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12.Jan.2005 Große Tiere leben im Allgemeinen länger, sind schneller und stehen in der Nahrungskette weiter oben. Bislang waren Wissenschaftler davon ausgegangen, dass die Säugetiere vor 130 Millionen Jahren eine von den mächtigen Dinosauriern unterdrückte Klasse waren - nagerähnliche Wesen, die im Schatten der Riesenechsen nach Insekten und Samen suchten.

Erst nach dem Aussterben der Riesenechsen vor rund 65 Millionen Jahren, so die verbreitete Meinung, konnten sich die Säuger weiter entwickeln.
Die Entdeckung, dass es schon rund 60 Millionen Jahre früher Fleisch fressende Säugetiere vom Ausmaß heutiger Katzen oder Hunde gab, führt nun zu einer umgekehrten Überlegung:

Möglicherweise könnte sich das Auftreten von Repenomamus auch auf die Saurier-Population ausgewirkt haben.URL:,1518,druck-336511,00.html
Apple-Quartalszahlen: Gewinn vervierfacht

12.Jan.2005 Zweites Begräbnis: Bob Marleys Sarg soll nach Äthiopien


... va aggiunta l' obbiettiva e crescente belligeranza che gli USA dimostrarono contro...

00.Oct.1991 per la realizzazione del esercitazione di difesa " DEFEX 2/92...


Pariser Club: Schuldenmoratorium für alle Tsunami-Länder

12.Jan.2005 Terrorverdacht: US-Behörden zwingen Transatlantik-Maschine zur Umkehr

12.Jan.2005 Gerichtsurteil: Tausende Gefangene rechnen mit Haftreduzierung

12.Jan.2005 Wapenhandel: Hoe Nederland India en Pakistan bewapent... Eerder waren al 39 F-16's geleverd waaraan de Nederlandse industrie (met name, Fokker Woensdrecht en DAF Special Products ) minimaal 20 miljoen gulden verdiende...
¡No Pasarán! Loathing in Paris Fare (fr) Fumaças ( pt ) Impertinências ( pt ) Marretas ( pt ) Mierda en...

19.May 2004 ... Chiraq is passing the collection plate for NGOs...

20041210.. weapons to Secord, Richard + his agents; + GeoMilitech ( GMT ), another...GeoMilitech, founded by Singlaub + Singlaub partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3

The origins of Iran-Contra: Lessons from the Durrani Affair The firm, GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation ( GMT ), was established by Barbara F. Studley, the former beauty queen from Miami who became a conservative...

FTR#489—Second Interview with Robert Parry—(Two 30-minute...After leaving the US Attorney’s Office and going into private practice, Barcella
represented Barbara Studley, the president of GMT, the

12.Jan.2005 ???Der Sog des Wassers hat mich wie eine Rakete mitgerissen“ Richard Ladkani schildert seinen Gang durch die Hölle. ???Plötzlich... Richard Ladkani und seine Anita gingen durch die Hölle. Für.

10.Jan.2005 Badener Zeitung Intern Der Sog des Wassers hat mich wie eine Rakete mitgerissen“Richard Ladkani schildert seinen Gang durch die Hölle ??? Plötzlich...

11.Jan.2005 Filmboost - Suchmaschine für Film + TV Richard Ladkani - An online portfolio featuring the latest work of director of photography Richard Ladkani DP / Kameramann Ralph Kaechele...
10.Jan.2005 - Teamguide:Suchergebnis Richard Ladkani ( München ).Kamera seit 1997. E-Mail: - Teamguide:Suchergebnis Details zur Person. Richard Ladkani 80805 München Deutschland, Kamera eit 1997 E-Mail, >>> Details zur Person. Volker

Richard Ladkani's Online Portfolio an online portfolio featuring the latest work of director of photography Richard Ladkani www.richard / - 10.Jan.2005

richard ladkani, ladkani, donauklšster, tibet, flucht über den...l adkani, donauklšster, tibet, flucht über den himalaya, kameramann, tellux, romy, sixtinische kapelle, regisseur, klšster, dokumentation...
Die nächste Herausforderung wartet allerdings schon Ende dieser Woche auf die Europäer:

Am Freitag schickt die Nasa-Sonde "Cassini" das Esa-Landegerät "Huygens" auf die Oberfläche des geheimnisvollen Saturnmonds Titan.
Sollte diesmal alles glatt gehen, fliegt die Sonde am heutigen Mittwochabend um 19.48 Uhr deutscher Zeit an Bord einer Delta-II-Rakete von Cape Canaveral in den Weltraum.

In nur sechs Monaten soll sie ihr Ziel, den Kometen "Tempel 1", erreichen.
Was dann folgt, wäre eine Premiere für die Raumforschung, denn noch nie hat ein von Menschen gemachtes Objekt einen Kometen berührt. Zudem soll es am 3. Juli nicht bei einer sanften Berührung bleiben. "Deep Impact" setzt ein kühlschrankgroßes Kupfergeschoss aus, das sich - wenn alles planmäßig verläuft - tags darauf mit 37.000 Kilometern pro Stunde in den Kometen bohrt und einen Krater in der Größe eines Stadions schlägt. Auf der Erde hat der "Impactor" ein Gewicht von 372 Kilogramm.
Der Aufprall soll so heftig sein, dass er von Neuseeland bis Arizona mit dem bloßen Auge zu sehen sein soll. Die Gefahr, dass der Komet dabei aus der Bahn geschleudert wird, sehen die Forscher nicht.

Schließlich sei sein Kern sechs Kilometer breit - laut Nasa-Wissenschaftler Don Yeomans "das astronomische Äquivalent einer Boeing 767, die mit einem Moskito kollidiert".
Chandra und Hubble beäugen nackten Kern
Handelsbilanz: USA brechen immer neue Defizitrekorde

12.Jan.2005 Verkehrte Urzeitwelt: Bissiges Säugetier jagte Dinosaurier

12.Jan.2005 Konjunktur: 2004 war gar nicht so schlecht

12.Jan.2005 "Deep Impact": Nasa will Kometen-Kanone ins All schicken

12.Jan.2005 Blu-ray gegen HD-DVD: Durchbruch per Pornografie?

12.Jan.2005 Flutkatastrophe: Trauer und Elend nehmen kein Ende

12.Jan.2005 Irak: USA beenden Suche nach Massenvernichtungswaffen

12.Jan.2005 Klage gegen Motassadeq: 9/11-Hinterbliebene fordern Schadenersatz

12.Jan.2005 Flutkatastrophe: Islamisten nutzen Fluthilfe für ihre Ziele

12.Jan.2005 Entwarnung: Creutzfeldt-Jakob- Katastrophe fällt aus

12.Jan.2005 Niederlande: Radikale Muslime planten Ermordung der Abgeordneten Hirsi

12.Jan.2005 Urteil: Haftstrafe für Ex-NPD-Anwalt Mahler

12.Jan.2005 Bundesgerichtshof: Heimliche Vaterschaftstests haben keine Beweiskraft

12.Jan.2005 Gamer-Studie: Die verkannten Genies

12.Jan.2005 Sri Lanka: Vergewaltigungen in Flüchtlingslagern angeprangert

12.Jan.2005 Schlangenlinien über den Wolken: Betrunkene Pilotin aus dem Verkehr gezogen

12.Jan.2005 Flutprofiteur: Mann wollte Tsunami-Waisen verkaufen

12.Jan.2005 Bundeswehr: KSK-Elitesoldaten sollen zurück an den Hindukusch

12.Jan.2005 Britisches Maut-System: Toll-Collect-Gesellschafter aus dem Rennen

12.Jan.2005 Luftsicherheitsgesetz: Köhler unterschreibt, aber zweifelt

12.Jan.2005 Europaparlament: Klare Mehrheit für EU-Verfassungsvertrag

12.Jan.2005 Katastrophengebiet: Indonesien setzt ausländischen Truppen Frist

12.Jan.2005 Airbus-Zahlen: Boeing bleibt klar die Nummer zwei

12.Jan.2005 Wehrpflicht: SPD will auf Dänisch verteidigen

12.Jan.2005 Imre Kertész: Die Beichte des Folterknechts

12.Jan.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Am Anfang war der Protest"

12.Jan.2005 Deutsche Verbraucherpreise: Inflation erreicht Drei-Jahreshoch

12.Jan.2005 Umfrage: SPD holt auf

12.Jan.2005 Großrazzia: Polizei nimmt mutmaßliche Islamisten fest

"Estamos na pré-história do naturismo", sintetiza Carlos Viegas, 40 anos, presidente da Associação Portuguesa de Naturismo (APN), apesar de tudo satisfeito com o crescimento da actividade em Portugal e no Algarve em particular. Em declarações ao "Jornal do Algarve Magazine", o responsável associativo lamenta a falta de condições para uma prática de qualidade. "Estamos a anos-luz do Norte da Europa, mas também de França, onde desde pequenos os miúdos se habituam a fazer naturismo com a família", reforça, afiançando a existência de um país nórdico em que todas as praias são naturistas e a norma é... andar nu na praia.
Em Portugal não é assim. Claro que vão longe os tempos em que o cabo do mar obrigava os infractores à Lei da decência a tapar as zonas do pecado e os levava para a Capitania, onde eram injuriados. Hoje, como diz o líder da APN, todos os nudistas recatados são tolerados desde que não haja queixas dos vizinhos de areal. Mas falta o conforto e o à-vontade que se encontram noutras paragens. Mesmo no único parque de campismo português com licença para a prática, que o "Jornal do Algarve Magazine" visitou esta semana em Salema, Lagos (ver caixa), as zonas de apoio situam-se na área reservada a campistas vestidos. "Para comprar um gelado o campista temque vestir os calções e andar umas centenas de metros", lamenta Carlos Viegas, que, contudo, enaltece o trabalho em contracorrente da alemã Andrea Wouden-berg, proprietária do sui generis campo.
É precisamente nas imediações daquele parque de campismo que se situa a maior parte das praias naturistas do
Algarve. A preferência dos alemães (país com largas tradições naturistas) pela zona entre Lagos e Sagres é uma das explicações para tal, mas o facto também se explica pela existência de muitas praias escondidas entre falésias, de difícil acesso. Algumas delas são autênticos paraísos, como a Praia das Furnas que o "Jornal do Algarve Magazine" descobriu esta semana na sua "caça" ao naturismo algarvio.
12.Jan.2005 Details issue32.html Issue Number 32 by Daniel Hopsicker October 24—world exclusive  A Learjet belonging to the true owner of the Venice flight school that trained both terrorist pilots who flew into the World Trade Cen...Title issue32
Secrecy & Government Bulletin - Issue Number 32 SECRECY & GOVERNMENT BULLETIN. Issue Number 32. February/March 1994. (tel.202-675-1012). Glickman to Introduce Bill on Classification. Rep...

Secrecy & Government Bulletin - Issue Number 30 SECRECY & GOVERNMENT BULLETIN. Issue Number 30... Internal estimates put the backlog of old classified documents at 32 million pages, or a stack 3.3 miles high.

From Volume 2, Issue Number 32 of Electronic Intelligence Weekly, Published 12.Aug.2003. Iran + Syria Targetted for War by

12.Jan.2005 Heimatschutzminister: Chertoff erobert auch demokratische Herzen

12.Jan.2005 Aufklärung à la Bush: Sex, Lügen und schwangere Teenies

12.Jan.2005 Aberwitzige Warnungen auf US-Produkten: "Schneefräse nicht auf dem Hausdach benutzen"

12.Jan.2005 Großbritannien: Mindestens drei Tote durch Sturmflut

12.Jan.2005 Flutkatastrophe in Indonesien: Hilfe mit Grenzen

12.Jan.2005 Dreifach-Rekord: Forscher finden glühende Giganten

12.Jan.2005 Interview zum Unterrichtsausfall: "Die Länder müssen mehr Lehrer einstellen"

12.Jan.2005 Verschleppt und gefoltert: Wie ein Deutscher unter Qaida-Verdacht geriet

12.Jan.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Am Anfang war der Protest"

12.Jan.2005 Überraschender Rücktritt: Microsofts Finanzchef schmeißt hin

12.Jan.2005 Irak: Bush und Alawi beharren auf Wahltermin

12.Jan.2005 Verschwendung bei der BA: Missmanagement der Immobilien kostet Millionen

12.Jan.2005 Doppeleinkünfte von Politikern: Geheime VW-Richtlinie stammt aus CDU-Ära

12.Jan.2005 Superaugen im All: Satelliten vermessen Tsunami

12.Jan.2005 Fluthilfe: Schröder will nach der Bonner Methode vorgehen

12.Jan.2005 War Inc And who would miss the chance of serving alongside forces from Kellogg Root Brown, Northrop Grumman + DynCorp International - the war professionals?

20041202 Don't forget the Carlyle Group Halliburton in addition to Kellogg Root Brown Wackenhut & Lockheed Martin are in on it too.


12.Jan.2005 Re: Israel controls NASA, Rumsfeld manipulates NORAD.. based on the work of Nicolas Tesla + E-Systems, the CIA's favorite contractor, besides > Halliburton + Wackenhut + Kellogg Root Brown + Roots &...

12.Jan.2005 Kellogg Root Brown - Info on Kellogg Root Brown Resource Directory + Search Engine. Internet Search -Tips. Search Results for: Kellogg Root Brown...

Re: Israel plays its octopus tentacle deep inside NASA... patents based on the work of Nicolas Tesla + E-Systems,

the CIA's favorite contractor, besides> Halliburton + Wackenhut + Kellogg Root Brown + Coots &...

11.Jan.2005 Intel-Quartalszahlen: Umsatz steigt auf Rekordniveau

11.Jan.2005 THE BLOODLESS COUP 00.Dec.1965, CIA officer Robert G. Gately replaced Mindlin, + in 00.Jan.1966, Forum Services became Forum World

MILLIONS GIVEN TO BIN LADEN... a key congressional committee on counterterrorism. Former CIA official Gene Gately agrees. "Saudi Arabia has this track record

Top Mexican Off-Limits to US Drug Agents The CIA responded tersely that they had no such information about Cervantes, an assessment that other officials... He was very nervous about the deal," Gately said...

October 25, 2004 - Today's News - CSO... startled officer open fire + pumped a few pellet rounds into Gately's chest... Security Guard is Arson Suspect, CIA Runs Secret Prison, Bratton Mentioned for Top...

The Sixties Until three years ago Holmes was head of the CIA library, helping analysts "put... Susan Wakeman Davis 00.000.1969 was named partner in the Gately & Associates certified

11.Jan.2005 E. Africa Bombings Report "Remember, there was a great deal known about bin Laden's group long before the embassy bombings," said Gene Gately, a retired CIA official who is vice...

Church & Scaife: Secular Conservative Philanthropies waging- Managing the finances for Scaife was Robert Gene Gately, a CIA officer who later headed the CIA station in Bangkok (Conason + Lyons, 2000)...

17.Mar.2001 Birthdays and Events

00.000.1976 Singer Stephen Gately (Boyzone... 1997: Anthony Lake asked President Clinton to withdraw his nomination to be CIA director, saying the partisan confirmation...
Sep.2001 Fundraising Dinner with EDWINA GATELY... R CIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) – journey of faith open to all interested in exploring the Catholic

26.Aug.2001 R CIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) – journey of faith open to all interested in exploring the Catholic faith – to start. Speaker: Edwina Gately.

Ex Customs agent exposes Clinton Drug War Carman cited the case of William Gately, a senior Customs agent who ran a probe... when the targets get too close to presidential friends or the CIA, they just...

11.Jan.2005 Shlonkom Bakazay? Like a predictable movie. You knew it was coming. And so here is Shaalann positioning himself to be USA s next delusional leader at the helm in Baghdad...

11.Jan.2005 US-Heimatschutzminister Chertoff: Lächelndes Fallbeil

11.Jan.2005 Abu-Ghureib-Prozess: "Er hat gelacht, gepfiffen und gesungen"

11.Jan.2005 Kontrollen wegen Flutkatastrophe: Bundesgrenzschutz sucht nach entführten Kindern

20050106 Satellite picture page of the tsunami... the first video footage of its Dimona nuclear plant, a... what experts believe to be an atomic bomb factory...

11.Jan.2005 A Cosmic guard - PRAVDA.Ru One of the Russian scientists stated that all of the program"s counterparts have been worked out. "We possess nuclear means + a rocket space apparatuses...

11.Jan.2005 Politrix dot Org - Department of Pork Barrel Security Questions. Gannon, staff director of the House Select Committee on... + more recently assuming control of arms smuggling investigations...

In the meantime, ICE has had to take...

Intelcon National Intelligence Conference + Exposition Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on... of the highly acclaimed book

Black Ice : The Invisible... Large to the US-Soviet Strategic Arms Reduction Talks...

09.Jan.2004 Washington Office... its “Report of the Select Committee on... involving the illegal export of US arms + strategic... ICE made 1,368 arrests + brought 895 indictments for...


Before the House Select Committee on Homeland Security

Before the House Select Committee on Homeland Security... airspace security + support operations, ICE ’s Office... the capacity to integrate these arms effectively...

Plans for global tsunami early warning system gain momentum (AFP)

Plans to create a global early warning system that could avert another tragedy on the scale of the Asian tsunami disaster gained momentum as the UN education + scientific agency said it would take the lead in coordinating the effort.

Thai Tsunami Forecaster Was Clairvoyant (AP)
AP -

Until two weeks ago, Smith Thammasaroj was a prophet without honor.

00.000.1998 -in- As chief of Thailand's meteorological department, he was accused of scare-mongering when he warned that the country's southwest coast could face a deadly tsunami.
Bild des Tages: Leuchtende Lasergestalten

11.Jan.2005 Fotostrecke: Bushs neue Minister

11.Jan.2005 Irak: Britischer Soldat wegen Misshandlung von Zivilisten verurteilt

11.Jan.2005 Politikon... vasc. Fulvio Mafera (Pisa, 725) gen. Gianadelio Maletti (Roma, 499) dott... EDGARDO SOGNO Del Vallino (Torino, 786) Ugo Soldani (Firenze, 718) dott...

11.Jan.2005 Membri della loggia P2 : Indymedia Italia 46 STT VASC FULVIO MAFERA PISA ATTIVO 725 GEN GIANADELIO MALETTI ROMA ATTIVO 499...

20041206... Count Edgardo Sogno already knew: the USA would have supported any initiative tending to keep the communists out of government.".

00. Mar.2001 General Maletti,

Astronomen haben ein gigantisches Schwarzes Loch beim Vertilgen ungeheurer Mengen von Materie ertappt.

Die kosmische Fressorgie hat den größten Gasausbruch ausgelöst, der jemals im Universum beobachtet wurde.

Er hat zwei Hohlräume in die Heimatgalaxie des Molochs geblasen, die jeweils doppelt so groß sind wie die Milchstraße.

11.Jan.2005 Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität, Nachrichten-Archiv Flamigni befaßt sich dabei besonders mit der Rolle des

00.000.2000 verstorbenen Grafen Edgardo Sogno, einem Agenten UK-USA Geheimdienst- +... 9. Jan. 2005

Gerhard Feldbauer, Ein Spitzenpolitiker vor Gericht

00.000.1990 -Als- mutige Richter, Journalisten + Politikwissenschaftler das NATO-Projekt "Gladio" aufdeckten, gab General Edgardo Sogno zu, die geheime Truppe hätte...
Fußnoten Edgardo Sogno, der 00.000.1953 in Paris die Kurse des Defense College in psychologischer Kriegsführung absolviert hatte,

00.000.1954 -kehrte nach Italien zurück- + baute die...

12 Die erste Verhaftung Wir hatten uns in den Büros von Edgardo Sogno 12.Feb.---- in Mailand umgeschaut + uns Hunderter Briefe, Namenslisten von Politikern, Diplomaten, Militärs...
ZOOM 4+5/1996 - Belgien. Gewerkschaften zu provozieren.

00.000.1954 Der in Putschversuche verwickelte Monarchist Edgardo Sogno gründete diese Bewegung. Rechtsextreme.

11.Jan.2005 A proposito di revesionismo e di... Sogno (Edgardo)

... a Cassano Magnago venne tolta la targa stradale dedicata a Salvador Allende, a Varese "inventando" una piazza nominata a Edgardo Sogno, etc...), pubblicando...

Edgardo Sogno: cosa pensarne? Edgardo Sogno : cosa pensarne? A un anno... Edoardo Pezzoni Mauri. Edgardo Sogno con il collega, ambasciatore Sergio Romano (da Monte Bianco )

00.000.1915 -è nato a Torino nel- Biografia Edgardo Sogno. Conseguita la maturità...SOGNO RATA Edgardo Pietro Andrea, count, nob. del Vallino

11.Jan.2005 20041206... General Maletti's men were warned in advance of the attack but took no action to prevent it + failed to pass on their information about Bertoli, even after the...

Bush-Bierkrug zur Erinnerung AP Bush-Lampe: Merchandise zum Amtsantritt
Personen oder Firmen, die den von den Republikanern festgelegten Maximalbetrag von 250.000 Dollar spenden, erlangen den begehrten Status eines so genannten underwriters.

Neben Tickets bekommen die Mega-Spender Zugang zu jenen Party-Bereichen, in denen sich der Präsident und sein Vize, Dick Cheney, aufhalten.
Nach Angaben des "Wall Street Journal" konnte Bush bisher insgesamt 18 Millionen Dollar einsammeln. Zwölf Millionen davon als Großspenden von US-Unternehmen.

Zu den underwriters gehören unter anderem AT&T, Bank of America, United Parcel Service und American Financial Group.

Mindestens 100.000 Dollar gespendet haben etwa PepsiCo, Goldman Sachs oder Computer Associates.
Geberkonferenz in Genf: Egeland verlangt verbindliche Zusagen

11.Jan.2005 Nicht immun: Firefox und Mozilla mit Sicherheitslücke

11.Jan.2005 Flutkatastrophe: Islamisten nutzen Fluthilfe für ihre Ziele

11.Jan.2005 USA: Bush ernennt Chertoff zum Minister für Heimatschutz

11.Jan.2005 Umfrage: Bush punktet mit der Tsunami-Hilfe

11.Jan.2005 Vaterschaft: Datenschützer für Verbot geheimer Tests

Die neurobiologische Herausforderung trifft uns, weil sie die Idee der Verantwortung und den Sinn moralischer Empfindungen in Frage stellt. Hätte die Hirnforschung die Willensfreiheit widerlegt, so müssten wir umdenken: Therapie statt Schuld und Sühne, Mitleid statt Groll und Empörung. Es wäre eine Revolution in unserem Menschenbild. Ist sie nötig?
Nein, denn diejenige Freiheit, die durch keine Hirnforschung widerlegt werden kann, reicht für Verantwortung. Wir knüpfen Verantwortung nicht an einen unbewegten Beweger oder einen nicht-physischen Willen. Wir prüfen, ob jemand denkend Kontrolle über seinen Willen auszuüben vermochte oder nicht. Im ersten Fall schreiben wir Verantwortung zu, im anderen nicht.
Man kann Philosophie als den Versuch beschreiben, sich im Denken zu orientieren. Als Kinder lernen wir Wörter wie "Freiheit" und "Verantwortung". Wir plappern sie nach. Später entdecken wir, dass uns gar nicht klar ist, was wir sagen; wir merken es, sobald wir uns verstolpern. Dann müssen wir über den logischen Ort dieser Begriffe nachdenken - wie wenn man sich für eine Stadt, in der man bisher nur herumgeirrt ist, einen Stadtplan zurechtlegt. Philosophen sind die Kartografen unseres Denkens bei den allgemeinsten Themen. Und die Karte der Freiheit zeigt: Wir brauchen kein neues Menschenbild, wir müssen das alte nur richtig verstehen.
Man darf verschiedene Perspektiven nicht vermischen. Denken wir uns jemanden, der ein Bild zerlegte, um herauszufinden, was es darstellt: Wir würden ihn für verrückt halten - verrückt im Sinne eines Kategorienfehlers. Es geht nie gut, wenn wir Fragen, die sich auf der einen Beschreibungsebene stellen, auf einer anderen zu beantworten suchen. Es entstehen begriffliche Vexierbilder, die uns verhexen können.
Wie beim Gemälde, so auch beim Menschen. Es gibt eine physiologische Geschichte über den Menschen, zu der auch die Geschichte über das neurobiologische Geschehen gehört. Daneben gibt es eine psychologische Geschichte, in der er als eine Person beschrieben wird. Aus dieser Perspektive wird ihm vieles zugeschrieben, das in der ersten Geschichte nicht Thema sein kann, weil diese Geschichte dafür gar nicht die begrifflichen Mittel hat: Wille, Überlegungen, Entscheidungen. Nehmen wir an, jemand zerlegte einen Menschen (natürlich nur im Tomografen), um herauszufinden, was er will, überlegt und entscheidet. Wäre er nicht auch verrückt - im selben Sinne wie beim Gemälde?
In Wirklichkeit folgt aus der Hirnforschung nichts dergleichen. Was wie eine beinharte empirische Widerlegung der Willensfreiheit daherkommt, ist ein Stück abenteuerliche Metaphysik. Wie lässt sich diese freche Behauptung rechtfertigen?
Amtseinführung: Bushs gesponserte 40-Millionen-Party

11.Jan.2005 Debatte zur Hirnforschung: "Unser Wille ist frei"

11.Jan.2005 Tsunami-Vorhersage: Der deutsche Frühwarn-Ehrgeiz

11.Jan.2005 Faschismus-Eklat: Fifa darf vorerst nicht gegen Di Canio ermitteln

11.Jan.2005 Guantanamo: US-Regierung lässt britische Gefangene frei

11.Jan.2005 Flutopfer: Über 40 vermisste Deutsche melden sich zurück

10.000 oder mehr Schwarze Löcher und Neutronensterne glauben Astronomen im Zentrum der Milchstraße entdeckt zu haben.

Das zentrale Schwarze Loch im Sternbild des Schützen (Sagittarius) dürfte demzufolge von einem großen Schwarm kleinerer Verwandter umgeben sein.

Diese extreme Dichte solcher Objekte war in theoretischen Berechnungen bereits vorhergesagt worden.

Daten des Nasa-Röntgenteleskops Chandra hätten diese Vorhersage nun bestätigt, sagte Michael Muno von der University of California in Los Angeles auf einer Konferenz der American Astronomical Society in San Diego.

Bereits im November hatten Astronomen über die Entdeckung eines zweiten Schwarzen Lochs im Zentrum unserer Galaxie berichtet.
Guantanamo: USA wollen Briten und Australier freilassen

11.Jan.2005 Milchstraße: Schwarm Schwarzer Löcher entdeckt

Herald Sun: Nature's mega-brute [02jan05]... was swallowing water and things were hitting me + then it all died down + I came up for air + there was debris all over me," says Sarah Bisogni, a guest...,5478,11828993%255E661,00.html
Aceh: Militär warnt vor Rebellenangriffen auf Helfer

11.Jan.2005 Abu-Ghureib-Prozess: Zeugenaussagen belasten Graner

11.Jan.2005 Neuer Palästinenserpräsident Abbas: "Wir reichen unserem Nachbarn die Hand"

11.Jan.2005 Konferenz in Genf: Uno bittet Geberländer zur Kasse

11.Jan.2005 Scientists, Doctors and Researchers warn of fluoridated in every 30 children in the United States suffers harmful... Several states, including Nevada, have laws that identify chemicals used... View California 00.000.1985... /

There are simply too many
irregularities to be a coincidence.

It also seems that there are more votes that were cast than people casting them. In Florida there was more than 160 thousand more votes. I will find out more about the other states that used the machines soon.  

In fact there were so many glitches and irregularities the House Democrats are calling for an inquiry  to investigate voter fraud. With complaints topping 1000 it is going to be hard to ignore...

Vote Fraud? URL:
That is not a democracy my friends, that is Feudalist, or worse,
Fascist. When was the last time you voted on a law that you were meant to follow, or voted how your tax money should be spent? That is right, not once. URL:
I love my country very much! Yes I think about leaving, because that would be the easy way. I will, of course, not leave as I would rather stick around and work to make this country well again. I cannot beleive that my fellow Americans have given George W. Bush a second term. It really makes me angry until I look at the statistics. 59% of Americans actually took the time out of their busy schedules to vote. Only 51% of those people voted for Bush, so using those numbers we know that only about 30% of Americans truly want George Bush as President.
You hear that Mr. Bush only 30% of the people in this country support you!
However, even that angers me a bit, why didn't the other 40% of this country get off their ass and vote? Couldn't be bothered with saving this country and this world from a maniac I guess.

Now is the time to act, to head the words spoken by our forefathers. To rise up and take this country back, wrestle it out of the hands of the Neo-Cons. The time for complacency is over, we cannot let this continue! There are over 200 million people in this country that are not supporters of Bush and his agenda, come on people we cannot be ignored.
Der nur anderen gepredigte oder auferlegte völlige Gewaltverzicht kaschiert die eigene Aggression + bereitet Gewaltanwendung durch deren Rechtfertigung als Gegengewalt vor."

00.000.1914-00.000.1989 Friedrich Hacker, deutsch-US-amerikanischer Psychologe + Psychiater

10.Jan.2005 MILLIONS GIVEN TO BIN LADEN... terrorist threat in the world + if Osama bin Laden has been lying low in a remote part of Afghanistan, it is... Former CIA official Gene Gately agrees..

AYA - Blue Print... present as speakers. This year Gene Gately ’53, back from Afghanistan + the CIA, gave us a first-hand report. Over the E. Africa Bombings Report... but for now he is believed to be beyond reach in Afghanistan... Laden's group long before the embassy bombings," said Gene Gately, a retired CIA official who... Live Online 2003 World Transcript Archive. regularly holds live online events where experts answer questions from


20041210... 1986 (198). GATELY ROBERT GENE : Covert Action Information Bullet00.000.1980-#10 (42).GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION : Herman. CIA in Afghanistan -...

Via Media Methodists - Home - Gathering Place for Moderate +...the finances for Scaife was Robert Gene Gately, a CIA... official, the senior leadership of the CIA had had... up for the core program in Afghanistan /

NLS/BPH: Talking Book Topics, July-August 2004.. the World RC 55924 by Iain Gately read by Bill... Sixty Minutes producer relates the CIA's secret war... Douglas MacArthur's forces, Navy lieutenant Gene Clark and

10.Jan.2005 Ventura – KUSH00.CHP View as HTML Kansi was a CIA informant during the war + now is under protection among followers of the rabidly anti-Western Hekmatyar. It was also Afghanistan where the...

10.Jan.2005 Ukraine: Juschtschenko offiziell zum Wahlsieger erklärt

10.Jan.2005 Prozess gegen US-Soldaten: Anwalt bestreitet Folter in Abu Ghureib

10.Jan.2005 Tsunami-Katastrophe: Politiker-Besuche blockieren Fluthilfe

10.Jan.2005 Colin’s Crocodile Tears for Sumatra : I can’t wait for Colin Powell to disappear. He will do so in a couple weeks, probably to reemerge sometime in the future as a presidential candidate or a front man for the plutocrats who rule Congress. In the meantime, we have to endure the corporate media circus that quotes Powell as he witnesses the devastation of Indonesia

10.Jan.2005 The 'tsunami' victims that we don't count: In Iraq we kill off thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of innocent civilians with our own hands + we reject any attempt to comprehend what we have done. Countless Iraqi civilians are homeless. We call it liberation.

10.Jan.2005 The right to rule ourselves : For nearly a century, democracy has been denied to the Arabs by the west. There is little sign of that changing

10.Jan.2005 Gulf War victims overpaid by $5 billion: UN auditors: The United Nations overpaid by as much as $5 billion to individuals, companies and Gulf states for losses in Iraq’s 1990 invasion and occupation of Kuwait, auditors’ documents showed on Sunday.

10.Jan.2005 Gonzales is unfit to be AG : Gonzales has condoned a relaxation of the legal definition of the word torture so that such torments as half drowning a man, setting needles under his fingernails, or locking him on a concrete floor in a fetal position for 24 hours or longer are no longer considered to be torture in a legal context.

10.Jan.2005 Gonzales: Not with a bang but a whimper: As the protest against Bush's certification fell flat and they rolled over for Gonzales, it was a day of humiliation and futility for Democrats.

10.Jan.2005 Gonzales failed first truth test : Once again The Republic has missed the point. It is not the memo that Alberto Gonzales wrote to President Bush that disqualifies him as attorney general. It is his chronic denial of responsibility for the Abu Ghraib atrocity and all the backlashes it generated.

10.Jan.2005 Gonzalez confirmation hearing ignored US / Jordan torture links and legislative junket to Israel to witness 'anti-terror' exercizes

10.Jan.2005 Does the Right Remember Abu Ghraib Abuses? : It was Gonzales who helped craft some of the administration’s worst domestic decisions, including the indefinite detention, without access to lawyers, of US citizens Jose Padilla + Yaser Esam Hamdi.

10.Jan.2005 Penance or Benevolence? : With their country preparing for the presidency of the G8, British officials are on a marathon for depicting their country as a caretaker of the interest of the world poorest nations 

10.Jan.2005 U.S. Officer Tells of Order to Lie in Abuse Probe: A senior U.S. Army officer ordered soldiers to lie to investigators probing an incident in which two Iraqi civilians were pushed from a bridge and one may have drowned in the Tigris River, an army major testified

10.Jan.2005 The Salvador Option’: The Pentagon may put Special-Forces-led assassination or kidnapping teams in Iraq

10.Jan.2005 In case you missed it: U.S. ranks 27th in world social progress: In the U.S., Estes, who has researched world social development for 30 years, found the pace of social development to be "on hold" since 1980, putting the U.S. on the same level as Poland and Slovenia in the current "report card."

10.Jan.2005 Bush 'the king' blows $50m on coronation : President's lavish inauguration is 'obscene' when US troops are dying in Iraq war, say critics

10.Jan.2005 Congress passes `doomsday' plan: With no fanfare, the U.S. House has passed a controversial doomsday provision that would allow a handful of lawmakers to run Congress if a terrorist attack or major disaster killed or incapacitated large numbers of congressmen.

10.Jan.2005 Max Hastings: Phoney war : It’s about time our leaders stopped playing political games and accepted that ‘international terror’ cannot be defeated by conventional military means

10.Jan.2005 Let Bin Laden stay free, says CIA man : THE world may be better off if Osama Bin Laden remains at large, according to the CIA ’s recently departed executive director.

10.Jan.2005 Cocaine now cheaper than a cappuccino : The failure of the government's policy to stem drug imports is revealed today by research which shows that Britain is awash with cheap drugs, with a line of cocaine now costing less than a cappuccino.

10.Jan.2005 Halliburton wins drilling tender in Iran:

00.Jul.2004 -in- A US grand jury issued a subpoena to the Texan firm, seeking information about its Cayman Islands unit’s work in Iran, where it is illegal for US companies to operate.

10.Jan.2005 India finds a $40bn friend in Iran: India's oil diplomacy took a giant leap forward on Friday when New Delhi unveiled a multibillion-dollar deal with Iran and Russia that will be crucial to India's long-term energy security

10.Jan.2005 China oil firm 'plans Unocal bid' : Chinese energy giant CNOOC is planning a major acquisition which could hugely boost its Asian assets, reports say

10.Jan.2005 We do not condone torture’: Judge Richard Leon asked Deputy Associate Attorney General Brian Boyle whether detention is legal if the evidence on which detainees are being held was extracted entirely through torture. “Torture is illegal,” said the judge. “We all know that.”

10.Jan.2005 Guantanamo: Three years on: Today is the anniversary of the founding of America's prison camp for 'enemy combatants' + despite evidence of systematic abuse and widespread international condemnation it looks set to stay open

10.Jan.2005 Ukraine orders troops home from Iraq: Ukraine's outgoing president has ordered officials to draw up plans to withdraw the country's 1,600 troops home from Iraq in the first half of 2005 after eight of its soldiers were killed in a blast.

10.Jan.2005 El Salvador-style 'death squads' to be deployed by US against Iraq militants : Under the so-called “El Salvador option”, Iraqi and American forces would be sent to kill or kidnap insurgency leaders, even in Syria, where some are thought to shelter.

10.Jan.2005 America's Death Squads : They're murdering innocents in Iraq : Six months in jail – for a wanton murder. That's fair, now isn't it? It is if the victim is Iraqi + the murderers are four American soldiers – that's what a military court recently decided + it's a verdict that tells us everything we need to know about the "liberation" of Iraq.

10.Jan.2005 Warning From a Student of Democracy's Collapse By Chris Hedges
FRITZ STERN, a refugee from Hitler's Germany and a leading scholar of European history, startled several of his listeners when he warned in a speech about the danger posed in this country by the rise of the Christian right. In his address in November, just after he received a prize presented by the German foreign minister, he told his audience that Hitler saw himself as "the instrument of providence" and fused his "racial dogma with a Germanic Christianity."
"Some people recognized the moral perils of mixing religion and politics," he said of prewar Germany, "but many more were seduced by it. It was the pseudo-religious transfiguration of politics that largely ensured his success, notably in Protestant areas."

10.Jan.2005 Thailand: Panne bei der Leichenidentifizierung

10.Jan.2005 US-Publikumslieblinge: Michael Moore ganz knapp vor Jesus

10.Jan.2005 Faschisten-Gruß: Kommunisten fordern Anklage gegen Di Canio

10.Jan.2005 Eskimo-Workshop: Iglu zum Selbersägen

10.Jan.2005 Weltrekord: Deutschland jetzt Nummer eins bei Solaranlagen

10.Jan.2005 Olivenöl-Kur: Mediterrane Kost schützt vor Krebs

10.Jan.2005 Kampf gegen Aufständische im Irak: Pentagon erwägt Salvador-Option

Die Fähigkeit zur Sprachunterscheidung sei beim Menschen die Voraussetzung für den Spracherwerb. Da Ratten keine menschliche Sprache erlernen können, vermuten die Forscher, dass es sich hier wohl um ein Nebenprodukt generell hoch entwickelter Wahrnehmungsfähigkeiten handele. Möglicherweise deuteten die Beobachtungen auf eine Art evolutionären Vorläufer von Sprache hin.
Schon nach dem Hören weniger Worte können Menschen eine Sprache identifizieren, selbst wenn sie diese gar nicht beherrschen. Diese Fähigkeit gilt als wichtige Voraussetzung für das Erlernen einer Sprache. Doch auch Ratten sind in der Lage, verschiedene Mundarten zu erkennen, wie spanische Wissenschaftler jetzt herausgefunden haben. Die Nagetiere können sogar zwischen Holländisch und Japanisch unterscheiden.
Ratten erkennen eine Sprache am Rhythmus und an der Intonation, berichten Juan Toro und seine Kollegen vom Parc Cientific in Barcelona im Fachmagazin "Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes" (Ausg. 31, Nr. 1). "Es war verblüffend zu sehen, dass Ratten bestimmte Strukturen wahrnehmen können, die offensichtlich bei der Sprachentwicklung des Menschen eine wichtige Rolle spielen", sagte der Hirnforscher.
Öl für Lebensmittel": Prüfer stellen enorme Schlampereien bei der Uno fest

10.Jan.2005 USA: Schwerer Wintersturm fordert mehrere Tote

10.Jan.2005 Nahostkonflikt: Israel begrüßt Abbas' Wahl

10.Jan.2005 Überraschung: Ratten können Sprachen erkennen

10.Jan.2005 Sparsame Deutsche: Drittes Krisenjahr für Restaurants und Kneipen

10.Jan.2005 The Rise of Authoritarianism and the Racist Drug War The Rise of Authoritarianism. And the Racist Drug War. by Bob Fritakis. Dissident Voice. 22.Apr.2003. The only reason George W. Bush...

10.Jan.2005 December, 2001 Columbus Alive... An article appeared recently in a publication, Columbus Alive by Bob Fritakis + Fritz Chess, titled Stormy Weather -The government's top-secret efforts to...

10.Jan.2005 Protest Stolen Election 2004 Shows the Florida data. Bob Fritakis at Free Press.Found here:

Lilliths Realm - ATPC - NOTES and REFERENCES... Alma in Greece; Fiat and Inveco in Italy; Alphasafety in Luxembourg; DAF Special Products Division in the Netherlands; Nauteknik Defence & Security in Norway...

20041219... DAF Special Products Division in the Netherlands; Nauteknik Defence & Security in Norway; Bravia -- Sodedade Luso-Brasileira & ITB in Portugal ; DEFEX + Santa

20050106... DAF Special Products Division in the Netherlands; Nauteknik Defence & Security in Norway; Bravia -- Sodedade Luso...

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT... of accountability in the decision making and the political use of such technologies to disguise the level of violence being deployed by state security forces.

Allerdings hat das Vertrauen von Raytheon in die eigene Technik vor kurzem ein wenig gelitten:

Beim ersten seit zwei Jahren angesetzten Flugtest einer von den Firmeningenieuren startklar gemachten Killerrakete blieb das Geschoss wegen eines "unbekannten Fehlers" im Silo sitzen.
Automatik: Mondlandung mit Waffentechnik

10.Jan.2005 Flutwelle: Mann überlebt zwei Wochen im offenen Meer

10.Jan.2005 Washington Memo: Hot Topic: How U.S. Might Disengage in Iraq

10.Jan.2005 Börsenausblick: US-Zahlenreigen beginnt

10.Jan.2005 Flutkatastrophe: Fischer ruft zu langfristiger Hilfe auf

10.Jan.2005 Finanznot: Gewerkschaften planen Ausverkauf von Beteiligungen

10.Jan.2005 SPD-Klausur: Die Suche nach der großen Linie

10.Jan.2005 Hilfseinsatz: Hubschrauber in Banda Aceh abgestürzt

10.Jan.2005 Asien: Neues Seebeben vor Sumatra

10.Jan.2005 Technologie-Rückstand: Wie New Yorks Börse zweitklassig wurde

00.000.1992 -Back in- the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network known as FinCEN + the FBI were reviewing accusations that entrepreneur Bath guided money to Houston from Saudi investors who wanted to influence U.S. policy under the Reagan + Bush administrations.
... once before, the bin Laden family profited handsomely because of Osama bin Laden's terrorist actions.

00.000.1996 -after the Khobar Towers were destroyed- The bin Laden family was hired to rebuild a U.S. Air Force base in Saudi Arabia .

Osama bin Laden was the chief suspect in that bombing.
Osama bin Laden and various stock trades : Coincidences and capitalist terrorists.
More on:
The Bush-Bin Laden Money Connection

What the CIA bio conveniently fails to specify (in its unclassified form, at least) is that the bin Laden's Maktab al-Khidamar (MAK)(A Group before Taliban), was nurtured by Pakistan's state security services, the Inter-Services Intelligence agency, or ISI, the CIA's primary conduit for conducting the covert war against Moscow's occupation.

Bin Laden's ties to the CIA

CHRONOLOGY : The Bushes And The Carlyle Group

10.Jan.2005 Texas to Florida: White House-linked clandestine operation paid...

Marcos and Khashoggi set about to create Five Star Trust 00.000.1983 as a means to... who were done in by this fraud, namely, people like Max Cleland, Gray Davis, Al...

10.Jan.2005 Trento,S. The Power House. 1992 KHASHOGGI ADNAN (199, 261, 369); KIM HYUNG WOOK (102, 111); KIMMITT ROBERT M (123.RAMON (270-3, 276-99); LAUDER RONALD STEVEN (154); LAWLER JOHN ( GRAY COMPANY)

Emerson,S. The American House of Saud. 1985 GRAY GERALD E (74); GRAY HARRY JACK (195-7); GRAY ROBERT KEITH (336-48); GRIMSTEAD...KHASHOGGI ADNAN (114, 307, 361-2, 408); KILLGORE ANDREW I (254-7, 293); KIPPER...

10.Jan.2005 Former Iranian Shah Official Warns US of Terrorist Attack.

John Gray - When Khashoggi's Genesis Intermedia went bankrupt, John Gray helped him loot the company for several hundred million...

What Do 9/11 & Heaven's Gate Have In Common?... Is there anything about author Gray, other than his association with Khashoggi ,which suggests his truthfulness might be in question?...

Political Friendster - Adnan Khashoggi Link Adnan Khashoggi to: Australian Business Foundation.

Political Friendster - Gray Davis Link Gray Davis to: Australian Business Foundation.
The BCCI Affair According to Mr. Gray, Rogers officially left the White House on

06.Aug.---- the... in San Mateo, California on 27.Aug. which Bamieh hosted for Adnan Khashoggi

10.Jan.2005 John Gray Dossier In order to try and sort these conflicting stories out for myself, I set about seeing what I could find out about Gray and Khashoggi...

19.Oct.2004 #2: Ruppert vs. Hopsicker, Thorn

This is the clincher in my opinion, coming on top of the already well-documented connection between Gray + Ramy el Batrawi, Khashoggi's henchman...
The MadCow Morning News

For whatever reason, associates of Gray & Khashoggi apparently feel they belong to a charmed circle of people that fiscal watchdogs in the US have given the...

The MadCow Morning News

Gray is being sued with Khashoggi in a financial scam they allegedly participated in involving Genesis Intermedia, a company incorporated by Michael Roy Fugler...

10.Jan.2005 Nahost: Mahmud Abbas wird neuer Präsident der Palästinenser


09.Jan.2005 World Anti-Communist League -A key supporting role

in the 1980 Bolivian "Cocaine Coup" of neo-fascists and drug lords was played by the World Anti-Communist League, led by WWII. fascist war criminal Ryoichi Sasakawa of Japan + the Rev. Sun Myong Moon.

Georg Hodel, "Evita, Swiss and the Nazi's", The Consortium for Independent Journalism, 07.Jan.1999

Impact on America
Singlaub supplied weapons and training to Philippine counter-subversives. This became a model used by Larry Pratt, former advisor to the Reagan and Bush administrations on Latin America + author of "Armed People Victorious". Shortly after the Ruby Ridge stand-off between the FBI and white supremacist Randy Weaver, Pratt proposed at a meeting in Estes Park, Colorado the formation of militias as a direct action armed formation to defend gun rights, based on the model of armed Christian evangelical forces that had fought insurgencies in the Philippines and Guatemala.
Reactionary Forces Link up in Militias
Singlaub was honored, along with other prominent contras like Adolfo Calero and his brother, by Bill Clinton with an "Arkansas Traveller" award. Source:
Untitled material on Drug-running and Arkansas

09.Jan.2005 Attorney Lynne Stewart Blasts Gv't. Terror Case Against Her: She is accused of conspiring to assist terrorists in a case that is being watched closely by lawyers around the country. She faces up to 45 years in prison. Lynne Stewart joins us in our firehouse studio.

10.Jan.2005 Five Senators + Eight House Members to Challenge Election: Four Senators Join Boxer, Seven House Members Join Conyers

10.Jan.2005 Democrats to Force Debate on Ohio Results : A small group of Democrats agreed Thursday to force House + Senate debates on Election Day problems in Ohio before letting Congress certify President Bush's win over Sen. John Kerry in November.

10.Jan.2005 Wash. GOP Demands New Governor Election : State Republicans Wednesday charged that hundreds of provisional ballots may have been counted on Election Day without being verified.

10.Jan.2005 Liberty for Haitian priest – justice denied other political prisoners : After a demonstration calling for Haiti’s return to democracy, the pro-Aristide activist had been arrested, beaten by police and needed medical attention. But health care’s not easy to come by in a Port-au-Prince jail.

10.Jan.2005 They Say They Can Lock You Up for Life Without a Trial:

09.Jan.2005 Dangers of questioning government actions: It has been almost a month since he died + I haven't been able to get Gary Webb out of my mind.

00.000.1996 – in-Gary Webb is the investigative reporter who produced a series of stories, on the connections between the Central Intelligence Agency + the Nicaraguan contras.

09.Jan.2005 Bush quake aid group to be dissolved : The “core group” of nations announced by US President George W. Bush to channel aid to victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami will be dissolved on Thursday after only eight days as the United Nations takes control of the international relief effort

10.Jan.2005 Sidney Blumenthal: The neocons have a hand in Aceh, too : US support for Indonesia's army is compromising its relief effort

10.Jan.2005 Why did US base escape tsunami?: Following the tsunami, conspiracy rumours have been circulating on the internet of how the US base at Diego Garcia managed to avoid casualties while other islands suffered huge losses.

09.Jan.2005 The Army Reserve, "is rapidly degenerating into a 'broken' force: "The purpose of this memorandum is to inform you of the Army Reserve's inability to meet mission requirements" in Iraq and Afghanistan "and to reset and regenerate its forces for follow-on and future missions,"

10.Jan.2005 US seeks to buy ammunition from Taiwan as stocks run low after Iraq: report: The United States is planning to buy hundreds of millions of bullets from Taiwan in the first such deal as its supplies are running low after wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, a report said Thursday.

09.Jan.2005 Army Doctors Implicated in Torture: U.S. Army doctors violated the Geneva Conventions by helping intelligence officers carry out abusive interrogations at military detention centers

10.Jan.2005 U.S. sent Australian citizen to Egypt for torture before Guantanamo : U.S. authorities in late 2001 forcibly transferred an Australian citizen to Egypt, where, he alleges, he was tortured for six months before being flown to the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay

10.Jan.2005 New Guantanamo abuse cases surface: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) released newly obtained documents on Wednesday, one of which included a disturbing account of an interrogation in late 2002.

10.Jan.2005 U.S. Torture: What Did Rumsfeld Know?: ACLU releases documents of U.S. torture of detainees by more than 'a few bad apples'

10.Jan.2005 Aussie official saw abuse: Habib: AN Australian consular official watched US guards aggressively subdue and then take "trophy" photographs of alleged Australian terrorist Mamdouh Habib in Pakistan in October 2001, according to US court documents.

10.Jan.2005 Ray McGovern: Torture:  It's Just Plain Wrong: My professional credentials are in intelligence, but I believe the nomination of Alberto Gonzales for attorney general is first and foremost a moral issue, so I will address it from a moral perspective. 

10.Jan.2005 White House Won't Release Gonzales Papers : The White House refused Thursday to provide senators additional documents on attorney general nominee Alberto Gonzales' role in the decision to allow aggressive interrogations of terrorism detainees.

10.Jan.2005 Alberto Gonzales has blood on his hands : Why in the world should the United States be saddled with an attorney general who, from the White House, framed cockamamie legal policies that sought to make it permissible for American forces to commit war crimes?

10.Jan.2005 US troops 'laughed as Iraqi died' : An Iraqi civilian has testified that US soldiers forced him and his cousin to jump into the River Tigris and laughed as his relative was swept to his death.

10.Jan.2005 Revealed: flawed intelligence exposes the scandal of Belmarsh detainees: The case against the foreign terror suspects imprisoned in Britain without trial for three years is partly founded on flawed and inaccurate intelligence, court papers seen by The Independent reveal.

10.Jan.2005 Iraq’s Fraud Elections: “We are occupied. That is a fact. The occupiers have a team of Iraqis willing to work with them. The coming elections will be completely rigged. - After extensive meetings with many parties + people we came to the conclusion that contesting the elections would contribute to the process of legitimising the occupation.

10.Jan.2005 Televise the funerals and flag-draped coffins : The injured and dead must appear on television. The media must televise the reality of what this war is about: the flag draped caskets, the funerals, the grieving, the pain, the crying + the destruction.

10.Jan.2005 What about the Children of Iraq?:

My question is simply this, where is the worlds concern for the tens of thousands of Iraq's children that have been so completely decimated by the U.S. invasion + subsequent occupation of Iraq?

09.Jan.2005 The other tsunami
While the sea may have killed tens of thousands, western policies kill millions every year. Yet even amid disaster, a new politics of community and morality is emerging. John Pilger
The hypocrisy, narcissism and dissembling propaganda of the rulers of the world and their sidekicks are in full cry. Superlatives abound as to their humanitarian intent while the division of humanity into worthy and unworthy victims dominates the news. The victims of a great natural disaster are worthy (though for how long is uncertain) while the victims of man-made imperial disasters are unworthy and very often unmentionable. Somehow, reporters cannot bring themselves to report what has been going on in Aceh, supported by "our" government. This one-way moral mirror allows us to ignore a trail of destruction and carnage that is another tsunami.

09.Jan.2005 Porträt Mahmud Abbas: Anzug statt Uniform

09.Jan.2005 Nahost: Klarer Sieg für Mahmud Abbas

09.Jan.2005 Nahost: Uno-Soldat von israelischen Granaten getötet

09.Jan.2005 Tote und Verletzte: Orkan richtete schwere Schäden an

09.Jan.2005 Ende des Bürgerkriegs: Friedensvertrag im Sudan unterzeichnet

09.Jan.2005 Südostasien: Eichel nennt Stoibers Kritik an deutscher Fluthilfe "schäbig und perfide"

09.Jan.2005 Bildungsforscher: Knirpse werden immer schlauer

09.Jan.2005 Präsidentschaftswahlen in Palästina: Umm Jusuf stimmt für Gott, ihr Sohn für Abu Mazen

09.Jan.2005 Ich-AGs: Schein von Selbständigkeit

09.Jan.2005 Politiker-Vorschlag: Deutsche Arbeitslose nach Phuket

09.Jan.2005 Fischer in Thailand: Demut angesichts der Katastrophe

09.Jan.2005 Hart im Nehmen: Bakterien leben in Salzlake

09.Jan.2005 Wintersturm: Orkan in Nordeuropa fordert mindestens 13 Menschenleben

The data cards, available for the first time in Malaysia, allow users to enjoy high-speed Internet access of up to 384kbps, according to a statement from the company.  

Maxis also plans to install a data compression engine by March 2005, which will allow downloads at speeds six times faster than that currently possible, when users are on the GPRS network. 

The data cards are currently available for selected customers only. Maxis plans to offer them to a larger number of users by the second quarter of 2005. 

Charges are equivalent to Maxis' mobile data package, currently promoted at only RM120 a month for unlimited data usage.  

Maxis' 3G network is currently available in three areas: Kuala Lumpur central business district, Bandar Sunway + in the vicinity of Putrajaya and Cyberjaya.  

India-Malaysia To Develop A Satellite Neighbourhood For Asia-Pacific
Antrix Corporation Limited, the commercial arm of ISRO + MEASAT Global Bhd have signed an agreement to form a Joint Venture Company ("JV Co") to pool their satellite c... (photo: NASA Photo) SpaceDaily

USA eyes greater military clout in Asia following tsunami tragedy
The massive USA led relief operation in tsunami-hit Asia is expected to give the USA military greater clout in the region + bolster counter terror ism efforts, analys... BUSH STOLE OHIO)
World leaders descend on tsunami-ravaged Asia as far more deaths foreseen
World leaders are headed to Indonesia to see first-hand the massive operation to save millions of tsunami victims as the UN suggested the catastrophe could en... (photo: Paula Bronstein/Getty Images) NSTP
Outbreak fears as bird flu kills boy, 6
A SIX-YEAR-OLD boy has become the second reported victim this week of bird flu in Vietnam - sparking fears of a new outbreak. Authorities in the country have warned consumers to be careful when buyi... ( Paula Bronstein/Getty Images ) Scotsman

nuclear physics news vertical portal Tsunamis + this Thing Called Humanity. Collective Bellaciao, France - Long after we are gone + nuclear winters are exchanged for warm +

08.Jan.2005 20050106 06.Jan.2005 Tsunamis and this Thing Called Humanity From the Oceans, Indiscriminate Devastation -Manuel Valenzuela.

08.Jan.2005 20041210.. brought by the stockholders of the Miami Bayshore Bank naming Singlaub as a participant with Studley, Barbara --a TV personality + head of GeoMiliTech - in a....

08.Jan.2005 The origins of Iran-Contra: Lessons from the Durrani Affair 09.Aug.1991 Durrani s lawyer, Bloss, William M. deposed a former beauty queen, right-wing radio personality + arms dealer, Studley, Barbara F...

08.Jan.2005 Studley, Barbara F... below are mentioned on the listed pages with the name STUDLEY BARBARA F. -1992 BAYSHORE BANK (FLORIDA) SINGLAUB WACKENHUT - BEEBE HERMAN...

08.Jan.2005 Potenziert wird die Gefahr für die betroffenen Unternehmen vor allem durch die Struktur der Internet-Suchmaschinen:

Je mehr Querverweise auf Blog-Beiträge, umso höher werden sie von den Suchmaschinen in den Ergebnislisten eingeordnet.

Gibt man bei Google etwa "Jamba" ein, tauchen die "Spreeblick"-Anschuldigungen praktisch direkt hinter der eigenen Homepage des Unternehmens auf.
Unternehmen versuchen deswegen, selbst in der Blogger-Szene aktiv zu werden:

Längst betreiben nicht nur Computerfirmen wie Sun und Microsoft eigene Web-Seiten als Marketing-Instrument.

Gescheitert sind jedoch die meisten Versuche, versteckte PRopaganda in die Blogs einzuschleusen. URL:,1518,druck-335971,00.html
Selbst große Konzerne können die nahezu unendlichen Weiten des Internet nur stichprobenartig kontrollieren.

Beim Elektronikriesen Philips gibt es einige "ständige Web-Beobachter", die sich durch das Netz wühlen. Noch habe man dabei keine negativen Überraschungen erlebt, heißt es bei Philips. URL:,1518,druck-335971,00.html
Mittlerweile beobachten immer mehr Firmen das Internet und insbesondere die Blogger sehr genau.
"Wir haben die Weblogs auf dem Radar + nehmen die dort geäußerte Kritik ernst", betont etwa Bernhard Taubenberger, Chef der Unternehmenskommunikation bei Media Markt + Saturn. Auch Ikea hat das Thema "im Auge".
Für den Kommunikationswissenschaftler Christoph Neuberger sind die deutschen Internet-Autoren deshalb weniger als Konkurrenz zu den etablierten Medien,

sondern "in der Tradition der Alternativmedien aus den siebziger Jahren zu sehen". URL:,1518,druck-335971,00.html
Und auch Politiker sind bereits über Blogger gestolpert:

Sie verbreiteten eine rassistische Bemerkung des republikanischen Senatsführers Trent Lott so beharrlich, dass er schließlich zurücktreten musste.
Schon sehen sich die Internet-Posaunen als "Watchblogs" und basisdemokratisches Korrektiv, dem nichts entgeht.

"Wir erhalten Storys am Leben, die sonst ignoriert werden", betont der Jura-Professor Glenn Reynolds, einer der renommiertesten Web-Schreiber.

Sein Kollege Andrew Sullivan, lange Autor unter anderem bei der "New York Times", sieht eine "Revolution des Journalismus" heraufziehen.

Schließlich koste der Eintritt in den Medienmarkt nun nichts mehr: "Alles, was man braucht, ist ein Laptop und ein Modem." URL:,1518,druck-335971,00.html
Damit sind die Weblogs mit leichter Zeitverzögerung auch in Deutschland dabei, einen ähnlichen Durchbruch zum anerkannten Medium zu schaffen, wie schon vergangenes Jahr in den USA.

Dort wurden die Blogger gerade von "ABC News" zu den "Menschen des Jahres" ausgerufen.

Merriam-Webster USA Pendant des Duden, kürte Blog zum "Wort des Jahres" +

das Nachrichtenmagazin "Time" sah "das goldene Zeitalter des Blog" heraufziehen.

Für die USA Amerikaner sind die BLOGGS bereits zur Sucht geworden:

USA Amerikaner 32 Millionen, so eine neue Studie, lesen BLOGGS

USA Amerikaner 8 Millionen schreiben selbst BLOGGS.
vor allem sind die USA Amerikaner Blogger dort bereits zu einem politischen Gewicht geworden:

Im USA Präsidentschaftswahlkampf beharkten sich Republikaner + Demokraten nicht nur mit Hilfe der traditionellen Medien, sondern auch über konservative + liberale Internet-Plattformen, die mit Enthüllungen + oft auch schmierigen Geschichten über die Kandidaten für reichlich Diskussion in der amerikanischen Öffentlichkeit sorgten. URL:,1518,druck-335971,00.html
Unwetter: Heftiger Sturm wütet über Deutschland

08.Jan.2005 Südostasien: Deutsche Forscher sollen Tsunami-Frühwarnsystem entwickeln

08.Jan.2005 Palästinenser: Die Checkpoints von Jericho

08.Jan.2005 Bürgerkrieg in Indonesien: Das Kalkül der Islamisten

08.Jan.2005 Blogs: Die tägliche Ration Wahnsinn

08.Jan.2005 Deutsche Opfer: Keine Entwarnung bei Vermisstenzahlen

08.Jan.2005 Parlamentswahl im Irak: US-General warnt vor "entsetzlichen Angriffen"

20040426114601 A HISTÓRIA SECRETA DE PORTUGAL Por: AFONSO - 08.Jan.2005 URL:
00.000.1126 -até- Esses foram os membros iniciais da Ordem,únicos membros pleno jure..

01.Jan.1126 -antes de- Como pode ser provado,os Templários estiveram em Portugal.
Primeira hipótese: alguém convidou os Templários para se instalarem no Condado Portucalense e providenciou para que tivessem as condições indespensáveis para a realização da sua missão.
Segunda hipótese: alguém bem conhecido no Condado,membro da Ordem,pleno jure (os associados não tinham autoridade para fundar casa),

fazia parte do grupo de fundadores que,por sua livre e espontanea vontade,ou de acordo com instruções recebidas do Grão Mestre,vieram para se instalar,trazendo provas da sua autoridade.
Dos fundadores da Ordem na Palestina, dois podiam ser filhos de familias do Condado.

São eles: Fr.Gondomare ou Gondemar(Gondomar),e

Fr.Arnoldo,ou,Arnaldo, que como se verá, poderá ser identificado com o Procurador do Templo em Portugal,

Petrus (Pedro) Arnaldo da Rocha.

Como se disse atrás, Godefroy ou Godefredo toma o lugar de Fr.Arnaldo em outras listas,

mas todos os outros nomes coincidem segundo a investigação de especialistas nessa matéria Histórica.
Esse texto e muito mais pode ser consultado em Bibliotecas (Os Templários em Portugal e outros livros) ou ainda no site:
Ora,a história deste país e da sua fundação é muito simples segundo os livros da escola,mas será que a história é assim tão simples?...
Bom,por exemplo,o primeiro rei de Portugal,Afonso Henriques,segundo os tais livros era filho do Conde D.Henrique e de D.Teresa de Castela,mas não se fala muito na origem de D.Henrique,

apesar de se saber (quem acompanha a história a bem dizer) que não era de Castela, mas da Borgonha e a sua familia conhecia como os Burgundi de origem germanica e estabelecidos numa região de França.
Ora, podem se quiserem encarar o seguinte como um teste ao conhecimento histórico deste país, que

30 anos depois da revolução e

0857 anos depois da

00.000.1147 Fundação de Portugal,

vive ainda na amnésia e na ignorância.
A Ordem Templária na Fundação de Portugal
É verdade que a Ordem Templária recebeu ao ser fundada, em 1118, a sua regra e a benção apostólica de Patriarca Ortodoxa de Jerusalem.

Contava na altura com nove cavaleiros fundadores, cujos nomes se preservaram a custo.

No caso concreto, o conhecimento preciso dos nomes dos fundadores daria uma preciosa pista sobre a sua nacionalidade;

mas,mesmo assim, na sua forma duvidosa, é interessante tentar ver o que sugerem os momes dos nove cavaleiros.
Hugo de Payens
Godofredo de St.Omer
Payen de Montdidier
Archimbalde St.Agnan
Godofredo Bisol
Andreas de Montbard
Roland ou Rossal
Arnoldo ou Arnaldo(noutras listas Godefroy)
MEXICAN CHURCH UNDER FIRE ON REPORTED DRUG COMMENTS id PAA28356... According to El Universal newspaper, Soto told his stunned listeners that drug traffickers -

such as the jailed Rafael Caro Quintero and late cocaine capo Amado... -

08.Jan.2005 Organized Crime and Terrorist Activity in Mexico, 1999-2002 - View as HTML... Organization... 12 Caro - Quintero Organization... General Rafael Macedo

Die neu entdeckten Fossilien könnten ihre Einstufung als bisher älteste Pilze jedoch sehr schnell wieder verlieren: Mehrere Kennzeichen der kanadischen Mikrofossilien ähneln denen von bereits früher entdeckten Exemplaren aus China und Australien, die bislang nicht klassifiziert werden konnten.
Sollte es sich dabei tatsächlich um die gleichen Organismen handeln wie die in dem kanadischen Schiefer entdeckten, wären die ältesten Pilze fast 1,5 Milliarden Jahre alt. Um das zu bestätigen, müssten jedoch chemische und elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen der Fundstücke durchgeführt werden, meint Butterfields Kollegin Emmanuelle Javaux von der Universität im belgischen Lüttich

08.Jan.2005 Tsunami-Katastrophe: Fischer bedankt sich in Bangkok - und verspricht Hilfe

08.Jan.2005 Sumatra: Serie von Nachbeben erschüttert Aceh

08.Jan.2005 Unglück auf See: US-Atom-U-Boot auf Grund gelaufen

08.Jan.2005 Mini-Fossilien: Älteste Pilze der Welt entdeckt

BUSH[BGW968]USA PERLE,Richard/17.Mar.2003 Why was Richard Perle meeting with Adnan Khashoggi TheNew Yorker.htm
The letter mentioned the firm’s government connections prominently:

Three of Trireme’s Management Group members currently advise the U.S. Secretary of Defense by serving on the U.S. Defense Policy Board +

one of Trireme’s principals, Richard Perle, is chairman of that Board.”

The two other policy-board members associated with Trireme are

Henry Kissinger, the former Secretary of State (who is, in fact, only a member of Trireme’s advisory group and is not involved in its management) +

Gerald Hillman, an investor + a close business associate of Perle’s who handles matters in Trireme’s New York office.

The letter said that forty-five million dollars had already been raised, including twenty million dollars from Boeing; the purpose, clearly, was to attract more investors, such as Khashoggi + Zuhair.

08.Jan.2005 Why Was Richard Perle Meeting With Adnan Khashoggi?

... one of its representatives sent to Khashoggi last November.

the firm's government connections prominently: "Three of Trireme's Management Group members currently...

The Left Coaster: Now We Know Why Kissinger Resigned from 9/11...

in fact, only a member of Trireme ’s advisory group and is not involved in its management ) + Gerald... of Perle’s who handles matters in Trireme ’s New...

Escapable Logic

... of its representatives sent to Khashoggi <documentdate>last... s government connections prominently: “Three of Trireme ’s Management Group members currently...

Consulting and Policy Overlap - Global Policy Forum - UN Security

... as "an area where the Management Group has experience... reported on Perle's involvement with Trireme while he...

Perle had met with Adnan Khashoggi, a controversial...

Poisonous Perle... seemed to feed off each other: a congressional investigation revealed that Khashoggi had borrowed...

"Three of Trireme ’s Management Group members currently ... other: a congressional investigation revealed that Khashoggi had borrowed...

The letter stated that, "Three of Trireme ’s Management Group members currently ...

American Committee on Jerusalem... in fact, only a member of Trireme's advisory group and is not involved in its management ) + Gerald ...

... of Perle's who handles matters in Trireme's New York...

[Wereldcrisis] Why was Richard Perle meeting with Adnan Khashoggi?... fact, only a member of Trireme's advisory group and = is not=20 involved in its management ) + Gerald... of Perle's who handles matters in Trireme's New York...

Silt... that one of its representatives sent to Khashoggi last November... s government connections prominently: 'Three of Trireme ’s Management Group members /

American Dilemma: Who Runs Our Government... As he puts it in an interview with the New Yorker, "" Trireme ’s business potential...The Carlyle Group has over $13 billion in assets under management...

w4feed... of its representatives sent to Khashoggi </em><font... Three of Trireme &#8217;s Management Group members currently... board members associated with Trireme are </em...

08.Jan.2005 Jim Pivonka's Web Log February 26 to March 16, 2003 From Why was Richard Perle meeting with Adnan Khashoggi ?... Perle is ont of three of Trireme ’s Management Group members who currently advise the...

08.Jan.2005 Osama bin Laden: a Texas-style Republican in Muslim clothing... to get Khashoggi to invest in his Trireme Partners (an... erroneously) lend its name to a group of Saudi... But perception management campaigns are a hallmark of the...

08.Jan.2005 skimble.. the Defense Policy Board, a group of outside... first reported on Perle's involvement with Trireme while he... Perle had met with Adnan Khashoggi, a controversial...

08.Jan.2005 Rightwing Slayer... conference called Thursday by a group of Senators... of the Chakara Nala Patni Watershed Management Plan prepared... Adnan Khashoggi on behalf of Trireme, a company

High Country Citizens for Peace and Justice - High Country... as an area where the Management Group has experience... reported on Perle's involvement with Trireme while he... Perle had met with Adnan Khashoggi, a controversial...

[CTRL] Top Neo-Con-Con: Perle's Oyster Turning 'Black'... + other members of the Ravelston Management Group misled the... in any way from the management agreements, related... open a venture capital fund, Trireme, to make...
[CTRL] Why was Richard Perle meeting with Adnan Khashoggi? - HTML-Version... other policy-board members associated with Trireme are Henry... a member of Trireme &#x2019;s advisory group and is not involved in its management ) + Gerald...

DC Indymedia: newswire... one of its representatives sent to Khashoggi last November... s government connections prominently: ?Three of Trireme ?s Management Group members currently...

Perle's consulting and investment interests overlap role on... as "an area where the Management Group has experience... reported on Perle's involvement with Trireme while serving... had met with Adnan Khashoggi, a controversial... - richard perle adnan khashoggi saudis2.txt... one >of its representatives sent to Khashoggi last November... firm's government connections prominently: "Three >of Trireme's Management Group members currently...

:: HispaVista : Foros :: Política Internacional - Imprimir..... of its representatives sent to Khashoggi last November... government connections prominently: ?hree of Trireme ? Management Group members currently advise the US... /

This why Iraq... one of its representatives sent to Khashoggi last November... government connections prominently: Three of Trireme s Management Group members currently...

22.Mar.2003 DAWN - Features;.. that one of its representatives sent to Mr Khashoggi last November... connections with the US government: "Three of Trireme's management group members currently.

bruno's weblog comments... The middle-man informant is fixer Adnan Khashoggi of BCCI/Iran-Contra fame... Does anyone know anything more about Trireme Management Group ?...

HispaVista: Foros: Política Internacional - Responder...its representatives sent to Khashoggi last > November... government connections >prominently: ?hree of Trireme ? Management Group > members currently advise the US...

08.Jan.2005 { WarBlog 28.3.03 } - National Miscellaneous - Indymedia Ireland ''Like any group of permanent... January with controversial Saudi-born businessman Adnan Khashoggi and a... investing in a venture capital firm, Trireme Partners, of...

08.Jan.2005 [Ehrlich List] Prince of Darkness takes a fall... one of its representatives sent to Khashoggi last November... firm's government connections prominently: "Three >of Trireme's Management Group members currently...

08.Jan.2005 Wereldcrisis] Why was Richard Perle meeting with Adnan Khashoggi? Arabia and Singap= ore.=20 The letter mentioned the firm's government connections prominently: "Thre= e of=20 Trireme's Management Group members currently...
The Underground Empire, Excerpt 2... Everyone had heard of Mafia superstars like Joseph Bonanno and Sam Giancana, but who were Lu Hsu-shui, Alberto Sicilia - Falcon, Donald Steinberg?...

The Underground Empire, Excerpt 6

... Assassin Michael Decker, suspected of CIA connections, describes a CIA weapons brochure found in the personal papers of Alberto Sicilia - Falcon, a major...

08.Jan.2005 frontline: murder money & mexico: readings

... Honduran, Juan Ramon Matta Ballesteros connected Alberto Sicilia Falcon to Colombian, Benjamin Herrera Zuelta known in Colombia as 'the Black Pope of Cocaine.

A Tangled Web... Mexican police, assisted by US drug agents, arrest Alberto Sicilia Falcon, whose Tijuana-based operation was reportedly generating $3.6 million a week from the...

PMag v04n4p14 -- The Secret Team, Part V: Cha Cha Cha!...One of Shackley's colleagues was an old contact, Alberto Sicilia - Falcon, a Cuban exile trained by the CIA as part of the Bay of Pigs invasion...

Historical Text Archive: Articles: Reconceptualizing the IllegalBy 1983 Acosta + his organization was considered a major player in the INT. Rise of an Outsider: Alberto Sicilia Falcon. Alberto...

CIA/DOJ Memoranda of Understanding... with CIA activities in Thailand + Burma + elsewhere.' 00.JUN.1975 Mexican police, assisted by US drug agents, arrest Alberto Sicilia Falcon, whose Tijuana...

FLASH: Why Is the US Letting Afghan Drug Production Resume?... This mirrors the speculation offered years ago by a major German magazine about a right-wing Cuban-American drug kingpin, Alberto Sicilia Falcon, based in...

Abril... Se evaden a través de un largo túnel: Alberto Sicilia Falcón, Luis Antonio Zúccoli Bravo, Alberto Hernández Rubí y José Egozzi Bejar...

DUPLIPENSAR.NET [>>] Drogas - Antecedentes históricos... Em 1975, Alberto Sicilia Falcón, um exilado cubano, foi detido pela polícia mexicana com a colaboração de agentes antinarcóticos estadunidenses...

Consulta Efemérides... Se evadieron a través de un largo túnel: Alberto Sicilia Falcón, Luis Antonio Zúccoli Bravo, Alberto Hernández Rubí y José Egozzi Bejar...

Drug War: Viva Zapata... suspected of CIA connections [SEAL, Operation Phoenix], describes a CIA weapons brochure found in the personal papers of Alberto Sicilia - Falcon, a major...

08.Jan.2005 check out The Common Ills. Funny stuff! URL:
Salon has a few words to say about the fight, although their story concentrates on the concurrent Gonzales fiasco.
You'll also want to read what
Bob Fritakis has to say.
08.Jan.2005 Steve Freeman -- yes, the same University of Pennsylvania prof who provided a seminal analysis of the exit polls -- has contributed a
superb editorial to the San Francisco Chronicle. Freeman makes the important point that the U.S.-sponsored exit polls in the Ukraine were far less trustworthy than the ones conducted here: URL:
08.Jan.2005 Overviews. The morning-after accounts of the electoral challenge are coming in. The best I've seen is Democracy Now's interview with ground-level Ohio activist
Harvey Wasserman, who compares this fight to the civil rights struggle. (Indeed, the current fight is an extension of the civil rights struggle.) URL:
08.Jan.2005 interview with Hopsicker
08.Jan.2005 One thing Hopsicker does not mention is that this is not the first time Adnan Khoshoggi's name has cropped in connection with a dubious Dubya election. Back in the year 2000, Slate published a piece by Timothy Noah titled
"Did Adnan Khashoggi Throw the Election to Dubya?" Noah's piece, written for Slate's "Chatterbox" column, is, for the most part, written in a humorous and even snide vein. Still, he does note the verifiable fact that Theresa LaPore -- remember her? -- was a Khashoggi employee before she played a role in the Florida election scandal. URL:
08.Jan.2005 Khashoggi's name, as most of you will know, comes up often in parapolitical research -- see the Wikipedia article
here, to get just the barest taste of it. Any number of news reports have tied Khashoggi to Iran-contra, to "Poppy" Bush, to BCCI -- and even to a cadre of high-level escorts servicing the world's richest men. (Never underestimate the "hooker factor" in cementing USA relations with the Saudi royal family.) Khashoggi also has a notable preference for naming his companies "Triad."
08.Jan.2005 the latest update from
Daniel Hopsicker,

08.Jan.2005 Der traurige Überlebende: Hanums Heimkehr in ein Leben, das es nicht mehr gibt

08.Jan.2005 Trendwende: US-Finanzminister redet den Dollar noch oben

08.Jan.2005 Katastrophenbewältigung: Schröder berät Fluthilfe mit Bush und Putin

08.Jan.2005 Fluthilfe: G7-Länder planen Schuldennachlass

08.Jan.2005 US-Armee: Rumsfelds Kopfschmerzen

08.Jan.2005 Union im Stimmungstief: Schwarz-Gelb kann Rot-Grün nicht kippen

07.Jan.2005 Die Bilder aus dem Weltraum sind für die Katastrophenhelfer ein wertvolles Hilfsmittel: Nur aus dem All ist erkennbar, welche Gebiete betroffen sind und wo noch immer Opfer auf Rettung warten könnten. Die
Internationale Charta "Space and Major Disasters", gegründet von den Raumfahrtbehörden Europas (Esa) und Frankreichs (CNES), stellt seit vier Jahren Hilfsorganisationen und Behörden weltweit Satellitendaten über Katastrophen zur Verfügung.
Rund um die Uhr können die Regierungen der Mitgliedstaaten Daten über Katastrophengebiete anfordern. Seit dem Seebeben in Asien am 26. Dezember haben die Vereinten Nationen, die französische Zivilschutzbehörde und die indische Raumfahrtagentur Bildmaterial von der Organisation bestellt. Neben den Esa-Nationen gehören Argentinien, Kanada, Indien, Japan und die USA zu den Mitgliedern der Charta.
NRSA Indische Insel Trinkat: Teile des Eilands komplett vom Meer verschluckt NRSA Indische Insel Camorta: Der Tsunami hat sich tief ins Land gefressen und Siedlungen überrollt NRSA Insel Camorta: Zahlreiche Menschen hatten keine Chance, als die Riesenwelle kam NRSA Indische Insel Katchall: Wo früher festes Land war, ist jetzt Wasser NRSA Hafen der indischen Stadt Chennai: Gebäude einfach weggespült NRSA Karaikal in Indien vor und nach dem Tsunami: Küste unter Wasser NRSA Agasyampalli in Indien: Monsterwelle hinterließ Tod und Zerstörung DLR/ Space Imaging Stadt Medan auf Sumatra vor der Katastrophe: Intensive landwirtschaftliche Nutzung, dichte Besiedlung - und keine Hügel DLR/ Space Imaging Banda Aceh vor und nach dem Tsunami: Wälder und Gebäude kilometerweit niedergewalzt DLR/ Space Imaging Banda Aceh: Satellitenbilder erinnern an einen Bombenangriff DLR/ Space Imaging Hafen von Banda Aceh: Die Welle verschonte nichts DLR/ Space Imaging Banda Aceh: Aus vielen überfluteten Gebieten hat sich das Wasser noch nicht zurückgezogen DLR/ Space Imaging Strand von Khao Lak in Thailand: 1000 Meter breite Todeszone -->
Die Katastrophe von Lissabon: "Zerstreuter Gliederstaub, vom Marmorstein zerhauen"

07.Jan.2005 Hilferufe von Nikobaren-Insel: "Im Westen sehen wir nur noch Wasser"

07.Jan.2005 Leichter Zuwachs: Amerikaner verdienen 15,86 Dollar pro Stunde

07.Jan.2005 Mississippi Burning": Ku-Klux-Klan-Mitglied 40 Jahre nach Verbrechen festgenommen

07.Jan.2005 Strömungsforschung: Wirbelstürme in der Nase

07.Jan.2005 Fluthilfe: Mit welchen Problemen die Bundeswehr kämpft

07.Jan.2005 Teure Hilfstransporte nach Asien: Russen nehmen die höchsten Preise

07.Jan.2005 PSP-Hysterie: 500 Euro für einen Grauimport

07.Jan.2005 Hundeschlittenfahrt in Nunavik: Kufen aus Fisch, Seile aus Robben

27.Sep.---- L'Internaute - Histoire... de Leonard Bernstein débute au " Winter Garden" sur... La commission Warren referme le dossier Kennedey... Warren conclut que Lee Harvey Oswald est bien... 6. Jan. 2005

Livra Portugal: Compare preços e leia opiniões de Livros... Procurar Leilões. 4. Desmantelar a América Oswald Le Winter Livros – Documentários - Opiniões: Mais informação. Comparar Preços Desde: € 14.90...

07.Jan.2005 - magazín o vecech mezi nebem a zemí... Kliknete prosim! Kdo je odpovedný za smrt Diany ? - strana 2 R.Ruibar. 24.Apr.1998 Byl zatcen bývalý pracovník CIA, sedmašedesátiletý Oswald Le Winter...

07.Jan.2005 Il fantasma di Moro fa ancora paura A Remondino questo documento lo avrebbe a sua volta tempo addietro consegnato un sedicente capo di “Gladio” in Europa, tale Oswald Le Winter...

20041206 Col. Oswald Le Winter of the CIA, who served as USA liaison officer with Gladio,has stated that the planning staff of the Red Brigades was made up of

para mim tanto faz... O F., que vive em Paris, a propósito do que escrevi sobre as minhas reportagens de Oswald Le Winter ea morte de Diana, enviou-me o seguinte: "Olá Frederico...

Palmemordet - telegramspåret Detta om Oswald LeWinter i dag... Le Winter sa vidare: "När en hemlig operation sprack lät "the Agency" agenten åka fast tillsammans med de personer som varit...

Ygdrasil: A Journal of the Poetic Arts -- July 2004 INTRODUCTION Nessa OMahony Harbinger CONTENTS Oswald Le Winter IN THE WOMB OF THE SEARCH Judith Present Tahoma Ron P. Nhim Grateful to the Sun God Bitter Sweet...


RTP...,, e depois da entrevista de Oswald Le winter (ex-agente da...

07.Jan.2005 46 Ditton Avenue According to Oswald Le Winter, a CIA operative, speaking on the documentary The Maltese Double Cross, former South African Foreign Minister Pik Botha +...
Dr. Mark Cooney Dr. Mark Cooney... Recent Publications. (1) Cooney, Mark. 2003. "The Privatization of Violence." Criminology 41. Forthcoming. (2) Cooney, Mark. 2002...

Page 1. SOCIOLOGY 3700 SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH DESIGN Dr. Mark Cooney Baldwin Hall 118A Phone: 542-3212 E-mail:
Mark Cooney Mark Cooney. University of Georgia Department of Sociology 208 Baldwin Hall Athens, GA 30602-1611 E-mail: | Phone: 404-542-3209...

07.Jan.2005 Maybe the GOP propagandists can blame the tsunami on Moore as well. Why not? Reality is now what the Republican party says it is.
If we don't want them to commandeer the epistemological debate the way they have commandeered democracy, we must redouble our efforts to demolish their lies. Earlier today, Tom Delay referred to folks like you and me as "the X-Files wing of the Democratic Party." I'll take that as a compliment.
After all, the motto of that show was: "THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE." URL:
Neither did any participant in the House debate mention the fact that the Ahmanson family, which largely owns ES&S, prefers theocracy to democracy. The results of any election tainted by the machineries of Diebold, ES&S, Sequioa + Triad are about as believable as -- well, I'm tempted to make further reference to the filmography of Inoshira Honda. URL:
Not a single Republican -- and no Democrats, for that matter -- mentioned the fact that the directors of Diebold and Sequoia include felons + that they have been caught putting illegal "back doors" into their software. Our democracy is in the hands of people with serious criminal records.. URL:
We are the only ones who can make sure that the true history of what just occurred is preserved.
As I watched the proceedings on CSPAN, I was often filled with outrage. Republican after Republican claimed that "everyone agreed" that George Bush won this election, even though one poll reports that 42% of the electorate believes that vote tampering played a small or large role in Bush's victory. URL:
Victory? Yes -- and no First, let me express the pride I now take in my vote for Senator Barbara Boxer. She displayed true political courage. The Democratic party leadership begged her not to support the challenge to Ohio's electors, yet she stood up for democracy nonetheless.
I doubt that she will win re-election. The Republicans will target her as they never have before. Next time she runs, they'll make sure that a formidable, supremely well-funded candidate stands against her. (Another try by Michael Huffington? Ghastly thought...) Until then, she will be subjected to a non-stop barrage from the radio rightists. Keep in mind, California is becoming redder and redder each year.
The other heroes, of course, are Stephanie Tubbs-Jones, John Conyers + all the other House members who took a stand for democracy. All 32 of them.
Our side did not have the votes, of course. We did not have the media. We did not even have most of the left-wing websites. Hell, most of the time we didn't even have Michael freaking Moore.
Yet somehow, the heroes listed above managed to assure that George W. Bush will forevermore have an asterisk beside his name in the history books. The integrity of the results in both of his elections has been questioned. When historians ask "Why were the electors challenged in 2004?" -- they will turn to the Conyers report, which presents overwhelming evidence of fraud. That is our victory. URL:
Auszeichnung: Springender Räuber ist Spinne des Jahres

07.Jan.2005 Palästina-Wahl: Israel nimmt Kandidaten Barghuti fest

07.Jan.2005 Vorstoß aus Fernost: Chinesischer Ölkonzern will US-Konkurrenten schlucken

07.Jan.2005 Wikipedia-Gründer Jimmy Wales: "Ich bin die Königin von England"

07.Jan.2005 Vom Wind geformt: Mathematiker findet Eiffelturm-Formel

07.Jan.2005 Predigt in Köln: Kardinal Meisner vergleicht Abtreibungen mit Hitlers Verbrechen

07.Jan.2005 Rettungsmaßnahmen: Helfer klagen über schlechte Koordination der Uno

07.Jan.2005 Opinion: Promoting Torture's Promoter
Bagdad: Ministerpräsident Alawi verlängert Ausnahmezustand

07.Jan.2005 Kongo: Tausend Tote täglich

07.Jan.2005 Indonesien: Panne bei Angabe über Opferzahlen

07.Jan.2005 Schwarzes Loch: Gaseruption bricht alle Rekorde

07.Jan.2005 Schwacher US-Dollar: Europäer wedeln in die Rockys

07.Jan.2005 US-Kongress: Protest wegen Wahl in Ohio verzögert Zeremoniell

07.Jan.2005 Katastrophen-Regionen: Seuchengefahr geht zurück

07.Jan.2005 Geberkonferenz Jakarta: Gipfel beschließt Tsunami-Frühwarnsystem

07.Jan.2005 Thailand: Deutschland prüft Berichte über Massengräber

01.Jan.2005 Illegaler Waffenverkauf: Wal-Mart muss 14,5 Millionen Dollar zahlen

07.Jan.2005 US-Regierung: Künftiger Justizminister distanziert sich von Folter

07.Jan.2005 Sicherheits-Software: Microsoft bietet kostenlose Viren- + Spyware-Killer an

07.Jan.2005 Ukraine-Trauma: Kasachstan verbietet die Opposition