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01.Dec.2006 [NYTr] Drugs: The Infinite Campaign ...

00.000.1980 from the port of Mariel: referred to there as the marielitos.

Newsweek published testimonies of Jorge Morales + Gary Betzner of the US, ...
The Marxist-Leninist Daily

"I have never heard such moving + brilliant testimonies.

The Marielitos drug traffickers are currently controlling the market in the Cancun hotel zone ...
Political Friendster - 911 - Connections

Controlled Demolition Inc. - CDI.

CDI was instrumental in devising a plan to recycle the WTC steel.

CEO Mark Loizeaux's CDI was also hired to bury the ...
Prophetic understanding -

Underwriters Laboratories Says NO WAY ...

Dr. Gayle biography

Tully called Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) of ...
Kevin R

Loizeaux, Mark President of Controlled Demolition Incorporated, of Phoenix Maryland.

CDI was awarded the contract to remove the rubble from the WTC site ...
Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?

Yes + as

president of Controlled Demolition, Inc., Mr. Loizeaux would know ...

According to his biography on this web page, his publications have been ...
Trampoline Enron Explorer » Webb Jennings

14.Mar.2001 Karen Marshall; UT Spring Interviews:

27.Feb.2001 ... Clement Lau; Matthew Lenhart; Karen Marshall; Errol Mclaughlin ; Christi Nicolay ...
Trampoline Enron Explorer » Bilal Bajwa

... Lexi Elliott; UT Super Saturday Candidates:

17.Oct.2000 Lexi Elliott ... John Lavorato; Billy Lemmons; Errol Mclaughlin ; Dutch Quigley; Robin Rodrigue ...
Eric Margolis | Foreign Correspondent : BOMBING PAKISTAN BACK TO ...

Anyone seen ‘Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism ”?

This is a well-documented piece by Sarah Meyer.
20060519 Iraq : Security Companies + Training Camps Sarah Meyer.

Private US and UK security firms ...

A nice recognition to receive from an outstanding journalist.
News Dissector Blog > Print > Your Letters Today

And you call yourself an honest journalist .

Or maybe your just emulating the mainstream media by ...

It's the home of the agro-bio world, the Monsanto empire. ...
01.Dec.2006 Bush_Team_Member_Says_WTC_Collapse_Likely_A_Controlled_Demolition?

This was nothing like a controlled demolition ; it was a disaster, if that was what was intended, because in a controlled demolition, the idea is to ...
More Ground Gained for 9/11 Truth Advocates |

That's a really nice biography ... yep, very nice. ... Tully called Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) of Phoenix, Maryland, ...
FIREFLYFANS.NET Tully called Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition, Inc. .

An Investigative Biography of Rudolph Giuliani, by Village Voice senior editor ...
00.Mär.2003 - März 2003 (MSNBC) Delphine und Seelöwen in der Armee.

Ganz vorne ist dabei Halliburton, der Megakonzern, deren Chef Richard Cheney

bis zur Wahl 2000 war, ...
Brief Haj Alis an das italienische und österreichische Volk

Haj Ali Al-Qaisi ist

der Mann in Kapuze und mit Elektroden an den Händen,

dessen Bilder die Welt erschütterten.

Heute lebt er im Exil in Amman und hat sich mit seiner Gefangenenhilfsorganisation zum Ziel gemacht,

die Welt über die Geschehnisse in den US-Gefängnissen im Irak aufzuklären.

An das italienische und österreichische Volk

Von den Wunden des Zweistromlandes

Von der Nation, die für ihre Freiheit kämpft und ihre Würde verteidigt

Von den Opfern des Irak - Frauen, Kinder, Alte und Junge

Ich wünschte

man hätte mir die Einreise nach Italien und Österreich gewährt, aber

ich bin nicht erwünscht.

Das tut weh,

zusätzlich zu den Schmerzen,

an denen ich seit Abu Ghraib leide.

Scheinbar ist es Teil der Demokratie, die sie uns bringen wollen,

dass denjenigen, die ihre Würde, ihre Heimat, ihre Ehre hochhalten,

das Wort verboten wird.

Mein Herz bleibt dennoch voll von Frieden und Liebe,

obwohl es mir verweigert wurde zu Euch zu kommen und meine Gedanken mit Euch zu teilen,

als jemand der durch die Folter durch US-Besatzungssoldaten

Zeit seines Lebens

behindert sein wird.

Zehntausende Opfer der US-Gefängnisse im besetzten Irak appellieren an Euer Bewusstsein.

Ihr alle wisst was in diesen Gefängnissen passiert,

einschließlich jener die von Milizen und Parteien betrieben werden,

die sich heute an der Regierung befinden.

Aber das ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs

der Grausamkeiten,

die im Namen von Humanität und Religion begangen werden.

Für die Gefangenen jedenfalls,

die Folter, Beschimpfungen und Erniedrigungen erleiden,

werden die Gefängnisse zu Schulen des Widerstands –

als Antwort auf ihr Leid.
Anlässlich des Besuchs des irakischen Präsidenten in Euren Ländern,

bitten wir Euch im Namen der Opfer Euer Volk, Euer Parlament, Eure Regierung, Vereine, Parteien und politische Bewegungen

zu veranlassen,

dass sie Talabani aufrufen die politischen Häftlinge sofort freizulassen.

Erinnert ihn auch an die Solidarität, die das kurdische Volk international erhalten hat.
Der Beweis dafür, dass ich die Visaverweigerung verzeihe,

ist meine Bitte an eure Völker sich zu engagieren,

dass Folter und Besatzung ein Ende finden.
Der Geist der Revolution ist wie ein Samen der im Herzen und im Verstand wächst,

wie uns der große Revolutionär Ernesto Che Guevara lehrte.

All meine Hochachtung
Im Namen der Freiheit und des Friedens

für alle Völker der Welt

Haj Ali, Gründer und Koordinator
Vereinigung der Opfer der US-Besatzungsgefängnisse
Registriert unter der Nummer 1h1050 ngo
11. Nov.2005


Kulu al-Arab: Neben Folterungen gab es auch Bestechungsversuche. Haben Sie das auch erlebt?

Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi: Natürlich. Sie boten mir Geld und Positionen in der neuen Regierung an. Sogar mehr als das. Sie sagten mir: „Du kannst uns kritisieren, aber gib uns dein Einverständnis für die Teilnahme am politischen Prozess und den Wahlen im Dezember 2005.“ Ich lehnte ihr Angebot ab und deshalb, so wurde mir gesagt, würde ich bis nach dieser Wahl nicht frei gelassen werden. So war es dann auch. Ich sagte ihnen auch, dass ich für den Widerstand wäre und wenn es dreißig Jahre dauern würde, würde ich sie bekämpfen. Einer der Generäle antwortete mir mit folgenden Worten: „Stell zwei Bataillone auf und kämpfe gegen uns, aber schreibe nichts über uns.“ Darauf konnte ich nur sagen: „Ich bin kein Kämpfer mit dem Gewehr und ich bin schon über sechzig. Das einzige, was ich tun kann ist schreiben. Und das werde ich auch weiterhin tun.“

Kulu al-Arab: Was sind die größten Probleme für die Gefangenen?

Abduljabbar al-Kubaysi: Die Ernährung. Die Gefangenen müssen unglaublichen Hunger erleiden. Sie gaben uns je einen Löffel Reis, ein bisschen Getreide und ein Stück Fleisch. Ich übertreibe nicht. Als sie den Speiseplan änderten, bekamen wir drei Löffel Nudeln. Wie es in den Briefen der Gefangenen an das Internationale Rote Kreuz klar zum Ausdruck kommt, ist der Hunger eines der größten Probleme der Gefangenen.

Das Interview wurde auf erstmalig publiziert.

28. Dezember 2005

In den ersten sechs Monaten steckten sie mich in einen hölzernen Verschlag, der sich in einer etwas größeren Zelle befand. Die allerersten elf Tage musste ich sogar in einer hölzernen Schachtel zubringen, in die ich kaum hineinpasste.

Archiv des Widerstandsreports

Zurück zu den aktuellen Meldungen

Der amerikanische Fleischwolf im Irak
Quelle: IslamOnline

von Firas Al-Atraqchi, aus IslamOnline,


Ein Mann um die Vierzig geht in einem Zimmer des Krankenhauses, das zu einem Notbehelfs-Leichenschauhaus umfunktioniert wurde, um die liegenden Körper herum.

Die Körper liegen still, unglücklich, jedoch ruhig.
Die Kamera zoomt auf die Körper, dieser verabscheuungswürdigen Terroristen, die Normalität, Zivilisation, Ordnung und Glauben zerstören.
Der erste ist ein neun Monate alter Säugling, wahrscheinlich ein Junge, denn er trägt weiß-blaue Babykleidung.

Sein Mund ist geöffnet, als ob sein kleiner Körper instinktiv nach dem letzten Atem schnappt.

Seine Augen sind geöffnet, starren ins Nichts.
Der zweite Terrorist ist ein vier Jahre altes Mädchen.

Sie liegt auf einem weißen Bettlaken getränkt von einer Blutlake unter ihrem Kopf, der eigenartig klein im Vergleich zu ihrem restlichen Körper erscheint.

Die Kamera kommt näher um einen besseren Blick zu verschaffen und man weiß sofort den Grund für diese Unproportion:

der hintere Teil ihres Kopfes fehlt, er ist irgendwo in den Ruinen ihres Hauses, das bei einem weiteren US-Präzisionsschlag gegen Terroristen zerstört wurde, verloren gegangen.
Die Kamera wendet sich schnell ab.
Neben ihr, ist ein weiterer Terrorist, ein ungefähr fünf Jahre alter Junge, in den letzten verzweifelten Momenten verfangen.
"Sie waren alle von einer Familie", sagt der Mann, der um die toten Körper herumgeht.
Er bedeckt die Gesichter der Kinder und zeigt auf einen Tisch auf dem zwei Frauen liegen.

Die Kamera war gerade so lange auf die Gesichter gerichtet um dem Seher zu zeigen, dass es sich um Frauen handelt,

danach schwenkt die Kamera ab, unter Einhaltung der lokalen Sitten betreffend dem Filmen von Frauen.
Auch nach dem Tod ist die Wahrung der Ehre in dieser traditionellen Stadt von oberster Priorität.
Das Video dieser oben geschilderten Szenen wurde in der ganzen arabischen Welt und in den meisten europäischen Ländern ausgestrahlt.

In Amerika wurde es nicht gesehen.
Zwei Tage zuvor, hätte die Szene wiederholt werden können
Ein weiterer Präzisionsschlag hat ein Haus im Zentrum Fallujahs getroffen.
Nachbarn und Sanitäter hetzten um durch den Trümmerschutt zu gelangen und konnten ein zwei Jahre altes Baby finden.

Mit Allah Akbar (Rufen) wurde das Kind hinausgetragen und von einem Mann um die sechzig umarmt.

Der Junge stand unter Schock, Blut kam aus seiner Stirn. Dann begann er zu weinen.
Die Kamera schwenkt zu einer Reihe von Männern die mit ihren bloßen Händen an einer Stelle graben,

wo sie vermuten, dass eine Frau lebendig unter den Trümmern vergraben sei.

Binnen Sekunden - wendet sich die Kamera um einen besseren Winkel zu bekommen -

der Mann gräbt eine blutüberströmte Frau aus, die unter Tränen unzusammenhängend zu stammeln beginnt.

Die Frau, wird uns später erzählt, ist die Mutter des zwei Jahre alten Kindes.
Eine andere Szene aus dem Krankenhaus in


00.Mai 2004 Der antike Philosoph Marc Aurel schrieb einst:

Imperium superat regnum

"Number one, we are absolutely appalled by what we saw," Kimmitt said of the ...
AVIVA-Berlin Die Regisseurin des Films "La premiére fois que jai eu 20 ans",

beruhend auf dem autobiographischen Roman von Susie Morgenstern, spricht über die ...
Lesungen Susie Morgenstern, Uhr öffentlich, Stadtteilbibliothek Braunsfeld ...

Susie Morgenstern, 10.00 Uhr, Hansa-Gymnasium Köln, Hansaring 56 ...
20051117 Das Papier hat die " Washington Post " nach eigenen Angaben von einer Quelle aus dem ...

ICH Daily

13.Nov.2005-17.Nov.2005 ... senior administration official who told Washington Post Assistant Managing Editor Bob Woodward ...

Information Clearing House News Links 16-20/1/06

When it comes to spin, Washington is no match for Wall Street .:.


Officials have said the journalists included Washington Post correspondent Dana ... "[Khaled] Al- Masri's lawsuit, filed by ACLU lawyers in Alexandria, Va. ...


"A new book by Bob Woodward of The Washington Post alleges that Rice failed ... had admitted that in the case of a German citizen [Khaled el- Masri ] who says ... /
EMM News Explorer Benyam Mohammed (1). Alberto Saíz (1). Dan Buciumanu (1). Khaled Al- Masri (1).

Related Organisations. CIA (29). Press Agency (3). Washington Post (2) ...,LeMonde-de294f90611ae92b518972f2f61923af.html

EMM Entities: Clustered news stories about Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades

Hamas has said that Fatah is acting as Washington's stooge in the region.

Hani Awijan and Amid Al Masri opened fire on soldiers who called them to lay ...

quart trimestre 2005

La CIA ha decidit investigar qui va filtrar al diari The Washington Post ...

Khalid el- Masri arrestat per error per la CIA a Macedònia ha denunciat aquest ...
As seen from Just Above Sunset

The Washington Post breaks the story that when Bush took office the energy policy, devised by the vice president, was written by the head guys in the oil ...
20050303 Inselkauf mit Tücken : Ureinwohner klagen gegen Mel Gibson ... in Verhören von Häftlingen im US - Gefängnis Guantanamo Bay auf Kuba erlaubt wurden.
widerst@nd! - MUND: Dienstag,

22.Feb.2004 Den Vogel hat freilich der Kanzler selbst, der an besagter

... religious moderates such as Ibrahim Jafari and religious conservatives.
Amerika käme nicht auf die Idee, den Abwurf der Atombomben auf ...

Ibrahim verwies darauf, wie reibungslos der Sohn des syrischen Präsidenten seinem ... fiel die Antwort der deutschen Vertreter in besagter EU-Arbeitsgruppe ...

Längst geht es dabei nicht um Informationen, wenn bis heute und ...

Ibrahim schrieb dazu:

Wenn man Probleme in unserer Gesellschaft dokumentiert, ... Vertreter in besagter EU-Arbeitsgruppe wesentlich zurückhaltender aus. Diese Vorgehensweise wurde im Zeitraum von

00.Sep.2003-00.Nov.2003 regelmäßig mit ... als Initiatoren + Beteiligte besagter Misshandlungen.

00.Nov.2006 Ein Jahr nach ihrem Amtsantritt hat Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel ...

In einer Fotogalerie zeigt sich besagter Justin Seay sehr bierselig + ...
So wie das Kreuz als römisches Werkzeug der Unterjochung zum ...

Ibrahim verwies darauf, wie reibungslos der Sohn des syrischen Präsidenten seinem ... Vertreter in besagter EU-Arbeitsgruppe wesentlich zurückhaltender aus.
strafanzeige_rumsfeld_ua_2006_vol1 pdf
2006, teilweise zitierte Telefoninterview mit dem jüngsten Sohn. vom


Human Rights First hält seit

2005 Kontakt zu den Söhnen und ...
The Creature from Jekyll Island, The Federal Reserve, talk by ...

Benjamin Strong was at the meeting;

he was the head of J. P. Morgan's Banker's Trust

... the president, the vice - president + treasurer but guess what? ...

Wall Street-Nazi Collaboration in

WWII. The power of Morgan and Company in France bears no relation to the small ...

a vice - president of General Motors, who was in charge of their overseas ...


Sanders/Austin Fitts: The Negative Return Economy

The Wall Street legend credits JP Morgan ’s genius + patriotism with saving the ...

Enron executives were intimately involved with US Vice President Richard Cheney ...
Halliburton Has a Friend in Dick Cheney: No Bid Contracts in Iraq ...

Shares of the Houston-based Halliburton company

00.000.---00.000.-- -formerly- led by Vice President Dick Cheney ... reported that Halliburton got an extra boost from J.P. Morgan analysts, ...
Murder by Injection, Chapter 10, The Rockefeller Syndicate

Like J.P. Morgan, who had begun his commercial career by selling the U.S. Army ...

The attack on Vice President Nixon's automobile when he visited South ...
Skull & Bones/Nazi Satanists At Work

Harold Stanley (Skull& Bones) was vice president and president of Guaranty Trust ... E. H. Harriman, Russell Sage and J.P. Morgan also heavily funded the Red ...
John D. Rockefeller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Rockefeller agreed to support this cartel if they gave him preferential treatment ... Manhattan (now the retail financial services arm of JP Morgan Chase). ...
Joe Kress - What's Behind The Bush?, Part 1

It was John Pierpont Morgan, Sr., at the request of President McKinley, ... to link up with J.P, Morgan, Jr. to form the private central banking cartel, ...
Innovate!Europe 2006

Before joining Accel, Ms. Gibbons was Corporate Vice President of MSN Global ... of high-tech companies for JP Morgan and as a financial analyst specialised ...
Jeckyll Island - At Jeckyll Island, Big Bankers Planned Your ...

Senior partner of the J. P. Morgan Company, Henry Davison, attended, as did Charles Norton, President of the First National Bank of New York.
Who's Who in the Goebbels Zoo

The grandson of J.P. Morgan partner Charles H. Coster + scion of an old opium-running ... + current senior vice president of the Mont Pelerin Society,
Control by the Food Cartel Companies: Profiles and Histories John Hugh MacMillan II (

00.000.1895-00.000.1960 ) was the president of Cargill from

1936 until ...

Nestlé chairman Helmut Maucher is also on the board of J.P. Morgan Bank, ...
war creation Carroll Quigley calls the Dawes Plan "largely a J.P. Morgan production.

But the big bash was the one given by Vice President Dick Cheney.
Populist Party - How the Federal Reserve Runs the US - Part II

Whatever the truth is, the banking cartel was only in distress a short time.

They're partners with giant US banks like JP Morgan Chase and Citibank as ...
Patrick Wood - The Global Elite: Who are they? - Part 3

Jamie Dimon President + Chief Operating Officer, JPMorgan Chase, New York, NY.

Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. Vice Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve ...
So You Think You've Heard Some Good Conspiracies | Barry Chamish

The Jesuits ordered J.P. Morgan to build the Titanic.

... immigration to change the status quo and the Vice President Cheney tried to shoot his buddy to death. ...
The Dr. Rath Health Foundation | Responsibility for a healthy world

The JP Morgan Group + all its members financially benefiting from these ...

Quackwatch website owned by Stephen Barrett, M.D., vice - president of the ...
Clearstream - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia By the end of

00.000.2000 JP Morgan had extricated itself from Euroclear, but

JP Morgan still is ... a vice president of Clearstream who, as a computer engineer, ...
01.Dec.2006 1 - 10 of about 1,450 for
vice president and cartel and jp morgan - 0.13 sec.

2004081517 .. Board of Directors,- executive vice - president of " JP Morgan Chase Bank" for EMEA ... also attracted the Anglo-American oil cartel.

Minyanville : University : Fundamental Analysis

JP Morgan upgraded General Dynamics(GD:NYSE) to neutral from ... "the Fund") and serves as a Senior Vice President at Minyanville Publishing & Multimedia.

Boeing, Lockheed Martin To Form Launch Services Joint Venture

Gass, vice president and general manager of Lockheed Martin Space Transportation, ... Morgan Stanley served as financial advisor to Boeing and JP Morgan served as ...

Dr. Rath Charges Pharma-Cartel and Political Leaders with Genocide Before International Criminal Court atThe Hague

Richard Bruce ("Dick") Cheney, U.S. Vice President.

The JP Morgan Group and all its members financially benefiting from these crimes. ...

Vice President, Activities and Administrative

Date unknown: Secretary

Date ... Locke Liddell & Sapp LLP 3400 JP Morgan Chase Tower 600 Travis Street Houston, ...

The Online NewsHour:

The Harriet Miers Nomination |

Miers Answers to Senate Judiciary Committee Questionnaire | PBS ...

Vice President, Activities and Administrative Date unknown: Secretary Date ... Locke Liddell & Sapp LLP 3400 JP Morgan Chase Tower 600 Travis Street Houston, ...

The World in the Palm of Their Hands: Bilderberg

2005 DANIEL ESTULIN/Online Journal

24.May 2005 Bartley, its vice president and Paul Gigot, editorial page editor.

USA, Rockefeller, David, Member, JP Morgan International Council ...

Conspiracy Planet - Bilderbergers - Bilderberg

2005 : Planetary Ruler Wannabe Klatch Principal and Vice Chancellor, McGill University. N ...

Member, JP Morgan International Council. USA. Rodin, Judith. President, The Rockefeller Foundation ...

The world in the palm of their hands: Bilderberg 2005, Part I Bartley, its vice president and Paul Gigot, editorial page editor. ... USA, Rockefeller, David, Member, JP Morgan International Council ...


2006 and Co-Founder and Vice President at Achex, Inc. ... of high-tech companies for JP Morgan and as a financial analyst specialised ...

With the U.S. Government's almost total clampdown on real news after the 9/11 terrorist attack, there was plenty of questions that had everyone scratching their heads. But the void has been filled with disinformation. The real secrets of the 9/11 attack have nothing at all to do with planes with no Arab hijackers aboard being flown by remote control, or missiles...
Recently-released court documents from the trial of Zacharias Moussaoui show clear evidence of the FBI attempt to cover-up the whereabouts and activities of lead 9.11 hijacker Mohamed Atta in Florida between January and May of 2001, confirming reports which have appeared exclusively in the MadCowMorningNews.

01.Dec.2006 The word "cover-up" itself was invented to describe the activities during Nixon-era scandal of an early owner of Sequoia Voting

After months of rumors of a link between the takeover last year of a leading American manufacturer of electronic voting systems and the government of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a flurry of stories during the past few days revealed that the U.S. government has begun an investigation of the purchasing company, Smartmatic, which has been linked to the leftist government of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

A n American Congresswoman called into question the national security implications involved in the sale of an American election services company last year by its British owner (the company which prints the Queen’s currency) to a Venezuelan software firm owned by a trust in Amsterdam which is itself owned by an entity in the Netherlands Antilles whose ownership resides in a private foundation in Geneva, Switzerland.

This convoluted ownership of a company with a previous owner who coined the word “cover-up” i s just a freak coincidence.. right?
Otherwise next Tuesday's election may validate the unnaturally sunny optimism about the Republican's chances being displayed by strategist Karl Rove and President George W. Bush.


The election company executive responsible for the touch screen electronic voting machines in Sarasota County Florida which failed to register fully one of every seven votes cast in last week’s hotly-contested Florida Congressional race to replace Rep. Katherine Harris was once quoted in the New York Times saying “The problem with computer-assisted voting systems was that they centralized the opportunity for fraud."

Gary L. Greenhalgh, vice president of Election Software & Services (ES&S), was instrumental in an effort led by Sarasota County election supervisor Kathy Dent

00.000.2001 to persuade the County to pay over $4 million for touch-screen electronic voting machines + was then the project manager overseeing their installation. FULL STORY
01.Dec.2006 Who owns Sequoia Voting?

In the aftermath of the 2000 Presidential election in Florida the nation’s eyes were riveted on punch cards being held up to the light, and  no one thought to investigate the ownership of the election companies that count America’s vote... Except us.-

Sequoia Voting Systems, the election company currently embroiled in controversy over its connection to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez,  was owned at the time of the

2000 election by a shadowy international financier who got his big break in a sweetheart deal with a subsidiary of Mobil Oil, Container Corp of America, at a time when the company was controlled by the Rockefeller Family.
Noch leichter ist die umgekehrte Verwirrung zu erzeugen. Die Forscher nennen sie "jamais vu", nie gesehen. Jeder kann das selbst ausprobieren. Es genügt, altbewährte Wörter wie "Schrank" oder "zwanzig" 20-mal auszusprechen, und sie hören sich an wie schierer Unfug. Eine erste Studie ergab jedoch, dass solche Wörter im Zustand äußerster Fremdheit ebenso schnell verstanden und verarbeitet werden wie zuvor.
"Es scheint also tatsächlich zwei getrennte Schaltkreise zu geben", sagt Moulin: "die Informationsverarbeitung selbst und eine Art begleitende Erfahrung, die das Denken moderiert."

Moulin spricht von "kognitiven Gefühlen". Das Jamais-vu gehört für ihn ebenso dazu wie das Gefühl der Vertrautheit oder auch die plötzliche Gewissheit, ein Denkproblem komplett gelöst zu haben: das Aha-Erlebnis.
Nicht alle wirken sich so stark auf das Denken aus wie das Erinnerungsgefühl. Wenn es sich verselbständigt, kann es offenbar dem Bewusstsein jede Fiktion als echt beglaubigen.

"Schon allein deshalb", sagt Moulin, "sollten wir mehr darüber herausfinden."
Ein Déjà-vu lässt sich nun einmal nicht im Labor erzeugen.
In Leeds geht das nun aber doch, zumindest annähernd. Das Mittel: Hypnose. Moulins Mitarbeiter Akira O'Connor versetzt Versuchspersonen der Reihe nach in willenlosen Dämmer.

Dann legt er ihnen eine Reihe Wörter vor, von denen sie einige nicht kennen. Am Ende befiehlt O'Connor ihnen, alles zu vergessen, und weckt sie wieder auf.
Der künstliche Gedächtnisverlust tut tatsächlich seine Wirkung. Vielen Versuchsteilnehmern ist danach bei den unbekannten Wörtern seltsam zumute. Etwa die Hälfte von ihnen beschreibt das Gefühl als Déjà-vu.

Grundfrage der Gedächtnisforschung: Wie kann das Gehirn überhaupt zwischen Erinnerung und Einbildung unterscheiden?
Neu ist, dass sich die momentane Hirnverwirrung bei einigen Menschen offenbar zu einem Dauerzustand verstetigt. Für sie ist das Déjà-vu nicht mehr verblüffend, sondern normal.

Ein französischer Ausdruck hat sich dafür eingebürgert: "déjà vu", schon mal gesehen.

Die Entdeckung der Vernunft
Der Ursprung der Abendländischen Kultur im alten Griechenland
Inhalt Vorabmeldungen
Das Erlebnis hat etwas Verstörendes. Denn die Erinnerung aus dem Nichts präsentiert sich oft in fast fotografischer Deutlichkeit. "Alles scheint plötzlich perfekt zusammenzupassen", sagt Moulin.

"Aber das Bewusstsein weiß: Das ist nicht möglich."

Dennoch ist manchmal das Gefühl einer Erinnerung einen Wimpernschlag lang so übermächtig, dass die Gegenwart wie ein schwacher Widerschein dagegen verblasst.

Es ist fast, als hätte man schon einmal gelebt.
Gut möglich, dass von derart wunderlichen Erfahrungen der Glaube an Wiedergeburt und Hellseherei herrührt. Auch nüchterne Gemüter können nach einem Déjà-vu auf geistersinnige Ideen verfallen.

Hat man die Szene, da sie so vertraut war, nicht irgendwie kommen sehen? Hat sich nicht eine Vorahnung scheinbar rückwirkend bestätigt? Oder tut sich hier der Blick in ein früheres Leben auf?
01.Dec.2006 Two important pieces What the hell are you doing here ? You've got some reading to do:
1. Heroic whistleblower Sibel Edmunds has posted
part two of her excellent work "The Hijacking of a Nation." The first part concentrated on Saudi Arabia; in this installment, she talks Turkey. Since the 1950s Turkey has played a key role in channeling into Europe and the U.S. heroin produced in the "Golden Triangle" comprised of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. These operations are run by mafia groups closely controlled by the MIT (Turkish Intelligence Agency) and the military.

According to statistics compiled 00.000.1998,

Turkey’s heroin trafficking brought in $25 billion 00.000.1995 and

$37.5 billion 00.000.1996.

That amount makes up nearly a quarter of Turkey’s GDP.

Only criminal networks working in close cooperation with the police and the army could possibly organize trafficking on such a scale.

The Turkish government, MIT and the Turkish military, not only sanctions, but also actively participates in and oversees the narcotics activities and networks.
00.Jul.1998 Le Monde Diplomatique reported that in an explosive document made public at a press conference in Istanbul,

the MIT, Turkish Intelligence Agency, accused Turkey’s national police, of having “provided police identity cards and diplomatic passports to members of a group which, in the guise of anti-terrorist activities, traveled to Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Hungary and Azerbaijan to engage in drug trafficking”.

MIT provided a list of names of some of the traffickers operating under the protection of the police.

The Turkish police returned the compliment and handed over a list of named drug traffickers employed by the MIT!

Her work actually dovetails rather well with the following...
Daniel Hopsicker's latest is, as always, convoluted and mind-blowing.

We've been hearing a lot of about Russian assassination plots lately, especially if you've been following the excellent work of Larisa Alexandrovna.

The one about the mammoth cloner surprised even me . But Hopsicker has also uncovered some Russian mobsters who appear to have 9/11 connections.
Drugs, as always, are key, in both the Edmunds tale and in Hopsicker's reportage.

The poppies were grown in Afghanistan, which means that Osama Bin Laden was the king of junk.

Which means that lots of interesting and powerful people had to do covert business with him... Permalink
01.Dec.2006 Psychos for Bush A study conducted by a conservative researcher strongly indicates that the more mentally ill you are, the more likely you are to support George W. Bush.Permalink 01.Dec.2006 So, here is my solicitation for questions. I'll be interviewing Ms. de la Vega this afternoon + we'll be focusing our discussion on her new book, Bush-Versus-U-S-Constitution/dp/0897335503">US vs. George W. Bush et al..

I'll have a couple of questions that are not specifically directed to this topic, but related nonetheless, just because W and gang are so riddled with corruption, one hardly knows where to begin, or end.
01.Dec.2006 Impeachment Day Remember: December 10 is Impeachment Day + I urge every one of you to do what you can. Events and speaking engagements will occur in many cities. Check here for ongoing updates from After Downing Street. Events Already Planned
* New York, NY, (Dec. 9th) with Elizabeth Holtzman, Cindy Sheehan, Bob Fertik;
* Santa Barbara, CA, with Ann Wright, David Swanson, Rae Abileah, Elizabeth De la Vega, Dennis Loo, Geoff Millard;
* San Francisco, CA, Under the spot where the UN signed its charter 60 years ago, with Larry Everest, Peter Phillips, musicians + Human Rights "carolers" in Orange Jump Suits;
* Los Angeles, CA, an Impeachment Workshop providing materials for people to become media/street heat activists on the topic of Impeachment;
* San Fernando Valley, CA, with Paul Koretz; Elizabeth de la Vega; Dennis Loo, David Swanson;
* Chula Vista, CA, with Jeeni Criscenzo;
* Seattle, WA, Rally;
* Walla Walla, WA, Rally;
* Friday Harbor, WA, (Dec. 1st) Rally;
* Taos, NM, with Keith McHenry, Lisa Law;
* Las Cruces, NM, Discussion;
* Eden Prairie, MN, Rally and Demonstration;
* Paragould, AR, Demonstration;
* Chicago, IL, Rally: bring signs and banners;
* Kalamazoo, MI, Poetry, video, forum, demonstration;
* Athens, GA, Discussion;
* Tallahassee, FL, Rally for War Crimes Trials with speakers, petitions + fact sheets;
* Gainesville, FL, Impeach, Indict, Imprison! event;
* Jacksonville, FL, Rally to demand impeachment of Bush and Cheney;
* Washington, DC, panel-led discussion and multi-media presentation, with Bush Chain Gang;
* Washington, DC, (Dec. 4th) forum with Cynthia McKinney, Chris Hedges, Ray McGovern;
* Wayne, NJ, Why New Jersey Must Impeach the Bush Gang;
* Brooklyn, NY, Musical Ceolebration with Yikes McGee, George Mann, Julius Margolin, Alec Duffy;
* Providence, RI, Rally and March;
* Cambridge, MA, forum with notable musicians, activists + orators.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: Der Fokus verschiebt sich also von der Software zurück in die wirkliche Welt?

O'Reilly: Ja. Wir treten ein in das Zeitalter der Maßfertigung. Nehmen Sie den Bereich der synthetischen Biologie, wo sich diese Maßfertigung bis hinunter auf die Ebene der chemischen Prozesse und Stoffe erstrecken wird. Ganz zu schweigen davon, dass wir heute Dinge in relativ kleiner Stückzahl herstellen lassen können, in Ländern mit relativ niedrigen Lohnkosten. Es gibt immer ausgefeiltere Simulations- und Entwurfwerkzeuge. Leute konstruieren Dinge in "Second Life" oder mit Sketchup von Google. Solche Werkzeuge zur Gestaltung virtueller Objekte sind heute viel stärker demokratisiert, viel weiter verbreitet als je zuvor. Es gibt zum Beispiel Dienste, über die man sich seinen Avatar aus "Second Life" als 3D-Modell ausdrucken lassen kann. Das ist ein Aufbruch in neue Welten.

Die Fragen stellte Christian Stöcker

Aber am Ende ist die Frage:

Könnte jemand zum Beispiel eine bessere Fluglinie aufbauen - nur mit Hilfe besserer PR?

Richard Branson kann eine Fluglinie aufbauen, deren Wettbewerbsvorteil in ihrer PR liegt,

aber er muss immer noch das eigentliche Produkt liefern!

Nur PR reicht nicht.

Im Internet muss ein Dienst immer noch funktionieren.

Man kann vielleicht einen Vorteil gewinnen, wenn man Marketing beherrscht - aber das kann nicht das Zentrale sein.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Wenn man es bis zu dem Punkt treibt, an dem es nicht mehr funktioniert...

O'Reilly: ...bleiben die Nutzer einfach weg.

Googles Chef Eric Schmidt hat diesen tollen Satz, den er intern benutzt:

"Kämpft nicht gegen das Internet!"

Wenn man einen neuen Dienst aufbaut, muss man überlegen: Wohin wollen wir wirklich?

Das Internet ist ein bisschen wie die Schwerkraft.

Es gibt Tricks, mit denen man die Schwerkraft überlisten kann, um zu fliegen

- aber man muss wirklich alles richtig machen.


Jaron Larnier hat im SPIEGEL- Interview Wikipedia als gefährlich bezeichnet.

Er sagt, das Lexikon erzeuge eine Wissens-Monokultur und könne zum Beispiel für Rufmord missbraucht werden.

Hat er Recht?

O'Reilly: Alles kann missbraucht werden.

Wikipedia ist im Allgemeinen eine nützliche Quelle.

Sind schon Einträge absichtlich verfälscht worden?

Auf jeden Fall. Sind Leute darin schlecht behandelt worden? Auf jeden Fall.

Aber Wikipedia hat interne Mechanismen dafür entwickelt, damit umzugehen.

Sie sind nicht perfekt - aber

verdammt viel besser darin, Sachen in Ordnung zu bringen, als

zum Beispiel

im Moment


politisches System!

Man legt an das Internet sehr hohe Qualitätsstandards an, wenn man solche Fragen stellt.

Ich zitiere da immer gern "Sturgeon's Gesetz".

Theodore Sturgeon war ein Science-Fiction-Autor.

Jemand sagte ihm einmal, 95 % aller Science Fiction sei Mist.

Er antwortete: "95 %

von allem

ist Mist!"

Und Wikipedia ist verdammt gut!

Man bekommt dort eine ziemlich gute, knappe Erklärung zu beinahe allem.

"Im Grunde genommen denke ich, dass als unbekannter Held hinter den Stradivari-Geigen der Besitzer der örtlichen Drogerie steht", fügte der Chemiker hinzu,

der die legendären Saiteninstrumente seit Jahrzehnten studiert.

"Er war es, der dieses Pulver herstellte und mit den giftigen Chemikalien arbeitete -

und vermutlich im zarten Alter von 30 ohne einen Penny in der Tasche starb." fba/AFP/dpa

00.000.2004 haben Michael Kunczik und Astrid Zipfel von der Universität Mainz im Auftrag des Bundesfamilienministeriums eine umfassende Überblicksstudie zum Thema "Medien und Gewalt" verfasst.

Ihre Schlussfolgerung ist auch heute noch gültig:

"Letztlich bestätigen aktuelle Forschungsbefunde die schon länger gültige Aussage, dass manche Formen von Mediengewalt für manche Individuen unter manchen Bedingungen negative Folgen nach sich ziehen können."

Das entspreche nicht dem Bedürfnis der Öffentlichkeit nach einfachen Antworten, aber die gebe es nun einmal nicht.

"Gewalt in den Medien darf in ihrem Gefährdungspotenzial nicht verharmlost werden, es ist aber auch nicht angebracht, Mediengewalt zum Sündenbock für Gewalt in der Gesellschaft zu stempeln

Derzeit beträgt das Investitionsaufkommen zwischen den aufstrebenden Volkswirtschaften in Asien, Afrika + Lateinamerika jährlich 60 Milliarden Dollar.

Schätzungen zufolge könnte China die USA

00.000.2040 als größte Volkswirtschaft der Welt ablösen, Indien

00.0000.2032 Japan überholen.

"Die Schwellenländer avancieren zu Ordnern an den Pforten zur entwickelten Welt", stellt die Risk Map fest.

"Die Industriestaaten sollten darauf schon

00.000.2007 eine Antwort geben."
Die Piraten gehen rabiater vor, zuletzt häuften sich Fälle von brutalem Entern der Schiffe bis hin zur Entführung der Besatzung.

Der Ölpreis und die ökologische Sicherheit

Anhaltende Instabilität im Mittleren Osten und in Nigeria, unberechenbare Entscheidungen der Opec, ökonomischer Nationalismus in Lateinamerika, der Ressourcennationalismus Russlands, Anschläge auf Versorgungsnetzwerke - all diese Faktoren haben einen subtilen Einfluss auf den Ölpreis, heißt es in der Risk Map. 2006 fielen die makroökonomischen Folgen des Ölpreises (bis zu 78 Dollar) moderat aus, doch ein weiterer Anstieg könnte das weltweite Wirtschaftswachstum erheblich bremsen. Die negativen Folgen würden besonders kleine und mittlere Volkswirtschaften spüren, weil sie einem jähen Abkühlen der Weltwirtschaft wenig entgegenzusetzen hätten und dort meist energieintensive Industrien sitzen. Das politische Gleichgewicht in jenen Staaten ist dadurch gefährdet - und somit die Sicherheitslage.

Die ökologische und gesundheitliche Sicherheit ist langfristig eine Herausforderung für Politik und Unternehmen. Das Risiko einer Pandemie besteht weiter. Der Anstieg des Meeresspiegels und der Temperatur kann erhebliche Folgen für die soziale und politische Stabilität vieler Regionen haben - durch Ernteausfälle und Überschwemmungen drohen Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts bis zu 150 Millionen Menschen zu Flüchtlingen zu werden.

Uhrlau und Fromm weitere Zeugen

Der SPD-Obmann Thomas Oppermann erklärte, es gehe darum, geheimdienstliche Vorgänge aufzuklären, die teilweise geheim bleiben müssten. Bei Veröffentlichung könne für Deutschland schwerer Schaden entstehen. Es gebe keine Hinweise darauf, dass sich die deutschen Geheimdienste etwas zu Schulden hätten kommen lassen.

Heute will der Untersuchungsausschuss auch den Präsidenten des Bundesnachrichtendienstes (BND), Ernst Uhrlau + den Präsidenten des Bundesverfassungsschutzes, Heinz Fromm, als Zeugen hören. "Das sind Schlüsselzeugen", sagte Grünen-Obmann Hans-Christian Ströbele. "Es geht jetzt darum: Was wussten die Spitzen von BND und Bundesverfassungsschutz? Und haben sie die Bundesregierung informiert?"
Kritik an Führungsstrategie: Kerkorian stößt weitere GM- Aktien ab

30.Nov.2006 VDSL- Schutz: Bundestag billigt umstrittenes Telekom- Gesetz

30.Nov.2006 Papst in der Blauen Moschee: Muslime feiern Benedikt

30.Nov.2006 Mysteriöse Erkrankung: Neuer Giftanschlag auf Kreml- Kritiker?
30.Nov.2006 Litwinenko- Mord: 33.000 Fluggäste von Polonium- Alarm betroffen
30.Nov.2006 Mehr Obst, weniger Alkohol: Deutsche ernähren sich gesünder

30.Nov.2006 3,995 Millionen Erwerbslose: Müntefering jubelt über "goldenen November"
30.Nov.2006 Gesetz gegen Psychoterror: Stalking wird Straftat
30.Nov.2006 Die Türkei, der Papst und die EU: Wie Erdogan das Papst- Zitat verbog
Fidschi: Militärumsturz bedroht Südseeidyll

30.Nov.2006 Giftmord: Litwinenko- Besucher saß in verseuchtem Flugzeug

30.Nov.2006 Polonium- 210: Der strahlende Killer
Kabinettsbeschluss: Rußfilter werden steuerlich gefördert

30.Nov.2006 Abschied vom Benzin: Kleiner, leichter, sparsamer
Internet- Vordenker O'Reilly: 3D- Drucker werden unser Leben verändern
Seltene Gedächtnisstörung: Déjà- vu auf Endlosschleife
Vorweihnachtsstimmung weltweit: Großstädte im Lichtermeer

30.Nov.2006 Eier unterm Hammer: Dinosauriernest wird versteigert
Durchbruch für Deutschlands Wirtschaft: "Ein schöner, stabiler, robuster Aufschwung"

30.Nov.2006 Türkei- Beitritt: Zypern droht mit Blockade der EU- Gespräche
Litwinenko- Mord: Tausende Fluggäste fürchten Vergiftung - fünf Jets auf Radioaktivität untersucht
Bahrain: Regierung verbietet Alkohol und Musik in Wohngebieten
Stradivari- Klang: Dem Holzwurm sei Dank
Arbeitslosenzahlen: Höhere Mehrwertsteuer kann robusten Arbeitsmarkt nicht erschüttern

30.Nov.2006 BND- Untersuchungsausschuss: Ex- BND- Chef räumt Panne im Fall Masri ein
Gewalt- Debatte: Spielzeug für Untergangspropheten
Risk Map 2007: So gefährlich ist die Welt
Kulturstaatsminister: Ganz oben im Kanzleramt

30.Nov.2006 Treffen mit Iraks Premier: Bush hält an Irak- Strategie fest - Baker- Kommission rät zu Truppenabzug

30.Nov.2006 Aufschwung in Deutschland: Erstmals seit 2002 weniger als vier Millionen Arbeitslose

30.Nov.2006 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Sie hassen die Kunst"
United States Patent 6,362,718
Patrick,   et al.

06.Sep.2000 Filed :

26.Mar.2002 Motionless electromagnetic generator - Abstract

An electromagnetic generator without moving parts includes a permanent magnet and a magnetic core including first and second magnetic paths. A first input coil and a first output coil extend around portions of the first magnetic path, while a second input coil and a second output coil extend around portions of the second magnetic path. The input coils are alternatively pulsed to provide induced current pulses in the output coils. Driving electrical current through each of the input coils reduces a level of flux from the permanent magnet within the magnet path around which the input coil extends. In an alternative embodiment of an electromagnetic generator, the magnetic core includes annular spaced-apart plates, with posts and permanent magnets extending in an alternating fashion between the plates. An output coil extends around each of these posts. Input coils extending around portions of the plates are pulsed to cause the induction of current within the output coils. Inventors: Patrick; Stephen L. (2511 Woodview Dr. SE., Huntsville, AL 35801); Bearden; Thomas E. (2211 Cove Rd., Huntsville, AL 35801); Hayes; James C. (16026 Deaton Dr. SE., Huntsville, AL 35803); Moore; Kenneth D. (1704 Montdale Rd., Huntsville, FL 35801); Kenny; James L. (925 Tascosa Dr., Huntsville, AL 35802)
Appl. No.: 656313
And - what they were searching for was M = Delta T
Mass equals Change in Time!
Pretty simple really - heck - even a 14 year old kid could figure it out! :D :p :P
So - just whats wrong with the rest of you?
Is there REALLY any excuse - given that this knowledge exists - to invade Iraq or next Iran - and kill all those innocent women and kids (called collateral damage):rolleyes: given that there is absolutely NO SHORTAGE OF ***FREE*** ENERGY in this darn old world of ours????
I would NOT want to be the one who had to face his God on the day of judgement and explain my reason for killing all the women and kids of Iraq and Iran, for oil energy - knowing full well in advance that we had more free energy at our disposal than you could poke the proverbial stick at!
I do not feel - we could give a very good account of our actions as an aggressor nation in terms of waging war against those who never threatened us!
Anyone besides me feel this way?:?:
Sure do wish someone would listen!:mad: Cheers!

Dr. Lorentz never accepted nor called it the "Theory of Relativity."
For the rest of his life, Lorentz always referred to it, in mock derision, only as "the Einstein theory" since he knew it must be false, because it produced the obvious paradox. :)
Clearly, Lorentz did not get to "peer review" his student's paper. :mad: :o

The Lorentz Transform
The Transform seems to give the numerical or arithmetic "right answer," but mathematically it is false.
The Lorentz Transform uses the square root of the velocity squared divided by C squared.
Mathematically all square roots have two answers, the positive and the negative root.
Einstein, in his paper, seemingly without telling anybody, had arbitrarily tossed out the negative root as not having any physical meaning!!. :eek:
But that is a mathematical and scientific "no-no" and means that the original premise of Einstein's Special Relativity Theory must be incorrect.
Under the Lorentz Transform an object will travel at V = 1,000 mph East + also -V = 1,000 mph West, at the same time.
That clearly is paradoxical.
This is equivalent to Einstein stating in his theory that the square root of four is equal to two!.
For most people, those numbers seem absolutely correct!. :rolleyes:
But actually that is false, since the square root of four is equal to both plus two AND minus two!!. :idea:
And that same mind-boggling math error is published in every modern advanced physics textbook on Relativity Theory.
But since, supposedly it was published in a respected "peer reviewed" physics journal, who would dare to argue with it?
The usual problem with producing a hypothesis based on a "false" premise is a paradoxical result. For example:

And what was that Simple Math Error?
It's so simple even a child could figure it out.

In the university environment, not being a professed "believer" in Relativity Theory, was considered the near equivalent to being a heretic, blasphemer, or bomb-throwing anarchist.
In their competitive scramble to get along and go along within the physics community, the scientists simply could not see the truth of what was in front of them.
It would take the innocence of a child to state the obvious.
I was 14 at the time when I found the obvious math mistake in Einstein's paper.

00.000.1905 the famed peer-reviewed German journal "Annalen der Physik" published Einstein's first paper on the Quantum Solution to the photoelectric problem.
That unique and widely acclaimed paper had just won Einstein the Nobel Prize.
To win the prize, obviously many esteemed physicists had reviewed that paper and established its reality and correctness.
But also in that very same journal issue, Einstein published several other avant-garde theoretical papers, including his "Special Theory of Relativity" which contained the math error.
Why did no one catch the obvious error?
It was simply because chief editor, Max Planck or co-editor, Wilhelm Wien, had made the fateful decision not to send Einstein's Relativity paper out for the usual in-depth peer review. That Relativity paper, along with Einstein's other papers, were published without any scientific review. Both of the young editors, Planck and Wien, later won Nobel Prizes themselves.
They had made the editorial decision for "Annalen der Physik" that since Einstein had already just received a Nobel Prize, his prestige and popularity meant that his papers did not need to be peer reviewed.
It could be that Planck and Wien felt that publishing anything written by Einstein would enhance the popularity and circulation of the journal. But using the usual peer review process would slow down publication of the exciting new Einstein papers until the next year.
Or it could be that Planck and Wien were so overawed by the genius of Einstein that they felt Einstein had no "peers."?
For whatever reason, the journal editors, with their high regard for the Nobelist Einstein, simply "broke the required rules" for publishing new theories in the "peer reviewed" physics journal.
It seems from the historical record that none of the other scientists around the world in the physics community knew that the journal had broken its own publication rules.

The other scientists

all assumed



"Annalen der Physik" was a strictly "peer reviewed" journal,

that Einstein's Relativity paper,

with the simple math error,

had already been reviewed + approved

by a team of highly esteemed elite scientists.
But not so.
Thus in the early

00.000.1900 's no scientist would dare to point out the obvious math error in the Relativity paper.

To have done so, the scientists thought, would be the same as calling the esteemed reviewers,

the greatest minds of physics, a bunch of dribbling idiots and drooling dolts.

Not a good thing to do if you want a future career in physics.

"This World Bank program", he says slowly, "It's going to kill all of us poor people."Worl

23.Jan.2005 Permalink


Freedom for MST Political Prisoners URGENT ACTION:

One Landless Worker is Killed and Many Others Wounded in Paraíba Land Conflict

Massacre at Carajás

MST Activists Continue to Be Victims of Political Persecution in the State of São Paulo

National Campaign Against the Concession of the Alcântara Base to the U.S. Government

MST Calls on International Community

Media Clash in Brazil: MST and the Media Democracy Movement

Adital's Interview with national MST Leader Gilmar Mauro Agrarian Reform at the Witness Stand: 17 Rural Workers Imprisoned

Current Issues for the MST in Brazil Photo Albums MST Photographs

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30.Nov.2006 Fast 60 25; der Deutschen sind für ein Verbot gewaltbetonter Computerspiele

Wie eine Umfrage im Auftrag des "Stern" ergab, befürworten 59 25; der Deutschen ein Verbot so genannter Killerspiele. Nur 39 25; waren dagegen.  ...weiter
Selbst programmierender Roboter entwickelt Forschern der Cornell University ist es gelungen einen Roboter zu bauen, welcher in der Lage ist sich selbst zu programmieren.  ...weiter
Asien: Handyproduktion erfolgt unter menschenunwürdigen Zuständen
30.Nov.2006 Gehirnforscher: Nachweisbar geringere Selbstkontrolle durch Gewaltspiele

Amerikanische Forscher haben mit der Magnetresonanz-Imaging-Methode an 44 Probanden nachgewiesen, dass

gewaltdominierte Computerspiele bei Jugendlichen stärkere emotionale Reaktionen und eine geringere Selbstkontrolle hervorrufen.  ...weiter

Seine Chancen stehen schlecht.

In einem kafkaesken Schritt versucht das US-Justizministerium inzwischen selbst die nach Guantanamo verlegten ehemaligen Insassen der "Black Sites" am Reden zu hindern:

Über die streng geheimen Verhörmethoden sollen sie nicht einmal mit ihren Anwälten reden dürfen, diese seien schließlich Staatsgeheimnis.

Das Folteropfer als Geheimnisträger.
Eines Tages, fürchtet die Bush-Riege, fünden sich alle als Beschuldigte wieder.
Das Weiße Haus fürchtet einen Dammbruch, das US-Justizministerium verfolgt mit wachsender Sorge den Angriff der Bürgerrechtler
Konjunktur: Deutschland überflügelt führende Industrienationen

30.Nov.2006 Verstrahlte Verkehrsflugzeuge: Radioaktive Spuren führen nach Moskau
Irak: Baker- Kommission schlägt Truppenabzug vor
Playing the al Qaeda Card - BG When the situation in Iraq is deteriorating by the second + you refuse to call it what it is (aka a civil war), what's a desperate President to do?

Blame al Qaeda, of course. - Video WMP | Video MOV

However, as Olbermann and NBC's Sr. Pentagon Correspondent Jim Miklaszewski point out, despite the President's newfound excuse that al Qaeda is to blame,

Generals Caldwell, Abizaid and Mapes testified

just two weeks ago that al Qaeda's influence in Iraq is negligible in the grand scheme of things. ... Source:
Ledeen: Neocon Critics are An... - BG It is said Karl Rove once told Michael Ledeen to fax his "ideas" to him +

these so-called ideas often became "official policy or rhetoric," according to the Washington Post. Back in

00.Jun.2003 a few months into the invasion and occupation of Iraq, Jim Lobe, writing for the Inter Press Service, said

Rove regularly consulted with Ledeen, to the horror of foreign policy veterans.

In fact, Ledeen, according to Lobe's sources, was the "only full-time international affairs analyst" consulting with Rove, who had Bush's ear.

As the Baker Boys attempt to reign in the neocons, or so we are told + the American people have turned against the Iraqi occupation,
Michael Ledeen is as determined as ever to subvert the republic—or the few shreds that... Source:
HANK'S NEW LADY By RODDY BOYD - New York Post Onli... - BG 
Billionaire insurance titan Maurice "Hank" Greenberg has begun buying huge blocks of New York Times stock

to break the Sulzberger family's stranglehold on the media empire, The Post has learned.
One Hour Guide to Questioning the Official Story o... - BG
29.Nov.2006 RIAA Legal Ruling Could Shut Down The Internet - Paul Joseph Watson -U.S. government supports legal case that would criminalize making any files available on the world wide web
29.Nov.2006 US man gets $2m for false arrest A US lawyer wrongly held over the Madrid bombings settles part of his lawsuit against the US government for $2m.
29.Nov.2006 Study: Americans feel strongly about social ties online, too
Annual report examining the Web's impact on society highlights boom in social activities online.

29.Nov.2006 Right-Wing Attack On Pelosi Over ‘Union Hypocrisy’ Systematically Debunked - Nico 
Right-wing media outlets are engaged in an effort to tar House Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who won the Cesar Chavez award from the Cesar E. Chavez Foundation 00.000.2003, as anti-worker.

The conservative claim, initiated by Hoover Institution fellow Peter Schweizer, is that Pelosi and her husband are guilty of hypocrisy over workers’ rights because they own a vineyard in Napa Valley that is non-union.

The claim has filtered up through the blogs to Fox News and conservative print outlets like Investor’s Business Daily.

Last night, the ABC News affiliate in San Francisco filed an investigative report that systematically debunks the charge. Watch it:

Here are the key facts:

Pelosi treats her workers better than unionized vineyard workers.

“The Pelosis pay more than union workers are paid in the same valley —

that from the pastor at St. Helena’s Catholic Church, a well known advocate for farm workers who’s involved in labor negotiations with the same labor manager the Pelosis use.

Monsignor Brenkle says the Pelosis pay a $1.25 an hour more than workers at Napa’s biggest union winery.

Of the more than 300 vineyards, fewer than four are union + most of the farm workers in the Napa Valley get paid better.”

Pelosi is prohibited by law from helping her workers unionize. If Pelosi wanted to have union workers, “she could not ask the union for a contract.

00.000.1975 ”It’s illegal + has been since- Marc Grossman of the United Farm Workers Union explains:

“It is patently illegal for any grower to even discuss a union contract,

which is the only way you can supply union workers, without the workers first having voted in a state conducted secret ballot election.”

An ABC News reporter asked Peter Schweizer “if he had researched those facts before he called Pelosi a hypocrite.”

Schweitzer responded,

“It’s not my responsibility to go + find out







is handled

on the

Pelosi vineyard.”

Why burden yourself with the facts?
Board that protested peace wreath resigns. - Nico -

“Last week,

a couple were threatened with fines of $25 a day

by their homeowners’ association

unless they removed a four-foot wreath shaped like a peace symbol from the front of their house,” the New York Times reports.

The fines have been dropped +

the three-member board of the association has resigned, according to an e-mail message sent to residents on Monday.”
Bartlett On Cancelled Maliki Meeting: ‘It Was Going To Be More Of A Social Meeting Anyway’ - Judd 

Today’s widely anticipated meeting between President Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki was abruptly canceled.

CNN suggests that it “was put off to Thursday after a U.S. memo cast doubt on al-Maliki’s ability to deal with the sectarian warfare in Iraq.”

Bush counselor Dan Bartlett put that speculation to rest with this clear explanation:

BARTLETT: The President is going to have a bilateral and dinner with the King of Jordan. Since the King of Jordan and Prime Minister Maliki had a bilateral themselves, earlier today, everybody believed that negated the purpose for the three of them to meet tonight, together, in a trilateral setting. So the plan, according to — since they had such a good, productive bilateral discussion, was just for the President to deal with bilateral issues and other issues with the King this evening in a dinner setting + then the meetings set for tomorrow will still take place as scheduled.

Is that clear? No? Ok, here’s more Bartlett:

QUESTION: The King and the Prime Minister had a meeting, but the Prime Minister hasn’t seen the President since he got here +

the President changed his schedule to come here for this meeting.

BARTLETT: The President requested the meeting. This was the President requesting the meeting with the Prime Minister.

And the substantive meetings on Iraq — look, they were not going to be doing a full detail discussion in a trilateral setting about Iraq and the future of Iraq and the strategy anyway, that just wouldn’t be appropriate.

So it was going to be more of a social meeting anyways.

But the fact that they had already had a good meeting together, felt like it negated the purpose to doing so.

And the President and Prime Minister Maliki will have a very robust and lengthy dialogue tomorrow morning.

So the President flew to Jordan to have a “social meeting” with Maliki, which Maliki decided not to attend.

There’s nothing more to it. That should put all the speculation to rest.
The Iraq Study Group - Nico 
-will present its report on December 6, Reuters reports.
“Atrocities are occurring daily in Sudan’s Darfur region - Payson - + rape + pillage directed against civilians are at ‘a horrific level,’

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour said on Wednesday.”

“In a separate news conference, outgoing U.N. emergency relief coordinator Jan Egeland said tens of thousands of people driven from their homes have been dying from hunger + disease

in a crisis that was growing worse by the day.”
Bush-Maliki meeting postponed. - Nico 
-The White House says President Bush’s talks with Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki have been “put off until Thursday,” Fox News reports.
Regional war? - Nico 
-“Using money, weapons or its oil power,

Saudi Arabia will intervene to prevent Iranian-backed Shi’ite militias from massacring Iraqi Sunni Muslims once the United States begins pulling out of Iraq, a security adviser to the Saudi government said on Wednesday.”
Miami is “as bad as any ghetto in any Third World country,” - Amanda 
-says Carlos Espinosa, spokesman for Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO),

who stands by his earlier comments comparing Miami to a “Third World Country.” Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) called Tancredo’s comments “disappointing” and “naive.”
Powell: Iraq Is In A Civil War And Bush Should Stop Denying It - Think Progress 

Speaking with CNN reporter Hala Gorani in Dubai today, former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Iraq’s violence meets the standard of a civil war +

thinks President Bush needs to acknowledge that.

According to Gorani’s report, Powell said if he were heading the State Department right now, he would recommend that the Bush administration adopt that language

“in order to come to terms with the reality on the ground.”

Bush_Should_Stop_Denying_That_There_Is_A_Civil_War_In_Iraq_Video">Digg It! Full transcript:


Well, within the context of the leaders conference in Dubai + also within the context of this debate,

this semantics debate,

over whether to call what is going on on in Iraq a civil war,

the former Secretary of State Colin Powell says he thinks we can call it a civil war + added if he were still heading the State Department,

he probably would recommend to the Bush administration that those terms should be used in order to come to terms with the reality on the ground.

I’m paraphrasing what he told me.

This was closed to cameras + this was something he said within the context of this academic debate with 2 or 3,000 people watching on in the region.
Powerful al-Sadr bloc quits Iraq government. - Nico -

“A bloc of Iraqi lawmakers allied with militia leader Moqtada al-Sadr announced Wednesday that they were suspending their involvement in the government

to protest Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s trip to Jordan to meet with President Bush.”
Administration Plans To ‘Let Her Rip’ In Gigantic New Emergency Spending Bill For Iraq - Judd -

For several years, the Bush administration has been circumventing the traditional budget process by requesting emergency spending bill to cover the costs of Iraq + Afghanistan.

(So far, more that $300 billion has been spent on Iraq alone.)

The process has contributed to a fiscal situation that is “out-of-control.”

After inheriting record surpluses,

00.000.2006 the Bush administration celebrated a deficit of “only” $248 billion

Now, the administration is preparing its next “emergency” request for Iraq and Afghanistan. This time, it’s expected to be even larger, because of a memo written by Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon R. England that encourages the military services to exploit the process. The LA Times has the story:

The next request stands to be larger partly because of new rules laid out in an Oct. 25 memo from Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon R. England. Rather than strictly limiting spending to Iraq and Afghanistan costs, the memo said the military services could include costs associated with operations that are part of the larger war on terrorism.

Previously, the military portion of the supplemental spending measures has been used almost exclusively for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. England’s memo would allow the military to include a greater number of expenses more loosely tied to the actual wars, such as new military weapons systems and training exercises.

Critics of the Pentagon budget process say the memo has encouraged the services to inflate their requests.

“ The England memo basically said, ‘Let her rip,’ ” said Winslow Wheeler, director of the Straus Military Reform Project and a former congressional budget aide. “ Anything goes, as long as you can put it under the pretext of not only Iraq or Afghanistan but the global war on terror. “

The military should get the equipment and resources it needs. But unless these are provided through the regular budget process, anything approaching fiscal discipline is all but impossible.
November 29, 2006 - Think Progress -

At a recent private reception, President Bush asked Sen.-elect Jim Webb (D-VA), “How’s your boy?” referring to Webb’s son Jimmy, who is serving in Iraq.

Webb answered, “ I’d like to get them out of Iraq, Mr. President ,” to which Bush responded, “That’s not what I asked you.”

Webb “coldly” shot back, “That’s between me and my boy, Mr. President.” Webb later confessed that he was “tempted to slug” Bush.

“A December 7 summit at Riyadh may be the first venue for the Bush administration to negotiate directly with Iran and Syria in an effort to reduce the bloodshed in Iraq,” the New York Sun speculates.

A new classified memo authored by National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley expresses “serious doubts” about whether Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki has “the capacity to control the sectarian violence in Iraq.”

Among the criticisms of al-Maliki is one often leveled at Bush: that he is surrounded by a “narrow circle” of advisers who “may skew the information he receives.”

New York Times executive editor Bill Keller announced in a statement yesterday that “Times correspondents may describe the conflict in Iraq as a civil war when they and their editors believe it is appropriate.”

Keller added, “We expect to use the phrase sparingly and carefully, not to the exclusion of other formulations, not for dramatic effect.”

Former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) said yesterday “that unless the Bush administration admits that the war in Iraq is a ‘failure,’ it will never develop a strategy to leave the country successfully.”

“About $2 billion worth of Army and Marine Corps equipment - from rifles to tanks - is wearing out or being destroyed every month in Iraq and Afghanistan,” USA Today reports.

“The wear and tear may lead to future equipment shortages and cutbacks in more advanced weapons.”

Iraq’s parliament yesterday voted to keep the country under a state of emergency for 30 more days .

A U.S. military spokesman told reporters that he expects to see “‘elevated levels of violence‘ as a result of the car bombings that killed more than 200 people in Sadr City, a Shiite district in northeast Baghdad.”

The world will “fall 5 million short” of their goal to provide universal access to AIDS medicines for 9.8 million AIDS/HIV patients by

2010, according to a report by the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition. “The rhetoric from public health officials is good, but the follow-through is abysmal,” said one official.

Incoming Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) promised to do away with the Do-Nothing Congress by putting in “some hours here that haven’t been put in in a long time.”

That means “being here more days in the week and we start off this year with seven weeks without a break. That hasn’t been done in many, many years here.”
29.Nov.2006 Radioactive traces on BA planes Traces of a radioactive substance are found on two BA planes at Heathrow during probe into ex-spy's death.
29.Nov.2006 US economic growth revised up The US economy was stronger than first thought in the three months to 30 September, revised figures show.
29.Nov.2006 Ancient 'Jaws' had monster bite A prehistoric sea monster that lived 400 million years ago had the most powerful bite of any known fish.
29.Nov.2006 Feds' Letter Legally Murky The Transportation Security Administration takes down a fake boarding pass generator

by sending a letter to the site's host, but the law doesn't give the government that power. Is it censorship by intimidation? In 27B Stroke 6.
Internet Archive Gets DMCA Exemption - ScuttleMonkey 11 -Paul Hickman writes

"The Internet Archive has successfully lobbied for a DMCA exemption for the Software Archive. The IA keeps out-of-date programs, games and other random craziness for future programmers to savor. At the rapid pace of software development, this makes sure that we can create a history for us to remember and wonder at the programming of early games."
Acoustic Levitation Works on Small Animals - ScuttleMonkey 95 -anthemaniac writes

"Researchers for at least two decades have used acoustic levitation to suspend light materials without a container. Wenjun Xie, a materials physicist at Northwestern Polytechnical University in China, has previously used ultrasound fields to levitate globs of iridium and mercury, very heavy materials. Now the scientist has performed the feat with live animals. From the story: 'Xie and his colleagues employed an ultrasound emitter and reflector that generated a sound pressure field between them. The emitter produced roughly 20-millimeter-wavelength sounds, meaning it could in theory levitate objects half that wavelength or less.' Apparently the ants, spiders and ladybugs endured the trick just fine, but the fish didn't do so well due to lack of water."
Polonium-210 Available Through Mail Order - ScuttleMonkey 264 -Knutsi writes

"InformationWeek is reporting that Polonium 210, the radioactive material used to poison former KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko is not as hard to get your hands on as some have previously stated. American family business United Nuclear is actually selling the stuff + other equally exotic materials, on their company website. Could come in handy for the xmas shopping season."
Unpiloted Passenger Jet Tests - CmdrTaco 198 -spacepingu writes

"The UK military recently tested a remote-controlled passenger jet over south-west England. Although the pilot was sitting in the back of the aging BAC 1-11, he controlled it entirely using the 'UAV Command and Control Interface (UAVCCI)'. This also allowed him to operate several virtual UAVs in a simulated attack scenario. The ultimate goal is for a fighter pilot to control a swarm of attack UAVs alongside his own plane. Next March, a Tornado fighter pilot will do use the UAVCCI to fly the unpiloted BAC1-11 as well as several simulated UAVs, all from the cockpit of his own jet."
Acoustic Sensors Make Any Surface a Touch Pad - CmdrTaco 128 -

"Using cheap acoustic sensors the surface of any 3D object can be instantly made into a touch-sensitive interface capable of tracking two objects at once. Its creators are planning to make hospitals more hygienic — keyboards and mice will be replaced by desks wired to perform as keyboards and touchpads. A video shows it in action [.wmv]."
How They Make LEGO Bricks - CmdrTaco 267 -harajukboy writes

" shows us how the famous LEGO bricks are made. Among the new facts I picked up was that LEGO is the largest tire manufacturer in the world + that the process is so air tight that only 18 of 1 million pieces are considered defective." I knew I was getting old when I first realized that these kids today with their modern legos have it too easy, what with all those crazy custom pieces. Why, when I was a kid, we had to use our imagination to build stuff.
Justice Department To Review Domestic Spying - kdawson 158 -orgelspieler writes,

"According to the New York Times, Justice Department Inspector General Glenn Fine has opened a review of his department's role in the domestic spying program. Democrats (and some Republicans) have been requesting an all-out investigation into the legality of the so-called 'Terrorist Surveillance Program' since it was made public. But this new inquiry stops short of evaluating the constitutional legitimacy of the program." From the article: "The review, Mr. Fine said in his letter, will examine the controls in place at the Justice Department for the eavesdropping, the way information developed from it was used + the department's 'compliance with legal requirements governing the program'... Several Democrats suggested that the timing of his review might be tied to their takeover of Congress in this month's midterm elections as a way to preempt expected Democratic investigations of the N.S.A. program."
Der "Antikythera- Mechanismus":Homepage des Forschungsprojekts
https://www.antikythera- Homepage von Michael Wright


Zwar hat der griechische Astronom Aristarch von Samos die Idee eines heliozentrischen Weltbilds schon im dritten Jahrhundert vor Christus vertreten,

rund 1800 Jahre bevor sie Kopernikus erneut aufgegriffen hat und in Europa verbreitete. "Aristarch war zu seiner Zeit aber ein absoluter Außenseiter", erklärte Teichmann.

"Es wäre eine große Überraschung, wenn seine Ideen in einem so seltenen, wenn nicht gar einzigartigen Instrument wie dem Antikythera-Mechanismus umgesetzt worden wären."

Eine so komplexe Maschine entstehe schließlich nicht aus dem Nichts. "Die Entwicklung vom einfachen Zahnrad bis zu diesem Gerät braucht gut und gerne 200 Jahre", sagte Teichmann.
Angebote akzeptiert: Ford- Mitarbeiter verlassen den Konzern freiwillig

29.Nov.2006 Fall Litwinenko: Radioaktive Spuren in zwei Flugzeugen

29.Nov.2006 Beschäftigungspolitik: Länger in Arbeit, später in Rente
29.Nov.2006 Aufschwung am Arbeitsmarkt: Zahl der Jobsuchenden sinkt auf unter vier Millionen
Konzern- Strategie: Telekom- Chef verordnet Sparkurs

29.Nov.2006 Irak- Politik: Gespräch zwischen Bush und Maliki verschoben

29.Nov.2006 Hamburger Elbphilharmonie: 55 Millionen Euro teurer als geplant
29.Nov.2006 Antikythera- Mechanismus: Forscher enträtseln Computer aus der Antike

29.Nov.2006 Frankreich: Sarkozy will Chirac beerben
29.Nov.2006 4 ... in den USA PR-Spezialisten an „adjustment“ (Zustimmung) der Menschen zum Regierungskurs nach dem Prinzip „ crystallizing public opinion “ (Bernays).
Handbuch der Public Relations - HTML-Version
„Nach der Berufsauffassung der DPRG sind Public Relations [PROPAGANDA] das bewusste und legitime ...

00.000.1923 „ Crystallizing Public Opinion “ 1923; Bernays: PR-Berater als ...
Der Spatz im Gebälk 1923 veröffentlichte Bernays sein Buch " Crystallizing Public Opinion ".

Es war eingestandenermaßen Goebbels wichtigstes Lehrbuch. Bernays Methode war: "Wenn ...

20051017 In Crystallizing Public Opinion, Bernays related how governments + advertisers can “regiment the mind like the military regiments the body.
CBG - Propaganda Sie hießen "Propaganda" und " Crystallizing Public Opinion ". Wenn man die Psyche einer entscheidenden Gruppe innerhalb des Volkes verstehe, ...
29.Nov.2006 Citizens still have the power to civilly disobey ( within the letter of the law ... American military and diplomatic efforts that are destroying them.

Letters From Exile "My fellow American ," Howard Friedman, President of AIPAC, begins his letter of

30.Jul.200- to friends and supporters of

AIPAC, "Look what you've done"! ...
The Global War On You Know Who:

00.Jul.2006 A German government official said on Thursday that letter written by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to German Chancellor Angela Merkel asks her to ...
US unable to win in west Iraq, Marines say - World -

"The Iranian nation and Government will definitely stand beside their brother, Iraq," Mr Ahmadinejad said.

The five-page US Marines report - written by ...
Media Lies - New York Times

It's up to the American people to reject those lies, seek the truth + make ...

"Ahmadinejad did not say he was going to wipe Israel off the map because no ... /
Even Dems Don’t Support Feingold’s Call For Censure | Sweetness ...

"The American people already made their decision," Cheney added.

"They agree with the president."

Feingold was the lone senator to oppose the

00.000.2001 Patriot ...
Foundation Fights to Keep Airport Screeners Free of Forced Unionism - View as HTML
... of America ( SPFPA ) union is trying to. gain monopoly bargaining power over ...

Fred Fowler . Chairman, Board of Trustees. Reed Larson ...
BuzzFlash Was So Presicent about Iraq that We Declared It a Civil War Before It Really Became One Under the Bushevik Occupation
A Highly-Praised Book That Actually Presents a Grand Jury Indictment Against the Bush Administration.

29.Nov.2006 A Federal Judge Stands by the Constitution: Federal Judge struck down Bush's authority to designate groups as terrorists, saying his post-Sept. 11 executive order was unconstitutionally vague, according to a ruling released Tuesday.
Newt Gingrich Says We Have to Restrict Freedom of Speech. Can Someone Yank This Clown Offstage Already? And the Three-Times Married Adulterer Uber Hypocrite is Considering Running for President. Save Us the Laughs, Newtie. 11/29
America Needs Newt Gingrich Like It Needs an Enema. He'll Sink Like a Stone, As He Should. 11/30
Randi Rhodes is Winner of This Week's "BuzzFlash Wings of Justice" Award
Bush Signals How Safe Iraq REALLY is: He Meets the Leader of the Occupied Country in Jordan!

29.Nov.2006 Mark Morford: "Sex Will Make You Go Blind. Single? Under 30? You are in grave danger. Your government says so. Please, stop laughing." The Mullah Busheviks are Continuing to Turn Back the Clock to Medieval Times. 11/29
Man Sets Self on Fire as Protest of War, videos his death, writes on Web site that he's protesting the war, YET Some People Still Ask Why He Did It. 11/30

29.Nov.2006 here it is in the National Catholic Register (and it is referenced on the front page of same):
According to the Italian newspaper La Stampa,

Pope Benedict XVI. has invited the 83-year-old former adviser to Richard Nixon to be a political consultant +

Kissinger has accepted. Judging from Kissinger's previous hisory, those Swiss Guard are going to need to upgrade their weaponry.

Pikes and halbards won't suffice. Permalink
29.Nov.2006 Indicting Bush + his associates

Although "impeachment" is the I-word which has received the most discussion,

former federal prosecutor Elizabeth de la Vega has written a book about

another I-term:

Indictment .

De la Vega has drawn up that indictment - a "hypothetical" one, she hastens to add - convened that grand jury + held seven days of testimony.

Yes, it's a grand jury directly out of her fertile brain + the federal agents who testify are fictional, but all the facts are true.

She understands the case against the Bush administration down to the last detail; and

she's produced, to my mind, the book of the post-election, investigative season: United States v. George W. Bush et al.

Dr. elsewhere will be interviewing de la Vega soon. In the meantime, you can read large sections of her work at TomDispatch.
29.Nov.2006 Türkeireise: Extremisten bezeichnen Papst als Kreuzfahrer
29.Nov.2006 Kosten des Netzverkehrs: Telekom denkt über Datenmaut nach
Preisabsprachen: EU verhängt Millionenstrafe gegen Gummi- Kartell
29.Nov.2006 CIA- Affäre: Masri verlangt Entschuldigung von US- Regierung
Vergifteter Ex- Agent: Litwinenko hatte italienischen Informanten im Verdacht

29.Nov.2006 Rache ist weiblich: Zickenterror bei Schimpansen- Damen
29.Nov.2006 Siemens- Affäre: Gesuchter Ex- Manager stellt sich
29.Nov.2006 Gewalt: Straßenräuber tun es für den Kick

29.Nov.2006 "Willkommen Terrorist": Heftige Proteste gegen Bush- Besuch in Amman
29.Nov.2006 Kautschukkartell: EU verhängt zweithöchste Strafe jemals
29.Nov.2006 Schlappe für US- Regierung: Gericht kippt Teile der Anti- Terror- Gesetze
29.Nov.2006 Mannesmann- Verfahren: Politiker empört über Ackermanns Freikauf
Beerdigung von Stasi- General Wolf: CDU- Politiker attackiert russischen Botschafter

29.Nov.2006 Mexiko: Prügelei im Parlament
29.Nov.2006 Klimaschutz: EU fordert von Deutschland noch mehr CO2- Einsparung
29.Nov.2006 Bestohlene Mumie: Ramses' Haare im Internet angeboten

29.Nov.2006 VDSL- Netz: Bundestagsausschuss stimmt für umstrittenes Telekom- Gesetz

29.Nov.2006 Netzwelt- Ticker: Geheimagenten- Gift im Webshop
29.Nov.2006 Bacon link to bladder cancer risk Getting too hooked on a daily bacon sandwich may increase the risk of bladder cancer, research suggests.
29.Nov.2006 Griper Blade: Fighting a Mostly Absent Enemy in Ir... - BG 

So how is this supposed to work? Al Qaeda attacks Shia and the Shia attack the Sunnis in reprisal?

His argument seems to be that everyone in Iraq is stupid.
29.Nov.2006 Iraq Study Group - BG 
Kissinger And Schultz Meet With Iraq Study Group

28.Nov.2006 9:42 AM ABC News' Z. Byron Wolf and Richard Coolidge Report:

Members of the Iraq Study Group, meeting for the second straight day in Washington, are expected have video conference interviews with former Secretaries of State George Schultz and Henry Kissinger.

The group met yesterday with Senators John Kerry and John McCain.

Former Clinton aide Leon Panetta and former Senator Alan Simpson both spoke to reporters upon entering the meeting today.

Simpson mentioned the Schultz and Kissinger appearances.
28.Nov.2006 Alex Constantine's Political Conspiracy Research B... - BG 

The Lexington Comair Crash, Part 26: Return of the Bluegrass Conspiracy – Chimes of Freedom
29.Nov.2006 Is the Iraq Debacle Part of t... - BG 
Is the Iraq Debacle Part of the Cover-Up for 9/11?

This was the interesting idea of an acquaintance, who made the observation that the Vietnam war was very effective in distracting from the ugly reality of the Kennedy assassination.


the Kennedy assassination + 9/11 were effectively coups of the US government.
The "powers that be" needed to shield the public from this reality at all costs +

in the case of both 9/11 + the Kennedy assassination,

the horrible debacles of Vietnam and Iraq were an extremely useful distraction from these coups.

Yes, war is incredibly costly.

But think how much more costly it would be to the international monetary system if the US government ever had to admit what it did to Kennedy or what it did on

11.Sep.2001 .

I'm not saying that Iraq was set-up specifically as a distraction from 9/11 -- there... Source:
29.Nov.2006 OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today - November ...
28.Nov.2006 Politics: The Upper-Class Squeeze - BG -there has-been The Upper-Class Squeeze
If you can't trust Bush to help the rich, who can you trust?
By Bruce Reed Posted Tuesday, at 4:34 PM ET

Traitor to His Class: As they survey the ruins of the conservative movement,

Republicans ponder what might have been, if only Bush hadn't blundered so often + Congress plundered so much.

A study in today's New York Times provides shocking evidence of the latest conservative betrayal.

According to the latest available IRS data, the richest Americans have fared worse under Bush than any other income group. To continue reading, click here.
29.Nov.2006 Orange County Weekly - BG

With a horrified suspect watching, Huntington Beach police planted evidence—a loaded revolver—in the man’s car during a DUI accident investigation in January, the Weekly has learned.
BAE secret millions linked to arms broker | Specia... - BG,,1959446,00.html BAE secret millions linked to arms broker

Swiss bank accounts traced as row over Eurofighter contract escalates
Judge strikes president's authority ... - BG - to designate terrorist groups

A federal judge has ruled that a portion of a

-post-11.Sep.2001 executiveorder allowing President Bush to create a list of specially designeated global terrorist groups is unconstitutionally vague.

U.S. District Judge Audrey Collins, in a

21.Nov.2006 ruling released Tuesday, struck down the provision and enjoined the government from blocking the assets of two foreign groups which were placed on the list.

The ruling was praised by David Cole, a lawyer for the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Constitutional Rights.

"This law gave the president unfettered authority to create blacklists," he said.

"It was reminiscent of the McCarthy era." Source:
29.Nov.2006 After all the rightist lemmin... - BG After all the rightist lemmings went after AP

After the military refuted the report of 6 Sunnis burned alive,

the commonly mistaken ideological bloggers who think the media's facts don't square with their hallucinations went on the attack earlier today.

+ the AP has now fired back, using that terribly destructive weapon: cluster-facts.

Provoking these current responses, via Memeorandum: Mark Memmott/On Deadline: AP, U.S. Military [...] Source:
29.Nov.2006 AP Analysis: Firms Crimping O... - BG 
The analysis, based on data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, indicates that the industry slacked off supplying oil + gasoline during the prolonged price boom

00.000.1999-00.000.2006 -early-+-last summer-, when prices began to fall.

The industry counters that it's been working hard to meet untiring demand.

It faults output quotas set by Mideast oil powers, global competition for oil from booming economies like China's + domestic challenges like depleting wells, clean-air rules + hurricanes.

They do make things harder. Yet the

AP analysis found evidence of at least an underwhelming industry performance in supplying the domestic market,

when profits should have made investment capital plentiful : Source:
29.Nov.2006 UBS Downgrade Rating-Update: New York ( AG) -

Die Analysten von Morgan Stanley reduzieren das Rating für die Aktien von UBS (ISIN CH0024899483/WKN UB0BL6) von "overweight" auf "equal-weight".Das Kursziel werde von 86 auf 81 CHF reduziert.(29.11.2006/ac/a/u)
Dollar falls sharply as US slows The dollar continues its recent declines, falling against the euro as concerns grow about the US economy.
29.Nov.2006 US media talk of Iraq civil war Some US media outlets decide to refer to the fighting in Iraq as a civil war in defiance of the White House.
29.Nov.2006 EU push to influence neighbours The European Commission sets aside 1bn euros as it seeks more leverage over ex-Soviet + Mediterranean countries.
29.Nov.2006 Saudi threat to cigarette makers Saudi Arabia warns it will sue global tobacco firms unless they pay the costs of treating smoking-related illnesses.
29.Nov.2006 Pakistan atom expert is 'unwell' The family of disgraced Pakistani scientist AQ Khan says he is unwell and needs medical attention.
29.Nov.2006 Royal editor admits phone tapping The royal editor of the News of the World and another man admit conspiracy to intercept voicemail messages.
29.Nov.2006 Never Lose Luggage Again RFID tags promise to all but eliminate the annoyance of misrouted luggage at a time when more bags go missing than ever. But

at up to 20 cents a bag, airlines aren't racing to the solution. By Dave Demerjian.

29.Nov.2006 Rocket Pack Reinvented Often dismissed as a quirky pipe dream, it took a thrill-seeking mogul to energize one of mankind's oldest desires. By James Lee from Wired magazine.
29.Nov.2006 Supreme Court to consider climate-change rules The case, set for Wednesday, arises from growing pressure in the U.S. to regulate the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
29.Nov.2006 Radioactive poison for sale on Net--legally Blog: Polonium-210, which has recently become well-known as one of the deadliest substances in the world--is available for purchase...
29.Nov.2006 Kaiser members warned of possible data theft Blog: In yet another instance of laptop theft potentially endangering personal data, Kaiser Permanente Colorado is notifying some 38,000...
29.Nov.2006 Judge Says U.S. Money Violates Rights of the Blind - kdawson 47 -

"The United States is one of the few countries in the world whose currency isn't distinguishable by blind people.

Most other nations use raised text, different-sized bills, or other methods to assist blind people in spending their money.

If a recent decision by a federal court in D.C. survives appeal, however, that will soon change.

Under Sec. 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, federal programs cannot deny 'meaningful access' to people with disabilities.

Because blind people are unable to distinguish U.S. currency without assistance, the court held that they are denied meaningful access to their own money.

U.S. District Judge James Robertson ordered the Treasury Department to come up with ways for the blind to tell bills apart.

He said he wouldn't tell officials how to fix the problem, but he ordered them to begin working on it."

How Appealing notes that Judge Robertson opened the door to a speedy appeal of his ruling.
Barney Surrenders To the EFF - kdawson 107 -  davidwr writes,

"Earlier this year, EFF sued the Barney the Dinosaur people for harassing a Barney parody web site.

Well, Barney finally surrendered, err I mean, learned to share. For more, read the case history at the EFF site."