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".. 22DEFEX%2C+S.A.%22singlaub

02.Feb.2005 BY GOVERNMENTS Enterprise, transferring funds + managing several secret bank accounts;Defex,SA, a front...Casey 00.Jul.1986, retired Major General Singlaub, John (a key..

02.Feb.2005 New York - Nach dem Gesetz zur Informationsfreiheit ("Freedom of Information Act") hätte der Geheimdienst die Herausgabe der Dokumente an eine Bürgerrechtsgruppe nicht verweigern dürfen, entschied Richter Alvin Hellerstein vom US-Bezirksgericht in Manhattan.

Damit gab er einer Klage der Amerikanischen Bürgerrechtsunion statt, die anhand der Unterlagen belegen will, dass die Misshandlung bestimmter Häftlinge in US-Gewahrsam systematisch erfolgt.Die CIA hatte sich bislang auf eine Klausel in dem Gesetz berufen, wonach Akten, die nationale Sicherheitsinteressen berühren, zurückgehalten werden können. Zur Anwendung dieser Ausnahmeregelung hätte es aber einer Erklärung des CIA-Direktors bedurft. Diese sei nicht erfolgt, urteilte Hellerstein jetzt URL:,1518,druck-339896,00.html

02.Feb.2005 Irak: .."

02.Feb.2005 A-Infos Hyper-Archive: (Cast)Antifa Info Bulletin Vol. 1, #5 part ...GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Barbara Studley, procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... Les Archives d'Intelligence Online.. faillite, la Bayshore Bank of Florida, a été condamné début avril à un an de prison pour abus de biens sociaux au bénéfice de GeoMiliTech Consultants INC ... [eDebate] operation unrelenting shitbag 1989 (181) National Reporter 1987-SP (6) GELB LESLIE H Harper's Magazine 1984-09 (34 39 46) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION Brewton,P. The Mafia+CIA+... [CTRL] [9] The Marcos Dynasty... joined Singlaub + The Enterprise in the civilian world, taking a post as adviser with Singlaub in a Washington consulting firm called GeoMiliTech Corporation ... 02.Feb.2005 .."
".. H Harper's Magazine 1984-09 (34 39 46) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION Brewton,P. The Mafia+CIA+... [CTRL] [9] The Marcos Dynasty... joined Singlaub + The Enterprise in the civilian world, taking a post as adviser with Singlaub in a Washington consulting firm called GeoMiliTech Corporation ... 02.Feb.2005 Fed-Entscheidung: Greenspan erhöht Zinsen 02.Feb.2005 Kampfflugzeug-Boom: Rüstungsgeschäft rettet Boeing 02.Feb.2005 Arbeitslosigkeit: Schröder will durchhalten, Söder warnt vor Weimar 02.Feb.2005 Riesenrad: Deutschland baut weltgrößtes Windkraftwerk 02.Feb.2005 Gletschersterben: Antarktis-Eis schmilzt in Rekordtempo 02.Feb.2005 Seebeben in Asien: Sumatra um 36 Zentimeter verschoben 02.Feb.2005 Nach Angriff auf Wilde Spekulationen über mögliche Urheber 02.Feb.2005 Belgien: Mutmaßlicher Bekenner des Attentats von Madrid festgenommen 02.Feb.2005 Ward Churchill lehrt an der University of Colorado in Boulder Ethnologie + ist Experte für die amerikanischen Indianer. Das Mitglied des Indianervolkes der .."
".. Brewton,P. The Mafia+CIA+... [CTRL] [9] The Marcos Dynasty... joined Singlaub + The Enterprise in the civilian world, taking a post as adviser with Singlaub in a Washington consulting firm called GeoMiliTech Corporation ... 02.Feb.2005 Fed-Entscheidung: Greenspan erhöht Zinsen 02.Feb.2005 Kampfflugzeug-Boom: Rüstungsgeschäft rettet Boeing 02.Feb.2005 Arbeitslosigkeit: Schröder will durchhalten, Söder warnt vor Weimar 02.Feb.2005 Riesenrad: Deutschland baut weltgrößtes Windkraftwerk 02.Feb.2005 Gletschersterben: Antarktis-Eis schmilzt in Rekordtempo 02.Feb.2005 Seebeben in Asien: Sumatra um 36 Zentimeter verschoben 02.Feb.2005 Nach Angriff auf Wilde Spekulationen über mögliche Urheber 02.Feb.2005 Belgien: Mutmaßlicher Bekenner des Attentats von Madrid festgenommen 02.Feb.2005 Ward Churchill lehrt an der University of Colorado in Boulder Ethnologie + ist Experte für die amerikanischen Indianer. Das Mitglied des Indianervolkes der Cherokee brachte es bis zum Dekan des Ethnic Studies Department. Dort machte der .."
".. . URL:;hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&safe=off&c2coff=1&rls=GGLD%2CGGLD%3A2004-15%2CGGLD%3Ade&q=Singlaub+wackenhut&lr= 02.Feb.2005 Wackenhut Corporation 1998 (124-125). SINGLAUB JOHN K: Morris,R. Partners in Power.1996 (9 14 31). WACKENHUT GEORGE R: CounterSpy 1976-SP (11 18); Donner,F. The Age of Surveillance. ... Wackenhut Corporation RICONOSCIUTO MICHAEL JAMES 19 WACKENHUT GEORGE R 17 BRIAN EARL W 11 NICHOLS JOHN ...ROBERT DOLAN 2 RABORN WILLIAM FRANCIS JR 2 RAND CORPORATION 2 SINGLAUB JOHN K ... Information Digest ... 2 NEW SOLIDARITY INTERNATIONAL PRESS SERVICE 2 NORPEL JOHN R 2 OTEPKA OTTO F 2 SECRET ARMY ORGANIZATION (SAN DIEGO) 2 SINGLAUB JOHN K 2 WACKENHUT GEORGE R 2 ... 20050113... his agents; + GeoMilitech ( GMT ), another...GeoMilitech, founded by Singlaub + Singlaub partner, Studley ... in addition to Kellogg Root Brown Wackenhut & Lockheed ... Article 9866 of alt.conspiracy .."
".. Wackenhut Corporation 1998 (124-125). SINGLAUB JOHN K: Morris,R. Partners in Power.1996 (9 14 31). WACKENHUT GEORGE R: CounterSpy 1976-SP (11 18); Donner,F. The Age of Surveillance. ... Wackenhut Corporation RICONOSCIUTO MICHAEL JAMES 19 WACKENHUT GEORGE R 17 BRIAN EARL W 11 NICHOLS JOHN ...ROBERT DOLAN 2 RABORN WILLIAM FRANCIS JR 2 RAND CORPORATION 2 SINGLAUB JOHN K ... Information Digest ... 2 NEW SOLIDARITY INTERNATIONAL PRESS SERVICE 2 NORPEL JOHN R 2 OTEPKA OTTO F 2 SECRET ARMY ORGANIZATION (SAN DIEGO) 2 SINGLAUB JOHN K 2 WACKENHUT GEORGE R 2 ... 20050113... his agents; + GeoMilitech ( GMT ), another...GeoMilitech, founded by Singlaub + Singlaub partner, Studley ... in addition to Kellogg Root Brown Wackenhut & Lockheed ... Article 9866 of alt.conspiracy Subject EXPOSE Rockefeller ... MIA's; It is the same group behind E. Howard Hunt .."
".. net/~anitaastrologer/wack2.htm Wackenhut Corporation RICONOSCIUTO MICHAEL JAMES 19 WACKENHUT GEORGE R 17 BRIAN EARL W 11 NICHOLS JOHN ...ROBERT DOLAN 2 RABORN WILLIAM FRANCIS JR 2 RAND CORPORATION 2 SINGLAUB JOHN K ... Information Digest ... 2 NEW SOLIDARITY INTERNATIONAL PRESS SERVICE 2 NORPEL JOHN R 2 OTEPKA OTTO F 2 SECRET ARMY ORGANIZATION (SAN DIEGO) 2 SINGLAUB JOHN K 2 WACKENHUT GEORGE R 2 ... 20050113... his agents; + GeoMilitech ( GMT ), another...GeoMilitech, founded by Singlaub + Singlaub partner, Studley ... in addition to Kellogg Root Brown Wackenhut & Lockheed ... Article 9866 of alt.conspiracy Subject EXPOSE Rockefeller ... MIA's; It is the same group behind E. Howard Hunt, John Singlaub , Ollie North ... make a DIRECT connection here with just what CIABASE says on WACKENHUT that also ... IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: Western Goals Foundation ... 20) Guell is now working with John Singlaub at the Singlaub Freedom Foundation ... to government agencies, John Rees provided information to .."
".. JOHN K ... Information Digest ... 2 NEW SOLIDARITY INTERNATIONAL PRESS SERVICE 2 NORPEL JOHN R 2 OTEPKA OTTO F 2 SECRET ARMY ORGANIZATION (SAN DIEGO) 2 SINGLAUB JOHN K 2 WACKENHUT GEORGE R 2 ... 20050113... his agents; + GeoMilitech ( GMT ), another...GeoMilitech, founded by Singlaub + Singlaub partner, Studley ... in addition to Kellogg Root Brown Wackenhut & Lockheed ... Article 9866 of alt.conspiracy Subject EXPOSE Rockefeller ... MIA's; It is the same group behind E. Howard Hunt, John Singlaub , Ollie North ... make a DIRECT connection here with just what CIABASE says on WACKENHUT that also ... IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: Western Goals Foundation ... 20) Guell is now working with John Singlaub at the Singlaub Freedom Foundation ... to government agencies, John Rees provided information to the Wackenhut Agency, a ... Godlike Productions -- Forum This was no accident," Singlaub said about ... early 1980s Michael also served as the Director of Research .."
".. ORGANIZATION (SAN DIEGO) 2 SINGLAUB JOHN K 2 WACKENHUT GEORGE R 2 ... 20050113... his agents; + GeoMilitech ( GMT ), another...GeoMilitech, founded by Singlaub + Singlaub partner, Studley ... in addition to Kellogg Root Brown Wackenhut & Lockheed ... Article 9866 of alt.conspiracy Subject EXPOSE Rockefeller ... MIA's; It is the same group behind E. Howard Hunt, John Singlaub , Ollie North ... make a DIRECT connection here with just what CIABASE says on WACKENHUT that also ... IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: Western Goals Foundation ... 20) Guell is now working with John Singlaub at the Singlaub Freedom Foundation ... to government agencies, John Rees provided information to the Wackenhut Agency, a ... Godlike Productions -- Forum This was no accident," Singlaub said about ... early 1980s Michael also served as the Director of Research for a joint venture between the Wackenhut Corporation of ... .."
".. ORGANIZATION (SAN DIEGO) 2 SINGLAUB JOHN K 2 WACKENHUT GEORGE R 2 ... 20050113... his agents; + GeoMilitech ( GMT ), another...GeoMilitech, founded by Singlaub + Singlaub partner, Studley ... in addition to Kellogg Root Brown Wackenhut & Lockheed ... Article 9866 of alt.conspiracy Subject EXPOSE Rockefeller ... MIA's; It is the same group behind E. Howard Hunt, John Singlaub , Ollie North ... make a DIRECT connection here with just what CIABASE says on WACKENHUT that also ... IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: Western Goals Foundation ... 20) Guell is now working with John Singlaub at the Singlaub Freedom Foundation ... to government agencies, John Rees provided information to the Wackenhut Agency, a ... Godlike Productions -- Forum This was no accident," Singlaub said about ... early 1980s Michael also served as the Director of Research for a joint venture between the Wackenhut Corporation of ... Octopus Update .."
".. Root Brown Wackenhut & Lockheed ... Article 9866 of alt.conspiracy Subject EXPOSE Rockefeller ... MIA's; It is the same group behind E. Howard Hunt, John Singlaub , Ollie North ... make a DIRECT connection here with just what CIABASE says on WACKENHUT that also ... IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: Western Goals Foundation ... 20) Guell is now working with John Singlaub at the Singlaub Freedom Foundation ... to government agencies, John Rees provided information to the Wackenhut Agency, a ... Godlike Productions -- Forum This was no accident," Singlaub said about ... early 1980s Michael also served as the Director of Research for a joint venture between the Wackenhut Corporation of ... Octopus Update ... in the Octopus included such notorious spooks as John Singlaub + the ... project the tribal administrators had with a private security firm known as Wackenhut. Things Are Gonna Slide! ... Ed Lansdale; Andy Messing, .."
".. connection here with just what CIABASE says on WACKENHUT that also ... IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: Western Goals Foundation ... 20) Guell is now working with John Singlaub at the Singlaub Freedom Foundation ... to government agencies, John Rees provided information to the Wackenhut Agency, a ... Godlike Productions -- Forum This was no accident," Singlaub said about ... early 1980s Michael also served as the Director of Research for a joint venture between the Wackenhut Corporation of ... Octopus Update ... in the Octopus included such notorious spooks as John Singlaub + the ... project the tribal administrators had with a private security firm known as Wackenhut. Things Are Gonna Slide! ... Ed Lansdale; Andy Messing, Jr., executive director, National Defense Council; Medardo Justiano; Major General John Singlaub ; Lt. Col. ... Wackenhut Invades England UK. ... CS Mahoney Major General John Singlaub ran the assassinations arm of .."
".. what CIABASE says on WACKENHUT that also ... IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: Western Goals Foundation ... 20) Guell is now working with John Singlaub at the Singlaub Freedom Foundation ... to government agencies, John Rees provided information to the Wackenhut Agency, a ... Godlike Productions -- Forum This was no accident," Singlaub said about ... early 1980s Michael also served as the Director of Research for a joint venture between the Wackenhut Corporation of ... Octopus Update ... in the Octopus included such notorious spooks as John Singlaub + the ... project the tribal administrators had with a private security firm known as Wackenhut. Things Are Gonna Slide! ... Ed Lansdale; Andy Messing, Jr., executive director, National Defense Council; Medardo Justiano; Major General John Singlaub ; Lt. Col. ... Wackenhut Invades England UK. ... CS Mahoney Major General John Singlaub ran the assassinations arm of the enterprise.. .."
".. Foundation ... to government agencies, John Rees provided information to the Wackenhut Agency, a ... Godlike Productions -- Forum This was no accident," Singlaub said about ... early 1980s Michael also served as the Director of Research for a joint venture between the Wackenhut Corporation of ... Octopus Update ... in the Octopus included such notorious spooks as John Singlaub + the ... project the tribal administrators had with a private security firm known as Wackenhut. Things Are Gonna Slide! ... Ed Lansdale; Andy Messing, Jr., executive director, National Defense Council; Medardo Justiano; Major General John Singlaub ; Lt. Col. ... Wackenhut Invades England UK. ... CS Mahoney Major General John Singlaub ran the assassinations arm of the enterprise....The newest incarnation of Air America has turned up in the Wackenhut corporation. ... The Public Eye : Website of Political Research Associates ... while .."
".. Corporation of ... Octopus Update ... in the Octopus included such notorious spooks as John Singlaub + the ... project the tribal administrators had with a private security firm known as Wackenhut. Things Are Gonna Slide! ... Ed Lansdale; Andy Messing, Jr., executive director, National Defense Council; Medardo Justiano; Major General John Singlaub ; Lt. Col. ... Wackenhut Invades England UK. ... CS Mahoney Major General John Singlaub ran the assassinations arm of the enterprise....The newest incarnation of Air America has turned up in the Wackenhut corporation. ... The Public Eye : Website of Political Research Associates ... while former Western Goals director Linda Guell went to Singlaub's Freedom Foundation. ... When the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was passed, Wackenhut gave the ... The Case Against the CIA ... founder Ted Turner + Time-Warner when Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell and (CIA vet) .."
".. firm known as Wackenhut. Things Are Gonna Slide! ... Ed Lansdale; Andy Messing, Jr., executive director, National Defense Council; Medardo Justiano; Major General John Singlaub ; Lt. Col. ... Wackenhut Invades England UK. ... CS Mahoney Major General John Singlaub ran the assassinations arm of the enterprise....The newest incarnation of Air America has turned up in the Wackenhut corporation. ... The Public Eye : Website of Political Research Associates ... while former Western Goals director Linda Guell went to Singlaub's Freedom Foundation. ... When the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was passed, Wackenhut gave the ... The Case Against the CIA ... founder Ted Turner + Time-Warner when Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell and (CIA vet) John Singlaub put the ... One of those, Wackenhut , is a virtual CIA proprietary ... A Strategy of Tension The Belgian director of Wackenhut at the time was Jean-Francis Calmette, a ... by the CIA's William Colby, Ted Shackley + fielded by General John Singlaub . ... www .."
".. executive director, National Defense Council; Medardo Justiano; Major General John Singlaub ; Lt. Col. ... Wackenhut Invades England UK. ... CS Mahoney Major General John Singlaub ran the assassinations arm of the enterprise....The newest incarnation of Air America has turned up in the Wackenhut corporation. ... The Public Eye : Website of Political Research Associates ... while former Western Goals director Linda Guell went to Singlaub's Freedom Foundation. ... When the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was passed, Wackenhut gave the ... The Case Against the CIA ... founder Ted Turner + Time-Warner when Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell and (CIA vet) John Singlaub put the ... One of those, Wackenhut , is a virtual CIA proprietary ... A Strategy of Tension The Belgian director of Wackenhut at the time was Jean-Francis Calmette, a ... by the CIA's William Colby, Ted Shackley + fielded by General John Singlaub . ... Nazi Gold: The Emperor's Golden Lily Wackenhut Corporation, a corporation with deep ties to both .."
".. Wackenhut corporation. ... The Public Eye : Website of Political Research Associates ... while former Western Goals director Linda Guell went to Singlaub's Freedom Foundation. ... When the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was passed, Wackenhut gave the ... The Case Against the CIA ... founder Ted Turner + Time-Warner when Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell and (CIA vet) John Singlaub put the ... One of those, Wackenhut , is a virtual CIA proprietary ... A Strategy of Tension The Belgian director of Wackenhut at the time was Jean-Francis Calmette, a ... by the CIA's William Colby, Ted Shackley + fielded by General John Singlaub . ... Nazi Gold: The Emperor's Golden Lily Wackenhut Corporation, a corporation with deep ties to both the military + ... was part of an operation involving the CIA + former General John Singlaub . ... [RP] Vidas ejemplares Tambien fue parte de un Complot CIA/ Wackenhut para asesinar al Embajador Louis Tambs, y culpar a los ... SINGLAUB , y tuvo varias reuniones con REagan y .."
".. passed, Wackenhut gave the ... The Case Against the CIA ... founder Ted Turner + Time-Warner when Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell and (CIA vet) John Singlaub put the ... One of those, Wackenhut , is a virtual CIA proprietary ... A Strategy of Tension The Belgian director of Wackenhut at the time was Jean-Francis Calmette, a ... by the CIA's William Colby, Ted Shackley + fielded by General John Singlaub . ... Nazi Gold: The Emperor's Golden Lily Wackenhut Corporation, a corporation with deep ties to both the military + ... was part of an operation involving the CIA + former General John Singlaub . ... [RP] Vidas ejemplares Tambien fue parte de un Complot CIA/ Wackenhut para asesinar al Embajador Louis Tambs, y culpar a los ... SINGLAUB , y tuvo varias reuniones con REagan y BUSH. ... THE FIFTHHORSEMAN ... they include OLLIE NORTH, RICHARD ARMITAGE, : JOHN K. SINGLAUB , RICHARD SECORD ... STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, : VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... www .."
".. a virtual CIA proprietary ... A Strategy of Tension The Belgian director of Wackenhut at the time was Jean-Francis Calmette, a ... by the CIA's William Colby, Ted Shackley + fielded by General John Singlaub . ... Nazi Gold: The Emperor's Golden Lily Wackenhut Corporation, a corporation with deep ties to both the military + ... was part of an operation involving the CIA + former General John Singlaub . ... [RP] Vidas ejemplares Tambien fue parte de un Complot CIA/ Wackenhut para asesinar al Embajador Louis Tambs, y culpar a los ... SINGLAUB , y tuvo varias reuniones con REagan y BUSH. ... THE FIFTHHORSEMAN ... they include OLLIE NORTH, RICHARD ARMITAGE, : JOHN K. SINGLAUB , RICHARD SECORD ... STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, : VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... Re: THE FIFTHHORSEMAN ... include OLLIE NORTH, RICHARD ARMITAGE, : : JOHN K. SINGLAUB , RICHARD SECORD ... STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, : : VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... www .."
".. ocbpt/ocbpt_14.htm Nazi Gold: The Emperor's Golden Lily Wackenhut Corporation, a corporation with deep ties to both the military + ... was part of an operation involving the CIA + former General John Singlaub . ... [RP] Vidas ejemplares Tambien fue parte de un Complot CIA/ Wackenhut para asesinar al Embajador Louis Tambs, y culpar a los ... SINGLAUB , y tuvo varias reuniones con REagan y BUSH. ... THE FIFTHHORSEMAN ... they include OLLIE NORTH, RICHARD ARMITAGE, : JOHN K. SINGLAUB , RICHARD SECORD ... STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, : VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... Re: THE FIFTHHORSEMAN ... include OLLIE NORTH, RICHARD ARMITAGE, : : JOHN K. SINGLAUB , RICHARD SECORD ... STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, : : VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... The Fifth Horseman Ted Shackley, Richard Secord, Thomas Clines, John K. Singlaub , Richard Armitage ... VORTEX WACKENHUT WESTERN SAVINGS AND LOAN WIZARDS OVER WALL STREET WORLD WORLD ... .."
".. former General John Singlaub . ... [RP] Vidas ejemplares Tambien fue parte de un Complot CIA/ Wackenhut para asesinar al Embajador Louis Tambs, y culpar a los ... SINGLAUB , y tuvo varias reuniones con REagan y BUSH. ... THE FIFTHHORSEMAN ... they include OLLIE NORTH, RICHARD ARMITAGE, : JOHN K. SINGLAUB , RICHARD SECORD ... STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, : VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... Re: THE FIFTHHORSEMAN ... include OLLIE NORTH, RICHARD ARMITAGE, : : JOHN K. SINGLAUB , RICHARD SECORD ... STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, : : VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... The Fifth Horseman Ted Shackley, Richard Secord, Thomas Clines, John K. Singlaub , Richard Armitage ... VORTEX WACKENHUT WESTERN SAVINGS AND LOAN WIZARDS OVER WALL STREET WORLD WORLD ... http (The roots of INSLAW, Wackenhut, DynCorp.. to his freelance spy-master status while former Western Goals director Linda Guell went to .."
".. y tuvo varias reuniones con REagan y BUSH. ... THE FIFTHHORSEMAN ... they include OLLIE NORTH, RICHARD ARMITAGE, : JOHN K. SINGLAUB , RICHARD SECORD ... STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, : VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... Re: THE FIFTHHORSEMAN ... include OLLIE NORTH, RICHARD ARMITAGE, : : JOHN K. SINGLAUB , RICHARD SECORD ... STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, : : VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... The Fifth Horseman Ted Shackley, Richard Secord, Thomas Clines, John K. Singlaub , Richard Armitage ... VORTEX WACKENHUT WESTERN SAVINGS AND LOAN WIZARDS OVER WALL STREET WORLD WORLD ... http (The roots of INSLAW, Wackenhut, DynCorp.. to his freelance spy-master status while former Western Goals director Linda Guell went to Singlaub's Freedom Foundation ...,10,009,18,00.htm E-Systems Director Admiral WF Raborn, who also sits on the board of Wackenhut - a the CIA’s William Colby .."
".. WORLD, WORLDWIDE, : VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... Re: THE FIFTHHORSEMAN ... include OLLIE NORTH, RICHARD ARMITAGE, : : JOHN K. SINGLAUB , RICHARD SECORD ... STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, : : VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... The Fifth Horseman Ted Shackley, Richard Secord, Thomas Clines, John K. Singlaub , Richard Armitage ... VORTEX WACKENHUT WESTERN SAVINGS AND LOAN WIZARDS OVER WALL STREET WORLD WORLD ... http (The roots of INSLAW, Wackenhut, DynCorp.. to his freelance spy-master status while former Western Goals director Linda Guell went to Singlaub's Freedom Foundation ...,10,009,18,00.htm E-Systems Director Admiral WF Raborn, who also sits on the board of Wackenhut - a the CIA’s William Colby, Ted Shackley + fielded by General John Singlaub . Christic Institute RICO Iran Contra CIA Home Page Covert Operations A great expose' Magazine Wackenhut Security Corp... well as a notorious American supporter .."
".. GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, : : VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... The Fifth Horseman Ted Shackley, Richard Secord, Thomas Clines, John K. Singlaub , Richard Armitage ... VORTEX WACKENHUT WESTERN SAVINGS AND LOAN WIZARDS OVER WALL STREET WORLD WORLD ... http (The roots of INSLAW, Wackenhut, DynCorp.. to his freelance spy-master status while former Western Goals director Linda Guell went to Singlaub's Freedom Foundation ...,10,009,18,00.htm E-Systems Director Admiral WF Raborn, who also sits on the board of Wackenhut - a the CIA’s William Colby, Ted Shackley + fielded by General John Singlaub . Christic Institute RICO Iran Contra CIA Home Page Covert Operations A great expose' Magazine Wackenhut Security Corp... well as a notorious American supporter Major-General John Singlaub , with "Arkansas ... ANTIFA INFO-BULLETIN News * Analysis * Research * Action ...while former Western Goals director Linda Guell went to Singlaub's Freedom .."
".. STREET WORLD WORLD ... http (The roots of INSLAW, Wackenhut, DynCorp.. to his freelance spy-master status while former Western Goals director Linda Guell went to Singlaub's Freedom Foundation ...,10,009,18,00.htm E-Systems Director Admiral WF Raborn, who also sits on the board of Wackenhut - a the CIA’s William Colby, Ted Shackley + fielded by General John Singlaub . Christic Institute RICO Iran Contra CIA Home Page Covert Operations A great expose' Magazine Wackenhut Security Corp... well as a notorious American supporter Major-General John Singlaub , with "Arkansas ... ANTIFA INFO-BULLETIN News * Analysis * Research * Action ...while former Western Goals director Linda Guell went to Singlaub's Freedom Foundation ...intelligence is provided by companies such as Pinkerton, Wackenhut + Ma ... The Bush Family Preys Together John Singlaub + Contra leader Adolfo Calero ... plant on the Cabezon Indian Reservation near Palm Springs, California, in .."
".. archives/archive9,10,009,18,00.htm E-Systems Director Admiral WF Raborn, who also sits on the board of Wackenhut - a the CIA’s William Colby, Ted Shackley + fielded by General John Singlaub . Christic Institute RICO Iran Contra CIA Home Page Covert Operations A great expose' Magazine Wackenhut Security Corp... well as a notorious American supporter Major-General John Singlaub , with "Arkansas ... ANTIFA INFO-BULLETIN News * Analysis * Research * Action ...while former Western Goals director Linda Guell went to Singlaub's Freedom Foundation ...intelligence is provided by companies such as Pinkerton, Wackenhut + Ma ... The Bush Family Preys Together John Singlaub + Contra leader Adolfo Calero ... plant on the Cabezon Indian Reservation near Palm Springs, California, in partnership with Wackenhut , the Florida ... From: on behalf of RW [moonduck ...have moved Camp 21 to Southern Calif., where Singlaub + Secord ... PROGRESSIVE, STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, .."
".. com/~hoffman/ESYS.html Christic Institute RICO Iran Contra CIA Home Page Covert Operations A great expose' Magazine Wackenhut Security Corp... well as a notorious American supporter Major-General John Singlaub , with "Arkansas ... ANTIFA INFO-BULLETIN News * Analysis * Research * Action ...while former Western Goals director Linda Guell went to Singlaub's Freedom Foundation ...intelligence is provided by companies such as Pinkerton, Wackenhut + Ma ... The Bush Family Preys Together John Singlaub + Contra leader Adolfo Calero ... plant on the Cabezon Indian Reservation near Palm Springs, California, in partnership with Wackenhut , the Florida ... From: on behalf of RW [moonduck ...have moved Camp 21 to Southern Calif., where Singlaub + Secord ... PROGRESSIVE, STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... Domestic Terrorist Cults Exposed on LA Streets : LA IMC Well, when you have the likes of NeoCons like John K. Singlaub .."
".. Singlaub , with "Arkansas ... ANTIFA INFO-BULLETIN News * Analysis * Research * Action ...while former Western Goals director Linda Guell went to Singlaub's Freedom Foundation ...intelligence is provided by companies such as Pinkerton, Wackenhut + Ma ... The Bush Family Preys Together John Singlaub + Contra leader Adolfo Calero ... plant on the Cabezon Indian Reservation near Palm Springs, California, in partnership with Wackenhut , the Florida ... From: on behalf of RW [moonduck ...have moved Camp 21 to Southern Calif., where Singlaub + Secord ... PROGRESSIVE, STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... Domestic Terrorist Cults Exposed on LA Streets : LA IMC Well, when you have the likes of NeoCons like John K. Singlaub Ollie North, ... cop + law enforcement stalkers, mobbed up goomba schmucks, Wackenhut goons, Yakuza ... CIA and Guatemala SANDINISTAS. SINGLAUB SAID GEN .."
".. to Singlaub's Freedom Foundation ...intelligence is provided by companies such as Pinkerton, Wackenhut + Ma ... The Bush Family Preys Together John Singlaub + Contra leader Adolfo Calero ... plant on the Cabezon Indian Reservation near Palm Springs, California, in partnership with Wackenhut , the Florida ... From: on behalf of RW [moonduck ...have moved Camp 21 to Southern Calif., where Singlaub + Secord ... PROGRESSIVE, STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... Domestic Terrorist Cults Exposed on LA Streets : LA IMC Well, when you have the likes of NeoCons like John K. Singlaub Ollie North, ... cop + law enforcement stalkers, mobbed up goomba schmucks, Wackenhut goons, Yakuza ... CIA and Guatemala SANDINISTAS. SINGLAUB SAID GEN STILWELL OF DOD KNEW OF MEET. ... COUNTRIES. MODIFICATIONS TO PROMIS ALLEGEDLY DONE BY WACKENHUT CORP. OF CORAL GABLES, FL. ... OVER 2,000 PEOPLE .."
".. partnership with Wackenhut , the Florida ... From: on behalf of RW [moonduck ...have moved Camp 21 to Southern Calif., where Singlaub + Secord ... PROGRESSIVE, STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... Domestic Terrorist Cults Exposed on LA Streets : LA IMC Well, when you have the likes of NeoCons like John K. Singlaub Ollie North, ... cop + law enforcement stalkers, mobbed up goomba schmucks, Wackenhut goons, Yakuza ... CIA and Guatemala SANDINISTAS. SINGLAUB SAID GEN STILWELL OF DOD KNEW OF MEET. ... COUNTRIES. MODIFICATIONS TO PROMIS ALLEGEDLY DONE BY WACKENHUT CORP. OF CORAL GABLES, FL. ... OVER 2,000 PEOPLE, ORGANIZATIONS + CRIMES CONNECTED TO THE ...THOMAS W JR 2 SINGER MICHAEL (CBS) 1 SINGER S FRED 1 SINGLAUB JOHN K ... LAW FIRM) VLADECK BRUCE 1 VOLCKER PAUL ADOLPH VOLES LORRAINE 1 WACKENHUT CORPORATION WACO ... Annual Report- HTML-Version Page 1. Annual Report FISCAL .."
".. VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... Domestic Terrorist Cults Exposed on LA Streets : LA IMC Well, when you have the likes of NeoCons like John K. Singlaub Ollie North, ... cop + law enforcement stalkers, mobbed up goomba schmucks, Wackenhut goons, Yakuza ... CIA and Guatemala SANDINISTAS. SINGLAUB SAID GEN STILWELL OF DOD KNEW OF MEET. ... COUNTRIES. MODIFICATIONS TO PROMIS ALLEGEDLY DONE BY WACKENHUT CORP. OF CORAL GABLES, FL. ... OVER 2,000 PEOPLE, ORGANIZATIONS + CRIMES CONNECTED TO THE ...THOMAS W JR 2 SINGER MICHAEL (CBS) 1 SINGER S FRED 1 SINGLAUB JOHN K ... LAW FIRM) VLADECK BRUCE 1 VOLCKER PAUL ADOLPH VOLES LORRAINE 1 WACKENHUT CORPORATION WACO ... Annual Report- HTML-Version Page 1. Annual Report FISCAL YEAR 2001 Page 2. We excel in environmental research + the application of technologies to improve people ... Brenda Negri Murdered Journalist Brian was further bringing out some old Charles Keating-Walter Bush-General John Singlaub .."
".. John K. Singlaub Ollie North, ... cop + law enforcement stalkers, mobbed up goomba schmucks, Wackenhut goons, Yakuza ... CIA and Guatemala SANDINISTAS. SINGLAUB SAID GEN STILWELL OF DOD KNEW OF MEET. ... COUNTRIES. MODIFICATIONS TO PROMIS ALLEGEDLY DONE BY WACKENHUT CORP. OF CORAL GABLES, FL. ... OVER 2,000 PEOPLE, ORGANIZATIONS + CRIMES CONNECTED TO THE ...THOMAS W JR 2 SINGER MICHAEL (CBS) 1 SINGER S FRED 1 SINGLAUB JOHN K ... LAW FIRM) VLADECK BRUCE 1 VOLCKER PAUL ADOLPH VOLES LORRAINE 1 WACKENHUT CORPORATION WACO ... Annual Report- HTML-Version Page 1. Annual Report FISCAL YEAR 2001 Page 2. We excel in environmental research + the application of technologies to improve people ... Brenda Negri Murdered Journalist Brian was further bringing out some old Charles Keating-Walter Bush-General John Singlaub evidence, that people now have ... Negri: "Bab's Wackenhut Lawyer goes ... Marihemp: Politics: Archived Messages #32500 to #32599 Everyone there was fascinated by the undeniable Keating/ .."
".. WACKENHUT CORP. OF CORAL GABLES, FL. ... OVER 2,000 PEOPLE, ORGANIZATIONS + CRIMES CONNECTED TO THE ...THOMAS W JR 2 SINGER MICHAEL (CBS) 1 SINGER S FRED 1 SINGLAUB JOHN K ... LAW FIRM) VLADECK BRUCE 1 VOLCKER PAUL ADOLPH VOLES LORRAINE 1 WACKENHUT CORPORATION WACO ... Annual Report- HTML-Version Page 1. Annual Report FISCAL YEAR 2001 Page 2. We excel in environmental research + the application of technologies to improve people ... Brenda Negri Murdered Journalist Brian was further bringing out some old Charles Keating-Walter Bush-General John Singlaub evidence, that people now have ... Negri: "Bab's Wackenhut Lawyer goes ... Marihemp: Politics: Archived Messages #32500 to #32599 Everyone there was fascinated by the undeniable Keating/ Singlaub /Bush connection. These guys seem to be doing great; https://www. They ... Echelon keyword database ... C4 Malcolm X revolution Bill Earth First Clinton Wackenhut terrorist anarchist ... Sandinistas, FSLN, FMLN, William Casey, Eden Pastora, .."
".. of technologies to improve people ... Brenda Negri Murdered Journalist Brian was further bringing out some old Charles Keating-Walter Bush-General John Singlaub evidence, that people now have ... Negri: "Bab's Wackenhut Lawyer goes ... Marihemp: Politics: Archived Messages #32500 to #32599 Everyone there was fascinated by the undeniable Keating/ Singlaub /Bush connection. These guys seem to be doing great; https://www. They ... Echelon keyword database ... C4 Malcolm X revolution Bill Earth First Clinton Wackenhut terrorist anarchist ... Sandinistas, FSLN, FMLN, William Casey, Eden Pastora, John Singlaub , John Kerry ... (1345) Tue 7 Apr 92 1:20p By: John Dinardo To: All Re: Despite Gov ...Singlaub would probably enjoy burning these books ... first century will NOT be too frightened to stand up against the bullets of the Wackenhut Security Corporation ... Sitemap13 - Drugs Prisons Prohibition Propaganda Class War News Ties Between OKC + Wackenhut.Ties .."
".. Singlaub evidence, that people now have ... Negri: "Bab's Wackenhut Lawyer goes ... Marihemp: Politics: Archived Messages #32500 to #32599 Everyone there was fascinated by the undeniable Keating/ Singlaub /Bush connection. These guys seem to be doing great; https://www. They ... Echelon keyword database ... C4 Malcolm X revolution Bill Earth First Clinton Wackenhut terrorist anarchist ... Sandinistas, FSLN, FMLN, William Casey, Eden Pastora, John Singlaub , John Kerry ... (1345) Tue 7 Apr 92 1:20p By: John Dinardo To: All Re: Despite Gov ...Singlaub would probably enjoy burning these books ... first century will NOT be too frightened to stand up against the bullets of the Wackenhut Security Corporation ... Sitemap13 - Drugs Prisons Prohibition Propaganda Class War News Ties Between OKC + Wackenhut.Ties Between OKC +Wackenhut . Privatizing Latin America. Singlaub. Can You Say.Hegelian "The Oklahoma City Bombing and The Politics of Terror" 11 1308. * It was also .."
".. boards/archive.shtml?1x32599 Echelon keyword database ... C4 Malcolm X revolution Bill Earth First Clinton Wackenhut terrorist anarchist ... Sandinistas, FSLN, FMLN, William Casey, Eden Pastora, John Singlaub , John Kerry ... (1345) Tue 7 Apr 92 1:20p By: John Dinardo To: All Re: Despite Gov ...Singlaub would probably enjoy burning these books ... first century will NOT be too frightened to stand up against the bullets of the Wackenhut Security Corporation ... Sitemap13 - Drugs Prisons Prohibition Propaganda Class War News Ties Between OKC + Wackenhut.Ties Between OKC +Wackenhut . Privatizing Latin America. Singlaub. Can You Say.Hegelian "The Oklahoma City Bombing and The Politics of Terror" 11 1308. * It was also discovered by the Belgian press that Wackenhut guards had ... 1323. * In fact, Singlaub is known to control at least one airfield in Arizona. ... Mailgate: FINOVA IS SPOOKED UP...+ proprietaries to thrive + keep John K. Singlaub fat, slick ... PROGRESSIVE, .."
".. .. Sandinistas, FSLN, FMLN, William Casey, Eden Pastora, John Singlaub , John Kerry ... (1345) Tue 7 Apr 92 1:20p By: John Dinardo To: All Re: Despite Gov ...Singlaub would probably enjoy burning these books ... first century will NOT be too frightened to stand up against the bullets of the Wackenhut Security Corporation ... Sitemap13 - Drugs Prisons Prohibition Propaganda Class War News Ties Between OKC + Wackenhut.Ties Between OKC +Wackenhut . Privatizing Latin America. Singlaub. Can You Say.Hegelian "The Oklahoma City Bombing and The Politics of Terror" 11 1308. * It was also discovered by the Belgian press that Wackenhut guards had ... 1323. * In fact, Singlaub is known to control at least one airfield in Arizona. ... Mailgate: FINOVA IS SPOOKED UP...+ proprietaries to thrive + keep John K. Singlaub fat, slick ... PROGRESSIVE, STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... .."
".. archives/research/newfiles2sort/conspire/christic.txt Sitemap13 - Drugs Prisons Prohibition Propaganda Class War News Ties Between OKC + Wackenhut.Ties Between OKC +Wackenhut . Privatizing Latin America. Singlaub. Can You Say.Hegelian "The Oklahoma City Bombing and The Politics of Terror" 11 1308. * It was also discovered by the Belgian press that Wackenhut guards had ... 1323. * In fact, Singlaub is known to control at least one airfield in Arizona. ... Mailgate: FINOVA IS SPOOKED UP...+ proprietaries to thrive + keep John K. Singlaub fat, slick ... PROGRESSIVE, STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... <A HREF="'America had it coming' - The Times of India.htm "> 61584 ... A HREF="Nine Eleven Singlaub Mind Control.htm "> 16861 Nine Eleven Singlaub Mind Control . 310536 S11.nri Beastie Boys Message Board - The Central Intelligence Agency... involved: Ed Wilson, Al Hakim, Richard Secord, William Casey + John Singlaub...also once George Bush's business .."
".. "The Oklahoma City Bombing and The Politics of Terror" 11 1308. * It was also discovered by the Belgian press that Wackenhut guards had ... 1323. * In fact, Singlaub is known to control at least one airfield in Arizona. ... Mailgate: FINOVA IS SPOOKED UP...+ proprietaries to thrive + keep John K. Singlaub fat, slick ... PROGRESSIVE, STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... <A HREF="'America had it coming' - The Times of India.htm "> 61584 ... A HREF="Nine Eleven Singlaub Mind Control.htm "> 16861 Nine Eleven Singlaub Mind Control . 310536 S11.nri Beastie Boys Message Board - The Central Intelligence Agency... involved: Ed Wilson, Al Hakim, Richard Secord, William Casey + John Singlaub...also once George Bush's business partner + the Wackenhut Securitie's legal Marihemp: Politics: Thread #35879 1995, Wackenhut was investigated for diverting $700,000 intended for drug treatmentprograms at a .."
".. Singlaub is known to control at least one airfield in Arizona. ... Mailgate: FINOVA IS SPOOKED UP...+ proprietaries to thrive + keep John K. Singlaub fat, slick ... PROGRESSIVE, STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... <A HREF="'America had it coming' - The Times of India.htm "> 61584 ... A HREF="Nine Eleven Singlaub Mind Control.htm "> 16861 Nine Eleven Singlaub Mind Control . 310536 S11.nri Beastie Boys Message Board - The Central Intelligence Agency... involved: Ed Wilson, Al Hakim, Richard Secord, William Casey + John Singlaub...also once George Bush's business partner + the Wackenhut Securitie's legal Marihemp: Politics: Thread #35879 1995, Wackenhut was investigated for diverting $700,000 intended for drug treatmentprograms at a Texas prison. ... Gen. John K. Singlaub , Brig. ... URL: .."
".. WACKENHUT , USIA, PRIMETIME ... <A HREF="'America had it coming' - The Times of India.htm "> 61584 ... A HREF="Nine Eleven Singlaub Mind Control.htm "> 16861 Nine Eleven Singlaub Mind Control . 310536 S11.nri Beastie Boys Message Board - The Central Intelligence Agency... involved: Ed Wilson, Al Hakim, Richard Secord, William Casey + John Singlaub...also once George Bush's business partner + the Wackenhut Securitie's legal Marihemp: Politics: Thread #35879 1995, Wackenhut was investigated for diverting $700,000 intended for drug treatmentprograms at a Texas prison. ... Gen. John K. Singlaub , Brig. ... URL: Licensed To Kill - arms dealer Ernst Werner Glatt Ken Silverstein Shadowing our government's favorite arms dealer "Vote! Bah! When you vote, you only change the names of the cabinet. When you shoot, you pull down governments, inaugurate new epochs, abolish old orders and set up new .."
".. finance.stockmarket/msg00352.html <A HREF="'America had it coming' - The Times of India.htm "> 61584 ... A HREF="Nine Eleven Singlaub Mind Control.htm "> 16861 Nine Eleven Singlaub Mind Control . 310536 S11.nri Beastie Boys Message Board - The Central Intelligence Agency... involved: Ed Wilson, Al Hakim, Richard Secord, William Casey + John Singlaub...also once George Bush's business partner + the Wackenhut Securitie's legal Marihemp: Politics: Thread #35879 1995, Wackenhut was investigated for diverting $700,000 intended for drug treatmentprograms at a Texas prison. ... Gen. John K. Singlaub , Brig. ... URL: Licensed To Kill - arms dealer Ernst Werner Glatt Ken Silverstein Shadowing our government's favorite arms dealer "Vote! Bah! When you vote, you only change the names of the cabinet. When you shoot, you pull down governments, inaugurate new epochs, abolish old orders and set up new." -Andrew Undershaft, the munitions magnate of George .."
".. "> 16861 Nine Eleven Singlaub Mind Control . 310536 S11.nri Beastie Boys Message Board - The Central Intelligence Agency... involved: Ed Wilson, Al Hakim, Richard Secord, William Casey + John Singlaub...also once George Bush's business partner + the Wackenhut Securitie's legal Marihemp: Politics: Thread #35879 1995, Wackenhut was investigated for diverting $700,000 intended for drug treatmentprograms at a Texas prison. ... Gen. John K. Singlaub , Brig. ... URL: Licensed To Kill - arms dealer Ernst Werner Glatt Ken Silverstein Shadowing our government's favorite arms dealer "Vote! Bah! When you vote, you only change the names of the cabinet. When you shoot, you pull down governments, inaugurate new epochs, abolish old orders and set up new." -Andrew Undershaft, the munitions magnate of George Bernard Shaw's Major Barbara "Arms dealers provide the grease that makes foreign policy work. If you're going to have a covert war somewhere, somebody has to provide the .."
".. showthread.php?mode=hybrid&t=2471 Marihemp: Politics: Thread #35879 1995, Wackenhut was investigated for diverting $700,000 intended for drug treatmentprograms at a Texas prison. ... Gen. John K. Singlaub , Brig. ... URL: Licensed To Kill - arms dealer Ernst Werner Glatt Ken Silverstein Shadowing our government's favorite arms dealer "Vote! Bah! When you vote, you only change the names of the cabinet. When you shoot, you pull down governments, inaugurate new epochs, abolish old orders and set up new." -Andrew Undershaft, the munitions magnate of George Bernard Shaw's Major Barbara "Arms dealers provide the grease that makes foreign policy work. If you're going to have a covert war somewhere, somebody has to provide the bullets." -John Miley, former weapons dealer for the CIA URL: Related Terms Arms merchants / Investigations URL: Web .."
".. clearinghouse for all IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: United States Council for World Freedom This one was brought by the stockholders of the Miami Bayshore Bank naming Singlaub as a participant with Studley, Barbara, a TV personality + head of GeoMiliTech -in a scheme to loot the bank to ... URL:,1518,druck-339806,00.html02.Feb.2005 Das pure Glück liegt in Dänemark Eine Studie hat die glücklichsten Menschen der Welt ermittelt: Es sind die Dänen, die Malteser und die Schweizer. Die Deutschen landeten auf der Happiness-Skala im oberen Mittelfeld 02.Feb.2005 Seehäfen: Milliardenpoker um die Containerriesen 02.Feb.2005 Saturnmond Titan: Forscher hält Leben ohne Wasser für denkbar 02.Feb.2005 Weltwirtschaft: Währungsfonds erwartet robusten Aufschwung 02.Feb.2005 NPD: Die Provokateure 02.Feb.2005 Spanien: Niederlage für baskischen Unabhängigkeitsplan 02.Feb.2005 9-11 SCIENCE REPORT, Appendix D, Insider Dealing- HTML-Version... to US interests. Previous stories in FTW have specifically highlighted the use of Promis software to monitor such trades. It is ... www .." - 46 matches

2. 20041210
".. 1 FEULNER EDWIN J JR 1 FRIEDRICH NAUMANN FOUNDATION 1 FRIENDS AMERICAS FOUNDATION 1 GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION 1 ... John K Singlaub -... 1988 (84); Washington Post 1985-05-03 (22); Washington Post 1985-09-17 (14). GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION: Ben-Menashe,A. Profits of War. ... BEN-MENASHE ARI -BEN-MENASHE ARI. Israel 1966-1989 Iran 1979-1980 Chile 1988 Paraguay 1988 Peru 1988 Sri Lanka 1989 Australia 1991-1992 Canada 2000: Assn. ... Ray Steiner Cline -... GEORGE 3 DIXON DON R 3 DOLAN J TERRY 3 EL MERCURIO NEWSPAPER 3 FEULNER EDWIN J JR 3 FITZGERALD DESMOND 3 GELB LESLIE H 3 GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION 3 ... DC BANK SWEPT UP IN INTRIGUE ... [CIA, MAFIA, S&L FRAUD ... -... Cline told the joint congressional Iran-Contra committee that he was advising individuals with GeoMiliTech , the company connected to Singlaub, on selling arms ... DC BANK SWEPT UP IN INTRIGUE ... [CIA, MAFIA, S&L FRAUD ... -... Cline told .."
".. John K Singlaub -... 1988 (84); Washington Post 1985-05-03 (22); Washington Post 1985-09-17 (14). GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION: Ben-Menashe,A. Profits of War. ... BEN-MENASHE ARI -BEN-MENASHE ARI. Israel 1966-1989 Iran 1979-1980 Chile 1988 Paraguay 1988 Peru 1988 Sri Lanka 1989 Australia 1991-1992 Canada 2000: Assn. ... Ray Steiner Cline -... GEORGE 3 DIXON DON R 3 DOLAN J TERRY 3 EL MERCURIO NEWSPAPER 3 FEULNER EDWIN J JR 3 FITZGERALD DESMOND 3 GELB LESLIE H 3 GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION 3 ... DC BANK SWEPT UP IN INTRIGUE ... [CIA, MAFIA, S&L FRAUD ... -... Cline told the joint congressional Iran-Contra committee that he was advising individuals with GeoMiliTech , the company connected to Singlaub, on selling arms ... DC BANK SWEPT UP IN INTRIGUE ... [CIA, MAFIA, S&L FRAUD ... -... Cline told the joint congressional Iran-Contra committee that he was advising individuals with GeoMiliTech , the company connected to Singlaub, on selling arms ... .."
".. BANK SWEPT UP IN INTRIGUE ... [CIA, MAFIA, S&L FRAUD ... -... Cline told the joint congressional Iran-Contra committee that he was advising individuals with GeoMiliTech , the company connected to Singlaub, on selling arms ... DC BANK SWEPT UP IN INTRIGUE ... [CIA, MAFIA, S&L FRAUD ... -... Cline told the joint congressional Iran-Contra committee that he was advising individuals with GeoMiliTech , the company connected to Singlaub, on selling arms ... IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: USA Council for World ... -... brought by the stockholders of the Miami Bayshore Bank naming Singlaub as a participant with Studley, Barbara--a TV personality + head of GeoMiliTech --in a ... 09.Dez.2004 Peeples Valley Arizona Network Consultants -... Ben-Menashe,A. Profits of War. 1992 ... PIERRE (127-8) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (155-6 ... ANTHONY (112-3, 121-2) PEEPLES JOE (136) PERES SHIMON ... Pollard AL Network Consultants -... 1992 ... US-Israeli Arms Network. .."
".. BANK SWEPT UP IN INTRIGUE ... [CIA, MAFIA, S&L FRAUD ... -... Cline told the joint congressional Iran-Contra committee that he was advising individuals with GeoMiliTech , the company connected to Singlaub, on selling arms ... IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: USA Council for World ... -... brought by the stockholders of the Miami Bayshore Bank naming Singlaub as a participant with Studley, Barbara--a TV personality + head of GeoMiliTech --in a ... 09.Dez.2004 Peeples Valley Arizona Network Consultants -... Ben-Menashe,A. Profits of War. 1992 ... PIERRE (127-8) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (155-6 ... ANTHONY (112-3, 121-2) PEEPLES JOE (136) PERES SHIMON ... Pollard AL Network Consultants -... 1992 ... US-Israeli Arms Network. New York: Sheridan Square Press ... PIERRE (127-8) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (155-6, 278 ... ... Thatcher Arizona Network Consultants -... 1992 ... PIERRE (127-8) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS .."
".. Singlaub, on selling arms ... IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: USA Council for World ... -... brought by the stockholders of the Miami Bayshore Bank naming Singlaub as a participant with Studley, Barbara--a TV personality + head of GeoMiliTech --in a ... 09.Dez.2004 Peeples Valley Arizona Network Consultants -... Ben-Menashe,A. Profits of War. 1992 ... PIERRE (127-8) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (155-6 ... ANTHONY (112-3, 121-2) PEEPLES JOE (136) PERES SHIMON ... Pollard AL Network Consultants -... 1992 ... US-Israeli Arms Network. New York: Sheridan Square Press ... PIERRE (127-8) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (155-6, 278 ... ... Thatcher Arizona Network Consultants -... 1992 ... PIERRE (127-8) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION (155-6, 278 ...BARBARA F (155, 279) THATCHER MARGARET (112, 119) THATCHER ... ... Council for National .."
".. Richard + his agents; + GeoMilitech (GMT), another ... A-Infos Hyper-Archive: (Cast)Antifa Info Bulletin Vol. 1, #5 part ... - ... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + Singlaub partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... A-Infos Hyper-Archive: ANTIFA INFO-BULLETIN, Vol. 1, No. 5 -... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... The origins of Iran-Contra: Lessons from the Durrani Affair ... Reagan Administration. In the main, this was not an illicit nor an illegal traffic. Studley, Barbara and GeoMiliTech The first US November 2001 eDebate Archives: [eDebate] operation unrelentin - ... 1989 (181) National Reporter 1987-SP (6) GELB LESLIE H. Harper's Magazine1984-09 (34 39 46) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION. ... [eDebate] operation unrelenting shitbag -... 1989 (181) .."
".. agents; + GeoMilitech (GMT), another ... A-Infos Hyper-Archive: (Cast)Antifa Info Bulletin Vol. 1, #5 part ... - ... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + Singlaub partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... A-Infos Hyper-Archive: ANTIFA INFO-BULLETIN, Vol. 1, No. 5 -... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... The origins of Iran-Contra: Lessons from the Durrani Affair ... Reagan Administration. In the main, this was not an illicit nor an illegal traffic. Studley, Barbara and GeoMiliTech The first US November 2001 eDebate Archives: [eDebate] operation unrelentin - ... 1989 (181) National Reporter 1987-SP (6) GELB LESLIE H. Harper's Magazine1984-09 (34 39 46) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION. ... [eDebate] operation unrelenting shitbag -... 1989 (181) National .."
".. in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... A-Infos Hyper-Archive: ANTIFA INFO-BULLETIN, Vol. 1, No. 5 -... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... The origins of Iran-Contra: Lessons from the Durrani Affair ... Reagan Administration. In the main, this was not an illicit nor an illegal traffic. Studley, Barbara and GeoMiliTech The first US November 2001 eDebate Archives: [eDebate] operation unrelentin - ... 1989 (181) National Reporter 1987-SP (6) GELB LESLIE H. Harper's Magazine1984-09 (34 39 46) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION. ... [eDebate] operation unrelenting shitbag -... 1989 (181) National Reporter 1987-SP (6) GELB LESLIE H Harper's Magazine 1984- 09(34 39 46) GEOMILITECH CONSULTANTS CORPORATION Brewton,P. The Mafia, CIA + [CTRL] STILL MORE PRETTY MUCH INCOMPREHENSIBLE, INCONCLUSIVE – .."
".. GeoMilitech , a Washington arms brokerage. In 1987 ... [CTRL] A Small Circle of Friends Larry Pratt, the Council fo -... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... [CTRL] [9] The Marcos Dynasty - ... joined Singlaub + The Enterprise in the civilian world, taking a post as adviser with Singlaub in a Washington consulting firm called GeoMiliTech Corporation ... [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] A SMALL CIRCLE OF FRIENDS -- Singlaub, - HTML-Version... revolutionary terror was a very profitable enterprise indeed. GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara,. ... AASE, JEAN....................\224 \ ABERDEEN PROVING GROUNDS..... ... -... 028 \ GENERALS: RIGHT-WING.....030 \ GENOCIDE: AIDS, WAR, FOOD,ETC\226 \ GENTILE, NICOLA.....178 \ GEOMILITECH (GMT)....088 ... ABRAMS, GUS WILLIAM... .."
".. Barbara, procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... [CTRL] [9] The Marcos Dynasty - ... joined Singlaub + The Enterprise in the civilian world, taking a post as adviser with Singlaub in a Washington consulting firm called GeoMiliTech Corporation ... [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] A SMALL CIRCLE OF FRIENDS -- Singlaub, - HTML-Version... revolutionary terror was a very profitable enterprise indeed. GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara,. ... AASE, JEAN....................\224 \ ABERDEEN PROVING GROUNDS..... ... -... 028 \ GENERALS: RIGHT-WING.....030 \ GENOCIDE: AIDS, WAR, FOOD,ETC\226 \ GENTILE, NICOLA.....178 \ GEOMILITECH (GMT)....088 ... ABRAMS, GUS WILLIAM........... , 285 ACCETTURO, ANTHONY........... ... -... 129 GEISLER, LESTER W..... 129 GENOCIDE: AIDS, WAR, FOOD, ETC ,226 GENTILE, NICOLA..... 178 GEOMILITECH (GMT).... . CRYPT NEWSLETTER .."
".. Adolfo Calero, in ... [CTRL] [9] The Marcos Dynasty - ... joined Singlaub + The Enterprise in the civilian world, taking a post as adviser with Singlaub in a Washington consulting firm called GeoMiliTech Corporation ... [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] A SMALL CIRCLE OF FRIENDS -- Singlaub, - HTML-Version... revolutionary terror was a very profitable enterprise indeed. GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara,. ... AASE, JEAN....................\224 \ ABERDEEN PROVING GROUNDS..... ... -... 028 \ GENERALS: RIGHT-WING.....030 \ GENOCIDE: AIDS, WAR, FOOD,ETC\226 \ GENTILE, NICOLA.....178 \ GEOMILITECH (GMT)....088 ... ABRAMS, GUS WILLIAM........... , 285 ACCETTURO, ANTHONY........... ... -... 129 GEISLER, LESTER W..... 129 GENOCIDE: AIDS, WAR, FOOD, ETC ,226 GENTILE, NICOLA..... 178 GEOMILITECH (GMT).... . CRYPT NEWSLETTER 47 March 1998 Editor: George Smith, Ph.D. ... -... move" . . . they are .."
".. adviser with Singlaub in a Washington consulting firm called GeoMiliTech Corporation ... [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] A SMALL CIRCLE OF FRIENDS -- Singlaub, - HTML-Version... revolutionary terror was a very profitable enterprise indeed. GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara,. ... AASE, JEAN....................\224 \ ABERDEEN PROVING GROUNDS..... ... -... 028 \ GENERALS: RIGHT-WING.....030 \ GENOCIDE: AIDS, WAR, FOOD,ETC\226 \ GENTILE, NICOLA.....178 \ GEOMILITECH (GMT)....088 ... ABRAMS, GUS WILLIAM........... , 285 ACCETTURO, ANTHONY........... ... -... 129 GEISLER, LESTER W..... 129 GENOCIDE: AIDS, WAR, FOOD, ETC ,226 GENTILE, NICOLA..... 178 GEOMILITECH (GMT).... . CRYPT NEWSLETTER 47 March 1998 Editor: George Smith, Ph.D. ... -... move" . . . they are going to strike." Schweitzer was fired + later worked for GeoMilitech , a Washington arms brokerage. In 1987 ... ABRAMS, GUS .."
".. [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] A SMALL CIRCLE OF FRIENDS -- Singlaub, - HTML-Version... revolutionary terror was a very profitable enterprise indeed. GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara,. ... AASE, JEAN....................\224 \ ABERDEEN PROVING GROUNDS..... ... -... 028 \ GENERALS: RIGHT-WING.....030 \ GENOCIDE: AIDS, WAR, FOOD,ETC\226 \ GENTILE, NICOLA.....178 \ GEOMILITECH (GMT)....088 ... ABRAMS, GUS WILLIAM........... , 285 ACCETTURO, ANTHONY........... ... -... 129 GEISLER, LESTER W..... 129 GENOCIDE: AIDS, WAR, FOOD, ETC ,226 GENTILE, NICOLA..... 178 GEOMILITECH (GMT).... . CRYPT NEWSLETTER 47 March 1998 Editor: George Smith, Ph.D. ... -... move" . . . they are going to strike." Schweitzer was fired + later worked for GeoMilitech , a Washington arms brokerage. In 1987 ... ABRAMS, GUS WILLIAM.. , 285 ACCETTURO, ANTHONY...-... 129 GEISLER, LESTER W..... 129 GENOCIDE: AIDS, WAR, FOOD, ETC , 226 GENTILE, .."
".. sociaux au bénéfice de GeoMiliTech Consultants INC ... 09.Dez.2004 A SMALL CIRCLE OF FRIENDS - ... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... From: Michael Pugliese <> Subject: SNET: Larry ... -... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... Arianna Online Forums - A small Circle of Friends - ... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... Terrorismo Cristiano - ULTRA DERECHA, CLERO-FASCISMO y TERRORISMO ...... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara, procured \\$5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra .."
".. were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... From: Michael Pugliese <> Subject: SNET: Larry ... -... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... Arianna Online Forums - A small Circle of Friends - ... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... Terrorismo Cristiano - ULTRA DERECHA, CLERO-FASCISMO y TERRORISMO ...... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara, procured \\$5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero ... A Small Circle of Friends -... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in...www .."
".. leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... Arianna Online Forums - A small Circle of Friends - ... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... Terrorismo Cristiano - ULTRA DERECHA, CLERO-FASCISMO y TERRORISMO ...... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara, procured \\$5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero ... A Small Circle of Friends -... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, 09.Dez.2004 Alfred Opitz: Authentizität - Referentialität – Kontext ... ästhetische - Diskurs gibt diese Wirklichkeit mehr oder weniger ... auf seine Schelling-Lektüre schreibt Goethe am 6 ... der Empirie in einem völlig neuen Licht . ... .."
".. transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, in ... Terrorismo Cristiano - ULTRA DERECHA, CLERO-FASCISMO y TERRORISMO ...... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara, procured \\$5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero ... A Small Circle of Friends -... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, 09.Dez.2004 Alfred Opitz: Authentizität - Referentialität – Kontext ... ästhetische - Diskurs gibt diese Wirklichkeit mehr oder weniger ... auf seine Schelling-Lektüre schreibt Goethe am 6 ... der Empirie in einem völlig neuen Licht . ... URL: 00.000.1980 -During the mid-s-North Carolina Senator Helms, Jesse vigorously supported a Nicaraguan CONTRA rebel group closely tied to narcotrafficking. North Carolina Senator Helms, Jesse vigorously .."
".. procured \\$5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero ... A Small Circle of Friends -... GeoMilitech , founded by Singlaub + his partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3 million in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero, 09.Dez.2004 Alfred Opitz: Authentizität - Referentialität – Kontext ... ästhetische - Diskurs gibt diese Wirklichkeit mehr oder weniger ... auf seine Schelling-Lektüre schreibt Goethe am 6 ... der Empirie in einem völlig neuen Licht . ... URL: 00.000.1980 -During the mid-s-North Carolina Senator Helms, Jesse vigorously supported a Nicaraguan CONTRA rebel group closely tied to narcotrafficking. North Carolina Senator Helms, Jesse vigorously continued his support long after the drug link was widely known in Washington + reported in the national press.What did North Carolina Senator Helms, Jesse know about drug network undergirding these guerrilla fighters? When did North Carolina .."
".. + that my investigation of where the money came from to rig the election is a continuation of past investigations + leads. 09.Dez.2004 Life During Wartime - ... General John Singlaub is being paid to make patriotic speeches. ... War on Waste More money for the Pentagon, CBS News Correspondent Vince Gonzales reports, while ... 09.Dez.2004 CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] TREASON-BUSH SR. ILLEGALLY ARMED IRAQ WITH HTML-Version - Remember BNL Bank, Rep. Henry Gonzales House Banking Chairman. 00.Jun.1992 testimony + Bush's accounts at BNL Bank, Hildago Company? ... - 09.Dez.2004 CTRL] 7/2000 - Written Statement of Celerino Castillo, 3rd - ... Early part of 1986, I received a cable from DEA SA Sandy Gonzales in Costa Rica ... Grasheim also claims that he met with Studley, Barbara and John Singlaub and they ... 09.Dez.2004 The Order of the Skulls and Bones Exposed. - Support Divorce - ... plan of Iran/Contra), Donald Gregg, Gene Tatum, John Singlaub + many ... + Iran/Contra), Rafael .."
".. Written Statement of Celerino Castillo, 3rd - ... Early part of 1986, I received a cable from DEA SA Sandy Gonzales in Costa Rica ... Grasheim also claims that he met with Studley, Barbara and John Singlaub and they ... 09.Dez.2004 The Order of the Skulls and Bones Exposed. - Support Divorce - ... plan of Iran/Contra), Donald Gregg, Gene Tatum, John Singlaub + many ... + Iran/Contra), Rafael Quintero, Felipe de Diego, Virgilio Gonzales (also involved ... 09.Dez.2004 Letters - ... Alberto (Stonewall) R. Gonzales , who got you out of that Driving While Intoxicated case, has set up a screening ... Richard Vernon Secord, Gen Singlaub , Col. ... 09.Dez.2004 Scott P. Richert's THE ROCKFORD FILES -... US Supreme Court would be counsel to the President Alberto Gonzales , who, as a ... woman who insisted on taking my picture with Keyes, General Singlaub + others ... / DejaVu14 - ... Gonzales is unafraid of clashing with top Republicans + .."
".. they ... 09.Dez.2004 The Order of the Skulls and Bones Exposed. - Support Divorce - ... plan of Iran/Contra), Donald Gregg, Gene Tatum, John Singlaub + many ... + Iran/Contra), Rafael Quintero, Felipe de Diego, Virgilio Gonzales (also involved ... 09.Dez.2004 Letters - ... Alberto (Stonewall) R. Gonzales , who got you out of that Driving While Intoxicated case, has set up a screening ... Richard Vernon Secord, Gen Singlaub , Col. ... 09.Dez.2004 Scott P. Richert's THE ROCKFORD FILES -... US Supreme Court would be counsel to the President Alberto Gonzales , who, as a ... woman who insisted on taking my picture with Keyes, General Singlaub + others ... / DejaVu14 - ... Gonzales is unafraid of clashing with top Republicans + he will seek to ... the Nicaraguan Contras, working directly with retired General John Singlaub , one of ... - Past Peak: Politics Archives - ... Gonzales, Alberto who it seems .."
".. Bones_Exposed_-439252-11-a.html 09.Dez.2004 Letters - ... Alberto (Stonewall) R. Gonzales , who got you out of that Driving While Intoxicated case, has set up a screening ... Richard Vernon Secord, Gen Singlaub , Col. ... 09.Dez.2004 Scott P. Richert's THE ROCKFORD FILES -... US Supreme Court would be counsel to the President Alberto Gonzales , who, as a ... woman who insisted on taking my picture with Keyes, General Singlaub + others ... / DejaVu14 - ... Gonzales is unafraid of clashing with top Republicans + he will seek to ... the Nicaraguan Contras, working directly with retired General John Singlaub , one of ... - Past Peak: Politics Archives - ... Gonzales, Alberto who it seems is replacing Ashcroft, is the legal whiz who ... included Lieutenant Colonel North, Oliver Major General Singlaub, John K. + other ... / Gerry Patrick Hemming -... DANIEL F 1 GELBER SEYMOUR 1 GENTRY JIMMY (MIAMI) 1 GOLZ EARL 1 GONZALES AL (HSCA) 1 ... 1 SHAW CLAY L 1 SICILIA FALCON ALBERTO 1 SINDONA MICHELE 1 SINGLAUB JOHN K .."
".. 09.Dez.2004 Scott P. Richert's THE ROCKFORD FILES -... US Supreme Court would be counsel to the President Alberto Gonzales , who, as a ... woman who insisted on taking my picture with Keyes, General Singlaub + others ... / DejaVu14 - ... Gonzales is unafraid of clashing with top Republicans + he will seek to ... the Nicaraguan Contras, working directly with retired General John Singlaub , one of ... - Past Peak: Politics Archives - ... Gonzales, Alberto who it seems is replacing Ashcroft, is the legal whiz who ... included Lieutenant Colonel North, Oliver Major General Singlaub, John K. + other ... / Gerry Patrick Hemming -... DANIEL F 1 GELBER SEYMOUR 1 GENTRY JIMMY (MIAMI) 1 GOLZ EARL 1 GONZALES AL (HSCA) 1 ... 1 SHAW CLAY L 1 SICILIA FALCON ALBERTO 1 SINDONA MICHELE 1 SINGLAUB JOHN K ... - Mafia, CIA und Politik der USA ... Committee on Assassinations, das im 00.Feb.1975 von Henry Gonzales angeregt worden ...Security Council, angeführt von CIA-Topagent General John Singlaub + dem .. .."
".. bin/rockfordfiles.cgi/Election%202004 / DejaVu14 - ... Gonzales is unafraid of clashing with top Republicans + he will seek to ... the Nicaraguan Contras, working directly with retired General John Singlaub , one of ... - Past Peak: Politics Archives - ... Gonzales, Alberto who it seems is replacing Ashcroft, is the legal whiz who ... included Lieutenant Colonel North, Oliver Major General Singlaub, John K. + other ... / Gerry Patrick Hemming -... DANIEL F 1 GELBER SEYMOUR 1 GENTRY JIMMY (MIAMI) 1 GOLZ EARL 1 GONZALES AL (HSCA) 1 ... 1 SHAW CLAY L 1 SICILIA FALCON ALBERTO 1 SINDONA MICHELE 1 SINGLAUB JOHN K ... - Mafia, CIA und Politik der USA ... Committee on Assassinations, das im 00.Feb.1975 von Henry Gonzales angeregt worden ...Security Council, angeführt von CIA-Topagent General John Singlaub + dem ... - johnson city forum -Rice Condoleezza Spellings, Margaret Gonzales, Alberto Goss, Porter ownership society dominoes ... Colonel North, Oliver Major General Singlaub, John K. + other Iran ... - NAMES .."
".. - Past Peak: Politics Archives - ... Gonzales, Alberto who it seems is replacing Ashcroft, is the legal whiz who ... included Lieutenant Colonel North, Oliver Major General Singlaub, John K. + other ... / Gerry Patrick Hemming -... DANIEL F 1 GELBER SEYMOUR 1 GENTRY JIMMY (MIAMI) 1 GOLZ EARL 1 GONZALES AL (HSCA) 1 ... 1 SHAW CLAY L 1 SICILIA FALCON ALBERTO 1 SINDONA MICHELE 1 SINGLAUB JOHN K ... - Mafia, CIA und Politik der USA ... Committee on Assassinations, das im 00.Feb.1975 von Henry Gonzales angeregt worden ...Security Council, angeführt von CIA-Topagent General John Singlaub + dem ... - johnson city forum -Rice Condoleezza Spellings, Margaret Gonzales, Alberto Goss, Porter ownership society dominoes ... Colonel North, Oliver Major General Singlaub, John K. + other Iran ... - NAMES ASSOCIATED WITH HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE -... Peres, "Don Minche", Mayor Gonzales . Guatemala. ... Iran-Contra + Consistent Themes During the Cold War; Singlaub , John, Major General, USAF, Ret. .."
".. com/archives/politics / Gerry Patrick Hemming -... DANIEL F 1 GELBER SEYMOUR 1 GENTRY JIMMY (MIAMI) 1 GOLZ EARL 1 GONZALES AL (HSCA) 1 ... 1 SHAW CLAY L 1 SICILIA FALCON ALBERTO 1 SINDONA MICHELE 1 SINGLAUB JOHN K ... - Mafia, CIA und Politik der USA ... Committee on Assassinations, das im 00.Feb.1975 von Henry Gonzales angeregt worden ...Security Council, angeführt von CIA-Topagent General John Singlaub + dem ... - johnson city forum -Rice Condoleezza Spellings, Margaret Gonzales, Alberto Goss, Porter ownership society dominoes ... Colonel North, Oliver Major General Singlaub, John K. + other Iran ... - NAMES ASSOCIATED WITH HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE -... Peres, "Don Minche", Mayor Gonzales . Guatemala. ... Iran-Contra + Consistent Themes During the Cold War; Singlaub , John, Major General, USAF, Ret. - 09.Dez.2004 This is a Bizarre World - ... for the contras in Congress + claimed North was innocent. Singlaub + Micharl ... Jose Gonzales Souza started Semilla ("Seed") at the Chesepeake, Va, office of ... www .."
".. Hemming.html - Mafia, CIA und Politik der USA ... Committee on Assassinations, das im 00.Feb.1975 von Henry Gonzales angeregt worden ...Security Council, angeführt von CIA-Topagent General John Singlaub + dem ... - johnson city forum -Rice Condoleezza Spellings, Margaret Gonzales, Alberto Goss, Porter ownership society dominoes ... Colonel North, Oliver Major General Singlaub, John K. + other Iran ... - NAMES ASSOCIATED WITH HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE -... Peres, "Don Minche", Mayor Gonzales . Guatemala. ... Iran-Contra + Consistent Themes During the Cold War; Singlaub , John, Major General, USAF, Ret. - 09.Dez.2004 This is a Bizarre World - ... for the contras in Congress + claimed North was innocent. Singlaub + Micharl ... Jose Gonzales Souza started Semilla ("Seed") at the Chesepeake, Va, office of ... [DOC] Date: Tue, Aug 1st 2000 14:05:47 Filter sender – HTML-Version ... Early part of 1986, I received a cable from DEA SA Sandy Gonzales in Costa Rica. ...Studley, Barbara + Singlaub, John + they wanted him to sell night vision .."
".. Singlaub + dem ... - johnson city forum -Rice Condoleezza Spellings, Margaret Gonzales, Alberto Goss, Porter ownership society dominoes ... Colonel North, Oliver Major General Singlaub, John K. + other Iran ... - NAMES ASSOCIATED WITH HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE -... Peres, "Don Minche", Mayor Gonzales . Guatemala. ... Iran-Contra + Consistent Themes During the Cold War; Singlaub , John, Major General, USAF, Ret. - 09.Dez.2004 This is a Bizarre World - ... for the contras in Congress + claimed North was innocent. Singlaub + Micharl ... Jose Gonzales Souza started Semilla ("Seed") at the Chesepeake, Va, office of ... [DOC] Date: Tue, Aug 1st 2000 14:05:47 Filter sender – HTML-Version ... Early part of 1986, I received a cable from DEA SA Sandy Gonzales in Costa Rica. ...Studley, Barbara + Singlaub, John + they wanted him to sell night vision equipment. ... 2004 ELECTION FRAUD USA : URL: Forum Participant List Rep. John .."
".. Iran ... - NAMES ASSOCIATED WITH HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE -... Peres, "Don Minche", Mayor Gonzales . Guatemala. ... Iran-Contra + Consistent Themes During the Cold War; Singlaub , John, Major General, USAF, Ret. - 09.Dez.2004 This is a Bizarre World - ... for the contras in Congress + claimed North was innocent. Singlaub + Micharl ... Jose Gonzales Souza started Semilla ("Seed") at the Chesepeake, Va, office of ... [DOC] Date: Tue, Aug 1st 2000 14:05:47 Filter sender – HTML-Version ... Early part of 1986, I received a cable from DEA SA Sandy Gonzales in Costa Rica. ...Studley, Barbara + Singlaub, John + they wanted him to sell night vision equipment. ... 2004 ELECTION FRAUD USA : URL: Forum Participant List Rep. John Conyers Opening Statement Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Opening Statement Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones Opening Statement Statement of Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. Statement of Steve Rosenfeld, Senior Producer, Air America Radio .."
".. Cold War; Singlaub , John, Major General, USAF, Ret. - 09.Dez.2004 This is a Bizarre World - ... for the contras in Congress + claimed North was innocent. Singlaub + Micharl ... Jose Gonzales Souza started Semilla ("Seed") at the Chesepeake, Va, office of ... [DOC] Date: Tue, Aug 1st 2000 14:05:47 Filter sender – HTML-Version ... Early part of 1986, I received a cable from DEA SA Sandy Gonzales in Costa Rica. ...Studley, Barbara + Singlaub, John + they wanted him to sell night vision equipment. ... 2004 ELECTION FRAUD USA : URL: Forum Participant List Rep. John Conyers Opening Statement Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Opening Statement Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones Opening Statement Statement of Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. Statement of Steve Rosenfeld, Senior Producer, Air America Radio Statement of Professor Robert Fitrakis, Editor, The Free Press Statement of Hilary Shelton, Director, Washington Bureau, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Statement of .."
".. com/tn/bizarrotom [DOC] Date: Tue, Aug 1st 2000 14:05:47 Filter sender – HTML-Version ... Early part of 1986, I received a cable from DEA SA Sandy Gonzales in Costa Rica. ...Studley, Barbara + Singlaub, John + they wanted him to sell night vision equipment. ... 2004 ELECTION FRAUD USA : URL: Forum Participant List Rep. John Conyers Opening Statement Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Opening Statement Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones Opening Statement Statement of Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. Statement of Steve Rosenfeld, Senior Producer, Air America Radio Statement of Professor Robert Fitrakis, Editor, The Free Press Statement of Hilary Shelton, Director, Washington Bureau, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Statement of Jon Greenbaum, Director, Voting Rights Project, Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law The following statement were submitted for the forum record: Senator John Kerry's Statement on Election Reform Statement of Judith A. Browne, Acting Co-Director, Advancement Project Statement of Melanie L. Campbell, Executive Director .." - 31 matches

3. 20041212
".. 00.000.2001 -until early- „al-Qaida“ did not even have a name . URL: 13.Sep.2001 Gen. Singlaub: Prepare for Biological, Chemical Attacks Article Index: Helms' Contra/Cocaine Connection Message Boards: Share your views! Ambassador Tambs on Singlaub Mission (Page 1) 27.Mar.1986 USA Ambassador to Costa Rica Tambs, Lewis sent this "back-channel" cable to the CIA, State Department + the White House to quietly inform Reagan officials of a deal struck between Helms envoy Singlaub, John + Pastora, Eden. This version of the document, uncovered by Iran-Contra investigators, bears a note typed in the margin by one of the recipients: "[ARDE official] 'Popo' Chamorro is alleged... to be involved in drug trafficking." Ambassador Tambs on Singlaub Mission (Page 2) 27.Mar.1986 USA Ambassador to Costa Rica Tambs sent this "back-channel" cable to the CIA, State Department + the White House to quietly inform Reagan officials of a deal struck between Helms envoy John Singlaub and Eden Pastora. This version of the document, uncovered by Iran-Contra .."
".. other/wwwboard/dossier/index.htm 13.Sep.2001 Gen. Singlaub: Prepare for Biological, Chemical Attacks Article Index: Helms' Contra/Cocaine Connection Message Boards: Share your views! Ambassador Tambs on Singlaub Mission (Page 1) 27.Mar.1986 USA Ambassador to Costa Rica Tambs, Lewis sent this "back-channel" cable to the CIA, State Department + the White House to quietly inform Reagan officials of a deal struck between Helms envoy Singlaub, John + Pastora, Eden. This version of the document, uncovered by Iran-Contra investigators, bears a note typed in the margin by one of the recipients: "[ARDE official] 'Popo' Chamorro is alleged... to be involved in drug trafficking." Ambassador Tambs on Singlaub Mission (Page 2) 27.Mar.1986 USA Ambassador to Costa Rica Tambs sent this "back-channel" cable to the CIA, State Department + the White House to quietly inform Reagan officials of a deal struck between Helms envoy John Singlaub and Eden Pastora. This version of the document, uncovered by Iran-Contra investigators, bears a note typed in the margin by one of the recipients: "[ARDE official] 'Popo' Chamorro is alleged... to be involved in drug trafficking .."
".. Ambassador to Costa Rica Tambs, Lewis sent this "back-channel" cable to the CIA, State Department + the White House to quietly inform Reagan officials of a deal struck between Helms envoy Singlaub, John + Pastora, Eden. This version of the document, uncovered by Iran-Contra investigators, bears a note typed in the margin by one of the recipients: "[ARDE official] 'Popo' Chamorro is alleged... to be involved in drug trafficking." Ambassador Tambs on Singlaub Mission (Page 2) 27.Mar.1986 USA Ambassador to Costa Rica Tambs sent this "back-channel" cable to the CIA, State Department + the White House to quietly inform Reagan officials of a deal struck between Helms envoy John Singlaub and Eden Pastora. This version of the document, uncovered by Iran-Contra investigators, bears a note typed in the margin by one of the recipients: "[ARDE official] 'Popo' Chamorro is alleged... to be involved in drug trafficking." URL: \achievements.shtml.htm-Six Years of History- From The Wilderness Journalism Milestones + Achievements – 00.Mar.1998 FTW mails first issue to 68 people. 00.Apr.1998 -in one month FTW .."
".. Iran-Contra investigators, bears a note typed in the margin by one of the recipients: "[ARDE official] 'Popo' Chamorro is alleged... to be involved in drug trafficking." Ambassador Tambs on Singlaub Mission (Page 2) 27.Mar.1986 USA Ambassador to Costa Rica Tambs sent this "back-channel" cable to the CIA, State Department + the White House to quietly inform Reagan officials of a deal struck between Helms envoy John Singlaub and Eden Pastora. This version of the document, uncovered by Iran-Contra investigators, bears a note typed in the margin by one of the recipients: "[ARDE official] 'Popo' Chamorro is alleged... to be involved in drug trafficking." URL: \achievements.shtml.htm-Six Years of History- From The Wilderness Journalism Milestones + Achievements – 00.Mar.1998 FTW mails first issue to 68 people. 00.Apr.1998 -in one month FTW doubles its size. 00.000.2004 -As of- FTW subscription base exceeds 12,000. 00.Mar.1998 FTW predicts that promised open congressional hearings into the CIA's role in drug trafficking during the Contra era will never occur. 00.000.2000 -In the summer of- the investigation into .."
".. USA Ambassador to Costa Rica Tambs sent this "back-channel" cable to the CIA, State Department + the White House to quietly inform Reagan officials of a deal struck between Helms envoy John Singlaub and Eden Pastora. This version of the document, uncovered by Iran-Contra investigators, bears a note typed in the margin by one of the recipients: "[ARDE official] 'Popo' Chamorro is alleged... to be involved in drug trafficking." URL: \achievements.shtml.htm-Six Years of History- From The Wilderness Journalism Milestones + Achievements – 00.Mar.1998 FTW mails first issue to 68 people. 00.Apr.1998 -in one month FTW doubles its size. 00.000.2004 -As of- FTW subscription base exceeds 12,000. 00.Mar.1998 FTW predicts that promised open congressional hearings into the CIA's role in drug trafficking during the Contra era will never occur. 00.000.2000 -In the summer of- the investigation into the CIA's role in drug trafficking during the Contra era is closed without a single public hearing on the evidence. 00.Jul.1998 FTW takes up the case of fired CNN producer April Oliver, fired over her Tailwind stories reporting that, 00 .."
".. publish the deposition of retired Joint Chiefs Chairman Thomas Moorer in the case. In that deposition Moorer admitted that Sarin gas had been used and a multitude of suits + countersuits involving CNN + Singlaub, John + Oliver + her co-producer were quietly settled in secret. FTW reported that although Oliver could not disclose the terms of the settlement she bought a new house and car and then paid her tuition to a prestigious law school in cash. FTW also reported on a similar settlement for Oliver's co-producer, veteran journalist Jack Smith (the deposition and Sarin stories are still on the web site). 00.Sep.1998 FTW publishes a detailed account of how Osama bin Laden had been created, protected, trained + funded by the CIA + that bin Laden had been a guest of British intelligence in London as recently as 1996. 00.Oct.1998 FTW publishes detailed excerpts from Volume II of a CIA Inspector general's report, including declassified records proving the CIA 's direct role in the drug trade. 00.Dec.1998 FTW publishes a detailed investigation, including copies of US government documents, describing how twenty-eight C 130 aircraft had been funneled through the Forest Service into the hands .."
".. FTW as a source in an artlcle on Peak Oil titled, "When the Last Oil Well Runs Dry." URL:;searchspec1=Singlaub%20John%20K.Date/Time: 12/11/2004 13:00:45 Results For "+Singlaub +John +K. " Hazardous Dutyby Singlaub, John K. Price: $7.50 Buy Now Results For "+Singlaub +John +K. " 11.Dec.2004 Bush manipulated N Korea intelligence like he did in Iraq: USA expert: The USA manipulated intelligence on North Korea's nuclear program in a similar fashion to its use of weapons of mass destruction to justify the war on Iraq, a USA foreign policy expert said in an article 11.Dec.2004 Lies are a part of war strategy: In the old days of the Cold War, USA's propaganda war was fought by the USA Information Agency, which was forbidden from distributing any propaganda inside the USA. 00.000.1990 -s. during the mid-USIA was first gutted + then folded into USA Department of State 11.Dec.2004 USA Secret spying system put under USA public fire : For two years, USA senators have disclosed, Republicans + Democrats on the panel have voted to block the secret program, which is believed .."
".. Well Runs Dry." URL:;searchspec1=Singlaub%20John%20K.Date/Time: 12/11/2004 13:00:45 Results For "+Singlaub +John +K. " Hazardous Dutyby Singlaub, John K. Price: $7.50 Buy Now Results For "+Singlaub +John +K. " 11.Dec.2004 Bush manipulated N Korea intelligence like he did in Iraq: USA expert: The USA manipulated intelligence on North Korea's nuclear program in a similar fashion to its use of weapons of mass destruction to justify the war on Iraq, a USA foreign policy expert said in an article 11.Dec.2004 Lies are a part of war strategy: In the old days of the Cold War, USA's propaganda war was fought by the USA Information Agency, which was forbidden from distributing any propaganda inside the USA. 00.000.1990 -s. during the mid-USIA was first gutted + then folded into USA Department of State 11.Dec.2004 USA Secret spying system put under USA public fire : For two years, USA senators have disclosed, Republicans + Democrats on the panel have voted to block the secret program, which is believed to be a system of new spy satellites. But it continues to be financed at a .."
".. 12/11/2004 13:00:45 Results For "+Singlaub +John +K. " Hazardous Dutyby Singlaub, John K. Price: $7.50 Buy Now Results For "+Singlaub +John +K. " 11.Dec.2004 Bush manipulated N Korea intelligence like he did in Iraq: USA expert: The USA manipulated intelligence on North Korea's nuclear program in a similar fashion to its use of weapons of mass destruction to justify the war on Iraq, a USA foreign policy expert said in an article 11.Dec.2004 Lies are a part of war strategy: In the old days of the Cold War, USA's propaganda war was fought by the USA Information Agency, which was forbidden from distributing any propaganda inside the USA. 00.000.1990 -s. during the mid-USIA was first gutted + then folded into USA Department of State 11.Dec.2004 USA Secret spying system put under USA public fire : For two years, USA senators have disclosed, Republicans + Democrats on the panel have voted to block the secret program, which is believed to be a system of new spy satellites. But it continues to be financed at a cost that former congressional officials .."
".. author&searchspec1=Singlaub%20John%20K.Date/Time: 12/11/2004 13:00:45 Results For "+Singlaub +John +K. " Hazardous Dutyby Singlaub, John K. Price: $7.50 Buy Now Results For "+Singlaub +John +K. " 11.Dec.2004 Bush manipulated N Korea intelligence like he did in Iraq: USA expert: The USA manipulated intelligence on North Korea's nuclear program in a similar fashion to its use of weapons of mass destruction to justify the war on Iraq, a USA foreign policy expert said in an article 11.Dec.2004 Lies are a part of war strategy: In the old days of the Cold War, USA's propaganda war was fought by the USA Information Agency, which was forbidden from distributing any propaganda inside the USA. 00.000.1990 -s. during the mid-USIA was first gutted + then folded into USA Department of State 11.Dec.2004 USA Secret spying system put under USA public fire : For two years, USA senators have disclosed, Republicans + Democrats on the panel have voted to block the secret program, which is believed to be a system of new spy satellites. But it continues to be financed at a cost that former congressional officials put at hundreds of millions of dollars a year. 11.Dec.2004 .." - 10 matches

4. 20050209
".. Durham    R. Gregory  Morgan   Kenneth R Smith   Richard  Lieberman More executives at FNVG URL: Terrorism--What happens now?... + USAF Planning, conducted within the Strategy + Doctrine Program of RAND's Project AIR ... John K. Singlaub , US Army Ret.: The world is plagued by a growing ... URL: THE CONTROLLERS... disorganization[74]. In 1970, a RAND Corporation scientist reported that. Microwaves could be used to promote insomnia, fatigue, irritability, memory. ... URL: Geometry.Net - Celebrities: Buchanan Jensen... HENRY 17 JOHN JOHNSON Homer 15 1917 JOHNSON HILDER 19 .."
".. UTF-8&c2coff=1&safe=off&start=100&sa=N07.Feb.2005 Terrorism--What happens now?... + USAF Planning, conducted within the Strategy + Doctrine Program of RAND's Project AIR ... John K. Singlaub , US Army Ret.: The world is plagued by a growing ... URL:;num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&c2coff=1&safe=off&start=100&sa=N07.Feb.2005 THE CONTROLLERS... disorganization[74]. In 1970, a RAND Corporation scientist reported that. Microwaves could be used to promote insomnia, fatigue, irritability, memory. ... URL:;num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&c2coff=1&safe=off&start=100&sa=N07.Feb.2005 Geometry.Net - Celebrities: Buchanan Jensen... HENRY 17 JOHN JOHNSON Homer 15 1917 JOHNSON HILDER 19 DC RAND Jamestown 1 ... John K. Singlaub to arm and train evangelical Christian groups in the Philippines as ... URL:;q=Singlaub%3BRand07.Feb.2005 .."
".. + Doctrine Program of RAND's Project AIR ... John K. Singlaub , US Army Ret.: The world is plagued by a growing ... URL: THE CONTROLLERS... disorganization[74]. In 1970, a RAND Corporation scientist reported that. Microwaves could be used to promote insomnia, fatigue, irritability, memory. ... URL: Geometry.Net - Celebrities: Buchanan Jensen... HENRY 17 JOHN JOHNSON Homer 15 1917 JOHNSON HILDER 19 DC RAND Jamestown 1 ... John K. Singlaub to arm and train evangelical Christian groups in the Philippines as ... URL:;q=Singlaub%3BRand07.Feb.2005 John Judge is independent investigator, author + historian ...But there are populations, Rand Corporation studied them In \'68, they did a ... .."
".. RAND Corporation scientist reported that. Microwaves could be used to promote insomnia, fatigue, irritability, memory. ... URL: Geometry.Net - Celebrities: Buchanan Jensen... HENRY 17 JOHN JOHNSON Homer 15 1917 JOHNSON HILDER 19 DC RAND Jamestown 1 ... John K. Singlaub to arm and train evangelical Christian groups in the Philippines as ... URL:;q=Singlaub%3BRand07.Feb.2005 John Judge is independent investigator, author + historian ...But there are populations, Rand Corporation studied them In \'68, they did a ... League + the World Anti-Communist League, ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONt which is General Singlaub \'s group. ... 07.Feb.2005 CIA renditions of terror suspects are 'out of control:' report: Michael Scheuer, a former CIA counter terrorism agent, told The New Yorker magazine "all we've done is create a nightmare .."
".. UTF-8&c2coff=1&safe=off&start=100&sa=N07.Feb.2005 Geometry.Net - Celebrities: Buchanan Jensen... HENRY 17 JOHN JOHNSON Homer 15 1917 JOHNSON HILDER 19 DC RAND Jamestown 1 ... John K. Singlaub to arm and train evangelical Christian groups in the Philippines as ... URL:;q=Singlaub%3BRand07.Feb.2005 John Judge is independent investigator, author + historian ...But there are populations, Rand Corporation studied them In \'68, they did a ... League + the World Anti-Communist League, ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONt which is General Singlaub \'s group. ... 07.Feb.2005 CIA renditions of terror suspects are 'out of control:' report: Michael Scheuer, a former CIA counter terrorism agent, told The New Yorker magazine "all we've done is create a nightmare," with regard to the top secret practice of renditions. 07.Feb.2005 `Pre-emptive' study of Iran data started: The Senate Intelligence Committee has launched what its chairman called a "pre-emptive" examination of U.S. intelligence on Iran .."
".. John K. Singlaub to arm and train evangelical Christian groups in the Philippines as ... URL:;q=Singlaub%3BRand07.Feb.2005 John Judge is independent investigator, author + historian ...But there are populations, Rand Corporation studied them In \'68, they did a ... League + the World Anti-Communist League, ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONt which is General Singlaub \'s group. ... 07.Feb.2005 CIA renditions of terror suspects are 'out of control:' report: Michael Scheuer, a former CIA counter terrorism agent, told The New Yorker magazine "all we've done is create a nightmare," with regard to the top secret practice of renditions. 07.Feb.2005 `Pre-emptive' study of Iran data started: The Senate Intelligence Committee has launched what its chairman called a "pre-emptive" examination of U.S. intelligence on Iran as part of an effort to avoid the problems that plagued America's prewar assessments on Iraq. 07.Feb.2005 Rice warns Iran against provoking Israel : Condoleezza Rice turned Washington's .."
".. investigator, author + historian ...But there are populations, Rand Corporation studied them In \'68, they did a ... League + the World Anti-Communist League, ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONt which is General Singlaub \'s group. ... 07.Feb.2005 CIA renditions of terror suspects are 'out of control:' report: Michael Scheuer, a former CIA counter terrorism agent, told The New Yorker magazine "all we've done is create a nightmare," with regard to the top secret practice of renditions. 07.Feb.2005 `Pre-emptive' study of Iran data started: The Senate Intelligence Committee has launched what its chairman called a "pre-emptive" examination of U.S. intelligence on Iran as part of an effort to avoid the problems that plagued America's prewar assessments on Iraq. 07.Feb.2005 Rice warns Iran against provoking Israel : Condoleezza Rice turned Washington's rhetoric on Iran up another notch yesterday, telling Iranians they would have to "live up to their international obligations" to avoid a conflict with Israel. 07.Feb.2005 WMD official cautions US over Iran: The US official who declared the White House's .."
".. ” Quintero , another Cuban ... Deuss: The Manhattan Projects... names in recent history: Rogue CIA agent Edwin Wilson, Thomas Clines, John Singlaub, Philip Agee, Manucher Hashemi, Rafael ( Chi Chi ) Quintero + even ... WHAT THE GARY WEBB CORRECTIONS MEAN - Crack the CIA! Just one CIA drug ring, that of Rafael Caro Quintero + Miguel Angel Felix ..of CIA),Felix Rodriguez (CIA veteran since Bay of Pigs) + Chi Chi Quintero (same In article +lt;; bxr307@csc. ...Secret Team" appear in the official record described here, Thomas CLines, Theodore Shackley, General Richard V. Secord, Rafael " Chi - Chi " Quintero + others. ... +quot; Please distribute as widely as possible to all people. what they are." "The people you want," he said, "are Theodore Shackley, Thomas Clines, Richard Secord, Albert Hakim, Rafael Chi Chi Quintero,+ a ... | Ollie North and The Operation .." - 8 matches

5. 20050113
".. plate for NGOs... 20041210.. weapons to Secord, Richard + his agents; + GeoMilitech ( GMT ), another...GeoMilitech, founded by Singlaub + Singlaub partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3 The origins of Iran-Contra: Lessons from the Durrani Affair The firm, GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation ( GMT ), was established by Barbara F. Studley, the former beauty queen from Miami who became a conservative... FTR#489—Second Interview with Robert Parry—(Two 30-minute“...After leaving the US Attorney’s Office and going into private practice, Barcellarepresented Barbara Studley, the president of GMT, the 12.Jan.2005 ???Der Sog des Wassers hat mich wie eine Rakete mitgerissen“ Richard Ladkani schildert seinen Gang durch die Hölle. ???Plötzlich... Richard Ladkani und seine Anita gingen durch die Hölle. Fü 10.Jan.2005 Badener Zeitung Intern Der Sog des Wassers hat mich wie eine Rakete .."
".. NGOs... 20041210.. weapons to Secord, Richard + his agents; + GeoMilitech ( GMT ), another...GeoMilitech, founded by Singlaub + Singlaub partner, Studley, Barbara, procured $5.3 The origins of Iran-Contra: Lessons from the Durrani Affair The firm, GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation ( GMT ), was established by Barbara F. Studley, the former beauty queen from Miami who became a conservative... FTR#489—Second Interview with Robert Parry—(Two 30-minute“...After leaving the US Attorney’s Office and going into private practice, Barcellarepresented Barbara Studley, the president of GMT, the 12.Jan.2005 ???Der Sog des Wassers hat mich wie eine Rakete mitgerissen“ Richard Ladkani schildert seinen Gang durch die Hölle. ???Plötzlich... Richard Ladkani und seine Anita gingen durch die Hölle. Fü 10.Jan.2005 Badener Zeitung Intern Der Sog des Wassers hat mich wie eine Rakete mitgerissen“ .."
".. incorporated by Michael Roy Fugler... 10.Jan.2005 Nahost: Mahmud Abbas wird neuer Präsident der Palästinenser URL: 09.Jan.2005 World Anti-Communist League -A key supporting role in the 1980 Bolivian "Cocaine Coup" of neo-fascists and drug lords was played by the World Anti-Communist League, led by WWII. fascist war criminal Ryoichi Sasakawa of Japan + the Rev. Sun Myong Moon. Georg Hodel, "Evita, Swiss and the Nazi's", The Consortium for Independent Journalism, 07.Jan.1999 Impact on America Singlaub supplied weapons and training to Philippine counter-subversives. This became a model used by Larry Pratt, former advisor to the Reagan and Bush administrations on Latin America + author of "Armed People Victorious". Shortly after the Ruby Ridge stand-off between the FBI and white supremacist Randy Weaver, Pratt proposed at a meeting in Estes Park, Colorado the formation of militias as a direct action armed formation to defend gun rights, based on the model of armed Christian evangelical forces that had fought insurgencies in the Philippines and Guatemala .."
".. fascist war criminal Ryoichi Sasakawa of Japan + the Rev. Sun Myong Moon. Georg Hodel, "Evita, Swiss and the Nazi's", The Consortium for Independent Journalism, 07.Jan.1999 Impact on America Singlaub supplied weapons and training to Philippine counter-subversives. This became a model used by Larry Pratt, former advisor to the Reagan and Bush administrations on Latin America + author of "Armed People Victorious". Shortly after the Ruby Ridge stand-off between the FBI and white supremacist Randy Weaver, Pratt proposed at a meeting in Estes Park, Colorado the formation of militias as a direct action armed formation to defend gun rights, based on the model of armed Christian evangelical forces that had fought insurgencies in the Philippines and Guatemala. Reactionary Forces Link up in MilitiasSinglaub was honored, along with other prominent contras like Adolfo Calero and his brother, by Bill Clinton with an "Arkansas Traveller" award. Source: Untitled material on Drug-running and Arkansas 09.Jan.2005 Attorney Lynne Stewart Blasts Gv't. Terror Case Against Her: She is accused of conspiring to assist terrorists in a case that is being watched closely by .."
".. Humanity From the Oceans, Indiscriminate Devastation -Manuel Valenzuela. 08.Jan.2005 20041210.. brought by the stockholders of the Miami Bayshore Bank naming Singlaub as a participant with Studley, Barbara --a TV personality + head of GeoMiliTech - in a.... 08.Jan.2005 The origins of Iran-Contra: Lessons from the Durrani Affair 09.Aug.1991 Durrani s lawyer, Bloss, William M. deposed a former beauty queen, right-wing radio personality + arms dealer, Studley, Barbara F... 08.Jan.2005 Studley, Barbara F... below are mentioned on the listed pages with the name STUDLEY BARBARA F. -1992 BAYSHORE BANK (FLORIDA) SINGLAUB WACKENHUT - BEEBE HERMAN... 08.Jan.2005 Potenziert wird die Gefahr für die betroffenen Unternehmen vor allem durch die Struktur der Internet-Suchmaschinen: Je mehr Querverweise auf Blog-Beiträge, umso höher werden sie von den Suchmaschinen in den Ergebnislisten eingeordnet. Gibt man bei Google etwa "Jamba" ein, tauchen die "Spreeblick"-Anschuldigungen praktisch direkt hinter der .."
".. 08.Jan.2005 Studley, Barbara F... below are mentioned on the listed pages with the name STUDLEY BARBARA F. -1992 BAYSHORE BANK (FLORIDA) SINGLAUB WACKENHUT - BEEBE HERMAN... 08.Jan.2005 Potenziert wird die Gefahr für die betroffenen Unternehmen vor allem durch die Struktur der Internet-Suchmaschinen: Je mehr Querverweise auf Blog-Beiträge, umso höher werden sie von den Suchmaschinen in den Ergebnislisten eingeordnet. Gibt man bei Google etwa "Jamba" ein, tauchen die "Spreeblick"-Anschuldigungen praktisch direkt hinter der eigenen Homepage des Unternehmens auf.Unternehmen versuchen deswegen, selbst in der Blogger-Szene aktiv zu werden: Längst betreiben nicht nur Computerfirmen wie Sun und Microsoft eigene Web-Seiten als Marketing-Instrument. Gescheitert sind jedoch die meisten Versuche, versteckte PRopaganda in die Blogs einzuschleusen. URL:,1518,druck-335971,00.html08.Jan.2005 Selbst große Konzerne können die nahezu unendlichen Weiten des Internet nur stichprobenartig kontrollieren. Beim .." - 6 matches


23.Mar.2005 But it didn't work that way- the crack of gunfire suddenly explodes in the .. cont¹d E.dited by Alex Constantine - John Singlaub, Prince Bandar bin ... 23.Mar.2005 eTrend: George W. Bush, Zitate /quotations Ariel Sharon Mehr zu Ariel dem Todesengel, Scheffchen des Judenstaates ... I actually think that Bush is the greatest threat to life on this planet that ...

23.Mar.2005 Iftikhar Arif Dr. Saeed Akhtar Durrani - By Professor Dr. Saadat Saeed. Dr. Durrani earned his MSc degree from Government College Lahore and Ph.D. physics in Radiation ... 23.Mar.2005 News Bytes - August 04, 2003 ... Arif Durrani, a Pakistani-born man convicted of selling anti-aircraft missile parts to Iran during the Iran-Contra scandal recently asked a Connecticut ... [Siskind's Immigration Bulletin August 04, 2003 ... Arif Durrani, a Pakistani-born man convicted of selling anti-aircraft missile parts to. Iran during the Iran-Contra scandal recently asked a Connecticut ... .."
".. but surprised many by also probing the agency's post-Sept. 11 intelligence gathering on USA soil. Negroponte's Time In Honduras at ... DC BANK SWEPT UP IN INTRIGUE ... [CIA, MAFIA, S&L FRAUD ... Singlaub + Barbara Studley, the head of GeoMiliTech,.. "I said, 'George, you can have the VCR; George, you can have the TV, the stereo or whatever ... TIME Magazine Archive Preview -- Hints Of Conspiracy -- May. 11 ... claim that he thought the money was used only to buy TV ads to ... who solicited money openly for the contras on a worldwide basis; Barbara Studley, a rather ...,9171,1101870511-146568,00.html

21.Mar.2005 Entrepreneur: Soldiers of fortune: "business is a battlefield" is ... APPROACH ADVANCED Internet Technologies Inc .'s headquarters, and you'll wonder if you've got the right address. The two concrete buildings that house ... 21.Mar.2005 Iranian Leader Says He's Ready to Battle to Death Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Monday he was ready to don combat fatigues and give his life in battle if his .." - 2 matches

7. 20041125
".. Schlafly, Phyllis Jones,Bob III, Kemp, Jack Keyes, Alan Kennedy, Dr. James LaHaye, Beverly LaHaye, Tim Maddoux, Marlin Marshall, PeterJr., Dobson, Dr. James Coors, Jeffrey Coors, Joseph Bright, Bill Singlaub, Major General John K. Sumner, Lt. General Gordon Falwell, Jerry Fiore, Father Charles Gottlieb, Alan Graham, Lt. General Daniel O. Meese, Edwin Weyrich, Paul Whitehead, John W. Wildmon, Rev. Donald du Pont, Pierre Drexel, Ann Borchgrave, Arnaud de DeVos, Richard Dolan, Terry Dannemeyer, Sen. William Helms, Jesse etc. URL: when has any nation trembled before a handful of criminals? Call them what you may— Pirates ? Outlaws ? Gangs ? Or Goliath ? They have never had a future much less a projection of a hundred years of successful criminality. Our world has never been safe from dangers: mankind has been subjected to earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, diseases, accidents, + has not death visited both the young and old? But civilization keeps marching on. Let us never follow false leaders into the valley of fear ever again.   URL: .." - 1 match

".. the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs in 1982 was filled with CNP members talking to the "already committed" about their favorite topics--Phyllis Schlafly on traditional values, Maj. Gen. John Singlaub on special operations in El Salvador, Gen. Albion Knight on national defense + so on.(35) The list of speakers includes most of the major figures of the Right including: Philip Truluck of the Heritage Foundation; Howard Phillips of the Conservative Caucus; beer baron Joseph Coors; conservative columnist Patrick Buchanan; Frank Shakespeare, chairman of Heritage Foundation; direct mail wizard Richard Viguerie; Jerry Falwell of the Moral Majority; the president of Amway Corp, Richard DeVos; Neal Blair, president of Free the Eagle; John (Terry) Dolan, chairman of the National Conservative Political Action Committee, Jeane Kirkpatrick, U.S. delegate to the United Nations; and from the Christian Broadcasting Network, evangelist Pat Robertson.(35) ..."  [ Group Watch:CNP > ] See also CNP's Gary North ~ On the CNP URL: The Council for National Policy: What It Is 05.Jul.2001 -Update: July .." - 1 match

9. 20041221
".. Search this site or the web powered by FreeFind Site search Web search 20041210 ... 1 SHAW CLAY L 1 SICILIA FALCON ALBERTO 1 SINDONA MICHELE 1 SINGLAUB JOHN K ... 00.Dez.2004 Navy says tactics seen in latest torture photos OK : Preliminary ... - 21.Dec.2004 THE SECRET NESTS: Flushing out some birds from deep cover! ... Mexican police, assisted by US drug agents, arrest Alberto Sicilia Falcon ,... for the Nicaraguan Contras, those photos were leaked to the media. ... NucNews - May 7, 2004 ... Odom made his remarks before the Abu Ghraib photos were released. ...Mexican police, assisted by US drug agents, arrest Alberto Sicilia Falcon , Historical Text Archive: Articles: Noriega and Key Players in the ...essays, documents, historical photos + links, screened for content, ...homicidal power-obsessed Cuban homosexual named Alberto Sicilia - Falcon , ...;artid=114 - 21.Dec.2004 - CIA operative secretly smuggled .." - 1 match

".. Suzan Mazur: John Deuss - The Manhattan projects And through Shackley, Deuss is linked with some of the most controversial names in recent history:

Rogue CIA agent Edwin Wilson,

Thomas Clines,

John Singlaub ...

Military and Defence Issues

The Lines, Between The Lines Interview with Daniel Ellsberg Former CIA , State Department + Article, Suzan Mazur:

John Deuss - The Manhattan

URL:,1518,druck-342774,00.html20.Feb.2005 Zum Umgang der Medien mit seiner Vergangenheit befragt, bekennt Bush offenbar, Marihuana genommen zu haben. Er müsse aus seiner Vergangenheit kein Geheimnis machen, betont der ehemalige Gouverneur von Texas gegenüber Wead. Er habe Journalistenfragen zu etwaigem früheren Drogenkonsum nie beantwortet, obwohl ihn dies die Wahl zum Präsidenten hätte kosten können. "Ich habe nie auf Fragen nach Marihuana geantwortet", zitiert das Blatt wörtlich aus den Aufzeichnungen. "Und weißt Du warum? Weil ich nicht wollte, dass irgendein Kind .." - 1 match

107 matches in 10 of 98 pages searched