United States.

21.Mar.1937 -The day is considered a defining event in Puerto Rico's history of struggle against US domination.

24.Mar.2007 Senate Panel Joins House Subcommittee in Authorizing Subpoenas :

A Senate panel probing the firing of eight U.S. attorneys joined a House subcommittee in authorizing subpoenas

to compel testimony by Karl Rove, President George W. Bush's top political adviser + other White House officials.

24.Mar.2007 Prosecutor Says Bush Appointees Interfered With Tobacco Case: The leader of the Justice Department team that prosecuted a landmark lawsuit against tobacco companies said yesterday that Bush administration political appointees repeatedly ordered her to take steps that weakened the government's racketeering case.

24.Mar.2007 Demoted U.S. attorney protested office shutdown, loss of resources : A U.S. attorney targeted by convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff complained to his superiors in Washington about losing investigative resources little more than a month before his demotion.

24.Mar.2007 Reduced sentence in works for Abramoff: Former Republican super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff, sentenced to almost six years in prison for his fraudulent purchase of a South Florida gambling fleet, can receive a reduced sentence if he continues to assist prosecutors in a far-reaching Washington public corruption probe, federal officials said Wednesday.
24.Mar.2007 US tones down Egypt democratic requirements: US State Department spokesman says Washington will not intervene in Egypt’s domestic political event.

24.Mar.2007 Detainee abuse in CIA secret prisons documented in ICRC report : Detainees held in secret prisons operated by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) throughout the globe were subject to abuse and sleep deprivation, according to a confidential report prepared by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

24.Mar.2007 Amnesty urges governments not to cooperate with US military trials: The human rights group Amnesty International has called on foreign governments not to cooperate with United States military trials of Guantanamo Bay detainees.
24.Mar.2007 Karen Kwiatkowski: Our Mad Mad Mad Mad Vice President Speaks: The Cheney speech to AIPAC – reassuring militant rightwingers in Israel and the US that America is leaning forward on Iran + that we are never leaving Iraq – was filled with honesty and conviction + gives us a clear window into the administration's thinking.
24.Mar.2007 Burns cautions Congress against pursuing with Iran legislation : A senior Bush Administration official has cautioned Congress against passing any legislation on Iran that will make matters difficult for the allies of the United States especially at a time when Washington has been trying to wean countries, including India, away from any business deals with Tehran.

24.Mar.2007 Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline would help Tehran''s nuke projects: US : Visiting US Energy Secretary Samuel W Bodman Thursday said Washington was against the proposed gas pipeline project between India, Pakistan + Iran as this would enable Tehran's nuclear weaponisation programme.

24.Mar.2007 India warns Pak of pulling out of IPI pipeline project : India has threatened to walk out of the $7 billion Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline project if Islamabad did not bring down the fee it wants to charge for allowing flow of natural gas from Iran to India.

24.Mar.2007 Bolton says U.S. blocked Israel truce : The United States resisted calls for an immediate cease-fire between Israel and Lebanon last summer, former U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said.

24.Mar.2007 Gaza Strip virtually 'imprisoned': UN rights expert: A UN human rights expert on Thursday accused Israel of turning the Gaza Strip into a virtual prison under an apartheid-like occupation of Palestinian territories.

24.Mar.2007 Palestinians reject Quartet demands :

Representatives of the new Palestinian unity government have said they will reject the Middle East Quartet's offer to reinstate direct aid in return for a renunciation of violence + recognition of Israel.
Musharraf faces `revolution': Crowd calls president `Bush's dog' as opposition builds after judge's ouster

24.Mar.2007 Musharraf at the Exit: After eight years of military rule it appears that the Pakistani people have had enough.
24.Mar.2007 Raw video: UN chief ducks for cover after blast in occupied Baghdad: A rocket attack disrupted a press conference with U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malik; The rocket hit within 50 yards of the press conference, but no one was injured.

24.Mar.2007 Democrats Seek Votes On Iraq Pullout: House Democratic Leaders Struggle to Find Votes to Order U.S. Pullout From Iraq

24.Mar.2007 Wars will Cost Trillions to US People: The cost of the wars unleashed by President George W. Bush´s government could exceed $1 trillion by the end of his term of office, a study predicted on Wednesday.

24.Mar.2007 Think the Nation's Debt Doesn't Affect You? Think Again: In addition to borrowing from the world's poorest countries, Bush & Co. are secretly confiscating your hard-earned dollars to support their out-of-control spending habits.

24.Mar.2007 Bush's war fuels highest level of defense spending since WWII : As the Iraq war enters a fifth year, the conflict that President Bush's aides once said would all but pay for itself with oil revenues is fueling the highest level of defense spending since WWII.

24.Mar.2007 Iraq as a weapons lab: For the neocons of this administration, as a friend said to me recently, Iraq was to be a laboratory that would reveal the face of imperial America.

24.Mar.2007 Pledge To Impeach: Video; We can't stop the war until we IMPEACH Bush & Cheney! Anthony St. Martin addresses a Minneapolis audience to explain

24.Mar.2007 British MP George Galloway on the Doha Debates: Video: George Galloway debating against the motion that Iraq needs a new dictator to bring stability.

24.Mar.2007 US struggles to avert Turkish intervention in northern Iraq: Ankara claims Kurdish rebels preparing attacks
24.Mar.2007 Deaths In Iraq Have Reached 1 Million: : On the fourth anniversary of the invasion by Allied troops, an Australian scientist insisted the true death toll dwarfed previous estimates.

24.Mar.2007 ABC (Under)counting Iraqi Dead: Top ABC anchors are minimizing the death toll.

24.Mar.2007 This is a must watch: Video: Final Countdown for Baghdad's Children: Baghdad's last refuge for orphaned and traumatised children is in danger of closing later this month when it finally runs out of funds.

24.Mar.2007 Remembering Rufina Amaya: The New York Times Magazine in a 2005 article (May 01) revealed that the Iraqi counterinsurgency was being advised by an American who led the Special Forces in El Salvador in the 1980 s.
22.Mar.2007 Thrown To The Assassins -By David Case
They cheered the U.S. invasion; they offered to help, signed on as translators, risked everything they had to work for the United States. But when they had to run for their lives, America slammed the door.

24.Mar.2007 The Upcoming Iraq War Funding Bill -HON. RON PAUL OF TEXAS
Only with the complicity of Congress have we become a nation of pre-emptive war, secret military tribunals, torture, rejection of habeas corpus, warrantless searches, undue government secrecy, extraordinary renditions + uncontrollable spying on the American people. The greatest danger we face is ourselves.

24.Mar.2007 White Hot Rage -By Cindy Sheehan
I have long suspected that Blackwater Security and L. Paul Bremer (what’s his nickname? Scooter? Pookie?) were responsible for the insurgency in Iraq and subsequently the death of my son, Casey. I am reading Jeremy Scahill’s new book: Blackwater and it is doing nothing to decrease my suspicions, only confirm them.

24.Mar.2007 FBI Violations May Number 3,000, Official Says -By R. Jeffrey Smith
The Justice Department's inspector general told a committee of angry House members yesterday that the FBI may have violated the law or government policies as many as 3,000 times since 2003 as agents secretly collected the telephone, bank and credit card records of U.S. citizens and foreign nationals residing here.

24.Mar.2007 Iran seizes 15 British marines and sailors in Gulf: - Iranian forces seized 15 British servicemen on Friday in the mouth of the waterway that separates Iran and Iraq, triggering a diplomatic crisis at a time of heightened tensions over Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

24.Mar.2007 Iran Confirms Arrest of British Sailors, Claims "Infiltration":

Iran has confirmed the arrest of the 15 Royal Navy sailors in the Gulf, while protesting "renewed infiltration of British navy forces into Iranian waters at the Arvand river

24.Mar.2007 Iran Summons UK Envoy : Iran summoned the British charge d'affaires to Tehran on Friday to protest over what it said was the illegal entry of British naval personnel into Iranian waters, state television reported.

24.Mar.2007 War pimp alert: McCain: Little U.S. Can Do about Iran Seizing Brits:, McCain said Britain should threaten ``very decisive action'' for what he calls a gross violation of international law by the Iranians. And he says the United States can only provide moral support.

24.Mar.2007 Exclusive: Embassies in Teheran prepare escape plans:

00.000.2007 -before the end of-foreign diplomats believe a possible attack would take place According to foreign sources,

24.Mar.2007 Iran's president cancels trip to address U.N.: Mohammad Mir Ali Mohammadi, press secretary of Iran's mission at the U.N., told The Associated Press that the U.S. did not deliver a visa to the U.S. Embassy in Bern, Switzerland, in time for the Iranian president to pick it up and fly to New York for the council session Saturday.

24.Mar.2007 U.S. Accused Of Denying Iran Leader Visa: Iran has accused the United States of failing to issue a visa to allow Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to address the U.N. Security Council.

24.Mar.2007 Iran sanctions resolution due for Saturday vote:

24.Mar.2007 While major powers said their proposed text was a final version, changes are still likely before a vote that British Ambassador Emyr Jones Parry said was planned for Saturday.

24.Mar.2007 Sen. Clinton Urges U.N. Sanctions Against Iran: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.24.Mar.2007.) accused the Bush administration of playing down the threat of a nuclear Iran and called for swift action at the United Nations to impose sanctions on the Iranian government.

24.Mar.2007 'Fight Iran before it goes nuclear' - fmr US amb. to UN: This latest warning to the world was voiced Tuesday by former US ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton.

24.Mar.2007 DeLay: I quit for Israel : DeLay said he stepped down because "I had to do two things, push the conservative cause and support Israel."

24.Mar.2007 Israel to brand Arabs as peace spoilers: Israel is gearing up for a diplomatic campaign that will paint the Arab world as the recalcitrant party if it does not drop the article in the Arab peace initiative that calls for the "right of return" for Palestinian refugees, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

24.Mar.2007 In case you missed it: Video: The Plan -- according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.):

02.Mar.2007 -In an interview with Amy Goodman- U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.), explains that the Bush Administration planned to take out 5 countries in 7 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Lybia, Somalia, Sudan, Iran

24.Mar.2007 Leftist Victory in Ecuador: The two month old government of leftist Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa and the popular movements that back him have emerged triumphant in their first battle with the oligarchy and the traditional political parties that have historically dominated the country.

24.Mar.2007 Colombia backs hostage-swap offer : The Colombian government has announced that it has accepted a US offer to witness negotiations which are aimed at releasing 61 hostages in exchange for Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc) rebels in government prisons.

24.Mar.2007 After six weeks in a Texas immigration jail 9-Year-Old Canadian Citizen Arrives in Toronto: A nine year-old Canadian citizen and his Iranian parents were released and allowed back into Canada last night. Canadian immigration authorities have granted the boy's parents temporary residency. We speak with their attorney.

24.Mar.2007 "Why the Facts of 9/11 Must Be Suppressed : Understanding the Ruling Group Mind Behind the War Without End "
24.Mar.2007 Dems Challenge Bush With Iraq Timetable : - A sharply divided House voted Friday to order President Bush to bring combat troops home from Iraq next year, a victory for Democrats in an epic war-powers struggle and Congress' boldest challenge yet to the administration's policy

24.Mar.2007 Bush vows to veto Iraq pullout bill : The US House of Representatives has voted to impose a September 2008 deadline for withdrawing all American combat troops from Iraq.

24.Mar.2007 Michael Meacher: The rape of Iraq's oil: The Baghdad government has caved in to a damaging plan that will enrich western companies.

24.Mar.2007 Congressman Trades Iraq Vote for Spinach: A liberal Congressman who represents California's picturesque central coast region is under fire for trading his vote on the Iraq war for spinach.

24.Mar.2007 US struggles to avert Turkish intervention in northern Iraq: The US is scrambling to head off a "disastrous" Turkish military intervention in Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq that threatens to derail the Baghdad security surge and open up a third front in the battle to save Iraq from disintegration.

24.Mar.2007 War pimp alert: : Iran 'paying Iraqis $500 a month':

We haven't found any 'smoking gun' but certainly all the circumstantial evidence points to Iranian involvement in the bombings here in Basra, which is disrupting the city to a great extent,” he added.
24.Mar.2007 Punishing A People For Enduring A Dictator
An interview with Fmr. UN Iraq Mission Chief Hans Von Sponeck
Hans Von Sponeck has been a fierce critic of the war.

00.000.1990 -In the late s- Hans Von Sponeck was the coordinator of the United Nations Humanitarian Mission in Iraq.

Hans Von Sponeck resigned in protest over the UN sanctions regime.

Hans Von Sponeck is also a former Assistant Secretary General of the UN. Audio and transcript

24.Mar.2007 The Sheikh and The Torture Senator -By US Army Reserve Colonel (Retired) Ann Wright
“Americans don't mind torture, they really don’t.” Then he smiled broadly, almost gleefully + said that the US had used certain interrogation techniques on “Shaikh Mohammed, one of the "high value" targets,” techniques that "you really don't want to know about, but they got really good results."

24.Mar.2007 A Time For Anger, A Call To Action -By Bill Moyers
When Woodrow Wilson spoke of democracy releasing the energies of every human being, he was declaring that we cannot leave our destiny to politicians, elites + experts; either we take democracy into our own hands, or others will take democracy from us.

24.Mar.2007 "The White House Is Adamant That Their Advisors...Retain The Right To Lie"-Daily Show On Subpoenas:
Daily Show correspondent John Oliver and anchor Jon Stewart discuss the last time Karl Rove testified.

24.Mar.2007 Just so everyone is clear about UAV's. They are being flown over downtown neighborhoods in Columbia SC now. # posted by Anonymous : 3:28
24.Mar.2007 report from one of my readers.

These words originally appeared in the comments section, but they deserve greater publicity: I am half jewish and half west indian. I have never been attacked for being half Jewish. I have been beaten for being "brown". I occasionally go to israel to visit my relatives. When I go, I prepare myself to experience a form of racism which is very hard to find in the US or UK these days. Its hard to find cos a) its considered unacceptable to express these views these days b) cos there are now laws against it in the UK and US. Things are different in Israel. It is not merely acceptable there, its the norm.
Incidentally, my Jewish relatives dont argue with me about this anymore. They have watched it happen to me and have had to bail me out on a number of occasions.
Dont let people lie about this. The faster this lie is exposed the better off we will all be.

24.Mar.2007 lo and behold, when we look at the news from Israel, what do we find? Real racism. The kind backed by law, public opinion and power. From the Guardian:
41% of Israel's Jews favour segregation
A poll of attitudes among Israel's Jews towards their country's Arab citizens has exposed widespread racism, with large numbers favouring segregation and policies to encourage Arabs to leave the country.
The poll found that more than two-thirds of Jews would refuse to live in the same building as an Arab. Nearly half would not allow an Arab in their home and 41% want segregation of entertainment facilities.
The survey also found 40% of Israel's Jews believe "the state needs to support the emigration of Arab citizens", a policy advocated by some far-right parties in the run-up to next week's general election.
The poll was conducted by a respected Israeli organisation, Geocartographia, for the Centre for the Struggle Against Racism, founded by Arab-Israeli academics. "Racism is becoming mainstream," said the centre's director, Bachar Ouda. (Emphasis added.)

24.Mar.2007 you've not seen this clip previously, prepare for some shocking imagery. "Christians" speaking in tongues teach an auditorium filled with brainwashed youngsters to worship a life-sized image of George W. Bush. And when I say "worship," I mean that literally. Permalink
Permalink 24.Mar.2007
My question is simple. If UAVs were so ubiquitous when Awad was killed, why did they not spot Zarqawi in the desert?
24.Mar.2007 have reason for captious suspicion: The Washington Post revealed the existence of a psyop campaign designed to create a Zarqawi "myth," and Bush himself once cited a "Zarqawi" letter even after it was acknowledged as a fake.
24.Mar.2007 out the UAVs - with a look back at the Zarqawi mystery

00.Apr.2006 a platoon of American soldiers in Iraq, unable to find the man they were looking for, decided to capture and to kill an innocent man named Hashim Ibrahim Awad.

The murder came to light only because a guilt-ridden soldier made a spontaneous confession.
Wired account (which I first learned about by way of Xymphora) indicates that the soldiers staged a bogus incident near a bomb crater for the benefit of the nearly omnipresent unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) patrolling the area. The deception was designed to create the appearance of a firefight with a bomb-planting insurgent.
The story, stunning enough in its own right, casts n interesting light on the infamous Zarqawi video, in which the alleged Al Qaeda mastermind is seen staging maneuvers in the Iraq desert. The video is


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SAT.1 überträgt das Spiel Bayern gegen Real am Dienstag schon ab 19.45 Uhr ...

Auf dem Pazifik sammelt sich ein Müllteppich von der Größe Mitteleuropas ...
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Im Pazifik schwimmt ein Müllteppich, so groß wie Zentraleuropa. ... wenn zur besten Sendezeit selbsternannte Prominentendarsteller für Sat.1 Eier ausblasen ....

Der Müllteppich ist entstanden, weil die Menschheit seit Jahrzehnten ihre ...

Die Leute wollten die gestochen scharfen Bilder vom Roten Planeten sehen.
11.Apr.2006-11.Sep.2001 : Discussion about

Read all about it here in the Jerusalem Post . ... of its Foreign Relations Committee, Peter Galbraith, son of the famous economist, John Kenneth Galbraith.
20060808 whose murder of 92 people with the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem ... Senator Joe Biden + Peter Galbraith, a former U.S. diplomat who advises ...
History News Network Interview with Dore Gold: The Fight for Jerusalem (Roundup: Talking About History) ... Reidar Visser: Review of Peter Galbraith's The End of Iraq (Simon ...

22.Jun.1944 Beginn der sowjetischen Sommeroffensive, während der die Rote Armee ...

16.Dez.1944 In den Ardennen beginnt die letzte deutsche Offensive, die schon ... alfatomega.com20050209.html
C2ore » News & Features: Latest Political + Economic News ...

Theocracy and White Supremacy: Behind the Culture War to Restore Traditional ...

... + that Laszlo Pasztor, who had built the Republican emigre network, ...
God is for Suckers! - Commentary, news + rants on the evils + ... Laszlo Pasztor, Radi Slavoff + Nicholas Nazarenko. ...

I think C Span would be much more fun to watch if fuck off was used more. ...
Democratic Underground Forums - Printer friendly page, topic ID ...

One of the Nazis recruited by candidate Nixon was Laszlo Pasztor, described by Aarons and Loftus as "the founding chair ...
Think Progress » Pruetts “Totally Empathize” With Sheehan, Say Her ...

Journalist Russ Bellant (OLD NAZIS, THE NEW RIGHT + THE REPUBLICAN PARTY) shows that Laszlo Pasztor, a convicted Nazi war collaborator, ...
Psyche's Links: 15000++ Links to Esoteric Subjects on the Web ...

The Librarian and the Nazi: Laura Bush's Thank You to Laszlo Pasztor ... Asia Times: We report, you get it wrong (Idiots watch Fox News) ...
Rigorous Intuition (v. 2.0): Patterns of Force Bush's tenure as head of the Republican National Committee exactly coincided with Laszlo Pasztor's

00.000.1972 drive to transform the Heritage Groups Council into ...
Radical Left: Playbook For Defeating Its Enemies Coalitions for America is notable for the fact that one of its top advisers on democracy building in eastern Europe, Laszlo Pasztor, is a convicted ...

Mar.2005 Security Watch : Why hacking the US Senate is apparently A-OK ... serious. ... Laszlo Pasztor from the Hungarian Arrow Cross, Florian Galdau of the ... - 842
how to win a practical guide for defeating

Because most voters watch a significant amount of television + will see + ... its top advisers on democracy building in eastern Europe, Laszlo Pasztor, ...
Klein, 58, previously served as assistant to the secretary of defense for nuclear and chemical and biological defense programs, a position he assumed 00.000.2001 .
00.000.2001 -Prior to his appointment by President Bush,

Klein was the vice-chancellor for special engineering programs at The University of Texas System

while also serving as a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (Nuclear Program) at The University of Texas at Austin.

Klein was the chairman and executive director of the Amarillo National Resource Center for Plutonium, where he oversaw more than $45 million of funding concerning plutonium research and nuclear weapon dismantlement issues.
Confronting the Challenges-Dr.Klaus O. Schafer Interviewed by ...

For instance, in the field of microarray technology, the Navy clearly has done ...

I’m proud to be able to work as Dr. Dale Klein ’s deputy to oversee the ...
Official Remarks & Reports Organizationally we report to Dr. Dale Klein, the Assistant to the Secretary of ...

The Navy's explosive experts at the Naval Surface Weapons Center (NSWC), ...
CB Quarterly, Issue 29 - HTML-Version
BioDefense Mask;

Lockheed Martin Naval Electronics Surveillance Systems—Undersea Systems;

INFICON; Applied Research Laboratory at Pennsylvania State ...
CB Quarterly, Issue 29 - HTML-Version
Coopera ive Research & Development Agreemen s. t. t. • BioDefense Mask. • Lockheed Martin Naval Electronics Surveillance Systems—Undersea Systems ...
Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Dr. Roswell N. Beck Post Office Building Florence, South Carolina: H.R. 1055, ...

Department of Homeland Security; Dale Klein, Assistant to the Secretary, ...
Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

2917), to set a funding goal of $100 million for research and development on ... Director, Defense Research and Engineering, Dale Klein, Assistant to the ...
25.Feb.2002 AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #08-02, It appears that the flight missions, by naval + other reconnaissance ... today,"

Assistant Defense Secretary Dale Klein said during a conference sponsored ...
U.S. Government Manual: Browse the

01.Jan.2001-10.Jan.2002 Edition Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, John D. Graham,

19.Jul.200- ... Chemical + Biological Defense Programs, Dale Klein,

06.Apr.2005 [[Page D294]] Daily Digest HIGHLIGHTS The ... Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, Navy. Pages S3338-40

Messages From the ... the Department of Defense: Dale Klein, Assistant to the Secretary (Nuclear, ...
GAO-06-592, Chemical and Biological Defense: DOD Needs Consistent ...

For example, the Navy's Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program office considered ... S

incerely, Signed By: Dale Klein : Enclosure: As stated: GAO DRAFT REPORT ...
How UT Learned to Love the Bomb, The DOE responded, in part, by appointing Pete Nanos, a no-nonsense Navy man, ...

Former UT Vice-Chancellor Dale Klein, recently appointed by the Bush ...
spent naval, production + research reactor spent fuel. ... quantities of HEU that it was allowing to be exported, NRC Chairman Dale Klein added ...
2002 Congressional Hearings Report of the General Accounting Office on nuclear nonproliferation and efforts to ...

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Statement of the Honorable Dale Klein, Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear ...

Congressional Budget Office · Congressional Research Service ...
Bioterrorism - Official Remarks & Reports - Center for the Study ... Testimony of the Honorable Dale Klein, Assistant to the Secretary of Defense ...

Testimony submitted by Rear Admiral Jay M. Cohen, Chief of Naval Research ...
Protecting Warfighters - Brigadier General Stephen V. Reeves ...

Our Joint PM Guardian includes Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guard and Public ... Dr. Dale Klein, the assistant to the secretary of defense for nuclear, ...
3rd QTR-05.FINAL - HTML-Version
The Honorable Dale Klein . is Defense Secretary Donald ... defense research and engineering.

The White House plans to nominate Navy acquisi-tion chief ...
Microsoft PowerPoint-Melita_MunitionsSummit_Feb06.ppt
Honorable Dale Klein . 3E1074 697-1771. DIR, INTERNATIONAL. COOPERATION. Mr. Alfred Volkman. 3A280 697-4172. DIRECTOR DEFENSE RESEARCH . & ENGINEERING ...
Dale Klein, BS ME ’70, MS ’71, PhD. ’77, of San Antonio, Texas, is chair- ... Development Office, W1006 Thomas and Nell Lafferre Hall, Columbia, ...
00.000.2003 -Daily Updates-AeroSense-Program-Conferences-SPIE Web

Paul McManamon of the Air Force Research Laboratory spoke about upcoming ... Symposium Chair Ed Carapezza; Dale Klein, Assistant to the Office of the ...
NRC: Speech - 023 - Prepared Remarks by Chairman Dale Klein OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS.

The Navy nuclear program is not as large as it was in the past and will not ...
Untitled - HTML-Version
Office of Naval Research, “Solid Free-. form Fabrication Symposium 1999,” with ... Dale Klein . New Projects. Services Relating to the Amarillo; ...
Secretary of Energy Advisory Board

Dale Klein is the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, ...

Subsequently, he served in the United States Naval Reserve for over 20 years, ...
1991 GPS Meeting Proceedings Bal N. Agamata, Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Center 443-452 ... Susan Bower, Paul Slonaker, Dale Klein + Dr. Lawrence Weiderholt, Intermetrics, .
Center for Strategic Decision Research, Peter Struck, Michele ...

Such exchange involves information on communication channels, naval forces ...

We believe the Black Sea naval confidence- and security-building measures ...
Center for Strategic Decision Research, Peter Struck, Michele ...

By limiting the waters only to navy ships of the Black Sea states, these states ...

Because naval forces are comparable to and, regarding their mobility, ...
AT&L Workforce— Key Leadership Changes - HTML-Version
.. courses at the U.S. Army Chemical School; the Naval Postgraduate School, where he received a master's degree in operations research ; and the Industrial ...
Defense Tech: Chem-Bio Archives

Then Dale Klein (from DOE) decided that the CBDP might want to think about being ...

Hasn't completely happened yet, in part because the Air Force and Navy ...
NDIA | 2003 DoD CB Defense

Dr. Dale Klein, Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Nuclear, Chemical and ...

Dr Jerry Hoffman, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, San Diego, CA ...
NDM Article - Pentagon Widens Search for New Technologies

If someone has a good idea we are not closed minded,” said Dale Klein, ... of the Naval Operations Other Than War Technology Center, in Dahlgren, Va. ...
Faculty Honors and Awards in the Mechanical Engineering Department ...

Dale Klein, Dr. Dale E. Klein, designated by President Bush as chairman of the ...

Preston Wilson, Dr. Wilson received a $300000 Office of Naval Research ...
JON D - HTML-Version
“MHD Generator with Enhanced Electrical Conductivity,” with K. Stalder, White Paper prepared for Office of Naval Research and Defense Advanced Research ...
DRAFT Minutes for the Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committee ...
Dale Klein had just returned from Iraq and gave a ... capability is presently used and funded by the Office of Naval Reactors and other smaller. Customers.
1 DRAFT Minutes for the Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committee ... - HTML-Version
Dale Klein said that this subcommittee would be invaluable in understanding the ... reactors that could be found in lieu of the Navy classified research .

24.Mar.2007 U.S. House of Representatives, House Armed Services Committee

Honorable John J. Young, Assistant Secretary of the Navy ( Research, ... Dr. Dale Klein, Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Nuclear and Chemical and ...
DefenseLink: Today in the Department of Defense, Wednesday, April ...

Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) ... News Photo: Navy Petty Officer 2Nd Class Carren Mcmillan Adjusts and Aligns An ...
Military Doctrine, Space Doctrine, Joint, Air Force, Army, Navy ...

The National Strategy For Homeland Security: Office of Homeland Security ... slides used

01.Feb.2006 by Dr. Dale Klein, Asst. to SecDef for Nuclear and ...
00.000.2002 EMERGING THREATS AND CAPABILITIES Office of Science and Technology Policy

The Honorable Dale Klein Assistant to the Secretary of Defense ... Chief of Naval Research Dr. A. Michael Andrews II ...
2001 Congressional Hearings Joint statements of

John J. Young, Jr., Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition +

Admiral William J. Fallon, USN, ...
07.Jun.2001 United States Senate Committee on Armed Services -SEAPOWER SUBCOMMITTEE- To receive testimony on Navy and Marine ...

Dale Klein to be Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and ...
StumbleUpon » Featured cockroach sites

News in Science - Cockroaches live in a democracy [ ] From the page: "Cockroaches govern themselves in a very ...
Heute in den Feuilletons: Internet - unendliches Schatzhaus der Information

24.Mar.2007 Iran- Krise: Festgenommene Briten nach Teheran gebracht
24.Mar.2007 Ratbang Diary Ratbang Diary . Marie Harriman, second wife of New York's Governor, Averell Harriman, ... Ratfucks, both. Now you know what Ratbang Diary is all about.
24.Mar.2007 The Chemo-Electric Trashman's Trashcan Ratbang Diary ·

? ConyersBlog·? The Memory Hole·?Crisis Pictures (WARNING: very graphic) · ? Iraq war pictures (WARNING: very graphic) ...

Mar.2006 McCain Ratbang Diary has it exactly right: 1) McCain will do ANYTHING to be President 00.000.2008 .
20060808 Joy Tomme of Ratbang Diaries is asking what I consider to be some damned good questions:.

01.Aug.2006 The world was told that Cuba’s President Fidel Castro ...
NPR : Freud's Nephew and the Origins of Public Relations

00.000.1920-00.000.1930 -In the s and 's-, Sigmund Freud's nephew Edward Bernays used his uncle's ideas ...

Mr. TYE: Freud saw this as consummately American and just vulgar, ...
village voice > film > The Century of the Self: How Freud's Nephew ...

Installing Freud as unwitting godfather, Curtis fingers Edward Bernays, Freud's American nephew, as the Machiavellian mastermind who first thought to,lim,66666,20.html
Freud and his nephew. (Sigmund Freud) - HighBeam Encyclopedia

In declining to rally his readers behind an attack on American civilization, it is as if Freud said, "I leave rallying to my nephew ." In a sense, however, ...
Karl Rove & the Spectre of Freud’s Nephew by Stephen Bender

This nephew of Sigmund Freud founded the public relations industry in the United ... Bernays engineered a most notorious publicity stunt for the American ...
Sigmund Freud's Nephew and Corporate Alien Control - from ... He was Sigmund Freud's Nephew . He was born in Vienna on November 22, ...

00.000.1928 the American Tobacco Company hired Bernays to try and change this.
How Freud got under our skin | Review | The Observer

00.000.1900Sigmund Freud may have invented the Self, full of unspoken dreams and desires, but it was his American nephew, Edward Bernays, who packaged it and ...,,664666,00.html PEP Web - Social Research. LXI, 1994. Pp. 457-476.: Freud and His ...

Justman examines the relationship between Freud and his American nephew, Edward Bernays. A direct parallel is drawn between the “liberatory” intentions of ...
search result

Signed with Freud's characteristic signature"Freud". Freud's American nephew Edward L. Bernays (1891-1995) was the founder of “public relations”- [PROPAGANDA]
Tuesday March 21st, 2006 The Century of ... The story of the relationship between Sigmund Freud + his American nephew, Edward Bernays.

Bernays invented the public relations profession in the 1920s ...
Bernays, Edward L. Freud's American nephew and disciple

Freud's American nephew and disciple. In the early 20th. century,. Bernays took the crude,. razz-ma-tazz occupation of press agentry, ...
20070108 By Martin Zehr Water Planning In The South West ... Discussion on International Law, the U.S. Role, the Kurdish Response and the Media's Glos - BG ...
24.Mar.2007 PERFICIENT INC - PRFT Securities Registration Statement ...

PERFICIENT INC Securities Registration Statement (simplified form) (S-3/A) ... Pursuant to Stock Restriction Agreements entered into by Yifeng Huang, ...
PERFICIENT INC - PRFT Securities Registration Statement ...

PERFICIENT INC Securities Registration Statement (simplified form) ... 55863 * 55863 0 - Thomas Pash(3) 55863 * 55863 0 - Yifeng Huang (4) 9208 * 9208 0 ...
EDGAR Online Person. YIFENG HUANG ... PERFICIENT INC, 424B3, 7/14/2005. PERFICIENT INC, S-3/A, 6/28/2005. PERFICIENT INC, S-3/A, 5/4/2005 ...
SEC Info - Perficient Inc - 424B3 - On 7/14/05

Document/Exhibit Description Pages Size 1: 424B3 Perficient, Inc.- Registration ... Pursuant to Stock Restriction Agreements entered into by Yifeng Huang, ...
SEC Info - Perficient Inc - S-3/A - On 6/28/05

shares of common stock of Perficient, Inc. that may be sold in one or more ... Pursuant to Stock Restriction Agreements entered into by Yifeng Huang, ...
EDGAR Online

<SUBMISSION> <ACCESSION-NUMBER>0000950129-05-006588 <TYPE>S-3/A ...

Requests for copies should be directed to Investor Relations, Perficient, Inc., ...

Pursuant to Stock Restriction Agreements entered into by Yifeng Huang, ...
Lustige Amerikanische Gesetze -

Lol, seht mal, was ich im net gefunden hab : Lustige Amerikanische Gesetze ganze USA * Das ... Virginia oder Maryland getan, wäre er überführter Verbrecher .
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Spott und Hohn gegen die Bloggerszene kommt von der amerikanischen Freikirche ... Darüber hinaus suchen Verbrecher über Blogs ihre Kontakte zu Jugendlichen.
US- Justizskandal: Minister Gonzales wusste von Massenentlassungen
24.Mar.2007 Privilegien der Macht: Klimaschutz gilt nicht für Politiker- Flüge
24.Mar.2007 50 Jahre EU: Europa - ein Exempel für die USA
24.Mar.2007 Atomstreit: Sicherheitsrat einig über verschärfte Sanktionen gegen Iran

24.Mar.2007 Guantanamo: USA behalten Gefangenenlager

Jul.2005 Textilbranche : GAP -Näher schuften 60 Stunden die Woche und mehr

14.Jul.2005 Gedenken an Anschläge: Europa steht für zwei Minuten still ...

Feb.2007 Leaky Libby case hangs on premise he was too busy a man to remember ...

Feb.2007 Air pollution link to heart risk A study on women suggests air ... -
Too much Nazis im Prenzlauer Berg - HTML-Version
Der selbsternannte Gründer der KREUZRITTER FÜR DEUTSCHLAND betreibt zur Zeit den sogenannten DEUTSCHHERRENKLUB und ein Partnervermittlungsbüro für ...

24.Mar.2007 authentico index One can encourage freedom, never create it by an invading force. 28.Feb.2003 Blogg UN SICHERHEIT SPRÜCHE-SAYINGS – DITADOS ...
24.Mar.2007 SPRÜCHE - SAYINGS - DITADOS - ...
You searched for Amerikaner Straw, Jack, Foreign Secretary, has admitted - oil is a key factor conteudo31.html ...
Weisheiten, Sprueche, Wahrheit, Heimat, sayings, truth, wisdoms

Sprüche/Sayings . Systematische Arbeit findet gewöhnlich die Antwort auf eine wohl gestellte Frage, aber das Finden der richtigen Frage ist eine ...

2006 April « Big Brass Balls Bush Doctrine" of unprovoked, preventive warfare, based on speculative threats ...
24.Mar.2007 Znoj (The relevance of the antifasist alliance in the WWII. for the european integration.) ... 65-68 Dahrendorf, Biedenkopf, Balczerowicz ISSN 1210-1122 ...

The scope will suggest to the viewer that a person's face is hollow or concave but your brain refuses to accept such nonsense and so peoples' heads merely appear odd or uncomfortable to look at. It is best then to choose to look at a landscape or tree or anything which may suggest ambiguous perspective.
Most people's senses have spent many years in cooperative research, forming an important and practical notion of what the world is like. This object overlaps that one, therefore it is in front; this object is bigger so probably it is closer, etc. The Pseudoscope overturns many of these orthodox perceptions + re-structures a visual world rich in conjecture and opportunity.

20060625 Attacks U.N. Human Rights Official For Criticizing Flawed Administration Policies ... the High Commissioner for Human Rights in high regard ...
24.Mar.2007 Der Spindoktor: Amerika hat verloren Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld + CENTCOM won't have to worry any longer about ...

... um dem Bush-Cheney- Rumsfeld -Ashcroft- Clan wenigstens ein bisschen auf die ...
BBspot - Rumsfeld Accuses Saddam of Camping

"This is just another example of his pattern of behavior,"continued Rumsfeld, who accused the {Ba'ath} clan of hiding behind hostages to decrease the US's ...

The 9/11 Truth Movement Mr. King: We challenge you to ask Giuliani the hard-hitting, specific questions related to 9/11 that are now being sent to you. With 84 % ( CBS/NYTimes poll )
00.000.1951 LIFE Magazine Back Issues For Sale at 2Neat Magazines

Photo essay - Adoption. Close-up - Sam Zemurray, the banana man, president of United Fruit. The Independence is the first big US ship in 12

00.000.1951 -nearing his retirement as president of the United Fruit Company- Sam "The Banana Man " Zemurray remarked, "All we cared about were dividends.
Mark in Mexico

1930 :

00.000.1930 , Sam "Sam the Banana Man" Zemurray sold his Cuyamel Fruit Co. to United Fruit.

00.000.1933 : Zemurry led hostile takeover of United Fruit due to the ...

"Alle Drogen sind gefährlich", sagte Nutt. "Auch solche, die Leute kennen, lieben und jeden Tag zu sich nehmen".
Nutt. "Auch solche, die Leute kennen, lieben und jeden Tag zu sich nehmen".
Diese Ergebnisse unterscheiden sich stark von bisherigen Ranglisten und Klassifikationen. Und an diese sind die meisten Drogen-Gesetze gekoppelt.

In Großbritannien beispielsweise werden Drogen in die Kategorien A bis C eingeordnet.

A steht für eine große Schädlichkeit der Substanz, C für eine geringere.

Alkohol und Tabak bekamen bisher nie einen der Buchstaben zugewiesen - sie sind durchweg legal.

Doch gerade mit diesen legalen Drogen gibt es die größten Probleme.

Während in Europa jedes Jahr 7000 bis 8000 Menschen am Konsum illegaler Drogen sterben,

fordert der Alkoholmissbrauch allein in Deutschland mehr als 40.000 Tote pro Jahr, wie das Bundesgesundheitsministerium errechnet hat. Auch unter Kindern und Jugendlichen nehmen Alkoholvergiftungen zu.

Am Tabakkonsum sterben unterschiedlichen Studien zufolge gar 110.000 bis 140.000 Deutsche pro Jahr.

Zwei unabhängige Expertengruppen ordneten den verschiedenen Stoffen Punkte zu.

In den jeweils neun Kategorien kamen Psychiater, Polizisten und Juristen mit medizinischem Fachwissen zu sehr ähnlichen Ergebnissen:

Heroin und Kokain gehören ihrer Meinung nach zu den gefährlichsten Drogen, gefolgt von Barbituraten und illegal verkauftem Methadon.

Alkohol belegte den fünften, Tabak den neunten Rang.
Visa- Streit: Ahmadinedschad sagt Auftritt vor Uno- Sicherheitsrat ab
23.Mar.2007 Irak- Abzug- Beschluss: Bush schimpft über Polit- Theater im Kongress

23.Mar.2007 Klimaschutz: Unternehmen bilden Unterstützerclub für Merkel

23.Mar.2007 Iran- Krise: Großbritannien verlangt sofortige Freilassung seiner Soldaten
23.Mar.2007 EU- Fest in Berlin: Autonome wollen für G- 8-Gipfel proben
Irakkrieg: US- Repräsentantenhaus setzt Frist für Truppenabzug bis Herbst 2008
23.Mar.2007 Statistik- Studie: Hitze- Sommer 2003 hat 70.000 Europäer getötet

23.Mar.2007 Online- Durchsuchungen: Grüne werfen Geheimdiensten "ungeniertes Hacken" vor
23.Mar.2007 Autor William Boyd: "Wir haben die US- Medien erfolgreich manipuliert"
23.Mar.2007 Zwischenfall im Golf: Teheran setzt Briten fest - Iran- Krise spitzt sich zu
23.Mar.2007 Satellitenbild der Woche: Patagoniens Gletscher schrumpfen
23.Mar.2007 Bandenkrieg in L.A.: Kampf gegen die Killergangs
23.Mar.2007 Grenzzwischenfälle: Die Gefangenen des Iran
23.Mar.2007 Palästina: Die Front gegen Hamas bröckelt
23.Mar.2007 Die EU als Verbraucherschützerin: Liebesgrüße aus Brüssel

23.Mar.2007 Tierschutz: Sternekoch verzichtet auf Gänseleber
23.Mar.2007 Private- Equity: Finanzinvestor Blackstone geht an die Börse
23.Mar.2007 Persischer Golf: Iran nimmt 15 britische Marinesoldaten fest
22.Mar.2000 House of Lords debates -Northern Ireland:

00.000.1980 -In the s- the IRA learnt that one bomb in London was worth 100 in Northern ...

The first was my noble friend Lord Prior .

A year before I got there, ...
Selected M&A Profiles

Transaction Comments:

This $163 million merger represents a major part of ...

Transaction Comments: XonTech will be integrated into Northrop Grumman’s ...
DACIS (Mount Laurel, NJ), Xontech, Inc. (XTI) (Van Nuys, CA) ...

Optical Radiation and Field Services | Prime(s): Northrop Grumman IT, Defense Enterprise ...
Washington Technology: Daily News Archives Northrop Grumman finishes XonTech acquisition ...

Evans wants to merge Commerce’s tech, telecom administrations.

16.Jul.2003 AMS to acquire Vredenburg ...
began with the design of the XonTech Inc.’s GC-710 Portable Explosive Detector +

... merger with Electronic Sensor Technology, L.P. In connection with the ...
Northrop Grumman Corporation Annual Report 2005

basis, through a merger in which Northrop Grumman Corporation became a subsidiary of ... or 19 %, due to revenue from the KEI program + the XonTech

20070226 Northrop Grumman Acquires XonTech for Missile Defense. ... When political parties merge with religious cults it's lose, lose for the human race.
23.Mar.2007 Sozialpartnerschaft: Friedensabkommen in der schweizerischen ...

00.000.1937 ergriff Nationalrat Konrad Ilg (1877-1954, Präsident der grossen Gewerkschaft ...

00.Jul.1937 wurde das Abkommen vom ASM und den vier Gewerkschaften SMUV ...
Rep. Curt Weldon on 9/11, LIWA Information Dominance Center

This is an example of why an organization like NOAH is so critically necessary”, Weldon contends.

LIWA's Information Dominance Center provides the best ...
Testimony of Erik Kleinsmith to the House Armed Service Committee ... - View as HTML
the US Army Intelligence and Security Command or INSCOM .

... because of the capabilities available to us in our Information Dominance Center or IDC. The ...
Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin - View as HTML
Command ( INSCOM ) Information Dominance Center . (IDC).

Predictive Analysis ...

Sample link-analysis chart with a temporal timeline from Analyst’s Notebook.
Talk:Able Danger - SourceWatch

One such organization was the new Land Information Warfare Activity (LIWA), a part of the Army Intelligence and Security Command ( INSCOM ).
TOPDOG08.COM: "From Xena Warrior Princess to Joan of Arc"

All tasking would come from INSCOM, specifically Dr. Preisser to Orion with me (James ... who ran the Information Dominance Center at the U.S. Army's Land
00.Sep.2006 TOPDOG08.COM: Archives Supported vigorously by the LIWA and INSCOM chains of command,

... who ran the Information Dominance Center at the U.S. Army's Land Information Warfare ...
Did DoD lawyers blow the chance to nab Atta? - Nachos BBS - You ...

11.Sep.2001 -Two weeks after- my friends from the Army's Information Dominance Center in cooperation with special ops brought me a chart . This chart, Mr. Speaker, ... Able Danger Congressional Documents

A staff member holds an Al-Qaeda organizational chart at right. ... of sources that the Information Dominance Center was able to pull together very quickly. ...
DoD Briefing on Able Danger Spying Op

Cryptome offers with the Cryptome DVD an INSCOM DVD of about 18000 pages of ... Warfare Activity, now actually part of the Information Dominance Center . ...
Able Danger Timeline Based on my knowledge of US Army’s Land Information Warfare Activity (LIWA) + its Information Dominance Center (IDC), I recommended to SOCOM leadership ...

20051114 Paris- Die Krawalle in den französischen Vorstadtghettos erweisen sich als Wasser auf die Mühlen der extremen Rechten, die sich in ihrer ...
06.Mar.2003 pimenta negra: Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War ... de Portugal na ocupação e o fim do uso da Base das Lajes pelos EUA.
23.Mar.2007 Session A Issues of jurisdiction - View as HTML
from asserting its "Red" Technology patents against B. This estoppel ...

In ABB AG V Hochtief Airport GmbH & Athens International Airport S.A. (

08.Mar.---- ...
Case No COMP/M.3653 - Siemens/VA Tech REGULATION (EC) No 139/2004 ... - View as HTML
research activity is reflected in a significant number of patents . ... Hochtief and DIW are already working on projects in Austria.
EMCC case studies - View as HTML
Not surprisingly, the biggest recent change for ACS/Dragados is the merger. ...

No materials with those properties then existed, so ACS/Dragados had to ...
VIVID TECHNOLOGIES INC Annual Report (10-K) Item 1. Business Recent terrorist attacks, including the

00.Aug.1998 bombings of two United ...

Vivid has obtained seven patents and has pending two patent applications in ...
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now patent -protected. What did he enjoy most in all his years ... out to the side in no time. The nine, 3-metre, ... limited to no more than around 30 m ...
The Magazine for our Customers and Friends - View as HTML
Hochtief Construction AG in Bonn has a. contract to build four U-shaped office ...

It is now patent pending. Work is progressing uninterrupted at Burj ...

31.Aug.2001 Assignee. Parker Beach Restoration, Inc. Application. No.943706 filed on- Current US Class ...
News Archive - RedOrbit

Many Chicagoland Companies Are Flirting With Disaster;

Recent Study Shows One-Third ... Hitachi Eyes No . 1 Share of Global Market for HDTV Ready Plasma TVs ...
Richard Schlosser — Charlie Schlottach : ZoomInfo Business People ... Schlosser, Richard, Everett Rotary club, No website references available.

Patent, Trademark Lawyer Stanley Schlosser Patent, Trademark Lawyer Stanley ...
Mid & Small Cap Daily
After recent speculation-driven share price rises our sum-of-parts derived fair. value of €30 has been surpassed. Hochtief Forecasts and multiples. Year End

23.Mar.2007 AlterNet: Before the 9/11 Conspiracies, There Was the Oklahoma Bombing Raise your hands, kids, if you've seen anything like this graph before.

It's a chart put together by ... JP Morgan, it is said, was warned off the Titanic.
AlterNet: Before the 9/11 Conspiracies, There Was the Oklahoma Bombing

Before the 9/11 Conspiracies, There Was the Oklahoma Bombing. By Matt Taibbi, ... JP Morgan, it is said, was warned off the Titanic.
Killtown's: 250+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns' Found in the Mainstream Media ...

9/11 - Donald Rumsfeld predicts terrorist attack in US 2 minutes before 1st WTC plane ...

00.Mar.2004 - Madrid bombings happen exactly 911 days after 9/11.
Before the 9/11 Conspiracies, There Was the Oklahoma Bombing - The ...

JP Morgan, it is said, was warned off the Titanic. ... from

00.Feb.2003-00.Dec.2002 Senator Bob Graham, Head of the 911 Joint Congressional Inquiry was interviewed ...
An Interesting Day: President Bush's Movements and Actions on 9/11

New documentary, 9/11 Press for Truth, based on the Complete 911 Timeline. ...

The Colony Beach and Tennis Resort, where Bush stayed the night before 9/11.
Complete 911 Timeline: Government Denials that It Was Warned Government Denials that It Was Warned . Project: Complete 911 Timeline ...

FAA Administrator Jane Garvey claims that before 9/11, “No one could imagine.
Think Progress » Bush Now Says What He Wouldn’t Say Before War ...

Too bad he didn’t learn that lesson BEFORE 9/11, considering he was warned about it. Comment by mroom — August 21, 2006 @ 12:21 pm ...
Think Progress » 9/11 Commissioners Criticize ‘The Path to

That’s never happened to me before and I wonder what happened to my comments. ... The movie states that John Ashcroft was warned not to take commercial ...
9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 9.1 "Flash" claims before Flight 175 hit the South Tower ... [69] + the popular internet videos Loose Change + " 911 In Plane Site". -- Government Prior Knowledge and Involvement in ... ALEX JONES PRESENTS 911 : THE ROAD TO TYRANNY -- WATCH IT NOW ...

11.Sep.2001 -Six years before- the 11.Sep.2001 attacks, Philippine police took down an al Qaeda cell ...
"War on Terrorism" planned before 9-11

Dan Rather: Bush Issued Fake Terror Alert To Cover 911 Bungle 5/24/02 Rense: it just keeps getting better and better FBI Was Warned of Sept. ...
Project Censored Media Democracy in Action

911 Prewarnings. Building 7 Collapse. Flight 77 and the Pentagon ...

Given all the pre-warnings and information available before 9/11 it seems ...
Citizens for Legitimate Government, Bush Election Coup 2000 2K ...

18.Sep.2006 The Dollar$ & $en$e of 911 By Douglas Herman Who benefitted most by ... 11 commission was warned by a uniformed military officer 10 days before ...
9/11 widows blast Bush Administration over Rice, Tenet meeting

Rice has denied that such a meeting took place, citing the 911 Commission Report, ...

Get TERRORSTORM Before the History of Government-Sponsored Terrorism ...
911 Truth Movement Gathers in Los Angeles

The largest 911 Truth meeting is taking place right now in downtown Los ... Bush Was Warned of Hijackings Before 9/11; Lawmakers Want Public Inquiry. ...
9/11 Timeline Written for the Bush team before the 2000 election, Rebuilding America’s Defenses ... the White House admits that Bush was warned about bin Laden hijacking ...

9/11 Facts; 9/11 Coverup

01.Oct.2001 [USA Today] The laptop computer of Moussaoui, the alleged 20th hijacker, was confiscated

11.Sep.2001 -weeks before- 911, yet FBI headquarters systematically ...
9-11 Attack on America

Clueless 9-11 Commission Cheats American Public ... Bush Was Warned Bin Laden Wanted to Hijack Planes ...
Godlike Productions - Judith Miller was warned of large scale ...

Former NY Times reporter Judith Miller to assert she was warned of large scale attack before 9/11 ...
11.Sep.2001 -Two Months Before-Congress was Warned Two Months Before 9/11 Attacks CNSNews ^ |

19.Sep.2002 |Jeff Johnson ... TOPICS: Foreign Affairs KEYWORDS: 911 ; CONGRESS; WARNINGS ...
Former NY Times Judith Miller was warned of large scale attack

before 9/11.


18.May 2006 12:42:19 -0700. Summary:.

00.000.2001 an anonymous White House ...
President was warned of attacks before 9/11 - Reload this Page President was warned of attacks before 9/11 ...

The 911 bombings cant be blamed on any one person or organization.
President was warned of attacks before 9/11 [Archive] -

President was warned of attacks before 9/11 The Pit Stop. ...

The 911 bombings cant be blamed on any one person or organization. ...
Third of Americans suspect 9-11 government conspiracy | ScrippsNews

something blew me away.

check out the comments on the 911 commission report ...

America was warned of the attacks by Israeli + German + Pakistan + Russian + , + ...
Government Insider Says Bush Authorized 911 Attacks

A FEMA official has admitted on tape that he was there

11.Sep.2001 -the night before-

10.Sep.2001 that is; AJ: And now Mayor Giuliani, a few months ago in the 911 ...
Unknown News | Questions about 9/11

04.Oct.2006 Ashcroft was warned that 9/11 attack was coming ...

11.Sep.2001 -before- 9/11 attacks -FAA received 52 intelligence warnings before 9/11 attacks

19.Jan.2005 : ...
Ellen Mariani's RICO Suit against Bush et al.

31.Mar.2003 -The following testimony of " 911 " victim family member Mindy Kleinberg, presented on- before the " 911 Commission" is so articulate that it ...
Snowshoe Films, News, Documentaries, Lectures, Interviews ...

Subsequently, just days before the 5th anniversary of the crimes of 9/11, ... Conference sponsors 911 .Org and Muslims, Jewish & Christians United for 9-11
11, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice was warned that a ... CIA Rejects Claim It Sought Osama Deal Before 9/11 : The CIA rejected as fantasy claims ...

9/11 Truth? I Don't Think So - Early Warning

In fact its laughable, as clearly the group did not exist before 911 . I hate this kind of polemic rubbish. More power to 911 truthseekers! ... Media failures before 9/11 [Archive]-The Cult

The US was warned about 9/11 from at least 11 countries.

These 11 countries provided advance warning to ... The American Media (the big ones) praised 911 .
Media failures before 9/11 - The Cult The US was warned about 9/11 from at least 11 countries. These 11 countries provided advance warning to ... The American Media (the big ones) praised 911 . ...
9/11 conspiracy theories: Information from

Bush administration was preparing for war on Iraq months before 9/11. ... [61] and the popular internet videos Loose Change and " 911 In Plane Site". ...
Investigation 77 ontent/dallas/nation/9-11/stories/121202dnint911gas.928b2377.html+FBI+Agent: ... Bush Was Warned of Hijackings Before 9/11; ...
Digg - BBC 9/11 Documentary Likely Hit Piece

The passport was found in the street after the impact, but before the collapse + *not* by an FBI ... Giuliani was warned the towers were coming down .
Covering Up 9/11 panel told of cover-ups before attacks - Witnesses: US suppressed warnings ... CIA Kept Key Portions of Report Classified - President Bush was warned ...
The British 9/11 Truth Campaign :: View topic - 7/7 bombings work ... Original reports stated that Binyamin Netanyahu was warned BEFORE the first blast, ...

DOJ successfully got the "Patriot Act" in 911 attack.
Debate Both Sides -The first eight months of 2001 ... Where was ...

(Remember, this is before 911 ) The legislation was defeated by the Republicans ...

At least Clinton tried.

Bush was warned again and again and DID NOTHING.

Bush Continues to Mislead About 911 [Archive] - Debate Both Sides [Archive]

Bush Continues to Mislead About 911 Current Events.

Specifically, the Administration was warned before 9/11 that Al Qaeda was planning to use ...
DC Indymedia:

9/11 -Before- Bush said focusing on bin Laden was a ...

Bush Was Warned of Hijackings Before 9/11 ; Lawmakers Want Public, ... But,

911 -shortly before- Bush went to a conferance in Italy and refused to get off the ...
Captain's Quarters

11 commission was warned by a uniformed military officer

10 days before issuing its ... PA), the feds had Mohammed Atta and three other 911 terrorists under ...

Michael Moore, Fahrenheit 9/11 and the US Invasion of Saudi Arabia F/911 does not discuss the urgent warnings that came from at least 15 ...

SF Mayor Willie Brown was warned not to fly to New York the night before 9/11.
: White House says it was knew BEFORE 9/11 that Al-Qaeda would ...

They were saying they knew of threats before hand the day of the hijacking. ...

The site on mentions that it was warned that a range of possible methods ...
Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country

Bush Was Warned About 911

15.May 2002 ... We failed to put the puzzle together before the horrific event." Graham feels Congress "did not get a ...
Google Groups:

11.Sep.2001 -prior to- Norad's power for the first time was taken from the General + given to Dick Cheney 3 months before 911 . Silverstein took out a record ... - 51
military intellegence knew atta was in the usa, did they drop the ... 8 -

11.Sep.2001 -More than a year before- the attacks, a small, ...

But that excuse doesn't work in this case, because she was warned way back then — when the ...

But with all the chaos in New York, it took a while before she could get anyone to believe that her husband was on yet another ...
LP: Bush given hijack alert before 9/11 Liberty Post: Bush given hijack alert before 9/11.

Show me where in the so-called August 6th PDB where Bush was warned of an "imminent threat. ...
Democratic Underground Forums - WP: Before 9/11, Unshared Clues ...

9/11 -Before – WP : - Unshared Clues and Unshaped Policy-

... published an article asserting the US government “was warned repeatedly that a devastating attack on ...
11.Sep.2001 911 -pre- Condi warned Gary Hart

11.Sep.2001 -Five days before- ?? Sept. 11, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice was warned that a terrorist attack inside the United States was imminent, ... Democratic Underground Forums-
9/11 an Inside Job - Looking Glass News

The New York Times confirmed that the Whitehouse was warned by numerous foreign ... plane would have been intercepted before hitting the World Trade Center.
The John Butler Trio Forum/150+ issues in favour of the 9/11 ...

US pulls the plug on Muslim websites days


9/11. (Guardian)

09.Sep.---- ... Madrid bombings happen exactly 911 days after 9/11. (News 24,
NY Times: 9/11 Panel Members Weren't Told of Meeting - UUU2 ...

The 9/11 Commission itself concluded that in spite of an unprecedented attack threat

in the months before 9/11, US "domestic agencies never mobilized in ...
The Right Place: 9/11 Cover Up? But

that excuse doesn't work in this case, because she was warned way back then — when the see-no-evil wall was created.

That warning came right from the ...
Olmert's 911 Mafia -Forums powered by Reason + Principle who wrote about the need for "a new Pearl Harbor" just one year before 911 ; the Israeli "art student" spy gang - the largest spy gang ever busted in the USA
VITALTRUTHSWe were accused of spreading propaganda for Saddam before the war. ...

30.Apr.2006 at 6:16 PM PDT DEPLETED URANIUM Worse Than 911 Sunday,
Bush's actions on 9/11 still unclear - Page 3 - JREF Forum

... month earlier Bush was warned that Al-Qaida terrorists could be planning an attack, possibly in New York, ... Tags: 911, actions, bushs, still, unclear ...
The Book Of THoTH - Forums - Conspiracy Theory - 9-11

An interesting twist is that

from two years to

two months before 9/11 NORAD was ...

Right at this very moment Farenheit 911 is starting on Channel 4 in UK ...
One 9/11 question answered: Ashcroft was warned that an attack was ...

One 9/11 question answered:

Ashcroft was warned that an attack was coming.......

Rumsfeld, Ashcroft received warning of al Qaida attack before 9/11 ...
So Condeleeza Rice was warned of attacks 2 months before 911 ... [Archive]

So Condeleeza Rice was warned of attacks 2 months before 911 ? Debaters, Haters &
So Condeleeza Rice was warned of attacks 2 months before 911 ... So Condeleeza Rice was warned of attacks 2 months before 911 ? Debaters, Haters & Players.
informationliberation - 9/11 widows blast Bush Administration over ...

Rice has denied that such a meeting took place, citing the 911 Commission Report, ... Before posting please read our About Page and our Disclaimer. ...

11.Sep.2001 -prior to-

11.Sep.2001 -3 months before- 911 Norad's power for the first time was taken from the General + given to Dick Cheney

11.Sep.2001 -3 months before- 911.. Silverstein took out a record ... | - Accountability ...

Investigate 911 .I hope to be friends with everyone here. Peace, Love. ... FBI AND US SPY AGENTS SAY BUSH SPIKED BIN LADEN PROBES BEFORE 11 SEPTEMBER ... peoplefor 911
Daily Herald - Bush given several warnings about terrorists

911 -before- Bush given several warnings about terrorists before 911,

00.000.2001 -Early- the Bush administration was warned by Clinton officials on ... > Mayor Willie Brown definatly warned of 911

But what he really meant was " I was warned not to fly."

Jesus Pale, how many times am I going to have to own you before you hop off my massive nuts? ...
The 9/11 Truth Movement 10.5MB

9/11 Attack on America Part 2 Omissions & Distortions ... Bush Was Warned Bin Laden Wanted to Hijack Planes ...
9/11 - Resources:



Homeland Security was planned way before 9/11 !
eBay: Alex Jones Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State (item ...

Silverstein took out a record insurance policy 3 months before 911 ...
QueenOnline Message Board :: View topic - Reuters AlertNet Germans ...

Reuters AlertNet Germans Below 30yrs Believe US Behind 911 ...

Several sources from French Intelligence have stated the US was warned about the attacks, ...
9/11 - Confirmation finally hittin the media [Archive] - SoAsians.Com

911 and Iraq had no correlations. Women have lost more right there now. 2 months prior the attacks the US government was warned about the attacks.
9-11 domestic conspiracy theory Wikipedia RSS Feed powered by ...

Discover the wisdom of mankind on 9-11 domestic conspiracy theory Wikipedia RSS ... Bush administration was preparing for war on Iraq months before 9/11.
Armageddon Online Forums - 9/11 Widows Blast Bush Admin Over Rice ... Rice has denied that such a meeting took place, citing the 911 Commission

... that in spite of an unprecedented attack threat in the months before 9/11, ...
Political Debate - 9/11 Commission

Condi Rice is a goddamn liar that was warned about them and offered plans to counter them ad she didn't ...
4um: THE FAA KNEW! - But were they set up?

11.Sep.2001 08-30 am.-before-... Flight 11 was reported off-course to the military by FAA -A recently declassified document reveals the FAA was warned about hijacking ... Science Fair Projects - 9/11 conspiracy claims regarding Jews or ..

2.3 That Sharon was warned by Shabak to stay away from New York 2.4 That a group of Israelis filmed 9/11 whilst celebrating ... :: Thema anzeigen -

9/11 Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco was warned a full eight hours before the attack not to fly on 911, author Salmon Rushdie was publicly banned from flying ... 12, 2001 San Francisco Chronicle reported that mayor Willie Brown was warned by the federal government not to fly on September 11, 2001 ( 9/11 – Road to ...
Foreknowledge of 9/11 - Page 5 - Sherdog Mixed Martial Arts Forums

Originally Posted by 911 =GovntOp. Before the WTC collapsed Mayor Rudy Guilliani was warned that the tower was going to collapse 10 minutes before it did ...
ABC alters 9-11 show under pressure »

Just before election. Nothing like a rally cry of "Remember 911 ". ... at the helm...... he was warned by the Clinton Admin and the CIA.......but his usual MO ... 0
Decoy Media Community Forums/9/11 Coincidence?

6) The date is equal to the US emergency services telephone number 911 . ... tm military shit..umm....all i ca nsay is cough.. .was warned more than once ...
YouTube - Re: 911 and Burnvictim yet again

I believe that Bush was warned about AlQaeda by Clinton.

I believe that Bush thought that ...

Both assasins were killed before being brought to trial ...
Cabal - 9/11 :

11.Sep.2001 -Before - : Bush Was Warned of Hijackings

15.May 2002 4:5 ABC News Lawmakers Want Public Inquiry ... ...
Star Trek Gamers Central :: View topic - Conspiracy Theory (911 ...

George Tenet did'nt do much better America was warned of the attack and took ...

But we can also blame ourselves, for many years, if not decades before the ...
9/11 Debate - Page 408 - eBaum's World Forum Before the collapse of either tower, evidence the structures of the WTC were ... a 911 operator that a lower floor-the "90-something floor"-was collapsing. ...
9/11 RETROSPECTIVE: the day Government sponsored terror went big ...

You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. ... go here ^^ download either loose change, or 911 - In Plane Site ...
La Shawn Barber's Corner-Comments on Washington Post Withdraws ...

Not supporting the War would dishonor 911 victims. ...

... boy was in office for 9 entire months before 9/11 + sat on a warning for a month prior to that.

EGN Australia Forums > An old topic,

9/11 Bush Was Warned of Hijackings Before 9/11;

Lawmakers Want Public Inquiry ABC ... Law 911 : the rise of the police state and another one called In Plane Site.
Bondage | Rice Briefed on Al Qaeda Threat BEFORE 911

911 -BEFORE-,Rice Briefed on Al Qaeda Threat

Of course she was warned, but as you said she had no names or flight numbers ...
Chicago Sports Fan Message Board :: View topic - "Loose Change ...

Work on them, before you start spreading deranged theories which blindly ...

I am very interested in the debate surrounding 911 and will check out the video ...
Members of Bush Gang Swore Under Oath Saddam Was Behind 9/11 ...

The month before the war began, in

00.Feb.2003 Mylroie was featured for an interview on Canadian ...

The 911 & Warren Commission should testify to that.
9-11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB OUR NATION IS IN PERIL [Archive] - CareCure ... like i said before, you dont see or cant imagine the bad thing ppl high on ...

Bush made serious mistake ignoring signals comming, but there was no 911 ...
Fahrenheit 9/11 - Movie Review

The theater curtain has barely opened before he's on a tear about the 2000 ... security briefing, in which Bush was warned about al Qaeda hijacking plans, ...
Bush's 9/11 Ad [Archive] - Music & Musician Forums

He may have "helped" get us through 911 .

But it is still sick that he is using this to ... supported right up to getting Bin Laden

before all this happened. | Paying Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News

911 activists | activism | alternative media | Anti-Truthers | nesara reformation act 9 11 septe | photos. I will write memories tommorrow. ...
Chemistry - 9/11 conspiracy claims regarding Jews or Israel 2.3

That Sharon was warned by Shabak to stay away from New York ...

"It is clear that Israel wanted the 911 attack against America + Israel knew in ...
Advocaat: Witte Huis organiseerde 911 [Archief] - Marokko Community

A FEMA official has admitted on tape that he was there

the night before - September 10th, that is AJ: And now Mayor Giuliani, a few months ago in the 911 ...
Nicklas Johnson · - Article Search

Bob Woodward's new book alleges that Condoleezza Rice was warned by the CIA of an ...

Another update to the seemingly-endless drama around Fahrenheit 911 .
Common Ground Common Sense > Liberals caused 9/11 to happen

"The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11 " By ...

Also, Bush was warned about Bin Laden and was warned just before 911 that ...
Gedanken lesen: Marktforschung mit dem Hirnscanner - Wissenschaft ...

In Europa spürt der Wiener Neurobiologe Peter Walla den Hirnaktivitäten von Shopping -Kunden nach. Sein Auftraggeber ist das österreichische ...,1518,322093,00.html
Technology Review | Leben | Hirnforschung | Neuro-Spione

Der Wiener Neurobiologe Peter Walla etwa spürt unter anderem den Hirnaktivitäten von Shopping -Kunden nach, von der Verarbeitung emotional besetzter Bilder ...
20070108 In Europa spürt der Wiener Neurobiologe Peter Walla den Hirnaktivitäten von Shopping -Kunden nach. ...

13.Apr.2006 issue of the journal Nature.

15.Apr. 2006 Steuererklärung : Bushs Einkommen um zehn % gesunken ...

".. muslimische Jugend zum Kampf auf 01.Okt.2004 Outsourcing: Siemens ergattert Milliarden-Auftrag der BBC 01.Okt.2004 Ex-Wahlkämpfer Machnig zum TV-Duell: "Entscheidend ist die mediale .."
".. Republican elites is their dread of the African American vote. 01.Okt.2004 'Gerrymandering' USA: ( BBC radio documentary) - Looking at how the thoroughly undemocratic practice of redrawing electoral .."

11.Mar.2007 British Military Deploys Skynet - CowboyNeal 90+ - rowleyrw writes "The BBC are reporting, 'The British military is set to take one of its most significant steps into the .."

23.Mar.2007 The future of Africa: the commitment of the Italian society
This document is to be used exclusively for Aspen Institute Italia institutional ...

Ivor Roberts, British Ambassador to Italy, Rome. Keynote speech by ...
Immigration seminar British Embassy, Italy Sir Ivor Roberts . British Ambassador to Rome. 1st Section: Italian EU Presidency and ...

Research Fellow Policy Programme, Aspen Institute .

16.30-16.40 ...
Seminario sull'immigrazione, Roma Ambasciata britannica in Italia

Sir Ivor Roberts . Ambasciatore britannico a Roma ... Nuove Sfide.

16:20-16:30. Immigrazione e sicurezza. Roberto Menotti. Ricercatore, Aspen Institute ...
Who is behind Human Rights Watch?

The President and CEO of the Aspen Institute is Walter Issacson, ...

Immediately after the station was banned, Ivor Roberts, the British ambassador, ...
Layout 1 - HTML-Version
HE Sir Ivor Roberts KCMG. British Ambassador to Italy. and. HE Giancarlo Aragona ...

Aspen Institute Italia. Chair. Fabio Pistella. Presidente, Consiglio ...
Layout 1 - HTML-Version
HE Sir Ivor Roberts KCMG. Ambasciatore britannico in Italia ...

Aspen Institute Italia. Presiede. Fabio Pistella. Presidente, Consiglio ...
Sir Ivor Roberts . 9.40 Luca Cordero di Montezemolo. Presidente Confindustria. 10.00 William Kalema ... dell’ Aspen Institute . 13.00 Pranzo buffet ...
The Washington Note

So, this morning, I just wanted to point to Sir Ivor Roberts ' comments and ... that the Rockefeller Brothers Fund + Aspen Institute have put together.
Europe, Policies + People: An Economic Perspective by Frank ... Book by Ivor Roberts, Beverly Springer; Lynne Rienner,

00.000.2001 ... Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, World Economic Forum, Aspen Institute, ...
Untitled Document Director of the Justice and Society Program at the Aspen Institute, ...

Immediately after the station was banned, Ivor Roberts, the British ambassador, ...
[casi] Who is behind Human Rights Watch? ... of the Justice and Society Program at the Aspen Institute, an elite think-tank. ...

Immediately after the station was banned, Ivor Roberts, the British ...
20050715 Sir Ivor Roberts, Britain's Ambassador to Italy, declared

last September that ... Aspen Ideas Festival : "For more than 50 years, the Aspen Institute has ...
Jan.2007 Ari Fleischer—immunity deals–In the eye of the tiger - BG ... UK's 2nd
biggest evening paper has full page on '9/11 was an Inside Job' - BG ...
13.Feb.2003 Blogg -deutsch- Der Kriegsberichterstatter Peter Scholl-Latour etwa lächelt über das Sicherheitsbedürfnis der Türken ...


Bei Londonderry in Nordirland setzte sie auf und traf einen Hirten, ...

Nauticos entdeckte ein israelisches U-Boot, das im Mittelmeer gesunken war, ...
was America who supported the ‘Shaw of Iran’, trained his secrete SAVAC police to ...

'Silver Certificates' that we taken out of circulation in the 1960's . ...

00.000.1950-00.000.1960 The CIA under Allen Foster Dulles became more active in ... in the middle east– when the Shaw of Iran ... waiting for another Republican president ...
neoplasm (USA: MI) : liste d'envies Noam Chomsky, Profits Over People: Neoliberalism and the Global Order ...

Advanced Techniques of Clandestine Psychedelic & Amphetamine Manufacture ...
2002 NEWS HISTORY ARCHIVE | NEWS ... ENRON News and Links + Corporate Research Meta Index -- 2001-2002 Enron ... billion to buyout firms Carlyle Group Inc. and Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe, ...
23.Mar.2007 Scribd - Weak Become Heroes An outlaw group can evolve from individual citizens who were once as law abiding ... at 79 80 Thomas Carlyle, 1843, Past and Present, quoted in Haslam, D, ...

23.Mar.2007 Sibel Edmonds translated Farsi Did Bush Sr. use his one-term, with help of James Baker and others, to jump start the Carlyle Group and its mirror entity, The Blackstone Group ...

23.Mar.2007 Archives | MetaFilter

The All Species Inventory is a non- profit organization dedicated to the complete ... MOD Selects The Carlyle Group as Preferred Bidder for QinetiQ. ...
20050331 Source: " Amphetamine Dependence", The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy . ...

00.Mar.2005 Stop the Carlyle Group ! Archives

00.Dec-2003-00.May 2004 .
Greenpeace Genetic Engineering Campaign

The activists encouraged people to voice their concern over GE-fed chicken products to ... People don't want to be part of this giant genetic ...
Essay: Explain how followers of Christianity may put these teachings into practise in a practical way in order to help preserve the environment.

... church has not widely encouraged people to be ...
GREENPEACE - CYBERACTION ! HELP STOP A WAR! ... to visit the Greenpeace Cyberactivist Community at: https://act. greenpeace ...

He had other even more horrendous killers in something called the Fedeyeen Saddam, which is like the Hitler youth or like the Schutzstaffein ( SS ) perhaps.
QOR regimental - Normandy

One was identified as belonging to the 21st S.S. Panzer Division (Hitler Jugend). S.S. is the abbreviation for Schutzstaffein or Staff Guards. ...
THE MINORITY REPORT: Bush's Police State

These unfortunate initials recall Nazi Germany’s defensive security organization, der Schutzstaffein, abbreviated SS . Adolf Hitler’s Waffen SS units became ...

During these critical times of concentrating power, der Schutzstaffein ( SS ) made sure that Hitler’s critics + opponents were kept far away + silenced so ...
Conspiracy Planet - Dictatorship - Bush-Cheney Police State ... is something of a cottage industry for the Secret Service, abbreviated SS .

... “defensive” “security” orgnazitation, der “Schutz”SS-affen, abbreviated SS .
Social Media Release » Blog Archive » The impact of the Social ...

Chris has also posted a follow-up called “The impact of the Social Media Release and ... Social Media Release is a project of Social Media Club and the PR ...
AAP Website - Communication in Contemporary Society - Course ...

Emphasis is on strategic communication planning, the impact of globalization on public relations outreach + the role of PR in society . ...
Bernays, Edward L. impact -public relations in America-.html of the actual practices of “public relations”[PROPAGANDA] . in. “our”. “society” ,. or. of the history ...

How did Edward L. Bernays impact public relations in America?
PR and It's Impact on Society -

PR + It's Impact on Society . Wikipedia, an internet encyclopedia source, defines Public Relations as "the practice of conveying messages to the public ...
governments central america, by BCCI on its lending to governments was within reasonable program of expansion in Latin America, BCCI decided that it was Abol Helmy, began meeting with ...

UAE PRISON.COM Covers Dubai Ports, DP World, DPI UAE, Dubai Ports ...

Abol Helmy, an Iranian BCCI officer, described the relationship as a logical outgrowth of the post-colonial period in the Third World:
Daily Kos: Plame Leak/Fake News, Summary/Process: Part V

HELMY ABOL FAZL (46-7) HENDERSON PAUL (x, 10-1, 62, 107, 146, 159, 166-8, 206-7, 239) HENDRICKS WILLIAM (121, 141) HERBERT GEORGE (KEVIN KATTKE ASSOCIATE)
Economics 911 Notes

Sani Ahmed, BCCI, Roy Carlson, Kerry Fox, Grand Hotel, Washington DC, Abol Helmy, Kissinger Associates, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency,Price ...
Campaign Finance - Money, Politics, Campaign Finance HELMY, ABOL FAZI, EQUICAP LTD, 500, 02/03/2000, NY, NY, 10021. ISKIR, MERAL, 500, 02/18/2000, ROCKVILLE, MD, 20852. ISKIR, TUNKA, 500, 02/18/2000, ROCKVILLE
S Rob Sobhani - Money, 2000, Maryland, Senate, 2000, Sobhani, S ... HELMY, ABOL FAZI, EQUICAP LTD, NY, NY 10021, $500, P, 02/03/2000. ISKIR, MERAL, ROCKVILLE, MD 20852, $500, P, 02/18/2000. ISKIR, TUNKA, ROCKVILLE, MD ...

23.Mar.2007 [CTRL] Read Marc Rich Connection to the Hoodlums - ... Washington DC Abol Helmy Kissinger Associates Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Price Waterhouse (US) Price Waterhouse (UK) First American First ...
23.Mar.2007 Bharat Rakshak Forum :: View topic - Pakistan Nuclear ... Abol Helmy Kissinger Associates Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Price Waterhouse (US) Price Waterhouse (UK) First American First American Georgia ...

Das Teleskop werde eine Vielzahl neuer Erkenntnisse ermöglichen, ergänzte Golub auf einer Pressekonferenz. "Alles, was wir über Röntgenaufnahmen von der Sonne zu wissen glaubten, ist veraltet."

"Theoretiker haben vorhergesagt, dass gewundene Magnetfelder existieren könnten", sagte Leon Golub vom Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Mit dem Röntgenteleskop von "Hinode" könne man diese zum ersten Mal deutlich sehen.

Das Teleskop, ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt der Raumfahrtbehörden Europas, Japans und der USA, war im vergangenen September ins All geschossen worden. Es soll neue Erkenntnisse über die Abläufe auf der Sonne liefern.

Sechs Jahre lang tüftelte Cheftechniker John Bakken gemeinsam mit dem niederländischen Flug- und Raumforschungsinstitut NLR an seinem Konzept eines fliegenden Autos: Das schlanke, zweisitzige "Personal Air/Land Vehicle", kurz PAL-V, ist eine Kreuzung aus Dreirad und Gyrocopter. Die auch Tragflügler genannten, sehr leichten Fluggeräte wurden schon in den 1920er Jahren erfunden: Die Rotorblätter werden nicht wie beim Hubschrauber durch einen Motor angetrieben, sondern nutzen durch angestellte Blätter den Auftrieb des Fahrtwinds. Den nötigen Schub verschafft Anschleppen - oder wie beim PAL-V - ein Propeller am Heck.

Mitten im Stau abheben

Die Idee vom fliegenden Auto ist so alt wie das fahrende Auto selber - und bisher nie in den Alltag umgesetzt worden: Neben technischen Schwierigkeiten sind es immer wieder bürokratische und finanzielle Hindernisse, die die Konstruktionen am Boden halten. Eines der bekanntesten und umstrittensten Flugautos der letzten Jahre ist das "Skycar", das der US-Amerikaner Paul Moller in rund 30 Jahren entwickelte.

Die Idee vom fliegenden Auto ist so alt wie das fahrende Auto selber - und bisher nie in den Alltag umgesetzt worden: Neben technischen Schwierigkeiten sind es immer wieder bürokratische und finanzielle Hindernisse, die die Konstruktionen am Boden halten. Eines der bekanntesten und umstrittensten Flugautos der letzten Jahre ist das "Skycar", das der US-Amerikaner Paul Moller in rund 30 Jahren entwickelte.
Edwards-The Closed World-Chapter 1 :

"We Defend Every Place": Building the Cold War World ... a real war in which the survival of the free world is at stake .[20] ...
23.Mar.2007 CALAR UM CAO HISTERICO QUE NAO PARA DE LATIR&btnG=Pesquisa Google&meta=
Heute in den Feuilletons: "Eine Wolke der Amnesie"
23.Mar.2007 Gefangenencamp: Gates wollte Guantanamo schließen
23.Mar.2007 Konkurrenz für YouTube: US- Medienkonzerne gründen neue Videoplattform
23.Mar.2007 Spektakuläre Bilder: Gewaltige Eruptionen auf der Sonne
EU- Politik: Merkel fordert Europa- Armee
23.Mar.2007 Atomstreit: Sicherheitsrat einigt sich auf verschärfte Iran- Resolution

23.Mar.2007 Steigende Kriminalität: Polizei beklagt drastische Zunahme von Gewalt in Deutschland

23.Mar.2007 US- Kongress: Demokraten wollen Bush auf Irak- Rückzug festlegen
23.Mar.2007 22. MÄRZ 2007 Atomstreit: Ahmadinedschad kündigt neue Vorschläge an
22.Mar.2007 Frist für Truppen- Abzug: Demokraten torpedieren Bushs Irakpläne

22.Mar.2007 Anschläge vom Juli 2005: Scotland Yard nimmt drei Terrorverdächtige fest
22.Mar.2007 Florida: Kleinkind mit Kokainvergiftung in Klinik eingeliefert
22.Mar.2007 Generation Praktikum: Nur 2,3 Prozent aller Stellen werden mit Ex- Praktikanten besetzt
22.Mar.2007 Archivsuche - SPIEGEL Digital - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten

Bushs Masterplan : Der Krieg, der aus dem Think Tank kam.

Es war das glatte Gegenteil einer Verschwörung: In aller Öffentlichkeit schmiedeten ultrarechte ...,1518,238643,00.html
220403antiwarblogg francmason Allen Dulles ... de iezuiti (cum este Bush [BGW968] ... Hitler scoffed at the League of Nations, Bush scorns the United Nations. ...
2004092425 In a stealth takeover by the Carlyle Group, facilitated by five admirals, ... from Canadian-trained Dr. Callaway at the American Hospital in Dubai . ... - 300
2004092425 In a stealth takeover by the Carlyle Group, facilitated by five admirals, the management contract will be transferred next year to the University of Texas, ...
Everything about 1992 ... speeches and participated in business ventures with the Carlyle Group. ... .nsf/htmldocs/Ethnic+Group+-+Up+to+Three+Responses/$file/Table%204.xls Ethnic ...

22.Mar.2007 Silence is Consent Yesterday, I began reading this article, Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy (Buy One, Get One Free) + this paragraph set off alarm bells: ...

180303warblogg so werten USA-amerikanische Medien die Rede von Bush [BGW968] . Die Kommentatoren bewerten den Kriegskurs ihres Präsidenten gegen die UN ...
22.Mar.2007 » Blog Archive » Werden heimlich ... Soldat, Du sollst nicht bloggen!

Die “ Bring-die-Trottel-zum-Kaufen-Periode ” ». Werden heimlich Konzentrationslager auf amerikanischem Boden vorbereitet?

Bewegt der Hund seine Rute etwas mehr nach links, würde er am liebsten einfach weglaufen.

Umgekehrt signalisiert Wedeln weiter rechts, dass das Tier sich gerne nähern möchte.

Zu dieser erstaunlichen Erkenntnis gelangten Forscher der Universität Triest.

Nach ihrer Ansicht ist die jeweilige Tendenz darauf zurückzuführen, dass einmal die linke und einmal die rechte Gehirnhälfte das Verhalten der Tiere dominiert - je nachdem, welche Gefühle gerade verarbeitet werden.
Zudem werden die Industrieländer viel besser als die Dritte Welt in der Lage sein,
sich dem Klimawandel anzupassen und so die Opferzahlen zu begrenzen.

Der Klima-Risiko-Index basiert auf Daten der Georisikoforschung des Versicherungskonzerns Münchener Rück:

Sie wurden mit anderen Wirtschafts- und Bevölkerungsdaten internationaler Institutionen zu einer Gesamtanalyse kombiniert.
Wenn man die Wetterkatastrophen der letzten zehn Jahre betrachtet, sind Honduras, Bangladesch, Nicaragua und Vietnam am stärksten betroffen. Deutschland landet in dieser Auswertung auf Platz 11.

"Setzt man allerdings die Schadenssummen ins Verhältnis zur Wirtschaftsleistung eines Landes, so ändert sich das Bild", betonte Christoph Bals, Geschäftsführer von Germanwatch.

Denn trotz der Rekordschäden von mehr als 160 Milliarden US-Dollar sei in den USA der Schaden im Verhältnis zur Wirtschaftsleistung deutlich geringer als in Guatemala oder Kuba gewesen.

Die USA landeten hier nur auf Platz neun.

Deutschland in Zehn-Jahres-Statistik auf Platz 11

Überschwemmungen, Dürre, Hurrikane - jährlich sterben Tausende Menschen bei extremen Wetterereignissen.

00.000.2005 Am stärksten davon betroffen war Guatemala, wie Berechnungen der Umweltorganisation Germanwatch und der Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker zeigen.

00.000.2005 In dem lateinamerikanischen Land starben fast sechs Menschen pro 100.000 Einwohner bei Wetterkatastrophen - mehr als in allen anderen Ländern der Welt.
Anschläge vom Juli 2005: Drei Terrorverdächtige in London festgenommen
22.Mar.2007 Risiko- Rangliste: Wo das Wetter am gefährlichsten ist
22.Mar.2007 Goldman- Sachs- Analyse: Daimler, Chrysler und der Reiz der Heuschrecken
22.Mar.2007 Karikaturenstreit: Klage gegen französisches Satiremagazin abgewiesen
22.Mar.2007 Protest in Belgien: Massenhochzeit gegen Rassismus
22.Mar.2007 Tierische Emotionen: Der glückliche Hund wedelt rechts