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27.Sep.2006 Studie: Managementfehler sind Hauptursache für Firmenpleiten
Islam- Konferenz: Muslime integrieren, Islamismus bekämpfen
27.Sep.2006 Sachsen: Landtag will Immunität von NPD- Abgeordneten aufheben
27.Sep.2006 Der Wüstentreck: Warten, gehen, sterben
27.Sep.2006 Nazi- Vergangenheit: DFG- Geschichte wird aufgearbeitet - zum vierten Mal
27.Sep.2006 Declassified NIE Shows Cheney and Bush Misled Americans - Think Progress 

The National Intelligence Estimate — “the most authoritative document[] that the intelligence community produces” — was delivered to President Bush + Vice President Cheney 00.Apr.2006.

It was declassified today. Here’s a key excerpt:

The Iraq conflict has become the ’cause celebre’ for jihadists, breeding a deep resentment of US involvement in the Muslim world and cultivating supporters for the global jihadist movement.

21.Aug.2006 President Bush : Bush_knowingly_misrepresenting_the_now_declassified_NIE">Digg It! Transcripts: Clip 1

BUSH: You know, I’ve heard this theory about everything was just fine until we arrived + kind of “we’re going to stir up the hornet’s nest” theory. It just doesn’t hold water, as far as I’m concerned. The terrorists attacked us and killed 3,000 of our citizens before we started the freedom agenda in the Middle East.

Clip 2

RUSSERT: Here’s what the American people said in a recent poll. Is the U.S. involvement in Iraq or Afghanistan creating more terrorists or eliminating terrorists? And look at that. Overwhelmingly, 54 %, clear majority, believe we are creating more terrorists.





The New York Times CBS/Poll

CHENEY: I, I, I can’t buy that.
Promisgate: World's longest spy scandal still glossed over / Part I - sfux David Dastych ?

The so called PROMIS affair would never have happened if the software invented by an American computer specialist, Mr. William A. Hamilton, had been a technical failure. But this case management...
US-Geheimdienstreport: Irakkrieg hat den Terrorismus gestärkt - sfux SDA -

Der Irakkrieg hat nach Ansicht der US-Geheimdienste eine Stärkung der terroristischen Kräfte in der islamischen Welt bewirkt.

Dies ist laut dem Fernsehsender NBC der Tenor des gestern veröffentlichten Berichts des National Intelligence Estimate (NIE).
US-Präsident George W. Bush hatte wenige Stunden zuvor die Freigabe des Geheimberichts angekündigt, der teilweise bereits an die Öffentlichkeit gelangt war. Die Aussichten für eine Befriedung seien für...

Wegweiser durch den austriakischen Dschungel: - sfux Westi und der weisse Ritter (Teil 2) Malte Olschewski -

In unteren Ränge tosen und toben heftige Gefechte. Jörg Haider ist als ehemals unangefochtener Chef des dritten Lagers als Landes-hauptmann in Kärnten bei Bundeswahlen stark behindert.

Es ist in der europäischen Parteigeschichte kaum ein ähnlicher Fall politi-schen Harakiris geschehen.
Pesticides 'in a third of UK foods' Nearly a third of UK food and drink contains pesticide, a government advisory body says.
27.Sep.2006 Democrats seek full terror report US Democrats urge the Bush administration to release in full a report linking the Iraq conflict and global terrorism.
27.Sep.2006 Israelis 'free Hamas deputy PM' An Israeli military court orders the release of Palestinian deputy PM Nasser al-Shaer, his lawyer says.
27.Sep.2006 S Africa is losing its way - Tutu Archbishop Desmond Tutu accuses South Africans of losing moral direction and not showing each other respect.
27.Sep.2006 Police accused of Aborigine death An Australian coroner berates police for an Aboriginal man's death which prompted riots on Palm Island in 2004.
27.Sep.2006 US military set to quit Iceland The US reaches agreement with Iceland on how to end its military presence in the country.
27.Sep.2006 UK debt 'double Europe average' People in the UK are borrowing almost twice that of citizens in other western European countries, a report says.
27.Sep.2006 Karzai meets Bush amid tensions President Bush meets Afghan President Karzai, dismissing reported tensions between him and Pakistan's leader.
27.Sep.2006 Blair may stay until next summer Tony Blair is likely to stay as prime minister longer than some had expected, suggests Alan Johnson.
27.Sep.2006 HIV measure called into question Measuring viral load may not be an accurate way of predicting HIV progression, research suggests.
27.Sep.2006 New trees to reclaim Amazon lands The government of one of Brazil's Amazonian states plans to reforest areas of land cleared for pasture.
27.Sep.2006 Europeans urged to eat less fish The key to saving dwindling European fish stocks is for people to consume less fish, conservationists say.
27.Sep.2006 N Korea hits out at US sanctions North Korea blames US financial sanctions for deadlock in multilateral talks on its nuclear programme.
27.Sep.2006 Psychos Need a Little Sympathy Psychopaths are not a lost cause, one scientist argues.

They simply suffer from a learning disability + proper treatment could save society lots of pain and suffering. By Suzanne Leigh.
Peek at NSA's Secret Reading List What's the typical U.S. spook reading up on?

From encryption to extraterrestrials, recently divulged documents offer a glimpse between the covers of the National Security Agency's classified internal magazines. By Ryan Singel.
Love the Leak, Hate the Leaker?
Congress considers protecting journalists from being forced to reveal their sources, while punishing government workers who leak secrets to reporters. Here's why that schizophrenic approach actually makes sense. Commentary by Jennifer Granick.

27.Sep.2006 Trivia question: how many in-car PCs are there in the world Blog: There's an underground trend going on out there. People are installing PCs, usually notebooks, into their cars. The PCs, which...
27.Sep.2006 Politicos mull data retention by Web hosts, registrars Broadening their inquiry beyond ISPs, they ponder mandates for storage of user records to aid child porn investigators.
27.Sep.2006 First Super Close-Up Pictures of Mars - Alien54 (posted by ScuttleMonkey) 27 Alien54 writes

"The most powerful camera ever to orbit Mars will get its first close look at the Red Planet on Friday. The High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera flying aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) will relay its first low-altitude images to scientists at The University of Arizona beginning September 29. User-friendly web tools will be available to both the science community and the public to view/analyze HiRISE images and to submit observation requests. Processed images will be released soon after acquisition to allow everyone to share in the scientific discovery process. By combining very high resolution and signal-to-noise ratio with a large swath width, it is possible to for images to be collected on scales down to 1 meter."
Untraceable Messaging Service Raises a Few Eyebrows - ScuttleMonkey 131 netbuzz writes

"A messaging service called VaporStream announced today at DEMOfall will allow any two parties to communicate electronically without leaving any record of their interaction on any computer or server. Messages cannot be forwarded, edited, printed or saved. After they're read, they're gone."
NSA Publication Indices Declassified - ScuttleMonkey 45 Schneier is reporting that

a 3 year old freedom of information act request has finally come to fruition showing us indices from the NSA Technical Journal, Cryptographic Quarterly, Crytologic Spectrum + Cryptologic Almanac. From the article: "The request took more than three years for them to process and declassify -- sadly, not atypical -- and during the process they asked if he would accept the indexes in lieu of the tables of contents pages: specifically, the cumulative indices that included all the previous material in the earlier indices. He agreed + got them last month. Consider these bibliographic tools as stepping stones. If you want an article, send a FOIA request for it. Send a FOIA request for a dozen. There's a lot of stuff here that would help elucidate the early history of the agency and some interesting cryptographic topics."
The Man Who Literally Saved the World - ScuttleMonkey 469 99luftballon writes

"Today is an important anniversary for Russian hero Stanislav Petrov, the Soviet missile commander who saved the world from nuclear destruction 00.000.1983.

Sadly there are plenty of other examples of this kind of thing. How long will we keep getting lucky?"
Genetic Mapping of Mouse Brain Complete - ScuttleMonkey 111 Vicissitude writes

"A 3-D reference atlas of the genes that are active in the mouse brain is now complete. The atlas was declared finished on Tuesday, although scientists have been using it regularly for more than a year. The project was started in 2002 with $100 million from Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen." From the article: "'Since mice and humans share more than 90 % of genes, the Allen Brain Atlas has enormous potential for understanding human neurological diseases and disorders affecting more than 50 million Americans each year,' the Allen Institute for Brain Science said.

These include Alzheimer's disease, which affects 4.5 million Americans, autism, which may occur in one in every 175 births, epilepsy, which affects 2.7 million Americans, schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease."
Sosyal Hizmet Uzmani Web Sitesi 1923 Dünyanin en meshur Halkla iliskilercisi, Edward L. Bernays " Crystalizing Public Opinion" kitabini basti ve "halkla iliskiler danismanligi" kavramini ...

Chase Foresees Dismal Future for Public Relations -- It's Been ... CHASE: Phil Lesly's Public Relations Handbook, Handley Wright and Byron Christian's Public Relations in Management, Bernays ' Crystalizing Public Opinion, ...

How to Recognize a Skunk, Or, Why Most Americans Can't Think ... Hitler's propaganda chief used Bernays ' book Crystalizing Public Opinion as the basis of his campaign to prepare Germany for the destruction of the Jews.

Freedom of Education | Quotations About Education and Schooling Edward L. Bernays , Crystalizing Public Opinion. I suppose it is because nearly all children go to school nowadays and have things arranged for them that ...

Edward L. Bernays: A Register of His Papers in the Library of ... Bernays , public relations counsel , were given to the Library of Congress ...

Part III consists of material sent by Bernays as a deposit 00.000.1991 and ...

Edward L. Bernays: A Register of His Papers in the Library of ... The papers of Edward L. Bernays , public relations counsel, were given to the Library of Congress ...

Crystalizing Public Opinion (1924), 1924, 1961-1962, nd

Papers of Edward L. Bernays [finding aid]. Library of Congress ... Dateiformat: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
The papers of Edward L. Bernays span the years 1890-1979, with the bulk of the material within ... Crystalizing Public Opinion (1924), 1924, 1961-1962, nd ...

Bernays, Edward L. Freud's American nephew and disciple used Bernays ' book,. Crystalizing Public Opinion,. as the basis. of his campaign. to prepare Germany. for the destruction of the Jews. Most of the daily PR ...

Colorado State Journalism and Technical Communication 1923 - Edward L. Bernays published Crystalizing Public Opinion + popularized the term "public relations counsel." He also taught the first public ...

Edward L. By now Bernays was already something of a PR guru, with two books to his name: Crystalizing Public Opinion (1923) + Propaganda (1928).
27.Sep.2006 Bernays , Edward L. impact -public relations [propaganda] in USA -.html 5. ... Adolf's minister of propaganda, studied and adopted Bernays , Edward L.'s ... authentico-historia.planetaclix.ptpropaganda.html
27.Sep.2006 The ABC/Disney movie Path to 9/11 brought an entirely unintended consequence: it was interpreted as a declaration of war. I think Mr. Rove dreadfully miscalculated.

I think that movie was the trivial event that just started a civil war in this country.
The latest poll in PA shows Senator Rick Santorum LOSING BY FOURTEEN POINTS. Santorum is a dyed-in-the-wool Republican, a made man, the epitome of that corrupt breed running Congress.

The Republicans are going to get absolutely creamed in November--if we have elections at all. The polls are going to be so ghastly for the Republicans that hacking the totals will be obvious even to their party base.
And meanwhile the housing bubble is bursting.Doublecheck your Plan B.
# posted by unirealist : 9:31 PM  

unirealist said... "if we have elections at all." Man that is SCARY ,October Surprise maybe ? MMIIXX # posted by Anonymous
Noch 2004 wandte sich ein Firmenanwalt gegen vorherrschende "Medienklischees" über Hedgefonds-Manager.
Amaranth "operiert nicht im Schatten", sagte er, die SEC habe nur dürftig erklären können, worin das Problem überhaupt bestehe.

Schon seit längerem bemüht sich die amerikanische Börsenaufsicht SEC um eine effektive Regulierung der Hedgefonds. Doch ein US-Gericht hat die von der SEC entwickelten Regeln zurückgewiesen. Jetzt will SEC-Chef Christopher Cox zumindest die Anforderungen an Hedgefonds-Investoren verschärfen und die Mindestsumme für Investitionen deutlich anheben.
Für den Fall eines Abschwungs in der Weltwirtschaft prophezeien Ökonomen bereits eine Pleitewelle - und damit eine Flut neuer, notleidender Kredite.
Am 5. Mai 2005 war es - fast - so weit. Da stufte die Rating-Agentur Standard & Poor's die Kreditwürdigkeit des weltgrößten Autokonzerns, General Motors (GM), auf Ramschniveau herunter. Die Banken verlangten nun für die alten Versicherungsverträge automatisch eine Aufstockung der hinterlegten Sicherheiten, weil das schlechte GM-Rating die Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit erhöht hatte.
Der Markt hat sich in den vergangenen drei Jahren dramatisch verändert.
US-Börsenlegende Warren Buffett hält jedenfalls wenig von Derivaten. Für den - nach Bill Gates - zweitreichsten Mann der USA sind sie "finanzielle Massenvernichtungswaffen". Szenekenner sind sich einig, dass Buffett mit diesem Ausspruch vor allem auf die Kreditderivate zielte.
Dieses Spiel wird täglich x-mal gespielt, was erklärt, wie aus dem handelbaren Kreditvolumen von mehreren Hundert Milliarden die gigantische Versicherungssumme von mehreren Billionen entsteht. Doch der Dschungel gegenseitiger Verpflichtungen scheint kaum noch durchschaubar, bizarrste Konstellationen sind denkbar. Verschiebt vielleicht eine Bank ihr Ausfallrisiko in die Bücher eines Fonds, dem sie gleichzeitig auch Kredit gibt?
Sogar Profis haben längst den Überblick verloren. Die Angst vor unkontrollierbaren Dominoeffekten geht um.

Ein deutscher Bankenvorstand formuliert es anders: "Das Ganze ist der Ritt auf dem Rücken eines Tigers." Selbst die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB), eher für zurückhaltende Wertungen bekannt, sieht die Stabilität des Weltfinanzsystems in Gefahr.
Im Fall Amaranth verspekulierte sich nur ein einzelner Fonds. Was aber passiert, wenn viele Fonds, finanziert von vielen Banken, schiefliegen?

"Jedes Mal, wenn du glaubst zu verstehen, was die Märkte bewegt, passiert etwas anderes", sagte Hunter erst im Juli in einem Interview über das höchst volatile Geschäft mit den Erdgasoptionen.

Er hatte auf weitersteigende Gaspreise spekuliert - doch sie fielen. Am Ende, urteilt das "Wall Street Journal", habe Hunter schlicht den richtigen Zeitpunkt verpasst, "seine Spielchips vom Tisch zu nehmen".
Es wird viel gespielt im weltweiten Casino. Die waghalsigsten Spieler sind Hedgefonds wie Amaranth, sie verwalten die unvorstellbare Summe von 1,2 Billionen Dollar. Und das ist oft nur ein Bruchteil ihres Einsatzes, im Extremfall finanzieren sie bis zu 90 Prozent ihrer Geschäfte mit Fremdkapital. Das leihen ihnen die Banken, ohne dass diesen Darlehen entsprechende Sicherheiten gegenüberstehen.
Wo das viele Geld steckt, weiß niemand. Transparenz ist in der Welt der Hedgefonds ein Fremdwort. Es gibt weder Meldepflichten noch Regularien, die einzuhalten wären. Nichts ist verboten - und deshalb alles erlaubt.

Ohne Gentechnik: Katze ist ganz natürlich allergenfrei
Islamkonferenz- Teilnehmer: Von radikal bis liberal

27.Sep.2006 Interview mit Gregor Gysi: "Die ostdeutsche Seele hat gefehlt"

27.Sep.2006 Hedgefonds: Die Billionen- Bombe
27.Sep.2006 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Erstens feige, zweitens grotesk"
27.Sep.2006 "Idomeneo"- Inszenierung: Gegen die Diktatur der Götter
27.Sep.2006 Rüstung: Mehr Geld für US- Militär im Irak und Afghanistan
Enron- Skandal: Sechs Jahre Haft für Ex- Finanzchef Fastow
27.Sep.2006 Islam- Konferenz: Schäuble wünscht sich "deutsche Muslime"
27.Sep.2006 26. SEPTEMBER 2006 Zentralrat der Muslime: "Die Diskussion fällt ins Wasser"
Now we're told that George W. Bush has another way of demonstrating his supremacy over subordinates: when new White House aides are brought in to be introduced to the President of the United States, the President farts. Pirate News TV
"There's Adam Clymer – major league asshole – from the New York Times," Bush said as he was waving to a campaign crowd from a stage in Naperville, Ill.
"Yeah, big time," responded Cheney. Their voices were picked up on an open microphone.
During a presidential debate in 2000, Bush was back to making light of Texas executions. While arguing against the need for hate-crimes laws, Bush said the three men convicted of the racially motivated murder of James Byrd were already facing the death penalty.
"It's going to be hard to punish them any worse after they're put to death," Bush said, with an out-of-place smile across his face.

Beyond the inaccuracy of his statement – one of the three killers had received life imprisonment – there was that smirk again when discussing people on Death Row. Bald Guys
Bush Farts At New White House Staffers.
George W. Bush's crude behavior as President, including insults about people's personal looks, is usually dismissed by the U.S. news media as simply his "inner frat boy" coming out.
But a U.S. News report that Bush intentionally farts while greeting new White House staffers suggests that Bush enjoys exerting his power over subordinates in ways reminiscent of how ancient royalty treated lowly subjects.
Professor Glynn Wilson

27.Sep.2006 Researchers ready to reveal the mysteries of Mona Lisa  Canada's top research agency has completed "the most significant scientific study ever conducted" on the world's most famous artwork, Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

The English Robin Hood is first mentioned by name in the official documents for Yorkshire of 1230, where he is described as Robertus Hood fugitivis who has failed to appear in court. Many believe him to be nobleman, the Earl of Loxley, who was deprived of his lands by greedy churchmen. Ancient stories tell how he even helped Richard the Lionheart reclaim the throne of England.

He claims Robin would not have been able to hide out in Sherwood Forest because it would have been too small and well chartered.

Robin would, he said, be able to remain undetected in the vast and unknown forests of the March.

The sheltered woodlands would have provided him with the perfect base to launch lightening attacks on invading Norman armies.

In his book, Lawhead, still tells of a wronged nobleman turned heroic outlaw but names him as Bran ap Brychan instead of the more recognised Robin of Loxley.

Bran is a spoiled and selfish prince who becomes the rightful heir to the kingdom of Elfael after his father is killed by the Normans. He quickly becomes a marked man and makes plans to escape his kingdom and his people, until he is almost killed by the forces of Count Falkes de Braose, who took possession of the kingdom.

Just like the classic version of Robin Hood, Lawhead’s re-telling involves a strong and beautiful maiden, a priest and plenty of heartless kings and aristocrats.
27.Sep.2006 Robin Hood was Welsh and never went to Nottingham: book 
Robin Hood was really a Welsh freedom fighter who never even set foot in Nottingham let alone Sherwood Forest, a historian has claimed.
27.Sep.2006 CENTCOM Sergeant Details Traitorous Stand Down Orders On 9/11 - Paul Joseph Watson -Military whistleblower comes forward with key information Steve Watson / Infowars | September 26
27.Sep.2006 Former Governor Jesse Ventura Questions Official 9/11 Story - Paul Joseph Watson -Former Governor Jesse Ventura Questions Official 9/11 Story Goes further than ever before, cites Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, NORAD stand down, staged war
27.Sep.2006 Could Rove's October Surprise Be Osama's Dead Carcass? - Paul Joseph Watson -Neo-Fascists need a poster child for the war on terror to justify crushing kids' testicles and nuking
26.Sep.2006 Bush releases declassified version - Judd of the April National Intelligence Estimate. “The Iraq conflict has become the ’cause celebre’ for jihadists, breeding a deep resentment of US involvement in the Muslim world and cultivating supporters for the global jihadist movement.” Read the whole thing HERE.
26.Sep.2006 Falwell Refuses To Apologize For Lucifer Attack, Swears To Repeat It ‘Over And Over Again’ - Think Progress 

Appearing on MSNBC today, Rev. Jerry Falwell responded to criticism of his recent attack comparing Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) to Lucifer. Asked whether his remarks were disrespectful, Falwell said, “I do not.” MSNBC’s anchor then asked, “So I take this to mean that will you not be apologizing to Hillary Clinton?” Falwell answered, “No, I will say it over and over again.” Falwell said it was clear his comments were tongue-in-cheek “because there’s no way that Lucifer’s going to run [for president].” Watch it: Digg it! Full transcript:

MSNBC: Any comparison to the devil, especially coming on the heels — of course, your comments are being compared to those of Hugo Chavez. He is the president of Venezuela + I’m sure you saw it last week –

FALWELL: I did indeed.

MSNBC: — when he was addressing the U.N. Assembly, he called President Bush the devil in his speech. That made a lot of people very, very angry.

FALWELL: It made me angry too.

MSNBC: Is there any reason people should be are angry at you for what you said about Senator Clinton?

FALWELL: What I said about Senator Clinton is a true fact. She will energize religious conservatives about all others. Nobody who with a fair mind, open mind heard what you just played did not know that I was speaking tongue in cheek about Lucifer running because there’s no way that Lucifer’s going to run. …

MSNBC: Do you believe you were disrespectful?

FALWELL: I do not.…
MSNBC: Do I take this to mean that you’re not going to be apologizing to Senator Clinton?

FALWELL: No, I’ll be saying it over and over again.
Another secret Iraq report. - Nico 

Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA), ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, today disclosed the existence of a second classified National Intelligence Estimate “that gives a grim assessment of the situation in Iraq, and called for it to be shared with the American public — before the November elections.” TPM Muckraker has details.
26.Sep.2006 Bush Administration’s Pre-9/11 Focus Was Missile Defense, Not Terrorism - Faiz 

In her interview with the New York Post, Condoleezza Rice falsely claimed that President Bush’s pre-9/11 anti-terror efforts were “at least as aggressive” as President Clinton’s. In fact, the 9-11 Commission disputes that account. While the Bush administration should have been preparing for a potential terrorist attack, it was instead focused on developing a costly missile defense system. Here are the facts:

Clarke Handed Over Plan To “Roll Back” Al Qaeda. “The terrorism briefing [in the White House Situation Room in Jan. 2001] was delivered by Richard Clarke … [S]enior officials from both the Clinton and Bush administrations…say that Clarke had a set of proposals to ‘roll back’ al-Qaeda.

In fact, the heading on Slide 14 of the Powerpoint presentation reads, ‘Response to al Qaeda: Roll back.’ Clarke’s proposals called for the ‘breakup’ of al-Qaeda cells and the arrest of their personnel.” [Time, 8/4/02]

Bush Said “Most Urgent Threat” Was Ballistic Missiles. In a speech on May 1, 2001, Bush said, “Unlike the Cold War, today’s most urgent threat stems not from thousands of ballistic missiles in the Soviet hands, but from a small number of missiles in the hands of these states , states for whom terror and blackmail are a way of life.” [Bush, 5/1/01]

Bush’s Priorities Did Not Include Al Qaeda. “After his first meeting with NATO heads of state in Brussels in June 2001, Bush outlined the five top defense issues discussed with the closest U.S. allies. Missile defense was at the top of the list , followed by developing a NATO relationship with Russia, working in common purpose with Europe, increased defense spending in NATO countries + enlarging the alliance to include former East European countries. The only reference to extremists was in Macedonia , where Bush said regional forces were seeking to subvert a new democracy.” [Washington Post, 4/1/04]

Rice Was “Focused On Matters Other Than Terrorism.” “A review of the record, from testimony and interviews, suggests that Ms. Rice…was usually fixed on matters other than terrorism [before 9/11], for reasons that had to do with her own background, her management style and the unusually close, personal nature of her relationship with Mr. Bush. … [T]he reality is that Ms. Rice has virtually no public utterances about Al Qaeda to point to as evidence that she was as engaged in the issue as she was in Mr. Bush’s other foreign policy agendas. ” [NYT, 4/5/04]

Rice Was Set To Deliver 9/11 Speech On Missile Defense. “On 11.Sep., 2001, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice was scheduled to outline a Bush administration policy that would address ‘the threats and problems of today and the day after, not the world of yesterday’ — but the focus was largely on missile defense, not terrorism from Islamic radicals. … The address was designed to promote missile defense as the cornerstone of a new national security strategy + contained no mention of al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or Islamic extremist groups, according to former U.S. officials who have seen the text. ” [Washington Post, 4/1/04]

President Bill Clinton, meanwhile, was focused on the terrorist threat. He outlined a three-pronged strategy for combating terrorism in a 1998 speech at the Naval Academy. Read it here.
26.Sep.2006 Now watch this drive. - Amanda 

Simply put, many Europeans and other international players are put off by the overwhelming number of American PGA Tour players who identify themselves as George Bush-loving Republicans who support the US occupation of Iraq.” Many European golfers believe “they’ll be crucified in American locker rooms and newspapers if they publicly oppose Bush, his fundamentalist Christian agenda or the Iraq war.”
26.Sep.2006 Values Voter Summit’ Features Attack on ‘Faggots,’ Claim That Gay Rights Movement Inspired ‘From The Pit Of Hell Itself’ - Nico 

This weekend, some of the nation’s leading conservatives — from Tony Snow and Attorney General Gonzales to Sen. George Allen (R-VA) and Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AK) to Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity — appeared at the Family Research Council’s “Values Voter Summit.”

An hour and a half after Snow’s speech, Bishop Wellington Boone, founder of the Wellington Boone Ministries, took the stage and announced, “I want the gays mad at me.” Boone said that while “the gays” are “saying a few things” about him, “they’re not coming at me strong.” In an effort to change that, Boone declared:

Back in the days when I was a kid + we see guys that don’t stand strong on principle, we call them “faggots.” … [People] that don’t stand up for what’s right, we say, “You’re sissified out!” “You’re a sissy!” That means you don’t stand up for principles. [Click HERE to listen to the audio.]

As Right Wing Watch notes, another speaker at the conference later claimed “the gay rights movement was inspired ‘from the pit of hell itself,’ and has a ’satanic anointment.’ … He suggested that the anti-Christ is himself gay, citing a verse from the book of Daniel saying the anti-Christ will have no desire for a woman.”

Digg it!

Full transcript:

BOONE: This matter of gay — I want the gays mad at me. I’m not on enough of their hit lists. [Applause] Bless God. I want to tell you something + I’m gonna get [inaudible] here, and I hope I don’t embarass anybody about this here. But I want to say something to you, that I’m not afraid of these people. And they do play dirty tricks + they do try to, you know, you know, do stuff with your mailing lists + they’re really nasty about trying to stop us from, you know, taking away their perversion.

But I want to tell you something is, they don’t know, we’re driven by God to deal with this stuff + I want to say to you that, in this regard, I’m not playing with you. That when it comes to the matter of this gay stuff, I know that a family is not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. It’s a man and a woman. That’s the creative order + I’m not backing down. I’m standing flat-footed on that right there. [Applause]

Everywhere I get to speak, I am guarded by the grace of God, being strong on it. Now they’re fussing on it, they’re saying a few things, but they don’t have me, you know, in their, you know, on their web sites. They’re not coming at me strong + I would say this. Back in the days when I was a kid, and we see guys that don’t stand strong on principle, we call them “faggots.” A punk is — and our people, I’m from the ghetto, so sometimes it does come out a little bit. I got another one I’m gonna say in a minute — [laughter] — that don’t stand up for what’s right, we say, “You’re sissified out!” “You’re a sissy!” That means you don’t stand up for principles. And I just believe that God hasn’t called us to be sissies on a principle level. We’re called to be, to stand up and be men. I’m not talking about as in gender. I’m talking about man of God, men in the marketplace, and when a U.S. senator or congressman says that he wants me to vote for them + he’s not biblically based — if he doesn’t have God as his Lord, how can somebody that doesn’t feel the need for God lead me?
Yes, it’s hard sometimes to be America’s strongest ally,” - Faiz  British Prime Minister Tony Blair said in his last address to a gathering of the Labour Party.
26.Sep.2006 Breaking: White House Will Declassify ‘Key Judgments’ of NIE - Nico 

President Bush, moments ago:

Once again, there’s a leak out of our government, coming right down the stretch in this campaign, you know, to trade confusion in the minds of the American people, in my judgement, is why they leaked it. So I told the DNI to declassify this document. You can read it for yourself. We’ll stop all of the speculation, all the politics, about someone saying something about Iraq, you know, somebody trying to confuse the American people about the nature of this enemy. And so John Negroponte, the DNI, is going to declassify the document as quickly as possible, declassify the key judgments for you to read yourself and he’ll do so in such a way that he’ll be able to protect sources and methods that our intelligence community uses. And then everybody can draw their own conclusions about what the report says. Thank you.
Rice Falsely Claims Clinton Administration Did Not Leave A ‘Strategy To Fight Al Qaeda’ - Think Progress 

In her interview with the New York Post, Condoleezza Rice claims that the Clinton Administration did not develop a strategy to fight al Qaeda:

The secretary of state also sharply disputed Clinton’s claim that he “left a comprehensive anti-terror strategy” for the incoming Bush team during the presidential transition in 2001.

We were not left a comprehensive strategy to fight al Qaeda ,” Rice responded during the hourlong session.

Here’s what the 9/11 Commission Report has to say about it:

As the Clinton administration drew to a close, Clarke and his staff developed a policy paper of their own [which] incorporated the CIA’s new ideas from the Blue Sky memo + posed several near-term policy options. Clarke and his staff proposed a goal to “roll back” al Qaeda over a period of three to five years …[including] covert aid to the Northern Alliance, covert aid to Uzbekistan + renewed Predator flights in March 2001. A sentence called for military action to destroy al Qaeda command-and control targets and infrastructure and Taliban military and command assets. The paper also expressed concern about the presence of al Qaeda operatives in the United States.” [p. 197]

Clarke, who also worked for the Bush administration, wrote Condoleezza Rice a memo as soon as the Bush administration took office, stating, “[W]e urgently need…a Principals level review of the al Qida network.”

His request was denied.

UPDATE: Raw Story has the text of the Clarke memo. Digg It!
26.Sep.2006 MSNBC Runs Entire Segment On Clinton’s Socks: ‘The Former President Was Showing Off A Little Leg’ - Amanda 

Today MSNBC decided to forego substantive discussion of terrorism and instead focused on the fact that former President Bill Clinton’s sock had slipped and part of his “white” leg was showing during his interview with Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace. The MSNBC host asked her guests, “Is this a travesty or what?” Watch it: Digg It! Full transcript below:

HOST: Well, people haven’t just been talking about Bill Clinton’s red face in that Fox News interview and all the anger and the finger pointing, but some have been focusing on Clinton’s white legs. The former president showing off a little leg during the sitdown with Chris Wallace. We’re going to show you that + that’s left some — see, there it is, a little glimpse of leg. Well, how does this happen? … I mean — is this a travesty or what?


RON CHRISTIE: Yes, I do have longer socks on. And the fact of the matter is —

HOST: How high do they come? To your calf or knee?

CHRISTIE: They’re almost up to the knee. You don’t have to worry about any leg showing here.

HOST: Very good. Because I prefer modesty in all of my interviewees.

CHRISTIE: Exactly.

HOST: Julian Epstein, Ron Christie, that was fun.


HOST: If I had been doing that interview, I’ve got to say, I would just say, “Oh, Mr. president, your leg is showing,” or it’s sort of like telling someone they have spinach in their teeth. Come on, it’s not cool to let someone go around with spinach in their teeth, same thing with leg.
Bolton nomination “really, really dead.” - Nico 

Steve Clemons says the “last pre-election loophole through which John Bolton’s confirmation might have snuck through the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was at 2:15 this afternoon at a previously called ‘business meeting’ of the Committee. That meeting has been cancelled — and with it even the dimmest chance of John Bolton being confirmed as US Ambassador to the United Nations.”
26.Sep.2006 Rice Falsely Claims Bush’s Pre-9/11 Anti-Terror Efforts Were ‘At Least As Aggressive’ As Clinton’s - Judd 

This morning, in the Fox-owned New York Post, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reacts angrily to President Clinton’s criticisms of how the Bush administration approached the terrorist threat during their first eight months in office. (The Post headlines the article “Rice Boils Over Bubba) An excerpt:

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice yesterday accused Bill Clinton of making “flatly false” claims that the Bush administration didn’t lift a finger to stop terrorism before the 9/11 attacks.

… “ What we did in the eight months was at least as aggressive as what the Clinton administration did in the preceding years ,” Rice added.

The 9/11 Commission Report contradicts Rice’s claims. On December 4, 1998, for example, the Clinton administration received a President’s Daily Brief entitled “Bin Ladin Preparing to Hijack US Aircraft and Other Attacks.” Here’s how the Clinton administration reacted, according to the 9/11 Commission report:

The same day, [Counterterrorism Czar Richard] Clarke convened a meeting of his CSG [Counterterrorism Security Group] to discuss both the hijacking concern and the antiaircraft missile threat. To address the hijacking warning, the group agreed that New York airports should go to maximum security starting that weekend. They agreed to boost security at other East coast airports. The CIA agreed to distribute versions of the report to the FBI and FAA to pass to the New York Police Department and the airlines. The FAA issued a security directive on December 8, with specific requirements for more intensive air carrier screening of passengers and more oversight of the screening process, at all three New York area airports. [pg. 128-30]

On August 6, 2001, the Bush administration received a President’s Daily Brief entitled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike U.S.” Here’s how the Bush administration reacted, according to the 9/11 Commission report:

[President Bush] did not recall discussing the August 6 report with the Attorney General or whether Rice had done so. [p. 260]

We have found no indication of any further discussion before September 11 among the President and his top advisers of the possibility of a threat of an al Qaeda attack in the United States. DCI Tenet visited President Bush in Crawford, Texas, on August 17 and participated in the PDB briefings of the President between August 31 (after the President had returned to Washington) and September 10. But Tenet does not recall any discussions with the President of the domestic threat during this period. [p. 262]

Rice acknowledged that the 9/11 Commission report is the authoratative source on this debate: “I think this is not a very fruitful discussion. We’ve been through it. The 9/11 commission has turned over every rock and we know exactly what they said.”

Bush_s_Pre_9_11_Anti_Terror_Efforts_Were_As_Aggressive_As_Clinton">Digg It!
26.Sep.2006 September 26, 2006 - Think Progress 

In a new sign of mounting strain from the war in Iraq,” the Pentagon said that 3,800 U.S. soldiers will be staying in Iraq about six weeks beyond their one-year combat tours. Rumsfeld flew to the tiny nation of Montenegro “with hopes of tapping a new source of troops for Iraq and Afghanistan.”

6: The United States’ position on the World Economic Forum’s competitiveness rankings, a fall from first last year. “The U.S. lost its position as the world’s most competitive economy to Switzerland as budget and trade deficits prompted a slide.”

The Earth’s temperature “has climbed to levels not seen in thousands of years, warming that has begun to affect plants and animals,” the National Academy of Sciences reported. “This evidence implies that we are getting close to dangerous levels of human-made pollution,” NASA’s James Hansen said.

Americans clearly want a system that guarantees health care for everyone ,” concludes a new report by the Citizens Health Care Working Group. The group was created by Congress and is composed of 15 members, including Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt.

At yesterday’s Democratic Policy Committee hearing on Iraq planning , retired Maj. Gen. John Batiste, the former commander of the Army’s 1st Infantry Division in Iraq, said the administration’s “plan allowed the insurgency to take root and metastasize to where it is today.” He and retired Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton declared that Rumsfeld must go. “He knows everything, except ‘how to win,’” Batiste said. Click here to see highlights of the hearing.

Larry J. Sabato, “one of Virginia’s most-quoted political science professors and a classmate of Allen’s in the early 1970s,” yesterday confirmed that he heard Allen use a racial slur to refer to blacks , a charge the senator has denied.

The African Union will add 4,000 troops to its mission in Darfur , bringing the number of police and soldiers to 11,000. Sudan has refused to allow a U.N. peacekeeping force into the region. Approximately 200,000 people have died since violence flared in 2003.

Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki expressed optimism yesterday that negotiations would resolve the dangerous impasse over his country’s nuclear program. “We do believe that the issue is once again on track now based on negotiations. All the parties should help and support.”

And finally: No rock, paper, scissors? A coin flip decided the primary race for Alaska House of Representatives yesterday. Deadlocked in a 767-767 tie, incumbent Rep. Carl Moses and challenger Bryce Edgmon watched nervously as a “gold-and-silver commemorative coin spun through the air” and “landed on a sea otter pelt - tails up - giving” Edgmon the spot on the ballot. What
26.Sep.2006 Progressive Radio Hosts More Accepting Of Dissenting Views Than Conservative Hosts - Amanda 

Research 2000 recently conducted a survey testing whether progressive or conservative talk radio shows are more open to callers with dissenting points of view. The organization made 15 calls (with a point of view that was not compatible with the host) to six radio shows — three progressive (Stephanie Miller, Randi Rhodes, Ed Schultz) and three conservative (Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh).

Their findings concluded that all the progressive hosts were more willing to take calls from dissenters than were the conservative hosts. Research 2000’s ranking, in order of accessibility: 1): Schultz, 2) Rhodes, 3) Miller, 4) Ingraham, 5) Limbaugh, and 6) Hannity. Among the findings:

Progressive host Ed Schultz was the most accessible to callers with opposing points of view. “In fact, the only question the screener asked our fifteen callers was simply where are you calling from, radio call letters and your name.”

Conservative host Sean Hannity was the least accessible . Not a single of the 15 calls Research 2000 made were accepted. “Eleven of our callers with dissenting view points were told by the screener either ‘I will pass it on’ or ‘call our liberal hotline’ and then disconnected.”

– “Only two callers of fifteen dissenting view points was successful in getting on the Rush Limbaugh show . Both callers went through three screeners on the show before getting on the air with the host.”

Ingraham, Miller + Rhodes showed “no significant differences” in getting on the air “if one had a dissenting view point.” But the wait time for the Laura Ingraham show was the longest of the three — 40 minutes to one hour and 15 minutes. Digg It!
26.Sep.2006 Fact Sheet’ On Clinton Interview Gets It Wrong - Judd 

Today, the right wing is circulating a “fact sheet” on President Clinton’s Fox News interview. Here is one item, published on the Hotline Blog:

MYTH: President Clinton Said No One Knew Of Al Qaeda 00.000.1993:

Former President Bill Clinton: “[No one] even knew Al Qaeda was a growing concern in October of ‘93.” (Fox News’ “Fox News Sunday,” 9/24/06)

FACT: Osama Bin Laden And Al Qaeda Were Well Known By The Time Clinton Was Inaugurated

The sole backup for this claim is a 2003 Q&A session with conservative author Richard Miniter, published on the National Review’s website. The interview doesn’t even rebut Clinton’s assertion.

Miniter says that Bin Laden was known to the Clinton administration after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. That’s true. What wasn’t known for several years was that Bin Laden had a terrorist network called al-Qaeda. The 9/11 Commission report makes that clear on page 341:

00.000.1996-1997, the intelligence community received new information making clear that Bin Laden headed his own terrorist group.

Clinton was right. The “fact sheet” is wrong. Digg It!
26.Sep.2006 Sich entwickelnde Wirtschaftkrise: Drittes Anzeichen - sfux Karl Weiss -

Nach dem Platzen der Immobilienblase mit dem Einbruch im Baubereich, den Immobilienpreisen und bei den Eigenheimkäufen und dem deutlichen Rückgang der PKW-Neuwagenkäufe im Jahresvergleich bereits im Juni hat sich nun in den USA ein dritter typischer Vorbote von Wirtschaftkrisen (von den bürgerlichen Ökonomen verschämt Rezession genannt) eingestellt. Die Langzeitzinsen sind niedriger als die für kürzere...
Geldwäscherring in der Romandie ausgehoben - sfux 
Bern - Die Schweizerische Bundesanwaltschaft hat einen mutmasslichen Geldwäscherring ausgehoben. Über diesen Ring sollen illegale Erträge aus dem Drogenhandel von der Romandie via Frankreich nach Westafrika geflossen sein. Eine gemischte Ermittlungsgruppe aus Vertretern der Bundeskriminalpolizei und der waadtländischen Kriminalpolizei hat wesentlich zum Erfolg beigetragen. Das Dossier geht in den nächsten Tagen von der Bundesanwaltschaft an den Eidgenössischen Untersuchungsrichter mit dem Antrag...

26.Sep.2006 British Petroleum auf der Anklagebank - sfux Karl Weiss -

Die British Petroleum (BP), einer der ganz großen Ölkonzerne, ständig im Kampf mit der Royal Dutch-Shell, der Exxon-Mobil und der Chevron-Texaco um den Platz Nr. 1, ist äußerst bemüht, sich den Anschein einer umweltbewußten Gesellschaft zu geben. Selbst das Logo der Firma wurde geändert. Doch nun kommen Fakten ans Tageslicht, die eine andere Sprache sprechen. Damit ist die BP nicht die erste, bei der das...
Osama bin Laden wieder einmal tot ? oder: Falsches Spiel um mündige BürgerInnen? - sfux Harald Haack ?

Immer dann, wenn Osama bin Laden mutmaßlich seinen Aufenthaltsort verändern wollte, gab es Meldungen über seinen Tod. Offensichtlich gehört dies zu seiner Taktik ? nicht unbedingt, um seine Verfolger zu verwirren, sondern um wieder einmal in den westlichen Medien erwähnt und um von seinen Terrorkämpfern noch ernst genommen zu werden. Denn es muss ihn als angeblichen El-Qaida-Chef...
UK pandemic flu plan concern Doctors have expressed concerns about the government's plans for a flu pandemic.
26.Sep.2006 Iraq war fuels terror - US report The Iraq conflict was "cause celebre" for Muslim jihadists, declassified US intelligence report confirms.
26.Sep.2006 Colombian drug lords jailed in US Two brothers who led Colombia's infamous Cali drug cartel are each sentenced to 30 years in US jails.
26.Sep.2006 'Million bomblets' in S Lebanon Up to a million Israeli cluster bomblets remain unexploded in southern Lebanon, the United Nations says.
26.Sep.2006 Enron's Fastow gets six-year term Former Enron executive Andrew Fastow is sentenced to six years in prison for his role in the fraud at the firm.
26.Sep.2006 Rice hits back at Clinton claims US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice denies President Clinton's claim that he did more to stop al-Qaeda.
26.Sep.2006 Guatemala seizes control of jail Guatemalan security forces storm a jail that has been under prisoner control for 10 years, killing seven inmates.
26.Sep.2006 UN says Gaza crisis 'intolerable' Standards of human rights in the Palestinian territories fall to intolerable new levels, the UN hears.
26.Sep.2006 Drug 'may reverse liver disease' Scientists discover a cheap drug may cure liver disease - even in patients who can't give up boozing.
26.Sep.2006 Planets have scientists buzzing A new wide-field sky survey known as SuperWasp discovers two planets orbiting far-distant stars.
26.Sep.2006 Negroponte denies terror claims US intelligence chief John Negroponte rejects claims the terror threat has grown since the Iraq invasion.
26.Sep.2006 Saudis deny secret Israel contact Saudi Arabia denies holding talks with Israelis, including a meeting with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
26.Sep.2006 US loses top competitiveness spot The US is no longer the world's most competitive economy, according to the World Economic Forum.
26.Sep.2006 Thailand reports bird flu death A 59-year-old farmer becomes the third person in Thailand to die of bird flu this year, health officials say.
26.Sep.2006 Moving Beyond String Theory How do you get general relativity and quantum mechanics to live together? String theory is the darling for now, but other promising approaches are floating out there as well.

By Mark Anderson.
Paul Allen's Digital Brain Researchers creating the Allen Brain Atlas unveil their first accomplishment -- a map of every gene in the mouse brain. Next up is a similar study using human brain slices.

By Xeni Jardin.
Shale Could Rock Oil Supply The federal government and oil companies are trying to refine the process of turning oil shale into crude so that they can tap into an abundant supply on federal lands. In Autopia.
26.Sep.2006 Google Calls For Power Supply Design Changes - Zonk 30 Raindance writes

"The New York Times reports that Google is calling 'for a shift from multivoltage power supplies to a single 12-volt standard. Although voltage conversion would still take place on the PC motherboard, the simpler design of the new power supply would make it easier to achieve higher overall efficiencies ... The Google white paper argues that the opportunity for power savings is immense — by deploying the new power supplies in 100 million desktop PC's running eight hours a day, it will be possible to save 40 billion kilowatt-hours over three years, or more than $5 billion at California's energy rates.' This may have something to do with the electricity bill for Google's estimated 450,000 servers."
Does File-Sharing Really Hurt the Music Biz? - Zonk 160
Phonographic Memory writes "A new study has come out that purports to show a link between file-sharing and decreased CD purchases. Covering the period of 1995-2003, the study looked for a link between owning a computer and decreased CD purchases. The researcher found that 'some US music consumers could have decreased their CD purchases (prior to 2004) by about 13 % due to Internet file sharing.' In its coverage of the study, Ars Technica notes that the scholarly consensus on the possibility of a link between file sharing and music purchases is missing: 'the dominant impression gained from reading these studies is that finding accurate correlations between file-sharing and loss of revenue for the music industry is tremendously difficult.'"

Study Finds World Warmth Edging to Ancient Levels - Zonk 378
Krishna Dagli writes to mention a decades-long study by NASA scientists. According to the research, global temperatures are reaching highs not seen in thousands of years. From the article: "One of the findings from this collaboration is that the Western Equatorial Pacific and Indian Oceans are now as warm as, or warmer than, at any prior time in the Holocene. The Holocene is the relatively warm period that has existed for almost 12,000 years, since the end of the last major ice age. The Western Pacific and Indian Oceans are important because, as these researchers show, temperature change there is indicative of global temperature change. Therefore, by inference, the world as a whole is now as warm as, or warmer than, at any time in the Holocene. According to Lea, 'The Western Pacific is important for another reason, too: it is a major source of heat for the world's oceans and for the global atmosphere.'"

French Doctors to Perform Zero-Gravity Surgery - ScuttleMonkey 163+ STFS writes

"NewScientistSpace has a story about a team of French doctors who will attempt the worlds first zero-gravity operation on a human aboard an Airbus A300 dubbed "Zero-G". The patient, according to, was chosen because of his experience with 'dramatic gravitational shifts' as an avid bungee-jumper. The operation will serve as a test for performing surgery in space."
AOL Subscribers Sue Over Release Of Search Data - timothy 85+ An anonymous reader points out an

AP story indicating that AOL hasn't seen the end of its own public embarrassment after airing some dirty laundry on behalf of its customers. Excerpted from the story: "Three AOL subscribers who suddenly found records of their Internet searches widely distributed online are suing the company under privacy laws and are seeking an end to its retention of search-related data ... The lawsuit is believed to be the first in the wake of AOL's intentional release of some 19 million search requests made over a three-month period by more than 650,000 subscribers. ... Filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Oakland, Calif., the lawsuit seeks class-action status. It does not specify the amount of damages being sought."

Der Bericht besage im Kern, dass der Irak-Krieg das Terrorismus-Problem insgesamt schlimmer gemacht habe, wurde ein Beamter zitiert. Einige der Schlussfolgerungen decken sich mit den Prognosen aus einem anderen Geheimdienstbericht vom Januar 2003: Damals wurde unter anderem gewarnt, ein Krieg im Irak könne zu zunehmender Unterstützung für den Islam in der ganzen Welt führen, berichtete die Zeitung weiter.

Nach Informationen der "New York Times" begann die Arbeit an der Analyse vor zwei Jahren. Doch wurden die Entwürfe immer wieder geändert - nicht zuletzt, weil Regierungsvertreter mit der Ausrichtung unzufrieden waren. Unter anderem seien in den ersten Entwürfen konkrete Aktionen aufgelistet worden, die der extremistischen Bewegung Auftrieb gegeben hätten: darunter die Folterungen im Gefängnis von Abu Ghureib bei Bagdad und das US-Gefangenenlager Guantanamo auf Kuba.
Kirchen- Querulant: Erzbischof wird exkommuniziert
26.Sep.2006 Vorwürfe gegen Griechenland: Menschen ins Meer geworfen
26.Sep.2006 Korruptionsverdacht: Staatsanwälte ermitteln gegen Ex- Rewe- Chef Reischl
26.Sep.2006 Irak- Bericht: Bush ordnet Veröffentlichung von Geheimpapier an
Muslime in Deutschland: "Gastarbeiter niedrigster Stufe"

26.Sep.2006 Parteitag in Manchester: Labour feiert Blairs Good bye
Irgendwann mussten die Experten schließlich zugeben, dass sie es mit einem unbekannten Phänomen zu tun hatten.

Im März 2005 hat das Wissenschaftsmagazin "New Scientist" die Pioneer-Anomalie als eines der 13 rätselhaftesten Phänomene der Wissenschaft aufgelistet. Sie nimmt dort Rang acht ein. Auf Platz sieben liegen die vier Jahre zuvor entdeckten Tetra-Neutronen, auf Platz neun die Dunkle Energie. Und gerade Letztere könnte in einer noch unbekannten Verbindung zur Pioneer-Anomalie stehen. Aber fangen wir zunächst ganz von vorne an ...

Denn etwas Seltsames geschieht mit den beiden Robotern. "Pioneer" 10 und 11 sind nicht da, wo sie eigentlich sein sollten. Irgendetwas hält sie zurück. Eine sehr kleine, aber deutlich messbare Kraft. Jede der beiden Sonden ist heute etwa 400.000 Kilometer von dem Ort entfernt, an dem sie sein müsste, ginge alles mit rechten Dingen zu. Oder besser gesagt, ginge es allein mit den heute bekannten Dingen zu.

Die offensichtliche Abbremsung der Sonden ist extrem gering. Sie entspricht einem Zehnmilliardstel der Beschleunigung auf der Erdoberfläche. Die Bahnabweichung ist bei beiden genau gleich groß, obwohl sie sich fast in entgegengesetzter Richtung aus dem Sonnensystem entfernten. Was also ist los da draußen?

Niemand weiß es. Praktisch alle derzeit denkbaren Erklärungen sind bereits ausgeschlossen worden. Die Physiker sind so ratlos, dass einige dieses Mysterium mit anderen, heute ebenfalls unerklärlichen Phänomenen in Verbindung bringen.
Pioneer- Anomalie: Mysterium am Rand des Sonnensystems
Feinstaub- Richtlinie: EU- Parlament will Städten mehr Zeit geben
26.Sep.2006 Wettbewerbsranking: Schweiz triumphiert, USA stürzen ab
26.Sep.2006 Religionsstreit: Drewermann kritisiert Islamgipfel beim Papst
Netzwelt- Ticker: Schweißtrinken im Weltall

26.Sep.2006 Weltraum- Medizin: Schwerelose Chirurgie im fliegenden OP

26.Sep.2006 Südafghanistan: Australien verlangt Kampfeinsatz Europas
26.Sep.2006 Verunreinigung: Hessen bestätigt Genreis- Fund
26.Sep.2006 Israel Occupation Forces Steal Millions in Bank Raids Across West Bank: Palestinian security sources said that "millions of dollars, documents, and files were stolen" when Israeli troops raided 24 banks and money exchange shops in several towns, including Ramallah, Nablus, Tulkarem + Jenin.

26.Sep.2006 PA's Abbas to demand Hamas honor Oslo Accords : Palestinian sources explained that Abbas did not want a confrontation with Hamas and therefore is not demanding direct recognition of Israel, but is making do with recognition of Oslo.

26.Sep.2006 Saudi prince may have held secret meeting with Israeli PM: : Early on Monday, Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper reported that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had held a secret meeting with a senior Saudi official, perhaps King Abdullah. Olmert later issued a guarded denial of the report.

26.Sep.2006 Israel shrugs off Syrian overtures: A senior Israeli official rejected statements made earlier Sunday by Syrian President Bashar Assad about his desire for peace between the two neighbours, Israeli Army Radio reported.

26.Sep.2006 Irish lecturers call on EU to boycott Israeli universities : Irish academics have called on the European Union in an open letter to impose a moratorium financial support to Israeli academic institutions until Israel ends the occupation in the Palestinian territories.

26.Sep.2006 U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East: As Jews of conscience living in the United States, we are outraged by the violence being perpetrated in our name both as Jews and as U.S. citizens. We, the undersigned, represent Jews across the United States who are choosing to stand in solidarity with the peoples of Gaza and Lebanon.

26.Sep.2006 Jonathan Cook: Human Rights Watch still denying Lebanon the right to defend itself: War is never a moral event, but it can be conducted within certain constraints that should be the primary concern of human rights monitors.

26.Sep.2006 Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons against Iran: The decision by Israel to deploy its nuclear weapons against Iran is consistent with America's nuclear doctrine which also considers the use of tactical nuclear weapons as an act of "self-defense".

26.Sep.2006 Russia Selling Iran Missiles to Protect Bushehr Nuclear Reactor: Russia, pledging to complete the Bushehr reactor, has offered to sell a range of surface-to-air missile systems to protect Iran’s nuclear facilities, the Middle East Newsline reports.

26.Sep.2006 Egyptian minister: Cairo to start building nuclear powerplants : Egypt will begin building nuclear power plants soon, a cabinet minister was quoted as saying Sunday, three days after President Hosni Mubarak called on his government to pursue nuclear energy.

26.Sep.2006 Russia Snubs U.S., Redirects Gas Flow to Europe: A plan to give Europe access to a substantial amount of natural gas from the giant Shtokman field originally earmarked for the U.S. market is a direct consequence of U.S. policy toward Russia on WTO membership and sanctions on Russian defense exports, Russian newspapers reported on Monday, Sept. 25.

26.Sep.2006 'America paid us to hand over al-Qaeda suspects' : The US government has strict rules banning such reward payments to foreign powers involved in the war on terror. General Musharraf does not say how much the CIA gave in return for the 369 al-Qaeda figures that he ordered should be passed to the US.

26.Sep.2006 Pakistan denies coup rumours while Musharraf away : Newspaper offices and journalists were inundated with telephone calls and text messages inquiring about the rumours, which coincided with a widespread power cut.

26.Sep.2006 U.S. Detention of Venezuelan at J.F.K. Airport Raises Tensions : Ismael García, secretary general of the pro-government party Podemos, told the local news media that if Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had been subjected to 20 % of what Mr. Maduro went through, Venezuela would be under siege by the United States Marines.

26.Sep.2006 Man deported to Syria had no link to terror, Canada told U.S. : When the United States sent Maher Arar to Syria, where he was tortured for months, the deportation order stated unequivocally that Arar, a Canadian software engineer, was a member of Al Qaeda. But a few days earlier, Canadian investigators had told the FBI that they had not been able to link him to the terrorist group.

26.Sep.2006 Congress in dark on terror program: As lawmakers prepare to debate the CIA's special interrogation program for terrorism suspects, fewer than 10 % of the members of Congress have been told which interrogation techniques have been used in the past + none of them know which ones would be permissible under proposed changes to the War Crimes Act.

26.Sep.2006 Bush's church urges pull-out of US troops from Iraq - : US President George W. Bush’s own church has called for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and is urging direct action to end the war.

26.Sep.2006 2001 anthrax was simply made, FBI says: The finding, which evolved over months of investigation, appears to undermine the widely held belief that the attack was carried out by a government scientist or someone with access to a U.S. biodefense lab.
00.000.1839 - 00.000.1937 ROCKEFELLER I , John Davison - Translate this page die man Stein öl, Senecaöl oder auch Petroleum nannte. Schon seit mindestens zwei Generationen ... unter dem Namen Oil Creek bekannt gewesen. ...
26.Sep.2006 ...
to keep your head up in the clouds... 05 - Translate this page Auf skandinavischen Felszeichnungen der Stein - und Bronzezeit sind Pilze zu ... in Wäldern, Wiesen und an fischreichen Bächen lebt + ist mit ihr durch einen ...
Playing shell games on responsibility with Iraq: THE SAME White House that trashed generals and bean counters for saying it would take hundreds of thousands of more troops and billions more dollars to secure Iraq is now blaming the puppet government for not securing the country

26.Sep.2006 Juan Cole on Civil War in Iraq: The Hyping of WMD Intel on Iran + How The Lebanon War Has Weakened Israel

26.Sep.2006 Proposal to Carve Up Iraq Moves Forward : A proposal that could carve Iraq into three autonomous states moved forward Monday after leaders of the country's feuding ethnic and sectarian groups agreed to delay any division until 2008.

26.Sep.2006 Retired officers to criticize Rumsfeld: Retired military officers on Monday are expected to bluntly accused Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld of bungling the war in Iraq, saying U.S. troops were sent to fight without the best equipment and that critical facts were hidden from the public.

26.Sep.2006 Negroponte Highlights U.S. Successes: Intelligence View That War Is Increasing Terror Is 'Fraction of Judgments,' He Says

26.Sep.2006 Soldiers in 'guns for coke' scandal: BRITISH soldiers have been caught smuggling stolen guns out of Iraq and allegedly exchanging them for cocaine and cash on the black market.
26.Sep.2006 Army Warns Rumsfeld It's Billions Short : An extraordinary action by the chief of staff sends a message: The Pentagon must increase the budget or reduce commitments in Iraq and elsewhere.

26.Sep.2006 'Dummy vendors' reap $362m in Iraq: US government agencies charged with the reconstruction of Iraq allocated $362m to non-existent "dummy vendors", according to a report by the watchdog overseeing the reconstruction effort.

26.Sep.2006 US Army looks for ways to send more troops to Iraq: The US Army and Marine Corps are looking for ways to send more combat units into the Iraq rotation pool and are considering accelerating the pace of deployments for some brigades in order to keep more than 140,000 troops in the country through at least the spring of 2007.

26.Sep.2006 U.S. puppet : Talabani wants long-term US presence: Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, in an interview published on Monday, asked for a long-term US military presence in Iraq, saying his country will need two permanent US air bases to deter "foreign interference."

26.Sep.2006 Analysis: Mideast woes alarm U.S. experts : Several prominent policy analysts warned this week that America's foreign policy had to be urgently re-evaluated to prevent wider disaster.
26.Sep.2006 Iraqi panel to mull constitution changes as at least 24 killed in bloody U.S. occupation: In the city of Fallujah, 40 miles west of Baghdad, gunmen on Sunday night broke into the home of city council head Najim Abdulla Suod, killing him and his 23-year-old son, police Lt. Amer Ahmed said.
26.Sep.2006 Schwarzbuch 2006: Steuerzahlerbund beklagt Milliarden- Verschwendung
Crisis Is Upon Us -By Paul Craig Roberts -Hugo Chavez might not have been too deep into hyperbole when he described Bush as an example of demonic evil. Continue 

26.Sep.2006 The Sound & The Fury -An Interview with president Hugo Chavez
I believe words have great weight + I want people to know exactly what I mean. I'm not attacking President Bush; I'm simply counterattacking. Bush has been attacking the world + not just with words--with bombs. When I say these things I believe I'm speaking for many people, because they too believe this moment is our opportunity to stop the threat of a U.S. empire that uses the U.N. to justify its aggression against half the world.

26.Sep.2006 There are no "Islamic terrorists" in the Middle East. -By Casey Butler
It is not, in the least, hyperbole to say that the Fundamentalist Muslims fighting us today are sacrificing their lives for their brothers and sisters; they are heroically defending their homelands, their cultures + their religion, from the corruption, crime + decadence intrinsic to Western capitalism as we know it.

26.Sep.2006 Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers -The story of what happens to everyday Americans when corporations go to war.- Video Documentary By Robert Greenwald
Acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed and Uncovered) takes you inside the lives of soldiers, truck drivers, widows and children who have been changed forever as a result of profiteering in the reconstruction of Iraq.

26.Sep.2006 Victims of the war machine-By Cindy Sheehan
Martin Luther King, Jr. said that: "Nothing is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." I believe that anyone who still supports George and his war of terror on the world have to be going out of their way to ignore the facts, or are profiting some way from this occupation: politically or financially.

26.Sep.2006 President Hologram and the Triumph of Public Relations -By Mike Whitney
All tyrannies are similar in one respect; they require a steady flow of propaganda to promote the interests of the state. That same rule applies to dictators, whose “strongman image” is vital to the maintenance of autocratic government and must be supported by a “cult of the personality.” This is particularly true of George Bush, who has been the centerpiece of the most prodigious public relations campaign in American history.

26.Sep.2006 Pakistan Sold al-Qaeda Suspects To CIA-By AFP
The US Central Intelligence Agency paid Pakistan millions of dollars for handing over more than 350 suspected al-Qaeda terrorists to the United States, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has reportedly said.

26.Sep.2006 Bush's 'Dirty War' Amnesty Law - By Robert Parry

The United States is following the lead of “dirty war” nations, such as Argentina and Chile, in enacting what amounts to an amnesty law protecting U.S. government operatives, apparently up to and including President George W. Bush, who have committed or are responsible for human rights crimes. Continue 

26.Sep.2006 Say No To Torture! A Must Watch 2 Minute Video

Torture is immoral, ineffective + makes a mockery of civilization. The United States Congress is currently trying to write a law that would legalize torture and put those who commit such crimes + the law that justifies them beyond the reach of any court. Click to view 
26.Sep.2006 Must, Must, Must Watch! Once Again, Keith Olbermann Delivers the Blistering Truth. It's So Unusual to See Bare Honesty and Reality-Based Journalism on Television, It Takes Your Breath Away. Olbermann Patriotically Reveals the Failed National Security Behavior of the Bush Administration. It's Just a Potemkin Village. He Calls Chris Wallace a "Monkey Posing as a Newscaster." Brilliant, Unflinching Commentary. An Absolute Call to Save America from the Lies of a Coward.

26.Sep.2006 Rice Continues the Effort of Soviet Style Historical Revisionism. They are Attempting to Divert Attention from the Unanimous Finding of 16 Top Intelligence Agencies that Bush's Fiasco War in Iraq is a Boon to Terrorists. The mainstream media, beholden to the GOP for corporate favors, readily complies by already dropping the Sunday bombshell that the Iraq war is expanding the threat of terrorism, not decreasing it.

26.Sep.2006 The Iraq War Increased the Number of Terrorists, Killed Thousands Upon Thousands of American GIs and Iraqis
-- And the GOP War Profiteers Made a Killing. See "Iraq for Sale." Hold a Screening. Demand the End to War Profiteering Off of the Deaths of Our Soldiers and Iraqis.

Top Former Generals Opine That Rumsfeld Betrayed the Military and Bungled the War in Iraq 9/26

26.Sep.2006 Another Bush Betrayal of American National Security: Anti-terror funds to protect big California ports decreasing 9/26
Noted Political Science Professor and Media "Quotable" on Elections, Larry Sabato, Confirms George Allen Used the "N" Word. The Virginia Race is a Model of What the Dems Should be Doing Nationally to Bush, Keeping Him on the Defensive; Defining Bush, Not Having the Democrats Defined by Rove. We are Going to Go Out on a Limb and Predict Webb Will Unseat the Bigot Allen in a Squeaker. With a Likely Casey Victory Over Santorum in PA, That Would be Two Democratic Seat Pick-ups. And Sherrod Brown is Favored by BuzzFlash in Ohio for a Number of Reasons, Including the Fact that the Democratic Candidate for Governor in Ohio is Walking Away with the Election. That Would Make Three Dem Senate Pickups. 9/26

26.Sep.2006 Rumsfeld in 2003: I'll Fire the Next Guy Who Asks About a Post-War Plan 9/26
ABC News Video from Early Sunday Morning that Accurately Reflected the Startling Gravity of the Leaked Intelligence Report on Iraq. Shortly After This Report, the Mainstream Media, Including ABC, Adopted the White House Spin That This Was a Political Battle, When, In Fact, It was a Report of 16 Top Spy Agencies Under Bush Administration Control. The Report is a Damning Indictment of an Administration that Has Betrayed the National Security of the United States. 9/26

26.Sep.2006 "Note to Dems: this is the 9lb. hammer, aka BFH, you've been looking for. You don't have to hit the nail right on the head, just swing the sonofabitch. Repeatedly and hard. Take it from this ol' 'sickle mechanic: this administration is like a rusted-up bike, all stuck together. If you're afraid to beat on it like you got a pair, you'll never get it apart. Use a little heat, too. You'll knock something or someone loose from Rove's grasp sooner than you think. Then their whole deal will fall apart. HAMMER! HAMMER! HAMMER!" 9/26
John Le Carre's Latest Masterful Political Novel: "The Mission Song." Why Buy From When You Can Get Progressive Items Directly From and Support the New Pro-Democracy Media? Good Question.

26.Sep.2006 It seems fitting that Walt so eagerly produced propaganda for the US during WWII, or that Nazi propagandist Goebbels fashioned his craft after American advertising.
26.Sep.2006 By the way: Nobody of Chris Wallace's visibility has ever asked why John O'Neil quit in disgust only after Bush took over.

O'Neil was, by all reports, not an easy man to get along with + he certainly had his problems during the Clinton years. But it was Bush's close relations with Saudi Arabia that really pissed him off . Permalink
26.Sep.2006 Here's the kicker: thirteen men convicted of the Cole attack, including planners Jamal al-Badawi and Abu Assem al-Ahdal, escaped from a Yemeni prison early this year.

Supposedly, they tunneled out of jail and popped out of the ground within a mosque.
Odd that the Yemenis would keep all those guys locked up together. Odd that their confinement was so brief and their escape was so easy.
Odd, too, that the right-wing media makes no mention of the fact that the men who attacked our ship have been free for the better part of a year.

26.Sep.2006 If you are looking for a good laugh, read the transcript of Condi Rice hemming and hawing when grilled by Senator Bob Kerrey on the administraton's inaction.

Here's a sample of how Rice ducked and weaved:
I believe that there's a question of whether or not you respond in a tactical sense or whether you respond in a strategic sense; whether or not you decide that you're going to respond to every attack with minimal use of military force and go after every -- on a kind of tit-for-tat basis.

26.Sep.2006 Why has Bush allowed the Cole attackers to go free? UPDATE: Precede this post by witnessing this amazing geyser of truth by Keith Olbermann.

To paraphrase Lord Buckley, "when he lays it down, WHA-BOM, it stays there."
During his interview with Bill Clinton, lying reactionary FOX-fraud Chris Wallace pretended that he has asked similarly hard questions of Bush administration officials.

26.Sep.2006 Fidel Castro's speech about the implications of Bush been a ... Fidel Castro's speech about the implications of Bush been a "recovered alcoholic " ... Speech made by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the ...
26.Sep.2006 Commitment | An interview with Stuart Ewen author of "PR" Bernays's impact on PR in America + globally, was enormous. While public relations men were at work ...

In a society where PR techniques ...
Under the Cloak of Patriotism Louis Cohen, Democratic Party, " PR Unmasked," 1940 ... " PR is based on the sound American principles of majority rule with ...
26.Sep.2006 Cerrell Associates Cerrell Associates is a Los Angeles government relations , public relations , public affairs + lobbying firm.
26.Sep.2006 In Praise of Secrecy: The Ethical Foundations of Public Relations Inc. ( Originally Published in Vox, The Newsletter of the Ottawa Chapter of the Canadian Public Relations Society .
NBD receives JP Morgan Chase Quality Recognition Award | National Bank of Dubai (NBD) ... 2003 'Quality Recognition Award' from JP Morgan Chase Bank in recognition of the ... and Area Manager, Central Europe, Middle East and Africa, JPMorgan Chase Bank. ... - 33 National Bank of Dubai receives Award from JP Morgan / Chase Manhanttan Bank | National Bank of Dubai (NBD) AME Info - the ultimate Middle East business resource. AME Info - Arabic Version ... Morgan / Chase Manhattan, at a presentation ceremony held at NBD's ...
26.Sep.2006 Essay: Die vernebelte Republik
26.Sep.2006 Neuer Baustellentest: Zahl der Unfälle schnellt nach oben
26.Sep.2006 Internet und Dritte Welt: WiMax im Dschungel

Im Jahr 1997 hatte die britische Regierung dann erstmals eingeräumt, dass die Behörden sich mit dem Phänomen unbekannter Flugobjekte (Ufos) befasst haben. Vor wenigen Monaten legte das Verteidigungsministerium einen umfassenden Bericht über die militärischen Ermittlungen in Sachen Ufos vor.

Im Mai wurde er offiziell veröffentlicht: Von 1996 bis 2000 hatten die Rechercheure die Ufo-Berichte der vergangenen 30 Jahre ausgewertet. Am Ende kamen sie nicht nur zu dem Schluss, dass über Großbritannien keine einzige echte fliegende Untertasse unterwegs war. Die Enttäuschung geht gar noch tiefer: Auch Anzeichen für "militärisch relevante Technologien" habe man in den Ufo-Berichten vergebens gesucht, hieß es.

"Diese Unterlagen lehren uns überhaupt nichts über Ufos. Sie zeigen dafür aber, wie verzweifelt das Verteidigungsministerium versucht hat zu verstecken, welches Interesse der Geheimdienst an diesem Thema hatte", sagte David Clarke, der an der Sheffield Hallam University Journalismus unterrichtet. Auf seine Anfrage nach dem Freedom of Information Act geht die Veröffentlichung der Unterlagen zurück.

Ein Ministeriumssprecher erklärte, die Abteilung DI55 habe in den 70er Jahren mitten im Kalten Krieg gearbeitet. Es sei dabei um die Gefahr einer sowjetischen Aggression und nicht um irgendwelche Aktivitäten von Außerirdischen gegangen. Der Bericht kommt zu dem Schluss, die meisten Berichte über Ufo-Sichtungen hätten Naturphänomene als Ursache, die die Beobachter bloß nicht verstanden hätten. stx/

"Die Masse ist nicht braun", so verteidigt die Bürgermeisterin ihren Heimatort.

Natürlich hat sie Recht. 84 Prozent der Wähler haben am Sonntag ihre Stimme einer demokratischen Partei gegeben. Die Wahlbeteiligung lag mit mehr als 70 Prozent weit über dem Landesdurchschnitt. Ein Signal - wie das Plakat gegen Rechts, das Jusos am Strommast gegenüber von Pastörs' Grundstückseinfahrt in Briest befestigt haben.

Die Masse der Stadt ist nicht braun, sagt auch der Pfarrer. Aber er fügt hinzu: "Der Masse ist die NPD egal." Und das reicht nicht.

In Hansens Aufsatz heißt es, dass die Erwärmung nur noch ein Grad Celsius von der höchsten Temperatur seit einer Million Jahren entfernt sei. "Wenn die globale Erwärmung noch zwei bis drei Grad weiter geht, werden wir wahrscheinlich Veränderungen sehen, die aus der Erde einen anderen Ort macht als den, den wir kennen", prophezeit Hansen. "Das letzte Mal war es im mittleren Pliozän so warm, vor rund drei Millionen Jahren - da lag der Meeresspiegel schätzungsweise 25 Meter höher als heute." bri/AP

US-Forscher schlagen Alarm: Auf der Erde ist es so warm wie noch nie zuvor seit Beginn der letzten Eiszeit. Der Klimawandel fange dabei, an sich immer stärker auf die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt auszuwirken - und auch der Mensch bekomme die Folgen zu spüren.

Washington - Der Leiter des Forschungsteams, James Hansen vom Goddard-Institut der US-Weltraumbehörde Nasa, hatte vor Jahrzehnten als erster vor den Gefahren des Klimawandels durch sogenannte Treibhausgase gewarnt. In den vergangenen 30 Jahren ist die Durchschnittstemperatur auf der Erde alle zehn Jahre um 0,2 Grad Celsius gestiegen, stellten die Forscher in der Wissenschaftszeitschrift "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" fest.
Afrikanische Odyssee: Wer sein Wasser teilt, stirbt

26.Sep.2006 Geheimdienst auf Ufo- Suche: Londons Area 51
26.Sep.2006 Nahost- Konflikt: Olmert erklärt Golanhöhen zum Teil von Israel
1001 legale Steuertricks: Deutsche Konzerne bremsen den Fiskus aus

26.Sep.2006 Morde in Brasilien: Todesrate so hoch wie in Kriegsgebieten
26.Sep.2006 Sinneswandel: Bruce Willis will kein Republikaner sein
26.Sep.2006 25. SEPTEMBER 2006
Irak: Britische Soldaten töten Al- Qaida- Anführer

26.Sep.2006 Studie: Erdtemperatur so hoch wie seit Tausenden Jahren nicht mehr
25.Sep.2006 FLASHBACK: Conservative Lawmakers Decried Clinton’s Attacks Against Osama As ‘Wag the Dog’ - Think Progress 

In his interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace, former President Bill Clinton noted that the political right, which now accuses him of not doing enough to stem the al Qaeda terrorist threat, criticized his 1998 missile strikes in Afghanistan as “wag the dog.” Clinton said:

The people on my political right who say I didn’t do enough spent the whole time I was president saying, Why is he so obsessed with bin Laden? That was wag the dog when he tried to kill him.

Originating from a 1997 movie, Wag the Dog was a phrase used by the right to suggest Clinton’s airstrikes were driven by ulterior motives in an effort to distract the public. Some examples below:

Rep. Jim Gibbons (R-NV):

“ ‘Look at the movie Wag the Dog. I think this has all the elements of that movie,’ Rep. Jim Gibbons, R-Nev., said. ‘Our reaction to the embassy bombings should be based on sound credible evidence, not a knee-jerk reaction to try to direct public attention away from his personal problems.’” [Ottawa Citizen, 8/21/98]

Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA):

There’s an obvious issue which will be raised internationally about the response here as to whether there is any diversionary motive involved. … I have deliberated consciously any references to Ms. Monica Lewinsky, but when you ask the question in very blunt terms, the president’s current problems have to be on the minds of many people.” [CNN, 8/20/98]

Former Sen. John Ashcroft (R-MO):

“‘We support the president out of a sense of duty whenever he deploys military forces, but we’re not sure - were these forces sent at this time because he needed to divert our attention from his personal problems? ‘ Ashcroft said during the taping of a TV program in Manchester, N.H.” [St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 8/21/98]

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX):

I’m very supportive of the strike that has happened, but I will tell you that the timing is very questionable. This was the day that Monica Lewinsky has gone back to the grand jury, evidently enraged. Certainly that information will be overshadowed.” [Dallas Morning News, 8/21/98]

Former Sen. Dan Coats (R-IN):

Coats (R-IN), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a statement, ‘While there is clearly much more we need to learn about this attack and why it was ordered today, given the president’s personal difficulties this week, it is legitimate to question the timing of this action. ‘” [CNN, 8/20/98]

Rep. Dave Weldon (R-FL):

“ ‘The obvious question is, are the two connected?’ asked Rep. Dave Weldon (R-Fla.), who chairs the National Security Committee’s research subcommittee. ‘That’s the unthinkable + I would hope it would never occur in America, but I can tell you, a lot of people are wondering about it today. ‘” [Los Angeles Times, 8/21/98]

Former Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA):

All I’m saying is if factors other than good intelligence, military necessity, being prepared for the consequences entered into it, then it is wrong + it appears that one of those factors that may have entered into it is to take something that could have been done a week ago and do it today in an effort to divert some attention. ” [Fox News, 8/20/98]

Much more at Salon’s War Room.
25.Sep.2006 White House Claims The NIE Doesn’t Show The ‘War in Iraq Has Made Terrorism Worse’ - Judd 

In April, the nation’s spy agencies produced a National Intelligence Estimate. Here’s the New York Times report:

A stark assessment of terrorism trends by American intelligence agencies has found that the American invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall terrorist threat has grown since the 11.Sep. attacks…The report “says that the Iraq war has made the overall terrorism problem worse ,” said one American intelligence official.

Here’s what the White House said about the report in today’s press gaggle:

QUESTION: Tony, does the President have any reaction to the reports in yesterday’s newspapers about the intelligence estimate, suggesting that the war in Iraq had, in fact, spawned new terror cells and made…

WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY TONY SNOW: I think it’s important — one thing that the reports do not say is that war in Iraq has made terrorism worse .

Clearly, they can’t both be right. Snow, for his part, appears to contradict himself a few moments later:

SNOW: This NIE examines global terrorism in its totality, the morphing of Al Qaida and its affiliates and other jihadist movements. It assesses that a variety of factors, in addition to Iraq, fuel the spread of jihadism , including longstanding social grievances, slowness of the pace of reform + the use of the Internet.

One way to clear all this up: make the NIE public.
25.Sep.2006 Bushs own church, the United Methodist Church, - Amanda -has launched “a week of protest and civil disobedience against the war in Iraq by signing a declaration of peace urging President Bush to pull U.S. troops out of the country.”
25.Sep.2006 Newsweek’s latest cover, by geographical region: - Amanda  (HT: Rising Hegemon)
25.Sep.2006 Call your member of Congress - Judd - and demand the April 2006 National Intelligence Estimate be released to the public. Josh Marshall has the details.

UPDATE: Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is the first member to come out in favor of public release of a redacted version.
25.Sep.2006 McCain’s Hypocrisy On Devil -: Chavez Was ‘Despicable,’ Refuses To Condemn Falwell - Amanda 

Yesterday on CBS Face the Nation, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) criticized Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez for calling President Bushthe devilin a speech at the United Nations. But he dismissed Jerry Falwell’s statement that Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) would energize conservative voters more than Lucifer, stating, “I think he was joking.” Watch it: Digg It! Full transcript below:

BOB SCHIEFFER: Well, Senator McCain, the UN General Assembly met this week and there were some fairly tough things issued from the–from the podium up there. What’s your overall reaction? How about this guy Chavez from Venezuela?

Sen. McCAIN: Despic–despicable. In his case, he aspires to be this generation’s Castro. I think the people of Venezuela ought to look at the standard of living in Cuba before they would embrace such a thing. We were just talking off camera, Senor Wences, I guess it was, the sock puppet. Look, it’s despicable and the United Nations should not be used as that kind of forum. But it goes back to Khrushchev in ‘56 banging his shoe on the table. But I would–I would say that this is an argument to get John Bolton confirmed as our UN ambassador. He’s smart, he’s tough, he would respond to these guys. And he could talk back to these two-bit dictators who have the air fare to New York. And I hope my Democrat friends will stop holding up the nomination of John Bolton.

Mr. HARRIS: Chavez called Bush Satan. And there’s Jerry Falwell in the news just today, said Hillary Clinton will do as much as Satan to energize the conservative base. You were just down there at his university. What did you make of Falwell’s comment?

Sen. McCAIN: I think he was joking. I’m–from what I was told, he was laughing. And for the record, even though Mrs. Clinton and I may have some disagreements, I don’t think she’s Lucifer.
CAUGHT ON TAPE: Cheney ‘Can’t Buy’ Idea That Iraq War Is Creating More Terrorists - Payson 

President Bush isn’t the only one who ignored the findings of the NIE that “the American invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism.” Vice President Cheney did too.

On the September 10, 2006 broadcast of Meet the Press, Tim Russert presented Cheney with a CBS/New York Times poll that said the majority of Americans agree with the intelligence community’s assessment that our actions overseas are creating more terrorists. “I can’t buy that,” Cheney responded. Watch it. Digg It! Transcript:

RUSSERT: Here’s what the American people said in a recent poll. Is the U.S. involvement in Iraq or Afghanistan creating more terrorists or eliminating terrorists? And look at that. Overwhelmingly, 54 %, clear majority, believe we are creating more terrorists.





The New York Times CBS/Poll

CHENEY: I, I, I can’t buy that.
Has Bush read the NIE? - Faiz 

00.Jul.2003 a White House official acknowledged that Bush and Condoleezza Rice did not read the full National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq before going to war. Jon Schwarz wonders whether White House reporters will ask Tony Snow if Bush read the most recent NIE.
25.Sep.2006 CAUGHT ON TAPE: Bush Ignores Intelligence, Misleads Public On Impact of Iraq on Terrorism - Payson 

In April, President Bush received the National Intelligence Estimate, which “represents a consensus view of the 16 separate spy services inside government.” NIEs are “the most authoritative documents that the intelligence community produces…and are approved by John D. Negroponte, director of national intelligence.”

Here’s what the NIE said, according to the New York Times:

[T]he American invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall terrorist threat has grown since the 11.Sep. attacks …The report “says that the Iraq war has made the overall terrorism problem worse,” said one American intelligence official.

On August 21, President Bush held a press conference and told the American people the exact opposite. Watch it:

Bush_Misleads_Public_On_Impact_of_Iraq_on_Terrorism_Video">Digg It! Transcript:

You know, I’ve heard this theory about everything was just fine until we arrived + kind of “we’re going to stir up the hornet’s nest” theory. It just doesn’t hold water, as far as I’m concerned. The terrorists attacked us and killed 3,000 of our citizens before we started the freedom agenda in the Middle East.
September 25, 2006 - Think Progress 

In an “unprecedented” move, Army chief of staff Peter Schoomaker signaled his dismay over the Army’s lack of funding by withholding a “required 2008 budget plan from Pentagon leaders last month.” Without significant troop withdrawals from Iraq, the Army does not believe it can maintain its current level of activity “without billions in additional funding.”

Do-Nothing Congress update. Much is left undone with only one week to go before Congress recesses for the November elections. “At best, it appears that just 2 of the 11 required spending bills will pass + not one has been approved so far, forcing a stopgap measure to keep the federal government open. No budget was enacted.” Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) said, “We have not accomplished what we need to accomplish.”

Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) indicated that he vigorously disagrees with the “compromise” bill on military tribunals struck last week. He took issue with a provision that would limit legal counsel and a day in court to only those detainees selected by the Pentagon for prosecution.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) yesterday named several specific techniques — extreme sleep deprivation, forced hypothermia and waterboarding — that he says would be banned under his “compromise” bill on detainee policy . Sen. Bill Frist (R-TN) said McCain’s disclosure “helps the terrorists.”

The Democratic Policy Committee will hold a hearing today on the planning and conduct of the Iraq war , taking the testimony of retired generals who have criticized Rumsfeld. Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton is expected to assess Rumsfeld as “incompetent strategically, operationally and tactically.” Despite his numerous failures, Rumsfeld is expected to soon become the longest-serving Secretary of Defense.

Liberal bloggers in New Hampshire busted an aide to Rep. Charles Bass (R-N.H.) who was posing as a liberal blogger on such blogs as Blue Granite, NH-02 Progressive and others.” Bass’s office said the staffer would be “appropriately disciplined.”

Wal-Mart is going green. The discount retailer has launched an “aggressive program to encourage ’sustainability’ of the world’s fisheries, forests and farmlands, to slash energy use and reduce waste, [and] to push its 60,000 suppliers to produce goods that don’t harm the environment.” Scott Burns of the World Wildlife Fund said, “They’re sending a very powerful signal that already is having effects on the way people produce products for them.”

Iraq moved a step closer to federalism as its parliament agreed Sunday “to consider amending the constitution and debate a bill establishing a federal state.”

Safia Amajan, a leading Afghan official working on women’s rights , has been killed. The BBC reports, “She may have been targeted by Taleban militants because of their opposition to women taking part in politics and education.”

And finally: Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld plays hardball on the squash court. “He hits the ball well, but he doesn’t play by the rules,” said a fellow squash player and Pentagon employee. Rumsfeld has also suggested that “his ideas about transforming the military…were influenced by his squash playing.”
25.Sep.2006 ABC News Video from Early Sunday Morning that Accurately Reflected the Startling Gravity of the Leaked Intelligence Report on Iraq. Shortly After This Report, the Mainstream Media, Including ABC, Adopted the White House Spin That This Was a Political Battle, When, In Fact, It was a Report of 16 Top Spy Agencies Under Bush Administration Control. The Report is a Damning Indictment of an Administration that Has Betrayed the National Security of the United States.

25.Sep.2006 John Le Carre's Latest Masterful Political Novel: "The Mission Song." Why Buy From When You Can Get Progressive Items Directly From and Support the New Pro-Democracy Media? Good Question.
Iraq war fueled Islamic radicals: retired U.S. general who led infantry division in Iraq 9/26
According to an estimate from the National Intelligence Council, the war in Iraq is making the threat of terrorism worse. America is less safe today than it was after 11.Sep., 2001, because the conflict is creating more extremists. "The war in Iraq has exasperated the global war on terror," said Robert Hutchings, the council's former chairman. 9/26
Even More U.S. Generals Blast Rumsfeld Over Iraq, Call for Replacement -- A BuzzFlash News Alert

25.Sep.2006 Bush Cronyism Strikes Schools as NCLB Used to Divert Billions to Big Supporters -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
Brent Budowsky -- National Intelligence Estimate: Because Of Iraq, Bush Is Losing The War On Terror

25.Sep.2006 The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
A Series of National Democratic Campaign Ads BuzzFlash Would Like to See. Here's the First One: "I Will Not Live in a State of Fear." Share Your Ad Ideas with Other BuzzFlash Readers in - Section.
"Are Republicans and the administration at all interested in protecting the American people, or is their only interest in protecting their political fortunes? The Republican response to the National Intelligence Estimate is quite damning, the only thing they wish to keep safe is their hold on power." 9/26

25.Sep.2006 Tobacco firms sued over low tar A US lawsuit against tobacco firms that "duped" smokers over low-tar cigarettes gets the go-ahead.
25.Sep.2006 Pope stresses respect for Muslims The Pope says he has "total and profound respect" for the Muslim faith, as he attempts to defuse a row with Islam.
25.Sep.2006 Bush wants firms to help Lebanon President George W Bush calls on US firms to throw their weight behind rebuilding efforts in Lebanon.
25.Sep.2006 'Common anthrax' in US attacks Investigators revise the view that anthrax used in attacks in the US was of military grade, a US paper reports.
25.Sep.2006 Top China leader fired for graft Shanghai's Communist Party boss is sacked for graft in the highest-profile downfall in a decade, state media reports.
25.Sep.2006 Europe diary: Political lies BBC Europe editor Mark Mardell on the Hungarian prime minister's admission of lying and the difficulty of selling painful reforms to voters.
25.Sep.2006 Israel 'holds secret Saudi talks' PM Ehud Olmert holds Israel's first talks with a senior member of the Saudi royal family, Israeli officials say.
25.Sep.2006 Biofuels 'answer' to trade talks US tycoon Ted Turner says a focus on biofuels could break the current deadlock stalling world trade talks.
25.Sep.2006 NSA Cases Face Secret Tribunal Congress is poised to pass a bill that could bury dozens of lawsuits over the Bush administration's warrantless spying, hiding them behind the closed doors of an intelligence court in Washington D.C. By Ryan Singel.
25.Sep.2006 AOL sued over Web search data release Blog: As expected, AOL has been sued over its online release of data on the Internet searches of more than 650,000 members in late July....
25.Sep.2006 Flug- Sicherheit: US- Behören erlauben wieder Flüssigkeiten
25.Sep.2006 Umstrittene Reklame: US- Mitsubishi- Händler wirbt mit Dschihad
25.Sep.2006 Musharraf- Buch: CIA soll Millionen für Terror- Verdächtige gezahlt haben
25.Sep.2006 Jugendgesundheit in Deutschland: Arme, kranke Kinder

25.Sep.2006 Urteil: Israel darf Hamas- Minister unbefristet inhaftieren
25.Sep.2006 Energiemarkt: Ölpreis fällt auf Sechsmonats- Tief
25.Sep.2006 Islamgipfel beim Papst: Muslimische Diplomaten loben Benedikts Krisengipfel

25.Sep.2006 Streit ums Pentagon- Budget: Stabschef fordert Rumsfeld heraus
25.Sep.2006 Exotische Krankheit: Elefantenfuß beim Menschen
Eiszeit- Elefanten: Tuberkulose gab Mastodonten den Rest
25.Sep.2006 Treffen mit muslimischen Botschaftern: Papst setzt auf "Brücken der Freundschaft"
25.Sep.2006 KP- Chef gefeuert: Schatten über Shanghai
25.Sep.2006 If THAT'S a comma, what does an exclamation point look like? W told CNN that one day the Iraq war will look like "just a comma." I fear that he is correct. Permalink
25.Sep.2006 2. Drudge links to a YouTube clip of the Clinton/Wallace interview. Whoever placed the clip there included this headline: "Bill Clinton Blames Others For 911." Those filthy lying rightists just never stop , do they?
25.Sep.2006 "I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. Rove" Did the Bushians hope to stage a fake death for Osama? Joy Tomme has written a delicious column on that theme. I quite enjoyed her recap of the Zarqawi affair: If you remember, the initial news coverage about Zarqawi reported that he was killed in a US “precision airstrike” when two 500-pound bombs were dropped on his house near Baqouba, Iraq. First, he was killed instantly. Then he wasn’t killed instantly, he lived after the airstrike. Then he not only lived after being hit by two 500-pound bombs, he said a few words. Then he tried to run away after he said a few words. Then it was reported that US soldiers beat the crap out of him after he said a few words, after he tried to run away, after he was hit by two 500-pound bombs. Then he was put on a gurney for medical treatment. However, after heroic measures to save his life, he died alas and George W. Bush got to intone that Zarqawi’s death "is a severe blow to Al Qaeda and it is a significant victory in the war on terror." Which, of course, it wasn’t. Take a tip from Hollywood, Karl: Don't improvise, unless your name is Robin Williams or Jim Carrey. Stick to the storyboards. Permalink
25.Sep.2006 Illuminaten - V.Info -
Illuminaten. aus, der freien Verschwörungsdatenbank. Inhaltsverzeichnis. Die Illuminaten sind aus dem Netz der Verschwörer, Verschwörungstheoretiker und Paranoiker nicht mehr wegzudenken. ... i_l/illuminaten/illuminaten.php) Geheim gesellschaften und ihr Einfluss auf die Politik (https://mypage.bluewin.chasterix geheim.html ) Freimaurer und Illuminaten..
Peru: Alter Hunde- Friedhof verblüfft Forscher
Alaska: Marode BP- Pipelines wieder in Betrieb
25.Sep.2006 USA: Tornados richten schwere Verwüstungen an
25.Sep.2006 Ungarn: Proteste gegen Regierungschef lassen nach
Islam- Zitat: Papst empfängt muslimische Würdenträger
Militäreinsatz im Libanon: Syriens Präsident sieht Bundesmarine vor "Mission Impossible"
Terrorismus: Afghanistan und Pakistan streiten über Aufenthaltsort von Bin Laden

24.Sep.2006 US- Studie: Experten sehen Terror- Gefahr für das Internet
24.Sep.2006 Clintons Schimpfkanonade: "Ich habe versucht, ihn töten zu lassen"
Islam- Kritik: Ägypten verbietet Ausgabe der FAZ

24.Sep.2006 Justizirrtum: Spaniern liefern Unschuldigen als Mörder aus
24.Sep.2006 President Bush dismisses Iraq violence - Amanda as “just a commain history.
24.Sep.2006 Iraq War increases terror threat. - Judd 

A stark assessment of terrorism trends by American intelligence agencies has found that the American invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall terrorist threat has grown since the 11.Sep. attacks.”
24.Sep.2006 VIDEO: Clinton Sets The Record Straight On Terrorism, Smacks Down Fox News - Judd 

Here’s the key portion of the Fox News Sunday interview with President Clinton. He sets the record straight on his efforts to combat terrorism, the Bush administration’s record and the tactics of Fox News. Watch it: <script type="text/javascript"> var flvclintoninterview320240 = new SWFObject('//09/clintoninterview.320.240.flv&autoStart=false', 'em-flvclintoninterview320240', '320', '260', '6', '#ffffff'); flvclintoninterview320240.addParam('quality', 'high'); flvclintoninterview320240.addParam('wmode', 'transparent'); flvclintoninterview320240.write('flvclintoninterview320240');

We fact-check Wallace’s claim that he asked Bush administration officials tough questions about their pre-9/11 efforts to combat terrorism here, here and here. Transcript here. Digg It!
24.Sep.2006 Eta 'committed to armed struggle' Basque separatist group Eta says it will not relinquish weapons until the region gets independence from Spain.
24.Sep.2006 Venezuela rejects US apologies Tensions rise as Venezuela complains to the US over the airport detention of its foreign minister.
24.Sep.2006 US report says Iraq fuels terror A US intelligence examination of the effects of the Iraq war reportedly says it is making the threat of terror worse.
24.Sep.2006 'No evidence' of Bin Laden death The Saudi government says it has no evidence Osama Bin Laden is dead after media reports from France.
24.Sep.2006 Internet's future in 2020 debated The net will be a thriving, low-cost network of devices by 2020, says a major survey of technology thinkers.
24.Sep.2006 New Robot Glides Through Intestines - Zonk 77 TechFreep writes to mention

a NewScientist article about a new mucus-riding robot, intended for use in medical examinations of the intestinal tract. The snail-like bot, it is hoped, will be easier on the internal organs of patients than similar robots which use small leg-like structures. From the article: "Dodou is testing a polymer material that clings to proteins found in the mucus that lines the gut. She measured the polymer's sticky properties in the lab using sections of pig gut + also examined the way the polymer's stickiness can be 'switched off' by spraying it with water. This could allow a robot to move in a manner similar to a snail, which alternately makes itself sticky and slippery by exerting pressure with its body."
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Will The Next Election Be Hacked? Fresh disasters at the polls -- and new evidence from an industry insider -- prove that electronic voting machines can't be trusted

24.Sep.2006 It's the Manipulated Economy, Stupid: USA Today ran an article showing that "When it comes to President Bush's approval rating --the number that measures his political health --one factor seems more powerful than any Oval Office address or legislative initiative."

24.Sep.2006 Rep. Weldon: Pentagon Report a 'Whitewash' : Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa., called a Pentagon report he had requested about pre-9/11 intelligence on al-Qaida operations in the United States "emphatically wrong" and a "whitewash," aimed at discrediting him as he faces the toughest re-election campaign of his career.

24.Sep.2006 US army’s kill-kill ethos under fire: Soldiers are instructed to live by the creed, which evokes the warrior spirit of the modern US army. It begins with the stirring vow, “I am an American soldier” + goes on to affirm that “I will never accept defeat. I will never quit . . . I stand ready to deploy, engage and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat”.
24.Sep.2006 Stranger than fiction?: Bush to send delegation to Lebanon to help rebuild country : U.S. President George W. Bush announced Saturday that he is sending a delegation to Lebanon to meet with Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and discuss ways to help rebuild his nation left in ruins after this summer's 34 days of fighting between Israel and Hezbollah.

24.Sep.2006 SPIEGEL Interview with Syrian President Bashar Assad : "America Must Listen"

24.Sep.2006 Chavez to Double Energy Subsidies to Needy in U.S .: The move more than doubles the 40 million gallons of heating oil Chavez donated to eight northeastern states last year after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated refineries and caused the price of oil to soar. This winter, the program should reach about 1.2 million people in nine additional states, he said.

24.Sep.2006 Venezuelan minister strip-searched by US : The foreign minister said his ticket and passport were confiscated illegally by US officials at the security check. He said he was then verbally abused and strip-searched during a 90-minute interrogation.

24.Sep.2006 Unfriendly forces brewing in Latin America: US : The US military’s top general warned on Friday that forces unfriendly to the United States are brewing in the Americas, arguing that “together we need to do something about it.”. - “President Chavez is clearly not a friend to the United States.”

24.Sep.2006 Democratic Congressman Rangel Condems Chavez's attack on Bush: Call Rangel at (202) 225-4365 and let him know what you think about his defense of Bush.

24.Sep.2006 Richard Neville: Poor, poor pitiful Oz: When the Prime Minister of Hungary, Ferenc Gyurcsany, was caught telling the truth to his party about the lies he had told the electorate + how he had "screwed up", citizens with flowers and the odd Molotov cocktail rushed to Parliament and state TV. When John Howard was caught lying about refugees who "threw their children overboard", he was voted back into office.

24.Sep.2006 So, is Osama bin Laden alive or not? : Al-Qa'ida's leader is rumoured to have died of typhoid last month - but he has come back from the dead before

24.Sep.2006 Bin Laden may feel lure to disprove his "death": A leaked intelligence report of Osama bin Laden's death has met scepticism from Western and Muslim governments but may increase a clamor from his followers to show himself on video for the first time in nearly two years.

24.Sep.2006 Why he Gulf Countries continue to embrace the Doomed Dollar : Why has the dollar – although stumbling – still held its ground as a worldwide reserve currency instead of falling like a stone + why have the Gulf countries so far paid only lip service to a necessary diversification of their currency holdings?

24.Sep.2006 U.S. Prosecution of Terror Suspect Padilla No Slam Dunk So Far: The Bush administration's decision to drop the "enemy combatant" label from alleged al-Qaida operative Jose Padilla and prosecute him on civilian terror charges has not gone smoothly, with even the judge in the case raising questions about sketchy evidence and a vague indictment.
24.Sep.2006 Anti-war protests in Manchester : Up to 20,000 demonstrators have marched through the northern English city of Manchester to protest the presence of British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

George Galloway Speaks At the Manchester Time To Go Demo : 4 minute video:

24.Sep.2006 4 Minute Video: Time To Go . "In Britain, thanks to Blair, a sea-change in public attitudes has taken place. No less than 80 per cent regard him as a liar; 82 per cent believe his warmongering was a principal cause of the London bombings; 72 per cent believe he has made this country a target." John Pilger

24.Sep.2006 We're back to zero, Abbas admits : Efforts to form a Palestinian government acceptable
24.Sep.2006 Dahr Jamail: AP Propaganda About Iraq: One does not require crystals to see that the board of AP displays a clear tilt toward right-wing conservative views + comprises representatives of a huge corporate media network of the largest publishers in the US.

24.Sep.2006 Army Corps Faked Budget Entries : The Army Corps of Engineers improperly created fake entries in government ledgers to maintain control over hundreds of millions of dollars in spending for the reconstruction of Iraq, according to a federal audit released Friday.
24.Sep.2006 Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terrorism Threat: A stark assessment of terrorism trends by American intelligence agencies has found that the American invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall terrorist threat has grown since the 11.Sep. attacks.

24.Sep.2006 Top CIA Expert Slams Bush Anti-Terror Actions : The Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) recently retired top expert on radical Islamists has strongly denounced the conduct of U.S. President George W. Bush's "global war on terrorism" and the continued U.S. military presence in Iraq, which he said is "contributing to the violence".
24.Sep.2006 Iraq war created a terrorist flood, American spymasters warn Bush Paul Harris in Washington and Peter Beaumont in Baghdad
This grim assessment is provided in a classified intelligence document called the National Intelligence Estimate, large parts of which have been leaked to the New York Times. The report is the largest US intelligence survey of the global terror threat carried out since the invasion of Iraq in March 2003.

24.Sep.2006 List of accusations of GIs in Iraq stuns experts-By Associated Press
The accounts are brutal: An Iraqi man dragged from his home, executed and made to look as if he were an insurgent. Three prisoners killed by their Army captors. A team of revenge-seeking Marines going home to home, shooting down unarmed Iraqi men, women, children.

24.Sep.2006 U.S. Gets ‘Sovietized’ -By Eric Margolis
We have seen America’s president and vice president, sworn to uphold the Constitution, advocating some of the same interrogation techniques the KGB used at the Lubyanka. They apparently believe beating, freezing, sleep deprivation and near-drowning are necessary to prevent terrorist attacks. So did Stalin.

24.Sep.2006 The Real Friends of Terror A Must Watch Video Documentary Report By Ted Honderich
Can suicide bombers ever be justified? Professor Honderich, Britain's leading moral philosopher, is unafraid to tell the truth as he sees it. Taking what he says is the betrayal of the Palestinian people as his starting point, Ted reveals who shares moral responsibility for recent acts of terrorism + points a finger at the politicians.
Click to watch . Real video.

24.Sep.2006 How Israel’s 'new anti-Semitism' is leading to nuclear Holocaust-By Jonathan Cook in Nazareth
The trajectory of a long-running campaign that gave birth this month to the preposterous all-party British parliamentary report into anti-Semitism in the UK can be traced back to intensive lobbying by the Israeli government that began more than four years ago, in early 2002.

24.Sep.2006 Muhammad's Sword -By Uri AvnerPope Benedict XVI in the service of George W. Bush. Continue

24.Sep.2006 If America's So Great, Where's Our Health Care? Lack of health insurance kills six times as many Americans each year as 9/11 did. -By Sarah Ruth van Gelder
Lack of health insurance kills six times as many Americans each year as 9/11 did.

24.Sep.2006 Child hunger in a land of abundance makes us all poor -By César Chelala
While it is normal to expect high levels of hunger and poverty in a developing country, it may come as a surprise to observe a similar epidemic in one of the richest countries in the world. The Food Bank for New York City recently reported that nearly 20 % of children in the city rely on free food to survive.

24.Sep.2006 So. Just who was the ISI chief who made Khaled Sheik Mohammed feel so welcome and secure? His name is Mahmud Ahmad.
As we have mentioned in several previous posts, an ISI agent named R.G. Abbas displayed foreknowledge of the World Trade Center attacks when speaking to FBI informant Randy Glass. Abbas worked directly for Mahmud Ahmad.
And where was Ahmad on September 11, 2001? In Washington, D.C., meeting with Porter Goss and and Bob Graham.
Perhaps Ahmad is the one who subsequently gave Goss an "excellent idea" of Bin Laden's location.
Was the capture of Khaled Sheik Mohammed a hoax? Was a similar hoax planned around the "capture" or killing of Osama Bin Laden?
Could that have been Rove's October Surprise?
# posted by Joseph : 8:30 PM

Mohammed has (allegedly) been in harsh CIA custody since 2003. His detention has kept him shielded from outside interrogation and prosecution, much to the frustration of some within the Justice Department. Reportedly, he was tortured.
I'm not sure whether to believe those reports. If we take them at face value, then we must concede that testimony from a tortured individual cannot figure into any legal proceeding. Bush thus made sure that a man accused of masterminding one of history's greatest criminal conspiracies will never enter any court anywhere.

24.Sep.2006 The Khaled Sheik Mohammed precedent. This is not the first time theories of a staged capture or erzatz "death" have surrounded an Al Qaeda leader.
Readers with long memories will recall the controversies surrounding the capture of Khaled Sheik Mohammed, fingered by the 911 Commission as the "principle architect" of the World Trade Center Attacks. Long-standing rumor holds that Mohammed's March 1, 2003 arrest in Rawalpindi was staged. Granted, Pakistan is an area of the world where many untrue and unverified rumors tend to take hold. Even so, this account from
the Guardian of March 6, 2003 commands our attention:
The official account described a police raid that was the culmination of a long investigation and resulted in the arrest of several suspects who were being interrogated by Pakistani police. The story appears to be almost entirely fictional: the house of a respected micro-biologist had been raided and his son arrested, but according to another family member Mohammed was not in the house; nor did the intelligence officers who kicked the door in even ask for him. They claim Mohammed must have been detained elsewhere and that the raid on the Rawalpindi house was a smokescreen.
After several denials, it was admitted by the Pakistani authorities that Mohammed had been removed from Pakistan by US authorities. The Rawalpindi police admitted that they had neither participated in the raid nor known about it.... And:
One of the heinous acts attributed to Mohammed is the murder of Daniel Pearl. According to intelligence briefings, his was the hand that cut Pearl's throat, a murder for which the British-born militant Omar Saeed Sheikh has already been sentenced to death in Pakistan. The story of Sheikh's "arrest" was also clouded with inconsistencies. He had been involved in a string of terrorist acts and had served time in an Indian jail. He was released in a hostage swap, returned to Pakistan and apparently continued his activities without undue interference from Pakistani intelligence.
After Pearl's murder and following the detention of several members of his family, Sheikh gave himself up to a former director of Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency, and remained under his protection for the best part of a week. What transpired during that week has never been revealed, but at the end of it President Musharraf, conveniently on a visit to Washington, announced the "arrest" of Pearl's murderer. Only then did US officials have access to him.

24.Sep.2006 In sum, we have four facts Americans are not supposed to know:
1. Pakistan and Bin Laden have always been allies.
2. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are allies.
3. The United States will do nothing to upset the Saudis.
4. All evidence indicates that the United States allowed Bin Laden to escape to Pakistan and has, for years, deliberately refused to disturb his rest.
This background briefing should inform our assessment of the present claims.
Dead or alive.
This UPI report brings us up to date:

24.Sep.2006 Over the past few years, any number of pseudoscientific myths about 9/11 have received massive publicity, yet the extremely telling events surround the escape of the Al Qaeda/Taliban leadership have been allowed to slip down the memory hole. Even stories which once appeared on the front pages have faded from our collective recollection. From the invaluable 9/11 Timeline:
24.Sep.2006 Last Call for the Month! Our BuzzFlash Visa bill is coming due this week. It's That Hat in Hand Moment. Please Help Out.
Bombshell: Bush Will Request More Troops For Iraq, While National Intelligence Estimate Says Iraq Makes Terrorism Worse. Our National Security Compromised for Partisan Power Play. In Short, Bush's Own Intelligence Apparatus Has Concluded the Iraq War is INCREASING Terrorism!
By Brent Budowsky.

24.Sep.2006 Dems Don't Let Up on This! It's the Smoking Gun! Run 30 Second Ads Around the Nation! "This intelligence document should put the final nail in the coffin for President Bush's phony argument about the Iraq war," said Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass. "Despite what President Bush says, the intelligence community has reported the plain truth ? the misguided war in Iraq has 'metastasized and spread' terrorism like cancer around the world."
If You're Not Getting Buzzed 24 Hours a Day, You're Missing Something Big! A Little Bit of Buzz in Your E-mail Box. Just Click Here to Sign up.

24.Sep.2006 Scary Frightfest! These are the People Who Will Continue to Head Congressional Committees if Republicans Maintain Control of the House! They Endanger America and American Values!
Newsday: The Emperor Has No Sense. "Americans are still waiting for the promised beacon in the Middle East; still looking for the magic words that will to get us out of Oz. Clearly, "there's no place like home" isn't going to do the job." 9/25

24.Sep.2006 Four Alarmer, Whether Osama is Dead or Alive: U.S. Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terrorism Threat. This is Huge. Bush Should be Forced from the White House at Once. "National Intelligence Estimates are the most authoritative documents that the intelligence community produces on a specific national security issue + are approved by John D. Negroponte, director of national intelligence." Bush Has Betrayed the National Security of the United States of America.

24.Sep.2006 Phil Angelides, running for governor of California, says he'd bring National Guard home from Iraq 9/25
Poll finds Ohio sweep in reach of Democrats 9/25

24.Sep.2006 Busheviks Offer a Reluctant Apology After Refusing to Apologize Over Manhandling of Venezuela's Foreign Minister at Airport. Imagine if Condi Rice Were Treated Like That at the Caracas Airport! 9/25
24.Sep.2006 Good post, Joe. You're probably closer to the truth about 9/11 than 99% of those who think they understand it. But I'd make a bet that it's three times as dirty as even you suggest here. If we ever find out the whole truth we're going to have to change the name of this country, because nobody will be able to bear speaking the word again.
# posted by unirealist

24.Sep.2006 Regarding point three: Nearly everyone seems to have forgotten this comment by then-DCI Porter Goss (from a Time interview):
GOSS: That is a question that goes far deeper than you know. In the chain that you need to successfully wrap up the war on terror, we have some weak links. And I find that until we strengthen all the links, we're probably not going to be able to bring Mr. bin Laden to justice. We are making very good progress on it. But when you go to the very difficult question of dealing with sanctuaries in sovereign states, you're dealing with a problem of our sense of international obligation, fair play. We have to find a way to work in a conventional world in unconventional ways that are acceptable to the international community.
GOSS: I have an excellent idea of where he is. What's the next question? (Emphasis added.)

24.Sep.2006 "THE dark side" - terror - harassment-racketering. in end october ... In end October 1978 FALK International's president Ole C . Ostlund resigned from his employment with Aker, where he since spring 1977 had ...
Breve historial da Maçonaria em Portugal É provável que Sebastião José de Carvalho e Mello , o Marquês, antes de ser ministro ... por sugestão do escritor e então Ministro da Marinha, Mendes Leal. ...

Isaf- Mission: Nato will Truppen in Afghanistan aufstocken

24.Sep.2006 Libanon: Bedrohte Schildkröten- Oase in Orange

24.Sep.2006 Neuer Uno- Generalsekretär: Gesucht wird - weiblich, asiatisch, jung

24.Sep.2006 Sturm in Bangladesh: Von 1800 Fischern fehlt jede Spur
24.Sep.2006 Irak: Chef der Extremistengruppe Ansar al- Sunna gefasst

Verbrennungsmaschinen so lange wie möglich

Auch der deutsche Wissenschaftler Felix von Borck vom Forschungsinstitut Akasol in Darmstadt sieht die Entwicklung künstlich verlangsamt. "Die Industrie hat ganz bewusst vom Elektroauto auf die Brennstoffzelle geschwenkt - um Zeit zu gewinnen", sagt der Ingenieur. Und dass die Brennstoffzelle noch nicht fertig sei, könne den Konzernen nur recht sein. "Denn die Industrie will so lange wie irgend möglich am Verbrennungsmotor festhalten. Der ist fertig entwickelt, der kostet nicht mehr viel Geld. und damit kennen sich die Konstrukteure aus", analysiert Borck die zögerliche Haltung.

"Wir halten es für technisch einfacher, kostengünstiger, energetisch dreimal effizienter und vor allem kurzfristig realisierbarer, ein Elektrofahrzeug in nennenswerten Stückzahlen herzustellen als ein Brennstoffzellenfahrzeug", sagt Borck. "Hätte man all das Engagement, das in den letzten Jahren in Hybrid und Brennstoffzelle geflossen ist, in das Elektroauto gesteckt, dann wäre es längst auf der Straße", schätzt der Darmstädter. "Und zwar nicht als teures Spielzeug, sondern als Massenmodell eines Großserienherstellers."

Woran liegt es, dass Elektroautos keine Chance bekommen?
US- Geheimdienst- Report: Irak- Krieg heizt Terrorismus an
Versicherer: Kranke Seelen will keiner haben

24.Sep.2006 Lehrermangel: Verband rechnet mit Ausfall von einer Million Stunden

24.Sep.2006 Siemens: Kirche nennt Erhöhung der Vorstandsgehälter maßlos
24.Sep.2006 Eklat in New York: Flughafen- Beamte filzen Venezuelas Außenminister
24.Sep.2006 Middle East Nuclear Dominos - Guest 

Last week in an op-ed for the Boston Globe, I warned about Iran’s nuclear program and asked the following question: “The real danger is what happens next [in the region].

What do Iran’s rivals — Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey — do if it declares itself a nuclear power?

A partial answer to the question didn’t take long. The very next day, Gamal Mubarak, the son of Egypt’s president, announced in a public address that Egypt should begin its own nuclear power program:

The carefully crafted political speech raised the prospect of two potentially embarrassing developments for the White House at a time when the region is awash in crisis: a nuclear program in Egypt, recipient of about $2 billion a year in military and development aid from the United States + Mr. Mubarak succeeding his father, Hosni Mubarak, as president without substantial political challenge.

Simply raising the topic of Egypt’s nuclear ambitions at a time of heightened tensions over Iran’s nuclear activity was received as a calculated effort to raise the younger Mr. Mubarak’s profile and to build public support through a show of defiance toward Washington , political analysts and foreign affairs experts said.

Egypt abandoned a nuclear weapons program in the 1970s and joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. But with the Bush administration’s weak support for the treaty, its recent sweetheart deal rewarding India for building nuclear weapons outside the treaty’s limits + its failure to contain the Iranian program, Egypt seems to be recalculating its own nuclear options.

How long until others follow suit? And how bad will it get before the administration admits that its radical strategy for stopping the spread of nuclear weapons has instead accelerated their proliferation? Joe Cirincione
24.Sep.2006 Chris Wallace Never Asked A Bush Administration Official Why They Demoted Richard Clarke - Judd 

During his interview on Fox News, Bill Clinton asked Chris Wallace how many times Wallace asked a Bush administration official, “Why did you fire Dick Clarke?By all accounts, Clarke was one of the people most concerned about al-Qaeda in any administration. Shortly after taking office, the Bush administration demoted Clarke, eliminated his staff and removed him from the Principals meeting.

Since 2001, Wallace has interview the top national security officials from the Bush administration — Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Hadley — 42 times. According to a Lexis-Nexis database search, he never asked any of them why Clarke was demoted.

The one time he brought up Clarke’s name with a Bush administration official — during a March 28, 2004 interview with Rumsfeldhe repeatedly attempted to smear Clarke as political motivated and untrustworthy. Some excerpts:

WALLACE: I think a lot of people in Washington are trying to figure out, to understand Richard Clarke, to make sense of what he has said and of apparent contradictions in his story — is he telling the truth, or is he pushing an agenda.

WALLACE: Let’s switch, if we can, to a different aspect of this. There is a move now by congressional Republican leaders to declassify Clarke’s testimony before one of their panels in 2002 to see whether or not it contradicts what he is telling the commission and what he writes in his book now. As I understand it, the Pentagon has to approve any such declassification. Do you think it’s a good idea?

WALLACE: Do you worry at all that, whether it’s the debate over Dick Clarke’s credibility , his charges, whether it’s the fact that we’re in the political season, that the important work you say the commission could do is going to get caught up in partisanship?

After Clinton brought up the issue, Wallace claimed “we asked” and shot back “Do you ever watch Fox News Sunday, Sir?
Chris Wallace Has Never Asked A Bush Administration Official About The USS Cole - Judd 

The USS Cole was bombed on October 12, 2000. As Clinton noted in his interview with Fox, “The CIA and the FBI refused to certify that Bin Laden was responsibleuntil early 2001 which foreclosed the possibility of a full response during his administration.

The Bush administration, on the other hand, had 8 months prior to 9/11/01 to respond to the USS bombing and did nothing.

In an interview to air Sunday, Fox News Host Chris Wallace asked Bill Clinton why he didn’t respond to the USS Cole. Clinton said it was a “legitimate question” but challenged Wallace: “I want to know how many people in the Bush administration you asked why didn’t you do anything about the Cole.” First, Wallace responded, “we asked.”

When pressed further by Clinton, Wallace demurred: “I — with Iraq and Afghanistan there’s plenty of stuff to ask.”

Neither Chris Wallace, nor his predecessor, Tony Snow ever asked anyone in the Bush administration why they failed to respond to the bombing of the USS Cole, according to a Lexis-Nexis database search. Wallace and Snow have had plenty of opportunities:

Vice President Dick Cheney has been on Fox News Sunday 6 times .

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has been on Fox News Sunday 9 times .

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has been on Fox News Sunday 23 times .

National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley has been on Fox News Sunday 4 times.

For the record, this was Bill Clinton’s first solo appearance on Fox News Sunday.
Fox on The Defensive, Promos Interview As ‘Clinton Gets Crazed’ - Think Progress 

During his interview with Bill Clinton, Wallace insisted it was conducted in “good faith.” Well, here’s how the Fox News website is promoting the interview, scheduled to be aired tomorrow:

Clinton simply told the truth about Fox News, his record on terrorism and the Bush administration’s record on terrorism. Apparently, Fox News is threatened by that. Digg It!
24.Sep.2006 FLASHBACK: Days After 9/11 Commission Testimony, Wallace Doesn’t Ask Rice About Infamous PDB - Judd 

One of the most poignant moments of President Clinton’s interview with Fox News was when he called out Chris Wallace for giving the right a free pass on terrorism. An excerpt:

WALLACE: I asked a question. You don’t think that’s a legitimate question?

CLINTON: It was a perfectly legitimate question but I want to know how many people in the Bush administration you asked this question of. I want to know how many people in the Bush administration you asked: Why didn’t you do anything about the Cole? I want to know how many you asked: Why did you fire Dick Clarke? I want to know…

WALLACE: We asked…Do you ever watch Fox News Sunday sir?

CLINTON: I don’t believe you ask them that.

WALLACE: We ask plenty of questions of…

CLINTON: You didn’t ask that did you? Tell the truth.

WALLACE: About the USS Cole?

CLINTON: Tell the truth.

WALLACE: I…with Iraq and Afghanistan there’s plenty of stuff to ask.

Chris Wallace interviewed then-National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice on April 18, 2004, just days after she testified before the 9/11 Commission. Wallace didn’t ask her about the USS Cole or the decision to demote Richard Clarke. He also didn’t ask Rice about the notorious August 6 Presidential Daily Brief entitled, “Bin Laden Determined to Strike U.S.

Instead Wallace perpetuated a smear against 9/11 Commissioner and former Clinton Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, falsely claiming she was responsible for creating a “wall” between the F.B.I. and the CIA:

WALLACE: When commission member Jaime Gorelick was questioning you about that, did you know that when she was the deputy attorney general in the Clinton administration, that she had issued an order that, in fact, helped build the so-called wall even higher?

RICE: I did not know that, Chris. I did know, of course, that she’d been deputy attorney general. I did know that there were responsibilities there for issues concerning counterterrorism, but no, I did not know.

This smear was rebutted by 9/11 Commission member Slade Gorton (R) who called the charge “ridiculous.” Gordon wrote the Washington Times, “She had nothing to do with any ‘wall’ between law enforcement and our intelligence agencies.”

Wallace has been a source of right-wing misinformation about 9/11 for years. Bill Clinton finally called him on it.
24.Sep.2006 Osama bin Ladens Tod gemäss Chirac nicht bewiesen - sfux SDA -

Frankreichs Präsident Jacques Chirac hat die Existenz einer "vertraulichen Notiz" des französischen Auslands-Geheimdienstes bestätigt, nach der Terroristenführer Osama bin Laden gestorben sei. Die Todesnachricht sei aber durch nichts bewiesen.
Dies erklärte Chirac am Samstag auf einer gemeinsamen Medienkonferenz mit der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und dem russischen Staatschef Wladimir Putin in Compiègne in Nordfrankreich.

Smokers 'at greater risk of HIV' Smokers may be at greater risk of HIV infection compared with non-smokers, research suggests.
24.Sep.2006 Protesters flock to Hungary rally The Hungarian capital Budapest sees the biggest rally yet in a week of protests against the government.
24.Sep.2006 Venezuela protests over search Venezuela accuses the US of detaining its foreign minister in an airport incident - a charge the US denies.
24.Sep.2006 Iraq war protest greets Blair Thousands of anti-war protesters take part in a rally ahead of the Labour Party conference in Manchester.
24.Sep.2006 Street kids arrested in DR Congo Police in the capital of DR Congo arrest hundreds of street children after rioting ahead of presidential elections.
24.Sep.2006 Palestinians 'back to square one' The head of the Palestinian authority says work on a coalition with Hamas will have to start again from scratch.
24.Sep.2006 North Korea 'makes weapon pledge' North Korea has reportedly said it plans to extract more plutonium for use in nuclear weapons.
24.Sep.2006 Russia in European energy pledge Russian President Vladimir Putin seeks to reassure France and Germany about the security of energy supplies.
24.Sep.2006 Probe into 'Bin Laden death' leak President Chirac orders an inquiry into a leaked French intelligence memo claiming Osama Bin Laden had died.
24.Sep.2006 Brown in pledge to devolve power Gordon Brown will seek to devolve power away from central government if he becomes prime minister, he tells the BBC.
24.Sep.2006 Hope for new diabetes treatment Scientists have shown that a single protein plays a central role in the development of diabetes.
24.Sep.2006 A blog dedicated to tiny people Blog: Small is big in the art world, at least among some circles in the blogosphere. A week ago in this space we highlighted some amazing...
24.Sep.2006 Microreactors Change Propane into Hydrogen - Zonk 23
Roland Piquepaille writes "Microreactors have already been used for on-site reforming of fuels, such as methanol or propane, to produce hydrogen to be used in fuel cells. Now, researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) have designed very efficient ceramic microreactors to do this task. The scientists say that their microreactors are much better than other fuel reformer systems. They are now trying to reform gasoline and diesel, which are more widely distributed than propane. Does this mean that one day we'll be able to go to a gas station to refill the fuel cells powering our laptops? Probably not before a while, but read more for additional details, references and a picture of a prototype."

Google Relents, Publishes Belgian Ruling - Zonk 135 gambit3 writes

"Google on Saturday published on its Belgian website a court order which forbids the Internet search engine to reproduce snippets of Belgian press on its news amalgamation service. The move constituted a u-turn as Google had said on Friday that it would not comply with the court order despite facing a fine of 500,000 euros ($640,900) daily if it did not publish the ruling." From the article: "Google said its service is lawful and drives traffic to newspaper sites because people need to click through to the original publisher to read the full story. It now displays stories from news agencies, foreign newspapers and Internet sites belonging to local television stations."
Clinton to Start $1 Billion Renewable Energy Fund - Zonk 132
antifoidulus writes "ABC news is reporting that former President Bill Clinton has announced the creation of a $1 Billion investment fund devoted to renewable energy. This will be an investment fund as opposed to charity + Clinton has said that 'The Green Fund would focus on reducing dependence on fossil fuels, creating jobs, lessening pollution and helping to reduce global warming, all while making a profit.' Former World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn will be managing the fund."

Murder by Injection Survey Committee, with members Winthrop Aldrich and David McAlpine Pyle representing the Rockefeller control . A medical fraternity known as the "rich man's ...

28.Nov.1999 The Rockefeller Syndicate David McAlpine Pyle representing the Rockefeller control .

A medical fraternity known as the "rich man's club,". the New York Academy of Medicine, ...
24.Sep.2006 "God made the Idiot for practice + then He made the School ... E num foi que no meio de um sorriso inflável o cão teve de parar?

Blair, do alto de sua Collieza, uma hora haveria de cagar !

"Although Nazi government was confused and chaotic, it worked ... 1,234) > Germany (237) > "Although Nazi government was confused and chaotic ... doubt that Hitler " had produced the biggest ...
24.Sep.2006 Search results for Morgan ... final arrangements for Hitler to enter the government . "Germany was looted by the London-New York banking system + Hitler ' s ... 24.Sep.2006 Ancient pet cemeteries found in Peru  Even in ancient Peru, it seems dogs were a man's best friend. Peruvian investigators have discovered a pre-Columbian culture of dog lovers who built pet cemeteries and buried their pets with warm blankets and even treats for the afterlife.
24.Sep.2006 War Signals? : The Bush Administration and the Pentagon have issued orders for a major "strike group" of ships, including the nuclear aircraft carrier Eisenhower as well as a cruiser, destroyer, frigate, submarine escort and supply ship, to head for the Persian Gulf, just off Iran's western coast.

24.Sep.2006 Iran Threatens 'Lightning' Response To Attacks : Iran has warned its armed forces would strike back "like lightning" against any attack on the country and will destroy "the enemy."

24.Sep.2006 Iran's proud but discreet Jews : About 25,000 Jews live in Iran and most are determined to remain no matter what the pressures - as proud of their Iranian culture as of their Jewish roots

24.Sep.2006 Israelis' main fear is nuclear Iran : Israelis are more worried about the prospect of a nuclear Iran than anything else, including their country's economic situation, according to an opinion poll published ahead of the Jewish New Year

24.Sep.2006 Nasrallah appears at massive Hezbollah “victory” rally: Surrounded by a dozen bodyguards, Nasrallah waved at the throng who hailed the man Israel regards as a legitimate military target with chants of “God Bless Nasrallah.”

24.Sep.2006 Nasrallah says no army can disarm Hizbollah: Hizbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Friday rejected international calls to disarm his Lebanese guerrillas and told a huge "victory" rally they still had more than 20,000 rockets after a month of war with Israel.

24.Sep.2006 Nasrallah — Leadership and Restraint: A lot of ink has been used in attempts to draw a portrait of the leader of the Lebanese resistance against the Israeli aggression, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah + to pinpoint those leadership qualities that explain his incredible achievement, namely, leading the Lebanese resistance forces to push the Israeli war machine out of Lebanon and thwarting this phase of the larger plans of the colonialist superpowers for “a new Middle East.”

24.Sep.2006 Palestinian president: Government will recognize Israel: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday that the planned national unity government will recognize Israel and renounce violence, warning that failure to resolve the conflict would leave the door open to more terrorism and violence worldwide.

24.Sep.2006 Hamas will not recognise Israel, backs 10-year truce: adviser : The next Palestinian government will not recognise Israel but is instead prepared to back a 10-year truce with the Jewish state, an adviser to the Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniya said.

24.Sep.2006 Israeli government issues tenders for 164 new illegal homes in the occupied West Bank : The Israeli government is planning to build 164 new homes in three illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, despite an obligation under a U.S.-backed peace road map to halt such construction on land Palestinians seek for a state.

24.Sep.2006 UK politician: Pro-Israel lobby controls West: Baroness Jenny Tonge: ' The pro-Israeli lobby has got its grips on the Western World, its financial grips. I think they’ve probably got a certain grip on our party'

24.Sep.2006 Israel's Elbit wins US security contract: The contract, valued at $80 million, is the first part of a multibillion-dollar Homeland Security Department plan to help secure US borders with Mexico and Canada.

24.Sep.2006 Fate of some CIA detainees still unknown: Missing Boston woman among them, kin say

24.Sep.2006 Anti-Americanism Is Providing a Glue: The rhetoric from the leaders of Iran, Sudan and Venezuela at the U.N. shared a theme of outrage at the U.S., despite their differences.

24.Sep.2006 A Courageous Man Speaks Out : Hugo Chavez is dedicated to the principles and spirit of the Bolivarian Revolution he gave the people of Venezuela and wants to spread it to the developing world as a counter-force to the US model of global dominance of the developed North over the less-developed South with the US as hegemon-in-chief.

24.Sep.2006 Interview with Bolivian President Evo Morales on Latin America, U.S. Foreign Policy and the Role of the Indigenous People of Bolivia 

In case you missed it: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions

24.Sep.2006 Peru spy master guilty in gunrunning :The former Peruvian spy master Vladimiro Montesinos has been found guilty and sentenced to 20 years in prison for masterminding a deal that supplied 10,000 assault rifles to Colombian leftist guerrillas seven years ago.

24.Sep.2006 In case you missed it: Who Really Supports Cocaine Traffickers?: A Peruvian court tries Vladimir Montesinos -- a 30-year CIA asset -- for supplying Colombian drug traffickers with weapons.

24.Sep.2006 Bombs Over Cambodia: New information reveals that Cambodia was bombed far more heavily than previously believed

24.Sep.2006 There is only one reason prisoners are whisked off to other countries: To allow the CIA to use what President Bush euphemistically calls “alternative interrogation” methods outside the reach of U.S. law.

24.Sep.2006 Top secret: Banff security meeting attracted U.S., Mexico officials: "Here they are talking in my backyard, no media to tell Canadians, Mexicans and Americans about what's going on. [I am] completely outraged," he said. "This is an assault on democracy."

24.Sep.2006 Church to Fight IRS Demand for Documents: A liberal church that has been threatened with the loss of its tax-exempt status over an anti-war sermon delivered just days before the 2004 presidential election said Thursday it will fight an IRS order to turn over documents on the matter.
24.Sep.2006 Rupert Cornwell: Nothing the Americans do stops the slide into despair : The hope was to reduce US forces in Iraq in this US election year. Instead they have been increased, from 127,000 in January to 144,000 now. Each day, two or three more American soldiers die. Since the March 2003 invasion over 2,690 have been lost.
24.Sep.2006 is Bush’s Reflection Pond -By Mike Whitney
Martial law is not liberation. In the last two months, the number of dead appearing at the Baghdad morgue has skyrocketed; nearly 6,600 Iraqis brutally tortured and killed in July and August alone. In terms of population, this is the equivalent of 79,200 American casualties. Simply put, it is a massacre.

24.Sep.2006 Compact with Evil: The McCain "Compromise" on Bush's Torture Program -By Chris Floyd
After George Bush's Rose Garden hissy fit, in which he declared that he would simply stop interrogating suspected terrorists unless he could torture them, John "I Only Flip-Flop On Matters of Deep Principle" McCain and the other so-called "Senate rebels" have capitulated to the unpopular president's petulant demands.

24.Sep.2006 Lost in a Bermuda Triangle of Injustice The Facts on the Ground: Mini-Gulags, Hired Guns, Lobbyists + a Reality Built on Fear-By Tom Engelhardt

Camp Bucca is a story you can't read anywhere – and yet it may, in a sense, be the most important American story in Iraq right now. Continue

24.Sep.2006 The Heart of “Terror” By: Bill Noxid
This is not a struggle… it is already done. The World has decided. The World is self-aware and has already decided what the future is. We, as Americans, have to graciously accept that. No war will change the nature of this reality. Bombing one more country’s infrastructure will not make us one more friend and it’s time we accept and understand that.

Es scheine unbegreiflich, dass ein solches Ereignis in Pakistan, "wo wir al-Qaida unter Unterlass jagen", unbemerkt bleibe.
"Da fragt man sich, ob das mit Absicht geschehen ist", sagte Putin auf der Pressekonferenz in Compiegne,
wo er sich mit Kanzlerin Angela Merkel und Gastgeber Chirac zu einem Dreier- Gipfel aufhielt. Er habe keine Informationen über den mutmaßlichen Tod Bin Ladens. Auch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel erklärte, die Bundesregierung habe keine Erkenntnisse darüber
Frankreichs Präsident Chirac zeigte sich beim deutsch- französisch- russischen Dreiergipfel im nordfranzösischen Compiegne bei Paris "etwas überrascht", dass eine vertrauliche Notiz des französischen Auslandsgeheimdiensts DGSE an die Öffentlichkeit gelangen konnte. Er ordnete eine Untersuchung an.

"L'Est Républicain" hatte berichtet, Bin Laden sei am 23. August in Pakistan an einer schweren Form von Typhus erkrankt, die zu einer Lähmung seiner Beine geführt habe. "Seine geografische Isolation wegen der ständigen Flucht scheint medizinische Hilfe unmöglich gemacht zu haben + am 4. September erhielten die saudischen Geheimdienste die ersten Informationen über seinen Tod", zitierte die Zeitung aus dem DGSE-Dokument. "L'Est Républicain" berichtete weiter, die saudischen Behörden warteten derzeit auf weitere Details, unter anderem auf den exakten Bestattungsort von Bin Laden, bevor sie dessen Tod bekannt geben wollten.

Berichte mehrfach dementiert

Paris/New York - Die französische Zeitung "L'Est Républicain" hatte über den Tod Osama Bin Ladens spekuliert. Das Regionalblatt berief auf Dokumente des französischen Auslandsgeheimdienstes DGSE, wonach saudische Geheimdienstler davon ausgingen, dass Bin Laden einer schweren Form von Typhus erlegen sei.

Der DGSE wollte sich nicht dazu äußern. Der französische Präsident Jacques Chirac wies den Bericht als "in keiner Weise bestätigt" zurück. Auch die USA und Pakistan wollten den angeblichen Tod von Bin Laden nicht bestätigen.

Nun zieht das Magazin "Time" nach. Das amerikanische Nachrichtenmagazin beruft sich auf saudische Quellen, wonach glaubwürdige Informationen darüber vorlägen, dass Bin Laden schwer erkrankt und möglicherweise bereits gestorben sei. Die saudische Quelle, so das US-Magazin, habe die Informationen der französischen Regionalzeitung bestätigt. Es gebe mehrere glaubwürdige Hinweise, dass Bin Laden seit längerem an einer durch Wasser verursachten Krankheit leide. Denn Quellen zufolge sei die Wahrscheinlichkeit groß, dass der Terrorfürst bereits tot sein könnte.
Four Alarmer, Whether Osama is Dead or Alive: U.S. Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terrorism Threat. This is Huge. Bush Should be Forced from the White House at Once. "National Intelligence Estimates are the most authoritative documents that the intelligence community produces on a specific national security issue + are approved by John D. Negroponte, director of national intelligence." Bush Has Betrayed the National Security of the United States of America.

24.Sep.2006 Tired of Lies. BuzzFlash Needs Your Support to Spread the Truth. Your Dollars Help Us Grow.
Reports of Osama's Death May be Too Premature for Rove. Karl Doesn't Care if He Died of Typhus, But Rove Then Needed People Not to Know, So He Could Send in An Army Squad to Pretend They Had a Shoot Out with Osama's Guards. Then They'd Spray Some Bullets Into Osama's Body That Had Been Kept on Ice + Bush Would Triumphantly Arrive in a Helicopter That He "Flew in" to View the Body, Wearing His "Mission Accomplished" Cod Piece GI Joe Outfit. 9/24

24.Sep.2006 Time Magazine on the Possible Rovian October Surprise: Is bin Laden Dead? 9/24
Rumor Mill Aswirl With Speculation About October Surprise: Osama May be Dead. Bush Official "Can't Confirm" It. That's an Interesting Response.
Brent Budowsky: Bush Bombshells: Will Request More Troops For Iraq, While National Intelligence Estimate Says Iraq Makes Terrorism Worse - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
"President Jacques Chirac has ordered an inquiry into the leak of a French secret service memo claiming that Osama Bin Laden had died. Mr Chirac told reporters he was surprised the memo had been leaked, and refused to comment on the claim itself."
MUST READ. Full transcript: Clinton takes on Fox News. "All the right wingers who now say that I didn?t do enough said that I did too much. Same people." If the Current Democratic Leadership Talked This Honestly, They'd Win Back the House And the Senate. Clinton Smacks Down Chris Wallace, the Bush Administration's War to Terrorize Americans and More...Brilliant. The Big Dog is Back in Form! 9/24

24.Sep.2006 John Le Carre's Latest Masterful Political Novel: "The Mission Song"
Chavez Had a Right to Call Bush the Devil - And Pelosi, Rangel and other Dems Should Have Said So - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution from Elliot D. Cohen, Ph.D., author of the #1 article in "Censored 2007: The Top 25 Censored Stories" (available from the BuzzFlash Marketplace)

24.Sep.2006 The devil was here... right here... you can still smell the sulfur...
The pogroms are coming. Fox today told its viewers that if you buy Citgo gas you are sending money to Al Qaida.
The rhetoric has been ramped up beyond belief + Karl Rove is promising an October surprise. "Real" people will be the first targets, keep yourselves safe if you can.
Welcome to the Penal Colony...
# posted by Anonymous

24.Sep.2006 "Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government; allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight + was run instead by Gary Best rogue black ops specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police, an entity of the U.S. government itself."
Thomas Heneghan, heroic American Patriot International Intelligence Expert, Federal Whistleblower
- - IF you are not yet aware, be apprised that International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL, sources who are putting their very lives on the line, 24/7, for you and I and our loved ones to SAVE America and the World from Traitors-Treason-Tyranny - http:
XYZ ">//
# posted by Anonymous : 9:27 AM   The truth, of course, is that bin Laden has been dead since around December 2001, and that "Bush let bin Laden escape!" plays right into Bush's hands, by keeping alive the myth that bin Laden and "radical Islamists" are out to get us. # posted by 9/11-Curious : 11:02 AM  

24.Sep.2006 Is Osama Bin Laden dead? That what Reuters says the French say the Saudis say. Reuters:
France's Defense Ministry said on Saturday a secret service report saying al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden had died could not be confirmed but said it would launch an inquiry into the leak of secret documents.
The Defense Ministry issued the statement after a French regional newspaper, L'Est Republicain, published a report quoting a French secret service report as saying Saudi Arabia is convinced al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden died of typhoid in Pakistan last month.
"The information published this morning in the L'Est Republicain newspaper relating to the supposed death of Osama bin Laden cannot be confirmed," the Defense Ministry said.
"The Defense Minister (Michele Alliot-Marie) has asked that an inquiry be carried out to determine the origin of the leak that can be punished by criminal charges."
The newspaper printed what it said was a copy of the report dated September 21 and said it was shown to President Jacques Chirac, Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin and France's interior and defense ministers on the same day.
"According to a usually reliable source, the Saudi services are now convinced that Osama bin Laden is dead," the document said.
"The information gathered by the Saudis indicates that the head of al Qaeda was a victim while he was in Pakistan on

23.Aug.2006, of a very serious case of typhoid which led to a partial paralysis of his internal organs."
The report, which was stamped with a "confidential defense" label and the initials of the French secret service, said Saudi Arabia first heard the information on

04.Sep.2006 + that it was waiting for more details before making an official announcement.
A senior official in Pakistan said no foreign government had shared information with Pakistan that would back up the report of bin Laden's death. Gee. You think the reliable source might be the mysterious (and perhaps mythical) Abu Dawood , the fellow who has been peddling "Hiroshima in America" to journalist Hamid Mir? (Scroll down for more on that.)
If the French are treating this as a serious leak inquiry and a potential criminal matter, then this is no mere newspaper rumor. That doesn't mean that the information is true, of course.
Note the timing: Just a couple of days ago, Karl Rove told right-wing sites that he had an "October Surprise" or two in mind. Meanwhile, the Democrats have clearly decided -- finally! -- to use Bush's inability to capture Bin Laden as a cudgel against Bush -- see, for example, Bill Clinton's angry video statement
If Big Wedding II occurs in the United States within the next month, the Bush administration will, of course, seek to blame Iran. To do so means minimizing the threat posed by Bin Laden.
By the way, Bill O'Reilly's new book claims that Osama Bin Laden supports the progressive movement. Right. Y'see, that's been my problem all along --

Osama keeps making my checks out in Pakistan rupees + the exchange rate stinks. Besides, the lady at the check cashing joint near the liquor store can't read his damned handwriting. Permalink
23.Sep.2006 Reaktion auf Papst- Rede: Barroso liest Politiker- Kollegen die Leviten

23.Sep.2006 Terror: USA warnen vor al- Qaida- Terror im Libanon

23.Sep.2006 Labour: Tausende gehen gegen Blair auf die Straße

23.Sep.2006 Ungarn: Zehntausende marschieren gegen Premier Gyurcsany
23.Sep.2006 Todesgerücht: Aufregung um Geheimdienstbericht über Osama bin Laden
23.Sep.2006 Siemens: Pierer verteidigt 30- Prozent- Erhöhung von Vorstandsgehältern

Ein hochrangiger Vertreter des pakistanischen Innenministeriums sagte: "Wir haben keine Informationen über den Tod von Osama." Man habe keinerlei Informationen von ausländischen Regierungen bekommen, dass Bin Laden an Typhus gestorben sei. Dies sei aber das übliche Vorgehen, so dass er sich nicht vorstellen könne, dass der Bericht richtig sei, sagte der Sprecher, der anonym bleiben wollte.

Bereits am 19. September hatte der DGSE dem Zeitungsbericht zufolge notiert, der saudische Geheimdienst versuche, Nachrichten zum Tode Bin Ladens zu verifizieren. Die jetzigen Informationen würden als so verlässlich angesehen, dass sie weitergeleitet worden seien.

Die Zeitung zitiert aus der DGSE-Note, dem saudischen Geheimdienst zufolge sei Bin Laden in Pakistan an Typhus erkrankt. Sein Zustand habe sich am 23. August stark verschlechtert. Danach seien seine Beine halb gelähmt gewesen. Seine fluchtbedingte Isolation habe jede medizinische Hilfe unmöglich gemacht. "Am 4. September 2006 haben die saudischen Dienste die ersten Anzeichen für seinen Tod erhalten", heißt es. Offiziell solle Bin Laden erst dann für tot erklärt werden, wenn klar sei, wo er begraben liege.

Der russische Staatspräsident Wladimir Putin beklagte den "Informationsverlust", der durch den Zeitungsbericht entstanden sei. "Da fragt man sich, ob das mit Absicht geschehen ist", sagte Putin auf einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit Chirac. Er habe keine Informationen über den mutmaßlichen Tod Bin Ladens. Auch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel erklärte, die Bundesregierung habe keine Erkenntnisse darüber.
Todesgerüchte: Politiker wütend über Enthüllung von Osama- Report
Subventionen: Ausstieg aus Steinkohle kostet 40 Milliarden Euro
23.Sep.2006 Ungarn: Regierungsgegner erwarten bisher größte Demonstration
23.Sep.2006 Todesgerüchte: Wirbel um Geheimdienstbericht über Osama

23.Sep.2006 Krebserregende Sustanzen: Kosmetika enthalten Nitrosamine
Südafrikanische Pflanzensamen: Der erste Trieb nach 203 Jahren
Hewlett Packard: Rücktritt nach Spionageskandal

23.Sep.2006 Black Death solved  A Norwegian researcher has solved the mystery behind the Black Death and developed a vaccine against the plague.
23.Sep.2006 Florida Officials Can't Find File Debunking Gosch Photos  A Florida investigator says he can't find a case file he believes would debunk a possible break in the 24-year-old mystery of Johnny Gosch.
posted by Prof. Hex

23.Sep.2006 Strange death of a 911 witness  Cannonfire's got it.
posted by Prof. Hex

23.Sep.2006 Wizards of OS - Information Freedom Rules - Sebastian Krekow 
Am Donnerstag begann in der Columbiahalle in Berlin die interdisziplinäre Konferenz
Wizards of OS (WOS), welche Wissenschaftler, Techniker, Künstler, Journalisten und Aktivisten der "Befreiungsbewegungen des Wissens" aus aller Welt zusammenbringt. Unter dem Motto "Information Freedom Rules" sollen eine Bestandsaufnahme der Bewegung gemacht, sowie medientechnische, rechtliche, kulturelle und künstlerische Veränderungen der vergangenen Jahre aufgezeigt werden.
Der erste "Wizards of OS" (
1999) drehte sich um Freie Software allgemein. Der zweite Kongress 2001 diskutierte die Frage der Übertragbarkeit des Prinzips. Erstmals wurden Projekte wie vorgestellt. Beim dritten "Wizards of OS" 2004 zeigten Lösungen und Erfolgsbeispiele, daß freie und offene Kooperation funktioniert. Erstmals wurde ein selbstorganisierendes, dezentrales Freifunknetzwerk zum Datenaustausch präsentiert. Heute sind diese Netzwerke aus vielen Städten nicht mehr wegzudenken. Das zu dieser Zeit wenig bekannte Wikipediaprojekt fand ebenfalls viel Beachtung.
Auch in diesem Jahr werden sich neben etablierten wieder neue, junge Projekte und Netzwerke vorstellen, die in einigen Jahren vielleicht unseren Alltag bestimmen werden, wie zum Beispiel, P2P-Piraten-TV-Sender oder die Piratenpartei. Im Umfeld der Konferenz gibt es Netlabel-Parties mit freier Musik, Workshops, Filmprogramme und Community Meetings.

23.Sep.2006 FULL TRANSCRIPT: Clinton Takes On Fox News - Judd 

Today, President Bill Clinton taped an interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace, which is scheduled to be aired Sunday. He was told the interview would focus on his nonpartisan efforts to raise over $7 billion to combat the world’s biggest problems.

Early in the interview, Wallace attempted to smear Clinton with the same kind of misinformation contained in ABC’s Path to 9/11. Clinton was having none of it.

ThinkProgress has obtained a transcript of the interview. Here are some highlights –

Wallace repeats Path to 9/11 misinformation, Clinton fights back :

WALLACE: When we announced that you were going to be on Fox News Sunday, I got a lot of email from viewers + I got to say I was surprised most of them wanted me to ask you this question. Why didn’t you do more to put Bin Laden and al Qaeda out of business when you were President? There’s a new book out which I suspect you’ve read called the Looming Tower. And it talks about how the fact that when you pulled troops out of Somalia 00.000.1993, Bin Laden said “I have seen the frailty and the weakness and the cowardice of US troops.” Then there was the bombing of the embassies in Africa and the attack on the USS Cole.


WALLACE: …may I just finish the question sir. And after the attack, the book says, Bin Laden separated his leaders because he expected an attack and there was no response. I understand that hindsight is 20/20.

CLINTON: No let’s talk about…

WALLACE: …but the question is why didn’t you do more, connect the dots and put them out of business?

CLINTON: OK, let’s talk about it. I will answer all of those things on the merits but I want to talk about the context of which this arises. I’m being asked this on the FOX network…ABC just had a right wing conservative on the Path to 9/11 falsely claim that it was based on the 9/11 Commission report with three things asserted against me that are directly contradicted by the 9/11 Commission report. I think it’s very interesting that all the conservative Republicans who now say that I didn’t do enough, claimed that I was obsessed with Bin Laden. All of President Bush’s neocons claimed that I was too obsessed with finding Bin Laden when they didn’t have a single meeting about Bin Laden for the nine months after I left office. All the right wingers who now say that I didn’t do enough said that I did too much. Same people.

Clinton takes on Fox News bias :

WALLACE: Do you think you did enough sir?

CLINTON: No, because I didn’t get him.


CLINTON: But at least I tried. That’s the difference in me and some, including all the right wingers who are attacking me now. They ridiculed me for trying. They had eight months to try and they didn’t…I tried. So I tried and failed. When I failed I left a comprehensive anti-terror strategy and the best guy in the country, Dick Clarke… So you did FOX’s bidding on this show. You did you nice little conservative hit job on me. But what I want to know..

WALLACE: Now wait a minute sir…


WALLACE: I asked a question. You don’t think that’s a legitimate question?

CLINTON: It was a perfectly legitimate question but I want to know how many people in the Bush administration you asked this question of. I want to know how many people in the Bush administration you asked: Why didn’t you do anything about the Cole? I want to know how many you asked: Why did you fire Dick Clarke? I want to know…

WALLACE: We asked…


WALLACE: Do you ever watch Fox News Sunday sir?

CLINTON: I don’t believe you ask them that.

WALLACE: We ask plenty of questions of…

CLINTON: You didn’t ask that did you? Tell the truth.

WALLACE: About the USS Cole?

CLINTON: Tell the truth.

WALLACE: I…with Iraq and Afghanistan there’s plenty of stuff to ask.

CLINTON: Did you ever ask that? You set this meeting up because you were going to get a lot of criticism from your viewers because Rupert Murdoch is going to get a lot of criticism from your viewers for supporting my work on climate change. And you came here under false pretenses and said that you’d spend half the time talking about…

WALLACE: [laughs]

CLINTON: You said you’d spend half the time talking about what we did out there to raise $7 billion dollars plus over three days from 215 different commitments. And you don’t care.

Clinton on his priorities and the Bush administration priorities :

CLINTON: What did I do? I worked hard to try and kill him. I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since. And if I were still president we’d have more than 20,000 troops there trying to kill him. Now I never criticized President Bush and I don’t think this is useful. But you know we do have a government that thinks Afghanistan is 1/7 as important as Iraq. And you ask me about terror and Al Qaeda with that sort of dismissive theme when all you have to do is read Richard Clarke’s book to look at what we did in a comprehensive systematic way to try to protect the country against terror. And you’ve got that little smirk on your face. It looks like you’re so clever…

WALLACE: [Laughs]

CLINTON: I had responsibility for trying to protect this country. I tried and I failed to get Bin Laden. I regret it but I did try. And I did everything I thought I responsibly could. The entire military was against sending special forces into Afghanistan and refueling by helicopter and no one thought we could do it otherwise…We could not get the CIA and the FBI to certify that Al Qaeda was responsible while I was President. Until I left office. And yet I get asked about this all the time and they had three times as much time to get him as I did and no one ever asks them about this. I think that’s strange.

Read the full transcript (rough) HERE.
23.Sep.2006 Bill Clinton teaches Fox’s Chris Wallace a lesson. - Judd  Atrios has details.
23.Sep.2006 REPORT: Bush Family Compound At Kennebunkport Could Be Submerged By Global Warming - Nico 

The Natural Resources Council of Maine this week released “one of the most complete depictions ever done of the potential impacts on Maine’s coastline from rising sea levels due to global warming.”

Using the latest available science, NRCM’s analysis shows that coastal businesses, homes, wildlife habitat, transportation systems + some of the state’s most treasured places are highly vulnerable to sea-level rise.

One “treasured place” in extreme risk is the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport (noted by the yellow arrow below). The area in orange shows land that will be submerged by a sea level rise of 6 feet; the area in red will be underwater after a rise of just 3 feet.

Numerous studies on the future impacts of global warming, including the International Panel on Climate Change, have predicted a sea level rise of 3 feet or more by the end of the century. In other words, unless the problem of climate change is taken seriously, the Bush vacation retreat will under water by the time Jenna and Barbara’s kids grow up.

The Bush family aren’t the only ones who should be worried. “The Federal Emergency Management Agency estimates that no fewer than one in four U.S. buildings within 500 feet of a coastline will be destroyed by erosion by mid-century, with rising sea levels a big factor.” More on global warming at Climate Progress.

Bush_Compound_At_Kennebunkport_Will_Be_Submerged_By_Global_Warming">Digg it!
23.Sep.2006 Media Matters takes on Culture Warrior. - Judd  Media Matters reads Bill O’Reilly’s new book so you don’t have to.
23.Sep.2006 A “scorching internal review” - Nico -of the Bush administration’s $1 billion/year reading program “says the Education Department ignored the law and ethical standards to steer money how it wanted.” The report says the program — described as the “jewel of No Child Left Behind” — is “beset by conflicts of interest and willful mismanagement” and “suggests the department broke the law by trying to dictate which curriculum schools must use.”

UPDATE: Rep. George Miller (D-CA), ranking member on the education committee, is outraged:

Corrupt cronies at the Department of Education wasted taxpayer dollars on an inferior reading curriculum for kids that was developed by a company headed by a Bush friend and campaign contributor,” said Miller. “Instead of putting children first, they chose to put their cronies first. Enough is enough. President Bush and Secretary Spellings must take responsibility and do a wholesale housecleaning at the Education Department.”

Everyone at the Department of Education who was involved in perpetrating this fraud on school districts should be fired — not suspended, not reassigned, not admonished, but fired.”
23.Sep.2006 New O’Reilly Book: Osama Bin Laden Supports American Progressives - Judd 

ThinkProgress has obtained an advance copy of Bill O’Reilly’s new book, Culture Warrior. In it, O’Reilly claims that Osama bin Laden supports American progressives. Some excerpts from Chapter 7:

Who do you think Osama Bin Laden supports in the American culture war: the traditionalists or the secular-progressives?

[T]hink about what I am about to put forth: From his hideout somewhere in the Mulism world, Osama bin Laden and his coheorts have got to be cheering on the S-P [secular-progressive] movement…

Why does Osama bin Laden support progressives in America? O’Reilly explains that they both hate America:

[I]t is rooted in the one thing that the secular-progressive movement and Al Qaeda have in common: Both outfits believe that the United States of America is fundamentally a bad place.

The bedrock belief that America is + has been, an evil country is crucial to understanding the secular-progressive point of view when it comes to the war on terror.

O’Reilly, ends the chapter with the logical conclusion: join him in the fight against progressives or die:

All clear-thinking Americans should become opponents of the S-P [secular-progressive] movement for the simple reason of self-preservation.

Meanwhile, according to O’Reilly, bin Laden is out to get him. In an interview with Barbara Walters, O’Reilly claims that the FBI informed him he was put on an al Qaeda “death list.”

The claim was disputed by an FBI officer. Digg It!
23.Sep.2006 VIDEO: Branson Discusses How Al Gore Convinced Him To Lead on Global Warming - Payson 

Earlier today on Good Morning America, Virgin CEO Richard Branson, who yesterday pledged $3 billion to invest in alternative energy to combat global warming, appeared alongside Al Gore. Branson explained that he was once a global warming skeptic, but after meeting with scientists, reading books + talking over breakfast with Gore, he became “convinced that the world has a real serious problem.”

Gore praised Branson for having the “guts” to show such “courage and leaderhip” on the issue. Watch it: Digg It! Transcript:

SAWYER: We’re happy to say the man himself, Sir Richard, joins us this morning, along with a man who convinced him to make this pledge, I understand, over breakfast, former Vice President Al Gore. And we’re sure glad to have both of you with us.

This is no question, putting your money where your convictions are. But why do it right now? You’ve been a skeptic in the past about global warming, whether it’s just a cycle or whether it’s real.

BRANSON: Yes. I think, along with quite a few people, if you switched the clock back 10 years, I was skeptical. But now, you know, I’ve met a lot of scientists, I’ve read a lot of books, I’ve had Al Gore spend two hours at my home giving me his personal time to convince me.

And sadly, I’m now convinced that the world has a real serious problem.


SAWYER: So how did you do it at breakfast in just a couple of hours? Guilt?

GORE: No. We just talked about the facts of the situation. You know, all of us have problems absorbing the reality of what we’re facing with this. It’s really a planetary emergency.

And it’s sort of hard to talk about that at breakfast time.

But we’ve quadrupled the population of the world in less than 100 years. We have these powerful new technologies. We’re capable of doing things we weren’t capable of doing in the past.

And Sir Richard Branson is the rare individual who captures and commands attention. And he has the guts to do something bold. And a lot of people are going to follow his lead.

And, to your earlier question, a lot of CEOs who have had the guts to make this kind of commitment in the past — none as big as this one — have ended up making money. I hope he ends up making a lot of money.

But it’s far from guaranteed. He just is showing courage and leadership.
Torture in Iraq may be worse now - Nico than it was under Saddam Hussein, with militias, terrorist groups and government forces disregarding rules on the humane treatment of prisoners, the U.N. anti-torture chief said Thursday.”
23.Sep.2006 EXCLUSIVE: Agency Report Shows Secretary Personally Blocked Contracts To Democrats - Judd 

In April, Housing Secretary Alphonso Jackson told a group of real estate officials that he once canceled a government contract because the contractor was critical of President Bush.

Awarding contracts based on political leanings “violates federal law.” Jackson is a “longtime Bush friendand former neighbor in Dallas, Texas.

The Inspector General for the Department of Housing and Urban Development has conducted a detailed investigation and produced a 340-page report detailing his findings.

The agency has given a copy to Jackson, but refused to release the report to the public.

ThinkProgress has obtained the executive summary. Here are some key excerpts:

– “During the investigation, Secretary JACKSON’s Chief of Staff, as well as the HUD Deputy Secretary testified that, in a senior staff meeting, JACKSON had advised senior staff, to the effect, that when considering discretionary contracts, they should be considering supporters of the President , language consistent with the remarks made by JACKSON in Dallas, Texas, on April 28, 2006.”

– “Investigation did disclose some problematic instances involving HUD contacts and cooperative agreement grants, in particular, the cooperative agreement award issued to Abt Associates…was blocked for a significant period of time due to Secretary JACKSON’s involvement and opposition to Abt. Secretary JACKSON’s Chief of Staff testified that one factor in JACKSON’s opposition to Abt was Abt’s political affiliation. ”

– “Secretary JACKSON’s Chief of Staff also identified other instances of Secretary JACKSON intervening with contractors whom he did not like. Reviews of political contributions indicated these contractors had Democratic political affiliations. “

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) have already called on Jackson to resign immediately. The White House yesterday gave him “a tepid vote of confidence.”

We’ve posted the full text of the report’s executive summary HERE.
22.Sep.2006 September 22, 2006 - Think Progress 

The “compromise” on detainee policy reached yesterday “means that U.S. violations of international human rights law can continue as long as Mr. Bush is president, with Congress’s tacit assent,” the Washington Post notes.

ABC News reports that CIA Director Michael Hayden “praised the deal…that, in effect, would permit CIA interrogators to use harsh techniques critics call torture.”

A national black conservative group is “running a radio advertisement accusing Democrats of starting the Ku Klux Klan and saying the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican, a claim challenged by civil-rights researchers.”

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf said former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage threatened to bomb Pakistan “back to the stone age” if it did not cooperate with the U.S. after 9/11. “I think it was a very rude remark,” Musharraf said.

Genocide update: Sudan’s army continues to bomb villages in Darfur, UN human rights workers report, “killing and injuring civilians, and driving hundreds of people from their homes.”

Meanwhile, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) introduced legislation in the House to bar companies receiving government contracts from doing business with Sudan.

$11 billion. The cost of implementing the Real ID Act over five years, according to a new report. “The days of going to the DMV and getting your license on the same day are probably over,” said one National Governors Association representative.

Stress on Guard and Reserve may worsen. “Strains on the Army from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have become so severe that Army officials say they may be forced to make greater use of the National Guard to provide enough troops for overseas deployments.”

1,137. The number of laptops lost by the Commerce Department since 2001. Hundreds “contained personal information.”

$4. Cost for a one month supply of certain generic drugs at Wal-Mart under a program the chain announced yesterday. It could mean significant savings for some consumers. But the special pricing only applies to “fewer than 150 productswhich is only a small fraction “of the estimated 2,100 generic products available.”

And finally: No Spin Zone an Al Qaeda Free Zone? It is, at least according to federal law enforcement. Bill O’Reilly told Barbara Walters, “[T]he FBI came in and warned me and a few other people at Fox News that al Qaeda had us on a death list.” But one official responded, “I’m not aware of any FBI agents warning anyone at Fox News of their presence on any list.” “That sounds like absolute bulls**t to me - it’s typical O’Reilly,” added an exec from a rival cable news network.
23.Sep.2006 EU approves cervical cancer jab The EU approves a cervical cancer vaccine which could prevent nearly 3,000 cancers each year in the UK alone.
23.Sep.2006 Way to check heart's energy A way to measure energy levels inside living heart cells could ultimately aid heart attack recovery.
23.Sep.2006 Mosquitoes' sweet tooth targeted Mosquitoes' thirst for sugar could prove to be the answer for eliminating malaria and other mosquito-transmitted diseases, say scientists.
23.Sep.2006 Thai coup chiefs seek civilian PM The leaders of Thailand's military coup discuss the appointment of a new civilian prime minister.
23.Sep.2006 Australia plans immigrant tests Australia plans to strengthen immigration law with tough tests on language and culture.
23.Sep.2006 Entry boost for two EU hopefuls Bulgaria and Romania may join the EU as early as January but tough tests lie ahead, a draft report suggests.
23.Sep.2006 Indonesia bird flu toll hits 50 An 11-year-old boy from East Java becomes the 50th person in Indonesia to die of bird flu, officials say.
23.Sep.2006 Italy blocks phone tapping leaks Italy bans he use of illegally tapped phone conversations after a vast phone tapping network is uncovered.
23.Sep.2006 Hezbollah head praises 'victory' Hezbollah's leader hails a self-proclaimed "victory" over Israel and insists the militant group is stronger than ever.
23.Sep.2006 Hamas rejects Abbas unity pledge Palestinian militant group Hamas says it will not join a unity government if it means recognising Israel.
23.Sep.2006 Bush 'unaware' of Pakistan threat President Bush says he was "taken aback" by reports that the US threatened to bomb Pakistan in 2001.
23.Sep.2006 Low lead levels 'still harmful' Lead may raise the risk of death at levels much lower than those widely thought as safe, research suggests.
23.Sep.2006 New Saturn ring discovered The Cassini spacecraft reveals a faint, previously unknown ring around the giant planet Saturn.
23.Sep.2006 HP imbroglio spurs more calls for new laws
Blog: The burgeoning scandal at Hewlett-Packard reflects a broader problem that Congress must tackle through new laws, the Democratic...

23.Sep.2006 Maryland Fights to Keep E-voting - Zonk 225 crystalattice writes

"Apparently Maryland election officials never have computer problems. That's why they're fighting so hard to keep their Diebold e-voting machines. Washington Post reporter Marc Fisher received nothing but bad attitudes, dodges + excuses when he attempted to discuss the issue with the state elections administration and Diebold." From the article: "I asked the state's elections administrator, Linda Lamone, whether Maryland wasn't just a bit too quick to adopt electronic voting. Doesn't the computer at your desk ever freeze up on you? 'No,' she replied. Never? 'No.' But surely people in your office have had that experience? 'No.' (Maybe we've found the solution to Maryland's voting problem: Everybody head on down to Linda Lamone's office, where the machines work 100 % of the time.)"
HP CEO Allowed 'Sting' on CNet reporter - Zonk 139 Mark writes

"The Washington Post, reporting on Hewlett-Packard's Chairman Patricia Dunn and alleged spying on other HP board members, has obtained e-mails that implicate the CEO, Mark Hurd, who approved an elaborate 'sting' operation on a CNet reporter." From the article: HP's leak investigation involved planting false documents, following HP board members and journalists, watching their homes + obtaining calling records for hundreds of phone numbers belonging to HP directors, journalists and their spouses, according to a consultant's report and the e-mails."
Census Bureau Loses Hundreds of Laptops - Zonk 197 Billosaur writes

"According to CNN, The U.S. Commerce Department has lost 1,137 laptop computers since 2001, most of them assigned to the Census Bureau. According to Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez, 'All of the equipment that was lost or stolen contained protections to prevent a breach of personal information.' This comes after the fiasco involving the Veteran's Affairs Department's loss and eventual recovery of a laptop containing 26.5 million veteran and active-duty records." Given the scope of the operation, are these losses to be expected or is this an example of poor government security standards?
Paul Krugman on 9/21/04: "It's hard to identify any major urban areas outside Kurdistan where the U.S. and its allies exercise effective control. Insurgents operate freely, even in the heart of Baghdad, while coalition forces, however many battles they win, rule only whatever ground they happen to stand on."
23.Sep.2006 Salon: "If one good thing can come from our country's apparent decision to legalize torture, perhaps we can finally agree to kill off the 'Myth of the Independent Republican Senators.'"
23.Sep.2006 Today is OneWebDay. Yaaay web. Go team!
23.Sep.2006 Straight talk John McCain wants to be President.

The last thing he would do is cross the current President, because that might mean he doesn't get to be the next President.

So when he "fought" the President and then made peace with the President, they were obviously just doing photo ops for TV ads they're going to run next month that explain how American democracy runs just great with Republicans running the Senate and House as well as the White House. They were also shooting commercials for McCain's primary campaign which I guess has already started.

So John McCain is some different kind of Republican?

Nahhh. El Diablo. Capitol Hill smells of sulfur.
Dispatach from the BuzzFlash Department of Reality: Explosion kills at least 32 in Baghdad
White House denies threat to bomb Pakistan `back to the Stone Age' Sorry, That's Pretty Much What the Busheviks Told Afghanistan and Iraq. It's Got the Bush Kind of Ring of Total Destruction to It.
Dems Vow to Get Tough. Uh, We're Still Waiting. If They Want to Avoid Being Swift Boated, They Need to Define Bush as a Failure Who Doesn't Merit the Right to Lead a Janitorial Crew Let Along Decide Who Gets Tortured, But It's Kind of Getting Late for That.

23.Sep.2006 As BuzzFlash Predicted Within 15 Minute of the "Compromise" on Torture Being Signed: "Interrogations deal grants Bush leeway" to Torture. 9/23
Bush's last Iraq lie laid bare: UN investigator says torture in Iraq WORSE than it was under Saddam Hussein 9/23

23.Sep.2006 Iraq leader warns of spreading violence. Welcome to reality, the opposite of Bush's Neverland. 9/23
Torture Taxi: On the Trail of the CIA's Rendition Flights. There Could be No More Timely Book.
"Speaker Pelosi" and "Chairman Waxman" New GOP Scare Tactics for Base. But Nothing is More Terrifying than "Status Quo" -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
If You're Not Getting Buzzed 24 Hours a Day, You're Missing Something Big! A Little Bit of Buzz in Your E-mail Box. Just Click Here to Sign up

23.Sep.2006 Brent Budowsky: The American Crisis: If Thomas Paine Were With Us, Part 3.
23.Sep.2006 October Surprise? Karl Rove has bragged to conservative websites that an "October Surprise" is in the works. Perhaps not coincidentally, the rightist WorldNet Daily has a follow up report on Al Qaeda's claimed plans for a nuclear attack in America.

According to journalist Hamid Mir, Al Qaeda bigwig Abu Dawood has revealed that the attack will be spearheaded by one Adnan el-Shukrijumah, subject of an FBI search.
Gary Buell wonders, correctly, why Dawood would reveal that name and this plan. I've found no web references to Dawood pre-dating Mir's story. Is Dawood really an Al Qaeda leader? Is someone fooling Mir? Is Mir fooling us? Does Al Qaeda exist? Or is this whole nuke plot a fake, designed to be "foiled" in a wave of G.O.P.-friendly publicity? (I doubt that even Rove would be bold enough to brag in advance of a real nuke plot.) Alas, I can't think of a good pre-emptive move Democrats might take. Permalink

23.Sep.2006 A couple of vote notes... Let America Vote : Brad Friedman's push for an emergency paper ballot bill is gaining some traction. Alas, we have but a few days left for action.

We now have an easy webpage where you can blast your email demands in a mere 30 seconds.
RFK Jr. hits 'em again: He has a
new Rolling Stone piece on the hacking of the upcoming election. But I cannot fully agree with this statement: Indeed, there is a remarkably simple solution: equip every touch-screen machine to provide paper receipts that can be verified by voters and recounted in the event of malfunction or tampering. "The paper is the insurance against the cheating machine," says Rubin, the computer expert.
PricewaterhouseCoopers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia International Group, Freddie Mac, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase , Goldman Sachs, Tesco, Unilever + the Academy of ...
Heute in den Feuilletons: Triumph der über- individualistischen Gesellschaft
NS- Propaganda: Norweger zeigen verschollenen Nazi- Film
Südafrikanische Pflanzensamen: Der erste Trieb nach 203 Jahren