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Die Archäologen sind überzeugt, das erste Schusswaffen-Opfer Amerikas entdeckt zu haben.

Bei den Toten handele es sich um Inka-Aufständische, die sich im Jahr

00.000.1536 gegen die Spanier aufgelehnt hätten und dann von den Eroberern aus wenigen Metern Abstand hinterrücks erschossen worden seien.

An einem der Schädel habe man sowohl eine Eintritts- als auch eine Austrittswunde gefunden.

Die Forscher schließen daraus, dass eine Musketenkugel von etwas weniger als einem Zoll Durchmesser den Schädel von hinten getroffen und durchschlagen hat.

"Ein schlüssiger Beweis, dass diese Person mit einer Schusswaffe getötet wurde", kommentierte Cock. "Das ist das älteste bekannte Feuerwaffen-Opfer in Nord- und Südamerika."

28.000-36.000 Jahre alt

Zwar ist das Alter der Elfenbeinplastiken nicht direkt bestimmt worden, doch die Radiokohlenstoff-Datierungen der Fundschichten auf der Schwäbischen Alb haben ein Alter von 28.000 bis 36.000 Jahren ergeben. Andere Methoden ergeben sogar ein noch höheres Alter.

Es könne deshalb "mit Gewissheit davon ausgegangen werden, dass Kunst in Schwaben vor etwa 35.000 Jahren etabliert war", sagt Conard.

Damit sind die Figuren die ältesten figürlichen Darstellungen der Welt - und das Mammut die erste vollständig erhaltene.

Im vergangenen Jahr haben Studenten der Universität Tübingen im damals angefallenen Abraum aus der Höhle erneut nach Verborgenem gesucht:

Sie spülten und siebten sich durch 112.000 Liter Dreck aus 7000 Säcken. Schon als das Wasser die ersten kleinen Fragmente von Mammut-Elfenbein freilegte, hatte sich die Mühe gelohnt.

Dann aber hielt einer der Studenten eine vollständige, 3,7 Zentimeter große und 7,5 Gramm leichte Mammutfigur in der Hand - eine Sensation, wie Forschungsleiter Nicholas Conard schwärmt.

"Die Aufregung und Begeisterung war groß", sagte der Urgeschichtler zu SPIEGEL ONLINE.

Älteste vollständige Elfenbeinplastik der Welt
Umfrage: Deutsche wollen beim Autokauf massiv sparen
Schwäbische Alb: Älteste Elfenbeinfigur der Welt entdeckt

20.Jun.2007 Umweltsünden: Deutscher Schrott für Afrika
20.Jun.2007 Skelettfund: Inka- Schädel haben Einschusslöcher
Kommentar: Warum Beck gegen Lafontaine keine Chance hat
20.Jun.2007 Illegaler Elektroschrott: Brisantes Video zeigt Umweltsünden 

20.Jun.2007 Umstrittene Einigung: Telekom- Mitarbeiter fühlen sich von Gewerkschaft verraten
20.Jun.2007 Doppelrekord: Deutsche Wirtschaft erneut Exportweltmeister

20.Jun.2007 Lauschangriff auf Politiker: Nie mehr SMS!
20.Jun.2007 PNAC Signatories Original 25 PNAC signatories. Elliott Abrams. Gary Bauer. William J. Bennett ... Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger. Tod Lindberg. James Lindsay. Perry Link
00.Oct.2004 <I>NEWS2U Articles & Comments</I>:

Shahameen Sheikh, chairman + CEO of International Strategy Group, a company created by ...

Shahameen Sheikh, the consortium head who made the delivery, ...
BELLACIAO - Carlyle Covers Up - Naomi Klein - Collective Bellaciao

Shahameen Sheikh, the consortium’s CEO, told me that when Baker was named envoy in

00.Dec.---- Carlyle was "very clear with us that they wanted to restrict ...
Company director information - SH Listing - Page Number: 37

SARAH SHEIKH London - South West, Northern Home Counties, SW19 7. SHABNAM SHEIKH Oldham, North Wales & North West, OL8 4. SHAHAMEEN SHEIKH ...
20070508 Shahameen Sheikh, who made the delivery, said it was a coincidence. ... 20070402 Shahameen Sheikh, chairman and CEO of International Strategy Group, .
Saeed Surname (Last Name) Sare Saeed ( Sheikh ) Sarfaraz Saeed (Sunny) Sariah Saeed Sarmad Saeed Sarmad Saeed (Shokr) ...

Shahameen Jehan Saeed Shahbaz Saeed Shahbaz Ziker (Saeed) ...
tBlog - flip SIDE down - a problem well stated... A covering letter was signed by Ms Albright; David Huebner, chairman of the Coudert Brothers law firm (another consortium member); +

Shahameen Sheikh, ...
il campo Il presidente Sheikh Shahameen scrive di aver effettuato cinque viaggi in Kuwait in quattro mesi, mentre risulta che Carol Browner dell’Albright Group abbia ...

Die Bonsai-Pappel könnte sich zum Beispiel als schmückendes Beiwerk im Garten gut machen. Nach Auffassung der Wissenschaftler seien solche genetisch veränderten Pflanzen unbedenklich für die Natur.

Die kleinen Heimgewächse selbst könnten sich nicht unkontrolliert ausbreiten, weil sie im Kampf um das Sonnenlicht bei ihrer Mini-Größe keine Chance gegen ihre Artgenossen hätten.

Skeptiker finden die Manipulation von Pflanzen - vor allem die von Nutzpflanzen wie Mais und Reis - gefährlich für den Menschen. Diese Sichtweise wird gestärkt durch Experimente wie jenes des australischen Forschers Thomas Higgins. Im

00.Feb.2006 berichtete er von einem Tierversuch mit genetisch veränderten Bohnen: In seinem Labor hatten Feldmäuse beim Kontakt mit transgenen Erbsen Allergien ausgebildet.

Aug.2006 BBC NEWS | Have Your Say | What is Baroness Thatcher's influence? ...

Aug.2006 Nahost: Libanon und Israel werfen einander Bruch der Uno- Beschlüsse ...
Iraq Occupation and Resistance Report

Michael Scherer: Crypto man . After reporting on America's spying ... Mark Blumenthal has an excellent discussion of recent polls of US attitudes on Iraq: ...
20060101 Sidney Blumenthal : Empty talk of turning points has failed to stop Bush's ...

Dec.2005 Crypto man : After reporting on America's spying operations for 25 ...
Killtown's: 9/11 coincidences and oddities page! - 9/11

9/11 - Ann Tatlock, a CEO at Fiduciary Trust located in the South WTC ... including Jackie Chan, who was excused from an early morning film shoot on the ...

Sep.2001 Jackie Chan -was scheduled to film on the roof early that ... stock trading" the week before 9-11 that shorted AA and United Airlines stocks? ...
Deutschlands beste Schülerzeitung: "Es gibt bei uns keine Demokratie"
20.Jun.2007 Bewährungsstrafe: Polizist prügelte Frau nieder
20.Jun.2007 Nahost- Krise: Israel fliegt Luftangriff im Gaza- Streifen (Politik)
20.Jun.2007 Neue Internetallianz: Murdoch will bei Yahoo einsteigen

20.Jun.2007 Spionage- Angst: Blackberry- Verbot für Frankreichs Regierung

20.Jun.2007 Indien: Präsidenten- Kandidatin ruft Frauen zum Schleier- Verzicht auf
20.Jun.2007 Bloombergs politischer Neuanfang: Der Ausreißer
20.Jun.2007 Treibhausgas: China soll USA beim CO2- Ausstoß schon überholt haben
20.Jun.2007 Untergang der "Pamir": "Die Wahrheit verschwand in einem schwarzen Loch"

20.Jun.2007 Wald nach Maß: Gentechniker züchten Bonsai- Pappeln
20.Jun.2007 Smoking Gun: Rumsfeld ordered torture : VIDEO: Former head of Abu Ghraib, Karpinski, willing to testify

20.Jun.2007 In case you missed it: Abu Ghraib Tactics Were First Used at Guantanamo: Interrogators at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, forced a stubborn detainee to wear women's underwear on his head, confronted him with snarling military working dogs and attached a leash to his chains, according to a newly released military investigation
20.Jun.2007 Blairs excuse:: Blair feared US would 'nuke' Afghanistan: BRITAIN joined the US in ousting the Taliban in 2001 because it feared America would "nuke the sh-t" out of Afghanistan, the former British ambassador to Washington has reportedly said on a TV documentary.

20.Jun.2007 Nuke the Afghans: EXCLUSIVE: Ex-diplomat: 'Blair backed Bush to stop 9/11 kneejerk reaction'
20.Jun.2007 Not For Sale Palestinians Won’t Accept a Vichy Government -By Khalid Amayreh
The vast bulk of Palestinians, at home and in the Diaspora, will not accept a quisling government in Ramallah that might be at Israel’s beck and call.

This is precisely what the Bush administration and Israel expect the new government, headed by Salam Fayyad, to be. Continue

20.Jun.2007 The Measure of a Life, in Dollars and Cents-By Walter Pincus
What's an Iraqi life worth? How about an Iraqi car? - For the U.S. military in Iraq, it may be roughly the same.

20.Jun.2007 Bush says "all options on the table" with regard to Iran : U.S. President George W. Bush said Tuesday that "all options are on the table" with regard to Iran's nuclear issue and warned that Iran must face consequences for its actions.

20.Jun.2007 Netanyahu departs for U.S. in bid to increase pressure on Iran : During his visit, Netanyahu is slated to meet a New York State financial official, asking him to withdraw or freeze hundreds of millions of dollars the state pension funds have invested in Iran.

20.Jun.2007 Russia said denying reports it planned to sell fighter planes to Iran, Syria : Russian daily Kommersant quoted unnamed sources in the military-industrial complex as saying Moscow had begun shipments of five MiG-31E interceptor fighters to Syria and that Iran would benefit from the sales.

20.Jun.2007 Iran Official:Will Use Oil As Weapon If Attacked By US-Report : Iran will never discard the use of crude oil as a weapon against the U.S. so long as the U.S. doesn't denounce the use of force in its standoff with Iran over the latter's nuclear program, a senior Iranian oil official said Tuesday.

20.Jun.2007 Agent Orange case back in US court : Representatives of more than 3,000 Vietnamese who say they were poisoned by the defoliant Agent Orange during the Vietnam War have returned to court in the US to appeal an earlier ruling that blocked their bid for compensation.

20.Jun.2007 The world's refugees: " I feel humiliated": Christian Aid predicts that by 2050 there will be 1 billion people around the world displaced by global warming, dwarfing the number of those now fleeing conflicts and persecution -- nearly 10 million refugees and almost 25 million internally displaced people.
20.Jun.2007 How to lose Afghanistan: Air strikes against a counter-insurgency should be a last resort. But the US is undertaking them - and creating more enemies.
20.Jun.2007 Taliban overrun southern Afghan district: Taliban insurgents have overrun one southern Afghan district and were battling for control of another after days of fierce fighting with NATO occupation and Afghan forces, officials said Tuesday.
20.Jun.2007 Say Good-bye to Democratic Outcomes - The Reign of Tyrants Is at Hand -Paul Craig Roberts
The Bush regime has concluded that a conventional attack on Iran would do no more than stir up a hornet’s nest and release retaliatory actions that the US could not manage. The Bush regime is convinced that only nuclear weapons can bring the mullahs to heel.

20.Jun.2007 Our Leaders, the Enemy   -By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich 
In line with Adolf Hitler, the neo-cons are delivering bigger lies for a more violent conflict. 

They are accusing Iran of a nuclear threat in spite of the IAEA inspections to the contrary, further destabilizing Iraq by arming and feeding the frenzy on all sides + stoking the flames by such incendiary accusations as: Iran is now arming the Taliban. Continue
20.Jun.2007 Looks Like the Presidential Run in 2008 is About to Get All Shaken Up: "New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Tuesday switched his party status from Republican to unaffiliated, a stunning move certain to be seen as a prelude to an independent presidential bid that would upend the 2008 race."

He has billions to self-finance an independent bid. He could carry New York State in a hypothetical Giuliani, Clinton, Bloomberg match-up.
Army considers longer combat tours again
Fred Thompson?s Campaign Confuses Home State Icon Davy Crockett with Daniel Boone
To Assist the Fred Thompson "Hollywood Light" Campaign, We are Posting the Lyrics to the Davy Crockett Song. We Saw Davy Crockett on TV + Fred Thompson is No Davy Crockett.

20.Jun.2007 South Carolina Treasurer Thomas Ravenel, a former real estate developer who became a rising political star after his election last year, was indicted Tuesday on federal cocaine charges. And guess what? He's a Republican! He's also the state chairman for former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani's presidential campaign. Go, Rudy! 6/20
USA Today: The Army or the Mafia? Remember When BuzzFlash Was Out There Alone Calling the Busheviks the Mafia? No Longer. We've Been Mainstreamed! Now, That's a Scary Thought. 6/20

20.Jun.2007 Bush plans to veto stem cell bill 6/20
Robert Parry: Granted it would be quite a competition, but is Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen the dumbest columnist ever? 6/20
Rudolph Giuliani's membership on an elite Iraq study panel came to an abrupt end last spring after he failed to show up for a single official meeting of the group, causing the panel's top Republican to give him a stark choice: either attend the meetings or quit, several sources said. 6/20

20.Jun.2007 The bravest woman in Afghanistan Amy Goodman has an outstanding interview with Malalai Joya, an Afghan member of parliament thrown out of that chamber (called the Loya Jirga) 00.000.2003 , after she protested the inclusion of warlords and other criminals. Joya, whom we may fairly call Afghanistan's answer to Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi, is the subject of a new documentary called Enemies of Happiness .
Here's what she has to say to Goodman: And the reason that I stand up against these fundamentalist warlords + I expose their mask, because, unfortunately, they were in power + they control Loya Jirga +

they are those people that after 9/11, they -- mentally they are same like Taliban, but physically they changed. By mask of democracy and support of US and its allies, they come in power.
They were those criminals that from ’92 to ’96, when they were in power, they killed only, in the capital of Afghanistan, 65,000 innocent people, just because of power in the civil war. And also they raped even a seventy-year-old grandmother and also a seven-year-old baby, and many more violence against women. And also they are those criminals that they destroyed completely our country + they were a puppet of foreign countries. Joya's website is
here: Joya said the Afghan people had been hopeful the US-led invasion "would bring democracy for them and security for them and many more things like that, but unfortunately we are looking at a worse situation than the Taleban period." From an interview with PBS: It seems that the U.S. government and its allies want to rely on them [the warlords] and install them to the most important posts in the executive, legislation and judicial bodies. Today the whole country is in their hands and they can do anything using their power, money and guns. They grab billions of dollars from foreign aid, drugs and precious stones smuggling.
The U.S. wants a group or band in Afghanistan to obey its directions accurately and act according to the U.S. policies + these fundamentalists' bands of the Northern Alliance have proved throughout their life that they are ready to sacrifice Afghanistan's national interests for their lust for power and money. The U.S. has no interest in the prosperity of our people as long as its regional and strategic interests are met.

20.Jun.2007 Few people consider the implications of precious stone smuggling out of Afghanistan; you can read more about it here.
20.Jun.2007 The most recent edition of Daniel Hopsicker's Welcome to Terrorland includes two new chapters a new chapter entitled "Late-Breaking News: The Russian Mob and 9/11." (You may also want to read this page, which I find "provisionally believable," although the citing of Wayne Madsen necessitates a "consider the source" caveat.) Permalink
00.000.1981 : Information from Arrelano - Felix + his six brothers will build an organization (the Tijuana Cartel ) that will grow to control much of the drug trade (see Camarena murder, ...
2002 : Information from

Now 49, Arrelano + five brothers started a gang 20 years ago that became a cartel, selling cocaine from Peru and Colombia across Mexico and throughout ...
Mexico captures top drug trafficker - Versión en HTML
Arrelano Felix had. been using the alias of. “Licenciado.Sanchez.” Alleged co-leader of Tijuana cartel + one of FBI ’s 10-most-wanted. suspects.
20050331 On the US-Mexico border an FBI 'wanted' sign displays the photos of two brothers: ... The Arellano Felix drug gang is led by Ramon Arrelano Felix + his ...

00.000.1984 Gerald G Bordelon G. Council for National Policy. Mailing List.. pages cited this search: 1 .

EPA - Envirofacts Warehouse - FII Affiliation Type·Full Name·Office Phone·Information System·Mailing Address. CONTACT/REGULATORY, GERALD G BORDELON, 9855325333, RCRAINFO, View ...
EPA - Envirofacts Warehouse - RCRAINFO GERALD G BORDELON, PO BOX 279, LOCKPORT, LA, 70374, 9855325333, Public. No NAICS Codes are available for the facility listed above. ...
AR ISSUE 06.p65
Gerald G. Bordelon . Vincent Borkowski. Kenneth G. Borle. Brian M. Bosarge. Robert A. Bostick, Jr. Albert C. Bottin. Bobby V. Bouchillon. Ramez J. Boulos ...


Offiziell begründete Bloomberg den Austritt mit seiner Amtsführung als Bürgermeister. Sein "unparteiischer Ansatz" habe in New York Wunder bewirkt: Der Haushalt sei ausgeglichen, die Wirtschaft wachse und die Stadt sei sicherer denn je, erklärte er. In Kalifornien übte Bloomberg jedoch auch scharfe Kritik an der US-Regierung.

Einem Bericht der "New York Times" zufolge warf Bloomberg US-Präsident George W. Bush vor, keine offene Politik mehr zu betreiben, sondern sich aus Angst vor den Meinungsumfragen "im Hintergrund zu verstecken".

Der ehemalige Börsenhändler Bloomberg war jahrelang Mitglied der Demokraten und hatte sich erst kurz vor dem Rennen um das Bürgermeisteramt in New York im Jahr 2000 den Republikanern angeschlossen.
Telekom und Ver.di einigen sich - 50.000 Mitarbeiter werden ausgelagert
G- 8-Gipfel: Jung verteidigt Tornado- Tiefflug über Protestcamp
20.Jun.2007 Parteiaustritt: New Yorks Bürgermeister Bloomberg verlässt Republikaner
20.Jun.2007 Looks Like the Presidential Run in 2008 is About to Get All Shaken Up: "New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Tuesday switched his party status from Republican to unaffiliated, a stunning move certain to be seen as a prelude to an independent presidential bid that would upend the 2008 race." He has billions to self-finance an independent bid. He could carry New York State in a hypothetical Giuliani, Clinton, Bloomberg match-up.
Bush has asserted that he is not necessarily bound by the bills he signs into law + yesterday a congressional study found multiple examples in which the administration has not complied with the requirements of the new statutes.
Countering Terrorism - How Not To Do It -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
"The Diyala offensive involves about 10,000 U.S. soldiers, making it one of the largest military operations since the Iraq war began more than four years ago. The operation, code-named Arrowhead Ripper, is focused in the area around Baqubah, the capital of Diyala, a mixed Shiite-Sunni area that in recent months has become one of the most violent regions in Iraq." Uh, who exactly are we attacking?
Alfred Balm - Winzy Search and Win Alfred Balm, a businessman who didn't receive roughly $170-million that he had expected in the second part of an instalment receipt deal, has ...

00.0000.2005 AltInfo:/05 Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG .

Der Skandal war durch die jahrelangen Machenschaften der Vatikanbank IOR ...

Dec.2005 QinetiQ Board of Directors Graham Love, Graham Love Chief Executive Officer, ... Erzbischof Paul Marcinkus von der Vatikanbank eingetragen war.
Kreditinstitute (Kapitaleignerkulturen) Nicht beispielgebend: Vatikanbank (Istituto per le Opere di Religione);

... a star Associate with a good relationship with his Managing Director can ...
US- Regierung: Bushs Haushaltsdirektor tritt zurück
19.Jun.2007 Soziale Schieflage an Unis: "Beschämend für eine Demokratie"
19.Jun.2007 520 Tage eingesperrt: Zum Mars für eine handvoll Euro
19.Jun.2007 Scholars Race to Recover a Lost Kingdom on the Nile 

On the periphery of history in antiquity, there was a land known as Kush. Overshadowed by Egypt, to the north, it was a place of uncharted breadth and depth far up the Nile, a mystery verging on myth. One thing the Egyptians did know and recorded — Kush had gold. posted by Prof. Hex
19.Jun.2007 Great-grandson wants Geronimo's bones 

Legend has it that Yale University's secretive Skull and Bones society swiped the remains of American Indian leader Geronimo nearly a century ago from an Army outpost in Oklahoma. posted by Prof. Hex
19.Jun.2007 White House aides' e-mail records gone  I am shocked. SHOCKED! posted by Prof. Hex

"Die Luftwaffe hätte die Einsätze an dem Tag nicht fliegen dürfen", kritisierte er.

Arnold forderte Aufklärung, mit welchem Befehl die Piloten starteten und ob sie sich über die Order hinweg setzten.

Einschüchterung im Tiefflug

Deutlicher wurde der SPD-Innenpolitiker Dieter Wiefelspütz.

Er hatte bisher gesagt, die Flüge seien mit dem Grundgesetz konform.

Nun änderte der Jurist seine Meinung.

"Der Tiefflug über dem Protest-Camp war verfassungswidrig", so Wiefelspütz zu SPIEGEL ONLINE,

"denn sie hatten möglicherweise eine Zwangswirkung auf die Demonstranten, die sich durch das Kriegsgerät in niedriger Höhe bedroht gefühlt haben müssen".

Durch die Jets am Himmel und die donnernden Triebwerke seien Menschen eingeschüchtert worden.

"Aus heutiger Sicht war der Einsatz nicht nur politisch instinktlos, sondern auch rechtswidrig", so Wiefelspütz.

Für die Sitzung des Innenausschusses kündigte er viele Fragen an das Verteidigungsministerium an.
Tornado- Einsatz beim G- 8-Gipfel: Piloten donnerten zu tief über Protest- Camps

Emberling hofft, mit der Entdeckung mehr Klarheit in die Geschichte dieses Königreichs zu bringen, über das die Überlieferung im Vergleich etwa zu den ägyptischen Dynastien sehr lückenhaft ist.

"Wirklich eine Schande, dass wir so wenig Zeit haben, weil ein großer Teil verloren gehen wird", sagt sein Kollege Williams.

An kaum einem anderen Ort wird derzeit so intensiv gegraben wie am vierten Nil-Katarakt.

Denn weil in der Nähe des Fundorts ein Staudamm in Bau ist, der den Nil auf 160 Kilometern zum See aufstauen wird, drohen wertvolle Zeugnisse der ersten Hochkulturen zu verschwinden.

Bei dem Ort Hosh el-Geruf am Nil wurden zwischen 2000 und 1500 vor unserer Zeitrechnung Golderze abgebaut und weiterverarbeitet.

Und: Die Metallwerkstatt gehörte zum sagenumwobenen Königreich von Kusch.

Dieser Staat in der Region, die auch als Nubien bekannt ist, hatte viele Jahrhunderte lang seine Unabhängigkeit gegenüber dem mächtigen Ägypten behaupten können.

"Was wir in Hosh el-Geruf sehen, ist nicht nur die blanke Macht der Kuschiter, also die Fähigkeit, Herrschaft weit außerhalb des Zentrums ihres Königreichs auszuüben",

sagte Bruce Williams von der University of Chicago zu SPIEGEL ONLINE.
Ursache und Wirkung: Statistik macht Schoko- Zigaretten zur Einstiegsdroge
19.Jun.2007 Einkommen: Lohnschere geht in Deutschland immer weiter auseinander

19.Jun.2007 Umfrage: Europäer wollen Merkel als EU- Führungspersönlichkeit
19.Jun.2007 Bewegungsmelder: Sportliche Männer brechen sich seltener die Knochen
Mitmach- Netz: Flickr filtert den Protest
19.Jun.2007 Airbus: Milliardär kauft A380 für sich und seine Freunde
19.Jun.2007 Insiderhandel: Ermittlungen gegen Air- Berlin- Boss
19.Jun.2007 Mercedes- Geländewagen: Klimaschädling am Scheideweg

19.Jun.2007 Nahost- Krise: Israel plant Totalembargo für Gaza- Streifen

19.Jun.2007 Irak: 10.000 Soldaten jagen Qaida- Kämpfer (Politik)
19.Jun.2007 Kleinwüchsiger Urahn: Vorfahr war schon genauso knuffig wie heutige Pandas

19.Jun.2007 ZEW- Indikator: Experten befürchten Schwächephase
19.Jun.2007 Sagenumwobenes Königreich: Archäologen graben Goldschmiede von Kusch aus
19.Jun.2007 Abzock- Versuch: Billigflieger verbietet mitgebrachte Stulle
19.Jun.2007 Message to the Democratic Leadership: Never Leave Your Wounded Heroes on the Battlefield -- A BuzzFlash Editorial
Republican candidates begin snubbing Bush

19.Jun.2007 Iran says won't rule out using oil as a weapon, which means that Cheney and Bush won't just nuke them; they'll seize the oil fields too, at a loss of thousands of American GIs and hundreds of thousands of Iranians. One thing for sure: they won't be greeting us with flowers.

19.Jun.2007 Investigation Uncovers 'Extensive Destruction' Of RNC E-mails, Violations Of Records Act 6/19
Believe in Economic Justice. Buy Fair Trade Coffee from

19.Jun.2007 Putting the Buzz Into Your Blog or Website: Four Options
Nominate the Next BuzzFlash Wings of Justice Award Winner
Car bombing in Baghdad kills 61 6/19

19.Jun.2007 Before She Was an Obama Girl, She Was a Maxim Online "Hometown Hotty" Girl 6/20
Are Democratic congressional leaders finally understanding that the people are upset with their inaction? Will they learn in time? 6/19

19.Jun.2007 Those RNC email accounts...

Even though Tony Snow says that the RNC had a preservation system for email accounts used by White House staffers (in violation of the Presidential Records Act), many of those records have gone missing.

Here's what Henry Waxman has to say: * There has been extensive destruction of the e-mails of White House officials by the RNC.

Of the 88 White House officials who received RNC e-mail accounts, the RNC has preserved no e-mails for 51 officials.

In a deposition, Susan Ralston, Mr. Rove’s former executive assistant, testified that many of the White House officials for whom the RNC has no e-mail records were regular users of their RNC e-mail accounts. Although the RNC has preserved no e-mail records for Ken Mehlman, the former Director of Political Affairs, Ms. Ralston testified that Mr. Mehlman used his account “frequently, daily.” In addition, there are major gaps in the e-mail records of the 37 White House officials for whom the RNC did preserve e-mails.

The RNC has preserved only 130 e-mails sent to Mr. Rove during President Bush’s first term + no e-mails sent by Mr. Rove

00.Nov.2003 -prior to- .

For many other White House officials,

2006 -from before the fall of- the RNC has no e-mails.
* There is evidence that

the Office of White House Counsel under Alberto Gonzales may have known that White House officials were using RNC e-mail accounts for official business, but took no action to preserve these presidential records.

In her deposition, Ms. Ralston testified that she searched Mr. Rove’s RNC e-mail account in response to an Enron-related investigation

00.000.2001 and the investigation of Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald later in the Administration.

According to Ms. Ralston, the White House Counsel’s office knew about these e-mails because “all of the documents we collected were then turned over to the White House Counsel’s office.”

There is no evidence, however, that White House Counsel Gonzales initiated any action to ensure the preservation of the e-mail records that were destroyed by the RNC.
19.Jun.2007 there was dissenting technical opinion as to whether the emails were recoverable.

The most persuasive argument (to me) held that the emails could be lost forever -- if the RNC's server wanted them lost. Permalink
19.Jun.2007 Whatever Happened to Yugoslavia? Part I

Annual " foreign operations " appropriations facilitate U.S. corporate ...

28.Nov.1994 -the CIA in The New York Times of- predicted civil war in Yugoslavia . ...
19.Dec.1994 -New York Newsday-
Bosnia Tragedy: The Unknown Role of the U.S. Government & Pentagon (). The

00.000.1990 foreign appropriations law also ... of the six-month deadline imposed by U.S. Foreign Operations Law 101-513, ...
Media Disinformation on the War in Yugoslavia: The Dayton Peace ..

00.000.1990 Congress passed the

00.000.1991 Foreign Operations Appropriations Law 101-513 .

00.000.1995 In an opinion-page piece in the New York Times, Odom indicated ...
Media Disinformation on the War in Yugoslavia: The Dayton Peace ..

00.000.1990 Congress passed the

00.000.1991 Foreign Operations Appropriations Law 101-513 .

08.May1992 According to the New York Times of-, this document asserts ...
The BosnianTragedy Foreign Operations Law 101-513, Croatian separatists staged violent ...

17.Jun.1993 -Even the New York Times described Washington’s role. The ...
Sirius: Bob Dole and Yugoslavia Note that four years earlier, The New York Times had reported a wide-spread ...

00.000.1990 "-in-The Balkan quagmire began in Foreign Appropriations Bill # 101-513, ...
Hypocrisy in the Hague (by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed) - Media Monitors ...

The Foreign Operations Appropriations Law enforced the almost immediate ... [20] Glenny, Misha, ‘The Massacre of Yugoslavia ’, New York Times Review of ...
1945 -Since-US + UK Government International Intervention: Yugoslavia Annual " foreign operations" appropriations facilitate U.S. corporate control of ...

00.Nov.---- - In a New York Times article "Operation Balkan Storm: Here's a ...
28.Apr.1999 Backtalk () U.S. Congress passed the 1991 Foreign Operations Appropriations Law 101-513 . ...

27.000.1990 New York Times predicted it would lead to a bloody civil war.
Backing up Globalization with Military Might - Global Issues An article by Thomas Friedman in the New York Times entitled "What the World ...

00.000.1990 passed the 1991 Foreign Operations Appropriations Law 101-513 .
Backing up Globalization with Military Might - Global Issues

The fascist roots of the KLA were detailed even in a New York Times story by ...

00.000.1990 passed the 1991 Foreign Operations Appropriations Law 101-513 . ...
Recycled Weapons American Exports of Surplus Arms, 1990-1995

00.000.1995 The Foreign Operations Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year (Public Law ...

Laws of War in Turkey, Human Rights Watch Arms Project ( New York, 1995). ...
General Accounting Office In

00.000.1979 the New York Times quoted Jesse J. Leaf, a former chief CIA analyst in Iran, ... 6 Foreign Operations, Export Financing + Related Programs ...
CRS Report for Congress - View as HTML
The Foreign Operations Appropriations Act for FY1995 prohibited U.S. contributions ...

31.Mar.1994 New York Times, . p. 1. 61 F.R. 12722.
Tamil Struggle - US Foreign Policy & Terrorism On

30.Sep.1996 the President signed into law P.L. 104-208, which included FY1997 foreign operations appropriations . Included were new provisions ...
Egypt-United States Relations - View as HTML
the July debate on the foreign operations appropriations bill, H.R. 4818, House Members ...

05.Nov.1990 101-513, signed into law on, provided for ...
Egypt: Background and U.S. Relations - View as HTML
00.000.2007 5522, the FY Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill, ... New York Times reported that the United States had put on hold its intention to ...
In the Name of National Security: U.S. Counterterrorist Measures ... - View as HTML
The Foreign Operations, Export Financing + Related Programs ...

20.Oct.1985 New York Times, section 4 (the Week in Review), at 1, col. 1. ...
Egypt: Background and U.S. Relations - View as HTML
17.Jan.2006 the New York Times reported that the United States had ...

Through annual foreign operations and State Department appropriations ...
Egypt: Background and U.S. Relations - View as HTML
Through annual foreign operations and State Department appropriations ... New York Times reported that the United States had put on hold its intention to ...
Iraq: Compliance, Sanctions + U.S. Policy On

06.Sep.2002 the New York Times reported that IAEA/UNMOVIC inspectors have noted ...

00.000.1994 -Every year since FY- foreign aid appropriations laws, ...
Blogit > Don't you just hate Americans? > Comments on SUBVERSION ...

27.000.1990 New York Times predicted it would lead to a bloody civil war. A section of Law 101-513 suddenly and without previous warning cut off all aid, ...
00.000.1995 -Peace Facilitation Act of- Title VI, Foreign Operations, Export Financ- ... ter to The New York Times, the Consul General of Mexico stated ...
OFFOFFOFF reader comments

27.000.1990 New York Times predicted it would lead to a bloody civil war." "A section of Law 101-513 suddenly and without previous warning cut off all aid, ... id=4234&orig_url=/film/2002/yugoslavia.php3
kap6 Loven - the

00.000.1991 Foreign Operations Appropriations Law 101-513 ...

23.Apr.1999 New York Times. 14. Krieg oder Frieden auf dem Balkan und in der West.
Historien om en bebudet krig - View as HTML
23.Nov.1995 New York Times, den . Citeret efter: Gary ... Loven – the

00.000.1991 Foreign Operations Appropriations Law . 101-513 – indeholdt navnlig en ...
Iraq: Compliance, Sanctions + U.S. Policy - View as HTML
20.Dec. rsuch defector accounts was published in the New York Times , ... Every year since FY 1994, foreign aid appropriations laws (P.L. 103-87, ...
IB93087 [PFP#521942917] - View as HTML
31.Oct.1999 EgyptAir flight 990 en route from New York to Cairo crashed ...

05.Nov.1990 Section 592 of P.L. 101-513, signed into law on, ...
Issue Brief for Congress - View as HTML
06.Sep.2002 the New York Times reported that IAEA/UNMOVIC ...

00.000.1994 -Every year since FY-, foreign aid. appropriations laws (P.L. 103-87, ...
Kosovo: l'arma dell'informazione ... approvato il " Foreign Operations Appropriations Law " 101-513 per il 1991, ... una possibile guerra civile nei Balcani (" New York Times ", 28.Nov.1990 ).
JSTOR: The Cambodia Settlement Agreements 2

13.Jul.---- -from to-The International Conference on Kampuchea met in New York ... See Foreign Operations, Export Financing + Related Appropriations Act, ...
International Emergency Economic Powers - 50 USC Chapter 35

2021, 2022] (and the corresponding sections of predecessor foreign operations appropriations Acts); + ``(D) section 555 of the International Security and ...
A-list message, [A-List] Media Disinformation on the War in .. Congress passed the 1991 Foreign Operations Appropriations Law 101-513 .

According to the New York Times of May 8 1992, this document asserts that ...
Issue Brief for Congress - View as HTML
Everyyear since FY1994, foreign aid appropriations laws (P.L. 103-87, P.L. 103-306,

05.Jul.2002 (New York Times)... overthrow effort against Saddam .
Israel 24

29.Jul.---- Chris Hedges, "Israel Keeps Pounding South Lebanon," New York Times, , ... 117 Public Law 101-513, 104 Stat. 2064, Sec. 599B, November 5, 1990.
C:\BOOKS\...\CONNAUGH.WE [PFP#321684107] - View as HTML
new sanctions law contains potential sanctions on exports, imports, ... Similarly, the Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs ...
fiamma tricolore index2.htm ... legge 101-513 per il 1991, detta Foreign Operations Appropriations Law . ... Il New York Times del 21 marzo di quest'anno ha rivelato l'esistenza di ...
28.Jul.---- quoted above, also told the New York Times: "Now we are at the stage in ... The FY 1996 foreign aid appropriations bill permits additions to ...
issued under the authority § 570(b) of the Foreign Operations, Export. Financing and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1997 (Public Law ...
Journal 26-3.qxd - View as HTML
Reserve Bank of New York within thirty days of enactment of this Act. ... As was the case with the foreign operations appropriations (H.R. ...
-CITE- 50 USC CHAPTER 35 - INTERNATIONAL EMERGENCY ECONOMIC POWERS ... Except as provided in section 503, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York shall ... including section 570 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, ...

The Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Appropriations of the ... United States delegation led by former Mayor of New York City, Ed Koch.
VS03 part 2 plus notes - View as HTML
Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and. Related Programs Appropriations Act of 1991, ... Hybrid Technology,” New York Times, 02.Jan.2003 .
Overview and Analysis of Current U.S. Unilateral Economic Sanctions
570 of the Foreign Operations ,. Export Financing + Related Programs Appropriations . Act, Fiscal Year 1997, Public Law 104-208. Bilateral U.S. ...
tion 570(b) of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1997 (Public Law 104-208) and the ...
section 570(b) of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related. Programs Appropriations Act, 1997 (Public Law 104-208) and the ...
issued under the authority §§ 570(b) of the Foreign Operations, Export. Financing and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1997 (Public Law ...$FILE/banks.pdf
2005060210 So hat er laut " New York Times " beispielsweise das Wort "extrem" in diesen Satz ...

Nov.1990 the U.S. Congress passed Foreign Appropriations Law 101-513, ...
Media Services 3P059 • November 2002 - View as HTML
Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Appropriations Act, 1988, as included in ... Florida, California, New York and Washington.
Legal Authority for the EAR Part I PRINCIPAL STATUTORY AUTHORITY ... IRAQ SANCTIONS ACT OF 1990 Note: The Iraq Sanctions Act of 1990 was enacted as §§586 through 586J of the Foreign Operations Appropriations Act of 1990, Pub. ...
Internl Res - Full text
PUBLIC LAW 101-513 . Washington, D.C.. 5 November 1990. An Act. Making appropriations for foreign operations, export financing + related programs for the ...
I-SEARCH (tm) V1.89P Retrieved Documents Listing on 10/22/93 at 10 ... L. 101-513 inserted 'the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development,' ... Acquisition of obligations involving loan guarantees for New York City. ...
I-SEARCH (tm) V1.89P Retrieved Documents Listing on 10/10/93 at 03 ... L. 101-513 inserted 'the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ... 263, reclassified New York and Chicago as reserve cities and terminated the ...

CNS - October 7-11, 2002 - Page 8 - Congressional Record Weekly Update On

July 5, the Pentagon leaked its war plan to the New York Times . ... The list does not include foreign aid appropriations bills passed since FY 1994 ...
Ballistic Missile Defense Revisited
the Poorest. See also sec. 586 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1991. (Public Law 101-513 ; 104 Stat.

appropriations for foreign operations, export financing, ... Political Rights (done at New York, ... Act of 1990 (as contained in Public Law 101-513 ), ...
EDITED VOLUME New York Times, ; Suro, Roberto + Vernon Loeb.

Conferees on the FY 2001 Foreign Operations Appropriations bill [HR4811] ...
Operations Appropriations Act (P.L. 105-118) Section 584, ... Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Public Law 101-513 (as amended by the International ...
Information Technologies for the Control of Money Laundering
In other operations, money was picked up from locations in the United ...

26.Jan.1995 Elaine Sciolino,“Bankrupting Terror,”The New York Times,, Sec A ...
the application of domestic, international + foreign law to the ... the Southern District of New York permanently enjoined the ...
Saharan Africa, was added to the FAA by the Foreign Operations ,. Export Financing + Related Programs Appropriations Act of. 1991 (P.L. 101-513 ).
LISTSERV 15.0 - CHOMSKY Archives, New York Times predicted it would lead to a bloody civil war. ... (

19.Dec.1994 New York Newsday,) The 1990 foreign appropriations law also ...
Origins of the breakup—a U.S. law/Control of the purse strings

A section of Law 101-513 suddenly and without previous warning cut off all ... ( New York Newsday, Dec. 19, 1994). The

1990 foreign appropriations law also ...
16. Future Plans for Dismemberment

In addition, the New York Times has reported that NATO sources have indicated ... the U.S. Congress passed the Foreign Operations Appropriations Law 101-513 ...
Workers World: Yugoslavia Under Sanctions

Here are some important dates leading up to the dismemberment of Yugoslavia :.

05.Nov.1990 Congress passes Foreign Operations Appropriations Law 101-513 .
20070408 When Thyssen died, the Alien Property Custodian released the assets of the ...

SA was then under a global oil embargo that Deuss 's Transworld Oil ... by her ...
19.Nov.2006 Postman Patel: John Peel, despite his murky early marriage + boastfulness about Venereal disease ... SA was then under a global oil embargo that Deuss's Transworld Oil ...

19.Jun.2007 Forums - Enrongate figure Skilling about to take a fall... Kenny ... Forums>Main Forum>

Enrongate figure Skilling about to take a fall. ... Skilling's former boss, Enron founder and former chairman Kenneth Lay, ...
The Failure of Jeff Skilling's Deregulation Skilling's charisma + Enron's hefty political contributions helped turn the concept ... the consumer choice model rates would fall well below that figure. - Enron LJM figure bolsters Fastow testimony - HTML-Version
LJM figure bolsters Fastow testimony. By JOHN C. ROPER. Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle ... The government maintains that at Skilling's direction, LJM ... - Ex-Enron CEO Skilling's Request to Drop Charges ...

Ex-Enron CEO Skilling's Request to Drop Charges Denied, A judge rejected former ...

Once a Corporate Father Figure, Lay Now a Condemned Business Titan ...,2933,180130,00.html
Skilling's "Big Big Numbers" ( Skilling's "Big Big Numbers". « H » email link ...

He wasn't claiming that the income figure of $40 million was a "big big number. ...
Enron and Skilling's Indictment ( Skilling's defense lawyer Bruce Hiler came out swinging yesterday, raising the very defense ...

Carrie Johnson: You're right on target on the Fastow figure.
Enron Update: Skilling's Last Stand -

The $80 million loss amount pegged to Skilling's conduct at Enron was a negotiated figure that prosecutors and defense lawyers argued about for a long time.
19.Jun.2007 Bernays, Edward L. impact -public relations in America-.html
Public relations professionals are hired ... The rise of public relations is testimony ... · -->

19.Jun.2007 the cluetrain manifesto
Public Relations does not relate to the public.

Companies are deeply afraid of ... Its effect is more radical than the agenda of any union. · -->
19.Jun.2007 PR War
The Public Relations Industry's Secret War on Activists ... vice-president with Gray & Company public relations, "Most of what you see on TV ... · -->

Nach einem Bericht der "New York Times" erfolgte der US-Angriff in Bakuba selbst mit 2000 Soldaten.

Dies spiegele die US-Strategie wider, verschiedene Hochburgen der Aufständischen parallel zu attackieren, um die Gewalt im ganzen Land zurückzudrängen.

Während das US-Militär von einer Offensive gegen al-Qaida spricht, geht die "New York Times" von einem Einsatz gegen sunnitische Aufständische aus, die sich aus früheren Mitgliedern der Armee Saddam Husseins, paramilitärischen Kräften, verbitterten Sunniten, Räuberbanden und Qaida-Islamisten zusammensetzen.

Tatsächlich fällt eine Veränderung von durchschnittlich 14,5 Tagen bei weitem aus dem Rahmen:

Bisherige Studien für Tiere und Pflanzen in Europa gehen von einer vergleichbaren Veränderung von zweieinhalb Tagen, andere Forschungsarbeiten von etwa fünf Tagen aus.

Kopenhagen - "Unsere Studie bestätigt, was viele Leute denken, nämlich dass sich die Jahreszeiten verändern", sagte Toke Høye von der Universität Århus.

"Und es sind nicht bloß ein oder zwei warme Jahre, sondern ein starker Trend über ein ganzes Jahrzehnt hinweg."

Høye hat den Frühlingsbeginn erforscht + zwar an einem eher extremen Ort: der dänischen Forschungsstation Zackenberg im nordöstlichen Grönland.

Der Bundesrat hatte sich dafür ausgesprochen, dass die gespeicherten Verbindungsdaten auch in zivilrechtlichen Verfahren bei Urheberrechtsverletzungen verwendet werden können.

Eco wandte sich zudem gegen immer neue Forderungen aus der Politik, Internetnutzer stärker zu überwachen, etwa durch heimliche Online-Durchsuchungen. "Das führt zu einer wahnsinnigen Verunsicherung der Internetnutzer", kritisierte Seifert. Das sei nicht förderlich für den Nutzen und die Entwicklung des Mediums.
Luftfahrtmesse Le Bourget: Ökoshow der Kerosinfresser
19.Jun.2007 Millionenprojekt für Olympia: China baut Schnellstraße am Everest

19.Jun.2007 Energiepreise: BGH zwingt Gasversorger, geheime Kalkulation offenzulegen
19.Jun.2007 China: Seeleute dürfen künftig Urlaub machen
Kartellvergehen: Haft für Manager gefordert
19.Jun.2007 Unwetter: Tote bei Überschwemmungen in Texas
19.Jun.2007 Menschenrechte: Uno streicht Kuba und Weißrussland von der Schwarzen Liste

19.Jun.2007 Druck auf Stromkonzerne: SPD und Union machen Weg frei für C02- Handel
19.Jun.2007 Drastische Erwärmung: Grönlands Frühling beginnt zwei Wochen früher
18.Jun.2007 Crisis of American Superpower: Charlie Rose Interviews Zbigniew Brzezinski : A conversation with former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski about his book Second Chance: Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower.

18.Jun.2007 Secret New Plan For EU Superstate: TONY Blair wants to hand the European Union radical new powers in his last act as Prime Minister, it emerged today.

18.Jun.2007 Push for Blair as new EU president: Tony Blair, the British prime minister, could end up swapping Downing Street for a job as the first full-time European Union president, under a plan being actively touted by Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president.
18.Jun.2007 Mercenaries face mounting losses : Companies, funded by billions of dollars in U.S. military and State Department contracts, are fighting insurgents on a widening scale in Iraq, enduring daily attacks, returning fire and taking hundreds of casualties that have been underreported and sometimes concealed, according to U.S. and Iraqi officials and company representatives.
18.Jun.2007 Iran: Russia will block US missile defense plan: Iran said Sunday it had received indications from Russia's president that he would not follow through with an offer to allow the US to use a radar station in neighboring Azerbaijan for missile defense against Teheran.

18.Jun.2007 There's money out there, but little sign of responsibility: The super-rich are back, and would much rather buy private planes or build golf courses than recognise their debt to society
18.Jun.2007 Blair knew US had no post-war plan for Iraq: Tony Blair agreed to commit British troops to battle in Iraq in the full knowledge that Washington had failed to make adequate preparations for the postwar reconstruction of the country.

18.Jun.2007 How Blair despaired of US Iraq war plans: Mr Bush told Mr Blair that he did not have to commit soldiers and could help 'in some other way'. But the PM replied: "No, I'm with you."

18.Jun.2007 A bloody epitaph to Blair's war : The death of a hotel receptionist in British custody was first reported by the IoS. In the week that the Law Lords ruled that the Human Rights Act applies to Iraqis in British custody, Andrew Johnston reveals the shocking witness statements that shed new light on a dark chapter in an illegal war

18.Jun.2007 US troops could stay in Iraq for a decade: General : US forces could be needed in Iraq for a decade to battle insurgents, the top coalition commander said yesterday while vowing a "forthright" review in September on whether a troop surge is working.
18.Jun.2007 cry for justice from a good man who expected us to protect his son - By Robert Fisk
I had seen British military brutality in Northern Ireland - I had even been threatened by British officers in Belfast - but I somehow thought that things had changed, that a new, more disciplined army had emerged from the dark, sinister days of the Irish conflict. But I was wrong. Baha Mousa, Daoud's son, had died from the injuries he received in British custody, a young, decent man whose father was a cop, who did nothing worse than work as a receptionist in a Basra hotel.

18.Jun.2007 In the Absence of Reason - By Charles Sullivan
My coworkers are good people, but they are sadly misinformed about the world in general + things political in particular. They have subscribed to the mythos that the United States can do no wrong + that the actions of the government in the Middle East + elsewhere, are not only justified, but sanctified by god. That is the thinking behind manifest destiny.

18.Jun.2007 War Foretold: Mark Twain and the Sins of Our Race - By Ramzy Baroud
When I resorted to Mark Twain's writings I attempted to escape, at least temporarily from my often distressing readings on war, politics and terror. But his "The Mysterious Stranger", although published 1916, still left me with an eerie feel. The imaginative story calls into question beliefs that we hold as a "matter of course" - a favorite phrase of his. It summons the awful tendencies of "our race": our irrational drive for violence, be it burning 'witches' at the stake or engaging in wars that only serve the "little monarchs and the nobilities."

18.Jun.2007 The Battle of Gaza -By Mike Whitney
In less than 24 hours of fierce street-fighting, Bush’s proxy-army in Gaza was routed by armed units of Hamas. It was a stunning defeat for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas + for US-Israeli policymakers who have done everything in their power to overturn the “free and fair” election of the Hamas government.

18.Jun.2007 Welcome to 'Palestine' - By Robert Fisk
How troublesome the Muslims of the Middle East are. First, we demand that the Palestinians embrace democracy and then they elect the wrong party - Hamas - and then Hamas wins a mini-civil war and presides over the Gaza Strip. And we Westerners still want to negotiate with the discredited President, Mahmoud Abbas. Today "Palestine" - and let's keep those quotation marks in place - has two prime ministers.

Welcome to the Middle East. Continue

18.Jun.2007 The Gaza Cage -By Uri Avnery
Successive Israeli governments have destroyed Fatah systematically, cut off the feet of Abbas and prepared the way for Hamas. They can't pretend to be surprised.

18.Jun.2007 What Every American Should Know About Iraq- By David Michael Green
While many can imagine political leaders making mistakes, most Americans find it inconceivable that an American president could actually put personal or political interests ahead of the national interest or the welfare of the troops, especially on so grave an issue as war and peace.

18.Jun.2007 Americans Unready to Revolt, Despite Revolting Conditions - By Joel S. Hirschhorn
The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal national poll results vividly show a population incredibly dissatisfied with their nation’s political system. In other countries in other times such a depressing level of confidence in government would send a signal to those running the government that a major upheaval is imminent. But not here in the USA. Why?

18.Jun.2007 Send in the Clowns! No, They are Already in the White House: "Iraq has emerged as the world's second most unstable country, behind Sudan, more than four years after President George W. Bush ordered the U.S. invasion to topple Saddam Hussein, according to a survey released on Monday." Would One of Those Blonde Bimbo Right Wing Shills Give Bush a Blow Job Already, So We Can Finally Impeach Him and Save America -- and Iraq?

18.Jun.2007 Greg Palast: The Tears of a Clone
Rory O'Connor: A Newspaper Courageously Exposes a Primarily Mormon Cover-up of Pedophiles at Their Boy Scout Camps -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
Surprise! The "Surge" Was Just an Excuse to Increase Long-Term Troop Levels in Iraq! Dang, You Could Have Fooled Us! "Conditions in Iraq will not improve sufficiently by September to justify a drawdown of U.S. military forces, the top commander in Iraq said yesterday." Commitment to Last For Years, Petraeus Claims.
Britain feared US would 'nuke' Afghanistan: ex-diplomat
The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Where do the Busheviks find these people? It's bad enough that Dr. James Holsinger attitude toward homosexuality is abhorrent coming from a medical professional, but there are also questionable deaths at a VA hospital where he was Chief Medical Officer + involvement in a questionable Kentucky land deal. 6/19
Something is surging in Iraq and unfortunately it's displaced citizens ? the total has quadrupled since January and is up eight times from a year ago. 6/19
Ted Stevens doesn't understand the Internet, but he is starting to learn the grand jury system; Grand jury probes his ties to an oil-field contractor. 6/19
Nicholas D. Kristof: Dinner With a Warlord 6/18

19.Jul.2000 NucNews- Putin, seen on Russia's ORT public television, said the proposal on rockets ...

18.Jul.2000 FORT WORTH, Texas,/PRNewswire/via NewsEdge Corporation - A ...
12.Dec.2000 NucNews- Washington Group includes the former companies of Westinghouse Government and Environmental Services, Morrison Knudsen + Raytheon Engineers + ...


00.000.1997 Taliban officials visited UNOCAL HQ’s in Texas to discuss the ... AECOM Government Services, Inc. ( AECOM -GSI), Wackenhut (WSI) + Kellog, ...
Augenblick: Das Antlitz der Armut
18.Jun.2007 Lebenskosten- Vergleich: Kamerun - teurer als Deutschland
18.Jun.2007 Umfrage: Clinton hängt Obama ab
Prozess: Polizist prügelt Frau auf der Wache nieder

Cohn-Bendit: Die große Niederlage für Sarkozy ist, dass seine Nummer zwei, Alain Juppé, seinen Wahlkreis nicht gewinnen konnte und deshalb aus der Regierung ausscheidet. Sarkozy hat damit noch einmal deutlich gezeigt bekommen, dass er zwar eine Mehrheit in Frankreich hat, aber keine Mehrheit bei der aktiven Bevölkerung im Alter bis zu 60 Jahren. Sarkozy gewann die Präsidentschaftswahlen, weil er die Senioren mobilisiert hat.
Anarchie oder Rechtsstaat: "In der Praxis herrscht eher Anarchie"
18.Jun.2007 Aufgeflogen: Japaner nutzt Handys im Flugzeug - verhaftet

18.Jun.2007 Index gescheiterter Staaten: Düsterste Aussichten für Sudan und Irak
18.Jun.2007 Wettlauf ins All: China plant Schwertransport- Rakete
Frankreich- Wahl: "Sarkozy muss die Macht der Straße fürchten"
18.Jun.2007 Dürre: Ban Ki Moon sieht Klimawandel als Kriegstreiber in Darfur
Geschäfte mit Iran: Florida straft Daimler und Siemens ab

18.Jun.2007 Angst vor neuer Linken: Stoiber warnt Union vor Lafontaine
18.Jun.2007 Schon Clinton ließ die CIA Terroristen entführen

00.000.1995 -im Herbst- "Präsident Clinton, sein Sicherheitsberater Sandy Berger + sein Terrorismusberater Richard Clarke haben die CIA beauftragt, ...
Freitag 10 - Bosnia Gate Am selben Tag erreichten Sicherheitsberater Anthony Lake + Vize-Außenminister Strobe Talbott das Einverständnis von Clinton.

Sie nutzten die Gunst der Stunde ...
Suche nach einem Denkmal

Clinton und sein Sicherheitsberater wollten daheim keinen Krach.

Dieses egoistische Interesse stand über allen anderen.

Später dann konstruierte Berger mit ...
Zucht in Gefangenschaft: Rochen- Baby in Japan geboren
18.Jun.2007 Siemens- Chef auf Jobsuche: Blackstone klopfte bei Kleinfeld an
Based on the above, it is my conclusion that I am not the Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency referred to in the memorandum. 22
So we are left with the strong suspicion that the "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" referred to by the FBI is our own George Herbert Walker Bush, who, in addition to his possible contact with Lee Harvey Oswald's controller, may thus also join the ranks of the Kennedy assassination cover-up. It makes perfect sense for George Bush to be called in on a matter involving the Cuban community in Miami, since that is a place where George has traditionally had a constituency. George inherited it from his father, Prescott Bush of Jupiter Island + later passed it on to his own son, Jeb.
Gee. That's the truth. Ugly, too.

18.Jun.2007 Streik- Beginn: Bauarbeiter drohen mit langem Ausstand
18.Jun.2007 US- Rüstungsausgaben: Boeing- Manager warnt vor veralteten Flugzeugen
18.Jun.2007 Afghanistan: Sieben Kinder bei US- Luftangriff getötet
18.Jun.2007 Turmhotel in Bologna: Gala- Dinner im Gefängnis

29.Jul.1994 Paul Hill, who sought to set a good example for Christian theocratic revolutionaries, assasinated abortion provider Dr. John Britton and James Barrett one of his escorts + seriously wounding another, June Barrett, outside an abortion clinic in Pensacola, Florida. Fanatic supporters of murder will "honor" him in Milwaukee from July 26th - 29th. May God have mercy on their souls.

17.Jun.2007 War Made Easy: How Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death (Just Released DVD), Narrated by Sean Penn
Bush and Cheney Make Public Records Their Private Domain. Will Congress Let Us Have Our Government Papers Back? We Paid for Them -- And They are Ours.
A coalition of anti-Iraq war groups is targeting 40 GOP lawmakers around the country in a grassroots effort modeled on the ?Freedom Summer? civil rights campaign and the more recent initiative against privatizing Social Security.

17.Jun.2007 As of Saturday,

16.Jun.2007 at least 3,522 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in

00.Mar.2003 according to an Associated Press count. The mortality and injury count is rising due to the Bush/Cheney death warrant on our GIs.
Frank Rich on the Hypocritical Libby Letters of Support: "Like the scripts for "The Sopranos," the letters are not without mordant laughs." 6/17
Big Oil Profiteering Alert: With Congress and the White House pushing to increases the use of ethanol, the oil industry is scaling back its plans to expand refineries ? which could keep gasoline prices high, possibly for years to come. 6/18
"Romney says he wants 'big stick.'" Maybe he should respond to one of those penis extension e-mail ads. 6/17

17.Jun.2007 A general who investigated US troops sexually humiliating Iraqis at Abu Ghraib prison says Rumsfeld and other Pentagon honchos lied.
From the 2006 WP Archives: Billy Graham's Sons Argue Over a Final Resting Place 6/18

16.Jun.2007 Here's the buzz...

We have no definitive answers, yet, to "colony collapse disorder," otherwise known as the dead bee problem.

But strong signs point to a type of pesticide known as neonicotinoids, banned in France because the stuff, er, well, kills bees. Permalink
17.Jun.2007 Wahl in Frankreich: Sarkozy- Lager verfehlt Zwei- Drittel- Mehrheit
17.Jun.2007 Parlamentswahl in Frankreich: Sarkozy- Lager vor satter Mehrheit
17.Jun.2007 "Sir Salman": Iran protestiert gegen Ritterschlag für Rushdie
Konstantin der Große: Krieger, Kaiser, falscher Stifter
17.Jun.2007 Teure Energie: Politik schießt sich auf Strom- Konzerne ein
16.Jun.2007 Verfassungsschutz: Beckstein nimmt neue Linke ins Visier

16.Jun.2007 Ermittlungsverfahren: Deutsche Bank und Wohnungen von Ex- Staatssekretär durchsucht
16.Jun.2007 Flucht vor Zivilstreife: Polizist erschießt 19- jährigen Autofahrer
16.Jun.2007 Vogelhochzeit: Nur sexy Spatzen können gut singen
16.Jun.2007 Stonehenge menhirs oldest emblem of Europe's Celtic capital  Why was this ancient monument built? posted by Prof. Hex
16.Jun.2007 Obama Says He'll Use Force Unilaterally to Protect "Vital Interests" : "I will not hesitate to use force, unilaterally if necessary, to protect the American people or our vital interests whenever we are attacked or imminently threatened. We must also consider using military force in circumstances beyond self-defense…."

16.Jun.2007 World oil supplies are set to run out faster than expected, warn scientists: Scientists challenge major review of global reserves and warn that supplies will start to run out in four years' time

16.Jun.2007 Michael T. Klare: The Pentagon v. Peak Oil - How Wars of the Future May Be Fought Just to Run the Machines That Fight

16.Jun.2007 The Finkelstein Principle : In an era when intellectual freedom is routinely suppressed; and at a time when people of good character and moral integrity have become the unprotected endangered specie, here comes Finkelstein walking self-assuredly like a mammoth of moral rectitude.

16.Jun.2007 Secret Surveillance Evidence Unsealed in AT&T Spying Case: More documents detailing secret government surveillance of AT&T's Internet traffic have been released to the public as part of the Electronic Frontier Foundation's (EFF's) class-action lawsuit against the telecom giant.

16.Jun.2007 FBI Terror Watch List 'Out of Control' : A terrorist watch list compiled by the FBI has apparently swelled to include more than half a million names. Privacy and civil liberties advocates say the list is growing uncontrollably, threatening its usefulness in the war on terror.

16.Jun.2007 FBI Finds It Frequently Overstepped in Collecting Data: An internal FBI audit has found that the bureau potentially violated the law or agency rules more than 1,000 times while collecting data about domestic phone calls, e-mails and financial transactions

16.Jun.2007 Bush administration push for 'one-size-fits-all justice': The Bush administration is trying to roll back a Supreme Court decision by pushing legislation that would require prison time for nearly all criminals.

16.Jun.2007 The President Shafts Enron's Victims : Wall Street's investment banks just got another step closer to making defrauding investors an accepted line of business. And Enron's employees who lost their pensions and the small investors who got fleeced in the Enron frauds just got shafted again -- this time at the urging of President George W. Bush.

16.Jun.2007 China overtaking US for fast internet access as Africa gets left behind: There are more than 1.1 billion of the world's estimated 6.6 billion people online and almost a third of them are now accessing the internet on high-speed lines
16.Jun.2007 A 10-Step Plan for Antiwar Activists - By Bruce K. Gagnon
I often hear from people asking me, "What should we do about all this? How can we stop Bush?"

16.Jun.2007 Guantanamo inmate told: You can't return to UK, you've been away too long : Gordon Brown is being urged to intervene to stop the Home Office banning a British resident from returning home after more than four years at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba.

16.Jun.2007 Libby prison sentence delay denied: A federal judge said Thursday he will not delay a 2 1/2-year prison sentence for I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby in the CIA leak case, a ruling that could send the former White House aide to prison within weeks.

16.Jun.2007 Global Grain Production Falls Behind Demand: The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its first projections of world grain supply and demand for the coming crop year: 2007/08. USDA predicts supplies will plunge to a 53-day equivalent-their lowest level in the 47-year period for which data exists.

16.Jun.2007 Suddenly, the bees are simply vanishing: The dead bees under Dennis vanEngelsdorp's microscope were like none he had ever seen.

16.Jun.2007 07/14/07 'There Are Cracks in Everything' - That's how the light gets in - By Jim Kirwan
Every nation has a set of myths by which its people live and die; the USA is no exception. We just finished Memorial Day and soon we'll be approaching the tortured-celebrations of July 4th. Both these national spotlights involve public mythologies that have guided this nation for decades; yet the events that these holidays are meant to commemorate are no longer even remotely questioned. War is cheap for most Americans, because the lesser people among us fight our wars ­ not us!

16.Jun.2007 Has Baghdad Captured Petraeus? - By Stuart A.P. Murray
Now is the time, before it is too late, to lay the groundwork for all parties concerned with the destiny of Iraq to forge a truce that will permit General Petraeus and his army to leave Baghdad with some semblance of military honor.

16.Jun.2007 Venezuela strikes £500m deal to buy Russian submarines: Fleet would help Chávez thwart future US embargo. · Sale to worsen relations between Putin and Bush
16.Jun.2007 Niger - Slaves : Video documentary; Think slavery is a thing of the past? Think again. In the African state of Niger, an estimated 870,000 people are born into slavery. They spend their entire lives belonging to a master, who can beat, rape or sell them at will.
16.Jun.2007 Manufacturing Consent For War With Iran: U.S. claims Iran funding terrorism: A day after a top U.S. official accused Iran of arming the Taliban in Afghanistan, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson asked the financial world to freeze the assets of an Iranian bank.

16.Jun.2007 China arming terrorists : New intelligence reveals China is covertly supplying large quantities of small arms and weapons to insurgents in Iraq and the Taliban militia in Afghanistan, through Iran.

16.Jun.2007 N. Korea Threatens Over U.S. Missile Plan: North Korea lambasted U.S. efforts to build a missile defense system Friday and vowed to increase its "self-defense deterrent," a term that the communist regime usually uses to refer to its nuclear program.

16.Jun.2007 Report on CODE PINK's Meeting With LIEberman: Senator Joe Lieberman is waving his sword again. On Sunday, he told CBS "I think we've got to be prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from killing Americans in Iraq."

16.Jun.2007 Russia warns Nato on arms treaty : Russia has warned Nato it could freeze its participation in a key arms control treaty in Europe, after talks on the issue ended in deadlock.
16.Jun.2007 Abbas appoints new Palestinian PM : Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, has appointed Salam Fayyad, an independent parliamentarian, as prime minister of an emergency government.

16.Jun.2007 Mashaal: Hamas has not plans to take control of PA: Exiled Hamas politburo Chief Khaled Mashaal said Friday that Hamas had no intention of taking control of the Palestinian Authority.

16.Jun.2007 Triumph for Hamas... but a tragedy for the Palestinians? : Hamas Radio underlined Mr Abbas's lack of control over Gaza when it said the faction had taken control of his presidential compound, a symbolic last redoubt of Fatah power in Gaza.

16.Jun.2007 U.S. Supports Palestinian President Abbas: The White House expressed support Friday for the moderate government of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after a military takeover of Gaza by the radical group Hamas.

16.Jun.2007 Jordan's (little king and Israeli stooge) backs Abbas as Palestinians' legitimate leader: Jordan on Friday threw its support behind Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after his Fatah faction's loss of Gaza to Hamas, saying he is the legitimate leader of the Palestinians

16.Jun.2007 Israel promises to bolster Palestinian president: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Friday pledged to take steps to bolster the moderate Palestinian president after Hamas' takeover of the Gaza Strip, his office said.

16.Jun.2007 Israel want's 'Multinational force must fight Hamas': A proposed multinational force deployed along the occupied Gaza Strip's border with Egypt must be willing to fight Hamas to stop weapons smuggling in the area, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said Friday.

16.Jun.2007 Hamas calls for immediate release of BBC reporter in Gaza: The military wing of the Hamas movement on Friday called for the immediate release of British journalist Alan Johnston, who has been held captive in Gaza City for more than three months.

16.Jun.2007 How western media distorts the situation in Gaza: Fatah crushed as Gaza becomes Islamist state: Hamas has taken over the final Fatah stronghold in Gaza and created what is in effect a miniature Islamist state.
16.Jun.2007 The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend 5 Minute Video: John Stewart of The Daily Show talks about how crazy it is that we are now arming Sunnis insurgents--our former enemies--to fight al Qaida.

16.Jun.2007 U.S. Military Wants To Sign Up Illegal Imigrants : A senior defense official expressed hope today that a provision in the stalled immigration bill that would have allowed some undocumented aliens to join the military won’t fall off the radar screen.

16.Jun.2007 Iraq: U.S. Troops Arrest Another 3 Iranian Officals: US soldiers on Friday reportedly arrested three Iranian diplomats north of Baghdad. The officials had first been detained by Iraqi forces who had subsequently freed them, allegedly after the intervention of the Iraqi foreign ministry.

16.Jun.2007 Iran strongly condemns arrest of 3 diplomats in Iraq: According to Foreign Ministry Media Department report on Friday, Hosseini said, "Three Iranian diplomats on their way to Iran were arrested by the Iraqi police."

16.Jun.2007 Gen. Pace: I Refused To Quit Iraq Post: In his first public comments on the Bush administration's surprise decision to replace him as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Gen. Peter Pace disclosed that he had turned down an offer to voluntarily retire rather than be forced out.

16.Jun.2007 UK: Why we must break with the American crazies : When Gordon Brown returned from his fact-finding tour of Iraq on Monday, he proclaimed the importance of learning from our mistakes but also of looking forward instead of backward. Did this admission hint at a shift in Britain’s foreign policy when Mr Brown takes over in ten days’ time?
16.Jun.2007 U.S. says all Iraqoccupation troops reinforcements now in place: All U.S. occupation troop reinforcements for Iraq to help "restore security" have now arrived, but it could take several more months before their weight is fully felt, the U.S. military said on Friday.

16.Jun.2007 Uprooted Iraqis move into "atrocious" camps - UN: People fleeing violence in Iraq have begun to move into atrocious makeshift camps on the fringes of cities such as Najaf, the United Nations refugee agency said on Friday.
16.Jun.2007 On The Escalator to War With Iran - By Patrick J. Buchanan
These are the "birth pangs" of a "new Middle East," said Condi Rice last summer, as Israel pounded Lebanon. Unfortunately, the new Middle East may make us all pray for the return of the old.

What Will We Do Then?

16.Jun.2007 The Day After We Strike Iran - By Gary Leupp - Let us suppose that the Bush-Cheney administration answers the neocons’ prayer and does indeed bomb Iran sometime soon. Continue

16.Jun.2007 Sinister Strategy Behind an MP's Murder - By Robert Fisk
A phone call came through on my mobile from a Lebanese MP - readers may debate his identity - when the carbonised skeleton of Walid Eido was still hot in his bombed car. "Robert, they only need to kill three more and Siniora has no parliamentary majority."

16.Jun.2007 The Threat to Al-Jazeera - By George Galloway
It would be a disaster for the Middle East if the US neutered the region's most independent TV station

16.Jun.2007 Disgraced UN Chief and Nazi War Criminal Waldheim, Dies Aged 88 - By Robert Fisk
00.000.1987 King Hussein took Waldheim to the heights of Um Queiss to overlook the Israeli-occupied West Bank and awarded him the Hussein bin Ali medal - named after Hussein's grandfather. The Plucky Little King praised Waldheim for his patriotism, integrity, wisdom and "noble human values". General Löhr, I should add - Waldheim's superior officer in Yugoslavia - was hanged as a war criminal.

In Case You Missed it

16.Jun.2007 Public Power in the Age of Empire - By Arundhati Roy
WHEN language has been butchered and bled of meaning, how do we understand "public power"? When freedom means occupation, when democracy means neoliberal capitalism, when reform means repression, when words like "empowerment" and "peacekeeping" make your blood run cold - why, then, "public power" could mean whatever you want it to mean. A biceps building machine, or a Community Power Shower. So, I'll just have to define "public power" as I go along, in my own self-serving sort of way.

16.Jun.2007 to direct your attention to this fetchingly odd tale. (It has been making the rounds of blogworld for a while now, so you may already know about it, but it came to my attention only just now.) A fellow named Tom Potter, of Ohio, claims to have found Osama Bin Laden in the United States -- and now Potter wants the $25 million reward.
How did Potter catch him? Simple. He tried the same trick I used recently (scroll down) to discover that Mohamed Atta is alive and well and living in New Jersey. Potter went to an online address search engine and typed in the name of the world's most notorious leader of a terrorist organization.
Here's where it gets really weird:

16.Jun.2007 Schmitz’s daughter, school teacher Mary Kay LeTourneau, made national headlines when it was discovered that the father of her children was a thirteen year old student.

Her brother John P. Schmitz was an Iran Contra player and Deputy Counsel for Bush the elder, a man despised by father John G. John P's brother, Joseph -- a member of the Knights of Malta and the Federalist Society -- was Haliburton's greatest enabler when the company was, misplacing Iraq reconstruction money.
16.Jun.2007 Believe it or not, there is more. The Schmitz clan has such a strange history that one hesitates to dismiss even the loopiest accusation against them.
16.Jun.2007 By the way, an interesting interview with John G. can be found here. Permalink
16.Jun.2007 Private security companies, funded by billions of dollars in U.S. military and State Department contracts, are fighting insurgents on a widening scale in Iraq, enduring daily attacks, returning fire and taking hundreds of casualties that have been underreported and sometimes concealed, according to U.S. and Iraqi officials and company representatives.

16.Jun.2007 Glenn Greenwald: A Tragic Legacy: How a Good vs. Evil Mentality Destroyed the Bush Presidency (Hardcover)
Connecticut for Lieberman Party Chairman John Orman called Tuesday for Sen. Joe Lieberman to resign, saying his advocacy of a military strike against Iran could explode into a global conflict. 6/16
National Guard units in 31 states say they only have 60% or less of their authorized equipment. 'Eighteen of those 31 states report having half or fewer of the vehicles, aircraft, radios, weapons and other items they are authorized to have for home-front uses, the 50-state review found.' It's the National Guard, not the Iraqi Guard. 6/16

16.Jun.2007 Bushevik Friday Afternoon News Dump: A fifth senior Justice Department official announced his resignation yesterday in the wake of the controversy over the firings of nine U.S. attorneys last year. Get rid of all the bit part players, while keeping the Congsigliere, Gonzales, as lawyer for the mob -- sorry, chief lawyer for the United States of America. 6/16

16.Jun.2007 Republican Presidential Candidates Betray the Rule of Law and Our National Security According to Former Undercover Intelligence -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
John Dean's Take on the Bush Administration's Dilemma Regarding a Possible Libby Pardon And How Outsiders Such as Fred Thompson Appear to Be Working on a Solution: 'Fred D. Thompson ... is either being blatantly dishonest, or he is remarkably uninformed about his efforts. Unfortunately for Thompson, neither state of mind ought to commend itself to Republicans clamoring for a conservative with stature for the GOP nomination in 2008.' 6/16

16.Jun.2007 WHOA! General "Pace says he refused to quit voluntarily" Bush Pushes Aside Generals Until He Finds Ones That Agree With Him and Then He Says It is Unpatriotic to Disagree with the Generals He has Picked Because They are "Yes" Men to Him and Cheney.

16.Jun.2007 The remains of 13 members of an Iraqi tae kwon do team kidnapped last year have been found in western Iraq, police and hospital officials said Saturday. 6/16
16.Jun.2007 The Yorkshire Ranter Yes, the same one at the heart of the police investigation into cash-for-honours.

... + Arkadi Gaydamak (yes, that's the one whose son owns Portsmouth FC ) ...
Blog - Invest in Russia » Archives Milan Mandaric, the Portsmouth chairman, was preparing to dip into his own pocket.

If, as has been suggested, Gaydamak eventually buys him out for £30 ...
euFootball.BIZ covering the professional football (soccer) business Nike + Paris Saint-Germain in fraud investigation.

Manchester United renews deal with Serious ... Gaydamak takes control of English Portsmouth ...
euFootball.BIZ covering the professional football (soccer) business

13.Sep.2006 Avanti Screenmedia buys ads with Setanta Sports () ...

24.Jul.2006 Gaydamak takes control of English Portsmouth () ... Soccer Business Archives His son Alexandre Gaydamak, is well known as the owner of Portsmouth FC, ...

Thaksin Shinawatra's single minded obsession to buy out Liverpool, ...
00.Aug.2006 Archives Looks like Moneybags Gaydamak's ownership is paying off, Chelsea style. ... more relevant: Never agree to a politician trying to buy out a football club.
20070430 As I first heard from the statistics log, the wanted arms dealer Arkadi Gaidamak's son Alexandre is trying to buy Portsmouth FC .
25.Mar.2007 Postman Patel: Alexandre Gaydamak, his son is the owner of Portsmouth Football (Soccer) ... it is the same people who decide whether the UK buy a new nuclear deterrant ... » Going to Shelbina Portsmouth Football Club boss Harry Redknapp is bid click management pay per to finally splash out some of Alexandre Gaydamak ’s cash.
FESAM Futbol Ekonomisi Stratejik Arastirma Merkezi

16.Jun.2007 Ex-congressman's friend emerges as mystery man | The San Diego ...

Vassiliosi Kotzan is suing Kontogiannis and Besser Inc., the world's largest concrete manufacturer, for money he says he deserves from their deal to build a ...
20051218 Brasilien: Wenig, aber besser als gar nichts ...

Dec.2005 It is well-known that Thomas Kontogiannis, the third Cunningham briber, has deep but (as yet) ...
20061129 ... Hurrikan Katrina: Die Geschäftswelt ist besser für Katastrophen gewappnet.

Thomas Kontogiannis, the real estate mogul who owns the building that is ...

Schwere Stürme in Bayern, Ausnahmezustand in Berlin: Wind und heftige Regengüsse haben in großen Teilen des Landes Sachschäden angerichtet.

Bei München war die A 8 wegen großer Hagelkörner teilweise nicht mehr befahrbar.
Unwetterschäden: Feuerwehr in Berlin ruft Ausnahmezustand aus
16.Jun.2007 Weltraummission: Russische Ingenieure beheben Rechnerpanne auf ISS

16.Jun.2007 Bundeswehr- Einsatz über Heiligendamm: SPD will die Tornado- Fotos von G- 8-Camps sehen
16.Jun.2007 News - Procurement chief's arrest leaves leadership void

... procurement community, such as the misuse of an information technology contract in the Abu Ghraib prison scandal in Iraq + the case of Darlene Druyun, ...
The 10 Most Brazen War Profiteers - Security Council - Global ... Heebner's case is similar to Boeing's infamous courtship of Darlene Druyun, ... by a

00.000.2004 scandal in which the company was caught lying to its investors.
corpfraud_gen2 AOL Time Warner LR; BCCI bank fraud; Bhopal, Dow; Boeing, Darlene Druyun ... Healthsouth slap on the wrist, in $2.7 Billion accounting scandal .
War Profiteers - HTML-Version
... courtship of Darlene Druyun, the Air Force acquisition officer who was ... underscored by a

00.000.2004 scandal in which the company was caught lying to its ...
AlterNet: War on Iraq: The 10 Most Brazen War Profiteers It is scandal piled upon scandal + criminality piled upon criminality while ... +

a case of explosives that were put in jail after killing Iraqi's?
Ikhwanweb, Ikhwanonline English site

Heebner's case is similar to Boeing's infamous courtship of Darlene Druyun, the Air Force ...

The Lobby, Unmasked, The AIPAC spy scandal has many tentacles ...
20070206 3 Her name was Darlene Druyun. She was the number ...

Feb.2007 The Blog | Robert Weissman: The Boeing Scandal After the Boeing . ...
20050317 Scandal "), it is still "the newspaper of historical record." ... referred for further investigation as part of the scandal surrounding Darlene Druyun . ...
00.Jan.2004 Operational Risk Management..: Boeing also fired the former Pentagon official, Darlene Druyun.

Even the multi-billion-euro scandal at Italian dairy group Parmalat may have been partly ...
00.Jan.2004 Operational Risk Management..: Boeing also fired the ... Even the multi-billion-euro scandal at Italian dairy group Parmalat may have been ...
LiberIL View - Ray LaHood ... case is similar to Boeing's infamous courtship of Darlene Druyun, ... by a 2004 scandal in which the company was caught lying to its investors.
A Controversial and/or Informative Site - Page 230 - Jazz Bulletin ...

The right wants you to believe the Plame scandal is over.

Heebner's case is similar to Boeing's infamous courtship of Darlene Druyun, the Air Force ...
<![CDATA[What You Should Be Reading in Your Morning Paper]]> Bush the power to jail pretty much anyone he wants for as long as he wants.

And suddenly, this past month, the beast has been wounded: a sex scandal in ...
05.Jan.2007 CRIMES AND CORRUPTION OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS: Last year in the Abramoff scandal, the Bush administration, in response to three ...

Boeing's case was not helped when it emerged that Darlene Druyun, ...

02.Sep.2002 -updated-HALLIBURTON, THE FILE - Skip Fox -

01.Oct.1995-16.Aug.2000 Cheney was Chairman and CEO of Halliburton.

Cheney's tenure at Halliburton was a disaster.

He made the decision for Halliburton to acquire Dresser Industries (for $8 billion dollars), thereby acquiring Dresser's asbestos liability as well.

Cheney had miscalculated the financial devastation of acquiring these claims + the massive losses were off-set on paper by fraudulent accounting procedures (see area #1), +

not fully revealed until in

00.Aug.2002 Cheney had sold his stock (see area #5).

This file contains the following sections, each section divided by double asterisked-lines (making it easy to scroll to the desired section): BACKGROUND

House of Commons - Defence - Fifth Report 46 .. 62 www.lyneham.raf.mod. uk/html/news/iraq/c ...
16.Jun.2007 Bruderkrieg: Arabische Liga fordert Rückkehr zur Einheitsregierung

16.Jun.2007 Ende der PDS: Gysi macht das Licht aus
16.Jun.2007 G- 8-Nachlese: Abrechnung mit der Polizei

16.Jun.2007 EU- Hintergrund: Das Rätsel der Quadratwurzel

16.Jun.2007 Machtübernahme in Gaza: "Hallo Condoleezza Rice, jetzt müssen Sie mit uns reden"

Apr.2003 "It has been almost 20 months since the attacks of 11.Sep.2001 . ...

00.000.1981 Newsweek, Washington Post owners acknowledge cooperation with ...
United States of America Medal of Freedom Recipient John Foster ...

28.Mar.1954 Mr. Dulles flew to Caracas, Venezuela.

Only three months after Caracas, Jacobo Arbenz ' Communist-dominated government of Guatemala, ...
Beitrag des Kognitionspsychologen im renommierten Wissenschaftsmagazin "Science".

Das lässt durchaus staunen:

"Wir fanden heraus, dass verpflichtende, steuerähnliche Transfers für einen wohltätigen Zweck neuronale Aktivität auslösen, die in Verbindung zu einem Belohnungsprozess stehen", so der Wissenschaftler.

"Sie müssen sich mal vorstellen, wie das gelaufen ist.

Die wurden quasi zur Nachlese auf die Felder geschickt, wenn zuvor die polnischen Erntehelfer schon beim Pflücken draußen waren", sagt ein Sprecher des Hauptzollamts.

So hätten die Rumänen nur wenige Erdbeeren pflücken können + das, obwohl sie täglich bis zu dreizehn Stunden arbeiten mussten.

Mehrmals gab es auf der Erdbeerplantage bereits Kontrollen durch die Polizei und das Landratsamt Donau-Ries.

Trotzdem wurden die Erntehelfer weiterhin in den überhitzten Containern untergebracht.

Warum die Behörden nicht eher aktiv wurden, ist bisher unklar.

Diffenbaugh möchte seine aktuelle Studie als Mahnung verstanden wissen.

Es gebe auf jeden Fall Chancen, das A2-Szenario zu vermeiden, "nur müssen wir dann sofort in Emissionsreduktionen investieren, um die Risiken durch stärkere Hitzewellen zu minimieren".

So könnte man die Kurve noch kriegen und auf dem moderateren B2-Pfad landen.

Der Lohn laut den Modellrechnungen wären nur halb so viele Sommertage mit bedrohlichem Thermostress im Vergleich zur A2-Welt.

Das Mittelmeer bliebe zwar auch dann ein Hot Spot der Klimaerwärmung. Aber der mediterrane Ofen würde deutlich seltener lebensgefährlich glühen.
Raumstation: Neustart der ISS- Computer gescheitert
15.Jun.2007 Klima- Projektion: Immer mehr Glutofen- Tage am Mittelmeer
15.Jun.2007 Erdbeerplantage: Bayerischer Bauer hält 118 Rumänen wie Sklaven

15.Jun.2007 Selbstloses Hirn: Menschen mögen auch Zwangsspenden
15.Jun.2007 Linkspartei: "Wir stellen die Systemfrage"
Ausbeutung: Polizei vermutet in China mehr als 1000 Sklavenarbeiter
15.Jun.2007 It's the birds AND the bees... You've heard about the bizarre things happening to the bee population. Apparently, birds are disappearing as well. Permalink
15.Jun.2007 Börse: Dax steigt kurzzeitig wieder über 8000 Punkte
15.Jun.2007 Linke Fusion: Gericht akzeptiert Verschmelzung von Ex- PDS und WASG
15.Jun.2007 Hintergrund: Die drei Säulen des deutschen Bankenmarkts
15.Jun.2007 Gaza- Streifen: Hamas verkündet Amnestie für Fatah- Gefangene
La Maddalena: G- 8-Gipfel auf Mini- Insel
15.Jun.2007 Raketenabwehrforschung International
dum of understanding (MoU) on missile defence with EADS to begin working on a ... Küchle, Hartmut (2003) “Globalisierung in der Rüstungsindustrie : Formen ...

15.Jun.2007 A-Infos (de) Fauchthunrundmail 6.6.07 ... DC eine der grössten Aktionäre beim europäischen/deutschen Rüstungskonzern EADS.

15.Jun.2007 -Heute- braucht der deutsche Imperialismus die Rüstungsindustrie für ...
Crooks and Liars Frist blames Clinton for gas prices
15.Jun.2007 Military officers now targets on Hill (AP) - 1 day ago
15.Jun.2007 John Edwards wants U.S. to back G8 on climate change - 2 days ago
15.Jun.2007 U.S. voters may face outbreak of "campaign fatigue" (Reuters) - 2 days ago
15.Jun.2007 Stanford Computer Forum - Directory - Affiliates

Kosmix Corporation · Microsoft Corporation · Mitsubishi Electric Corporation · NEC Corporation · Nihon Unisys, Ltd. Northrop Grumman Mission Systems ...
Bezugsgruppe roter Elefant | Coole Kids tragen ein Pali-Tuch
Die säkulare Fatah lieferte sich vor kurzem schwere Gefechte mit der islamistischen Hamas, auch weil die Fatah mittlerweile Israel als Staat anerkannt hat ...

15.Jun.2007 FTR#381—Al Taqwa, Chechnya + the Muslim Brotherhood—(Two 30 ...

Faisal Islamic Bank is directly involved in running accounts for bin Laden + ... Salim bin Mahfouz and the British weapons dealer Mohammed Saleh Affara, ...
UK Indymedia - Naming Names: The Bin Laden Galaxy

21.Jul.1934 born of British nationality Mohammed Salim Bin Mahfouz is the founder, with Mohammed Saleh Affara () of the International Development ...
Dhimmi Watch: Muslims in Switzerland fear "witch-hunt" Mohammed Salim bin Mahfouz + the British weapons dealer Mohammed Saleh Affara, who is of Yemeni origin.

Affara helped broker a series of weapons contracts ...
journalismus - nachrichten von heute (part of Khalid bin Mahfouz ’s Saudi Economic and Development Corporation

... Salim bin Mahfouz + the British weapons dealer Mohammed Saleh Affara who is ...
SILVER INVESTOR Additional participants were Sheikh Mohammed Aboud Al Amoudi, Ali Bin Massalam and Mohammed Salah Affara (representative of Khalid Bin Mahfouz ), ...
20070317 Mohammed Salim Bin Mahfouz is the founder, with Mohammed Saleh Affara (born 21.Jul.1934 .. has an undetermined participation in the funds of the Carlyle ...
Les ramifications financières de la nébuleuse islamiste

Il s'agit d'un proche de Ali Bin Mussalam 61 Mohammed Saleh Affara a notamment ...

La présence économique des Bin Mahfouz s'est établie à partir de trois ...
Observatoire de l'action humanitaire ... en l'occurrence à Oxford, sise à l'adresse de l'IDF (International Development Foundation) de Mohammed Salem Bin Mahfouz et Mohammed Saleh Affara, ...


"Ich kann ganze Kraftwerke abschalten, wenn ich die Kälteerzeugung auf die Nacht verschiebe", sagt Stadtwerker Uhlig.

Interessenten an dem Chemnitzer Pilotprojekt kommen nach seinen Worten aus aller Welt, das ölreiche Dubai eingeschlossen.

Forschungspartner Urbaneck ergänzt: "Man braucht entweder große Netze oder Speicher, um erneuerbare Energien zu nutzen. Das ist eine Schlüsseltechnologie."

Er sieht eine breite Anwendbarkeit auch jenseits der zentralen Kälteversorgung:

"Auch für den Mittelständler kann es interessant sein, seine Klimaanlage nicht mehr mit Strom zu Spitzenlastzeiten zu betreiben."© Technology Review,Heise Zeitschriften Verlag, Hannover

Der Gouverneur des Bundesstaates New York, Eliot Spitzer, erklärte, JP Morgan habe einen Pachtvertrag über 92 Jahre für 290 Millionen Dollar unterzeichnet.

Zudem würden zehn Millionen Dollar an die World-Trade-Center-Stiftung und eine Kirche vor Ort gehen.

Das globale Hauptquartier der Bank soll aber an der Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan verbleiben.

00.000.1799 -bis ins Jahr-zurück-reichen JP Morgans Wurzeln in Manhattan.

Die rein deutsche Satellitenmission soll sowohl wissenschaftlich wie auch industriell genutzt werden. Andere - sprich militärische - Beobachtungszwecke schließt das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) aus. Eine neue Radartechnik ermöglicht gestochen scharfe Bilder, unabhängig von der Bewölkung oder der Sonnenintensität. Mit dem Superauge im Weltall können so neue Erkenntnisse über die Vegetation auf der Erde, über die Fischbestände in den Ozeanen oder auch über den Zustand von Eisbergen gewonnen werden. Auch die genaue Erfassung von Straßen, Städten und Infrastrukturen ist mit dem hochauflösenden Radarauge möglich.

Einer Weltraumlupe gleich kann "TerraSAR-X" dermaßen hochauflösende Fotos schießen, dass man noch Strukturen von nur einem Meter Kantenlänge darauf erkennen kann. Die Daten sollen auch an die Industrie vermarktet werden. Denn Unternehmen wollen wissen, wie Oberflächenstrukturen oder Bodenbeschaffenheiten genau aussehen, wenn sie vorhaben, Flächen beispielsweise landwirtschaftlich oder gewerblich zu nutzen.
Die Biologin Susan Dudley von der McMaster University im kanadischen Hamilton hat dieses Verhalten mit Meersenf-Pflanzen studiert und nun im
Fachmagazin Biology Letters der Royal Society veröffentlicht: Nicht nur, dass die Triebe im Dunkeln so etwas wie Sinnesorgane darstellen. Dudleys Experimenten zufolge unterstützen sich Pflanzen-Familienclans untereinander. Wächst in der Nähe ein Artverwandter, dann bilden beide Pflanzen ihre Wurzeln weniger stark aus, um sich nicht gegenseitig zu schwächen.
Je weniger Energie für den Konkurrenzkampf verbraucht werde, umso höher sei das Überlebenspotential.
15.Jun.2007 JP Morgan: Großbank baut für zwei Milliarden Dollar auf Ground Zero

15.Jun.2007 Satelliten- Mission: Deutsches Radarauge im All
15.Jun.2007 Nürnberg: Randalierende Passagiere verhindern Ferienflieger- Start
15.Jun.2007 Wurzeln mit Sinn: Pflanzen teilen nur mit Verwandten
Berliner Landesbank: Sparkassenverband kauft LBB für 4,6 Milliarden Euro
15.Jun.2007 Deutsche Exporte: Russischer Markt wächst am schnellsten

15.Jun.2007 Deutschlandtrend: SPD rutscht unter 30 %
15.Jun.2007 The "Official" Operative Clique For The Next 9/11? - CHAIM ... And what about the anthrax thread?

In recent months, a writer by the name of Ross Getman has been posting accounts that read like excerpts from a future ...
Cinnamon Stillwell: Of Anthrax and Al-Qaeda

Ross Getman, who is described in his bio as "a New York-based lawyer who maintains a Web site devoted to the 2001 anthrax attacks, ...
Did Al Qaeda Send the Anthrax Letters?

Ross Getman's "Al Qaeda, anthrax and Ayman". Review: Ross Getman appears to be the preeminent "Qaeda-did-it" True Believer on the Net. ...
15.Jun.2007 Non Aviation Discussions Search Page Al Qaeda And Anthrax : A Match?

The author of this website is an upstate NY attorney named Ross Getman ,with whom I have corresponded a fair amount over the ...
Vance's Anthrax Links Prominent attorney Ross Getman researched the facts surrounding the biological terror attacks using anthrax shortly after 9/11, and has published his ...

15.Jun.2007 Results 1 - 10 of about 186.000 English pages for advanced social psychology by milgram .
Advanced Social Psychology; SOP 6069 Advanced Social Psychology (SOP 6069).

00.000.2002 -Spring- . Instructor: Dr. Stephen J. Vodanovich. Office: Building 41, Room 22. Phone: 474-2944.
Psychology 560: Advanced Social Psychology Spring 2007 - View as HTML
00.000.1963 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60, 398-413. Milgram, S. (). Behavioral study of obedience. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67, ...
Psychology 2500: Social Psychology - View as HTML
00.000.1968 -In A. Tesser (Ed.), Advanced social psychology (pp. 283-331). New York: ... Milgram, S., & Toch, H. (). Collective behavior: Crowds and social ...
Psychology 517 Advanced Social Psychology . Tuesday/Thursday 09:45-11:00 213 Armsby ...

Some thoughts on ethics of research: After reading Milgram's "behavioral study of ...
Advanced Social Psychology PY600G Fall 2004 Tues: 11:00-1:50 - View as HTML
00.000.2004 -Fall- Advanced Social Psychology . PY600G. Tues: 11:00-1:50 ... to authority: The legacy of the Milgram experiments. Journal of Social Issues, ...
Advanced Social Psychology PY600G Spring 2004 Tues: 10:00-12:50 - View as HTML
Advanced Social Psychology . PY600G. Spring 2004 Tues: 10:00-12:50 ... authority: The legacy of the Milgram experiments. Journal of Social Issues, ...
Psychology 847 – Advanced Social Psychology (Core Course) Dr. Andy ... - View as HTML
00.000.1963 Opinions and social pressure. Scientific American, 193, 31-35. Milgram, S. (. ... In A. Tesser (Ed.), Advanced social psychology (pp. 419-465).
Social and Cultural Current Research in Social Psychology : Site has online articles about current ... of Stanley Milgram and an overview of Milgram's theory of obedience.
Social Cognition Syllabus Advanced Social Psychology is a core course in the graduate program and, ... Stanley Milgram 5. "From Jerusalem to Jericho": A Study of Situational and ...

Genius of Insanity: This kind of distortion by Tony Snow and the Bushies is the typically nasty,

... 91 Iraqi ' s killed as Iraq "Stays the Course." By STEVEN R. HURST ...

600000 Iraqis Killed By War, Credible? - Early Warning

BS_ing Rove, Tony Snow, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Negroponte, Goss, Chertoff, Jeb, ... should have just stood buy and just watched Iraqi ' s get killed by Sadam, ...

EMM News Explorer: Defense Ministry

11.Oct.2006 Study: War blamed for 655000 Iraqi deaths

30.Apr.2007 Four U. S . soldiers killed in Baghdad attacks. cnn

Tony Snow, the White House spokesman, said the president was not trying to say ... claim in the Lancet that 655000 could have died there since that year.

Elections Blog - The Stump

655000 Iraqi civilians are dead. Who are the terrorists? ... White House spokesman Tony Snow on Tuesday called the approach "just bad management.


Nevertheless, during the White House press conference today, Tony Snow repeatedly ... Nov.2006 665000 Iraqi ' s Killed Since U. S Invasion: Lancet Report ...

the s.n.a.f.u. principle: March 2007:: proudly afflicted with ...

How many Iraqi ' s have died because of the the US war in Iraq?

It was written by Tony Snow, who is now Bush’ s press secretary.

Allen L Roland's Radio Weblog


The Iraqi ' s know full well the impossibility of holding free ...

00.Oct.2006 BlondeSense: God forgive us 655000 Iraqi ' s Are Dead

... Yesterday on, Tony Perkins, President of the conservative Family Research Council, blamed the Foley ...

An Average American Patriot

Iraqi ' s are killing each other as we know, but Bush knew they would and ignored ...

Tony Snow said Bush would like to see a U. S . role in Iraq ultimately ...

Feb.2005 Nasa-Etat : "Hubble"-Absturz beschlossene Sache ...

Feb.2005 US-Haushalt 2006: Nur das Militär kriegt mehr.

07.Feb.2005 Terraforming: Treibhausgas ...
Europa Datenbank 450mio Fingerabdrücke,Iris Scans, Lebensläufe ...

Wer die Identifikationskarte beschädige, müsse ferner mit Haftstrafen bis ...

Mag sein dass es damit zusammenhängt aber der Krieg hatte ander Hintergründe.
20051104 Hugo Stinnes, der im

00.Jan.1919 dafür sorgte, dass die AL große Summen aus der ... Sie hatte sich vor 50 Jahren geweigert, ihren Sitzplatz im Bus einem ...
Almanacco dei misteri d'Italia - intervista del gen. Gianadelio

Maletti, classe 1921, generale di divisione, cittadino sudafricano dal 1980, assistito dall'avvocato Michele Gentiloni, è disposto a rivelare ciò ...
Arrestati il generale Gianadelio Maletti e Antonio La Bruna ...

Nel corso dell'istruttoria del processo di Catanzaro sulla strage di Piazza Fontana, vegono arrestati il generale Gianadelio Maletti, ex capo dell'ufficio D ...
Personaggi - Gianadelio Maletti - Tesi di laurea correlate

Gianadelio Maletti . Vedi anche:. Franco Freda; Guido Giannettini; Antonio La Bruna ... Arrestati il generale Gianadelio Maletti e Antonio La Bruna ...
Gianadelio Maletti MALETTI GIANADELIO . Italy 1970-2001 South Africa 1981-2001 ...

MALETTI GIANADELIO . Click on a name for a new proximity search: ANGLETON JAMES JESUS ...
Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore Il generale Gianadelio Maletti e il capitano Antonio La Bruna sono stati condannati per favoreggiamento. Guido Giannettini è stato assolto.
Loredan, Gianadelio Maletti, Antonio Labruna, Guido. Giannettini, Gaetano Tanzilli,. Stefano Serpieri, Stefano Delle. Chiaie, Udo Lemke, Pietro ... NESSUN ... Gianadelio Maletti e di Amos Spiazzi. -

01.Dec.2004 - la Corte d'Assise d'appello di Milano assolve Carlo Maria Maggi e Francesco Neami, ...
Piazza Fontana dalla A alla Z - Il cassetto

00.000.1971-00.000.1975 MALETTI, GIANADELIO Responsabile dell'Ufficio D del SID.

Accusato di favoreggiamento per la fuga di Giannettini e per la tentata evasione ...
GIANADELIO MALETTI maletti gianadelio .

... gianadelio maletti . Geometra. cossato (bi) italia. Fondazione studio: 2006. Attività 010 - PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA ...
"Lettera a Maletti 18 anni dopo la condanna “Generale, la ...

L’ex capo del Reparto D del Sid (l’ex controspionaggio militare italiano), il generale Gianadelio Maletti, adesso ha ottantacinque anni: si è rifugiato in ...
cicciobandini Il generale Gianadelio Maletti vive in Sud Africa, è pensionato, coltiva rose.

Guido Giannettini è sparito dalla circolazione.
Aldo Pietro Ferrari

00.Jun.1971 A partire dal giugno venne guidato da Gianadelio Maletti, proveniente dall’accademia di Modena, fu quello che guidò la “crociera” in Grecia per ...
[] Gladio, une structure terroriste en Europe

00.Mar.2001 -Dans une interview- dans le journal britannique The Guardian,

00.000.1971-00.000.1975 le général Gianadelio Maletti, chef du contre-espionnage italien de, ...
Breve storia dei servizi segreti italiani

Gianadelio Maletti . Gli anni della gestione Miceli sono gli anni dello stragismo in Italia: da Peteano, alla strage alla Questura di Milano, ...
Terrorismo è un termine propagandistico che ci è utile per ... - Versione HTML
... fu ucciso dalla mafia su un preciso ordine di Valerio Borghese e dei generali Vito Miceli (l’allora capo del Sid) e Gianadelio Maletti 102. ...

15.Jun.2007 aut-op-sy message, AUT: Ex-Spy Alleges CIA Endorsed Italy Bombings ...

but it is true that they knew the targets + culprits," General Gianadelio Maletti told la Repubblica newspaper in an interview from Johannesburg, ...
Rainbow.Online.News - Italiens Rechtsextreme planen Treffen in Triest

Für Aufruhr sorgten kürzlich die Aussagen eines Ex-Mitarbeiters des italienischen Militärgeheimdienstes, Gianadelio Maletti .
SvelareCiòCheIMediaNascondono ... ministro della difesa all’epoca, il quale avuta notizia dal generale Gianadelio Maletti del servizio segreto (Sid) di una attività golpista di Valerio ...

15.Jun.2007 La piste terroriste

L’assertion a été faite par le général Gianadelio Maletti, l’ancien chef du service de contre-espionnage militaire, au procès la semaine passée contre les ...
What 'War Against Terrorism'? 1970 s, Guardian,

26.Mar.2001 General Gianadelio Maletti, a former head of military counter-intelligence in Italy claims in a court of law that the CIA ...
Für: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik Heft 7/2004 - Versione HTML
Der heute 82jährige Ex-Vize des militärischen Geheimdienstes, Gianadelio Maletti, ist zu insgesamt 31 Jahren Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt worden.


00.000.1971-00.000.1975 GENERAL GIANADELIO MALETTI, head of Italian counter-intelligence

"The USA Americans had gone beyond the infiltration + monitoring of ...
Fall Litwinenko: Russischer Geheimdienst ermittelt gegen Geschäftsmann
Mord vor 43 Jahren: Ku- Klux- Klan- Mitglied schuldig gesprochen

15.Jun.2007 Konjunktur: Ökonomen uneinig über Wachstum in Deutschland

15.Jun.2007 Einigung: Senat will Bushs Einwanderungsgesetz retten
14.Jun.2007 Bruderkrieg der Palästinenser: Abbas löst Regierung auf, ruft Notstand aus
Ermittlungen wegen Vorteilsannahme: Staatssekretär weist Vorwürfe zurück
Hamas- Sieg im Gaza- Streifen: Palästina zerfällt in zwei Teile
Peinliche Panne: Justizbeamte lassen Mordverdächtigen gehen
Neue Vorwürfe in Sachsen- Anhalt: Afrikaner von Rechtsextremen bedroht - Polizisten sollen Anzeige verweigert haben

14.Jun.2007 Neue Vorschrift: EU verschärft Bargeld- Obergrenze für Reisende
Horror in Chinas Ziegeleien: Hunderte Arbeitssklaven befreit - darunter 29 Kinder
14.Jun.2007 Ancient Rome Is Rebuilt Digitally 

Computer experts on Monday unveiled a digital reproduction of ancient Rome as it appeared at the peak of its power in A.D.

_0320 what they called the largest and most complete simulation of a historic city ever created. posted by Prof. Hex
14.Jun.2007 Huge bird dino unearthed in China  While some have theorised that meat-eating dinosaurs got smaller as they evolved to be more bird-like, this beast weighed about 1,400kg (3,080lbs).posted by Prof. Hex
14.Jun.2007 War criminal : Powell urges US to close Guantanamo : He said the detention facility for foreign terror suspects posed a "major problem" for the country's international image.

14.Jun.2007 Housing Foreclosures Jumped 90% in May From Year Ago: U.S. home foreclosures in May jumped 90% from a year earlier, reflecting a poor spring housing market and foreshadowing even higher levels later in 2007, real estate data firm RealtyTrac said on Tuesday.
14.Jun.2007 Blair attacks media: Journalists are ‘increasingly and to a dangerous degree ... driven by ‘impact’,’ and this is driving down standards, doing a disservice to the public and reducing politicians’ ability to take the right decisions, Blair said.

14.Jun.2007 Blair backs new online journalism regulator: Tony Blair hinted today at new restrictions on internet journalism, saying online news coverage had become "more pernicious and less balanced" than traditional political reporting

14.Jun.2007 The media has been far too soft on Blair the egomaniac warmonger: We have behaved inexcusably these ten years of beatific Blairism
14.Jun.2007 Top Bush Adviser Says Rice’s Push For Mideast Peace Is ‘Just Process’: As Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice presses Israelis and Palestinians to meet a new set of policy benchmarks, the White House is reassuring Jewish groups and conservatives that the president has no plans to pressure Jerusalem.
14.Jun.2007 Manufacturing Consent For War With Iran:: U.S. official says Iran violating U.N. rules by sending weapons to Afghanistan's Taliban: A senior U.S. diplomat, lobbying world powers for tougher sanctions against Iran, accused Tehran on Wednesday of violating international law by arming its once-bitter foe — Afghanistan's Taliban — and of trying to destabilize the Middle East.

14.Jun.2007 Gates links Tehran to arms entering Afghanista: Iranian weapons are entering Afghanistan on such a scale that it is hard to believe Iran's government is not aware of the movement, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Wednesday.

14.Jun.2007 Presstitute and war pimp alert: Fightin’ words Iran must hear: End border raids or bombs away: Can you believe that Joe Lieberman? Iran has gone to war with us, sending troops across its border with Iraq to kill perhaps as many as 200 of our soldiers + Lieberman wants to stop them

14.Jun.2007 Clark slams Lieberman on Iran : Retired Gen. Wesley Clark has slammed Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., for threatening military force against Iran.

14.Jun.2007 U.S. Brings Bombers To Base In Bulgaria: The US brought B-2 Stealth bombers to the military bases in Bulgaria, getting ready for an eventual attack on Iran, Sunday Herald reported.
14.Jun.2007 Broken Lives and Broken Hearts: With the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq in its fifth year, one leading study estimates that more than 655,000 Iraqis have been killed -- with no end to the violence yet in sight. Left behind are loved ones who continue to mourn their loss, as well as what might have been.

14.Jun.2007 Mike Ferner: Collateral genocide: Of course our government didn’t intend to commit genocide, it just sort of happened. The Iraqis kept getting in the way while we were trying to complete the mission. Mistakes were made as we were building democracy, but surely no genocide was intended
14.Jun.2007 The Siege of Baghdad - By Glenn David Cox
A new and perhaps last chapter has begun, new in the names and places but as old as war itself. The military is well aware of the coming checkmate and are fired for their candor in saying so only the media and the madman soldier on. Fighting on not to achieve victory or even to forestall defeat but to sacrifice the blood of innocents on all sides but to preserve protect and defend the fragile ego of the leader.

14.Jun.2007 High on Hate? - By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich & Nader Bagherzadeh
Left without a pretext for a military assault on Iran, the Bush administration finds itself in a position where it needs to prepare the world opinion for mass genocide with a compelling reason. With its control over the media, it is accomplishing this by denouncing Iran as the killer of American troops while causing civil unrest in Iraq.

14.Jun.2007 Responsibility - By Sgt. Kevin Benderman
I was trained and trained well to sacrifice myself to war and I was also training others to make the same sacrifice. But what is it all for? Money for the power elite? A chance to prove my manhood? No, in the end all you get if you kill someone is a dead human being, or you are dead. That is all there is. There is no glory. There is no honor.

14.Jun.2007 Troop Support - Deceptions and Insipid Sentiments - By Brian Cloughley
There is little wonder that the military in Iraq and Afghanistan disguise facts, manipulate the truth + tell downright lies. They have the example of the rancid Bush Administration, none of whose members have ever heard a shot fired in anger, yet have the light of battle in their steely eyes.

14.Jun.2007 How the Neocons Misread Machiavelli- By Firmin DeBrabander
While the Neo-Cons now assert that we must stubbornly remain in Iraq for many, many years to come, Machiavelli would most certainly call the troops home. For, this faltering campaign--coupled with the growing disaster in Afghanistan--offends his principles gravely.

14.Jun.2007 For Democracy, We Must Consider Impeachment -By Midge Miller
The United States democracy is in a struggle for its life. A growing number of writers, generals and other opinion leaders are speaking up to inform and encourage an inattentive public to understand and to make a stand to protect our nation from enemies within and without.

14.Jun.2007 Of Crazies, Neocons and the Enemy Within - By Manuel Valenzuela
If the media will not expose them, then we will. If the state will not prosecute them, then we should. If their peers will not shame them, then we most definitely will. Karma and justice should follow these crazies and criminals wherever they go, wherever they appear. If America no longer suits them thanks to our actions, then they are welcome to move elsewhere. We do not want them in our nation anymore. They are not welcome, for they have brought nothing but war, death, destruction, fear, terror, decadence and manipulations.

14.Jun.2007 Secret UN report condemns US for Middle East failures - By Rory McCarthy in Jerusalem and Ian Williams in New York
Envoy's damning verdict revealed as violence takes Gaza closer to civil war.

14.Jun.2007 The Cry Of The Invisible - In Latin America, populist movements are rising up against western intervention. - By John Pilger
It is the story of the people I first saw 40 years ago; but they are no longer invisible; they are a mighty political movement, reclaiming noble concepts distorted by corporatism and they are defending the most basic human rights in a war being waged against all of us.

14.Jun.2007 The Truth Comes Out About Offshoring -By Paul Craig Roberts
06.Jan.2004 Senator Charles Schumer (D, NY) and I scandalized the economics profession and Washington policymakers with our New York Times article, “Second Thoughts on Free Trade.” We noted that the two conditions on which the case for free trade rests no longer exist in the present-day world and that there was no basis for the assumption that offshoring of US jobs was beneficial overall to Americans.

14.Jun.2007 Bush is Unforgivably Incompetent, but the Democrats Now Own a Piece of This Fiasco: "Violence in Iraq, as measured by casualties among troops and civilians, has edged higher despite the U.S.-led security push in Baghdad, the Pentagon told Congress on Wednesday." Unforgivable Betrayal and Death Warrant on Our Troops by the White House and Congress.
Gore-Obama 2008 Bumper Sticker at a Special Price.
Bush is Unforgivably Incompetent, but the Democrats Now Own a Piece of This Fiasco: "Violence in Iraq, as measured by casualties among troops and civilians, has edged higher despite the U.S.-led security push in Baghdad, the Pentagon told Congress on Wednesday." Unforgivable Betrayal and Death Warrant on Our Troops by the White House and Congress.
The dying continues in Iraq while at home we bury our heads in the sand

14.Jun.2007 Dear Winston: the impeach Libby edition -- from the author of the Last Chance Democracy Cafe
In recent years, the Bush administration has recast the federal government?s role in civil rights by aggressively pursuing religion-oriented cases while significantly diminishing its involvement in the traditional area of race. 6/14

14.Jun.2007 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
Traveling Wilburys (2 CD/1 DVD): Just Re-Released in Vintage Set on June 12

14.Jun.2007 What Impact Will the Proposed New Law Regarding Screening Gun Purchasers Have on Gun Violence? Don?t blink. It may be on President Bush?s desk before you can say AK-47. After all, the NRA is pushing the law. They are very good at being pushers, very good indeed. 6/14

14.Jun.2007 The Gonzales Vote and Vulnerable Republican Senators in 2008
14.Jun.2007 The problem is that this kind of simplified explanation to a really complex issue will be easily believed by the gullible American public who usualy learn where a country is located after they started bombing it... # posted by Hyperman
14.Jun.2007 These bastards are obviously capable of telling any lie. Capable, too, of planting and doctoring evidence. Permalink
14.Jun.2007 Blair concedes it.
This ABC story claims that the Iran-Taliban connection is an established fact.

Richard Clarke, no less, is quoted as saying that ""It is inconceivable that it is anyone other than the Iranian government that's doing it."
14.Jun.2007 Are they kidding? The Bush administration now maintains that Iran is arming the Taliban.

This, despite the fact that Iran and the Taliban are old enemies.

This, despite the fact that Shi'ite Iran supported the effort to oust the radically Sunni Taliban.

U.S. Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns made this accusation without qualification even though Defense Secretary Robert Gates said something quite different recently:
Defense Secretary Robert Gates voiced concern on Monday about a flow of Iranian arms to Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan but said he had no information linking Tehran to the supply of weapons.

The claims appear to have received a trial run in the U.K.:
Tony Blair yesterday accused Iran of arming Taliban fighters in Afghanistan in order to stir "chaos" and inflict more casualties on Western troops.
The Prime Minister's allegation follows the disclosure in The Daily Telegraph that British intelligence believes that Iran has given the Taliban surface-to-air missiles.

We all recall the role played by British intelligence in the spread of the "yellowcake" fabrication. To put Blair's pronouncement into proper perspective, you must savor the very next paragraph:
In an article in The Economist,

Mr Blair also conceded that al-Qa'eda had successfully manipulated public opinion of those in the West into believing that their own governments were responsible for provoking the terrorist threat. Riiiiight.

Al Qaeda.

Osama's lads apparently have all sorts of pull with the Western media.

Hell, they practically run NBC. Western cynicism has nothing to do with anything Tony and George and Dickie have actually done, such as telling lies about WMDs to start a war.

Oh no. Our current season of discontent is all an Al Qaeda plot.
Tony Blair is even more delusional than Bush is.
Look at how the Telegraph words this inane claim: "Mr Blair also conceded

14.Jun.2007 Interestingly, now that ACVR has gone bye-bye, its domain name was bought by a do-gooder lawyer who makes sure that anyone who tries to go there ends up here. Clever work! Permalink

Berlin - Die Bundesanwaltschaft habe es im Februar 2005 aus politischen Gründen abgelehnt, gegen den früheren US-Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld zu ermitteln, kritisiert Leandro Despouy, Uno-Sonderberichterstatter für die Unabhängigkeit von Richtern und Staatsanwälten. AFP

Rumsfeld: Wird doch noch gegen ihn ermittelt?

Despouys Kritik bezieht sich auf eine Strafanzeige gegen Rumsfeld und 13 weitere hochrangige Persönlichkeiten aus Politik und Militär, die ein deutscher Anwalt bei den Ermittlern in Karlsruhe eingereicht hatte.

Der Vorwurf: Die Führungselite der USA habe in den Gefangenenlagern von Guantanamo und Abu Ghureib gegen Völkerrecht und Uno-Folterkonvention verstoßen.

Despouy beklagte nun in seiner Rede zur Eröffnung der 5. Sitzung des Menschenrechtsrates, dass sich die mutmaßlichen Straftäter bis heute keiner Ermittlungsbehörde hätten stellen müssen.

00.Jul.2006 -Schon- hatte Despouy die Deutschen mit seinen Vorwürfen konfrontiert. Die Bundesregierung wies die Anschuldigungen jedoch als unbegründet zurück.

Für den Berliner Anwalt Wolfgang Kaleck sind die Vorwürfe Despouys Anlass genug, die Bundesanwaltschaft erneut aufzufordern, gegen Rumsfeld zu ermitteln.
ISS- Bordcomputer: Dreifacher Absturz im All

14.Jun.2007 Klage gegen Rumsfeld: Uno- Berichterstatter kritisiert Bundesanwaltschaft

14.Jun.2007 Drogen im Domsafe: Kirche feuert verhafteten Küster
14.Jun.2007 Mecklenburg- Vorpommern: CDU- Mitglieder demonstrieren mit der NPD

Feb.2006 Deutsche Bank unter Beschuss: Wer hat Zhang verpfiffen ?

01.Feb.2006 Arabische Presseschau: "Wasser auf die Mühlen des Extremismus" ...
Worse, part of Dub-a-Ya's money comes from grandfather Prescott Bush's ...

27.Jan.2007 Backpfeifen für Schüler: Japans Regierung plant " Prügelstrafe light" ...
20070206 A new international climate report reveals that “there can be no question that the increase in greenhouse gases are dominated by human activities.” White ...
14.Jun.2007 BBC NEWS | Business | JP Morgan admits US slavery links Middle East . South Asia. UK. Business. Market Data. Economy. Companies. Health. Science/Nature ...

00.000.2004 Bank One merged with JP Morgan Chase & Co. ...
Search results for Morgan ... vice-president of JP Morgan Chase Bank for EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa)

... of JP Morgan Chase Bank for EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa) ...
Dubai Islamic Bank wins JP Morgan Chase Quality Award | Dubai Islamic .. in all its aspects, today received the JP Morgan Chase Quality Award for Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe and Africa, JP Morgan Chase Bank, at ...
14.Jun.2007 ... die dem Naziregime als Tarnfirmen dienten: der Holland-Amerika ...

00.000.1942 -noch- über die Schweiz Benzin an die Nazis, arbeitete mit den IG Farben zusammen, ...
Chemische Kampfstoffe
Chemiker bei den IG Farben, den. Auftrag, ein wirksames Insektizid zu. entwickeln. ... Tarnfirmen bzw. –personen.

Als Beispiel sei hier die in den ...;2-B
Workshop de 3 cycle consacré aux rapports de la Commission ... - HTML-Version
Die schweizerische Holding der IG Farben + ihre Metamorphosen. ... Tarnfirmen + Transaktionen dienten dazu, deutsche oder in besetzten Ländern ...
Interview mit dem Historiker Janis Schmelzer, Autor des Buches ... - HTML-Version
konkret nachzuweisen? Schmelzer. Bei den Recherchen zu meinem Forschungsthema «Das internationale Tarnungsnetz der IG Farben / Drehscheibe Schweiz» stieß ich ...
20051104 ... fungierte als Bindeglied zwischen den Tarnfirmen und den einschlägigen ... die deutschen multinationalen Firmen - i.e. IG Farben, AEG, DAPAG usw.
Má > heimilis- og launa-störf Rose sitzt seit Juli 1995 in Untersuchungshaft; er soll über Tarnfirmen + ...

12.Jan.2004 3:26 ... Neineinei, ekki orð um IG Farben . Kannski Degussa. me2.
Gedenken an Hiroshima und Nagasaki - und im Libanon tobt der Krieg! - HTML-Version
00.000.1926 -noch- stellte IG Farben 1,8 Tonnen Heroin her. Später stellte die gleiche ... sich direkt oder indirekt über Tarnfirmen ...
La place financière et les banques suisses à l’époque du national ... - HTML-Version
Dagegen gewährten sie deutschen Grossunternehmen wie der IG Farben Kredite in der Hoffnung, diese letzteren als Kunden für die Nachkriegszeit zu behalten.
Die Bikersbude | Druckvorschau: Das Kalenderblatt | Seite 18

00.000.1935 Auf der Internationalen Automobilausstellung in Berlin stellt die IG Farben AG unter dem Namen Buna den ersten Autoreifen aus synthetischem Kautschuk vor.
Weblog - Don´t trust mainstream media

00.000.1935 Die IG-Farben war eines der mächtigsten Monopole der Welt, das bereits damals global ...

In Frankfurt entstand dann das Bürogebäude der IG-Farben, ...
Angelehnt an das berühmte Experiment des russischen Wissenschaftlers Ivan Pawlow, der Hunde darauf konditionierte, beim Erklingen einer Glocke Speichel zu produzieren, haben Wissenschaftler jetzt das Verhalten von Küchenschaben ebenfalls manipuliert. Ihre Ergebnisse veröffentlichten die Forscher um Makoto Mizunami von der Tohoku University's Graduate School of Life Science im
Online- Fachmagazin Library of Science.

Im Experiment wurden die Kakerlaken mit Vanille- oder Pfefferminzduft besprüht, beide Düfte mögen die Insekten nicht. Die Düfte wurden dann mit der Gabe von Zuckeressenzen gepaart.

Auf den Zucker reagieren die Tiere positiv, sie sondern viel Speichel ab. Das taten die Tiere ebenfalls, als die Zuckeressenzen zusammen mit dem unliebsamen Duft verabreicht wurden.
Bruderkrieg in Gaza: Fatah und Hamas werden noch heute über Waffenruhe verhandeln

14.Jun.2007 CO2- Ausstoß: China sagt Klimaanlagen den Kampf an
14.Jun.2007 Boykottaufruf gegen AI: Grünen- Chefin Roth attackiert Vatikan
14.Jun.2007 Insekten- Verhalten: Kakerlaken sabbern auf Kommando

14.Jun.2007 Informantenschutz: Journalisten formulieren "Hambacher Appell"
14.Jun.2007 Rosige Konjunktur: Deutsche Wirtschaft wächst wie im Boomjahr 2000

"Der Müll ist gar kein Müll, sondern wirklich aktiv", sagte der britische Genforscher Ewan Birney.

Das mag eine Erleichterung für Zeitgenossen sein, die es nie verwinden konnten, dass ein Großteil des menschlichen Erbguts als "Junk-DNA" bezeichnet wurden - als DNA-Müll.

Doch auch diese Bereiche tragen zur sogenannten Transkription bei, dem Prozess, bei dem beispielsweise Proteine nach Vorlagen aus dem Erbgut zusammengebaut werden.

Insgesamt ist die DNA des Menschen wohl weitaus komplizierter, als man bisher angenommen hat.

Diese auf den ersten Blick vielleicht trivial anmutende Erkenntnis präsentieren Genetiker gleichzeitig im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature" und in nicht weniger als 28 Beitragen für das Fachmagazin "Genome Research".

Sehr viel geschehe etwa in den sogenannten regulatorischen Regionen außerhalb der eigentlichen Gene, sagte Francis Collins, Leiter des National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI).

"Es ist alles weit komplizierter, als man sich das vor einem bis zwei Jahren vorgestellt hat", sagte der Bioinformatiker Peter Stadler vom Fraunhofer-Institut für Zelltherapie und Immunologie in Leipzig.
Komplizierter Mensch: Schatzfund im Erbgut- Müll
14.Jun.2007 Abtreibungsdebatte: Vatikan ruft zum Boykott von Amnesty International auf

Nov.2006 Kunst- Restitution: Getty- Museum verprellt Italien

23.Nov.2006 Mittelalter- Hightech: Geheimnis der Alchemie- Tiegel aus Hessen gelüftet ... 1123.html

May 2006 Artensterben: 530 neue Todeskandidaten auf Roter Liste

02.May 2006 Italien : Berlusconi offiziell zurückgetreten

02.May 2006 Frankreich: Watergate ... 0503.html
14.Jun.2007 - Neues von der Finanzblase von Christopher Wood, der bekannte Stratege von CLSA, befürchtet, daß sich die Schieflage am amerikanischen Hypothekenmarkt zu einer großen Krise ausweiten ...
14.Jun.2007 Project for a new American Century - the Mein Kampf for the “Fourth Reich” ... - Exposing the Project for the New American Century ... the original Cheney plan in a published report, " Strengthening America's Defenses .

Sep.2000 by the Project for the New American Century, a group of conservative interventionists outraged by the thought that the United States might be ...
Bush Cuts Rights To 'Habeas Corpus' - 12 Million People In US Affected ... Cheney plan in a published report, ' Strengthening America's Defenses . ... The End What Did 'Mein Kampf' And 'The Project For The New American Century ' ...
14.Jun.2007 Washington Doesn't Understand That America Is Unwelcome in Iraq ... Project for a New American Century (PNAC) ... PNAC updated the original Cheney plan in a published report,

"Strengthening America's Defenses .
Heute in den Feuilletons: Blair, Labours "größter Lügner"

14.Jun.2007 Hohe Energiepreise: Koch droht Stromkonzernen mit Zerschlagung

14.Jun.2007 EU: Die Probleme im Verfassungsprozess

14.Jun.2007 Tragischer Tod: Obdachlosenpaar in Müllpresse erdrückt
14.Jun.2007 Super- Wachstum: Chinas Industrieproduktion läuft heiß
14.Jun.2007 Uno: Sicherheitsrat verlängert Mandat für Irak- Einsatz
14.Jun.2007 US- Umfrage: Zustimmung für Bush unter 30 %

14.Jun.2007 Fatah in Bedrängnis: "Chan Junis ist am Ende, aber wir halten noch Rafah"

14.Jun.2007 Weltfrauengipfel: "Jammern hilft uns auch nicht weiter"

14.Jun.2007 Bruderkrieg in Gaza: Uno erwägt Entsendung von Friedenstruppe
14.Jun.2007 Vietnam- Krieg: Todesregen, Prozessflut und ein Tropfen Hoffnung (Panorama)
14.Jun.2007 Exposing the Source: The Case Against General Electric On

24.Jan.1997 GE was identified as the world's biggest company, ... name on the list of landmine component producers is General Electric—the U.S.
EXPOSING THE SOURCE Historically, the USA has been one of the world's biggest producers and exporters of antipersonnel landmines. The U.S. has produced tens of ...

13.Jun.2007 Dynastien: Bankier Guy de Rothschild ist tot
13.Jun.2007 Katastrophe: Erdeben vor der Küste Guatemals

13.Jun.2007 US- Waffengesetz: Jeder, nur Psychopathen nicht
13.Jun.2007 Palästinenser: Bruderkrieg in Gaza - Polizisten fliehen nach Ägypten

Der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) forderte einen "alternativlosen Ausstieg aus der klimaschädlichen Braunkohleverstromung".

Es sei ungeklärt, ob die kostenintensive Speicherung überhaupt funktioniere und betriebswirtschaftlich sinnvoll sei, kritisierten die Naturschützer.

Es ließen sich maximal 70 % der CO2-Emissionen eines Kraftwerkes isolieren.

Der Aufwand für die Technologie, die

00.000.2020 -voraussichtlich nicht vor- tatsächlich einsatzbereit sei, würde eine Erhöhung der Strompreise um 50 bis 70 % nach sich ziehen.

Zudem warnte der BUND, Kohlendioxid könne schon in Konzentrationen ab fünf % in der Atemluft für den Menschen gefährlich werden.

Ab acht % trete nach 30 bis 60 Minuten der Tod ein.

00.000.1967 musste laut BUND schon einmal ein Dorf bei Ketzin evakuiert werden, weil giftiges Kohlenmonoxid aus einem unterirdischen Speicher ausgetreten war.

Die Projekt-Beteiligten wiesen am Mittwoch in Potsdam allerdings jegliche Sicherheitsbedenken zurück.

Die Harpune sei um das Jahr 1890 mit einem schweren Schultergewehr abgefeuert worden, sagte Bockstoce. Der Sprengstoff sei mit einem Zeitzünder zur Explosion gebracht worden.

Offensichtlich habe die Harpune den Wal jedoch nicht ernsthaft verletzt. "Es kann nicht so schlimm gewesen sein, denn der Wal hat noch über hundert weitere Jahre gelebt."

Der Wissenschaftler schätzt sein Alter auf 115 bis 130 Jahre.

Die Altersbestimmung bei Walen ist nicht einfach. Meist beruht sie auf der Untersuchung von Aminosäuren aus der Augenlinse des Meeressäugers.

Wale können bisherigen Erkenntnissen zufolge etwa 200 Jahre alt werden.
Wanderarbeiter in China: Schuften für den Boom der anderen

13.Jun.2007 All- Tourismus: EADS plant Weltraum- Jet

13.Jun.2007 Deutsche Bank: Anklage wegen Parmalat- Pleite, Kirch fordert 1,2 Milliarden Euro
13.Jun.2007 Brandenburg: Aufbau des unterirdischen CO2- Speichers beginnt
13.Jun.2007 Tornado- Einsatz beim G- 8-Gipfel: Sturzflug in die Grauzone
132.000 Deutsche, so schätzt die WHO, sterben jedes Jahr an vermeidbaren Umweltgefahren.

Insbesondere die Zahl der Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und der Todesfälle im Straßenverkehr könnte durch entschlossene Maßnahmen stark gesenkt werden.
In manchen Ländern ist die sogenannte Krankheitslast - die Lücke zwischen dem theoretischen Idealzustand und der tatsächlichen öffentlichen Gesundheit - bis zu einem Drittel schädlichen Umwelteinflüssen geschuldet.

Zu ihnen zählt die WHO Schadstoffe in Luft und Wasser, UV-Strahlung, Lärm, landwirtschaftliche Eingriffe, ungesunde Arbeitsbedingungen sowie den Klimawandel und Ökosystemverluste.

An der Spitze der Negativliste liegen erwartungsgemäß bitterarme Staaten wie Angola, Mali und die Demokratische Republik Kongo.

In Angola etwa gehen pro Jahr 304 Lebensjahre je 1000 Einwohner verloren. 37 % der gesamten Krankheitslast führt die WHO in dem Land auf Umwelteinflüsse zurück.

Die Misere beschränkt sich nicht auf Afrika:

Auch Afghanistan gehört, allen Aufbau-Bemühungen der internationalen Gemeinschaft zum Trotz, zu den Ländern mit den höchsten Zahlen an umweltbedingten Krankheits- + Todesfällen (siehe Grafik).

Genf - Die Zahl ist erschreckend + sie hat sich binnen eines Jahres nicht geändert:

Nach Angaben der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) sterben nach wie vor rund 13 Millionen Menschen pro Jahr an den Folgen von

Umweltverschmutzung, zerstörerischer Landwirtschaft oder gefährlichen Arbeitsbedingungen.

Jetzt hat die WHO erstmals die Belastung der Gesundheitssysteme nach einzelnen Ländern aufgeschlüsselt. Der Bericht zeichnet ein ebenso facettenreiches wie vielsagendes Bild.

Die Pointe zum Schluss - Phase 4 - ist nun die Forderung nach einer europaweiten Autonomendatei. Die brauchen wir freilich so wenig wie Kampfjets über Zeltlagern oder Drahtgefängnisse.

Stattdessen brauchen wir schnell eine Datei von Beamten und Politikern, die eine politische Protestbewegung - über deren Forderungen man trefflich streiten kann - in die Terrorecke drängen wollen.

Demonstranten haben ein Recht auf Hysterie - der Staat niemals.
Doch neben der politischen Symbolik, die da vor und hinter dem Zaun zelebriert wurde, scheint es während des G-8-Gipfels von Heiligendamm noch eine heimliche Agenda gegeben zu haben.

Wenige Wochen nach der heftigen Diskussion um die Begnadigung des RAF-Terroristen Christian Klar haben sich manche Strategen in Staat und Apparat offenbar die Frage vorgelegt, wie man möglichst fix und ohne Vertun eine neue Generation von linken Terroristen in der Bundesrepublik produzieren kann.

Ganz einfach: Man knöpfe sich eine politische Bewegung von jungen Männern und Frauen vor, die irgendwo zwischen Flower-Power, schwarzem Block und übrigens ausgesprochen amerikanischer Protestkultur durch Mecklenburgs Wiesen hoppelt, dort Zeltlager errichtet, mal gegen, mal für eine Weltregierung demonstriert und mal am Zaun rüttelt.

Eine politische Protestbewegung, die an den G-8-Gipfel einerseits radikale Forderungen richtet und ihn andererseits verhindern will - eine Bewegung also, die nicht ganz frei ist von Widersprüchen - aber geprägt von dem Wunsch, dass die Welt besser werden möge. Das ist vielleicht naiv, aber keineswegs strafbar und schon gar nicht lächerlich.
Alkohol- Gerüchte: Sarkozys bizarrer G- 8-Auftritt
13.Jun.2007 Vogelähnlicher Räuber: Monströser Saurier wog 1,4 Tonnen
13.Jun.2007 WHO- Statistik: Länder- Rangliste der Umwelt- Toten
13.Jun.2007 Staatschef: Peres zum neuen Präsidenten Israels gewählt
G- 8-Gipfel: Verteidigungsministerium rechtfertigt Tornado- Einsatz über Protest- Camp
Razzien gegen Linke: Bundesanwaltschaft lässt elf Objekte wegen Terrorverdachts durchsuchen

13.Jun.2007 Jagd- Fund: Uralte Harpune in totem Wal entdeckt

13.Jun.2007 Yahoo: Aktionäre kippen Anti- Zensur- Programm
13.Jun.2007 The wrath of 2007: America's great drought : America is facing its worst summer drought since the Dust Bowl years of the Great Depression. Or perhaps worse still.

13.Jun.2007 Colony Collapse: Do Massive Bee Die-Offs Mean an End to Our Food System as We Know it?
13.Jun.2007 European Parliamentarians Demand the Immediate Release of 45 Palestinian MPs Detained by Israel: 45 Members of the European Parliament, from different political groups, have decided to express their solidarity towards the 45 Palestinian colleagues imprisoned by Israel, and called for their immediate and unconditional release.

13.Jun.2007 European Union resumes direct aid to Palestinian Finance Ministry: The European Union on Monday resumed aid to the Palestinian Finance Ministry for the first time since the West launched an economic boycott of the government more than a year ago. The assistance begins with a 4 million euro (about $5 million) project to help ensure that Palestinian taxpayers' money is spent efficiently

13.Jun.2007 Ronnie Kasrils' speech to S. African Parliament on 40th anniversary of occupation:

Forty years ago this week Israel's military unleashed lightning attacks against Egypt, Jordan and Syria, alleging provocations as justification for its strikes.

13.Jun.2007 Bush to blame if there's war with Syria: Former Israeli Foreign Ministry director general tells Ynet that Syria willing to abandon Iran camp in favor of alliance with moderate Arab nations – but only if supported by the US. Bush meanwhile refuses to talk to Damascus

13.Jun.2007 The High Cost of Subservience to Israel: America's support of Israel's brutality was the main motivation for 9/11. It was the ultimate expression of Arab fury over America's double standard that routinely ignores Israeli violations of Arab human rights.
13.Jun.2007 War pimp alert: 'Military plan against Iran is ready': Predicting that Iran will obtain a nuclear weapon within three years and claiming to have a strike plan in place, senior American military officers have told The Jerusalem Post they support President George W. Bush's stance to do everything necessary to stop the Islamic Republic's race for nuclear power.

13.Jun.2007 Iran denies threat to hit Gulf states if US attacks from them : A former Iranian defense minister dismissed as "baseless" Monday a report quoting him as saying Iran would attack Gulf countries used as a launch pad for a US strike on Iran.

13.Jun.2007 Kuwait says won't be launchpad for strike on Iran: Kuwait said on Monday it would not allow its key ally the United States to use its territory to launch any strike on Gulf neighbour Iran if a row over Tehran's nuclear programme escalates.

13.Jun.2007 Dilip Hiro: A Catch-22 Nuclear World: Nuclear Weapons Programs Are about Regime Survival

In case you missed it: UK 'sells' bomb material to Iran: British officials have approved the export of key components needed to make nuclear weapons to Iran and other countries known to be developing such weapons

13.Jun.2007 Israel launches new spy satellite: Israel has launched a new spy satellite which it says will provide high-quality surveillance over enemies such as Syria and Iran, rivalling the capabilities of the United States.

Manufacturing Consent For War With Iran: FBI's Mueller: Al-Qaida Intent on Using Nuclear Weapons :

11..Sep.2001 -the attacks- It has been said that- were a "failure of imagination."

We cannot fail to imagine the consequences of a nuclear terrorist attack. Nor can we fail to imagine that there are those for whom such an event is the end game.
UK: Ex-Navy chief 'took private legal advice on Iraq' : The head of the Royal Navy at the time of the Iraq invasion was so worried about the legality of the conflict that he sought his own private legal advice on justification for the war.
13.Jun.2007 U.S. arming Sunnis in Iraq to battle old Qaeda allies: With the four-month-old increase in American troops showing only modest success in curbing insurgent attacks, American commanders are turning to another strategy that they acknowledge is fraught with risk: arming Sunni Arab groups that have promised to fight militants linked with Al Qaeda who have been their allies in the past

13.Jun.2007 In case you missed it: US says Iran arming Sunni groups : Sunni militants are being armed with Iranian-made munitions, US military spokesman Maj Gen William Caldwell told reporters in Baghdad
11.Jun.2007 The Neoconservative Threat to American Freedom-By Paul Craig Roberts
Just as Goebbels said, some lies are too big to be disbelieved. It is this disbelief that is so dangerous. The inability of Americans to see through the Big Lie to the secret agenda allows the neoconservatives to escape accountability and to continue with their plot.

13.Jun.2007 Fighting Back - By Monica Benderman
The early American revolutionaries did not rely on the efforts of others; they did not wait for a savior to rescue them from their plight. They saw the futility of holding out for the empty promises of the ruling parties in their fatherland and took matters in their own hands knowing the standards and principles on which they based their actions were worthy of the sacrifice.

13.Jun.2007 Global Military Spending Hits $1.2 Trillion -Study- By Reuters
The United States spent $529 billion. Military spending in China, which is modernising its People's Liberation Army, climbed to an estimated $49.5 billion last year from $44.3 billion in 2005.

13.Jun.2007 Putin’s Censored Press Conference - The transcript you weren’t supposed to see - By Mike Whitney
The Bush administration has carried out an aggressive strategy to surround Russia with military bases, install missiles on its borders, topple allied regimes in Central Asia + incite political upheaval in Moscow through US-backed “pro-democracy” groups. These openly hostile actions have convinced many Russian hard-liners that the administration is going forward with the neocon plan for “regime change” in Moscow and fragmentation of the Russian Federation. Putin’s testimony suggests that the hardliners are probably right.

13.Jun.2007 US to sidestep Russia veto on Kosovo: THE US is pressing for a quick UN vote on Kosovo but is ready to take on Russia's threat of a veto and move to unilaterally recognise the Serbian province's right to independence.

13.Jun.2007 Chris Floyd : Seasons in Hell: Voices From the American Gulag : The Independent has a remarkable story on Sami al-Haj, the Sudanese journalist who has been held in George W. Bush's concentration camp in Guantanamo Bay for five years. Haj has not been charged with any crime, but he is undoubtedly guilty of a grave sin in the eyes of the Bush Regime: he is a cameraman for Al Jazeera.

13.Jun.2007 Incendiary Weapons Are No 'Allegation': Reviewing the London-based anti-Iraq War play Fallujah, New York Times reporter Jane Perlez wrote (5/29/07), "The denunciations of the United States are severe, particularly in the scenes that deal with the use of napalm in Fallujah, an allegation made by left-wing critics of the war but never substantiated."

13.Jun.2007 Male U.S. veterans have higher suicide risk -study: Male U.S. veterans are twice as likely to die by suicide than people with no military service

13.Jun.2007 WMD Dumped at Sea: "The Army now admits that it secretly dumped 64 million pounds of nerve and mustard agents into the sea, along with 400,000 chemical-filled bombs, land mines and rockets and more than 500 tons of radioactive waste - either tossed overboard or packed into the holds of scuttled vessels."

13.Jun.2007 Arctic ice cap melting 30 years ahead of forecast : -The Arctic ice cap is melting much faster than expected and is now about 30 years ahead of predictions made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a U.S. ice expert said Tuesday.
13.Jun.2007 Israel critic denied post at university : A top American university has denied tenure to a prominent academic amid allegations of anti-Semitism and his defence of the Palestinian cause.
Arming a civil war: AS THE saying goes, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." It may be catchy, but history has shown its peril as foreign policy. It's now the risky strategy U.S. commanders are following in arming Sunni fighters who pledge to hunt down al Qaeda guerrillas in Iraq.

13.Jun.2007 Child labour on the rise as poverty increases: Iyad Abdel-Salim, 12, left school six months ago and has been working to boost the family income. His father was killed in Iraq's political violence. As the only boy in the family + with three smaller sisters to look after, he was forced to go onto the streets and work.

13.Jun.2007 British Parliament rejects Iraq inquiry :The House of Commons

on Monday rejected a motion by the opposition Conservative Party calling for a formal inquiry into the British government's decision to go to war in Iraq.

13.Jun.2007 Sen. Clinton Wants Troops in Iraq for at Least 10 Years: Senator Hillary Clinton said that her first priority if elected would be to "bring our troops home." She did not say ALL our troops, Koppel points out + she does not mean ALL our troops. She told the New York Times three months ago that some forces would have to remain

13.Jun.2007 Iran to make U.S. "regret" detention of Iranians-FM: "We will make the Americans regret their ugly and illegal action against the Islamic Republic of Iran's consulate in Arbil, Iraq + the abduction of the five Iranian diplomats," Mottaki said, according to the state broadcaster's Web site.

13.Jun.2007 Manufacturing Consent For War With Iran: U.S. diplomat accuses Iran of passing weapons to Taliban: A senior U.S. diplomat accused Iran on Tuesday of transferring weapons to Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan - the most direct comments yet on the issue by a ranking American official.

13.Jun.2007 ElBaradei warms of 'brewing confrontation' between U.S. and Iran: The director general of the UN nuclear inspection agency has warned Tehran and Washington for the first time that their yearlong stalemate over Iran's nuclear activities is turning into a "brewing confrontation" that "urgently needs to be defused."

13.Jun.2007 US Diplomat Expects Talks On New UN Resolution On Iran In Weeks : "We will have to move forward at the Security Council for a third ... resolution in a matter of weeks," he told reporters.
13.Jun.2007 The Secret War Against Hizbollah- By Alberto Cruz
The US plan is being implemented by Fouad Siniora's government which has not hesitated for a moment to accuse Syria of protecting and arming Fatah al Islam. With this episode, on the one hand strong tensions are built up with the aim of softening the positions of countries critical of US, French and British efforts to secure a new UN Sceurity Council resolution to extend UNIFIL's mission, to control the Syrian frontier under the pretext of arms smuggling and to justify a kind of international tutelage of Lebanon.

13.Jun.2007 A true land of opportunity -By Terry Jones - Where there's death and destruction, there's profit - as security companies in Iraq know only too well. Continue

13.Jun.2007 The War on Consciousness- By Paul Levy
We have the most criminal regime in all of our history wreaking unspeakable horror on the entire planet, while simultaneously waging war on the consciousness of its own citizens - US. If we aren’t aware of this, we are unwittingly playing into, supporting and complicit in the evil that is being perpetrated in our name.

13.Jun.2007 Mikey Weinstein Tackles the Evangelical Coup in America's Military. He's One of Three Generations of U.S. Air Force and Naval Academy Graduates. -- A BuzzFlash Interview
It Does Take Courage for a Federal Judge Appointed by Bush to Let Enforcers for the Busheviks Know That They are Not Above the Rule of Law. That is Why Judge Reggie Walton is the Winner of the "BuzzFlash Wings of Justice Award" This Week.

13.Jun.2007 DOJ Officials rebuked for disclosing Rove's connection to firing of U.S. attorney
The John Perkins Sequel, Just Released: The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals + the Truth about Global Corruption (Hardcover)
Up to 8: Maxine Waters the latest to sign up for the Cheney impeachment bill; How many Congressmen need to sign up before the MSM cares? 6/13
Video of Tommy Chong on MSNBC with a spot-on analysis of what is wrong with the MSM and the justice system. Then Chong also on the Colbert Report. Great video. 6/13
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday the Senate will face another round of votes on the Iraq war before the July Fourth recess, a strategy intended to show that Democrats are not giving up on efforts to bring troops home. 6/13

13.Jun.2007 P.M. Carpenter: Watch for falling nets, Joe Lieberman 6/13
Bush Bungled It Yet Again: George Bush insists that Iran must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. So why, six years ago, did the CIA give the Iranians blueprints to build a bomb?
Gingrich's Think Tank Is Underwritten By Corporate Donors -- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser

13.Jun.2007 This piece by William Norman Grigg fleshes out the connection between terror plotter Russell DeFreitas and Evergreen.

According to former Customs Department Special Agent Diane Kleiman, DeFreitas's background means one thing: “He was working at JFK doing drug smuggling.”
“The CIA has always been involved in drug smuggling + Evergreen or Air America has played a big role in it,” Kleiman told me in a recent phone interview.

When I was working Customs at JFK, we had this huge problem with airline personnel using their secure keys to give unauthorized access to 'sterile corridors' that bypassed Customs inspection.

Quite often this involved drug smuggling + I've got ample reason to believe that Evergreen and other CIA assets were involved in it.” Permalink # posted by Joseph

"The Army now admits that it secretly dumped 64 million pounds of nerve + mustard agents into the sea, along with 400,000 chemical-filled bombs, land mines and rockets and more than 500 tons of radioactive waste" Permalink
13.Jun.2007 _A_O_inzoome_ Analyse, Eine; Arabia, Saudi ; Arznei-Klassiker; Associated Press. ASSOCIATED PRESS 16 ... Rot-Gr; Royal College; Rozen, Laura; Rumsfeld, Donald

Aug.2001 - UK Royal College for Defense Studies (part of the UK Ministry of ... he casts a wary eye toward the notorious Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi, ...

Timothy LaHaye, Barbara Monteith Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) ~Donald R. Howard American Association of Christian Schools
Coalition to Preserve an Elected Congress

William And Barbara Monteith, OH. William Otis, OH. Robert Peeling, OH ... Texas Eagle Forum, TX. Sharron Albertson, TX. Charles Allen, TX ...
aho_cospiracy Barbara Monteith and Dr. Stanley Monteith of noble Scottish bloodline are members ...

Coors of the Coors Foundation, Texas millionaire, Nelson Bunker-Hunt, ...
Council for National Policy Database H-M

21.Apr.1982+22.Apr.1982 76. held on Dallas, Texas, at the behest of multimillionaires ... Barbara Monteith - CNP Membership Directory (1996, 1999).
Ehud Barak: Draufgänger ohne politische Ausdauer

13.Jun.2007 Energiesparen: Prima Klima dank Microsoft & Co

Projektleiter Bernard Frischer ist um große Worte nicht verlegen.

"Rome Reborn 1.0 ist die Fortführung von fünf Jahrhunderten Forschung", sagt der Direktor des Instituts für fortschrittliche Technologie in den Humanistischen Wissenschaften an der Universität von Virginia.

Seit der Renaissance hätten Forscher und Architekten versucht, die Ruinen des historischen Roms mit Worten, Zeichnungen und Karten zu rekonstruieren.

Durch harte interdisziplinäre Arbeit habe man nun "den unmöglichen Traum realisiert".
Oskar Lafontaine: "SPD- Chef Beck ist ratlos"

13.Jun.2007 SPD- Bündnisfrage: Lauterbach bringt Koalition mit Linkspartei ins Gespräch

13.Jun.2007 Digitales Stadtmodell: Zeitreise zu den alten Römern

13.Jun.2007 Führungskräfte: Leistungsbereitschaft bei Managern gewachsen

13.Jun.2007 Polizeibericht: Mafia manipulierte Tanzwettbewerb beim Rio- Karneval
13.Jun.2007 Umfrage: Union auf Jahreshoch, Merkel weit vor Beck
13.Jun.2007 Irak: Anschlag zerstört Minarette von Goldener Moschee

13.Jun.2007 Raumfähre "Atlantis": Abstehende Isoliermatte soll angenäht werden
13.Jun.2007 Finanzinvestor Blackstone: Mein Jet, mein Helikopter, mein Rekordgehalt

13.Jun.2007 Schon mehr als 100 Tote: Monsun wütet in Bangladesch
13.Jun.2007 Afghanistan: USA werfen Iran Waffenhilfe an Taliban vor

Ströbele bewertete den Tornado-Einsatz als verfassungswidrig.

"Es überschreitet alle Grenzen zulässiger technischer Amtshilfe für die Polizei, wenn mit Aufklärungs-Kampfjets wie in Afghanistan eingesetzt nun Demonstrationen ausgeforscht werden", erklärte der Abgeordnete.

Der innenpolitische Sprecher der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion, Dieter Wiefelspütz, nannte die Flüge "rechtlich zulässig, aber politisch instinktlos".

Die Frage sei, "ob man nicht mit Polizeihubschraubern das Gleiche hätte tun können".

Nun wird der Tornado-Einsatz am Mittwoch den Innenausschuss des Bundestages beschäftigen - auf Antrag der linksfraktion, wie Ausschussvorsitzender Sebastian Edathy der "Mitteldeutschen Zeitung" sagte.

Zum Schutz des Treffens der Staats- und Regierungschefs der acht wichtigsten Industrienationen in Heiligendamm waren rund 16.000 Polizisten eingesetzt worden.

Im weiten Umkreis um das Gelände war ein Sicherheitszaun errichtet worden.
G- 8-Gipfel: Tornado- Einsatz über Heiligendamm empört SPD
12.Jun.2007 Israel: Barak führt Arbeitspartei
London: Hauseinsturz neben Scotland Yard - Kein Anschlag
12.Jun.2007 Albanien- Besuch: So verschwand die Uhr von Bush
12.Jun.2007 Attacke gegen Ex- Kanzler: US- Abgeordneter wirft Schröder politische Prostitution vor
12.Jun.2007 G- 8-Gefangene: Käfighaltung mit Nachspiel im Bundestag
12.Jun.2007 Schikane gegen US- Schüler: "Bin Ladens Söhne wollen wir hier nicht"
12.Jun.2007 Palästinenserkämpfe: Endzeitstimmung in Gaza
Öko- Produkte: EU führt einheitliches Bio- Siegel ein
12.Jun.2007 Korruptionsaffäre in Sachsen: Verfassungsschutzchef muss gehen
12.Jun.2007 Albanien- Besuch: Bush im Gedränge - Uhr weg
12.Jun.2007 Bundeswehreinsatz: Tornado schoss im Tiefflug Bilder von G- 8-Protestcamp

12.Jun.2007 Unterschichtskinder: Als Dreijährige schon ein Jahr im Rückstand
12.Jun.2007 Ungeliebte Firma: Deutsche identifizieren sich kaum mit ihrem Arbeitgeber
12.Jun.2007 Iran: Regimekritischem Ajatollah droht die Todesstrafe

12.Jun.2007 Scharfer Protest: Iran droht USA wegen Gefangener im Irak

12.Jun.2007 Alzheimer: Natürliche Antikörper attackieren Gehirnplaques

12.Jun.2007 Medienschelte: Blair vergleicht britische Presse mit "wild gewordener Bestie"
Florida Entrepreneur: Terrorist Ringleader was President of Orlando Firm -
WORLD EXCLUSIVE- by Daniel Hopsicker

Government records in Florida reveal that

Mohamed Atta was the President of a company in Orlando with a business partner whose web of dummy shell companies appear characteristic of the type used in terrorist financing and illicit money laundering, the MadCowMorningNews has learned. 
12.Jun.2007 Enough of "Symbolic" Dem Votes on Capitol Hill. Stop Acting Like You're Guilty of Something and Take Back the Power. -- A BuzzFlash Editorial
The John Perkins Sequel, Just Released: The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals + the Truth about Global Corruption (Hardcover)
The Bush admin is building up steam to attack Iran... so hey look over there, it's Paris Hilton!

12.Jun.2007 GOP blocks Gonzales no-confidence vote. Just impeach the guy. 6/12
Michael Winship: The Great White North, Immigration, Rock and Roll -- A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
"Bush Is Asked to Discipline GSA Chief in Hatch Act Inquiry." That's Like Asking a Mafia Don to Whack a Hit Man for a Job Well Done. 6/12
Poll: Clinton stronger leader, Obama more likable in New Hampshire polling 6/12
What's Lieberman's Game? Is He Running for Vice-President on a Republican Ticket? 6/13
Iraq Gets Scant Attention On Right Wing News Channel -- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser
P.M. Carpenter: Philosopher and political observer Richard Rorty: The passing of a rare and principled spirit 6/12

12.Jun.2007 Wer finanzierte Hitler und die NSDAP? Owen D. Young Antony C. Sutton listet in seinem Buch die Experten des ...

Dies schließt zahlreiche Transfers ihrer amerikanischen Technologie mit ein.

Dieses Bündnis mit einem bedeutenden Transfer von Technologie war für ... worden sein soll: Wall Street and the Bolshevil Revolution by Antony C. Sutton ...
Studie unter US- Männern: Kriegsveteranen haben doppeltes Selbstmordrisiko
Fossiler Flieger: Minisaurier glitt durch die Wipfel
12.Jun.2007 Manipulierter Wahl- Automat: Chaos- Club hackt Demokratie
12.Jun.2007 CIA- Affäre: Dunkelkammern der Geheimdienste
Umfrage: Firmen wollen Jobs schaffen wie seit der Einheit nicht mehr
Technik- Prognose: Eine Milliarde PCs bis 2008

12.Jun.2007 US- Demokraten: Hillary Clinton baut Vorsprung in Umfragen aus

12.Jun.2007 Abstehende Isoliermatte: "Atlantis" soll im All repariert werden
12.Jun.2007 Eigenheimzulage: Wohnungsbau bricht um 50 % ein
12.Jun.2007 Private- Equity: Heuschrecken kaufen mehr als 7500 Firmen
12.Jun.2007 US- Regierung: Misstrauensvotum gegen Justizminister Gonzales gescheitert
12.Jun.2007 Democratic Underground Forums-Printer friendly page MiamiSarkis Soghanalian was once the most powerful arms dealer in the world.

Filled with charm, able to communicate in eight languages, Soghanalian had ...
Democratic Underground Forums - Printer friendly page, topic ID ... DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - The president of the United Arab Emirates, ...

BCCI's relationships with convicted Iraqi arms dealer Sarkis Soghanalian, ...
FTR#524—The Safari Club and the Islamic Bomb—(Two 30-minute ...

Sarkis Soghanalian, who profited from providing arms for the secret-aid program, ... is a company of the same name based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Illicit arms trafficking has occasionally surfaced into the open ... - View as HTML
00.000.1999 -According to news reports, around the beginning of- Soghanalian supervised. the shipment of 4000 assault rifles on a Dubai -registered 707 which the ...
Arms and the Man - International Justice - Global Policy Forum "Vic bought a day-old flower for $2 and sold it in Dubai for $100," Chichakli ...

Earlier in the year, I met with the notorious Sarkis Soghanalian in the ...
For The Record Summary Posts ... in Dubai, where the agent had traced a number of Khan’s front companies. ... Sarkis Soghanalian, who profited from providing arms for the secret-aid ...
20070327 Interview with Sarkis Soghanalian . Sarkis Soghanalian, 74, was born in ... MiamiSarkis Soghanalian was once the most powerful arms dealer in the world.
HyeForum > Arms Dealer Implicates Peru Spy Chief in Smuggling Ring Montesinos oozed charm, says Sarkis Soghanalian, a rotund arms trafficker + ...

A shipment of 4000 AK-47s took off for Peru aboard a Dubai -registered 707 ...
Proactive Preemptive Operations Group - SourceWatch

13.Nov.2002 -Cache file- Pentagon takes quiet aim at terror. Military amassing more secret warriors (). WASHINGTON (AP) -- The secret side of the ...
Proactive Preemptive Operations Group: External Links - SourceWatch

Pentagon takes quiet aim at terror.

Military amassing more secret warriors,

13.Nov.2003 "The covert side of the military's special ...

Nov.2003 Pentagon takes quiet aim at terror. Military amassing more secret warriors: "The covert side of the military's special operations force ...
Bernard Weiner Most Iraqis, especially the majority Shias, were happy to be freed from Saddam's long reign of terror . But, as it stands now, U.S. military forces are more ... DICTATORSHIPArchives

The senior Pentagon official in charge of military detainees suspected of terrorism said in an interview this week that he was dismayed that lawyers at many ... September 2005 Archives

22.Sep.2005 The Pentagon takes efforts to combat hurricanes and floods ... 11 hijackers more than a year before the terrorist attacks." [] Even ...
Mindestlohn: Union will SPD Friedensangebot machen

12.Jun.2007 Beck- Kritik: Koch warnt vor Ende der Großen Koalition

AP Inhaftierter al-Marri: Keine beweise für die Anschuldigungen Heute hat ein Bundesberufungsgericht im Bundesstaat Virginia verfügt, dass al-Marri aus der Militärhaft freikommen muss -

die Regierung ihn höchstens in einem herkömmlichen Strafverfahren belangen kann.

Das Bundesgericht in Richmond erklärte es für nicht rechtens, dass der 41-jährige mutmaßliche Qaida-Aktivist seit Jahren ohne Anklage von der US-Armee festgehalten wird.

Eine solche Gefangenschaft ohne rechtliche Grundlage hätte "katastrophale Folgen für die Verfassung und das Land", zitiert die "New York Times" das Richtergremium.

"Der Präsident hat nicht die Befugnis, das Militär anzuweisen, Marri unbegrenzt festzuhalten", heißt es in dem Urteil.

Die Richter wiesen mit dem Urteil die Argumentation der Regierung zurück, wonach Marri ein "feindlicher Kämpfer" sei - und damit kein Recht auf Zugang zur US-Justiz habe.

Die US-Regierung hatte argumentiert, die US-Justiz sei nicht für al-Marri zuständig - sein Antrag gegen seine Gefangenschaft vor einem ordentlichen US-Gericht deswegen unzulässig.

Al-Marri müsse wie die Gefangenen in Guantanamo auch vor einem besonderen Militärtribunal abgeurteilt werden, wie es ein im vergangenen Herbst vom Kongress verabschiedetes Gesetz vorsieht.

Doch die Richter kommen zu dem Schluss, dass sie sehr wohl für den Fall zuständig seien.

Al-Marri dürfe selbst dann nicht unbegrenzt festgehalten werden, "wenn die Vorwürfe der Regierung gegen ihn zutreffen", heißt es in dem Urteil.
US- Urteil: "Feindlicher Kämpfer" muss aus Militärhaft entlassen werden

Der neue Satellit ergänzt den im

00.Mai 2002 ins All gebrachten Spion "Ofek 5", mit dem insbesonders militärische Bewegungen von Staaten im Nahen Osten beobachtet werden können.

00.000.2002 Als "Ofek 5" gestochen scharfe Bilder aus Bagdad zur Erde funkte, gab es im israelischen Kabinett spontan Beifall.

Der damalige Premierminister Ariel Sharon sprach von einer "bislang nicht da gewesenen Qualität" der Bilder.

Israel beobachtete zu dieser Zeit den Irak sehr genau, weil es einen Angriff durch dem damals noch herrschenden Diktator Saddam Hussein befürchtete.

Details zu den Fähigkeiten des israelischen neuen Superauges wurden nicht bekannt gegeben.

Issac Ben-Israel, Chef der Israel Space Agency, sagte lediglich, der Satellit könne Objekte von "nur wenigen Zentimetern Größe" erfassen.

Was Masse und Fähigkeiten betreffe, sei der Satellit weltweit einzigartig. "Diesen Standard gibt es sonst nur auf schweren US-Satelliten."
Iran: Spitzentreffen zu Atomprogramm geplatzt

11.Jun.2007 Wirtschaftsleistung: Iwanow kündigt Parforce- Ritt der Russland AG an
11.Jun.2007 Schwund in der SPD: Juso- Gruppe setzt sich in Linkspartei ab

11.Jun.2007 Leben im All: Ferne Hochdruckwelt gilt als neue zweite Erde
11.Jun.2007 Umweltbilanz: Bio- Äpfel vom Ende der Welt - eine Ökosauerei?
11.Jun.2007 Nato: Berlin und Paris wollen Moskau an Raketenschild beteiligen
11.Jun.2007 Gehälter: Blackstone- Chef streicht 400 Millionen Dollar ein
11.Jun.2007 Weltweite Abholzung: Waldraub stillt Chinas Holzgier

11.Jun.2007 Zukunft der EU: Polen bremst bei Verfassung
11.Jun.2007 Sicherheit: Flughäfen kritisieren Flüssigkeits- Beschränkung
11.Jun.2007 Randale in Sachsen: "Organisiertes Kriegsspiel, das nicht mehr zu stoppen ist"
11.Jun.2007 Frankreich: Gefangen in Sarkozys Machtstrudel

11.Jun.2007 Spionagesatellit: Israel startet neues Superauge (Wissenschaft)
11.Jun.2007 Kriegskosten: USA treiben weltweite Rüstungsausgaben auf Rekordhoch
11.Jun.2007 Wirtschaftswachstum: Japan hängt Deutschland und die USA ab

11.Jun.2007 Wahl in Frankreich: Sozialisten wollen Sarkozys Alleinherrschaft verhindern