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25.Nov.2004 The Simulation Argument: Essays + Links
·   Homepage von Nick Bostrom
·   John Barrow: Living in a Simulated Universe (PDF)
·   Sydney Morning Herald: Paul Davies zur Simulationsthese
·   "In the Matrix": Astronom Martin Rees über simulierte Welten
·   Robin Hanson: "How To Live In A Simulation"
25.Nov.2004 Astrophysiker Davies glaubt, solche Ratschläge solle sich die Menschheit zu Herzen nehmen.

Denn zu viel des Nachbohrens führe womöglich zu einem bösen Ende.

"Jetzt, da die Programmierer wissen, dass wir ihnen auf der Spur sind, ist das Spiel aus", argwöhnt der Forscher.

"Sie könnten ihr Interesse verlieren + die 'Delete'-Taste drücken

25.Nov.2004 Vielleicht sollten sich die Menschen auch gar nicht so viele Gedanken darüber machen, ob sie nun in einer Simulation leben oder nicht.

Der US-Philosoph Hubert Dreyfus etwa sagte über den Actionfilm "The Matrix", dass es die Menschen in der Kino-Trilogie nicht schlecht hätten + so versklavt gar nicht seien.

"Sie können leben, sterben, lieben, arbeiten, treffen Entscheidungen + tun alles, was sie wollen", sagte Dreyfus.

Nur aus der Simulation fliehen könnten sie nicht - aber warum sollten sie auch?

Nur, weil sie auf einer anderen Daseinsebene als Batterien benutzt werden?

"Sie müssen sich nicht daran stören, weil sie es nicht einmal wissen", meint Dreyfus.
25.Nov.2004 ein. "Wenn wir eine offensichtliche Abweichung wie die Veränderung der Lichtgeschwindigkeit finden, können wir nicht herausfinden, ob es sich um einen Simulationsfehler handelt",
sagt Kurzweil im Interview

Wahrscheinlicher sei, dass es sich um eine experimentelle Entdeckung handelt, die schließlich ein besseres Modell der Physik nach sich zieht.

So hätten etwa Abweichungen von den Newtonschen Gesetzen zu Einsteins Relativitätstheorie geführt.
25.Nov.2004 Der Mathematiker + Philosoph Nick Bostrom von der Oxford University hat dem Thema gleich eine ganze Internetseite gewidmet.

Dass Menschen über sich selbst sinnieren können, liege nicht daran, dass das Gehirn eine feuchte graue Masse sei, argumentiert Bostrom.

Notwendig sei vielmehr eine bestimmte Rechenstruktur - die könne auch in einem Computer erzeugt werden.

In seiner Simulationstheorie, erschienen im Fachblatt "Philosophical Quarterly", dampft Bostrom die Diskussion über das Computer-Universum auf drei Thesen ein.

Zumindest eine von ihnen müsse als zutreffend akzeptiert werden:
Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass eine Zivilisation eine höhere Entwicklungsstufe erreicht als die heutige Menschheit, geht gegen Null - weil sie sich vorher selbst auslöscht;

fast keine hoch entwickelte Zivilisation ist daran interessiert, Wesen wie den Menschen im Computer zu simulieren;

oder wir leben mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit in einer Simulation.

25.Nov.2004 Das Problem: Wie erklärt man das Phänomen, ohne einen Schöpfergott ins Weltbild einzubauen?
25.Nov.2004 Im Großen Saal reden fünf Ichs aus fünf Fakultäten, fünf Neuronenbündel aus fünf Professionen elegant aneinander vorbei.
Die Reihen lichten sich. Palmero sitzt noch einen Moment, blättert im Programmheft.

Man könnte das Symposium zur Neurodidaktik besuchen, man könnte sich die Einstein-Ausstellung ansehen, in der Bibliothek. Palmero, als Physiker, ist sehr beeindruckt von Einsteins Leistung;

ein Mann, der mit einer einzigen Formel das Universum, Raum, Zeit erklärt - ein Traum wäre das, so eine Formel, die diese Sache mit dem Hirn und den Neuronen und dem Willen endgültig sortiert.
"Aber das Hirn", sagt Palmero, "ist ungleich komplizierter." Und er blickt aus dem Fenster, auf den Rhein, in den Nebel.
25.Nov.2004 Die Vorgänge in der Ukraine haben bei Regierungen in aller Welt Kritik hervorgerufen.

Vor allem Politiker aus dem westlichen Ausland zweifeln den Ausgang der Präsidentschaftswahlen an +

Vor allem Politiker aus dem westlichen Ausland fordern eine Prüfung des Ergebnisses, nach dem sich der pro-russische Viktor Janukowitsch zum Sieger erklärt hatte.

25.Nov.2004 -am Abend- US-Außenminister Powell, Colin teilte mit, dass seine Regierung das Wahlergebnis nicht als legitim akzeptieren werde.

Die Wahl habe keinen internationalen Standards entsprochen, sagte Powell, Colin in Washington.

Powell, Colin warnte vor der Anwendung von jeglicher Gewalt gegen Demonstranten in der Ukraine.

Internationale Reaktionen: Powell kritisiert, Putin gratuliert

:: ringfahndung :: Google verbindet Bush mit
'Miserable failure' ...
Ringfahndung BushGlossar [Heute: psychologische Kriegsführung]. miserable failure .
Google verbindet Bush mit ' Miserable failure ', also kläglichem versagen! ***. ... -

25.Nov.2004 Web   Ergebnisse 1 - 11 von 11 aus für miserable failure . ( 0,14 Sekunden) 

Biography of President George W. Bush Biography of the 43rd President of the United States. -

Miserable Failure - Can this page become the ultimate miserable failure web page?
The "Miserable Failure" page in its English version (courtesy of Google)

Miserable Failure

Miserable failure ist ein Begriffspaar, das Schlagzeilen macht. And there are things you might not want to know about Michael Moore. Gibt man bei Google als Suchbegriff miserable failure ein, findet man ganz oben auf der Trefferseite die Biographie von George Bush. Seltsam, gell? Wo Google doch beansprucht, die besten Ergebnisse zuerst zu liefern.

Das ist kein Zufall. Die Sache wurde manipuliert. Bush Gegner haben von etlichen Websites aus Links gesetzt mit dem Namen miserable failure + darunter die offizielle Bush-Biographieseite des Weißen Hauses verlinkt.

00.Dez.2003 -Anfang- meldete die BBC, dass 32 solcher Links gereicht hätten, um die Seite nach vorne zu bringen. (Siehe: 'Miserable failure' links to Bush )

Ein netter Streich (prank). siehe auch schnitzelmitkartoffelsalat. für das es etliche Treffer gibt, im Gegensatz zu schnitzelpluskartoffelsalat.
24.Nov.2004 Professor of international law accuses Harvard of hiring "war criminal"

24.Nov.2004 Lawyers attempt to have President Bush declared persona non grata in Canada

24.Nov.2004 Ukraine Opposition Leader Declares Victory : Opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko declared victory in Ukraine's presidential election and took a symbolic oath of office Tuesday,

warning that the country was on the verge of civil conflict. About 200,000 supporters gathered in the capital to protest alleged election fraud.

24.Nov.2004 China's central bank tells US not to blame others for economic woes

24.Nov.2004 Worldwide effects of sinking dollar: Its decline to a nine-year low is impacting everything from the price of goods at Wal-Mart to the vigor of Europe's economy.

24.Nov.2004 School orders boy to cover his T-shirt: Truszkowski wore a white, short-sleeved T-shirt to school Friday with the words, "The Real Terrorist Is In The White House," written in black on the front + "End the Tyranny" written on the back.

24.Nov.2004 Jim Lobe : Hawks push regime change in N Korea: The coalition of foreign-policy hawks that promoted the 2003 invasion of Iraq is pressing US President George W Bush to adopt a more coercive policy toward North Korea, despite strong opposition from China and South Korea.

24.Nov.2004 Alert on James Brooke's Korean coverage in the New York Times: As Judy Miller helped to mislead Americans to support the neocon's invasion and occupation of Iraq, so may we look back on James Brooke's reporting if they invade another of Bush's "Axis of Evil" in the future.

24.Nov.2004 'Trophy photos' Israeli soldiers had taken "trophy photos" and "abused" the bodies of dead Palestinians killed during army operations.

24.Nov.2004 Paul Craig Roberts: On to Iran: The Bush administration is recycling the lies that it used to invade Iraq: Iran is acquiring nuclear weapons that will be given to terrorists.

In a display of loyalty to a ruthless neocon administration calculated to win him appointments to corporate boards, outgoing Secretary of State Colin Powell told reporters that Iran was working on nuclear missiles

24.Nov.2004 UK: MPs Table Blair Impeachment Motion : Some 23 MPs have put their names to the motion – the first such bid to impeach a Prime Minister for 198 years.

24.Nov.2004 Linda Heard : When Seeing Is Not Believing : Shades of the Jessica Lynch show, courtesy of Pentagon Productions, or evidence that USA s enemy No. 2 is deficient in gray matter? You decide.

24.Nov.2004 USA Media Miss Rumsfeld's 'Dirty Wars' Talk : If three, five, or 10 years from now, Latin America returns to the military dictatorships and ''dirty wars'' of its all-too-recent past, analysts may point to the past week's conference in Quito of the hemisphere's defence ministers -- and particularly Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld's role in it -- as a milestone in that journey.

24.Nov.2004 Rumsfeld in Nicaragua : The reason?: Fallujah and SAM-7s.: It is unlikely that the peoples of Latin America are likely to ignore the experience of Iraq, of Fallujah.

They may well consider it simple prudence to prepare adequately for armed resistance to the coming aggressions being planned against them by the government of the United States and its local allies in the region.

24.Nov.2004 Economic `Armageddon' predicted: Stephen Roach, the chief economist at investment banking giant Morgan Stanley, has a public reputation for being bearish.

His prediction: America has no better than a 10 percent chance of avoiding economic ``armageddon.''

24.Nov.2004 Krugman: Economic Crisis a Question of When, Not If: The economic policies of President Bush have set USA on a dangerous course that will likely end in crisis,

Princeton economics professor Paul Krugman told Reuters in an interview.

24.Nov.2004 China: The hunt for friends + oil: The Chinese Dragon is flexing its muscles in its Central Asian back yard.

It is conducting major trade and business deals, searching for oil and resources and building infrastructure to ensure a stable, friendly environment. Russia and the US are watching closely.

24.Nov.2004 China-ASEAN new trade agreements: A major step to Asian integration

24.Nov.2004 Congress Funds Psychological Tests for Kids One of the nation's leading medical groups, the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons (AAPS),

decried a move by the U.S. Senate to join with the House in funding a federal program AAPS says will lead to mandatory psychological testing of every child in America – without the consent of parents.

24.Nov.2004 USA kept quiet on Chávez plot: The U.S. government knew of an imminent plot to oust Venezuela's leftist president, Hugo Chávez, in the weeks prior to a 2002 military coup that briefly unseated him, newly released CIA documents show, despite White House claims to the contrary a week after the putsch.

24.Nov.2004 UK: Home Office 'linked to discredited claim of al-Qa'ida plot': Supporters of Blunkett, David were accused of trying to exploit public fears in an attempt to help the Government introduce anti-terrorism legislation.

24.Nov.2004 Chavez visit to Spain sparks coup controversy: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's fence-mending visit to Spain sparked political uproar

on Tuesday when Madrid for the first time backed his allegations that the former Spanish government backed a coup against him.

24.Nov.2004 Former Israeli army chief Rafael Eitan drowns: Eitan, who became an outspoken rightist politician who once said Arabs should be placed in a bottle like drugged cockroaches, was swept into stormy seas at the Ashdod port on Tuesday

24.Nov.2004 Abbas supports Arafat path: "We will not fall silent until our right of return is exercised and the plight of the refugees is solved," he added.

24.Nov.2004 A Formula for Perpetual War: George Bush has declared war on “international terrorism,” + Putin + Sharon have eagerly joined up, using that war as an excuse to justify = JUSIFICATION= any act of oppression.

By treating militant forces as criminals + responding only with force, the three leaders are guaranteeing that the “war on terrorism” will have no end.

24.Nov.2004 Tom Hayden: How to End the Iraq War : Instead of assuming that the Bush administration has an "exit strategy", the movement needs to force our government to exit.

The strategy must be to deny the U.S. occupation funding, political standing, sufficient troops + alliances necessary to their strategy for dominance.

24.Nov.2004 Shoot the Messenger : When Darrin Mortenson, a former embed for a California paper,

defended the NBC reporter who videotaped a U.S. Marine in Fallujah executing an injured insurgent, he got a lot of hate mail. "Go back to Iraq with a target on your back," wrote one.

24.Nov.2004 Medics testify to Fallujah's horrors: The first time Jose Ramirez saw a human body ripped apart by a rocket, it took hours for him to regain his composure.

Nothing in his training as a Navy medical corpsman had prepared him for the sight of the dead Marine brought in September to the military field hospital outside Fallujah.

24.Nov.2004 Dead-Check in Falluja by Evan Wright

"What does the American public think happens when they tell us to assault a city?" one of them said.

"Marines don't shoot rainbows out of our asses. We *ucking kill people."  Continued

24.Nov.2004 Remember those "terror warnings"? "Terrorism" was the excuse given by officials in Warren County, Ohio, when they kept outsiders from peeking at the counting process.

Neither the FBI nor Homeland Security had any knowledge of this alleged threat.

Now reporter Erica Solvig of the Cincinnati Enquirer has uncovered the fact that the lock-out was planned well in advance, on 25.Oct.2004 Fishier and fishier...

24.Nov.2004 Keith Olbermann discusses the
finessed wording of the Democratic party's releases announcing their involvement in the Ohio recount. URL:
24.Nov.2004 The mainstreamers are coming around. Another "respectable" journal, Oregon's Register-Guard, has published
a terrific story by Dianne Lobes on vote fraud allegations. URL:
24.Nov.2004 Swing state analysis.

Computer scientist Bob Burnett, co-founder of Cisco Systems, has completed a study of the swing states + the exit polls +

Computer scientist Bob Burnett, co-founder of Cisco Systems report takes us past the simplistic "exit polls can be inaccurate" crap we've been hearing from the mainstream media.
02.Nov.2004 presidential exit polls were wildly off the mark in swing states;

the difference between the expected + actual results was not randomly distributed, it was all in Bush's favor. URL:
24.Nov.2004 Now
Cindy Cohn of the Electronic Frontier Foundation in San Francisco is looking into the matter.

Rice University computer science professor Dan Wallach + security expert Bruce Schneier have agreed to help test the machines -- URL:
Greg Palast may be
the first reporter outside the blogosphere to note the
divergent attitudes toward exit polling, depending upon whether the subject is the Ukraine or the USA.
This analysis details an odd phenomenon in east Cleveland.

In precincts where voters historically favor Democrats to an overwhelming degree, far-right third party candidates received large numbers of votes - sometimes ridiculously large numbers.

(Remember the "Jews for Buchanan" phenomenon of 00.000.2000 ?) Since the Bush percentage of the vote is consistent with that seen in past elections, any vote switch must have come at Kerry's expense.

Yeah, the numbers are small -- but shennanigans of this sort do add up. URL:
24.Nov.2004 Also in Ohio: You'll want to read Bob Fritakis on
"How the Ohio election was rigged for Bush." URL:
24.Nov.2004 Some had hoped the "allowable" provisionals could go as high as 90 %, the figure in 00.000.2000 .

But Ken Blackwell ain't gonna let that happen. According to the Plain Dealer, he's tossing out one out of every three provisionals. URL:
24.Nov.2004 We've already established that this election was crooked. Now we are discussing how crooked.
Here's a poser: What if we discover that Bush would have won (barely) even if his forces had not engaged in systemic e-vote manipulation?

(I doubt that such is the case -- but for the moment, consider the idea as a hypothetical.)

Would his reign maintain any legitimacy?

In some countries, I am told, the law stipulates that any politician who attempts to rig the vote will automatically lose his post, regardless of the degree of tampering.
While you ponder that one, here are some links....URL:
24.Nov.2004 Even many skeptics are coming around to the view that "something funny" occurred on 02.Nov.2004

If you look closely at various news accounts, you'll see that the focus is now on the question of whether that "something funny" was funny enough to swing the election. URL:
24.Nov.2004 Bev Harris still has not made the promised announcement.

However, after her recent find in Florida -- I refer to the "duplicate" poll tapes which contain mysterious additions to the Bush vote -- the landscape has changed.

(True, the New York Times hasn't deigned to cover her work yet -- but you can read about it here!) URL:
24.Nov.2004 The economy is headed for disaster.

That's the word from Stephen Pizzo, respected author of Inside Job.

(Any number of authors are saying the same thing.)

When Bush was asked by a Columbian reporter how the U.S. would pay for the war on drugs despite its massive deficit, Bush answered: "By working very hard." (No, I am not making this up!)
More proof that fundamentalists are sick freaks : In Anchorage, Alaska's
Matanuska Christian School, principal Steve Unfreid had himself whipped in front of two teens, who had committed the "sin" of kissing girls.
Go to Google, type in the words "miserable failure," then hit "I'm feeling lucky." Heh heh heh... URL:
Terrorverdacht: Verfassungsgericht stoppt Auslieferung von Darkazanli

24.Nov.2004 Top-Spion geehrt: Brite verhalf Tausenden Juden zur Flucht

24.Nov.2004 Telefonaktion: Schröder setzt sich für Deeskalation in Ukraine ein

24.Nov.2004 Ukraine: Juschtschenko fürchtet Bürgerkrieg, ruft zum Generalstreik auf

24.Nov.2004 Ukraine: "Ich will keinen fiktiven Sieg"

24.Nov.2004 Browser-Update: Firefox gewinnt weiter

24.Nov.2004 Terrorverdacht: Darkazanli darf nach Spanien ausgeliefert werden

24.Nov.2004 Internationale Statistik: Rauchen tötet jährlich fünf Millionen Menschen

24.Nov.2004 Nahost: Syrien will mit Israel verhandeln

24.Nov.2004 Verschwörungstheorien: Juschtschenkos mysteriöse Erkrankung (

24.Nov.2004 Denker-Kongress: Der freie Wille - nur eine Illusion?

24.Nov.2004 Irak: Sarkawi enttäuscht über islamische Geistlichkeit

24.Nov.2004 Justizwesen: Umfassendste Reform seit mehr als 100 Jahren

24.Nov.2004 Misshandlungen: Struck lässt Auslandseinsätze prüfen

24.Nov.2004 Italien: Richter im Ausstand

24.Nov.2004 Dan Rather: TV-Legende stolpert über Bush-Bericht

24.Nov.2004 Integrationsdebatte: Warnung vor einem Kreuzzug

24.Nov.2004 Auslandsstudium: Das Bush-Land wird geschnitten

24.Nov.2004 Piratenlegende: Ist das Störtebekers Gesicht?

24.Nov.2004 Neonazi-Prozess: Terror für ein Viertes Reich?

24.Nov.2004 Ukraine: Wahlkommission sieht Janukowitsch vorn

24.Nov.2004 Ordnungsruf: Glos nennt Fischer Zuhälter

24.Nov.2004 Mars-Vulkane: Olympus Mons könnte noch aktiv sein

24.Nov.2004 News Analysis: A Tug of War Over Ukraine

24.Nov.2004 Heute in den Feuilletons: Kreuzung von Che Guevara und Sultan Saladin

24.Nov.2004 Aktionärswechsel: Zeitenwende bei Panzerschmiede Rheinmetall

24.Nov.2004 Irak-Engagement: Rumsfeld kritisiert Verbündete (

24.Nov.2004 Mengele-Briefe aufgetaucht: Todesengel ohne Reue

24.Nov.2004 Schwarze Löcher: Uralt-Giganten bringen Theorien ins Wanken

24.Nov.2004 Interview mit Sönke Wortmann: "Wir Deutsche sind zu extrem"

24.Nov.2004 Irak-Engagement: Rumsfeld kritisiert Verbündete

The Government Accoutability Office is going to investigate the voting irregularities of 2004 elections.

Here is the press release we just received in our email minutes ago:
Government Accountability Office to Conduct Investigation of 2004 Election Irregularities
(Washington, DC) Reps. John Conyers, Jr., Jerrold Nadler, Robert Wexler, Robert Scott + Rush Holt announced

24.Nov.2004 today that, in response to their 05.Nov.2004+08.Nov.2004 letters to USA Government Accountability Office (GAO),

the GAO has decided to move forward with an investigation of election irregularities in the 2004 election.

The five Members issued the following statement:
"We are pleased that the GAO has reviewed the concerns expressed in our letters and has found them of sufficient merit to warrant further investigation. On its own authority, the GAO will examine the security and accuracy of voting technologies, distribution + allocation of voting machines + counting of provisional ballots.

We are hopeful that GAO's non-partisan + expert analysis will get to the bottom of the flaws uncovered in the 2004 election.

As part of this inquiry, we will provide copies of specific incident reports received in our offices, including more than 57,000 such complaints provided to the House Judiciary Committee.
"The core principle of any democracy is the consent of the governed.

All Americans, no matter how they voted, need to have confidence that when they cast their ballot, their voice is heard."
The Members listed above were joined in requesting the non-partisan GAO investigation by Reps. Melvin Watt, John Olver, Bob Filner, Gregory Meeks, Barbara Lee, Tammy Baldwin, Louise Slaughter + George Miller.
As well, more breaking news seems to be coming this afternoon as well.

Notable items I hope to have more on later today:
Judy Woodruff teases with "Did E-Voting Work?" on her show scheduled for 3:30pm ET (12:30pm PT) (
A report at on the GAO Investigation is now online here. Video of Woodruff's report here.)
I may have some more "news from Jeff Fisher" for you later today (he called last night + I hope to speak to him shortly)
And then there was this last night from Bev Harris at
23.Nov.2004 UPDATE due Tuesday - A significant development, announcement late afternoon or evening.
22.Nov.2004 BREAKING -- MONDAY :
Florida counties stonewall records requests.

While some Florida counties have been attentive to the public interest and have promptly complied with our public records requests (scroll down for the Nov. 2 records request, for critical audit diagnostics), other counties have stalled, stonewalled, failed to comply in a timely manner, or outright refused to provide the records. Stay tuned for who they are and what happens next.
Apparently reports of my "vacation" may have been greatly exaggerated...Stand by...ALL DEVELOPING...
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READER COMMENTS ON "GAO to Investigate Voting Irregularities!" ( 7 comments so far... )

...pamindurham commented on 23.Nov.2004 @ 12:50pm PT... It's paying off, Brad. Your hard work is making it safe for the comeback of democracy.
Kudos to Mel Watt, from the Tar Heel state, where we've got a boatload of voting "irregularities".
Pam's House Blend ...Consene commented on 23.Nov.2004 @ 1:16pm PT...

Vacation vs Liberty Liberty vs Vacation - No dilemma.
You made the right choice again. ......thank you Brad.

...Brad commented on 23.Nov.2004 @ 1:59pm PT...

Thanks, Consene...though one of the reasons for said vacation was my brain now operating at sub-par levels due to overload and exhaustion.

I'll continue to measure the need for brain regeneration versus news that needs to be told. Which means...most likely...more news shortly... :-(

...tweetie commented on 23.Nov.2004 @ 4:47pm PT...

Thanks for post about the GAO investigation Brad. Had been looking out for that decision.

There's a Post-Election Syndrome out here...the main symptom is a sudden inexplicable allergy to any form of mainstream media.

So your input is crucial but if you need time out to recharge, OK but hurry back.
Isn't this surreal? In a nation full of mass media we are starving for tidbits of a bunch of goldfish gasping at the top of the bowl--and it sure looks like somebody wants to flush us out of the system.

But together we are gonna swim right thru their cheap little nets... 02.Nov.2004 election was an eye-opener.

Follow the slime trails.... :) :) :)

...patricia Jarvis commented on 23.Nov.2004 @ 5:26pm PT...

What a guy! Thanks, Brad. If MSM ever decides to do their job, maybe you can get that vacation. Glad you are on it.

...tracy commented on 23.Nov.2004 @ 9:32pm PT...

Thank you....your time and effort is much appreciated and worth it.... but do take care of yourself. Mainstream media isn't touching any of this *at all* --- time off from the mess will still find a mess.... and maybe others who have taken up some of the slack... here's a new site.... they are trying to keep everything as a verified item, too...
try to get some sleep

...winter patriot commented on 23.Nov.2004 @ 9:36pm PT...

Thanks again, Brad, for all your good work. Fortunately for all of us, you running on fumes are still better than 99% of the MSM idiots running on full tanks. ;-)
Blogged by Brad on 23.Nov.2004 @ 12:03pm PT...
GAO to Investigate Voting Irregularities!

24.Nov.2004 With more than 14 Democratic Congressman now joining the call for the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to investigate the E-Voting Irregularities, word has just come out that they will indeed begin an investigation!
24.Nov.2004 I am so concerned with our country and the division. I still stand by my vote, which was for John Kerry.

George W. Bush has a lot of work to do to change the way I feel.

Putting him up on a billboard does not make him a better president. His actions speak louder than words.

I wonder if anyone else finds the president’s picture on a billboard odd? I’m sorry, but it reminds me of countries with dictators + it seems people are making him out to be the messiah, the savior of our world.

Fear, fear, fear. I’m tired of being afraid.

24.Nov.2004 Others said they’d seen a similar sign in Jacksonville along I-95.

“We don’t do political advertising,” said Clear Channel sales representative Brad Parsons in Jacksonville. He said the photograph was bogus.

A second Jacksonville rep acknowledged the company did political advertising but only when paid for by a third party.

When asked if he would look at the picture for verification, he declined to give out his email address.

The posted was first noticed by the liberal forum Democratic Underground.

Developing… Additional photographs forthcoming…

24.Nov.2004 “The first thing I thought was, when was the last time I have seen a president on a billboard?” wrote resident Dianna Lawson.

“Didn’t Saddam Hussein have his picture up everywhere? What next, a statue?”

24.Nov.2004 -recently- A billboard put up in Orlando bearing a smiling photograph of President Bush with the words “Our Leader” is raising eyebrows among progressives who feel the poster is akin to that of propaganda used by tyrannical regimes.

RAW STORY confirmed the billboard’s existence Monday evening. At our behest, a member of an Orlando media organization drove past the billboard on two occasions and verified that it was indeed the one pictured.

The billboard pictured, which is on I-4, says that it is a “political public service message brought to you by Clear Channel Outdoor.”

The member, who declined to be named out of concern for their employer, discovered a second billboard bearing the same image along the same route, paid for by Charles W. Clayton Jr.

Clear Channel Outdoor Orlando said they could not respond to requests for comment this week because their press person was “away.”

They referred calls to their San Antonio corporate parent, which did not return two messages for comment.

23.Nov.2004 "Economic Armageddon" (link fixed) The only story more important than vote fraud is the hellish condition of the USA economy, due to the ghastly overspending of George W. Bush.

Those who still don't get it must read this piece in the Boston Herald.

Morgan Stanley's chief financial expert Stephen Roach, is privately telling associates that our nation has only a 1-in-10 chance of avoiding "armageddeon":
In a nutshell, Roach's argument is that America's record trade deficit means the dollar will keep falling. To keep foreigners buying T-bills and prevent a resulting rise in inflation, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan will be forced to raise interest rates further and faster than he wants.
The result: U.S. consumers, who are in debt up to their eyeballs, will get pounded. Wonder how the propagandists are gong to blame that situation on Bill Clinton?

24.Nov.2004 The cult of Bush More proof that Bush-worship has become a cult can be found
here. Warning: Click on that link only if you want to see a truly frightening image.
# posted by Joseph : 5:11 PM  2 comments

But the news is pretty damn startling. The
Government Accounting Office has finally decided to investigation the many reports of "irregularities" with the electronic vote. See also Judy Woodruff's report.
Maureen Farrell has written
a fine piece on the media reaction to the growing academic consensus that the official count does not reflect the will of the electorate. She directs our attention to yet another academic assessment by David Dill of Stanford.
Bev Harris , at this writing, has not yet made the promised "significant" announcement. When she does, I hope to offer a few comments.
Remember Dr. Steven Freeman? The one who said that the exit poll discrepancy in a mere three states was a 250,000-to-one shot? He has
a new, updated version of his paper out.
# posted by Joseph : 4:16 PM  3 comments

24.Nov.2004 Eine Sprecherin des Weißen Hauses, Claire Buchan, sagte dagegen, die USA seien über "umfangreiche und glaubwürdige Anzeichen für begangenen Betrug in der ukrainischen Präsidentenwahl zutiefst besorgt". Man unterstütze entschieden die Überprüfung des Abstimmungsverlaufs und appelliere an die ukrainische Regierung, kein Ergebnis amtlich zu bestätigen, bevor Ermittlungen über organisierten Betrug abgeschlossen seien.
24.Nov.2004 Putin erklärte unterdessen in Lissabon, er habe Wiktor Janukowitsch auf Grundlage von Wählernachfragen gratuliert. Das andere Wählernachfragen den Oppositionskandidaten Juschtschenko vorne sahen, erwähnte er nicht. Das russische Außenministerium warf der EU vor, mit einer Parteinahme für Juschtschenko die "Opposition offen zur illegalen Anwendung von Gewalt zu drängen". EU und USA ermutigten "radikalen Oppositionskräfte in der Ukraine".
24.Nov.2004 Das US-Außenministerium bestätigte gestern, dass der russische Botschafter Jurij Uschakow am Montag einbestellt worden sei. Die für Europa zuständige stellvertretende Außenministerin Elizabeth Jones habe wissen wollen, warum Präsident Wladimir Putin bereits dem Regierungskandidaten Wiktor Janukowitsch gratuliert habe. Das russische Außenministerium bestätigte den Vorgang nicht direkt, sprach aber für den Fall, dass er tatsächlich stattgefunden habe, von einer Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten zweier Staaten. Eine entsprechende Erklärung wurde von einem ranghohen Beamten des Moskauer Außenministeriums anonym herausgegeben. "Wenn das wirklich stattgefunden hat, würde das eine beispiellose Einmischung in die Beziehungen zweier Länder bedeuten", schrieb der russische Außenamtsbeamte. Unklar war, warum das Außenministerium nicht wissen sollte, ob das Treffen stattgefunden haben sollte oder nicht. Ein Sprecher des State Departments, Kurtis Cooper, bestätigte den Vorgang erst nach der anonymen russischen Stellungnahme.
24.Nov.2004 Aber auch Kutschma schlug in einer im Fernsehen verlesenen Erklärung zunächst einen scharfen Ton an. Die Massendemonstrationen in der Hauptstadt bezeichnete er als "politische Farce", die extrem gefährlich sei und zu unvorhersehbaren Konsequenzen führen könne. Er rief aber auch zu einer Verhandlungslösung auf: "Wir sollten friedlich und mit Bedacht die komplizierte Lage erörtern und der Gesellschaft wirkliche Schritte zur Beilegung der Krise vorschlagen." Er sei überzeugt, dass dies der einzige Weg sei, eine ausgewogene Lösung zu finden, damit die Ukraine nicht zerfalle.
Juschtschenko kündigte zuvor eine Kampagne des zivilen Ungehorsams an. "Die Ukraine ist an der Schwelle eines zivilen Konflikts", sagte er in einer Dringlichkeitssitzung des Parlaments. "Wir haben zwei Wahlmöglichkeiten: Entweder wird das Parlament oder die Straße die Antwort geben."
24.Nov.2004 Nervenprobe auf dem Unabhängigkeitsplatz
In Kiew wächst die Gefahr einer direkten Konfrontation zwischen Anhängern der beiden Kandidaten für die ukrainische Präsidentschaft: Während Unterstützer des Oppositionsführers Juschtschschenko eine Zeltstadt auf dem Unabhängigkeitsplatz errichtet haben, bauten Gefolgsleute von Premier Janukowitsch heute Morgen ihr Lager nur 500 Meter entfernt auf.

24.Nov.2004 "Sozialismus ist die einzige Hoffnung"
Kubas Staats- und Parteichef Fidel Castro hält unverdrossen an seinen Idealen fest. Mit einem Loblied auf den Sozialismus ehrte er nun seinen chinesischen Amtskollegen Hu Jintao. "Der Sozialismus bleibt definitiv die einzige reale Hoffnung auf Frieden und das Überleben unserer Art", sagte er in Havanna.

24.Nov.2004 Havanna - "China hat sich heute in die vielversprechendste Hoffnung und das beste Beispiel für alle Länder der Dritten Welt verwandelt", fügte der 78-jährige Revolutionsführer bei der Verleihung des Jose-Marti-Ordens, der höchsten kubanischen Auszeichnung, an seinen Gast hinzu. Hu Jintao war am Montag in Kuba eingetroffen. Es war der Abschluss einer Lateinamerikareise, bei der Hu in Brasilien, Argentinien und Chile milliardenschwere chinesische Investitionen angekündigt hatte. Auf Kuba will China mehr als 500 Millionen US-Dollar in die Modernisierung der Nickelindustrie investieren. Für China haben die Rohstoffe Lateinamerikas strategische Bedeutung.
Kuba und China pflegen seit der Auflösung der Sowjetunion enge Beziehungen. Während China seine Volkswirtschaft aber immer weiter für privates Kapital geöffnet hat, hat das kommunistische Kuba die 1993 eingeleiteten zaghaften Wirtschaftsreformen zum Teil schon wieder rückgängig gemacht. Castro, der seinen Gast wegen eines Kniescheibenbruchs im Rollstuhl empfing, hatte China zuletzt Anfang 2003 besucht.
Castro ehrt Hu Jintao: "Sozialismus ist die einzige Hoffnung"

24.Nov.2004 Deal: KaZaA bietet Internet-Telefonie

24.Nov.2004 Umfrage: Besseres Verhältnis von Deutschen zu Ausländern

24.Nov.2004 Abrupter Abgang: Bushs Chef-Wirtschaftsberater gibt auf

24.Nov.2004 Machtkampf in der Ukraine: Nervenprobe auf dem Unabhängigkeitsplatz

24.Nov.2004 Münchner Neonazi-Prozess: Hauptsache Tote, Hauptsache gegen die Demokratie

23.Nov.2004 UPDATE due Tuesday Nov 23 -- A significant development, announcement late afternoon or evening.

22.Nov.2004 BREAKING -- MONDAY NOV 22 2004: Florida counties stonewall records requests.

While some Florida counties have been attentive to the public interest + have promptly complied with our public records requests (scroll down for the 02.Nov.2004 records request, for critical audit diagnostics),

other counties have stalled, stonewalled, failed to comply in a timely manner, or outright refused to provide the records. Stay tuned for who they are and what happens next.

Washington Post concurs:
The outcome of the vote has brought this confrontation to a head. According to exit polls, the democratic opposition won handily, by 54 to 43 % in one survey.

But yesterday the government revealed its intent to steal the election, announcing that Mr. Yanukovych had a decisive lead in the vote count.

Tens of thousands of outraged citizens filled the center of Kiev last night to oppose this authoritarian coup.

The USA + other Western governments must do everything possible to support them.

Bev Harris. tells us to expect a major announcement in the afternoon or evening 23.Nov.2004 . Keep checking there...
Thom Hartmann has a good piece on what Ms. Harris has been doing in Florida.
23.Nov.2004 Here come the Dems!

The Ohio Democratic party has officially announced its participation in the recount effort. From the press release:
"As Senator Kerry stated in his concession speech in Boston, we do not necessarily expect the results of the election to change,

however, we believe it necessary to make sure everyone's vote is counted fairly + accurately," said Dennis White, Ohio Democratic Party chair.

Anyone who denounces the tepid tone of this announcement does not understand politics.

The recount will not proceed efficiently if the Republicans combat the effort with a series of Orwellian hate rallies.

At this point, low key is the best key.
Can the recount swing the election toward Kerry, even in the absence of courtroom-quality proof of vote tampering? Yes.
23.Nov.2004 have
Dr. Richard Hayes Phillips on the systematic shift of votes from Kerry [KJF966] to Bush [BGW968] in Cleveland, Ohio:
22.Nov.2004 Vote fraud? Maybe somewhere else -- but not here The evidence of election fraud keeps getting stronger -- and stranger .
Vote fraud in the Ukraine. We must consider the Washington Times an authoritative source -- after all, it is owned by an actual messiah . (No, really! He even has a crown to prove his messiah-hood.) I was therefore startled when the Times graced its audience with this gorgeous paragraph:
Election authorities said the government-backed presidential candidate, Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, maintained a comfortable margin with nearly all votes counted, despite exit polls showing opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko winning.
Washington Post concurs:
The outcome of the vote has brought this confrontation to a head. According to exit polls, the democratic opposition won handily, by 54 % to 43 % in one survey.

But yesterday the government revealed its intent to steal the election, announcing that Mr. Yanukovych had a decisive lead in the vote count.

Tens of thousands of outraged citizens filled the center of Kiev last night to oppose this authoritarian coup.

The USA and other Western governments must do everything possible to support them. All right, class...let's review:
What is the proof of vote fraud in the Ukraine? The final tallies disagreed with the exit polls. Do we have any other mechanism to verify the vote? No, we do not.
So why is vote fraud thinkable there but not here ?
Perhaps now even the dimmest of our red state brethren will grasp the real reason Republicans want to eliminate exit polls in this country.
Bev Harris. tells us to expect a major announcement in the afternoon or evening (November 23). Keep checking there...
Thom Hartmann has a good piece on what Ms. Harris has been doing in Florida.
16.Nov.2004 pursuant to a public records request, she asked to see the poll tapes for over one hundred optical scanners used in Volusia county.

(A poll tape is the print-out of results made the night of an election.)

She was handed a set of unofficial copies, suspiciously mis-dated and lacking signatures.

Since genuine poll tapes are signed by officials at each precinct, she had good reason to suspect deception.
When she demanded to see the real poll tapes, she was told to be at the elections warehouse 17.Nov.2004 -the next morning (the 17th)-.

17.Nov.2004 She arrived early, only to discover election officials huddled over a table covered, apparently, with poll tapes.

They shoved her out the door -- where she made a startling discovery:
"On the porch was a garbage bag," Bev said, "and so I looked in it and + lo and behold, there were public record tapes."
Thrown away. Discarded. Waiting to be hauled off.
"It was technically stinking, in fact," Bev added, "because what they had done was to have thrown some of their polling tapes, which are the official records of the election, into the garbage.

These were the ones signed by the poll workers. These are something we had done an official public records request for."
When the elections officials inside realized that the people outside were going through the trash, they called the police and one came out to challenge Bev.

One of Bev Harris' associates caught the shoving match on videotape.
Back at the elections office, Harris was able to compare genuine poll tapes with the fakes originally handed to her.

Sure enough, they discovered glaring mismatches. Her team then discovered a second hasty dumping of more original poll tapes.
23.Nov.2004 Finally... Anthony Wade has published a
good story on the allegations of a media blackout.

(Incidentally, it is possible that even Olbermann may now be less-inclined to dismiss those allegations, if I read between his lines aright.) An excerpt:
Right now there are going to be recounts in New Hampshire and Ohio , yet there is no coverage from the media.

There are additional stories daily about machine problems, voter fraud and statistics that defy logic, yet the media turns their collective heads and then sticks them in the sand.

How much is it going to take for the pundits and talking heads to admit there is a story?

Pretending that doctorate level citizens are wild-eyed conspiracy theorists is only proving that the media has little credibility left.

Uno-Report: Zahl der Aids-Toten höher als jemals zuvor

23.Nov.2004 Ukraine: Spezialeinheiten gehen vor Präsidialamt in Stellung

23.Nov.2004 Brandenburg: Terrorismus-Anklage gegen zwölf Rechtsextremisten

23.Nov.2004 USA: Zehn Millionen illegale Einwanderer

23.Nov.2004 US-Regierung: Bushs Wirtschaftsberater Friedman hört auf

23.Nov.2004 Kiews Protestbewegung: "Die ganze Welt soll zusehen"

23.Nov.2004 CDU-Spendenaffäre: Kanther spricht Verfassungsgericht Rationalität ab

23.Nov.2004 Ukraine: Juschtschenko leistet symbolischen Amtseid

23.Nov.2004 SPIEGEL ONLINE: Janukowitsch wird jedoch aus Moskau kräftig unterstützt. Präsident Wladimir Putin hat ihm schon zum Wahlsieg gratuliert.
Zabuzhko: Der ist lustig. Doch darum geht es nicht. Vielmehr darum, den wahren Wahlsieger Juschtschenko auf legale Art und Weise ins Amt zu bringen.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Das Land scheint politisch zerrissen zu sein. Hier die Anhänger des prorussischen Janukowitsch, dort die des prowestlichen Juschtschenko, hier die Westukraine, dort die Ostukraine ...
Zabuzhko: ... das ist Quatsch, ein Mythos, der Moskauer Propaganda entspringt. Es gibt keine wirkliche Zerrissenheit, denn Janukowitsch und Kutschma werden Umfragen zufolge von höchstens zehn Prozent des Volkes unterstützt. Diese Wahl hat bewiesen, dass sich das Volk der Ukraine einig ist in der Ablehnung des jetzigen Regimes. Vor 13 Jahren sind wir ein Staat geworden, jetzt sind wir gerade dabei, zur Nation zu werden.

23.Nov.2004 SPIEGEL ONLINE: Könnte es zu einer Revolution kommen, sollte Janukowitsch nicht einlenken - ähnlich der vor einem Jahr in Georgien, die zum Sturz Eduard Schewardnadses geführt hat?
Zabuzhko: Zurzeit sieht es nicht so aus. Ständig gibt es neue gute Nachrichten. Polizei- und Armeeoffiziere zum Beispiel laufen zum Volk über.

Das ist sehr wichtig, weil Kiew voller Truppen ist, die aus dem ganzen Land zusammengezogen wurden. Die Staatsmacht löst sich zunehmend auf.

Die derzeitige politische Klasse muss sich wahrscheinlich darauf vorbereiten, von der Macht Abschied zu nehmen.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Die meisten Medien sind staatlich kontrolliert. Woher beziehen Sie Ihre Informationen?

23.Nov.2004 SPIEGEL ONLINE: Zehntausende aus der West- und Zentralukraine sind auf dem Weg in die Hauptstadt, um Wiktor Juschtschenko, den Kandidaten der Opposition, zu unterstützen.

Die Sicherheitskräfte sind massiert worden. Wie groß ist die Gefahr, dass es zu blutigen Kämpfen zwischen der Staatsmacht und Demonstranten kommt?
Zabuzhko: Schwer zu sagen. Doch das hier ist keine Revolution, sondern eine riesige Aktion des Ungehorsams.

Es ist so klar geworden, dass Ministerpräsident Wiktor Janukowitsch keinerlei Unterstützung im Volk hat.

Wir fordern, dass die Wahl für ungültig erklärt wird.
23.Nov.2004 Die ukrainische Staatsmacht löst sich zunehmend auf"
In der Ukraine demonstrieren Hunderttausende gegen das Regime von Präsident Kutschma und dessen Nachfolgekandidaten Janukowitsch.

Truppen ziehen sich um und in der Hauptstadt zusammen. SPIEGEL ONLINE sprach mit der in Kiew lebenden Autorin Oksana Zabuzhko, eine der bedeutendsten Schriftstellerinnen der Ukraine.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Frau Zabuzhko, Sie haben die Nacht hindurch in Kiew demonstriert.

Wie ist die Lage jetzt?
Oksana Zabuzhko: Die Situation ändert sich minütlich. Der Sieg des Volkes wird immer augenscheinlicher.

Die Hoffnung ist groß, dass es zu einem legalen Machtwechsel kommt.

Es sind momentan rund eine halbe Million Menschen in den Straßen Kiews. Die Stimmung ist geprägt von Siegesgewissheit, Brüderlichkeit und Zuversicht - eine wunderbare Atmosphäre.
23.Nov.2004 Die politische Spaltung wird noch durch eine religiöse verstärkt:

in den Oppositionshochburgen der Westukraine dominiert die Unierte Kirche, verbunden mit den Katholiken gegenüber den im Osten vorherrschenden Orthodoxen.
23.Nov.2004 Die russische Rückendeckung auch gegen Massendemonstrationen der Opposition in Kiew dürfte Janukowitsch wichtiger sein als die vorsichtige Kritik aus Europa + die massiven Vorwürfe aus den USA in Sachen Wahlfälschung.
23.Nov.2004 In einem sind sich viele Ukrainer dieser Tage einig: die Ergebnisse der Präsidentenwahlen, die Sergej Kiwalow, Chef der Zentralen Wahlkommission in Kiew,

sind vermutlich so echt wie seine falschen Zähne, die er fletschend zur Schau stellt.

Mit offiziell 49,4 % der Stimmen, so Kiwalow, habe der ukrainische Premierminister Wiktor Janukowitsch den Herausforderer Wiktor Juschtschenko besiegt, der 46,7 % der Stimmen erhalten habe.

Möglich wurde der überraschend deutliche offizielle Wahlsieg des als Russland-freundlich geltenden Janukowitsch durch eine angebliche Wahlbeteiligung von örtlich mehr als 90 % in den Janukowitsch-Hochburgen im russischsprachigen Osten der Ukraine, etwa im Gebiet Donezk. Dort hat der Premier verdächtige 96 % erhalten.
Geld gekappt: US-Kongress entschärft Bushs Mini-Nukes

23.Nov.2004 Steinzeit-Sternwarte: Astro-Toreros im Harzvorland

23.Nov.2004 Ukraine: Gefährlicher Machtkampf in Europas Armenhaus

23.Nov.2004 Interview mit Schriftstellerin Zabuzhko: "Die ukrainische Staatsmacht löst sich zunehmend auf"

23.Nov.2004 Ukraine: Fischer bestellt Botschafter ein

23.Nov.2004 Ukraine-Wahl: Oppositionschef ruft zum Marsch aufs Parlament auf

23.Nov.2004 Wolfsburg: Trotz Milliardengewinn zahlt VW keine Gewerbesteuer

23.Nov.2004 Thronrede: Queen kündigt britisches FBI an

23.Nov.2004 Interview mit dem Politologen Tibi: "Wir brauchen eine europäische Leitkultur"

23.Nov.2004 Börse am Nachmittag: Euro erreicht Rekordhoch von 1,3092 Dollar

23.Nov.2004 Protestbewegung: Blick auf die georgische Rosenrevolution

23.Nov.2004 Militärbericht: Terrorist Sarkawi setzt sich nach Kirkuk ab

23.Nov.2004 Organzucht: Frankensteins Erben

23.Nov.2004 Kunst: Programm enttarnt Fälschungen

23.Nov.2004 Opinion: Strength in Disunity

23.Nov.2004 Käse weg: 28.000 Dollar für das "heilige Sandwich"

23.Nov.2004 Geldanlage: Die Tipps der vier besten Fondsprofis

23.Nov.2004 Säugetier-Solidarität: Delfine retten Schwimmer vor Hai-Attacke

23.Nov.2004 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Demokratische Version des Führerprinzips"

23.Nov.2004 Überreizte Nerven: Kreuzschmerz lässt Gehirn schrumpfen

23.Nov.2004 Rot-Grün: Schluss mit Multikulti-Kuscheln

23.Nov.2004 London: Sicherheitsdienste sollen Terroranschläge verhindert haben

23.Nov.2004 Konjunktur: Deutsche Exporte brechen ein

23.Nov.2004 Folterskandal: Bundeswehr-Verband berichtet von fünf Haupttätern

23.Nov.2004 Krebserkrankung: McDonald's-Chef muss aufgeben

23.Nov.2004 Ukraine-Wahl: Zehntausende protestieren in Kiew gegen das Ergebnis

23.Nov.2004 Telekom-Prozess: Tonnenweise Wut

23.Nov.2004 Your anti-state, anti-war, pro-market news site. Updated continually. URL:   index-27.htm
".. home and abroad. Article by Frank Rich.        Lew Rockwell on the shameful WSJ.

Thomas E. Woods, Jr., on un-PC history.

Karen Kwiatkowski on the stalker state.

Gary North on government vs. health.

Gary North 23.Nov.2004 TheDespoiling Of America URL:   TheDespoilingOfAmerica.htm
".. were spoken with the certainty of a man who holds the authority of God’s wrath on earth, for he not only challenged the evil nations of the world, singling out Iraq, Syria, Iran + North Korea as the “axis of evil,” but he wielded the sword of punishment and the sword of revenge against his own people: the American poor and the middle class who according to .."
".. its Constitution and its laws.  

Born in Christian Reconstructionism, which was founded by the late R. J. Rushdoony, the framers of the new cult included Rushdoony, his son-in-law Gary North , Pat Robertson, Herb Titus, the former Dean of Robertson’s Regent University School of Public Policy (formerly CBN University), Charles Colson, Robertson’s political .."

23.Nov.2004 TheSwiftAdvanceOfaPlannedCoup.htm URL:   TheSwiftAdvanceOfaPlannedCoup.htm
".. list of members from several years prior that reveal the heavy weights in the Christian and hard right dominionist movement.

Here is a sample: Gary Bauer, Pat Boone, Grover Norquist, Dr. Gary North and R. J. Rushdoony, (North's father-in-law, the founder of the Christian Reconstructionist and Dominionist movement), Lt. Col. Oliver North, Pat Robertson, James Robinson, Howard J. .."
Records: 1-20 of 2276 02.Nov.2004 USA Presidential Election Fraud FILES
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
23.Nov.2004 Amman – "Wir prüfen die Möglichkeit einer Klage gegen die USA + die US-Regierung", erklärte ein Sprecher der Saddam-Anwälte am Montag.

Demnach wollen die Verteidiger den Fall vor dem Internationalen Gerichtshof in Den Haag verhandeln.
Den USA werden Kriegsverbrechen gegen den Irak + die Iraker vorgeworfen.

Die Saddam-Anwälte wollen die USA wegen Massenmordes, Verstoß gegen die Genfer-Konventionen + den Vorfällen in der umkämpften Stadt Falludscha zur Verantwortung ziehen.
Wie der Sprecher sagte, akzeptiert der Gerichtshof keine Klagen von Einzelpersonen.

Deswegen soll die ehemalige irakische Regierung als Kläger auftreten.

"Wir sehen in Saddam den legitimen Präsidenten des Iraks.

Seine Regierung ist die einzige Regierung der Iraker", sagte der Sprecher.

Deswegen sei Saddam berichtigt Klage einzureichen.
Auch andere Mitglieder der Ex-Regierung könnten in dieser Weise aktiv werden.

Demnach sind die Verteidiger mit Vertretern des gestürzten Regimes in Kontakt. Namen nannte der Sprecher nicht.
Weiter verwiesen die Anwälte darauf, dass sie bislang noch keine Möglichkeit hatten, mit Saddam zu sprechen.

Deswegen hatte die Verteidigung bereits zuvor mit einer Klage gedroht.URL:,1518,druck-329199,00.html

23.Nov.2004 Luftverkehr: Flugzeug stürzt auf Weg zu Bush [BGHW948] senior ab
Crash in Texas: Ein Privatflugzeug, das den früheren US-Präsidenten Bush [BGW968] in Houston abholen sollte, ist abgestürzt. Drei Menschen an Bord kamen ums Leben.

Houston - Die Maschine vom Typ Gulfstream G-1159A ging am Montag bei dichtem Nebel in unbebautem Gebiet drei Kilometer südlich des Flughafens nieder.

Der Sprecher Bush [BGHW948]s, Tom Freschette, sagte in Houston, das Flugzeug sei in Dallas gestartet +

habe den Vater des jetzigen US-Präsidenten Bush [BGW968], ihn selbst + einen Geheimdienstbeamten nach Ecuador bringen sollen.

Dort wollte Bush [BGHW948] eine Rede halten.URL:,1518,druck-329208,00.html
23.Nov.2004 We are surrounded by poor and low-income people.

(The definitions can be elastic + easily blurred, but essentially we're talking about individuals and families that don't have enough money to cover the essentials - food, shelter, clothing, transportation + so forth.)

Many of them are full-time workers + some have more than one job.
A new study by the Center for an Urban Future, a nonprofit research group, found that

more than 550,000 families in New York - a quarter of all working families in the state - had incomes that were too low to cover their basic needs.
USA just had a bitterly contested presidential election, but this very serious problem (it's hardly confined to New York) was not a major part of the debate.URL:,1518,druck-329193,00.html
23.Nov.2004 Shhh, Don't Say 'Poverty'
Even though 11.2 % of households struggle to feed themselves, poverty is not even close to being on USA national agenda. By BOB HERBERT

Former Senator Phil Gramm, a Republican from Texas who was known for his orneriness, once said, "We're the only nation in the world where all our poor people are fat."
That particular example of compassionate conservatism came to mind as I looked over a report from the Department of Agriculture showing that

more than 12 million USA families continue to struggle + not always successfully, to feed themselves.
The 12 million families represent 11.2 % of all USA households.

"At some time during the year," the report said,

"these households were uncertain of having, or unable to acquire, enough food for all their members because they had insufficient money or other resources." URL:,1518,druck-329193,00.html

00.000.2004 President Bush [BGW968] defied both public opinion + history to win the election 51 % - 48 % .

How was this done? Simple...

Vote suppression/voter intimidation and deception. Shortages of voting locations and ballot forms.

Foreign monitors barred from polls. Unmatched exit polls/actual results - actual results always skewed to Republicans. Masses of e-Voting "glitches".

Computers lost votes.

Presidential votes miscast on e-Voting machines throughout the US.

More recorded votes than voters.

Republicans gained 128.45 % in Florida counties using optical scan voting machines while Democrats lost 21 % - some districts showed gains of over 400 % while one, Liberty County, gained over 700 % for Republicans.

Warren County officials locked down the county administration building on election night + blocked anyone from observing the vote count as the nation awaited Ohio's returns.

Bush [BGW968] had 'incredible' vote tallies.

7 % turnout reported in Cleveland precinct.

In Cuyahoga County different towns had the exact same number of "extra" votes. And on + on... URL:

Full details:

02.Nov.2004 Votefraud Whar really happened

03.Nov.2004 Votefraud Whar really happened

04.Nov.2004 Votefraud Whar really happened

05.Nov.2004 Votefraud Whar really happened

06.Nov.2004 Votefraud Whar really happened

08.Nov.2004 Votefraud Whar really happened

09.Nov.2004 Votefraud Whar really happened

10.Nov.2004 Votefraud Whar really happened

11.Nov.2004 Votefraud Whar really happened

You wouldn't steal George, would ya?

Incumbents never make surges from their last horse race number.


00.000.19-- The alleged miracle comeback of incumbent Truman, Harry can not be included in this study because Gallup issued it's "final" result 2 weeks before the election.

00.000.1956 Eisenhower's final horserace projection 59.5%, his actual vote total 57.8%

00.000.1964 Johnson's final horse race projection 64%, his actual share of the vote 61.3%

00.000.1972 Nixon's final horse race projection tally 62%, his actual vote total 61.8%

00.000.1976 Ford's final horse race projection number 49%, his % share of the vote 48.1%.

00.000.1980 Carter's final horse projection numer 44%, his real % of the vote 41%.

00.000.1984 Reagan final horse race projection tally 59%, his real share of the popular vote 59.2%.

00.000.1996 Clinton's final horse race number 52%, his actual share of the vote 49.2%

00.000.2004 President Bush [BGW968] defied both public opinion and history to win the election 51 % - 48 %.

How was this done? Simple...

22.Nov.2004 Everything that evolves is a modified version of something else that already evolved," said Greene.

"If you can trace the evolutionary history of the structures involved in a certain kind of thinking then perhaps you can make the case that the thinking in question is shaped by the creature's evolutionary history."

This kind of thinking is what led Dr. Andreas Bartels, now at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tubingen, Germany, to propose (on the basis of fMRI work) that romantic love evolved from maternal love.

Sarah Brosnan, of Emory University, Atlanta, has shown that the idea is plausible.

She found that trained monkeys have a sense of fairness: They refuse to work if a fellow monkey doing the same job is seen to receive tastier food items as payment.

22.Nov.2004 When a dispute exists between two sides, say in a court of law or in a territorial land claim, there is often a mediator.

So too, it seems, the brain has one too.

Researchers found a region called the anterior cingulate cortex, believed to be involved in mediating conflict, was highly active in brains struggling with the crying baby scenario.

Attention world! Ukrainian revolution

Yesterday, Ukrainians voted in the second round of the 2004 presidential elections.

According to the Central Electoral Committee, prime minister Viktor Yanukovych appears to have won.
It is no doubt in my mind that the elections have been rigged. IT WAS A FRAUD!!!
there is no need to go deep into details to see how blatantly were the results skewed.

In the east, in the prime minister's stronghold, Donetsk region, the turnout was 97 %.

It just can't be!

Unless one lives in North Korea or the former Soviet Union, turnout could never be that high, no matter what. Apparently, Ukraine has joined that list.
There is a big rally going on in Kyiv right now, about 100,000 people out there, on the streets, protesting the outcome.

I hope there is enough determination to keep the pressure so that the authorities will listen. But I have few illusions.

They didn't hesitate to rig the elections for they knew how much was at stake.
Russia, which had been shamelessly interfering in the Ukrainian internal affairs, has already congratulated Yanukovych on his victory.

Western observers though have protested the violations + deemed the elections unfair.
I really hope that Western governments + public opinion will finally pay attention.

We need your help, we need heads of Western governments to take a stand + come to the rescue of Ukrainian democracy.
I hope that cheap Russian gas + oil haven't bought Putin quiet approval of his imperialism.
06.Nov.2004 Is a 'civil cold war' starting in USA America?

If so, it seems the media is fueling it or ignoring it: look at this headline: "Americans flock to Canada's immigration Web site"

Recent events :

If you have not noticed, Republicans are claiming, with a slim majority, to have a widespread mandate to ‘adjust’ USA government to what they think is a new conservative paradigm.

Bush [BGW968] received the most votes of any president in history.

Cheney, Dick said that.

Wow, that must sound so convincing if you read “The Drudge Report”, but did you know

Kerry [KFJ966] received the second most votes in American election history ?

Doesn’t anyone bother to mention to Dick that the population of the USA is also bigger than ever ?

Certainly not the big media.

Dick Cheney didn’t include that part when he self proclaimed this huge mandate.

That about sums up the state of the Republican Party: half the facts, half the morals, lots of lapel pins .

[2] The Council for National Policy (CNP) was founded + LaHaye, Timothy (author of the Left Behind series) became Council for National Policy (CNP)s first president. LaHaye is credited with the idea of the organization.

The CNP has been cloaked in secrecy since its inception.

The CNP organization holds three meetings each year to plan the strategy for implementing its agenda.

The CNP activists meet with their financial backers who put up the money to execute the agenda of the institution.

The CNP membership list + any speeches made to the members are kept in strict secrecy.

White House officials have appeared before the group, including President Bush [BGW968], but their remarks have been held in secrecy.

The Yurica Report obtained a list of members from several years prior that reveal the

heavy weights in the „Christian“ + hard right dominionist movement.

Here is a sample:

Bauer, Gary

Boone, Pat

Norquist, Grover

North, Dr. Gary + Rushdoony, R. J. (North's father-in-law, the founder of the Christian Reconstructionist and Dominionist movement),

North, Lt. Col. Oliver

Robertson, Pat

Robinson, James

Ruff, Howard J.

Hunt, Nelson Bunker

Ahmanson, Howard Jr.,

Schlafly, Phyllis

Jones,Bob III,

Kemp, Jack

Keyes, Alan

Kennedy, Dr. James

LaHaye, Beverly

LaHaye, Tim

Maddoux, Marlin

Marshall, PeterJr.,

Dobson, Dr. James

Coors, Jeffrey

Coors, Joseph

Bright, Bill

Singlaub, Major General John K.

Sumner, Lt. General Gordon

Falwell, Jerry

Fiore, Father Charles

Gottlieb, Alan

Graham, Lt. General Daniel O.

Meese, Edwin

Weyrich, Paul

Whitehead, John W.

Wildmon, Rev. Donald

du Pont, Pierre

Drexel, Ann

Borchgrave, Arnaud de

DeVos, Richard

Dolan, Terry

Dannemeyer, Sen. William

Helms, Jesse


Since when has any nation trembled before a handful of criminals?

Call them what you may— Pirates ? Outlaws ? Gangs ? Or Goliath ?

They have never had a future much less a projection of a hundred years of successful criminality.

Our world has never been safe from dangers: mankind has been subjected to earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, diseases, accidents, + has not death visited both the young and old?

But civilization keeps marching on. Let us never follow false leaders into the valley of fear ever again.  

Mr. Bush [BGW968] needs war.

Mr. Bobbitt sells the idea of the necessity of war in this quote:

“There is a widespread view that war is simply a pathology of the State, that healthy states will not fight wars.

This view ignores the role strategy plays in the formation and continuance of states.

War, like law, sustains the State by giving it the means to carry out its purposes of protection, preservation + defense.” (p. 780)

How Machiavellian Mr. Bobbitt sounds. Peace is bad for us. And war is not only good—it’s a necessity.

In actuality,
the concept that dominionist minded conservatives should establish parallel or dual institutions is a new form of segregation.

This is especially apparent when a conservative institution offers the same services or products as the liberal oriented institutions.

In other words,

if it is not possible for dominionists to takeover or grab power in every institution —they create a parallel world so that the left is to be separated + segregated from the right + conservatives are urged to purchase from the conservative institutions.

The fact that Weyrich’s plan has actually been instituted is all around us.

The Council on Foreign Relations is mimicked by the secretive dominionist Council for National Policy. [2]

The so called “liberal” press is countered with Fox News + Sun Myung Moon’s Washington Times +

dominionist talk show hosts spew their right wing political views + venom from coast to coast.

Public schools are countered with private home + chartered schools.

And in the last few months a move has been made within the churches to break-up and divide denominations along the lines of conservative beliefs in certain social issues

so that two sets of churches will be created: one that practices right wing politics + one that is liberal!

We must be feared, so that they will think twice before opening their mouths… „

“We will maintain a constant barrage of criticism against the Left.

We will attack the very legitimacy of the Left.

We will not give them a moment’s rest.

We will endeavor to prove that the Left does not deserve to hold sway over the heart and mind of a single American. 

We will offer constant reminders that there is an alternative, there is a better way.

When people have had enough of the sickness + decay of today’s American culture,

they will be embraced by + welcomed into the New Traditionalist movement.

The rejection of the existing society by the people will thus be accomplished by pushing them and pulling them simultaneously.

“We will use guerrilla tactics to undermine the legitimacy of the dominant regime…

“We must, as Mr. Weyrich has suggested, develop a network of parallel cultural institutions

existing side-by-side with the dominant leftist cultural institutions.

The building + promotion of these institutions

will require the development of a movement that will not merely reform the existing post-war conservative movement,

but will in fact be forced to supersede it — if it is to succeed at all—

because it will pursue a very different strategy + be premised on a very different view of its role in society….

“There will be three main stages in the unfolding of this movement.

The first stage will be devoted to the development of a highly motivated elite able to coordinate future activities.

The second stage will be devoted to the development of institutions designed to make an impact on the wider elite +

a relatively small minority of the masses.

The third stage will involve changing the overall character of American popular culture….

“Our movement will be entirely destructive + entirely constructive.

We will not try to reform the existing institutions.

We only intend to weaken them + eventually destroy them.

We will endeavor to knock our opponents off-balance + unsettle them at every opportunity.

All of our constructive energies will be dedicated to the creation of our own institutions….“

Weyrich, Paul’s Secret Manual on How to Win Politically

00.Feb.2004-23.Nov.2004 Since the writing + posting of my essay, The Despoiling of America

there is more + more evidence that not only has a cultural war been launched, but that the plotters are winning it. “Dominionism” now looks more like a term that is applicable to both right-wing-religious believers + to

the neo-cons who were created + born in an astonishing resurgence of an immoral Machiavellianism: both groups believe in domination and control.

While religious adherents adopted a decidedly heretical Christian doctrine,[1] the neo-cons continue to use the American churches to help execute their cabal.

It was expressed this way by a Yurica Report talk board participant:

“One of the more sinister aspects of the current crisis is the influence of Strauss, Leo on the pro-war, “neo-cons” who are determining so much of USA foreign policy.

While the Christian right thinks it is running the show, Strauss, Leo s irreligious philosophy is actually in control.

Strauss, Leo believed that the rulers should not be religious, but should use religion to manage the people — which he evidently regarded as a stupid herd.

Strauss, Leo also believed that a state of war was great for controlling + directing the masses.

So it’s all come together: the weirdest book of the bible [Revelations], with its mysterious disasters;

the scheming behind the scenes warmongers + an incident of terrorism that has served admirably as the Project for a New American Century’s hoped-for ‘new Pearl Harbor.’” Adrien Rain

Americans + the main-stream media have been very slow in catching on to the fact that we are in a war—a war that is cultural + religious + political.

One document not mentioned in The Despoiling of America is the closeted manual that reveals how the right wing in American politics can get + keep power.

It was created under the tutelage of Weyrich, Paul , the man who founded the Free Congress Foundation.

Conservative leaders consider Weyrich, Paul to be the “most powerful man in American politics today.”

There is no question of Weyrich, Paul immense influence in conservative circles.

Weyrich, Paul is also considered the founder of the Heritage Foundation,

a conservative think tank made possible with funding from Coors, Joseph + Mellon-Scaife, Richard.

00.000.1973-00.000.1974 Weyrich, Paul , Heritage Foundation Founding President.

To get a sense of how REACTIONARY the political fight for power in the USA is,

we need to look at a few quotes from what has been dubbed, “Paul Weyrich’s Teaching Manual,”

the Free Congress Foundation’s strategic plan on how to gain control of the government of the USA

Written by Heubeck, Eric, titled, “The Integration of Theory and Practice: A Program for the New Traditionalist Movement,” the document is no longer available at the Free Congress Foundation’s website for obvious reasons. But excerpts are published at the Yurica Report . The excerpts explain why the Dominionists are winning; the tactics they endorse are sheer Machiavellian:

I have paraphrased the four immoral principles of the Dominionist movement as the following:

1) Falsehoods are not only acceptable, they are a necessity.

The corollary is: The masses will accept any lie if it is spoken with vigor, energy + dedication.

2) It is necessary to be cast under the cloak of “goodness”

whereas all opponents + their ideas must be cast as “evil.”

3) Complete destruction of every opponent must be accomplished through unrelenting personal attacks.

4) The creation of the appearance of overwhelming power + brutality is necessary

in order to destroy the will of opponents to launch opposition of any kind.

According to Jeffry Sharlet ,who wrote about a particular Dominionist leadership training group in Harper’s magazine -

Hitler’s „Mein Kampf“ studied as textbooks in Dominionist leadership training group +

William L. Shirer’s „The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich“ studied as textbooks in Dominionist leadership training group

The Myth of Terrorism + How the Corporate Complex Joined the Power Grab

Yes! To this thought I hold with firm persistence;
The last result of wisdom stamps it true:
He only earns his freedom and existence,
Who daily conquers them anew.

Thus here, by dangers girt, shall glide away
Of childhood, manhood, age, the vigorous day:
And such a throng I fain would see,--
Stand on free soil among a people free!
Then dared I hail the Moment fleeing:
“Ah, still delay—thou art so fair !”  

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, from Faust

22.Nov.2004 URL:
The first thing I did to steal your election was to make friends with ALL the manufacturers + code-verifyers of the Electronic Voting Machines.

They were really nice, especially Diebold who gave me $600,000 for my campaign. Wow, thanks dude!

Here's a nice chart to show you what I mean. Take special note of how the electronic voting machine totals compare to the paper ballot totals. And see what I mean about North Carolina?


22.Nov.2004 I've said it before + I'll say it again, "Fool me once...", oh CRAP, I forgot again. Well how about this? "This would be a heck of lot easier if this was a dictatorship... just so long as I'm the dictator. Heh, heh." Well, sorry to say folks, but I got my way. What are you gonna do about it, huh? Bring it on!!!

What are Israeli Army Reconnaissance Teams doing in Patagonia ? 

20.Nov.2004 Hundreds of protesters have been arrested throughout Chile over the past week + thousands of additional police are on duty in Santiago for the largest security operation since the papal visit in 1987.

Organisers estimated more than 50,000 people marched through the city centre, hours before leaders from the 21 economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation group arrived for a weekend of meetings focusing on free trade and security. URL:,3858,5067750-110878,00.html
22.Nov.2004 The Chilean Social Forum organised the march, which ended in a rally in Parque Bustamante.Slogans : "Another world is possible"+"Santiago is ours". URL:,3858,5067750-110878,00.html
22.Nov.2004 At 500,000, the Palestinian community in Chile is the largest outside the Middle East. URL:,3858,5067750-110878,00.html

22.Nov.2004 On one of Powell's futile diplomatic trips, his informal conversation with reporters turned to a new book, The Accidental American: Tony Blair and the Presidency, by James Naughtie.

In it, Powell is quoted as describing the neocons to British foreign minister, Jack Straw, as "fucking crazies".

That, the reporters suggested, might be an apt title for his next volume of memoirs. Powell laughed uncontrollably.

Sidney Blumenthal, a former senior adviser to President Clinton, is Washington bureau chief of URL:,3858,5065649-110878,00.html
22.Nov.2004 A system of bureaucratic fear + one-party allegiance is being created in this strange soviet Washington.

Only loyalists are rewarded.

Rice stands as the model.

One can never be too loyal.

And the loyalists compete to outdo each other.

Dissonant information is seen as motivated to injure the president, disloyalty bordering on treason.

Success is defined as support for the political line; failure perceived as departure from the line.

An atmosphere of personal vendetta + an incentive system for suppressing realities prevails.

This is not an administration; it does not administer - it is a regime. URL:,3858,5065649-110878,00.html
22.Nov.2004 Colin Powell's final scene was a poignant but harsh exposure of his self-delusion + humiliation.

The former general Powell held in his head an idea of himself as sacrificing + disciplined.

But the good soldier Powell was dismissed at last by his commander-in-chief as a bad egg.

Bush [BGW968] + Cheney + Rumsfeld regarded Powell either as a useful tool or a vain obstructionist.

Bush [BGW968] + Cheney + Rumsfeld deployed Powell s reputation as the most popular man + the most credible face in the US for their own Bush [BGW968] + Cheney + Rumsfeld ends +

when Powell contributed an independent view Powell was isolated + undermined.

As secretary of state Powell has been a peripheral figure, even a fig leaf, ever since his climactic moment before the UN security council on which Powell staked his credibility.

There Powell presented the case that WMD in Iraq required war, a case consisting of 26 falsehoods + about which Powell later claimed to have been "deceived".

When the statue of Saddam was toppled, Powell offered President Bush [BGW968] 17 volumes of Powell : Future of Iraq project, but it was rejected.

Predicting everything from the looting to the insurgency + suggesting how it might be avoided, the Powell : Future of Iraq project was politically incorrect.

Powell had wanted to stay on for the first six months of Bush [BGW968]'s second term to help shepherd a new Middle East peace process, but the president insisted on Powell resignation.

Rice, Condoleezza was named in Powell s place.

She had failed at every important task as national security adviser, pointedly neglecting terrorism before 11.Sep.2001 enthusiastically parroting the false claim that Saddam had a nuclear weapons programme,

while suppressing contrary intelligence, mismanaging her part of postwar policy so completely that she had to cede it to a deputy + eviscerating the Middle East road map.

As incompetent as she was at her actual job, she was agile at bureaucratic positioning.

Early on, she figured out how to align with the neo-conservatives + to damage Powell.

Her usurpation is a lesson to Powell in blind ambition + loyalty.

Powell's sacking + Rice's promotion are more than examples of behaviour punished + rewarded.

Powell fall + her rise signal the purge of the CIA + the state department, a neocon night of the long knives.

Bush [BGW968]'s attitude is that of the intimidating loyalty enforcer that he was in his father's political campaigns.

The CIA has not been forgiven for failing to support Cheney's phantasmagorical case linking Saddam to al-Qaida.

00.Sep.2004 -And the release in- of the outline of the most recent National Intelligence Estimate, laying out dark scenarios for Iraq, was considered an act of insubordination intended to help oust Bush [BGW968] in the election.

The new CIA director, Goss, Porter has installed partisan aides at the top + senior officials have been fired.

The new CIA director, Goss, Porter has issued a party line diktat that the CIA's mission is to "support the administration + its policies".

Rules of engagement
17.Nov.2004 Dramatic news footage from Falluja which appears to show an USA marine shooting a prone Iraqi has caused outrage here + in the US.

But Falklands veteran Quintin Wright says that this is just what soldiers are trained to do.
17.Nov.2004 Marines defend soldier's killing of Iraqi
17.Nov.2004 leader: In the line of fire
16.Nov.2004 Inquiry into shooting of wounded Iraqi
16.Nov.2004 US does not pay back favours, says Chirac

22.Nov.2004 US risks a downhill dollar disaster
22.Nov.2004 Larry Elliott:
Bush [BGW968]'s foreign policy is simple: don't mess with America.

The same, it appears, applies to economic policy as well. URL:,12271,759893,00.html
Republicans snub Bush [BGW968] on 9/11 reforms
22.Nov.2004 -at the weekend- Conservative Republicans + Pentagon allies in Congress rebelled against President
Bush [BGW968]

by blocking legislation to reform US intelligence in the light of the 11.Sep.2001 attacks. URL:,12271,759893,00.html
18.Nov.2004 CIA memo provokes furore
16.Nov.2004 Two more spymasters quit in CIA crisis

22.Nov.2004 Six NATO allies refuse to send instructors to Iraq - Germany + France + Belgium + Spain + Luxembourg + Greece – had refused to contribute troops to the US-led coalition that overthrew President Saddam Hussein + to the post-war campaign against insurgents.

22.Nov.2004 The EU carrot, not the US stick Europeans, acting together + largely ignoring USA wishes, persuaded Iran to stop processing uranium, a key stage in the production of nuclear weapons.

22.Nov.2004 After Arafat I: The same old song The substance of the Bush [BGW968]-Blair statement on Nov. 12 was nothing more than a feeble attempt to fool the Palestinians yet again.

22.Nov.2004 President Putin planning to build superpower coalition : In terms of population, the coalition will have three quarters of the world population, largest amount of natural resources and largest pool of technical and scientific talent.

22.Nov.2004 Former neo-fascist to be Italian foreign minister : Silvio Berlusconi named Gianfranco Fini, the leader of Italy's former neo-fascists, as his new foreign minister yesterday in a move that offered the heirs of Benito Mussolini's Blackshirts the prospect of new international political respectability.

22.Nov.2004 Tax Disclosure Buried in Spending Bill : Congress debated legislation Saturday giving two committee chairman and their assistants access to income tax returns without regard to privacy protections

22.Nov.2004 US military on the scent of oil : The 2003 Defense Department's "Base Structure Report" lists 702 foreign bases owned or leased by the Pentagon, with about 6,000 more installations in the US and its possessions. As vast as this network seems, the report inexplicably fails to include any locations in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Qatar and Kosovo. And to these must now be added at least 14 garrisons in Iraq.

22.Nov.2004 Iraq: Starving children pay the price of disorder : Acute malnutrition among young children in Iraq has nearly doubled since the United States led the invasion of the country 20 months ago. -

Iraq's child malnutrition rate now roughly equals that of Burundi, a central African nation torn by more than a decade of war. It is far worse than rates in Uganda and Haiti.

22.Nov.2004 General Richard Myers: Civil war could erupt in Iraq

22.Nov.2004 Falluja: USA troops told to shoot on sight: On the eve of the assault on Falluja, the US military ordered troops to shoot any male on the street between the ages of 15 + 50 if they were seen as a security threat, regardless of whether they had a weapon.

22.Nov.2004 Iraqis and USA military an uneasy relationship : American troops as trigger-happy, fond of excessive force and acting with little regard for Iraqi lives.

21.Nov.2004 Falluja women, children in mass grave Residents of a village neighbouring Falluja have told Aljazeera that they helped bury the bodies of 73 women + children who were burnt to death by a US bombing attack.

22.Nov.2004 Doubts Fly on Terror Report's Reliability: Five months after embarrassed State Department officials acknowledged widespread mistakes in the government's influential annual report on global terrorism, internal investigators have found new and unrelated errors — as well as broader underlying problems that they say essentially have destroyed the credibility of the statistics the report is based on.

22.Nov.2004 Bush [BGW968] to Tout Anti-Drug Efforts in Colombia : President Bush [BGW968] aims to highlight the benefits of American drug-fighting aid in Colombia and boost a conservative Latin American leader with a brief, security-laden stop in the Andean nation.

22.Nov.2004 Afghanistan: Drug abuse rising warns CND: "We are noticing that illicit drug abuse is rising day by day and becoming a big problem," Alamuddin Atheer, CND's deputy director told IRIN. While there were tens of thousands of drug addicts in Afghanistan, there remained only one rehabilitation centre for the entire country, he said.

22.Nov.2004 When will foreigners stop financing the US? : In terms of the euro, the dollar has never been lower. Even in the few weeks since President Bush [BGW968] was re-elected, the dollar has dropped by 2.5 per cent in euro terms. Altogether it has lost 40 per cent of its value in the past two years.

22.Nov.2004 U.K: Civil Rights Fears Over Terror Purge : CIVIL rights groups told of their fears last night over David Blunkett's scheme to try terror suspects without juries and arrest those suspected to be at the point of planning attacks

22.Nov.2004 To get the whole picture we need embeds on both sides : From Operation Desert Storm in 00.000.1991-onwards, through the invasion and occupation of Iraq to the reinvasion of Falluja last week, the world has come to accept the Pentagon war-fighting doctrine of overwhelming force as normal.

22.Nov.2004 Up to 50,000 more US troops needed in Iraq: Senator McCain: Tens of thousands more US troops will be needed in Iraq, if Washington is to subdue the stubborn rebel insurgency there, a top US lawmaker said.

22.Nov.2004 Increase in Iraq force is likely: Senior USA military commanders in Iraq say it is increasingly likely they will need a further increase in combat forces

22.Nov.2004 US withdraws 100 tanks from Republic of Korea : The US has begun to withdraw 100 M1A1 tanks from the border area with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and transfer them to Iraq.

22.Nov.2004 Why pre-emptive invasions encourage soldiers to commit war crimes: : Diplomatic Editor Trevor Royle on the implications of shooting dead a wounded Iraqi in cold blood

22.Nov.2004 War is hell and everyone loses : Everything that led up to that incident in the Fallujah mosque is part of what happens when you decide as a nation to go to war.

Let's not single out this Marine + distance ourselves from him. Every American bears responsibility for what is done in our name. Welcome to hell

22.Nov.2004 War correspondent Kevin Sites, in his own words about his Falluja shooting video: The lieutenant asks them, "Are there people inside?" One of the Marines raises his hand signaling five. 

"Did you shoot them," the lieutenant asks? "Roger that, sir, " the same Marine responds. "Were they armed?" The Marine just shrugs and we all move inside. 

22.Nov.2004 Insurgent 'playing dead' in videotaped shooting: The US military says marines in Fallujah shot + killed an insurgent who engaged them as he was faking being dead

22.Nov.2004 Correction + a vote fraud update Many thanks for the kind words readers have sent.

One reader has informed me that yesterday's post included an incorrect link to Ktherine Yurica's important piece on vote fraud. Go to URL:

22.Nov.2004 US-Patrioten fordern Rausschmiss der Uno
Eine Organisation erzkonservativer Mitglieder der Republikanischen Partei ruft dazu auf, die Uno aus dem Land zu werfen.

Die Begründung: Die Vereinten Nationen seien zu einem Werkzeug des Terrors geworden. URL:,1518,druck-329192,00.html

22.Nov.2004 Börse am Abend: Ölpreis verschreckt die Anleger

22.Nov.2004 USA: US-Patrioten fordern Rausschmiss der Uno

22.Nov.2004 Kriegsfolgen: Saddam will die USA verklagen

22.Nov.2004 Opinion: Shhh, Don't Say 'Poverty'

22.Nov.2004 Irak: Hehre Ziele

22.Nov.2004 Holocaust-Datenbank: Drei Millionen Schicksale online

22.Nov.2004 John Robert Vane: Entdecker der Aspirin-Funktionsweise gestorben

22.Nov.2004 Ukraine-Wahl: EU protestiert - Putin gratuliert

22.Nov.2004 Herbstumfrage zur Konjunktur: Investitionsklima hellt sich auf

Vernor Vinge

Department of Mathematical Sciences - San Diego State University - San Diego, California

from : Vision-21: Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in the Era of Cyberspace NASA-CP-10129, pp. 11-22

00.000.1993 -A slightly changed version appeared in the Winter issue of Whole Earth Review .

Abstract : Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence.

Shortly after, the human era will be ended.

Is such progress avoidable?

If not to be avoided, can events be guided so that we may survive?

These questions are investigated.

Some possible answers (and some further dangers) are presented.
What is The Singularity