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08.Mar.2005 iew Column

In other words our ally is funding the milieu, the... + good as the madrassas turned out Mujahaden by the...any wonder why Saudi patriots consider us an enemy as...

Pax Liberalis, Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura, bartcop, Bill Clinton

...of USA funded terrorists are the mujahaden of Afghanistan...dictators, as long as they are favorable to us... we provided Saddam Hussein with funding, as

Vive le Canada - Armed with national pride : Is the fight for...

Osama + the rest of the mujahaden in Afghanistan...state of ineffectivness won't do it for us... out that Canadians overcome their funding shortfalls, while 06.Mar.2005

The Last Circle... did in fact represent the full leadership of the Mujahaden ." the Cali cartel + his alleged funding of the...

00.000.1994, it would indeed place the US government in...

Political Physics: If you aren't outraged, you haven't been paying...they are victims of the ass fucking mujahaden ?

Is it any wonder why people hate the US when it the middle east along with our government funding 1/3 of ...

Leasing News

... these " Taliban Mujahaden abuse their women, keep their daughters...them + let the US Special Forces + Navy...As a direct lender + funding source for middle...

If you aren't outraged, you haven't been paying attention the middle east along with our government funding 1/3 of...the same story every day, with the US forces giving...they are victims of the ass fucking mujahaden ?

ChatterBox Forums - Topic...

It was the US who sought out the most terrifying group called the Mujahaden to give support (in financial aids + funding + training) to force the Soviets...

Russian Atlanta Forum

... in three years so they are not usable against us !...that provided him with the primary funding to start...Reagan did not assemble the Mujahaden they existed before ...

Saddam's Accomplices Won't Face Justice (This Canadian is...

him with weapons, military intelligence,funding + international...get to the proposition that the US armed Saddam...the support for the Mujahaden in Afghanistan...

Internet Infidels Discussion Forums - EVIDENCE - Iraq's former...

US did not provide the aid in funds, nor provide...a number of fundamental issues that separate us : their America (he offered his mujahaden to defend

Al-Qaida names new leader in Saudi Arabia - Forums powered by...

Some of this Saudi funding for the Afghanistan & Bosnia...released early for good behavior in the US too CIA to specifically train + arm the Mujahaden...


... started out fighting with the Mujahaden + was...of citizens' privacy + the assistant US Attorney General...w/friends was "you're funding terrorists everytime...

Against War @ Civic Center : SF Bay Area Indymedia...It would stop a major source of funding for suicide...civilian were killed to create a US victory

Im...more than anything since Reagan armed the Mujahaden to fight...

BLABBERMOUTH.NET - TED NUGENT Takes A 'Stand' With Political Song... murder Is evident in every place

The funding of terrorists To...just as in Afghanistan (we supported the mujahaden against USSR...we do now that may haunt us in the ...

Usenet Archive... But the Mujahaden were there...However, his decision, for the first time in US government history, allowed for federal funding of research

[CTRL] Wackenhut Part 3 - View as HTML... fact represent the full leadership of the Mujahaden... funds from Rodriguez, which in effect, put Samper in...Medina, had been handed over to US State Department...

08.Mar.2005 The Political Economy of Migration in an Integrating Europe... development, job security + a good balance of work + family life...Kaplan, RS + DP Norton, ‘The balanced scorecard – measures that drive

08.Mar.2005 BBC ON THIS DAY | Northern Ireland...home is bombed.

27.Feb.1975 PC murder linked to...

27.Nov.1975 TV presenter Ross McWhirter shot dead. shootings.

30.Mar.1979 Car bomb kills Airey Neave... 07.Mar.2005

BBC ON THIS DAY | Northern Ireland...

27.Feb.1975 PC murder linked to IRA bomb factory....

27.Nov.1975 TV presenter Ross McWhirter shot dead....

30.Mar.1979 Car bomb kills Airey Neave... 07.Mar.2005

00.000.1970-00.000.1979 Terrorism Fascist Resistance Group (GRAPO) terrorists murder four Spanish...

27.000.19-- UK publisher Ross McWhirter shot by...

30.Mar.19---- UK politician Airey Neave is

CNN In-Depth Specials - Northern Ireland

...include pub bombings in Woolwich + the murder of Ross McWhirter, television personality...Conservative MP + Northern Ireland spokesman Airey Neave as he...

[A-List] UK state: Wilson plot & Northern Ireland...They were found guilty of his murder on Friday...From having been a pariah with the McWhirter crowd, people...

Thatcher gang headed up by Airey Neave, "Lord" Harris...

Gladio oder die Rache Moros

MI6 officer Leigh Tracey revealed that Neave plotted to...former NATO commander) + Ross McWhirter set up...Italy, where the investigation into the murder of Moro, Aldo

Families Acting for Innocent Relatives (FAIR)...

Ross McWhirter, who had publicly criticised Irish Republican...Neave had also advocated the setting up of...McMahon was charged with Mountbatten's murder + later...

Atlanta Independent Media Center (((i))): newswire/20093

27.Nov.1975 Ross McWhirter, who had publicly...Neave had also advocated the setting up of...

McMahon was charged with Mountbatten's murder +

Grahame Thornton, Bookseller at

...HENRY: - The Nursing Home Murder 2446: MARSHALL...Care Drug Reference 1571: MCWHIRTER, NORRIS: - Guinness...Dozen: Thirteen Stories 922: NEAVE, AIREY: - Saturday at...

Hessay Books at

MAY, HENRY JOHN - Murder By Consent The...3011: MCWHIRTER, NORRIS AND GREENBERG, STAN - Guinness Book Of...1262: NEAVE, DAVID & VANESSA - Georgian Yorkshire..
Janus: The Papers of Enoch Powell

...Fraser; Anthony Kershaw; [Alan] Ross McWhirter ; Reverend Randolph...including the death of Airey Neave (2);

Sir...Humphry Berkeley on his attempted murder in;recurse=1

Lobster: The Journal of Parapolitics...

Brown SJW 'Jack'Coles David Hay Neave (deceased) Douglas...a jacket shortly after the murder of Officer...the time described that claim about McWhirter as" nonsense...

Telegraph | News

00.000.1984 ...the Grand Hotel in Brighton while Airey Neave, the Tory MP + Ross McWhirter, the leading...

00.000.1992 The IRA tried to murder Lord Prior, when they...

Dáil Éireann - Volume 378 –

17.Feb.1988 -Anglo-Irish... bombings themselves in which 21 innocent people died,

of the Oxford Street bombing, of the murder of Airey Neave, of the murder of Norris McWhirter, of the...

Finding a Job: How to Wri Amazing Grace The Story of the Eagles...

Secret Agent: The Elusive Life + Violent Death of Airey Neave...Murder in Black + White...Norris McWhirter's Book of Millennium Records, Virgin Books, McWhirter ...

Garfield ...

1987); · Clark, James C.: The Murder of James A...

1975 Ross McWhirter, Co-Editor...

März 1979 Airey Neave, Britischer Konservativer Parlamentsabgeordneter +

08.Mar.2005 Lobster: The Journal of Parapolitics...detail. For example, on p.182 he writes of the 'right wing of the British establishment (Airey Neave, Ross McWhirter, Ian Gow... 06.Mar.2005

Lobster: The Journal of Parapolitics

...4. Blood revenge: the aftermath of the assassination of Airey Neave [Issue 8 - 1985]....|Contents|Next Issue 8 Blood revenge:

08.Mar.2005 London - Das Oberhaus lehnte die Gesetzesverschärfung ab und stimmte gestern Abend mit 249 gegen 119 Stimmen dafür, dass dies nur von Gerichten nach Prüfung der Beweislage entschieden werden kann. Britische Zeitungen bewerteten die Abstimmung heute als "verheerende Niederlage" für Premierminister Blair.

Dass sogar sein ehemaliger Justizminister Lord Irvine gegen das Gesetz stimmte, wurde als besonders schwerer Schlag betrachtet.

Auch der ehemalige Scotland-Yard-Chef Lord Condon stimmte gegen die Sonderbefugnisse und ließ damit Zweifel an Blairs Beteuerung aufkommen, die gesamte Polizei stehe hinter dem Gesetz.
Der innenpolitische Sprecher der oppositionellen Konservativen, David Davis, sagte, das Oberhaus habe klargemacht, dass über alle Formen von Internierung + Überwachung Richter + nicht Politiker entscheiden müssten.

Die Regierung konnte heute noch nicht sagen, wie sie nun weiter vorgehen will.
Die Lordrichter des Oberhauses, das höchste britische Gericht, hatten die bisherigen Antiterrorgesetze der Regierung Blair 00.Dez.2004 als schwere Verletzung der Menschenrechte verurteilt.

Die Gesetze erlauben es unter anderem, Ausländer auch ohne Anklage oder Prozess auf unbestimmte Zeit festzuhalten. Das Gesetz, das jetzt debattiert wird, soll die bisherigen Bestimmungen ersetzen.
Den Haag: Berichte über Anklage gegen Kosovo-Regierungschef...Befreiungsarmee des Kosovo" (UCK), Ramush Haradinaj, erhoben...Belgrad wirft Haradinaj schwere Kriegsverbrechen im...UN-Kriegsverbrechertribunal in Den Haag gestellt...

Haradinaj: Rücktritt im Falle einer Anklage wegen...Pristina - Der neue Kosovo-Regierungschef Ramush Haradinaj werde von...Haradinaj sei bemüht gewesen, "alle zu vereinen, da...kaum das er in Den Haag angeklagt wird...
Tages Zeitung vom Forum für Süd-Ost Europa - - Haager Tribunal... Srebrenica und Zepa angeklagt wird, ist...

Der neue Kosovo-Regierungschef Ramush Haradinaj werde von...UNO-Kriegsverbrechertribunal in Den Haag tatsächlich Anklage ...

08.Mar.2005 When Osama Bin Ladin Was Tim Osman :: :: Memes are Mind...not a total fraud, then what is Michael Riconosciuto doing in...of

07.Aug.1998 Riconosciuto notified the...officials at the Federal Corrections Institution (FCI ...

Arianna Online Forums-Was Osama bin Laden once "Tim Osman?"

... of Prisons) officials at the Federal Corrections Institution (FCI...t it time to let Michael Riconosciuto out of...Maybe you should ask Riconosciuto about all this....

Conspiracy Planet-Prisons/Slave Labor-US Slave Labor...number of adults in the corrections system has...chief researcher with the Justice Department's Bureau of ...

Conspiracy Planet-Prisons/Slave Labor-Montana State Prison...

How could the prison and Montana Department of Corrections let this happen? ..
View as HTML... Yearbook: Instant Answers to Key Questions in Corrections (New York...Rockville, MD, US Department of Health...da HIV è oggi univer- salmente riconosciuto anche in...

Sitemap26 - Drugs Prisons Prohibition Propaganda Class War News...

Ken Kesey On Life Support. Ot Riconosciuto Warns Of Missile Attacks....

Implant Removal Helped 91%. More On Michael Aquino....Corrections To From The Wilderness Stories ...

08.Mar.2005 Großbritannien: Blair scheitert mit Antiterrorgesetz

08.Mar.2005 DIR - Dokumente - 'Eine Woche Auschwitz': SS-Ärzte in...

Außerdem wäre in diesem Zusammenhang noch der Freundeskreis Himmlers zu...6 Reichsführer SS...

Karl Gebhardt, "Oberster Kliniker beim Reichsarzt SS + Polizei ... 07.Mär.2005

20041012 ...statt unter Vorsitz des Bankiers MANKIEWITZ, BEI DER DER VERFASSER DIESES BUCHES EIN ZWEISTÜNDIGES REFERAT HIELT....F Freundeskreis Reichsführer - SS...

SA - Zynismus...Zu seinem Freundeskreis zählten der Historiker Herodot, dessen ...

Unter ihrem " Reichsführer SS " Heinrich Himmler (ab 00.000.1929 ) übte...sowie Teile der SS, der Polizei...

00.000.1933-00.000.1939 Domestic pollicy in the third Reich Landeskunde Kategorie: Schulaufsatz /Referat Jahr: 2000...SS had the "Feundeskreis Reichsführer SS " + the...

The " Freundeskreis " consisted of industrialists +...

Das Leben des Heinrich Himmler (Referat oder Hausaufgabe) Autor: Unbekannt -

00.000.1935 Diese bildeten um ihn den ??? Freundeskreis des Reichsführer SS “....

Texte zum Klassenkampf/Die "Sozialfaschismus"-These - Zu ihrem... Georgij Dimitroff vorgelegte Disposition für das Referat ???

Die Offensive...Mitglied des Keppler-Kreises (späterer Freundeskreis Reichsführer SS Himmler),

Die Deutschen - ein Volk von T?ern ? - HTML-Version... Wunsch werden hiermit das bei dem Kolloquium gehaltene Referat Hans Mommsens...

06.Ok.1943 deckte daher der Reichsführer SS in einer denkwürdigen Rede ...

Miroslav Kárný (1919-2001) - HTML-Version...Eines "germanischen" Idealismus, notabene.

00.000.1980 veröffentlichte Kárný eine Abhandlung über den ominösen " Freundeskreis des Reichsführers- SS " und wies

NDV-ND 9?003 - HTML-Version pge 1. des Deutschen Vereins für öffentliche und private Fürsorge D 21416

Aus dem Inhalt: Zur geplanten Zusammenführung von

Editorial - HTML-Version... Gruß, Peter Hartig und Rebecca Brückmann, Referat für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Page 8. 8 Titel Februar 2005 UNAUFgefordert > Am

Garbe 1997: Gedruckte Quellen und Literatur...Hrsg.: Freundeskreis eV [Bearbeiter: Franz Glienke]....Heiber, Helmut (Hrsg.): Reichsführer !...Kater, Michael H.: Das "Ahnenerbe" der SS

1935-1945 ...

Full Text Search Results ... war ehrenmitglied der ss und im " freundeskreis reichsfuehrer ss "....die ss 'ler machten sich ein vergnuegliches...

In Referat und Diskussion sollen die externen +...

Full Text Search Results ... werks, heinrich buetefisch, war ehrenmitglied der ss und im " freundeskreis reichsfuehrer ss "....habe.)

Drittens sprach Sloterdijk in seinem Referat eines der... der NS-Herrschaft Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler....

Querfront- Referat : Überarbeitete Version eines Referats...die NPD, der Freundeskreis Palästina Thü

AVS-Informationsdienst - HTML-Version...das ???Grün-ökologische Netzwerk Arche“, der ???Arbeitskreis Solidarische Kirche“ + der ??? Freundeskreis Wehrdiensttotalverweigerer“ wichtig ....

Friedrich Flick...Deutsche Arbeiterpartei/NSDAP. Er wurde Mitglied des Freundeskreis Reichsführer SS /Freundeskreises Reichsführer SS .


Heinrich Himmler...

Siehe auch. Freundeskreis Reichsführer - SS ]]. Kategorie:Mann|Himmler,
JCM -In early- 2005, Lockheed-Martin announced that the JCM tri - mode seeker was tested during 00.Dec.2004 at Eglin Air Force Base, Ft. Walton Beach, Florida.

The seeker demonstrated its ability to acquired + track a moving Swedish Boghammar coastal

08.Mar.2005 CINT - Database of Government Nanotechnology Programs Program ID 04-00449 Date Solicitation Closes 8/14/03. Solicitation Number, 2003.2 SBIR. Program Name, DoD 2003 SBIR Solicitation Army SBIR program FY 2003.2 A03-144anograin MgF2 for Tri - Mode Se - HTML °æ Department of Defense. Annual Report. on. Cooperative Agreements. +. Other Transactions. Entered into During FY2000. Under 10 USC 2371. INTRODUCTION. This report is provided in accordance with 10 USC 2371(h) which requires the

08.Mar.2005 Partners show how to improve reliability and profitability - HTML Our extensive pre-contract risk- reduction test programme has significantly mitigated risk on the critical subsystems [warhead, motor, tri - mode seeker ]; our soft- ware is mature; + we have demonstrated a low-risk integration solution

08.Mar.2005 Northrop Grumman Corporation - Defining the Future - [ ·­Òë´ËÒ³ BETA ]...Eagle Eyes combines advanced millimeter-wave radar with an imaging IR sensor, providing a co-boresighted, dual- mode RF/IR seeker... "It increased our confidence that this tri - mode seeker, which integrates this combination with a semiactive laser

08.Mar.2005 USDOL/OALJ Reporter: ARB Decision Caselist 00. Apr.1997...March 7, 2005 DOL Home > OALJ Home > ARB Decisions, 00.Apr.1997 ..1995-CAA-12 Kesterson v. Y - 12 Nuclear Weapons...97-084 Wackenhut Corrections Order of Remand (ARB

08.Mar.2005 ennessee Top News This Hour... (AP) _ The corporate head of security at the Y - 12 nuclear weapons...a Tennessee Labor-Management Conference in Knoxville yesterday where Wackenhut Security chief...
CHAMBER DATEBOOK- View as HTML .. 2004 + one unexpired term ending on 10.Mar.2005 - Jacobs Company LLC * UT-Battelle * Wackenhut Oak Ridge...Level Boeing - Oak Ridge * BWXT Y - 12 * SAIC * BNFL...

08.Mar.2005 Nuclear Plant Cheated in Terrorist Drill...issued a report concluding the 00.Jun.--- drills at the Y - 12 nuclear facility were "tainted + unreliable" because two guard supervisors from Wackenhut Corp...

Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS) Home Page - The next talk is: 10.Mar.2005 07 PM-09 PM...made public

00.Jan.2004 shows that Wackenhut cheated on security drills at the Y - 12 nuclear weapons...

08.Mar.2005 KnoxNews: State... well, the fact is that is (bull), + they know it.".

Wackenhut -Oak Ridge: www. . DOE- Y - 12 : www. y12,1406,KNS_348_3592343,00.html

04.Mar.2005 KnoxNews: Local...By DUNCAN MANSFIELD, Associated Press ...head of security at the Y nuclear weapons...vice president + general manager of Wackenhut Services Inc...,1406,KNS_347_3593350,00.html

04.Mar.2005 NTI: Global Security Newswire – .. 9, 2004). ..Full Story. The department is investigating Wackenhut billing + training at Y - 12, according to AP....

08.Mar.2005 Former drug investigator in custody after guilty plea SEARCH:
Oak Ridger... destroyed. Under state law, Hicks has every right to do just that. MORE …

04.Mar.2005 Dead men do tell tales. Long before -06.Mar.2005

Oak Ridger... destroyed. Under state law, Hicks has every right to do just that. MORE …

04.Mar.2005 Dead men do tell tales. Long 07.Ma.2005

04.Mar.2005 Oak Ridger - News..last updated 01:08 pm Wackenhut : Y - 12 plant guards not 'Keystone Kops' By: Duncan Mansfield | Associated Press The corporate head of ...

03.Mar.2005 Oak Ridger – News Story last updated 01:16 pm Wackenhut focus...there is "an ongoing law enforcement proceeding" at Y - 12 focusing on Wackenhut, the US ...

01.Mar.2005 Oak Ridger - Community... at 11:36 Wackenhut contributes...Office Building Complex, + Y - 12 National Security...For more information about Wackenhut Services' Oak Ridge

Wackenhut official says Y-12 guards not "Keystone Kops"...Wackenhut official says Y - 12 guards not "Keystone Kops",03.Mar.2005 KNOXVILLE (AP) The corporate head of security at the Y – 12...

08.Mar.2005 Herkunft des Menschen: Neue Beweise für Afrika-Hypothese

08.Mar.2005 Rechtsextremismus: Koalition einigt sich auf geändertes Versammlungsrecht

08.Mar.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Anfällig für interne Aufstände"

08.Mar.2005 Kampf gegen Bioterror: Genforscher entschlüsselt die New Yorker Luft

08.Mar.2005 Volkskongress: Chinas Führung legt Kriegsgesetz gegen Taiwan vor

08.Mar.2005 Kongo: Zehntausende Frauen wurden Opfer von Vergewaltigern

08.Mar.2005 The Nation, 01/06/1969 - Greek Junta on Trial by Becket, James Greek Junta on Trial From The Nation - America's Longest Running Weekly Magazine. Volume...

1969. Greek Junta on Trial. by Becket, James

31.May 1986 - Watergate - the Greek Connection by -The Nation-

The Nixonites had every reason to fear disclosure of their corrupt practice of taking money from the Greek junta for the

1968 campaign...


08.Mar.2005 The Holland Sentinel: News: Clinton regrets US support of Greek ...

Web posted Sunday, Clinton regrets US support of Greek junta during Cold War President says nation was wrong not to protect

08.Mar.2005 Collective Influence on Information Technology in Virtual...- HTML-Version of the strongest in the world ( Scheuer,

1992...The management - employee line might not be the dominant in...across geographical sites, in a more swift way than ...

08.Mar.2005 CIA Director Porter Goss takes charge...

00.000.1996-00.000.1999 Michael Scheuer, head of the CIA's bin Laden unit ...disgruntled" former CIA officials "widely known" for their "abrasive management style" + ...

07.Mar.2005 Bloodrage - Dark Text, Religion + Thought...

Justice stopped all payments + Inslaw went bankrupt ... Department 'took, converted + stole Promis software easier for US operatives to hack into the...;cat=conspiracy;id=181

This article is from NameBase NewsLine, which is distributed to... More hype comes from a bizarre intersection of cyberspace with conspiracy theory: the incredible PROMIS software by Inslaw, Inc...

07.Mar.2005 - Mid-East Realities...of a powerful case-management software called Promis that was produced by Inslaw ,Inc in...evidence, please." Let them ask McNulty, a Republican hack who was ...
? account - authorized user on a bankrupt account...

"No sooner had the piracy been confirmed in Canada than an Israeli intelligence officer alleged that PROMIS ( INSLAW's software program) was being used...

20.Apr.1991 Computer Underground Digest Vol.3, Issue #3.13

Monday, Richardson + other lawyers for Inslaw will file a...power to subpoena copies of the Promis software from...we need to know how to hack information really

06.Oct.1995 [Filed as: "Brandt-Infowar"]Via NY Transfer News...

Schwartau said that they planned to hack into the Paris subway Israel, then from Israel back to the famous PROMIS software by Inslaw, then to a 07.Mar.2005

Tron - Tod eines Hackers...Der Irdeto- Hack : S. 164: /- "Joy", Eurosat Electronics...Schulzki-Haddouti: Der Überwachungs-Coup der CIA - Promis und der Fall INSLAW ;

Arquivo InfoGuerra...of War, também diz que a versão do Promis que foi...Leia também: A luta entre a Inslaw eo Departamento de...a madrugada de hoje pelo grupo MIH (Men in Hack

07.Mar.2005 Ex-CIA Man's Libyan Arms-Dealing Case Thrown Out...

Is this the magical PROMIS that could supposedly hack any database in...

The curious can look at his decision in In re INSLAW, 83 BR 89 (Bankr. DC 1988

THERE IS HOPE: Effort under way to weaken US endangered species law Reuters Posted: Mon 01.10.2005 – 19:54:00 DENVER, 07.Jan.---- (Reuters) -

For the first time in three decades, critics of the Endangered Species Act are building momentum to rewrite the law implemented to save America's threatened flora + fauna, from the star cactus to the grizzly bear.
2003 Signs of the Times –

This goes back to the 1960 s, Vereide was instructing young men by having them read The Rise + Fall of the „Third..““Harry was a member of the John Birch Society

07.Mar.2005 Seeing red Check out Bradblog' latest on Republican congressman Tom Feeney, who called Dan Rather "Comrade Rather." Such hypocrisy! Brad has been tracking Feeney's ties to YEI, the firm which harbored an honest-to-Mao Chinese spy. Note the pattern: At colleges across the country, right-wing students place red stars on the doors of professors who do not love Bush -- the same president who has done nothing to stop the Chinese from stealing USA jobs. URL:
07.Mar.2005 Wead is also on the board of an extremely lucrative "faith healing" church (some would use the word "racket") run by one Benny Hinn.
This page offers a skeptical look at Hinn. URL:
00.Jan.1991 Wead organized a prayer breakfast sponsored by the Reverend Moon, who spoke at the event, much to the consternation of some attendees. Another speaker was Anthony Evans, a leader in the Dominionist movement, devoted to replacing democracy with a Christian theocracy.

As readers will recall, a key funder of this movement is the Ahmanson family -- which owns ES&S, the company that counts many of our votes.
Wead also has links to the American Freedom Coalition, funded and staffed by Moon's people.
Names, names, names...! The moment one attempts to track who works with whom in these circles, one soon finds oneself entangled in a vast web of associations. Wead is particularly well connected -- such, at least, is the purport of a terrific recent expose titled
"Wead in the Rose Garden". URL:
07.Mar.2005 The explosive growth of right-wing media occurred directly the recovery of the Golden Lily treasure. Coincidence?
One can go say much more about the fascist tentacles of the self-proclaimed Lord of the Second Advent. For more data, see
here + here +, of course, Robert Parry's must-read series.
One of Parry's pieces quotes moderate Republican Jim Leach as saying that the Unification Church
has "infiltrated the New Right and the party it wants to control, the Republican Party + infiltrated the media as well." Leach's news conference was disrupted when then-college GOP leader Grover Norquist accused Leach of lying. (Norquist is now a prominent conservative leader in Washington with close ties to the highest levels of George W. Bush's administration.) Norquist got his start as the leader of a group called College Republicans, which was funded by Moon. Of course, Norquist has since gone onto infamy in the current administration -- although he isn't nearly infamous enough for his role in founding the Islamic Institute, directed by one
Abdurahman Alamoudi. Almoudi has made no secret of his support for Hamas and Hezbollah. URL:
07.Mar.2005 Nobody knows the source of Moon's money, but much of it seems to have flowed into his coffers by way of Sasakawa, a businessman who was one of the most dangerous Japanese war criminals of WWII. -- indeed, his was one of the primary voices in Japan calling for aggression against the USA. A close friend of Admiral Yamoto, Sasakawa represented the Mitsubishi firm, which built ships for the Imperial Navy of Japan. After the war, Sasakawa somehow gained a monopoly on motorboat race gambling, which is a massive industry in his country.
Substantial evidence links Sasakawa to the Yakuza. He also headed, for a time, the

Moon himself called the League "fascist." Although the Korean messiah was heavily linked to the group, he once made a superficial show of severing his connections -- which continued in a subterranean fashion.
Moon's "church" is, in sum + in short, largely a mechanism for organizing + financing post-war fascism.

Moon front groups have had economic +/or personal linkages to WACL, to the fascist National Front party of France + to Western Goals -- itself linked to the National Front, to the John Birch Society, to death squad leaders, to apartheid South Africa + to a host of similar unlovelies.
Moon funded the
"cocaine coup" which briefly brought fascists (including Nazi fugitive Klaus Barbie) to power in Bolivia.

Another key early figure in Moon's Unification Church was Japanese terrorist leader + war criminal Yoshio Kodama, who, after the war, became perhaps the most important power within the Yakuza.
00.000.1970 -In the s-the Fraser Committee investigated Moon's role in the Tongsun Park blackmail/bribery scandal.

The lead investigator was Robert Boettcher, who later wrote a book about Moon called Gifts of Deceit, which reveals in its opening pages that

the Korean "messiah" would show Nazi films to his young followers to "instill discipline."

He has loudly proclaimed America to be "satanic" in its individualism + has praised Germany for training its citizens in "totalism."
00.000.1970 -since the s-These Nazified alliances did nothing to scare off the Bush family, which has been linked with Moon's group- As the
Inside the Moonies site notes.
Several Congressmen were entertained in a Washington Hilton hotel suite rented by the Moonies.

Everything the girls learned about Senators + Congressmen was to be entered into the Moonie's confidential file, including details of personal lives.

Rev. Moon was Vice President George Bush's guest to the Reagan inaugural. URL:
Ryoichi Sasakawa .That was the Nixon connection to Moon. URL:
One day, the Moonies covered every available space on the boulevard with posters of Moon announcing his rally for Nixon.

This was during the doggiest of the dog days of Watergate, when nobody supported Nixon. URL:
07.Mar.2005 (Incidentally, the Children of God -- a cult notorious for permitting sex with children -- maintains a choir which was once invited to
sing for the elder Bush at the White House!) URL:
07.Mar.2005 The maximum pain
This article is just the latest in a series. For more than a decade now, the popular press has offered glimpses of research into non-lethal weaponry.
Not many years ago, the articles would emphasize such items as "sticky-foam" and tasers. Usually, the last few paragraphs would offer hints -- mere whispers -- of more ominous developments: Blinding lasers. Mood-altering electromagnetics. Riot control gear that could cause protestors to become violently ill. Weapons that could induce pain without frying the flesh.
Now the non-lethal researchers are taking off the petticoats to show what they have underneath. The new weaponry will involved Pulsed Energy Projectiles:
The new study, which runs until July and will be carried out with researchers at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, aims to optimize this effect. The idea is to work out how to generate a pulse which triggers pain neurons without damaging tissue.
The contract, heavily censored before release, asks researchers to look for "optimal pulse parameters to evoke peak nociceptor activation" - in other words, cause the maximum pain possible. Studies on cells grown in the lab will identify how much pain can be inflicted on someone before causing injury or death One can just guess how such a device would be used in a prison such as Abu Ghraib. URL:
07.Mar.2005 Jesus freaks and Roehmosexuals Many younger people don't realize that America's current fundamentalist plague originated in the hippie movement of the 1960s. But it's true. The transition from flower-power to Jesusmania was marked by poorly-drawn underground comics, Bible readings at communes, Jesus Christ Superstar, Godspell + the truly horrifying Truth of Truths .
(The last-mentioned monstrosity was an alleged rock opera, featuring Jim Backus as the Voice of God. "Oh, Jehovah -- you've done it again!" )
Orange County Weekly presents a fascinating glimpse of this history. An excellent article focuses on the rather sad tale of
Lonnie Frisbee, an acid-dropping potheaded Jesus lookalike who became first a convert and then a converter -- without bothering to shave, bathe, or forego weed:
A conservative-Christian intellectual swears that when he was a young man, he saw Lonnie -- like Jesus -- actually make a blind man see. They call that being "anointed" by God.
His ministries enrolled thousands of kids. Some were so turned on they’d soon set out to become preachers themselves; many today are evangelical pastors at churches around the world. Alas, as the trippy Jesus Freak movement gave way to the uptight Religious Right, the evangelicals turned against Lonnie Frisbee.
07.Mar.2005 Well, we still cannot confirm that the NYT cancelled the expose at Karl Rove's insistence -- but we do have strong evidence (in the form of a
New Yorker piece) that Rove did, in fact, have a "friendly get-together" over drinks with NYT editor Bill Keller and Washington bureau chief Philip Taubman. This confab took place on October 22, shortly before the election.
The story indicates that Rove discussed his dissatisfaction with the paper's coverage of the administration. ("You call that boot-licking, you insufferable worms?") No mention of the bulge.
However, a chat over drinks is just the sort of informal occasion at which a presidential confidant might discuss a very delicate matter, particularly one pertaining to security. I doubt that the bulge truly is a security device, but I do not doubt for a second that the president's men would present it as such -- sotto voce, in strictest confidence + all that.
So we cannot prove that Rove killed the story. But we know that it died an unnatural death + that he was at the scene of the crime. And he certainly had motive. L:
07.Mar.2005 Did Rove flatten the bulge?
Bush Wired has an interesting update on the "why-was-W-imitating-Quasimodo?" mystery. 07.Mar.2005 URL:
TIME Magazine Archive Article -- With Friends Like These – Nov....

The shadowy Garrison, who is constantly at Cedras' side, has flown in Kevin Kattke, former Macy's department-store maintenance engineer who has had his,10987,979557,00.html

TIME Magazine Archive Preview -- The Marine's Private Army – Jul....

Senate investigators have learned that North used a Macy's department store maintenane engineer named Kevin Kattke in covert operations in Grenada.,9171,1101870713147134,00.html

07.Mär.2005 Scandals /Iraqgate...


07.Mär.2005 Haiti-konflikten i återvändsgränd...

Det kanske mest uppenbara beviset för CIAs direkta inblandning är dock de fyra "utländska experter", Lynn Garrison, Kevin Kattke, Henry Womack och Norman ...

07.Mär.2005 Branford Marsalis...former Waffen SS officer + Italian Propaganda 2 Freemason centimillionaire (former ...

Marines, along with CIA-connected "private armies" like Dyncorp, MRPI, +...

07.Mär.2005 Daily Labor Report - Arthur Andersen Unable to Predict Collapse...

Acknowledging that Arthur Andersen employees and the company...the [Justice Department] to indict Andersen the company's financial integrity + therefore..

07.Mär.2005 frontline: bigger than enron: interviews: joseph berardino | PBS...

guy, who's the protector of your integrity, at the...high up in the firm of Arthur Andersen + that...policy question about, when do you indict an organization?

06.Mar.2005 Irak: USA GIs feuerten Hunderte Kugeln auf Sgrenas Auto



07.Mar.2005 Die Reporterin Sgrena hatte der Zeitung "Corriere della Sera" gesagt: "Ich glaube, aber das ist nur eine Hypothese, dass ihnen das glückliche Ende der Verhandlungen nicht gepasst hat.

Die Amerikaner sind gegen diese Art von Operation. Krieg ist für sie Krieg, ein Menschenleben zählt nicht viel." Unbestätigten Berichten zufolge soll für Sgrenas Freilassung Lösegeld gezahlt worden sein.
Sie habe Caliparis Witwe versprochen, die Wahrheit herauszufinden, sagte Sgrena. "Solch außergewöhnliche Menschen dürfen nicht grundlos sterben", sagte sie im Fernsehsender TG5.

Die Journalistin wurde bei dem Zwischenfall am Freitagabend an der Schulter verletzt. Calipari wurde von einer Kugel in die Schläfe getroffen und war sofort tot.
Der italienische Kommunikationsminister Maurizio Gasparri rief Sgrena zu mehr Bedacht auf.

"Ich verstehe die Emotion dieser Stunden, aber diejenigen, die in den letzten Wochen unter Stress standen, sollten sich zusammennehmen und keinen Unsinn äußern", sagte Gasparri der Nachrichtenagentur Ansa zufolge.

Die Schüsse auf Sgrena würden die italienische Unterstützung für den Wiederaufbau des Iraks nicht belasten.
Italiens Europaminister Rocco Buttiglione sagte im Deutschlandradio: "Es gibt einen Antiamerikanismus, der durchaus die Grenze des Vernünftigen überschritten hat."

Die Terroristen trügen die moralische und politische Verantwortung für den Tod Caliparis. Doch hätten sich offenbar einige US-Soldaten gefürchtet, "für ihre Arbeit unvorbereitet zu sein".

Sie hätten ohne ausreichenden Grund geschossen. "Leider ist dies nicht der erste Fall, der im Irak passiert."
USA nennen Sgrenas Vorwürfe absurd
Die italienische Journalistin Sgrena behauptet, US-Soldaten hätten gezielt auf den Wagen geschossen, in dem sie mit ihren Befreiern zum Bagdader Flughafen gebracht wurde.

Die US-Regierung wies die Anschuldigungen entschieden zurück. Die Straße liege in einer Kampfzone.

Washington/Rom - "Es ist absurd zu behaupten, dass unsere Männer und Frauen in Uniform absichtlich auf unschuldige Zivilisten zielen würden", sagte der Sprecher des Weißen Hauses, Scott McClellan, in Washington zu der Aussage Guiliana Sgrenas, die Amerikaner hätten sie möglicherweise absichtlich unter Feuer genommen.
Auf der Straße zum Flughafen habe es Selbstmordanschläge gegeben und Koalitionstruppen seien dort beschossen worden, sagte Scott McClellan. Die Straße sei gefährlich und liege in einer Kampfzone. Die Soldaten müssten oft in Bruchteilen von Sekunden Entscheidungen treffen. "Wir bedauern diesen Vorfall", versicherte McClellan. Er werde vollständig aufgeklärt.
Israels Rechte bekennt sich zu jüngesten Selbstmordanschlag... auch sagen, abgekupfert Eine kleine Google-Suche bringt es unschwer an den Tag Ebenso liefert eine Google-Suche Interessantes ueber Ari Ben - Menashe, eine der...
Intelligence Marbella to sell weapons shipped from the Balkans and then sold on to Hamas and other terrorist groups in the Middle East," claims Ari ben - Menashe, a
A Strategy of Tension...Illustrating the concept of trained killers who work on a "need-to-know" basis, former Mossad Agent Ari Ben - Menashe describes how Abu Abbas launched an attack
Scoop: NITA: No Honour Among Thieves...a sabbatical from domestic politics in Central America during the war in Nicaragua to make some money, according to ex-Mossad officer Ari Ben Menashe in his ...
New World Disorder...Ari Ben Menashe, a Montreal-based political consultant, told the High Court that a man named Edward Simms from a group dubbed Team America took part in a ...
Informational Resources on the War against Iraq - Let's Rethink US Policy in Iraq by Marsha Posusney...Ramsey Clark to UN Security Council (29.Jul.2002 US Laying Groundwork for Possible Iraqi Invasion by Warren P ...

06.Mar.2005 Reports.. material presented is biased toward development programs...the Divisions during Operation Iraqi Freedom" [MS...Documents On Ukraine’s Security Policy : A Sound...

06.Mar.2005 Schüsse bei Geiselbefreiung: USA nennen Sgrenas Vorwürfe absurd

06.Mar.2005 Neuer Uno-Botschafter der USA: "Ein kompromissloser Diplomat"

06.Mar.2005 Libanon: Syrien beginnt mit Truppenverlegung

06.Mar.2005 Trauerfeier für Wischnewski: "Du hast deine Arbeit gut gemacht"

06.Mar.2005 Flutkatastrophe: Tsunami-Opfer reichen Sammelklage ein
Vorwurf von US-Forschern: Tabakkonzern kaufte Passivrauch-Studien

06.Mar.2005 Emotionsstörungen: Wenn Männer keine Gefühle haben

06.Mar.2005 Knochenfund: Erster Spaziergänger entdeckt

06.Mar.2005 Deutsch-französisches Treffen: Widerstand gegen geplante EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie

06.Mar.2005 Urteil: Neonazi-Bande ist terroristische Vereinigung

06.Mar.2005 Libanon: Schröder und Chirac fordern Truppenabzug

06.Mar.2005 Fonds-Skandal: Bankrott im Plutokraten-Paradies

06.Mar.2005 US-Studenten als Politikberater: "Das einzig Gute an Bushs Wiederwahl sind wir"

06.Mar.2005 Libanon: Schröder und Chirac fordern Syrien zum Truppenabzug auf

06.Mar.2005 Softwarepatente: EU-Minister verabschieden Richtlinie

06.Mar.2005 Neue Lebensformen: Es wimmelt im Atlantikschlot (

06.Mar.2005 Staatsbegräbnis: Italien trauert um den Sgrena-Retter

06.Mar.2005 Ansturm in Belgien: Billigauto nach zwei Tagen ausverkauft

07.Mar.2005 3
SAVE the Dugong, STOP the Air-Base

The island of Okinawa has been called the "Galapagos of the East" because of the precious bio-diversity it supports, but it also known as "the island of the base" because USA military bases occupy over 18% of the landmass of Okinawa.

Henoko is located in the northeastern part of the island + has one of the last healthy coral reefs in Okinawa.

The beautiful reef is home to Japan's last remaining population of critically endangered dugong, as well as other marine mammals + sea turtles.

The UN Environment Programme has released a report calling for the creation of a marine reserve to protect the dugong.

Rather than saving the dugong by protecting their home, the government of Japan is instead trying to build an airbase for the USA Marine Corps by land-filling the coral reef with Japanese taxpayers money.

The plan to build a 2,600-meter runway complete with hangers, control towers and fuel storage on an offshore reef is a throwback to an earlier period of disrespect for the environmental value of ocean eco-systems.

Activists, however, have so far been successful in preventing the drilling of test holes into the sensitive coral reef.

Every day they occupy the drilling towers about half a kilometer offshore, preventing any further construction.

You can add your voice to support those courageous activists by writing emails to the Japanese and the USA governments. Create a message the number of participants: 5,925 Let your friends know this action
Kinder: Gewachsen wird nachts

07.Mar.2005 Rüstungsindustrie: BAE Systems kauft US-Panzerschmiede

07.Mar.2005 Big Brother Incorporated Companies List...

Rennhak Nachtsichtsysteme . SIM Security & Electronic System GmbH. GREECE. Econ Optics Mechanics. Intracom SA (Hellenic Telecommunications & Electronics) ...
Big Brother Incorporated..Rennhak Nachtsichtsysteme . SIM Security & Electronic System GmbH. GREECE. Econ Optics Mechanics..Rennhak Nachtsichtsysteme. Regenburger Strabe 4-6..
Lilliths Realm - ATPC - NOTES and REFERENCES. PK Electronic and Rennhak Nachtsichtsysteme in Germany;

ATET SRi in Italy...PK Electronic; Rennhak Nachtsichtsysteme ; Sicherheitstechnik Schmid (STS);...
Vassilis Karydis </h2> <BR> <h2><center>OVERCROWDING IN GREEK...

MTS, MVS; NOWAR Security Equipment GmbH, Otto Boenicke; PK Electronic, Rennhak Nachtsichtsysteme ; Sicherheitstechnik Schmid (STS); Sipe Electronic GmbH;...
European Parliment PK Electronic + Rennhak Nachtsichtsysteme in Germany;

ATET SRi in Italy;...

PK Electronic;

Rennhak Nachtsichtsysteme ; Sicherheitstechnik Schmid (STS)...
The War Powers Resolution: After Twenty-Eight Years- HTML version

... majority of both Houses and presentment to the President.” On

06.Jul.1983 the SupremeCourt affirmed a lower court’s decision striking down a provision in another ...

Privacy and Public Access to Federal Court Case Files- HTML version...

See, eg, Republic of the Philippines v. Westinghouse Electric Corp, 949 F.2d 653,660 (3d Cir. 1991) (citing earlier cases and history of common law right)...

07.Mar.2005 Citizen's' arrest warrant for Senator Kay Bailiey Hutchison

...of "Yes" to the aforementioned Senate Joint Resolution 46, KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON, in violation...the terrorist list to allow him to get chem + bio weapons, evil ...

07.Mar.2005 Kay Granger on War & Peace

... + agents (focusing on the northern border), + proposes a 500% increase in " Bio -Terrorism" spending....

Click here for HouseMatch answers by Kay Granger....

07.Mar.2005 Texas A&M Engineering News Story

... Kay Bailey Hutchison joined dignitaries from Texas universities + NASA Monday (

00.Oct.---- announce the new Texas Institute for Intelligent Bio -Nano Materials...

07.Mar.2005 Congratulations to our CSA Certificate Holders... Larry K. Luper Wackenhut Services, Inc.

Lisa Burke Labat-Anderson Incorporated.

Felix Uchefuna Omni Government Services, LP.

Donald Dremluk Kellogg Brown & Root ...

CSA Member List...Back to the top.

K. Kellogg Brown & Root .

Ki, LLC. Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corporation.

KMIT Consulting....

W. Wachovia Bank, NA.

Wackenhut Services, Inc.


LNG: Hardening the Perimeters

International Security and Defence Systems, Ltd.


Kellogg Brown & Root .

KeySpan Energy Corporation


Vinson & Elkins.

The Wackenhut

Halcyon Days: US Promotes Guantanamo Tourism...

Defense contractors such as Brown & Root + Wackenhut have already announced plans to operate tourist facilities + theme parks at Guantanamo + other US...

Making a Killing - The Center for Public Integrity...

... futures through lobbying.

Wackenhut + Brown & Root +

Booz Allen Hamilton +

Betac Corp. +

Armor Holdings +

Logicon and Cubic Corp.


Making a Killing - The Center for Public Integrity

Making a Killing: The Business of War,

01.Mar.2005. Advanced Search.

Free Text Database Search.

PMC Database Search Phrase.

Pick a Private Military Company.

00.Jul.2004 Pierce lands $27M order for fire trucks bound for Iraq - shkosh Truck said Friday that

Kellogg Brown & Root, the engineering protection for military bases in Iraq with support from Wackenhut Services Inc...

Privatizing Combat, the New World Order from the Center for Public...

... through lobbying.


Brown & Root,

Booz Allen Hamilton,

Betac Corp.,

Armor Holdings,

Logicon and

Cubic Corp.

have all employed...

INMM Sustaining Members

Kellogg Brown & Root Services David W... NCI Information Systems Inc Laura B. Thomas Wackenhut Oak

INMM 04 PP - View as HTML...

International Services & Advisors, Inc. JAI Corp. Kellogg, Brown & Root Services Lawrence Livermore National...US Department of Energy Wackenhut Services, Inc...

The Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) cannot not guarantee ...

Maximum Security State Prison, correctional, Pound, VA, Brown & Root, Commonwealth Of...

Wackenhut Corrections Corporation, Twenty Five Million to One Hundred...

Foushée Group, Inc. -

Johnson & Johnson.

Kaiser-Hill Company, LLC.

Kellog Brown & Root (KBR).

Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory....

WL Gore and Associates, Inc.

Wackenhut Services, Inc...

Foushée Group, Inc. -

Johnson & Johnson. JR Simplot Company. Kellog Brown & Root (KBR). Kimberly-Clark Corporation....WR Grace and Company. Wackenhut Services, Inc....
Pandagon: Drown The Baby In The Bathwater

... etc. etc. in the glorious Circle of Crony Capitalism epitomized by Kellogg, Brown& Root... I interviewed for a job as a Wackenhut prison


Don't forget the Carlyle Group

Halliburton in addition to Kellogg Root Brown

Wackenhut &

Lockheed Martin are in on it too.



20041202 Don't forget the Carlyle Group Halliburton in addition to KelloggRoot Brown Wackenhut & Lockheed Martin are in on it
June SEB Conference COMPANY ABS Consulting AECL Alta Strategies ...- View as HTML...

Kellogg Brown & Root Kenneth T. Lang...Strategic Marketing Consultants Teledyne Brown Engineering Tetra...Engineering Technologies, LLC Wackenhut Services, Inc.

Pecos Enterprise, News... year.

Johnson had chosen Wackenhut and Brown & Root to operate + build new prisons at Hobbs + Santa Rosa before the

NPMA - National Property Management Association

... with certified employees:

The Boeing Company, Brown & Root, Lockheed Martin Corp...of California at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Wackenhut Services, Inc ... 5 Mar 2005

Who Owns What - A guide to corporate cross-ownership...

Hashmira (Israeli security firm); Ecover (Belgian detergent manufacturer); Wackenhut Corporate Corrections:...Kellog, Brown & Root ('security' contrators...

MOREJOBS.NET: Clients...

Irving, TX Police Department, Kellogg, Brown & Root, . Wackenhut Corporation, www. wackenhut .com...

Summit Attendees...

Kaiser-Hill Inc. KAPL - Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory. Kellogg, Brown & Root . Kinematic Performance....VanGard Systems. Veritas DGC Inc. Wackenhut Services...

GLEI – Testimonials...

Given the sense of urgency that Wackenhut is moving on my application, your immediate response would be greatly appreciated....Brown & Root...

Oshkosh Truck wins $27 million order...+ rescue trucks + related equipment from Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR) following a...

... in Iraq with the support of firefighters from Wackenhut Services, of...


Building firm Brown & Root of Houston, Texas is constructing the largest privateprison in the world to date and Wackenhut Corrections Corp. will run

CONTENTS .. finance and design.

A consortium of Wackenhut and Brown & Root is the preferred bidder but contracts have not been signed. Charge!

List of Military Service Provider Companies...

K. Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc...Wackenhut Corporation https://www.wackenhut .com Westminster Group Plc World Security https://www.worldsecurity...

FPC Stat # 220...8,

VINNELL- BROWN & ROOT (VBR) JOI, 32,682,000, 46,545,000, 13,161,000, 41,539,243.9, WACKENHUT CORP. 41,000, 55,064,000, 36,191,589, 23,298,428. 10, URS


United Kingdom. Indeterminata.

Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc. United States. Operativa...Operativa. Wackenhut Corporation www. wackenhut .com. United States.

Daily Kos :: Corporations Break State's Monopoly Over Violence

... political jujitsu.". As this was occuring, Cheney contracted out Brown & Root to the...Remember, when ex-FBI official George Wackenhut created his Wackenhut ...

3 People\'s Plan Japonesia – Concourse...

database of over eighty private military companies, ranging from large + well-known firms like the Kellogg Brown & Root and the Wackenhut Corporation,...

Protecting People: the PMC Potential- View as HTML...

Military Training Military Intelligence Offensive Combat PA&E Brown & Root ICI of Oregon ArmorGroup Wackenhut Gurkha Security Guards..

Lightening Leo's Campbell County Frequency Guide ...


Enterprises... Bechtel Jacobs Co., LLC, 1. Boeing Company, 1. Brown & Root, 1. BWXT-Y12, LLC, 7.Critique, Inc. 1....UT-Battelle, LLC, 16. Wackenhut Services, Inc.

2004 In Review... Pam Davis, BWXT Y-12. Gay Gause, Wackenhut, Albuquerque....Susan Phillips, DOE-ORO.James Robinson, Brown & Root . Number of members we lost:

AFSCME Privatization Update – 8/12/2004

... the Service Employees International Union, which maintains a website critical of Wackenhut... If the accounting system of Kellogg Brown & Root, the

S&FC. For Ethics & Lobby Law, Lobbyist Reporting & Filing

... Brown, Forman Corporation Browning-Ferris Industries Bryan Cave Budget...Company Ronald A. White, PC Root & Schindler...Wackenhut Corporation Wal-Mart Stores,

CRP Candidate PAC Profile: Brownback, Sam

... Associated Builders & Contractors, $5,000. Brown & Root, $2,000....Brown -Forman Corp, $2,000....Misc Business, $1,000, Wackenhut Corp, $1,000....

Lea County names four to prison board

... based Wackenhut Corrections Corp., will run the $85 million prison, which officials estimate will employ from 450 to 500 people. Texas-based Brown & 5 Mar 2005

compagnie militari private scheda - analisidifesa - nr 35 anno 4 .. UK Indeterminata.

Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc. USA- Operativa....Operativa. Wackenhut Corporation https://www. wackenhut .com/. United

Bush... President Cheney served as CEO, Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root did $73...according to a lawsuit he later filed against Wackenhut . Services,

Marriages for the Washtenaw Co., MI USGenWeb website - B7...

16.Oct.1872 +, Brown_I, Irsula - Brown, Root, John W Root, Washtenaw, 25...Washtenaw,

07.Mar.1880 +, Brown_J, John Georg Brown, Wackenhut, Maggie – Wackenhut...

USDOL/OALJ Law Library: Nuclear and Environmental Whistleblower ...

In a case arising in the Fifth circuit, the Secretary declined to follow Brown & Root v. Donovan...

In Graf v. Wackenhut Services, LLC, 1998-ERA-37 (ALJ

USDOL/OALJ Law Library: Nuclear and Environmental Whistleblower...

DELAY. In Macktal v. Brown & Root, Inc., 86-ERA-23 (ARB Jan. 6...AWARD. In Graf v. Wackenhut Services LLC, 1998-ERA-37 (ALJ 5 Mar 2005

... the firm was flying on behalf of Kellogg Brown & Root, the division government contracts and then outsource to British-owned multinational, Wackenhut ... 5 Mar 2005

Master Grass Root (5-1).qxd - View as HTML

While Vice President Cheney served as CEO, Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root did $73 million worth of business with Iraq 00.000.1998-00.000.2000 + ...

00.000.1961-00.000.1989 A Guide to the Lawrence C. Pope Collection, ...

Beaumont County Jail. Becon- Wackenhut . Belize....Brown, Eroy. Brown, JE (Buster), Senator (3 folders). Brown & Root . Broxson Hardware & Construction Co.

The Politicisation of Humanitarian Action and Staff Security: The ...- View as HTML

.. include DSL (part of Armour Group) from the UK and Wackenhut from the US....far more with private companies, such as the US company Brown & Root used in

Fort Lewis Washington Job Fair - ACAP General Employment Fair...

Brown & Root Services Bureau of...Service Valley Freightliner VA Puget Sound Health Care System VerticalPath Recruiting Vinnel Corporation Wackenhut Corp Wal

(DV) Hall: Globalizing Homeland Security, Part 1

... Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root, or KBR, has...[35]. Wackenhut (now “GEO Group”) advertises itself as “an industry leader and pioneer in the

t5.17 ... Lexington, Mass. 36. 4,596. 0.20. 34. Brown & Root /Northrop (JV) *. Houston, Texas.23. 10,285. 0.45. 47....0.13. 78. Wackenhut Services, Inc. *. Houston,

t5.18 ... 1.96. 23. Brown & Root /Northrop (JV). * Houston, Texas....1.55. 26. Brown Engineering Co., Inc. * Huntsville, Ala....62. Wackenhut Services, Inc. * Houston,

FCOG Directory - View as HTML

... Skrincosky Dennis Mr. KBR Government Operations Kellogg Brown & Root 1550 Wilson Blvd...Burleson Jean Mr. F. Senior Vice President Wackenhut Services, Inc..

Chair’s Corner- View as HTML-

Kaiser-Hill Company (RFETS) Jerry L. Lyle Kellogg Brown & Root Dennis Skrincosky L&L Associates...Herbert L. Debban Wackenhut Services, Inc. Frank K. Martin

Civilian Police International CPI is a joint venture between MPRI, AECOM Government Services, Inc. (AECOM-GSI), Wackenhut (WSI) + Kellog, Brown & Root . (KBR)

Membership Directory Member Directory. Name - Location of Company 3 River Safety Center – Joliet. 5 Mar 2005

vpp advertising rate card 04 - View as HTML .. Constructors, Inc. ¦ Johnson & Johnson ¦ Johnson & Wales University ¦ Kanzaki Specialty Papers, Inc. ¦ KeepSafe ¦ Kellogg, Brown + Root ...'Worm turning'


May/June 1995 The Candidate From Brown & Root TheTexas...+ Coverup,

00.May 1995 Wackenhut : Inside the...

Irish Anti-War Movement - private military corporations ... of Defense for President Bush, Dick Cheney contracted Brown & Root Services (now...a merger between Group 4 Falck + the Wackenhut Corporation providing...
Irak : les armées privées de la guerre...

Kellog Brown & Root, par exemple, a...D'autres entreprises tentent d'être moins voyantes, les DynCorp, Wackenhut, Vinnell (une filiale de TRW), Logicon (du

From The Center for Public Integrity,

28.Oct.2002 - View as HTML... futures through lobbying. Wackenhut ,. Brown & Root, Booz Allen Hamilton, Betac Corp., Armor Holdings, Logicon and Cubic Corp. have all...

Jomhouri:The summary for this Arabic page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set...5 Mar 2005


The Treadstone Group 3.156

The Urbitran Group 3.157

The Wackenhut Corporation 3.158...

Natural Gas Brooklyn Union

Brown & Caldwell

Brown & Root

BRPH Architects...

Eclairage sur les SMP. J & F Security, Ltd. J & F GB Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc. KBR Etats-Unis Keeny meeny Services...Vinnell Etats-Unis Wackenhut Corporation Wackenhut USA ...




KeepMedia | The Atlantic: Feudal Gestures

... a town or a state, but their oath of fealty is to Securitas or Wackenhut... a sweeping survey of the work of MPRI, Airscan, Dyncorp, Brown & Root + scores..., pour la défense des libertés, des droits de l'...

Kellog Brown & Root, par exemple...D’autres entreprises tentent d’être moins voyantes, telles DynCorp, Wackenhut, Vinnell (une filiale de TRW), Logicon (

2002 Lobby List Sorted by Lobbyist - Part 5

... Place Houston, TX 77028 Brown & Root Services, Inc....Paid Amount: $10,000 - $24,999.99 the Brown Schools 1407 W...Less Than $10,000.00 WCC 4200 Wackenhut Dr # 100

2002 Lobby List Sorted by Lobbyist - Part 5

...Place Houston, TX 77028 Brown & Root Services, Inc...99 Termination Date: 11/18/02 The Brown Schools 1407 W...Amount: Less Than $10,000.00 WCC 4200 Wackenhut Dr # 100 ... 5 Mar 2005
Politique Internationale n° 103 printemps 2004 - Experts /P...

and Engineers, ITT, Combat Support Associates, ou encore Kellog, Brown & Root )...Defense), de Titan (par Lockheed Martin) ou encore de Wackenhut (par les ...

Privatizing Combat, the New World Order - View as HTML...

Brown & Root is hardly the only PMC that raises questions about the revolving door....The stock of guard providers Wackenhut Corp.

VEZENSKO-PRUMYSLOVÝ KOMPLEX... i velká jména z oboru stavebnictví jako Turner, Brown & Root nebo CRSS...tvorí orrections Corporation of America (CCA) a Wackenhut Corrections, jež


HI $68,900.00 7341 BROWN & ROOT INC $3,683,035.11 7341 BROWN & ROOT INC HUB...$1,159.90 7341 WT BYLER CO INC $594,317.84 7341 WACKENHUT CORRECTION $141,149.00 ..

NASA - NASA - 1966-1968 News Releases


Foundations of California Reciprocity Listings - View as HTML

... Industries, Inc. Artistic Body And Asea Brown Bov Asset Real Estate ASSI Market Assist Card Associated Companies, Inc. Associated ...


Binom Company (MRCI). A joint venture company providing transportation, leasing, d trade services. Brown & Root . Construction services. BP


00.Jul.1979 Contributors Earnest A. Franke was born on June 27, 1946 in Norfolk, VA...

Maltbie, Inc. Begins Fabrication and Installation- View as HTML

...Johnson and Marc Comstock; James S. Kahn; Kellogg, Brown & Root ; John Kucharski...Delk, Balkenbush & Eisinger; US Bank; George Wackenhut ; Wackenhut Services, Inc...


Braddock. Brown & Root . CACI, tortur Abu Ghraib....Wackenhut, København, indgår i Group 4 Falck !!!!, www. wackenhut ,com. WatchGuard

Phase III - Cheney Led Halliburton To Feast at Federal Trough...

Query. 1, " wackenhut "....Under Cheney, Halliburton—largely through its Brown & Root subsidiary—has garnered $2.3 billion in US government contracts....


... criminal justice issues + the root causes of...

00.000 1992 by a group of women from Brown University interested...Wackenhut "Year after year, The Wackenhut

FD&C - View as HTML... 49, 02-C-0042. NOB Construction - Kabul, Afghanistan. 146 million.

05.May ---- . Brown Root Services (LB). 50, 02-C-0044. NOB Construction - Tblisi, Georgia. 57.7 million...

TABLE OF CASES, Guide for Hearing Officers - View as HTML...

98 Brown & Root, Inc., 314 NLRB 19, 23 (1994).......77 Wackenhut v .NLRB, 178 F.3d 543 (DC Cir...

Crikey Website - The foreign business lists...

Owned by Wackenhut Corporation of the US, the largest supplier of security services in...Halliburton (HAL): have big construction firm Brown & Root + the ...

00.000.1999-00.000.2000 (Oklahoma Registered Lobbyists TERMINATED) * Wackenhut Corrections Corporation...

Financial Services *American Electric Power *Bama Corporation *Barr Laboratories * Brown & Root Service *Fox

Military Service Provider Companies

Intelligence & Security Services Broker) K Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc...Trojan Securities International V Vinnell Corporation W Wackenhut Corporation Westminster ...

BartStocks... about the Carlyle Group, the Rockefellors, Henry Kissinger, Exxon/Mobil, BP, Shell, Wackenhut, etc...How do you spell Halliburton, Brown & Root, GE, Westinghouse...


Maybe that's the architectural firm BROWN & ROOT from TEXAS...guards that I mentioned, the gold courses in FLORIDA, the vigilantes + the WACKENHUT CORPORATION,11,74.htm


Wackenhut Corporation, (NSA/CIA/DOE cut-out contractor) involved in contract security operations for Top Secret Ultra and Black...Brown & Root drug money...

Making a Killing - The Center for Public Integrity Making a Killing: The Business of War,

28.Feb.2005. Advanced Search. Free Text Database Search. PMC Database Search Phrase. Pick a Private Military Company ...

Fallout Shelter News

.. postwar windfall by far - $2.3bn - went to Kellogg, Brown & Root, or KBR, a...Wackenhut denies its employees are CIA agents plotting to overthrow Venezuela's...

Table of Contents For International directory of company histories...

Broderbund Software, Inc 113; Brown & Root, Inc 117;...Brother Industries, Ltd 75; Brown + Williamson Tobacco...& Associates, Inc 538; The Wackenhut Corporation 541 ...

TROUBLE D COMPAN Y REPORTER...Houston, Texas, Kellogg, Brown & Root is engaged...maker of the popular AeroBed, Brown Jordan International...between Enron Property and The Wackenhut Corporation....

Pages 1--43 from Unknown* 1156 Report Number: Wireless...09/2002 0000829005 IG AA Full Assignment C KELLOG BROWN & ROOT INC HOUSTON...10/2002 0000834813 GB TC Transfer of Control C Wackenhut Corrections Corporation...

PUBLIC NOTICE - View as HTML P1. 1156 Report Number: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Assignment of Authorization + Transfer of Control Applications Action

NucNews –

05.Aug.2004..."When you have Wackenhut test Wackenhut, nobody is...investigation is A. Jack Stanley, who was named chairman of Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root Inc...


JOC for HAS, RFP, 28, 12/29/2003, 12/29/2006, C55521, KELLOGG BROWN & ROOT SERV.,INC,...GUARD SERVICES, renew, 28, 1/26/1999, 1/25/2006, C50015, WACKENHUT CORPORATION...

PakTribune Forum -> George W Bush 41

... org/showArticle.asp?ArticleID=731 -The Candidate- From Brown & Root The Texas...twsawyer/ttguides/docs/w...t-wp-199701.txt - Wackenhut : Inside the ...

California Courts: Guide to California Jury Service: Employers...

Brooks College. Brown & Root Inc....Sherwood Insurance Services. Sidley, Austin, Brown & Wood. Siemens, Ultrasound Division....WW, Grainger Inc. Wackenhut Corporation ...

Citizens for Legitimate Government, Bush Election Coup 2000 2K...

Halliburton subsidiary, Kellog, Brown & Root (KBR) has...Its name is the Wackenhut Detention Center + more than 200 human beings - men + women - languish
Pandagon: Drown The Baby In The Bathwater

... etc. etc. in the glorious Circle of Crony Capitalism epitomized by Kellogg + Brown + BROWN & ROOT +, +, I interviewed for a job as a Wackenhut prison

07.Mar..2005 reece: the Maoist view 00.Apr.1967 USA CIA installed a military junta in Greece...puppet installed as prime minister in Greece during World...was a US citizen on the CIA payroll + a...

Cyprus... coup, Papadopoulos had been on the CIA payroll for some...

When the Germans invaded Greece, Papadopoulos served as a...that when he mentioned the junta leader's

00.000.1947 Papadopoulos had been on the CIA payroll since 1952...

Of the five junta officers, four were connected to either the CIA or the US military in Greece ...

A Timeline of CIA Atrocities The junta that replaces it will, in the next two decades, become one of the most bloodthirsty in history....

00.000.1966 -since- Noriega has been on the CIA ’s payroll..

NATO + Greece, Clinton's visit... Col. George Papadopoulos, leader of the fascist junta that would rule the country for the next seven years, was on the direct payroll of the CIA

Timeline of CIA Activities The junta that replaces it will, in the next two...

00.000.1967 : Greece A CIA -backed military coup overthrows the...

00.000.1966 -since- Noriega has been on the CIA's payroll +..

CIA Support of Death Squads...

First junta attempted to abolish, but group reorganized as National Democratic Front...

Greece, as a death squad patriarch who was on the CIA payroll

The CIA's Secret Files on Greece

... of CIA secret agents on the payroll in different...concerning the activities of the CIA station regarding the...

00.000.1956 which lasted until the junta seized power

Athens After the Civil War... with us?”

It looks as though the CIA wished to...their own coup organized by people on their own payroll...

Yet the real purpose of the Junta was the systematic ...

AFRICASPEAKS.COM : HAITI 1986-1994... during the previous several decades, including Greece, South Korea...

This was while Constant was on the CIA payroll... an accord whereby the leader of the junta, Gen


Who I wonder are on the CIA payroll as was Noriega...The CIA works outside the normal circles of the USA..Armitage that they would never support a Junta make me...

To many foreigners that visit Greece these days, it seems like the...- View as HTML The junta leaders did, after all, have working-level Lawrence Wittner,

00.000.1952 -since Papadopoulos “had been on the CIA ’s payroll.” 71 Col....

20041206...campaign was to begin, a military coup brought to power a junta led by George...The CIA had created the KYP + Papadopoulos was on the payroll of the...

Barbara Hartwell Archives - The junta that replaces it will, in the next two...1967 Greece - A CIA -backed military coup overthrows the...Noriega has been on the CIA's payroll since 1966 +...

Bush is wrong on international court...of the European Union (the 15th, Greece, is the early 1990s under the military junta that overthrew...Constant was on the CIA payroll and has threatened to...
Haiti Killing Hope WBlum...including Greece + South Korea + Iran + Uruguay; + created in....This was while. Constant was on the CIA payroll... accord whereby the leader of the junta, Gen...

From: Ralph McGehee <> Newsgroups: alt... First junta attempted to abolish, but group reorganized as...for Europe, 81 Greece : Watch List Greece, a death squad patriarch who was on the CIA payroll...

RW ONLINE:Indonesia: US Role 00.000.1965 Massacres...information about how the US/CIA backed the reactionary junta which seized...a US government think tank) who also was on the CIA ’s payroll, produced reports...
Somewhere-Real...The junta that replaces it will, in the next two decades, become one of the most bloodthirsty in history....Noriega has been on the CIA ?s payroll since 1966...

De Clarke's Personal Opinion (isn't bisque beautiful?)...Suharto against the moderate Sukarno), Greece (we supported...elections), Panama (Noriega was on CIA payroll for iron-fisted Iraqi junta without Saddam...
After Kosovo, Macedonia: What is left of the explanations of NATO... And the special envoy of Washington in the Balkans, Robert Gelbard, had himself claimed...German minister Scharping was fake, that the genocide was a lie of

Le pays dont on ne parle plus... L’envoyé spécial des USA dans la région, Robert Gelbard, avait déclaré à trois...En juin dernier, le Conseil National Bosniaque du Sandzak, lié au parti...

20041219 SPAIN. Defex SA... Gasin Gases Industriale /Spain DEFEX SA ///East /West Engineering Co /

20050113 DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY MONTHLY, Singapore. DEFEX SA, Spain....Defense News, Vice President, Marketing & Business Development, USA . DEFEX, sa, [ More results from ]

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Big Brother Incorporated... Night Vision Optics. SPAIN. Defex SA . SWITZERLAND. Security Systems International.TAIWAN...._____. DEFEX SA . General Peron 38,. 9TH

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Walsh Iran /Contra Report - Chapter 8 The Enterprise and Its...accounts were: Energy Resources International, SA; Lake Resources Inc.; Hyde Park Square Corporation; Albon Values Corporation; Defex, SA ; Dolmy Business, Inc

BY GOVERNMENTS- View as HTML... Swiss company responsible for setting up shell companies for the Enterprise, transferring funds + managing several secret bank accounts; Defex, SA, a front ...
ACrowd Control Technologies : An Assessment Of Crowd Control ...- View as HTML... weapons Gasin Gases Industriale /Spain DEFEX SA ///East /West EngineeringCo /Falken SA //NitSpy Defensa Y contraespionaje //...

Flight Daily News... Defence Science & Technology Organisation, C130. Defense News, A121. Defex, SA, C221. Delta Techops, A412. Derco Aerospace, Inc. A821. Desso Carpets, A1236...


Marcas publicadas en la Gaceta # 461/Junio 2003...90. BANCO CENTRO MUNDO, 134720. DEFEX (MIXTA), 13. DEFEX SA, 134880. DEFEX (MIXTA) (SERVICIOS), 35. DEFEX SA, 134879. DELIT, 5. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, 134501...

Actualidad - Consejo de Ministros...SEPI) para que su filial al 100 por cien, Izar Construcciones Navales, SA, lleve a cabo la fusión por absorción de Defex, SA, (sociedad absorbente) y Defoback

Modelco SL, the model company >> Equipo - Francisco Blanco...FB has been General Sales Manager for IBERIA Spanish Air Lines, Managing Director at the Trader DEFEX SA, Sales Manager at AVIACO, Deputy Manager, Services ...

Modelco SL, the model company >> Equipo - Francisco Blanco...FB ha sido Director General Comercial en IBERIA, Líneas Aéreas de España, Director General en el Trader DEFEX SA, Director Adjunto a la Gerencia y Director ...

Entrevista...Eléctrica. Es miembro del Consejo de Administración de Isdefe desde marzo de 1991 y consejero de Defex, SA desde octubre de 1980. Ha

El Sector P?lico Empresarial. Informe econ?ico-financiero 1999 page 1. Sector Público Empresarial Informe económico-financiero 1999 Sector Público Empresarial Informe económico-financiero 1999...

Es;IMC,Technologies of political control,Jun 29...n Web site evidente, informacio'n garnered de este sitio: * * * FABRICANTE: DEFEX SA PAI'S:

EL SECRETO OFICIAL EN LAS VENTAS DE ARMAS - View as HTML 00.000.1972 se creó, previa aprobación del Gobierno, la empresa pública Defensa y Exportación ( DEFEX - SA ), para fomentar la exportación de las empresas de

Yahoo! Singapore - Business Finder...Search by name or category (eg, Hilton or Hotel). Business Listing. Defex SA . Address: 101 Thomson Road #22-02 UNITED SQUARE Singapore 307591. Suburb:

Yahoo! Singapore -Business Finder...D & G Marketing Pte Ltd, BEDOK INDUSTRIAL PARK 'E', Tanah Merah, Defex SA, UNITED SQUARE, Thomson, ELS Defence Equipment, 57 Yishun Industrial Park A, Yishun,

Companies - LandSystems Club... Asia-Pacific Defence Reporter Representative in Italy, Spain. Asian Defence Journal Office for Italy/Switzerland, Spain. DEFEX, sa, Spain. Einsa, =

Companies - LandSystems Club... Defense News, National Sales Manager, United States. Defense News, Vice President, Marketing & Business Development, United States. DEFEX, sa, Spain. DEFEXPO, India ... =

Oficinas - Clientes...CENTRO DE SEGUROS, SA, MADRID, 300, Mobiliario. CITROEN, VIGO/MADRID, 50, Mampara.DEFEX, SA, ANGOLA, 350, Mobiliario. DIARIO LA RAZÓN, MADRID, 250, Mobiliario...

riot... DEFEX SA, Spain, 1. INI (National Institute for Industry) has a 51% majority, the other 49% is held by privately owned defence companies...

riot...DEFEX SA, España, 1. INI (instituto nacional para la industria) tiene una mayoría 51%, el otro 49% es sostenido por las compañías privado poseídas de la.

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] The Enterprise and Its Finances View as HTML...Corporation; Albon Values Corporation; Defex, SA ; Dolmy Business,....named ` Defex SA '' The new corporation was intentionally given a... Sociedad para la Promoción y Reconversión del País Vasco (SPRI); de la Sociedad de Capital de Riesgo de Euskadi, de IRAMAIN, SA y de DEFEX, SA (Madrid)



Antonio Viñolo AAAF- Association Aeronautique et Astronautique... 00.000.1984-1987 : DEFEX, SA Defex General Representative in Washington DC for the commercialisation of Spanish defence products to the US Department of Defence ...

07.Mar.2005 ?????...95. ??,Aaberg A/S. 96. ??, Davies, Turner & Co. Ltd. 97. ??, Defex SA . 98. ??, HA Muller Technisch Bureau. 99. ??, HARALD LIE AS. 100

::: Estrella Digital... para que su filial al 100 por 100, IZAR CONSTRUCCIONES NAVALES, SA, acuerde y lleve a cabo la fusión por absorción de las sociedades DEFEX, SA, y DEFOBACK ...

Prestamista 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 ...- View as HTML Page 1. Prestamista 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 AS Eksporfinans 0.00 0.00 0.00 ...

??????????...6. ??, Connecticut Valley Arms, Inc. 7. ??, Davies, Turner & Co. Ltd. 8. ??, Defex SA . 9. ??, ECONOMOU GEORGE. 10. ??, EDGAR BROTHERS. 11...


07.Mar.2005 7:26 HINTERHOF-ANTIQUARIAT rbh .. in Zukunft auch biometrische Daten enthalten sein...Noam Chomsky : War against people Menschenrechte + ...Recht auf Hausfrieden, Datenschutz + Meinungsfreiheit...

Der Big Brother in der abendl?ischen Zivilisation...Angriff auch auf das Grundrecht auf Datenschutz... biometrische Verfahren, aber auchNA-Analysen) ist gewaltig...Im Falle einer Konservierung dieser Daten durch ...

3DCenter - News-Archiv 22. - 28. März 2004 (13. Kalenderwoche)... dann sollen diese Daten wohl in...Politik, Beauftragter: Datenschutz behindert Terrorbekämpfung nicht (d...d) [Heise] Schily hält biometrische Grenzkontrollen in ... 05.Mär.2005

Splitter & Balken - Das Informationsportal für den Linken...Welche Daten für das viele Milliarden teure US...oder das Land verlassen, über biometrische Erkennung erfasst und...des Carl-von-Ossietzky-Preises an Noam Chomsky...

07.Mar.2005 Above Top Secret - - POLITICS...become the sixth largest defense contractor to the USA... posted on 7-2- 2005 at 05:04 AM,...backround on Halliburton,

https:// ...

07.Mar.2005 VNN Forum - Why Biblical Prophecy is Coming to Pass... Paul Dundes Wolfowitz - Deputy Secretary, Department of Defense Richard Perle - Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy...

VNN Forum - why are jews so nerdy?...How about Richard Perle . That pornographer Goldstein. Almost as fat as Sharon....How about Richard Perle . That pornographer Goldstein. Almost as fat as Sharon...

07.Mar.2005 Presseportal: Sperrfrist 14.00 Uhr - Siebtes Internationales WDR...Politikberater des American Institute for Public Policy Research, Richard Perle, der Vorsitzende...Über das WDR europa - forum 2004 in Wien wird im ARD-Hörfunk

EuroTv Europa - Forum...a team of USA neo-cons led by just-resigned Pentagon Defense Policy Advisory Board Chairman Richard Perle + present Assistant Secretary of Defense for ... 5. März 2005

EuroTv Europa - Forum...pushers of this story have been neoconservative extremists Richard Perle, James Woolsey, Ken Adelman and Frank Gaffney, who either serve on the Defense Policy... 5. März 2005

NORDEUROPAforum: Fünfjahresindex 1991-1995... ( Forum )....In: 2(1992) H. 1, S. 31 Reiseführer Gotland: Perle in der Ostsee (Kultur)....In: 5(1995) H. 3, S. 72 Wundrak, Richard Bücher zum Thema (Thema: Europa ...

07.Mar.2005 Alt.religion.scientology Week in Review... in Review Volume 0, Issue 3 05/07 /95 by Rod Keller [] copyright 1995...

This interview from Penthouse was reposted from the Factnet archives...

07.Mar.2005 Wachablösung: Ein Brite wird Chef von Sony
Antidiskriminierung: Breite Ablehnung gegen das Gesetz

07.Mar.2005 Bolivien: Präsident Carlos Mesa tritt zurück

07.Mar.2005 Schießerei bei Journalisten-Befreiung: Berlusconi unter Druck

06.Mar.2005 Karriere: US-Minister bringt Bono als Weltbank-Boss ins Spiel

06.Mar.2005 Schießerei bei Bagdad: GIs feuerten Hunderte Kugeln auf Sgrenas Auto

06.Mar.2005 Debatte: Wenn Nacktheit subversiv ist

06.Mar.2005 Frankreich: Konservative werben für Annahme der EU-Verfassung

06.Mar.2005 Umfrage: Jeder vierte Deutsche fürchtet um seinen Job

06.Mar.2005 Libanon: Rückzug syrischer Soldaten soll kommende Woche beginnen

06.Mar.2005 Interview mit Ägyptens Politiker as Said: "Mubarak lässt sich von Bush nichts sagen"

06.Mar.2005 Interview mit Richard von Weizsäcker: "Ich habe das Wort Auschwitz nicht vor dem Frühjahr 1945 gehört"

06.Mar.2005 Handlesung: Was die Finger erzählen

06.Mar.2005 Schüsse auf Italiener: "Zeit"-Chefredakteur zweifelt an US-Angaben

06.Mar.2005 "Big Brother" endlos: Ein wenig Leben - lebenslänglich

06.Mar.2005 Anti-Terrorkampf: Bush gab CIA Persilschein für Verhöre

06.Mar.2005 Debatte um Waffenembargo: Peking spielt Rolle des Anti-Taiwan-Gesetzes herunter

06.Mar.2005 20050301 glad

"They are trained, for example, to confront disorders and student demonstrations, to prepare dossiers, to make the best possible use of bank data and tax returns of individual citizens, etc. In other words, to watch over the population of their country with the means offered by technology.

This is what I call techno-fascism."

- Ex-CIA officer VICTOR MARCHETTI on the training provided by the Agency to the Italian security services, 1974.

While most people can accept the fact that the CIA has intervened covertly in the domestic affairs of Third World, Soviet + Central American states,

many may not realise the extent of the Agency's same tactics of infiltration, sabotage + terrorism against its supposed allies in the West.

In fact Western Europe has been the theatre of CIA undertakings of major proportions, designed to create the false idea of a "Soviet threat",

to win the hearts + minds of liberals, social democrats + assorted socialists + steer them in an anti-Communist direction + to manipulate the political path of every European country….

"We "had" at least one newspaper in every foreign capital at any given time." - a CIA admission 00.000.1977 ,referring to European papers owned outright or infiltrated sufficiently by the Agency to print stories which were useful to the CIA or to suppress those it considered detrimental.

During WWII., many European labour leaders had been rescued from the Nazis with the aid of funds raised by USA trade unions.

This brought them closely in touch with USA military intelligence, in particular the Office of Strategic Services (OSS, the forerunner of the CIA),

whose chief in Switzerland + Germany was Allen Dulles, later to become the first head of the CIA.

The principal union leader in these secret operations was Jay Lovestone, who had switched from being the leader of the American Communist Party to secretly working for USA intelligence.

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06.Mar.2005 You searched for gladio. 1. Las redes estadounidenses de desestabilización y de injerencia [Red Voltaire] URL: article5.html
Las redes estadounidenses de desestabilización y de injerencia,Stay behind : como controlar las democracias, Encargados de instruir el caso del accidente del avión militar secreto que se estrelló 00.000.1973 en Maghera (Irlanda del Norte) así como el atentado del coche bomba en la ciudad de Paetano (Italia), los jueces venecianos Felice Casson y Carlo Mastelloni recopilan testimonios y documentos que les permitirá de demostrar convincentemente que un gobierno secreto controló Italia desde la sombra y al margen de las instituciones oficiales.
".. Concejo italiano de esa entonces, Giulio Andreotti, lanzaba públicamente el 27.Oct.1990 «una bomba», un comunicado oficial donde autentificaba la existencia de una tal superestructura: el Gladio .

A la izquierda: Felice Casson uno de los jueces italianos encargados de investigar el caso Gladio. A la derecha: Giulio Andreotti actual presidente del parlamento italiano. Testigos .."
".. bomba», un comunicado oficial donde autentificaba la existencia de una tal superestructura: el Gladio. A la izquierda: Felice Casson uno de los jueces italianos encargados de investigar el caso Gladio . A la derecha: Giulio Andreotti actual presidente del parlamento italiano. Testigos mafiosos arrepentidos declararon que besó la mano al capo de la mafia italiana cuando era .."
(2 quotes) 2.
Gladio oder die Rache Moros

Die Mediziner aus Orlando im US-Staat Florida analysierten Blutproben von 28 Crohn-Patienten + 15 gesunden Menschen.

MAP wiesen sie bei 14 Patienten nach, das Bakterium trat jedoch bei keinem der gesunden Menschen auf.
In einem in der Zeitschrift "The Lancet" verfassten Begleitkommentar heißt es, die Studie beweise zwar noch nicht, dass MAP eine Ursache für Morbus Crohn sei, sie werfe jedoch wichtige Fragen auf. "MAP kann nun im Zusammenhang mit Morbus Crohn nicht mehr ignoriert werden", schreibt der australische Mediziner Warwick Selby.
Libanon: Rückzug syrischer Soldaten soll kommende Woche beginnen

06.Mar.2005 Interview mit Ägyptens Politiker as Said: "Mubarak lässt sich von Bush nichts sagen"

06.Mar.2005 Morbus Crohn: MAP-Erreger soll auch für Menschen gefährlich sein

06.Mar.2005 Julgados... É a cachorrada do vizinho a latir e uivar...à existência são exemplos de direitos de personalidade...da Municipalidade e da Sociedade Protetora dos Animais (

06.Mar.2005 David Ignatius: Managing a glorious catastrophe "There’s an obscure branch of mathematics known as “catastrophe theory,” which looks at how a small perturbation in a previously stable system can suddenly produce dramatic change...We are now watching a glorious catastrophe take place in the Middle East.” –David Ignatius, Washington Post Yesterday, I opined that instability is, on balance, a very good thing for the Middle East and Arab world. Today David Ignatius picks up the theme + warns against, as Alan Greenspan would say, ‘irrational exuberance.’ High points: URL:
Why now?
As the 3-3 Commission vote implies (+ Smith says), half of the Commission agrees with the judge’s ruling to extend Internet regulation of Internet speech–beyond the already-decided issue of paid Internet ads.

To put things as neutrally as possible here, the role the Internet played in the 2004 campaign was unexpected by a lot of politicians + veteran campaign managers.

It surely startled many who had been active in the effort to hogtie campaign speech, otherwise known as campaign finance reform.

When an established order is challenged that successfully, efforts to regulate the upstarts are bound to appear. It’s just the nature of the political beast. Read More >> URL:
"The real question is: Would a link to a candidate’s page be a problem? If someone sets up a home page and links to their favorite politician, is that a contribution?" "Certainly a lot of bloggers are very much out front. Do we give bloggers the press exemption? If we don’t give bloggers the press exemption, we have the question of, do we extend this to online-only journals like CNET?" Whose speech will be considered truly personal First Amendment speech? What speech will be otherwise exempt from treatment as a contribution to a campaign? What will the criteria be? If someone emails a campaign press release to a list of friends, is that an in-kind campaign contribution? Will a value have to be placed on a blogger’s favorable item about a candidate? How about the value of a link? Will the popularity of the blogger figure in a determination of either permitted speech or (if not permitted) the value of the in-kind contribution? What will constitute “co-ordinated activity” on behalf of a candidate? Would a blogger alliance be considered a coordinated campaign activity, even if none of the members was directed or paid by an official campaign?

If you want to hear an extended interview with Commissioner Smith, conducted after the controversy over his CNET interview had begun, you can find it here. URL:
FEC to limit personal political speech?

This is a VERY BIG DEAL. An FEC Commissioner warns that new application of the McCain-Feingold Act could prohibit or regulate some Internet speech–even sending email.

McCain-Feingold was a serious erosion of free speech to begin with. Interpreting it the way some would like poses an even bigger threat.

Until a ruling last fall, Internet speech has been exempt from the restrictions of the McCain-Feingold Act.

The three Democrats on the six-member FEC want to change that. Potential speech limitations that could be justified under the Act take us into some really strange directions.

CNET News talked with FEC Commissioner Bradley Smith about how the poorly-framed concepts in McCain-Feingold are working their way toward restricting private Internet speech.

Here is where the controversy starts:

00.000.2002 USA FEC exempted the Internet by a 4-2 vote, but USA District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly last fall overturned that decision.

“The commission’s exclusion of Internet communications from the coordinated communications regulation severely undermines” the campaign finance law’s purposes, Kollar-Kotelly wrote.

Smith + the other two Republican commissioners wanted to appeal the Internet-related sections.

But because they couldn’t get the three Democrats to go along with them, what Smith describes as a “bizarre” regulatory process now is under way. URL:
Clinton told his audience in Davos, as well as Charlie Rose, that during his presidency he had “formally apologized on behalf of the USA ” for what he termed “USA crimes against Iran.”

But what were those “crimes”? Clinton summed them thus:

“It’s a sad story that really began in the 1950 s when the USA deposed Mr. Mossadegh, who was an elected parliamentary democrat + brought the Shah back + then

he was overturned by the Ayatollah Khomeini, driving us into the arms of one Saddam Hussein.

We got rid of the parliamentary democracy {there} back in the ‘50s; at least, that is my belief.” URL:
Here is what Clinton said at a meeting on the margins of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, just a few weeks ago:

“Iran today is, in a sense, the only country where progressive ideas enjoy a vast constituency.

It is there that the ideas that I subscribe to are defended by a majority.” +

here is what Clinton had to say in a recent television interview with Charlie Rose:

“Iran is the only country in the world that has now had six elections since the first election of President Khatami ( 00.000.1997 ).

(It is) the only one with elections, including the USA, including Israel, including you name it, where the liberals, or the progressives, have won two-thirds to 70 % of the vote in six elections:

Two for president; two for the Parliament, the Majlis; two for the mayoralties.

In every single election, the guys I identify with got two-thirds to 70 % of the vote.

There is no other country in the world I can say that about, certainly not my own. URL:

06.Mar.2005 Capital Monitor Agent Results... Victoria Title: 13.Sep.2004 : VIC, BRUMBY: Announced the appointment of Mr Jack Seymour as the new Chairman of the Rural Finance Corporation (RFC)...

06.Mar.2005 Lecture 11 The grid Jack Seymour constructed to "map" the four major approaches to Christian education (Seymour, 1997; 21) suggests some...New York : Macmillan, 1994....

06.Mar.2005 Schedule...NEW on Sundays, We've started an education program on Sunday mornings from 10-10:30 am for BOTH children + adults....Jack Seymour is conducting the Adult

06.Mar.2005 participants list - View as HTML...NATO & Europe in the 21 st Century: New Roles for a Changing Partnership...Jack Seymour British American Security Information Council...

06.Mar.2005 'Motivated To Believe The Worst'...Yet, as new details about the war emerge, Mr Cohen's "untold story" reveals the...But we were motivated to believe the worst," recalls Jack Seymour, a former USA...

06.Mar.2005 FREEDOM HOUSE - NG O NEWS - ISSUE 2 information, training to grow other products to gain new market niches ...By James Henderson & Jack Seymour- are the ...

FREEDOM HOUSE - News Europe TOWARD A EUROPE 'WHOLE AND FREE' By James Henderson & Jack Seymour... Ruus. With the adoption in 00.Jan.2003 of USA country's new development cooperation ...

Wabash Center: Teaching Theology + Religion - TTR 6:3.. Strategies for Teaching Adults Jack Seymour Bensimon, Estela Mara; Ward, Kelly; + Sanders, Karla, The Department Chair's Role in Developing New Faculty into ...

VOA News Report... there are those in the administration who view some of the new East European ...Jack Seymour, a consultant for the US State Department + several research ...

Iowa Media Resource Page...simulcast KCHA-FM in Charles City for several years...A new Christian radio...Pig)Sioux City as All Access reports that morning man Jack Seymour has resigned...

The following is a list of recent publications on peacekeeping +...Three items: Jack Seymour + Tom McDonald's "Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe...21-23); + Robin Shulman's "The New Beirut (+ Some Old Problems)" (pp

00.000.2002 Meeting Papers & Presentations... Price [get paper] [email author] “Christian nurture and the new cosmology...Jack Seymour [get paper] [email author] “Holding onto hope: Commitments of liberal...

Christine Jones-Leavy - View as HTML...As Jack Seymour says, the goal of a spiritual growth approach to religious education is ‘[h]elping persons enhance the...( New York : Continuum, 1983),

06.Mar.2005 Religious Education: EMBRACING THE PAST, ENVISIONING THE FUTURE...+ Researchers in Religious Education, our deliberations fostered new conversation about...Theology + Education, 1950 to the Present" Jack Seymour asks "

Religious Education: FROM INDIVIDUAL TO CORPORATE PRAXIS: A...This article will offer new possibilities for a systemic re-imagining of...of the liberation/praxis approach to religious education, Jack Seymour + Donald ...
British American Security Information Council... CBC Radio, New York, 11.May ---- ..Jack Seymour interviewed (5 minutes-taped) by Branko Mikasinovich about impact of Milosevic + future of Serbia by Serbian Service

British American Security Information Council... Jack Seymour interviewed on Serbian Service about about visit to US of Alliance for Change leaders... 00.Oct.1999 . WBAI, New York, 04.Oct.1999 ...

06.Mar.2005 People... Jack Seymour, director of banking....Gary Edson, former chief of staff and general unsel to the US trade representative, is the new chairman of the Illinois

06.Mar.2005 UN Chronicle: Issue 4, 1999: Contents... Fonseca The UN and Europe's Security Development (76) Jack Seymour Essay Individual ...of the Publications Board, Room L-382C, United Nations, New York, NY 10017 ...

UN Chronicle: Issue 4, 1999: Perspective... Jack Seymour is Senior Fellow at British-American Security Information Council BASIC...of the Publications Board, Room L-382C, United Nations, New York, NY 10017 ... URL:
06.Mar.2005 Web Results 1-100 of about 664 for
sicilia falcon cia . ( 0.56 seconds) SICILIA FALCON ALBERTO . Mexico 1975: Brewton,P. The Mafia, CIA + George Bush.00.000.1992 (114); EIR. Dope, Inc. 1992 (485); Kruger,H. The Great Heroin

Carl E Jenkins... Ghost. 1994 (381-383 385 387 395); Washington Times 1988-07-25 (3). SICILIA FALCON ALBERTO: Brewton,P. The Mafia, CIA, + George Bush...
The Underground Empire, Excerpt 6...Sicilia - Falcon's friend + adviser, CIA -trained Jose Egozi, also involved in the Portuguese weapons deal, talks to Centac agents + ends up hanging from a ...

The Underground Empire, Excerpt 5...blended three months later with material from the CIA's Strategic outline the finances of Centac targets Alberto Sicilia - Falcon, Donald

A Tangled Web... Mexican police, assisted by US drug agents, arrest Alberto Sicilia Falcon, whose Tijuana-based...The Cuban exile claims he was a CIA protege, trained as part of...

CIA & NSA...involvement with CIA activities in Thailand + Burma + elsewhere.' 00.Jun.1975 Mexican police, assisted by US drug agents, arrest Alberto Sicilia Falcon, whose...

PMag v04n4p14 -- The Secret Team, Part V: Cha Cha Cha!...One of Shackley's colleagues was an old contact, Alberto Sicilia - Falcon, a Cuban exile trained by the CIA as part of the Bay of Pigs invasion....

Date/Time: 03/06/2005 12:4 Fóruns do - EUA, a Roma do século XXI... YEAH !!!..._____ guerra junqueiro (portuguese war junkie) [img]"width=260","heigth=210"[/img]

06.Mar.2005 Phrack 1... The connection is made by DID/DOD trunks....How the heck could he send him the software and not know his name? ( Yeah, I suppose he AE'da 30 sub system... 04.Mar.2005

Phrack 1... 00.Oct.1985 NSF + DARPA, with DOD support, signed a...Master Lock Company 01.Apr.1986 - Ok, yeah the date says April /

06.Mar.2005 Spective Blog :: Quantum Warfare... struck me (other then why this guy still has a job heading the DOD ) is his...Yeah, Cheney + Rummy don?t need anyone at State questioning their motivations

Spective Blog :: Political: what took so long people) and so it spurred an Op-ED in the USA Today.? What struck me (other then why this guy still has a job heading the DOD ) is his ...

06.Mar.2005 Anti-Folterkonvention: Amnesty kritisiert Bundesregierung

06.Mar.2005 Gannon/Guckert A Kidnapped Iowa Newspaper Boy? - Forums powered by...The key to this whole scandal involving Johnny + the Franklin affair + all of this...

It is said that the BBC was paid $500,000 not to air the documentary....

06.Mar.2005 Homepage eTrend Ambros Lux...Justizminister Gonzales + US-Heimatschutzminister Chertoff ist auch...unter Anklage; Guardian, Steve Bell : The der EU zu einer Art Gegenmacht aufbauen...

06.Mar.2005 Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs... Bell, Charles, 08.Jun.2004, Dietary Supplement Safety Act: How is...Chertoff, Michael,02.Feb.2005 Nomination Hearing....Cleaves, Art, 15.Mar.2003 "Investing in Homeland

06.Mar.2005 NORML's Weekly News Bulletin -- January 13, 2005... author. I heard about it on the old Art Bell Show. [ Post Comment ]....THE WAY OUT IS THE WAY IN... Chertoff Wrote Blueprint for 12.Sep.----

06.Mar.2005 The Village Voice: The Bush Beat... My colleague James Ridgeway, sneaking dispatches to us from heavily guarded pre-inaugural DC, riffs on Michael Chertoff, Bush's putative Homeland Security czar...

06.Mar.2005 Hopsicker: la CIA & écoles de pilotages terroriste (anglais)... Crime et opérations de drogue(médicament), "Aide de Procureur Général Michel Chertoff a suivre et que va-t-il advenir de Jeff Rense, Art Bell et les ...

06.Mar.2005 Bush's Homeland Security Nominee Defended Alleged Terrorist... As to Chertoff ’ I’d like to know why he +...the hijackers + the rest were, disguised s art students engaged in...Do the words "Iraqi WMD" ring a bell ?

06.Mar.2005 Blog Chez Jacq'... on terror, it is time to move beyond case-by-case development," Chertoff said....Listened o Art Bell last night where remote viewer Major Ed Dames said that the...

06.Mar.2005 National Center for Simulation... announce my nomination of Judge Michael Chertoff to be...Technologies + worked at T&T Bell Laboratories,tanks,state-of-the- art ,technology,central...

06.Mar.2005 American Justice: Pictures of An Iraqi Arrested And Executed Chertoff Ties To -11...THE 'KING' OF ALTERNATIVE RADIO SPEAKS This week Art Bell told a caller on ...

Michael Chertoff, Bush nominee, Hid Torture News : Cleveland IMC...Brands/Taco Bell ! 18.Mar.---- A Night of Ferocious Joy....Michael Chertoff, Bush nominee,eid Torture News by Stop Chertoff Coalition 31.Jan.2005 at 3:57 PM ...


06.Mar.2005 Independent Media Center | | ((( i )))... 02 16:14-07:00 Boot the Bell 2005-03...Giuliani was representing numerous corporate clients that Chertoff was investigating...2/17/2005 Christo Art in NY ...

Independent Media Center | | ((( i )))Demonstration, Call for Boycott of Taco Bell 2005-03...was representing numerous corporate clients that Chertoff was investigating...10:07:02 PM Christo Art, NY

06.Mar.2005 BUREAU OF PUBLIC SECRETS...demonstrations 00.000.1989 that resulted in a military crackdown... there is still little ny government can do...totally deny access to information on the Internet

06.Mar.2005 Re: Is Cyberspace Rich Enough?... to put our hypothetical eavesdroppers [ government or corporate...They make a crackdown harder, they lessen the...but just reminding folks that > the Internet is not...

06.Mar.2005 The Net CHINA PLANS CRACKDOWN ON "HARMFUL" NET CONTENT. Chinese government has announced plans to crack down on harmful Internet content, saying it wants to

06.Mar.2005 - Exposing the Project for the New American Century... in a governmental military crackdown + loss of...neo-conservatism soon replaced limited government as the...

The alternatives were the paleo-conservative magazines...

06.Mar.2005 Cowlix: War on Terror Archives... the post- 11.Sep.2001 immigration crackdown on Mexicans...cannot justify widespread wiretaps + Internet surveillance without... We cannot justify a government which takes .. /

00.Nov.2002 Shot In The Dark: November 2002 provide a pretext for the looming crackdown... lowering the content of the Internet to material...individual against increasingly advanced government technology...

Shot In The Dark - Politics and Current Events in Minnesota +...the samizdat media (talk radio, the internet + + women who work for local + state government... not to provide a pretext for the looming crackdown..

06.Mar.2005 USA + Nordkorea: China drängt auf direkte Gespräche

05.Mar.2005 Interview mit Richard von Weizsäcker: "Ich habe das Wort Auschwitz nicht vor dem Frühjahr 1945 gehört"

05.Mar.2005 Handlesung: Was die Finger erzählen

05.Mar.2005 Schüsse auf Italiener: "Zeit"-Chefredakteur zweifelt an US-Angaben

05.Mar.2005 Syrischer Truppenabzug: USA unzufrieden mit Assads Ankündigung

05.Mar.2005 "Big Brother" endlos: Ein wenig Leben – lebenslänglich

05.Mar.2005 Anti-Terrorkampf: Bush gab CIA Persilschein für Verhöre

05.Mär.2005 Guardian Unlimited | Life | What is red mercury? Others, including Sam Cohen, the inventor of the neutron bomb, disagree +...intermediate -+ equally elusive - compound from which red mercury is supposedly..,12977,1315466,00.html

NTI: Issue Brief: Nuclear Trafficking Hoaxes: A Short History of.. 13] One of those quoted, US nuclear physicist Sam Cohen, to this day continues to write passionately about the nuclear applications of red mercury,which he

05.Mär.2005 Millennia Fever The Inventor of the Neutron bomb, Sam Cohen, graduated with a physics degree from creating a nuclear bomb is the need for plutonium, but red mercury is the...
Whistleblower, Prior Knowledge of 9-11 11.Sep.2001...Sam Cohen, a US nuclear weapons expert credited with inventing the neutron bomb. I asked Cohen how he would answer critics who ridicule the idea of red

05.Mär.2005 WWII. - Europe - Italy & the Vatican They also made use of stay - behind agents equipped with radio.. in the OSS + spent five months behind German lines in...Return to WWII. Europe Table of Contents.

UK – WWII. - Services - SOE - NR Special Operations Executive...SOE plans for a stay - behind operation in Ireland, as well for a rumor-planting campaign, ran afoul of both MI5 + MI6 - +..

05.Mär.2005 Bletchley Park        the nine Secret Services of WWII. the ' stay behind ' Auxiliary Units...           Operations Behind Enemy Lines 04.Mar.2005 FM 30-31B It all began during WWII. when UK Prime Minister...up with the CIA to train “ stay-behind armies” in...the means of launching special operations which will...

05.Mär.2005 The Pentagon's 'NATO Option' It all began during WWII. when UK Prime Minister...up with the CIA to train " stay-behind armies" in...have the means of launching special operations which will ...

05.Mär.2005 A Scary Tale Information came out about their operations including Operation...of the stay behinds since WWII. was the...was intimately linked with the Stay - Behind network on... | "Stay Behind": NATO's Terror Network...anticapitalist movements even before the end of WWII.. The existence of the Stay Behind network was not a...its own "anti-communist" operations but receiving

05.Mär.2005 Holy Smoke + Mirrors The Vatican Conspiracy...the exchange of guns for drugs to finance Contra operations ...on the far right that date back to WWII...the centre for the anti-communist ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONT ANTICOMUNIST LIGUE Stay Behind units

05.Mär.2005 Rangerforce Recon WWII. Ranger Battalions from RTB website...including low-level night jumps) operations, demolitions, sabotage...Navy Swift Boats + stay behind missions where the...

Whistle Stopper Political Forums - Mart Laar's "War in the Woods" -This standard allows great tolerance for pre- WWII. Myths + ...SS Legion were instructed to stay behind as a...+ magnify the “ongoing struggle behind the Iron Curtain...

05.Mär.2005 ?Making Sheeps? Eyes? at Anglo Oil

05.Mär.2005 -View as HTML...evasion routes + organize “ stay - behind ” guerrilla networks...lead UK to start covert operations in Iran...began their participation in WWII. the USSR..

late 1940s Stay Behind " at the end of WWII. to build...Belgium (Sdra-8), UK ( Stay Behind ), Denmark, France...parallel intelligence + armed operations organization [has

05.Mär.2005 The History of the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne)

05.Mär.2005 - View as HTML...the conduct of winter commando-type operations in Europe...the USA Army after WWII. volunteered for...Their mission was “ stay behind ” Unconventional Warfare..

The History of the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) The story ...conduct of winter commando­type operations in Europe...joined the USA Army after WWII. volunteered for...Their mission was " stay behind " Unconventional Warfare ...

05.Mär.2005 New Documents about Winston Churchill during the WWII. New Documents about Winston Churchill during WWII...this war, Churchill has been the mastermind behind the operations...00.May 1942 where he had to stay on until ...

05.Mär.2005 Norway...trained in guerrilla, mountain + arctic operations + are...“ Stay Behind ” - This is a super-secret special force...Light Tank (This is a WWII. -era

05.Mär.2005 USS Nicholas - Virgil Wing Taylor, Strong + Fletcher enroute to New Georgia to support mining operations of TG...O’Bannon was heard to ask permission to stay behind + cover us;

05.Mär.2005 M's Civics: Politics & Current Events - Page 2...the covert importation of NAZI scientists at the end of WWII. to the...FLASHBACK: The Secret Government CIA covert operations, war, unilateral power: a prophetic ...

05.Mär.2005 WHY? The Deeper History behind the 11.Sep.2001 terrorist attacks...the primary designers of post- WWII. covert actions...

These operations do not have the moral justification of...were being told, these were not stay - behind -forces


05.Mär.2005 Fiat Pax :: Let There Be Peace Walter E. Massey BP Amoco Plc., Motorola Inc.,Bank of America Corporation, McDonald's Corporation,...of California System, Rockefeller University, Hong Kong...

05.Mär.2005 90.5 The NIGHT: Membership...Ohio Foundation Amoco Corporation Amoco Foundation, Inc...Inc Rockefeller Foundation Rockefeller Group Rockwell International Corporation Rohm + Haas...

House Flags of US Shipping Companies: A...Amoco Corporation (1899 to present). Amoco has its origins in the Standard Oil Company (Indiana), a subsidiary of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust...

Standard Oil Trust Le sue origini risalgono al 1863, quando John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937...le altre diedero origine a Mobil Oil Corporation, Amoco Corporation, Chevron

05.Mär.2005 Oil Company Histories...7125; phone: (312) 856-6111; e-mail: info@ amoco .com...1874: Atlantic sold to John D. Rockefeller ’s Standard Oil Trust. 1905: Richfield Oil Corporation founded...

Fondamentalisti americani alla conquista dell'America Latina – I...linee ferroviarie e in altre 35 corporation i cui...John D. sr., Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, che cominciò a...della Standard Oil of Indiana ( AMOCO ), quella

Information Age Associates (IAA): Clients...& Girls Clubs of America BP Amoco Brightwork Development...Rockefeller Trust Co...Trinity Church, Wall Street United Technologies Corporation Venrock Associates...

05.Mär.2005 Rockefeller - Facing the Corporate Roots of USA such as the US Steel Corporation as well as...a legal battle to get Rockefeller ’s Chevron (Standard Oil California), Amoco (Standard

05.Mär.2005 Olympic Pipe Line - our history...John D. Rockefeller was the most powerful man indirect subsidiary of BP Amoco Inc., purchased...the stock interest of GATX Terminals Corporation in Olympic...

05.Mär.2005 Amoco Corporation - Encyclopædia Britannica - USA petroleum corporation that that from 1870-1911 was the industrial empire of John D. Rockefeller +

Standard Oil Company and Trust - Encyclopædia Britannica...empire of John D. Rockefeller + associates, controlling almost all oil production, processing, marketing, +...>, Amoco Corporation American petroleum...

05.Mär.2005 Amoco Corporation formerly (1889-1985) STANDARD OIL COMPANY (INDIANA), American petroleum corporation that was founded in 1889 by...

05.Mär.2005 Amoco Corporation -- Encyclopædia Britannica USA petroleum corporation that was founded in 1889 by the Standard Oil trust (<e>see</e> Standard Oil Company and Trust) to direct the...

Standard Oil Company and Trust - Encyclopædia Britannica 00.000.1939 Standard Oil (Indiana) absorbed Standard Oil of Nebraska +

00.000.1948 tandard Oil (Indiana) absorbed Standard Oil of Kansas +

00.000.1985 tandard Oil (Indiana) renamed ITSELF Amoco

05.Mär.2005 Ray McGovern : It sounds crazy, but...The notion that the Bush administration would mount a "preemptive" air attack on Iran seems insane.

But Bush administration policy toward the Middle East is being run by men - yes, only men - who were routinely referred to in high circles in Washington during the 1980 s as the "crazies".

05.Mar.2005 Inside the Committee that Runs the World: The inner circles of the USA national security community—represent what is probably the most powerful committee in the history of the world, one with more resources, more power, more license to act + more ability to project force further and swifter than any other convened by king, emperor, or president.

05.Mar.2005 North Korea ends missile-test moratorium North Korea ended a self-imposed moratorium on testing long-range missiles + said "hostile" US policy was forcing it to develop its nuclear arsenal, prompting immediate condemnation from Japan.

05.Mär.2005 Jailed Nun Won't Pay Missile Silo Fine 00.Oct.2002 She + two other nuns had poured blood on a Minuteman III silo in northern Colorado, hit nearby railroad tracks with a hammer + then sat down to await arrest

05.Mär.2005 Venezuela’s Vice-President Says USA is “Out of Control”: The USA government “is completely out of control with regard to Venezuela,” said Venezuela’s Vice-President José Vicente Range

05.Mar.2005 Chavez renews threat to cut oil to US: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has renewed a threat to halt oil supplies to the USA if Washington hurts the Latin American country.

05.Mar.2005 S. American countries agree energy and financial coordination. : President Chavez has proposed Petrosur, a trans-national governments owned oil corporation.

05.Mar.2005 India to sign oil cooperation pact with Venezuela: India will sign a pact with Venezuela this week for cooperation in the energy sector, joining China in the hunt for petroleum assets in the world's No. 5 oil exporter.

05.Mar.2005 Russia Company To Build Oil Refinery In Venezuela? Russian oil producer LUKOIL is pondering construction of an oil refinery in Venezuela, LUKOIL President Vagit Alekperov said.

05.Mar.2005 Venezuela and Latin America: Ready to Rumble: It happened before US intervention in Central America in the 1980’s; it happened before the invasion of Panama 00.000.1989; it happened before the invasion of Iraq in 2002-2003; it is happening now in Venezuela.

05.Mar.2005 Thousands die since US regime change in Haiti: The tragic results of regime change in Haiti are clear. Haiti is in total chaos.

The interim government, which was put in power by the USA and has received unprecedented support from our government, is a complete failure. Violence is widespread + security is non-existent. Schools are shut down, hospitals are not operating + roads and infrastructure are in disrepair. Dead bodies are found lying in the streets.

05.Mar.2005 Haitian soldiers, police accused of mass rape : It was the middle of the night when masked men armed with semi-automatic rifles burst into the Cap Haitian home of 14-year-old Marjory, the oldest daughter of a local trade unionist.

05.Mar.2005 Haiti still unstable says Annan: The UN Secretary-General has warned that the situation in Haiti still remains volatile and recommended that the Transitional Government investigates the alleged reports of human rights abuses being carried out by the country's police force.

05.Mar.2005 Moses Didn't Write The Constitution : The real issue here is a "camel's nose under the tent" plan of religious conservatives and the new American Christian Taliban to convince the American people that the Ten Commandments are the very basis of American law.

05.Mar.2005 Padilla's indefinite detention puts your rights at risk: This case is not just about Jose Padilla. It's about every citizen's liberty. If the foundations of freedom crumble under the stresses of the war on terrorism, the terrorists will have won.

05.Mar.2005 A Fascist America : How close are we? : The Republican Party's response to 9/11 was to push through the most repressive series of laws since the Alien and Sedition Acts, starting with the "PATRIOT Act" + its successors – making it possible for American citizens to be held without charges, without public evidence, without trial

05.Mar.2005 Bush wielding secrecy privilege to end suits: The Bush administration is aggressively wielding a rarely used executive power known as the state secrets privilege in an attempt to squash hard-hitting court challenges to its anti-terrorism campaign.

05.Mar.2005 US bars Nicaragua heroine as 'terrorist' : Writers and academics voice anger as state department refuses visa to let Sandinista revolutionary take up post as Harvard professor

05.Mar.2005 USA Had Plans for Air Strike on N.K. Nuke Facility 00.000.1994: Ex-Official: Ashton Carter, a former assistant secretary of defense for international security policy, said he commanded the air strike plans aimed at blowing up the North's nuclear facilities in Yongbyon 00.000.1994.

05.Mar.2005 War budget fuels drive for empire : The proposed 2006 defense budget is $419.3 billion. An additional $81 billion or so will be requested to conduct military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, this $500 billion is only the beginning.

05.Mar.2005 Ken Livingstone: This is about Israel, not anti-semitism : Ariel Sharon, Israel's prime minister, is a war criminal who should be in prison, not in office.

05.Mar.2005 In case you missed it: Ariel Sharon: The Accused : The man who is now Israel's Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, sent Lebanese militiamen into the Palestine refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla. When they left 36 hours later at least 800 people lay dead after a rampage of murder, torture + rape.

05.Mar.2005 Israel to seize more Palestinian land: The Israeli government has ordered the confiscation of large swathes of Palestinian land in the West Bank

05.Mar.2005 Uri Avnery : Politics of Settlements: "For years now I have been warning that this is the intention of Ariel Sharon, the basis of the whole settlement enterprise planned and set up by him.."

05.Mar.2005 Ghali Hassan: Fateful Axis: Like Iraq, Iran and Syria pose no threat to world peace. To the contrary, a recent European Commission public opinion poll has found that 59 % of respondents believe Israel represents an enormous threat to world peace. Followed by the US in second place at 53 %.

05.Mar.2005 Iran to have nukes by '2007: ISRAELI President Moshe Katsav believes Iran may have nuclear weapons by 2007 and threaten not only Israel's existence but also provide the world with its most deadly challenge.

05.Mar.2005 Iranian Spy Satellites Worry Israel: Russia will shortly launch two state-of-the-art Iranian spy satellites enabling Teheran to closely monitor military movements in Israel. Israeli officials, expressed grave concern at Iran's growing strategic capabilities.

05.Mar.2005 Israeli Air Force Training for Long-Range Bombing Missions : The television highlighted that the commander was referring to possible future missions against suspected nuclear facilities in Iran by showing footage of the new atomic power station that Israel’s arch enemy is completing with Russian assistance in the Gulf port of Bushehr.

05.Mar.2005 Iran accuses IAEA of leaking nuclear secrets: A senior Iranian security official on Thursday accused the International Atomic Energy Authority of lying + leaking information from inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities.

Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei USA Trying To Undermine Iran: "The American officials assume they are the chief of the global village, whom other nations must obey."

05.Mar.2005 Diplomats: Iran Digging Tunnels To Store Nuclear Components: Fearing airstrikes, Iran is using reinforced materials and tunneling deep underground to store nuclear components — measures meant to make the facility resistant to “bunker busters” and other special weaponry

05.Mar.2005 Hans Blix: Says USA misled the world to "free" Iraq: Iraq's nuclear past and Iran's possible nuclear future should spur the world toward making the Middle East - including Israel - a zone free of weapons of mass destruction, arms expert Hans Blix says.

05.Mar.2005 33 Things You Should Know About the Middle East and America: How can America ask for a “nuclear free Middle East” and still allow Israel to keep its atomic and hydrogen bombs? Does this make sense to you? Are we so dumb?

05.Mar.2005 Turkey deploys 1,357 troops in Northern Iraq : Turkey has deployed 1,357 military personnel in northern Iraq to fight against members of the outlawed Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK)

05.Mar.2005 America looks the other way : In the end it was another sad reminder of the heavy price the USA has paid for ignoring fundamental human rights in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantánamo;

05.Mar.2005 Member Of Congress Calls for Nuking Syria: Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX) has advocated for attacking Syria with nuclear weapons.

05.Mar.2005 Congressman says he was "joking" with nuke-Syria suggestion

05.Mar.2005 Suicide Bomb Probably Killed Hariri-Lebanon Source: The source said results of the probe would be released next week. He expected them to show that a Muslim militant who had appeared in a video tape claimingy responsibility for the attack was in the car that ripped through Hariri's motorcade in Beirut on Feb. 14.

05.Mar.2005 The White House Stage Manages the “Get Syria” Move : The neo-cons stage-managed facts in the aftermath of the February 14 assassination of Hariri, who had demanded that Syrian troops leave Lebanon, so as to point the accusatory finger at the Bashar al-Assad government.

05.Mar.2005 Headlines, Beliefs and Deceptions: Last month a Harris poll showed that 64 per cent of Americans believe Saddam Hussein had strong links to Al Qaeda, that 47 per cent believe Saddam helped plan and support the 9/11 attacks + that 44 per cent believe several of the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqis

05.Mar.2005 From Gloucester to Afghanistan: the making of a shoe bomber : Saajid Badat this week pleaded guilty to plotting to blow up a plane. What drove this quiet football fan to thoughts of terror?

05.Mar.2005 Key Iraq wound: Brain trauma: A growing number of USA troops whose body armor helped them survive bomb + rocket attacks are suffering brain damage as a result of the blasts. It's a type of injury some military doctors say has become the signature wound of the Iraq war.

05.Mar.2005 Number of black Army recruits declining: The Army strains to meet recruiting goals in part because black volunteers have fallen 41 % ---- from 23.5 % of recruits in fiscal 2000 down steadily to 13.9 % in the first four months of fiscal 2005.

05.Mar.2005 Helen Thomas: Recalls nearly 45 years as White House correspondent : Helen Thomas had a front row seat to history unfolding before her eyes, but she said the current administration is making her wish she was blind.

05.Mar.2005 Christian Right Regroups for a New Attack: Religious conservatives momentarily have shifted their attention away from the stalled campaign to ban same-sex marriage and instead are concentrating on getting behind a bill that would allow religious leaders to openly endorse political candidates.

05.Mar.2005 Jihad denies leadership involved in Tel Aviv bombing : A senior Islamic Jihad leader denied on Saturday the group's leadership had any involvement in a Tel Aviv night club bombing which killed five Israelis and wounded 50 others.

05.Mar.2005 62% of Israelis think Prime Minister Sharon is corrupt

05.Mar.2005 Iraqi newspaper condemns US arrest of journalist : An Iraqi mainstream newspaper on Saturday condemned the arrest of its journalist by US forces.

05.Mar.2005 Thousands March in Haitian Slums : The march in the Bel-Air neighborhood of Port-au-Prince was the second pro-Aristide demonstration in five days. On Monday, Haitian police opened fire on a demonstration and killed at least three Aristide supporters.

05.Mar.2005 In Haiti, 'hunger in dark places' is real...and ignored: USA media, rights groups silent on country's torment

05.Mar.2005 Chavez makes USA murder plot claim: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says he has evidence the USA was planning to assassinate him, an allegation the USA government earlier dismissed as "wild".

05.Mar.2005 Noam Chomskey: Promoting democracy in Middle East: A genuine threat is that in recent years the US has dispatched more than 100 advanced jet bombers to Israel, with loud announcements that they are capable of bombing Iran — updated versions of the planes that Israel used to bomb the Iraqi nuclear reactor 00.000.1981.

05.Mar.2005 Why Israel Really Fears Iranian Nukes: Tehran's acquisition of a nuclear device would have an enormous political fallout that dramatically change the political map of the Middle East to Israel's disadvantage.

05.Mar.2005 A Few Words From A "Liberated" Iraqi: We do not hate America for its “freedom or democracy”.

We don’t hate America. We hate the crimes, the destructions + the devastation committed by America against the innocent people in our country.

05.Mar.2005 Blair still took us to war on a lie : To insist that the ends now justify the means is morally disgraceful

05.Mar.2005 Former Sen. Boschwitz nominated to be Ambassador to the United Nations' Commission on Human Rights: He said he would try to steer the Commission on Human Rights in a direction more favorable to the USA.

05.Mar.2005 Assad announces Lebanon troop withdrawal : The Syrian president, Bashar Assad announced today that Syria will move its troops in Lebanon to the country's eastern region, to be followed by a withdrawal to the Syrian-Lebanese border

05.Mar.2005 Assad says Mideast peace impossible without return of occupied lands: In a speech to parliament, he said: "Peace in our region will never be achieved unless our land that is occupied is returned to us.

05.Mar.2005 Lebanese troops deploy near Syrian intelligence office : The deployment near the symbol of Syrian power in the Lebanese capital came ahead of a speech by Syrian President Bashar Assad (bah-SHAHR' AH'-sahd). He's expected to announce a pullback of Syrian forces in the country.

05.Mar.2005 90 Iraqi weapons inspection sites looted or razed: UN : About 90 sites in Iraq containing dual-use equipment and materials that can be used for either peaceful ends or acquiring weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) have been looted or razed, a UN panel said on Friday.

05.Mar.2005 Nuclear row: Iran warns of oil crisis: Iran's top nuclear official has warned the US and Europe of the danger of an oil crisis if Tehran is sent before the UN Security Council over its nuclear programme.

05.Mar.2005 Iran weary of protracted nuclear talks : Europeans should focus on the element of "time", Rowhani said, because Iran will not tolerate prolonged talks.

05.Mar.2005 US may help Iranian activists: Washington is considering a more aggressive effort to foster opposition inside Iran and seeking ways to use new funds to support activists without exposing them to the risk of arrest.

05.Mar.2005 US attack against Italians in Baghdad was deliberate: companion : "Giuliana had information + the US military did not want her to survive," he added.

05.Mar.2005 US troops kill rescuer as Italian hostage is plucked to safety in Iraq : American soldiers in Iraq opened fire on a car carrying an Italian journalist who had just been freed by kidnappers last night, injuring the woman and killing an Italian secret service agent who tried to protect her.

05.Mar.2005 Italian agent killed at USA checkpoint in Baghdad had negotiated release of previous hostages: Nicola Calipari was a veteran Italian secret service agent and practiced negotiator who had helped return two hostages kidnapped in Iraq home to their loved ones in Italy.

05.Mar.2005 Berlusconi stunned by US shooting at Italian journalist in Iraq : Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said Friday he was stunned that the newly released Italian female journalist Giuliana Sgrena was shot and wounded by US soldiers in Baghdad + demanded an explanation from Washington.

05.Mar.2005 Bush calls Italy's Berlusconi with regrets: US President George W. Bush called Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to express his regrets after shots fired by US soldiers killed an Italian secret service agent outside Baghdad, the White House said Friday

05.Mar.2005 None Us Are Free - If One Of Us Is Chained A Must Watch Flash Presentation. Watch It Now!

05.Mar.2005 Bush a hypocrite to lecture Putin BY ANDREW GREELEY
Suppose that Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Canada + announced that the USA was retreating from its principles of freedom since the World Trade Center attack.

The USA, he might have said, has denied due process of law to some American citizens.

It has established a concentration camp in Cuba.

It has tortured prisoners, indeed often + in many places.

It denies aliens the right to trial by jury -- indeed, it acts like the only ones who have Mr. Jefferson's inalienable rights are American citizens + not always. Continued

05.Mar.2005 Protecting A Regime With Blood On Its Hands John Pilger

Supporting Blair, in his propaganda and his contemptuous need for another term of office, is supporting mass murder . Continued

05.Mar.2005 For the Sake of Our Children by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
From the beginning of American history our greatest political leaders - Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Adams and Andrew Jackson - have warned America against allowing large corporations to dominate our political systems and our lives.

05.Mar.2005 Is the power of right-wing brainwashing so immense that we can be living in poverty + not know it ?URL:
18.Feb.2005 URL:,1518,druck-342514,00.html

Staatspräsident Carlo Ciampi hat den Vater der Journalistin angerufen. Beide waren Widerstandskämpfer gegen Mussolini und die Deutschen.
Außenminister Gianfranco Fini, der in seinen jungen Jahren als Neofaschist die Linken um "il manifesto" hasste wie den Tod, rief das Land zur Geschlossenheit auf. Auch der Tunesier Nabil Benattia hat heute die Freilassung Giulianas gefordert. Für die USA gehört er zu den Finanziers von al-Qaida. Benattia hatte Dschihad-Rekruten in Norditalien angeworben und war auf dem Weg in den Irak festgenommen worden. Eine Mailänder Richterin hat ihn vor kurzem freigelassen: "Widerstand" gegen Besatzer sei kein "Terrorismus". Täglich gibt es Demonstrationen, auf denen das Bild Sgrenas herumgetragen wird, zwischen "PACE"-Fahnen und dem Titelblatt von "il manifesto": "Liberatela! Lasst sie frei!"
Es ist ein hilfloser Versuch, an die Vernunft zu glauben. "Il Foglio", die durch Berlusconi-Anzeigen finanzierte libertäre Tageszeitung des Exkommunisten Giuliano Ferrara, schreibt in ihrem Leitartikel über das "Paradox" einer Frau, die gegen den Krieg und für den Abzug der Truppen war: "Giuliana ist in den Händen des Feindes. Und der Feind sind nicht die Marines, nicht die italienischen Truppen in Nassirijah, nicht die Regierung Italiens. Der Feind sind die Entführer des 'Widerstands'."
Rossana Rossanda, die Gründerin der Zeitung, schrieb am 15. Tag der Entführung: "In dem Weinen unserer Giuliana war die Angst dessen, der nicht hofft, dass sein Land ihn hören wird. Und zugleich die bittere Erkenntnis, dass es den Entführern völlig gleich ist, was man alles für das irakische Volk getan hat." Dennoch, schreibt sie weiter, habe es keinen Sinn, die italienischen Truppen weiter im Irak zu belassen: "Das lässt nur den Hass anwachsen und sonst nichts."
"Il manifesto" ist nicht irgendein Blatt. Die Tageszeitung ist ein Lebensentwurf. Ein Engagement. Wer "il manifesto" liest, der geht auch auf die Straße. "Il manifesto - quotidiano communista" hat es schon gegeben, als von der "taz" noch keine Rede war. In der Zeitung schrieb jene italienische Linke, der die Eurokommunisten noch zu verkrustet, die Studenten mit den Mao-Mützen zu suspekt waren.
05.Mar.2005 Sgrena, die für die linksgerichtete Zeitung "Il Manifesto" sowie für die deutsche Wochenzeitung "Die Zeit" arbeitet, war am 04.Feb.2005 in Bagdad verschleppt worden.

Am Freitag wurde sie von ihren Entführern schließlich freigelassen.

"Il Manifesto", die den Irak-Einsatz Italiens von Anfang an kritisiert hat, titelte heute: "Giuliana Sgrena ist frei. Die Amerikaner schießen. Ihr Befreier wurde ermordet. Er hieß Nicola Calipari."
Es ist bislang nicht bekannt, ob dem Wagen der Geheimdienstleute ein zweites Sicherheitsfahrzeug zur Seite gestellt war.

Ebenso ist unklar, ob die Italiener das Centcom-Hauptquartier der Amerikaner von ihrer Ankunft am Flughafen informierten, bzw. ob diese Nachricht von den Amerikanern rechtzeitig an die Posten weitergegeben wurde.

Die US-Soldaten am Checkpoint vor dem Flughafen waren erst kurz zuvor im Irak eingetroffen. Es waren Neulinge, denen noch ein Angriff eine Woche zuvor an der gleichen Stelle in den Knochen steckte.
So scheinen drei unglückliche Faktoren zusammengetroffen zu sein: Dunkelheit, Kommunikationsfehler und die Unerfahrenheit der Kontrollposten.

Der Checkpoint befand sich etwa einen Kilometer vor dem Flughafengelände, nach einer Kurve, quasi der letzten Kurve vor der Geraden nach Rom.
Der Wagen, mit dem Sgrena im Schutz von italienischen Spezialagenten zum Flughafen gebracht werden sollte, sei mit hoher Geschwindigkeit auf eine Straßensperre zugefahren + habe Aufrufe zum Bremsen mehrfach ignoriert, heißt es in der Erklärung, die die 3. US-Infanteriedivision in Bagdad veröffentlichte.

"US-Soldaten haben einen Zivilisten getötet und zwei weitere verletzt, als (der Fahrer) ihres Auto sich bei hoher Geschwindigkeit weigerte, an einem Checkpoint zu stoppen", hieß es darin.
Libanon: Jubel in Beirut über Assads Truppenabzugsrede

05.Mar.2005 Antidiskriminierungsgesetz: SPD bleibt trotz starker Kritik auf Kurs

05.Mar.2005 Arabienreise: Kanzler kehrt mit Milliardenaufträgen zurück

05.Mar.2005 Ölpest-Gefahr: Tankerbrand vor norwegischer Küste


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00.000.2000 election in Florida such tactics...

According to Curtis, Hai Lin Nee, a Chinese national employed by...Nee was arrested in March 2004 by Bureau

Rigged Elections Through Software Manipulations Go Unreported

Orlando arrested two Chinese men, including Hai Lin "Henry" Nee...weekly time cards for a Henry Nee 00.000.1998...could rig electronic-voting machines in South Florida ?...

05.Mär.2005 -
View as HTML Anthony (Tumac) Accetturo (capo in. charge of the New Jersey faction. of the Lucchese organized crime. family of La Cosa Nostra) fled

05.Mär.2005 -
View as HTML...DiGilio, Anthony (Tumac) Accetturo, DeFazio,. Napolitano, Vincent J. (Jimmy Sinatra) Craparotta. and Macchiarole concerning the incidents related by

05.Mar.2005 Entropie oder Das Goldene Zeitalter Page 1. 1 Eric Fricke Roman Page 2. Dem Verfall unterworfen sind alle zusammengesetzten Dinge (Buddha) Es war schon fast ein Luxus..

05.Mar.2005 Irak: Ausrüstung aus Uno-überwachten Anlagen verschwunden

05.Mar.2005 Schüsse auf befreite Geisel: Tödliche Fehler auf Iraks gefährlichster Straße

05.Mar.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Höllenfahrt und strukturiertes Chaos"

05.Mar.2005 Übergewicht: Die dicken Ratten von Indien

05.Mar.2005 Domestic pollicy in the „third Reich“ 1933-1939...

The will to guide science + arts in the Nazi s sense led from the control...This made people happy + they got more & more in favour of the regime, but all...
Ajopringue: Opinión política: La crisis de legitimación...campaña pudieran pertenecer a algún partido político, a lo mejor podría hasta llegar a entrar dentro de lo excusable: al fin y al cabo, los partidos son ...

05.Mar.2005 Estados Unidos: Violaciones de derechos humanos: resumen de los procedimientos de revisión de denuncias y han llevado a cabo otras reformas en...

normalmente cuando se los ata «como a un cerdo»( hogtied ), con las...

05.Mar.2005 "Il Manifesto": Das Leben und der Tod

05.Mar.2005 Schüsse auf Sgrena: Bush entschuldigt sich bei Berlusconi

USA Mediziner fürchten um die Gesundheit der US-Bürger, wenn Forschungsgelder weiterhin so verteilt werden wie in den vergangenen Jahren.

In einem offenen Brief werfen die 700 Unterzeichner den National Institutes of Health (NIH) vor, die Erreger von Volksseuchen wie Tuberkulose und Syphilis aus den Augen zu verlieren.

Die NIH, eine staatliche Institution, bewilligen die Forschungsgelder im Bereich Medizin.
00.000.2001 -seit- sei ein höherer zweistelliger Millionen-Dollar-Betrag aus der Erforschung weit verbreiteter Bakterien + Viren abgezogen worden,

die die Gesundheit der US-Bevölkerung täglich neu bedrohten. In dem vom Fachmagazin "Science" veröffentlichten Brief heißt es,

In der gleichen Zeit seien Fördergelder für Studien zu Milzbrand- und anderen seltenen Krankheitserregern, die einmal bei einer Bioterrorattacke zum Einsatz kommen könnten, um das 15-fache erhöht worden.
Die Verlagerung der Mittel von hoher gesundheitlicher Wichtigkeit hin zu Projekten der Bioterrorabwehr mit geringer Bedeutung für die Gesundheit der Bürger zeuge von falschen Prioritäten bei den NIH.
05.Mar.2005 - Die USA auf dem Weg in eine Diktatur?
...auch wenn die Beweise für ein Gerichtsverfahren nicht ausreichen...

Nur würden derartige Warnungen, so ein Mitglied einer

05.Mar.2005 Uno: USA lenken im Streit um Abtreibung ein

05.Mar.2005 23:22:00 The Truth About Hard Money- View as HTML

Senate earlier this year.The reason lies in the fine print of the bill...Abramoff, Jack. Preston, Gates et al. Pitney Bowes Inc, Future of Puerto.

00.Nov.2004 Prairie Weather:

09.May 2001 Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff did President George W. Bush a...+ Conrad Burns (R., Mont.) are referred to as “members,” as are...

00.Sep.2004 American Indian Movement of Colorado:

R-Colo., quoted from e-mails in which Jack Abramoff called his tribal clients "morons,"...Today, Abramoff took the 5th in front of a Senate

Daily Kos :: Sith Lords of the Ultra-Right...+ Conrad Burns (R., Mont.) are referred to as “members,” as are ...

Larry Abraham, Jack Abramoff, M. Douglas Adkins, Howard Ahmanson, Jr.,

Rep John...Conrad Burns (R-Mont.) has been selected to chair the aviation subcommittee of...Tom DeLay, R-Texas + Jack Abramoff, a former lobbyist for one of

00.Nov.2004 Archives Off the Kuff:...Burns to the face, neck, leg + hip are among the dozens of injury the Senate investigation of DeLay cronies Mike Scanlon + Jack

Off the Kuff: Scandalized! USA Senate investigation of DeLay cronies Mike Scanlon + Jack Abramoff...Kent Conrad (DN.D.) said: “I don’t know how you go to sleep at night..

Indigenous Policy Developments...Senator Kerry spoke with Indian people on whistle stops across New Mexico sue Washington Lobbyist Jack Abramoff and Public Relations Consultant...

05.Mar.2005 DC's Political Report: The complete source for campaign summaries Burns Burned by Abramoff : US Senator Conrad Burns (R-MT) claims that his ...lobbyist Jack Abramoff was distant, but Burns, as chair of the

Burns linked to school funding for wealthy Indian tribe A published report says Montana Senator Conrad Burns pushed the the money for a new school last year while a client of Jack Abramoff,...

Indianz.Com > News > Burns, Dorgan backed $3M grant for Abramoff...subcommittee to steer a $3 million set aside to a client of Jack Abramoff's even though...Burns looking into Abramoff ties, Dorgan denies link (3/2)

03.Dez.1872 heiratete Thyssen Hedwig Pelzer
August Thyssen - Wikipedia Zusammen mit Hugo Stinnes war Thyssen einer der Gründer des RWE..

00.000.1885 -bereits- Die Ehe wurde

00-000.1854–00.000.1940 Hedwig Pelzer (), die Tochter des Mülheimer Unternehmers Johann Heinrich Pelzer.ThyssenKrupp AG - Die Gründerfamilien - August Thyssen...Übersee. In...

ThyssenKrupp AG - The founding families - August Thyssen...overseas. In 1872 August Thyssen marries Hedwig Pelzer (1854 - 1940), the daughter of Mülheim businessman Johann Heinrich Pelzer. In...

05.Mar.2005 Thyssen-Bornemissza de Kászon Heinrich Baron Thyssen -Bornemisza de Kászon, adopted by Gábor Baron Bornemisza de...Hedwig, *Mülheim an der Ruhr 19.12.1878, +Kreuzlingen, Turgau 31.7.1950;

05.Mar.2005 webwood - bis 11/2001...09/2001 Bürgerrechtler kritisieren neues Anti - Terrorismus -Konzept telepolis...10/2000 Simulator für AMDs 64Bit-Sledgehammer-CPU

05.Mar.2005 Europe Maps |; " Goering's Atlas " Published for the First Time...seized his documents including an atlas of; CITIES OF EUROPE -

04.Mar.2005 2004 News - January thru June What's InThe News. ARCHIVES - 2004. Due to the volume of news, 2004 had to be split into halves.

This area contains news from 01.Jan.2004-31.Jun.2004 You can view 01.Jul.2004-31.Dec.2004 here. Click on News Header to go directly to their articles
1973 in History...ur-Rahman's Awami League wins election in Bangladesh...1973 Nanette Pearson, Pleasant Grove Utah, Miss America-Utah...Czech, model (Guess Jeans, Wonderbra ) 10.Mar.---- ..

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04.Mar.2005 US-Regierungsbericht: Afghanistan versagt im Kampf gegen Drogen

55 Megabyte Text + ein weiteres Gigabyte Präsentationsdateien von Konferenzen.
Die österreichische Gruppe ist nun dabei, die gewaltige Datenmenge mit Hilfe entsprechender Software nach Interessantem zu durchkämmen.

Erste Resultate, insbesondere Informationen aus den Anfangsjahren der Liste, sind bereits online.

Sie zeigten die Reaktion der NSA auf Erfolge europäischer Hersteller auf dem Gebiet der Biometrie in den frühen Neunzigern.

Die NSA habe versucht, patentfreie Standards für biometrische Technologien durchzusetzen, auch durch Druck auf internationale Organisationen, berichtet

Parallel habe man über das Biometric Consortium versucht, Technologiekonzerne stärker an die USA zu binden.
Neben inhaltlichen Auswertungen der Liste veröffentlicht Quintessenz auch Listen der beteiligten Organisationen und deren Serveradressen - auch die von Militär- + Regierungsorganisationen. Man hat sogar versucht, bei der österreichischen Datenschutzkommission im Bundeskanzleramt eine Genehmigung einzuholen, um auch personenbezogene Daten auswerten zu können.

Die wurde allerdings nicht erteilt, denn der Antrag sei "in vielen Punkten nicht schlüssig gewesen", wie die Komission mitteilt.
Die Mitglieder der Liste wurden informiert, bislang habe jedoch niemand Einspruch gegen die Auswertung erhoben - der NSA, die schon mal Kampagnen mit dem Titel "Informationssicherheit beginnt bei dir" anstößt, dürfte die ganze Sache schlicht peinlich sein. Jetzt sollen auch die Verflechtungen der einzelnen Mitglieder untereinander unter die Lupe genommen werden.
The Fourth Reich... excellent site!!!) + Alex Jones have been...Dr. Jack Parson and Ron L. Hubbard of Scientology, Parson was with NASA...

04.Mar.2005 Liberty To The Captives Home Page...02/01/05. Terri's Law: An Ominous Euthanasia Inroad 1/27/05. Alex Jones Promotes Scientology -Affiliated Leaders. Zeph Daniel: Beware His Net...

04.Mar.2005 Psyops & psywars On his Nationally Syndicated Radio Show, Documentary Filmmaker Alex Jones has consulted with many law enforcement and military experts, including Colonel Craig...

Boxcars & Alex Jones Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex) told the Washington Times that no member of Congress was allowed to read the first Patriot Act that was passed by...

04.Mar.2005 Scientology --- police helpless against religious cults...reported Austin-based talk-show host Alex Jones, who recently spent...fed up with "the tyrannical government," Jones wrote...Go Back to Shy David's Scientology

04.Mar.2005 Alex Jones, can he be trusted? : Houston Indymedia...Walkins 714. Inside Scientology - A & E 715...Wake up call-wake up America-Bob Larson 789. America destroyed by design- Alex Jones 790...

Alex Jones Promotes Scientologist Alex Jones Promotes Scientology -Affiliated Leaders. Alex Jones promotes Dr. John Breeding on his website and sells two of his books...

04.Mar.2005 Portal Ambiente Online - Notícias de Negócios no Mercado do ...O projecto foi iniciado pela norte-americana Enron, que depois da falência, o passou para a Energy Way-Produção de Energia que, por sua vez, o vendeu ao ...

04.Mar.2005 Microsoft PowerPoint - antonio.pina.ppt Ataques terroristas de 11.Sep.2001 ; casos Enron e WordCom; Blackout eléctrico nos USA(costa este), na Itália e em Portugal (“cegonha ?”)...

20041024 Halliburton? It is a lot like the Enron Case, except US Vice President Dick Cheney is involved...World /. But Halliburton is not Enron ;

07.Dec.2001 GAO would review(). When appropriate + if time allows, GAO’s review will also include Enron + Global Crossing. GAO will

20041016 16.Oct.2004 Bankers face extradition over Enron Three former NatWest bankers should face USA trial over Enron, a judge rules...16.Oct.2004 Special report:

20041113 In case you missed it: Spotlight on Enron's law firm : Alberto Gonzales enjoys a reputation for covering George W. Bush's

20041008 Of course, before Enron, off-balance sheet financing was pretty commonplace too. URL: /

2004070709_Report Enron ex-chairman Ken Lay charged:

Mr Lay's lawyer confirmed the charges include bank fraud, share trading fraud + making false

04.Mar.2005 dossiers Bush não vai mencionar directamente a Enron No que diz respeito à política externa, Bush não vai mencionar directamente o assunto da falência da companhia...

dossiers Na lista de convidados estão Hamid Karzai, chefe do Governo interino do Afeganistão, e também Kenneth Lay, ex-presidente da Enron (empresa que abriu em...
IMF The Enron Connection. The water system of Buenos Aires was sold off for asong to a company called Enron...California Utilities &

04.Mar.2005 Quem tramou a Andersen? «A Administração Bush necessita de um bode expiatório para o caso Enron – considerada por muitos a maior falência da história americana - ea Andersen...

O B2B que se cuide...nesta área. Quer falar-nos de casos concretos? O caso da Enron com o EnronOnline é talvez paradigmático. Trata-se, originalmente

04.Mar.2005 Unkommerziell funkt's: Das Freifunk-Net URL:,1518,druck-344668,00.html
Aber bis die "Freinetzler" eine ernsthafte Konkurrenz für den Goliath Telekom darstellen, tragen sie ihre Idee schon einmal in den Rest der Welt. Denn während in den Industrieländern der Trend zum Zweit-Handy besteht, gibt es nach wie vor Menschen ohne Telefon. 2001 hatte über ein Drittel der Weltbevölkerung noch nie telefoniert. Ganz abgesehen vom Internet-Zugang: In Indien sind 0,7 % der Bevölkerung online und in Afrika, ohne Südafrika, sogar nur 0,5 %. Aber es kann noch schlimmer kommen.
Freie Netze als Exportschlager URL:,1518,druck-344668,00.html
Aber nicht nur in Dänemark, auch in San Francisco, Melbourne oder Madrid spannen sich freie Netze, ebenso wie in deutschen Städten.
Der Berliner Jürgen Neumann ist Mitbegründer der "Freifunk"-Initiative. Vor zwei Jahren startete "Freifunk" und zählt mittlerweile 2000 Mitglieder im deutschsprachigen Raum. Man gehört dazu, wenn man sich auf der "Freifunk"-Website registriert, die immerhin 1,5 Millionen Klicks im Monat zählt. "Wir wollten eine Plattform gründen, wo sich die freien Netz-Communities zusammenschließen und austauschen können", sagt Neumann, 38. "Damit man nicht jedes Mal das Rad neu erfinden muss."
Freie Netze gibt es in Deutschland mittlerweile zuhauf, doch da man sich nirgendwo anmelden muss, kennt niemand die genaue Zahl.

Zu Freifunk gehören "Open Nets" in Wien, über München und Münster bis nach Norderstedt + Berlin.

Antennen aus Sauerkraut- + Chipsdosen URL:,1518,druck-344668,00.html

04.Mar.2005 Nahost: Libanesische Soldaten vereiteln Raketenangriff auf Israel

04.Mar.2005 Bagdad: US-Truppen beschießen befreite Journalistin

04.Mar.2005 Ukraine: Ex-Minister erschießt sich kurz vor Verhör

04.Mar.2005 Herrschaft der Clans: Deutschland, das Land der Familienunternehmen

04.Mar.2005 Irak-Prozesse: Buttiglione will für Asis aussagen

04.Mar.2005 Schweiz: Islamisten veröffentlichten Terroranleitungen

04.Mar.2005 Londons Bürgermeister: Roter Ken nennt Scharon einen Kriegsverbrecher

04.Mar.2005 US-Mediziner: "Biowaffenforschung bedroht öffentliche Gesundheit"

04.Mar.2005 Libanon: Bush fordert syrischen Truppenabzug bis Mai

04.Mar.2005 Mehr Jobs: US-Arbeitsmarktdaten lassen Dax auf Rekordhoch klettern

04.Mar.2005 Urteil: Häftlinge haben Anspruch auf schnelle Revision

04.Mar.2005 UV-Schutzschirm: Ozonschicht über Europa schwindet rasch

04.Mar.2005 Libanon: Straw droht Syrien mit Isolierung

04.Mar.2005 Rüstung: Pentagon will Bannstrahl von Boeing nehmen

04.Mar.2005 Freie Netze: Utopien aus Sauerkrautdosen

04.Mar.2005 Mailinglisten-Hack: Datenschützer überlisten US-Geheimdienst

04.Mar.2005 US-Satiriker Dave Barry: "Schickt mehr nackte Deutsche her!"

04.Mar.2005 Prozess: Kripobeamter wegen geplanten Raubmords vor Gericht

04.Mar.2005 Polizei: Die Berliner "Wanne" hat ausgedient

04.Mar.2005 Hirn-Analyse: Rätsel um indonesische Hobbits gelöst?

04.Mar.2005 Fossets Rekordflug: In 67 Stunden nonstop um die Welt

04.Mar.2005 Ukraine: Ex-Innenminister tot im Wochenendhaus entdeckt
Dänemark: Frachter rammt Brücke über Großen Belt

04.Mar.2005 Irak-Krieg: Der US-Armee gehen die Rekruten aus

04.Mar.2005 Massenarbeitslosigkeit: Industrie kritisiert Reform-Gezänk der Volksparteien

04.Mar.2005 Drohgebärde: China erhöht Militärhaushalt drastisch

04.Mar.2005 Druck auf Syrien: USA und Europa beraten über Strafmaßnahmen

03.Mar.2005 Umschuldung: Argentiniens Gläubiger verzichten auf 70 % ihrer Forderungen

03.Mar.2005 FarsiNet News - News related to Iran, Iranians and Persians ...The company's headquarters is in London. The discussions with Iran began with British Petroleum BP before the merger, according to BP

Who owns CNN? or MSNBC? ABC? : LA IMC...AOL) acquired Time Warner–the largest merger in corporate...Television, Cartoon Network, Sega Channel, TNT, Comedy Central (50...m Ltd Inc $950k BP Amoco $

10.Apr.---- SimplyFamily - Where Families Come Together The $27 billion merger of BP Amoco and Arco...Doesn't Just Happen—it's a process that takes nurturing, effort + a sense of humor...

OUTSOURCING LAW AND BUSINESS JUNE JOURNAL,NEWSLETTER...L1-Visa for Staff Supplementation 4. Humor 5. Press...In the news, Legislation, Trends, Mergers & Acquisitions...a New York litigation involving BP Amoco PLC,

Articles The parties in the litigation included BP Amoco PLC, Aon Risk Services...can include contracts that restrict competition or acquisitions and mergers that

28.Feb.2001 Nature and Politics A FORUM FOR ANTI-AUTHORITARIAN POLITICAL OPINION, RESEARCH AND the Federal Trade Commission's files concerning the merger of BP - Amoco with Arco...
WorldNetDaily: BP Amoco: Green or greenbacks? must be conceded that the evil BP committed the...merging with another evil oil company, Amoco Corp...Following the merger, the evil conglomerate purchased

Feb.2001 Government of India announced its intention to sell from its holding shares equivalent to 25 % of the outstanding equity of the Company to a strategic partner through the competitive bidding route. As per the announcement made on February 5, 2002 by the Government of India, Panatone Finvest Limited was selected by the Government of India as the strategic partner for the sale of 71,250,000 fully paid-up Equity Shares representing 25 % of the voting capital of the Company. Subsequently, Panatone Finvest Limited purchased an additional 20 % stake through Open/Tender Offer on June 8, 2002, increasing its stake to approximately 45 %.
Exultate Justi...piece in today's Washington Times, detailing China's rapidly unfolding " String of Pearls " strategy for strengthening her strategic influence throughout Asia...

03.Mar.2005 - Intelligence stratégique - Strategic...who heads Mr. Rumsfeld's office on future-oriented strategies..." "The internal report stated that China is adopting a " string of pearls " strategy of

Holland Marine Equipment China's " string of pearls " strategy is according to an internal report prepared for US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld + recently reported by The

03.Mar.2005 News, Online Edition MUMBAI (Reuters): Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd ., India ’s biggest international phone service provider, was dealt a double blow last week after its debtor .

03.Mar.2005 Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd - Corporate profile & brands Companies (11000) > India (83) > Telecommunications (5) > Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd Brand | Product or service | Market share | Finance | Social |

Largest companies from: India Thermal Power Corporation Ltd ., Food Corporation of India, Steel Authority of India, Hindustan Lever, ICICI Ltd ., Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd, Maruti Udyog, Wipro

03.Mar.2005 Lewis County Democratic Party 2004 Headline Archives PUBLIC OPINION...Choose And Lose. Back to top of page. VOTING REFORM, PROBLEMS...WASHINGTON STATE...

00.000.2005 Headline Links To Articles About Washington State. Lewis County Democratic Party 2004 Headline Archives...Gregoire Gets To Work; GOP Seeks Criminal Records; Gregoire Sworn In As Washington Governor ; Court
Center for Voting and Democracy..."Signs of voting reform encouraging." in light of a recent Illinois public opinion poll on...VT) "Instant Runoff Voting for Washington State." 05.Mar.----

NPAction - The Voting Process Voting reform groups meet in Ohio to gather...Washington State -- outcome of gubernatorial race depends on...telephone company for a public opinion poll conducted...

Political Strategy – Politics + Strategies + Tactics News Public Opinion John Scalzi Scoobie Davis...of the public so that voting reform becomes imperative...Dahr Jamail yesterday in Washington State, dropped

Uniform our effort to making voting reform a reality...NR Editors on Washington State on National Review...the "blogosphere" in whipping up public opinion +

02.Nov.2004 Stolen Election...President Bush defied both public opinion + history...Washington State Democrats take a stand...with the requirements of "The Voting Reform Grant"

THE REPORT of the National Symposium on Presidential Selection- View as HTML The annual conferences of the Governor ’s Project, for example, consider the legacy...Public opinion polls prior to the start of the contest + isolated

The Seattle Times: NEXT...should be a glaring indicator for effective voting reform...But public opinion + USA Constitution, will keep...As a resident of Washington state, I can tell...

Progressive Commons...needed (after all, here in Washington State the governor's...serve as a mirror for public opinion as well...The proposed legislation is a voting reform bill, whose... 02.Mar.2005

00.Feb.2005 Archives Progressive Commons:...right; for in these cases public opinion means, at...+ acrimonious than the Washington State governor's race...proposed legislation is a voting reform bill, whose...

the Santa Barbara Progressive a County News Journal...Democrats Call Voters in Washington State SEATTLE - Democratic...Brazile Urges Additional Voting Reform WASHINGTON the court of public opinion, in

CBB Book.indb- View as HTML Act Clean Money Campaign Reform Act Election Day Registration Act Restoration of Voting Rights Act Voting Reform Act...However, the governor vetoed the bill...

Astroworld: Out of the Ashes...a dark shadow + enable significant possibilities in voting reform...+ then a wave of angry public opinion...and Missouri and are tied in Washington

03.Mar.2005 WebActive Directory: Elections + Politics...information on political organization + voting reform + tactical voting.. a guide to public opinion + the Pugets Sound region of Washington - News/Government/Election/National...opinion WASHINGTON - With national public opinion surveys showing...Republican National Convention, Washington state voters can...Ex- governor's acorn fell far from

SurfWax - News + Articles On Belgium Election...Maryland, New Mexico, Mississippi, Washington state, Virginia, Arkansas...Belgium, who studies public opinion trends across...Voting reform has been on the agenda...

03.Mar.2005 The New Face Of America? When you close your eyes and picture America, what do you see?. A must see Flash presentation.

03.Mar.2005 In case you missed it: A UK diplomat says Britain is part of a worldwide torture plot. Is he telling the truth?: Our former ambassador to Uzbekistan refuses to go quietly. The Government should come clean about interrogation methods, he tells Raymond Whitaker

03.Mar.2005 Palestinian population exceeds Jewish population says USA government: The population of Palestinians living in Israel, the Occupied Gaza Strip, Occupied East Jerusalem and rest of the Occupied West Bank combined now exceeds the number of Israeli Jews, a USA government report has revealed.

03.Mar.2005 Brian Avery's day in Israel's Supreme Court: They were standing still, wearing bright red medic vests with their hands over their heads, when soldiers opened fire without any warning shots.

03.Mar.2005 One in Four Americans Would Use Nukes Against Terrorists, Gallup Finds

03.Mar.2005 Warlord brought into Afghan government : One of Afghanistan's most notorious warlords is to serve as chief of staff to President Hamid Karzai with responsibility for the country's armed forces.

03.Mar.2005 In case you missed it: Video: “Afghan Massacre: The Convoy of Death.” The film provides eyewitness testimony that USA troops were complicit in the massacre of thousands of Taliban prisoners during the Afghan War.

03.Mar.2005 Interview with the Constitutional President of Haiti: Jean-Bertrand Aristide: Aristide was kidnapped on February 29, 2004 by American Special Forces after being threatened by French emissaries. First detained in the Central African Republic, he is currently exiled in South Africa. 67 African and Caribbean states recognize him as the only legitimate leader of Haiti and denounce the puppet government of Gerard Latortue.

03.Mar.2005 Rep. Barbara Lee Calls for Truth and Action for Haiti : "The internationally orchestrated ouster of President Jean Bertrand Aristide last year sent Haiti into a political + social +economic HAWOK + cast a dark shadow of doubt on USA nation's commitment to the principle of democracy."

03.Mar.2005 Byrd Compares Proposal to Nazi Germany: Conservatives are attacking Sen. Robert C. Byrd for a speech he made on USA Senate floor Tuesday.

03.Mar.2005 Uruguay restores relations with Cuba: Uruguay's first left-wing president, Tabare Vazquez, has restored diplomatic relations with Cuba, saying they should never have been severed three years ago

03.Mar.2005 Uruguay signs deal with Venezuela : A day after his inauguration as Uruguay's first left-wing President, Tabare Vazquez has signed an energy deal with the Venezuelan leader.

03.Mar.2005 China Woos Latin America in Oil Hunt : Latin America is becoming a rich destination in China's global quest for energy, with the Chinese signing accords with Venezuela, investing in largely untapped markets like Peru + exploring possibilities in Bolivia and Colombia.

03.Mar.2005 India, Venezuela to ink oil cooperation pact: India will sign a pact with Venezuela this week for cooperation in the energy sector, joining China in the hunt for petroleum assets in the world's No. 5 oil exporter.

03.Mar.2005 Venezuela's Chavez Leaves Monday For Uruguay, India, Qatar : Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez will travel with Chavez.

03.Mar.2005 Hotel Debt California: Americans are headed into Debt Slavery, one credit card and one house at a time. To make sure they get there, Congress is rushing though a major reform of the Federal Bankruptcy Law.

03.Mar.2005 Is America going broke?: Record deficits, colossal debt and no clear plan for digging itself out. If the USA sinks, it will take Canada down with it.

03.Mar.2005 Muslims can expect the police to target them, minister says: BRITAIN’S Counter-Terrorism Minister warned the Muslim community last night that it must face the reality of being targeted by the police because of the threat from an extreme form of Islam.

03.Mar.2005 Bill Moyers: Corporate Media, Coming of the Rapture + the Culture of Fear: There was a study done a year ago in which one-third of the journalists who responded said they were asked to kill stories that were offensive to the clientele of their corporate bosses.

03.Mar.2005 Lebanon's Hariri Killed To Make a 'Clean Break'? : The assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, in Beirut on Feb. 14, was a carefully planned and executed act, geared to trigger a chain reaction of events in the region, that would conform with the long-standing policy of the neo-conservative junta running Washington.

03.Mar.2005 Journalist Hersh slams Bush and the Iraq war: The Pulitzer Prize winner said the president’s plans in the region go beyond Iraq and include bringing the administration’s brand of pro-American democracy to Iran and Syria.

03.Mar.2005 The oil factor in Bush's 'war on tyranny': A new "war on tyranny" is being groomed to replace the outmoded "war on terror". Far from being a semantic nuance, the shift is highly revealing of the next phase of Washington's global agenda.

03.Mar.2005 Justice, finally, for José Padilla ? : In South Carolina, Judge Henry Floyd, has ruled and dealt, one hopes, a fatal blow to the assertion of an unchecked presidential power to jail a citizen indefinitely and with no access to due process - a judge, lawyer, habeas corpus, charges, a trial, all the basic constitutional safeguards.

03.Mar.2005 Jose Padilla: Read: Judge Floyd's Decision : pdf format: USA District Judge Henry F. Floyd ruled that the president of the USA does not have the authority to order Jose Padilla to be held.

03.Mar.2005 Former Government and Military Officials Join Landmark Lawsuit : Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld bears direct responsibility for the torture and abuse of detainees in USA military custody, the American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights First charged today in the first federal court lawsuit to name a top USA official in the ongoing torture scandal in Iraq + Afghanistan that has tarnished America's reputation.

03.Mar.2005 Syria to blame in Israel blast, USA Declares White House press secretary Scott McClellan said, "We do have firm evidence that the bombing in Tel Aviv was not only authorized by Palestinian Islamic Jihad leaders in Damascus, but that Islamic Jihad leaders in Damascus participated in the planning."

03.Mar.2005 Israel Welcomes Lebanese Uprising: Israel's foreign minister is hoping for peace with Lebanon in the wake of popular protests in Beirut demanding that Syria leave after decades of occupation, while others warn that a Syrian exit could destabilize the country.

03.Mar.2005 Blair Warns Syria the World Is Watching UK Prime Minister Tony Blair warned Syria that the world is watching its actions closely, adding to diplomatic pressure on Damascus as Washington steps up calls for Syrian troops to withdraw from Lebanon.

03.Mar.2005 Bush Orders Syria Out of Lebanon : The world, Bush said, "is speaking with one voice when it comes to making sure that democracy has a chance to flourish in Lebanon."

Syria puts timetable on pullout: UNDER intense US pressure, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has committed his country to pulling its troops out of neighbouring Lebanon within "the next few months".

03.Mar.2005 Backed into a corner and weaker than ever, but don't underestimate Bashar Assad : The sons of famous men often struggle to make their mark. And Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad, is struggling more than most as he contemplates the loss of Lebanon and his country's increasing international isolation.

03.Mar.2005 Lebanese opposition toughens stance as pressure mounts on Syria : The Lebanese opposition stepped up its demands for an end to Syria's political and military domination as the beleaguered pro-Damascus president struggled to find a new prime minister.

03.Mar.2005 In case you missed it: Rewriting the transition to democracy : Instead of an authentic revolution we have a stage-managed coup, designed to weaken Russia + gain access to new markets.

Politics is reduced to an interplay between world powers + history to a story of corruption.

03.Mar.2005 In case you missed it: The price of People Power The Ukraine street protests have followed a pattern of western orchestration set in the 80s. I know - I was a cold war bagman

03.Mar.2005 'We are living in a state of constant fear' : "It is all these things around us," says Fatima. "The Americans, the booby-traps. No security, I can't let the kids go play outside because of car bombs + fighting."

03.Mar.2005 Ray McGovern : It sounds crazy, but...The notion that the Bush administration would mount a "preemptive" air attack on Iran seems insane.

But Bush administration policy toward the Middle East is being run by men - yes, only men - who were routinely referred to in high circles in Washington during the 1980s as the "crazies".

03.Mar.2005 Inside the Committee that Runs the World: The inner circles of the USA national security community—represent what is probably the most powerful committee in the history of the world, one with more resources, more power, more license to act + more ability to project force further and swifter than any other convened by king, emperor, or president.

03.Mar.2005 North Korea ends missile-test moratorium : North Korea ended a self-imposed moratorium on testing long-range missiles and said "hostile" US policy was forcing it to develop its nuclear arsenal, prompting immediate condemnation from Japan.

03.Mar.2005 US to alert fellow countries against Chávez' : US Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Roger Noriega stated, "I am not saying that Venezuela is to be isolated, but Chávez must be asked more frequently about his intentions and his stance vis-à-vis guerrilla groups."

03.Mar.2005 No CIA agents searching for Osama in Pakistan : Pakistan has not allowed CIA agents to launch operation on its soil to track down Osma Bin Laden, Al Qaeda chief, said Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, information minister.

03.Mar.2005 China's pearl in Pakistan's waters: When Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visits Pakistan this month to inaugurate the Gwadar deepsea port, China will take a giant leap forward in gaining a strategic foothold in the Persian Gulf region.

03.Mar.2005 Nepal's army to blame for widespread 'disappearances': Nepal's army, which backed King Gyanendra's February 1 seizure of power, is responsible for widespread enforced disappearances and rights abuses, Human Rights Watch said.

03.Mar.2005 Haiti: U.N. mission slams police: After Monday's deadly attack on protesters, the head of Haiti's U.N. mission said peacekeepers will not put up with human rights abuses by police.

03.Mar.2005 Even the dead are left untouched in pro-Aristide areas of Haitian capital The Blue Helmets gaze at the torn flesh of the murder victim lying face down, bare chested + shoeless, among a heap of fly-infested trash in the stronghold of the followers of deposed president Jean Bertrand Aristide.

03.Mar.2005 UK: High Backing For Britain’s Terrorism Measures : 76 per cent of respondents believe it may be necessary to take action against people who have not yet committed any offence, if the intelligence services have evidence that they are planning an act of terrorism.

03.Mar.2005 The Padilla Ruling Is a Victory for Freedom: The power assumed by the USA military + the Bush administration in the Padilla case constitutes what is arguably the most ominous + dangerous threat to the freedom of the American people in our lifetime.

03.Mar.2005 AWOL in America: When desertion is the only option: The Pentagon has estimated that since the start of the current conflict in Iraq, more than 5,500 USA military personnel have deserted + yet we know the stories of only a unique handful, all whom have publicly stated their opposition to the war in Iraq,

03.Mar.2005 Canada a haven again: They spoke of crimes perpetrated by their country, of fleeing in the dead of night to avoid a brutal war they would have been forced to fight.

02.Mar.2005 UK + Europe are funding Israel's occupation + expansion

03.Mar.2005 The price of torture: The techniques employed by the American torturers in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay are among the most insidious and effective.

03.Mar.2005 Russia slams US human rights report : Russia has rejected criticism on human rights from the USA attacking the US State Department's annual human rights report as a "politically biased" document that ignored the rest of the world's concerns on alleged US violations of human rights.

03.Mar.2005 Full text of Human Rights Record of the US in 2004 Following is the full text of the Human Rights Record of the USA in 2004, released by the Information office of China's State Council Thursday, 03.Mar.2005

03.Mar.2005 Maximum pain is aim of new US weapon: Pain researchers are furious that work aimed at controlling pain has been used to develop a weapon. And they fear that the technology will be used for torture

03.Mar.2005 USA Official Says Iran, Syria 'Against All of Us' "State sponsors of terrorism such as Iran + Syria are with the terrorists + therefore against all of us,"

said Frances Townsend, homeland security adviser to President Bush.

03.Mar.2005 Iran nukes may invite attack by other regional power’: General John Abizaid, head of the US Central Command, told members of Congress he was surprised the Iranian military had not given more thought to the strategic consequences of acquiring nuclear weapons.

03.Mar.2005 Entire Bushehr project under IAEA control, says Russian FM Iran`s nuclear reactor in Bushehr poses no risks to peace in the Middle East + Moscow has received no protests from the west about its assistance on the project, says Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov

03.Mar.2005 Iran's arguments for nuclear power make some sense Iran's argument that despite vast oil + gas reserves it needs nuclear power to meet booming energy demand holds more water than USA officials give credit.

03.Mar.2005 USA sees deceit in Iran’s nuke claims : The USA accused Iran on Wednesday of “cynically” pursuing nuclear weapons, saying Tehran’s claims that its aims were peaceful constituted willful deceit + required action by the UN Security Council.

03.Mar.2005 Saddam son 'was poised to topple dad': THE eldest son of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was plotting to overthrow his father just as US troops advanced on Baghdad in 00.Mar.2003 ,journalist Peter Arnett claimed..

03.Mar.2005 House GOP wants more defense, less foreign aid : Republicans want to spend one-point-eight (b) billion dollars more than the president is asking for

03.Mar.2005 America No. 1?
No. In most important categories we're not even in the Top 10 anymore. Not even close.
The USA is "No. 1" in nothing but weaponry, consumer spending, debt + delusion.

03.Mar.2005 Druck auf Syrien: USA und Europa beraten über Strafmaßnahmen

03.Mar.2005 Wall-Street-Schluss: Ölpreis dominiert weiter die Kurse

Gelesen: ??? Mit Gott gegen alle – USA s Kampf um die...Ein europäisch- amerikanisches Wettrüsten lehnt Pilz indes ab...für eine Europäische Union, die sich endlich um ein gleichberechtigtes Verhältnis zu den USA...
Arthur Priors Zeitlogik Eine problemorientierte DarstellungText-Version Arthur Priors Zeitlogik Eine problemorientierte Darstellung Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Philosophischen Fakultäten

03.Mar.2005 European Crusades, Chrisitianisation and Colonisation Did Arabs ENSLAVE the townspeople with his ship's cannon until the...late autumn through lack of winter fodder ) + to...

03.Mar.2005 Appointment of 2004 Electors for President and Vice President of...has either nominated candidates for President or Vice- President who have been automatically accepted- under State Election Law regarding automatic ballot

03.Mar.2005 - Close race triggers automatic recount in Florida...Close race triggers automatic recount in Florida...of vote fraud in the 1960 election in which John F. Kennedy defeated Vice President Richard Nixon by

Election Law @ Moritz...College candidates pledged to the incumbent president...Historical Election Results, General Election, 02.Nov.2004 .. small-margin recounts became truly automatic...

03.Mar.2005 Private Company...After voting for the president + vice president, a senator + a...The opening screen read: ES&S Automatic Election Returns, Release 35, Under License to the...

03.Mar.2005 Automatic Reelection + Corruption...the managers of some of the ‘solvent’ government parastatals, at the recent fundraising party organized for the automatic re- election of the

What happens next?

It's going to be a battle + if nobody in Congress is willing to stand up + say, "Keep your hands off of this + we'll change the statute to make it clear," then I think grassroots Internet activity is in danger.

The impact would affect e-mail lists, especially if there's any sense that they're done in coordination with the campaign.

If I forward something from the campaign to my personal list of several hundred people, which is a great grassroots activity, that's what we're talking about having to look at.

Senators McCain and Feingold have argued that we have to regulate the Internet, that we have to regulate e-mail. They sued us in court over this + they won.

If Congress doesn't change the law, what kind of activities will the FEC have to target?
We're talking about any decision by an individual to put a link (to a political candidate) on their home page, set up a blog, send out mass e-mails, any kind of activity that can be done on the Internet.

Again, blogging could also get us into issues about online journals and non-online journals. Why should CNET get an exemption but not an informal blog? Why should Salon or Slate get an exemption? Should and get an exemption but not online sites, just because the newspapers have a print edition as well?

Why wouldn't the news exemption cover bloggers and online media?
Because the statute refers to periodicals or broadcast + it's not clear the Internet is either of those. Second, because there's no standard for being a blogger, anyone can claim to be one + we're back to the deregulated Internet that the judge objected to. Also I think some of my colleagues on the commission would be uncomfortable with that kind of blanket exemption.

So if you're using text that the campaign sends you + you're reproducing it on your blog or forwarding it to a mailing list, you could be in trouble?
Yes. In fact, the regulations are very specific that reproducing a campaign's material is a reproduction for purpose of triggering the law.

That'll count as an expenditure that counts against campaign finance law.

This is an incredible thicket. If someone else doesn't take action, for instance in Congress, we're running a real possibility of serious Internet regulation. It's going to be bizarre. URL:
Then what's the real impact of the judge's decision?
The judge's decision is in no way limited to ads. She says that any coordinated activity over the Internet would need to be regulated, as a minimum. The problem with coordinated activity over the Internet is that it will strike, as a minimum, Internet reporting services.

They're exempt from regulation only because of the press exemption. But people have been arguing that the Internet doesn't fit under the press exemption. It becomes a really complex issue that would strike deep into the heart of the Internet and the bloggers who are writing out there today. ( Editor's note: federal law limits the press exemption to a "broadcasting station, newspaper, magazine or other periodical publication." )

How do you see this playing out?
There's sensitivity in the commission on this. But remember the commission's
decision to exempt the Internet only passed by a 4-2 vote.

This time, we couldn't muster enough votes to appeal the judge's decision.

We appealed parts of her decision, but there were only three votes to appeal the Internet part (+ we needed four). There seem to be at least three commissioners who like this.

The real question is: Would a link to a candidate's page be a problem?

If someone sets up a home page and links to their favorite politician, is that a contribution?

This is a big deal, if someone has already contributed the legal maximum, or if they're at the disclosure threshold and additional expenditures have to be disclosed under federal law.

Certainly a lot of bloggers are very much out front. Do we give bloggers the press exemption?

If we don't give bloggers the press exemption, we have the question of, do we extend this to online-only journals like CNET?

How can the government place a value on a blog that praises some politician?
How do we measure that? Design fees, that sort of thing?

00.000.1990 -s in the late- USA FEC did an advisory opinion (in the Leo Smith case) that I don't think we'd hold to today, saying that if you owned a computer, you'd have to calculate what %age of the computer cost + electricity went to political advocacy.

It seems absurd, but that's what the commission did. And that's the direction Judge Kollar-Kotelly would have us move in.

Line drawing is going to be an inherently very difficult task. And then we'll be pushed to go further. Why can this person do it, but not that person?

How about a hyperlink? Is it worth a penny, or a dollar, to a campaign?
I don't know. But I'll tell you this. One thing the commission has argued over, debated, wrestled with, is how to value assistance to a campaign.

03.Mar.2005 04:00:00 PST Story last modified
The coming crackdown on blogging By Declan McCullagh
Bradley Smith says that the freewheeling days of political blogging and online punditry are over.

In just a few months, he warns, bloggers + news organizations could risk the wrath of USA federal government if they improperly link to a campaign's Web site.

Even forwarding a political candidate's press release to a mailing list, depending on the details, could be punished by fines.

Smith should know.

He's one of the six commissioners at the Federal Election Commission, which is beginning the perilous process of extending a controversial 2002 campaign finance law to the Internet.

00.000.2002 USA FEC exempted the Internet by a 4-2 vote, but USA District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly last fall overturned that decision.

"The commission's exclusion of Internet communications from the coordinated communications regulation severely undermines" the campaign finance law's purposes, Kollar-Kotelly wrote.

Smith + the other two Republican commissioners wanted to appeal the Internet-related sections.

But because they couldn't get the three Democrats to go along with them, what Smith describes as a "bizarre" regulatory process now is under way.

CNET spoke with Smith about the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, better known as the McCain-Feingold law + its forthcoming extrusion onto the Internet.

Q: What rules will apply to the Internet that did not before?
03.Mar.2005 Do not read these words under penalty of law I presume you've already seen it - but if not, check out the interview that
everyone is talking about: "The coming crackdown on blogging."
Yep, just to make sure that their propaganda stranglehold is absolute, our leaders may soon use strained arguments to crack down on blogs that are said to "contribute" to a political campaing, even by way of a hyperlink.
Dig it: According to Mitch McConnell, massive corporate donations to Bush are protected free speech. But according to some members of the FEC, the words you are reading now may NOT be protected. Especially not if I say "Vote Democratic" and provide a link to a Dem site.
Let's stop saying "Fascism is coming." That's like saying "The 21st Century will be upon us soon," or "One day, man will walk on the moon." URL:
The USA is "No. 1" in nothing but weaponry, consumer spending, debt, + delusion.

One other thing - Americans believe that our country is the most charitable on earth, in terms of foreign aid. Nonsense.

If you cut Israel and Egypt out of the equation, Japan + most European countries give far more generously to needy peoples than we do.

Pretty soon, we will be among those needy peoples. (Indeed, we already are, if you consider our reliance on foreign investment.) URL:
We're NOT number 1 The right tends to accuse us reality-based types of "hating America" just because we don't share their fantasies.
Tell 'em that the red states are leeches and the blue states produce wealth + the rightists will scream bloody murder -- even though the numbers bear out the contention.
If you assert that people in "Old Europe" live longer than we do, are better educated and enjoy greater prosperity, the average conservative will put his hands over his ears and sing "God Bless America" at a volume loud enough to drown out your voice.
If you dare to mention that people in "post-Christian" nations such as France + Germany + UK + Italy are more moral than are the folks in Texas + other hotbeds of Jesusmania, you will be met with incredulous stares.

(I measure "more moral" by such yardsticks as crime statistics, divorce rates, teenage pregnancies + so forth. URL:

03.Mar.2005 EXPRESSO Online...Ainda o 11.Sep.2001 Coverup at Ground Zero: Selling Out the Investigation by Bill Manning Fire Engineering Magazine, January 2002 25...
This second coup d'etat is either stopped now or USA America...00.000.1990 “Deadly Deceit: Low Level Radiation, High Level Coverup ” by Jay Gould + B. Goldman +

CVS log for src/usr.bin/rwho/rwho.c...RELENG_2_2_7_RELEASE Changes since +16 -6 lines Diff to previous to branchpoint 1.7 MFC: be picky about commandline and coverup a compiler...

Slobodan Milosevic y el Holocausto nuclear...La amenaza de la invasión de tierra de Kosovo de NATO era un coverup . El coste en vidas sería validado por algunos mercenaries de la OTAN.

WWII.I - STOP!...A few hours before the conspirators gave the order to launch the strike against Russia, using the Y2K coverup, Vladimir Putin replaced Boris Yeltsin as

Slobodan Milosevic and the Nuclear Holocaust...The threat of the ground invasion of Kosovo by NATO was a coverup . The cost in lives would be accepted by some mercenaries of

23.May 1999 Message #113973 from Caspian Sea, oil reserves, Kosovo and Armageddon, exposes why is NATO sending more ground troops to the Balkans - only a coverup for a full scale nuclear strike, since the...

Bases for the russian strategic submarines at the Barents Sea and...For more on the NATO strategy of (threatening) a full scale nuclear strike, check this page, last updated one week before the Y2K bug coverup came to an

Oposición al " globalisación " ya las técnicas de matanza. El coverup tiene varios nombres: Naciones Unidas, comunidad internacional, unión europea, globalisación, etc. El nuevo...

La mentira de la seguridad...en 2000. el estado actual de las reservas del petroleo en los países de la OTAN. El coverup de 11.Sep.2001 – 30.Nov.2001 ;
03.Mar.2005 Iraq - Proof (that any child can understand) that we are being the story the other way round

The official version for the sheep in the West, that mass media is telling us since October 2001 : - the US, England, Germany & Co. are in Afghanistan to fight (moslem) terrorists - the US and England are preparing an attack to Iraq The reality : #1- NATO convinced the moslem terrorists to embark in a military alliance against Russia. #2 - The argument of NATO to convince the moslem terrorists was : friends, our goal is to destroy Russia's influence in the Caucausus and Central Asia. You will profit from that : Chechnya, etc. #3 - NATO has no intention of attacking Iraq. #4 - the moslem terrorists have been fooled to embark in this alliance - they just didn't understand it yet. #5 NATO isn't worried about the moslem terrorists understanding that they were fooled...#6...since the plan doesn't foresee that they will have the time anyway...#7...because the plan of NATO is to launch a full scale nuclear strike against Russia (apocalypse...soon). The proof for these 7 facts is extremely simple. Any child can understand it + it is scientifically supported now, one year later, November 2002 (by statistics). Please take a bit time to think about it. The facts you need to start reasoning with are is the number of casualities of the ongoing war in Chechnya (4,000 Russian soldiers killed in three years) or in the last war the American were involved (Vietnam). Clinton resorted to the strategic oil reserves (that last for 150 days) as soon as the price reached $35 a barrel, in 2000. the current state of oil reserves in the NATO countries
12.Sep.2001 -the day after- no traces of a plane - no wonder : remote control would not provide enough accuracy for such a low hit - unlike in the case of the WTC Towers (click for details).

A old criminal technique : the bomb in the Pentagon was laid to divert from the right track
The 9-11 coverup – 30.Nov.2001 why would Pakistan engage India, if...May 31, 2002 installation of the nuclear warheads under the mantle of the installation of the "Patriots" to "defend" Turkey - repetition of Cuba 00.000.1962 – 00.Feb.2003

24.Sep.24 Yesterday WWIII scenario completed, as The NATO agent ruling the Ucraine (Kuchma) opened the air space to the US, the WWIII. scenario is completed.

Russia can't accept this . No wonder today Novosti reports (of course with a question mark ) that Russia is preparing to enter Afghanistan.

Some of the 1979 pieces of the puzzle are still the same.

Russia can't allow the US in central Asia.

But the fundamental piece of the puzzle is now different.

There was then a battle between two evil (Soviets + NATO).
There's now a battle going on between evil (NATO,
moslem terrorists, ...) + good (Russia) with others (Northern Alliance, Iran, Iraq, ...).
03.Mar.2005 In fact only the case of a plane falling down because of technical problems was considered.

By the way, two days after the fall of the World Trade Center, there was only one journalist that was able to pose this question on the western mass media.
The conclusion is : resuming air traffic equals playing russian roulette with nuclear holocaust.

By the way, to understand the kind of criminals now in charge of NATO, just think about this :

Milosevic, didn't have to be the monster that their media presented, just a leader defending the survival of his country by all means, to order the destruction of a nuclear power plant in southeastern Germany...

The kidnapers are about to crash the big plane

There's a plane about to crash.

On the commands there are the NATO governments + their bosses, the international bankers.

They can't go back.

Just like the system.

That's why they have to continue to rely on their last allies + shock troops, the moslem terrorists. So flights will resume + nuclear power plants won't be switched off. Sadly nobody tries to stop the kidnapers.
Apostasy and punishment Pearl Harbor - day of deceit

26.May 1981 Liberty Exposure: Military Weather Experiments...Cosmosphere kill, EA-6B Prowler is disabled by a Cosmopheres' Neutron Particle Beam Weapon whilst landing on the USS Nimitz,...

31.Aug.1983 KAL007 Flight, Shot down by Soviets near the Soviet Kamkchatka EM site...

31.Aug.1983 HAARP...KAL007 Flight, Shot down by Soviets near the Soviet Kamkchatka EM site...This particular EM GR does not appear in the textbooks, but has been utilized by the Russian KGB in clandestine weapon development since the...
The Dark Underbelly of the Beast- Stories the Media won't Discuss...No, I'm the househusband- I can't find work, but the e-conomy's so good my wife doesn't have just one job, she's got 4 of ' em !...HAARP, My most recent book is the expose HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy...
TWA800: NTSB Board Member Suggests Eyewitnesses Were Drunk [Free...bald-faced lies to the American people about everything from the USS Liberty and KAL007 to Waco and the OKC bombing,...How do you make ' em happy about it.....enough to keep ' em quiet? I think, as Michael Rivero suggested above,...
Quantum Politics: Intelligence, Vitality + The Mathematics of...But Redford manages to club the guy, grab the gunman's weapon + kill him instead...

Reagan gaining his position through other fixes, the "Iran hostage" charade + the infamous KAL007 fix + the current Bush, via the vicious...
Unknown News...Flashback, 1983 ? US doctored radio intercepts after Russians shot down Flight KAL007 : Only a decade later,...Russia ?

Whirl-making weapon is like genie in terrorists' hands: Several mysterious catastrophes occurred with...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – 01.Sep.2003 4:03 am;

20TH ANNIVERSARY OF MURDER OF LARRY MCDONALD & KAL007 (views: 722)...Rayelan --29.Apr.2003 2:07 am; IS SARS THE BIO- WEAPON I WAS TOLD ABOUT IN THE EARLY 90 (views: 3630)...
Rantburg: Raw meat for the mind...I quit reading anything he wrote when he wrote up the KAL007 shootdown in, I think, 1984 + managed to "prove"...

"This was the right weapon for the job," the lead pilot who carried out the mission, identified only as Lt. Col...
WHAT THE CHURCH REALLY SAYS...For a fuller treatment of this subject the reader is here referred to The Medjugorje Coverup, by E. Michael Jones, previously cited. 70...

WalkInFinance - Noticias da Bolsa...CORRECTED-M''bishi Motors ex-boss arrested over coverup -Kyodo. In TOKYO story headlined "M''bishi Motors ex-boss arrested over coverup -Kyodo" please read in... asp?Id_artigo=WIF23037&slot=noticias_bolsa&symbol= - 64k - Resultado suplementar

WalkInFinance - Noticias da Bolsa...M''bishi Motors ex-boss arrested over coverup -Kyodo. TOKYO, June 10 (Reuters) - Japanese police arrested a former head of Mitsubishi Motors Corp (MMC) <7211.T...
Fóruns do - Contra o manifesto a favor da carta dos...Pentagon critics. A high estimate could bring charges of barbarism. A low one might bring accusations of a coverup. And any
myIWC Forums - How convenient the Najaf bombings...The FBI, clearly dishonest brokers, has been called in to invesigate the bombings. Will there be a coverup to point the finger to foreign Islamic fighters?
WHAT THE CHURCH REALLY SAYS...69. For a fuller treatment of this subject the reader is here referred to The Medjugorje Coverup, by E. Michael Jones, previously cited. 70...

WalkInFinance - Noticias da Bolsa...CORRECTED-M''bishi Motors ex-boss arrested over coverup -Kyodo. In TOKYO story headlined "M''bishi Motors ex-boss arrested over coverup -Kyodo" please read in...

WalkInFinance - Noticias da Bolsa...M''bishi Motors ex-boss arrested over coverup -Kyodo. TOKYO, June 10 (Reuters) - Japanese police arrested a former head of Mitsubishi Motors Corp (MMC) <7211.T...
Alexander Cockburn: Politicize the CIA? You've Got to be Kidding!...Fred Gardner Pot Shots: Ask Dr . Todd...followed days later by the Agency's top man on the clandestine side, Stephen Kappes and his number 2, Michael 01.Mar.2005

JustOneMinute: 08.Nov.2004–14.Nov.2004...because she is undercover, told Michael Sulick, the associate...the Monday WaPo, Kappes + Sulick will both...former Presidential candidate + Dr . James Dobson... /

More CIA Officials Reportedly Retiring...come just 10 days after two other top officials — Deputy Director for Operations Stephen Kappes + his immediate deputy, Michael Sulick — told colleagues...

Signaleer: 11.04...deputy director for operations + his deputy, Michael Sulick, submitted their...Kappes + Sulick were the No...Great hopes abound that Dr . Rice will be able to...

World News Deputy Director for operations Stephen Kappes + his assistant Michael Sulick were part of the...Mr. Vaiko met Dr . Singh here this evening + also sought to...
miscellaneous meanderings - Top Two Officials at CIA Service Quit...The CIA's Deputy Director for Operations Stephen Kappes and his immediate deputy, Michael Sulick, said they are leaving the agency, said the officials

03.Mar.2005 The Neil Rogers Show - News Archives...+ his immediate deputy, Michael Sulick, told colleagues...unclear whether Kappes + Sulick resigned voluntarily...Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr Helen

Joe Duarte's Daily Stock Market Dr . Joe Duarte,...According to AP: "The CIA's Deputy Director for Operations Stephen Kappes + his immediate deputy, Michael Sulick, told colleagues Monday...

03.Mar.2005 truthout - Broken Furniture at the CIA...damaging leaks about future Goss appointments, Murray warned her, "I am going to hold you personally responsible." Mary's boss, Michael Sulick + Sulick' 01.Mar.2005

truthout - CIA in Turmoil, Deputy Chief Resigns...The woman, a highly respected case officer whose name is being withheld because she is undercover, told Michael Sulick, the associate deputy director of...

Body Count: Fall-Out from the Bush Jr. Administration...MICHAEL J. SULICK - CIA OFFICE OF DIR OPERATIONS 2...Top Bioweapons Expert Killed (Dead link replacement) DR . MICHAEL KILEY- 1/04 Michael Patrick Kiley, 62,

11.Dec.2004 Posted on 8:49:56 PM PST by Dr . Marten. Twelve years of CIA discontent...DDO), Stephen Kappes, in office only for a few months + his principal assistant, Michael Sulick, have (

03.Mar.2005 Identifying Processes Relevant to Exploration and Geohazards with...Suite 225, Houston, 77042, Matt Levey, AOA Geophysics Inc, 7532 Sandholdt Rd, Moss Landing, 95039, John Decker, Unocal Indonesia Co, Jakarta, Indonesia,

Business & Human Rights : Watch & clock...Co., Jiangxi Copper Co., John Wiley +...Malaysia Airlines, Mamee-Double Decker Berhad, MAN AG...Technologies Corporation - Otis, Univan, Unocal Corporation, UTi...

03.Mar.2005 New Statesman - America - Andrew Stephen warns that "Condi" is bad...who is demonstrably incompetent and unenlightened - but we will come to Dr Rice later...told friends that he was going - along with his deputy, Michael

LA Weekly: News: Spies on Ice...Gonzo Gets Gone BY MARC COOPER Dr . Thompson, I Presume: BY STEVEN KOTLER...the director of operations, Stephen Kappes + his deputy, Michael Sulick, quit after...

AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #42-04 dtd 15.Nov.2004...words with Murray who then demanded that Kappes fire Sulick...has been encouraged for years," Michael O'Neil...Dr . Paul Moore will talk about China's engagement

16.Nov.2004 Radio Free Vermont...of CIA's clandestine service resign – 15.Nov.2004 :"Steven Kappes + Michael J. Sulick, the top...Twenty-two other House members signed Dr . Paul's letter...

Berita IRIB Bahasa Indonesia...IRNA melaporkan, Sekretaris Dewan Tinggi Keamanan Nasional Iran Dr Hasan Ruhani di...operasi rahasia CIA, Stephen Kappes dan wakilnya Michael Sulick secara resmi...

Absolute News Manager .NET V4.0 : Licensed to Bangor Publishing...story in Tuesday's newspaper told of the turmoil inside CIA Central Intelligence Agency following the resignation of Stephen Kappes + Michael Sulick, the

Spionageberichte als Quellen
Walker bescheinigt Karlsch allerdings, "ein ganz neues Kapitel" über Hitlers Suche nach der "Wunderwaffe" geschrieben zu haben.

Der Berliner Historiker sei bei seinen vierjährigen Recherchen unter anderem in russischen Archiven auf Dokumente über eines der großen Rätsel des Dritten Reiches gestoßen.

Weitere Informationen habe Karlsch in Dutzenden von Interviews mit "Amateurhistorikern" in den neuen Bundesländern gewonnen.

Walker ist der Verfasser des 1990 erschienenen Buches "Die Uranmaschine - Mythos und Wirklichkeit der deutschen Atombombe".
03.Mar.2005 00.000.1944+00.000.1945
Der Verlagsankündigung zufolge testeten deutsche Wissenschaftler auf Rügen + in Thüringen nukleare Bomben.

Dabei seien mehrere hundert Kriegsgefangene + Häftlinge ums Leben gekommen.

Neben Belegen für die Kernwaffenversuche habe Karlsch auch einen Entwurf für ein Patent auf Plutoniumbomben aus dem Jahr 1941 gefunden.

Zudem habe der Historiker im Umland von Berlin "den ersten funktionierenden deutschen Atomreaktor" entdeckt.
München/New York - "Das Deutsche Reich stand kurz davor, den Wettlauf um die erste einsatzfähige Atomwaffe zu gewinnen", heißt es in einem Verlagsprospekt über das Buch "Hitlers Bombe" des Berliner Historikers Dr. Rainer Karlsch.

14.Mär.2005 -wird am in Berlin erstmals der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt : Das Buch, das sich laut dem Verlag auf die Auswertung bislang unveröffentlichter Quellen sowie auf physikalische Gutachten + Messungen stützt,
Der USA Historiker Mark Walker, ein international anerkannter Experte für die Nuklearwaffenentwicklung in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus, erkannte der Arbeit von Karlsch Brisanz zu.

"Ich halte seine Beweisführung für sehr überzeugend", sagte Walker am Donnerstag in New York der Deutschen Presseagentur (dpa). Laut der Deutschen Verlags-Anstalt (DVA) kennt Walker das Buchmanuskript bereits.
Neue Forschungsergebnisse: Hitlers Jagd nach der Atombombe

03.Mar.2005 Neue Forschungsergebnisse: Hitler hätte fast die Atombombe bekommen

03.Mar.2005 Atom-Konflikt: Iran versteckt atomares Material in Tunnel

03.Mar.2005 Rekordflug: Fossett umrundet die Welt - nonstop und alleine

03.Mar.2005 Nahost: Saudischer Kronprinz fordert Syrien zum Rückzug aus Libanon auf

03.Mar.2005 Libanon: Syrien stellt neue Bedingungen für Truppenabzug

03.Mar.2005 Afghanistan: Häftling in CIA-Gefängnis erfroren

Um die Live-Darstellung zu ermöglichen, erfasst eine Stereokamera Objekte aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln.

Die Bilder werden von einer Software kombiniert und auf das so genannte "Free2C-Display" übertragen.
Genf - Die Umstände des Todes von Edouard Stern sind nach wie vor mysteriös.

Die Ermittlungsbehörden hüllen sich in Schweigen. Nur so viel ist bislang bekannt: Stern wurde in seiner Wohnung erschossen.
Der 50 Jahre alte Bankier lebte in einem luxuriösen Penthouse in der Nähe der Genfer Altstadt.

Im Erdgeschoss seines mit Überwachungskameras gesicherten Wohnhauses befindet sich eine Polizeistation.

Doch weder die Beamten noch die Nachbarn hatten von dem Verbrechen, das einige Stockwerke über ihren Köpfen geschah, etwas bemerkt.

Spuren eines Einbruches fanden sich nicht.
Stern galt in Finanzkreisen wegen seiner unkonventionellen Methoden und seines großen Ehrgeizes als schillernde Figur.

Er entstammte einer Finanzdynastie und war bereits im Alter von 22 Jahren in die familieneigene Bank eingestiegen.

Zwei Jahre später zwang er seinen Vater, aus der Bank auszusteigen, um selbst die Leitung der Aktienmehrheit zu übernehmen.

Später verkaufte er das Bankhaus.
Stern wurde anschließend als Nachfolger seines Schwiegervaters Michel David-Weill für den Vorstandsvorsitz der französischen Investmentbank Lazard gehandelt.

Doch Stern überwarf sich mit David-Weill + schied, inzwischen millionenschwer, 1997 aus der Bank aus.

00.000.1997-03.Mar.2005 -Seither- soll er hauptsächlich sein persönliches Vermögen verwaltet haben.
Männer und Frauen: Eifersucht hat verschiedene Auslöser

03.Mar.2005 Irak: Zahl der getöteten US-Soldaten steigt auf 1500

03.Mar.2005 Fraunhofer Institut: 3D-Bildschirm statt 3D-Brille

03.Mar.2005 Nachrichtenportal des freien Netzes Djursland
03.Mar.2005 Djursland: Touristische Infos über Dänemarks Nordosten
Die Djursländer machen es vor: Freie Netze funktionieren. "Frei" sind sie, weil die Trägerstrukturen den Usern gehören.

Mit jedem neuen Haushalt wächst das Netz, ganz anarchisch - ohne Zentrale und Provider. Das Netz steht allen offen.

Clemens Cap, Professor für Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste an der Universität Rostock, erkennt darin einen "gewissen politischen Radikalismus".
Für Cap stößt die klassische Wertschöpfung hier an ihre Grenzen.

Vergleichbar sei das mit freier Software wie Linux oder Wikipedia, der von Usern geschriebenen Online-Enzyklopädie - beide seien auf dem kommerziellen Markt absolut konkurrenzfähig.

"Der "return on investment" ist hier unwichtig." Man wolle keine "Open Mars-Expetitionen" oder gar "Open Atomkraftwerke", so Cap: "Aber Open Net ist denkbar."
Nach freier Software jetzt freie Netze?
Einmal im Netz, surfen die Djursländer für monatlich 13 Euro nonstop per DSL. Aber nicht nur das: Sie können endlich wieder Tageszeitung lesen und zwar online.

Mit "" entstand ein Nachrichten-Portal für die Region: Jede Kleinstadt hat ihre eigene Plattform + jeder User kann eigene Neuigkeiten online stellen.

Ein Team freiwilliger Autoren ist entstanden, das spannende Nachrichten aufnimmt und zu Artikeln auf der Startseite macht.

Der tägliche Kolumnenschreiber, ein pensionierter Journalist, kommentiert die Politik in Djursland.
Weil alle vom Djursland-Netz profitieren sollten, war technische Hilfe und Organisation notwendig.

Die Pioniere von Djursland gründeten ein Service-Center und bieten heute "all inclusive"-Pakete an:

Für 260 Euro bekommen User eine Richtfunkantenne, Kabel für die Verbindung zum Rechner, eine Funknetzkarte, eine Gebrauchsanleitung + die Hotline-Nummer für Notfälle.
Eine Hälfte des Geldes deckt die Materialkosten, die andere den Erhalt des Funknetzes.

Noch ruht das Djursland-Netz auf dem Enthusiasmus freiwilliger Helfer - aber im Service-Center sind bereits zwei Arbeitsplätze entstanden.
Wie immer bei Familiennamen sollte man die Datei der Mormonen in Salt Lake City ( befragen. Sie führt auch in diesem Fall zu den Ursprüngen des Namens.


· Leipziger Namenberatung
· Wissenschaftliche Plattform zur Namenkunde
· Namenkunde für Belgien und die Niederlande
· Namenforschung in Polen
· Polnische Namenforschung (mit CD-Rom)
Die Mormonendatei hilft dieses Mal nicht entscheidend weiter: Sechs Namen in Deutschland sind bunt gestreut - Hessen, Heidelberg, Ostpreußen. Die Lösung bieten moderne Hilfsmittel der polnischen Namenforschung. Auf einer CD-Rom aus Polen ist der Name unter 38,5 Millionen Einwohnern 58-mal bezeugt.

Diese Daten kann man auf einer Internetseite eingeben ( ) + erhält die Streuung in der Abbildung

03.Mar.2005 Interview mit Bärbel Höhn: "Zwischen mich und Joschka passt kein Blatt Papier"

Einmal im Jahr ist in Martos der Teufel los. Vor dem abgesperrten Stadtpark hat sich eine schier endlos scheinende Menschenschlange gebildet. Jeder, der die Schleuse passiert, erhält eine Tüte mit einem Stück Brot, eingelegten Oliven, Stockfisch und einer Flasche Wasser in die Hand gedrückt und stürzt sich ins Getümmel. Überall im Grünen stehen sie dann an langen Holztischen, beträufeln andächtig ihr Weißbrot mit Olivenöl aus den herumstehenden Karaffen und freuen sich auf den Höhepunkt des Tages. Es gilt, das "Fest der Olive" zu feiern, mit dem alljährlich am ersten Dezember-Wochenende die Erntesaison eingeläutet wird.
"Martos ist nur ein Zentrum des Olivenanbaus in der Provinz Jaén", erzählt Ciriaco Castro, beim Stadtrat zuständig für Landwirtschaft. Gefeiert werde in diesen Tagen überall, denn den Oliven verdanke man den Wohlstand. "Egal ob Hotelier, Busfahrer oder Stadtpolizist - ein paar Bäume hat hier jeder", sagt Castro. Und das sei schließlich Grund genug, sich einer Kooperative anzuschließen, die eine Ölmühle betreibt + sich das ganze Jahr über sein eigenes Öl schmecken zu lassen.
Ein paar Olivenbäume hat hier jeder
Treibstoff wird knapp: Fosset setzt alles auf eine Karte

03.Mar.2005 Uno-Kriegsverbrechertribunal: Jugoslawiens Ex-Generalstabschef will sich stellen

03.Mar.2005 Börse am Morgen: T-Aktie und Banken stützen den Dax

03.Mar.2005 Großkunden-Flucht: Deutsche Konzerne laufen zu Auslandsbanken über

03.Mar.2005 Moskauer Kriegsgedenken: Schröders schwieriger 09.Mai 2005

03.Mar.2005 TeleCAM - SHM Site in Chatham, MA - Chatroom – 00.Sep.2002...Studley how nice to see your name can't help with feel but your mother Josephine Studley Snow I knew I also went to school with your sister Barbara Studley ...

03.Mar.2005 DC BANK SWEPT UP IN INTRIGUE...[CIA, MAFIA, S&L FRAUD...Singlaub + Barbara Studley, the head of GeoMiliTech, had earlier arranged for the sale of $5 million in weapons to the Contras...

03.Mar.2005 Supreme Law Library : Court Cases : Col. James "Bo" Gritz : gritz...Now, there's a lady that I know named Barbara Studley . She has a beautiful house in Potomac, Maryland. She is a close friend of General Jack Singlaub ...

Government agenda behind pedophiles...KGB – a classic case of red -baiting, enabling...countries including Israel, Ukraine + UK + Russia + the...The San Jose Mercury News reported that: “Police...

Neben der ungewöhnlichen Sinneskombination ist in diesem Fall auch die Tatsache herausragend, dass die zusätzliche Wahrnehmung an eine komplexe geistige Leistung gekoppelt ist, schreiben Jäncke + Kollegen.

Allerdings beeinträchtigt die Fähigkeit buchstäblich den Musikgeschmack der jungen Frau: Sie bevorzugt Kompositionen ohne anspruchsvolle Harmonien, um einer ständigen Sinnesüberreizung aus dem Weg zu gehen.

Sehr gerne hört sie beispielsweise Bach, denn der sei "besonders sahnig".

03.Mar.2005 IMC India - Corporate Media 2. During that war USA $$ + USA weapons were...6. Three unmarked Israeli planes bombed The Liberty despite...forbidden to screen the documentary 3 times by...

00.000.1541 Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte - HTML-Version In dieser Situation trat der damals zwanzigjährige Moritz als Erbe + Herzog des albertinischen Sachsen seine Herrschaft an. Er war bis zu seinem
Nr. 35 Sozialbeziehungen in der gewerblichen Metallwirtschaft...- HTML-Version...Eine Vorstudie im Auftrag der Otto Brenner Stiftung Berlin, 00.Nov.2003...von 00.000.1848-00.000.1918 ,dem Ende der monarchischen Staatsform, diskutiert ...

00.Nov.1918+00.Mai ---- über die Ereignisse zwischen ?????????-?????????? ??????? ?????....Umfassende Darstellung der Situation des Katholizismus in...ein ebenso persönliches wie politisches Bild
09.Nov.1918 Berlin : Ausrufung der Republik.. in dieser aussichtslosen Situation die Kriegsmarine..1:
SciFi-Forum - "All das vergiss bitte nie!" /"Remember"...Als politisches Problem wurde das Wahlsystem aber erst zu...der Deutschen"

00.Nov.1905 demonstrieren mehr als 200.000 Menschen ...SciFi-Forum - "All das vergiss bitte nie!" /"Remember"...Als politisches Problem wurde das Wahlsystem aber...Befehle, erlassen in einer Situation der

00.Nov.1918 bei einer Vollversammlung in der nur eine provisorische Regierung gewahlt...gellokeleT - Ausarbeitungen der Sendungen - HTML-Version...Heimgekehrte Soldaten fühlten sich in dieser Situation auch nicht mehr ...

3 0. V ...- HTML-Version KD Erdmann mit seiner Formel die ungeheuer komplizierte Situation auf eine...Blickpunkt des Forschungs- interesses, da sie seit 00.Nov.1918 die eigentlichen...

B. DVDRHTML-Version...Räte lag ur- sprünglich kein politisches Programm zugrunde...der sich zuspitzenden Situation in Berlin...sozialistischen Republik; seit November 1918 Mitglied der...

03.Mar.2005 Weimarer Republik 2...von Hitler + Ludendorff (09.Nov.1923...keine revolutionäre Situation mehr...dennoch politisches Gewicht der Reparationen, da Thema rechtsradikaler Agitation...

Deutschland 1945-1949 3...politisches System der stalinistischen Diktatur...Situation der SBZ vor der Staatsgründung 1948-1949...

00.Nov.1947 SED ruft zum 'Deutschen Volkskongreß für
GÖHRE, Paul...G. sah sich in dieser Situation auch im...G. die Wende: Noch am 09.Nov.1918 wurde er...Religiöses, Politisches, Sexuelles aus dem Schützengraben, Jena 1917...

AXENFELD, Karl Theodor Georg...ergibt sich aus dieser Situation, daß die...

Von dem völligen Verzicht auf politisches Handeln unterscheidet A...der Revolutionszeit, also im 00.Nov.1918+00.Dez.1918..

06.Nov.1932 -zur Reichstagswahl am- konnte Die Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD)...sahen die Kommunisten ihr politisches Leitbild...Angesichts der UN sozialen Situation während der Weltwirtschaftskrise ... 01.Mär.2005

Mühsam Die Einigung des revolutionären Proletariats im...So blieb die Situation ununterbrochen...

00.Nov.1918 -Seit-ist das deutsche Proletariat revolutionär +... kann die KPD auf kein politisches Mittel grundsätzlich ...
Duncan Hallas: Die Rote Flut (4. 1923-1924 - Jahr der Entscheidung)...die Wirth-Koalition im 00.Nov.1922 ersetzte...von Festigkeit und Flexibilität, ??? politisches Gespür“ wie...sich schnell der neuen Situation anzupassen
Duncan Hallas: Die Rote Flut (2. Massenparteien)... 00.Nov.1918 führte der deutsche Generalstab die gesamte...zwar eine falsche Interpretation der Situation dargestellt, es...Schwäche + ihr politisches Erbe – die
Die Weimarer Republik. Band I. Kapitel den Niederlanden um politisches Asyl die sich aus der Situation des geschlagenen ..

00.Nov.1918 die Berliner Arbeiter + Soldatenräte im ...
Fwd) [INDONESIA-L] BUSINESS WEEK - What Did Mobil Know?...A State Dept...

00.000.1971 accidental discovery of one of the world's richest onshore reserves...

AHMADIYAH MENJAWAB..4) Pikiran Vatikan maju lagi
Holy Knotwork: tying together everything relating to the concept ...Holy See Stato della Cittá del Vaticano, State of the vatican is probably per square foot the richest country in... saint-sige, der heilige stuhl, vatikan
Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA...208

00.000.1989 Vatikan im Bunde mit Mussolini, Franco, Hitler...05 Kessler, Ronald (1986) The Richest Man in ..
The Business Journal Werner began investigating the possible move because its largest customer -- which...InvestCorp, a global investment group in North America + western Europe +...

03.Mar.2005 The US Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating a money-losing bet ...Investcorp's Arab Clients Buy Arizona, Tennessee Real Estate Amid Iraq War Bahrain...

03.Mar.2005 The Herald, Sharon, Pa. Werner has been investigating the move for some time because its largest customer now...Werner is owned by Investcorp, a group of 10,000 Persian Gulf

03.Mar.2005 MoGaLiMe: April 07, 2004 Archives...IVP), joins with existing investors 3i, CDP, Intel, Investcorp, Mayfield, Nexit ...sectionReeves also confirmed that the company is investigating the

03.Mar.2005 GN Online: View From Islamabad: Government should strike right...terrorist attacks in the US Many Pakistanis now fear western investigators looking into their bank accounts on the pretext of investigating laundered

03.Mar.2005 Double Crossing: Global Crossing Being Sought By PLA (China)...know now that WCOM = fraud and based on 2 years investigating everything they...Fund, Inc 5,000 11,111.00 Rhapsody Fund, LP 22,900 50,888.38 Investcorp SAM Fund ...;action=display;threadid=12420;start=100

03.Mar.2005 SurfWax -- News for Fort Lauderdale, a joint venture with an affiliate of Investcorp Properties Limited...Consumer Protection Board announced last Thursday that they are investigating the Haitian..

About us...DCA FRANCE, F, Details >, DEFEX, SA FOR SPANISH GROUP STAND E, Details >, DEISTER ELECTRONIC, F, Details >, DELTA SPE, UKR, Details...

03.Mar.2005 Aimee George Jackson Churchward and more about Aimee George...Library - Categories CHURCHILL, JENNIE CHURCHILL, WINSTON CHURCHWARD, GEORGE JACKSON...of autoloan company indicted on fraud charges - (KWQC-TV, IA - - 03.Feb.----
CJIL - Symposia...Adrian B. Churchward Spring, 1990, 5 Conn...l L. 323 EXPORTING UNITED STATES LAW: TRANSNATIONAL SECURITIES FRAUD AND SECTION...IA Ikonitskaia Winter, 1989, 4 Conn ...
Synästhesie extrem: Frau kann Töne sehen und schmecken

03.Mar.2005 Brasilien: Landlose drohen mit Besetzungen

03.Mar.2005 "Vorposten der Tyrannei": Nordkorea will Entschuldigung mit Raketentest erzwingen

03.Mar.2005 Konjunktur-Hemmnis: Ölpreis hält sich auf Vier-Monats-Hoch

03.Mar.2005 Ukraine: Visumpflicht für EU-Bürger soll aufgehoben werden

03.Mar.2005 Hartz-IV-Effekt: Städte schoben Großteil ihrer Sozialhilfeempfänger ab

02.Mar.2005 Geschäftsbericht: Telekom steigert Umsatz und Gewinn

02.Mar.2005 Schutz vor Terroranschlägen: Interpol plant Zentrum gegen Bio-Terrorismus

02.Mar.2005 Libanon: Opposition fordert Rücktritt der Geheimdienstführung

02.Mar.2005 Ukraine: Präsident Juschtschenko zieht Soldaten aus Irak ab

28.Feb.2005 Terror: Bin Laden soll Sarkawi zu Angriff auf USA ermuntert haben

28.Feb.2005 Analyse: Die Libanesen fordern ihr Land zurück

Neukum: Auf den Bildern des Vulkanfelds ist kein einziger Einschlagskrater eines Meteoriten zu sehen.

Das zeigt, dass die Oberfläche des von uns fotografierten Gebiets am Mars-Nordpol geologisch noch sehr jung ist.

Die Vulkankegel sind bis zu 600 Meter hoch. In der Umgebung sehen wir weitere, in der Entstehung begriffene Baby-Vulkane.

Es wäre ein ungeheurer Zufall, wenn sie mitten in ihrer Entstehung eingeschlafen wären; wahrscheinlich leben sie noch.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Gibt es dafür noch weitere Indizien?
Interview mit Planetenforscher Neukum: "Man soll niemals nie sagen"

28.Feb.2005 Cebit-Aktion: Hannover ohne Geheimnisse

28.Feb.2005 Nuklearkonflikt: Bush beugt sich Old Europe

28.Feb.2005 Die SPD hat ihr Verhältnis zu Rosa Luxemburg bis heute nicht wirklich geklärt + Eberts Verhalten während der 00.Nov.1918-00.000.---- November revolution trotz scharfer Kritik auch aus den eigenen Reihen

nie grundsätzlich verurteilt. URL:
28.Feb.2005 Die soziale Revolution war für sie also das, was der jüdisch-christliche
GlaubeReich Gottes“ nennt: eine endgültige Befreiung aller Menschen von ungerechten Verhältnissen.

Sie „beerbte“ diese Tradition ebenso wie Karl Marx, indem sie umfassende irdische Gerechtigkeit als historische Tendenz aller Klassenkämpfe erhoffte und dafür kämpfte.

Wird diese jedoch nicht geschaffen, dann – auch das sah sie sehr klar voraus – droht der Menschheit ein Rückfall in unvorstellbare Barbarei.

Das Bewusstsein dieses Entweder-Oder ist eine entscheidende Triebfeder zum Handeln.

„Von allein“ kommt gar nichts!

Dabei sind Rückschläge + Niederlagen des arbeitenden Volkes für dessen Lernprozess besonders wichtig:

Gerade sie können das historische Bewusstsein für die unvermeidbare Notwendigkeit der Revolution schärfen.

Nicht erst der „Endsieg“, sondern schon der immer neue Versuch, ihn herbeizuführen, ist daher der „Stolz“ der Arbeiterbewegung.

Rosa Luxemburgs Marxismus ist ein Glaube an die unzerstörbare Fähigkeit der Menschen, ihre Geschichte selbst zu bestimmen + zu einem Ziel zu führen,

das alle, nicht nur eine Minderheit, vom Joch der Klassenherrschaft befreit.

Dieser Glaube schöpft seine Kraft aus den realen historischen Anläufen + sozialen Bewegungen zu einer gerechten Weltgesellschaft. URL:
28.Feb.2005 "Wenige Tage vor ihrer Zerstörung entdeckte die radikale Strömung des deutschen Proletariats so das Geheimnis der neuen Bedingungen,

die der gesamte vorherige Prozess geschaffen (+ zu dem die Repräsentation der Arbeiter erheblich beigetragen) hatte:

die spektakuläre Organisation der Verteidigung der bestehenden Ordnung, das UN-gesellschaftliche Reich des Scheins, wo keine »Kardinalfrage« mehr »offen + ehrlich« gestellt werden kann.

Die Repräsentation des Proletariats (die SPD-Führung) war in diesem Stadium zugleich der Hauptfaktor + das zentrale Ergebnis der allgemeinen Verfälschung der Gesellschaft geworden."

Darum müssen die Arbeiter den direkten Klassenkampf in der bürgerlichen Demokratie unbedingt fortsetzen.

Er kann sich je nach den historischen Umständen in Parlamenten, aber auch gegen sie oder beides zugleich vollziehen.

Tatsächlich hätte nur diese gesteigerte + durchgehaltene Eigenaktivität die SPD- + KPD-Führer vor dem "Abheben" im Verlauf der Novemberrevolution bewahren können.

00.000.1920 verhinderte nur ein Generalstreik noch einmal eine rechte Militärdiktatur + erzwang den Rücktritt der Generäle (Kapp-Lüttwitz-Putsch).

Doch dann lähmten die Parteiführer der Linken ihre Wähler, indem sie sich als einzig wahre Arbeitervertreter darstellten, sich gegenseitig verteufelten + erbittert bekämpften: mehr als den gemeinsamen Gegner.

So gewann die Rechte die Vorhand – bis hin zur Abschaffung der Demokratie durch

Paul von Hindenburg + Heinrich Brüning + Adolf Hitler. URL:
.1918 So schrieb Rosa Luxemburg in der "Roten Fahne" :

"In allen früheren Revolutionen traten die Kämpfer mit offenem Visier in die Schranken...

In der heutigen Revolution treten die Schutzgruppen der alten Ordnung nicht unter eigenen Schildern + Wappen der herrschenden Klassen, sondern unter der Fahne einer sozialdemokratischen Partei in die Schranken.

Würde die Kardinalfrage der Revolution offen + ehrlich:

Kapitalismus oder Sozialismus lauten, ein Zweifel, ein Schwanken wäre in der großen Masse des Proletariats heute unmöglich." URL:
00.Dez.1918 -seit Anfang- In Flugblättern war schon zum Mord an ihnen aufgerufen worden.

Großindustrielle hatten damals eine "Antibolschewistische Liga" gegründet -


die Industrieverbandschef Hugo Stinnes mit 500 Millionen Reichsmark ausstattete.

Aus diesem Fonds wurden die Anwerbung + Ausrüstung der Freikorps sowie

Belohnungen zur Festsetzung + Ermordung von Spartakisten bezahlt.

15.Jan.1919 wurden Rosa Luxemburg und Karl Liebknecht in Wilmersdorf entdeckt, festgenommen und der Garde-Kavallerie-Schützendivision übergeben. Sie wurden im Hotel Eden verhört und schwer misshandelt. Wahrscheinlich nach Rücksprache mit der Regierung ließ der Anführer Waldemar Pabst sie ermorden. Der Jäger Otto Wilhelm Runge und der Leutnant Hermann Souchon führten den Mord an Rosa Luxemburg aus. Er sollte nach einem spontanen Attentat aussehen. URL:
28.Feb.2005 Während die SPD unter
Friedrich Ebert im Reichstag erfolglos versuchte, die Oberste Heeresleitung zu Friedensverhandlungen mit US-Präsident Wilson zu gewinnen, ermöglichte diese Lenin die Durchreise aus seinem Schweizer Exil nach St. Petersburg. Dort gewann er die Führung der Bolschewiki + bot den BOLSCHEWIKI sofortigen Separatfrieden mit Deutschland an. URL:
28.Feb.2005 Als im Deutschen Reich nach 12 Jahren WIDERSTAND die
Bismarckschen Sozialistengesetze

1890 ZERSCHLAGEN wurden, konnte die SPD AUCH auf legalem Weg weitere Reichstagssitze gewinnen.

UNTER DER VERFÜHRUNG der RENEGATEN KAUTSKY + BERNSTEIN +, + ,.. setzten sich viele Abgeordneten nun immer weniger für andere Produktionsverhältnisse, immer mehr nur noch für allmähliche Erweiterung parlamentarischer Rechte + materiellen Wohlstands ein. Nach außen hielten SIE weiter revolutionäre Reden.. [ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONT] [PROPAGANDA]

DAGEGEN SETZE Rosa Luxemburg eine konsequent marxistisch-revolutionäre Haltung FORT... URL:

28.Feb.2005 The fact that humans over itself can sinnieren is not because of it that the brain is a damp grey mass, argues to Bostrom.

Necessary is rather a certain computing structure - those can be produced also in a computer.

28.Feb.2005 The Algebra of Infinite Justice by Arundhati Roy The Algebra of ...{7} The USA army would first have to...+ in part to the vision of its former leaders, has so far been fortunate enough to be left out of this Great Game...