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05.Dez.1992 PROPAGANDA]"Das Instrument der runden Fehlinformation wird in Zukunft mehr denn je zur Geltung kommen. Denn vieles muß verheimlicht werden.Wer sich ein halbwegs zutreffendes Bild vom Geschehen machen will,dem bleibt nur noch der eigne (analytische & synthetische) Verstand."

00.000.2003 Nato-Hauptquartier in Brüssel : Blockade besteht fort "Ich bin vor allem über die

blinde Unnachgiebigkeit & die völlige Undankbarkeit Frankreichs, Deutschlands & Belgiens ent-rüstet", sagte Lantos, Tom demokratisches Mitglied des Ausschusses für internationale Angelegenheiten im USA -Repräsentantenhaus."Wenn es nicht die heldenhaften Anstrengungen unseres Militärs gegeben hätte, wären Frankreich, Deutschland & Belgien 00.000.2003 -heute sowjetisch-sozialistische Republiken.Das Fehlverhalten dieser Staaten bei der Anerkennung ihrer Verpflichtungen ist unser aller Kritick."

"Lead this people into war & they'll forget there was ever such a thing as tolerance.To fight,you must be brutal & ruthless & the spirit of ruthless brutality will enter into the very fibre of national life,infecting the Congress,the courts,the policeman on the beat,the man in the street"

``Wise statesmen ... established these great self-evident truths, that when in the distant future some man, some faction, some interest, should set up the doctrine that none but rich men, or none but white men, were entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, their posterity should look up again at the Declaration of Independence and take courage to renew the battle which their fathers began....''@s1 -- Abraham Lincoln --

00.000.1720 during the collapse of the Earl of Oxford's South Sea bubble, the Earl of Oxford' South Sea Company attempted to support the astronomically inflated price of its shares by becoming a buyer of its own stock until Earl of Oxford' cash and credit reserves were exhausted. Such manuevers can indeed delay the onset of the final collapse for some period of time, but they guarantee that when the panic, crash and bankruptcy finally become overwhelming, the aggregate damage to society will be far greater than if the crash had been allowed to occur according to its own spontaneous dynamic.

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00.000.1095 Ibn Munqidh, Usmah,a Muslim warrior & courtier,fought against the Crusaders with Saladin. Yet as a resident of the area around Palestine, also

had a chance to be friend a number of them. "Mysterious are the works of the Creator, the author of all things! When one comes to recount cases regarding the Franks,he cannot but glorify Allah (exalted is he!) & sanctify him, for he sees them as animals possessing the virtues of courage & fighting, but nothing else;[Autobiography],[excerpts on the Franks] -around 00.000.-1175.-00.000.1188

00.000.0000 Hispaniola war schnell zum Dreh- und Angelpunkt vor den Toren Amerikas geworden.Eroberer von Gottes, Königs und eigenen Gnaden, machtgierige Vizekönige &

Gouverneure-sie alle kamen und gingen.Ganze Völker mussten ihr Leben lassen-allein auf Hispaniola starben binnen der ersten 30 Jahre Blutherrschaft der Spanier eine Million karibische Indianer:Die gesamte Inselbevölkerung-den Taino-Indianern hatte die Flucht in die Berge und Verstecke in Höhlen nichts genutzt-war von den europäischen Eindringlingen durch deren Gier nach Gold und Silber erst versklavt und dann ausgerottet worden.Man schickte sich deshalb an den Königshöfen der alten Welt an,schwarze Sklaven aus Afrika in die Silberminen der Karibik bringen zu lassen.Deren Nachkommen bilden nun den Großteil der Bevölkerung der Dominikanischen..............................,1518,249998,00.html

17th century-at the end of, Yale, Elihu endowed the college from a fortune made with the „East India Company“

00.000.1701 GUIDE TO THE Yale -FAMILY CHART 21.Jun.2003

00.000.0000-00.000.2003 The Russell family (viewed within the reality of the American Eastern Establishment) was the master of incalculable wealth derived from the largest U.S. criminal".. York (Low) smuggler-millionaires under the Russell auspices. ** Certain of the prominent Boston opium families, such as Cabot and Weld, did not affiliate directly with Russell, Connecticut and Yale, but were identified instead with Harvard. Adams, John Quincy & other patriots had fought these men for a quarter century by the time the Russell Trust Association was set up with its ".. the criminal origin of their influential money. Similarly with the Cabots, the Higginsons and the Welds for Harvard. The secret groups at other colleges are analogous and closely related to Yale's Skull and Bones. Princeton has its ``eating clubs,'' especially Ivy Club and Cottage Club, whose oligarchical tradition runs from Jonathan Edwards and Burr, Aaron through the Dulles .."This reflects the continued importance of republican factions at Yale, Harvard and other colleges during the middle three decades of the nineteenth century. while the Yale secret group rapidly conformed to the Russells' expectations. Yale was the northern college favored by southern slaveowning would-be aristocrats. Among Yale's southern students were Calhoun, John C. later the famous South Carolina defender of slavery against nationalism, & Benjamin, Judah P. later Secretary of State for the slaveowners' .."".. Confederacy. Young South Carolinian Dulles, Joseph Heatly whose family bought their slaves with the money from contract-security work for the British conquerors in India, was in a previous secret Yale group, the ``Society of Brothers in Unity.'' At Yale Dulles, Joseph Heatly worked with the Northern secessionists & attached himself to Lord, Daniel; their two families clove together in the fashion of a gang. The Lords became powerful Anglo-American .."".. 48. 6. Among the sources used for this section are: Skull and Bones membership list 1833-1950, printed 1949 by the "Russell Trust Association"[inc],New Haven,Ct.available through the Yale University Library, New Haven.

00.000.1691-00.000.1716-ca. Russell, Nodiah, "First Congregational Church, Middletown, Ct." Rev.,Pastor

00.000.1701-00.000.1713 Russell, Nodiah [Y1T] Rev. One of 10 or 12 men who founded Yale University in 00.000.1701.

00.000.1701-00.000.1714 Pierpont, James [Y2T] Rev. Most celebrated of the Yale founders.

01.Jan.1700-00.000.1716---2---------3---------4---------5---------600.000.1761 Russell, William [Y3T] "First Congregational Church, Middletown,


01.Jan.1700 ------00.000.1720 Edwards, Jonathan [GY4] Princeton University President ("College of New Jersey'' clld) Ultra-Calv.theol.

01.Jan.1700 ---------1---------2----00.000.1735_______________00.000.0000 Burr, Aaron Sr., [YG] Princeton University President ("College of New

Jersey''),[prtn] Russell, William Huntington

01.JAN.1700 ---------1---------2---------3-00.000.1745 ---5---------61 Russell, William [Y3T] Yale Trustee 00.000.1761

01.JAN.1700 ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------900.000. 1--- Russell, Nodiah [Y6G] Rev.

01.JAN.1700 ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9---------0---------0---------1----

-00.000.1826 Edwards, Pierpont [Y6][mdby] Mstr [Ct.] Msn:Russell, Matthew

Talcott, Middletown, Ct. [Y8G]

01.JAN.1700 ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5----00.000.1769.7---------8---------9---------0---------0----ca 00.000.1817 Russell, Matthew Talcott, Middletown, Ct. [8YG] &

01.JAN.1700 ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9---------0---------0---------1------[30y] Russell, Matthew Talcott, [Y8G] Middletown, Ct. First

Congregational Church, [Dcn] [prtr] Russell, William Huntington

01.JAN.1700 ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9---------0---------0----ca 00.000.1817 Russell, Matthew Talcott, Middletown, Ct. [Y8G] [md] Edwards,

Pierpont Master of Connecticut [Ct.] Masons

01.JAN.1700 ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9---------0---------0----ca 00.000.1817 Russell, Matthew Talcott, Middletown, Ct. [Y8G] administered estate of Arnold, Benedict, the traitor

01.JAN.1700 ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6-00.000.1775-------00.000.1783 The Revolutionary War

01.JAN.1700 ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8--00.000.1783 New York occupied, Army (brit) 00.000.1783

00.000.1776 Hale, Nathan, from an intelligence ring at Yale, the first American spy hero.

01.JAN.1700 ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8--00.000.1783---9---------0---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9---------0---------

0---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9---------0--2003030606[2day].----------------------------------New England Tories [theold] against USAmerican [independence] British ties of family, shipping & merchant banking, continue hostilitys

00.000.1785 ----9---------0---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6------- 00.000.1868 Heard, Augustine, USA shp cptn, pioneer, opium [prtn] Russell, William Huntington

0---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8--------00.000.1789 Russell, Samuel [Y15] Middletown,Ct.

Russell fam. head [became] Born main ancestral house, of Russell fam. Middletown, Ct. prev. owned:co-founder of Yale, Russell, Nodiah [Y1] &

main ancestral house, prev. owned:Russell, William [Y3] & William-wife Russell, Mary, sister-in-law to Edwards, Jonathan.

For the sake of clarity, we have omitted from this chart the ancestral line from Pierpont, James Rev. (2) to his great grandson Pierpont, James Rev.[ wrote poetry for the pro-British secessionists][denounced Jefferson, Thomas, President, for saying that Pierpont, James Rev.'s New England relatives were ``under the influence of the whore of England.''

Pierpont, James Rev. employee of Burr, Aaron 's family during Burr's western conspiracy.

Rev. John's daughter Juliet married Connecticut-born Morgan, Junius, British banker & gave birth to Morgan, John Pierpont , named for his grandfather Rev. John U.S. financial kingpin .

00.000.1795 Dwight, Timothy, President of Yale, 13) Secessionist.-00.000.1817

00.000.1795 Bush book: Chapter -7-". up with its open pirate emblem-Skull & Bones"..Russell, William Huntington 's Organization will show why the secret order, though powerful, was not the unique organ of ``conspiracy'' for the USA -Eastern Establishment.

00.000.1800 Green,John Cleve Russell,William Huntington partner-00.000.1875

00.000.1800 Green,John Cleve Russell,William Huntington partner-00.000.1875, married to Griswold, Sarah,

00.000.1800 Green, John, Russel, William Huntington partner-00.000.1875 gave a fortune in opium profits to Princeton University, financing three Princeton buildings & 4 professorships

00.000.1800 Green,John Cleve Russell,William Huntington partner-00.000.01875 trustee of the Princeton Theological Seminary for 25 years.

00.000.0000 Russell,John,9) Captain, Died 180100.000.or180200.000.

10) Henry .." ".. Jr. Secretary of the secessionist Hartford Convention, 1815. He united the Connecticut pro-British party with Massachusetts ``Essex Junto.'' These New England Tories pretended conservative patriots proclaimed Jefferson, Thomas's presidential inauguration a``radical usurpation.'' The Massachusetts Tories (``Essex Junto'') joined with Burr, Aaron Jr., Vice President (a member of the Connecticut Edwards and Pierpont families) & Dwight, Theodore, Burr, Aaron Jr., Vice President's, a member of the Connecticut Edwards and Pierpont families, cousin and law partner in political moves designed to break up the United States and return it to British allegiance.

01.Jan.1800-31.Dez.1899 ²Sir Garnet's Military History & Wargaming Site“[Guide to the 19th Century wars & conflicts, information on the armies of the period,


00.000.180--00.000.1805 Conflicts [WAR] between the USA & „the Barbary states“ of North Africa: Morocco, Algiers, Tunis + Tripoli FAS: Barbary Wars

00.000.1801-00.000.1808 Burr, Aaron Jr., Russell, William Huntington [prtn],Vice President [USA], killed Hamilton, Alexander in a duel in 00.000.1804. Burr, Aaron Jr., US Vice President, Secession conspirator. Hero of imperial Anglo-Americans
00.000.0000-00.000.0000 -during Burr, Aaron 's western conspiracy, Rev. John an employee of Burr, Aaron 's family

00.000.0000 Morgan, Junius, banker Connecticut-born [brit], Juliet, Rev. John's daughter, marry.

00.000.0000 Morgan, John Pierpont [Morgan, Junius [fath][Juliet, Rev. John's daughter] financial kingpin, named for Rev. John, [grandfather].

00.000.1807 Burr, Aaron Jr. flees to England, acquitted of treason, wanted for murder.

00.000.1812 Burr, Aaron Jr. Returnes to USA, 00.000.1807 had fled to England, acquitted of treason, but wanted for murder.

00.000.1812 Burr, Aaron Jr. Returned to USA., Acquitted of treason, but wanted for murder in 00.000.1807 had fled to England Wall Street lawyer -00.000.1836

00.000.1764 Dwight, Theodore, Law partner of his cousin Burr, Aaron Jr., Secretary of the secessionist Hartford Convention 00.000.1815 -00.000.1846

00.000.1801 Dwight, Theodore, united the Connecticut pro-British party with Massachusetts ``Essex Junto'' 00.000.1801


00.000.1809 Russell,William Huntington 14) Founder of Skull and Bones Society (or Russell Trust Association), which came to dominate Yale.-00.000.1885

00.000.1811 Low, Abiel Abbott Russell, William Huntington partner-00.000.1893 father of Columbia's president Seth Low.

00.000.1811 Low, Abiel Abbott Russell, William Huntington partner-opium fortune financed construction of Columbia University New York City campus-00.000.1893

00.000.1813 Forbes, John Murray Russell, William Huntington partner opium milns fincd. career of daughter's married author Emerson,Ralph Waldo.-00.000.1898

00.000.1813 Forbes, John Murray Russell, William Huntington partner bankrolled the establishment of the Bell Telephone Company,whose first president was

Forbes's son-00.000.1898

00.000.0000 Coolidge, Joseph's Augustine Heard agency Russell,William Huntington partner got $10 million yearly as surrogates for the Scottish dope-runners

Jardine Matheson in China;

00.000.0000 Coolidge, Joseph son, Russell, William Huntington partner organized the United Fruit Company during the fighting

00.000.0000 Coolidge, Archibald Cary,Russell,W.Huntington partner, Coolidge, Joseph's grandson, the founding executive officer of the Anglo-Americans' Council

on Foreign Relations [COF]

00.000.0000 Delano,Warren Jr., chief of Russell and Co.“ in Canton Russell,W.Huntington partner,

00.000.0000 Delano,Warren Jr.Russell,W.Huntington partner, grandfather of Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, US President

00.000.0000 Russell,Sturgis, Russell,W.Huntington partner, grandson Sturgis, Russell (same name) chairman of „Baring Bank“[brit] financs. Far East opium trade.

00.000.1821 Greek War of Independence,[timetable, information on the combatants, images]Savage and Soldier Online“[Selected artls.,magazine,ded to col.wfre

00.000.1823 Russell, Samuel establishedRussell and Co.“which by the 1830s superseded Perkins syndicate as largest American opium smuggling organization.

Russell, Samuel partners included leading Boston families.

00.000.1837 Russell, Samuel founded the „Russell Manufacturing Company“, Middletown, Connecticut president of „Middlesex County Bank“.

During the formative years of Skull and Bones, the fabulously wealthy Russell, Samuel was undisputed king of Middletown, Connecticut.

00.000.0000 A previous secret Yale group, the ``Society of Brothers in Unity''-00.000.0000

00.000.1831 Russel, William, Russel, Samuell -cousin to Germany went for to study -00.000.1832

00.000.1832 Russel, William, Russel, Samuell -cousin, brought back the plan for a secret society.

00.000.1832 „Skull & Bones“[S&B]secret society members,at least the core initiates owe absolute allegiance above God, country, morality or their own judgment

to the cult. "lodge number" 322 is said to stem from the 00.000.1832 date, Russel, William, Russel, Samuell -cousin, back from to study in Germany, brings back

the plan to found.

00.000.1833 Russell, William Huntington 14)[GY885) rassisch-elitären, "blaublütigen", anti-jüdischen, anti-farbigen Charakter der 1832 gegründeten Bruderschaft,

deren Kern stets von den reichen Familien des Neuengland-Adels gebildet wird und der allenfalls Alibi-Mitglieder anderer Nationen oder Religionen aufnimmt.

00.000.1833 Edwards, Henry W. Russell, William Huntington partner Governor of Connecticut ,

00.000.1833 „Skull and Bones“[S&B][Y][Hist] Russell,William Huntington of Middletown,Connecticut,foundet [fnd],first established,among the class -00.000.2003

00.000.1835 Russell, Matthew Talcott, Protector of Russell, Samuel 's opium-financed enterprises,financed Russell,William Huntington partner, patron of Russell,

William Huntington 's new secret society, Skull and Bones 183800.000.

00.000.1836 Russell, William Huntington 14) Founded prep school for boys,

00.000.1836 Russell, William Huntington foundet Skull and Bones Society (or Russell Trust Association),S&B which came to dominate Yale.Founded prep school for

boys, in the

00.000.1837 Silliman, Benjamin Jr., scientist [S&B] became enemie of everything [S&B] stood for,

00.000.1839-1937.000.00 Rockefeller, John Davison b. Richford,N.Y. American industrialist & philanthropist,Vermögen 189,6 Mrd $ nach 1998er Werten mit groß. Abst.reichster Mann,der je in den USA gelebt hat,haben div. Vergl.,den Geldwert der jeweiligen Zeit berücksichtigend,[Magazin "American Heritage]ergeben1937.00.000.

00.000.1840 Chauvenet, William, scientist [S&B] became enemie of everything [S&B] stood for,

00.000.1841 Rockefeller, William, USAmerican financier, b. Tioga co.,N.Y.,[broth. Rockefeller, John D.] with his vast resources built up „National City Bank of

New York“, associated with copper interests, railways & public-utility corporations, a successful stock market manipulator & the New York representative of the Rockefeller interests until 00.000.1911 „Standard Oil Company of New Jersey“ was dissolved by USA Supreme Court. -00.000.1922

00.000.1842 Thyssen, August -00.000.1926

18431200 Marx, Karl - Zur Judenfrage - Zur Judenfrage.html

00.000.1848 Die Arbeiterbewegung entsteht, die stärkste zivilgesellschaftliche Bewegung seitdem 09.Jun.2003.

22.Mär.1848 Humboldt, Alexander folgt im Trauerzug den Särgen der gefallenen Revolutionäre in Berlin.

Mit Friedrich Wilhelm IV. verband Humboldt ein enges persönliches Verhältnis. Oft suchte der König Humboldts Rat in wissenschaftlichen Fragen. Doch eine Einflußnahme auf die politische Linie gelang Humboldt nicht. Selbst kein Liberaler, überließ der König unentschlossen den reaktionären Kräften des Hofes die Handlung. Diese Haltung war der Grund für die Demonstrationen im März 1848,in denen die Massen die Rückkehr zu einer konstituellen Monarchie forderten. Bei aller Enttäuschung über die politische Entwicklung blieb Humboldt dem Hofe treu. In derselben Zeit, in der sich der Gelehrte vom öffentlichen Leben zurückzog, verfiel Friedrich Wilhelm immer mehr jener geistigen Umnachtung, die seine letzten Regierungsjahre überschattete "Nie vergaß Humboldt die Ideale der Französischen Revolution und die Erklärung der Menschenrechte. Immer half er Unterdrückten, etwa als er den von eben diesem König von Hannover varjagten "Göttinger Sieben" erfolgreich neue Anstellungen verschaffte + doch war er ein enger Gefolgsmann, fast schon Freund zweier komplizierter preußischer Könige." aus: Otto Krätz: Alexander von Humboldt: Mythos, Denkmal oder Klischee?

00.000.1856 -incorporated : “Russell Trust Association“ ;„Skull and Bones“;Skull & Bones“;“Skulls & Bones“;“Skulls & Bones“;[s&b] Yale

00.000.1865 Rockefeller, William 00.000.1839-1937.000.00, & Rockefeller, John D.,brother joined in the oil-refining business.

00.000.1856 Freud, Siegmund -04.Fev.2003

17.Aug.1858 Speech at Lewistown, Illinois, quoted in James Mellon (editor), The Face of Lincoln .."

00.000.1860 Bottomley, Horatio "Lord Nelson"[brit]newspaper proprietor-"Financial Times"[fnd]financier-"John Bull" [establ]-later:politician financier;a humbug, a

hypocrite of the worst type; championes the cause of the poor man & robbes him at the same time;Had he played a straight game, he might have won a position of high honour;Bottomley, Horatio even enjoyed election to the „House of Commons“[brit], His massive fraud has ensured that his name has gone down in history as the arch swindler of the 20th century.-00.000.1933

00.000.1864-00.000.1870 „The Triple Alliance War“ [Maps, images, key figures, battles, statistics on that war, that pitted the „Argentine Confederation“, Brazilian Empire, & Uruguay against the Republic of Paraguay. Bibliography,related links]

20.Jul.1866 Naval battle, also known as Lissa, between the fleets of Italy & Austria. The Battle of Vis“

00.000.1939 in the 1870s Russell,William Huntington secret organization spread to Phillips Academy, the Andover, Massachusetts prep school -00.000.1885

00.000.1870 Stinnes, Hugo -00.000.1924

00.000.1870 Deutsche Bank Harriman ThyssenBush e.a.html -1870.00.000

00.000.1881-Long, Breckinridge, [„an affluent Democrat from Missouri“]00.000.1958

00.000.1874 Wise, Stephen, Rabbi -00.000.1949".. establishment of a Jewish state. Wise,Stephen, Rabbi attributed this to Wise-father & 00.Aug.1898

00.000.1882 Lovett,Robert S.„Baker & Botts“ partner from 1882 on,later chairman : Harriman, E.H.“Union Pacific Railroad“ & chief counsel to Harriman,E.H.

00.000.0000-00.000.0000 Fisher, Irving,00.000.1888 [s&b] became the racialist high priest of Yale economics faculty. [s&b] unusually morbid, death-celebrating

group helped Wall Street financiers find active young men of "good birth" to form a kind of imitation Aristocracy"

Wilson, Woodrow, President Confederate-slaveowner-oriented administration & his advisors, House, Col. Edward & Baruch, Bernard. Walker's friend Brookings, Robert got into Baruch, Bernard 's War Industries Board as director of national Price Fixing (sic).

00.000.1890 nannte sich eine Landarbeiterbewegung auf Sizilien "fasci revoluzionari".

22.Nov.1891 Bernays, Edward PROPAGANDA 2.doc -00.Mar.1995

22.Nov.1891 Bernays, Edward PROPAGANDA 2.doc [UNCLE]18560506 Freud, Sigismund Schlomo -08.Mar.1995

00.000.1892 Jay, Pierre [s&b892] „Federal Reserve Bank of New York“ [fed] first chairman[Prsd]--

00.000.1896 Fisher, Irving,00.000.1888 [S&B] Yale professor, famous merchant of British Empire propaganda for free trade and reduction of the non-white population. -00.000.1946

00.000.0000-00.000.0000 Fisher, Irving, founding president of the American Eugenics Society.."

00.Aug.1898 at the second world Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland. Herzl, Theodor, founder of modern Zionism Wise, Stephen, Rabbi first encounter.

Years later Wise, Stephen, Rabbi would write: "I stood before a young, bearded Jew of goodly stature, then somewhat under forty, who bore himself with the ..""..... Refugee Board, after members of the USA Treasury Department presented him with a scathing report outlining the USA State Department's history of obstructing rescue + after members of the radical Zionist Bergson group were winning political support in Congress for an independent government rescue agency. Some observers at the time suggested that Wise, Stephen, Rabbi 's own effectiveness may have been.

"URL: 00.000.1874-00.000.1949 Wise, Stephen, Rabbi "[establishment of a Jewish state] Wise,Stephen, Rabbi attributed this to Wise-father and to[ ]

00.000.1898 Stinnes,Hugo & Thyssen, August gründen gemeinsam die AG Mülheimer Bergwerksverein.

00.000.1898 Stinnes,Hugo, Gründung Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk AG (RWE), maßgeblich beteiligt.

00.000.1899 Peace Conference at the Hague [Nl][the „Avalon Project“ at Yale University Law School]

01.01.1900 -after-"Guaranty Trust" & "Brown Brothers, Harriman", investment bank firms, [were] dominated by members of Skull and Bones [s&b] The two firms involved in the financing of Communism & Anticommunism [antibolschewistische Front][Hitler, Adolf] showing the [s&b] affinity for alienating [privatising] Hegel : philosophy of „objective idealism“. Controling ever-existing conflicts,{[„thesis versus anti-thesis“]} to „create“ synthesis =more conflicts [chaos]: continous base for a synthesis of their making & design, where the „state“ is absolute & inhumane. Individuals are granted their original freedoms by obedience to that „state“ - or : not. A „New“ World „Order23.Jun.2003

01.Jan.1901 DICKINSON TIMELINE -31.Dec.1950

10.Jan.1901 First discovery of large oil deposits in Texas offered great promise for the future economic development of the state, but also attracted the Anglo-

American oil cartel. The Baker's (were prominent in supporting eugenics & utopian.. )family law firm in Texas, like the Bush & Dulles families in New York, was aligned with the Harriman-Rockefeller cartel.

00.000.1900 Rockefeller, Percy A., Yale graduate [s&b900]

00.000.1900 Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts engagierte Rockefeller eine Art PR-Manager,[prop] der sein Bild in der Öffentlichkeit korrigieren sollte.-20.Mai 2003

00.000.1900 s-since the early- Rockefeller family's dominant role in directing USAmerican public health policies & programs, & the bio-medical industry along with

their financial & political ties to the European oligarchy, intelligence community & banking industry is detailed. Again,as mentioned above in items 9&10, Rockefeller investments, if not oversight & direction of the leading vaccine & drug companies currently undr. investigation by the FBI, along with their global political influence, must not be overlooked in both the etiology of this disorder (what appears to be well-managed chaos) & the ineffective FBI investigation of the suspects.

00.000.1900 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, President [USA]: "A radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.“

22.Jan.1901 Queen Victoria dead

00.000.1901 Middle East (Persia) Oil drilling started

00.000.1901 Stinnes, Hugo gründet „Deutsch-Luxemburgische Bergwerks-und Hütten AG „(Deutsch-Luxemburg),& durch Fusionen & Aufkäufe weiter ausbaut in den

folgenden Jahren

06.Sep.1901 McKinley,William shot, died from wounds 14.Sep.1901

14.Sep.1901 Roosevelt, Theodore, Vice President sworn in.

04.Apr.1902 Rhodes Scholarship Program inaugurated

00.000.1902 Stinnes, Hugo, gemeinsam mit Thyssen, August erwirbt die Aktienmehrheit der RWE und wird deren Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender.

25.Jun.1903 Orwell, George (Eric Blair) b.

00.000.1908 Stanley, Harold [s&b908] „Morgan Stanley“ [fnd] investment banker...

00.000.1910 Deutsch-Luxemburg von Stinnes, Hugo erwirbt die Dortmunder Union AG und wird damit zu einem der größten Montanunternehmen Deutschlands.

00.000.1911 „Standard Oil Company of New Jersey“[Rockefeller] dissolved by USA Supreme Court.

00.000.1913 Fed was set up (Senate Bill 1059, Sections 1067 and 1084, and US Code Title 50 Chapter 32 Section 1520A.) ....Federal Reserve is the fourth

central bank the United States has had, the previous three having crashed in inevitable raging inflation & widespread economic disaster...

00.000.1913 Harriman, Averell, [s&b913]

WWI.00.000.1914-00.000.1917 US neutral, Led by the „J.P. Morgan“ concern, Britain's overall purchasing agent in America,interlocking Wall Street financiers

subservient to British strategy lobbied heavily, twisted USA government & domestic police functions. These financiers wanted a world war.. and...

WWI.00.000.1914 Rockefeller, Percy A. National City Bank start reorganizing USA arms industry, „Remington Arms“, Pryor, Samuel F. appointed new chief

executive,Rockefeller, Percy A. 's „National City Bank“own man, takes direct control of „Remington Arms company“

WWI.00.000.1914 Stillman, James, „National City Bank“, President, 20 % owns of -00.000.1891-

WWI.00.000.1914 Stillman, James, Harriman, E. & Schiff Partner contra J.P. Morgan Gruppe im großen Kampf um die Eisenbahnen.

WWI.00.000.1914 Stillman, James,-Familie, Vermögen 102 Mio $ geschätzt *

WWI.00.000.1914 Britain's propaganda coup, Germans cutting off the hands of babes in Belgium.


WWI.00.Jan.1916 Wilson, President [USA] states that "so far as I can remember, this is a government of the people & this people is not going to choose war.

"With the aid of Roosevelt, the murmurs became a monotonous chant, and finally a chorus so mighty that to be out of it was at first to be disreputable, & finally almost obscene."(Bourne) Once the war was underway, dissent was practically impossible. "[I]f you believed our going into this war was a mistake, if you held, as in early...-00.000.1917

00.000.0000 Wilson,[Under administrations of]00.000.0000 Taft, Skull & Bones,00.000.0000 Stimson, Henry [S&B888] Secretary of War under Taft, Roosevelt

& Truman : The „new robber barons“ by bringing in the Federal income tax, the Federal Reserve System,

& direct election of Senators (previously were elected by state legislatures.[40]) managed to dismantle USA-states' rights, key constitutional checks & balances

It is said the Federal Reserve gave coinage sovereignty to private bankers, effectively took the state's power, coinage sovereignty - the power to print money & charge interest on it - creating the cash cow of the Federal debt.

00.000.0000 Stimson, Henry [S&B888] ran the Manhattan Project,

00.000.0000 Stimson, Henry [S&B888] is said to have made the decision to drop A-bombs on Japanese cities.[41]

00.000.0000 Stimson, Henry [S&B888] groomed a generation of protegés, like Bundy, William [S&B939];Bundy, McGeorge [S&B940]....

00.000.0000 Bundy, William [S&B939] CIA, Defense Department & State Department, „Foreign Affairs“ [„Council on Foreign Affairs“ quarterly(CFR) editor]

00.000.0000 [during the 60's & 70's.] Bundy, McGeorge [S&B940] became president of the Ford Foundation..."

00.000.0000 Stimson, Henry [S&B888]'s "kindergarten" or "Wise Men" included high-powered policymakers like

00.000.0000 Acheson, Dean, USA Secretary of State

Marshall, George, USA General, USA policy of WWII -post containment of communism, [fnd]

Harriman, Averell [S&B---] „continued building up the Soviet Union“

WWI.00.000.1917 Wilson, US President, did, that the ideal outcome would be 'peace without victory,' you were a traitor." („The Nation“ in a post-war editorial. Forced to stand quietly on the sidelines while their neighbours stampeded towards war, many pacifists would have agreed with Russell, Bertrand that "the greatest difficulty was the purely psychological one of resisting mass suggestion, of which the force becomes terrific when the whole nation is in a state of violent collective excitement." This frenzied support for the war was particularly remarkable in light of the fact that Wilson's re-election had been widely interpreted as a vote for peace.

WWI.00.000.1914-00.000.1918 did make an immense amount of money for the clan of stock speculators & British bankers who had just taken over U.S. industry.

The Harrimans were stars of this new Anglo-British-Alliance

WWI.00.000.1914 Stinnes, Hugo einer der Haupt-Kriegslieferanten. Stinnes, Hugo-Firmen Haupt-Ausbeuter der Rohstoffe in den besetzten Gebieten-WWI.00.000.1918

WWI.spring 1916 Bush, Prescott [s&b917] Harriman, Roland "Bunny"[s&b917] chosen for membership in elite Yale senior-year secret society „Skull and Bones“[s&b]

WWI.00.000.1916 Francis, David R. became US ambassador to Russia. As the Bolshevik Revolution broke out, we find Walker, Bert busy appointing people to

Francis, David R.'s staff in Petrograd.@s1@s2 WalkerBert's earliest activities in relation to the Soviet state are of significant interest to historians, given the activist role he was to play there together with Harriman

WWI.00.000.1916 Thyssen, August Sr. „Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart,N.V.“,Rotterdam,[fnd]

WWI.00.000.1917 USA not at war + the Yale students were going to serve Britain,

WWI.00.000.1917 Davison, Henry,„J.P. Morgan and Co.“senior managing partner, privately & lavishly financed Yale Flying Unit [[Davison, F. Trubee [yt920]son]

WWI.00.000.19-- -later. Davison, Harry P. [DHP920] vice chairman „J.P. Morgan and Co.“

WWI.00.000.1917 „J.P. Morgan and Co.“ in USA -British government 's official financial agency.

WWI.00.000.1917 Yale Flying Unit (Long Island 1.based) leaders:

WWI.00.000.1917 Lovett, Robert A., Yale Flying Unit (Long Island 1.based) leader, amateur pilot. [not Yg,t S&B at naval]

WWI.00.000.1917 Yale Flying Unit leaders : Davison, F. Trubee; Gates, Artemus Lamb; Vorys, John Martin

WWI.00.000.1917 Yale Flying Unit flyers : Ingalls, David Sinton; Davison, F. Trubee; Davison, Harry P.

WWI.10.Jan.1917 Cody, Bill, Buffolo died

WWI.00.000.1917 USA enter

WWI.00.000.1917 Lovett, Robert, transferred to US Navy after USA joined Britain in WWI. Lovett's unit proved to be daring & imaginative warriors. Yale

Flying Unit was the glory of Skull and Bones. „.when they were dispatched for active duty with Britain's Royal Naval Air Service (Despite the snide comments of those who dismissed them as frivolous rich boys) Harriman, Roland, Bush, Prescott & 1917 Bonesmates selected for 1918 membership in the secret order. Yale Flying Unit leaders: Lovett, Robert, F. Trubee Davison, Artemus Lamb Gates & John Martin Vorys. Unit flyers.." Bush book: Chapter -7-

WWI.00.000.1917 Bush,Prescott [YG917] close friend of Harriman, E. Roland "Bunny" & sev. oth. Bonesmen from their class of 1917

WWI.15.Oct.1917 Francis, Perry,Letter to father,Francis,David R., Ambassador:„Miller, Joe left for San Francisco last Tuesday night, where he will receive

orders to continue to Petrograd. I was told by Kotany, Mildred [Walker's sister-in-law]that Walker, Bert got him [Miller, Joe] his appointment through Long, Breck. “

WWI.00.000.1918 Gates, Artemus [s&b918] „New York Trust Company“[Prsd]“Union Pacific“[Prsd]“TIME“[Prsd]“Boeing Company“[Prsd]

WWI.00.Jun.1918 Bush, Prescott goes to Europe with the US Army. Bush,Prescott unit not come near any fire until 1918.Sep.00

WWI.00.Jun.1918 Bush, Samuel P., Bush, Prescott 's father, took over responsibility for relations of US government with the private arms producers,

WWI.00.000.1918 Bush, Samuel P. became chief of the Ordnance, Small Arms and Ammunition Section of the War Industries Board.@s2 in the spring

WWI.00.000.1918 Bush, Samuel P. took national responsibility for government assistance to and relations with Remington Arms company & other weapons companies. This was .."".. great security

WWI.00.000.1914-00.000.1918 [END]

15.Nov.1918 Stinnes, Hugo unterzeichnet nach dem Zusammenbruch des Deutschen Kaiserreichs als Arbeitgebervertreter den Vertrag über die Schaffung einer

00.000.1919 -ab Zentralarbeitsgemeinschaft für einen Interessenausgleich mit den Gewerkschaften ("Stinnes-Legien-Abkommen")

00.Jan.1919 Als in den Januartagen 1919 der Bolschewismus Berlin erobert hatte & in allen großen Industriegebieten des Reiches seine Herrschaft aufrichtete,

da fand am

10.Jan.1919 in den Räumen des Aero Klubs von Berlin eine Sitzung führender Industrieller, Bankherren & Großkaufleute statt unter dem Vorsitz des [DEUTSCHE

BANK,DIREKTOR] Bankiers Mankiewitz, Paul, bei der der Verfasser [Stadtler, Eduard,Anm.a0e.20030521][ dieses Buches]zum Thema"Bolschewismus als Weltgefahr“ein zweistündiges Referat hielt Nach der Rede erhob sich Stinnes, Hugo[00.000.1870-00.000.1924]& erklärte ohne Pose & Feierlichkeit, in der ihm eigenen überlegenen ruhigen Sachlichkeit: "Ich bin der Meinung, daß nach diesem Vortrag jede Diskussion überflüssig ist.Wenn die deutsche Industrie-, Handels- + Bankenwelt nicht willens & in der Lage sind, gegen die hier aufgezeichnete Gefahr eine Versicherungsprämie von 500 Millionen Mark aufzubringen,dann sind sie nicht wert,deutsche Wirtschaft genannt zu werden.Ich beantrage Schluß der Sitzung und bitte die Herren Borsig, Siemens etc. sich mit mir in ein Nebenzimmer zu begeben, damit wir sofort über den Modus der Umlage klar werden können."Das war die historische Stunde,da der sogenannte"Antibolschewistenfonds der Wirtschaft" beschlossen wurde,von dem aus nun

Jan.1919 -die,Mitte-einsetzende gewaltige Bewegung des Anti-Bolschewismus gespeist wurde:„Antibolschewistische Liga", "Generalsekretariat zum Studium und zur

Bekämpfung des Bolschewismus","Vereinigung zur Bekämpfung des Bolschewismus","Bürgerratsbewegung","Werbebüros für die Freikorps","Studentenarbeitsstellen","$ elbst$ chu$$ formationen",usw.²Auch die Kassen der aktiven Reichswehrtruppen wurden davon gespeist. Ja, es flossen sogar Gelder in den Wahlfonds der sozialdemokratischen Partei, da diese sich bereit erklärte, antibolschewistische Flugblätter & Plakate massenweise zu verbreiten. Die Gründung des Fonds war eine entscheidende bürgerliche Selbsthilfe -Tat.& der Tatmensch dieser Tat war Stinnes,Hugo.Stinnes, Hugo war ein viel zu großer Realist, als daß er den bürgerlichen Charakter des Antibolschewismus doktrinär oder praktisch hätte überspitzen können.Dafür wurzelte er mit seiner Familie viel zu tief im "Kohlenpott" es rheinischen Bergreviers & er fühlte sich als Bergherr auch viel zu sehr mit den "Kumpels"verbunden.Deswegen war auch Stinnes, Hugo die Seele & der Willensmittelpunkt jenes soziologischen Gebildes, das in den damaligen Revolution s wirren gegen die Gefahr der Bolschewisierung gegründet wurde: derZentralen Arbeitsgemeinschaft" der Arbeitgeberverbände & der Gewerkschaften“.Es ist dabei geschichtlich von Bedeutung hervorzuheben,daß dieser "antibolschewistische Dammschutz" schon vor dem Ausbruch der Novemberrevolte geplant & in Vorformen organisiert worden war. Zwischen Stinnes, Hugo & den führenden Männern der Wirtschaft einerseits & den Führern der christlichen & freien Gewerkschaften (Stegerwald, Adam, Legien, Karl usw.)andererseits war im Hinblick[PRÄVENTIV]auf die drohende Zusammenbruch s- -Gefahr ein Pakt geschlossen worden & dieses Bündnis wurde am 15.Nov.1918 in aller Form schriftlich kontrahiert & mit feierlichen Unterschriften versehen. Nationalpolitisches Verantwortungsgefühl stand Pate an der Wiege jener "Zentralen Arbeitsgemeinschaft",die nun "Bürgertum" &"Proletariat" gerade in der vom „Bolschewismus“am meisten gefährdeten Lebenssphäre der modernen Industrie politisch umschloß & mit einem festen Ring umgab. [Anmerkung20030526:Fraenkel->


00.000.1900 Walker, George Herbert ,native St.Louis founds St. Louis:"G.H.Walker and Company" banking & investment,

00.000.19-- "G.H.Walker and Company" address of "1 Wall Street New York"[banking & investment firm shifted to prestigious)

00.000.1919 Harriman, Averell [s&b913]"W.A. Harriman & Company"[]"G.H.Walker and Company"Walker, George Herbert 'Bert organize"Brown Brothers"[brit]


03.Mär.1919 I.Weltkongress der Kommunistischen Internationale<03.Mär.1919 1.Weltkongress der KomIntern II.Sitzungstag am .htm>

00.000.1919 gründeten in Mailand rund 200 radikale Nationalisten und Sozialrevolutionäre unter der Führung von

00.000.0000 Mussolini, Benito die "fasci Italiani di combattimento" (Italienische Kampfbünde)Solche "Fasci" gab es bereits

00.000.0000 zuvor in Italien vorwiegend mit linker..

00.Sep.1919 Die Enttäuschung vieler Italiener über den Ausgang des WWI.,die unerfüllten Territorialwünsche vor allem in Dalmatien & auf Fiume[jugosl]verschafft

den Faschisten Auftrieb. D`Annunzio, Gabriele Schriftsteller & Weltkriegskämpfer, 15 Monate lang, mit einer Privatarmee aus Militär entlassener & Dissidenten, besetzt Fiume, läßt sich vom Balkon seines Sitzes von den Massen feiern - mit dem faschistischen Gruß der erhobenen rechten Hand,führt eine Privatdiktatur & schafft Modell eines faschistischen Staates.Den "fasci" gibt dieser Erfolg entschlossener Gewaltanwendung ungeheuren Auftrieb.Benutzt hier "Schwarzhemden", spätere faschistische Uniform,zuerst.

00.000.1919 Mussolini, Benito,Bei der ersten Wahl erreichte nicht einmal den Einzug ins Parlament.

00.000.1919 Walker, George Herbert [s&b] -organizes [fnd] "W.A. Harriman & Company"

00.000.1920 Luce, Henry [s&b920] Time-Life...

02.Dec.1920 Bottomley, Horatio "Lord Nelson"[brit]newspaper proprietor-"Financial Times"[fnd]financier-"John Bull" [establ]-later;politician,financier:"Gentlemen,I

have not had your advantages.What poor education I have received has been gained in the University of Life."-Speech at "Oxford Union"[Beverley,Nichols 25(1926)ch7]

00.000.1920 Stinnes, Hugo wird Mitglied Deutsche Volkspartei [DVP], zieht in den Reichstag ein. Juli: Auf ..Den Verlust von Rohstoffquellen und

Produktionsstätten durch die Regelungen des Versailler Vertrags kompensiert Stinnes, Hugo durch den Erwerb zahlreicher Firmen in Deutschland und im Ausland.

01.Jan.1921 Italien- mehr als 200 Menschen bei Überfällen der Faschisten getötet.(Versuch, parlamentarische Mehrheiten zu erreichen,schlug fehl)-01.Mai 1921

00.Mai 1921 Mussolini, Benito erreicht bei den Wahlen gerade 35 von 535 Parlamentsplätzen.

00.Okt.1922 Mussolini, Benito droht mit einem "Marsch auf Rom", also mit einem Putsch. Emanuele, Viktor, König, beruft Mussolini, Benito zum Ministerpräsidenten

00.000.1922 Rockefeller, William, USAmerican financier,b. Tioga co., N.Y.; Rockefeller, John D. [broth]00.000.1841-

00.000.1922 American Founders Trust“

00.000.1922 Bottomley, Horatio "Lord Nelson"[brit]"Financial Times"[fnd]"John Bull"[establ](-later),politician & financier -imprisoned for fraud.He served his sentence with hard labour at Wormwood Scrubs and then Maidstone. Sometimes he worked with needle and thread in the tailor's shop, sewing mail bags ("No, reaping."-(Reply to a prison visitor who asked if he were sewing),[Felstead, S.T. "Horatio Bottomley",00.000.1936,ch.16]

00.000.192- American Tobacco, [Through] Bernays, Edward L., Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew, got women to start smoking, even while

suspecting that smoking was dangerous.

00.000.1923 Davenport, Russell W.[s&b923] „Fortune Magazine“,editor, created „Fortune 500 list“...

00.000.1923 book written by Bernays, Edward L., Freud, Sigismund Schlomo[neph]is applied by:Göbbels, Josef, Nazi,[ger] „PRINCIPLES OF PROPAGANDA“,USA [gov][CIA]<Psychological Operations Field Manual/POLITPROP Goebbels' Principles of Propaganda.htm>but Bernays, Edward L. shrugged it off [After WWII.]

11.Jan.1923 OCCUPATION OF THE RUHR.txt 19230111

00.Oct.1923 Thyssen, Fritz,[NAZI][ger][industr][strt][fndng] Hitler, Adolf [Thyssen s [„qte“] contributions began with 100,000 marks given for 09.Nov.1923-

09.Nov.1923 Hitler, Adolf, Putsch-Versuch,inszeniert "Marsch zur Feldherrenhalle" (erscheint wie eine Kopie von Mussolini : "Marsch auf Rom".) against the constitutional government.

00.000.1923 " a favor to him,Thyssen, Fritz,„Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V,“,Rotterdam,loaned the money to build the very first Nazi party headquarters in Munich. But somehow the allied investigations [afterWWII] kept going nowhere, the intelligence leads all seemed to dry up.”Allied investigators focused on the "Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart",Rotterdam,the Dutch financial institution that served as the pivot-point for the Thyssen-Bornemisza-Bush family dealings at the center of the discussion. “Their suspicions focused on one Dutch Bank in particular, the„Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V,“,Rotterdam. This bank did a lot of business with the Thyssen s -over the years-.“

12.Jun.1924 Bush, George Herbert Walker,[s&b948]b. Milton, Mass.USA President -future

01.Jan.1920 -Thyssen (s)establish 3 banks:“Thyssen BankBerlinBank voor Handel en Scheepvaart,N.V.Rotterdam"Union Banking Corporation"NY.-31.Dez.1929

00.000.1924 Walker, George Herbert 'Bert',native St.Louis:"G.H.Walker and Company"bank & investm,Hitler, Adolf's most powerful financ.suppts.,USA [one of]

00.000.1924 Harriman, Averell [s&b913] & Thyssen, Fritz,[ger][industrl],who began funding Hitler,Adolf 00.Oct.1923 ,[fnd]"Union Banking Corporation"[UBC],NY

Walker, George Herbert 'Bert' & Bush, Prescott [s&b917]-father-in-law's bank at 39 Broadway, Manhattan, New York to handle funds supplied to it through Thyssen, Fritz s Hollandische-Amerikanische Investment Corporation“["all of the shares of„Union Banking Corporation“ were held for the benefit of members of Thyssen family" -according to USA -government documents]-since

01.Jan.1924 - Steigerung Liquidität der westlichen Kapitalmärkte nicht ohne Bedeutung (zB:Ungarn)[wk25-443] -31.Dez.1924

00.000.1924 Harriman, Averell [s&b913]"Union Banking Corporation",NY & Thyssen, Fritz,[NAZI][ger][industr][strt][fndng] finance Hitler's infant Nazi party,

funding Hitler,Adolf -00.000.1923-USAmerican contributors financing Hitler's infant Nazi party[fndng]Hitler, Adolf[lst][ger]Thyssen, Fritz[industr]-00.000.1923-

00.000.1926 Bush, Prescott [s&b917] Bush, George Herbert Walker [s&b948]-Father an officer of „W.A. Harriman“ bank,

00.000.1926 Walker, George Herbert 'Bert' did sort of favor for his new son-in-law,Bush, Prescott[s&b917][families do help their children make a start in life, [but] Bush, Prescott [s&b917]came to regret favor bitterly."In[-00.000.1931]Walker, George Herbert 'Bert made Bush, Prescott[s&b917]vice president of "W. A. Harriman & Company".[Problem was.. speciality:companies trading in the 1930s with Germany] Walker, George Herbert 'Bert'' & Thyssen, Fritz & the other German industrialists consolidated Hitler's [economical/political) power, an American financial connection is needed.According to our sources, "Union Banking Corporation" became an out-and-out Nazi money-laundering machine.."W. A. Harriman & Company" [merge] "Brown Brothers"(brit)," (British-American investment company)[]"Brown Brothers, Harriman" Bush, Prescott [s&b917]vice president "W. A. Harriman & Company" became one of "Brown Brothers, Harriman" 59 Brdway, the new company, senior partners while "Union Banking Corporation"39Broadway(remained at)

00.000.1927 Sacco & Vanzetti (sak-oh;van-zet-ee)Two anarchists (see anarchism), Nicola Sacco & Bartolomeo Vanzetti, who were convicted of a robbery & two

murders in Massachusetts in the early 1920s & sentenced to death. Sacco & Vanzetti were born in Italy but had been living in the United States for years when they were tried. Several faulty procedures took place in the trial. Many people have thought that Sacco and Vanzetti were convicted because of their political views and not because of the evidence against them. Their supporters obtained several delays of their execution, but a special committee appointed by the governor of Massachusetts upheld the original jury's verdict + they were put to death in 1927. Liberals and radicals all over the world were outraged by the execution. The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Second Edition, Revised and updated Edited by E.D. Hirsch, Jr., Joseph F. Kett + James Trefil. © 2003Houghton Mifflin Company.All rights reserved.

00.000.1927 Bottomley, Horatio "Lord Nelson"[brit]"Financial Times"[fnd]"John Bull"[establ](-later),politician & financier - released.

00.000.1928 Eddington, Arthur, Astrophysiker, in der Fachzeitschrift "The Nature of the Physical World":„Wenn eine Armee von Affen auf Schreibmaschinen herumtippen

würde, könnten sie alle Bücher des Britischen Museums schreiben." Daß Affen Werke höchster literarischer Qualität produzieren, wenn man ihnen nur lange genug Zeit lässt, schreiben manche Wissenschaftler auch Huxley,Thomas zu, einem Forscher des 19. Jahrhunderts, der Darwins, Charles's Evolutionstheorie unterstützte.

01.Jan.1930-31.Dez.1939 -through the Dulles brothers Dulles, Allen & Dulles, John Foster {Dulles, Allen's firm "Sullivan & Cromwell" not the only firm engaged in

funding Germany) USAmericans ("Some USAmericans were just bigots & made their connections to Nazi-Germany : supported Fascism,...other...USAmericans [supported Fashism] ensuring[PROPAGANDA] their [clients] well-come out of the German "economic recovery"[PROPAGANDA].(Dulles, Allen's firm "Sullivan & Cromwell" were in it for profit more than ideology[PROPAGANDA]}..arranged investments in/for Nazi-dominated Germany.

00.000.1931 "W.A. Harriman & Company"(NY) Harriman, Averil [s&b913] president,Bush,Prescott[s&917]vice president[]"Brown Brothers"(brit)[]"Union Banking

Corporation" [Harriman,Averil[s&b913]presidentUSAmerican establishment dominating figure,..was the key figure. "The firm originally was known as 00.000.1924 USAmerican investors through "Union Banking Corporation" & Thyssen, Fritz, Nazi, industrialist (ger) start link start trade (between,among).]

00.000.1931 "W.A. Harriman & Company" merged with the British Brown Brothers into Brown Brothers Harriman and its various fronts

00.000.1931 while Bush, Prescott as a director ran the New York office of "Brown Brothers Harriman", Bush, Prescott 's partner was Montagu Norman's intimate friend Thatcher Brown. The Bank of England chief, Montagu Norman always stayed at the home of Bush, Prescott 's partner Harriman on his hush-hush trips to New York. Bush, Prescott concentrated on the firm's German activities & Brown, Thatcher saw to their business in old England,

under the guidance of Bank of England chief, Montagu Norman, his mentor

00.000.1931-00.000.1934 "W. A. Harriman & Company" sold more than $50 million of German bonds to USAmerican investors (in just one three-year period)

Walker,G.H.(Bert )was),"Union Banking Corporation"(NY)'s direktor-president, & the firm was located in the offices of [00.000.1919 Walker, George Herbert 'Bert',"G.H.Walker and Company" & Harriman, Averil [s&b913] organize] "W.A. Harriman & Company"39 Broadway NY [another bank':"G.H.Walker and Company", "W.A. Harriman & Company", "Brown Brothers"(brit),"Union Banking Corporation"(NY),"Sullivan & Cromwell"(NY), that specialized in investments in Germany.("'The Splendid Blond Beast,'Christopher Simpson's seminal history of the politics of genocide & profit.")]

04.Mar.1933 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, President[USA]Inaugural Address:"Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-

nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyses needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.

00.000.1934 Bradford, Amory Howe [s&b934] Warburg-Rothschild, Carol [wfe]„New York Times“ [general manager]

00.000.1934 Walker,G. H.(Bert),Bush, Prescott father-in-law, is "Union Banking Corporation"s president, firm located in the offices of Harriman,Averill 's company"W. A. Harriman & Company"39 Broadway NY. arranged a seat on the board of directors of "Union Banking Corporation",

also Walker,G. H.(Bert),Bush, Prescott father-in-law, is "Union Banking Corporation"s president, set up a deal to take over "Hamburg-Amerika Linie" North American operations, a cover for "I.G.Farben" Nazi espionage unit in USA. "Hamburg-Amerika Linie" shipping line smuggled in/OUT Nazi agents, propaganda & money to bribe USAmerican s:politicians,...,..., to see[PROPAGANDA](things,the other) Hitler,Adolf's way. The holding company for was Walker,G.H.(Bert)'s "American Shipping & Commerce"39 Broadway (shared the offices at 39 Broadway with )"Union Banking Corporation"39 Broadway. In an elaborate corporate paper trail, Harriman's stock in American Shipping & Commerce was controlled by yet another holding company, directors Harriman, Averill, Walker,G. H. (Bert ) & Bush, Prescot run out of Walker, G.H.(Bert)'s office the "Harriman Fifteen Corporation"

00.000.1934 US Congressional Investigation,Walker,G. H. (Bert)'s "Hamburg-Amerika Linie" allegedly subsidized a wide range of pro-Nazi propaganda efforts both

in Germany & USA "Walker,G.H.(Bert) did not know it,but Harkins, Dan one of Walker,G.H.(Bert) USAmerican employees, blew the whistle on the spy apparatus to Congress. Harkins, Dan, one of our best sources,became Roosevelt's first double agent...[and] kept up the pretense of being an ardent Nazi sympathizer, while reporting to Naval Intelligence on the Hamburg-Amerika Linie shipping company's deals with Nazi intelligence."Instead of divesting the Nazi money," continue the authors,"Bush, Prescott hired a lawyer to hide the assets. The lawyer he hired had considerable expertise in such underhanded schemes.It was Dulles, Allen

00.000.1932 in Berlin,by USA diplomats Thyssen's role as the leading early backer of Hitler's grab for power in Germany has been noted.

00.000.1933 Rosevelt, F,D appoints ambassador to Italy. Long, Breckinridge 00.000.1881-00.000.1958,an affluent Democrat from Missouri, whom One Treasury

Department official will later call (them) an American "underground let the Jews be killed."Long himself is extremely paranoid, comes to believe not only that he is constantly under attack from "the communists, extreme radicals, Jewish professional agitators, [and] refugee enthusiasts," but that his colleagues are conspiring against him as well. It's not surprising that with men like Long in control, very little is being done to help the Jews in Europe.

00.000.1934 plot by Morgan, DuPont & other capitalists to install a dictator in the USA

00.000.1934-00.000.1943 Bush, Prescott [s&b]was a director of the Union Banking Corporation“-1 share''[UBC, was co-founded and sponsored by Bush, Prescott

father-in-law : Walker, George; Walker, George, senior managing partner for Harriman, E.Roland"Bunny"[s&b]&Harriman,Averell[s&b]]``

00.Nov.1935 Butler, Smedley D.,retired marine general blamed Brown Brothers, Harriman" Bush, Prescott[s&b917]vice president for having the U.S. marines act

like 'racketeers' & 'gangsters' in order to exploit financially the peasants of Nicaragua..."(article in 'Common Sense').

00.000.1936 Stewart, Potter [s&b936] Supreme Court Justice,...

00.000.1936-00.000.1942 Bush, George Herbert Walkererbert Walker s stay at Andover, Massachusetts, 20 miles north of Boston. ``Poppy'' was 12 years old,

handsome and rich. Though the US economy took a savage turn for the worse the following year, Bush, George Herbert Walker 's father, Bush,Prescott[s&b] was piling up a fortune, arranging bond swindles for the Nazis with Dulles,John Foster[s&b]. Only about one in 14 US secondary school students could afford to be in private schools The New England preparatory or ``prep'' schools were the most exclusive. Their students were almost all rich white boys, many of them Episcopalians.

18.Jun.1936 "Brown Brothers, Harriman","Sullivan & Cromwell", Dulles, Allen's, at client list, first relationship with,According to,on.

00.000.1936 Washington Post news flash, "German Zionists Seek Recognition": "A bold demand that the German Zionist Federation be given recognition by the

Government as the only instrument for the exclusive control of German Jewish life was made by the Executive of that body in a proclamation today. All German Jewish organizations, it was declared, should be dominated by the Zionist spirit.“

00.Jan.1937 Dulles, Allen "Sullivan & Cromwell", client Standard Oil of New Jersey & I.G.Farben Dulles's Nazi client, completed a major stock transaction.Dulles,

Allen listed his work for the firm as 'Disposal of Stan [Standard Oil] Investing stock.'"(As discussed in Chapter 3,)

2-.Jan.1937(By end) Dulles, Allen, "Sullivan & Cromwell" :'"Brown Brothers Harriman"-Schroeder Rock.' [merged] all his cloaking activities into one client account Schroeder, of course, was the Nazi bank on whose board Dulles sat. The 'Rock' were the Rockefellers of Standard Oil of New Jersey<EXXON>,who were already coming under scrutiny for their Nazi deals.

00.May 1939 Dulles, Allen "Sullivan & Cromwell" handled another problem for "Brown Brothers, Harriman", their "Securities Custodian Accounts". "If Dulles, Allen was trying to conceal how many Nazi holding companies "Brown Brothers, Harriman" was connected with, Dulles, Allen"Sullivan & Cromwell" did not do a very good job. Shortly after Pearl Harbor, word leaked from Washington that affiliates of Bush, Prescott's company were under investigation for aiding the Nazis in time of war..."...The government investigation against Bush, Prescott continued. Just before the storm broke,Bush, Prescott's son, Bush, George Herbert Walker., abandoned his plans to enter Yale & enlisted in the US Army. It was, say our sources among the former intelligence officers, a valiant attempt by an eighteen-year-old boy to save the family's honor.

WWII.00.Sep.1939 Equipped by Flick, Harriman, Walker & Bush, Prescott, materials essentially stolen from Poland, Nazi army, start invasion of Poland,WWII.

WWII.00.000.1930-00.000.1940 His son, Walker, G.H. III, was a Yale classmate of Brady, Nicholas & Brown, Moreau D. (Brown, Thatcher's grandson), forming what was called the ``Yale Mafia'' on Wall Street. Carpenter, Walter S. Jr. had been chairman of the finance committee of the Du Pont Corporation WWII.-during, Bruce had been the chief of the London bureau of the Office of Strategic Services [OSS] which meant that Bruce had been the boss of all European Office of Strategic Services [OSS] operations, including Dulles, Allen in Switzerland & all the rest.

WWII.00.000.1940 s Zionist terrorists,"Stern Gang", to go to war on Hitler,Adolf's side.

WWII.00.000.1940-00.000.1941 the "Stern Gang", among them Shamir, Yitzhak later Prime Minister of Israel, presented the Nazis with the "Fundamental

Features of the Proposal of the National Military Organization in Palestine [Leumi, Irgun Zva, LEUMI BANK] Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe & the Participation of the NMO in the War on the Side of Germany." Stern, Avraham & his followers announced that "The NMO, which is well-acquainted with the goodwill of the German Reich government & its authorities towards Zionist activity inside Germany & towards Zionist emigration plans, is of the opinion that: 1. Common interests could exist between the establishment of a new order in Europe in conformity with the German concept & the true national aspirations of the Jewish people as they are embodied by the NMO . 2. Cooperation between the new Germany & a renewed folkish-national Hebraium would be possible

& 3. The establishment of the historic Jewish state on a national & totalitarian basis, bound by a treaty with the German Reich, would be in the interest of a maintained & strengthened future German position of power in the Near East. Proceeding from these considerations, the NMO in Palestine, under the condition the above-mentioned national aspirations of the Israeli freedom movement are recognized on the side of the German Reich, offers to actively take part in the war on Germany's side."

WWII.00.000.1941 Lovett,Robert A [s&b] USAAssistant Secretary of War for Air“ to-1945.00.00

WWII.00.000.1940 Rockefeller,Nelson proposed to let England & Hitler, Adolf fight to the death.

WWII.00.000.1942 USA government investigative report that surfaced during 00.000.1945 Senate hearings found that the Union Banking Corporation“,Bush,

Prescott [s&b] on the board, was an “interlocking concern” with [the German Steel Trust]“Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG“,which funded & directed the military-industrial complex behind Hitler & the Nazi "revolution", that had produced : 50.8 % of Nazi Germany’s pig iron 41.4 % of Nazi Germany’s universal plate 36 % of Nazi Germany’s heavy plate 38.5 % of Nazi Germany’s galvanized sheet 45.5 % of Nazi Germany’s pipes and tubes 22.1 % of Nazi Germany’s wire 35 % of Nazi Germany’s explosives

00.000.1924 Harriman, Averell[s&b] & Thyssen, Fritz, set up "Union Banking Corporation", New York City : to handle funds supplied to it through Thyssen s Dutch

bank for American investment.To protect their corporate holdings,all the Thyssen brothers had to do was move the corporate paperwork from one bank to the other. This the Thyssen brothers did with some regularity. When Thyssen, Fritz ‘sold’ the „Holland-American Trading Company“ for a tax loss, the "Union Banking Corporation" in New York bought the stock. Similarly, the Bush family invested the disguised Nazi profits in American steel and manufacturing corporations that became part of the secret Thyssen empire.” in the late 1930’s Thyssen, ,’s first step in a long dance of tax and currency frauds began when Thyssen disposed of his shares in the Dutch „Hollandische-Amerikanische Investment Corporation“ to be credited to the „Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart,N.V.“, Rotterdam.

WWII.00.Oct.1942 "Young Bush, George Herbert Walker. is in flight school, US government charges Bush, Prescott, his father, with running Nazi front groups in the USA. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, all the shares of "Union Banking Corporation" were seized, including those held by Bush, Prescott as being in effect held for enemy nationals. "Union Banking Corporation", of course,is an affiliate of "Brown Brothers, Harriman", & Bush, Prescott handles the Harrimans' investments as well."Once the government has its hands on Bush, Prescott's books, the whole story of the intricate web of Nazi front corporations begins to unravel.

WWII.20.Oct.1942 US government Vesting Order Number 248, signed Crowley, seizing the property of Bush, Prescott [1 share] under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The order, published in obscure government record books and kept out of the news, explained nothing about the Nazis involved; only that the "Union Banking Corporation" was run for the ` Thyssen family'' of `` Germany and/or Hungary ''--`` nationals ... of a designated enemy country. By deciding that Bush, Prescott [s&b] & the other directors[s&b] of the "Union Banking Corporation" were legally front men for the Nazis, the US government avoided the more important historical issue: In what way were .."seizing the Bush-Thyssen bank was curiously quiet and modest about the identity of the perpetrators who had been nailed. But two weeks before the official .."

00.Oct.1942 A few days later two of "Union Banking Corporation"'s,subsidiaries, "Holland American Trading Corporation" & "Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation", also were seized. Then the US government goes after the "Harriman Fifteen Holding Company",for "Hamburg-Amerika Line" & "Silesian-American Corporation" which Bush, Prescott shared with his father-in-law, Walker,G.H.(Bert), The US government finds that huge sections of Bush, Prescott's empire been operated on behalf of Nazi Germany & had greatly assisted the Nazi German war effort." (1)

WWII.20.Oct.1942 US government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were being conducted by Bush,Prescott. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the US government took over the "Union Banking Corporation", in which Bush, Prescott was a director. The USAlien Property Custodian seized "Union Banking Corporation"'s stock shares, all of which were owned by Bush,Prescott [s&b] Harriman,E.Roland``Bunny''[s&b] three Nazi executives,& two other associates of Bush, Prescott [s&b]

WWII.00.000.1943 By special act of the state legislature,Russell Trust Association Trustees are exempted from the normal requirement of filing corporate

reports with the Connecticut Secretary of State. Russell Trust Association 00.000.1978 (As of) all business of the Russell Trust was handled by its lone trustee,"Brown Brothers Harriman"[s&b]partner [!!!][!BINGO!]

00.000.1944 CIA founding along fascist lines, with a corporatist military-industrial complex of permanent arms spending,& the revolving door between Wall Street

& CIA, State Dept. & oil industry. The crown of Dulles, Allen's busy career: "The role of Congress is limited to voting the needed funds..."

00.000.1944 Bernays, Edward L.,Public relations [propaganda] strategist]& Freud, Sigmund nephew, conducts Ewings fluoride campaign, by applying Freudian theory to induce public acceptance of fluorine ingestion.One byproduct of aluminum manufacture is toxic sodium fluoride. It was one of Bernays, Edward L. a Freud, Sigmund nephew s most successful campaigns [propaganda]. USArmy Medical Department takes care of 4.4 million hospital patients. 00.000.1944

00.000.1944 Health Practitioners Journal, .."

16.Dec.1944 New York Times ran a five-paragraph page 25 article on actions of the New York State Banking Department. Only the last sentence refers to the Nazi bank, as follows: `` The "Union Banking Corporation",39 Broadway,New York, has received authority to change its principal place of business to 120 Broadway. '' The New York Times omitted the fact that the "Union Banking Corporation" had been seized by the USA government for trading with the enemy, & even the fact that 120 Broadway was the address of the government's Alien Property Custodian : [NAME,BORN....]

WWII.23.Dec.1944 Christmas Eve, US Navy delivered Bush, George Herbert Walker back home for good the war in the Pacific raged on

over the next half WWII.year,Allied forces taking Southeast Asia, Netherlands East Indies (Indonesia), Iwo Jima & Okinawa...

WWII.00.000.1945 Pierce, Barbara quit Smith College in her sophomore year to marry Bush, George Herbert Walker.

WWII.00.000.1945 Bush, Prescott & Mother Bush gave a splendid prenuptial dinner at the Greenwich Field Club.

WWII.06.Jan.1945 Bush, George Herbert Walker, Bush,[Pierce]Barbara wedding Rye, New York Presbyterian Church, as the US Third Fleet bombarded the main Philippine island of Luzon in preparation for invasion.

WWII.06.Jan.1945 Afterwards there was a glamorous reception for 300 at Appawamis Country Club.

WWII.06.Jan.1945-00.000.1945 Bush, George Herbert Walker, Bush,[Pierce]Barbara honeymooned at The Cloisters, a five-star hotel on Sea Island, Georgia, with swimming, tennis and golf. Bush, George Herbert Walker 's next assignment was to train pilots at Norfolk, Virginia Naval Air Station. ``George's duty ... was light. As for other young marrieds, whose husbands were between warzone tours, this was kind of an extended (and paid) honeymoon.''@s2

00.000.1944 Pauley, Edwin, treasurer of the Democratic National Committee, director of the Democratic convention in and, after Truman's election, Truman appoints Pauley, Edwin the "Petroleum Coordinator of Lend-Lease Supplies for the Soviet Union & Britain."(Among the key posts held were:)

WWII.00.Apr.1945 -end of--Just after, Truman appoints Pauley, Edwin "USA representative to the Allied Reparations Committee", with the rank of ambassador," as well as "industrial and commercial advisor to the Potsdam Conference,'where Pauley, Edwin chief task is to renegotiate the reparations agreements formulated at Yalta.'As one historian notes: the 'oil industry has always watched reparations activities carefully.' There is a lot of money involved & much of it belonges to the Dulles brothers' clients." At the same time,...

0.000.1945 Lovett, Robert [s&b] As [OSS]-Chairman of „committee on intelligence“,pushes for carrying on with WWII.-“Office of Strategic Services“[CIA],

[lst] dozens o.„Bonesmen“,(Bush, George Herbert Walker [41][(incl)(of course)] holding high posts [CIA].

00.000.1945 What effect did the end of World War II have on this faction of American Nazi collaborators? In this section we will review the evidence, much of it from recently de-classified documents, that this pro-Nazi faction, rather than facing charges of high treason, became an integral part of the United States national security apparatus, extending its fascist influence in both foreign and domestic policies and, in effect, creating what has been referred to as America's "Invisible Government." The excuse, of course, was Communism.THE BUGGING OF WALL STREETAarons and Loftus' research, which documents the Dulles brothers' pro-Nazi activities, did not go unnoticed. "Before his death, Goldberg, Arthur former Supreme Court Justice, granted one of the authors an interview. Justice Goldberg had served in U.S. intelligence during World War II. Although Goldberg, Arthur former Supreme Court Justice said little in public..""..years.His verdict was blunt. 'The Dulles brothers were traitors.'They had betrayed their country, by giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war." (2)Much of what is now known about the activities of the Dulles brothers and other American Nazi collaborators in banking and industry came as a result of a top-secret joint U.S.-British intelligence program known as the Ultra Project. "Prior to the United States' entry into the war," write Loftus and Aarons, "Roosevelt .."".. Third Reich, favorably disposed to American financial interests.. . . (4)"The wiretap evidence against Dulles originally was collected by a special section of Operation Safehaven, the U.S. Treasury Department's effort to trace the movement of stolen Nazi booty towards the end of the war. Roosevelt & Treasury Secretary Henry Morganthau had set up Dulles by giving him the one assignment - intelligence chief in Switzerland - where he would be most tempted to aid his German clients with their money .."".. coincidence that ....

00.Apr.1945 WWII.end of ,Just after "the Dulles brothers were still shifting Nazi assets out of Europe for their clients as well as for their own profit. The Dulles brothers, didn't want the Soviets to get their hands on these assets or even know that they existed. Pauley, Edwin played a significant role in solving this problem for the Dulles brothers . The major part of Nazi Germany's industrial assets was located in the zones occupied by the West's forces.As Washington's man on the ground, Pauley, Edwin managed to deceive the Soviets for long enough to allow Dulles,Allen to spirit much of the remaining Nazi assets out to safety..."Pauley, Edwin, a key player in the plan to hide the Dulles brothers ' Nazi assets,then moved into another post where he could help them, the Dulles brothers , further. After successfully keeping German assets in Fascist hands, Pauley, Edwin was given the job of 'surveying Japan's assets and determining the amount of its war debt.' Again, it was another job that was crucial to the Dulles brothers clique's secret financial and intelligence operations." (report Loftus and Aarons, (2))After Pauley, Edwin retired from government work he, Pauley, Edwin went back to being an independent oil man.

00.000.1945 As soon as Berlin fell to the allies, it was time to ship the documents back to Rotterdam so that the ‘neutral’'dutch' Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, N.V., Rotterdam, could claim ownership under the friendly supervision of

in the 1950s (27) DULLES, ALLEN: from his early days in the "Office of Strategic Services" (OSS) in WWII. to "Central Intelligence Agency" (CIA )Director in the 1950s ARCHITECT OF THE US-NAZI NETWORK Dulles,Allen as one of America's top spymasters, Contemporary history records

" Dulles, Foster John, I.G. Farben member of the board, seems to have had little difficulty in getting along with whoever was in charge. both Dulles brothers made substantial but indirect contributions to the Nazi party as the price of continued influence inside the new German order..the secret U.S./Nazi corporate alliance during WWII. was the result of substantial USAmerican investment in post-WWI. Germany. In order to protect these investments + the accumulating profits, the US multinational corporations remained an important part of the Nazi war machine until the final defeat of Germany Some of our sources insist ." (28)NOTES: US CORPORATIONS AND THE NAZIS 1.Facts and Fascism, George Seldes, p. 122Trading with the Enemy, Charles Higham, p. 1672.Even the Gods Can't Change .."".. government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling power."Among us today a concentration of private power without equal in history is growing." - Roosevelt,Franklin Delano, President (1)As mentioned earlier,

00.000.1945 Dulles, Allen, as the OSS intelligence chief in Berlin, [August ThyssenThyssenThyssenBank], well placed to handle any troublesome investigations.”

00.000.1945 the former Dutch manager of the ‘neutral’'dutch' Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, N.V., Rotterdam, resumed control only to discover that he was sitting on a huge pile of hidden Nazi assets.

09.Aug.1946 Prettyman, Cornelius dies in his Carlisle home at the age of 74. Few instructors in the history of the College were more highly respected than Prettyman; as Bishop Corson noted at his funeral, students "took German to get Prettyman."He was twice married. Clara Bains became his wife on June 10, 1892 & remained so until her ..Cornelius William Prettyman, Class of 1891, President of the College
".. in Germany. Back in Carlisle, he was named in 1917 as dean of the senior class and in 1938 became the head of the department of modern languages. He also served on President Fred Corson 's "Committee of Eight" charged with drafting reforms to the curriculum. After Corson's resignation in 1944, Prettyman was elected as president of the College. He was a .."".. became the head of the department of modern languages. He also served on President Fred Corson's "Committee of Eight" charged with drafting reforms to the curriculum. After Corson 's resignation in 1944, Prettyman was elected as president of the College. He was a very popular choice, especially with students, for whom he relaxed the stricter rules on .."

00.000.1946 Madden,Jr. start with „Brown Brothers Harriman“ under senior partner Bush, Prescott, Bush, George Herbert Walker's father.

00.Aug.1946 Japan surrendered Bush, George Herbert Walker, Bush,Barbara, that fall, moved to New Haven where

00.000.1946 Bush, George Herbert Walker entered Yale University, Bush, George Herbert Walker, Bush, Barbara moved into an apartment at 37 Hillhouse Avenue, across the street from Yale President Charles Seymour. College life was good to Bush, George Herbert Walker, what he saw of it.

00.000.1947 the Dutch manager of the ‘neutral’'dutch' Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, N.V., Rotterdam, threatened to inform Dutch authorities + was immediately fired by the Thyssens. The somewhat naïve bank manager then fled to New York City where he intended to talk to Union Bank director Bush, Prescott [s&b]. As Gowen’s Dutch source recalled, the manager intended ‘to reveal' the truth about Thyssen-Bornemisza, Heinrich, Baron & the Rotterdam Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, N.V. [in order that] some or all of the ThyssenThyssenThysseninterests in the ThyssenThyssenThyssenGroup might be seized and confiscated as German enemy property.

00.000.1947 The Dutch manager of the ‘neutral’'dutch' Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, N.V., Rotterdam,’s body was found in New York two weeks later.

00.000.1947 Bush, Barbara gave birth to Bush, George W. [s&b]the President's namesake.

00.000.1948 George Herbert Walker [s&b]By the time of graduation, had been elected to Phi Beta Kappa, an honor traditionally associated with academic achievement.

00.000.1948 Yale allowed Bush, George Herbert Walker[s&b] to get his degree with the special arrangement made for veterans, by which after attending classes for only two & a half years.A college career usually occupies four years.But we know that Bush, George Herbert Walker is a rapidly moving man.Thus he was pleased

00.000.1948 : Yale graduates `[M]embers of [Bush's] class These men were tapped [s&b]for the Class of

00.000.1948 Bush, George Herbert Walker[s&b948] & his friends remember it all fondly, as representatives of the Fashionable Set:

00.000.1948 Ashley,Thomas William Ludlow [s&b]
00.000.1948 Biglow,Lucius Horatio Jr.[s&b]
00.000.1948 Caulkins,John Erwin[s&b]
00.000.1948 Clark,William Judkins[s&b]
00.000.1948 Connelly,William James Jr.[s&b]
00.000.1948 Cook,George III[s&b]
00.000.1948 Grimes,David Charles[s&b]
00.000.1948 Jenkins,Richard Elwood[s&b]
00.000.1948 Mack,Richard Gerstle[s&b]
00.000.1948 Moseley,Thomas Wilder[s&b]
00.000.1948 Pfau,George Harold Jr.[s&b]
00.000.1948 Walker,Samuel Sloane Jr.[s&b]
00.000.1948 Weaver,Howard Sayre[s&b]
00.000.1948 Wilkie,Valleau Jr.[s&b]

have since sighed with nostalgia for those days of the late 1940s.... Trolley cars still rumbled along the New Haven streets. On autumn afternoons they would be crowded with students going out to football games at the Yale Bowl, scattering pennies along the way and shouting `scramble' to the street kids diving for them''[emphasis added].@s3 A great deal is known about Bush, George Herbert Walker's career at Yale, except the part about books and studies. Unfortunately for those who would wish to consider his intellectual accomplishment, everything about that has been sealed shut and is top secret. The Yale administration says they have turned over to the FBI custody of all of Bush, George Herbert Walker's academic records, allegedly because the FBI needs such access to check the resume@eacute; of important office holders. From all available testimony, his mental life before college was anything but outstanding. His campaign literature claims that, as a veteran, Bush, George Herbert Walker was ``serious'' at Yale. But we cannot check exactly how Bush, George Herbert Walker achieved election to Phi Beta Kappa, in his abbreviated college experience. Without top secret clearance, we cannot consult his test results, read his essays, or learn much about his performance in class. We know that Bush, George Herbert Walker father Bush, Prescott [s&b] was a trustee of the university, in charge of ``developmental'' fundraising. And his family friends were in control of the U.S. secret services. A great deal is known, however, about Bush, George Herbert Walker's status at Yale. Bush, George Herbert Walker fellow student Chafee,John H. later a U.S. Senator from Rhode Island and Secretary of the Navy, declared: ``We didn't see much of Bush, George Herbert Walker because Bush, George Herbert Walker was married, but I guess my first impression was that he was--and I don't mean this in a derogatory fashion--in the inner set, the movers and shakers, the establishment. I don't mean he put on airs or anything, but ... just everybody knew him.'' Chafee,John H., like Bush, George Herbert Walker & Quayle, Dan was in the important national fraternity, Delta Kappa Epsilon (DKE or the .. Dekes''). ButChafee,John H.says, ``I never remember seeing him there. Bush, George Herbert Walker wasn't one to hang around with the fellows.''@s4 The Tomb Bush, George Herbert Walker, in fact, passed his most important days and nights at Yale in the strange companionship of the senior-year Skull and Bones Society.@s5 Out of those few who were chosen for Skull and Bonesmembership, Bush, George Herbert Walker was the last one to be notified of hisselection--this honor is traditionally reserved for the highest of the high and mighty. Bush, George Herbert Walker father, Bush, Prescott several other relatives & partners & Harriman, Averell & Harriman, Roland[Bunny] who sponsored the Bush family, were also members of this secret society.The undoubted political and financial power associated with Skull and Bones has given rise to many popular questions about the nature and origin of the group.Its members have fed the mystery with false leads and silly speculations.

00.000.1948 Truman victory, President incumbent, defeats Dewey,wins reelection,"Nixon became Dulles, Allen s mouthpiece in Congress.

00.000.1949 Truman, Harry inaugurated as USA President.

00.000.1949 Lord, C. E. [s&b949] Comptroller of the Currency;

01.JAN.1950-31.DEZ.1979 Mörderische Bemühungen der USA, im Nahen Osten die sozialistische Arbeiterbewegungen zu liquidieren, die einmal eine bedeutsame politische Kraft waren."Fall out“": [lst]Regime Hussein, Saddam - Einzelheiten z. langen und widerlichen Beziehung zwischen USA & Hussein, Saddam [08.Feb.1963]

00.000.1953-00.000.1979 Im Iran herrschte über ein Vierteljahrhundert lang eine brutale Diktatur, die vom CIA eingesetzt worden war,nachdem diese den Sturz eines

populären nationalistischen Regimes organisiert hatte. Die Unterdrückungsmethoden des Schahregimes lösten schließlich die Revolution (von) aus. Daß die Macht anschließend in die Hände rechter islamischer Fundamentalisten gelangte, war weitgehend eine Folge der Tatsache, dass die sozialistische Massenopposition gegen den Schah vorher unter Aufsicht der CIA zerschlagen worden war.

01.JAN.1950-31.DEZ.1959 Reagan,Ronald front man for the money-laundering organization "Crusade for Freedom", which was part of Dulles's Fascist 'freedom

fighters' program." (3)Rockefeller Commission into CIA abuses was filled with old OPC [Dulles's Office of Policy Coordination] hands like Reagan,Ronald who had been the front man back in the money-laundering organization, the "Crusade for Freedom", which was part of Dulles's Fascist 'freedom fighters' program." (3)

Both Nixon & McCarthy,Joseph,Senator, received volumes of classified information to support the charge that the Truman administration was filled with 'pinkos.'

When McCarthy went too far in his ANTI - Communist investigations, it was Nixon who worked with his next-door neighbor,Smith,Bedell, CIA director

to steer the investigations away from the intelligence community. "The CIA was grateful for Nixon's assistance, but did not know the reason for it.

Dulles had been recruiting Nazis under the cover of the State Department's Office of Policy Coordination,whose chief,Wisner,Frank had systematically recruited the Eastern European emigre networks that had worked first for the SS, then the British + finally Dulles."The CIA did not know it,but Dulles was bringing them to the United States less for intelligence purposes than for political advantage. The Nazis' job quickly became to get out the vote for the Republicans.

One Israeli intelligence officer joked that when Dulles used the phrase 'Never Again,' Dulles, was not talking about the Holocaust but about Dewey's[R] narrow loss to Truman[D]. In the eyes of the Israelis, Dulles, Allen was the demon who infected Western intelligence with Nazi recruits.

00.000.1950-00.000.1953 Harriman[s&b]s, together with his lawyers & business partners, Dulles, Allen [s&b]& Dulles,John Foster [s&b], security regime in Washington, central focus : the organization of covert operations + `` psychological warfare. ''Harriman, Dulles, Allen & Dulles,John Foster wanted the USA government's secret services to conduct extensive propaganda campaigns & mass-psychology experiments within the USA & paramilitary campaigns abroad („COLD WAR“). This would supposedly ensure a stable world-wide environment favorable to Anglo-American financial & political interests. .."

00.000.1950-00.000.1951 Dulles, John Foster[s&b],then chairman of „Rockefeller Foundation“, led Rockefeller, John D. III on a series of world tours, focusing

on the need to stop the expansion of the non-white populations.

00.000.1950 Draper, William III [s&b950] „Defense Department“[USA],UN, „Import-Export Bank“

00.000.1951 The Bush-es re-claim "Union Banking Corporation" from the USA „Alien Property Custodian“, along with Bush-es ‘neutral’ Dutch assets.("I did not

realize it, but I had stumbled across a very large piece of the missing Dutch connection.Bush s ownership of the „Holland-American investment company“ was the missing link to Manning’s earlier research in the Thyssen investigative files. In 00.000.1981, Manning writes: ‘Thyssen s first step in a long dance of tax and currency frauds began [1930’s-in the late] when he disposed of his shares in the Dutch „Hollandische-Amerikanische Investment Corporation“ to be credited to the „Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, N.V.“,Rotterdam, founded in 00.000.1916 by Thyssen, August [Sr.]’")

01.Feb.1951 McCarthy, Joseph, Senator, Republican, Wisconsin, prominent american, expressed support for the reduction of sentences for those responsible for

the mass murder of the 600 unarmed prisoners of war at Malmedy, describing the decision as "extremely wise." (Article in "New York Times" published)

14 Dec.1953 Dulles, John Foster : "If European Defence Community [EDC] should fail, the USA might be compelled to make an `agonizing reappraisal' of its basic

policy." Speech at North Atlantic Council [NATO] in Paris.

00.000.1954 United Fruit Company“, Bernays, Edward L.,{[nephw] Freud,Sigismund Schlomo},whippes USA newspapers into a frenzy [propaganda] so that the CIA

can engineer its coup in Guatemala.

00.000.1955 Dietrich, Sepp, one of the last „poor devils“ s quietly released from prison and greeted by the Bonn government with the homecoming pay of 6,000

marks."(16) Dietrich, Sepp, the organizer of the Fuehrer's bodyguard, carried out Hitler's personal murder assignments, was in charge of the liquidation of the Jewish population in the city of Kharkov, During the Battle of the Bulge Dietrich, Sepp's troops committed the Malmedy massacre, killing more than 600 military and civilian prisoners, among them 115 American G.I.s. Dietrich, Sepp was sentenced to death + the sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment

16 Jan.1956 Dulles, John Foster :" If you are scared to go to the brink, you are lost. "Life" -magazine Interview.

00.Okt.1996 userpage.fu-berlin.de_~roehrigw_bankrott.html - Zinssystem und Staatsbankrott -

00.000.1996 nearly fifty years after the death of the Dutch bank manager, similarly, a Dutch journalist, Roever, Eddy went to London to interview Thyssen-

Bornemisza, Heinrich, Baron,who was neighbors with Thatcher, Margaret, also experienced a sudden bout of mortality when he attempted to unearth the truth about the Thyssen-Bornemisza empire.Roever’s body was discovered two days later. Perhaps, Gowen remarked dryly, it was only a coincidence that both healthy men had died of heart attacks immediately after trying to uncover the truth about the Thyssens.” “Neither Gowen nor his Dutch source knew about the corroborating evidence in the „Alien Property Custodian“-archives or in the OMGUS archives. Together, the two separate sets of USA files overlap each other and directly corroborate Gowen’s source. The first set of archives confirms absolutely that the Bush’s "Union Banking Corporation" in New York City was owned by „Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, N.V.“, Rotterdam, The second set (quoted by Manning) confirms that the „Rotterdam Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, N.V.“in turn was owned by the Thyssen s.” [Manning] was very close to uncovering the fact that the Bush’s "Union Banking Corporation" in New York City was secretly owned by the Nazis,

before WWII.

during WWII.

&after WWII.

"Once Thyssen ownership of the "Union Banking Corporation" is proven, it makes out a prima facie case of treason against the Dulles families & Bush families for giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war.” (Loftus goes on to demonstrate, from Thyssen-Bornemisza company records,that the Netherlands bank was the key to the Bush - Thyssen money-laundering connection.

00.000.1958 Long, Breckinridge, [„an affluent Democrat from Missouri“]-00.000.1881

00.000.1958 Pauley, Edwin [fnd] "Pauley Petroleum" discvr hgh-prodtve offsh.petr.res.teamed up with Hughes,Howard, expd prodcton into Gulf of Mexico in

00.000.1959 Lord, Winston [s&b959] „Council of Foreign Relations“[CFR][Chairman],“Ambassador to China“[USA] & Clinton, Bill, President [USA]„Assistant

Secretary of State"-

00.000.1959 "Pauley Petroleum" became involved in a dispute with the Mexican Government, which considered the royalties from the wells to be too low."According

to sources in the intelligence community, the oil dispute was really a shakedown of the CIA by Mexican politicians. Hughes,Howard & Pauley, Edwin were working for the CIA from time to time, while advancing their own financial interests in the lucrative Mexican oilfields. Pauley, Edwin (say several of sources) was the man who invented an intelligence money-laundering system in Mexico, which is refined, -later-00.000.1970

00.000.1960-00.000.1970 Very little information about the secret state is available, you'd to get by pretty much on instinct {And all we're doing is developing

something that would have saved us massive amounts of time in the 1960s[00.000.1992]}

00.000.1960-00.000.19---during the Watergate affair Nixon, Richard, by pressuring the CIA into a 'national security'cover-up, tries to conceal his Mexican

slush fund. The CIA, to its credit, declines to participate. Unfortunately, others are so enmeshed in Pauley, Edwin s work for Nixon that they are never able to extricate themselves.According to a number of [our] intelligence sources, the deals Bush, George Herbert Walker cut with Pauley, Edwin in Mexico catapult Bush, George Herbert Walker into political life.

00.000.1960 Bush, George Herbert Walker becomes a protege of Nixon, Richard, who is now running for president of the USA.."The most intriguing of Bush, George Herbert Walker's early connections is to Nixon, Richard, who as vice president [USA] supervised Dulles, Allen s covert planning for the Bay of Pigs [invasion].(For years there will be rumores that Dulles, Allen's client, Bush, George Herbert Walker s father, Bush, Prescott had been one of the Republican leaders who recruited Nixon to run for Congress,& that later, Bush, George Herbert Walker s father, Bush, Prescott had convinced Eisenhower, Dwight D.,President [USA] to take him [Nixon, Richard] on as his vice president. There is no doubt that the two families were close. Bush, George Herbert Walker describes Nixon, Richard as his 'mentor.' Nixon, Richard was a Bush, George Herbert Walker -supporter in his very first tilt at politics.THE BUSH-DULLES-NAZI CONNECTION" Bush, George Herbert Walker s problems are inherited from his namesake & maternal grandfather,Walker, George Herbert ."Try as he did," continue the authors," Bush, George Herbert Walker could not get away from Dulles, Allen's crooked corporate network, which his grandfather Bush, Samuel P. & father,Bush, Prescott have joined in the 00.000.1920 s. Wherever he turnes, Bush, George Herbert Walker finds: the influence of the Dulles brothers

Dulles, Allen & Dulles, Jojn Foster is already there. Even when Bush, George Herbert Walker flees to Texas to become a successful businessman on his own, he runs into the pirates of Wall Street. "One of Dulles, Allen's secret spies inside the Democratic party later becomes Bush, George Herbert Walker 's partner in the Mexican oil business. Pauley, Edwin, a California oil man, of Dulles, Allen 's covert agents in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations...a 'big business' Democrat...

00.000.1961 Bernays, Edward L., Freud, Sigismund Schlomo nephew, did propaganda for South Vietnam [REGIME]

00.000.1962 Gehlen, Reinhard, General, Nazi, [ger]& U$ Intelligence 00.000.1917-

00.000.1963-00.000.1988 Bush, George Herbert Walker, -dating from his reported role as a CIA 'asset' in .....00.000.0000

08.Feb.1963 Iraque, Ba’athisten putschen sich mit CIA Unterstützung im Staatstreich gegen linksnationalistisches Qasim-Regime an die Macht. Der jordanische König Hussein erzählte es einem verlässlichen ägyptischem Journalisten, Mohamed Haikal der aufgeschrieben hat: "Ich würde ihnen gerne berichten, dass ich mit Sicherheit weiß, dass die Ereignisse vom 8.Februar(1963)im Irak vom amerikanischen Geheimdienst unterstützt wurden. Einige der heutigen Herrscher in Bagdad wissen das nicht, aber ich kenne die Wahrheit. Es gab zahlreiche Treffen zwischen der Ba’ath Partei und amerikanischen Geheimdienstlern, die wichtigsten davon in Kuwait. Wissen sie, dass... am 8.Februar(1963)ein geheimer,in den Irak gesendeter Funkspruch den Drahtziehern des Putsches die Namen der dortigen Kommunisten übermittelte, damit diese verhaftet und exekutiert werden konnten."{[(2)2)Hanna Batatu, The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq (Princeton,1978),pp.985-86.]}https://file://

Hussein, Saddam trat erstmals als wichtige Figur in der Ba’ath-Bewegung in Erscheinung in derart blutigen Operationen.

00.000.0000 Hussein, Saddam, in seiner Karriere, gewinnt erneut die Gunst der USA,-Später 00.000.0000

00.000.1963 Kennedy, John F. [JFK] President [USA], the CIA, in Baghdad, orchestrates a regime change [coup]

00.000.1963 after a successful coup, the Ba’ath party came to power in Iraq. Using lists provided by the CIA, the new Ba’ath regime systematically eliminated hundreds of doctors, teachers, lawyers and political figures known to be leftists. An entire intellectual community was slaughtered. (The same technique was used to massacre hundreds of thousands of people in Indonesia and East Timor.) The young Saddam Hussein was said to have had a hand in supervising the bloodbath.

22.Nov.1963-shortly before in the Pentagon, Prouty, Fletcher, experiences. Kennedy, John Foster [JFK] assassined.-22.Nov.1963

22.Nov.1963 Kennedy, John Foster[JFK] assassined.[The structuralists " it's inconceivable,[JFK] initially,a predictable product of the System, changed his mind

about it, once in office, more amazingly, the System would deal with it the way they did - real people with real names (if only we knew who they were!) deciding [JFK] is a threat to their private interests, successfully engineering a coup.Fletcher Prouty, Newman, John M.,Maj.,professor,military intelligence officer, Stone, Oliver "JFK" -advisor have long maintained this view 17.Jun.1992-]

22.Nov.1963 Kennedy, John Foster[JFK] assassined.[The structuralists " it's inconceivable,[JFK], initially a predictable product of the System, changed his mind about it, once in office, more amazingly, the System would deal with it the way they did - real people with real names (if only we knew who they were!) deciding [JFK] is a threat to their private interests, successfully engineering a coup.Fletcher Prouty, Newman, John M.,Maj.,professor,military intelligence officer, Stone, Oliver "JFK" -advisor have long maintained this view 17.Jun.1992-]

00.000.1964 Bush, George Herbert Walker unsuccessful run for the Senate, Nixon was a Bush, George Herbert Walker supporter,turned out again when he entered the House

00.000.1964 Wise, David, "The Invisible Government", dean of all CIA-tracking journalists,writes about McCone, John,"University of Southern California" [USC] trustee, CIA director before-000.00.1964

00.000.1964 Brandt, Daniel licks stamps for Goldwater.

00.000.1966 Bush, George Herbert Walker enters the Senate, Nixon is a Bush, George Herbert Walker supporter again

00.000.1966 Horowitz, David, an editor of "Ramparts", the only magazine that dares give issues like the CIA, the JFK assassination the coverage deserved.

00.000.1967 Who joines "New Left"[USA][ ][ ][ ] and continues this event as a point of departure...-19.Jun..2003

00.000.1967-19.Jun..2003-Within several years, there are plenty of amazing CIA revelations on record, confirming that most paranoid fantasies were underestimations.01.Jan.1960

00.000.1967-one day,Brandt, Daniel wakes up, notices from a puff paragraph in"University of Southern California" [USC] yearbook : trustee McCone, John, CIA director, before

00.000.1967 (SDS[USA]) accepts everyone.And Brandt, Daniel wears a strong suit of moral indignation over USA -foreign policy.

00.000.1967 Brandt, Daniel joins the tiny chapter of "Students for a Democratic Society" (SDS[USA]) on [USC]-campus,walks in cold to one of (SDS[USA] ) meetings after reading a book on USA involvement,[Vietnam] & walking out of Brandt, Daniel 's fraternity [USC].

00.000.1967-00.000.1967 "Stop the Draft" week, San Francisco, Brandt, Daniel s friends invite him along as they meet with a JFK assassination researcher. Garrison's investigation is big news, [recall the hushed, paranoid atmosphere in a crowded restaurant. The lowered voices still seem reasonable to me, the questions raised seem as vital now as they did then.This hasn't changed.We know more about the assassination, much more about CIA covert operations than we did in 00.000.1967]-19.Jun..2003

00.000.1969 -By,Brandt, Daniel Research published in a [USC] campus alternative paper he edited, on "University of Southern California" [USC] trustee McCone, John, CIA director before, multi-millionaire entrepreneur, well-connected with corporate elites, very conservative. Here is a CIA-on-campus issue thrown in for good measure. The story comes, goes, seniors graduate + McCone, John, CIA director before, multi-millionaire entrepreneur, well-connected with corporate elites, very conservative -stays. Almost all of the research on McCone in 1969 had to be lifted from 1964 book "The Invisible Government", Wise, David, dean of all CIA-tracking journalists, because there was nothing else to be found.

00.0000.1969 Some "Women" start confusion on campus {"University of Southern California"[USC]},"feel" their being oppressed negatively compares to oppression of men. [Their point:NOT in the middle of a two-year USA-federal prosecution for declining the all-male privilege of lying face-down in a Vietnam rice paddy.Dig it?![propaganda]

01.Jan.1970-31.Dez.1979 as part of Nixon's Watergate scandal, refined intelligence money-laundering system in Mexico, invented by Pauley, Edwin, say several of our sources,was the man. At one point CIA agents used „Pemex“, the Mexican government's oil monopoly,as a business cover at the same time Pemex was being used as a money laundry for Pauley, Edwin's campaign contributions. As we shall see, the Mexican-CIA connection played an important part in the development of Bush, George Herbert Walker's political and intelligence career..."Pauley, Edwin, say the 'old spies,'was the man who brought all the threads of the Mexican connection together. He,Pauley, Edwin was Bush, George Herbert Walker's business associate, a front man for Dulles,Allen's CIA [Allen Dulles was CIA director then], and originator of the use of Mexican oil fronts to create a slush fund for Nixon,Richard's various campaigns..."Although it is not widely known,Pauley, Edwin, in fact, had been a committed, if 'secret,' Nixon supporter since

00.000.1970 Bernays, Edward L., Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew, after public opinion had changed, wanted to help the peace movement.

00.000.1971 "Black Panther Party" riddled with FBI agents & other dirty tricksters. Newton, Huey, in Oakland penthouse overlooking Lake Merrittis is living a uxury. Doubt that "security" is the only reason.

00.000.1973 Prouty, Fletcher "The Secret Team" Prentice-Hall first published.The content of the book itself has never been an issue; everyone agrees that it is valuable.

00.000.1971 Looked like having escaped from prison sentence,but a higher court reverses the conviction for refusing induction. The Ninth Circuit rules that draft board's punitive actions were illegal, and saysd that the district court also screwed up. That file, quite thick by then, is sent back to the draft board. They lost no time in ordering him to report for a pre-induction physical - the first stop on the way to Vietnam.

00.Jun.1971 "Selective Service System" collapsing due to massive resistance. The anti-draft forces win. [Is the best-kept secret of the sixties] Journalists don't get paid to write about it; you have to be in the middle of it to know what happens. Many hundreds of amateur draft counselors like myself know more about the law than any of the 4,000 draft boards. And many thousands of draft-age men practice noncooperation on one level or another. We simply overload the system, from local boards to the federal courts.

00.000.1972 Biowaffenkonvention - Vertragswerk zum Verbot von Herstellung & Lagerung biologischer Waffen ratifiziert. Bereits im 1.Art.verboten "unter allen

Umständen".ist die Entwicklung solcher Techniken („ Granate kann von gewöhnlichen Gewehren abgefeuert werden & Gase oder feine Stoffe ausbringen“)zum Einsatz chemischer und biologischer Kampfstoffe -00.000.2003

00.000.1972 "After Nixon s landslide victory-in]he,Nixon orders a general house cleaning on the basis of loyalty.'Eliminate everyone,he,Nixon, Richard,says about

reappointments,'except Bush, George Herbert Walker.[„“ ]will do anything for our cause.'.According to Bush, George Herbert Walker's account, the president,Nixon, Richard, told him, Bush, George Herbert Walker that 'the place I really need you is over at the National Committee running things.'

00.000.1972 Nixon. Richard, appoints Bush, George Herbert Walker as head of „Republican National Committee“."It was Bush, George Herbert Walker who

fulfilled Nixon's promise to make the 'ethnic'emigres a permanent part of Republican politics.

00.000.1972 Nixon. Richard 's „State Department“ Sspokesman confirmes to his Australian counterpart that the ethnic groups were very useful to get out the

vote in several key states.

00.000.1972 Bush, George Herbert Walker's tenure as head of the Republican National Committee exactly coincided with Pasztor,Laszlo's drive to transform the

Heritage Groups Council into the party's official ethnic arm. The groups Pasztor,Laszlo chose as Bush, George Herbert Walker's campaign allies were the emigre Fascists whom Dulles had brought to the United States...

11.Sep.1973 USA CIA kills the President Elected by the PEOPLE of Chile, Salvador Allende."University of Southern California" [USC] trustee McCone, John, CIA director before, multi-millionaire entrepreneur, well-connected with corporate elites, very conservative, as a director of ITT &[one of] friend s of Helms, Richard is "involved", still, stays "University of Southern California" [USC] & trustee.

All the correct ACLU liberals on the Social Ethics faculty have nothing to say,being pressed on the issue. [You'd rather move to Berkeley - such certainly couldn't have happened there!]]

00.000.1973-Now, being upset fundamentally, starts the collecting of investigative books, building a[dta] clipping file. In the news is Watergate & several "players" are those former [USC] fraternity rats, alike, but a few years older. Appreciation of the power structure is developing, realizing, in fact, political instincts not only have been accurate all along, but, quite probably : This is the inside of the belly of the beast.

00.000.1973-00.000.197- Within several years there are plenty of amazing CIA revelations on record, confirming that the most paranoid fantasies in the 1960s were underestimations. Start compiling a name index [dta] of "CounterSpy"& "Covert Action Information Bulletin"(using little pieces of paper). Someone has to track the beast.

00.000.1974 Horowitz, David, "Ramparts" editor[an],to help the "Black Panther Party" get its books in order, persuaded their bookkeeper, apparently stumbled onto evidence,the Panthers were involved in drugs, protection rackets in Oakland, was soon found murdered, floating in the San Francisco Bay.

00.000.1975-00.000.1985 The microcomputer revolution comes along. Suddenly within reach the easy way, something that was being tried to do the hard way. The project expanded. Microcomputers have become more powerful, less expensive at the same rate.

00.000.1975 Ph.D. program in Berkeley. To support himself takes a part-time handyman job, carrying heavy boxes of copying paper up the stairs to the Women's Affairs Office. To change their light bulbs. These feminists are all cruising comfortably on a huge "Ford Foundation" grant, spinning out analyses based on sex divisions while playing their neo-Marxist cards whenever it is in their interests.

00.000.1975 Carter,Jimmy 's "CETA" job training program pays minimum wages to attend tech school; Social, political theory is getting difficult to understand, while those little electrons are very reasonable. [It costs too much & wouldn't be possible-00.000.1992]

00.000.1975 "Sex divisions cut the class divisions in half again." Obvious, to a theoretical Marxist. This brands as a troublemaker, which is terminal in graduate school. The smart ones "see their mistake" immediately. The "dumb ones" spend ten years writing a dissertation and end up driving a cab, get into electronics.

00.00.197er -Mitte- Shea, Bob, Wilson, Robert Anton, in Roman-Trilogie "Illuminatus",weisen auf eine-absurde-Beziehung der Zahl 23 mit verschwörerischen Phänomenen hin. Die Zahl „23“, seitdem, gleichsam gehalten für das Signum „der Illuminaten“, „der“geheimen“ Weltverschwörer

00.000.1977-after, Prouty, Fletcher,"The Secret Team",Noontide Press,["Liberty Lobby"], reprntd.The content of the book itself has never been an issue; everyone agrees that it is valuable.Prentice-Hall first published 00.000.1973

00.000.1978 Brandt, Daniel, living on the other side of Lake Merrittis hesitates from his one-room dump: "Wait a minute, I've never even met any tailors. Are we in the same movement?" Newton, Huey, ["Black Panther Party" riddled with FBI agents & other dirty tricksters] in Oakland penthouse overlooking Lake Merrittis is living a luxury, still considered politically correct having returned from Cuba to stand trial for the shooting death of a prostitute & something about pistol-whipping his tailor.

31.Aug.1979 PROPAGANDA-Psychological Operations Field Manual No.33

<Psychological Operations Field Manual/Psychological Operations Field Manual No_33-1.htm>-1posts.html ---19790831

00.000.1979 USA unterstützen Hussein, Saddam in seiner blutigen "Säuberung des Irak von Kommunisten", die beitrug, entscheidend, zur Konsolidierung seiner,

Hussein, Saddam & USA & Macht

00.000.1979 after factional infighting within the Ba’ath Party, Saddam Hussein became the President of Iraq.

00.000.1979-00.000.1989 [„Few are aware that] in this country [USA] & [Russia][Sowietunion] were involved in a very dangerous faceoff over Iran, the real

target for a Russian[Sowietunion] invasion. Both sides moved nuclear assets to the area and a high state of alert existed in this country[USA]. MP's stateside were being readied for deployment to Europe to replace MP's there who would be sent to the mideast. To replace the stateside MP's office/admin types were being trained to fill stateside MP functions. If this is happening[18.Dec.1999]at Fort Hood and other stateside bases it would be an additional clue. Also might we not expect Airforce and Marine MP training? {I-- Ed (,18.Dec.1999 would like to mention a possible clue to look for which might give some insight as to how concerned the military is[18.Dec.1999]about a bad Y2K outcome. I-- Ed (,[18.Dec.1999]was in the Air Force in...}“

00.000.1979-00.000.1989 USA und al-Qaida-Chef Osama Bin Laden , der seinerseits von der CIA mit Waffen beliefert wurde, unterstützen die Mudschaheddin "...Kommunisten...aus demLand bombten.Im anschließenden Bürgerkrieg legte al-Qaida-Chef Bin Laden, Osama, der seinerseits von der CIA mit Waffen beliefert wurde, die Mudschaheddin unterstützend, mit seinen Leuten Kabul in Trümmer "

00.000.1980-00.000.1990 Hussein, Saddam sammelt mit ausdrücklicher Zustimmung der Reagan-Bush-Administration Vorräte an biologischen Wirkstoffen, die stammen von einer amerikanischen Firma, der American Type Culture Collection“[ATCC] in Manassas, Virginia, (einer gemeinnützigen Organisation, gehört zu den weltweit führenden Lieferanten von biologischen Substanzen.)" ATCC hätte diese Muster niemals ohne die ausdrückliche Einwilligung des Handelsministeriums für jeden einzelnen Fall in den Irak schicken können," sagte Wysocki, Nancy J. Vizepräsidentin für Personalfragen & Public Relations bei ATCC. "Sie dienten legitimen Forschungszwecken." (3)

00.000.1980 Hussein, Saddam trifft die Entscheidung, [USA-Rückendeckung],Krieg gegen den Iran zu führen, die ihm,während der folgenden acht Jahre bis 00.000.198-

01.01.1980-31.12.1980 280 OSHA, Occupational Safety & Health Administration inspections in meat packing plants.

00.000.1980 Sklar, Holly edits a fat volume on "Trilateral Commission". This book began as a classic of left power-structure research,( is best known, is a staple on the populist, anti-elitist right in 00.000.1992)

00.000.1980 Microcomputer in action. Those clanking floppy disks are like lightening compared to sorting little pieces of paper.

00.Feb.1981 Reagan, Ronald promulgates Executive Order 12291,Executive Order 12291,establishes as principle federal regulations:"be based upon adequate evidence that their potential benefits to society are greater than their potential costs to society." giving Bush, George Herbert Walker "line" authority for deregulation.In practice, means: Bush, George Herbert Walker threw health & safety standards out the window in order to ingratiate himself with entrepreneurs

00.Mar.1981 Bush, George Herbert Walker wrote to businessmen & invited them to enumerate the 10 areas they wanted to see deregulated, with specific

recommendations on what they wanted done.

00.000.1981 -By end of year, Bush, George Herbert Walker s office issue a self-congratulatory report boasting of a "significant reduction in the cost of federal

regulation."In the meatpacking industry, "significant reduction in the cost of federal regulation" translated into production line speedup as jobs were eliminated, with a cavalier attitude towards safety precautions.

00.000.1981-By end of year,the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, OSHA, sharply reduce inspections, often arriving only after disabling or

lethal accidents have already occured.

00.000.1981 Israelis bomb Iraqui nuclear reactors

00.000.1982 Washington DC area. Refugee from California correctness migrated to the information capital of the world. Fortunately it also a high-tech area, which makes it easier to keep up with electronics,to find technical work when needed.

00.000.1982 "Namebase" [NB] , "Public Information Research" [PIR] incorporated. Washington DC . USA

08.Oct.1984 Chaitkin, Anton „Station Identification: Morgan, Hitler,NBC'' „New Solidarity“, Interviews with Bones [s&b] members & their families.

00.000.1985 TWA flight 847 hijacked

00.000.1985 Chaitkin, Anton „Treason in America: From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman“, 2. ed. (New York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1985).

00.Oct.1987 US stock market crash

01.Jan.1988-31.Dez.1988 there were only 176 OSHA, Occupational Safety & Health Administration inspections in meat packing plants, an industry in which the rate of personal injury is 173 persons per working day, three times the average of all remaining US factories. (The meat-packing industry is one important case study of the impact of Bush, George Herbert Walker's Task Force on Regulatory Relief.)

00.000.1988 USA Presidential election.

00.Jun.1988-Jul.1988„Bush, George Herbert Walker. planning a Gulf war“,[Warnings]seconded by Hussein,[jord][Kng],Arafat, Yassir[PLO],Hassan,[jord][Prnc],

Hussein, Saddam[slf]

01.Aug.1988 -at the latest, Bush, George Herbert Walker planning a Gulf war.Iraq has emerged as the decisive victor in the 8-year long Iran-Iraq war, British geopolitical thinkers identify Iraq as the leading Arab state, the leading threat to the Israeli-dominated balance of power in the Middle East, estimate seconded by those Zionist observers for whom the definition of minimal security is the capability of Israel to defeat the combined coalition of all Arab states.

00.Aug.1988 in both Britain & Israel leading circles contemplating ways of preventing Iraq from rebuilding its post-Iraq-Iran-war economy, & are exploring options for a new war to liquidate the undeniable economic achievements of the Baath Party. Bush would have been a part of these deliberations starting at a very early phase.

00.Dec.1988 -during Bush, George Herbert Walker. starts US dialogue with the PLO

00.000.1988 USA beenden Hussein, Saddam's acht Jahre Unterstützung, materielle & logistische.

00.Jan.1989 Bush, George Herbert Walker cabinet took office. The expectations of Pickens and his ilk were not disappointed

00.000.1989 Stillman, Charles Chauncey, Stillman, James, Nachk., verkauft Gemälde für 70 ..

09.Nov.1989 Nach dem Ende des kalten Krieges,der Haufen von Brzezinski,Zbigniew & Huntington,Samuel aktualisiert [PRROPAGANDA] "Bogen der Gefahr"-

"Theorie",erklärt zum Feind die islamische Religion, in einem neuen Krieg,in welchem Religionen statt politischer Systeme [sich] unausweichlich bekämpften. Jedenfalls wurden jene terroristischen - die Hauptverdächtigen in den terroristischen Angriffen[11-Sep.2001] auf die USA

- Drogenschmuggler der islamischen Welt, welche VORHER durch Brzezinski, Zbigniew lanciert und von den Iran-Contra-Netzwerken unter der Kontrolle des North, Oliver, Oberstleutnant, aufgrund der Executive Order 12333 des Bush, George Herbert Walker [s&b],Bush,Prescott [s&b] "adoptiert" worden waren, trainiert, ausgerüstet, von britischen & amerikanischen & israelischen Sondergeheimdiensten & CIA & durch Militärnetzwerke [KAPUTTAL?ZERO?]˜

00.000.1990-00.000.1991 Bush, George Herbert Walker. regime's contributions to the orchestration of the Gulf crisis are many & indispensable. 1.Campaign of tough talking by Bush & Baker, designed to goad the new Likud-centered coalition of Shamir (in many respects the most belligerent & confrontational regime Israel had ever known) into postures of increased bellicosity. Bush, George Herbert Walker. personally refers to Israel as "one of the countries in the Middle East that hold hostages".

00.Mar.1990 -early Bush, George Herbert Walker. said that the USA government position was to oppose Israeli settlements not only on the West Bank of the Jordan and the

Gaza Strip, but also in East Jerusalem. A few days before that, Baker had suggested that US support for a $400 million loan guarantee program for settling Soviet Jews in Israel would be forthcoming only if Israel stopped setting up new settlements in the occupied territories. Bush, George Herbert Walker.' s mention of East Jerusalem had toughened that line. [fn 26] Baker had added some tough talk of his own when he had told a Congressional committee that if and when the Israeli government wanted peace, they had only to call the White House switchboard, whose number he proceeded to give. But on -20.Jun.1990

00.000.1990 Chernow, Ron „The House of Morgan : An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance“ (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press,1990)

00.Jun.1990 Realize: The long knives are out (It's enough to make you paranoid) before Stone, Oliver "JFK" release all pretty much will hit the fan 00.Dec.1991-

20.Jun.1990 Bush, George Herbert Walker. suspended the US dialogue with the PLO which he had caused to be started during 00.Dec.1988 pretext was a staged terror incident at an Israeli beach.

00.Jul.1990 Stone, Oliver first approaches Prouty, Fletcher for script assistance for "JFK".

00.Oct.1990 1st hint of a [PC]"Political Correctness"-crack within "Public Information Research" [PIR],[Namebase] [NB], as Berlet, Chip resignes from [PIR][NB] "Board of Advisors",objecting to the fact that Prouty, Fletcher is also on the Board. The issue is not discussed, because Brandt, Daniel was putting in overtime on his technician job and "wasn't in the mood to call him back." Brandt, Danie whipped out the white-out and removed Berlet, Chip s name from the letterhead + thanked him for his past support.

08.Okt.1990 1730[19.Tishri] „Alles in allem ist das wohl so gelaufen: Am Anfang war das Gerücht.Flugblätter gingen um.Die Tempelgetreuen wollten den Grundstein

für den neuen Tempel legen. Dies mobilisierte die Palästinenser. Daraus ergab sich das Folgende: Sie trafen sich auf dem Tempelberg, während unten an der Westmauer viele hundert Juden sich zum Gebet versammelt hatten. Als die Steine herabfielen, entstand unter den Betenden Panik. Die Männer flohen auseinander. Viele kopflos. Die Polizei schoß, hatte Gasmasken angelegt, stürmte auf den Tempelberg.“Sukkoth. (BBC London)

00.Nov.1990 Anson, Robert Sam, one-time assassination author[JFK] in "Esquire" bashes Stone, Oliver ["JFK"] & Prouty, Fletcher ["Man X"][two months before Stone, Oliver "JFK"-release 00.Dec.1991]

00.000.1991 "Politically Correct" (It wasn't called "PC" then) becomes a "buzzword" to describe a "phenomenon" that is happening on USA campuses. Critics like D'Souza, Dinesh, funded by conservative foundations & think tanks, help [pay] popularization of the concept. Although Brandt, Daniel rarely agrees with anything conservative foundations & think tanks write, he'll give credit where it's due. Because of THEM it now takes just two letters to describe something that's real,& everyone knows exactly what is meant. Even if they see him as part of the problem. "Anything that facilitates communication as thoroughly as this is a step forward."

00.Jul.1991 Wenger, Martha resignes from [PIR][NB] "Board of Advisors" after reading something about Prouty, Fletcher in a leftist publication. Wenger, Martha final advice to Brandt, Daniel is to "think long & hard about working together with others who may be opposed to CIA covert operations, but whose political commitments are diametrically opposed to those of the progressive movement." Brandt, Daniel first met Wenger, Martha & her husband Ege, Konrad when their paths crossed while working on "CounterSpy" magazine, thinks very highly of them. Wenger, Martha is an assistant to Stork, Joe at "Middle East Research and Information Project", which does excellent work.

00.Dec.1991-before release, Berlet, Chip, "Z Magazine" interviews Stone, Oliver "JFK" (in type before anyone sees the movie), in which Stone, Oliver ("JFK") bashes Prouty, Fletcher, the "Christic Institute", dozens of others. Stone, Oliver s ("JFK") sin is to portray "a "Man X"",(based on Prouty, Fletcher s experiences in the Pentagon [00.000.1963]-shortly before Kennedy, John Foster [JFK]-assassination.)

00.Dec.1991 Stone, Oliver "JFK" release, all pretty much it hits the fan. Realize about Stone, Oliver "JFK": The long knives were out at least six months before.(It's enough to make you paranoid).

00.Dec.1991-after, Stone, Oliver "JFK" release, Berlet, Chip ["Z Magazine"] is in position, has the goods on Prouty, Fletcher who's prominence in the wake of JFK -assssination makes the issue that much more topical.By now[00.Dec.1991-after] everyone knows about Prouty, Fletcher, "Man X". Assassination researchers: barely tolerate each other.(It's just one of those things)

31.Dec.1991 Dow Jones Industrials' in seeming defiance of the law of gravity is attainting a new all time high well above the 3000-mark.A key factor behind

are the Brady "drugged market" mechanisms, with the refinements they have acquired since 00.000.1988]-01.Jan.1991

00.000.1992 "George Bush, The Unauthorized Biography", by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin"The Executive Intelligence Review",Meticulous

research, including USA government records from the era, along with contemporaneous news stories from the New York Times & other papers are presented.

00.000.1992 Bush, George Herbert, verliert präsidentschaft an Clinton, Bill.

16.Jan.1992 Berlet, Chip, "Z Magazine" [Z'M] in hand-delivered-letter to Stone, Oliver ["JFK"][dtd]: "January 16, 1992", calls on him to "distance yourself publicly from attempts by racist, anti-Jewish & pro-fascist groups to use your film "JFK" as a vehicle to promote bigoted theories claiming Jewish control of USA-foreign policy & the CIA...You appear to have been misled by "JFK" film-advisor Prouty, Fletcher regarding the extent of his cooperation with the "Liberty Lobby" & other neo-fascist operations created by Carto, Willis. Carto, Willis is infamous around the world as a leading Nazi-apologist. Prouty, Fletcher & two other critics of the CIA, Lane, Mark & Marchetti, Victor, have forged deep & longstanding ties to the "Liberty Lobby" & other Carto groups." And so it goes. Berlet, Chip[Z'M]hardly gets out two paragraphs without mentioning the words "anti-Semitic," "racist," "bigoted,", "neo-Nazi,",frequently they all appear together. I've read "Liberty Lobby"[LL]'s "Spotlight" every week for ten months now,& find only infrequent hints of what Berlet, Chip[Z'M]is talking about. Of course this must mean: [LL] only being sneakier than usual. ([NB]signed up for another two years; some of it is good [NB]-material that the left ignores."Spotlight" is consistently anti-elitist & anti-CIA, hate Bush, George Herbert Walker & are staunchly opposed to USA-intervention in the Gulf [00.000.199-00.000.199-])

00.Jan.1992 Sklar, Holly resignes from our Board, stating that "I find Berlet, Chip 's objection to sharing a board with Prouty, Fletcher compelling, even more so at a time of increasing right wing efforts to build insidious alliances with often unwitting leftists." In the same letter Sklar, Holly encloses a check for an update of NameBase, so it s clear that our work is not the issue. In fact, our work has never been an issue; everyone who uses NameBase swears by it, right or left. It's just that we're not "PC".

00.000.1992 -beginning in early,"Right Woos Left" (in type before anyone sees the movie) receives wide coverage in the left press USA.

00.000.1992 Ten years of inputting & five computers later (00.000.1982 We had eventually incorporated as "Public Information Research" [PIR]),NameBase [NB] has 135,000 citations plus 64,000 names.[NB]meet their expenses with income from sales - not to mention the nine technician jobs Brandt, Daniel had while living in the Washington DC area. In other words, [PIR] are self-sufficient & answer to no one. NameBase exists from the purest of populist, anti-establishment impulses. [PIR] is used by hundreds of journalists & researchers all over the world. Wise, David, the dean of all CIA-tracking journalists, had written about McCone in "The Invisible Government" in 00.000.1964. Almost all of my research on McCone in 1969 had to be lifted from this book because there was nothing else to be found. I've finally come full circle. Wise is still churning out important books and says for the record that NameBase is "absolutely indispensable." It's too easy to forget that very little information about the secret state was available in the 1960 s- we had to get by pretty much on instinct. But ironically, NameBase it isn't used that much on the USA left. Even worse, I've spent far too much energy over the past few months defending PIR against charges of political incorrectness. They're not only moving the goalpost on us, they're beating us over the head with it. And all we're doing is developing something that would have saved us massive amounts of time in the 1960s. Surprisingly, ten years after the microcomputer became available we still don't have any competition, so it's not as if someone else was doing it better. What's going on here? Is it us, or is the USA-left a basket case? After all, PIR boasted the largest collection of CIA names that was publicly available anywhere in the world. Didn't this count for something?

00.000.1992 Sklar,Holly is best known for editing a fat volume on "Trilateral Commission" in 1980. This book began as a classic of left power-structure research, & is 00.000.1992 a staple on the populist, anti-elitist right. In fact, the only inquiries we get at PIR these days [1992] on Trilateralism or Bilderberg are from right-wing researchers who are concerned about corruption and conspiracies in high places. Sklar,Holly is aware of this, but for Sklar,Holly that means that the insidious right is trying to sneak up on the left + we should exercise extreme caution. To me it means that the right includes reasonable people with reasonable concerns. There doesn't seem to be a middle way, but at least I wrote Sklar,Holly a letter defending my position.

00.000.1992 Prouty, Fletcher, "JFK: The CIA, Vietnam,and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy" offers unique perspectives based on own experiences in the Pentagon.(NY,Birch Lane Press,1992)

10.Nov.1992 Russische Truppen sollen jetzt ganze Inguschen-Dörfer ausgerottet haben. Ein britischer Korrespondent (BBC) weiß nicht, wie die Regierung Jelzin,

die den Befehl für den Einmarsch gab, das verantworten wolle. Jelzin ist z.Zt. in London zu einem Staatsbesuch, bei dem er auch mit der Königin zusammentreffen soll.Unter & Oberhaus empfingen ihn bereits, & er hielt eine großartige Rede, während zur gleichen Zeit seine Befehle gegen dle Inguschen ausgeführt werden.

17.Jun.1992 Newman, John M.,Maj.,professor,military intelligence officer, Stone advisor,(competence demonstrated in "JFK and Vietnam".As soon as it was published this year, structuralists like Chomsky, Noam & Cockburn, Alexander went scurrying back to the documents to try & refute him, as if their careers depended on it) points out, assures us, in a folksy talk, it's finally unimportant whether you are "left wing, right wing, or from the middle of the bird." There are a number of ex-Cold Warrior analyst-academic types in the military who are taking a fresh look at recent history + that has to be healthy. If he's telling the truth (no reason to doubt him,have to agree.)

05.Dez.1992 "Das Instrument der runden Fehlinformation[PROPAGANDA] wird in Zukunft mehr denn je zur Geltung kommen. Denn vieles muß verheimlicht werden.

00.Dec.1992-before,Horowitz, David & Collier, Peter, longtime colleagues defected to the hard Right.

00.Dec.1992-these days, To keep up with anti-CIA & conspiracy journalism, "Spotlight"by"Liberty Lobby"[right-wing] is helpfu. Prepare to defend your choice of source to politically-correct leftists, checking up on associates.

Wer sich ein halbwegs zutreffendes Bild vom Geschehen machen will, dem bleibt nur noch der eigne (analytische und synthetische) Verstand."

"Unter dem Deckmantel der UNO schicken die USA 30.000 Soldaten nach Somalia, um die Lebensmittellieferungen für die Verhungernden militärisch abzusichern + die Welt soll das glauben. Man muß sich nur die Landkarte ansehen, um die strategische Bedeutung Somalias sofort zu erkennen.

Erstmals in der Geschichte der UNO intervenieren ihre Truppen ohne Zustimmung des betroffenen Landes. Das ist wichtig!

...die islamische Welt westlich des Iran ist damit komplett unter US-Kontrolle.

"Den Terror nach Amerika tragen", könnte der Leitspruch einer neuen islamischen Gegenoffensive werden.

Bis jetzt wird der westliche Terror in den Islam hineingetragen.

Der größte Teil der islamischen Länder erlebt den terroristischen Druck von am Westen orientierten Quislings-Regimen.

Die Korrektur des Weltgewissens geht einher mit der Korrektur des Wissens.

Information und Desinformation PROPAGANDA] wirken ungetrennt auf die Geister und Gemüter.

Solange Wahrheit und Lüge gemeinsam auftreten,PROPAGANDA] steht die Wahrheit letztlich in Diensten der LügePROPAGANDA]

Was die Zeit daran heilt, kommt gewöhnlich zu spät.PROPAGANDA](5.12.92)S.141"

17.Jan.1993 USA-Raketenangriff auf Bagdad. Nuclear-Anlage getroffen, heißt es zunächst PROPAGANDA]. Es war jedoch eine Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik.

00.000.1993 Arafat, Jassir, Rabin, Jizchak, Regierungschef [isr],im Rosengarten des Weißen Hauses,reichen die Hände, einander. Bush, George Herbert Walker hatte sein Amt schon an Clinton,Bill verloren.

00.000.1993 World Trade Center bombing

00.000.1995 plot to bomb aircraft in the Far East

00.000.1995 FLICK, FRIEDRICH KARL -1932.000.00

00.000.1995 Bernays, Edward L., Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew, was the mass-media's version of situation ethics + an excellent symbol of

what's wrong with contemporary US culture[???].There is no consistency, no character, no integrity, no conscience, no bravery, no truth -- nothing but spinning your way to fame and fortune. Bernays, Edward L., Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew, considered himself "the father of public relations."[PROPAGANDA]Bernays,Edward L.

, Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923 nephew, was a shallow and uninspiring person. SOURCE : Wise, David. The Politics of Lying: Government Deception, Secrecy + Power.Tye, Larry. The Father of Spin: Edward L. Bernays and the Birth of Public Relations. New York: Crown Publishers, 1998. 306 pages. This is the first full-scale biography of Edward Bernays (1891-1995),who was Sigmund Freud's nephew, and who considered himself "the father of public relations."[PROPAGANDA]00.000.1891

00.000.1996 Khobar Towers bombing

26.Nov.1996 Question by Ralph McGehee: Mr. McGehee sais, commenting on Ambassador White's question, that.....

26.Nov.1996 There is no evidence of a diminution of USA paramilitary operations (in the world).

26.Nov.1996 Iraq & Sudan, USA paramilitary operations going on (for example)
26.Nov.1996 Mr. Goodman also does not share McCoy, Professor 's, optimism regarding the abatement of the problem of USA paramilitary operations (in the world) with the end of the Cold War.

26.Nov.1996 CIA director thinks covert action (in the world) is a unique tool.

26.Nov.1996 CIA budget increasing.

26.Nov.1996 CIA looking for a justification for CIA increasing budget.
26.Nov.1996 Mr. Dreyfuss refers to the record of the CIA's involvement in drug operations.

00.000.1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

00.000.1998 Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act.htm

11.Sep.1998 Exactly two years before the 11.Sep.2001 attacks, a federal report warned the executive branch that bin Laden, Osama 's terrorists might

hijack an airliner and dive bomb it into the Pentagon or other government building. "Suicide bomber(s) .." ".. described the suicide hijacking as one of several possible retribution attacks al-Qaida might seek for the

00.000.1998 USA airstrike against bin Laden, Osama 's camps in Afghanistan" .."

01.Jan.1999 Euro gestartet: Kurs von 1,1745 Dollar in den Handel.

05.Oct.1999 Media Release - Citizen's Electoral Council "Divide and Conquer" tactics alive and well! Palmer, Martin,

a leading adviser on "religious and cultural affairs" to Royal Consort Philip, Prince, told a US journalist.

16.Sep.1999 "the current global political situation can only be likened to the movements of continental plates, in a geological sense We are experiencing tectonic

changes. It is a process of the break--up of huge empires. Russia is breaking up, and... In Indonesia, East Timor is a fault line. If East Timor goes, then Aceh will go the same way + then..The fact is,"Indonesia has no logic for existence". It is an empire that was formed in the process of combat against another empire." He continued, it is "absolutely fundamental to British policy," to encourage the process of "break--up of empires. British foreign policy,

for the last 200 years, has been based on one central idea, the break--up of other empires. The idea of sowing divisions among the Arab states, is axiomatic to the British Foreign Office. The Foreign Office is obsessed with breaking up the hold that Russia has on Central Asia." He concluded, with a chuckle:

"Perfidious Albion is alive and kicking.- The British Foreign Office has a certain agenda, which is continued divide and rule."

Citizen's Electoral Council"The true story of the East Timor conflict" Petition Against British Terrorism Sponsoring Home Page

00.Dec.1999 Sunkel, Osvaldo -(An Interview With),Q.:"Any human being must feel the striking disparity between this palatial opulence [the conference was held

in the Prague Castle-ed.] and the luxurious life styles of the participants at this conference and the lives of ordinary people who will never experience this kind of wealth. How do you,as an intellectual, come to terms with that?"- Sunkel, Osvaldo:" WE,The People are always made to NOT think,BUT believe[propaganda]into a "dichotomy" of markets & states".Bullshit- I think you know that's a lie, a completely UNHUMAN,"mistaken" approach. What we've had in certain periods like in [01.Jan.1800-31.Dez.1800]-the late 19th century [00.Dez.1999]-now is the market running the state & overpowering "society". I think it should be the other way around. Society should, through democracy, control the state & government & government should regulate markets. And civic organizations should be much, much stronger".

00.000.1999-00.000.2000 Szenario, New Yorker Rate für auswärtige Angelegenheiten (CFR, Council on Foreign Relations) Woolsey - als CIA-Direktor - spielt eine

prominente Rolle Es ist kein Zufall. "Die nächste Finanzkrise: Warnzeichen, Schadenskontrolle & Auswirkungen", welcher einen virtuellen Militärputsch ausgearbeitet hatte, welcher einer kombinierten Finanzkrise und Terroristenattacke auf den Fuß folgen würde. Im Kriegsspiel des CFR würde der US-Präsident von der Bildfläche verschwinden,was das Land unter der Kontrolle der Krisenmanagement-Diktatur zurücklassen würde.

00.000.2000 Hussein, Saddam 's decision to take payment for Oil in €, not $, threatening the sovereignage of the $'s status as the world's reserve currency

one reason for a war on Iraq. Until now, other countries had to buy dollars from the USA to get oil.

00.000.2000 Wolfowitz, Paul Dundes, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Bush [BGW968] Undersecretary of Defense (President Bush, G.H.), former ambassador to

Indonesia, a member of Rockefeller’s Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a member of the Aspen Institute’s Strategy Group, attended the 2000 Bilderberg meeting in Belgium, (reportedly) & was a member of Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission as of 2000.Weiner, Bernard, Ph.D., is co-editor of the new progressive website „The Crisis Papers“. where this article first appeared. He has taught American politics & international relations at various universities, & was with the „San Francisco Chronicle“ for nearly 20 years. ".. Jews in the Bush Administration...contributed by a colleague..•Wolfowitz, Paul Dundes : Deputy Secretary, Department of Defense; Perle, Richard : Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy; Fleischer, Ari : White House Press Secretary; Bolten, Josh : Deputy Chief of Staff; Melman, Ken : White House Political Director; Lefkowitz, Jay : Deputy Assistant..".. "Shabbas Goy" & learned "passable Yiddish". Powell, Colin likes jews & was called the "Black Jew". When dealing with jewish civilian official s at the Pentagon, Baldwin, John, Vice Adm. said, Powell used to sprinkle his language with Yiddish; Wolfowitz, Paul : Assistant Secretary of Defense, Undersecretary of Defense (u. former President Bush, George Herbert Walker, former ambassador to Indonesia, a member of Rockefeller’s Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a member of the Aspen Institute’s Strategy Group, reportedly attended the 2000 Bilderberg meeting in Belgium, & was a member of .."

00.Sep.2000 Cheney, Dick vice-president [USA],along with current chief of staff :Libby, Lewis & Rumsfeld,Donald, „Secretary of Defense“, along with his deputy

now: Wolfowitz, Paul laid out a plan to create "a new American century", in which the USA would be supreme in the world, the first truly global empire.

00.Sep.2000 Scharon, Ariel besucht Tempelberg,löst die anhaltende Intifada aus, in deren Verlauf wird zum Ministerpräsidenten gewählt -bis heute-06Jun.2003

00.000.2000 USA Presidential election, to describe, it was the (USA][Rep],who first bandied the term "coup d'etat". Since then, many have turned the tables &

labeled Bush,George W.'s victory a coup. But how much of this is merely political rhetoric? Dee, John writes that much of what happened matches historical examples of CIA election rigging & overthrows...& a respected coup "manual" authored by a one-time advisor to President Reagan. Introduction endnotes printable copy (82kb) Related Links

00.Sep.2000 Cheney, Dick now vice-president, along with his current chief of staff Libby, Lewis & Rumsfeld,Donald, Secretary of Defense,& his deputy now

Wolfowitz, Paul laid out a plan to create "a new American century", in which the USA would be supreme in the world,the first truly global empire.[The Memory Hole> „CIA Director Warned Congress About 11.Sep.2001 -Attacks“ CIA Director Warned Congress About 9/11 Attacks >>> It's certainl...]





31.Dez.2002-timebase-20021231-20030501-datesbase.html>-01.Mai 2003

01.May 2003-timebase-20030501-20030601-datesbase.html>-01.Jun.2003


HOJE>01.Jul.2003-NEW ENTRIES-DAS NEUESTE -Today s Findings-trouvailles-NEUE EINTRÄGE-ENTRADAS NOVAS>-01.Jul.2003


-Anfang 2004 dürfte Amerika im Banne des nächsten Präsidentenwahlkampfs stehen, spätestens....