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05.Jun.2007 Fourth Generation Warfare

Illuminating Tomorrow's War -

The United States is midway through what may be called a revolution in military affairs (RMA).

00.000.1970 -in the s- This revolution opened with the development + refinement of precision-guided munitions (PGMs), ...
Military Operations Page Click here to read the Remarks by the President of the United States, in Address to the United Nations General Assembly (Iraq, ...

A gateway to full-text online resources about the Revolution in Military Affairs, information war, ...
11.Sep.2001 -NucNews- Mr. Biden has many times stated his opposition to the unilateral withdrawal by the United States from the

00.000.1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty

... from the Ronald Reagan military buildup to the post-Cold War "revolution in military affairs .
U.S. Government Restrictions on Scientific Publications
President has "unique responsibility" for the conduct of "foreign and military affairs "). American Ins. Ass'n v. ...

11.Sep.2001 -subsequent to- the Government may find it easier to justify such export restrictions.
MISCELLANEOUS Jewish War Veterans of the United States Here's an organization you seldom here about. ...

NY Military Affairs Symposium A listing of events of interest. NY Military Museum and Veterans Research Center This site is operated by the ...

11.Sep.2001-01.Dec.2004 Die abstrusen, aber stets irgendwo ein paar Staubkörnchen Wahrheit enthaltenden Fabeln wuchern im Internet, ...

FitzSimonds, James R. The Revolution in Military Affairs : Challenges for Defense Intelligence .
SAMS Monograph Body - HTML ?
Afghanistan in

Oct.2001 -following the-

11.Sep.2001 terrorist attacks in the United States . Finally, conventional forces conducted an ...

Gregor, William J. “Toward a Revolution in Civil- Military Affairs – Understanding the United States ...
The Washington Monthly On

04.Mar.2001 President Bush stressed the need to be "sensitive" in conducting military affairs, stating, ...

Deadliest terrorist strikes in the United States .

Date attack and location fatalities injuries: 11.Sep.2001 crashing of ...
military affairs .” 14. Rumsfeld was a leader in this “speed over mass” movement. and in the final years of the Clinton-era, Newt Gingrinch ...

FARC’s reign of terror against the United States and its citizens. Just as we fight ...
Prosperity or Perdition: Do Lines of Operations Apply in Stability ... - HTML ?
the natural sciences—defined all aspects of military affairs during the historical period of overlap

... page is a clear statement of purpose: “The events on 11.Sep.2001 were a tragic, but decisive, reminder of ...

00.000.1919 Harriman, Averell [s&b913] "W.A. Harriman & Company" []" G.H.Walker and Company "Walker, George Herbert 'Bert organize[]"Brown ...
George H.W. Bush Maternal grandfather: George Herbert Walker, Sr., founder of private Wall Street banking firm, G.H. Walker and Company.Education: Yale graduate (1948) with ...
mhp: G.H. Walker and Company GH Walker and Company : Timeline, relationships, references.
mhp: Walker, George H. (Bert)

00.000.1900-00.000.1953 G.H. Walker and Company (Founder of, ) ^ Walker, George H. Jr. (Father of, dates uncertain) |
the Bush family history part 1 a native of St. Louis, who founded the banking and investment firm of G.H.Walker and Company 00.000.1900 .

Later the company shifted from St.Louis to the ...
Family of Shame ... George Herbert 'Bert' Walker, a native of St. Louis, who

00.000.1900 founded the banking + investment firm of G. H. Walker and Company.
The Family by Kitty Kelley: Photo Album ... of George Walker Bush, forty-third President.

00.000.1900 Berty Walker founded G.H. Walker and Company, the source of the family's wealth.

00.000.1900 he a started a banking and investment firm named the GH Walker and Company .

Walker’s family had developed many international banking contacts + ...
Christmas 2000

00.000.1900 This President Bush want-to-be story begins when George Herbert "Bert" Walker founded the banking and investment firm of G.H. Walker and Company.
The firm was G.H. Walker and Company, which was a medium-sized investment ... school, I went back to G.H. Walker and Company + I had an absolutely unique ...

04.Jun.2007 Scholia Reviews ns 13

The penetrating study culminates on page 202 in the sentence: 'Das Amphitheater ist ein Schicksalsort : Seine Götter sind Nemesis, Fortuna und das Publikum' ...

Apr.2005 Schicksalsort : Frühe Siedlungen unter Pompeji entdeckt.

18.Apr.2005 Raketenabwehr: Grüne geben Widerstand gegen Meads auf ...

Stiglitz : Reden ist immer gut. Aber Präsident Bush hat sich in der Vergangenheit als außerordentlich widerspenstig erwiesen.

Sein Prinzip war schon immer, dass er sich am Ende mit seiner Politik, egal auf welchem Gebiet, durchsetzt - egal welche Auswirkungen seine Politik auf den Rest der Welt hat.

SPIEGEL ONLINE : Welche Hoffnungen setzen Sie in den G-8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm?


00.000.1943 *Joseph Eugene Stiglitz, lehrt

04.Jun.2007 -derzeit- Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Columbia University in New York. Er war von

00.000.1995-00.000.1997 Wirtschaftsberater des damaligen US- Präsidenten Bill Clinton und von

00.000.1997-00.000.1999 Chefökonom der Weltbank.

Seine Erfahrungen aus dieser Zeit beschreibt er im Beststeller "Schatten der Globalisierung". Im

00.Sep.2006 erschien sein Buch "Die Chancen der Globalisierung".

00.000.2001 erhielt Stiglitz zusammen mit George Akerlof + Michael Spence den Nobelpreis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften.

Stiglitz : Bisher lehnen die USA es ab, gemeinsam mit den anderen Industriestaaten eine vernünftige Lösung zum Klimaschutz zu finden.

In jedem Industrieland gibt es ernsthafte Bemühungen, etwas für den Umweltschutz zu tun - nur in den USA nicht.

Ich fordere, dass die Staats- und Regierungschefs in Heiligendamm US-Präsident Bush entgegentreten und ihm sagen:

Wir brauchen eine internationale Regelung + Sie als der mächtigste Mann der Welt haben die Verpflichtung mitzumachen!
Nachmittags in Lichtenhagen sprühten mehrere Polizisten auf der Fußgängerbrücke zur nahen S-Bahn-Station plötzlich Pfefferspray auf Demonstranten, die nicht schnell genug aus dem Weg gingen.

Dann verschwanden die Beamten in der S-Bahn

Die Organisatoren lösten die Kundgebung nach der Änderung der Route auf, um gegen die Entscheidung zu protestieren.

21 Menschen wurden insgesamt bei der Kundgebung festgenommen, 28 kamen in Gewahrsam.

Nach dem Protest-Ende blieb es weitgehend friedlich. Tausende Menschen feierten am Stadthafen, hörten Bands und tanzten - doch auch dort wurden noch mal 17 Menschen festgenommen.

Die Stimmung war bei der Demonstration sehr angespannt: Tausende Globalisierungskritiker und Sicherheitsbeamte standen sich stundenlang gegenüber, über ihnen kreisten ohne Unterlass Hubschrauber.

Mehrere Hundertschaften mit Kampfanzügen und Schutzhelmen begleiteten die Demonstranten in beiderseitiger Dreierreihe, mehrere Dutzend Polizeibusse folgten.

Die Teilnehmer wurden auf diese Weise eingekreist. Insgesamt acht Wasserwerfer und Räumfahrzeuge fuhren mit.

In der ganzen Rostocker Innenstadt waren überall Polizisten postiert, die Passanten kontrollierten.

Die Polizei wollte diesmal jede Eskalation im Keim ersticken - und fuhr eine härtere Strategie als am vergangenen Samstag, an dem es bei schweren Krawallen fast 1000 Verletzte gab.
Ankunft in Europa: Bush in Prag - Proteste gegen Raketenabwehr
04.Jun.2007 G- 8-Proteste: Polizei greift durch - Autonome ausgebremst
04.Jun.2007 Milliarden- Anlageskandal: 170 Haftbefehle gegen Manager der Göttinger Gruppe
00.000.1979 -Noch- urteilte das Bayerische Oberste Landesgericht, im Gebiet des Freistaats bestehe für Lehrer ein "gewohnheitsrechtliches Züchtigungsrecht".

00.000.1980 -Erst- wurde auch in Bayern das Verprügeln von Schülern endgültig verboten - wie zuvor im Rest der Republik bereits geschehen.
Rostock: Demo vorzeitig von Organisatoren beendet
04.Jun.2007 Irak- Mission: US- Truppen kontrollieren nur ein Drittel Bagdads

04.Jun.2007 Abu Ghureib: Geplagte Seele eines Folterers

04.Jun.2007 Guantanamo: Militärtribunal lässt Anklage gegen Teenager fallen
04.Jun.2007 G- 8-Gipfel: Merkel arbeitet am Plan B
04.Jun.2007 Streit um Polizeieinsätze: Wie eine Perücke zur Straftat wird 

04.Jun.2007 Korruptionsverdacht: Weiterer Manager bei VW verhaftet

04.Jun.2007 Kritik an Globalisierung: "Bush versteht keine zivile Sprache"
04.Jun.2007 Büroalltag: Unnötige E- Mails kosten 3,5 Lebensjahre
04.Jun.2007 Wasserpreise: Ostdeutsche verbrauchen fast 30 % weniger Wasser
04.Jun.2007 Wachstumsmarkt Tageszeitung: Weltweite Auflage steigt
04.Jun.2007 Strenge Antike: Unfaire Sportler erhielten Hiebe

04.Jun.2007 Streit über US- Abwehrschild: Putin droht Europa mit neuen Raketenzielen
04.Jun.2007 Krawalle in Rostock: Linkspartei und Grüne distanzieren sich von Chaoten
04.Jun.2007 Brasilien und G 8: Lula setzt auf grünes Gold
Proteste gegen G- 8-Gipfel: Erneut Zusammenstöße in Rostock 
Geoforschung: Tausende Hüpfer lassen Eifel erzittern
04.Jun.2007 Uno- Sondergericht: Charles Taylor verweigert sich den Richtern

04.Jun.2007 G- 8-Protest- Camp: "We fight - wir kämpfen"

04.Jun.2007 G- 8-Gipfel: Warum Afrika kein Geld vom Westen braucht
04.Jun.2007 Gescheiterte Tarifverhandlungen: IG Bau kündigt Streiks an
04.Jun.2007 G- 8-Krawalle: CDU- Politiker fordern härteres Vorgehen gegen Randalierer

04.Jun.2007 Rostock- Ticker: Demonstration aufgelöst

04.Jun.2007 Wirtschaftliche Folgen: Klimawandel nutzt Bauwirtschaft
04.Jun.2007 Beginn der Eisenzeit: Außerirdisches Eisen im Pharaonengrab
04.Jun.2007 Wirtschaftsmächte: Warum China kein G- 8-Mitglied wird
04.Jun.2007 Internationale Presseschau: "Schafft diesen Gipfel ab!"

04.Jun.2007 Kräftiges Kursminus: Panikverkäufe drücken Chinas Börse

04.Jun.2007 G- 8-Klimadebatte: Chinas Klimaprogramm soll eigene Wirtschaft schützen
Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA
Diese Chronik behandelt die Geschichte des Organisierten Verbrechens und der Geheimdienste in den USA sowie deren Einflüsse auf die Politik.

 Schwerpunkte bilden:

 -die Präsidentschaften von John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, George Bush sen. und jun;

 -die Ermordungen von John und Robert Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe und Martin Luther King;

 -die Mafia in Chicago, Louisiana und New York;

 -die Aktivitäten von CIA, FBI, NSA, Secret Service und der Militärgeheimdienste;

 -die Kriege gegen Korea, Kuba, Vietnam, den Irak und Afghanistan;

 -der 11.September 2001 und der amerikanische Staatsterrorismus.

Zudem gibt es viele weitere Informationen zu relevanten, zeitlich angeordneten Ereignissen.

Zu Beginn der jeweiligen Abschnitte (Übersicht) sind die Stichworte und Personen angegeben, die behandelt werden und mit den Links schnell gefunden werden können.

Für eine vertiefte Beschäftigung mit dem jeweiligen Ereignis, Akteur oder Land habe ich die verwendeten Quellen angegeben und in einem Quellenregister zusammengefasst.

Diese Chronik ist die Zusammenfassung meiner Recherchen für das Theaterstück Kennedy. Macht. Sex., die ich weitergeführt und aktualisiert habe.

Jan.2006 Elektrosmog: Das Geschäft mit der Strahlen-Angst ...

Jan.2006 Schiffsbergung vor Gibraltar: Seeschlacht um Milliarden-Goldschatz der "Sussex" ...
20060101 "Wir haben das falsche Schwein geschlachtet", lautet eines der bekanntesten Churchill - Zitate in Bezug auf Hitler + Stalin.
04.Jun.2007 portland imc - 2006.10.29 - The 'Genesis' of the Adnan Khashoggi ...

Adnan Khashoggi is wanted in Thailand, where he was convicted for fraud in ...

The Scammers might be related to Genesis Media Group, a subsidiary of ...
The MadCow Morning News Enter Adnan Khashoggi and lieutenant Ramy El Batrawi, who, we learned, ...

The Scammers might be related to Genesis Media Group, a subsidiary of ...
The Webfairy -- [CIA-DRUGS] [Fwd: [crimgov] Elgindy Tries to Tie ... + local business licenses, is listed as Genesis Media Group in the telephone book.

... financier Adnan Khashoggi, a financial middleman in the Iran-Contra ...
Ab-Energizer Scam -The Scammers might be related to Genesis Media Group, a subsidiary of ...

Khashoggi was a financial middleman in the Iran-Contra scandal + numerous other ...
John Gray Dossier Mars & Venus Counseling Centers [!!] Genesis Media Group ...

"To say that John Gray is in business with Adnan Khashoggi doesnít portray the relationship in ...
John T. Reed's view of various real estate investment gurus ... about Genesis Media Group, Inc. or Family Products, LLC or whatever.

... except it ain't ficition. …ex-Saud arms dealer Khashoggi, who controls GENISIS ...
TP: Pods, Flashs und "Peak Oil killed my Daddy" Von ihrer Basis in Tampa, Florida, kontrollierten Khashoggi + El Batrawo ein Netzwerk ...

Genesis Media Group, Genesis Properties, Genesis Intermedia. ...
Ab-energizer -The Scammers might be related to Genesis Media Group, a subsidiary of ... Khashoggi was a financial middleman in the Iran-Contra scandal + numerous other ...
Rigorous Intuition (v. 2.0): Just a Drive By " Khashoggi was among a number of prominent Arab businessmen, like Khalid Mahfouz ...

The Scammers might be related to Genesis Media Group, a subsidiary of ...
[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Iran-Contra's Adnan Khashoggi Linked to Bin Laden local business licenses, is listed as Genesis Media Group in the telephone ...

Khashoggi, a financial middleman in the Iran-Contra scandal of the 1980 s. ...
Yahoo! Message Boards - SCO Group, Inc. (SCOX) - Pyramids in the ... <br>Telemarketing sales for uSight

00.000.2002 was handled by " Genesis Media Group ". ... Kashoggi of Iran-Contra fame. He had leveraged his stock in GENI, ...
Truth Be Known Nation :: View topic - The Situation in Israel

Adnan Khashoggi ’s mercenary army of global corporate criminals lives in Mafia mansions, ... Genesis Media Group, Genesis Properties, Genesis Intermedia; ...
GCN - Radio Program with Hosts Alex Jones and Jeff Rense ...

From their base in Tampa Florida, Khashoggi and El Batrawi controlled a network of ... Genesis Media Group, Genesis Properties, Genesis Intermedia; ... - Forum für Information, Diskussion und ...

Bei Leuten meines Alters klingelt es beim Namen " Khashoggi " nämlich Sturm. ... Genesis Media Group, Genesis Properties,, Genesis Intermedia.
Verschwörungstheorien zum 11.9.2001 Teil I (Sammelstrang) - Seite ...

Bei Leuten meines Alters klingelt es beim Namen " Khashoggi " nämlich Sturm. Genesis Media Group, Genesis Properties,, Genesis Intermedia.
Allmystery • Neue Desinfo-Masche für den 9/11 entdeckt!

Der Genesis-Konzern wird von keinen geringeren als Khashoggi geführt. ... Genesis Media Group/Genesis Properties/Genesis Intermedia/Genesis Delaware;
warum die Deutsche Bank 148 Millionen zahlen muss - Forum - ARIVA.DE

hier finden Sie wesentlich mehr Details zu der Geschichte um Kashoggi und Genesis ... Genesis Media Group Genesis Aviation Genesis Aviation II
[CTRL] Fwd: 911 - "Dr." John Gray -- Adnan Khassoggi - Carl Icahn -

Not only was Khashoggi connected with the Iran-Contra scandal, he forfeited ... With 180 employees, Genesis Inc., or Genesis Media Group, ...
KYC News Inc. - Community Message Board: Detail From their base in Tampa Florida, Khashoggi + El Batrawi controlled a network of ...

The Scammers might be related to Genesis Media Group, a subsidiary of ...
Der Legitimationsdiskurs zum Irakkrieg 2003
based, nonprofit political organizations that produce and principally ... National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice by Al Jazeera Television.

04.Jun.2007 Von Containment zu Enlargement: Bill Clinton und die ... - View as HTML
Philip Zelikow/Condoleezza Rice, Germany Unified and Europe Transformed.

Political Leaders Play the Game, New York 2002, S. 89-149; und Elizabeth ...

Feb.2006 Political opposites aligned against Bush wiretaps : Despite coming ...

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will press U.S. allies today in ...

Feb.2007 Boeing biography .ms After Darleen Druyun, an ex-Pentagon ... as DNI to a sub-Cabinet post as deputy to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice .

Jan.2005 Search for banned weapons in Iraq ends quietly : The White House has ... Victim Says U.S. Torture Worse Than Saddam A former inmate at Iraq's Abu ...
Network-Secure - Zu viele Informationen führen manchmal zum Gegenteil
20070206 Diese Papiere sind besonders vertraulich zu behandeln (Offizielle Erklaerung). ...

Feb.2007 Überwachung : USA wollen Gentests massiv ausweiten ...
Heiligendamm: Merkels Klimaberater verlangt Härte gegenüber den USA

Vor einer Woche war die Sendelizenz des regierungskritischen Senders RCTV abgelaufen.

Weil die Fernsehanstalt

00.000.2002 beim Putschversuch zu Gunsten der Gegner von Chávez berichtet hatte, erneuerte Chávez deren Lizenz nicht, sondern vergab sie stattdessen an den Regierungssender Teves.

Zahlreiche internationale Organisationen und Regierungen anderer Staaten haben Chávez aufgefordert, diese Entscheidung rückgängig zu machen.

Der venezolanische Präsident bekräftigte am Samstag, dass er die Frequenz nicht wieder an RCTV zurückgeben werde.

Abermals warf Chávez den USA vor, die demonstrierenden Studenten und Schüler angestachelt zu haben, um ihn zu stürzen.

Trotz Demonstrationsverbotes gingen die Proteste gegen die Abschaltung des Senders am Wochenende weiter.

Die venezolanische Oligarchie habe die Frequenz verloren, sagte Chávez, "und sie wird sie niemals zurückerhalten".

Er warnte die reichen und einflussreichen Familien seines Landes, sich nicht an den Versuchen zu beteiligen, ihn zu stürzen.

Sie sollten sich ruhig verhalten, dann könnten sie in Venezuela weiter existieren. "Nehmen Sie sich in Acht und gehen Sie nicht zu weit.

Wenn die Bourgeoisie ihre Pläne weiterschmiedet, wird sie weiter ihre Festungen verlieren, eine nach der anderen."

Erneut drohte Chávez auch dem letzten Oppositionssender Globovision, dessen Lizenz erst in 15 Jahren ausläuft.

Die venezolanische Regierung könne die Konzession jederzeit beenden, wenn sie der Meinung sei, dass der Sender die Lage destabilisiere, sagte er unter dem Jubel seiner in rote Hemden gekleideten Anhänger.

Hinter den Frühstückern knien ein paar Aktivisten im Gras vor dem "Chill out"-Zelt und pinseln an Transparenten:

"Wir sind hier, weil ihr unsere Länder zerstört", heißt es in großen grünen Buchstaben.

Heute ist "Aktionstag gegen die globale Landwirtschaft" - und da soll es nun endlich auch mal um Inhalte gehen.

"Es geht darum, dass jeder auf der Welt zu essen bekommt", sagt Christoph.
Rostocker Krawalle: Heftige Debatte um Strategie in Heiligendamm
04.Jun.2007 TV- Debatte der US- Demokraten: Hillary Clinton will sofortigen Abzug der Truppen aus Irak
04.Jun.2007 Demo- Verbot: Globalisierungskritiker legen Verfassungsbeschwerde ein

04.Jun.2007 Aids- Katastrophe in Afrika: Völkermord aus Gleichgültigkeit
04.Jun.2007 Venezuela: Protest gegen Chavez - Bonbons für die Demonstranten
04.Jun.2007 One thing I'd like to know is just when the 63 year-old Russell DeFreitas retired from his job.

It would be terribly embarrassing if the administration allowed a man with connections to Jamaat Al Muslimeen to work as a baggage handler after 11.Sep.2001 . Permalink
03.Jun.2007 Regarding that 1990 coup: A court ruling, questioned by many as patently absurd on the facts, upheld an amnesty agreement obtained during the incarceration of parliament by the group. This led to the non-prosecution of its members for this crime despite the contention that the fact that guns and force were used to obtain said amnesty constituted duress.

Obviously, the court was paid off. Think money, think drugs, think smuggling. In many respects, the Jammat al-Muslimeen’s ideology and rhetoric mirror that of militant Black ethno-nationalist movements, including the most radical fringes of the Nation of Islam. Abu Bakr’s supporters see him as a hero fighting for social justice. Interestingly, although most Trinidadians did not support his

00.000.1990 coup attempt, many at the time agreed with the issues raised by the Jammat during the crisis, especially impoverished Afro-Trinidadians.

At the same time, the Jammat is seen by many locally as a well organized criminal empire involved in everything from drug smuggling, money laundering, kidnapping for ransom, and extortion, with Abu Bakr running the show. (Emphasis added.) Interestingly, the arms for the 1990 coup came from Florida. Paging Daniel Hopsicker!
03.Jun.2007 Accused plotter Abdul Kadir, a former member of parliament in Guyana (!), was on his way to an Islamic religious conference in Iran.

His daughter denies that he has any association with either the other accused conspirators or with any anti-American activity. However:
Kadir's wife, Isha, said that her husband was nabbed while boarding a flight to Venezuela, where he planned to pick up a travel visa to attend an Islamic religious conference in Iran.

He had flown from Guyana to Trinidad on Thursday. That sort of travel has a cost.

This guy is getting money from somewhere . According to the Australian,
Authorities said Kadir and Nur were associates of Jamaat Al Muslimeen, a Muslim group behind a

00.000.1990 coup attempt in Trinidad. This Sunni group, led by former police officer Yasin Abu Bakr, is a nasty bit of business with a long and continuing history of rape, kidnapping and murder
03.Jun.2007 An FBI informant was involved with the JFK airport terror plotters:
The plan was foiled with the help of an informant who recorded conversations with the suspects as recently as last month. But so far, we have no reason to believe that the informant encouraged criminality, as has occurred in previous instances.

03.Jun.2007 The Dems are Now Enablers of Their Deaths, Including Mr. DLC Public Policy Wimp, Rahm Emanuel: "The U.S. military said Sunday that 14 American soldiers were killed over the past three days, including four in a single roadside bombing and another who was struck by a suicide bomber while on a foot patrol."

03.Jun.2007 A Smart Ass is Always Better than a Dumb Elephant. (Rectangular Magnet)
Big media is ignoring the story that former White House Deputy Communications Director Tim Griffin resigned as the U.S. Attorney in Arkansas last week after evidence revealed he was directly involved in voter suppression in the 2004 elections.

03.Jun.2007 Did You Ever Think That You Would be Cheering for Condi? The Showdown Between Dr. Evil Cheney and Mrs. Condi Rice Bush Over Bombing Iran.
Lebanon on the Brink 6/4

03.Jun.2007 Kim George Il -- A Satire Too Close to the Truth 6/4
Washington Post: "Attacks on U.S. Troops in Iraq Grow in Lethality, Complexity." Translation: Bush's "Surge" Born of Narcissistic Sociopathology is Killing More of Our GIs
German authorities on Sunday shut down most routes to the G-8 summit site of Heiligendamm and pulled over cars for spot checks on the main road there from Rostock, where protest riots injured hundreds of people. 6/4
Join the fun at

03.Jun.2007 New Hampshire: Calls to end the Iraqi War and address global warming resonated loudest yesterday with delegates and guests at the state Democratic Party's 2007 Midterm Convention. 6/4
Die Indio-Stiftung schätzt, dass es in ganz Brasilien mindestens 68 Indio-Völker gibt, die aus eigener Entscheidung ohne Kontakt zu der Zivilisation der Weißen leben. Die Metyktire leben normalerweise rund 2000 Kilometer nordwestlich von Rio de Janeiro in einem unzugänglichen Regenwald-Gebiet. Spekulationen zufolge mussten die Ureinwohner schon einmal flüchten: Als vor 50 Jahren Wissenschaftler in ihr Revier eindrangen, könnten sich die Indios tiefer in den Urwald zurückgezogen
Gewaltausbruch, allen voran Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) und Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU): "Die schockierenden Ausbrüche brutaler Gewalt sind entsetzlich", sagte der CDU-Politiker heute in Berlin.
Die Ausschreitungen des gestrigen Tages lösen in dem Bündnis der G-8-Gegner ernsthafte Spannungen aus. Das globalisierungskritische Netzwerk Attac will die gewaltbereite Autonomenszene nicht mehr auf den eigenen Demonstrationen haben. "Wir wollen euch nicht mehr sehen", erklärte Sprecher Peter Wahl heute im Fernsehsender n-tv.
03.Jun.2007 Gewaltausbruch: Randale spaltet Protestbewegung
03.Jun.2007 Salmonellen- Skandal: Zahl der Infektionen fast verdoppelt

03.Jun.2007 Venezuela: Chávez droht Oberschicht mit völliger Entmachtung

03.Jun.2007 Nach den Krawallen: "Aktionstag gegen die globale Landwirtschaft"

03.Jun.2007 Ahmadinedschad- Drohung: "Der Countdown zur Zerstörung Israels läuft"

03.Jun.2007 Guantanamo: Teenager muss vor US- Militärgericht
03.Jun.2007 Brasilien: Verschwunden geglaubtes Indio- Volk aufgetaucht
03.Jun.2007 Irak- Krieg: Britische Militärchefs planen Abzug aller Truppen

03.Jun.2007 Sparprogramm: Post drückt Löhne bei Subunternehmern

03.Jun.2007 Klimawandel in der Arktis: Überlebenskampf auf dünnem Eis

Sep.2004 SPIEGEL -Studie: Deutsche fürchten Kollaps des Rentensystems ...

Sep.2004 Weltraum-Tourismus: Per Linienflug ins All - für 170.000 Euro ...

Oct.2006 Flugzeugabsturz Brasilien: Fast unglaubliche Ansammlung von ... Oct.2006 Bundesverfassungsgericht: Keine Hausdurchsuchung wegen Falschparkens ...
20050913 Sep.2005 Paul Craig Roberts: From Federal Failure Arises More Federal Power: ... Sep.2005 Flugzeugabsturz in Indonesien: Tot geglaubter Junge aufgefunden ...

03.Jun.2007 Internet Archive Search: subject:"september"

Crystal Morning: September 11th, 2001 - Evan Coyne Maloney ... compilation of open source video shows that the World Trade Center ( Twin Towers and Building ...
informationliberation - The news you're not supposed to know... Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis; Edward Bernays, who invented public ...

00.000.1923 Vladimir Jabotinsky, leading intellectual of the Zionist movement ...
PEP Web - Letter from Sándor Ferenczi to Sigmund Freud, February ...

At Edward Bernays's we once met the leader of the Zionist movement, Dr. Weizmann. A clever man, agreeable, hasn't a clue about psychoanalysis, ...
The Truth Seeker - The Doors of Perception and the Language of Spin As

00.000.1920 s spin pioneers like Ivy Lee and Edward Bernays gained more experience, ... however, was his ability to see through the sham of Zionism More .
03.Jun.2007 - historical sources from thousands of archives ... Edward L. Bernays Foundation; Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation ...

Washington (D.C.) Chapter; Hadassah, the Womens Zionist Organization of America ...
AlterNet: The Hand that Rocks the Cradle public relations icon Edward Bernays . My dear kids: You probably won't remember ...

Or it could be that Simon and Albright have so internalized Zionist ...
Rigorous Intuition (v. 2.0): The Shock of Awe (Part Two) Edward Bernays ' Propaganda (1928) reads more like Mein Kampf:

... at least to me, that this Neocon-Corporate- Zionist cabal is a splinter group infused ...
Altermedia UK » Occult/Psy War It is part of the Zionist plan + it is shaping events.”

... of several strikingly frank analyses of western social psychology written by Edward Bernays . ...
The British 9/11 Truth Campaign :: View topic - Awesome Library of ...

Propaganda: How the Media Molds your Mind by Edward Bernays 1928

The Hidden History of Zionism by ...
[Project Rastko] Carl K. Savich: The Origins and Causes of the ... Since the time of Hearst and Edward Bernays, the role of propaganda in American ...

The Israel lobby and the Zionist objectives of many Jewish-American ...
The Jewish Agency for Israel Timeline July 1: Elections are held for the 16th Zionist Congress. ... Edward L. Bernays (1891-1995), regarded as the originator of the field of public relations, ...

03.Jun.2007 Jakob’s 9/11 Research » 2006 » August

Edward Bernays How to Brainwash a Nation. Edward Bernays and ... accusations of Chomsky being a multi-millionaire-krypto- zionist ! and an Israel apologist.
Carl Savich » 2006 » December Lippmann’s theoretical groundwork was taken a step further by Edward L. Bernays, regarded as a pioneer in public relations in the US.

03.Jun.2007 Birdman Bryant: Today's Good Reads The Origin and History of modern propaganda (public relations) + the story of its creator, Edward Bernays .

The story exposes how government and big ...
Social action research and the Commission on Community ...

00.000.1949 SPSSI awarded CCI the Edward L. Bernays Intergroup Relations Award . ... and to represent Zionist interests among American Jews (Urofsky, 1982).
20061012 Chicago Media Watch ... the propaganda game was PR genius Edward Bernays ... ‘dismantling of nuclear arms in Middle East must begin with Zionist entity’; ...
03.Jun.2007 Symbols, slogans and spin The manufacture of consent, a term created by Edward Bernays, ...

A who's who of the Neocon/Zionist/Illuminati Bush cabal . . . links and with updates ...

What a beautiful union, a beautiful union of brothers, like Esau and Jacob. ... Ralph Reed -- Former director of the Christian Coalition and member of the ...

Sep.2005 Rom - Di Lauro wurde in der Nacht verhaftet. ... Hexen-, Geister- und Gespensterglauben (Okkultismus) sowie die Satanologie und Engellehre. ... -
Karl Marx-Friedrich Engels - Die deutsche Ideologie "Die Theologie ist Gespensterglaube .

Die gemeine Theologie hat aber ihre ... "und Nordafrikas überhaupt" (also Karthagos, Hannibals Zug nach Rom und ...
Franz Mehring: Karl Marx - Der Schüler Hegels ... dem Weltherrn in Rom, der alle Rechte in sich verschlossen halte, ...

Geist der Theologie und somit für den reinen Gespensterglauben erklärte, ...
GESCHICHTE der PHILOSOPHIE Aristoteles ist der Philosoph der goldenen Mittelstraße .

Alle menschliche Tugend besteht im Einhalten der richtigen Mitte („Sei tapfer, aber weder feige ...

Ja, die sog. goldene Mittelstraße ist auch nur ein Weg, auf dem man eigentlich aus Jesuitismus weder rechts noch links zu gehen wagt.
Die Zeit - Kosmoblog » Militärschlag gegen Nordkorea?

Desert Storm + Iraqi Freedom both required much longer periods of time. ... which costs South Korea its capital and industrial heartland .

Sep.2005 Tal Afar; crackdown in the Sunni Heartland ... At least we can now lay to rest the belief that the levee broke 21 hours after the storm hit. ...
Omega-News: 06 September 2005 So, year after year, they denied funds to shore up levees that all experts agree are bound to give way in more than a Force Three storm .

Jul.2004 "Früher hat man jeden Ausbruch, jeden Vulkan einzeln und für sich betrachtet", ...

Jul.2004 Trotz seiner Daueraktivität ist der Kilauea relativ ...
Es braucht seine Zeit, ehe lang aufgestaute Energie zum Ausbruch kommt.
Folgen von gleichwohl eintretenden Schäden wurden Versicherungen bezüglich ... > Bedroht die globale Erwärmung die Menschheit?
November in South Flank od Kilauea, Hawaii, USA 1976: 2 Erdbeben am 4. ...
Komplex ist wie die Zigarettenindustrie, beide streiten jegliche Schäden ab! ...


Der Polizei, da sind sich beide einig, wolle man jedenfalls vorerst keinen Vorwurf machen. Das klingt überraschend.

Monty Schädel, Anmelder der Demonstration und so etwas wie der Kopf des G-8-Protests in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, sieht das jedenfalls ganz anders.

Er ist wütend auf die Gewalttätigen, aber genauso auf die Polizei. "Was willst Du denn, Du Arschloch", habe ein Beamter zu ihm gesagt, als er vermitteln wollte.

"Dann hat er mich weggeschubst." Nein, sagt er und sieht dabei vor allem müde aus, "da war von Deeskalation nicht mehr viel zu spüren."
Gemeinsame Abschreckung: USA bieten Russland Raketenabwehrsystem an
Schlangen vor McDonalds: Wie hungrige Globalisierungskritiker ihre Ideale über Bord warfen
03.Jun.2007 Jugendtreffen: J- 8-Gipfel in Wismar gestartet

03.Jun.2007 G- 8-Gipfel: Drei Viertel der Deutschen erwarten nichts
03.Jun.2007 Krawalltag in Rostock: "Bisher nicht gekannte Brutalität"

03.Jun.2007 Prozess gegen Charles Taylor: Ausrottung, Vergewaltigung, Versklavung
03.Jun.2007 Offensive gegen Islamisten: Flüchtlingscamp unter Dauerfeuer - Hubschrauber im Einsatz
02.Jun.2007 I. Die britische Deutschlandkonzeption und -politik 1918-1919
00.000.1918-00.000.1919 I. Die britische Deutschlandkonzeption und -politik.

1. Großbritannien und die Grundlagen einer Friedensordnung.

1. 1. Britische Friedensziele und ...
II. Die amerikanische Deutschlandkonzeption und -politik 1918-1919
Die amerikanische Deutschlandkonzeption und -politik 1918 -1919. 10. Amerikanische Friedensziele. Neue Weltordnung und globale Sicherheit ...
20050317 I-XXII I. Die britische Deutschlandkonzeption + -politik.

00.000.1918-00.000.1919 ... London und der Notenwechsel zwischen Berlin und Washington im 00.Okt.1918 S. 19 ...

Tatsächlich ist für viele Beobachter nicht nachvollziehbar, warum die Polizei gegen Abend immer wieder in kleinen Gruppen gezielt gegen Demonstranten vorgeht.

Dann setzt sie auch zum ersten Mal Tränengas ein, was Polizeisprecher Manfred Etzel noch um 16.30 Uhr ausschloss.

Dass die Polizei mit aller Härte zurückschlägt, hält mancher der Beobachter am Rande für genauso unangemessen.

"Die sind wie verrückt da drüben runtergerannt, direkt auf uns zu", sagt ein älterer Herr mit weißem Bart, er ist außer sich über diese Szene.

Jedenfalls scheint es genau das zu sein, was sich die Autonomen gewünscht haben.

Mit den Einsätzen wurde das Bild der Veranstaltung in kürzester Zeit völlig gedreht:

Denn der größte Teil der Veranstaltung war friedlich.

Zwei Demonstrationszüge zogen ab mittags gegen das Treffen der Staats- und Regierungschefs der sieben führenden Industrieländer und Russlands im Ostseebad Heiligendamm durch die Stadt.

Am Nachmittag trafen sich beide am Stadthafen, wo die Lage eskalierte.
Gewalt in Rostock: "Die Autonomen schlagen alles kurz und klein"
02.Jun.2007 G- 8-Demonstration in Rostock: Straßenschlacht am Stadthafen 
G- 8-Protest: Schwere Ausschreitungen in Rostock
02.Jun.2007 Protest gegen Globalisierung: Wie die G- 8-Kritiker die Welt umbauen wollen
02.Jun.2007 Alles Absicht: Greenspan enthüllt Greenspeak- Rätsel
02.Jun.2007 Demystifying the Mythological Wonder Drink 

The Aryan priests who wrote the Rig Veda (subject to historical inferences and inaccuracies) offer several references + poetic allusions to 'Soma',

as a juice of a plant which 'transports them into light' and gave them 'immortality'. posted by Prof. Hex
02.Jun.2007 Archaeologists dig out ancient port 

The Kerala Council for Historical Research (KCHR) in its findings suggests that this could be the lost town of Muzires mentioned in early Roman manuscripts

when ancient Rome had trade links with South India. posted by Prof. Hex
02.Jun.2007 G- 8-Gipfel: Stell dir vor, es ist Demo - und kaum einer geht hin
02.Jun.2007 Tarnkappen- Technik: Wer wäre nicht gerne unsichtbar?
02.Jun.2007 Demo- Ticker: Erste Steinschlacht in Rostock
02.Jun.2007 Online- Durchsuchungen: Schäuble will für den Bundestrojaner das Grundgesetz ändern
US- Raketenabwehr: Putin warnt vor Nuklear- Konflikt
02.Jun.2007 Rüssel- Schwingungen: Elefanten warnen sich per Infraschall
02.Jun.2007 G- 8-Demonstrationen: Gericht erlaubt Mini- Mahnwache am Sperrzaun

02.Jun.2007 G- 8-Gipfel: Polizeigewerkschaft kritisiert US- Sicherheitsvorgaben
02.Jun.2007 U.S. Firms Recall Contaminated Feed Ingredients:

For the first time, the industrial chemical that contaminated pet food ingredients imported from China has been found in livestock + fish feed ingredients produced in the USA.
Somebody's Watching You: A convicted felon turns cameras on the cops, putting a balance of power, he says, back in the hands of the people.

02.Jun.2007 The corporate takeover of U.S. intelligence: The U.S. government now outsources a vast portion of its spying operations to private firms -- with zero public accountability.

02.Jun.2007 Bush removes provision requiring back taxes from illegal immigrants: An independent analyst estimated the decision could cost the IRS tens of billions of dollars

02.Jun.2007 Iraq's oil boom isn't delayed, it's relocated to Canada: As Baghdad burns, destabilising the entire region and sending the price of oil soaring, Calgary booms

02.Jun.2007 Was Iraq invaded to boost oil prices? Value of Exxon reserves rose by $666bn
02.Jun.2007 US may collapse as a superpower: analyst : 6 Minute Audio and Transcript: A US military analyst who's served in the armed forces and has written on international affairs for more than two decades, is issuing a warning today about the collapse of the United States as a superpower.

02.Jun.2007 US debt could trigger dollar collapse, UN warns: The United States dollar is facing imminent collapse in the face of an unsustainable debt, the United Nations warned today.

02.Jun.2007 Kuwait split raises questions over longevity of the dollar: When the Roman emperor Constantine struck off a new gold coin, he expected it to give good, durable service. And the extra-durable solidus did - about 700 years' worth. Modern monetary systems have a somewhat shorter shelf life.

02.Jun.2007 Putin: Missile Tests Are Response to US : In a clear reference to the United States, Putin harshly criticized ``diktat and imperialism'' in global affairs and warned that Russia will keep strengthening its military potential to maintain a global strategic balance.
02.Jun.2007 Israeli agents 'helped Entebbe hijackers':

An extraordinary claim that Israeli intelligence may have had a hand in an airline hijacking before sending in commandos to rescue the hostages at Entebbe was made to the Foreign Office.
Ground Zero illnesses come back to haunt Giuliani - By Jerry Mazza - A self-appointed “dictator” more than willing to play an illegal and/or slipshod role in accomplishing unholy business. Continue
02.Jun.2007 "governo Bush" A Harriman & Co pagou ao governo o valor das embarcações, ... a Brown Brothers Harriman e a Hamburg Amerika Line foram levadas a desempenhar papel decisivo ... 02.Jun.2007 Wadsworth 25 History In

00.Aug.1903 it became Harriman, in honor of E.H. Harriman, whose company, the Union Pacific, had purchased controlling interest in the Southern ...
Sources Harriman's papers at the Library of Congress Manuscript Division were the most useful ... EA Files: Lot 71 D 10 Files on the Paris Peace Talks, 1966-1968 . 02.Jun.2007 Orcinus Walker was CEO and president of the W.A. Harriman & Co ., their Wall Street investment firm.

Over the years, the Walker/Bush and Harriman fortunes became ...

00.000.1870 Deutsche Bank Harriman Thyssen Bush e.a.

1870.00.000 ...

00.000.1931 W.A. Harriman & Co . merged with the British Brown Brothers into Brown ...
Political Friendster - Skull & Bones - Connections Yale Bonesman Class of 1917 with Ellery Sedgewick James, E.A. Harriman and ...

Eli Lilly and Company synthesized LSD for the CIA, a Skull and Bones outfit ...
a few stories about YWAM last September; see
here and here
Agape appears to be linked with the mysterious, cult-like missionary group Youth With a Mission, or YWAM. See
here, here, and here.
1. Agape operates at the world-infamous Venice airport, where Mohammed Atta trained. The firm is locally notorious for secrecy. They usually do their business behind closed hangar doors.
2. A pilot named Mark Mikarts flies for Agape. The same pilot was Atta's flight instructor. He also has been known to use the name Mark Wierdak. His sister works for the American consulate in Venezuela, and, when contacted, would not offer any rational explanation for the use of two last names.

The Father, the Son + the Holy Spooks
Agape Flights is a Florida-based aviation firm servicing missionaries in Haiti and other third world spots. Daniel Hopsicker has put together a remarkable skein of evidence suggesting that the firm may be transporting something other than the Word of the Lord.
In the 1980s, Christian Century magazine published a series of articles demonstrating that several well-known missionary organizations -- including the famed World Vision -- provided cover for CIA personnel operating in faraway lands.
Is Agape one such enterprise?
02.Jun.2007 Peepees against Gore Today (or yesterday), Al Gore has:
1. Argued that
impeachment would be a waste of the nation's resources.
2. Argued that congressional Democrats deserve the "benefit of the doubt" for voting for the Iraq funding bill: "I would urge Democrats who want our troops out yesterday to show some understanding of the difficult hand the Democratic leaders have to play and give them the benefit of the doubt in expecting that they are going to continue to push the mandate they received from the voters last fall to change the course of this war." 3. Argued that he could not legally have done more to challenge the results of the 2000 campaign. "I took it all the way to a final Supreme Court decision. And in our system, there is no intermediate step between a final Supreme Court decision and violent revolution. So, at that point, having taken it as far as one could, then the question becomes, are we going to be a nation of laws and not people?"

02.Jun.2007 Caging Brad Friedman and Greg Palast have produced a must-read article. Remember Tim Griffin, the close Rove friend who became the U.S. Attorney in Arkansas after the honest and effective Bud Cummins was "axed" to leave? (Cummins had been looking into G.O.P. corruption.) Well, Congressman John Conyers requested Palast's evidence that Tim Griffin was involved in "caging" voters. (Slate has a great new piece on caging.) Within hours of that request, Griffin quit . He may play a role in Fred Thompson's campaign. Permalink
02.Jun.2007 Will the dollar collapse? A U.N. report says that our unsustainable debt may trigger the "disorderly adjustment and the steep fall of the dollar". I blame Clinton. Permalink
02.Jun.2007 Everything Goes Wrong With Bush at the Helm: "The number of violent crimes in the United States rose for a second straight year 00.000.2006, marking the first sustained increase in homicides, robberies and other serious offenses since the early 1990s, according to an FBI report to be released Monday."

02.Jun.2007 The BuzzFlash Progressive Marketplace
Mercenaries in Iraq: A Privatized Foreign Legion in Baghdad
Bush Extending U.S. Involvement in Somali Civil War

02.Jun.2007 "Declining to say whether the U.S. and its partners are winning the war on terror, Defense Secretary Robert Gates called Saturday for more focus on combating poverty and other underlying causes of extremism." Hmmm, certainly a comment worthy of note.

02.Jun.2007 Former Vice President Al Gore on Friday called President Bush's proposal for a summit to look at ways to reduce greenhouse gases "smoke and mirrors."
Marine Corps Wants America's Favorite Marine To Shut Up! 6/2

02.Jun.2007 Robert Parry: Bush's Global Warming Foot-Dragging 6/2
The Busheviks' 'new plan' in Iraq is resulting in huge casualties without progress. That isn't a plan for success,
it's a plan for death.

02.Jun.2007 "Former vice president Al Gore said Friday that he still hasn't ruled out a presidential bid 00.000.2008, but he doesn't expect to run and might not possess the skills necessary to be elected president now." There's a bit of give in this statement. He's not closing the door. 6/2

"The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO's standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans."

He adds: "My contact said the PFLP had attracted all sorts of wild elements, some of whom had been planted by the Israelis."

The documents also reveal that the British government debated whether or not to praise the Israeli raid after its completion.

It was decided in the days after the raid that it was not clear whether the Israeli offensive was justified under international law.

One document in the file reads: "The Israelis have been critical of the fact that the prime minister did not send a personal message of congratulations to Mr Rabin and that our public statement fell short of endorsement of the Israeli action at Entebbe."

But newly released documents contain a claim that the 1976 rescue of hostages, kidnapped on an Air France flight and held in Entebbe in Uganda, was not all it seemed.

A UK government file on the crisis, released from the National Archives, contains a claim that Israel itself was behind the hijacking.

An unnamed contact told a British diplomat in Paris that the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Bet + the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) collaborated to seize the plane.

The flight was seized shortly after it took off from Athens and was flown to Entebbe, where 98 people were held hostage, many of them Israeli citizens.
02.Jun.2007 Entebbe: The revised edition Permalink

02.Jun.2007 If I understand the BBC account aright, the PFLP -- a secular, socialist Palestinian group, then at odds with the PLO -- was infiltrated by Israeli agents, who goaded the others into committing the atrocity. Such a ploy is, in broad outline, familiar enough. Those who recall the Vietnam era know that infiltrators often prompted peace marchers to take illegal actions. The same thing has happened within other protest movements.
If we provisionally accept that the hijacking of Air France Flight 139 (the event which led to the raid) was, ultimately, set in motion by Israel, we have much history to reconsider.
The leaders of the hijacking were, according to the standard account, two Germans named Wilfried Böse and Brigitte Kuhlmann, both members of a German left-wing terror group called the Revolutionäre Zellen (Revolutionary Cells). In the 1970s, we took these "red" terrorists at face value, although many articles published in the wake of the P2 scandal revealed that much "left-wing" terror in Western Europe (especially in Italy) was actually orchestrated by the far right. (
This Wikipedia entry on the Strategy of Tension gives a good brief overview of the relevant history.) That said, all the studies I've seen on "false flag" terror in the Age of Disco have concentrated on Italy. I'm far more ignorant than I should be of the situation in Germany -- and I know of no previous allegations linking Böse and Kuhlmann to the Israeli services. (Readers who know German may be able to educate me here.)

02.Jun.2007 What the BBC gives is, in pertinent part, this: An unnamed contact told a British diplomat in Paris that the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Bet + the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) collaborated to seize the plane. In the document, written on 30 June 1976 when the crisis was still unresolved, DH Colvin of the Paris Embassy writes of his source: "According to his information, the hijack was the work of the PFLP, with help from the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Beit.
"The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO's standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans."
He adds: "My contact said the PFLP had attracted all sorts of wild elements, some of whom had been planted by the Israelis."

02.Jun.2007 the source for this claim is the BBC, drawing from a government file on the incident.
02.Jun.2007 and did much to bolster Israel's image in the United States and around the world. The official IDF account of the action is here. 02.Jun.2007
"Raid on Entebbe," a Israeli commando operation to rescue hostages in Uganda, then under the control of the psychotic despot Idi Amin. The incident gave rise to several films
02.Jun.2007 Jörg Hutter - Die Rosa-Winkel-Häftlinge im Konzentrationslager ... ein Eisenbahnknotenpunkt etwa 30 km von Kattowitz + 60 km von Krakau entfernt am Rand ...

... welche die Krematorien lieferte, die Hoch- und Tiefbau AG, ...
JSTOR: Monopolistic Combinations in the German Coal Industry Cf. also, Nordstern and Helene, Mt. Cenis and Bommerbanker Tiefbau ; Enquete, p. ... Kattowitz .

Statut, Cokssyndicat-Statut der A. G. Westfilisches ...
20041026 Unocal completes partial redemption of trust convertible preferred securities ... Why we target Google URL :
02.Jun.2007 Barbecue and remebrance Barbecue and remebrance
28.May 2007 Dear Readers, Please feel free to forward this citizen's arrest warrant to the White House and add your name to it. Also, I have included the...

02.Jun.2007 Financial Times today: "Nuclear persuasion" Financial Times today: "Nuclear persuasion"
27.May 2007 Nuclear persuasion Published: Financial Times The cloud of radioactive fallout...

02.Jun.2007 ***Son of Star Wars - Will Hawai'i become the center of a new arms r ***Son of Star Wars - Will Hawai'i become the center of a new arms r
A Must-Read!!! ========= Son of Star Wars Will Hawai'i become the center of a new arms race? by John Lasker

02.Jun.2007 DU Radioactive Contamination In Iraq: An Overview by D.r Souda Al-A DU Radioactive Contamination In Iraq: An Overview by D.r Souda Al-A
Depleted Uranium Radioactive Contamination In Iraq: An Overview Dr. Souad N. Al-Azzawi Assoc. Prof./Mamoun Univ. for Science & Technology Member of the...

02.Jun.2007 ***Fidel Castro: Bush expects everything to be solved with a bang ***Fidel Castro: Bush expects everything to be solved with a bang
Bush expects everything to be solved with a bang Havana. 26.May 2007 ...

02.Jun.2007 U.S. show of force in Gulf alarming: Afghan paper U.S. show of force in Gulf alarming: Afghan paper
... U.S. show of force in Gulf alarming: Afghan paper Sat 26.May 2007 12:15PM EDT By Sayed...

02.Jun.2007 Vandenberg-Alaska Missile Launch a Failure!-Another Attempt this Sum Vandenberg-Alaska Missile Launch a Failure!-Another Attempt this Sum
Target failure scratches missile-defense test By Janene Scully/Associate Editor A...

02.Jun.2007 US Statement Says Failed Missile Defense Test Proves Need for Missil US Statement Says Failed Missile Defense Test Proves Need for Missil
So, WAR=PEACE, FREEDOM = SLAVERY and failed tests = success! According to Reuters, The missile that misfired was supplied by Sandia National Laboratories, an...

02.Jun.2007 US, others warn UN nuclear chief over need for unity on Iran US, others warn UN nuclear chief over need for unity on Iran
Yeah, just howl with the wolves [forgive me, the real wolves that are actually being decimated right now in the US], OK? As for the UN, don't worry, we'll call...

02.Jun.2007 U.S. navy begins war games on Iran's doorstep U.S. navy begins war games on Iran's doorstep
U.S. navy begins war games on Iran's doorstep By Mohammed Abbas Thu May 24, 9:23 AM ET The U.S....

02.Jun.2007 Missile Defense Launch delayed Thursday due to Alaska bad weather Missile Defense Launch delayed Thursday due to Alaska bad weather
The launch may happen today (Friday). This helps the argument against these obnoxious missiles a bit in that in an event of a real attack, should weather be a...

02.Jun.2007 U.S. tried sabotage in Iran U.S. tried sabotage in Iran

U.S. tried to sabotage in Iran Posted on : 2007-05-25 | Author : World News Editor News Category : World ...
COMMENTARY: Will Japan Bail Out Lockheed Martin? COMMENTARY: Will Japan Bail Out Lockheed Martin?
WILL JAPAN BAIL OUT LOCKHEED MARTIN ? William D. Hartung, World Policy Institute May 24, 2007 Despite its role as the Pentagon’s top contractor, Lockheed...

20010219 A D.S. sub sinks a Japanese fishing boat SHIPWRECK Disaster at Sea NEWSWEEK FEBRUARY 19, 2001.33.1 9scan.htm

19.Feb.2001 NEWSWEEK FEBRUARY 19, 2001 A D.S. sub sinks a Japanese fishing boat SHIPWRECK Disaster at Sea .33.1

Watery crash :

Rescue crews rush survivors to shore after a maritime collision **********

********** A D.S. sub sinks a Japanese fishing boat
CREW MEMBERS OF THE JAPANESE fishing vessel Ehime Maru

20010218 Credible Deception-The NY Times + the Sudan missile attack-revised- 28.Aug.1998 -Written-16.Sep.1999-revised-.htm

18.Feb.2001 Credible Deception - The NY Times and the Sudan missile attack .htm

by Jared Israel (Written 8-28-98, revised 9-16-99, reposted 2-18-2001) Note: 'Credible Deception' was the first article written (in the summer of 1998) for what has become the Emperor's Clothes Website.

It analyzes the methods used to deceive the American people about the murderous U.S. bombing of a pill factory in Sudan

00.Feb.1998 .

Because it exposes a number of common techniques used to misinform, it is helpful in seeing through government/media lies about other foreign policy adventures.
20010218 Credible Deception-The NY Times + the Sudan missile attack-revised- 28.Aug.1998 -Written-16.Sep.1999-revised-.htm
07.Feb.2001 NucNews-
Embassy bombings trial witness says bin Laden wanted uranium
Bush should delay missile defense plan until questions considered
Shield Would Give U.S. Alternative to Nuclear Arms
Russia to Blame for U.S. Missile Defense, Canberra Says
CIA: Iran, Iraq Pose Challenges
News, on missile defense systems:
Cell phones are safe
Joint U.S.-Russia exercises heighten fears of espionage
Powell backs plan for European force
Canada sets ties to North Korea
British Leader Pushes Defense Talks
China's Qian plans early U.S. visit
Powell Meets S. Korea Counterpart
Putin Presses Diplomacy as the Best Defense
Russia ready for arms race over missiles
Asian Stock Markets Close Mixed
Missile Defense Test Planned
Raytheon: May Miss 2002 Earnings Forecast

Bush Won't Seek Defense Increases
Serious about missile defense Helle Bering
ABM may get bombed
USEC says government may owe it for tainted uranium inventory
GOP Senators to pitch energy bill

Powell: China poses no danger in canal
Argentina Won't Compete in Arms Race
Colombian rebel to meet president
Taliban Seem to Be Making Good on Opium Ban, U.N. Says

Space shuttle launch successful
Senate approves payment of U.N. dues
Smart Start on Defense Budgeting
Bush Administration Holds to Clinton Budget for Pentagon 00.000.2002

U.S. Army is running out of bullets.

nian judges reject Jews' appeal
Chief Cites Proliferation, Terrorism Among Top Threats
Aide to bin Laden Describes Terror Campaign Aimed at U.S.
mer Terrorist Says He Warned U.S.
ness: I worked for bin Laden

e years ago, Al-Fadl reached a deal with prosecutors to plead guilty to terrorism charges, in particular for moving weapons and explosives. After 18-months to two years living in FBI custody, he is now in the federal witness protection program and still awaiting sentencing.
He told the court he had asked for a reward for his information but was giving nothing more than a $20,000 loan to help resettle his family in the U.S.
The alleged effort to obtain nuclear and chemical weapons and their components, while supported by Al-Fadl's public testimony, has long been alleged in the government's indictment.
Until now, he was known only in court documents as "CS-1," for "confidential source number one." His main value to the government's case has been to provide an insider's history on bin Laden's organization, which he joined as one of its first members in the late 1980s. He will face cross examination beginning next Tuesday, when the trial resumes.

07.Aug.1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya killed 224 people, including 12 Americans + injured thousands. The bombings are the main part of a 308-count indictment naming 21 individuals for participating in an alleged decade-long conspiracy to kill Americans and destroy U.S. government property.
In his two days of testimony, Al-Fadl cited 10 of the alleged conspirators named in the sweeping indictment, most of whom are fugitives not on trial at this time. Bin Laden, the lead defendant, is believed to be living in Afghanistan.
07.Feb.2001 Embassy bombings trial witness says bin Laden wanted to buy uranium
Phil Hirschkorn and Correspondent Deborah Feyerick
NEW YORK ( ) -- In his second day of testimony, a key government witness in the trial of four men accused of conspiracy in the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in East Africa said Wednesday he had once attempted to purchase uranium for Osama bin Laden, the alleged mastermind of the bombings.
The witness, Jamal Ahmed Mohamed Al-Fadl, described a 1994 effort to buy uranium for al-Qaeda, the organization led by bin Laden, for whom Al-Fadl said he worked for nine years. Uranium is a key component in nuclear weapons.
Al-Fadl said he was told the price for the uranium, which came in a two-to-three-foot cylinder, was $1.5 million. He said engravings on the cylinder and documents indicated the uranium's source was South Africa.
What happened to the uranium and whether the transaction was completed was left unanswered. The witness' last information on the deal was that al-Qaeda sought to test and verify the contents with a machine being sent from Kenya.
Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald then turned to another subject.
07.Feb.2001 Pioneer Planet
Sen. Joseph R. Biden Commentator
For years, Republicans have demanded a ``robust'' national missile defense. Now President Bush must turn that slogan into coherent policy and strategy with full attention to the technological challenges, the potential consequences for arms control + the concerns of our allies.
Before going any further, the administration must consider these questions:
Whom shall the system protect + against what?
07.Feb.2001 International Herald Tribune -Joseph Fitchett-
MUNICH Henry Kissinger put it starkly here last weekend to an audience of Europeans and representatives of Japan and China:

No American president can neglect an alternative to using nuclear weapons against a small nation poised to launch a ballistic missile at the United States.
he alternative, he said, is missile defense, whose technologies for intercepting incoming missiles promise now to be able to offer some protection against limited nuclear attacks.
The former secretary of state's plea was perhaps the most emotional in a weekend that represented the Bush administration's first real effort to sell Europe - and perhaps sway critics in Russia and China - on its plan for an expensive system to defend against missile attacks.
When Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld later argued that it was "a moral issue" for the United States to try to build a missile defense system, even the skeptical Europeans, who were numerous among the defense ministers and experts at the Munich Conference on International Security, understood that the new administration would not easily be swayed from the controversial plan.
Feb Russia Today

CANBERRA -- (Reuters) Australia has dismissed Chinese concerns about U.S. plans for a missile defense system and blamed Russia for making the project necessary.
Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said Moscow, a fierce critic of the U.S. National Missile Defense (NMD) program, was partly responsible for the proliferation of missile technology to "rogue states", which made the system worth developing.
"A lot of the debate here is directed at the United States," Downer said in his first comments on the NMD program since President George W. Bush came into office.
"I frankly think an awful lot of the debate should instead be directed not only towards those countries that have got or are developing these missile systems, but the countries that have been transferring that missile technology to thosecountries," he told ABC television on Tuesday night.
"For example, Russia expresses concern... But Russia is a country that has been involved in the proliferation of missile technology. If there were no missiles there would be no need for a missile defense system." A transcript of the interview was issued on Wednesday.
The opposition Labor party reacted with dismay to what it deemed as a hardening of Prime Minister John Howard's backing of U.S. plans to develop NMD, which is opposed not only by Russia but also by China and many of Washington's European allies.
CIA: Iran, Iraq Pose Challenges
07.Feb.2001 Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Iran and Iraq are likely to pose major security challenges to the new Bush administration in their illicit pursuit of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and in Iran's growing support for terrorism, the CIA director told Congress on Wednesday.
Summarizing the CIA's assessment of security threats around the world, George Tenet said international terrorism is the most immediate worry, and foremost among the threats is the Muslim extremist network of Osama bin Laden, the exiled Saudi who has declared holy war on America.
``Osama bin Laden and his global network of lieutenants and associates remain the most immediate and serious threat,'' Tenet told the Senate Intelligence Committee. He said bin Laden's organization is developing surrogates to carry out attacks ``to avoid detection, blame and retaliation.''
Bin Laden is wanted by the FBI in connection with the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which killed 224 people + he is suspected of having a hand in last year's terrorist attack on the USS Cole in Yemen that killed 17 American sailors and nearly sank the $1 billion ship.
Tenet also addressed other global threats, including:
--Iran: It has one of the largest and most capable ballistic missile programs in the Middle East and could test an intercontinental-range missile capable of delivering a small weapon to the United States in ``the next few years,'' he said. Over the past two years, Iran has increased its support of terrorist groups opposed to the Middle East peace process + prospects for positive political change in Iran are fading.
--Iraq: ``We are likely to see greater assertiveness'' by President Saddam Hussein over the next year, Tenet said, as the Iraqi leader attempts to wriggle free of the U.N. economic sanctions and finance the rebuilding of his military. Saddam has grown more confident of his ability to hold onto power, although U.S.-British enforcement of ``no fly'' zones over Iraq has constrained his military.
--India and Pakistan: Relations between the South Asia rivals are volatile, ``making the risk of war between the two nuclear-armed adversaries unacceptably high.'' Tenet said there is a ``good prospect'' of another round of nuclear tests by India and Pakistan + following India's test of an Agni medium-range missile last month, ``Pakistan may respond in kind.''
--Russia: Its future under President Vladimir Putin looks dim. ``There can be little doubt that President Putin wants to restore some aspects of the Soviet past,'' he said, including its status as a world power. One of his goals is to improve ties with China and other regional partners to check U.S. influence.
--North Korea: After nearly 10 years of decline in capability, the North Korean military has stabilized. It also is expanding its short- and medium-range missile arsenal, ``putting our allies at greater risk.''
Tenet, who has been CIA director since 1997 and has been asked by the Bush administration to remain in the post, said terrorist groups are becoming more decentralized, which makes them harder to identify.
``Terrorists are also becoming more operationally adept and more technically sophisticated in order to defeat counterterrorism measures,'' he said. As the United States has strengthened security around government buildings and fixed military facilities, terrorists are seeking out ``softer'' targets such as private businesses.
Tenet also emphasized the importance of threats from the spread of ballistic missile technologies.
``We continue to face ballistic missile threats from a variety of actors beyond Russia and China -- specifically North Korea, probably Iran and possibly Iraq,'' he said.
The overall challenge to American security is more complex than ever, Tenet said.
``Never in my experience,'' he said, ``has American intelligence had to deal with such a dynamic set of concerns affecting such a broad range of U.S. interests. Never have we had to deal with such a high quotient of uncertainty.''
News, on missile defense systems:
07.Feb.2001 Associated Press Here are excerpts from editorials in newspapers in the United States and abroad:
Joint U.S.-Russia exercises heighten fears of espionage
07.Feb.2001 Washington Times - By Bill Gertz -
The Pentagon is conducting joint missile defense exercises with the Russian military in Colorado, raising concerns among defense analysts that Moscow will gain valuable information on U.S. war-fighting tactics.
A Pentagon official said the computer simulation exercises at the National Training Facility in Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado, grew out of a

00.000.1999 summit meeting between President Clinton + Russian President Boris Yeltsin . The military cooperation was reaffirmed at a summit in September with current Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The first phase of the current exercise scenario involves American and Russian forces working together against an unidentified third country that attacks with ballistic missiles, said the official who spoke only on the condition of anonymity.
The two sides will then coordinate communications, warning and control information for shooting down incoming short-range missiles.
A later phase will take place at Fort Bliss, Texas, in January 2002 using hardware in what the defense official said were "limited field-training exercises."
The 30 Russian officers now working in Colorado will pretend to be operating Russia's S-300 anti-missile systems and some 70 U.S. military officers will practice using Patriot anti-missile systems.
U.S.-Russia relations have soured in recent months over plans for a U.S. national missile defense system, which Moscow opposes. Moscow also has raised U.S. and NATO concerns by moving tactical nuclear weapons to the Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad, U.S. officials said. Moscow denied the claim.
Rep. Curt Weldon, Pennsylvania Republican and a member of the House Armed Services Committee, said the missile defense exchanges seem "very ill-conceived."
"I support engagement, but not engagement that is not totally thought through," Mr. Weldon said. "I would hope Secretary Rumsfeld is fully briefed on these programs."
The defense official dismissed suggestions that the exercises will benefit Russian's intelligence services and said security arrangements call for using "generic" battlefield information to avoid compromises.
"They are not going to see how we tactically deploy," he said.
07.Feb.2001 Washington Times - By Ben Barber -
British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook and Secretary of State Colin Powell stood shoulder to shoulder yesterday in support of the proposed European defense plan and sanctions on Libya, while they downplayed differences over missile defense.
Mr. Cook discussed with Mr. Powell at the State Department the European plan to set up a 60,000-man rapid-reaction force independent of NATO - a plan that was criticized last week by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld as potentially weakening NATO.
"We both agreed that an increase in Europe's rapid reaction capability could strengthen NATO + we are both determined that this new European capacity should be firmly anchored in NATO," said Mr. Cook in a joint press conference with Mr. Powell.
Mr. Powell said the Bush administration has "a very good understanding of what the European Security and Defense Initiative is all about - an effort on the part of our European friends to increase their capability for rapid reaction in Europe and wherever else the need might arise - and we support that goal."
Mr. Powell said the new force would allow Europe to act when NATO or the United States decided not to engage.
On the Bush administration plan to develop and deploy an anti-ballistic missile system, Mr. Cook voiced some concerns.
Canada sets ties to North Korea
07.Feb.2001 Washington Times - World Scene Combined dispatches and staff reports -

OTTAWA - Canada said yesterday it has established diplomatic ties with North Korea, the isolated impoverished communist state that is slowly opening up to the outside world.
Canada becomes the fourth member of the Group of Eight powerful nations - after Russia, Italy and Britain - to recognize the state, which has launched a diplomatic offensive after five decades of self-imposed isolation.
Foreign Minister John Manley said that Canada believed forging closer relations with Pyongyang is the best way to contribute to security, nonproliferation and humanitarian challenges in the region.
British Leader Pushes Defense Talks
07.Feb.2001 Associated Press -
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Britain's foreign secretary urged the Bush administration Wednesday to talk to the Russians before taking a decision on a missile defense system.
Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told reporters over breakfast at the British Embassy that the administration needs time for talks with Russia and also to decide on the kind of missile program to be built.
``It should be possible to persuade Russia that this is not in any way destabilizing to Russia and should go ahead on the basis of an accommodation with Russia,'' Cook said.
He cautiously refused to endorse the program directly. Critics of the anti-missile idea say such a system could touch off a deadly arms race, will cost trillions of dollars and probably won't work.
Cook said ``there is no perception'' in Britain of a threat from North Korea, Iran and Iraq, states often cited by advocates of the program as threatening the United States with attack by long-range nuclear missiles.
Bush administration officials have said a U.S. anti-missile shield would be available to defend allies and friendly governments as well as the United States.

Having met with Secretary of State Colin Powell, Vice President Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's national security adviser, Cook said he did not get ``any sense of how long'' it would take the administration to choose a program.
On Monday, the European Union's foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, said the United States cannot be deterred from deploying a national missile defense despite misgivings among the allies and Russia.
``The United States has the right to deploy,'' Solana told reporters before meetings with Powell and Rice.
On another touchy issue, Europe's determination to create its own military corps to respond to crises, Cook said, ``At every step, this force will be linked to NATO.''
Critics have suggested an independent European force would undercut NATO and could set in motion the dissolution of the U.S.-led military alliance.
Later, after he met with Rice, Cook told reporters outside the White House that British relations with the new government were ``off to a flying start.''
Cook's visit was designed to prepare for Prime Minister Tony Blair's Feb. 23-24 trip to Washington to see President Bush at Camp David in Maryland's Catoctin Mountains.
Cook said his own visit ``has identified the common interests of the United States and England and our common approach'' on world trouble spots like the Middle East.
Cook said both countries are committed to working together to ensure that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein ``does not emerge as ... a menace'' with renewed capability to produce weapons of mass destruction.
He said Russia should not be threatened by Bush's plans to build a missile d
efense system and echoed the president's views on the Ariel Sharon election as Israel's prime minister.
``We respect the choice they made and will work with Sharon to take forward the peace process,'' Cook said.
China's Qian plans early U.S. visit
07.Feb.2001 Washington Times - World Scene Combined dispatches and staff reports -
BEIJING - China's top foreign-affairs official, Qian Qichen, will travel to the United States next month in the first visit by a senior Chinese official under the George W. Bush administration, diplomats said yesterday.
The visit by Vice Prime Minister Qian, a veteran who oversees China's policies toward Taiwan, was seen as a key gesture by China in maintaining continuity in bilateral ties after Mr. Bush moved into the White House last month.
Mr. Bush is not expected to meet his Chinese counterpart, Jiang Zemin, until October, when China
hosts an informal summit of Asia Pacific leaders in Shanghai.
Hanging over bilateral ties, however, are a host of perennially thorny issues, including Taiwan and human rights, as well as U.S. plans to build an anti-missile shield in the face of strident opposition by China, Russia and others.
Powell Meets S. Korea Counterpart
07.Feb.2001 Associated Press -
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Bush administration said Wednesday it supports South Korea's policy of reconciliation toward communist North Korea.
But only two weeks in office, the administration is still mulling its own policy toward Pyongyang, including exactly how to follow through on initiatives inherited from the Clinton administration.
Secretary of State Colin Powell and South Korean Foreign Minister Lee Joung-binn said following a meeting Wednesday that they had agreed to continue ``close coordination'' on their policies for the Stalinist state.
And Lee told reporters he had Powell's ``full support'' for Seoul's ``sunshine'' policy of engagement with the North, which won South Korean President Kim Dae-jung the Nobel Peace Prize.
Briefing reporters later, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said the pair didn't talk in detail about how the new administration might proceed with its own policy toward the North -- specifically on the question of negotiations on Pyongyang's missile program.
Putin Presses Diplomacy as the Best Defense

07.Feb.2001 International Herald Tribune - New York Times Service - Patrick E. Tyler -

President Vladimir Putin plans to play host to the presidents of North Korea + Iran in Moscow this spring, Russian officials say, as part of his campaign to demonstrate to Western leaders that diplomacy + arms control may go a long way toward eliminating the ballistic missile threat that is driving the Bush administration to develop an anti-missile system.
After a weekend in which senior Bush administration officials made a series of appearances on television and at a European security conference in Munich to reaffirm their intention to press forward with testing and deployment of an anti missile system, Russia responded Monday with a warning that it was prepared along with other nations - China presumably among them - to resort to an arms race to ensure that its own strategic deterrent force would not be weakened.
And Mr. Putin, by signaling his plans to meet the leaders of two of the three "rogue" nations that most concern Washington, is positioning Russia to play a constructive, if also self-interested, role in addressing the post-Cold War security issues on which the Bush administration has centered its national security strategy. At the same time, Mr. Putin is playing on the deep skepticism in Europe over Washington's determination to rearrange the strategic landscape.
The deployment of a missile shield would violate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.
Russia is promoting its own proposal to make further deep cuts in the nuclear arsenals while cooperating with Europe and the United States to develop regional missile defenses that could be brought to bear against threatening nations.
The Russian campaign will play out over several months in advance of the summit meeting of leaders from the largest industrial countries, who will convene in July in Genoa, where Mr. Bush will make a diplo
matic debut.
President Mohammed Khatami of Iran is due in Moscow next month for discussions on trade and military cooperation.
Russia ready for arms race over missiles
Two days after US officials told their European counterparts that the United States intends to push ahead with the development of a national missile shield - but only after extensive consultations -

Russia responded yesterday with a warning that it would resort to a new arms race to insure its strategic rocket forces will not be undermined.
At the same time, President Vladimir Putin was said to be preparing a diplomatic offensive to meet the leaders of two of the so-called rogue nations whose ballistic missiles are of most concern to the US.
President Mohammad Khatami of Iran is expected here next month for discussions on trade and military cooperation. Diplomats here and in Teheran said the leaders would discuss ways to control the spread of ballistic missile technology.
The US has long expressed concerns about Russian assistance to Iran's ballistic missile program.
07.Feb.2001 Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A Bush administration offer to help European allies field their own defense against missile attack reflects ideas in a little-noticed report outlining ways to overcome skepticism abroad over U.S. missile defense plans.
The policy paper, published last September by the private Atlantic Council of the United States, was co-authored by Stephen Cambone, now a close adviser to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, and Stephen J. Hadley, the deputy national security adviser to President Bush.
At a European security conference last Saturday in Germany, Rumsfeld sought to ease European concerns about U.S. national missile defense. He said the administration is prepared to ``assist friends and allies threatened by missile attack to deploy such defenses.'' He did not elaborate.
In the Atlantic Council report, Cambone and Hadley said interviews with a broad range of European officials made clear ``there is a growing recognition'' that as the threat of ballistic missiles spreads this decade ``the case for a more robust missile defense capability of Europe will become more compelling.''
Europeans doubt, however, that the United States is willing to exchange enough missile defense technology with European governments to enable them to build a defensive shield of their own, the report
Raytheon: May Miss 2002 Earnings Forecast
07.Feb.2001 By REUTERS -
BOSTON (Reuters) - Raytheon Co., (RTNa.N) (RTNb.N) the No. 3 U.S. defense contractor, said on Wednesday its

2002 earnings could fall as much as 12 % below current Wall Street estimates, prompting a sell-off of the company's stock.
The No. 1 U.S. missile maker also forecast slight declines this year in operating income and revenue at its key defense electronics systems unit.
This despite Raytheon Chairman Daniel Burnham telling reporters, ``I think it is highly likely, if not certain, that there will be an increase in defense spending ...

An increase in the procurement and R&D (research and development) accounts that are so important to us and to other contractors.''
About half of the 13 analysts who follow Raytheon had expected earnings of $1.94 per share in 00.000.2002 , according to the research firm First Call/Thomson Financial.
Raytheon's Class A stock fell $1.66, or 4.72 %, to end Wednesday at $33.50 in New York Stock Exchange trade, while its Class B stock slid $1.58, or 4.46 %, to close at $33.81.
Burnham affirmed the company's guidance in December for 2001 earnings of $1.55 to $1.70 per share.
Lexington, Mass-based Raytheon estimated it would generate operating income of $1.72 billion in 00.000.2001 , compared with $1.62 billion last year. Its revenue is expected to rise to $17.8 billion from $16.9 billion last year.
``The earnings guidance was unexpected,'' Deutshe Banc Alex, Brown analyst Christopher Mecray said. ``I think the overall communication was that they were not intending to downgrade the guidance ... I regard it as overly conservative.''
With earnings growing faster than revenue, Raytheon expected to reduce its net debt to $8.7 billion by the end of 2001 from about $9.1 billion at the end of December.
The goal is to reduce Raytheon's debt ratio to less than 40 % of capital in 00.000.2003 , they said.
Raytheon said it will continue to divest noncore businesses, after selling off its engineering and construction unit to Morrison Knudsen, which has been renamed Washington Group International (WNG.N) + its flight simulation and training business to L-3 Communications Holdings Inc. (LLL.N).

It also sold $800 million of aircraft loans and leases to debis Capital Services, a unit of DaimlerChrysler AG (DCXGn.DE)(DCX.N), in the past year.
Raytheon expects to book about $250 million from additional sales during 2001, including last month's sale of its recreational marine unit for $108 million.

Caine said the company will use proceeds from the sales to pay investor dividends this year.
One of Raytheon's ``imperatives'' is to get final U.S. Federal Aviation and Administration certification for its Premier I business jet by the end of the second quarter.

The plane is more than a year behind schedule.
Raytheon said it is also working through some $676 million worth of old defense contracts that are in the cash consuming stage but that Caine said would become ``growth programs.''
C3I, which books surveillance and intelligence contracts, will help Raytheon achieve growth in its total defense revenue of 5 % in 00.000.2001 ,
``It's the first year of higher defense growth for us in many, many years,'' Burnham told reporters.
The company said the U.S. National Missile Defense program has the potential to generate $5.3 billion in revenue over a five-year span.
JSA Research Inc. analyst Paul Nisbet said Raytheon ''certainly has a better handle on what they're doing now than they had in the past...There were no real surprises.''
07.Feb.2001 Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush will propose no immediate major increase in the Pentagon budget but probably will seek more money before the fall, after Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld completes reviews of the services, administration officials said Wednesday.
White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said Bush has no immediate plan to add to the defense budget for the fiscal year ending

30.Sep.2001 but ``has not ruled out'' adding to it a little later.
``He told him, `There are some bills that will be coming due over the course of the summer that I don't know how I will pay,''' the official said.

But Rumsfeld said he needs more time to figure out whether to seek a 2001 supplemental.
In remarks on Jan. 8, Bush referred to the need to do a Pentagon review before setting new budgets.
``First and foremost, our job is to make sure that we have a plan and a vision + then the budget will follow,'' he said. ``And it's a plan and a vision that will actually reflect the threats that the country faces in the 21st century.''
07.Feb.2001 Helle Bering - Washington Times
With impeccable timing, the Bush administration launched the issue of national missile defense the very same week Ronald Reagan was in the news again, celebrating his 90th birthday.
Echoing Mr. Rumsfeld's argument that building a missile defense is a "moral issue" for the president, Mr. Kissinger remarked that no U.S. president today can allow a situation in which "extinction of civilized life is one's only strategy" when faced with a small nuclear attack from a rogue nation. (Or no president except Bill Clinton, one might ad, for that was precisely the status quo he allowed to exist during the eight years of his presidency.
It even appears that Europeans are reluctantly coming on board, as the Bush team always predicted they wo
uld when faced with the firm determination by the Americans to proceed. At the Munich Conference on International Security, realists were talking about possible tradeoffs such as American support for the planned European rapid reaction force, in return for European support on NMD.
It is also a fact that opinions in Europe have been fragmenting for some time. The British Conservatives, whose foreign policy spokesman Ian Duncan Smith will be discussing the subject in Washington next week, are in favor of NMD, as are conservatives elsewhere on the continent. One high-ranking European diplomat in Washington even suggested recently that the problem with national missile defense may be mainly semantic. If the name were nuclear missile defense, the concept might be more palatable, he suggested.
Particularly interesting has been the reaction of NATO Secretary General George Robertson, who suddenly has become a convert to NMD, provided it is done within a NATO context. Mr. Robertson even admitted there is a missile threat, so far unacknowledged by Europeans, that needs to be dealt with. His predecessor, Javier Solana, amazingly admitted that the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty "is not the Bible." Well. What a difference an election makes.
ABM may get bombed
Excite News - Michael J. Harrison Badger Herald U. Wisconsin -
While the United States outspent the Soviet Union, we enjoyed a period of economic prosperity (even though we were heading further and further into debt) rivaled only by the 1920s.
Nearly every dime we spent went to government defense contractors, as will nearly every dime of the estimated $60 billion NMD will cost to deploy. If the Russians want another arms race, Rumsfeld and Bush are ready to give it to them + defense con
tractors like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Boeing will return to receiving billions in government cash as they did during the height of the arms race.
What frightens me most is not Rumsfeld's brash disregard for U.S. and global policies that kept the Cold War from turning hot. Nor is it Ivanov's carefully chosen phrase, "the annihilation of the whole structure of strategic stability." What frightens me most is that if the United States deploys NMD, it will be putting millions of lives in the hands of technology that is questionable at best. So, to the Coalition to Protect Americans Now, take heart. Rumsfeld and the Bush administration may make your fears of nuclear attack very real very soon.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The company running the nation's two uranium enrichment plants wants the government to replace any contaminated uranium inherited in a 1998 transfer of operations.
The U.S. Enrichment Corp. was given government uranium inventories as part of the deal to privatize the nation's uranium enrichment operations. The two plants are in Piketon, Ohio + Paducah, Ky.
The company notified the Energy Department in December that testing on ``limited samples'' of that uranium found some contamination with radioactive technetium.
7.Feb.2001 InfoBeat News
WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican energy legislation to be introduced next week will focus on boosting clean coal technology, revitalizing the nuclear industry and finding new sources of oil and natural gas including drilling in an Arctic wildlife refuge, according to a draft of the bill.
Sen. Frank Murkowski, R-Alaska, chairman of the committee that will take up the legislation, discussed the measure during an hour-long meeting Tuesday with Vice President Dick Cheney, who heads a presidential task force on energy. Murkowski said the meeting "revolved around the realization that we have an energy crisis in this country" and that ways must be found to produce more energy and rely less on oil imports.
But it is clear congressional Republicans and the White House are moving along parallel lines on the energy package, its importance magnified in recent weeks by the electricity supply problems in California and soaring natural gas prices nationwide.
While the GOP legislation will include some measures aimed at boosting renewable energy sources and energy conservation its focus will be on boosting energy production.
"It's a blank check to the oil, gas and nuclear industry," said Erich Pica, an economic policy analyst for Friends of the Earth
Among the bill's most controversial provisions will be opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas development.
Most Democrats and a handful of moderate Republicans oppose drilling in the Alaska refuge which is viewed by environmentalists as a national treasure needing protection.
07.Feb.2001 Washington Times - By Bill Gertz -

Secretary of State Colin Powell said yesterday he is not concerned about China's influence in the Panama Canal but warned Colombia's president to be cautious about inviting Chinese agricultural assistance.
"The Chinese presence in the Panama Canal has been written about and spoken of, but it isn't . . . I have not found that the so-called 'presence' in the form of shipping companies and the like have created any danger to the Panamanian people, the Panamanian government, or to the canal itself," Mr. Powell said at a press conference.
Mr. Powell added: "Our interests are served. . . . I don't see anything that should cause me any great distress."
The secretary of state was asked about a recent visit to Beijing by a senior Colombian government official who was seeking Chinese assistance in agricultural development aid for northeastern Colombia. Mr. Powell said he was unaware of the request.
Mr. Powell offered this advice to Colombia's president: "President [Andres] Pastrana is free to seek advice where he finds it most useful. One always has to be careful that you're getting the advice you sought and nothing more + I'm sure he will be careful."
He spoke to reporters following a meeting with British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook.
Concerns about Chinese influence in Panama were raised by the leasing of two ports near both ends of the canal by a Hong Kong-based conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa 00.0097.

00.000.1998 Army intelligence report stated that Mr. Li "is planning to take control of Panama Canal operations when the U.S. transfers it to Panama in Dec. 99."
"Li is directly connected to Beijing and is willing to use his business influence to further the aims of the Chinese government," one of the documents stated.
A U.S. Southern Command intelligence report from October 1999 called the leases of Balboa and Cristobal by Panama Ports Co., a subsidiary of Hutchison Whampoa, "a potential threat."
The Southern Command report stated that China is not likely to sabotage the Panama Canal but could use the port facilities as "a conduit for illegal shipments of technology" to China, or to "facilitate the movement of arms and other prohibited items into the Americas."
Pentagon officials have said China could use its access to the ports to disrupt shipping if a conflict erupts between China and Taiwan, and the U.S. military was called in to defend the island.
China also has increased military ties with Cuba and has begun developing closer relations with the leftist government of Venezuela.
The issue of Chinese influence in Panama was raised in an August 1999 letter from Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott to the Pentagon. Mr. Lott, Mississippi Republican, stated that it appears that "we have given away the farm without a shot being fired."
The Pentagon dismissed his concerns about China's access to the strategic waterway and said there are no U.S. national security interests threatened by Hutchison Whampoa's ports. Other ports in Panama are operated by U.S. and Taiwanese companies.

07.Feb.2001 By Nora Boustany -
Argentina isn't interested in a Top Gun arms race with Chile, Argentine Foreign Minister Adalberto Rodriguez Giavarini said yesterday. His country won't try to buy F-16C/D jets from Lockheed Martin Corp. even if a proposed $600 million sale of the planes to Chile goes through.
"We don't want to spend money we need for social welfare and better macroeconomic figures on such military gadgets," he told Washington Post reporters an
d editors.
07.Feb.2001 InfoBeat News
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - When President Andres Pastrana flies into guerrilla territory Thursday for a summit aimed at salvaging Colombia's peace process, he'll face a shrewd and battle-hardened adversary. Sitting across the table from Pastrana will be 70-year-old Manuel "Sureshot" Marulanda, the chief of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), who has been confounding Colombian generals and presidents for decades.
-------- drug war
Seem to Be Making Good on Opium Ban, U.N. Says
07.Feb.2001 New York Times - By BARBARA CROSSETTE
UNITED NATIONS, Feb. 6 - Initial results from a survey of opium-growing areas of Afghanistan in recent days indicate that the Taliban may have succeeded in sharply reducing the annual poppy crop, astonished United Nations narcotics-control officials say.
Last year, Afghanistan was the world's largest producer of opium, which is derived from poppies and is the material from which heroin is made.
Poppies are now in bloom in the Afghan fields, allowing aerial and ground surveys to be done across large areas to test the ban on opium production by the Taliban, the hard- line Islamic movement that rules most of the country. The ban was announced last year to skeptical response from narcotics experts.
On Monday, the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention's regional office for Afghanistan and Pakistan said that surveys in the northern provinces of Nangarhar, Laghman and Kunar, which together contain more than 25 % of the total land that had been devoted to the poppy crop, found no significant signs of cultivation this year. Similar reports are beginning to come in from Helmand, which had 52 % of the land devoted to the crop last year. The survey ends on Feb. 10 and a final report will be issued sometime later.
Bernard Frahi, a French expert on narcotics and organized crime who led the survey teams in Afghanistan from Feb. 1-4, said in a report that his mission visited farmland known to include about 2,000 major pockets of opium production. The inspection was done by all-terrain vehicles and on foot. "Although it is hard to believe," Mr. Frahi, the regional director, wrote to his headquarters in Vienna, where the United Nations drug program is based, "No poppy field has been identified in the area."
Mr. Frahi said he was accompanied on his inspection tour by drug officers from Canada and Norway and one Pakistani agricultural expert attached to the narcotics affairs section of the American Embassy in Islamabad.
The narcotics experts found that Afghan farmers were trying to grow wheat, onions, garlic and other crops. Afghans told the inspection team, however, that they were very fearful about their livelihoods. Alternate crops require a steady supply of seeds, fertilizer and water - all of which are in short supply + Afghanistan under the Taliban gets almost no foreign aid.
Moreover, in the last year Afghanistan has suffered the worst drought in half a century.
The World Bank warned today that the country was headed for a major famine. Up to a million people are in danger of starving, aid agencies say.
The United Nations issued an urgent appeal today to governments for clothing, blankets and tents for the 100,000 Afghans who have fled to the western city of Herat to escape the drought and fighting between the Taliban and an opposition force that is clinging to about 5 % of the country.
About 500 people have frozen to death around Herat in recent weeks, United Nations officials say.
The United States, which under the Clinton administration led a campaign in the United Nations to impose sanctions on the Taliban for their refusal to hand over Osama bin Laden, the Saudi financier of Islamic militancy, said today that it would fly relief goods to the battered country.
Tents, blankets and some water supplies are expected to be flown by the United States Agency for International Development to Pakistan, where more than 150,000 new refugees need help, as well as to Afghanistan, American diplomats said in Islamabad. The plane is scheduled to reach Herat by Friday.
Space shuttle launch successful
07.Feb.2001 USA Today
PHOTO: Space shuttle Atlantis. (NASA-TV)
CAPE CANAVERAL (AP) - Space shuttle Atlantis blasted off Wednesday with the most expensive and pivotal piece of the international space station: a $1.4 billion science laboratory.
Atlantis and its crew of five soared into a clear sky at 6:13 p.m., with a rising full moon in the background and the setting sun turning the exhaust trail a beautiful gold and peach.
At the moment of Atlantis' liftoff, the space station and its three residents were soaring more than 220 miles above the North Atlantic just east of Newfoundland. Atlantis should catch up on Friday.
Until the very last hour, NASA feared rain and clouds at the overseas emergency landing strips might force a delay. But the weather in Spain and Morocco improved, clearing the way for the flight. A last-minute problem with a circuit board also went away.
07.Feb.2001 New York Times
President Bush is right to defer any major increases in military spending until his administration has a chance to review America's real defense needs. By declining to load new weapons programs into the coming year's budget, Mr. Bush creates the opportunity for a wiser, more cost-effective use of future defense dollars.
Whether he makes good use of that opportunity will become apparent later this year, once the review has been completed and his first defense budgets are prepared.

Mr. Bush and his defense secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, should resist pressure from the uniformed service chiefs and their Congressional allies to buy unneeded weapons systems.
Even in an era of projected surpluses, money for military modernization and pay increases will have to compete with other administration priorities.

Mr. Bush's proposed $1.6 trillion tax cut and his desire to develop a missile shield that could cost as much as $100 billion will cut deeply into funds that are available for other military programs, not to mention domestic priorities like education.
Military leaders and their Congressional supporters have been calling for adding tens of billions of dollars to next year's defense budget to replace aging planes, ships and other equipment.

But Mr. Bush wisely said yesterday that he would leave that budget essentially unchanged at $310 billion. It makes little sense to move ahead with weapons that may no longer fit America's needs.

The United States today has clear technological superiority over any conceivable military rival. That gives Washington the chance to prepare for the new kinds of conflicts the country is likely to face in the 21st century.
The administration should look hard at expensive weapons systems whose rationale may have disappeared with the cold war.

Particularly deserving of scrutiny are the Air Force's $64 billion F-22 tactical fighter program, the Marine Corps's troubled V-22 tilt-rotor Osprey aircraft, which is expected to cost $30 billion if it goes into full production + the Navy's DD-21 stealth destroyer. The price tag for a fleet of 32 ships is $24 billion.
During the campaign Mr. Bush called for raising defense spending by about $4.5 billion a year. That sets a realistic overall spending target. The administration must now find the political will to use the upcoming review to weed out unnecessary weapons projects and to invest the savings in modernization and pay increases.
07.Feb.2001 New York Times By JAMES DAO
06.Feb.2001 WASHI
NGTON - President Bush has told top military officials that he plans to propose a Pentagon budget for the coming fiscal year that is essentially unchanged from the long-term spending plan outlined last year by his Democratic predecessor, Bill Clinton, senior Pentagon officials said today.
The $310 billion plan for the 2002 fiscal year that begins in October amounts to a rise of $14 billion, or 4.7 %, over the Pentagon's current budget. It does not include as much as $10 billion in program costs that the Pentagon had hoped Mr. Bush would add, officials said.
The numbers released today signaled that, in pushing for his tax-cut proposal, Mr. Bush plans to hold the line on most other programs.
That is causing concern among Congressional Republicans and Pentagon officials who have urged Mr. Bush to raise military spending by tens of billions
of dollars this year and next to make up for nearly a decade of what they consider debilitating reductions.
Even as the administration was tamping down expectations for next year's budget, Vice President Dick Cheney was telling Senate Republicans today not to expect the White House to request billions of dollars in more military spending for this year, Senate aides said.
The armed services have warned they may have to cut back training programs and maintenance if they do not receive an infusion of $8 billion in the next few months.
Mr. Cheney told the senators that supplementing the current Pentagon budget before Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld completes a review of military strategy would create a "Christmas tree" of unneeded spending, one person at the meeting said. That review, which just began, could take several months.
Senator John W. Warner, a Virginia Republican who is chairman of the Armed Services Committee, said Mr. Bush's tightened approach to Pentagon spending put him at risk of appearing to contradict the Republican pledge to strengthen the military.
"There was Cheney's famous statement to the military during the campaign, `Help is on the way,' " Mr. Warner said. "That could be conceived as a bit of a disconnect with what they're doing now."
Administration officials left open the possibility that later this year Mr. Bush might request a modest rise in military spending.
But some conservatives say Mr. Bush should push for military increases now. "Our view is defense i
ncreases should come before tax cuts," said Marshall Wittmann, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, a conservative policy group. "With all the other political priorities out there, it is very easy for defense spending to be a victim. And that's what seems to be occurring."
07.Feb.2001 New York Times - World Briefing -
JAPAN: The commander of United States forces on the island of Okinawa aplogized for calling local officials "nuts" and "wimps" in e-mail sent to 13 fellow officers that was leaked to Japanese media. Lt. Gen. Earl Hailston was reportedly responding to a call by Okinawa's local assembly for a reduction in American troops. The assembly acted after the arrest in January of a Marine corporal for lifting a girl's skirt to photograph her underwear. (Reuters)
07.Feb.2001 Washington Times - By Rowan Scarborough -

A memo sent this week by Fort Hood, Texas, the Army installation with the largest population, says soldiers are suffering a worldwide shortage of 9 mm ammunition.
Congressional sources said yesterday the Army shortages of such a basic combat tool as bullets is evidence that Congress needs to pass a defense bill this spring to supplement the current Pentagon budget. The Army has submitted a $2.9 billion request.
The sources say the Bush White House is cool toward additional defense spending this year. But the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who already have sent a supplemental spending request to Congress, are adamant in saying the services need emergency money to shore up readiness accounts for spare parts, fuel, building repairs and ammunition.
Some staffers are working to keep the bill no higher than $7 billion. But they fear a rush by lawmakers to add "pork" projects would prompt the White House and congressional leaders to kill the legislation
USA Today
Honolulu - Two Honolulu police officers have been sentenced for their roles in the beating of a prisoner 00.000.1995 .

U.S. District Judge Alan Kay sentenced Jesse Nozawa to 26 months in prison and Brian Punzal to six months in jail. Six officers were indicted in the beating of Richard Doolin. All pleaded guilty.
Pratt - A Kansas Highway Patrolman found wounded last month shot himself four times with his own .45-caliber pistol, the patrol said. Investigators don't believe the suicide attempt was work-related. Second Lt. Tom Quinn is recovering at a Wichita hospital from wounds to the face, neck and chest. He was found

15.Jan. in a parking lot at Pratt Community College.
Oak Grove - An Oak Grove police officer has been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol - twice in two days. Randy Moore, 30, was intoxicated when he crashed his police cruiser 15 minutes after leaving a party at a county police officer's home, the department said. The next morning he was stopped again for DUI, according to jail records. Moore is on administrative leave.
Rhode Island
Providence - Two white patrolmen who accidentally shot an off-duty black officer a year ago have been cleared by the Justice Department of any civil rights violations. A state grand jury last year cleared the officers of criminal wrongdoing. Sgt. Cornel Young Jr.'s mother has hired O.J. Simpson lawyer Johnnie Cochran to file a $20 million civil suit against the city.
-------- spying
Iranian judges reject Jews' appeal
07.Feb.2001 USA Today -
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Three judges have rejected the final appeal of 10 Iranian Jews convicted of spying for Israel, state-run Tehran radio reported Wednesday.
The prosecutor general's office in Tehran said the judges who studied the appeal had decided against it, the radio said. No reason was given.
The ruling means the Jews, who were convicted last year in the southern city of Shiraz, have no further appeal.
The Jews had appealed their initial trial's verdicts and sentences. The appeal court upheld their convictions on the charge of cooperating with Israel, but found the 10 men innocent of belonging to an illegal spy ring and recruiting new agents.
The appeal court reduced their sentences, sentencing them to between two and 13 years in prison.
The U.S. State Department said it was disappointed the court did not overturn all of the convictions.
Israel denied the convicted men were its agents and criticized their prosecution, conviction and sentencing.
Countries such as the United States and France, as well as human rights organizations and Jewish groups, had urged Iran to ensure justice in a case seen as a show of power by hard-line clerics jostling with reformists in this Muslim country.
Iran has no diplomatic ties and bans any contact with Israel, which it considers an arch-foe.
CIA Chief Cites Proliferation, Terrorism Among Top Threats
07.Feb.2001 Washington Post - By Vernon Loeb and Walter Pincus -
CIA Director George J. Tenet said today that Russian defense firms supplied ballistic missile technology to Iran, India, China and Libya and remained a key supplier to Iran's civilian nuclear program in ways that "could be used to advance its weapons programs as well."
"Russian state-run defense and nuclear industries are still strapped for funds + Moscow looks to them to acquire badly needed foreign exchange through exports," Tenet told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
Delivering the CIA's annual assessment of worldwide threats, Tenet also said Russian entities have supplied Iran with "dual use" biotechnology and chemical production means – information sought by various nations and terrorist groups as a means of producing biological and technical weapons.
Dwelling on the Middle East as a particularly volatile region, Tenet said Iraqi President Saddam Hussein "has grown more confident in his ability to hold on to his power." He offered a similarly bleak assessment of trends in neighboring Iran, saying that "prospects for near-term political reform are now fading" due to resistance from the nation's fundamentalist religious establishment despite the overwhelming popularity of reformist President Mohammad Khatami.
Tenet noted that Iran has also "increased its support to terrorist groups opposed to the [Middle East] peace process over the past two years."
But the CIA's concerns about the region were hardly limited to Iraq, Iran and the breakdown in the Middle East peace process. Tenet said leaders throughout the Middle East will face in the coming years extraordinary pressure from restive populations in the face of economic decline that has left large numbers of people out of work.
"Over the past 25 years, Middle Eastern economies have averaged only 2.8 % GDP growth – far less than Asia and only slightly more than sub-Saharan Africa," Tenet said, adding that populations in the region are surging in the face of such economic collapse.
"One-fourth of Jordanians, for example, are unemployed + annual economic growth is well below the level needed to absorb some 60,000 new labor market entrants each year," Tenet said. "In Egypt the disproportionately young population adds 600,000 new job applicants a year in a country where unemployment is already near 20 %."
Propelled by these trends, Tenet said, a new volatility is readily apparent throughout the region. "The recent popular demonstrations in several Arab countries – including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Jordan – in support of the Palestinian intifada demonstrate the changing nature of activism of the Arab street," Tenet said. "Through access to the Internet and other means of communication, a restive public is increasingly capable of taking action without any identifiable leadership or organizational structure."
Hopscotching the globe, Tenet began his threat listing with the rise of "transnational" Islamic terrorist groups, with "decentralized leadership that makes them harder to identify and disrupt."
"Osama bin Laden and his global network of lieutenants and associates remain the most immediate and serious threat," Tenet said.
07.Feb.2001 New York Times -
A secret government witness emerged yesterday to tell a hushed federal courtroom in Manhattan how he helped the Saudi exile Osama bin Laden move money and arms to terrorist groups in Africa and the Middle East as part of a conspiracy aimed at the United States.
The witness, Jamal Ahmed Al- Fadl, was the first person called in the trial of four men charged with participating in a terrorism conspiracy led by Mr. bin Laden, which prosecutors say included the 1998 bombings of the American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. The blasts killed 224 people and wounded thousands.
Mr. Al-Fadl's identity has been a closely kept secret during the government's long investigation of Mr. bin Laden, when he was referred to in court papers only as CS-1, for confidential source.
Underscoring the potential danger to the witness, the judge, Leonard B. Sand of Federal District Court in Manhattan, ordered a group of illustrators seated in the heavily guarded courtroom not to sketch Mr. Al-Fadl.
After a full day of testimony yesterday by Mr. Al-Fadl, only the barest personal details had been revealed about him. He said he was born 00.0063 in the Sudanese town of Rufa'a, which is south of Khartoum. He came to the United States 00.0086 on a student visa, spending two years in this country, much of that time in Brooklyn. After that, he said, he went to Afghanistan to fight the Soviet Union. Later, he went to work for Mr. bin Laden, and stayed with him until 1996.
On Monday, a prosecutor said that Mr. Al-Fadl had stolen money from Mr. bin Laden, been caught and escaped. "And in an attempt to save himself and his family," the prosecutor said, "he approached the American government and offered to provide information."
For the last five years, Mr. Al-Fadl has been under the protection of the United States government in an undisclosed location after pleading guilty to a terrorism charge in a secret proceeding in federal court in Manhattan.
Mr. Al-Fadl's testimony did not deal with the embassy bombings, which occurred two years after he left the group. But prosecutors are expected to use his account of the early years of Mr. bin Laden's group to show how the terrorism

Rom- Sechs Jahre später sagte Mario Placania, er sei damals während der Straßenschlachten in Genua in seinem Polizeiauto angegriffen worden und habe Angst bekommen. "Da habe ich meine Pistole genommen und habe zwei Schüsse in Richtung auf die kaputte Autoscheibe abgegeben", sagte er vor Gericht.

Dort sind 25 Globalisierungskritiker wegen schwerer Sachbeschädigung angeklagt. Das Verfahren gegen Placania war ohne Folgen geblieben: Vor vier Jahren hatte die italienische Justiz die Ermittlungen eingestellt. Placania habe damals aus Notwehr zur Waffe gegriffen.
G8 in Genua: Polizist will aus Angst auf Demonstranten geschossen haben
02.Jun.2007 Karl Marx: 18. Brumaire d. Louis Bonaparte (1852)

00.Dez.1851-00.Mär.1852 -Geschrieben von-

00.Mai 1852 -Zuerst erschienen im-im ersten Heft der Zeitschrift Die Revolution. Eine Zeitschrift in zwanglosen ...
Karl Marx: 18. Brumaire d. Louis Bonaparte (Kap.VII)

VII. Die soziale Republik erschien als Phrase, als Prophezeiung an der Schwelle der Februarrevolution.

00.000.1848 -In den Junitagen- wurde sie im Blute des Pariser ...
Marx [ ]. Der achtzehnte Brumaire des Louis Bonaparte (it.) at Ousia ...
Der achtzehnte Brumaire des Louis Bonaparte - Wikipedia 1997, S. 320-322; ? a b Vgl. ?

Diese Aussage bezieht sich auf eine Ausgabe des ...
6 Friedensbewegung Gleichzeitig bilden Raketen-Gegner eine 108 Kilometer lange Menschenkette zwischen Stuttgart + Neu-Ulm .

Insgesamt eine Million Menschen demonstrierten an ...
Neu-Ulm - Wikipedia

Neu-Ulm ist das eine Ende der Menschenkette, mit der zigtausende Friedensdemonstranten gegen die Stationierung protestieren. Fast 40.000 Menschen werden ...
Menschenkette - Wikipedia Die Bildung einer Menschenkette kann sich auch auf die Weitergabe von Gegenständen ...

00.Okt.1983 von Stuttgart nach Neu-Ulm, vermutlich über 200.000 ...
Demonstrationen gegen die "Nachrüstung", Menschenkette Stuttgart ...

00.Okt.1983 : Über 200.000 Friedensdemonstranten beteiligen sich an einer Menschenkette zwischen Stuttgart und Neu-Ulm . Die Bilder zeigen einen Abschnitt ...
neu Menschenkette Stuttgart - Neu-Ulm, 22.10.1983 ·,

19.Nov.1983 Sembach (Demo vor US Air Base) ·,

23.Nov.1983 Heidelberg (US-Hauptquartier) ...
22.Okt.1983 Untertürkheim - - Menschenkette von Stuttgart ...

Gegen die Stationierung von US-amerikanischen Atomraketen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bildeten Bürger eine Menschenkette von Stuttgart bis Neu-Ulm . ...
20060101 Phallischer Scherz unter Mädchen 31. ... Ein ausführlicher Bericht über den Fund erscheint Anfang nächsten Jahres in der Fachzeitschrift "Journal of ...
02.Jun.2007 The Museum of Public Relations After buying the American franchise for the Montessori system, Byoir created the " House of Childhood ." Byoir temporarily left law school for several weeks ...
20060725 American franchise for the Montessori system + created the " House of Childhood ". ... Byoir hired Edward L. Bernays to help him with public support.
GRPL - Grand Rapids Magazine Index Search "Baker Book House ", "Baker Book Houses", "Baker Books of Grand Rapids" ...

"Early childhood education", "Early motor cars in Kent County", "Early On" ...

Pioneers of Public Relations. Carl Byoir. One may hardly find the value of Carl Byoir's work in the field of public ...

franchise for the Montessori system and created the " House of Childhood ". byoir.html
Broadcasting Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 2006-12 2006 - 1120 -4.

Application by Holy Mother World Networks of Canada for a licence to operate a national English-language specialty audio programming ...

Nov. 2006 Italienischer Geheimdienstchef entlassen - sfux ...

Nov. 2006 Gazans gather to foil air strike Palestinians in Gaza gather at a Hamas leader's home, ...
National Vulnerability Database (CVE-2006-1120)

National Cyber-Alert System. Vulnerability Summary CVE- 2006 - 1120 . Original release date: 3/9/2006 Last revised: 3/10/2006 Source: US-CERT/NIST. Overview ...
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Living>Religion & Ethics from the November 20, 2006 edition.

00.000.2005 , clicks on The Hunger Site funded ...
Palestinian human shields give Israel pause | World>Middle East from the

20.Nov.2006 edition. Palestinian human shields give Israel pause. By Joshua Mitnick | Correspondent of The Christian ...
NMU (11/20/2006): Freelancer Wolf could be jailed until July 20, 2006 ·

Freelance journalist Josh Wolf could end up spending the next eight months in prison, after a three-judge panel last week denied a petition to ...
PHYSICS: High-Tech Materials Could Render Objects Invisible -- Cho ... Science

26.May 2006 : Vol. 312. no. 5777, p. 1120 ... 2006 American Association for the Advancement of Science. All Rights Reserved.
20061120 Nov. 2006 Italienischer Geheimdienstchef entlassen - sfux ...

Nov. 2006 Gazans gather to foil air strike Palestinians in Gaza gather at a Hamas leader's home, ...
Search results for Morgan ... among all correspondent banks of JP Morgan Chase Bank throughout the world (6, ...

00.000.1892 Rockefeller,John Davison also founded the Univ. of Chicago.
02.Jun.2007 George W Bush,The Necons & The Nazis: Ties That Bind

00.000.1919 The New School of Social Research was founded, a year after Willard ...

They all had wed daughters of Fredrick Zinsser, a partner of JP Morgan . ...

George W. Bush, The Neocons, & The Nazis: Ties That Bind : NC Indymedia

00.000.1919 The New School of Social Research was founded , a year after Willard ... They all had wed daughters of Fredrick Zinsser, a partner of JP Morgan . AxisofLogic/Global Empire ... heritage groups of the party as havens for former Nazis or that he employed ...

They all had wed daughters of Fredrick Zinsser, a partner of JP Morgan .

George W. Bush, The Neocons, & The Nazis: Tie

The New School of Social Research was founded

00.000.1919, a year after Willard ... They all had wed daughters of Fredrick Zinsser, a partner of JP Morgan .

Indymedia Milwaukee | George W. Bush, The Neocons, & The Nazis: Tie The New School of Social Research was founded 00.000.1919, a year after Willard ...

They all had wed daughters of Fredrick Zinsser, a partner of JP Morgan . ...

George W. Bush, The Neocons, & The Nazis: Ties That Bind : Thunderbay IMC

The New School of Social Research was founded 00.000.1919, a year after Willard ...

They all had wed daughters of Fredrick Zinsser, a partner of JP Morgan . ...

George W. Bush, The Neocons, & The Nazis: Ties That Bind : IMC-SA

The New School of Social Research was founded 00.000.1919, a year after Willard ... They all had wed daughters of Fredrick Zinsser, a partner of JP Morgan .
Niederlande: Fernsehsender foppt die Welt mit Nierenspender- Show
02.Jun.2007 Saarland: Lafontaine träumt von Comeback als Regierungschef

02.Jun.2007 G- 8-Streitthema: Bush lobt Klima- Kämpferin Merkel

02.Jun.2007 Kämpfe im Libanon: Armee kreist Islamisten ein - viele Tote
02.Jun.2007 Pressefreiheit: Reporterin klagt sich bei G- 8-Gipfel ein

02.Jun.2007 Großdemo gegen G8: Ein Hauch von Woodstock in Rostock 

02.Jun.2007 Rücktritt: Bush- Berater Bartlett verlässt das Weiße Haus

02.Jun.2007 Internationaler Protest: "Wir werden den G- 8-Gipfel wegpusten"
01.Jun.2007 ÚLTIMAS NOTÍCIAS PAZ é Possível e Obrigatória".

A Organização das Nações Unidas recorda-nos que seriam somente necessários. quarenta mil milhões de dólares por ano, ...
20041206 In UK, MI6 was involved in recruiting Latvian police + ex-SS men from Germany ... secret armed cells within UK were George K. Young, ex-director of MI6 + Tory MP ...
01.Jun.2007 Gladio oder die Rache Moros


Over the last few weeks an international team of ... George K. Young, the eminence grise of the plotters in this country, has passed away.
vatican bank

_A_O_inzoome_ HERBERT GEORGE ( KEVIN KATTKE ASSOCIATE) 2 HERBERT GEORGE R 1 ... Ludlow, Thomas William; M., John; Mafia, Yale; Manhattan Project; Mark, Millionen; Martin, ...

Feb.2007 Kevin Kattke Corn,D. Blond Ghost. 1994 (375). HERBERT GEORGE ( KEVIN KATTKE ...

Feb.2007 Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA Da England nur ...
Oliver L North Brewton,P. The Mafia, CIA, and George Bush.

1988 (443 459); Rodriguez,F. Weisman,J. Shadow Warrior. 1989 (238). CURRIER KEVIN W · Riebling,M. Wedge.
Feedster on: u%20s%20post%20office Marc Rich reportedly helped members of the George Herbert Walker Bush Family commit vast ...

Konferenzbeschluss: Innenminister fordern Verbot von Gewaltspielen
01.Jun.2007 Klimaschutz: Verfassungsgericht billigt Emissionshandel

01.Jun.2007 G- 8-Pressefreiheit: Aufstand der Ausgesperrten
01.Jun.2007 Daniel Cohn- Bendit über die G- 8-Demos: "Protest ist Lebensgefühl" 
Geldsäcke per Flugzeug: Bank lieferte tonnenweise Dollar nach Libyen

Man müsse also nicht erklären, wie unsere frühen Vorfahren vom vier- zum zweibeinigen Gang gelangt seien - möglicherweise hätten die frühen Hominiden schlicht den aufrechten Gang mit Hand-Unterstützung im Geäst in einen aufrechten Gang mit gestrecktem Bein am Boden weiterentwickelt. Ohne den Umweg über den Gang auf allen Vieren.

Denn der aufrechte Gang habe seine Vorläufer nicht in der Savanne - sondern in den Bäumen. Er habe sich womöglich vor dem Knöchelgang anderer Primaten entwickelt, bei dem die Hände über den Boden schleifen und zum Abstützen benutzt werden.


Fotostrecke starten: Klicken Sie auf ein Bild (3 Bilder)

Zu dieser These kamen Thorpe und Kollegen, indem sie ein Jahr lang Orang-Utans in Sumatra beobachteten. Dabei unternahmen sie gewaltige Anstrengungen: Die Primaten wurden nicht nur beobachtet und ihre Haltung tausendfach kategorisiert, die Wissenschaftler erfassten auch die Dicke der Äste, auf denen die Tiere standen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Tiere vor allem dann auf zwei Beinen standen, wenn ihr Standort besonders wacklig war: Je dünner der Ast, desto häufiger standen die Orang-Utans aufrecht. Dabei hielten sie sich meist mit einem Arm an einem weiter oben liegenden Ast fest. Auf dicken Ästen dagegen gingen die Tiere auf allen Vieren, berichten die Forscher in der Fachzeitschrift "Science" (Bd. 316, S. 1328).

"Vorläufer des menschlichen Gangs"

Die Wissenschaftler erklären sich die aufrechte Haltung mit zwei Argumenten: "Bewegung auf flexiblen Ästen ist sicherer wenn sie von oben und von unten gestützt wird." Zudem erlaube ein zweibeiniger Gang, bei dem sich der Affe mit einer Hand festhält, die zweite Hand zu benutzen, um etwa schwer zu erreichende Früchte zu pflücken. Der Hand-unterstützte zweibeinige Gang sei "der wahrscheinlichste Vorläufer des menschlichen Gangs mit gestreckten Gliedmaßen".

Hamburg - Zum G-8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm haben sich bis zu 100.000 Demonstranten aus der ganzen Welt angesagt. Hunderte Organisationen haben zu Kundgebungen aufgerufen, allen voran Attac mit seinen mehr als 90.000 Mitgliedern in 50 Ländern. Für den 2. Juni ist in Rostock die größte Demonstration angesetzt, parallel findet ein Alternativgipfel statt.
Islamisten im Libanon: Flüchtlingscamp unter Dauerbeschuss - viele Verletzte

01.Jun.2007 Drogenreiche Luft in Rom: Eine Nase Koks pro Kubikkilometer
01.Jun.2007 Machtkampf mit Erdogan: Türkische Armee zum Einmarsch in den Nordirak bereit
01.Jun.2007 Erbe der 68er- Generation: Junge Manager vermissen Disziplin und Respekt bei Untergebenen
01.Jun.2007 Studie: Roms Luft ist voller Kokain und Haschisch
Bannmeile um Heiligendamm: Demonstranten empört über Gerichtsurteil 

01.Jun.2007 Sechs- Tage- Krieg: "Es war ein aufregendes Gefühl" (Politik)
01.Jun.2007 Netzwelt- Ticker: Terroristenjagd mit Cyborg- Insekten
SPD im Tief: Deutsche schwenken zu Schwarz- Gelb

01.Jun.2007 Überlebensvorteil Eigensinn: Auch Tiere haben ihren eigenen Kopf
01.Jun.2007 Börse: Dax nimmt Kurs auf 8000 Punkte
01.Jun.2007 Klimavorstoß: EU- Umweltchef lässt Bush abblitzen
01.Jun.2007 G- 8-Gipfel: "Taz"- Redakteur darf doch nach Heiligendamm (Kultur)
01.Jun.2007 Sicherheitsrat: Russland lehnt auch neue Kosovo- Resolution ab
01.Jun.2007 Klimaschutz: Otto gegen Bush

01.Jun.2007 Fangverbot bestätigt: Tierschützer triumphieren auf Walkonferenz
01.Jun.2007 Heiligendamm: G- 8-Kritiker wollen Demo- Verbot in Karlsruhe kippen

01.Jun.2007 Globale Erwärmung: Klimasündern droht Prozesswelle
01.Jun.2007 PR- Coup: Amerika applaudiert dem grünen Bush
01.Jun.2007 Jagd auf Islamisten: Libanons Armee bereitet Sturmangriff auf Flüchtlingscamp vor

01.Jun.2007 Siemens- Affäre: Von Pierer droht Ermittlungsverfahren

01.Jun.2007 Primaten: Aufrechter Gang entstand schon auf Bäumen
01.Jun.2007 G- 8-Runde bei Illner: Geißler! Attac! Attacke!
Marcos Chronology Report They tortured him until he signed a confession stating Marcos was not involved ...

05.Dec.1980 Vine returned to Manila + met with Rolando Gapud, ...
20050209 Former Security Bank president Rolando Gapud testified at Imelda's New York trial that he helped ... GAPUD ROLANDO C: Washington Times 1986-06-26 (4).

20070315. Simple Entropy Search in all of welcome to ALFATOMEGA -->
Innerhalb der letzten 3.500 Jahren gab es insgesamt nur 230 Jahre ohne Krieg in der zivilisierten Welt.
00.000.1973 wurde der schwedische Süßwarenfabrikant Roland Ohisson von Falkenberg in einem Sarg aus reiner Schokolade beerdigt.

00.000.1800 -Um-stellte China rund 30% der gesamten Brutto-Weltproduktion her.
In der Geschichte der letzten 5000 Jahre sind rund 14.500 Kriege dokumentiert, darunter

allein nach 1945 ca. 150, bei denen schätzungsweise 50 Millionen Menschen das Leben verloren,

knapp 10% davon waren beteiligte Soldaten.
In New York ist es Frauen gesetzlich verboten, auf der Straße zu rauchen.
Katzen können 100 verschiedene Laute von sich geben, Hunden nur zehn.
Die Tories waren ursprünglich eine Bande irischer Gesetzloser.
1997 hatte Microsoft über eine halbe Milliarde Dollar Telefonkosten, um Anfragen von Usern zu beantworten, die Probleme mit der Software hatten - mehr Geld, als für die Entwicklung der Software ausgegeben wurde, derentwegen die Leute anriefen.
(3818) Sun

17.Jan.1993 20:49 By: Don Allen To: All Re: WackenSPY - 1 ...

The partners in that deal were former U.S. attorney general and Watergate felon John Mitchell and Sarkis Soghanalian, a Turkish-born Lebanese citizen.
South Florida called haven for smugglers - Haiti Info

During the 1980s, Sarkis Soghanalian, the notorious "Merchant of Death," ran his business out of South Florida, selling 103 military helicopters + rocket ...
00.000.1980-00.000.1994 Iraqgate

13.Jan.1986 Letter from John N. Mitchell to Sarkis Soghanalian .

14.Feb.1986 Intelligence Exchange with Iraq, National Security Council, Top Secret Electronic ...
27.Nov.1992 House of Commons Hansard Debates

First, are the Government aware that an executive of the defence company, United Scientific, introduced Mark Thatcher to the arms dealer Sarkis Soghanalian ...

00.000.1929 or

00.000.1930 BORN in Syria SARKIS SOGHANALIAN, in a region that is now part of Turkey; raised in Lebanon. PROFILE: ...

01.Jun.2007 FRONTLINE/WORLD . Sierra Leone - Gunrunners . Gallery of ... Photo of Sarkis Soghanalian In an interview with FRONTLINE/World co-producer William Kistner in

00.Mar.2001 Sarkis Soghanalian, one of the world's most ...
FRONTLINE/WORLD . Sierra Leone - Gunrunners . Gallery of ...

The latter situation is detailed in an exclusive interview with Sarkis Soghanalian regarding his early years as an arms trafficker operating out of Miami ...
The decline of news
30.May 2007 12:00 AM CET   
Extra! Extra!   
Billionaire real estate executive Sam Zell, who earlier this year purchased the Tribune Co. family of newspapers, likened Google and Yahoo to modern-day pirates ripping off treasure produced by others...

E. coli conservatism (19): the ne plus ultra
15 Hrs Ago   
Rick Perlstein's blog   
Offered without comment. What is there possibly to say? WASHINGTON -

The Bush+administration%26quot%3B">Bush administration said Tuesday it will fight to keep meatpackers from testing all their animals for mad cow disease. Th...
20070206 Sarkis Soghanalian, the international arms dealer who bought billions in ... BCCI's relationships with convicted Iraqi arms dealer Sarkis Soghanalian, ...

Mar.2005 Right is Wrong Sarkis Soghanalian, the international arms dealer who bought ...

Mar.2005 Counter News A Lebanese arms dealer, Sarkis Soghanalian, ...
International Arms Trade on Squidoo Sarkis Soghanalian : A veteran of many Cold War arms deals, Soghanalian has seen wars, rebel movements and ideological conflicts become U.S. priorities + ...

01.Jun.2007 - bush saddam hussein.txt

According to Sarkis Soghanalian, an Armenian-born arms dealer who introduced Bull to the Iraqi Defense Ministry officials, some of Bull's work on the ...
AlterNet: DrugReporter: Who Really Supports Cocaine Traffickers?

A Lebanese arms dealer, Sarkis Soghanalian, known as 'The Merchant of Death', gets the rifles from Jordan + puts them on a Ukrainian plane that parachutes ...

One of these Agency-linked arms merchandisers was Sarkis Soghanalian (who had befriended Trento, which is how Trento came to know about this stuff).
Medios para la Paz-Raining Guns at Dawn

The second principal actor on the stage was Sarkis Soghanalian Kopelian, an arms dealer who an American attorney once baptized with a title worthy of a TV ...
Medios para la Paz-Tempestad de fusiles antes del amanecer

El segundo protagonista en escena es Sarkis Soghanalian Kupelian, un negociante de armas a quien una fiscal estadounidense bautizó con título de culebrón de ...
Philippines/Marcos, Attempted Coup (NBC) from the Vanderbilt ...

Timing of Marcos' travel plans + coup attempt in Manila noted; role of arms dealer Sarkis Soghanalian's Pan Aviation discussed. Chgs. Soghanalian faces in ... Black-market arms dealers still thriving - View as HTML
According to Bondi, a broker named Sarkis Soghanalian helped the United States nab. dollar counterfeiters in Lebanon. So when he was suspected in the ...
BCCI - APPENDICES BCCI's relationships with convicted Iraqi arms dealer Sarkis Soghanalian, Syrian drug trafficker, terrorist + arms trafficker Monzer Al-Kassar, ...
For The Record Summary Posts Sarkis Soghanalian, who profited from providing arms for the secret-aid program, put it bluntly: ‘As in Iraq, the U.S. did not want to get its hands dirty. ... - 71
02.May 2007 He's a doctor + he'll play one on TV - -

Among Sonnett's clients: lobbyist Jack Abramoff; former Miami City Manager Howard Gary; former U.S. Rep. Larry Smith + arms dealer Sarkis Soghanalian .
Reagan and the STS The world's leading gun runner Sarkis Soghanalian helped Reagan sell arms to Panama, Iraq and Afghanistan.

The U.S. became global arms merchant ...
Chapter 9

Direct evidence of U.S. Government protection of Al-Qaeda is the document 199I WF213589 leaked to the BBC by FBI agents. Bush signed this national security ...

Selon un rapport publié sur le site du Sénat français (format pdf ), ... secret du FBI numéroté 199I WF213589 ) relatent encore que, avant les attentats, ...
Marihemp: Politics: Thread #69143

... of Al-Qaeda is the document 199I WF213589 leaked to the BBC by FBI agents. ...

I tried to download the pdf of the book,,,twice,,but both times,the 160+ ...
The Resistance Manifesto Bush signed Presidential Decision Directive 199i wf213589 prohibiting the FBI ... (Download PDF of Richard Clark's Memo) Warnings from Foreign Governments ...

01.Jun.2007 Indymedia UK - HARD EVIDENCE THAT SPLIT BETWEEN BIN LADEN AND CIA ... numbered 199I WF213589 + emanating out of the FBI’s Washington field office, ...

Download this article in pdf format; Email this article to someone; ...
portland imc -

2006.06.11 - Warning all Americans: REAL Terror ...

Open the pdf file down the page, Hard Facts you should know about 911 by ... A secret FBI document, 199I WF213589, released from the Washington Field ...
Rhyme Torrents BBS :: View topic - Why are people scared to talk ... ... numbered 199i wf213589 + emanating out of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, ...
SiberNews - CIA Saudi Bush Mush Sonia & Bin Ladens’ Nexus PDF, Print, E-mail ... sighted program was based on a secret fbi document, numbered 199i wf213589 and emanating out of the FBI’s washington field office, ...
A Rescue Worker exposes 9-11 [Archive] - IIDB [Archive] A Rescue Worker exposes 9-11 Political Discussions.

01.Jun.2007 Evil rumsfeld lies to America to murder true Patriots - ...

Discussions. + nouveau message. À propos de ce groupe. Abonnement à ce groupe. Ceci est un groupe Usenet - En savoir plus ...
Order Out of Chaos ... available at It is clear ...

FBI document, 199I WF213589, released from the Washington field office, ...
Welcome to Sify Personal Homepages Sonia Congress is pushing its partners NCP, CPI (M) + PDF in power sharing ... numbered 199i wf213589 and emanating out of the FBI’s washington field ... php?blogid=1804&pid=5048&page=4
Re: The Son of Man demands Mr. bush's immediate arrest or ... Halliburton Taking $600 Million in Oil For Food Money

01.Jun.2007 Schulterschluss: Arbeitsagentur macht Leiharbeit salonfähig
01.Jun.2007 Feldzug gegen Rente mit 67: DGB- Chef Sommer warnt vor Altersarmut
Erderwärmung: Nato- Chef verharmlost Klimawandel (Wissenschaft)
01.Jun.2007 Sicherheitspanne: Pläne für neue US- Botschaft in Bagdad versehentlich im Internet
01.Jun.2007 Streit über Raketenschild: Bush wehrt sich gegen Putin

01.Jun.2007 Klimapläne: Merkel hält sich mit Beifall für US- Vorstoß zurück

01.Jun.2007 Heiligendamm: Gericht verbannt G- 8-Demonstranten
01.Jun.2007 Sechs- Tage- Krieg: "Israel handelte gegen seine eigenen Interessen"
01.Jun.2007 US school students don’t count in international class: School students in the US think they are just great at mathematics: but

by the age of 14 they are two years behind the level in other industrialised countries and overall come 24th in a class of 29.

01.Jun.2007 Stranger than fiction; ; US on Mad Cow: Don't Test All Cattle : The Bush administration said Tuesday it will fight to keep meatpackers from testing all their animals for mad cow disease .

01.Jun.2007 Global warming is not just a theory to us: Inuit, the people who live farther north than anyone else, are the canary in the global coal mine
01.Jun.2007 Interrogation Methods Are Criticized : As the Bush administration completes secret new rules governing interrogations, a group of experts advising the intelligence agencies are arguing that the harsh techniques used since the 2001 terrorist attacks are outmoded, amateurish + unreliable.

01.Jun.2007 Cheney accused on prisoner abuse : A top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell has launched a stinging attack on US Vice-President Dick Cheney over abuse of prisoners by US troops.

01.Jun.2007 Cheney criticizes the Geneva Conventions in Military Academy commencement address: Vice President Dick Cheney criticized the notion of applying the Geneva Conventions to individuals captured in the course of the war on terrorism in a Saturday commencement address at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York.

01.Jun.2007 Conyers endorses national effort to impeach Bush, Cheney: U.S. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., said Tuesday he supports a national effort calling for the impeachment of President Bush + Vice President Dick Cheney, but stopped short of pledging to take action to back it.

01.Jun.2007 Why Democratic Political Consultants Love the Iraq War: We read in the Boston Globe how John Kerry, preparing to campaign to be commander in chief, voted 00.000.2002 for the Iraq war after his political consultants informed the would-be leader of the free world that he would not be “politically viable” unless he voted yes.

01.Jun.2007 Savage Christians : Evangelist hit-man Jerry Falwell's career as a racist propagandist was excised from the record, following his death last week. The man who called the Civil Rights Act a "civil wrong" and preached that African Americans were the cursed descendants of Ham, is resurrected as a benign theologian.
01.Jun.2007 Scott Horton Interviews Warren Richey About the Jose Padilla "Trial" : MP3 Audio: The Christian Science Monitor’s Warren Richey covers the trial of Jose Padilla and his fellow accused.

01.Jun.2007 Stephen Lendman: Terrorism Defined : Probably no word better defines or underscores the Bush presidency than "terrorism" even though his administration wasn't the first to exploit this highly charged term. We use to explain what "they do to us" to justify what we "do to them,"

01.Jun.2007 Nigeria files criminal charges against Pfizer over clinical trial: Officials in Nigeria have brought criminal charges against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. for the company's alleged role in the deaths of children who received an unapproved drug during a meningitis epidemic.

01.Jun.2007 Stories from Inside: Prisoner Rape and the War on Drugs: It is widely accepted that the U.S. “war on drugs” has been both costly and ineffective. Less known is the devastating link between current U.S. drug policies, prison overcrowding, and rape behind bars. In

01.Jun.2007 Report Says TSA Violated Privacy Law: The U.S. government's stalled program to screen domestic air passengers against terrorism watch lists, violated federal law during a crucial test phase, according to a report to be issued today by the Homeland Security Department's privacy office.

01.Jun.2007 Economy Has Worst Growth Since 2002: The economy nearly stalled in the first quarter with growth slowing to a pace of just 0.6 %. That was the worst three-month showing in over four years.

01.Jun.2007 Activists Confront Giuliani Over 9/11 : Video: An activist asks the former NYC mayor, "How do you sleep at night?"

30.May 2007 Does 'The Decider' Decide on War? -By Patrick J. Buchanan
Has Congress given George Bush a green light to attack Iran? For he is surely behaving as though it is his call alone. And evidence is mounting that we are on a collision course for war.

01.Jun.2007 "We Will Retool...and Come at it from a Different Direction" - Audio; Interview with Cindy Sheehan - Cindy Sheehan Says She Will Return After Stepping Back as Antiwar Leader. Audio and transcript

01.Jun.2007 Democratic Spin Won't End the War in Iraq -By John Stauber
It is vitally important, however, that a genuinely independent anti-war movement organize itself with the ability to speak on its own behalf.

01.Jun.2007 Dreaming of a True Memorial Day -By Cynthia McKinney
Our young men and women are dying in a far-off land; those of us who dissent are spied upon by an Administration that violates the Constitution. Our economy has been wrecked by massive theft occurring in the guise of war and disaster profiteering. Our tax money has been used to fly people to places around the world so they can be tortured—whether they're guilty of anything or not.

01.Jun.2007 Ideas Cannot be Killed-By Fidel Castro -
I am not the first person whose death George Bush has anticipated, nor will I be the last.

01.Jun.2007 UK lecturers refuse to spy on students: UK university lectures today vehemently rejected a government plan to require academic staff to spy on Muslim student, describing it as a "witch-hunt".
01.Jun.2007 Israel to ready public for 'all-out war': With Iran racing toward nuclear power and IDF preparations for the possibility of a conflict with Syria and Hizbullah in high gear, the Home Front Command plans to launch a publicity campaign to prepare the public for war.

01.Jun.2007 U.S. ranks low, on new peace index: The United States is among the least peaceful nations in the world, ranking 96th between Yemen and Iran, according to a new index released on Wednesday that evaluates 121 nations based on their peacefulness.

01.Jun.2007 Nuclear watchdog's attack warning : The head of the UN's nuclear watchdog has given one of his sternest warnings against using military action to halt Iran's uranium enrichment programme.

01.Jun.2007 U.S. "imperialism" means new arms race: Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a scathing attack on the West on Thursday, accusing Washington of imperialism and of starting a new arms race
01.Jun.2007 Words from the front-lines: “I’d like to punch him [Rumsfeld] in the gut. He treats us like we’re not human. He acts like he’s not destroying families.” – NCO, 4-24 Infantry Battalion, 172nd Stryker Brigade, Baghdad, Iraq.

01.Jun.2007 Turkish military ready to cross into Iraq, general says : Turkey's top general said Thursday his army - which has been massing troops on the border with Iraq - was prepared to attack separatist Kurdish guerrillas in a cross-border offensive and accused Turkey's allies of supporting the rebels.

01.Jun.2007 Turkey moves forces to Iraq border: The Turkish army has deployed additional tanks and troops to the border area this week for "spring manoeuvres". But the military moves, although apparently limited so far, have been accompanied by a rising crescendo of public and political demands for action to curb PKK attacks.
01.Jun.2007 Marine feels killing ‘right thing’: An officer who saw the corpses of Iraqi women and children sprawled across a bed in a home said in recorded testimony that he believed that "my Marines were doing the right thing" when they killed them.

01.Jun.2007 US Eyes Cease-Fires End Violence in Iraq : U.S. military commanders are talking with Iraqi militants about cease-fires and other arrangements to try to stop the violence, the No. 2 American commander said Thursday.

01.Jun.2007 Iraq surge deadline may be too early -US commander: A September deadline for an official military assessment of President George W. Bush's troop buildup in Iraq could come too early to be a true measure of the strategy, the No. 2 commander in Iraq said on Thursday.

01.Jun.2007 Korea 'may have lessons for US': THE half-century US military presence in South Korea may be a model for a future in which US forces play a support role in Iraq

rather than a frontline combat role, the White House said.

01.Jun.2007 Iraqi police commander arrested: Jazza'a is accused of corruption and ordering killing, the statement said.

01.Jun.2007 Adeela Harith, Iraq "I have to scrounge around rubbish bins to feed my children": Adeela Harith, a 39-year-old widow and mother of three, says she misses the days when her husband was daily bringing them food and when they used to sleep in a safe house in comfort. As a recently-widowed displaced person, she has no support and is now collecting left-overs from rubbish bins to feed her children.
01.Jun.2007 War Is a Government Program - By Sheldon Richman
“Wars are seldom caused by spontaneous hatreds between people, for peoples in general are too ignorant of one another to have grievances and too indifferent to what goes on beyond their borders to plan conquests. They must be urged to the slaughter by politicians who know how to alarm them.”

01.Jun.2007 If The Shoe Fits... - Memo From: SPC Freeman, Milo; US Army, Iraq
To: Senate Democrats, Republicans + "American Idol" viewers across the nation. 1. You. Punk. Ass. Pantywaisted. Bitches.

01.Jun.2007 Repudiation, Not Impeachment - By Scott Ritter
Any effort to impeach Bush and any of his administration found to be engaged in activities classifiable as “high crimes and misdemeanors” would fail to rein in the unitary executive core of any successor. One only has to listen to the rhetoric of the Democratic candidates for president to understand that this trend is as deeply rooted among them as it is with President Bush.

01.Jun.2007 The Appropriate Disillusionment of Andrew Bacevich and Cindy Sheehan
“It’s the Way Our System Works” - By Gary Leupp
If there is a positive aspect to this despair, it is this very realization: the system is the problem. It has not so much “failed” us as we have failed to understand what Sheehan and Bacevich are concluding: it isn’t designed to work for us but for them.

01.Jun.2007 The War Prayer Video- By Mark Twain : A Markos Production
O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst.
This is a must watch video

01.Jun.2007 Report: In Meeting, ?Wild-Eyed? Bush Thumped Chest While Repeating ?I Am The President!?
Last Day. Help Us Reach the Fundraising Goal. The BuzzFlash Seventh Anniversary Fund Drive Began May 19. We're at $26,234 of $25,000 goal for May 31st.
Yes, Congress caved on war funding to the Busheviks. But as this editorial reminds us, 'Time and public opinion are on the side of withdrawal.' 6/1
"A unique survey question posed by the Gallup organization reveals just how far the president and Congress -- and most newspaper editorial pages -- appear to stand from the wishes of the American public on getting out of Iraq."
Join the Fight to Stop Gun Deaths 5/31

01.Jun.2007 The Busheviks are running a $63 million per year TV station, but since none of the executives and officials speak Arabic, they didn't know the station was broadcasting terrorist messages; Their incompetence is costing taxpayer money and helping terrorism
Marine May Lose Honorable Discharge Status for Participating in Iraq War Protest
New Hampshire Governor Signs Civil Unions Bill Into Law -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
A Must Read from a Tennessee Newspaper. "A soldier in Iraq asks in despair: Why are we here?"
June 1 marks the day the U.S. can start withdrawing its troops ? so said Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on November 30. It is their country and if we've overstayed our welcome, we should leave. 6/1

01.Jun.2007 G- 8-Rechtssprechung: Keine Demonstration in Heiligendamm

01.Jun.2007 Mit Friedenspanzern gegen G8: Wie Monty Schädel den Protest organisiert 
01.Jun.2007 Regierungsbeauftragter: G- 8-Gipfel kann an Klima scheitern
01.Jun.2007 US- Vorstoß: Bush startet Offensive gegen Merkels Klima- Pläne
Kritik an Industriestaaten: China und Indien pochen auf Gerechtigkeit beim Klimaschutz
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485882,00.html

Improvisieren nach 9/11

Noch im April verteidigte der Ex-CIA-Chef George Tenet die harten Verhörmethoden des Geheimdienstes ausdrücklich:

Auf diese Weise seien wertvolle Informationen gewonnen worden.

"Ich weiß, dass dieses Programm Leben gerettet hat", sagte er dem Fernsehsender CBS.

Die "erweiterten Verhörmethoden" seien notwendig, um Menschen zum Sprechen zu bringen, die "sonst nicht reden würden".

00.000.2005 war bekannt geworden, dass die CIA nach 9/11 Geheimgefängnisse außerhalb der USA eingerichtet hat, in denen Terrorverdächtige brutal verhört wurden.

11.Sep.2001 -Nach dem- berichtet die "New York Times" in ihrem Artikel weiter, habe die CIA ihre Verhör-Abteilung komplett neu aufbauen müssen.

Zu diesem Zweck seien damals Partnerdienste in Staaten wie Ägypten, Saudi-Arabien und Israel nach effizienten Methoden gefragt worden.

Alle diese Länder stehen im Verdacht, gerade bei Verhören gegen Menschenrechte zu verstoßen.

Der Anwalt Robert F. Coulam, einer der Ko-Autoren der Beraterreports, sagte der Zeitung, die Regierung habe sich in den vergangenen Jahren vor allem darum bemüht, rechtliche Rückendeckung für die umstrittenen Praktiken zu erhalten und die Regeln weiter zu lockern.

Der Psychologe Robert A. Fein, Vorsitzender der Beratergruppe, beklagt den Mangel an Forschung über Verhörtechniken.

Dieser habe dazu geführt, dass die Verhörspezialisten unvorbereitet seien. Und das wiederum habe "unglückliche Fälle von Missbrauch" zur Folge gehabt.
31.May 2007
Terrorismusbekämpfung: Experten halten CIA- Verhörer für Amateure
31.May 2007
Pressefreiheit: Bundesregierung sperrt Journalisten von G- 8-Gipfel aus
31.May 2007 Klima- Therapie: Bush muss sich beeilen

31.May 2007 Gefühlte Mathematik: Fünfjährige rechnen mit dem Bauch
31.May 2007 US- Vorstoß: Bush startet Offensive gegen Merkels Klima- Pläne
31.May 2007
Konjunktur: US- Wirtschaft wächst so langsam wie seit Jahren nicht mehr
31.May 2007 EU- Bericht zur Wasserqualität: Europäische Länder tricksen bei Statistiken
31.May 2007 Weltbankchef: Nobelpreisträger Stiglitz kritisiert Zoellick- Nominierung
31.May 2007
Siemens- Schmiergeldaffäre: Pauly- Rücktritt wirft Rätsel auf

31.May 2007 Arbeitsstudie: Deutsche streiken so viel wie lange nicht mehr
31.May 2007 Streit über Raketenschild: Putin wirft USA neues Wettrüsten vor
31.May 2007 Falsche Statistik: Bundesagentur meldet zu geringe Arbeitslosenzahlen
31.May 2007 Heiligendamm: SPD- Minister verdammen G- 8-Sicherheitspläne
31.May 2007 Wirtschaftsmächte: Warum der G- 8-Gipfel besser ist als sein Ruf
31.May 2007 If you want to know real fear, take a look at this piece.

NASA says that we have fewer years than previously thought before the most severe effects of global warming kick in:

With just 10 more years of "business as usual" emissions from the burning of coal, oil and gas, says the NASA/Columbia paper, "it becomes impractical" to avoid "disastrous effects."
The study appears in the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Its lead author is James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York.
The forecast effects include "increasingly rapid sea-level rise, increased frequency of droughts and floods + increased stress on wildlife + plants due to rapidly shifting climate zones," according to the NASA announcement. And: The NASA research also reasserts the importance of the disappearing Arctic sea ice and snow, whose reflectivity has helped cool the planet by bouncing warm sunlight straight back into space.
The disappearance of that bright sea ice and snow is uncovering more and more dark water and bare ground -- creating another dangerous feedback loop.
These feedbacks all produce more heat, thus all reinforcing each other, leading to evermore thawing -- and thus releases of natural greenhouse gases (including CO2 and methane) in a viciously accelerating circle.

And: The study says that "only moderate additional climate forcing (which would mean only moderate additional warming from such emissions) is likely to set in motion the disintegration of the West Antarctic ice sheet" -- dubbed WAIS by polar scientists.
Many scientists say a disintegration of WAIS would mean catastrophically rapid sea-level rise.

31.May 2007
"A unique survey question posed by the Gallup organization reveals just how far the president and Congress -- and most newspaper editorial pages -- appear to stand from the wishes of the American public on getting out of Iraq."
Last Day. Help Us Reach the Fundraising Goal. The BuzzFlash Seventh Anniversary Fund Drive Began May 19. We're at $24,836 of $25,000 goal for May 31st.
Marine May Lose Honorable Discharge Status for Participating in Iraq War Protest

31.May 2007 A Must Read from a Tennessee Newspaper. "A soldier in Iraq asks in despair: Why are we here?"
Kathy Kelly: Being Hope -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution

31.May 2007 Oh, the Irony! "The United States and Iran finished in a virtual dead heat + way down the list, in a magazine's assessment of the peacefulness of 121 countries." 5/31
Drawing mental pictures: Wolfie's stand-in and bombing Iran -- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser
Fred Thompson Revealed: Ties to "Scooter" Libby, a failed S&L Crisis and a public misinformation campaign trail the man who might throw his hat in the ring for President. 5/31
Burt Hall: Congress Should Remove the President and Vice President From Office Now -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
P.M. Carpenter: The sameness of change; Registered Republicans growing frustrated with the war in Iraq 5/31

31.May 2007 These centers will also be used in case of natural disaster + can provide housing for suspected terrorists.

The potential for mischief should be obvious.
Corsi -- in a robustly paranoid-progressive fashion - ties in these detention centers with the National Security directive signed

last May 9 giving George W. Bush very broad powers in case of a "national emergency."

(See below.) And who determines what constitutes an emergency? George W. Bush.

The new directive concentrates an unprecedented amount of emergency authority in the office of the president, specifying that the president now has the authority to direct "National Essential Functions" of all federal state, local, territorial and tribal governments, as well as private sector organizations in the event of a national emergency.
The directive loosely defines "catastrophic emergency" as "any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions."

The KBR contingency contract appears to give ICE the ability to have detention facilities constructed under the president's direction in response to a national emergency as declared under NSPD-51/HSPD-20.

This directive supercedes Presidential Decision Directive 67 signed by Bill Clinton on

21.Oct.1998 , which has never been released.

You can find a summary (of sorts) here.

You can find Bush's new directive here.

Laura McGann of TPM Muckraker argues that the new directive constitutes "nothing new."
Yeah, well, Bill Clinton didn't hire KBR to build detention camps, did he?
Dictatorship? Quite a few people are saying that the new directive gives Bush "dictatorial" powers. Actually, this paragraph would argue against that definition:
(e) "Enduring Constitutional Government," or "ECG," means a cooperative effort among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Federal Government, coordinated by the President, as a matter of comity with respect to the legislative and judicial branches and with proper respect for the constitutional separation of powers among the branches, to preserve the constitutional framework under which the Nation is governed and the capability of all three branches of government to execute constitutional responsibilities and provide for orderly succession, appropriate transition of leadership, and interoperability and support of the National Essential Functions during a catastrophic emergency; So there would still be a legislative branch. I wonder -- would it function as the Roman Senate functioned during the reign of Caligula?


Sep.2004 The period of Leon Klinghoffer's murder 00.000.1985 on the liner ... top military leaders drafted plans to commit acts of terrorism in USA cities to ...
31.May 2007
Bilderbergtreffen 2007 - Community & Diskussionen bei wallstreet ...

31.Mai 2007-03.Jun.2007 Bilderberg-Konferenz 2007 im türkischen Istanbul -Neben G8- gehört zu den wichtigsten " Treffen " dieses Jahres . | Politik | Bilderbergtreffen 2007 Paul Wolfowitz wird vermutlich an der Bilderberg-Konferenz 2007 teilnehmen ... Teilnahme an der nächsten Bilderberg-Konferenz in istanbul vom 31. Mai bis 3. Jun.

31.May 2007 Der Nachrichten Blog für Deutschland

Der Investigativ-Journalist Daniel Estulin hat auf seiner Homepage die vorläufige Teilnehmerliste der Bilderberg-Konferenz 2007 in Istanbul veröffentlicht.
31.May 2007
July 7th People's Independent Inquiry Forum -> what was

Radovan Karadzic was president of the Bosnian Serb Republic + is still on the run from justice.

A psychiatrist, he studied at the Tavistock Clinic in ...
July 7th People's Independent Inquiry Forum -> The Tavistock ...

Regarding the Tavistock Institute I remember reading a couple of years ago that Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic was educated over there as a ...
Tavistock Institute When Tavistock brought the Beatles to the United States nobody could have ...

From here Ayatollah Khomeini, Radovan Karadzic and Milosevic among others were ...
BOŠ The Tavistock operates in the realm of the irrational and that is where the ...

That man will be subjected to a more severe punishment than Karadzic and ...
2005060210 London's Tavistock Institute 7/10 concerned about gov secrecy ... UK troops fail to seize Karadzic Gruesome Iraq Images Could Shake US Opinion ...
_A_O_inzoome_Lkw-Unfall; Logistikunternehmen United; London Tavistock Institute; London, Iraq ...

Von Internetnutzern, Wahlprogramm; Von Johannes Paul II; Von Karadzic ...
31.May 2007
Links Globalisierung Begriffsklärung (trademind); » Statistiken zu Welthandel & deutschem Außenhandel (Lexas Information Network); »

Außenwirtschaftspolitik (BMWA 2006). » Freihandel. Omnia-Verlag (2006) - Außerdem: » Friedrich Engels: Schutzzoll und ...
2004072122_und_Report Er ist erfüllt von Preussentum und deutschem Nationalismus und Geldgier. [Index]. Imperialismus ...

Durch die Einschränkung der freien Devisenverkehrs (Import = Export) kontrolliert der Staat den Aussenhandel .
Feb.2005 Abrams, Elliott was promoted to USA deputy national security adviser to
USA President Bush [BGW968]. 04.Feb.2005 USA Senate Approves Of Torture As ...

31.May 2007 M of A - Open Thread 05-96 According to Sarkis Soghanalian, Adham brought Mark Thatcher into the arms ...

Saddam Hussein through the Miami -based arms dealer Sarkis Soghanalian .
[NYTr] Weekly News Update #814 - 09/04/2005 COLOMBIA: ARMS DEALER FIGHTS EXTRADITION

An attorney for international arms trafficker Sarkis Garabet Soghanalian told a Miami federal judge that ...
Spy chief sold guns to rebels, court told -

Prosecutors say that with the help of Sarkis Soghanalian, an international ... the deal after being contacted by the Aybars through a Miami intermediary.
NucNews - November 6, 2000 The arms broker who arranged the sale, Sarkis Soghanalian, said in an ... about 47 tons of cocaine and marijuana through ports in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, ... - 148
Peru's ex-spymaster faces verdict in international arms ...

00.000.1998 the Aybars contacted Miami -based businessman Charles Acelor, ...

Acelor put them in touch with international weapons broker Sarkis Soghanalian, ...
20050303 A Lebanese arms dealer, Sarkis Soghanalian, known as The Merchant of Death, ... Sarkis Soghanalian (a Miami
Perhaps the anti war protesters who claimed we armed Iraq - CPFC BBS

Steve Kroft is the CBS reporter and Sarkis Soghanalian is an international arms dealer who lives in Miami . The claims were brought before the US House of ...
31.May 2007
More than three days before the events that flattened the World Trade Center and damaged a sparsely occupied, recently fortified sector of the Pentagon, there was more than 25 times the previous average daily trading in a Morgan Stanley put option that made money when the giant financial institution shares fell below $45.

Of course, Morgan Stanley had occupied 22 floors of the North Tower. Its stock dropped 13 % when the market reopened. Nearby Merrill Lynch’s stock dropped ll.5 %.
The Bank of America on the 81st floor of the North Tower, the third largest US bank, showed a five times increase in put option trading on the Thursday + Friday before the attack, more than 5,900 contracts that would pay when the stock fell below $60 a share.
What’s more, there were huge surges in purchase of put options on stocks of reinsurance companies slated to cough up billions to cover losses from the attack, i.e., Munich Re in Germany + the AXA Group in France.

Do you really think it was those bozos with box cutters that worked this out, Osama in his cave? Or could it possibly be some sophisticated homegrown types, connected to our Company?
Some of the Winners
Perhaps it’s no surprise, but Raytheon, maker of Patriot and Tomahawk missiles, watched its stock take off after the attacks.

Purchases of call options contracts on Raytheon stock increased sixfold on September 10, 2001.
The Raytheon option contracts made money, if shares were more than $25 each. The price zoomed up nearly 37 % to $34.04 during the first week after post 9/11 trading.
Parenthetically, Raytheon had also been hit with millions of dollars in fines for padding costs of equipment it sold to the US military. Raytheon also has a hush-hush subsidiary, E-Systems, whose clients include the CIA and NSA, the latter about to make a hostile takeover of the other.
31.May 2007
What hit the Pentagon was in fact an A3 Skywarrior from Raytheon's inventory (check their inventory - they're missing one) - painted like an AA jet - powered by a Thiokol solid fuel rocket motor (thus the white smoke in the still frames released by the government), loaded with explosives (thus the smell of cordite evidenced by the hundreds of Pentagon employees present that morning).
Raytheon is a darling of Carlyle Group.
Raytheon, maker of Patriot and Tomahawk missiles, watched its stock take off after the attacks.
10.Sep.2001 Purchases of call options contracts on Raytheon stock increased sixfold.

31.May 2007
We will not tolerate any testimony behind closed doors from subjects not placed "Under Oath".

We will not tolerate the real and hard questions being dismissed for reasons of "National Security".

We will not tolerate our freedom of speech being dismantled and ignored as not to "Disrespect the deceased".
31.May 2007
More "training" In The Persian Gulf.
How many battle groups are there now?

31.May 2007
Griffin Corrects On-board Phone Error Made In
New Book "Debunking 9/11 Debunking"

31.May 2007 AltInfo: 2005/05 If they gained political strength and entered the executive, or, worse still, ...

NATO today is a medium for the expansion of bilateral training missions ...
20050919 Die Camorra kontrolliert in und um Neapel Drogen- und Waffenhandel, ... Largest Official Campaign 2004 Political Internet Portal in the United States of ...
20050317 The Big Brother Files #50: The Deceiver-In-Chief &His Cohort . ... Berkshire Archaeology: The Uffington White Horse, Part 4 ... the Celtic Horse ...
31.May 2007 _over_view_01

Sep.2004 Terrorismus: Al- Dschasira strahlt neues al-Qaida-Video aus 10.Sep ... pe URL: riodista con ...

Okt.2004 Video : American Coup: Pulitzer prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh ...

Okt.2004 EU und USA demonstrieren im Kampf gegen Terror Einigkeit ...
31.May 2007
(There are many-times more district offices for Anti-Terrorism Advisory Councils and Joint Terrorism Task Force Offices than is reflected in the number of official websites listed - this collection of links gives an idea however of the efforts being made to create cooperation between Federal Agencies and local law enforcement in the government's domestic 'War on Terror'.)
31.May 2007
FBI Terrorism Task Force Raids Arab Web Hosting Firm
By Tim McDonald
07.Sep.2001 News Factor,
31.May 2007 President Delivers State of the Union Address In his State of the Union Address Tuesday, President Bush committed our nation to ... For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary January 29, 2002 ...
29.Jan.2002 Bush asked Sen.Maj.Lead.T.DaschleD personally to limit ...

29.Jan.2002 Bush asked Sen.Maj.Lead.T.Daschle D personally to limit Sept.11 probes!

Attacking Iraq - Countdown Timeline

29.Jan.2002 In his first State of the Union address, President Bush named ... ships were activated and ordered to be operational no later than Jan 22.
Danske nyheder - Amnesty International - Danmark

29.Jan.2007: Amnesty og Ellemann: Tiden løber ud for de civile i Darfur og Chad ...

22.Jan.2002 : Amnesty anmoder om adgang til Guantanamo basen ...
29.Jan.2002 George W. Bush: State Of The Union, Jan. 29, 2002 - Politics News ... George W. Bush : State Of The Union,

31.May 2007,1518,druck-485602,00.html

"Ich dachte, ich schau dem Faschismus ins Gesicht", resümmierte sie später dieses Erlebnis. "Und das hat mich in eine mir eigentliche fremde Radikalität getrieben."

Uwe Soukup: "Wie starb Benno Ohnesorg? Der 2. Juni 1967", 272 Seiten, Verlag 1900 Berlin, 2007, 19,90 Euro
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485602,00.html

Der Todesschütze Kurras musste hingegen keinen einzigen Tag hinter Gittern darben. Der Kriminalpolizist erklärte standhaft, er sei von Demonstranten mit einem Messer bedroht worden - was allerdings keiner der zahlreichen Zeugen beobachtet hatte. Gleichwohl wurde er vom Vorwurf der fahrlässigen Tötung freigesprochen und arbeitete bis zu seiner Pensionierung als Kriminalbeamter weiter. "Mein Glaube an die Rechtsstaatlichkeit, an die Unabhängigkeit des Gerichts", so erinnerte sich später Otto Schily, der an der Oper mitdemonstriert hatte, "der ging damals ziemlich den Bach runter".
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485602,00.html
Auch die West-Berliner Justiz legte es geradezu darauf an, dass Vertrauen der Studenten in sie zu zerstören.
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485602,00.html
Der Schah gab dem Regierenden Bürgermeister Albertz beim Abschied noch den freundlichen Ratschlag: "Sie müssen viel mehr erschießen; dann haben Sie hier Ruhe."
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485602,00.html

Der Regierende Bürgermeister Heinrich Albertz gab noch in der Nacht eine Erklärung heraus: "Die Geduld der Stadt ist am Ende." Ins gleiche Horn stießen auch die Zeitungen des Axel-Springer-Verlages. "Wer Terror produziert", kommentiert die "B.Z." in grotesker Verkehrung des Geschehens, "muss Härte in Kauf nehmen." Die "Bild"-Zeitung hetzte gegen die "SA-Methoden" der Studenten. Ohnesorg, so Springers Massenblatt, sei "nicht der Märtyrer der FU-Chinesen, sondern ihr Opfer".
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485602,00.html

Polizisten hinderten dann einen Arzt daran, sich um den Schwerverletzten zu kümmern. Ohnesorg wurde erst fünfzehn Minuten nach dem Kopfschuss von Sanitätern abtransportiert, die ihn dann noch einmal 45 Minuten durch die Stadt kutschierten, bevor sie ihn in einem Krankenhaus einlieferten. Dass Ärzte ihm dort genau das Knochenstück mit der Einschussstelle aus der Schädeldecke sägten und wegwarfen, ließ sich nur als weiterer Vertuschungsversuch verstehen.

"Die Geduld der Stadt ist am Ende"
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485602,00.html
Zu einem dieser Greiftrupps zählte der Kriminalbeamte der Politischen Polizei, Karl-Heinz Kurras, der auf einem Parkplatz unter einen Neubau in der Krummen Straße flüchtenden Studenten nachsetzte. Auf diesen Parkplatz lief auch der Germanistik- und Romanistikstudent Benno Ohnesorg. Unter welchen genauen Umständen Kurras dann Ohnesorg mit einem Kopfschuss aus seiner Pistole des Typs Walther PPK tötete, ist bis heute nicht vollständig aufgeklärt.
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485602,00.html

Polizeipräsident Erich Duensing erläuterte die Taktik am nächsten Tag so: "Nehmen wir die Demonstranten wie ein Leberwurst, nicht wahr, dann müssen wir in die Mitte hineinstechen, damit sie an den Enden auseinanderplatzt." Sebastian Haffner schrieb über den folgenschweren Abend, dass die Polizei die Demonstranten nicht zerstreut habe, sondern sie habe sie "eingekesselt, zusammengedrängt und dann auf die Wehrlosen, übereinander Stolpernden, Stürzenden mit hemmungsloser Bestialität eingeknüppelt und eingetrampelt".
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485602,00.html
Vor Beginn des Einsatzes waren sie mit der Falschmeldung, ein Polizist sei von einem Demonstranten erstochen worden, scharfgemacht worden.
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485602,00.html

Die Planung für den Polizeieinsatz an der Deutschen Oper, wo der Schah am Abend unterhalten werden sollte, unterlag dem Kommandeur der Schutzpolizei, Hans-Ulrich Werner. Er hatte im Zweiten Weltkrieg bei der "Partisanenbekämpfung" in der Ukraine seinen Beitrag zum Holocaust geleistet. Werner stellte "Hamburger Gitter" am Bürgersteig gegenüber der Oper auf, bildete so einen engen Gehweg, der nach hinten durch einen Bauzaun abgesperrt war. In diesem nur wenige Meter breiten Schlauch sammelten sich am frühen Abend Demonstranten und Schaulustige.

Die Leberwurst-Taktik des Polizeipräsidenten
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485602,00.html

Schon am Vormittag spielten sich vor dem West-Berliner Rathaus, in dem sich der Staatsgast ins Goldene Buch der Mauerstadt eintrug, unglaubliche Szenen ab: An die 2000 Demonstranten und Schaulustige standen hinter Sperrgittern, als die Polizei rund 150 Perser in den Innenraum bringen ließ. Es waren Agenten des berüchtigten iranischen Geheimdienstes Savak und von ihnen angeheuerte Landsleute. Kaum war der Schah im Rathaus verschwunden, gingen sie mit Dachlatten, Totschlägern und anderem Gerät auf Demonstranten und Zuschauer los.

Die Polizei schritt lange nicht gegen die Prügelattacken der "Jubelperser" ein, wie sie später genannt wurden. Der Sprecher des Regierenden Bürgermeisters Heinrich Albertz (SPD) erklärte Journalisten verheißungsvoll: "Na, heute können sich die Burschen auf etwas gefasst machen, heute gibt's Dresche."
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485602,00.html

Am späten Abend des 2. Juni 1967 kamen aufgebrachte Studenten im Zentrum des Sozialistischen Deutschen Studentenbundes, SDS, in West-Berlin zusammen, um die dramatischen Ereignisse des Tages zu diskutieren. Eine junge Frau erklärte erregt: "Das ist die Generation von Aus chwitz. Mit denen kann man nicht argumentieren." Doch ihr Vorschlag, eine Polizeikaserne zu stürmen und sich zu bewaffnen, stieß auf Ablehnung. Es dauerte allerdings nur knapp drei Jahre, dann gehörte die Studentin Gudrun Ensslin zu den Gründern der Roten Armee Fraktion, RAF + erklärte der westdeutschen Republik den Krieg.

"Ohne den 2. Juni 1967 keine RAF", schreibt der Berliner Publizist Uwe Soukup in seiner gerade erschienenen Studie "Wie starb Benno Ohnesorg?", in der er minutiös rekonstruiert, wie die West-Berliner Polizei ihr Bestes gab, um friedliche Studenten in Staatsfeinde zu verwandeln.

Auslöser war der Besuch des iranischen Schahs Mohammed Resa Pahlewi, der sich unter anderem "Licht der Arier" nannte, und seiner Gattin Farah Diba. Das Bonner Innenministerium hatte für die Visite des von den Geheimdiensten der USA und Großbritanniens installierten Diktators aus Teheran die Sicherheitsstufe I verhängt.

Prügelnde Jubelperser
31.May 2007
Arbeitsmarkt: Arbeitslosenzahl geht auf 3,8 Millionen zurück
31.May 2007 Sechs- Tage- Krieg: Der Sieg, der keiner war

31.May 2007 Fall Litwinenko: Verdächtiger beschuldigt britischen Geheimdienst und Beresowski
31.May 2007 Tod von Benno Ohnesorg: Ein Schuss in viele Köpfe
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485776,00.html
Forscher warnen vor CO2-Fresser-Zucht im Ozean

Von Christian Stöcker

Ein amerikanisches Unternehmen plant, im großen Stil Eisen ins Meer zu kippen, um Plankton zum Wachsen zu bringen.

Das marine Grünzeug soll CO2 verschlingen und so den Treibhauseffekt mildern. Forscher warnen: Die Folgen des massiven Eingriffs in die Ozeane sind unkalkulierbar.
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485776,00.html

Für die Planktos-Investoren, die mit Kohlenstoff-Credits für den internationalen CO2-Handel Geld verdienen wollen, ist dieser Aufwand überflüssig.

"Wir reden hier von organischem Anbau", sagte Russ George der "New York Times". Man habe es nicht mit komplizierter Wissenschaft zu tun.

"Kann es tatsächlich so einfach sein, wie wir sagen?", fragte der Öko-Unternehmer rhetorisch.

"Wir werden es bald herausfinden."

Klar sind jedenfalls die Gewinnerwartungen von Planktos:

Eine Tonne CO2-Einsparung bringt derzeit etwa zwei US-Dollar auf dem freien Markt.

Ab fünf Dollar pro Tonne glaubt man bei Planktos profitabel arbeiten zu können.

Der Preis lag schon einmal bei 35 Dollar - und er wird vermutlich wieder steigen, wenn

00.000.2007 -Ende-bei der Kyoto-Nachfolgekonferenz in Bali verbindliche Klimaziele für die Industrienationen der Welt beschlossen werden.

Planktos will dann bereitstehen, um am CO2-Ablasshandel zu verdienen.
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485776,00.html

Eine Studie, die eben jene Folgen der Eisendüngung auf Wale untersucht, wird Batmanns Kollege Viktor Smetacek gemeinsam mit Kollegen aus Indien bald beginnen.

Es fehlen Bathmann zufolge schlicht und einfach wissenschaftliche Daten, die eine Einschätzung dessen zulassen, was die Menschheit erwartet, wenn Planktos seine Pläne wahrmacht.

Zwischenspeicher mit 1000 Jahren Halbwertzeit
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485776,00.html

Schwerer wiegen jedoch andere Bedenken: Die großflächige Düngung würde marine Ökosysteme radikal verändern.
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485776,00.html

Die kalifornische Firma Planktos will mit Schiffen über die Weltmeere fahren und das Plankton düngen, damit es schneller wächst und mehr CO2 aus dem Stoffkreislauf herausnimmt.

"Wenn wir jetzt anfangen, könnten wir die Ozeane und uns selbst retten", schrieb Planktos-Chef Russ George die Skeptiker in einem offenen Brief.

Die Autoren des IPCC-Berichtes, der Empfehlungen des Weltklimarates an die Regierungen der Welt enthält, sehen das anders.

"Möglichkeiten wie die Düngung der Ozeane, um CO2 direkt aus der Atmosphäre zu entfernen, bleiben zum Großteil spekulativ und unbewiesen", schrieben sie.

Es gebe "das Risiko unbekannter Nebeneffekte".

Ulrich Bathmann vom Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung wird im Gespräch mit SPIEGEL ONLINE noch deutlicher:

"Wir warnen davor, solche Maßnahmen in großem Stil anzuwenden, ohne die Folgen wissenschaftlich absehen zu können."

Der Fachmann Jim Bishop vom Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory hält die Pläne für wissenschaftlich unsinnig:

"Die publizierten Erkenntnisse bieten eindeutig keinerlei Unterstützung für die Vorstellung, eine Eisen-stimulierte Plankton-Blüte würde anschließend zum Grund sinken."

Eine Fläche, größer als Puerto Rico soll gedüngt werden

Die Pläne von Planktos aber sind sehr real. Das eigens angekaufte Schiff Weatherbird II ist schon auf dem Weg in den Südpazifik, um dort mit einem Dünge-Test gewaltigen Ausmaßes zu beginnen.

Eine Fläche von 10.000 Quadratkilometern soll mit einer speziellen Form von Eisen gedüngt werden, um einen gewaltigen Algenteppich heranzuzüchten. Der soll dann CO2 aus der Atmosphäre absorbieren.

Meeresforscher in dem europäischen Exzellenznetzwerk EurOceans sind besorgt - so sehr, dass man einen eigenen Aufklärungsfilm über die Meere und das CO2 gedreht hat und gestern zu einer Pressekonferenz lud.

Dort warnten internationale Experten vor der Eisendüngung.

Einige der EurOceans-Mitglieder haben selbst schon das Meer gedüngt, aber in wesentlich kleinerem Ausmaß. Ulrich Bathmann spricht von "neun oder zehn Experimenten", vor allem im Südozean und im Pazifik.

Auch das Alfred-Wegener-Institut, das zur Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft gehört, hat mitgeforscht.

Dabei sind aber wesentlich kleinere Flächen experimentell mit Eisen bestreut worden, der Durchmesser betrug etwa 10 Kilometer.

Die Fläche, die Planktos im ersten Test düngen will, ist größer als die von Puerto Rico.

80 bis 95 % landen auf dem Meeresgrund
31.May 2007,1518,druck-485808,00.html
Eine Expertengruppe kam im Februar zu dem Schluss, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die ISS

00.000.2010 -nach ihrer Vollendung- von so einem Teil getroffen und unbewohnbar wird, bei neun % liegt.

Mit dem Schutz auf der russischen Seite sinkt diese Gefahr auf fünf %. Der europäische und der japanische Teil gelten als sicher genug.
31.May 2007
Außenbordeinsatz: ISS bekommt besseren Meteoritenschutz
31.May 2007 Klimaschutz: Forscher warnen vor CO2- Fresser- Zucht im Ozean
31.May 2007 Timeline China to 1925

00.000.1975 Jia Lampo authored “The Cave Home of Peking Man .” ...

_0037-0448 (BC-AC) The Koguryo kingdom straddled what is now North Korea and part of South Korea and ...
31.May 2007
beppe grillo incontri politica economia ambiente internet ...

Il Banco Ambrosiano -- Il suicidio di Alighiero Noschese -- Test psico-attitudinali: idea ... SARS e fallimento dell'OMS - Le due facce di Donald Rumsfeld ...
20060815 Banco Ambrosiano, Mord an Roberto Calvi - Benedikt XV., Benedikt . ... Sindona che deve rispondere anche del fallimento della Banca Privata Italiana, ...
31.May 2007 Weltspiegel - GUAM: Klein-Amerika im Pazifik Das Leben ist hart in Jugytydor, dem einsamen Dorf am Flüsschen Wol.

Gerade einmal 38 Menschen harren hier noch aus. Die meisten Häuser stehen leer, ...
31.May 2007
Auf Guam gibt es keine Vögel mehr - HTML-Version
Eine unheimliche Invasion lässt die Pazifikinsel Guam verstummen ... Guam ist zwar seit langem kein unberührtes tropisches Paradies mehr, ...

31.May 2007 Guam - Wikipedia Guam (Chamorro: Guåhån) ist die größte und südlichste Insel des Marianen-Archipels im westpazifischen Ozean + ist ein nichtinkorporiertes Territorium ...
31.May 2007 FCC Web Documents citing 0.131

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Petition to Deny filed by TeleGuam Holdings, LLC, is DENIED. This Order is issued pursuant to sections 0.51, 0.131, 0.261, ... GU, Guam, Startec Global Communcati, Startec Global Communcati, 6, 2, 3.3, 5. GU, Guam, TeleGuam Holdings, LLC, TeleGuam Holdings, LLC, 10, 0, 2.5, 5 ...

31.May 2007 Title 12 - Autonomous Agencies - HTML-Version
Asset Purchase Agreement by and among TeleGuam Holdings, LLC ,. GTA and the government of Guam, dated as of

31.Aug.2004 , except ...
31.May 2007
GTA TeleGuam Holdings LLC dba GTA, affiliates and subsidiaries, employees' spouses ... ...
31.May 2007 Private Equity Week The deal is being transacted via a Shamrock affiliate named TeleGuam Holdings LLC, for a total consideration of $140 million in cash, plus a $10 million ...

31.May 2007 The Buzz By entering the Sweepstakes, contestants release Sorensen Media Group, TeleGuam Holdings LLC, dba GTA ("GTA"), Fox Broadcasting Company, News America, Inc., ...
31.May 2007 Guam Chamber of Commerce TeleGuam Holdings, LLC . Mr. Jesus Q. Torres, Executive Manager Guam International Airport Authority. 4:30 pm End of Conference Day 1 ...
31.May 2007 GTA FY 2004 Financial Highlights On

01.Nov.2004 , Governor Camacho signed into law PL 27-109, which authorized the sale of the Guam Telephone Authority to TeleGuam Holdings LLC ...
31.May 2007
Federal Contracts to Contractors in Guam, FY 2006, summary

31.May 2007
Saipan Tribune Citing national security concern, TeleGuam Holdings LLC had asked FCC to deny the proposed sale.

The proposed foreign ownership of the leading wireless ...
31.May 2007
A Fighting Union For The Needle Workers! d) A wage scale that will bring the yearly earning power within a ...

It also means secret manipulations with the bosses and the capitalist politicians.
The Working-Class Movement in America Stone cutters average next highest yearly earnings 415 dollars 71 cents.

... founded the K. of L. At first a secret order, whose very name was not known ...
31.May 2007
Ben Slade | Software, Politics + Humor in Chevy Chase, Maryland

It's entirely possible that the White House has always been telling the truth when it says that no one intended to unmask a secret agent .
00.000.2005 (03/09/06)
Full text of Human Rights Record of the U.S.

In one of the cases, a FBI agent conducted secret surveillance of an ...

The female-to-male earnings ratio was 77 %.

Yearly earnings of women ...
31.May 2007
Article: War Is Still A Racket "[Bethlehem Steel's] 1910-1914 yearly earnings averaged $84000000.

Roosevelt met the King and cut a secret deal trading US protection of the Saud ...
31.May 2007
Meet the world's highest earning insurance agent He is today the highest earning insurance agent in the world, ...

A record he has maintained over the last 12-14 years, selling 700 policies yearly . ...
31.May 2007
LP: WAR IS A RACKET Average yearly earnings during the pre-war years 1910-1914 of $10000000. ...

And their profits were as secret as they were immense. ...
00.Dez.2004 Jornalismo e Comunicação: Além disto, lançou entre nós a reportagem na sua acepção actual e incluí­a, ...

Manual de jornalismo para contextos de crise " Reporting for change: a ...
31.May 2007
NO2ID:newsletter 56 ... of these companies ten are listed by UKIPS as wanting a slice of the ID card action (see ).

Might Mr Hall not experience some conflicts of interest? ...
31.May 2007
Page 1 Identity and Passport Service Company Profiles Directory ... Identity and Passport Service Company Profiles Directory. Identity and Passport Service.

The Identity and Passport Service was created through joining UK Passport Service and the Home Office’s Identity Cards Programme ...
31.May 2007
Tod in der Zelle: Guantanamo- Gefangener begeht Selbstmord

31.May 2007 Alterssicherung: Union verteidigt Rente ab 67
31.May 2007 Weltnichtrauchertag: Tabakindustrie soll Milliarden an Krankenkassen zahlen