02.Mar.2007 Verschleppung durch CIA: Kein Schadenersatz für El Masri
02.Mar.2007 Pokal- Krawalle: Sevilla- Derby wird als Geisterspiel fortgesetzt
02.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-469634,00.html
Das ARD-Magazin "Report Mainz" der von Klar geäußerten Spekulation entgegen,
es habe das Grußwort gezielt am Tag vor der Entscheidung über dessen mögliche Haftlockerungen einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht.
Die Autoren des Beitrags über Klar seien erst wenige Tage vor der Sendung von einem Teilnehmer der linksgerichteten Konferenz auf das Grußwort hingewiesen worden.
Dass der Sendetermin unmittelbar vor der Entscheidung über die Haftlockerungen gelegen habe, sei insofern einem Zufall zu schulden.
02.Mar.2007 RAF- Debatte: Politiker lassen sich von Ex- Terrorist Klar provozieren
02.Mar.2007 Kritik des Kapitals: Investoren- Legende Buffett attackiert Hedgefonds
02.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/debatte/0,1518,druck-469524,00.html
Der "deutschen Elite und all ihren medialen Wasserträgern" wirft Viett vor, "kein Problem mit ihrer faschistischen Geschichte" und den "heutigen Kriegen" zu haben.
"Aber sie haben ein ungeheuerliches Problem damit, dass es vor vierzig Jahren eine kleine Schar von Menschen gab, die entschlossen den Kampf gegen sie und ihr kapitalistisches Machtsystem aufgenommen hatten."
02.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/debatte/0,1518,druck-469524,00.html
Klar warf seinen Kritikern eine "verantwortungslose Vergiftung der Öffentlichkeit" vor.
"Niemand von diesen Meinungsblockwarten fand es interessant, bis eben genau einen Tag vor der Vollzugsplankonferenz in der JVA Bruchsal", schreibt Klar.
Er finde es "verteidigenswert", "dass auch ein Gefangener an einer öffentlichen politischen Diskussion von Menschen in Freiheit teilnehmen kann", so Klar.
Er habe nicht mit "so einer erstaunlichen Welle" gerechnet, die sein Grußwort ausgelöst habe".
Klar hatte in der Grußbotschaft an die Rosa-Luxemburg-Konferenz die Hoffnung geäußert, "die Niederlage der Pläne des Kapitals zu vollenden und die Tür für eine andere Zukunft aufzumachen".
Baden-Württembergs Justizminister Ulrich Goll (FDP) lehnte daraufhin Haftlockerungen für den 54-Jährigen ab.
06.Oct.2002 Bernays,Edward L.,Father of PR&Propaganda-ea.html „Father of PR&Propaganda “. *************************.
“I. shall give a propagandist cause. for starting the war,. never mind whether it be true or not. alfatomega.com/noname09.html
You searched for Amerikaner for : {USA}--->. You searched :. for : USA Amerikaner. +US+,+U.S.+U.S.+FED. +federal+$. alfatomega.com/20030429_amerikaner.html
02.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-469563,00.html
Er zittert leicht, der noch blühende Weihnachtsstern auf der Tischdecke wippt im Takt.
"Ich wollte diese Sache nicht ausschlachten, nur auf Defizite in der Nuklearindustrie aufmerksam machen", sagt er.
00.Nov1991 sei ihm das brisante Päckchen ausgehändigt worden.
Von wem? Hermann F. schweigt eisern und verrät nur: "Die Pellets stammen aus der ehemaligen Siemens-Brennelemente-Fabrik in Hanau.
Dort waren nur Dilettanten am Werk, auf die ich aufmerksam machen wollte.
Dort wurde bei der Arbeit Alkohol getrunken und auf Sicherheitsvorkehrungen gepfiffen."
Er sei bei Greenpeace, Politikern, auch beim SPIEGEL vorstellig geworden. Doch niemand habe ihm geglaubt.
"Die hielten mich alle für verrückt, obwohl das Uran in den Originalschraubzylindern von Siemens steckte."
"Ich empfand ein ständiges Ohnmachtsgefühl"
02.Mar.2007 Fall Kurnaz: Früherer US- Guantanamo- Beauftragter soll vor BND- Ausschuss aussagen
02.Mar.2007 Klimaschutz: VCD fordert drastisch höhere Kfz- Steuer für Spritfresser
02.Mar.2007 "Cassini"- Sonde: Atemberaubende Blicke auf Saturn und seine Ringe
02.Mar.2007 Gehälter: 3,82 Euro für die Friseurin - so niedrig sind deutsche Stundenlöhne
02.Mar.2007 Kopenhagen: Autonome kapern Parteizentrale
02.Mar.2007 Gespräch in Damaskus: USA schicken Diplomatin nach Syrien
02.Mar.2007 Satellitenbild der Woche: Larsen- Eisschelf zerfällt rapide
02.Mar.2007 Ex- Innenminister: Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen Online- Durchsuchung in NRW
02.Mar.2007 Neuer Uno- Report: Deutsche Forscher kritisieren düstere Klima- Prognose
02.Mar.2007 "Push the Button": Israelischem Polit- Pop droht Grand- Prix- Verbot
02.Mar.2007 Krise in Italien: Prodi übersteht auch zweite Vertrauensabstimmung - neuer Streit
02.Mar.2007 Gesundheitswesen: Kassenvorstände verdienen mehr als 200.000 Euro im Jahr
02.Mar.2007 Spektakulärer Deal: BBC sendet via YouTube
02.Mar.2007 Peru: Ältestes Sonnen- Observatorium Amerikas identifiziert
02.Mar.2007 Börseneinbruch: Vier Gründe für ein Dax- Comeback
02.Mar.2007 Erziehungs- Debatte: "Volkserzieher mit autoritärem Weltbild"
02.Mar.2007 Former FBI Director Calls For New OKC Bombing Investigation - Paul Joseph Watson -Coulson names Strassmeir as "agent" in upcoming documentary
02.Mar.2007 7,000 more troops. - Amanda -
Pentagon officials yesterday told a Senate committee that the President’s escalation in Iraq will require 28,500 troops, 7,000 more than Bush has requested.
Last month, the Congressional Budget Office estimated “that as many as 28,000 extra troops would be needed to support the escalation.”
02.Mar.2007 US clean-up after lethal storms Rescue efforts are under way in southern US states after a series of tornadoes killed at least 20 people.
02.Mar.2007 US consumer confidence falls US consumer confidence fell more than forecast in February hit by fuel prices and job concerns, figures show.
02.Mar.2007 Using Lasers to Speed Computer Data - Zonk 17 -Carl Bialik from WSJ writes
"The start-up Lightfleet has developed an unusual way to use lasers to speed the flow of data inside a computer, hoping to break a bottleneck that can hamper machines using many microprocessors, the Wall Street Journal reports. The company plans to sell servers it predicts will be much more efficient than existing systems in tackling tough computing problems. Tasks could include automatically recognizing a face in a video image or sifting through billions of financial transactions for signs of illegal activity. These machines will attempt to sidestep some of the problems associated with parallel computation by ensuring all processors are connected, all the time."
02.Mar.2007 CIA Helps Bin Laden?s Brother-in-Law Come to US after Being Forced Out of Philippines - sfux
15.Dec.1994 -Cooperativeresearch- : A suspected terrorism financier will enter the US with apparent CIA help.
00.000.1994 -Starting sometime- Philippine investigator Colonel Rodolfo Mendoza looks into foreign support for Islamic militant groups...
02.Mar.2007 March 2, 2007 - Think Progress -
“The share of female politicians around the world reached a record of high of almost 17 % 00.000.2006 — up nearly 6 %age points during the past decade.”
“Nearly 90 % of Army National Guard units in the USA are rated “not ready” – largely as a result of shortfalls in billions of dollars’ worth of equipment — jeopardizing their capability to respond to crises at home and abroad,” according to a congressional commission’s preliminary report.
56 %: Number of Americans who believe the federal government has a responsibility to provide health care for all. Eighty-four % said they support expanding the Childrens’ Health Insurance Program to cover all uninsured children, even though President Bush has proposed cutting funding for the program.
Sources confirmed to McClatchy Newspapers that Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM) and Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM) “pressured the U.S. attorney in their state to speed up indictments in a federal corruption investigation that involved at least one former Democratic state senator.” The intervention came in mid-October, “when Wilson was in a competitive re-election campaign that she won by 875 votes out of nearly 211,000 cast.”
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) yesterday said he likely would support legislation by Sen. James Webb (D-VA) “
barring a U.S. attack on Iran unless Congress explicitly gave President George W. Bush the green light to do so.” (more…)
02.Mar.2007 BBC Strikes Deal With YouTube - Zonk 78 -twofish writes
"Google's YouTube video site will soon be showing content from the BBC in a deal announced today. Auntie Beeb's content will be spread across three different channels, one for news and two for entertainment programmes. Content will include adverts + clips from shows such as "Top Gear", "The Mighty Boosh" + nature shows narrated by David Attenborough. The deal is likely to be controversial, particularly since the BBC is paid for by a compulsory tax system (the license fee) rather than through advertising or subscription. The article goes on to say that they won't be 'hunting down' people that upload their content to YouTube. Just the same, they reserve the right to take down or remove programmes that have run on their channels which might damage relationships; examples might be football offerings or 'edited' shows."
02.Mar.2007 https://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=15935#15935
Wikipedia entry on Pauline Neville-Jones
A follow up post was made by Tony Gosling, who hosts these two articles relating to Pauline Neville-Jones 's involvement in the ousting of the BBC's popular Director General Greg Dyke, following the David Kelly/Andrew Gilligan 'business' of the false " 45 minute Iraqi WMD claim ": https://www.bilderberg.org/pepis04.htm#quinetiq
All connections entirely coincidental, of course!
02.Mar.2007 https://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=15935#15935
28 Feb, 2007 11:31 pm Interesting info, posted on nineeleven.co.uk Quote: Posted: Wed
In a related note which is of interest here,
00.000.2001 BBC World was (I’m reasonably sure) being run by a woman called Dame Pauline Neville-Jones.
BBC World is also not funded by the British state, which many people won’t know, but is funded by corporate donations and other “sponsors.”
00.000.19---00.000.200-once- Dame Pauline headed the Joint Intelligence Committee in the UK,
a body which brings together the heads of the various British intelligence bodies with political leaders .
Pauline Neville-Jones went from intelligence, to
running the BBC World Service (radio) from which
00.000.1995 BBC World was spun off.
00.000.---- Since leaving the BBC World Service, Pauline Neville-Jones has taken up a role on the board of QinetiQ
(a corporation spun off from the UK defense establishment, from the privatization of which the Carlyle Group recently made a killing ).
Pauline Neville-Jones is also on the advisory board of the Intelligence Summit –
where Pauline Neville-Jones joins Richard Perle,
where Pauline Neville-Jones joins Kenneth Timmerman,
where Pauline Neville-Jones joins Alrezi Jafarzadeh (the source of the U.S. “intelligence” on Iranian nuclear weapons programs ).
I thought that might be of interest, but as for any broader implications, I have nothing to add.
02.Mar.2007 Visualizing Searches Over Time - CowboyNeal 19 - An anonymous reader writes
"Chris Harrison has built a visualization that explores what people are doing online over time.
He explains, 'Search engines are the gateway to the internet for most people + so search queries provide insight into what people are doing and thinking.
In order to examine millions of search queries, I built a simple, cyclical, clock-like visualization that displays the top search terms over a 24-hour period.'
Interesting to see that the masses online have fairly coherent and consistent search behaviors. He also investigates the notorious AOL dataset."
02.Mar.2007 Using Gym Rats' Body Power to Generate Electricity - CowboyNeal 114 -Carl Bialik from WSJ writes
"A Hong Kong health club is hoping that a car battery, some StairMasters and dozens of gym rats can help ease the world's energy problems.
It is just one of a wave of projects that are trying to tap the power of the human body, the Wall Street Journal reports.
The article explains the impetus behind the project: 'The human power project at California Fitness was set in motion by Doug Woodring, a 41-year-old extreme-sports fanatic and renewable-energy entrepreneur, who pitched the experiment to the gym's management last May.
"I've trained my whole life + many megawatts have been wasted," says Mr. Woodring, who has worked out at the Hong Kong gym for years. "I wanted to do something with all that sweat."'"
02.Mar.2007 Open Access For Research Gaining Steam - CowboyNeal 50 -An anonymous reader writes
"The BBC reports that open access to research is gaining steam as more than 20,000 people, including Nobel Prize winners, have signed a petition calling for greater access to publicly-funded research.
While publishers are fighting open access, a growing number of funding agencies and universities are making it a mandatory requirement."
02.Mar.2007 https://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1593... - BG https://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=15935#15935
9/11 Campaigners:
Beware the BBC-WTC7 Sucker Play
by Fintan Dunne, Editor https://BreakForNews.com
Leading CIA-run 9/11 Fake websites are running hard with the story that the BBC announced the colllapse of World Trace Center Building 7
11.Sep.2001 -well before it's eventual demise- + are touting this supposed gaffe as a major embarassment for the official version of events + a shot in the arm for the 9/11 Truth movement.
Of course, it's the complete reverse, but don't expect the CIA Fakes to point that out to 9/11 campaigners hungry for any gain in their battle to expose the grisly truth of 11.Sep.2001
Many of the truth campaigners, already sitting on a veritable raft of incriminating evidence that the official tale is bogus, are keen to add what Alex Jones' Prison Planet website
has called the BBC's "Psychic clairvoyance" to their list of gripes against the mainstream version.
Writing on Prison planet, Paul Joseph Watson bluntly says: "Of course they were told that WTC7 was coming down" + presses the BBC to reveal the source of it's misinformation.
The BBC has responded that if they misreported, it was "an error, no more than that". They quote a blogger saying "so the guy in the studio didn't quite know what was going on?
Woah, that totally proves conspiracy..."
The only arena where this battle for minds will be won is the internet.
It's as stacked a deck as the mainstream media, due to the vast army of well-funded CIA Fake 9/11 websites.
But at least the ordinary 9/11 truth campaigners can articulate a more balanced view in forums and on blogs.
Sans the simplistic booby-trapped sloganeering of their own CIA-chosen 'leadership'.
Only by exposing the deeper manipulations such as the one detailed here, can any ground be gained.
In truth, the numbers are vast who are deeply suspicious about the official tale of 9/11. Given the facts, their suspicions would soon harden into convictions.
The 9/11 campaigners have a vast array of facts much more convincing that mere bitching about the accuracty of a staged BBC error.
But, they'll never get those facts into the mainstream.
Where even as I write a travesty of fact is being passed of as a legitimate 9/11 controversy + an elaborate farce is being played out to try hold
the line on the crumbling edifice of the official account of 9/11.
We must expose the CIA Fakes. Unless and until we do, they will continue to play fools to the gallery of public opinion.
Spread the word. Fintan Dunne, Editor BreakForNews.com
Discuss or comment on this article at: https://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=15935#15935
Read "The CIA Fakes":https://www.BreakForNews.com/TheCIAInternetFakes.htm
02.Mar.2007 John Fund on the Trail Mrs. Clinton's biggest problem may be voters' unease with dynastic politics.
02.Mar.2007 Today's Papers: Some Doubt - BG today's papers
Some Doubt
By Daniel Politi
Posted Thursday, March 1, 2007, at 5:28 AM ET
The New York Times leads with news that American intelligence officials are somewhat backing away from their claims that North Korea has an active program to enrich uranium.
This has led to concern that perhaps the Bush administration shouldn't have sounded so certain
00.000.2002 -when it accused Pyongyang of running a secret program + maybe, the nuclear test that it carried out a few months ago could have been avoided.
The Washington Post leads with word that despite what they might say, top officials at Walter Reed Army Medical Center have been aware of problems at the medical facility for more than three years. Many top officials expressed surprise when the living conditions of wounded soldiers were exposed by a series of WP stories.
USA Today leads with a look at how four years after the American invasion, Iraq is still "awash in Saddam-era munitions" that are often used to make bombs that target U.S. troops. So far, more than $1 billion has been spent on clearing more than 15,000 sites + new ones are found every day. Some believe more attention should have been paid to clearing these sites earlier. The Wall Street Journal tops its worldwide newsbox with word that the Iraqi government has set March 10 as the date for talks on the future of the war-torn country, which will include representatives from Iran, Syria + the USA. The Los Angeles Times leads with a look at how Tuesday's stock plunge showed China's increasing influence on economic markets around the world. Analysts said that this is just the beginning + investors are going to have to start learning how "to better read and respond" to changes in an often unpredictable market. To continue reading, click here.
02.Mar.2007 By Bob Burnett
A Liberal Foreign Policy: Ten Maxims
The catastrophic occupation of Iraq is evidence of far more than the incompetence of the Bush Administration; it is proof that the conservative worldview is fatally flawed. As the 43rd Presidency staggers to an ignominious finale, liberals must prepare not only to govern America, but also to proclaim a new vision. Liberal foreign policy should be based upon ten elemental concepts.
02.Mar.2007 By Anthony Barnes - Everybody Loves Rudy! But To Some, The Question Is Why?
This artice focuses on the upcoming presidential compaign of Rudy Giuliani. Specifically, the fact that Rudy will rely heavily on the "heroic" image derived from his activities during the attacks on
11.Sep.2001 + advises voters to look closely at Rudy's overall management of that crisis along with examining closely, his temperment.
02.Mar.2007 - By Heather Wellman - Americans Deserve A Democracy Not Theocracy
Once again the Reclaim America for Christ Center is holding its conference right here in sunny Florida.
They are attempting to gain momentum for their movement to reshape America as a theocracy from a democracy as we approach the 2008 election. The Humanists of Florida Association is speaking out against the claim that the business of the USA is the advancement of the Kingdom of Jesus.
02.Mar.2007 By Stephen Lendman - A Review Of Chalmers Johnson's Nemesis - The Last Days Of The American Republic
A review of Chalmers Johnson's new book Nemesis showing the US on tipping edge of passing from a Republic to tyranny + it's almost too late to change things.
02.Mar.2007 By Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo - A BUSH WORLD WAR LOOMING!
A Bush World War Looming. How the Bushites are planning WWIII, why, when and under what circumstances + BEFORE THE 2008 ELECTION!
02.Mar.2007 By Frosty Wooldridge - America's Death By A Thousand Cuts
At $8.4 trillion in debt, the USA is losing its ability to maintain financial leverage in the world.
02.Mar.2007 By Carol Wolman - Taxation Without Representation Is Tyranny.
Our forefathers had a revolution rather than pay modest taxes to the British government, where they had no representation. Do we have representation?
02.Mar.2007 By Andrew Bard Schmookler - Mis-Trust On Anti-Trust
A couple of big mergers have been announced lately. Who can believe that the present U.S. government will look out for the public interest?
02.Mar.2007 By Martha Rosenberg - Is Your State Breeding Birds For Dick Cheney Style Hunting Like Illinois?
The State of Illinois spends a half a million dollars a year breeding birds for Dick Cheney style canned hunting on public lands--some paid by tax payers.
02.Mar.2007 By David Swanson - Testimony For Senate Impeachment Hearing
02.Mar.2007 By David Swanson - Doug Feith Versus The Blogosphere
So who is this guy briefly, Doug Feith, I mean, he looks like a nice enough guy on TV, you see him on their all the time. I saw him within the past couple of weeks chatting away with Charlie Rose + he seemed like a very friendly guy with a lot of integrity who was trying to protect our political process from those who would harm it and so forth + I did not hear any views to the contrary. Who is he?
02.Mar.2007 By Kevin Zeese - Democrats Buy War From Bush And Use It To Fund Projects For Their Constituents
The Democrats are not only ready to fund the Iraq War, but they plan to use it to give billions in tax dollars to their friends and constitutents. Speaker Pelosi is planning to give more than $1 billion to her home state avocado growers as part of the Iraq funding bill. Is this why voters put the Democrats in power? No, but it may be why they throw them out. The Democrats War may be even uglier than the Republican version!
02.Mar.2007 Colorado To Use Inmates To Fill Migrant Shortage
Ever since passing what its Legislature promoted as the nation's toughest laws against illegal immigration last summer, Colorado has struggled with a labor shortage as migrants fled the state. This week, officials announced a novel solution: Use convicts as farmworkers.
02.Mar.2007 Aaron Russo And The War On Terrorism - Aaron Russo recalls conversations with a Rockefeller on the "Phony War on Terrorism".
02.Mar.2007 While Cheney's Away, The Mice Will Play
"Did you notice?" asks Ray McGovern. "While Cheney was abroad, others persuaded the president to send representatives next month to a conference in Baghdad, in which representatives of Syria and Iran also are expected to participate to discuss the situation in Iraq. . . . Hurry! Before Cheney gets home."
02.Mar.2007 Troop Surge Isn't For Iraq, It's For Iran
The great Gareth Porter writes on Antiwar that the surge "is related more to a strategy of increased pressure on Iran than to stabilizing the situation in Baghdad. The troop decision was described as putting the U.S. military in a better position to respond to attacks by Shi'ite forces on U.S troops in retaliation against a possible U.S. strike against Iran."
02.Mar.2007 Kerry's Revenge
"In his confirmation hearing yesterday for an ambassadorship to Belgium, nominee Sam Fox got grilled by Senator Kerry for the $50,000 contribution he gave to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth," reports Crooks and Liars. "It's rather surreal to hear a major Swift Boat funder tell Kerry that he's a hero for his military service." Revenge may not have been Swift, but it's sweet.
02.Mar.2007 Senate Democrats Want To Hear Federal Prosecutors' Own Version Of Why They Were Fired
"'This episode came like a thief in the night,'" [fired US Attorney David Iglesias] said of the Dec. 7 request for him to step down," according to the AP. "He added, 'Obviously, I tripped some wire.'" Yet they won't appear before the Senate unless subpoenaed. Do they fear for their families' safety?
02.Mar.2007 House leadership agrees on Iraq strategy. - Nico -
“House Democratic leaders have coalesced around legislation that would require troops to come home from Iraq within six months if that country’s leaders fail to meet promises to help reduce violence there,” the AP reports. “The plan would retain a Democratic proposal prohibiting the deployment to Iraq of troops with insufficient rest or training or who already have served there for more than a year. Under the plan, such troops could only be sent to Iraq if President Bush waives those standards and reports to Congress each time.”
02.Mar.2007 NetTrends’08 at Night: - Nico -
Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) presidential campaign says it “inadvertently” asked MySpace to delete all grassroots MySpace accounts dedicated to McCain. McCain’s eCampaign director wrote that “a member of my team miscommunicated the campaign’s plans to MySpace, leading to the removal of all the pro-McCain grassroots pages created by supporters like you. … I am extremely disappointed and sorry that this has happened.” Last night, McCain announced his intention to run for president — not on the web, like several other candidates have done, but on The Late Show with David Letterman.
02.Mar.2007 Tony Snow: ‘I Don’t Know’ If Bin Laden Is The Leader Of Al Qaeda - Nico -
On Sunday, it will have been 2,000 days since the 9/11 terror attacks — 2,000 days that Osama bin Laden has spent on the loose, living in freedom.
Yesterday, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow was asked about new U.S. intelligence showing that bin Laden is in Pakistan actively re-establishing al Qaeda training camps.
At first Snow claimed that this was “an intelligence matter that I’m not going to be able to go into,” despite the fact that the new National Intelligence Director had testified about this topic the day before. He then suggested that bin Laden may now be “marginalized.” A reporter responded, “Isn’t he the leader of al Qaeda?” Snow answered, “Well, I don’t know. It’s a real question about who assumes operational command.” Watch it:
Last month, Vice President Cheney referenced the #3 leader of al Qaeda “underneath Osama bin Laden and Zawahiri.” In December, Snow himself referred to al Qaeda as “the bin Laden organization.” Moreover, President Bush, Tony Snow + other White House officials frequently quote bin Laden as proof that al Qaeda considers Iraq “the central battlefield in the war on terror.”
Only when the Bush administration is asked to face the truth about the threat that bin Laden poses do they pretend he might be a bit player.
Otherwise, they’re happy to use his propaganda to justify their failing policies. Transcript: (more…)
02.Mar.2007 Bush offers American flags to Katrina victims. - Faiz -
The Houston Chronicle’s Julie Mason provides some insight into how the White House advance team prepared for Bush’s visit to the Gulf Coast today:
One thing Bush likes to do in the Gulf Coast is hand out American flags to families rebuilding their houses.
Long before he shows up, Bush’s advance team scouts the non-hostile property owners in a neighborhood + later, the president drops by and gives the family a flag.
The White House thinks this makes for good pictures — and maybe it did, a month after the storm.
But a year and half later, with the region still a mess and so many people displaced, it seems a little tone-deaf to be handing out flags — politically, it does invite comparisons to what Bush isn’t doing in the region.
02.Mar.2007 The Axis Of Bad Intel: Administration Walks Back Claims That North Korea Was Enriching Uranium - Guest -
Articles in today’s Washington Post and New York Times raise questions about the accuracy of the Bush administration’s claims
00.000.2002 that North Korea had a uranium enrichment program, a charge they used to justify breaking off negotiations.
00.Jul.2004 -then-Assistant Secretary of State James Kelly testified before Congress that North Korea was pursuing a uranium enrichment program. But just last week, Kelly’s successor — Christopher Hill — said that, in order to produce highly enriched uranium, “It would require a lot more equipment than we know that [North Korea has] actually purchased.”
At a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing this week, Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) asked intelligence officials to comment on U.S. assessments of North Korean programs to enrich uranium. Joseph DeTrani, the DNI’s mission manager for North Korea walked back previous claims that North Korea had a uranium enrichment program:
Sir, we had high confidence. The assessment was with high confidence that, indeed, they were making acquisitions necessary for, if you will, a production-scale [HEU] program. And we still have confidence that the program is in existence — at the mid-confidence level, yes, sir, absolutely.
The New York Times today explains what “mid-confidence level” means:
Under the intelligence agencies’ own definitions, that level “means the information is interpreted in various ways, we have alternative views” or it is not fully corroborated.
The story of the Bush administration’s handling of intelligence pertaining to North Korea’s nuclear program has received too little attention for an administration with little credibility on threat intelligence. The administration’s handling of the issue offers yet another reason why two-thirds of the American people do not trust its intelligence claims about threats to the USA.
- Pete Ogden and Mike Fuchs UPDATE: Josh Marshall calls it “a screw-up that staggers the mind.”
02.Mar.2007 Feingold Warns Congress: Oppose ‘George Bush’s War’ Now, Or We’ll ‘Start Owning’ It - Think Progress -
Earlier in the week, the Senate decided to “hold off debating a repeal of the 2002 Iraq war authorization.” Now, it will not debate the war for at least two weeks.
Today on MSNBC, Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI), a strong advocate for redeployment from Iraq, urged the Senate to “use the power of the purse” to end the war. He added, “You know what? If the Democrats don’t use their power, when we’re in the majority in both houses, we’re going to start owning this war. It is George Bush’s war, but if we don’t get serious we’re going to start owning this war.” Watch it: Transcript: (more…)
02.Mar.2007 House issues subpoenas to purged attorneys. - Nico -
House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers today issued subpoenas to four former U.S. Attorneys who have been fired by the Bush Administration. “The former U.S. Attorneys are alleging very serious charges against the Administration and we need to hear from them,” Chairman Conyers said. A full overview of the attorney scandal in today’s Progress Report.
02.Mar.2007 Army Spokesman: Injured Vets ‘Can Go To Starbucks’ If They Want To Speak With The Media - Nico -
Yesterday, the Army Times reported that soldiers at Walter Reed say they have been told “they must not speak to the media.” Editor & Publisher reported subsequently that the military press crackdown was more widespread than Walter Reed + that “many of the denials are apparently in reaction to the potential negativity of a planned story.”
In an interview with ThinkProgress, Army spokesman Paul Boyce insisted that the Army Times report is inaccurate + that injured vets are “free to exercise their First Amendment right” and speak with the media. But upon further questioning, Boyce acknowledged that if patients at Walter Reed wanted to speak to reporters inside the hospital, they must first receive approval from the hospital’s press relations office.
What if reporters want to speak to a reporter without getting approval from a PR office? “They can go to Starbucks,” Boyce said. Asked whether this was a reasonable solution for patients recuperating from physical and mental trauma, Boyce said yes. “It’s just a short trip + many of them want to get out [of the hospital] anyway.”
Boyce repeatedly justified the restrictions on patients’ activities by citing the fact that Walter Reed hospital is a “government building.” ThinkProgress contacted several legal analysts and none of them could explain why this would justify media restrictions. Digg It!
02.Mar.2007 McCain apologizes. - Nico -
“Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, said Thursd.he meant to use the word ’sacrificed’ instead of ‘wasted’ when discussing U.S. fatalities in the Iraq war during a Wednesday appearance on the ‘Late Show With David Letterman.’” 02.Mar.2007 Head of Walter Reed hospital fired. - Nico -
“The Army said Thursday that the two-star general in charge of Walter Reed Army Medical Center has been relieved of command following disclosures about inadequate treatment of wounded soldiers.”
02.Mar.2007 McCain desperate to woo the right wing. - Nico -
“Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has reportedly tried to circumvent the organizers of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference by reserving his own conference room to hold a separate reception at the Omni Shoreham Hotel where the conference is taking place. McCain is the only major competitor for the Republican 2008 nomination to decline an invitation to speak at the event.” The Washington Times adds, “Conservative activists have speculated that Mr. McCain did not want to be seen on television ‘pandering’ to…’right-wingers’ but wanted to court those same activists at a reception in the same hotel.”
02.Mar.2007 Malkin On McCain Statement: ‘A Patronizing, Infantilizing + Insulting View Of All American Troops’ - Payson -
Last month, Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) said, “We ended up launching a war that should have never been authorized + should never been waged + on which we have now spent $400 billion + have seen over 3,000 lives of the bravest young Americans wasted.” Obama immediately apologized for any offense his use of the word “wasted” may have caused. “I would absolutely apologize if any (military families) felt that in some ways it had diminished the enormous courage and sacrifice that they’d shown,” he said.
The quick apology did not stop conservative blogger Michelle Malkin from attacking Obama repeatedly over his comments. Malkin claimed Obama had a “patronizing, infantilizing + insulting view of all American troops as dupes/victims who have squandered their lives.”
Last night on the Late Show with David Letterman, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) made a remark very similar to Obama’s. “Americans are very frustrated + they have every right to be,” McCain said about Bush’s failed policies in Iraq. “We’ve wasted a lot of our most precious treasure, which is American lives, over there.”
Watch it: We’ll be waiting for Malkin’s response. Transcript: (more…)
02.Mar.2007 Australischer Guantanamo Häftling Hicks als erster vor US Militärtribunal. - sfux Stephan Fuchs ?
Der militärischen Unterstützung von Terroristen und des versuchten Mordes beschuldigt, wird der 31 jährige Australier David Matthew Hicks als erster vor dem neu gegründeten US Militärtribunal angeklagt werden.
00.Dez.2001 war Der zum Islam konvertierte Hicks in Afghanistan von US Soldaten gefangen genommen worden.
Seither ist er in amerikanischer Haft, wurde in verschiedene Gefängnisse geflogen und gefoltert.Erst Freund dann...
02.Mar.2007 "You and I and the Next War" For many months now, our media have been voicing dark warnings about Iran almost daily. Within a few years they are going to have the capability to carry out a "Second Holocaust", as well as the will to do so. The picture is of a crazy country, headed by a Second Hitler, who is prepared to have Iran annihilated if this is the price of wiping Israel off the map.
02.Mar.2007 Dengue emergency in Paraguay Paraguay declares a state of emergency to deal with dengue fever, which has killed 10 people this year.
02.Mar.2007 European shares resume decline European shares fall, marking the fourth day of losses, amid a wider trend of global volatility and investor jitters.
02.Mar.2007 BBC strikes Google-YouTube deal The BBC will soon offer trailers, classic clips and news on Google's YouTube video sharing website.
02.Mar.2007 'Taleban leader held' in Pakistan Pakistani security forces have arrested a former Taleban defence minister, intelligence officials say.
02.Mar.2007 Afghan opium 'hits record output' The US says opium production in Afghanistan reached record levels last year, undermining the fight against the Taleban.
02.Mar.2007 UN chief warns on climate change UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says global warming poses at least as big a threat to the world as war.
02.Mar.2007 Morocco inmates get royal pardon Morocco's king grants an historic pardon to almost 9,000 prisoners to mark the birth of his daughter.
02.Mar.2007 Call to reopen Oklahoma inquiry A former FBI man involved in the Oklahoma bomb investigation is calling for the case to be reopened.
02.Mar.2007 Shanghai officials ousted over scandal China's Communist Party expels nine officials and businessmen over a big Shanghai corruption scandal.
02.Mar.2007 'Progress' in Iran sanction talks World powers are making progress on new sanctions against Iran over its nuclear activities, US officials say.
02.Mar.2007 Diana inquest to be heard by jury Mohamed Al Fayed wins a legal fight for a jury to hear the inquests into the deaths of Princess Diana and his son.
02.Mar.2007 Spacecraft return Sun panoramas Twin Nasa spacecraft capture panoramic images that will the study of solar explosions capable of causing havoc on Earth.
02.Mar.2007 Inquiry into Ocalan 'poisoning' Turkey orders an investigation into claims that the jailed Kurdish separatist leader was poisoned.
02.Mar.2007 National ID Card Rules Unveiled The DHS chief reveals how he'll turn state driver's licenses into internal passports. By Ryan Singel.
02.Mar.2007 Scientists put cryosphere in the crosshairs Coordinated international effort will push forward multidisciplinary research at the Earth's poles.
02.Mar.2007 Justice Department takes aim at image-sharing sites Feds try during a private meeting to convince sites that allow photos or videos to be uploaded to monitor users, News.com has learned.
02.Mar.2007 Berners-Lee pushes Congress on 'nondiscriminatory' Web Web father says his invention should never be controlled by a single entity, but declines to endorse a specific Net neutrality bill.
02.Mar.2007 NASA: New Horizons spacecraft passes Jupiter Flyby of giant planet expected to yield exceptional photos of Jovian moon; craft is healthy and aimed for Pluto. Photos: Pluto probe returns photos of Jupiter
02.Mar.2007 Solar-powered LED streetlights trialed in China Blog: Solar-powered LED streetlights. Talk about a clean tech merger of concepts.North Carolina's Cree is working with Multi-Cell Semiconductor...
02.Mar.2007 Huge 'Ocean' Discovered Inside Earth
Scientists scanning the deep interior of Earth have found evidence of a vast water reservoir beneath eastern Asia that is at least the volume of the Arctic Ocean. posted by Prof. Hex
02.Mar.2007 Mississippi jury refuses to indict for civil rights era murder:
A last hope of justice over one of the most painful episodes in the racial history of the US
was apparently lost yesterday when a Mississippi grand jury refused to issue an indictment for the killing of Emmett Till, the teenager whose murder 50 years ago galvanised the civil rights movement.
02.Mar.2007 New-Home Sales Plunge 16.6% : Sales of new homes plunged 16.6% in January to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 937,000, according to the Commerce Department.
It is the the biggest %age decline in 13 years.
02.Mar.2007 Gov't estimates 754,000 homeless people :
The nation has three-quarters of a million homeless people, filling emergency shelters through the year and spilling into special seasonal shelters in the coldest months, the government said Wednesday.
02.Mar.2007 Pentagon's number two suggests terror war will end in
00.Oct.2008 : The Department of Defense's number two official appears to imply in a memo that the Global War on Terrorism will end just in time for the presidential election 00.Nov.2008 .
02.Mar.2007 New Light Shed on CIA's 'Black Site' Prisons:
On his last day in CIA custody, Marwan Jabour, an accused al-Qaeda paymaster, was stripped naked, seated in a chair and videotaped by agency officers.
Afterward, he was shackled and blindfolded, headphones were put over his ears + he was given an injection that made him groggy.
Jabour, 30, was laid down in the back of a van, driven to an airstrip and put on a plane with at least one other prisoner.
02.Mar.2007 Inside Navy's secret brig : Officials at the Navy's brig in Hanahan developed elaborate plans to dodge public scrutiny of its operations to detain enemy combatants, plans that include destroying "critical info," scrubbing public Web sites + warning brig staff about the temptations of "high priced offers from news agencies," a Navy report shows.
02.Mar.2007 U.S. Warns Against EU's CIA Flight Probe : A senior U.S. administration official
on Wednesday warned that ongoing inquiries into secret CIA activities in the European Union may undermine intelligence cooperation between the USA + European nations
02.Mar.2007 U.S. Set to Join Iran and Syria in Talks on Iraq -By HELENE COOPER and KIRK SEMPLE
American officials said Tuesday that they had agreed to hold the highest-level contact with the Iranian authorities in more than two years as part of an international meeting on Iraq. Continue
02.Mar.2007 US Turnabout?-By NICOLA NASSER
Gradually but emphatically the facts of the U.S. policy of first igniting the sectarian divide in Iraq then playing the emerging sectarian protagonists against each other are unfolding by the day to reveal the context as well as the real goals of the American strategy in the occupied country. Continue
02.Mar.2007 How The War on Terror Made the World a More Terrifying Place -By Kim Sengupta and Patrick Cockburn
New figures show dramatic rise in terror attacks worldwide since the invasion of Iraq. Continue
02.Mar.2007 “Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic"
An interview with Chalmers Johnson
In his new book, CIA analyst, distinguished scholar + best-selling author Chalmers Johnson argues that US military and economic overreach may actually lead to the nation's collapse as a constitutional republic.
It's the last volume in his Blowback trilogy, following the best-selling "Blowback" and "The Sorrows of Empire."
In those two, Johnson argued American clandestine and military activity has led to un-intended, but direct disaster here in the USA.. Audio and transcript
02.Mar.2007 American Justice - Terror Suspect's Brig Life Detailed -By CURT ANDERSON - Associated Press Writer
The exterior window in Jose Padilla's 80-square-foot cell in a Navy brig was painted over.
At times, he had to sleep on a steel bunk with no mattress. He went months without a clock and was sometimes seen weeping in his cell. Continue
02.Mar.2007 Tuesday's Market Meltdown; Greenspan's "Invisible Hand" -By Mike Whitney
Whether the Chinese stock market contagion persists or not is immaterial; the American economy is headed for the dumpster and it’s all because of the wizened former fed-chief, Alan “Great Depression” Greenspan. Continue 02.Mar.2007 These Orchestrated Attacks on Chávez Are a Travesty -By George Galloway
A social revolution is taking place in Venezuela. No wonder the neocons and their friends are determined to discredit it. Continue
02.Mar.2007 US profiling program raises fears: US government technologists testing a proposed new data-mining system may already have violated privacy laws by, "reviewing real information, instead of fake data"
02.Mar.2007 Species under threat: Honey, who shrunk the bee population?: Across America, millions of honey bees are abandoning their hives and flying off to die, leaving beekeepers facing ruin and US agriculture under threat. And to date, no one knows why. Michael McCarthy reports
02.Mar.2007 Dr David Kelly - The Conspiracy Files : BBC 2 Investigates : : Rowena Thursby and MP Norman Baker and their investigation into the death of Dr David Kelly.
02.Mar.2007 Web informationclearinghouse.info
Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War on Iraq - At Least 655,000 + +
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq 3,163
Cost of America's War in Iraq
To see more details, click here.
Key Articles
02.Mar.2007 Poll: U.S. Troops in Iraq: 72% Say End War 00.000.2006
02.Mar.2007 Does Iran's President Want Israel Wiped Off The Map - Does He Deny The Holocaust?
02.Mar.2007 Americans Have Lost Their Country - By Paul Craig Roberts
The Bush-Cheney regime is America’s first neoconservative regime. In a few short years, the regime has destroyed the Bill of Rights, the separation of powers, the Geneva Conventions + the remains of America’s moral reputation along with the infrastructures of two Muslim countries and countless thousands of Islamic civilians. Plans have been prepared + forces moved into place, for an attack on a third Islamic country, Iran + perhaps Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon as well. Continue
02.Mar.2007 The Words None Dare Say: Nuclear War-By George Lakoff
A familiar means of denying a reality is to refuse to use the words that describe that reality. A common form of propaganda is to keep reality from being described. Continue
02.Mar.2007 Does the Israeli Tail Wag the American Dog?-By Kathleen and Bill Christison
If the USA is unable to distinguish the world’s or its own real needs from those of another state and that state’s lobby, then it simply cannot say that it always acts in its own best interests. Continue
02.Mar.2007 Australia: The New 51st State -By John Pilger
John Howard's servility to the US is even greater than Tony Blair's + has earned him the nickname Bush's deputy sheriff.
The conspiracy between Washington, the media and politicians is eroding the country's freedoms. Continue
02.Mar.2007 Iraq: At least 131 killed in ongoing U.S. occupation: Iraqi security forces battled "al Qaeda insurgents" in a village near Falluja on Wednesday and there were conflicting reports of casualties. The interior ministry said 80 insurgents were killed and 50 captured.
02.Mar.2007 Frustration growing over violence in Iraq: Police in the capital also found the bodies of 31 men who had been shot, apparent victims of Shiite death squads. The U.S. military reported the deaths of five American soldiers.
02.Mar.2007 US commanders admit: we face a Vietnam-style collapse: Elite officers in Iraq fear low morale, lack of troops and loss of political will
02.Mar.2007 McCain Says U.S. Lives 'Wasted' in Iraq: Republican presidential contender John McCain, a staunch backer of the Iraq war but critic of how President Bush has waged it, said U.S. lives had been "wasted" in the 4-year-old conflict. Democrats demand the Arizona senator apologize for the comment
02.Mar.2007 Cowards : Dems Nix Idea of Military Budget Cuts : Just hours after floating the idea of cutting $20 billion from President Bush's $142 billion request for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan next year, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad was overruled by fellow Democrats Thursday.
02.Mar.2007 Kucinich introduces bill to immediately end Iraq occupation : HR 1234 is a plan for the USA to use existing money to bring the troops and necessary equipment home and transition to an international security and peacekeeping force.
02.Mar.2007 Allawi’s party threatens to quit Iraqi government: -PM’s Iraqi National List accuses Maliki’s government of sectarian bias, narrow-mindedness
02.Mar.2007 Least we forget: Snow at CPAC: We didn't create the war in Iraq,: Speaking at the Omni Shoreham Hotel's Regency Ballroom in Washington DC, the presidential advisor said, "We didn't create the war in Iraq. We didn't create the war on terror."
02.Mar.2007 In case you missed it: Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq: The USA has found 500 chemical weapons in Iraq
since 2003 + more weapons of mass destruction are likely to be uncovered, two Republican lawmakers said Wednesday.
02.Mar.2007 Major UK childrens charity pulls out of Iraq : "Save the Children UK" closed its offices in Erbil, northern Iraq.
The charity said in a statement the ongoing insurgency had made its work increasingly difficult and the decision to leave was taken "with great regret."
02.Mar.2007 U.S. official to visit Syria on Iraqi refugees :
A high-ranking U.S. official will visit Syria along with a UNHCR official in the coming weeks to discuss the issue of Iraqi refugees, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said Thursday.
02.Mar.2007 "No Greater Enemy": An interview with Paul Craig Roberts: "I am an honest and forthright critic of the Bush-Cheney regime.
Like many Americans, I welcomed the election of Bush as an antidote to Clinton's gratuitous bombing of Serbia + lying to the American people.
Bush criticized the idea of America as world policeman + vowed to abandon that role."
02.Mar.2007 Bolton Says U.S. Should Seek `Regime Change' in Iran: John Bolton, the former American envoy to the United Nations, said the U.S. should pursue ``regime change'' in Iran because European governments refuse to back sanctions tough enough to halt the suspected Iranian nuclear-bomb program.
02.Mar.2007 Chief of ex-Soviet military pact warns U.S. against striking Iran: The Russian head of a military pact including several ex-Soviet nations warned the USA on Thursday not to use force against Iran, saying a military strike would not succeed in stopping Iran's nuclear program but would destabilize the region.
02.Mar.2007 Lieberman: We can face Iran alone:
Israel can deal with the Iranian nuclear threat alone if necessary, Strategic Affairs Avigdor Lieberman Minister told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Wednesday.
02.Mar.2007 Iran president to visit Saudi amid tension: Iran's president on Saturday makes his first official trip to Saudi Arabia,
a U.S. regional ally that is leading a diplomatic drive to curb Tehran's growing influence in Lebanon and Iraq.
02.Mar.2007 Ready to take on the world: Al-Qaeda will this year significantly step up its global operations after centralizing its leadership and reviving its financial lifelines.
Crucially, al-Qaeda has developed missile and rocket technology with the capability of carrying chemical, biological and nuclear warheads, according to an al-Qaeda insider who spoke to Asia Times Online.
02.Mar.2007 Going Back to North Korea, Hat in Hand: Five years + an outlaw nuke test after President Bush blew up the peace process with Pyongyang so he could look tougher than his predecessor,
Bush capitulated completely earlier this month in accepting a negotiating framework that tacitly accepts the huge surge in the communist state’s estimated nuclear arsenal. Bush blinked big-time.
02.Mar.2007 U.S. Blasted for Treatment of Detainees :
The U.N. human rights chief expressed concern Wednesday at recent U.S. legislative + judicial actions that she said leave hundreds of detainees without any way to challenge their indefinite imprisonment.
02.Mar.2007 US files charges against Hicks: Australian David Hicks has been charged with "material support for terrorism" and referred to trial by a special military commission at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
02.Mar.2007 Least we forget: Snow at CPAC: We didn't create the war in Iraq,: Speaking at the Omni Shoreham Hotel's Regency Ballroom in Washington DC,
the presidential advisor said, "We didn't create the war in Iraq. We didn't create the war on terror."
02.Mar.2007 Question to Sean Hannity:
Why Aren't You on the Front Lines in Iraq Putting Your Life on the Line Instead of Shooting Off Your Mouth? That's Just One Question for the BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week.
Wear a Campaign Button in Support of Your Presidential Candidate!
02.Mar.2007 In the months since the Congressional elections, President Bush has lost substantial support among members of his own party, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll. Mr. Bush?s approval rating dropped 13 %age points since last fall among Republicans, 65 % of whom now say they approve of the way he is handling his job as president, compared with 78 % last October. 3/2
Democrats Struggle to Come Up With an Iraq Plan. They are Afraid of Being Accused of Losing the War, When It's All Bush and Cheney's Fiasco. Why are the Democrats Playing Defense Again? 3/2
02.Mar.2007 The Bush Betrayal of Our Men and Women in Uniform Continues: "Shortages Threaten Guard's Capability 88 % of Units Rated 'Not Ready'" 3/2
One of the unimpeachable truths about our unimpeachable president is that he?s providing lots of money to terrorists, most recently to Sunnis linked to al-Qaeda. 3/2
Arctic natives take U.S. to task over warming: Canadian town to make case before human rights commission 3/2
02.Mar.2007 Ahmadinejad to talk with Saudis -- Gloria R. Lalumia's World Media Watch for March 2, 2007
The National Guard and Reserves don't get enough money or equipment and are left out of important planning for national emergencies, an independent panel concluded Thursday, long after the Iraq war and Hurricane Katrina exposed serious stresses on the services. Another Bush Betrayal of Our Men and Women in Uniform. 3/2
Sunni group claims kidnap of 18 Iraqis 3/2
02.Mar.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Decades after the Watergate break-in, people still wonder why those burglars targeted that office. Let's make sure that people aren't asking "Why Plamegate?" decades from now. Permalink # posted by Joseph
02.Mar.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ 2.
00.000.1989 Cheney knew all about Khan + did nothing to stop him.
02.Mar.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Why Plamegate?
No post on this site has made me prouder than yesterday's offering on Plamegate from dr. elsewhere. If you haven't read it yet, I beg you to do so now.
The doctor directs our attention to this important thread on Democratic Underground, which asks a key question, a simple question, an overlooked question:
Why was Valerie Plame outed as a CIA agent?
02.Mar.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Impeachment Imperative dr. elsewhere here
Following the Libby trial + reading all the insane criminality that has been perpetrated by Cheney + Bush + their band of greedy men,
one has to wonder just how much more we need to know before we take the appropriate action.
Do check out Elizabeth de la Vega's latest entry on Alternet. She nails what has happened + more importantly, what needs to happen.
Read it; then call Senator Waxman. Immediately. And often.
(202) 225-3976 (phone) (202) 225-4099 (fax)
The US Constitution is explicit regarding our responsibility; we simply need to let Congress know, loud and clear, that the fate of this country is in their hands.
As it always is, at our behest. Permalink # posted by Joseph
02.Mar.2007 Frankreich beansprucht weiter Macht in Afrika | Politik | Deutsche ...
Neben der Basis im Tschad gibt es noch vier weitere ständige französische Militärstützpunkte (Elfenbeinküste, Senegal, Gabun und Djibouti). ... www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,1391074,00.html
02.Mar.2007 Tobias Pflüger: Gegen die Stützpunkte der Kriege, gegen alle ...
In Lateinamerika unterhält Frankreich ebenfalls Militärstützpunkte : Von Französisch -Guyana wurde die Militärintervention nach Haiti organisiert. tobiaspflueger.twoday.net/stories/3280329
02.Mar.2007 Die Linkspartei - Kapitalismus + Krieg sind zwei Seiten einer Medaille
-nach wie vor- Die Besatzung des Irak wird wesentlich über die in Deutschland befindlichen US- Militärstützpunkte Ramstein + Spangdahlem organisiert. https://sozialisten.de/sozialisten/nachrichten/view_html/zid33343/bs1/n3 02.Mar.2007 https://www.parapolitics.info/911/
That Mohammed Atta https://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x1433886
dressed like a Mafioso, had a stripper girlfriend, smuggled drugs, was already a licensed pilot when he entered the US,
enjoyed pork chops, drank to excess and did cocaine, was closer to Europeans than Arabs in Florida + included the names of defence contractors on his email list,
proves how dangerous the radical fundamentalist Muslim can be.
That 43 lbs of heroin was found on board the Lear Jet owned by Wally Hilliard https://newsmine.org/archive/9-11/questions/flightschool/hilliard-bankrolled-911-flight-school-and-rudi-dekkers.txt
the owner of Atta’s flight school, just three weeks after Atta enrolled – the biggest seizure ever in Central Florida – was just bad luck https://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x1294206.
That Hilliard was not charged shows how specious the claims for conspiracy truly are.
That Hilliard’s plane https://www.madcowprod.com/books.html had made 30-round trips to Venezuela with the same passengers who always paid cash,
that the plane had been supplied by a pair of drug smugglers who had also outfitted CIA drug runner Barry Seal https://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ciadrugs/W_plane.html +
that 9/11 commissioner Richard ben-Veniste had been Seal’s attorney https://sanderhicks.com/benveniste.html before Seal’s murder https://www.wethepeople.la/seal2.htm,
shows nothing but the lengths to which conspiracists will go to draw sinister conclusions https://www.voxfux.com/features/bush_crime_family.html.
Reports https://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,34910,00.html of insider trading https://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=102x509119
on 9/11 are false, because the SEC https://www.sec.gov/news/press/2004-98.htm investigated and found only respectable investors who will remain nameless involved + no terrorists,
so the windfall profit-taking https://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/12_06_01_death_profits_pt1.html was merely, as ever, coincidental.
That heightened security for the World Trade Centre was lifted immediately prior https://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=125x10267
to the attacks illustrates that it always happens when you least expect it.
02.Mar.2007 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Guten Morgen, ihr korrupten Politiker!"
02.Mar.2007 Kombi- Motor: Jeder vierte Autofahrer erwägt Hybrid- Auto
02.Mar.2007 Skandalwelle in San Francisco: Liebe, Lust und Laster am Golden Gate
02.Mar.2007 US- Investorenlegende: Buffetts Firma scheffelte 2006 elf Milliarden Dollar
02.Mar.2007 Pakistan: Top- Taliban geschnappt - Druck der USA hält an
02.Mar.2007 Wall Street: Insider- Netzwerk fliegt auf
02.Mar.2007 US- Kriege: Demokraten wollen Bush mehr Geld als beantragt geben
02.Mar.2007 Pandemie- Forschung: Ärzte wollen Grippe- Toten von 1919 ausgraben
02.Mar.2007 Antrag abgelehnt: Atomreaktor Biblis A muss pünktlich vom Netz gehen
02.Mar.2007 Washington: US- Armee feuert Militärkrankenhaus- Chef
02.Mar.2007 Nato- Mission: Bundeswehr könnte Piloten in Afghanistan nicht retten
02.Mar.2007 Viele Tote: Tornados wüten in Alabama und Missouri
02.Mar.2007 Autonomes Jugendhaus geräumt: Randale in Kopenhagen, Hamburg und Hannover
02.Mar.2007 Tragödie in Schleswig- Holstein: Und er erstach seinen Sohn - im Namen Gottes
02.Mar.2007 https://www.americanpolitics.com/20040420Baker.html
October Surprise?
Bush May Be Planting WMDs in Iraq -by Tamara Baker
April 20, 2004 -- SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA (apj.us) -- Remember how Bush, in his press conference a week ago today, seemed to hint, smiling smugly as he did so, that WMDs would soon be found in Iraq?
I sure did + so did a lot of folks, including the commentators on PBS' Washington Week in Review.
This despite the fact that no one, after years of searching -- not UNSCOM or UNMOVIC, not IAEA, not Valerie Plame and her network of operatives in Iraq (question: If Bush's people really wanted to find WMD, why did they burn the one person in the government who had the best chance of finding them?) -- has been able to find anything besides balsa wood and wishful thinking.
Part of me half-wondered if Bush was arranging for "throw-downs" -- the police term for planted and/or otherwise phony evidence -- to be found. And, if so, when would they be found?
02.Mar.2007 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Israelis at Abu Ghraib: The forgotten story The new documentary "The Ghosts of Abu Ghraib" will shake decent Americans to the core -- and yet it neglects to mention one key aspect of the scandal: Israelis were present in the prison, directing the torture. That fact was first reported, shortly after the scandal broke, by -- believe or not -- NewsMax. It was later confirmed by Brigadier General Janis Karpinski and by the prisoners themselves: This Israeli dressed in civilian clothes tortured me by inserting in turn first with a jagged wooden stick into my rectum and then with the barrel of a rifle. I was cut inside and bled profusely. Why were Israelis allowed to run rampant in an American-run military prison? Who was really in charge in Abu Ghraib? And why has the tale of prisoner abuse been allowed to run its course while every media outlet in the Western world covers up Israeli involvement?
I urge all my readers to publicize this story. Send it to your representatives and to the major media. Demand answers. Permalink
02.Mar.2007 Oil and Regime Change Don't Mix: Iraq Oil Plan is a Recipe for Disaster (and more $$ for Bush) -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
Wear a Campaign Button in Support of Your Presidential Candidate!
02.Mar.2007 Fired Walter Reed General Had Questionable History -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
02.Mar.2007 Barry M. Lando Traces the Long, Sad Trail of Western Complicity in Iraq -- A BuzzFlash Interview with the Author of "Web of Deceit"
New figures show dramatic rise in terror attacks worldwide since the invasion of Iraq
The Army has relieved the commander of Walter Reed Army Medical Center, saying it had 'lost trust and confidence' in his leadership; There Are Many People Accountable, No Scapegoats Please
George Lakoff: The Words None Dare Say: Nuclear War -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
02.Mar.2007 Democrats Struggle to Come Up With an Iraq Plan. They are Afraid of Being Accused of Losing the War, When It's All Bush and Cheney's Fiasco. Why are the Democrats Playing Defense Again? 3/2
One of the unimpeachable truths about our unimpeachable president is that he?s providing lots of money to terrorists, most recently to Sunnis linked to al-Qaeda. 3/2
02.Mar.2007 The National Guard and Reserves don't get enough money or equipment and are left out of important planning for national emergencies, an independent panel concluded Thursday, long after the Iraq war and Hurricane Katrina exposed serious stresses on the services. Another Bush Betrayal of Our Men and Women in Uniform. 3/2
02.Mar.2007 JOHN REED--REPORTING ON THE REVOLUTION ... in the novels of Upton Sinclair and Jack London which sold millions of copies. ... which exposed the reality of 'capitalist democracy in America'. pubs.socialistreviewindex.org.uk/isj81/cox.htm
20060603 Upton Sinclair was slimed by Teddy Roosevelt for writing The Jungle which exposed the reality of meat packing. Upton Sinclair published his first book in ... alfatomega.com/20060603.html
02.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-469403,00.html
Entdeckt wurde der Tell bei Bauarbeiten für einen Autobahnzubringer. Die Archäologen arbeiten nun unter Zeitdruck, um die Spuren der Vorgeschichte zu sichern.
"Wir haben nicht mehr viel Zeit", sagte Ganslmeier.
"Die Brückenbauer sitzen uns im Nacken."
02.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-469403,00.html
Er glaubt, dass Steinzeitmenschen vor 7000 bis 5500 Jahren aus Lehm und Siedlungsabfällen die ovale Wohnstätte angelegt hätten, die damals 100 Meter lang und 50 bis 60 Meter breit gewesen sei. "Aus ungeklärten Gründen wurde der Wohnhügel dann vor 5500 Jahren verlassen", so Ganslmeier. "Erst vor 3000 Jahren sind spätbronzezeitliche Menschen gekommen und lebten hier nochmals etwa 300 Jahre."
Dass der Hügel so gut erhalten sei, sei ein Glücksfall. Dies liege unter anderem daran, dass in späteren Zeiten ein Fluss umgeleitet wurde, so dass der Hügel nicht mehr von Erosion betroffen gewesen sei. Ganslmeier glaubt, dass es durchaus noch mehr derartige Wohnhügel in Deutschland geben könnte. "Sie sind aber schwer zu finden."
02.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-469459,00.html
Achund war dem Bericht zufolge der dritthöchste Taliban und saß in deren zehnköpfigem Führungsgremium, das von Mullah Omar geleitet wird. Zuletzt fiel er auf, als er nach der Hinrichtung von Saddam Hussein die Reaktion der Taliban bekannt gab: Die Exekution des irakischen Ex-Diktators werde "den Dschihad im Irak intensivieren" und "die Kampfmoral der Muslime stärken".
Achund war außerdem Verteidigungsminister der Taliban-Regierung in Afghanistan, bis diese im US-geführten Feldzug nach den Anschlägen des 11. September 2001 gestürzt wurde.
Seinerzeit waren Tausende Taliban in das Nachbarland Pakistan geflüchtet. Ihre Führung wird (wie bei al-Qaida) vor allem in der riesigen Grenzregion zu Afghanistan vermutet.
Achunds Festnahme in Quetta untermauert, dass sie in Pakistan eine neue Basis gefunden haben - auch wenn die Staatsführung um Präsident Pervez Musharraf stets bestritten hat, dass die Taliban ihren Kampf um Afghanistan vom Nachbarland aus koordinieren.
02.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-469326,00.html
Ob die Zusammenfassung für politische Entscheidungsträger in der nun vorliegenden Entwurfsfassung veröffentlicht wird, ist unsicher.
Schon bei der Zusammenfassung des ersten Teilberichts hatten Diplomanten verschiedener Länder bis zum letzten Moment um einzelne Wörter gerungen.
Denn ob eine Folge des Klimawandels "wahrscheinlich", "sehr wahrscheinlich" oder "praktisch sicher" ist, macht für Wissenschaftler wie Politiker im Zweifelsfall einen großen Unterschied.
02.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-469326,00.html
Bis 2030 müssten 16 Billionen US- Dollar investiert werden, nur bis 2020 habe die Menschheit noch Zeit für die Trendwende.
02.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-469326,00.html
Für den zweiten Teilbericht dieses Jahres haben die Autoren fast 30.000 Datensätze aus mehr als 70 internationalen Studien überprüft.
Diese Messreihen dokumentieren die Veränderungen des Wasserkreislaufs, der Kryosphäre (Eiszonen), der Flora und Fauna über einen Zeitraum von mindestens 20 Jahren.
ESA 2004 Das Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, zu Deutsch der zwischenstaatliche Ausschuss für Klimaveränderungen mit Sitz in Genf, wurde
1988 vom Umweltprogramm der Vereinten Nationen (Unep) und der World Meteorological Organization (WMO) gegründet, die ebenfalls zur Uno gehört.
Der Inder Rajendra Kumar Pachauri ist seit
00.Mai 2002 Vorsitzender des IPCC.
Das auch als Weltklimarat bezeichnete IPCC soll umfassend, objektiv und ergebnisoffen die wissenschaftlichen, technischen und sozioökonomischen Informationen über den von Menschen verursachten Klimawandel bewerten.
Das Gremium, dem Hunderte von Wissenschaftlern in aller Welt zuarbeiten, soll die Folgen und Risiken der Klimaveränderung abschätzen und ausloten, wie man sie abschwächen oder sich an sie anpassen kann.
Der IPCC führt keine eigenen Forschungsprojekte durch, analysiert die Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen, die dem Peer- Review- Verfahren - der Prüfung von Fachartikeln durch unabhängige Gutachter - gefolgt sind.
Das IPCC hat bisher
1995 und
2001 Berichte über den Stand der Klimaforschung abgegeben. Am
02.Feb.2007 wird der erste Teil des neuen Reports vorgestellt, die Teile zwei und drei werden im Lauf des Jahres folgen.
An dem Bericht sind drei Arbeitsgruppen beteiligt: Arbeitsgruppe eins stellt den Stand der Klimaforschung dar, fasst Daten und Computersimulationen zusammen und trifft Aussagen über die künftige Entwicklung.
Arbeitsgruppe zwei berichtet über die möglichen Folgen der Erwärmung für Mensch und Umwelt, Arbeitsgruppe drei über mögliche Gegenmaßnahmen
Bisherige Ergebnisse
Im ersten Klimareport des IPCC von 1990 war noch von einem natürlichen Treibhauseffekt die Rede, der von Emissionen des Menschen verstärkt werde.
Der Report von 2001 ging wesentlich weiter: Er besagte, dass die Treibhausgas- Emissionen des Menschen für den größten Teil der Erwärmung verantwortlich sind.
Auch Computersimulationen, die zur Prognose der zukünftigen Entwicklung eingesetzt werden, räumte das IPCC 2001 steigende Glaubwürdigkeit ein.
Beides brachte dem Klimarat teils harsche Kritik von Regierungen und Industrievertretern ein.
Der IPCC- Report von 2001 sagte voraus, dass die Temperatur an der Erdoberfläche im globalen Schnitt bis 2100 um 1,4 bis 5,8 Grad steigen werde.
Der neue Bericht engt diesen Rahmen auf 2 bis 4,5 Grad ein und nennt drei Grad als wahrscheinlichsten Ausgang.
Experten gehen inzwischen davon aus, dass eine Erwärmung von weniger als zwei Grad zwar zu einer deutlichen Zunahme von extremen Wetterphänomenen führen, insgesamt aber noch beherrschbar sein wird.
Bei einer Erwärmung von deutlich mehr als zwei Grad werden katastrophale Folgen befürchtet.
"Mehr als 85 %" der Datensätze zeigen laut IPCC "Veränderungen in einer Richtung, wie sie als Reaktion auf eine Erwärmung zu erwarten sind".
02.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-469326,00.html
Die Metastudie wird erhebliches politisches Gewicht in der laufenden Klimadebatte haben.
Lange Indizienliste: Wir sind mittendrin
Ihr Hauptbefund ist, dass sich auf allen Kontinenten die Erdoberfläche und die Ökosysteme schon jetzt unter dem Druck regionaler Klimaerwärmung wandeln.
Die in dem Entwurf ausgebreitete Indizienliste ist lang:
Gletscherseen nehmen an Zahl und Größe zu, ihr Überlaufen könnte fatale Überschwemmungen auslösen. Im Gebirge und in hohen Breiten weicht der Dauerfrost auf, Eis- und Gesteinslawinen nehmen zu.
Flüsse und Binnenseen erwärmen sich, ihre thermische Schichtung und die Wasserqualität verändern sich.
Die Abflussrate in Strömen, die sich im Frühjahr aus schmelzenden Gletschern und Eisfeldern speisen, nimmt zu.
Der Frühlingsbeginn wandert im Kalender immer weiter nach vorne, Pflanzenblüte und Vogelzug verschieben sich.
Viele Pflanzen- und Tierarten dehnen ihr Verbreitungsgebiet in die milder werdenden höheren Breiten und Gebirgszonen aus.
01.Mar.2007 Polizeiaktion: Pakistan fasst Nummer drei der Taliban
01.Mar.2007 Umfrage: Neun von zehn Deutschen wollen selbst etwas fürs Klima tun
01.Mar.2007 Börsenschluss: Auch Dow schließt im Minus
01.Mar.2007 Krach um Windows: Microsoft drohen 900 Millionen Euro Strafe
01.Mar.2007 Uno- Bericht: Klimawandel hat die Welt schon jetzt im Schwitzkasten
01.Mar.2007 Neuausrichtung: EU will Truppen aus Bosnien abziehen
01.Mar.2007 Studiengebühren: "Hunderttausend Euro für ein Studium"
01.Mar.2007 Überraschung: 7000 Jahre alter Wohnhügel in Sachsen- Anhalt entdeckt
01.Mar.2007 Airbus- Deutschland- Chef Puttfarcken: Mit einem Schlag entmachtet
01.Mar.2007 Uran- Fund in Lauenförde: "Wieso hat keiner den Mann ernst genommen?"
01.Mar.2007 Berners-Lee Speaks Out Against DRM, Advocates Net Neutrality - Zonk 27 - narramissic writes
"Speaking before the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet,
Tim Berners-Lee advocated for net neutrality, saying that the Web deserves 'special treatment' as a communications medium to protect its nondiscriminatory approach to content.
Berners-Lee's more controversial statements came on the topic of DRM, in which he suggested that instead of DRM, copyright holders should provide information on how to legally use online material,
allowing users the opportunity 'to do the right thing.'
This led to an odd exchange with Representative Mary Bono who compared Berner-Lee's suggestion to 'having a speed limit but not enforcing the speed limit.'"
01.Mar.2007 China labels US 'nosy neighbour' - China hits back at the US over calls for greater transparency in Beijing's military spending.
01.Mar.2007 UK 'needs to cut' gas dependency - The IEA says the UK should be less dependent on gas power + develop nuclear and renewable energy sources.
01.Mar.2007 THREE INDUSTRY LEADERS NAMED TO NIST VISITING COMMITTEE; HERMANN ... 1998) CRAIG I. FIELDS Craig I. Fields is vice chairman of United Gaming, Incorporated, ...
00.000.1991, he was appointed to the Defense Science Board. www.nist.gov/public_affairs/releases/n95-07.htm
27.Okt.2006 World-News: Check out the site on Raytheon they are already selling devices to be used for crowd ... deren Börsenkurs sich seit Merkels Amtsantritt fast verdoppelte. ... freepage.twoday.net/20061027
01.Mar.2007 FTOR-Börsenforum - Weltmacht USA: Vor dem Abgrund?
Erst wenn ein Krieg zu viele US-amerikanische Leben kostet – Korea, ... Raytheon ist ein wichtiges Unternehmen im Bereich der militärischen Geheimdienstes: ... www.ftor.de/board/printthread.php?t=21171&page=2&pp=40
01.Mar.2007 DOW 5000, Gold 1000 $ - ARIVA.DE wie stellt man sich an der Börse auf einen Krieg am Golf oder in Nahost ein?
Dazu gehören Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon + Northrop. ... www.ariva.de/board/130033?page=1&a=all
01.Mar.2007 Why No One Could Have Predicted The Collapse Of WTC 7 - Paul Joseph Watson - Building was specifically designed to have floors removed without collapsing
01.Mar.2007 Spain eases law for transsexuals Spain allows transsexuals who have not had a sex change to alter their gender on their official documents.
01.Mar.2007 US military hospital boss removed The head of the US army's flagship military hospital loses his post, amid a scandal over the neglect of wounded soldiers.
01.Mar.2007 Probe spies moon's volcanic plume A Nasa spacecraft sends back images of a huge dust plume erupting from a volcano on Jupiter's moon Io.
Sancar International, S.A.,
Argyll Trading Corporation,
Steel Management ...
Juarez drug cartel in Mexico.
A significant portion of the $84 million ... www.tax-news.com/asp/res/gateway.pdf
SPLICEDwire | Films in development - Search by title
... conscientious objectors in WWII. who are sent to work on an Argyll estate. ...
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01.Mar.2007 59 VIII. Ten Case Histories The investigation developed the ...
Inc., Sancar International, S.A., Argyll Trading Corporation, ...
Colombia + the Juarez drug cartel in Mexico.
A significant portion of the $84 million ... www.amlcft.com/US%20Senate%20Correspondent%20Banking%20case%20histories%201-7.pdf 01.Mar.2007 mairie-bibliotheque-liste-adulte
Alors que l'Anglais Jonathan Argyll s'apprête à annoncer sa découverte,
... pilote d'avion à la solde du cartel de Juarez, mort assassiné. www.st-peray.com/mairie-bibliotheque-adulte.htm
01.Mar.2007 "Cocaine One" Bust Lifts Veil on Global Narcotics Cartel - Looking ...
Private investment bank Argyll Equities LLC in Boerne, Texas, is part of The ...
“Both Losada and Jose Serrano denied any connection to the Juarez Cartel . www.lookingglassnews.org/viewstory.php?storyid=6899
“Both Losada and Jose Serrano denied any connection to the Juarez Cartel.
Was Argyll Equities LLC the victim of “dashed bad luck” in providing funding ... www.madcowprod.com/08082006.html
Encyclopedia entries starting with JUR
The Juárez Cartel is a powerful Mexican drug trafficking cartel based in Juárez ...
Jura shown within Argyll Satellite picture of Jura Jura (Scottish Gaelic ... encycl.opentopia.com/J/JU/JUR
Encyclopedia entries starting with CAL
Call of Juarez
There are very few or no other articles that link to this one. ...
Calton could be Places: Calton, Argyll and ButeCalton, GlasgowCalton, ... encycl.opentopia.com/C/CA/CAL
LieparDestin: August 2006 ... a Cali and Juarez Cartel narcotics trafficker', MCP reports.
Private investment bank Argyll Equities LLC in Boerne, Texas, is part of The Argyll Group, ... liepardestin.blogspot.com/2006_08_01_liepardestin_archive.html
20060809 Argyll Equities is currently involved in a still-unexplained imbroglio which ...
Both Losada and Jose Serrano denied any connection to the Juarez Cartel .” alfatomega.com/20060809.html
Daily Kos: Cocaine One, A Republican Scandal. Part 2
The shareholder is a private investment bank in Texas which 'also raised funds for a Mexican industrialist with reported ties to a Cali + Juarez Cartel ... www.dailykos.com/story/2006/8/21/114356/307
Choosing a stock loan company - BUSINESS, MONEY, & LAW - ACADEMIC ...
You won't find out that Amerifund runs their loans through Argyll until you get your ... a narcotics trafficker linked to both the Cali + Juarez Cartel. perspectives.com/forums/view_topic.php?id=53529&forum_id=57&jump_to=1298960
Campeche 4.10.06 cash out pattern, Khashoggi, Titan press release, Argyll Equities, Nigerian 419, Frank Cowles, Edwin Wilson, drugs, Amdocs Ltd, L3, Global Crossing ... www.sjcite.info/campeche.html
01.Mar.2007 Growth of E-Waste May Lead to National 'E-Fee' - Zonk 40 - jcatcw writes
"A bill in Congress would add a recycling charge to the cost of laptop PCs, computer monitors, televisions and some other electronic devices, according to a story at Computerworld.
The effort to control what's called e-waste could lead to a national 'e-fee' that would be paid just like a sales tax.
Nationwide the cost could amount to $300 million per year. Already, California, Washington, Maryland and Maine have approved electronics recycling laws + another 21 states plus Puerto Rico, are considering them."
01.Mar.2007 Microsoft Threatened With Fines By EU Again - Zonk 59 - ukhackster writes
"The EC is threatening Microsoft with yet more fines. This time, it's over the interoperability protocols that Microsoft has been ordered to open up to its rivals.
The EC has examined 1,500 pages of information about the protocols + concluded that they 'lack significant innovation'.
This is pretty damning for both Microsoft and the patent system, as it has been awarded 36 patents covering this technology and has another 37 pending.
Could this encourage someone like the EFF to start pushing to get these patents overturned? The EU has a FAQ about this issue, containing additional details on the subject.
01.Mar.2007 https://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/mpapps/pagetools/print/news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/6408231.stm
The oldest solar observatory in the Americas has been found, suggesting the existence of early, sophisticated Sun cults, scientists report.
It comprises of a group of 2,300-year-old structures, known as the Thirteen Towers, which are found in the Chankillo archaeological site, Peru.
The towers span the annual rising and setting arcs of the Sun, providing a solar calendar to mark special dates.
The study is published in the journal Science.
01.Mar.2007 BBC is Pulling Our Leg (RE: WTC 7) - BG For those of us who have followed closely the details of the events of 9/11, the BBC chicanery fails the smell test.
01.Mar.2007 Politics: Abuseless - BG
The Padilla case proves the futility of mistreating prisoners.
By Dahlia Lithwick
Posted Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2007, at 6:50 PM ET
Of all the terrifically bad ideas implemented by the Bush administration since 9/11, probably the worst have involved torture.
The decision to sideline criminal prosecutions and instead focus on "alternative interrogation" methods was wrongheaded from the get-go.
It was wrongheaded as a tactical matter, wrongheaded as a legal matter, wrongheaded as an ethical matter + wrongheaded as a matter of undermining world opinion.
In fact the only thing the Bush administration has actually gotten right about torture is this one tiny truth: If you want to destroy someone--if that is your sole objective--torture works.
So, why won't the government even take credit for that?
That's why it's worth keeping an eye on the proceedings this week in Miami as federal Judge Marcia Cooke tries to determine whether the alleged "dirty bomber"--scratch that--alleged "apartment bomber"--um, scratch that--alleged terror conspirator Jose Padilla is mentally fit to stand trial.
What the prosecution now claims almost defies credulity.
They contend that Padilla is wholly unharmed--after spending 1,307 days in a 9-foot-by-7-foot cell in a Navy brig in South Carolina, where he says he was, among other things, deprived of sleep, light, sight, sound, shackled in stress positions, injected with "truth serum," and isolated for extended stretches of time. It's better than that. According to the government, Padilla is faking his craziness. To continue reading, click here.
01.Mar.2007 Free Global Virtual Scientific Library - kdawson 58 - Several readers wrote in with news of the momentum gathering behind free access to government-funded research.
A petition "to create a freely available virtual scientific library available to the entire globe" garnered more than 20,000 signatures, including several Nobel prize winners and 750 education, research + cultural organizations from around the world. The European Commission responded by committing more than $100 million towards support for open access journals and for the building of infrastructure needed to house institutional repositories able to store the millions of academic articles written each year. In the article Michael Geist discusses the open access movement and its critics.
01.Mar.2007 Media Blacklists BBC Fiasco; Google, Digg Censor 9/11 Truth - Paul Joseph Watson -News 24 'timestamp' video disappears from Google Video, despite the fact it's under 30 seconds in
01.Mar.2007 BBC Has Lost Tapes Of 21st Century's Defining Moment - Paul Joseph Watson -9/11 coverage gone due to "cock up". Why is this not a world news headline?
01.Mar.2007 Nichols Fingers FBI Agent Directing McVeigh in OKC Bombing By Name - Paul Joseph Watson -A newspaper reported the name of the FBI agent fingered by Terry Nichols as having led
01.Mar.2007 BBC Discredited; Retractions on 9/11 Hit Piece Forthcoming? - Paul Joseph Watson -Complaint responses suggest consternation within corporation on revelations of bias in Conspiracy
01.Mar.2007 March 1, 2007 - Think Progress -
Walter Reed officials have known of the deplorable conditions for at least 3 years. Joyce Rumsfeld, the wife of then-Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, was taken to Walter Reed last October “by a friend concerned about outpatient treatment.” Mrs. Rumsfeld was told that her husband was being given a rosy picture of the hospital. Walter Reed officials proceeded to ban the friend who brought Mrs. Rumsfeld in.
For five years, the U.S. accused North Korea of pursuing a secret path to developing enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb, an accusation that “resulted in the rupture of an already tense relationship.” Now, the administration has quietly admitted its intelligence may have been faulty .
Amb. Tim Carney, a U.S. coordinator for Iraq’s reconstruction, said on NPR yesterday, said the post-war decision to exclude Iraqis from governing the country was “incompetent, foolish, dubious in all of its aspects.” Carney was recently flown to Baghdad by the administration to avoid testifying before a congressional committee.
Bush administration regulators approved children’s lunch boxes that were laden with more than 10 times hazardous levels of lead, then lied about it and refused to release details of their tests, an AP investigation revealed. The administration’s excuse: food in the lunch boxes “may have an outer wrapping, a baggie, so there isn’t direct exposure.”
Military reporter James Crawley says yesterday’s Army Times revelation “that Walter Reed patients had been barred from speaking with reporters is not the first case of tightened restrictions. In recent months, he says several MRE members have reported similar crackdowns. What’s worse, many of the denials are apparently in reaction to the potential negativity of a planned story.” (more…)
01.Mar.2007 Gen. Petreaus is in - Nico - for a Friedman. “An elite team of officers advising US commander General David Petraeus in Baghdad has concluded the US has six months to win the war in Iraq - or face a Vietnam-style collapse in political and public support that could force the military into a hasty retreat.”
01.Mar.2007 House and Senate call on purged attorneys to testify. - Nico -
“Democrats in both the House of Representatives and the Senate vowed to hold a new round of hearings to determine if partisan politics played a role in the firings of eight U.S. attorneys across the country. … The controversy flared up early Wednesday afternoon after David Iglesias, the departing U.S. attorney from New Mexico, told McClatchy Newspapers that he believes he was forced out because he refused to speed up an indictment of local Democrats a month before November’s congressional elections.” TPM is covering the story closely + has fingered Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM) as the likely member of Congress who requested the rushed indictment. Carpetbagger has a wrap-up.
01.Mar.2007 Bush was right. - Nico -
Yesterday, ThinkProgress highlighted a quote
00.000.2000 on military readiness from candidate George W. Bush:
So let’s get something straight right now.
To point out that our military has been overextended, taken for granted and neglected, that’s no criticism of the military.
That is criticism of a president and vice president and their record of neglect.
Hours later, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) reminded Bush again on the House floor:
So when the right talks about “slow bleed,” or tries to cover up their neglect of the military by citing the stellar performance of our soldiers, remember who’s really at fault.
01.Mar.2007 Werben mit Fakten auf "Journalismus - Nachrichten von Heute" - sfux Werben mit ?Journalismus ?
Nachrichten von Heute? ist Werben auf Content mit Fakten:
26 Journalisten aus 8 Ländern bringen Hintergrundreportagen und News mit politisch, kulturellem und gesellschaftlich relevantem Inhalt.
?Nachrichten von Heute? liefert vielfach brisante Informationen, bevor sie von den Printmedien aufgegriffen werden.
Mit ?Journalismus ? Nachrichten von Heute? werben Sie mit unkonventionellen Formaten auf einer ästhetisch anspruchsvollen und inhaltlich reichen...
01.Mar.2007 CIA: Wir liefern keine Agenten aus - sfux
Onlineredaktion - Die CIA steht zu ihren Agenten + Agentinnen.
Auch wenn sie Straffällig geworden sind.
Allerdings ist Italien verständlicherweise auch nicht daran interessiert, das Verhältnis mit den amerikanischen Partnern unnötig zu belasten.
Der Rechtsberater des amerikanischen Aussenministeriums, John Bellinger, sagte am Mittwoch in Brüssel, es gebe keinen Auslieferungsantrag Italiens.
Und falls Italien einen solchen Antrag stelle, «werden wir keine...
01.Mar.2007 Die Lobby der Kriegstreiber - sfux Malte Olschewski - ?
Wir Amerikaner sind ein Volk der Krieger...
Der totale Krieg ist der einzige Weg zu einem Frieden...
Alle zehn Jahre müssen die USA ein kleines, lästiges Land nehmen und gegen die Wand schmeissen, nur um zu zeigen, dass es sie es ernst meinen...
Gewaltsamer Wechsel ist das Wesen menschlicher Geschichte...?
Das sind laut
23.Jun.2006 ?The Nation? vom einige Zitate aus dem geistigen...
01.Mar.2007 Schweizer Terrorprozess: Schlappe für Bundesanwaltschaft - sfux Swissinfo -
Der erste Prozess in der Schweiz gegen angebliche Helfer des Terrornetzwerks Al Kaida hat mit einem Freispruch für alle sieben Angeklagten aus Jemen + Irak + Somalia geendet.
Das Bundesstrafgericht in Bellinzona verurteilte die Beschuldigten lediglich wegen Verstössen gegen das Ausländergesetz.
Sie erhalten finanzielle Entschädigungen.
Richter Bernard Bertossa hielt in seiner Urteilsbegründung fest, dass die Angeklagten...
01.Mar.2007 Addict brain 'designed for drugs' Differences in the brain may increase the chances a person will take drugs, scientists say.
01.Mar.2007 New malaria drug targets children A new, low-cost drug is launched to combat malaria, aimed at children in sub-Saharan Africa.
01.Mar.2007 US follows stock market sell-off A drop in US markets helps push global markets lower for a third day, fanning fears of a sustained sell-off.
01.Mar.2007 US terror charges for Australian The US files terror charges against an Australian held at Guantanamo Bay without trial for five years.
01.Mar.2007 US braces for tornado battering A huge storm system covers much of the US, threatening extreme weather, ranging from tornadoes to blizzards.
01.Mar.2007 More stoppages at Airbus plants French and German Airbus staff stop work in a second day of protests after the firm announced 10,000 job cuts.
01.Mar.2007 Berlusconi offers Prodi support Silvio Berlusconi says his coalition will support Romano Prodi's government in a coming vote on Afghanistan.
01.Mar.2007 MS warned of more EU fines The European Commission warns that Microsoft could face further fines for failing to comply with anti-trust rulings.
01.Mar.2007 Dengue emergency in Paraguay Paraguay declares a state of emergency to deal with dengue fever, which has killed 10 people this year.
01.Mar.2007 China reviews 're-education' law China's parliament is to consider reforming a law that allows incarceration without trial, state media reports.
01.Mar.2007 Snowless winter first for Tokyo Japanese meteorologists say Tokyo has had its first winter without snow since records began in 1876.
01.Mar.2007 Clashes erupt at Danish eviction Dozens of people are arrested in Denmark as violence erupts amid a police operation to evict squatters.
01.Mar.2007 India politician's wealth probed India's top court orders a probe of the wealth of Mulayam Singh Yadav, chief minister of Uttar Pradesh.
01.Mar.2007 Beckett voices hopes on Taleban Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett tells the BBC she hopes moderate members of the Taleban can be drawn away from extremists
01.Mar.2007 Anger at public sector pay offer Unions react with anger to Gordon Brown's announcement public sector workers will get below-inflation pay rises.
01.Mar.2007 Towers points to ancient Sun cult The oldest solar observatory in the Americas has been discovered pointing to the existence of ancient Sun cults, scientists report.
01.Mar.2007 US CO2 emissions 'violate rights' A delegation of Inuit travel to Washington to argue that the nation's climate policy violates human rights.
01.Mar.2007 Probe spies moon's volcanic plume Nasa's New Horizons spacecraft sends back images of a huge dust plume erupting from a volcano on Jupiter's moon Io.
01.Mar.2007 Nigeria gay law 'risks democracy' A proposed Nigerian law banning same-sex marriages is a threat to democracy, says Human Rights Watch.
01.Mar.2007 New arrest over Guatemala killing A fifth Guatemalan policeman is held over the killing of three Salvadorean politicians near Guatemala City.
01.Mar.2007 Petrol firms say fuel not faulty Petrol retailers are baffled by claims that contaminated fuel has led to hundreds of car breakdowns.
01.Mar.2007 Pick-up in US income growth US incomes grew at their fastest pace in a year during January, official figures show, while growth in consumer spending slows.
01.Mar.2007 March 1, 1896: All Aglow Noodling around in the lab one day, Antoine Becquerel stumbles upon radioactivity. Compiled by Tony Long.
01.Mar.2007 Keeping an Eye on the Pole Researchers begin an exhaustive study to determine exactly how global warming is changing polar conditions and threatening the Earth's balance. By AP
01.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-469373,00.html
München - Attacke auf die Grünen: Bayerns Innenminister Günther Beckstein (CSU) greift Hans-Christian Ströbele an.
Der Grünen-Vize-Fraktionschef im Bundestag hatte gestern Abend in der Nachrichtensendung "RTL aktuell" erklärt,
er sehe in den antikapitalistischen Äußerungen des Ex- RAF- Terroristen Christian Klar "keine Aufforderung oder Äußerung zu Gewalt oder zu Terrorismus".
01.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-469373,00.html
Christian Klar ist seit nunmehr 24 Jahren inhaftiert.
Seine als Grußbotschaft an die so genannte Rosa-Luxemburg Konferenz formulierten antikapitalistischen Äußerungen haben in den vergangenen Tagen Deutschlands Spitzenpolitiker aufgebracht.
01.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-469373,00.html
Peymann hatte in der "taz" Klars Kapitalismuskritik begrüßt: "Das sind auch meine Ansichten."
Außerdem erneuerte er sein Angebot, Klar ein Praktikum als Bühnentechniker zu ermöglichen.
Darauf CDU-Generalsekretär Ronald Pofalla:
"Wie kann man einem Mörder und unbelehrbaren Verächter der freiheitlich demokratischen Grundordnung einen Praktikumsplatz anbieten,
während Zehntausende arbeitslose Jugendliche vergeblich auf ihre Chance zum Start ins Leben warten?"
Die Einlassungen von Peymann seien "abscheulich und respektlos gegenüber den Opfern und Angehörigen des RAF-Terrors", so Pofalla.
01.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/0,1518,druck-469399,00.html
"Es muss eine Lücke bei Kontrolle gegeben haben"
Derartige Kernbrennstoffe stehen unter strenger staatlicher Aufsicht und dürfen außerhalb von Atomkraftwerken und Wiederaufbereitungsanlagen nicht in private Hände gelangen. Auch Niedersachsens Umweltminister Hans-Heinrich Sander (FDP) sagte, wenn es sich bei dem Fund um angereichertes Uran handle, "muss es bei der Kontrolle eine Lücke gegeben haben".
Die niedersächsischen Grünen vermuten ebenfalls Sicherheitslücken und fordern eine wirksamere Atomaufsicht. Die Tatsache, dass der Lauenförder Privatmann kaum auf legalem Weg in den Besitz der Uranpellets gekommen sei, lasse befürchten, dass Uran über dunkle Kanäle nach Deutschland transportiert werde, sagte die niedersächsische Grünen-Vorsitzende Dorothea Steiner.
Niemand scheine zu wissen, in welchem Ausmaß strahlende Substanzen unkontrolliert im Umlauf seien und auch für kriminelle Zwecke genutzt werden könnten. "Die Behörden müssen dringend diese offensichtlichen Sicherheitslücken schließen und das Kontrollnetz verstärken", betonte Steiner. Ebenso müsse dringend geklärt werden, wieso die zuständigen Stellen offensichtlich über Jahre nicht auf ähnliche Hinweise des Lauenförders reagiert hätten.
Mann leidet unter massiven psychischen Problemen
01.Mar.2007 Streit um Ex- Terrorist Klar: Beckstein wirft Ströbele Verhöhnung der RAF- Opfer vor
01.Mar.2007 Kritik an Außenminister: Steinmeier verbittet sich US- Vorwürfe im Fall Kurnaz
01.Mar.2007 tives Material in Niedersachsen: Polizei vermutet noch mehr Uran im Garten
01.Mar.2007 Diesel- Rußfilter: Bundestag stimmt Steuerbonus für Nachrüstung zu
01.Mar.2007 Nervöse Märkte: Börsen rutschen weiter ab - New York zieht Dax nach unten
01.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-469366,00.html
"Sie halten uns auf dem Laufenden."
01.Mar.2007 Geldmangel bei der Nasa: Shuttle- Nachfolger startet erst 2015
01.Mar.2007 Terrorismus: Neuer Taliban- Anführer erklärt Bin Laden für lebendig
01.Mar.2007 Mobile Film Fest: Werde Hosentaschen- Scorsese!
01.Mar.2007 Nervöse Märkte: Neuer Asien- Schock drückt Dax in die Tiefe
01.Mar.2007 Streikdrohung: Gewerkschaft wirft Telekom Zahlenmanipulation vor
01.Mar.2007 Kurnaz- Affäre: Bushs Guantanamo- Experte belastet Steinmeier
01.Mar.2007 Ökostrom: Bonner Firma plant größte Solarfabrik Amerikas
01.Mar.2007 Krawalle in Sevilla: Chaos nach dem Hass- Derby
01.Mar.2007 Störfall: Strahlendes Wasser aus Atomkraftwerk Temelin ausgetreten
01.Mar.2007 Ford: Sanierung kostet 11,18 Milliarden Dollar
01.Mar.2007 Historischer Entführungsfall: "You gelt the Mony from Mr. Lindbergh"
01.Mar.2007 Ärger um Windows: EU- Kommission droht neue Geldstrafe an
01.Mar.2007 US- Autoranking: Japanische Modelle belegen alle Top- Plätze
01.Mar.2007 Regierungserklärung: Merkel fordert Vorreiterrolle der EU beim Klimaschutz
01.Mar.2007 England: Unreines Benzin stellt Tausende Autos kalt
01.Mar.2007 Who Needs a Satellite DIsh When You Have a Wok? - samzenpus 164 - An anonymous reader writes
"Why pay $20,000 for a commercial link to run your television station when a $10 kitchen wok from the Warehouse is just as effective? This is exactly how North Otago's newest television station 45 South is transmitting its signal from its studio to the top of Cape Wanbrow, in a bid to keep costs down."
01.Mar.2007 New Technique for Recycling PCBs - samzenpus 55 -MattSparkes writes
"PCBs from discarded computers, cellphones and other devices could be recycled less harmfully using a technique developed by researchers in China. Unlike current methods, it can be used to reclaim metals such as copper without releasing toxic fumes into the air. Only a small numbers of PCBs are currently recycled."
01.Mar.2007 Data Storing Bacteria Could Last Millennia - samzenpus 201 - PetManimal writes
"Computerworld has a story about a new technology developed by Keio University researchers that creates artificial bacterial DNA that can carry more than 100 bits of data within the genome sequence. The researchers claimed that they encoded "e= mc2 1905!" on the common soil bacteria, Bacillius subtilis. The bacteria-based data storage method has backup and long-term archival functionality." The researchers say "While the technology would most likely first be used to track medication, it could also be used to store text and images for many millennia, thwarting the longevity issues associated with today's disk and tape storage systems ... The artificial DNA that carries the data to be preserved makes multiple copies of the DNA and inserts the original as well as identical copies into the bacterial genome sequence. The multiple copies work as backup files to counteract natural degradation of the preserved data, according to the newswire. Bacteria have particularly compact DNA, which is passed down from generation to generation. The information stored in that DNA can also be passed on for long-term preservation of large data files."
01.Mar.2007 Huge Reservoir Discovered Beneath Asia - samzenpus 206 -anthemaniac writes
"Seismic observations reveal a huge reservoir of water in Earth's mantle beneath Asia. It's actually rock saturated with water, but it's an ocean's worth of water ... as much as is in the whole Arctic Ocean. How did it get there? A slab of water-laden crust sank + the water evaporated out when it was heated + then it was trapped, the thinking goes. The discovery fits neatly with the region's heavy seismic activity and fits neatly with the idea that the planet's moving crustal plates are lubricated with water."
01.Mar.2007 First Graphene Transistor - ScuttleMonkey 77 -An anonymous reader writes
"UK researchers are announcing the first ever workable transistor made of graphene — that's one layer of carbon atoms. It's thinner and smaller than a silicon transistor can ever be + it works at room temperature. When silicon electronics are dead, this is what many speculate is going to take over. There's slight controversy as they decided to announce their results via a review article, rather than wait for their (submitted) peer review paper to come out."
01.Mar.2007 Canada Rejects Anti-Terror Laws - ScuttleMonkey 346+ -Coryoth writes
"The Canadian parliament has voted against renewing anti-terror laws that had been introduced after September 11, 2001. The rejected laws included provisions to hold terror suspects indefinitely + to compel witnesses to testify + were in some sense Canada's version fo the Patriot Act. The laws were voted down in the face of claims from the minority Conservative government that the Liberal Party was soft on terror + despite the fact that Canada has faced active terrorist cells in their own country. The anti-terror laws have never been used + it was viewed that they are neither relevant, nor needed, in dealing with terrorist plots. Hopefully more countries will come to the same conclusion."
01.Mar.2007 Dow Jones Plunge Fueled by Overwhelmed Computers - CmdrTaco 198+ -cloudscout writes
"The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped over 400 points today. While there were various valid financial reasons for such a decline, some of the blame is being placed on computer systems that couldn't keep up with the abnormally high volume at the New York Stock Exchange and the resulting tremor as they switched over to a backup system."
01.Mar.2007 First Soldier Injured In Iraq Speaks Out Against ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ - Payson -
Since the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy went into effect, the Pentagon has dismissed more than 11,000 servicemembers, many of whom have key specialty skills such as training in medicine and language. At a time when the military faces a readiness crisis, the Pentagon cannot afford to dismiss two service members a day as it is doing under the current policy.
Today, Rep. Marty Meehan (D-MA) reintroduced the Military Readiness Enhancement Act, a bill that would allow gays to serve openly in the military. Joining Meehan at a press conference today was retired Marine Staff Sgt. Eric Alva, the first American soldier to be seriously wounded in Iraq. A gay man, Alva did not admit his sexual orientation until he retired from the military, but Alva has since become a strong advocate for repealing the policy. Good Morning America told his story this morning.
Watch it:
In an interview not included in the televised report, Alva told ABC News about how his old Marine buddies took the news that he was gay:
“I told tons of people,” he said, with a laugh. “A lot of my friends, my buddies, my closest Marines, people I had served in combat with. Straight guys, married, with children and everything, three of them which I have become their sons’ godfather now. Everybody was just respectful and was just like ordinary. ‘That’s it? That’s your big news?’”
Alva says that while anti-gay language wasn’t exactly unheard of in the Marines, generally he thinks troops are ready for gays and lesbians to serve openly.
“Being on the front lines and serving with the people who even actually knew that I was gay, you know, that was never a factor. We were there to do a job. We were [there] to do a mission. I don’t think people would have a hard time with it because they know that the person right next to them is going to be there to protect them, in our terms, ‘have their back.’”
Learn more about the effort to lift the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy here.
01.Mar.2007 Rep. Gohmert: Murtha Caused Market Plunge - Nico -
Today on the House floor, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) blamed yesterday’s market drop — the largest since the September 11 terrorist attacks — on members of Congress supposedly “talking about…more regulation” and “undermin[ing] the President’s national security policy.”
Gohmert said, “In two months of talking about raising taxes and more regulation and [referring to Murtha] one committee chairman talking about how he’s going to undermine the President’s national security policy — two months! — we have this terrible damage to the stock market, to the economy. Unbelievable.” He added: “I just encourage my friends across the aisle, be careful. We built a great economy. Don’t blow it quite so quickly.”
Watch it:
Gohmert is out to lunch. Analysts say that yesterday’s market drop was due in varying degrees to China’s market meltdown on Monday, Alan Greenspan’s recession remarks this week + rising oil prices. Transcript: (more…)
01.Mar.2007 Ney’s got friends in low places. - Nico -
“Former Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, expresses remorse and quotes singer/songwriter Garth Brooks in an e-mail sent to friends Wednesday, a day before he is to enter federal prison after pleading guilty to corruption charges.” Ney’s letter quotes lyrics from Brooks’ song “The Dance.”
and now i’m glad i didn’t know
the way it all would end, the way it all would go
our lives are better left to chance,
i could have missed the pain,
but i’d have had to miss, the dance
01.Mar.2007 Gen. Clark And Jon Soltz Launch StopIranWar.com - Faiz -
VoteVets.org has teamed up with Gen. Wesley Clark to promote a new campaign warning against a military strike on Iran. StopIranWar.com is calling on Americans to build political pressure on U.S. policymakers to work with our allies and use every diplomatic, political + economic option at our disposal to deal with Iran.
In a web-ad released today, Clark warns, “We’re approaching the last moments in which the administration can change its policy and head off a looming confrontation with Iran.” Watch it: <object width="425" height="350">
<embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/JN6IwFsJk2U" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
Take action here.
Also today, the Center for American Progress released a progressive strategy to resolve the Iranian nuclear problem: “Contain and Engage.”
Rather than pursue the faint hope that coercive measures will force Iran’s capitulation, our contain-and-engage strategy couples the pressures created by sanctions, diplomatic isolation and investment freezes with practical compromises and realizable security assurances to encourage Iran onto a verifiable, non-nuclear weapons path.
Read the full report HERE. Transcript: (more…)
01.Mar.2007 ‘Guilt is the new black.’ - Amanda -
Diesel launches a “tongue-in-cheek” ad campaign promoting its spring/summer collection as “Global Warming Ready.” Its ads depicts “landscapes that have been transformed by environmental disaster” and models that “are dressed fashionably if barely (to accommodate the weather) and they lounge amid this hip dystopia in glamorous unconcern, fanning themselves or applying suntan lotion to one another’s tawny backs.” Watch the ad HERE. Find out the facts on global warming at ClimateCrisis.net. (HT: MoJo Blog)
01.Mar.2007 Fox Pundit Claims Walter Reed Investigation Was ‘Going After The Administration From The Right’ - Nico -
Media Matters has repeatedly documented how major media outlets reflexively characterize conservative views as “pro-military,” and how concern for our armed forces is a conservative issue. The latest example:
During the February 24 edition of Fox News Watch, Newsday columnist James P. Pinkerton claimed that the reason it took the media so long to report on deteriorating conditions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center was because “the media typically come at the Bush administration from the left” by criticizing the Iraq war. “The idea of going after the administration from the right as it were,” Pinkerton continued, “that we’re not supporting the troops enough, not [providing] body armor enough, not [protecting] Humvees enough, not helping at Walter Reed enough — that is an angle that most reporters don’t naturally think of when they’re waking up” because “they come from a different ideological perspective.”
Pinkerton’s falsehood is perhaps most evident in the blogosphere. Last week, we reported that Walter Reed had refused to let talk show host Don Imus (a frequent advocate for servicemembers and veterans) tour the hospital and investigate conditions there.
In our post, we linked to the unofficial Imus Blog, whose author Big Roy acknowledges that he “routinely slam[s] liberal politicians and media.”
Yet, on Friday, Roy wrote a post titled, “Why Don’t Conservatives Support The Troops?”
During the past week I’ve gotten several links from some of the biggest liberal blogs/websites on the internet, Crooks & Liars, Think Progress + Daily Kos. These are not sites that would normally link to this blog. As anyone who reads my blog knows I routinely slam liberal politicians and media.
But these guys rose above politics to try and bring awareness to the problems at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Some might say they’re doing it as an opportunity to slam the Bush Administration. I don’t think that’s it. I think it’s a genuine concern for active duty soldiers and veterans.
I wondered why I hadn’t received a single link from a conservative blog or website. I thought well they just didn’t like any of my posts. So I went and checked the right wing blogs I normally read when I get time, Redstate, Pajama Media, Hot Air + Michelle Malkin. Except for Ms. Malkin, not one of these sites even mentioned the Washington Post Story or anything about Walter Reed that I could find. When Malkin talks about it. She was not able to rise above politics and used it as an opportunity to slam the liberal media and democrats.
UPDATE: Crooks & Liars has more, including an email campaign on Pinkerton.
01.Mar.2007 Senators Vow To Block White House Effort To Defund Office Of Women’s Health - Faiz -
The Washington Post reported yesterday that the FDA’s Office of Women’s Health “just had more than one-quarter of this year’s $4 million operating budget quietly removed.” The office had stood up for scientific research that ultimately led to the approval of Plan B. Because the remaining $2.8 million has already been spent or allocated, the funding cut will “effectively halt further operations for the rest of the year.”
Today, Sens. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Patty Murray (D-WA) + Olympia Snowe (R-ME) wrote a letter to FDA Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach demanding a halt to the agency’s efforts to de-fund the office. The letter stated:
We are deeply concerned by reports that the Food and Drug Administration intends to withhold $1.2 million of funding allocated by Congress for the Office of Women’s Health (OWH). If news of this reallocation is accurate, we urge you to provide any guidance and an explanation for this action. We strongly oppose any efforts to downgrade the OWH at FDA.
For the past sixteen years, the OWH has performed vital work to improve the health and well-being of women across the USA. The OWH looks out for the day to day needs of women and promotes and monitors the progress of women’s health initiatives at the FDA. Slashing funding for the OWH would pull the rug out from under these efforts and shortchange promising efforts to improve women’s health.
We urge you to ensure that the full amount of funding that was appropriated by Congress for the OWH is set aside for that purpose + request an immediate explanation as to how the reallocation can be averted. Congress has made its intention clear. As Congress moves forward with the budget and appropriations process, we will pursue every course to make certain that this funding is restored. We intend to use every tool at our disposal to make sure that the OWH has the resources it needs to safeguard women’s health.
The Bush administration has done little to promote — and a great deal to impede — the functions of the Office of Women’s Health. Susan Wood, former director of the OWH, resigned 00.000.2005 over the politically-motivated delay surrounding the approval of Plan B. The administration then moved to appoint an “FDA veteran trained in animal husbandry who spent much of his career in the agency’s Center for Veterinary Medicine” to oversee the office. Fierce opposition caused the administration to reconsider that appointment.
Women’s health advocates believe the reported funding cuts are “payback” for OWH’s stance on Plan B and is the beginning of an effort to shut the office down completely.
01.Mar.2007 Government FOIA performance at new low. - Amanda -
00.000.2005 -“hit a record 31% -The backlog of unfulfilled Freedom of Information requests a whopping 138% above the 1998 level.
The 13 agencies that have so far reported 2006 data show a slightly higher backlog that the year before.” (More on FOIA HERE.)
01.Mar.2007 Three dead at veterans home after errors. - Nico -
“State inspectors said Tuesday that three men died at the Minneapolis Veterans Home after neglect or medication errors last month +
Gov. Tim Pawlenty promptly ordered the Minnesota Department of Health to begin monitoring day-to-day operations of the state-owned nursing home. …
Two of the men who died were in hospice care; one was given penicillin and the other morphine sulfate when they were allergic to the drugs. …
The third man was a diabetic who died after five nurses improperly monitored his plunging blood sugar. One nurse gave him a medication that lowered his blood sugar further.”
01.Mar.2007 VIDEO COMPILATION: Matthews Obsessed With Clinton Sex Speculation - Nico -
MSNBC host Chris Matthews is obsessed with Bill Clinton’s sex life.
Over the last four weeks, Matthews has incessantly raised baseless speculation that President Clinton may have an extramarital affair or engage in inappropriate behavior that would impact Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY).
He has called Clinton’s sex life the “800-pound gorilla stalking behind” Hillary Clinton + suggested it would sink her presidential campaign.
Earlier this month, Matthews asked about Bill Clinton’s “personal behavior” 10 separate times in a single interview.
Watch a video compilation:
Matthews’ baseless speculation has the effect of turning President Clinton into a liability for progressives + Matthews isn’t alone. In December, the Washington Post questioned whether Bill Clinton will be the “biggest issue” in Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy.
But as Media Matters documented, “nowhere does the article offer any concrete evidence that Bill Clinton is anything but an asset to his wife or that the public sees in him the ‘massive and messy distraction’ the article suggests the ‘media-industrial complex’ sees.” A Feb. 15 Gallup report found that Bill Clinton’s approval rating, “more than six years after leaving office, is near an all-time high.” Digg It! Quotes: (more…)
01.Mar.2007 ‘Surge’ running behind schedule. - Amanda -
Top U.S. intelligence officials yesterday disclosed to the Senate “that the deployment of Iraqi forces into Baghdad under President Bush’s new plan to stabilize Iraq is running behind schedule and that all of the units sent so far have arrived under strength, some by more than half. “
01.Mar.2007 The state of the economy is…sluggish. - Payson -
“The economy grew at a sluggish 2.2 % pace in the final quarter of last year, much slower than initially estimated, the government reported Wednesday in the sort of unusually large revision that has happened only seven times in the last 30 years.” Last month, President Bush touted the initial growth rate estimate — 3.5 % — as a sign of a “strong” economy.
01.Mar.2007 Former Army Specialist: U.S. Troops ‘Turn To TV And Movies’ For Torture Techniques - Amanda -
The television show 24 has become a foreign policy guide for the right wing. Numerous conservative pundits have cited 24 as a sanction for harsh interrogation practices. In September, Laura Ingraham stated, “The average American out there loves the show 24. … In my mind that’s close to a national referendum that it’s OK to use tough tactics against high-level Al Qaeda operatives as we’re going to get.”
Brigadier General Patrick Finnegan recently told the 24 producers that he was concerned that the show’s promotion of illegal torture “was having a damaging effect on young troops.” In a new interview with Newsweek, former U.S. Army specialist Tony Lagouranis, who left the military with an honorable discharge 00.000.2005, confirms Finnegans fears — that U.S. soldiers did take cues from 24 to torture prisoners:
Interrogators didn’t have guidance from the military on what to do because we were told that the Geneva Conventions didn’t apply any more. So our training was obsolete + we were encouraged to be creative. We turned to television and movies to look for ways of interrogating. I can say that I saw that with myself, also. I would adopt the posture of the television or movie interrogator, thinking that establishing that simple power arrangement, establishing absolute power over the detainee, would force him to break. …
[We adopted mock] executions and mock electrocution, stress positions, isolation, hypothermia. Threatening to execute family members or rape detainees’ wives and things like that.
Lagouranis has teamed up with Human Rights First to advocate against torture, noting that what is seen on 24 “is not an effective technique for gaining intelligence.”
Kiefer Sutherland, the actor who stars as Jack Bauer, has also said that the torture techniques employed in the show are not effective ways to get information in real life.
He recently agreed to speak with cadets at the West Point military academy to teach them that torture is wrong. Digg It!
01.Mar.2007 McCain launches White House bid - Senator John McCain officially announces he will seek the Republican nomination for US presidency 00.000.2008.
01.Mar.2007 Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Newt Gingrich: War Pimp
One Trackback to “Newt Gingrich: War Pimp “ ...
Donald Rumsfeld, William Schneider, Jr., Vin Weber, Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey, Robert B. Zoellick ... www.firedoglake.com/2006/04/11/newt-gingrich-war-pimp
United Press International - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper ... the U.S. to use force," said James Woolsey, according to The Jerusalem Post.
As a former chief of the world's largest intelligence agency, Woolsey ... washtimes.com/upi/20070123-020613-4695r.htm
Palestinian Pundit: 2007-01-21
James Woolsey is better known as “Mr. World War Four,” a former CIA director, ... Chief
War Pimp Alert.
PM: International front has been formed against the ... palestinianpundit.blogspot.com/2007_01_21_archive.html
Palestinian Pundit: 2006-07-23
War pimp alert: Bush + Blair lay out Lebanon plan but warn Tehran : As they set ... Congresswoman Woolsey Calls for Repeal of President’s Iraq War Powers ... palestinianpundit.blogspot.com/2006_07_23_archive.html
HaloScan.com - Comments ... Perle, David Frum, James Woolsey, where have all the flowers gone? ...
Can we all say, " War Pimp " now, all together + REJECT ALL THE TERROR, ... www.haloscan.com/comments/tf2777/article16073_htm/?coco=1
Choice America Network « Choice America Network Online THE WAR PIMP . By Karen Kwiatkowski by Karen Kwiatkowski ... Woolsey has offered legislation, HR. 508, to meet those noble objectives. ... choiceamericanetworkonline.blog.com/Choice+America+Network
20050630 Jun.2005 War Pimp Alert: Israeli Envoy Says Iran Nuclear Program Must Be ... Other JINSA directors include Steven Bryen, Richard Perle, James Woolsey + Ken ... alfatomega.com/20050630.html
20070123 Jan.2007 War pimp alert: Woolsey In Israel: Attack Iran as last resort : Former CIA director James Wollsey Monday recommended using force if there is no ... alfatomega.com/20070123.html
CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS: neocons Award winning investigative reporter James Bamford discusses Bush and the ... former CIA director James Woolsey and Iraq National Congress leader Ahmad ... mparent7777.blogspot.com/search/label/neocons
Troubled Times: An Online Journal of Policy and Politics: 06/01 ... The chairman of Freedom House is James Woolsey, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ... Christopher Hitchens, former left-winger and now war pimp, ... www.troubledtimesblog.com/2005_06_01_archive.html
ICH Daily January 9-14 2005 Former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, an architect of the U.S. war ... Lynn Woolsey of Petaluma called on President Bush on Wednesday to begin the ... www.williambowles.info/ich/2005/ich-0105-2.html
Archive 85 War pimp alert: Israel enhancing nuke-capable submarines: Diplomatic ... Congresswoman Woolsey Calls for Repeal of President’s Iraq War Powers : Says ... www.informationclearinghouse.info/archive85.htm
Iran 'has bomb and trying to make more' War Pimp Alert. Iran 'has bomb and trying to make more' ... whose partners include former CIA Director James Woolsey and retired US Air Force Generals James ... www.informationclearinghouse.info/article11730.htm
Progressive Independent - Viewing message Reply #11: War Pimp Alert- Knesset Member: Strike Iran Now ... James Woolsey Richard Perle Victor Davis Hanson Amir Taheri David Pryce-Jones Kanan Makiya ... www.progressiveindependent.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=104&topic_id=27264&mesg_id=27386
Progressive Independent - Viewing message ... its clients include such prominent neo-cons such as James Woolsey, ... #11: War Pimp Alert- Knesset Member: Strike Iran Now, chlamor, May 20th 2006 ... www.progressiveindependent.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=104&topic_id=27264&mesg_id=27266
The Digest » 11/20/6 Israel Orders Hamas Murders; A Proud History ... Even as Democratic Party elites, such as former CIA Director James Woolsey, cover their own homes with solar panels, they will leave the rest of America in ... www.pwgd.com
The Digest » 2006 » November A report by the Jamestown Foundation, a think tank whose executive committee includes James Woolsey and former US national security adviser (under President ... www.pwgd.com/blog/lb/2006/11
Iraq Occupation and Resistance Report War Pimp Alert! Blair’s New Tune on Iran. (POSTED: October 24, 2005) ... Antiwar Congresswoman back from Iraq: Woolsey's Iraq tour solidifies war stance. ... psychoanalystsopposewar.org/ORR1005.htm
Iraq Occupation and Resistance Report Justice Department Memorandum for James B. Comey, Deputy Attorney General. ... Historic Woolsey Hearing -- Iraq: It's Not 'Whether' to Get Out; ... psychoanalystsopposewar.org/ORR0905.htm
AlterNet: 9/11: The Case Isn't Closed —
James Petras in "The Ford Foundation and the CIA: A documented case of philanthropic collaboration with the Secret ... War Pimp Exposed Posted by: rwa ... www.alternet.org/story/45726
Troubled Times: An Online Journal of Policy and Politics: 06/01 ...
The chairman of Freedom House is James Woolsey, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director who calls the present series of regime changes from ... troubled-times.blogspot.com/2005_06_01_archive.html
ReBelle Nation: 01/29/2006 - 02/04/2006
War pimp alert: Report: Iran Carried Out Nuke Tests: ... Sheehan, an invited guest of Democrat Lynn Woolsey, was arrested around 8:30 p.m. ET on charges of ... rebellenation.blogspot.com/2006_01_29_rebellenation_archive.html
What Ails You? War pimp alerts... Regime Change Only Solution for Iran, Israeli Expert Says. The time for imposing sanctions on Iran is over. ... what-ails-you.com/index.php?id=M200610
Opinions About War, Schema-Root news " James Woolsey, former CIA director, has explained: 'The French and Russians should be told that if they are of assistance in moving Iraq towards decent ... schema-root.org/opinion/war
Meanwhile in Palestine and Iraq: January 2007 War pimp alert: Woolsey In Israel: Attack Iran as last resort : Former CIA director James Wollsey Monday recommended using force if there is no other way to ... palestineandiraq.blogspot.com/2007_01_01_archive.html
The Lantern: 2/5/06 - 2/12/06 War Pimp Alert! ... former GOP Senators Fred Thompson and Alan Simpson, former CIA director R. James Woolsey and former Middle East envoy Dennis Ross.) ... lanternbrigade.blogspot.com/2006_02_07_archive.html
Omega-News The strategy detailed in the PNAC was supported by, among others, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, James Woolsey, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, James Bolton, ... omega.twoday.net/month?date=200601
Signs of the Times Printer Friendly Edition for Thu, 14 Sep 2006 War Pimp Kissinger warns of possible "war of civilizations", promotes "New World Order" ... Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) + Rep. David Wu (D-OR). www.signs-of-the-times.org/signs/friendly/signs_20060914_friendly.html
Editorial: The Real Enemy and What YOU Can Do Laura Knight-Jadczyk ... War Pimp ! Iran crosses 'red line' in nuclear stand-off ... William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard + James Woolsey, former director of the CIA. ... www.signs-of-the-times.org/signs/friendly/signs_20060215_friendly.html
Conservative Revolutionary American Party III: August 2006
CIA director R. James Woolsey, Jr. + Reagan administration ...
This must strike revulsion in Donald Rumsfeld, that pompous war pimp who is denying he ... crap713three.blogspot.com/2006_08_01_archive.html
Today in Iraq Folks like James Kinlow, who survived just six weeks in that hostile land. ...
Woolsey OPINION: Their Only Redemption Is To Withdraw In the New Year ... dailywarnews.blogspot.com/2005_10_01_dailywarnews_archive.html
Today in Iraq War Pimp Alert! Full of Falsehoods: Iran Designs Tunnel That Could One Day Be Used for ... Lynn Woolsey, a Democrat from California. She made no fuss, ... dailywarnews.blogspot.com/2006_02_01_dailywarnews_archive.html
War Pimps War pimp alert: World Jewish Congress launches anti-Iran campaign : ... William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard + James Woolsey, former director ... disaffecteddems.proboards3.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=print&thread=1139540605
01.Mar.2007 Seenation.com - Site map Science and Research - Perchlorate found in dairy and breast milk samples ... FOCUS ON THE FAMILY AND JAMES DOBSON, SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2005 IN COLORADO SPRINGS ... www.seenation.com/sitemap.php?page=122
01.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-469282,00.html
Die Kohlenstoffatome der superdünnen Membran bilden ein einfaches Gitter aus Sechsecken.
Dieses sogenannte Graphen könnte als hochfeines Sieb für die Analyse chemischer Strukturen eingesetzt werden, berichten Jannik Meyer vom Stuttgarter Max- Planck- Institut für Festkörperforschung und seine Kollegen im Wissenschaftsmagazin " Nature" (Bd. 446, S. 60). Bisher konnten solche Graphen-Schichten nicht freitragend hergestellt werden, sondern mussten immer auf Oberflächen gelegt werden.
01.Mar.2007 USA: Kennedy- Vertrauer Schlesinger gestorben
01.Mar.2007 Ein Atom dick: Forscher bauen dünnste Membran der Welt
01.Mar.2007 Nervöse Märkte: Börsen in Asien weiten Verluste aus
01.Mar.2007 Konzernsanierung: Telekom plant Billigmarke und lagert 50.000 Mitarbeiter aus
01.Mar.2007 Geheimdienste: Keine Akten - BND- Ausschuss lässt Sitzung platzen
01.Mar.2007 VOXNYC: "Bush Links to Insider Trading"
But curiously,
“that deletion was made at the behest of William McLucas,
31.Oct.2001 -after the attacks- former SEC enforcement director William McLucas, hired by Enron . ... www.voxfux.com/articles(closed)/00000010.htm
Secrecy News Articles
William McLucas, the Securities & Exchange Commission's former enforcement ...
Brent R. Wilkes, a military contractor whose companies have received nearly ... www.wanttoknow.info/secrecynewsarticles-200
01.Mar.2007 MCI Execs Resign After Scathing Reports
A second, internal report was chaired by former SEC director of enforcement William McLucas + assisted by accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers. ... boston.internet.com/news/article.php/2220231
01.Mar.2007 BushAdministrationLinksToPre911InsiderTrading.htm"
But curiously, "that deletion was made at the behest of William McLucas, former SEC enforcement director, hired by Enron after the attacks on 31.Oct.2001 . www.attackonamerica.net/BushAdministrationLinksToPre911InsiderTrading.htm
01.Mar.2007 Common Ground Common Sense > 9/11 + related topics merged here 11
CBSNews.com quoted McLucas, former Securities and Exchange Commission Enforcement
... said William Dugan, an assistant to Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld www.commongroundcommonsense.org/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t20793-100.html
01.Mar.2007 Know your BFEE: Merchants of Death
Kennedy immediately ordered ( William R.) Corson to find out what had happened + who ... +
the head of the SEC's enforcement division, William McLucas, ... www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x3743890
01.Mar.2007 9-11 SCIENCE REPORT, Appendix D, Insider Dealing - HTML-Version
Part II - Billions in Pre-11.Sep.2001 Insider Trading Profits Leaves a Hot Trail:
How ... that Former chief of Enforcement at the SEC; William McLucas said ... www.plaguepuppy.net/public_html/Confronting%20the%20Evidence/911_Science_Report_App_D.pdf
01.Mar.2007 911 Bloomberg News reported that
Former chief of Enforcement at the SEC; William McLucas said regulators will “certainly be able to track down every trade, ... www.williambowles.info/911/91_critique.html
01.Mar.2007 Recent Developments - HTML-Version
Cf. William R. McLucas & Paul R. Eckert, The Securities and Exchange Commission’s ... Enron Corporate Governance Reforms, 38 Wake Forest L. Rev. 911 (2003). www.harvardilj.org/attach.php?id=38
01.Mar.2007 Scoop: UQ Wire: Investment Espionage And The White House
But curiously, “that deletion was made at the behest of William McLucas, ... Lawrence R. Velvel - The Preternaturally Prolific Posner on Plagiarism ... www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0207/S00119.htm
Scoop: UQ Wire: A Citizens’ Critique Of The 9/11 Commiss. Bloomberg News reported that Former chief of Enforcement at the SEC;
William McLucas said regulators will "certainly be able to track down every trade, ... www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0407/S00186.htm
01.Mar.2007 Enron Chronology assembled by D. Boje Ph.D. Lay also hired former SEC enforcement chief William R. McLucas +
William R. McLucas partners at the law firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering to conduct this spectacle. ... business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/enron/chronology.htm
01.Mar.2007 Hatfield,J.H. Fortunate Son. 2000 ... MCINNIS SCOTT ( R -CO) (256); MCKINNON MARK (257, 275, 301); MCLUCAS WILLIAM R (104); MCMILLAN COLIN R (258); MELVIN DOUGLAS (7); MENEM CARLOS SAUL (252) ... www.namebase.org/sources/dY.html
01.Mar.2007 CampusActivism.org-View topic-nothing important
CFO.com also revealed that William R. McLucas -a former Enron employee
prepared an SEC filing, having deleted Deutsche Bank’s name from Enron’s LJM version ... www.campusactivism.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=2509&sid=c0160dbece8d87274cf5b8ae2f03b146
01.Mar.2007 SecMail® Alert ... of Enforcement, William R. McLucas, warned of more enforcement actions because "corporate America has gotten a bit loose" in complying with the FCPA. www.friedfrank.com/secreg/archives/sc97320.htm
Townhall.com::George W's 'scandal'::By Robert D. Novak It was SEC enforcement chief William McLucas, now a partner in one of ...
William F. Buckley, William Perry Pendley, William R . Maurer, William Rusher ... www.townhall.com/columnists/RobertDNovak/2002/07/11/george_ws_scandal
01.Mar.2007 Wall Street Tab In IPO Lawsuits Could Reach $100 Million William R. McLucas, a former SEC enforcement chief
now at Wilmer Cutler & Pickering, is handling the civil case. +
Richard A. Cirillo of King & Spalding ... www.sirotalaw.com/press/press_07_05_01.cfm
01.Mar.2007 Frist Says He Had No Inside Data On Stock
Frist has hired as his lawyers former SEC enforcement official William R. McLucas +
William R. McLucas law firm partner, Harry J. Weiss. Staff writers R . Jeffrey Smith, ... www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/26/Ar2005092600996.html
J.P. Morgan Hires SEC's Former Top Cop - washingtonpost.com
William R. McLucas, a former SEC official
who is co-chairman of the Wilmer securities division, said the two departures were the result of once-in-a ... www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/12/12/Ar2006121201383.html
01.Mar.2007 Enron: Enron Corp.-Press Release
The Special Committee has retained William R. McLucas, a partner in the law firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, as its counsel.
McLucas is a former head of ... www.enron.com/corp/pressroom/releases/2001/ene/75-103101release.html
01.Mar.2007 WorldCom, Inc. This Special Committee will take on the oversight role with respect to the previously-announced investigation led by William R. McLucas into these matters. www.scripophily.net/worldcominc.html
08.Jan.1990 -Business Notes REGULATION-Page 1-TIME-last week-After toiling for twelve years as an SEC staff attorney, William R. McLucas, 39, was named director of enforcement.
08.Jan.1990 William R. McLucas, succeeds Gary Lynch, 39,
01.Mar.2007 IP: Inside Inquiry by WorldCom Is Continuing William R. McLucas, the former chief of the enforcement division at the Securities and Exchange Commission who is conducting the internal investigation at ... www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting-people/200207/msg00038.html
01.Mar.2007 When Companies Investigate Themselves - Social + Economic Policy
"We didn't know if we would find bodies buried in the basement or simply a broken door latch that could be easily fixed," said William R. McLucas, ... www.globalpolicy.org/socecon/crisis/corporate/2004/1231investigations.htm
01.Mar.2007 Articles Links in AlixPartners
"Crisis Management - Preparing for the Possibility of an Internal Investigation" By William R. McLucas, Christopher Davies, Harvey R. Kelly & Alan S. Fox ... www.alixpartners.com/EN/NewsMedia/Articles/tabid/130/Default.aspx
01.Mar.2007 Enron, investment espionage + the White House
William R. McLucas ... “The deletion was made at the behest of William McLucas, ... of obstruction of justice while McLucas has yet to testify in court. ... tomflocco.com/fs/EnronEspionage.htm
01.Mar.2007 BW Online | June 7, 2004 | Showdown At Time Warner
00.Feb.2001 -After-surfaced- reports of PurchasePro's accounting problems, Time Warner retained
00.000.1989- William R. McLucas, SEC enforcement director from ... www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/04_23/b3886042.htm
A Board With Its Back To The Wall
In addition, UnitedHealth has set up an independent board committee + has hired former SEC Enforcement head William R. McLucas to review its practices. ... www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/06_28/b3992075.htm 01.Mar.2007 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-469153,00.html
Heftige Quellenkritik in der Blogosphäre
Nach Angaben von Johnson gibt es in Al Gores 20-Zimmer-Anwesen nicht nur ein beheiztes Schwimmbad und ein elektrisches Tor, das den Weg zum Haus öffne, sondern auch Lampen, die die Auffahrt beleuchten. "Alles Dinge, auf die man leicht verzichten könnte", sagte Johnson.
Haushaltsberechnungen des ehemaligen US-Vizepräsidenten belegen Johnson zufolge: Gore + seine Familie verbrauchten
im vergangenen Jahr fast 221.000 Kilowattstunden, während der durchschnittliche US-Bürger nur rund 10.600 benötigt.
Woher TCPR die zitierten Strom- und Gasrechnungen hat, ist unklar. Eine Sprecherin des Nashville Electric Service, von dem die Zahlen stammen sollen, sagte, dass das Unternehmen solche Daten nicht herausgegeben habe.
Heftig diskutieren die Blogger die erfolgreich lancierte Meldung: Bei sei die ominöse Organisation unzutreffend als Umweltschutzgruppe bezeichnet worden, berichtet mediamatters.
Bei der Promi-Bloggerin Ariana Huffington heißt es: Bloomberg habe mit seinem unkritischen Interview grundlegende journalistische Prinzipien missachtet.
Denn schnell hatte sich in der Blogosphäre die Nachricht verbreitet, dass TCPR von der Steuerbehörde des Bundesstaates Tennessee nicht als "gesetzmäßige Organisation" anerkannt wird.
"Ein schneller Test mit dem Klickstatistik- Tool Alexa zeigt, dass deren Website keinen Traffic bekommt", bemerkt der Blogger James Boyce süffisant und fragt: "Wer sind diese Leute?"
Ein Blogeintrag bei seeingtheforest fragt: "Habt Ihr wirklich geglaubt, dass die $chmiermaschine der Rechten Al Gore und sein Team mit dem Oscar für 'Eine unbequeme Wahrheit' davonkommen lassen würde?"
Schlägt der Wirbel um die Stromrechnung den Oscar?
01.Mar.2007 Irak: US- Offiziere befürchten Kollaps wie in Vietnam
01.Mar.2007 US- Präsidentschaftswahl: Polit- Prediger für Amerikas Christen verzweifelt gesucht
01.Mar.2007 Nervöse Märkte: Börsen in Asien weiten Verluste aus
01.Mar.2007 Varel und das Airbus- Werk: 25.000 Menschen, eine Angst
01.Mar.2007 Menschenrechte: Bundestagsausschuss erwägt Dienstreise nach Guantanamo
01.Mar.2007 Präsidentschaftswahl: US- Republikaner McCain will Bush nachfolgen