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06.Feb.2007 Irak- Strategie: Pentagon- Chef plant Truppenabzug schon Ende des Jahres

Bedeutende historische Daten im Vorfeld der Entstehung der "Bilderberg-Konferenzen"

23.Jul.1944 Gruendung von Internationalem Waehrungsfonds (IWF) und Weltbank (IBRD)

09.Mai 1945 Ende des II. Weltkrieges in Europa

24.Okt.1945 Gruendung der Vereinten Nationen (UNO)

05.Jun.1947 US-Aussenminister Marshall verkuendet Wiederaufbauprogramm fuer Europa

04.Apr.1949 Abschluss des Nordatlantikpakts (NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) in Washington

05.Mai 1949 Gruendung des Europarates

23.Mai 1949 Verkuendigung des Grundgesetzes fuer die Bundesrepublik Deutschland

07.Okt.1949 Gruendung der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik

25.Jun.1950-27.Jul.1953 Beginn des Koreakrieges (bis)

18.Apr.1951 Europaeische Gemeinschaft fuer Kohle und Stahl (EGKS bzw. Montanunion)

26.Mai 1952 Deutschlandvertrag mit den drei Westmaechten

Daten zur Entstehung und Organisation der "Bilderberg-Konferenzen"

00.000.1888-00.000.1960 - Joseph Hieronim Retinger () - Initiator der Bilderberg-Gruppe, sog. "Graue Eminenz" der politischen Kreise Europas

- Prinz Bernhard von den Niederlanden - erster Vorsitzender der Bilderberg-Konferenzen

- Paul van Zeeland (Premierminister von Belgien) von Anbeginn involviert +

- Paul Rijkens (Vorsitzender der Unilever/NL) von Anbeginn involviert +

- Max Brauer (Oberbuergermeister von Hamburg) + -> “Atlantikbrücke

- Hugh Gaitskell (Mgl. d. brit. Unterhauses) +

- Alcide de Gasperi (ital. Parlamentsmitglied) +

- Sir Colin Gubbins (Generalmajor/UK) +

- Ole Bjorn Kraft (Aussenminister von Daenemark) +

- Guy Mollet (Mgl. der franz. Nationalversammlung) +

- Rudolf Mueller (Rechtsanwalt/FfM) +

- Antoine Pinay (Premierminister von Frankreich) +

- Panayotis Pipinelis (frueherer Aussenminister Griechenlands) +

- Pietro Quaroni (ital. Botschafter in Frankreich)

-- bilden die europaeische Kerngruppe in der Vorbereitungsphase zur ersten grossen Bilderberg-Konferenz.

25.Sep.1952 trifft sich erstmals die europaeische Kerngruppe in Paris. Erste Ueberlegungen zum amerik. Pendant der Gruppe werden vorgenommen und von der Gruppe erarbeitet.

- Charles D. Jackson (Berater des US-Praesidenten) +

- John S. Coleman (Praesident der Burroughs Corporation, Detroit) +

- Joseph E. Johnson (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) +

- Dean Rusk (Direktor der Rockefeller Foundation) +

- David Rockefeller (Vize-Praesident der Chase National Bank) +

- H.J. Heinz II. (Praesident der H.J. Heinz Corporation) bilden die amerik. Kerngruppe.

29.Mai 1954-31.Mai 1954 findet die erste grosse Konferenz im Hotel "de Bilderberg" in Oosterbeek bei Arnheim statt, der Name des Hotels bildet

- kuenftig die Bezeichnung dieser jaehrlich ein- bis zweimal Vonstatten gehenden Tagung.

- Teilnehmer an Bilderberg-Konferenzen kommen aus den Bereichen


Industrie (Exxon) +

Internationale Organisationen (IWF, Weltbank) +

Militaer (NATO) +

Gewerkschaften (DGB) +

Universitaeten +

Medien (ORF, Economist, Burda, Bertelsmann) +

Geheimdienste (CIA) +

der Hochfinanz (Rockefeller) + sowie

dem Hochadel (Britisches Koenigshaus)

- Die Teilnehmer kommen nicht in ihrer offiziellen Funktion zu Konferenzen, sondern als Privatpersonen (Offizielle Erklaerung)

- Ueber die Konferenzen wird striktes Stillschweigen bewahrt, alle Papiere die in Zusammenhang mit der Konferenz stehen, werden streng vertraulich behandelt, die Presse ist von den Konferenzen ausgeschlossen.

Den Medien wird nach jedem Treffen eine kurze Mitteilung uebersandt, in der jedoch weder inhaltliche Details genannt werden noch alle Teilnehmer aufgefuehrt werden.

- Der Vorsitzende der Konferenz (z.Z. Lord Peter Carrington, ehemaliger NATO-Generalsekretaer)

wird in seiner Arbeit durch den ehrenamtl. Generalsekretaer Europas/Kanadas (z..Z. Victor Halberstadt, Professor fuer Volkswirtschaft, Uni Leiden) +

den ehrenamtl. Generalsekretaer Amerikas (z.Z. Casimir A. Yost, Direktor des Institutes fuer Studien zur Diplomatie, Washington, D.C.) unterstuetzt.

- Bilderberg-Konferenzen kennen keine strikten Regeln.

Die Erfahrung lehrte aber eine max. Redezeit von 5 Minuten pro Person.

29.Mai 1954 -seit- wurden Bilderberg-Konferenzen von ca. 1800 Personen aus ca.25 Staaten +

ca. 15 Internationalen Organisationen besucht.

Es werden nur einflussreiche und allgemein respektierte Personen eingeladen, da ihre persoenlichen nationalen und internationalen Kontakte die von der Gruppe gesetzten Ziele vorantreiben koennen (Offizielle Erklaerung!) Bestreben ist es aus moeglichst vielen und wichtigen Bereichen Personen zu den Konferenzen zu laden.

Es nahmen bislang zwischen 39 und 120 Personen an einer Bilderberg-Konferenz teil.

- Bilderberg-Konferenzen wollen kein Politiken iniziierendes Organ sein, sondern die Wahrnehmung der in verantwortlichen Positionen sitzenden Personen auf die Ergebnisse der Konferenzen schaerfen,

wenngleich Schlussfolgerungen gezogen werden, so doch ohne abschliessende Abstimmung zu den jeweiligen Themenpunkten (Offizielle Erklaerung)

00.000.1960 wurde der Name von "Bilderberg-Gruppe" in "Bilderberg-Konferenz" geaendert.

- Jede vierte Konferenz findet in Nordamerika statt, um amerikanischen + kanadischen Teilnehmern entgegenzukommen

- Bilderberg-Treffen finden nur in abgelegenen Hotels statt, um sowohl die Sicherheit zu garantieren als auch Vertrautheit zu foerdern.

- Die Themen beschaeftigen sich vornehmlich mit politischen + oekonomischen + militaerischen Fragen.

Die einzelnen Themen werden von Fachleuten vorbereitet und vorab an das Buero in Amsterdam bzw. New York City zur Vervielfaeltigung gesandt.

- Nach jeder Konferenz bekommt jeder Teilnehmer, sowie all diejenigen die je an einer Bilderberg-Konferenz teilgenommen haben, ein Protokoll des Treffens zugesandt.

00.000.1961 -Seit- erhalten die Teilnehmer zusaetzlich eine erlaeuternde Schrift, um das Bild einer solchen Konferenz zu vervollstaendigen.

Diese Papiere sind besonders vertraulich zu behandeln (Offizielle Erklaerung).

00.000.1956 wurde ein Lenkungsausschuss eingesetzt.

Momentan begleiten

- Hilmar Kopper (Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main) +

- Christoph Bertram (Diplomatischer Korrespondent "DIE ZEIT", Hamburg) fuer die BR Deutschland dieses Amt.

Die Lenkungsausschussmitglieder koennen jeder Konferenz und jedem sonstigen Treffen beiwohnen.

00.000.1959 wurde ein Beratungsausschuss eingesetzt.

Er trifft sich immer dann "wenn fuer notwendig empfunden", meist im Soestdijk Palace, dem Stammsitz des hollaendischen Prinzen Bernhard.

Otto Wolf von Amerongen repraesentiert hier Deutschland.

- Das Sekretariat hat heute einen Sitz in New York City/C.W. Muller (Sekr.) + in Amsterdam/Maja Banck-Polderman (Sekr.).

- Die Kosten fuer die jeweilige Bilderberg-Konferenz werden vom gastgebenden Land getragen, die Anreise von jedem Teilnehmer selbst, ebenso die Verpflegung.

Private Stiftungen welche der Gruppe zur Verfuegung gestellt werden, erleichtern die jaehrlichen Planungen erheblich

00.000.1966 (Alleine die Hotelkosten fuer die 3-taegige Konferenz in Wiesbaden, beliefen sich auf 150.000.- DM).

Allerdings haben sich etliche bundesdeutsche Politiker die Freiheit genommen, ihre Kosten ueber die Landes- bzw. das Bundesparlament finanzieren zu lassen,

in einigen Faellen wurden Studienreisen inoffiziell angeschlossen und ueber UNSERE Steuergelder abgerechnet
Ägypter verschleppt: Italienischer Geheimdienst soll CIA- Entführung erlaubt haben
06.Feb.2007 Großbritannien: Blair entgeht Fragen zur Spendenaffäre
06.Feb.2007 Korruption bei Weltbank- Projekten: Schwarze Liste stellt Schmier- Firmen bloß
06.Feb.2007 Guantanamo- Häftling: Kurnaz- Anwalt verklagt Pentagon
EscapeIntoRebellion.Info » News » Ohne Augen und Ohren, Flugblatt ...

Vor der Abfahrt aus dem Knast und bei der Übergabe auf dem Gerichtsgelände müssen sie sich vor einer Gruppe von Polizisten völlig nackt ausziehen und auf ...
06.Feb.2007 Schweigt nicht! Wer schweigt, ermutigt zu neuen Massakern ...

Diese Gefangenen wurden von ihnen nach der Folter durch Kopfschüsse aus ...

Nach dem Massaker wollten sie die weiblichen Gefangenen nackt ausziehen und ...
06.Feb.2007 Siemens History Site - Vorstand

00.000.1896 Otto Henrich, Bergmannssohn aus Essen, trat als Jungingenieur in das Charlottenburger Werk von Siemens & Halske ein. Nachdem sich Carl Friedrich von ...
00.000.1919-00.000.1920 Vorstand S&HHTML-Version Siemens -Archiv 2005. 2. . Henrich, Otto . 1920 - 1939. Köttgen, Carl. 1939 - 1945. Bingel, Rudolf. 1945 - 1949. Witzleben, Wolf-Dietrich von ...

06.Feb.2007 Verweigerer in Israel: Statt Zivildienst zwei Jahre Knast
06.Feb.2007 Online- Durchsuchung: Die Methoden der Staats- Hacker

07.Feb.2007 Klimaschutz- Kompromiss: EU will erlaubten Durchschnittswert auf 130 Gramm festlegen
06.Feb.2007 Dubiose Deals: Siemens zahlte 36 Millionen Euro an Monaco- Franze
06.Feb.2007 Erde als Eisball: Uralte Steine bergen Hinweise auf CO2- Thermostat

07.Feb.2007 Irak: Iran wirft USA Diplomaten- Entführung vor
06.Feb.2007 Streit über Klimaschutz: Was die Menschheit aus der Kurve trägt
06.Feb.2007 Online- Durchsuchung: NRW- Verfassungschutz spioniert weiter durchs Netz
06.Feb.2007 US- Geheimdienste: Botschaftsbomber sitzt im irakischen Parlament

07.Feb.2007 Demenz: Einsamkeit verdoppelt Alzheimer- Risiko

06.Feb.2007 Irak: US- Offizier wegen Kriegsdienstverweigerung vor Gericht
06.Feb.2007 Gewerkschafts- Beschluss: IG Metall fordert 6,5 % mehr Lohn
06.Feb.2007 "Big Brother": Guckst du noch oder schläfst du schon?
06.Feb.2007 Rausch am Rio Juma: Tausende Brasilianer drängen zum Gold- Fluss im Regenwald

06.Feb.2007 Notwehr: Junge Iranerin kommt aus Todeszelle frei

06.Feb.2007 Alarm in London: Erneut Briefbombe explodiert - zwei Verletzte
06.Feb.2007 Vorratsdatenspeicherung: 10.000 Bürger planen Verfassungsbeschwerde
Bundeswehr: Jung überraschend in Afghanistan - Tornados sollen im April starten

06.Feb.2007 Geschlecht und Gehirn: Männer und Frauen ticken verblüffend ähnlich

06.Feb.2007 Umfrage: Mehrheit gegen Tornados in Afghanistan

06.Feb.2007 Streit über Spritfresser: Killer- Klima für Deutschlands Autobauer

27.Sep.2001 -Erst nachdem am- Fotos von den Tätern veröffentlicht wurden meldete sich keine Person mehr.

27.Sep.2001-06.Feb.2007 -Bisher- gelang es noch keinem ein Interview mit den vermeintlich Lebenden zu arrangieren. Auf der Suche nach den lebenden Attentätern
Agents provocateurs

Die Terroristen wurden von westlichen Agenten nach + nach zu ihrem Plan verleitet.

So konnte man einerseits sicherstellen, dass eine oberflächliche Untersuchung der Hintergründe der Terroristen auf eine falsche Spur führt +

andererseits konnte jede Untersuchung eines westlichen Geheimdienstes unterbunden werden, so dass die Terroristen bei ihren Plänen nicht gestört wurden.

Die Behauptung der US-Geheimdienste, beim Versuch al-Qaida + den Islamismus allgemein zu infiltrieren, gescheitert zu sein, wäre in dieser Theorie also eine Lüge,

um die Operation unter falscher Flagge weiterhin zu vertuschen.

Inwieweit al-Quaida wirklich infiltriert ist, bleibt dennoch schwer zu sagen.

Zum Teil wird die ganze Organisation als ein Phantom der US-Geheimdienste betrachtet.

Andere hingegen sehen vor allem in der symbolhaften Figur des Osama bin Laden einen US-Agenten.
06.Feb.2007 17.Jul.2004 20040717_Report

Apr.2004 Passives Radar: China will Stealth -Bombern die Tarnkappe entreißen

00.000.1984 ... an: Harvard-Student T. H. Culhane verbringt mehr als 50 Stunden zwecks ...
Experimental Factory Magdeburg The GESIS mbh is an innovative service enterprise, which uses the newest research ...

The GESIS mbh offers its business partners products and services, ...
06.Feb.2007 Neuronale Netze und Fuzzy-Systeme - FAQ's

Die GESIS mbH ist ein Unternehmen der Salzgitter AG, hat eines der modernsten Rechenzentren in Norddeutschland + ist eines der größten Softwarehäuser in ...
06.Feb.2007 Produktinformation MultiScope III ANPR und AGK
Speicherung von Nummernschilddaten in Verbindung mit dem digitalen Aufzeichnungssystem MultiScope III. Nummern-. schilder von herein- oder ...
Produktinformation MSC3/4x4
serieller Anbindung definierbarer Kriterien wie GAA-Transaktionsdaten, Zutrittskartenlesedaten, Barcodes, Nummernschilddaten . etc. Bildformate ...

Auf dem angebundenen digitalen Bildaufzeichnungs- system MSC3 besteht die Möglichkeit, in Abhängigkeit von Nummernschilddaten Bildrecherche zu betreiben.
MultiScope III automatische Kennzeichenerkennung ANPR

Kennzeichendatenbank zur zentralisierten Verwaltung von Nummernschilddaten mit Anbindung an das digitale Bildaufzeichnungssystem MSC3 ...
c't 25/2005, S. 50: Überwachung In einer späteren Projektphase soll dann auch der Abgleich aller gewonnenen Nummernschilddaten mit bestehenden nationalen Datenbanken erfolgen.
Was Big Brother den Briten zu Weihnachten bringt - rabenhorst
Mit DNA Datensätzen + Nummernschilddaten (s. u.) kommen weitere Identifikationsmerkmale hinzu. Gesichtsaufnahmen, Identifizierung per Video?

20051218 Mit DNA Datensätzen und Nummernschilddaten (s. u.) kommen weitere Identifikationsmerkmale hinzu.

11.Dec.2005 Die Geschichte der US-Erdölindustrie ...
The Iraq War & Archaeology Archive 65 " Deutsche Botschaft . Osthoff sollte im Irak bleiben," in Focus

01.Dec.2006 (Germany), 4 aid workers, archeologist held," in The Boston Globe,, ...
06.Feb.2007 James A Baker III, long time bush friend defended Saudi gov from 9 ...

We want to do something to get at these people," said Irene Spina, whose daughter, Lisa L. ... ...
06.Feb.2007 Trampoline Enron Explorer » Email » Law Conference Information ... kcollins,,, Kevin Liss,, kirk.van.tine@ bakerbotts .com, ...
00.000.1965-00.000.1979 Iran - Amir Abbas Hoveyda, Prime Minister of Iran (). Biography, photos + film clips. Written by his brother Fereydoun Hoveyda.

00.000.1977 Aspen Institute

At the Aspen Institute 1977. aspen75.jpg (20107 bytes)

00.Jul.1977 At the Aspen Institute Symposium, () I am seen briefing Empress Farah Pahlavi about matters ...

06.Feb.2007 Favorites · · · · · · · ...
06.Feb.2007 Perhaps the truth is easier to hear from a "Landsman"?

Open your eyes High time for Muslims to reject once antiquated ...

00.Jul.1977 ) I am seen briefing Empress Farah Pahlavi about matters ...

22.Nov.2005 The ultimate irony A

00.000.1995 Pentagon document
06.Feb.2007 is a site dedicated to Amir-Abbas Hoveya and is run by his brother Fereydoun.

Another of Hoveyda's relations has a small online tribute to ...
06.Feb.2007 20050202

The Public Eye : Website of Political Research Associates ... while former Western Goals director ...
MESSAGE FROM THE LASA PRESIDENT Holloway (University of California, Davis); Peter Ward (University of Texas at Austin), June Nash (City University of New York).

06.Feb.2007 The Memory Hole > The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us ...

00.000.1905 -In his- dissertation for Columbia Teachers College, Elwood Cubberly — the future Dean of Education at Stanford—wrote that schools should be factories "in ...
Education - Wikiquote Elwood Cubberly, future Dean of education at Stanford,

00.000.1905 -In his- dissertation for Columbia Teachers College. Ninety-nine [students] out of a hundred are ...

00.000.1905 -In his- dissertation for Columbia Teachers College, Elwood Cubberly - the future Dean of Education at Stanford - wrote that schools should ...;prev_next=next
McMinnville Madness :: View topic - Public Education

00.000.1905 -In his- dissertation for Columbia Teachers College, Elwood Cubberly the future Dean of Education at Stanford wrote that schools should be factories ...
The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile

00.000.1905 -In his- dissertation for Columbia Teachers College, Elwood Cubberly - the future Dean of education at Stanford-wrote that schools should be factories "in ...
06.Feb.2007 20061201 Skull & Bones/Nazi Satanists At Work.

Harold Stanley (Skull&Bones ) was ... Jamie Dimon President + Chief Operating Officer, JPMorgan Chase, New York, NY. ...
Bush-Nazi-Connection01 ... the great depression spread around the world. ... transferred Jews, communists, gypsies and other minority populations to the camp.
Bush Clan ... the following year when, 00.000.1929, the great depression spread around the world.
The Effect of the Family on High-Risk Mexican American Gang ... terms and act accordingly.  Depression, poor self-esteem and feelings of isolation, desperation ...
für alle politisch interessiertenmal was zum nachdenkenHTML-Version (deutsch: "Der inszenierte Terrorismus", Verlag edition defacto, Kassel. )

Fotos von der. Einschlagstelle des Flugzeugs im Pentagon.
20051104 Zahedi + his son came up to Mr. Stone + ... at the wheel of a lorry loaded with ...

Oct.2005 U.S. not legally bound to reveal dump sites : For decades, ...

"Was mich wirklich enttäuscht und ärgert", sagt Dudenhöffer, "ist diese ständige Verteidigungsstrategie des VDA" (Verband der Deutschen Automobilindustrie).

Die Herren aus der Vorstandsriege täten geradezu so, als kämpften sie gegen den Weltuntergang. "So wird man auf Dauer unglaubwürdig", sagt Dudenhöffer.

"Denn die immergleichen Abwehrrituale haben wir schon beim Dreiwege-Katalysator oder beim Rußpartikelfilter erlebt."

Ein konstruktiver Vorschlag, wie beides in Einklang zu bringen ist - eine florierende deutsche Autoindustrie und eine schnelle und spürbare Senkung des CO2-Ausstoßes - gab es vom VDA bislang nicht. Blockaden aber haben noch nie ein Problem gelöst.

<b>Tabelle: Was die neuen Klima- Bestimmungen den Autokäufer kosten könnten</b>

<b>Tabelle: So viel CO2 stoßen die Autos der großen Marken aus</b>

<b>Tabelle: Die sparsamsten Benziner</b>

<b>Tabelle: Die sparsamsten Diesel</b>
"Warum kann man nicht eine Art Emissionshandel für Autohersteller organisieren, bei dem 140 g/km CO2 als Richtwert gelten?", schlägt Dudenhöffer vor. "Nach unseren Berechnungen würde dann beispielsweise ein Smart um rund 700 Euro billiger, ein Audi würde dagegen um zirka 1100 und ein Porsche um 4600 Euro teurer." Kunden, die weiterhin auf der Leistungsspirale rotieren möchten, müssten mehr zahlen - aber Kunden, die beim Autokauf CO2-bewusst agieren, hätten einen Preisvorteil. Dass solche Maßnahmen, wie Bundeswirtschaftsminister Michael Glos vor kurzem sagte, "Millionen von Arbeitsplätzen in Deutschland" vernichten würden, nennt Dudenhöffer "völligen Unsinn".

Wirkungsvolle Spritspartechnik ist längst vorhanden
So ist es kein Wunder, dass gegenwärtig lediglich zwei Automarken den Zielwert von 140 g/km CO2 erreichen oder unterschreiten: Smart (116 g/km) und Fiat (140 g/km) - beide Marken bauen ausschließlich beziehungsweise überwiegend kleine und sparsame Autos.

In den vergangenen neun Jahren war in Deutschland offensichtlich genug Zeit, um Riesen-Geländewagen wie den Mercedes GL zu entwickeln, Wahnsinns-SUVs wie den Porsche Cayenne Turbo S, Luxus-Renner wie den Audi R8 oder Leistungsfetische wie den BMW M6. Aber wohl zu wenig Zeit, um sich ernsthaft über wirksame Maßnahmen zur Verbrauchsverringerung zu kümmern. "Die deutschen Autobauer sind ja keine Teufelskerle, die unsere Umwelt zugrunde richten wollen", sagt Automarktexperte Ferdinand Dudenhöffer. "Wenn man ehrlich ist, muss man sagen, dass die Kunden die immer stärkeren, schwereren und schnelleren Autos kaufen. Das Geschäft brummt."
Doch nun müssen auch Politiker erkennen, dass diese Selbstverpflichtung offenbar nur ein Spiel auf Zeit war. "Wenn sich in den vergangenen Jahren etwas gezeigt hat, dann, dass freiwillige Vereinbarungen mit der Automobilindustrie für einen konsequenten Klimaschutz nicht ausreichen", sagt der bayerische Umweltminister Werner Schnappauf. Treffender lässt es sich nicht formulieren.
Niemand kann nun noch sagen, das käme jetzt überraschend, man habe nichts gewusst oder die Forderungen seien überzogen. Dennoch geht in der Debatte um die Klimaerwärmung und den Kohlendioxid-Ausstoß von Autos vieles durcheinander - und viele ernsthafte Anliegen werden auf medienwirksamen Aktionismus verkürzt.
So kündigte EU- Umweltkommissar Stavros Dimas aus Ärger über den hohen Spritverbrauch deutscher Luxuslimousinen vergangene Woche an, auf einen Dienstwagen japanischer Herstellung umzusteigen. Prompt konterte der deutsche EU-Industriekommissar Günter Verheugen: Er wolle sich auch weiterhin im nagelneuen 7er- BMW kutschieren lassen.

Angesichts der im wahrsten Sinne aufgeheizten Debatte kann es daher nicht schaden, sich die Rahmendaten noch einmal vor Augen zu halten. Bereits im Jahr 1998 - so lange schon ist die CO2-Problematik auf der Tagesordnung - sagten die deutschen Automobilhersteller in einer Selbstverpflichtung zu, den Kohlendioxid-Ausstoß ihrer Fahrzeuge bis zum Jahr 2008 auf durchschnittlich 140 Gramm je Kilometer zu senken.

Je leistungsstärker ein Auto, desto größer der CO2-Ausstoß

Die Automarke tut nichts zur Sache, aber der Werbespot ist bezeichnend: Zum Evergreen "What a wonderful world" lässt Suzuki den neuen Grand Vitara durch eine wunderschöne Natur brettern: blauer Himmel, grüne Bäume, weiße Berge, saubere Flüsse - so schön ist Werbung. Kein Hinweis auf die Folgen des Klimawandels, die längst zu spüren sind.

Am Mittwoch will die EU-Kommission ihr Strategiepapier zum Klimaschutz im Straßenverkehr vorlegen. Demzufolge sollen die Autohersteller verpflichtet werden, bis zum Jahr 2012 den Kohlendioxid- Ausstoß der in Europa verkauften Neuwagen deutlich zu senken. Im Gespräch sind 120 Gramm pro Kilometer.

Porsche Cayenne Turbo S: Pro Kilometer strömen im Schnitt 378 Gramm CO2 aus den Auspuffrohren
20050308 08.Mar.2005 iew Column... In other words our ally is funding the milieu, the... + good as the madrassas turned out Mujahaden by the...any wonder why Saudi patriots consider us an enemy as.
20050121 URL:

21.Jan.2005 The papers and words and writings of Justin's belong to the estate, Daily said.

"Our position would be just because the bank owns a safety deposit box ...
Big Brother Incorporated Companies List

Rennhak Nachtsichtsysteme . SIM Security & Electronic System GmbH. GREECE. Econ Optics Mechanics.

Intracom SA (Hellenic Telecommunications & Electronics). INDIA.

Bharat Electronics Ltd. ISRAEL.

Elbit Computers Ltd ...
BIG BROTHER INCORPORATED Rennhak Nachtsichtsysteme . SIM Security & Electronic System GmbH. GREECE. Econ Optics Mechanics. Intracom SA (Hellenic Telecommunications ... Rennhak Nachtsichtsysteme . Regenburger Strabe 4-6. Hagelstadt/Regensburg D 8401. Germany ...

An Appraisal of Technologies of Political Control - HTML International; KDM; Micro and Security Electronic; PK Electronic and Rennhak Nachtsichtsysteme in Germany; ATET SRi in Italy; ... Boenicke; PK Electronic; Rennhak Nachtsichtsysteme ; Sicherheitstechnik Schmid (STS); Sipe Electronic GmbH; ...
Lilliths Realm - ATPC - NOTES and REFERENCES ... HP Marketing & Consulting Wust; HABRA Electronik; Hussains International; KDM; Micro and Security Electronic; PK Electronic and Rennhak Nachtsichtsysteme in Germany; ATET SRi in Italy; ALphaSafety in Luxembourg; Reinaert Electronics ...
An Appraisal of Technologies of Political Control

The German companies are thought to be Bonowi; Electron-Import & Export; Enforcer (Pulz & Charbit) GmbH; M.S.C; M.T.S.; M.V.S.; NOWAR Security Equipment GmbH; Otto Boenicke; PK Electronic; Rennhak Nachtsichtsysteme ; Sicherheitstechnik ...
Während eine kleine Gruppe von harmlosen Hautbakterien einem Menschen treu bleibt, sind die meisten Bakterien nur vorübergehend zu Gast.

Ihr Wachstum wird beeinflusst von Faktoren wie Wetter, Licht, persönlicher Hygiene oder dem Gebrauch von Kosmetika und Medikamenten.

Ganz frei von Bakterien ist die Haut nie, denn der Mensch ist von ihnen abhängig:

Neun von zehn Zellen im menschlichen Körper sind mikrobische Zellen.

Er ist auch in dieser Hinsicht in der Minderheit.
Bereits eine kleine Verringerung des Energieverbrauchs und damit des Kohlendioxidausstoßes bei der Zementherstellung habe große Auswirkungen, rechnen Ulm und seine Kollegen vor:

Derzeit werde weltweit pro Kopf etwa ein Kubikmeter Beton pro Jahr hergestellt.

Schon wenige % weniger Kohlendioxid bei der Zementherstellung könnte den weltweiten Ausstoß des Treibhausgases spürbar senken.

Seit Beginn der Überschwemmungen in Jakarta leiden viele Bewohner unter Hochwasser-bedingten Erkrankungen wie Hautausschlag, Atemwegs- oder Magen- und Darmproblemen. Tausende von ihnen suchten Hilfe an den Notfallstationen. Nach Angaben des indonesischen Gesundheitsministeriums wurden dort bereits mehr als 28.000 Menschen behandelt. Indonesische Behörden warnten zudem vor dem Ausbruch von Seuchen wie Typhus oder Cholera.

Jakarta - Die halbe Stadt steht nunmehr unter Wasser: Etwa 330 Quadratkilometer sind von der braunen Brühe überflutet.

In der Metropole und ihrer Umgebung leben insgesamt rund 18 Millionen Menschen.

Mehr als 340.000 von ihnen mussten ihre Häuser verlassen.

Andere sind in Stadtteilen, die wegen der Überflutung von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten sind.

Rettungsteams versuchten, die eingeschlossenen Bewohner zu retten.

Soldaten brachten ihnen Instant-Nudeln, Reis und Brot.
Hartes Material: Forscher knacken Geheimnis des Betons
06.Feb.2007 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Wir schreiben für eine Elite"
06.Feb.2007 Fall Dink: Geheimdienstchef von Istanbul gefeuert

06.Feb.2007 Flutkatastrophe in Jakarta: Eine Multi- Millionen- Metropole versinkt
06.Feb.2007 Weltfinanzzentrum auf Abruf: Die Globalisierung erreicht die Wall Street
06.Feb.2007 Stromverbrauch von Netzwerken: Energieschleuder Ethernet

06.Feb.2007 Präsidentschaftswahlkampf: Giuliani will "Bürgermeister von Amerika" werden

06.Feb.2007 CO2- Musterknaben: Die sparsamsten Diesel

06.Feb.2007 CO2- Musterknaben: Die sparsamsten Benziner

06.Feb.2007 Energie: Koch will Marktmacht der Konzerne begrenzen
06.Feb.2007 Irak- Debatte: Bush- Gegner erleiden Schlappe im US- Senat
06.Feb.2007 Mikroben: Auf jedem Arm siedeln andere Bakterien

06.Feb.2007 Klimaschutz: Mit Vollgas in den Weltuntergang

Mär.2005 Poker und Roulette: Die Erfolgsrezepte der Profizocker ...
blueverticalstudio - minimal by design

Sarkis Soghanalian, the international arms dealer who bought billions in weapons for Saddam Hussein, says he was approached at a Newark airport luncheon ...
Les Etats-Unis et les néoconservateurs : retour sur une stratégie ...

00.000.2000 -en- C’est du moins ce que déclarait Sarkis, au quotidien péruvien La Republica. ...

Ces faits ont été récemment décrits avec précision par Richard Clarke,
06.Feb.2007 BEHIND THE BUSHES: Chronology of a family KEY WORDS: George W. Bush NEWSMAX -

Bush Pentagon adviser Richard Perle says that unless China and other ... BCCI's relationships with convicted Iraqi arms dealer Sarkis Soghanalian, ...
20050317 works for Perle in TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER BRANCH of Pentagon that shipped arms to ...

Mar.2005 Right is Wrong Sarkis Soghanalian, the international arms dealer ...
Wot Is It Good 4: Robert Gates scandals.

Note in particular cameo appearances by Richard Perle, arms dealer Serki Saghanalian [sic -- obviously an error for Sarkis Soghanalian ], Carlos Cardoen, ...
06.Feb.2007 US- Universität: Dalai Lama wird Professor
Microsoft?s Disruptive Impact on the IP Telephony Market - Tue,

30.Jan.2007 08:35:24 -0500 A new InfoTrack market research study describes in detail the disruptive impact Microsoft is having on the market for IP Telephony (IPT) systems

as well as on the market for Unified Communications (UC) applications.
Erdöl- Streit: Russland plant Pipeline zur Umgehung Weißrusslands
05.Feb.2007 Fall Kurnaz: CDU wehrt sich gegen Schröder- Vorwürfe
05.Feb.2007 Krisengipfel in Italien: Regierung verbannt Zuschauer aus den Stadien
05.Feb.2007 Republican National Convention Blog NYC 2004:

00.Feb.2005 The Defense Contract Management Agency reviewed all the contracts that

00.000.1993 -since- Ms. Druyun was directly involved with at the request of Wynne. ...
05.Feb.2007 Air Force Logistics Management Agency 00.000.1994, Darleen Druyun, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Air ... Proceedings: Air Force Fourth Aging Aircraft Conference, 9-11 Jul 96 USAFA, ...
05.Feb.2007 Minstrel Boy: 2005-04-17 Ms. Druyun cut a deal to minimize her jail time and to end the public review of corruption in Air Force ... posted by Minstrel Boy at 9:11 AM 0 comments ...
05.Feb.2007 105 Hearings: House Committee Meetings by Date (1998) ... Under Secretary, Acquisition and Technology; and Darleen A. Druyun, ... WIRELESS ENHANCED 911 SERVICES Committee on Commerce: Subcommittee on ...
105 Hearings: House Committee Meetings by Date (1997) ... Research, Development and Acquisition; Darleen Druyun, Principal Deputy Assistant ... bills: H.R. 911, Volunteer Protection Act of 1997 and H.R. 1167, ...

05.Feb.2007 CRIMES AND CORRUPTION OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS: arms Boeing's case was not helped when it emerged that Darlene Druyun, a senior Pentagon procurement official, was leaking EADS documents and was then hired by ...
05.Feb.2007 The 10 Most Brazen War Profiteers - View as HTML
In July, the Post reported that the company's profits have tripled since 9/11 . ... courtship of Darlene Druyun, the Air Force acquisition officer who was ...

02-01-2007-6:44:23 PM
They kept Iraqi brains in a fridge for trophies
That's what former Navy hospital corpsman Chanan Suarez-Diaz testified to at the
Citizens' Hearing On The Legality Of U.S. Actions In Iraq: The Case of Lt. Ehren Watada, January 21st, 2007 at Evergreen State College in Tacoma Washington. Suarez-Diaz was stationed with 2nd Battalion 5th Marines, the most decorated battalion in the marine corps. He was attached to weapons company. He was referring to a platoon of his company, whiskey two platoon.
This platoon used to have brain matter from people they had killed from .50 Cals. They used to grab brain matter and bring it on the base and put it into the refrigerator. They literally went crazy. I know this isn't an isolated incident, this happens everyday in Iraq.
Continue Reading...

05.Feb.2007 IEC Journal: News The New York Times reports that a post 9/11 focus on public corruption has paid ... Sears' plea is related to his secret negotiations with Darleen Druyun to ...

05.Feb.2007 Daily Kos: Bush's brings in a hatchet man, Paul "The Grinch" McNulty The official, Darleen Druyun, was also convicted. And, besides the Franklin case, McNulty oversaw the conviction of another spy: Robert Hanssen. ...
05.Feb.2007 1 1 2 3 ARMED FORCES EPIDEMIOLOGICAL BOARD 4 5 6 7 8 SPRING 2005 ... - View as HTML
3 Here name was Darlene Druyun . She was the number. 4 two acquisition officer for the Air Force. In. 5 fact, what happened was, over time it was ...

05.Feb.2007 Boeing biography .ms After Darleen Druyun, an ex-Pentagon procurement staffer came into the employ of Boeing, it was discovered that there may have been a conflict of interest ...
05.Feb.2007 The Blog | Robert Weissman: The Boeing Scandal After the Boeing ... In the elaborate Darleen Druyun affair, Air Force contracting officer Druyun admitted doing a variety of "favors" for Boeing. In the Pentagon's misguided ...
05.Feb.2007 White Collar Crime Prof Blog: McNulty to Be Nominated as #2 At the ... McNulty has served as United States Attorney since 2001 ( biography here), ... and procurement fraud cases related to the Pentagon (e.g., Darleen Druyun ). ...
05.Feb.2007 Venezuela's Chavez Sets Oil Fields Takeover for May: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced the government’s planned takeover of the Orinoco belt oil fields + the re-nationalization of the electricity sector at an international press conference yesterday. He also responded to U.S. President George W. Bush’s “concerns” over Venezuelan democracy.

06.Feb.2007 Hunger strike hits 71 days at 'Guantanamo North': -- Supporters of three men detained on security certificates called on the Harper government Friday to intervene in a hunger strike the men have been staging to protest their detention conditions.

06.Feb.2007 Hicks may take plea bargain, dad says: Guantanamo Bay inmate David Hicks could enter a plea bargain on terrorism charges in a desperate effort to come home, his father Terry Hicks said on Sunday.
05.Feb.2007 Africa: US Oil's New Target : Video: America has set its sights on Africa, which, according to a White House national energy policy document, is predicted to be - together with Latin America - "one of the fastest growing sources of oil and gas" for the future American market. But in the global hunt for oil, America has to compete with an increasingly successful and aggressive major competitor - China
05.Feb.2007 Egyptian MPs want nuclear bomb: In stormy Parliament session, many politicians call on government to 'change diplomatic language', work to obtain nuclear weapons, particularly after Olmert implied that Israel possesses such a bomb

06.Feb.2007 IDF gearing up for large military operation in Gaza: The Israel Defense Forces has accelerated its planning of a possible extended military operation in Gaza.

06.Feb.2007 Egypt accuses Israelis of espionage: According to the Egyptian security official, Al-Attar was ordered by the Israelis to move to Canada in 2003 to collect information about Egyptians and Arabs living in Canada. For his mission, al-Attar allegedly received 65,000 US and Canadian dollars from the three Israelis, the official said.

06.Feb.2007 US gets Israeli security for Super Bowl: While coaches worry about how to protect their quarterbacks on the field come Super Bowl Sunday, an Israeli-developed system for identifying potential security threats has been adopted at nearby Miami International Airport to help keep visitors to South Florida safe.

05.Feb.2007 William Blum: Full Spectrum Dominance : It is not often that the empire is put in the position of one its victims, in fear of the military and technical prowess of another country, forced to talk of peace and cooperation, just as Iraq and others, hoping to put off an American attack, were forced to do over the years; just as Iran now.
05.Feb.2007 Doubts Run Deep on Reforms Crucial to Bush's Iraq Strategy : The success of the Bush administration's new Iraq strategy depends on a series of rapid and dramatic political and economic reforms that even the plan's authors have little confidence will work.

05.Feb.2007 Top secret army cell breaks terrorists :Its members - servicemen and women of all ranks recruited from all three of the Armed Forces - are trained to turn hardened terrorists into coalition spies using methods developed on the mean streets of Ulster during the Troubles, when the Army managed to infiltrate the IRA at almost every level.

Since war broke out [!]in Iraq in 2003, they have been responsible for running dozens of Iraqi double agents.

05.Feb.2007 Warner to help block his own resolution on Iraq: Sen. John W. Warner will join his fellow Republicans in voting Monday to block the resolution he wrote rebuking President Bush's Iraq war policy.

05.Feb.2007 Patrick Cockburn: Iraqis on the Run : "One of the World's Great Man-Made Disasters is Taking Place"

05.Feb.2007 Hillary's big lie grows: She needs to end the victim act and stop blaming Bush for her vote on Iraq

05.Feb.2007 AIPAC “Money People” and the Iran Attack : Consider Hillary Clinton’s recent speech, delivered to the AIPAC gathered.

05.Feb.2007 A political bombshell from Zbigniew Brzezinski: Ex-national security adviser warns that Bush is seeking a pretext to attack Iran

05.Feb.2007 Report: Mossad assassinated Iranian nuclear scientist : Intelligence source suggests that a prize-winning nuclear physicist, who recently died in mysterious circumstances, was killed by Israeli security service, Sunday Times reports

05.Feb.2007 US ex-generals reject Iran strike : Three former high-ranking American military officers have warned against any military attack on Iran.

05.Feb.2007 Iran showcases nuclear facility to visiting diplomats, journalists :

Iran on Saturday opened the gates to a key uranium conversion facility to visiting diplomats and journalists in an effort to show that its disputed nuclear program is peaceful and not a cover for nuclear bomb making.

05.Feb.2007 Inside Iran's nuclear site: Video: Channel 4 Report:

Six ambassadors from non-aligned countries, along with a number of journalists, including Channel 4 News were invited by the Iranian government to visit the uranium conversion site just south of Isfahan
Quarantine U.S.A. -By Mike Whitney
Man, these guys give me the creeps. - When was the last time Bush-Cheney devoted millions of dollars to anything that served the public interest? That is an oddity in itself.

05.Feb.2007 John Pilger - War by Other Means - How the poor finance the rich - A Must Watch Video
John Pilger and David Munro examine the policy of First World banks agreeing loans with Third World countries, who are then unable to meet the cripling interest charges.

Eines ist heute allerdings anders als vor dem Marsch auf Bagdad: Wie zahlreiche andere amerikanische Medien auch zeigte die "New York Times" damals viel Verständnis für den Irak-Krieg.

Das ist aufgebraucht.

Vorigen Donnerstag warnte sie:

"Wenn Herr Bush nicht aufpasst, könnte er in einen weiteren verheerenden Krieg schlittern.

Und wenn der Kongress ihm diesmal nicht klar widerspricht, könnte er das ganze Land mit hineinziehen."
Eigentlich müsste er der Bush-Administration als Held gelten. Aber zumindest offiziell ist er noch immer Persona non grata.
Dschaafarsade gilt als Botschafter der iranischen Volksmudschahidin in Washington, jener ursprünglich von einem kruden Ideologie-Mix aus Marx + Mohammed angetriebenen Kämpfertruppe, die in Amerika + Europa auf der Liste der terroristischen Organisationen steht. Ernsthafte Oppositionelle mischen sich dort mit ideologischen Wirrköpfen.

Ihre 5000 Soldaten haben früher blutige Anschläge gegen iranische Vertretungen in aller Welt verübt, im iranisch-irakischen Krieg

00.000.1980-00.000.1988 kämpften die Erzfeinde der Mullahs sogar auf Seiten Saddam Husseins.

Seit dem Einmarsch der Amerikaner in den Irak sitzen Tausende entwaffneter Kämpfer im Militärlager Aschraf fest, 120 Kilometer nordöstlich von Bagdad.

Dschaafarsade will sie den Amerikanern als Hilfstruppe zur Verfügung stellen.
Terroristen als Verbündete in Bushs Krieg gegen den Terrorismus? Dschaafarsade lächelt: "Die Zeiten sind gut für uns, es ist unglaublich, wie viel Unterstützung wir bekommen." Ihre Anführer hoffen, bald von den Terrorlisten gestrichen zu werden.

Dass iranische Agenten tatsächlich im irakischen Bürgerkrieg mitmischen, wird allenfalls von Teheran bestritten.

Auch deswegen warnte ein US-Militär in der vergangenen Woche: "Ein einziger Fehler + wir sind in der gleichen Lage wie 1914."

Vom unverschämten Glück, steuerbegünstigt reich zu werden
Noch droht kein Weltkrieg wie vor 93 Jahren, aber längst gibt es viele Parallelen zu der Zeit, als die US-Regierung zum Krieg gegen den Irak drängte: Wie damals dämonisieren die Amerikaner ihre Gegner, ohne eindeutige Beweise für deren Untaten auf den Tisch zu legen. Vorigen Donnerstag verschob Washington die Vorlage eines seit Wochen angekündigten Dossiers über die Aktivitäten der Iraner im Irak.
Das beängstigendste Déjà-vu sind derzeit die Aktivitäten einer Gruppe von Exil-Iranern, die seit Wochen im Außenministerium, auf den Fluren des Weißen Hauses und in dem geheimnisvollen Iran-Büro des Pentagon auftauchen. Sie erklären sich selbstbewusst zu Vertretern der iranischen Opposition und in ihren Aktenkoffern stecken dicke Dossiers mit immer neuen Details über Teherans subversive Aktivitäten im Irak.

What If Vice Pres. Gore Had Outed a Covert CIA Specialist in Terror Weapons? Why is There a Cheney-Bush Double Standard? Gore Would Never Do Such a Thing. Bush and Cheney Did -- And Have Endangered the National Security of the United States of America.
"At least in Vietnam Bush Had an exit strategy" Bumper Sticker Size Car Magnet
Bush plan seeks billions more for Iraq. How can anyone continue to support this sociopathic, delusional loser? He betrays America + his followers beg for more of the same failed pathology.
45 nations form new global warming council -- take two guesses whether the U.S. is one of them 2/5
Associated Press Analysis: "President Bush's tough new stance on Iran and his military buildup in the Persian Gulf recall some of the drumbeats that preceded the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. As then, the Bush administration is making allegations about Iran without providing proof."

05.Feb.2007 Former cynic of "Cheney is president" theory now believes there may be a Cheney-led coup d'etat. As Cheney operates in secret, "we just don't know. It's about time we find out." 2/5
I regret authorizing this war: Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) 2/5

05.Feb.2007 Leaky Libby case hangs on premise he was too busy a man to remember what he said about Plame -- and yet the White House seems to have been discussing her constantly, so how could he? 2/5
John R. Bomar: A Sane Way Forward -- A BuzzFlash Reader Contribution
Tougher security measures proposed by UK ministers usher in seeming 'Big Brother' era -- and more in Gloria R. Lalumia's World Media Watch for February 5, 2007

05.Feb.2007's in charge + a staged incident will trigger war with Iran. Next thing you know, Josh Marshall will admit that the MONGOOSE team killed JFK...

Labels: cheney, conspiracy, Iran Permalink # posted by Joseph : 11:25 PM 3 comments   Comments: Newsweek's article "A Shot Heard Round the World" of 2/27/06 fires a mainstream shot across the bows of the SS Official Story in that it challenges the timeline of the 9/11 Commission with respect to Cheney's shootdown order on the "letsroll" flight 93.
None of the 9/11 Commission staffers believed Cheney's story, the article says, but after a battle with Gonzales, the draft reports's skepticism was "toned down."
You have to be familiar with the facts and with arcana of the 9/11 Commission Report to recognize the serious implications of Newsweek's innuendo, which is disguised as psychological background on Cheney.

# posted by wtc7wtf? : 12:06 AM   Why are we sitting around and asking ourselves what the "incident" that triggers our war with Iran will be, when we need to be getting out there and letting America know that this is being planned?

Over the last month I've seen a host of blogs speculate over what the incident will be, Karbala, something in the Straits of Hormuz, etc, but not how to stop us from going to war when it happens . # posted by Zandar The Weeble : 5:29 AM   The Democratic leadership -- not the occasional blog or columnist -- needs to stand up and say the obvious, so it gets on the nightly news.

The question is, does even one of these presidential candidates have the cojones to do it -- despite the fact that they all know that the "incident" is coming any day now?
These are same whores who now pretend that their authorization vote wasn't really a vote for an invasion of Iraq, when everyone else in the country knew exactly what it meant.....
# posted by Anonymous

05.Feb.2007 Eisige Isolation: Nachts ziehen über dem Mars Wolken auf

05.Feb.2007 US- Haushalt: Bush will Kriegsetat um mehrere hundert Milliarden aufstocken
05.Feb.2007 Uranprogramm: Iran und sein Weg zur Atombombe
05.Feb.2007 Online- Überwachung: Schäuble will BGH- Beschluss mit neuem Gesetz kontern
05.Feb.2007 Fehlender Nachwuchs: 43.000 Betriebe stehen bald ohne Chef da

05.Feb.2007 Parteitag der US- Demokraten: Catwalk der Hoffnungsträger
05.Feb.2007 Überwachung: USA wollen Gentests massiv ausweiten
05.Feb.2007 Fahnder offline: Gericht verbietet staatliche PC- Spionage

05.Feb.2007 Studie: 2007 wird Boomjahr für deutschen Immobilienmarkt

05.Feb.2007 Terroralarm in London: Explodierende Briefbombe verletzt Frau
05.Feb.2007 Gewalt im Irak: US- Armee dämpft Erwartungen an Großoffensive

05.Feb.2007 Vogelgrippe: Deutsche Züchter fordern strengere Stallpflicht

05.Feb.2007 Gangs in Berlin: Auf der Straße erzogen

05.Feb.2007 Schmiergeldaffäre: Ex- Siemens- Manager wegen Bestechung vor Gericht

05.Feb.2007 Berlins Polizeichef: "Junge gewalttätige Migranten machen uns am meisten Sorgen"
05.Feb.2007 Iran- Politik: Bereitet Bush die Schlacht um Teheran vor?

05.Feb.2007 Werksschließungen: Bei Chrysler sind 10.000 Arbeitsplätze in Gefahr
00010101::Origin of Christian Era 00690101::Roman garrison ... stamp to picture a woman issued ... 1st redshank old world shore bird ... 27 year old William S ...
200409261002 ... Bars und zu Konzerten, schrieben neue Songtexte mit und recherchierten sogar, ... Sultan Shahin, India: The games the Pentagon plays, Asia Times, 12. ... -
05.Feb.2007 FIGHT BACK - AN INTERNATIONAL, ANTI-WAR, SOCIALIST BLOG: October 2005 SOCIALIST FILMS ARCHIEVE; Promises and Betrayals : Britain and the Struggle for the Holy Land · MEATRIX ANIMATION · Fascism Today · The Panama Deception ...
05.Feb.2007 LEON TROTSKY: Leon Trotsky on Britain, Excerpts from his writings The struggle for the expulsion of British imperialism, its tools and agents thus ... support them independently, foresee in time the danger, the betrayals, ...
05.Feb.2007 - Query Results We were unable to find exact matches for your search containing: Promises & Betrayals : Britain and the Struggle for the Holy Land in title only | in All ...
CONTENT PRODUCTIONS GB165-0352 1 Reference code: GB165-0352 Title: - View as HTML
Title: Content Productions Ltd: Documentary ‘ Promises & Betrayals : Britain and the. Struggle for the Holy Land ’. Name of creator: Content Productions Ltd ...
Research interviews and the text of the documentary ‘ Promises & Betrayals : Britain and the. Struggle for the Holy Land ’. The documentary considers the ...
Promises and Betrayals Britain and the Struggle for the Holy Land . A film by Arense Kvaale. This lucid film recounts the complicated history that led to the ongoing conflict ... - Internet Radio/Video Promises and Betrayals : Britain and the Struggle for the Holy Land 12/08/05. PLEASE WAIT A MOMENT FOR VIDEO TO LOAD - CLICK PLAY TO VIEW ...
Reality Or Hoax? History In Controversy: The Holocaust

Promises and Betrayals History In Context: Britain And The Struggle For The Holy Land . Documentary on how British double-dealing during WWI ignited the ...
05.Feb.2007 Promises and Betrayals: Promises and Betrayals : Britain and the Struggle for the Holy Land An intriguing look at how the British double-dealing during WWI ignited the conflict ...
05.Feb.2007 Tragedy in the Holy Land - The Second Uprising ... with Nazi-style textbook precision, in the interest of war and the elusive promise of security from fear. ...


Looking back on the Spanish war - Orwell
05.Feb.2007 On the Implications of Zipf's Law for Web Caching Nachfrage von Seiten hält sich an das Zipfsche Gesetz ...

Chunks zur empirischen Berechnung von d(k), H(C), H(R) stehen für andere Serverprotokolle bereit.
Globale Gewichtungseinflüsse [R. Ferber: Information Retrieval]

Die Verteilung der Wörter in der Sprache kann grob durch das zipfsche Gesetz beschrieben werden. Es besagt, dass das Produkt der Häufigkeit eines Worts mit ...
Microsoft PowerPoint - Q-IR-ss06-V-5-6.pptHTML-Version Das Zipfsche Gesetz ist in der Praxis recht gut erfüllt. • Erwartung: Die Hälfte aller Wörter ... Berechnung von Termgewichten für die verbliebenen Begriffe ...

05.Feb.2007 Clustern mit Hintergrundwissen
Verfahren zur Berechnung von Clustern angewendet werden. ... Das zipfsche gesetz . Schwerpunkt Textmining; Künstliche Intelligenz,. 16(2):34, 2002.
Inhalt Um die absolute Häufigkeit zu berechnen, wird gezählt, wie oft ein Wert vorkommt. ... Zipfsche Gesetze. Diese Gesetze gehen zurück auf den amerikanischen ...

05.Feb.2007 " World Trade Center " machte an der US-Kinokasse wenig Eindruck. ... Stone verzichtet darauf, uns diese Bilder noch einmal zu zeigen. ...
00.000.-----00.000.1900 A Brief Chronological Compendium of a Few Banned or Challenged Works + Censorship and Anti-Censorship Efforts Part I: Pre-20th century )
? - 1900
1901 - 1990 1991 - 2000 Jan-Dec 2001  
Jan-Jun 2002 Jul-Dec 2002 Jan-Jun 2003 Jul-Dec 2003 Jan-Jun 2004 Jul-Dec 2004
Jan-Jun 2005 Jul-Dec 2005 Jan-Jun 2006 Jul-Dec 2006 Jan-Jun 2007 Jul-Dec 2007

A brief Chronological Compendium
of a Few Banned or Challenged Works,
and Censorship and Anti-Censorship Efforts
01 Jan - 30 Jun 2006

05.Feb.2007 CITY HALL SLAYINGS/25 Years Later/Revisiting the horror of ... Above: Mayor George Moscone (right) and Supervisor Harvey. ... Twenty-five years ago, George Moscone, mayor of the city, former majority leader in the state ... - Arts & Entertainment - The Twinkie Defense The

00.000.1978 murders of San Francisco mayor George Moscone + gay-rights activist Harvey Milk, for instance, nearly crippled a city still reeling from the news ... 05.Feb.2007 Tales from Colma - The Martyrdom of Mayor Moscone - 1/4

A Tale from Colma (see ) which tells the story of Mayor George Moscone, who fell victim to the gun of Dan White.

Tales from Colma - The Martydom of Mayor Moscone - Part 3/4

Dan White assassinated Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk. ... And in a twisted way, George Moscone and Harvey Milk received the blame for ...
hosilinz Der Stadtrat Dan White hatte Bürgermeister George Moscone und den Stadtrat Harvey Milk im Rathaus erschossen. Es war ein Hate Crime – ein Verbrechen, ...
George Moscone: Information from George Moscone Mayor Moscone George Richard Moscone ( November 24, 1929 – November 27, 1978 ) was the mayor of San Francisco, California from.
George Moscone - Wikipedia George Moscone (* 24. November 1929; † 27. November 1978) war Bürgermeister der Stadt San Francisco, Kalifornien. Er wurde (wie der offen schwule ...


The scariest thing about "Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple" is that so many of the followers of Jim Jones, the demented demagogue who led them to commit mass suicide, appear to have been intelligent, idealistic, life-loving people...

...Growing up poor in Indiana, Mr. Jones was sensitive to the plight of African-Americans + preached racial equality. His son Jim Jones Jr., who appears in the film, boasts of being the first black child adopted by a Caucasian in the state of Indiana...

...The Life and Death of Peoples Temple

RECOMMENDED ..."Nobody joins a cult, nobody joins something they think is going to hurt them," one person says + Jones' adopted son and namesake adds, "Everything I tell you about Jim Jones is a paradox - having this vision to change the world but having this whole undercurrent of dysfunction."...

Jones positioned himself as a national figure -- and certainly a prominent San Franciscan, having helped George Moscone become mayor ... much of it never before seen publicly, some of it apparently only recently declassified by the CIA -- exists makes "Jonestown: The Life and Death of the Peoples Temple" one of the year's most important documentaries, a real must-see...

"One of the first things I did was to see pictures of the people," Nelson said. "There were so many kinds of elderly African-American people, not the kind of people you would think would join any kind of cult at all," Nelson said. "I was wondering ... why would they join this thing?"...

..."They talked about not joining the cult but joining something that had such high ideals for what, I thought, were the right reasons. I just became fascinated by it."...

Among these items is a memorial for cameraman Bob Brown, 36 + Correspondent Don Harris, 42 -- both of whom were murder victims in Jonestown, Guyana, on Nov. 18, 1978.

Those old enough to remember...two NBC staffers were gunned down along with California Congressman Leo Ryan. Brown and Harris were covering Ryan's trip to Jonestown to investigate troubling reports from the "People's Temple." They were killed on an airstrip as they were about to leave and just hours before 900 residents of Jonestown drank cyanide-laced fruit punch...

The Chronicle recently spoke to Jones Jr...

... Jim Jones Jr.: ...So why were all these African-Americans following this Caucasian? He must have presented something to them to make him trust them. And I think Stanley's film shows this functional world of Jim Jones and the People's Temple...Let me tell you this: When my wife – who I've known for 22 years and been married to for 19 years – when she watched this film, she said, "Jimmy, I finally understand Jonestown."
November 17, 2006
The Jonestown Tragedy Had Liberal Roots, by Michael M. Bates, ChronWatch

This week marks the deaths of 913 people, including 276 children, in the Guyanan jungle. Most of them died by their own hand, voluntarily drinking a cyanide-laced grape punch (not Kool Aid, contrary to the idiomatic expression). The ones who wouldn't kill themselves were shot. Babies had the lethal concoction forced into their mouths with syringes.

Orchestrating the 1978 holocaust was "Reverend" Jim Jones, founder of the People's Temple...

...Mayor George Moscone appointed him to the city's housing authority. Willie Brown, who later served as speaker of the California Assembly, 00.000.1976 introduced the white Jones as a combination Martin Luther King, Angela Davis, Albert Einstein + Chairman Mao...

...When things got too hot in San Francisco, Jones moved his operation to Guyana. He brought with him written accolades from numerous politicians...
November 22, 2006
Cult classic, by Jim Emerson, Editor,

"Nobody joins a cult," says a woman at the very beginning of Stanley Nelson's documentary "Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple."...

..."Jonestown" is a thoroughly conventional documentary -- archival footage, images and voice recordings alternating with talking head interviews. (It was funded by PBS' "American Experience" series.) But this familiar format also emphasizes the movie's universality. For while it's about a particular, peculiar phenomenon + a shattering, generation-defining tragedy of its time (particularly those many friends and relatives in the San Francisco Bay area), the madness depicted here is not limited to Jim Jones...
Movie Review January 12, 2007
'Jonestown' recounts descent into madness, by Ty Burr, Globe Staff, The Boston Globe

"Nobody joins a cult -- you just join people you really like," says one of the survivors in Stanley Nelson's documentary "Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple."
January 15, 2007
Clocking a Cult's Final Days in Jonestown, by GINIA BELLAFANTE, New York Times (Stephan Jones photo included.)

The People's Temple, the cult that expired in the mass suicide and murder organized by Jim Jones...

...By the early 1970s Mr. Jones, then leading his movement out of San Francisco, had branded himself a Christian Socialist, advocating for the poor and racially oppressed...

...Among its most impassioned players was Stephan Jones, one of Mr. Jones's sons. His testimony, though all too brief, in "Jonestown: Paradise Lost," to be broadcast on the History Channel tonight, is reason enough to watch a documentary that would otherwise merely invite dim circumspection...
January 17, 2007
The mind can be a terrible tool, By Jeff Mullin, ENID NEWS AND EAGLE via Meadville Tribune

...The History Channel this week aired a documentary on Jim Jones and the Jonestown massacre...

...In California, Jones recruited young, college-educated white students to go with the large number of working class members. The church expanded into San Francisco 00.000.1972, opening a church in the heart of the largely poor, largely black Fillmore District...
Updated News on Jim Jones, Jonestown, People's Temple November 19 - December 7, 2003 December 7, 2003 Margaret Singer, a Leading Brainwashing Expert, Dies at 82 - by Anahad O'Connor, The New York Times (Dr. Margaret Singer, a leading expert on brainwashing who testified in several high-profile cases contending that various groups inappropriately manipulated their members to control their behavior, died on Nov. 23 in Berkeley, Calif. She was 82...

Several members of the People's Temple, with Dr. Singer's help, left that group before 900 people committed mass suicide in Guyana 00.000.1978...) November 25, 2003 Library remembers tumultuous events of 25 years ago, Oakland Tribune, California (THIS month marks the 25th anniversary of the assassinations of San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk. The month also marks a quarter century since the Jonestown massacre...

...The history center incorporates materials from the California Historical Society as well as from its own collection for "November 1978: Moscone, Milk and Jonestown." Photos, documents and artifacts are on display in cases on the sixth floor. More photographs, posters, programs and newspaper clippings are in the Steve Silver Room on the fourth floor...) November 23, 2003 Peoples Temple tragedy haunts African American community/Many who recall the church say it could happen again, Dave Ford, Chronicle Staff Writer, San Francisco Chronicle, California (..."They saw this organization where they could be socially active and maintain their connection to Christ," the Rev. Arnold Townsend told the community forum "Jonestown 25 Years Later: A Look Back," held at the San Francisco Public Library recently. "These were some of the most normal, good folk you were ever going to meet."...

...someone like Jim Jones...

...Jones was a hard man to buck, though some black leaders tried...) November 21, 2003 Jonestown, S.F. slayings stun Bay Area - San Francisco Chronicle, California (Here's a look at the Bay Area's past. Items are culled from The Chronicle's archives.


Nov. 21: The death toll grows to 405 from the mass suicides and killings at the Peoples Temple compound in Jonestown, Guyana. The Rev. Jim Jones was one of only three people who died by gunshot, the rest appear to have died from drinking Kool-Aid laced with cyanide...) November 20, 2003 Jonestown: a forgotten tragedy 25 years later, The Massachusetts Daily Collegian, University of Massachusetts Amherst

...But when you ask random students around campus about the Jonestown situation, an alarmingly high number of them have no knowledge of it ever happening. And if they do, it is in the form of disjointed and incorrect facts... November 19, 2003 Pondering the pain/Some survivors at Jonestown memorial don't discuss it much, but none has forgotten - Pia Sarkar, Chronicle Staff Writer, San Francisco Chronicle, California (They came to Oakland's Evergreen Cemetery in their dark clothes and somber moods, talking of the Jonestown massacre as if it had happened yesterday.

In reality, it happened 25 years ago, but survivors such as Leslie Cathey kept the memory fresh. She escaped the mass murder-suicides led by the Rev. Jim Jones in the jungles of Guyana by following a railroad track for 37 miles with her toddler strapped to her back...) (Photos included.) November 19, 2003 Jonestown's Legacy, SF Weekly, California (San Francisco remembers

Americans who turned on the news on November 18, 1978, got one hell of a bombshell: Hundreds of members of Jim Jones' People's Temple lay dead in the Guyana jungle, an apparent mass murder/suicide. California U.S. Representative Leo Ryan and four others were also dead, shot by cult members as their entourage tried to flee Guyana to bring back Jonestown reports to U.S. authorities. All told, 913 people lost their lives in a single lethal afternoon.

The story sent shock waves around the world, but in San Francisco the tragedy had a particularly horrific impact. You see, before moving his flock to South America, Jim Jones was a local mover and shaker. His sect, headquartered at Geary and Fillmore streets, flourished thanks to the help of religious and civic leaders who accepted his largess and political support while ignoring disquieting tales of forced donations and beatings. Then-Assemblyman Willie Brown went drinking with Jones; Mayor Moscone appointed him to S.F.'s Housing Authority Commission. Jones even had a bulging file full of glowing stories from the local press...) November 19, 2003 Scars linger from Jonestown deaths, by William Brand, Staff Writer, Oakland Tribune, California

OAKLAND -- More than 150 relatives, friends and survivors of Jonestown held a somber, emotional tribute Tuesday at the mass grave of 409 victims in Evergreen Cemetery, marking the 25th anniversary of the worst cult tragedy in American history.

18.Nov.1978 The debacle of Jim Jones + the Peoples Temple ended in the jungle of Guyana, South America, on , with the shooting and forced suicide of 912 babies, children, men and women...

19.Nov.2003 Hell's 25-Year Echo: The Jonestown Mass Suicide, by Tim Reiterman, Times Staff Writer, Los Angeles Times, California

(A reporter who was in the vortex of the cult catastrophe finds survivors still coping...

00.000.1977 Came My first exposure to the people of the temple, when a handful of defectors agreed to meet me + another San Francisco Examiner reporter at a house in the Haight-Ashbury district.

They seemed remarkably normal and idealistic, with dreams of a world free of racism and better lives for themselves and their children. They had jobs. Some were college-educated.

But they described a closed universe where families were systematically divided, disciplinary beatings were the norm and sexual exploitation by Jones was a dirty secret shared by too many. And they wanted to stop him...

Reiterman, with the late John Jacobs, is the author of "Raven: The Untold Story of the Rev. Jim Jones and His People." ) (Photos included.) November 19, 2003 "Jonestown 25 Years Later: A Look Back" - San Francisco Public Library main branch, California (A panel discussion and screening of a short demonstration reel of "After Jonestown," a work-in-progress documentary film. Followed by a Q&A session...) URL for this page:
05.Feb.2007 MIM Notes The CFD was also helped by another institute, the National Freedom Institute headed by Kevin Kattke, former Oliver North aide, in bringing the February ...
Pr Watch Public Interest Reporting on the Public Relations ...

His associates include Kevin Kattke, who

00.000.1983 helped 0liver North prepare the US invasion of Grenada; Norman Bailey, chief economist for the National ...
Newspaper Index Forums :: View topic - Judge tells FBI agents "I ...

Kevin Kattke Kattke was a textbook Soldier of Fortune ripped from the pages of the magazine.

When his handlers at CIA wanted his K-Team to kill someone

05.Feb.2007 Scandals/Iraqgate ...


Kevin Kattke Kattke was a textbook “Soldier of Fortune” ripped from the pages of the magazine.

When his handlers at CIA wanted his K-Team to kill some ...
FBI - Oh man, not another one! -

Who's A Rat is the largest online database of informants + agents in USA.
05.Feb.2007 Kevin Kattke Corn,D. Blond Ghost. 1994 (375). HERBERT GEORGE ( KEVIN KATTKE ASSOCIATE) · Mantius,P. Shell Game. 1995 (34 36). IMBURGIO SAL · Mantius,P. Shell Game.
Commodity Credit Corporation HERBERT GEORGE ( KEVIN KATTKE ASSOCIATE) · Mantius,P. Shell Game. 1995 (34 36). HOGAN JOHN M · Mantius,P. Shell Game. 1995 (234-235) ...
Vox Pop Kevin Kattke . Kattke was a textbook “Soldier of Fortune” ripped from the pages of the magazine. When his handlers at CIA wanted his K-Team to kill some ...
The Marine's Private Army -- Monday, Jul. 13, 1987 -- Page 2 -- TIME Senate investigators have learned that North used a Macy's department store maintenance engineer named Kevin Kattke in covert operations in Grenada.,9171,964978-2,00.html
With Friends Like These -- Monday, Nov. 08, 1993 -- Page 4 -- TIME The shadowy Garrison, who is constantly at Cedras' side, has flown in Kevin Kattke, a former Macy's department-store maintenance engineer who has had his ...,9171,979557-4,00.html
Michael J. Sylvester Biography sylvester.html His associates included George Hebert, Kevin Kattke and Sal Imburgio. According to Oliver North in his book "Guts and Glory. P. 176: ...
Hustling for the Junta: PR Fights Democracy in Haiti - Center for ... His associates include Kevin Kattke, who 00.000.1983 helped Oliver North prepare the US invasion of Grenada; Norman Bailey, chief economist for the National ...
poonal - [ Translate this page ] Es wurde von einem Mitarbeiter Oliver North's, Kevin Kattke, gegründet. Das NFI organisierte unter anderem eine Reihe von Treffen für die ...
20041210 Kevin Kattke - ... 1995 (36). FRANCOIS J MICHEL: Time 1993-11-08 (46). GARRISON LYNN: Time 1993-11-08 (46). GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION: Corn,D. - 250
Daily Kos: Plame Leak/Fake News, Summary/Process: Part V HERBERT GEORGE ( KEVIN KATTKE ASSOCIATE) (34, 36) HIGGINS MICHAEL R (65) HINSHAW WILLIAM L (140) HIRSCH ALLEN (ATLANTA LAWYER) (120) HOGAN JOHN M (x, 218, ...

00.000.0540-00.000.1945 Chronological History of Health

... and connects sugar use to production of hyper-adrenocortic episodes in humans intolerent to ... as insecticidal sprays for fruits and vegetables (cryolite and barium fluoro- silicate ...
05.Feb.2007 Military Channel :: Episode :: Countdown to Tet Pentagon officials gave reports hailing success over Communist infiltration into South Vietnam. To the American public, all seemed business as usual despite ...
05.Feb.2007 YesButNoButYes: Aliens denied landing privileges at O'Hare ohareufo .jpg. Many people, including high level management airline employees at Chicago's O'Hear airport claim to have seen a UFO on November 7.
05.Feb.2007Büchner Lenz Zur Verdeutlichung einige Bemerkungen zu Büchner als Dramatiker :. Aristoteles unterscheidet streng zwischen dem Historiker, der beschreibt, was geschehen ... 05.Feb.200720041026 00.000.1837 Büchner Georg Dramatiker starb in Zürich.

25.Oct.2004 Denn wo viel Geld diskret versammelt ist, da herrscht auch große
20050209 09.Feb.2005 Tourismusmessen : Deutsche organisieren ihren Urlaub lieber selbst ... fünf Monate später nach Deutschland zurückkehrte, abgemagert und verstört, ...
05.Feb.2007 Die Krise des Nigerdeltas und Nigerias Zukunft - Im Dezember 1998 hat die Regierung Jugendliche in Yenagoa, der Hauptstadt von Bayelsa, massakriert, weil sie die Kontrolle über die Ölressourcen
05.Feb.2007 rupp030723 Dokumente belegen: Ölressourcen des Irak zwei Jahre vor dem Krieg unter Richard Cheneys Lupe. Rainer Rupp. Die von US-Vizepräsident Richard Cheney geleitete ...
05.Feb.2007 Imperialismus und Irak: Lehren aus der Vergangenheit Sie kennzeichnet vielmehr die Rückkehr zur direkten Herrschaft und Kontrolle über die Ölressourcen durch den Imperialismus - diesmal durch die Vereinigten ...
05.Feb.2007 ZEIT online - Wirtschaft - cvd - Öl : Preis der Freiheit Das Demokratie-Defizit in den Golfstaaten, der Region mit den größten Ölressourcen, ist der wichtigste Grund für dieses scheinbare Mysterium. ...

Und noch ein ganz gegenständliches Problem rückt durch die neuen Erkenntnisse in den Blickpunkt: Statisch aufgeladene Mondstaub-Körnchen stoßen sich gegenseitig ab. Sie können aufsteigen und feine Staubwolken bilden, wie sie schon die Astronauten der "Apollo"-Missionen beobachtet hatten. "Dieser Staub klebt überall fest und ist sehr fein", sagte Forscher Halekas. So drang das lunare Material durch Dichtungen und Verschlüsse.

Es verstopfte sogar den Staubsauger, den die "Apollo"-Astronauten eigentlich mitgenommen hatten, um ihr Raumgefährt sauber zu halten.
US-Forscher haben herausgefunden, dass hohe statische Aufladungen auf der Mondoberfläche möglich sind - und auch tatsächlich vorkommen.
Kritiker hatten die heimlichen Überprüfungen mit dem sogenannten großen Lauschangriff und heimlichen Wohnungsdurchsuchungen verglichen.

Heimliche Online-Durchsuchungen durch die Polizei sind nicht zulässig. Der Bundesgerichtshof in Karlsruhe entschied heute, die Strafprozessordnung decke nicht die heimliche Durchsuchung der im Computer eines Beschuldigten gespeicherten Daten.

Karlsruhe - Die heimliche Durchsuchung von Computern durch den Staat ist unzulässig, wie der Bundesgerichtshof in Karlsruhe entschied.

Nach dem am Montag veröffentlichten Urteil des Dritten Strafsenats fehlt dafür die gesetzliche Grundlage. Damit sind Pläne zunächst hinfällig, nach denen der Staat gegen die Computer von Verdächtigen sogenannte Trojaner einsetzen kann, um Festplatten nach Beweismitteln zu durchforsten, ohne dass die Betroffenen davon wissen (Aktenzeichen: Bundesgerichtshof StB 18/06).

Die Online-Durchsuchung wurde in der Vergangenheit bereits gegen Beschuldigte eingesetzt, etwa um die Mails mutmaßlicher Mitglieder einer kriminellen Bande zu lesen.

Das Durchforsten kann nur stattfinden, solange der Computer des Beschuldigten eingeschaltet ist. Die Maßnahme muss von einem Richter angeordnet werden.
Mond: Forscher warnen vor Kurzschlüssen auf dem Mond
05.Feb.2007 Zeitungsbericht: Qaida- Terrorist versteckt sich in Madagaskar
Expansionspolitik: Iran kauft sich Glaubensbrüder in Syrien
05.Feb.2007 Computer- Ermittler: Bundesgerichtshof verbietet heimliche Online- Durchsuchungen
05.Feb.2007 Heute in den Feuilletons: Identitätskiller Globalisierung
05.Feb.2007 Übergewicht- Probleme: Schokoriegel- Konzern verzichtet auf Werbung für Kinder
05.Feb.2007 Chemiekonzern: BASF- Chef fordert globales Schadstoffabkommen
Flutkatastrophe in Jakarta: 350.000 Obdachlose fürchten sich vor neuem Regen

05.Feb.2007 Gewalt im Irak: Aufständische zwingen US- Militär zu taktischen Änderungen
05.Feb.2007 Wegweisendes Urteil: Bundesgerichtshof entscheidet über heimliche Online- Durchsuchungen
04.Feb.2007 Die Auswirkung ine zienter Kapitalmärkte auf die optimale ... Allerdings haben die weltweiten Wirtschaftsskandale verdeutlicht, dass auch dieses Instru- ... we will implode in a wave of accounting scandals . ...
04.Feb.2007 USA: the vote was hacked! : Melbourne Indymedia ... they were thinking the same thing because it is so obvious (though I doubt that I ... the extremist Christian Reconstruction Movement, ...

THEOCRATIC DICTATORSHIP EXCERPTS One was the Christian Reconstruction movement . ... fact that Bush is very closely tied to the Christian Reconstructionist movement .

04.Feb.2007 20041212 Anyone who had the great good fortune and talent to be a part of it, would be changed ...

04.Feb.2007 The Village Voice: Power Plays Of the many mysteries surrounding 9-11, few have been of as much interest to ... How many Americans have to die ? How much of our freedom and ...

Polls Show Many Americans are Simply Dumber Than Bush ... Americans share this disability with the Bush administration.
U.S. Crusade News - Archives for: November 2005 Before

Oct. 27, if you mentioned "le tumulte noir'" to a Frenchman he was likely ... committed to both Bush and scandal-scarred political advisor Karl Rove.
Irak: USA bereiten Offensive in Bagdad vor
Israel: Neuer Generalstabschef der Armee ernannt
Ex- SS- Mann Kam: Münchner Gericht verweigert Auslieferung
Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) - Nico - regrets voting for the Iraq War resolution in 2002:

The resolution was a resolution that authorized the president to take that action if he deemed it necessary. Had I been more true to myself and the principles I believed in at the time, I would have openly opposed the whole adventure vocally and aggressively. I had a tough time reconciling doing that against the duties of majority leader in the House. I would have served myself and my party and my country better, though, had I done so.
9/11 Aircraft Oddities - BG -Looking for the Logic - Appendage on Flight 175
The same analysis has been performed on various images. The selected images are fragments of photographs of the attack on 11 September and a Boeing 767-300.
The studied images are taken from different angles of observation.
The detected cylindrical objects cannot be due to shadows caused by the angle of incidence of the sun on the plane, because they always appear to be the same shape and size, though with varying luminosity.
The detected objects have varying luminosity around them because they are in relief (this is the only possible explanation).
The detected objects are clearly distinct from the landing gear.
Mataró (Barcelona, Spain), 26 March 2003
Spanish copy Back to The Mysteries of 9/11
The Drones hit the towers where they were programmed to hit them. And then they provided a literal smokescreen to hide the initiation of the collapse as well as to give reason why they collapsed. I am sorry if this upset anyone here, but I just couldn't sit tight while yet another forum trashes absolutely great evidence and proof. And as a Co-Founder of this forum and website, felt an obligation to speak up on these issues and clear the air. I would prefer this evidence to not be relegated to Alternate Theories, as it truly isn't a theory with as much overwhelming proof that there is available through pictures and video. This is every bit as good as the controlled demolitions of the Towers + to be honest, easier to prove. Although both are easy to prove.
Very Truly Yours,
Glen Stanish
Co-Founder of Pilots for Truth
Google Video of 911: In Plane Site
Click Here
Mark Burnback, a FOX News Employee, was an eyewitness of the 2nd Plane at the 2nd Tower + while still fresh in his mind, only moments after impact said he saw no passenger windows on this aircraft. Listen for yourself.
This was aired on the Fox Network Live only moments after the 2nd Impact:
Click Here
Audio 1G

Now read this quote I got from the front page of Phil called a lot of Congressmans offices + spoke to many people. Here is a quote which says it all in a nice short sentence or so.
When I called Congressman Wellers office, I was put through to Sandra, who took my call. I got her to log onto '' and open the Cameraplanet footage; She didn't have any time to even read my website, nor did I tell her what was coming. And without any prompting nor guidance, she, all on her own, exclaimed; "My God, that looks like a Wire Guided Missile, that just can't be..."

04.Feb.2007 Palme-Mord wirklich aufgeklärt? - onlineredaktion Harald Haack ?

Angeblich hatte der Mörder Palmes seiner Geliebten den Mord gestanden, wie die Stockholmer Zeitung ?Aftonbladet? jetzt schreibt [1]. Hauptverdächtiger Christer Pettersson, des Mordes an Olof Palme ursprünglich verurteilt, wurde in zweiter Instanz wegen eines eigenwilligen Ermittlungsfehlers freigesprochen und erhielt einen hohen Entschädigungsbetrag. Zwei Jahre nach seinem Tod, am 29. September 2004, meldete sich die Frau mit seinem Geständnis...
Mass turkey cull to halt bird flu Tens of thousands of turkeys are gassed at a Suffolk farm as efforts continue to prevent bird flu from spreading.
04.Feb.2007 The Empire Turns Its Guns On The Citizenry - BG -This 100-page report is extremely important and should have been published as a book. SWAT teams ("special weapons and tactics") were once rare and used only for very dangerous situations, often involving hostages held by armed criminals.
04.Feb.2007 Jewish Involvement in Shaping American - BG -
However, in addition to a persistent concern that America be a safe haven for Jews fleeing outbreaks of anti-Semitism in foreign countries,
there is evidence that Jews, much more than any other European-derived ethnic group in America, have viewed liberal immigration policies as a mechanism of ensuring that America would be a pluralistic rather than a unitary, homogeneous society (e.g., Cohen, 1972).

04.Feb.2007 No Iranians arrested in Gaza, - BG -Tehran official says......
Iranian official Larijani, Islamic Jihad leader deny reports of 5 Iranian citizens being arrested in Gaza in Tehran press conference, discuss Palestinian matter,2506,L-3360466,00.html

04.Feb.2007 WASHINGTON (AP) -- A revolt against a national driver's license, begun in Maine last month, is quickly spreading to other states. - BG -
04.Feb.2007 Asia Times Online :: Middle East News - A massacre and a new civil war - BG -
A massacre and a new civil war-By Pepe Escobar
The massacre that occurred in Najaf, Iraq, last Sunday by now has been wildly deconstructed over the Arab press. What emerges has virtually nothing to do with the official Baghdad and Washington spin of Iraqi troops killing 250-odd heavily armed apocalyptic cultists dubbed "Soldiers of Heaven".

04.Feb.2007 George Soros: America Needs 'De-Nazification' - BG -Captain Ed can't see the Lies of "Homeland" Security, the heinous "Patriot Act" and Military Commissions Act + false flag operations such as 9/11 are clearly Propaganda coups even more powerful overall than tactics of the 3rd Reich.

04.Feb.2007 Geopolitical Diary: Israeli Covert Operations in Iran - BG -
February 02, GMT
February 02, GMT

French President Jacques Chirac started quite the uproar with his apparent faux pas made public on Thursday in which he downplayed the Iranian nuclear threat. Chirac says he thought he was speaking off the record when, during an interview with The New York Times, International Herald Tribune and Le Nouvel Observateur, he said an Iranian nuclear weapon would not be much of a threat because "Tehran would be razed to the ground" if it ever tried to deploy such a device.
Chirac's comments (which were quickly retracted) directly undermine the West's stance on Iran -- and they do not reflect the official French position, which was summed up Thursday in a statement from the Elysee Palace that read "France, with the international community, cannot accept the prospect of Iran with a nuclear weapon."
There is a possibility that Chirac is following a strategy to reach out to Iran and bring France to the fore in resolving the nuclear controversy. Private discussions within the Iranian ruling Cabinet reveal that Russian Security Council Secretary Igor Ivanov's recent visit to Tehran was successful in Russia's efforts to mediate between the United States and Iran. With Russia already in the spotlight, Chirac could have been signaling to Tehran with an implicit acceptance of an Iranian nuclear program that France, too, is worthy of a seat at the negotiating table.

Federal Prosecutors Widen Pursuit of Death Penalty - BG -The Justice Department looks intent on overcoming death-penalty opposition in some states by bringing federal prosecutions....

04.Feb.2007 DNC: The White House Stonewall Continues To Crumble
It is now clear that despite previous denials by the White House, numerous Bush Administration officials were part of a larger effort not only to leak classified information but also to prepare and execute a massive PR campaign to sell the Iraq War to a skeptical American public. Also, Cheney was far more involved and directing the actions of the White House Iraq Group than was previously known.

04.Feb.2007 Our Corrupt Congress It's about time somebody said it. There are reasons that congress can't solve problems. They are as corrupt as the President. No matter what party they belong to. It's all about the money.

04.Feb.2007 Gitmo Wingnut Who Attacked Attorneys For Defending Prisoners Resigns
Senior Pentagon official Charles Stimson resigned Friday over controversial remarks in which he criticized lawyers who represent terrorism suspects, the Defense Department said, making clear that he made the decision to resign and that it was not asked to leave (as he should have been, if the Military leadership had character or integrity)

04.Feb.2007 Armchair Activism That Works tapping the power of the progressive netroots

04.Feb.2007 Bush, Iraq And Groundhog Day In Cartoons -Check out the third one: election fraud and the electronic voting machines make an ominous appearance.

04.Feb.2007 ExxonMobil Backed NeoCon AEI Offered Bribes Of $10,000 To Scientists To Dispute The UN Climate Study
Yes, the same ExxonMobil whose Exxon Valdez oil is still spilling into Alaskan waters and has racked up another all-time record corporate profit of $39.5 BILLION last yr, is behind the AEI...

04.Feb.2007 Libby:Fighting To Prevent Release Of Grand Jury Tapes -
Former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby is fighting to keep his grand jury testimony about the leak of a CIA operative's name from being released and broadcast in the media.

04.Feb.2007 Space Station Moves To Avoid Debris
U.S. and Russian officials changed the International Space Station's orbit to keep it clear of debris from a satellite destroyed by a Chinese space weapon

04.Feb.2007 PAUL KRUGMAN: Missing Molly Ivins
Molly never lost sight of two eternal truths: rulers lie + the times when people are most afraid to challenge authority are also the times when it's most important to do just that.

04.Feb.2007 Libby Trial Reveals A Failed Cover-Up
The trial record suggests a simple answer: The White House was worried that the CIA would reveal that it had been pressured in 2002 and early 2003 to support administration claims about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction + that in the Niger case, the CIA had tried hard to resist this pressure. The machinations of Cheney, Libby and others were an attempt to weave an alternative narrative that blamed the CIA.

04.Feb.2007 Blair Rejects Pressure To Resign Amidst Corruption Scandal Blair has refused to step down before police finish a political corruption probe into his party, despite fears the investigation is damaging his party.
04.Feb.2007 What's At Stake: EPA Set To Abandon 30 Years Of Air Quality Control
EPA Set to Abandon 30 Years of Air Quality Control The Clean Air Act requires the EPA to regulate all air pollutants that pose a threat to public health and welfare by establishing the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The EPA is required to apply the best available science to update the standards every five years. Six highly dangerous air pollutants are monitored under these standards:

04.Feb.2007 By Ramon Puga - A Call To Link Arms
The need for a coalition of peace, human rights,and environmental groups to take action together.

Senator Russ Feingold now stands alone in the Senate reminding Senators that they can stop Bush's war, which has now become an illegal occupation, by legally and constitutionally withholding funding. Here is Russ Feingold's simple and bold statement on how to end this war and its main premise is that Congress must exercise the will of the people ~ not the will of the Cheney/Bush administration.

04.Feb.2007 By Don Williams - Cracked? No, Iraq Is An Omelet Face Down On The Kitchen Floor
Now our declared enemies in Iran---seek to make common cause with Iraq. This is a cracked egg? Unh-unh, this is a broken omelet face down on the kitchen floor.

04.Feb.2007 By Mark A. Goldman - My Theory (Guess): What's The Deal With Iran?
If the US and/or Israel goes ahead and bombs Iran under the pretext of stopping their atomic energy program, Iran might refuse to sell its oil for dollars. This probably would precipitate a world wide economic recession with the US economy being among the primary losers.

04.Feb.2007 By Cenk Uygur - Impeach, Impeach, Impeach

04.Feb.2007 By Rabbi Michael Lerner - There Is No New Anti-Semitism - What's "new" about the alleged New Anti-Semitism?
04.Feb.2007 By Todd Weiler -Bush Defies A Nation
04.Feb.2007 By David Swanson - Rightwingers Attack War Supporters - This is what it's come to. The local newspaper in my town in Virginia today ran an op-ed by rightwinger Cal Thomas attacking Hillary Clinton for her past support for the war.

04.Feb.2007 By David Swanson - How A Bill Becomes A Signing Statement - At the House Judiciary Committee hearings on Bush's use of signing statements on Wednesday, two exchanges at the end were quite revealing.

04.Feb.2007 By Gatto - Who's Responsible For Iraq? We Are - If we really look at who is responsible for this war in Iraq, if you want to be brutally is "We the People".
04.Feb.2007 By Jayne Lyn Stahl - Shoot First, Ask Later - Extraordinary rendition is what happens when militarism metastizes

04.Feb.2007 By Brent Budowsky - The Cheney Trial, Within The Libby Trial - For the judge and jury, it is the Libby trial. For America and American politics, it is the Dick Cheney trial and the stakes are far higher than reported in the media.
04.Feb.2007 I'm not surprised... - BG -
I'm not surprised that the case of Maher Arar, the Canadian citizen rendered to Syria by the United States, is all over the news in Canada. But it is surprising how little attention the case is getting here. You'll recall that Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) went off on the Attorney General during his appearance before the Judiciary Committee a couple of weeks ago. The subject was the Arar case, and...Source:

04.Feb.2007 Jewish Organizations Harass Jewish Peace Activists - BG -
It seems that a few west coast Jewish organizations need to keep their staff members on leashes. Otherwise, they take dumps on the steps of local Jewish peace activists who they despise. I refer to a new story at Muzzlewatch, where Cecilie Surasky reports that a Jewish friend working for American Friends Service [...]...

04.Feb.2007 Mainstream UK Muslim Views: Plots and Paranoia - BG -
In the quiet suburb of Sparkbrook, almost everyone believes that the beheading plot arrests are meant to demonize Muslims: Plots and paranoia are mainstream views for Muslims of Sparkbrook. To wander the streets of Sparkbrook yesterday, from shabby corner shop to proud, white-domed mosque, was to enter a world where conspiracy theories are the breath of life. Many ordinary Muslims did not believe that Wednesday's arrests were an act to foil a terrorist plot aiming to visit unspeakable barbarity on a young British soldier. Rather the entire operation was a giant con trick. This fits a growing perception of a post-9/11 world in which innocent Muslims are demonised + the terror threat manufactured to suit the dark designs of the West's Judaeo-Christian elite. The decision to distribute 5,000 multilingual leaflet... Source:

04.Feb.2007 Today's Papers: Hot in Here - BG -today's papers
Hot in Here
By Joshua Kucera
Posted Saturday, Feb. 3, 2007, at 4:35 AM ET

The Washington Post leads with a sneak peak of next year's federal budget, including a whopping $726 billion for the military. The New York Times leads with the release of the UN's climate change report, which says that global warming is almost certainly caused by human activities. The Los Angeles Times leads with the bleak National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq. The Wall Street Journal world-wide newsbox leads with an Iraq catchall including the military budget and the NIE.

The budget for the next fiscal year will be released on Monday, but most of the papers got an early look. It includes $100 billion for the rest of this fiscal year (on top of $70 billion already spent), $145 billion for next year and $481 billion for the regular Defense Department budget ? a 10 % increase over last year. The war budget for next year represents the first time the Pentagon has tried to plan for all the Iraq and Afghanistan money at the beginning of the budget cycle, notes the NYT, which runs the story inside. The previous practice had been to ask for it in bits and pieces, which had consistently annoyed Congress. The budget also, for the first time in three years, includes an increase in non-defense spending. But with the expansion of the alternative minimum tax ? and if projections of a strong economy turn out to be right ? the budget should be balanced by 2012, according to the White House's figures.

The budget also calls for big cuts in Medicare and Medicaid, notes the LAT . To continue reading, click here.
04.Feb.2007 Finally! Congress To Investigate Bush’s Signing Statements - BG -The House Judiciary Committee has launched an investigation challenging repeated assertions by President Bush that he need not enforce aspects of laws he deems unconstitutional.
04.Feb.2007 Rumsfeld is still running the War Department - The Smirking Chimp - BG -
04.Feb.2007 Libby Fighting To Suppress Grand Jury Tapes - BG -
Former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby is fighting to keep his grand jury testimony about the leak of a CIA operative's name from being released and broadcast in the media. Libby's grand jury testimony_the sworn statements he gave to investigators about his conversations with Vice President Dick Cheney and journalists_is at the heart of his perjury trial. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald plans to play hours of recordings of that testimony in court next week to bolster his case that Libby lied and obstructed the investigation. ... Source:

04.Feb.2007 Fool Me Once - BG -
The influence of Israel (via AIPAC) on US politics is enormous + that influence is pushing us towards war with Iran. The Democrats are, if anything, more in AIPAC's debt than the Republicans. On Iraq, the Dems are making gestures, at least, of opposition, but Iran is another story. Digby has a very important post on this subject. It deserves to be read in full, but let me just highlight a few things. First, Hillary Clinton speaking the other night at an AIPAC dinner (IHT): Calling Iran a danger to the U.S. and one of Israel's greatest threats, U.S. senator and presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said "no option can be taken off the table" when dealing with that nation. "U.S. policy must be clear and unequivocal: We cannot, we should not, we must not permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons," the Democrat ... Source:

04.Feb.2007 Warrantless Surveillance: The “Secret Court-Domestic Syping” Spin - BG -
A traditionalist wonders if this nation is on the verge of transition or a devastating seismic split.

The Culture Wars are the struggles we Americans face daily to define the heart, soul + identity of America.

Our nation has become polarized by differing moral and ethical understandings of what it means to be an American.

We've lost our ... (Read on Source)... Source:
04.Feb.2007 US presents fresh Hicks charges - BG -

THE US has prepared new charges against Guantanamo Bay prisoner David Hicks, five years after he was detained, but his father has dismissed them as making no sense.... Source:,10117,21163674-2,00.html
04.Feb.2007 Politics: Dispatches From the Scooter Libby Trial - BG -politics
Dispatches From the Scooter Libby Trial
To the witness stand, Agent Bond. Debbie Bond.
By John Dickerson, Dahlia Lithwick + Seth Stevenson
Updated Thursday, Feb. 1, 2007, at 11:18 PM ET
From: Seth Stevenson
Subject: To the Witness Stand, Agent Bond. Debbie Bond.
Updated Thursday, Feb. 1, 2007, at 11:18 PM ET

10:24 a.m.: Scooter Libby arrives and sits at his defense table, 10 feet in front of me. Having stared at the back of this man's head for hours on end last week, I've come to wonder: Who is this tiny, tiny fellow? Not more than 5-foot-7, to my eye. Sleek and slight like a kitten. Wears a digital watch with a Velcro band. Also wears a little beaded bracelet around his wrist. And writes semiperverted novels set 00.000.1903 Japan. I admit it: You fascinate me, sir.

10:42 a.m.: Judge Walton arrives, but the jury is held out of the room as we engage in another lawyer slap fight. At issue this time: whether the jury should see videotapes of former White House Press Secretary Scott McLellan saying, in October 2003, to the assembled media hordes, that he had personally talked to Scooter Libby and that Libby was not involved in the leak of Valerie Plame's identity. (Note: Everyone agrees that McLellan did this only after being pressured by the vice president's office.) To continue reading, click here.
04.Feb.2007 The Road To Imperial Bankruptcy: Empire Vs. Democracy
Former CIA consultant Chalmers Johnson contrasts the walk versus the talk. Is America truly a social democracy or am imperialist tyrant? Looking at the history of Empires from Rome to the UK, it is clear the U.S. is on a crash course for failure, but perhaps not a military come-uppance so much as a financial belly-up: our large Asian debtholders can devalue the dollar at a moment's notice.

Personal Savings In US At 74 Year Low (Worst Since Great Depression)
Yes, 2006 and also the two year period are the worst periods as far as personal savings since the great depression. Savings rates are at -1% . At least one major index also indicates a Recession approaching

04.Feb.2007 FBI Agent Testifies Libby Learned About Plame From Cheney
Century Of Devastation
"UN scientists have delivered their starkest warning yet about global warming, saying fossil fuel pollution would raise temperatures this century, worsen floods, droughts and hurricanes, melt polar sea ice and damage the climate system for a thousand years to come," reports Agence France Presse. Greenhouse gases will cause climate disruptions "for more than a millennium."

04.Feb.2007 By John Loyd - No Sympathy For The Devil
If stupidity were a religion George W. Bush would be their Jesus. Oh wait... The Christian Fascists are a religion. And they do claim George W. Bush as their savior. Sadly they are not just ignorant. They are dangerous as well. George W. Bush claims to take advice from God, but it is no God any of us with any sense of a soul recognize.

By Richard Rapaport - Looking Towards The Promised Land: Why America Cannot "Get Over" Slavery
As both Blacks and Jews could tell you, "getting over" slavery like transcending several millenia of blood libel, doesn't happen overnight. Nor does it happen in the space of the century-and-a-half since the putative abolition of slavery in 1865. Try more like three-and-a-half thousand years.

04.Feb.2007 By Andrew Bard Schmookler - Thoughts Regarding "The Great Decider"
Bush's declaration that he is "the Decider" says volumes about the basic incompatibility between his concept of power and the ideals of American democracy. Between "Decider" and "Dictator" there are deep kinships.

04.Feb.2007 By Gatto
Why Is Journalism Only On The Internet? People In America will believe anything. It might make them easy to convince, but it's hell trying to get them to care.
04.Feb.2007 By Eileen Fleming - They Know NOT What They Do
Christofacists are also neo-Christians. Just as neo-cons are NOT true conservatives, Christians that seek empire through violence are NOT true Christians. They also tend to believe God is in the real estate business and may have no clue as to what some members of Congress are doing this Valentines Day.

04.Feb.2007 By Hilton Obenzinger - Meditations In A Time Of Delusions And Lies 18: The New New Anti-Semitism
Critics of Israel's policies are once more slandered as purveyors of "The New Anti-Semitism," a phrase rolled out ever since 1967. Students at Stanford and other campuses are speaking out + they now join Jimmy Carter and such prominent Jews as Tony Kushner, Adrienne Rich, the late Arthur Miller + others in getting castigated. Such crude tactics stifle debate and are dangerous, obscuring real anti-Semitism.

04.Feb.2007 By Rob Kall - Bush Redefines Victory-- And We Don't Want It
The last thing we want is a "Bush victory." Victory? When you are in the middle of a football field piled 12 feet deep with excrement, the goal is to get the team out of the sh*t. There is no victory. There is a disgusting, awful slog to get out and then a time of cleaning up, recovering, getting the stench out and healing the team's trauma. Then we can go see about cleaning up the field, which is already a disaster.

04.Feb.2007 By Mickey Z. -What I Heard On The W Train - "Passengers are advised that their backpacks and other large containers are subject to random search by the police."

04.Feb.2007 By Cathy Garger - Depleted Uranium Poison Targets US Citizens
We all know that Depleted Uranium has been used upon the civilians of the Middle East since 1991. But how many of Americans realize that this toxic radioactive poison gas is also being used right here, inside the United States? This is the same uranium weapon that is also being used upon the "enemy" in Afghanistan and Iraq.

04.Feb.2007 By Melinda Pillsbury-Foster - Stop The Bush Library: A Methodist Minister Says Not At SMU
Dr. Andrew Weaver will speak out about why Southern Methodist University shoud absolutely reject the Bush Library on the Spiritual Politician today. Nearly 10,000 people, many clearly identified as Methodists, have put it on the line and say NO.

04.Feb.2007 By James Brett -Market Fundamentalism
The irrational belief in markets as the cure all for our civilization is now beginning to infect the Democratic Party as Libertarians gravitate away from religious fundamentalists and neocon radicalism, but bringing their dogmatic "market fundamentalism" with them.

04.Feb.2007 By Rev. Bill McGinnis - Senate Opponents Of The War In Iraq Should Defeat The Warner Resolution Because It Supports "Staying The Course."
The national discussion of the War in Iraq is forming into two clear sides: those who believe it can succeed with minor adjustments; and those believe it can never succeed, no matter what we do. There is no real middle ground.

04.Feb.2007 By Bob Geiger - Coburn Says Vote Against Minimum Wage Was "to Protect Salaries Of Low-income Families" - Oklahoma Senator believes in helping poor by paying them less

04.Feb.2007 By Ezekiel -As Easy As 1, 2, 3 - Why has all the optimism brought by the Democrats' November victory been transformed to alarm and despair? It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.

04.Feb.2007 By Winston Winston - W Has Failed The Democracies Of Both The US And Middle East.
Whatever the reason for the Iraq War was-"whatever Congress voted for", W has failed. In his speeches, including his state of the union addresses, W is always lying about Iraq and we likely heard some whoppers in his most recent one, but we won't know what they are until the lies become apparent. As a consequence of lying about the pre-war Iraq intelligence, W has failed the Democracies of both the US and Middle East.

04.Feb.2007 By Scott Shuster - Dick Cheney: The Pure Evil Behind The President - The biggest evil in the White House is not the President. It's the Vice President. Dick Cheney is motivated by greed, power, profit + conquest. From his non-stop lies he's lost ALL credibility. So, why is the media still listening to him?
04.Feb.2007 White House Watch -- News on President George W Bush and the Bush Administration - - BG - Fingerprint?

By Dan Froomkin Special to Friday, February 2, 2007; 12:58 PM

The revelation yesterday that Scooter Libby acknowledged in November 2003 that he and Vice President Cheney may have talked in July about whether to tell reporters that Valerie Plame worked at the CIA further bolsters the theory that Cheney may be the prime force behind this whole sordid tale.
September 11 Responders Seek More Funds - BG -
As President Bush visited New York yesterday, advocates for ill first-responders to the attacks of 11.Sep.2001, called for greater funding for the health care for the workers. The 21-year-old son of a New York City police officer who died last week, Cesar Borja Jr., met with Mr. Bush to push for more money for first-responders with respiratory and other complications. On Tuesday, Mr. Bush announced an additional $25 million in federal funding for September 11-related health care, and...Source:

04.Feb.2007 Hume used baseless claim to attack straw-man version of Wash. Post article on Libby trial - BG -
During the "Grapevine" segment on the January 30 edition of Fox News' Special Report, host Brit Hume criticized "mainstream media outlets" for their reporting on the trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby Jr., former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney. Hume falsely attacked a January 30 Washington Post article as a purported example of media reports that "continue to say" that President Bush's claim in the 2003 State of the Union address that Iraq had sought uranium in Africa "was contradicted by the findings" reported by former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV "following his CIA mission to Niger ... to investigate the matter" in 2002. But the Post did not report that Wilson's findings contradicted Bush's claim. The Post reported that the r... Source:

04.Feb.2007 Department of Homeland Dissatisfaction. - BG -
The federal government surveyed employees in its various departments this past summer to find out what they liked and disliked about their jobs. Federal workers were asked to agree or disagree with such statements as, "The people I work with cooperate to get the job done." The findings were reported in the Office of Personnel Management's "Human Capital" Survey report, released Jan. 31. Guess which agency ranked dead last? The one that's supposed to prevent terrorists from killing you. [more ...]... Source:

04.Feb.2007 Judges Pose Questions on Bush Detainee Policy - New York Times - BG -
Judges Pose Questions on Bush Detainee Policy New York Times - 2 hours ago By ADAM LIPTAK. RICHMOND, Va., Feb. 1 - In a series of probing and sometimes testy exchanges with a government lawyer, two of three judges on a federal appeals court panel here indicated Thursday that they might not be prepared to accept the Bush ... Bush's war powers further scrutinised Financial Times Detainee Rights at Center Of Fight US Opposes Court Challenge Washington Post Houston Chronicle - KAIT - WHNS - Christian Science Monitor all 88 news articles...

04.Feb.2007 What's in Slate - Updated Friday, June 17, 2005, at 5:21 PM ET

February 2, 2007

HTML: 02022007.html

In Press Box, Jack Shafer dissects the innuendo-laden coverage of Citigroup exec Todd Thomsen's "friendship" with CNBC anchor Maria Bartiromo. The Wall Street Journal 's reporting, which cushions the topic of their flight on a Citigroup jet in ambiguous language, is a classic example of insinuation: "It's not saying the two were romantically linked + it's not saying they weren't. ... This is the sort of copy a clever lawyer directs reporters to write when they "know" something but can't prove it." Newsweek is guilty, too, Shafer contends, only they blame bloggers for insinuating the relationship: "At least Britain's Private Eye magazine accepts responsibility for its own impiety whenever it wants to imply an unprintable intimate relationship by referring to a 'Ugandan discussion' or 'Ugandan relations.' "

In The Big Idea, Jacob Weisberg considers the "two clocks" ticking in Iran--one marking the time before Iran develops nuclear bomb, the other waiting for the fall of its clerical regime. The nuclear alarm seems much closer to going off than the regime change alarm + the Bush administration's current saber-rattling isn't helping. Everyone knows the United States "lacks plausible military options" in Iran. "Meanwhile," Weisberg writes, "America's hostility is supplying Ahmadinejad with an external demon for his propaganda and helping him cover over his domestic failures." A new approach must emphasize "diplomacy over brinksmanship," with an offer to revoke sanctions in exchange for halting nuclear enrichment. But until that happens, "[t]he only encouraging news may be that Bush's clock, with just 103 weeks to run, is ticking even faster than the other two."

In Politics, John Dickerson watches former New York Times reporter Judith Miller take the stand at the Scooter Libby perjury trial. The defense's argument hangs partially on the question of Miller's memory + her repetition of "I don't remember" frustrates defense attorney William Jeffress. " 'Do you remember my question?' he snapped at one point. Miller sighed. She apparently didn't." The next day, Dickerson cringes as his former colleague Matthew Cooper painstakingly and publicly combs through his typewritten notes. Libby's lawyer latches onto one phrase--"had somethine and abou the Wilson thing and not sure if it's ever"--and wonders if Cooper meant to type, "heard something about the Wilson thing and not sure if it's even true." "It all seemed very promising and clever," Dickerson writes. "And then Jeffress tried to turn the blank space in Cooper's notes into the word 'true.' ... That's not evidence. It's magic."
04.Feb.2007 Dig Yields Surprising Find at Ground Zero - BG -Dig Yields Surprising Find at Ground Zero Unlike the stacked columns, this steel appeared to be burned at one end....

04.Feb.2007 Kyoto - Money changers driven from their temples - nearly via Postman Patel by Shutter on Feb 02, 2007 On the day that the IPCC crypto scientists and ersatz pols announce that the levels of the ocean will only rise 600 cms in 100 years ( and not 10 metres) the carbon market in the ETS aproaches terminal collapse. EUA DEC 2007 contract closed at €2.28 - Ah! those far off, dim remembered days of 9 months ago, heady days when contracts were changing hands amongst the money jugglers at Euros 32 a
04.Feb.2007 Feb 02, 2007 FBI Agent Outlines Libby Perjury Case via ABC News: Top Stories on Feb 02, 2007 Trial of WH Aide Hinges on Whether There Were Lies, Not Disclosure of CIA Agent's Identity
04.Feb.2007 Exxon-Mobil Posts Record Profits Reuters Exxon Mobil Corp. posted the largest annual profit in U.S. history Thursday, even though fourth-quarter earnings fell on lower natural gas prices and shrinking gasoline margins.
For the year, Exxon Mobil earned $39.5 billion, up from its previous record $36.1 billion in 2005.
Net income in the fourth quarter slipped to $10.25 billion, or $1.76 a share, from $10.71 billion, or $1.71 a share, a year earlier.
Excluding one-time items, Exxon Mobil, the world's largest publicly traded company, earned $1.69 a share.
Earnings from exploration and production activities were $6.22 billion, down $818 million from a year earlier due to the natural gas price drop and decreased volumes driven by lower demand in Europe.
Earnings from refining and marketing operations totaled $1.86 billion, down $430 million due to lower margins.

04.Feb.2007 Recent Personnel Changes Foreshadow A Widening Of The War Robert Parry On Jan. 4, Bush ousted the top two commanders in the Middle East, Generals John Abizaid and George Casey, who had opposed a military escalation in Iraq. Bush also removed Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte, who had stood by intelligence estimates downplaying the near-term threat from Iran's nuclear program.
Bush appointed Admiral William Fallon as the new chief of Central Command for the Middle East despite the fact that Fallon, a Navy aviator and head of the Pacific Command, will oversee two ground wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The choice of Fallon makes more sense if Bush foresees a bigger role for the two aircraft carrier groups off Iran's coast.
Though not considered a Middle East expert, Fallon has moved in neocon circles, for instance, attending
a 2001 awards ceremony at the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, a think tank dedicated to explaining "the link between American defense policy and the security of Israel."
Bush also shifted Negroponte from his Cabinet-level position as DNI to a sub-Cabinet post as deputy to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. To replace Negroponte, Bush nominated retired Vice Admiral John "Mike" McConnell, who is viewed by intelligence professionals as a low-profile technocrat, not a strong independent figure.
McConnell is
seen as more likely than Negroponte to give the administration an alarming assessment of Iran's nuclear capabilities and intentions in an upcoming National Intelligence Estimate. Last year, to the consternation of neoconservatives, Negroponte splashed cold water on their heated rhetoric about the imminent threat from Iran.
"Our assessment is that the prospects of an Iranian weapon are still a number of years off + probably into the next decade," Negroponte said in an interview with NBC News in April 2006. Expressing a similarly tempered view in
a speech at the National Press Club, Negroponte said, "I think it's important that this issue be kept in perspective." Operation Deathtrap James Carroll 'Who the hell is shooting at us?" a U.S. soldier yelled last week. His platoon was in a strife-torn part of Baghdad, teamed with an Iraqi Army unit. Gunfire was coming from all directions. "Who's shooting at us? Do we know who they are?"...
Just by being in the streets to shoot at, well-armed soldiers empower the gunmen on all sides. Perhaps the most destructive unintended consequence of America's lethal presence has been the way the lethal power of all belligerents has scaled up to match it. America's young people are surrounded now by killers united only in the will to kill them. Operation deathtrap, exactly.
But anguish about the war is equally fueled by what is happening in Washington. After Bush's State of the Union address, antiwar Republicans and Democrats began vying with each other over ways to challenge U.S. policy, even as Vice President Dick Cheney bluntly declared of congressional action, "It won't stop us." And sure enough, the Democrats and Republicans quickly tempered their opposition. Why Attack Iran? Other Political Considerations Robert Parry Bush and his Israeli counterpart, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, also have powerful political motives for ordering air strikes against Iran's nuclear sites. Both leaders have suffered military reversals – Bush in Iraq and Olmert in Lebanon – and their public approval ratings have plummeted....
Bush and Olmert are two desperate politicians looking for something to put themselves back on top.
It also is conventional wisdom among American neoconservatives – as well as many Israelis – that President Bush may be the only U.S. leader who would countenance a preemptive military strike against Iran.
So, if the bombing raid is going to happen, these neocons believe it must occur within the next two years, preferably as soon as possible.

04.Feb.2007 News Summary with Links - BG -
Iraq In Chaos; Iran In The Crosshairs via Winter Patriot by Winter Patriot on Feb 02, 2007 Iraq is a much more tangled mess than most of us realize + that makes Iran more attractive, to a certain small group of very powerful people.
Preparations For War With Iran Are Advancing Robert Parry Military and intelligence sources continue to tell me that preparations are advancing for a war with Iran starting possibly as early as mid-to-late February....
There is growing alarm among military and intelligence experts that Bush already has decided to attack and simply is waiting for a second aircraft carrier strike force to arrive in the region – and for a propaganda blitz to stir up some pro-war sentiment at home.
One well-informed U.S. military source called me in a fury after consulting with Pentagon associates and discovering how far along the war preparations are. He said the plans call for extensive aerial attacks on Iran, including use of powerful bunker-busting ordnance.
Another source with a pipeline into Israeli thinking said the Iran war plan has expanded over the past several weeks. Earlier thinking had been that Israeli warplanes would hit Iranian nuclear targets with U.S. forces in reserve in case of Iranian retaliation, but now the strategy anticipates a major U.S. military follow-up to an Israeli attack, the source said.
Both sources used the same word "crazy" in describing the plan to expand the war to Iran. This Ain't No Foolin' Around Marc Lord The USS Dwight Eisenhower is in the Persian Gulf, off Somalia near the Horn of Africa. The USS John C. Stennis should arrive to join it on station in mid-February. The USS Ronald Reagan should arrive in the region at the beginning of March, right after Admiral William Fallon is confirmed as CENTCOM commander. There is no need for 3 aircraft carriers there, except for an attack on Iran; this ain't no party, this ain't no disco.
Iraq Is Worse Than You Think Robert Parry Sources with first-hand knowledge of conditions in Iraq have told me that the U.S. position is even more precarious than generally understood. Westerners can't even move around Baghdad and many other Iraqi cities except in armed convoys.
"In some countries, if you want to get out of the car and go to the market, they'll tell you that it might be dangerous," one experienced American cameraman told me. "In Iraq, you will be killed. Not that you might be killed, but you will be killed. The first Iraqi with a gun will shoot you + if no one has a gun, they'll stone you."..
The American cameraman said one European journalist rebelled at the confinement, took off on her own in a cab – and was never seen again. ...
The futility of the Iraq War also is contributing to professional cynicism. Some intelligence support personnel are volunteering for Iraq duty not because they think they can help win the war but because the hazard pay is high and life in the protected Green Zone is relatively safe and easy. ...
That American officials have come to view a posting in Iraq as a pleasant career enhancer – rather than a vital national security mission for the United States – is another sign that the war is almost certainly beyond recovery.

04.Feb.2007 The Blog | Marty Kaplan: The Founders Fumbled | The Huffington Post - BG -Bush is certifiably delusional, but impeachment is off the table, because Democrats can't muster the kind of political will and outrage at a tragically misconceived war that Republicans could summon for a blowjob.

04.Feb.2007 Today's Papers: So Easy To Say Goodbye - BG -today's papers
So Easy To Say Goodbye
By Daniel Politi
Posted Friday, Feb. 2, 2007, at 5:29 AM ET

The New York Times leads with news that Florida will probably say goodbye to touch-screen voting machines and replace them with paper ballots that will be counted by scanning machines in time for the 2008 presidential election. Experts say the move could very well be the start of a trend that will bring an end to electronic voting machines, particularly of those that don't leave a paper record. The Washington Post leads with an early look at the latest National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq, which, big surprise, says the situation is getting worse and is quickly spiraling out of control. The NIE doesn't spend much time discussing Iran + mentions how Iraqi sectarian violence has become the main obstacle to U.S. goals. The Wall Street Journal tops its worldwide newsbox with word that some of President Bush's allies in the Senate are proposing their own Iraq resolution that calls on the local government to meet certain benchmarks.

The Los Angeles Times leads with the global warming report by the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which was leaked to some news organizations in advance of its scheduled release today. The report concludes global warming is "very likely" (90 % certainty) caused by human activities. Worst of all, it says global warming has become uncontrollable and "would continue for centuries ... even if greenhouse gas concentrations were to be stabilized." USA Today leads with the Army Corps of Engineers revealing the location of the 122 levees across the country that could fail if there is a major flood. Some of the levees are close to areas with significant population, but others are in rural communities that may find it difficult to raise the money needed to carry out the necessary repairs. On Monday, USAT reported the existence of the at-risk levees but couldn't get their locations. After Freedom of Information requests were filed,

The Army Corps of Engineers released the list + the paper posts it online. To continue reading, click here.
04.Feb.2007 Peretz Chooses Israeli Anti-Missile Defense System
04.Feb.2007 Carlyle Changes Its Stripes - BG -First there were the terrorist attacks of September 11. In the aftermath, conspiracy theorists seized on Carlyle's huge profits, intense secrecy + close dealings with wealthy Saudi investors.
04.Feb.2007 State: Crist wants touch-screen voting machines gone - BG -TALLAHASSEE — Eager to end six troublesome years of touch screen voting in Florida, Gov. Charlie Crist wants every county to switch to paper ballots by 2008.
04.Feb.2007 U.S. Issues Guidelines in Case of Flu Pandemic - New York Times - BG -Health officials acknowledged that such measures would hugely disrupt public life, but they argued that these measure would buy the time needed to produce vaccines and would save lives because flu viruses attack in waves lasting about two months.;en=cdb820c97dd329e6&ex=1170997200&partner=MYWAY&pagewanted=print

04.Feb.2007 Official Lies Over Najaf Battle Exposed - Sent Using Google Toolbar - BG -Official Lies Over Najaf Battle Exposed

Najaf - Iraqi government lies over the killing of hundreds of Shias in an attack on Sunday stand exposed by independent investigations carried out by IPS in Iraq.

Conflicting reports had arisen earlier on how and why a huge battle broke out around the small village Zarqa, located just a few kilometres northeast of the Shia holy city Najaf, which is 90 km south of Baghdad.
Israeli Security Firm to Outfit Surveillance at D.C. Airport
04.Feb.2007 Baker: US Should Negotiate With Syria to Soften Hamas

Google has always shown a curious bias towards right wing news sources in its news search. Now it has delisted a newsite frequently cited here. What is up with them? Here's one explanation. ALTERNATIVE PRESS REVIEW: ...Google [is] delisting the Italian web site Uruknet as a news source, thus removing it from the Google News page. According to Alexa, the web-ranking organization, Uruknet is highly rated as an Iraqi news source. "URUKNET is and has been the most consistent, credible + powerful web-based source of News and Information on Iraq during the last 4 years. They have incomparable lines of communication direct from inside Iraq that fly in the face of the lies of the Global Corporate Empire. When the imperialists cannot buy off or intimidate websites like URUKNET, th... Source:
04.Feb.2007 Politics: Dispatches From the Scooter Libby Trial - BG -politics
Dispatches From the Scooter Libby Trial
Matt Cooper's unmagical notes.
By John Dickerson, Dahlia Lithwick + Seth Stevenson
Updated Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2007, at 8:10 PM ET
From: John Dickerson
Subject: Matt Cooper's Unmagical Notes
Posted Thursday, Feb. 1, 2007, at 7:33 AM ET

My former Time colleague Matt Cooper took the stand Wednesday and faced what no journalist wants to--a display of his notes and e-mails on a big TV screen. It's not just journalists who don't want this: I'm sure Scooter Libby doesn't like seeing his notes up there either. But for us, who obsess about crafting our final product, it's never pretty to look at the scraps we put into making it. So, while Cooper was mostly calm and measured, it was excruciating to watch him talk through the notes he took while talking on the phone with Scooter Libby on July 12, 2003.

Cooper contends that he asked Libby if he knew Wilson's wife worked at the CIA + that Libby answered, "Yeah I've heard that, too," or words to that effect. "Nowhere in his notes though, is there a reference to that exchange. To continue reading, click here.
04.Feb.2007 Bush Is Not Above the Law - New York Times - BG -LAST August, a federal judge found that the president of the United States broke the law...;en=ddba108e9817e621&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss
04.Feb.2007 Fmr. CIA Chief: “We Probably Gave Powell the Wrong Speech” - BG -
In a fascinating interview with Germany's Der Spiegel magazine, Former European CIA Chief Tyler Drumheller recounts what it was like working for the CIA during the run up to the Iraq War and talks — to the extent he can — about how the administration dealt with the extraordinary renditions we've been hearing so much about lately. Drumheller first broke his silence back in April of last year on CBS' 60 minutes. (h/t Glenn) Spiegel International: Drumheller: I had assured my German friends that ["Curveball's" claims] wouldn't be in the speech. I really thought that I had put it to bed. I had warned the CIA deputy John McLaughlin that this case could be fabricated.

04.Feb.2007 New documentary film | - BG -Filmakers Rob Balsamo and Gideon524 from on Mike Chambers radio show – 1/30/07
04.Feb.2007 Information Clearing House Blog - An Iron Curtain is Descending: And Most Americans Don't Know - BG -Most Americans are unaware of the new police state procedures of U.S. officials
04.Feb.2007 Today's Papers: Compromise Accomplished - BG -today's papers
Compromise Accomplished -By Daniel Politi
Posted Thursday, Feb. 1, 2007, at 5:53 AM ET

The Washington Post leads with Democratic and Republican senators who oppose President Bush's plan to send more troops to Iraq announcing last night they have reached a compromise and will support a resolution put forward by Republican Sen. John Warner of Virginia. The non-binding resolution isn't as strongly worded as the one Democrats preferred but after Warner made some changes they decided it was their best chance to get Republican support. The Los Angeles Times leads with a look at how Iraq's northern city of Kirkuk "could develop into a third front in the country's civil war" as different groups vie to control the oil-rich region. The Wall Street Journal tops its worldwide newsbox with the latest quarterly report on Iraq reconstruction that found tens of millions of dollars were wasted. The paper also notes Iraq has stopped all flights to and from Syria and closed one border crossing with Iran as the government prepares for a security crackdown.

The New York Times leads news that a German court issued arrest warrants for 13 people who were part of a CIA "abduction team" that detained a German citizen and held him for five months in Afghanistan. German authorities did not name the suspects + said it is still trying to determine their true identities. The NYT notes the LAT was the first to report the story. USA Today leads with an early look at a study that says oil from the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill continues to cause problems to the ecosystem and wildlife. It's going to take longer for the oil to disappear than many predicted and it "will be readily detectable for decades," a scientist tells the paper.
To continue reading, click here.

04.Feb.2007 Extra
Excerpts from George W. Bush's conversation with the Journal editorial board. 12:01 a.m. EST

04.Feb.2007 Antiwar Activist: Problem is Racism, Not 9/11 or Bilderberg - BG -
A well-meaning but confused Anti-War protester speaks on the problems of the 'Ruling Class', often contradicting himself. This protester denies collusion and conspiracy on the part of Masons or members of the Bilderberg Group (which includes the Rockefeller family, several royal families, the Rothschilds and other highly influential members). He also denies 9/11 conspiracies as a tool of clamping down on power-- yet claims systemic racism is the REAL problem perpetrated by the 'Ruling Class' who seek to divide the people and play them against one another.... How can one acknowledge the role of 'Ruling Elites' seeking to divide us yet reject exposed groups of ruling elites such as the Bilderberg Group-- who we know are seeking to divide and conquer all of us? Thanks to Matt Conner of
INFOWARS.COM for the footage...

04.Feb.2007 Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth - BG -January 27th, 2007:-Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth featured on!
New Website for Scholarly Students

04.Feb.2007 Chalmers Johnson | Empire v. Democracy: Why Nemesis Is at Our Door - BG -
04.Feb.2007 Oops: Cartoon Network promo tied to Boston bomb scare - MarketWatch - - BG -Cartoon Network promo tied to Boston bomb scare - MarketWatch
A marketing campaign gone awry was apparently behind the shutdown of Boston's major roadways and subway lines on Wednesday after promotional devices installed around the city triggered a day-long bomb scare.

04.Feb.2007 Sept. 11 Voices Rally for Health Care - BG -
04.Feb.2007 Miller not 'absolutely certain' of timing of CIA leak - BG -Miller not 'absolutely certain' of timing of CIA leak
04.Feb.2007 American Jewish Committee - Anti-Semitism - New York Times - BG -The American Jewish Committee, an ardent defender of Israel, is known for speaking out against anti-Semitism, but this conservative advocacy group has recently stirred up a bitter and emotional debate with a new target: liberal Jews.;en=66861232e53ab847&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss

04.Feb.2007 VoteVets Ad To Run During Superbowl - Nico -

Last week, VoteVets launched a powerful ad campaign opposing President Bush’s escalation policy.

ThinkProgress has learned that the new ad will run during today’s Superbowl. The ad, part of the Americans Against Escalation In Iraq campaign, will air in Washington, D.C., Minnesota + Maine, targeting Sens. John Warner (R-VA), Norm Coleman (R-MN) + Susan Collins (R-ME), respectively. Those three senators say they oppose sending more troops to Iraq, but haven’t signed on to the anti-escalation resolution sponsored by Sens. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Joe Biden (R-DE).

Watch the ad focusing on Sen. Norm Coleman: Digg It!
04.Feb.2007 Hagel: McCain Resolution Is ‘Disingenuous’ And ‘Intellectually Dishonest’ - Nico-

This morning on ABC’s This Week, Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) blasted the Iraq war resolution introduced by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), which calls for benchmarks, but says nothing about what will occur if the benchmarks aren’t met.

“I think if you want to go to a disingenuous resolution, this idea about putting benchmarks on the Iraqi government…and then having no consequences, now that’s intellectually dishonest,” he said. “So what are the consequences? Are we then going to pull out? If the benchmarks are not met by the Maliki government, are we then going to walk out? Are we then going to bring our troops home? Are we going to cut funding? Now, that falls more in the intellectually dishonest category.” Watch it:

Asked about the resolution this morning on ABC’s This Week, McCain declared, “Well, the consequences are obvious.” But, he said, “I can’t tell you what the other options are, because there are no good options to this.” Transcript: (more…)
04.Feb.2007 McCain Flip-Flops In 47 Seconds: Claims Success Is Not Realistic In ‘A Few Months,’ Then Says It Is - Faiz -

On ABC’s This Week, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said it is unrealistic to expect the escalation strategy to change the situation in Iraq in “a few months”:

MCCAIN: Took us a long time to get in the situation we’re in + to say that — and somehow assume that in a few months, that things are going to get all better I think is not realistic.

Just 47 seconds later, McCain said we’ll know whether the escalation strategy is working “in a few months”:

STEPHANOPOULOS: You say it’s all in. How long are you going to give it to work?

MCCAIN: I think in the case of the Iraqi government cooperating and doing what’s necessary, we can know fairly well in a few months. Watch it: Digg It!
04.Feb.2007 McCain: Consequences Of Missed Benchmarks Are ‘Obvious,’ But ‘I Can’t Tell You’ What They Are - Nico -

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has introduced an Iraq resolution which sets out “benchmarks” for the Iraqi government, but does not spell out any consequences if the benchmarks aren’t met.

Asked about the resolution this morning on ABC’s This Week, McCain declared, “Well, the consequences are obvious.” But, he said, “I can’t tell you what the other options are, because there are no good options to this.” Watch it:

McCain isn’t the only one who can’t make sense of toothless benchmarks. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said last week that benchmarks were “the best way to determine if the Iraqis are holding up their end of the bargain but he stopped short of saying what the U.S. should do it the Iraqis fall short. ‘I think everyone knows what the consequences are,’ McConnell said without specifying what he thinks they are, even when pressed. ‘I’m not going to start playing out the scenarios,’ he added.” Digg It! Transcript: (more…)
04.Feb.2007 “There has been an ongoing effort to target our helicopters,” - Faiz - chief U.S. military spokesman William Caldwell told reporters in Baghdad. “We have had four helicopters shot down … It appears they were all the result of some kind of ground fire.”
04.Feb.2007 AEI Letter Offers $10,000 Payments Only For Views Critical Of The IPCC Report - Faiz -

On Friday, The Guardian reported that the American Enterprise Institute — which has received more than $1.6 million from ExxonMobil — was offering to pay global warming skeptics to speak out in an effort to push back on the new IPCC climate change study. The IPCC report states that it is “very likely” that man-made greenhouse gases were the main cause of the Earth’s recent warming trend.

The article reported that one American scientist — Steve Schroeder, a professor at Texas A&M university — turned down the offer citing fears that the report could easily be misused for political gain. “You wouldn’t know if some of the other authors might say nothing’s going to happen, that we should ignore it, or that it’s not our fault,” he said.

A copy of the AEI letter can be read HERE.
Kenneth Green and Steven Hayward, the AEI employees who sent the letter, claimed they were soliciting views that would highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of the IPCC report. But, in the letter, Green and Hayward clearly indicate they are only seeking views that criticize the IPCC.
They write:

As with any large-scale “consensus” process, the IPCC is susceptible to self-selection bias in its personnel, resistant to reasonable criticism and dissent + prone to summary conclusions that are poorly supported by the analytical work of the complete Working Group reports. […]

We are hoping to sponsor a paper…that thoughtfully explores the limitations of climate model outputs as they pertain to the development of climate policy. […]

AEI will offer an honoraria of $10,000. … We intend to hold a series of small conferences and seminars in Washington and elsewhere…for which we can provide travel expenses and additional honoraria if you are able to participate.

Indeed, the letter reveals that the oil lobbyists at AEI are quite familiar with “self-selection bias.”
Bush: Iraq war is “sapping our soul.” - Nico - Attending a caucus retreat today, President Bush “told Democrats in private that he empathizes with their anguish on Iraq, saying the war is ’sapping our soul,’ according to two officials who attended the session.”
04.Feb.2007 Limbaugh: Stranded Polar Bears Are ‘Just Playing Around…Like Your Cat Goes To Its Litter Box’ - Nico -

This week, the UK Daily Mail published photos of polar bears stranded on ice floes in the Arctic.

Determined to deny the existence of global warming, Rush Limbaugh said on Friday that the bears were “just playing around…just like your cat goes to its litter box”:

This whole thing is totally misleading. They’re not even stranded on an ice floe that’s broken apart. They’re just out there just playing around. They’re just out there. You know, just like your cat goes to its litter box. When’s the last time your cat got stranded in its litter box? Just like your pit bull attacks and kills the neighbor’s baby horse, whatever, I mean these things happen. It’s called nature.

This isn’t “nature.” It’s human-induced global warming. In recent months, scientists have found that:

– Polar bears “are drowning because climate change is melting the Arctic ice shelf. Researchers were startled to find bears having to swim up to 60 miles across open sea to find food. They are being forced into the long voyages because the ice floes from which they feed are melting, becoming smaller and drifting farther apart.”

– “Pregnant polar bears in Alaska, which spend most of their lives on sea ice, are increasingly giving birth on land, according to researchers who say global warming is probably to blame.”

– Polar bears “may be turning to cannibalism because longer seasons without ice keep them from getting to their natural food.”

In December, the Bush administration “decided to propose listing the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, putting the U.S. government on record as saying that global warming could drive one of the world’s most recognizable animals out of existence.” Digg It!
04.Feb.2007 Bush’s Escalation: Doing The Militias’ Dirty Work For Them? - Guest -

The latest National Intelligence Estimate’s key judgments reached the same conclusion that the Center for American Progress reached last October: that Iraq was worse than simply a civil war because there are at least four major internal conflicts ongoing.

The NIE identifies Muqtada Al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army as one of the “very effective accelerators” of Iraq’s civil war. Reporting from Baghdad, Tom Lasseter of McClatchy Newspapers said that many American junior officers are convinced that the Bush military escalation in Iraq will actually hand over portions of Baghdad to Iraqi security forces infiltrated by the Mehdi Army.

Infiltration is a major problem that President Bush’s plan fails to adequately address. The independent Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction reported earlier this week that U.S. commander estimates that 20-25% of the Iraqi national police “needed to be weeded out.”

In effect, the Bush escalation plan risks handing over territory to forces loyal to Shiite radical cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr, further accelerating Iraq’s civil war and doing nothing to bridge the growing divides among Iraqis. Brian Katulis and Peter Juul
04.Feb.2007 Neocon Adelman: If Iraq Doesn’t Improve By July 4, ‘I Will Say It Is Hopeless’ - Nico -

Kenneth Adelman, “a lifelong neocon activist and Pentagon insider who served on the Defense Policy Board until 2005,” was a prominent advocate of the Iraq war. He famously claimed in a February 2002 Washington Post op-ed, “I believe demolishing Hussein’s military power and liberating Iraq would be a cakewalk.”

Two months ago, Adelman delivered a mea culpa in an interview with Vanity Fair. “I just presumed that what I considered to be the most competent national-security team since Truman was indeed going to be competent. They turned out to be among the most incompetent teams in the post-war era. Not only did each of them, individually, have enormous flaws, but together they were deadly, dysfunctional.”

This week, at a Denver City Club luncheon, Adelman said he sees the light at the end of the tunnel:

Adelman is not optimistic of a positive outcome to the American occupation of Iraq. … He said if by July 4th there is no progress made, “then I will say it is hopeless.”

Nevertheless, Adelman said President Bush’s escalation strategy is “worth a try,” even though its “chances of it succeeding are very low.” He also refused to express regret for promoting the war. “I expected an apology from you today,” said one attendee “who identified himself as a former intelligence officer for the United States Army during the Vietnam War.”
04.Feb.2007 Congress to hear the inconvenient truth. - Nico -

“Former Vice President Al Gore has accepted an invitation to testify next month in a congressional hearing on the highly controversial issue of climate change. … Gore will appear at a joint hearing on Wednesday, March 21. He will be the only witness to appear before the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality and the Science and Technology Subcommittee on Energy and Environment.”
04.Feb.2007 “A U.S. Army helicopter crashed Friday - Nico - in a hail of gunfire north of Baghdad, police and witnesses said — the fourth lost in Iraq in the last two weeks. The U.S. command said two crew members were killed + the top U.S. general conceded that insurgent ground fire has become more effective.”
04.Feb.2007 55. - Nico -

%age of Americans who “favor a firm timetable for withdrawing all U.S. troops from Iraq within a year. That figure includes 37% who favor an immediate withdrawal and 18% who want a timetable that will complete the withdrawal in a year,” Rasmussen reports. Just 33% believe U.S. combat troops should remain in Iraq “until our mission is accomplished.”
04.Feb.2007 Pentagon official resigns over detainee remarks. - Nico -

Charles ”Cully” Stimson, the Pentagon’s top official on detainee affairs, “resigned Friday over controversial remarks in which he criticized lawyers who represent terrorism suspects.” In a radio interview last month, Stimson said he found it shocking that lawyers at many of the nation’s top law firms represent detainees at Guantanamo + that companies “might want to consider taking their legal business to other firms that do not represent suspected terrorists.”
04.Feb.2007 Unemployment rate hits four-month high, - Amanda - rising to 4.6 %. This news comes just days after President Bush’s speech about the “strong” state of the U.S. economy.
04.Feb.2007 Collins: ‘Tensions’ Among Senate Conservatives ‘Are Running Very High’ Over Escalation - Payson -

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), an opponent of Bush’s escalation plan, appeared on last night’s edition of Hardball. She told host Chris Matthews that she is “getting a lot of pressure” to go along with Bush from her conservative colleagues. “Tensions are definitely there,” Collins said. “And feelings are running very high on both sides.”

Collins also described a “pretty contentious discussion” in which she stood up and responded to claims by the White House that the escalation resolutions “send mixed signals to our troops.” “I am really offended when people say that those of us who are in favor of the resolution are somehow betraying the troops,” Collins said. “I don’t believe that at all.” She added: “I think all Americans support our troops.” Watch it:

This morning, the Politico quotes an unnamed conservative saying the debate over escalation is “starting to get really ugly.” According to the lawmaker, those who voice doubts over the Bush plan are being “beaten down” by other conservatives. Transcript: (more…)
04.Feb.2007 Coburn: Minimum wage increase will hurt workers. - Amanda -

An increase in the minimum wage is “unfair to workers and, in many cases, it will be harmful to the very people it is supposedly designed to help,” according to Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK). See the real facts here. (HT: Bob Geiger)
04.Feb.2007 White House Disputes CBO Report, Says Combat Troops Don’t Need More Support - Nico -

A new study by the Congressional Budget Office shows that the real troop increase associated with President Bush’s escalation policy could be as high as 48,000, more than double the 21,500 soldiers that Bush has claimed.

Last night on MSNBC, Newsweek’s Howard Fineman reported that White House counsellor Dan Bartlett had written him in an email, “[W]e don’t agree with the CBO estimate and analysis. We think that there are already enough support troops on the ground there that very few will be required.” Watch it:

In fact, the CBO report considers Bartlett’s claim and rejected it. “Army and DoD officials have indicated that it will be both possible and desirable to deploy fewer additional support units than historical practice would indicate,” the report states. “CBO expects that, even if the additional brigades required fewer support units than historical practice suggests, those units would still represent a significant additional number of military personnel.”

Fineman added that if the administration is going to “flat-out deny” the CBO report, “then the question’s going to be, ok, if it’s not 15,000, how many is it? And where are your plans for actually knowing how many people you are putting in there? It undermines the whole notion that they know precisely what they are doing at this moment.”

Transcript: (more…)
04.Feb.2007 $245 billion more. - Nico - “The Bush administration will ask for another $100 billion for military and diplomatic operations in Iraq and Afghanistan this year and seek $145 billion for 2008, a senior administration official said Friday.”
04.Feb.2007 Hadley Ignores NIE, Says White House Will Still Not Call Iraq A ‘Civil War’ - Think Progress -

At a press briefing this morning, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley said the White House will continue to avoid using the term “civil war” to describe events in Iraq, despite the findings of the new National Intelligence Estimate.

Hadley was pressed on the issue by ABC News’ Martha Raddatz: “Why do you go out of your way not to use that word? The president goes out of his way as well. You say labels are difficult, but is it not important — certainly any military strategist will tell you it’s important to know what kind of fight you’re in.”

Hadley justified his position by pointing to the new NIE. He said the White House will not use the term “because it’s not an adequate description of the situation we find ourselves, as the intelligence community says.” He added, “We know what kind of fight we’re in. We know the facts.”

Watch it:

In fact, the NIE says that Iraq is worse than a civil war. Specifically, it says the term “civil war” “accurately describes key elements of the Iraqi conflict,” but does not “capture the complexity of the conflict,” which also includes “extensive Shia-on-Shia violence, al-Qa’ida and Sunni insurgent attacks on Coalition forces + widespread criminally motivated violence.” Digg It! Transcript: (more…)
04.Feb.2007 NIE Undermines Administration Claim That Iran Is ‘Igniting’ Violence In Iraq - Amanda -

The Bush administration has repeatedly claimed that Iran is responsible for the surging violence in Iraq. But on multiple occasions, the Bush administration has “ordered a delay in publication of evidence” to support its claim. U.S. allies who have seen the evidence said that it “still falls short of an airtight case.”

In an inteview with yesterday, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns said that Iran is “stoking” and “igniting” sectarian violence in Iraq. But he was unable to actually offer any such evidence. Watch it:

Today’s new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) explains why Iran is not a driving force behind Iraq’s violence:

Iraq’s neighbors influence + are influenced by, events within Iraq, but the involvement of these outside actors is not likely to be a major driver of violence or the prospects for stability because of the self-sustaining character of Iraq’s internal sectarian dynamics. Nonetheless, Iranian lethal support for select groups of Iraqi Shia militants clearly intensifies the conflict in Iraq.

The NIE acknowledges that Iran is trying to cause trouble. But it also notes that sectarian violence — not Iranian support — is the most immediate threat. Moreover, as the New York Times wrote yesterday, “more threats and posturing are unlikely to get Iran to back down. If Mr. Bush isn’t careful, he could end up talking himself into another disastrous war + if Congress is not clear in opposing him this time, he could drag the country along.” Transcript: (more…)
04.Feb.2007 Bush shifts $1.3 billion away from levee funding. - Nico  Comments 

“President Bush is expected to shift $1.3 billion away from raising and armoring levees, installing floodgates and building permanent pumping in Southeast Louisiana in order to plug long-anticipated financial shortfalls in other hurricane-protection projects, a move Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) describes as a retreat from the president’s commitment to protect the whole New Orleans area.”
04.Feb.2007 BREAKING: Iraq National Intelligence Estimate Released - Nico -

The key judgments of the long-delayed Iraq National Intelligence Estimate have been released. Read them HERE. Below, some important findings:

The term “civil war” “accurately describes key elements of the Iraqi conflict,” though it “does not adequately capture the complexity of the conflict”:

The Intelligence Community judges that the term “civil war” does not adequately capture the complexity of the conflict in Iraq, which includes extensive Shia-on-Shia violence, al-Qa’ida and Sunni insurgent attacks on Coalition forces + widespread criminally motivated violence. Nonetheless, the term “civil war” accurately describes key elements of the Iraqi conflict, including the hardening of ethno-sectarian identities, a sea change in the character of the violence, ethno-sectarian mobilization + population displacements.

Iran is “not likely to be a major driver of violence or the prospects for stability”:

Iraq’s neighbors influence + are influenced by, events within Iraq, but the involvement of these outside actors is not likely to be a major driver of violence or the prospects for stability because of the self-sustaining character of Iraq’s internal sectarian dynamics. Nonetheless, Iranian lethal support for select groups of Iraqi Shia militants clearly intensifies the conflict in Iraq.

The overall security situation “will continue to deteriorate” in next 12-18 months (more…)
04.Feb.2007 Pentagon tinkers with U.S. troop casualty count. - Amanda -

“Statistics on a Pentagon Web site have been reorganized in a way that lowers the published totals of American nonfatal casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan.” On Monday, the Defense Department’s website listed a total of 47,657 “nonmortal casualties” in Iraq. But on Tuesday, the same page simply listed 31,493 — the total for “medical air transported,” which excludes minor injuries and mental illnesses. Paul Sullivan of Veterans for America “said the changes actually meant the Pentagon was trying to conceal the rising toll of injuries and illness.”
04.Feb.2007 February 2, 2007 - Think Progress -

A new international climate report reveals that “there can be no question that the increase in greenhouse gases are dominated by human activities.” White House official Sharon Hays called the report “significant,” but stopped short of saying whether it would change President Bush’s policy on greenhouse gas emissions.

Britain plans to put children on “ the front line of the battle to save the planet ,” by making issues of sustainable development - such as energy saving and recycling - a compulsory part of the school curriculum. In contrast, many schools in the United States are banning An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore’s global warming documentary.

A long-awaited National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq “outlines an increasingly perilous situation in which the United States has little control and there is a strong possibility of further deterioration.” The document cites sectarian violence — not al Qaeda or Iran — as the primary source of conflict.

-1 %: The personal savings rate for Americans, now at the “lowest level since the Great Depression.” Economists “warn that the phenomenon exists at a particularly bad time with 78 million baby boomers approaching retirement age.”

The Senate’s vote yesterday to increase the minimum wage included $8.3 billion in tax cuts to small businesses . Since the minimum wage was last raised 10 years ago, Congress has given small businesses $36 billion in tax breaks. (more…)
04.Feb.2007 Florida shifts to paper ballots. - Nico -

“Gov. Charlie Crist (R-FL) announced plans on Thursday to abandon the touch-screen voting machines that many of Florida’s counties installed after the disputed 2000 presidential election. The state will instead adopt a system of casting paper ballots counted by scanning machines in time for the 2008 presidential election.”
04.Feb.2007 Oil Lobby Offers $10,000 Payments To Global Warming Deniers To Push Back On Climate Study - Faiz -

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the most authoritative group on global warming, will report on Friday that it is “very likely” that human activities were the main cause of warming in the past 50 years.

Prominent global warming deniers, such as Rush Limbaugh and Sen. James Inhofe, have already been downplaying the report and contravening the science. But the Guardian reports that there is a more orchestrated movement going on below the radar to confound the public about the IPCC’s report.

The oil lobby is so desperate to push back on the new climate change report that they have been offering to pay global warming skeptics to speak out:

Scientists and economists have been offered $10,000 each by a lobby group funded by one of the world’s largest oil companies to undermine a major climate change report due to be published today.

Letters sent by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), an ExxonMobil-funded thinktank with close links to the Bush administration, offered the payments for articles that emphasise the shortcomings of a report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Travel expenses and additional payments were also offered. […]

The letters were sent by Kenneth Green, a visiting scholar at AEI, who confirmed that the organisation had approached scientists, economists and policy analysts to write articles for an independent review that would highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the IPCC report.

AEI has received more than $1.6 million from ExxonMobil. The well-heeled oil lobby is a primary reason why doubt still exists in the general public about the cause of global warming.

As Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth pointed out, despite the fact that no peer-reviewed scientific articles published in recent years express any doubt that climate change is happening, more than 50 % of news media coverage of the issue includes the oil industry’s position on the subject.
04.Feb.2007 Senate passes minimum wage hike. - Nico - “Just moments ago, by a resounding vote of 94-3, the United States Senate passed legislation raising the Federal Minimum Wage for the first time in a decade.” Bob Geiger has details on where the legislation goes from here.
04.Feb.2007 Concerns over Iran bombing grow. - Nico -

U.S. News: “Democrats on Capitol Hill are increasingly concerned that President Bush will order air strikes against targets in Iran in the next few months or even weeks. … [T]hey suspect Bush will order the bombing of Iranian supply routes, camps, training facilities + other sites that Administration officials say contribute to American losses in Iraq. Under this scenario, Bush would not invade Iran with ground forces or zero in on Iranian nuclear facilities. But under the limited-bombing scenario, Bush could ask for a congressional vote of support…which many Democrats would feel obliged to endorse or risk looking like they weren’t supportive of the troops.”
04.Feb.2007 Gone Fishing: Cheney Set To Visit Global Warming Hotspot - Nico -

Vice President Cheney’s determination to ignore global warming will soon be put to the test.

The White House has announced that Cheney will travel to Australia and Japan this month “to discuss issues of mutual interest including Asian security and the global war on terror.” The Washington tip sheet The Nelson Report reported this tidbit about his schedule:

The Vice President and Mrs. Cheney will visit Japan as part of an Asian tour which will take them to Tasmania for fly fishing, sources confirm.

Cheney’s fishing trip will show him the impact of climate change first-hand.

The warming of Tasmania’s waters has led to “exceptionally rare” development of coral reefs and “the invasion of about 30 species of fish from warmer areas.” In December, arid lands fueled the worst wildfires in years, 15 of which raged across state forests and burned more than 280,000 hectares. And extreme weather patterns have turned the country into a “freak show“:

Every month [in 2006] but September saw a long-term monthly rainfall or temperature record broken. May saw the lowest temperature for the month ever recorded. June experienced the lowest total rainfall. October set records for the hottest day, coldest night, warmest night and lowest rainfall.

Hopefully Cheney will use his fishing trip to learn something about the global climate crisis he now seems content to ignore.
Brzezinski warns of coming conflict with Iran. - Payson -

“The war in Iraq is a historic, strategic + moral calamity,” former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski said in prepared testimony for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “If the United States continues to be bogged down in a protracted bloody involvement in Iraq,” Brzezinski cautioned, “the final destination on this downhill track is likely to be a head-on conflict with Iran and with much of the world of Islam at large. … It is obvious by now that the American national interest calls for a significant change of direction.”
04.Feb.2007 BREAKING: Iraq Escalation Could Be Twice As Large As Bush Claimed - Nico -

A study released today by the Congressional Budget Office shows that the real troop increase associated with President Bush’s escalation policy could be as high as 48,000, more than double the 21,500 soldiers that Bush has claimed.

As DefenseTech notes, extra forces are expected because the combat units being sent into Iraq “need to be backed up by support troops, ‘including personnel to staff headquarters, serve as military police + provide communications, contracting, engineering, intelligence, medical + other services.’” The CBO’s low estimate envisions at least 15,000 additional support personnel. The alternative scenario “would require about 28,000 support troops in addition to the 20,000 combat troops.”

Additionally, the cost of the escalation could be as much as five times higher than White House estimates:

According to the study, the costs for the “surge” would also be dramatically different than the President has said. The White House estimated a troop escalation would require about $5.6 billion in additional funding, the CBO now believes “that costs would range from $9 billion to $13 billion for a four-month deployment and from $20 billion to $27 billion for a 12-month deployment, depending upon the total number of troops deployed.”

Read the full CBO report HERE.

UPDATE: A release from Rep. John Spratt’s (D-SC) office notes that the CBO report also predicts addition burdens on U.S. forces:

An average of 170,000 military personnel has been maintained in the Iraq theater of operations + this high deployment level has taken a toll. Last year, CBO reported that the Department of Defense had reduced the amount of ‘dwell’ time for many troops from two years to one year in order to sustain troop levels. ‘Dwell’ time is the time troops spend in training at bases in the United States while living with their families. CBO questioned whether such a high pace of operations was sustainable over the long term. The President’s proposal will increase this level to above 200,000 troops + to reach this level, the Pentagon will probably have to relax ‘dwell’ time standards even more.

Bush_Claimed">Digg It!
Exxon has record annual profit. - Amanda -

Exxon Mobil “posted the largest annual profit by a U.S. company — $39.5 billion. … The 2006 profit topped Exxon Mobil’s own previous record of $36.13 billion set in 2005.”
04.Feb.2007 New Hard-Line Abortion Bill Introduced in South Dakota - Think Progress -

Three months after South Dakota voters rejected an abortion ban at the polls by a 56-44 margin, state legislators have introduced another “sweeping abortion bill…that supporters hope will lead to a legal challenge of Roe v. Wade.”

The ban rejected in November was “extreme, allowing for abortion only in instances to prevent the death of a woman. The revised ban, titled the ‘Women’s Health and Human Life Protection Act,’ offers additional exceptions, though they are very narrowly defined.”

Ms. Magazine reports:

In addition to preventing the death of a woman, an abortion may be obtained in cases of rape or incest, but the victim must report the rape to the police within 50 days, the physician must obtain a copy of the report record + the victim must provide either the name and last known address or a description of the alleged rapist to law enforcement. Furthermore, the physician would be required to take blood samples from the woman and the fetus to be submitted to law enforcement.

In the case of incest, a doctor “would have to get the woman’s consent to report the crime along with the identity of the alleged perpetrator before an abortion could be performed. Blood samples from fetuses would have to be provided to police in incest cases too.”

Also, the penalties outlined in the new bill are “much more severe than last year’s bill. Any physician who performs an abortion outside the guidelines of the bill would be guilty of a class-four felony and could face up to 10 years in jail.”
04.Feb.2007 Bush Admits He Lied To Americans About Iraq In Lead-Up To Midterm Elections - Faiz -

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, President Bush acknowledged that as early as “September/October” 2006, he realized a major change was needed in Iraq:

WSJ: Was there a moment in the war when you said we have to make a major change in the way we’re doing things in Iraq?
GWB: Yes, there was.
WSJ: When was that?
GWB: September/October.

But even after Bush realized that a major change was needed — in the weeks just prior to the midterm elections — he continued to knowingly mislead the American public and claim U.S. was “winning” in Iraq and that the strategy was “working”:

QUESTION: Are we winning?
BUSH: Absolutely we’re winning. … We’re winning and we will win, unless we leave before the job is done. And the crucial battle, right now, is Iraq. [

BUSH: But I believe that the military strategy we have is going to work. That’s what I believe. [10/25/06]

QUESTION: But just to be clear: When the commanders on the ground tell the president, in the large picture, we are stepping closer to chaos, he believes that can also be a picture of winning?
SNOW: Yes. [

BUSH: We’ve got a lot going for us. We got a strategy that helps us achieve victory + we got a military that is the finest military any country has ever assembled. [11/3/06]

Previously, Bush acknowledged lying about Rumsfeld’s resignation for political purposes in the lead-up to the elections.

Bush_Admits_He_Lied_To_Americans_About_Iraq_In_Lead_Up_To_Midterm_Elections">Digg It!
U.S. companies lag in fight against global warming. - Amanda -

“US companies are lagging behind Europe in their readiness to identify climate-change risks, according to the most comprehensive survey to date of industry awareness of the issues.” According to the Financial Times, many U.S. banks stated that “climate change had little to do with their business.” (See the real facts here.)
04.Feb.2007 February 1, 2007 - Think Progress -

Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, yesterday publicly defended her decision to become pregnant. “I knew it wasn’t going to be the most popular decision,” she said. Cheney then gestured to her middle: “This is a blessing from God. It is not a political statement. It is not a prop to be used in a debate, on either side of a political issue. It is my child.”

Reacting to yesterday’s compromise between Sens. Carl Levin (D-MI) and John Warner (R-VA) on a resolution opposing escalation, White House spokesperson Dana Perino said, “These resolutions send mixed signals to our troops and our enemy.”

Yesterday marked the first time Bush has spoken of a problem of income inequality in America. He said, “The fact is that income inequality is real; it’s been rising for more than 25 year,” adding that he sees the dividing line as between those with good educations and those without.

Universal health care is “socialist,” according to former Sen. Rick Santorum, who believes that such a plan “would be a nightmare for America.” Approximately 69 % of Americans favor a universal health care system.

9/11 Commission members said the intelligence agencies are still slow to share information, money + personnel. “The Bush administration’s execution of the DNI reforms recommended by our commission has been a failure,” said John Lehman, a conservative member of the panel. (more…)
04.Feb.2007 Bill O’Reilly: - Nico -

“You know that the Fondas and [Sean] Penns are going to say, ‘Listen, I’m as American as you are…I just see things differently.’ And I’m willing to give them the benefit of that doubt. I don’t want to say that they’re anti-American.” Moments earlier:
04.Feb.2007 Director David Lynch: 9/11 & Clips From Barnes & Noble Appearance - Paul Joseph Watson -In studio footage of Alex Jones' radio interview with cult director David Lynch, who talks
04.Feb.2007 7/7 Bus Bomb Survivor Contradicts Official Story - Paul Joseph Watson - First hand witness testimony tells of strange occurrences in bombing aftermath
04.Feb.2007 Who Will Be The Next 9/11 Truth Superhero? - Paul Joseph Watson  How you can help change the paradigm by influencing the cultural zeitgeist
04.Feb.2007 "Beheading Plot" Latest Terror Merry-Go-Round - Paul Joseph Watson  Few Brits believe Phony Tony on terror alerts anymore, so scriptwriters change the narrative
04.Feb.2007 Big Brother: Watching, Listening, Shouting And Firing X-Rays - Paul Joseph Watson  If you are a simpering jellyfish who accepts Nazi style levels of police and government intrusion
04.Feb.2007 Truth Videos Surge Into Google Top 100; Terror Storm at Number 11 - Paul Joseph Watson -Prison Planet Wednesday, January 31, 2007 A wave of 9/11 truth and other alternative
04.Feb.2007 Google Sought To Hide Political Dealmaking - Zonk 200 -
A blog entry by Michael Kanellos at ZDNet links to and expands upon an article in the Carlotte Observer. Last year Google was apparently throwing its weight around in North Carolina, seeking tax breaks from state and local legislators. When the company didn't get what it wanted pressure was brought to bear on legislative aides, journalists + politicians. The search giant was especially touchy about keeping the negotiations secret: "Executives didn't want anybody even to mention the company's name for fear that competitors could learn of its plans. Most involved with the negotiations were required to sign nondisclosure agreements ... That posed challenges for elected officials, charged with conducting the public's business in the open. As the tax measure wended its way through the legislature, some lawmakers began linking it to Google." The results of this deal are extremely lucrative for both sides. Google brought some $600 million in investment and as many as 200 jobs to the state + legislation enacted with Google's help is projected to save the company some $89 million in taxes over 30 years.

04.Feb.2007 Jack Thompson Faces Disciplinary Hearing - Zonk 117 -CoolC writes

"Gamepolitics is reporting that attorney Jack Thompson is to face a disciplinary hearing before the Florida Supreme Court. The attorney faces five counts of professional misconduct, three of which are correlated with his ongoing campaign against violent video games. Thompson faces the possibility of disciplinary action up to and including disbarment."
Material Tougher Than Diamond Developed - Zonk 185 -sporkme has handed us a link to a New Scientist article.

The piece outlines the development of a new substance reported to be stiffer than diamond. A team of scientists from Washington, Wisconsin + Germany combined the ceramic barium titanate and white-hot molten tin with an ultrasonic probe. The new material was, in some tests, almost 10x more resistant to bending than diamond. Composite materials researcher Mark Spearing of Southampton University comments on the result: "The material's stiffness results from the properties of the barium titanate pieces, Spearing says. As the material cools, its crystal structure changes, causing its volume to expand. 'Because they are held inside the tin matrix, strain builds up inside the barium titanate,' Spearing explains, 'at a particular temperature that energy is released to oppose a bending force.'"
Why Software is Hard - Zonk 302 - GoCanes writes

"Salon's Scott Rosenberg explains why even small-scale programming projects can take years to complete, one programmer is often better than two + the meaning of 'Rosenberg's Law.' After almost 50 years, the state of the art is still pretty darn bad. His point is that as long as you're trying to do something that has already been done, then you have an adequate frame of reference to estimate how long it will take/cost. But if software is at all interesting, it's because no one else has done it before."
Researchers Use 'Decoy' Molecule to Treat Cancer - CowboyNeal 32+ -Jerry Rivers writes

"The Globe and Mail is reporting that scientists in British Columbia have successfully used a 'decoy' molecule to shrink advanced prostate tumors. Citing a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the the Globe story explains how the researchers are the first to find a way to block the process of androgen reception in cells and prevent, a key trigger in the onset of prostate cancer."
NASA Considers Plans for Permanent Moon Base - Zonk 268+ -el crowbar sent us a link to an MSNBC article detailing NASA's plans for a moon base.

The permanently staffed structure could begin construction sometime in 2010, with six-month duty rotations the norm by 2025. Interestingly, the space agency is looking far afield for technical expertise. Consultants on the project include individuals from Caterpillar, Norcat, Boeing + other manufacturing concerns. Right now the only detail for placement and purpose is 'on the rim of a crater near one of the poles', but the article outlines a few other ideas that enterprising individuals have in mind for a moon base. Besides helium-3 mining and lunar hotels, do you have any good ideas for a moon base startup?
Das Geheimnis der Schlacht von Nadjaf - sfux 
Malte Olschewski - Über tausend Mann einer schiitischen Sekte sollen im Irak bei Nadjaf befestigte Positionen mit Flugabwehrgeschützen errichtet haben. Von dort aus hätten die ?Soldaten des Himmels (Jund Al Samaa)? zum Trauerfest der Aschura einen Angriff auf die in Nadjaf versammelten Geistlichkeit geplant. Die irakische Armee habe den Plan entdeckt und am 28.1. angegriffen. Die 30 Stunden...

04.Feb.2007 Um Gaza ist es still geworden - sfux John Pilger -

Ein Genozid schwappt gerade über die Menschen im Gazastreifen, während die, die dies aus der Nähe und Ferne beobachten, sich in Schweigen hüllen. Etwa 1,4 Millionen Menschen, meistens Kinder, leben zusammengepfercht in einem der am dichtesten bewohnten Region der Erde, ohne Bewegungsfreiheit, ohne Spielplatz und ohne einen Ort, um sich zu verbergen und Schutz zu finden?, schrieb...
Europas gefährliche Sümpfe (1) - Schweden - onlineredaktion Harald Haack ?

Europa wird rechtsextrem. Die gefährlichen braunen Sümpfe gibt es längst in jedem EU-Land, nicht nur in Frankreich, in Deutschland oder Italien, sondern auch in Schweden.
Nicht erst durch den bislang ungeklärten Mord an Olof Palme, Sozialdemokrat und zweimaliger Premierminister Schwedens, wurden die Schweden aufgeschreckt, sondern auch durch eine Mordserie vor einigen Jahren,...

Iran Clock Is Ticking - sfux Robert Parry -

Time may be running out for Congress and the American people to put in place any constraints on President George W. Bush before he plunges ahead with a new war against Iran. Military and intelligence sources say...
Deutschland: Haftbefehle gegen 13 CIA-Entführer - sfux World Content News -

Das Amtsgericht München hat heute gegen die Kidnapper von Khaled el Masri auf Antrag des Oberstaatsanwalts August Stern hin Haftbefehl erlassen. Sie werden nun in Deutschland wegen des Verdachts der Freiheitsberaubung und der gefährlichen Körperverletzung gesucht. Noch nicht geklärt dagegen ist die Frage: Gab es auch deutsche Helfer und Mitwisser ?Der Münchener Staatsanwaltschaft...
Drei deutsche Bundesminister ? verfassungswidrig und infam? - sfux Michael Schulze von Glaßer ?

Egal, ob es sich um rechts-, links- oder religiös-extremistische Organisationen handelt: Penibel werden im Verfassungsschutzbericht Details über diskreditierte Organisationen festgehalten. Im aktuellsten 394 Seiten starken Verfassungsschutzbericht [1] (aus dem Jahr 2005) wird augenscheinlich jede auch nur annähernd verfassungsfeindliche Organisation oder Person...
Tests show bird flu is H5N1 virus Experts play down fears as a bird flu outbreak on a Suffolk farm is confirmed as the strain potentially fatal to humans.
04.Feb.2007 Terror stress effect 'widespread' Terrorist attacks affect people's mental health even when they are not directly involved, experts say.
04.Feb.2007 'Boutique ultrasound warning Parents-to-be are urged to be cautious about commercial firms offering ultrasound scans of their unborn baby.
04.Feb.2007 Noisy Newcastle tops league table A survey finds Newcastle has more traffic noise than anywhere else in England, with Torquay the quietest place.
04.Feb.2007 Oils 'make male breasts develop' Using lavender and tea tree oils can cause young boys to develop enlarged breast tissue, a study suggests.
04.Feb.2007 Scientists 'reverse' vCJD signs Symptoms of prion diseases, such as the human form of mad cow disease, can be reversed, a study suggests.
04.Feb.2007 Jakarta floods death toll rises At least 20 people have been killed and 340,000 made homeless by floods in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta.
04.Feb.2007 Iraq fire downed US helicopters Four US helicopters lost in Iraq recently were hit by ground fire, the US military admits for the first time.
04.Feb.2007 UK vets battle to contain bird flu Government vets work through the night at a UK poultry farm to contain an outbreak of bird flu.
04.Feb.2007 New chief for Nato Afghan force UK General David Richards hands over the control of the Nato force in Afghanistan to US General Dan McNeill.
04.Feb.2007 Bush pushes for budget restraint US President George W Bush says his forthcoming budget plans will seek to curb domestic spending.
US ex-generals reject Iran strike Three former top US officers say attacking Iran would have "disastrous consequences" for the Middle East.
04.Feb.2007 Russia seeks UK Litvinenko probe Russian police seek Home Office permission to visit the UK as part of their inquiry into Alexander Litvinenko's death.
04.Feb.2007 German 1970s 'radicals' surrender Two suspected members of a 1970s German left-wing militant group surrender to police, officials say.
04.Feb.2007 China to boost ties with Zambia China announces new investment worth $800m in Zambia, the latest stop on President Hu's African tour.
04.Feb.2007 Israel confirms new forces chief Israel's cabinet approves the appointment of Maj Gen Gabi Ashkenazi as the new head of its armed forces.
04.Feb.2007 Syria accused over Iraq attacks An Iraqi official says half of attacks in Baghdad are by militants from Syria, after a major blast in the capital.
04.Feb.2007 Bangladesh top politicians held At least eight top politicians are detained in Bangladesh's capital Dhaka, officials and media reports say.
04.Feb.2007 Ministers urge Blair to stay on Tessa Jowell and Patricia Hewitt are among those urging Tony Blair to stay on as prime minister.
04.Feb.2007 Satellite prepares to go super-cold Europe's Planck satellite will study relic radiation from the Big Bang to answer deep questions about the origin of the Universe.
04.Feb.2007 The Green Room This week's Green Room argues that the IPCC's latest report shows it is time to get serious about tackling climate change.
04.Feb.2007 UK bird flu virus is Asian strain Experts confirm the H5N1 bird flu virus outbreak at a turkey farm in the UK is the Asian strain.
04.Feb.2007 Afghan forces vow to retake town The Afghan government and Nato-led troops are preparing to recapture a town stormed by the Taleban.
04.Feb.2007 Storm-hit Florida 'disaster area' The US president declares four Florida counties disaster areas, after storms killed at least 20 people.
04.Feb.2007 Envoys visit Iran nuclear plant Ambassadors from non-aligned countries undertake a "transparency visit" to an Iranian nuclear facility.
04.Feb.2007 Nigeria bird flu death confirmed Nigeria's first human fatality from bird flu is confirmed as the H5N1 virus by the World Health Organisation.
04.Feb.2007 Bush calls for US debate on Iraq US President George W Bush tells Democrats he welcomes debate in a conciliatory speech on Iraq.
Five die as flooding hits Jakarta Floods hit large parts of the Indonesian capital after two days of torrential rain, forcing thousands out of their homes.
04.Feb.2007 Saudis hold 10 for 'terror funds' Ten people are arrested in Saudi Arabia on suspicion of funding terror-related activities, officials say.
04.Feb.2007 US to charge Guantanamo three The Pentagon prepares fresh charges against three men held at the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay.
04.Feb.2007 Plans for schools to teach Mandarin English high schools may teach Mandarin or Arabic instead of EU languages in new curriculum proposals.
04.Feb.2007 Blair urges calm during 'storm' Tony Blair calls for Labour to "stay the course" as he addresses the party's national policy forum in London.
04.Feb.2007 Expert doubts widespread HIV risk The risks of HIV/Aids are being overstated, a former World Health Organization expert says.
04.Feb.2007 Climate paper prompts call to act A major climate change report prompts calls for urgent action, but the US rejects controls on emissions.
04.Feb.2007 MEPs unite to shut out far-right Centre-left and liberal MEPs unite to prevent a far-right bloc in the European Parliament getting positions of power.
04.Feb.2007 'Torture victim' seeks US justice A Lebanese-born German vows to get an apology from the US, alleging CIA agents abducted and tortured him.
04.Feb.2007 US unemployment on the increase US unemployment rose more than expected in January, but consumer sentiment remains strong, two reports show.
04.Feb.2007 Chirac retracts Iran remarks French President Jacques Chirac plays down the threat from a nuclear-armed Iran, but later reconsiders.
04.Feb.2007 Humans blamed for climate change Human activity is likely to increase global temperatures by 1.8-4C over the next century, scientists warn.
04.Feb.2007 Concrete 'to stem Java mud flow' A plan to drop concrete balls into the mouth of the "mud volcano" in East Java should be put into action next week, scientists say.
04.Feb.2007 Hunt for Florida tornado victims Rescuers in Florida search for survivors after storms and a tornado kill at least 19 people in the US state.
04.Feb.2007 US warning over Iraq conflict The term "civil war" describes some aspects of conflict in Iraq, a US intelligence report says.
04.Feb.2007 1,000 UK turkeys die of bird flu Government vets reveal that 1,000 turkeys found dead at a farm in Suffolk were killed by bird flu.
04.Feb.2007 Chinese leader boosts Sudan ties China's President Hu Jintao agrees on a series of economic deals in Sudan, which China protects from UN sanctions.
04.Feb.2007 Florida struck by deadly tornado At least 19 people die as storms and a tornado sweep through parts of the US state of Florida, officials say.
04.Feb.2007 Vietnam party morals questioned The head of Vietnam's Communist Party criticises a lack of morals among many of the party's members.
04.Feb.2007 Serbia rejects Kosovo breakaway Serbia's leader says Kosovo independence will never be accepted, after seeing UN plans for a partial breakaway.
04.Feb.2007 Taleban forces retake Afghan town Taleban forces in southern Afghanistan take control of a town at the centre of controversial UK peace deal.
04.Feb.2007 India aims to end poverty by 2040 India's finance minister says poverty is fast declining in the country and could be "wiped out" by 2040.
04.Feb.2007 47 arrested in immigration raids Forty-seven people are held in connection with alleged immigration offences after raids across England.
04.Feb.2007 US tackles China trade subsidies The US takes legal action against China over subsidies which it says breach World Trade Organization rules.
04.Feb.2007 Romanian minister forced to quit Romania's foreign minister is forced to resign over his failure to flag up the detention of two workers in Iraq.
04.Feb.2007 Turkey probes Dink suspect video Turkey investigates after a man charged with killing journalist Hrant Dink appears in a video posing with police.
04.Feb.2007 Smelly orange snow hits Siberia Russia flies chemical experts to a Siberian region to find out why smelly, coloured snow has been falling.
04.Feb.2007 Tanzania could seek radar refund Tanzania's leader says he will seek a refund from the UK if a probe into the sale of a radar system shows corruption.
04.Feb.2007 Chavez sets oil takeover date Venezuela's President Chavez says he wants the state to take over oil projects on the Orinoco Belt by May.
04.Feb.2007 Musharraf admits border problems President Musharraf admits that some border security forces have been letting the Taleban into Afghanistan.
04.Feb.2007 Defiant Blair rejects quit calls Tony Blair tells the BBC he will not give in to pressure to stand down over the cash-for-honours affair.
04.Feb.2007 Kosovo 'should split from Serbia' The UN's Kosovo envoy is set to recommend the province be allowed to separate from Serbia, the BBC learns.
04.Feb.2007 China's leader boosts Liberia aid China's President Hu Jintao signs a number of deals in Liberia, pledging more aid and investment.
04.Feb.2007 Dow Jones closes at record high The Dow Jones index closes at a record high of 12,673, on strong earnings and interest rate confidence.
04.Feb.2007 Blair interviewed again by police Prime Minister Tony Blair has been questioned for a second time by police probing cash-for-honours allegations.
04.Feb.2007 US Senate backs wage rise The US Senate votes to raise the minimum wage by $2.10 per hour to $7.25 and cut taxes for small firms.
04.Feb.2007 Senate grills US Iraq commander President Bush's choice for the new army chief of staff denies that current US policy on Iraq has failed.
04.Feb.2007 Poultry ban enforced in Jakarta New rules take effect in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, banning people from keeping domestic birds.
04.Feb.2007 Putin hits back at energy critics Russia's President Putin denies claims that Russia is using its energy exports as a foreign policy tool.
04.Feb.2007 France 'dims' for climate protest Lights across France dim for five minutes as part of a campaign designed to raise awareness of climate change.
04.Feb.2007 US warns Iran on Iraq insurgents The US issues a further warning to Iran, telling Tehran to stop helping Iraqi militants make lethal bombs.
04.Feb.2007 Air pollution link to heart risk A study on women suggests air pollution might significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
04.Feb.2007 to Majestic-12!

Majestic-12 is working towards creation of a World Wide Web search engine based on concepts of distributing workload in a similar fashion achieved by successful projects such as SETI@home and You can read more details on the project here. Below you can see recent news highlights, but for full details its best to check our forum.

21/01/07 MJ12node v1.4.5

Big update with comprehensive support for smart recrawls of priority buckets that will keep search engine up to date, plus bug fixes, please upgrade ASAP!

30/12/06 Almost 7 bln urls added taking database to well over 30 bln!

You can see breakdown of urls by TLD here.

27/12/06 MJ12node v1.4.3

Couple more fixes to some rare but possible HTML parsing errors, please upgrade ASAP!

23/12/06 MJ12node v1.4.2

A fix to a few rare but happening during archiving errors are in this release, also updated HTMLparser to v3.0.1 with changes fixing index out of range errors in cases when HTML tag was cut midway at the end of data.

22/12/06 HTMLparser v3.0.0 + MJ12node v1.4.1

Yet another version of .NET C# HTML parser has been released with more than double improvement in performance, .NET 2.0 build, removal of dependency on unsafe code and some old incorrect parsing bugs fixed. To make it faster we used a rather novel (in parsing HTML) approach with context-sensitive heuristical prediction engine to minimise number of new strings created, this feature alone is responsible for 20% performance improvement + complete tag parsing code rewrite add more. Heuristics engine is trained on typical HTML tagset, but you can override that or switch it off completely. If you can beat the speed of parsing with better algorithms then please let me know!

MJ12node builds updated with new fast parser, this should reduce Stage 2 archiving time very nicely, also 64-bit Vista/Longhorn now supported, get new node here.

14/12/06 MJ12node v1.4.0

Mammoth* upgrade to MJ12node is released, it is highly recommended to upgrade because new version includes a over 100 of fixes and features too numerious to list here, but inquiring minds can see the details in this forum post. This release, yet again, marks development shift back to the search engine.
* Much like poor mammoths' my will to live almost became extinct during development of this version...

04/12/06 HTMLparser v2.0.0

New version of .NET C# HTML parser has been released with about 100% improvement in performance, fixed bugs and support for text encodings to parse non-English pages correctly.

20/11/06 More urls added taking database to almost 25 bln!

See for yourself here.

09/09/06 3.8 bln urls added taking database to over 20 bln!

Even more billions of discovered urls were process with 3.8 billion of them selected for crawl! You can see breakdown of urls in database by TLD (top-level-domain) here. This load took database of known database to over 20 bln!

30/07/06 Search engine updated to v0.6.4

Continued peformance improvements as well as bug fixes and new index of Wikipedia's 2.5 mln articles are featured in this release.

23/07/06 Search engine updated to v0.6.3

Significant performance improvements and rebuild of all subindices was the main goal of this update.

14/07/06 Search engine updated to v0.6.2

Completely rewritten code to support multiple indices efficiently in a multi-server environment. Functions like View Text, Explain Time, Explain Rank, Word Search are all now working correctly with multiple indices (something that was broken or disabled for 1 bln page release). Development focus is moved to weekly search engine updates.

16/06/06 MJ12node v1.3.0

Major upgrade to MJ12node is released, it is highly recommended to upgrade because new version includes a lot of fixes and features too numerious to list here, but inquiring minds can see the details in this forum post. This release marks development shift back to the search engine itself.

25/05/06 New Statesman New Media Award nomination!

The project was nominated for New Statesman New Media Award in the Contribution to Civic Society category, so wish us good luck, the winners will be announced in July 2006!

20/04/06 Biggest URL load to date: 2.8 billion urls added!

Huge analysis task that processed many billions of discovered urls and selected 2.8 billion of them for recrawl! You can see breakdown of urls in database by TLD (top-level-domain) here. This load ends recrawl and initiates regional focus.

07/04/06 MJ12node v1.2.7

A fix to broken restart function in Windows release of MJ12node is released, it is highly recommended to upgrade since automatic restart is used internally in a number of cases. Users of Linux/FreeBSD builds are not affected.

06/04/06 MJ12node v1.2.6

New version of MJ12node is released with a number of fixes that reduce CPU and memory usage, it is highly recommended to upgrade.

23/03/06 The Guardian published an article about the project!

Michael Pollitt from the Guardian (excellent national UK newspaper) has written an article about us, check it out here!
"In the magic world, I think most of us would turn away from it at that price," he said.
Goulet said Walker likely worked a local circuit, performing part-time. In the 1850s, there were many magicians who did one-man shows, offering up some ventriloquism and Punch and Judy puppet shows as well.
Richard C. Malley, assistant director of museum collections and curator of technology at the historical society, represented the museum at the Jan. 27 auction. He was up against collectors from as far away as New Jersey.
Once the bidding finally stopped, Malley said he was surrounded by antiques dealers who wanted to break up the collection and buy individual pieces. But Malley refused.
"Objects tell stories and that's what helps us connect to our past," he said. "Taken as a whole, there are many stories." --- On the Web:
04.Feb.2007 Historical Society nabs rare collection from 1850s magician  Cool. posted by Prof. Hex
04.Feb.2007 Discovered: Britain's very own Colosseum  Third-century fans flocked to watch gladiators fight in Chester's bloody arena. posted by Prof. Hex
04.Feb.2007 23: How weird Is That? 

One of the earliest to subscribe to the 23 Enigma was beat poet William S. Burroughs.

For him, it was not just the unusual frequency of the number; it was that in any coincidence he would find the number 23. posted by Prof. Hex
Public rates Bush worse villain than Saddam, Satan
-- real news is that MSNBC finally acknowledges it

"At least in Vietnam Bush Had an exit strategy" Bumper Sticker Size Car Magnet
Frank Rich: Why Dick Cheney Cracked Up. The Poor VP Was Under Pressure as He Was Being Outed as a Chronic Liar for Sending GIs to Die Based on a Deceitful Propaganda Campaign.
Three former high-ranking American military officers have warned against any military attack on Iran. They said such action would have "disastrous consequences" for security in the Middle East and also for coalition forces in Iraq.
2 million desperate souls flee from Iraq as refugees escape slaughterhouse 2/5
45 nations form new global warming council -- take two guesses whether the U.S. is one of them 2/5
So much contractor activity in D.C. these days, a fraud/waste overload became a excuse to invite another contractor to help out 2/5
Pentagon admits for first time that ground fire downed 4 U.S. helicopters -- has been consistently downplaying danger of Sunni rifles and rockets 2/5
Bush tells Dems: "You want to secure this homeland as much as I do." Homeland? Try "Republic." 2/5
Bush back to plea to fix Medicare, Social Security from collapse. If he's the one to fix them -- we'll go with the "collapse," thanks. 2/5

04.Feb.2007 As for Obama: This Z Magazine piece goes too far, but it still raises some good points. Obama chose Lieberman to be his mentor. He voted for the Patriot Act, he voted for bankruptcy reform + he voted for business-friendly tort reform. He now supports universal health care, but (until recently) he has opposed a Canadian-style system, which most Americans would prefer. He also refuses to rule out the idea of a nuking Iran.
Are those positions really so "mainstream" in the current context? Labels:
Biden, Braun, Obama Permalink

04.Feb.2007 McCain commands the Swift Boat John McCain, the almost-certain Republican nominee in 2008, proves once again that he is no longer a man worthy of respect. He has hired a bunch of attack ad specialists -- including the "Swift Boat" lie-mongers, as well as the creeps who created the infamous anti-McCain ads back in 2000.
We judge a man by his associates + McCain now prefers to associate himself with demons . We have to make McCain's embrace of sleazeball politics into an issue. Labels:
McCain, sleaze Permalink

04.Feb.2007 Big Brother Incorporated Companies List Montagrex-Optagrex

SAUDI ARABIA. International Information & Trading Services Co. SOUTH AFRICA. Barlows Electronics Ltd
Big Brother Incorporated Montagrex-Optagrex ...

18.Dec.2004 Big Brother Incorporated Companies List ...

NORWAY. Simrad Optronics A/S. PORTUGAL . Montagrex-Optagrex ( Soc Portuguesa de Importaco e Exp ). ...
Briefcases Exp Sw Wheeled Cheaper Briefcases Exp Sw Wheeled, briefcases for sale, cole haan briefcases, direct. ... ( Soc Portuguesa de Importaco e Exp ) SAUDI Plastic Briefcases. exp -sw-wheeled.php

00.000.1921 George de Mohrenschildt Personal friend of George HW Bush . Knew Jacqueline Kennedy and her mother. ...

George de Mohrenschildt born, Mozyr, czarist Russia (perhaps now in Poland.) ...

Democratic Underground Forums - Printer friendly page, topic ID #550847 - ...

George Herbert Walker Bush's friend George de Mohrenschildt ... for Pinochet's freedom has been George Bush, the former CIA director and later president. ...

Democratic Underground Forums - JFK Assassination Facts

8. George De Mohrenschildt, the only man known to be on a first-name basis with ...

Seems it would be best if George HW Bush were to be subpoenad by Congress for ..

Hillary Clinton Forum.- Everybody Welcome to debate the issues, leave messages, cartoons and articles.

... are angry U.S. President George Bush made no mention of the ...

George W. Bush, he adds, "would never have yelled like that because people would ...">Cached -">More from this site

Homepage ... Kennedy's murder, including George de Mohrenschildt (Oswald's CIA handler) Allen ... Wasn't George HW Bush responsible for more genocide than Slobbodan Milosevic? ...">Cached -

George Did You Mean george?

George de Mohrenschildt . George Dibbs. George DiCaprio. George Dickel ... George HW Bush . George Hyatte. George H Crosman USAR Center Heliport. George H Kerr ...

Gerald | Related: • Bush • Seniors • Kontakte • zu • Oswald Freund • de • Mohrenschildt ...

And it was Gerald Ford who appointed George HW Bush to be Director of the FBI, ...

Topeka DIY - TopekaDIY News - Sychrconspiracy: Today in History ... for profit news, entertainment and educational website and social project.

... Kennedy and George HW Bush, Dallas socialite George de Mohrenschildt dies from a ...

220403antiwarblogg ... 7 - Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan + George Bush ... Corruption And High Treason - ... like George HW Bush, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Allen Welsh Dulles ... -
04.Feb.2007 Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA Da England nur mithilfe der USA eine Chance gegen Hitler hat, ... und von derem Gewinn die CIA 10% auf ihre Geheimfonds in der Schweiz, Italien, ...
04.Feb.2007 Frankreich und die Remilitarisierung des Rheinlandes einerseits zu einem enormen innenpolitischen Prestigegewinn Hitlers und zu einer ...

... fremde Staaten für bestellte Propagandafeldzüge Unsummen bezahlt haben. ...
Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA Letztere sind explizite Bewunderer Adolf Hitlers und besuchten das Dritte ...

Ich werde jede Woche dafür bezahlt, meine ehrliche Meinung aus der Zeitung ...
Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA

Auf Anweisung von Haldeman bezahlte Kalmbach $400'000 aus Geheimfonds für den ... Pinochet, der sich als Nachfolger Adolf Hitlers betrachtet, verspricht, ...
Deutscher Bundestag: Plenarprotokoll 13/226 vom 01.04.1998 ...

Im übrigen: Aus welchem Titel ist Herr Paschke bezahlt worden? Wird Herr Paschke weiter so ...

Warum haben Sie den Weg in den Geheimfonds eingeschlagen? ...
Deutscher Bundestag: Plenarprotokoll 13/227 vom 02.04.1998 ...

Sie hätte doch nicht der liebe Gott bezahlt + sie wären auch nicht aus irgendeinem Geheimfonds bezahlt worden, sondern die Beitragszahler hätten sie ...
E E ? Rüdiger HachtmannHTML-Version von Instituten verfügte über Sonderetats, Geheimfonds u. ä., die im ...

... wahr zu werden: Mit der Machtübernahme Hitlers glaubten große Teile der ...
2004070709_Report ... from 655 high schools showed Adolf Hitler was the most disliked foreign ... aus dem mittlerweile abgeschafften Geheimfonds für Regierungsmitglieder.

04.Feb.2007 Wer finanzierte Hitler und die NSDAP? Er stellte fest, daß Hitler neben der Parteikasse noch über einen Geheimfonds verfügte. Im Sommer 1930 stellte die preußische Polizei fest, ...
Enough is enough Nr. 1 1932 im Alter von 17 Jahren begegnete Genoud erstmals Adolf Hitler bei einem ... nachempfunden war, das die Nazis für ihre Geheimfonds verwendet hatten.
Hitlers Auslandsfinanzierung (1) strikte bezahlt werden, wenn ich zur Macht komme, sagte Hitler +

... 1. dass Hitler drei der Parteikontolle nicht unterstehende Geheimfonds besass mit ...
DR 1. dass Hitler drei der Parteikontolle nicht unterstehende Geheimfonds besass ...

Und Schweizer haben diese Waffen bezahlt, um den Kommunismus zu bekämpfen. ...
WAL - Kapitel XX - Abschnitt 4/6

Einer davon stellte überdies fest, daß die ausländischen Gelder nicht in die Parteikasse flossen, sondern in 3 Geheimfonds, über die nur Hitler allein ...
Der Moloch

Doch gab es neben der Parteikasse noch einen Geheimfonds + amtliche Stellen Berlins hatten auch Hitlers Finanzierung durch ausländische Geldgeber längst ... - Zeitung vun déi Lénk Volksgrenadierdivision der glorreichen Wehrmacht Adolf Hitlers, ... in einem Metzer Spezialinstitut wiederherzustellen + schliesslich einen Geheimfonds, ...
Inhalt Für eine vollständige Schilderung der Tyrannei Hitlers reicht die Zeit nicht aus. ... Die junge Republik bezahlt den Krieg, den der Kaiser verlor: ...
Der Kreis der Unterstützer Hitlers lässt sich für die wichtige frühe Phase der Partei in drei ...

Aug.2005 Titel: Wall Street und der Aufstieg von Hitler ...
Die Schweiz-Kuscheln mit Mördern und Dikatoren- - ARIVA.DE

Daher wird von jetzt an die Hitler -Regierung der Industrie große Summen zur ... von mysteriösen "Dritten" über mysteriöse "europäische Konten" bezahlt . ...
04.Feb.2007 160403antiwarblogg ... sei, auf der Käuferseite zu stehen, sagte hingegen der Morgan -Stanley-Stratege Barton Biggs . <<<<< .." (1 quote) 4. 00.May 2000 SKULL & BONES SIGNIFICANT ...
http The two Yalie friends of Walker's (actually Skull and Bones friends) were the sons ... Barton M. Biggs Mr. Biggs, age 62, has been a director and a Managing ...,24,00,7,29,00.htm
LP: (CFR) Council on Foreign Relations 2006 Membership Roster ... Gellman, Barton – a correspondent and reporter for Washington Post; ... H. Jr. – retired partner of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP; a member of Skull and Bones ... cgi?ArtNum=174579&Disp=1&Trace=on
Eustace Mullins, The World Order, ch 7 ... set up the Russell Trust at Yale in 1856, to finance the Skull and Bones ... Director of Lehrman Institute is Barton Biggs of Brookings Institution. ...

04.Feb.2007 Saiba como proceder caso esteja incomodado com latido de cães A pessoa que se sinta incomodada com latido de cães pode procurar o Juizado Especial Cível e formalizar uma reclamação. O dono dos animais será então ...
*)A EDUCAÇÃO DOS CÃES…E....DOS DONOS ... Mas levantar 6 da manhã no Domingo com cachorro latindo é dose! ... pessoa que se sinta incomodada com latido de cães pode procurar o Juizado ... possível; ...
Síndico Net :: O braço direito do síndico na internet Tem moradores que querem ter cachorro mas trabalham o dia todo, viajam e os animais ficam latindo dia e noite sentindo falta do dono e incomodando o resto ...

04.Feb.2007 Descendants of August Thyssen and Hedwig Pelzer Hedwig Thyssen (1978-1950), m.1st 1899 (div 1908) Baron Ferdinand von Neufforge (1869-1942), m. 2nd 1908 Baron Maximilian von Berg (1859-1924) ...
August Thyssen - Wikipedia Der Ehe entstammten vier Kinder August, Heinrich, Fritz und Hedwig . Um eine Auflösung des Thyssen -Konzerns durch die Scheidung zu umgehen, übertrug Thyssen ...
Fritz Thyssen - Wikipedia Fritz Thyssen wurde als ältester Sohn des Industriellen August Thyssen und seiner Ehefrau Hedwig Pelzer in Mülheim an der Ruhr geboren. ...

04.Feb.2007 20041012 Ob Thyssen, August tatsächlich Vater der 4 Kinder Thyssen, August + Thyssen, Heinrich + Thyssen, Fritz + Thyssen, Hedwig war, wurde nie geklärt.
04.Feb.2007 2004072930_und_Report NEW YORK (Dow Jones-VWD)--Der Handel mit US- Aktien stand am Donnerstag ... Paul Wolfowitz + der Chef des Planungsausschusses im Pentagon Perle, Richard.
04.Feb.2007 20060205 Feb.2006 Satire -Zeitschrift "Der Simpl".../Datenblatt &copy;Deutsches . ... Feb.2006 Nicht das Parteiprogramm, sondern der Belagerungszustand ist ...
04.Feb.2007 Sozialgeschichte der KPD 1918-33: Chronik ... der SPD in Heidelberg: Die Delegierten beschließen ein neues Parteiprogramm, ... mit ihrer ganz eigenen Verbindung von Satire, Gesang und Agitation. ...
Zu schwer wiegen die Argumente der GE-Kritiker: Jeder Irre, argumentieren nicht nur Regierungen wie die von Südkorea oder die Betreiber von Atomkraftwerken in Australien, habe mit GE Zugang zu Informationsquellen, die sich noch vor wenigen Jahren nur Dienste mit Zugang zu Spionagesatelliten leisten konnten. Wie wahr das ist, begreifen die meisten Nutzer schon beim ersten GE-Blick in den eigenen Garten: Was im ersten Augenblick so viel Spaß macht, hinterlässt dann schnell ein mulmiges Gefühl.
Wer das Kleingeld hat, bekommt erheblich aktuelleres und besseres Material von kommerziellen Sat-Foto-Dienstleistern.

Interessant wird es da, wo man nichts sieht

Die Liste wächst ständig. Das ist wenig überraschend: Viele als geheim eingestufte Anlagen fallen erst durch die Satellitenbilder überhaupt auf - entweder weil man sie sieht, oder weil man eben nichts sieht.

Die Debatte, ob Google Earth ein Sicherheitsrisiko darstellt, begann nur wenige Tage, nachdem die Software im Jahr 2005 veröffentlicht worden war. Bis heute gehören Abbildungen von Militärflughäfen, Atomkraftwerken und anderen strategisch wichtigen Zielen zu den populärsten Fundstücken, die die Earth-Nutzer in Blogs und Foren veröffentlichen und diskutieren.

Satellitenbilder: Schöner spionieren mit Google

Fotostrecke starten: Klicken Sie auf ein Bild (12 Bilder)

Wobei eines klar scheint: Was wirklich wichtig ist, bekommt man in vielen Ländern längst nicht mehr zu sehen.
Die meisten Google-Earth-Neulinge sehen sich in diesem magischen Moment quasi selbst von oben. Sie sitzen irgendwo in dem Haus, über dem sie virtuell schweben. Sie zoomen heran, suchen ihre Wohnung, ihr Zimmer, schauen, ob da jemand in Einfahrt oder Garten zu sehen ist. Entdecken ihr Auto, das Kinderplanschbecken, was auch immer - wie bei Google "googeln" sich die meisten zunächst einmal selbst.

Wie unabhängig ist Google? Auf Bitten der indischen Regierung zensiert der Online-Konzern Satellitenbilder strategisch wichtiger Objekte. Es ist nicht das erste Mal: Das scheinbar so vollständige Bild der Erde weist immer mehr Lücken auf.
Was Google nicht zeigt: Das zensierte Weltauge
Kritik am Westen: Russland beklagt mangelnde Dialogbereitschaft
04.Feb.2007 Herzinfarkt: Der frühe Tod, der im Erbgut steckt
04.Feb.2007 Irak: US- Soldaten erschießen Journalistin

04.Feb.2007 Angst vor Terroristen: Google Earth verschleiert indische Verteidigungsanlagen
04.Feb.2007 Jakarta unter Wasser: Nach der Sintflut drohen Seuchen

04.Feb.2007 Flugsicherheit: Vertrauen ist gut, Kontrolle ist schlechter

04.Feb.2007 Flughafen Frankfurt: Die Sicherheitshölle

04.Feb.2007 Washington D.C., USA: Der Sicherheitsprofi

04.Feb.2007 Brüssel, EU- Generaldirektion für Energie und Verkehr: Der Sicherheitsanalytiker

04.Feb.2007 Berlin, Innenministerium: Die Sicherheitszukunft

04.Feb.2007 RAF- Bewältigung: Schweigen im Packeis
04.Feb.2007,1518,druck-463640,00.html Der Kongressabgeordnete Weiner will derweil Anhörungen zu Greenpoint abhalten und hat die Abgeordneten zum Ortstermin eingeladen. Dies sei "das größte Umweltdesaster in der Geschichte New Yorks", sagt er. "Einer Generation der Vertuschung durch die Firmen folgte fast eine Generation der Verschleppung."
04.Feb.2007,1518,druck-463640,00.html Großkanzlei Girardi & Keese. Die hatte 1996 mit der Anwaltsgehilfin Erin Brockovich die größte Abfindungssumme der Industriegeschichte erzwungen: Der Energiekonzern PG&R musste wegen Trinkwasserverschmutzung 333 Millionen Dollar zahlen. Der Fall wurde später mit Julia Roberts verfilmt; die echte Erin Brockovich kam Ende 2005 nach Greenpoint und trat auf einer Bürgerversammlung auf.
04.Feb.2007,1518,druck-463640,00.html "Eine Generation der Verschleppung"

Zwei neue Sammelklagen wollen nun auch Gesundheitsstudien erzwingen. "Unsere Hauptsorge sind Benzol und Methangas", sagt Justin Bloom, einer der Anwälte, dessen Klageschrift auf 158 Seiten insgesamt 392 Nebenkläger auflistet. Das Dokument benennt noch zahlreiche andere Schadstoffe: Petroleum, Petroleumzusätze, Benzin, Blei, Steinkohlenteeröl, Dimethylbenzol, Kerosin.
04.Feb.2007,1518,druck-463640,00.html Gegenüber liegt der Reinigungsbetrieb Long Island Carpet Cleaners. Hier hat Exxon außen ein Ventilationsrohr installiert, da die Öl-Abgase durch den Boden kriechen und die Arbeiter betäuben. "Die Dinge gehen sehr langsam", klagt Firmenchef Barry Swindler.
04.Feb.2007,1518,druck-463640,00.html Schon 2004 verklagte Riverkeeper ExxonMobil, Chevron und BP wegen Verstoßes gegen Umweltgesetze - die erste von mehreren Klagen. Vorige Woche schloss sich Brooklyns Stadtteilpräsident Marty Markowitz der Klage an. Trotzdem dümpelt der Fall weiter im Vorverfahren. Die Beklagten seien nicht gerade kooperativ, sagt Seggos. Erst jetzt habe Exxon 150.000 historische Aktenseiten freigegeben.
04.Feb.2007,1518,druck-463640,00.html 1990 begann Mobil, Öl aus dem verseuchten Boden abzusaugen. Nach Angaben von Sprecherin Nair wurden seither über 35 Millionen Liter beseitigt: "Unser Schwerpunkt liegt auf einem Sanierungsprogramm, das die öffentliche Gesundheit und die Umwelt schützt."
04.Feb.2007,1518,druck-463640,00.html 1989 - im Jahr der Havarie in Alaska - übernahm der da noch von Exxon separate Mobil-Konzern die Verantwortung für die Verseuchung Greenpoints.

Eine Geldstrafe gab es freilich nicht. Anders als bei der "Exxon Valdez", für deren Havarie Exxon letztendlich 2,5 Milliarden Dollar Bußgeld zahlen musste. 150.000 historische Aktenseiten
04.Feb.2007,1518,druck-463640,00.html Offiziell wurde der gigantische Ölspill aber erst 1978 entdeckt. Eine Hubschrauber-Patrouille der Küstenwache bemerkte Öl auf dem Creek. Bohrungen ergaben das ganze Ausmaß der Katastrophe. Die Versuche, das Problem zu beheben, blieben damals aber nur zaghaft.
04.Feb.2007,1518,druck-463640,00.html 1966 wurde die letzte Raffinerie stillgelegt. Amoco (heute BP ) übernahm einen Teil der Liegenschaften, den Rest nutzte Mobil bis 1993 als Lager.

Drei der alten Öltanks rosten heute noch am Ufer des Creek, hinter Stacheldraht an der Kingsland Avenue. "Illegale Substanzen verboten", steht auf einem Warnschild.
04.Feb.2007,1518,druck-463640,00.html Die Kontaminierung von Greenpoint begann bereits Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Damals saßen auf der Landzunge über 50 Raffinerien, die meisten betrieben von Standard Oil, dem Exxon-Vorläufer. Schon in jener Zeit leckten die Tanks und Rohre; von Umweltschutz war da noch keine Rede. Im Oktober 1950 dann drang Öl ins Abwassersystem von Greenpoint und explodierte. Die Detonation riss einen Krater auf, jagte Kanaldeckel in die Luft und zerschmetterte die Fenster an 500 Häusern.
04.Feb.2007,1518,druck-463640,00.html Wie damals im Prinz-William-Sund steckt auch am Newtown Creek der Ölmulti ExxonMobil dahinter. Auf dessen altem Brooklyner Firmengelände ist jahrzehntelang Öl in den Grund gesickert und hat sich dort zu einer unsichtbaren Giftschicht ausgebreitet - direkt unter einem Wohnviertel mit rund 1000 Menschen. "Wir haben uns verpflichtet, unserer Verantwortung voll nachzukommen", bestätigt Exxon-Sprecherin Premlata Nair.

Dazu hat Exxon begonnen, das Öl abzusaugen. Viel zu spät jedoch, völlig unzureichend und ohne Rücksicht auf die Gesundheit der Menschen, finden Basil Seggos und Hunderte Anwohner, die Exxon in mehreren Zivilklagen vor Gericht gezwungen haben. Der Kampf der Davids gegen Goliath währt schon länger, spitzt sich jetzt aber zu: Der US-Kongress will eingreifen.

"So was sieht man sonst nur in der Dritten Welt", murmelt Seggos, über die Böschung des Creeks kraxelnd. "Es ist wie eine Zeitreise in die Vergangenheit." An einigen Stellen kapseln Gummiringe das Ufer ab, um zu verhindern, dass Öl in den Fluss rinnt; davor staut sich ein dünner Ölfilm. "Es hilft nicht viel", seufzt Seggos. "Weiter hinten ist der Creek tot."

Rostende Öltanks am Ufer
04.Feb.2007,1518,druck-463640,00.html Denn Greenpoint ist Schauplatz der größten Umweltkatastrophe der USA: Der Boden unter den Häusern und Fabriken ist mit Rohöl verseucht, aus Raffinerien und lecken Tanks. Dieser unterirdische Ölteppich, der langsam in den Creek sickert, erstreckt sich über mehr als 22 Hektar. Insgesamt sind hier, unweit der Uno-Zentrale am anderen Ufer des East Rivers, mindestens 65 Millionen Liter ausgelaufen, nach Schätzung von Experten sogar das Doppelte. Selbst die geringere Menge wäre noch anderthalbmal so viel wie 1989 beim Tankerunglück der "Exxon Valdez" in Alaska.

"Der Creek ist tot"

"Viele Leute wissen bis heute nicht, dass sie auf einer Zeitbombe sitzen", sagt Seggos, der der Sache als Chefforscher der Umweltgruppe Riverkeeper seit 2001 nachgeht. "Sie atmen toxische Gase ein. Sie werden krank."
Kampf um Airbus- Werke: Glos droht EADS mit Entzug von Rüstungsaufträgen
04.Feb.2007 Umwelt- Desaster: New Yorks unsichtbare Ölpest