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19.Feb.2001 NEWSWEEK EDITION - STINKING GUN No.1 /conteudo_gallery/gallery01- conteudo_gallery.html
19.Feb.2001 STINKING GUN No.1 19.Feb.2001 „Terror Goes Global“-„Exclusive“-“Bin Laden s International Network“.“
Newsweek“ propagates [PROPAGANDA] a [virtual] fraud [PROPAGANDA] on its cover by showing - under the headline "Terror Goes Global - Exclusive: Bin Laden s International Network" - a frightening photograph of a man (head and shoulders),his face covered in an Arab scarf, holding a rifle in his right hand. The reader would imagine this [PROPAGANDA] to be a member of bin Laden, Osama s network of "global terror". But, the Finnish photographer who took this picture has snapped it at a funeral on the on the West Bank [Pal]. The man was an armed member of „Tanzim“ militia [Pal] - & had nothing to do with [PROPAGANDA] „bin Laden, Osama s network of "global terror"“.... {„Tanzim“ militia [Pal] are violent enough} But the 19.Feb.2001 „NEWSWEEK“ EDITION -cover generically [PROPAGANDA] smeares the entire Palestinian people by associating them with the man.."

00.May 2001 -But in- Bush, George W.,-resident announces his plan almost as if „Hart- Rudman Commission“ never existed, as if it [Hart- Rudman Commission“] hadn't spent millions of dollars,"consulting with experts, visiting 25 countries worldwide, really deliberating long & hard," as Hart describes it [12.Sep.2001]-Bush, George W.,-resident, says in a statement that "numerous federal departments & agencies „have programs to deal with the consequences of a potential use of a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear weapon“..“"..maximize their effectiveness,these efforts need to be seamlessly integrated,harmonious & comprehensive." „That“,according to Bush, George W.,-resident,„should be done through FEMA“,(headed by Allbaugh, formerly Bush, George W.,-resident s gubernatorial chief of staff. Bush, George W.,-resident,also directs Cheney, Dick,vice-resident,a man with a full plate, including supervision of the administration's energy plans & its dealings with Congress -to supervise the .."development of a national counter terrorism plan.“ Bush, George W.,-resident announces that Cheney, Dick -vice-resident & Allbaugh „will review the issues & have recommendations“ for him,[Bush, George W.,-resident]by 01.Oct.2001 !] The „Hart- Rudman Commission“ s report is seemingly put on the shelf.[Just last Thursday 06.SEP.2001[?] ,Hart Hart- Rudman Commission“spoke with .."".. moved to collaborate," Hart says. "Seven years had gone by since the end of the Cold War. It could have been much sooner." "We predicted it" ].

A bipartisan commission warns the White House & Congress that a bloody attack on USA soil could be imminent. Not anyone listens in WASHINGTON - They went to great .."".. security, spoke with something between frustration and regret about how White House officials failed to embrace any of the recommendations to prevent acts of domestic terrorism delivered earlier this year. 11.Sept.2001 Bush administration officials told former Sens. Gary Hart, D-Colo., and Warren Rudman , R-N.H., that they preferred instead to put aside the recommendations issued in the 00.Jan.2001 report by the U.S. .."".. - which the bipartisan group had already spent two and a half years studying - while assigning responsibility for dealing with the issue to the „Federal Emergency Management Agency“ [FEMA], headed by former Bush campaign manager [PROPAGANDA] Allbaugh, Joe.The Hart- Rudman Commission had specifically recommended that the issue of terrorism was such a threat it needed far more than FEMA's attention. Before the White .."".. Gilchrest, R-Md.John Kyl, R-Ariz., Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. - talked about the issue + these three and others began drafting legislation to enact some of the recommendations into law.
