03.Aug.2005 Ray McGovern: Preempting Cheney: Whatever plans Dick Cheney and his neo-conservatives may have had to conjure up a nuclear threat from Iran as "justification" for military action have been sharply undercut by some timely leaks to the Washington Post. 03.Aug.2005 Zambia agrees to deport London terrorism suspect to Britain : Zambia officially announced it would deport to Britain the alleged mastermind behind the July 7 London bombings after arresting Briton Haroon Aswat in Lusaka two weeks ago. 03.Aug.2005 Inconsistencies in the War on Terror : In what legal limbo can a terrorist who is accused of 73 counts of premeditated murder find shelter? What is the status of Venezuela's request for the extradition of Luis Posada Carriles? 03.Aug.2005 'I was living fiction' : A former CIA agent talks to Stephen Moss about what makes a terrorist 03.Aug.2005 Third terror trial prosecutor quits : A THIRD US military prosecutor has quit the military commission process under which Australian David Hicks will be tried over concerns it is unfair. 03.Aug.2005 Hicks can be tried in Aust, lawyers say : Two leading academic lawyers say Australian Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks could be charged and tried in Australia. 03.Aug.2005 Paul Craig Roberts: When Armageddon Gets No Press: Now that we really need them, the watchdog media has hired out as public relations and propaganda shills for the Bush administration and the neocon network. 03.Aug.2005 Old enemies' wargames send a powerful message to the US : Russia and China hope to sign a massive arms deal after staging joint exercises for the first time 03.Aug.2005 Why the US won't admit it was jilted : President Karimov of Uzbekistan has served notice to quit on the US base in his country. This completes a process of diplomatic revolution as Karimov turns away from the west and back into they embrace of Russia, with coy sideways glances at China. 03.Aug.2005 ' 'The 'Great Game' Heats Up in Central Asia'' : The "Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation Regarding the International Order of the 21st Century," signed by Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Vladimir Putin on July 2, addresses U.S. hegemony in several less-than-oblique passages. 03.Aug.2005 Hiroshima Film Cover-up Exposed : I was told by people in the Pentagon that they didn't want those [film] images out because they showed effects on man, woman and child. ... They didn't want the general public to know what their weapons had done 03.Aug.2005 SA mercenaries off to Haiti? : South African mercenaries are said to be involved in Haiti in the run-up to that country's elections later this year, News24 reported on Tuesday. 03.Aug.2005 Wave of protest condemns UN massacre of poor in Haiti : Emergency protests were held July 21 in Brazil, France and 13 U.S. and Canadian cities to express the world’s outrage at the massacre of at least 23 Haitian civilians on July 6 in the popular neighborhood of Cité Soleil by UN troops under Brazilian command. 03.Aug.2005 After 10-Year Hiatus, Pentagon Eyes New Landmine : The George W. Bush administration may soon resume production of antipersonnel land mines in a move that is at odds with both the international community and previous U.S. policy on the weapons, says a leading human rights organization. 03.Aug.2005 2 Aides to Rove Testify in C.I.A. Leak Inquiry: Two aides to Karl Rove, the senior White House adviser, testified last Friday before a federal grand jury investigating whether government officials illegally disclosed the identity of an undercover C.I.A. operative, according to a person who has been officially briefed on the case. 03.Aug.2005 Shaping politics from the pulpits : Ohio race shows how Christian right is changing the GOP 03.Aug.2005 High Court Nominee Roberts a Millionaire : ohn Roberts is a multimillion-dollar man, with a fancy golf club membership and some hefty investments, according to a financial statement filed with the Senate Judiciary Committee. 03.Aug.2005 Bok Review: How America Gets Away With Murder: Illegal Wars, Collateral Damage + Crimes Against Humanity : By Michael Mandel 03.Aug.2005 I'm sorry, but the world's still round: Review of Thomas Friedman's The World is Flat – A Brief History of the Globalized World in the 21st Century 04.Aug.2005 08/02/05: The Banner has been risen for Jihad inside the UK : We talk exclusively with two Islamic extremists about the London bombings. 03.Aug.2005 War Of The Phantoms:: Who Is ‘The Secret Organization Of al-Qaeda In Europe’? 03.Aug.2005 'One of them made cuts in my penis. I was in agony' : Benyam Mohammed travelled from London to Afghanistan in July 2001, but after September 11 he fled to Pakistan. He was arrested at Karachi airport on April 10 2002 + describes being flown by a US government plane to a prison in Morocco. These are extracts from his diary. 03.Aug.2005 13 Killed As Car Bomb Targets US Convoy : 03.Aug.2005 Juan Cole: Fisking the "War on Terror" : Once upon a time, a dangerous radical gained control of the US Republican Party. The American Right, having created the Mujahideen and having mightily contributed to the creation of al-Qaeda, abruptly announced that there was something deeply wrong with Islam, that it kept producing terrorists. 03.Aug.2005 Before the War, CIA Reportedly Trained a Team of Iraqis to Aid U.S. : Before the war in Iraq began, the CIA recruited and trained an Iraqi paramilitary group, code-named the Scorpions, to foment rebellion, conduct sabotage + help CIA paramilitaries who entered Baghdad and other cities target buildings and individuals. 03.Aug.2005 David Clark: Even when we leave Iraq, we face years of blowback : Escalating violence and the rise of theocratic rule bode ill in Baghdad 03.Aug.2005 Saddam's team boycotts Iraqi tribunal : Saddam Hussein's chief lawyer has said the former president's legal team will boycott proceedings until a man it claims attacked the former dictator at a hearing is brought to justice and the court apologises. 03.Aug.2005 Iraqis Accuse Kuwait of Stealing Oil : Iraqi legislators accused Kuwait of stealing their oil as well as chipping away at their national territory on the border — allegations similar to those used by Saddam Hussein to justify his invasion of Kuwait that began 15 years ago Tuesday. 03.Aug.2005 US asked to interrogate ‘ghost prisoners’ : British security forces think many of the ‘ghost prisoners’ held by the US Central Intelligence Agency ‘may have crucial information about the events in London’, it said. 03.Aug.2005 Senior Tory says that suicide attacks are 'totally explicable' : The Tory leadership distanced itself from Dominic Grieve, the shadow Attorney General, after he said the link between the Iraq war and the terror campaign could not be ignored. 03.Aug.2005 Australia: War in Iraq raised terror risk : Most Australians back much tougher anti-terrorism measures. A majority would be happy to see terrorist suspects detained without charge for up to three months, deportation of suspects, random bag searches and more security cameras. A national ID card is also backed by more than six in 10 people in the poll, conducted by ACNielsen. 03.Aug.2005 PM avoids Iraq risk issue: Rudd : PRIME Minister John Howard was denying Australia's involvement in Iraq had increased the risk of a terror attack at home because it would be politically uncomfortable for him to say otherwise, the Opposition said today. 03.Aug.2005 Australia: Hysteria, racism behind new terror law s: After a hysterical campaign led by the Murdoch press and radio shock-jocks, Attorney-General Philip Rudduck has floated the possibility of new laws to ban books “promoting” or “justifying” terrorism. 03.Aug.2005 New York Officials Back Terror Check Profiling : Middle Easterners should be targeted for searches on city subways, two elected officials said. - ``They all look a certain way,'' said Hikind, a Democrat from Brooklyn. ``It's all very nice to be politically correct here, but we're talking about terrorism.'' 03.Aug.2005 The Faulty Logic of "Terrorist" Profiling : As it turns out, profiling is not only ethically questionable; it is also unlikely to prevent terrorism. 03.Aug.2005 In case you missed it : Despotism & Democracy : Explains how societies and nations can be measured by the degree that power is concentrated and respect for the individual is restricted. Where does your community, state and nation stand on these scales? 03.Aug.2005 Bush wants alternatives to Darwinism taught in school: President George W. Bush stirred the debate on the teaching of evolution in schools when he said this week that he supported the teaching of alternative viewpoints - such as the theory of Intelligent Design 03.Aug.2005 n case you missed it: Uncurious George: Despite what is unfolding before us, the majority of this country's honest, freedom-loving people seem ever less interested in knowing, and ever more inclined toward believing that what we're being shown and what we're being told and what is being carried out in our name, is truth. 03.Aug.2005 Where the heck is our sense of empathy? 03.Aug.2005 Documents Tell of Brutal Improvisation by Gis - By Josh White 03.Aug.2005 Former CIA worker analyses bin Laden threat 03.Aug.2005 Revisiting Hiroshima -By Noam Chomsky 03.Aug.2005 Marc Cooper. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-367928,00.html Tiere aus südlicheren Gewässern könnten bei steigenden Temperaturen in die arktische Tiefsee eindringen und das Ökosystem zerstören. 03.Aug.2005 London: Erste Anklage gegen Terrorverdächtigen 03.Aug.2005 Doppelter Vierbeiner: Forscher klonen erstmals einen Hund 03.Aug.2005 Druck der EU: Iran verschiebt Wiederaufnahme von Atomprogramm 03.Aug.2005 Putsch: Militär stürzt Präsidenten von Mauretanien 03.Aug.2005 Zeitleiste: Die Ereignisse in London seit 7/7 03.Aug.2005 Ermittlungen in London: Fahnder finden möglichen Link zwischen Terror-Zellen 03.Aug.2005 "Discovery": Shuttle-Reparatur geglückt 03.Aug.2005 Falscher Verdacht: Briten in Dubai nach Londoner Anschlägen misshandelt 03.Aug.2005 "Discovery"-Reparatur: Nasa startet historischen Einsatz 03.Aug.2005 Time Warner: Prozesskosten fressen die Gewinne auf 03.Aug.2005 Sambia: Mutmaßlicher London-Drahtzieher wird ausgeliefert 03.Aug.2005 Hiroshima: Das atomare Paradoxon 03.Aug.2005 Infrarotbilder: Alte Galaxien enthalten Bausteine des Lebens 03.Aug.2005 London: Angriffe auf Muslime sprunghaft angestiegen 03.Aug.2005 Sicherheit: Schily fordert schärfere Anti-Terror-Gesetze 03.Aug.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Das Parfüm des Radikalen" 03.Aug.2005 Bundesagentur: Arbeitgeber fordern Rückzug des Staates 03.Aug.2005 Atomstreit: Iran weist Drohungen der EU zurück 03.Aug.2005 Uno: Bushs Mann fürs Grobe 02.Aug.2005 Terrorismus: Scotland Yard lässt vier Festgenommene frei 02.Aug.2005 Pressefreiheit: Russland erteilt Reportern von US-Sender Arbeitsverbot 02.Aug.2005 Atomstreit: Blix fordert von USA Sicherheitsgarantien für Iran 02.Aug.2005 Terror: Der Deutsche an Osama Bin Ladens Tisch 02.Aug.2005 Streit über Atomprogramm: EU setzt Irans Führung unter Druck 02.Aug.2005 Paris: Hunderte Säuglingsleichen in Krankenhaus gefunden 02.Aug.2005 Definitionsfrage: Zehnter Planet gilt noch nicht als Planet 02.Aug.2005 Interview mit Astronaut Ulrich Walter: "Ich würde mich nicht mehr in einen Shuttle setzen" 02.Aug.2005 Rente: 30 Prozent der Deutschen droht die Altersarmut 02.Aug.2005 Fahndung: Deutscher soll Bin Laden mit Insulin versorgt haben 02.Aug.2005 Diagonal Scrollen: Apple will Maus neu erfunden haben 02.Aug.2005 London: Feuer im Busmotor löst Terroralarm aus 02.Aug.2005 Hiroshima-Opfer: "Ihre Narben glänzten im Licht der Sonne" 02.Aug.2005 Iran: Prominenter Richter erschossen 02.Aug.2005 Italien vs. Großbritannien: Gezerre um Osman 02.Aug.2005 Eisiges Ökosystem: Arktische Tiefsee wimmelt von Leben 02.Aug.2005 Umstrittenes Uran-Programm: EU droht Iran mit Abbruch der Atomgespräche 02.Aug.2005 Hybrid-Roller: Honda schrumpft den Hightech-Antrieb 02.Aug.2005 Shuttle "Discovery": Riskante Reparatur wegen 19 Millimetern 02.Aug.2005 Londoner Polizei: Millionenentschädigung für Jims Familie? 02.Aug.2005 Pfahls-Prozess: Genscher verteidigt Panzer-Lieferungen 02.Aug.2005 London: Angst vor dem nächsten Donnerstag 02.Aug.2005 Umstrittenes Uran-Programm: Iran nennt Wiedereröffnung von Atomanlage unumstößlich 02.Aug.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Eine neue Unterform der German Angst" 02.Aug.2005 Sudan: Zahlreiche Tote bei Unruhen in Khartum 02.Aug.2005 Uno-Botschafter: Annan mahnt Bolton zu Kompromissen 02.Aug.2005 Schäden am Shuttle: Astronauten müssen "Discovery" im All reparieren 02.Aug.2005 Der Historiker Lothar Kettenacker erinnert in dem deutsch-britischen Streit um Churchills Bombenoffensive daran, dass der Bombenkrieg vor allem ein Ersatz war für die von Stalin geforderte "Zweite Front" im Westen. "Viele Briten mögen heute die Tatsache verdrängt haben, dass die Wehrmacht in erster Linie von der Roten Armee niedergerungen wurde, Churchill war es nur allzu sehr bewusst, dass den Russen noch nach Stalingrad stets mehr als 150 deutsche Divisionen gegenüberstanden, während die angloamerikanischen Verbände in Nordafrika nicht einmal mit einem knappen Dutzend deutscher Divisionen fertig wurden. Churchill kam sich im Umgang mit Stalin wie ein militärischer Hochstapler vor." 00.000.1942-00.000.1943 -in den Sommermonaten täglich- Die Soviets, schreibt Kettenacker, "mussten Verluste von bis zu 10.000 Mann hinnehmen." 02.Aug.2005 Origins of the Species Neo-Con: Tracking the genealogy of the cabal of neo-conservatives who have so disastrously dominated foreign policy under George W. Bush, journalists have followed a political bloodline back to the 1960s, to cold war pamphleteers like Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz, and-more respectably if also more tenuously- to the postwar University of Chicago political theorist Leo Strauss. Justin Raimondo : Taking Down the Neocons : Federal probes will be their downfall Contractors, military in 'bidding war' : The U.S. military has hired private companies at a cost approaching $1 billion to help dispose of Saddam Hussein's arsenal in Iraq In case you missed it: How The CIA Looted $40 Billion Of Military Equipment From Iraq 02.Aug.2005 Leaked emails claim Guantanamo trials rigged: 02.Aug.2005 Deep Background URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-367841,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-367841,00.html 02.Aug.2005 Terror-Fahndung: Neue Festnahmen in London 02.Aug.2005 Diskriminierung: Wal-Mart will Mega-Prozess verhindern 02.Aug.2005 Tod von König Fahd: Ölpreis erreicht neues Rekordhoch 02.Aug.2005 Nach Protesten: Iran verschiebt Wiedereröffnung der Atomanlage 02.Aug.2005 Bananen-Einfuhr: EU-Zölle verstoßen gegen WTO-Recht 02.Aug.2005 Schäden an "Discovery": Nasa-Techniker werden immer nervöser 02.Aug.2005 Uno-Botschafter: Demokraten empört über Bushs Entscheidung für Bolton 02.Aug.2005 Denkmalpflege: Comeback für Lenin? 02.Aug.2005 Streit mit der EU: Iran nimmt Atomprogramm wieder auf 02.Aug.2005 US-Politik: Bush ernennt umstrittenen Diplomaten Bolton als Uno-Botschafter 02.Aug.2005 Seuchengefahr: Vogelgrippe breitet sich in Sibirien aus 02.Aug.2005 Anschläge von Scharm al-Scheich: Polizei erschießt Hauptverdächtigen 02.Aug.2005 News Corporation: Familienzwist im Murdoch-Imperium 02.Aug.2005 Amnesie: Gutachter streiten um rätselhaften Gedächtnisverlust 01.Aug.2005 Interview mit Leon de Winter: "Manchmal haben wir nur die Wahl zwischen Desaster und Katastrophe" URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367761,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367749,00.html 01.Aug.2005 Kalkulierter Ball: Mathematiker berechnen den perfekten Elfmeter 01.Aug.2005 Ende einer Ära: Saudi-Arabien trauert um König Fahd 01.Aug.2005 Zeitgeschichte: Deutsche Bischöfe verhinderten Anti-Nazi-Aktion des Vatikans 01.Aug.2005 Fahndungspanne: Osmans merkwürdige Reise nach Rom 01.Aug.2005 Discovery"-Außeneinsatz: Astronauten reparieren Raumstation 01.Aug.2005 US-Diözese: Polizei soll sexuellen Missbrauch gedeckt haben 01.Aug.2005 Klimaerwärmung: Wirbelstürme werden immer heftiger 01.Aug.2005 Assimilation and Authenticity: The Problem of the American Jewish ... Assimilation and Authenticity : The Problem of the American Jewish Community ... In the life cycles of the various elements in the universe it saw a cyclical ... www.jcpa.org/dje/books/cp2-ch1.htm 01.Aug.2005 Trusting Records in a Postmodern World Determining the authenticity of a document is intimately connected to the question ... The last category of elements is context. The identified elements of ... www.iath.virginia.edu/sds/macneil_text.htm The Concept of Authenticity - HTML-Version The concept of authenticity – the idea of `being oneself' or `being true to oneself' ... elements of the personality in the context of the self as a whole. ... www.kent.ac.uk/secl/philosophy/ss/AUTHENTICITY.rtf 01.Aug.2005 <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Inauthentic Authenticity or Authentic ... Authenticity of the tasks conducive to language learning.[-1-] ... One kind of meaning is that which language items have as elements of the language system,.. www.zait.uni-bremen.de/wwwgast/tesl_ej/ej02/a.1.html URL: https://www.esoterically.net/log/archives/002014.html Since there is no apparent record of his superiors conducting the required review board, it is pretty evident that his superiors were looking out for him, so that he would not be an embarrassment to his father. If his superiors had done their job, Bush would have most likely been called to active duty and sent to Vietnam. One could even argue that his honorable discharge was issued under fraudulent conditions. Bush has demonstrated that he is nothing more than a pathological liar, and he should be sent packing back to Crawford. 01.Aug.2005 Translating Linguistic Variation Authenticity may be roughly defined as the opposite of parody,.. Jim) and then introducing elements that mark parody (including, in this day + age,.. www.fut.es/~apym/on-line/authenticity.html 01.Aug.2005 Establishment Newspapers and CIA The right-wing Washington Times quoted him as saying that the series "doesn't have any elements of authenticity ." And former Washington Times reporter ... www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Media/EstabPapersCIA_WMOZ.html 01.Aug.2005 Snow Job: The Establishment's Papers Do Damage Control for the CIA The right-wing Washington Times (9/12/96) quoted him as saying that the series "doesn't have any elements of authenticity ." And former Washington Times ... www.spectacle.org/197/drug.html 01.Aug.2005 Presentation - Robin Good' Sharewood Tidings "Common elements include authenticity , collaboration, the use of critical thinking skills, global implications, in-depth investigations,... read more | cat. ... www.masternewmedia.org/presentation.htm 01.Aug.2005 THE ROLE OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERS Again, these elements are authenticity (Corey, 1986; Egan, 1990; Rogers, 1962), respect (Corey, 1986; Egan, 1990), empathy (Corey, 1986; Rogers,.. www.aare.edu.au/00pap/yeu00429.htm 01.Aug.2005 Authenticity, Integrity, Retrievability Maintain the context of data elements in database structures ... Supports Policies: Authenticity , Integrity and Retrievability ... www.e-government.govt.nz/docs/data-management-standards/chapter8.html 01.Aug.2005 The artificiality of many of the videos and photographs are an attempt to cajole sublimated elements of authenticity from their subjects. ... www.contemporary-magazine.com/profile62.htm 01.Aug.2005 Authenticity - nine ways for brands to join the new revolution Here are nine elements of authenticity for brands that want to deepen their relationship with consumers:1 1. Authenticity means ethical. ... www.biz-community.com/Article/196/82/5426.html 01.Aug.2005 Rubric for Illumination Authenticity : The extent to which the entry uses period materials and ... uses elements from several pieces of a single style to create an original piece ... www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/2963/rubric.html 01.Aug.2005 Sixteenth Century Fabrics: Fibre and Pattern - Venus' Seamstress 01.Aug.2005 Report From Falluja: "We Regard Falluja As a Large Prison" : Doctors Ahmed and Salam, says Ahmed, they see one or two dead civilians every day + that hundreds have been killed by coalition forces since the city was taken over by the US. 01.Aug.2005 Iran to put nuclear “spies” on trial: "The [MeK] had the main role in this and they have boasted before about spying against Iran in a press conference in America," Younessi said. "We have identified and arrested dozens of spies on various grounds." 03.Aug.2005 The truth behind the Indo-U.S. nuclear deal : In opening the door to nuclear commerce with India, Washington has confirmed how much an alliance with New Delhi is worth to it. But is anybody on the Indian side doing the math 03.Aug.2005 Free-trade plan splits Caribbean nations at unity conference : Almost all commerce flows north and south, mainly involving the USA, and only about 8 % of trade is between Caribbean nations, a fact Panamanian President Martin Torrijos attributed to "historic trends of domination." 03.Aug.2005 Why the U.S. and France hate Haiti : Like Sandinista Nicaragua and Castro’s Cuba, liberating itself was Haiti’s original sin. Two centuries later, the forces of counter-liberation are still relentlessly applied against it. 03.Aug.2005 Military classes are off course; In the suburbs, the armed forces are welcomed for more than just visits. They're teaching some of the classes. 03.Aug.2005 Marine Corps New: Some to Lose Hundreds in Pay Monday: Untold numbers of servicemembers residing off base will see their next paycheck shrink by as much as $250 -- and many of them may not even know the blow is coming. 03.Aug.2005 The Angry American: Polls say most Americans believe the President lied to gain approval for the war in Iraq and also believe the majority of members of Congress are corrupt and don’t serve their constituents. 03.Aug.2005 The Price of an Ambassadorship: Like administrations before it, the Bush White House is rewarding campaign fund-raisers with plum diplomatic posts. But is now the right time to risk alienating Europe? Plus, the two faces of John Roberts. 03.Aug.2005 Dems Field Another Pro-War Candidate: Meet Hack the Hawk: The latest Congressional candidate to be peddled by the pro-war Democratic establishment, including Howard Dean, James Carville, the Daily Kos, Democracy for America, Al Franken on Air America Radio, etc., is Paul Hackett in southern Ohio. 03.Aug.2005 07/29/05: George Galloway: Americans losing in Iraq and Lebanon is on brink of civil war : “I believe that the resistance will grow stronger and stronger + the occupiers will pay dearly”, he said referring to foreign forces in Iraq. 03.Aug.2005 Tony Benn: Time to end nuclear defence policy: : The most immediate danger may well be US — or even Israeli — air strikes against Iran, justified on the grounds that Tehran is in breach of the non-proliferation treaty, while protecting + arming, Israel which is the most fully equipped nuclear power in the Middle East. 03.Aug.2005 White House Redefines The Meaning Of "Torture": Congress may approve funding for the gulag. But the people's representatives must have no say whatsoever in the gulag's operations. To give way on this point would reintroduce the rule of law and genuine democracy to U.S. government. 01.Aug.2005 U.S. Evicted From Air Base In Uzbekistan : Uzbekistan formally evicted the USA yesterday from a military base that has served as a hub for combat and humanitarian missions to Afghanistan since shortly after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Pentagon and State Department officials said yesterday. 01.Aug.2005 US Army to pull out of 13 German bases : Eleven bases in and around the Bavarian city of Wuerzburg will be handed over to the German government by September 2007. Two more bases near Wuerzburg will close and be handed over in subsequent years. 01.Aug.2005 Hungry in the Middle of Nowhere : Niger has about eleven million people. Perhaps four million of them could starve to death if they don't get help, right now. 01.Aug.2005 France says world was late to help starving Niger : France blamed a food crisis gripping its former colony Niger on a late response by the entire international community on Saturday, saying it was not the only country responsible for aiding the world's poor. 01.Aug.2005 Sunnis Demonstrate in Baghdad : 1 Million Iraqis say "US Out"! 01.Aug.2005 Parliament speaker warns troops not to attack Tel Affar : Parliament speaker Hajim al-Hassani has warned both U.S. and Iraqi troops against the use of military force in solving the tense situation in Tel Affar. 01.Aug.2005 Man attacks Saddam in court -defence team : "As the president stood to leave the courtroom one of those present attacked him and there was an exchange of blows between the man and the president," the statement said. 01.Aug.2005 Report uncovers U.S. fraud in Iraq : A special auditor monitoring billions of dollars spent by the U.S. on Iraq's reconstruction found millions of dollars worth of fraud by American officials and companies. 01.Aug.2005 Garbage in Fallujah Brings Iraqis Togethe r: "We worked with our bare hands. It was Shiaa and Sunni and Christians working together.” 01.Aug.2005 Carter Blasts Guantanamo Detention Camp : Former President Jimmy Carter on Saturday said the detention of terror suspects at the Guantanamo Bay Naval base was an embarrassment and had given extremists an excuse to attack the USA. 01.Aug.2005 Douglas Hurd: You cannot divorce Iraq from the terror equation : We removed a cruel dictator and substituted a scene of carnage and anarchy 01.Aug.2005 UK bomb suspect arrested in Zambia : Zambian police have confirmed they are holding British national Haroon Aswat, suspected to be linked to the 07.Jul.2005 London bombings. 01.Aug.2005 Death of a Brazilian : In order to justify the murder of Menazes it is necessary to ‘massage’ the facts to fit the crime. 01.Aug.2005 Now armed police patrol city's roads : Patrol cars carrying armed police will hit the streets of Bradford in response to the terror attacks on London. 01.Aug.2005 Italy extends anti-terrorism powers : The Italian parliament has given final approval to measures that will give the state greater powers to combat terrorism 01.Aug.2005 Was it Al-Qaeda? : In investigations of the Sharm El-Sheikh attacks, the spectre of Al-Qaeda may be a bogeyman concealing the real culprits 01.Aug.2005 Israeli Spy Affair: FBI seeks to probe senior Israeli diplomat in Pentagon spy case : The American request was discussed a few weeks ago at an interministerial meeting in Jerusalem. The consensus was that neither Gilon nor other officials should be allowed to undergo investigation by the FBI 01.Aug.2005 Iran says ready to restart nuclear work Monday: Iran said it would restart some nuclear activities on Monday unless it receives European Union proposals on Sunday to break a diplomatic impasse. 01.Aug.2005 Iran warns U.S., Israel against attack: Iranian Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani said Friday that Iran is ready to confront any military attack by Israel and the USA. 01.Aug.2005 David Ray Griffin : 11.Sep.2001 and the Mainstream Press : You might assume that the 11.Sep.2001 Commission would have played the role of an impartial jury, simply evaluating the evidence for the competing conspiracy theories and deciding which one was more strongly supported. 01.Aug.2005 Flawed Assumptions: 11.Sep.2001 in Historical Perspective: Deep Politics: Drugs, Oil, Covert Operations and Terrorism. A briefing for Congressional staff 01.Aug.2005 Roberts' radicalism needs media scrutiny: Roberts argued to the Supreme Court that Roe vs. Wade should be "overruled." He won a case blocking doctors in many cases from even discussing reproductive options with their patients. 01.Aug.2005 He has ruled in favor of sweeping powers for the president in this state of perpetual war -- with frightening implications for our civil liberties. 01.Aug.2005 Roberts Had Larger 2000 Recount Role : The role of US Supreme Court nominee John Roberts in the 2000 election aftermath in Florida was larger than has been reported. Roberts helped prepare the Supreme Court case. 01.Aug.2005 Dodd: Bolton Lacks Support for U.N. Post : ``He's damaged goods. This is a person who lacks credibility,'' said Sen. Christopher Dodd, a senior Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 01.Aug.2005 Iraq is the new 'epicenter' of global terrorism: Al-Qaeda expert : "Like Afghanistan produced the last generation of terrorists, Iraq will produce the next generation," he said. 01.Aug.2005 Terror suspect gives first account of London attack : · Rome captive 'says Iraq sparked plot' · Security chiefs fear new wave of assaults · Huge hunt for bomb mastermind · Death gangs were linked, say police 01.Aug.2005 Extraordinary admission to interrogators by London bomb suspect : The would-be bombers watched films, "especially those in which you saw women and children killed and exterminated by the English and American soldiers, or widows, mothers and daughters who were crying". "We never had contacts with the Bin Laden organisation. 01.Aug.2005 Finger points to British intelligence as al-Qaeda websites are wiped out : Over the past fortnight Israeli intelligence agents have noticed something distinctly odd happening on the internet. One by one, Al-Qaeda’s affiliated websites have vanished until only a handful remain 01.Aug.2005 Gwynne Dyer: A few obscenities for Blair and company to chew on : Let's talk dirty. 11.Sep.2001 -The- suicide hijackers — all Arabs — attacked the U.S. instead of Brazil or Japan because the U.S. government has been neck-deep in the politics of the Arab world for a generation, whereas the Brazilian and Japanese governments haven't. 01.Aug.2005 Carter: Guantanamo's an embarrassment, war unjust : I thought then + I think now, that the invasion of Iraq was unnecessary and unjust. And I think the premises on which it was launched were false. 01.Aug.2005 Cheney's boundless Iraq profiteering : Things are going well in Iraq for the invaders. Well, at least for some people, such as US Vice-President Richard Cheney. He is receiving more than $US1 million ($A1.3 million) a year from Halliburton, the company of which he was CEO from 1995 to 2000, in "deferred remuneration" while he is VP. He is worth every penny. 01.Aug.2005 5,000 US Troops Have Gone AWOL: Getting Out of Iraq...One Way or Another 01.Aug.2005 David Antoon : The Reality Of War: When the Bush twins are drafted, along with the children of Senators, Congressmen, corporate "fat cats", neocons + the "media cheerleaders" for this war, perhaps then + only then, will the cost of war be borne by all. 01.Aug.2005 U.S. territories hotbed for Army recruits : High school graduates from places like Micronesia and the Philippines are signing up in droves, looking for a good paycheck. 01.Aug.2005 In case you missed it: The Silence of the Blonds : How did Tony Blair, George Bush and Malcolm Fraser of Australia not understand the primeval wickedness they had let loose in Iraq? The answer was simple. 01.Aug.2005 In case you missed it: Iraq's Child Prisoners : A Sunday Herald investigation has discovered that coalition forces are holding more than 100 children in jails such as Abu Ghraib. Witnesses claim that the detainees – some as young as 10 – are also being subjected to rape and torture 01.Aug.2005 ‘Israeli terror is worse’: Former Education Minister Shulamit Aloni blasts ‘megalomaniac’ Prime Minister Sharon in interview with Arab-Israeli newspaper, says he should face justice. Aloni also charges Israel a racist state that commits war crimes 01.Aug.2005 The War on Truth: 11.Sep.2001, Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism. Beyond Downing Street Town Hall Meeting -Featuring Nafeez M. Ahmed 01.Aug.2005 Morality, Terrorism and the Laws of Motion But terrorists are different. They have no other intention but to terrorize our civilians and cities. Hence we are good and they are evil, the logic goes, because they have no moral claim to violence as we do. Continue. 01.Aug.2005 Not a Matter of Religious Belief because God told their commander in chief to go to war from those who stand up to their tyranny and injustice irrespective of their religious belief." Continue 01.Aug.2005 bin Laden must be a very satisfied man -By K Gajendra Singh 01.Aug.2005 Terror attacks are response to military actions 01.Aug.2005 Exclusive: Secret Memo—Send to Be Tortured -By Michael Isikoff 01.Aug.2005 Börse am Morgen: Dax steigt wieder über 4900 Punkte 01.Aug.2005 Saudi-Arabien: König Fahd ist tot 01.Aug.2005 Handelsstreit mit den USA: Japan verhängt erstmals Strafzölle 01.Aug.2005 Beitragserhöhungen: Unionsspitze versucht Rentendiskussion zu beenden 01.Aug.2005 Irak: Saddam-Prozess vor Verfassungsreferendum 01.Aug.2005 Terrorismus: Spur der Londoner Attentäter führt nach Saudi-Arabien 01.Aug.2005 Luftkrieg: Abstruse Vorschläge zum Schutz Berlins vor Terror 31.Jul.2005 Summary of a great article. Previously, we mentioned Mark Crispen Miller's fine new piece, "None Dare Call It Stolen," in this month's Harpers -- and not available online. If you have a spare six bucks, the issue is worth your investment. But if the budget is tight (as it may well be, if you are working class and living in George Bush's America), Mary Anne Saucier has pieced together this precis. I don't think anyone will mind if I reprint much of it... URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367677,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367661,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367661,00.html 31.Jul.2005 "Discovery": Schaden am Shuttle entdeckt 31.Jul.2005 Atomstreit: Iran nimmt Nuklearprojekt wieder auf 31.Jul.2005 Justiz: Neonazi-Parole doch strafbar 31.Jul.2005 Terror-Knast Paddington Green: Guantanamo light 31.Jul.2005 Rassismus: Schwarzer mit Axthieben getötet 31.Jul.2005 Atomstreit: EU will Iran Sicherheitsgarantien anbieten 31.Jul.2005 Terrorbekämpfung: Kritik an Becksteins drastischen Vorschlägen 31.Jul.2005 Werbung: Wo Moral zur Marketingmasche wird 31.Jul.2005 Anschläge in London: "Wir wollten uns am Westen rächen" 31.Jul.2005 Indien: Zahl der Monsunopfer steigt auf Tausend 31.Jul.2005 Russische Armee: ABC nach Bassajew-Interview auf schwarzer Liste 31.Jul.2005 Leere Kassen: Union und FDP erwägen Rentenkürzungen URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367645,00.html 31.Jul.2005 Italien: Regierung verschärft Anti-Terrorgesetz 31.Jul.2005 Ende einer Techno-Party: Mehr als 100 Verletzte bei massivem Polizeieinsatz 31.Jul.2005 Bundestagswahl: CDU-Minister Laschet für Multikulti 31.Jul.2005 10:58) Steuerhinterziehung: JU-Mitglieder haben privat kassiert 31.Jul.2005 Partnerwahl nach Erbanlagen: Gene führen zur perfekten Liebe 31.Jul.2005 Großbritannien: Furcht vor einer dritten Terrorzelle URL: https://home.t-online.de/home/M.S.Salomon/rezens2.htm Die Literatur über Jesus von Nazareth, den vorgeblichen Heiland, der nach einer weit verbreiteten Legende vor rund zweitausend Jahren nicht nur beachtliche Wunder gewirkt, sondern die gesamte Menschheit erlöst haben soll, ist so groß und vielfältig, dass man eigentlich nichts Neues mehr erwarten sollte. Die meisten Forscher, die sich mit Jesu Leben beschäftigen, haben sich damit abgefunden, dass man nichts Definitives über Jesus sagen könne, allenfalls, dass eine solche Gestalt, sofern es sie überhaupt gegeben hat, wohl im jüdischen Kontext dachte und handelte. Infolge dessen hat sich in der historisch-kritischen Literatur das Bild vom jüdischen Wanderprediger Jesus eingebürgert, der erst in Folge der späteren Mythologisierung (beginnend mit Paulus) seiner jüdischen Wurzeln entkleidet und zum Christus, dem „Erlöser aller Menschen“, stilisiert wurde. Völlig falsch!, meint Earl Doherty, der mit seinem Buch „Das Jesus-Puzzle“ eine erfrischend neue Interpretation der Jesus-Figur vorgelegt hat. Das Evangelium der Christenheit beruht, so Doherty, auf der Verschmelzung zweier Traditionen, die ursprünglich gar nichts miteinander zu tun hatten: 1. einer „Galiläa-Tradition“, die eine neue Ethik sowie das Nahen des Reichs Gottes + des sog. „Menschensohns“ verkündigte + 2. einer „Jerusalem-Tradition“, in deren Zentrum ein himmlischer Sohn Gottes stand (Jesus oder Yeshua, Christus oder Messias genannt), der in einer übernatürlichen Welt durch einen metaphysischen Opfertod und anschließender Auferstehung bereits zwischen Gott + der Welt vermittelt hatte (Erlösung) + dessen irdische Ankunft für die nahe Zukunft erwartet wurde. https://www.transparentonline.de/Nr68/68_14.htm Walter Benjamin, Geschichtsphilosophische Thesen 30.Jul.2005 ScrappleFace: Former CIA Boss Tenet Calls CBS Memos 'Slam Dunk' ...just a guy with a job working for CBS - the wizard of oz is somewhere ... plant complete with a framed photo of the President + Mrs. Bush ... www.scrappleface.com/MT/archives/001837.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367624,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367624,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367624,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367624,00.html 30.Jul.2005 02) US-Waffenindustrie: Schusswaffenopfer dürfen nicht klagen 30.Jul.2005 19:52) Weltraumspaziergang: Nasa-Astronauten beenden Shuttle-Check 30.Jul.2005 Krieg gegen den Terror: Usbekistan fordert Abzug der US-Truppen 30.Jul.2005 Ermittlungen: Multikulturelle Terrortruppe gibt Fahndern Rätsel auf 30.Jul.2005 17:5 Stress am Steuer: Berufspendler leben wild und gefährlich (Auto, 17:5 Atomstreit: Iran setzt EU Ultimatum 30.Jul.2005 17:3 Pornofilm-Skandal: "Deep Throat" beschäftigt noch immer die Sittenwächter 30.Jul.2005 17:3Fotostrecke: Der Kult um "Deep Throat" URL: https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/politik/0,1518,druck-365663,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-367613,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367615,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367615,00.html 30.Jul.2005 Civil War Spectre Spurs New Iraq Exit Plans: Growing pessimism about averting civil war in Iraq, as well as mounting concerns that the U.S. military presence there may itself be fuelling the insurgency and Islamist extremism worldwide, has spurred a spate of new calls for the USA to withdraw its 140,000 troops sooner rather than later. 30.Jul.2005 Poll: USA doubts Iraq success, but not ready to give up: Most Americans don't believe the USA will succeed in winning the war in Iraq or establishing a stable democracy there, according to a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll. 30.Jul.2005 Pentagon identifies top Iraq rebels: Pentagon officials confirmed yesterday that they have identified the top eight to 10 leaders of the insurgency in Iraq, but said the USA had no idea how many insurgents had been killed or captured in the past seven months. 30.Jul.2005 US 'misread motivation' of suicide bombers: Not everyone accepts the stereotype of suicide bombers recruited by the Al Qaeda network, as religiously-inspired haters of Western values, intent of destroying Western civilisation. One American analyst says it's too simplistic to assume Islamic fundamentalism in the central cause. 30.Jul.2005 Al-Zarqawi Issues Video-History Of His Terror Group.: "The crusader armies have been taken prisoner in Iraq and the head of the crusaders [the US president George W. Bush] made an error when, in 2003, he announced the end of the war in Iraq, because it has only just begun 30.Jul.2005 Guardsman: CIA beat Iraqis with hammer handles : CIA officials used a sledgehammer handle to beat various prisoners in Iraq + one official, whose name is classified, would often brag about his abuse of prisoners, according to testimony in a closed session of a military hearing. 30.Jul.2005 Calif. National Guard Company Under Torture Investigation: The investigation appears to deal with allegations an electric stun gun was used to abuse or torture Iraqi detainees 30.Jul.2005 Frist pulls defense bill to elude votes on handling captives: The unusual move came after senators, including several leading Republicans, beat back an effort by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist to block amendments setting standards for military-prisoner interrogations and delaying base closings scheduled for approval later this year. 30.Jul.2005 The Iraq mess: The fighting has transformed itself largely into civil war. The 170,000 Iraqi security forces, largely Shiite in composition, represent the Shiite-dominated government of Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari. They are opposed and targeted by the largely Sunni insurgents. 30.Jul.2005 Bulgaria's Withdrawal from Iraq - Top Priority for Draft Cabinet: Withdrawing the Bulgarian military contingent in Iraq will be a major priority of the coalition between the country's Socialists and the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF). 30.Jul.2005 Fewer early sign-ups as Army struggles to recruit soldiers: The Army, which expects to miss its 2005 recruiting goal by about 12,000, already is falling behind for next year. 30.Jul.2005 British Police Storm Home, Arrest Suspect In Failed Bombings : British police may have tracked down one of the four men they believe carried out last week's failed bombings in London. 30.Jul.2005 London terrorists 'left 16 unexploded bombs': The London bombers left a stash of 16 unexploded bombs in a car, some packed with nails, it was revealed today. 30.Jul.2005 Ready to strike again: THE fugitive bombers who bungled their attacks on London’s transport system last week returned to their secret cache of explosives to rearm themselves for another assault, Scotland Yard believes 30.Jul.2005 The Israeli Spy Affair: FBI seeks to probe senior Israeli diplomat in Pentagon spy case: The Federal Bureau of Investigation is demanding that Naor Gilon, head of the political department at the Israeli embassy in Washington, be interrogated in connection to the Pentagon spy case. 30.Jul.2005 Israel's Defense Minister Cancels Trip to Washington: Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz has canceled a trip to Washington due to new U.S. demands to oversee Israeli weapons exports, part of a growing crisis over Israeli arms sales to China, an Israeli defense official said. 30.Jul.2005 Gideon Levy: They broke the public's heart : The media is to blame: For months, it portrayed the story of the "great sacrifice" the evacuated settlers must make. For years, it ignored the injustices they inflicted on their neighbors and thus helped portray the settlers in a false light. 30.Jul.2005 US Openly Supports Iranian Terrorist: The U.S. Government is now openly supporting the Mujahideen-e-Khalq, an Iranian resistance movement designated as terrorist organization by the US State Department. 30.Jul.2005 The U.S. and Iran: Democracy, Terrorism + Nuclear Weapons: By arranging for the Iranian government to be overthrown or crippled, American policymakers hope to acquire unprecedented leverage in shaping the future direction of the Middle East. 30.Jul.2005 Is Iran Being Set Up? : Reports about the recent flurry of Iran-Iraq diplomacy must shock the neocons. Things are not going at all according to plan. Neocon ally Chalabi should be in power, hosting the Israeli prime minister's official visit and mapping a common strategy against Iran. 30.Jul.2005 Silent crisis of Niger's starving millions: In Niger 2.5 million people are facing famine, 150,000 children are expected to die from malnutrition by the end of the year and the country's many starving need at least 23,000 tons of food just for the hope of survival. 30.Jul.2005 Famine in Niger - how to help: According to the UN's World Food Programme poor rains and the worst locust invasion in 15 years have pushed Niger into severe "hunger season". More than a million people are facing a serious food crisis and children, always the most vulnerable, are now beginning to die from starvation 30.Jul.2005 Latin America's "Bin Laden" Denied Bail, Judge Cites Posada's Terror Record: Leading anti-Castro terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is denied bail in his Texas immigration trial. We speak with a U.S. immigration lawyer who has been retained by the Venezuelan government to represent it in the case as it continues to demand his extradition 30.Jul.2005 Florida church speaks out against Islam : A sign outside a Jacksonville, Fla., church proclaims, "Islam is evil and believes in murder. Jesus teaches peace." 30.Jul.2005 "Christian" Country Or A nation In Shame?: The Religious Right has corrupted Christianity beyond recognition 30.Jul.2005 Deal for DeLay district added to energy bill, Democrat says: A top House Democrat is accusing GOP leaders of slipping a provision into a sprawling energy bill to give hundreds of millions of dollars to a private energy consortium in the suburban Houston hometown of House majority leader Tom DeLay -- a consortium that includes energy giant Halliburton Inc. as one of its most prominent members. 30.Jul.2005 Waxman letter in full: $1.5 Billion Giveaway Secretly Slipped into Energy Bill: In a letter to Speaker Hastert, Rep. Waxman writes that after the energy legislation was closed to further amendment in the recently concluded conference, a $1.5 billion provision benefiting oil + gas companies + Halliburton + Sugar Land, Texas, was mysteriously inserted in the text. 30.Jul.2005 Subcontractor's Story Details Post-11.Sep.2001 Chaos : Three years ago, Sunnye L. Sims lived in a two-bedroom apartment north of San Diego, paying $1,025 in monthly rent. Then she landed a dream job, with $5.4 million in pay for nine months of work. 30.Jul.2005 U.S. House approves Central American trade agreement: Republicans, mostly from textile states, jockeyed over who would be allowed to vote against the bill and save face back home. The final count came minutes after midnight. 30.Jul.2005 The CAFTA Agreement: How Did Your Representative Vote: 30.Jul.2005 One mother's war: Mother seeking support cursed at for questioning war; Son escaped suicide bomb 30.Jul.2005 ISP 'censored' anti-war email: A US broadband provider and a security services company have been accused of blocking emails relating to an anti-Iraq war protest. 30.Jul.2005 US under fire over al-Qaeda guide : The US Department of Justice has come under fire for posting an al-Qaeda training manual on its website. 30.Jul.2005 07/27/05: Who's Taking Blame for Christian Violence? : How do our current religious leaders think Jesus would react to the concept of collateral damage? 30.Jul.2005 Dance of deception : The assumption that worldwide Islam bears the responsibility for radical young men and women who blow up buses and trains is devoid of logic and conscience. 30.Jul.2005 Are Stupid White Men Really Stupid? : We must wake up and regain our country from the criminals, fools, and traitors who’ve assumed it. 30.Jul.2005 Tariq Mehmood : In the Eye of the Storm: The apologies of Muslim ‘leaders’ for what happened in London is like bowing in front of a devil because of the actions of a demon. 30.Jul.2005 Feds move swiftly to exploit 7/7: Subway riders in New York and Washington are now subject to random searches, because they might have bombs. Forget that a suicide bomber would only detonate his payload upon being approached by a policeman, and take out whatever number of hapless innocents might be near him in these crowded venues. 30.Jul.2005 Soldier Who Refused Iraq Duty Faces Charges: Benderman served in Iraq during the 2003 invasion, but says he decided he could no longer be a part of the destruction he witnessed, even if that meant choosing his conscience over his commitment to his fellow troops. 30.Jul.2005 "Emergency Action: Support US Army Sergeant Kevin Benderman," 30.Jul.2005 Turkey threatens action unless US tackles Kurdish rebels in Iraq : Speaking in an interview, the Prime Minister said Turkey was committed to fighting terrorism, but also expected help from its allies in a struggle against fighters from the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK), which has some 3,000 militants based in northern Iraq. 30.Jul.2005 Iraq police accused of torture : Iraq's new police force is facing mounting allegations of systematic abuse and torture of people in detention, as well as allegations of extra-judicial killings. The minority Sunni community in particular claims it is being targeted by the Shia-dominated police force. 30.Jul.2005 Transcript Suggests CIA Involved in Abuse : Sgt. 1st Class Gerold Pratt of the Utah National Guard said he saw unidentified U.S. personnel use the 15-inch wooden handle to hit prisoners. 30.Jul.2005 Former Abu Ghraib warden says dog use was urged by Guantanamo boss: Dinenna also testified that teams of trainers were sent to Abu Ghraib from Guantanamo Bay to try to incorporate certain interrogation techniques in Iraq. 30.Jul.2005 U.S. wants Colombia to get tough on rights abusers : Colombia must aggressively prosecute human rights atrocities and ensure that right-wing paramilitaries who are guilty of murder are brought to justice, a top U.S. government official said on Wednesday. 30.Jul.2005 Thomas Friedman, Liberal Sadist?:: The acclaimed New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman has often voiced enthusiasm for violent destruction by the U.S. government. Hidden in plain sight, his glee about such carnage is worth pondering. 30.Jul.2005 Pepe Escobar : The Algerian connection : The US has already secretly established a "huge military surveillance base" in the Algerian city of Tamanrassat 30.Jul.2005 Salaries of private security guards in Iraq as much as $33,000 per month: A nonpartisan Government Accountability Office (GAO) report issued Thursday reveals that the U.S. is spending as much as $33,000 per private security contractor per month -- some $396,000 per year on individual guards 30.Jul.2005 UK: Nine more arrested: Anti-terrorist officers arrested nine men in raids this morning in connection with the botched July 21 attacks on London's transit system, bringing to 20 the number of people police have in custody, including one of the alleged bombers. 30.Jul.2005 Gilad Atzmon - Blair the Camera Man: Tony Blair is an advanced political thinker. Following his articulate analysis, terrorists are killing people for the ‘sake of it’. The soldiers that he made certain the Great Britain sent to far off lands, on the other hand, kill only because Blair and Britain want to help Arabs and Afghanis to ‘build their democracy’. Come on Tony, do we look that stupid? 30.Jul.2005 Brazilian did not wear bulky jacket : : Jean Charles de Menezes, the Brazilian shot dead in the head, was not wearing a heavy jacket that might have concealed a bomb + did not jump the ticket barrier when challenged by armed plainclothes police, his cousin said yesterday. 30.Jul.2005 Italy says it arrests fourth London bomb suspect: The fourth man suspected of trying to detonate bombs on London's transport network on July 21 has been arrested in Rome, Italy's interior minister said on Friday. 30.Jul.2005 Further attacks likely, says police chief : The risk of another terror attack remains very high, Sir Ian Blair warned yesterday as an unprecedented security operation began on Britain's transport system. 30.Jul.2005 Shooting to kill: Londoners, don't let your bobbies grow up to be cowboys, which would compound the terrorist toll. 30.Jul.2005 Inside the Minds of Suicide Bombers : What inspires young men and women to become suicide bombers? Religious fanaticism? Nationalism? Alienation? Or some toxic mix of all three? 30.Jul.2005 War pimp alert: U.S.: Iranian Cadre Training Hezbollah : A top State Department official informed Congress on Thursday that Iranian cadre were training Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon. 30.Jul.2005 32,000 children in Niger face ‘mortal threat’ : UNICEF appeals to the world community for an additional US$14.6 million to save children’s lives in Niger 30.Jul.2005 Niger diary I : Arriving on the ground : Mark Snelling is a member of the British Red Cross Society's Emergency Response Unit in Niger. He has been keeping a diary for the BBC News website. 30.Jul.2005 Mauritania also at risk of hunger : The combination of the locust invasion and drought which has brought a food crisis to Niger is set to affect the entire Sahel region of West Africa. 30.Jul.2005 Basayev broadcast enrages Russia : Russia says it is outraged by an interview with Chechen rebel leader Shamil Basayev broadcast on America's ABC television network. 30.Jul.2005 New post to help Castro 'demise' : US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has announced the creation of a new post to help "accelerate the demise" of the Castro regime in Cuba. 30.Jul.2005 Australia releases children from detention camps : Australia on Thursday began releasing the last 42 children from razor-wire immigration detention camps 30.Jul.2005 CAFTA Voting Irregularities : After Congress passes CAFTA by one vote in a midnight count, questions are being raised about the process. We speak with the Director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch about the GOP leaders' round-up of House votes to approve trade agreement. 30.Jul.2005 Jonathan Tasini: Spanking The CAFTA 15 : Enough is enough. The 15 so-called Democrats who voted for the Central American Free Trade Agreement must pay a heavy price for turning their backs on labor: None of them should receive a dime from labor unions and each one should face a labor-backed primary challenger next year. 30.Jul.2005 FBI wants more subpoena power: Director says bureau shouldn't have to seek court approval 30.Jul.2005 07/28/05: They Just Never Meant Very Much To Us : Samples From An Ocean Of Suffering 30.Jul.2005 The Globalization of State Terror : The expression of Bush's maligned vision is now evident everywhere; from the gun-towers over Guantanamo, to the concertina wire surrounding Falluja 30.Jul.2005 The victim and the killer : Yasser Salihee was an Iraqi journalist. Joe was an American sniper. On June 24, 2005, fate brought them together on a Baghdad street. 30.Jul.2005 Iraq Affecting Mental Health of Troops : 30 % of Troops Develop Mental Problems After Coming Home From Iraq, Military Says 30.Jul.2005 Majority in U.S. Feels Bush Misled on Iraq War : 51 per cent of respondents believe the Bush administration deliberately misled the American public about whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction 30.Jul.2005 Lets Not Forget: Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President : A SECRET blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush and his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure 'regime change' even before he took power in January 2001. 30.Jul.2005 Ray McGovern: Iraq-Niger: Cheney and the Forgery I believe this helps to explain the highly unusual role Vice President Dick Cheney played regarding the forged “intelligence” about Iraq seeking to acquire uranium from Niger—the source of that particular lie. 30.Jul.2005 Bob Herbert : Oil and Blood : The whole point of this war, it seems, was to establish a long-term military presence in Iraq to ensure American domination of the Middle East and its precious oil reserves, which have been described, the author Daniel Yergin tells us, as "the greatest single prize in all history." 30.Jul.2005 Army Mechanic Acquitted of Desertion : Sgt. Kevin Benderman, an Army mechanic who refused to go to Iraq while he sought conscientious objector status was acquitted of desertion Thursday but found guilty of a lesser charge and sentenced to 15 months behind bars. 30.Jul.2005 State Dept. Now Says Bolton Interviewed : John Bolton, President Bush's nominee for U.N. ambassador, neglected to tell Congress he had been interviewed in a government investigation into faulty prewar intelligence that Iraq was seeking nuclear materials in Africa, the State Department said. 30.Jul.2005 W.House gives strong signal on Bolton appointment : President Bush will soon bypass the Senate and appoint John Bolton to become the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. 30.Jul.2005 Madrassa foreigners 'must leave' : Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf says all foreign students at madrassas, or religious schools, some 1,400 pupils, must leave the country. 30.Jul.2005 Philippine diplomats pulled out of Iraq : Philippine diplomats in Iraq have left their Baghdad mission indefinitely pulling back to Jordan due to a rash of kidnappings of foreign diplomats. 30.Jul.2005 US troops may protect envoys in Iraq : The US military is to consider protecting foreign diplomats in Baghdad after al-Qaida claimed responsibility for the killing of three Algerian diplomats this month, the new American ambassador said. 30.Jul.2005 Iraqi Kurds demand say over northern oil fields : Iraq's Kurds want at least partial control over northern oil resources in a post-war political system that ends uneven distribution of wealth, Planning Minister Barham Salih said on Friday. 30.Jul.2005 Mike Whitney : Don't count on early Withdrawal from Iraq : We can expect to hear a lot about civil war in the next few weeks; and federalism, too. Don't believe a word of it. The Pentagon is moving forward with its plan to divide Iraq into three parts and it's using the pretext of civil war to justify its strategy. 30.Jul.2005 Security costs slow Iraq reconstruction: Efforts to rebuild water, electricity and health networks in Iraq are being shortchanged by higher-than-expected costs to provide security and by generous financial awards to contractors, according to a series of reports by government investigators released yesterday. 30.Jul.2005 White House Redefines The Meaning Of "Torture"- By Chris Floyd 30.Jul.2005 Time to end nuclear defence policy: -By Tony Benn The most immediate danger may well be US — or even Israeli — air strikes against Iran, justified on the grounds that Tehran is in breach of the non-proliferation treaty, while protecting + arming, Israel which is the most fully equipped nuclear power in the Middle East. Continue 30.Jul.2005 Americans losing in Iraq and Lebanon is on brink of civil war - British MP George Galloway URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-367596,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367431,00.html 30.Jul.2005 Terrorermittlungen: Rucksackbomber soll gestanden haben 30.Jul.2005 Patriot Act: USA verlängern Anti-Terror-Gesetze 30.Jul.2005 "Discovery": Notreparatur im All 30.Jul.2005 Sommerwetter: Schwere Gewitter, Wirbelstürme, golfballgroße Hagelkörner 30.Jul.2005 Strafvollzug: Störsender soll Handys im Knast blockieren 30.Jul.2005 Ferienbeginn: Hunderte Kilometer Staus in Deutschland und Frankreich 30.Jul.2005 Finanzkonzerne: Allianz lehnt Fusion mit Deutscher Bank ab 30.Jul.2005 Vor Gericht: Saddam liefert sich Schlägerei 30.Jul.2005 Am Rand des Sonnensystem: US-Forscher entdecken zehnten Planeten 30.Jul.2005 Visaschwindel: Deutsche Botschaften verstärken biometrische Kontrollen 30.Jul.2005 Große Koalition: Klaus Wowereit warnt vor GAU 30.Jul.2005 Kurzer Wahlkampf: Parteien sparen Millionen 30.Jul.2005 7000 Meter tief: Japan plant Rekordbohrung am Meeresboden 30.Jul.2005 Anti-Filz-Kampagne: China will Schüler gegen Korruption impfen 30.Jul.2005 London: Scotland Yard nimmt fünften Verdächtigen fest 29.Jul.2005 Atomgespräche: USA konfrontieren Nordkorea mit geheimen Daten 29.Jul.2005 Zollunion: Türkei verweigert Anerkennung Zyperns URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367415,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367415,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367415,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367415,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367415,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367373,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzkultur/0,1518,367396,00.html 29.Jul.2005 Fahndungserfolg: Dramatischer Polizeieinsatz - mutmaßliche Rucksackbomber gefasst 29.Jul.2005 Dick und durstig: Fruchtzucker fördert Fettpolster 29.Jul.2005 Terrorfahndung: Vierter mutmaßlicher Rucksackbomber in Rom gefasst 29.Jul.2005 Raumfähre "Discovery": Shuttle-Chefin irritiert über Schäden beim Start 29.Jul.2005 Terror in Großbritannien: "Vielleicht stehen wir uns nicht so nahe, wie wir dachten" 29.Jul.2005 Terror-Reaktion: Pakistan will Ausländer von Koranschulen ausschließen URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltraum/0,1518,druck-367320,00.html 29.Jul.2005 Ungewöhnliche Balz: Keulenpipra singt mit vollem Körpereinsatz 29.Jul.2005 Terrorfahndung in West-London: Berichte über Festnahmen weiterer Rucksackbomber 29.Jul.2005 Festnahme in Sambia: Terrorverdächtiger soll Bin Ladens Leibwächter gewesen sein 29.Jul.2005 Irak: US-Firmen sollen Hilfsgelder unterschlagen haben 29.Jul.2005 Italien: Verwunderung über barsche Worte aus dem Vatikan 29.Jul.2005 Kommentar: Kalter Wind aus Rom 29.Jul.2005 "Mars-Express"-Fotos: Eisscholle auf dem Mars entdeckt 29.Jul.2005 Ranking: Die mächtigsten Frauen der Welt 29.Jul.2005 Shuttle "Discovery": Trümmerteil könnte Flügel beschädigt haben 29.Jul.2005 Luftfahrt: Boeing erobert China 29.Jul.2005 "Forbes"-Liste: Condoleezza Rice zur mächtigsten Frau der Welt gekürt URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-367282,00.html 11.Nov.2004 Iran Daily Angola: Billions Lost in Diamond Smuggling. About $350 million worth of diamonds are illegally extracted in Angola every year. LUANDA, Nov... -since 2000 -the state-run Jornal de Angola said on Wednesday, Reuters ... DETROIT, USA , Nov. 10--Japanese automakers lived up to their reputation for ... Copyright 2004, Iran Daily Newspaper ... 29.Jul.2005 Ärger um päpstlichen Segen: Streit zwischen Vatikan und Israel eskaliert 29.Jul.2005 5Grenzenlose Strafverfolgung: USA wollen Auslandshilfe an Auslieferungen koppeln 29.Jul.2005 Festnahme von Terrorverdächtigem: Polizeichef kritisiert Einsatz von Elektroschockpistole 29.Jul.2005 Nordirland: Um 17 Uhr gab die IRA den Befehl zum Frieden 29.Jul.2005 Machtkampf in der Uno: Erpressung? Normalfall! 28.Jul.2005 Fahndung: Weitere Festnahmen in Ägypten 28.Jul.2005 Terror-Fahndung: Mutmaßlicher Drahtzieher der Londoner Anschläge in Sambia gefasst 28.Jul.2005 Sensationeller Fund: Älteste Dinosaurierbabys der Welt entdeckt 28.Jul.2005 Pakistan: Verdächtiger im Mordfall Daniel Pearl gefasst 28.Jul.2005 Schäuble bei Bush: 45 Minuten für Merkels Gesandten 28.Jul.2005 "Discovery": Shuttle-Pannen gefährden Esa-Projekte 28.Jul.2005 Irak: USA sollen Wahlen manipuliert haben 28.Jul.2005 Chronologie: Die blutige Spur der IRA 28.Jul.2005 Raumfähre "Discovery": Shuttle-Besatzung an Bord der ISS 28.Jul.2005 Dokumentensicherheit: Scanner erkennt gefälschte Papiere 28.Jul.2005 Zentralrat der Juden: Paul Spiegel übt Kritik an Benedikt XVI. 28.Jul.2005 Renten: Versicherer beziffern die Lücke auf 2,5 Milliarden Euro 28.Jul.2005 Ermittlungen in London: Scotland Yards wichtigster Zeuge 28.Jul.2005 Benedikts erste 100 Tage: Nummer 16 schweigt 28.Jul.2005 Nordirland: Blair würdigt Friedenserklärung der IRA 28.Jul.2005 Nato-Angriff auf Serbien: Deutschland entgeht Entschädigungszahlungen 28.Jul.2005 Diktaturen: Polen zieht Botschafter aus Weißrussland zurück 28.Jul.2005 Uno-Reform: Berlusconi will auch in den Sicherheitsrat 28.Jul.2005 Cassini-Fotos: Mondfalten als Zeichen der Jugend 28.Jul.2005 Nordirland: IRA schwört bewaffnetem Kampf ab 28.Jul.2005 Hessen: Zweijähriger überlebte tagelang allein im Wald 28.Jul.2005 Shuttle-Manöver: "Discovery" sicher an ISS angedockt 28.Jul.2005 Berlusconi auf Schuldsuche: "Prodis Euro hat uns alle abgezockt" 28.Jul.2005 Unwetterkatastrophe: Hunderte Tote in Indien 28.Jul.2005 Terrorangst in London: "Das sind keine Amateure" 28.Jul.2005 Halbjahresbilanz: Kräftige Gewinnsteigerung bei der Deutschen Post 28.Jul.2005 Notfallplan: Rettungsshuttle soll am Boden bleiben 28.Jul.2005 Polen: Konflikt mit Weißrussland spitzt sich zu 28.Jul.2005 Quartalszahlen: Deutsche Bank übertrifft alle Erwartungen 28.Jul.2005 Großbritannien: Bombenfund deutet auf schlagkräftige Terrorzelle hin 28.Jul.2005 Virologie: Forscher finden Herpes-Rezeptor 28.Jul.2005 Unwetter: Orkanartige Stürme fegen über Deutschland hinweg 28.Jul.2005 Aktienoptionen: RWE-Chef kassiert zusätzliche Millionen 28.Jul.2005 Altersvorsorge: Rentenloch viel größer als erwartet 28.Jul.2005 Uno-Reform: Italien soll Albanien unter Druck gesetzt haben 28.Jul.2005 USA-Visite: Bush schenkt Schäuble 45 Minuten 28.Jul.2005 Umweltschutz: USA legen alternatives Kyoto-Konzept vor 28.Jul.2005 Uno-Reform: Japan droht mit Kürzung seiner Zahlungen 2004062426_Report In der irischen Hauptstadt Dublin demonstrierten am Freitag rund Zehntausend ... Jun.2004 New Mosquito Disease Deadlier Than West Nile. 25.Jun.2004 Rev. ... https://alfatomega.com/2004062426_Report.htm A Saudi merchant with links to Al Qaeda speaks to the US press for the first time since 1994. ... Yet Mr. Khalifa is unsure how long he will enjoy these freedoms ... Using charities in the ... www.csmonitor.com/2003/0121/p07s01-wome.html 29.Jul.2005 Raumfahrt: Nasa stoppt Shuttle-Flüge 29.Jul.2005 Osama bin Laden - ICT Coverage ... Al-Qaida claims attack on US Consulate in Jiddah. Nov 19, 2004 ... Clinton's Letter to Congress on Freezing of bin Ladin Assets ... www.ict.org.il/articles/bombin gs.cfm Two senior Bin Ladin associates have adamantly denied that any ... www.webroots.org/library/usahist/ny/911rpt14.html alt.bible NewsGroup Archive: by thread ... Starting Sat Oct 30 2004 - 22:15:24 PDT ... of bin Ladin 's speech. bob young. 02.Nov.02 2004 56 Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians 13 ... www.mailarchive.ca/lists/alt.bible/2004 11.Sep.2001 Commission Report - Notes - 4 Responses to Al Qaeda's Initial Assaults ... 14, 2004 ); Frank G. Interview (02.Mar.2004 ); DOS report, "Usama Bin Ladin Intelligence Update," . 19.Nov.1999 . ... see White House letter , President Clinton to bin Zayid, 23.Jul.---- https://911.gnu-designs.com/Notes_4.html 11.Sep.2001 Commission Report - Notes - 2 The Foundation of the New Terrorism ... feature_1253796.html). " Bin Laden's ' Letter to America,'" Observer Worldview, Nov . 24, 2002 (trans ... operative,. 14.Feb.2004 . Two senior Bin Ladin associates have adamantly denied ... https://911.gnu-designs.com/Notes_2.html 15.4.NOTES TO CHAPTER 4 Responses to Al Qaeda's Initial Assaults. 1. ... interview (Mar. 2, 2004 ); DOS report,"Usama Bin Ladin Intelligence Update," Nov . 19, 1999. ... the UAE, see White House letter , President Clinton to bin Zayid, 23.Jul.1999 DOS ... 15.5.NOTES TO CHAPTER 5 Al Qaeda Aims at the American Homeland. 1. Though KSM + Bin Ladin knew each other from the anti-Soviet campaign of the 1980s, KSM apparently did not begin working with al Qaeda until after the 1998 East Africa embassy bombings. ... 13,Nov.2003 On KSM's independence, see Intelligence report, interrogation of KSM, Jan. 9, 2004 . Even after he began working with Bin Ladin ... letter , June 25, 2004 , pp ... Ely Times ... COLUMN: When we missed Bin Ladin . By Dick Morris ... Kerry tried to spin the bin Laden tape to his own ... the next four years. - LETTER : Talk to the seniors, first ... www.elynews.com/archive/2004/11/05/Opinion InFact 11.Sep.2001 Commission Report Index InFact - The 11.Sep.2001 Commission Report - Page 532. 532 NOTES TO CHAPTER 7. recently, Binalshibh has claimed that he neither called nor sent a letter to KSM, but rather passed a verbal message via Essabar. ... 17, 2002; 06.Nov.2003 ; 08.Apr.2004 ... Bin Ladin to cancel the operation. Intelligence report, inter- rogation of KSM, Jan. 9, 2004 ... www.insightful.com/products/infact/911/page/191/9.html 27.Jul.2005 Londoner Anschläge: Polizei fasst mutmaßlichen Bombenleger ( 27.Jul.2005 Atombomben-Bau: Wissenschaftler soll Bin Laden informiert haben 27.Jul.2005 Urananreicherung: Paris verliert die Geduld mit Iran 27.Jul.2005 Raumfähre "Discovery": Nasa hält schon Notfallplan bereit 27.Jul.2005 Anti-Kyoto-Strategie: USA planen eigenes Klimabündnis 27.Jul.2005 Kardinal Meisner: Der Gotteskrieger vom Rhein 27.Jul.2005 Lausch-Urteil: Niedersachsen sieht Polizei im Kampf gegen Terror geschwächt 27.Jul.2005 Sicherheit: SPD-Politiker erwägen Bundeswehreinsatz im Innern 27.Jul.2005 Großbritannien: Polizei betäubt Terrorverdächtigen mit Taser 27.Jul.2005 US-Serie über Irak: Ein Fernsehkrieg, der süchtig macht 27.Jul.2005 Gaza-Abzug: Israels Polizei will renitente Siedler in Käfige stecken URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-366880,00.html 27.Jul.2005 Uno-Eklat: Italien behauptet, Beweise für Erpressung zu haben 27.Jul.2005 Anschläge von London: Polizei soll Rucksackbomber festgenommen haben 27.Jul.2005 Stichwort: Der Hitzeschild des Space Shuttles 27.Jul.2005 Raumfähre "Discovery": Nasa befürchtet Schaden am Hitzeschild 27.Jul.2005 Digitales Kino: Filmstudios einigen sich auf gemeinsamen Standard 27.Jul.2005 Atomstreit: Nordkorea nennt US-Vorschlag unvernünftig 27.Jul.2005 Bundesverfassungsgericht: Karlsruhe verbietet vorbeugende Telefonüberwachung 27.Jul.2005 Lernstress: Leistungskiller Lampenfieber 27.Jul.2005 Bio-Ballistik: Pilz feuert stärkste Breitseite der Natur 27.Jul.2005 Umfrage: Deutsche trauen großer Koalition am meisten zu 27.Jul.2005 Ghosts of the 1915 U.S. Invasion Still Haunt Haiti's People: While it takes American leaders and their armed enforcers just a few hours, days, weeks, months to rewrite another sovereign nation's history, it takes more than 90 years to overcome devastations caused by such an operation 30.Jul.2005 Venezuela: New TV network hits airwaves: The station is being marketed as an alternative to major news outlets like CNN and Fox. 30.Jul.2005 Rep. Ron Paul: The Patriot Act Four Years Later : Some of my congressional colleagues referenced the recent London bombings during the debate, insinuating that opponents of the Patriot Act somehow would be responsible for a similar act here at home. I won’t even dignify that slur with the response it deserves. 30.Jul.2005 Patriot Games : If House Democrats had stuck together in opposition to moves by the Bush administration to reauthorize the worst elements of the Patriot Act, the legislation would have been defeated and a major victory would have been won for civil liberties. 30.Jul.2005 Seattle Police Officers Begin New "Anti-Terror" Training : The Seattle Police Department plans to spend $30,000 for training to prevent suicide bombers for all officers + it will include training from an Israeli general. 30.Jul.2005 Welcome to America: LAX-To-London Flight Diverted to Boston: A flight from Los Angeles to London was diverted to Boston early Tuesday because three Pakistani passengers were acting suspiciously, but nothing amiss was found and the three were released after questioning, authorities said. 30.Jul.2005 Welcome to America: Police force frightened tourists off bus : Officers in riot gear handcuffed a group of apparently harmless South Asian-looking men with British accents after a jittery tour bus worker reported they seemed suspicious. The men were forced to kneel on the footpath, with their hands bound behind their backs, in front of the Winter Garden theatre. 30.Jul.2005 The Anointed of America : In fundamentalist circles, the Christian doctrine of love and devotion blends sheer hypocrisy with a primitive agenda of enforced ignorance and intolerant control. 30.Jul.2005 Legendary Funds Manager Predicts 20 million people could lose their home s : Inflation will run into the double and triple digits. "Food production will fall. People will be carrying around U.S. dollars in wheelbarrows like Germany," he said. 27.Jul.2005 Italy orders arrest of six more CIA agents: An Italian appeals court yesterday ordered the arrest of six additional CIA agents in connection with the disappearance of a radical Muslim cleric who was snatched from the streets of Milan two years ago, a prosecutor said. 27.Jul.2005 Judge denies bond for Cuban, seeks Bay of Pigs info: Lawyers for Luis Posada Carriles called the request "surprising" because they said if Posada is found to have engaged in terrorism, it would imply the CIA did also. 27.Jul.2005 A U.S. creation or not, don't call Posada a soldier : No matter what you may think about the war in Iraq, it is outrageous and insulting to compare American soldiers to a man who boasted of paying people to secretly plant bombs in hotels and restaurants that cater to innocent civilians. 27.Jul.2005 A nation slowly starving to death: Discussions have begun on food lifts from Australia, as Niger faces what the United Nations has described as the No. 1 neglected crisis in the world. 27.Jul.2005 US to keep military base in Kyrgyzstan: The USA has won assurances from Kyrgyzstan that Washington can keep its military base in the former Soviet Central Asian state as long as the situation in Afghanistan required it. 27.Jul.2005 'Possible' Explosives Found in London Home: British police investigating last week's failed terror attacks said they found a large amount of possible explosives in a North London apartment Tuesday. 27.Jul.2005 Poll says most Muslims want to leave U.K.: The Guardian/ICM poll, released Tuesday, said one in five Muslims has suffered Islamophobia that included abuse or hostility against the persons or a family member since the attacks by British-born suicide bombers. 27.Jul.2005 The Guardian/ICM Poll In Full 27.Jul.2005 Brazilians demand arrest over killing: Hundreds of relatives and friends of a Brazilian shot to death in London after being mistaken for a terrorist marched along the cobblestone streets of his hometown Monday, demanding the arrest of the British police who fired the fatal shots. 27.Jul.2005 Former Bush aide turns critic as Iraq inspector : The office had paid a contractor twice for the same work. A U.S. official was allowed to handle millions of dollars in cash weeks after he was fired for incompetence. Of the $119.9 million allocated for regional projects, $89.4 million was disbursed without contracts or other documentation. An additional $7.2 million couldn't be found at all. 27.Jul.2005 50,000 Iraqi insurgents killed, arrested : A retired U.S. Army general claims U.S. and Iraqi forces have killed or arrested more than 50,000 Iraqi insurgents in the past seven months 27.Jul.2005 07/26/05: The Morals of Tony Blair: Quite possibly Tony Blair rightly fears the real eventual possibility of impeachment and arraignment as a war criminal if he were ever to show even the hint of uncertainty over the rightness of his war crimes. 27.Jul.2005 The Iraqi Resistance Is Prepared For Ten Year War : An Interview with a top Baath party official 27.Jul.2005 White House denies access to Roberts' tax returns: The Bush administration will not give Senate investigators access to federal tax returns of Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr., White House and congressional officials said Tuesday, a break with precedent that could exacerbate a growing conflict over document disclosure in the confirmation process. 27.Jul.2005 The GOP is Certain to Win in 2006 — Unless...: Here’s the very bad news: the Democrats will almost certainly lose in 2006 and again in 2008. 27.Jul.2005 Condoleezza Rice at the Center of the Plame Scandal: She alone among senior officials was knowing and complicitous at every successive stage of the great half-baked yellow cake fraud. 27.Jul.2005 Iran says it will restart nuclear activity: Iran will restart some nuclear activities, including a key step prior to uranium enrichment, despite a European agreement over its contentious atomic program. 27.Jul.2005 Iran oil bourse wins authorization : Iran’s Bourse Council has given the go ahead to establishment of the first-ever oil, gas and petrochemical stock market in the Islamic Republic, a deputy minister of oil said. 27.Jul.2005 British Police Storm Home, Arrest Suspect In Failed Bombings : British police may have tracked down one of the four men they believe carried out last week's failed bombings in London. 27.Jul.2005 London terrorists 'left 16 unexploded bombs': The London bombers left a stash of 16 unexploded bombs in a car, some packed with nails, it was revealed today. 27.Jul.2005 Ready to strike again: THE fugitive bombers who bungled their attacks on London’s transport system last week returned to their secret cache of explosives to rearm themselves for another assault, Scotland Yard believes. 27.Jul.2005 Report: MI5 sought to recruit al-Qaida leader: MI5 tried to recruit senior al-Qaida figure Abu Qatada as an informer in a bid to keep terror off the streets of Britain, it was reported Wednesday. 27.Jul.2005 Cause and consequence : Two million people, including a vast number of British Muslims, took to the streets against the invasion of Iraq. Blair preferred the warmth of the White House's embrace. Ignore the marchers and you risk igniting the murderers. If the alternative to terrorism is democracy, then it is time the people of Britain and Iraq alike were listened to + the occupation ended. 27.Jul.2005 John Pilger: Blair Is Unfit To Be Prime Minister: The bombs of 07.Jul.2005 were Blair's bombs. Blair brought home to this country his and Bush's illegal, unprovoked and blood-soaked adventure in the Middle East. Were it not for his epic irresponsibility, the Londoners who died in the Tube and on the No 30 bus almost certainly would be alive today. 27.Jul.2005 Halliburton announces 284 % increase in war profits: - Halliburton announced on Friday that its KBR division, responsible for carrying out Pentagon contracts, experienced a 284 % increase in operating profits during the second quarter of this year. 27.Jul.2005 Calif. National Guard Company Under Torture Investigation: The investigation appears to deal with allegations an electric stun gun was used to abuse or torture Iraqi detainees 27.Jul.2005 Pentagon identifies top Iraq rebels: Pentagon officials confirmed yesterday that they have identified the top eight to 10 leaders of the insurgency in Iraq, but said the USA had no idea how many insurgents had been killed or captured in the past seven months. 27.Jul.2005 US 'misread motivation' of suicide bombers: Not everyone accepts the stereotype of suicide bombers recruited by the Al Qaeda network, as religiously-inspired haters of Western values, intent of destroying Western civilisation. One American analyst says it's too simplistic to assume Islamic fundamentalism in the central cause. 27.Jul.2005 Al-Zarqawi Issues Video-History Of His Terror Group.: "The crusader armies have been taken prisoner in Iraq and the head of the crusaders [the US president George W. Bush] made an error when, in 2003, he announced the end of the war in Iraq, because it has only just begun 27.Jul.2005 Guardsman: CIA beat Iraqis with hammer handles : CIA officials used a sledgehammer handle to beat various prisoners in Iraq + one official, whose name is classified, would often brag about his abuse of prisoners, according to testimony in a closed session of a military hearing. 27.Jul.2005 Calif. National Guard Company Under Torture Investigation: The investigation appears to deal with allegations an electric stun gun was used to abuse or torture Iraqi detainees 27.Jul.2005 Are Stupid White Men Really Stupid? 27.Jul.2005 Dance of deception 27.Jul.2005 Who's Taking Blame for Christian Violence? URL: https://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2004/03/10/osp_moveon/index2.html URL: https://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2004/03/10/osp_moveon/index2.html URL: https://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2004/03/10/osp_moveon/index2.html URL: https://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2004/03/10/osp_moveon/index2.html URL: https://www.cooperativeresearch.org/entity.jsp?id=1521846767-1813 Complete Iraq timeline Vanity Fair, 5/2004, pp 234 Sources: Douglas Feith, William Luti] Complete Iraq timeline 31.Mar.2004 A colossal Medicare scandal is brewing that involves your tax dollars, White House deception + potential criminal behavior. ... in urgent post-election intelligence briefings in 00.Dec.2000 ... Bush officials in intelligence briefings that he led ... director of central intelligence in both administrations. ... evilorstupid.blogspot.com/2004_03_01_evilorstupid_archive.html NOTES ... Intelligence . Homeland Security. Space ... 72. Bruce Hardcastle , Smarter Next Time: What Iraq and Iran Have Learned From Desert Shield and Storm (Washington, DC ... www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/news/iran/1997/dadj/ch5n.html Suburban Guerrilla ... were not practicing good tradecraft and vetting intelligence ," my source said. " ... Defense intelligence experts say Bruce Hardcastle , a senior Defense Intelligence Agency official for ... suburbanguerrilla.blogspot.com/2003_10_19_suburbanguerrilla_archive 22.Oct.2003NucNews Brazil. CIA declined intelligence , former official says ... news agencies. Israel's military intelligence chief, Maj. Gen ... head of Israel's military intelligence warned yesterday that if ... Office to cover up WMD ... of the neoconservative capture of the policy- intelligence nexus in the run-up to the ... our boss) and Bruce Hardcastle , our defense intelligence officer (DIO). Certainly, there ... 00.Mar.2004 a relative path: Archives As I mentioned, the Intelligence Committee is seeking to have ... this was in secret intelligence I had seen in the ... to say which actual intelligence reports made these claims, he ... www.relativepath.org/2004/03 Usenet Archive ... It's the fault of the " intelligence community." Wide-spread abuse of Iraqi ... administration's worldview. When Bruce Hardcastle , the Defense Intelligence Agency's senior officer for ... www2.usenetarchive.org/Dir95/File411.html Bush Iraq Saddam Hussein invasion CIA ... invasion [George Tenet, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency] ... He was Bruce Hardcastle was a senior officer for the Middle East for the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA). Now ... www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1890.cfm Title: BUSH/BLAIR JUSTIFICATION OF IRAQ INVASION: NOW PROVEN TO BE LIES, DISTORTIONS, EXAGGERATIONS! Part 1 of 2. Resources to aid your Understanding ... invasion [George Tenet, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency] ... He was Bruce Hardcastle was a senior officer for the Middle East for the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA). Now ... philadelphians.50megs.com/lies.html 10.Jul.2004 NucNews -Spy Chiefs 'Retract Wmd Intelligence ' U.N ... Panel Condemns Iraq Prewar Intelligence . Plame's Input Is Cited on Niger ... of Iraq. Admitting Intelligence Flaws, Bush Stands by Need ... Western Policy Center ... Mark Schneider; and Bruce Hardcastle of the Defense Intelligence Agency for counterterrorism policy ... www.westernpolicy.org/InThePress/20011101b.asp The new Pentagon papers (Weird News, Daily News, Other News Today) A high-ranking military officer reveals how Defense Department extremists suppressed information + twisted the truth to drive the country to war. ... of the neoconservative capture of the policy- intelligence nexus in the run-up to the ... our boss) + Bruce Hardcastle , our defense intelligence officer (DIO). Certainly, there ... http:www.krombie.net/news/2004/03/11/4420.php 20050321 _00.000.0000-20050321 alfatomega.com//20050321.html Usenet Archive -CIA, he set up his own in-house intelligence shop, the Office of Special Plans, to make an ... been identified in news reports. Bruce Hardcastle , a senior DIA official for ... www2.usenetarchive.org/Dir33/File693.html GQAZN's Xanga Site ... that the Bush administration misrepresented intelligence findings to justify war against Iraq ... Bruce Hardcastle , the Defense Intelligence Agency officer assigned to Bill Luti ... www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=GQAZN Strangelove Blog " [SL] Analyst Questioned Source's Reliability ... detailed in the Senate Select Intelligence Committee's report on prewar intelligence , underscores a ... identified in news reports. Bruce Hardcastle , a senior DIA official for Middle ... www.strangeloveblog.com/index.php?p=68 14.Mar.2004 Fight the ReichWing: ... of the neoconservative capture of the policy- intelligence nexus in the run-up to the ... our boss) and Bruce Hardcastle , our defense intelligence officer (DIO). Certainly, there ... evilorstupid.blogspot.com/2004_03_14_evilorstupid_archive.html But his reports are ... ... Bruce Hardcastle , the Defense Intelligence Agency officer assigned to Bill Luti, provides Luti's office with intelligence briefings. But his reports are ... a relative path: Like Intelligence, But Different ... our boss) and Bruce Hardcastle , our defense intelligence officer (DIO). Certainly, there ... Hardcastle, like most senior intelligence officers I knew, was serious, reserved, deliberate ... www.relativepath.org/2004/03/like_intelligen.html early 2002 ... Bruce Hardcastle , the Defense Intelligence Agency officer assigned to Bill Luti, provides Luti's office with intelligence briefings. But his reports are ... Analyst Questioned Sources' Reliability (washingtonpost.com) ... detailed in the Senate Select Intelligence Committee's report on prewar intelligence , underscores a ... identified in news reports. Bruce Hardcastle , a senior DIA official for Middle ... www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A39770-2004Jul9.html Iraq War Planner Downplays Role (washingtonpost.com) ... Critics say Luti manipulated intelligence to support a war. (Tech ... Defense intelligence experts say Bruce Hardcastle , a senior Defense Intelligence Agency official for Middle Eastern ... www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A61603-2003Oct21 The Fatty Newsroom News Article - Delivering News That Matters "Internet Searching Without All The Schwag!" iNQUESTER (Entire Fatty Network) iNQUESTER Directory (Web Search) Fatty Newsroom (... Luti was running a shadowy intelligence operation intended to second-guess the ... Defense intelligence experts say Bruce Hardcastle , a senior Defense Intelligence Agency official for ... www.fbbn.com/cgi-bin/viewnews.cgi?category=3&id=1066838044 william luti ... Bruce Hardcastle , the Defense Intelligence Agency officer assigned to Bill Luti, provides Luti's office with intelligence briefings. But his reports are ... www.cooperativeresearch.org/entity.jsp?entity=william_luti Complete timeline of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq: Key Events related to issues raised in Downing Street Memo ... British Defense Ministry's Defense Intelligence Staff creates a secret intelligence office known ... Bruce Hardcastle , the Defense Intelligence Agency officer assigned to Bill Luti ... Viewpoint: America's habit of self-deception -The CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the State Department did gather ... administration's worldview. When Bruce Hardcastle , the Defense Intelligence Agency's senior officer ... www.natcath.com/NCR_Online/archives2/2004c/073004/073004v.php The army are the stars of North Korean pictures ... news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/3142257.stm URL: https://www.freemasonrywatch.org/morganreport.html 27.Jul.2005 P2 Lodge The Masonic P2 Lodge and the scandal surrounding it. ... Licio Gelli was born in 1919 + when 17 years old, volunteered for the fascist expeditionary force sent ... of June, 1976). Lucio Gelli who was its master was expelled from ... www.masonicinfo.com/p2_lodge.htm Former right-wing subversive Licio Gelli is under investigation in the murder of 'God's Banker ... www.freemasonrywatch.org/gelli_probedcalvimurder.html URL: https://www.freemasonrywatch.org/gelli_probedcalvimurder.html Also joining four suspects facing trial is former smuggler Silvano Vittor, police said on Tuesday . Gelli's lawyer said his client was "amazed" at press leaks of a questioning session earlier this month . The lawyer denied Gelli's alleged statement that police should "look to Poland" for those who ordered the banker's murder 23 years ago . Four people face trial in October for the murder of Calvi, found hanging from Blackfriars' Bridge in London in 00.Jun.1982 . URL: https://www.freemasonrywatch.org/gelli_probedcalvimurder.html 27.Jul.2005 Loch in der Rentenkasse: Wirtschaftsweiser Rürup fordert höhere Gehälter 27.Jul.2005 Eklat bei der Uno: Italien wirft G-4-Ländern Erpressung vor 27.Jul.2005 Raumfähre "Discovery": Hitzekachel beschädigt - Nasa rätselt über Risiken 26.Jul.2005 Hitzewelle in den USA: Öffentliche Kühlräume für überhitzte New Yorker 26.Jul.2005 Irland: Hoffnung auf dauerhaften Frieden wächst 26.Jul.2005 Terrorverdacht: Flug von Los Angeles nach London unterbrochen 26.Jul.2005 Raumfähre "Discovery": Erneut Teil bei Start abgebrochen 26.Jul.2005 Glaubensfrage: Zeugin Jehovas verblutet bei Entbindung 26.Jul.2005 Volles Programm: Der Zeitplan des "Discovery"-Flugs 26.Jul.2005 Gaza-Abzug: Jüdische Fanatiker sprechen Todesfluch gegen Scharon aus 26.Jul.2005 Shuttle-Start: Nasa kehrt zur bemannten Raumfahrt zurück 26.Jul.2005 Space Shuttle: "Discovery" erfolgreich gestartet 27.Jul.2005 But why should I say anything, when Larry Johnson can defend himself so eloquently? Check out his response here. The article referenced above is titled "Where has all the money gone?" You can find it here. Much of it deals with the kind of corruption we've heard about from other sources -- in particular, Kellog, Brown + Root's demonstrated penchant for outrageous overbilling. URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/ This Democracy Now exchange between Hersh and host Amy Goodman explains much: URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Heretofore, I've made only oblique references to an article we should have discussed some time ago: Seymour Hersh's excellent expose in the New Yorker of the Bush administration's attempt to rig the 30.Jan.2004 elections in Iraq. URL: https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Mit dem Geschmackssinn erobern Babys die Welt. Und auch wenn sie größer werden, liefert die Zunge wichtige, unter Umständen sogar lebenswichtige Informationen. Ob eine unbekannte Pflanze gegessen wird oder nicht, ist vor allem eine Frage ihres Geschmacks. Vor allem Bitteres meidet der Mensch - und zwar schon seit Tausenden Jahren, wie ein internationales Forscherteam jetzt herausgefunden hat. 27.Jul.2005 "Discovery"-Start: Astronauten an Bord, letzte Tests laufen 27.Jul.2005 Randale: Demonstrierende Bergarbeiter gehen auf Polizei los 27.Jul.2005 Menschlicher Geschmack: Seit 80.000 Jahren sensibel für Bitteres 27.Jul.2005 Blairs Strategie: "Dem Terror keinen Zentimeter weichen" 27.Jul.2005 Personalpolitik: Bush will Bolton am Senat vorbei zur Uno schicken 27.Jul.2005 Zu Tode geprügelt: Berüchtigter russischer Spammer ermordet 27.Jul.2005 Ärger über Papst-Segen: Israel fordert Benedikts Mitgefühl 27.Jul.2005 Bündnis mit der Opposition: Blair will Anti-Terror-Gesetze verschärfen 27.Jul.2005 Fahndung in London: Rucksackbomber lebten von staatlichen Hilfen 27.Jul.2005 Aids-Konferenz in Rio: Experten fordern mutigere Politik 27.Jul.2005 Selbstbewusster Kanzler: "Rot-Grün hat die Republik verändert" 27.Jul.2005 Potentes Grünzeug: Mehr Sex durch Salat URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity_test URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity_test The creation of nuclear weapons arose directly out of scientific and political developments of the late 1930s, as new conceptions of atoms and the rise of fascist governments in Europe converged in the plans of the USA and the United Kingdom to develop powerful weapons utilizing nuclear fission as their primary source of energy. The Manhattan Project, as the Allied effort was called, culminated in the test of a nuclear weapon at what is now called Trinity site in July 1945 + the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a few weeks later. URL: https://www.elsewhere.org/journal/ URL: https://www.elsewhere.org/journal/ URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-366817,00.html URL: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,druck-366817,00.html 26.Jul.2005 Bundestagswahl: Fast ein Drittel wankt noch 26.Jul.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Es ist eine schwarze Komödie" 26.Jul.2005 Afghanistan: US-Soldaten töten Dutzende Taliban 26.Jul.2005 Zentralrat der Muslime: Zusammen mit der Polizei gegen Radikale 26.Jul.2005 Niger: Wieczorek-Zeul verspricht weitere Soforthilfe 26.Jul.2005 Interview zur Hungersnot in Niger: "Sie aßen die Blätter von den Bäumen" 26.Jul.2005 Internationaler Terrorismus: Musharraf weist Berichte über pakistanische Verschwörung zurück 26.Jul.2005 Trotz Praxisgebühr: Niedrigverdiener gehen häufiger zum Arzt 26.Jul.2005 Altersbezüge: Rentenkasse droht im September der Kollaps 26.Jul.2005 London: Polizei identifiziert zwei Rucksackbomber 26.Jul.2005 Peking: Nordkorea redet wieder über sein Atomprogramm 26.Jul.2005 Datenhunger: Amazon, Terror-Abwehr und der Staatsschutz 26.Jul.2005 Tsunami-Forschung: Das Dröhnen des Todesbebens |