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https://www.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/01/29/inv.terror.probe/index.htm Bush




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08.Mar.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,druck-540302,00.html

Der Präsidentschaftsbewerber hat im Wahlkampf mehrfach darauf verwiesen, dass er einen früheren Tankerauftrag an Boeing verhindert habe, weil er den Steuerzahler sechs Milliarden Dollar gekostet hätte.

00.000.2004 scheiterte der Auftrag, nachdem ein früherer Boeing-Manager eine Mitarbeiterin der Luftwaffe eingestellt hatte, noch während sie an den Verhandlungen über potentielle Verträge mit dem Konzern beteiligt war. Beide verbüßten eine Haftstrafe, mehrere ranghohe Mitarbeiter von Boeing und der Luftwaffe mussten gehen.

Vergabeprozess als korrupt verurteilt
US- Wahlkampf: EADS- Deal bringt McCain in Bedrängnis (Politik)

Dirie sollte als international prominente Kämpferin gegen die Genitalverstümmelung am Freitag in der niederländischen Grenzstadt Kerkrade die Martin-Buber-Plakette 2007 erhalten, war jedoch - wie zu den anderen vereinbarten Terminen - nicht erschienen. Die Polizei hatte ein Verbrechen nicht ausgeschlossen. Erst Anfang

00.Feb.2008 war in der Seine bei Paris die Leiche des in Guinea geborenen Fotomodells Katoucha Niane gefunden worden, das ebenfalls eine Kampagne gegen die Beschneidung geführt hatte.
Waterboarding: Bush blockiert Anti- Folter- Gesetz (Politik)
Welt- Frauentag: Gleiche Arbeit, ungleicher Lohn

08.Mar.2008 Merkel- Besuch in Moskau: Putin prophezeit schwieriges Verhältnis zum Westen (Politik)
Ost- Erweiterung: Moskau warnt vor Nato- Aufnahme Georgiens und der Ukraine (Politik)
Unverhoffter Gewinn: Bundesbank macht Plus von 4,1 Milliarden Euro (Wirtschaft)
Schärfere Sanktionen: EU will iranische Bankkonten einfrieren lassen (Wirtschaft)
US- Wirtschaft: Arbeitsmarktdaten steigern Angst vor Rezession (Wirtschaft)
Einreisestopp für "Naschi": Europa sperrt Putin- Jugend aus (Politik)
Liechtenstein- Affäre: BND- Informant hat Todesangst

08.Mar.2008 "Forbes"- Ranking: Weiblich und milliardenschwer - die reichsten Frauen der Welt (Wirtschaft)
Was Stimmen der israelischen Politik und Publizistik über Jahre den Palästinensern gebetsmühlenartig abzufordern pflegten (den terroristischen Fundamentalismus in den eigenen Reihen auszuheben), dazu war man in Israel, bezogen aufs eigene Kollektiv, nie selbst fähig. Wie auch?
Selbst ein späterhin friedensgewendeter Staatsmann wie Rabin ließ in den 1980er Jahren die Ungeheuerlichkeit verlauten, von ihm aus könne der Gazastreifen im Meer versinken.
Denn nicht nur ist Israel mittlerweile durch den fortlaufenden Beschuß durch Kassam-Raketen im Süden des Landes und massive Aktionen des israelischen Militärs auf palästinensischem Boden unmittelbar von dieser Entwicklung betroffen, sondern Israel selbst war auch maßgeblich an der Herbeiführung dieses Zustandes beteiligt. Historisch bezieht sich diese Festellung auf die Tatsache, daß Israel, die säkulare PLO Arafats bekämpfend, in den 1970er Jahren meinte, die eher randständigen religiösen Elemente der palästinensischen Gesellschaft, die von keinem dezidiert nationalen Anspruch geprägt waren, mithin als »harmlos« eingestuft wurden, unterstützen zu sollen. Das Problem bei solchen taktischen Manövern ist stets, daß man zu wissen meint, worauf man sich einläßt, ohne jedoch die unerwünschten Auswirkungen solch struktureller Manipulation je wirklich unter Kontrolle zu haben. Ähnlich wie bei der US-Hilfe für die afghanischen Mudschahedin gegen die sowjetische Expansion kann auch in diesem Fall behauptet werden, daß man die Geister, die man rief, nicht mehr los wurde, und zwar so sehr nicht, daß in Verbindung mit anderen Defiziten der israelischen Politik die islamistischen Ultras der palästinensischen Gesellschaft erst eigentlich zum Zuge gelangten. Machtpoker um Gaza
Krise beigelegt: Kolumbien, Venezuela und Ecuador mögen sich wieder

08.Mar.2008 Wettbewerber siegen vor Gericht: „Mindestlohn für Briefträger ist rechtswidrig“
08.Mar.2008 Ägypten: Islam ist für junge Muslime Ersatz für die Ehe

08.Mar.2008 US-Demokraten: Obamas Anhänger fürchten um sein Leben
08.Mar.2008 Düstere US-Daten: Paulson bleibt cool
08.Mar.2008 Sharp Drop in Jobs Adds to Grim Picture of U.S. Economy

08.Mar.2008 News Analysis: End to the Good Times (Such as They Were)
08.Mar.2008 DATENSCHUTZ: Wir müssen Rechnern vertrauen dürfen
08.Mar.2008 Krisensignale schüchtern Anleger ein
08.Mar.2008 McCain für Niederlage Boeings kritisiert
Baden-Württemberg: Diskrete Drähte nach Liechtenstein
08.Mar.2008 Talabani sucht «strategische Beziehungen» mit der Türkei
08.Mar.2008 Konflikt in Südamerika friedlich beigelegt
08.Mar.2008 Steueraffäre: BND-Informant will neue Identität
08.Mar.2008 Greenpeace: Stores, eateries less inclined to offer whale
08.Mar.2008 La Colombie, l'Equateur et le Venezuela scellent leur réconciliation
08.Mar.2008 Pérès : «Aucun pays n'a aidé Israël autant que la France»

08.Mar.2008 Bout, marchand de mort, sous les verrous
Ecuador-Kolumbien: Die Krise ist vorbei
08.Mar.2008 Boeing Had Different Tanker Contract View From US Air Force ...

29, besting Boeing (BA) to win a $40 billion U.S. Air Force contract for refueling ... has run TV ads touting his triumph in that Boeing tanker " scandal. newsfeedresearcher.com/data/articles_b10/idb2008.
Tanker Deal: Why Boeing Shouldn't Protest. - NewsFeed Researcher ... [37]

By selecting EADS and Northrop Grumman to build its new refuelling tanker, the U.S. Air Force hopes to bury a scandal that engulfed Boeing's senior ... newsfeedresearcher.com/data/articles_b10/idb2008.
Washington Wire - WSJ.com : Obama Is Disappointed Over Air Force ...

Under the contract, the Air Force will buy 179 tanker aircraft over the next 15 years as it replaces its Boeing -built KC-135 tankers, which are an average ... blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2008/03/02/obama-expresses-disappointment-over-air-force-tanker-deal/?mod=modValue
IEC Journal: News Scandal Tarnishes Air Force and Boeing . Today's New York Times (you must register to ... Air Force Wants More Information From Druyun About Improprieties ... www.iecjournal.org/iec/news/index.html
Ahead of the Bell: Tanker Hearing -- Overview Of: Boeing, Air ... [2]

The Air Force could explain to Boeing Co. as soon as Thursday why it awarded a ... has run TV ads touting his triumph in that Boeing tanker " scandal.recent-business-news.com/data/articles_b10/idb2008.
20070830 US Senator John McCain Darleen Druyun 's actions not only disgraced herself and ... Boeing tanker deal stinks $21 Billion to lease aerial tankers, Air Force ... alfatomega.com/20070830.html
20050310 BOEING, LOCKHEED MARTIN, TRW WIN AIRBORNE LASER CONTRACT ... of Air Force and private- sector investment and ... an affordable and very effective defense ... alfatomega.com/20050310.html
WhistleblowerSupporter: Boeing Specific Whistleblowers, faulty ... The tanker contract will help the Air Force replace its fleet of KC-135 ... is not unlike some of what I observed in the Boeing tanker lease scandal ."
WhistleblowerSupporter: July 2007 The Boeing Scandal After the Boeing Scandals by Robert Weissman ...

In the elaborate Darleen Druyun affair, Air Force contracting officer Druyun admitted ... whistleblowersupporter.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/07/index.html
20050310 BOEING, LOCKHEED MARTIN, TRW WIN AIRBORNE LASER CONTRACT ... of Air Force and private- sector investment and ... an affordable and very effective defense ... alfatomega.com/20050310.html
Is Defense Transformation Affordable? - View as HTML
negatively affecting the tanker lease program. •. In April
2004, Darleen A. Druyun, the former lead Air Force negotiator on the tanker lease program, ... www.comw.org/rma/fulltext/0606cordesman.pdf
Yahoo! 360° - Entries tagged "defense" Perle has been a staunch advocate of the
Boeing tanker lease, ...

It's quite a coup, because many Air Force generals have said that the planes aren't needed ... blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-lIUMEqc3d78UwnhT0QdWe2qO?tag=defense
Yahoo! 360° - Entries tagged "corruption"

The Air Force and Boeing would be open about their relationships, ... found ... is not unlike some of what I observed in the Boeing tanker lease scandal. blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-lIUMEqc3d78UwnhT0QdWe2qO?tag=corruption
Japan Today - Discussion Board It was Halliburton ’s secret sale of centrifuges to Iran that helped get the ...

Have the DoJ, DHS, the FBI + the NYPD thwarted a group of Islamic ... www.japantoday.com/jp/bbs/msg/jahdog/p4
08.Mar.2008 Charles Mingus - Halliburton Charged with Selling Nuclear ... It was Halliburton's secret sale of centrifuges to Iran that helped get the uranium ... Corporate Crime + Abuse

DoJ Opens Investigation Into Halliburton ... charlesmingus.projektvermittler.de/halliburton -charged-with-selling-nuclear-technologies-to- iran --_509.html
Think Progress » Leahy On Halliburton Move: ‘This Is An Insult To ...

14.Mär.2007 ... Halliburton sources revealed that the company sold Iran centrifuges and detonators to be used specifically for a nuclear reactor as well oil ... thinkprogress.org/2007/03/12/leahy-halliburton/
CRIMES AND CORRUPTION OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS: 04/03/07 From Steve Griles' criminal docs from the DoJ (Organization A being CREA, ...

"This kind of expansion of Iran's centrifuge capability is why we went to ... mparent7777-2.blogspot.com/2007_04_03_archive.html
ANSORDE Und da Gott auf der Seite Amerikas ist, ist jeder Kriegsgegner ein unamerikanischer Kommunist. Verstehtst du jetzt, warum wir den Irak angegriffen haben? ansorde.blogspot.com/2006_03_01_archive.html
Profile: Viktor Bout - soc.culture.usa | Google Groups Russian businessman Viktor Bout - currently in custody in Thailand +

... Bout works for the Jewish arms dealers Marc Rich, Semyon Mogilevich + ... groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.usa/browse_thread/thread/3ac980cf42b6a177/b93f2ffd690c94e4
Discussions - soc.culture.canada | Google Groups

Profile: Viktor Bout ...news:ffkAj.87257$C61.78245@edtnps89. ... Bout works for the Jewish arms dealers Marc Rich, Semyon Mogilevich and... more » ... groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.canada
HALLIBURTON HAS LINKS TO AN OLD FRIEND OF THE TALIBAN VIA DUBAI Sharjah was a base of operations for Viktor Bout ’s Air Cess operations, ...

THE CONNECTION TO SCOOTER LIBBY AND PARDONGATE FIGURE MARC RICH ... www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi/noframes/read/86029
Hamilton, Madison + Jay So, while the cycle still goes on,
Viktor Bout is done + hopefully for good. Publius II ... including clemency for fugitive commodities trader Marc Rich . fedpapers.blogspot.com/
'Merchant of Death' Arrested in Thailand - AOL News

Pongpat Chayapan, head of the Crime Suppression Bureau, said Viktor Bout was ... Marc Rich, Pincus Green - business partners; had fled the U.S. after being ... news.aol.com/story/_a/merchant-of-death-arrested-in-thailand/20080306133709990001
The Bush criminal cartel: fingerprints all over Dubai ports deal ... Sharjah was a base of operations for Viktor Bout ’s Air Cess operations,

... network of smugglers connected to Marc Rich, Scooter Libby's one-time client. ... www.lookingglassnews.org/printerfriendly.php?storyid=5221
Sharon and His Mafiya Allies Plot Israel Election Theft ... in partnership with Viktor Bout, the most notorious of the Russian black market ...

While President Clinton took a big political hit over the Marc Rich ... www.larouchepub.com/other/2003/3001sharon_mafiya.html
Hezbollah v Israel-- scripted diversion by the Traitor Caba

YES there are outstanding warrants for Bush's protected Chalabi + Bush/Clinton's protected Marc Rich + protected Viktor Bout ... www.apfn.net/messageboard/07-26-06/discussion.cgi.17.html
globeandmail.com: 'Merchant of Death' arrested in Thailand
Viktor Bout, a Russian arms dealer dubbed the 'Merchant of Death', sits at the Crime Suppression ...

I wonder if he got his contacts from Marc Rich - you. ... www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080306.wbout0306/BNStory/International/
Mar.200- THE NEWS FROM WAYNE MADSEN...|Legal Assistant Blog

... criminal cartel to arms trafficking, Viktor Bout, the Taliban + Al Qaeda. ... of smugglers connected to Marc Rich, Scooter Libby's one-time client. www.legalassistantblog.com/node/8619
Tom Heneghan Intelligence Briefing ... trafficker linked to known
9/11 co-conspirator and arms trafficker Viktor Bout. Sandy Berger, Mossad Team in Thailand, Khashoggi, Marc Rich nuclear ... tomheneghan.twoday.net/
4um: More on Plame/Fitz, plus Ney and Deflation of US casualty ... of Russian Mafia arms smuggler (and favored Pentagon contractor) Viktor Bout.

Cheney's + Libby's ties to Russian-Israeli mobsters like Marc Rich, ... www.freedom4um.com/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=35080&Disp=1
The good, the bad + the ugly list of bobthedrummer-A DU project ... Jackson Stephens,
Marc Rich, James Bath ... blm,

22.Feb.2007 Viktor Bout Manuel Noriega Shimon Peres Yasser Arafat Menachem Begin ... www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x2903461
00.000.1999 Darfur peace agreement ... Why can't Bush maintain the ...

PARIS - Arms dealer Viktor Bout was the merchant of death wanted for feeding ... + a record of a $10263.02 payment to Marc Rich, best known for his ... www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x2131948
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | ... last days - including his granting of clemency to fugitive millionaire
Marc Rich. Viktor Bout, the famed Russian arms smuggler, supplier to anybody ... tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/ 05.Oct.2005 Yorkshire CND - Hayden's Heroes -

During the last year of the Clinton administration, Viktor Bout was a number one ... Lewis "Scooter" Libby to fugitive Marc Rich, who is linked to the crime ... cndyorks.gn.apc.org/yspace/articles/haydens_heroes.htm
Anti-Neocons :: View topic - Cloakanddagger radio. Another ...

The Bagman for all this included none other than MARC RICH AKA HANS BRAND and ... of state along with nine eleven co conspirators VIKTOR BOUT, ABDULLAH GUL, ...
Russia and USA, Setting Up Future Conflicts [Archive] - Gold ... ... of Russian Mafia arms smuggler (+ favored Pentagon contractor) Viktor Bout.

Cheney's + Libby's ties to Russian-Israeli mobsters like Marc Rich, ... goldismoney.info/forums/archive/index.php/t-64331.html
JREGrassroots > Iraq: Government Deal With a 'Merchant of Death'? WASHINGTON —

Billionaire Marc Rich has emerged as a central figure in the UN. Viktor Bout, former Russian military man converted into arms trafficker ... www.jregrassroots.org/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t10947.html
The Neoconservative Movement: Table Of Contents - JREGrassroots

Marc Rich : PardonGate Billionaire Major Player in Saddam's Scam Suspected Arms Dealer Had Pentagon Contracts The Trafficker Viktor Bout Lands ... www.jregrassroots.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8087&mode=threaded
00.000.2008 Obama adviser quits after calling Clinton a 'monster' - ... As president, Bill Clinton pardoned Viktor Bout's partner Marc Rich before he left the office.

Will Hillary Clinton "reject" any pardon request for the ... www.boston.com/news/politics/politicalintelligence/2008/03/obama_adviser_c.html
Hayden's Heroes During the last year of the
Clinton administration, Viktor Bout was a number one ... to fugitive Marc Rich, who is linked to the crime syndicates in Israel, ... cryptome.org/nsa-heroes.htm
01.Mar.2006 portland imc -Bush + Carlyle

01.Mar.2006 Sharjah was a base of operations for Viktor Bout's Air Cess operations, ... connected to Marc Rich, Scooter Libby's one-time client. portland.indymedia.org/en/2006/03/334827.shtml
The Washington Note: Comment on Giles Trendle: European Collusion ... ... and UN- and US Treasury Department -blacklisted arms smuggler Viktor Bout, ...

Abramoff, Kidan + Marc Rich's one-time attorney, Scooter Libby -- are ... www.thewashingtonnote.com/mt/mt-comments.cgi?entry_id=1485
Why did we invade Iraq? ($1
2000 per US household + 3000 dead ...

Marc Rich (Russian Mafia) (Libby’s client) (Pardoned by Clinton per Sharon ’s requests) ... Viktor Bout (Rich’s arms trading partner) ... www.humangenome.org/iraq/reasons.asp
Needlenose | We Needle. You Decide.

Marc Rich, was seeking a pardon on tax-evasion and racketeering charges" and ... BANGKOK/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Viktor Bout, an international arms dealer ... www.needlenose.com/aggregator?menus_expanded%5B13%5D=0&PHPSESSID=03fca4d8ef3030f951d820eedfed9922
Site Search Results ... Rheinisch-Westf Rice,
Condoleezza RICE CONDOLEEZZA 50 Rich, Clinton-Buddy Marc Rich, MARC DAVID 70. Viktor Bout : the story splits! ... alfatomega.com/COMPILED/Condoleezza_Search_3.htm Site Search Results Viktor Bout : ... from the unexpected visits by Condoleezza Rice, ... Randi Rice, Condoleezza RICE CONDOLEEZZA 50 Rich, Marc DAVID 70 Richard, ... alfatomega.com/COMPILED/Condoleezza_Search_2.htm
JammieWearingFool Marc Rich, financier + ex-husband of major Clinton fund-raiser Denise Rich,. Viktor Bout, 41, was detained while allegedly attempting to buy weapons ... jammiewearingfool.blogspot.com/
WAYNE MADSEN REPORT - Wayne Madsen Report Viktor Bout arrested in Thailand. Extradition to US sought after alleged weapons deal ...

Clinton library blocking access to Marc Rich pardon documents. ... www.waynemadsenreport.com/
Wayne Madsen Report ... American fugitive + Russian-Israeli
Mafia kingpin Marc Rich ; Member Content ...

09.Mar.2006 -Gambia, a center for Viktor Bout and GOP lobbyist ... www.waynemadsenreport.com/sitemap
Slashdot | FBI Burying Doc Showing US Officials Stole Nuclear Secrets?

He used to be a lawyer for billionaire israeli-american fugitive Marc Rich, the moneyman for arms trafficker Viktor Bout .

These guys seem to roughly be part ... yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/01/21/1732226
Kansas City IMC: John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University ... ... scandal: Taliban + Al Qaeda weapons smuggler + US contractor
Viktor Bout

... of smugglers connected to Marc Rich, Scooter Libby's one-time client. ... kcindymedia.org/newswire/display/19501/index.php
Political Punch I wonder is she'll follow husband Bill's pardon policy as well and pardon Marc Rich's partner Viktor Bout, the merchant of death. If Viktor is smart, ... blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/03/clinton-caucus.html

Though we have been focusing on the relationship between Marc Rich + Abu ... + UN- + US Treasury Department -blacklisted arms smuggler Viktor Bout, ... engforum.pravda.ru/showthread.php3?threadid=56498& perpage=15&highlight=GIJOE&pagenumber=346
Tim Worstall Tabloid Edition: October 2005 He used to represent Marc Rich . Yes, that’s the same Marc Rich that Bill Clinton pardoned on his last day in office. Libby actually said this: ... timworstall.typepad.com/timworstall/2005/10/index.html Tim Worstall Tabloid Edition: Scams and Frauds The firm is Swiss-based and was founded by US businessman Marc Rich.

... order to freeze the assets of a variety of Viktor Bout companies was extended to ... timworstall.typepad.com/timworstall/scams_and_frauds/index.html
Glencore names price for Xstrata deal - Times Online

Set up by billionaire commodities trader Marc Rich

00.000.1974 Glencore is ... They must go for Hillary Clinton · 'Lord of War' arms dealer Viktor Bout. business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/natural_resources/article3465237.ece
Front Page News (News/Activism) Viktor Bout, a 41-year-old whose dealings reportedly inspired a 2005 movie about the ... including clemency for fugitive commodities trader Marc Rich.
A Blog For All: What Are They Hiding? Marc Rich got a pardon, despite the Department of Justice opposing one, ...

Viktor Bout (1), Virginia (1), Vladimir Putin (16), VP Dick Cheney (19) ... lawhawk.blogspot.com/2008/03/what-are-they-hiding.html
A Blog For All Marc Rich got a pardon, despite the Department of Justice opposing one, . ... Viktor Bout, a major arms dealer, was arrested in Thailand by the authorities ... www.lawhawk.blogspot.com/
The Randi Rhodes Show > Looting of Iraqi Antiquities WMR continues to report a connection between the Russian/Israeli Mafia, Cheney, Netanyahu, Abamoff, Viktor Bout, Marc Rich, Nicholas Sarkozy, ...
Megite News River: What's Interesting Right Now

Viktor Bout, a 41-year-old Russian, was detained in a luxury hotel in Bangkok after a ... including clemency for fugitive commodities trader Marc Rich. www.megite.com/newsriver.php?hour=1
IMC Israel - newswire/4377 ... smuggler and US contractor
Viktor Bout

00.000.2001 -After Bush was inaugurated-, ... of smugglers connected to Marc Rich, Scooter Libby's one-time client. https://israel.indymedia.org/newswire/index.php?function=translation_edit&id=4377
Michelle Malkin » Video: Hillary courts the X-men vote Update ... of fugitive financier +
Clinton pardonee Marc Rich — for a lavish charity.

Enormously Important Gunrunner Arrest: Viktor Bout, Gunrunner to the ... michellemalkin.com/2007/06/22/video-hillary-courts-the-x-men-vote/
Michelle Malkin » Open-borders euphemism of the day: “Unbanked” Oh, yeah. Not to mention Marc Rich .. JunkYardBlog.

» Enormously Important Gunrunner Arrest: Viktor Bout, Gunrunner to the stars! ... michellemalkin.com/2008/01/24/open-borders-euphemism-of-the-day-unbanked/
Israeli Influence in the Americas ... the lawyer for Switzerland- based American fugitive financier Marc Rich,. weapons smuggler, airline owner + US defense contractor Viktor Bout. www.afrocubaweb.com/news/israelispying.htm
Abramoff emails, casinos, money laundering, GOP ... former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Marc Rich + Abramoff ...

00.000.2006 WMR reported on the presence of an aircraft linked to Viktor Bout's ... www.newsfollowup.com/ledeen_8.htm
Arrêtons la guerre avec un mouvement de citoyens

Nous avons décidé de publier ce dossier, car la « nébuleuse Marc Rich ... avec la collaboration d'un certain Viktor Bout, un gros trafiquant d'armes sur le ... solidariteetprogres.online.fr/Campagnes/Richsupp.html
Lewis Libby : la connexion entre Marc Rich et Dick Cheney De

00.000.1985-00.000.2000 Lewis Libby était l'avocat de Marc Rich, un courtier qui a échappé à ... avec la collaboration d'un certain Viktor Bout, un gros trafiquant ... solidariteetprogres.online.fr/News/Etats-Unis/breve_647.html
The Unhived Mind -> Wayne Madsen Intelligence

... a Moldovan company owned by RUIM kingpin + UN- + US Treasury Department -blacklisted arms smuggler Viktor Bout, to fly 99 tons of Kalashnikov AK-47s ... z13.invisionfree.com/THE_UNHIVED_MIND/index.php?showtopic=2387&st=120
Index 5 Index and List Of All Articles. NEW WORLD ORDER CONSPIRACY. Related Articles. Page V. Listing of All Conspiracy Related Articles ... www.gnosticliberationfront.com/index_5.htm
2007 Tree Of liberty: The Times of London has just outed another aircraft tied to Viktor Bout by UN reports, to arming Islamist radicals in the Horn of Africa. libtree.blogspot.com/2007_07_01_archive.html
Bloviating Zeppelin: A Great Step Keating, some of his associates + Marc Rich.

Mr. Kassar is just the worst of a number of such individuals, including Viktor Bout (responsible for an ... bloviatingzeppelin.blogspot.com/2007/06/great-step.html
PIECE.NL: Wil de echte Yuri Orlov nu opstaan?

Wikipedia identificeert de heren Viktor Bout en Marc Rich als de hoofdzakelijke modellen voor de film. Toch lijkt het rijtje niet compleet zonder een snufje ... www.piece.nl/weblog/000175.html
Lord of War - Wikipédia Acredita-se que o personagem foi baseado na vida do bilionário
Marc Rich, e também na vida de Viktor Bout . Eamonn Walker faz André Baptiste Sr., ... pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_of_War
King of Zembla Longtime Zemblans will recall the name of Viktor Bout, the Russian ... Rozen also has a juicy item about Marc Rich, who is back in the news for his part in ... simbaud.blogspot.com/2004_12_12_archive.html
Fontaine, Poitou-Charentes, França - Páginas: Lord of War - glosk Acredita-se que foi baseado na vida do Bilionário Marc Rich, e também na vida de Viktor Bout .

Eamonn Walker figura como (André Baptiste Sr.) que foi ... www.glosk.com/FR/Fontaine/-2046096/pages/Lord_of_War/15131_pt.htm
LA MENACE VIENT DES USA - Liste des derniers articles parus sur ...

Au moment de prendre la fuite, Marc Rich et son associé Pincus Green étaient ... avec la collaboration d'un certain Viktor Bout, un gros trafiquant d'armes ... usa-menace.over-blog.com/archive-10-2005.html
Mogulul rus Oleg Deripaska - candidatul surpriza pentru Automobile ... Viktor Bout, Afaceristul Mortii, a fost prins cu ajutorul Romaniei ... infiintat de Marc Rich si preluat de magnatul Vitali Machitski. ...
Free Iraq: "Why is it so necessary to write a new constitution for ... Free Iraq. The US's occupation of Iraq will see to it that the Lion of Babylon rises again .. abutamam.blogspot.com/2005/10/why-is-it-so-necessary-to-write-new.html
L'homme du jour :
Marc Rich - l'Humanite https://www.humanite.fr/2003-01-25_Politique_-L-homme-du-jour-Marc-Rich .

... qu’il aurait mis sur pied avec la collaboration d’un certain Viktor Bout, ... www.humanite.fr/2003-01-25_Politique_-L-homme-du-jour-Marc-Rich
Imprimer :: L'homme du jour :
Marc Rich - l'Humanite

L’homme du jour : Marc Rich . Roseline Bachelot l’a nommément mis en cause dans ... qu’il aurait mis sur pied avec la collaboration d’un certain Viktor Bout, ... www.humanite.fr/popup_imprimer.html?id_article=257283
Solidarité & Progrès - Lewis
Libby : la connexion entre Marc Rich ... De

00.000.1985-00.000.2000 Lewis Libby était l’avocat de Marc Rich, un courtier qui a échappé à ... avec la collaboration d’un certain Viktor Bout, un gros trafiquant ... www.solidariteetprogres.org/spip/sp_article-breve.php3?id_article=932
antifa_archive3.html ... and UN- and US Treasury Department-blacklisted arms smuggler
Viktor Bout, ... Abramoff, Kidan + Marc Rich's one-time attorney, Scooter Libby -- are www.wbenjamin.org/antifa_archive3.html
War Clouds: Lord of War ... arms dealer with a striking similarity to Russian arms dealer
Viktor Bout . ... is based at least partially on billionaire commodities trader Marc Rich. war-clouds.blogspot.com/2007/01/lord-of-war.html
Lord of War | DBpedia.org ... arms dealer with similarities to Russian arms dealers Viktor Bout and Leonid Minin. ... sulla vita del trader del petrolio e "faccendiere" Marc Rich. dbpedia.org/resource/Lord_of_War
Religião é Veneno :: Exibir tópico - o senhor das armas

Acredita-se que foi baseado na vida do Bilionário Marc Rich, e também na vida de Viktor Bout. Eamonn Walker figura como (André Baptiste Sr. ... www.rv.cnt.br/viewtopic.php?p=167718

00.000.1985-00.000.2000 Lewis Libby fut l'avocat de Marc Rich, un courtier ... avec la collaboration d'un certain Viktor Bout, un gros trafiquant d'armes sur le ... www.alterinfo.net/QUI-EST-LEWIS-LIBBY-_a517.html
Victor Bout blogs Viktor Bout The Real Merchant Of Death african nations, lord of war, ... That is a lot of Bentley Arnages for people like Marc Rich, Victor Bout, ... www.whataboutu.com/blogs_Victor+Bout~2261.html
LA VOIX DES OPPRIMES - Les agents israeliens tombent les uns apres ... De

00.000.1985-00.000.2000 Lewis Libby fut l’avocat de Marc Rich, un courtier ... avec la collaboration d’un certain Viktor Bout, un gros trafiquant d’armes sur le ... news.stcom.net/modules.php?name=News&file=print&sid=1799
Think-Israel The fictional Orlov is a portrayal of the real-life Viktor Bout, a "former" KGB .. ... the fugitive financier Marc Rich but he left Pollard to rot in jail. www.think-israel.org/aug07bloged.html
Les juif qui dirige les USA - Le criminel juif sioniste Lewis ... De

00.000.1985-00.000.2000 Lewis Libby fut l’avocat de Marc Rich, un courtier milliardaire ... avec la collaboration d’un certain juif Viktor Bout, un gros trafiquant ... abbc.net/libby/bush-gracie.htm
A '@'@'@'@ - View as HTML
décennies, avec
Marc Rich et Arcady. Gaydamak. Intermédiaires .. ... (Julio GODOY) : « Le trafiquant d’armes Viktor Bout, véritable ... survie-france.org/IMG/pdf/Num126.pdf
CRIMES AND CORRUPTION OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS: Archivists ... including clemency for fugitive commodities trader Marc Rich.

Israel’s Right To Terrorism · Big-Time Arms Dealer Viktor Bout Arrested ... mparent7777-2.blogspot.com/2008/03/archivists-block-release-of-clinton.html
*QUIZ* Teste seus conhecimentos!! - Pág. 46 - Forum Outer Space ... Marc Rich ? "Tudo pode acontecer... Inclusive nada".

Winchester ... Postado Originalmente por Blue Fox Ver Post. Viktor Bout ? É, é ele. Vai lá. ... forum.outerspace.com.br/showthread.php?t=61977&page=46
Pan zycia i smierci [Archiwum] - TorrentMania.info Viktor Bout (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Bout )

albo Marc Rich (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Rich)(ale ten drugi gosciu nie za bardzo pasuje) ... www.torrentmania.info/archive/index.php/t-88.html
Pan zycia i smierci - Strona 2 - TorrentMania.info

A wracajac do pytania o to kto jest pierwowzorem bohatera to udalo mi sie znalesc ze najprawdopodobniej to : Viktor Bout albo Marc Rich (ale ten drugi gosciu ... www.torrentmania.info/f-filmy-67/t-pan-ycia-i-smierci-88/page2.html
2006-01.Apr.2006 NOSE CONE: Sharjah was a base of operations for Viktor Bout's Air Cess operations,

... network of smugglers connected to Marc Rich, Scooter Libby's one-time client. noseconenews.blogspot.com/2006_03_01_archive.html
Lord of War - Wikivisual It is also believed that he is based at least partially on billionaire commodities trader Marc Rich + on Viktor Bout . Eamonn Walker's character (André ... en.wikivisual.com/index.php/Lord_of_War
Carte de presse: Plan B ? La baffe !

Avant de prendre la fuite, Marc Rich et son associé Pincus Green étaient déjà connus ... avec la collaboration d’un certain Viktor Bout, un gros trafiquant ... hertoghe.typepad.com/carte_de_presse/2005/11/plan_b_battu_.html
00.Sep.2006 CommieNews.com: Habeas Corpus, RIP (1215 - 2006).

With a smug stroke of his pen, President Bush is set to wipe out a safeguard against illegal imprisonment that has endured ... commienews.blogspot.com/2006_09_01_archive.html
2-942/1 Traders van Gécamines : Speciality Metals, Marc Rich – Glencore; ... Peleman merkt op dat Viktor Bout via tal van luchtvaartbedrijven nog steeds actief is ... www.senate.be/www/?MIval=/publications/viewPubDoc&TID=33621897&LANG=nl

09.Jan.2008. CIA REPORTS ... uaereport.blogspot.com/2008/01/cia-reports.html
Marc Rich - Glencore;. — Traders de la Gécamines: Speciality Metals,. Marc Rich - Glencore; .. ... Peleman merkt op dat Viktor Bout via tal van ... www.grip.org/bdg/pdf/g4043.pdf
08.Mar.2008 Dumb Looks Still Free: June 2007 ... + concentrate on Mr. Kassar along with Viktor Bout + Faoud Abbas.

And as BCCI was *also* connecting to the Keating 5 Scandal and Marc Rich, ... ajacksonian.blogspot.com/2007_06_01_archive.html
Merchant of Death - HaloScan.com - Comments for atrios The Trafficker Viktor Bout Lands US Aid for Services Rendered in Iraq ...

Chuck Feney: Actually, Viktor Bout sounds like the name of a bad guy in some ... www.haloscan.com/comments/atrios/110298380597014222/
Engenho Cage interpreta
Viktor Bout, um Ulcrânio (Ucraniano) traficante de armas. Acredita-se que foi baseado na vida do Bilionário Marc Rich . links.io.licestudy.org/pt/43%20a.C
00.Sep.2006 CommieNews.com: Habeas Corpus, RIP (1215 - 2006).

With a smug stroke of his pen, President Bush is set to wipe out a safeguard against illegal imprisonment that has endured ... commienews.blogspot.com/2006_09_01_archive.html
20060522 Criminal cartels such as the arms network of Viktor Bout can + do cooperate ... Remember the 200000 (or more) AK-47s flown out of Bosnia by Viktor Bout, ... alfatomega.com/20060522.html
Cannonfire Khashoggi has close ties, from Iran-Contra and elsewhere, ... (In a

00.000.1990 court case, Khashoggi's phone records revealed that Khashoggi had spoken at least ... cannonfire.blogspot.com/2007_08_01_archive.html
Egyptian billionaire ‘who spied for Mossad’ found dead - Times Online

28.Jun.2007 His associates included Adnan Khashoggi, the arms dealer, Ken Bates, the football club. Derby City Espresso, Louisville, KY, USA ... www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article1996680.ece
08.Mar.2008 antifa_archive3.html The very same Adnan Khashoggi who has been a force behind a well-financed .. ... + UN- + US Treasury Department-blacklisted arms smuggler Viktor Bout, ... www.wbenjamin.org/antifa_archive3.html
08.Mar.2008 Genaueste Uhr der Welt: Neuer Weltrekord in der Zeitmessung

08.Mar.2008 Partei in der Führungskrise: SPD denkt über Rückkehr von Müntefering nach

08.Mar.2008 Krise der SPD: Zersetzte Partei ohne Zentrum
08.Mar.2008 Animals have empathy and show feelings, says scholar 

Animals are emotional and empathic beings which show their feelings, according to a leading American scholar from the University of Colorado, in Australia for a series of public lectures. posted by Prof. Hex
08.Mar.2008 Scientists Hope to Listen for Alien Life 
Many scientists refuse to believe that humans are alone, given the 200 billion stars in our galaxy. posted by Prof. Hex
08.Mar.2008 Owner of Jack Ruby's gun aiming for big auction payday 

Jack Ruby's .38-caliber Colt Cobra would be unremarkable except for two things – it made history and it has had astonishing resale value. posted by Prof. Hex
08.Mar.2008 NYC Struck Again by Mystery Bomber 

For the third time in as many years, someone riding a bike + armed with a small explosive has struck in Manhattan, this time in the highest-profile location by far:

a landmark military recruitment station in the heart of Times Square. posted by Prof. Hex
Gastprofessur in Yale: Tony Blair unterrichtet Elitestudenten (Politik)
https://blog.fefe.de/ Bankendomino: Die Rosskur hat nicht gereicht, Citigroup wird wohl über 30.000 Jobs plattmachen und "noch viel mehr Geld" ranschaffen.

https://blog.fefe.de/ Bankendomino: Britische Banken haben 2007 rund 6,8 Milliarden Pfund an geplatzten Krediten abgeschrieben.

https://blog.fefe.de/ UK: High Court zwingt Ex-SAS-Soldaten, keine weiteren Details über Folter auszupacken.

00.000.2005 Der Mann ist bei SAS (den britischen Special Forces) ausgestiegen, weil er mit den US-Folterungen nicht einverstanden war.

Das ist natürlich besonders peinlich, weil die Briten ja kürzlich erst einräumen mußten, dass die Amis ihre Kidnapping-Flüge auf britischem Boden zwischenlanden ließen.

Laut dem SAS-Mann sind die Folteropfer auch noch von Briten gefangen worden, das ist ja noch mal eine Runde schlimmer.
https://blog.fefe.de/ Hillary hat ja gerade Ohio gewonnen. Dazu gibt es einige schöne Verschwörungstheorien. Erstmal muß man verstehen, dass die Republikaner gerne Hillary als demokratischen Präsidentschaftskandidaten haben wollen, weil deren Programm eh quasi republikanisch ist.

Die könnte damit auch direkt für die Republikaner laufen. Gut, die beiden Parteien sind eh nur als PR-Maßnahme unterschiedlich, damit dem Bürger suggeriert werden kann, wenn er diese Scheiße nur noch ein paar Jahre aushält, gibt es wieder Wahlen, und dann hat er die Chance, etwas zu ändern. Was natürlich nicht stimmt, weil sich nichts ändert, egal wen man wählt.

Nun rufen sie auf Fox News dazu auf, dass Republikaner sich als Demokraten eintragen lassen, und dann für Hillary stimmen, damit nicht Obama der Gegenkandidat zu McCain wird, denn Hillary ist die leichtere Gegnerin.

Glaubt ihr nicht? Guckt mal hier, Hillary tritt sogar bei Fox News an und läßt sich von Karl Rove umschmeicheln.

Und guckt euch nur mal die Hits an, wenn man nach Clinton und Bush Bildern googelt.

Das ist praktisch der selbe Clan.
https://blog.fefe.de/ Endlich haben unsere lupenreinen Demokraten eine Lösung gefunden, die Linkspartei loszuwerden: Das Wahlsystem ändern.
08.Mar.2008 https://blog.fefe.de/ Neue Kriminal-Trends aus den USA: Bier-Trinken, "turnstile-jumping" und "outstretching".

Das sind "quality of life offenses" in New York. Turnstile-Jumping ist deren Variante von Schwarzfahren, ein Turnstile ist eine Schranke wie bei uns am Supermarkt-Eingang, die aber nur aufgeht und einen durchläßt, wenn man einmal gezahlt hat. Outstretching ist...: Both were arrested for "outstretch": taking up more than one seat on the subway, or lying down on the seats. They hate us for our freedom!
https://blog.fefe.de/ Roland "Law & Order" Schill beim Koksen gefilmt. Und deshalb brauchen wir lückenlose Videoüberwachung von Politikern.
08.Mar.2008 Multiverse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [citation needed] It is then but a small step to the point where the engineered conscious beings inhabit a simulated reality. For such beings, their "fake" ...
20061120 North Africa : British vs. Italians: 57 ... Maletti Group got lost. ... 00.000.1810-00.000. 1935 125 Jahre Geschichte der Gutehoffnungshütte ... alfatomega.com/20061120.html
Pietro Maletti - Wikipedia Nel 1931 conseguì la promozione a colonnello per meriti di guerra. Rientrò in Italia nel maggio 1934 ma nel gennaio del 1935 fu trasferito in Somalia e dove ... it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pietro_Maletti 1
What happened on December 9th

09.Dec.1944 Maletti Italian general, dies in battle

09.Dec.1944 Laird Cregar actor ... to form anti-Communist John Birch Society

09.Dec.1961 SS Col Adolf Eichman found guilty of war ... www.electricscotland.com/history/today/1209.htm
DAK Rules volume 2 PM6.5 - View as HTML
Maletti Leader. 3-3-6 Arm Bn (2 Med). 3-4-5 Camel Bn (Sahariano) ... 7-3-2 Arty Rgt ( Maletti ). C44.31:. 9-1-3 Blackshirt Inf Div (23 Mar) ...
BFEE Pal Berlusconi Built 007 Villain's Tunnel (like Moon & Hitler ...

00.000.1935 Mussolini occupied Ethiopia with dreams of "restoring the Roman Empire.. Maletti, who in order to escape justice took refuge in South Africa ... www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x1693190
Presented by Greg Duncan...

00.000.1935 Dominico Tromp, Aruba, band leader

00.000.1938 [David] Deacon Jones, ...

00.000.1940 British troops 1st major offensive in No Africa (Libya) during WW II ... vaxxine.com/mgdsite/history/1209.eht
01.Feb.2008-01.Mar.2008 aangirfan: "Dutroux... was closely tied to a senior Portuguese diplomat, Jorge Ritto, a former ambassador to South Africa + Permanent Representative to UNESCO who is ... aangirfan.blogspot.com/2008_02_01_archive.html
00.000.1935-00.000.1937 »I crimini dell’imperialismo italiano: Etiopia (Seconda ... Il terrore che diffonde Maletti è tale che l’intera popolazione civile del Mens si da ...

Tutti i non combattenti erano fuggiti col bestiame e con le loro ... www.newbrainframes.org/archives/318
il manifesto - quotidiano comunista Secondo una relazione del colonnello Azolino Hazon, la sola arma dei carabinieri ... Tra il

18.May 1937+27.May 1937 Maletti portò a termine la sua missione ... www.cestim.it/rassegna%20stampa/02/11/01/colonialismo.htm
20070623 finance chairman Alan Solomon, investors Alan Shuman + Tom Lee, aviation leasing executive Farhad Azima + fashion-industry executive Arnold Simon. ... alfatomega.com/20070623.html
Texas Monthly Web Press The story which describes how former DNC Chairman Charles Manatt, (connected by ..

... former Democratic National Committee finance chairman Alan Solomon, ... texasmonthly.blogspot.com/2007/01/patrick-carr-murder-of-presbyterian.html
00.Jan.2007 Texas Monthly Web Press:The story which describes how former DNC Chairman Charles Manatt, (connected by FTW + author Dan Hopsicker to drug smuggler Barry Seal), ... texasmonthly.blogspot.com/2007_01_01_archive.html
NY Press Blog Area Art auction and fundraiser for visual artists from Fort Greene, ...

Historians such as Alan Solomon, who pushed to preserve the historical wall, ... www.nypress.com/blogx/month_blogs.cfm?day=1&startmonth=7&startyear=2007
List of Barack Obama presidential campaign endorsements ... New Jersey State Senator & DNC Member Dana Redd (D-Camden) [citation needed].

Alan Solomon, Massachusetts philanthropist and fund-raiser [438] ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Barack_Obama_presidential_campaign_endorsements
Change of Subject - Observations, reports, tips, referrals + ... Alan Solomon for calling his wife "The Wife" in his Sunday story.

... she complains that Obama doesn't reveal enough about his fundraising efforts. ... blogs.chicagotribune.com/news_columnists_ezorn/2004/09/index.html
00.Oct.2004 Kerry Reference Library>In The News: Eary ... according to the campaign's New England finance chairman, Alan Solomon ...

in town for the first time since the Democratic National Convention in July, ... kerrylibrary.invisionzone.com/lofiversion/index.php/t194.html
COMPANY NEWS; Bid for Health Management - New York Times

The First Chicago investment group, which includes members of the Health Management's top management, already controls 1.3 million company shares, ... query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=940DE3D71E3DF937A25754C0A96E948260
Homes could rise on ridge near Hollywood sign - Los Angeles Times

13.Feb.2008 A Chicago investment group said Tuesday that Los Angeles officials had failed to come up with the cash to preserve the mountaintop next to ... www.latimes.com/news/local/valley/la-me-hollyhills13feb13,1,7539275.story
Homes could rise on ridge near Hollywood sign - Los Angeles Times

A Chicago investment group said Tuesday that Los Angeles officials had failed to come up with the cash to preserve the mountaintop next to the iconic sign, ... www.latimes.com/news/local/valley/la-me-hollyhills13feb13,1,7539275.story?ctrack=1&cset=true
07.Mar.2008 hollywood sign: Blogs, Photos, Videos and more on Technorati

"A Chicago investment group said Tuesday that Los Angeles officials had failed to come up with the cash to preserve the mountaintop next t… technorati.com/tag/hollywood+sign

14.Nov.2006 ... In

00.Mar.200- Chicago Investment Group was named in a Brooklyn federal indictment as one of 15 New York-area brokerage firms with branch offices ... www.nypost.com/seven/11142006/business/chinese_checkers_business_christopher_byron.htm

15.Jul.2005 the White House Press Corp Waking Up?: Q Scott, can I ask you this; did Karl Rove commit a crime?

15.Jul.2005 GOP talking points on Rove seek to discredit Wilson alfatomega.com/20050715.html
07.Mar.2008 SWR Cont.Ra Aus Umwelt und Ernaehrung Podcasts ... Punkt, Arbeit und Umwelt - eine Konferenz in Berlin, Der Klimaexperte - Hans ... für Turmfalken + Fledermäuse -

Nabu und Kirchen starten Kampagne zum ... www.podcastdirectory.com/podcasts/16281

umweltschutz-news ... im Vorfeld der internationalen Walfang- Konferenz

Im Vorfeld der vom ... natürlichen Ressourcen bekennen", sagte NABU -Bundesgeschäftsführer Billen. www.Umweltschutznews.de/news2004/newspro/newspro_archiv/arc3-2002.txt

www.umweltschutz-news.de/news2004/newspro/newspro_archiv/arc5-2005.txt ... der heute auf einer großen Konferenz in Budapest vorgestellt wurde, warnt davor,

... zum Ende der fünftägigen IWC- Konferenz im südkoreanischen Ulsan. ... www.umweltschutz-news.de/news2004/newspro/newspro_archiv/arc5-2005.txt


01.Feb.2007 weltklima [Archiv] - Seite 2 - Aktienboard.com Die ... nimmt an UNEP- Konferenz in Nairobi teil ...

16.Feb.2005 NABU überreicht Trittin eine ... alfatomega.com/20070201.html
Archive - International Association of Journalists IntexyS and Lightfleet Enable High Bandwidth with Free Space, Optical Interconnect ..

Amway Warns of Bogus Internet Charity Scam (Amway Corporation) ... www.journalist-association.eu/archive/
07.Mar.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/0,1518,druck-539372,00.html

Im März 2007 bezifferte ein Forscherteam den Nettoverlust an Eis in Grönland und der Antarktis auf 125 Gigatonnen pro Jahr.

Damit trage das abschmelzende Festlandeis der Polargebiete rund zehn % zum Anstieg der Meeresspiegel bei, der derzeit etwa drei Millimetern pro Jahr liegt.

Das aber könnte längst nicht alles sein, wie Rignot erklärt. Laut den jüngsten Untersuchungen seines Teams, die demnächst im Fachblatt "Geophysical Research Letters" erscheinen sollen,

00.000.2006+00.000.2007 seien die Westantarktis-Gletscher in den Jahren schneller als je zuvor in Richtung Meer gerutscht.

"Einfache Modelle sagen voraus, dass das erst der Anfang ist", so Rignot. "Diese Gletscher könnten ihre Fließgeschwindigkeit in den nächsten Jahren leicht verdoppeln."

Die neue Studie von Johnsons Team zeige, "dass die Zukunft schon da ist".

Allein die bloße Geschwindigkeit des Gletscherschwunds in der Westantarktis habe viele Wissenschaftler bereits vermuten lassen, dass hier etwas Außergewöhnliches geschieht.

"Diese Gletscher hätten in der Vergangenheit niemals länger als einige Jahrzehnte in diesem Tempo ausdünnen können", erklärte Rignot gegenüber SPIEGEL ONLINE.

"Klarer Zusammenhang mit dem Klimawandel"

Die Daten, schreiben die Forscher im Fachblatt "Geology", stellen den derzeitigen Masseverlust des Westantarktischen Eisschilds erstmals in den zeitlichen Kontext der vergangenen Jahrtausende.

Und sie bestätigten, was Wissenschaftler seit langem befürchteten: Die Gletscher verlieren "ungewöhnlich schnell" an Stärke, heißt es in dem Papier.

Der Pine-Island-Gletscher ist demnach in den vergangenen 4700 Jahren im Schnitt um 3,8 Zentimeter pro Jahr dünner geworden.

Für den Smith- und den Pope-Gletscher ergab sich eine Rate von nur 2,3 Zentimetern pro Jahr in den vergangenen 14.500 Jahren.

Das ist nichts im Vergleich zu den Werten der jüngsten Vergangenheit:

Satellitenmessungen zwischen 1992 und 1996 haben etwa für den Pine-Island-Gletscher einen Verlust von 1,6 Metern Dicke pro Jahr ergeben - was dem 42-Fachen des Durchschnitts der vergangenen 4700 Jahre entspricht.

Zufall oder vielsagendes Timing? Das verräterische Zusammentreffen von Antarktis-Tauwetter und Klimawandel

Das spektakuläre Schauspiel des Eisberg-Kalbens hat in den vergangenen Jahren geradezu unheimliche Ausmaße angenommen.

Die großen Schelfeis-Platten der Westantarktis, die vor dem auf dem Festland ruhenden Eisschild im Wasser liegen, zerbröseln zusehends - und die dahinter liegenden gewaltigen Gletscher rutschen immer schneller Richtung Meer. Sollte die Eisschmelze weiter bestehen oder sich gar beschleunigen, könnte der Anstieg der Meeresspiegel nach Ansicht von Wissenschaftlern katastrophale Ausmaße annehmen.

Erste Daten bestätigen Befürchtungen
Ob der Mensch verantwortlich ist, war bisher unklar - jetzt legen Forscher erstmals Daten über das Schrumpfen des Eispanzers in den vergangenen Jahrtausenden vor. Sie untermauern schlimmste Befürchtungen.

Herbert Batliner galt als der Pate des Liechtensteiner Stiftungswesens. Unter anderem wurden seine Stiftungen für CDU-Parteispenden benutzt.

Gegen ihn lief bei der Staatsanwaltschaft in Bochum, die auch die jüngste Steueraffäre in Liechtenstein aufarbeitet, ein Ermittlungsverfahren wegen Beihilfe zur Steuerhinterziehung.

Dieses wurde inzwischen aber gegen die Zahlung einer hohen Geldbuße beendet.

Hamburg - Die in der Liechtensteiner Steueraffäre aufgetauchten Verbindungen zwischen deutschen Banken und Liechtensteiner Treuhändern existieren offenbar schon seit Jahrzehnten.

Das geht aus einem Vermerk des Vaduzer Treuhänders Herbert Batliner vom 10. Februar 1992 hervor, der dem SPIEGEL vorliegt.
Deshalb sollten formale und informelle Kontrolle auch nicht gegeneinander ausgespielt werden, meint Thöni:

"Unsere Ergebnisse deuten an, dass ein funktionierender Rechtsstaat und die Kontrolle untereinander Hand in Hand gehen sollten".
Die Trittbrettfahrer akzeptieren die Strafe nicht und rächen sich an den Gutmenschen, weil sie vermutlich ja gerade von diesen bestraft wurden.
Warum müssen Menschen für ihr kooperatives Verhalten auch noch büßen?
Denn je höher die Bereitschaft zu antisozialem Bestrafen in einem Land war, desto niedriger fiel die Kooperationsbereitschaft aus.
Aber in den Untersuchungen trat ein bisher noch unbekanntes Verhalten auf: Menschen bestraften nicht nur Gruppenmitglieder, die weniger als sie selbst bezahlten, sondern auch jene, die mehr als sie selbst in den Gruppentopf warfen. Die Wissenschaftler sprechen von antisozialer Bestrafung, da die Teilnehmer andere ja nicht wegen des sozialen Zusammenhalts abwatschen.

Ein Phänomen, das in der bisherigen Erforschung von Gruppenverhalten keine Rolle spielte.
Ergebnis: Die Spieler opfern etwas von sich, um einen Trittbrettfahrer in die Schranken zu weisen und der Gruppe Gutes zu tun.

Für dieses Verhalten hat die Wissenschaft bereits einen paradoxen Namen erfunden: altruistisches Bestrafen.
Jetzt zeigt eine globale Studie: In einigen Ländern werden auch jene in die Mangel genommen, die sich für die Gruppe engagieren - ein bisher unbekanntes Phänomen in der Verhaltensforschung.

Hinzu kommt, dass die Finanzturbulenzen in den Vereinigten Staaten bei weitem nicht ausgestanden sind.

"Dort haben wir längst keine reine Hypothekenkrise mehr, sondern eine handfeste Kreditkrise, die sich auch auf die klassischen Konsumentenkredite auswirkt",

sagt Gerhard Schwarz, Chefstratege im Bereich weltweite Aktien bei der Unicredit. "Das ist weiterhin das größte Risiko."

Es sind andere Themen, die für Aufruhr an den Aktienmärkten sorgen. Zum Beispiel der extrem hohe Ölpreis - und die Bereitschaft des Opec-Kartells, überhaupt nichts daran zu ändern.

Die Mitgliedstaaten lehnten es am Mittwoch wieder einmal ab, die Förderquoten zu erhöhen. Barrel-Preise von 105 Dollar und mehr lähmen nicht nur Autokonzerne, sondern alle konjunktursensiblen Branchen.

Die Gewinnaussichten trüben sich ein - und belasten die Kurse.
UN-Sonderbotschafterin Waris Dirie bereitete sie am vergangenen Dienstagabend noch bis 23 Uhr gemeinsam mit ihrem Manager Walter Lutschinger und ihrer Assistentin in ihrem Zimmer des noblen Hotels Sofitel am Place Jourdan vor, feilte an Tenor und Formulierungen. Als die Arbeit getan war, entschied sich Dierie, noch in einen Club zu gehen. Sie trug braune Hosen, einen lilafarbenen Hut und einen schwarz-weißen Poncho.

So viel ist bekannt von dem, was sich am Abend des 4. März in Brüssel ereignete. Viel mehr aber auch nicht.

Fest steht nur: Seit der Nacht auf Mittwoch bis heute Abend fehlte von der Menschenrechtsaktivistin jede Spur.

Mount Saint Helens im Jahr 1980 demonstrierte ein vulkanischer Schlammstrom, ein sogenannter Lahar, seine zerstörerische Kraft.

Die oberen 400 Meter des Vulkans stürzten den Berg herunter. Es war der größte Erdrutsch, der jemals verzeichnet wurde. Innerhalb weniger Minuten mischten sich Eis und Gesteinsschutt unter den Schlamm und bildeten mehrere Lahars. Die Gerölllawinen donnerten mit einer durchschnittlichen Geschwindigkeit von 70 Stundenkilometern den Mount St. Helens hinunter. Der schnellste Lahar erreichte eine Schnelligkeit von 110 km/h und zerstörte 200 Häuser. "In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten kamen mehr Menschen durch Schlammströme ums Leben als durch Vulkanausbrüche", betont Scott.

Die Region ist dicht besiedelt. Zudem liegt der Vulkansee in geologisch aktivem Gebiet. Und der riesige Kohlendioxidspeicher schwillt immer weiter an.

Experten befürchten, dass bei einer Erschütterung große Mengen CO2 freigesetzt werden könnten – mit katastrophalen Auswirkungen für die rund zwei Millionen Menschen, die an den Ufern des Kiwu-Sees leben.

In den USA könnten ähnliche Katastrophen drohen. Dort gibt es zahlreiche vulkanische Kraterseen. Auf den ersten Blick offenbart sich ein ähnliches Szenario. Doch die Gefahr heißt hier Schwefeldioxid.

Gefahr am Mount Rainier

21. August 1986 die Katastrophe an. Erst verloschen Gaslampen, Petroleumfackeln und Herdfeuer - dann alles Leben im Umkreis des Nyos-Sees in Kamerun.

1746 Menschen und mehr als 2000 Tiere starben innerhalb kürzester Zeit. Der nahe gelegene Nyos-See hatte eine Wolke von geschätzten 1,7 Millionen Tonnen Kohlendioxid ausgespuckt, die sich, da schwerer als Luft, am Boden entlang in bis zu 20 Kilometer entfernte Dörfer wälzte. Die Bewohner hatten keine Chance: Sie wurden bewusstlos und starben.
Überraschende Versöhnung: Krise zwischen Equador und Kolumbien beigelegt

07.Mar.2008 Deutsche Bank: Kirch setzt Ermittlungen gegen Ackermann durch (Wirtschaft)
Spanien: Parteien sagen Wahlkampf nach Mord an sozialistischem Politiker ab

07.Mar.2008 Konkurrenten- Klage: Gericht erklärt Post- Mindestlohn für rechtswidrig

07.Mar.2008 Demokraten- Duell: Obama- Beraterin beschimpft Clinton als Monster - Rücktritt

07.Mar.2008 Satellitenbild der Woche: Feuer im Flamingoparadies

07.Mar.2008 Kommentar: Ende mit Schrecken (Politik)
Gruppendynamik: Die Bestrafung der Gutmenschen

07.Mar.2008 Steueraffäre: Dresdner Bank hatte Kontakt zu Liechtensteiner Treuhänder (Wirtschaft)
Finanznöte: Dynamo Dresden droht die Insolvenz (Sport)
Attentat in Jerusalem: Anschlag schürt Angst vor Dritter Intifada (Politik)
Menschenrechtsverletzungen in China: Bush soll nicht zu den Olympischen Spielen reisen (Politik)
Felsanalyse: Antarktis- Eis schmilzt ungewöhnlich schnell (Wissenschaft)
Neue Datierung: Grand Canyon älter als bisher gedacht

07.Mar.2008 Affäre Liechtenstein: Neue DVD mit belastenden Steuerdaten in Umlauf (Wirtschaft)
Menschenrechte: Chinesischer Bürgerrechtsanwalt spurlos verschwunden (Politik)
Verunsicherte Börse: Suche nach dem Tiefpunkt (Wirtschaft)
20071206 - John Miley, former weapons dealer for the CIA.

02.Feb.2005 Related Terms Arms merchants /Investigations 02.Feb.2005 Web Results Related to " geomilitech ... alfatomega.com/20071206.html
Schock- Kompanie La Fura dels Baus: Vorhang auf für Terror

07.Mar.2008 Gefährliche Spur nach China: Bundesbehörde nimmt Heparin vom Markt (Wissenschaft)
Ex- Halliburton- Tochter: US- Kriegslieferant spart Sozialabgaben - 21.000 Arbeiter in Steueroase gemeldet (Wirtschaft)
20070410 Farhad Azima is Chairman of Buffalo Airways which, in addition to its . ...

20061123 KBR serves rotten food + contaminated water to troops longer than one ... alfatomega.com/20070410.html
00.000.2006 17/18/19
Viktor Bout WMR reported on the presence of an aircraft linked to ...

Farhad Azima served on the board of Kansas City's Indian Springs State Bank, ... www.gnosticliberationfront.com/viktor_bout.htm
Fotoverbot: Pentagon dämpft Googles Neugier (Netzwelt)
Afghanistan: Deutsche an die Front? (Politik)
Terrorismus: US- General sieht al- Qaida unter Handlungsdruck (Politik)
Proteste in Kolumbien: Hunderttausende demonstrieren gegen Paramilitärs (Politik)
Neu im Kino: Soldaten in der Steinzeit und heute  (Kultur)
Spanien vor der Wahl: Die Geistlichen marschieren wieder (Politik)
Vergleichstabelle: Teuerster Gasversorger verlangt 50 % mehr als der günstigste (Wirtschaft)
Kreidezeit: Meeresspiegel war 170 Meter höher als heute (Wissenschaft)
Geldsegen: Spears' Vater verdient an Britneys Psychose (Panorama)
Kritik an Linksruck: Milliardär Würth warnt Deutsche vor "Edel- DDR" (Wirtschaft)
Explosion in New York: Ermittler jagen den Bomber vom Times Square

07.Mar.2008 Unruhige Börse: Euro und Öl auf Rekordhoch - Ausverkauf bei Finanzaktien (Wirtschaft)
Jüngste Superreiche: 23 Jahre alt - und Milliardär (Wirtschaft)
2000 - By , U.S. government officials considered him one of the leading threats to the United States, on par with Osama bin Laden and global warming.
00.Jan.2005 -In a letter to Congress, then-Assistant Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz admitted the Defense Department "did conduct business with companies that, in turn, subcontracted work to second-tier providers who leased aircraft owned by companies associated with Mr.
At the time,
Bout was already a wanted international fugitive. Intelligence officials had considered Bout one of the greatest threats to U.S. interests, in the same league as al Qaeda kingpin Osama bin Laden. Interpol had issued a warrant for his arrest; the United Nations Security Council had restricted his travel.
But that didn't stop U.S. government contractors from paying
Bout-controlled firms roughly $60 million to fly supplies into Iraq in support of the U.S. war effort, according to a book released last year by two reporters who investigated Bout. And it didn't prevent the U.S. military from giving Bout's pilots millions of dollars in free airplane fuel while they were flying U.S. supply flights.
2003 through at least 2005, Pentagon contractors used air cargo companies known to be connected to Bout to fly an estimated 1,000 supply trips into and out of Iraq, according to "Merchant of Death: Money, Guns, Plans + the Man Who Makes War Possible" by Douglas Farah and Stephen Braun. A Pentagon spokesman confirmed to the authors that the military gave 500,000 gallons of fuel to Bout's pilots.
In an interview Thursday, Farah said he understood
Bout may have worked on behalf of the U.S. government as recently as last year.
FBI: Report to confirm privacy violations :

00.000.2006 The FBI improperly used national security letters to obtain personal data on Americans during terror and spy investigations, Director Robert Mueller said Wednesday.

07.Mar.2008 U.S. foreclosures hit another record high: The %age of mortgages that were in foreclosure hit a record high in the fourth quarter, while mortgage delinquencies rose to a 23-year high, the Mortgage Bankers Association said Thursday

07.Mar.2008 Drug Tied to China Had Contaminant, F.D.A. Says: Federal drug regulators said Wednesday that a critical blood thinner that had been linked to at least 19 deaths and whose raw components were produced in China contained a possibly counterfeit ingredient that mimicked the real drug.
Tainted Evidence: Canada tosses CIA terror testimony obtained through waterboarding: The Canadian government is no longer using evidence gained from CIA interrogations of a top Al Qaeda detainee who was waterboarded.

07.Mar.2008 US Security spending fails to curb terror toll -study: Boosting international police cooperation and increasing aid to developing countries would be far more cost-effective ways to fight terrorism than pouring the money into homeland security, according to U.S. researchers.
Whiff of war hangs over South America : The crisis gripping South America took a step closer to open conflict Wednesday, with Venezuela saying 10 batallions were now on the Colombian border + Ecuador warning "ultimate consequences" could ensue.

07.Mar.2008 Colombia Pipeline Bombed by FARC After Ecuador Attack : Colombian rebels bombed an oil pipeline and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said he may seize local assets of the neighboring country's companies after a Colombian raid into Ecuador killed a rebel leader.

07.Mar.2008 Ecuador, Venezuela Demand Condemnation : Chavez and Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa demanded international condemnation of Colombia's U.S.-allied government on Wednesday night, while Chavez predicted a sharp fall in the $6 billion in annual Colombia-Venezuela trade: "That's coming down."

07.Mar.2008 Venezuela accuse Colombia of war crimes: "We also want peace, but we cannot accept under any pretext that the Colombian government uses Ecuadoran territory to implant imperialist doctrine," added Chavez in reference to Colombia's ally, the United States.

07.Mar.2008 Demonizing Chavez: Alleged Chávez's call to Reyes revealed location of FARC camp : A phone call Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez allegedly made to rebel leader Raúl Reyes revealed the location of the guerilla leader, according to Colombian intelligence reports radio station Radio Cadena Nacional (RCN) disclosed on Wednesday.

07.Mar.2008 Manufacturing Consent For War With Venezuela : Colombia: Rebel documents talk of uranium offer: A mysterious "Belisario'' offered to sell Colombian rebels uranium that could be used for a dirty bomb. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez feuded with Cuba. Chavez offered to move hostages held by the rebels to Venezuela — and hold them there.

07.Mar.2008 Ecuador security minister reveals talks with Colombian rebels: A senior Colombian rebel promised not to operate in Ecuador shortly before a Colombian military raid killed him on Ecuadorean soil, Ecuador's security minister said Wednesday, revealing details of his meeting with the guerrilla leader.

07.Mar.2008 Thai police arrest 'lord of war' : Bout, who is the target of an international arrest warrant and US sanctions, was attempting "to procure weapons for Colombia's Farc rebels", the Thai police said in an arrest report.
Afghan heroin enters Australia: Australian authorities have raised concerns about the amount of pure and cheap heroin coming in from Afghanistan.
Bush told to end threats to Iran over weapons: A Nobel laureate with expertise on diplomatic negotiations and nuclear strategy urged the Bush administration Tuesday to stop issuing public statements that imply the United States will use overwhelming force to destroy Iran's nuclear capabilities.
Iraqi women lost rights after US invasion:

07.Mar.2008 -20.Mar.2003 -since the US-led invasion-The state of Iraqi women has become a "national crisis" a report released by an international women's group said on Thursday.
Arms Dealer's Planes Flew U.S. Missions in Iraq -By- Justin Rood and Maddy Sauer
When U.S. officials announce the arrest of a notorious arms dealer and drug-runner this afternoon, the fact that his planes flew U.S. supply missions in Iraq will likely go unmentioned.

07.Mar.2008 Oil soars to record

Dollar hits low after OPEC accuses U.S. of 'mismanagement' -By- William J. Kole
OPEC said today it will not put more oil on the global market despite record-high prices for crude, blaming the U.S. for economic "mismanagement" that it said was having a worldwide effect.
Dialogue of Weapons -By- : Peter Chamberlin
No longer is it possible to control a weaker enemy -By- using overwhelming force without suffering unacceptable damages to your own people or international image.

07.Mar.2008 It's Still The Occupation, Stupid! -By- Eileen Fleming
"There is no one more hated among Hamas members than Muhammad Dahlan, long Fatah’s resident strongman in Gaza. Dahlan, who most recently served as Abbas’s national-security adviser, has spent more than a decade battling Hamas.- In private, say multiple Israeli and American officials, the U.S. president described him as “our guy.”

07.Mar.2008 Don’t Blame The Inmates Of The Lunatic Asylum -By- Alan Hart

Some Israeli and other Jewish opponents of Zionism’s colonial enterprise have described Israel as a “fascist” state. I think the more appropriate terminology is lunatic asylum. Continue07.Mar.2008

Who Leaked The Details Of A CIA-Mossad Plot Against Iran? -By- Yossi Melman
Bush administration is prolonging the hunting season against journalists. The latest victim is James Risen, The New York Times reporter for national security and intelligence affairs.

About three months ago, a federal grand jury issued a subpoena against him, ordering Risen to give evidence in court.

A heavy blackout has been imposed on the affair, with the only hint being that it has to do with sensitive matters of "national security." Continue

07.Mar.2008 As Alliances Shift, Iran Wins. Again -By- Pepe Escobar
Bush went to Iraq he saw an ultra-fortified military base + that was it. Ahmadinejad went everywhere in broad daylight, welcomed like a brother.

This is how Tehran sees itself - as the ultimate victor of the US war on Iraq. And no "surge" or spin - not to mention Israeli paranoia - can or will make it go away. Continue

07.Mar.2008 The 'Great Satan' Strike Out -By- Robert Scheer
Are the media dumb or just out to lunch? Sorry to be intemperate, but how else can one explain the meager attention paid to the truly historic visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Iraq? Not only is he the first Mideast head of state to visit the country since its alleged liberation, but the very warm official welcome offered by the Iraqi government to the most vociferous critic of the United States speaks volumes to the abject failure of the
Bush doctrine.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Make no mistake, a Pinochet option is in the works. [Cross-posted on Antifascist Calling... ] Permalink
07.Mar.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ According to Bill Van Auken, Correa indicated in a televised address Monday that the attack was launched in the context of intense discussions involving the Ecuadoran government and Reyes over the release of nearly a dozen high-profile hostages held -By- the FARC, including the former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt and three captured US military contractors.
"I regret to inform you that the conversations were very advanced for the freeing in Ecuador of 12 hostages, among them Ingrid Betancourt," said Correa. "It was all frustrated -By- the militarist and authoritarian hands. We cannot discount that this was one of the motives of the [Colombian] incursion."
The French Foreign Ministry also revealed Tuesday that it had been in discussions with Reyes over the release of hostages--particularly Betancourt, who holds French citizenship--and

that the Colombian government was informed of these contacts. (

05.Mar.2008 "US-backed border massacre brings South America to brink of war," World Socialist Web Site, Wednesday, )
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ According to the Los Angeles Times ,
A U.S. intelligence official in Washington said he could not confirm reports that American spies had tipped off the Colombian authorities that Reyes was using a satellite telephone that allowed him to be tracked.
The official acknowledged, however, that U.S. officials have such capabilities and that they share information with allies such as Colombia. (

05.Mar.2008 Chris Kraul and Patrick J. McDonnell, "Neighbors Take Aim at Colombia over Incursion," )
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ After initially claiming Reyes and the other guerrillas were killed -By- Colombian troops in a running battle, a forensic investigation -By- Ecuadoran authorities established they were victims of an aerial bombardment launched while they slept and that some of the victims were then finished off -By- Colombian soldiers, execution-style.
It is for this reason, among many others, that Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez's branding of the Colombia government "the Israel of Latin America" resonates internationally.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Uribe's "Dodgy Dossier" II Antifascist Calling...
In the manic universe of George W.
Bush the aggressor is the victim and the victim inevitably, the aggressor. It comes as no surprise that America's chief executive champions his blood-soaked counterpart, Colombia's death squad-linked president
Álvaro Uribe.
Bush informed reporters Tuesday, "I told the president that America fully supports Colombia's democracy + that we firmly oppose any acts of aggression that could destabilize the region." [emphasis added]
Excuse me? Wasn't it Colombia that launched a surprise attack into Ecuador ? No matter. As journalist
Ron Suskind reported a Bush aide told him,
"That’s not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now + when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too + that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors ... and you, all of you, will be left to study what we do." ("Without a Doubt,"
New York Times Magazine, October 17, 2004)
Political Crossfire Forums :: View topic - Saddam wanted to use ... Sarkis Soghanalian not only provided weapons to Iraq, he inspected the front lines ... And federal court documents show that Sarkis Soghanalian had a ... www.politicalcrossfire.com/forum/viewtopic. php?t=66551&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=20
07.Mar.2008 Mark Thatcher Loftus,J. Aarons,M. The Secret War Against the Jews . 1994 (416) ... Trento,J. Prelude to Terror. 2005 (209). SOGHANALIAN SARKIS G ... www.namebase.org/main3/Mark-Thatcher.html Manucher Ghorbanifar Loftus,J. Aarons,M. The Secret War Against the Jews . 1994 (457) . ... Toobin,J. Opening Arguments. 1992 (116-117). SOGHANALIAN SARKIS G ... www.namebase.org/main3/Manucher-Ghorbanifar.html
07.Mar.2008 Fotos aus dem Orbit: Satellitenbilder zeigen Vertreibung ...

31.May 2006 ... Der "Quickbird"-Satellit reiche zwar nicht an moderne Spionagesatelliten heran, sagte Bromley. ... die auf Massengräber hinweisen könnten. www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,418943,00.html
How America is Dependent on Continuing Wars the Enormous Profits ...

Carlyle Group Carnegie Mellon University Charles Stark Draper Laboratory ... Pratt & Whitney (division of United Technologies ) Private Military Corporations ... soc.mailarchive.ca/culture.usa/2006-11/4392.html
Re: How America is Dependent on Continuing Wars the Enormous ...

Carlyle Group > Carnegie Mellon University > Charles Stark Draper Laboratory > CNA Corporation ... Pratt & Whitney (division of United Technologies ) ... soc.mailarchive.ca/culture.usa/2006-11/4396.html
Carlyle Group, Schema-Root news Cross-referenced news + research resources about Carlyle Group . ... united technologies·universal guardian·usa environmental ... schema-root.org/commerce/corporations/military/carlyle_group/
Carlyle Group, Schema-Root news Cross-referenced news and research resources about Carlyle Group . ... united technologies . universal guardian. usa environmental ... schema-root.org/commerce/corporations/military/carlyle_group/?branch_index
Democratic Underground - Is United Technologies owned -By- the ... Is United Technologies owned by the Carlyle Group ? bulloney, Mar-03-08 06:34 AM, #11. No, UTC (ticker: "UTX") is publicly traded.
White House to Get New Helicopter Fleet ($1.6 billion ...

United Technologies cleaning up under Bush (Once owned by Carlyle Group ), Tempest, Sep-10-04 06:44 PM, #4. $70.5 million last year;, pfitz59 ... www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=102x817471
00.000.2003 -The largest Canadian military suppliers- Free Online Library ... United Technologies General Electric Science Applications Carlyle Group ...

Northrop Grumman [check] General Dynamics United Technologies [check] ... www.thefreelibrary.com/The+largest+Canadian+military+suppliers+in+2003.-a0133081398
JUST POLITICS: WAR CONTRACTOR MAKES BID TO TAKE OVER AMERICAN ... United Technologies Corporation's Pratt & Whitney Government Engine and Space ...

BUSH & THE CARLYLE GROUP · BUSH BOOK THE MEDIA DIDN'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT ... prorev.com/2008/03/war-contractor-makes-bid-to-take-over.html

BUSH & THE CARLYLE GROUP · BUSH BOOK THE MEDIA DIDN'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT ... prorev.com/2008/03/diebold-turns-down-united-technologies.html
Practice Areas - Weil, Gotshal & Manges ... in the sale of Comark Building Systems, Inc. to The Carlyle Group. United Technologies Corp. Obtained a favorable settlement for Chromalloy Gas ... www.weil.com/practiceareas/Transactions.aspx?service=2401
07.Mar.2008 File: /files/New-Files/990930/top-50-pentagon-conbtractors.txt Northrop Grumman 6. United Technologies 7. Textron, Inc. 8. Litton Industries 9. Newport News Shipbuilding 10. TRW, Inc. 11.

The Carlyle Group 12. ... beyond-the-illusion.com/files/New-Files/990930/top-50-pentagon-conbtractors.txt
China Business Forum - Robert H. Smith School of Business ... Mr. Colby is a Managing Director of The Carlyle Group, where he works with ...

His recent clients include United Technologies, Merck, FedEx, DuPont, Alcoa, ... www.rhsmith.umd.edu/chinabusinessforum/speakers.html
Financial Services - Mergers, Acquisitions, Venture Capital, Hedge ... As Olivier
Sarkozy prepares to move to the Carlyle Group from UBS, ...

Now Morgan Stanley is guiding United Technologies in its $3 billion pursuit of ... dealbook.blogs.nytimes.com/category/financials/
EUROPA - Competition - Merger case by company name - C M.2993 - CARLYLE GROUP/ QINETIQ CARLYLE RIVERSTONE GLOBAL ENERGY & POWER FUND III ... M.3222 - UNITED TECHNOLOGIES / CHUBB CHURCHILL INSURANCE GROUP ... ec.europa.eu/comm/competition/mergers/cases/index/by_cy_c.html
The Truth Seeker - The Real Saudi Ties are US Ties

Vinnell, owned by the Carlyle Group (which has long-time ties to the Bush Family), ... they represented "a key United Technologies employee in a criminal ... www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/print.asp?ID=976
Topics: Deregulation
9/11 Victim Compensation Fund BOLI Bank owned ... (see also General Electric).

Darman, Richard (see also Carlyle Group, US Office of Management and Budget). Darnis, Gerard (see also United Technologies ) ... thepiratesofmanhattan.com/topics.htm
The Center for Public Integrity--Outsourcing the Pentagon

Three of the top 10— United Technologies, General Electric + Newport News Shipbuilding (now owned by . ... Carlyle Group, $9334962462, 44%, 46%, 9%, 0%, 1% ... www.openairwaves.org/Content.aspx?src=search&context=article&id=385
07.Mar.2008 Carlyle Group tycoon discusses economy, charity - AOL Money & Finance

The normally guarded Carlyle Group has boosted its public profile in recent months ... E*Trade Names Layton CEO · United Technologies Makes Bid for Diebold ... money.aol.com/news/articles/_a/carlyle-group-tycoon-discusses-economy/n20080202135109990011
The Carlyle Group : Rexnord Corporation to Acquire Falk ...

The Carlyle Group ,News,News Article,Rexnord,Falk Corporation. ... Hamilton Sundstrand, a subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation for $295 million. ... carlyleam.com/eng/news/l5-news3055.html
New IPO's : United Technologies Bids To Buy Diebold - HULIQ United Technologies Bids To Buy Diebold HULIQ, NC - 26 minutes ago United ...

Blackstone Group • Carlyle Group • Connecticut Hedge Funds • Hedge Fund ... www.livermorereport.com/blogs/newipos/archive/2008/03/03/united-technologies-bids-to-buy-diebold-huliq.aspx
Funds owning Big Winners : DIEBOLD (DBD) SHARES UP OVER 60% ON ...

Blackstone Group • Carlyle Group • Connecticut Hedge Funds • Hedge Fund Holdings • SAC Capital · Abu Dhabi • Iran • Iraq • Kuwait • Libya • Nigeria • Oman ... www.livermorereport.com/.../archive/2008/03/03/diebold-dbd-shares-up-over-60-on-hostile-takeover-mbid.aspx
United Technologies ; War Profiteers: Halliburton ... CorpWatch -

Search Results for CARLYLE; The Carlyle Group - Former World Leaders ... www.libertyparkusafd.org/lp/Hale/Defense%20Contractors%5CMERCENARY%20FIRMS%20&%20WAR%20PROFITEERS.htm
Nathan Hale Institute for Intelligence and Military Affairs™

General Dynamics$37011522 United Technologies $24133633 General Electric$88416756 Science Applications Intl Corp (SAIC)$12510250 Carlyle Group $15221560 ...
[eDebate] Unplug the Corporate War Profiteers

We hold corporations including Bechtel, Citigroup, the Carlyle Group and ... the CEO of defense contractor United Technologies and the CEO AOL-Time Warner. www.ndtceda.com/pipermail/edebate/2003-March/047745.html FT Alphaville » Blog Archive » Capital proves to be less than ... Something seems to have gone badly awry at Carlyle Capital, the so-called permanent capital vehicle floated by Carlyle Group on Euronext.
Frank Carlucci Carlyle Group - View as HTML
Carlucci has been Chairman and a Managing Director of The Carlyle Group, LP .. ... AT&T + United Technologies . I will not talk about the British or ... research.greenpeaceusa.org/?a=download&d=4202
Apollo Group Wire (Page 8) - Topix ... Security, United Technologies Corporation, Computer Security, Symantec,

... Carlyle Group + University of Phoenix Parent Company Partner on $1 Billion ... www.topix.com/wire/com/apol/p8
Anonymoses Hyperlincoln III: 06/29/
2003 - 07/06/2003 United Technologies (UTX) $10000.00 [s][c] Industry Support : Industry ...

A Look At Why The Carlyle Group Wanted to Drop George W. ... anonymoses.blogspot.com/2003_06_29_archive.html
down with murder inc ... United Technologies ; Science Applications International Corporation ... Carlucci, Chairman of The Carlyle Group and former Secretary of Defense in the ... www.declarepeace.org.uk/captain/murder_inc/site/corporatism.html
Ratbang Diary: Presby Church Boycotting the Wrong Bad Guys ... of holdings in: Caterpillar + Motorola + ITT Industries +
United Technologies.

The Carlyle Group and its investment in war munitions plants (as in, ... ratbangdiary.blogspot.com/2005/08/presby-church-boycotting-wrong-bad.html
DOD Spending Ledger 9 United Technologies Corp. 159830 1.86 10 General Electric Co. 96106 1.12 11 Honeywell Inc. 91697 1.07 12 Renco Group 71842 0.84 13 Carlyle Group 59540 ... www.cyonic-nemeton.com/spending.html
07.Mar.2008 More Bucks for the Bang Final - View as HTML
United Technologies . c. 14%. $9.840. $1228400. Science Applications International. 34%. $5.344. $1140000. TRW. 13%. $5.934. $991539. Carlyle Group/United ... dvmx.com/BucksforBang.pdf
Do You Want the Military Industrial Complex Counting Your Votes ...

Major Player in Military Contracts Seeks to Buy DieboldFor the last two years United Technologies has been seeking to purchase the Diebold Corporation. crazyrichguy.wordpress.com/2008/03/05/do-you-want-the-military-industrial-complex-counting-your-votes/
The president and the terrorist: does George W. Bush have business ...

00.000.1990 -Since the early s- the Carlyle Group has developed deep connections to the Saudi ... Carlyle owned United Technologies, the maker of U.S. fighter jets, ... findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1272/is_2714_133/ai_n7635274/pg_3
Democracy Now! | Saving President Bush: Send in James Baker

You had a perfectly good song, "wind beneath my wings, " because Carlyle group was the owner of United Technologies, which makes fighter jets. www.democracynow.org/2003/12/8/saving_president_bush_send_in_james

Most of the start-up costs will be footed by U.S. taxpayers + the politically connected Carlyle Group, which controls United Technologies, has plenty of ... www.bu.edu/globalbeat/index052702.html
07.Mar.2008 Deal Journal - WSJ.com : Sovereign Wealth Funds United Technologies -Diebold: The ATM-machine maker rejected United Technologies ’ ...

Dan Primack over at PEHub has the slideshow that Carlyle Group ’s David ... blogs.wsj.com/deals/category/sovereign-wealth-funds/
DJ News Highlights: Top Equities Stories Of The Day - Capital.gr United Technologies is making an unsolicited $2.63 billion cash offer to ...

Private-equity firm Carlyle Group LP names UBS investment banker Olivier ... english.capital.gr/news.asp?id=460884
Bush's $396 Billion Military Budget: "Leave No Defense Contractor ... + the Sikorsky Aircraft Division of United Technologies, $941 million); ...

Crusader artillery system ( Carlyle Group/United Defense, $475 million). ... www.commondreams.org/views02/0206-02.htm
Avio ‘Acquired’ for EUR 2.57B Financial advisers on the transaction for The
Carlyle Group + ... The Carlyle Group (

07.Aug.2006 ) – The Carlyle Group and Finmeccanica Agree to Sell Avio to ... www.defenseindustrydaily.com/avio-acquired-for-eur-257b-02518/
Dittmar & Indrenius - News Archive D&I advises Carrier, a subsidiary of
United Technologies, ...

D&I advised The Carlyle Group, one of the world's largest private equity firms, in the Finnish ... www.dittmar.fi/whats_new/news_archive.shtml
RBS GLOBAL INC Annual Report (10-K) ITEM 10. DIRECTORS + ... + business development for Otis Elevator (
United Technologies ). ...

00.000.2001 -since- Mr. Jeyarajah has been a Managing Director of The Carlyle Group. ... sec.edgar-online.com/2003/06/27/0001104659-03-013328/Section18.asp
IIE Board of Directors President + Chief Executive Officer, United Technologies Corporation. Managing Director and Founder, The Carlyle Group . Renato Ruggiero ... www.iie.com/institute/board.cfm
07.Mar.2008 Diebold disputes United Technologies claim of pursuit - MarketWatch said Wednesday that United Technologies (UTX: ... Carlyle Group affiliate fails to make some margin payments ·
Part Two:The thieves in Action

00.000.2000 The Carlyle Group gave some US$358000 to Republican candidates .. Raytheon, General Dynamics, Honeywell + United Technologies . www.e-book.com.au/got2.htm


11, CARLYLE GROUP, THE, 248927, 324335, 621452, 1194713 ... www.defenselink.mil/pubs/almanac/almanac/money/top100fy2000.html
JDO Militant Pleads Guilty to Assault of 12-Year-Old Boy. - Israel ...

The alleged incident took place while the child was taking part in a summer camp run by JDO which was training Jewish children to use guns and martial arts. www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-73737863.html

In einem Augenblick, da Deutschlands blockierter Parteien-Staat zum ersten Mal seit 1968 so etwas wie demokratische Politik zulässt - zulassen muss -, kommt Roman Herzog und erklärt uns allen, dies sei hoch gefährlich.

Nun aber macht das Volk, was es will. Nun aber die ungehobelte Art, sich gegen den Geist das Grundgesetzes zu vergehen, diesen zwar mit keinem Satz erwähnten, aber von Verfassungsväterchen Herzog herausgehörten "Wunsch" der deutschen Verfassung "nach Stabilität".

Es handelt sich wohlgemerkt nicht um die wirtschaftliche Stabilität, sondern um die Stabilität der Macht in den Händen des überkommenen Parteienrunds.

Was ist passiert im 60. Jahr der deutschen Demokratie?

Hat es in der vergangenen Nacht einen Putsch gegeben?

Wird irgendwo zurückgeschossen?

Es ist das Volk.

Der Kommunist Bertolt Brecht hat der Demokratie des Grundgesetzes einen spöttischen Vorschlag hinterlassen, den sich allzu arrogante Regenten auch heute noch anhören müssen:

Wenn die Regierung mit dem Volk nicht mehr zufrieden sei, schlug der Dichter vor, dann solle sie halt das Volk auflösen und sich ein neues wählen.
Wir haben ihn monatelang verfolgt", sagte Polizeisprecher Pongpat Chayaphan.
Bout gilt als einer der meistgesuchten und skrupellosesten Waffenhändler der Welt.
Mehrere Uno-Berichte beschreiben
Bout als eine Art Vorreiter der mafiösen Globalisierung - eines Handels, der Staaten und deren Gesetze umgeht.

Belgische Behörden suchten Bout wegen Geldwäsche. Der Vorwurf: Zwischen 1994 und 2001 seien mindestens 32,5 Millionen Dollar dubioser Herkunft auf Konten seiner belgischen Firma geflossen.

Zeitungsberichten zufolge soll Bout zahlreiche UN-Embargos gebrochen haben, indem er illegale Waffen mit seinen Flugzeugen in Krisenregionen einschmuggelte. Allein von

00.Jul.1997-00.Okt.1998 soll er 37 Mal nach Togo geflogen sein und dort 15 Millionen Schuss Munition, 20.000 Druckluftbomben sowie 6300 Anti-Panzer-Raketen abgeladen haben.

Material, das schließlich bei den Unita-Rebellen in Angola landete.
Laut Berichten des US-Senders versorgte
Bout in Afghanistan auch die Taliban und das Terrornetzwerk al-Qaida.

Bout hat diese Vorwürfe zwar stets bestritten, US-Präsident George W. Bush verhängte jedoch mehrfach Sanktionen gegen den Waffenhändler und bezeichnete seine Geschäfte als

"Angriff auf die amerikanische Außenpolitik". Gleichzeitig sorgte Bouts Leben für Filmstoff in Hollywood.
Mauerbau in Gaza: Der anti- islamistische Schutzwall (Politik)
Ermittlungserfolg: Fahnder fassen berüchtigten Waffenhändler (Panorama)
"Forbes"- Ranking: Milliardäre der Welt - wer gewann, wer verlor (Wirtschaft)
Orden- Debatte: Ex- Generäle befürworten Eisernes Kreuz
07.Mar.2008 Schock- Video: Soldat erhält Morddrohungen nach mutmaßlicher Tierquälerei
07.Mar.2008 Kriegsdrama "Im Tal von Elah": Bildersturm des Grauens (Kultur)
Nahost: Ägypten baut Mauer an Grenze zu Gaza- Streifen (Politik)
Durchsuchung im Kloster: Pater beim Klauen in Sexshop erwischt (Panorama)
Terroralarm in Spanien: Im Visier von Eta und al- Qaida
07.Mar.2008 Zinsentscheid: EZB belässt Leitzins bei vier % (Wirtschaft)
Neapel: Müllberge zwingen Gourmet- Tempel zur Aufgabe

07.Mar.2008 07.Mar.2008 Spektakuläres Experiment: Grand Canyon geflutet - Umweltschützer protestieren

07.Mar.2008 Bericht über Umsturzpläne: USA sollen Fatah mit Waffen ausgerüstet haben (Politik)
Müll- Problematik: Flut der Silberscheiben (Netzwelt)
Bundeswehr- Orden: Jung will Tapferkeitsmedaille - aber kein Eisernes Kreuz (Politik)
Reichen- Ranking: Die meisten Super- Milliardäre kommen aus Indien (Wirtschaft)
Kreditversicherer: Ambac will mit Kapitalerhöhung Rating retten (Wirtschaft)
Streit um Japans Waljagd: Internationale Walfangkommission will vermitteln (Wissenschaft)
Deutsche Rüstungsunternehmen macht Geschäfte mit Blackwater ... Laut eines Berichtes der ARD arbeite Heckler & Koch eng mit Blackwater zusammen, ...

Die G3s mit denen in Afrika Hunderttausende ermordet wurden, ... www.politik.de/forum/showthread.php?t=197194
06.Mar.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,druck-539596,00.html

Laut Goebel seien andere Wissenschaftler auf diesem Gebiet auch schon weiter. Letztes Jahr sei es bereits gelungen, anhand seiner Hirndaten Szenerien von Filmen zu rekonstruieren, die ein Mensch sah. Seine Arbeitsgruppe arbeitet derzeit an einem Projekt, dass es gelähmten oder Wachkoma-Patienten ermöglichen soll, anhand der Hirndaten mit anderen Menschen zu kommunizieren.

"Dazu brauchen sie kein vorheriges Training."

Immerhin verraten die Hirnströme bereits die Ausrichtung oder die Position eines Objekts im Blickfeld eines Beobachters. CORBIS

Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie: Hirn-Aktivitätsmuster verraten, was jemand sieht Ein Forscherteam von der University of Berkeley in Kalifornien vermeldet nun einen weiteren Durchbruch:

Wissenschaftlern um Jack Gallant gelang es, durch Messung der Hirnaktivität herauszufinden, was ein Mensch sieht. Ihre Ergebnisse präsentierten die Forscher im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature".

Selbst die am stärksten gefährdeten Bereiche seien im Schnitt nur alle 250 Jahre von einem Feuer betroffen.

Doch das könnte sich ändern. Dieses Fazit ziehen Higuera und seine Kollegen in einem aktuellen Artikel, der im Internetmagazin der "Public Library of Science" (PLoS) veröffentlicht wurde.

Das Team hat Bodensedimente aus vier Seen in Alaska analysiert. Im und um den "Gates of the Arctic"-Nationalpark herum fanden sie dabei überaus interessante Überbleibsel aus der Vergangenheit.

Anhand von Pollenfossilien in den Sedimenten konnten die Wissenschaftler nachweisen, dass die Pflanzenwelt in der Gegend vor 14.000 bis 9.000 Jahren komplett anders war als heute.

Während heute vor allem Gräser die Tundra bedecken, standen damals an gleicher Stelle große Areale von Birkensträuchern.

Suleyman Anil, seit 2003 Leiter des Nato-Zentrums für IT-Sicherheit ( NCIRC-CC), warnte beim E-Crime-Kongress in London vor Angriffen auf die Computersysteme und Datennetze in Nato-Mitgliedsstaaten.

Der Guardian zitiert Anil: "Cyber-Abwehr wird nun mit höchster Priorität diskutiert, gleichauf mit Raketenabwehr und der Sicherung der Energieversorgung."
06.Mar.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/reise/aktuell/0,1518,druck-539693,00.html

Kurzzeit-Boom bei aussterbenden Orten

Wenn Touristen wegen Wassermangels und brütender Hitze ausbleiben, leiden vor allem Länder mit hoher Tourismus-Abhängigkeit: „Besonders gravierend wirken sich negative Klimaeffekte immer dann aus, wenn der klimasensible Tourismus ein großes wirtschaftliches Gewicht hat. In Europa gilt dies für Malta, Zypern, Spanien, Österreich und Griechenland", heißt es in der Studie.

Dem Ausbleiben von Touristen könnte an bedrohten Naturschauplätzen ein kräftiger Boom vorausgehen: Denn das drohende Aussterben eines Urlaubsziels ist nach Ansicht der Forscher für viele ein Grund für die Reise dorthin: So erwarten die Forscher einen erhöhten Zulauf zum Great Barrier Reef in Australien, das vom Korallensterben bedroht ist.

Hier gelte der Grundsatz: „Come visit before it’s too late" - Komm, bevor es zu spät ist.
Datenkrieg: Nato fürchtet Cyber- Angriffe (Netzwelt)
USA: Kleine Explosion am Times Square in New York

06.Mar.2008 Reisen im Jahr 2030: Rügen statt Rimini
06.Mar.2008 Geschönte Nährwerte: Verbraucherschützer kritisieren "Mogelpackung" bei Lebensmitteln (Wirtschaft)
Heute in den Feuilletons: "Heillose Dümmlichkeit" (Kultur)
Nie wieder Schuhe kaufen: Auf nacktem Fuß das Pflaster treten
06.Mar.2008 Hirnforschung: Forscher sehen Bilder in fremden Köpfen

06.Mar.2008 Versorgungsnot: Helfer warnen vor Drama im Gaza- Streifen

06.Mar.2008 Unrentables US- Geschäft: Gewinn der Deutschen Post bricht um fast 30 % ein (Wirtschaft)
Arktische Tundra: US- Forscher warnt vor Feuergefahr im Frostland

06.Mar.2008 Kampf ums Weiße Haus: Clinton und Obama führen in Umfragen vor McCain (Politik)
Krise in Südamerika: Chávez kündigt harte Sanktionen gegen Kolumbien an
06.Mar.2008 Saar- Kumpel bangen um Existenz: Urlaub absagen? Die Frau arbeiten schicken? (Wirtschaft)

"When you look at German unions in comparison with those in France, Italy or England, German workers have always been less aggressive," Grottian said. "Now, though, they seem to be leaving behind their schoolboy manners. It is about time."
. In essence, the current turmoil on Germany's labor market is a mirror image of the tumult presently rippling through the left side of the country's political spectrum.

German union members don't have to look far to find statistics supporting their claims that they have not benefited from the economy's mini-boom. Whereas the economy experienced 7 % growth in the last three years, workers saw a 3.5 % drop in their purchasing power -- with real wages reaching their lowest level 00.000.20 years.

Equally disturbing, Germany's middle class -- a group which for decades made up a stable 62 % of the population -- has been shrinking. According to a study released by the German Institute for Economic Research this month, only 54 % of Germans now belong to the middle class -- 5 million fewer than 00.000.2000.
[-] China Announces Largest Military Budget Ever
[-] China's Military Buildup Raises Concern in the United States
Mueller FBI Improperly Sought Personal Data
05.Mar.2008 Russian health experts say global bird flu threat is growing
05.Mar.2008 Boeing questions loss on bid
Defense secretary stands by tanker contract won by European firm
05.Mar.2008 Medienbericht: Kanada verschiebt Auslieferung von Schreiber

05.Mar.2008 "Forbes"- Ranking der Superreichen: Buffet überholt Gates - Microsoft- Gründer nur noch auf Platz drei (Wirtschaft)
Aufatmen in der EU: Kein Volksentscheid in Großbritannien über Reformvertrag (Politik)

Ambac hatte zuletzt Verluste in Milliardenhöhe verbucht. Grund waren Abschreibungen über 5 Mrd. $ auf Kreditderivate. Zeitweise war eine Finanzspritze von Großbanken im Volumen von 3 Mrd. $ im Gespräch, um das Unternehmen zu stützen.

Die Branche versichert Anleihen im Volumen von insgesamt 2400 Mrd. $.
Aufatmen auf dem Parkett: Dax blüht auf
05.Mar.2008 KARRIERE: Gleiche Leistung, weniger Lohn
05.Mar.2008 Anleiheversicherer benötigt neue Milliarden
05.Mar.2008 Mitarbeiter von Atomanlagen haben erhöhtes Infarktrisiko
05.Mar.2008 Kolumbien hat laut OAS Ecuadors Souveränität verletzt
05.Mar.2008 Clinton schafft Wende und sieht Obama als Vizepräsident
Streit über den NATO-Beitritt von Georgien und Ukraine
05.Mar.2008 EU will Serbien mit Visa und Geld milde stimmen
05.Mar.2008 https://www.miamiherald.com/news/miami_dade/v-print/story/444503.html
Crimes by Homeland Security agents stir alert BY JAY WEAVER AND ALFONSO CHARDY Bribery. Drug trafficking. Migrant smuggling.
05.Mar.2008 https://blog.fefe.de/ "The Fear Factory", wie die US-Regierung ihre "Terroristen" fabriziert, mit denen sie dann die Bevölkerung einschüchtern. Das läuft bei uns natürlich genau so, macht euch da mal keine Illusionen, wir haben hier nur keine erwähnenswerten Journalisten, die sowas mal aufdecken würden. The expenditure of such massive resources to find would-be terrorists inevitably requires results. Plots must be uncovered. Sleeper cells must be infiltrated. Another attack must be prevented -- or, at least, be seen to be prevented. But in backwaters like Rockford, the JTTFs don't have much to do. To find threats to thwart, the task forces have increasingly taken to using paid informants to cajole and inveigle targets like Shareef into pursuing their harebrained schemes. In the affidavit sworn by an FBI special agent in support of Shareef's indictment, the co-conspirator who called himself Jameel is known only as "CS" (Cooperating Source). In fact, CS was William Chrisman, a former crack dealer with a conviction for attempted robbery who was paid $8,500 by the JTTF and dispatched specifically to set up Shareef. Like other informants in terrorism cases, Chrisman had been "tasked" by federal agents to indulge and escalate Shareef's fantasies -- while carefully ensuring that Shareef incriminated himself. Die Geschichte ist wirklich haaresträubend. Ihr "Terrorist" hatte so wenig Geld, dass er nicht mal $100 aufbringen konnte, um zwei Handgranaten zu kaufen. Also: So with the JTTF determined to push the "plot" forward, Chrisman announced that Cap had agreed to exchange the grenades for some used stereo speakers Shareef owned. Nicht zu fassen, dass diesem Idioten nicht aufgefallen ist, wie er da verarscht wird. "It had all the makings of a holiday bloodbath," Fox News breathlessly reported. Shareef was charged with the ultimate crime in the so-called War on Terror: attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. In Gerichtsverfahren kann man sich gegen solche Methoden über "Entrapment" wehren, denn die Polizei darf nicht Bürger zu Straftaten bewegen, um sie dann für diese Straftat zu belangen. Aber die "Terroristen" wissen, dass sie vor einem Gerichtsverfahren erst mal ein paar Jahre in Guantanamo o.ä. schmoren würden, wenn sie nicht gar in Syrien zum Wassersport geschickt würden, daher kommt es so gut wie nie zu einem Gerichtsverfahren. Die geben lieber direkt ihre Schuld zu. Und schaut nur, wie hysterisch die da jetzt alle sind: Mike Delejewski, a soft-spoken intelligence analyst, says that every call that comes into the JTTF is passed along to the FIG, which runs down every lead, no matter how improbable. Delejewski mentions a call received regarding the Sears Tower and three suspicious-looking men seen in the vicinity. That was all the report said. The FIG and CT squads responded. The men turned out to be Mexican tourists. Die ganze Situation ist so brachial dämlich, das ist nicht zu fassen. Die weigern sich z.B., die Frage nach der größten Bedrohung im Moment zu beantworten, weil der Feind ja mithört. Und die Argumentation, dass das doch alles eine furchtbare Bedrohung ist, auch wenn sie keinen einzigen Fall vorweisen können, wo das mal wirklich gefährlich aussah: das FBI sei ja selber bemüht, die Gefährlichkeit herunterzuspielen, um keine Panik in der Bevölkerung auszulösen. Yeah, right. Und dann die Geschichte mit dem Clicker im Bus. Lest selber, das ist echt nicht zu fassen alles. Oder die Geschichte, wo auf einem Volksfest einer ihrer Geigerzähler Alarm schlug. Sie haben dann Gott und die Welt in Bewegung gesetzt, um zu gucken, ob sie da eine Dirty Bomb hatten, und am Ende war es dann ein Chemotherapie-Patient, der auf einer öffentlichen Toilette kacken war.

Aber das Gold Nugget in der Geschichte ist diese Liste von "Terror-Gefahren", was wirklich war, und welche News sie damit überdeckt haben. Ausgesprochen wichtige Lektüre.
05.Mar.2008 https://blog.fefe.de/ Das Department of Homeland Security warnt... vor sich selbst. Bribery. Drug trafficking. Migrant smuggling.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is supposed to stop these types of crimes. Instead, so many of its officers have been charged with committing those crimes themselves that their boss in Washington recently issued an alert about the "disturbing events" and the "increase in the number of employee arrests."
https://blog.fefe.de/ Die Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft hat 2007 knapp eine Million Telefonate abgehört. Bei drei Millionen Einwohnern finde ich das durchaus sportlich.
https://blog.fefe.de/ Die neue Blockwart-Kampagne der Londoner Polizei.
05.Mar.2008 https://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Date=20060319&Category=NEWS01&ArtNo=603190452&SectionCat=&Template=printart
March 19,
2006   var s_pageName="Local News Headline: Timeline | Robo Enterprises (20060319)"; Timeline | Robo Enterprises

September 1983 David G. Rose and Gerald Bone weld together the first two letters of their last names and start an oil and gas company, Robo Enterprises Inc., in Hopkinsville to drill wells in Warren County.
1985 Robo's first investor, Howard Batie + others sue Robo, Rose and Bone, claiming among other things that they overcharged for wells.
GM, Ford, Toyota Post Declines in U.S. February Sales : GM's light-vehicle sales dropped 12.9 %, Ford's slipped 6.6 % and Chrysler was down 14 %. Toyota, No. 2 in U.S. sales ahead of Ford and Chrysler, posted its second decline of 2008 and its sixth in eight months. GM and Ford scaled back production plans for next quarter.

05.Mar.2008 The $34 trillion problem: Medicare is poised to wreak havoc on the economy. And our presidential candidates are avoiding the issue.

05.Mar.2008 UK banks write off record £6.8bn in household debt: Britain's banks have been forced to write off a record chunk of household debt in the past year in the latest sign that families are struggling to keep up their repayments.
Gulf investors may not save Citigroup, Dubai executive says: -Mideast sovereign wealth funds may fail to save troubled U.S. banking giant Citigroup Inc.unless more cash is pumped into the lender, the head of a $13 billion Dubai-owned investment firm said Tuesday.
Iran wants world ban on nuclear weapons : IRAN wants to ban all nuclear weapons through an international treaty, the country's foreign minister said at the UN's Conference on Disarmament.
05.Mar.2008 Pro Torture, Zionist Professor Demonizing Islam and Arabic Culture?
Worshippers of Death - By Alan M Dershowitz
We must stop them before they export their sick and dangerous culture of death to our shores.

05.Mar.2008 Exclusive: I Was Kidnapped by the CIA -By- Peter Bergen
Inside the CIA's extraordinary rendition program ­and the bungled abduction of would-be terrorists .
Wave of the Watch List + Speech Disappears : Steve Marshall is an English travel agent. He lives in Spain + he sells trips to Europeans who want to go to sunny places, including Cuba. In October, about 80 of his Web sites stopped working, thanks to the United States government.

05.Mar.2008 Crimes by Homeland Security agents stir alert: U.S. Customs and Border Protection is supposed to stop these types of crimes. Instead, so many of its officers have been charged with committing those crimes themselves that their boss in Washington recently issued an alert about the ''disturbing events'' and the ``increase in the number of employee arrests.''

05.Mar.2008 Crude May Rise to $120 in Six Months, Taqa CEO Says : Crude oil may rise to $120 a barrel within six months due to the dollar weakness and global political tensions, the chief executive officer of Abu Dhabi National Energy Co. said.
Venezuela's Chavez says 'we want peace' despite tensions with Colombia: "It must be said: They, the empire and its lackeys, are war," Chavez said in a televised speech. "We want peace. ... We are the path to peace."
ights Group: More than 50% of Gaza casualtieswere not militants : The human rights organization B'Tselem on Monday said in a statement that more than half of the Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip in Israel Defense Forces operations in recent days did not take an active part in the fighting

05.Mar.2008 Racism in Israel on the rise : Association for Civil Rights in Israel publishes annual report; reveals country overwhelmed by racism, restriction of personal freedoms, discrimination, especially towards Israeli-Arabs. Report not surprising, say Arab MKs
Iran minister says no new nuclear talks after sanctions : Iran will not hold new talks on its nuclear programme after the imposition of fresh sanctions by the UN Security Council, Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told AFP on Wednesday.

05.Mar.2008 Iran sanctions vote signals a global rift: Some developing nations may be starting to sour on push by world powers to control lucrative nuclear technology.
05.Mar.2008 Here we go again:
EU, US say onus on Iran to disprove nuclear allegations: The European Union and the United States challenged Iran today to prove that allegations it was involved in nuclear weapons work were false, as Tehran claims.
War is Hell, But What the Hell Does it Cost?
One Week at War in Iraq and Afghanistan for $3.5 Billion -By- William D. Hartung
War is hell - deadly, dangerous + expensive. But just how expensive is it?

05.Mar.2008 Patience Is the Best Iran Policy -By- Scott Ritter
The current U.S. policy on Iran, as articulated by the
Bush administration, centers its goals on the issue of regime change in Tehran; the nuclear dispute is simply used as a facilitator for isolating Iran economically and politically.

05.Mar.2008 Democracy is ill served by its self-appointed guardians -By- Simon Jenkins
Our sonorous moralising lies behind so much bloodshed in the past 50 years. A sense of history surely counsels humility.

The attack on Ecuador - Underestimating Rafael Correa -By- Fidel Castro Ruz
Imperialism has just committed a monstrous crime in Ecuador. Deadly bombs were dropped in the early morning hours on a group of men and women who, almost without exception, were asleep. That has been deduced by all the official reports right from the beginning. Any concrete accusations against that group of human beings do not justify that action. They were Yankee bombs, guided by Yankee satellites.
Der kolumbianische OAS-Botschafter Camilo Ospina stimmte dem ecuadorianischen Vorschlag für ein Außenministertreffen zu und wiederholte die "öffentliche Entschuldigung" der kolumbianischen Regierung bei Ecuador.
US-Präsident George W.
Bush sagte Bogotá gestern seine "volle Unterstützung" zu und verurteilte die
"Akte der Provokation" durch Venezuela.
05.Mar.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-539552,00.html
Diese Liberalität und die Vielfalt seines Finanzbereichs bedeute für Liechtenstein die ständige Herausforderung, sich gegen Missbrauchsrisiken zu wappnen, erklärte der Fonds. Das betreffe auch die Frage, wer hinter den Finanz-Geschäften und -Institutionen stehe.
Nach Ansicht von Jürgen Holfort vom Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie wird der diesjährige Winter wohl als der eisärmste seit 1720 in die Geschichte eingehen. Normalerweise sei der Bottnische Meerbusen, der nördliche Zipfel der Ostsee zwischen Finnland und Schweden, von Ende Februar bis Mitte März vollständig mit Eis bedeckt.
"Der Februar war der zweitwärmste seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen im Jahr 1900", sagt Heidi Lippestad SPIEGEL ONLINE. Und die mittelfristige Prognose lasse auch ein Frühjahr erwarten, in dem die Temperaturen über dem langjährigen Mittel liegen.
In weiten Teilen Skandinaviens war der Winter so warm wie noch nie. Auch in Deutschland war es außergewöhnlich mild.
Präzedenzfall Kosovo: Süd- Ossetien fordert Anerkennung seiner Unabhängigkeit (Politik)
Eisernes Kreuz für die Bundeswehr: Neues Blech für die Brust (Politik)
Flugreisen: Experten kritisieren Klimaspende (Reise)
Psychologie: Männer sind rachsüchtiger als Frauen (Wissenschaft)
Netzwelt- Ticker: Briten sind Europameister beim Verschlampen (Netzwelt)
Schlaganfall- Therapie: "Training bewirkt eine erhebliche Zunahme der grauen Substanz"

05.Mar.2008 Anden- Krise: Venezuela steht mit zehn Panzer- Bataillonen an der Grenze zu Kolumbien (Politik)
Neuro- Medizin: Gehirn verfügt über Superkräfte zur Selbstheilung (Wissenschaft)
Flores- Mensch: Forscher halten Hobbits für Kretins (Wissenschaft)
Temperaturbilanz: Winter absurd - Wärmerekorde in Nordeuropa (Wissenschaft)
Steueroase: Währungsfonds rüffelt Liechtenstein - mehr Hinweise auf Geldwäsche (Wirtschaft)
Insurance Fraud Index 05/01-04/02

Dickey, Bell & Lopez indicted & arrested on health care fraud charges, Iss. 1, ... to 2 years for health care fraud & money laundering, Iss. 12, 5/02, p26 ... www.mealeys.com/FRA0502.html
05.Mar.2008 RBC Capital Markets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia RBC Capital Markets is the corporate and investment banking division of Royal Bank of ...

United States: RBC Capital Markets Corp and RBC Dain Rauscher Inc ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RBC_Capital_Markets
Royal Bank of Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Examples include investment banking division RBC Capital Markets, ...

(CBA) and registered member with the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC), ...
UDE: Berechenbarer Ausnahmezustand - Evakuierung von Großstädten ...

Hunderttausende Menschen, die nur raus wollten aus der Stadt ; andere, die rein müssten, um zu helfen. ... 0203/379- 1855, sarah.bretschneider@uni-due.de ... idw-online.de/pages/de/news248169 -
20060329 Der Geheimdienst -Historiker John Prados vom Nationalen Sicherheitsarchiv vermutet:. "Die Regierung steht unter Druck, weil sie ohne konkrete Bedrohung einen ... alfatomega.com/20060329.html
celticlandy.de Geheimdienste bleiben Geheimdienste . CIA, BND, MI6, Moussad, ...., wo soll der Unterschied sein? Heute dicke Freunde, morgen bringen sie sich gegenseitig um ...
05.Mar.2008 Bundesverfassungsgericht: Hohe Hürden für Online-Durchsuchung ... Sie können ihre Durchsuchungen – legal – durch andere Geheimdienste, wie der CIA, SID, Moussad, etc.pp – durchführen lassen. ...

29.Jul.2006 It Is Not About a War on Terror. It Is About the Accumulation of Monarchal, Tyrannical Power. "U.S. citizens suspected of terror ties might be detained indefinitely ... alfatomega.com/20060729.html
20060503 ... passengers seem to be breaking through the cockpit door, fighting with . ...

May 2006 A Critique of the Complete Official Version of the South Tower Hit ... alfatomega.com/20060503.html
Die Weltgeschichte
05.Mar.2008 THE BILLIONAIRES 1990 - September 10, 1990 Gates's net worth has tripled since Fortune's tally of the billionaires was ...

His son-in-law Fouad Filali runs Omnium. The sovereign, who has survived ... money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/1990/09/10/73983/
Forbes.com - Magazine Article When FORBES first spoke with Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, ... Two Arthur Andersen partners, Fouad Alaeddin and Shadi Sanbar, ... www.forbes.com/global/1998/0420/0201050a_print.html
2007 Socialist Standard Page 20 "The number of people entitled to call themselves billionaires has skyrocketed ...

His name is Fouad al-Zayat and last week this Syrian-born businessman, ... www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/apr07/page20.html
05.Mar.2008 Technik- Visionäre: Schöner Wohnen unter Wasser

05.Mar.2008 Gas- Streit: Ukraine sichert Europa Gas- Lieferung zu (Wirtschaft)
US- Studie: Sommerzeit erhöht Stromverbrauch (Wissenschaft)
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Permalink
05.Mar.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ How much does this comment scare you? Jen returns...
I'm confident we'll hold the White House
Is this the desperate wish of a victim of Korsakoff's syndrome, or is
Bush alluding to a far right plan to attempt a repeat of '04 in '08?
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Cross-posted on Antifascist Calling... ] Permalink
05.Mar.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ According to Reuters ,
President George W.
Bush backed Colombia on Tuesday in an escalating Andean crisis as Venezuela moved troops to its border and Colombia accused President Hugo Chavez of genocide for supporting rebels.
Bush weighed in on the crisis for the first time since Saturday's raid into Ecuador. While most Latin American governments condemned Colombia, he criticized Chavez's "regime" for "provocative maneuvers" and said the superpower opposed any act of aggression that could destabilize the region.
"Our country's message to President (Alvaro) Uribe and the people of Colombia is that we stand with our democratic ally,"
Bush said.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ According to analyst Richard Gott,
00.000.1984 -After a ceasefire- the FARC was encouraged to establish a legal political party, the Patriotic Union +

00.000.1985 to put forward candidates in the elections.

The Patriotic Union was reasonably successful, securing six senators, 23 deputies + several hundred local councillors.

But the outcome was disastrous. After emerging into the open and putting their heads above the parapet, many of the UP supporters were singled out and killed. More than 4,000 left-wing activists and organisers were assassinated in the year after the elections. The guerrillas retired to their safe territories in the rural areas + vowed not to make the same mistake again.

00.000.1999-00.000.2002 -between- Further negotiations took place, but the government negotiators could not overcome this legacy of mistrust on the part of the FARC.

00.000.2002 -When Uribe became president, he abandoned all such efforts and embarked on seeking an entirely military solution. (

03.Mar. 2008 "Uribe's Illegal Cross-Border Raid: Colombian Deaths in Ecuador, CounterPunch, Monday,)
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ According to analysts James J. Brittain and R. James Sacouman,

the assassinations took place just days before a major international demonstration was scheduled to take place in Bogotá. They report,
Promoted by The National Movement of Victims of State-Sponsored Crimes (MOVICE), the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) + countless social justice-based organizations,

March 6 has been set as an international day of protest against those tortured, murdered and disappeared by the Colombian state, their allies within the paramilitary United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia (AUC) and the newly-reformed Black Eagles. Recently, President Uribe's top political adviser, José Obdulio Gaviria, proclaimed that the protest and protesters should be criminalized. In addition, paramilitaries in the southwestern department of Nariño--not far from where the illegal incursions were carried out in Ecuador--have threatened to attack any organization or person associated with the protest activities.
It is believed that the Uribe and Santos administration is utilizing the slaughter of Commander Raúl Reyes and others as a method to deter activists and socially conscious peoples within and outside Colombia from participating in the March 6 events. Numerous state-controlled or connected media outlets, such as El Tiempo ...have been parading photographs of the bullet-ridden and mutilated corpse of Raúl Reyes throughout the country's communications mediums. Such
propaganda is clearly a tool to psychologically intimidate those preparing to demonstrate against the atrocities perpetrated by the state over the past seven years. (

03.Mar.2008 "Uribe's Colombia is Destabilizing Latin America," Colombia Journal, Monday,)
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ During the

01.Mar.2008 invasion of Ecuador by Colombian military forces, the New York-based Weekly News Update on the Americas reports,
Ecuadoran president Rafael Correa said his country's soldiers later found the ... FARC members' bodies "in underwear, pajamas."

They were "massacred while they slept," according to Correa. The Ecuadoran soldiers also rescued three wounded guerrilleros.
The Ecuador invasion by Colombia markedly increased tensions with both Ecuador and Venezuela.

Citing evidence that the guerrillas were in fact asleep + not killed during a "hot pursuit" across the Ecuadoran border as alleged by the Colombian government,

Correa said Uribe "was deceived, or yet another time he has lied to the Ecuadoran government." (

02.Mar.2008 )"Colombia: FARC Negotiator Killed," Issue #937,
Bröckelnder Wohlstand: Schon wieder Minus- Jahr für Bundesbürger - Inflation frisst Lohnzuwachs auf (Wirtschaft)
Gutes Gedächtnis: Schmetterlinge erinnern sich an Leben als Raupe (Wissenschaft)

Das auf den illegalen Märkten in Europa angebotene Heroin stammt fast vollständig aus Afghanistan.

Das Land am Hindukusch erklimmt beim Drogenanbau immer neue Rekordmarken: Im vergangenen Jahr stieg der illegale Schlafmohnanbau um satte 17 % - trotz aller internationalen Anstrengungen.

Das bedeutet, dass in dem Krisenstaat im vergangenen Jahr 8200 Tonnen Opium produziert wurden.

Besonders fatal ist, dass immer wieder größere Mengen Essigsäure-Anhydrid auf unbekannten Wegen ins Land kommen.

Die Chemikalie wird zur Herstellung von Heroin genutzt. "Afghanistan muss mehr tun, um sein eskalierendes Drogenproblem in den Griff zu bekommen", fordert das INCB.

Doch das dürfte ein frommer Wunsch sein, wenn man die Schwäche der afghanischen Sicherheitskräfte bedenkt, die diese Aufgabe bestenfalls mit massiver internationaler Hilfe schultern können.

Hilfe könnte indes auch das INCB selbst gebrauchen, der die Einhaltung der Uno-Abkommen zur Drogenkontrolle überwacht.

Wegen Finanzproblemen konnte die Gruppe von 13 unabhängigen Experten im vergangenen Jahr gerade einmal elf Länder inspizieren. Eigentlich sind fast doppelt so viele Reisen geplant.

In jedem Fall ist der Rat von der Hilfe der Mitgliedsländer abhängig:

Die mehr als 160 Vertragsstaaten sind verpflichtet, regelmäßig Informationen zu liefern.

Doch längst nicht alle Länder tun das auch, und so werden unter anderem die USA, Japan, die Niederlande und Irland im INCB-Bericht für ihre schlechte Informationspraxis abgewatscht.

Kritik auch an Deutschland

Die neuen Experimente könnten auch mit der "Soziologie der Waffenlabore" erklärt werden, sagte die Physikerin.

Forscher in den vom Militär bezahlten Instituten dürften ihre Studien nicht publizieren, das sei für viele ein Problem.

Als die USA nach Ende des Kalten Krieges schließlich verkündeten, keine Atomtests mehr durchführen zu wollen, hätten die Wissenschaftler in den Waffenlaboren das Gefühl gehabt, dass "alles den Bach runtergeht", erklärte Schaper. Die Trägheitsfusion biete zum einen attraktive Forschungsprojekte und könne zum anderen das Dilemma des Arbeitens im Geheimen lösen.
Umstrittenes Atomexperiment: US- Militär will Kernfusion im Kleinformat erforschen (Wissenschaft)
Maischberger über Ärztepfusch: Schlampen mit Kranken (Kultur)
Steuern: Union erwägt Entlastung von Arbeitnehmern (Politik)
Internationaler Drogenbericht: Cannabis- Plantagen boomen in Deutschland (Wissenschaft)

00.Oct.1969, however, was different. This was the only moment we know of when a president decided that it made strategic sense to pretend to launch WWIII.

Nixon's madman pose and Giant Lance
Fed Chief Urges Breaks for Some Home Borrowers
04.Mar.2008 HSH Nordbank braucht neues Kapital
04.Mar.2008 Deutschland stürzt ins Streikchaos
04.Mar.2008 Gazastreifen: Bush verhalf Hamas zur Macht
Nikkei falls 4.5% as dollar tests under ¥103
04.Mar.2008 Bankgeheimnis: Der Druck auf Österreich steigt
04.Mar.2008 Kolumbien-Krise spitzt sich zu
04.Mar.2008 Aufschwung geht an Menschen vorbei: Die Mittelschicht schrumpft
04.Mar.2008 https://blog.fefe.de/ Achtung, hinsetzen: die gruseligste Story, die ihr heute lesen werdet.

00.000.1969 Nixon und Kissinger haben angeordnet, dass 18 Langstreckenbomber mit scharfen thermonuklearen Bomben auf Moskau fliegen sollen.

Die Theorie war, dass Moskau dann Angst kriegen und Nordvietnam bedrängen würde, den Krieg aufzugeben.

Frustrated, Nixon decided to try something new: threaten the Soviet Union with a massive nuclear strike and make its leaders think he was crazy enough to go through with it. His hope was that the Soviets would be so frightened of events spinning out of control that they would strong-arm Hanoi, telling the North Vietnamese to start making concessions at the negotiating table or risk losing Soviet military support.

Codenamed Giant Lance, Nixon's plan was the culmination of a strategy of premeditated madness he had developed with national security adviser Henry Kissinger. The details of this episode remained secret for 35 years and have never been fully told. Now, thanks to documents released through the Freedom of Information Act, it's clear that Giant Lance was the leading example of what historians came to call the "madman theory": Nixon's notion that faked, finger-on-the-button rage could bring the Soviets to heel. Stellt euch mal die Russen vor, die da 18 Bomber auf sich zu rasen sehen, und sie können das Gewicht am Triebstoffverbrauch sehen, und daher wissen, dass da Atombomben drin sind. Ein Wunder, dass wir alle überhaupt noch leben.
Iran Nuke Laptop Data Came from Terror Group -By- Gareth Porter
Charges based on those documents pose the only remaining obstacles to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) declaring that Iran has resolved all unanswered questions about its nuclear programme.
US embassy angrily reacts to Pakistan interior minister's remarks: Pakistani Minister was quoted as saying that there is general impression in the country that the United States is backing those groups in Afghanistan who are creating lawlessness in Pakistan.
Turkish military operation failed: PKK leader: Turkey "attacked our forces on three fronts in the Zap region, but failed to achieve their goals even though the Turkish army has advanced technology and jet fighters that flew over the combat zone and bombed us non-stop".
Ahmadinejad takes swipe at Bush, during Iraq visit: The Americans have to understand the facts of the region. Iraqi people do not like America," he said.
Israeli force in Gaza is 'excessive': U.N.'s Ban: U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Saturday condemned what he called Israel's "disproportionate and excessive" use of force in the Gaza Strip.

04.Mar.2008 EU presidency condemns attacks on Gaza: EU president Slovenia today condemned Israel's attacks on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as disproportionate and violating international law, as a top EU foreign policy official left for the West Asia.

04.Mar.2008 Olmert: Don't preach morals to Israel : "No one has the right to preach morals to Israel"

04.Mar.2008 Israeli Protests: End Gaza war crimes: Hundreds of Israeli "leftist" activists join calls made by Arab states, EU; Tel Aviv protestor says 'child-killing government has no moral right to exist'
Bolivia threatens tough measures if international oil groups cut investments: If the international oil groups do not uphold the commitments they made, Bolivian state group YPFB and Venezuelan counterpart PDVSA will be charged with developing the gas sector in the country, Linera said.

04.Mar.2008 Medvedev elected Russian president : Medvedev, who was backed by Vladimir Putin to succeed him as president, won 70.23 per cent of Sunday's vote, official results from the Central Election Commission showed on Monday.

04.Mar.2008 Jonathan Turley : A tortured defense: It turns out that the administration thought seriously about its own style of waterboarding and opted for a Khmer Rouge style over the Spanish style.

04.Mar.2008 US Immigration officials detaining, deporting American citizens: Thomas Warziniack was born in Minnesota and grew up in Georgia, but immigration authorities pronounced him an illegal immigrant from Russia.

04.Mar.2008 The Federal Reserve's rescue has failed: The verdict is in. The Fed's emergency rate cuts in January have failed to halt the downward spiral towards a full-blown debt deflation.

Much more drastic action will be needed.

04.Mar.2008 Dollar at low on economy worries: The US dollar fell to an all-time low against the euro Monay, oil surged to new highs and Asian and European shares slipped back on fears of a US recession and further fallout from the global credit crisis.

04.Mar.2008 Markets tumble on U.S. recession fears: European and Asian stock markets tumbled Monday as investors reacted nervously to a steep decline on Wall Street Friday after disappointing economic and corporate news rekindled worries about a U.S. recession.

04.Mar.2008 Warren Buffett says U.S. in recession: Billionaire Warren Buffett said Monday he believes the US economy is in a recession, based on what he is seeing from the businesses owned by his holding company, Berkshire Hathaway.

00.0000.2008 probably will tumble more than three-quarters of a %age point to the lowest in at least 45 years.

04.Mar.2008 U.S. Mortgage Rates Will Tumble to Four-Decade Low: Freddie Mac, the world's second- largest mortgage buyer, said

00.000.2008 the average U.S. fixed mortgage rate probably will tumble more than three-quarters of a %age point to the lowest in at least 45 years.

04.Mar.2008 Venezuela & Colombia On Brink Of War: President Hugo Chavez ordered tanks and thousands of troops yesterday to the border with Colombia, accusing it of pus
Venezuela & Colombia On Brink Of War: President Hugo Chavez ordered tanks and thousands of troops yesterday to the border with Colombia, accusing it of pushing South America to the brink of war by killing a top rebel leader on Ecuadorean soil.

04.Mar.2008 Chavez orders military to border: President Hugo Chavez ordered tanks and thousands of troops on Sunday to the border with Colombia, accusing it of pushing South America to the brink of war by killing a top rebel leader on Ecuadorean soil.

04.Mar.2008 Ecuador Denounces Colombia’s Most Serious Aggression : The Ecuadorian President announced that his government mobilized troops to the border with Colombia and expelled Colombian Ambassador Carlos Holguien from Quito, in response to a violation of the country’s sovereignty by the neighboring country.

04.Mar.2008 Chavez: Colombia has become the Israel of Latin America : Chavez called Colombian President Alvaro Uribe a criminal and branded his government a terrorist state, over the killing of a top rebel leader on Ecuadorean soil. 04.Mar.2008 UN approves new Iran sanctions : A resolution sponsored by Britain, France and Germany won the backing of 14 of the council's 15 members. Indonesia abstained.

04.Mar.2008 IAEA to push Iran "arms" probe, Tehran says innocent: Iran's envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency said the intelligence was fake and said an IAEA report on February 22 showed Iran had answered all outstanding questions and certified its nuclear intentions were wholly peaceful.

04.Mar.2008 How to end the U.S.-Iran standoff: We propose that Iran's efforts to produce enriched uranium and related nuclear activities be conducted on a multilateral basis, jointly managed and operated on Iranian soil by a consortium including Iran and other governments.

04.Mar.2008 Iran Official: Iran Will Expel 1.5 Million Illegal Afghans: Tehran intends to expel all 1.5 million Afghans within its borders illegally, a visiting Iranian official said in Kabul Monday, even as Kabul said it could not cope with such a high number of returnees.
Tens of thousands of Syrians, Arabs march to protest Israeli attacks on Gaza: Tens of thousands of Syrians filled the central square of Damascus Monday to protest ongoing Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip that have killed more than 100 Palestinians, while elsewhere in the region thousands others also demonstrated.
Amnesty rips IDF for 'reckless disregard of life' in Gaza: The London-based human rights organization Amnesty International has condemned Israel's attacks on Gaza, claiming they are "being carried out with reckless disregard for civilian life."

04.Mar.2008 Anti-Zionist Jews condemn Gaza massacres:

A worldwide organization representing anti-Zionist Jews has strongly condemned the ongoing mass killing and maiming by the Israeli occupation army of hundreds of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
Iran calls on US to quit Iraq :

The Iranian president, on a landmark visit to neighbouring Iraq, has called for US troops' withdrawal from the war-torn nation, saying that the country will "live in peace" without them.

04.Mar.2008 US economy a '$3 trillion' casualty of war in Iraq: Stiglitz and Bilmes argue the true cost is at least US$3 trillion, under what they call an ultraconservative estimate. They say it could surpass the cost of World War II, which they put at US$5 trillion, adjusted for inflation.

04.Mar.2008 IsraelI Rights Group: More than 50% of Gaza casualties were innocent bystanders : According to data gathered by B'Tselem, 106 Palestinians were killed between February 27 and march 3. Fifty four of them were civilians who didn't take part in the fighting + 25 were under 18, the statement said.
Truce or Bloodbath -By- Azzam Tamimi
A recent poll published in the Israeli daily Ha'aretz suggested that 64% of Israelis favoured a negotiated truce with Hamas. But in the past few days, a military onslaught that has so far claimed more than a hundred Palestinian lives, mostly women and children, has made it clear that the Israeli leadership is not interested in any peaceful exit from the current predicament..

04.Mar.2008 Why Isn't Iraq in the 2008 Election? -By- Noam Chomsky
The highly regarded British polling agency, Oxford Research Bureau, has just updated its estimate of deaths. Their new estimate a couple of days ago is 1.3 million. That's excluding two of the most violent provinces, Karbala and Anbar. On the side, it's kind of intriguing to observe the ferocity of the debate over the actual number of deaths. There's an assumption on the part of the hawks that if we only killed a couple hundred thousand people, it would be OK, so we shouldn't accept the higher estimates. You can go along with that if you like.

Uribe's Illegal Cross-Border Raid

04.Mar.2008 Colombian Deaths in Ecuador -By- Richard Gott
By all accounts, the midnight attack on the camp of the Farc leaders, a mile inside Ecuadorean territory in the jungle region south of the Putumayo river, was a political decision taken by the Colombian president Alvaro Uribe to put an end to the peace process orchestrated by Chávez.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Seems the prisoners aren't the only ones suffering. Debbie Nathan over at Counterpunch has an article entitled A Nightmare World of Torture and Prison Guard Suicides--Confessions of a Gitmo Guard. # posted by  PeterofLoneTree
04.Mar.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ So where is Friedmanism taking us? Back to the future -- to 1850, when Americans worked as many as 3600 hours a year.

Records indicate that work schedules as arduous as twelve to sixteen hours per day, six to seven days per week, were demanded of wage earners.

This nineteenth century work schedule was the most intense work effort in the history of labor.

Most of those workers lived in misery and the economy as a whole suffered from a major Depression every decade.

Underpaid workers cannot afford to buy the products produced by other underpaid workers + a population involved in ceaseless labor has no time to enjoy consumer goods.
Such is the logic of the Libertarian ideal.
Permalink # posted by Joseph : 11
04.Mar.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Jen here... In case you missed it,

20.Feb.2008 -as of- Bush's approval rating has sunk to a dismal 19%.  I meant to mention it sooner, but I hate wasting energy on anything directly related to him. Permalink
04.Mar.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Kenya's history, including the story of how it became one of the most prosperous nations in Africa, is pretty interesting.
04.Mar.2008 Bob Jensen's Threads on Rotten to the Core Scandals Are a Hot Topic in College Courses --- https://www.smartpros.com/x42201.xml .

Most of us enter the investment business for the same sanity-destroying ... www.trinity.edu/rjensen/FraudRotten.htm
2006 Power Line: Archives "We always think about the rights of the terrorists," said August Hanning, ...CIA director George Tenet has acknowledged that the intelligence agency ... www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2006/04/
2007-01.Oct.2007 Vox Verax:... the one with initiative, the coordinator,” said August Hanning, . ...

18.---.2002 CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on ... voxverax.blogspot.com/2007_09_01_archive.html
INTELLIGENCE ARCHIVES INTELLIGENCE NEWS HISTORY ARCHIVES ... "Former CIA Director George Tenet gave the independent Sept.11 Commission ...

"August Hanning, the head of the Federal Intelligence Service, also estimated that more ... havenworks.com/intelligence/archive/
Intelligence: Al Qaeda Archives The former head of the German intelligence service BND, August Hanning, ..... delivered a scathing attack on George Tenet, CIA director at the time of ... www.ladlass.com/intel/archives/cat_al_qaeda.html
Krieg/Terror - blog von mattin

In seinem Buch “ At the Center of the Storm” schrieb der ehemalige CIA-Direktor George Tenet dass “eine Quelle die wir zusammen mit einem Land im mittleren Osten ... hahn.blogkade.de/categories/13-Krieg-Terror/P2.html
The X-Files Wing: The Opal Files: Khashoggi's real history

They use Lockheed,Northrop + Litton Industries 'agent' Adnan Khashoggi, toorganise operations in the Middle East, Iran and Indonesia. ... txfwing.blogspot.com/2005/02/opal-files-khashoggis-real-history.html
Khashoggi, Part 35: Fear and Loathing at the NSA Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 9/11 Terrorists NSA space trailblazer booz allen hamilton ...

00.000.2001 the company acquired LITTON Industries, creating a global ... 911review.org/Alex/Khashoggi-35_NSA.html

Feb.2005 ~ Miltec Corporation - News Dr. William H . Forster, vice president of Land Combat Systems at Northrop Grumman, added, “This test demonstrates ... alfatomega.com/20050221.html

They use Lockheed, Northrop and Litton Industries 'agent' Adnan Khashoggi, to organise operations in the Middle East, Iran and Indonesia. www.textfiles.com/conspiracy/opal.txt
The Opal File Litton Industries 'agent' Adnan
Khashoggi, to organise operations in the Middle East, Iran and Indonesia. ICI set up $2.5 million slush fund to ... www.saunalahti.fi/~makako/mind/opal.htm
Untitled Document Northrop and Litton Industries 'agent' Adnan
Khashoggi, to organise operations in the Middle East, Iran and Indonesia. ICI set up $2.5 ... freedomdomain.com/Neworder/australia01.html
IMC Brazil - ecret history of Australia and New Zealanad

They use Lockheed, Northrop + Litton Industries 'agent' Adnan Khashoggi, to organise operations in the Middle East, Iran + Indonesia. www.midiaindependente.org/en/blue/2002/06/30218.shtml
200504280517 [Wereldcrisis] Why was Richard Perle meeting with Adnan
Khashoggi ? ... 47 + Litton Industries, No. 28, which in turn had bought PRC Inc., No. 16. ... alfatomega.com/200504280517.html
Defense Contracts - News - Times Topics - The New York Times ...

In additition, it said two units of Litton Industries had received Navy awards ... AIR FORCES, BRIBERY, UNITED STATES, HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO, KHASHOGGI, ADNAN ...
How CIBC keeps money from the taxman- Offshore accounting Colin Litton, national director of KPMG LLP's banking and finance practice ...

I'll find the connection to BCCI eventually, besides Adnan Khashoggi/Bermuda. ... www.freerepublic.com/focus/fr/634128/posts
04.Mar.2008 batcave911 weblog ... and you want all the advantages you can have," said John Litton, city manager in Lake . Adnan khashoggi linked to 9-11 NSA CIA google SAIC iran . batcave911.blogspot.com/
Endtime Happenings: Leserbrief an "Die Presse": Bush Clan, Neue ...

Der Herr Bundeskanzler Gusenbauer + der Herr Vizekanzler Molterer waren letztes Jahr an der „Bilderberg“-Konferenz in der Nähe von Ottawa/Kanada. endtimehappenings.blogspot.com/2007/08/leserbrief-die-presse-bush-clan-neue.html
NameBase Amplifies Crowley List

07.Dec.2000. Thanks to NameBase of Public Interest Research . ... cryptome.sabotage.org/cia-2619-pir.htm
AFIO | Weekly Intelligence Notes

CIA DRUG ESTIMATES DISPUTED - Colombian officials disputed CIA estimates that stated ... former intelligence professionals looking for a job to do in your own community. ( Larry Sulc ) www.afio.com/sections/wins/1999/notes1299.html · AFIO | Weekly Intelligence Notes

The CIA IG is now preparing a report. (

11.Apr.1999 Nwswk; PRNewswire; Photo: https://www.newsom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/19990410/Hssa008 (courtesy Larry Sulc ) (RoyJ) www.afio.com/sections/wins/1999/notes1699.html
04.Mar.2008 Kämpfe gegen Hamas: Israelische Panzer rollen in den Gaza- Streifen

04.Mar.2008 Schärfere Sanktionen: Iran hält an Atomplänen fest (Politik)
FARC- Rebellen: Bush unterstützt Kolumbiens Vorgehen - Castro wettert dagegen

04.Mar.2008 Gas- Streit: Russland halbiert Gaslieferung in die Ukraine (Wirtschaft)
"Klima- und Wettermodelle nähern sich einander ohnehin immer weiter an."

Bekannt ist immer auch das Maß der Uneinigkeit. Je weiter die 41 Modelle auseinanderliegen, desto weniger sollte man sich auf den Mittelwert verlassen. "Das ist der eigentlich wichtige Fortschritt", sagt Hagedorn.

Nun lässt sich nämlich genau sagen, wie ungenau die Prognose ist.
Mehrere Interviews mit Hitler-Vertrauten hätten ergeben, dass der Diktator kein Interesse an Astrologie hatte, sagte ein Historiker der Cambridge Universität, Paul Winter, der britischen BBC.
Zwischen 1940 und 1943, so berichtet es die britische Nachrichtenagentur Press Association, habe der deutsche Astrologe Louis de Wohl Hunderte von Horoskope für Hitler erstellt und Voraussagungen für die militärischen Pläne der Nazis getroffen.

De Wohl, der sich zuvor Ludwig de Wohl genannt hatte, kam 1935 nach England. Obwohl ihn einige Militärs, mit denen er zusammentraf, für einen Scharlatan hielten, konnte de Wohl den Geheimdienst davon überzeugen, dass Hitler keine militärische Entscheidung ohne den Rat des Schweizer Astrologen Karl Ernest Krafft traf. Im

00.Jun.1941 schickten die Briten de Wohl sogar in die USA, um mit seinen Voraussagen die Amerikaner zum Eintritt in den Krieg zu überreden.

Die Sprengtechnik hat jedoch auch einen Nachteil: Wenn sich Fälscher ihrer bedienen, könnten auch sie binnen kurzer Zeit große Mengen jener Hologramme herstellen, die eigentlich als Plagiateschutz gedacht sind.
Bakterienhülle: Doppelt doppelt hält besser (Wissenschaft)
Steuerskandal: Anleger ziehen 100 Millionen Franken aus Liechtenstein ab (Wirtschaft)
Schillernde Interferenzbilder: Forscher sprengen Hologramm- Vorlage in Stahl

04.Mar.2008 Studie: Strompreise stiegen seit 2005 um mehr als 16 % (Wirtschaft)
Gas- Streit: Ukraine droht mit Kürzung der Lieferungen nach Europa (Wirtschaft)
Deutscher Export: Geschäft mit Europa boomt wie nie

04.Mar.2008 BGH- Urteil: Soda Club muss Markt für Konkurrenz öffnen

04.Mar.2008 Neues Ultimatum: Gasprom will Lieferungen an Ukraine halbieren

04.Mar.2008 Planetenforschung: Sonde fotografiert Mars- Lawine

04.Mar.2008 Wahlkampf in Spanien: Zapatero zieht den Konservativen davon
04.Mar.2008 Political Friendster - Allen Dulles - Connections

Allen was legal counsel for Standard Oil and the Nazi ' s I. G. Farben, co-owned by the ... with powerful aid from the brothers John Foster Dulles (Secretary of State) + Allen ... www.politicalfriendster.com/showPerson.php?id=1843&name=Allen-Dulles

22.Sep.2004 AFRICA ENERGY INTELLIGENCE n° 377-UNITED STATES/gulf ... Chairman of Tamoil for a number of years, Omar Massoud has been succeeded by Mahmoud Naas at the Monaco headquarters of the Libyan trading company. (...). www.africaintelligence.com/ps/AN/Arch/AEM/AEM_377.asp
03.Dec.1992 AFRICA ENERGY INTELLIGENCE- TUNISIA ETAP is looking for a floater for a well it will spud between mid-September—November, with an option on a ...
LIBYA - Profile - Abdullah Salem Al-Badri. Industry & Business ...

He removed Omar Massoud from the post of chairman at Tamoil, the main operating unit of Oilinvest + put in this place Mahmoud Naas. goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/gi_0199-4503212/LIBYA-Profile-Abdullah-Salem-Al.html
Justice4Libya ... Omar Massoud has been replaced as head of Cyprus-registered Tamoil Overseas by another Libyan national, Mahmoud Naas . Reasons weren't given, ...
Libya's Tamoil gets new boss - View as HTML
has been replaced as head of Cyprus-registered Tamoil Overseas by another Libyan national, Mahmoud Naas . Reasons. weren't given, but trading sources allege ...

20070420. Alfatomega.com. Search in all of Alfatomega.com. welcome to ALFATOMEGA --> use CTR + F for FIND !!!///. alfatomega.com/20070420.html
Archives A la tête de Tamoil depuis plusieurs années, Omar Massoud a été remplacé par Mahmoud Naas au siège du trader libyen, à Monaco. (...) [ 178 mots ] [ 4€ ] ... www.africaintelligence.fr/LAE/archives/default_archives.asp?num=494&year=1997
ITALGLACE. Annuaire économique de la tunisie Annuaire économique de la tunisie ITALGLACE. TUNIS Madame Sonia Bent Mahmoud Naas Service Glace Italienne.annu.annoncesexpress.com/annu_fr/110302.htm
Annuaire économique de la tunisie: ITALGLACE., 110302 ITALGLACE. - TUNIS

Responsable Madame Sonia Bent Mahmoud Naas, secteur d'activite Service Glace Italienne, Annuaire économique de la tunisie.annu.annoncesexpress.com/annuaire-tunisie/f110302-italglace/

00.000.1965-00.000.1974 South Pole Timeline-Geologist Thomas E. Berg killed in helicopter crash (11/19) on the side of Mt. ...

This is from Lazi's 1980 book " Antarktis, Antarctica, Antarctique. ... www.southpolestation.com/trivia/igy2/igy2.html
04.Mar.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-539166,00.html

Insgesamt flossen dem Institut im vergangenen Jahr netto Neugelder von elf Milliarden Franken zu (rund sieben Milliarden Euro).

Allerdings war die Steueraffäre zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht bekannt. Im Jahr 2006 hatte sich der Nettozufluss nur auf 7,5 Milliarden Franken belaufen.

Die betreuten Kundenvermögen überschritten im vergangenen Jahr mit 102,8 Milliarden Franken (64,5 Milliarden Euro) erstmals die Marke von 100 Milliarden Franken.

Der größte Teil des Wachstums stamme aus den Onshore-Märkten, aus Asien und dem Geschäft mit institutionellen Kunden, hieß es in der Mitteilung.
Tod eines Farc- Rebellen: Ecuador und Venezuela brechen diplomatische Beziehungen zu Kolumbien ab (Politik)
Liechtenstein: Fürstenbank LGT steigert Gewinn um 41 % (Wirtschaft)
Euro- Höhenflug: Finanzminister warnen vor "exzessiven Kursbewegungen" (Wirtschaft)
Tankflugzeuge: US- Demokraten verlangen Untersuchung zu Airbus- Auftrag (Wirtschaft)
Kolumbien unter Druck: Venezuela weist Botschafter aus, Ecuador bricht Beziehungen ab (Politik)
SATI e-News Illinois State Police abruptly cancelled its contract with Bode Technology in late August of last year after its own quality control review determined that ... www.mysati.com/enews/Jan2006/enews_011606.htm
TERRORISM: Massive DNA Identification Effort Gets Under Way ...

The New York medical examiner's lab and Bode Technology Group of Alexandria, Virginia, each plan to handle about 5% of the samples. ... www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/294/5541/278?ck=nck
04.Mar.2008 NIH Record--2/04/2003--Science Plays Widening Role in Forensic ...

00.000.2001 Bode Technology received partial remains, some only an inch long, within a month of 9/11 + in total analyzed some 13000 WTC bone fragments, ... nihrecord.od.nih.gov/newsletters/02_04_2003/story02.htm
Ex Floridian in

00.Aug.2000 -When Safir resigned as Police Comissionerhe went to work for ChoicePoint Inc., which was the parent company of The Bode Technology Group. www.topix.com/member/profile/exfloridian
04.Mar.2008 TP: Wir machen mit! Später kam noch die Bode Technology Group hinzu, die das größte forensische DNS-Labor der Nation unterhält. Alles in allem, besitzt Choice Point mehr als 7 ..www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/20/20905/1.html 04.Mar.2008 The BrownWatch: News for People of Color - Florida Felon Voter ... + ChoicePoint/DBT has big plans.

"Given the outcome of our work in Florida," ... including former New York Police Commissioner Howard Safir and former ...
Myspace.com Blogs - The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Part III: A ...

DBT, a division of ChoicePoint, is under fire for misuse of personal data in ... including former New York Police Commissioner Howard Safir + former ...
Florida's flawed "voter-cleansing" program - HTML-Version
Langone is joined at
ChoicePoint by another. Giuliani associate, former New York Police Commissioner Howard Safir . And Republican power lobbyist and former ... inst.sfcc.edu/~abeck/pdf/Florida_Flawed_Voter_Cleansing.pdf 04.Mar.2008 ..3.. "Broken Arrows," or lost nuclear weapons ..by..Wayne Madsen ...

Safir also serves as consultant to the Chair of ChoicePoint, a leading provider of credential verification and identification services. www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message369459/pg2
04.Mar.2008 Election Irregularities Langone is joined at ChoicePoint by another Giuliani associate, former New York Police Commissioner Howard Safir . And Republican power ... www.knowthecandidates.org/ktc/ElectionIrregularities.htm
04.Mar.2008 Choicepoint Inc SAFIR HOWARD. Palast,G. The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.

2003 (30) ... LEE JAMES E ( CHOICEPOINT ) 8 SMITH DEREK V 6 CURLING DOUGLAS C 5 FAGAN MARTIN 5 ASHER ... www.namebase.org/main1/Choicepoint-Inc.html
Scrub Helps Shrub Howard Safir, former New York City police commissioner under Giuliani, ... Harris + ChoicePoint claimed at that time to have corrected their erroneous ... www.thenation.com/doc/20010205/palastside
Townhall.com::The News::News Article In announcing the purchase of ChoicePoint, Reed Elsevier said in a statement that ...

Herman Cain, Horace Cooper, Howard McKeon, Howard Safir, Hugh Hewitt ... www.townhall.com/news/business/2008/02/21/reed_elsevier_buys_choicepoint
Townhall.com::The News::News Article
ChoicePoint, headquartered in Alpharetta, Georgia, has more than 5000 employees ...

Herman Cain, Horace Cooper, Howard McKeon, Howard Safir, Hugh Hewitt ... www.townhall.com/Content.aspx?ContentGuid=b67b7fe1-c9ca-4cca-9ea3-c5ec079f7a0a
04.Mar.2008 ZNet Commentary ChoicePoint is a Republican outfit. Board members include former New York Police commissioner Howard Safir and billionaire Ken Langone, ... www.zmag.org/ZSustainers/ZDaily/2000-12/13flanders.htm
Jim Crow in Cyberspace: The Unreported Story of How They Fixed the ...

ChoicePoint's board, executive suite and consultant rosters are packed with Republican stars, including former New York Police Commissioner Howard Safir and ... www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Palast_Greg/JimCrow_Cyberspace_TBDMCB.html
04.Mar.2008 Big Brother is watching: firestorm follows report of sale of ... Former NYPD chief Howard Safir sits on the board of ChoicePoint, as does Guiliani's senate campaign fundraiser Ken Langone.

Safir is a proponent of such ...
Salon.com Politics | Florida's flawed "voter-cleansing" program Langone is joined at ChoicePoint by another Giuliani associate, former New York Police Commissioner Howard Safir .

+ Republican power lobbyist + former ... archive.salon.com/politics/feature/2000/12/04/voter_file/print.html
The Right’s Field » Rudy's Howard Safir Problem

During this time, Safir left the department + went to work for a data collection firm, ChoicePoint + within four months of leaving 1 Police Plaza, ... rightsfield.com/2007/08/21/rudys-howard-safir-problem/
Your Free Press: HOWARD SAFIR QUESTION? When Safir resigned as Police Comissioner in

00.Aug.2000 he went to work for ChoicePoint Inc., which was the parent company of The Bode Technology Group. ... yourfreepress.blogspot.com/2007/12/howard-safir-question.html
Dieter Drüssel - HTML-Version
00.000.1997 ChoicePoint, aus dem Kreditüberprüfungsunternehmen Equifax entstanden ... des Gesichts u. a.) macht sich bei ChoicePoint besonders Howard Safir stark, ... www.vorwaerts.ch/vorwaerts/texte/ueberwachungsimperium_I.rtf
04.Mar.2008 BBTF's Newsblog Discussion :: Salon: Koppelman: After 9/11 ... Salon: Koppelman:

11.Sep.2001 -After- Giuliani wasn’t a rescue worker—he was a Yankee ... Police Commissioner Howard Safir called it "Ground Zero" because of the ...
Bernard Kerik This is a disgrace and a crime + on

9/11, Kerik and the Giuliani Administration were part ... When Safir found it necessary to leave for health reasons, ... www.nycop.com/FORUM_CURRENT/Bernard_Kerik/body_bernard_kerik.html
04.Mar.2008 The Perils of Rudy's 9/11 Strategy | The New York Observer

22.Aug.2007 ... 9/11 Truth Now. Let's Make History 2007.

A Week of Events ... Police Commissioners Safir and Kerik, Fire Chief Von Essen, Police and Fire ... www.observer.com/2007/perils-rudys-9-11-strategy
Kerik a
9/11 Hero? What About the Dead? | The New York Observer ... chauffeur for Rudy Giuliani succeeded Howard Safir as police commissioner?

Why, he was a hero of 9/11 ! This qualifies him for any job he might wish. ... www.observer.com/node/50230
04.Mar.2008 TOTAL 911 INFO

20.Aug.200- Corruption in 9/11 DNA firm revealed. From New York Daily News :. "A DNA lab with financial ties to former Police Commissioner Howard Safir has ... www.total911.info/labels/WTC.html
9/11 Truth | Clipmarks 9/11 Truth ... ties to former Police Commissioner Howard Safir has reaped millions in city contracts despite serious questions about its performance. clipmarks.com/clipmark/5A81C8A5-228D-4DF5-B445-64CD7DC5A79A/
The chinks in Giuliani's 9/11 armor - Los Angeles Times ...

24.Jan.2008 ... His new fire commissioner, Howard Safir, asked for $12 million in ...

But the federal 9/11 Commission concluded that the city's failure to ... www.calendarlive.com/books/la-na-rudynineelev24jan24,0,42547.story
04.Mar.2008 McClatchy Washington Bureau | 11/19/2007 | 9-11 group blasts GOP ...

19.Nov.2007 ... Norman Siegel, an organizer of the 9-11 group and a former head of the New ... Howard Safir, who served as New York City's fire and police ... www.mcclatchydc.com/staff/william_douglas/story/21805.html
04.Mar.2008 Saturation.org: 360 Degrees of Howard Safir (The Price of Tea in ...

Because it was less than two months after 9/11 that Safir -Rossetti became part of Omnicom, a “global leader in marketing and communications. www.saturation.org/saturationblog/archives/001105.html
Political Radar: Firefighters Burn

Following Safir's quote, the "Research Briefing" lists over a dozen. The reality is, Rudy Giuliani wasn't a great leader on 9/11 ; he just played one on ... blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2007/07/firefighters-bu.html
Media Matters - Time profile asserted that 9-11 gave Giuliani "automatic standing" on terrorism ... Giuliani had listened to Safir + Anemone + placed his command center ...
9/11 Dad FD Chief Jim Riches- featured in IAFF video-Responds to ... - HTML-Version
Father of fallen fire fighter Jimmy Riches Jr., FDNY
9/11 : ... Safir, NYC firefighters despise Rudy. I am an active Deputy Chief in the FDNY and I know it ... www.rudy-urbanlegend.com/Media/Jim%20Riches.pdf
04.Mar.2008 HomelandSecurityStocks.com Newsmaker Interview Series with Howard ...

Some of the Highlights of Commissioner Safir's comments:. --"Since 9/11 security is no longer an option." --"If you don't provide security for your ... findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2005_June_1/ai_n13790259
Howard Safir: He Still Gets No Respect

Just as Cohen feared Kelly, Safir feared Giuliani who, when he became mayor ... a year ago, he pulled out of a 9/11 anniversary conference on terrorism when ... nypdconfidential.com/columns/2007/071210.html
More reactions to 9/11 response More reactions to 9/11 response.

12.Aug.2002 ... ( Safir's hapless spokesman Marilyn Mode also camped out there for a year.) As for Sheirer, he now works ... www.nypdconfidential.com/columns/2002/020812.html
Giuliani's First Responders | The Trail | washingtonpost.com Safir, who was Giuliani's longest-serving police commissioner, rejects out of ...

Giuliani made terrible decisions that affected the firefighters on 9/11. blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2007/08/29/giulianis_first_responders.html
New Video Critical of Giuliani's 9/11 Leadership - Channel '08 ...

A similar release quotes former FDNY chief Howard Safir. Giuliani made a mockery of 9/11 + made himself rich in the process. blog.washingtonpost.com/channel-08/2007/07/new_video_critical_of_giuliani.html
The Right’s Field » Rudy's Howard Safir Problem

The Daily News has also reported on Safir ’s highly profitable line in 9/11 -related endorsements (despite the fact that he wasn’t even commissioner at the ... rightsfield.com/2007/08/21/rudys-howard-safir-problem/
He wasn't even on the job but uses attack to boost biz

00.000.2000 Safir resigned + immediately went to work as a consultant to the chief executive of ChoicePoint, a data collection company.

Then came 9/11, ... www.nydailynews.com/news/2007/08/19/2007-08-19_safir_finds_gold_in_wtcs_rubble.html
Safir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Recently, questions have been raised about

11.Sep.2001 -post- Safir's business dealings + whether he has profited from his connections with then-Mayor Giuliani in ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Safir 04.Mar.2008 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Safir
Private sector employment

00.000.2000 -After Safir resigned as Police Comissioner- he immediately went to work as a consultant to the chief executive of ChoicePoint, Inc. + ultimately ran their Bode Technology Group subsidiary, which 00.Apr.2001 ChoicePoint, Inc. purchased Bode Technology Group at Safir's urging.

00.Feb.2007 Safir became CEO of Bode Technology when GlobalOptions Group, Inc. acquired The Bode Technology Group from ChoicePoint in a cash purchase for $12.5 million. [2] Mr. Safir is also CEO of another GlobalOptions company, SafirRosetti, a security and investigation company. [3]

Recently, questions have been raised about Safir's post-9/11 business dealings +

whether he has profited from his connections with then-Mayor Giuliani in gaining DNA analysis contracts for Bode Technology with the City of New York. [4] [5]
03.Mar.2008 https://cannonfire.blogspot.com/2008/03/torture-complicity-meet-apa.html
With the

00.000.1997 partial declassification of the CIA's

00.000.1963 torture manual, KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation, we gain valuable insight into the role played by APA practitioners of "non-coercive" interrogation techniques at Guantánamo Bay + other "black sites."
03.Mar.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Permalink
03.Mar.2008 https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ Torture & Complicity: Meet the APA Antifascist Calling...
As Congress prepares to investigate the role of their colleagues' torture of detainees at Guantánamo Bay + CIA "black sites," the American Psychological Association (APA) has refused to condemn participation by APA members in abusive interrogations.
https://www.cannonfire.blogspot.com/ This should come as no surprise since the APA according to David Goodman,
...aggressively lobbies on behalf of psychologists and research centers for funding from the military, the Department of Homeland Security, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency + the DOD Counterintelligence Field Activity. In FY
2003, DOD spending on behavioral, cognitive + social science research stood at about $405 million. (

01.Mar.2008 Mother Jones, "The Enablers,")
"Mit einem gewissen zeitlichen Abstand werden meine Kinder besser leben als ich, auch wenn sie es mir nicht glauben", sagte Buffet CNBC.

Zugleich zog der US-Milliardär sein Angebot zurück, von den angeschlagenen Bondversicherern MBIA, Ambac Financial und FGIC die Kommunalanleihen in Höhe von 800 Milliarden Euro zu übernehmen.

Die Versicherer hatten Buffetts Angebot allerdings ohnehin bereits abgelehnt.
US- Wirtschaft: Buffett sieht die USA bereits in einer Rezession

03.Mar.2008 New York: Weltsicherheitsrat beschließt neue Sanktionen gegen Iran (Politik)
Strahlende Billigware: Polizei beschlagnahmt radioaktiven Stahl aus China (Wirtschaft)
Preis- Spirale: Lebenshaltungskosten steigen rasant (Wirtschaft)
Tod eines Farc- Rebellen: Kriegsdrohungen in Südamerika (Politik)
Wachsende Ungleichheit: Deutschlands Mitte schrumpft dramatisch - Top- Verdiener legen zu (Wirtschaft)
Allein in diesem Jahr hat Kupfer 26 % an Wert gewonnen. Das Metall wird wird vor
allem für die Herstellung von Stromkabeln und Wasserrohren verwendet.
03.Mar.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,druck-539077,00.html
"Gold ist stark überfällig für eine Korrektur", sagte ein Ökonom von SG Corporate and Investment Banking. Allein seit Jahresanfang ist der Goldpreis um 18 % gestiegen.
"Der schwache Dollar erhöht die Anziehungskraft des Goldes als alternatives Investment", teilte die Standard Bank in London mit.

Das habe eine Welle von Fondskäufen ausgelöst, da die Investoren sich einen sicheren Hafen zum Schutz ihrer Portfolios suchten.

Nach wie vor stark ist auch der Euro. Heute notierte die europäische Gemeinschaftswährung knapp unter 1,52 Dollar und damit nahe dem zuletzt aufgestellten Allzeithoch.

Gegenüber anderen großen Währungen blieb der Dollar ebenfalls auf Talfahrt. Der Grund: Viele Investoren rechnen für diesen März mit einer weiteren deutlichen Zinssenkung in den USA.
"Das wäre ein eigener, nächster Entwicklungsschritt", erklärte Johannes von Thadden, Leiter Politische Beziehungen der EADS-Tochter Astrium.

Einmal angekommen, soll "Jules Verne" sechs Monate an der ISS angekoppelt bleiben. In dieser Zeit soll das ATV mit seinen 32 Triebwerken dabei helfen, die Station auf Kurs zu halten.

Auch für die Entsorgung des auf der ISS anfallenden Mülls sind die ATVs eingeplant. Nach dem Abkoppeln sollen sie mit 6,5 Tonnen Müll an Bord über dem Pazifik gezielt zum Absturz gebracht werden und verglühen.
Rohstoff- Boom: Goldpreis kurz vor der 1000- Dollar- Marke
03.Mar.2008 https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/0,1518,druck-538961,00.html

Das Problem ist nicht der Computer, sondern der Mensch davor. Das gilt auch für die amerikanische Sozialbehörde, bei der sich durchschnittlich 35 Eingabefehler pro Tag ereignen.

Und die haben manchmal schwerwiegende Folgen, wie "Msnbc" meldet. Tausende von US-Bürgern seien fälschlich für tot erklärt worden, was dramatischen Auswirkungen für die tatsächlich noch lebenden US-Bürger hat. AP

"Panik"-Taste: Ein solches Zubehör wünscht sich manch fälschlich für tot erklärter Behördengänger in den USA Die Betroffenen können keine Steuererklärungen mehr abgeben (und erhalten auch keine Erstattungen mehr), Rentenzahlungen werden eingestellt, Krankenversicherungen beendet und Bankkonten geschlossen.

Schlimmer noch:

Offensichtlich ist es wesentlich einfacher, einen lebendigen Menschen für tot zu erklären als diesen Fehler zu beheben.

Jeder dieser Missgriffe muss bei der Behörde dokumentiert werden und nur vom Vorgesetzten des jeweiligen Mitarbeiters korrigiert werden - ein Prozedere, dass viele Behördenmitarbeiter offenbar zu vermeiden suchen. Kein Wunder, arbeitet die Zeit doch für sie.
Schüler in Frankreich: Richter untersagen Lehrerbenotung (SchulSPIEGEL)
Buttersäure auf Walfänger: Japan nennt Tierschützer Terroristen (Wissenschaft)
Netzwelt- Ticker: Tausendfacher Daten- Tod durch US- Behörden

03.Mar.2008 Vorstadtunruhen bei Paris: Vermummte Randalierer schießen Polizisten an (Politik)
Südafrika: Kupfer- Diebe gefährden WM- Vorbereitungen (Wirtschaft)
Krisengewinnler: Wie Wal- Mart von der US- Flaute profitiert (Wirtschaft)
Kunstfreiheit: Berliner Ausstellung bekommt Polizeischutz (Kultur)
Gas- Streit: Gasprom drosselt Lieferung an die Ukraine (Wirtschaft)
Roboter in Japan: Basteln an der Menschmaschine (Wissenschaft)
Verschwörungstheorie zum 11. September: Oscar- Siegerin Cotillard vergrätzt Amerika (Panorama)
Narco News: DynCorp Charged With Terrorism; Paul V. Lombardi in ...

The lawsuit against DynCorp is the second time that indigenous communities in ... organizations in the Amazon river basin have asked the U.N. human rights ... www.narconews.com/dyncorp terrorism1.html
CorpWatch : Food and Agriculture A dozen Guatemalan workers filed a federal lawsuit Thursday accusing one of ..

... fragile ecosystems and indigenous cultures of Colombia's Amazon Basin, ... www.corpwatch.org/article.php?list=classt&type=181&class=3&all=1
CorpWatch : Food and Agriculture GMO soybeans are crowding out the Amazon rainforests; meanwhile, ...

A dozen Guatemalan workers filed a federal lawsuit Thursday accusing one of the ... www.corpwatch.org/article.php?list=class&type=181&class=3&printsafe=1&all=1
Friends of Ethiopia:: In

00.Dec.2004, the company settled a lawsuit filed by 15 Burmese villagers, ... DynCorp, one of the providers of these mercenary services, ... friendsofethiopia.blogspot.com/2005/12/14-worst-corporate-evildoers.html
Friends of Ethiopia:: DynCorp, one of the providers of these mercenary services, ... In

00.Sep.2005 the International Labor Rights Fund filed a lawsuit on behalf of Wal-Mart ... friendsofethiopia.blogspot.com/2005_12_01_archive.html
20060515 DynCorp, which currently has between 300-600 contracted employees in Colombia, is performing functions like crop eradication (using defoliants – similar to ... alfatomega.com/20060515.html
Gute Nacht, Amerika...... Zwar stehen zunächst die amerikanische und die britische Regierung unter der unmittelbaren Anklage, für die unentschuldbaren Taten in ihren Armeen ...
03.Mar.2008 https://www.ignoranz.ch/forum/4_2717_0.html
2008 getQuotation(); Zitat
Carlyle Group is a Washington, D.C. based global private equity investment firm with more than $74.9 billion of equity capital under management. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlyle_Group
Die EvB hat zur
Carlyle Group eine gute Zusammenfassung:
The Business of Access to Power: The
Carlyle Group
...) For example, after the involvement of
Carlyle, the arms manufacturer United Defense received a controversial US $11 billion contract for a mobile artillery system, although the technology was already considered obsolete. Carlyle is very active in the arms industry as well as with firms doing business in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Even by U.S. standards, where the line between politics and business is blurred, the Bush connection to Carlyle presents a unique situation:

Current U.S. president George W. Bush will, in all probability, profit from the economic consequences of his own policies

when he inherits his father's assets that have increased in value through Carlyle investments. https://www.evb.ch/en/p25010648.html
00.000.2007 Ein paar Nachrichten zum Ausmass der Tätigkeiten von Carlyle:
Carlyle Group takes share in steel-tube manufacturer
UNITED States buyout firm
Carlyle Group has acquired a 49 % stake in China's Yangzhou Chengde Steel Tube Co for US$80 million,

in its latest push to buy into the country's industrial sector. https://www.shanghaidaily.com/sp/article/2007/200703/20070331/article_3 11001.htm
00.000.2007 Apollo Group and the Carlyle Group form $1 billion joint venture to make investments in the international education services sector
https://globalhighered.wordpress.com/2007/10/22/apollo-group-and-the-ca rlyle-group-form-1-billion-joint-venture-to-make-investments-in-the-in ternational-education-services-sector/
00.000.2007 ... it would sell a 7.5 % stake to an affiliate of Mubadala Development Co. for $1.35 billion in cash.

Mubadala Development, an investment and development company based in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, is wholly owned by the Abu Dhabi government.

The deal gives Carlyle a valuation of $20 billion. https://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/stories/2007/10/29/focus4.html?js t=s_cn_hl
00.000.2007 The Carlyle Group is in the process of taking over Manor Care Inc., a Toledo, Ohio-based nursing home chain with facilities across the country.

Manor Care has several facilities in South Carolina. https://www.scnursinghomelaw.com/2007/10/articles/nursing-home-cases-in -the-news/advocates-demonstrate-against-the-carlyle-group/
00.000.2007 Carlyle Group, the private equity firm, has raised $1.15bn to fund investments in roads, bridges, airports and other public works in the US and Canada.

00.Mar.2006 Carlyle, a Washington-based firm with $75.6bn in assets under management, opened its infrastructure fund.

The fund struck its first deal this year, co-investing in the $772m buy-out of Synagro Technologies, the largest US recycler of organic waste. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2007/11/07/carlyle-raises-1-b-for-p_n_71 516.html
The document, which had been expected to draw bids of $30 million or higher, was bought by David
Rubenstein of The Carlyle Group, a private equity firm, the spokeswoman said.
https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2007/12/18/magna-carta-sold-for-21_n_774 41.html
Virgin Media has received a preliminary offer from private equity firm the
Carlyle Group valuing the company at around $11.1 billion, Dow Jones Newswires reported Monday.
https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2007/07/02/carlyle-group-bids-for-br_n_5 4575.html
Bush Buddies At The Carlyle Group Mull Multi-Billion Dollar IPO
https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2007/06/27/bush-buddies-at-the-carly_n_5 4053.html
Carlyle Group to Acquire KCS.net In Partnership With Management; Growth Opportunities Abound for Leading ERP Software Integrator
00.000.2007 KCS.net generated more than €17 million in revenues and has been growing in excess of 20% p.a. in recent years.
Carlyle Group Enters the Spanish Real Estate Market With Gran Via, Madrid Acquisition
00.000.2001 CalPERS Invests $425 Million in The Carlyle Group
Das Ausmass Aktivismus und Einfluss der Caryle Group
illustriert dieser ironische Blogeintrag:
Congress Acquired by
Carlyle Group in Leveraged Buyout
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi + Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced Thursday that they have accepted an offer from the
Carlyle Group to buy Congress for $100 billion.
https://www.huffingtonpost.com/al-eisele/congress-acquired-by-carl_b_56 043.html
Carlyle Group setzt sicher auf McCain, da dieser gewillt ist den Irak Krieg auf ewig weiterzuführen und damit der Carlyle Group am meisten nützt.

03.Mar.2008 https://www.ignoranz.ch/forum/4_2717_0.html
Das Märchen der CO2-freien Atomkraft
03.Mar.2008 https://www.ignoranz.ch/forum/4_2717_0.html
Ein blick nach Kanada:
Carlyle, les Desmarais et le toujours corrompu Sarkozy
... une partie de Total et Total avait avantage à ce que Saddam reste parce qu’elle avait signé des contrats pétroliers (contrats annulés après l’invasion étasunienne) avec lui

( Total avait presque le monopole des champs Irakiens ), d’ailleur c’est pourquoi le Canada et la France s’opposèrent si fortement à la guerre en Iraq

(Chrétien et Martin étant liés à PCC et Total étant une compagnie «française»). https://matchafa.quebecblogue.com/2007/09/13/carlyle-les-desmarais-et-l e-toujours-corrompu-sarkozy/
By 2005, QinetiQ (pron. "kinetic") was a vital UK defense research firm whose owners included the British government and The
Carlyle Group. https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/qinetiq-announces-intended-ipo-upd ated-01754/

Denn ein Gang zum Bäcker, das hat das Wochenende gerade wieder gezeigt, kann lebensgefährlich sein.

Menschlicher Schutzschild seit vier Tagen

Zehn Männer sitzen auf dem Flachdach des Hauses von Mohammed Al Rasania, ihre Kinder spielen um sie herum Fangen. Seit Donnerstagnacht harren die Nachbarn der Al Rasanias hier oben aus, in Schichten.

Um halb drei Uhr morgens hatte Al Rasanias Handy geklingelt. Am anderen Ende war das israelische Militär.

"Sie sagten auf Arabisch, wir hätten 15 Minuten, unser Haus zu räumen, danach würde es bombardiert", erinnert sich Mohammeds Bruder, der dabei war, als der Anruf kam.

Die Brüder, beide Kämpfer des Islamischen Dschihad, waren zu dem Zeitpunkt "auf Mission". "Wir sind beide Anführer von Einheiten, die Israel bekämpfen" - mehr will Khaled nicht zu den nächtlichen Aktivitäten sagen.

Zum Glück seien sie nicht weit weg gewesen, nur fünf Minuten nach dem Anruf aus Israel standen die zwei auf dem Dach ihres Hauses und feuerten Kalaschnikow-Salven in die Luft.

Es war ein Notsignal, das verstanden wurde.

Ihre Nachbarn im Stadtteil Beit Lahiya wachten auf, liefen zusammen und sitzen seitdem als weithin sichtbare menschliche Schutzschilde auf dem Dach des von 40 Familienmitgliedern bewohnten Apartmenthauses.

Die Israelis schössen auf jeden, der sich draußen bewege, berichteten Einwohner der besetzten Straßenzüge von Dschalabija übers Telefon.

Aus israelischen Hubschraubern seien Flugblätter abgeworfen worden, die die Bevölkerung warnten, nicht vor die Tür zu gehen. Jedes Auto, das nach acht Uhr abends unterwegs sei, werde unter Beschuss genommen.

Die Familien hätten sich in die innen liegenden Räume ihrer Wohnungen zurückgezogen und warteten dort ab.

Ab und an würden Ziele in der Nachbarschaft bombardiert – Rauchpilze, die man auch von den hohen Gebäuden der etwa zehn Kilometer entfernten Gaza-Stadt sehen konnte.

Es ist seltsam still. Die üblichen Sprechchöre, die scheppernde Musik spielenden Lautsprecherwagen fehlen bei den Beerdigungen. "Es sind einfach zu viele", sagt der Mann auf dem Beifahrersitz.

Die Bestattungsunternehmen seien überlastet, die Menschen erschöpft von zu viel Trauer.

Es ist der Morgen danach im Gaza-Streifen. Am Samstag waren über 60 Palästinenser bei israelischen Angriffen und Gefechten ums Leben gekommen.

Es war der höchste Blutzoll an einem Tag, den der andauernde Kampf zwischen Israel und den Palästinensern in Gaza seit Jahrzehnten gefordert hat.

Und obwohl am Sonntag die Kämpfe weitergingen, wieder zehn Palästinenser durch israelisches Feuer starben, radikalislamische Militanten wieder ein paar Dutzend Raketen auf Israel schossen:

Gaza machte den Eindruck einer Stadt, die nicht mehr die Kraft hatte, sich über Angriffe zu empören oder über Schläge gegen ihren Feind zu feiern, wie es sonst gang und gäbe ist.
Auch die Sorge um die Auswirkungen der Kreditkrise habe mit einer UBS -Studie und darin veranschlagtem Abschreibungsbedarf von mehr als 600 Milliarden Dollar weitere Nahrung erhalten, sagten Händler.

Daneben hätten neuerliche Tiefstände beim Dollar und die Rekordfahrt von Rohöl und Gold die negative Tendenz verstärkt.

Abhängig von den Konjunkturdaten müssten sich die Anleger in Tokio noch auf neue Tiefststände gefasst machen.

Auch die Börsen in Korea, Singapur, Hongkong und Taiwan gaben nach. Lediglich die Börse in Shanghai notierte im Plus und überraschte damit die Experten, die angesichts einer Fülle neu gehandelter Aktien nach mehreren Börsengängen eher mit Abschlägen gerechnet hatten.
Gefechte im Gaza- Streifen: Ein Volk verschwindet im Untergrund (Politik)
Rezessionsangst: Börsen weltweit auf Talfahrt
03.Mar.2008 Geld- Experiment: Raucherhirne verdrängen Alternativen (Wissenschaft)
Streit um Militäraktion: Venezuela und Ecuador schicken Truppen an Kolumbiens Grenze

03.Mar.2008 Jobs in Gefahr: Wirtschaft warnt SPD vor Linkskurs (Politik)

Am 8. Juli 1639 lässt sich Grimmelshausen als Musketier der kaiserlichen Garnison Offenburg anwerben und erlernt die 143 Handgriffe, die zum Laden der elf Kilogramm schweren Schusswaffe nötig sind.

Ein Offizier wird auf den jungen, klugen Mann aufmerksam, verschafft ihm eine Position in der Kanzlei. Grimmelshausen steigt auf zum Schreiber, holt an Bildung nach, was er kann, vergräbt sich in der Bibliothek.

"Ich hab doch sonst kein Freud in der Welt als lesen", lässt er den Simplicissimus zur Mutter sagen.
Söldner im Dreißigjährigen Krieg: Handwerker des Todes

03.Mar.2008 Kommunalwahlen: CSU- Schlappe in Großstädten - SPD träumt vom Ministerpräsidenten- Amt (Politik)
Kriegsdrohung: Chavez schickt Panzer an Kolumbiens Grenze (Politik)
Putin- Nachfolge: Russland wählt Medwedew zum Präsidenten (Politik)
Bayerische Kommunalwahl: SPD- Bürgermeister siegen in München und Nürnberg - Ohrfeige für CSU (Politik)