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25.Oct.2005 https://politics.guardian.co.uk/print/0,3858,5293897-116499,00.html Leicestershire Constabulary was asked, as an outside authority, to investigate the leak after ITV News ran details of the inquiry by the Independent Police Complaints Commission into the shooting at Stockwell underground station on 22.Jul.2005 The leaked documents showed that police statements immediately after the shooting were misleading, including comments made by the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair Biological alarm in Washington On Sept. 24, 2005, tens of thousands of protesters marched past the White House and flooded the National Mall near 17th Street and Constitution Avenue. They had arrived from all over the country for a day of speeches and concerts to protest the war in Iraq. It may have been the biggest antiwar rally since Vietnam. A light rain fell early in the day and most of the afternoon was cool and overcast. 24.Oct.2005 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/When did the levees go? It's STILL a mystery! As we deal with Wilma, let us not forget the lingering Katrina controversies. An American intelligence official told me that the Bush administration later concluded that the refusal of Centcom to dispatch the marines - along with their failure to commit U.S. ground forces to Afghanistan generally - was the gravest error of the war. It gets worse. DCI George Tenet flew to Pakistan and got into a screaming match with the head of ISI (Pakistan's intelligence service). Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood, a key figure in the development of the Pakistani bomb, was interrogated at the American embassy. So why didn't the administration call in the Marines? The actual date of the escape remains disputed: Some sources state November 29, 2001, while the most recent NYT account gives the date of December 19. (I presume Berntsen will help us here.) Franks was so distracted by this new undertaking that he could devote little time to the capture Bin Laden. "He was there," Berntsen tells NEWSWEEK. Asked to comment on Berntsen's remarks, National Security Council spokesman Frederick Jones passed on 2004 statements from former CENTCOM commander Gen. Tommy Franks. "We don't know to this day whether Mr. bin Laden was at Tora Bora in 00.Dec.2001 ," Franks wrote in an. 19.Oct.2005 New York Times op-ed. "Bin Laden was never within our grasp." Berntsen says Franks is "a great American. But he was not on the ground out there. I was." According to former CIA man Larry Johnson, the Bush administration will have to withstand a new controversy: Why did American forces fail to capture Osama Bin Laden? Bernsten's key point in the book is his testimony that he and other U.S. commanders did know that bin Laden was among the hundreds of fleeing Al Qaeda + Taliban members. 24.Oct.2005 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ An intelligence source, tasked with intercepting terrorist communications, gave Judith Miller word of a big upcoming strike against the USA. The obvious question: Why brief her and not the President? Permalink 24.Oct.2005 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Left-wing bloggers have been making this argument for months -- years, actually -- while the mainstream media ostriches simply kept repeating such-things-cannot-be . In fact (as Spike Lee, also on the panel, should have pointed out) we have several named witnesses who claim that explosions did occur. Others counter that these witnesses were mistaken. We should recognize the difference between disputed evidence and no evidence. 24.Oct.2005 Australia: How's this for sedition? : The latest legislative threat to our freedoms is worthy of contempt 24.Oct.2005 Keep terribly mum : Proposed legislation in Australia would make it a crime for one parent to tell the other that their child had been detained under anti-terror laws. 24.Oct.2005 US prison population continued to grow in 2004 : The U.S. prison population, already the largest in the world, grew by 1.9 % in 2004, leaving federal jails at 40 % over capacity, according to Justice Department figures released on Sunday. 24.Oct.2005 U.S., Britain Urge Action Against Syria: A Syrian official, deputy Foreign Minister Walid Moallem, said the pressure on Syria was because of America's aim of dominating the region. 24.Oct.2005 Diplomat: Russia trying to save Syrians: While the Americans are considering which steps to take against Syria in the U.N. Security Council session on Tuesday in which the U.N. report on the murder of Hariri will be presented, a senior diplomatic source in New York tells Ynet that "the toughest nut to crack is Russia, which is trying to save the Syrians" 24.Oct.2005 Syria: The Next Iraq: The news from Syria shows that the neoconservative plan for the Middle East is still in play 24.Oct.2005 Palestinian official: Peace hope fading : The Palestinian Authority is steadily losing faith in the US-backed peace plan for the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. 24.Oct.2005 Bush at bay: The CIA leak inquiry that threatens senior White House aides has now widened to include the forgery of documents on African uranium that started the investigation, according to NAT0 intelligence sources. 24.Oct.2005 Prelude to a Leak: Gang fight: How Cheney and his tight-knit team launched the Iraq war, chased their critics—and set the stage for a special prosecutor's dramatic probe. 24.Oct.2005 Bob Herbert : How Scary Is This? : The White House is sweating out the possibility that one or more top officials will soon be indicted on criminal charges. But the Bush administration is immune to prosecution for its greatest offense - its colossal and profoundly tragic incompetence. 24.Oct.2005 Patrick J. Buchanan: The Greatest Scandal: Today, this town is salivating over the prospect that Karl Rove and "Scooter" Libby will be indicted for outing Joe Wilson's wife as a CIA operative. Thirty months ago, many of those anxious to see the White House brought down were hauling its water. Consider the role played by our newspaper of record, the New York Times. 24.Oct.2005 Brent Scowcroft "Breaks Ranks" with George W. Bush: In "Breaking Ranks: What Turned Brent Scowcroft Against the Bush Administration?", Jeffrey Goldberg coaxes Brent Scowcroft to delineate his differences with the foreign policy proclivities of George W. Bush, Condoleeza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Cheney + others. 24.Oct.2005 Gassing Iraqis: Karen Hughes Tells a Big Lie : Karen Hughes, Bush’s propaganda minister on call, is apparently a habitual liar. 24.Oct.2005 The Troops Don’t Defend Our Freedoms : As a practical matter the troops serve not as a defender of our freedoms but instead simply as a loyal and obedient personal army of the president, ready and prepared to serve him and obey his commands. 24.Oct.2005 The Weapons of Misperceptions: It is trendy to view any revolutionary movement worthy of its cause as a bunch of terrorists. This attitude is but a terminally lazy reflection. Should the intelligent impulse to honest enquiry be nipped in the bud in any free and democratic state then the concept of a "free world" becomes slightly more farcical. 24.Oct.2005 Torture in Iraq: Firsthand Accounts of Torture of Iraqi Detainees by the US Army's 82nd Airborne Division," a report issued by Human Rights Watch In his report, Lord Hutton said Mr Scarlett ... expert linked to British ... works for the Canadian Department of... www.ladlass.com/intel/archives/cat_mi5.html Scarlett (born 18.Aug.1948) is head of the British Secret Intelligence ... Minister to set out the political context ... House position that... www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Downing-Street-memo ... meeting involving British ... The State Department in ... John Scarlett summarised the intelligence and ... So what makes these guys so... www.protagoras2004.blogspot.com/ 24.Oct.2005 ALG-II-Missbrauch: Engelen-Kefer verurteilt Generalverdacht gegen Arbeitslose Perfil da Empresa Início Tudo sobre o Google » Perfil da Empresa Centro de Imprensa R azões para usar o Google Sobre o Google A missão da Google é oferecer a melhor experiência de pesquisa na Internet, ao tornar a informação mundial acessível e útil a nível universal. Responsável pelo desenvolvimento do maior motor de busca do mundo, a Google oferece o caminho mais rápido e fácil para encontrar informação na web. Com acesso a mais de 1,3 bilião de páginas, a Google proporciona resultados relevantes para usuários de todo o mundo, normalmente em menos de meio segundo. Actualmente, a Google responde a mais de 100 milhões de consultas por dia. A Google foi fundada em 1998 por Larry Page e Sergey Brin, dois estudantes Doutorados da Universidade de Stanford. 00.Jun.1999 a empresa privada anunciava ter assegurado $25 milhões de dólares em financiamento de capital. Os sócios fundadores incluem a Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers e a Sequoia Capital. A Google presta serviços através do seu próprio site público, www.google.com, e também oferece soluções de pesquisa na web, em associação com provedores de conteúdo. Sobre a Tecnologia do Google A tecnologia inovadora de pesquisa do Google, aliada ao design elegante do interface do utilizador, destacou o Google dos restantes motores de busca actuais de primeira-geração. Mais do que utilizar apenas tecnologia de meta-pesquisa ou de pesquisa de palavras-chave, o Google baseia-se na avançada tecnologia PageRank?, que assegura que os resultados mais importantes aparecem sempre em primeiro lugar. O PageRank faz uma medição objectiva da importância das páginas web e calcula-se por meio de uma equação de 500 milhões de variáveis e mais de 2 biliões de termos. O PageRank utiliza a vasta estrutura de links existentes na web como uma ferramenta organizacional. Essencialmente, o Google interpreta um link de uma Página A para uma Página B como um "voto" da Página A em direcção à Página B. O Google avalia a importância de uma página pelo número de votos que recebe. Por sua vez, a página que lança esse voto também é analisada pelo Google. Os métodos complexos e automatizados de pesquisa do Google impossibilitam qualquer tipo de interferência humana. Ao contrário de outros motores de busca, o Google é estruturado de tal maneira que ninguém pode comprar uma posição mais alta ou influenciar comercialmente os resultados das pesquisas. Uma pesquisa do Google é uma forma honesta e objectiva de encontrar, facilmente, sites de alta qualidade. Equipa de Administração Dr. Eric E. Schmidt, Chairman e CEO Larry Page, Co-fundador & Presidente, Produtos Sergey Brin, Co-fundador & Presidente, Tecnologia Omid Kordestani, Vice-presidente, Desenvolvimento de Negócios & Vendas Wayne Rosing, Vice-presidente para a área de Engenharia Cindy McCaffrey, Vice-presidente, Comunicação Empresarial Joan Braddi, Vice-presidente, Serviços de pesquisa Tim Armstrong, Vice-presidente, Vendas de Publicidade Urs Hölzle, Parceiro Google Craig Silverstein, Director para a área de Tecnologia O Significado de Google Google é um trocadilho com a palavra 'googol', que foi inventada por Milton Sirotta, sobrinho do matemático americano Edward Kasner, para designar o número representado por 1 seguido de 100 zeros. O uso do termo Google reflecte a missão da empresa de organizar o enorme montante de informação disponível na web e no mundo. [o ooO] ©2001 Google - Página Inicial - Tudo sobre o Google URL: https://tomflocco.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=53 failing to hear public testimony from boarding gate personnel, cleanup + catering crews with less security scrutiny, air traffic controllers, military pilots in the air on 11.Sep.2001 + their ordinance crews, Securities & Exchange commissioners who ordered the still-secret "control list" of pre-attack insider trades, + Lockheed-Martin officials who hold the air-traffic system contract-- for an explanation as to whether the integrity + control of the doomed jets could have been compromised in any manner. Zu schweren Auseinandersetzungen mit den Sicherheitskräften kam es 1985. Auslöser war damals die Verhaftung von zwei Schwarzen im Nachbarbezirk Handsworth. Auch sie sei am Samstagabend angegriffen worden, als sie durch Lozells gefahren sei. "Es war eine riesige Gruppe, mehr als hundert Jugendliche mit Kapuzen, die Baseballschläger schwangen", berichtete Alex Thompson. "Sie haben auf meinen Wagen geschlagen und ihn getreten. Auch die anderen Autos wurden attackiert." In Birmingham ist es in der Nacht zum Sonntag zu den schwersten Unruhen seit Jahren gekommen. Ein Mann wurde dabei getötet. Es gab dutzende Verletzte, darunter auch Polizisten. Birmingham - Auslöser waren Gerüchte über die Vergewaltigung eines 14-jährigen Mädchens aus der Karibik durch einen Südasiaten, wie die Polizei der nordenglischen Stadt mitteilte. Vertreter der schwarzen und der asiatischen Gemeinde trafen sich am Samstagabend in einer Kirche des Stadtteils Lozells, um über die Vorwürfe und die Abwendung möglicher Racheakte zu beraten. Laut Augenzeugen begannen plötzlich etwa 30 Südasiaten, Steine auf die Teilnehmer der Versammlung zu schleudern, weil man ihnen den Zugang verwehrte. Die Randalierer gingen auch mit Messern aufeinander los. Ein etwa 20 Jahre alter Schwarzer wurde so schwer verletzt, dass er im Krankenhaus starb, wie die Polizei mitteilte. Ein Beamter erlitt eine Schussverletzung. Mehrere Menschen seien festgenommen worden, teilte die Polizei weiter mit. Deutschland werde dies in der nächsten Woche in Brüssel vorschlagen, erklärte der Staatssekretär im Verbraucherschutzministerium, Alexander Müller. Der Fall des in London verendeten Papageis zeige, dass es in diesem Geschäft Vertriebswege gebe, die nur schwer zu kontrollieren seien. In Surinam gebe es keine für den Menschen gefährliche Vogelgrippe. "Man weiß nicht so genau, wo der vorher sonst überall war oder wo er sich angesteckt hat", sagte Müller. Immer mehr Staaten ergreifen deshalb Schutzmaßnahmen: Tschechien untersagte den Verkauf von Hühnern auf Märkten sowie öffentliche Vogelschauen; China ließ nach einem erneuten Ausbruch der Seuche in der Inneren Mongolei Bauernhöfe, Flughäfen und Bahnhöfe in der Hauptstadt Peking verschärft kontrollieren. Schweden hat den ersten Fall von Vogelgrippe bestätigt. Die an der Seuche verendete Ente war allerdings nicht an dem gefährlichen H5-Virus erkrankt, wie eine virologische Untersuchung ergab. Stockholm - Experten des nationalen Veterinärinstituts hatten vier tote Enten untersucht, die in der Region Eskilstuna westlich der Hauptstadt Stockholm entdeckt worden waren. Das Tier litt jedoch nicht an der gefährlicheren Virus-Variante H5, wie eine Untersuchung schwedischer Virologen am Sonntag ergab. Der Junge habe die Krankheit überstanden und könne vermutlich in zwei Wochen wieder nach Hause. Schon vor mehreren Monaten waren dort etliche Tiere an dem aggressiven H5N1-Virus verendet. Sieben Menschen würden überwacht, die mit den infizierten Hühnern in Kontakt standen, hieß es. Bosnien verbot die Einfuhr von Geflügel und Geflügelprodukten aus Kroatien, auch die EU bereitete ein Einfuhrverbot vor. Auch an toten Vögeln aus Taiwan würden Tests durchgeführt, sagte Reynolds. Nach britischen Angaben starb auch ein anderer Vogel in der Quarantäneeinheit, doch hätten Tests bei ihm keinen Hinweis auf Vogelgrippe ergeben. Alle Vögel in der Quarantäne seien inzwischen getötet worden. Die gefährliche Variante der Vogelgrippe hat jetzt auch Großbritannien erreicht. Bei einem verendeten Papagei wurde das auch für Menschen gefährliche H5N1-Virus festgestellt. Damit ist die Seuche in Europa weiter auf dem Vormarsch. London - Das aus Surinam importierte Tier starb nach Behördenangaben in Quarantäne, kam also nicht mit einheimischem Geflügel in Kontakt. Der Papagei traf im September in Großbritannien ein und wurde mit Vögeln aus Taiwan in Quarantäne gehalten. Er verendete Anfang vergangener Woche. 23.Oct.2005 H5N1-Virus in Großbritannien: Vogelgrippe weiter auf dem Vormarsch 23.Oct.2005 Rechtsruck: Lech Kaczynski wird Polens neuer Präsident 23.Oct.2005 Süditalien: Mehrere Tote bei Unwetter 23.Oct.2005 Hurrikan: "Wilma" nimmt Kurs auf Florida 23.Oct.2005 Secret MoD poll: Iraqis support attacks on British troops : 65 % of Iraqi citizens support attacks and fewer than one per cent think Allied military involvement is helping to improve security in their country. 23.Oct.2005 Officials: al-Zarqawi has expanded terror network to 40 nations: U.S. intelligence officials say Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has expanded his terrorism campaign in Iraq to extremists in two dozen terror groups scattered across almost 40 countries, creating a network that rivals Osama bin Laden’s. 23.Oct.2005 US diplomat points to neocon ideology behind Iraq war: A veteran US diplomat who served as a government adviser in Iraq says US policy in the country at the initial stage of the occupation was driven by neoconservative ideology rather than careful preparation and clear understanding of issues. 23.Oct.2005 Judith Miller's Dirty Little Secret: The neo-con cabal and the Israeli lobby are an instrumental force in framing the foreign policy of the United States towards the Middle East. Other political forces had considerable influence in charting the path to war – including the equally formidable Saudi lobby and the usual suspects in the military industrial complex. 23.Oct.2005 Lawyers in CIA-leak case say charges possible this week: Top administration officials are expected to learn from Fitzgerald as early as Monday whether they will face charges as the prosecutor winds up his nearly two-year investigation, the lawyers said. 23.Oct.2005 Leak case returns spotlight to rationale for Iraq war : The legal and political stakes are of the highest order, but the investigation into the disclosure of a covert CIA officer's identity is also just one skirmish in the continuing battle over the Bush administration's justification for the war in Iraq. 23.Oct.2005 Frank Rich : Karl and Scooter's Excellent Adventure : We don't yet know whether Lewis (Scooter) Libby or Karl Rove has committed a crime, but the more we learn about their desperate efforts to take down a bit player like Joseph Wilson, the more we learn about the real secret they wanted to protect: the "why" of the war. 23.Oct.2005 Prosecutor got OK to expand leak probe in '04: In a letter dated Feb. 6, 2004, then-Deputy Attorney General James Comey said that he was clarifying, "at your (Fitzgerald's) request," the added authority to investigate and prosecute "crimes committed with intent to interfere with your investigation." 23.Oct.2005 Islamists and Mujahedeen Secure Victory in Afghan Vote : More than a month after the elections, nearly all provisional results have finally been released for Afghanistan's Parliament and provincial assemblies, cementing a victory for Islamic conservatives and the jihad fighters involved in the wars of the past two decades. 23.Oct.2005 'We have proof UK bombed us' : Iran said yesterday it has proof that Britain was involved in a double bomb attack last week that killed six people and injured more than 100 in Ahvaz. 23.Oct.2005 Blair’s New Tune on Iran: British officials used to be certain that a military attack on Iran was out of the question. Now, it seems, they’re not so sure. 23.Oct.2005 Syria hits out against Hariri murder claims : In the first official reaction to emerge from Damascus, Syrian foreign ministry adviser Riad Daudi told a press conference his government rejected the report, which was biased and aimed at hurting Syria. He said the conclusions were 'without any foundation'. 23.Oct.2005 Pivotal Witness in Mehlis Report is a Convicted Swindler : The alleged intelligence agent al-Sadik, 42, on whose testimony a considerable portion of the investigation is based, has been convicted of , embezzlement and fraud, among other crimes. Even within the UN Commission investigating the murder of Lebanon’s former Prime Minster Rafik al-Hariri, which presented its report on Thursday, there is doubt of the credibility of the Syrian witness. 23.Oct.2005 CIA likely to avoid charges in most prisoner deaths: Despite signs of CIA involvement in at least 4 prisoner deaths in Iraq + Afghanistan, CIA workers appear likely to escape criminal charges in all but one case. 23.Oct.2005 Police to probe US ‘torture flights’ landing in Scotland: SCOTTISH police are to launch an investigation into CIA “torture flights” which fly in and out of Glasgow and Prestwick airports, ferrying kidnapped war on terror suspects around the world. 23.Oct.2005 'I stand by my words. And even more, I stand by my right to say them...' : When the acclaimed Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk recalled his country's mass killing of Armenians, he was forced to flee abroad. As he prepares to accept a peace award in Frankfurt, he tells Maureen Freely why he had to break his nation's biggest taboo 23.Oct.2005 Report: Texas Overpaid Miers in Land Sale : Texas officials paid Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers' family more than $100,000 for a small piece of land in 2000 - 10 times the land's worth - despite the state's objections to the way the price was determined, Knight Ridder Newspapers reported Saturday. 23.Oct.2005 Report: Contractor overcharged U.S. gov't.: In audits obtained by the Washington Post, federal auditors found Unisys overbilled taxpayers for some 171,000 hours' worth of labor and overtime by charging up to $131 an hour for employees who were paid no more than $46.43 an hour. 23.Oct.2005 Vermont GOP candidate gets caught lying through his teeth: Here's where it gets interesting. Freyne writes "So, Rich Tarrant, the wealthy, wannabe U.S. senator from Vermont, does support a woman's right to choose, right? Wrong." Here's how we know: The government has been dealt an embarrassing double blow in its battle to convince the public it is beating insurgency in Iraq and the threat of terrorism at home, according to confidential reports leaked to today's newspapers. Continued Tactics such as road-blocks, political questioning, curfews, beatings, illegal fingerprinting and photographing, snatch squads, phone taps, infiltration and agent provocateurs were widespread. In the press, Thatcher compared the pickets to IRA bombers. James Anderton, Chief Constable of Manchester said mass pickets were "acts of terrorism without the bullet and the bomb," while the Police Federation warned that its members might be unable to serve Notes 1. "Origins and Fundamental Causes of International Terrorism," UN Secretariat, reprinted in M. Cherif Bassiouni, ed., International Terrorism and Political Crimes (Charles Thomas, 1975). 2. Claire Sterling, Walter Laqueur; see chapter 5. For references and discussion, see my Towards a New Cold War (TNCW) (Pantheon, 1982), 47f. + my chapter in Chomsky, Jonathan Steele and John Gittings, Superpowers in Collision (Penguin, 1982, revised edition, 1984). For extensive discussion and documentation on the topic, see Edward S. Herman, The Real Tenor Network (South End Press, 1982). 3. A distinct category is the much more severe crime of aggression, as in the case of the U.S. attack against South Vietnam, then all of Indochina; the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; the U.S.-backed invasions of Timor and Lebanon by its Indonesian and Israeli clients, etc. Sometimes the categories are blurred; we return to some cases. 4. Washington Post, June 30, 1985; Time, October 11, 1982; Goodman, New York Times, February 7, 1984. 5. See references of note 3 + chapter 5, pp. 130-2. 6. Economist, June 14; Victoria Brittain, Guardian, June 6; Anthony Robinson, Financial Times, June 7, 1986, from Johannesburg. The eport was also carried by BBC World Service. The ship that was sunk may have been a Cuban food ship. See also Israeli Foreign Affairs, July 1986. 7. There was no mention at all in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, the news weeklies and other journals listed in the magazine index. The Washington Post ran a 120-word item from Moscow on p. 17, June 8, reporting Soviet condemnation of the South African attack. 8. For background, in October 1976 a Cubana airliner was destroyed by a bomb in flight with 73 killed including the entire Cuban Olympic gold medal fencing team (compare the actual events of the "Munich massacre," one of the peak moments of Palestinian terrorism). The terrorist action was traced to Orlando Bosch, probably the leading figure of international terrorism, who had been trained by the CIA along with his close associates in connection with the terrorist war against Cuba and "had close relations with (and has been on the payroll of) the secret police of Chile and Venezuela," who, in turn, "were tutored by the CIA and maintain close relations with it today" (Herman, Real Terror Network, 63). What would the U.S. response have been? The question is academic, since the first sign of a Cuban soldier near Venezuela would probably have evoked a major attack against Havana. On the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, see chapter 2 and references cited. The figure of about 200 Russians killed "operating in the area of Syrian air defense forces" during the (unprovoked and unexpected) Israeli attack on Syrian forces in Lebanon is given by Aviation Week & Space Technology, December 12, 1983. Syrian forces had entered Lebanon with the agreement of the U.S. and Israel + were scheduled to complete a six-year stay later in the summer of 1986. On these events, see my Fateful Triangle (South End Press, 1983). 9. On the real world, see Gabriel Kolko, Politics of War (Random House, 1968), the classic and still unsurpassed account, despite much valuable subsequent scholarship; TNCW; and my Turning the Tide (ITT) (South End Press, 1985) + sources cited. On more recent material, see my Deterring Democracy (Verso, 1991; Hill & Wang, 1992), chapter 11 + sources cited. Melvyn Leffler, "Adherence to Agreements: Yalta and the Experiences of the Early Cold War," International Security, Summer, 1986; Leffler's conclusion is that "In fact, the Soviet pattern of adherence [to Yalta, Potsdam + other wartime agreements] was not qualitatively different from the American pattern." It should be noted that in Greece and South Korea in the late 1940s the U.S. organized mass slaughter operations as part of the worldwide program of destroying the anti-fascist resistance, often in favor of Nazi and Japanese collaborators. 10. Released Soviet archives reveal that "U.S. and British intelligence were supporting Ukrainian and Polish underground rebel actions against Soviet forces long before victory over Germany," tying down several hundred thousand Soviet troops and killing thousands of officers, thus retarding significantly the liberation of Europe from Nazi rule, with grim consequences too obvious to be discussed. That continued without substantial change after the war. Jeffrey Burds, "The Early Cold War in Soviet West Ukraine, 1944-1948," The Carl Beck Papers No. 1505, January 2001, Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh. These may be the most significant of the rev elations so far from released Russian archives + among the least known. 11. See TNCW, chapter 3 + my introduction to Morris Morley and James Petras, The Reagan Administration and Nicaragua (Monograph Series No. 1, Institute for Media Analysis, New York, 1987). 12. The groundwork had already been laid in the United States and in a series of conferences for future terrorologists organized by Israel, which has an obvious interest in this propaganda operation. Commenting on the second Israeli-organized conference on terrorism, held in Washington, Wolf Blitzer observes that the focus on Arab terrorism and the enthusiasm expressed by many notable speakers for Israeli terrorism and aggression (particularly, its 1982 invasion of Lebanon), provided "clearly a major boost for Israel's own Hasbara campaign in the United States, as recognized by everyone involved" (Blitzer, Jerusalem Post, June 29, 1984); the word "hasbara," literally "explanation," is the term for Israeli propaganda,expressing the thesis that since Israel's position is so plainly correct on every issue, it is only necessary to explain; propaganda is for those with something to conceal. For more on the judgments expressed in the conference, see chapter 3, note 20. 13. Kennedy's program was limited to the second and third plank of the Reagan agenda; the first, enacted with the support of Congressional Democrats in direct violation of the will of the public, reflects the decline in relative U.S. power in the intervening years. It is no longer feasible to pursue "great societies at home and grand designs abroad," in the words of Kennedy advisor Walter Heller, so the former must be abandoned. On public attitudes, see ITT, chapter 5 + Thomas Ferguson and Joel Rogers, Atlantic Monthly, May 1986. On the relation of Reagan's programs to those of the latter phases of the Carter Admin istration, which the Reaganites extended, see TNCW, chapter 7 + TTT, chapters 4 and 5. See also Joshua Cohen and Joel Rogers, Inequity and Intervention (South End Press, 1986). 14. On these matters, see TNCW, particularly chapters 1 and 2. The human rights program, largely a Congressional initiative reflecting the change in public consciousness, was not without significance, despite its exploitation for propaganda purposes and the hypocritical application, which consistently evaded atrocities by client-states, exactly the opposite of the standard charge. See Chomsky and Herman, Political Economy of Human Rights, particularly vol. I. 15. World Press Review, February 1986. USA-made F-16 jet fighters ... writes in USA magazine New ... Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier ... against Nicaragua ( 94 to 2); ... During a... www.krysstal.com/democracy_1985to1989.html WASHINGTON OFFICE ON LATIN AMERICA ...training in Haiti during the regime of Jean-Claude Duvalier , counter-narcotics ... investigation, a security questionnaire + background... www.wola.org/publications/ddhr_law_enforcement_overview.htm O2 Online: Conspiracies, Coverups + Hidden Agendas [p.3] Flatland is the biyearly magazine Martin puts ... interest in producing it." In an interview, John ... on this course, ignoring Soviet jet www.mindpollen.com/book/conspir3.htm 23.Oct.2005 Timeline 1985 3/19/97) 19.Mar.1985 ,"Spin Magazine " began ... News reporter was able to briefly interview the ... when a Delta Air Lines jumbo jet crashed... https://timelines.ws/20thcent/1985.HTML SIR COLIN POWELL: WHY IS HE BEING CALLED A 'SON-OF-A-BUSH'? ...dictatorships (Popa Doc and Baby Doc Duvalier ) ... City Broadcasting Inc. + Essence magazine ... at length with Powell before his recent... www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/sir_colin_powell.htm 23.Oct.2005 Umfrage: Viele Iraker billigen Anschläge auf Alliierte Asked at the time, Ferguson said she had no concern that her acceptance of a job at Sequoia Pacific might appear to be a payoff for favors rendered. She's good to go. Sequoia execs Pasquale "Rocco" Ricci + Phil Foster were indicted after they were caught paying a Louisiana Elections official an $8 million bribe to buy their voting machines. That sort of thing goes on all the time . Why else would any politico have anything to do with these devices, given the widespread public distrust? 10.May 2003 17:28:43 Während Amerikas konservative Wirtschaftspresse darin aber nur eine weitere glorreiche Episode des alten David-gegen-Goliath-Motivs sieht, gibt es auch immer mehr Stimmen, die Google für gefährlich halten. "Google ist eine Zeitbombe für unseren Datenschutz" warnt David Brandt, ein Verleger, der sich seit zwanzig Jahren mit Geheimdienst-Themen befasst und seit .." |