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30.May.2006 SriLanka: EU stuft Tamilen als Terroristen ein
00.000.1970 -Seit- macht sich bei mehr als der Hälfte von 121 Zugvogel-Arten eine starke Abnahme bemerkbar.

Immer weniger Tiere dieser Spezies zählten Vogelkundler des Programms BirdLife International in Europa.

Einige seien nahezu verschwunden, schreiben Ornithologen der Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) in einer Online- Vorabveröffentlichung der Fachzeitschrift "Biological Conservation".

Zugvögel Flug ins Winterquartier führt ins Verderben
Wendehals, Neuntöter, Turteltaube und Co. sind bedroht - und zwar erheblich stärker als ihre gefiederten Kollegen, die den Winter in Europa verbringen.

Manche Zugvogel-Art zeigt 80 % weniger Exemplare als 1970. Das ist das Ergebnis der ersten europaweiten Zugvögelzählung.

Jahrtausendelang war der rund 1600 Kilometer weite Flug in den Süden für europäische Zugvögel eine zuträgliche Überlebensstrategie.

In Afrika überwinterten sie trefflich und kehrten im Frühling wohlgenährt in ihre europäischen Brutgebiete zurück - gut gerüstet für Balz und Fortpflanzung.

Doch in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten führte der Weg ins warme Winterdomizil für immer mehr Zugvögel ins Verderben.
Im Kampf um Pressefreiheit im Internet hat ein kalifornisches Berufungsgericht gegen Apple und für die Blogger entschieden. Der Fall begann

00.Dez.2004 -als auf drei Apple-zentrischen Websites Informationen zu einem geplanten aber noch unveröffentlichten Apple-Produkt mit dem Codenamen "Asteroid" auftauchten.

Apple sah durch die Berichte Firmengeheimnisse bedroht und wollte die Betreiber der Websites per Gerichtsverfahren zur Herausgabe der Identitäten ihrer Informanten zwingen.

Wie "Red Herring" schreibt, drängte der Computerhersteller sogar die Internet-Provider der drei Angeklagten auf Herausgabe von Daten.

In erster Instanz hatte die Firma mit ihrem Anliegen Erfolg. Ein Gericht in Santa Clara County entschied, dass die Wahrung von Firmengeheimnissen Priorität vor dem Quellenschutz der Blogger genieße.

Diese Entscheidung wurde mit dem Urteil im Revisionsverfahren vom Freitag widerrufen.

"Wir können uns keinen praktikablen Test oder ein Prinzip vorstellen, nach dem man legitime von illegitimen Nachrichten unterschieden könnte," heißt es in der 69- seitigen Urteilsbegründung.

Für die Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), welche die Prozesskosten aufbrachte + einen Anwalt stellte,

ist "die heutige Entscheidung ein Sieg für die Rechte der Journalisten, egal ob online oder offline, sowie für die breite Öffentlichkeit."

Nach ihrer Meinung stellt das Urteil Weblogger rechtlich auf eine Stufe mit professionellen Journalisten.

Darüber hinaus sei es ein großer Sieg für den Schutz persönlicher Daten im Internet.

Einzig die britische Newssite "The Register" ist mit dem Gerichtsspruch nicht ganz zufrieden + fürchtet,

die Begründung liefere Apple genug Munition, um das Verfahren in die nächste Instanz zu ziehen - so Apple das denn will + einen Sinn darin sieht.
Kommunalwahl: Italiener stärken Prodi den Rücken
29.May.2006 Kabul: Schwerste Unruhen seit Taliban- Sturz
29.May.2006 Schröders Hamas- Äußerung: "Altkanzler ohne Kompass"
29.May.2006 Kabul: Autounfall löst schwerste Unruhen seit Taliban- Sturz aus
29.May.2006 Tempel auf Java: Weltkulturerbe Prambanan ist schwer beschädigt
Deutsche Schuld: Papst- Rede sorgt für Irritation
29.May.2006 Nahost- Konflikt: Schröder spricht sich für Verhandlungen mit Hamas aus

29.May 2006 Massakervorwürfe gegen US- Soldaten: "Schlimmer als Abu Ghureib"
29.May.2006 Zugvögel: Flug ins Winterquartier führt ins Verderben
29.May.2006 Osttimor: Gusmao richtet verzweifelten Appell an die Bevölkerung
29.May.2006 Nur Fleisch an Bord: Verärgerte Vegetarier besetzen Flugzeug
Präsidentenwahl in Kolumbien: Amtsinhaber Uribe siegt mit großem Abstand
29.May.2006 Ozone Layer Improving Faster Than Expected Zonk 195+SpaceAdmiral writes

"Since the implementation of the Montreal Protocol, which limited ozone-destroying gasses like CFCs, the Earth's ozone layer has been recovering.

However, new studies show that the ozone in the lower stratosphere is actually recovering faster than the Montreal Protocol alone can explain." From the article:

"It's a complicated question. CFCs are not the only things that can influence the ozone layer; sunspots, volcanoes and weather also play a role.

Ultraviolet rays from sunspots boost the ozone layer, while sulfurous gases emitted by some volcanoes can weaken it.

Cold air in the stratosphere can either weaken or boost the ozone layer, depending on altitude and latitude.

These processes and others are laid out in a review just published in the May 4th issue of Nature: 'The search for signs of recovery of the ozone layer' by Elizabeth Westhead and Signe Andersen."
US Paying Somali Warlords to Fight Islamists : Somalia is erupting in violence again.

And with little warning, Americans find themselves once more in the middle of battles they only dimly comprehend - + may well be losing.

29.May 2006 PM 'ignored' East Timor problem : PRIME Minister John Howard had ignored the difficult task facing East Timor in the wake of the ruinous Indonesian occupation, Australian Democrats Leader Lyn Allison said today.

29.May 2006 Bush 'planted fake news stories on American TV' : Federal authorities are actively investigating dozens of American television stations for broadcasting items produced by the Bush administration + major corporations + passing them off as normal news. Some of the fake news segments talked up success in the war in Iraq,

29.May 2006 Cheney aide is screening legislation : The office of Vice President Dick Cheney routinely reviews pieces of legislation before they reach the president's desk,

searching for provisions that Cheney believes would infringe on presidential power, according to former White House + Justice Department officials.
War Is A Racket

A Real American Hero- Major General Smedley Butler, USMC

At least 21,000 new millionaires + billionaires were made in the United States during WWII.

How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells + shrapnel + machine gun bullets?

How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle? Audio and text
29.May.2006 Is the Bush Regime a Sponsor of State Terrorism? The Evil Within -By Paul Craig Roberts
Is the Bush regime a sponsor of state terrorism? A powerful case can be made that it is.

In the past three years the Bush Regime has murdered tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians and an unknown number of Afghan ones. Continue
29.May.2006 Haditha is Just the Tip of the Iceberg, As My Lai Was in Vietnam -- A BuzzFlash Editorial

29.May 2006 Two members of a CBS News team, veteran cameraman Paul Douglas, 48 + soundman James Brolan, 42, were killed and correspondent Kimberly Dozier, 39, was seriously injured Monday when the Baghdad military unit in which they were embedded was attacked.
Giant U.S. Embassy project dismays Iraqis
Battles of World War II are long past, but a dwindling group of black tank soldiers proudly recalls its place in history
Turns out it's Dick Cheney's office that's deciding for Bush what laws he gets to ignore, intercepting all incoming legislation 5/29
"F.U.B.A.R.: America's Right-Wing Nightmare" (Hardcover), By Sam Seder, Stephen Sherrill

29.May 2006 Bombings in Iraq Leave More Than 30 Dead 5/30
The Rude Pundit: Right Wing Blogs Hate Our Troops 5/30
Saving America from the Treason of Scooter Libby: The Libby Defense 5/29
Indonesian quake toll jumps past 5,000 5/30

Letting Our Soldiers Die, When the Bush Administration Knows the War is Lost: A Lesson from Henry Kissinger and the Vietnam War -- A BuzzFlash Editorial
New witness to atrocity: ABC interviews girl, 12, who says she was sole survivor when her family was killed in Haditha

29.May 2006 Lawmakers suspect coverup in civilian killing 5/29
Will Democratic Party be able to fight off Lieberman faction? Strong neoconservative element wants to purge " types and move the party to the right" -- and start more wars. 5/29
Murtha says Haditha massacre will undermine U.S. cause even more than Abu Ghraib did 5/29

29.May 2006 Risk seen in rise of private military combat training companies 5/29
Indonesians plead for aid as toll surpasses 4,300 5/29

29.May 2006 Turns out it's Dick Cheney's office that's deciding for Bush what laws he gets to ignore, intercepting all incoming legislation 5/29
Republican House members facing the toughest races this fall are overwhelmingly opposed to immigration compromise -- hurting Bush's chances of making it work 5/29
Baghdad numb to massacre reports 5/29

29.May.2006 guess W really is a man who thinks with his Dick. But Bush is still the titular leader, which means he is open to impeachment if an opposition party gets into power. What we need are as many clear examples as we can gather of disobeyed legislation. The signing statements simply announce a willingness to disobey. Permalink
29.May.2006's talking about it -- the blockbuster Boston Globe story by Charlie Savage on the real power behind the "signing statements."

It's Cheney, of course. All the presidential signing statements are vetted by Cheney's counsel and chief of staff, David Addington.
Cheney formulated his theory of the omnipotent executive during the Iran/contra scandal, when he was in Congress.

Back then, he was one of those people who argued that the Boland amendment (preventing the expenditure of funds on a war in Nicaragua) appplied only to Boland.
We already knew about the signing statements, but Savage's piece proves another point that we had long suspected: Dick Cheney really is the president:

Knowing that Addington was likely to review the bills, other White House + Justice Department lawyers began vetting legislation with Addington’s + Cheney’s views in mind,

according to another former lawyer in the Bush White House.
All these lawyers, he said, were extremely careful to flag any provision that placed limits on presidential power.

The children of Guantanamo Bay : The notorious US detention camp in Guantanamo Bay has been hit by fresh allegations of human rights abuses, with claims that dozens of children were sent there - some as young as 14 years old.

29.May 2006 Cindy Sheehan: 'Stop this bullshit war for profit’: Cindy Sheehan, a softly spoken and courageous US anti-war activist, took Australia by storm on a whirlwind tour of Australia last week.

29.May 2006 Thousands flee streets of East Timor : A week of bloodshed has killed at least 27 people, probably more, raising concerns that the young nations was plunging into a civil war, seven years after its traumatic break for independence from Indonesia's iron-fisted
Countdown to Apartheid : Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's address to both houses of Congress was perhaps the most skilled use of Newspeak since George Orwell invented the term in his novel/1984/
29.May.2006 Gordon Prather: The best Congress money can buy: Ehud Olmert – who assumed the office of prime minister of Israel earlier this month – has just addressed a joint session of what some cynics have been referring to lately as The Best Congress Money Can Buy.

29.May 2006 Enough Is Enough : People have had it up to here with The Lobby : Perhaps Rep. Betty McCollum (D-Minn.) didn't quite realize what she was getting into when she voted against the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006, so-called, which would cut off all aid to the Palestinians, impose economic sanctions + make it impossible for any entity, public or private, to operate in Palestine. Or maybe she's just brave.
What People Believe -By Charley Reese
Clearly, it is not in a man's self-interest to go to a foreign country and fight in a war, the outcome of which won't affect him or his family. So how do you persuade him to do it?

29.May.2006 Benedikt XVI. in Auschwitz: Das doppelte Schweigen
Hohes Alter: Männer mit mehr Rente leben länger
29.May.2006 Vor dem Urknall: Blick in Gottes letzten Schlupfwinkel
29.May.2006 Afghanistan: Angeblich verhafteter Taliban- Anführer gibt Interview
29.May.2006 Atomstreit: Iran soll Urananreicherung zurückgefahren haben
29.May.2006 Zahnfäule: Nasenspray soll gegen Karies impfen
29.May.2006 Piraterie: Millionenfacher Datenklau in Bulgarien
29.May.2006 Virus an Bord: Krankheit stoppt Kreuzfahrt

29.May 2006 Jagd nach Kinderschänder: 80.000 Männer sollen zur Speichelprobe

29.May 2006 Konsumklima: Deutsche im Kaufrausch
29.May.2006 Jack London: Writer, adventurer .. farmer?
You've heard of Jack London, celebrated author of "Call of the Wild," and "White Fang." You may also know him as an intrepid world traveler and socialist crusader.
But chances are you don't know Jack London the sustainable farmer who pioneered environmentally friendly practices on his sprawling ranch in the Northern California wine country.

Irak- Krieg: Tausend britische Soldaten sollen desertiert sein
Bandenkrieg in Osttimor: Tausende auf der Flucht
Empower Lives, Ensure Just Wages, Buy Fair Trade Goods from This Memorial Holiday, Drink a Cup of Justice (Fair Trade Coffee).

29.May 2006 Bush Isn't Fighting For Freedom. He Has Turned Iraq Into the Republic of Fear. It's Horrifying.
The Creeping Privatization of Water: "About 15 % of America's water business, however, is in private ownership. Those ranks have tripled in the last decade as cash-strapped cities seek ways to upgrade aging water systems by turning to private firms."
Burma Extends Detention of Aung San Suu Kyi by One Year. Why Isn't Bush Publicly and Loudly Trying to Establish Democracy in Burma? They Don't Have Enough Oil, We Guess. 5/28
Harold Meyerson: Neocon folly and the irony of Iraq -- They've come to embody what they once despised 5/28
Bush Tells Cadets Disingenuously That He Is Fighting for Freedom and Democracy, When if You Took a Vote in the Nations He Has Invaded, They Would Vote for the U.S. to Leave Their Countries. That's the Sad Fact. Bush Voyages on the River of De Nile. 5/28

29.May 2006 Welcome mat out for 100,000 bicultural Mexicans who cross U.S. borderlands every as part of daily routine 5/28
Kerry is still fighting the Swift Boaters: "They lied and lied and lied about everything...How many lies do you get to tell before someone calls you a liar? How many times can you be exposed in America today?" 5/28
Illegal immigrants fight American wildfires for us in the Northwest. Oops. 5/28

29.May 2006 In closed-door meeting, attorney general asked telecom leaders to record your Internet activities 5/28
28.May.2006 Is McAfee owned by the same Spectrum involved with either the New Hampshire Republican phone jamming incident; the attempted rescue of Gizmondo (Calif Ferrari wreck); or the purchase of QTC Management that overcharged for disabled veteran physicals?
28.May.2006 really ARE out to get us

From ABC News: The government concluded its "Cyber Storm" wargame Friday,

its biggest-ever exercise to test how it would respond to devastating attacks over the Internet from anti-globalization activists, underground hackers and bloggers.
Bloggers? Yeah. Bloggers?

(For that matter: Antiglobalization activists? When did they ever do anything , beyond mounting an argument the Bush administration does not want people to heed?)
News of this exercise should be read in conjunction with the Justice Department's internet spying schemes, as chronicled in the post directly below this one - as well as the NSA's spying + the ongoing efforts to curb net neutrality. A zeal to catch pedophiles is not what motivates Gonzales to snatch up every damn email and instant message you send out.

What bothers this administration is... this .

Right here.

They want to end the ongoing discussion between thousands of bloggers and millions of readers.
They hate us for our freedoms.
(P.S. McAfee participated in Cyber Storm. If you use their anti-virus product, consider switching. You are protected just as well if you combine freeware solutions.)

Die Gewaltorgien der Steinzeit scheinen Fantasieprodukte der Gegenwart zu sein. Vielmehr entpuppt sich der neolithische Kulturschock mehr und mehr als Friedensstifter:

Nur wenige Kilometer von Talheim entfernt gelang es Bauern und Jägern, in einer Gemeinschaft zusammenzuleben.

Das fand 2003 der Anthropologe Douglas Price von der University of Wisconsin heraus.

Er untersuchte die Knochen eines jungsteinzeitlichen Friedhofs am Viesenhäuser Hof und analysierte die Strontium-Isotope in den Zähnen der Bestatteten.

Die chemischen Elemente verrieten, wo sich die Menschen seit ihrer Kindheit aufgehalten und welche Nahrung sie bevorzugt hatten.

Ergebnis: Am Viesenhäuser Hof lebten zum einen Menschen, die ihr gesamtes Leben dort verbracht und die örtlichen Nahrungsquellen genutzt hatten. Ein anderer Teil aber war zugewandert.

Price erkannte, dass sich eine Gruppe von Jägern und Sammlern den hier sesshaften Bauern angeschlossen hatte.

Die neuen Nachbarn müssen sich perfekt assimiliert haben. In der Steinzeitkommune herrschte Harmonie.

Dirk Husemann ist Archäologe sowie freier Journalist und Autor in Ostbevern bei Münster.
Eigentum macht angreifbar.

Damals ereignete sich in der Nähe des heutigen Heilbronn ein Gewaltakt, der belegt, dass auch in Europa die ersten Tage der Zivilisation mit Blut getränkt waren.

Das Massengrab von Talheim gilt als Paradebeispiel für Gewalttätigkeiten auf Grund der Sesshaftigkeit.

Hier entdeckte ein Hobbygärtner im Jahr 1983 die Überreste einer erschlagenen Steinzeitsippe.

Die Toten lagen über- und untereinander auf dem engen Raum von 1,5 mal 2,5 Metern - das entspricht einem modernen Dreifachgrab.

In dieser Grube aber befanden sich 34 Leichen. Sie waren nicht sorgsam bestattet, sondern achtlos verscharrt worden. Ihr Alter: 7700 Jahre.
Das Mesolithikum hatte sich im südlichen Mittelmeerraum und in Teilen Afrikas früher herausgebildet und zeigte bereits erste Spuren der Jungsteinzeit:

Im Niltal bauten die Menschen der Qudankultur während der Ereignisse von Jebel Sahaba bereits Getreide an, sie kannten die Feldbewässerung und verschiedene Erntetechniken.

Damit entsprechen die gesellschaftlichen Zustände zur Zeit der Begräbnisse im Sudan in etwa denen, wie sie in Mitteleuropa um 7000 v. Chr. herrschten.

Bis heute ist nicht bekannt, ob die Toten von Jebel Sahaba alle zur selben Zeit bestattet wurden oder ob der Friedhof über Jahre hinweg benutzt worden ist.

Wendorf entdeckte in der Nähe eine weitere Begräbnisstätte aus derselben Zeit und machte eine erstaunliche Entdeckung. In diesen Gräbern lag kein einziger Toter mit Verletzungen.

Dieser Unterschied macht wahrscheinlich, dass Jebel Sahaba eine Grabstelle war, in dem nur jene zur letzten Ruhe gelegt wurden, die eines gewaltsamen Todes gestorben waren.

Ein Massaker ist demnach vermutlich auszuschließen.

Die Ereignisse von Jebel Sahaba liegen 12.000 Jahre zurück. Zu dieser Zeit lebte der Mensch in Nordafrika schon in einer weiter entwickelten Kultur als in Europa.
Doch in der Geschichtsforschung setzt sich mehr und mehr die Meinung durch, dass jeder Krieg nur aus seinem eigenen historischen Zusammenhang betrachtet werden kann.

Einen universellen Grund für Gewalt zwischen Gruppen gibt es demnach nicht.

Nick Thorpe vom King's Alfred College in Winchester hält elementare Emotionen für den Auslöser steinzeitlicher Gewalt:

"Ich glaube, dass Krieg ausgelöst wurde durch Fragen der Ehre - die sich aus Beleidigungen, fehlgeschlagenen Ehen oder Diebstahl ergeben.

In einer kleinen Jäger-Sammler-Gruppe ist jeder mit jedem versippt. Ein Angriff auf ein Gruppenmitglied entspricht einem Angriff auf die gesamte Gruppe.

Eine persönliche Fehde bezieht die gesamte Gemeinschaft mit ein. Von dort ist es nur ein kleiner Schritt zum Krieg."

Solche Praktiken zeigen keines falls Menschen als Leichen fressende Bestien. Sie sind Beispiele für einen sorgsamen Umgang mit dem Tod.

In einigen Fällen dient die Aufnahme des Verstorbenen in den Körper der Lebenden dem Erhalt seiner Seele. Dabei findet der Geist des Toten im Fleisch seiner Verwandten neue Heimat.

Von anderen Fällen ist bekannt, dass die Kraft des Verblichenen durch Verzehr seiner Überreste auf die Lebenden übergehen soll.

In beiden Varianten soll die Lebensenergie des Verstorbenen auf eine spirituelle Weise erhalten werden.
Das Bild vom Eingeborenen, der seine Feinde verschlingt, zeigt vor allem eins, nämlich Unverständnis gegenüber fremden Kulturen.
28.May.2006 Kommunikationsbranche: Deutsche Telekom prüft Übernahme von British Telecom

28.May 2006 Neuer Vorwurf: 60 Kinder- Gefangene in Guantanamo

28.May 2006 US- TV- Dokumentation: Horror des Kriegs zur besten Sendezeit

28.May 2006 Fremdenfeindlichkeit: Merkel fordert Engagement gegen rechte Gewalt
Fraktionen: Steuer auf Biokraftstoffe soll kippen
Zillertal: Dem Bär auf der Spur

28.May 2006 Taschen- Fernsehen: Das WM- Programm der Mobilfunker
Mord und Totschlag: Wie der Mensch den Krieg erfand
28.May.2006 Pazifik: Erdbeben erschüttern Tonga und Papua- Neuguinea
25.May.2006 Theoretical blueprint for invisibility cloak reported -
Using a new design theory, researchers have developed the blueprint for an invisibility cloak.

Once devised, the cloak could have numerous uses, from defense applications to wireless communications, the researchers said. Full Story
23.May.2006 »» Greenhouse gas/temperature feedback mechanism may raise warming beyond previous estimates

A team of scientists reports that actual warming due to human fossil fuel emissions may be 15-to-78 % higher than warming estimates that do not take into account the feedback mechanism involving carbon dioxide + Earth's temperature. Full Story

There were more ties to Iran-Contra on the GENI payroll: The director of GENI was Michael Roy Fugler. Fugler was a business front organizer for CIA "informant" Barry Seal.

Seal, of course, allegedly ran cocaine into the U.S. until 1986, when he turned witness against his Colombian suppliers.

He's dead, of course.

All of which goes to say that once you map this underworld out, nothing surprises you anymore.

Elgindy ... didn't that name surface during the Iran-contra investigation?

Gary Dobray, in his "Body Politic" Internet column, found another Iran-contra link, this one to Anthony's brother, Khaled:

"Recently the White House made this Iran-Contra co-conspirator [Elliot Abrams] a new National Security Council official....

[Abrams] chaired the US Commission on International Religious Freedom +, as fate would have it, [sat] on the DC Human Rights Committee chaired by Abrams was ... Anthony Elgindy's brother, Khaled Elgindy.

Khaled is a DC Arab activist who served as a policy analyst on Elliot Abrams' Human Rights Committee.

Anthony and Khaled's father, Ibrahim Elgindy, was reported by the press to have founded an umbrella group of Muslim organizations in Chicago + led a 1998 protest on behalf of Muhammad Salah, a man the US government calls a designated global terrorist.

Salah confessed to Israeli authorities that he was raising money for Hamas' suicide bombings + training cells in the US to make bombs + explosives."5

22.May 2002 FBI agents Jeffrey A. Royer + Lynn Wingate were indicted for engaging in securities fraud, racketeering + obstruction of justice. An extortion charge was also filed against Royer.

The next morning, the Washington Post printed the remarks of prosecuting U.S. attorney Alan Vinegard:

"The allegations reveal a shocking partnership between an experienced stock manipulator + law enforcement agents, undertaken for their illicit personal financial gain."

Seems Royer and Wingate dipped into the FBI's case-file database to keep tabs on the investigation and pass confidential information on to perpetrators in the stock scheme.

Kenneth Breen, an assistant federal attorney assigned to the case, added that one Amr Ibrahim "Anthony" Elgindy, a financial consultant + co-conspirator named in the indictment, notified his Salomon Smith Barney broker to to sell off $300,000 worth of stocks from his children's trust funds.

While chatting with his broker by phone, Anthony Elgindy predicted that a stock market crash was imminent + the index would fall to 3000 (it did).4

The broker contacted the FBI, but Elgindy explained away his apparent foreknowledge of the 911 terrorist assaults with the alibi that he'd been trying to unload the stock shares for several weeks

(this explanation didn't rule out the possiblility that Elgindy's foreknowkedge preceded 911 by the same margin, however).

Elgindy had co-conspired lustily for shares in a communications company, GenesisIntermedia (GENI).

It was a stock pumping orgy.

The proprietors of GENI were Adnan Khashoggi + Ramy El-Batrawi (both career criminals lurking behind their GENI blind would be instrumental in a wide-ranging disinfomation campaign waged to confuse the public after 11.Sep.2001 ).

In the sealed indictment, opened 00.Nov.---- -of the same year- a bit of transcribed dialogue was included in the evidence file that referred to an "Anthony" receiving "$1.8 million" to inflate the price of GENI stock.

Adnan Khashoggi's mercenary army of global corporate criminals lives in Mafia mansions, basks in the political limelight, enjoys privileges of royalty in tyrannical desert dystopias, sips vodka in the shadow of gleaming Moscow spires.

They are kings, Pentagon officials, priests, S&L thieves, assassins, prostitutes, nazis, Big Oil executives, metals merchants, New Age cultists, drug barons, spooks, boiler-room con artists, mobsters, dictators by the horde. And terrorists, of course.

Adnan Khashoggi is a Turkoman, the son of a doctor who tended to Abdul al-Aziz Ibn Saud.

His career as an international "connector" began in the 1950 s, while still an undergraduate at Chico State College.

His purchase of fifty Kenworth trucks for resale to Saudi Arabia's bin Laden Group demonstrated his business savvy + provided him the capital to launch his career as world-class death merchant.

In the early 1960 s, he could be found languishing or plotting world domination at Edwin Pauley's Coconut Island estate in Hawaii.

Pauley, then Democratic Party chairman, operated an oil company called Zapata with the son of Prescott Bush, the Nazi collaborator.1

Houston attorney Linda Minor sidelines as an investigator into banking + political malfeasance. She discovered that Pauley was a slimy operator years before his alliance with Bush.

"He was a spy within the White House," Minor says, "acting as a funnel for campaign funds to FDR, while at the same time gathering + transmitting information about oil policy + captured Nazi + Japanese assets back to his California business associates."

Pauley's political significance stems from his participation in Gulf of Mexico oil exploration in the 1950's when, with a concession from Mexico, he threw in with Howard Hughes and G.H.W. Bush.

"Pauley taught Bush how to launder money through corporate subsidiaries to be used for political payoffs + the financing of political campaigns," Minor notes.

"Both Pauley + Bush used this system to finance Richard Nixon's presidential campaigns."
DEA agents, Hopsicker wrote, "discovered 43 pounds of heroin aboard Hilliard's Lear.

The Orlando Sentinel hailed the bust as 'the largest seizure in Central Florida's history.'

After we'd learned the whole story, we discovered the bust had been an accident, carried out by low-level DEA operatives not clued-in to the protected nature of the trade.

Nor was this the only time Hilliard's name came up in connection with narcotics trafficking."10

00.000.1999 Wallace Hilliard, Khashoggi's lackey, bought Huffman Aviation + hired Rudi Dekkers, a Dutchman, to run it.

00.000.2000 Hilliard's LearJet was stopped on the runway at Orlando Executive Airport by armed DEA agents.

Of the 220 flight schools in Florida, Atta had to pick Huffman.

Die Finanzierung der "Hijacker" (d.h. die Hintermänner und Planer des Massenmords) sei nach wie vor "unklar", heißt es im 9/11-Abschlußbericht lapidar.

Hier hätte jede Untersuchung anzusetzen: bei der Identität der Täter, ihrem Verhalten in den Wochen und Tagen vor der Tat,

bei ihren Finanziers + Helfern + der erstaunlichen Kapazität von 19 Flugschülern, allein mit Teppichmessern vier Boeings zu entführen + die Luftabwehr der Weltmacht USA für zwei Stunden auszuschalten.

Dass schon hier, bei der ersten Frage jedes Ermittlers, Staatsanwalts, Richters - nach der Identität der Verdächtigen + ihrem Umfeld - die regierungsgesteuerte Vertuschung des 11.Sep.2001 beginnt,

wurde nirgends so deutlich wie bei den Prozessen gegen die sogenannten "20. Hijacker".

Von ihrer Basis in Tampa, Florida, kontrollierten Khashoggi und El Batrawo ein Netzwerk von Firmen, die alle das Wort Genesis im Namen führen.

Die Zahl der Genesis-Firmen in Khashoggi-Besitz, die wir gefunden haben, wächst weiter.

Es gibt (oder gab) Genesis Aviation, Inc., Genesis Aviation II, Genesis Diversified Investments, Genesis Studio and Production Corp., Genesis Media Group, Genesis Properties, , Genesis Intermedia.

Es gibt, Genesis Delaware; Genesis Florida usw. usw...(...)

Die "Saudi Genesis" Unternehmen sind auf Massenmarketing mit "Infomercials" + über das Internet spezialisiert:

von "Plastic Surgeons Crème" über "Energizer" bis zu betrügerischen "Werde schnell reich!"-Schemen.

Und offenbar auch auf das Marketing von roten Heringen - Desinformation - in Sachen 9/11.

"95% der Tätigkeit der Geheimdienste rund um die Welt ist Täuschung und Desinformation", sagt einer der es wissen müsste, der ehemalige Minister + Geheimdienstkontrolleur Andreas von Bülow.

Geht man dann noch von der Regel ( 25 Rules of Disinformation: How to Fight Back ) aus, dass Desinformation natürlich nicht nur aus Fiktionen (Lügen) besteht, sondern, um erfolgreich zu sein,

möglichst viele Fakten (Wahrheit) enthalten muss - ist der Spiegelsaal komplett. Wie soll da jemand noch durchblicken?

Sander Hicks schreibt in einer Reportage über das "9/11 Truth Movement":

Die am 11.Sep.2001 stattfindenden Manöver ( Die Wargames des 11.Sep.2001 ), so Hiltons These, seien dazu benutzt worden, die Tat durchzuführen.

Bisher hat er allerdings nur in verschiedenen Interviews darüber geredet - + ist der Aufforderung u.a. des 9/11-Enzyklopädisten Nico Haupt , seine Beweise offenzulegen , nicht nachgekommen.

Mike Ruppert beeilte sich nach Erscheinen des Interviews festzustellen, dass er es gewesen sei, der die Sache mit den Wargames entdeckt hätte +

schickte eine Email mit einer strengen Warnung vor Stanley Hilton herum: Dieser würde das Gerichtsverfahren "von innen zerstören".

Vielleicht sollte Hilton um Gnade vor Ruppert zu finden, auch noch "Peak Oil" anklagen?

Hier wird deutlich, dass außer dem ohnehin komplexen Fall, der Nicht-Aufklärung durch die Regierung + dem Streuen von Desinformation, auch noch eine weitere Komponente zur Unübersichtlichkeit beiträgt:

das Platzhirschgehabe ehrgeiziger Egos.

Und doch könnte Ruppert mit seiner Warnung recht haben, denn wenn Stanley Hilton die Beweise, von denen er spricht, tatsächlich hat - warum präsentiert er sie nicht der New York Times + CNN?

Warum lässt er seine wahrhaft spektakulären Behauptungen bei Alex Jones - einem "linken" Internet-Radiohost - vom Stapel?

Hopsicker glaubt, die Antwort gefunden zu haben: die Alex-Jones-Show ist Teil des GENESIS Communications Network , das auch The Power Hour hosted, dessen Moderator Dave von Kleist das derzeit populärste Video mit der Pod-/Flash-Theorie erstellt hat: "9/11 in plane sight". Das "GENESIS Communications Network" aber wird laut Hopsicker von niemand anderem als Khashoggi kontrolliert.
Genesis Engineering Solutions
Makram Chams,although Lebanese,is more connected to the U.S. military - industrial complex,to Titan Corp whose employees raped + tortured innocent Iraqis,than anything.

In other words he is a George W Bush kind of guy and a Lebanese last,he just happened to be born in Lebanon
Lebanon:Wanted Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp for 9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.
Makram Majid Chams has never been wanted by George W Bush + company to my knowledge except to possibly silence for what he knows about Mohamed Atta,Jeb Bush + his pal Wally Hilliard +

their Huffman Aviation connections in Venice,Florida where Mohamed Atta trained + perhaps worked before 11.Sep.2001 .

He might wish to turn himself in to U.N. or perhaps Interpol even this may not guarantee his safety.

Makram Majid Chams may have been one of those Saudis protected by the Bush-Cheney Regime

11.Sep.2001 -immediately after- + given a free pass to Saudi Arabia along with Saudi royalty flown out just after the bloody tragedy to Saudi Arabia

where he apparently has resided + rewarded by Titan + thus W Bush ever since !
Abu Ghraib
Makram Majid Chams although Lebanese is more
connected to the U.S. military - industrial complex,to Titan Corp whose employees raped and tortured innocent Iraqis than anything.

In other words he is a George W Bush kind of guy first and a Lebanese last,he just happened to be born in Lebanon
Titan Corp,Skyway Communications,9/11,Cocaine Trafficking,Torture + Bush's Bloody Murder
Mexico Drug Bust,Tom DeLay,A.Khashoggi, Jeb Bush,Wally Hilliard Terrorist Flight School
The SEC,Adnan Khashoggi, GenesisIntermedia and me
D.C.Terrorbaggers:J. D. Davidson,ex-CIA Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen,Don Nickles
Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering
Endovasc,Texas Joseph Grundfest,Stanford Law,defends Journalistic McCarthyism stock scam
Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?
SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks
John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud
Ralph Lambiase,NASAA : James Dale Davidson invented 'anti-naked shorting' scam
SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox vows to bring James Dale Guckert/Jeff Gannon to Justice ?
James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers + cyber fraud mafia
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Clinton Undersecretary of Commerce Robert Shapiro aids James Dale Davidson's ,Attorney John M O'Quinn's stock fraud
Charles Schwab + Share-Money Laundering
India:SRA International,Mantas Inc. + CIA + Bellador Group
Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Michael Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?
Ralph Lambiase,NASAA : James Dale Davidson invented 'anti-naked shorting' scam

Even 'Poppy' Bush's old pal + Iran-Contra arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi of Saudi Arabia ran a $100 million + fraud upon Americans called Genesis Intermedia from Florida + California using offshore accounts + may himself be connected to Jeb Bush + Wally Hilliard of the Venice,Florida Huffman Aviation where Atta hung out waiting for 9/11 !

This Story is at


Fey author John Gray's business is actually owned by Adnan Khashoggi.

Gray is being sued with Khashoggi in a financial scam they allegedly participated in involving Genesis Intermedia, a company incorporated by Michael Roy Fugler.

Before he became one of Adnan Khashoggi's henchmen, Fugler was the lawyer for the biggest drug smuggler in American history, Barry Seal.

Seal of course was the chief pilot˜until his assassination 00.000.1986, reportedly at Vice President Bush's behest˜in the weapons-and-drug scandal that came to be known as Iran Contra. Khashoggi played a key role brokering illegal weapons traffic from the United States to Iran. And Michael Roy Fugler, as already stated, is suing us for emotional distress over alleged inaccuracies in his portrayal in our book, 'Barry & the boys.'

Is anybody discerning a pattern here?
ratcat (freedom fighter)
Overseas financing of the hard-to-trace kind
"Raising overseas financing” would seem to be just another way to say “Khashoggi,” a source explained, “+ others who are trying to hide their identities behind a veil of anonymous-sounding investment companies.”

This is one of the allegations which led regulators to halt trading in the shares of Genesis.
Although he would have to be considered a person of interest,

there hasn’t been any speculation about Adnan Khashoggi + 11.sep.2001 for the simple reason that nobody in the U.S. Government ever issued an order to round up all the “Usual Suspects.”
In fact, President Bush’s White House let so many Saudi notables slip out of the country after the attack that occupancy rates of Presidential Suites in Orlando must have taken a nosedive.
Today we may be beginning to learn why. It’s a scary lesson about “the way things are” in America today.
When it was discovered that the Florida flight school that the terror pilots flying both of the planes which crashed into the World Trade Center Towers had attended was being run as a Continuing Criminal Enterprise--at the same time they were there-- questions might have been raised, in some countries...
Just not this one.

Israeli Occupation Forces fires at Palestinian ambulance: IDF troops shot a Palestinian ambulance that was carrying a pregnant woman in labor early Saturday

29.May 2006 Papers Show U.S. Courted Arabs in Mid-70s : The transcript of Kissinger's meeting with Hammadi in Paris sheds light on a little known maneuver that spoke to America's broader effort to win friends in the Arab world even as it was giving military support to the Jewish state.

29.May 2006 In case you missed it: When US turned a blind eye to poison gas : America knew Baghdad was using chemical weapons against the Kurds 00.000.1988.

So why, asks Dilip Hiro , has it taken 14 years to muster its outrage?

29.May 2006 Gonzales Said He Would Quit in Raid Dispute : Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, the F.B.I. director, Robert S. Mueller III + senior officials and career prosecutors at the Justice Department told associates this week that they were prepared to quit if the White House directed them to relinquish evidence seized in a bitterly disputed search of a House member's office, government officials said Friday.

29.May 2006 Canada: Man detained for nearly five years on hunger strike: : Matthew Behrens, co-ordinator of Campaign to Stop Secret Trials in Canada, a group advocating for better treatment of the detainees, said the conditions at the holding centre make it a "Guantanamo North.''

29.May 2006 Police state looms as Vancouver engages in the War on Terror : Vancouver Police Chief Jamie Graham last week breezily invoked the American-invented War on Terror to justify his proposal to install police video cameras around the city’s public spaces.
28.May.2006 Palestinians face catastrophe -- Arab physicians Union: A delegation from the Arab Doctors Union warned on Saturday of a humanitarian catastrophe that will face Palestinians if the Israelis continue their blockade of the West Bank and Gaza Strip
28.May.2006 Olmert should have stayed Home -By Mike Whitney
Ehud Olmert never should have been invited to Washington. He shouldn’t have been given a platform to spout his defiance of UN resolutions.

The Bush administration does the country a disservice by rewarding leaders who ignore the international community and carry out their own self-serving agenda. Continue
In Haditha, Memories of a Massacre -By Ellen Knickmeyer -Washington Post Foreign Service
Witnesses to the slaying of 24 Iraqi civilians by U.S. Marines in the western town of Haditha say the Americans shot men, women and children at close range in retaliation for the death of a Marine lance corporal in a roadside bombing.

28.May.2006 reaction to the Americablog story demands to be repeated here: I worked in the field of child sexual abuse for many years.

I took early retirement due to the effects of doing that work - and doing it well. I was devoid of any energy.
It is NONSENSE to believe that this intrusive, illegal + unamerican program, will do ANYTHING to fight child porn or child sexual abuse.

When I saw the little shrimp Gonzales stand there and lie to us, telling us about his new initiative to combat "child porn" on the net, which is a cover to allow the government to view EVERYTHING WE DO ON THE NET + to maintain files on each and every one of us, I knew this man was lying + he is not a good liar. Victims of child sexual abuse and perpetrators of child sexual abuse have not risen in real numbers with the advent of the home computer. They have been around from the beginning of time. People like Gonzales spread fear + they use the fear they create to subvert the laws and the consitution and the bill of rights of the american people Alberto Gonzales bears at least partial responsibility for the atrocities of Abu Ghraib -- and for helping to cover up the worst that happened there. And just what was the worst of it?
American soldiers raped children .
You want to catch a child abuser, Alberto? Look in the mirror.

28.May.2006 news, by way of Americablog: U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales + FBI Director Robert Mueller on Friday urged telecommunications officials to record their customers' Internet activities, CNET has learned.
In a private meeting with industry representatives, Gonzales, Mueller and other senior members of the Justice Department said Internet service providers should retain subscriber information + network data for two years, according to two sources familiar with the discussion who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The reason for all this? Why, all the Justice Dpeartment wants to do is to stop kiddie porn. Doesn't that lofty goal justify anything + everything?
Analysis: Marine Scandal Could Roil Iraq and What's Left of Bush's Credibility, Which is Hanging by a Shred, Except in Congress

29.May 2006 "F.U.B.A.R.: America's Right-Wing Nightmare" (Hardcover), By Sam Seder, Stephen Sherrill
Bush Sinks Even Deeper Into the Morass of His Failure: Iraq Backs Iran on Nuclear Power

29.May 2006 Kerry is still fighting the Swift Boaters: "They lied and lied and lied about everything...How many lies do you get to tell before someone calls you a liar? How many times can you be exposed in America today?" 5/28
"Army Ranger" who claimed to have murdered Iraqis is debunked by the military as a faker. "War president" who claimed to have liberated them is still at large. 5/28

29.May 2006 NYT: Republicans + Democrats are united in denouncing the FBI 's search of a congressman's office. Where was all this concern for the Constitution in the last 5 years? 5/28
Military braces for shockwave of Haditha becoming a household name 5/28

29.May 2006 If you had to guess which Democrat has pledged his support for pro-life license plates, you might be surprised. Oh,, you wouldn't. 5/28
AT&T accidentally publishes sensitive NSA lawsuit info in a PDF 5/28

29.May 2006 East Timor spirals into violence 5/28
Part I
Part II
Part III

"In the entire world, there is not a single establishment of the security industry that is not based on monopoly or on communism.

Political economy has disapproved equally of monopoly + communism in the various branches of human activity, wherever it has found them.

Is it not then strange and unreasonable that it accepts them in the security industry? " - Gustave de Molinari The Production of Security
27.May.2006 Bush Didn't Bungle--Mission WAS Accomplished! - (73.2 MB) (71.3 MB) (71.3 MB)

This is something EVERYONE should see. ...
27.May.2006 Bush Wants Martial Law in Event of Avian Flu Outbreak

04.Oct.2005 SEAL said... Take out the Nazi playbook + lay it side by side with the past five years of this ... Terror Plot Uncorroborated

10.Oct.2005 Crackpot Press said... I think we all know what is going here. Bloomberg is just trying deflect ...
War and Piece: Victor Bout Follow Up:. SENATOR RUSS FEINGOLD: Secretary Armitage , I’ve served on the, as you know, ... ARMITAGE : As you, I have seen the name Victor Bout . ...

The Washington Note For Armitage , that was Jack Straw, recently demoted on account of a nasty bout of sanity. For Ceausescu, it would have been David Owen, one of Thatcher's ...

The Washington Note Archives How ' bout Dick Armitage ? 02.May 2005 Alan Simpson is a great choice. He may be no-nonsense and tough but he also has a ...

Douglas Farah State's Richard Armitage publicly said last month that Bout should be on the UN list. The State Department has been pushing hard for DoD to end its contract ...

Air America HTML-Version Richard Armitage about reports of US military links to. Bout ’s companies. It took Wolfowitz eight months to re-. spond. In a 31.Jan.2005 ...
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing on Iraq: the Way Ahead ARMITAGE : As you, I have seen the name Victor Bout .

I believe he's a Ukrainian arms merchant, or merchant of death. I certainly hope what you suggest is not ...

Viktor Bout And The Pentagon Viktor Bout And The Pentagon By Douglas Farah & Kathi Austin, ... of State Richard Armitage about reports of US military links to Bout's companies. ...

Viktor Bout + the Pentagon - International Justice – Global ... Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz + then-Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage about reports of US military links to Bout's companies. ...

Polytropos: Liberia Update: Disarmament, Taylor, Bout Armitage : “As far as I’m concerned [ Bout ] ought to be on any asset freeze list + anything else you can do it him.” I’ll bet it wasn’t State that was ...

Victor Bout Defense moved against suspected Bout firms Air Bas + British Gulf ... list after Deputy Secretary of State Richard L. Armitage + Deputy Secretary of ...

Victor Bout Newsweek's Mike Isikoff follows up on arms dealer Victor Bout's flights into Iraq. ... Senate Democrats asked State's Dick Armitage + Defense's Paul ...

Rigorous Intuition: Lawyers + Guns + Money + Drugs ... + then-Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage about reports of US military links to Bout's companies. It took Wolfowitz eight months to respond. ... 25. Mai 2006

Rigorous Intuition: February 2006 While transportation was via Bout's different air cargo interests, ... of State Richard Armitage about reports of US military links to Bout's companies. ...

BuzzFlash Mailbag February 28, 2006 Bout , naturally enough for someone beyond the reach of any arm of justice ... State Richard Armitage about reports of US military links to Bout's companies. ...

A wanted international arms dealer and the Pentagon But Bout's flights for the US government + other legitimate clients like ... Richard Armitage about reports of US military links to Bout's companies. ...

Lords of War Victor Bout , shadowy international arms dealer + war profiteer ... of State Richard Armitage about reports of US military links to Bout ’s companies.
27.May.2006 Drug Trafficking & State Support ... 2004, refers to Condoleezza Rice, Richard Armitage + Porter Goss. ... Victor Bout's File 12/11/2005 Ruud Leeuw: numerous links - "Victor Bout is a ...

27.May.2006 JUSTWATCH-L archives – 00.Jan.2006 (#291) The guns-for-minerals pipeline bore the hallmarks of Viktor Bout , ... of State Richard Armitage about reports of US >military links to Bout's companies. ...

27.May.2006 An American in Romania @ The French + others want to add the name of the infamous Victor Bout to the ... I'm guessing Armitage + company know that nobody in the USA.. 27.May.2006 World News ... 00.000.2004 refers to Condoleezza Rice, Richard Armitage + Porter Goss. Viktor Bout : the story splits! 12/11/2005 Yorkshire Ranter: published 23.May 2004 ..
27.May.2006 Iran/Contra Connections to 9/11 set up a team including [Richard] Secord ; Noel Koch [ Armitage's deputy] ... Khashoggi , whose connections to the bin Ladens is more than superficial...

Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists With all this subterfuge in the background, the Khashoggi -Lockheed bribery scandal begs reappraisal. Marcos, Yoshia + Iran-contraís John Singlaub were all ...

Richard V Secord SECORD RICHARD V. Vietnam 1962-1975 Laos 1966-1968 Thailand 1966-1968 Iran 1975-1986 ... ARMITAGE RICHARD L · Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit. ...

Richard L Armitage ARMITAGE RICHARD L. Vietnam 1971-1975 Thailand 1975-1979 Iran 1975 Libya 1986 ... SECORD RICHARD V · Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit.
Contragate + Counterterrorism: An Overview Assistant Defense Secretary Richard Armitage , who also figures in the ... Major General Secord ( who ran Project Democracy along with North + Singlaub ...

The Death of Former CIA Chief William Colby Armitage is now Deputy Secretary of State under the new Bush Jnr administration ... Richard Secord , the CIA s Tom Clines + Ted Shackley . ...

Final Report on Iran/Contra: Part I Richard V. Secord and asked him to help contra leader Adolfo Calero buy arms with ... Richard Armitage , North ran through a list of his contra activities, ...

Final Report on Iran/Contra: Name Index Armitage , Richard L. 9, 215, 218, 313, 314, 330, 341, 342, 379, 380, 406, ... Secord , Richard V. chapter on, 173-178; 14-22, 103, 105-107, 112, 114, 116, ...

The Death of Former CIA Chief William Colby Richard Armitage , now the key Pentagon official in counter-terror + covert operations ... Manuel Noriega + international arms merchant Adnan Khashoggi ; ...

MP3 Recordings of Mae Brussell - Part 4 Richard Secord , Thomas Clines, Theodore Shackley, Eric von Marbod. World Affairs Council + "Secret Team." WACL, "Dark Side of Patriotism," Gen. Singlaub ...'s%20CDs%20Part%204.html

Walsh Iran/Contra Report - Part I Iran/contra: The Underlying Facts Ghorbanifar was in agony because he had paid Secord in advance for the undelivered spare parts + the Iranians would not reimburse him.

Khashoggi + his ...

Walsh Iran/Contra Report - Volume I - Index Khashoggi , Adnan -- 19, 21, 89, 99, 167-171, 195, 213, 514, 515 ... Singlaub , John K. -- 3, 4, 9, 84, 102, 112, 114, 230, 234, 236, 273 ...

TOTAL INFORMATION AWARENESS SECORD RICHARD V (9 15 24-5 123 125 143 146 216-7 223) SHACKLEY THEODORE G (24-5 124) ... SINGLAUB JOHN K (15 21 23 28-30 34-5 42 52 54 62-8 82 197 238) ...

Re: PING - Alexa Cameron, Net-Abuser/Forger international arms merchant Adnan Khashoggi ; the funneling of cash to the ... von Marbod (Defense Department), John Singlaub , William Casey, William Colby ... - Maybe California should secede... Saudi ‘ businessman ’ + arms merchant Adnan Khashoggi , former President ... Khashoggi himself admits to advancing $1 million 00.Aug.1985 to “ get ...

Dealing in Death: The CIA and the Drugs Trade -- How the Agency ... Singlaub made Dearborn his Air Operations Adviser while General Secord set about building up a separate operation that would fly out of Ilopango Air Force ...

87-339F: Iran-Contra Affair: Biological Profiles
Ernest Miller provided Adnan Khashoggi between $10 - $40 million dollars ... Richard V. Secord +. Lt. Col. Craig Coy, Mr. Singlaub obtained arms for the ...

PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL REVIEW BOARD (THE TOWER BOARD): Records, 00.000.1987 Unlabelled [Memos North, McFarlane, Poindexter, Singlaub 00.Sep.1984-00.Sep.---- Reporters Notes, Reporter Tapes - Interview Clarridge & Armitage ...

Profiles Adnan Khashoggi Adolfo Aguilar Zinser Mexican ambassador to the UN Adullah Almalki ... John Singlaub US Special Forces Platoon leader John Snipes ...

Walsh Iran/Contra Report - Part I Iran/contra: The Underlying Facts Ghorbanifar deposited funds, borrowed from Saudi businessman Adnan Khashoggi , into a Swiss bank account controlled by Secord . Secord transferred the price ...

Media Mayhem ... deals with Howard Pulver's group + was negotiating its deal with Khashoggi , ... Its former co-chairman is Richard Armitage – an Iran-contra figure who ...

Know your BFEE: The Secret Government John Singlaub . Relieved of his command for insubordination 00.000.1977 , ... Saudi Entrepeneur Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists (Part 1-7) ...

Institute for the Study of Violent Groups ... 95 Armitage , Richard , 199 arms smuggling Belarus , 192 193 Chechnya ... 135 , 251 Khartoum Tannery , 167 Khashoggi , Adnan , 48 , 84 Khatib , Ahmad al ... mode&func=display&page=17&catid=67&let...

Center for Cooperative Research President, Armitage Associates, LC Former Assistant Secretary of Defense ... Richard Schiefren Attorney at the Department of Defense Richard Secord ...

Crossing the Rubicon Shackley + Secord are veterans of Vietnam operations + have. long been linked to opium/heroin smuggling. The Armitage scandals ...
Bigger and brighter

The clouds were first observed above polar regions in 1885 – suggesting they may have been caused by the eruption of Krakatoa two years before.

But they have spread to latitudes as low as 40° in recent years. "They're also getting brighter + each year there are more of them than in the previous year," Russell told New Scientist .

Many researchers believe this proliferation is down to human activities. "You need three things for clouds to form: particles that water can condense onto; water; and cold temperatures," says Russell.

He says pollution and global warming are thought to be responsible for two of those factors.

Atmospheric water may be boosted by livestock farming + the burning of fossil fuels, which spew methane into the atmosphere: sunlight breaks down the methane, releasing hydrogen that can bond with oxygen to form water.

And greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide actually help to cool the upper atmosphere, where the clouds form.

That is because the atmospheric density is so low at that altitude that the gases cannot trap heat as they do closer to the Earth's surface + the heat is simply radiated into space. Alien ice
27.May.2006 Lucid Dreaming: Dream & know it!
A guide to Lucid Dreaming. Another goodie from MetaFilter.
27.May.2006 Telling secrets
Book review of Shadow People: Inside History's Most Notorious Secret Societies.
27.May.2006 Mastodon mystery
Where to begin? The tale of the mysterious bones could begin 10,500 years ago, when a prehistoric beast dropped and died in a mucky bog. It could also start a century ago, when a farmer near the southwestern Ontario village of Highgate unearthed an oddity that would become a national wonder.
27.May.2006 Did Porter Goss resign over Skyway?
Joseph Cannon examines the claim.
27.May.2006 Nude Sherpa sparks Everest debate

A NEPALESE sherpa stripped and stood naked on the summit of Everest in sub-zero temperatures for three minutes, sparking an immediate row today over defiling the sacred mountain.
27.May.2006 Mysterious glowing clouds targeted by NASA

Glowing, silvery blue clouds that have been spreading around the world and brightening mysteriously in recent years will soon be studied in unprecedented detail by a NASA spacecraft.
27.May.2006 Early 'Invisibility Cloak' Could Be 18 Months Away
Imagine an invisibility cloak that works just like the one Harry Potter inherited from his father.
27.May.2006 Bush
Sinks Even Deeper Into the Morass of His Failure: Iraq Backs Iran on Nuclear Power

27.May 2006 "F.U.B.A.R.: America's Right-Wing Nightmare" (Hardcover), By Sam Seder, Stephen Sherrill
Cheney's secret Classifications
Newsweek, years later, admits it was wrong to claim marriage over 40 was as unlikely for a woman as a terrorist attack 5/28
The art of persuasion in Bush's Iraq: "A word in the ear from a neighbour, maybe a threatening note left by the door, a sinister phone call or just a vague, creeping sense of dread...Then again it can be gunmen taking over the street and slaughtering friends and family before your eyes" 5/28

27.May 2006 Recruit 5 people to sign up for BuzzFlash alerts and help spread the truth
Scott Ritter in the Guardian: One has to wonder as to what must have been going through the minds of those who were advising George W Bush and Tony Blair to "come clean" 5/28
Rising rates make home foreclosures soar 5/28

27.May 2006 Revenge of the Taliban 5/28
Woo-hoo! U.S. is #1 in avoiding human rights accountability 5/28


"Daddy's little nurse", schrieb die Zeitung "Daily News" .

Zadroga stirbt nur wenige Tage, nachdem Bürgermeister Bloomberg bei seiner zweiten Amtsvereidigung vor der City Hall ein neues, sorgenfreies Zeitalter ausrief und das Ende der 9/11-Depression beschwor. Der NYPD-Veteran hinterlässt seiner Familie unbezahlte Medikamenten- und Krankenhausrechungen in Höhe von mindestens 50.000 Dollar.

Eine Autopsie wird angeordnet. Bis zu deren Ergebnis, erklärt das NYPD, werde man sich weder zur Todesursache äußern noch finanzielle Verantwortung dafür übernehmen.

Am 11. September 2001 blieb Zadroga auch nach dem Einsturz von 7 WTC noch lange am Ort des Grauens. Er räumte Tonnen von Schutt beiseite. Er grub mit bloßen Händen Kollegen, Freunde und Fremde aus. Allein im ersten Monat nach den

Anschlägen verbrachte er fast 500 Stunden in der Trümmerwüste von Ground Zero, manchmal bis zu 16 Stunden am Tag und nur von kurzen Schlafpausen unterbrochen. "Er stellte seine Gesundheit und sein Leben hintan, um andere zu retten", sagt Palladino.

Dann kehrte Zadroga unauffällig in seinen normalen Dienst zurück, als wäre nichts gewesen.

Doch nach wenigen Monaten begann er über kurzen Atem zu klagen. Er bekam nur noch schwer Luft. Er musste dauernd husten und hatte starke Halsschmerzen.

Ärztliche Ultraschalluntersuchungen ergaben eine drastische Diagnose: Staublunge.

In Zadrogas Lungen hatten sich unter anderem Fiberglas + Knochensplitter festgesetzt - ganz offenbar Reste des Leichen-, Gift- + Trümmerregens von Ground Zero, den er wochenlang eingeatmet hatte.

Medikamente halfen nicht. Der Stadt ringsum begann es langsam besser zu gehen, Zadroga ging es immer schlechter.

Dann fand der Doktor auch noch Spuren des hochgiftigen Schwermetalls Quecksilber in seinem Gehirn, ebenfalls eine Spätfolge von 11.Sep.2001 .

James Zadroga - zuletzt ein Kriminalbeamter in der Manhattan South Homicide Task Force , einer ruhmreichen Eliteeinheit zur Mordaufklärung - war am

11.Sep.2001 gerade auf dem Heimweg von der Nachtschicht, als das erste Flugzeug ins World Trade Center jagte.

Zadroga, den alle nur Jim nannten, machte sofort kehrt zum schlug sich zurück bis nach Ground Zero durch.

Dort half Zadroga, Überlebende aus dem Chaos zu retten und auch den brennenden Wolkenkratzer 7 World Trade Center zu evakuieren, den zerstörten Zwillingstürmen gegenüber.

Aber auch 7 WTC war verloren, am späten Nachmittag stürzte es als letztes Gebäude an Ground Zero ein.

Zadroga konnte sich mit einem Sprint gerade noch in Sicherheit bringen.

"Er sprang dem Tod von der Schippe", erinnert sich sein Kollege Mike Palladino, der Präsident der Polizeigewerkschaft Detectives' Endowment Association, deren aktives Mitglied Zadroga war.

Zadroga, der ein Drittel seines kurzen Lebens bei der NYPD verbrachte, ist das bisher letzte Opfer der Terroranschläge vom 11.Sep.2001

Er trug winzige Reste von Ground Zero in sich bis hierher herüber, auf die andere Seite des Hudson Rivers + starb einen langen, qualvollen Tod - 1575 Tage später.
Indonesien: Mehr als 3000 Menschen sterben bei Erdbeben auf Java
27.May.2006 Kriegsverbrechen: Unser Nachbar, der SS- Schlächter

27.May 2006 PR- Gefecht: Siemens verteidigt Korrekturen über Konzern- Chef in Wikipedia
Studentenjob Vogelsammler: Wandern im Schutzanzug
Belohnung im Hirn: Drogen machen Männer leichter süchtig
Indonesien: Mehr als 2000 Menschen sterben bei Erdbeben
$4b Later, Drugs Still Flow In Colombia 24.May 2006 Six years + $4 billion into the US-backed campaign to wipe out cocaine at its source,

Colombia appears to be producing more coca than when the campaign started, according to US government estimates.

As Congress opens debate this month on another $640 million for next year for Washington's most ambitious overseas counternarcotics effort, a growing number of critics say the costly program has n Read more ...
President Visits Elementary School in Jacksonville - Urges Quick Passage of Education Plan
President and Australian PM Commemorate 50 Year Military Alliance
Nomination Sent to the Senate
President Bush - Putting Reading First
President Bush to Nominate Ten Individuals to Serve as Members of the Federal Judiciary
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Joint Statement Between the United States of America and Australia
Statement by the Press Secretary
Joint Statement Between the U.S. and Australia
President and Australian Prime Minister Discuss Oval Office Meeting
Remarks by the President Upon Return From Washington Navy Yard
President Proclaims National Birmingham Pledge Week, 2001
President Emphasizes Education Reform in Radio Address

President Bush Meets with Leadership of National Service Organizations

Listen to the President's Remarks
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Executive Order
President Bush Visits Jefferson Memorial
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Continuation of Emergency with Respect to the Taliban
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
President Bush to Nominate Three Individuals to Serve in his Administration
Presidential Appointments -- Nominations and Confirmed


Washington - Den Alarm hatte ein Anrufer ausgelöst, der über Schüsse in der Parkgarage in einem Nebengebäude des Parlaments berichtet hatte.

Nachdem bewaffnete Einsatzteams das gesamte Gebäude durchforstet hatten, sagte ein Polizeisprecher, es seien keine Hinweise gefunden worden.

Der Fernsehsender CNN meldete unter Berufung auf Sicherheitskreise, die lauten Geräusche stammten vermutlich von einem Mechaniker, der mit einem Presslufthammer gearbeitet habe.

Während der Suchaktion saßen hunderte Politiker in ihren Büros fest.
Titan Corp,Skyway Communications,9/11,Cocaine Trafficking,Torture and Bush's Bloody Murder Daniel Hopsicker continues his own one man investigation into the Venice,Florida Saudi terrorist flight school of Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris pal, Wally Hilliard,putting our'establishment' media to shame and disgrace once again.New York Times,CNN,U
.May.2006 Capitol Hill Memo: Senators Left Out of Loop Make Their Pique Known There were two types of senators at the confirmation hearing for Gen. Michael V. Hayden: the briefed + the briefed-nots.

Dem Bericht des IPCC zufolge drohen in den nächsten hundert Jahren weitere gravierende Klimaveränderungen in vielen Teilen der Erde: Die Arktis könnte schon in der zweiten Jahrhunderthälfte komplett eisfrei sein, wenn sich an den Treibhausgas-Emissionen nicht viel ändert; bis zu 90 % der Permafrostböden könnten bis zum Jahr 2100 oberflächlich auftauen und dann zusätzlich klimawirksames Methan freisetzen; Niederschläge werden in den Trockengürteln der Erde tendenziell weiter abnehmen und in feuchten Weltregionen weiter zunehmen; in mittleren Breiten werden Stürme seltener auftreten, dafür aber an Stärke gewinnen - extreme Wellenhöhen an der Küste und größere Schäden inklusive; der Meeresspiegel wird bis zum Ende dieses Jahrhunderts allein durch die thermische Ausdehnung des Wassers um bis zu 43 Zentimeter ansteigen, eine beginnende Packeisschmelze in Grönland könnte diesen Betrag noch deutlich erhöhen; in Europa werden die Außentemperaturen trotz einer vorhersehbaren Abschwächung des Golfstroms steigen, weil der Treibhauseffekt durch Kohlendioxid und andere Klimagase überwiegt.

Bei solchen Fieberschüben wird eine heute noch kaum wahrgenommene Bedrohung plötzlich ganz real: Grönlands mächtiger Eispanzer könnte komplett abschmelzen. Das ist zuletzt vor rund 125.000 Jahren geschehen, in der sogenannten Eem-Warmzeit. Wie man aus Klimarekonstruktionen weiß, stieg der Meeresspiegel damals um mindestens vier Meter.

Super-Eisschmelze im hohen Norden

Regional wird es ohnehin zu noch krasseren Temperatursprüngen kommen. Mit den heftigsten rechnen die Klimagutachter in hohen nördlichen Breiten, also in der Arktis. Dort werde die Erwärmung "etwa doppelt so stark ausfallen wie im globalen Mittel", prognostiziert der neue IPCC-Bericht. Das wären dann schon sechs Grad Celsius - oder noch weit mehr.

"Am wahrscheinlichsten ist ein Zuwachs von rund drei Grad Celsius", heißt es in dem Entwurf, der damit erstmals einen konkreten Wert nennt.

Allerdings gelte dies nur unter der Voraussetzung, dass sich der Kohlendioxid-Gehalt der Erdatmosphäre bis 2100 im Vergleich zur vorindustriellen Zeit höchstens verdoppelt - ein sehr optimistisches Zukunftsszenario. Um unter dieser Schwelle zu bleiben, müsste die Staatengemeinschaft ihre Treibhausgas-Emissionen schnellstmöglich um 60 % drosseln. Viele halten das für einen schier unmöglichen Kraftakt.
"Es ist hochgradig unwahrscheinlich, dass der gegenwärtige Klimawandel durch natürliche Schwankungen im System angestoßen wurde", heißt es in dem Entwurf.
Im Februar 2007 will die Uno den nächsten IPCC-Bericht veröffentlichen, an dem erneut hunderte Wissenschaftler aus aller Welt gearbeitet haben und der zur Richtschnur der globalen Klimapolitik der nächsten Jahre werden soll. SPIEGEL ONLINE liegt ein Entwurf des Papiers mit den wissenschaftlichen Kernpunkten vor - und seine Aussagen lesen sich wenig hoffnungsvoll. Die Konzentrationen von Kohlendioxid, Methan und Lachgas in der Atmosphäre sind demnach die höchsten seit mindestens 650.000 Jahren. Seit 20.000 Jahren habe es keinen so raschen Temperaturanstieg gegeben wie im vergangenen Jahrhundert. Bis 2100 werde sich die Erde um bis zu 4,5 Grad erwärmen.

Bei dem Entwurf handelt es sich um den Beitrag der Arbeitsgruppe I und damit um das wissenschaftliche Fundament des Reports. In den fünf Jahren seit Erscheinen des letzten IPCC-Berichts habe es eine Fülle zusätzlicher Beobachtungsdaten und Modellrechnungen gegeben, heißt es. Auf deren Basis kommen die Uno-Sachverständigen zu einem klareren Befund als noch 2001. Zweiflern und Skeptikern halten sie entgegen: Es könne heute keinen begründeten Zweifel mehr daran geben, dass der Mensch die Erderwärmung verursache. Im Gegenteil: Man habe immer mehr Belege dafür, dass er "weitere Aspekte des Klimas beeinflusst, darunter die Meereisbedeckung, Hitzewellen und andere Wetterextreme, die Luftzirkulation, Sturmbahnen und den Niederschlag".

Sonnenaktivität spielt kaum eine Rolle

In Klimabericht 2007 wird die Uno mit dramatischen Daten vor den Folgen der Erderwärmung warnen. Nach dem Report des internationalen Expertengremiums IPCC, dessen Entwurf SPIEGEL ONLINE vorliegt, ist kaum noch zu verhindern, dass die arktischen Eispanzer abschmelzen.

Hamburg - 2001 machte das Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) mit einem umfangreichen Bericht über den Klimawandel Furore. Der Report wurde zur Bibel für Umweltpolitiker und -aktivisten - seine damals noch umstrittenen Ergebnisse sind mittlerweile weitgehend akzeptiert, zumindest von seriösen Wissenschaftlern.
Uganda: 57,000 Guns Burnt

A TOTAL of 57,000 guns were on Saturday burnt at the Steel Rolling Mills in Jinja. The firearms, ferried to the factory on two trailer trucks amid tight security, were fed into the huge boiler-furnace and smelted.
Liberia: Pentagon Promises Support to SSR

A release from Liberian Embassy in the United States said the US Government has reassured Liberia of its commitment to continue support to the Security Sector Reform Program until Liberia develops the appropriate capacity to manage its own security.
27.May.2006 -and unconditional ceasefire. UN News
Congo-Kinshasa: UN Peacekeepers Back Congolese Soldiers in Drive to Disarm Irregulars

In the run-up to the elections scheduled for 30 July in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), United Nations peacekeepers have been backing the national armed forces as they have fought to expel irregular armed groups from Ituri district + the two Kivu provinces over the past week, the UN mission there said.
Congo-Kinshasa: Ugandan Rebels Dislodged, But Civilians Not Returning Home

An operation launched 00.Dec.2005 by Democratic Republic of Congo troops against Ugandan rebels in the northeast of DRC's North Kivu Province displaced tens of thousands of people who now say that if they were to return home they would face greater persecution by their own army than by the rebels.

Auch der Hühnerzüchter + Chef des Geflügel-Handelsverbands Great British Chicken, Charles Bourns, kam zu dem Ergebnis, dass das Ei zuerst da war.

Allerdings legte er seinen methodischen Ansatz nicht offen: "Eier gab's schon lange, bevor die Hühner dahergekommen sind", wurde er lediglich zitiert.
Lagos Set to Launch N10m Solar Energy Project 10.05.2006 Nigeria is set to officially launch its first solar energy project, estimated to cost N10 million. It is located at Kodji village in Amuwo Odofin Local Government Area. Commissioner for Science and Technology Dr Hamzat Kadiri,has announced.
27.May.2006 Annual 'lean season' set to strangle Sahel 16.05.2006 As household food stocks begin to run low across the Sahel region, the World Food Programme has urged the international community to continue supporting programmes which mitigate the worst effects of food shortages.
27.May.2006 Muslim Nations Declare Right to Peaceful Nuclear Energy 18.05.2006 Leaders of the world's eight largest Muslim countries--representing some 900 million people--declared the right of Islamic countries to peaceful nuclear energy at a summit in Indonesia last weekend. Procitajte vise Od: Inter Press Service (IPS)
27.May.2006 Nigerian polio campaign too slow, says UN official 22.05.2006 Far too few children are being vaccinated for polio in Nigeria, the world's last hotspot for the crippling virus whose infection rate has more than tripled this year, according to a top United Nations health official. Procitajte vise Od: Child Rights Information Network
27.May.2006 Abuses threaten run-up to Ivory Coast elections 25.05.2006 Government forces in Ivory Coast, their allied militias and rebels are all committing serious abuses against civilians, says a new report that warns of serious concerns about violence in the run-up to the October elections. Procitajte vise Od: Human Rights Watch

Frau wurde auf einer Trage aus dem Gebäude getragen.

Washington - Laut Zeugenaussagen befindet sich ein bewaffneter Mann in der Turnhalle des Rayburn-Gebäudes, berichtet CNN.

Dort sind Büros von Mitgliedern des Repräsentantenhauses untergebracht. Am Morgen sollen in der dortigen Garage Schüsse gefallen sein.

Eine Frau sei auf einer Trage aus dem Gebäude getragen worden.

Ob es sich dabei um ein Opfer der Schießerei handelt, ist bislang unklar.

Dagegen sagte eine Polizistin dem Fernsehsender, dass keine Verletzten gefunden worden seien.

Auch ein Schütze wurde noch nicht ermittelt.

Bewaffnete Polizisten haben das Kapitol abgeriegelt.

Sie hindern Menschen daran, das Haus zu betreten oder zu verlassen, und untersuchen es derzeit Raum für Raum.

Mehrere Krankenwagen haben sich vor dem Eingang positioniert.

"Die Belegschaft sagte uns, dass sie Schüsse gehört und Rauch gerochen habe", so ein Sprecher.

Möglicherweise habe es sich dabei aber auch um Knallkörper gehandelt.

Unterdessen laufen die Geschäfte auf dem Kapitol weiter. Der Senat unterbrach seine Sitzung nicht.

"Es ist etwas beunruhigend via E-Mail zu erfahren, dass im Gebäude geschossen wird", so ein Abgeordneter.

Ein weiterer Repräsentant sagte dagegen: "Sie wollen, dass wir in unseren Büros bleiben. Das ist kein Problem. Ich fühle mich sicher."

Er vermutete: "Bei dem Geräusch hat es sich bestimmt, um eine Fehlzündung oder um knallende Luftballons gehandelt."

Seit den Anschlägen vom 11.Sep.2001 sind die Sicherheitskräfte im politischen Washington nervös.

Mehrmals wurden Kongressgebäude in der Vergangenheit nach Drohungen schnell geräumt und abgeriegelt.

00.Jul.1998 kam es zu einer Schießerei, im Laufe derer zwei Polizisten starben.
27.May.2006 26. MAI 2006
Rücktritte ausgeschlossen: BND entschuldigt sich für Bespitzelung
Presslufthammer statt Pistolenschüsse: Fehlalarm hält Polizei im US- Kongress in Atem

27.May 2006 Erste Amtshandlung: Italien zieht im Juni 1100 Soldaten aus Irak ab
CIA- Spitze: US- Senat stimmt Nominierung Haydens zu
27.May.2006 Geheimdienst: Bundestag hat umstrittenen BND- Spitzelbericht veröffentlicht
27.May.2006 Washington: Nach Schießerei Kapitol abgeriegelt
Relatives Risiko: Im Crash sind alle Fonds gleich
27.May.2006 Gazastreifen: Hamas zieht ihre Miliz zurück
Lösungsansatz: Das Ei kam vor dem Huhn
27.May.2006 Jahresabrechnung: Hedgefonds- Manager verdient 1,5 Milliarden Dollar

27.May 2006 Atomstreit: Iran droht für den Fall eines US- Angriffs mit Gegenschlag

27.May 2006 Online- Porto: EU- Abgeordnete erwägen E- Mail- Steuer

27.May 2006 Netzwelt- Ticker: Gema will Podcast- Gebühr
Totalsperrung: Transitgegner blockieren Brennerautobahn
IPCC- Entwurf: Neuer Uno- Bericht sagt Klimakatastrophe voraus
Selbstmord in Haft: Pakistaner bezweifeln Ergebnis der Cheema- Autopsie
Spanien: Polizei deckt Millionenbetrug mit Ferienwohnungen auf
Unsichtbar: Forscher entwerfen Tarnkappe
Neue Studie: Klimaanlagen können Spritverbrauch extrem steigern
Archäologie: Spektakuläre Funde unter Wasser
The United States has become a world leader in avoiding human rights accountability; A case in point is the reliance of the United States government on private military contractors, which has helped create virtually rules-free zones sanctioned with the American flag and firepower,” said Larry Cox the executive director of Amnesty International’s US Chapter

27.May 2006 Inflation + unemployment fall, minimum wage rises in Venezuela : Venezuela's economic boom has continued into the first part of 2006, with consumer inflation + unemployment down and a 10 % minimum wage hike.

27.May 2006 Poverty Rates in Venezuela: Getting the Numbers Right: The following is a sample of statements appearing in major media or foreign policy journals that deny and/or misrepresent the decline in poverty that has taken place in Venezuela under the present government.

27.May 2006 Chavez and Morales in trade deals : On Friday, Venezuela also signed a deal - delayed by pressure from the US - for eight military patrol boats from Spain.

27.May 2006 Enron: The Bush Connection: What you have here is economic political gangsterism, which has now seized control of the government. You can't look at it any other way. We have a system in which basically, instead of -- that basically, just like the mob, is able the rewrite the laws, pick the judges.

27.May 2006 Greg Palast: Lay Convicted, Bush Walks: Don't kid yourself. If you think the conviction of Ken Lay means that George Bush is serious about going after corporate bad guys, think again.

27.May 2006 Time magazine ordered to turn over docs in CIA leak case:: A federal judge has ordered Time magazine to turn over documents to a former White House aide to use in his defense in the CIA leak case, according to a media report Friday

27.May 2006 Army to open new detainee training camp: The U.S. Army is opening a mock detention facility in Missouri on June 2 to improve training of soldiers for detainee operations.

27.May 2006 Top 10 Signs of the Impending U.S. Police State : From secret detention centers to warrantless wiretapping, Bush and Co. give free rein to their totalitarian impulses.
Galloway responds to Blair ‘assassination’ row : “Like the Prime Minister’s wife commenting on suicide bombings in Israel I understand why such desperate acts take place and why those involved might believe such actions are morally justifiable.
27.May.2006 Iraq Says It Backs Iran's Right to Nuclear Program: Iraq supports Iran's right to use nuclear technology for peaceful means and wants a diplomatic solution to the standoff between the Islamic Republic and the U.S. over uranium enrichment, the Iraqi foreign minister said.

27.May 2006 Russia to Sell Anti-Aircraft Missiles to Iran: Russian defense minister Sergei Ivanov Friday reiterated Moscow’s commitment to supply Iran with sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles, Interfax news agency reported.

27.May 2006 Putin revives energy row with US : The Russian president Vladimir Putin yesterday returned to his feud with the US over energy supplies when he declared that Washington is in no position to deliver lectures after the invasion of Iraq.

27.May 2006 Russia Cools to Dollar As it Invests in Stability : R ussia has raised the share of euros in its growing central bank reserves, a top central banker said on Thursday, confirming Moscow’s cooling to the dollar as a dependable store of value.

27.May 2006 Israeli shells 'kill four Gazans' : Four Palestinians have died in Gaza in what hospital officials say were separate Israeli artillery attacks.

27.May 2006 Israel Provides Arms To Help Abbas Take On Hamas: Israel's transfer of a limited amount of weapons and ammunition to the Palestinian Authority's presidential guard will enable PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to "contend with Hamas," senior Defense Ministry official Amos Gilad said Friday.

27.May 2006 Haniyeh: US, Israel conspiring against us: In an address to Palestinian parliament; Palestinian PM speaks of 'international network' conspiring with Israel 'to suffocate and starve us'

27.May 2006 The Full Text of the National Conciliation Document of the Prisoners : By Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails (representing FATEH, HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, PFLP + DFLP)

27.May 2006 US approves aid to Israel, Egypt : The budget includes aid for Israel (USD 2.4 billion) and Egypt (USD 1.7 billion).

27.May 2006 Interview with Prof. Norman Finkelstein: : Prof. Finkelstein, in your estimation why does it seem that when someone challenges Israel on its policies towards the Palestinians they are accused of anti-Semitism?
27.May.2006 Steering Into a Third Intifada: By Patrick J. Buchanan
The suffering of the Palestinian people under the U.S.-Israeli sanctions regime will further radicalize them into hating us as they do Israel. The struggle between Hamas and Fatah over diminishing aid and resources will intensify, degenerating into civil war. Iran will move into the vacuum. Eventually, with aid cut off and no hope of negotiations, Hamas will revert to terror and the third intifada will begin.

27.May 2006 Tragedy in the Holy Land - The Second Uprising -Edward Said and Noam Chomsky
This documentary film addresses the core issues of land and identity - It probes the evolution of the seemingly incurable conflict i Palestine from a historic perspective that is typically unknown to American audiences.
Click here to watch Windows Media

27.May 2006 The Busheviks By Bill Gallagher
Warrantless searches, phone trolling, torture, kidnapping, indefinite imprisonment without charges, denial of legal representation, you name it. It's all legal. Just ask Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. If the president says it's legal, it's legal. When we're at war, the Constitution, the Congress and civility are out the door.

27.May 2006 Inquiry points to atrocity by marines By Thom Shanker, Eric Schmitt and Richard A. Oppel Jr.
A military investigation into the deaths of two dozen Iraqis last November is expected to find that a small number of marines in western Iraq carried out extensive, unprovoked killing of civilians, according to congressional, military and Pentagon officials.

The Hayden Confirmation: "So it goes, as the majority of Feingold's Democratic colleagues continue to promote the nominations and the policies of a failed president who polls tell us now has the approval of less than one-third of Americans."

27.May 2006 "F.U.B.A.R.: America's Right-Wing Nightmare" (Hardcover), By Sam Seder, Stephen Sherrill
Lawmaker Raid May Come Back to Bite Bush; Anger in Congress Could Cost Bush Some Allies And Curb His Legislative Influence 5/27
Denny Hastert is the BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week: "Okay, for six years you give a thief everything he wants, no questions asked. Then you suddenly wake up and complain that he stole stuff from your house."
Bob Herbert: Laid Off and Left Out 5/27

27.May 2006 The Bombshell That No One is Pursuing Except Rory O'Connor: "senior White House official leaked top-secret NSA intelligence in 2001 to then-New York Times reporter Judith Miller...that Al Qaeda was planning a major attack on the United States." This was before 9/11. If Judith Miller knew from a White House source in advance, it begs the earth-shattering question: Why did the Bush administration do nothing to prevent it? And the New York Times let the story drop, to boot.

27.May 2006 Just a little murder in Iraq -- The Last Chance Democracy Cafe by Steven C. Day
NRA Bankrolls Defense of License to Murder Killer in Arizona 5/26

27.May 2006 Senate confirms Hayden as CIA director. Civil liberties? You don't need no stinkin' civil liberties! (w/apologies to "Blazing Saddles") 5/26
A BuzzFlash News Analysis -- It Gets Even More Bizarre: Judith Miller (Yeah, That One) Knew 9/11 Might Happen, But Bush Didn't!

And She Was Told by a "Senior White House Official"! Through the Looking Glass Time!
27.May.2006 Did Porter Goss resign over Skyway? Daniel Hopsicker finally has a piece up about his more recent findings in the Skyway "junk jet" scandal.
27.May.2006 One aspect of the Skyway scandal that has always troubled me concerns the circumstances of the plane's capture. The Mexican authorities -- which have a history of looking the other way when paid to do so -- were apparently alerted to the drug run. More than that: The pilot got away . Only a child would believe that such things happen by accident. Someone arranged for his escape. Who might that "someone" be + what were his motives?
Here's one possible scenario:
Perhaps Porter Goss achieved his high position (and thus considered himself untouchable) because he had acquired dope on Administration officials via the Hookergate operation.

(Could he have "gotten something" on Bush himself?)

The only way to undo a blackmailer is to get something on him .

If Goss can, in fact, be linked to Skyway, then anyone who wanted rid of him would have found a way to achieve a "balance of terror."
Plenty of other scenarios suggest themselves, of course. I offer the above speculation simply to invite others to ponder these mysteries.

As you try to conjure up your own possible version of events, mull over this fascinating chunk of Hopsicker's tale: But SkyWay, which only lost $40 million of investors money, is an absolute paragon of excellence, corporate governance-wise, when compared to the DC9's previous owner...
Genesis Aviation is one of several dozen company fronts, all of which contain the name “Genesis” in the title,

controlled by one of the key figures in the Iran Contra scandal, Saudi billionaire + long-time CIA asset Adnan Khashoggi.
Last month the Securities and Exchange Commission charged Khashoggi and Ramy Al Batrawi, his lieutenant for the past 20 years, with stock fraud in U.S. District Court for Central California.

The men are accused of orchestrating a $130 million fraud involving the stock price of GenesisIntermedia.
When the helpful Khashoggi worked with Oliver North to sell arms to Iran, Ramy El-Batrawi was there, as president of a Khashoggi company, Jetborne International, indicted for illegally ferrying TOW missiles to Iran, an “enterprise” which netted someone—though not the U.S. Government or the Contras it was supposedly funding—a tidy bit of change.
Apparently neither man learned that crime doesn’t pay, because Adnan and Ramy’s recent pilferage make the Kovars look like kids stealing a candy bar from a 7-11 after school.
“Just three months after the company’s Initial Public Offering (IPO), the nearly $17 million raised in the offering was gone,” read one wire service story.
“The creative dealings of defendant El-Batrawi partly explains how this money disappeared so quickly,” reported the AP. To which I must add this comment offered by an anonymous reader in reaction to a previous post on this scandal: I did some more research. Two parties who are suspected of having foreknowledge of the

11.Sep.2001 attacks: Anthony Elgindy + Adnan Khashoggi link to each other through Costa Rican Red Sea Management.

Khashoggi associate Pakistani Rafi Khan did business with Canadian Stephen Taub.

Stephen Taub referred Rakesh Saxena, the man who embezzled $88M from an Thai bank, to Red Sea Management.
Red Sea Management was involved in SkyWay's mysterious 'DuPont' investment fund, which injected $7M including a DC-9 into SkyWay in 2004.

Through a shareholder in SkyWay related Royal Sons, also last owner of the captured plane had activities in a hangar of Huffman aviation at the same time the hijackers were trained there.

Atta + Al-Shehhi are believed to have practiced landings + take-offs after closing hours on the Clearwater airport where Royal Sons has it's HQ.
All coincidences?

I don't think so.

It might connect many pieces of the 11.Sep.2001 jigsaw puzzle, including Sibel Edmonds hints, The Israeli Art Students DEA groups + more. Permalink
27.May.2006 Clean elections I know, I know. For as long as you and I can remember, progressives have talked about removing tainted money out of the election process.

The cat always resisted belling, since any such law would require backing by legislators who live off filthy funding.

But perhaps now -- in the wake of the Abramoff scandall + the MZM/Wilkes scandals + all the other scandals -- the unthinkable can be thought.

Go here. Support the cause. And when you come back, tell me if you think this goal really can be accomplished -- and, more importantly, how it can be accomplished. Permalink
Bärenjagd: Zoodirektor setzt auf sein Blasrohr
Enron's Lay, Skilling Convicted They weren't the smartest guys in the room after all: A jury convicts Enron's two top executives of fraud, capping one of the biggest scandals in U.S. corporate history.
Military Seeks Invisibility Cloak Darpa backs research into a shield made of "metamaterials" that bend visible light. The technology could conceal soldiers on the battleground.
HIV Traced to Wild Chimps Hundreds of feces samples reveal that the deadly virus originated in chimpanzees in southern Cameroon.
Net Neutrality Gets a Boost Legislation that would prevent broadband providers from charging content providers extra fees to guarantee delivery is approved by a House panel.
To Read or Not To Read? Parties weigh in on the judge's crucial, behind-the-scenes decision on whether to look at classified government arguments to dismiss the case.

Plus: Feds outsource social engineering. In 27B Stroke 6.
Rants 'n' Raves: I Prefer Privacy Readers would rather go with privacy over security + one hails digital storage.
Sacred Heart is latest school to be hacked TV station says personal information of 135,000 possibly exposed, including people who were never associated with the university.
Lax standards for Feds in data breach vote After Veterans Affairs leak, a congressional panel votes on data security bill. But it may let federal agencies off the hook.
Video: Designing heat shields for the Crew Exploration Vehicle -

Scientists at the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif., are testing high-tech materials they hope will hold up to temperatures three times hotter than the surface of the sun.
Dell Installs Google Software at Factory CowboyNeal 122 simonjp writes

"BBC News are reporting that Dell will be installing Google software onto their new machines as part of the software build.

Details appear sketchy, but this signifies the first step for Google from being just something you can download to an almost 'essential' software provider.

They report that both sides are to benefit from the deal + that 'more is to come.'"
Plan For Cloaking Device Unveiled CowboyNeal 197 Robotron23 writes

"The BBC is reporting that a plan for a cloaking device has been unveiled. The design is pioneered by Professor Sir John Pendry's team of scientists from the US + Britain.

Proof of the ability of his invention could be ready in just 18 months time using radar testing. The method revolves around certain materials making light "flow" around the given object like water."
IL School District to Monitor Student Blogs CowboyNeal 284 tinkertim writes

"According to a Yahoo article, a school district in Libertyville, IL will be holding students accountable for illegal actions discussed in their MySpace blogs even if such actions in no way involved the school or another student. A spokesperson for the school district was quoted as saying: 'The concept that searching a blog site is an invasion of privacy is almost an oxymoron,' he said. 'It is called the World Wide Web.' Supposedly, no direct monitoring or snooping will be done unless the school receives a report from a concerned parent, community member or other student."
Intern? Bloggers Need Not Apply Zonk 170 westlake writes

"Short, funny + to the point, a good read from the NYT about the realities of blogging in the corporate world." From the article: "Most experienced employees know: Thou Shalt Not Blab About the Company's Internal Business. But the line between what is public and what is private is increasingly fuzzy for young people comfortable with broadcasting nearly every aspect of their lives on the Web, posting pictures of their grandmother at graduation next to one of them eating whipped cream off a woman's belly. For them, shifting from a like-minded audience of peers to an intergenerational, hierarchical workplace can be jarring."

26.May.2006 Honda Robot Controlled By Brain Waves Zonk 127+ Dotnaught writes

"Honda researchers to have developed a way to control robots using human brain waves. Using brain signals read from a person in a magnetic resonance imaging scanner, a robotic hand mirrored the movement of the human controller, spreading its fingers and making a 'V' sign."
MPAA Being Sued For Allegedly Hacking Torrentspy Zonk 360+ goldaryn writes

"Valence Media, the parent company of, one of the web's largest torrent search engines, has filed a lawsuit against the MPAA for allegedly hiring a hacker to steal e-mail correspondence and trade secrets. From the suit: 'The Motion Picture Association of America willfully and intentionally obtained without authority, conspired to obtain without authority, purchased, procured, used and disclosed private information that it knew was unlawfully obtained through unauthorized access to Plaintiffs' computer servers and private email accounts, in violation of United States and California privacy and computer security laws.'"
International Fusion Reactor Project Moves Forward Zonk 212+ mjgp2 writes to mention

a BBC article about an agreement which will begin construction on the second most expensive scientific collaboration, after the ISS : the world's first large-scale fusion reactor. From the article: "The seven-party consortium, which includes the European Union, the US, Japan, China, Russia and others, agreed last year to build Iter in Cadarache, in the southern French region of Provence ... He said that the participants would aim to ratify their agreement before the end of the year so construction on the facility could start in 2007. Officials said the experimental reactor would take about eight years to build. The EU is to foot about 50% of the cost to build the experimental reactor. If all goes well with the experimental reactor, officials hope to set up a demonstration power plant at Cadarache by 2040. "
Enron- Urteil: Ära der Kavaliersdelikte ist vorbei
26.May.2006 Energiepolitik: Repräsentantenhaus billigt Ölförderung im Alaska- Schutzgebiet
BND- Bericht im Internet: Opposition will mehr Aufklärung über Journalisten- Bespitzelung

26.May 2006 Migrationspolitik: US- Senat macht Weg für illegale Einwanderer frei
Kampf um Demokratisierung: Bush und Blair geben Fehler im Irak zu
Bush's Enron Lies

26.May 2006 Murray Waas (Who Has the Best PlameGate Sources): In Telephone Call, Novak Assured Rove That he Wouldn't "Burn Him" in Any Investigation of the Outing of a CIA Operative. It's Treason. Why is Novak Still Employed as a Journalist? Why is Rove Still on the White House Payroll?
News Alert: Free Press: Bipartisan Majority Supports Internet Freedom in the House
Enron founder Kenneth Lay has been convicted of all six counts against him, including conspiracy to commit securities and wire fraud. Enron Chief Executive Jeffrey Skilling has been convicted of conspiracy to commit securities and wire fraud. Bush's "Kenny Boy" is Going to the Slammer.

26.May 2006 An internal Justice Department inquiry into whether department officials -- including Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and then-Attorney General John Ashcroft -- acted properly in approving and overseeing the Bush administration's domestic eavesdropping program was stymied because investigators were denied security clearances to do their work. The investigators, however, were only seeking information and documents relating to the National Security Agency's surveillance program that were already in the Justice Department's possession. 5/26

26.May 2006 Ex-Enron workers rejoice after verdicts
Denny, the Bushevik Mob is Putting a Horse's Head in Your Bed. Wake Up, They're Sending You a Message. You Violated the Bush Code of Omerta! -- A BuzzFlash Guest Editorial
Hastert Lashes Out at Justice Department, Says That They are Trying to Intimidate Him. Welcome to the Real World of Bushevik Tyranny, Denny.

26.May 2006 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Is This the Letter Hastert Wrote That the FBI Suddenly Took An Interest In? A BuzzFlash News Analysis.

26.May.2006 ... there is no doubt that this is all just a series of freak coincidences.
26.May.2006 Arizona: Fraud like Florida, but with a dry heat

Greyhound during this time period also “owned” a Beech King Air used by CIA pilot + drug smuggler Barry Seal.

After his death it became the favorite plane of then Texas-Governor George W. Bush.

But no good deed goes unpunished + Greyhound Leasing soon came up a little short. The company had somehow “ misplaced” $120 million dollars.
26.May.2006 U.S. officials vehemently denied the plane belonged to the CIA.

At the time the plane was registered to General John Singlaub’s Southern Air Transport.

Much later, Southern Air Transport went bankrupt + the proceedings revealed that the company had been owned by an entity called Finova Capital, a CIA front company set up in Arizona and headquartered in Canada to escape American financial disclosure requirements.
26.May.2006 The DC9 has also been “owned” by Finova Capital, revealed in the early 90’s as a CIA front which also “owned” the C123 military cargo plane used by notorious drug smuggler + CIA pilot Barry Seal, which was later shot down over Nicaragua with Eugene Hasenfus onboard.

Genesis Aviation is one of several dozen company fronts, all of which contain the name “Genesis” in the title, controlled by one of the key figures in the Iran Contra scandal, Saudi billionaire and long-time CIA asset Adnan Khashoggi.
26.May.2006 There is also this nugget, which we hope a prosecuting attorney someday asks him about, preferably under oath: “ i'm fortunate to be a senior advisor to the us congress and have dined with the president.”
26.May.2006 Working backwards from the present, the plane’s registered owner at the time it was busted was SkyWay Aircraft, the only tangible asset of SkyWay Communications Holding, a firm whose existence, as we’ve previously seen, served as nothing more than a meager excuse to run a penny stock fraud scam which bilked investors of a reported $40 million dollars... in less than three years.

SkyWay shareholders will no doubt be gratified to learn that the bankruptcy of the firm seems not to have adversely affected the firm’s top officers financially.

SkyWays 74 yr. old C hairman Glenn Kovar is currently building a six bedroom vacation chalet on a lake several miles north of Ducktown, Tennessee,

tucked away in a picturesque rural setting boasting splendid whitewater rafting.
26.May.2006 Republicans, incumbents receive large majority of oil lobby cash
Republican incumbents are far more likely than their colleagues in Congress to receive oil company money, RAW STORY has found.
26.May.2006 Lawyer blasts voting machines

A state appeals court yesterday heard arguments that electronic voting machines used in 20 of the state's 21 counties are so unreliable the constitutional rights of voters are violated.

The "mystery" of Porter Goss' resignation last month as CIA Director is apparently directly related to the huge seizure in Mexico several weeks earlier of over 5.5 tons of cocaine, according to government documents recently obtained by the The MadCowMorningNews.
26.May.2006 Enron - Guilty!
Hopefully the sentences will be jail-tastic.
26.May.2006 Leader of German Colony in Chile Convicted The leader of a now-dismantled colony founded by German immigrants in southern Chile was convicted of sexually abusing 25 children and sentenced to 20 years in jail.
Judge Hernan Gonzalez also sentenced Paul Schaefer, 84, on Wednesday to pay $1.43 million to 11 of the children whose families filed a civil suit against the former leader of Colonia Dignidad, or "Dignity Colony."

26.May.2006 The Gulf Breeze Six On July 9, 1990, six US military intelligence analysts from the 701st Military Intelligence Brigade at Augsburg, West Germany, at that time the biggest NSA (National Security Agency) listening post in the world outside the United States, deserted their posts, somehow convinced that the end of the world was nigh.
26.May.2006 The strange and convenient death of J. Clifford Baxter--Enron executive found shot to death As the Enron verdicts come in, let's not forget the mysterious "suicide" of Vice-Chairman Cliff Baxter.
26.May.2006 The Cost of a Tiered Internet Zonk 134 Anonymous Coward writes to mention a CNN article about the money issues involved in a tiered internet. From the article:

"With a tiered Internet, such routing technology could be used preferentially to deliver either the telecoms' own services or those of companies who had paid the requisite fees. What does this mean for the rest of us? A stealth Web tax, for one thing. 'Google and Amazon and Yahoo are not going to slice those payments out of their profit margins and eat them,' says Ben Scott, policy director for Free Press, a nonprofit group that monitors media-related legislation. 'They're going to pass them on to the consumer. So I'll end up paying twice. I'm going to pay my $29.99 a month for access + then I'm going to pay higher prices for consumer goods all across the economy because these Internet companies will charge more for online advertising.'"

Der erste bekannte Mensch, der mit HIV infiziert war, war ein Mann aus Kinshasa, der Hauptstadt des Kongos. Es wird vermutet, dass ein Mensch in Kamerun von einem Affen gebissen wurde oder dass er beim Schlachten eines Affen mit dessen Blut in Kontakt kam und dass das SIV so auf den Menschen übertragen wurde. Über den Sanaga, der eine wichtige Wasserstraße in dem Gebiet ist, könnte das Virus sich dann ausgebreitet haben.
Putin Criticizes Cheney's Remarks: ``We see how the United States defends its interests, we see what methods and means they use for this,'' Putin said at a news conference

25.May 2006 Russian Missiles More Than a Match for U.S. ‘Shield’: General : The head of the Russian military’s general staff gave a sharp response May 24 to U.S. proposals to set up a network of “interceptor” missiles in central Europe to ward off potential attacks.

25.May 2006 U.S. visitor issues Chen administration one of the bluntest warnings : Washington policy makers are worried that Taiwan will push for independence through constitutional reform in a "nightmare scenario, a former U.S. official said yesterday, in one of the bluntest warnings to be issued from an American visitor.

25.May 2006 Chris Floyd: Bush's China Syndrome: Hypocrisy, History and Twelve Kinds of Hell: Sometimes a particularly choice piece of hypocrisy comes along, a wrenching juxtaposition between reality and sham righteousness so sublime in the totality of its horse-hockeyness that it cries out for special recognition.

25.May 2006 India in global deal to emulate power of sun : India, along with six other partners — the EU, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea and the US, made history by signing the International Thermo Nuclear Energy Reactor (ITER) agreement today.

25.May 2006 BBC Video Report: Facing extinction: How a tribe is being wiped out by civil war : The Nukak Indians are the only nomadic tribe remaining in South America. Phil Rees reports from the edge of the Amazon basin. - Warning - Some viewers may find this report disturbing

25.May 2006 Cuba: A Clean Bill of Health : Over the years of its isolation, Cuba has made major medical breakthroughs and now has a health system that's the envy of most of its neighbours, including the mighty US

25.May 2006 Bush Orders Evidence Seized From Congressional Office Sealed : Bush took the step today after leaders of both parties complained that the Federal Bureau of Investigation overstepped the constitutional separation of powers by searching the government office of a member of Congress.

25.May 2006 Libby prosecutor may call Cheney to testify in CIA leak case : US Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald suggested Wednesday that Vice President Dick Cheney may be a witness in the government's case against former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby

25.May 2006 Ken Lay--Guilty. George Bush--Guilty. : The man who paid many of the biggest bills for George Bush's political ascent, Enron founder Kenneth Lay, has been found guilty of conspiracy and fraud almost five years after his dirty dealings created the greatest corporate scandal in what will be remembers as an era of corporate crime.

25.May 2006 Three banks in $6.6B Enron settlement: U.S. District Judge Melinda Harmon approved the settlements by Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, JPMorgan Chase & Co. + Citigroup, the Houston Chronicle reported Thursday. CIBC settled for $2.4 billion, JPMorgan Chase for $2.2 billion + Citigroup for $2 billion in the Wednesday court action.
The battle spreads in Afghanistan: Thousands of Taliban have emerged in the provinces of Helmand, Ghazni, Urgzan, Kandahar, Kunar and Zabul + in all of them the story is the same: where allied forces have taken on the Taliban, the ANA holds the "fort". In places beyond the access of allied forces, the Taliban are in control.

25.May 2006 Afghanistan in Turmoil: 330+ Killed in One Week, U.S. Bombing Raids Continue, Taliban Seizing Control in Southern Region: We speak with an Afghan human rights activist who was forced to flee the country because of his work documenting human rights abuses committed by U.S. forces.

25.May 2006 About 3,000 flee Afghan fighting : Up to 3,000 villagers caught in the crossfire of heavy battles between Taliban and security forces in southern Afghanistan have fled their homes, the International Organisation of Migration (IOM) said on Thursday.

25.May 2006 Millions of Afghans could go hungry as lack of funds forces UN food agency to cut aid: Due to a critical shortage of funds and resources, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) will soon be forced to abandon plans to provide around 2.7 million of the poorest and most vulnerable Afghans with vital food aid to help them through the winter, the agency said today.
Alleged AIPAC informant promoted : The Bush administration promoted David Satterfield, an alleged informant for a former AIPAC lobbyist facing trial in a classified information case.
25.May.2006 Israel agrees on arms transfer to Abbas' presidential guard : Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Amir Peretz accepted recommendations from defense officials to allow for the transfer a limited amount of weapons and ammunition to the Palestinian Authority's presidential guard in light of growing threats to Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' life.

25.May 2006 U.S. House Calls Palestinian Authority a ‘Terrorist Sanctuary: It also recommends withholding U.S. contributions to the United Nations proportional to the amount the world body provides the authority.

25.May 2006 Jim Lobe: Right-Wing Israel Lobby Seizes on Olmert Visit -On his maiden visit to the USA as Israel's prime minister,Ehud Olmert received a first-hand look at the political muscle of the right-wing "Israel Lobby"

25.May.2006 UK: War legality advice to be disclosed : The Attorney General's office has been ordered to disclose information leading to his advice on the legality of invading Iraq in 2003.

25.May 2006 War pimp alert: 'Iran believes Israel to strike within year': Iran estimates Israel will strike Tehran's nuclear facilities within a year + has been planning retaliatory attacks against Israeli, American and British interests, according to senior Lebanese political sources.

25.May 2006 Bolton to resume work on UN resolution targeting Iran: U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton on Thursday said he planned to resume work on a Chapter 7 UN resolution that would legally require Iran to comply with demands that it freeze all uranium enrichment activities.

25.May 2006 Ghali Hassan: Iran has the right to self-defence : If there is a country that constitutes a classic threat to international peace and security, it is the U.S. The U.S. has been involved in many conflicts and wars that resulted in unnecessary killings of millions of innocent people. From Korea, Vietnam and Cambodia to Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq, millions of innocent people have been massacred by U.S. forces.

25.May 2006 Iran Proposal to U.S. Offered Peace with Israel: The two-page document contradicts the official line of the George W. Bush administration that Iran is committed to the destruction of Israel and the sponsorship of terrorism in the region.
"Victory"? Forget it -By Sidney Blumenthal
Bush is trying to keep Americans from abandoning his disastrous war by claiming victory is at hand. But even his own generals know that's a lie.

25.May 2006 "It is a puppet government nothing more or less".

Haifa Zangana is an Iraqi, she is also a writer + an activist for women's rights in her savagely battered homeland.

She was an opponent of Saddam Hussein + his regime; indeed, she was imprisoned + tortured by the dictator. A must watch:

It is a puppet government nothing more or less. I don't think it is going to accomplish anything different than the previous one.

All they are receiving They are on the receiving end of orders from the unexpected visits by Condoleezza Rice, Jack Straw previously + to orders from Bush and Blair. Click here to view

25.May 2006 A glimpse of freedom -By John Pilger
Out of the new spirit in Latin America, the Bolivians (with the Venezuelans) have come closest to forging revolutionary change. The government of "Evo" is on notice.

25.May 2006 Eavesdropping, Gagging + the Constitution -By Ray McGovern
Is the National Security Agency being "turned against the people," as the Congressional committee led by Sen. Frank Church warned might happen? We the people cannot know; it's classified.

25.May 2006 Unconstitutional The War On Our Civil Liberties
Unconstitutional explicitly reveals details of the shocking way that the civil liberties of American citizens and immigrants alike have been infringed upon, curtailed and rolled back since 9/11 and the USA Patriot Act.
A must watch video. Windows Media

Verteidigungsministerium: Israel billigt Waffenlieferungen an Abbas- Garde
25.May.2006 Gewerkschaftskongress: Buhrufe für Müntefering, Beifall für Lafontaine

25.May 2006 Pendler saßen für Stunden fest: Stromausfall legt Bahnverbindung Washington- New York lahm
Seuchenherd: Aids kommt aus Kamerun
25.May.2006 Mega- Pleite: Geschworene sprechen Enron- Bosse schuldig 25.May.2006 VIDEO: Ross Defends Report That Hastert Is ‘In The Mix’ of Federal Corruption Investigation Think Progress

Last night, ABC’s Brian Ross reported that, according to a federal law enforcement source, “the Congressional bribery investigation now includes Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, based on information from convicted lobbyists who are now cooperating with the government.”

Subsequently, the Justice Department flatly denied the story.

This morning, Brian Ross appeared on ABC and defended his report. Ross said, “Despite flat and repeated denials from the Department of Justice, federal law enforcement officials…describe the 64-year-old Illinois Republican [Hastert] as ‘very much in the mix’ of the corruption investigation.” Watch it:


ROSS: Good morning Robin. Despite flat and repeated denies from the Department of Justice, federal law enforcement officials insist to ABC news the FBI investigation of capitol hill corruption has widened to include potentially Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert. Officials describe the 64-year-old Illinois republican as “very much in the mix” of the corruption investigation. Something the speaker told ABC News he was unaware of.

HASTERT: I know nothing about it.

ROSS: Part of the investigation is said to involve a letter Hastert wrote three years ago urging the Secretary of Interior to block a casino on an Indian reservation that would have competed with other tribes.

The other tribes were represented by convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who reportedly has provided details of his dealings with Hastert as part of his plea agreement with the government.

The letter was written shortly after a fund-raiser for Hastert at a restaurant owned by Abramoff. Abramoff and his clients contributed more than $26,000 at the time.

Hastert says the story is untrue and has demanded a retraction.

Our sources say Hastert is not considered the formal subject or target at this time but

that the FBI will soon seek documents from him + other members of congress based on information from the convicted lobbyist Abramoff

The investigation, of course, is in it’s very early stages. It is very possible it will turn out there is nothing unlawful about Hastert relationship with Abramoff.
25.May 2006 Think Progress

President Bush has appointed a new senior domestic policy adviser : Karl Zinsmeister, a “longtime scholar at the American Enterprise Institute,” + editor of the think tank’s magazine.

Last June, he wrote about the “central reality” in Iraq: “With the exception of periodic flare-ups in isolated corners, our struggle in Iraq as warfare is over.”

The FBI is seeking interviews with top House Members from both parties

to determine whether they leaked details of the National Security Agency’s domestic surveillance program to The New York Times,

further fanning the flames of an already tense relationship between Capitol Hill + the Bush administration.”

One Senator said “the FBI will interview current and former Senators about the leak as well.”

A new study finds New Orleans “is the U.S. city most likely to be struck by hurricane force winds during the 2006 storm season.”

Meanwhile, the Army Corps of Engineers has finished repairing the city’s levees, but experts say

New Orleans is “still very much at risk … because the level of protection the corps has reached is still not as strong as the city needs,” not even good enough for a Category 3 storm.

13: The number of days before VA Secretary Jim Nicholson was told about the burglary of data on 26 million veterans.

Former U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry is calling on the Bush administration to negotiate directly with Iran , saying he believes that is the only path toward resolving the nuclear crisis.”

Yesterday, Special Counsel Patrick Fizgerald released Scooter Libby’s 2004 grand jury testimony .

In it, Libby said “Vice President Cheney was personally angered by” Joe Wilson’s “newspaper column attacking a key rationale for the war in Iraq + repeatedly directed” Libby “to ‘get all the facts out’ related to the critique.” Cheney also raised the issue that Valerie Plame “worked at the CIA + that she allegedly played a role in sending” Wilson to Niger.

25.May 2006 More than half of America’s hunters + fishermen “have seen first-hand the impact of global warming , according to a poll released Tuesday by the National Wildlife Federation.”

Fully 71 % “said they were concerned about diminishing fish + wildlife populations + many had seen direct impacts of climate change in the field,” +

a majority “also rejected the Bush Administration’s fossil-fuel-based energy policy + want more conservation + clean fuels.”

25.May 2006 The Senate yesterday voted 73-25 to end debate on a compromise immigration bill “that would toughen border security + put most illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship,” suggesting it will pass easily today.

Its advance set up a showdown with the House over the most substantial overhaul of immigration law in 20 years .”

25.May 2006 Big Pharma up to no good:

Drug companies fund a growing number of the studies in leading psychiatric journals,” + for good reason: 78 % of company-funded studies give the drugs favorable reviews, while only 48 % of independent studies are positive. 25.May.2006 Twenty-First Century Wiretapping: Storing Communications Data Ed Felten
Today I want to continue the post-series about new technology and wiretapping (previous posts: 1, 2, 3), by talking about what is probably the simplest case, involving gathering + storage of data by government.

Recall that I am not considering what is legal under current law, which is an ...
25.May.2006 Off to Amtrak Rtehrani I've got a few companies to see today + am traveling once again but for a change I get to take Amtrak + not a plane.

I really wish Amtrak went to more places as I love the fact that..
25.May.2006 Water firms given drought orders Two more water companies in south-east England are granted drought orders by the government.
25.May.2006 Shoppers 'buying healthier food' An average UK shopper is spending more on wholemeal bread, semi-skimmed milk and yoghurt, an annual survey finds.
25.May.2006 US sniper grills former partner The Washington sniper acting as his own defence lawyer questions his ex-accomplice at his second murder trial.
25.May.2006 Electoral first for Kuwaiti women Five women become candidates in the Kuwaiti elections for the first time in the Gulf state's history.
25.May.2006 Customs 'investigating WMD case' MPs probing arms exports are told UK customs are investigating a case involving weapons of mass destruction.
25.May.2006 Microsoft battles Word PC virus Microsoft says it could release early a fix for a loophole in Word that virus writers are exploiting.
25.May.2006 Heart disease is biggest killer Heart disease still kills more people in England and Wales than any other condition, official figures show.
25.May.2006 The Rise of Crowdsourcing Forget outsourcing. The new source of cheap labor is everyday people using their spare cycles to create content, solve problems, even do R&D.

By Jeff Howe from Wired magazine. Plus: Look Who's Crowdsourcing
25.May.2006 Cipro Won't Save You Mr. Know-It-All gives advice on how not to prepare for a bird flu catastrophe.
25.May.2006 What If They Gave a War...? If we've reached the nadir of the American Empire, nobody seems overly concerned about it. Does anybody out there have a conscience anymore? Commentary by Tony Long.
25.May.2006 Yahoo, eBay team up on e-commerce Internet heavyweights work out a deal focused on advertising, search and online payments.
25.May.2006 Semantic Web Under Suspicion Zonk 32Dr Occult writes

"Much of the talk at the 2006 World Wide Web conference has been about the technologies behind the so-called semantic web.

The idea is to make the web intelligent by storing data such that it can be analyzed better by our machines, instead of the user having to sort and analyze the data from search engines. From the article:

'Big business, whose motto has always been time is money, is looking forward to the day when multiple sources of financial information can be cross-referenced to show market patterns almost instantly.'

However, concern is also growing about the misuses of this intelligent web as an affront to privacy and security."
25.May.2006 Großbritannien: Rentenalter soll auf 68 Jahre steigen

25.May 2006 Washington- New York: Stromausfall stoppt Amtrak- Züge - Tausende Reisende eingeschlossen
25.May.2006 Regierungschef zurückgetreten: Algerien ernennt neuen Ministerpräsidenten

25.May 2006 Irakische Pläne: Ausländische Truppen sollen bis Ende 2007 abziehen
25.May.2006 EU- Verfassung: Kanzlerin fordert Gottesbezug
25.May.2006 Allianz gegen Google: Yahoo und Ebay verbünden sich

25.May 2006 Schutzpläne vergessen: Peinliche Panne für Blairs Sicherheitsteam
25.May.2006 Neue Studie: Jugend immer früher geschlechtsreif

25.May 2006 Pharaonengrab: Ägypten erhält antike Schätze aus Deutschland zurück
25.May.2006 Da ist er: 100- Dollar- Laptop erstmals gezeigt
25.May.2006 Schuldspruch: Pakistaner plante Anschlag auf New Yorker U- Bahn
25.May.2006 CDU: Die Frustrierten des Bürgertums

25.May 2006 Nasa: Wettersatellit mit einem Jahr Verspätung im All

25.May 2006 Neue Studie: Viel Schlaf macht schlank
25.May.2006 Grüne Geldanlage: Die neuen Kräfte
25.May.2006 Depression: Botox- Spritze gegen schlechte Laune
25.May.2006 CIA- Agentenaffäre: Cheney muss möglicherweise vor Gericht aussagen
25.May.2006 Osttimor: Unruhen weiten sich aus
25.May.2006 http Promis was at the centre of a major US scandal a decade ago. ...

Rees later turned up at the Maldon Institute. For many years John Rees was a frequent ...,10,009,18,00.htm

http Promis was at the centre of a major US scandal a decade ago. ... Maldon's director, John Rees , infiltrated the political left in the 1970 s + passed the ...,10,009,18,00.htm

00.000.1983 -After Western Goals folded- Rees + his associates pursued a close working ... 92 The Maldon Institute's Advisory board included a number of key ... The Public Eye : Website of Political Research Associates

The Public Eye : Website of Political Research Associates One Maldon consultant and author, John Rees , infiltrated the political left in the ... Credulous media coverage of scandal mongering then helped create a ...
Big Brother's Little Helpers: Private Intelligence Networks ... name should ring a bell with anyone who followed the Contragate scandal ) + John Rees , ... + the Maldon Institute, a new group also headed by Rees . ...

Vanguard News Network Forum - Jewish hate orgs interfere with ... adl's role in the San Francisco spy scandal was hardly unique . ... shadowy world is to show how ADL crossed paths with right - wing spymaster John Rees .

Repression & Ideology - View as HTML wing spymaster John Rees .

In the late 1960 s + early 1970 s Rees + his. wife, Sheila Louise Rees , ... Maldon Institute's Advisory board included a number ...

NucNews - December 21, 2000 What is the Maldon Institute and Who is John Rees ? ... He saw in the Watergate scandal evidence of a "covert vigilante state" where those who challenged ... 25.May.2006,1518,druck-418080,00.html
New York/Washington - In den Zügen sei zunächst das Licht ausgefallen, dann seien sie einfach stehen geblieben, melden die Nachrichtenagenturen AP + Reuters unter Berufung auf Reisende.

Mindestens fünf Züge stecken im Tunnel unter dem Hudson-River fest, auch im B&P Tunnel bei Baltimore blieb ein Zug liegen.