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26.Jan.2005 M113 .. dans cette affaire Hutchinson des éléments scientifiques plus patents existent + avouer ma méconnaissance totale des travaux non officiels de Nicolas TESLA perso.wanadoo.fr/casar/M113.htm

26.Jan.2005 Snoedel_Sjoernaal | Punt.nl: Je eigen gratis weblog, fotoalbum ... Why some inventions are not accept by the official patents departement because of ...
What happened to the works of Nicolas Tesla inventor of so many electrical ...
Radiant Energy - Unraveling Tesla's Greatest Secret

... 2 will detail the nuts + bolts of how Tesla produced Radiant Energy with block diagrams, schematics + drawings from Tesla's original patents to illustrate ... free.freespeech.org/mango/Tesla.htm

Science Forum - The Internet's Best Science Forum!

The prime contractors for HAARP have been ARCO Atlantic Richfield Oil, Bernard Eastlund's patents based on the work of Nicolas Tesla + E-Systems, the CIA's www.sciencegroups.com/viewtopic.php?t=3434&view=previous

Intlwaters Community Forum > Trivia time

The US government bought the rights to more than 100 of Hammond's patents + used them ... of a vehicle (+ it happened to be a boat) was Nicolas Tesla at the ... www.intlwaters.com/lofiversion/index.php/t6683.html

Re: Israel controls NASA, Rumsfeld manipulates NORAD

The prime contractors for HAARP have been ARCO Atlantic > Richfield Oil, Bernard Eastlund's patents based on the work of Nicolas Tesla + E ... www.talkaboutinvestments.com/group/sci.econ/messages/208651.html

26.Jan.2005 Re: Israel controls NASA, Rumsfeld manipulates NORAD

The prime contractors for HAARP have been ARCO Atlantic > Richfield Oil, Bernard Eastlund's patents based on the work of Nicolas Tesla + E-Systems ... www.outsupport.org/forum/viewtopic/39894.html

Re: Israel plays its octopus tentacle deep inside NASA

The prime contractors for HAARP have been ARCO Atlantic > Richfield Oil, Bernard Eastlund's patents based on the work of Nicolas > Tesla + E-Systems, the . groups.tutorgig.com/g/alt.fan.art-bell/161040

26.Jan.2005 Tracing Request PERSON SOUGHT. Clear (to register another relative to locate). Full Name, FRITJOF GAUDE . Parent's name (at least one of both), Father's Name. Mother's Name.

26.Jan.2005 IBM Mittelstand - Kundenservices D. Thomas Hoffecker, Präsident von RTH Associates, einer erfolgreichen Handels-und Produktvertretung.

Mr. Hoffecker hat umfangreiche ... www-5.ibm.com/de/mittelstand/kundenservices/experten_rat.html

26.Jan.2005 GIAC Certified Intrusion Analysts (GCIA) URL: https://www.giac.org/GCIA_600.php
GIAC Certified Intrusion Analysts have the knowledge, skills and abilities to configure and monitor intrusion detection systems.

To be listed as a GIAC Certified Intrusion Analyst, a candidate must submit a practical assignment that demonstrates their ability to read, interpret + analyze network traffic and related log files.

Practicals are graded based on the completeness, clarity and accuracy of the analysis.

(Earlier practicals were graded based on a 100-point scale; we have since adopted a grading system based on pass/fail/honors designations.)

In addition, each candidate must pass two exams, one on TCP/IP and one on network traffic and log file analysis, based on detects that have been posted on the GIAC web pages.
Fort Benning Related Facilities. Click Here. Fort Benning is a US Army Training + Doctrine Command (TRADOC) installation.

Fort Benning ...www.globalsecurity.org/military/facility/fort-benning.htm 24.Jan.2005

Jeremy Hall dot Com Daylight in Baghdad.

19.Jan.2005 So, I have a feeling that if I get deployed to Iraq (which isn’t unlikely)…. these lyrics ...www.jeremyhall.com / 24.Jan. 2005

Fort Benning: The Land and the People 11-As Long as Grass Grows. 12-A Forgotten Church. 13-Prosperity for a Few. 14-Henry Benning's War. 15-Hard Times. 16-Word Comes Too Late.

Fort Benning book, Southeast Archaeological Center, National Park

THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE tells the human story of the hundreds of generations who lived on the grounds of the US Army post, as well as the proud... www.cr.nps.gov/seac/benpopvl.htm

26.Jan.2005 Incident At Fort Benning

by Bruce Stephen Holms + John Vasquez... is a ‘no-frills’ description + documentary verification, of an intriguing UFO incident that took place over several days at Fort Benning in Georgia. www.timelessvoyager.com/iafb.htm

Fort Benning - Terroristenschule der USA – 11/12/2003 Fort Benning - Terroristenschule der USA von Pablo Ruiz, A. Pérez Guerra; Übersetzung: kh. -

11.Dez.2003 https://de.indymedia.org/2003/12/69604.shtml

26.Jan.2005 GRA Fort Benning Project Remote Sensing Survey Fort Benning, GA.

In conjunction with Panamerican Consultants, Inc. (PCI), GRA was subcontracted by the US ... members.tripod.com/geoarch/Projects/Ft_Benning/Ft_Benning.htm

al.com: NewsFlash - Fort Benning honors 5,800 of its soldiers in or headed to Iraq.

07.Jan.2005 6:43 pm CT By ELLIOTT MINOR. The Associated Press, FORT BENNING, Ga. www.al.com/newsflash/regional/index.ssf?/base/news-11/110514534677631.xml&storylist=alabamanews

26.Jan.2005 Partnering to Save Endangered Wildlife - ... concerning Fort Benning ’s environment ...

Name – Fort Benning Environmental Management Division Conservation Branch, Georgia Web site –

26.Jan.2005 Interactivist Info Exchange | Over 16,000 Converge at Fort Benning This site is a cooperative effort of: Autonomedia, ABC No Rio + The Interactivist Network.

Over 16,000 Converge at Fort Benning . info.interactivist.net/article.pl?sid=04/11/21/2346258&mode=nested&tid=14

26.Jan.2005 Troy University - Ft.Benning Georgia Troy University Fort Benning Georgia. www.tsufb.edu /

26.Jan.2005 COLUMBUS Georgia, Fort Benning Georgia, Homes For Sale & Real ...

Welcome to the Columbus, Georgia, Fort Benning, Georgia + Phenix City, Alabama area!!

You are at THE Place For Real Estate if ... www.billyroper.com/bin/web/real_estate/AR12474/SKIPINTRO/1104844802.html

26.Jan.2005 West by Northwest.org: Pilgrimage to Fort Benning

Voices of the Northwest.

Pilgrimage to Fort Benning . Text and Photos by Peg Morton

A young Friend stands witness at Fort Benning, Gorgia, USA. ..

26.Jan.2005 SOAW Fifteen people crossed onto Fort Benning on Sunday,

21.Nov.2004 + were arrested in acts of civil disobedience, many negotiating a 10-foot-high barbed-wire ... www.soaw.org / 24.Jan.2005

SOAW Update from the gates of Fort Benning, Sunday, November 21st 2004.

21.Nov.2004 1:15 pm - More than 16,000 people are marching ...www.soaw.org/new/newswire_detail.php?id=598
Hogtied and Abused at Fort Benning by Kathy Kelly

27.Nov.2003. On Sunday,

23.Nov.2003 I took part in a nonviolent civil disobedience ... www.antiwar.com/orig/kelly6.html

Hogtied and Abused at Fort Benning - by Kathy Kelly On Sunday,

23.Nov.2003 I took part in a nonviolent civil disobedience action at Fort Benning, GA, to protest the US Army´s School of the Americas (SOA, now ... www.antiwar.com/orig/kelly.php?articleid=1713

Democracy Now! | 10,000 Protest in Fort Benning, Georgia Against ...Monday,

24.Nov.2003 10,000 Protest in Fort Benning, Georgia Against School of Americas,

What Many Critics Call the “School of Assassins” Listen to ... www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=03/11/24/1458247

26.Jan.2005 Fort Benning, GA: School of the Americas Watch Call to Action: Fort Benning, GA: School of the Americas Watch Call to Action: NO MORE MURDER IN OUR NAME: CLOSE THE SCHOOL OF ASSASSINS. 21.NOV.-----23.Nov.---- FORT BENNING, GEORGIA. www.lorettocommunity.org/SOA_03/SOA.htm

26.Jan.2005 Incident at Fort Benning Incident at Fort Benning

26.Jan.2005 Hogtied and Abused at Fort Benning Published

27.Nov.2003 by CommonDreams.org. Hogtied + Abused at Fort Benning . by Kathy Kelly. On Sunday, November www.commondreams.org/views03/1127-01.htm

12,000 To Plant Corn At the 'School of Assassins' Today Published on Sunday,

19.Nov.2000 in the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Fort Benning School Braces for Protesters. by Yolanda Rodriguez.

26.Jan.2005 US Army > Fort Benning in the Yahoo! Directory US Army > Fort Benning... soldiers from around the world.

Fort Benning ;

Fort Benning Morale Welfare and Recreation; National Infantry Museum. dir.yahoo.com/Government/U_S__Government/Military/Army/Forts_and_Bases/Fort_Benning /

26.Jan.2005 de.indymedia.org | Fort Benning - Terroristenschule der USA von Pablo Ruiz, A. Pérez Guerra; Übersetzung: kh. - 11.12.2003 01:24. Protestaktion Fort Benning, So. 23. 11. de.indymedia.org/2003/12/69604.shtml

26.Jan.2005 AACCCCRREEDDIITTAATTI IOONNHHAANNDDBBOOOOKK - ... basic information about accreditation pertinent to schools in this region . of Education
East Asia Regional Council of Overseas Schools European Council of ... www.acswasc.org/pdf_general/process_PacIslandHBK.pdf

26.Jan.2005 6. American Institutions Outside the US - HTML-Version AME.1 Department of Defense Dependents Schools - European Area. AME.4 List of private international school in the Rhein-Main region and in Baden ?Württemberg ... www.carl-schurz-haus.de/studyfiles/06%20American-type%20schools%20contents.doc

1AD - DoDDSEUR Department of Defense Dependents Schools, European . Region . DoDEA Department of Defense Education Activity. DODI Department of Defense Instruction. www.per.hqusareur.army.mil/services/mwrd/Edited/Appendix%20A%20-%20Common%20Phases%20Acronyms.doc

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltraum/0,1518,druck-338626,00.html
26.Jan.2005 Sollte sich die neue Entstehungstheorie erhärten, könnten neue Erklärungen für die Größe, Form und elementare Zusammensetzung des Sonnensystems notwenig werden. Denn die meisten Astronomen glauben, dass sich Sonne und Planeten
in einer ruhigen Umgebung und einem langwierigen Prozess gebildet haben: Nachdem die Sonne ihr Kernfusionsfeuer gezündet hat, entwickelten sich die Planeten demnach über Jahrmillionen hinweg aus einer rotierenden Staubscheibe, in der sich immer größere Gesteinsklumpen bildeten.

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltraum/0,1518,druck-338626,00.html
Ihr Beweis wirkt recht harmlos: ein Meteorit, vom Himmel gefallen über der chinesischen Stadt Ningqiang. Für die Astronomen ist klar, dass der Stein ein Relikt aus der Kinderzeit unseres Sonnensystems ist. In dem Meteoriten, der zur Klasse der kohligen Chondriten gehört, fanden die Forscher sogar Einschlüsse von noch älterem Material.
Und diese Einschlüsse könnten den Beweis für die neue Entstehungstheorie unseres Sonnensystems liefern, da sie Sodalit enthalten. Das Mineral enthält reichlich Chloratome und darüber hinaus auffällig viele Schwefel-36-Atome. Das Isotop kann in dem Meteoriten nur durch den radioaktiven Zerfall des Chlorisotops Chlor 36 entstanden sein, schreiben die Wissenschaftler in der Online-Ausgabe des Fachblatts "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences".
Supernova würzte die Planeten-Ursuppe
Supernovae - Entstanden Planeten im kosmischen Feuerwerk?
Unser Sonnensystem, so die bisherige Meinung, hat sich gemächlich in einer ruhigen Region des Alls formiert. Jetzt aber haben Forscher neue Hinweise dafür gefunden, dass Sonne und Planeten in einer turbulenten Umgebung explodierender Sterne entstanden sind.

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/weltraum/0,1518,druck-338626,00.html
Unser Sonnensystem

26.Jan.2005 6. American Institutions Outside the US - AME.1 Department of Defense Dependents Schools - European Area. AME.4 List of private international school in the Rhein-Main region and in Baden ?Württemberg ... www.carl-schurz-haus.de/studyfiles/06%20American-type%20schools%20contents.doc

1AD - DoDDSEUR Department of Defense Dependents Schools, European . Region . DoDEA Department of Defense Education Activity. DODI Department of Defense Instruction.

Army in Europe Regulation 190-16 - ... antiterrorism officer; physical security officer; and the Public Works Directorate, United States Army Installation Management Agency, Europe Region (EURO).

26.Jan.2005 Portugal - Restaurants - International - English in the area of ...CASCAIS 10.30-4.00hr 21 484 06 96 Source/Fonte: A-Guia Chequers Very English restaurant + Tables covered with newspaper + dishes from Brazil + England. www.portugalvirtual.pt/0/8051dat1.html

Rettenmayer Portugal - International Movers - Portugal's Guide Newspaper One English language newspaper is published weekly: the Anglo-Portuguese News (APN). International daily papers are available ...

26.Jan.2005 The Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC) Address applications to Nicky Bisogni, Day Rehabilitation Program Manager, Prahran Mission, PO Box ... a year (2 live @ 1 day each in Melbourne ) 2 teleconferences ... www.vmiac.com.au/jobs.html

26.Jan.2005 Supernovae: Entstanden Planeten im kosmischen Feuerwerk?
Neues Tastaturdesign: Schluss mit QWERTZ?

26.Jan.2005 Irak: Terroristen entführen Wahlhelfer

26.Jan.2005 Essay: Die inszenierte Angst vor der Apokalypse

26.Jan.2005 Getrübte Aussichten: Regierung senkt Wachstumsprognose

26.Jan.2005 Hightech-Zug: Transrapid-Verwirrung in Shanghai

26.Jan.2005 Umfrage: Rot-Grün erstmals seit 2002 wieder in Führung

26.Jan.2005 Ifo-Index: Die Stimmung steigt - ein bisschen

26.Jan.2005 US-Sozialreform: Bush sägt am Solidarpakt

26.Jan.2005 Microsofts Sicherheits-Updates: Zugangserschwerung für Zechpreller

26.Jan.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Kriegssplatter als Schmiermittel"

26.Jan.2005 Buntes Treiben: Teenager lieben sich in Ketten

26.Jan.2005 Nahostkrise: Israel stoppt Politik der gezielten Tötung

26.Jan.2005 Türkei: Erdbebenopfer verbrachten Nacht im Freien

26.Jan.2005 Hightech-Zug: China will angeblich noch einen Transrapid

26.Jan.2005 Softwarebranche: SAP übertrifft Prognosen

26.Jan.2005 Texas: Deutschstämmiger wegen Raubmordes hingerichtet

26.Jan.2005 Fettverfahren: Klage gegen McDonald's zugelassen

26.Jan.2005 Neonazi-Aufmärsche: Schily und die Grünen streiten über Versammlungsrecht

26.Jan.2005 Rente ab 67: Wirtschaftsweiser Rürup fordert verschärftes Reformtempo

26.Jan.2005 Staatliche Beihilfen: EU will Ost-Subvention stutzen

26.Jan.2005 US-Besuch: Fischer dringt auf friedliche Iran-Lösung

26.Jan.2005 Proteste: Studenten drohen mit heißem Winter

26.Jan.2005 Fischer bei Rice: Weitere Gespräche über Iran-Atomstreit gefordert

URL: https://www.comcast.net/qry/websearch?query=promis+inslaw+9%2F11+bush+election&safe=off&lr=&base=10&num=10
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  

URL: https://www.comcast.net/qry/websearch?query=promis+inslaw+9%2F11+bush+election&safe=off&lr=&base=10&num=10
NOTES OF MEETINGS/CONVERSATIONS ON INSLAW & FOSTERGATE ( 21.Oct.1995 )...agencies + companies which include: Inslaw + CIA...together with a thread called PROMIS (Prosecutor's Management -Lisa Foster's New Yorker


11.Sep.1995 "conspiracy https://www.theconspiracy.us/vol9/cn9-95.html  

URL: https://www.comcast.net/qry/websearch?query=promis+inslaw+9%2F11+bush+election&safe=off&lr=&base=10&num=10
Dog Skin Report ... Casolaro was a computer journalist who got involved in an investigation of INSLAW + the PROMIS software ... The INSLAW Octopus. Does that somehow sound like 9 / 11 ?  - Similar pages Re: How the NSA, CIA and FBI uses Promis + Echelon stock ... PROMIS from its developers, the Inslaw group, which ... many times over that Promis ' unique abilities > GUILTY FOR 11.Sep.2001 9-11 911 9/11 Sept. 11 11th of September : BUSH, RUMSFELD, MYERS ? ...

17.Jan.2005 Front Page : Breaking News - Embarrass, Minn., Hits 54 Below Zero, Freezing Temps Hit Gulf Coast Temperatures plummeted across the eastern half of the nation Monday, approaching an all-time record in northern Minnesota + freezing the Gulf Coast as a river of Arctic air pushed southward.

URL: https://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?page=114&topic=3&message=54181&mpage=1&showdate=12/17/04
Two Scientists Have Detected A Large-Scale Redistribution Of Mass - Within The Earth System, Beginning 00.000.1998!
The Hutton Commentaries (THC) has been saying from the beginning that a shift in the poles of Earth’s rotational axis can only be caused by a significant shift of mass somewhere within our planet. Now, two scientists studying data on Earth’s gravity field have found evidence of just such a mass shift that began 00.000.1998. This is the year in which Cayce readings 3976-15 and 378-16 said that a forty-year-long period, from 1958-1998, marking the beginning of predicted Earth changes would come to an end. Then, 00.000.1998 and beyond there would be “the changes wrought in the upheavals and the shifting of the poles.”
We present evidence here that the “upheavals” may have begun in the inner Earth between 1998 and 2002, where the liquid outer core meets the overlying plastic mantle. This is the core-mantle boundary, or CMB. Upheavals along the CMB may have been detected by means of precision satellite-ranging measurements conducted since 1979. Interpretations of the voluminous measurements between 1979 and 2002 have been published by two scientists, Christopher Cox and Benjamin Chao, in the August 2 issue of Science magazine (p. 832). Here follows their reasoning and their conclusions.
https://www.huttoncommentaries.com/PSResearch/PS_Precursor/possible_precursor.htm URL: https://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?page=115&topic=3&message=54181&mpage=1&showdate=12/17/04
Posted By: Kaspel 24.Jan.2005, 5:15 p.m.
[World News]: London, Jan 23 : Global warming has hit the danger point and immediate steps are needed to reduce pollution to prevent extinction of human race, R Pachauri, the Indian origin chairman of the Intergovernmental panel on climate change has said.
"The world has already reached the level of dangerous concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and immediate and very deep cuts in the pollution are needed if humanity is to survive," Pachauri said at a recent conference of Small Island Developing States in Mauritius.
"Climate change is for real. We have just a small window of opportunity and it is closing rather rapidly.

There is not a moment to lose," he told the conference attended by representatives from 114 countries.
"Widespread dying of coral reefs + rapid melting of ice in the Arctic, has driven me to the conclusion that the danger point the IPCC has been set up to avoid has already been reached," Pachauri said.
Reefs throughout the world are perishing as the seas warm up: as water temperatures rise, they lose their colours and turn a ghostly white. Partly as a result, up to a quarter of the world´s corals have been destroyed. PTI https://athens-olympics-2004.newkerala.com/?action=fullnews&id=63946

URL: https://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?page=115&topic=3&message=54181&mpage=1&showdate=12/17/04
NUCLEAR PLANT SHUT DOWN 24.Jan.2005 5:51 p.m.
FLASH: Fermi 2 nuclear power plant in Michigan is shut down...

´We have a leak of reactor coolant into the containment structure... leak rate was about 75 gallons a minute but is reducing,´ John Austerberry, spokesman... ´there is no indication of a radioactive release´... MORE...
26.Dec.2004 00-
00-58-53 UTC was when the "event" in Asia happened. 26.Dec.2004.

URL: https://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?page=115&topic=3&message=54181&mpage=1&showdate=12/17/04
NEXT STAGE BEGINS: BUSH SECOND TERM, WILL HE FINISH? Posted By: Leeq 20.Jan.2005, 7:58 p.m.
Inauguration day 2005 marks the beginning of the next + even more extreme, stage of the Orwellian global state.

If anyone thought the first Bush term breached the realms of insanity, they´d better hold on and strap in.
The new Bush cabinet is dominated to an even greater extent by the Illuminati neocon conspirators behind 9/11, the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq + the removal of basic human freedoms.

The appointment of Condoleezza Rice has ensured that the State Department will be at one with the wingnuts at the Pentagon + Stephen Hadley, the National Security Advisor, will ´advise´ whatever his close associates, Rice + Cheney, tell him to.
In the new Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, we have a man with a criminal disregard for human rights and civil liberties + Michael Chertoff, the new head ´Homeland Security´, played a leading role in drafting U.S. ´anti-terror´ laws in the wake of 9/11 that removed basic freedoms from the American people. As we have seen with purges at the CIA, FBI and elsewhere, any personnel not ´on message´ throughout the government and its agencies have been, or are being, systematically removed from positions of influence.
The prime centres of government, military, legal + economic power are all occupied by extremists who either want to set the world ablaze or will unquestioningly serve those who do.
Entire Article: https://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles2005/busharticle.html

URL: https://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?page=115&topic=3&message=54181&mpage=1&showdate=12/17/04
Things are truly disintegrating now. Saturation of contradictions built up over years and years of lies. It is like an organism whose growth outweighs and overtakes its structure. The human body is structured to support its weight only within its scale. If you grew to 50ft tall you would die because the skeletal structure cannot support growth to that scale. This is like our reality. It has outgrown its structure. It is dying and disintegrating; imploding under its own weight.
The semiotic system of referents has become oversaturated. Each lie is based in and supported by another lie. As the lies grow, so too does the amount of references to the original lie that supports it. They just keep piling up until the weight of them all brings the whole ediface crashing to the ground.
The fact is, if this disintegration of meaning is happening in my mind, then it is happening in the world because the world is just a representation created through my perception. That is the truth of reality.
No wonder why the military´s function has been morphed into perception management control. If you control what people perceive, you control people; pure and simple.
War has always been theatre. That´s why they call a war zone the theatre of operations. The military was the first Hollywood. What is more dramatic than war? It´s better than Shakespeare or Desperate Housewives.
We´ve reached the point where everything means its opposite. Black is white. Right is left. The pot ALWAYS calls the kettle black! As a matter of fact, that is the W admin strategy. Label and accuse your ´enemies´ of doing exactly what you are doing to them, that way you always maintain the high ground. If you´re a terrorist yourself, accuse others of being terrorists, then set yourself up as the one fighting terrorism! What is the famous mossad saying? ´through deception thou shalt wage war´? Sounds like a great strategy ...for cowards.
I was watching ´Lord of the Rings: Return of the King´ the other day. It dawned on me that war is the crux of human civilization. It is the most deeply seeded and unconscious drive rooted in man´s psyche. There was a time when war was noble and necessary, heroism and sacrifice for the greater good a benevolent act. All the things they would like to convince us still exist today. But we know better.
It´s time for the concept of war to exit stage right, but for the warrior to remain because truth, love + wisdom are worth fighting for, not with bombs and guns, but with the will and courage to stand for truth.
So buckle in tight my friends. If you thought these last 4 years were insane, just wait for the next 4 years. You ain´t seen nothing yet!
20.Jan.2005 12:20 p.m. Hello Cliff,
As gullible as I am + as much as I want to believe in a press that cares I am coming to really see that the press does not report such things. Observation seems to be the only way to get news. We live on a
houseboat (in SF bay) and we have really concrete daily tide markers. When the gangway is flat, not sloped, I think, wow that´s the highest I´ve seen in a while, except that it has been that way every day for months.
I´m going to poll my friends on another dock because their parking lot starts flooding at really high tides and give you their observations.
On another note, yesterday I was driving into the city and the radio announcers were talking about power surges that had stopped the cable cars and cut out lights in BART stations that morning. Quite a few traffic lights were out.
It really is getting kooky (not just politically). Thanks for your help in recording this all. S" *** Hi "S"
Hey! That information about the power surges sure rang a bell. We have been having them here in Central Washington too. Lots of them!
Several weeks ago we had one that was so strong it turned on the DVD player and the television set! I came home to a locked house with music blaring at full volume from every window! Hows that for wierd?
Then, last week two surges in a row fried my computer. When I took it in to be fixed the repair shop told me that over the last few months they have been replacing an average of 12 to 14 power supplys a week! And that´s just one shop! I suspect this is happening all over the place but no one knows it because it is not reported in the press. Everyone thinks it is just a local problem. I would love to read the secret internal memos being passed around inside the power companines however! I´ll bet they are as clueless as everyone else! LOL!
Please continue to keep me informed on the unusual extra-high tides and other anomalies.
Trust first, what your eyes tell you + not what your eyes are "told" to tell you!
Therein lies the path.

25.Jan.2005 Usenet replayer's FAQ collection: alt.off-topic Date: Mon,

10.Jan.2005 23:33:51 ... implanted chips, incest, INS, INSLAW, Insurgents, International ... DE SION, Prime Minister, prison, PROMIS software, propaganda ... www.usenet-replayer.com/faq/alt.off-topic.html - 40

The Washington Monthly PROMIS is essentially the father of TIA (Total/Terrorist Information Access). It was stolen by the US Justice Dept from its original owners, INSLAW, in the ...

25.Jan.2005 Subrayado en INTERNET... modificado en febrero, abril y junio. CASO FOCOEX : IRREGULARIDADES ADMINISTRATIVAS PERO NO DELITOS. Tras 16 horas de sesi?n fue ...
www.canal10.com.uy/canal10/noticias/ago96/14 /

Subrayado en INTERNET CONCLUYE ESTA SEMANA SU TRABAJO LA INVESTIGADORA SOBRE FOCOEX . La Comisison Investigadora del caso Focoex terminar? esta semana su trabajo.
www.canal10.com.uy/canal10/noticias/jul96/22 /

20041219 ASBA (the Australia Spain Business ...

He was Chairman + CEO of FOCOEX, DEFEX, SOVHISPAN, all Spanish state-owned Carlos Jones has lived in Argentina ... alfatomega.com/20041219.html

25.Jan.2005 Bush Inauguration Speech: A "Vacuous Sermon," A "Global Crusade" Against "Defenseless States"

25.Jan.2005 All Jews Are Not Zionists: Although there are those who refuse to accept the teachings of our Rabbis and will continue to support the Zionist state, there are also many who are totally unaware of the history of Zionism and its contradiction to the beliefs of Torah-True Jews.

25.Jan.2005 Central banks shift reserves away from US; Central banks are shifting reserves away from the US and towards the eurozone in a move that looks set to deepen the Bush administration's difficulties in financing its ballooning current account deficit.

25.Jan.2005 Central banks 'shunning dollar' : The US is running a budget deficit of close to $500bn a year, funded largely by China and Japan buying large amounts of US government bonds.

25.Jan.2005 Forbes: Doom For The Dollar: The dollar's fall is more a symptom than a cause. The real problem is that the U.S. is producing too little--and spending too much--and the result is likely to be far worse than the happy-talkers on Wall Street will ever let on.

25.Jan.2005 Dollar at mercy of central banks: During the past few years the US has become dependent, not so much on millions of investors around the globe but on a few individuals in a few of the world's central banks.

25.Jan.2005 Failing Upwards: The Rise of Michael Chertoff: Only in the gravity-defying world of G.W. Bush, where reality is routinely run through a public relations shredder, would a bungler like Chertoff reach the top-spot at Homeland Security. Even so, his appointment should come as no surprise to the wary American public. It's just one more horse-nugget added to an already ample mound of political manure.

25.Jan.2005 Countdown to global catastrophe: Climate change: report warns point of no return may be reached in 10 years, leading to droughts, agricultural failure and water shortages

25.Jan.2005 Ghali Hassan : Imperial Misadventures: It is only a matter of time before the peoples of the world will watch the last US helicopter hastily evacuating the last US officials from Baghdad + end the last act of US imperial misadventure.

25.Jan.2005 A fantasy of freedom : If Bush wanted to tackle tyranny, he could start with regimes under US control. But liberty clearly has limits

25.Jan.2005 UN on Holocaust: Evil Wins When the Good Are Quiet: Those who incite hatred and mass murder are not always extremists but men of culture, Secretary-General Kofi Annan told world leaders in opening the first-ever General Assembly commemoration of the World War II Holocaust.

25.Jan.2005 'Robot soldiers' bound for Iraq : The US military is planning to deploy robots armed with machine-guns to wage war against anti occupation forces in Iraq.

25.Jan.2005 Four Months on Planet bin Laden : French journalist George Malbrunot spent 124 days as a hostage of Islamic fundamentalists in Iraq. The experience nearly broke him, but it also offered him stunning insights into the way jihadist groups operate. He returned convinced of one thing: America's policy is doomed.

25.Jan.2005 Secret Unit Expands Rumsfeld's Domain: The Pentagon, expanding into the CIA's historic bailiwick, has created a new espionage arm and is reinterpreting U.S. law to give Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld broad authority over clandestine operations abroad

25.Jan.2005 Source confirms clandestine intelligence unit : The official said Congress had been notified about the formation of "this kind of activity," but might have been told of the program several months ago when it had a different name.

25.Jan.2005 CIA in decline, Pentagon on the rise: The recent revelation that the Department of Defense has been operating its own espionage arm for the last two years confirms Rumsfeld’s success in sidelining the CIA.

25.Jan.2005 Democracy doctrine faces doubt abroad: With his eye on history, Bush wants to change the world. The rest of the world is not necessarily so eager to be changed.

25.Jan.2005 Bush Pulls 'Neocons' Out of the Shadows: In the unending struggle over American foreign policy that consumes much of official Washington, one side claimed a victory this week: the neoconservatives, that determined band of hawkish idealists who promoted the U.S. invasion of Iraq and now seek to bring democracy to the rest of the Middle East.

25.Jan.2005 Noam Chomsky: 'Controlling the oil in Iraq puts America in a strong position to exert influence on the world'

25.Jan.2005 I sraeli Occupation Forces reviving psychological warfare unit : The overall intention is to conduct "awareness operations" to influence Palestinian public opinion, mostly through propaganda, psychological warfare and sometimes disinformation.

25.Jan.2005 Venezuela's Chavez: US behind Colombia rebel arrest; Chavez said Sunday that the United States was behind Colombia's arrest, on Venezuelan territory, of a Colombian rebel, triggering a diplomatic crisis with Bogota.

25.Jan.2005 The CIA + Riggs Bank: A Wall Street Journal story that the press gang should chase.

25.Jan.2005 Gore Vidal on Bush's Inaugural Address: "The Most Un-American Speech I've Ever Heard": Vidal says, "If the United States does go abroad to slay dragons in the name of freedom, liberty + so on, she could become dictatress of the world, but in the process she would lose her soul." Real audio 

25.Jan.2005 The Hidden Passages in Bush’s Inaugural Address: Bush’s Inaugural Address contained many explicit references to God, but there were even more hidden allusions to the Bible that may have been lost to many in his audience, as they were to me, before I did some research.

25.Jan.2005 Barbara Boxer: Hold Condoleezza Rice Accountable! : The debate about Dr. Rice's confirmation must not be a rubber stamp of President Bush's appointment. The Senate must take its "advice and consent" role seriously.

25.Jan.2005 Chertoff's Skeletons: Terror baggage? : The bizarre terror connections of Bush's choice for Homeland Security Czar

25.Jan.2005 Ethnic Cleansing Of Universities Is The New Mantra In America: American neo-conservatives and followers of President George W. Bush pride themselves on taking no prisoners in their ideological quests. Now they seem to have set their sights on a new target: the stifling of academic freedom in the United States.

25.Jan.2005 Gov't Releases $855 Billion Deficit Forecast: The Congressional Budget Office is predicting the government will go another $855 billion into debt over the next decade, excluding the costs of President Bush’s Social Security plan and ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

25.Jan.2005 Bush Is Bankrupting America : President Bush is bankrupting the GLOBE + USA Congress is helping him get away with it.

25.Jan.2005 Like Nero, Bush and GOP fiddle while Iraq burns + Americans struggle to make ends meet.

25.Jan.2005 The Greatest Presidential Reflection Since Lincoln? : The neocons have spun into fits of Lincolnite hysteria over President Bush’s inaugural speech, in which he promised to rid the planet of tyranny. William Kristol informed a Fox News Channel audience that it was the best presidential speech "since Lincoln freed the slaves."

History Untold!: The American Indian And The "Great Emancipator" : The false sainthood and adulation afforded Lincoln has its basis in the incorrect assumption he fought the war to free an enslaved people. To believe this propaganda one must ignore most everything Lincoln said about the Black race and his continued efforts at colonization. Lincoln's treatment of the American Indian has been very much ignored, though not exactly misrepresented

25.Jan.2005 Italian Court Acquits Suspects of International Terrorism Charges: An Italian judge dropped charges of international terrorism against five North Africans arrested in April 2003. The men had been accused of sending recruits and financial support to paramilitary training camps in Iraq.

25.Jan.2005 In case you missed it?: Neo-conservatives Directing Bush Towards Regime Change in North Korea:

25.Jan.2005 Schroeder opposed to military action against Iran : German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said on Monday that he opposed the use of military force against Iran over the country's nuclear programme.

25.Jan.2005 A Tale of Two Iraq Investigations : While investigators zero in on what happened to billions of dollars allegedly siphoned away in the Oil-for-Food scandal, a less high-profile probe is under way into spending in Iraq. Investigations into how the U.S-led coalition spent Iraq’s oil revenues after the fall of Baghdad in 2003 have found several problems.

25.Jan.2005 Pentagon Sends Top Intelligence Official to Meet With Lawmakers About Secret Unit: The Pentagon sent its top intelligence official to Capitol Hill on Monday to explain the mission and makeup of a secret battlefield intelligence group that some lawmakers suggested may have skirted congressional oversight and not been coordinated fully with the CIA.

George Monbiot: Pedigree dogs of war : Some people who engage in foreign conflicts are called terrorists. Others are about to be government-licensed

25.Jan.2005 Sgt. Kevin M. Benderman : Right to Life : Why I am facing the possibility of seven years in Federal Prison because I do not want to kill another human being? More on this topic

25.Jan.2005 Paul Craig Roberts: A Party Without Virtue : After listening to his inaugural speech, anyone who thinks President Bush and his handlers are sane needs to visit a psychiatrist. The hubris-filled megalomaniac in the Oval Office has promised the world war without end.

Dream On America: The U.S. Model : For years, much of the world did aspire to the American way of life. But today countries are finding more appealing systems in their own backyards.

Gov't will not release Iraq war legal advice under information law: The government will not release the official guidance it received about the potential legality of the Iraq war under a new freedom of information law.

25.Jan.2005 Purple Hearts

A story that President Bush would probably prefer not to see propagated. Video Documentary
A photo series that the New York-based Nina Berman made of wounded Iraq veterans led to the making of this documentary. In detail, they recount what happened on the day they got injured; how they arrived back home, blind or legless; how they have to try to forget the war now, in small towns around Alabama and Pittsburgh, or in Washington and L.A. Officially recognised as “heroes,” a Purple Heart on the uniform in the closet, most of these soldiers long to go back to an army that has no use for them anymore.
Watch It Online Now!

25.Jan.2005 Divided We Fall
A man named Scott Ritter once said, "I can train a monkey to wave an American flag. That does not make the monkey patriotic." By Dom Stasi
The $40 million inauguration extravaganza – the most expensive ever - symbolically urinates upon the graves of the over 1300 young Americans who’ve died for Bush’s lies, mistakes + corporate greed. That money would buy one helluva lot of body armor for our troops. But that $40 mil will instead buy martinis, hookers, influence + contracts here in America.

25.Jan.2005 King George: The Coronation Viewed from Israel
In many respects, the President of the United States is also the King of Israel. By Uri Avnery
Some people say, only half in jest, that the USA is an Israeli colony. And indeed, in many respects it looks like that. President Bush dances to Ariel Sharon's tune. Both Houses of Congress are totally subservient to the Israeli right-wing ­ much more so than the Knesset. - Every year Congress confirms the payment of a massive tribute to Israel.

25.Jan.2005 FROM THE PAKISTAN MEDIA: THE PAKISTAN ARMY AND THE INTER-SERVICES ...Durrani then went on to list a series of covert military operations in ... production in the Pak-Afghanistan border region was a planned affair, linked with the ... www.india-emb.org.eg/Section%207E/English4.html

Welcome to Pakistan Link.. in Vietnam + the Iran-Contra affair . Can we believe Aslam Beg? Judging by his behaviour and record, no. Are we expected to believe Asad Durrani ,a clever www.pakistanlink.com/cowasjee.html

25.Jan.2005 TIMEasia.com: News -- The Evil That Men Do The elder Khar beat Durrani, kidnapped their children, had a rip-roaring affair with her youngest sister and once forced Durrani to strip naked when she ... www.time.com/time/asia/news/magazine/0,9754,170879,00.html

25.Jan.2005 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF CONNECTICUT ARIF DURRANI ...Rather, only after the release of the Senate Intelligence report on the Iran-Contra Affair, in 00.Jan.1987 did Durrani raise for the first time that he was ... www.ctd.uscourts.gov/Opinions/112503.SRU.Durrani.pdf

25.Jan.2005 04-0717-cr View as HTML Id. 8 GE 4, at 5-6. Notably, Durrani did not claim any involvement with the emerging Iran-Contra affair . The Government noted at ...

25.Jan.2005 1. William C. Bodie was a Senior Fellow in the Institute for ...for National Security Studies at the Smith Richardson Foundation (1987-1990) + Research Coordinator at the National Strategy Information Center (1982-1987). www.ndu.edu/inss/McNair/mcnair20/m20c4aut.html

Intelligence Online's Back Issues.. University in Scotland was the venue for the recent "Technology and Terrorism" conference sponsored by the National Strategy Information Center in Washington ...

25.Jan.2005 The Progressive Response... true problem rests with the very type of intelligence that right-wing groups such as the National Strategy Information Center (NSIC) and ... Back to FPIF homepage . www.fpif.org/progresp/volume8/v8n05_body.html

THESIS - .. 25 Roy Godson ed., Intelligence Requirements for the 1980’s: Counterintelligence. (Washington DC: National Strategy Information Center, 1980.), 156.

25.Jan.2005 Crusader 41 Page 26 "The National Strategy Information Center Publication: Political Warfare, says there is mounting evidence' that Gennadi Yanayev (acting as Gorbachev's chief of ...

Airwarriors - China Rapidly Modernizes for War With US 2. Angus M. Fraser, The People's Liberation Army Communist China's Armed Forces (New York: National Strategy Information Center, Inc., 1973), 51.

25.Jan.2005 [casi] The `Ignoble Liars' Behind Bush's Deadly Iraq War Consortium for the Study of Intelligence, a project of the New York City-based National Strategy Information Center . Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq Homepage ... www.casi.org.uk/discuss/2003/msg02036.html

25.Jan.2005 LINKSNET - Über starke Ökonomie und starke Politik East Forum, National Institute for Public Policy, US Space Foundation, National Strategy Information Center, Jewish Institute ... Homepage : www.rainer-rilling.de www.linksnet.de/artikel.php?id=1386

25.Jan.2005 The Christian Science Monitor | csmonitor.com New York, during which he met with Mayor Rudolph Giuliani + superintendents across the city, was hosted by the National Strategy Information Center in Washington ... csmweb2.emcweb.com/durable/2001/07/26/p7s1.htm

25.Jan.2005 History Polmar, Norman. Soviet naval power: challenge for the 1970s. New York : National Strategy Information Center, 1974. Guide to the Soviet navy. .

It's Happening Global Discussion Forum - The War Profiteering of ...loosely organized team soon became the Office of Special Plans directed by Abram Shulksy, formerly of RAND and the National Strategy Information Center (NSIC). afghanistanwar.com/showthread.php?t=61794

25.Jan.2005 TIME INTERNATIONAL: Cop Crisis -PAGE 2- 24.Aug.1998 Roy Godson, head of the National Strategy Information Center in Washington, which studies public-security issues, agrees: "The criminal-cop mess is one of the ... www.time.com/time/magazine/1998/int/980824/latin_america.cop_crisi5b.html

Bibliography on Future Trends in Terrorism- Federal Research Division Library of Congress Washington, DC 20540–4840 www.loc.gov/rr/frd/pdf-files/Future_trends.pdf

25.Jan.2005 INTELIGÊNCIA, POLÍTICA E PODER NO ESTADO CONTEMPORÂNEO... criado em 1979 sob os auspícios do National Strategy Information Center e de ... Strategic Intelligence Homepage, do Departamento de Ciência Política, Loyola ... www.amaerj.org/artigo_i970800.htm

Search Results: Evolution of Strategy SC 6X9, 139PP, 1965-1975, NATIONAL STRATEGY INFORMATION CENTER, INC., STRATEGY PAPER NO.31,Click on my name below, then click on our homepage + then click ... www.abetitles1.com/Title/970312/Evolution+of+Strategy.html

25.Jan.2005 Blindsided? September 11 and the Origins of Strategic Surprise
Page 1. Blindsided?

11.Sep.2001 + the Origins of Strategic Surprise – Charles F. Parker Department of Government, Uppsala University ... www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/0162-895X.00300/abs /

25.Jan.2005 Neues Gesetz: Bundesregierung will Neonazi-Aufmärsche vor Gedenkstätten verbieten

25.Jan.2005 Anhörung im Senat: Demokraten lassen Rice zappeln

25.Jan.2005 Türkei: Erdbeben löst Panik aus

25.Jan.2005 Auschwitz-Gedenken: Schröder ruft zum Kampf gegen Neonazis auf

25.Jan.2005 Auschwitz: Ort des Unfassbaren

25.Jan.2005 "‘Tell us what you know about Iran and we will let your A. Q. Khan guys go.’ It’s the neoconservatives’ version of short-term gain at long-term cost.

They want to prove that Bush is the anti-terrorism guy who can handle Iran and the nuclear threat, against the long-term goal of eliminating the black market for nuclear proliferation." https://www.outlookindia.com/full.asp?fodname=20050118&fname=raman&sid=1
There’s no education in the second kick of a mule." https://www.outlookindia.com/full.asp?fodname=20050118&fname=raman&sid=1
Musharraf's clandestine co-operation with the USA against Iran started in 00.Feb.2002.

In return, the USA did not act against him for the complicity of his ISI in the kidnapping and murder of Daniel Pearl... B. RAMAN
Dear Mr.Hersh,
I read with great interest your article titled 
The Coming Wars: What the Pentagon can now do in secret carried by the New Yorker in its issue dated January 24, 2005, about US preparations for a possible covert operation against Iran's suspected military nuclear installations set up with Pakistani complicity.
I particularly noted your findings about the role of the Pakistani intelligence in the preparations being made by the US. You have said: 

"Some of the missions involve extraordinary cooperation
25.Jan.2005 https://www.outlookindia.com/full.asp?fodname=20050118&fname=raman&sid=1
".. findings about the role of the Pakistani intelligence in the preparations being made by the US.

You have said:  "Some of the missions involve extraordinary cooperation.

For example, the former high-level intelligence official told me that an American commando task force has been set up in South Asia and is now working closely with a group of Pakistani scientists and .."
".. capable of sampling the atmosphere for radioactive emissions and other evidence of nuclear-enrichment programs. "Getting such evidence is a pressing concern for the Bush Administration.

The former high-level intelligence official told me, "They don’t want to make any W.M.D. intelligence mistakes, as in Iraq.

The Republicans can’t have two of those.

There’s no education in .."
".. has refused to allow the I.A.E.A. or American intelligence to interview him.

Khan is now said to be living under house arrest in a villa in Islamabad.

"It’s a deal—a trade-off," the former high-level intelligence official explained. "

Tell us what you know about Iran and we will let your A. Q. Khan guys go.’ It’s the neoconservatives’ version of short-term gain at .."
".. handle Iran and the nuclear threat, against the long-term goal of eliminating the black market for nuclear proliferation."

"The agreement comes at a time when Musharraf, according to a former high-level Pakistani diplomat, has authorized the expansion of Pakistan’s nuclear-weapons arsenal.

"Pakistan still needs parts and supplies + needs to buy them in the clandestine market," the former diplomat said.

"The U.S. has done nothing to stop it."  (Citation from Mr.Hersh's article ends) Mr.Hersh, Musharraf's clandestine co-operation with the USA against Iran .." https://www.outlookindia.com/full.asp?fodname=20050118&fname=raman&sid=1

Links relevant to this article: A Colombia Arms Deal and the Perils of Blowback
This Washington Post opinion and commentary piece details the dangers of "blowback," the unforeseen results of the U.S. government's cooperation with people such as Soghanalian. It describes Soghanalian's work with the United States in the past + how he also armed leftist rebels in Colombia -- the same rebels the Bush administration has budgeted $700 million to defeat. ( Washington Post,)

25.Jan.2005 Sarkis Soghanalian, Arms Dealer to Iraq The transcript of a 1991 60 Minutes program on Soghanalian was entered into the Congressional Record with this preface: "The revelations and allegations made by Mr. Soghanalian are + must be, extremely disturbing to every American. They are disturbing to Mr. Soghanalian. He gives a first-hand description of official and unofficial American involvement in the enormous buildup of arms to Saddam Hussein."

25.Jan.2005 Arms Dealer Implicates Peru Spy Chief in Smuggling Ring The Los Angeles Times profiles Soghanalian and describes his account of a deal gone bad, in which he shipped 10,000 AK-47s to Peru. Those guns ended up with FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) guerillas in Colombia. Soghanalian says he was duped by the Peruvian spy chief Vladimiro Montesinos. ( Los Angeles Times, November 1, 2000)

06.Nov.2000 Arms Sold to Peru End Up in Colombia The New York Times supports Soghanalian's claims that the sale was approved by the CIA. It attributes the approval to lack of follow-up and to close relations between the CIA and Montesinos. ( The New York Times,)

How you can be sure that the guns will stay where they are supposed to?

Some people don't care. Some people do care, people like me, they don't make the sale + I have stopped many sales. Like in Peru, for example, I stopped it + in Lebanon we stopped it. In many places. But for the ones that are still friendly, we have a way of knowing. We rely a lot on the U.S. Embassy advisors, because they have good information and they know darn well if the weapon is going to stay in the country or not. That is important in our business, to at least be sure that the weapons are going to stay there. But you find that a weapon here and one weapon there is stolen. Even in America, they kill people in colleges, in high school. How can you control them?


25.Jan.2005 You will see that China will be the most dangerous supplier of weapons to the free world.

More so than Russia or the Eastern Bloc?

Russia doesn't have very modern weapons, other than surplus old-fashioned weapons. But the Chinese have good technology now because they steal it from everywhere. And they will be the biggest danger to countries like the United States and its allies. They have very, very modern weapons.

So who are the operators now supplying weapons to Africa?

... The operators are ex-military officers and agents. They don't take it by ship + they don't take it by trucks because there's no roads. They parachute it. And there are now many, many transporters available in the Eastern Bloc countries, mainly in Ukraine.

It's nice to have money but it's not everything, believe me. Once you have it, you don't know what to do with it and you create problem for yourself.

So why do they do it? It's their first time and they're weak people. All the weapons that went into Lebanon during the civil war, everything was sold out from Lebanon and into Yugoslavia as contraband.

The U.S. government relies on your knowledge. Correct. For what?

Based on the experience they have with me, that I can produce the intelligence information they need, which is in their own interest and not to my interest.

So why would they charge you?

They try to get you when your back is turned. Somebody doesn't like the color of your eyes. I went to court, I plead guilty to wire fraud. I plead guilty to wire fraud with the involvement of a person that I really don't know. I wouldn't know him if I saw him on the street. So they say you have to testify against him. I didn't know the guy.

Do you still consider the U.S. government your friend?

Yes, the government is my friend, but there are some individuals in that government who are not my friend.


Explain your role in the Iran-Contra affair.

I was asked officially to go and help them [Iran] and do the same thing that we were doing for Iraq. I refused. I said I can't. Iran is like riding two horses in a horse race. You can't do that. Either you are with this person or country, or you are with the other country. They wanted me to supply weapons to Iran in order to get money for them to buy weapons to fight the Sandinistas [in Nicaragua]. It could be done but I didn't do it. I don't do this kind of stuff.

Who asked you?

There is no need to mention names. But I was asked.

By a government?

By government officials, not by the president.


You explained a little bit about how you arrange arms deals legally. How difficult is it to do an illegal arms deal?

Each transaction has its own benefit. Sometimes you want to do something even if it's not legal + you must consider: where are the costs and what are the benefits? Is this transaction worth it? ... When there was an embargo on Iraq, we kept supplying weapons to Iraq. In order to save U.S. face, we didn't do any operations from the United States. We thought we'd do it through Europe + there was a special purpose since this involvement was not subject to discussion. We satisfied Saddam's interest because it was in our interest. But when Kuwait happened, we all pulled back. If I keep helping you + you take advantage of my help + the purpose is something not in my interest, I will change my colors right away.

00.000.1991 -This is what happened, when the United States got involved against Saddam.

00.000.1991 -Two months earlier- everything was a sweet and nice relationship. Yesterday's friend became today's enemy.

My job was to support the Iraqi forces so that they could fight against our [United States' and Sarkis'] common enemy, which at the time was [the Iranian Ayatollah] Khomeini.

He had hostages. He was financing terrorist movements all over the world, Hezbollah and all those guys.

So we had to fight them. But it didn't mean we would keep helping Saddam if he did something against our interest or Western interests. That's what happened. Too bad for him. https://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/stories/sierraleone/soghanalian.html
How closely did you work with the American government on this?

I don't like to explore of the possibilities of what department of this or that, but very, very close, very close.

So when you were arranging sales of weapons to Argentina during the Falklands War [the United States opposed Argentina and supported Britain during Falklands War], how did the Americans react to that?

The Americans knew what I was doing, every minute, every hour. If I drank a glass of water, they were aware of it and what kind of water it was. I don't try to prevent the Americans from knowing what I am doing.

You go to a country. You have your way of contact, you have your meetings, you explain why you are there. You consider yourself one of them + they are one of you.

This is how we operated. And when the answer is negative, of course, you go somewhere else for a different cause.


How do you know, if you're selling to someone one day, it might not be all different a week later?

If you're a professional, you get a feeling for the side you are helping; you develop your feelings and then they can tell you how far you can go.

An arms deal is a long-term thing; it's not like last night and tomorrow morning. There are months and months when you've got to be patient.

You have to get into that emotion and see how you can maneuver it.

25.Jan.2005 ABC News: Politics Index Politics Index "

Michael Chertoff Profile:

Secretary of Health and Human Services Nominee Mike Leavitt Profile: Secretary of Veterans Affairs Nominee Jim Nicholson Profile: Secretary of Energy Nominee Samuel Bodman The Note

The Note: Peggy Noonan Has Never Met Belinda Carlisle

2005 Note Archives ABC News Political Calendar Find Out Who We Are ... And What We're About Full .." ABC News: Inauguration Full Coverage: The Inauguration
".. Michael Chertoff Profile: Secretary of Health and Human Services Nominee Mike Leavitt Profile: Secretary of Veterans Affairs Nominee Jim Nicholson Profile: Secretary of Energy Nominee Samuel Bodman COMMUNITY Message Board: Talk Politics Vote: Bush's Agenda Stump Sam Donaldson and Win a Free Hat Your Thoughts: Vote 2004 Election Day Experiences ABC News Home Contact ABC News . .."
Bush’s Choice for Energy Secretary Was One of Texas’ Top Five Worst Polluters

In the bizarro world that President Bush lives in, it pays—literally—to be a miserable failure, a criminal and a corporate con man. Those are just some of the characteristics of the dastardly men and women who were tapped recently to fill the vacancies in Bush’s second-term cabinet. But one of the President’s most outrageous decisions (besides naming Alberto Gonzales, who concocted a legal case for torturing foreign prisoners at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, Attorney General) has got to be choosing 66-year-old Sam Bodman to serve as Secretary of Energy. This is a guy who for a dozen years ran a Texas-based chemical company that spent years on the top five lists of the country’s worst polluters....(full article)

Jan.2005-18.Jan.2005 Bush Uses Tsunami Aid to Regain Foothold in Indonesia

Besides improving Washington’s image in South and Southeast Asia, the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush is hoping to achieve something more concrete from its aid efforts in the aftermath of the

26.Dec.2004 tsunami that killed over 175,000 people along the coasts of the Indian Ocean. In particular, it is reviving its hopes of normalizing military ties with Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, whose strategically located archipelago, critical sea lanes + historic distrust of China have long made it an ideal partner for containing Beijing....(full article)

America’s New Civilizing Mission by M. Shahid Alam

Historically, Islamdom has nearly always been the principal Other in the Western dialectic of imagination, fear and domination.

Over the past few decades, with the growing salience of the Israeli-Arab conflict, the re-entry of Islam into the politics of the Islamicate world + finally with the collapse of the communist challenge, a growing body of thought in the United States has sought to reclaim, to resurrect, this old Western adversary....(full article)

Lifetime Detainment: No Pros, All Cons - Or, To Torture or Not to Torture: How Is That Even the Question?

A glaring, galling example of the administration’s basement-level baseness is provided in a recent article by Dana Priest of the Washington Post :“Administration officials are preparing long-range plans for indefinitely imprisoning suspected terrorists whom they do not want to set free or turn over to courts in the United States or other countries…The Pentagon and the CIA have asked the White House to decide on a more permanent approach for potentially lifetime detentions, including those for hundreds of people now in military and CIA custody whom the government does not have enough evidence to charge in courts.” Well, where to start?  The indefinite imprisonments?  The fact that one need only be “suspected” of being a terrorist (as so designated by George Bush; now there’s a comforting thought) to be detained for a “lifetime” because of a lack of “enough evidence to charge in courts”? Not to be an alarmist (impossible these days, anyway), but this means you or I could be put away forever simply at Dubya’s discretion.  If you consider this far-fetched, I remind you here that Education Secretary Rod Paige identified the country’s largest teacher’s union, the National Education Association, as a “terrorist organization; it is a small step indeed for the Constitution-reviling, Patriot Act-revering team of Bush/Cheney to label --  yes, believe it or not -- even non- educators as mortal enemies of the state....(full article)

Two Celebrations, Two Americas: MLK Day and Bush’s Inauguration -

This week features two major celebrations in the United States + the contrasts between the figures being feted couldn’t be starker. Thursday’s second inauguration for George W. Bush comes only three days after Martin Luther King Day was celebrated on Monday, January 17. The two celebrations couldn’t be more opposed, revealing the chasm between the “ two Americas. ” Gay and lesbian rights + peace and justice issues were raised in a series of marches celebrating the birthday of the civil rights icon; the run-up to Bush’s second swearing in was marked by a continuing crisis in Iraq + revelations of new covert war preparations for Iran....(full article)

Bush’s Grand Plan: Incite Civil War

The Bush Administration is intentionally steering Iraq towards civil war. The elections are merely the catalyst for igniting, what could be, a massive social upheaval. This explains the bizarre insistence on voting when security is nearly nonexistent and where a mere 7% of the people can even identify the candidates. (This figure gleaned from Allawi’s Baghdad newspaper, Al-Sabah )  Rumsfeld is using the elections as a springboard for aggravating tensions between Sunnis and Shiites and for diverting attention away from the troops. It’s a foolhardy move that only magnifies the desperation of the present situation. The Pentagon brass expected a “cakewalk” and, instead, they’ve found themselves mired in a guerilla war....(full article)

“Piss on Pity”: Clint Eastwood's “Million Dollar” Snuff Film

Fresh off some big Golden Globes wins, “Million Dollar Baby” seems poised for Oscar success...but not everyone is pleased with the boxing flick-cum-snuff film. . . “This movie is a corny, melodramatic assault on people with disabilities,” writes Steve Drake in The Ragged Edge. “It plays out killing as a romantic fantasy and gives emotional life to the ‘better dead than disabled’ mindset lurking in the heart of the typical (read: non-disabled) audience member.” It will likely come as a bit of shock to those unfamiliar with the disability rights movement, but not

Web | 18.Jan.2005
An Open Letter To Seymour Hersh https://www.outlookindia.com/full.asp?fodname=20050118&fname=raman&sid=1&pn=2
Free Speech https://www.outlookindia.com/full.asp?fodname=20050118&fname=raman&sid=1&pn=2
I had made a detailed reference to it in an article on Iran written by me in June 2003,
The Teheran Connection
Let me quote in detail from that article: 

"Effective covert action demands bases from which one could relay broadcasts and telecasts, disseminate printed propaganda, interact with dissident elements inside Iran without their having to travel to the West for this purpose + train the surrogates in clandestine operations. The CIA was hoping to use Iraqi and Pakistani territory for this purpose. The deterioration in the internal security situation in Iraq has ruled out the use of its territory for the present.
"As a result, the importance of Pakistan has increased many fold in the CIA's perception. That is why the CIA strongly advised its Government to tickle the ego of Gen. Pervez Musharraf by receiving him in Camp David instead of in Washington and to shower him with the kind of honours no other Pakistani leader had received before---not even Zia-ul-Haq during the Afghan war of the 1980s.
"Since his last bilateral visit to the US in February last year, Musharraf has already ordered his Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to covertly collaborate with the US intelligence agencies for the collection of intelligence about Iran. It was unhappiness over this, which led to the resignation of Abdul Sattar, his Foreign Minister, ostensibly on health grounds.
Whiskey Bar: Ashcroft ".. of directive granting full or partial immunity to U.S. interrogators - which is one possible interpretation of what the CIA supposedly requested from the White House shortly after 9/11: The former administration official said the CIA "was prepared to get more aggressive and re-learn old skills, but only with explicit assurances from the top that they were doing so with the .."
25.Jan.2005 213.
Unfiltered: Unfiltered 10/22/04 URL:   unfiltered_1022.html
".. URGENT! THE NEW ANTI-KERRY TACTIC!! I live in Florida and have been receiving this email against Kerry from a group called Patriotic Friends, showing Kerry's picture next to Arafat's and the former prime minister of Malaysia, Mahatir Mohammad. The tactic is the same as the one used against Max Cleland in Georgia. I am not sure where to send it so people on this show really read .."
CNN: Pinochet: U.S. urged to charge bank (by Spain)
Pinochet: U.S. urged to charge bank By CNN Madrid Bureau Chief Al Goodman Thursday, 16.Sep.2004 Posted: 2:01 PM EDT (1801 GMT) MADRID, Spain (CNN)-

A Spanish judge has asked U.S. authorities to file criminal charges against a U.S. bank + seven senior executives for concealing millions of dollars belonging to former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.
The 11-page court order by Judge Baltasar Garzon, who has investigated alleged abuses by Pinochet, also asks the USA to effectively freeze nearly $10.3 million at Riggs Bank in Washington, D.C., in the event the institution is held liable for damages.
Garzon's order on Thursday was in a response to a request filed with his court last 00.Jul.2004 by Spanish attorney Juan Garces on behalf of many alleged victims of Pinochet's regime, from 11.Sep.1973-00.000.1990.
A Spanish court official told CNN that Garzon's order informs U.S. officials that if they do not act, a Spanish court will press charges of money laundering + concealing assets against Riggs Bank + the executives.....

riggs /

(apparently we missed some important developments while DU was sluggish)
Why was Bob Dole withdrawning $8000 in cash every week from Riggs?
Riggs Affair Sparks 'Suspicious Activity' Alert on Dole
02.Sep.200- 11:49 PM EDT Thursday
WASHINGTON - The Riggs National Bank scandal has led to unexpected fallout, including "suspicious activity reports" on former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole + former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci, Friday's Wall Street Journal reported.
As often as once a week, Mr. Dole's assistant walks around the corner from his Pennsylvania Avenue office in Washington to a branch of Riggs Bank, where she withdraws as much as $8,000 in cash. For walking-around money, Mr. Dole keeps a wad of $100 bills in the breast pocket of his shirt. "I probably use a credit card four or five times a year," Mr. Dole confesses. "I don't even have a wallet."
Mr. Dole's affinity for cash was of no concern to anyone until recently, when federal regulators pawing through the books of scandal-tarred Riggs spotted the large withdrawals and called them to the attention of management. In short order, the bank filed "suspicious activity reports" on Mr. Dole and another prominent Washington figure, Mr. Carlucci, questioning whether the two men might have violated federal laws against money laundering.
The two aren't actually suspected by Riggs of wrongdoing, people familiar with the filings say. But the bank, a unit of Riggs National Corp. (RIGS), felt it had no choice but to file these reports because of the strict wording of the Bank Secrecy Act.
The reports are the latest strange fallout from the Riggs affair, which has reverberated through Washington in unexpected ways since the bank got into trouble with regulators this year for overlooking signs of suspicious activity by Saudi diplomats and foreign despots. The scandal has provoked a minor diplomatic crisis for the State and Treasury departments as Riggs, which has long had a lock on the diplomatic market in Washington, starts to shed all of its embassy accounts to get out from under a regulatory cloud and sell itself to PNC Financial Services Group Inc. (PNC).
MICHAEL C. RUPPERT CROSSING THE RUBICON Edited on Tue Sep-14-04 01:30 PM by sattahipdeep

https://www.fromthewilderness.com/PDF/Commonwealth.pdf https://WWW.FROMTHEWILDERNESS.COM /
Suchtechnik: Google und Yahoo durchsuchen TV-Angebote

25.Jan.2005 Bizarrer Streit: Hindus wehren sich gegen Hakenkreuz-Verbot

25.Jan.2005 Taliban and Aschcroft... Cheers, Ken Hanly Ashcroft's eagle soars, but some see ... Julian Borger in Washington Since John Ashcroft became the ... golden shore/Let the mighty eagle soar," + www.mail-archive.com/pen-l@galaxy.csuchico.edu/msg66505.html

25.Jan.2005 Disinfotainment Today Music Video of the Week. Thank God somebody has made a music video out of John Ashcroft's soul stirring rendition of The Mighty Eagle Soars . Good for Bush.

25.Jan.2005 The connection between Protest Warriors and FreeRepublic : SF Bay ...Does it have Ashcroft singing "The Eagle Soars " ( https://www ... Here is John Ashcroft singing "Blessed Be That City ... John on the soundtrack for their video, a film www.indybay.org/news/2004/06/1685280.php

25.Jan.2005 Spencer Blog Archives 10-02 ... hear Ashcroft's rendition of "The Mighty Eagle Soars ." I also ... While we're posting links to video, check out ... third of Missouri, or as John Ashcroft and natives ...

25.Jan.2005 Let the Eagle Soar - John Ashcroft Sings "Let The Eagle Soar" Flash video . HavinHaving trouble viewing the feature? Click here to download the Flash MX plugin. Please help ...

Spartacus: The eagle soars... (Or something) The eagle soars... I am not a big fan of Attorney General John Ashcroft. Regardless of your views on Ashcroft, however, this video clip of him singing one of ...

GeorgeWalkerBush.net - Unelected, Commander-in-Thief George Walker Bush - Unelected, Commander-in-Thief. www.georgewalkerbush.net/

25.Jan.2005 :: Wolves :: Lynx :: Cougars :: Grizzly Bears :: Within you'll find information about wolves, coyotes, bears, lynx, pumas and the ecosystems these creatures hold together in the Southern Rockies. Contacts : Wendy Keefover-Ring. 303.447.8655, Extension 1, # For Immediate Release: January 19, 2005 ... coalition of green groups, called AGRO, has ... Board (NTSB) records, the airplane ...
https://www.sinapu.org /  

25.Jan.2005 Naturkatastrophen fordern kaum noch Menschenopfer Sachsen zieht Bilanz: 15 Tote, 26 Vermisste (Morgenpost ... Im Landkreis Köthen entstand eine Schneise der Verwüstung: In ... Flutwelle im Indischen Ozean 26.12.2004, www.horstweyrich.de/katastrophen.htm

25.Jan.2005 Was ist ein Tsunami? Am

26.000.0000 löst ein Erdbeben vor Alaska an der gesamten Westküste der USA eine Flutwelle aus ... Am

09.Jul.1958 entstand im Lituya Bay (Alaska) eine 524 m hohe Welle ... de.sports.yahoo.com/041229/16/2vov.html

25.Jan.2005 [proletar] The not so ugly Americans https://www.mail-archive.com/proletar@yahoogroups.com/msg03084.html

... columnist Aida al-Najjar wrote in the daily ad -Dustour that ... and compassion of our nation to the world ", just as they ... Post message: quod licet jovis ...non licet bovis

25.Jan.2005 House of Commons Journal Volume 1:

02.May 1604 | British History ... Die Jovis, 19o Novembris, Anno Reg. Huddleston Armigeri, unius Militum Comitatus * Cumbriae in praesenti Parliamento nostro, accepimus, quod, licet ad dictum ... www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=724

House of Lords Journal Volume 1: 20 December 1515 | British ...

In die Jovis post Meridiem, que erat Vigilia...Thome Apostoli, Domini decreverunt, quod singuli Domini. Billa concernens Reventiones Domini Regis, licet hodie non ... www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=30769

quod licet jovis ...non licet bovis

25.Jan.2005 [alef] Knesset debated Israeli nuclear weapons... other WMD. If this isn’t "doulbe standard", I don’t what’sa double standard ( Quod licet Jovis, non licet bovis). It is just ... list.haifa.ac.il/pipermail/alef/2003-July/001520.html

quod licet jovis ...non licet bovis

25.Jan.2005 Finding a Voice – Thinking with Others: a conception of action ...

When I had ventured to put forward opinion.) (b) “What is permitted to Jupiter is nevertheless forbidden to the ox.” [ Quod licet Jovis non licet bovis ... www.triangle.co.uk/pdf/validate.asp?j=ear&vol=6&issue=1&year=1998&article=Winter

quod licet jovis ...non licet bovi s

25.Jan.2005 Frithjof Schuon: Poems on Philosophy and Philosophers

Quod licet Jovis, numquam licet bovis: "What is lawful for Jupiter, is not lawful for the ox."

The fool should not try to make his mark in philosophy - One ... www.sophia-perennis.com/philosophy/poetry.htm

quod licet jovis ...non licet bovis

25.Jan.2005 20050113

Duro com duro faz mau muro -




George W is the mess-iah ... alfatomega.com/20050113.html

quod licet jovis ...non licet bovis

25.Jan.2005 mentor - For You

Lösung. 4. quod licet Iovi non licet bovi. Was Jupiter darf, darf noch lange nicht jeder (Ochse). Die Jovis -Bovis-Lizenz ist nicht mehr gültig. www.mentor.de/foryou/test/latein /

25.Jan.2005 1896 - Anuário /-/ CEPP... ( Biografia de José Tomás Nabuco de Araújo, senador, pai do autor.). o fascismo e em 23.Mar.1923 chega a ser nomeado senador por Mussolini, mas logo ...

25.Jan.2005 Web   Resultados 11 - 54 de cerca 61 para biografia Mussolini . ( 1,55 segundos

0050116 15.Jan.2005 Mussolini -Gruß: Italiens Fußballboss hält zu Di Canio. Biografia | Biography| Biographie | Biografía Download the .pdf version. ITALIANO. alfatomega.com/20050116.html

20041219 ... a Izar para que realice la fusión por absorción de Defex y Defoback ...
www.noticiasdenavarra.labolsa.com/noticias/treal/20030725 alfatomega.com/20041219.html

Actualidad - Consejo de Ministros... filial al 100 por cien, Izar Construcciones Navales, SA, lleve a cabo la fusión por absorción de Defex, SA, (sociedad absorbente) y Defoback, SL, (sociedad ...

REFERENCIA DEL CONSEJO DE MINISTROS... filial al 100 por cien, Izar Construcciones Navales, SA, lleve a cabo la fusión por absorción de Defex, SA, (sociedad absorbente) y Defoback, SL, (sociedad ...

pb d'evt de clic de souris:execute 4 fois l'evt au lieu d'une [ Au ...

UNE INTERFACE POUR MYSQL, Source N°20316 ¤ Java Codes Sources ...
Sector Público Empresarial Sector Público Empresarial CORREO HÍBRIDO, SA CORREOS TELECOM, SA DECYPAR, SA DEFEX, SA DEFOBACK, SL Page 17. DEPURADORA DEL BAIX LLOBREGAT, SA DESGASIFICACION Y LIMPIEZA DE TANQUES, SA ... www.igae.minhac.es/NR/rdonlyres/56D56661-C538-4EEC-9DC5-9ABEF3D16DAA/4233/SPE2003.pdf


Economía/Empresas.- El Gobierno autoriza a Izar para que realice ...Economía/Empresas.- El Gobierno autoriza a Izar para que realice la fusión por absorción de Defex y Defoback . MADRID, 25 (EUROPA ...
www.noticiasdenavarra.labolsa.com/noticias/20030725150538 /

HispaVista : La Bolsa : Noticias : Últimas noticias de la Bolsa ...millones. 25/07/03 Economía/Empresas.- El Gobierno autoriza a Izar para que realice la fusión por absorción de Defex y Defoback . 25 ...
www.noticiasdenavarra.labolsa.com/noticias/treal/20030725 /

CincoDías.com - Versión sólo texto La auditoría de la empresa recoge también la fusión por absorción de la sociedad Defoback, mediante su disolución sin liquidación. ...
::: Estrella Digital :::HACIENDA. IZAR AUTORIZADA PARA REALIZAR LA FUSIÓN. POR ABSORCIÓN DE DEFEX Y DEFOBACK . Madrid, 25 de julio de 2003. El Consejo de Ministros ...

HispaVista : La Bolsa : Noticias : Últimas noticias de la Bolsa ...millones. 25/07/03 Economía/Empresas.- El Gobierno autoriza a Izar para que realice la fusión por absorción de Defex y Defoback . 25 ...
www.concursobolsa.com/noticias/treal/20030725 /

BORME 30 de octubre de 2003 (núm 207) DAVA, SA. DEFEX, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA (Sociedad absorbente) DEFOBACK, SOCIEDAD LIMITADA Sociedad unipersonal (Sociedad absorbida). DESARROLLO ...
www.boe.es/g/cat/borme/dias/2003-10-30 /

BORME 29 de octubre de 2003 (núm 206) CROF, SL. DEFEX, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA (Sociedad absorbente) DEFOBACK, SOCIEDAD LIMITADA Sociedad unipersonal (Sociedad absorbida). DESARROLLO ...
www.boe.es/g/cat/borme/dias/2003-10-29 /

BORME 31 de octubre de 2003 (núm 208) COMPAÑÍA TRASATLÁNTICA ESPAÑOLA, SA. DEFEX, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA (Sociedad absorbente) DEFOBACK, SOCIEDAD LIMITADA Sociedad unipersonal (Sociedad absorbida). www.boe.es/g/cat/borme/dias/2003-10-31 /

HispaVista : La Bolsa : Noticias : Últimas noticias de la Bolsa ...millones. 25/07/03 Economía/Empresas.- El Gobierno autoriza a Izar para que realice la fusión por absorción de Defex y Defoback . 25 ...
www.la-bolsa.com/noticias/treal/20030725 /

HispaVista : La Bolsa : Noticias : Últimas noticias de la Bolsa ...millones. 25/07/03 Economía/Empresas.- El Gobierno autoriza a Izar para que realice la fusión por absorción de Defex y Defoback . 25 ...
www.larecomendacion.com/noticias/treal/20030725 /

::: Estrella Digital :::.. filial al 100 por cien, Izar Construcciones Navales, SA, lleve a cabo la fusión por absorción de Defex, SA, (sociedad absorbente) y Defoback, SL, (sociedad ...

HispaVista : La Bolsa : Noticias : Últimas noticias de la Bolsa ...millones. 25/07/03 Economía/Empresas.- El Gobierno autoriza a Izar para que realice la fusión por absorción de Defex y Defoback . 25 ...
webcontenidos.labolsa.com/noticias/treal/20030725 /

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-338345,00.html
Was da noch kommen kann? Die Formel für den miesesten Tag des Jahres zum Beispiel + der ist - heute. Wenn es ein Datum gibt, an dem man besser gar nicht erst aufstehen sollte, dann ist es der 24. Januar. Das zumindest hat Cliff Arnall ausgerechnet + er nennt einige gute Gründe. Nach umfangreicher Tüftelei stieß der Teilzeit-Dozent der Cardiff University auf folgende Formel:
(W + (D-d)) x TQ M x NA
Was das bedeuten soll? Ganz einfach: W steht für Wetter, das große D für Schulden, das kleine d für das Januar-Gehalt + die Differenz zwischen beiden folglich für die Fähigkeit, die über die Feiertage angesammelten Schulden schon mit dem nächsten Gehaltsscheck begleichen zu können. T steht für die Zeit seit Weihnachten, Q bezeichnet die Spanne, die vergangen ist, seit man sich so viele gute Vorsätze für das neue Jahr vorgenommen hat.
M bedeutet Motivationsniveau, in engem Zusammenhang zu sehen mit der Tatsache, dass nach dem Ende der Feiertage alle vertagten Pflichten vor der Tür stehen. NA bezeichnet die Notwendigkeit, aktiv zu werden und etwas gegen das ganze Elend zu tun.

DEFEX SA ,Spain. DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY MONTHLY, Singapore. DEFEX SA, Spain. 24 Ene 2005

20041219 SAUDI ARABIA. Night Vision Optics. SPAIN. Defex SA . SWITZERLAND.Gasin Gases Industriale / Spain DEFEX SA / / / East / West Engineering Co / ... alfatomega.com/20041219.html

Defensa.com -> EXTRA Nº 71 <- ESPECIAL INDUSTRIA Accenture, SL Álava Ingenieros Aplein Ingenieros Coritel, SA Defex Empresarios Agrupados AIE Estudio de Arquitectura Informática, SL Espelsa Grupo de ..

25.Jan.2005 US-Studie: Mediziner zählen bis zu 140.000 Vioxx-Geschädigte

25.Jan.2005 Einstand als CDU-General: Kauder entsetzt Rot-Grün mit NS-Vergleich

25.Jan.2005 Infineon-Glasfaser-Sparte: Amerikaner kaufen nur die Maschinen

25.Jan.2005 Details zum 11. September: "Das muss die Hölle gewesen sein"

25.Jan.2005 Ifo-Mahnung: Ohne weitere Einschnitte droht der Kollaps

25.Jan.2005 Guantanamo: 23 Häftlinge versuchten kollektiven Selbstmord

25.Jan.2005 Umstrittene These: Waren Gladiatoren langlebige Showstars?

25.Jan.2005 Kritik aus Europa: US-Finanzminister spielt den Ball zurück

25.Jan.2005 Firefox-Entwickler Blake Ross: Auf der Suche nach dem Gral

25.Jan.2005 Dubioser Anleihe-Deal: Finanzaufsicht zeigt die Citigroup an

25.Jan.2005 Flutkatastrophe: Mehr als 287.000 Tote befürchtet
Heute in den Feuilletons: "Lügen ist nicht strafbar"

25.Jan.2005 Dicke Familienbande: Wal und Hippo sind verwandt

25.Jan.2005 Irak: US-General warnt vor Großoffensive der Rebellen

25.Jan.2005 Jagd auf Bin Laden: US-Außenministerium will Kopfgeld verdoppeln

25.Jan.2005 "Goldene Himbeere": Was George Bush mit Halle Berry gemeinsam hat

25.Jan.2005 Chinas Boom: Einfach nicht zu bändigen

25.Jan.2005 Trotz US-Druck: Deutsche Konzerne wollen in Iran bleiben

25.Jan.2005 Militärausgaben: Bush verlangt 80 Milliarden Dollar mehr für den Krieg

25.Jan.2005 USA-Einreise: Koffer aufgebrochen, Pech gehabt

25.Jan.2005 Schwere Vorwürfe: Folter soll in irakischen Gefängnissen die Regel sein

24.Jan.2005 Eichel und Gaymard: Finanzminister bitten USA um Stärkung ihrer Währung

24.Jan.2005 Iran: Schröder gegen militärische Schritte

24.Jan.2005 Mail aus Teheran: Exil-Iraker klammern sich an die Wahl

24.Jan.2005 Klage gegen Regierungssprecher abgewiesen: "Lügen ist nicht strafbar"

24.Jan.2005 Irak: Sarkawis Bombenbauer gefasst

24.Jan.2005 Prozess: Britischer Offizier dementiert Folterbefehl

24.Jan.2005 Parteitag: Kissinger geht zur FDP

24.Jan.2005 Nach NPD-Eklat: Schröder lässt neues Verbotsverfahren prüfen

24.Jan.2005 Grausamer Streich: Haftstrafe wegen falscher Tsunami-Todesmeldungen

24.Jan.2005 Staatsbesuch: Chiles Präsident stützt Schröders Uno-Kurs

24.Jan.2005 Ausgerechnet: Die Formel für den miesesten Tag des Jahres

24.Jan.2005 Teurer Strom: Energiekonzerne planen Rabatte für Unternehmen - auf Kosten der Privatverbraucher

24.Jan.2005 Alexander-Grab: Auf der Spur des Gottkönigs

24.Jan.2005 Großbritannien: Proteste gegen Prinzen-Prasserei

24.Jan.2005 Ukraine: Timoschenko wird neue Ministerpräsidentin

24.Jan.2005 Höhlen-Akustik: Steinzeitkünstler setzten auf Multimedia

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-338249,00.html
US-Forscher haben jetzt bei der Analyse von Bildern aus dem Magnetresonanz-Tomografen herausgefunden, dass die Gehirne von Männern und Frauen grundsätzlich unterschiedliche Strategien benutzen. Identische Intelligenzquotienten werden bei Mann und Frau durch Aktivierung unterschiedlicher Gehirnareale erreicht, schreiben Richard Haier von der University of California in Irvine und seine Kollegen in der Fachzeitschrift "NeuroImage" (Online-Vorabveröffentlichung).
Druck aus USA: BP zieht sich aus Iran zurück

24.Jan.2005 Reparatur gestrichen: Hubble-Teleskop vor dem Aus

24.Jan.2005 Berlin: SPD will NPD-Marsch verhindern

24.Jan.2005 Gewaltiger Blizzard: Nordosten der USA versinkt im Schnee

24.Jan.2005 Argh: Jamiri an der Leidensgrenze

24.Jan.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Das sind ausgeflippte Spießer"

24.Jan.2005 Bye-bye Wall Street: Börsenflucht in New York

24.Jan.2005 China-Deal: US-Behörden besorgt wegen Verkauf der IBM-PC-Sparte

24.Jan.2005 Nach dem Eklat im Landtag: Justiz wird nicht gegen NPD ermitteln

24.Jan.2005 Festnahmen: Jugendliche zündeten historische Kirche an

24.Jan.2005 Hirnforschung: Kleiner Unterschied im Oberstübchen

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-338248,00.html
London - Laut einer Studie von Central Banking Publications (CBP) haben 70 Prozent von 65 befragten Notenbanken ihre Euro-Reserven in den vergangenen zwei Jahren aufgestockt. Der Großteil der Geldexperten beurteilt die europäischen Geld- und Rentenmärkte demnach ebenso optimistisch wie die Segmente in den USA. Nähere Details will CBP heute bekannt geben.

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-338248,00.html
Entsprechend warnen Beobachter vor einer weitere Schwächung der US-Währung. "Für die USA gibt es keine Garantie, dass der Dollar gestützt wird", warnte Nick Carver von CBP.

24.Jan.2005 Dollar-Flucht: Zentralbanken setzen auf den Euro

24.Jan.2005 Anti-Slavery - Resources - Publication

The extraordinary story of a young Sudanese girl who was ... Gifford Anti-Slavery International 1996; Japanese translation (transl ... Postage: UK . www.antislavery.org/homepage/resources/publication.htm

Ferdinand Schorner
Ferdinand Schoerner Education, the son of a police official, was born in Munich, Germany, on 12.Jun.1892. He ...www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/GERschorner.htm

Ferdinand Schorner

Helmut Lent, Sep Dietrich, Walter Model, Erich Hartmann, Hermann Balck, Gerhard Ramcke, Wolfgang Schnaufer, Albrecht Brandi, Ferdinand Schorner, Haso von www.naval-military-press.com/books/titles/2237.htm

Ferdinand Schorner
[WWII] Re: German POW's Stalingrad) ;

00.000.1955 -released by Soviets- Schmidt, Richard, General divisional commander;

00.000.1961 released from Czech captivity Schorner, Ferdinand, Field Marshal lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/wwii/2004-July/000593.html

Ferdinand Schorner
WWII.12.Sep.1939 We Remember ...The Polish DEFENSE over the Bzura fails.

A task force of the German 1st Mountain Division under Colonel Ferdinand Schorner, reaches Lwow. lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/wwii/2004-September/002025.html

Ferdinand Schorner
20041221 www.fas.org/irp/threat/terror_98/europe.htm

21.Dec.2004 Ferdinand Schorner was a member of Ritter Von Epps Paramilitary group . alfatomega.com/20041221.html

24.Jan.2005 Thailand - aktuelle Nachrichten (rami world) 36-year-old Angela Foust hired private investigators to look for her and her boyfriend, 37-year-old Luke Scully . Young RP tsunami victim cremated in Thailand. www.ramiworld.de/thailand/thainews.asp

24.Jan.2005 Tsunami claims former metro woman Tsunami claims former metro woman.

19.Jan.2005 . BY KATHLEEN GRAY FREE PRESS STAFF WRITER. Luke Scully + Angela Foust were no-shows on the Air Canada flight ... www.freep.com/news/mich/tsunami19e_20050119.htm 22 Jan 2005

New York's Premier Alternative Newspaper. Arts, Music, Food ...most of the people who drowned in the tsunami had never ... especially if you're the friend of a victim's family ...

In my case, it's Luke Scully, the son of Rock Scully ... www.nypress.com/18/2/news&columns/krassner.cfm – 23.Jan-2005

Thailand Travel Forum Recent Posts... letters_16086206.html

Let definition of ' victim ' include property ... idea of the unfortunate victims of the tsunami ? ... people, Angela Foust & Luke Scully that were ... www.thaisouth.com/forum/index.php?action=recent

24.Jan.2005 Thai Orchid 26 tsunami in the Indian Ocean, the families of Luke Scully and Angela Foust got the news + the news wasn't good. Tsunami victim picked up after weeks at ...

24.Jan.2005 Earthquake, tsunamis kill 5,187 in Thailand, total 128,794 in ...lost the following three people in the tsunami in Phuket ...

Foust 5'3", blond hair + Luke Scully, 6', brown ... be registered as either a Dutch or Polish victim . lostfound.siamidc.com/view.php?id=0053&type=The

24.Jan.2005 Registration for Missing Persons from Tsunami in Thailand

URL:  lostform_list.php-page=7&statusAZ=search&alp=P&.htm -

A website for Missing Persons Registration from Tsunami in Thailand Ulla Schmidt- 303 Mr. DR. Peter Schmidt GERMANY - 304 -

Bettina Schmidt Germ an - 305 Peter Schmidt GERM ANY - 304 - Bettina Schmidt Germ an - 305 - Dagmar Schmied Germ an - 306 -

Bettina Schmidt Germ an - 305 - Dagmar Schmied Germ an - 306 - Nicole Schmitt - - 307 Ms.
Nicole Schmitt - - 307 Ms. Kirsten Schmitt Germ any - 308 - Johanna Schnaubelt Germ an - Kirsten Schmitt

24.Jan.2005 ÃÒª×èͼÙéÃÍ´ªÕÇÔµ¨Ò¡¡ÃкÕè·Õè ...19, Austria, m,

Hannes, Wolf, Austrian, 20, Austria, m, Josef, Haslinger, Austrian,y, 21, Austria, f, Sophie, Haslinger, Austrian, y, 22, Austria, m, Elias, Halinper www.police.go.th/namelist.htm

24.Jan.2005 ?? Maritime Park & Spa Resort (Survivals from Krabi, staying at Maritime Park & Spa Resort)
24.Jan.2005 Bloem 32 Dutch Admitted Jacob Van Loenen 55 Dutch Outpatient Cecile Letocart 27 French .." (2 quotes). 6. Bangkok Hospital -- BangkokHospital.com --.
Competitive Intelligence and Strategy Consulting - Outward ...Ken Sawka on early warning and effective monitoring of the competitive landscape. INTELCON . National Intelligence Conference and Exposition. www.outwardinsights.com /
Thomas College Web Addresses of Businesses , https://www.interfacefabricsgroup.com ...www.thomas.edu/career1/busweb.asp

CURRICULUM - HOLOS Rua Jundiaí, 51 - 11o. andar - São Paulo - SP. Projeto e montagem de escritório. Intelcon Informática. Av. Paulista, 1439 - cj 12 - São Paulo - SP. geocities.yahoo.com.br/holosbr/3paginacurriculo2.htm

24.Jan.2005 Blogs For Bush.. website: AP Broadcast/contact us. Posted by: jaybo at

10.Oct.2004 PM. Anyone see John Loftus of www.intelcon.us on FoxNews today? www.blogsforbush.com/mt/archives/002362.html

LINKS 064501 - 065000 comWeb Letter I - Sakellaris Network snn.gr www.intelcity.com www.intelclick.com www.intelcom.com www.intelcomgroup.com www.intelcomm.com www.intelcommunique.com www.intelcomp.com www. intelcon .com www ... www.snn.gr/com/i/i_065000_com.html

24.Jan.2005 World Dialogue on Regulation

The World Dialogue on Regulation will facilitate the transformation of regulation to provide a foundation of support and a catalyst for development of network economies ... www.regulateonline.org/content/category/5/116/32 23.Jan.2005 De aannemersgids: Algemene woningbouw: Oost-Vlaanderen: Gent

Hertoge Marcel Wintertuinstraat 15, 9000 Gent; Intelcon Antwerpenplein 8, 9000 Gent; Lippens Linda Tussen Bermen ... www.bouwsite.be/Aahome/101Algwon/algw2gen.htm

Events Intersec 2005 Dubai, United Arab Emirates January 15-17, 2005 Stand # 1011. INTELCON 2005 Arlington, Virginia February 9-10, 2005. www.lenel.com/events /

24.Jan.2005 Zon Webgids www. intelcon.com/Invensys Climate Controls Europe Manufacture of commercial refrigeration, residential and light commercial HVAC markets.
zoek.zonnet.nl/odp/index.cgi?/Business/Electronics_and_Electrical/Instrumentation /

24.Jan.2005 Homeland Defense Journal Los Alamitos, Calif. Feb. 8. INTELCON . Arlington, Va. Feb. 8-10. Hospital Emergency Management: Concepts and Implications of WMD Terrorist Incidents.

24.Jan.2005 WORLD INTELCON, JSC. | Participants list | Participants | Shkola ...WORLD INTELCON, JSC. Main information Participant price-list. Name: WORLD INTELCON, JSC. Place on exhibition: pavilion 4, Á 40. www.schoolexpo.ru/2002/eng/participants/direct/14441.stm
Intelcon National Intelligence Conference and Exposition Anti-Terrorism Technology Engineers Applications Specialists Biometrics Specialists Cartographers Chief Technology Officers Collection Management Officers ...
Intelcon National Intelligence Conference and Exposition
Biological Sensors Biometric Systems Cameras CD Declassifiers Chemical Sensors
Closed-Source Research Competitive Intelligence Software and Services ...

24.Jan.2005 Security Pipeline | 'Spam King' To Stop Invading Computers... the matter is ultimately resolved in the courts," said Laura Sullivan, a lawyer ...

No, but after the Asian tsunami disasters, we're making disaster preparedness a ... securitypipeline.com/56900723

FTC Wins Round Against 'Spyware' King "Basically, he agreed to stop dropping code on servers and Web sites," Laura Sullivan, the FTC lawyer handling the case, told internetnews.com.

22.Jan.2005 Spyware opponents win another battle - Enterprise - CNETAsia "We view the court's granting of temporary relief as a strong victory for consumers," said Laura Sullivan, an attorney for the Federal Trade Commission... asia.cnet.com/enterprise/apps/0,39035809,39198723,00.htm

24.Jan.2005 Web Results 1 - 58 of about 93 for bill hamilton inslaw 2005 .

24.Jan.2005 Indonesien: Neues Erdbeben versetzt Tausende in Panik

24.Jan.2005 06:56) Festnahmen in Mainz: Bin Laden ließ in Deutschland Irak-Anschläge planen

24.Jan.2005 Gelobtes Land: Warum Deutsche nach Norwegen auswandern

23.Jan.2005 Terrorismus: Zwei mutmaßliche al-Qaida-Mitglieder in Mainz gefasst

Nov,2004 Unfiltered TALKING POINT:

Just moments before a vote, House Speaker Dennis Hastert pulled the Intelligence Reform bill from the floor – this bill is the recommendations of the 9/11 commission, our country’s main response to 9/11.

So why did he do it? Because he was worried that the bill had too much Democratic support. It would have passed easily, but the Republicans can’t stand to pass anything that Democrats might vote for. So, no government response to Nine-Eleven:

No new security reforms.

No national intelligence director.

And nobody walking the plank for the worst intelligence failures in our nation’s history.
OP TRUTHwww.optruth.org
Any Soldier
Books for Soldiers

URL: https://www.cosmiciguana.com/archives/002948.html

From VVF: The International Herald Tribune reported on 20.Sep.2004 that "the Pentagon has begun restricting international access to the official Web site intended to help overseas absentee voters cast ballots." Pentagon spokeswoman Lieutenant Colonel Ellen Krenke confirmed that a number of Internet service providers worldwide had been blacklisted "to thwart hackers." Such measures are generally recognized to be ineffective against hackers while blocking legitimate users.

Apparently, the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) website is now blocked to civilians overseas trying to find out how to obtain absentee ballots in at least 25 countries--including Japan, France, Great Britain + Spain--although military personnel overseas have other mechanisms for requesting absentee ballots.... [*]

URL: https://www.cosmiciguana.com/archives/002948.html
Recent Entries TODAY'S DATE Sun
Sen. Nelson on Haiti Coup : "Hard to Say We Support Democracy and Elections and then We Go and Push [Aristide] Out"

23.Jan.2005 Russia operates largest field hospital in Aceh :

The Russian military is running the largest field hospital in Aceh with enough supplies and equipment for one month, Russian military attache Col. Vitaly Geraschenko said on Thursday.

23.Jan.2005 JPMorgan: Predecessors Linked To Slavery:

JPMorgan Chase & Co. on Thursday filed a disclosure statement with the city of Chicago acknowledging that two of its predecessor banks had received thousands of slaves as collateral prior to the Civil War.

23.Jan.2005Israel plans big Jerusalem land grab :

The Sharon government intends to strip thousands of West Bank Palestinians of their property in occupied East Jerusalem, according to the Israeli press quoting newly released government documents.

23.Jan.2005 Fireworks in Washington, despair around the world : The Bush administration is in denial about its disastrous failure in Iraq

The wealth and weight of Empire : The homeless veterans of past wars should

have been invited to Bush’s re-inauguration to remind both Bush + the flag-waving zombies who support this empire-rising that pain + anguish are not just things that America delivers to other lands and other peoples.

23.Jan.2005 Torture and Civilian Deaths in Iraq: The Nuremberg Principles Today

23.Jan.2005 In the Penal Colony : There is no reason to doubt that torture has been systemic + pervasive, or that authorization can be traced up the chain of command, or that this has seriously damaged not only the immediate victims but also our national institutions and America's image abroad. Yet top officials in the Bush Administration are still doing what torturing regimes do: denying the facts and blaming "rogue" officers.

23.Jan.2005 Renditions pro and con : The story of a suspected Australian terrorist being flown from U.S. custody in Pakistan to a prison cell in Egypt where he was tortured has recently brought to light the practice among the CIA + FBI officials called "rendition."

23.Jan.2005 Bush, Gonzales Revive Nazi Legal Arguments: Judge Gonzales seems to be driven by one particular fear: prosecution of members of the administration for War Crimes. Based on what has happened, it certainly seems his concern is well founded.

23.Jan.2005 Amnesty International: "Human rights not hollow words" : An appeal to President George W. Bush on the occasion of his re-inauguration

23.Jan.2005 In case you missed it?: Our Presidents New Best Friend Boils People Alive : In his inaugural speech, Bush vowed to end tyranny around the world but has he forgotten that one of his new best friends since 9/11 boils people alive?

23.Jan.2005 Unusual Suspects: What happened to the women held at Abu Ghraib? : The government isn’t talking. But some of the women are.

23.Jan.2005 Paul Craig Roberts: Our Troops Are Dying for Sycophants: In her confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, "Condi" Rice personified the Bush administration’s delusion-based "war against terror." Whenever a senator’s question penetrated to the harsh reality, Condi waffled and evaded, choosing to protect at the expense of her reputation the neocon delusion that invading Iraq was the "right thing to do."

23.Jan.2005 Possible War Crime Charges Force Rumsfeld To Cancel Trip: US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld cancelled a planned visit to Germany after a US human rights organisation asked German authorities to prosecute him for war crimes, Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) has learned.

23.Jan.2005 Race To War : Cheney Says Iran Tops U.S. List, Warns Israel

23.Jan.2005 Next Stop, Tehran? : "Real men want to go to Tehran." So went the mordant barroom quip--variously attributed to Undersecretary of State John Bolton and other neoconservative hawks--during the --long buildup to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

23.Jan.2005 USA Secretly Entering 10 Sovereign Countries?

23.Jan.2005 01/21/05: American Terror : More than two years ago, we wrote here of a secret Pentagon plan to foment terrorism by sending covert agents to infiltrate terrorist groups and goad them into action -- in other words, committing acts of murder and destruction. This is a must read.

23.Jan.2005 The emperor of vulgarity : George Bush's second inaugural extravaganza was every bit as repugnant as I had expected, a vulgar orgy of triumphalism probably unmatched since Napoleon crowned himself emperor of the French in Notre Dame in 1804. 

23.Jan.2005 A Nuremberg Lesson : Torture scandal began far above 'rotten apples.'

23.Jan.2005 China builds up strategic sea lanes: The internal report stated that China is adopting a "string of pearls" strategy of bases and diplomatic ties stretching from the Middle East to southern China that includes a new naval base under construction at the Pakistani port of Gwadar.

23.Jan.2005 Iran Council: Women Can Run for President : Iran's hard-line constitutional watchdog has decided that women can run for president in June elections, state-run television reported Saturday.

23.Jan.2005 'Untouchable' caste find themselves deprived of tsunami aid: International aid agencies in India have been horrified to find, even amid the suffering caused by the tsunami, some survivors being refused access to basic relief because they are considered "Untouchables".

23.Jan.2005 Haiti's PM seeks Aristide's help to end violence: Haiti will send an envoy to South Africa to ask ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and the Pretoria government for help restoring stability and preparing for elections, the interim prime minister said on Friday.

23.Jan.2005 In Pictures: Inaugural Protests in Many Cities

23.Jan.2005 Business groups back privatizing Social Security: A coalition representing companies, including Boeing Co. and Pfizer Inc., will spend "significantly more" than $5 million to promote President Bush's plan for private Social Security accounts, the group's coordinator said Thursday.

23.Jan.2005 Paul Krugman: The Free Lunch Bunch: President Bush is like a financial adviser who tells you that at the rate you're going, you won't be able to afford retirement - but that you shouldn't do anything mundane like trying to save more. Instead, you should take out a huge loan, put the money in a mutual fund run by his friends.

23.Jan.2005 US Claims Arar Suit A Risk To National Security: Invoking the rarely used "state secrets privilege," U.S. Department of Justice lawyers filed a motion with the New York eastern district court this week, stating that the release of any information concerning the U.S.'s involvement in Arar's deportation to Syria could jeopardize "intelligence, foreign policy and national security interests of the United States."

23.Jan.2005 Torture, American Style : Historians Against the War makes available a series of articles that seek to broaden the discussion of the use of torture as an instrument of U.S. policy.

23.Jan.2005 Open letter to President George W. Bush: From an "expelled" Muslim to an elected American : Mr. President, I was banished from the United States by your administration. My visa was revoked, as I was about to assume my position as a Professor at Notre Dame University. To this day, I have not been told the reasons behind this action.

23.Jan.2005 Security Risk?: Federal Appeals Court Judge Michael Chertoff’s ties to the financiers of the Sept. 11 attacks may prevent his confirmation as Homeland Security Chief.

23.Jan.2005 Mystery in Iraq as $300 Million is Taken Abroad: Earlier this month, according to Iraqi officials, $300 million in American bills was taken out of Iraq's Central Bank, put into boxes and quietly put on a charter jet bound for Lebanon.

23.Jan.2005 Iraqi Defense Minister Vows to Arrest Chalabi : Iraq's defense minister says the government will arrest Iraqi National Congress leader Ahmad Chalabi on charges of slandering his ministry, as the two men wage a public war of words against each other.

23.Jan.2005 Iraq’s interior minister says no arrest warrant for Chalabi: Iraq’s Interior Minister Falah al-Naquib said on Saturday there was no arrest warrant for Ahmed Chalabi after the country’s defense minister warned the maverick politician would be jailed for slandering the government.

23.Jan.2005 Analysis: Iraqi insurgency growing larger, more effective: The United States is steadily losing ground to the Iraqi insurgency, according to every key military yardstick.

23.Jan.2005 Syria, Iran, everyone is in Bush's crosshairs :

According to a source at the U.S. National War College, an American strike against Syria nearly took place a month ago, but was put on hold because of objections from the U.S. Army.

23.Jan.2005 Did Cheney's remarks encourage Israel to attack Iran:

Former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, Cheney's remarks sounded ”like a justification or even an encouragement for the Israelis” to carry out an attack.

23.Jan.2005 Israel’s Sharon Tells Russia’s Putin to Halt Missile Sales to Syria

23.Jan.2005 Ho Hum, More War And Death : What happens when habitual warmongering and BushCo lies become part of our daily diet?

23.Jan.2005 The dangers of exporting democracy : Bush's crusade is based on a dangerous illusion and will fail

23.Jan.2005 Washington Times editorial says, Seymour Hersh should be tried for espionage :

Blankley suggests, in all seriousness, that the veteran reporter – who compiled an impressive track record with a recent string of scoops regarding Abu Ghraib + related outrages – should be arraigned + face possible execution, as an enemy spy.

23.Jan.2005 Families of servicemembers killed in Iraq turned away at Pentagon :

Pentagon police on Wednesday turned away family members of troops killed in Iraq who wanted to confront Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on the reasons for the war in Iraq.

23.Jan.2005 Kennedy: Fascist America : "The Republicans are 95 percent corrupt and the Democrats are 75 % corrupt," Kennedy.

23.Jan.2005 Ultra-secret troops poised at inaugural : These elite forces were deployed under a 1997 authorization that was updated and enhanced after the

11.Sep.2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, but it nonetheless departs from how the military has historically been used on American soil.

23.Jan.2005 Supreme Court is key to new Bush term:

The clearest pointer to the course of the second Bush administration at last week's inauguration was not the soaring presidential pledge to end global tyranny - a mismatch between rhetoric and reality if every there was one.

23.Jan.2005 Schwarzenegger 'damages Austria' : Arnold Schwarzenegger's Austrian citizenship should be ended over the execution of a convicted killer in the US, a politician in Austria has said.

23.Jan.2005 Report of the National Intelligence Council’s 2020 Project: Based on consultations with nongovernmental experts around the world. .pdf format

23.Jan.2005 Secret unit expands Rumsfeld's domain: The Pentagon, expanding into the CIA's historic bailiwick, has created a new espionage arm and is reinterpreting U.S. law to give Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld broad authority over clandestine operations abroad, according to interviews with participants and documents obtained by The Washington Post.

23.Jan.2005 King George: The USA on the road to new depths of ugliness and brutality: Uri Avnery reflects on the symbiotic relationship between the USA and Israel - mutual colonies of one another - and on the coronation of George Bush, "a very simple, very violent person with very extreme views, as well as being very much an ignoramus". He warns that, in Bush's second term, the USA "may reach new depths of ugliness and brutality".

23.Jan.2005 British dossier argues against a military strike on Iran : Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has drawn up a report stating Britain's case against a military strike on Iran. According to media reports, in his 200 page dossier Straw argues against an attack on Iran amidst rising fears that President Bush may seek support for this new conflict.

23.Jan.2005 Israeli joker in the Iranian poker game : Cheney refrained from talking about Israeli nuclear capability. Had he done otherwise, he would have implicitly raised the question of why Iran is forbidden to do what Israel is allowed to do

23.Jan.2005 In case you missed it: Next year in Tehran: For the past 3 years the central war game of the U.S. armed forces has been centered on Iran.

But what exactly will await them there, even they do not purport to know.

23.Jan.2005 In case you missed it; Redefining combat: Current operations shape Army wargame:

Among the hard lessons the U.S. Army is learning in Iraq is that the line between “major combat”+“stability operations” is blurred, at best + that the enemy gets to decide when the war is finally over.

23.Jan.2005 Gov't decision strips Palestinians of Jerusalem lands : The law means that thousands of Palestinians who live in the West Bank will lose ownership of their property in East Jerusalem.

23.Jan.2005 Voices from Abu Ghraib: The following is excerpted testimony from a videotaped deposition of Hussein Mutar, entered into evidence by the prosecution in the court martial of Spc. Charles Graner.

23.Jan.2005 Abuse at Guantanamo hasn't stopped, say Kuwaiti prisoners :

Eleven Kuwaiti prisoners held by American forces at the prison at the Guantanamo Bay naval base show signs of poor diet + physical + psychological abuse are held in conditions "worse than those for the worst convicted murderers or rapists in the United States,".

23.Jan.2005 Bush appoints a fox to guard henhouse again: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice helpfully explained it all for us. The problem is that we are living in an alternative reality. What we think we know is not true. - The president has condemned torture, so what else is there to say? - Secretary Rice also condemns it, so why raise questions about the fact that she wrote a letter to get an anti-torture clause in the intelligence appropriation bill taken out?

23.Jan.2005 The Invasion of Falluja: A Study in the Subversion of Truth : Falluja should go down in history as a case study on how truth is subverted, co-opted, buried + ignored. The first US-led siege of Falluja, a city of 300,000 people, resulted in a defeat for Coalition forces.

23.Jan.2005 Report: U.S. can't win Iraq war: An analysis of a U.S. newspaper group concludes the United States is headed toward defeat in the Iraqi war.

23.Jan.2005 Did George Bush Write Zarqawi Speech?: Al-Zarqawi Said to Declare 'Fierce War': The speaker said democracy was based on un-Islamic beliefs and behaviors such as freedom of religion, rule of the people, freedom of expression, separation of religion and state, forming political parties and majority rule.

23.Jan.2005 Iraqi interior minister refuses to say whether terror chief is in custody : ''I wouldn't like to comment for the time being,'' Interior Minister Falah al-Naqib said when asked about rumors that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi had been arrested. ''Let's see. Maybe in the next few days we will make a comment about it.''

23.Jan.2005 Baghdad residents face water crisis: Most of the Iraqi capital - particularly the western districts - has been without water for the past seven days.

23.Jan.2005 In Pictures: American Justice? : Disturbing pictures appear to show an Iraqi man arrested and then executed by U.S. troops

23.Jan.2005 Go home Yanks, says PM in waiting : THE Shi’ite Muslim cleric tipped to become prime minister after next Sunday’s election in Iraq has said it will be the duty of the new government to demand the withdrawal of American forces “as soon as possible”.

23.Jan.2005 Support Our Troops: Bring Them Home We must withdraw our military from Iraq, the sooner the better. The reason is simple: Our presence there is a disaster for the American people and an even bigger disaster for the Iraqi people. by Howard Zinn
It is a strange logic to declare, as so many in Washington do, that it was wrong for us to invade Iraq but right for us to remain. A recent New York Times editorial sums up the situation accurately: ``Some 21 months after the American invasion, United States military forces remain essentially alone in battling what seems to be a growing insurgency, with no clear prospect of decisive success any time in the foreseeable future.''

23.Jan.2005 Bush Inauguration Speech: A "Vacuous Sermon," A "Global Crusade" Against "Defenseless States" by Zbigniew Brzezinski
If the speech was to be taken literally, then clearly it would imply commitment to some sort of a global crusade vis-a-vis a variety of states with many of whom we have all sorts of mutual concerns, even if we don't like their practical policies. I mean, take a few examples. Take China; we have a major state instability with China, but China is hardly a democracy. What about the Tibetans? Take Russia; we have a common stake with regards to terrorism, but what about the Chechens? They're being treated in a tyrannical fashion. Take an even more complex issue: what about Israel, which is a friend of ours + its security against Palestinian "terrorists"? But what about the oppression of the Palestinians and their desire for freedom?

23.Jan.2005 SurfWax -- News and Articles On Military History Robert Steinback

19.Jan.2005 The Bush administration last week admitted ... miscalculation in American military history + most of America barely blinked . news.surfwax.com/history/files/Military_History.html

23.Jan.2005 Kein Krieg! - Die Äußerungen des Feindes...

Krieg + Medien - Die Äußerungen des Feindes + andere Rechtfertigungen für den Krieg (5) Osama Bin Laden, Abu Gheith, Eiman el Sawahiri, Ahmed Alghamdi ... www.arbeiterfotografie.com/galerie/kein-krieg/hintergrund/feind-5.html

23.Jan.2005 Die Suchanzeige bei stern.de - stern.de : Wissenschaft&Gesundheit ...

Deutsche. Die Suchanzeige bei stern.de. Rund 1000 deutsche Urlauber werden nach dem Tsunami in Südostasien noch vermisst. Stellen ... www.stern.de/wissenschaft/natur/?eid=534259&id=534400&nv=ex_L3_ct

23.Jan.2005 missing - You can Post your missing person picture

Missing Nicola Schulz Wichtig Vermisst in Khao Lak . 05.01.2005, 15:19 von sischwar, 768. KARIN GARTNER Vermisst. 07.01.2005, 23:10 von Carmenm, 191 (16), 2 (2), 16.01 seaquake.suchhotline.org/

23.Jan.2005 khaolak.info forum MISSING LEONEL RODRIGUES, PORTUGUESE, KHAO LAK, 55 YEARS OLD - posted by ANDREA ARES - 2005-01-12 3:35:02pm. KARIN GARTNER - posted by Carmen - 2005-01-07 1:00 ... www. khao lak server.com/ khao lak info/index.php?page=4

suchhotline.de - Suchhotline Deutschland Vermisst wird: (Kennnummer: 17). Karin Gartner . geb. 05.07.1966 Farbtatoo ... mit 3 od. 4 Freunden in Khao Lak in einem Bungalow geurlaubt. ...


23.Jan.2005 Privatfahndung * Alle brauchen uns. Wir brauchen Sie ! * Private ...Meine Schwester Gartner Karin stammt aus Unterwart (Austra) Sie hat schwarzes haar ... Cornelia Köck Cornelia wird im Green Village Steiereck, Khao Lak, vermisst. www.egp.at/html/index.php?id=1039

23.Jan.2005 Tracing Request PERSON SOUGHT. Clear (to register another relative to locate). Full Name, ANNE LAGVALL -MALMSTROM. Parent's name (at least one of both), Father's Name. Mother's

23.Jan.2005 Bush-Rede im Wortlaut: "Amerikas Einfluss ist nicht unbegrenzt" ... US-Präsident George W. Bush hat in seiner Antrittsrede nach der Vereidigung zur zweiten ...

Reaktionen auf Bush-Rede: Scharfe Kritik vom Grünen-Chef ...CDU-Außenpolitik: Merkel fürchtet die Iran-Falle (20.01.2005).
Bundesweiter Friedensratschlag in Kassel... for Diplomacy is Now" Im Wortlaut : Rede der designierten ... in our world" Im Wortlaut : Die Antrittsrede von US-Präsident George W. Bush (deutsch) / Inauguration ...

21.Jan.2005 b2mall Forum... deutsch english french italian japanese nederlands norwegian russian schinese slovak spanish swedish. Hauptmenü. Bush - Rede im Wortlaut : "Amerikas Einfluss ...

20050121 In plain English that means Uncle Sam runs a worldwide confidence racket with his self-made dollar ...

21.Jan.2005 Bush - Rede im Wortlaut : "Amerikas Einfluss ist ...alfatomega.com/20050121.html

22.Jan.2005 Reblog: Publizität, Politik, Theorie Der Wortlaut zeigt, daß dies in keinem Fall gegen ... wie Johannes Paul II, die beiden Bush -Präsidenten oder ... Werte: da ist die nervtötende Rede von Demokratie ... www.publog.splinder.com/archive/2003-12

RUSSLAND UND ZENTRALASIEN: THE ‘GREAT GAME’ REVISITED Unmittelbar nach seiner Inauguration versuchte er sein ...

www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/bush/wspeech.htm vom 17.Dez.1999 wiedergegeben im Wortlaut des Dekrets des ... www.ifir.at/pdf/arbeiten/zentalasien.pdf

stern.de | Community | Foren... führe ich David Ickes Text im englischen Wortlaut an. so viel von einer globalen Rezession die Rede war ... CIA Agents Infest US Mass Media Clinton, Bush and Drugs ...

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-337847,00.html
23.Jan.2005 01/23/2005 19:
Auch wenn Kurzban und seine Kollegen noch keine vollständige Erklärung für das Phänomen haben, so glauben sie doch, dass abwartendes Verhalten eine wichtige Rolle im menschlichen Sozialverhalten spielt. Die große Gruppe der Reziprokatoren habe ein bedeutendes Potenzial. Die Erkenntnisse zeigten die Bedeutung der internen Kommunikation für Führungskräfte.
Kurzban weiß, wie man die zögerlichen Reziprokatoren für die Mitarbeit in der Gruppe gewinnen kann: "Der einfachste Weg ist, alle über den Erfolg jedes einzelnen Beitrags zu informieren. Auf diese Weise zeigt man, dass bei den Anstrengungen etwas heraus kommt."
Bei Experimenten mit insgesamt 80 Personen stellten die Psychologen fest, dass 63 Prozent zum Typus der Abwartenden gehören, die Kurzban Reziprokatoren nennt. "In jeder beliebigen Gruppe gibt es eine substanzielle Zahl von Reziprokatoren", erklärt er. 17 Prozent der Testpersonen waren Helfer, 20 Prozent zählten zu den Trittbrettfahrern.

Teamarbeit ist das Erfolgskonzept des Menschen.

Ohne kooperatives Arbeiten säßen wir wohl heute noch auf den Bäumen statt auf Bürostühlen.

Doch gelegentlich knirscht es im Getriebe und Gruppen verfallen gemeinschaftlich in eine Haltung des Abwartens und Tee-Trinkens.
Den Evolutionspsychologen Robert Kurzban von der University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia überrascht das kaum.

Nach seinen Erkenntnissen finden sich in jeder Gruppe drei verschiedenen Typen:

aktive, selbstlose Helfer, faule Trittbrettfahrer und, als größte Untergruppe, die Abwartenden.
"Helfer machen die meiste Arbeit, Trittbrettfahrer so wenig wie möglich", berichten Kurzban + seine Kollegen

im Fachblatt "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" (Online-Vorabveröffentlichung).

Die meisten Menschen gehörten jedoch zur Gruppe der Zögernden.

"Wir warten immer ein bisschen ab, um zunächst die Erfolgschancen von Aktivitäten abzuschätzen", erklärt der Psychologe.

"Erst danach widmen wir uns mit vollem Einsatz einer Sache."
"Wir haben herausgefunden", sagt Kurzban, "dass diese Typzuordnung ziemlich stabil ist."

Man könne das Verhalten einer Gruppe zuverlässig vorhersagen,

wenn man wisse, wie hoch der Anteil der drei Untergruppen sei.
Jeder fünfte ist faul
Sintflutartiger Regen: Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka endet mit hunderten Verletzten

23.Jan.2005 Pass-Streit um Schwarzenegger: Warum Peter Pilz den Terminator herausfordert

23.Jan.2005 Irak vor der Wahl: Sarkawi ruft zum Dschihad gegen alle Demokraten auf

23.Jan.2005 Terror-Razzia: Polizei fasst mutmaßliche al-Qaida-Mitglieder

23.Jan.2005 Rivalität mit CIA: Rumsfeld soll eigenen Spionage-Dienst gegründet haben

23.Jan.2005 Evolutionspsychologie: Warum wir abwarten und Tee trinken

23.Jan.2005 Vereidigung als Präsident: USA und EU wetteifern um Juschtschenkos Gunst

23.Jan.2005 Wintereinbruch: Schnee und Eis legen Teile der USA lahm

23.Jan.2005 Razzien: Polizei nimmt zwei Terror-Verdächtige fest

23.Jan.2005 Geschmackssünden in Florida: Models und Stars tanzen auf Trumps Hochzeit

23.Jan.2005 Verhandlungen: Flut bringt Kriegsparteien in Aceh zusammen

23.Jan.2005 Nahost-Konflikt: Hamas will von Waffenstillstand nichts wissen

23.Jan.2005 Patent vom Genie: Techniker bauen Einsteins Kühlschrank

23.Jan.2005 Atomstreit: Briten sperren sich gegen Bushs Iran-Politik

22.Jan.2005 Neonazi-Eklat: Politik streitet über neuen NPD-Verbotsantrag

22.Jan.2005 Irrlauf unter der Erde: Franzose 35 Tage in Champignon-Grotte gefangen

22.Jan.2005 Terror vor den Wahlen: Grausamkeiten sollen Iraker einschüchtern

22.Jan.2005 Pannenprojekt Eurofighter: Kampfjet ohne Kanone

22.Jan.2005 Freiheit für den Irak: Verrückt nach Bush

22.Jan.2005 Hochbetrieb bei der Ufo-Hotline: Anrufer melden "Besuch von Außerdimensionalen"

22.Jan.2005 Partei Arbeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit": Linkspartei in Göttingen offiziell gegründet

22.Jan.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: Hommage ans arabisch-islamische Erbe

URL: https://www.parlamento.pt/ingles/cons_leg/crp_ing/crp_97_1.html
22.Jan.2005 Á
rticle 26 Other personal rights
1. Everyone is recognised as having the right to his or her personal identity, personality development, civil capacity, citizenship, good name and reputation + likeness, the right to speak out and the right to the protection of the privacy of his or her personal and family life and to legal protection against any form of discrimination.

URL: https://www.parlamento.pt/ingles/cons_leg/crp_ing/crp_97_1.html
In order to defend personal rights, liberties and guarantees, the law shall provide citizens with legal procedures that are characterised by swiftness and priority, so that there is effective and timely protection against threats or violations of these rights.

      Article 21
      Right to resist

      Everyone has the right to refuse to comply with an order that infringes his or her rights, freedoms or guarantees and to resist by force any form of aggression when recourse to a public authority is impossible.

      Article 22
      Liability of public bodies

      The State and other public bodies shall be jointly and severally liable under the civil law, with the members of their organs, their officials and their personnel, for acts or omissions in the performance of their functions, or caused by the performance of their functions, which result in contravention of rights, freedoms or guarantees or in damage to another person.

      Article 23

      1. Citizens may present complaints concerning acts or omissions on the part of public bodies to the Ombudsman, who shall undertake a review, without power of decision + shall make such recommendations to the competent organs as are necessary to prevent or make good injustice.

URL: https://www.parlamento.pt/ingles/cons_leg/crp_ing/crp_97_1.html

22.Jan.2005 4. Everyone shall have the right to have a cause which affects him determined in a fair trial within a reasonable time.

22.Jan.2005 UK Indymedia | Purveyors of fine technologies of political control Zone Box 3061 Herzlia Israel Phone- 972 9 9555464 Fax- 972 9 9559146 email-ispra@netvision.net.il DEFEX SA Spain 1. INI (National Institute for Industry) has ... www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2001/06/6459.html

20041202 Wackenhut seems quite a bit like a Company that Carlyle Group would have a ... by the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), the industry’s trade association + lobbying ...alfatomega.com/20041202.html

20041216 "Now it's a warfare company- 15.Dec.2004 Castro, Chavez defy US trade pact: Cuban President Fidel Castro + Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez have announced an alfatomega.com/20041216.html 20041127 ..+ search warrants issued by Russian prosecutors for managers of the embattled oil company .

26.Nov.2004 Gold hits new 16-year high : Trading has been thin ...alfatomega.com/20041127.html

20041019.. in San Ramon, California, is a large USA oil company. 00.000.2003 it was revealed that ChevronTexaco had engaged in illegal trade with Iraq +. .. alfatomega.com/20041019.html

Bush's automatic election victory Discrepancy" – Dr Stephen F. Freeman - .pdf format) URL: www.scoop.co.nz mason ...

11.Sep.2001 -seconds later-, Flight 11 hit the north tower of the World Trade Centre.

20041031... who was made an honorary firefighter by a NY engine company, that he..for one hour, somewhat higher than official estimates of the World Trade Center blaze... alfatomega.com/20041031.html 20041117.. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/geted.pl5?eo20041115a2.htm

17.Nov.2004 The US is spending at all levels like there is no tomorrow.

The trade deficit is ...alfatomega.com/20041117.html

This despite the fact that the CIA was not actually responsible ...

11.Sep.2001 -When al Qaeda attacked the Pentagon + the World Trade Center on

... Cheney made millions leading the massive oil industry construction company, while carefully ... alfatomega.com/20041008.html

This second coup d'etat is either stopped now or USA America ... www.freepress.org/columns/display/3/2004/981

URL: https://www.scoop.co.nz/mason

2004 If Bush [BGW968] stole the election so he could continue trading blood for ... https://alfatomega.com/20041115.html

20041212 "It seems if you overuse computers + trade them for ...

00.000.1990 -In the early s- Wackenhut was hired by Alyeska, an oil + gas company with ties to Exxon-Mobil ... alfatomega.com/20041212.html

20041104 Status / US Trade Gap -

15.Oct.2004 : "WASHINGTON - The nation's trade gap widened ...

29.Oct.2004 Most Profitable US Company / ExxonMobil Corp. alfatomega.com/20041104.html

20041101.. someone wrote in to Portland Indy Media recently saying that a company called Tether ...

Afghanistan BEFORE there was ever an attack on the World Trade Towers. alfatomega.com/20041101.html

200409261002.. to military officers and a report by a private security company, Special Operations ...the children daily killed in their name or the trade unionists hounded alfatomega.com/200409261002.html

PT 2002® PORTUCIS Trading Lda it is a company that works with "Import & Export", supplying their goods to companies that intend to do the direct distribution or sale to .. alfatomega.com/A>

22.Jan.2005 CONSTITUTION OF THE PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC - REVISION 1997... the duty of the State to organise, co-ordinate and subsidise a unified and decentralised social security system, with the participation of the trade unions and ... www.parlamento.pt/ingles/cons_leg/crp_ing/crp_97_1.html

22.Jan.2005 FUMAÇAS: CLUBE DE BILDERBERG FIN - Lehtomaki, Paula - Minister of Foreigh Trade and Development.

USA – McDonough, William J. - Cahirman and CEO, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board ... fumacas.weblog.com.pt/arquivo/132984.html

20041202 Wackenhut seems quite a bit like a Company that Carlyle Group would have a ... by the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), the industry’s trade association + lobbying .. alfatomega.com/20041202.html

20041216 "Now it's a warfare company.. 15.Dec.2004 Castro, Chavez defy US trade pact: Cuban President Fidel Castro + Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez have announced an alfatomega.com/20041216.html

22.Jan.2005 Meeting of European Left Parties -“The Social issue, the left ...Privatisation, company delocations and the dismantling of the State's social functions ... destroyed, collective bargaining is undermined and trade union rights are ... www.pcp.pt/actpol/temas/internac/ni20030905-2.htm

URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=theo%20hurkmans&hl=it&lr=&start=10&sa=N
22.Jan.2005 Search Victims in Thailand: N/A 636, BROTIN PETERA, N/A, N/A, INJURED, Phang-nga, N/A. 637, BROTIN PETERA THEO HURKMANS,N/A, M, INJURED, Phang-nga, µÐ¡ÑèÇ»èÒ. 638, BRUNO TAJCVI, N/A, M, 0, MISSING USE “CTRL” + “F” to search for 1 Name IPD Mr. THEO HURKMANS Discharged DUTCH 12/28/2004 ER MISS PETRA- IPD Mr. THEO HURKMANS Discharged DUTCH 12/28/2004 ER MISS PETRA .." URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=theo%20hurkmans&hl=it&lr=&start=10&sa=N
Noordhollands Dagblad Dries Roelvink is meer dan dankbaar. Theo Hurkmans terug uit Thailand zonder zijn geliefde Stefania.

In januari meeste kans op inbraak. 'Ik ben extreem gelukkig ...
22.Jan.2005 On

04.Jan.2005 at 10:49 - Maria Hansford from SOUTH AFRICA said: I'm trying to locate my daughter's friend - his name is Paul Harker. URL: https://www.utvlive.com/newsroom/indepth.asp?id=54800&pt=n

22.Jan.2005 The Foreign Office has refused to speculate on the number of Britons who are still missing following the catastrophe.
The family of Conor Keightley, 31, from Cookstown in County Tyrone are still awaiting contact from him. Mr Keightley is believed to have taken a boat trip near Phi Phi on Christmas day. His birthday was on New Year`s Eve.
Here is a list of some of the dead and missing Britons:
:: Five-year-old Isabella Peatfield, from the village of Mappleton, near Ashbourne in Derbyshire, died in the disaster. She was on holiday with her parents in Sri Lanka when the giant waves struck.
:: Robert Whymant, 60, a former foreign correspondent for The Times was killed while swimming near his hotel in Sri Lanka. He disappeared when he and his Japanese wife, Minako, were separated by a huge wave while enjoying a morning swim.
:: Stuart Shields, 37, a keen amateur footballer, was killed while swimming in the sea off the Maldives with wife Tania, 34. She survived and has contacted relatives in their home town of Ridgewell, Essex, with the news.
:: James Hurren, 22, died on the Thai island of Koh Phi Phi, his father Dale Hurren, 46, of Caister, Norfolk, confirmed.
:: Julian Ayer, son of the late philosopher Freddie Ayer, died in Sri Lanka as he travelled with wife Harriet Crawley, 56, to see her son Spencer, 17, play cricket in Galle on a Harrow School tour.
:: Father-of-two Peter Weston, 47, of Owslebury, Hants, died when the tsunami struck the White Sands Resort on the Ari Atoll Island, in the Maldives.
:: In Phuket, British-born grandfather Brian Clayton, 58, originally from Newcastle upon Tyne, died attempting to help children escape the waves.
:: Lists of deaths issued by Patong hospital, near Phuket, include the names of Britons Mike and Carol Hall, both 60.
:: Garden designer Piers Simon, 33, of Chilthorne Domer, Yeovil, Somerset, died after being swept out to sea when a wave hit a Koh Phi Phi cafe.
:: City broker Lincoln Abraham has been confirmed dead. The 34-year-old from Hampstead, north London, was on holiday on Koh Phi Phi with friends who survived the disaster.
:: Holly Riddle, in her early 20s, from Nutbourne, West Sussex, died in Krabi, Thailand, a relative confirmed. She was on holiday with her father Nicholas, mother Sally and sister Mazie, six, when the tsunami struck.
:: Louise Willgrass, 43, from Colney, near Norwich, was killed as she holidayed in Thailand with husband Nigel and their four children.
:: Actor and film director Lord Attenborough`s 14-year-old granddaughter Lucy was killed in Phuket, Thailand, while on holiday with her mother Jane and other family members.
Jane, Lord Attenborough`s elder daughter, is still missing along with her mother-in-law, Jane Holland. They were on holiday in Phuket, Thailand.
:: Six-year-old Taylor Howard, from Hayle in Cornwall, was killed in the Thai resort of Khao-Lak Phang Nga.
He was on holiday with his brother Mason, eight, his mother Sharon Howard, 37, from Hayle + her boyfriend David Page, 44. Mr Page, of Graffham, West Sussex + Mason are missing, feared dead.
:: Conservationist Lisa Jones is feared to have died on the tiny Thai island of Koh Phra Thong when the tsunami hit. Miss Jones, 31, had been working at the Golden Buddha beach resort on Koh Phra Thong for the Naucrates organisation, which protects sea turtles.
:: Clare Jackson, of Bristol, is feared dead after the torrent pulled her away from boyfriend Alex Hill, 24, in Tangarra, Sri Lanka.
:: John Hofton, 62 + wife Annie, 57, of Worcester, are missing, feared dead on Khao Lak, in Thailand.
:: Catherine Mullan, 53 + Leonard Barratt, 49, of Cornwall, the parents of Louis Barratt Mullan, 16 + Theo, 12, are missing, feared dead in Phuket.
:: Fashion photographer Simon Atlee, 33, of London, is missing after being swept away while on holiday in Koh Lak, Thailand, with supermodel girlfriend Petra Nemcova, 25.
:: Honeymooners Natalie and Andrew McLeish, 28 and 31 respectively, of Sheffield, are missing on Thailand`s Phi Phi island.
:: Briton Steven Leung Sai-wai, 39, is believed to have been killed in Thailand. He had been living in Hong Kong.
:: Radiographer Amanda Britton, 40, her brother Adrian Lester, 41 + father Keith Lester, 71, are missing in Thailand.
:: Samantha Fayet, 32 + her six-month-old daughter Ruby are also missing in Thailand.
:: Also unaccounted for by Thai authorities are garden designer Craig Stanley, 30, of Nottingham, his girlfriend Barbara McTaggart, 29 + scuba diver Andrew Barber, 37.
:: Missing on Koh Phi Phi are student Sarah Bent, 19, of York + her boyfriend Robert Rowbottom.
:: Backpacker Leanne Cox, 23, of Hartlepool, was staying in a beach hostel with friends on Phi Phi island, Thailand, when the disaster struck. Her father Alan has spoken to her companions, all of whom survived, but she is still missing.
:: Jon Hughes, 33, from Kirkstall, Leeds, was holidaying with his girlfriend Sally Shearing on the Thai island of Koh Phi Phi when a giant wave engulfed their beach hut. She was plucked to safety and was rescued by locals but he has not been seen since.
:: Jez Stephens, 29, from Norwich, who was on holiday on Phi Phi, has not been seen since Christmas Day.
:: Bristol University graduate Charlotte Jones, 23, was on the beach on the island of Racha Yai, south of Phuket, Thailand, when a giant wave hit the resort. She is understood to be the only person from her group not accounted for.
:: Father-of-three Stephen Magson, 54, from Holgate Bridge Gardens, York, remains missing in Phuket. His wife Denise and daughter India, both survived the earthquake.
:: Businessman Gareth Smith, in his mid 40s, was on the island of Sipora, north west of Sumatra, with his wife Floryda, a care assistant in her 30s + their sons Joshua, six + Zerubbabel, nine, are missing in Indonesia.
:: Joy Sunderland, 77, from Stamford, in Lincolnshire, was on holiday with husband Arthur in Phuket when she was swept away by the giant wave. Her two daughters have flown out to help in the search for her.
:: Ross Baker, 26, from South Brent, Devon, was staying with friends he met while travelling on the island of Koh Phi Phi when the giant waves struck. He has not been in contact with his family since the disaster.
:: Childhood friends Benjamin Watts, 29 + Nova Mills, 28, from Holme upon Spalding Moor, Yorkshire, who were holidaying in Thailand, have not been seen since the tsunami hit.
:: Kevin Brickel, 32, a sound engineer from Hertford, was on holiday in Phi Phi with his Thai girlfriend when the wave struck. She has not heard from him since.
:: Dominic Stephenson, 27 + Eileen Lee, 24, of Edinburgh, who were holidaying on the island of Koh Phi Phi to celebrate moving in together last month, are missing.
:: Pippa Rea, 40, from Nutbourne, West Sussex, was on holiday in Phuket with her husband Bill, 42, when the tsunami struck and has been missing since.
:: Backpacker Lisa May, 25, a former chef from Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, was in Phi Phi at the time of the disaster.
Her father John and sister Nicola have both flown to Indonesia to search for her among the devastation.
:: Luke Puddy, 31 + Alice Claypoole, 31, from London, have been missing from Khao Luk in Thailand since the tsunami struck on Boxing Day.
Zell Miller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...

Zell Miller, D-Georgia, hangs in the Georgia State Capitol. line contrasting his later endorsements, Miller said, "Not all of us can be born rich, handsome + ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zell_Miller – 20.Jan.2005

20041212 In a memorable line contrasting his later endorsements, Miller, Zell said, "Not all of us can be born rich, handsome + lucky + that's why we have a Democratic ...alfatomega.com/20041212.html

Pauline Kersten Netherland Thammasat University Dutch … 29/12/2547 5137 .

URL: https://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=schwebe%20dieter%20schwebe%20renate&btnG=Google-Suche&meta=
Tracing Request Parent's name (at least one of both), Father's Name. Mother's Name. DIETER SCHWEBE . RENATE SCHWEBE . Sex, M. Date of Birth or Age (at least one of both), ...
Heute in den Feuilletons: Hommage ans arabisch-islamische Erbe
Mobile Prionen: BSE-Erreger dringt in Niere und Leber

22.Jan.2005 Nach NPD-Eklat in Sachsen: SPD fordert Bürgeraufstand

22.Jan.2005 "Aktion Kehraus": Innenminister bereiten Ausweisung Hunderter Islamisten vor

22.Jan.2005 Terror im Irak: Sarkawi lässt auf offener Straße köpfen

URL: https://mediamatters.org/
CNN paid scant attention to inaugural demonstrators, focused instead on license plates and limos

During CNN's live coverage of the presidential inaugural parade on January 20, anchor Wolf Blitzer, CNN analyst Jeff Greenfield + Harvard University researcher and lecturer Barbara Kellerman provided a running commentary on the festivities. At one point, Kellerman noted that despite frequent references to protesters, she, Blitzer + Greenfield hadn't actually discussed what they were protesting or why.

Cable news nets ignored progressives in covering inaugural

Social Security update

URL: https://www.centreforpoliticalsong.gcal.ac.uk/songs/pinkstaff1.html
22.Jan.2005 songs
  collections   links  

URL: https://www.corpwatch.org/print_article.php?&list=type&type=15
"Whether you characterize it as fraud or sharp business practices, the bottom line is the same: the government was not getting what it paid for," says Michael Hirst, of the United States Attorney's Office in Sacramento, who litigated the suit on behalf of the government. "We alleged that they exploited the contracting process and increased their profits at the governments expense."

URL: https://www.corpwatch.org/print_article.php?&list=type&type=15
Operation Sweatshop Iraq by Pratap Chatterjee ,  Special to CorpWatch 12.Feb.2004
Halliburton is hiring temps to work in Iraq: $100 a month for locals, $300 for Indians and $8,000 for Texans. Meanwhile taxpayers are getting charged top dollar, prompting investigations from the United States military.

URL: https://www.corpwatch.org/print_article.php?&list=type&type=15
Halliburton Hit with Multiple Lawsuits by David Phinney ,  Special to CorpWatch 27.Oct.2004
Companies working in support of U.S. troops in Iraq are hauling Houston-headquartered defense contractor, Halliburton, into U.S. federal court with claims that the company stiffed them for hundreds of millions of dollars after they provided essential services in the war effort.

URL: https://www.corpwatch.org/print_article.php?&list=type&type=15
Kuwait Documents Allege Halliburton Bribe Scandal by David Phinney ,  Special to Corpwatch 11.Nov.2004
Newly revealed documents, dating from December 2003 and the early months of 2004, allege that Halliburton staff in Kuwait asked for kickbacks from selected contractors while undermining others who were looking for work from the multi-billion dollar contracts that the company oversees for the military occupation force in Iraq.

URL: https://www.corpwatch.org/print_article.php?&list=type&type=15

This company truly has a guardian angel:

former Halliburton CEO and now Vice President Dick Cheney who looks out for its interests from the White House.   The result? $2 billion in contracts “rebuilding” Iraq in 2003.

CEO: David J. Lesar
Military contracts 2003: $3.9 billion

The biggest windfall in the invasion of Iraq has most certainly gone to the oil services and logistics company Halliburton.

The company, which was formerly run by Vice President Dick Cheney, has won over $8 billion in contracts in Iraq in 2003 alone. And while Halliburton’s dealings in Iraq have been dogged everywhere by scandal – including now a criminal investigation into overcharging by Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root for gas shipped into Iraq – Vice President Cheney manages to be doing quite well from the deal. He owns $433,000 unexercised Halliburton stock options worth more than $10 million dollars.

But Halliburton’s history of benefiting from government largesse goes back a ways. From 1962 to 1972 the Pentagon paid the company tens of millions of dollars to work in South Vietnam, where they built roads, landing strips, harbors + military bases from the demilitarized zone to the Mekong Delta. The company was one of the main contractors hired to construct the Diego Garcia air base in the Indian Ocean, according to Pentagon military histories.  

In the early 1990s the company was awarded the job to study and then implement the privatization of routine army functions under then-secretary of defense Dick Cheney. When Cheney quit his Pentagon job, he landed the job of Halliburton's CEO, bringing with him his trusted deputy David Gribbin. The two substantially increased Halliburton's government business until they quit in 2000, once Cheney was elected vice president. This included a $2.2 billion bill for a Brown and Root contract to support US soldiers in Operation Just Endeavor in the Balkans.

URL: https://msnbc.msn.com/id/6408569/site/newsweek
But don't feel too sorry for the media organizations that paid for the bad data, or for the left-wingers whose hopes were lifted by the exit polls and then crushed by the real results. The real tragedy is that journalists and historians must now analyze the election without a clear window into what the voters actually thought. And that is truly scary. Exit polling has traditionally played another important function, helping to reveal the real intentions of the voters. As University of Michigan professor Michael Traugott says, they provide "a public
protection against the false claim of a mandate."

In his acceptance speech, the president laid claim to such a mandate. "America has spoken + I'm humbled by the trust and confidence of my fellow Americans," he said.

The exit polls, were they bankable, might tell another story: of an America apprehensive about changing leaders in the middle of the war against terror but still deeply suspicious about the direction the country is heading in. But all we can truly know about 2004 is the bottom line: 51 percent of voters checked a box for Bush, 48 percent checked one for Kerry.

URL: https://msnbc.msn.com/id/6408569/site/newsweek
Sabato also says this: "I used to believe it was possible to structure exit polls in a way to make them accurate. I am now starting to wonder if it is even possible." In other words, exit polling--like polling itself--may simply be an unreliable science in today's world. Perhaps we are now too busy or impatient to talk to a pollster over the phone, or to stop to answer questions after waiting in long lines to vote. Early voting and absentee voting further complicates the challenge of accurate predictions. "Exit polls are full of holes," says Joan Konner of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, who co-wrote an internal report for CNN about the 2000 debacle. "Nobody should ever take these things seriously."

21.Jan.2005 Irak: Regierung kündigt Festnahme von Tschalabi an

URL: https://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/GUA108A.html
Since 1998 eight Dyncorp employees have been sent back from Bosnia, but none have been prosecuted. The URL of this article is: https://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/GUA108A.html

URL: https://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/GUA108A.html
DynCorp sacked her, claiming she had falsified time sheets, a charge she denies.

Last month she filed her case at Southampton employment tribunal alleging wrongful dismissal and sexual discrimination against DynCorp, the British subsidiary of the US company DynCorp Inc.

DynCorp has the contract to provide police officers for the 2,100-member UN international police task force in Bosnia which was created to help restore law and order after the civil war.

Bolkovac has also filed a case against DynCorp under Britain's new Public Interest Disclosure Act designed to protect whistleblowers.

As well as reporting that her fellow officers regularly went to brothels, she also investigated allegations that an American police officer hired by DynCorp had bought a woman for Dollars 1,000.

URL: https://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/GUA108A.html
Dyncorp's British Subsidiary Sued in the UK

British firm accused in UN 'sex scandal': International police in Bosnia face prostitution claims By Antony Barnett and Solomon Hughes
The Observer, London, 29.Jul.2001 Posted 17.Aug.2001

A former United Nations police officer is suing a British security firm over claims that it covered up the involvement of her fellow officers in sex crimes and prostitution rackets in the Balkans.

Kathryn Bolkovac, an American policewoman, was hired by DynCorp Aerospace in Aldershot for a UN post aimed at cracking down on sexual abuse and forced prostitution in Bosnia.

She claims she was 'appalled' to find that many of her fellow officers were involved. She was fired by the British company after amassing evidence that UN police were taking part in the trafficking of young women from eastern Europe as sex slaves.

She said: 'When I started collecting evidence from the victims of sex trafficking it was clear that a number of UN officers were involved from several countries, including quite a few from Britain. I was shocked, appalled and disgusted. They were supposed to be over there to help, but they were committing crimes themselves. When I told the supervisors they didn't want to know.'

21.Jan.2005 Zentralrat der Juden: Braunes Gedankengut wieder salonfähig

21.Jan.2005 portland imc - 2004.12.12 - Dyncorp Sold to Private Investment ...

Dyncorp Sold to Private Investment Firm. author: Tim.

Dyncorp, the defense contractor is being sold to a private investment firm from New York. portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/12/305820.shtml

21.Jan.2005 War Profiteer Cards: Two of Clubs

Paul V. Lombardi President and CEO, DynCorp The world's premier rent-a-cop business runs the security show in Afghanistan, Iraq + the US-Mexico border.

21.Jan.2005 Arianna Online Forums - DynCorp private police force in Iraq

DynCorp, which has donated more than £100,000 to the Republican Party, began recruiting for a private police force in Iraq last week on behalf of the US State ... www.ariannaonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=444

21.Jan.2005 CRG -- Dyncorp's British Subsidiary Sued in the UK: British firm ...

Dyncorp's British Subsidiary Sued in the UK. British ... DynCorp sacked her, claiming she had falsified time sheets, a charge she denies. Last ... www.globalresearch.ca/articles/GUA108A.html

21.Jan.2005 Company News On Call DynCorp Wins $1 Billion Contract to Provide Desktop Services to NASA-ODIN. www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=105&STORY=/www/story/07-09-1998/0000704101

21.Jan.2005 News & Analysis: As looting continues, US hires controversial ...

The British daily The Observer recently revealed that US military contractor Dyncorp has won a multi-million-dollar contract to police post-Saddam Iraq. electroniciraq.net/news/638.shtml

21.Jan.2005 Why War? DynCorp Press Release ... Sort By: Date Published.

DynCorp Press Release. Weapons of War. Former Commanding Officer of Naval Air Depot Joins DynCorp . www.why-war.com/news/author.php?name=DynCorp+Press+Release

21.Jan.2005 DynCorp Took Part In Chalabi Raid (washingtonpost.com) DynCorp Took Part In Chalabi Raid ...

The presence of DynCorp employees at the raid was first reported by the Baltimore Sun.

DynCorp declined to comment. www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A13904-2004Jun3.html

21.Jan.2005 Rotten to the DynCorp - Center for Media and Democracy - Publishers of PR Watch. Home; Spin of the Day;

02.Jun.2004 Rotten to the DynCorp . www.prwatch.org/node/2674

21.Jan.2005 Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn: Ecuadorian Indians Take ...

Ecuadorian Farmers Fight DynCorp's Chemwar on the Amazon.

Certainly, DynCorp has never severed its umbilical relationship to the federal government. www.counterpunch.org/dyncorpsuit.html

21.Jan.2005 Case Study: DYNCORP, from Fed.org - Business White Papers ...

DynCorp started out as California Eastern Airways, Inc. 00.000.1946, a small airline and aircraft maintenance services company. Case Study: DYNCORP Source: Fed.org. www.bnet.com/abstract.aspx?docid=51490&promo=50002

DynCorp: Toutes les Informations sur DynCorp sur Encyclopedie ...

DynCorp est une société militaire privée étasunienne. son siège à Reston, en Virginie.

00.May 2004 -Depuis- CSC désire vendre DynCorp . Lien externe. www.encyclopedie-enligne.com/d/dy/dyncorp.html

Narco News: DynCorp Charged With Terrorism; Paul V. Lombardi in ...

DynCorp's Paul V. Lombardi in Federal Court. Narco News 00.000.2002.

25.Oct.2001 DynCorp Charged. Text of letter. by DynCorp CEO Lombardi:

25.Oct.2001 www.narconews.com/dyncorpterrorism1.html

Narco News Publishes Jim Rarey on Dyncorp

25.May 2001 Narco News 2001. From the MEDIUM RARE newsletter... DynCorp From Kosovo to Peru. By Jim Rarey. DynCorp Exposed. The Spy-Glass Turns. www.narconews.com/Issue11/rarey1.html

21.Jan.2005 Wired 11.02: This Gun For Hire ...

On a Friday in mid-December, CSC announced it would buy a little-known contractor named DynCorp in an acquisition worth nearly $1 billion. www.wired.com/wired/archive/11.02/gunhire.html 19. Jan. 2005

InternetWeek: Tech Library: CSC Sells DynCorp Units for $850 ...

CSC Sells DynCorp Units for $850 Million. Title: CSC Sells DynCorp Units for $850 Million [View this Document], Published:

14.Dec.2004 . internetweek.bitpipe.com/detail/RES/1103131800_339.html


Mr. Winokur's firm is the lead investor in DynCorp + he is on the DynCorp board of directors. www.etherzone.com/2002/fitt021902.shtml

21.Jan.2005 DynCorp- One Star (WSCRS-I,II) Dyncorp (WSCRS-I). One Star Technologies (WSCRS-II). United States Air Force.

Dyncorp contracted with TSRI to modernize WSCRS in two fixed-price project phases. www.softwarerevolution.com/case-studies/dyncorp-wscrs-det.html

Earthrights International - Resource Center: Arias v. DynCorp Arias, et.al. v. DynCorp . Case No:1:01CV01908 (RWR) United States District Court for the District of Columbia.

This case involves ... www.earthrights.org/dyncorp/index.shtml

truthout - DynCorp Still Taking the Moral Low Ground Go To Original.

DynCorp Still Taking the Moral Low Ground By Kelly Patricia O'Meara Insight Magazine | insightmag.com. Monday,

12.Aug.2002. www.truthout.org/docs_02/08.12D.dyncorp.low.htm

21.Jan.2005 Le Monde.fr : L'armée américaine fait de plus en plus appel au ...

D'autres entreprises tentent d'être moins voyantes, telles DynCorp, Wackenhut, Vinnell (une filiale de TRW), Logicon (du groupe Northrop Grumman), SAIC... www.fsa.ulaval.ca/.../vernag/EH/F/cons/lectures/L'armée%20américaine%20fait%20appel%20au%20privé.htm

21.Jan.2005 Notes on DynCorp

JBOC's Notes on Oriental Rugs.

Notes on DynCorp.

DynCorp is based in RestonVa.DynCorp has been involved in a series of recent high-profile scandals. www.spongobongo.com/0her9799.htm

DynCorp | M27Coalition ...

DynCorp . Beltway ... mercenaries.

Under Pentagon contract, DynCorp flies drug defoliation planes over Colombia, Ecuador + other countries. www.m27coalition.org/dyncorp.html

21.Jan.2005 CSC: DynCorp International LLC, a CSC company


International LLC (DI) is a CSC company that supports its worldwide customer base by rapidly deploying seasoned professionals + technologically ... www.csc.com/industries/government/mds/mds81/265.shtml

CSC: DynCorp Technical Services, a CSC company DynCorp Technical Services LLC (DTS) is a CSC company delivering aviation and enterprise services, including a full range of contractor and logistics support ...
Insight on the News ... DynCorp Disgrace By Kelly Patricia O Meara Middle-aged men having sex with 12- to 15-year-olds was too much for Ben Johnston, a hulking 6-foot-5-inch Texan ...

Scoop: Real Deal: CSC DynCorp & the Economics of Lawlessness MAPPING THE REAL DEAL DynCorp & the Economics of Lawlessness UnAnswered Questions Re: US Sole Source Contract Award to DynCorp To Police & Manage Judiciary and ... www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0304/S00158.htm

21.Jan.2005 DynCorp DynCorpglobalisierte technologische Gewalt von Dieter Drüssel. Einleitung. (Dezember ... aus. DynCorp ist keineswegs einzigartig. ...www.miprox.de/USA_speziell/DynCorp.html Conspiracy Planet - Dyncorp Crimes - UN Condones Dyncorp Sex ... Propaganda. Thursday, January 6, 2005. Home | Dyncorp Crimes Channel. UN Condones Dyncorp Sex Crimes & Sex Slavery by DOMINIC HIPKINS. A ... www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?ChannelID=121

21.Jan.2005 Mercenaries or Contactors Are military contractors necessary or do they undermine US interests? www.foreignpolicy.com

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-337845,00.html
"Kommersant" (Russland)
Bush wird in die Geschichte der USA als Militärpräsident eingehen. Und das ist der russischen Führung sehr recht. Präsident Putin hat ihn nämlich nicht so sehr als Freund Schorsch übermäßig unterstützt, sondern als Garanten seiner eigenen Unantastbarkeit. Wenn Bush für die kommenden vier Jahre ein Friedensprogramm verkündet hätte, hätte Putin sich ernstlich Sorgen machen müssen. Es hätte noch gefehlt, dass George und Condoleezza Rice sich mit der Demokratie in Russland beschäftigen, anstatt den Rest der Welt zu retten. Nur ein kämpfender Bush ist ein echter Freund für uns.
"Mlada Fronta Dbnes" (Tschechien)
Ein solches Programm kann sich nur vornehmen, wer neben Mut einen Hang zum Glücksrittertum besitzt + wer blind an seine Wahrheit glaubt

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-337845,00.html
US-Präsident George W. Bush als missionierenden Irren an der Spitze einer waffenstarrenden Weltmacht zu bezeichnen, führt nicht wirklich weiter, löst keine Probleme und ist, obwohl beleidigend, nicht einmal mehr besonders originell. Und doch: Wer sich an den Wahnsinn nicht gewöhnen mag und ernst nimmt, was Bush vor und in seiner Antrittsrede zum Besten gab, bekommt vor dieser US-Regierung das Grausen. "Von jenseits der Sterne sind wir berufen, für Freiheit einzustehen", sagte Bush bei einem "Freiheitskonzert" am Mittwochabend. Gestern verkündete er, überall auf der Welt müssten sich die USA um die Freiheit bemühen, wenn sie ihre eigene bewahren wollten.

21.Jan.2005 NPD-Skandal in Dresden: Empörung über Holocaust-Vergleich

21.Jan.2005 The mini-nukes debate is particularly dicey, Korb said, because the United States has held a moral high ground by not setting off nuclear tests. Other nations such as India and Pakistan have earned sharp criticism from the world community for testing nuclear weapons. If the United States seeks to build a new generation of weapons, that could lead to new tests. "If you test again on developing new nuclear weapons, there goes the whole nonproliferation effort," Korb said.

Among those attending the Offutt meeting, Shavers said, will be officials from the Defense Department, the Department of Energy, StratCom, senior military officers, civilians from the National Nuclear Security Administration, the State Department and the National Security Agency + representatives from the nation's nuclear laboratories, Los Alamos + Lawrence Livermore.The URL of this article is: https://globalresearch.ca/articles/MAT308A.html

21.Jan.2005 "Dyncorp should never have been awarded the Iraqi police contract," said Madeleine Rees, the chief UN human rights officer in Sarajevo.

Of the two court cases, one US police officer working for Dyncorp in Bosnia, Kathryn Bolkovac, won her suit for wrongful dismissal. The other involving a mechanic, Ben Johnston, was settled out of court. Mr Johnston's suit against Dyncorp charged that he "witnessed co-workers and supervisors literally buying and selling women for their own personal enjoyment + employees would brag about the various ages and talents of the individual slaves they had purchased".

There are other formidable problems surfacing in what is uncharted territory - issues of loyalty, accountability, ideology + national interest. By definition, a private military company is in Iraq or Bosnia not to pursue US, UN, or EU policy, but to make money.

The growing clout of the military services corporations raises questions about an insidious, longer-term impact on governments' planning, strategy and decision-taking.

Mr Singer argues that for the first time in the history of the modern nation state, governments are surrendering one of the essential and defining attributes of statehood, the state's monopoly on the legitimate use of force.

But for those on the receiving end, there seems scant alternative.

"I had some problems with some of the American generals," said Enes Becirbasic, a Bosnian military official who managed the Bosnian side of the MPRI projects to build and arm a Bosnian army. "It's a conflict of interest. I represent our national interest, but they're businessmen. I would have preferred direct cooperation with state organisations like Nato or the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. But we had no choice. We had to use MPRI." https://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,1103566,00.html

URL: https://www.newsmakingnews.com/archives/archive9,10,009,18,00.htm
Click. Private Spies = Public Repression. (The roots of INSLAW, Wackenhut, DynCorp.) URL: https://www.newsmakingnews.com/archives/archive9,10,009,18,00.htm

URL: https://www.newsmakingnews.com/archives/archive9,10,009,18,00.htm
"AMERICA IS GOING TO HAVE A COUP D'ETAT BY MARINES, SIMILAR TO LATIN AMER ICA" Vol. I, Exhibit #102, page 110 "We offer in evidence Exhibit 102."
E arl Warre n, "It may be admitted." They go to Exhibit 103, 104, 105, then decide to go BACK TO 102 because "that indicates some of his thinking", meaning Lee Harvey Oswald's.

Vol. XVI, Exhibit 102, page 441-442, tells what the Commission glossed over as a number, not a document. Writing of Lee Harvey Oswald's, "AMERICANS ARE APT TO SCOFF AT THE IDEA THAT A MILITARY COUP IN THE U.S., as so often happens in Latin American countries, could ever replace our government, but that is an idea that has grounds for consideration. WHICH MILITARY ORGANIZATION HAS THE POTENTIALITIES OF EXECUTING SUCH ACTION?" Army? General Walker? Oswald rules them out but warns, "ONLY ONE OUTFIT FITS THE DESCRIPTION, THE USMC is a right wing infiltrated organization of dire potential consequences to the freedom of the US. I agree with former Pres. Truman when he said, 'The Marine Corps should be abolished.'"

Earl Warren, "We will take a short break."

URL: https://www.newsmakingnews.com/archives/archive9,10,009,18,00.htm
NewsMakingNews asks the obvious question-- was having China develop the A-bomb early, via Tsien's help, the FBI's goal anyway?  Given the huge technological transfer of classified nuclear material to China in the past ten years, isn't it the real goal of the FBI to give technology to China, to make it even more powerful,  without giving a damn for US national security?  The FBI is one of the agencies in charge of  checking top secret classifications at the national laboratories. The FBI is employing security firms such as Wackenhut to do its dirty work, its security work and its polygraph tests at Los Alamos laboratory. Yes, Wackenhut was involved in polygraphs regarding Wen Ho Lee case.  No wonder the case commenced with 39 unprovable charges and then broke down the way into a plea, after 9 months of prison torture of the accused!  Note, the military employs DynCorp and other private security firms to do some of its dirty work off-shore, perhaps taking its cue from the FBI's employment of Wackenhut . (Or Wackenhut's employment of the FBI.)

United States sworn peace officers and sworn military officers are being required to give away their essential functions to these private out-fits which employ people who are outright wheeler dealers to make a profit anyway they can. (Look at the guys on Wackenhut's board of directors!)  There is no government accountability in the United States when private firms like Wackenhut are being used to supervise accountability. Wackenhut started its corporate climb when it served as the investigator for Clay Shaw during the Garrison trial.  Since then, the pay-back to Wackenhut has been huge. Whenever the local lazy FBI agents who don't like to do their homework, need some little bit of work done so all hell doesn't break loose, they call in Wackenhut and other private out-fits and give them a high pile of Franklins. (In the meantime, you can see many of your happy fat cat FBI agents down at the golf links in Rohnert Park, California hitting the tiny white balls back and forth with the cocaine dealers and child molesters. Now, if you need some local justice, you know where to take your "golf" bag!)  The FBI has developed this nasty habit of not doing the job its paid to do--just paying others to do the job the FBI is not paid to do. Nasty habits die hard.

Only officers of the law and military, who have taken the oath to uphold the law and the Constitution and who are subject to court martial or indictment  if they break the oath, should be handling national security issues in the United States.  Will the FBI ever stop prostituting itself to private firms and private individuals who allegedly do "security work" for the U.S. but who really do dirty deals for private profiteering?  China wants to know!

URL: https://www.newsmakingnews.com/archives/archive9,10,009,18,00.htm
Click here to read more history of the Tsien case posted by Cal Tech. 

URL: https://www.newsmakingnews.com/archives/archive9,10,009,18,00.htm
The Reeses had infiltrated the left in Washington, D.C. around the time of Mayday, in '71, trading heavily on their NLG cover, at one point even housing YIP organizers for the

04.Jul.1973 Smoke-In + Impeach Nixon rally.

The Reeses also ripped off $500 in receipts from the sale of Yipster Times + buttons + at one point, John Rees threatened to punch out a Yippie who protested the theft.
00.000.1974 The Digest stopped publication, was a detailed summary of left activities, but the very nastiness of their dirty tricks + thoroughness with which they violated the privacy of various groups + individuals proved to be their undoing.

00.000.1976 The Reeses were exposed in hearings of the New York State Assembly as "private spies" with ties to McDonald, the House Internal Security Committee, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, New York State Police and FBI. (See Counterspy [Spring,
19761 + the National Lawyers Guild paper, Guild Notes [May, 19761.) According to Chip Berlet, editor of the National Lawyers Guild publication Public Eye, Rees continued to maintain "an informal private/public network" of active duty and retired FBI agents, police officers and private security experts. Private intelligence is provided by companies such as Pinkerton, Wackenhut and Ma Bell, as well as by Western Goals.
Rees has been extraordinarily prolific as an editor of "private intelligence." He has placed more than 120 articles in Birch publications in recent years. Most recently, along with Arnaud de Borchgrave and Robert Moss,-authors of the witchhunt novel The Spike, he began publishing Early Warning, a $1,000-a-year newsletter on international trends.
Under Rees's direction, the Western Goals Foundation has published a series of special reports with titles like "Red Locust" (on Soviet support-for "terrorists" in Southern Africa), "Outlaws of Amerika" (an attack on the National Lawyers Guild as a support group for the Weather Underground) + attacks on the nuclear freeze movement which Rees says is controlled from Moscow. Readers Digest author John Barron admits he used Rees's material as a primary source for his 1981 broadside at the anti-nuclear movement. There they gain a semblance of "respectability," something the Birchers or Western Goals could never provide.
21.Jan.2005 THE MALDON INSTITUTE By Chip Berlet  Political Research Associates
The Maldon Institute is a right wing think tank that studies national security and terrorism from a countersubversive and often conspiracist perspective. Maldon's director, John Rees, infiltrated the political left in the 1970s + passed the information to groups ranging from the John Birch Society to the FBI.
00.000.1993 Maldon Institute board members included three notable conspiracists:

* Dr. D. James Kennedy, a leading Christian right activist and a co-founder of Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority. Kennedy endorsed a book that alleged the Illuminati Freemasons and certain Jewish bankers were behind US
liberalism's attack on morality.
* Raymond Wannall, past president of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers and a former assistant director of the FBI. Wannall led a campaign to justify the acts of government agents charged with illegally spying on the left based on the FBI's conspiracist view of countersubversion.
* Robert Moss, a journalist who gained fame suggesting that Soviet agents secretly controlled a network of left and liberal groups in the US.

The overlap with the Christian Right is not surprising. The Free Congress Foundation, Concerned Women for America, Focus on the Family, Family Research Council + other Christian Right groups have long maintained cordial ties with military and intelligence officials, a relationship which flourished during the Reagan and Bush administrations.
The Maldon Institute

00.000.1993 claimed financial support from "public-spirited foundations including the Allegheny Foundation, The Carthage Foundation, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith...."

Both Allegheny and Carthage are controlled by Richard Mellon Scaife, who later funded several anti-Clinton investigations claiming vast conspiracies; and which were carried in conservative and hard right media.
Starting in the late 1960's, John Rees and his long-time partner S. Louise Rees conducted political monitoring and surveillance operations on leftists for over thirty years, first circulating their reports in their Information Digest newsletter to a wide range of public and private groups. The Reeses supplied information to such private sector conservative groups as the Old Right John Birch Society, the Christian Right Church League of America, the New Right Heritage Foundation + the Neo-conservative Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. The Reeses also provided information to government law enforcement and investigative agencies such as the FBI, congressional committees + local police intelligence units. In addition, the Reeses supplied data to private sector industrial and corporate security
Lewis said that state police and other police departments "routinely receive information from the Maldon Institute at no cost, via e-mail. The department did not solicit this information."
Asked whether state police had attended Maldon Institute conferences, Lewis responded: "State police personnel have had contact in the U.S. with representatives of the institute."
According to public records, the institute is funded, at least in part, by Scaife, the Pittsburgh political philanthropist best known for his financial support of several private investigations of President Clinton in recent years.
Financial forms for Scaife's Carthage Foundation show it provided Maldon with $250,000

Institute documents show that board members have included D. James Kennedy, a Florida televangelist who is cofounder of the Rev. Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority; and Robert Moss, a journalist and novelist who in the 1980s wrote that the KGB used Western media to manipulate public opinion.
The institute's officials did not return repeated telephone calls seeking comment Friday.
In an interview last week, Chip Berlet, who studies conservative and far-right groups, said a key figure within the 15-year-old institute has been John H. Rees, a British-born contributor to the John Birch Society and publisher of a newsletter devoted to intelligence-gathering and distributed to police.
In the 1970s, Rees published the Information Digest, which gave details gathered after he infiltrated left-leaning groups under a false name, the Baltimore Sun reported

Just this year, Rees, as director of the Maldon Institute, helped organize an invitation-only conference in New York City on terrorism that drew FBI agents and police, according to conference sponsors.
Berlet said state police erred in using the institute as a basis for police action.
"It issues monographs and monitors cults and terrorist groups and left-wing groups," said Berlet, senior analyst with the left-leaning Political Research Associates, based in Massachusetts. "It does so from an old-fashioned counter-subversion perspective that is obsessed with finding reds under every bed."
Berlet said police needed to distinguish protesters who were engaged in nonviolent and legal protest from those breaking the law.
"You're never going to draw those appropriate distinctions if you're relying on these kind of scurrilous, McCarthyite allegations," he said.

URL: https://www.newsmakingnews.com/archives/archive9,10,009,18,00.htm
Known as "the puppet warehouse," police called it a center of illegal activity; activists said it was a workshop in which they made more than 100 puppets and a large satirical float, "Corpzilla."
The documents were the first public acknowledgement that police had infiltrated groups planning to protest during last month's Republican National Convention.
Without elaboration, the affidavits stated that the allegations of communist funding had come from the little-known Maldon Institute.
Asked last week about the Maldon Institute, Jack Lewis, a state police spokesman, seemed a little unsure.
"Our people said they believed this institute is based in the United Kingdom," he said.
The Maldon Institute - named after an obscure battle in England in the 10th century - is based in Baltimore and has a mailing address in Washington, D.C.
Lewis added: "I'm told by our intelligence people that the Maldon Institute is a private organization that provides intelligence information to police departments.
"We have found in the past that the Maldon Institute generally presents reliable information."

URL: https://www.newsmakingnews.com/archives/archive9,10,009,18,00.htm
https://web.philly.com/content/inquirer/2000/09/10/city/PPROTEST10.htm By Craig R. McCoy and Linda K. Harris © 2000 INQUIRER STAFF WRITERS
The cold war is long over but Pennsylvania State Police were still on the lookout for communists and Soviet sympathizers among the demonstrators protesting last month's Republican National Convention in Philadelphia.
In state police affidavits justifying a raid on a West Philadelphia warehouse used by convention protesters, troopers alleged that communists were behind the demonstrations.
"Funds allegedly originate with Communist and leftist parties and from sympathetic trade unions," the state police declared in the affidavits. "Other funds reportedly come from the former Soviet-allied World Federation of Trade Unions."
The language left critics, including demonstrators and civil-liberties lawyers, both a little amused and a lot indignant. They said it seemed like something out of a musty red-baiting periodical of the 1950s - Red Channels and the like.
The allegations - passed to state police by a private group funded by conservative multimillionaire Richard Mellon Scaife - did not belong in government affidavits seeking judicial approval for a search warrant that led to 75 arrests, they said.
"It's McCarthyite. It's tarring people," said David Kairys, a law professor at Temple University. "It's reminiscent of the worst of the '50s." 
The allegations of communist money made up only a small part of the 23-page affidavits in support of search warrants for three vehicles and the warehouse, at 4100 Haverford Ave. The affidavits, made public Wednesday after having been sealed for more than a month, relied most heavily on the direct observations of undercover troopers who infiltrated the warehouse.
Hamilton also accused McDade of changing his position on Promis . In the past, he said, McDade suggested the RCMP acquired Promis from a company in Massachusetts and it was modified by a Toronto firm. Yet just this week McDade said he was certain the force doesn't have Promis .

Cheri Seymour, a California researcher interviewed by McDade - who took away thousands of pages of her research material - said yesterday: ``(McDade) said that they had a paper trail on the Promis software being purchased by the RCMP. He told me that.''

McDade, an Ottawa-Carleton regional police officer on secondment to the RCMP, has refused The Star's numerous requests for an interview.

Gaudet refused to explain why the RCMP launched the investigation last year, even though the force adamantly denied 00.000.1991 it had the software, or why it has taken some 18 months to determine whether software in the RCMP's own computers is Promis .

Canadian Alliance MP Myron Thompson (Wild Rose) vowed to go after answers:

``It doesn't make sense that they traipse around the world and spend a lot of taxpayers' money investigating something that we're not involved in.''

URL: https://www.newsmakingnews.com/archives/archive9,10,009,18,00.htm
CANADIAN MOUNTIES END PROBE OF PROMIS Their conclusion: RCMP not using rigged software .  
By Valerie Lawton and Allan Thompson © September 16, 2000 Toronto Star Ottawa Bureau

OTTAWA - The RCMP claims it does not have controversial software that allegedly was rigged to allow foreign spies to peek into top-secret computer files.

The force said yesterday that a lengthy national security investigation is shutting down.

But the announcement is unlikely to end questions about the bizarre case.

The developer of the software, called Promis, said an investigator suggested to him the probe was being wrapped up in a hurry to quell questions when the House of Commons resumes Monday. And an opposition politician vowed not to let the issue rest until the Mounties offer a better explanation.
`I would ask why they made such an investment of time and resources and money to send people repeatedly to the United States to interview witnesses in the Promis -Inslaw affair . . . It doesn't make any sense.'
- Bill Hamilton Owner of Promis creator Inslaw Inc.
An RCMP spokesperson wouldn't explain why it's taken over a year and trips across North America by investigators to conclude the force isn't using Promis . ``The investigation . . . was to make sure that national security wasn't breached,'' said Staff Sergeant Mike Gaudet. ``We're saying today that we do not have Promis software.''

20050113... another...GeoMilitech, founded by Singlaub + Singlaub partner, Studley ... to Kellogg Root Brown Wackenhut & Lockheed ... LOS ALAMOS ken ...alfatomega.com/ ..
alfatomega.com/20050113.html 20.Jan.2005

http... director Linda Guell went to Singlaub's Freedom Foundation. its polygraph tests at Los Alamos laboratory ... Yes, Wackenhut was involved in polygraphs regarding Wen ...

Annual Report - IT Group Kaiser Hill Company Las Vegas Valley Water District Lockheed Martin Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation Los Alamos National Laboratory ...

The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror, by David ..- Page 1. Click on image for more information The Oklahoma City Bombing + the Politics of Terror by David Hoffman www.solargeneral.com/library/ocbpt.pdf

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,337864,00.html
. Bei der Umfrage antworteten 60 Prozent jedoch, die Zeremonie habe im angemessenen Rahmen stattgefunden. 43 Prozent gaben jedoch auch an, die Art und Weise von Bushs Amtsantritt gebe ihnen für die nächsten vier Jahre Hoffnung.

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,druck-337893,00.html
Demnach setzen Böden im Zuge des Klimawandels mittelfristig also doch mehr CO2 frei als heute - und heizen so das Treibhaus zusätzlich auf.

"In 20 bis 50 Jahren", glaubt Knorr, könnten solche Prozesse bei anhaltendem Erwärmungstrend in Gang kommen. Diese Einschätzung fügt sich in das Bild, das sich das Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) der Vereinten Nationen von der nahen Zukunft macht. Danach könnte mehr Kohlendioxid in der Außenluft die Vegetation zunächst noch zu stärkerem Wachstum animieren ("CO2-Düngungseffekt"); auch der C-Pool im Boden wüchse dann noch eine Weile. Mitte des Jahrhunderts aber schlüge die Situation ins Gegenteil um: Der Düngeeffekt verpufft und die bodenständigen CO2-Emissionen dominieren, weil immer höhere Durchschnittstemperaturen den mikrobiellen Humusabbau immer stärker ankurbeln.
Nun sei klar: Gerade die langlebigen Huminstoffe spielten eine wichtige Rolle im Klimageschehen. So kommentiert David Powlson von Rothamsted Research, dem größten Agrarforschungszentrum in Großbritannien, die neue Arbeit in "Nature". Doch was exakte Prognosen für die Zukunft anbelangt, mahnt der angesehene Bodenkundler und Kohlenstoffkreislauf-Kenner zur Vorsicht: "Auch Wasserhaushalt und Nährstoffverfügbarkeit im Boden werden sich ändern und den Abbau vor organischem Material beeinflussen." Diese Faktoren sind bis dato noch in keinem "Single-" oder "Multi-Pool-Modell" berücksichtigt.
Max-Planck-Physiker Wolfgang Knorr und seine Kollegen liefern jetzt eine ganz andere Begründung für die nach Entwarnung klingenden Ergebnisse der Experimente:

Die bisherigen Testreihen seien alle zu früh abgebrochen worden. Die üblichen zwölf bis 36 Monate Versuchsdauer genügten nicht.

In einer solchen Zeitspanne würden nur leicht abbaubare Kohlenstoffverbindungen im Boden, die so genannte labile Kohlenstoff-Fraktion, in Kohlendioxid umgesetzt.

Tatsächlich aber "überwiegen fast immer die nur langsam abbaubaren Fraktionen", sagt die Jenaer Geoökologin Annette Freibauer.

Dazu zählen hartleibige Huminstoffe und Substanzen wie der Holzbestandteil Lignin.
Von wegen biologische Anpassung! Der bloß kurze CO2-Zuwachs "ist einfach nur das Ergebnis des raschen Abbaus der labilen Kohlenstoffverbindungen im Boden", heißt es im aktuellen "Nature"-Text.

Das Gros der viel stabileren Kohlenstoffverbindungen im Boden bleibe außen vor.

Knorrs Team hat nun ein Computermodell der Zersetzung entwickelt, in dem es sowohl einen labilen wie auch einen stabilen Kohlenstoff-Pool gibt.

Bei den Simulationen mit diesem Ansatz zeigte sich, dass der Abbau der langlebigen Huminstoffe sehr wohl den üblichen physikochemischen Gesetzen folgt.

"Obwohl die Verbindungen so komplex sind, entspricht die Reaktionskinetik den Erwartungen", folgert Knorr.

Will sagen: Erhöhte Temperaturen beschleunigen die Zersetzung der stabilen C-Verbindungen - und damit auch die Emission von Kohlendioxid.
CO2-Düngungseffekt nur mittelfristig
Experimente zu früh beendet
00.000.2000 -Die Studie von- hatte den Eindruck erweckt, dass es zu einer biologischen Anpassung der Bodenfauna an höhere Außentemperaturen kommt.

In Experimenten, auf die sich die Autoren seinerzeit stützten, waren Kohlenstoff-Abbauraten und CO2-Emissionen bei einer Temperaturerhöhung tatsächlich nur vorübergehend gestiegen.

Schnell fielen sie wieder auf das Vorniveau zurück.

Daraus zu schließen, die Klimaerwärmung nage nicht am Kohlenstoff-Vorrat der Böden, dürfte aber fahrlässig sein.
Seine ganze Familie tat es ihm nach. "Schockgruß von Bush-Tochter", stand auf der Website der norwegischen Internetzeitung "Nettavisen" zu lesen.

In Skandinavien ist der Gruß gebräuchlich unter Death-Metal-Bands und Fans.

Auch in Italien kennt man die Handbewegung: Sie bedeutet so viel wie Gehörnter oder Betrogener - und gilt als rüde Beschimpfung.
Hamburg - Um es gleich vorweg zu nehmen: Der bekennende Christ Bush hat nicht die religiösen Fronten gewechselt.

Die Handbewegung, die in Europa als Satansgruß gilt, hat in Bushs Heimatstaat Texas eine andere Bedeutung.

Denn schließlich hat nicht nur der Teufel Hörner, sondern auch Longhorn-Rinder - dem Namen entsprechend sogar besonders lange.
Andere Länder, andere Sitten: Wirbel um Bushs Longhorn-Gruß

21.Jan.2005 Beslan-Massaker: Angehörige von Opfern blockieren Fernstraße

21.Jan.2005 Bundeswehr-Jubiläum: Helm ab vor dem Reichstag

21.Jan.2005 Schauriger Fund: Fötus lag 50 Jahre im Mutterleib

20041219... delivered .. www.democracyunbound.com/walsh8.html . entwickeln. Dazu fehlt ihm nämlich das nach Ansicht von Simonton wichtigste Moment - der Zufall. ...alfatomega.com/20041219.html

21.Jan.2005 Search Victims in Thailand: GERMANY 39, Mrs. ANKE ENGEL, GERMANY, F, 37.8, INJURE, ?????td>, Phuket, 40, Mrs. ANKE ENGEL, GERMANY, F, 37, INJURE, Siroj Inter Phuket, Phuket, ...
26.Dec.2004 Counter Coronation Rally, Colorado State Capital 14th & Bannock 20.Jan.2005 (Time TBA) Flyer (
pdf ) Inaugurate our commitment to Challenge bush’s “mandate” Demand the preservation of social, economic & environmental justice

Protect civil liberties & choice

Advocate for peace

If you don’t rise up to speak and be heard who will?
What better place than here? What better time than now?
We are gathering together for you and for me- democracy!


URL: https://www.jackblood.com/index/id1.html
Surprise Trip for Donald Rumsfeld;

Interview With Brigadier General James Marks; Christian in Iraq < https://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0412/24/nfcnn.01.html >
25.Dec.2004 02:24 PM Posted * <
https://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archives/cat_911.html#024756 >* PST Category: 911 < https://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archives/cat_911.html >

NOTE THE FOLLOWING QUOTE (Before they remove it) : DONALD RUMSFELD, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: And to change that way of living, would strike at the very essence of our country.

And I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the USA in New York, *shot down the plane over Pennsylvania* and attacked the Pentagon, the people who cut off peoples' heads on television to intimidate, to frighten -- indeed the word "terrorized" is just that.

Its purpose is to terrorize, to alter behavior, to make people be something other than that which they want to be. Israeli Sexpionage in the McGreevey, Condit and Clinton Affairs

2004127 What better place than here? What better time than now? We are gathering together for you and for me- democracy! https://3novembermovement.org .
Die Messungen während des Sinkflugs durch die Titan-Gashülle haben auch betätigt, dass der Saturnmond neben der Erde der einzige Himmelskörper in unserem Sonnensystem ist, dessen Gashülle vor allem aus Stickstoff besteht. Auch Spuren des Edelgases Argon seien nachgewiesen worden, sagte US-Forscher Toby Owen vom Institute for Astronomy in Honolulu.
Sauerstoff existiert auf Titan nur gebunden in gefrorenem Wasser, nicht aber als Gas in der Atmosphäre. "Eigentlich ist das ganz gut so", meint Owen. "Denn sonst wäre Titan längst explodiert. Wir haben hier eine brennbare Welt."
Bleibt die Frage, wie der Saturnmond duftet. "Es würde dort nach klarer, sehr kalter Bergluft riechen", sagte Owen. "Vorausgesetzt, Menschen könnten eine Atmosphäre aus Stickstoff und Methan atmen."
Ein Großteil der Daten, die durch den Ausfall eines der beiden Sendekanäle von "Huygens" verloren gegangen waren, könnte rekonstruiert werden. Mit Hilfe von Radioteleskopen auf der Erde sei die Rettung von bis zu 90 % der verloren geglaubten Daten, etwa über die Windverhältnisse in der Titan-Atmosphäre, möglich.
Anzeichen für Flüsse, Seen oder gar Meere aus Methan habe man nicht gefunden. Offenbar versinke das flüssige Gas kurz nach den Niederschlägen im Boden, der eine sandige Konsistenz besitze.

Dennoch spiele das Methan eine wichtige Rolle auf Titan. "Es ist dort ähnlich bedeutsam wie das Wasser für die Erde", sagte "Huygens"-Missionsmanager Jean-Pierre Lebreton. "Es hat nicht geregnet, als 'Huygens' gelandet ist, aber wahrscheinlich schon wieder am Tag darauf."
Die Messungen haben frühere Spekulationen auf spektakuläre Art bestätigt. "Wir haben zahlreiche Anzeichen für Flüssigkeit gefunden", sagte Martin Tomasko von der University of Arizona in Tucson.

Die Kanäle, die sich auf den Fotos der Sonde durch helle Hügelketten winden, wertet Tomasko als "Beweis für Regen" -

Regen aus Methangas, das in der auf Titan herrschenden Kälte von minus 170 °- 180 ° zu Flüssigkeit kondensiert.
Das auf den Bildern erkennbare dunkle Material, das sich am Grund der Kanäle und auf weiten Ebenen sammelt, sei organisch.

"Die Hügel bestehen dagegen aus Wassereis", erklärte Tomasko, der für die Sinkflug-Kamera und das Spektral-Radiometer an Bord von "Huygens" verantwortlich ist.

"Niederschlag, Erosion und mechanischer Abrieb ähneln den Vorgängen, die auch die Erde formen. Allerdings sind auf Titan exotische Stoffe im Spiel." "Vulkane" spucken Eis und Ammoniak
Sogar Anzeichen für eine Art von Vulkanismus haben die Wissenschaftler entdeckt. Allerdings dringt keine Lava an die Oberfläche des Titan, sondern eine Mischung aus Wassereis und Ammoniak.
ThyssenKrupp: Abschied von den Mullahs

21.Jan.2005 Bush-Rede: Berlin begrüßt Bekenntnis zur Zusammenarbeit

21.Jan.2005 Treibhausgas im Boden: Klimakiller lauert im Erdreich

21.Jan.2005 Skandal im Sächsischen Landtag: NPD-Mann spricht von Dresdner "Bomben-Holocaust"

21.Jan.2005 Von Beruf Personenschützer: Die Gefahr lauert immer und überall

21.Jan.2005 Saturnmond Titan: Regen aus Gas in einer brennbaren Welt

21.Jan.2005 Umfrage: Amerikaner haben Zweifel an Bushs Versprechen

URL: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-337814,00.html
Die Zeremonie mit Tausenden Gästen fand unter Bewachung von Dutzenden Scharfschützen und mehr als 7000 Sicherheitskräften statt.

Bei der anschließenden Militärparade protestierten Tausende von Kriegsgegnern gegen Bushs Politik.

Polizisten gingen mit Schlagstöcken gegen vermummte Demonstranten vor.

Die Protestierer forderten Bush in Sprechchören auf, den "blutigen Krieg im Irak zu beenden".

Zahlreiche Frauen trugen T-Shirts mit der Aufschrift "Präsident Bush, Sie haben meinen Sohn getötet".

Andere Demonstranten forderten, dass Bush auch seine Zwillingstöchter Barbara und Jenna an die Front schickt.
In seiner Rede über die Macht der Freiheit sagte

Bush: "Alle, die in Tyrannei + Hoffnungslosigkeit leben, sollen wissen:

Die Vereinigten Staaten werden eure Unterdrückung oder die Ausflüchte eurer Unterdrücker nicht hinnehmen.

Wenn ihr für Frieden einsteht, stehen wir hinter euch."
Bush zu Ehren fanden gestern zehn Bälle statt - auf neun war er anwesend.

Als erstes besuchte der Präsident ein Fest unter dem Motto "Salute the Heroes" für Soldaten, die mit der Ehrenmedaille ausgezeichnet wurden.

"Ich kann Ihnen gar nicht sagen, wie viel Vertrauen ich in die Mitglieder unseres Militärs habe", sagte Bush vor der jubelnden Menge.
Auf dem "Freiheitsball" sagte Bush, er wolle sich mit ganzem Herzen dafür einsetzen, dass die Vereinigten Staaten ein friedlicher Ort werden.

Unter tosendem Beifall der Gäste bat Bush seine Ehefrau um den Eröffnungstanz. Dabei war dem Präsidenten, der nicht als großer Tänzer gilt, die Anstrengung anzusehen.

Nach 45 Sekunden vorsichtigen Schunkelns gab Bush die Bühne dann für andere Paare frei. Auch bei dem Verfassungsball erfreuten Bush und seine Frau Laura die Gäste mit einem Tanz.
Ku-Klux-Klan-Mord: 40 Jahre Warten auf Gerechtigkeit

21.Jan.2005 Transplantate: Neue Haut kommt aus dem Drucker

21.Jan.2005 Eklat in Sachsen: NPD-Abgeordnete verweigern Schweigeminute für NS-Opfer

21.Jan.2005 Fotograf Robert Capa: "Er war gegen den Krieg"

21.Jan.2005 Urkatastrophe: Vulkane sollen Massentod verursacht haben

21.Jan.2005 Presseschau: "Bushs Kreuzzug"

21.Jan.2005 Heute in den Feuilletons: "Anmaßung, Altklugheit und Naivität"

21.Jan.2005 Boston: FBI weitet Suche nach Terrorverdächtigen aus

21.Jan.2005 Bushs Amtsantritt: Amerika bejubelt seinen Freiheitskämpfer

21.Jan.2005 Naher Osten: Palästinensische Polizisten schützen Grenze zu Israel
Amerika: Cheney nimmt Iran ins Visier

21.Jan.2005 Reformgewinner: Krankenkassen sparen 2,4 Milliarden Euro

21.Jan.2005 Räumungsverkauf: Handel rechnet mit 5000 Pleiten in 2005

21.Jan.2005 Unwetter: Sturmtief fegt über Deutschland hinweg

21.Jan.2005 Reaktionen auf Bush-Rede: Scharfe Kritik vom Grünen-Chef

21.Jan.2005 Interview mit Musiker Molvær: "Ich liebe klare, scharfe Grenzen"