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12 MgB Bush

30.Jul.2007 Unerwarteter Chef- Wechsel: US- Immobilienkrise erfasst deutsche Mittelstandsbank
30.Jul.2007 Nordatlantik- Sturmstatistik: Zahl der Hurrikans verdoppelte sich
30.Jul.2007 Zivile Opfer: Nato will kleinere Bomben in Afghanistan werfen
30.Jul.2007 Nervöse Börse: "Derzeit wird das Negative gesucht"
30.Jul.2007 Nahost: CDU kritisiert US- Waffenlieferungen in Golfregion
Bush calls on Congress for new phone, e-mail tapping law : President Bush wants Congress to modernize a law governing how intelligence agencies monitor the communications of "suspected terrorists.

29.Jul.2007 Fake Fly Will Be Spy In The Sky: "The real benefit of the fly is that from a military aspect, you probably wouldn't be able to notice it," said Prof Wood.

00.Nov.1934 The Plot Against America: In

00.Nov.1934 federal investigators uncovered an amazing plot involving some two dozen senior businessmen, a good many of them Wall Street financiers, to topple the government of the USA + install a fascist dictatorship.
The state of the world: Peace, War & Conflict: :

WWII.- 29.Jul.2007 There have been over 250 major wars in the world since, in which 23 million people have been killed, tens of millions made homeless + countless millions injured and bereaved.

Over 37 (or 42) million people have by killed by wars in the 20th century.

Three times more people have been killed in wars in the last 90 years than in all the previous 500.

29.Jul.2007 Peru's president apologises to poor :

Currently 44 % of Peruvians live poverty. In his speech, Garcia said that increased public investment would bring that figure down to 30 % and "change the social face of Peru".

29.Jul.2007 US ‘dirty bomber’ is a trial for CIA: IT WAS a terrorist trial that seemed to have everything - including a CIA agent testifying in disguise and a mysterious reference to a female donkey. But the long-awaited court appearance of Jose Padilla, a US citizen once known as America’s “dirty bomber”, has turned out to be missing a crucial ingredient - evidence that he actually did anything wrong.
29.Jul.2007 US ups Israeli defence aid to $30bn: PRIME Minister Ehud Olmert has announced a new $30 billion ($35.2 billion) US defence package to preserve Israel's regional military superiority, as Washington readied an Arab arms deal to counter Iran.

29.Jul.2007 US to sell $20b of arms to Saudis, Gulf states: Officials said the arms sales to Saudi Arabia were expected to include air-to-air missiles as well as Joint Direct Attack Munitions, which turn standard bombs into "smart" precision-guided bombs, the report said. They said the common goal of the military aid packages and arms sales is to strengthen pro-Western countries against Iran

29.Jul.2007 Israel says U.S. aid to Saudi military is understandable: In a break from historic Israeli opposition to U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Sunday his country understands Washington's plan to supply state-of-the-art weapons to Riyadh as a counterweight to Iranian influence.

29.Jul.2007 US state department 'funding Blair' : Senior UN and British officials have told Al Jazeera that the US state department has been paying Mr Blair's bills, either directly or indirectly, via a trust fund. The amount remains undisclosed.

29.Jul.2007 Abbas arrives in Russia for meeting with Putin: The Abbas-Putin meeting will be the first since the Hamas militant group took over the Gaza Strip

29.Jul.2007 Fatah and Israel/Allies, Inc. : For the first time in years, senior PA officials and heads of the security organizations in the West Bank are speaking in different tones. The Second Intifada against Israel is over, they say. Now, Fatah must focus its energy against its domestic threat, Hamas.

29.Jul.2007 Britain’s Gordon Brown becomes patron of Zionist agency : British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has agreed to become patron of the UK arm of the Jewish National Fund, whose funds have contributed to Israeli ethnic cleansing, the destruction of Palestinian villages and the expropriation of Palestinian land

29.Jul.2007 The closing of the Jewish mind: How long will Jewish psychosis be tolerated, even vaunted + its brutal consequences ignored

29.Jul.2007 The Death of Fatah? : According to the writer, the Palestinian Fatah movement was declared dead by a presidential decree; The article follows Fatah since its inception to its time in Jordan, to Lebanon and finally to the West Bank.
29.Jul.2007 Musharraf, Bhutto to share rule : The accord -- which will allow General Musharraf another five years as president and Ms Bhutto, who is now living in exile, a chance for a third term as prime minister -- was "signed and sealed" at a secret face-to-face weekend meeting in Abu Dhabi, it was reported.

29.Jul.2007 Bhutto warns of Islamist revolt in Pakistan: Bhutto said she was planning her return to Pakistan this year to help stabilise the country in the face of the extremist threat.
29.Jul.2007 Taliban's failed first use of SAM still worrisome: Taliban militants used a heat-seeking, surface-to-air missile to attack a Western aircraft over Afghanistan for the first time last week, coalition military sources say.
29.Jul.2007 Iraqi man alleges CIA torture : An Iraqi man alleges he was betrayed after helping British intelligence officials who handed him to U.S. CIA agents for torture in a secret prison.

29.Jul.2007 Revealed: MI5's role in torture flight hell: An Iraqi who was a key source of intelligence for MI5 has given the first ever full insider's account of being seized by the CIA and bundled on to an illegal 'torture flight' under the programme known as extraordinary rendition.

29.Jul.2007 Female soldier committed suicide over interrogation techniques in Iraq : The third woman to die in Iraq, Army Specialist Alyssa Peterson, 27, from Flagstaff, Arizona, was reported as having died from a "non-hostile weapons discharge." A reporter who dug further, Kevin Elston, found that she committed suicide on September 15, 2003, after becoming distraught from working in an interrogation unit known as "the cage."
29.Jul.2007 The Death Mask Of War - U.S. Marines and Soldiers Have Become Socialized To Atrocity. - By -Chris Hedges
The American killing project is not described in these terms to a distant public. The politicians still speak in the abstract terms of glory, honor + heroism, in the necessity of improving the world, in lofty phrases of political and spiritual renewal. Those who kill large numbers of people always claim it as a virtue.

29.Jul.2007 You Do Not Abandon Your Own.. - By -Bettmann/Corbis
Of all the scandals to come out of the Iraq war – Abu Ghraib, Haditha, the gang-rape and murder of 14 year old Abeer Qassim Hamza – the most dishonorable to date is the Bush administration’s refusal to protect Iraqis who risked their lives by working as translators, interpreters, drivers for the US army.

29.Jul.2007 Crimes Against Peace - Was The U.S. Invasion Of Iraq Legal or Illegal Under International Law - Excellent video
Do any of the charges of illegality we've been hearing about have any legal basis at all? And why should we even care about international law anyway?
Click to view

29.Jul.2007 The Pearl Harbor Myth - FDR, Pearl Harbor and the U.N. - By -John V. Denson
A new book entitled The Pearl Harbor Myth: Rethinking the Unthinkable by George Victor and published by Potomac Books Inc. of Washington, D.C. is well researched and gives a very clear picture of how and why the Pearl Harbor myth was created. This "patriotic political myth" states that the attack by the Japanese was unprovoked and was a surprise to the Roosevelt administration, as well as, the key military personnel in Washington; but the commanders of Pearl Harbor were at fault for not being ready.

29.Jul.2007 The Least Useful Reaction to Terrorism is to Dismiss it as an Inscrutable Evil - By -Jenni Russell - A blind faith in the moral superiority of our own way of life will only hinder efforts to tackle violent extremism. Continue

29.Jul.2007 Bush's Real Agenda in Palestine - By -Ramzy Baroud
The Hamas government crackdown on Mohamed Dahlan's corrupt security forces and affiliated gangs in the Gaza Strip in June appears to mark a turning point in the Bush administration's foreign policy regarding Palestine and Israel. The supposed shift, however, is nothing but a continuation of Washington's efforts to stifle Palestinian democracy, to widen the chasm separating Hamas and Fatah + to ensure the success of the Israeli project, which is focussed on colonising and annexing what remains of Palestinian land.

29.Jul.2007 Why my Landlord is Expecting the Worst - By -Robert Fisk
Day after day, we've been watching the US air force C-130s arriving at Beirut's Rafiq Hariri International Airport - named after the man whose assassination on 14 February detonated the latest tragedy of Lebanon - with their cargoes of weapons for the Lebanese army. Would that they had arrived a year ago, many Lebanese say, when Israel was destroying much of Lebanon.

29.Jul.2007 Bush Asserts a King's Prerogative - With showdown over Iraq looming, president courts constitutional crisis - By -Jay Bookman
In theory, President Bush is sworn to faithfully execute the laws of the United States. In reality, he has treated federal law as a menu from which he picks and chooses those laws he likes, while ignoring those that do not suit his taste. That royalist attitude may soon inspire a constitutional confrontation unrivaled in U.S. history.

29.Jul.2007 When Will We Have Had Enough?It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them" -Must watch 5 Minute Video-
"The tragedy of our day is the climate of fear in which we live and fear breeds repression. Too often, sinister threats to the Bill of Rights, to freedom of the mind are concealed under the patriotic cloak of anti-Communism." Today, it's the cloak of anti-terrorism. Stevenson also remarked, "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them" Click here for 1950s: Adlai Stevenson's ''Nature of Patriotism'' Speech, 1952.
Click to view

29.Jul.2007 Exclusive: Gangs Spreading In The Military. A New Training Ground for Entering the Bush Administration?
From a Nevada Columnist: "That means at a very basic level, they have lost the ability to govern, to carry out policies + to do the work of the people. We no longer have a viable president, vice president or attorney general. They are dead weight, an anchor on the ship of state that prevents moving forward and repairing the damage they have wrought. If they truly believed in the oath of office they took, they would lock themselves up in prison for the good of the country. But since they are incapable of holding anyone accountable for their actions, they will continue along their merry, destructive way until Congress grows a backbone and impeaches the lot of them."
Bush Stands by His Consigliere: After All, the Consigliere Knows All the Mob Secrets

29.Jul.2007 Make News Happen at
NYT Editorial: "Democratic lawmakers are asking for a special prosecutor to look into Mr. Gonzales?s words and deeds. Solicitor General Paul Clement has a last chance to show that the Justice Department is still minimally functional by fulfilling that request. If that does not happen, Congress should impeach Mr. Gonzales."
Iraq?s national government is refusing to take possession of thousands of American-financed reconstruction projects, forcing the United States either to hand them over to local Iraqis, who often lack the proper training and resources to keep the projects running, or commit new money to an effort that has already consumed billions of taxpayer dollars. 7/29

29.Jul.2007 Commentary: There's no vacation for our troops in Iraq. But Bush, Cheney, Congress and the Iraqi "Government" Get to Take Vacations, Don't They? Something is Wrong Here.
House Members Say They Will Try to Block Arms Sales to Saudis

29.Jul.2007 Iraq is facing a hidden healthcare and social crisis over the soaring number of amputations, largely of lower limbs, necessitated by the daily explosions and violence gripping the country. 7/30
Cheney's heart device replaced; still looking for the actual heart 7/29


Die amtlich definierte Armutsgrenze liegt in Israel bei 40 % des Durchschnittseinkommens von knapp 750 Euro. Von den 250.000 Holocaust-Überlebenden müssen demnach 60.000 von 300 Euro oder weniger im Monat leben.

"Israel hat deutsche Reparationen erhalten, um sich eine Handelsflotte zuzulegen, hat aber versäumt, den Genozid-Überlebenden die zwei bis fünf Milliarden Schekel (350 Millionen bis 875 Millionen Euro) zu überweisen, die ihnen zustehen", kritisierte Rotem. "Wir sind die Versprechungen leid", sagte die Fondsmitarbeiterin.

In einer E-Mail-Kampagne protestieren Angehörige und Unterstützer jetzt massiv gegen das Zögern der Regierung. Die Tageszeitung "Maariv" druckte am Sonntag auf ihrer Titelseite das Foto der 82 Jahre alten Zippora Luschowitz, der in Auschwitz eine Nummer auf den Unterarm tätowiert wurde. Krank und gebrechlich, habe sie nicht einmal Geld, um sich eine Brille zu kaufen. "Die Wahl zwischen Brot und Medikamenten", steht daneben.
Japan: Abe will trotz Wahldesaster weiterregieren (Politik)
29.Jul.2007 Council for National Policy Database H-M -

Kemp, a member of Fraternal Lodge, F&AM, in Hamburg, is a member of Palmoni ... One of their guests was Chuck Missler . Missler said he was there for the ...
20070508 Nach einem Bericht der preußischen Polizei, erhielt die NSDAP aus dem Ruhrgebiet zwei Zahlungen in Höhe von 700.000 und 400.000 Reichsmark(46). Am ...
20070508 Aber dahin musste Hitler erstmal kommen, dass er für die Industriellen ein brauchbarer ... Über General Schleicher flossen 6 Millionen Reichsmark (45) der ...
29.Jul.2007 Großindustrie und NSDAP (Wikipedia-Ergebniss) Im

00.Mai 1922 gewann Adolf Hitler das Präsidialmitglied des ...

Über General Schleicher flossen 6 Millionen Reichsmark und über Alfred Hugenberg 2 Millionen ...ßindustrie_und_NSDAP

In dem Interview erzählt al-Rawi, CIA-Agenten hätten ihm gegenüber behauptet, seine MI5-Akte von den britischen Kollegen bekommen zu haben. Darin seien die Informationen enthalten gewesen, die er als Quelle dem britischen Geheimdienst übermittelt hatte. Dabei habe ihm zuvor, sagt al-Rawi, ein MI5-Anwalt versichert, dass die Akte der strengsten Geheimhaltung unterliege. Außerdem habe man ihm versprochen, dass der MI5 alles in seiner Macht stehende tun werde, um ihm zu helfen, sollte er jemals in Schwierigkeiten geraten.

Die Briten hingegen reichen die Kritik weiter an ihre US-Kollegen. In der vorigen Woche war ein britischer Parlamentsbericht veröffentlicht worden, in dem den US-Geheimdiensten vorgeworfen wird, britische Bedenken in Zusammenhang mit der Inhaftierung von al-Rawi und einem weiteren Briten in Guantanamo ignoriert zu haben. Der Sicherheitsausschuss des Parlaments teilte mit, der Vorfall könne ernsthafte Konsequenzen für die Zusammenarbeit der britischen mit den US-Geheimdiensten nach sich ziehen. Diesen Angaben zufolge haben britische Dienste zwar Informationen über al-Rawi an ihre amerikanischen Kollegen weitergegeben, hätten dies aber in dem Glauben getan, dass diese von US-Seite nicht gegen ihren Mann verwendet würden.

Weil die Feuerwehren unterbesetzt und überlastet sind, setzte die Regierung in Athen auch Wehrpflichtige ein - zudem bat sie die Europäische Union und ausländische Regierungen um Hilfe. Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin sagte bereits Unterstützung zu - dazu gehören Löschflugzeuge und Hubschrauber.

La Gomera/London - Ein 37-jähriger Forstarbeiter gestand nach Angaben der Behörden, das Feuer am Freitag aus Sorge um seinen Arbeitsplatz angesteckt zu haben. Er habe gehofft, dass die nach dem Brand anfallende Arbeit ihm eine Verlängerung seines Vertrags einbringe. DPA

Feuerwehrmann in Südspanien: Hunderte Brände lodern in Südeuropa Das Feuer, das als eines der größten in der Geschichte der Kanarischen Insel gilt, verwüstete bislang 3500 Hektar ökologisch wertvoller Landschaft.
Gefangen in Guantanamo: Ex- Spion wirft britischem Geheimdienst Verrat vor
29.Jul.2007 Verheerende Waldbrände: Südeuropa in Flammen, Griechen bitten EU um Hilfe (Panorama)
Auch Israel meldet Bedenken über Waffenverkäufe an Saudi-Arabien an. Saudi-Arabien könnte diese Waffen eines Tages gegen Israel einsetzen.

"Das ist eine große Entwicklung, weil sie Teil einer größeren regionalen Strategie und der Aufrechterhaltung einer starken US-Präsenz in der Region ist", sagte ein hochrangiger Regierungsmitarbeiter der Zeitung zufolge. Washington rüste seine "Verbündeten und Freunde" gegen das "Muskelspiel eines aggressiveren Irans".

Es gehe darum, die Alliierten der USA zu stärken.

02.Mai 1945 -In den frühen Morgenstunden des- ist dann auch für Rochus Misch Schluss.

Goebbels habe ihn mit den Worten entlassen

"Wir haben verstanden zu leben, wir werden auch verstehen zu sterben".

Misch macht die Telefonanlage unbrauchbar und verlässt den Bunker durch ein Kellerfenster.

Vorher verabschiedet er sich noch vom Techniker Johannes Hentschel, der zum Schluss als einziger im Bunker ausharrt.

Hentschel will weiter für Wasser und Strom im Bunkerlazarett sorgen. Er habe ihm "Auf Wiedersehen" gesagt.

Eigentlich ist jede Minute protokolliert, alles bekannt - nur nicht, wer Hermann Fegelein, verheiratet mit Eva Brauns Schwester und damit so gut wie Hitlers Schwager, erschoss.

Fegelein war der Verbindungsoffizier Heinrich Himmlers bei Hitler + hatte sich am

27.Apr.1945 unerlaubt aus dem Bunker entfernt.

Vom Reichssicherheitsdienst in seiner Berliner Wohnung in der Bleibtreustraße verhaftet, wurde der SS-General am

29.Apr.1946 hingerichtet. "Kriminalrat Högl, der Vertreter von Rattenhuber, hat den Befehl gegeben, Fegelein zu erschießen.

Das weiß ich von einem Reichssicherheitsdienstbeamten, dessen Kollege Fegelein erschossen hat.

Dessen Namen weiß ich - aber der bleibt bei mir", sagt Misch.
Computer- Sicherheit: Hacker versteigern Sicherheits- Lücken

29.Jul.2007 Wetterchaos in Europa: Meterhohe Flammen lodern auf den kanarischen Inseln
29.Jul.2007 Revolution des Lebens: Bohrung soll Sauerstoff- Rätsel lösen
Waldbrände auf Gran Canaria: Flammen bedrohen Urlaubsinseln

29.Jul.2007 Pakistan: Geheimtreffen zwischen Musharraf und Erzrivalin Bhutto
29.Jul.2007 Iran: Chamenei spricht von wachsendem Hass auf die USA
29.Jul.2007 Anti- Iran- Strategie: Bush rüstet Saudis mit Riesenarsenal hoch
29.Jul.2007 Bandenkriminalität: Zwei Chinesen wegen Öldiebstahls zum Tode verurteilt
Altägypten: Mumien- Zehe soll älteste Prothese der Welt sein

29.Jul.2007 Druck aus den USA: Deutsche Bank gibt Iran- Geschäft auf (Wirtschaft)
29.Jul.2007 Angst vor Anschlägen: US- Kongress beschließt Anti- Terror- Gesetz

29.Jul.2007 Schutz vor Iran: USA wollen Israel und verbündete Golfstaaten aufrüsten

In Zukunft könnte die Computerindustrie vor dem Problem stehen, dass in PCs und Laptops viel ungenutzte Rechenkapazität steckt. "Es ist durchaus vorstellbar, dass die Menschen irgendwann aufhören, Laptops und PCs zu kaufen", sagt David Patterson, Professor für Computerwissenschaft an der Universität in Berkeley.

AMD-Technikchef Phil Hester sieht wenig Sinn darin, Anwendungen wie Textverarbeitung, die jetzt schon schneller arbeiten, als der Nutzer den Text eingeben kann, auf die Mehrkerntechnik umzustellen.

Textverarbeitung braucht keine Vierkerntechnik

Die Software läuft Gefahr, von der Technik abgehängt zu werden.

Zu viel Rechenkraft für Normalo-Nutzer
Experten klagen: Prozessoren werden zu schnell für Normalo- Nutzer
28.Jul.2007 The Boeing-DOJ Debacle - Multinational Monitor Editor's Blog

In the elaborate Darleen Druyun affair, Air Force contracting officer Druyun admitted doing a variety of "favors" for Boeing.

In the Pentagon's misguided ...
2004 -The Ten Worst Corporations of- In a brazen maneuver, Boeing hired Darleen Druyun — the procurement official .. “the punishment meted out by the federal government was so minimal that ...

EC Journal: News - [S]everity of punishment should not be confused with an effective system to ... Sears' plea is related to his secret negotiations with Darleen Druyun to ...
IDS unit key to revived government business

... acquisition official Darleen Druyun while she was overseeing billions of ... to Lockheed Martin as part of the Air Force’s punishment of the company for ...
White Collar Crime Prof Blog: Government Reports

Problems of favoritism shown to Boeing by Darleen Druyun, former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition and Management, ...
White Collar Crime Prof Blog: Prosecutors - ... permits a direct punishment of the government attorney for a violation.

... procurement fraud cases related to the Pentagon (e.g., Darleen Druyun ).
20050317 - + ex-Air Force acquisition official, Darleen Druyun who plead guilty to ... impatience with outside interference in the US system of capital punishment, ...
20070430 Treatment or Punishment ); Wiwa v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., ...

00.000.1994 Darleen Druyun, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Air . ...
Airdisaster.Com Forums - Is USAF 767 lease deal a Boeing bailout?

... including one that indicated former Air Force official Darleen Druyun, ... a punishment that officials say has already cost it seven launchings worth
Is Justice Really Blind? - God Hates Fraggles - For example: a couple years back, Darlene Druyun, an Air Force contractor ... and is high-profile gets a significantly harsher punishment than they deserve, ...
Personality Disorder: The 10 Worst Corporations of 2003 RUSSELL ... - So, the Pentagon official in charge of this fiasco, Darleen Druyun, favors Boeing. ... could lose its $27.6 billion contract in the Druyun -Sears scandal.
<![CDATA[What You Should Be Reading in Your Morning Paper]]> ... or one of the co-belligerents of the enemy, shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a military commission … may direct. ...
The Boeing suspension: has increased consolidation tied the ... - ... Mike Sears, for recruiting and hiring Darleen Druyun, a high-ranking U.S. ... (120) Following the Sears/Druyun incident, Boeing asked Senator Rudman to ...
The Boeing suspension: has increased consolidation tied - But suspension and debarment are not imposed for purposes of punishment . ... (120) Following the Sears/Druyun incident, Boeing asked Senator Rudman to ...
May-Jun 2007 Issue of EV - HTML-Version
“Conceding that she lied to prosecutors, Darleen A. Druyun, 56, revealed that she committed the ... Druyun was named principal deputy assistant Air Force ...
A Controversial and/or Informative Site - Page 230 - Jazz Bulletin ... - ... ban on "cruel and unusual punishment " as too vague to enforce as well. ... Heebner's case is similar to Boeing's infamous courtship of Darlene Druyun, ...
The Boeing Suspension: Has Increased Consolidation Tied the ... - HTML-Version
corrupt and the consequence as punishment . But suspension ... Darleen Druyun, a high-ranking U.S. AF procurement official, ...
CRIMES AND CORRUPTION OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS: 01/05/07 - We apply collective punishment to millions of people and even, in revenge-driven ... Boeing's case was not helped when it emerged that Darlene Druyun, ...
Hypocrisy Daily - Regarding an eventual punishment for Hussein, Clark later told an audience ... Along with Druyun, Boeing has fired its chief financial officer Mike Sears.
105 Hearings: House Committee Meetings by Date (1998) - ... Under Secretary, Acquisition and Technology; and Darleen A. Druyun, ... Punishment Act of 1997; and the Care for Police Survivors Act of 1998. ...
102 Hearings: House Committee Meetings by Date (1992) - ... Deputy Inspector General; and Darleen Druyun, Associate Administrator, ... to deny funds to educational programs that allow corporal punishment . ...

28.Jul.2007 Minstrel Boy: 2005-04-17 - ... any of our programs with the media (on or off the record)," wrote Darleen A. ... Ms. Druyun cut a deal to minimize her jail time and to end the public ...
Air Force Logistics Management Agency
00.000.1994 Darleen Druyun, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Air ... punishment as a criminal. As long as contractor employees do not violate ...

28.Jul.2007 Conservative Revolutionary American Party III: September 2006 - N.H. + David Siller, 27, of Wayne, Pa., said the punishment was harsh ... Heebner's case is similar to Boeing's infamous courtship of Darlene Druyun, ...
1000000 post thread [Archive] - Page 59 - P2P File Sharing Forum - Heebner's case is similar to Boeing's infamous courtship of Darlene Druyun, the Air Force acquisition officer who was eventually sentenced to nine months in ...

28.Jul.2007 Ali Thomas Nude - Name:Takoda Site: Darlene Druyun Scandal Preview: The poor, benighted framers could not possibly anticipate what we know todayespecially if we have ...
Ltp326w - Name:Kesler Site: Darlene Druyun Scandal ... A and B, commit an equivalent robbery + that the usual punishment for this crime is five years in prison. -

20060805 - Conspiracy Book From Presbyterian Press Raises Eyebrows.
... piece in which a former DEA agent says:Ý "I have chosen to risk my skin in ... · -->
... taken money to a female named Ruth Paine in late 1956 on orders from William Casey ... Bush had been a top agent of the CIA since at ... · -->

Opening Remarks of Michael C. Ruppert for the Senate Select ...
... senior DEA supervisory agent who said, "In my thirty year history in DEA, the major ... quickly fell in love with a CIA agent named ... · -->

The Bush Hard Drug Empire II - I and retired DEA Agent Cele Castillo and presumably the other major figures ... · -->

Posada, en este momento llegaron a El Salvador Rafael " Chi Chi ... RIGHTS ABUSE It was at Quintero's Guadalajara ranch that USA DEA Agent Kiki ... · -->

JUNIN Recuperaron una moto e incendiaron un ciclomotor «Zanella» y ...

Quedó detenido Manuel Ignacio Caneda, de 42 años, imputado como autor del homicidio de Celestina Edith Taborda, ocurrido el 23 de julio pasado en Bragado .

La Capital ::: on line Brutal crimen de una anciana en intento de robo en Bragado.

La anciana asesinada fue identificada como Edith Taborda de Aristi, cuyo cadáver presentaba ...
.: BRAGADO INFORMA :. En las ultimas horas de anoche hubo tres allanamientos vinculados con el homicidio de la Sra. Edith Taborda . Uno fue en Bragado . ...
Falleció la Diputada Nacional Lita Artola Detienen al homicida de Bragado . Un hombre fue detenido hoy acusado de ser ... el 23 de julio del año pasado ingresó a la casa de Edith Taborda de Aristi, ...ón%20de
INFORME TABORDA | Dabble Video Search Video sobre el misterioso homicidio de Celestina Edith Taborda, sucedido en Bragado el 23 de julio de 2006. Duration: 02:06s License Info: ...
_A_O_inzoome_Curtis, Richard; Daawd, Shamun; Dash, Pristina; De Bragado ; De Celestina Edith Taborda ; De Elba Beatriz Carrera; De La, Constatino; Defense Advanced ...
20060905 ... no solo este horrendo caso sino –quizás- el de Celestina Edith Taborda . ... la DDI Bragado clausuró ayer un taller en calles Ameghino y Constatino de la ...

28.Jul.2007 Schmiergeldaffäre: Siemens will Ex- Chefaufklärer Schäfer entlassen (Wirtschaft)
28.Jul.2007 Rücktrittsgedanken: Klöden sieht Verschwörer gegen Tour am Werk (Sport
20070315 1 Hour, 1 Day, 1 Week, 1 Month, Forever ... I see that John Deuss was caught thanks to assistance from the public. bermuda ...

Dec.2006 Sleeping Houston woman killed by stray bullet | - Houston Chronicle - BG -Sleeping Houston woman killed by stray bullet | ...
Frederick Strader Profile -

00.May 2001-00.Dec.2002; ... Frederick Strader compensation, earnings, stock options, career history, ... of AAI's Defense and Services businesses.
Jonathan Greenberg Profile - ... Inc., a supply chain technology company, from

00.May 2001-00.Aug.2004 and as General Counsel and Vice ... Frederick Strader . More top executives. ...

07.May 2001 HUNT VALLEY, MarylandAAI Corporation's Defense Systems unit has ...

Frederick Strader, AAI's vice president and general manager of Defense
Company Overview - View as HTML
Frederick Strader . President and Chief Executive Officer. UIC and AAI Corporation ... 2001 . 2002. 2003. 2004. 6/30/2005. 24. Investment Highlights ...
28.Jul.2007 SEC Info - United Industrial Corp/DE - DEF 14A - For 5/24/05

2001 . General Richard I. Neal (Retired) ... business + individual performance objectives for the Company’s chief executive officer, Frederick Strader, ...
SEC Info - United Industrial Corp/DE - DEF 14A - For 5/18/06 President, Corcoran Enterprises, LLC, a management consulting firm since January 2001 ; Senior Advisor to the Carlyle Group, a private global investment firm ...
28.Jul.2007 The Rev. Chuck Currie: 9/11 Eighty-two % of the experts expect another 9/11 -scale attack on the United ...
28.Jul.2007 Royal Netherlands Army awards $13.8 million contract for Stinger ... weapons—a very significant cost savings for users," said Frederick M . Strader, president and chief executive officer of United Industrial and AAI. m y_contract/
28.Jul.2007 Military & Aerospace Electronics - Army orders ground control ...

Using One System as a common ground control station provides value and cost efficiencies for the U.S. Defense Department," said Frederick M . Strader, ...
Missed earnings shadow United Industrial Corp.'s $87 million deal ... In a conference call yesterday, President and Chief Executive Officer Frederick M . Strader said sales of unmanned aircraft systems were the company's ... m/p/articles/m i_qn4183/is_20060509/ai_n16354954
28.Jul.2007 Military Aerospace Technology Interview with Frederick M . Strader President and Chief Executive Officer. View From the Hill. Where is the honesty and honor in Air Force leadership’s ...

28.Jul.2007 United Industrial Corp (UIC) Insider Trading | Stocks | 05/18/06, STRADER FREDERICK M, President & Chief Executive Officer, Buy, 5000, $19.05. 05/09/06, STRADER FREDERICK M, President & Chief Executive Officer ...
28.Jul.2007 AAI Wins $72M Contract for Shadow UAV (Jan 14) HUNT VALLEY, Md . --- United Industrial Corporation announced today that its AAI ... and AAI President and Chief Executive Officer Frederick M . Strader .

AAI, Giat Team For New Mobile 105mm Gun (Oct. 23)AAI Corporation is excited about this initiative with Giat Industries, an outstanding defense systems company,” said Frederick M . Strader, president and ...

AAI Corporation: Information from President and CEO: Frederick M . Strader VP and CFO: James H. Perry VP and CIO: David A. Powell. Competitors: Israel Aircraft Industries · L-3 Communications ...

28.Jul.2007 Baltimore Business Journal: United Industrial Corp company profile Frederick M . Strader Pres & CEO. James H. Perry CFO, VP & Treas. Jonathan Greenberg Gen Counsel, VP & Sec. Cynthia A. Sibley Asst Sec. Francis X. Reinhardt ...
Baltimore Business Journal: AAI Corp company profile Frederick M . Strader Pres & CEO. David A. Powell CIO & VP. James H. Perry CFO & VP. Anna-Maria Gonzalez Palmer VP-HR. Edward E. Buffington Vice President ...
press release - symtx functional test solutionsThe acquisition of Symtx is consistent with our strategic plan,” said United Industrial President and Chief Executive Officer Frederick M . Strader . ...

28.Jul.2007 Alumni in the News - The Wharton School of the University of ... Frederick M . Strader, WG'80, has been named president and chief operating officer at AAI Corporation, a manufacturer of unmanned aerial vehicles, ...
28.Jul.2007 United Industrial Corporation :: United Industrial Corporation ... Richard I. Neal (U.S. Marine Corps-Retired) + Frederick M . Strader . Mr. Strader also serves as president and chief executive officer of UIC and the ...
28.Jul.2007 Stock Frederick: Free Encyclopedia Articles at Online ... President and Chief Executive Officer Frederick M . Strader said in a conference call yesterday...per share, or 5 cents more, prompting a stock sell-off. m/library/encyclopedia/stock-frederick.jsp
28.Jul.2007 AAI Corporation Receives Unmanned Systems Contracts Hunt Valley MD (SPX) Oct 17, 2006 - United Industrial has announced that its AAI ... and AAI President and Chief Executive Officer Frederick M . Strader .
AAI Receives Order For Nine Additional Shadow 200 Tactical UAVs Hunt Valley MD (SPX) May 09, 2006 - AAI has received an $87 million funded contract ... asset for U.S. and allied warfighters," said Frederick M . Strader, ...
UIC - Form 4 Oracle Insider Trading $0, ($1.34 M ), $1.34 M . Perry James H Vice President and CFO, $0, ($1.10 M ), $1.10 M . Strader Frederick M President and CEO, $0, ($237.61K), $237.61K ...

28.Jul.2007 Insider Trades - STRADER FREDERICK M - Yahoo! Finance Insider Filings - STRADER FREDERICK M, Last Updated 13-Jul-07 ... STRADER FREDERICK M : Declared Holdings. Company/Relationship, Reported, Shares, Ownership ...
FindLaw - Employment Agreement - United Defense Industries Inc ... is. made by and between United Defense Industries, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company") + Frederick M . Strader (the "Executive"). ...
AAI Corp. - Frederick M. Strader - Military Aerospace Technology Worldwide coverage of aerospace transformation, airframes, spacecraft, UAVs, black boxes, missiles, airborne lasers, radars, surveillance systems, ...
AAI Corp. (People Monitor).(Frederick M. Strader)(Brief Article ... Goliath Industry and Business News includes thousands of articles from journals, newspapers, newswires + magazines, covering a wide range of industries ... m/com s2/gi_0199-2562503/AAI-Corp-People-Monitor-Frederick.html

28.Jul.2007 straderbio Frederick M . Strader is president and chief executive officer of both United Industrial Corporation (UIC) + of AAI Corporation, a United Industrial ...
FREDERICK M. STRADER NAMED PRESIDENT AND CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER ... Hunt Valley, Maryland, January 27, 2003 - Frederick M . Strader has been named president and chief operating officer of AAI Corporation, responsible for the ...

SEC Info - Strader Frederick M - 4 - United Industrial Corp/DE ...

FREDERICK M . STRADER LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR SECTION 16 REPORTING OBLIGATIONS Know all by these presents, that the undersigned hereby makes, ...
Frederick M. Strader This is a page dedicated to get more information for investors to evaluate the management style of Frederick M . Strader who is a Chief Exec. ...

"Ohne Frage, kein Politiker in der Welt steht unter größerem Druck als Nuri al-Maliki", sagt Crocker. Unter diesen Bedingungen seien Frustrationen und auch gelegentliche Gefühlsausbrüche mehr als verständlich.
Der irakische Außenminister Hoschjar Sebari beschreibt das Miteinander der beiden offen als "schwierig". Einer der Streitpunkte ist die US-Strategie, im Kampf gegen al-Qaida auch ehemalige sunnitische Aufständische in die irakischen Streitkräfte und die Polizei zu integrieren, die nominell Maliki unterstellt sind. Petraeus zeige damit klare Parteilichkeit, sagte Askari: "Das ärgert die Schiiten. Es ist möglich, dass wir seine Ablösung verlangen."

Ein Abgeordneter aus der Partei des radikalen schiitischen Geistlichen Muktada al-Sadr ging sogar noch weiter. Er sagte, Maliki habe US-Präsident George W. Bush schon gewarnt: Wenn Petraeus weiter die Sunniten bewaffne, würde er beginnen, schiitische Milizen zu bewaffnen. Der Abgeordnete, der anonym bleiben will, berichtete auch, dass Maliki einmal zu Petraeus gesagt habe: "Ich kann mit Ihnen nicht mehr zusammenarbeiten. Ich will, dass Sie abgelöst werden."

Die US-Raumfahrtbehörde dürfte mit der geplanten parlamentarischen Untersuchung unter starken Druck geraten - erst recht, weil die Nasa gestern ebenfalls hatte zugeben müssen, dass ein wichtiger Computer für die nächste Mission der Weltraumfähre "Endeavour" durch Sabotage schwer beschädigt wurde. "Einer unserer Subunternehmer hat festgestellt, dass sich offenbar jemand an einer Netzwerk-Box für das Raumschiff zu schaffen gemacht hat", sagte eine Nasa-Sprecherin. "Die Hardware ist absichtlich beschädigt worden."
Der Arzt Richard Bachmann von der US-Luftwaffe bestätigte die Vorkommnisse. Er sagte vor Journalisten, bei einem der Vorfälle sei es um die Vorbereitung zum Start einer Shuttle-Mission gegangen, die später verschoben worden sei. Der zweite Fall habe sich um eine Sojus-Mission zur Internationalen Raumstation (ISS) gedreht, sagte der Mediziner, ohne Details zu nennen. Bachmann ist der Autor
des internen Untersuchungsberichts der Nasa, aus dem das Fachblatt "Aviation Week & Space" am Donnerstag zitierte und damit weltweit hohe Wellen schlug.
28.Jul.2007 Ausrüstungsmängel: Bundeswehr fehlen Tausende Schutzwesten

28.Jul.2007 Sicherheitsstrategie: Irakischer Premier verkracht sich mit Bushs Kommandeur

28.Jul.2007 Stuttgarter Sportwagenbauer: Porsche rechnet mit über drei Milliarden Euro Gewinn (Wirtschaft)
28.Jul.2007 Betrunkene Astronauten: Kongress schaltet sich in Nasa- Krise ein

28.Jul.2007 Trotz SPD- Bedenken: Beck erwägt Ausweitung des Afghanistan- Einsatzes (Politik)
28.Jul.2007 07/25/07 Bush Speechwriter Calls for Attack on Syria- By -Gary Leupp
Neocon officials in the Defense Department call them "low-hanging fruit"--- as though countries were produce ripe for picking and eating. The term refers to nations targeted for regime change that might be achieved with minimal strain, at least when compared with the effort needed to topple the regime in Iran.

28.Jul.2007 Is the US Preparing To Attack Pakistan? - By -Eric Margolis
The Bush Administration may be preparing to lash out at old ally Pakistan, which Washington now blames for its humiliating failures to crush al-Qaida, capture its elusive leaders, or defeat Taliban resistance forces in Afghanistan. One is immediately reminded of the Vietnam War when the Pentagon, unable to defeat North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong forces, urged invasion of Cambodia.

28.Jul.2007 Bush In Free Fall - By -Robert Scheer
At what point will President Bush finally grasp the enormous disaster that the neoconservatives, from Vice President Dick Cheney on down, have visited upon his presidency? Or, to put it numerically, just how does a president descend from a 92 % approval rating one month after 9/11-the highest of any president since modern polling began-to the two-thirds disapproval score that has stalked him through the last year, thanks to the Iraq debacle, without getting the message?

28.Jul.2007 A Republic, If We Can Keep It. Ernest Partridge
Bush’s “National Continuity Policy, issued May 9, states, in effect, that in the event of a “catastrophic emergency,” which might mean a terrorist attack or natural disaster, within "the homeland” or abroad, the President could, as a “unitary executive,” seize near dictatorial powers. This means that another hurricane of Katrina size, or a Richter-7 earthquake, or even a massive civil disobedient protest, could trigger the onset of a Bush dictatorship.

28.Jul.2007 Democracy Interrupted - By -Frank J. Ranelli
Why we as a nation, have been titrated, which is the gradual increasing of dosage, pressure + propaganda, till the desired effect – an inured and compliant society – have willingly bequeathed away our autonomy of self-government, embraced the genesis of tyranny + begin our seemingly inexorable march towards dictatorship.

28.Jul.2007 John Conyers Is No Martin Luther King - By -Ray McGovern
I have seldom been so disappointed with someone I had previously held in high esteem. And before leaving, I told him so. Throwing salt in our wounds, he had us + some fifty others in his anteroom arrested and taken out of action as the Capitol Police “processed” us for the next six hours.

28.Jul.2007 Agency of Rogues - By -Chalmers Johnson
The secret prison was set up on a secure U.S. Naval base outside the U.S. and so beyond the slightest recourse to legal oversight. It was there that the CIA clandestinely brought its "suspects" to be interrogated, abused + tortured.

28.Jul.2007 The Dark Heart Of Fascism In The United States - The Whitehouse Coup - BC Audio Documentary
Document uncovers details of a planned coup in the USA 00.000.1933 by right-wing American
The coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans. The plotters, who were alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America, (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell Hse & George Bush’s Grandfather, Prescott) believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression.
Click to listen

28.Jul.2007 Delay: US and Israel must enjoy second coming: That evangelical support for Israel is largely based on "End Times" theology is largely irrelevant to the Israeli politicians who share the goal of expanding settlements into the West Bank and a military strike on Iran, but it is anything but irrelevant to the rank-and-file members and even one former House Majority Leader.

28.Jul.2007 CIA misled Britain over rendition plan : The CIA misled British intelligence chiefs over the arrest and treatment of terrorist suspects who were the subjects of rendition to Guantanamo Bay, an Intelligence and Security Committee report to the Prime Minister warned.

28.Jul.2007 Dems seek Gonzales probe and subpoena Rove: Senate Democrats seek perjury inquiry, eye Bush aide in widening probe

28.Jul.2007 FBI Seeks To Pay Telecoms For Data: The FBI wants to pay the major telecommunications companies to retain their customers' Internet and phone call information for at least two years for the agency's use in counterterrorism investigations and is asking Congress for $5 million a year to defray the cost

28.Jul.2007 U.S. medical students graduate debt-free in Cuba: Eight Americans graduated on Tuesday from a Cuban medical school after six years of studies fully funded by Fidel Castro's government.

28.Jul.2007 New York Stock Exchange has trading curbs in effect: The New York Stock Exchange said it has applied trading curbs on Thursday, a measure taken by the exchange to prevent big moves in the market from clogging its system. Stock prices were tumbling amid concerns about credit markets and surging crude oil prices.
28.Jul.2007 Poor and Uneducated Like We Thought: Debunking The Military Debunkers: You’re more than 35 % more likely to be in the military if you’re black than if you’re white. But you’re 35 % less likely to become an officer. Ignore the propaganda–the military is a reflection of, rather than a cure for, racism.

28.Jul.2007 In case you missed it: Three charged in probe of Pentagon Iraq contracts: A U.S. Army major accused of accepting millions of dollars in bribes from contractors doing business with the Pentagon in Iraq and Kuwait, his wife and sister, have been charged in Texas, the U.S. Justice Department said.

28.Jul.2007 Major General Smedley Butler: WAR is a racket . - It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
28.Jul.2007 Norman Solomon: War Made Easy : Video: Norman Solomon discusses pro-war propaganda generated by U.S. governments during military operations and the influence the media has on public opinion. From the invasion of the Dominican Republic to the current war in Iraq Solomon explores ways the media is used to bolster support for military intervention.
28.Jul.2007 Pentagon says making contingency Iraq pullout plan: The Pentagon is making contingency plans for a U.S. withdrawal of troops from Iraq, according to U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who called the planning a "priority."
28.Jul.2007 Gaza was a Gas for Blair: Turning Palestine's Most Valuable Natural Resource into a Political Tool

28.Jul.2007 Huge payout for men framed by FBI : A federal judge in Boston has ordered the US government to pay out more than $100m (£50m) in the case of four wrongly convicted men.

28.Jul.2007 Dead Man Walking: Video: A Texas- USA prison prepares for the execution of another young black man. Four leather belts will strap him to a white bed as he waits for the lethal injection. Visitors can stand in an adjacent room and watch through a barred window

28.Jul.2007 Chrysler crisis and the plunge into chaos: ON WEDNESDAY night about midnight, Australian time, the world changed, maybe forever.

28.Jul.2007 07/26/07 What Harry Reid Doesn't Know About His Own Bill - "Exit" Amendment Would Leave Troops in Iraq Indefinitely - By -Tina Richards
I attended the rally on Tuesday night where Speaker Pelosi and Leader Reid discussed how they were going to "end the war" and "bring our troops home" with the Levin-Reed Amendment. When I asked if they meant all the troops, I was quickly told to, "shut up" and muscled aside by security.

28.Jul.2007 Media Spin on Iraq

28.Jul.2007 We’re Leaving (Sort of)- By -Norman Solomon
The matter of U.S. bases in Iraq is a prime example of how events on Capitol Hill have scant effects on war machinery in the context of out-of-control presidential power. “The House voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to bar permanent United States military bases in Iraq,” the New York Times reports. But the war makers in the nation's capital still hold the whip that keeps lashing the dogs of war.

28.Jul.2007 How Truth Slips Down The Memory Hole- By -John Pilger
John Pilger appllies to current events Orwell's description in '1984' of how the Ministry of Truth consigned embarrassing truth to a memory hole. He highlights the killing of a Palestinean cameraman by the Israelis as an example of how "we" are trained to look on the rest of the world as quite unlike ourselves: useful or expendable.

28.Jul.2007 In Case You Missed it: America’s Tomorrow - By -Manuel Valenzuela
If America’s today is any indication of how America’s tomorrow will develop, the past and present must be scrutinized + understood, for in exploring the sins and errors and tribulations and events of days preceding our own time we can peer directly into, as far as we can go, into America’s tomorrow, trying to understand the course our nation is headed towards.

28.Jul.2007 White House warns Saudis over machinations in Iraq: The extent of the deterioration in US-Saudi relations was exposed for the first time today when Washington accused Riyadh of working to undermine the Iraqi government.

28.Jul.2007 Rice, Gates face uphill battle to convince Saudis: A senior State Department official said on Friday Iraq's Sunni Arab neighbors must send an "affirmative" message of support to the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and to Sunni moderates in Iraq.

28.Jul.2007 US readies arms deal with Saudis, eyeing Iran: official: The United States is readying a major arms package for Saudi Arabia with an eye to countering a changing threat from Iran, a senior US defense official said Friday.

28.Jul.2007 U.S. to sell advanced weapons to Saudi Arabia and others: The arms and aid package, which the officials said is to be announced on Monday, is part of a U.S. initiative to reassure worried allies in the Middle East that despite its troubles in Iraq, the United States remains committed to the region. It also is meant to send a signal of resolve to Iran's increasingly confident leaders.

28.Jul.2007 U.S. Outfitting B-2's with Monster Bunker Buster Bombs - Iran May Be Target : The U.S. is retrofitting its B-2 Stealth bombers with massive bunker-buster bombs - a move that could be a prelude to an attack on Iran and its nuclear facilities.

28.Jul.2007 US to fund defense systems for Israel: Congress to vote on DoD budget proposal asking for tens of millions of dollars for development, purchase of new systems to defend Israeli skies against ballistic missiles

28.Jul.2007 Candidates see Iran nuclear threat : "Allowing Iran, a radical theocracy that supports terrorism and openly threatens its neighbors, to acquire nuclear weapons is a risk we cannot take," Democratic Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois said in a letter to the Israel Project, a pro-Israel group that educates the public about Israel and advocates an end to investment in Iran.

28.Jul.2007 Israel urges 'damaging' Iran sanctions: Concerned that the international community is "losing momentum" in its bid to use sanctions to deter Iran's nuclear drive, Israel is now energetically lobbying for the imposition of a new batch of stiffer sanctions that would cause "real damage" to the regime.

28.Jul.2007 Sarkozy "going it alone" again in Libya deal-Germany: France's offer of nuclear cooperation for Libya has sparked outrage in Germany, where lawmakers see it as yet another example of French President Nicolas Sarkozy's "go-it-alone" approach to foreign policy.

28.Jul.2007 Sarkozy says trust Arab states with nuclear power : After agreeing to nuclear cooperation with Libya, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the West should trust Arab states to develop such technology for peaceful purposes or risk a war of civilisations.

28.Jul.2007 Gorbachev: Bush, U.S. Trying to Build Empire: Former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev criticized the United States + current President George W. Bush in particular, on Friday for sowing disorder across the world by seeking to build an empire.

28.Jul.2007 Putin Will Expand Spy Network to Counter `Imbalances' With U.S. : The SVR, one of the intelligence services that replaced the Soviet Union's KGB, will increase its work, primarily through information gathering and analytical support, Putin told security officials in Moscow yesterday.
28.Jul.2007 Four PKK leaders killed in Iraq blast -Turkish TV: Turkey has threatened to carry out a military incursion into neighbouring northern Iraq to crush thousands of PKK rebels they believe use the mountainous region as a base.

28.Jul.2007 Substantial numbers of foreign fighters flowing into Iraq via Syria : A substantial number of the foreign fighters flowing into Iraq via Syria have come from Saudi Arabia + others from Yemen and the Gulf States, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said on Friday during a department briefing.
28.Jul.2007 Pervez, Benazir in secret meet : Speculation intensified today that Pakistan’s embattled President Pervez Musharraf and former Premier Benazir Bhutto will form a power-sharing pact, as television channels reported they met secretly in Abu Dhabi.

28.Jul.2007 Musharraf has sold country for sake of dollars: How can the military rulers stop US and Nato forces from attacking tribal regions of Pakistan since they themselves have been using their army to kill tribal people, he said 28.Jul.2007 Musharraf advised by his close military aides to quit: Report: Though the President did not react to the suggestions, the sources said he might make a decision after his return from an official tour of Saudi Arabia where he's likely to raise this issue with the Saudis in a bid to find "a way out of the political mess without any loss of face".
28.Jul.2007 Dangers of a Cornered George Bush - Applied Psychoanalysis - By -Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity & Dr. Justin Frank
As we watched the pressure build on President Bush, looked toward the additional challenges we expect him to face over the next 18 months + pondered his tendency to disregard the law and the Constitution, we felt very much in need of professional help in trying to estimate what kinds of decisions he is likely to make.

28.Jul.2007 The Threat Of Martial Law Is Real- By -Dave Lindorff
The looming collapse of the US military in Iraq, of which a number of generals and former generals, including former Chief of Staff Colin Powell, have warned, is happening none too soon, as it my be the best hope for preventing military rule here at home.

28.Jul.2007 More Communist Style Secrecy from the Busheviks: "As the Bush administration struggles to convince lawmakers that its Iraq war strategy is working, it has stopped reporting to Congress a key quality-of-life indicator in Baghdad: how long the power stays on." Say, What? Are the Busheviks Cribbing from the Soviet Playbook?
The BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week is Coy Privette. At Least This GOP Perv Who Headed the North Carolina Christian Action League Had the Southern Gallantry to Pay for His Prostitute's Hotel Room. Who Said Chivalry is Dead?

28.Jul.2007 It Appears, Contrary to the Original Bushevik Propaganda, Pat Tillman May Have Been Shot by One of His Unit Members at Close Range in the Forehead (BuzzFlash Correction). If so, this is called "fragging" in the military, also known as murder. The Pentagon covered up these strong possibilities. Why? Pat Tillman had apparently turned against the Iraq War. Questions abound.

28.Jul.2007 Summary of Gonzales's Wednesday Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee: "I'm Untouchable. I'm Protected. I Can Say Whatever Dumbass Lies I Want to, Because I'm George Bush's Consigliere + a Made Man. In Short, Senators: Eat Sh*t." 7/27
"Impeach the Bastards" Fridge Magnet. A Magnet Whose Time Has Come.
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
"Nine months after Republicans were routed in the midterm elections, campaign observers, K Street lobbyists and political experts say there is little evidence the party can rebound 00.000.2008." 7/27
FBI director Robert S. Mueller contradicts Alberto Gonzales' sworn Senate testimony. Meanwhile, the Dems in Congress Start Standing up for the Constitution by Issuing Subpoenas to Better Disclose the Widespread Illegal Activities of the White House. 7/27

28.Jul.2007 Pay Attention to the Farm Bill - It Will Affect Us All -- A BuzzFlash Reader Contribution
Barbara's Daily BuzzFlash Minute for July 27, 2007

27.Jul.2007 Nahost: Fatah von Präsident Abbas will gewaltsamen Widerstand beenden
20041031 Award-winning filmmaker Jehane Noujaim ( ) provides a balanced view ...

Oct. 2000 USA destroyer, USS Cole, slipped into Aden for a refuelling stop ...
Think Progress » Gonzales Raises Questions For Andy Card To Answer
One of Rove’s preferred tactics is smearing an EOB (E.nemy of B.ush) by ...
My guess is their Skull and Bones brotherhood had a lot to do with what went ...
??? - Paul Starobin: Sultan of the Steppes

... channels to publicize what they refer to, in PR-savvy style, as " Kazakh-gate ." ... stuffing $50 bills into the charity box of a synagogue in Almaty.
20070404 IFN - Manhattan Judge Rules On Pre-Trial Motions In “ Kazakhgate ... The Wall Street Journal has reported that former Kazakh Prime Minister .

27.Jul.2007 US- Derivate- Börse: ISE- Aktionäre stimmen Kauf durch Deutsche Börse zu
27.Jul.2007 Grenzwerte- Streit: Europas Autochefs bekriegen sich wegen CO2- Zielen (Wirtschaft)
27.Jul.2007 Experimental- Jet: Flug- Rochen absolviert ersten Testflug
27.Jul.2007 Konjunktur: US- Wirtschaft gewinnt an Fahrt

Australiens berühmte Megafauna - bestehend aus unterschiedlichen Arten großer Landsäugetiere - verschwand etwa zur selben Zeit, als der über die südostasiatischen Inseln zugewanderte Mensch den Kontinent eroberte.

Megafauna - bis der Mensch kam

Nun hofft Archer, dass in den Jenolan-Höhlen noch weitere Überreste von Tieren aus dem Pleistozän gefunden werden. Dieses Erdzeitalter begann vor rund 1,8 Millionen Jahren und endete vor zirka 11.500 Jahren.
Aus dem All wird das ganze Ausmaß der extremen Trockenheit sichtbar: In Montenegro brennt es, in Serbien brennt es, in Albanien brennt es. Auch in Griechenland, Mazedonien und Bulgarien zeugen Rauchfahnen von den Brandherden im zundertrockenen Wald.

Noch immer herrscht in Griechenland und Mazedonien in manchen Gegenden Ausnahmezustand: Die Griechen haben die Wälder im Norden ihres Landes unter ständige Beobachtung gestellt - um weiteren Feuern vorzubeugen.

Grund für die extreme Trockenheit war sehr heiße Luft aus Afrika, welche die Temperaturen in Europas Südosten weit über 40 Grad Celsius im Schatten steigen ließ. Schon ohne Feuersbrunst war dies verhängnisvoll: Aus Ungarn wurde Anfang der Woche gemeldet, dass die Hitzewelle dort bislang 500 Menschen das Leben gekostet hat.
27.Jul.2007 KW- Pannen: Vattenfall klagt über unsachliche Debatte und Millionenkosten
27.Jul.2007 CSU- Politiker Söder zur Wertedebatte: "Wir wollen doch nicht zurück in die fünfziger Jahre"

27.Jul.2007 Flughafen Heathrow: Präventivschlag gegen Umwelt- Proteste
27.Jul.2007 Mojave- Wüste: Rakete explodiert auf Weltraumbahnhof - drei Tote
27.Jul.2007 Börsen- Knick: Dax- Verfall alarmiert Analysten

27.Jul.2007 Netzwelt- Ticker: Franzosen beneiden Briten um Videoüberwachung
27.Jul.2007 Alleingang in Libyen: Sarkozys Atomdeal mit Gaddafi erzürnt deutsche Politik

27.Jul.2007 Afghanistan: Dutzende Zivilisten sollen bei Luftangriff getötet worden sein (Politik)

Washington - US-Justizminister Albert Gonzales gerät wegen seiner unter Eid geleisteten Aussage zu einem umstrittenen Abhörprogramm der US-Regierung immer mehr in Bedrängnis. Nachdem gestern bereits bekannt wurde, dass eine schriftliche Stellungnahme des früheren US-Geheimdienstkoordinators John Negroponte den Aussagen Gonzales' widerspricht, lässt nun auch das Zeugnis von FBI-Direktor Robert S. Mueller Zweifel an der Wahrhaftigkeit des Ministers aufkommen.

"Er äußert Halbwahrheiten, nur einen Teil der Wahrheit oder alles andere als die Wahrheit", sagte Charles E. Schumer, Senator für den Staat New York. Ohne die Inhalte von Muellers Aussage zu kennen, hatten er und drei weitere demokratische Senatoren bereits gefordert, einen Sonder-Untersuchungsausschuss einzusetzen, der wegen eventuellen Meineids gegen Gonzales ermitteln soll.

Der Rechtsausschuss des Senats hat unterdessen zwei weitere Zeugen vorgeladen: Karl Rove, politischer Berater im Weißen Haus + J. Scott Jennings, ein weiterer Mitarbeiter des Präsidenten, sollen zu der umstrittenen Entlassung von Bundesanwälten aussagen, die Gonzales zu verantworten hatte. Das Weiße Haus hat frühere Forderungen in diese Richtung stets strikt zurückgewiesen.
US- Lauschangriff: FBI- Direktor stellt Justizminister Gonzales bloß
27.Jul.2007 Riesen- Beuteltier: Australier finden Kiefer eines Zwei- Tonnen- Wombats
27.Jul.2007 Trotz Wirtschaftsboom: Realeinkommen sinken - Einkaufslust bleibt
27.Jul.2007 USA: Unschuldig Verurteilte werden mit hundert Millionen Dollar entschädigt
27.Jul.2007 Schmiergeldskandal: Siemens- Manager boykottieren Aufklärung (Wirtschaft)
27.Jul.2007 "Simpsons"- Wissenschaftsmomente: Barts Komet
27.Jul.2007 The Pilots and the Planes: Part 2

I have a puzzle for you to solve. It comes in two parts.

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Democratic Underground Forums - Printer friendly page, topic ID ...

I have a puzzle for you to solve. It comes in two parts. First open up the FAA N-number registry ...

The answer can be found on the FAA N-number registry.
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0792 Report: The German Economic Puzzle .

24.Oct.1919 .2pp. ... 0512 Report: America and the German-French Industry Alliance. March 14, 1928.4pp. ...



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May 2006 Neptune's kidnap puzzle 'cracked' Scientists put forward the idea that ... 0512 .html
20060603 Bout was reported by the UN to be using Flying Dolphin Air - Another player in that scandal was Russian-Israeli mobster Arkady Gaydamak ...
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Gaydamak + Jacques Monsieur. For them, war is big business.

Bout, nicknamed “the merchant of. death” by one British government ...
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00.Apr.1999 The first indictment, handed down in- dealt with Gaydamak's ... to Bout + Vab Impex, the company implicated in the Falcone/Gaydamak arms ...
Profits of doom. (In Box).(arms traffickers)(Brief Article ...

War is hell, but not for men like Victor Bout, Tim Spicer, Arcadi Gaydamak + Jacques Monsieur. For them, war is big business. ...

Sharjah was a base of operations for Viktor Bout ’s Air Cess operations, ...

Another player in that scandal was Russian-Israeli mobster Arkady Gaydamak, ...

Another player in that scandal was Russian-Israeli mobster Arkady Gaydamak, who is tied into an ...

RFI - Trafic d''armes - Le règne des marchands de mort Il a ses «vedettes», Arcadi Gaydamak, Victor Bout, Pierre Falcone, et incidemment Charles Taylor.

Il a aussi ses hommes de l'ombre, comme l'homme d'affaire ...
RFI - Trafic d''armes - Profession : trafiquant Bout fournirait également des véhicules, des uniformes, des munitions et du fuel aux rebelles. ...

Il a pour associé Arcadi Gaydamak .

00.000.1970 -Dans les années- ...

From his base in Sharjah in the Gulf, Bout was servicing Ariana Afghan ... Another player in that scandal was Russian-Israeli mobster Arkady Gaydamak, ...
The Yorkshire Ranter The warrants for Pierre Falcone and Arkadi Gaydamak (yes, that's the one whose son ...

The evidence of Chichakli's association with Liberia and Sergei Bout, ...
The Yorkshire Ranter At the time, Viktor Bout had a lucrative operation flying fuel to locations in Angola, ...

+ the arms dealers Arkadi Gaydamak and Pierre Falcone.

One of the more prominent mercenary providers has been Viktor Bout, ... gun running like Arcadi Gaydamak, who enriched himself and others in Angola, Russia, ...
International Arms Trade on Squidoo Victor Anatoliyevich Bout : Victor Bout is the poster boy for a new generation of ... Gaydamak remains in Israel hiding from an international arrest warrant.
Did Jewish Diamond Merchants, Israeli Arm Smugglers and Jewish ...

Leviev's partner, Arkadi Gaydamak, is wanted for smuggling over $500000000 ... There is a link between Bout and Semyon Mogilevitch of Netanyah, Israel, ...
Did Jewish Diamond Merchants, Israeli Arm Smugglers + Jewish ... Leviev's partner, Arkadi Gaydamak, is wanted for smuggling over $500000000 ...

Bout is living in one of his huge estates somewhere in Russia. he maintains ...
Guardian Unlimited: Sport blog: Mourinho happy to leave beautiful ... But we are running on blood money - that of Arkady Gaydamak and his close ... and only a bout 25 entities own more than 100 shares in the club,' the ...
27.Jul.2007 Business of war Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc. The IRE ... intelligence files on reputed Russian arms trafficker Victor Bout ; and investigators' files in the prosecution of alleged arms dealer Arcadi Gaydamak .
27.Jul.2007 Undermining Global Security: the European Union's arms exports In November 1993, Pierre Falcone and Arcadi Gaydamak had allegedly helped ... by former KGB officer Viktor Bout - to ship illegal arms to Sierra Leone.
27.Jul.2007 User Posts *Let's see if Victor Bout ,Leviev, Gaydamak ,Shnitzer,Gertler and Bah want to tangle with F/A-18 Hornets. You left out Docberg, Happystein, Bashfulman, ...
Conflict Blotter — News, analysis and original reporting on the ...

By attacking pork, Gaydamak not only bolsters his political bona fides among ... I think a part of it was published and all the people knew and bout it, ...
John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic ...

Sharjah was a base of operations for Viktor Bout's Air Cess operations, ... Another player in that scandal was Russian-Israeli mobster Arkady Gaydamak, ...
[Paradis Fiscaux et Judiciaires] : L'ANGOLAGATE

Un bout de mafia russe Jusqu’ici, la mafia russe évoluait très ... étaient des partenaires privilégiés d’Arcadi Gaydamak - principale figure d’une opération ...
Un témoignage éclaire les dessous des ventes d’armes à l’Angola ...

Falcone et Gaydamak auraient créé, avec la complicité des dirigeants angolais ... Un bout de mafia russe · Les comptes au Luxembourg du président Dos Santos ...
ftr23532's Journal

Arkady Gaydamak - who has gained a degree of popularity in Israel with a series of ... (For more on the most mysterious and important Bout empire, ...
Survie France L’on pourrait encore remarquer que Gaydamak s’était associé à une sommité du ... tel l’ex-kégébiste Victor Bout, qui bénéficia de complicités belges.
00.Mai 2001 Billets d’Afrique Numéro 92 - View as HTML
Il aurait donc un pedigree proche de celui de Gaydamak, ce qui pourrait ... même que les transporteurs (dont l’inévitable Victor Bout ) et les financiers.

27.Jul.2007 The Center for Public Integrity - Archives WASHINGTON,

20.Nov.2002Victor Bout's air cargo companies shipped ... WASHINGTON,

13.Nov.2002 — Arcadi Gaydamak claims to be among the five ...
Making a Killing - The Center for Public Integrity

... of Israeli entrepreneurs Lev Leviev and Arcadi Gaydamak in Angola. ... André Verlöy - tracked the worldwide network of Russian arms dealer Victor Bout . ...
African News Analysis: 4/1/07 - 4/8/07

Falcone and Gaydamak are both abroad. They have argued that their business ... GOP right-wing and Viktor Bout's African client, President Yahya Jammeh. ...
009-104 Dossier M21 de l’iceberg financier russe – dont Khordokovsky, sa Menatep et Gaydamak ... kégébiste Victor Bout, qui bénéficia de complicités belges. Mais l’organi- ... ID_NUMPUBLIE=MOUV_021&ID_ARTICLE=MOUV_021_0041

27.Jul.2007 Côte d'Azur: L'invasion des nouveaux tsars ... l' «Islette» située au bout du chemin de la mosquée du Cap-d'Antibes.

On y retrouve Arcadi Gaydamak mais, également, Sergueï Rubinstein, ...ôte_d'azur_nouveaux_tsars.htm
AFRIQUES en LUTTE: TRAFICS D’ARMES - Au coeur d'un système néocolonial

Aller jusqu'au bout des enquêtes, c'est remettre en cause toute une politique. ... Les avocats de Gaydamak et Falcone, suivis par le parquet, ... -

5. Servicios de corretaje y transporte de armas - View as HTML
de Arcadi Gaydamak, emigrante y hombre de negocios ruso radicado en Israel. ... ciente al ex agente del KGB Viktor Bout, en el transporte de armas ilegales ...

27.Jul.2007 Les défis de Gabriel Enkiri: mars 2006

Avec Gaydamak, probablement lié à la maffia russe, désormais infiltrée en Israël, le quotidien ... ils pourront nous licencier au bout de six mois, un an !

Arkady Gaydamak - who has gained a degree of popularity in Israel with a series of ... it was none of than arms-smuggler extraordinaire Victor Bout that was ...

La filière Pasqua- Gaydamak Marchiani-Falcone, le rôle de Wang, l'intermédiaire dans ... autrement dit pour l'enfumer et l'empêcher d'aller jusqu'au bout .
Premiership relegation battle.

Birmingham and West Brom lace up their gloves for this season’s bout of ... With Alexander Gaydamak ’s dubiously-acquired millions now spewing out of
Carmilla on line ® Un esempio di quanto stretti siano tali connessioni è dato dall’opera di personaggi come Viktor Bout, Leonid Minim, Sanjivan Ruprah e Arkadji Gaydamak, ...
Christian Pellerin Au bout du sentier, un mur de pierre aux teintes rosées interdit d'aller ... L'année suivante, le milliardaire Arkadi Gaydamak s'y installe avec sa ...
Pressafrique - ventes d'armes Victor Bout, traficant d'armes notoire en Afrique ... Arcadi Gaydamak, 54 ans, milliardaire russe recherché par la justice française pour des ventes ...

27.Jul.2007 The Terror Trade Times - View as HTML
abroad +

00.000.1996 Viktor Bout's company shipped arms to Afghanistan , ... Pierre Falcone and Arcadi Gaydamak had allegedly helped arrange the sale of ...
Crónica del comercio del terror - Amnistía Internacional En este contexto, cabe señalar que la empresa de Viktor Bout transportó armas a ... En

00.Nov.1993 al parecer, Pierre Falcone y Arcadi Gaydamak ...
Un poisson "préhistorique" capturé en Indonésie - UN MONDE MEILLEUR Arcady Gaydamak, milliardaire russe, mécène ou mafieux ?

Le pêcheur croit rêver en voyant la créature au bout de sa ligne: "C'était un poisson énorme, ...
Handelingen - Annales

Ik heb vernomen dat Lev Leviev banden zou hebben met Victor Bout, die door België ... Er zou ook een relatie zijn geweest met Arkadi Gaydamak, een bekende ... News - International - Israel shamed as tycoon pays ...

Arcadi Gaydamak - whose son Alexandre Gaydamak ... Briefs · A bout of chortle combat · Press baron, bon viveur, peer - and criminal ...
Jean-Christophe Mitterrand disculpé? Certes, Pierre Falcone, Arkadi Gaydamak et le «tiers-mondiste» Jean-Bernard Curial ont été au cœur de ce commerce – destiné, rappelons-le, ...é.html

27.Jul.2007 Mercenari, Private Military Companies e Contractors

Un esempio di quanto stretti siano tali connessioni è dato dall'opera di personaggi come Viktor Bout, Leonid Minim, Sanjivan Ruprah e Arkadji Gaydamak, ...
24 Heures - Depeche detail economie - Economie - Sortie officielle ... lance John Bandur, technicien de Boeing qui porte à bout de bras son petit ...

08H51 Israël: le milliardaire Arcady Gaydamak crée son parti politique ...
L’hebdo - View as HTML
Gaydamak ne vise ni plus ni moins. désormais que le poste de Premier ... avec à l’autre bout . du monde ! Nous. ne reconnaissons. pas la dimension ...
SportVox - le media citoyen ... l’entrepreneur russo-israélien Arcadi Gaydamak, bien connu de la justice ... Je pense que si les titres arrivent au bout de la saison, tout le monde ...
SIPM-CNT Jusqu’au bout mais pas à n’importe quel prix. ... aux promesses d’un homme d’affaires israélo-russe, Arcady Gaydamak, interdit de territoire pour fraude ...
Médecins Sans Frontières - Srebrenica : SREBRENICA

Il a rappelé que les autorités hollandaises ont demandé, jusqu'au bout, ... d'affaire Arcadi Gaydamak (" Gaydamak parle", Libération de mardi 6 mars 2001).
Naissance - accouchement - Faisons avancer les choses !

Son angoisse était palpable, pauvre petit bout . ... reçu en 97 des trafiquants d'armes Arcadi Gaydamak et Pierre Falcone un soutien financier significatif ...
Web  Results 1 - 100 of about 1,260 for "I didn't speak up because I wasn't a" -jew -communist .
The Contrarian » 2005 » January First they came for the Teletubbies, but I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Teletubbie. Thursday, January 20th, 2005 ...
Fwd: I didn't speak up . . . >Then they came to eavesdrop on suspects consulting with their attorneys, >and I didn't speak up because I wasn'ta suspect. >Then they came to prosecute ...
Drew Curtis' -- Archives for '2006-10-22 23:59:59' The Register, Asinine,

First they came for the beer drinkers + I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Farker, (36) · (Some Receding Hairline), Dumbass ...
Nuclear is Our Future

First they came for the biologists + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a biologist. Then they came for the astronomers + I didn't speak up because I ... - tourist's Profile First they came for the Muslims + I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Muslim. Than they came for immigrants, detaining them indefinately, ...
Canadian Journal of Communication - Vol. 29, No. 1 (2004)

Then they came for the smokers but I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a smoker: Legislation and tobacco use. Canadian Psychology, 28(3), 259-265. ...
Re: Maybe I wasn't clear enough... EVERYTHING CUREZONE STANDS FOR ... First they came for the Muslims + I didn't speak up because I wasn'ta Muslim.

Then they came to detain immigrants indefinitely solely upon the ...
April 7, 1993 - View as HTML
And it goes as follows. They came first for the government employees, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a government employee. They came next ...
Untitled Document First they came for the Muslims + I didn't speak up because I wasn'ta Muslim. Then they came for the immigrants, detaining them indefinitely solely on ...

My Editorials <br/><p>Then they trampled on the rights of business owners and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’ta business owner.<br/>Then they came for the social ...
Change Ft Wayne: My Editorials Then they trampled on the rights of business owners and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’ta business owner. Then they came for the social drinkers and I ...
?? and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a ... 2007-6-2 15:47:09 ...
News-Sentinel | 06/20/2007 | Letters to the editor

First John Crawford and the health Nazis came for the smokers and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’ta smoker. Then they trampled on the rights of business ...
TCL - Speak Up For Freedom - September 2002 - CBA President's ... First they came for the Muslims and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’ta Muslim.

Then they came for the immigrants detaining them indefinitely solely upon ...
Lijpe Loetje: Gedichten/Spreuken/Teksten and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a terrorist. Then they came for the foreigners + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a foreigner. ...
Illuminati News: Terror Trials on Trial They came first for the Palestinians and I didn't speak up because I wasn'ta Palestinian. Then they came for the Afghans and I didn't speak up because I ...
NewStandard: 8/22/96 They could have done more for the veterans, but I didn't speak up because I wasn'ta veteran. They bad-mouthed legal immigrants, people of all different ...
G-ETHIC Archives -- August 2002, week 1 (#2) Then they came to eavesdrop on suspects consulting with their >> attorneys + I didn't speak up because I wasn'ta suspect. ...
G-ETHIC Archives -- August 2002, week 2 (#1) attorneys + I didn't speak up because I wasn'ta suspect. > > Then they came to prosecute non-citizens before secret military ...
Food &Health Skeptic: May 2007 Then they took the marijuana + I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a pothead. Then they took the tobacco + I didn't speak up, because I didn't smoke. ... on 2007 July: Reviews, forums, news, maps, faqs ... Thenthey went after the journalists but I didn't speak up because I wasn'ta journalist. Then the Scientologists went after the Christians but I didn'tspeak ...,54163,Tilman_Hausherr.html Forums - Signs Before the Day of Judgement. A Must ... First, they came for the Muslims + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Muslim. Then, they came for immigrants detaining them indefinitely, ...
openYOUReyes - lifting the veil but I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a home grown terrorists. Then they came for the protesters + the demonstrators + civil rights activists, ...
Swinging Couples Then they came for the trade unionists + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Although the swinging community is unfortunately not always ...

27.Jul.2007The March For Justice Then they came to prosecute non citizens before secret military commissions + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a noncitizen.
Alternative Tentacles - News Then they came to eavesdrop on suspects consulting with their attorneys and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a suspect.
The Hideout - Rants "In America, they first came for the hackers + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a hacker. Then they came for DeCSS + I didn't speak up because I ...
RJ Eskow: Big Heat in Toontown - Politics on The Huffington Post

Then they came for Harvey Birdman, Attorney-at-Law, but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a winged law-practicing superhero.
RJ Eskow - Politics on The Huffington Post First they came for the Aqua Teen Hunger Force, but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a crimefighting fast food item.
Common Cents by Mark Loundy - The Digital Journalist and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Time Magazine staffer.

Then they came for the AP freelancers + I didn't speak up because I wasn't an AP ...
Re: Anyone Know When Godwin kilfiled Sims, I didn't speak up because I wasn't a programmer. > When Godwin kilfiled Greenberg, I didn't speak up because I wasn't a lawyer. Profile For setcaptivesfree: Reviews But I didn't speak up because I wasn't a member of The Evangelical Church denomination or the National Association of Evangelicals.
The Curt Jester: Free Pigia Then they came for the three little pigs + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a member of their household. Then they came for Piglet + I didn't speak ...
NineOneOne.NL - Free Online Mediatheque - 911 and everything ... First they came for the Moslims + I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Moslim. Then they came for immigrants, detaining them indefinitely, solely on the ...
Keene Free Press - Ode to the Military Commissions Act of 2006 and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist from Egypt. Then they did a forced, secret transfer to Syria of an Italian winemaker, ...
Informed Comment Then they came for Monica Goodling + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a crazed zealot hellbent on destroying the rule of law.
Edland: First they came... and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a binge drinker. Then they came for the fast food eaters + I didn’t speak up, because I ate healthily.
STAHL: 'Friendly' fascists have traded scowls for smiles - Opinion When they first came for the smokers, I didn't speak up because I wasn't a smoker. Then they came for the gamblers, but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a ...
No Angst zone: March 2006 Here is it: "When they first came for the smokers, I didn't speak up because I wasn't a smoker. Then they came for the gamblers, but I didn't speak up ...
Bucking the trend (Metro Times Detroit) Then they came for the Muslims + I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Muslim. Then they came for those who opposed the president’s perpetual war, ...
Metro Times Detroit - Archives Then they came for the Muslims + I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Muslim. Then they came for those ... [more] ...
Don't worry. Everything is getting nicely out of control... and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a smoker. Then they came for the Muslims + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Muslim. ...
The LiveJournal Fanfiction Battle of 2007 and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a fanfic writer. Then they came for the Naruto fans + I didn't speak up because I like One Piece.
UltraRob's Adventures: Trail Access in Pike/San Isabel National ... First they came for the Mountain Bikers + I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Mountain Biker. Then they came for the Pack Animals + I didn’t speak ...
Tiki Central Forums - Topic: Save Hala Kahiki from Condo madness commissions + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a non-citizen. Then they came to enter homes and offices for unannounced "sneak and ...
The Devil's Advocate: Bring on the veggie baconFirst they came for the car drivers + I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a car driver. Then they came for the smokers + I didn’t speak up because I ...
A-list message, [A-List] Fw: Then They Came for Me/Rwanda ... Then they came to eavesdrop on suspects consulting with their attorneys + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a suspect. Then they came to prosecute ...
Freedom Nation: Doctors call for 'fat tax' on Coca-Cola and Pepsi and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a hunter. Then they came for the guns + I didn't speak up because I didn't own one. ...
" VALHALLA " and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a foreigner. Then they came for the Arab-Americans + I didn't speak up because I wasn't Arab-American.
Peacework Back Issues | Short Takes Then they came to eavesdrop on suspects consulting with their attorneys + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a suspect.
Sic Transfat Gloria Mundi: Keep the government out of my clogged ... Then they took the marijuana + I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a pothead.

Then they took the tobacco + I didn’t speak up, because I didn’t smoke. ...
Margaret Cho UnInvited from DNC Event - TalkLeft: The Politics Of ...

Then they came for Linda Ronstadt + I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a chubby hispanic with a closet full of gold records. ...
Weekly Update 2-28-2007 - Oregon AFL-CIO First they came for the manufacturing jobs + I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a factory worker.

Then they came for the administrative jobs, ...
Book Review
Then they came for the trade unions + I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics. I was a Protestant and so I ...
American Politics Journal -- Talkin' About the F-Word (Redux)

First, they came for the terrorists + I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a terrorist. Then they came for the foreigners + I didn't speak up, ... - Breaking News poll ... then they came for the boxers but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a boxer, then they came for the cartoonists and I didn't speak up because I ...
Talking About the F-Word (Redux), by Bernard Weiner - Democratic ...

And I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a terrorist. Then they came for the foreigners + I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a foreigner. ...
Alphecca: PETA Now Defending Cockroaches Then they came for the horses asses, but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Republican.

Then they came for the cockroaches and I didn't speak up because I ...
Slog: Comment on Cigarettes: Safe, Legal + Rare

First, they came for the smokers, but I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a smoker... Posted by COMTE | October 26, 2006 4:20 PM ...
overview by George-Wya-Boosh (on "Then they came for the terrorist in America + I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a terrorist." They're still running free too, in the Bush admin.
april 2003 defender - View as HTML
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a . Muslim. Then they came to detain immi-. grants indefinitely solely upon the Cer- ...
Al-Ahram Weekly | Reader's corner Then they came for the protestors + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a protestor.

Then they came for me + by that time no one was left to speak up.
The Crazy Years A Quote to Consider: When they took the 5th Amendment, I didn't speak up because I wasn't a criminal. When they took the 4th Amendment, I didn't speak up ...
It's a lekker world: June 2006First they came for the Muslims + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Muslim..” Dis nie lekker nie. posted by Annie at 2:49 PM 0 comments ...
It's a lekker world: MORE SOCIAL GUILTFirst they came for the Muslims + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Muslim..” Dis nie lekker nie. posted by Annie at 2:49 PM ...
Schadenfreude Central and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Musketeer. Then they came for the Ancient Greeks and Romans + I didn't speak up because I was neither Ancient ...
Looking For The Next Best Thing They first came for the trade unionists + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they for the ravers + I didn't speak up because I ...
The Volokh Conspiracy - University of Wisconsin Suspends Ban on ... And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Resident Assistant giving Bible studies in my dorm room. Then, they came for Christmas. ...
Paradise Lost - Hap Clark Then they demonized the Hispanics and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Hispanic. Then they demonized down-islanders and I didn't speak up because I was ...
Nemeton: June 2005 and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a traveller. Then they came for the asylum-seekers, [3] and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't an asylum-seeker.
Independent Gay Forum - Beyond SpongeBob. Then they came for Tinky Winky + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Teletubby. Then they came for me..." Yes, to our eyes, James Dobson, ...
We’re back to martial law, part II -, Philippine News ... Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. And then they came for the Catholics and I didn’t speak up ...
Fridaycities - The Thursday Interview... Andy Beaumont... Version 2.0 First they came for the clay pigeons + I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a clay pigeon… Speaking of easy murder, which two animals would combine to ...
April 18, 2004 First it came for the canaries and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a canary. Then it came for the snail darters, Xerxes butterflies, owls... and I ...
ROCKING THE BOAT "In America, the Corporations first outsourced the software engineers + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a software engineer.

She Who Has Pissed In Your Wheaties Then they came for freedom of religion + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a member of an unpopular sect like the Branch Davidians. ...
German parliament pondering crackdown on violent video games ... When they came for the computer games I didn't speak up because I wasn't a computer gamer. When they came for the xbox games, I didn't speak up because I ...
stone: Interesting Arbitrage Illegal, Illicit in AG's Eyes and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Frank Quattrone. Then they came for me - and by that time no one was left to speak up. ...
DMCA, Black Friday - where we stand + what we are doing about it. To paraphrase Pastor Martin Niemoeller's prose describing the time of the Nazis, "They came for Dmitry Sklyarov + I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a ...
Things I Know I Know: November 2002 Archives First they came for the Muslims + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Muslim. Then they came to detain immigrants indefinitely solely upon the ...
BlameBush!: Bush Kicks Pluto Out of Solar System and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Practitioner of The Religion of Peace...although I should have been, except for all that religious stuff and the ...
BlameBush!: 1 Down, 224999999 Christians to Go To hell with that crap they came for the Catholics and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Catholic, then when they came for me there was no one left. ...
Quest for Liberty First, they came for the terrorists + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a terrorist. Then they came for the foreigners + I didn't speak up because I ...
Record Winter 2005 And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Muppet. Then they came for Tinky Winky. And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a TellyTubby. Then they came for . Thunder And Roses: April 2007 To paraphrase Martin Niemoeller, "At first they came for the roads, but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a road." Well, here's your chance to be a ...
Opinions You Should Have - Comment on Experts Say Latest Gallup ...

First the Nazis came for Dan Rather + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a journalist... Posted by The Birdy Movie at September 27, 2004 05:56 AM.
Barry Beyerstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hadaway, P.F. & Beyerstein, B.L. (1987) They came for the smokers but I didn't speak up because I wasn’t a smoker: Legislation and tobacco use. ...
Yumi Kikuchi’s Blog and Podcast: Loose Change 2 Japanese Version DVD First they came for the Muslims + I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Muslim. Then they came for immigrants, detaining them indefinitely, solely upon a ...
Enemy of the State, Or, What Does Puffy Combs Have in Common with ... but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a cartoonist. Then they came for me, but there wasn't anybody left to speak up, because all the cartoonists were in ...
Speak Up › Duck l'brand First they came for the Typesetters + I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Typesetter. Then they came for the Illustrators + I didn’t speak up, ...
Downing Street Says...: Natwest 3 First they came for the City Fat Cats + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a City Fat Cat ... Posted by Simon Robinson on 11 Jul 2006 08:45 | Link ...
Guardian Unlimited: Arts blog - books: The Death of the Book, Again Then they digitised the comix + I didn’t speak up because I wasn't a comic geek. Then they digitised the toilet-shelf books + I didn’t speak up ...
interview: fark's drew curtis » Badmouth and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Asshat. Then they came for the Neocons and I didn’t speak up because I was a Democrap. Then they ...
Technique - 2003-02-14 OUR VIEWS Hot or Not. Goodbye class... Bill not treated properly. “First they came for the Communists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Com...
Slashdot | Microsoft, Sue Me First First they came for the Hackers + I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Hacker. Then they came for Novell + I didn't speak up, because I don't use ...
Slashdot | IBM to Help UAE Track Drivers on the Road When they came for the speeders, I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a speeder. When they came for the Arabs, i didn't speak up, because I wasn't an Arab. ...
Ironic Times - May 14, 2007 REMINDER. First they came for Paris Hilton + I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Hilton. Bush Presses Iraqi Parliament to Cancel Summer Vacations ... Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > Is Philly the Next New York? Then they came for the swollen livered overfed ducks and geese and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a gourmand.... Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > Knives Don't Kill People... First they came for the knifes and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a knave... mediageek | November 17, 2006,
Chestnut Hill Notebook: Prozac nation I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Muslim. Then they came for the mentally ill. Then I started to take things personally.
FoRK Archive: Re: CA Proposition 6 They came first for the horse-eaters + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a horse-eater... (Apologies to Martin Niemoeller.)
Speak Free! The Reverend Martin Niem ller was also imprisoned here and famously wrote: "First they came for the Communists and I didn't speak up, because I wasn'ta .
skippy the bush kangaroo first they came for the dixie chicks + i didn't speak up because i wasn't a musician and didn't like country music.
Keep and Bear Arms - Gun Owners Home Page - 2nd Amendment Supporters ...

Pastor Martin Niemoeller, musing as the Nazis hauled him away: "When they came for the gun owners I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a gun owner ..." Comments on 8112 | MetaFilter ... because I wasn't Jewish; when they came for the gypsies, I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a gypsy; when they came for (and so on and so on.
Schiavo--life and death? | MetaFilter

Then they came for the right to choose + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a woman. Then they came for Muslim-Americans, but I didn't speak up because I ...
La Voz Colorado - Discrimination against anyone diminishes us allFirst they came for the Communists + I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a ... 1 | 2 | Next ->. > Home > Commentary/Comentario > Discrimination ...

01.Feb.2000 Second Amendment newsletter ... Pastor Martin Niemoeller, musing as the Nazis hauled him away: "When they came for the gun owners I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a gun owner..." ...

Jul.2004 update to Pastor Niemöller: First they came for the Dixie Chicks + I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a musician and I don’t like country music ...
Daily Kos :: Diaries When they rounded up and deported the Muslim, Arab and South Asian immigrants, I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Muslim, an Arab or a South Asian.
Booman Tribune ~ Diaries and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a robot... On

18.Apr.---- the sleepy college town of Kutztown, PA, became the setting for a heated clash between ...
Four counties selected for national drug court training Courts ... - View as HTML
First they came for the Muslims + I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Muslim. Then they came for the immigrants, detaining them indefinitely solely on ..
NHS trust to warn smokers: no surgery until you quit - Times Online

First they came for the smokers + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a smoker... I'm just thankful we have no such abomination as the NHS in our country.
Gapers Block : Fuel : Smoking Ban? That whole "when they came for the smokers, I didn't speak up because I wasn't a smoker" trope is not as overwrought as you might think.
New "Drugs and Terrorism" Bill - Prison Talk Then they came to eavesdrop on suspects consulting with their attorneys + I didn't speak up because I wasn'ta suspect.

Then they came to prosecute ...
The Contrarian » 2003 » December In the US they came first for the factory workers + I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a factory worker… Sunday, December 28th, 2003 ...
Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » More News On America’s ...

Then they came to eavesdrop on suspects consulting with their attorneys + I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a suspect.
E able 1 - View as HTML
I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Muppet. Then they. came for Tinky Winky. And I didn’t speak up because I was-. n’t a Telly-Tubby.
Dad29 Then they came for Miss Piggy, but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Muppet. Then they came for me...By that time there was no one to speak up for anyone ...
••• Coreg ••• "Buy Coreg 6.25 mg, 56 tablets only $59.95" (heart ... Lose eight, keep away from tyke rich foods + I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade threadworm. This can be tough to take COREG for? .

Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy: April 2007 I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Muslim. Then they came for the mentally ill. Then I started to take things personally. Lambert at Correntewire smells ...


Glen Davis’ father is not only described as Conrad Black’s early mentor, but he also sat at the nexus between the 34-year-old Black’s growing web of private companies and the public companies he was rapidly becoming invested in. Nelson Davis was not only Black’s senior by 42 years, he was by far the wealthier of the two men.

With Nelson Davis in charge of Hollinger through his chairman-ship of Argus, Black enticed to the board of Hollinger such right-wing luminaries as Henry Kissinger and Richard Perle. Perle also was hired by Black as president of Hollinger Digital, a subsidiary of Hollinger Inc. Black has been closely associated with many other men besides these who were also intimately involved in the criminal presidency of Richard Nixon, about whom Black has recently released a sympathetic biography. He also rose to a seat on the steering committee of the notorious Bilderberg Group.

Dad’s business

Glen Davis picked up where his father left off 00.000.1979, after he died of a poolside heart attack in Arizona.

A secretive man

Davis was shot in the basement garage of the building housing WWF Canada, immediately after a meeting in WWF offices. The man who called Davis’ father his mentor, Conrad Black, is currently on trial in Chicago on embezzlement charges arising from the intricate financial relationship between Hollinger, Argus + Ravelston that Black set up with Glen Davis’ father as his guide and mentor 30 years ago.

Police say they have no leads in the murder of Glen Davis + no motive. He has been honoured by leading environmental organiza-tions for his largesse, but was said to be a very secretive man.
WWF Canada - Monte Hummel, WWF -Canada’s President Emeritus, worked closely with Glen Davis for more than three decades. Please read his recollections of Glen.
WWF Canada - Glen Davis at the Firth River, Yukon. © WWF -Canada. I first met Glen nearly forty years ago, 00.000.1969, when a small radical band of us were founding ... wwf .ca/tribute/tribute.asp

27.Jul.2007 Western - While police continue to hunt for his killer, philanthropist Glen Davis is ... of nearly 40 years in an open letter yesterday on the WWF -Canada's website.
Slain philanthropist never fearful of safety, friends say - Glen Davis was a millionaire environmentalist who liked giving his money away ... a parking garage after a routine lunch meeting with an official from WWF . ...
Police seek man in death of millionaire - Glen Davis was a low-profile conservation philanthropist ... reportedly finished a meeting with an official from WWF Canada, which has benefited from Mr. ...
London Free Press - City & Region - Killing of rich ... - Glen Davis steered millions of dollars into nature conservation organizations. ... WWF is fortunate because Davis fortuitously left "a couple of years' ...

27.Jul.2007 Newstin - World Wildlife Fund (WWF) - Glen Davis, 66, died after being shot in the underground parking garage of a ... Meeting Energy Demand And Stopping Global Warming Both Possible, WWF S . ...

27.Jul.2007 The Late Glen Davis Was No Ordinary... [Conspiracy] - [] Wwf Basement Garage Shot Philip Prince. ... The late Glen Davis was no ordinary philanthropist. wwf basement garage shot philip prince ...

27.Jul.2007 News Archive | Canadian Sport News Online | - Glen Davis and his wife Mary Alice, who lived in Toronto, gave generously to such charities as the WWF, The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation, ...
27.Jul.2007 Wwf - Tags -

The $20 million commitment from The Coca-Cola Company to WWF will be used to hel … ... Glen Davis was a quiet, private multimillionaire who gave millions of ...
Article Detail - Sort ASC - Obit: Lauded Canadian Conservationist Glen Davis Slain ... he really believed in the work of the World Wildlife Fund ( WWF )," said friend Sonja Bata, ...

27.Jul.2007 Media Advisory: WWF-Canada Tribute to Philanthropist Glen Davis ... - TORONTO, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - May 23, 2007) - WWF -Canada has posted a tribute on wwf .ca to long-time supporter and friend, Glen Davis, who was killed on ...
27.Jul.2007 Eco-philanthropist Shot and Killed in Toronto (TreeHugger) -

Glen Davis was a quiet, private multimillionaire who gave millions of dollars to the World ... [6] Comments | Related Tags: glen davis | toronto | wwf ...
Results for "Glen Davis World Wildlife Fund" 100%_
27.Jul.2007 BBN Technologies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -

BBN Technologies (originally Bolt Beranek and Newman) is a high-technology company that ...
BBN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. BBN might refer to:. Bolt, Beranek and Newman, (now known as BBN Technologies), ...
Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc. - Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc . (BBN)

A company in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. They were awarded the original contract to build the ARPANET and have been ...
Smithsonian Speech Synthesis History Project (ss_bbn.htm) - 3508, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc ., Cambridge, MA, Feb 1977. (**** need copy ****) 1979 Schwartz, R., J. Klovstad, J. Makhoul, D. Klatt + V. Zue,"Diphone ...
27.Jul.2007 RFC 757 Bolt Beranek and Newman - RFC 733, The Rand Corporation, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc, Massachussets Institute of Technology, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc ., November, 1977. ...

27.Jul.2007 Computing at Bolt Beranek and Newman: The First 40 Years, Part 1
computing at Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc . (BBN). Our purpose is to present “insider”. accounts of work and life at BBN, especially as ...
Computing at Bolt Beranek and Newman: The First 40 Years, Part 2
puting at Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc . (BBN). The first issue (vol. 27, no. 2) included. accounts of BBN’s founding. Articles in that ...

27.Jul.2007 Neoliberale Geopolitik und Militarisierung, 05.04.2005 ...

Imperialismus beobachten: "Damals wie heute zerfallen die Imperialisten in zwei Gruppen: Die eine strebt nach uneingeschränkter, unilateraler ...
Steuern USA auf Dritten Weltkrieg hin? [Archiv] - ... nach aussen wird immer unilateraler, arroganter, aggressiver agiert....die Befürchtung, ... Stoppt den US- Imperialismus jetzt, bevor es zu spät ist! ...
27.Jul.2007 Chirac droht Terror-Staaten mit Atomwaffen - Seite 11 - Esoterik-Forum Unilateraler Angriff mit Atomwaffen – das ist aus denselben Gründen, ... sondern es geht ausschliesslich um den amerikanischen Imperialismus .
27.Jul.2007 Thomas Binger, Die neue Weltordnung und der Krieg gegen den Irak ... ist für Negri und Hardt auch der klassische Imperialismus am Ende. ... zu einer überwunden geglaubten Form unilateraler Machtpolitik zurückzukehren.
27.Jul.2007 - Dokument aus dem italienischen Knast 1 Dem „präventiven und unendlichen Krieg“ des Imperialismus entgegentreten ... Nachdem die USA mit unilateraler Initiative 2002 die SALT-Vertäge gebrochen ...
10.Mär.2003 Imperialismus sans Phrase

Mär.2003 Imperialismus sans Phrase. Endgültiges Ende der spekulativen Philosophie ... und es ist klar, dass ein unilateraler Angriff auf den Irak diesen ... -
Karl Rove, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) welcomes you to the world of subpoenas! 'The evidence shows that senior White House political operatives were focused on the political impact of federal prosecutions and whether federal prosecutors were doing enough to bring partisan voter fraud and corruption cases,' Leahy said. 'It is obvious that the reasons given for the firings of these prosecutors were contrived as part of a cover-up and that the stonewalling by the White House is part and parcel of that same effort.'
The BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week is Coy Privette. At Least This GOP Perv Who Headed the North Carolina Christian Action League Had the Southern Gallantry to Pay for His Prostitute's Hotel Room. Who Said Chivalry is Dead?

27.Jul.2007 If Only America Were the National Basketball Association, Gonzales Might be History by Now -- A BuzzFlash Editorial
"Impeach the Bastards" Fridge Magnet. A Magnet Whose Time Has Come.
"Nine months after Republicans were routed in the midterm elections, campaign observers, K Street lobbyists and political experts say there is little evidence the party can rebound 00.000.2008." 7/27
FBI director Robert S. Mueller contradicts Alberto Gonzales' sworn Senate testimony. Meanwhile, the Dems in Congress Start Standing up for the Constitution by Issuing Subpoenas to Better Disclose the Widespread Illegal Activities of the White House. 7/27

27.Jul.2007 Do You Want BuzzFlash in Your Mailbox Every Morning? Sign Up Here.
Top 10 reasons Bush's poll numbers make me so happy -- from the author of the Last Chance Democracy Cafe
Summary of Gonzales's Wednesday Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee: "I'm Untouchable. I'm Protected. I Can Say Whatever Dumbass Lies I Want to, Because I'm George Bush's Consigliere + a Made Man. In Short, Senators: Eat Sh*t." 7/26
Pamela Troy: Conservapedia and Augusto Pinochet: The Merits of Mass Murder -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution

In der vergangenen Woche kenterte 180 Kilometer südlich der Kanarischen Inseln ein Flüchtlingsschiff, rund 50 Insassen kamen ums Leben.

Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen spanische Aufnahmezentren für Flüchtlinge:

Sie sollen minderjährige afrikanische Bootsflüchtlinge systematisch misshandeln, auch sexuell.

Madrid - Mindestens in zwei Aufnahmezentren auf Teneriffa und Gran Canaria würden die Kinder übelst misshandelt, kritisiert die Organisation.

Sie würden von den Betreuern geschlagen und tagelang in Zellen eingesperrt, als wären sie Häftlinge, sagte Human-Rights-Watch-Sprecherin Simone Troller. Es gebe auch Fälle von sexuellem Missbrauch.

Die kanarischen Behörden wiesen den Bericht der Organisation zurück. Die Staatsanwaltschaft habe die Vorwürfe bereits untersucht und keinerlei Anhaltspunkte dafür entdeckt
Fehlende Ausrüstung: USA bummeln bei Waffenlieferungen - Kampfkraft der Iraker geschwächt
Schwere Vorwürfe: Flüchtlingskinder werden misshandelt (Panorama)
Schreiber, der die kanadische Staatsbürgerschaft besitzt, hatte in den 80er und 90er Jahren ein verwirrendes Schmiergeldspiel betrieben und gilt als Schlüsselfigur der CDU-Spendenaffäre.

Schreiber hatte dem Gericht demnach versichert, 1993 und 1994 an Mulroney 300.000 Dollar in bar gezahlt zu haben. Im Gegenzug habe ihn der Regierungschef bei der Anbahnung eines Geschäfts unterstützen sollen. DDP

Waffenlobbyist Karlheinz Schreiber (Archivbild): Geld vom Ex-Premier Bei dem Geschäft sei es um die geplante Errichtung einer Fabrik des deutschen Konzerns Thyssen für militärische Panzerfahrzeuge gegangen. Mulroney habe das Verfahren aber nicht wie versprochen vorangetrieben, klagte Schreiber.

US-Finanzminister Henry Paulson sagte in einem Interview, es werde immer Schwankungen am Aktienmarkt geben. Derzeit sei eine "Neubewertung von Risiken auf breiter Front" zu erleben. Es werde noch dauern, bis die Probleme gelöst seien. Mitglieder der Regierung äußern sich nur selten zum Tagesverlauf an den Börsen.

Neueste Zahlen zum US-Immobilienmarkt zeigten, dass die Verkäufe weiter rückläufig sind. Im Juni sank die Zahl verkaufter neuer Eigenheime nach Angaben des US-Handelsministeriums um 6,6 %. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gab die Zahl um 22,3 % nach. Die Investoren an der Wall Street befürchten nach der Einschätzung von Experten, dass diese Tendenz Finanzinstitute dazu bringen könnte, die Konditionen für Kredite zu verschlechtern - die Verfügbarkeit von Krediten gilt aber als Grundlage für Wachstum in der Wirtschaft.
Sicherheitsmängel bei der Nasa: US- Astronauten sollen betrunken ins All gestartet sein

27.Jul.2007 Mojave- Wüste: Rakete explodiert auf Weltraumbahnhof - zwei Tote

27.Jul.2007 Wirtschaftsboom: Politiker fordern Entwicklungshilfe- Stopp für China

Feb.2007 - By -Matt Kjeldsen - Emergency Citizen's Congress Do you want to take America back from the corporations and the power brokers? ...
Sports - PGA World Money List - AOL Sports ... $834007 100 Soren Kjeldsen 18 $793311 101 Davis Love III 17 $789989 102 Matt Kuchar 19 $785776 103 Tim Herron 20 $779906 104 Charl Schwartzel 15 $772720 ...
27.Jul.2007 Homepage der Familie Michael Dumont aus Rees Haldern Niederrhein Josef Dumont Schifffahrtsmann, geb.: 22.11.1843 in Kobern/Mosel ... Lochbaum, Ludwig. Loehrs, Anna-Margaretha. Loehrs, Johann Heinrich ...
2004071516_Report said Lochbaum, David nuclear safety engineer for the Union of Concerned ... Der Sohn des früheren bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten Franz- Josef Strauß habe ...

220403antiwarblogg Baer habe dem Sender gesagt, dass Geheimdienstchef General Tahir Dschalil Habbusch ... und auf deutsch (allerdings distanziere ich mich vom Rest der Seite ...
27.Jul.2007 Was nach der Hamas kommt - Von Dahlan selbst hat man länger nichts mehr gehört, angeblich ist er krank.

Die RAF war in ihren Methoden erbarmungslos - Auch der deutsche Staat ...
Farhad Azima in BAH - PPRuNe Forums Farhad Azima in BAH Freight Dogs. ... Join Date:

00.Mar.2003 Location: Gt Hockham. Posts: 53. Re: Farhad Azima in BAH. Have now heard that an old FE ...
air foyle/hla [Archive] - PPRuNe Forums So, Farhad Azima, the same bloke that owned Global International Airways, ...

The same Farhad Azima that also is the ultimate owner of First International ...
Farhad Azima - $2500 in Political Contributions for 2006

Farhad Azima - $2500 in Political Contributions for 2006, Campaign Finance, Money, American politics, American political campaign contributions, ...
Returned to Spender Farhad Azima, Kansas City, Mo. $120500. Party: Both.

The Iranian-born chairman and CEO of the Aviation Leasing Group, Azima and his company gave $143741 to ...
The Conservative Newsletter Farhad Azima, aviation magnate and gun-runner, ran a charter airline called Global International Airways before it filed for bankruptcy in

00.Oct.1983. ...
Daily Kos: Why Sibel Edmonds will never talk (9/11)

Among these crafty spooks are such veterans as Richard Secord, Heinie Aderholt, Farhad Azima + Richard Armitage.

To this list, we must also add a little ...
U.S. Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce

Farhad Azima is Chairman of Buffalo Airways which, in addition to its airline operations, conducts a sophisticated training program which includes training ...
CIA Organized Crime, The CIA and the Savings and Loan Scandal

The fourth largest stockholder in Indian Springs was Iranian expatriate Farhad Azima, who was also the owner of an air charter company called Global ...
Democratic Underground - Farhad Azima is definitely of interest Farhad Azima is definitely of interest, starroute, Aug-22-04 06:32 PM, #179. More goodies on Farhad Azima, starroute, Aug-22-04 06:39 PM, #180 ...


May 2007 Kampf gegen Missmanagement : EADS macht Mitarbeiter zu Informanten ...
Bootsektor: PC vs. Copyright

Das gilt, wie man hört, auch für andere Internetunternehmen wie Yahoo . ... eigenem Missmanagement an den Rand des Ruins getriebenen Musikfirma erlaubt, ...
NEWSMEAT - Farhad Azima's federal campaign contribution search results AZIMA, FARHAD PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KS 66208, KASSEBAUM, NANCY LANDON (R)

... Receive an alert every time new records are added to this search for Farhad Azima .
I0290: Farhad AZIMA (____-____) Farhad AZIMA (____-____)

... Farhad AZIMA .____-____. BIRTH: Iran. Family 1 : Linda Jean HUTCHISON. INDEX. HOME. HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6a-WIN32 ...
COMPANY NEWS; Azima Considers Braniff Purchase - New York Times

LEAD: Farhad Azima, founder of the defunct Global International Airways Corporation, said he was considering the possibility of buying Braniff Inc. Mr. .

.. html?res=950DE0DE163AF931A35752C1A96F948260
NYT > Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures - Narrowed by 'AZIMA ...

Capitol Holding is headed by Iranian-born Farhad Azima and Nelson J. Happy, chairman of the Republic Bank of Kansas City. Mr. Azima holds a controlling ... AZIMA ,%20 FARHAD &field=per&match=exact&rss=1
Cliff Schecter Interesting words coming from former lobbyist Fred Thompson, who has received over $6000 from Farhad Azima, yes the same Farhad Azima implicated in the ...
HeavyLift Freight HeavyLift is a part of U.S. entrepreneur Farhad Azima ’s Aviation Leasing Group of Companies. Mr. Azima has 35 years of experience in aviation and is very ...
20070410 Farhad Azima is Chairman of Buffalo Airways which, in addition to its airline operations, ... Farhad Azima Click on a name for a new proximity search: .
Center for Responsive Politics

For example, the occupation and employer of $10000 donors Farhad Azima of Kansas City and A. Huda Farouki of McLean, Va. were left blank. ...
Pete Brewton - pp.209-210 & 224-227

Obviously, Twetten also knew that North, Shackley, Clines, Hakim, Robert Sensi + Cyrus Hashemi + Farhad Azima were also involved in such trafficking, ...
Peter Dale Scott Drugs, Oil + War Rowan and Littlefield ...

Farhad Azima, owner of RACE Aviation, founded Global International Airways, an airline linked to a network of CIA contracted cargo firms such as Air America ...
Denn Kosmosveteran Alexej Leonow, der 1965 den ersten "Weltraumspaziergang" unternahm, hatte über das Onlineportal Novosti-Kosmonavtiki verbreitet, der reichste Russe, Roman Abramowitsch, wolle jetzt auch ins All. Er sei sogar bereit, 300 Millionen Dollar für einen Flug um den Mond zu berappen. Es ist also auch gut möglich, dass Abramowitsch es jetzt erst einmal mit einem Trip zur ISS versuchen will, bis das Mondraumschiff fertig ist.

Putin selbst hatte schon einmal - ob im Ernst oder im Spaß, sei dahin gestellt - Ambitionen auf einen Flug zur Raumstation angemeldet. Im April 2006 sagte er in einer Direktschaltung mit seinem Landsmann und damaligen ISS-Kommandanten Pawel Winogradow, er wäre einem solchen Flug nicht abgeneigt. Ganz Dienstmensch fügte er aber hinzu: "Wenn, dann nur im Urlaub."
"Einer unserer Subunternehmer hat festgestellt, dass sich offenbar jemand an einer Netzwerk-Box für das Raumschiff zu schaffen gemacht hat", sagte eine Nasa-Sprecherin. Der Täter habe die Kabel zerschnitten, sagte Nasa-Manager Bill Gerstenmaier. "Die Hardware ist absichtlich beschädigt worden", betonte die Nasa-Sprecherin. Eine Untersuchung sei bereits im Gange. Der Vorfall soll sich beim Subunternehmen ereignet haben.

Hintergrund des Streits ist die Entlassung von acht der 93 hochrangigen US-Bundesanwälte im vergangenen Jahr. Gonzales hatte behauptet, die Juristen seien wegen schlechter Leistungen entlassen worden. Kritiker des Justizministers sind jedoch davon überzeugt, dass sie wegen mangelnder Loyalität zur Bush-Regierung gefeuert wurden. Dies verstößt zwar nicht gegen das Gesetz; Gonzales wird aber vorgehalten, im Umgang mit der Affäre falsche Angaben gemacht zu haben.

Der Chef des Justizausschusses im Senat, der Demokrat Leahy, warf unterdessen Justizminister Gonzales vor, bei einer Befragung am Dienstag falsche Angaben gemacht zu haben. Leahy setzte dem Minister eine Frist bis Ende kommender Woche, seine Aussage in fraglichen Punkten zu überdenken. Sollte Gonzales bei seiner Darstellung der Dinge bleiben, will der Senator nach eigenen Angaben den Generalinspektor des Justizministeriums um Ermittlungen wegen des Verdachts auf Falschaussage gegen den Ressortchef einzuleiten.
Bushs Sprecher Tony Snow kritisierte den Schritt als "armselig". Das Vorgehen der Demokraten reduziere sich auf "Beleidigungen, Unterstellungen und Inquisition", kritisierte Snow.
Der demokratische Ausschussvorsitzende John Conyers verteidigte das selten angewandte Verfahren. Die "Missachtung des Kongresses" habe förmlich festgestellt werden müssen, "um unsere verfassungmäßigen Rechte zu schützen", sagte Conyers.
27.Jul.2007 Kabel zerschnitten: Nasa deckt Sabotage an Computern für die ISS auf
27.Jul.2007 Absturz bei Dax und Dow: US- Immobilienkrise löst Ausverkauf an Börsen aus (Wirtschaft)
27.Jul.2007 Landesbankenpoker: WestLB holt Stuhlmann - Bericht über Verhandlung mit HSH Nordbank (Wirtschaft)
27.Jul.2007 Umstrittener Vertrag: Bundesregierung kritisiert Sarkozys Atom- Abkommen mit Gaddafi

27.Jul.2007 Justizaffäre: US- Kongress setzt Bush unter Druck (Politik)
27.Jul.2007 Führungskrise bei der WestLB: "Fischer ist ein Bauernopfer"

27.Jul.2007 Leihbeamte: Lobbyisten- Liste enthüllt Einfluss in Ministerien (Politik)
27.Jul.2007 Gehälter: Manager streichen 19 % mehr ein als vor einem Jahr (Wirtschaft)
27.Jul.2007 Debatte über NSDAP- Mitgliedschaften: Lebensziel Kriegsheld (Kultur)
27.Jul.2007 "Klimaschweine"- Aktion: Porsche versucht Humor- Konter gegen Greenpeace
27.Jul.2007 Grosny- Massaker: Russland muss Tschetschenen Schmerzensgeld zahlen
Churchills Aussagen schlugen in den ganzen USA Wellen - und spalteten die Diskutanten in zwei Lager.

Manche applaudierten dem Professor, andere drohten ihn zu ermorden.

Als Churchill in seiner Heimatstadt Boulder einen Vortrag hielt, schützten fast 30 Polizisten die Veranstaltung.

Den hanebüchenen Vergleich begründet der Professor aus Boulder so:

Obwohl Eichmann nur die Befehle der Nazis ausgeführt habe, sei er trotzdem für seine Taten verantwortlich;

ebenso seien die Banker und Broker in den Zwillingstürmen für Leid und Tod der Globalisierungsopfer zur Verantwortung zu ziehen.

Putzfrauen, Passanten und Kinder habe er mit seinem Vergleich ausdrücklich nicht gemeint.
1962 wurde gegen ihn in Israel das Todesurteil vollstreckt.
Eichmann galt als Bürokrat ohne Skrupel, als Manager des Massenmords.
Eichmann galt als Bürokrat ohne Skrupel, als Manager
Eichmann galt als Bürokrat ohne Skrupel,
Eichmann galt als Bürokrat
Eichmann galt
Eichmann galt als Bürokrat ohne Skrupel, als Manager des Massenmords.

1962 wurde gegen ihn in Israel das Todesurteil vollstreckt.

Nun beteuert die Universität, mit dem abstrusen 9/11-Nazi-Vergleich habe die Entlassung nichts zu tun.

"Wir haben Professor Churchills Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung in unserer Diskussion nicht angegriffen", sagte Verwaltungsrat-Chefin Hayes.

Wissenschaftskritik vermutlich nur Vorwand

Die offizielle Begründung hinterlässt einen etwas windigen Eindruck.

Laut "CBS-News" hatte die Universitätsleitung zunächst festgestellt, dass Churchill aufgrund seiner umstrittenen Aussagen nicht zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden könne, da diese unter das in den USA sehr weit gefasste Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung fielen (siehe Hintergrundkasten).

Churchills Anwalt David Lane dagegen insistiert bereits seit Jahren, der Kommentar zum 11. September sei die treibende Kraft hinter der Untersuchung von Churchills Quellengenauigkeit - Lane hält die ganze Untersuchung für eine schlecht inszenierte Farce.

Der Problemprofessor selbst gibt sich kämpferisch: "Ich gehe nirgendwo hin", sagte Churchill laut "New York Times" auf der Pressekonferenz nach der Entscheidung. Die Vorwürfe, er habe die Integrität der Columbia-Universität bedroht, kommentierte er lakonisch: "Alles, was diese Entscheidung beweist, ist, dass sowohl dem akademischen Verfahren als auch der Universität selbst jegliche Integrität fehlen."
Bereits im Mai hatte Brown empfohlen, den umstrittenen Ethnologen, seit 1991 Professor in Boulder, vom Dienst zu suspendieren. Die Anschuldigung: Churchill habe die Effekte der föderalen Gesetzgebung auf Indianer falsch ausgelegt; nach seiner Darstellung habe die US-Armee 1837 mutwillig Pockenviren im Mandan-Indianerstamm verbreitet. Zudem habe er die Forschungsarbeit einer kanadischen Umweltorganisation als seine eigene ausgegeben.
Churchill hatte in den USA hitzige Debatten entfacht: Kurz nach den Terrroranschlägen vom 11. September schrieb der Professor einen verworrenen Essay. Darin kritisierte er die "aggressive" Nahost-Politik der USA sowie die "Technokraten" aus Banken und Konzernen, die ein amoralisches System unterstützten.

Zudem verglich Churchill die Opfer in den New Yorker Zwillingstürmen mit dem SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann. Im Essay schrieb er wörtllich:

"If there was a better, more effective, or in fact any other way of visiting some penalty befitting their participation upon the little Eichmanns inhabiting the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers, I'd really be interested in hearing about it."

Der Skandal kochte allerdings erst Anfang 2005 richtig hoch - und hält die Hochschule seitdem in Atem. Zumindest offiziell wird Churchill jetzt aber aus anderen, viel profaneren Gründen vor die Tür gesetzt. Er habe, so die Auffassung der Universität Colorado, in einigen seiner wissenschaftlichen Publikationen teils Textpassagen aus anderen Quellen abgeschrieben, teils falsch zitiert und obendrein historische Fakten zugunsten seiner eigenen Argumentationslinie gebeugt.

"Geschichte selbst fabriziert"
Umgekehrt kann der Glaube an bestimmte krankmachende Einflüsse auch tatsächlich krank machen, wie Elaine Fox und ihre Kollegen von der University of Essex nun in einer Studie zeigen. Es geht darin um die Folgen sogenannten Elektrosmogs. Die Forscher hatten 44 Personen, die über gesundheitliche Beschwerden in der Nähe von Mobiltelefonen geklagt hatten + 114 Personen ohne solche Beeinträchtigungen untersucht.

Am Ende wurde Tsouli übrigens "nur" für Aufruf zum Mord verurteilt - es war anscheinend zu kompliziert, die übrigen Verbrechen in eine gerichtsfeste Anklage zu überführen, weshalb Ermittler offenbar Details an die Presse gaben, damit der Fall angemessen dargestellt werden konnte.

Die Fülle der Aktivitäten von "Irhabi007" ist indes in jedem Fall atemberaubend - und das nicht nur wegen der kriminellen Energie und Kreativität, die daraus spricht.
"Wenn wir nicht schnell reagiert hätten, wäre in London eine gewaltige Bombe gezündet worden", zitierten britische Zeitungen einen Scotland-Yard-Ermittler.
und zugleich gab es erstmals eine Bestätigung für die Sorge etlicher Terror-Analysten: Die Grenzen zwischen Cyber-Dschihad und realem Terror sind durchlässig. "
Die Legende war enttarnt

Entsprechend groß war die Überraschung in der Community der Terrortracker, als der prominenteste aller Cyber-Dschihadisten Ende 2005 plötzlich von der Bildfläche verschwand. Die Überraschung steigerte sich noch, als herauskam, was der Grund war: "Irhabi007" hatte offenbar Anschläge in der realen Welt geplant. Er flog auf, weil islamistische Kämpfer aus Bosnien seine Kontaktdaten bei sich hatten, als sie verhaftet wurden. Die Spur führte nach West-London + "Irhabi007", Überraschung Nummer drei, war ein 22-jähriger marokkanischstämmiger Student der Informatik.
Community der Terrortracker

Es sei der Crew gelungen, die Maschine wieder flottzumachen, berichtete am heutigen Donnerstag der Reporter eines russischen Fernsehsenders, der die Wissenschaftler + Parlamentarier auf ihrem Weg zum Nordpol begleitet. DPA

Eisberg in der Arktis: Russland erhebt Ansprüche auf die Region Die Besatzung der "Akademik Federow" plant für Sonntag einen Tauchgang am Nordpol in 4200 Meter Tiefe mit einem speziellen Tiefsee-U-Boot. Es wäre der erste Besuch von Menschen auf dem Meeresboden am Nordpol. Die Expedition wird vom russischen Abgeordneten Artur Tschilingarow angeführt. Der Politiker will beim geplanten Tauchgang zusammen mit seinem Duma-Kollegen Wladimir Grusdew und dem Wissenschaftler Anatoli Sagalewitsch in der Tiefe eine russische Flagge aufstellen.

Mit der Forschungsreise verfolgt Russland nicht nur wissenschaftliche, sondern vor allem handfeste geopolitische Interessen: Im Jahr 2001 hat die Regierung Anspruch auf den Nordpol erhoben. Die Argumentation des Kremls: Der russische Kontinentalschelf setze sich bis zum Nordpol fort. Und deswegen stehe Moskau eben die staatliche Souveränität über das Gebiet zu, inklusive der dort vermuteten Vorkommen an Öl, Gas, Diamanten und Erzen. "Die Arktis ist russisch", hatte Tschilingarow vor Beginn der Expedition gesagt.
140.000 Haushalte in den Städten Gloucester, Tewkesbury und Cheltenham hatten noch immer kein fließendes Wasser, die Versorgung durch Tankwagen reichte bei weitem nicht aus. Die vierfache Mutter Jean Goddard sagte, sie habe nirgendwo Trinkwasser bekommen können. "Wenn man ein geringes Einkommen hat oder eine alleinerziehende Mutter ist, kann man nicht Mineralwasser im Supermarkt kaufen", klagte die 40-Jährige.

Die Behörden warnten außerdem vor durch das Wasser übertragenen Krankheiten: Vor allem für kleine Kinder und ältere Menschen bestünden Risiken durch Kolibakterien und Salmonellen, warnte der Mediziner Ken Flint laut einem Bericht der Zeitung "Daily Mirror". Die Hochwasseropfer sollten strikt auf Hygiene achten, betonte Flint.

Der Hochwasserexperte Ian Cluckie erklärte: "Die Leute müssen begreifen, dass das Abwässer sind, in denen sie herumlaufen."

Die Feuerwehr rief die Öffentlichkeit nach den beiden Todesfällen in Tewkesbury auf, bei der Beseitigung von Hochwasserschäden ihre eigene Sicherheit nicht zu vernachlässigen.

Bereits am Dienstag war die Leiche eines Mannes aus dem Fluss Great Ouse geborgen worden.
Kribbeln und Kratzen: Gen steuert Empfindlichkeit für Juckreiz
27.Jul.2007 Ökostrom: Biogas- Krise - Marktführer verliert 40 % an Wert

27.Jul.2007 Umfrage: Immer mehr Muslime lehnen Bin Ladens Terrorkrieg ab

27.Jul.2007 Rechtsextremismus- Verdacht: Dirigent soll Bundesverdienstkreuz zurückgeben (Kultur)
27.Jul.2007 Massenflucht: Millionen Iraker haben ihre Heimat verlassen (Politik)
27.Jul.2007 Notschlachtung: Hindu- Mönche schützen krankes Rind
27.Jul.2007 Vorstandswechsel: Früherer HSH- Nordbank- Chef soll WestLB führen

27.Jul.2007 Öl und Gas: Shell verdient 3,5 Millionen Dollar - pro Stunde

27.Jul.2007 Leichtbau- Material Karbon: Backe, backe Auto
27.Jul.2007 England nach der Flut: Ärzte warnen vor schweren Krankheiten
27.Jul.2007 Negativer Placebo: Elektrosmog wirkt auch ohne Strahlung
27.Jul.2007 Gipfel in Genua: Meldeauflage gegen G- 8-Gegner war rechtens
27.Jul.2007 Litwinenko- Affäre: Russland weist führenden britischen Diplomaten aus
27.Jul.2007 Luft- und Raumfahrt: EADS- Gewinn bricht um 93 % ein

27.Jul.2007 9/11- Nazi- Vergleich: Uni feuert Skandal- Professor
E- Mail- Flut und Handy- Terror: Bürowahnsinn kostet Unternehmen Milliarden

27.Jul.2007 Energie: Vattenfall- Gewinn schrumpft - neuer Deutschland- Chef berufen

27.Jul.2007 Arzneimittel: Ostdeutsche verbrauchen mehr Medikamente als Westdeutsche (Wirtschaft)
27.Jul.2007 Russische Raumfahrer: Spekulationen um Weltraum- Touristen Putin
27.Jul.2007 1000 Sturmgewehre: Israel erlaubt Waffenlieferung für Abbas
27.Jul.2007 Grafik- Demos: Kunst ist, was klein ist
27.Jul.2007 Tauchfahrt zum Nordpol: Motorschaden behoben - Expedition geht weiter

27.Jul.2007 Sport- Betrug: Mediziner entwickeln Test für Gendoping
26.Jul.2007 Jim Morrison's death mystery divides biographers 

Did Jim Morrison OD on a nightclub toilet or die of a drug-induced heart attack in a bathtub at home? Thirty-six years after the death in Paris of The Doors legend, biographers are locking horns over his final hours.
26.Jul.2007 Asian parasite may be to blame for bee deaths 

An Asian parasite that's been blamed for bee deaths in Europe has been found in Canadian hives + a Maritime entomologist says he thinks it may have played a part in killing bees in the region. posted by Prof. Hex
26.Jul.2007 Just What the Founders Feared: An Imperial President Goes to War - By -Adam Cohen
If the founders were looking on now, it is not Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi who would strike them as out of line, but George W. Bush, who would seem less like a president than a king.

26.Jul.2007 Why Germans Supported Hitler - By -Jacob G. Hornberger
It has long intrigued me why the German people supported Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime. After all, every schoolchild in America is taught that Hitler and his Nazi cohorts were the very epitome of evil. How could ordinary German citizens support people who were so obviously monstrous in nature?

26.Jul.2007 We know things are bad. Worse than bad. They’re crazy” - By -Mike Whitney
Americans don’t believe in revolution anymore. It has become a meaningless event in the distant past. But we need a revolution and we need it now. We need to remove the present administration and restore the people’s confidence in government.

26.Jul.2007 Saving a President - By -Stephen Lenderman
Removing the criminal class from Washington, restoring the rule of law, saving the republic, avoiding further wars + ending the current ones is job one. Failure to do it may mean whatever's ahead won't matter. It'll be too late long before it arrives. Those who care about these things and see the threat better enlist others, do more than complain about it + act in time collectively to stop it. It can only come from the bottom up, never the other way.

26.Jul.2007 Alarm at US right to highly personal data - By -Jamie Doward, home affairs editor - Religion and sex life among passenger details to be passed on to officials. Continue
26.Jul.2007 Iraq war veterans sue US government: HUNDREDS of thousands of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans have filed a class-action lawsuit against the US government for providing them with deficient medical and financial support.

26.Jul.2007 Iraq war has made Australia less safe: poll: Just six % of those polled said they felt more safe, according to the Newspoll survey for GetUp, a political pressure group that claims nearly 190,000 members.

26.Jul.2007 Goldman Sachs guru warns of war-debt failure: Subprimes downgraded. Will Moody's downgrade America's debt next? Actually, that's already happening; our credit rating is collapsing with the dollar.

26.Jul.2007 European Markets Fall On U.S. Subprime Worries, Weak Oils: The European markets fell on Tuesday, as financial and insurance stocks edged lower after Countrywide Financial Corp., the largest U.S. mortgage lender, reported disappointing earnings and a drop in crude oil prices hurt heavily weighted energy stocks.

26.Jul.2007 $100 Oil Price May Be Months Away, Say CIBC, Goldman : A London-based commodity analyst at the world's biggest securities firm, says $95 crude is likely this year unless OPEC unexpectedly increases production + declining inventories are raising the chances for $100 oil. Jeff Rubin at CIBC World Markets predicts $100 a barrel as soon as next year.
26.Jul.2007 The plot to bring back Benazir: Her father and two brothers were murdered, she's been defeated and exiled, yet Benazir Bhutto can't wait to return to Pakistan politics. And, as trust in President Musharraf fades, she has powerful covert backers - the US and Britain

26.Jul.2007 Bush's torture ban is full of loopholes: The president has issued an executive order to stop the CIA from using torture, but the ban is unenforceable.

26.Jul.2007 Galloway expelled from Commons after clash with Speaker : George Galloway, the firebrand left-wing MP, was suspended from the Commons for 18 days last night after a stormy debate that saw him thrown out of the House amid angry clashes with the Speaker, Michael Martin
26.Jul.2007 Lets Not Forget - Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President - - By -Neil Mackay
A SECRET blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush and his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure 'regime change' even before he took power in January 2001.

< In case you missed it - The President's Real Goal In Iraq - By -Jay Bookman
The official story on Iraq has never made sense. The connection that the Bush administration has tried to draw between Iraq and al-Qaida has always seemed contrived and artificial. In fact, it was hard to believe that smart people in the Bush administration would start a major war based on such flimsy evidence. The pieces just didn't fit. Something else had to be going on; something was missing.

26.Jul.2007 In case you missed it - Dick Cheney’s Song of America - By -David Armstrong
The Plan is for the United States to rule the world. The overt theme is unilateralism, but it is ultimately a story of domination. It calls for the United States to maintain its overwhelming military superiority and prevent new rivals from rising up to challenge it on the world stage. It calls for dominion over friends and enemies alike. It says not that the United States must be more powerful, or most powerful, but that it must be absolutely powerful.

26.Jul.2007 In Case You Missed it - The Project for the New American Century - By -William Rivers Pitt
The People versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human history. At no point in history have the Powerful wielded so much control. At no point in history has the active and informed involvement of the People, all of them, been more absolutely required.

26.Jul.2007 Military reviews placing special ops on U.S. soil: - The U.S. military command in charge of protecting the homeland asked the Pentagon earlier this year for a contingent of special operations officers to help with domestic anti-terrorism missions.

26.Jul.2007 Controversial 9/11 professor fired : Churchill, an ethnic studies professor at the state-funded university, said in an interview that the allegations were a pretext to remove him because of his unpopular views.

26.Jul.2007 Putin sends a sub to lay claim to part of the Arctic : Russia is to raise the stakes in its claim to a vast chunk of the Arctic Circle by sending a submarine under the North Pole to plant a titanium flag on the seabed. The mission is part of a race to assert rights over the area, which is rich in energy reserves.

26.Jul.2007 China shying from shaky US mortgage market: While China is eager to invest a portion of its US$1.33 trillion foreign-exchange reserve overseas, it is unlikely to take a chance on buying additional US mortgage-backed securities (MBS) as they are now considered too risky, Chinese economists said.

26.Jul.2007 $500 Million Dollar Bailout Extended to US Mortgage Borrowers: Several different US states have or are set to announce multi-million dollar bailout plans for mortgage borrowers who are in danger of losing their home. Will the money come from taxpayer pockets?
26.Jul.2007 Hunger Strikes Continue at Guantánamo: The number of hunger strikers at the U.S.-run military prison at Guantánamo -- located in southeastern Cuba and illegally occupied by the United States -- has now increased to more than 20. According to an Associated Press report, the U.S. military is using force-feeding to keep the prisoners from starving to death.

26.Jul.2007 Muslim cleric testifies for defense in Padilla trial: "We raised the money for him in the community — in the mosque," said Awad, now imam at the Birmingham Islamic Society in Alabama. "He went to study Islam and Arabic language."

26.Jul.2007 Trial of David Hicks 'a charade' : The trial of Australian national David Hicks at Guantanamo Bay was a charade that served to corrode the rule of law, Australia's top legal body has said.

26.Jul.2007 UK: Reporters held in 'fake bomb' bid : Two journalists have been arrested after attempting to plant a fake bomb on a freight train, police said.
26.Jul.2007 "Busharraf": From the U.S. perspective, Gen. Musharraf's continued rule is much preferable to the alternatives: a radical Islamist state or one governed by weak pro-democracy forces that can't count on the support of Pakistan's army.
26.Jul.2007 Italian FM favors ending U.S. military occupation in Afghanistan : Italy's foreign minister said Wednesday the U.S. military mission in Afghanistan should be ended because of the unacceptably high number of civilian casualties.

26.Jul.2007 Robert Fisk on Zahir Shah: The last king of Afghanistan : He was King of a nation that, in the the minds of many, does not really exist. He was a feudal master who believed in liberating women. He was a figurehead who lived a life of luxury in exile while his people suffered the agonies of war and occupation. The story of Zahir Shah is the story of Western arrogance and Eastern impotence
26.Jul.2007 Iran: National Intelligence Estimate lacks supporting evidence: Current and former intelligence officials say the Bush Administration's National Intelligence Estimate regarding terrorist threats to the United States does not provide evidence to support its assertions

26.Jul.2007 Scott Horton Interviews Philip Giraldi: MP3 - Former CIA counter-terrorism officer and columnist Philip Giraldi debunks the War Party’s claims that Iran backs al Qaeda, explains U.S. support for the terrorist groups Mujahadeen-e-Khalq and Jundullah against Iran + the two most likely circumstances in which Cheney will use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against them.

26.Jul.2007 Iran raises stakes in war of nerves over enriching uranium: Iran warned yesterday that it would consider taking "illegal" steps, including possible abrogation of the non-proliferation treaty, if further UN sanctions are imposed because of its nuclear programme.

26.Jul.2007 Russia delays Iran nuclear plant to 2008: Russia has no chance of finishing Iran's first nuclear power station before autumn 2008, a year behind schedule, a Russian subcontractor helping to build the plant told RIA news agency on Wednesday.
26.Jul.2007 Iraqi parliament passes crude oil refineries'' bill : The Iraqi parliament unanimously passed a bill allowing private investments in crude oil refineries. - This bill is the first step towards approving the oil and gas bill, said MP Hassan Al-Sunaid, a United Iraqi Alliance party member.

26.Jul.2007 US House votes to bar permanent Iraq bases: The US House of Representatives on Wednesday voted overwhelmingly to bar permanent US military bases in Iraq, in the latest bid by Democrats to trim White House options on the war.

26.Jul.2007 US Rejects Iranian Proposal for Higher-Level Talks on Iraq : Iran's foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, had proposed the higher-level talks earlier Wednesday.

26.Jul.2007 US envoy blasts Iran after Iraq talks : At a second meeting with his Iranian counterpart in two months, the US ambassador blasted Tehran on Tuesday for arming and training Shiite militias but agreed to set up a security subcommittee with Iran and Iraq to carry forward work on stabilizing the country.

26.Jul.2007 Bush_asks_Congress_fund_nuclear_arsenal_revamp">Bush asks Congress fund nuclear arsenal revamp: "The future security environment is very uncertain + some trends are not favorable," it said, pointing to North Korea and Iran as countries whose nuclear programs "underscore the importance of US security guarantees."
26.Jul.2007 Bush Speechwriter Calls for Attack on Syria - By -Gary Leupp
Neocon officials in the Defense Departmen t call them "low-hanging fruit"--- as though countries were produce ripe for picking and eating. The term refers to nations targeted for regime change that might be achieved with minimal strain, at least when compared with the effort needed to topple the regime in Iran.

26.Jul.2007 Is the US Preparing To Attack Pakistan? by Eric Margolis
The Bush Administration may be preparing to lash out at old ally Pakistan, which Washington now blames for its humiliating failures to crush al-Qaida, capture its elusive leaders, or defeat Taliban resistance forces in Afghanistan. One is immediately reminded of the Vietnam War when the Pentagon, unable to defeat North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong forces, urged invasion of Cambodia.

26.Jul.2007 Bush In Free Fall - By -Robert Scheer
At what point will President Bush finally grasp the enormous disaster that the neoconservatives, from Vice President Dick Cheney on down, have visited upon his presidency? Or, to put it numerically, just how does a president descend from a 92 % approval rating one month after 9/11-the highest of any president since modern polling began-to the two-thirds disapproval score that has stalked him through the last year, thanks to the Iraq debacle, without getting the message?

26.Jul.2007 A Republic, If We Can Keep It. Ernest Partridge
Bush’s “National Continuity Policy, issued May 9, states, in effect, that in the event of a “catastrophic emergency,” which might mean a terrorist attack or natural disaster, within "the homeland” or abroad, the President could, as a “unitary executive,” seize near dictatorial powers. This means that another hurricane of Katrina size, or a Richter-7 earthquake, or even a massive civil disobedient protest, could trigger the onset of a Bush dictatorship.

26.Jul.2007 Democracy Interrupted - By -Frank J. Ranelli
Why we as a nation, have been titrated, which is the gradual increasing of dosage, pressure + propaganda, till the desired effect – an inured and compliant society – have willingly bequeathed away our autonomy of self-government, embraced the genesis of tyranny + begin our seemingly inexorable march towards dictatorship.

26.Jul.2007 John Conyers Is No Martin Luther King - By -Ray McGovern
I have seldom been so disappointed with someone I had previously held in high esteem. And before leaving, I told him so. Throwing salt in our wounds, he had us + some fifty others in his anteroom arrested and taken out of action as the Capitol Police “processed” us for the next six hours.

26.Jul.2007 Agency of Rogues - By -Chalmers Johnson
The secret prison was set up on a secure U.S. Naval base outside the U.S. and so beyond the slightest recourse to legal oversight. It was there that the CIA clandestinely brought its "suspects" to be interrogated, abused + tortured.

26.Jul.2007 The Dark Heart Of Fascism In The United States The Whitehouse Coup - BBC Audio Documentary
Document uncovers details of a planned coup in the USA

00.000.1933 by right-wing American
The coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans.

The plotters, who were alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America, (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell Hse & George Bush’s Grandfather, Prescott) believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression. Click to listen
26.Jul.2007 Take that Tony Snow, in his latest press conference, claims that the Democrats have not laid a glove on either the Attorney General or the President. Oh yeah? Permalink
26.Jul.2007 So: How does the BBC link Bush to the 1933 coup plot?
As noted above, I have yet to see the documentary. I suspect that the BBC may make reference to a fellow named Samuel Pryor, head of the Remington firearms firm. Pryor was also a director of Bush's UBC -- and of a Thyssen concern. Some evidence connects Remington to the "Business Plot."
here and here if you want to listen to a two-part radio program on the Pryor affair.)
In my view, we still do not have enough evidence to suggest that Prescott Bush favored Hitler's program on an ideological level (although PB did have a keen interest in eugenics). Still, if the BBC's information proves correct, historians may one day be able to assert that the 1933 "Business Plotters" acted hand-in-glove with the Nazis.

26.Jul.2007 A recent BBC documentary, as yet unseen by me, looks into the Business Plot. The BBC adds a surprising new name to the list of the plotters: The plotters, who were alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America, (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell Hse & George Bush’s Grandfather, Prescott ) believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression. [Emphasis added.] This is the first time I have seen Prescott Bush mentioned in this connection. Have any of my readers seen this documentary? Is the allegation against Prescott Bush based on solid evidence?
If it is, then we must re-examine the conclusions of the 1934 committee. They believed that the plotters had no connection to Nazi Germany. Prescott Bush, however, did.

26.Jul.2007 However, Butler had corroborating witnesses + the Committee concluded its investigation with these words: In the last few weeks of the committee's official life it received evidence showing that certain persons had made an attempt to establish a fascist government in this country.
No evidence was presented and this committee had none to show a connection between this effort and any fascist activity of any European country.
There is no question that these attempts were discussed, were planned + might have been placed in execution when and if the financial backers deemed it expedient.

00.000.1933 -Zhe -coup plot and Prescott Bush According to Charles Higham's American Swastika (where I first read about this material) there were not one but two attempted coups against FDR in the 1930s. The best-known of the two was the 1933 "Business Plot," whose originators asked Marine Corps General Smedley Butler, a Republican, to function as their front man. Unfortunately for their plans, Butler was a genuine patriot who decided to spill the beans to the McCormack-Dickstein Committee in Congress.
I'm told that a full transcript of the hearings remains unavailable to this day.

26.Jul.2007 And check out this action.
26.Jul.2007 The New York Times has (along with, like, nearly every blogger to the left of the Free Republic) called upon the House to use its powers of inherent contempt, bypassing the DOJ.
And what of the Attorney General himself? Obviously, he should be found in contempt:
He repeatedly refused to answer legitimate questions + he contradicted himself so frequently that it is hard to believe he was even trying to tell the truth.

26.Jul.2007 Today, Conyers has sent this warning to Fred Fielding that the House will cite Harriet Miers and Josh Bolten for contempt. The Department of Justice has already announced that it will not enforce such a contempt citation.
26.Jul.2007 Things are happening Yesterday, John Conyers and the Judiciary Committee released this memorandum on the administration's refusal to comply with subpoenas + its abusive interpretation of the executive privilege claim.
26.Jul.2007 AP Reveals New Document Demonstrates ?Clear Case? Of Gonzales Perjury On Spying Program. Gonzales has Committed so Much Perjury Before Gongress, He is Basically Mocking Them Because He Knows That He is a "Made Man," And Bush Will Protect His Consigliere, Just as He Protected Libby. Besides Gonzales is the Man Who Knows Too Much. He is Lying So Openly to Keep Bush and Cheney and Rove Out of Jail It is Not Just Contempt of Congress; It is Criminal Behavior and Obstruction of Justice.

26.Jul.2007 Tucker Carlson is the BuzzFlash Media Putz of the Week: For reporting that is an embarrassment to the profession of journalism + for being beholden to corporate paymasters rather than the citizens of America. Every Thursday, BuzzFlash Announces a New Media Putz. (You Can Sign Up for Weekly Media Putz Alerts, Letting You Know First the Night Before of the Weekly "Honoree.")

26.Jul.2007 "Purposely deceptive statements, such as "Fight 'em over there, so we don't fight 'em over here," are more destructive than the bombs ripping through the nonreinforced floorboards of our Humvees." 7/26
Neo-Con Wet Dream Gone Wild: Right Wing New York Sun Writer Wants Cheney to Run for President. Hey, Fools at the New York Sun, Cheney Already IS the Actual President.

26.Jul.2007 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
"As has been reported many times, we have an administration that loves to get the media talking about terrorism and vague threats to America -- especially when it wants to change the subject from the president's low approval rating or contempt charges against administration officials. Even Tom Ridge has said the terror color coding alerts seemed to be manipulated at times -- especially in the months leading up to President Bush's re-election. Who wanted to make this today's lead story + why?" 7/26
Military talks between Koreas break down 7/26
McCain Continues Imploding 7/26
"The U.S. military has noted a "significant improvement" in the aim of attackers firing rockets and mortars into the heavily fortified Green Zone in the past three months that it has linked to training in Iran, a top commander said Thursday." All Bush Can Do is Utterly Fail as a "War Leader" and Cast Blame Elsewhere. It's the Story of His Entire Life of Privilege that is Never Held Accountable. 7/26
Iraq's coalition government crumbling like Bush's poll numbers: country's largest Sunni Arab bloc walks out of the government 7/26

26.Jul.2007 finance sophistry (4.10.05 update 28.6.07)

Juni 02 Hedge Fonds sind alles andere als homogen, FAZ ... Pension funds account for roughly 40 % of all institutional money.
20060609 - including, we suggest, Citigroup + various New York City Pension Funds ("NYPF") ... der von dem Zusammenbruch eines großen Hedge-Fonds ausgehen könnte.

20070705 Ramy El-Batrawi controlled essentially all of GenesisIntermedia shares . ... Holdings Ltd, Adnan Khashoggi, Deutsche Bank Securities Limited, ... 05 .html

Jul.2004 Bush- Hitler : Hypnotizing The Masses URL: article6528.htm - By -Russell M. Drake - Bush, said by some to be ...
Industry watch Toolkit IT Anthems: KPMG
Carl Friedrich Goerdeler aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu:
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Carl Friedrich Goerdeler (* 31. Juli 1884 in Schneidemühl, Provinz Posen; † 2. Februar 1945 in Berlin-Plötzensee) war ein deutscher nationalkonservativer Politiker und Widerstandskämpfer des 20. Juli 1944.
Seine Verfassungspläne können als konservativ, wirtschaftsliberal + antikommunistisch bezeichnet werden.

Von den jüngeren Angehörigen des Kreisauer Kreises und dem sozialistischen Widerstand wurden sie deshalb abgelehnt.
Die Ursprünge von KPMG in Deutschland lassen sich bis ins

19. Jahrhundert zurückverfolgen.

Als erste deutsche Prüfungsgesellschaft wird am

27.Mär.1890 in Berlin die Deutsch-Amerikanische Treuhand-Gesellschaft gegründet. Zwei Jahre später, am

18.Nov.1892 firmiert die Firma um und nennt sich fortan Deutsche-Treuhand-Gesellschaft (DTG).

Diesen Namen hat KPMG Deutschland bis heute beibehalten. Die Firma firmiert derzeit unter dem Namen KPMG Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft .
2002 versucht KPMG Deutschland erfolglos, den deutschen Teil von Arthur Andersen zu übernehmen.

In anderen Ländern gelingt die Übernahme der dortigen Arthur Andersen Landesgesellschaft.
Nachrichten - Politik - FAZ.NET - UN-Tribunal in Den Haag ...

Der Beschuldigte lehnte das unter Berufung auf das Recht, sich selbst verteidigen zu dürfen, abermals "kategorisch" ab. Dem Vertreter der Anklage, ...
Freitag 43 - Kein exklusives Recht auf Fairness

Daraufhin musste der Prozess unterbrochen werden, da Milosevic auf seinem Recht bestand, sich selbst verteidigen zu können + viele der von ihm benannten ...
Haager Kriegsverbrechertribunal verbietet Milosevic sich selbst zu ...

Just an dem Tag, an dem Milosevic das Recht abgesprochen wurde, sich selbst zu verteidigen, wurde der höchstrangige vom ICTY inhaftierte bosnische .
BUSH SAYINGS -Truth- Jeder hat das Recht, sich selbst zu verteidigen

Jeder hat das Recht, sich selbst zu verteidigen . "Jeder hat das Recht, sich selbst zu verteidigen ",. sagte Bush im kanadischen Kananaskis,. wo er sich ...
Verfahrensrechte des Beschuldigten im europäischen Raum

b) das Recht, sich selbst zu verteidigen oder sofort den Beistand eines Verteidigers seiner Wahl zu erhalten und, falls er nicht über die Mittel zur ...
EGMR Urteil vom 17.02.1997 (10/1996/629/812)

16.Mär.1992 -Durch Urteil vom- hob das BerGer. das Urteil vom

02.Oct.1991 auf und führte aus, Art. 6 EMRK gewähre zwar das Recht, sich selbst zu verteidigen, ...
U A E Europäischer Anwaltsverein – Union des Avocats Européens ... - HTML-Version
berücksichtigen unbeschadet des Rechts, sich selbst zu verteidigen, das Recht auf die Bereitstellung einer sachkundigen Vertretung.
ZNet Deutschland - a community committed to social change

PROFESSOR NOAM CHOMSKY: Sie haben sicher das Recht sich selbst zu verteidigen, aber sie haben keine Rechtfertigung, andere Menschen in grober Verletzung des ...
WELT DEBATTE - Kommentare - Uhlenspiegel

Für Amerikaner gehört zur Menschenwürde, das Recht sich selbst zu verteidigen + dieses Recht nicht nur dem Staat zu überlassen.


The name of the firm, KPMG, is not actually an initialism.

However, the roots of the name stem from four partners in the firms that merged to form KPMG. K stands for Klynveld .

This originates from

00.000.1917 the accounting firm Klynveld Kraayenhof & Co. founded by Piet Klynveld in Amsterdam

. P is for Peat, originating from the accounting firm William Barclay Peat & Co., which was founded by William Barclay Peat in London

00.000.1870. M stands for Marwick . James Marwick founded the accounting firm Marwick, Mitchell & Co. together with Roger Mitchell in New York City in 1897. G is for Goerdeler . Dr. Reinhard Goerdeler was for many years chairman of the German Deutsche Treuhand-Gesellschaft (DTG) and later chairman of KPMG. He is credited with laying much of the groundwork for the KMG merger.
Notable current and former employees

Business Margaret Jackson - chairman of QANTAS (2000-present) Syd Kessler - entrepreneur Michael O'Leary - CEO of Ryanair (1994-present) Zarin Patel - CFO of the BBC Colin Sharman, Baron Sharman - chairman of Aviva (2006-present) Frank Freeman - CEO of Genpact Americas(kpmg employees) Anthony Di Iorio - CFO Deutsche Bank Paul Flint - Director

Politics and public service Jerry Finnell - Mayor of Del Mar, California (2004-present) Nick Gibb - Member of the British Parliament (1997-present) Mark Harper - Member of the British Parliament (2005-present) Toby Harris, Baron Harris of Haringey - member of the London Assembly(2000-04); chairman of the Metropolitan Police Authority (2000-04) Michael Hirst - Member of the British Parliament (1983-87) Edmund Ho - Chief Executive of Macau (1999-present) Kevin Rudd - member of the Australian House of Representatives and Federal opposition leader (1998-present and 2006-present respectively) Rita Verdonk - Dutch Minister for Integration and Immigration (20032007) Hilbrand Nawijn - Dutch Minister for Integration (2002-2003) Ahmed hegazy

Other Richard L. Fair- State Auditor of New Jersey and National President, Association of Government Accountants, 2007-08 Leslie Ferrar - Treasurer to Charles, Prince of Wales Reinhard Goerdeler - son of Carl Friedrich Goerdeler Amr Khaled - Extremely popular moderate Muslim preacher. Bruce Marshall - writer Michael Peat - Principal Private Secretary to Charles, Prince of Wales Dave Strich - Zelda Horse Nate Silver - Executive VP of Baseball Prospectus, creator of PECOTA baseball projection system. [5] Johan van der Walt - forensic auditor Kateryna Yushchenko-Chumachenko - wife of Viktor Yushchenko, current President of Ukraine Leo Kin Shon Tse - current President of MMU - no gimbing Kenneth O'Neill - Bermuda socialite Mohammad Ali Dada - Head of Internal Audit for Monarch Airlines and the Monarch Group

See also KPMG audit of the Development Fund for Iraq KPMG audit of Clearstream "bank of banks"

Citations ^ Handelsregister des Kantons Zug (Registration Number CH-020.6.900.276-5),^ Charge Against KPMG Dropped Carrie Johnson, January 4, 2007, Washington Post ^ Prosecutors end tax-shelter case against KPMG, dropping charge after settlement

03.Jan.2007 International Herald Tribune ^ [1] ^ 'Tis the season to project stats Jonah Keri, February 14, 2007, ESPN
Audit clients

KPMG member firms serve as the independent auditors for a large number of major corporations:

Consulting: Accenture, Gartner

Construction/Real Estate Lend Lease Corporation, AMEC, Carillion, KBR, Tishman Speyer, Jones Lang LaSalle

Energy: Devon Energy, Citgo, Halliburton, LUKoil, Murphy Oil, Occidental Petroleum, Petrobras, Reliant Energy, Sinopec, TransCanada Pipelines, Valero Energy Corporation

Financial Services: ABN AMRO, Allianz, Allstate Corporation, Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, American Express, Aon Corporation, Citigroup, Countrywide Financial, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Börse, Dresdner Bank, First Republic Bank, Hang Seng Bank, HBOS, H&R Block, HSBC, International Bank of Commerce, ING Group, Legg Mason, MassMutual Financial Group, Munich Re, Nationwide Financial, Old Mutual, Salomon Smith Barney, Standard Chartered Bank, Visa International, Wachovia, Wells Fargo

Government: St. Mary's University, CPS Energy,

City of San Antonio, Georgia Lottery, State of Texas

Healthcare: Ansell,Caremark, Kaiser Foundation

Industrial Products: BASF, BMHC, BMW, Cemex, DaimlerChrysler, General Electric, Honda, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Mitsubishi Electric, Navistar International, Siemens AG, Weyerhaeuser

Media: BBC, Bertelsmann, ITV, Metro International, National Geographic Society, NBC Universal, RH Donnelley, RealNetworks, Sony BMG, Wolters Kluwer

Mining: BHP Billiton

Retail & Consumer Products: Arla, Burger King, Carlsberg, ConAgra Foods, Costco, CVS Pharmacy, Diageo, Federated Department Stores, Jack in the Box, J.C. Penney, General Mills, Hasbro, Heineken, Nestlé, Netflix, PepsiCo, Publix Super Markets, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, Supervalu, The Hershey Company, The Home Depot, Maple Leaf Foods, Winn-Dixie, Yum! Brands

Technology: Apple Computer, Boston Scientific, Carl Zeiss AG, CA Inc., CNET Networks, Dolby Laboratories, Electronic Arts, EDS, Ericsson, LG Group, Motorola, WebEx, Nortel, Philips, Samsung, Sanmina-SCI, Siemens, TiVO, VeriSign

Telecoms: Cable & Wireless, CenturyTel, China Mobile, Citizens Communications, Embarq, PCCW, Rogers Communications, SprintNextel, Qwest

Travel and Transportation: Alaska Airlines, Amtrak, Cathay Pacific, easyJet, EWS, Norfolk Southern Railway, US Airways, WestJet, Qantas

Tax shelter fraud
Sidney Souers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sidney W . Souers . Sidney William Souers (March 30, 1892 - January 14, ... Rear Admiral Souers was appointed as the first Director of Central Intelligence ...

Sidney W. Souers Black Operations in the. Corporate IT Theatre. BOFH. in a Nutshell. Distributing Clue ... for Fun and Profit.

Rear Admiral-Sidney Souers, U director of Intelligence, Adm. Sidney W . Souers ...

LATER CAREER Army Air Corps intelligence liaison officer in British Air Ministry; ...

Sidney Souers This is a beta version of NNDB. Search: for. Sidney Souers . AKA Sidney William Souers ... Military service: US Navy (1929-45) Rear Admiral, USNR.

mhp: Souers, Sidney W. Souers, Sidney W .: Timeline, ... Souers, Sidney W . USA, Military Person. Select Entity. Relationships ...

1945 : Rear Admiral, Deputy Chief of ...

Souers Chair

00.000.1973 Sylvia Souers ' husband, Rear Admiral Sidney W . Souers, died at the age ... from the Admiral Sydney W . Souers and Sylvia N. Souers Charitable Trust. ...

The Central Intelligence Agency: Early Days to Present

President Truman appointed Sours, a Rear admiral in the Navy, as the ... Truman appointed Rear Admiral Sidney W . Souers as the first Director of Central ...

Truman Library - Daily Presidential Appointments

Rear Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Director of Central. Intelligence ... Admiral Sidney W . Souers, Executive Secretary, National Security Council ...

MILNET: U.S. Intelligence - DCIs thru 1987

1/46-6/46: Rear Admiral Sidney W . Souers, US Navy Reserve. ...

5/47-10/50: Rear Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, US Navy. ...

20060316 ... The first DCI, Rear Admiral Sidney Souers (who wrote the intelligence ... Rear Admiral - Sidney Souers, U director of Intelligence, Adm. Sidney W . Souers . ...
Safrica- The previous commander of the Port Shepstone AWB, "General" Nick Fourie (a former policeman), was one of the three rightwingers killed during the "invasion" ... 20041029 Die geheimen Akten der Vierjahresplanbehörde seien für Göring ein Symbol + Ausweis seiner Macht gewesen, sagte Herausgeber Abelshauser . 26.Jul.2007 Florian Schmaltz Die IG Farbenindustrie und der Ausbau des ...
Werner Abelshauser (Hg.), München 2002, S. 221–358, hier S. 302–308 und 327–331. ... nerhalb dieser Vierjahresplanbehörde Görings war mit weitgehenden roh- ...

26.Jul.2007 Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen im "Dritten Reich" von 1933-1936
Abelshauser zu nennen, welcher sich damit beschäftigt, ob der wirtschaftliche ... Arbeitseinsatz" in der " Vierjahresplanbehörde " Hermann Görings ...

26.Jul.2007 the time honored bush family tradition of german double-dealing Prescott Bush became managing director of Union Banking Corporation and ...

The Tribune hung the moniker of " Hitler's Angel" on Bush . ...

22.Nov.2002 Das Web wurde durchsucht nach Dulles##+Bush ... 19-- Bush [BPS917] Prescott Samuel " Union Banking Corporation "Banker, SON OF : ... GermanGeneralGehlen, Reinhard, Hitler's most senior eastern front ...
00.Nov.2004 bushtrash: Die Union Banking Corporation von George W. Bushs Großvater finanzierte die ... Diebold's chief executive, for example, is a top fund -raiser for President Bush. ...
26.Jul.2007 terrorism and drug war re: bayer & exxon history pt 4: who named ... rubber ventures

00.000.1933 that made Hitler's war machine self-sufficient, the co ... and the American pro-Nazi Prescott Bush bank - the "Brown Brothers ...
Weapons of Mass Discussion: 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 "When push comes to shove, the Uzbeks are going to stick together + the Arabs are going to stick together," said Kenneth Katzman, a terrorism expert. ...
26.Jul.2007 Bonesmen 2 1964 Howard Frank Gillette, Jr.? 1964 Dennis Patrick Lynch? 1964 Jonathan Evans Mc Bride? 1964 Thomas Harrison Prindle? 1964 Charles Alexander Pulaski, Jr.?

Nov.2003 From: ... in the US-financed Contra war against Nicaragua's revolutionary government... including Andy Warhol + Frank Gillette + ...
MP3 Recordings of Mae Brussell - Part 4 Italian mobsters, violence, train robbery.

LITTON INDUSTRIES, CIA, GREEK COUP AND FASCISM takes over laboratories while ...'sCDsPart4.html
Opinionet - Archives of Jim Kouri, CPP Russian Mobsters Consort with Terrorists, Slave Traders and Drug Cartels -

25.May 2006 ... Reminiscent of Saddam's Iraq, Mass Graves Uncovered in Lebanon ...,+CPP
20041206 The Greek junta contributed $549,000 to the 1968 Nixon-Agnew election campaign ... was approved by Deputy Attorney General Lowell Jensen, the same man who once ...
26.Jul.2007 CubaNews : Messages : 69063-69092 of 69099 Mobsters like Lansky, Trafficante + Luciano cleaned up all the details with great efficiency.

... ilium, a lovely name more suitable to a Greek island ...
SPIRIT OF AMERICA: 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 ... ha detto il senatore repubblicano Kay Bailey Hutchison, presidente della commissione scienza e ... Atomica non fa piu' paura, NORAD esce dalla montag.
26.Jul.2007 Newsvine - Why Is 9/11 Bush's Ace of Trump? NORAD was set up during the Cold War to counter any Soviet air/missile strikes of ... Kay Bailey Hutchison, Peter Jennings, Jems Johnson, Peter Kahn, ...

26.Jul.2007 The Swamp: Swamp Sunrise

Kay Bailey Hutchinson went on the record during impeachment saying that perjury and ...

NORAD jets were scrambled on average once very 4.3 days 00.000.2001 ...
Independents Unbound: May 2007 Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) -- all of whom sit on the Commerce or ... NORAD has told three different and conflicting stories explaining why no jet ...

26.Jul.2007 Give 'Em Hell Harry | Republicans cannot be trusted to end the ... 1999 – NORAD starts conducting exercises in which airplanes are hijacked and ... Mineta and some NORAD officials all deny anybody was aware of the idea ...
26.Jul.2007 GEORGE W BUSH And U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison was booed when she stood up to ... The officials in charge at both NMCC and NORAD also acted incompetently on 9/11 ...

26.Jul.2007 The Bulletin Online - Letters November 2004 Kay Bailey Hutchison's support of the tobacco industry has lowered Texas to the morbid status as the leading Tobacco State. ...
The Bulletin Online - Letters June 2007 Why didn't the commission follow up on the inconsistencies of NORAD's testimony? ... Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison “Hydrogen Economy” a Boondoggle ...

26.Jul.2007 In The Pink Texas » 2006 » August Earle then indicted Kay Bailey Hutchison, Tom Delay and T. ... chilling article in Vanity Fair concerning the 9/11 NORAD tapes (you can listen to excerpts ...

26.Jul.2007 Planet Earth As Weapon and Target LEUREN MORET/World Affairs ... introduced in the US Senate by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, ... the combined US-Canada North American Air Defence Command ( NORAD ), August 5, 1996).
26.Jul.2007 Martial Law 911: Rise of the Police State »

If NORAD was ordered to stand down the morning of 9/11/01, then someone gave ...

Kay Bailey Hutchison R-Texas… View Story Discuss ( 492) ( ...
Martial Law 911: Rise of the Police State -

Did or did not Cheney order NORAD to stand down ?

... Kay Bailey Hutchison R-Texas said.

Sleazy Texas broad is changing her tune with elections coming up. ...
Texas Government Insider by Strategic Partnerships, Inc.

Kay Bailey Hutchison emphasized the need for Mexico and United States to create a working plan for Mexico to pay off its substantial water debt, ...
Money Laundering and Financial Crimes

Organized crime groups from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Japan are known to launder money through joint ventures and real estate purchases in China. ...

Jul.2006 - enenkio .org — ROBERT MOORE, ... He's also into casinos, costume jewelry, health-food restaurants + a joint venture with the ...
1998 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, February 26 ...

At the time, Shpiglov and Dollis were involved in a joint venture with the Republic of Uzbekistan to recycle scrap copper and sell it on the world market. ...
1998 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, February 26 ... Even more "remote" are mere figments of fertile imaginations such as the Dominion of Malchizedek or The Kingdom of Enenkio Atol, both entirely fraudulent in ...

26.Jul.2007 Rüstung: Weißes Haus fordert Geld für Modernisierung von Atomwaffen (Politik)
26.Jul.2007 Carlyle : des liaisons dangereuses - À la Une < Le Nouvel Obs Hebdo < Carlyle : des liaisons dangereuses ... Mais entre ses 30% de Quinetic, centre de recherche du ministère de la Défense ... carlyle__des_liaisons_dangereuses.html - Zusätzliches Ergebnis
Carlyle : des liaisons dangereuses - A en juger par le succès de Carlyle, l’auteur de cette boutade David Rubenstein, ... Mais entre ses 30% de Quinetic, centre de recherche du ministère de la ...
nigel hastilow: Watson launches jobs flight - Quinetic was the subject of one of the sleaziest privatisations yet when its ... handing a hideously huge payday to American investors the Carlyle Group. ...

26.Jul.2007 Come i morti anche le mode ogni tanto ritornano - HTML-Version
Lockeed Martin, che ha acquistato la tedesca Howaldts Deutche Werth (HDW), o la Carlyle ,. che ha acquisito la britannica Quinetic, con conseguenti ...

26.Jul.2007 New Chapter 8.indd - HTML-Version
The Defence Ministry’s advanced research laboratory, Quinetic, was partially. privatised 00.000.2003. The US Carlyle Group took the opportunity to invest £42.4 ...

26.Jul.2007 Peacing it Together :: View topic - Bush senior in $23bn private ... - The main problem is Carlyle is controlled by the neocons using saudi money. And they seem to be buying up everything. Uk defence firm Quinetic .
26.Jul.2007 Bush Jocked While the World Trade Center Burned -

Carlyle directors at various times have included Bush Sr., former Reagan Secretary of ... a Los Alamos scientist who was never charged with spying. 55 ...
26.Jul.2007 Pacific U.S. Energy News - Energy Industry Today -

... fines against the University of California, which formerly managed the Los Alamos lab, . ... Hedge Funds & Subprime Mortgages News · Carlyle Group News ...
D’Hiroshima à l’Irak, 61 ans de guerre suicidaire à l’uranium, de ... - Les laboratoires d'armements nucléaires de Los Alamos et/ou de Livermore sont ...

le groupe Carlyle et Rand,» San Francisco Bay View, 16 septembre 2004.
20.Jan.2007 · X-Clim ... l'ancien PRÉSIDENT Frank Calucci de Carlyle, l'université des laboratoires contrôlés par Californie d'armes nucléaires chez Los Alamos et Livermore, ...

26.Jul.2007 Inicjatywa Stop Wojnie

Los Alamos + Sandia, are designated as suppliers for the Iraqi arms programs for ... oraz spólka Carlyle - z ojcem Ben Ladena i samym Osama Ben Ladenem, ...
26.Jul.2007 John J. McCarthy Jr.- The Writings

Nuclear Weapons Labs Hijacked by Admiral Inman and Carlyle ... have "created" the security breaches at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore to discredit those ...
Defense Tech: "Q Branch's" Stock Market Shenanigans

Los Alamos and Labs ... Those Trilateral Freemasons over at the Carlyle Group! ... Under Carlyle's wing, Qinetiq went on a buying spree.
Guerra do Iraque: Urânio empobrecido contamina a Europa

... e grupos tão diversos como o Carlyle Group, George Herbert Walker Bush, ... Carlyle Frank Carlucci, os laboratórios de armas nucleares de Los Alamos e ...
Google-Spot - View Single Post - Re: How Bechtel Nevada Became ... -

Who owns Carlyle : Who is carlyle -coutts? ... >>with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National ...
NOTES 21 - CalPERS Forms Strategic Partnership With Washington D.C. - Based Carlyle Group ... P.T.S. (illegally downloaded by Wen Ho Lee, at Los Alamos ), ...
26.Jul.2007 Blog Talker - All political -

Los Alamos . The program remained under a no-bid University of California management contract for 61 years.

In a stealth takeover by the Carlyle Group, ...
236gang-mpg-100906 - Bush, Geroge H. W., President, Carlyle, CIA Dir. 33. Bush, Wes; Northrop Grumman 34. Cambone, Stephen; PNAC, NSA, DoD, Los Alamos (specialized in theater ...
26.Jul.2007 LANL: The Rest of the Story: Email Exchange with a Loyal Blog Reader

Los Alamos National Laboratory: You know The Real Story. ... or Halliburton, or just about any member of the Carlyle Group of defense contractors, ...
:IN EVERY ISSUE: :The Buzz (1/1/05) -- -

00.Jun.200- the Energy Department separated the Los Alamos contract from the contract for ... with the Carlyle Group, a powerful investment firm in Washington.

26.Jul.2007 PERDANA GLOBAL PEACE ORGANISATION BLOG » The Queen’s Death Star ... -

The major roles that such diverse individuals and groups as the Carlyle ... the University of California managed nuclear weapons labs at Los Alamos and ...
26.Jul.2007 Nuclear weapons complex - SourceWatch - News Release: "DOE To Compete Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Five admirals, Carlyle Group and Rand take over," San Francisco Bay View, September 15, ...
Manhattan Project - SourceWatch - "In a stealth takeover by the Carlyle Group, facilitated by five admirals, ...

Bids for Los Alamos Lab were due Tuesday + the competition appears to be a ...
Comments on 19817 | MetaFilter - MOD Selects The Carlyle Group as Preferred Bidder for QinetiQ.

Los Alamos national lab is operated by the University of Califronia, this national lab ...
16.Sept.2004 Environmentalists Against War - Moret, L., Nuclear Weapons Stealth Takeover: Five Admirals, UC Regents, Carlyle Group + Rand,”,.San Francisco Bay View 32 Los Alamos ...
26.Jul.2007 200 cospiratori contro il mondo all'interno del Global Dominance Group Bush, George H. W., President, Carlyle, CIA Dir. 33. Bush, Wes; Northrop Grumman 34. Cambone, Stephen; PNAC, NSA, DoD, Los Alamos (specialized in theater ...
26.Jul.2007 Anti-War Zone: a compendium of commentary -

Carlyle Group grabs control of weapons labs in Berkeley, Livermore, Los Alamos by Leuren Moret ...
26.Jul.2007 Is The UC a University Or Just Another Nuclear Weapons Firm? by ...

UC’s other lab, Los Alamos (LANL), will likely have a central role in ... the company’s acquisition of EG&G Technical Services from the Carlyle Group, ... 26.Jul.2007 The UC Santa Barbara DisOrientation Guide: A resource for radicals ...

The deal handed $170 million in URS stock over the Carlyle group, ... construction services at the UC managed Los Alamos nuclear weapons laboratory (LANL).
26.Jul.2007 Sanjay's Blog

Goldman Sachs, Fidelity Investments, Blue Cross, Walmart, KPMG, the Carlyle Group of companies, Los Alamos National Labs, Wipro, Charles Schwab, Boeing, ...
e.thePeople : Article : The Carlyle Group? What do they have to do ...

00.000.1990-00.000.1994 Dubya himself sat on the Carlyle board from

... Livermore and Los Alamos to the University of Texas where the Carlyle Group (an investment ...
Digg - Los Alamos Blocks Researcher Access to Archives - Los Alamos National Laboratory will no longer permit historians and other ... Carlyle Group Bechtel was among 24 U.S. companies that supplied Iraq with ...
26.Jul.2007 The Carlyle Group : The Carlyle Group Acquires Cameca Group, a ...

The Carlyle Group News Article The Carlyle Group Acquires Cameca Group.

Argonne and Los Alamos laboratories) and corporations (e.g., Exxon, Siemens, ...
Political Friendster - Carlyle Group - Connections -

Los Alamos National Lab From Univerisity of California to University of Texas sponsored by Carlyle (0 ratings) ·

More about this connection.
Political Friendster-Kathleen Blanco-Connections-Carlyle Group. Los Alamos National Lab From Univerisity of California to University of Texas sponsored by Carlyle (0 ratings) · More about this connection.

26.Jul.2007 Uranium $200 a Pound Possible in Next 2 Years: Macquarie considers ...

The role that such diverse groups + individuals as the Carlyle Group, George H.W. Bush, former Carlyle CEO Frank Carlucci, Los Alamos + Livermore labs, ...
26.Jul.2007 Nuclear Weapons Stealth Takeover: 5 Admirals, U.C. Regents ... - Stop Carlyle ! website

16.Aug.2004 "Our Opinion: NNSA must share blame for Los Alamos mistakes" , ...
Exposed: The Carlyle Group: Shocking documentary uncovers the

Carlyle Group is a private investment bank which doesn't come to the publics attention very often but it is one of the biggest American (ed: USA)
26.Jul.2007 Thomas Carlyle - Writer and journalist who initially held progressive political views + became increasingly conservative (1795-1881)
26.Jul.2007 => Nachrichten | Angemeldete Fusionen: Carlyle Gruppe (USA) u ...

Angemeldete Fusionen: Carlyle Gruppe (USA) u. Onex Corp. (CAN); Allisson Transmission (USA)?:: Angemeldete Fusionen: Carlyle Gruppe (USA) u. Onex Corp.
Qui veut vraiment du Carlyle Group ?

Partners LP, l’un des fonds asiatiques du Carlyle Group, spécialisé notamment dans « l’aérospatial, la défense, le management de ...
Meet The Carlyle Group - Former World Leaders and Washington ...

How will President George W. Bush make a personal fortune from the War on Terror?

The old fashioned way. He'll inherit it;

Meet the Carlyle Group.
26.Jul.2007 Rüstung: Weißes Haus fordert Geld für Modernisierung von Atomwaffen

26.Jul.2007 Extremwetter in Europa: Waldbrände wüten in Griechenland

26.Jul.2007 Wirtschaftsboom: Kammern rechnen mit Exportweltmeister China

26.Jul.2007 Lehrer aus Sri Lanka: "Wir sind die am besten angesehenen Menschen"

26.Jul.2007 Lehrer aus Bermuda: "Wir leben in einem Vakuum"

26.Jul.2007 Lehrerin aus Finnland: "Lehrer können frei und unabhängig arbeiten"

26.Jul.2007 Lehrer aus Indonesien: "Wir sind Engel"

26.Jul.2007 Lehrerin in Chile: "Zwischen Arm und Reich klafft eine große Schere"

26.Jul.2007 Lehrer in Simbabwe: "Es mangelt an allem"

26.Jul.2007 Lehrer aus Kolumbien: "Gewalt? Letztes Jahr wurden 36 Lehrer ermordet"

26.Jul.2007 Lehrerin aus Südafrika: "Wir nehmen die Kinder mit nach Hause"

26.Jul.2007 Schulen querweltein: "Bei uns wurden 36 Lehrer ermordet"

26.Jul.2007 Eine Nacht im Tretboot: Radeln auf der Ruhr